PMID- 13793248 TI - [Medical technology in 1959-1965]. PMID- 13793249 TI - Preliminary data on experimental electronarcosis induced with apparatus of the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instruments. PMID- 13793250 TI - [An improvement of the artificial heart apparatus constructed by the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Surgical Apparatuses and Instruments]. PMID- 13793251 TI - [The science of Soviet public health]. PMID- 13793252 TI - [Experimental study of infectious hepatitis in dogs. Part III. Cultivation of the virus and specific reactions]. PMID- 13793253 TI - [Effect of hydrogen peroxide on tick encephalitis virus]. PMID- 13793254 TI - Uptake of streptomycin by Escherichia coli. PMID- 13793255 TI - Damage by streptomycin to the cell membrane of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13793256 TI - [Digestive enzymes in fish and seasonal variability of theri activity]. PMID- 13793257 TI - [Contribution of radiodiagnosis to the study of cancer of the cavum with special reference to tomography]. PMID- 13793258 TI - [A cestode larva in the nervous system of Squilla holochista Wood-Mason]. PMID- 13793259 TI - An epidemic of undiagnosed fever among school children in South Kerala. PMID- 13793260 TI - Non-specific inhibitors of influenza viruses in normal sera. AB - The presence of non-specific inhibitors in immune influenza sera may falsify the antibody pattern as shown by the haemagglutination-inhibition test, and it is consequently often necessary to pre-treat sera in order to inactivate these inhibitors. A number of different methods are in use for this purpose. It was therefore thought useful to compare the efficacy of the various methods with different representative influenza strains and normal sera from eight animal species and acute-phase human sera. Tests were carried out with simple heating at 56 degrees C, the use of receptor-destroying enzyme, the use of potassium periodate, and two methods involving the use of trypsin. No one technique was found to be universally applicable for all types of serum against all strains, and further testing with larger numbers of sera is advocated. It is felt that a combination of potassium periodate and trypsin with a change in concentration and times of action may be found advantageous. PMID- 13793261 TI - Visual retention. PMID- 13793262 TI - [A study of serum glycoproteids (hexose) in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13793263 TI - [Serum glycoproteins (polysaccharides bound with proteins) in pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13793264 TI - Particular bronchographic patterns of bronchial dilatations in tuberculosis. PMID- 13793265 TI - Intellectual defect and musical talent: a case report. PMID- 13793266 TI - [2 Cases of medulloblastoma in adults]. PMID- 13793267 TI - [Intraorbital calcified meningioma treated with radical extirpation]. PMID- 13793268 TI - Three cases of temporal lobe epilepsy with endocrinopathy. PMID- 13793269 TI - [Complications follwing blood transfusion]. PMID- 13793270 TI - The hexosamine and hydroxyproline contents of the oviducts of the estrogenized immature pullet and of the normal laying hen. PMID- 13793271 TI - [On changes of diphtherial cultures in the organism of experimental animals]. PMID- 13793272 TI - [A change in the reactivity of mice after administration of whooping cough vaccine]. PMID- 13793273 TI - The accumulation of fluoroborate ions in thyroid glands of rats. PMID- 13793274 TI - The mode of action of perchlorate ions on the iodine uptake of the thyroid gland. PMID- 13793275 TI - Should a regional church body control the medical mission? PMID- 13793276 TI - [Lethal and teratogenic effects obtained using a new technic of temporary cooling of chicken eggs]. PMID- 13793277 TI - [Research on the experimental production of glaucoma in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13793278 TI - [Studies on the production of experimental glaucoma in chick embryo]. PMID- 13793279 TI - [New observations on the orientation of the embryo in the egg of the blindworm (Anguis fragilis L.)]. PMID- 13793280 TI - [Research on the malformations determined by temporary cooling of the eggs of hens and compatible with the life of fish]. PMID- 13793281 TI - [Research on the relations between the lethal effect and the teratogenic effect of oxygen deficiency in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13793282 TI - [Contribution to the study of the behavior of the vestibular apparatus in Wallenberg's syndrome]. PMID- 13793284 TI - Methodology in planning therapeutic experiments with new drugs. PMID- 13793283 TI - Metabolic products of Clitocybe diatreta. III. Characterization of diatretyne 3 as trans-10-hydroxy-dec-2-en-4, 6, 8-trynoic acid. PMID- 13793285 TI - [A typical depression]. PMID- 13793286 TI - [Clinical and statistical aspects of muscular recovery in polimyelitis (Epidemic of 1955)]. PMID- 13793287 TI - [The alleviation of labor pain by the use of viadril (sodium hydroxydione)]. PMID- 13793288 TI - Agostino [Edoardo] Gemelli: 1878-1959. PMID- 13793289 TI - [Freud's pansexualism: a gross error to be corrected]. PMID- 13793290 TI - [In memoriam: Father Gemelli]. PMID- 13793291 TI - [The measurement of reactive time and its application in the driver's license examination]. PMID- 13793292 TI - [Incidence of vasospastic disorders of hands ("white fingers") in miners in Sulitjelma]. PMID- 13793293 TI - [The Constantine plan and rural medicine]. PMID- 13793295 TI - [Influenza and pregnancy]. PMID- 13793294 TI - Investigations into the so-called reserpine Parkinsonoid in chronic schizophrenics and its treatment with orphenadrine (disipal). PMID- 13793296 TI - Primary structure of the protein of tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13793297 TI - Cerebral abnormality and the electroencephalogram in relation to psychiatry. Part I: The value of electroencephalography in the diagnosis of cerebral abnormality associated with psychological manifestations. PMID- 13793298 TI - [Genetically produced tumors and the content of free amino acids in Nicotiana]. PMID- 13793299 TI - [On the evaluation of the para-toluene sulfonic acid test]. PMID- 13793300 TI - [Therapy of the coronary infarct in its acute stage]. PMID- 13793301 TI - [On the incidence of "senile ankylosing hyperostosis" of the spine (Forestier's disease)]. PMID- 13793302 TI - A semimicro procedure for the estimation of protein in spinal fluid. PMID- 13793303 TI - Outdoor kennel for dogs. PMID- 13793304 TI - [New facts on drugs]. PMID- 13793305 TI - [Encopresis and psychogenic obstipation]. PMID- 13793306 TI - [Fracture of the lateral malleolus with "negative" roentgen findings]. PMID- 13793307 TI - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis with systemic nocardiosis. A case report. PMID- 13793308 TI - [Changes of the P-Q interval in healthy young men]. PMID- 13793309 TI - [Types of medicinal gases]. PMID- 13793310 TI - Decalcification and staining of archaeological bones, with histochemical interpretation of metachromasia. PMID- 13793311 TI - Tofranil-treatment of endogenous depressions. PMID- 13793312 TI - Fetal thyroid function. PMID- 13793313 TI - Mitomen chemotherapy given in relation to operation for Yoshida ascitic sarcoma in rats. PMID- 13793314 TI - Retention of the thyroid gland. PMID- 13793315 TI - Perforation of the esophagus after use of a digestant agent: report of case and experimental study. PMID- 13793316 TI - A note on the composition of alveolar air in the diving duck. PMID- 13793317 TI - Surgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13793318 TI - Blood groups and diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13793319 TI - A weak atypical B-like character in the blood cells of 7 group A persons: a comparative study. PMID- 13793320 TI - An inheritable B-like character in persons of blood group A. PMID- 13793322 TI - Serological studies on two Lewis sera (so-called anti-X sera). With a note on the "X" character. PMID- 13793321 TI - On the genetics of the Lewis system. PMID- 13793323 TI - Weak atypical B-like character in the blood cells of a group A person. PMID- 13793324 TI - [Risks of meprobamate misuse in alcoholics]. PMID- 13793325 TI - Physical fitness of Arctic Indians. PMID- 13793326 TI - The blood lactate during recovery from spring runs. PMID- 13793327 TI - Reduction of carbon dioxide stores of man due to muscular exercise. PMID- 13793328 TI - [Body-build of Norwegian athletes]. PMID- 13793329 TI - [Adaptation to cold; comparative physiology]. PMID- 13793330 TI - A comparative study of heparin neutralization and the danger of blood clotting abnormalities with protamine and polybrene. PMID- 13793331 TI - Experimental studies of heparin-protamine activity with special reference to protamine inhibition of clotting. PMID- 13793332 TI - Prognostic factors and results of treatment in pyogenic pulmonary abscess. PMID- 13793333 TI - A study of reinforced ivalon as prosthetic material for arterial replacement. PMID- 13793334 TI - A graphic representation of changes of the acid-base status. PMID- 13793335 TI - Interhippocampal impulses. I. Origin, course and distribution in cat, rabbit and rat. PMID- 13793336 TI - Interhippocampal impulses. II. Apical dendritic activation of CAI neurons. PMID- 13793337 TI - Interhippocampal impulses. III. Basal dendritic activation of CA3 neurons. PMID- 13793338 TI - Interhippocampal impulses. IV. A correlation of some functional and structural properties of the interhippocampal fibres in cat, rabbit and rat. PMID- 13793339 TI - [Testicular feminization. Morris' syndrome]. PMID- 13793340 TI - Treatment of recurrent dislocation of the patella by the method of MacCarroll and Schwartzmann. PMID- 13793341 TI - [Severe intra-abdominal and intrathoracic lesions in injured persons]. PMID- 13793342 TI - Carcinoma of the prostate clinical observations and treatment. PMID- 13793343 TI - [Special training in urology]. PMID- 13793344 TI - [Special training in urology]. PMID- 13793345 TI - [The effects of premarin and methylergometrin on blood loss in prostatic surgery]. PMID- 13793346 TI - The distribution of tuberculous infection among households in African communities. AB - Is tuberculosis in under-developed areas to some extent a household infection, as several authorities claim it to be in Europe and in temperate climates in general? The following analysis, based on data collected in a number of territories in Africa south of the Sahara, shows that, although a statistically significant accumulation of infection does occur in certain households, its extent is so moderate that it would be unjustifiable to confine control work to any limited category of households, whatever the criterion for their selection.The main conclusion, therefore, is that the entire community must be covered in anti-tuberculosis schemes designed to reduce the tuberculosis problem in the population at large in such countries as those surveyed here. PMID- 13793347 TI - Blood-volume in elderly anaemic patients following blood-transfusions. PMID- 13793348 TI - Fatal gastro-intestinal haemorrhage in Hodgkin's disease. Nine cases. PMID- 13793349 TI - The Heaf multiple puncture tuberculin test. PMID- 13793351 TI - [Complexometric titrations; calculation of titration errors by means of conditional constants]. PMID- 13793350 TI - [Control of hospital admissions, an annual medical report]. PMID- 13793352 TI - Artificial kidney in the treatment of uremia associated with acute glomerulonephritis (with a note on regional heparinization). PMID- 13793353 TI - Morphological aspects of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. PMID- 13793355 TI - Stop biting those nails. PMID- 13793354 TI - Changes in rat cartilage mucopolysaccharide with age and radiation. PMID- 13793356 TI - The question of student employment. PMID- 13793357 TI - "Dynamic myopia"--a theory and discussion of the experimental criteria for it's proof. PMID- 13793358 TI - Spinal anesthesia: our curious ambivalent attitude. PMID- 13793359 TI - Formation, structure and function of cartilage. AB - Improved investigative techniques including electron microscopy, isotope tracings and improved histochemistry have greatly increased knowledge of the function of cartilage as a body tissue. Highly complex and delicate enzyme systems contained in the cartilage cell are involved in cartilage matrix formation and in the processes of calcification and cartilage repair. Heat, various drugs, freezing, and changes in the chemical environment damage or destroy these enzyme systems and interfere with the growth and function of cartilage. Hyaline cartilage to be transplanted must be handled with great care to preserve the cellular enzyme systems-otherwise the graft will be resorbed and clinical failure will result. PMID- 13793360 TI - Report of the American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention. PMID- 13793361 TI - Kairi virus, a new virus from Trinidadian forest mosquitoes. PMID- 13793362 TI - Manzanilla virus: a new virus isolated from the blood of a howler monkey in Trinidad, W.I. PMID- 13793363 TI - Electrophoretic properties of crystalline globulin from cucurbit seeds. PMID- 13793364 TI - Sedimentation of crystalline globulin from cucurbit seeds. PMID- 13793365 TI - The incorporation of mevalonic acid-2-C14 and dimethylacrylic acid-3-C14 into carotenes. PMID- 13793366 TI - Graduate education in medicine--whose responsibility? PMID- 13793367 TI - History of celiac disease. PMID- 13793368 TI - Cytological observations on the fine structure of the guinea pig ovary with special reference to the oogonium, primary oocyte and associated follicle cells. PMID- 13793369 TI - The cytology of Tritrichomonas as revealed by the electon microscope. PMID- 13793370 TI - The ultramicroscopic structure of a reptilian kidney. PMID- 13793371 TI - Average potassium concentration of the human body as a function of age. AB - Potassium-40 measurements on 1590 males and females ranging in age from less than 1 year to 79 years show sex differences and age trends in the ratio of muscle mass to the mass of other body constituents. A difference first at approximately 12 years of age. While females show a continuous decrease in potassium concentration, males show a rapid increase between the ages of 14 and 16. During adult life both sexes show a persistent and parallel decrease, which may be related to physiologic aging. PMID- 13793372 TI - Biochemistry of cancer. PMID- 13793373 TI - Mutation in the type-determining phages of Salmonella typhi. PMID- 13793374 TI - Special methods used in the laboratory for the investigation of outbreaks of Salmonella food poisoning. PMID- 13793375 TI - A study of extra-marital conception in adolescence. PMID- 13793376 TI - An experimental investigation of simulation and pseudo-dementia. PMID- 13793377 TI - Tranquillizers in psychiatry. PMID- 13793378 TI - Degeneration studies of long ascending fiber systems in the cat brain stem. PMID- 13793379 TI - Biochemical experiments on the binding of chrome to skin. PMID- 13793380 TI - Avian embryo rabies immunization I. Duck-embryo vaccine administered intradermally in man. PMID- 13793381 TI - A case of hydatid cyst of the pancreas. PMID- 13793382 TI - A case of aneurysm of the renal artery. PMID- 13793384 TI - Health education--a one-world challenge. PMID- 13793383 TI - Hysterocolpectomy. PMID- 13793385 TI - The Socialists are still with us. PMID- 13793386 TI - Psychological aspects of geriatric recreation. PMID- 13793387 TI - Relation of hemoglobin to the red cell membrane. PMID- 13793388 TI - Deformities of the feet. PMID- 13793389 TI - Transuretero-reterostomy (contralateral uretero-ureterostomy): experimental and clinical experiences. PMID- 13793390 TI - Transuretero-ureterostomy (contralateral uretero-ureterostomy): experimental and clinical experiences. PMID- 13793391 TI - Asbestosis and carcinoma of the lung; case report and review of the literature. PMID- 13793392 TI - The treatment of myelomatosis with lutecium 177. PMID- 13793393 TI - The effect of cortisone on urinary phosphate excretion in man. PMID- 13793394 TI - The future pattern of occupational therapy; mosaic or unity. PMID- 13793395 TI - Dental office design and layout. PMID- 13793396 TI - Effect of dietary fat on excretion and deposition of C14 from cholesterol-4-C14 in rats. PMID- 13793397 TI - The general hospital; community centre for health. PMID- 13793398 TI - Prolonged steroid therapy in childhood asthma. PMID- 13793399 TI - A consideration of auto-antigens with special reference to Hashimoto's disease. PMID- 13793401 TI - Annual administrative reviews: approvals and recognitions. PMID- 13793400 TI - Clinical experience with combined tetracycline novobiocin therapy in common ear, nose and throat infections. PMID- 13793402 TI - Forty years with glaucoma. PMID- 13793403 TI - Modern treatment of nasal fractures. PMID- 13793404 TI - Rhinoplasty and the otolaryngologist. PMID- 13793405 TI - The placental barrier to gamma-globulins in the rat. PMID- 13793406 TI - Transfer of Staphylococcus pyogenes from infected to non-infected hospital beds. PMID- 13793407 TI - Studies with glucosamine on the absorption of tetracycline. PMID- 13793408 TI - [Bacillus cereus in consumable milk and cream]. PMID- 13793409 TI - Selecting a suitable location. PMID- 13793410 TI - Toxic shellfish in British Columbia. PMID- 13793411 TI - Chemical and pathological studies on aortic atherosclerosis: a comparative study of one hundred twenty-eight aortas in South African Bantu and white subjects. PMID- 13793412 TI - [Pharmacological treatment of depressive states with a new monoamine oxidase antagonist]. PMID- 13793413 TI - An evaluation of the common channel as a factor in pancreatic or biliary disease. PMID- 13793414 TI - Depression of pancreatic exocrine secretion with a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Clinical observations. PMID- 13793415 TI - Large solitary nonparasitic cyst of the liver. Report of a case in which both major hepatic lobes were involved. PMID- 13793417 TI - Brainstorm catalogue. PMID- 13793416 TI - A sane safety program for Central Service. PMID- 13793418 TI - How to attend an institute or a convention. PMID- 13793419 TI - Penny wise and paper foolish. Part I. PMID- 13793420 TI - Penny wise and paper foolish. Part II. PMID- 13793421 TI - Personnel pointers for C.S. supervisors. PMID- 13793423 TI - Staph control means staff control in C.S.R. PMID- 13793422 TI - Program suggestions for a central service group. PMID- 13793424 TI - Suture sense for C.S.R. PMID- 13793425 TI - The high cost of obsolescence. PMID- 13793426 TI - The third time might be the charm-nylon for wrapping material. PMID- 13793427 TI - Accidental hypothermia complicated by bronchopneumonia. Report of a case. PMID- 13793428 TI - Specific and non specific factors in the management of cardiac decompensation. PMID- 13793429 TI - An improved technique for intravenous injection of new-born rats and mice. PMID- 13793430 TI - Induction of runt disease in rats by injection of thoracic duct lymphocytes at birth. PMID- 13793431 TI - A method for plotting ultracentrifuge diagrams for polydisperse systems. PMID- 13793432 TI - Cell division. III. The effects of amines on the structures of isolated nuclei. PMID- 13793433 TI - Likelihood judgments and sequential effects in a two-choice probability learning situation. PMID- 13793434 TI - Effect of first-order conditional probability in two-choice learning situation. PMID- 13793435 TI - Test of a model for opinion change. PMID- 13793436 TI - Vulvectomy. Nursing care. PMID- 13793437 TI - Synchronization of division in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13793438 TI - Incidence of cutaneous eruption due to sulfamethoxypyridazine. PMID- 13793439 TI - Changes in hepatic structure in Wilson's disease. PMID- 13793440 TI - Management of the donor site. PMID- 13793441 TI - Hereditary spherocytosis in the deer mouse. Its similarity to the human disease. PMID- 13793442 TI - Acute complications following transabdominal gastric resection. PMID- 13793443 TI - Laboratory production of a phosphorylated mannan by Hansenula holstii. PMID- 13793444 TI - Evaluation of the Treponema pallidum immobilization test of serum and cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13793445 TI - Serologic diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infections. I. Development of a cercarial antigen slide flocculation test. PMID- 13793446 TI - Viruses and the public's health. PMID- 13793447 TI - A case of spontaneous dissecting aneurysm of the internal carotid artery. PMID- 13793448 TI - The pathology of cerebro-vascular accidents. PMID- 13793449 TI - A proposed assay for benzoic and salicylic acid ointment U.S.P. PMID- 13793450 TI - Murray Valley encephalitis virus: preparation of an infective "ribonucleic acid" fraction. PMID- 13793451 TI - Premedication of children for surgery. PMID- 13793452 TI - The use of gamma-globulin. PMID- 13793453 TI - Antibiotic susceptibility testing by the disc method. PMID- 13793454 TI - Radioactive fallout during 1959. PMID- 13793455 TI - Comparison of fission product and beryllium-7 concentrations in the atmosphere. PMID- 13793456 TI - Current trends of strontium-90, strontium-89 and caesium-137 levels in milk. PMID- 13793457 TI - Radiostrontium and radiocaesium in milk during 1959. PMID- 13793458 TI - Meeting the challenge of feeding the world. PMID- 13793459 TI - A rational approach to school health programs. PMID- 13793460 TI - Radioactive contamination of air, water and food. (c) Radioactive contamination of food. PMID- 13793461 TI - Evaluation of disability in coal miners with chronic pulmonary disease. PMID- 13793462 TI - The rest between heart beats. PMID- 13793463 TI - [A hepatitis epidemic in Telemark]. PMID- 13793464 TI - A study of central regulation of rumination and reticulo-ruminal motility. PMID- 13793465 TI - Implantation of electrodes into the hypothalamus of the dog by the diasphenoid route. PMID- 13793466 TI - Long-term treatment of bronchial asthma with steroid hormones. PMID- 13793467 TI - [Sodium excreting factor (SEF). A new adrenal cortex hormone]. PMID- 13793468 TI - Nutritional muscular dystrophy in cattle, with special reference to the functional state of the thyroid. PMID- 13793469 TI - Experimental evaluation of the hypothesis of ligamento-muscular protective reflexes. II. A study in cat using the medial collateral ligament of the knee joint. PMID- 13793470 TI - Inhibitory effects of acid in antrum-duodenum on fasting gastric secretion in Pavlov and Heidenhain pouch dogs. PMID- 13793471 TI - Inhibitory effects of hydrochloric acid in antrum and duodenum on gastric secretory responses to test meal in Pavlov and Heidenhain pouch dogs. PMID- 13793472 TI - Mucinous cystic dissecting intramural degeneration of the popliteal artery. PMID- 13793473 TI - The growth of estrogen-induced interstitial-cell testicular tumors in BALB/c mice. PMID- 13793475 TI - [The biology of transplantation in research and clinical practice]. PMID- 13793474 TI - The absence of a calorigenic action of cortisone and hydrocortisone in the hypophysectomized and in the thyroidectomized rat. PMID- 13793476 TI - Use of achromycin in the preparation of selective media for fungi. PMID- 13793477 TI - Biological assay of androgenic activity by 32P uptake of the castrated male rats accessory sex organs. 1. PMID- 13793478 TI - Effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the cardiovascular system. Report 3: Effects of autonomic blocking agents on the negative inotropic action of adrenaline. PMID- 13793479 TI - Effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the cardiovascular system. Report 4: Effect of stimulus frequency on papillary contraction. PMID- 13793480 TI - Studies on the effect of tween 80 on the growth of Erysipelothrix incidiosa. PMID- 13793481 TI - Clinical and electroencephalographical studies on catatonia. PMID- 13793482 TI - The C-terminal amino acid of carboxypeptidase-A. PMID- 13793483 TI - Peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of clupeine. PMID- 13793484 TI - [Morphological and bacteriological studies on resected lesions of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chapter I. Morphological study]. PMID- 13793485 TI - [Morphological and bacteriological studies on resected lesions of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chapter II. Bacteriological study]. PMID- 13793486 TI - [Aortographic, physiopathological and clinical study of primitive, external and internal iliac obliterations: apropos of 140 personal observations]. PMID- 13793487 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer. Pean-Billroth operation]. PMID- 13793488 TI - [Surgical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers: the Pean-Billroth operation]. PMID- 13793490 TI - [Industrial medicine and hygiene]. PMID- 13793489 TI - [Industrial hygiene and occupational medicine]. PMID- 13793491 TI - [Tribulations of a director of a periodical]. PMID- 13793492 TI - Symphyslotomy in cases of aftercoming arrested fetal head: report of a case. PMID- 13793493 TI - [Contribution to the histological and histochemical study of seborrheic verruca (basocellular papilloma)]. PMID- 13793494 TI - Continuous suction after neck dissection. PMID- 13793495 TI - [Morphological aspects of the blood protein disorder due to kala-azar]. PMID- 13793496 TI - [Asymmetry of the skull in childhood and its differential diagnostic significance]. PMID- 13793497 TI - [Posttransfusion immunization due to subgroups of the Rh factor. Advisability of induced labor]. PMID- 13793498 TI - [Diagnosis of diphtheria on tissue culture]. PMID- 13793499 TI - [Research on the culture of the Newcastle virus and on its practical applications. I. Study of the Newcastle virus on trypsinated kidney monkey cells]. PMID- 13793500 TI - [Research on the enteric viruses of Macacus cynomolgus]. PMID- 13793501 TI - [On the existence of a paracrystalline state of the chondriosomic material of certain spermatozoids]. PMID- 13793502 TI - [Cancer of the breast in the male. Apropos of a case observed in Gaboon]. PMID- 13793503 TI - [Endemic goiters in Tchad]. PMID- 13793504 TI - [African histoplasmosis in extensive form with multiple bone localizations. Favorable outcome following surgical intervention and amphotericin B]. PMID- 13793505 TI - [Observations concerning cancers in Gabun]. PMID- 13793506 TI - [Mixed tumors of unusual location. Apropos of 2 new cases]. PMID- 13793507 TI - [Mixed tumors with nalpighian development and malpighian epitheliomas of the parotid]. PMID- 13793508 TI - [Parapharyngeal tumor with vertebral involvement]. PMID- 13793509 TI - [Transparotid approaches to the ascending branch of the inferior maxillary nerve. Apropos of a case of osteoma and of a malignant tumor]. PMID- 13793510 TI - [Chondroma of the ventricular band]. PMID- 13793511 TI - Historical notes. The origins of carrot soup. PMID- 13793512 TI - [Apropos of the epididymides]. PMID- 13793513 TI - [Malignant tumors of the softpalate]. PMID- 13793514 TI - [Repeated nephritic colic caused by ureteral spasm]. PMID- 13793515 TI - [The treatment of enuresis]. PMID- 13793516 TI - [Apropos of a transfusional complication due to bacterial contamination of the preserved blood by a gram-negative bacillus. Clinical, physipathological and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13793517 TI - [Rules to be observed apropos of transfusions of preserved blood and of repeated transfusions]. PMID- 13793518 TI - The accumulation and retention of thallium in tissues of the mouse. PMID- 13793519 TI - [The auditory word of endearment of the infant. The Christian name and the pseudonym]. PMID- 13793520 TI - [Diagnostic possibilities of aortography by lumbar puncture. Conclusions in 205 cases]. PMID- 13793521 TI - [Psychomotor epilepsy following prolonged electroshock therapy]. PMID- 13793522 TI - [Ambulatory treatment of 500 diabetics with sulfanylurea. (4 Years' experience)]. PMID- 13793523 TI - [Considerations on the age of onset of diabetes of familial character. (Statistical observations on 1500 cases)]. PMID- 13793524 TI - MURPHY JP, ZIPF RE: Changes in blood volume during use of artificial kidney. PMID- 13793525 TI - [Diffusion experiments on the human fetal membranes]. PMID- 13793526 TI - [Problems in the measurement of vaginal pressure]. PMID- 13793527 TI - [Tuberculous osteomyelitis of the spinal column; duration of symptoms before the diagnosis is made]. PMID- 13793528 TI - [Ascites or ovarian cyst? Differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13793529 TI - [Carcinoma development in a sebaceous cyst. A case in a child]. PMID- 13793530 TI - Late postoperative "hemobilia" treated with peripheral ligation of the hepatic artery. PMID- 13793531 TI - Operative treatment of vesico-ureteral reflux. PMID- 13793532 TI - [Blood coagulation in C avitaminosis. Part II. The change in the prothrombin and thrombotropin concentration and causes of decreased thromboplastin activity of the blood in C avitaminosis in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13793533 TI - [Dependence of the thromboplastic activity of the blood of guinea pigs on the administration of ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13793534 TI - [Diseases induced by Salmonella infections in Dnepropetrovsk]. PMID- 13793535 TI - [Social importance of heart diseases and organization of their prevention]. PMID- 13793536 TI - [Tetanus prophylaxis]. PMID- 13793537 TI - [Hyperglycemia in intrathoracic tumor]. PMID- 13793538 TI - [Current state of anti-tuberculosis aid in the Iakutsk Autonomous Socialist Svoviet Republic]. PMID- 13793539 TI - [On case of visceral sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13793540 TI - [On roentgenodiagnosis of congenital dysplasias of the hip joint]. PMID- 13793541 TI - [Features of appendectomy and the course of the postoperative period in middle aged and aged subjects]. PMID- 13793542 TI - [A new method of induction of experimental myocarditis in rats]. PMID- 13793543 TI - [Urological changes in transverse lesions of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13793544 TI - [Transperitoneal extraction of calculi from the urinary bladder--epicystotomia transperitonealis]. PMID- 13793545 TI - [Radioactive phosphorus in the differential diagnosis of pigmented neoplasms of the skin]. PMID- 13793546 TI - [On the so-called adenomas and adenomatous hyperplasias of the adrenal cortex in hypertension]. PMID- 13793547 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of conditions of working with radioactive minerals and ores]. PMID- 13793548 TI - [Substitution of corn extract with malt sprout for the biosynthesis of penicillin]. PMID- 13793549 TI - [A case of lymphocytic goiter (Hashimoto's struma)]. PMID- 13793550 TI - [Some biochemical changes in the blood of children with dental fluorosis]. PMID- 13793551 TI - [Our experiences on decompression of the facial nerve]. PMID- 13793552 TI - [Hypoglycemia in an intrathoracic fibroma]. PMID- 13793553 TI - [Effect of hypothermia on agglutinin production and on changes in blood serum protein fractions during vaccination]. PMID- 13793554 TI - [Clearing factor in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13793555 TI - [Effect of extracts of gastric and duodenal mucous membrane extracts (Robuden's) on gastro-duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13793556 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer consecutive to the application of corticosteroids]. PMID- 13793557 TI - [Preliminary communication on the application of the bismuth radioisotope Bi-210 in gastric diseses]. PMID- 13793558 TI - [Action of D-cycloserine on catalase and peroxidase]. PMID- 13793559 TI - [Inhibition of catalase by isonicotinic acid hydrazide, hydrazine and phenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13793560 TI - [Inhibition of peroxidase by isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) and destruction of INH by peroxidase]. PMID- 13793561 TI - [Lipase activity of tuberculous bacilli and atypical mycobacteria]. PMID- 13793562 TI - [Gastric polypi and alopecia areata]. PMID- 13793563 TI - Residual contrast medium in the bowel in cholecystography with iopanoic acid and certain related substances. PMID- 13793564 TI - [On the incidence of colon polypi in ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13793565 TI - [A contribution to the discussion on provincial medicine]. PMID- 13793566 TI - [Care of the chronically ill-care of the aged]. PMID- 13793567 TI - [The antigonadotropins in therapy of functional uterine hemorrhage in juveniles]. PMID- 13793568 TI - [Incidence of uterine hemorrhage in the newborn]. PMID- 13793569 TI - [On mumps ovaritis]. PMID- 13793570 TI - [Endocrine pathology of the ovary]. PMID- 13793571 TI - [Neuroendocrine imprint in the personal and social physiognomy in women]. PMID- 13793572 TI - [The Institute of Obstertical Physiology of the University of Montevideo]. PMID- 13793573 TI - [First observations on a new diagnostic method for the determination of gastric acidity without intubation]. PMID- 13793574 TI - [The plasmatic transport of iodated hormones in hyperthyroidism. (Electrophoretic, fluxophoretic and chromatographic research)]. PMID- 13793575 TI - [Research on the plasma transport of thyroid hormones in hyperthyreoses]. PMID- 13793576 TI - [Applications of continuous electrophoresis]. PMID- 13793577 TI - [Observations on the hemodynamic effect of the platelet vasoconstrictor factor. Behavior of the venous pressure in patients with mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13793578 TI - [Bacteriological study of an epidemic episode of staphylococcus infections in a maternity ward]. PMID- 13793579 TI - [On some humoral changes consequent to athletic exercise of agonistic character. II. Modifications of the glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminase activity in the blood of boxers]. PMID- 13793580 TI - [On some humoral changes consequent to athletic exercise of agonistic character. I. Modifications of the blood proteins studied with paper electrophoresis in boxers]. PMID- 13793581 TI - [Rebellious hypertrophic pyloric stenosis as an occlusive syndrome with hematemesis]. PMID- 13793582 TI - [Calcinosis circumscripta]. PMID- 13793583 TI - Tissue reactions of trophoblastic and embryonic transplants in the pregnant host. PMID- 13793584 TI - [Hemodynamics of the lesser circulation during respiration in hypoxia and hyperoxia in subjects with pulmonary hypertension caused by mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13793585 TI - [Pathology caused by electricity. Ventricular defibrillation. Experimental research]. PMID- 13793586 TI - Utility of the small group discussion method as practiced in certain applied settings. I. Instrumental goal achievement of a mental health group. PMID- 13793587 TI - P.B.I. determinations at the Maine Medical Center. PMID- 13793588 TI - Gallstone ileus. PMID- 13793590 TI - Evidence for the division of nuclei and cell bodies of neurons of autonomic ganglia in the adult mammal. PMID- 13793589 TI - Correlation of age changes in histological and chemical characteristics in some tissues of the rat. PMID- 13793591 TI - The reality of age differences in nervous tissue. PMID- 13793592 TI - A virus disease of monkeys causing large superficial growths. PMID- 13793593 TI - Myxomatosis: present position and future prospects in Great Britain. PMID- 13793594 TI - The common cold and other minor repiratory infections. PMID- 13793595 TI - A syndrome of ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, and sinopulmonary infections. PMID- 13793596 TI - The little old lady in black. PMID- 13793597 TI - Moon talk: the cyclic periodicity of postoperative hemorrhage. PMID- 13793598 TI - Accidental radiation excursion at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant-IV. Preliminary report on clinical and laboratory effects in the irradiated employees. PMID- 13793599 TI - Griseofulvin in dermatomycoses. PMID- 13793600 TI - Melanoma and lesion simulating melanoma. PMID- 13793601 TI - [Warts, moles and malignant tumors]. PMID- 13793603 TI - Radiation avoidance in the mouse. PMID- 13793602 TI - Blood groups and toxaemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13793604 TI - The effects of one curie of sulfur 35 administered intravenously as sulfate to a man with advanced chondrosarcoma. PMID- 13793605 TI - Toxicity of air-oxidized soybean oil. PMID- 13793606 TI - Effects of progestin-induced pseudopregnancy on endometriosis: clinical and microscopic studies. PMID- 13793607 TI - The glycogenolytic activity of some substituted salicylic acids. PMID- 13793608 TI - Bronchogenic cysts in patients presumed to have pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13793609 TI - Surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis in the patient with lowered ventilatory function. PMID- 13793610 TI - Polysaccharide composition of leaves. PMID- 13793611 TI - An unidentified pharmacologically active substance extracted from cerebral hemispheres. PMID- 13793612 TI - Chronic Q fever. 2. Morbid anatomical and bacteriological findings in a patient with endocarditis. PMID- 13793613 TI - A comparison of two methods of sputum collection in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13793614 TI - Fructose metabolism in the isolated perfused liver of the foetal and new-born sheep. PMID- 13793615 TI - [Determination of chloramphenicol in various medicinal forms]. PMID- 13793616 TI - [Threshold of color discrimination in glaucoma]. PMID- 13793617 TI - [Behavior of liver function after treatment with diphenesenic acid in women during the menopause and premenopause]. PMID- 13793618 TI - [On the behavior of several liver function tests in the puerperium]. PMID- 13793619 TI - Influenzal pneumonia and blood gas analysis. An attempt at correlation between anatomic and functional findings. PMID- 13793620 TI - [Morpho-physiological characteristics of the cerebral cortex in dogs]. PMID- 13793621 TI - [Two cases of poisoning by methyl bromide. Treatment by respiratory resuscitation]. PMID- 13793622 TI - [Efficacy of tracheotomy and controlled respiration in a case of phosgene poisoning]. PMID- 13793623 TI - [Antirabies vaccinations at the Centre Hospitalier Regional de Toulouse during 1958]. PMID- 13793624 TI - [Antirabies vaccinations at the Centre Hospitalier Regional de Toulouse in 1959]. PMID- 13793626 TI - [From daily sleep to eternal sleep]. PMID- 13793625 TI - [Lupus erythematosus: clinical aspects, pathogenesis and relation to other connective tissue diseases]. PMID- 13793627 TI - Homosexality PMID- 13793628 TI - [Metabolism of lipids and proteins. Level of fats in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13793629 TI - [Metabolism of proteins. Incidence of their deficiency and disorders of synthesis in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13793630 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of tinea in the Republic of Guinea. Remarkable incidence of associated tineas (microsporoses and trichophytoses)]. PMID- 13793631 TI - [The influence of roentgen irradiation of pregnant animals on the morphological properties of the blood of their progeny]. PMID- 13793632 TI - Florence Rena Sabin; teacher, scientist, citizen. PMID- 13793634 TI - [Special training of garrison physicians]. PMID- 13793633 TI - [Changes in the epidemiology of malaria in the Agdzhabedin region of the Azerbaidzhan SSR and the perspectives for a complete eradication of malaria]. PMID- 13793635 TI - [Notes on the traumatic pathology of muscles]. PMID- 13793637 TI - [Experience in the clinical use of an apparatus for suturing the stump of the stomach with a double-row buried suture]. PMID- 13793636 TI - [Anterior intrapleural artificial esophagus created with the small intestine or the colon]. PMID- 13793638 TI - [Variations of resection of the thoracic segment of the esophagus in cancer]. PMID- 13793639 TI - [Conditioned reactions developing under the action of humoral factors]. PMID- 13793640 TI - Myocardial infarction versus gall bladder disease. PMID- 13793641 TI - A cardiologist looks at rehabilitation. PMID- 13793642 TI - Production of calcium oxalate renal calculi in vitamin B6-deficient rats. Study of the influence of urine pH. PMID- 13793643 TI - [Effect of ethanol on vitamin C content in rat organs]. PMID- 13793644 TI - [Zinc and its role in the organism]. PMID- 13793645 TI - [Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematoma developing under the mask of migraine]. PMID- 13793646 TI - Diencephalic coagulation in the treatment of hemiballismus. PMID- 13793647 TI - The nuclear configuration of the septum of Galago demidovii. PMID- 13793649 TI - [Scientific principles of the production of inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine]. PMID- 13793648 TI - [An experiment on the study of the properties of SCH cell strain (Cynomolgus monkey heart cells) by the method of inoculation into immunized monkeys and re explantation]. PMID- 13793650 TI - [Anaphylactogenic properties of heterogenic gamma globulins]. PMID- 13793651 TI - [Dietetic problems in hepatopathy]. PMID- 13793652 TI - [The nature and aims of modern nutritional therapy]. PMID- 13793653 TI - [Skin cancer in the light of luminescence and histochemical studies]. PMID- 13793654 TI - Part I. Crystalline pancreatic ribonuclease. Introductory remarks. PMID- 13793655 TI - Some approaches to the study of active centers. PMID- 13793656 TI - [Congenital arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13793657 TI - [Surgical treatment of congenital megacolon in childhood by the Swenson-Hiatt technic]. PMID- 13793658 TI - [Novocaine in coronary diseases]. PMID- 13793659 TI - [Our experience with granulomas of the small intestine]. PMID- 13793660 TI - Fusion frequency and light quantity. PMID- 13793661 TI - Studies on epinephrine metal complexes. PMID- 13793662 TI - [Biological treatment in pigmentary degeneration of the retina]. PMID- 13793663 TI - Hypothermic coma in myxoedema. PMID- 13793664 TI - The concept of psychic determinism. PMID- 13793665 TI - Lesions in the white matter in acute (epidemic) poliomyelitis. PMID- 13793666 TI - The influence of quinidine and procaine amide on myocardial contractility in vivo. PMID- 13793667 TI - Pharmacological agents for the control of spontaneous ventricular fibrillation under progressive hypothermia. PMID- 13793668 TI - Influence of pharmacological agents on spontaneous and surgically induced hypothermic ventricular fibrillation. PMID- 13793669 TI - Lack of relationship between body weight and pharmacological effect exemplified by histamine toxicity in mice. PMID- 13793670 TI - [Simultaneous cortical potentials in all regions of both hemispheres of the spike or spike-wave type, spontaneous or induced, in animals with fixed electrodes]. PMID- 13793671 TI - [The electroencephalogram in chronic mercurial poisoning]. PMID- 13793672 TI - Effect of variations in the diet on the growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor. PMID- 13793673 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of bronchial asthma with ACTH and cortisone]. PMID- 13793674 TI - Chromatography of proteins of squamous cell carcinomas and normal epithelium of mice. PMID- 13793675 TI - [Six years of anesthesiological activity in the Clinica Ostertica e Ginecologica of Perugia]. PMID- 13793676 TI - [Saline content of the diet and radiosensitivity. First results on the effect of manganese]. PMID- 13793677 TI - A plan for full utilization of the private hospital affiliate in clinical medicine instruction: a pilot study. PMID- 13793678 TI - [Aneurysm of the internal carotid associated with bilateral double kidney]. PMID- 13793679 TI - [Clinical and neurophysiological considerations on occipital reflex epilepsy]. PMID- 13793680 TI - Epicardial low-frequency tracings of the left atrium. A comparison with the preoperative esophageal pulse in mitral defects. PMID- 13793681 TI - [Clinical and hemodynamic observations in acquired tricuspid diseases]. PMID- 13793682 TI - Effect of mitral valvulotomy on tricuspid insufficiency associated with mitral stenosis. PMID- 13793683 TI - [The pressure curves and oxygen content of the coronary venous sinus in various morbose conditions]. PMID- 13793684 TI - [Results obtained with the use of androstanolone and vitamin B 12 in childhood]. PMID- 13793686 TI - [Subastragalar dislocation of the foot. Presentation of an (bloodlessly) irreducible case]. PMID- 13793687 TI - An approach to quantitative electromyography of the masseter muscle. PMID- 13793688 TI - [Ocular diseases in the Coltivatori Diretti in the province of Frosinone]. PMID- 13793689 TI - Flaccid quadriplegia following ureteric transplant. PMID- 13793690 TI - Electrophoretic analysis of serum proteins, lipoproteins, and glucoproteins in healthy newborn infants, older infants, and children in Greece. I. Normal values from birth to adolescence. PMID- 13793691 TI - [Experimental leptospirosis in birds]. PMID- 13793692 TI - Mercury-wetted contact relays. PMID- 13793693 TI - In vivo counting methods in medical research. PMID- 13793694 TI - [On surface-therapy with fast electrons of strontium 90/yttrium 90 in dermatoses]. PMID- 13793695 TI - Lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue from hen, chicken and adult human. PMID- 13793696 TI - Urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and histamine in the pregnant rat. PMID- 13793697 TI - Heterotopic ovarian tissue. PMID- 13793698 TI - Control of the adrenocortical morphology in the pregnant rat. PMID- 13793699 TI - Contributions to the study of staphylococcal gastro-enteritis in children. PMID- 13793700 TI - Aminoaciduria caused by maleic acid. III. The effect of sulfhydryl compounds. PMID- 13793701 TI - Significance of lactose in the diet in aminoaciduria caused by maleic acid. PMID- 13793702 TI - [Aminoaciduria induced by maleic acid. II. Effect of diets]. PMID- 13793703 TI - Combined use of nystatin and antituberculous drugs in the management of coexistent fungaltuberculous infections. PMID- 13793704 TI - The ventricular gradient vector and related vectors. PMID- 13793705 TI - Precancerous lesions and other conditions of the thyroid gland. PMID- 13793706 TI - [Liver function in cancer patients]. PMID- 13793707 TI - Considerations in the problem of duodenal fistulae with report of a case of spontaneous perforation of a duodenal diverticulum. PMID- 13793709 TI - [The association of 5-hydroxytryptamine with barbiturates in the treatment of epilepsy]. PMID- 13793708 TI - [Various biological aspects of epileptic convulsive crises]. PMID- 13793711 TI - Plea for two-year mixed internship for family physician and specialist. PMID- 13793710 TI - Studies on squamous metaplasia in rat bladder. II. Effects of estradiol and estradiol plus hexestrol. PMID- 13793712 TI - Research and teaching in medical schools. PMID- 13793713 TI - Studies in experimental endocarditis. I. Production of valvular lesions by mechanisms not involving infection or sensitivity factors. PMID- 13793714 TI - [Disulfiram psychosis in psoriasis therapy]. PMID- 13793715 TI - [Disulfiram psychosis in the therapy of psoriasis]. PMID- 13793716 TI - [Accompanying phemonena and side-effects of modern psychopharmaca]. PMID- 13793717 TI - [The psychiatry of diabetes insipidus]. PMID- 13793718 TI - [Contribution to the etiology of retinal vascular disorders. Study of certain factors, namely alcohol and tobacco]. PMID- 13793719 TI - [Contribution to the etiology of retinal vascular disorders. Study of certain factors, notably alcohol and tobacco]. PMID- 13793720 TI - [Results of clinical use of tofranil]. PMID- 13793721 TI - [Clinical and conditioned reflex analysis in a case of compulsive neurosis after leucotomy]. PMID- 13793722 TI - Conjunctival tuberculosis. PMID- 13793723 TI - Central cholinolytics as intensifiers of hypnotic and narcotic drugs. PMID- 13793724 TI - [Impressions from the trip to the U. S. A]. PMID- 13793725 TI - [Results of serological diagnosis of chorioepithelioma]. PMID- 13793726 TI - [Perforations in stomach cancer]. PMID- 13793727 TI - [Permissible spaces between houses in the Leningrad latitude]. PMID- 13793728 TI - [The effect of low-salt diet with restricted amount of fats on the dynamics of lipoproteins in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13793729 TI - [Histochemical studies on fat metabolism in the mucosa of the small intestine in young rats]. PMID- 13793730 TI - [On the problem of changes of cardiovascular activity in typhoid fever]. PMID- 13793731 TI - [On the morphological changes of various components of various components of the peripheral nervous system during action on the organism of ionizing radiation]. PMID- 13793733 TI - Method in diagnosis of heart disease. PMID- 13793732 TI - Mechanism of some signs and symptoms in heart disease. PMID- 13793734 TI - [Hospital Conde de Sucena (Agueda). Medico-surgical and statistical survey of 1956]. PMID- 13793735 TI - A photographic method for measuring the aqueous flare of the eye in normal and pathological conditions. PMID- 13793736 TI - [On the Baranowski enzyme]. PMID- 13793737 TI - [Pharmacological-toxicological problems in the use of contact insecticides]. PMID- 13793738 TI - [Changes of liver function after prolonged effects of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13793739 TI - Experiences with fibrinolysin in peripheral vascular occlusive disease. PMID- 13793740 TI - Plan for a regional rehabilitation center. PMID- 13793741 TI - Calcinosis. PMID- 13793742 TI - Carcinoma of penis. PMID- 13793743 TI - Duplication of stomach and duodenum: a case report. PMID- 13793745 TI - Observations on cancer of the oesophagus in Jamaica. PMID- 13793744 TI - Multicystic disease of the kidney in the newborn: report of two cases. PMID- 13793746 TI - Observations on cancer of the stomach in Jamaica. PMID- 13793747 TI - Ureterocele: a case report. PMID- 13793748 TI - A faculty's choice: education--the means; future service--the goal. PMID- 13793749 TI - The use of "hibitane" in the culture of sputum for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PMID- 13793750 TI - Gastric resection with jejunal replacement: a method attended by negligible postcibal symptoms. PMID- 13793751 TI - The control of staphylococcal infections. PMID- 13793752 TI - [On arterial vascularization of the ileocecal angle of the intestine. On the anatomical basis of cecocystoplasty (Preliminary report)]. PMID- 13793753 TI - Drug treatment of eczema. PMID- 13793755 TI - Group practice. PMID- 13793754 TI - Occupational dermatitis. PMID- 13793756 TI - Fluoroacetate poisoning in sheep. PMID- 13793757 TI - [Clinico-radiological research with a new synthetic choleretic: 2-(1-hydroxy-4 phenyl-cyclohexyl)-butyric acid (M.G. 4833)]. PMID- 13793758 TI - [First clinical studies of the anticholesterolemic and antilipemic action of an estrogen derivative: 16 alpha-chloro-3-methoxyestrone]. PMID- 13793759 TI - [Colimycin per os in gastroenteritis]. PMID- 13793760 TI - [Recent data on heterogenicity of the reticular formation]. PMID- 13793761 TI - [The most frequent symptoms in 60 cases of amebic hepatic abscess]. PMID- 13793762 TI - [General principles of the application of cholinolytic drugs in neuropathology]. PMID- 13793763 TI - [Comparative economy of methods of food preservation utilizing cold and heat]. PMID- 13793764 TI - [Research on glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases in the premature infant]. PMID- 13793765 TI - [Hydatid cyst of the liver of thoracic development]. PMID- 13793766 TI - Mites in relation to human welfare. PMID- 13793767 TI - Partial albinism. PMID- 13793768 TI - [Thoughts apropos of the results and the importance of cholecystometry]. PMID- 13793769 TI - Nesacaine (2-chloroprocaine): its relative nontoxicity as demonstrated by in vivo studies. PMID- 13793770 TI - [Blood circulation studies in man with serial angiography (A method for measurement of blood flow velocity)]. PMID- 13793771 TI - [On the changes of blood circulation caused by aortic sclerosis]. PMID- 13793772 TI - [On pressure variations occurring in abnormal circulatory states in the arterial system of dogs (Arterenol hypertension, histamine and exsanguinate collapse)]. PMID- 13793773 TI - [Studies on the efficacy of strophanthin treatment in cardiac infarct with the alternating method]. PMID- 13793774 TI - [Definitive treatment by desensitization of recurrent candidiasis]. PMID- 13793775 TI - [Phytotherapy of trichomonal vaginitis with Aristolochia clematitis]. PMID- 13793776 TI - Discussion on neuropathies in rheumatic disease and steroid therapy. PMID- 13793777 TI - The use of Na22 to study the sodium-retaining properties of steroid therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13793778 TI - Incorporation of orthophosphate labelled with phosphorus-32 into cerebral phospholipids in vivo. PMID- 13793779 TI - The effect of insulin on the formation of phosphorylcholine and phosphorylethanolamine in the brain. PMID- 13793780 TI - Radical transvesical prostatectomy: preliminary report on an approach to surgical excision of localized prostatic malignancy. PMID- 13793781 TI - [Derivative therapy on the skin. Rheumatism therapy in practice]. PMID- 13793782 TI - [Experiences with the Shirodkar operation during pregnancy in habitual abortion and premature delivery]. PMID- 13793783 TI - [Failure of forceps delivery (Experience of the Service)]. PMID- 13793784 TI - Clinical studies with 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. PMID- 13793785 TI - Anatomical structure of the stapes and the relation of the stapedial footplate to vital parts of the otic labyrinth. PMID- 13793786 TI - The surgical significance of stapedial and labyrinthine anatomy. PMID- 13793787 TI - Early embryology of the auditory ossicles and associated structures in relation to certain anomalies observed clinically. PMID- 13793789 TI - [3 and 6-Month results of pneumonectomies in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13793788 TI - Influence of temperature upon blood coagulation in a cold- and a warm-blooded animal. PMID- 13793790 TI - [On recurrence and late complications after pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13793791 TI - [Significance and consequences of the resistance to tuberculostatics in lung resection]. PMID- 13793792 TI - [Apropos of 3 cases of lung cancer]. PMID- 13793793 TI - Sickle-cell trait: a family study and a report of three further cases of sickle cell disease. PMID- 13793794 TI - [Testing of the vitality of the fetus in utero by cephalometry based on the fronto-occipital diameter]. PMID- 13793796 TI - [Role of disorders of diencephalic function in the appearance of cardiovascular diseases]. PMID- 13793795 TI - [Development of Slovak physiology since 1945]. PMID- 13793798 TI - [On the problem of diagnosis and therapy of tumors and cysts of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13793797 TI - [Experience in organization of a thoracic surgery department]. PMID- 13793799 TI - [On microbiological vitamin B12 determination in fresh milk and milk powder with Ochromonas malhamensis]. PMID- 13793800 TI - [Variations of the average content of DNA of nuclei of interstitial tissue of the testicle of the white rat in function of cellular activity]. PMID- 13793801 TI - [Research on the structure and development of the ovary and oviduct in the teleost Lebistes reticulatus]. PMID- 13793802 TI - Experiences with hemodialysis in surgical patients. PMID- 13793803 TI - Acute renal failure in obstetric patients: treatment by hemodialysis. PMID- 13793804 TI - Ozone production by a corona-type loudspeaker and its toxic effects in mice. PMID- 13793805 TI - Noise induced convulsions in mice. PMID- 13793806 TI - Endocrine control of sexual behavior in mammals. PMID- 13793807 TI - Tissue sectioning with the freezing microtome. PMID- 13793808 TI - Lymphangitic carcinomatosis of lungs. PMID- 13793810 TI - A group of murderous mothers. PMID- 13793809 TI - Electric suction sharp needle polyp coagulator. PMID- 13793811 TI - Anxiety as a function of psychomotor and social behaviour. PMID- 13793812 TI - What is "adequate" in water supply? PMID- 13793813 TI - Brief clinical reports of two cases of pityriasis rubra pilaris. PMID- 13793814 TI - [Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis in its significance in accidents]. PMID- 13793815 TI - I-131 and thyroid gland. PMID- 13793816 TI - The E. C. G. alterations in the course of infusing fluid into the pericardial space and a tamponade of the heart: an experimental study. PMID- 13793817 TI - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome induced by thialbarbitone-an experimental study. PMID- 13793818 TI - [Acute renal insufficiency and its therapy]. PMID- 13793819 TI - Anular pancreas: a case report. PMID- 13793820 TI - Intestinal hemangiomatosis. A case report. PMID- 13793821 TI - [Fluid therapy and post-therapy observations of burns in children]. PMID- 13793822 TI - Massive resections of the small intestine. PMID- 13793823 TI - Replacement of extrarenal fluid loss. PMID- 13793824 TI - The electrolytes of freeze-dried plasma. PMID- 13793825 TI - [On the effect of palfium (R 875) on adrenaline-pulmonary edema in the mouse]. PMID- 13793826 TI - [Acquired toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13793827 TI - [Indices of hemorrhagic syndrome & changes in urinary 17-ketosteroid content in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13793828 TI - [Patho-morphological investigations on the "dry" arrested heart in conditions of experimental application of artificial circulation]. PMID- 13793829 TI - Action of prolactin on seminal vesicles of guinea pig. PMID- 13793830 TI - [Ulcerative necrotizing enteritis of the premature infant]. PMID- 13793831 TI - [Applications of radioisotopes to the functional semeiology of the liver and gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13793832 TI - [Aspects of muscular involvement in thyroid diseases]. PMID- 13793833 TI - The use of radioactive isotopes for experimental investigation. PMID- 13793835 TI - [Considerations on the use of radiosotopes in experimental investigation]. PMID- 13793834 TI - [Aspects of hepatic functional semeiology with the use of radioactive tracers]. PMID- 13793836 TI - [Studies on renal function in a moderate hypoxia. Studies on dogs without anesthesia and without intubation]. PMID- 13793837 TI - [Studies on respiratory and circulatory functions in a moderate hypoxia. Spirometric, gas-analytic and radiological studies in dogs without anesthesia and without intubation]. PMID- 13793838 TI - [Study of the results of the administration of a nitrofuran derivative (N-(5 nitro-2-furfurylidene)-1-aminohydantoin) in experimental and human kidney diseases]. PMID- 13793839 TI - [Histological aspects corresponding to isolated permanent proteinuria]. PMID- 13793840 TI - [Controlateral retention of ascending diease of a single kidney. Experimental and human histological data]. PMID- 13793841 TI - [Experimental renal anatomopathology. I. Experimental ascending chronic nephropathies in the rabbit]. PMID- 13793842 TI - [The destruction of the renal parenchyma by invasion by calcium oxalate crystals. 