PMID- 14427911 TI - Phlebothrombosis: clinical study and treatment. PMID- 14427912 TI - [Preliminary report on the pharmacological study of "yage" as an agent acting on the nervous system]. PMID- 14427913 TI - The in vitro effect of seed extracts (lectins) on tumor cells. PMID- 14427914 TI - Paralysis of the shoulder subsequent to a comminuted fracture of the scapula: rationale and treatment methods. PMID- 14427915 TI - Respiratory dead space and arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension difference in anesthetized man. PMID- 14427916 TI - Gaseous exchange during halothane anaesthesia: the steady respiratory state. PMID- 14427917 TI - Measurement of blood carbon dioxide tension. PMID- 14427918 TI - Prediction of carbon dioxide tension during anaesthesia. PMID- 14427919 TI - Ventilation nomograms during anaesthesia. PMID- 14427920 TI - Pseudomonas meningitis: report of a case. PMID- 14427921 TI - Sulfadimethoxine in upper respiratory infections. PMID- 14427922 TI - Effect of sodium chloride concentration on staphylococcal agglutination. PMID- 14427923 TI - [Variation in the composition of amino acids in wheat flour as a function of the precentage of its extraction from corn grain]. PMID- 14427924 TI - [Basal metabolism in sulfur miners]. PMID- 14427925 TI - [Radiological contribution on the behavior of the paranasal sinuses and of the endocranium in subjects employed in sulfur processing]. PMID- 14427926 TI - [Blood thiamine and urinary sulfates in sulfur workers]. PMID- 14427927 TI - [Erythrolytic and leukocyte-damaging effect of substances in liquid state. Experiments with carbon tetrachloride and acetone]. PMID- 14427929 TI - [Extracirculatory natural erythrocyte resistance and the calculation of spontaneous hemolysis in vitro]. PMID- 14427928 TI - [Application in hematology of the metachromatic reaction for histochemical research on intracellular asorbic acid]. PMID- 14427930 TI - [Metachromatic method for the staining of intracellular ascorbic acid]. PMID- 14427932 TI - [On practical application of the State All-Union Standard GOST 2767-57 in sanitary expertise]. PMID- 14427931 TI - [Alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity of the normal human leukocyte, studied at various pH levels and at scaled incubation times]. PMID- 14427933 TI - Radiation exposure of nonradiologic hospital personnel during treatment of patients. PMID- 14427934 TI - Congenital methaemoglobinaemia. PMID- 14427935 TI - [Work capacity of boarding school students in relation to daily schedule]. PMID- 14427936 TI - [Study with spirolactone, peripheral inhibitor of aldosterone]. PMID- 14427937 TI - [Modification of labile diabetes with prednisone]. PMID- 14427938 TI - [Action of dexamethasone on carbohydrate metabolism]. PMID- 14427940 TI - [Hormones and edema]. PMID- 14427939 TI - [Chemistry and pharmacology of the corticosteroids]. PMID- 14427941 TI - Somatic complaints and homeostasis in psychiatric patients. PMID- 14427942 TI - [Surgical aspects on the survey on gastric and duodenal ulcer in Switzerland in the year 1956]. PMID- 14427943 TI - [Studies on the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii. I. Experiences with triatomes]. PMID- 14427944 TI - [Pharmacological and clinical study, in the child, of a new sulfonamide with slow elimination]. PMID- 14427945 TI - [Research on the action of vasoactive drugs on cerebral circulation in patients suffering from apoplectic strokes. I. Action of 2-benzyl-4, 5-imidazoline]. PMID- 14427946 TI - [Research on the action of vasoactive drugs on cerebral circulation in patients suffering from apoplectic strokes. III. Action of papaverine]. PMID- 14427947 TI - Induced resistance to isologous and spontaneous tumors in inbred strains of mice. PMID- 14427948 TI - Ophthalmic manifestations in paediatric practice. PMID- 14427949 TI - Sympathetic ophthalmia. PMID- 14427950 TI - [Diiodates, triiodates and hexa-iodates in physiology and pathology of the hepatobiliary system and new views on the pathogenesis of cholecystitic processes and hepatic colic]. PMID- 14427951 TI - [Modifications of the peripheral blood picture of the white mouse treated with high doses of cysteamine]. PMID- 14427952 TI - [Lamarck, Darwin and modern biology]. PMID- 14427953 TI - [On the operative treatment of arthrosis deformans of the hip joint]. PMID- 14427954 TI - [On the organization of the mass examination of children for hip dislocation in the city of Pecs in the Baranya region]. PMID- 14427955 TI - [Data on the prevention of infantile mortality in tuberculosis]. PMID- 14427956 TI - Communications in hospitals. PMID- 14427957 TI - Chelation of cobalt, nickel and copper with glutamic acid. PMID- 14427959 TI - Regional pulse volume and perfusion flow measurement. Electrical impedance plethysmography. PMID- 14427958 TI - The efficacy of the tuberculin test: an analysis based on results from 33 countries. AB - Is it always justified to take a tuberculin reaction over a certain size limit as indicative of infection with tubercle bacilli and reactions below the limit as indicative of absence of such infection? Information on this point is here derived from a quantitative analysis of test reactions found in general population groups. The data were collected by specially trained international teams operating simultaneously with or as a preliminary to large-scale tuberculosis control programmes. Because of the international character of the work it has been possible to compile a picture which shows the tuberculin sensitivity in a large part of the world, yet which is based on highly uniform techniques. It is hereby demonstrated that the pattern of tuberculin sensitivity varies widely between different populations, but follows a definite geographical trend. In temperate and subtropical countries almost all test reactions are either clearly "positive" or clearly "negative", indicating that the test is highly efficient. In tropical regions, on the other hand, a large proportion of the reactions are intermediate in size, and distinction between two kinds of reaction is therefore difficult. The data strongly suggest that the cause of the intermediate reactions is that the population is being massively exposed to certain unidentified agents producing cross-reactions to tuberculin. In tropical regions a clear-cut distinction between tuberculosis infected and uninfected evidently cannot be made by means of the present tuberculin test. PMID- 14427960 TI - Regional pulse volume and perfusion flow measurement: electrical impedance plethysmography. PMID- 14427961 TI - [Air transportation of patients]. PMID- 14427962 TI - Dermoid cysts of the nose: a review of 39 cases. PMID- 14427963 TI - Atrial flutter: its incidence and results of therapy with digitalis. PMID- 14427964 TI - The effect of fibrinolytic agents on myocardial infarction. PMID- 14427965 TI - Laboratory transmission of Semliki Forest virus by Aedes togoi Theo. PMID- 14427966 TI - Photographing insects close up. PMID- 14427968 TI - A series of lactic dehydrogenases in yeast. PMID- 14427967 TI - [Results of vaccination against tetanus in Hungary]. PMID- 14427969 TI - D-Lactic cytochrome c reductase of yeast, a possible intermediate in the biosynthesis of L-lactic cytochrome c reductase. PMID- 14427970 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase of yeast. III. A comparative study of the kinetic properties and the stability of two isolated forms of the enzyme. PMID- 14427971 TI - The formation of D- and L-lactic cytochrome c reductase during respiratory adaptation in Saccharomyces cerevisae. PMID- 14427972 TI - Nucleic acid metabolism in a slime mold with synchronous mitosis. PMID- 14427973 TI - Effect of x-radiation on DNA metabolism in various tissues of the rat. II. Recovery after sublethal doses of irradiation. PMID- 14427974 TI - Effect of x-radiation on DNA metabolism in various tissues of the rat. III. Retention of labeled DNA in normal and irradiated animals. PMID- 14427975 TI - Approaches to the chemical therapy of tumors. PMID- 14427976 TI - Clinical experiences with preperitoneal hernial repair for all types of hernia of the groin, with particular reference to the importance of transversalis fascia analogues. PMID- 14427977 TI - The role of the antrum in the surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. PMID- 14427978 TI - [Idea, structure and principles of modern American psychiatric training]. PMID- 14427979 TI - [On the Kartagener triad]. PMID- 14427980 TI - [A new allergic form of amenorrhea]. PMID- 14427981 TI - The use of reducing dyes for the rapid determination of the development of Streptomyces rimosus in submerged culture. PMID- 14427982 TI - [A case of anorexia nervosa cured by repeated electroshock therapy]. PMID- 14427983 TI - [Self-observation on the problem of exogenous reaction forms]. PMID- 14427984 TI - Cell dyskaryosis in the vaginal cytology. PMID- 14427985 TI - [Contact technic, a new method for obtaining material in gynecological cytology]. PMID- 14427986 TI - Urinary excretion of oestrogens in cases of chronic