2 New cases of "renal oxalosis"]. PMID- 13793843 TI - [Concerning albuminuria: apparently isolated albuminuria]. PMID- 13793844 TI - [Acute myopia and acetazolamide]. PMID- 13793845 TI - [Bloodless treatment of folds and wrinkles of the skin]. PMID- 13793846 TI - [Pneumoencephalographic aspects of abnormalities of the interhemispheric commissures]. PMID- 13793847 TI - [An observation of the Peutz-Jeghers-Touraine disease (centrofacial lentiginosis and digestive polyposis)]. PMID- 13793848 TI - [Cranial traumatism and osteomyelitis of the parietal bone in a 1-month-old infant]. PMID- 13793849 TI - [Idiopathic cystic dilatation of the choledochus. (Radiological confusion with a double galbladder)]. PMID- 13793850 TI - [Probable regional ileitis with multiple terminal localizations. (Diagnosis complicated by the surgical discovery of adhesions)]. PMID- 13793851 TI - [Unusual paravesicular calcifications, probably of tuberculous origin]. PMID- 13793852 TI - [Apropos of a case of Albright's disease]. PMID- 13793853 TI - [Cerebellar aplasia or agenesis. Pneumoencephalographic aspects]. PMID- 13793854 TI - [A cytodiagnostic gynecological center. Introductory report]. PMID- 13793855 TI - [Hormonal regulation of endometriosis]. PMID- 13793856 TI - [On the validity of tubal permeability tests]. PMID- 13793857 TI - [Enzynes in audiosurgery]. PMID- 13793858 TI - Studies on the nature of resistance of Streptococcus faecalis to folic acid antagonists. PMID- 13793859 TI - The relation between the binding of sulfonamides to albumin and their antibacterial efficacy. PMID- 13793860 TI - [On early diagnosis of cancer of the cervix uteri in ambulatory conditions]. PMID- 13793861 TI - [Relations between exogenous hormone administration and endogenous hormone metabolism]. PMID- 13793862 TI - [Isolated sarcoid of the lacrimal gland]. PMID- 13793863 TI - [Research and considerations on factors that regulate the rate of erythrosedimentation]. PMID- 13793864 TI - [Research on the distribution of lactic dehydrogenases in blood protein fractions separated by means of continuous electrophoresis]. PMID- 13793865 TI - [Cortisonic therapy in viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13793866 TI - [Behavior of the blood protein picture in cardiac patients with congestive decompensation after treatment with prolonged fasting]. PMID- 13793867 TI - [Localization of antistreptolysin-O(research conducted by means of separation of the blood proteins with continuous electrophoresis)]. PMID- 13793868 TI - [Localization of isohemagglutinins. (Research conducted by means of separation of serum proteins with continuous electrophoresis)]. PMID- 13793869 TI - [On the localization of some enzymes of cellular origin in blood protein fractions separated by means of continuous electrophoresis. Research on the distribution of acid phosphatases]. PMID- 13793870 TI - [Research on the distribution of glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases in blood protein fractions separated by means of continuous electrophoresis]. PMID- 13793871 TI - [Behavior of the blood protein picture in heart patients in congestive failure, after treatment with prolonged fasting]. PMID- 13793872 TI - [Localization of the rheumatoid factor in the blood proteins and its amino acid composition]. PMID- 13793873 TI - [The nosological problem of reactive depressions]. PMID- 13793874 TI - Heterogeneity of tumour ribonucleic acid and the effect of 'degranol' on it. PMID- 13793875 TI - Preliminary observations on state of insulin in human and bovine pancreas. PMID- 13793876 TI - [New possible origins of antitumoral substances]. PMID- 13793877 TI - Pulmonary fibroses: classification and pathological anatomy. PMID- 13793878 TI - Spontaneous gas gangrene of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13793879 TI - Influence of 31-Mev x-rays on excretion of nitrogen compounds in isolated liver of irradiated frogs. PMID- 13793880 TI - [Clinical and EEG demonstration of vascular insufficiency of the brain stem in various diseases]. PMID- 13793881 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of clinical vectorcardiography]. PMID- 13793882 TI - [New concepts of prevention and medical therapy in calculous cholecystitis and in cholecystectomized patients]. PMID- 13793883 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic study of serum proteins in newborn twins]. PMID- 13793884 TI - [Effect of nicotinic acid on the lipids and on the clearing factors of the blood]. PMID- 13793885 TI - [Micro-immunoelectrophoretic research in the determination of blood insulin and of antibodies to insulin]. PMID- 13793886 TI - [Plasmatic fibrinogen in the vascular complications of diabetes]. PMID- 13793887 TI - [On some aspects of diabetic metabolism and of vascular complications in the aged]. PMID- 13793888 TI - [On some aspects of metabolism of diabetes and of vascular complications in the elderly]. PMID- 13793889 TI - [On some aspects of the metabolism of diabetes and of vascular complications in the aged]. PMID- 13793891 TI - Recent advances in urology. PMID- 13793890 TI - Blood loss and role of hemostatic agents in transurethral prostatic resection. PMID- 13793892 TI - [Results of the cyclic administration of penicillin, sulphamides and dimethylaminophenazone in the prevention of septic and rheumatic endocarditis]. PMID- 13793893 TI - Serum-triglyceride levels in South African Europeans and Bantu and in ischaemic heart-disease. PMID- 13793895 TI - A study of certain microscopic features in regional enteritis, and their possible prognostic significance. PMID- 13793894 TI - [Lethal outcome in galvanocautery of the palatal tonsil]. PMID- 13793896 TI - Surgical treatment of coronary artery disease; indications and results. PMID- 13793897 TI - [Gynecology and obstetrics in Greece from the time of Hippocrates until the Byzantine period]. PMID- 13793898 TI - [One more case of Gaucher's disease]. PMID- 13793899 TI - [Relationship between clinico-roentgenological picture and hemodynamic characteristics of high defects of the interventricular septum and patent ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13793901 TI - [Thymoma in a parturient]. PMID- 13793900 TI - [Labor in women after heart surgery (commissurotomy)]. PMID- 13793902 TI - [On the pathogenesis of functional murmurs. Phenomenon of the systolic murmur in the abdominal aorta in hypertension]. PMID- 13793903 TI - [Disorder of the nervous system in acute myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13793904 TI - [Results of the treatment of sero-fibrinous tuberculous pleurisy during 1957 1958]. PMID- 13793905 TI - Determination by dialysis of spontaneous and histamine-stimulated acid secretion in the rat stomach. PMID- 13793906 TI - [On the relations between chlorpromazine and oxygen consumption in eucrinic infants and children]. PMID- 13793907 TI - The legacy of the past. PMID- 13793908 TI - Potentiation of the local Shwartzman phenomenon by trypsin. PMID- 13793909 TI - In memorian Ernst Peter Pick 1872-1960. PMID- 13793910 TI - [The surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetics]. PMID- 13793911 TI - [On hygienic evaluation of fountain pens for first to fourth grade students]. PMID- 13793912 TI - On the apoplectic conditions occurring among brain injured veterans; especially regarding the causal relationship between the injury and the vascular accident. PMID- 13793913 TI - Diagnostic significance of ventricular premature beats in acute myocardial infarction. PMID- 13793914 TI - [Carbon flour as a preventive measure in dyspepsia of infants]. PMID- 13793915 TI - [Duration of pregnancy and determination of the probable date of labor]. PMID- 13793916 TI - [Women and sports]. PMID- 13793917 TI - Observations about a histamine liberating substance in cotton dust. PMID- 13793918 TI - [Experimental animal studies on the pathogenesis of byssinosis]. PMID- 13793919 TI - [On a histamine-liberating substance in cotton dust]. PMID- 13793920 TI - Public co-operation in malaria control programme. PMID- 13793921 TI - [Experimental research on the action of 1,6-bis(beta-chloroethylamino)-1,6-desoxy D-mannitol in normal animals]. PMID- 13793922 TI - [Polycystic kidney and pregnancy. Anatomo-pathological and clinical contribution]. PMID- 13793923 TI - Transplacental naphthalene poisoning. PMID- 13793924 TI - [Mega-esophagus. Considerations on the surgical treatment: Heller's operation]. PMID- 13793926 TI - Changes of cultured cells infected with measles virus. PMID- 13793925 TI - On the responsiveness of the sweat glands in the horse. PMID- 13793927 TI - [On the method of *** of the pulmonary valves and of the ascending portion of the aortic arch in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13793928 TI - [Report on the use of cryotherapy in neurodermatitis]. PMID- 13793929 TI - [The effect of cryotherapy on the erysipelatous process in experimental and clinical conditions]. PMID- 13793930 TI - [On the methods of determination of diphtheria antitoxin in immune serums]. PMID- 13793931 TI - [Experimental study of influenza-diphtheria-whooping cough vaccine. (Part II) Immunological reaction to diphtheria and whooping cough antigen]. PMID- 13793932 TI - [Studies on immunizing properties of the diphtherial component of combined preparations]. PMID- 13793933 TI - [Phosphorus metabolism and enzymatic activity in the submaxillary glands in cats during secretory function]. PMID- 13793934 TI - [Cysts of the septum pellucidum and of the cavum vergae]. PMID- 13793935 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer (New theory and treatment)]. PMID- 13793936 TI - [On the problem of alcohol decomposition during sleep]. PMID- 13793937 TI - Hysterectomy for hydatidiform mole. PMID- 13793938 TI - Methoxypromazine in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13793939 TI - Cooking pork electronically. PMID- 13793940 TI - Halothane. Some difficulties and dangers in its administration. PMID- 13793941 TI - [On the nature of the so-called necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum]. PMID- 13793942 TI - The patello-femoral joint. Methods of diagnosis: clinical disorders and their treatment. PMID- 13793944 TI - Recurrent abdominal pain. PMID- 13793943 TI - Psychogenic disorders in children: an experiment in management. PMID- 13793945 TI - Experiences with the fluoroscopic image intensifier. PMID- 13793946 TI - A histopathologic study of hepatic lymph nodes. PMID- 13793947 TI - The enigma of "bangungut". PMID- 13793948 TI - The reversal of the inhibitory activity of L-penicillamine by branched chain amino acids. PMID- 13793949 TI - Metabolism in vitro of the sulphydryl amino acids, L- and D-penicillamine. PMID- 13793950 TI - Detection and estimation of pituitary gonadotrophins in human plasma. PMID- 13793951 TI - [Medullary complications of cancers of the larynx. Anatomo-clinical considerations. Apropos of 3 observations]. PMID- 13793952 TI - [Poliomyelitis of dysphagic onset]. PMID- 13793953 TI - [Vertigo of sinusoid origin, apropros of a case]. PMID- 13793955 TI - Responsibility for recruitment. PMID- 13793954 TI - Phosphagen in prawn muscle. PMID- 13793956 TI - Statement of the A.M.A. to the Subcommittee on problems of the aged and aging. Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee. PMID- 13793957 TI - Psychotherapy. PMID- 13793958 TI - [Concentration and exchange rate of free methionine in the rat brain]. PMID- 13793959 TI - Motivational factors in the choice of medicine as a profession by women. PMID- 13793960 TI - Meningitis following trauma to the head and face. PMID- 13793961 TI - Automatic and selective processes in the word associations of brain-damaged and normal subjects. PMID- 13793962 TI - The effect of altered psychological atmosphere on Rorschach responses: a new supplementary procedure. PMID- 13793963 TI - The word association test expanded. PMID- 13793964 TI - The concentration of glucose in mammalian liver. AB - Data on barium-zinc filtrates of liver homogenates and of boiled liver indicate that the free glucose content of liver exceeds the blood glucose level. For instance, for boiled liver, the glucose level is 10.1, compared with a blood level of 5.4 mM/kg. Method of preparation of the tissue is important for the interpretation of the final results, as has been shown in appropriate control experiments. Various methods including paper chromatography were used to show that the reducing substance in liver is glucose. The relation of the high glucose content of liver to hexokinase activity, phosphate activity, and to glucose transport between liver cell and blood is discussed. PMID- 13793965 TI - Diabetic detection. PMID- 13793966 TI - Digitalis intoxication. PMID- 13793967 TI - [Ocular manifestations in adenovirus infections]. PMID- 13793968 TI - [Tumoral exophthalmos in children. Results of the P32 test]. PMID- 13793969 TI - [Iridoschisis]. PMID- 13793970 TI - [Six years of rearing of premature infants in small pediatric ward with 50 beds]. PMID- 13793971 TI - [Incidence of non-polio-induced disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system at the Basel Kinderspital during the last 20 years]. PMID- 13793972 TI - [Anti-acetylcholine activity of "fluothane". Note I]. PMID- 13793973 TI - The incorporation of tablet lubricants in the granulating agent. I. Lubricant suspensions and emulsions. PMID- 13793974 TI - Functioning carcinoids with case report. PMID- 13793975 TI - A study of premenstrual tension in general practice. PMID- 13793976 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase and cytochrome b2 of baker's yeast: the amino acid composition of the crystalline enzyme. PMID- 13793977 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase and cytochrome b2 of baker's yeast. Enzymic and chemical properties of the crystalline enzyme. PMID- 13793978 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase and cytochrome b2 of baker's yeast. The deoxyribose polynucleotide component and the physicochemical properties of the crystalline enzyme. PMID- 13793979 TI - Toward a therapeutic community in a tuberculosis hospital. PMID- 13793980 TI - Removal of the celiac axis in gastrectomy for carcinoma of the stomach in selected cases: a ten-year assessment. PMID- 13793981 TI - Field evaluation of Clostridium botulinum type C toxoids in mink. PMID- 13793982 TI - Laboratory evaluation of a trivalent toxoid for botulism. PMID- 13793984 TI - [Considerations on the mucosal lesions of Darier's disease]. PMID- 13793983 TI - Studies of blood lipid fractions of quiescent rheumatic fever patients and their siblings. PMID- 13793985 TI - Behavioral effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan. PMID- 13793986 TI - Sodium, potassium, chloride and water content of six discrete parts of the mammalian brain. PMID- 13793987 TI - Catgut allergy in eye muscle surgery. I. Correlation of eye reaction and skin test using plain catgut. PMID- 13793988 TI - [Some epidemiological data on Chagas' disease in the Department of Elqui (Province of Coquimbo)]. PMID- 13793989 TI - Nitrofurazone in the treatment of sleeping sickness due to Trypanosoma rhodesiense. PMID- 13793990 TI - [The interconnections between the metabolism of riboflavin and amino acids containing sulfur and tryptophan]. PMID- 13793991 TI - [Dynamics of vascular conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in neurasthenic patients in relation to therapy]. PMID- 13793992 TI - Distribution of radial contractile forces in the iris of cats. PMID- 13793993 TI - Responses and distribution of the human intraocular muscles. PMID- 13793994 TI - Alterations of ego functions in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13793995 TI - Penicillin and tetracycline as contamination control agents in alcoholic fermentation of sugar cane molasses. PMID- 13793996 TI - [The importance of improving the microclimate in mines with regard to the social and economic needs]. PMID- 13793997 TI - Alteration of serum enzymes in clinical myocardial infarction. PMID- 13793998 TI - [Basic ideas on alkaline reserve and pH]. PMID- 13793999 TI - [Carcinoid of the ileum. (Apropos of a case)]. PMID- 13794000 TI - Carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13794001 TI - Sympathetic influences on circulation of the gastric mucosa of the rat. PMID- 13794003 TI - [Research on the presumed hypocholesterolemic power of unsaturated fatty acids administered to presenile atheromasic subjects]. PMID- 13794004 TI - [The role of the general practitioner. Brazil]. PMID- 13794005 TI - [Some microclimatic measurements in the forest of the "bromeliad-malaria" region in Santa Catarina, Brazil. 1--Air temperature, relative humidity and evaporation]. PMID- 13794006 TI - [Some microclimatic measurements in the forest of the "bromeliad-malaria" region in Santa Catarina, Brazil. II. Effect of shelter, extreme temperatures, daily thermic range, soil temperature, global radiation, wind velocity and deficit of saturation]. PMID- 13794007 TI - A case of fibromatosis gingivae. PMID- 13794009 TI - Radiation dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic-bomb survivors. PMID- 13794008 TI - [On the symptomatology of angioreticuloma of the cerebellum]. PMID- 13794010 TI - Experimental studies on canine distemper virus (CDV). Report 1. Experiment on the isolation of the virus in mice and embroyonated eggs and the relation of the mouse-adapted CDV to mouse-fixed measles virus and others. PMID- 13794011 TI - Experimental study on measles virus 6th report: fundamental investigation for practical application of vaccine manufactured by the mouse-fixed measles virus. PMID- 13794012 TI - Experimental breeding of white leghorn with the chlorella-added combined feed. PMID- 13794013 TI - A method for approximate estimation of tuberculin-polysaccharide in 24-hour urine of children with tuberculosis (studies on tuberculosis in infancy and childhood. 7th report). PMID- 13794014 TI - [Hemispherectomies. Apropos of 4 cases]. PMID- 13794015 TI - [Public housing projects which bear names of physicians]. PMID- 13794016 TI - [Some considerations on shock]. PMID- 13794017 TI - [Surgical approach to the optic nerve in the dog]. PMID- 13794018 TI - [Research on the protein-bound iodine of the circulating blood. V. Behavior of the blood proteinbound iodine in women with cancer of the breast and of the uterus]. PMID- 13794019 TI - [Contribution to the study of the etiopathogenesis of hypertensive retinopath. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13794020 TI - Coarctation of the aorta with secondary pulmonary hypertension and electrocardiographic evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy. PMID- 13794021 TI - [The reason for existence and psychotherapy]. PMID- 13794022 TI - [Leprology laboratory-Oswaldo Cruz Institute-The contagiousness of leprosy]. PMID- 13794023 TI - [Annotations on the phenomenology of depression]. PMID- 13794024 TI - [Ano-rectal diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13794025 TI - [Immediate care of the newborn]. PMID- 13794026 TI - [Observations on 707 premature infants of the Maternidade N.S. Nazare of the Child Clinic of Ipiranga]. PMID- 13794027 TI - [Heberto Cuenca, exemplary physician. His influence on the introduction of cardiology in Venezuela]. PMID- 13794028 TI - [Foreign bodies of the esophagus. Elements of diagnosis]. PMID- 13794029 TI - [Laryngeal obstruction in childhood]. PMID- 13794030 TI - The effect of hydergine on the cardiovascular system of elderly people: electrocardiographic and ballistocardiographic studies. PMID- 13794031 TI - Cerebral air embolism during left heart catheterization. PMID- 13794032 TI - Rare mycological findings in pathological material. PMID- 13794033 TI - [Extraordinary dilatation of both auricles in a case of double mitral lesion]. PMID- 13794034 TI - Correlation of hydramnios and anencephalus: a case report. PMID- 13794035 TI - [The dehumanization of medicine]. PMID- 13794036 TI - [Child health demography. Lectures for pediatricians and puericulturists]. PMID- 13794037 TI - Transduction of chromosomal genes and episomes in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13794038 TI - Immunologic studies of ragweed-sensitive patients. III. Clinical aspects: the relationship of reagin and hemagglutinating antibody titers to results of hyposensitization therapy. PMID- 13794039 TI - Serum sickness: serologic studies following prophylactic tetanus antitoxin. PMID- 13794040 TI - Immunologic studies of ragweed-sensitive patients. I. Specificity and sensitivity of hemagglutination reactions. PMID- 13794041 TI - Immunologic studies of ragweed-sensitive patients. II. Effect of specific hyposensitization therapy on hemagglutinating antibody titers. PMID- 13794042 TI - Respiratory tuberculosis in the Birmingham region. PMID- 13794043 TI - [Clinical manifestations of vulvovaginal candidiasis]. PMID- 13794044 TI - Influence of unilateral hypoxia on blood flow through the lungs in man in lateral position. PMID- 13794045 TI - [On the distribution of S35-labeled beta-mercaptoethylamine in the organs and tissues of irradiated and non-irradiated rats]. PMID- 13794046 TI - [Certain data on the epidemiological characteristics of Salmonella infections in Leningrad]. PMID- 13794047 TI - A cytochemical change in the rat prostate associated with aging. PMID- 13794048 TI - Production of lysergic acid derivatives by a strain of Claviceps paspali Stevens and Hall in submerged culture. PMID- 13794049 TI - [An unusual association of congenital diseases: polycystic kidney and alkaptonuria with ochronosis]. PMID- 13794050 TI - [Levocardia]. PMID- 13794052 TI - [Contribution to the study of congenital arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13794051 TI - [The electrocardiographic picture of infantile cor pulmonale. Contribution to its recognition and nosographical classification]. PMID- 13794053 TI - [Hypothalamic neurosecretion in experimental hypertension]. PMID- 13794054 TI - [Morpho-functional aspects of hypothalamic nuclei during experimental hypertension in the albino rat]. PMID- 13794055 TI - [Initial findings on oxidative metabolism "in vitro" in the brains of hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13794056 TI - [Pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13794058 TI - [Endocardial fibroelastosis (cardio-elastosis)]. PMID- 13794057 TI - [Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in healthy children]. PMID- 13794059 TI - [Apropos of gastropexy as the sole treatment of hernias of the esophageal hiatus. Nissen's operation]. PMID- 13794060 TI - [The spheroidal would produced by hydatids]. PMID- 13794061 TI - [Infectious diarrheas]. PMID- 13794062 TI - [Personal experience with zonulolysis by alpha-chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13794063 TI - Six hospital pharmacy issues seeking solutions. PMID- 13794064 TI - The formulary system vs. the new concept of 'substitution'. PMID- 13794065 TI - [Why we favor a compulsory hospitalization insurance with diagnostic services]. PMID- 13794066 TI - A residency in radiation therapy. PMID- 13794067 TI - The psychiatric approach to tuberculosis. PMID- 13794068 TI - The proteins of Hevea brasiliensis Latex. 4. Isolation and characterization of crystalline hevein. PMID- 13794069 TI - Release of histamine from mast cells by antigen-antibody reactions in vitro. PMID- 13794070 TI - Release of histamine from mast cells by blood treated with dextran. PMID- 13794071 TI - The release of histamine from the mast cells of the rat. PMID- 13794072 TI - The Oliver rehabilitation machine. PMID- 13794073 TI - Perceptual problems of C.P. children and the occupational therapist. PMID- 13794074 TI - Progressive trends in psychiatric thought. PMID- 13794075 TI - Eosinophil leucocyte-attracting effect of histamine in skin. PMID- 13794076 TI - Eosinophil leucocytes and their reactions to histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13794077 TI - The normal haemograms and coagulograms of the English thoroughbred horse. PMID- 13794079 TI - Chemical aspects of radiopaque agents. PMID- 13794078 TI - The enzymic methylation of pyrogallol. PMID- 13794080 TI - Life shortening and tumor production by strontium-90. AB - A linear relationship between dose of internal radiation and two effects, which implies no threshold, is shown to be a possible interpretation of data given by Finkel in "Mice, men and fallout" (1). This interpretation is at variance with that offered by Finkel, which was that the dose-effect relationship is nonlinear and indicates a threshold. PMID- 13794081 TI - Effect of selenium sulfide suspension on hair roots. PMID- 13794082 TI - Ameloblastoma of symphysis of mandible: report of a case. PMID- 13794083 TI - Myxoma of left maxilla. Report of a case. PMID- 13794084 TI - [The ECHO viruses and their relation to other enteroviruses]. PMID- 13794085 TI - Studies on carbohydratemetabolizing enzymes. 2. Trans-alpha-glucosylation by extracts of Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13794086 TI - Further field trials of modern antimalarials. PMID- 13794087 TI - A preliminary report on the effect of diamino-diphenyl sulphone on malaria in northern Nigeria. PMID- 13794088 TI - The appearance of P. falciparum resistant to pyrimethamine in a northern Nigerian village. PMID- 13794089 TI - Leg bracing in hemiplegia. PMID- 13794090 TI - Endocrine significance of short metacarpals. PMID- 13794091 TI - [Use of rheographic research in the field of otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13794092 TI - [Tuberculosis and pregnancy. (Report II)]. PMID- 13794093 TI - [A survey of the medical control of hemoblastoses]. PMID- 13794095 TI - Studies on the swelling of rat-liver mitochondria in relation to tumor incidence during feeding of aminoazo dyes. PMID- 13794094 TI - Fine stuctural alterations in cell particles during chemical carcinogenesis. II. Further evidence for their involvement in the mechanism of carcinogenesis. The swelling of rat liver mitochondria during feeding of amino azo dyes. AB - Swelling under carefully controlled conditions has been used to study alterations in the structure of rat liver mitochondria as a result of feeding azo dyes. The changes of the swelling properties of the mitochondria during feeding of the hepatocarcinogenic 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene are essentially comparable to those observed previously with the microsomes, under the same dietary conditions. These alterations in mitochondrial swelling are not related to changes in the amount of these cell particulates per unit weight of tissue, during feeding of this azo dye. As with the microsomes, feeding of the isomeric but relatively noncarcinogenic 2-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene does not affect swelling. The structural differences between liver and hepatoma mitochondria show up not only in the rate and extent of swelling but also in the form of the curves of pH dependence. The influence of ketones and sulfhydryl compounds on the swelling of normal liver mitochondria were studied, with particular emphasis to the role of sulfhydryl groups in membrane permeability. The sudden steep rise in the tumor incidence in groups of rats fed 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene for increasing intervals of time occurs at about 4 weeks. This time correlates with the point of the minimum swelling of microsomes and mitochondria isolated from the livers of rats fed this same dye. Thus, a correlation is established between the alterations of the swelling properties of these particulates and the carcinogenic process. PMID- 13794096 TI - [Osteoarticular tuberculosis in the Opole region]. PMID- 13794097 TI - [Intermittent complete atrioventricular block with Morgagni-Adams-Stokes type syncopal attacks, in a rheumatic carditis patient. Cortisone therapy]. PMID- 13794098 TI - [Practical concepts of cancerology. II. Catalogue of human cancers]. PMID- 13794099 TI - [Study of erythropoiesis in nephrectomized rats and those bearing a renal autograft]. PMID- 13794100 TI - [Uricemia and urinary excretion of uric acid in the course of acute leukoses]. PMID- 13794101 TI - [The role of hypercalcemia in the renal insufficiency of malignant diseases]. PMID- 13794102 TI - [Dietetics of urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13794103 TI - [Diagnostic re-operations]. PMID- 13794104 TI - [The results of the Linton operation in the treatment of post-phlebitic sequelae of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13794105 TI - [Biological activity of methyl-1, 4-benzoquinones]. PMID- 13794106 TI - [Interchangeability of the source of radiation and the object in radiological dosimetry]. PMID- 13794107 TI - Virus diseases of the respiratory tract. PMID- 13794108 TI - Phase of suppression following each retinal b-wave in flicker. PMID- 13794109 TI - Some responses of the lateral geniculate body of the rabbit to flickering light stimuli. PMID- 13794110 TI - Some types of response of single cells in the rabbit lateral geniculate body to stimulation of the retina by light and to electrical stimulation of the optic nerve. PMID- 13794111 TI - A modern accident service. PMID- 13794112 TI - Clinical trial in peptic ulceration of "stelabid", a combination of trifluoperazine (stelazine) and isopropamide iodine (tyrimide). PMID- 13794113 TI - [Phosphorylated derivatives of thiamine in the protection of the myocardium]. PMID- 13794114 TI - [The behavior of C-reactive protein in premature infants]. PMID- 13794115 TI - [Considerations on platelet agglutinability in premature infants]. PMID- 13794116 TI - [Clinical considerations on benign inoculation lymphoreticulosis or "cat scratch disease" (Description of a case)]. PMID- 13794117 TI - [Considerations on a case of neonatal melena of unusual cause: fetal peritonitis]. PMID- 13794118 TI - [Glucocorticoids and the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13794119 TI - [Glucocorticoids in collagen diseases]. PMID- 13794120 TI - [Gynecological celioscopy: clinical experience]. PMID- 13794121 TI - [The retinopathy of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13794122 TI - [The retinal periphlebitis of multiple sclerosis. (Apropos of 10 cases]. PMID- 13794123 TI - [Rhinophyma in medicine and classical art]. PMID- 13794124 TI - [The rhinopharynx and rhinopharyngeal diseases of childhood]. PMID- 13794125 TI - Observations on the dose from dental x-ray procedures with a note on radiography of the nasal bones. PMID- 13794126 TI - Observations on the dose from dental x-ray procedures with a note on radiography of the nasal bones. PMID- 13794127 TI - Silver recovery. PMID- 13794128 TI - [The determination of proteins by the biuret reaction. Determination of a specific absorption coefficient]. PMID- 13794129 TI - [Electroencephalographic sleep produced by continuous illumination in the medio pontine preparation]. PMID- 13794130 TI - [Retinal deafferentation and Chang effect]. PMID- 13794132 TI - [Diabetes in infants and children]. PMID- 13794131 TI - [Anatomical and clinical study of a case of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome]. PMID- 13794134 TI - [Parotiditis (mumps). New therapeutic focus]. PMID- 13794135 TI - [The population problem of the world and the possibilities of planned parenthood]. PMID- 13794133 TI - [The prevention of diarrhea with carob flour in artificially-fed newborn infants]. PMID- 13794136 TI - [Treatment of articular and synovial lesions with prednisolone tert butylacetate]. PMID- 13794137 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of poisoning. PMID- 13794138 TI - [Pathophysiology of varicose veins and some therapeutic conclusions]. PMID- 13794139 TI - Influence of protein diet on blood volume. PMID- 13794141 TI - [Our experience in treatment of genital prolapse]. PMID- 13794140 TI - [Cylindrical carcinoma of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13794142 TI - [Diverticulum of the female urethra]. PMID- 13794143 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in gynecology]. PMID- 13794144 TI - [On the character of the process of organization of necrotic foci in the liver during injury and stimulation of the cortical and subcortical areas of the brain]. PMID- 13794145 TI - [Contribution to the study of the sentivity of certain liver function tests in sheep]. PMID- 13794146 TI - [Liver function tests in animals. I. Chromo-excretion]. PMID- 13794147 TI - [Studies on the activity of certain blood-coagulation factors with special reference to liver function]. PMID- 13794148 TI - [Studies on pharmaceutical treasures of the past. III. Survey of the pharmaceutical products in Braunschweiger Apothekenregister]. PMID- 13794149 TI - [Studies on the drugs of former times. Part 4. Standardization, especially of "Deutsche Pharmakpoen Standard I (Chemie)"]. PMID- 13794150 TI - Haptoglobin in monkeys. PMID- 13794151 TI - Sickle cell-haemoglobin D disease in a Portuguese child. PMID- 13794153 TI - [Exploration of the bile ducts on indication or as a routine procedure in the medical treatment of cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13794152 TI - Group therapy with criminal psycho-paths. PMID- 13794154 TI - [The size of gallstones and strictures of the bile duct system]. PMID- 13794155 TI - [On the carpal tunnel syndrome]. PMID- 13794156 TI - [The house physician and amputation problems]. PMID- 13794157 TI - A simple combination direct smear and fecal concentrate for permanent stained preparations. PMID- 13794158 TI - [On the problem of tabetic crises]. PMID- 13794160 TI - [Legal obligation to report tumors. Problems and some results]. PMID- 13794159 TI - [Model psychoses]. PMID- 13794161 TI - [Prof. Dr. Robert Schroeder dead]. PMID- 13794162 TI - [On a case of Christmas disease associated with factor VII deficiency]. PMID- 13794163 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of hemoglobins. V. The hemoglobin fractions of the normal dog and their modifications following posthemorrhagic anemia]. PMID- 13794164 TI - [Studies on nutrition in Sardinia. VI. The leukocyte formula in adult male and female subjects and during the period of growth]. PMID- 13794166 TI - [Epidermal grafts]. PMID- 13794165 TI - [Research on anemia from dietary deficiencies. 1. Preliminary observations on changes in the serum protein picture, in blood iron and in hemoglobin induced by a diet deficient in proteins]. PMID- 13794167 TI - [Sympathetic and parasympathetic]. PMID- 13794168 TI - [Apropos of so-called nutritional parotid hypertrophy]. PMID- 13794169 TI - A tribute to Arthur Isaac Kendall: May 7, 1877-June 20, 1959. PMID- 13794170 TI - The dawn of histology. PMID- 13794171 TI - [Midwives today-some observations]. PMID- 13794172 TI - Glomus tumour of the gastric wall. PMID- 13794173 TI - Transposition of the viscera and sterility in men. PMID- 13794174 TI - Experimental hypoxia in dogs. PMID- 13794175 TI - [Intramedullary tumor extending from D3 to the cauda equina, associated with ascending myelitis. (Anatomo-clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13794176 TI - [Psychic complications observed in the course of the pandemia due to the Singapore A 1/57 viral strain (Asian)]. PMID- 13794177 TI - [Trigeminal neuralgia in three brothers of which two were twins]. PMID- 13794178 TI - [Measurement of atmospheric radioactivity (March 1957-December 1958). Part I]. PMID- 13794179 TI - [Measurement of environmental radioactivity (March 1957-December 1958). Part II]. PMID- 13794180 TI - [An absolute measurement of the "roentgen". Part 1]. PMID- 13794181 TI - [Anuria]. PMID- 13794182 TI - [Blood crasis in Sardinian aged]. PMID- 13794184 TI - [Nonspecific inflammatory tumors of the colon]. PMID- 13794183 TI - [Gastric adenomatosis. Total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13794185 TI - [Tumors of the orbit and of its content]. PMID- 13794186 TI - [Clinical importance in the sutdy of plasmatic 17-hydroxycorticoids]. PMID- 13794187 TI - [Salivary electrolytes in the study of adrenocortical function]. PMID- 13794188 TI - [The study, by means of a corticotropin stimulation test, of the extraadrenal factors which alter the metabolism of corticoids]. PMID- 13794189 TI - [Current trend in treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer in Great Britian]. PMID- 13794191 TI - Possible relation between carcinogenicity and ease of hydrolysis in vitro of derivatives of 2-aminofluorene. PMID- 13794190 TI - Effect of radiation on distribution of S35-labeled sulfonamide. PMID- 13794192 TI - Carisoprodol (soma); muscle relaxant properties in children with cerebral palsy. PMID- 13794193 TI - Cerebral palsy: the scope of the problem in the metropolitan area of the District of Columbia. PMID- 13794194 TI - Clinical evaluation of carisoprodol in cerebral palsy. PMID- 13794195 TI - Mammary duct stimulation by subcutaneous Ehrilich ascites tumor transplants. PMID- 13794196 TI - Mechanism of insulin resistance in KL strain of mice. II. Role of endogenous and exogenous food supplies. PMID- 13794197 TI - Individual actualization in complex organizations. PMID- 13794198 TI - The physiological activity of the skin and its response to ultrasound. PMID- 13794199 TI - Fish tapeworm in Eskimos in the Port Harrison area, Canada. PMID- 13794200 TI - An unusual tumor of the maxillary sinus. PMID- 13794201 TI - Treatment of Meniere's disease with ultrasound. PMID- 13794202 TI - [Considerations on certain aspects of the treatment of complicated cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13794203 TI - [Duodenopancreatic disorders associated with biliary diseases in the light of cholangiomanometry]. PMID- 13794205 TI - [Pinta. Early lesions]. PMID- 13794204 TI - Recent progress in the understanding of bilirubin metabolism and jaundice. PMID- 13794206 TI - [Clinical syndromes of insular tumors of the pancreas]. PMID- 13794207 TI - [Hepatitis and lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13794208 TI - [On Gibert's disease]. PMID- 13794209 TI - [On the secretion of aldosterone]. PMID- 13794210 TI - [Porphyrinuria in so-called "periodic peritonitis"]. PMID- 13794211 TI - [Reflections on the diagnosis of digestive diseases]. PMID- 13794212 TI - [Several aspects of the advances in knowledge of anemias made during the year 1959]. PMID- 13794213 TI - [Atypical epithelial changes in the seminal vesicles]. PMID- 13794214 TI - Glucagon in insulin coma therapy: its use in a small psychiatric unit of a general hospital. PMID- 13794215 TI - Some metabolic studies in quadriplegia following spinal cord injury. PMID- 13794216 TI - Quadriplegia after intrathecal injection of methylene blue. PMID- 13794217 TI - Post-traumatic personality disorders including neuroses and encephalopathy. PMID- 13794218 TI - The red cell life span in patients with cancer. PMID- 13794219 TI - The treatment of inoperable cancer of the biliary system with radioactive (I 131) rose bengal. PMID- 13794220 TI - A simplified technic for hemipelvectomy. PMID- 13794221 TI - The treatment of metastases to the liver with interstitial radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13794222 TI - [Chemotherapy in leukemia and malignant reticulosis]. PMID- 13794223 TI - [Changes of the blood picture after a single therapeutic dose of 600 mc of I 131]. PMID- 13794224 TI - [Clear technical progress in traumatology: electronic intensification of the radioscopic image]. PMID- 13794226 TI - Schizophrenic thought. PMID- 13794225 TI - Recent conceptions and misconceptions of schizophrenia. PMID- 13794227 TI - [Problems of disinfection in the prevention of mycoses]. PMID- 13794228 TI - [Certain new principles and methods in the treatment of patients with onychomycoses]. PMID- 13794229 TI - [Rapid evaluation of the virulence of tubercle bacilli by the method of tissue culture]. PMID- 13794230 TI - [On the specificity of the retarding effect of BCG administered intravenously on the appearance of tuberculin allergy]. PMID- 13794231 TI - Some pharmacological studies on the renal carbonic anhydrase activity and electrolytes excretion in the rat. PMID- 13794232 TI - Specific and sensitive assay method for vasopressin and oxytocin using glass paper chromatography. PMID- 13794233 TI - [Pheochromocytoma]. PMID- 13794234 TI - Diabetic neuritis (neuropathy). PMID- 13794235 TI - Subdural hemorrhage. PMID- 13794236 TI - [Action of polyvinylpyrrolidone on the intradermal diffusion of india ink]. PMID- 13794238 TI - [Congenital dislocation of the hip: early diagnosis, therapy and results of orthopedic therapy of children up to 5 years of age]. PMID- 13794237 TI - [The problem of edema in pregnancy and toxicosis]. PMID- 13794239 TI - Studies on pantothenic acid antagonists. PMID- 13794240 TI - Course of antibody production against tubercular proteins during combined chemotherapy. PMID- 13794241 TI - [Organization of the Psychiatry Service in the Hospital Central Militar]. PMID- 13794243 TI - [On the problem of single-stage skeletal repositioning and fixation of fragments in old and irreducible fractures of the bones of the extremities]. PMID- 13794242 TI - A contribution to the rehabilitation of the mental patient: recreation counseling. PMID- 13794244 TI - [Research on antacids]. PMID- 13794245 TI - [Incompatibilities in pharmacy]. PMID- 13794246 TI - [The standard determination of cobaltous chloride according to the Dutch pharmacopoeia, fifth edition]. PMID- 13794247 TI - [On the problem of polycystosis of the kidneys (clinical-anatomical comparisons)]. PMID- 13794249 TI - [On changes of the papillary muscle of the heart in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13794248 TI - [The pathological anatomy of the Vieussens-Rhebesius vessels in dextroposition of the bulbus of the heart (tetrology of Fallot) and their role in coronary circulation in this disease]. PMID- 13794250 TI - [Dynamics of distribution of P-32 labeled Mycobacteria tuberculosis in vaccinated and non-vaccinated guinea pigs after subcutaneous infection]. PMID- 13794252 TI - [On cycloskiascopy, skiascopia circularis]. PMID- 13794251 TI - [A case of neglected progressive exophthalmos with severe visual defect]. PMID- 13794253 TI - The maximal expiratory flow rate of normal individuals. PMID- 13794254 TI - [Protein concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13794256 TI - [Articular effusions with atypical or unexpected cytology. "Inflammatory" attacks in arthroses. Chronic synovitis with mononuclear cells]. PMID- 13794255 TI - [Hypercondensing osteoid osteoma of the clavicule or heald chronic osteomyelitis?]. PMID- 13794257 TI - [First results of an investigation concerning 40 litigated cases of "work accident" lumbalgia or lumbar sciatica]. PMID- 13794258 TI - [Arteritic and neuritic manifestations in the course of chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13794259 TI - [Results of continuous corticotherapy in 80 cases of chronic evolutive polyarthritis in adults treated for a period of from 6 months to 6 years]. PMID- 13794260 TI - Fantasy systems in twins. PMID- 13794261 TI - The structure of the deja vu experience. PMID- 13794262 TI - [On the significance of coccygeal dermoids]. PMID- 13794263 TI - Method of biological assay of compounds effective in the treatment of IRC 741 leukemia in Fischer rats. PMID- 13794264 TI - Effect of parasympathetic stimulation on the anterior segment of the cat's eye. PMID- 13794265 TI - Lessons to be learned from a glaucoma survey. PMID- 13794266 TI - Studies on intraocular effects of the orbital parasympathetic pathway. III. Effect on steady-state dynamics. PMID- 13794267 TI - The consistency of the 1955 calibration for various tonometer weights. PMID- 13794268 TI - The effect of intraocular pressure on outflow facility. PMID- 13794269 TI - [Habitual abortion. Apparent sterility. Fetal retention and placental grafts]. PMID- 13794271 TI - [Apropos of a case of cardiac traumatism]. PMID- 13794270 TI - [Pericarditis with effusion during confirmed Q fever]. PMID- 13794272 TI - [Auxinutril in the treatment of epidemic hepatitis and its sequelae]. PMID- 13794273 TI - [Remarks on the necessity of improvement of operating tables and radiographic examination tables and even of ambulance stretchers with a view to the well-being of operated and injured patients]. PMID- 13794274 TI - [The regeneration of French youth under the influence of outdoor physical culture and sports]. PMID- 13794276 TI - Treatment of desquamative gingivitis: report of a case. PMID- 13794275 TI - Rupture of the infarcted interventricular septum. PMID- 13794277 TI - [Diagnosis of jaundices]. PMID- 13794278 TI - [Hepatic cancer. Anatomo-clinical correlation]. PMID- 13794279 TI - [Scleroderma, a disease of the parenchyma]. PMID- 13794280 TI - [Gargoylism (Hurler's syndrome) in an infant with second generation congenital syphilis]. PMID- 13794281 TI - [A method for endotracheal general anesthesia in surgical interventions on experimental animals]. PMID- 13794282 TI - [Experiences with a new type of influenza remedy from the point of view of the industrial physician]. PMID- 13794283 TI - [Manifestations of the "dreamy state" in temporal epilepsy]. PMID- 13794284 TI - [Rupture of the diaphragm with incarceration of the stomach]. PMID- 13794285 TI - [Unusual picture of an osteochondrosis dissecans of both hip joints]. PMID- 13794286 TI - [Histological research on the influence of chorionic gonadotropin on mesenchymal reactivity]. PMID- 13794287 TI - Portal hypertension. PMID- 13794288 TI - [On the use of a new phenothiazine derivative: prochloroperazine]. PMID- 13794289 TI - [On conservative therapy of traumatic bursitis]. PMID- 13794291 TI - Supervisory development. Part 1--Action research. PMID- 13794290 TI - The action of acetylcholine on conduction in mammalian non-myelinated fibres and its prevention by an anticholinesterase. PMID- 13794292 TI - [Treatment of cardiac insufficiency with acetyl-digitoxin]. PMID- 13794293 TI - Experimental diabetes in rats produced by parenteral administration of antiinsulin serum. PMID- 13794294 TI - Adrenaline release during insulin hypoglycaemia in the rabbit. PMID- 13794296 TI - Dose-response relationship in radiation leukaemia. PMID- 13794295 TI - Chromatic and short term dark adaptation of the human electroretinogram. PMID- 13794297 TI - An examination of some experimental cancer data in the light of the one-hit theory of infectivity titrations. PMID- 13794298 TI - Statistics in medicine. PMID- 13794299 TI - Some personality variables in overt female homosexuality. PMID- 13794300 TI - A comparison between the behavior of Eskimos and non-Eskimos to the administration of isoniazid. PMID- 13794301 TI - Time-concentration relationships of isoniazid with tubercle bacilli in vitro. PMID- 13794302 TI - What is cor pulmonale? PMID- 13794303 TI - Clinical pulmonary function testing. PMID- 13794304 TI - Transtympanic vestibulotomy for Meniere's disease. PMID- 13794305 TI - Defective hearing in children. Part II--Defective hearing in the preschool child. PMID- 13794306 TI - Defective hearing in children. Part IV. Interpretation of the audiogram. PMID- 13794307 TI - Defective hearing in children. Part V-Evaluation of clinical data. PMID- 13794308 TI - Plasma protein. VII. Site of degradation of serum albumin. PMID- 13794309 TI - Plasma protein. VI. Catabolism in vitro. PMID- 13794310 TI - A study of post-hospitalization treatment of tuberculosis in rural western New York. PMID- 13794311 TI - The medical program of the Veterans Administration. PMID- 13794312 TI - A modified chrome-silver paraffin wax technique for staining neural end-feet. PMID- 13794313 TI - Observations on the colonial morphology of leptospires. PMID- 13794314 TI - Hypotensive action of progesterone in experimental and human hypertension. PMID- 13794315 TI - Composition of teichoic acids from a number of bacterial walls. PMID- 13794316 TI - Structure of teichoic acid from the walls of Bacillus subtilis. PMID- 13794317 TI - Flavin dissociation and inactivation of cytochrome b2 by oxygen. PMID- 13794318 TI - The incidence of glaucoma in diabetes mellitus. A comparison with the incidence of glaucoma in the general population. PMID- 13794319 TI - The complete examination of our gynecologic patients. PMID- 13794320 TI - A profile of the drug therapy of hypertension. PMID- 13794321 TI - The use of Coomassie blue in cardiac output determinations in man under anaesthesia. PMID- 13794322 TI - Surgical treatment of benign peptic ulcer: analysis of 462 cases. PMID- 13794323 TI - Current status of steroid therapy in chronic glomerulonephritis in the adult. The unnatural history of Bright's disease. PMID- 13794324 TI - Carbohydrate material in carious dentine. I. Preliminary investigations. PMID- 13794326 TI - An early medical society: the Imperial Leopoldine Academy. PMID- 13794325 TI - [The therapeutic action of a powder with a base of protein lysates and chloramphenicol in various skin lesions]. PMID- 13794327 TI - Coffee-houses and science. PMID- 13794329 TI - [The oral treatment of diabetes mellitus. II]. PMID- 13794328 TI - John Borthwick Gilchrist: a pioneer of gymnastics. PMID- 13794330 TI - [The oral treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13794331 TI - [Biophysiological repercussions of ligations of the carotid arteries. The carotid fact]. PMID- 13794332 TI - Asystem for deriving quantitative Rorshach measures of certain psychological variables, for group comparisons. PMID- 13794333 TI - [Effect of novocaine-block combined with roentgen-irradiation on the development of Brown-Pearce tumor]. PMID- 13794334 TI - [On the cortical vacuoles of oocytes of the Teleostei]. PMID- 13794335 TI - [The function of the nucleus during oogenesis of the teleost]. PMID- 13794337 TI - [Rhinogenic frontal lobe brain abscess 18 years after frontal bone osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13794336 TI - [On the treatment of urinary tract infections in gynecology]. PMID- 13794339 TI - [Indications of a segmental manifestation of a latent herpes zoster]. PMID- 13794338 TI - [Clinical-phonetical and electroacoustical studies by means of an attached tube in tonsillectomized patients]. PMID- 13794340 TI - [Apropos of a painful syndrome of the lower extremities of osteomalacio origin secondary to gastrectomy]. PMID- 13794341 TI - [A contribution to the therapy of carcinoma of the penis]. PMID- 13794342 TI - [Treatment of aberrant renal vessels]. PMID- 13794343 TI - [Diagnosis of allergy to dust]. PMID- 13794344 TI - [An internationally usable identity and health card: a suggestion]. PMID- 13794345 TI - Avulsion fracture of the os calcaneus. PMID- 13794346 TI - [Reconstruction of the finger]. PMID- 13794347 TI - Comments on the treatment of strangulated hernias. PMID- 13794348 TI - [Activities of the Scandinavian Training Hospital in Korea. Illustrated on the basis of material from the anatomopathological laboratory]. PMID- 13794349 TI - Responsibilities of the obstetrician-gynecologist in the treatment of uterine cancer. PMID- 13794350 TI - Catecholamine excretion in men exposed to cold. PMID- 13794351 TI - Burn stress pseudodiabetes. PMID- 13794352 TI - [On the scientific value of the psychotherapeutic case history]. PMID- 13794353 TI - Mesenteric cysts in infancy and childhood: review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13794354 TI - Projected symptoms of old age and present personal assessment. PMID- 13794355 TI - Some aspects of clinical judgment. PMID- 13794356 TI - [Urology]. PMID- 13794357 TI - [On physical therapy of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13794358 TI - Radiologic aspects of chemopallidectomy and chemothalamectomy. PMID- 13794359 TI - Andro-stanazole, a new orally active anabolic steroid. PMID- 13794360 TI - A laboratory evaluation of the effect of the coccidiostat, trithiadol on the growth of chickens. PMID- 13794361 TI - [Rehabilitation of poliomyelitis complications: the polio village]. PMID- 13794362 TI - [Diabetes and sanatorial treatment]. PMID- 13794363 TI - [Persistant risk of tuberculosis contamination in the child. Regarding a recent epidemic]. PMID- 13794364 TI - A salute to the Evanston fluoridation study. PMID- 13794365 TI - the present status of dental research in the study of fluorides. Summary of report. PMID- 13794366 TI - [Congenital word deafness: acoustic agnosia]. PMID- 13794367 TI - Pure-tone thresholds of professional pianists. PMID- 13794368 TI - Vocal rehabilitation of paralytic dysphonia. V. Vocal symptomatology after bilateral loss of abduction. PMID- 13794369 TI - [Hydrolysis of hexacyclic N-Lost phosphamide ester in buffered system]. PMID- 13794370 TI - [Encephalographic study of an unusual brain malformation in an infant]. PMID- 13794371 TI - [On osteodystrophia fibrosa localisata of the sternum]. PMID- 13794372 TI - Keloids: etiology, and management by excision and intensive prophylactic radiation. PMID- 13794373 TI - American medicine in Hawaii, 1820-1959. PMID- 13794374 TI - High anterior precordial lead studies. 1. Techniques and normals. PMID- 13794375 TI - Current educational standards in medical technology (consideration of the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology degree). PMID- 13794376 TI - Importance of bacteriologic methods in initiating urine cultures. PMID- 13794377 TI - Perineal prostatectomy for conservative enucleation. PMID- 13794378 TI - The vesical adaptometer: a new concept in cystometry. PMID- 13794379 TI - [The role of psychotropic drugs in the total plan of therapy in psychiatry]. PMID- 13794380 TI - [The therapy of severe forms of arterial hypertension with guanethidine]. PMID- 13794381 TI - [Clinical experiences with the neuroleptic truxal]. PMID- 13794382 TI - [Combined electroshock-tofranil therapy of melancholia]. PMID- 13794383 TI - [Expert testimony on schizophrenic disorders]. PMID- 13794384 TI - The services available for the care of old people. PMID- 13794385 TI - Otitis externa: treatment with a new topical preparation. PMID- 13794386 TI - S-methyl-L-cysteine sulphoxide: an inhibitor of aspartic acid utilization in Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 13794387 TI - The longevity of the phytotoxicant produced from gaseous ozone-olefin reactions. PMID- 13794388 TI - Diagnostic aspects of peptic ulcer. 2. Gastric exfoliative cytology: the importance of a negative examination. PMID- 13794389 TI - Gastric lesions, including exfoliative cytology: a diagnostic approach. PMID- 13794391 TI - Intraosseous phlebography. PMID- 13794390 TI - A simple synthesis of nicotinic aldehyde. PMID- 13794392 TI - [Dynamic intraosseous phlebography]. PMID- 13794393 TI - [Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Treatment possibilities and problems of the future]. PMID- 13794394 TI - Conversion of light into chemical energy in photosynthesis. PMID- 13794395 TI - Isolation of antibodies to gelatin from antigen-antibody complex by proteolysis. AB - Antibodies were isolated by digestion of the gelatin-antigelatin complex with collagenase and removal of the gelatin fragments by dialysis. The pure antibody could be precipitated anew by the antigen. Antibodies to tyrosylgelatin were isolated in a similar way, but in this case peptides containing the active antigenic sites remained bound to the antibody. PMID- 13794396 TI - Studies on the chemical basis of the antigenicity of proteins. 2. Antigenic specificity of polytyrosyl gelatins. PMID- 13794397 TI - Calming effect of the monoamine oxidase inhibitors. PMID- 13794398 TI - Clinical-pathologic conference. PMID- 13794399 TI - A problem in tropical cardiology. PMID- 13794400 TI - Proceedings of First World Conference on Medical Education. PMID- 13794401 TI - Respiratory failure. PMID- 13794402 TI - The assessment of respiratory function: survey of the problem. PMID- 13794403 TI - The proceedings of the First World Conference on Medical Education. PMID- 13794404 TI - [Neurinoma of the trigeminal nerve]. PMID- 13794405 TI - [Encephalo-retino-cutaneous vascular dysplasia. The parents of the syndrome of Bonnet, Dechaume and Blanc]. PMID- 13794406 TI - [Comitiality and hemianopsia. Hemispheric atrophy with occipital predominance]. PMID- 13794407 TI - [Melitococcal facial diplegia]. PMID- 13794409 TI - [Critical study of medical treatments of cerebral vascular accidents]. PMID- 13794408 TI - [Myoclonus of an amputation stump and reflex epilepsy]. PMID- 13794410 TI - [Unilateral velo-palato-laryngeal myorhythms]. PMID- 13794411 TI - [Study of the fixation of radioactive iodine on insulin. Influence of increasing concentrations of iodide on marking of insulin]. PMID- 13794412 TI - [Importance of radiography in the diagnosis and treatment of anal fistulae]. PMID- 13794413 TI - [Encephalomyelitis of the perivenous type with an insidious onset and a brutal bulbar outburst. Attempt to analyze the substratum of terminal cardiorespiratory paralysis]. PMID- 13794414 TI - [Multiple sclerosis in children]. PMID- 13794415 TI - [Effect of deep hypothermia on maternal behavior of the rat]. PMID- 13794416 TI - Acute noncalculous cholecystitis in children. Report of a case in seventeen day old infant. PMID- 13794417 TI - Sulphur-containing amino acids and peptides in the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum. PMID- 13794418 TI - Isolation of a tripeptide containing alpha-aminoadipic acid from the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum and its possible significance in penicillin biosynthesis. PMID- 13794419 TI - Synthesis of optical isomers of cystinylvaline. PMID- 13794421 TI - The utilization of L-cystinyl-L-valine for penicillin biosynthesis. PMID- 13794420 TI - The structure of a peptide, containing alpha-aminoadipic acid, cystine and valine, present in the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum. PMID- 13794422 TI - An effect of vitamin B12 on the biosynthesis of certain amino acids by Ochromonas malhamnesis. PMID- 13794423 TI - The effect of vitamin B12 on the metabolism of formate and certain formate precursors by the rat. PMID- 13794424 TI - [The transmission of contrasts by the optical system of the eye and the retinal thresholds of contrast]. PMID- 13794425 TI - [Apropos of non-sclerosing terminal ileitis]. PMID- 13794427 TI - [Apropos of a pheochromocytoma operated on and cured without difficulty]. PMID- 13794426 TI - [Arteriography of the coronary vessels with acetylcholine]. PMID- 13794428 TI - Systematic coronary arteriography with acetylcholine cardiac arrest. PMID- 13794429 TI - [Apropos of 28 cases of coronary arteriography with acetylcholine in humans]. PMID- 13794431 TI - [Apropos of the elective resection of the third left thoracic ganglion. Experimental and clinical records]. PMID- 13794432 TI - [Arteriographic study of the coronary vasomotricity in the animal and in man]. PMID- 13794430 TI - [Apropos of mesenteric adenitis due to Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. PMID- 13794434 TI - [Discussion on elephantiasis. Lymphographic data]. PMID- 13794433 TI - [Bases and technic of methodical coronary arteriography]. PMID- 13794435 TI - [Mesenteric adenitis due to Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. PMID- 13794436 TI - [Methodical arteriography of the coronary vessels using acetylcholine]. PMID- 13794437 TI - [Pulmonary embolectomy in cataclysmic embolisms. Apropos of 2 cases]. PMID- 13794438 TI - [Routine arteriography of the coronary vessels with the aid of acetylcholine]. PMID- 13794439 TI - [Wound of the brachial plexus caused by a bullet. Extensive paralysis. Suture. Complete recovery]. PMID- 13794440 TI - [Extensive gangrene of the sigmoid; drainage; shunt; secondary colectomy: recovery]. PMID- 13794441 TI - [The Waardenburg-Klein syndrome]. PMID- 13794442 TI - [A case of fullterm ectopic pregnancy with living baby]. PMID- 13794443 TI - [Electrocardiogram and peripheral arteriopathy: statistical review of 900 cases]. PMID- 13794444 TI - Climate and physiological weight loss of the newborn. PMID- 13794445 TI - Radiological notes. Case No. 96. PMID- 13794446 TI - [Modification of the sensitivity of ovarian follicules to gonadostimulin after hypophysectomy in the adult female rat]. PMID- 13794447 TI - [Value of Sandor's reticuloendothelial index in the diagnosis of icterus]. PMID- 13794448 TI - [Effects of hypophysectomy on the formed elements of the blood and on the serum protein equilibrium in teh water tortoise Emys leprosa Schw]. PMID- 13794449 TI - [Experimental infestation by Trichomonas vaginalis and Paracercobodo hominis in the hypophysectomized female rat. Action of progesterone and testosterone]. PMID- 13794450 TI - [Exophthalmos of the water turtle Emys leprosa Schw. induced by the destruction of the epiphysial region]. PMID- 13794451 TI - [Medullary aplasia with fatal pancytopenia caused by poisoning with diethyl p nitrophenyl thiophosphate (parathion)?]. PMID- 13794453 TI - [Variations in serum beta-globulins during experimental obstructive jaundice in the rat]. PMID- 13794452 TI - [Attempted application of electrophoresis on starch gel in clinical biology]. PMID- 13794454 TI - [Clinical and biological study of a case of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Considerations concerning the gamma-euglobulins and their nature]. PMID- 13794456 TI - [Ocular toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13794455 TI - [Critical study of liver floculation tests; their replacement by Sandor's reticuloendothelial index]. PMID- 13794457 TI - [Action of the luteinizing gonadotropin (LH fraction) on the ovary of the hypophysectomized guinea pig]. PMID- 13794459 TI - Acne vulgaris. PMID- 13794458 TI - [Hypothalamic control and localization of gonadotropic, thyrotropic and corticotropic secretions in the pituitary gland of the male guinea pig]. PMID- 13794460 TI - [Besnier's prurigo]. PMID- 13794461 TI - [Readaption and reclassification of pulmonary tuberculotics at the Societe National de Chemins de Fer (western region)]. PMID- 13794462 TI - Acute gouty arthritis precipitated by chlorothiazide. PMID- 13794463 TI - Kinetic models of aconitase action. PMID- 13794465 TI - Studies on drug resistance in mammalian cells. I. Amethopterin resistance in mouse fibroblasts. PMID- 13794464 TI - The continuous alternating chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13794466 TI - Foot of the female as a factor in marital happiness. PMID- 13794467 TI - The use of radio-frequency power in making lesions in the brain. PMID- 13794468 TI - [Our experiences with prethcamide (micoren) after lung surgery. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13794470 TI - The narcotic analgesics and their antagonists as adjuncts to barbiturate anesthesia. I. Physiological and pharmacological considerations. PMID- 13794469 TI - [On the method of investigation of the air exchange in the maxillary sinuses in highmoritis]. PMID- 13794471 TI - Chronic liver disease with a "lupus erythematosus-like syndrome". PMID- 13794472 TI - Influence of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on subjective time. PMID- 13794473 TI - Cell Wall formation in spores of the fungus Allomyces. PMID- 13794474 TI - Temperature and pH-dependent changes of electrophoretic mobility of Pasteurella pestis. PMID- 13794475 TI - Intracranial neoplasms and diabetes mellitus: data indicating an inverse syntropy. PMID- 13794476 TI - The pathology of viral myositis. PMID- 13794477 TI - Intra-abdominal haemorrhage following cholecystectomy. PMID- 13794478 TI - Intertrochanteric osteotomy in the treatment of sequels to femur neck fractures PMID- 13794479 TI - Mitral stenosis. PMID- 13794480 TI - Hunting for colonic polyps. PMID- 13794481 TI - Atraxic drugs in teh management of cardic arrhythmias. PMID- 13794482 TI - Anti-veratrinic activity of coumarin and its derivative compounds. PMID- 13794483 TI - A study on mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias. Veratrine response and antiveratrinic action as a common property of antiarrhythmic drugs. PMID- 13794484 TI - Management of childhood nephrosis. PMID- 13794485 TI - The activity of plasma prothrombin and proconvertin in acute cholecystitis. PMID- 13794486 TI - New method for manipulation, maintenance, and cloning of single mammalian cells in vitro. AB - Individual mammalian cells can be isolated with the aid of easily handled glass beads to which the cells have become attached. Procedures for the preparation of cell cultures on beads, and for the recognition and manipulation of beads carrying single monocytes, HeLa cells, and Detroit-98 cells are described. Data obtained with Brucella infected monocytes, illustrating the efficiency of the method, are presented. PMID- 13794487 TI - Ultraviolet-induced mutational changes in enzyme activity of Aspergillus terreus. PMID- 13794488 TI - [Apropos of a melanosarcoma occurring following a laceration and contusion injury of the hallux in an industrial accident]. PMID- 13794489 TI - [Treatment of paresthesic bachialgia with vasculat]. PMID- 13794490 TI - [Immunological determination of plasmatic insulin: methodological aspects]. PMID- 13794491 TI - [Study of goiter in Pamplona in relation to nutrition]. PMID- 13794492 TI - [Hirsutisms]. PMID- 13794493 TI - [Treatment of hirsutism]. PMID- 13794494 TI - [Achromycin and anaphylactic shock. (Experimental research)]. PMID- 13794495 TI - [On the action of an anterior pituitary and thyroid equilibrator (normotypin) in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13794496 TI - [Impedographic research on the isolated rabbit heart]. PMID- 13794498 TI - [A new method of clinical evaluation of the electrocardiogram (frequency analysis of the waves of the ventricular complex)]. PMID- 13794497 TI - [The radiological study of the pelvic ureter in vesical diverticulosis in relation to surgical treatment]. PMID- 13794499 TI - [The clinical significance of the frequency analysis of the ventricular complex of the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13794501 TI - [Inhibition of the stimulating action of methylthiouracil on thyrotropic hormone by one of its isobutyric derivatives]. PMID- 13794500 TI - [Action of methylthiouracil, perchlorate and 4-methyl-6-pyrimidin-2alpha thioisobutyric acid on the iodine pump of the thyroid]. PMID- 13794502 TI - [On the pharmacology of a new spasmolytic, the ethyl ester of N-(2 diethylaminoethyl)-2-ethyl-2-phenylmalonamic acid]. PMID- 13794503 TI - [The influence of iproniazid and beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine (JB516) on the narcotic effect and decomposition of hexobarbital and thiopental]. PMID- 13794504 TI - George Frederick Handel-a genius in darkness. A contribution on his ocular disease. (A memorial on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his death). PMID- 13794505 TI - Anesthesia arm boards. PMID- 13794506 TI - Primary carcinoma of the vagina. PMID- 13794507 TI - Teaching psychiatry to third-year medical students: a new concept. PMID- 13794508 TI - [Comparison of some biochemico-nutritional data obtained from pregnant women from 2 socioeconomic levels in Guatemala]. PMID- 13794509 TI - Electrophoretic pattern of hyperproteinemic sera in a population group of rural Panama. PMID- 13794510 TI - Thrombosis as the cause of delayed death in dogs that survived acute circulatory failure. PMID- 13794511 TI - [Activities of our Military Medical Corps in the Battle of May 5, 1862]. PMID- 13794512 TI - [Current functional surgery of the ear]. PMID- 13794513 TI - [Propedeutic guide in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13794514 TI - [Nervous complications appearing after absorption of a massive dose of vitamin B1 in a 4-year-old boy]. PMID- 13794515 TI - [A case of acute articular rheumatism of a cervico-sciatic form with meningeal reaction]. PMID- 13794516 TI - ["Proctalgia fugax"]. PMID- 13794517 TI - [A tally ... "of dogs'"]. PMID- 13794518 TI - [Contribution to the history of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de Mexico, through its Pathological Anatomy Section]. PMID- 13794519 TI - [Description in outline form of the crystals in urinary sediments]. PMID- 13794520 TI - [Synoptic description of renal casts]. PMID- 13794521 TI - [Synoptic picture of the cells in urinary sediments]. PMID- 13794522 TI - [Iproniazid in psychiatry]. PMID- 13794523 TI - Anomalous sensory relationship in apparently cured squints. PMID- 13794524 TI - The value of a Gluck's metallic post-operative eye shield. PMID- 13794525 TI - [Early operation in strabismus and anomalous correspondence]. PMID- 13794526 TI - [Use of selenium sulfide in the treatment of blepharitis]. PMID- 13794527 TI - [Experimental study of choleretroperitoneum. Pathological effects of bile introduced at the level of the splanchnic region]. PMID- 13794528 TI - [On the problem of the clinical aspects and pathognesis of climacteric neuroses]. PMID- 13794529 TI - [On the correlation between the cytological picture of the vaginal smear and the 24-hour excretion of estrogens in the urine in menopausal women]. PMID- 13794530 TI - [A case of folliculoma of the ovary in a 5 year old girl]. PMID- 13794531 TI - [Hormonal therapy of various forms of climacteric neuroses]. PMID- 13794532 TI - Psychic disturbances in infiltrative gliomata of the brain stem. PMID- 13794533 TI - [Sciatica paralysans, a clinical form of lumbar disk hernia. Findings on 90 surgically treated cases]. PMID- 13794535 TI - Epidermoid tumours of the brain. A clinical study. PMID- 13794534 TI - Compression of the spinal cord due to hydatid disease. PMID- 13794536 TI - Thoracic intervertebral disc protrusion: a clinical study. PMID- 13794537 TI - [Mental disorders caused by tumors of the third ventricle]. PMID- 13794538 TI - Cerebellar hematomas. PMID- 13794539 TI - [Abscesses of the protuberance]. PMID- 13794540 TI - Intraspinal tuberculous granuloma. PMID- 13794541 TI - Viscero-vegetative disturbances due to intracranial tumours or to brain surgery. PMID- 13794542 TI - [A clinical-statistical analysis of 50 operated cases of torticollis spasticus]. PMID- 13794543 TI - [Echinococcosis of the skull]. PMID- 13794544 TI - Tumors of the spine. A follow-up study of 350 patients with neurosurgical considerations. PMID- 13794545 TI - [Clinical and pathophysiological observations following extensive resections of the greater hemisphere]. PMID- 13794546 TI - [Hour-glass neurinomas of the spine]. PMID- 13794547 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of cortical insufficiency with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13794548 TI - [Journal of military medicine of the Rumanian People's Republic]. PMID- 13794550 TI - [Peri-electrotonus as the basis and the mechanism of formation of inhibition and excitation. (On bio-physical mechanism of auto-oscillation processes)]. PMID- 13794549 TI - [Tuberculoma of the lung and its therapy]. PMID- 13794551 TI - [Epidemiology of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13794552 TI - [Stapedio-fenestra ovalis surgery in otosclerosis. The surgical principle of "exclusion" of the otosclerotic lesion]. PMID- 13794553 TI - [Lambliasis in Lebanon. Parasitological and clinical investigation]. PMID- 13794554 TI - [Posttransfusion reactions in transfusion of blood and erythrocyte mass in patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13794555 TI - [Familial congenital hypoconvertinemia]. PMID- 13794556 TI - [Comparative study of electrocardiographic and electroproteinic abnormalities in acute cardiac rheumatism]. PMID- 13794557 TI - Serum leucine aminopeptidase activity: findings in carcinoma of the pancreas, pregnancy and other disorders. PMID- 13794558 TI - [Further studies on the question of the effect of ionizing radiations on antigenic properties of proteins]. PMID- 13794559 TI - [Apropos of recovery from sterility due to uterine synechia]. PMID- 13794560 TI - [Features of the development and course of peptic ulcer in the postwar period]. PMID- 13794561 TI - [On a combined method for the treatment of chronic salivary fistulae by roentgen rays and electrocoagulation]. PMID- 13794562 TI - [Terramycin in the therapy of gonorrhea]. PMID- 13794563 TI - [Oxyhemometry in pneumonias in children during oxygen therapy]. PMID- 13794564 TI - [Acute obstruction of the mesenterial vessels]. PMID- 13794565 TI - [Treatment of deformation and sequelae of trauma of the cervix uteri by restorative plastic surgery]. PMID- 13794566 TI - A review of some ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) of sea birds. Part II. The taxonomic problems associated with the Ixodes auritulus-percavatus group of species. PMID- 13794567 TI - A review of some ticks (Acarina: Ixodidae) of sea birds. Part III. A re description of the male of Ixodes kerguelenensis Andre and Colas-Belcour, 1942. PMID- 13794568 TI - A phytochemical survey of the Hong Kong medicinal plants. PMID- 13794569 TI - The technology of in vitro staining of nerves in human skin with thiazin dyes. PMID- 13794570 TI - [Surgical treatment of tumors of the pancreas]. PMID- 13794571 TI - [Notes on the history of medicine in Cuba until the establishment of the Real Protomedicato]. PMID- 13794572 TI - [Morphology of mitochondria in compensatory renal hypertrophy]. PMID- 13794573 TI - [Results of parenteral therapy with royal jelly in comparison with iontophoresis]. PMID- 13794574 TI - [Recurrence of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13794575 TI - [On the local effects of estriol]. PMID- 13794577 TI - [Autonomic nervous exhaustion, a current gynecological disease]. PMID- 13794578 TI - [The significance of vegetative study in gynecological endocrinology]. PMID- 13794576 TI - [Local and central effects of the new progesterone]. PMID- 13794579 TI - [The vegetative initial position and the ovarian cycle]. PMID- 13794580 TI - [The vegetative reaction status in gynecological endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13794581 TI - Dietary fats and effects of internal radiation by P32. PMID- 13794582 TI - Fatty acid oxidation in the livers of rats receiving DL-ethionine. PMID- 13794583 TI - Mechanism of action of choline. PMID- 13794584 TI - [Obesity associated with cardiorespiratory insufficiency (Pickwick syndrome)]. PMID- 13794585 TI - [Serum beta-glucuronidase activity in hyperthyroid subjects]. PMID- 13794586 TI - [Clinical hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13794587 TI - [Diuretics in the treatment of congestive heart failure]. PMID- 13794588 TI - Serum transaminase activity as an index of liver cell destruction. PMID- 13794589 TI - A clinical evaluation of methoxyflurane in man. PMID- 13794590 TI - A reappraisal of the exposure method in the treatment of burns, donor sites and skin grafts. PMID- 13794591 TI - A practical guide to fluid therapy in burns. PMID- 13794592 TI - A practical guide to fluid therapy in burns. PMID- 13794593 TI - Early grafting of the burn patient. PMID- 13794595 TI - The metabolic response to injury. PMID- 13794594 TI - Management of patient with multiple injuries. PMID- 13794596 TI - The effect of division of the chorda tympani nerve in a case of persistent positional vertigo and some observations and comments. PMID- 13794597 TI - [Problems of prevention and therapy of cardiovascular diseases in scientific popular literature]. PMID- 13794598 TI - [Characteristics of the reaction of the hemopoietic system to the administration of campolon in various conditions of the organism]. PMID- 13794600 TI - [A method for the preparation of permanent histological specimens for lumines cence microscopy]. PMID- 13794599 TI - [Certain problems of practical vitaminology]. PMID- 13794602 TI - [Eczema and its present therapy]. PMID- 13794601 TI - [On the problem of keratocanthoma]. PMID- 13794603 TI - Effect of severe nervous stimulation on the morphology and function of the adrenal cortex. PMID- 13794604 TI - [The effect of stress nerve irritation on the structure and function of the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13794605 TI - Changes of hypothalamic neurosecretion under the influence of overloading nervous impulses. PMID- 13794606 TI - [Peroperative radiological exploration of the abdominal viscera with contact film]. PMID- 13794607 TI - [The activity of provincial physicians in Vasterbotten. An analysis of the patient material]. PMID- 13794608 TI - [Casuistic contribution to the study of intramural tumors of the velum (Intramural tumors with fibromatous structure)]. PMID- 13794609 TI - [Contribution to the study of imitation in children]. PMID- 13794610 TI - A method for recording general activity of mice. PMID- 13794611 TI - [The hypothalamo-pitultary neurosecretory system of teleosts]. PMID- 13794612 TI - [Contribution to the histoenzymology of Harder's glands in the albino rat]. PMID- 13794613 TI - [Contribution to the histoenzymology of the liver. II. Hepatic enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucides]. PMID- 13794614 TI - [Contribution to the histoenzymology of the ovary]. PMID- 13794615 TI - [Contribution to the study of pancreatic zinc and its histochemical detection]. PMID- 13794616 TI - [Histoenzymologic research on the pancreas of Vipera berus L. and V. aspis L. (Ophidians)]. PMID- 13794617 TI - [Histoenzymological data on the digestive tube of Scophthalmus maximus L. (teleost: Bothidae)]. PMID- 13794618 TI - [Histoenzymological data on the langerhansian tissue of Anas boschas L]. PMID- 13794619 TI - [Pancreatic histo-enzymology]. PMID- 13794620 TI - Studies on the ultrastructure of dental tissues. I. Some microstructural details of the dentine. PMID- 13794621 TI - The significance of the innervation of the predentine. PMID- 13794622 TI - Pyloric stenosis. (A case report of a female African infant in Uganda). PMID- 13794624 TI - [Diverticula of the jejunum]. PMID- 13794623 TI - [The endometrium in functional hemorrhages]. PMID- 13794625 TI - Localized carcinoma of the appendix: appendectomy versus hemicolectomy. PMID- 13794626 TI - Experimental studies on the local passive transfer of tuberculin hypersensitivity. Report I. Tuberculin hypersensitivity induced by intracutaneous injection of homologous cells, previously mixed with antigen. PMID- 13794627 TI - Experimental studies on the local passive transfer of tuberculin hypersensitivity. Report II. Tuberculin hypersensitivity induced in normal animal skin by injection of heterologous cells mixed with antigen. PMID- 13794628 TI - Prefreezing as a method enabling animals to survive freezing at an extremely low temperature. PMID- 13794629 TI - Influences of excessive exercise on the structure and function of rat organs. PMID- 13794630 TI - The passive muscle relaxation in parkinsonism: myographic studies of the pathophysiology of the rigor. PMID- 13794632 TI - A simple method of decalcification of bone. PMID- 13794631 TI - Dephosphorylation of adenosine triphosphate in actin solutions at low concentrations of magnesium. PMID- 13794633 TI - [Changes in the therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. A report on 1 year of therapy and prophylaxis with the kallikrein- and trypsin inactivator trasylol (Bayer)]. PMID- 13794634 TI - [Changes in therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. Peroperative and postoperative protection with inhibitory substances as a prophylaxis against pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis]. PMID- 13794635 TI - [The influence of superinfection of pertussis on experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13794636 TI - Inhibitory actins of gamma-aminobutyrylcholine. PMID- 13794637 TI - Some effects of disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate on the growth of transplantable mouse tumors. PMID- 13794638 TI - Unitary study on evoked activity of callosal neurons and its effect on pyramidal tract cell activity on cats. PMID- 13794639 TI - [The use of enzymes for the study of biological material]. PMID- 13794640 TI - Pseudomonas infections in infants and children. PMID- 13794641 TI - On the pathogenesis of circumscribed myxoedema. PMID- 13794643 TI - Dermatologic aspects of modern mesenchymology. PMID- 13794642 TI - Blister-spread induced by finger-pressure, a diagnostic sign in pemphigus. PMID- 13794644 TI - Diabetic hyperlipemia with eruptive xanthomatosis and lipid deposition in striae gravidarum. PMID- 13794646 TI - Hypertrophic scars and keloids. Etiology, pathogenesis and dermatologic therapy. PMID- 13794645 TI - Holger Haxthausen, 1892-1959. PMID- 13794647 TI - On the pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus and other dermatologic mesenchymoses. PMID- 13794648 TI - Persistent dermal degeneration after chloroquine-cure of chronic discoid Iupus erythematosus. PMID- 13794649 TI - Persistent dermal degeneration after chloroquine-cure of chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13794650 TI - Scleroderma in carcinoid syndrome. PMID- 13794651 TI - The pathogenesis of cutaneous myxedema. PMID- 13794652 TI - Urticaria pigmentosa with generalized tissue mastocytosis and blood basophilia. PMID- 13794653 TI - [Bullous keratogenous and pigmentary dermatitis with blood eosinophilia in newborn girls]. PMID- 13794654 TI - [The problem of uterine rupture in modern obstetrics]. PMID- 13794655 TI - Action of mephentermine when injected into isolated head or coronary circulations. PMID- 13794656 TI - [Genetic aspects of hemolytic anemias in their skeletal repercussions]. PMID- 13794657 TI - [Importance of the determination of transaminases in cardiology. Clinical case]. PMID- 13794658 TI - [Intraval-oxytocin anesthesia in the last stage of labor, especially in asphyxia of the fetus]. PMID- 13794659 TI - [On the use and results of interpositio uterl vesicovaginalis according to the Schauta-Wertheim method]. PMID- 13794660 TI - About nystagmus recording. PMID- 13794661 TI - [Etiological considerations in the treatment of complete heart block]. PMID- 13794662 TI - A common information source for all resistance problems in biology is urgently needed in view of the paucity of effective countermeasures to insecticide resistance. PMID- 13794663 TI - A review on resistance-induced enhanced susceptibility in insects, with some notes on similar phenomena (especially "collateral sensitivity") in microorganisms. PMID- 13794664 TI - [Ways to obtain peripheral discharges by cortical stimulation in the cat]. PMID- 13794665 TI - Adsorption and active transport. PMID- 13794666 TI - Ion adsorption and excitation. PMID- 13794667 TI - Ion adsorption and excitation. II. PMID- 13794668 TI - [Use of the Pean-Billroth I method in surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13794669 TI - [Venous circulatory disorders in arteriovenous fistulas and anastomoses]. PMID- 13794670 TI - [Electroshock therapy in barbiturate narcosis and succinylcholine]. PMID- 13794671 TI - [Clinical contribution to chemotherapy of depressive syndromes with nosographical considerations]. PMID- 13794672 TI - [Milieu psychotherapy]. PMID- 13794673 TI - [Alkaline phosphatases in bone and bone marrow in osteolathyrism in rats]. PMID- 13794674 TI - [Study of stromal lipids and proteins and of hemoglobin in proteindeficient rats]. PMID- 13794675 TI - [Influence of the fat content of the diet on anemia and hemolysis as well as on the levels of serum proteins, cholesterol and phopsholipids in protein-deficient rats]. PMID- 13794676 TI - [Some findings on thyroid function studied by means of radioiodine in rats deficient in proteins]. PMID- 13794677 TI - Some new experimental data on the role of the adrenals in the regulation of blood eosinophilia. PMID- 13794678 TI - [Development of basal metabolism during protein inanition and during reparation of this deficiency in the rat. Action of thyroxin and cortisone]. PMID- 13794679 TI - [Effects of thyroidectomy and thyroxin injection on the electrophoretic fractions of blood proteins as well as on the weight of the liver and lymphoid organs in the male rat]. PMID- 13794680 TI - [Interactions between adrenaline, ACTH and cortisone in the regulation of blood eosinophilia]. PMID- 13794681 TI - [Protection by alimentary casein against osseous lesions of lathyrism in the male rat. Reduced protection in the female rat and the castrated male rat]. PMID- 13794682 TI - [Protection exerted by casein against osteolathyrism in the male rat. Reduced protection in the female rat and in the castrated male rat]. PMID- 13794683 TI - [Quantitative changes of blood proteins after orchidectomy alone or associated with adrenalectomy and after injections of testosterone propionate in castrated or castrated adrenalectomized male rats]. PMID- 13794684 TI - [Some experimental data on the reciprocal relation between adrenalin, cortisone and ACTH in the regulation of blood eosinophilia]. PMID- 13794685 TI - Effects of androgens and oestrogens on the metabolism of proteins and the growth of tissues. PMID- 13794686 TI - [Action of sex hormones on alcohol consumption in the rat]. PMID- 13794687 TI - [Inhibitory action of an estrogenic hormone on the spontaneous ingestion of alcohol by the rat]. PMID- 13794688 TI - [The spontaneous consummation of alcohol in the rat in the course of the estrus cycle]. PMID- 13794689 TI - [Anisotropy of the skin for heat transfer]. PMID- 13794690 TI - [The cooling of human extremities]. PMID- 13794691 TI - [Electroencephalographic, electromyographic, and blood enzyme aspects, and therapeutic perspectives in progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13794692 TI - [The cystoscopic diagnosis of preneoplastic lesions of the bladder]. PMID- 13794693 TI - [Urological aid to paraplegics following spinal cord injury today]. PMID- 13794694 TI - [What the urologist can and should do for the paraplegic with vertebral injury]. PMID- 13794695 TI - Sequential changes in the titer of Newcastle disease virus in tissues-a measure of the defense mechanism of the chicken. PMID- 13794696 TI - Growth in the bovine Graafian follicle. PMID- 13794697 TI - [Dynamics of double medicinal resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients with cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13794698 TI - [Contemporary status and immediate problems in the field of epidemiology, prophylaxsis, clinical aspects and treatment of patients with cavernous tuberculosis of the lungs in the RSFSR]. PMID- 13794699 TI - [Present state and immediate problems in the field of epidemiology, prevention, clinical aspects and therapy of patients with cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in RSFSR]. PMID- 13794700 TI - [Recent points of view in the treatment of old-age conditioned infirmities]. PMID- 13794701 TI - [Roentgenological analytical technics used in the x-ray laboratory of the Philips light bulb factory at Eindhoven, Holland]. PMID- 13794702 TI - The role of the hygienist in the detection of disease. PMID- 13794703 TI - Stimulation and inhibition of reticulum contractions, rumination and parotid secretion from the forestomach of conscious sheep. PMID- 13794704 TI - Psychiatric problems in patients undergoing radiation therapy. PMID- 13794705 TI - [The effect of low concentrations of estradiol and testosterone on the gonadal differentiation of Salmo trutta L]. PMID- 13794706 TI - Gustatory sweating and pilomotor changes. PMID- 13794707 TI - The brain as regulator. PMID- 13794708 TI - 5-Hydroxyindoles in human cerebrospinal fluids. PMID- 13794710 TI - A comparison between a syringe-passaged and a tsetse-fly-transmitted line of a strain of Trypanosoma rhodesiense. PMID- 13794709 TI - The experimental infection of some African wild animals with Trypanosoma rhodesiense, T. brucei and T. congolense. PMID- 13794711 TI - A critical review of the epidemiology of human trypanosomiasis in Africa. PMID- 13794712 TI - The Tinde experiment: a further study of the long-term cyclical transmission of Trypanosoma rhodesiense. PMID- 13794713 TI - The sex ratio of infected flies found in transmission experiments with Glossina morsitans and Trypanosoma rhodesiense and T. brucei. PMID- 13794714 TI - The adherence between the free end of the bovine penis and its sheath. PMID- 13794715 TI - Budget now for your retirement. PMID- 13794716 TI - How are your public relations? PMID- 13794717 TI - How to move your office efficiently. PMID- 13794718 TI - Rx for office leases. PMID- 13794719 TI - So doctor, you're going to buy a farm.... PMID- 13794720 TI - Rubella in pregnancy. PMID- 13794721 TI - Education for industrial (occupational) medical practice. PMID- 13794722 TI - Dyschondroplasia with hemangioma (Maffucci's syndrome): report of a case complicated by brain tumor. PMID- 13794723 TI - Clinical sense. The use of the five senses. PMID- 13794724 TI - Is your prescription really necessary? PMID- 13794725 TI - Making sense. PMID- 13794726 TI - Malingering. PMID- 13794727 TI - Sense and sensibility. PMID- 13794728 TI - Talking sense. PMID- 13794729 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of myxoedema. PMID- 13794730 TI - Two cases of endocrine disease presenting as psychiatric problems. PMID- 13794731 TI - Seromucoid determination: variables and modifications. PMID- 13794732 TI - The myth of tubal and endometrial transplantation. PMID- 13794733 TI - Serum complement levels in systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases. PMID- 13794734 TI - Ranula: (cysts in the floor of the mouth) treatment by radiation. PMID- 13794735 TI - Glosso-cervical cyst of unusually large size. PMID- 13794736 TI - A study of the repeatability of ventilatory tests, anthropometric measurements, and answers to a respiratory symptoms questionnaire in working coal-miners. PMID- 13794737 TI - The treatment of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia with procaine amide. PMID- 13794738 TI - Postirradiation protection of x-irradiated mice with olive oil. PMID- 13794739 TI - Studies on the amine oxidase in the liver and other tissues of rats fed with 4 dimethylaminoazobenzene. PMID- 13794740 TI - [Experience in obtaining large quantities of universal anti-Rh serum]. PMID- 13794741 TI - [Foreign bodies in the upper respiratory tract in children from data of the otorhinolaryngological division of the Raukhfus Children's Hospital for 33 years (1926-1958)]. PMID- 13794742 TI - [The change in hemopoiesis in congestive splenomegaly with and without denervation of the spleen]. PMID- 13794743 TI - Aseptic meningitis. PMID- 13794744 TI - Epidemiology of hospital centered infections. PMID- 13794745 TI - Good grooming. PMID- 13794746 TI - Renal agenesis and dysgenesis. PMID- 13794747 TI - Nuclear sex in species showing male homogamety. PMID- 13794749 TI - The effects of nucleic acids on homograft tolerance. PMID- 13794748 TI - Are ovarian pregnancies parthenogenetic? PMID- 13794750 TI - Transplantation of the parotid duct for xerophthalmia. PMID- 13794751 TI - Further studies on the application of monomolecular cellulose filter tubes to create artificial tendon sheaths in the hand and wrist. PMID- 13794752 TI - Lymphoid polyps (benign lymphoma) of the rectum and anus. PMID- 13794753 TI - Measles in general practice, January-April 1959. PMID- 13794754 TI - Right atrial myxoma. Diagnosis during life: successful surgical removal. PMID- 13794755 TI - [Dynamics of nervous processes during various methods of instruction in gymnastic exercises]. PMID- 13794756 TI - Effect of hormones on alternate pathways of glucose utilization in isolated tissues. PMID- 13794757 TI - Physiology of glucose-6-phosphate utilization: role of adrenal steroids. PMID- 13794758 TI - An unusual cause of death following surgery for ventricular septal defect. PMID- 13794759 TI - Delay in the diagnosis of oesophageal atresia. PMID- 13794760 TI - Cytopathology in cancer. PMID- 13794761 TI - Momentum spectrum of cosmic rays at sea-level. PMID- 13794762 TI - Arterial perfusion in the lower limb as an aid to vascular surgery. PMID- 13794763 TI - A method for the quantitative study of the surface precipitation reaction. PMID- 13794764 TI - Thread protein and beta-globulin polymorphism in the serum proteins of pigs. PMID- 13794765 TI - beta-Globulin alleles in some zebu cattle. PMID- 13794766 TI - Pathological examination of a human eye containing an anterior chamber acrylic implant. PMID- 13794767 TI - Diabetic retinopathy: a new approach. PMID- 13794768 TI - Larval granulomatosis of the retina due to Toxocara. PMID- 13794769 TI - Treatment of nighttime itching with a new oral antipruritic: a controlled study. PMID- 13794770 TI - [V. I. Lenin and the development of the socialistic theory of public health]. PMID- 13794772 TI - Effect of reserpine on adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13794771 TI - Uronic acid metabolism in bacteria. I. Purification and properties of uronic acid isomerase in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13794773 TI - Acetylcholine on quinidine treated atria. PMID- 13794775 TI - Peyronie's disease. PMID- 13794774 TI - Rat brain glutathione and pyridoxine deficiency. PMID- 13794776 TI - Epithelium of normal cervix uteri studied with electron microscopy and histochemistry. PMID- 13794777 TI - The fine structure of nuclei in certain human malignant neoplasms. PMID- 13794778 TI - Lipid absorption, transport and hepatic assimilation with electron microscopy. PMID- 13794779 TI - Studies of lipid absorption and utilization in normal and pathologic conditions. PMID- 13794780 TI - Age changes in the renal basement membrane in rats. PMID- 13794781 TI - The care of old people in general practice. PMID- 13794782 TI - Right-sided pain caused by adhesions of the colon. PMID- 13794783 TI - Gas agitation in silver recovery. PMID- 13794784 TI - Radiography in the Singapore health service. A report to council of a visit to Singapore at the invitation of the Singapore government between December 11 and December 19, 1959. PMID- 13794785 TI - Symposium on the use of medical auxiliary services. (c) Radiography in the National Health Service. PMID- 13794786 TI - [Enzymatic activity of saliva in dog]. PMID- 13794787 TI - ["Foreign body" of the common bile duct, "postnecrotic, dissecting and exfoliative cholecystitis"]. PMID- 13794788 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of contact dermatitis caused by phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13794789 TI - [Remarks on contact dermatitis caused by phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13794791 TI - Contribution to the pathogenesis of the syndrome of restless legs. PMID- 13794790 TI - A study of 50 fatal cases of coma hepaticum in cirrhosis of the liver with special regard to gastrointestinal hemorrhage as eliciting cause. PMID- 13794792 TI - Involvement of the ear in a case of arteriovenous aneurysm. PMID- 13794793 TI - Migraine as a deadly disease. PMID- 13794794 TI - On torsion as a fundamental feature of certain lesions of the brain. PMID- 13794795 TI - [A case of a brain tumor (parasagittal meningioma) in ancient Egypt]. PMID- 13794796 TI - [Irresponsible journalism]. PMID- 13794797 TI - [Certain neurological complications in congenital defects of the heart in chidren]. PMID- 13794798 TI - [Abscess of the brain and Fallot's syndrome]. PMID- 13794799 TI - [Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy of extra-pulmonary etiology]. PMID- 13794800 TI - [Electrocardiostimulation and defibrillation]. PMID- 13794801 TI - [Life-endangering conditions caused by the sensitization to penicillin]. PMID- 13794802 TI - [Myocardial infarct in shock produced by snake bite]. PMID- 13794803 TI - [Vectorcardiography and electrocardiography]. PMID- 13794804 TI - [Congenital hemolytic anemia with leukopenia persisting after excision of the spleen]. PMID- 13794805 TI - The effect of electroshock on the water secretion test. PMID- 13794806 TI - [The main clinical manifestations of the side-effects of antibiotics]. PMID- 13794807 TI - [The results of decontamination of the Ufa water supply with ultraviolet rays with the aid of the AKKh unit]. PMID- 13794808 TI - Subarachnoid hemorrhage in meningiomas of the lateral ventricle. PMID- 13794809 TI - [On echinococcosis of the lungs and its surgical treatment]. PMID- 13794810 TI - Special problems connected with group psychotherapy in a psychiatric clinic. PMID- 13794811 TI - Methodological considerations on psychosomatic research. PMID- 13794812 TI - A challenging decade ahead. PMID- 13794814 TI - Eight steps to better old age. PMID- 13794813 TI - A human look at aging. PMID- 13794815 TI - Medicine-the decisive decade. PMID- 13794816 TI - [Idiopathic chronic jaundice. Further considerations and presentation of 12 cases]. PMID- 13794817 TI - [Changes of capillary permeability in arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13794818 TI - [The influence of prolonged novocaine therapy on differntial capillary permeability]. PMID- 13794820 TI - [The Felty syndrome. Etiopathogenetic and therapeutic considerations based on an observed case]. PMID- 13794819 TI - The action of procaine (H3 substance) during experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits. PMID- 13794821 TI - Aspects of ulcer disease and therapeutic results per age-decades. Novocain therapy (H3 substance). PMID- 13794822 TI - Experimental investigations on the eutrophic action of novocain. PMID- 13794824 TI - [On the possibility of dermatoplasty following excision of cancerous tumors]. PMID- 13794823 TI - The therapeutics of old age. PMID- 13794825 TI - The development of cleft palate resulting from maternal pteroylglutamic (folic) acid deficiency during the latter half of gestation in rats. PMID- 13794826 TI - [On the participation of the vagus nerve in the realization of the second phase of gastric secretion]. PMID- 13794827 TI - [The content of cobalt in the organism of pregnant women and of the fetus in normal pregnancy and labor and in pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13794828 TI - [The veins of the rectum in man]. PMID- 13794829 TI - Air passage through the hypopharynx in unconscious patients in the prone position. PMID- 13794830 TI - [Treatment of cervico-facial actinomycosis with biomycin (chlortetracycline)]. PMID- 13794831 TI - On rare congenital deformities of the thoracic wall. PMID- 13794832 TI - [The Stanford-Binet test in the determination of high intellectual level]. PMID- 13794833 TI - Toxic action of organophosphorus compounds and esterase inhibition in houseflies. PMID- 13794835 TI - [A child does not speak]. PMID- 13794834 TI - [On a case of Marfan's synrome associated with the Lightwood syndrome]. PMID- 13794837 TI - [Overloading of school children]. PMID- 13794836 TI - [Epilepsy in childhood]. PMID- 13794838 TI - [Peptic ulcer in school children]. PMID- 13794839 TI - [Practical problems in intersexuality in childhood]. PMID- 13794840 TI - [Sleep disorders in school children]. PMID- 13794841 TI - [Dystopia of the pulmonary vein. (With report of a case)]. PMID- 13794842 TI - Sulphur hexafluoride pneumoperitoneum. PMID- 13794843 TI - Structural chemistry of the hemicelluloses. PMID- 13794844 TI - [Statistics in the service of medical science]. PMID- 13794845 TI - [The sequelae of lateral hemisection of the medulla oblongata in puppies and adult dogs]. PMID- 13794846 TI - [Recent data on the significance of the force and order of pairing stimuli in the formation and preservation of conditioned reflex connections]. PMID- 13794847 TI - [Effect of aglycones of cardiac glycosides on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13794848 TI - Bilateral tubal pregnancy. PMID- 13794849 TI - Hypotensive effects of iproniazid and carboxazid. PMID- 13794850 TI - Renal function in human pregnancy. II. Effects of venous pooling on renal hemodynamics and water, electrolyte, and aldosterone excretion during gestation. PMID- 13794851 TI - Renal function in human pregnancy. III. Effects of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on renal hemodynamics and water and electrolyte excretion near term and post partum. PMID- 13794852 TI - Toxemia-like syndromes in animals: spontaneous and experimental. PMID- 13794853 TI - Measurement of uterine blood flow and uterine metabolism. VIII. Uterine and fetal blood flow and oxygen consumption in early human pregnancy. PMID- 13794854 TI - Changes in renal and urinary alkaline phosphatase content following x-irradiation of the rat kidney. PMID- 13794855 TI - Effects of sodium metabisulphite, antibiotics, and gamma irradiation on the shelflife of prepeeled potatoes at room temperature. PMID- 13794856 TI - Child guidance, the exceptional child, and the school system. PMID- 13794857 TI - Daily mortality in four species of New Guinea anophelines. PMID- 13794858 TI - Some notes on mosquitoes collected on Frederik Hendrik Island (Netherlands New Guinea). PMID- 13794859 TI - [Study, by means of radiooidine I-131, of thyroid function in the male Peking duck during autumn and winter. I. Thyroid fixation and labeled iodine binding to proteins (P.B.I.)]. PMID- 13794860 TI - [Some recent aspects of tuberculin diagnosis]. PMID- 13794861 TI - [Neurological complications of anti-rabies vaccination]. PMID- 13794862 TI - Chromosomal constitution and nuclear sex of a true hermaphrodite. PMID- 13794863 TI - [On a case of cecal fecaloma simulating a proliferating disease]. PMID- 13794864 TI - [Further use of dialysis in the determination of ammonia in the blood]. PMID- 13794865 TI - [Lighted speculums for gynecological use]. PMID- 13794866 TI - [Treatment of traumatic shock combined with radiation injury]. PMID- 13794867 TI - [On the oxygen consumption of irradiated normal and leukemic leukocytes]. PMID- 13794868 TI - Biopsy of the normal intestine. PMID- 13794869 TI - [Presence of a granular pigment in the mucosa of the small intestine of man]. PMID- 13794870 TI - [Physiopathology and clinical aspects of thalassaemia]. PMID- 13794871 TI - [Clinical manifestations of side effects of hormones in clinical management of internal diseases]. PMID- 13794872 TI - [Treatment of infective non-specific polyarthritis with prednisone and prednisolone]. PMID- 13794873 TI - [Cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13794874 TI - The cross-beta configuration in supercontracted proteins. PMID- 13794875 TI - [Notes on ultracentrifugation. I. Sedimentation]. PMID- 13794876 TI - The metabolism of phenolic antioxidants. 2. The metabolism of butylated hydroxyanisole in the rat. PMID- 13794877 TI - [Hemorrhagic pericarditis in Chagas' disease]. PMID- 13794878 TI - [Technic of aponeurectomy in Dupuytren's disease]. PMID- 13794879 TI - [Glomerular and tubular examination during perfusion]. PMID- 13794880 TI - [Influence of glutamic acid on the renal elimination of a water-salt overload]. PMID- 13794882 TI - [Renal elimination of a water and mineral overload in nephrectomized rabbits]. PMID- 13794881 TI - [Influence of saline perfusions on arterial pressure and on respiratory and cardiac rhythm]. PMID- 13794883 TI - Total hemoglobin in the chick embryo developing in different oxygen tensions. PMID- 13794884 TI - The effects of combinations of ataraxics with hypnotics, LSD and iproniazid in the mouse. PMID- 13794885 TI - [On an epidemic of interstitial and suppurative pneumonia and of mixed forms]. PMID- 13794886 TI - [The carpal tunnel syndrome. Criteria of evaluation in military pensions]. PMID- 13794887 TI - Effects of chloramphenicol on ribonucleic acid metabolism in T2-infected Escherichia coli. PMID- 13794888 TI - [Detoxification of the urine by dialysis in the determination of chorionic gonadotropins]. PMID- 13794889 TI - [Protection of the eye in close focus x-ray therapy of tumors of the eyelid]. PMID- 13794890 TI - Intermittent muscular work. PMID- 13794891 TI - Myohemoglobin as an oxygen-store in man. PMID- 13794892 TI - Aerobic work capacity in men and women with special reference to age. PMID- 13794893 TI - Breath holding during and after muscular exercise. PMID- 13794894 TI - [How quickly does the Swedish people's condition deteriorate?]. PMID- 13794895 TI - A study of pressure-time curves obtained in the occluded renal artery in cats at different venous pressures. PMID- 13794896 TI - [Complications in oral treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfonylurea derivatives]. PMID- 13794897 TI - [Dermoid cyst of the posterior mediastinum]. PMID- 13794898 TI - [On echinococcosis of the lungs]. PMID- 13794899 TI - [The war of 1870-71 and medicine]. PMID- 13794900 TI - A follow-up of 270 patients with acute affective psychoses. PMID- 13794901 TI - The influence of hospital facilities and other local factors upon admissions to psychiatric hospitals. PMID- 13794902 TI - The effects of ataraxic drugs on schizophrenic subgroups related to experimental findings. PMID- 13794903 TI - [Reflexological studies of the pathophysioloical bases of psychiatric diseases]. PMID- 13794904 TI - The acid-base metabolism. A new approach. PMID- 13794905 TI - Thromboplastic and fibrinolytic activity of the human aorta. PMID- 13794906 TI - The fibrinolytic system in human blood, as exemplified in a case of agammaglobulinemia and a case of macroglobulinemia. PMID- 13794907 TI - Fibrinolytic activity of cirrhotic liver. PMID- 13794908 TI - The effects of sodium citrate and an excess of plasminogen on fibrinolytic agents. PMID- 13794909 TI - [Blood coagulation, fibrinolysis and woundhealing]. PMID- 13794910 TI - Treatment of goiter and thyroid nodules with thyroid. PMID- 13794911 TI - Management of thyroid disorders. PMID- 13794912 TI - Transaminase activity after experimental hypoxia in rabbits. PMID- 13794914 TI - [Examination of aspecific serum positivity and distribution of serum proteins in epidemic hepatitis]. PMID- 13794913 TI - [Aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery with unususal disease course and fatal termination caused by thromboembolism]. PMID- 13794915 TI - Haematological study in bilharzial hepatolienal fibrosis: "syndrome of Egyptian hepatosplenomegaly". PMID- 13794916 TI - [Radioactive iodine in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis]. PMID- 13794917 TI - [A system for the lavage of the urinary bladder]. PMID- 13794918 TI - [Pathogenic treatment of anemia during gastrointestinal diseases in tropical countries]. PMID- 13794919 TI - [A case of cystic pyelo-uretero-cystitis]. PMID- 13794920 TI - Alpha 2-type multiple myeloma. PMID- 13794921 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes in a female patient with tetanus]. PMID- 13794923 TI - [Analysis of 1250 observations on patients with gastric cancer]. PMID- 13794922 TI - [Mitral defects in infants and pre-school children]. PMID- 13794924 TI - [Total gastrectomy and extensive resection of the stomach in cancer]. PMID- 13794925 TI - [Morphological study, by electron microscopy on ultra-fine sections, of a virus (GAL virus) associated with the RPL12 strain of the avian leukosis virus]. PMID- 13794926 TI - [Deep hypothermia and possibilites for its clinical application (experimental observations)]. PMID- 13794927 TI - [On prolonged anesthesia]. PMID- 13794928 TI - [On certain basic principles of cardiovascular reanimation]. PMID- 13794929 TI - [On a cellular phenomenon in disseminated lupus and related diseases]. PMID- 13794931 TI - [Hemoglobinosis, Review]. PMID- 13794930 TI - [Tertiary syphilis of the lung]. PMID- 13794932 TI - [Changes of blood pressure under the influence of meterological factors]. PMID- 13794933 TI - Neuraminic acid and its relation to chronic bronchitis. II. PMID- 13794935 TI - [Telefluoroscopy and cinefluorgraphy. A visit to the Hopital Hotel-Dieu of Montreal in the Department of Professor Albert Jutras]. PMID- 13794934 TI - Neuraminic acid and its relation to chronic bronchitis. III. Carbohydrate constituents of sputum. PMID- 13794936 TI - The science, the art, and the heart of medicine: a synthesis of objectives in clinical teaching. PMID- 13794937 TI - The uses of elegance. PMID- 13794938 TI - [Schermography in the field of occupational diseases (technological diseases)]. PMID- 13794939 TI - Blood grouping tests in nonpaternity and their medicolegal application. PMID- 13794940 TI - [Study of sideremia in epidemic hepatitis]. PMID- 13794941 TI - [Biological changes in a strain of influenza virus, cultured in mice vaccinated with antirabies vaccine]. PMID- 13794942 TI - [The effect of cultures of influenza virus, strain A/T/53, on animals with modified reactivity]. PMID- 13794943 TI - [Execution of a purse string suture in the surgical treatment of functional urinary incontinence]. PMID- 13794944 TI - A method for labeling leukocytes with radioactive diisoprophyl fluorophosphate (DFP32). PMID- 13794945 TI - Infected abortion treated by immediate curettement. PMID- 13794946 TI - Prosptatic malignancy. PMID- 13794947 TI - [On the complex effect on the organism of small concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the presence of high air temperature]. PMID- 13794948 TI - [Ocular myiasis caused by larvae of Oestrus ovis]. PMID- 13794949 TI - [Acquired toxoplasmosis: description of 2 cases]. PMID- 13794950 TI - [Megacolon and Chagas' disease. (Preliminary report)]. PMID- 13794951 TI - [3 Cases of massive trichocephalosis treated with dithiazanine]. PMID- 13794952 TI - [The advantage of intraosseous anesthesia in fractures of the radius in ambulatory patients]. PMID- 13794953 TI - [The government and medical care: the Philipines]. PMID- 13794954 TI - An experimental study of primary anastomosis of the obstructed colon. PMID- 13794955 TI - The lotos-eaters, or stress, neurosis, and tranquillizers. PMID- 13794956 TI - The deoxyribonucleic acid content of carcinoma of the uterus: an assessment of its possible significance in relation to histopathology and clinical course, based on data from 165 cases. PMID- 13794958 TI - A single heteropycnotic chromosome in a human tumour. PMID- 13794957 TI - Polyploidy in human tumours. PMID- 13794959 TI - Sex chromatin and chromosomal variation in human tumours. PMID- 13794960 TI - The growth stages of the lophophore and loop of the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa (Sowerby). PMID- 13794961 TI - Pathogenesis of fever. PMID- 13794962 TI - The malignant gland in the axilla. PMID- 13794963 TI - A comparison of adrenalectomy and oophorectomy with hypopthsectomy in the treatment of advanced cancer of the breast. PMID- 13794964 TI - Further observations on statistical methods in clinical research. PMID- 13794965 TI - The nature of deviants with a further analysis of contaminants. PMID- 13794966 TI - Adrenalectomy and hypophysectomy for advanced cancer of the breast. PMID- 13794967 TI - The cofactor specificity of ethanol dehydrogenase from Acetobacter peroxydans. PMID- 13794968 TI - Bromureide toxicity. PMID- 13794969 TI - A simple dehydrating chamber. PMID- 13794970 TI - The achievement motive, goal setting, and probability preferences. PMID- 13794971 TI - Achievement motive and test anxiety conceived as motive to approach success and motive to avoid failure. PMID- 13794972 TI - The competence of the cardia after cardiomyotomy. PMID- 13794973 TI - The effect of diuretics on portal venous pressure. PMID- 13794974 TI - The oesophago-gastric sphincter after cardiomyotomy. PMID- 13794976 TI - Depressive episodes. PMID- 13794975 TI - Equilibrium constant of the galactokinase reaction and free energy of hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate. PMID- 13794977 TI - Trichlorethylene anaesthesia. PMID- 13794978 TI - The diameter and growth phase of hair in relation to age. PMID- 13794979 TI - [On the remote results of menometrorrhagia of puberty]. PMID- 13794980 TI - [Some clinicostatistical considerations on perinatal mortality in the Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica di Roma]. PMID- 13794981 TI - [Vascularization of the ureter and extended radical hysterectomy]. PMID- 13794982 TI - [A new chemiotherapeutic agent in the treatment of vaginitis due to Trichomonas and Candida]. PMID- 13794984 TI - [The clinical importance of gynecological curetage]. PMID- 13794983 TI - [On puerperal obesity]. PMID- 13794985 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in the developing mouse embryo studied with tritiated thymidine. PMID- 13794986 TI - [Medical treatment of hyperthyroidism: antithyroid drugs]. PMID- 13794987 TI - [Changes in electrical activity of the brain during epileptogenic stimulation of certain segments of the mesodiencephalic reticular formation]. PMID- 13794988 TI - [Clinical observations on 58 patients with uric acid stones]. PMID- 13794989 TI - Uric acid stones: a study of 58 patients. PMID- 13794990 TI - [Nephrolithiasis due to hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13794991 TI - Recurrent acute hyperparathyroidism with severe gastrointestinal manifestations. Report of a case with recovery after removal of a parathyroid adenoma. PMID- 13794992 TI - [The etiology and pathogenesis of calcium stones]. PMID- 13794993 TI - Dermatomyositis associated with malignancy: a report of two cases. PMID- 13794994 TI - [Kidney stones]. PMID- 13794995 TI - Symposium on the biology of cells modified by viruses or antigens. II. On the analysis of antibody synthesis at the cellular level. PMID- 13794996 TI - Accreditation and we. PMID- 13794997 TI - Patient's reaction to chairside oral surgical teaching. PMID- 13794998 TI - Types of conflict and their resolution: a reinterpretation. PMID- 13794999 TI - Malignant diseases of the eye and its adnexa in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13795000 TI - Hyperparathyroidism first suspected through a giant-cell epulis. Report of a case. PMID- 13795001 TI - The management of carcinoma of the thyroid. PMID- 13795002 TI - The use of radioactive iodine in the evaluation of thvroid nodules. PMID- 13795003 TI - Cardiopulmonary mechanics in anesthetized pigs and dogs. PMID- 13795004 TI - Effects of bronchoconstrictor drugs upon pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13795005 TI - Pulmonary mechanics and hemodynamics during changes in ventilation and blood volume. PMID- 13795006 TI - [A method for the study and determination of dextromoramide (pyrrolamidol or R. 875) in in biological media. Application to the experimental study of accumulation of R. 875 in rats]. PMID- 13795007 TI - Meconium peritonitis. PMID- 13795008 TI - [Cysts of the mesentery]. PMID- 13795009 TI - A variety of human hemoglobin with 4 distinct electrophoretic components. PMID- 13795010 TI - Therapeutic principles in manment of peptic ulcer. 3. Anticholinergic tranquilizer combination. PMID- 13795011 TI - Intestinal calculi. PMID- 13795012 TI - Unclassified mycobacteria in the gastric contents of healthy personnel and of patients of a tuberculosis hospital. PMID- 13795013 TI - Sequential deoxyribonucleic acid replication. PMID- 13795014 TI - Management of patients receiving warfarin sodium (coumadin) therapy with prothrombin time determinations at 3-day intervals. PMID- 13795015 TI - Studies on the renal concentrating mechanism, 5. Effect of diuretic agents. PMID- 13795016 TI - [Action of glucose on the human isohemagglutinin beta (A1O). Determination of sedimentation constant]. PMID- 13795017 TI - [Action of glucose on the human isohemagglutinin beta (OO)]. PMID- 13795018 TI - [Observations on the motor innervation of the muscles of insects]. PMID- 13795019 TI - Treatment of active paroxysmal extrasinusal rhythm disturbances with procainamide (pronestil). PMID- 13795020 TI - [Method for the measurement of the principal routes of calcium metabolism in man]. PMID- 13795021 TI - [Existence of N-succinyl-1-glutamic acid in Bacillus megatherium in the process of sporulation]. PMID- 13795022 TI - [Malignant forms of biliary infection]. PMID- 13795023 TI - [The practitioner and Waldenstroem's disease]. PMID- 13795024 TI - [Acute development of an ovarian cyst and quintuple pregnancy in a woman who successively received serum and chorionic gonadotropins]. PMID- 13795025 TI - The nature of administration. PMID- 13795027 TI - [Chevalier-Jackson Senior]. PMID- 13795026 TI - [Asthma and Addison's disease associated]. PMID- 13795028 TI - [On the subject of a technique of transport of patients with respiratory paralysis]. PMID- 13795029 TI - [Alpha-chymotrypsin in surgery of deafness]. PMID- 13795030 TI - [The treatment of deformities due to former fracture of the nasal pyramid]. PMID- 13795031 TI - [Understanding and misunderstanding on a case of otospongiosis and a thyroid gland]. PMID- 13795032 TI - [Cochleovestibular complications of antibiotic medication]. PMID- 13795034 TI - A century and a half of service. PMID- 13795033 TI - [Treatment by chelators of salivary lithiasis]. PMID- 13795035 TI - Hospital week roundup. PMID- 13795036 TI - Labeling antibodies. PMID- 13795037 TI - Fantasy land for small fry. PMID- 13795038 TI - [Hysterectomy for emergency hemostasis in the treatment of obstrical fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13795039 TI - [Complicated ectopic pregnancy. Symptomatology predominating in the cases operated on in our department between 1950 and 1958]. PMID- 13795040 TI - Tendon water and electrolyte and saccharide spaces in normal versus adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13795041 TI - [Retinocytoma, puncture of the anterior chamber]. PMID- 13795042 TI - [Apropos of a case of diktyoma]. PMID- 13795043 TI - [Immunotherapy of metastasizing malignant tumors]. PMID- 13795044 TI - [Considerations on the use of anticoagulants in the treatment of chronic arterial obliterations of the extremities]. PMID- 13795045 TI - ["Seminoma-like" thymoma]. PMID- 13795046 TI - [The problem of the anticoagulant treatment of cerebral embolism in miral stenosis patients]. PMID- 13795047 TI - [Our experience in the anticoagulant treatment of myocardial infarct during the acute stage]. PMID- 13795048 TI - [Thromboelastography in thrombosis]. PMID- 13795049 TI - [The myocardial infarction syndrome from occupational causes]. PMID- 13795050 TI - [Some reflections apropos of and in connection with anticoagulant treatment]. PMID- 13795051 TI - [The Istituto Chimico Farmaceutico Amministrazione Somalia]. PMID- 13795052 TI - The erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase enzyme in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. PMID- 13795053 TI - Role of pH and thrombin in the PNH hemolytic system. PMID- 13795054 TI - Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. II. Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase defect. PMID- 13795055 TI - Effect of streptokinase, epinephrine and plasmin on the paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria serum hemolytic system. PMID- 13795056 TI - Highly purified thrombin, esterase thrombin, and the paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria hemolytic system. PMID- 13795057 TI - A stochastic model for individual choice behavior. PMID- 13795058 TI - [Corticotherapy of alcoholic retrobulbar neuritis]. PMID- 13795059 TI - [Treatment by delta-cortisone of II cases of acute retrobulbar optic neuritis. Discussion of their viral origin]. PMID- 13795060 TI - [Contribution to the bacteriological study of surgical specimens in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13795061 TI - [Apropos of a case of tuberculous bronchopyocele]. PMID- 13795062 TI - [The different specific and non-specific aspects of postprimary systematized condensations in young adults. (Apropos of 25 cases observed at the Sanatorium des Neiges at Briancon)]. PMID- 13795063 TI - [Mechanism of the inactivation of oxytocin by uterine tissue]. PMID- 13795064 TI - [In vitro inactivation of serum complement by levan fractions from Bacillus subtilis]. PMID- 13795065 TI - [Studies on the complement level in relation to the age of guinea pigs and rabbits]. PMID- 13795066 TI - [Serum transminases as test for hepatic involvement in the tuberculous]. PMID- 13795067 TI - Culture of tuberculous bacilli on filterpaper impregnated with the nutritive principles necessary for *** development PMID- 13795068 TI - [Kanamycin sensitivity of 142 strains of tubercular bacilli]. PMID- 13795070 TI - [Study of the antituberculous activity of kanamycin on 142 strains of tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13795072 TI - Delivery of papers at congresses and other meetings. PMID- 13795071 TI - [Action of adenine on leukopoiesis]. PMID- 13795073 TI - [Fridolin Schuler (1832-1903), a pioneer of industrial hygiene in the 19th century]. PMID- 13795074 TI - Radioactive fall-out. PMID- 13795075 TI - Spontaneous mutations in dry spores of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13795076 TI - Morphogenetic interactions in the development of the mouse thymus gland. PMID- 13795077 TI - Phonocardiography in acyanotic congenital heart disease. PMID- 13795078 TI - [The early recognition of risk cases in conservative chemotherapy of cavenous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13795079 TI - [On the time for surgical intervention in cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13795080 TI - [A contribution to the psychophysiology of intentional visual movement]. PMID- 13795081 TI - [Body image and body scheme]. PMID- 13795082 TI - [Forms of pain]. PMID- 13795083 TI - [The crisis from the standpoint of teleologically interpreted actual genesis]. PMID- 13795084 TI - [The therapy of hypertension from pathophysiological viewpoints]. PMID- 13795085 TI - [On the problem of the stability of human fibrinolytically active substances at neutral pH in dependence on the ionic concentration]. PMID- 13795086 TI - [Sedimentation-analytic studies on the permeation of the "heavy component" in congestive transudates]. PMID- 13795087 TI - [Current status of active immunization against poliomyelitis. Problems related to active and inactivated vaccines]. PMID- 13795089 TI - [Pancreatic enzyme]. PMID- 13795088 TI - [On the efficacy and harmlessness of vaccines from inactivated and attenuated poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13795090 TI - [Protein balance and its relation to water- and electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13795091 TI - [Rheumatism]. PMID- 13795093 TI - Fracture of the month. No. 3. Tibia and fibula. PMID- 13795094 TI - Fracture of the tibia and fibula. Presentation of case. PMID- 13795092 TI - [Insomnia in aged]. PMID- 13795095 TI - Multiple fractures and dislocation of ankle. Presentation of case. PMID- 13795096 TI - Sir Archibald McIndoe. PMID- 13795097 TI - Portal venous pressure in "pipestem" fibrosis of the liver due to schistosomiasis. PMID- 13795098 TI - Bleeding varices associated with hematologic disorders. PMID- 13795099 TI - Radiation effects at the macrmolecular level. PMID- 13795100 TI - [Graumlomatous orchitis. Presentation of 2 cases having numerous spermatids]. PMID- 13795101 TI - [Epidermal grafts following complete excision of the ulcer in the treatment of postphlebitic varicose ulcers]. PMID- 13795102 TI - [The action of mephecol in digestive intolerance to TH 1314]. PMID- 13795103 TI - [Observation of a case of sensitivity to streptomycin in spite of very prolonged treatment by that antibiotic]. PMID- 13795104 TI - [Study of the action of soil microflora on a given substrate: principles and apparatus]. PMID- 13795105 TI - [Amylolytic activity of soils. Method of study and interpretation]. PMID- 13795106 TI - Drugs or psychotherapeutic program for disturbed adolescent boys. PMID- 13795107 TI - Adjustment to aldosterone or desoxycorticosterone acetate induced sodium retention in patients with Addison's disease. PMID- 13795108 TI - Hypnosis: an additional tool in the study of infertility. PMID- 13795109 TI - Obstetric hypnoanesthesia. PMID- 13795110 TI - [Status of cultivated production of amyloserich cornstarch and technical amylose production]. PMID- 13795112 TI - [Megajejunum and megaduodenum symptomatic of a peritoneal anomaly]. PMID- 13795111 TI - [Rectal localization of Recklinghausen's disease]. PMID- 13795113 TI - [Failures of corticotherapy in the prevention of gastric stenosis following the ingestion of caustic liquids]. PMID- 13795114 TI - [Several cases of amebic abscess of the liver recovering through medical treatment]. PMID- 13795115 TI - [On the respiration and succinic oxidase system in mature and young chicken erythrocytes]. PMID- 13795116 TI - Isolation and physico-chemical characterization of reagins, blocking antibodies and precipitins to grass pollens. PMID- 13795117 TI - Cleavage of human gamma-globulin. PMID- 13795118 TI - Human reagins to grass pollens and moulds: their purification and physico chemical characterization. PMID- 13795119 TI - Grass pollen allergens. III. Their differentiation from the other pollen antigens by immuno-electrophoretic studies in relation to skin reactivity, enzymic digestions, heat and pH stabilities. PMID- 13795120 TI - [Segmental roentgen shadows in measles]. PMID- 13795121 TI - P. R. and your community. PMID- 13795122 TI - Enzymic hydrolysis of N:N-dimethylcarbamoyl fluoride. PMID- 13795123 TI - Biochemical and pharmacological studies on N-methylated carbamoylcholines. PMID- 13795124 TI - [On changes of the fine tissue tumor character in laryngeal carcinoma during the course of the disease]. PMID- 13795125 TI - [Experience report on follow-up treatment of struma resections with hirudoid]. PMID- 13795126 TI - [Phonocardiography in the practice of internal medicine]. PMID- 13795127 TI - [Some aspects of health education in overseas countries]. PMID- 13795128 TI - [Technical, medical and social assistance within the limits of the community]. PMID- 13795129 TI - Stop flow analysis of renal protein excretion in the dog. PMID- 13795130 TI - Factors affecting bronchial collateral flow in the dog. PMID- 13795132 TI - [Sexual impotence]. PMID- 13795131 TI - [Papillary change and visual field disorder in glaucoma]. PMID- 13795133 TI - [Acute intestinal occlusion caused by inflamed appendix and Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13795134 TI - [On the goiter -fibroma syndrome]. PMID- 13795136 TI - Selective surgery for ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13795135 TI - [Unusual metastatic localization appearing in a case of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13795137 TI - A note on the visceral histology of Ceratotherium. PMID- 13795138 TI - The importance of vital records in today's society. PMID- 13795139 TI - Osteoarthritis of the first carpo-metacarpal joint. Hereditary dysplasia as an aetiological possibility. PMID- 13795140 TI - Macrocytic anaemias in clinical practice. PMID- 13795141 TI - [A case of Kyrle's disease ("hyperkeratosis follicularis" and "parafollicularis in cutem penertrans")]. PMID- 13795143 TI - [Papilliferous syringocystadenoma]. PMID- 13795142 TI - [A case of cryoglobulinemia with cutaneous lesions]. PMID- 13795144 TI - [Recurrent pustulosis]. PMID- 13795145 TI - [Schwannoma]. PMID- 13795146 TI - [Further studies on the biologicl effect of radon and its decay products]. PMID- 13795147 TI - [Thrombosis of the vena porta]. PMID- 13795148 TI - The permeability to bacteria of the intact foetal membranes in vitro. PMID- 13795149 TI - On the role of osmotic water transport in the secretion of the aqueous humour. PMID- 13795150 TI - [On the direct and indirect action of parasympathomimetics on the spincter iridis in the rabbit]. PMID- 13795151 TI - [Recent research on the influence exercised by DFP on resistance and downflow in rabbit eyes]. PMID- 13795152 TI - [Resistance to flow in the eyes of rabbits following prolonged treatment with disopropylfluorophosphate]. PMID- 13795153 TI - [The secretion of aqueous humor in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13795154 TI - [Chromatographic and electrophoretic analysis of a mucoprotein extracted from human senile cataract]. PMID- 13795155 TI - [Mucopolysaccharides in the crystalline lens in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13795156 TI - The osmotic pressure in the aqueous humour of rabbits with congenital glaucoma. PMID- 13795157 TI - [The depth of the anterior chamber as a factor in the pathogenesis of glaucoma]. PMID- 13795158 TI - [Measles: present clinico-epidemiological aspects]. PMID- 13795159 TI - [On the presence of erythrocytes with hemoglobin resistant to elution in acid media in members of a family of individuals afflicted with Cooley's disease]. PMID- 13795160 TI - [Effect of lipoic acid on jaundice in the newborn]. PMID- 13795161 TI - Studies on the spontaneous urinary elimination of metabolites from the tryptophan nicotinic acid pathway in children afflicted by various diseases. PMID- 13795162 TI - Interrelation of tryptophan and nicotinic acid in man during the first month of life. PMID- 13795163 TI - [Research on the interrelations of tryptophan and nicotinic acid in newborn infants during the first month of life]. PMID- 13795164 TI - [Erythrocytes with hemoglobin resistant to elution in acid medium for the diagnosis of the thalassemic trait]. PMID- 13795165 TI - Glucose-6-phosphatase activity of the human foetal liver. PMID- 13795166 TI - [On the catabolism of carnitine by Pseudomonas pyocyanea]. PMID- 13795167 TI - ["Rhabdopoietic immature rhabdomyosarcomas". Apropos of some anatomical observations]. PMID- 13795168 TI - [The leukemic lung. Anatomo-pathological study apropos of 8 cases of lymphoid leukoses and leukosarcomatosis]. PMID- 13795169 TI - [Comparative study of the in vitro celular toxicity of some isosteric derivatives containing a benzene or a thiophene ring]. PMID- 13795170 TI - [Infectious diseases. Present treatment of tetanus]. PMID- 13795171 TI - [Perinatal mortality]. PMID- 13795172 TI - [Influence of a new synthetic analeptic on the resistance of the rabbit to barometric depression]. PMID- 13795173 TI - [Birth trauma, anoxia and hearing disorders in children]. PMID- 13795174 TI - [Methods of alimentation, oral and by feeding tubes, in recently operated patients]. PMID- 13795175 TI - [Nutrition problems in patients of gastric surgery]. PMID- 13795176 TI - [Obesity and surgery: pre- and post-operative preparation and care of the obese patient]. PMID- 13795177 TI - Isolated perfusion of the liver with HN2. PMID- 13795178 TI - [Hemolytic anemias of children]. PMID- 13795179 TI - Parabiosis, acquired tolerance and immunity. PMID- 13795180 TI - Periodic acid-Schiff-positive material and alkaline phosphatase in the uterine wall of the pig during the sexual cycle. PMID- 13795181 TI - TAMe esterase activity of guinea pig serum. I. The plasmin system. PMID- 13795182 TI - Inhibition of the anaphylactic release of histamine from chopped guinea pig lung by chymotrypsin substrates and inhibitors. PMID- 13795184 TI - Treatment of malignant pelvic tumors by extracorporeal perfusion with chemotherapeutic agents. PMID- 13795183 TI - The differentiation of the chloroform, peptone and antigen-antibody inducible esterase activities of human serum from plasmin. PMID- 13795185 TI - Experimental studies with extracorporeal circuits as a method to enable surgical attack on thoracic aneurysms. PMID- 13795186 TI - Syngamy in a mammalian egg study by phasecontrast microscopy. PMID- 13795187 TI - The role of fertilization. PMID- 13795188 TI - Post-operative reaction following mitral commissurotomy. PMID- 13795189 TI - The significance and nature of pain in tumors of the spinal cord. PMID- 13795191 TI - Giant-cell reparative granuloma and related conditions affecting the jawbones. PMID- 13795190 TI - Metachromatic form of diffuse cerebral sclerosis. III. Significance of sulfatide and other lipid abnormalities in white matter and kidney. PMID- 13795192 TI - Carcinoma of the breast associated with pregnancy or lactation. PMID- 13795193 TI - Coronary thrombosis. PMID- 13795194 TI - Special problems in total medical care of the handicapped patient after hospital discharge: two case reports. PMID- 13795195 TI - [Data on the pathogenesis and therapy of acute renal insufficiency in leptospirosis]. PMID- 13795196 TI - [Ferrokinetics in osteomyelosclerotic syndromes]. PMID- 13795197 TI - Simultaneous production of two capsular polysaccharides by pneumococcus. II. The genetic and biochemical bases of binary capsulation. AB - Study of the capsular genome of pneumococcus has shown that it controls a multiplicity of biochemical reactions essential to the synthesis of capsular polysaccharide. Mutation affecting any one of several biochemical reactions concerned with capsular synthesis may result in loss of capsulation without alteration of other biochemical functions similarly concerned. Mutations affecting the synthesis of uronic acids are an important cause of loss of capsulation and of virulence by strains of pneumococcus Type I and Type III. The capsular genome appears to have a specific location in the total genome of the cell, this locus being occupied by the capsular genome of whatever capsular type is expressed by the cell. Transformation of capsulated or of non-capsulated pneumococci to heterologous capsular type results probably from a genetic exchange followed by the development of a new biosynthetic pathway in the transformed cell. The new capsular genome is transferred to the transformed cell as a single particle of DNA. Binary capsulation results from the simultaneous presence within the pneumococcal cell of two capsular genomes, one mutated, the other normal. Interaction between the biochemical pathways controlled by the two capsular genomes leads to augmentation of the phenotypic expression of the product controlled by one and to partial suppression of the product determined by the other. Knowledge of the biochemical basis of binary capsulation can be used to indicate the presence of uronic acid in the capsular polysaccharide of a pneurnococcal type the composition of the capsule of which is unknown. PMID- 13795198 TI - Simultaneous production of two capsular polysaccharides by pneumococcus. I. Properties of a pneumococcus manifesting binary capsulation. AB - Pneumococci manifesting binary capsulation have been produced through the agency of transformation reactions. Such cells produce two capsular polysaccharides which are closely similar if not identical with those produced by corresponding singly capsulated strains. Binary capsulation in pneumococcus provides a new basis for serologic cross-reactivity in this species. PMID- 13795199 TI - Concerning Friedlander, Gram and the etiology of labor pneumonia, an historical note. PMID- 13795200 TI - Some contributions of pneumococcal genetics to the elucidation of biological phenomena. PMID- 13795202 TI - The prevalence of pneumococcal types and the continuing importance of pneumococcal infection. PMID- 13795203 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13795204 TI - [Theophyllidine, its preparation and characterization]. PMID- 13795205 TI - [The general significance of the reaction of alkaloids having secondary amine characteristics with formaldehyde]. PMID- 13795206 TI - A note on the leaching of a constituent from medical grade plastic tubings. PMID- 13795207 TI - Binding of drugs by plastics. 