prostato-vesiculitis. PMID- 14427987 TI - Children of alcoholic fathers. PMID- 14427988 TI - The degradation of yeast enolase with leucine aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase without change in enzymic activity; N- and C-terminal residues of the enzyme. PMID- 14427989 TI - On modern oto-microsurgery and preliminary notes on radiation surgery in otology. PMID- 14427990 TI - [Modern otomicrosurgery and radiotherapy in otology]. PMID- 14427991 TI - Studies on cerebral blood flow in man, using radioactive-labelled erythrocytes. PMID- 14427992 TI - [Temperamental structure according to Sjobring and subjective symptoms of abnormality. An enquiry among 682 young persons]. PMID- 14427993 TI - [Haptoglobin. Methods of determination and their value for the diagnosis of anemia]. PMID- 14427994 TI - Studies on the sedation threshold: A. Reproducibility and effect of drugs. B. Sedation threshold in neurotic and psychotic depression. PMID- 14427995 TI - [The shortened leg]. PMID- 14427996 TI - [Adjustment difficulties of exceptionally gifted children]. PMID- 14427997 TI - Zygomatico-maxillary fractures with a report of 200 cases. PMID- 14427998 TI - [Normal development without exogenous biotin of certain strains of Neurospora tetrasperma]. PMID- 14427999 TI - A case of decortication following a severe head injury. PMID- 14428000 TI - Electroencephalographic changes caused by tumours of the brain; notes based on 158 cases of brain tumour treated operatively at the Finnish Red Cross Hospital during the period 1956-1957. PMID- 14428001 TI - Electron microscopical structure of the wall of small blood vessels in human multiform glioblastoma. PMID- 14428002 TI - Phycoerythrins and phycocyanins of cryptomonads. PMID- 14428003 TI - Apparent loss of glycine on acid hydrolysis. PMID- 14428004 TI - Effect of peptides and amino acids in the serine nutrition of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 14428005 TI - Toward a tuberculosis service in Western Nigeria. PMID- 14428006 TI - Congenital defects of the skull and scalp. PMID- 14428008 TI - Observations on the urinary excretion of amino acids by the premature infant. PMID- 14428007 TI - 8-Azaguanine inhibition of haemoglobin synthesis in de-embryonated chick blastoderm. PMID- 14428009 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infancy. PMID- 14428010 TI - Dirty linen is a public affair. PMID- 14428011 TI - Children's endotracheal union. PMID- 14428012 TI - Electroencephalographic abnormalities in addition to bilaterally synchronous 3 per second spike and wave activity in petit mal. PMID- 14428013 TI - Immediate post-exposure permeability changes, and some later responses, of mammalian skin x-irradiated while anoxic and at different temperatures. PMID- 14428014 TI - The pathogenesis of anhidrotic asthenia. An aspect of heat intolerance. PMID- 14428015 TI - Some properties of damaged endothelial cells. PMID- 14428017 TI - [Local changes intervening in the formation of a thrombosis]. PMID- 14428016 TI - The effect of heparin on the early stages of blood coagulation. AB - From experiments reported it is concluded that heparin combines with and inactivates Christman factor (C.F.) to form reversibly a heparin-C.F. complex. Apart from the effect of heparin on C.F. and on thrombin, heparin in moderate concentrations was not shown to inactivate any other coagulation factors."Available" heparin is defined as heparin in such a state that it can delay some clotting systems. Heparin was rendered "unavailable" or inactive by plasma C.F. and especially by serum C.F., by platelet protein (but not intact platelets), and by platelet-like activity of serum (P.L.A.S.). These three proteins uniquely among all the plasma and serum proteins inactivate heparin. If an appropriate concentration of heparin is added to whole blood the clotting time is prolonged, due presumably to the inactivation of C.F. by heparin: "available" heparin disappears during clotting and none is found in the serum. The interactions summarized above probably account for these findings. The disappearance of available heparin would also account for the normal thrombin generation and prothrombin consumption observed when heparinized blood clots. Some properties of P.L.A.S. are reported and its possible role in normal coagulation is considered. Heparin is known to become attached preferentially to one protein rather than another. Some plasma and serum fractions can be arranged in order of their increasing affinity for heparin thus: beta Lipoproteins