3. potential value of drug-plastic interaction with respect to packaging materials. PMID- 13795208 TI - Normal distribution of pulmonary function between the lungs: a bronchospirometric study. PMID- 13795210 TI - [Bronchospirometric study on the impairing effects of parenchymal and pleural changes on the respiratory reserves]. PMID- 13795209 TI - The reduction of respiratory function by parenchymal and pleural lesions. A bronchospirometric study of patients with unilateral involvement. PMID- 13795211 TI - [On examinations of respiratory function]. PMID- 13795212 TI - Danny. A nursing care study. PMID- 13795213 TI - Fractures of the pelvis. PMID- 13795214 TI - [The syndrome of hepatic cytolysis]. PMID- 13795215 TI - [Study of the hepatic release of vitamin B12 labeled by cobalt 60 in the course of experimental necrosis due to carbon tetrachloride]. PMID- 13795216 TI - [Apropos of a case of carcinoid tumor of the bronchus in a 10-year-old girl]. PMID- 13795217 TI - [Diagnosis of enlarged craniums in infants and children]. PMID- 13795218 TI - [Erythemas in children. General aspect]. PMID- 13795219 TI - [Method and apparatus for directed rehydration in severe diseases in infants and children]. PMID- 13795220 TI - [Study of the internal structure of the lymphogranulomatosis inguinale virus in ultrathin sections with the aid of the electron microscope]. PMID- 13795221 TI - [Studies on the morphology of nerve cells injured by viruses of tick-borne encephalitis and related diseases]. PMID- 13795222 TI - [Development of a method for the determination of viability of microorganisms in canned meat using enzymatic reactions]. PMID- 13795223 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of heat treatment of sausage products by means of phosphatase tests]. PMID- 13795224 TI - [Study of the function of the acoustic analyser with the aid of winking conditioned reflexes in conditions of voluntary suppression of winking]. PMID- 13795225 TI - [Intestinal knotting]. PMID- 13795226 TI - Effects of epinephrine on toxicities of several local anesthetic agents. PMID- 13795227 TI - [A new biotype of lifebuoy cataract (cataracta umbilicata) associated with brachymorphia, external ophthalmoplegia and hyperaminoaciduria]. PMID- 13795228 TI - [Clinical data on the use of a new acetycholine-like curarizing agent: succinyldisulfocholine]. PMID- 13795229 TI - [Incidence of congenital abnormalities as a consequence of an influenzal pandemia]. PMID- 13795230 TI - [Considerations on a case of hyperthyroidism treated with radioiodine in pregnancy]. PMID- 13795231 TI - [Observations on the behavior of menstrual characteristics in hyperthyroid patients treated with radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13795232 TI - [Experimental study of the action of radioactive iodine (I 131) on the gonads. Note II. Action on testes]. PMID- 13795233 TI - [Lesions of the gonads in mice born of mothers treated with radioactive iodine (I 131) during pregnancy]. PMID- 13795234 TI - [Transitory myopia caused by acetazolamide during pregnancy]. PMID- 13795235 TI - [Effect of homologous immune sera on transplanted tumor cells]. PMID- 13795236 TI - [On the nature of virus-like inclusions in human erythrocytes]. PMID- 13795237 TI - [On the problem of the ultrastructure of the erythrocytes in man]. PMID- 13795239 TI - [Function of the liver and pancreas in patients with cholecystitis]. PMID- 13795238 TI - [Instrumental and manual examination of the uterine cavity in the early puerperal period]. PMID- 13795240 TI - [On hemorrhages from varicose dilatation of the esophageal veins and cardial portion of the stomach]. PMID- 13795241 TI - [On thrombosis of the intestinal mesenteric veins]. PMID- 13795242 TI - [Biomicroscopy of the ciliary margin of the eyelid in normal conditions and in nonspecific blepharitis]. PMID- 13795243 TI - [On the problem of therapy of thyrotoxic goiter and on the features of postoperative complications]. PMID- 13795245 TI - [On the problem of the schizophrenic defect]. PMID- 13795244 TI - [On the modern use in geriatric medicine of steroids with anabolic action]. PMID- 13795246 TI - [The pelvis deformed by spondylolisthesis. Considerations on a clinical case]. PMID- 13795247 TI - Obstetric anesthesia with trichlorethylene, nitrous oxide, and oxygen. PMID- 13795248 TI - A cervical biopsy instrument: introduction of a new trachelotome. PMID- 13795250 TI - [Experimental induction of pulmonary caseoma]. PMID- 13795249 TI - A disposable cervical biopsy knife. PMID- 13795251 TI - [Virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pulmonary caseoma resected in patients after antibacterial therapy]. PMID- 13795252 TI - Traumatic rupture of the spleen. PMID- 13795253 TI - [Morbidity of the adult population of Vinnitsa (from material of special processing of data of medical treatment)]. PMID- 13795254 TI - [On hospitalization of patients in different diseases]. PMID- 13795255 TI - Electrocardiographic findings in 67,375 asymptomatic subjects. IV. Wolff Parkinson-White syndrome. PMID- 13795256 TI - Electrocardiographic findings in 67,375 asymptomatic subjects. I. Incidence of abnormalities. PMID- 13795257 TI - [Use of anticoagulants and salicylates in rheumatic heart disease]. PMID- 13795258 TI - Three looks at hospital food service in the sixties. 3. A food technologist proposes that hospitals use frozen foods prepared in plastic or foil pouches which can be heated in the floor serving kitchen or on the serving cart. PMID- 13795259 TI - What's ahead for hospital kitchens. PMID- 13795260 TI - [Classification of amblyopias according to the state of fixation]. PMID- 13795261 TI - [Oxygen consumption by human bone marrow in vitro]. PMID- 13795262 TI - [Succinic dehydrogenase-oxidase activity of human bone marrow]. PMID- 13795263 TI - [On the mechanism of the chronolability of complement. Observations on the phenomenon of autoxidation of the serum]. PMID- 13795264 TI - A spectrophotometric study of the spontaneous and microsome-induced swelling of rat-liver mitochondria. PMID- 13795265 TI - Effect of bivalent metal ions on the spectrum of the interaction product of glutathione and fluoropyruvate. PMID- 13795266 TI - Intermittent mediastinal widening in the nephrotic syndrome. PMID- 13795267 TI - The effects of a new sympathetic blocking drug (bretylium) on cardiovascular control. PMID- 13795268 TI - New sympathomimetic drugs with selective cardiovascular actions. PMID- 13795269 TI - Pulmonary venular responses to anoxia, 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine. PMID- 13795270 TI - The pharmacology of the pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13795271 TI - Therapy of experimental pulmonary edema in the dog: with special reference to burns of the respiratory tract. PMID- 13795272 TI - Accumulation of trehalose and sucrose in relation to the metabolism of alpha glucosides in yeasts of defined genotype. PMID- 13795273 TI - Synthesis of glucosylfructoses by the action of a yeast alpha-glucosidase. PMID- 13795274 TI - Mechanism of action of MER-29, an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis. PMID- 13795275 TI - The mechanism of action of MER-29. PMID- 13795276 TI - The interaction between carcinogenic hydrocarbons and serum lipoproteins. PMID- 13795277 TI - The relation of the temporal muscle to the form of the coronoid process. PMID- 13795278 TI - On the biosynthesis of felinine. PMID- 13795279 TI - The results of the bromsulphthalein excretion test in diseases of the thyroid. PMID- 13795280 TI - [On the clinical behavior and physiopathological significance of blood glycoproteins]. PMID- 13795281 TI - [Clinical and mycological study of a case of kerion celsi of telluric origin due to Microsporum gypseum]. PMID- 13795282 TI - [A case of adrenogenital syndrome in a 5-year-old child caused by a tumor of the adrenal cortex successfully treated by surgery]. PMID- 13795283 TI - [Intestinal malrotation]. PMID- 13795284 TI - [Fluoroscopy and the thermal treatment of Royat. Preliminary work]. PMID- 13795285 TI - Photophosphorylation by swiss-chard chloroplasts. PMID- 13795286 TI - [Sexual differences in nuclear structures in benign tumors]. PMID- 13795287 TI - Cytological studies of tumors. XXX. General characteristics and cytological features of a transplantable mouse tumor (EM tumor) of spontaneous origin. PMID- 13795288 TI - An interpretation of the apparent inversion of antipodal specificity of alpha chymotrypsin. PMID- 13795289 TI - Serologic investigation of pseudotuberculosis in sheep. I. Agglutination test. PMID- 13795290 TI - Experimental brucellosis and the adrenals. Effects of ascorbic acid and A.C.T.H. PMID- 13795291 TI - Growth rates of normal and Brucella-infected experimental animals; effect of ascorbic acid and corticotrophin. PMID- 13795292 TI - Urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion, blood eosinophil level and adrenocortical function in human brucellosis. PMID- 13795293 TI - Health education and tuberculosis control. PMID- 13795294 TI - Role of industrialists in the campaign against tuberculosis. PMID- 13795295 TI - Silver Jubilee Celebrations. S. Muhammad Hussain Govt. TB. Sanatorium, Samli. Clinical session. PMID- 13795296 TI - Tuberculosis and the role of M.C.H. workers in its control. PMID- 13795297 TI - Occurrence of beta-aminoisobutyric acid in Mytilus edulis. AB - beta-Aminoisobutyric acid was isolated from organ extracts of Mytilus edulis. Ion exchange resins and large-scale paper chromatography were used to isolate minute quantities of the compound. beta-Aminoisobutyric acid was identified by paper chromatography in several solvents and by conversion to DNP-beta-aminoisobutyric acid and subsequent chromatography of the derivative in several solvents. PMID- 13795299 TI - [Aloin, some observations on its constitution]. PMID- 13795298 TI - [The action of oxidizing agents on 4-dimethylamino-1-phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazol-5 one (pyramidon). Part 1. The action of iodic acid in lower concentration]. PMID- 13795300 TI - [On some constituents of Thymus vulgaris. 1]. PMID- 13795301 TI - [On some ingredients of Thymus vulgaris. II. The triterpenic acids of Thymus vulgaris, their demonstration in the paper chromatogram and their significance for the production of galenical preparations]. PMID- 13795302 TI - [The influence of oxidizing agents on 4-dimethylamino-1-phenyl-2,3 dimethylpyrazole-5-one (pyramidon). Part 3. The splitting-off of formaldehyde from 4-dimethylamino-, from 4-amino-, or from 4-hydroxy-1-phenyl-2,3 dimethylpyrazolones]. PMID- 13795303 TI - [The influence of oxidizing agents on 4-dimethylamino-1-phenyl-2,3 dimethylpyrazole-5-one (pyramidon). Part 4. The oxidation of 4-dimethylamino-1 phenyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazolone (pyramidon) with excess iodic acid]. PMID- 13795304 TI - [Toward a knowledge of Papaver alkaloids]. PMID- 13795305 TI - Investigations of hemoglobin variants. 1. Sickle-cell anemia; the importance of a battery of tests for its diagnosis, with a case report. PMID- 13795306 TI - Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins in nutritional edema in Egyptian children. PMID- 13795308 TI - The radiotherapy of malignant lymphomas. PMID- 13795307 TI - Studies on blood amino acid nitrogen in normal Egyptian infants and children and in cases of nutritional edema. PMID- 13795309 TI - Psychophysiology of fear and anger. PMID- 13795310 TI - Induction of tumors in Syrian hamsters by a cytopathogenic virus derived from a C3H mouse mammary tumor. PMID- 13795311 TI - Glucuronide formation of narcotic drugs in vitro and in vivo. PMID- 13795312 TI - 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate, a new metabolite of epinephrine and norepinephrine. PMID- 13795313 TI - Inhibitor of O-methylation of epinephrine and norepinephrine in vitro and in vivo. AB - Pyrogallol inhibits the Omethylation of epinephrine and norepinephrine by catechol-O-methyl transferase in vitro as well as the metabolism of these catecholamines, and the formation of their O-methylated metabolites, in the intact mouse. Since pyrogallol also prolongs the physiological effects of epinephrine, it is suggested that catechol-O-methyl transferase terminates the actions of the catecholamine hormones. PMID- 13795314 TI - Activation and inhibition of adrenaline metabolism. PMID- 13795315 TI - The physiological disposition of H3-epinephrine and its metabolite metanephrine. PMID- 13795317 TI - Biochemical factors in the activation and inactivation of drugs. PMID- 13795318 TI - Metabolism of epinephrine and other sympathomimetic amines. PMID- 13795316 TI - Enzymatic O-methylation of N-acetylserotonin to melatonin. AB - An enzyme, hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase, that can transfer the methyl group of S-adenosylmethionine to the hydroxy group of N-acetylserotonin to form the hormone melatonin is described. This enzyme, which is highly localized in the pineal gland, also O-methylates serotonin. PMID- 13795319 TI - What you ought to know about groups. PMID- 13795320 TI - The metabolism of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and its relation to congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13795321 TI - Color tests for the detection of sterols and estrogens on filter paper. PMID- 13795322 TI - Methylation of 2-hydroxyestradiol-17beta to 2-methoxyestrone in the human. PMID- 13795323 TI - The conversion of estradiol-17beta to estrone in cow blood. PMID- 13795324 TI - The metabolism of estrone-16-C14 in bovine blood. PMID- 13795325 TI - Medical manpower in Michigan. Supply of physicians and type of practice. PMID- 13795326 TI - Medical manpower in Michigan: applicants to medical school. PMID- 13795327 TI - [Toxic reactions in local anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract]. PMID- 13795328 TI - [Preventive, early, "mass" transplantation of the tendons in the feet of small children after poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13795329 TI - [Ileo-uretero-vesico-vaginal fistula]. PMID- 13795330 TI - [On indication for hemipelvectomy]. PMID- 13795331 TI - [A contribution to the diagnosis of neurinoma of the trigeminal nerve. Roentgenological and clinical symptomatology]. PMID- 13795332 TI - [Does heavy work cause increased degenerative changes in the spine and locomotor apparatus?]. PMID- 13795333 TI - [Heated edible fats. Chemical considerations]. PMID- 13795334 TI - [Dream-like episode after a therapeutic amphetamine injection]. PMID- 13795335 TI - [Atabrine and pyknolepsy]. PMID- 13795336 TI - The mean manifest electrical axes of ventricular activation and repolarization processes (AQRS and AT) in congenital heart disease: frontal and horizontal planes. PMID- 13795337 TI - [Hamartoma of the lung]. PMID- 13795338 TI - [Cholesteatoma]. PMID- 13795339 TI - Coexistent sickle cell disease and acute rheumatic fever. PMID- 13795340 TI - Treatment of depressive states in ambulatory patients. PMID- 13795341 TI - Trimeprazine therapy for physiologic and psychologic pruritus. PMID- 13795343 TI - Current status of major tranquilizers. PMID- 13795342 TI - Chemical treatment of depression. PMID- 13795344 TI - Fluphenazine: its spectrum of therapeutic application and clinical results in psychiatric patients. PMID- 13795345 TI - Putting psychiatry back into medicine. PMID- 13795346 TI - Tofranil therapy for depressed states. PMID- 13795347 TI - Trifluoperazine therapy for everyday psychiatric problems. PMID- 13795348 TI - Incorporation of P32 into the O-phosphodiester of L-serine and ethanolamine in the turtle. PMID- 13795349 TI - Phosphorolysis and synthesis of cellobiose by cell extracts from Ruminococcus flavefaciens. PMID- 13795350 TI - Dysgerminoma. Report of a case treated by surgery and x-ray therapy and followed by term pregnancy. PMID- 13795352 TI - Energy exchange under basal conditions at rest and during exercise at 1850 m. altitude. PMID- 13795351 TI - [Relation between the hypertensive and proteinuric effects of the substance renin from hog kidney (preliminary experiments)]. PMID- 13795353 TI - Results following total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis. PMID- 13795354 TI - Total colectomy and ileo-rectal anastomosis as the treatment of choice in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13795355 TI - The distinfection of bath water with hexachlorophane. PMID- 13795356 TI - The psychiatric nurse as a behavioral engineer. PMID- 13795357 TI - Sterol glycosides in oilseed phospholipids. PMID- 13795358 TI - Are nurses holding back nursing education? PMID- 13795359 TI - Teratology--a study of growing importance. PMID- 13795360 TI - [Rehabilitation of poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13795361 TI - [Influence of detergents on the electrophoretic mobility of isolated serum lipoproteins]. PMID- 13795362 TI - A simple office test for diagnosis of throat and lung cancer. PMID- 13795363 TI - Role of the halo cell in cervical cancerigenesis. A virus manifestation in premalignancy? PMID- 13795364 TI - The effectiveness of cytology centers in widespread cytologic diagnosis of cancer. PMID- 13795365 TI - Serpasil treatment of adolescents with behavior disorders. PMID- 13795366 TI - The essence of medical research (writing, publication and presentation to meetings). PMID- 13795367 TI - The relative value of various somatic therapies in schizophrenia. PMID- 13795368 TI - Some studies on the biosynthesis of aldosterone and other adrenal steroids. PMID- 13795369 TI - The relation of steroid secretion to the histological zones of the adrenal cortex. PMID- 13795370 TI - Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase levels in 266 surgical patients. PMID- 13795371 TI - Mild pulmonic stenosis: a clinical and hemodynamic study of eleven cases. PMID- 13795372 TI - Xanthoma and cholesterol granuloma of the choroid plexus. Report of the pathological aspects in 29 cases. PMID- 13795373 TI - Mycological aspects of action of griseofulvin against dermatophytes. PMID- 13795374 TI - [A dietetic treatment of migraine]. PMID- 13795375 TI - [Semeiology of the positive T wave in V 1 during the first year of life]. PMID- 13795377 TI - [Further contributions to the chronaximetric study of the facial nerve. I. Post paralytic contracture and spasm]. PMID- 13795376 TI - Pyronin affinity of the cytoplasm of lymphoid cells and thymocytes. An experimental study in rabbits undergoing immunization. PMID- 13795379 TI - [Treatment of diabetes by NN-dimethyl biguanide]. PMID- 13795378 TI - [Therapeutics of facial paralysis]. PMID- 13795380 TI - [Treatment of diabetes by glyhexylamide (S-1600)]. PMID- 13795381 TI - [Technic and results of intravenous injections of human serum-albumin]. PMID- 13795382 TI - [Acidosic diabetic coma complicated by acute glomerulonephritis and severe anemia]. PMID- 13795383 TI - [On 3 cases of diabetic papillary necrosis. Attempted classification]. PMID- 13795384 TI - [New concepts on thyroid physiopathology]. PMID- 13795385 TI - [Regarding the diagnosis of Ebstein's disease]. PMID- 13795386 TI - [Apropos of the ligation of the internal mammary arteries in the treatment of angina pectoris]. PMID- 13795387 TI - [In defense of the unborn]. PMID- 13795388 TI - [On the proceedings of the official opening of the school year of 1959-1960 at the Institute of Tropical Medicine]. PMID- 13795389 TI - [Premenstrual tension. Considerations on etiopathogenesis and treatment]. PMID- 13795390 TI - [Antibiotics and enzymatic equilibrium. (Studies with the fumarase system)]. PMID- 13795391 TI - [New experimental clinical aspects in the chemotherapy of cancer by means of a phenol derivative]. PMID- 13795392 TI - [On the distribution of LD-amino acid oxidases in various structural elements of kidney cells and on some of their properties]. PMID- 13795393 TI - Outline of a dynamic theory of occupational therapy. PMID- 13795394 TI - Effects of Rauwolfia derivatives on psychodynamic structure. PMID- 13795395 TI - The effect of thioridazine (mellaril) on mental syndromes. Comparison with chlorpromazine and promazine. PMID- 13795396 TI - Psychodynamic alterations concomitant with tofrannnil administration. PMID- 13795397 TI - [On recurrences of ulcer after resection of the stomach]. PMID- 13795398 TI - Differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13795399 TI - The value of oral hypo-glycaemic drugs in diabetics suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13795400 TI - [On the treatment of patients with infectious nephroso-nephritis]. PMID- 13795401 TI - [Mauriac syndrome]. PMID- 13795402 TI - [Yellow pigmentation (pseudojaundice) in brucellosis treated with novobiocin]. PMID- 13795403 TI - Exanthem in brucellosis treated with novobiocin. PMID- 13795404 TI - [Symptomatic effectiveness of butazolidin in Malta fever]. PMID- 13795405 TI - [Oculonasal syndromes of interest to the general practitioner]. PMID- 13795406 TI - [Antihydatid prophylaxis and fight]. PMID- 13795407 TI - [Neurinoma of the nasal septum]. PMID- 13795408 TI - [The details of vein structure of the internal ear in man and their clinical significance]. PMID- 13795409 TI - [Bacterial degradation of paraffin hydrocarbons. II. Determination of intermediary products by the simultaneous adaptation method]. PMID- 13795410 TI - [Fermentation of pyroracemic acid by cultures of butyric bacteria]. PMID- 13795411 TI - A technique for delivering shock to pigeons. PMID- 13795412 TI - Effects of punishment intensity during variable-interval reinforcement. PMID- 13795413 TI - Punishment and recovery during fixed-ratio performance. PMID- 13795414 TI - Sequential effects of punishment. AB - Punishment is found to produce a large reduction in reinforced responses when it is initially introduced. Continued exposure to punishment, however, results in substantial recovery within each hour of exposure as well as from day to day. A compensatory increase in responding occurs after the removal of punishment, even after the punishment has ceased to be effective. PMID- 13795415 TI - [Roentgenotherapy of palmoplantar hyperhidrosis]. PMID- 13795416 TI - [Investigation of the incidence of leishmaniasis in the Araguaya valley]. PMID- 13795417 TI - [Gynecomastia akd leprosy. (Observation of a case)]. PMID- 13795418 TI - [Some observations on chromoblastomycosis. Report on a 5th case of chromblastomycosis in the gluteal region]. PMID- 13795419 TI - Comparison of the macroscopic readings and microscopic findings of the lepromin reaction. PMID- 13795420 TI - [Gallbladder disease in tuberculosis patients]. PMID- 13795421 TI - [Streptomycin as an anabolic factor on the fetus in utero and on animals in the embryonal state]. PMID- 13795422 TI - [Clinical experimentation with a new combination of antibiotics (formula: F.I. 5804) in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13795423 TI - [The effect of meteorological changes on the development of pregnancy toxicosis]. PMID- 13795424 TI - [Modifications in various classes of lipoproteins produced by the admininistration of a heparinoid extracted from the duodenal mucosa]. PMID- 13795425 TI - Variations in the lipoprotein fractions induced by the administration of a heparinoid substance extracted from the duodenal mucosa. PMID- 13795426 TI - [Clinical remission in a case of plasmacytoma obtained with the therapeutic association of dexamethazone and triethylenethhiophosphoramide]. PMID- 13795427 TI - [Biochemical and histochemical research on the evolution of experimental autoplastic grafts]. PMID- 13795428 TI - [The different clinico-biological behavior of S.D.V.-vaccinated and unvaccinated persons in presence of highly infectious tubercular contagion]. PMID- 13795429 TI - [Proteolytic activity of renal tissue in experimental proteinuria in the rat]. PMID- 13795430 TI - [On the therapeutic action of chlorpropamide in senile diabetics]. PMID- 13795431 TI - [Acid-base equilibrium of the blood and renal function in the man subjected to a single administration of chlorothiazide or of K-572, carried out after 3 days of acetazolamide pretreatment]. PMID- 13795432 TI - [Studies on glycoprotein in serum. II. Analysis of carbohydrate and protein components and their relations in total glycoprotein and in serum mucoid. Values in normal subjects]. PMID- 13795433 TI - [Studies on glycoprotein in serum. I. Doctrinal premise. Critical evaluation and personal experience on the methods of investigation]. PMID- 13795434 TI - [Blood cholesterol in old age. Study on 682 individuals of the population of Bologna in relation to age and sex]. PMID- 13795435 TI - [Contribution to the clinical study of senile diabetes]. PMID- 13795436 TI - [Observations on an epidemic episode of common heatstroke in senile individuals]. PMID- 13795437 TI - [Observations on some cases of diabetes in senile obese patients]. PMID- 13795438 TI - [On a clinical case of thrombosis of the internal carotid]. PMID- 13795439 TI - [Rheography in the diagnosis of cerebral atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13795441 TI - [The oral or Epstein's reflex in presenility and in senility]. PMID- 13795440 TI - [The Ricovero di mendicita, Vittorio Emanuele II di Bologna, the Oo. Pp. annexes and the Ospedale Marcello Malpighi from their origin to the present]. PMID- 13795442 TI - A high-energy phosphate requirement for succinate oxidation in uncoupled rat liver mitochodria. PMID- 13795443 TI - Primary malignant lymphoma of the alimentary tract. PMID- 13795444 TI - Oat-cell carcinoma of the bronchus. PMID- 13795445 TI - Present-day therapeutics in general practice. PMID- 13795447 TI - [Industrial medical impressions in Japan and eastern Asia]. PMID- 13795446 TI - Self-poisoning with lead. PMID- 13795448 TI - [Industrial medicine in Egypt]. PMID- 13795449 TI - [Occupational diseases in the fisherman]. PMID- 13795450 TI - Hypertelorism in association with male chromatin pattern in a female. PMID- 13795451 TI - The Sjorgren-Larsson syndrome. PMID- 13795452 TI - Hydrolysis of 'heated' haemoglobin. PMID- 13795453 TI - The development of an acquired haemoglobin abnormality caused by thermal injury. AB - Alkali denaturation of the haemoglobin derived from burned patients at various intervals from the time of the injury was investigated. A delayed denaturation curve was always found. The involvement of the transfused cells was established by a differential agglutination technique. Red cell populations were fractionated into two portions, one of which was probably enriched in younger cells. This portion was preferentially affected.A starch gel technique yielded a "slow" and a "fast" fraction of haemoglobin with differing denaturation rates, even in normals. The "slow" fraction appeared to be increased quantitatively and qualitatively, if compared with normal blood. PMID- 13795454 TI - Response of patients with chronic brain disorders to meaningful auditory stimuli. PMID- 13795455 TI - Iron bacteria in mine-waters. PMID- 13795457 TI - [Balneotherapy of the climacteric]. PMID- 13795456 TI - [Epidemiological study of the Besnier-Boeck syndrome (sarcoidosis)]. PMID- 13795458 TI - [Experiences and successes with mud resorption therapy of inflammations of the female genitals. II]. PMID- 13795459 TI - [Experiences and successes with mud resorption therapy of inflammations of the female genitals. II]. PMID- 13795460 TI - Inability of p-hydroxypropiophenone to inhibit the appearance of spontaneous hepatomas in the C3H mouse. PMID- 13795461 TI - Lowered bactericidal efficiency of hydrogen peroxide on milk from cows treated with penicillin. PMID- 13795462 TI - [On operative treatment of varicose dilatation of the superficial veins of the lower extremities during the presence of thrombophlebitis]. PMID- 13795463 TI - [Content of copper in autopsy material in severe forms of hyperchromic anemia]. PMID- 13795464 TI - [Content of copper in the blood and in other organs in guinea pigs in experimental anemia]. PMID- 13795465 TI - [Effects of city air pollution on health of the population]. PMID- 13795466 TI - [On the problem of Turen's polykeratosis]. PMID- 13795467 TI - Ocular characteristics in West Africans and Europeans: a comparison of two groups. PMID- 13795468 TI - Forensic psychiatry in the USSR. PMID- 13795469 TI - Epidemic pulmonary histoplasmosis: roentgenographic findings. PMID- 13795470 TI - Six years of a family health clinic: some prenatal and pediatric findings. PMID- 13795471 TI - Annual administrative reviews: accreditation. PMID- 13795472 TI - The governing body of the hospital. PMID- 13795473 TI - The nursing service. PMID- 13795474 TI - Tissue committee of a hospital medical staff. PMID- 13795475 TI - Evaluation of vitamin B6 nutrition. PMID- 13795476 TI - Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to experimental cerebral emboli. PMID- 13795477 TI - Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to experimental cerebral emboli. PMID- 13795478 TI - [In memoriam Dr. Adam Huszcza]. PMID- 13795479 TI - [Apparently hereditary cataract of embryopathic origin]. PMID- 13795480 TI - [Early postnatal cataracts of rapid course. Study of 4 cases, including 1 with histological examination]. PMID- 13795481 TI - [The effect of increased concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide on the coronary blood flow]. PMID- 13795482 TI - [The photothermoelectrographic method of determination of the blood flow rate in experiment]. PMID- 13795483 TI - [Control of distomiasis in Lithuania]. PMID- 13795484 TI - Further studies on helminths of the opossum, Didelphis, virginiana, with a description of a new species from this host. PMID- 13795485 TI - Biochemistry and physiology of resistance by insects to insecticides. PMID- 13795486 TI - [On the beginnings of Rumanian rabiology]. PMID- 13795487 TI - [On echinococcosis of the brain]. PMID- 13795488 TI - [Transportation-splint in fractures of the cervical segment of the spine]. PMID- 13795489 TI - [Apropos of some pharmacological properties and new experimental data on citroflavonoids]. PMID- 13795490 TI - [Muscular activity and glucides]. PMID- 13795491 TI - [Behavior of aldolase activity in lyophilized platelets]. PMID- 13795492 TI - [The activity of glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminase in blood platelets]. PMID- 13795493 TI - [Behavior of fetal hemoglobin in newborn infants with hemolytic disese during exchange transfusion. (Electrophoretic, chemical and histochemical study)]. PMID- 13795494 TI - [Comparative study on the determination of fetal hemoglobin by the histochemical method (Kleinhauser and coll.) and the chemical method (Singer and coll.)]. PMID- 13795495 TI - [Acetylation of p-aminobenzoic acid in the premature newborn in the first week of life]. PMID- 13795496 TI - [On lithiasis of the common bile duct]. PMID- 13795497 TI - [On the problem of lambliasis]. PMID- 13795498 TI - [Trocar-extractor for biopsy of the prostate gland]. PMID- 13795499 TI - [Apparatus for atomization of therapeutic solutions in treatment of burns]. PMID- 13795500 TI - [Carcinoma of the tonsils as a late sequel following roentgen irradiation of the neck]. PMID- 13795501 TI - [In memoriam Prof. Otto Voss]. PMID- 13795502 TI - [On the antibiotic therapy of laryngeal papilloma]. PMID- 13795503 TI - [On the fate of local recurrence of laryngeal carcinoma]. PMID- 13795504 TI - [To the knowledge of the solitary tumors of nervous tissue in the oral region]. PMID- 13795505 TI - [Endoscopic aspects of tuberculous cavitations of the lungs. (Preliminary findings)]. PMID- 13795506 TI - [On the practical value of the retraining school]. PMID- 13795507 TI - [Recent case of pleuropulmonary actinobacteriosis due to Actinobacterium israeli cured by antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13795508 TI - Alcoholism in San Francisco. A community study and recommended program. AB - In a community health council study of alcoholism in San Francisco it was suggested that alcoholism be considered a disease that afflicts an individual, affects his family, constitutes a major public health problem and produces social and economic disorder in the community. It is recommended that alcoholism, like many other diseases, be approached through a broad program of professional and public education, research into epidemiology and study of more effective methods of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, and that patient services commensurate with the scope of the problem be provided. Specific recommendations emphasized the role of the medical profession and related professions and facilities in the prevention and control of alcoholism. PMID- 13795510 TI - [The cell structure and serology of Leptospira]. PMID- 13795509 TI - [Studies on the presence and on the significance of Leptospira antibodies in bovine serum]. PMID- 13795511 TI - [Reflexogenic zones of the aorta and their significance in the mechanism of action of arterial infusion of blood]. PMID- 13795512 TI - [The influence on man of radial acceleration of great duration]. PMID- 13795513 TI - [Ovarian disgerminoma in a 14-year-old girl]. PMID- 13795514 TI - [Vaginal metastases of adenoacanthoma of the endometrium undetected in colpocytology and revealed by colposcopy]. PMID- 13795515 TI - [Clinico-statistical data on 2250 colposcopic and cyto-karyological examinations made at the Center for diagnosis and prevention of female genital tumors of the Clinica Ostetrico-Ginecologica di Perugia]. PMID- 13795516 TI - On the relations existing between estrogenic secretions and vaginal trichomoniasis. PMID- 13795517 TI - [A new method for confirming the rupture of the membranes in the last months of pregnancy]. PMID- 13795519 TI - Clinical observations and experimental research on thyrotropin in pretibial limited myxodermia. PMID- 13795518 TI - [Bioptic, endoscopic, radiological, secretory and bacterioscopic data on the stomach in the course of lepromatous leprosy]. PMID- 13795520 TI - [Action of acyl phosphatases on glycolysis]. PMID- 13795521 TI - Serum seromucoid and acid mucopolysaccharide in the Marfan syndrome. PMID- 13795522 TI - [On malignant tumors of the oral cavity in childhood]. PMID- 13795523 TI - [Observations on injectable preparations in the Galenic Formulary of the Istituto Nazionale per l'Assicurazione control le Malattie]. PMID- 13795524 TI - [C-reactive protein in pregnancy, labor and puerperium]. PMID- 13795525 TI - [On air ions]. PMID- 13795526 TI - [A contribution to the casuistics of basal fibroids]. PMID- 13795527 TI - [Ear discharge after fenestration and resting cells]. PMID- 13795528 TI - [Report on a five year experience with fenestration]. PMID- 13795529 TI - [On sex differences in the reactions of blood ammonia concentrations in humans under physiological and pathological conditions and the diagnostic significance of blood ammonia]. PMID- 13795530 TI - [On the size distribution of spherical sections within transparent sections of finite thickness]. PMID- 13795532 TI - [Gonadal dysgenesis]. PMID- 13795533 TI - [On the behavior of the total eosinophil count in the peripheral blood during the first days of life]. PMID- 13795531 TI - [A contribution to the clubfoot problem]. PMID- 13795534 TI - [Neuroplegia ("vegetative blockade") as a therapeutic principle for the injured newborn infant]. PMID- 13795535 TI - [Why, when and how a newborn should be circumcised]. PMID- 13795536 TI - Medicine and the hounds. PMID- 13795537 TI - Granulocyte suppression with thioridazine hydrochloride. PMID- 13795538 TI - [Cancer cells in gastric juice. Chymotrypsin test]. PMID- 13795539 TI - [Postpartum hemorrhage]. PMID- 13795540 TI - Comparative toxicity studies on ten antibiotics in current use. PMID- 13795541 TI - Plant thioglycosides and the problem of endemic goitre in Australia. PMID- 13795542 TI - [Relation between electroencephalographic variables and those expressing personality and sensorimotor functions. Results of an investigation carried out on a homogenous population of young adult 20-year-old males. Methods of statistical treatment]. PMID- 13795544 TI - [Studies on the tuberculin reaction repeated in the same site. Report 13. A histological study in human skin. IV. A comparison of the histological findings in the accelerated tuberculin reaction by the purified protein derivate of tuberculin and old tuberculin]. PMID- 13795543 TI - [Study on the metabolism of folic acid in Hodgkin's disease and in malignant neoplasms]. PMID- 13795545 TI - [Studies on tuberculin reaction repeated in the same site. Report 10: Histological study in human skin. I. Comparison of histological findings in the twice repeated site and the new site]. PMID- 13795546 TI - [Studies on tuberculin reaction repeated in the same site. Report 11. A histological study in human skin. II. Comparison of histological findings in the three times repeated site and the new site]. PMID- 13795547 TI - [Aspects and results of hormone therapy in oncology]. PMID- 13795548 TI - Hemilateral calcifications of tuberculous lymph nodes. A case report. PMID- 13795549 TI - Prolonged use of oxytetracycline hydrochloride with glucosamine in twenty-five patients for nonspecific complications associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13795550 TI - Protoplasts from Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13795551 TI - [Experience with student assistants in the field of preventive health protection and proposals for the improvement of their operations]. PMID- 13795552 TI - [Sport and health in the mirror of the criticism]. PMID- 13795553 TI - [The social hygienic importance of swimming areas and their use by the population]. PMID- 13795554 TI - [Ambulant therapy of the malignant and fixed course of essential hypertension with camphidonium and Rauwolfia alkaloids]. PMID- 13795555 TI - [Liver and potassium metabolism in histotoxic malonate hypoxydosis. Part II. Animal experimental investigations]. PMID- 13795557 TI - [On the classification of pneumonias in childhood]. PMID- 13795556 TI - [Liver and potassium metabolism in histotoxic malonate-hypoxia. Part I. Introductory remarks on the potassium metabolism and oxygen deficiency]. PMID- 13795558 TI - [On the question of parenteral fluid therapy]. PMID- 13795559 TI - [Leukemia and pregnancy]. PMID- 13795560 TI - [On the recognition and evaluation of the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome]. PMID- 13795561 TI - [On the optimum therapy of suppurative maxillary sinusitis]. PMID- 13795562 TI - Bioelectric activity of mammalian nerves during x-irradiation. PMID- 13795563 TI - Bioelectric responses in situ of mammalian nerves exposed to x-rays. PMID- 13795564 TI - Electrophysiological effects of ultraviolet radiation on single nerve fibers. PMID- 13795565 TI - Research areas in bioenergetics. PMID- 13795566 TI - Calcification. XXIV. Mineralization of collagen and other fibers. PMID- 13795567 TI - Calcification XXV. Mineralization of reconstituted collagen. PMID- 13795568 TI - Calcification. XXVII. Collagen transformation under influence of calcium and phosphate ions. PMID- 13795569 TI - An experiment in universal and personal validation. PMID- 13795570 TI - Thermal-resistant populations of foot-and-mouth disease virus. PMID- 13795571 TI - [Hirudoid in lymphangitis of the breast]. PMID- 13795572 TI - The formation of spermidine from spermine by serum amine oxidase. PMID- 13795573 TI - Metabolism of amines. 2. The oxidation of natural polyamines by Myocobacterium smegmatis. PMID- 13795574 TI - Volatile amines in stools of infants suffering from gastroenteritis. PMID- 13795575 TI - Practical laboratory tests for the identification of proteus strains. PMID- 13795576 TI - An improved method for the determination of lysine decarboxylase activity of Salmonellae. PMID- 13795577 TI - An improved method for the determination of lysine decarboxylase activity of Salmonellae. PMID- 13795578 TI - Phosphatase activity in normal and poliovirus-infected tissue cultures. PMID- 13795579 TI - [Stability of antibacterial activity of commercial forms of solution of crystalline benzyl penicillin]. PMID- 13795580 TI - [Prophylactic survey of workers in steel foundries of Magnitogorsk metallurgic plants for glaucoma]. PMID- 13795581 TI - [Evaluation of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of female sterility]. PMID- 13795582 TI - [Prenatal electrocardiography. New recording technic]. PMID- 13795583 TI - [Fetal phonocardioscopy]. PMID- 13795584 TI - [Subdiaphragmatic septic processes]. PMID- 13795585 TI - [Experimental studies on the influence of 1-3, 5,3'-triiodothyronine on tumor metabolism and growth]. PMID- 13795586 TI - [Clinical results of a new combined procedure for the treatment of malignant tumors in man]. PMID- 13795587 TI - A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of xanthine oxidase activity using the oxygen electrode. PMID- 13795588 TI - [Osseous reticulosarcoma with multiple localizations]. PMID- 13795590 TI - [The formation of bone callus after sclerosis of the adrenal medulla and excess administration of adrenalin; experimental research]. PMID- 13795589 TI - [Tibial adamantinoma]. PMID- 13795591 TI - The use of S-(2-aminoethyl)-isothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) to localize the effect of alkylating agents and to extend their therapeutic index in the treatment of neoplastic ascites. PMID- 13795592 TI - Prochlorperazine in airsickness. PMID- 13795593 TI - [Mental disorders in private practice and the general hospital]. PMID- 13795594 TI - [On the recently passed law on rehabilitation]. PMID- 13795595 TI - [Re-education and postgraduate training of the specialist and general practitioner]. PMID- 13795596 TI - [Rehabilitation and hospital system]. PMID- 13795597 TI - Some new epidemics. PMID- 13795598 TI - [Elimination of antibodies supplied by exchange transfusion]. PMID- 13795599 TI - [New method of passive hemagglutination for the determination of diphtheria antitoxins and anatoxins]. PMID- 13795600 TI - The gubernaculum testis of the pig (Sus scropha). PMID- 13795601 TI - [Nerve injury following poisoning with insecticides of the alkyl phosphate type]. PMID- 13795602 TI - Congenital nephrosis with leucaemoid reaction and cirrhosis of the liver. Report of a case. PMID- 13795603 TI - [On fibrous dysplasia of bones]. PMID- 13795604 TI - Pulmonary tension emergencies in infants. PMID- 13795605 TI - [Safety belts in automobiles]. PMID- 13795606 TI - Pathways of glucose metabolism in early sea urchin development. PMID- 13795607 TI - Activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in sea urchin emtryos of different developmental trends. PMID- 13795608 TI - Reduction of blue tetrazolium in developing sea urchin eggs after addition of various substrates and phosphopyridine nucleotides. PMID- 13795609 TI - Hypospadias--then and now. PMID- 13795610 TI - Treatment of accidental wounds. PMID- 13795611 TI - Let's prune our tree of knowledge. PMID- 13795612 TI - [May a simple tumorectomy followed by radiotherapy be performed in the case of mammary tumor?]. PMID- 13795613 TI - Roentgentherapy alone in the cancer of the breast. PMID- 13795614 TI - [Cancer of the breast. Roentgenotherapy alone]. PMID- 13795615 TI - [Long-term prognosis in cancer of the breast (stages II, III, IV with the exclusion of stage I) treated by roentgen therapy according to the site of the primary lesion]. PMID- 13795616 TI - [Radiation therapy of primary bone tumors (osteosarcomas and reticular tumors)]. PMID- 13795617 TI - [Recent development of the treatment of cancers by radiations]. PMID- 13795618 TI - Congenital bicuspid aortic valves and the aetiology of isolated aortic valvular stenosis. PMID- 13795619 TI - The rationale of re-resection for recurrent cancer of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13795620 TI - The surgical management of diverticulitis of the colon with particular reference to rehabilitation. PMID- 13795621 TI - Rehabilitation and long-term survival after colectomy for ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13795622 TI - An 18-year experience with the pull-thru operation for cancer with elimination of an abdominal colostomy. PMID- 13795623 TI - Cancer of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13795624 TI - The trisaccharide fraction of some monocotyledons. PMID- 13795625 TI - Observation of National Diabetes Week in York County. PMID- 13795626 TI - Inability of methionine to affect lethality in mice and rats exposed to x-rays. PMID- 13795627 TI - [Radioprotective property of a synthetic preparation of oxytocin (syntocinon Sandoz)]. PMID- 13795628 TI - [Action of pyrogallol on the quantity of noradrenalin liberated by the stimulation of the splenic nerves]. PMID- 13795629 TI - Protection against irradiation afforded by sodium fluoroacetate. PMID- 13795630 TI - [Study of the central excitatory action of catechol]. PMID- 13795631 TI - [Effect of destruction of the hypothalamus on the response of the adrenals to total irradiation in the rat]. PMID- 13795632 TI - [Physiological role of metanephrine and normetanephrine]. PMID- 13795634 TI - [Points of view on psychological determination of maturity in school children]. PMID- 13795633 TI - [Weber-Christian disease (Apropos of a case treated by nivaquinine)]. PMID- 13795635 TI - [The action of estrogens on experimental coronary atheromatosis]. PMID- 13795636 TI - Letter structure of the English language. PMID- 13795637 TI - Thymidine diphosphate mannose from Streptomyces griseus. PMID- 13795639 TI - Role of acute myocardial hypoxia and ischemic-nonischemic boundaries in ventricular fibrillation. PMID- 13795638 TI - The enzymic activation of D-alanine. PMID- 13795640 TI - [Transsternal phlebomammariography]. PMID- 13795641 TI - [Fluid treatment of burns]. PMID- 13795643 TI - [Radiotherapy of brain tumors]. PMID- 13795642 TI - [Value of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase in the diagnosis of liver metastases]. PMID- 13795644 TI - [Radiotherapy of brain tumors]. PMID- 13795645 TI - Cervical incompetence: current therapy. PMID- 13795646 TI - Effect of corticosteroids and gluten-free diet on absorption of iron inidiopathic steatorrhoea and coeliac disease. PMID- 13795647 TI - Steatorrhoea in the adult. PMID- 13795649 TI - The blind loop syndrome. PMID- 13795650 TI - [Case contribution on ambulant treatment with tofranil)]. PMID- 13795648 TI - Steatorrhoea in the adult. PMID- 13795651 TI - [Histological studies on the problem of the etiology and pathogenesis of essential trigeminal neuralgia]. PMID- 13795652 TI - [On the use of the hemostyptic ACC 76 in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13795653 TI - Negative pressure breathing. PMID- 13795654 TI - The oxygen cost of breathing in dyspnoeic subjects as studied in normal pregnant women. PMID- 13795655 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content of human ovarian tumors in relation to histological grading. PMID- 13795656 TI - [Aplasia of the left bronchovascular pedicle associated with fibroelastosis of the endocardium: dark hemithorax]. PMID- 13795657 TI - Hospital admission X rays in detection of tuberculosis. PMID- 13795658 TI - Recent advances in the diagnosis and immunology of rabies. PMID- 13795659 TI - Athletic injuries to the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand. PMID- 13795660 TI - Sports injuries of the shoulder girdle. PMID- 13795661 TI - [False antistreptolysins]. PMID- 13795662 TI - [Adaptation of 3 flocculation tests to the "Technicon" auto-analyser]. PMID- 13795663 TI - [Influence of certain abnormal globulins on the turbidimetric tests of Kunkel and Huerga-Popper]. PMID- 13795664 TI - [Biologic and clinical significance of Kunkel's zinc test and of La Huerga and Popper's ammonium sulfate test]. PMID- 13795665 TI - [Rapid and complete precipitation of the macroglobulin from chronic rheumatoid arthritis patients in a solution of boric acid]. PMID- 13795666 TI - [Experimental study of the distribution of bismuth administered in the form of the chelate]. PMID- 13795667 TI - Volkmann's ischemic contractures of the leg. PMID- 13795668 TI - Fractures in Still's disease. PMID- 13795669 TI - [Scintillation gamma-encephalometer for the diagnosis of brain tumors]. PMID- 13795670 TI - [Clinical aspects of rapidly-progressing labor]. PMID- 13795671 TI - [The production of deformities in poliomyelitis. The retraction of the tensor fasciae latae]. PMID- 13795672 TI - Ileocystoplasty in the treatment of bilharzial contracted bladder. PMID- 13795673 TI - The role of rural units in the control of cancer. PMID- 13795674 TI - [On size anomalies of the papiilla nervi optici, with special reference to black megalopapilla]. PMID- 13795675 TI - [Studies on the mycoflora of topsoil and soil in pine forests of the Radunia slopes (Sepia Gora)]. PMID- 13795677 TI - [Study of recanalization under anticoagulant treatment of arteries thrombosed experimentally]. PMID- 13795676 TI - [Decrease of the effect of noradrenalin on isolated aorta by inhibition of monoaminoxydase]. PMID- 13795678 TI - [On Bang endocarditis]. PMID- 13795679 TI - [Note on the determination of nikethamide]. PMID- 13795681 TI - [The therapy of hip joint arthroses with minor surgical intervention]. PMID- 13795680 TI - [Apropos of incest]. PMID- 13795682 TI - [Immunochemistry in the physiopathogenesis of allergic edema. Clinical and therapeutic aspects]. PMID- 13795683 TI - Pharmacological studies of the sulfonylureas. PMID- 13795684 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the liver in eclampsia. PMID- 13795686 TI - Escape and avoidance response of pre-school children to two schedules of reinforcement withdrawal. PMID- 13795687 TI - The chromatographic separation of homologous phosphatides. PMID- 13795685 TI - [Significance of bloodless photoelectrical methods of measurement for cardiovascular diagnosis]. PMID- 13795688 TI - Synthesis of L-alpha-cephalins containing fatty acids of shorter chain length. Water-soluble glycerolphosphatides. 2. PMID- 13795689 TI - Immunization of rabbits with purfified blood group A and B substances. PMID- 13795690 TI - Evaluation of diuretic agents. PMID- 13795691 TI - Esterase activity associated with formation of deposits on teeth. PMID- 13795692 TI - Periodontal disease in six strains of inbred mice. PMID- 13795693 TI - Studies on peridontal disease in the mouse. 3. The germ-free mouse and its conventional control. PMID- 13795694 TI - The occurrence of periodontal disease in germfree mice. PMID- 13795695 TI - Studies on a hydrogenated fat-zinc bacitracin periodontal dressing. PMID- 13795696 TI - Familial sarcoidosis: epidemiological aspects with notes on a possible relationship to the chewing of pine pitch. PMID- 13795697 TI - [Some effects of acanthosis on the reaction capacity of guinea pig skin]. PMID- 13795698 TI - The determination of morphine in opium. PMID- 13795699 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase in Trichomonas vaginalis. PMID- 13795700 TI - [Liver diseases and motor-car driving]. PMID- 13795701 TI - Metabolic effects of glutamate and arginine administration and protein restriction in patients with liver disease. PMID- 13795702 TI - [On the methodology of in vitro testing of the antibiotic brevicide]. PMID- 13795703 TI - One year's experience in psychosomatic group training of general practitioners. PMID- 13795704 TI - [Liver changes in Brill-Symmers disease]. PMID- 13795705 TI - [On the pathology and symptomatology of the so-called metatraumatic hemobilia]. PMID- 13795706 TI - [Masks? Germ content of the respiratory air and masks]. PMID- 13795707 TI - [Mediastinal teratoma in a 13 year old girl]. PMID- 13795708 TI - [Relation between age and the learning of a conditioned escape response in white rats]. PMID- 13795709 TI - [Clinical study on side-effects of prednisone treatment in 43 patients]. PMID- 13795710 TI - [Demonstration of resochin or resochin derivatives in tissue]. PMID- 13795711 TI - [Therapy of the idiopathic nephrotic syndromes with long-term resochin dosage]. PMID- 13795712 TI - [Effect of ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids on hyaluronidase activity]. PMID- 13795714 TI - [Blood transfusion in the surgical ward in the Okruzhnata bolnitsa in Ruse]. PMID- 13795713 TI - [Surgical therapy of portal hypertension in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13795715 TI - [Treatment of hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13795716 TI - [Psychohygiene of aging]. PMID- 13795717 TI - [Some clinical and hemodynamic observations on peripheral arteriovenous fistulae]. PMID- 13795718 TI - Surgical correction of transposition of the great vessels: a five-year survey. PMID- 13795719 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of thrombopathies]. PMID- 13795720 TI - [On new gentisic acid derivatives]. PMID- 13795721 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the monoterpene hydrocarbons in Italian juniper oil]. PMID- 13795722 TI - A study of nutritional and non-nutritional factors in the incidence of kwashiorkor in a rural area (Singur) of West Bengal. PMID- 13795723 TI - Study of Bitot's spot with special reference to protein malnutrition. PMID- 13795724 TI - The effects of methionine sulphoximine induced methionine deficiency on the crystalline lens of albino rats. PMID- 13795725 TI - [On the history of activities of the People's Commissariat of Public Health of the RSFSR during the civil war and military intervention (1918-20)]. PMID- 13795726 TI - [Studies on the metabolism in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. I. Respiration in the presence of various substrates]. PMID- 13795727 TI - [Studies on the metabolism of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. II. Effect of cyanide on the respiration of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13795728 TI - [Influence of streptomycin on the production of penicillinase induced in B. cereus]. PMID- 13795729 TI - [Effect of anticoagulants on the blood coagulation system in myocardial infarct and stenocardia]. PMID- 13795730 TI - [Preserved thrombocytes and their clinical use]. PMID- 13795731 TI - [Preservation of thrombocytes and its clinical application]. PMID- 13795732 TI - [Treatment of acute radiation sickness by thrombocytic mass]. PMID- 13795734 TI - [Role of luminescence microscopy in the evaluation of viability of preserved leukocytes and of their adaptation after transfusion]. PMID- 13795733 TI - [Certain aspects of the clinical course and therapy of acute radiation sickness in monkeys]. PMID- 13795735 TI - Pharmacological studies with sulfadimethoxine. PMID- 13795736 TI - Chronic toxicity studies of beta-carotene. PMID- 13795737 TI - The role of position in the development of cerebral air embolism following air injection at the base of the aorta. PMID- 13795738 TI - Some remarks on scales of measurement and related topics. PMID- 13795739 TI - The influence of sex on the pathologic aspects of cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13795740 TI - The relationship of the hepatic hilar lymph vessels of man to ascites. PMID- 13795741 TI - [A 10 year statistical report on infant health and school health and what next?]. PMID- 13795742 TI - The postcommissurotomy syndrome after mitral valvotomy. PMID- 13795743 TI - [Behavior of the metachromatic substance of the connective tissue in relation to the use of suture materials]. PMID- 13795744 TI - [Measurement of arterial pressure with mercury manometer and electronic registration of the values]. PMID- 13795745 TI - [Study on the pial cerebral circulation. Action of some vasodilator drugs]. PMID- 13795746 TI - Effect of ethionine on amino acid composition of rat tumors. PMID- 13795747 TI - [On remote results of conservative resection of the upper third of the tibia in giant-cell cancer]. PMID- 13795748 TI - [On symptomatology in esophageal bifurcation cancer and its relation to pathomorphology of the tumor]. PMID- 13795749 TI - Metabolism of xanthurenic acid in the rat. PMID- 13795750 TI - Genetic control of tryptophan peroxidaseoxidase in Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13795751 TI - Two new pteridinic pigments in Drosophilia melanogaster. PMID- 13795752 TI - [On globulins of phi mobility in hyperimmune horse serums]. PMID- 13795753 TI - Antimalarial compounds in rheumatoid disease. PMID- 13795754 TI - The re-entrainment of settled dusts. PMID- 13795755 TI - [The bile and biliferous ducts of the rabbit studied by means of reflux cholangiography. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13795756 TI - [The morphology and topography of the vasculo-nervous spaces of the lower extremity studied with anatomo-surgical direction]. PMID- 13795757 TI - ["Vasculography with combined injection applied to the study of the portal system in operated rats with typical hepatic resection"]. PMID- 13795758 TI - [Arteriographic study of the kidney in rabbits subjected to atypical resection]. PMID- 13795759 TI - [Radiographic study of the portal vessels in the rat liver after atypical resection]. PMID- 13795760 TI - [The portal circulation studied by venography in vivo. Experimental research on rat liver]. PMID- 13795761 TI - [Reticulosarcoma of the oral cavity]. PMID- 13795762 TI - [Maxillary monostotic fibrous dysplasia]. PMID- 13795763 TI - [Effect of ligation of the excretory duct of the submandibular salivary gland in a rat]. PMID- 13795764 TI - [Modifications induced by testosterone on the effects of ligation of the excretory duct of the submandibular gland in a rat]. PMID- 13795765 TI - [Non-epithelial tumors of the lip]. PMID- 13795766 TI - [Pathogenetic considerations on some peculiar histomorphological aspects observed in the coronary intima]. PMID- 13795767 TI - [Importance of the association of the toxi-infectious and the cholesterol factors in the pathogenesis of experimental arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13795768 TI - [Possibility of influencing the inhibition in strabismus by means of drugs]. PMID- 13795769 TI - [Quantitative evaluation of the anti-inhibitory effects of some drugs on scotomas from suppression in strabismus]. PMID- 13795770 TI - [Observations on the so-called "fixation disparity" phenomenon]. PMID- 13795771 TI - [The electroretinogram during monocular and binocular stimulations]. PMID- 13795772 TI - [Industrial accomplishments in French Black Africa in the production of solidified plant oil]. PMID- 13795773 TI - [Metergin in obstetrics]. PMID- 13795774 TI - [Course of the exudative phase of inflammation in irradiated animals]. PMID- 13795775 TI - [Effect of ionizing radiations on adrenocorticotropic activity of the peripheral blood in rats. (Investigation by means of the method of crossed circulation)]. PMID- 13795776 TI - Treatment of choriocarcinoma with a combination of cytotoxic drugs. PMID- 13795777 TI - Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex with adrenal metastases. PMID- 13795778 TI - Hypokalaemia, carcinoma and Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13795779 TI - Effects of reserpine on adrenal responses to nicotine. PMID- 13795780 TI - A study of the influence of casein concentrations on the papain--casein reaction at different hydrogen-ion concentrations, employing boric acid/borate, and citric acid/phosphate buffers. PMID- 13795781 TI - Effect of anthraquinone, benzoquinone, hydroquinone and resorcinol on the hydrolysis of casein by papain. PMID- 13795782 TI - Study of the proteolysis of certain vegetable proteins by papain. PMID- 13795783 TI - The influence of amines on the proteolysis of casein by papain. PMID- 13795784 TI - A study of the decomposition of urea by the aqueous extract of Glycine sojabeans. PMID- 13795785 TI - Decomposition of urea by urease. PMID- 13795786 TI - Inhibition of urease by lead acetate. PMID- 13795787 TI - Studies on the influence of stannous chloride on the decomposition of urea by soyabean (Glycine soja) urease. PMID- 13795788 TI - Influence of basic and acidic ions on the formation of 2, 3-butanediol by Serratia marcescens. PMID- 13795789 TI - Effect of heat on cupripapain as indicated by its milk clotting and proteolytic activities. PMID- 13795790 TI - Fractionation of commercial papain by acetone and investigation of the proteolytic and milk clotting properties of the different fractions. PMID- 13795791 TI - The influence of the toxins separated by adsorption on wood charcoal from the culture of Bacillus polymyxa on the fermentation of sucrose. PMID- 13795792 TI - An unusual case of causalgia treated by repeated stellate ganglion block. PMID- 13795793 TI - Severe vascular spasm of brachial artery treated with repeated stellate ganglion block. PMID- 13795794 TI - First national report on patients of mental health clinics. PMID- 13795795 TI - The development of an effective statistical system in mental illness. PMID- 13795796 TI - Therapeutic studies in experimental chemical injury of the cornea. II. Phosphate buffer (neutralize) studies. PMID- 13795797 TI - Therapeutic studies in experimental chemical injury of the cornea. III. Corticosteroid studies. PMID- 13795798 TI - The federal budget process. PMID- 13795799 TI - The mass of the zona glomerulosa following complete anterior and posterior hypophysectomy and subtotal removal of the pars tuberalis in the dog. PMID- 13795800 TI - [Oxidation products of cancerogenic substances as possible hydrogen and/or electron carriers. (A comparative study). Part 1. Aromatic amines and aminostilbenes]. PMID- 13795801 TI - [Oxidation products of carcinogens as a possible hydrogen or electron transmitter. Part I. Aromatic amines and aminostilbenes. Comparative studies]. PMID- 13795802 TI - [Gonadal dysgenesis with virilism (Partial testis dysgenesis)]. PMID- 13795803 TI - [Postabsorption hypoglycemia in carbohydrate-rich nutrition]. PMID- 13795805 TI - Experiences with open heart sugery during cardiopulmonary bypass in 270 cases. PMID- 13795806 TI - Excision of aneurysm of the ascending aorta with prosthetic replacement during cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13795804 TI - Effects of variations in chemical structure on anti-tumor activity and toxicity of styrylquinolines and similar compounds. PMID- 13795807 TI - Physiological principles in the use of the cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13795808 TI - The action of colloid-osmotically active substances on volume changes of specimens during osmium fixation. PMID- 13795809 TI - [Exclusive INH prolonged therapy of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13795810 TI - [Our experience in anesthesia and artificial ventilation in open-heart surgery]. PMID- 13795811 TI - [Candido-mycoses in children]. PMID- 13795812 TI - A preliminary investigation of the pigments of Trichophyton rubrum. PMID- 13795814 TI - On transplantation of some tumours from non-inbred rats to pure strains. PMID- 13795813 TI - Antifungal action of salicylanilide. II. PMID- 13795815 TI - [Disease of the right kidney and ureter in the diagnosis of appendicitis]. PMID- 13795816 TI - [Liver cell permeability under the influence of prednisolone]. PMID- 13795817 TI - [Liver diseases and serum enzymes]. PMID- 13795818 TI - [Embryonic mixed tumor of the liver in an 8 and a half month old infant]. PMID- 13795819 TI - Surgical convalescence. PMID- 13795820 TI - Chromosome studies in human leukaemia. PMID- 13795821 TI - [A traction plaster bandage in diaphysial fractures of the humerus]. PMID- 13795822 TI - [Recurrent chronic pancreatitis with canalicular lithiasis. Pancreatojejunostomy]. PMID- 13795823 TI - [Simultaneous and continuous enzymatic and pneumatic zonulolysis, to the point of total rupture of particularly resistant zonules]. PMID- 13795824 TI - [An adhesive transparent slide for use in parasitological diagnosis]. PMID- 13795825 TI - [Occupational orientation in view of the occupational reclassification of stabilized or recovered tuberculotics]. PMID- 13795826 TI - A case of progressive synergistic gangrene. PMID- 13795827 TI - Successful repair of aortic insufficiency due to valvular fenestration. PMID- 13795828 TI - Current research in the surgery of ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13795829 TI - Thromboendarterectomy for coronary artery disease. PMID- 13795830 TI - Surgical correction of aortic regurgitation. PMID- 13795831 TI - Ten years progress toward the complete correction of mitral stenosis. PMID- 13795832 TI - The complete relief of mitral stenosis: ten years of progress toward this goal. PMID- 13795834 TI - Advances in the surgical treatment of aortic stenosis and incompetence. PMID- 13795833 TI - The complete relief of mitral stenosis: ten years of progress toward this goal. Part I. PMID- 13795835 TI - Cardiotoxic effects of quinidine and their treatment. PMID- 13795836 TI - A rapid method of grafting skin on tails of mice. PMID- 13795837 TI - Headache and dizziness. PMID- 13795838 TI - Histological changes in the spinal cord of man in cases of fatal injury. II. Alterations in the neurocytons. PMID- 13795840 TI - Artifical respiration. PMID- 13795841 TI - Reiter's disease: Hans Reiter, b. 1881. PMID- 13795842 TI - Polyethylene in middle ear surgery. PMID- 13795839 TI - Reiter's disease. PMID- 13795843 TI - "Siqualine" (fluphenazine) in psychiatric practice: a preliminary report. PMID- 13795844 TI - Personnel contamination as a uranium hazard. PMID- 13795845 TI - Some observations and impressions on White House Conference on Childhood and Youth 1960. PMID- 13795847 TI - Ovarian changes concerned with gonadotrophic dysfunction and associated with amenorrhoea and infertility. Treatment by ovarian wedge resection and eversion with Gilliam suspension. PMID- 13795846 TI - Further chemical studies on the tropomyosins of lamellibranch muscle with special reference to Pecten maximus. PMID- 13795848 TI - Manifest anxiety in psychiatric outpatients. PMID- 13795849 TI - A study of factors related to length of stay in psychotherapy. PMID- 13795850 TI - Patients screened and criteria used for selecting psychotherapy cases in a mental hygiene clinic. PMID- 13795851 TI - Effect of ophthalimic lens fluorescence on visual acuity. PMID- 13795852 TI - Results of long survival after thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. PMID- 13795853 TI - The pathology of juvenile hemiplegia. PMID- 13795854 TI - Modern attitudes toward the relationship of the brain to behavior. PMID- 13795855 TI - Increased aldosterne excretion during chronic sodium deprivation in two male subjects. PMID- 13795856 TI - Steroid production by human adrenal adenomata and nontumorous adrenal tissue in vitro. PMID- 13795857 TI - Formation of leucrose in dextran-producing cultures of Streptococcus bovis. PMID- 13795858 TI - The United States Air Force Sentry Dog Training Center, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. PMID- 13795859 TI - Comparison of iproniazid with other amine oxidase inhibitors, including W-1544, JB-516, RO 4-1018, and RO 5-0700. PMID- 13795861 TI - Traumatic perforation of the lower oesophagus. PMID- 13795862 TI - [Transverso-vesical fistula caused by unrecognized appendicitis]. PMID- 13795860 TI - The acute toxic action of dimethylnitrosamine on liver cells. PMID- 13795863 TI - [Value of hormone determinations in menopausal pathology]. PMID- 13795864 TI - Gammagraphic study of dilution curves in the normal subject PMID- 13795865 TI - [The isotopic nephrogram]. PMID- 13795866 TI - [What may one think of the absence of 17-ketosteroids in the urines of most mammals?]. PMID- 13795868 TI - Mental health in industry. PMID- 13795869 TI - Determination of liquid scientillation counting efficiency by pulse height shift. PMID- 13795867 TI - [Cervicitis and pregnancy: study of 150 cases at Clinic No. 68 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security]. PMID- 13795870 TI - Reaction patterns of the reticuloendothelial system under stimulation. PMID- 13795871 TI - [The intravenous injection of corticoids in different medical emergencies]. PMID- 13795872 TI - [Additional notes on the morphology, taxonomic positions and biology of Anopheles (Neomyzomyia) maliensis Bailly-Choumara and Adam, 1959]. PMID- 13795873 TI - [On the subject of non-pregnant ovarian hemorrhage]. PMID- 13795874 TI - [Comparative histomorphological study of the action of x-rays and Co-60 on the female genital apparatus]. PMID- 13795876 TI - [Is Krause's bougie still used?]. PMID- 13795875 TI - [For a more exact determination of the date of labor]. PMID- 13795877 TI - [Repeated cesarean section and tubal sterilization]. PMID- 13795878 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis and therapeutic abortion]. PMID- 13795880 TI - The relative stopping powers of pure gases to that of air. PMID- 13795879 TI - The relative biological effect of various qualities of x-rays on growth of ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13795881 TI - Gonadal dose in radiation therapy. PMID- 13795882 TI - Isodose curves for certain radium applicators used in the treatment of uterine cervical cancer. PMID- 13795884 TI - The biochemistry of lungs in relation to silicosis. I. The amino acid content of normal guinea pig lung tissue. PMID- 13795883 TI - Facilities for handling and storage of medical radiation sources in a large hospital unit. PMID- 13795886 TI - Congenital bowing of the long bones: report of a case. PMID- 13795885 TI - [Effect of novocaine on the development of chloramine-induced pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13795887 TI - Sirenomelia and monomelia with renal agenesis and amnion nodosum. PMID- 13795888 TI - Renal agenesis and severe urinary tract dysplasia: a review of 50 cases, with particular reference to the associated anomalies. PMID- 13795889 TI - Agglutinin responses to S. typhi H antigen in intact and sublethally irradiated mice following the intraperitoneal injection of homologous spleen cell suspensions. PMID- 13795890 TI - Congenital adenomatoid malformation of the lung. PMID- 13795891 TI - The pathology of Mikulicz-Sjogren disease in relation to disseminated lupus erythematosus. A review of the autopsy findings and presentation of a case. PMID- 13795892 TI - Clinical experience with a new Rauwolfia-flumethiazide preparation. A preliminary report. PMID- 13795893 TI - The United Nations Children's Fund and child health. PMID- 13795894 TI - Reaction to trilafon. PMID- 13795895 TI - Mechanism of immunity in haemorrhagic septicaemia. PMID- 13795896 TI - Hospital accidents to staff and patients. PMID- 13795897 TI - Physiological variations in the intraocular pressure. PMID- 13795898 TI - Extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13795899 TI - Coronary angiography. PMID- 13795900 TI - Attitudes of Navy midshipmen toward aviation. PMID- 13795901 TI - [Repair of bone defects of the skull using autotransplantation technics]. PMID- 13795903 TI - The ultrastructural organisation of "plana semilunata". PMID- 13795902 TI - [Modification of the internal pressure of the bile duct by hydroxydione]. PMID- 13795904 TI - Assay of insulin-like activity in the plasma of normal and diabetic human subjects. PMID- 13795905 TI - Cortisol and cortisone content of amniotic fluid from diabetic anc non-diabetic women. PMID- 13795906 TI - Glucose tolerance in metabolic acidosis: I. Nondiabetic subjects. PMID- 13795907 TI - The contribution of obstetrical factors to serious physical and mental handicap in children. PMID- 13795908 TI - The evolution of modern obstetrics. PMID- 13795909 TI - The evolution of modern obstetrics. PMID- 13795910 TI - Studies in stereoencephalotomy. IX. The variability in the extent and position of the amygdala. PMID- 13795911 TI - A promethazine-ephedrine combination for relief of respiratory allergies. PMID- 13795912 TI - Assessment of high doses of bacterial antigen-antibody in various eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. PMID- 13795913 TI - An evaluation of the transventricular approach to the aortic valve. PMID- 13795914 TI - Carbon dioxide narcosis in the postoperative period. PMID- 13795915 TI - Surgical treatment of aortic stenosis. PMID- 13795916 TI - Cholestatic jaundice from tolbutamide. PMID- 13795917 TI - Arteriovenous aneurysm of the cerebellum in a premature infant: report of a case. PMID- 13795918 TI - Chickenpox pneumonia treated with steroids. PMID- 13795919 TI - The classification of fusobacteria from the human mouth. PMID- 13795920 TI - [Studies on glycogen metabolism in the liver of normal and carbon tetrachloride damaged rats]. PMID- 13795921 TI - [Behavior of serum antistreptolysin O in adnexal phlogosis]. PMID- 13795922 TI - [Effects of the administration of estrogens on serum cholinesterase in women with uterine fibromas]. PMID- 13795923 TI - [Histotherapy with local applications in gynecology. Study of the effects of placental extracts in vaginitis following irradiation]. PMID- 13795924 TI - [The urographic picture in patients undergoing radical surgery for cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13795925 TI - [Stimulation of the anterior pituitary-adrenal cortex system by water loading in the dog]. PMID- 13795927 TI - [Effect of distension of the right auricle on the secretion of aldosterone in the normal, vagotomized or hypophysectomized dog]. PMID- 13795926 TI - [Action of chlorpromazine on the cardiac sympathetic]. PMID- 13795928 TI - [Action of desoxycorticosterone and posterior pituitary hormones on thirst, after ingestion of saltor exposure to heat]. PMID- 13795929 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of the effects of urethane on the general circulatory reflexes]. PMID- 13795930 TI - [*** of hypertonic saline solutions on uterine motricli*** the ovariectomized dog]. PMID- 13795931 TI - [Inhibition of salivary and gastric secretions by posthypophysial extracts]. PMID- 13795932 TI - [Modifications in diuresis after distension of the left atrium: role of the antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13795933 TI - [Fetal adenoma of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13795934 TI - [Rectosigmoid cancer]. PMID- 13795935 TI - [Oculomotor defects in chronic subdural hematoma]. PMID- 13795936 TI - [What does the social worker expect of physician and administration]. PMID- 13795937 TI - Frequencies of the haptoglobin serum groups among blood donors from Austria and Germany. PMID- 13795939 TI - [New results of systematic cytology and colposcopy in early diagnosis of cancer of the cervix uteri]. PMID- 13795938 TI - [On the distribution of haptoglobin types in Bavaria]. PMID- 13795940 TI - [On histomorphological principles of cytological suspicious findings]. PMID- 13795941 TI - [On a new semi-synthetic antibiotic derivative of tetracycline: hydroxy-ethyl diethylenediaminomethyltetracycline phenoxymethylpenicillinate. Experimental and clinical data]. PMID- 13795942 TI - [Role of hormones in non-endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13795943 TI - [Therapeutic effects of KCl and MgCl2 in acute poisoning with diphtheria toxin in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13795945 TI - Influence of variations in dietary intake of chlorides upon diverse necrotizing cardiopathies. PMID- 13795944 TI - Conditioning factors for cardiac necroses. PMID- 13795946 TI - The chemical prevention of cardiac necroses following occlusion of coronary vessels. PMID- 13795947 TI - A study concerning the actions of hydrocortisone acetate on the complex neuromuscular recovery. PMID- 13795948 TI - Influence of humoral agents upon recovery of sensory and motor function after nerve lesions. 1. Effect of cortisol, desoxycorticosterone, somatotrophic hormone and methyltestosterone. PMID- 13795950 TI - [Current problems of hygiene in the settlements on the shores of the Balaton]. PMID- 13795949 TI - Unspecific systemic stress reactions and necrotizing cardiopathies. PMID- 13795951 TI - [Evaluation of the results of poliomyelitis vaccination]. PMID- 13795952 TI - [Town planning and sanitation with special reference to Budapest]. PMID- 13795953 TI - [On the problem of methods of diagnosis and control of recovery in bacillary dysentery in adults]. PMID- 13795954 TI - Low back pain and tuberculosis. PMID- 13795955 TI - [Concretions in the prostate]. PMID- 13795956 TI - [Early dysfunction of the anastomosis after subtotal gastrectomy]. PMID- 13795957 TI - [Is an amphoteric reaction with urine possible?]. PMID- 13795958 TI - Extraversion-introversion and improvement in an auditory vigilance task. PMID- 13795959 TI - Response-tendencies in attempts to generate random binary series. PMID- 13795960 TI - [Determination of susceptibility of children to diphtherial inoculation by the cutaneous route. II. Utilization for the cutaneous reaction of purified stabilized toxin]. PMID- 13795961 TI - P32 uptake by normal and ultrasonically irradiated brain tissue from cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13795962 TI - Studies in sodium exchange: experiments with plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and normal, injured, and embryonic brain tissue. PMID- 13795963 TI - Some research into the treatment of schizophrenia in the mental hospital. PMID- 13795964 TI - "Helen of Troy". PMID- 13795965 TI - Trials and tribulations. PMID- 13795966 TI - Cerebrovascular disease. 5. A comparative study of an American and a Norwegian population. PMID- 13795968 TI - Brain tumors. PMID- 13795967 TI - Cerebrovascular disease. IV. A study of a Norwegian population. PMID- 13795969 TI - Cerebral localization in the practice of medicine. PMID- 13795970 TI - Headaches. PMID- 13795971 TI - Histologic changes in the brains of dogs after long-term barbiturate intoxication. PMID- 13795972 TI - Use of protamide in the treatment of herpes zoster. PMID- 13795973 TI - Angina pectoris and congestive failure. PMID- 13795974 TI - Angini pectoris treated by digitalis and diuretics. PMID- 13795975 TI - Chemical structure as related to antitumor action. PMID- 13795976 TI - Potential anti-cancer agents--II. A proposed mechanism for the anti-cancer action of L-azaserine and 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine. PMID- 13795977 TI - Deterioration after mitral valvotomy. PMID- 13795979 TI - Economy in plant operation. PMID- 13795978 TI - Clinical features and surgical treatment of fifty patients with severe aortic stenosis. PMID- 13795980 TI - Cancer research. PMID- 13795981 TI - Observing behavior in a vigilance task. AB - it has been suggested that level of performance in a vigilance task is accurately reflected by frequency of observing responses. By means of photography it has been demonstrated that under conditions where a decrement in vigilance performance does not occur, the frequency of nonobserving behaviorand general activity increases in time. PMID- 13795982 TI - Radiation injury: adrenocortical and gastric responses in the rat. PMID- 13795983 TI - Electrolyte metabolism in the rat exposed to a low environmental temperature. II. PMID- 13795985 TI - The mental hospital patient in Canada. PMID- 13795984 TI - The VI antigens of the Enterobacteriaceae. I. Purification and chemical properties. PMID- 13795986 TI - Post coarctation hypertension and arteritis: its possible etiology. Report of two cases. PMID- 13795988 TI - Factors influencing urinary excretion of ketopentoses in normal men. PMID- 13795987 TI - Effect of D-glucuronic acid and D-glucuronolactone on ascorbic acid levels in blood and urine of man and dog. PMID- 13795990 TI - Cause of wear in sheeps' teeth. PMID- 13795989 TI - Rheumatoid arthritis. Present-day physical therapy. AB - Physical therapy is an important therapeutic agent for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Well directed exercise balanced with rest is fundamental. Careful muscular reeducation is as important in the treatment of patients with arthritis as it is in caring for a patient with paralysis. Pain with slight malalignment and limitation in the joint will cause muscles to lose their sequence of action and so upset the rhythm of motion. Active exercise with a balanced use of assistance and resistance to movement, combined, as indicated, with traction upon the joint or stretching of constricted tissues may result in (1) stabilization of the joint, (2) increase in range of movement, (3) relaxation of antagonists, and (4) reduction of atrophy. The objectives of muscular exercise then are (1) reduction of pain, spasm and deformity, (2) development of muscular power, and (3) restoration of the normal rhythm of movement. PMID- 13795991 TI - Saccular dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta. PMID- 13795992 TI - The prevention of corneal ulceration in the denervated eye by cervical sympathectomy: an experimental study in cats. PMID- 13795993 TI - An assay for pantothenic acid in biologic fluids. PMID- 13795994 TI - Mono-substituted vit. B12 amides. II. Further inhibition study. PMID- 13795996 TI - Pantothenic acid, thiamine and folic acid levels at parturition. PMID- 13795995 TI - Elaboration of vitamin B12 by Escherichia coli. PMID- 13795997 TI - Early dark adaptation to dim luminances. PMID- 13795998 TI - Give yourself ample time. PMID- 13795999 TI - How much life insurance? PMID- 13796000 TI - Joint ownership of property. PMID- 13796001 TI - The effect of inflation upon life insurance. PMID- 13796002 TI - Reproductive methods as factors in speciation in flowering plants. PMID- 13796003 TI - Further studies on the accuracy of oral cholecystography. PMID- 13796005 TI - Cerebral arteriography: technics and results. PMID- 13796004 TI - A new approach to percutaneous subclavian angiography. PMID- 13796006 TI - Intracranial sarcomas: their roentgenographic manifestations. PMID- 13796007 TI - The visualization of the vascular system. PMID- 13796008 TI - The biosynthesis of trimethylamine-N-oxide. PMID- 13796009 TI - Effects of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IBR-IPV) virus on newborn calves. PMID- 13796011 TI - A controlled trial of ethylcrotonylurea. PMID- 13796010 TI - The effects of drugs on the foetus. PMID- 13796012 TI - The effect of nitrofurazone on Trypanosoma rhodesiense infections in mice. AB - Mice infected with a freshly isolated strain of Trypanosoma rhodesiense were not cured by ten daily intraperitoneal doses of 50, 100, 200, or 400 mg./kg. of nitrofurazone (5-nitrofurfuraldehyde semicarbazone). At the highest dosage used, the drug was lethal to some of the mice. PMID- 13796013 TI - The influence of the number of trypanosomes inoculated on the prepatent period of the subsequent trypanosomiasis in laboratory rodents. PMID- 13796014 TI - The use of the Abbe substage in phase-contrast microscopy. PMID- 13796015 TI - Towards a solution of the Golgi problem: recent developments in cytochemistry and electron microscopy. PMID- 13796017 TI - Cholecystectomy and operative cholangiography. PMID- 13796016 TI - Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid. PMID- 13796018 TI - A long jejunostomytube for decompressing intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13796019 TI - Coccidioidal granuloma after treatment with amphotericin B. Report of a case. PMID- 13796020 TI - Fatty acid peroxide formation in tissue homogenates from mice with hereditary myopathy (dystrophia muscularis). PMID- 13796021 TI - Supersensitivity to neostigmine and resistance to d-tubocurarine in mice with hereditary myopathy. PMID- 13796022 TI - The pathogenesis of trichostrongyloid parasites. III. Some physiological observations in lambs suffering from acute parasitic gastroenteritis. PMID- 13796023 TI - Malignant melanomatous complex ovarian teratoma with small-bowel obstruction. PMID- 13796024 TI - Technic of experimental systemic-to-coronary-artery anastomosis. PMID- 13796025 TI - American Negro-white differences in the thermal insulative aspects of body fat. PMID- 13796026 TI - Climate, culture, and evolution. PMID- 13796027 TI - Value of periodic examinations in detecting cancer of the genitourinary system. PMID- 13796028 TI - Methods of sampling and storage of air containing vapors and gases. PMID- 13796029 TI - Beta exposure during uranium processing. PMID- 13796030 TI - Diabetes and mucormycosis. PMID- 13796031 TI - Electron-dense crystallites in nuclei of human amnion cells infected with measles virus. PMID- 13796032 TI - Osteochondrosis of the tibial tuberosity of the horse. PMID- 13796033 TI - Melanin granules and mitochondria. PMID- 13796034 TI - The separation of nitrogen-containing phosphate esters from brain and spinal cord by ion-exchange chromatography. PMID- 13796035 TI - A haemorrhagic disorder in pregnancy due to an "anticoagulant" preventing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. AB - A bleeding disorder occurring during labour and affecting mother and foetus is described. All stages of coagulation were normal until the reaction fibrinogen- >fibrin. Either there was some abnormality present in the fibrinogen molecule, or there was an "anticoagulant" acting at this stage. The abnormality was reversible by protamine sulphate and toluidine blue, but in other respects did not resemble hyperheparinaemia. Reversibility of a clotting defect by protamine or toluidine blue is not sufficient evidence on which to make a diagnosis of hyperheparinaemia. Demonstration of a prolonged clotting time occurring in late pregnancy does not necessarily justify the diagnosis of "afibrinogenaemia." PMID- 13796037 TI - What price hospitalization? PMID- 13796036 TI - Treatment of tropical eosinophilia: a controlled trial. PMID- 13796039 TI - Open technique in the management of burns. PMID- 13796038 TI - An apparently proteolytic fungus isolated from a burn patient. PMID- 13796040 TI - Hormonal treatment of metastatic carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13796041 TI - Some properties of platelet cofactor I concentrates of bovine origin. PMID- 13796042 TI - Carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Interstitial radioactive colloidal gold therapy of the lateral pelvic nodes. AB - Since January 1955 radioactive colloidal gold has been used interstitially as an adjunct to radium therapy in the treatment of 48 patients with squamous cell cancer of the uterine cervix. In 40 cases the lesions were Stage I and in eight cases Stage II. Five in the series have died, all of them of advanced metastatic disease. Although our data are not extensive enough to warrant conclusions, from results to date we feel the method used is proving to be an effective weapon for control of most Stage I and II and some latent Stage III cancers of the cervix. PMID- 13796043 TI - Tremorine-induced rage and its antagonism by atropine. PMID- 13796044 TI - [Sterility in the male]. PMID- 13796046 TI - Managing the fatal illness. PMID- 13796045 TI - [Vasomotor collapse in late pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13796047 TI - Use of the placebo in tests and in treatment. PMID- 13796048 TI - The creative role of the therapeutic dietitian. PMID- 13796049 TI - [Cutis laxa universalis and pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13796050 TI - [Recent experiences in the treatment of gonorrhea]. PMID- 13796051 TI - [The ductus arteriosus in the first days after birth]. PMID- 13796052 TI - The effect of serum on steroid formation rate in vitro of rat adrenals. PMID- 13796053 TI - [Staphylococcal pneumonias in infants]. PMID- 13796054 TI - Role of the neck in head pain. PMID- 13796056 TI - [On the problem of hypertrophy of the right heart in patients after pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13796055 TI - [Use of a new spasmolytic preparation tropacine for treatment of threatened abortion]. PMID- 13796057 TI - [Treatment of patients with chronic coronary insufficiency at the Gurzuf clinical sanatorium]. PMID- 13796059 TI - The objectives of clinical teaching. The case for emphasis on social forces and environment. PMID- 13796058 TI - The use of cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgery. PMID- 13796060 TI - [Certain problems of surgical therapy of mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13796061 TI - [Experiments in the surgical treatment of acute myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13796062 TI - [The treatment of chronic coronary insufficiency (ligation of the internal mammary arteries in the second intercostal space]. PMID- 13796063 TI - [Opening address at the 13th session of the general meeting of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR]. PMID- 13796064 TI - [Pressing problems in the surgical treatment of diseases of the hematopoietic system]. PMID- 13796065 TI - [Characteristics of gas exchange during muscular work in various states of training in adolescents aged from 14 to 17]. PMID- 13796066 TI - [Significance of Charcot-Leyden crystals in amebic dysentery]. PMID- 13796067 TI - [Studies on the sensitivity of agents responsible for listeriosis in agricultural animals to various antibiotics in vitro]. PMID- 13796068 TI - Transvestism in children. PMID- 13796069 TI - [Effect of medication sleep on respiration of the muscle tissue after the application and removal of a hemostatic touniquet]. PMID- 13796070 TI - [On the problem of changes of tissue (muscle) respiration after placement and removal of a blood-arresting tourniquet]. PMID- 13796071 TI - [Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome with description of a case]. PMID- 13796072 TI - [On the problem of the lupus erythematosus phenomenon]. PMID- 13796073 TI - [Transitory form of the family Dermatophyta and its taxonomic and epidemiologic significance]. PMID- 13796074 TI - [From experience in cooperative work by the ophthalmological and medical network for the eradication of trachoma]. PMID- 13796075 TI - [A case of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis associated with hepato-lienal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796076 TI - Efficacy of silicone antifoam agents in the control of pulmonary edema. PMID- 13796077 TI - Evaluation of an oxygen therapy unit. PMID- 13796078 TI - Relative merits of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. PMID- 13796079 TI - [Considerations on solitary intestinal divertiula; the prediverticular state]. PMID- 13796080 TI - [Adventitial sarcoma]. PMID- 13796081 TI - [On the significance of changes induced in respiratory stereotype in pregnant women by exercise]. PMID- 13796082 TI - [Evaluation of the methods required for the diagnosis of late gestosis]. PMID- 13796083 TI - [Vasomotor reactions in women with climacteric disorders]. PMID- 13796084 TI - [Complement fixation reaction with toxoplasmosis antigen in children in congenital defects of development]. PMID- 13796085 TI - [Remote results of treatment of fractures of the femur (from data of the Leningrad Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics for the past 10 years)]. PMID- 13796086 TI - [Late results of the surgical treatment of free intra-articular foreign bodies]. PMID- 13796087 TI - Data on the gestation of Indian mothers. PMID- 13796088 TI - [On the relationship between conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in kidney activity in neurotic conditions in dogs]. PMID- 13796089 TI - [Object and subject in focal theory. Discussion of M. Kratzer's paper by a dental practitioner]. PMID- 13796090 TI - [Acute operations on the thorax in children. (Parforation of a cystic lung. Enterogenic mediastinal cyst)]. PMID- 13796091 TI - [Neurogenic lung tumor (sympathoblastoma)]. PMID- 13796093 TI - [Vascularization of the nerve cells in the nuclei of the vestibular nerve]. PMID- 13796092 TI - [Periodicity of Ixodes developmental cycles]. PMID- 13796094 TI - [The determination of gastric acidity without using a sound. (Use of gastrotest tablets in 50 cases)]. PMID- 13796095 TI - [Study of the action of NN-dimethyl-diguanide on fasting blood sugar and on the coefficient of glucide assimilation of the normal rat]. PMID- 13796096 TI - [Behavior of the histaminolytic activity of the blood in patients exposed to radium therapy of benign and malignant gynecological diseases]. PMID- 13796097 TI - [Changes in the histaminolytic and cadaverinolytic activity of the blood of pregnant women after intravenous administration of progesterone]. PMID- 13796098 TI - Histochemical demonstration of copper in the liver in different types of liver injuries. PMID- 13796099 TI - [Action of 4,4'-bis(2-diethylaminoethoxy)-alpha, alpha'-diethylbibenzyl dihydrochloride (M.G. 345) in angina pectoris]. PMID- 13796100 TI - [Study of the Scherer reaction by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13796101 TI - [Determination of quinine and quinidine in blood serum and in urine by the measurement of fluorescence]. PMID- 13796102 TI - [On volvulus of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract caused by postoperative adhesions]. PMID- 13796103 TI - Irradiation of mucopolysaccharides with ultraviolet light and electrons. PMID- 13796104 TI - Studies on the structure of the vitreous body. V. Soluble protein content. PMID- 13796105 TI - Viscosity of hyaluronic acid solutions containing proteins. PMID- 13796106 TI - Glycolytic activity associated with rat brain mitochondria. PMID- 13796107 TI - The point of the aerobic inhibition of glycolytic activity associated with brain mitochondria. PMID- 13796108 TI - [Effectiveness of antibiotics in infections of urinary system. Bacteriological and clinical studies]. PMID- 13796109 TI - Gel diffusion studies on serotype and serotype transformation in Paramecium. PMID- 13796110 TI - [Details on the ultrastructure of the thymus]. PMID- 13796111 TI - [A case of acute brucellosis]. PMID- 13796112 TI - Structure of the ruminant stomach and the movement of its contents. PMID- 13796113 TI - Appendiceal calculus: an indication for prophylactic appendectomy. PMID- 13796114 TI - [Possibilities of arthroplasty in osteoarticular tuberculosis. Late results in 80 cases of various articular localizations]. PMID- 13796115 TI - [Tendovaginitis stenosans and its surgical therapy]. PMID- 13796116 TI - Absorption and distribution of radiosulfur-labelled sulfur dioxide inhaled through the nose and mouth by dogs. PMID- 13796117 TI - Pulmonary resistance and compliance with concurrent radioactive sulfur distribution in dogs breathing S-35 labelled sulfur dioxide. PMID- 13796118 TI - The dynamics of sulfur dioxide inhalation; absorption, distribution, and retention. PMID- 13796119 TI - [Giovanni Battista Traverso]. PMID- 13796120 TI - Cardiac disease in the African in Matabeleland. A survey based on records of 150 patients. PMID- 13796121 TI - [Sequestrations in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with corticosteroids and butazolidine]. PMID- 13796122 TI - [The treatment of tuberculosis with prednisolone]. PMID- 13796123 TI - [Surgical intervention in pulmonary tuberculosis without antibiotic prophylaxis]. PMID- 13796124 TI - [Simultaneous presence of pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13796126 TI - Morphological criteria and their use in showing bufonid phylogeny. PMID- 13796125 TI - [Early diagnosis of post-operative complications with the aid of C-reactive proteins]. PMID- 13796127 TI - [Observations on the chemical diagnosis of pregnancy with the Simola reaction]. PMID- 13796128 TI - [Uterine rupture in the Instituto de Maternidad of the Hospital Rawson]. PMID- 13796129 TI - [Inflammatory tumor of the vagina]. PMID- 13796130 TI - [Onofrio Fragnito and the neuropsychiatric school of Naples]. PMID- 13796131 TI - [Fibrocongestive splenomegaly in childhood]. PMID- 13796132 TI - [The digestibility and the excretion of 4-C-14-coprostanol in the rat]. PMID- 13796133 TI - [Treatment of obliterating arteriosclerosis with diphenesenic acid]. PMID- 13796134 TI - [Action of some antiviral compounds on the development of Galliera sarcoma]. PMID- 13796135 TI - [Antitumoral action of triethylene melamine-isonicotinic acid hydrazide association on Galliera sarcoma of the rat]. PMID- 13796136 TI - [Diazo derivatives of amino acids and peptides as possible antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agents. 1. General considerations and methods]. PMID- 13796137 TI - [Diazo derivatives of amino acids and peptides as possible antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agents. 2. Action of diazoacetylglycine ethyl ester and diazoacetylglycinamide on the development of Galliera sarcoma in the rat]. PMID- 13796138 TI - The use of a special preservation medium for the maintenance of platelet viability at 4 C. PMID- 13796139 TI - The maturation rate of reticulocytes. PMID- 13796140 TI - [First report in Cuba on the recuperation from hog cholera (swine pest) by chemotherapeutic agents with free radicals]. PMID- 13796141 TI - [The cigarette and the smoker: their contributions in pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13796142 TI - [Biological property of a new active anabolic oral steroid]. PMID- 13796143 TI - [Secondary endocrine effects of 6alpha-methyl-17alpha-acetoxyprogesterone. II. Androgenic, antiestrogenic and antigonadotropic action]. PMID- 13796144 TI - [Secondary endocrine effects of 6alpha-methyl-17alpha-acetoxyprogesterone. I. Corticoid action]. PMID- 13796145 TI - Toxicology of a triaryl phosphate oil. III. Human exposure in operational use aboard ship. PMID- 13796146 TI - Pomposity repels. PMID- 13796147 TI - [Observations on the clinical aspects of neonatal pneumopathies]. PMID- 13796148 TI - Cytopathic index: a new method for the quantitative evaluation of tissue culture infectivity of different virus strains. PMID- 13796149 TI - [Titration of neutralizing antibodies from poliomyelitis. Rapid method with the reading of the microscope]. PMID- 13796150 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on cardiological cases seen during a 4 year period (1584 cases) with particular reference to diseases of the coronary vessels]. PMID- 13796151 TI - Farmer's lung: report of two cases. PMID- 13796152 TI - Growth of SE polyoma virus in primary and established cell cultures. PMID- 13796153 TI - [Frequency of mitosis in KB cells infected with adenovirus]. PMID- 13796154 TI - A useful anesthetic technique for neurosurgical procedures. PMID- 13796155 TI - Chronic sodium chloride challenge studies in man. PMID- 13796156 TI - Renal function in the separate kidneys of man. II. Hemodynamics and excretion of solute and water in essential hypertension. PMID- 13796157 TI - Natural history of the nephrotic snydrome in glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13796158 TI - Rhinogenic exophthalmos. PMID- 13796159 TI - Idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: report of a case. PMID- 13796160 TI - Observations on rheumatic nodules over a 30-year period. PMID- 13796161 TI - Habitual abortion--its causes and treatment. PMID- 13796162 TI - The corticosteroids in obstetrics and gynecology. PMID- 13796163 TI - The amazing granulosa cell tumor. PMID- 13796164 TI - Effects of radio-frequency energy on primate cerebral activity. PMID- 13796165 TI - The problem of temporal lobe epilepsy in occupational medicine. PMID- 13796166 TI - DBI (phenformin) in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13796167 TI - Immunochemical studies of protein-carcinogen binding in rat liver during azo dye carcinogenesis. PMID- 13796169 TI - [Anamnesis and the psychic aspects of disease]. PMID- 13796168 TI - Recording of the occipital lobe response in man after light stimulation. PMID- 13796170 TI - [The releasing factors in heart infarct]. PMID- 13796171 TI - [Considerations on certain pseudotumoral aspects of the gastric fundus]. PMID- 13796172 TI - [Research on the normal radiographic anatomy of the temporal bone with pluridirectional stratigraphy]. PMID- 13796173 TI - [On transitory invaginations of the small intestine in adults]. PMID- 13796174 TI - Benign tumours of the large intestine. PMID- 13796175 TI - [Considerations on a case of pulmonary edema in subactue nephritis]. PMID- 13796176 TI - [On gastrogastric and gastroduodenal invagination]. PMID- 13796177 TI - [On the radiological pictures of interstitial pneumopathy of predominately exudative component]. PMID- 13796178 TI - Acquired and crossed tolerance to mescaline, LSD-25, and BOL-148. PMID- 13796179 TI - Studies on cross tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB_336. PMID- 13796180 TI - [Wegener's granulomatosis in the etiopathogenetic picture of periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13796181 TI - [Plastic therapy of paronychia according to Vilens's method]. PMID- 13796182 TI - [A case of agranulocytosis caused by isoniazid]. PMID- 13796183 TI - [Osteoplastic thoracoplasty with costal vixation]. PMID- 13796184 TI - Thyroxine binding by serum proteins. PMID- 13796185 TI - Transphosphorylases in the firefly lantern. PMID- 13796186 TI - [The autonomic hypermotility dystonia of the stomach and small intestine]. PMID- 13796187 TI - [Intracavitary aspergillomas in pneumoconiotics]. PMID- 13796188 TI - Congenital vascular veils in the vitreous; hereditary retinoschisis. PMID- 13796189 TI - [Considerations on the first 100,000 schermograms recorded in Ancona Province]. PMID- 13796190 TI - [Gangrene of an arm after intravenous injection of chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13796192 TI - [Certain metabolic values in patients with tapetoretinal degeneration]. PMID- 13796191 TI - Determination of free lysine epsilon-amino groups in cottonseed meals and preliminary studies on relation to protein quality. PMID- 13796193 TI - [Excretion and dilution of sulfonamides by tears]. PMID- 13796194 TI - Secretion of inorganic phosphorus in tears. PMID- 13796195 TI - [On the excretion of urea in the lacrimal fluid in keratoconjunctivitis sicca]. PMID- 13796196 TI - Orally administered antibiotics in burn shock. PMID- 13796197 TI - Training post-graduate students in social case work. PMID- 13796198 TI - [Clinical experiences with a new form of potentiated anesthesia (1522 CB, plegicil)]. PMID- 13796199 TI - [Current problems in clinical care for alcoholics]. PMID- 13796200 TI - The stability of radio-iodinated olive oil. PMID- 13796201 TI - Primary narcissism and primary love. PMID- 13796202 TI - The doctor's responsibility. PMID- 13796203 TI - The regressed patient and his analyst. PMID- 13796204 TI - Training for psychosomatic medicine. PMID- 13796205 TI - [The responsibility of the physician]. PMID- 13796206 TI - [Blood circulation and renal function in post-hemorrhagic hypotonia]. PMID- 13796207 TI - The influence of haemorrhage on circulation and renal function in the dog. PMID- 13796208 TI - [Blood circulation and renal function in dehydration]. PMID- 13796209 TI - Circulation and renal function in the dehydrated dog. PMID- 13796210 TI - [The behavior of the minute volume and kidney blood flow in stagnating hypoxia]. PMID- 13796211 TI - [On the evaluation of inulin clearance]. PMID- 13796212 TI - [Effect of letting of small amounts of blood on the minute volume of the heart and renal circulation]. PMID- 13796213 TI - [Minute volume and renal circulation in acute hypotonia]. PMID- 13796214 TI - The metabolism of purines by tumors. PMID- 13796215 TI - [On the effect of ultrasonics on the biological properties of malignant tissue]. PMID- 13796216 TI - [Determination of the viability of vascular homotransplants by the method of luminescent microscopy]. PMID- 13796217 TI - [Plastic surgery of the ascending aorta and its branches (Review of the literature)]. PMID- 13796218 TI - Effect of ethyl-biscoumacetate (tromexan) on the serum lipid, protein and lipoprotein fractions in experimental atherosclerosis of chicks. PMID- 13796219 TI - Microbiological process discussion. Ph function in food process calculations. PMID- 13796220 TI - Insulin and pinocytosis. PMID- 13796221 TI - Studies on the metabolism of adipose tissue. III. The response to insulin by different types of adipose tissue and in the presence of various metabolites. PMID- 13796222 TI - Speaking without words. Understanding nonverbal communication is a necessity for the psychiatric nurse, but it requires time and patience. PMID- 13796223 TI - Maturation of umweg learning in white leghorn chicks. PMID- 13796224 TI - In vitro development of the mosquito phase of Plasmodium relictum. PMID- 13796225 TI - The Veterans Administration study of prefrontal lobotomy. PMID- 13796226 TI - Analysis of MMPI cannot say scores in an adolescent population. PMID- 13796227 TI - Comparison of MMPI profile differences among Negro-white adolescents. PMID- 13796228 TI - Urethane as a carcinogen and as an anaesthetic for fishes. PMID- 13796229 TI - A controlled trial of imipramine in treatment of depressive states. PMID- 13796230 TI - Leg ulcers can be cured. PMID- 13796231 TI - Artisan therapy: a new focus on therapeutic activities. PMID- 13796232 TI - Thrombocytopenia and purpura in patients receiving chlorothiazide and hydrochlorothiazide. PMID- 13796233 TI - A new antiallergic medication. PMID- 13796234 TI - Antibiotics in chemotherapy of caecal coccidiosis in chickens. PMID- 13796235 TI - Associations of various sulphonamides and pyrimethamine in the chemotherapy of caecal coccidiosis. PMID- 13796238 TI - Skiing accidents and the medical profession. PMID- 13796237 TI - In vitro formation of lymphocytes from embryonic thymus. PMID- 13796236 TI - The psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbrith in the union of Soviet Socialist Republics. PMID- 13796239 TI - The toxicological basis of threshold limit values: 4. Theoretical approach to prediction of toxicity of mixtures. PMID- 13796240 TI - The toxicological basis of threshold limit values: 6. Report of Prague symposium on international threshold limit values. PMID- 13796241 TI - [Our experience with conservative therapy of luxatio coxae cong]. PMID- 13796242 TI - [New types of canned foods rich in vitamin C]. PMID- 13796243 TI - [Conclusions on the pathogenesis of Charcot's joint disease]. PMID- 13796244 TI - [Contribution to the pathogenesis of Charcot's joint]. PMID- 13796245 TI - [Electronic pressure-stabilizer]. PMID- 13796246 TI - Electronic pressure stabilizer. PMID- 13796247 TI - [A new test of hepatic cytolysis. The determination of ornithine carbamyl transferase activity of serum]. PMID- 13796248 TI - Histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine after cutaneous burn in mice and rats. PMID- 13796249 TI - The role of radical surgery in the treatment of abscess of the brain. PMID- 13796250 TI - The early diagnosis of congenital deafness. PMID- 13796252 TI - Irreversible renal failure following shortterm therapy in sarcoidosis. PMID- 13796251 TI - Myocardial metabolism of fatty acids. PMID- 13796253 TI - The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium, 1958. 3. The interaction between marital conflict and alcoholism as seen through MMPI'S of marriage partners. PMID- 13796254 TI - [Interference dissociation during atrio-ventricular block]. PMID- 13796256 TI - The diagnosis of esophagitis. PMID- 13796255 TI - [Polarographic analysis of serum proteins (Brdicka test) in clinical biology]. PMID- 13796257 TI - Indications for surgery in pulmonary abscess. PMID- 13796258 TI - [First results of an experimental investigation of some "factors" of personality in patients with cerebral lesions]. PMID- 13796259 TI - [Symptoms due to pressure on the cranial nerves in the course of development of meningiomas of the vault]. PMID- 13796260 TI - [Observations on the cervical spine compression syndrome caused by intervertebral disk hernia]. PMID- 13796261 TI - [Recent diaphysial fractures of the femur. Kuentscher's nail]. PMID- 13796262 TI - [Sub- and retrocalcaneal exostoses]. PMID- 13796263 TI - [Renal effectiveness of a modern treatment of male sub-fertility]. PMID- 13796264 TI - [A hidden clinical form of cancer of the kidney with paradoxical lymph-node metastases in a young woman]. PMID- 13796265 TI - [Study of the intensity of diffuse radiations in radiological diagnosis. Note II. Ward apparatus]. PMID- 13796266 TI - [Study on the intensity of diffuse radiations in radiological diagnosis. Note III. Bones-contrast-thorax section]. PMID- 13796267 TI - [Chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of alpha-ketoglutaric acid in tissues]. PMID- 13796269 TI - [Studies on insulin-sensitivity in insulin coma therapy]. PMID- 13796268 TI - [Ligation of the umbilical cord "at skin level"]. PMID- 13796270 TI - Comments on dementia senilis in females. PMID- 13796271 TI - Intestinal lymph flow in dogs after endotoxin. PMID- 13796272 TI - Basic common factors in psychotherapy. PMID- 13796273 TI - Hepatic blood flow in dogs using a common hepatic vein as a sampling site. PMID- 13796274 TI - The complications of esophageal hiatal hernia. PMID- 13796275 TI - A technique for sampling mixed hepatic venous blood in dogs. PMID- 13796276 TI - [Giant follicular lymphoma]. PMID- 13796277 TI - Incorporation of alpha, omega-dicarboxylic acids as side-chains into the penicillin molecule. PMID- 13796278 TI - Characterization of a new purine riboside isolated from Fusarium species. PMID- 13796279 TI - The occurrence of nicotinic acid mononucleotide in Fusarium sp. PMID- 13796280 TI - [Acute familial prophyria. Treatment with exchange transfusion]. PMID- 13796281 TI - Acromegaly and carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13796282 TI - The precipitation of denatured chymotrypsin by sulfate and pyrophosphate. PMID- 13796284 TI - [Medical practice and psychotherapy]. PMID- 13796283 TI - Functioning islet-cell carcinoma of the pancreas with Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13796285 TI - [The diagnosis problem in psychotherapy]. PMID- 13796286 TI - [The effect of glucose and insulin on the uptake of non-esterified palmitic acid in adipose tissue. Studies on an isolated system]. PMID- 13796287 TI - Studies on rat adipose tissue in vitro. V. Effects of glucose and insulin on the metabolism of palmitate-1-C14. PMID- 13796288 TI - [A study of acute non-tuberculous lung diseases]. PMID- 13796290 TI - [What the doctor should know concerning the indications for exeresis in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796289 TI - [Radioclinical aspects of senile tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796291 TI - Operational planning. PMID- 13796292 TI - [Peculiarities of irradiation reactions in rabbits based on the functional state of the nervous system]. PMID- 13796293 TI - [On the value of plasma transfusions in pregnancy toxemias. Paper electrophoretic studies of serum proteins]. PMID- 13796294 TI - [Experimenttal studies on the tumor growth-inhibiting effect of DBM (R13) (1,6 bis(2-bromoethylamino)-1,6-desoxy-D-mannitol dihydrobromide)]. PMID- 13796295 TI - [On the effect of collagen mucoproteinase on the neutral mucopolysaccharides of collagen fibers]. PMID- 13796296 TI - [Small tumors (tumourlets) of the lungs]. PMID- 13796297 TI - Insulin reaction and recovery in diabetic patient. Report of a case. PMID- 13796299 TI - [Mycological and bacteriological examination of intradigital erosion]. PMID- 13796298 TI - Hypoglycemic insulin reactions without warning symptoms. PMID- 13796300 TI - [Experience with the Csaba-Toro reaction in urogenital tumors]. PMID- 13796301 TI - [Experience with the Csaba-Toro reaction in urogenital tumors]. PMID- 13796302 TI - [Studies on the content of catalase and uric acid in rabbit plasma in experimental leukopenia]. PMID- 13796303 TI - [Stenosis of the duodenum caused by renal ptosis]. PMID- 13796304 TI - [Is the present organization of the determination of work capacity satisfactory?]. PMID- 13796305 TI - [Morbidity associated with work-incapacitation during 1958]. PMID- 13796306 TI - [Registration and analysis of causes of work incapacitation in a public health region]. PMID- 13796307 TI - [Theoretical principlesfor the evaluation of work capacity]. PMID- 13796308 TI - [Antibacterial effects of some B vitamins in saliva]. PMID- 13796309 TI - [Local myxedema treated with hyaluronidase]. PMID- 13796310 TI - [Rhinoplasty using a pedicle flap in complete defects and defects of the cartilaginous portion of the nose]. PMID- 13796311 TI - [Synechia vulvae infantum (observation on 32 cases)]. PMID- 13796312 TI - The antagonism of some actions of tetraethylpyrophosphate by morin. PMID- 13796313 TI - Postemetic rupture of the oesophagus. Report of a case with characteristic roentgen findings. PMID- 13796314 TI - The laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases of the lung. PMID- 13796315 TI - [A hemiuride parasite of the eel]. PMID- 13796316 TI - [Measure of therapeutic efficiency of antivenom serums]. PMID- 13796317 TI - [Muspicea borreli L. W. Sambon, 1925]. PMID- 13796318 TI - [Synergistic effect of cycloserine in association with other antibiotics in relation to staphylococci. Communication I]. PMID- 13796319 TI - On certain clinical and anatomicopathological problems in tetanus. PMID- 13796320 TI - Left aortic arch (posterior or circumflex type) with right descending aorta. PMID- 13796321 TI - Convergence accommodation. PMID- 13796322 TI - [First observations on the use of demethylchlorotetracycline in phlogoses of the urinary tract]. PMID- 13796323 TI - Suicide in adolescents. PMID- 13796324 TI - Myoblastoma of the larynx. PMID- 13796325 TI - The prognosis of obsessive-compulsive neurosis. PMID- 13796326 TI - [Research on plague in Iran]. PMID- 13796327 TI - [Research on plague in India]. PMID- 13796328 TI - [Research on plague in Java]. PMID- 13796329 TI - [Simultaneous vaccinations against tuberculosis and smallpox]. PMID- 13796330 TI - [Investigation of plague conditions in the Middle East]. PMID- 13796332 TI - Treatment of pneumococcus meningitis. PMID- 13796331 TI - [Decline and fate of an infectious disease: the plaguel]. PMID- 13796333 TI - A school-wide experiment in nutrition education. PMID- 13796334 TI - [Method of determination of H-antigens of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in semiliqiuid agar]. PMID- 13796335 TI - An unusual complication following aortogram. PMID- 13796336 TI - Nursing care: its importance, its problems. PMID- 13796337 TI - Biochemical studies on sea urchin hybrids. PMID- 13796338 TI - [Problems of gas exchange in the lungs. Comparison of the permeability of C14 labeled carbon dioxide and C12-labeled carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13796339 TI - [Modern teaching on the physiology and pathology of the coagulation system of the blood]. PMID- 13796340 TI - [Configuration specificity of the lipase from Chelidonium majus seed. Part 2: On symmertical ester hydrolysis by plant enzymes]. PMID- 13796341 TI - [Symmetrical cleavage of a racemicester by a liver esterase of the Cebus species. (Part XIII. "On asymmetrical ester hydrolysis by animal enzymes")]. PMID- 13796342 TI - [The origin of the instability of the C-O bond in carboxylic acid esters in the presence of metal ions]. PMID- 13796343 TI - [A case of grippal encephalitis with isolation of the Asian A/57 virus in the central nervous system]. PMID- 13796344 TI - [Neonatal "physiological" jaundice]. PMID- 13796345 TI - [Bacteriological and clinical results with a new injectable aqueous oxytetracycline preparation]. PMID- 13796346 TI - [The significance of convulsions in childhood]. PMID- 13796347 TI - Dust control in the asbestos textile industry. PMID- 13796348 TI - [A contribution to the therapy of coronary circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13796349 TI - Local infiltration anesthesia for diagnostic dilatation and curettage in poor risk patients: technique of administration. PMID- 13796350 TI - A clinical comparison of chloroform and halothane by a blind study technique. PMID- 13796351 TI - Studies on metabolic degradation of pamaquin (plasmoquin) in monkeys. PMID- 13796352 TI - [On the Cogan syndrome; 3 cases of non-syphilitic keratitis with bilateral deafness and vestibular symptoms]. PMID- 13796353 TI - [Extinction changes in radiation injury by UV light]. PMID- 13796354 TI - [Scattered light as unspecific light loss in extinction measurement]. PMID- 13796355 TI - Experimental studies on the fiber connections of the amygdaloid nuclei in the rabbit. PMID- 13796356 TI - [Abdominal epilepsy]. PMID- 13796357 TI - Staff development. PMID- 13796358 TI - [A short experience report on an oral depot sulfonamide in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13796359 TI - Estimation of hepatic blood flow using a single injection dye clearance method. PMID- 13796360 TI - Comparative effect of heparin and other agents on traumatic shock in the rat. PMID- 13796361 TI - [Treatment of gonorrhea in young girls]. PMID- 13796362 TI - [The treatment of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis]. PMID- 13796363 TI - [Laparoscopic and histologic correlations between alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis and posthepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13796364 TI - [The flavones in therapy of gastroduodenal inflammatory and ulcerative states]. PMID- 13796365 TI - [Changes induced by 1-(beta-hydroxypropyl)-theobromine in hepatic clearance of bromsulphalein]. PMID- 13796366 TI - Macromolecular particles associated with alfalfa mosaic virus. PMID- 13796367 TI - Nutritional and related biological studies on the free-living soil amoeba, Hartmannella rhysodes. PMID- 13796368 TI - [How to integrate personnel]. PMID- 13796369 TI - [Study by means of the Deneau test of a new analgesic association (acepromazine, pyramidon, evadol and barbituric)]. PMID- 13796371 TI - [On the therapy of osteochondritis dissecans]. PMID- 13796370 TI - [A case of ureteral endometriosis]. PMID- 13796372 TI - [Permanent valvular gastrostomy with isolated jejunal segment]. PMID- 13796373 TI - [Normal auscultatory findings in interesting entities of cardial malformations. (Apropos of 4 cases)]. PMID- 13796374 TI - [Retromediastinal ganglioneuroma. (Clinico-radiological contribution)]. PMID- 13796375 TI - [Study of a case of acquired Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in patient of advanced age]. PMID- 13796376 TI - [Histological aspects of the adrenals in old age]. PMID- 13796377 TI - [Practical advice for the application of contact insecticides to agricultural animals]. PMID- 13796378 TI - The American Psychoanalytic Association 1960. PMID- 13796379 TI - Bleeding duodenal uicer: study of one hundred sixty-two patients, with particular reference to pain, seasonal incidence, and blood groups. PMID- 13796380 TI - Hemangiomas of the small intestine associated with mucocutaneous pigmentation. PMID- 13796381 TI - [On histological studies on pylorospasm]. PMID- 13796382 TI - [Laurel oil as a frequent cause of allergic contact eczema]. PMID- 13796383 TI - [On late results after tympanoplasty]. PMID- 13796384 TI - Serum vitamin B12 in vegetarians. PMID- 13796385 TI - Free serum vitamin B12 level in certain hematologic disorders. PMID- 13796386 TI - [Action of guanidine hydrochloride on the oxidation-reduction properties of hemoglobin]. PMID- 13796387 TI - [Attempt at localization of the primary effect of urea on hemoglobin]. PMID- 13796388 TI - Studies on energy metabolism of laboureres in a spinning mill. PMID- 13796390 TI - Biochemical changes in scorbutic rhesus monkeys. PMID- 13796389 TI - Studies on energy expenditure of rickshaw pullers. PMID- 13796391 TI - Studies on changes in bone marrow and blood picture in monkeys during progressive stages of scurvy. PMID- 13796393 TI - Effect of scurvy on blood pressure of guinea-pigs. PMID- 13796394 TI - Contributions to the cytology of Hymenomycetes. III. Karyological studies in Daedalea flavida Lev. PMID- 13796392 TI - Urinary excretion of pyruvic acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid and oxaloacetic acid in scurvy. PMID- 13796395 TI - Metabolism of citric acid in scorputic guinea pigs. PMID- 13796396 TI - Analgesics. 1. Pain. PMID- 13796397 TI - Analgesics. 2. Salicylates. PMID- 13796398 TI - Lesions of the mouth and tongue. PMID- 13796399 TI - The vitamins. 13. Vitamin D (anti-rachitic vitamin). PMID- 13796400 TI - The vitamins. 15. Vitamin K. PMID- 13796401 TI - Vitamin E. PMID- 13796402 TI - [Primary congenital ectasia of the internal jugular vein]. PMID- 13796403 TI - [Considerations on the usefulness of radiological examination with radiopaque contrast medium in study of epipharyngeal rumors]. PMID- 13796404 TI - [Clinical and statistical report on malignant lymphoblastomas treated from 1928 to 1949. VII. Cases without histological verification]. PMID- 13796405 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the radiological aspects of cryptogenetic ulcerous colitis]. PMID- 13796406 TI - [The radiological picture of the pulmonary manifestations of lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13796407 TI - The cleft lip and palate problem. PMID- 13796408 TI - Simple closure versus subtotal gastrectomy in the treatment of acute perforated gastroduodenal ulcer. PMID- 13796409 TI - Acetic acid-soluble collagen in human scars. PMID- 13796410 TI - An electron microscopic study of the epidermal lesion of molluscum contagiosum. PMID- 13796411 TI - Intracellular and extracellular particles in tissue cultures inoculated with parotid-tumor agent (polyoma virus). PMID- 13796413 TI - Macrophages and mouse hepatitis. PMID- 13796412 TI - Age changes in the acetic acid-soluble collagen in human skin. PMID- 13796414 TI - Virus disease: some aspects of host and tissue specificity. PMID- 13796415 TI - Developmental microstructure of Alaskan Eskimo tooth samples. PMID- 13796416 TI - Fluoride content of Alaskan Eskimo tooth samples. PMID- 13796417 TI - [Bacteriological studies on nonsterile urine samples (toilet urine) from women]. PMID- 13796418 TI - [Prognosis for patients with "brain stem attacks" following severe cranial trauma]. PMID- 13796419 TI - The effect of alimentary hyperlipemia on thrombolysis in vivo. PMID- 13796420 TI - Effect of increased fibrinogen concentration on the lysis of in vivo thrombi. PMID- 13796421 TI - Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase activity as an index of centrilobular liver cell necrosis in cardiac and circulatory failure. PMID- 13796422 TI - Detection of hepatitis carriers by serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity. PMID- 13796423 TI - Isolation of neutral heteropolysaccharide containing mucoprotein from bovine Achilles tendon with the aid of collagenmucoproteinase. PMID- 13796424 TI - The elasticity-increasing property of elastomucoproteinase. PMID- 13796425 TI - [Studies on neural and acid hyaluronidase-resistant mucoids in the intervertebral annulus fibrosus]. PMID- 13796426 TI - [Biochemistry and enzymatic breakdown of the skin]. PMID- 13796427 TI - [On diffuse gliosis. On the problem of the morphological manifestation of hereditary cerebral dysfermentoses]. PMID- 13796428 TI - [Occlusion in pleoptics and orthoptics]. PMID- 13796429 TI - [On the surgical treatment of lagophthalmus]. PMID- 13796430 TI - [On the therapy of macular holes]. PMID- 13796431 TI - The physicochemical requirements for the action of Penicillium notatum phospholipase B on unimolecular films of lecithin. PMID- 13796433 TI - International Reference Preparation for vitamin B12. AB - The International Reference Preparation for Vitamin B(12) was prepared in tablet form from a mixture of anhydrous cyanocobalamin and sodium chloride. In an international collaborative study, in which eleven laboratories participated, this preparation was examined qualitatively and quantitatively by spectrophotometric and microbiological methods. It was concluded that the International Reference Preparation is substantially pure and has a potency of 9.3 mug of cyanocobalamin per 20 mg of tablet. PMID- 13796432 TI - The relation between the activity of a lecithinase and the electrophoretic charge of the substrate. PMID- 13796434 TI - The Fourth International Standard for insulin. AB - The composition, analysis and distribution of crystalline insulin for the Fourth International Standard for Insulin is described. In an international collaborative assay 20 laboratories compared this Standard with the Third International Standard, and the statistical analysis of the results is reported.On the basis of the results the Fourth International Standard for Insulin is established with a potency of 24.0 IU/mg. The International Unit is thus defined as the activity contained in 0.04167 mg of the Standard preparation. PMID- 13796435 TI - The Second International Standard for heparin. AB - The Second International Standard for Heparin is a hygroscopic powder which was obtained by purifying and drying a batch of commercial beef heparin powder. In an international collaborative assay it was compared with the First International Standard, which it will now replace. As a result of the assay the seven participating laboratories agreed that the potencies of the two preparations did not differ significantly and the definition of the International Unit for Heparin remains unchanged as the activity contained in 0.0077 mg of the Second International Standard for Heparin. PMID- 13796437 TI - [On retroperitoneal tumors according to 6-year material of our department]. PMID- 13796436 TI - [Localized interlobar effusion]. PMID- 13796438 TI - [Unusually located foreign bodies]. PMID- 13796439 TI - Activation of the disulfide forms of thiamine and its phosphates as growth factors for Lactobacillus fermenti. PMID- 13796440 TI - Weight increase in the rat due to thiamine disulfide activation by ascorbic acid. PMID- 13796441 TI - [On the growth effects of thiamine disulfide on Lactobacillus fermenti 36 in the agar plate test]. PMID- 13796442 TI - [Application of partial nephrectomy in the treatment of nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13796444 TI - Production of an antagonist of chloramphenicol by some strains of Micrococcus epidermidis. PMID- 13796443 TI - [Postoperative ostetis pubis]. PMID- 13796445 TI - [Accident prevention and economy in drilling work by utilization of adherence magnetism]. PMID- 13796446 TI - [Artificial insemination with the homologous sperm. Methods and results]. PMID- 13796447 TI - [Experiences with metroscopy]. PMID- 13796448 TI - Influence of certain urinary solutes on acidic dissociation constant of ammonium at 37 degrees C. PMID- 13796449 TI - A study of denervated muscle in normal and dystrophic mice. PMID- 13796450 TI - Occlusive vascular disease affecting the central nervous system in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13796451 TI - Immunity and the reproductive tract of laying hens vaccinated with the tissue culture Newcastle disease vaccine. PMID- 13796452 TI - Isolation of an unidentified agent from the respiratory tract of chickens. AB - A relatively stable filterable virus, not previously described, which hemagglutinated red blood cells of chickens, was isolated from the tracheae of birds suffering from an unusually severe outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis. The latter disease concealed the infection caused by the new hemagglutinating agent, which was shown to cause, by itself, a mild and transient illness in susceptible chickens. Preliminary studies indicate that the new agent may be a new entity of the myxovirus group. PMID- 13796453 TI - Clinical experience with enovid in the fertile and sub-fertile female. PMID- 13796454 TI - Treatment of fractures and dislocations, 1950-1960. PMID- 13796455 TI - The Bay State Medical Rehabilitation Center on the grounds of Massachusetts General Hospital. PMID- 13796456 TI - Treatment of subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. PMID- 13796457 TI - The starch of the tuber and shoots of the sprouting potato. PMID- 13796458 TI - A technique for producing satisfactory animal radiographs. PMID- 13796459 TI - A dermatitis-producing alga in Hawaii. Preliminary report. PMID- 13796460 TI - [The Rorschach test in the diagnosis of unclear disease pictures in children]. PMID- 13796461 TI - [Significance of the level of alimentary excitability for formation of the reflex reaction of absorption during the act of eating]. PMID- 13796462 TI - Emergency feeding. PMID- 13796463 TI - Acute anhidrotic heat exhaustion. PMID- 13796464 TI - Anhidrosis following intravenous bacterial pyrogen. PMID- 13796465 TI - The risks of deferring valvotomy in patients with moderate mitral stenosis. PMID- 13796466 TI - The challenge of obstetrical anesthesia. PMID- 13796467 TI - Anaemia and malnutrition among mothers and children attending the maternity and child health training institute, Azimpur, Dacca. PMID- 13796468 TI - A cytological study of the early oocysts of seven species of Plasmodium and the occurrence of post-zygotic meiosis. PMID- 13796469 TI - Comparative exfoliative cytology of cancerous and precancerous lesions (leukoplakia, lichen) of the oral mucosa. PMID- 13796470 TI - Studies on healing of anorectal wounds. PMID- 13796471 TI - With an end in view. PMID- 13796472 TI - Hypotonic bladder associated with sickle cell trait. PMID- 13796473 TI - [Hygienic requirements for school buildings and furniture]. PMID- 13796474 TI - [On the correlation between psychogenic and somatogenic factors in the clinical picture of paranoid reactions]. PMID- 13796475 TI - [Significance of drug and experimental psychoses for the understanding of certain general problems in psychiatry]. PMID- 13796476 TI - [The inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13796477 TI - Water retention in obesity. PMID- 13796478 TI - [The hormone effects of triiodothyroacetic acid studies in adipose and myxedematous patients]. PMID- 13796479 TI - [Triiodothyroacetic acid as compared with triiodothyronine]. PMID- 13796480 TI - [The pathogenesis of euthyroid and hypothyroid goiter]. PMID- 13796481 TI - [Osteomalacia complicated by rickets in a 43-year old dwarf primipara]. PMID- 13796482 TI - [Clinical considerations on a case of rupture of an aneurysm of the splenic artery]. PMID- 13796483 TI - [Comparative characteristics of electrical activity of the reticular formation, thalamus and cerebral cortex following skin stimulation by a single shock of induction current]. PMID- 13796484 TI - [The metabolism of glutamic acid and of glutamine in neoplasms and non-neoplastic tissues. 1. Study of reactions of transamination]. PMID- 13796485 TI - Cough and its management in elderly patients. PMID- 13796486 TI - Diabetes and tuberculosis. PMID- 13796487 TI - Mechanism of cough and its control. PMID- 13796488 TI - Polybechia. PMID- 13796490 TI - [Accidents in childhood. Its importance in our milieu]. PMID- 13796489 TI - [Applied physiology in cough control]. PMID- 13796491 TI - [Lipomas of the stomach. Study of a case and general review]. PMID- 13796492 TI - [Semeiological notes on the value of Jolly's myasthenic test in peripheral arteriopathy]. PMID- 13796493 TI - [Contribution to the study of male epispadias]. PMID- 13796495 TI - Electrophoretic pattern of plasma proteins in clinically diagnosed cases of kwashiorkor (protein malnutrition) and undernutrition (marasmus) among Ceylonese children. PMID- 13796494 TI - [On benign reticulohistiocytoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13796496 TI - Photoradiochromatography--method for the study of chromatograms with radioactive substances. PMID- 13796497 TI - [Telecobalt therapy. Aspects of some physical problems]. PMID- 13796498 TI - [Demonstration of the existence of the encephalomyocarditis virus in the city of Guayaquil]. PMID- 13796499 TI - [Isolation of the Venezuelan type of equine encephalomyelitis virus from the blood serum and pharynx of a human case]. PMID- 13796500 TI - [Viral encephalitis transmitted by arthropods. III. Influence of the age of white rats on the susceptibility to a strain of Venezuelan virus]. PMID- 13796501 TI - [Viral encephalitis transmitted by arthropods. IV. Investigation of the Venezuelan type in some human blood on the Ecuadorian coast]. PMID- 13796502 TI - [Method for the visualization of pustules of the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo]. PMID- 13796503 TI - [In vitro tests to sensitivity to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics]. PMID- 13796505 TI - [Diabetic diet]. PMID- 13796504 TI - [Diabetic coma: acidotic and insulin coma]. PMID- 13796507 TI - [Insulin]. PMID- 13796506 TI - [Infantile diabetes]. PMID- 13796508 TI - [Epidemic of Bornholm's disease observed in the summer of 1957 in the Bytom region]. PMID- 13796509 TI - [Effect of immune serum on adsorption of papilloma virus of rabbits by erythrocytes]. PMID- 13796510 TI - [On variable infectivity of Shope papilloma]. PMID- 13796511 TI - [Study of viremia in papillomatosis in rabbits]. PMID- 13796512 TI - A viewpoint on the diagnosis and pathomechanism of carcinoma metastasis in the brain. PMID- 13796513 TI - [Effect of sorbitol on burn oliguria in the dog]. PMID- 13796514 TI - [On the antidiuretic effects of heated blood in vitro and of burns after heparinization of blood in vivo, in the dog]. PMID- 13796515 TI - [On the conjugation of thyronine in the dog]. PMID- 13796516 TI - [On the diuretic effect of dihydrochlorothiazide and of dichlorphenamide in the burned dog]. PMID- 13796517 TI - [Renal effects of synthetic isoleucine-5-octapeptide in the dog]. PMID- 13796518 TI - [The liver and the conjugation of thyronine in the dog]. PMID- 13796519 TI - Vaginal applicator with tilting head for the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13796520 TI - Induced sputum as a diagnostic technique for cancer of the lungs and for mobilization of retained secretions. PMID- 13796521 TI - Treatment of pulmonary emphysema and cor pulmonale with anti-inflammatory steroids. PMID- 13796522 TI - Possibilities for prevention of cardiac failure in pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13796523 TI - [Our method and results with homologous insemination for artificial fecundation]. PMID- 13796524 TI - [The effect of cervical conization on fertility and gestation processes]. PMID- 13796525 TI - [Complications in the surgical treatment of patients with regional metastases of cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13796526 TI - [Inflammatory stenosis of the jejunum]. PMID- 13796527 TI - Importance of aspirin as a cause of anaemia and peptic ulcer in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13796528 TI - Acquired vesicocolic fistulas. PMID- 13796530 TI - [The problem of paranoia]. PMID- 13796529 TI - [On an acute dermatomyositis treated with intravenous hydrocortisone and alpha tocopheryl-quinone in alcoholic solution]. PMID- 13796531 TI - [Behavior of the serum properdin titer in various diseases]. PMID- 13796532 TI - [Linear speed of the blood supply in the organism during artificial circulation]. PMID- 13796533 TI - [Metabolism of certain phosphorus compounds in various layers of the brain]. PMID- 13796535 TI - [Function of the adrenal cortex in women during the course of aging and in menopause]. PMID- 13796534 TI - [Metabolism of phosphorus compounds in the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion]. PMID- 13796536 TI - [Functional relationships between higher segments of the central nervous system and the parathyroid gland]. PMID- 13796537 TI - [On some characteristics of dysgraphia in focal lesions of the left temporal region with sensory aphasia syndrome]. PMID- 13796538 TI - [Phosphorus esters of normal and neoplastic tissues during glycolysis and respiration]. PMID- 13796539 TI - [Biochemistry and hereditary problems]. PMID- 13796540 TI - On the mechanism by which chamber depth affects outflow resistance in excised eyes. PMID- 13796541 TI - Pore size and passage of particulate matter through the trabecular meshwork. PMID- 13796542 TI - The sensitivity to 1-noradrenalin of patients with high blood pressure. PMID- 13796543 TI - [Radiation protection in childhood]. PMID- 13796544 TI - Studies on "active centers" of L-myosin. PMID- 13796545 TI - [Effects of poisons on potato adenylpyrophosphatase]. PMID- 13796546 TI - [Polyelectrolytes as interaction inhibitors and the importance of Ca and Mg for actin-myosin interaction]. PMID- 13796547 TI - [Contraction cycle and interaction between actin and L-myosin under the specific effects of interaction inhibitors]. PMID- 13796548 TI - [Study of intestinal absorption in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13796549 TI - Pharmacological response in occlusion mechanisms of the terminal vascular system. Pharmacological and pharmacohistological studies. PMID- 13796550 TI - [Experimental studies on comparative hypotensive properties of a new diuretic drug (dihydrochlorothiazide)]. PMID- 13796551 TI - [So-called essential gastroduodenal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13796552 TI - Renal hemodynamics and antidiuretic hormone release associated with volume regulation. PMID- 13796553 TI - [C-reactive protein in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood in various disease states]. PMID- 13796555 TI - The White House Conference on Children and Youth. PMID- 13796554 TI - Activities of the Committee on Maternal and Child Care of the American Medical Association. PMID- 13796556 TI - [P-1133 (nialamide) as treatment of the leprous reaction]. PMID- 13796557 TI - [Present status of the treatment of radiation sickness]. PMID- 13796558 TI - [The collateral circuli in obstructions of the abdminal aorta and its terminal branches]. PMID- 13796559 TI - [Hemodynamics and angiocardiography of septal defects. Observations on 100 cases]. PMID- 13796560 TI - [On a case of pneumopericardium following interstitial pulmonary emphysema (radiological study)]. PMID- 13796562 TI - [Utilization of radio-nuclides in gynecological diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13796561 TI - [Some medicolegal remarks on the theme of treatment with ionizing radiations in reference to a case treated with artificial radioisotopes]. PMID- 13796563 TI - The magic of listening. PMID- 13796564 TI - [Morpho-functional aspects of the exocrine pancreas in senescence]. PMID- 13796568 TI - [Hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis in senility. (Anatomico-clinical study of 5 autopsied cases)]. PMID- 13796567 TI - [Trophoblastic endomyometriopathia (trophoblastic dysplasia). Considerations on ten cases]. PMID- 13796566 TI - Trophoblastic endometriopathy (trophoblastic dysplasia): remarks on 10 cases. PMID- 13796565 TI - [Incidence of pancreatitis in senility. Anatomical and epicritical data. (Study of 5 autopsy cases)]. PMID- 13796570 TI - [Benign synoviomas. New criterion of classification]. PMID- 13796569 TI - [Slow cerebellar infarct]. PMID- 13796571 TI - [Melanoblastomas of the eye in old age. (Histopathological study of 7 bioptic cases)]. PMID- 13796572 TI - [Pituitary gonadotropic activity in the pinealectomized rat]. PMID- 13796573 TI - [Contribution to the study of the effect of the nervous system on hypoxic erythrocytosis]. PMID- 13796574 TI - [Prevention of infantile tetanus]. PMID- 13796575 TI - [The action of propylene glycol on the isolated mammalian heart]. PMID- 13796576 TI - [Recent findings on Wilson's disease]. PMID- 13796577 TI - Preliminary observations on abnormal catecholamine metabolism in basal ganglia diseases. PMID- 13796579 TI - The basic design data of a guarded-field thimble ionization chamber: a theoretical investigation. PMID- 13796578 TI - Inheritance of congenital anophthalmia in mice. II. Effects of cortisone and maternal immunization with brain. PMID- 13796580 TI - Sleep without drugs. PMID- 13796581 TI - An unusual form of familial osteodystrophy. PMID- 13796582 TI - Reversal of antibiotic resistance in hospital staphylococcal infection. PMID- 13796583 TI - Vitamin B12 content of piglets and of milk from sows fed on rations containing animal or vegetable protein. PMID- 13796584 TI - "Hypnosis," analgesia, and the placebo effect. PMID- 13796585 TI - Toward a theory of pain: relief of chronic pain by prefrontal leucotomy, opiates, placebos, and hypnosis. PMID- 13796586 TI - [Contribution to the study of the histochemical localization of alkaline phosphomonoesterases of the olfactory mucosa of the rabbit]. PMID- 13796587 TI - [Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine]. PMID- 13796589 TI - [On an unusual case of paroxysmal tachycardia]. PMID- 13796588 TI - [Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine]. PMID- 13796590 TI - [On the value of the arterial tension of the retina in vertiginous syndromes]. PMID- 13796591 TI - [Primary sarcoma of the esophagus. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13796592 TI - [Some observations on the most recent tuberculin surveys conducted in Italy]. PMID- 13796593 TI - Cyclic vomiting. PMID- 13796594 TI - Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13796595 TI - [Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in mastitis of the dairy cow]. PMID- 13796596 TI - [The infratone capsule, a new mechano-electrical transformer for registration of arterial pulse volume]. PMID- 13796597 TI - [The use of trypsin and chymotrypsin by parenteral administration in the treatment of some bronchopneumopathies]. PMID- 13796598 TI - [Transhepatic cholangiography]. PMID- 13796599 TI - [Acute terminal ileitis (a contribution to the differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis)]. PMID- 13796600 TI - [Isolation of 24-methylene cholesterol from the pollen of different plants]. PMID- 13796601 TI - [Study of the secretion of the mandibular glands of the queens and workers of bees (Apis mellifica) by gas phase chromatography]. PMID- 13796602 TI - [Pancreatic and biliary enzymes in the treatment of digestive insufficiency]. PMID- 13796603 TI - [Relation between the chemical structure of corticoids and their anti inflammatory property]. PMID- 13796604 TI - [Technic of measurement of the water spaces of the body]. PMID- 13796605 TI - ["Lysine as substance favoring the take of bone grafts"]. PMID- 13796606 TI - [Fractures of the sternum]. PMID- 13796607 TI - [On a case of the Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome]. PMID- 13796608 TI - [The pyridine nucleotides of metaphysial cartilage in insulin deficiency]. PMID- 13796609 TI - [Behavior of some organic acids (pyruvic, lactic, ketoglutaric) in rachitic metaphysial cartilage]. PMID- 13796611 TI - [Action of low temperatures on the preservation of various metabolic cycles in bone tissue. Presumed survival of frozen bone]. PMID- 13796610 TI - [Insulin and metabolism of keto acids in ossifying cartilage]. PMID- 13796612 TI - [Clinical and biochemical observations on a case of sarcome in Paget's fracture]. PMID- 13796613 TI - [Immuno-biological factors in the development of bone heterotransplants]. PMID- 13796614 TI - [Relation between lipid metabolism and the ossification process]. PMID- 13796615 TI - [Considerations on the surgical treatment of a simple goiter]. PMID- 13796616 TI - [Recklinghausen's disease of the skin and cryptorchidism]. PMID- 13796617 TI - [The work environment as possible cause favoring or predisposing to cancer]. PMID- 13796618 TI - [Anesthesia and analgesia in urology. Epicritical considerations on the methodology and presentation of personal casuistics]. PMID- 13796619 TI - [Normal values of thyroid function examined with radioiodine tests in relation to various ages]. PMID- 13796621 TI - [Thyroid fixation of I-131 in some extra-thyroid endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13796620 TI - [The exploration of thyroid function with radioactive iodine in hepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13796622 TI - [Study of thyroid function with radioiodine in myocardial sclerosis]. PMID- 13796623 TI - [Diagnostics of the thyroid with radioiodine]. PMID- 13796624 TI - [Study of blood magnesium in some pathological conditions]. PMID- 13796625 TI - [Action of cocarboxylase (DPT) on magnesium load curves in the normal and hyperthyroid subject]. PMID- 13796626 TI - [Pathological conditions of reduced fixation of I-131 in the thyroid]. PMID- 13796627 TI - [The fluctuating apophysis in the clinical picture of symptomatic rachis chisi]. PMID- 13796628 TI - [The results of tendon transplantations in the case of acute anterior polimyelitis in the lower extremities]. PMID- 13796629 TI - Investigation on the mode of action of cycloserine upon protein synthesis of E. coli and animal cells. 2. Action of L-cycloserine on protein metabolism of alanine and on enzymic preparations. PMID- 13796630 TI - Investigations on the mode of action of cycloserine upon protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13796631 TI - [Vertebral arteriography accomplished by means of transcutaneous puncture of the subclavian artery. Contribution of 40 cases]. PMID- 13796633 TI - [Value of lumbar puncture in the diagnosis of cerebral vascular accidents]. PMID- 13796632 TI - [Congenital choledochal imperforation associated with a case of pyloric stenosis]. PMID- 13796634 TI - [Serum transaminases. Current data and practical importance]. PMID- 13796635 TI - [Proposed center for the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral vascular accidents]. PMID- 13796636 TI - [Studies on the fragility of the vascular wall in irradiated dogs using a modified cup test]. PMID- 13796637 TI - [The serology of syphilis in the light of current immuno-serological contribution]. PMID- 13796638 TI - The management of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13796639 TI - Present concepts in the management of gastric ulcer. PMID- 13796640 TI - The challenge to the physician of tomorrow. PMID- 13796641 TI - Laboratory infection of the snail Planorbarius metidjensis (Forbes) from French Morocco with a Brazilian strain of Schistosoma mansoni. PMID- 13796643 TI - [Treatment of metastases of laryngeal carcinoma]. PMID- 13796642 TI - Observations on the ability of the snail Australorbis nigricans to survive out of water in the laboratory. PMID- 13796644 TI - [Macroscopic pathology and staging of cancer of the mouth]. PMID- 13796646 TI - [Preparation of thromboplastin]. PMID- 13796645 TI - [Role of the dentist in prevention of cancer]. PMID- 13796647 TI - [Evaluation of the routine of the antivariolic vaccination service of the Centro de Aprendizado of the Faculdade de Higiene e Saude Publica by means of a sample inquiry]. PMID- 13796648 TI - [The presence of anti-ribonucleic acid antibodies in anti-ribosome immune serums]. PMID- 13796650 TI - [Biometeorology--a young medical discipline]. PMID- 13796651 TI - [Death and cosmic influences]. PMID- 13796649 TI - [On the finding of enteritogenic colon bacteria and their homologous phages in infant gastroenteritis]. PMID- 13796652 TI - [Aphasia as a side-effect of phenergan in the treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13796653 TI - [The role of tendon transplantations in congenital talipes equinovarus]. PMID- 13796654 TI - [alpha-Chymotrypsin (quimotrase) in the therapy of periarthritis of the shoulder]. PMID- 13796655 TI - [Apropos of a case of Besnier-Boeck sarcoid]. PMID- 13796656 TI - [Initial results obtained with a new sulfur-analgesic combination in the treatment of arthroses]. PMID- 13796657 TI - [Osteolytic forms of chronic psoriasic polyarthritis with involvement of the large joints]. PMID- 13796658 TI - [G-27202, new butazolidine derivative. Its value as an antirheumatic]. PMID- 13796659 TI - Replication report: work and rest as variables in cyclical motor performance. PMID- 13796660 TI - The effect of chymotrypsin on the development of Rana clamitans. PMID- 13796661 TI - [A method for the determination of ammonium dinitroorthocresolate (DINOK) for comparative sanitary-hygienic evaluation of plant products treated with it]. PMID- 13796662 TI - Isolation and structure of a new factor of the vitamin B12 group: guanosine diphosphate factor B. PMID- 13796663 TI - Beauty and Beast: from myth to fairy tale. PMID- 13796664 TI - [Arachnoiditis as a cause of spinal cord compression]. PMID- 13796665 TI - [Pathogenesis of cerebral edema]. PMID- 13796666 TI - [Myopathies and epilepsy. Clinical and experimental study]. PMID- 13796667 TI - [Pallencephalography in the diagnosis of meningiomas]. PMID- 13796668 TI - [Palencephalography in the diagnosis of glioblastoma of the cerebrum]. PMID- 13796669 TI - [Effect of methylthiouracil on experimental osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796670 TI - [Experimental tuberculosis of the knee joint in a guinea pig]. PMID- 13796671 TI - [Generalization of tuberculosis in cases of intra-articular infection in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13796672 TI - [Non-specific changes in the osteoarticular system in experimental tuberculosis of the knee joint]. PMID- 13796673 TI - Clinical and serological evaluation of trichinosis. PMID- 13796675 TI - [A turn for the wiser men]. PMID- 13796674 TI - The nurse in preventive psychiatry. PMID- 13796677 TI - Man in space. PMID- 13796676 TI - Amyloid disease of the kidney and renal vein thrombosis. PMID- 13796678 TI - The relation between plasma lipoproteins and breast carcinoma: effect of degree of breast disease on plasma lipoproteins and the possible role of lipid metabolic aberrations. PMID- 13796679 TI - Clinical evaluation of phenformin (DBI) in office practice. PMID- 13796680 TI - A simplified rabbit ear chamber. PMID- 13796681 TI - Sympathetic control of vessels in the hand and forearm skin. PMID- 13796682 TI - [Clinical experiences with the antiphlogistic drug G 27,202]. PMID- 13796683 TI - Measurement of energy expenditure during ambulation, with special reference to evaluation of assistive devices. PMID- 13796684 TI - Implications of analytic psychotherapy with the physically ill. PMID- 13796685 TI - Thyroid activity during hypothermia produced without the use of drugs. PMID- 13796686 TI - Anatomical organization of the central nervous system in relation to control of the heart and blood vessels. PMID- 13796687 TI - [Experience with the application of salvarsan in the treatment of trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13796688 TI - Effects of situational anxiety at different stages of practice. PMID- 13796689 TI - [Ectopic pinealoma of the fourth ventricle]. PMID- 13796690 TI - The natural history of choriocarcinoma: problems of immunity and spontaneous regression. PMID- 13796691 TI - [The determination of glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transminases in the normal and premature newborn infant]. PMID- 13796692 TI - [Rare complication of insulin coma]. PMID- 13796693 TI - [Hydatid cysts with genital localization]. PMID- 13796694 TI - [The future of children with motor handicaps]. PMID- 13796695 TI - [2 Cases of hypoproteinemia treated with human albumins]. PMID- 13796696 TI - [Celiac disease]. PMID- 13796697 TI - [The state of collateral circulation following deafferentiation]. PMID- 13796698 TI - [Influence of hormones on the phenomena of proteosynthesis and proteolysis during work. III. Influence of adrenocortical extracts]. PMID- 13796699 TI - [Influence of hormones on the processes of protein synthesis and proteolysis during work. II. Influence of thyroxin]. PMID- 13796700 TI - [Influence of hormones on the processes of proteosynthesis and proteolysis during work. IV. Behavior of amino nitrogen in various organs and tissues of the insulin treated white rat]. PMID- 13796702 TI - [The histology of the placenta after preventive penicillin treatment of congenital syphilis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13796701 TI - [Several cases of alcoholic and amential psychoses treated with a glutamic acid derivative]. PMID- 13796703 TI - [Angiography of the mediastinum and lungs by the author's own method]. PMID- 13796704 TI - Neutralizing antibodies against some neurotropic viruses determined in human sera in Albania. PMID- 13796705 TI - The Tahyna virus--a virus isolated from mosquitoes in Czechoslovakia. PMID- 13796706 TI - Notes on a study of the ecology of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis in the Slovenian Alps (Yugoslavia). PMID- 13796707 TI - Natural foci of some virus infections of man in Slovakia. PMID- 13796709 TI - [The sero-epidemiological method for the study of the characteristics of the Tahyna Arbor virus and of its ecology]. PMID- 13796708 TI - Immunological study of antibodies neutralizing Tahyna virus in the sera of inhabitants of Czechoslovakia. PMID- 13796710 TI - Deprivation and time of testing as determinants of food intake. PMID- 13796711 TI - Suppression of lactation. Use of a fluoxymesterone-ethinyl estradiol combination. PMID- 13796712 TI - Suppression of lactation with fluoxymesterone. PMID- 13796713 TI - Comparison of intravenous saccharated iron oxide and whole blood in treatment of hypochromic anemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13796714 TI - A stimulant for the aged. Observations on a methylphenidate-vitamin-hormone combination (Ritonic). PMID- 13796715 TI - Cutaneous reactions encountered in four hundred patients treated with sulfamethoxypyridazine. PMID- 13796717 TI - Performance on some objective tests under LSD-25. PMID- 13796716 TI - [The use of nasal reflexotherapy in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13796718 TI - Test methods in psychosomatic research. PMID- 13796719 TI - [Reply to "Some remarks regarding Barendregt's study on the value of clinical prediction"]. PMID- 13796721 TI - The origin of the nuclear membrane. PMID- 13796720 TI - [Skull deformity in the newborn]. PMID- 13796722 TI - The action of x-rays and chlorambucil on the cytoplasmic solid concentration of lymphocytes. PMID- 13796723 TI - [The epidermoid of the lateral ventricle]. PMID- 13796724 TI - [Pharmacological characteristics of "slow" and "fast" striated muscular fibers of the lateral muscle of the catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus)]. PMID- 13796725 TI - Repair of dental venturi nozzle. PMID- 13796726 TI - [Contribution to the differential diagnosis of isolated ST elevation in the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13796727 TI - [Observations on living fish cells cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13796729 TI - Chronic ulcerative (thrombo-ulcerative) colitis: early and late sequelae of the disease. PMID- 13796728 TI - [Electron microscopic study of rabbit skin (epidermis)]. PMID- 13796730 TI - Effects of smoking on the digestive tract. PMID- 13796731 TI - Occult bleeding; determination of its origin. PMID- 13796732 TI - Therapeutic principles in management of peptic ulcer. 1. Diet and antacids. PMID- 13796733 TI - The kidney in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13796734 TI - [Rate of exchange of heat and humidity in the air passages of man]. PMID- 13796735 TI - [Study of ventilation in the cold in the rat]. PMID- 13796736 TI - [Plethysmographic explorations in human respiratory physiology]. PMID- 13796737 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on the placental villi in man. (Remarks on the syncytium problem)]. PMID- 13796738 TI - [On the morphological relationships of the neurosecretory diencephalon system to the intermediate lobes of the hypophysis (light- and electron microscopic studies)]. PMID- 13796739 TI - [Vacuole formation and the mitochondria]. PMID- 13796740 TI - [In memoriam: Karl Zeiger (1895-1959)]. PMID- 13796741 TI - [Effect of fatty acids on the cytochrome oxidase of the liver and the brain and on the cytochrome C]. PMID- 13796742 TI - [Effect of fatty acids on the adenosine triphosphatase activity of mitochondria from the liver and the brain and of myosin]. PMID- 13796743 TI - [On the enolase of smooth muscle tissue]. PMID- 13796744 TI - [Working and health conditions in salt mine workers]. PMID- 13796745 TI - [Fluoxymesterone in gynecological therapy]. PMID- 13796746 TI - [Clinical use of a new synthetic analgesic in labor:d-2,2-diphenyl-3-methyl-4 morpholino-butyrl-pyrrolidine]. PMID- 13796747 TI - [Cervico-segmental insufficiency and its treatment during pregnancy]. PMID- 13796748 TI - [Contribution to the study of cystic formations of the uterus]. PMID- 13796750 TI - [On several rare types of ectopic pregnancy]. PMID- 13796749 TI - [Extrauterine pregnancy in the Ospedale S. Paolo in Savona (1948-1958). Clinico statistical considerations]. PMID- 13796751 TI - [Separation of the lower pole of the amniotic sac in induction of labor]. PMID- 13796752 TI - Tumour-promoting effect of excessively large doses of oral griseofulvin on tumours induced in mice by methylcholanthrene. PMID- 13796753 TI - [Pneumology. Is it correct that the place of excisional surgery is diminishing in pulmonary tuberculosis?]. PMID- 13796754 TI - [Pneumology. What difficulties arise from complications of antituberculous antibiotic therapy?]. PMID- 13796755 TI - [Splenic sarcoidosis with thrombocytopenia. Value of splenectomy]. PMID- 13796756 TI - [An always present problem: relapse in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796757 TI - [Pheochromocytoma with lipoprotein disorders]. PMID- 13796758 TI - [Artificial pneumomediastinum (air mediastinum)]. PMID- 13796759 TI - [Biological data during dysacromegalias. (Inconsistency of anoxemia in the arterial blood. Importance of determination of acid phosphatases)]. PMID- 13796760 TI - [Choriocarcinomatous tumors of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13796761 TI - [Acute mediastinal syndromes]. PMID- 13796762 TI - [10 cases of typhoid and paratyphoid fevers observed for 4 years in a Parisian department of general medicine]. PMID- 13796763 TI - [Cutaneous porphyria in adults with urinary excretion of porphobilinogen and presence of uroporphyrin in the sternal marrow and pulmonary tissue]. PMID- 13796764 TI - [Therapeutic trial of adenosine-monophosphoric acid in idiopathic porphyria]. PMID- 13796765 TI - [Hyposideremia and hyposiderophilinemia during bronchopulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13796766 TI - [Hyposideremia and hyposiderophilinemia in the course of cancers and especially in the course of bronchopulmonary cancers]. PMID- 13796767 TI - [Study of idiopathic hypoproteinemia by administration of albumin combined with radioiodine]. PMID- 13796768 TI - [Test of ferrous overload during cancer and infectious states]. PMID- 13796770 TI - [The pathological anatomy of the lung abscess since the advent of antibiotics and of resection]. PMID- 13796769 TI - [Pulmonary and cardiac metastases in primary cancer of the liver]. PMID- 13796771 TI - ["Paraneoplastic" psychic and cerebellar syndrome reversible by radiotherapeutic treatment of its cause: "anaplastic bronchial epithelioma"]. PMID- 13796773 TI - [Repeatedly recurring pneumopathy disappearing at the onset of phlebitis revealing a cancer of the tonsil]. PMID- 13796772 TI - [Polyarteritis during chronic evolutive polyarthritis with ischemic multineuritis. Relations with periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13796774 TI - [Value of an analeptic, "micoren", in the emergency treatment of severe respiratory insufficiency induced by the untimely injection of morphine in the course of a chronic bronchopneumopathy]. PMID- 13796775 TI - [Current aspects of primary tuberculous serofibrinous pleurisy (Its initial symptomatology)]. PMID- 13796776 TI - [Summary of therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13796778 TI - [On a case of congenital sacrococcygeal agenesia]. PMID- 13796777 TI - [Fracture of the head of the radius. Reconstruction of the head with vitallium prosthesis]. PMID- 13796780 TI - Conditioning of complex verbal sequences. PMID- 13796779 TI - New data on inheritance and production of melanotic tumours (pseudotumours) in Drosophila. PMID- 13796781 TI - An electromyographic analysis of the temporalis muscles and certain facial muscles in thumb- and finger-sucking patients. PMID- 13796783 TI - The isolation and cultivation of a filterable form resembling pleuropneumonia like organisms from the human dental pulp: report of a case. PMID- 13796782 TI - [Algic reacutization due to crenotherapy: vitamin-adenine-nucleotide therapy]. PMID- 13796784 TI - The occurrence of failures in penicillin-treated gonorrheal urethritis. I. The significance of L-form transformation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to penicillin resistance. PMID- 13796785 TI - [Cerebral atrophy in chronic alcoholism. Pneumoencephalographic study]. PMID- 13796786 TI - [Fresh injuries of the nose and their therapy]. PMID- 13796787 TI - [On the tricarboxylic acid cycle in molds]. PMID- 13796788 TI - [The stimulation of growth of fungi by carbon dioxide and the effect of mesotartaric acid on this process]. PMID- 13796789 TI - A teaching technique for inferring psychodynamics. PMID- 13796790 TI - Tissue culture of uveal melanomas. PMID- 13796791 TI - Differential diagnosis of melanoma cells in tissue cultures of uveal melanomas. Part 1. PMID- 13796792 TI - Impression making for complete crown restorations. PMID- 13796793 TI - [Oxygen tension and saturation and acid-base equilibrium in various forms of controlled respiration]. PMID- 13796794 TI - [EEG in circulatory interruption and artificial perfusion]. PMID- 13796795 TI - The correlation of ultraviolet and Feulgen absorption measured in ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13796796 TI - Quantitation of periodic acid-Schiff positive substances using radioactive Schiff reagent. PMID- 13796797 TI - Some observations on the reaction of Schiff reagent with aldehydes. PMID- 13796798 TI - A simple azo-dye method for histochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase. PMID- 13796800 TI - [On the clinical and hematological characteristics of hemophilia B (Christmas disease)]. PMID- 13796799 TI - [On the significance of blood coagulation in the mechanism of snake venom poisoning]. PMID- 13796801 TI - [On clinical picture and therapy of intoxication with venoms of Central Asian scorpions]. PMID- 13796802 TI - A microbiological reduction of the cortisone A-ring by Streptomyces sp. PMID- 13796803 TI - Measurement of renal blood flow by application of the Fick principle. PMID- 13796805 TI - Physiologic and clinical aspects of magnesium metabolism. PMID- 13796804 TI - Studies of the renal excretion of magnesium in man. PMID- 13796806 TI - Design and construction of animal quarters for medical education and research. PMID- 13796807 TI - The nucleoside phosphorylase of pig liver and calf spleen. PMID- 13796808 TI - Assay, purification, and properties of the adenylocobamide coenzyme. PMID- 13796809 TI - Isolation and properties of crystalline cobamide coenzymes containing benzimidazole or 5, 6-dimethylbenzimidazole. PMID- 13796810 TI - Study of fat and fatty acid absorption in postgastrectomy patients using radioactive labeling. PMID- 13796811 TI - The portacaval shunt operation in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. PMID- 13796812 TI - A numerical measure of articulation. PMID- 13796813 TI - Chondrodermatitis of the ears: a differential study of nodules of the helix and anthelix. PMID- 13796814 TI - The effect of niacin on the blood cholesterol. PMID- 13796815 TI - Effect of inorganic sulphate on molybdenum excretion by a marsupial. PMID- 13796816 TI - Biological origin and configuration of 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid. PMID- 13796817 TI - Polysaccharide analysis of liver biopsy specimens obtained at laparotomy. PMID- 13796818 TI - Thyroxine antagonism by partially iodinated thyronines and analogues. PMID- 13796819 TI - Technique of endarterectomy. PMID- 13796821 TI - [Physiological mechanism of the interrelationship between 2 distinct differentiations]. PMID- 13796820 TI - Some blood coagulation studies in normal and scorbutic guinea-pigs. PMID- 13796822 TI - [Researches on the stability of morphine solutions in ampins and ampoules]. PMID- 13796823 TI - Latex slide fixation test in dermatology. PMID- 13796824 TI - The p-toluene sulfonic acid test for systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13796825 TI - [Clinical aspects, classification and operative treatment of diastasis of the rectus muscles of the abdomen]. PMID- 13796826 TI - [On the method of repair of wounds of the chest wall in thoracic operations]. PMID- 13796827 TI - [On echinococcosis of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13796828 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on treatment of fractures of the clavicle]. PMID- 13796829 TI - [Camptodactylia]. PMID- 13796830 TI - [Nevus and melanomas. Current considerations on prevention and treatment]. PMID- 13796831 TI - Plasma cell granulomas of the pharynx and larynx. PMID- 13796832 TI - Pituitary exophthalmos,? sarcoidosis. PMID- 13796833 TI - When does the sick Bantu seek medical aid? PMID- 13796834 TI - Griseofulvin in treatment of persistent fungal infections of the skin. PMID- 13796835 TI - Device for removing an open safety-pin from oesophagus or bronchial tree. PMID- 13796836 TI - The management of the perineal wound after abdomino-perineal resection. Why leave the perineal wound open? PMID- 13796837 TI - Circulating levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroid in prolonged hypothermia. PMID- 13796838 TI - Rhythmic activity induced by photic stimulation in relation to intrinsic alpha activity of the brain in man. PMID- 13796839 TI - Studies on repository antigen preparations. I. Retention of antigen at the injection site in rats. PMID- 13796840 TI - The use of the guinea-pig ileum preparation for testing the activity of substances which imitate or antagonize the actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine and tryptamine. AB - On the guinea-pig ileum, 5-hydroxytryptamine appeared to act in the same way as tryptamine on two types of receptor (morphine-sensitive and phenoxybenzamine(Dibenzyline)-sensitive). The actions of analogues of 5 hydroxytryptamine on the phenoxybenzamine-sensitive receptors resembled their actions on the rat uterus, and the actions on the morphine-sensitive receptors slightly resembled those on the rat fundus strip. The guinea-pig ileum preparation, however, did not appear to be more suitable than the rat uterus and rat fundus strip for testing the ability of compounds to imitate or antagonize 5 hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13796841 TI - [The place of osteosynthesis in open fractures of the long bones]. PMID- 13796842 TI - [Recent data regarding the significance of thyroid hormonal fractions]. PMID- 13796843 TI - Changes in the seum protein fractions of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) during maturity. PMID- 13796844 TI - Influence of oxytocin and vasopressin on sodium-retaining activity of aldosterone in the rat. PMID- 13796845 TI - The influence of the neck tourniquet on the blood antidiuretic potency of rats. PMID- 13796846 TI - [On the problem of the treatment of threatened habitual abortion]. PMID- 13796847 TI - Polymyositis: report on three cases from West Africa. PMID- 13796848 TI - Medical libraries in Britain. PMID- 13796849 TI - The electrical pulse duplicator--its use in testing valve prostheses with special reference to the aortic and mitral valves. PMID- 13796850 TI - Some experiences with intracardiac surgery using the helixreservoir bubble oxygenator with total cardio-pulmonary bypass. A review of the first 30 cases treated at the Groote Schuur and Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospitals, Cape Town. PMID- 13796851 TI - Selective cytochemical demonstration of arginine groups in nucleoprotein in the cell nucleus. PMID- 13796852 TI - Some relations between enzyme activity, chemical reactivity and urea-induced disorientations in ribonuclease. PMID- 13796853 TI - Quantitative cytochemical observations on a specific nucleoprotein reaction in cell nuclei. PMID- 13796854 TI - The stopping-power correction for graphite cavity-chambers used with 2 mV x-rays. PMID- 13796855 TI - Soma: normal hematopoletic response to hematinics during the administration of N isopropyl-2-methyl-2-propyl-1, 3-propanediol dicarbamate. PMID- 13796856 TI - A new approach to mitral valvotomy. PMID- 13796857 TI - [Use of Kisiecki's method for the measurement of blood gases in the evaluation of alkaline reserve]. PMID- 13796858 TI - The potentialities of food irradiation for European countries: animal products. PMID- 13796859 TI - Sulfadimethoxine (Madribon) in the treatment of surgical infections: a preliminary report. PMID- 13796860 TI - Virus-induced acquisition of metabolic function. IV. Thymidylate synthetase in thymine-requiring Escherichia coli infected by T2 and T5 bacteriophages. PMID- 13796861 TI - Medical care-a fringe benefit. PMID- 13796862 TI - The problem of occupational health. PMID- 13796863 TI - Measurements of vasopressinase in maternal and cordblood. PMID- 13796865 TI - Mancinism. PMID- 13796864 TI - Common usage. PMID- 13796866 TI - Blood volume and red cell concentration in the normal chick embryo. PMID- 13796867 TI - Surgical sepsis. an analysis of factors associated with sepsis in two operative procedures, 1937-1957. PMID- 13796868 TI - Surgical sepsis-report on subtotal gastrectomies. PMID- 13796869 TI - The structure of nuclear pores in mammalian tissue. PMID- 13796870 TI - A dense laminar structure found in conjunction with cell membranes in the anterior pituitary gland. PMID- 13796871 TI - Prophylaxis of ischaemic heart-disease by thyroid therapy. PMID- 13796872 TI - Amino-acid composition of proteins from surface tissue of the tongue. PMID- 13796873 TI - Murine leukaemia. PMID- 13796874 TI - [Serial grafts of homologous bone marrow in irradiated mice]. PMID- 13796875 TI - Longevity of radiation-chimaeras. PMID- 13796876 TI - [New tissues for persons subjected to lethal radiations. Implants of normal bone marrow]. PMID- 13796877 TI - [Substitution of leukemic cells by normal cells]. PMID- 13796878 TI - Bacteriological problems in broiler preparation and storage. PMID- 13796879 TI - Teen-age vertebral epiphysitis. PMID- 13796880 TI - Theory of response to partial depletion of cellular protein. PMID- 13796881 TI - Acute porphyria in a Bantu male. PMID- 13796883 TI - Uses and abuses of vaginal douching. PMID- 13796882 TI - Clinical trial of triamcinolone in eczema. PMID- 13796884 TI - Subarrachnoid hemorrhage. PMID- 13796885 TI - Cerebral complications incurred during pregnancy and the puerperium. AB - In a statistical study of maternal mortality cases in Franklin County, Ohio, with a total of 170 deaths in a ten-year period (1948-1957), there were 36 fatal cases with cerebral complications of various types. Intracranial hemorrhage was the cause of death in 17 cases; subarachnoid hemorrhage in eight; intracerebral hemorrhage in eight and subdural hemorrhage in one case. There were nine cases of intracranial tumor with fatality. In a miscellaneous group of ten "cerebral deaths" infectious processes were the cause in eight cases, including tuberculous meningitis, purulent meningitis, brain abscess, acute (cerebromedullary) poliomyelitis, "viral" encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and tetanus. In a smaller clinical (nonfatal) group with cerebral complications occurring during pregnancy and the puerperium, two patients with subarachnoid hemorrhages made spontaneous recovery. A diagnosis of intracerebral hemorrhage was made in three instances, in two of which operation was done and evacuation of blood clots was accomplished. One patient recovered spontaneously from a minimal hemorrhage. Five other persons had cerebral thrombosis, three in the third month of pregnancy and two in the immediate puerperium. All recovered, with some residual deficits. Three patients with intracranial tumor were successfully treated surgically but with disappointing results ultimately (one case each of cerebellar medulloblastoma, cerebral astrocytoma and supratentorial meningioma).Only when the obstetrician, neurologist and the neurosurgeon are fully aware of the signs, symptoms, and many times the rapid course of these cerebral complications of pregnancy, can there be any material lowering of the morbidity and mortality. Emphasis should be placed on the early investigation of all neurological complaints during pregnancy and the puerperium, with immediate institution of an aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic regimen. PMID- 13796887 TI - Toxicity of pesticides. PMID- 13796886 TI - Fate of first-list associations in transfer theory. PMID- 13796888 TI - An improved common duct dilator. PMID- 13796889 TI - Management of an incision ruptured or about to rupture. PMID- 13796891 TI - Hospital and nursing home go well together. PMID- 13796890 TI - Hysterectomies at the Winnipeg General Hospital (from June 1, 1956 to May 31, 1957). PMID- 13796892 TI - The low incidence of gastro-intestinal symptoms encountered in the clinical use of a chelated oral iron compound. PMID- 13796893 TI - The mechanism of the thiamine-sparing effect of penicillin in rats. PMID- 13796894 TI - Dietary fat and protein and serum cholesterol. I. Adult swine. PMID- 13796896 TI - Management of prostatic carcinoma. PMID- 13796895 TI - Dietary fat and protein and serum cholesterol. II. Young swine. PMID- 13796897 TI - Annular pancreas in a three-day old child; case report. PMID- 13796898 TI - Cigarette smoking and occlusive arterial disease of the legs. PMID- 13796899 TI - Treatment of hypertension with combination of ganglion-blocking drugs and chlorothiazide. PMID- 13796900 TI - Scleroderma and Raynaud's phenomenon. PMID- 13796901 TI - Dystonic reaction to perphenazine (trilafon). PMID- 13796902 TI - This, to me, is nursing. PMID- 13796903 TI - Learning in familial and brain-injured defectives. PMID- 13796904 TI - Prolonged remission in pernicious anemia. Report of a case of apparent remission of thirty years duration. PMID- 13796905 TI - Egg shell membrane for external guides in reconstruction. PMID- 13796906 TI - Tests of anatomical knowledge. PMID- 13796907 TI - Hemangio-endothelioma of the corpus cavernosum penis: case report. PMID- 13796908 TI - Survival rate of patients with breast cancer in a small community. PMID- 13796909 TI - A dispenser for nylon sutures. PMID- 13796910 TI - An activator of plasminogen produced by cell culture. PMID- 13796911 TI - Antibody response to increased amounts of poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13796912 TI - Antibodies to enteroviruses in hypogammaglobulinemic patients. PMID- 13796913 TI - The utilization by yeasts of acids of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. PMID- 13796914 TI - Comparative studies of yeasts. PMID- 13796915 TI - Hip arthrography in children, with renografin. PMID- 13796916 TI - Retroperitoneal cystic lymphagioma. PMID- 13796917 TI - Electrophoresis of ribonuclease and of beta-lactoglobulin: isoelectric points of proteins. PMID- 13796918 TI - The binding of chloride ions to ribounuclease and to beta-lactoglobulin. PMID- 13796919 TI - The optimum pH of adsorbed ribonuclease. PMID- 13796920 TI - The Strauss-Bunting verruca. PMID- 13796921 TI - Mortality, growth and liver glycogen in young mice exposed to cold. PMID- 13796922 TI - The effect of low environmental temperature on the reproductive cycle of female mice. PMID- 13796923 TI - Dexamethasone in short-term dermatological conditions. PMID- 13796924 TI - Griseofulvin: a brief review. PMID- 13796925 TI - The use of methylpentynol carbamate in labour. PMID- 13796926 TI - The efficacy of delayed administration of antibiotics in experimental strangulation obstruction. PMID- 13796927 TI - Etiology and prevention of abdominal incisional hernia. PMID- 13796928 TI - Experimental strangulated intestinal obstruction: a review. PMID- 13796929 TI - Lethal factors in intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13796930 TI - Mechanical small bowel obstruction. PMID- 13796931 TI - Strangulated intestinal obstruction; pathophysiology and management. PMID- 13796932 TI - The development of immunity to toxic peritoneal fluid of late strangulation obstruction. PMID- 13796933 TI - Allied officer training at the U. S. Army Medical Service School. PMID- 13796934 TI - Roentgenologic findings in pertussis. PMID- 13796935 TI - Roentgenographic determination of total lung capacity. A new method evaluated in health, emphysema and congestive heart failure. PMID- 13796936 TI - A new material and technic in the art of somato-prosthesis. PMID- 13796937 TI - Partial activation of prothrombin and generation of prothrombin-R with cathepsin B. PMID- 13796938 TI - [Pulmonary hemosiderosis and cadaveric putrefaction]. PMID- 13796939 TI - Haptoglobin and transferrin inheritance in northern Nigerians. PMID- 13796940 TI - Haptoglobin and transferrin variants in Bushmen and some other South African peoples. PMID- 13796941 TI - Climatic factors in the evolution of human populations. PMID- 13796942 TI - Paper chromatography of human hair follicles and hair extracts. PMID- 13796943 TI - [Experimental studies on the arrest and depletion test]. PMID- 13796944 TI - [Contribution to the study of tumors of the carotid body]. PMID- 13796945 TI - [Contribution to the study of tumors of the facial structures. Clinical case]. PMID- 13796946 TI - [Audiometric study of tuners of accordions]. PMID- 13796947 TI - [Elements of the left and right pulmonary peduncles and their relations to neighboring organs]. PMID- 13796949 TI - [Vascularization and structure of vessels of the nasal mucosa, the respiratory part and the olfactory part]. PMID- 13796948 TI - [Influenzal neurological syndrome in otorhinolaryngological practice]. PMID- 13796950 TI - [Idiopathic cardiomegaly. Casuistic contribution]. PMID- 13796951 TI - WISC patterning in endogenous mental deficiency. PMID- 13796953 TI - [Serological examination of the aqueous humor in the course of toxoplasmic uveitis. Comparative method (aqueous humor, blood serum)]. PMID- 13796952 TI - [The electroencephalogram in the course of cerebral maturation]. PMID- 13796954 TI - [Action of corticosteroids on herpetic lesions of the cornea]. PMID- 13796955 TI - Functions of CS and US in fear conditioning. PMID- 13796956 TI - Surgical hypophysectomy in the treatment of carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13796957 TI - Endocrine factors in the treatment of human cancer. PMID- 13796958 TI - Estimation of the basal metabolic rate in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. PMID- 13796959 TI - Investigation of anterior pituitary function after surgical hypophysectomy. PMID- 13796961 TI - [Some results of the work of the unified district hospitals and district sanitary epidemiological stations in Akmolinsk region]. PMID- 13796960 TI - Serum transaminases and isocitric dehydrogenase in kwashiorkor. AB - Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (G-OT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (G PT), and isocitric dehydrogenase (ICD) have been estimated in six groups of subjects, namely, normal British adults, normal Nigerian adults, undernourished Nigerian adults and children, Nigerian children with florid protein malnutrition (kwashiorkor), and cases of protein malnutrition after treatment. The normal range in Nigerian adults was apparently slightly lower than in European adults.A marked increase in serum enzyme activity was found in florid malnutrition, and a slight rise in undernutrition. In all cases serum G-PT showed lesser changes than G-OT and ICD. The causes of these abnormalities are discussed. The increased serum enzyme activity is thought to be derived primarily from the liver and possibly also from voluntary muscle. Estimation of serum enzymes is recommended in the investigation of protein malnutrition. PMID- 13796962 TI - [Grippe and fetal abnormalities. Statistical considerations]. PMID- 13796963 TI - Acute lipoid pneumonitis due to aspiration of pressurized paint droplets. PMID- 13796965 TI - Surgical correction of salivary fistula. PMID- 13796964 TI - Multicentric papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (Warthin's tumor) of the parotid gland: report of a case. PMID- 13796966 TI - [Role of the hypothalamus in the syndrome of puerperal pituitary insufficiency]. PMID- 13796968 TI - Hybridization of Salmonella species by mating with Escherichia coli. AB - A number of species of Salmonella were fertile at low frequency as recipients in crosses with Escherichia coli, as evidenced by the isolation of lactosepositive hybrids possessing the Salmonella antigenic structure. A hybrid from an initial mating, when crossed again with E. coli, behaved then as a high-frequency recipient strain. PMID- 13796967 TI - Incidence of gastric and duodenal ulcer in the Royal Air Force in 1955. PMID- 13796969 TI - [One year with the cobalt bomb (between the euphorics and the sceptics)]. PMID- 13796970 TI - [Possibilities of telecobaltotherapy in treatment with radiations]. PMID- 13796971 TI - Bacterial flora of the roundworm Ascaridia galli (Schrank) and its relationship to the host flora. PMID- 13796972 TI - Activator of plasminogen and protease from various cell cultures and present in poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13796973 TI - Transference and counter-transference in the classroom. PMID- 13796974 TI - [Peripheral lesions of the extremity following immersion (immersion foot and hand syndrome)]. PMID- 13796975 TI - Serum alkaline phosphatase activity in hepatitis of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13796976 TI - The management of severe viral hepatitis. PMID- 13796978 TI - [Measurement of the velocity of propagation of ultrasonics in biological tissues with an interferometric method]. PMID- 13796977 TI - [Speed of ultrasounds in the perilymph and cerebrospinal fluid of the horse]. PMID- 13796979 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of diastasis of the public symphysis in spontaneous delivery]. PMID- 13796980 TI - Transferring a prosthodontic restoration between two Hanau articulators. PMID- 13796981 TI - [Stratibronchographic observations in various lung diseases]. PMID- 13796983 TI - [Further considerations on bronchostratigraphy]. PMID- 13796982 TI - [The indications and technic of the bronchostratigraphic method of investigation]. PMID- 13796984 TI - [Present trends and modern methods of investigation in the radiological differential diagnosis between cystic images of the lungs]. PMID- 13796986 TI - [Obliterative arthropathies. Clinical findings and current status; the combination of acetylcholine, 2-pyridinemethanol and pyridostigmine in their therapy]. PMID- 13796985 TI - [Some observations on bronchiogenic tumors of the lung]. PMID- 13796987 TI - [On the practical value of the retraining school]. PMID- 13796988 TI - The effect of endocrinectomy on ascites with especial reference to adrenalectomy and thyroidectomy. PMID- 13796989 TI - Surgical techniques. 1. The use of the left colon for esophageal replacement. PMID- 13796990 TI - Total adrenalectomy in the treatment of intractable ascites. PMID- 13796991 TI - Aorticopulmonary septal defect; diagnosis and report of case successfully treated. PMID- 13796992 TI - Technique of repair of esophageal hiatus hernia. PMID- 13796993 TI - The surgical treatment of atrial septal defects. PMID- 13796994 TI - Vascular ring in infancy. PMID- 13796995 TI - Congenital aortic stenosis: diagnosis and surgical treatment. PMID- 13796996 TI - Some recent advances in cardiovascular surgery. Part I. PMID- 13796998 TI - Some recent advances in surgery of the esophagus. PMID- 13796997 TI - Some recent advances in cardiovascular surgery. Part II. PMID- 13796999 TI - [Considerations on an anatomical and clinical case of optic neuromyelitis]. PMID- 13797000 TI - Management of delirium tremens: preliminary observations with trifluoperazine. PMID- 13797001 TI - Quinidine. PMID- 13797002 TI - [Bronchoscopy in bronchopulmonary suppurations]. PMID- 13797003 TI - Sickness absence among hospital nurses. PMID- 13797004 TI - Training of student nurses. PMID- 13797005 TI - [Cerebral palsy and hearing impairment]. PMID- 13797006 TI - Primary ovarian hydatidiform mole: a case report. PMID- 13797007 TI - [Virus infections in the respiratory tract. 3. Clinical aspects]. PMID- 13797008 TI - Megaloblastic erythropoiesis in congenital spherocytic anaemia. PMID- 13797009 TI - Radiation dosage in dental offices. PMID- 13797010 TI - Radiation protection in dentistry for patients, operators and office personnel. PMID- 13797011 TI - Cortisone-lubricating jelly mixture for transurethral surgery. PMID- 13797012 TI - Canadian Forces Hospital, Kingston, Ontario. PMID- 13797013 TI - Dr. Charles Clifford Macklin: an appreciation. PMID- 13797014 TI - An unusual sex chromatin pattern in three mentally deficient subjects. PMID- 13797015 TI - Sex chromatin and phenotype in man. PMID- 13797016 TI - Sexual dimorphism in interphase nuclei. PMID- 13797017 TI - Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube: case report. PMID- 13797018 TI - World List of Current Periodicals in Ophthalmology, Optics, and Optometry. PMID- 13797020 TI - Telemetering physiologic responses during experimental flights. PMID- 13797019 TI - Chemical dosimetry with fluorescent compounds: the destruction of the fluorescence of quinine by gamma rays. PMID- 13797021 TI - Blood gas changes in the anesthetized dog during prolonged exposure to positive radial acceleration. PMID- 13797022 TI - Reflex control of respiration in the anesthetized dog during prolonged exposure to positive radial acceleration. PMID- 13797023 TI - Introduction of soft cannula into artery by direct percutaneous puncture. Observations on technique and cannula materials. PMID- 13797024 TI - Acquired spasmodic torticollis in a male homosexual. PMID- 13797025 TI - Acute diabetic episode with remission: report of a case. PMID- 13797026 TI - The influence of heparin on the blood eosinophil. PMID- 13797027 TI - Pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism: report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13797028 TI - The tongue. PMID- 13797029 TI - Influence of age on the response of male mice to testosterone propionate. PMID- 13797030 TI - Induction of pseudopregnancy in the rat by reserpine and chlorpromazine. PMID- 13797031 TI - [Treatment of general deficiency states (chiefly in former deportees) with fraction "B" (immunizing gamma globulin of animal origin)]. PMID- 13797032 TI - [Wunderlich's syndrome. Operation, recovery]. PMID- 13797033 TI - Enhancing effect of corticotrophin upon exophthalmos produced by thyrotrophic hormone. PMID- 13797034 TI - Anterior chamber plastic lenses. Results of and conclusions from five years' experience. PMID- 13797035 TI - Amphotericin B therapy in torula meningitis. PMID- 13797036 TI - [Hiatal hernia and ulcer of the neck. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13797037 TI - [From resuscitation to peroperative vigilance. The esophageal stethoscope]. PMID- 13797038 TI - [A histamine-globulin complex. First clinical results obtained in the treatment of asthma]. PMID- 13797039 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of asthma with a combination of gamma globulin and histamine]. PMID- 13797040 TI - [Use of phytic acid to separate diluted proteins from biological media and to determine their cationic groupings: application to the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13797042 TI - [Some remarks on hypothyroidism. Hypothesis of a compensatory hypercorticism]. PMID- 13797041 TI - [Spontaneous esophageal reflux dating from birth, improved by thyroid therapy]. PMID- 13797043 TI - [Cancer of the thyroid]. PMID- 13797044 TI - [Quantitative estimation of the excitation produced by contact with surfaces treated with DDT, in 3 species of Mexican anophelines]. PMID- 13797045 TI - [The Papanicolaou test using bile obtained by puncture of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13797046 TI - [Ascites in hepatic diseases]. PMID- 13797047 TI - [Cancer of the esophagus]. PMID- 13797048 TI - [Ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13797050 TI - The effect of xanthin derivatives: Ro 1-8239, aminophylline and dihydroxy theophylline on chronic pulmonary diseases. PMID- 13797049 TI - The cardiovascular-respiratory effects of a new xanthine derivative in chronic pulmonary emphysema and in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13797051 TI - [Hemorrhagiparous syndromes. Their therapy]. PMID- 13797052 TI - [The gaseous exchanges in the artificial kidney]. PMID- 13797053 TI - [Unilateral ennervation of the posterior pulmonary plexus and pressure of the corresponding pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13797054 TI - [On a new method of suture of the bronchial stump]. PMID- 13797055 TI - [Simultaneous evaluation of serum lactic dehydrogenase activity and blood concentration of pyruvic acid and lactic acid in various periods of the puerperal state and in feto-placental blood]. PMID- 13797056 TI - [Therapeutic possibilities of diuretics. Review]. PMID- 13797057 TI - [Contribution to the study of vaginal trichomoniasis. V. The role of Trichomonas vaginalis and species of Candida in the etiology of leukorrhea]. PMID- 13797058 TI - Effect of intravenously administered succinylcholine upon cardiac rate and rhythm. PMID- 13797059 TI - Kinking of the aortic arch associated with fusiform aneurysmal dilation. PMID- 13797060 TI - Quantitation of gamma globulins in human serum by immunoprecipitation. PMID- 13797061 TI - Bacteremia as a cause of shock in pregnancy: report of a case. PMID- 13797062 TI - Selective oxidation of tetrapyrrole side-chains. PMID- 13797063 TI - Aneurysm of the internal carotid artery as a complication of mastoidectomy. PMID- 13797064 TI - Some observations on the nature of the "antigen" in "tumor immunity". PMID- 13797066 TI - Early treatment of stove-in chest. PMID- 13797065 TI - Benign stricture of the lower oesophagus. PMID- 13797067 TI - Hiatus hernia. PMID- 13797068 TI - The anatomy and the pathology of multiple hydatid cysts in the thorax. PMID- 13797069 TI - Teaching responsibility of military physicians. PMID- 13797071 TI - Preoperative and postoperative care of the thoracotomy patient. PMID- 13797072 TI - [Clinical and biological trials of a new coumarine-type anticoagulant: G23, 350, in 50 patients]. PMID- 13797070 TI - Case of Conn's syndrome. PMID- 13797074 TI - [Investigation of the vaginal flora and pH in sexually active and clinically normal women]. PMID- 13797073 TI - [Contribution for the study of vaginal trichomoniasis. VI. Influence of pregnancy and of the phase of the menstrual cycle on the prevalence of T. vaginalis Donne, 1837]. PMID- 13797075 TI - Massive pneumoconiosis from a rock dust containing no free silica: nepheline lung. PMID- 13797076 TI - [Apropos of two cases of carcinoidosis]. PMID- 13797077 TI - [Unusual evolution of a traumatic rupture of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13797078 TI - [Changes in the blood lipids and the serum lipoproteins after the ingestion of olive oil in the pneumonectomized dog]. PMID- 13797079 TI - [Apropos of a retrocosto-xiphoid hernia]. PMID- 13797080 TI - [Recent nasal fracture]. PMID- 13797081 TI - [A practical procedure for treatment of shortness of the frenulum]. PMID- 13797083 TI - [Simplified technics for obtaining skin grafts]. PMID- 13797082 TI - [On the subject of emergency: burns of the extremities; practical rules for their management]. PMID- 13797084 TI - [Physiopathology of chronic cor pulmonale in respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13797085 TI - Stains for sex chromatin: silver impregnation in tissues and blood films. PMID- 13797086 TI - [Sex chromatin and intersexual states]. PMID- 13797087 TI - [Juvenile xantho-granuloma (nevo-xanthoendothelioma). A benign xanthomatous disease in the child]. PMID- 13797088 TI - [Study on the biochemical behavior of the "Dermatophytes" of the "crateriform" group isolated from infantile tineas]. PMID- 13797089 TI - Procedures for esophageal substitution: a review. PMID- 13797090 TI - Subacute bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13797091 TI - Anticoagulant drugs in the treatment of pulmonary embolism. A controlled trial. PMID- 13797092 TI - Litigation breeders in industrial practice. PMID- 13797094 TI - Intraocular tumors in animals. II. Primary nonpigmented intraocular tumors. PMID- 13797095 TI - Present status of neurosyphilis in a large city hospital. PMID- 13797093 TI - Enzymatic activity in the M band. AB - Experiments which combined histochemistry and electron microscopy were performed in studying the sites of enzymatic hydrolysis of thiolacetic acid in the presence of lead ions in diaphragmatic and cardiac muscle. It was found that in these striated muscles the electron opaque, final product of the histochemical reaction (PbS) was discretely deposited on the swelling of the thick elemental filaments that occurs at the M band. Additional sites of enzymatic activity occurred in mitrochondria and in round sarcoplasmic bodies. A reaction, probably non enzymatic, also occurred in contraction bands in the area of the Z bands and in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. To ascertain the enzymatic nature of the reaction and to define the enzyme involved, control experiments were carried out and the effect of various esterase inhibitors was assayed. It is suggested that the M band enzyme is a cholinesterase, but the enzymes in the mitochondria and the sarcoplasmic bodies that hydrolyze the substrate appear to be different. A possible role of the M band enzyme is discussed. PMID- 13797096 TI - Mephenesin poisoning. PMID- 13797097 TI - Anaesthetic technique for thyroidectomy. PMID- 13797098 TI - A simple triple-lumen drainage tube for gastrointestinal fistulas. PMID- 13797099 TI - Local anesthetic pumps for the control of postoperative pain. PMID- 13797100 TI - Nutrition in diseases of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13797101 TI - Reversed figure six ileorectostomy. PMID- 13797102 TI - The control of postoperative pain by the use of local anesthetic pumps. PMID- 13797103 TI - Tube feeding of postoperative patients. PMID- 13797104 TI - Cerebral embolism caused by nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis. PMID- 13797105 TI - Occupational injuries to the eye resulting from exposure to the electromagnetic spectrum. PMID- 13797106 TI - Report of an outbreak of food-borne streptococcal throat infection in the Canadian army. PMID- 13797107 TI - [Study of 145 cases of uterine rupture]. PMID- 13797108 TI - Tolbutamide studies in prediabetes. PMID- 13797109 TI - [Treatment of patients with inflammatory changes of the deep portion of the lacrimal duct with proteolytic enzyme lavage (streptokinase and streptodornase); preliminary note]. PMID- 13797110 TI - [Changes in the blood lipids in dystrophy in infants]. PMID- 13797111 TI - [Variations in the fecal elimination of fat in infants]. PMID- 13797112 TI - [Report on a tour of study of several antialcoholic establishments in Switzerland]. PMID- 13797114 TI - [The course on mental hygiene. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13797113 TI - [Social and individual prevention of alcoholism]. PMID- 13797115 TI - [Pelvic congestion in gynecology; general study; treatment]. PMID- 13797116 TI - [Pancreatic function tests]. PMID- 13797117 TI - [Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas, of the extrahepatic bile ducts and of the vaterian region]. PMID- 13797118 TI - [Carcinoma of the pancreas. Clinical aspects]. PMID- 13797119 TI - [Annular pancreas. Presentation of a clinical case]. PMID- 13797120 TI - [The pulmonary lymphatic vessels in patients with hypertension of the lesser circulation]. PMID- 13797121 TI - Stasis ulcers. PMID- 13797123 TI - Age differences in the succinoxidase activity of homogenates and mitochondria from the livers and kidneys of rats. PMID- 13797122 TI - A study of the carrier state for plasma thromboplastin component (PTC, Christmas factor) deficiency, utilizing a new assay procedure. PMID- 13797124 TI - Neurological eponyms. PMID- 13797125 TI - Voluntary health insurance--a report to the practicing physician. PMID- 13797126 TI - The pathology of cerebral embolism in heartsurgery. PMID- 13797127 TI - Domiciliary midwifery: the first antenatal visit. PMID- 13797128 TI - The timetable of labour. PMID- 13797129 TI - Chemical and serological relationships of certain bacterial polysaccharides containing sialic acid. PMID- 13797130 TI - Critical ages for maternal bereavement in psychoneuroses. PMID- 13797131 TI - Sarcoma in Paget's disease of bone. PMID- 13797132 TI - [Adrenal cortex changes induced in the guinea pig by amphenone B]. PMID- 13797133 TI - [Research concerning the action of amphenone B on the thyroid body in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13797134 TI - A practical temperature-compensated hand refractometer (the TS meter):its clinical use and application in estimation of total serum proteins. PMID- 13797135 TI - Childrens' play needs and equipment: a bibliography. PMID- 13797136 TI - Ego distortions: some modifications in therapeutic technic. PMID- 13797137 TI - Psychologic aspects of smoking. PMID- 13797138 TI - [Morphological study and immediate relations of the anterior vertebral fibrous sheath]. PMID- 13797139 TI - [Apropos of a case of reconstitution of the thumb]. PMID- 13797140 TI - [Vesical fistulas in Crohn's disease: regarding a case report]. PMID- 13797141 TI - Deanol (deaner) in the treatment of schizophrenia. PMID- 13797142 TI - Phenyltoloxamine in the treatment of chronic schizophrenics. PMID- 13797143 TI - Thioridazine (mellaril) in the treatment of chronic schizophrenics. PMID- 13797145 TI - [Compression of the peripheral nerves of occupational origin]. PMID- 13797144 TI - Trifluoperazine combined with chlorpromazine. PMID- 13797146 TI - Preliminary studies on the transplantation of supercooled hearts. PMID- 13797147 TI - Preliminary studies on the transplantation of supercooled hearts. PMID- 13797148 TI - The transplantation of dehydrated and supercooled hearts. PMID- 13797149 TI - Policy and practice in hiring impaired workers. PMID- 13797150 TI - [On the carriage of dysenterial bacilli by normal subjects. (Results of the investigation of autopsy material)]. PMID- 13797151 TI - [On the hygienic conditions of dwellings of the municipality of Siena. Part I]. PMID- 13797152 TI - [Demonstration, in cultures of the HeLa cell strain, of latent ectromelic infection in the mouse]. PMID- 13797154 TI - Detection of latent ectromelia virus infection in mice with the aid of human cell cultures in vitro. PMID- 13797153 TI - Evolution of herpes simplex cellular lesions observed in vitro by phase contrast microcine-matography. PMID- 13797155 TI - [On ultraviolet fluorescence of guanine on paper chromatogram and in solution]. PMID- 13797156 TI - Congenital anomalies of the thumb. PMID- 13797157 TI - Filatov and the tubed pedicle. PMID- 13797158 TI - Eye injuries due to power lawn mowers. PMID- 13797159 TI - Some bisquaternary phthalyl esters as pseudocholinesterase inhibitors and neuromuscular blocking agents. PMID- 13797160 TI - [Remote results of the transplantation of osseous auto-grafts in osteomyelitis of the ulna]. PMID- 13797161 TI - [Surgery of wounds of the heart]. PMID- 13797162 TI - [Problems in the study of the theory and history of medicine in the USSR in the light of the decisions of the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]. PMID- 13797163 TI - [Theoretical aspects in the study of the history of medicine in the USSR]. PMID- 13797165 TI - [Regulation of median blood flow through the coronary flow]. PMID- 13797164 TI - [Remote results of treatment of tuberculosis of the female genitalia]. PMID- 13797166 TI - [Regulation of the central blood flow through the coronary bed. II. Chemical and neural regulation of the central coronary flow]. PMID- 13797167 TI - [On the morphology and clinical aspects of lymphopoesis]. PMID- 13797168 TI - [The functional morphology of the reticulocyte and extramedullary hemopoiesis]. PMID- 13797169 TI - [New points of view in the pathogenesis of myelogenous leukocytosis]. PMID- 13797170 TI - [On thrombopoiesis in the fat marrow and their clinical relationship]. PMID- 13797172 TI - [Hematology of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13797171 TI - [The role ofthe fat marrow in the genesis and course of anemia]. PMID- 13797173 TI - [On idiopathic reticulosis]. PMID- 13797174 TI - [A case of Libman-Sacks syndrome in a 13-year-old girl]. PMID- 13797175 TI - [Hemorrhagic infiltrations of the adrenals following insulin shock therapy in animal experimental studies]. PMID- 13797176 TI - [On adrenal cortex hemorrhages following cortisone therapy in insulin shock in animal experiments]. PMID- 13797177 TI - [On juvenile obesity]. PMID- 13797178 TI - [On the genetic problem in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13797179 TI - [On the pathophysiology of anti-regulatory hyperglycemic insulin shock]. PMID- 13797180 TI - [On the problem of inheritance of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13797181 TI - [The problem of "hypoglycemic" syndromes consecutive to blood sugar increase induced by insulin shock]. PMID- 13797182 TI - [The advantage of directly enlarged roentgenographic pictures in diagnostic examination of the petrous bone]. PMID- 13797183 TI - [Effect of chronic dust inhalation as an exogenous factor in the development of scleroma]. PMID- 13797184 TI - [Spermicidal properties of microbes and their enzymatic activity]. PMID- 13797185 TI - [On a case of retrocricoid and hypopharyngo-esophageal cancer]. PMID- 13797186 TI - [Excretion of iodine by the mammary gland studied by means of I 131]. PMID- 13797187 TI - [Clinical and statistical observations on the relation between gestosis and perinatal mortality]. PMID- 13797188 TI - [On a case of congenital sporadic goiter. Etiopathogenetic considerations]. PMID- 13797189 TI - [Experimental study on the toxicity of an organic compound of tin used as a plasticizer]. PMID- 13797190 TI - [On late postpartum hemorrhages]. PMID- 13797191 TI - [Idiopathic esophageal dilatation, cardiospasm]. PMID- 13797192 TI - [Mucous enteritis, ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13797193 TI - [The excretory pancreas in diabetics]. PMID- 13797194 TI - [Dietetic measures in the therapy of accidental injury]. PMID- 13797195 TI - [Fundamentals of diagnosis and therapy of pancreatic diseases]. PMID- 13797196 TI - [Contribution to the endocrine condition in metropathia haemorrhagica]. PMID- 13797197 TI - [The thyroid in pregnancy and in materno-fetal relationships]. PMID- 13797198 TI - [Economico-social aspects of the detection of carcinoma of the uterine cervix in Europe]. PMID- 13797199 TI - Charles Judson Herrick, neurologist. PMID- 13797200 TI - Metabolic changes in the kidney in relation to hypertension. PMID- 13797201 TI - Syrosingopine: a new rauwolfia preparation. PMID- 13797202 TI - The association of gout and diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13797203 TI - Thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism following unsatisfactory response to radioiodine treatment. PMID- 13797205 TI - Long-term (six to seven years) therapy of gout. PMID- 13797204 TI - Available uricosuric agents. PMID- 13797206 TI - Unrecognized cases of gout. PMID- 13797207 TI - [The oxygen transport function of the blood during the first months of life in man, and in the goat and sheep]. PMID- 13797208 TI - [A simple method for the determination of oxygen tension in the blood with a plastic-covered platinum electrode]. PMID- 13797209 TI - [Factors influencing the oxygen dissociation curve of the blood]. PMID- 13797210 TI - [Determination of carbon dioxide absorption coefficients between 15 and 38 degrees C. in water and plasma]. PMID- 13797211 TI - The inhibitory action of stimulated whole saliva on the vitro growth of Clostridium tetani. PMID- 13797212 TI - Tools of management. PMID- 13797213 TI - Psychiatric problems of the aging. PMID- 13797214 TI - The psychological factors in illness. PMID- 13797215 TI - The structure and function of the predominating symptom in some borderline cases. PMID- 13797216 TI - The neonatal pulmonary hyaline membrane. PMID- 13797217 TI - Glucose-isomerase in barley malt. PMID- 13797218 TI - Immunologic and biologic similarities of seropositive rheumatoid and nonrheumatoid disease sera: gel diffusion studies. PMID- 13797219 TI - [Experimental studies on the problem of the interval in radiotherapy of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13797220 TI - [The effect of hyperthermia on tumors. Experimental animal studies on the influence of healthy environment in tumor therapy with short wave hyperthermia, tested by injection of the area surrounding the carcinoma with hyaluronidase]. PMID- 13797221 TI - [On the problem of the optimum interval in the radiotherapy of rapidly growing malignant tumors]. PMID- 13797222 TI - [Intraoperative contact therapy in the large body cavities]. PMID- 13797223 TI - [Experimental animal studies on the influence of tissue extract WE 56/57 on the pathogenesis of cancer]. PMID- 13797224 TI - [Radiotherapy of carcinoma of the lips, tongue, tonsils and esophagus]. PMID- 13797225 TI - [Radiotherapy of lip, tongue, tonsillar and esophageal carcinoma]. PMID- 13797227 TI - [Sweat formation in carbon dioxide accumulation in anesthesia]. PMID- 13797228 TI - Differentiation of cells of the Rana pipiens gastrula in unconditioned medium. PMID- 13797226 TI - [The use of ultra-hard rays in the therapy of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13797229 TI - [Anatomical and histological studies on the sub-family Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae). Part X. Spermiohistogenesis of Triatoma infestans]. PMID- 13797230 TI - [Methods used in entomological microanatomy and histology]. PMID- 13797231 TI - [On the glandular organ of the copulator apparatus of the male Prodenia ornithogalli Gn. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)]. PMID- 13797232 TI - [The 15 years of the liberation in high and middle grade health education]. PMID- 13797234 TI - [On a case of 2 female fetuses, so-called "Siamese sisters"]. PMID- 13797233 TI - Relaxin in pulmonary fibrosis. Preliminary report. PMID- 13797235 TI - [On a case of malignant tumor of the prostate in a 3-year-old boy]. PMID- 13797236 TI - [Experiences with a combined neuroleptic in the therapy of psychoses]. PMID- 13797237 TI - [On the central effect of dimethylaminoethanol salts]. PMID- 13797238 TI - [The significance of ulnare canalis carpi for hand surgery and its diagnosis]. PMID- 13797239 TI - [On the treatment of the old heart with Convallaria glycosides (convacard)]. PMID- 13797240 TI - Susceptibility to methylpentynol: personality and other variables. PMID- 13797241 TI - Toxic response to 2-phenyl-3-methyl tetrahydro-1, 4-oxidazine hydrochloride (preludin) in humans. PMID- 13797242 TI - Intestinal polyposis associated with mucocutaneous pigmentation. PMID- 13797243 TI - [Intestinal polyposis with mucocutaneous pigmentation]. PMID- 13797244 TI - Incorporation of Zn-65 in the sub-cellular fractions of the liver and spontaneously occurring mammary tumours of mice after the injection of zinc glycine containing Zn-65. PMID- 13797245 TI - [Statistical studies on the effect of Brucella abortus on transplantable Crocker's sarcoma in mice]. PMID- 13797246 TI - Memory colors of familiar objects. PMID- 13797248 TI - Phosphate compounds of the rabbit red blood cell during storage in acid citrate dextrose (ACD) and ACD-inosine. PMID- 13797247 TI - Changes in the phosphate compounds of the human red blood cell during blood bank storage. PMID- 13797249 TI - Notes on aseptic techniques. PMID- 13797250 TI - Residual common duct stones. PMID- 13797251 TI - Treatment of reflux esophagitis with stricture. PMID- 13797252 TI - Treatment of recurrent pancreatitis by transduodenal sphincterotomy and exploration of the pancreatic duct. PMID- 13797254 TI - Malignant melanoma: report of 105 cases. PMID- 13797253 TI - Mechanism of aminonucleoside-induced nephrosis in the rat. I. Metabolism of tritiated aminonucleoside. PMID- 13797255 TI - Cephalothoracopagus: report of a case. PMID- 13797256 TI - Cross-action needle holder. PMID- 13797257 TI - Relation of body temperature and restraint to altitude tolerance in the rat. PMID- 13797258 TI - Light hypersensitivity: a review. PMID- 13797259 TI - Compact design adds traffic control to step-saving features. PMID- 13797260 TI - Roentgenologic diagnosis of rupture of the diaphragm. PMID- 13797261 TI - Equivalence of various pulse-to-cycle fractions in producing critical flicker frequency. PMID- 13797262 TI - [Analysis by the stathmokinetic method of renal regeneration after poisoning by chromium salts]. PMID- 13797263 TI - Our neglected problem: psychiatric treatment for the mentally retarded. PMID- 13797264 TI - [On the Schmiedel method of microbiological isoniazid determination]. PMID- 13797265 TI - [The blood level of INH in adults and children]. PMID- 13797266 TI - [Animal experimental studies on an intermittent chemotherapy and prevention of tuberculosis. Part 9. Studies on guinea pigs in prevention of a minimal infection with continuous and intermittent doses of isoniazid]. PMID- 13797267 TI - [Experimental animal studies on an intermittent chemotherapy and prophylaxis of tuberculosis. Part 10. The success of continuous and intermittent administration of INH and the combination INH-streptomycin in tuberculosis in mice]. PMID- 13797268 TI - [Long term effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazid and streptomycin on resting tubercle bacilli in vitro]. PMID- 13797269 TI - [The experimental bases of chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis by isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)]. PMID- 13797270 TI - Histochemical and biochemical studies of rat liver in experimental cirrhosis after partial hepatectomy. PMID- 13797271 TI - [Giant cell arteritis with fatal cerebral hemorrhage]. PMID- 13797272 TI - [Frequency of thrombosis and embolism and their cause]. PMID- 13797273 TI - [Correlations and factorial analyses between the various clinical manifestations of mesenchymosal diathesis in relation to the age factor]. PMID- 13797274 TI - [Study of right and left atrial mechanics by means of Condorelli's intracavitary oscillography. (Experimental research)]. PMID- 13797275 TI - [Immunologic relations between influenza virus A2 and virus of the swine, A, A1 types]. PMID- 13797276 TI - [Relations of type A2 influenza virus with a specific inhibitors]. PMID- 13797277 TI - [The respiratory activity of the placenta in gestosis]. PMID- 13797278 TI - [Powerful therapeutic agents (pharmacological, physical, etc.) in pregnant women and their possible effects on the newborn. Authors' summary]. PMID- 13797279 TI - [Pathological pregnancies and their repercussions on the newborn. Postmaturity]. PMID- 13797280 TI - [Functional aspects of the thyroid gland in dissociated hypo- and hyper-metabolic states]. PMID- 13797281 TI - [The theory and radioisotope technic in the study of local circulation]. PMID- 13797282 TI - [Experimental research on the action of dexamethazone. I. Action of dexamethazone on lipid metabolism in the rabbit]. PMID- 13797283 TI - Interlingua and veterinary medicine. PMID- 13797284 TI - The examination of ultrathin sections with a light microscope after electron microscopy. PMID- 13797285 TI - A dye-resin test for achlorhydria. PMID- 13797286 TI - [On the mechanism of action of 1,4-dimethyl-7-isopropyl-azulene on tumor cells]. PMID- 13797287 TI - The evaluation of roentgen therapy in the management of non-resectable carcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13797288 TI - Electronics is changing the structure of hospitals and medical care. PMID- 13797290 TI - Cordabrasion treatment of benign vocal cord lesions. A preliminary report. PMID- 13797289 TI - Conservation of hearing clinic of the Albany Hospital. PMID- 13797291 TI - The whispering syndrome of hysterical dysphonia. PMID- 13797292 TI - Care and treatment of the hospitalized mentally ill. PMID- 13797293 TI - Family care and outpatient psychiatry. PMID- 13797294 TI - Chronic pulmonary diseases and associated neurologic disturbances. PMID- 13797295 TI - A review of roentgen signs in lesions affecting the cecum. PMID- 13797296 TI - [Metabolism of trichloroethylene in dogs]. PMID- 13797298 TI - [Reflex inhibition of the characteristics of pseudorabies in acute thalamic cats]. PMID- 13797297 TI - [Distribution of free carbon disulfide and of bound carbon disulfide liberated by acid hydrolysis in white rat organs. (Second part)]. PMID- 13797299 TI - [Carotid sinus reflexes in the acute thalamic cat]. PMID- 13797300 TI - [Pharmacological tests in the diagnosis of chromaffin tumors]. PMID- 13797301 TI - [Comparative study of the sali-diuretic action of hydro-chlorothiazide and chlorothiazide]. PMID- 13797302 TI - Disturbances in aerobic carbohydrate metabolism in patients with burns. PMID- 13797303 TI - [Experimental data on the evaluation of various methods of osteosynthesis]. PMID- 13797304 TI - [Experimental works with the substitution of the dura mater. II]. PMID- 13797305 TI - [Salmonella lomita as a cause of thoracic empyema]. PMID- 13797306 TI - Reaction of hibernators to various low temperatures of the environment. PMID- 13797307 TI - [Effect of lowered environmental temperature on the stability of the body temperature of hibernating animals during the summer]. PMID- 13797308 TI - [The clinical aspects of the preparalytic stage of poliomyelitis and an analysis of the diagnostic errors during the first days of the disease]. PMID- 13797309 TI - [An outbreak of unusual encephalitis in Leninogorsk]. PMID- 13797310 TI - Electromyographic reactions to strong auditory stimulation as a function of alpha amplitude. PMID- 13797311 TI - [A new chromatographic method for the separation of riboflavin from its nucleotides and possibilities for its use in the determination of flavokinase activity]. PMID- 13797312 TI - [Determination of vanadium in urine]. PMID- 13797313 TI - [A case of acquired agammaglobulinemia in a 12-year-old boy]. PMID- 13797314 TI - [Trichomycin in the treatment of Trichomonas infections in humans]. PMID- 13797315 TI - [The treatment of acute cerebrovascular disorders by the nicotinic acid ester of 7-(2-hydroxyethyl)-theophylline (hesotin)]. PMID- 13797316 TI - [The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the combination of noradrenalin with proteins of the rabbit heart]. PMID- 13797317 TI - [On the problem of psychic traumatism due to medical therapy in childhood]. PMID- 13797318 TI - Isolation and properties of two soluble heme proteins in extracts of the photoanaerobe Chromatium. PMID- 13797319 TI - [Simulation and self-mutilation in history and literature]. PMID- 13797320 TI - On the hemodynamic regulation of the secretion of aldosterone. PMID- 13797321 TI - Problem in differential diagnosis: clinical pathological conference at the National Institutes of Health. PMID- 13797322 TI - Increase in aldosterone secretion by carotid artery constriction in the dog and its prevention by thyrocarotid arterial junction denervation. PMID- 13797323 TI - [ACTH and cortisone in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13797325 TI - Paint. Ingredients and properties. PMID- 13797324 TI - [Laryngeal sarcomas]. PMID- 13797326 TI - [Effect of the administration of insulin on the content of adrenalin in the adrenals of rats with alloxan diabetes]. PMID- 13797327 TI - [Data for the study of dynamics of conditioned reflex activities in representatives of certain classes of vertebrates]. PMID- 13797328 TI - [Motor food conditioned reflexes to chains of stimuli in certain vertebrates]. PMID- 13797329 TI - [On the problem of the effect of the level of a food reinforcement on the degree of conditioned reflexes in a rabbit experiment]. PMID- 13797330 TI - Evaluation of tests for C-reactive protein and anti-streptolysin 'O'. PMID- 13797331 TI - [Non-enzymatic elution of the influenza virus]. PMID- 13797332 TI - Cellular reactions following tumor growth, with special reference to plasma cellular response. PMID- 13797333 TI - Effect of lactose on the utilization of phosphorus from colloidal phosphate by chicks. PMID- 13797334 TI - [Prevention of the extrapyramidal syndrome caused by reserpine by means of its administration in combination with disipal]. PMID- 13797335 TI - Adaptations from the field of group psychotherapy to educational procedures in the classroom. PMID- 13797336 TI - [Children in hospitals]. PMID- 13797337 TI - [Mobuzon in the treatment of rheumatic disorders]. PMID- 13797338 TI - [Specificity in psychosomatic medicine]. PMID- 13797339 TI - [Incidence and control of staphylococcal infections in hospitals]. PMID- 13797340 TI - [Silver impregnation in the study of bone tissue in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13797341 TI - [Spina bifida]. PMID- 13797342 TI - [Amino acid composition of the fish currently eaten by the natives of Katanga]. PMID- 13797343 TI - [Mental patients: are they dangerous?]. PMID- 13797344 TI - [Experimental, clinical and therapeutic data on phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13797345 TI - [Psycho-organic stages in the use of so-called neuroleptic drugs]. PMID- 13797346 TI - [Preoperative preparation of the heart in thoracic surgery in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13797347 TI - [Simultaneous measurement of venous pressure in both hands]. PMID- 13797348 TI - [Certain observations on the toxicity of pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide (PAM-2)]. PMID- 13797349 TI - [Regulation of secretory and motor activities of the mammary gland]. PMID- 13797350 TI - [Pulmonary abscess cured by Monaldi's drainage]. PMID- 13797351 TI - [Chronic tetany and cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13797352 TI - [Chronic adrenal insufficiency and pregnancy in the postoperative period of Cushing's disease]. PMID- 13797353 TI - [Euthyroid goiters. Therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13797355 TI - [Apropos of torsion of the pregnant uterus]. PMID- 13797354 TI - Experimental study of the techniques of ureteroileal anastomosis. PMID- 13797356 TI - First experience with a new apparatus for autoscanning. PMID- 13797357 TI - [Problems of auto-scintigraphic studies]. PMID- 13797358 TI - [The metabolism of iodine in pregnancy]. PMID- 13797360 TI - [Hemorrhages caused by gastroduodenal ulcer in hemophiliacs]. PMID- 13797361 TI - [Morphological aspects of lymphocytolysis]. PMID- 13797363 TI - A study on the establishment and growth of tumor metastases with tritiated thymidine. PMID- 13797362 TI - [Argenerative pathology of the digestive tube]. PMID- 13797364 TI - Autoradiographic localization of thyroid hormones in the organs and tissues of the rat. PMID- 13797365 TI - Modification of the radiation response determined by single-cell technics: actinomycin D. PMID- 13797366 TI - [Psychotherapy in cases of musicogenic epilepsy]. PMID- 13797367 TI - A rehabilitation challenge. PMID- 13797369 TI - [Experimental osteomyelitis and certain aspects of its pathogenesis]. PMID- 13797368 TI - [On certain problems of the reform of higher medical education]. PMID- 13797370 TI - [On the immunological properties of certain fractions of Ehrlich's adenocarcinoma in mice. Part I. The study of the antigen property of tumor fractions by the method of anaphylaxis with desensitization]. PMID- 13797371 TI - [A field repair shop]. PMID- 13797372 TI - [On the indications of pathogenic microorganisms in objects of the external environment by the method of reaction of haptocholine flocculation]. PMID- 13797373 TI - [Cement plug in the external auditory canal]. PMID- 13797374 TI - [On expert evaluation of dry perforation of the tympanic membrane]. PMID- 13797375 TI - [The clinical aspects and expert testimony of granulous myringitis]. PMID- 13797377 TI - [The snorkel operation or vital tube in treatment of tubal obstructions]. PMID- 13797376 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis of leukemic changes in the lungs]. PMID- 13797378 TI - [Effects determinant on the entity of prsonal damages of events occurring during judicial delays]. PMID- 13797379 TI - [Role of surgery in the treatment of tubal sterility]. PMID- 13797380 TI - [Pelvic secondary hydatidosis. Accidental perforation into the bladder in an attempted pneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13797381 TI - [Effect of ionizing radiations on the state of the higher nervous activity in animals]. PMID- 13797382 TI - [On the state of lactation in animals after total x-ray irradiation]. PMID- 13797383 TI - Microbiological process discussion. An approach to the kinetics of microbiological deterioration. PMID- 13797384 TI - [On the problem of clinical aspects of gasoline pneumonias]. PMID- 13797385 TI - [On disorders of the inter-system relationship in hypochondriac syndrome]. PMID- 13797386 TI - 'Spurt' and 'shunt' muscles: an electromyographic confirmation. PMID- 13797387 TI - Fractures in children: conservative management of shaft fractures. PMID- 13797388 TI - [A study of the properties of the virus isolated from the woodcock (Grocethia alba Pall.)]. PMID- 13797389 TI - [Changes in energy metabolism in a denervated muscle]. PMID- 13797390 TI - [Correlation between blood circulation and the requirement of various substances in the muscle]. PMID- 13797391 TI - Nitrogen mustard in the palliation of lung cancer. PMID- 13797392 TI - Comparison of basal plasma and blood volumes of Negro and white males. PMID- 13797393 TI - [On delayed separation of the placenta]. PMID- 13797394 TI - [Significance of proteins for the infectivity of bacteriophages treated with urea]. PMID- 13797395 TI - [Reproduction of phage in cells of penicillin-treated Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13797397 TI - In memoriam: Reuben Ottenberg; 1882-1959. PMID- 13797396 TI - Utilization of laboratory findings in diagnosis and control of hospital staphylococcal infections. PMID- 13797398 TI - The pediatrician and divorce. PMID- 13797399 TI - Viral and parasitic diseases of the pregnant woman affecting the fetus. PMID- 13797402 TI - The accumulation of iron by rat liver cell suspensions. PMID- 13797401 TI - [Repair of defects of the diaphragm with rubber sponge]. PMID- 13797403 TI - [Study on Flavobacterium extorquens (ex. Pseudomonas extorquens)]. PMID- 13797404 TI - [On the radiological diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy]. PMID- 13797405 TI - [On a particular method for radium-implantation of the lip]. PMID- 13797406 TI - [Anatomomicroscopic observations on the lymphatic and blood systems of the uterus of patients subjected to intracavitary radium- and cobalto-therapy. With notes of radium-therapy technic]. PMID- 13797407 TI - [Isolation of living giant cells from human lung tissue]. PMID- 13797408 TI - [On the problem of the formation of giant cells in the human lung]. PMID- 13797409 TI - [Results and problems of Mycobacteriophage research]. PMID- 13797410 TI - [The therapy of acute viral hepatitis in active pulmonary tuberculosis with corticoid derivatives]. PMID- 13797411 TI - [Tinea of the scalp in Dakar]. PMID- 13797412 TI - [Blocked expiration test]. PMID- 13797413 TI - The "calcium-phosphate product" in an in vitro system of surviving bone. PMID- 13797414 TI - Peripheral nerve and spinal cord regenertion: factors leading to success of a tubulation technique employing millipore. PMID- 13797415 TI - Calcification of millipore in vivo. PMID- 13797416 TI - Acetyl-coenzyme A in patulin biosynthesis. PMID- 13797417 TI - Determination of the reduced and oxidized pyridine nucleotides in animal tissues. PMID- 13797418 TI - Energy utilization through coupled systems. PMID- 13797419 TI - Electron microscopy of rat liver cells in hypoxia. PMID- 13797420 TI - [Blood coagulation in chronic peripheral arteriopathies in relation to surgical interventions on the sympathetic nervous system]. PMID- 13797421 TI - [Dermoid cysts of the kidney]. PMID- 13797422 TI - [Contribution to the study of rare tumors of the oral cavity. (Highly malignant neoplasms of the periodontal endothelial reticulum)]. PMID- 13797424 TI - Changes in the level of serum protein during treatment of kwashiorkor. PMID- 13797423 TI - Variation of steroid substance in early breast milk of Nigerian women. PMID- 13797425 TI - [2 Unusual tests in tuberculosis. Neutral red test, an indirect method of evaluation of the virulence of the Koch bacillus]. PMID- 13797427 TI - [Effects of weak doses of beryllium on the growth and ossification of bone primordia of chick embryos cultivated in "roller tubes"]. PMID- 13797426 TI - [Effects of beryllium on the growth and ossification of embryonal phalanges of the chicken, cultivated "in vitro"]. PMID- 13797428 TI - Acute anemia in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13797429 TI - Broken tracheotomy tube as a foreign body. PMID- 13797430 TI - [Attempt at graphic representation of the stages of development of a wound in proportion to the posttraumatic oscillating reaction]. PMID- 13797431 TI - [Local treatment of granulations by solutions of alkaline persulfates]. PMID- 13797432 TI - Unilateral renal disease in hypertension. PMID- 13797434 TI - Bilateral carcinoma of the kidneys. PMID- 13797433 TI - [The significance of hematological studies for expert testimony]. PMID- 13797435 TI - [Prolonged treatment of benign essential hypertension with reserpine and placebo]. PMID- 13797436 TI - [Authorization for admission to hospitals in cases of protracted nursing]. PMID- 13797437 TI - [The rehabilitation sports day on 10 September 1959 at the rehabilitation center "de Hoogstraat" at Leersum]. PMID- 13797438 TI - [Clinical observations concerning intervention of the adrenal cortex in essential hypertension]. PMID- 13797439 TI - [Malignant diabetic angiitis with fulminating development]. PMID- 13797440 TI - [Role of the anterior pituitary and the adrenals in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13797441 TI - [Radiographic images with direct enlargement in the diagnosis of pneumoconioses]. PMID- 13797442 TI - [Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with intra-turbinal injection of calcium antihistaminic]. PMID- 13797443 TI - [Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with the intraturbinal injection of calcium and an antihistaminic]. PMID- 13797444 TI - Psychiatric training problems in psychosomatic medicine. PMID- 13797445 TI - [Non-directive counseling and psychoanalysis]. PMID- 13797446 TI - [On the problem of the expediency of inhalation of amyl nitrite in the therapy of cyanide poisoning]. PMID- 13797447 TI - CNS drug specificity as determined by the mouse intravenous pentylenetetrazol technique. PMID- 13797448 TI - [On the value of hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13797449 TI - [The erythrocyte and the metabolism of the malarial parasite]. PMID- 13797450 TI - [In 1956 the damage caused by alcoholism cost the "North" a billion francs]. PMID- 13797451 TI - [Social and regional factors in infant mortality in France]. PMID- 13797452 TI - [Lactico-dehydrasic activity in the placenta, maternal blood and blood of the newborn]. PMID- 13797453 TI - [Cancer of the terminal intestine. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects]. PMID- 13797454 TI - [A new section in the hospital: the respiratory resuscitation center]. PMID- 13797455 TI - The clinical value of electromyography and electric stimulation of nerves. PMID- 13797456 TI - The effect of exercise on the level of non-esterified fatty acids in the blood. PMID- 13797457 TI - Study on the effect of radiation on the haemopoietic system in patients suffering from malignant diseases. PMID- 13797458 TI - My impression of acupuncture and moxibustion. PMID- 13797459 TI - Purification and properties of a stereospecific dihydrolipoic dehydrogenase from Spinacia oleracea. PMID- 13797460 TI - The role of histamine in tropical eosinophilia. PMID- 13797461 TI - The response of malarial rat liver to injury by carbon tetrachloride. PMID- 13797462 TI - A study of the ureters following Wertheim's hysterectomy. PMID- 13797463 TI - Sex chromatin as a biologic cell marker in the study of the fate of corneal transplants. PMID- 13797464 TI - Studies on the antigenicity of corneal heterografts. PMID- 13797465 TI - Duplications of the alimentary tract. PMID- 13797467 TI - Radiotherapy and the general practitioner. PMID- 13797466 TI - Perforation of the bowel in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. PMID- 13797469 TI - Radiological observations in tropical splenomegaly. PMID- 13797468 TI - The production of cellulase by fungi on mixed cellulosic substrates. PMID- 13797470 TI - Variations of the lumbrical muscles of the hand. PMID- 13797472 TI - [Allergy and stomatology]. PMID- 13797471 TI - [Still another epidemic episode of pulmonary tuberculosis in rural center of the province of Livorno]. PMID- 13797474 TI - [On cardiac function in the aged. Study by means of photoelectric circulometry]. PMID- 13797473 TI - [The protein picture in chronic inflammatory rheumatism]. PMID- 13797475 TI - Haemangioblastoma of the breast associated with pregnancy. PMID- 13797476 TI - The organic psychoses. PMID- 13797478 TI - Congenital dislocation of the hip. PMID- 13797477 TI - Complement-fixing isoantibodies in mice. PMID- 13797479 TI - Urinary sodium retention after ACTH stimulation: a rapid, simple screening test for adrenal cortical insufficiency. PMID- 13797481 TI - Induction of polygenic mutations in rice. PMID- 13797480 TI - Dichorial one-egg twins in the mouse. PMID- 13797482 TI - The relative biological efficiency of 20 MV and 4 MV radiations. V. Induction of dominant lethal mutations in Drosophila sperm. PMID- 13797483 TI - Destruction of the pituitary in cases of carcinomatosis secondary to mammary carcioma. PMID- 13797484 TI - Meprobamate and benactyzine hydrochloride (deprol) as adjunctive therapy for patients with advanced cancer. PMID- 13797485 TI - Investigation of distribution and excretion of C14 tagged triethylene thiophosphoramide following injection by various routes. PMID- 13797486 TI - Chemotherapy for carcinoma of the uterus. PMID- 13797487 TI - Combined surgical and chemotherapeutic approach to cancer. PMID- 13797489 TI - Chemotherapeutic management of advanced ovarian carcinoma. PMID- 13797488 TI - The role of chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. PMID- 13797490 TI - Gastrointestinal cancer: palliation of advanced cancer of the gastrointestinal tract with N,N',N" triethylene thiophosphoramide. PMID- 13797491 TI - Relative biological effectiveness of 0.4-1.8 Mev neutrons for acute effects in the mouse. PMID- 13797492 TI - The clinical usefulness of routine tests of pulmonary function. PMID- 13797494 TI - The biosynthesis of cytochrome c in cell-free systems. I. The incorporation of labeled amino acids into cytochrome c by rat liver mitochondria. PMID- 13797493 TI - Variations in the pulmonary capillary blood volume and membrane diffusion component in health and disease. PMID- 13797495 TI - Identification of gamma-glutamylcysteinyl ribonucleic acid as intermediary in glutathione synthesis. PMID- 13797496 TI - The net synthesis of cytochrome c in calf-heart mitochondria. PMID- 13797497 TI - Posterior biparietal ablations in the monkey. Changes to neurological and behavioral testing. PMID- 13797498 TI - Absence of an exophthalmogenic substance in transplantable thyrotrophin-producing tumors of the pituitary of mice. PMID- 13797499 TI - Studies on the chemistry and bioassay of thyrotropins from bovine pituitaries, transplantable pituitary tumors of mice, and blood plasma. PMID- 13797500 TI - Minimal requirements for a theory of schizophrenia. PMID- 13797501 TI - [On the skin of the body of the "tubular eel" Xarifania hassi (Heterocongridae)]. PMID- 13797502 TI - The use of young chicks and virus-induced tumours for testing chemotherapeutic agents. PMID- 13797503 TI - Some psychological reflections on vulnerability to alcoholism. PMID- 13797504 TI - [The incidence of hanseniaspora valbyensis Kloecker in the human cecal appendix and epidermal lesions]. PMID- 13797506 TI - [Female genital cryptococcosis]. PMID- 13797505 TI - [Human facial lesion caused by Endomycopsis epidermalis n. sp]. PMID- 13797507 TI - [A new Trichosporon isolated from the human cecal appendix]. PMID- 13797508 TI - [A new type of Endomycopsis mali (Lewis) Dekker found in human feces]. PMID- 13797509 TI - [Kloeckera faecalis n. sp. isolated from human feces]. PMID- 13797510 TI - [Several new species of Candida from the human digestive tract and adjunct organs]. PMID- 13797511 TI - [Trichosporon figueirae n. sp. classified as intestinal fungus]. PMID- 13797513 TI - [Habitual dietary deficiencies in the Alagoan interior]. PMID- 13797512 TI - [Conditions for antirabic vaccination]. PMID- 13797514 TI - Methyl antigen from a "Schizotrypanum cruzi" culture PMID- 13797515 TI - [On scientific-theoretical principles of Soviet socialistic public health]. PMID- 13797516 TI - [Basic trends in shifts of health conditions]. PMID- 13797517 TI - [On febrile forms of lambliasis]. PMID- 13797518 TI - [On neurological disorders during Lamblia intestinalis infection]. PMID- 13797519 TI - The moving-strip technique in the roentgen treatment of carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13797520 TI - [Cardiac edema]. PMID- 13797521 TI - Problems of the knee joints. PMID- 13797522 TI - [Thrombosis of the central retinal vein and glaucoma]. PMID- 13797523 TI - [On the problem of pharmacological properties of Pulsatilla nigricans]. PMID- 13797524 TI - [ACTH test in Cushing's syndrome: apropos of 10 cases with a review of the literature]. PMID- 13797525 TI - [Diagnostic value of the determination of pituitary gonadotropins. Relationship of their levels in endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13797527 TI - Microlithiasis (calcospherites) and carcinoma of the thyroid gland. PMID- 13797528 TI - Electroencephalographic synchronization and desynchronization in the chronic "cerveau isole" of the dog. PMID- 13797526 TI - Generalized scleroderma involving lungs and liver with pulmonary adenocarcinoma. PMID- 13797529 TI - Anaphylactoid reactions to oral administration of penicillin. PMID- 13797530 TI - Allergic reaction to rabies vaccine. Apparent allergic reactions in two dogs following vaccination with chicken embryo rabies vaccine. PMID- 13797532 TI - The use of serum transaminase in clinical diagnosis. PMID- 13797531 TI - The serologic response in children to Asian influenza-virus vaccine. PMID- 13797533 TI - Wandering of the retrocardiac esophagus: a pitfall in the diagnosis of left atrial enlargement. PMID- 13797534 TI - A clinical trial of 'stelazine' in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13797535 TI - Some endocrine considerations in psychiatry. PMID- 13797536 TI - Fetal blood studies. XIII. The effect of the administration of fluids intravenously to mothers upon the concentrations of water and electrolytes in plasma of human fetuses. PMID- 13797537 TI - Fetal blood studies. XVI. On the changes in total osmotic pressure and sodium and potassium concentrations of amniotic fluid during the course of human gestation. PMID- 13797538 TI - Monosaccharide transport in rat diaphragm muscle. PMID- 13797540 TI - [Myxedematous heart disease. (Hemodynamic study of 3 cases)]. PMID- 13797539 TI - Regulation of glucose uptake by muscle. 4. The specificity of monosaccharide transport systems in rat-diaphragm muscle. PMID- 13797541 TI - [Transaminase, aldolase and lactic dehydrogenase activity of the human myometrium in pregnancy. Modifications of these activities in relation to the stage of pregnancy, the dynamics of uterine muscle and eclampsia]. PMID- 13797542 TI - [Aldolase activity of the human myometrium in various functional and pathological states]. PMID- 13797543 TI - [Clinicostatistical review of 16 cases of osseous metastases of hypernephroma]. PMID- 13797544 TI - [Osteoarticular tuberculosis of the wrist and hand; clinical, statistical and therapeutic contribution and results]. PMID- 13797545 TI - [Rheumatoid tenosynovitis (results of surgical therapy)]. PMID- 13797546 TI - [Familial metaphysial dysplasia]. PMID- 13797547 TI - [Unusual clinico-radiographic aspect of primary articular neoplasm]. PMID- 13797548 TI - [Leiomyomas of the esophagus and stomach]. PMID- 13797549 TI - [Pneumopathy due to streptolysin-O in the specifically sensitized guinea pig]. PMID- 13797550 TI - [Spontaneous gastric carcinoma in the mouse. (Casuistic contribution and review of the literature)]. PMID- 13797551 TI - Observations on the life cycle and pathogenicity of the swine kidney worm (Stephanurus dentatus). PMID- 13797552 TI - [Group psychotherapy as a treatment method for hospitalized patients]. PMID- 13797553 TI - [Incidence, differential diagnosis and therapy of mild depressions]. PMID- 13797555 TI - [Prophecy in the visions and dreams of a schizophrenic]. PMID- 13797554 TI - [Pharmacotherapy, individual and group psychotherapy in the psychiatric clinic]. PMID- 13797557 TI - The placodal relations of the glossopharyngeal nerve in the sheep: a contribution to the early development of the carotid body. PMID- 13797556 TI - [On congenital synostosis of the semilunar and pyramidal bones]. PMID- 13797559 TI - Allergy in general practice. PMID- 13797558 TI - Prolonged drug treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13797560 TI - Present status of smallpox vaccination. A review. PMID- 13797561 TI - Clinical re-evaluation of daytime sedatives. PMID- 13797562 TI - Analgesic effectiveness of phenyramidol hydrochloride, a new aminopyridine derivative. PMID- 13797563 TI - Utilization of phenyramidol hydrochloride for clinical analgesia. PMID- 13797564 TI - Neural limitations of visual excitability: alterations produced by cerebral lesions. PMID- 13797565 TI - Alterations of visual excitability in patients with lesions of the cerebral optic pathways. PMID- 13797566 TI - [Morpho-functional changes of the lymphatic factors of the lower extermity in the post throm*** lymphographic study]. PMID- 13797567 TI - Anastomotic relationships between the internal mammary arteries and the coronary arterial circulation. PMID- 13797568 TI - [On the anastomotic relations between the region of the internal mammary arteries and the coronary arterial circulation]. PMID- 13797569 TI - [Laterocervical lymphadenography. (Technical note)]. PMID- 13797571 TI - Hydrocolpos in the newborn period. PMID- 13797570 TI - Congenital diaphragmatic defects. PMID- 13797572 TI - [Parathion poisoning in agriculture workers. Observations and notes on 41 cases]. PMID- 13797573 TI - Comparison of the effects of frontal and caudate lesions on delayed response and alternation in monkeys. PMID- 13797574 TI - [Comparative study of the "diagnostic value" of 7 X 7 cm and 10 X 10 cm photofluorograms and 35 X 35 cm radiograms in pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13797575 TI - [Classification and statistics of pneumoconioses in the experience of the Centro E.N.P.I. with the Clinica del Lavoro di Milano]. PMID- 13797576 TI - Mercury toxicity from industrial exposure. A critical review of the literature. Part II. PMID- 13797577 TI - [Symptomatological significance of vomiting in infants]. PMID- 13797578 TI - [Electrographic data on the thalamus and brief observations on stereotaxic surgery of pain]. PMID- 13797580 TI - [Psychopathologic and nosographic considerations on the relations between epilepsy and hysterial]. PMID- 13797579 TI - [Melancholic stuporous regression and various aspects of environmental customs. (Analysis of 2 clinical cases)]. PMID- 13797581 TI - [Vascular changes of the optic nerve in senility. (Histological study)]. PMID- 13797582 TI - [The C-reactive protein reaction in infantile pathology. III. Behavior within the framework of the humoral modifications of various diseases]. PMID- 13797583 TI - Natural occurrence of delayed-type iso-hypersensitiveness. PMID- 13797584 TI - [Notes on mitomycin]. PMID- 13797585 TI - [Causes and treatment of foreign body cystitis with special reference to personal cases]. PMID- 13797586 TI - The surgical treatment of basal-celled carcinoma. PMID- 13797587 TI - Use of the Golgi apparatus as an indicator of the level of activity of the cells of the islets of Langerhans. PMID- 13797588 TI - The use of the P wave for control of a pacemaker in heart block. PMID- 13797590 TI - [Problems of the physiology of the perception of musical tones in the scientific legacy of I. M. Sechenov (On the 130th birthday anniversary of I. M. Sechenov)]. PMID- 13797589 TI - [Observations on the treatment with bicillin I of syphilitic patients]. PMID- 13797591 TI - [Postoperative changes of the internal organs in congenital diaphragmatic hernias]. PMID- 13797593 TI - [Experimental tuberculous meningitis in dogs]. PMID- 13797592 TI - [On the problem of the surgeon's tactics in combined injuries]. PMID- 13797594 TI - [Chronic histiocytic and resorptive giant-cellular orchi-epididymitis]. PMID- 13797595 TI - [Chondro-osteoplastic laryngo-tracho-bronchopathy]. PMID- 13797596 TI - Purification of pyrimidine bases from hydrolyzed pyrimidine nucleotides. PMID- 13797598 TI - [A case of bilateral ureteral trifiditis with voluminous hydronephrosis]. PMID- 13797597 TI - [Metabolic products of higher fungi in connection with rye ergot and corn smut research. Part I]. PMID- 13797599 TI - Metabolism of pyruvic and formic acids by Zymosarcina ventriculi. PMID- 13797601 TI - Hemoptysis in older men. PMID- 13797600 TI - [Study of the cytoarchitectonic structure of the diencephalon of Talpa europaea (Insectivora talpidae)]. PMID- 13797602 TI - [Variation of the total phosphorus of the egg of Bombyx mori L., in function of the alimentation of the parents]. PMID- 13797603 TI - On recognition of the transient course of UV skin reaction in man and rabbits PMID- 13797604 TI - [On the subject of various difficulties in the diagnosis and peroperative control of choledochal lithiasis]. PMID- 13797605 TI - [A possibility of improving operating-room lighting]. PMID- 13797606 TI - [Modifications of the spine in a case of intramedullary tumor (radiological picture)]. PMID- 13797607 TI - [Effect of sodium 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1-naphtha-lenesulfonate on bronchial secretion in the rabbit]. PMID- 13797608 TI - [Ventricular aneurysms of chagasic etiology]. PMID- 13797609 TI - [Hypertension and diuretics]. PMID- 13797610 TI - [The significance of the spleen for cellular defense in radiations of the pleural cavity and surgery of the thorax]. PMID- 13797611 TI - [The significance of the spleen in deep roentgen irradiation of the thorax and thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13797612 TI - [Treatment of injuries of the ureters during the course of gynecological interventions]. PMID- 13797613 TI - [Beta-glucuronidase activity in human placenta, blood of the mother and that of the newborn]. PMID- 13797615 TI - [Bibliography on madder and alizarin]. PMID- 13797614 TI - [Notes for the psychoanalysis of Pascal]. PMID- 13797616 TI - [Proportional inhibition of production in the growth and increase of human and animal cells and tissue parts]. PMID- 13797617 TI - Cytology of vaginal smears with Trichomonas. PMID- 13797618 TI - Experimental evaluation of pancreatic ductal reconstruction. PMID- 13797619 TI - Drug usage and antibiotic susceptibility of staphylococci. PMID- 13797620 TI - Single disc versus multiple disc and plate dilution techniques for antibiotic sensitivity testing. PMID- 13797621 TI - New antiviral chemotherapeutic agent active against smallpox infection. PMID- 13797622 TI - The structure-activity relationships of the antiviral chemotherapeutic activity of isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone. AB - As part of an investigation devoted to the development of new antiviral agents a compound of established antiviral activity has been subjected to systematic structural modification. The structure-activity data so obtained have been used in the design of new compounds, some of which are described. The compound chosen was isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone, which has high activity against neurovaccinia infection in mice, and a 4-point parallel-line assay of in vivo chemotherapeutic activity has been developed, which has enabled the activity of the derivatives to be determined against isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone as a standard. The overall dimensions of the isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone molecule appear to be nearly maximal for the retention of high activity, as all substituents in the aromatic ring decrease the activity irrespective of their nature or position. The projection of the -CS.NH(2) group in relation to the ring nitrogen was found to be critical, as the alpha-thiosemicarbazone was inactive. A number of modifications of the side-chain were investigated:all led to reduction or loss of antiviral activity. The antiviral activity showed a positive correlation with chloroform solubility over a considerable range. The most active compound encountered was 1-ethylisatin beta-thiosemicarbazone, with an activity of 286 (isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone identical with100). Isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone showed no activity against 15 other viruses, and 20 related compounds showed on activity against ectromelia. PMID- 13797623 TI - Antiviral chemotherapeutic activity of isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone in mice infected with rabbit-pox virus. PMID- 13797624 TI - Some applications of a single-dilution method of titrating neurotropic viruses in zero mortality (Do) units. PMID- 13797625 TI - [Influenzal laryngotracheobronchitis. Observations from the 1957/58 influenza epidemic in Vienna]. PMID- 13797626 TI - [Labyrinth complication of influenza otitis and its therapy]. PMID- 13797627 TI - [Life-threatening phlegmon in the face- and neck area and its therapy]. PMID- 13797628 TI - [Normal and pathological histology of the maxillary sinus mucosa]. PMID- 13797630 TI - [A new method of dacryocystorhinostomy]. PMID- 13797629 TI - The "closed" fenestration operation. Long term results and acoustics. PMID- 13797631 TI - [Argyrophilia and metachromasia as antagonistic histochemical phenomena of the sclera and cornea, and their connection with the character of metabolism]. PMID- 13797632 TI - [Chemical investigations for the clarification of the origin and disappearance of corneal metachromasia]. PMID- 13797633 TI - [On a case of retinitis exudative externa Coats with special reference to the histopathological changes]. PMID- 13797634 TI - [Reconstruction of traumatically avulsed lacrimal canalculi]. PMID- 13797635 TI - It's later than you think. PMID- 13797636 TI - [Dynamic intraosseous phlebography]. PMID- 13797637 TI - Cocket's operation and/or popliteal resection in the treatment of leg ulcers. PMID- 13797638 TI - [Pan-phlebosis]. PMID- 13797639 TI - [Ligation of the vena poplitea. Results after 3, 6 and 9 years]. PMID- 13797640 TI - [Venous insufficiency in the leg. Pathology and indications for surgery]. PMID- 13797641 TI - Mecamylamine in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13797642 TI - New chlorothiazide derivatives in the treatment of hypertension and oedema. PMID- 13797643 TI - Low back pain and the fibro-elastic diathesis. PMID- 13797645 TI - The pathology of "stroke". PMID- 13797646 TI - [Determination of cholinesterases in the blood and neurological supervision in occupational hazards caused by organic phosphates]. PMID- 13797647 TI - [On the peroral therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis in the male]. PMID- 13797649 TI - [The microscopic demonstration of manifest and latent trichomoniasis urogenitalis in the male]. PMID- 13797648 TI - [On the significance of serum lipids in cerebral vascular processes]. PMID- 13797650 TI - [Treatment of the portio uterl with albothyl as cancer prophylaxis in ambulant practice. Documentation of findings with color colpophotography]. PMID- 13797651 TI - [Urogenital trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13797652 TI - [A contribution to the education of the apothecary]. PMID- 13797653 TI - [The first pharmacies of Magdeburg and pharmacy regulation of the city from the year 1577]. PMID- 13797654 TI - [Primary suture of injured tendons]. PMID- 13797655 TI - [Experiences with Kuntscher's intramedullary osteosynthesis]. PMID- 13797656 TI - [Induction of labor by means of endovenous drip infusion of syntocyn OTS-68]. PMID- 13797657 TI - The close association of endocrinology with genetics in clinical medicine. PMID- 13797658 TI - [Attempted intravenous application of methergine in the third stage of labor]. PMID- 13797659 TI - [Sigmamycin in gynecological infection]. PMID- 13797660 TI - [Symptomatic psychoses due to tonsillogenic intoxication]. PMID- 13797661 TI - [Cancer caused by radioactive thorium]. PMID- 13797662 TI - [First aid at the site of accident and the first medical care of subjects injured in traffic accidents after admission to the hospital]. PMID- 13797663 TI - [Animal experimental contribution to the problem of renal damage caused by terpenes]. PMID- 13797664 TI - [The clinical aspects of diseases of the seminal vesicles]. PMID- 13797665 TI - The medical profession and Blue Shield. PMID- 13797667 TI - [A new method for dacryocystorhinostomy]. PMID- 13797666 TI - Secondary gasation of heme proteins and biological N2-fixation. PMID- 13797668 TI - [On the question of organ tolerance and the median dose in various radiation qualities]. PMID- 13797669 TI - [On the interaction of the spleen and the bone marrow in their reaction to radiation. 3. The influence of the spleen on the reaction of the bone marrow after total-body irradiation]. PMID- 13797670 TI - [On the effect of pyrogenic stimuli on the leukocyte count of irradiated patients]. PMID- 13797671 TI - [Radiotherapy of hemoblastoses]. PMID- 13797672 TI - Changing concepts in the management of bilateral cleft lip deformities. PMID- 13797673 TI - Preventive medicine in private practice. PMID- 13797674 TI - A biochemical study of the mucopolysaccharides present in several body fluids of children suffering from fibrocystic disease of the pancreas and normal controls. PMID- 13797675 TI - [The reactivity disposition of tuberculous patients. Neural reactivity and age disposition in pulmonary tuberculosis. II]. PMID- 13797676 TI - [The significance of excltation and rest in the result of tuberculous relapse]. PMID- 13797677 TI - Connective tissue research and the rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13797678 TI - Medicine in the teaching hospital of today and tomorrow. PMID- 13797679 TI - Unsuspected carcinoma of the prostate in suprapublic prostatectomy specimens: a clinicopathological study of 55 consecutive cases. PMID- 13797681 TI - [Respiration and pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13797680 TI - [The diastolic suction effect of the cardiac ventricles]. PMID- 13797683 TI - [On the different tissue receptivity of various bone transplants]. PMID- 13797682 TI - The effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol on the oxidation of fatty acids by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PMID- 13797684 TI - [Isolated gallbladder rupture caused by blunt abdominal trauma]. PMID- 13797685 TI - Heterotrophic fixation of carbon dioxide by extracts of Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13797686 TI - Schistosoma japonicum of the vermiform appendix and appendices epiploica: case report. PMID- 13797687 TI - Intensive psychotherapy and personality change; psychological test evaluation of a single case. PMID- 13797688 TI - [Hemotransfusional shock during transfusion of Rh-negative blood]. PMID- 13797689 TI - The fluorescence of eight natural estrogens in sulphuric acid. PMID- 13797690 TI - Metabolic observations in a case of pure primary hyperaldosteronism. PMID- 13797691 TI - Three sulfate esters of 17-ketosteroids in the plasma of normal subjects and after administration of ACTH. PMID- 13797692 TI - [Biological diagnosis of virilisms]. PMID- 13797693 TI - [Ester sulfates of hormonal steroids. Chromatographic demonstration of three ester sulfates of 17-ketosteroids in the plasma of normal adults]. PMID- 13797694 TI - [Ester sulfates of steroid hormones. Isolation and characterization in urines of the ester sulfate of 5 beta-androstane 3 alpha-ol-17-one after administration of 5 beta-androstane 3 alpha-ol 17 one (etiocholanolone) to a child]. PMID- 13797695 TI - Ultrasonography-an aid in orbital tumor diagnosis. PMID- 13797696 TI - Ultrasound in opthalmology. PMID- 13797697 TI - Effect of adrenal steroids and diethylstilbestrol on growth and fat content of cockerels. PMID- 13797698 TI - Clinical experiences with amphotericin B. PMID- 13797699 TI - The significance of Candida albicans in human sputum. PMID- 13797700 TI - Starch-likepolysaccharide of Streptococcus pyogenes. PMID- 13797701 TI - New cast gold restorations for anterior teeth. PMID- 13797702 TI - [The determination of ionized magnesium and its significance for clinical practice]. PMID- 13797703 TI - Femoral hernias in pediatric patients. PMID- 13797704 TI - Residual injury induced in the erythropoietic system of the rat by periodic exposure to x-radiation. PMID- 13797705 TI - [Communication on a small tropical drug-kit]. PMID- 13797706 TI - [Conservative and surgical bone fracture treatment]. PMID- 13797707 TI - [On a decisive development in the field of local steroid therapy]. PMID- 13797708 TI - [The use of the eidophor in the area of teaching]. PMID- 13797709 TI - [True and false growth disorders after childhood elbow fractures]. PMID- 13797710 TI - [On 141 cases of ulcus serpens of the Basler Universitatsaugenklinik from the years 1951-1957]. PMID- 13797711 TI - [Sodium fluorescein in determination of heart minute volume with the aid of the Hamilton-Stewart dilution method]. PMID- 13797712 TI - [Anesthesia in tracheal surgery]. PMID- 13797713 TI - [Report on injuries of the trachea]. PMID- 13797714 TI - [A contribution to the clinical picture and therapy of lung abscess]. PMID- 13797715 TI - [On the peristalsis after laparotomy and its stimulation]. PMID- 13797716 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous pyothorax]. PMID- 13797717 TI - [Sedimentation rate]. PMID- 13797718 TI - [Findings on the order of magnitude of fast discharges of electrobiological brain potentials in the passive and active EEG with a precision electronic ray oscillograph]. PMID- 13797719 TI - [Demonstrations of complications in poliomyelitis vaccination and of the differential diagnosis of flaccid paralysis]. PMID- 13797720 TI - [Ideas and suggestions on the elimination of psychic hospitalism in children's hospitals]. PMID- 13797721 TI - [Meningitis serosa caused by ECHO virus 9]. PMID- 13797722 TI - [Some experiences and thoughts on the problem of psychic hospitalism]. PMID- 13797723 TI - [Histological, blood chemistry and electrophoretic studies on Masugi nephritis of the rat with simultaneous bacterial infection. With a contribution to the chemical and electrophoretic normal value determination of rat serum]. PMID- 13797724 TI - [Semeiotics of coelomic pericardial cysts]. PMID- 13797725 TI - Fixation of certain heterogenous antigenic substances on bacterial cells and endospores. PMID- 13797726 TI - [Urological diagnosis code and nomenclature]. PMID- 13797727 TI - [Experimental modification of dentinogenesis]. PMID- 13797728 TI - Clostridium welchii septicaemia following cystoscopy: report of a case. PMID- 13797729 TI - [Study of the incidence of acute articular rheumatism in Moroccan children at Fez]. PMID- 13797730 TI - [Studies on cytological autoradiography of the lymphatic system]. PMID- 13797731 TI - [Various methods of determining the phosphatase activity of bovine teeth]. PMID- 13797732 TI - [Contribution on the production of hydrogen sulfide in meat by microorganisms and heat]. PMID- 13797733 TI - Visual spatial and temporal summation. PMID- 13797734 TI - [The therapy of acute pancreatitis with panthesin-hydergine]. PMID- 13797735 TI - [Specific determinations of blood glucose in insulin coma]. PMID- 13797736 TI - [The content of meso-inositol in the cerebrospinal fluid in meningitis and other diseases of the CNS]. PMID- 13797737 TI - [Gel gynosterosan for colpitis therapy]. PMID- 13797738 TI - [Syntocinon in the therapy and prophylaxis of mastitis puerperalis]. PMID- 13797739 TI - [On the concordance of clinical with serological characteristics newborn twins]. PMID- 13797740 TI - [On a substrate respiration-rhythmic stimulus formation in the cat rhombencephalon]. PMID- 13797741 TI - [A contribution to the technic of extra- and intracellular, and of stereotactic leads in the brain]. PMID- 13797742 TI - Panel discussion: assay technics. The problems of correlation with results of treatment. PMID- 13797743 TI - [Causes and results of re-laparotomy after previous stomach surgery]. PMID- 13797744 TI - [Attempt at a topographical diagnosis of expansive intracranial processes according to deviations in the deep cerebral phlebogram of the face]. PMID- 13797745 TI - A new health code for New York City. PMID- 13797746 TI - [Arthroses and senescence. Therapeutic results]. PMID- 13797747 TI - [On the correction of anterior septum deviation]. PMID- 13797749 TI - [Rheumatology]. PMID- 13797748 TI - [Reflections on fatigue]. PMID- 13797750 TI - [The demonstration of barbaloin in the bark of Rhamnus purshiani]. PMID- 13797751 TI - [Allergic asthma caused by INH]. PMID- 13797753 TI - [Echinococcus alveolaris of the liver]. PMID- 13797752 TI - [On the problem of thrombocythemia hemorrhagica. Thrombelastogram and retraction of blood coagulation in enrichment of normal platelets in vitro]. PMID- 13797754 TI - [On the hemotherapy of hemorrhagic diatheses]. PMID- 13797755 TI - [On the hemotherapy of hemorrhagic diseases]. PMID- 13797756 TI - [Pernicious and perniciosiform anemias]. PMID- 13797758 TI - [On the content of the physician's bag]. PMID- 13797757 TI - Conceptual issues involved in evaluating improvement due to psychotherapy. PMID- 13797759 TI - [A "drinking aid" for the seriously ill and its significance for maintenance of water-electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13797760 TI - [E. F. DuBois]. PMID- 13797761 TI - [The clinical significance of the physiology of the water-electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13797762 TI - [The nosological significance of the water-electrolyte balance in internal medicine]. PMID- 13797763 TI - Prefabricated radiopaque sutures in ductal sialolithotomy. PMID- 13797764 TI - Recent trends in nasal physiology and applied surgical principles. PMID- 13797765 TI - [Evipan prolonged anesthesia and potentiated evipan prolonged anesthesia in gynecological operations]. PMID- 13797766 TI - [Pathogenesis of hydramnios due to secretion disorders of amniotic epithelium or resorption disorders due to fetal abnormalities]. PMID- 13797768 TI - Electrodiagnostic features of distal pathology in the motor unit. PMID- 13797767 TI - Electrodiagnostic definition of the site and nature of peripheral nerve lesions. PMID- 13797769 TI - [Prolonged pentothal obstetrical anesthesia]. PMID- 13797770 TI - [Apropos of the transplacental passage of pentothal: determination of the barbiturate in fetal and maternal tissues]. PMID- 13797771 TI - [Importance of hysterosalpingography and biological reactions on urine concentrates in diagnosis of extra-uterine pregnancy]. PMID- 13797772 TI - [Urinary amino acids in progressive muscular dystrophy and amyotonia congenita]. PMID- 13797773 TI - [Nasopharyngeal lymphosarcoma in an 8-year-old girl]. PMID- 13797774 TI - [Aminoaciduria in the normal newborn]. PMID- 13797775 TI - [Epileptic visual hallucinosis]. PMID- 13797776 TI - [Stunted growth, nanism, classical renal rickets secondary to renal aplasia, chronic pyelonephritis and obstructive uropathy]. PMID- 13797777 TI - [Amino-aciduria in rickets due to vitamin D deficiency]. PMID- 13797778 TI - [Aminoaciduria in chronic diarrheas]. PMID- 13797779 TI - [Qualitative study of urinary amino acids in severe dystrophy in infants]. PMID- 13797780 TI - [Etiology of acute glomerulonephritis in our milieu]. PMID- 13797781 TI - [Research on the colicinogenic properties and on the sensitivity to various colicins of strains of coli bacilli isolated from infant gastroenteritis]. PMID- 13797782 TI - Effects of caloric restriction on the bones and periodontium in rats. PMID- 13797783 TI - Experience with the Massachusetts code on ionizing radiation. PMID- 13797784 TI - Pericarditis. A clinical survey of 35 cases. PMID- 13797785 TI - Some effects of ultraviolet radiation on the infection of Nicotiana glutinosa leaves by tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13797786 TI - The infectivity and inactivation of nucleic acid preparations from tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13797787 TI - [Surgical anatomy of the liver]. PMID- 13797788 TI - [The physician's home as a center of education]. PMID- 13797789 TI - The problem of prematurity. PMID- 13797790 TI - gamma-Aminobutyric acid and seizure susceptibility in area of normal cat brain cortex. PMID- 13797791 TI - Demonstration of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions in rats with elevated brain levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid. PMID- 13797792 TI - Elevation of gamma-aminobutyric acid in rat brain with hydroxylamine. PMID- 13797793 TI - Combined oil-immersion, phase-contrast, and dark-ground viewing of 'thorotrast' in tissue sections. PMID- 13797794 TI - Serum lipid and lipoprotein alterations in nephrosis. PMID- 13797795 TI - Biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids. PMID- 13797796 TI - Carotenoid pigments of halophilic bacteria. PMID- 13797797 TI - Cortisone-induced renal changes in the rabbit: a microdissection study. PMID- 13797798 TI - Cardiac arrest following administration of a high concentration of halothane vapour. PMID- 13797799 TI - [On the methodology of the study of aphasia]. PMID- 13797800 TI - [Psychosomatic problems in neuropathies]. PMID- 13797801 TI - Ruth Elaine Taylor, 1895-1959. PMID- 13797802 TI - The recognition of early illness in the elderly. PMID- 13797803 TI - [Treatment of Wilm's tumor]. PMID- 13797804 TI - A model dealing with degrees of consciousness. PMID- 13797806 TI - The tuberculosis associations and tuberculosis control. PMID- 13797805 TI - A modified keratome. PMID- 13797807 TI - Histoplasmosis. PMID- 13797808 TI - Hypersensitivity to immune serum globulin: report of a case. PMID- 13797809 TI - [Congenital diverticulum of the heart]. PMID- 13797810 TI - [Effective mastitis therapy with a "clinically specific mixed vaccine"]. PMID- 13797811 TI - [The current significance of interpositio uteri in the treatment of uterine prolapse]. PMID- 13797812 TI - [Duodenal diverticula]. PMID- 13797813 TI - [Results and evaluation of subtotal adrenalectomy in hyperfunction in Cushing's syndrome. Report on 6 cases]. PMID- 13797814 TI - [Electronoptic studies on the membrane of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13797815 TI - [On the form of influenza virus]. PMID- 13797816 TI - [On the evaluation of postoperative results in the surgical indications in acquired heart defects]. PMID- 13797817 TI - [Model experiments on the stimulation transfer caused by fear and pain on the non gravid, gravid and in-labor human uterus]. PMID- 13797818 TI - [Model studies on an explanation of the mechanism of action of central nervous system stimuli on uterine motility and the course of labor]. PMID- 13797819 TI - [Physiology and pathology of the uterus in labor]. PMID- 13797820 TI - [Clinical experiences with kanamycin]. PMID- 13797821 TI - Carotid regulatory system. PMID- 13797822 TI - [Male sterility. Surgical results of the treatment of excretory azospermia. Personal statistics of 248 epididymodeferential anastomoses]. PMID- 13797823 TI - [Identification of the agents of maduromycoses of Senegal and Mauritania. Description of a new species]. PMID- 13797824 TI - [Hematological study and hepatosplenic histopathological aspects of splenomegalies in Africans]. PMID- 13797825 TI - [Paracoli bethesda (Citrobacter) and Escherichia freundii in disease in Dakar]. PMID- 13797826 TI - [Pelger-Huet heterozygous anomalies in Dakar]. PMID- 13797829 TI - Influence of antibiotic treatment on roentgenologic aspects of mastoid disease. PMID- 13797828 TI - Relationships between socioeconomic variables and the behavior of mothers toward young children. PMID- 13797827 TI - [Importance of Shigella infections in the pathology of Dakar natives]. PMID- 13797830 TI - The axial drift of the red cells when blood flows in a narrow tube. PMID- 13797831 TI - Some aspects of new corticosteroids. PMID- 13797832 TI - Mucormycosis. PMID- 13797833 TI - Desoxyephedrine as an aid in weight control for pregnant clinic patients. PMID- 13797834 TI - Some aspects of alcohol in body fluids. II. The change in blood alcohol concentration following alcohol consumption. PMID- 13797835 TI - The relationship of laboratory research to medical teaching and medical care. PMID- 13797836 TI - [Rational balance sheet of non-medical cures]. PMID- 13797837 TI - [On prescalene lymph node biopsy]. PMID- 13797838 TI - The chromosome constitution in the virus-induced chicken erythroleukemia. PMID- 13797839 TI - Chromosomes in primary neoplastic growth. PMID- 13797840 TI - The chromosomal constitution of methyl-cholanthrene induced sarcomas and their variants induced and tested in isogenic resistant strains. PMID- 13797842 TI - [A new digitalis found in Turkey: Digitalis viridiflora Lind]. PMID- 13797841 TI - Sugars of the glycoside of the root of Marsdenia erecta R. Br. PMID- 13797843 TI - [Apropos of tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies]. PMID- 13797844 TI - [Neuro-oculo-cutaneous angiomatosis]. PMID- 13797845 TI - [Experimental studies on coronary arteriography in controlled cardiac arrest. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13797846 TI - [The porto-caval circulation time in the functional evaluation of new surgical possibilities of portal decompression]. PMID- 13797847 TI - [Critical review of the diagnosis of chronic obliterating arteriopathy according to our experience]. PMID- 13797848 TI - Long-term results of chronic obliterative arteriopathies treated with lytic cocktail. PMID- 13797849 TI - [On the diagnosis and treatment of dyskinesia of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13797850 TI - [Atelectasis of the lung after tonsillectomy]. PMID- 13797851 TI - [On a case of acanthosis nigricans]. PMID- 13797853 TI - [An inter-regional center in polio-myelitis prevention]. PMID- 13797852 TI - [A health resort-sanatorium network in Eastern Siberia and in the Far East for treatment of children with poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13797854 TI - [Biochemistry of inflammation. I. The hexosamines at the level of Arthus and Shwartzman skin reactions]. PMID- 13797855 TI - [Experimental studies on the Rh antigen content of the placenta]. PMID- 13797856 TI - [Myocardial infarct beyond the 65th year]. PMID- 13797857 TI - An unusual case of carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13797858 TI - [Functional cardiovascular diseases and the ovarian endocrine system]. PMID- 13797859 TI - [Medicine, the medical specialties and the pharmaceutical art of ancient Egypt]. PMID- 13797860 TI - Effects of intromission without ejaculation upon sexual behavior in male rats. PMID- 13797861 TI - Afflictions of the extremities resulting from increased vasomotor activity. PMID- 13797862 TI - Ionizing radiation and the citizen. PMID- 13797863 TI - Physiological aspects of genetics. PMID- 13797864 TI - Mastoidectomy with preservation of hearing. PMID- 13797865 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the tongue: end-results in one hundred sixty-eight cases. PMID- 13797867 TI - Surgical management of parotid lesions. Review of seven hundred sixty cases. PMID- 13797866 TI - Tumors of the parotid gland; their surgical management. PMID- 13797868 TI - Experimental infection of swine with Brucella neotomae. PMID- 13797869 TI - Intensive nursing care. PMID- 13797870 TI - Polycythaemia vera. PMID- 13797871 TI - A rapid cytological method for the diagnosis of measles. PMID- 13797872 TI - A preliminary investigation of the levels of 3-monoidotyrosine and 3,5 diiodotyrosine in human blood plasma using plasma using double isotope dilution technique. PMID- 13797873 TI - Allergy to newer drugs. PMID- 13797874 TI - Career-relevant values of medical students-a research note. PMID- 13797875 TI - The problem of the mastoid segment after tympanoplasty. PMID- 13797876 TI - Penetrating wounds of the aorta. PMID- 13797877 TI - Histamine metabolism in human disease. PMID- 13797878 TI - Liquid scintillation counting of histamine-C 14 and its metabolites. PMID- 13797879 TI - Fatal acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis occurring simultaneously in identical twins. PMID- 13797880 TI - Problems of physiotherapy in a cerebral palsy school. PMID- 13797881 TI - Resistance of the opossum to rabies virus. PMID- 13797882 TI - Psychoses due to amphetamine consumption. PMID- 13797883 TI - Impending myocardial infarction. Recognition and management. PMID- 13797884 TI - Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome in Eskimos. PMID- 13797885 TI - Renal tuberculosis in a native population. PMID- 13797886 TI - The fine structure of the nuclear envelope of Endamoeba blattae. PMID- 13797887 TI - Brain blood flow, chlorpromazine (thorazine) and its protective action against the toxicity of O2 at high pressure. PMID- 13797888 TI - Compensable occupational diseases under the North Carolina Workmen's Compensation Act. PMID- 13797889 TI - Note on a monstrous finger. PMID- 13797890 TI - A note on radiation telangiectases. PMID- 13797891 TI - Notes on the natural history of vascular spiders in healthy persons. PMID- 13797892 TI - The natural history of error. Pseudodoxia endemica. PMID- 13797893 TI - [Relationship between contractions, coronary flow and perfusion pressure in isolated mammalian heart]. PMID- 13797894 TI - Myxoma of the left atrium. PMID- 13797895 TI - Aortic aneurysm. PMID- 13797896 TI - Cytological and cytochemical studies on the liver cells of yellow-fever-infected rhesus monkeys. PMID- 13797898 TI - The relation of sociological to biological research in gerontology. PMID- 13797897 TI - The association of hepatolenticular degeneration with schizophrenia. A review of the literature and case report. PMID- 13797899 TI - Therapeutic use of radioactive iodine in heart disease. PMID- 13797900 TI - Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage simulating acute myocardial infarction. PMID- 13797901 TI - 250 Cases of resection for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13797903 TI - Initial myocardial infarction among 503 veterans: five-year survival. PMID- 13797902 TI - The treatment of deep mycotic infections with amphotericin B1 with particular emphasis on drug toxicity. PMID- 13797904 TI - Aortic stenosis. PMID- 13797905 TI - The effects of different varieties of rapeseed oil on weight gain, and of golden rapeseed oil on reproduction, of the rat. PMID- 13797906 TI - Responses of two strains of rats to rapeseed oil and corn oil. PMID- 13797907 TI - The effect of age on the pH of the skin surface in the first week of life. PMID- 13797908 TI - Griseofulvin in treatment of infections of scalp due to Microsporum canis. PMID- 13797909 TI - A genetical analysis of thirty families with Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). PMID- 13797910 TI - Clinical aspects of disarranged chromosomal structure. PMID- 13797911 TI - Hereditary variations in synthesis of serum proteins in health and disease. PMID- 13797912 TI - [The role of the adrenal gland in the development of the thymus gland in the rabbit fetus]. PMID- 13797913 TI - Relative rates of exchange of potassium-42 by the foetal metanephros and foetal liver. PMID- 13797914 TI - Organs palpable in the normal adult abdomen. PMID- 13797915 TI - An attempt to produce malignant change with deoxyribonucleic acid from rat sarcoma and hepatoma. PMID- 13797916 TI - Effect of foetal hypophysectomy on the foetal liver fat in the rabbit. PMID- 13797917 TI - The sympodial fetus, with a consideration of the causation. PMID- 13797918 TI - Foreign residents and interns in Massachusetts hospitals. PMID- 13797919 TI - [Project for the organization of the campaign against female genital cancer in the Province of Buenos Aires]. PMID- 13797920 TI - Antibody responses of children to Asian influenza vaccine. PMID- 13797921 TI - The follow-up of discharged mental patients by the public health nurse. PMID- 13797922 TI - Blood groups of gastric ulcer and carcinoma. PMID- 13797924 TI - [Functional hemorrhage and adenocarcinoma of the uterus]. PMID- 13797923 TI - The blood groups of gastric ulcer-cancer. AB - There was a statistically significant excess of Group A blood in a series of ulcer-cancers. It is concluded that an ulcer in a patient of Group A is more liable to become malignant than one in a patient of Group O. PMID- 13797926 TI - Ethics and Iegal aspects in hospital purchasing. PMID- 13797925 TI - The effect of scurvy on thyroid activity in the guinea pig. PMID- 13797927 TI - The Maylard incision in obstetric and gynecologic practice. PMID- 13797928 TI - Transvaginal operation in gynecologic problem cases. PMID- 13797929 TI - Therapy of acute hypothermia with special reference to urea. A preliminary report. PMID- 13797930 TI - Metabolic effects of urea administration on acute hypothermia in rats. PMID- 13797931 TI - The medical journal argument. PMID- 13797932 TI - Hepatohypercholesterolemic cirrhosis: report of a case implicating chlorpromazine as the etiologic agent. PMID- 13797933 TI - Epidemiology of toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13797934 TI - Chest trauma. PMID- 13797935 TI - Adrenal lipoids as seen post mortem in schizophrenia. PMID- 13797936 TI - Effect of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism of skeletal muscle fibers and diaphragm from control and pancreatectomized rats. PMID- 13797937 TI - Rheumatoid cysts of the calf. PMID- 13797938 TI - Method for culture of E. histolytica used at Territorial Hospital. PMID- 13797939 TI - Fertility of mixed semen from different rabbits. PMID- 13797940 TI - High schools and medical libraries. PMID- 13797941 TI - Needed: an index to nursing journals. PMID- 13797943 TI - [Surgical treatment of funnel chest]. PMID- 13797942 TI - [Perforations and hemorrhages due to Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13797944 TI - [Digestive tract perforations caused by cortancyl in a child]. PMID- 13797945 TI - [Digestive accidents following corticosteroid therapy in children. Apropos of 2 new cases]. PMID- 13797946 TI - [Transcecal ileo-ileal invagination treated on the sixth day by right hemicolectomy]. PMID- 13797948 TI - [Local treatment of burns in children]. PMID- 13797947 TI - [Ulcerous and necrosing colitis in an 8-week-old infant]. PMID- 13797949 TI - [The role of practicing physicians in the public health of various countries]. PMID- 13797950 TI - The general practitioner and maternity services. PMID- 13797951 TI - [The role of the general practitioner. Great Britain]. PMID- 13797952 TI - [Clinical value of electronystagmography in the vestibular examination]. PMID- 13797953 TI - [Clinical value of electronystagmography in the vestibular examination]. PMID- 13797954 TI - [Cupulometry and motion sickness]. PMID- 13797955 TI - How you can help. PMID- 13797956 TI - Teratogenic activity of several synthetic compounds structurally related to trypan blue. PMID- 13797957 TI - Virus of avian myeloblastosis. XIV. Neoplastic response of normal chicken bone marrow treated with the virus in tissue culture. PMID- 13797958 TI - Virus of avian myeloblastosis. XVI. Kinetics of cell growth and liberation of virus in cultures of myeloblasts. PMID- 13797959 TI - Effect of trifluoperazine on the behavior disorders of children with malignant emotional behavior disorders of children with malignant emotional disturbances. PMID- 13797960 TI - Renal maturity of infants of toxemic mothers. PMID- 13797961 TI - Tissue fractionation studies. 12. Intracellular distribution of some dehydrogenases, alkaline deoxyribonuclease and iron in rat-liver tissue. PMID- 13797962 TI - Tissue fractionation studies. 13. Analysis of mitochondrial fractions from rat liver by density-gradient centrifuging. PMID- 13797963 TI - Tissue fractionation studies. 9. Enzymic release of bound hydrolases. PMID- 13797964 TI - Tissue fractionation studies. II. Influence of various hepatotoxic treatments on the state of some bound enzymes in rat liver. PMID- 13797965 TI - [Clinical tests of the activity of RP 8228 (phacetoperane) in an oligophrenic child]. PMID- 13797966 TI - [On the histamine-liberating activity of polybrene]. PMID- 13797967 TI - [Traumatic retroperitoneal perforations of the duodenum]. PMID- 13797968 TI - [Cardiac surgery and its indications]. PMID- 13797969 TI - [Pharmacology of tranquilizers]. PMID- 13797970 TI - [Irradiation by x-rays and aqueous diuresis]. PMID- 13797971 TI - [Keratinization of the teeth and the mouth of larvae of Alytes obstetricans Laurenti]. PMID- 13797972 TI - [Keratization of the teeth and of the larval beak in Alytes obstetricans Laurent]. PMID- 13797973 TI - [The criteria of essential hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13797975 TI - [The disturbances of lipid metabolism in angina pectoris]. PMID- 13797974 TI - [Essential hyperlipidemia with xanthomatosis]. PMID- 13797976 TI - [The clinical significance of gerontoxon (arcus corneae)]. PMID- 13797978 TI - [Hypervitaminemia A induced by oral route. Its relation to the daily development of the optical density of the serum]. PMID- 13797977 TI - [Anticoagulant treatment. Theory and practice]. PMID- 13797979 TI - [Indications of heparin in cardiology]. PMID- 13797980 TI - Favourable effect of durabolin (19-nor-androstenolon-phenyl-propionate) on diabetic retinopathy. PMID- 13797981 TI - [The electroencephalogram registered immediately after so-called benign cranial injury. Comparative study with the examination, carried out before combat, in 52 amateur boxers]. PMID- 13797982 TI - Diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease: a report on eight patients and a review of 55 cases in the literature. PMID- 13797983 TI - Studies on human foetal haemoglobin. I. Detection and estimation. PMID- 13797984 TI - Direct spectroscopic examination of electrophoretic zones in agar gel. PMID- 13797985 TI - Foetal haemoglobin in the monkey. PMID- 13797986 TI - [The influence of various fixation methods on the structural picture of the preputial glands in the rat]. PMID- 13797988 TI - The effect of tolbutamide (orinase) on the liver. PMID- 13797987 TI - Effects of chlorothiazide on plasma electrolytes in the nephrectomized dog. PMID- 13797991 TI - [Pharmacodynamics of peripheral regional arterial diseases. Application to diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13797990 TI - [The effect of hydroxyzine on vascular dynamics in Raynaud's disease]. PMID- 13797989 TI - Mast cell content of placental tissue. PMID- 13797992 TI - [Planned clinical trials of several modern anti-influenza agents]. PMID- 13797993 TI - [Competitive antagonism of an aspecific nature in certain pharmacological reactions in vitro]. PMID- 13797994 TI - [The influence of estrogens and thyrotropin on thyroid fixation of I 131 in the rat]. PMID- 13797995 TI - Projected changes in mental health laws. PMID- 13797996 TI - [A new derivative of isonicotinic acid with anti-tubercular action: ethioniamide]. PMID- 13797997 TI - [On the preparation of injectable solutions of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate)]. PMID- 13797998 TI - [Stabilization of calcium gluconate and sodium ascorbate combined in aqueous solution]. PMID- 13797999 TI - Studies on the content of complement fixing measles antibodies in serum fractions obtained by electrophoresis of human sera. PMID- 13798000 TI - Studies on the content of complement fixing measles antibodies in Cohn fractionated gamma globulin. Attempts to reduce anticomplementary activity. PMID- 13798001 TI - Studies on the development of complement fixing antibodies in measles patients. Observations during a measles epidemic in Greenland. PMID- 13798002 TI - The influence of repeated lepromin testing on the Mitsuda reaction in healthy people. PMID- 13798003 TI - The development of surface alpha contamination limits. PMID- 13798004 TI - A cross-sectional and longitudinal study of the effect of education on free association responses. PMID- 13798005 TI - [Histological studies on the nerve endings of the retina in man and mammals]. PMID- 13798006 TI - [Remarks on the numbering of journals and record-taking in connection with diagnostic files]. PMID- 13798007 TI - Studies on synergists for antimicrobial agents. II. Antimycobacterial agents. PMID- 13798008 TI - Correction of gluteus medius gait: dynamic balance gait. PMID- 13798009 TI - Comments on "intraclass correlation vs. factor analytic techniques for determining groups of profiles". PMID- 13798010 TI - [On the clinical manifestations of idiopathic panniculitis]. PMID- 13798011 TI - [On the problem of the socalled "meniscus cysts"]. PMID- 13798012 TI - [Problem of the differential diagnosis of tumors of the spinal cord from multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13798013 TI - [Diagnostic significance of vertebral arteriography]. PMID- 13798015 TI - [Significance of electroencephalography in cerebrocranial injuries]. PMID- 13798014 TI - [Post-traumatic intracranial hemorrhages]. PMID- 13798016 TI - [Use of electroencephalography in expansive intracranial processes]. PMID- 13798017 TI - Skin sensitisation of guinea-pigs with atypical acid-fast bacilli. PMID- 13798018 TI - Some aspects of the history of anti-pollution legislation in England, 1819-1954. PMID- 13798019 TI - A study of the left colon as a replacement for the resected esophagus. PMID- 13798021 TI - [Minute metabolic reactions in the sensory cells of Corti's organs after pure tone sound]. PMID- 13798022 TI - [Remobilization of the sound conducting network fixed by osteitic changes]. PMID- 13798020 TI - [Morphological and histochemical changes on the structures of the cochlea in the guinea pig after regulated exposure to pure sound]. PMID- 13798023 TI - Should patients with coronary heart disease be treated by surgical operation? PMID- 13798024 TI - [Coronary artery disease. New aspects of the pathophysiology of this disease and its treatment]. PMID- 13798025 TI - Effect of intravenous infusions of calcium on renal concentrating ability. PMID- 13798026 TI - [Architectonics in the light of new findings]. PMID- 13798027 TI - Some observations on diaphragmatic blood supply. PMID- 13798028 TI - Effect of trypan blue on rat embryos. PMID- 13798029 TI - [A contribution on 5 cases of Pellizari's colloid pseudo-milium in North Bavaria]. PMID- 13798030 TI - Pulmonary disease due to atypical tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13798031 TI - [Cooperation between public health physician and public health veterinarian]. PMID- 13798032 TI - [Simulation of acute abdomen in two cases of leptospirosis pomona]. PMID- 13798033 TI - [A case of analbuminemia]. PMID- 13798034 TI - [Gonadal agenesis with male sex chromatin without nanism discovered at the age of 70 years]. PMID- 13798035 TI - [Intersexuality: pathogenic and clinical aspects]. PMID- 13798036 TI - [The cervico-cephalic syndrome and its treatment with vitamin B12]. PMID- 13798037 TI - Efect of small and massive doses of prednisone on gastric secretory activity. PMID- 13798038 TI - Micro method for amylase determinations using 0.05 ml. of blood. PMID- 13798039 TI - The selective proteolytic enzyme inhibitory action of benzethonium chloride. PMID- 13798040 TI - [Mucosal changes in the upper respiratory tract of employees in hot conditions in iron-works]. PMID- 13798041 TI - [A rare kind of substitute voice formation]. PMID- 13798042 TI - [The significance of stroboscopy for the diagnosis of functional voice disorders]. PMID- 13798043 TI - Stimulus correlates for the judged illumination of a surface. PMID- 13798044 TI - Primate growth hormone studies in man. PMID- 13798045 TI - Ectopic thyroid tissue in the mucosa of the trachea. PMID- 13798046 TI - A ferrous-ion-oxidizing bacterium. I. Isolation and some general physiological characteristics. PMID- 13798047 TI - [Disorder of glucuronide formation in hemolytic jaundice]. PMID- 13798049 TI - [The therapy of complicated soap abortion with special reference to anuria]. PMID- 13798048 TI - [On the problem of glucuronide formation in functional hyperbilirubinemia with regard to renal glucuronide clearance]. PMID- 13798050 TI - [On the change in antistreptolysin titres after tonsillectomy]. PMID- 13798051 TI - Protection afforded mice against tourniquet trauma induced mortality by ganglion blocking drug chlorisondamine dimethochloride. PMID- 13798052 TI - Roentgenographic findings in the complications of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13798053 TI - SR-2: affect autonomy in schizophrenia. PMID- 13798054 TI - Holes in rubber gloves. PMID- 13798055 TI - [Industrial medicine in France, a comparison]. PMID- 13798056 TI - [The boundaries of rationalization. A casuistic contribution to the expediency of consulation of the industrial physician by management in organizational matters]. PMID- 13798057 TI - Pneumonia at Harper Hospital 1942-1958. PMID- 13798058 TI - Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. PMID- 13798059 TI - [The therapeutic use of Melilotus]. PMID- 13798060 TI - The effect of phenylephrine hydrochloride on the miotic-treated eye. PMID- 13798061 TI - Demecarium bromide and echothiophate iodide in chronic glaucoma. PMID- 13798062 TI - Tonometry, tonography and provocative tests in the management of the glaucomas. PMID- 13798063 TI - Use of methazolamide (neptazane) in the therapy of glaucoma; comparison with acetazolamide (diamox). PMID- 13798064 TI - Luxol fast blue as a stain for Mallory's alcoholic hyaline. PMID- 13798065 TI - Psychiatry and the medical practitioner. PMID- 13798066 TI - The obese patient in group psychoanalysis. PMID- 13798067 TI - Glucose and lactate concentrations in plasma of chickens with myeloblastosis and erythroblastosis. PMID- 13798068 TI - Glucose and lactate utilization by myeloblasts and erythroblasts of avian viral leukemias. PMID- 13798069 TI - Presence of diabetic glomerulosclerosis in patients with hemochromatosis. PMID- 13798070 TI - TAMe esterase activity of guinea-pig serum. II. Peptone inducible esterases. PMID- 13798071 TI - Antigen-antibody reactions in agar. IV. Concerning the measurement of antibody concentration. PMID- 13798072 TI - The salt-sensitive step in immune hemolysis. PMID- 13798073 TI - Concerning the mechanism of complement action. V. The early steps in immune hemolysis. PMID- 13798074 TI - Inactivation of Hageman factor by diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP). PMID- 13798075 TI - Myocardial capillaries in rats with cobaltinduced polycythemia. PMID- 13798076 TI - Abdominodiaphragmatic breathing in pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13798077 TI - [A contribution to intravenous and intra-arterial shock prevention]. PMID- 13798078 TI - Medical hypnosis in physical medicine and rehabilitation. PMID- 13798079 TI - Self-help prosthetic device to facilitate locking and unlocking of long-leg braces. PMID- 13798081 TI - [Rehabilitation of spinal diseases]. PMID- 13798082 TI - [Should congenital dislocation of the hip be treated in infancy?]. PMID- 13798080 TI - [Introduction of adolescent bodily handicapped in to gainful employment]. PMID- 13798084 TI - Argentaffinomas of Meckel's diverticulum and adjacent ileum. PMID- 13798083 TI - The effects of protamines and histones on the nucleic acids of ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13798085 TI - Recurrent oral and cutaneous infections associated with cyclic neutropenia. PMID- 13798086 TI - Evaluation of a new topical microbicide in dermatological practice. PMID- 13798087 TI - [The effect of morphine and morphine antagonists on kidney function]. PMID- 13798088 TI - Clinical experience with a new antibacterial in proctologic practice. PMID- 13798089 TI - Pre-operative and post-operative care of the hemorrhoidectomy patient. PMID- 13798090 TI - [Clinical observations on a young patient with polycythemia]. PMID- 13798092 TI - [Prolonged pregnancy in twin gravidity]. PMID- 13798091 TI - [Contribution to hormone therapy in ambulatory practice]. PMID- 13798093 TI - [Successful operation for relative urinary in continence]. PMID- 13798094 TI - [The puffs of salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophilia melanogaster. Part 1. Observations on the behavior of a typical puff in the normal strain and in two mutants, giant and lethal giant larvae]. PMID- 13798096 TI - [Advances in x-ray diagnosis in the illustration of soft tissue preparations]. PMID- 13798095 TI - [The effect of gymanstics in school and sport clubs on the posture of adolescents]. PMID- 13798097 TI - [New possibilities on the study of the clinical effect of radiation]. PMID- 13798098 TI - [Salmonella greiz, a previously unknown Salmonella type. Epidemiological and clinical observations]. PMID- 13798099 TI - [Therapeutic trials with fast electrons]. PMID- 13798100 TI - [Principles and clinical experiences with grid telecobalt therapy]. PMID- 13798101 TI - [Telecobalt grid irradiation with "negative" grid]. PMID- 13798102 TI - [Hypophysis removal in advanced carcinoma]. PMID- 13798103 TI - [Usefulness and possibilities of intensification of the contrast in radiographs]. PMID- 13798104 TI - Achievement related characteristics of manicdepressives. PMID- 13798105 TI - Results of treating bronchial carcinoma with betatron. PMID- 13798106 TI - [Results of therapy of bronchial carcinoma with betatron]. PMID- 13798107 TI - Pectus excavatum. PMID- 13798108 TI - Social aspects of cardivascular rehabilitation. PMID- 13798109 TI - Work prescription for the disabled cardiac. PMID- 13798110 TI - Polyarteritis nodosa: two cases and a review. PMID- 13798112 TI - [Electromyographic findings in arrhythmias of the heart]. PMID- 13798111 TI - Changes in desoxyribose nucleic acid per nucleus in renal compensatory hypertrophy in the rat. PMID- 13798113 TI - [Radiation therapy of external genital organ cancers]. PMID- 13798114 TI - A suggested simple approach to the early detection of diabetes mellitus in some patients. PMID- 13798115 TI - Penicillinase treatment of penicillin reactions. PMID- 13798116 TI - A modified coaxial electrode for electromyography. PMID- 13798117 TI - The electrical response of human skeletal muscle to passive stretch. PMID- 13798118 TI - Deleterious effects of sunlight on the skin and their prevention. PMID- 13798119 TI - [Heavy labor and degenerative spinal changes]. PMID- 13798120 TI - [Prophylaxis of toxic reactions in the chemotherapy of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13798122 TI - [On the origin of the hydropic vacular cell type]. PMID- 13798121 TI - [The treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with consideration of hypopysis function]. PMID- 13798123 TI - [On papillitis stenosans vateriana]. PMID- 13798124 TI - [On section technic of the cervical vertebra]. PMID- 13798125 TI - [Diagnosis of myocardial infarct in medical practice]. PMID- 13798126 TI - [On the diagnosis and therapy of cylindroma]. PMID- 13798127 TI - [Otorhinolaryngological medical contribution to the diagnosis and operative therpy of lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13798129 TI - The matching of behavior rating and questionnaire personality factors. PMID- 13798128 TI - Cortical inhibition and extraversion-introversion. PMID- 13798130 TI - The process-reactive distinction: a key to the problem of schizophrenia? PMID- 13798131 TI - Surgery for hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13798132 TI - [Clinical aspects and therapy of pancreolithiasis]. PMID- 13798133 TI - [On the pathophysiology of blood sugar dysregulations in chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13798134 TI - An unusual case of aplastic anemia. PMID- 13798135 TI - [On the treatment of ulcer and gastritis with an oral ichthyol preparation]. PMID- 13798137 TI - [Reports and conclusions of the Seminar on the Calendar of Vaccinations]. PMID- 13798136 TI - Preparation and metabolism of iodinated peptides. PMID- 13798138 TI - Familial lupus erythematosus. A report of two cases. PMID- 13798139 TI - Mobilisation and utilisation of body-fat as an aetiological factor in occlusive vascular disease in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13798140 TI - Serum magnesium in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13798142 TI - Some N-phenethyl-4-heteroaryl-4-piperidinols and related compounds. PMID- 13798141 TI - Paper chromatography: multiple spot formation by pure substances. PMID- 13798143 TI - The interaction of phenolic compounds with bacteria. III. Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of hexylresorcinol against Escherichia coli. PMID- 13798144 TI - [Placenta praevia with peroperative transfusion of 8 litres of blood]. PMID- 13798145 TI - Public health aspects of preventive medicine and disaster. PMID- 13798146 TI - Studies on the nature and aetiology of respiratory disability in Witwatersrand gold-miners free of radiological silicosis. PMID- 13798147 TI - [New data on voice and speech therapy]. PMID- 13798148 TI - The urethral catheter, a two-edged sword. PMID- 13798149 TI - A challenge to the medical schools. PMID- 13798151 TI - Haptoglobulin types in Macaca irus. PMID- 13798150 TI - Some new ventures in systemic therapy for psoriasis. PMID- 13798152 TI - Haptoglobin types in the Swedish Lapps. PMID- 13798153 TI - A typical haptoglobin patterns in tumour patients. PMID- 13798154 TI - Pulmonary ventilation during thoracic surgery; with special reference to the use of the Engstrom respirator and a ventilation nomogram. PMID- 13798156 TI - [On the form and treatment of complications of sinusitis in small children]. PMID- 13798155 TI - [Critical remarks on depot sulfonamide therapy after experiments on the lymphatic tonsillar ring]. PMID- 13798157 TI - [On the indication for tympanoplasty]. PMID- 13798158 TI - [On the reciprocal influence of functional and psychic components in the etiology and therapy of voice disorders]. PMID- 13798159 TI - [Expert testimony on silicosis with special reference to emphysema and bronchitis]. PMID- 13798160 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of severe respiratory insufficiency in infancy]. PMID- 13798161 TI - [The current therapeutic significance of reversible collapse methods (extrapleural and intrapleural pneumothorax)]. PMID- 13798163 TI - [New methods in the prophylaxis of states of fatigue]. PMID- 13798162 TI - [Hypokinetic diseases and muscle study]. PMID- 13798164 TI - [Psychological hypotheses in the use of physical therapy and the combination of physical therapy and psychotherapy]. PMID- 13798165 TI - [The significance of the functional diagnosis of autonomic disorders in health resorts]. PMID- 13798166 TI - [Methods and viewpoints of current artifical infant nutrition in Germany and the USA. Modern principles and concepts]. PMID- 13798167 TI - [On the problem of clinical and electrolyte-chemical features in the course of corticosteroid therapy of nephrosis]. PMID- 13798168 TI - [Studies on the problem of human milk-adapted infant nutrition]. PMID- 13798169 TI - [The liver in congenital pancreatic cystic fibrosis]. PMID- 13798170 TI - [Acute abdominal complications with massive luteinization of both ovaries caused by excessive doses of serum and chorionic gonadotropins]. PMID- 13798171 TI - [Acute complications of massive ovarian luteinization. Posology of the gonadotropins in gynecology]. PMID- 13798172 TI - [Dosage and indications for the use of glandular, serum and chorionic gonadotropins in gynecology]. PMID- 13798173 TI - [A neurotic condensation]. PMID- 13798174 TI - [Drepanocytosis in Pays Bamileke (Cameroons). Statistical study]. PMID- 13798175 TI - [Repercussions of hemoglobinosis S (drepanocytosis) on the incidence of phagedenic tropical ulcer in Pays Bamileke (Cameroons)]. PMID- 13798176 TI - [Filariasis caused by Loa loa]. PMID- 13798177 TI - [On the clinical aspects of chronic recurrent pancreatitis]. PMID- 13798178 TI - [Reflexions on the use of the R.P.R. in anesthesiology]. PMID- 13798179 TI - [Immuno-hematological aspects of benzene hemopathy. Considerations on a case of pancytopenia from benzolism]. PMID- 13798180 TI - Ophthalmoscopically visible small spots in the ocular fundus. PMID- 13798181 TI - Treatment in private practice. PMID- 13798182 TI - Treatment of edematous extremity with diuretics. PMID- 13798183 TI - Studies on the biological disposition of griseofulvin, an oral antifungal agent. PMID- 13798184 TI - Spectrophotofluorometric assay of griseofulvin. PMID- 13798185 TI - The anatomical types of atrial septal defect. Their incidence and clinical diagnosis. PMID- 13798186 TI - [The surgical treatment o interauricular communications (ostium secundum type). Results obtained in 150 cases]. PMID- 13798188 TI - How to accomplish more with less work. PMID- 13798187 TI - The metabolism of strontium in children. PMID- 13798189 TI - Discrete carcinomatous metastases in the extrinsic ocular muscles. A case of carcinoma of the breast with exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia. PMID- 13798190 TI - Toxic effects of a new antilipaemic oestrogenic steroid (manvene). PMID- 13798191 TI - General medical aspects of confusional states in elderly people. PMID- 13798192 TI - The role of occult intestinal haemorrhage in anaemia in elderly people. PMID- 13798193 TI - [Clearance of fetal hemoglobin and bilirubin in exchange transfusion]. PMID- 13798194 TI - [Gastritis chronica. II. Diagnosis with the aid of gastroscopic biopsy]. PMID- 13798195 TI - [Histology of ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13798197 TI - [A report of a case of cervical pregnancy]. PMID- 13798196 TI - [Chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13798198 TI - [Fibrin muff for joining blood vessels without sutures]. PMID- 13798200 TI - "The multiple local treatment" of human genital trichomoniasis. PMID- 13798199 TI - [Behavior of the serum protein picture in patients with ozena after surgical intervention]. PMID- 13798201 TI - [Aortism or abdominal peri-aortic plexalgia]. PMID- 13798202 TI - [Comparative indications of the high approach and low approach in obstetrics]. PMID- 13798203 TI - [The venous problem in the pregnant woman]. PMID- 13798204 TI - Diagnosis of diabetes by the ophthalmologist. PMID- 13798205 TI - The psittacosis-lymphogranuloma group of infective agents. III. The diagnosis, treatment and control of infection of man with these agents. The taxonomic position of the group. PMID- 13798206 TI - Some observations on hemiballismus. PMID- 13798208 TI - Constrictive pericarditis. Absence of mediastinal shift in the presence of unilateral pleural effusion. PMID- 13798207 TI - Medical and public health aspects of nuclear weapons incidents in peacetime. PMID- 13798209 TI - An experimental investigation of sexual symbolism in anorexia nervosa employing a subliminal stimulation technique; preliminary report. PMID- 13798210 TI - Changing concepts in the treatment of endometriosis. PMID- 13798211 TI - Nathan P. Rice's "Trials of a Public Benefactor": a commentary. PMID- 13798212 TI - Control of suffering in severe trauma. Usefulness of a quantitative approach. PMID- 13798213 TI - [Human experimentation--a world problem from the standpoint of a medical investigator]. PMID- 13798214 TI - Increased stress and effectiveness of placebos and "active" drugs. AB - Evidence is presented to indicate that placebos are far more effective in producing carefully defined relief of pathological pain than they are in the case of experimental pain. This is construed as further support for the view that placebos are more effective when stress is great than they are when stress is not so great. A similar situation holds for morphine. Certain drugs are effective in relieving visceral sensations only if an essential psychological state is present. This is, in effect, a new principle of drug action. PMID- 13798215 TI - Research and common sense in a clinical specialty-anesthesia. PMID- 13798216 TI - The surgical volumes of the history of the United States Army Medical Department in World War II. The physiologic effects of wounds. PMID- 13798217 TI - [Psychagogical aspects in work therapy and occupational therapy]. PMID- 13798218 TI - Metastasis to spinal subdural space. Report of case. PMID- 13798219 TI - [Surgery of strabismus at the Sophia Ziekenhuls]. PMID- 13798220 TI - Granular-cell myoblastoma of the larynx. Report of three cases. PMID- 13798221 TI - Newer concepts in the treatment of chronic otitis media. PMID- 13798222 TI - [Radiation protection measurements in eastern Switzerland by the "ASK" at the Kantonsspital Zurich]. PMID- 13798223 TI - Postoperative radiation for carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13798224 TI - Alcoholism, social work and mental hygiene. PMID- 13798225 TI - High school counseling: a revised statement of its basic principles. PMID- 13798226 TI - Association of the chimpanzee coryza agent with acute respiratory disease in children. PMID- 13798227 TI - Supplementary report: Influence of intertrial interval during extinction on spontaneous recovery of conditioned eyelid responses. PMID- 13798228 TI - Discrimination of tones during reinforcing brain stimulation. AB - Hungry animals were trained to press a lever for brain stimulation. Different tones were presented concurrently with the stimulation. A second lever delivered food only during critical tone periods. Animals were able to discriminate tones presented concurrently with rewarding intracranial stimulation, and they also interrupted self-stimulation behavior to respond appropriately under other reinforcements. PMID- 13798229 TI - Fatal jaundice after adminstration of beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine. PMID- 13798230 TI - The ectoparasites of some mammals from the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. PMID- 13798231 TI - [Serological diagnosis of rheumatism]. PMID- 13798232 TI - [The etiological differential diagnosis of viral lung infiltrates]. PMID- 13798233 TI - [The problem of the change of sex]. PMID- 13798234 TI - [Premycosic erythema]. PMID- 13798236 TI - A new species of Pimeliaphilus (Acarina: Pterygosomidae) parasitic on scorpions, with dicussion of its postembryonic development. PMID- 13798235 TI - [Pathophysiological changes with the use of extracorporeal circulation. I. Gas metabolism and acidbase equilbrium]. PMID- 13798237 TI - [Bacteriological value of the gingival hemoculture]. PMID- 13798239 TI - [A new case of human psedotuberculosis confirmed by isolation of the strain from mesenteric adenopathies]. PMID- 13798238 TI - [A case of acute "Ristella variabilis" meningitis]. PMID- 13798240 TI - [Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in 1960]. PMID- 13798241 TI - Oculo-cutaneous diseases and internal medicine: a review of some of the literature. PMID- 13798242 TI - Syphilis:review of the recent literature. PMID- 13798243 TI - Syphilis. Review of the recent literature. PMID- 13798244 TI - Maurice J. Strauss, M.D., 1893-1958. PMID- 13798245 TI - [Chromatin diminution in copepods]. PMID- 13798246 TI - [The nucleolus as a component of the cell nucleus essential to life]. PMID- 13798247 TI - An examination of the mechanism of action of polynucleotide phosphorylase by the use of acridine orange. PMID- 13798248 TI - Hydrolysis of polyadenylic acid by pancreatic ribonuclease. PMID- 13798249 TI - Inhibition and activation of polynucleotide phosphorylase by acridine orange. PMID- 13798250 TI - Sterol analysis by gas chromatography. PMID- 13798251 TI - Medical education during the next decade from the standpoint of a pharmaceutical manufacturer. PMID- 13798252 TI - Chromosome numbers of slugs. PMID- 13798253 TI - The anticomplementary effect of kidney tissue; its association with ammonia production. AB - In studying the problem of the peculiar susceptibility of the kidney to coliform bacterial infection it was found that kidney tissue, unlike that of other organs, interferes with the ability of normal serum to destroy these organisms. The effect was attributable to strong anticomplementary activity, 5 to 15 times greater than that of other organs. Inactivation of complement by kidney tissue was found to have characteristics of a chemical reaction, the active principle being heat-labile, non-dialysable, and difficult to separate from tissue particles. Attempts to purify it or to obtain it in a soluble form usually resulted in great loss in activity. The component of complement affected was the fourth; i.e., that which is characterized by susceptibility to injury by ammonia. Similarities were found to exist between the conditions of ammonia formation and complement inactivation by kidney homogenates, the most notable being enhancement by phosphate and glutamine. The possibility is suggested that these findings may help to explain the vulnerability of the kidney to certain infections, especially those due to bacteria which are destroyed by the combined action of complement and antibody. PMID- 13798254 TI - The oxidation of cytochrome c by cytochrome c peroxidase. PMID- 13798255 TI - [A case of thecoma ovarii malignum]. PMID- 13798256 TI - Food faddism--a growing threat. PMID- 13798257 TI - Studying the food habits of the elderly. PMID- 13798258 TI - Disinfection in anaesthesia. PMID- 13798259 TI - [The activity of chlotride in edematigenous syndromes]. PMID- 13798260 TI - [Dysplasia fibrosa of Jaffe-Lichtenstein: a case with only costal localizations]. PMID- 13798262 TI - [Differential diagnosis and modern therapy of leukemias]. PMID- 13798261 TI - [Differential diagnosis and therapy of myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13798263 TI - Some radiological aspects of ischaemia of the brain. PMID- 13798264 TI - Insurance against ill-health. PMID- 13798265 TI - [Full-term pregnancy with living child after therapy of genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13798267 TI - [On the problem of immunological morphology of systemic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13798266 TI - [Pregnancy brought to term with delivery of a living infant after treatment of genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13798268 TI - Hemangioma of the male urethra: treatment by Johanson-Denis Browne technique. PMID- 13798269 TI - [On the time of appearance and localization of cholinesterase in the striped muscle of the chick embryo]. PMID- 13798270 TI - [Apropos of a case with coexistence of a fibroma, a polyposis and a cancer of the corpus uteri during the premenopausal period]. PMID- 13798271 TI - [Concerning a case demonstrating the coexistence of a fibroma, polyposis and a cancer of the uterus in the premenopausal period]. PMID- 13798272 TI - [Two properties of methylestrenolone (17-alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone): its effectiveness in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, its anabolic action]. PMID- 13798274 TI - [Action of alpha-chymotrypsin on the crystalline insertion of the zonula in the animal]. PMID- 13798273 TI - [Psychiatric activity in a health center for pulmonary tuberculosis patients]. PMID- 13798275 TI - [Diet in hepatobiliary diseases]. PMID- 13798276 TI - [Nutrition in renal diseases]. PMID- 13798277 TI - [Repercussions, on the nervous system, of drugs used in the fight against tuberculosis]. PMID- 13798278 TI - [Study of a poluation of 440 heavy transport drivers, relation between the EEG and results obtained by various psychotechnical tests]. PMID- 13798279 TI - [Neuromuscular excitability curves in alcoholism. Their importance for the diagnosis and for the supervision of disintoxication]. PMID- 13798280 TI - Hydroxypyruvic acid formation in Aspergillus niger. PMID- 13798281 TI - Tuberculous optic neuritis. An experimental study. PMID- 13798282 TI - The nutritional status of children of pre-school age in the Guatemalan community of Amatitlan. 2. Comparison of dietary, clinical and biochemical findings. PMID- 13798283 TI - Treatment and prevention of kwashiorkor. PMID- 13798284 TI - [Mumps meningitis]. PMID- 13798285 TI - [Theory concerning a possible anti-Rh vaccine and serotherapy]. PMID- 13798286 TI - Influence of bile acids on cholesterol metabolism in the mouse. PMID- 13798287 TI - Regulation of cholesterol mobilization in mice by bile acids. PMID- 13798288 TI - Effect of cholic and hyodeoxycholic acids on metabolism of exogenous cholesterol in mice. PMID- 13798289 TI - Studies of antimetabolites. V. Metabolism in vivo of 3-acetylpryridine. PMID- 13798290 TI - Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by cholic acid. PMID- 13798291 TI - Quantification of body weight and configuration from anthropometric measurements. PMID- 13798292 TI - The estimation of lean body weight from "skeletal" measurements. PMID- 13798293 TI - [Microbial total antigens in the therapy of allergic conditions and chronic inflammations]. PMID- 13798294 TI - [On allergic and toxic skin injuries in the production and processing of hexachlorcyclohexane]. PMID- 13798295 TI - [On the classification of endogenous eczema caused by occupational contact with dermal and epidermal sensitization]. PMID- 13798297 TI - Acute and chronic pancreatitis. PMID- 13798296 TI - Substernal adenomas of the thyroid in older patients. PMID- 13798298 TI - [Gallstone ileus]. PMID- 13798299 TI - A retinographic survey of fundus changes. The arteriovenous crossing phenomena. PMID- 13798300 TI - Experimental secondary effects of topical anesthesia of the cornea. PMID- 13798301 TI - [Contribution to the study of changes in the fundus oculi in hypertensive diseases]. PMID- 13798302 TI - [A new method for the identification of small laboratory animals]. PMID- 13798303 TI - Fallout shelter. PMID- 13798304 TI - Sandbagging tents for fallout protection. Logistical requirements. PMID- 13798305 TI - [On the regeneration epithelium of the portio vaginalis uteri and its differentiation from the so-called "surface carcinoma"]. PMID- 13798306 TI - [Hormone studies in women with ovarian tumors in the menopause]. PMID- 13798307 TI - Coarctation of the aorta and associated patent ductus arteriosus. II. Postoperative studies of infants. PMID- 13798308 TI - Griseofulvin therapy of tinea capitis. PMID- 13798309 TI - Diagnosis and management of hirsutism. PMID- 13798310 TI - ABO (H) blood incompatibility as a cause of infertility: a new concept. PMID- 13798311 TI - Tricarboxylic acid metabolism studies in the ovary throughout the menstrual cycle. PMID- 13798312 TI - Detection of ovulation. PMID- 13798313 TI - [Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios]. PMID- 13798315 TI - [Experience in radiotherapy of patients with cancer of the esophagus on the telegamma apparatus GUT 400]. PMID- 13798314 TI - [The cerebrospinal fluid in the initial phase of acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13798316 TI - [The critical evaluation of 400 L.E. cell preparations from a hospital for internal diseases]. PMID- 13798317 TI - [On the problem of specificity of the lupus erythematosus phenomenon]. PMID- 13798319 TI - [Primary chronic polyarthritis and its therapy]. PMID- 13798318 TI - [Dermatomyositis with immune leukopenia caused by phenothiazine?]. PMID- 13798320 TI - [The hemolytic form of chronic lymphatic leukemia]. PMID- 13798321 TI - [A contribution to the operability of benign tumors in the oropharynx]. PMID- 13798323 TI - [Modern treatment of the Eustachian tube]. PMID- 13798325 TI - [Tracheal stenosis due to cartilage malformation]. PMID- 13798324 TI - [The surgical treatment of union of the soft palate with the pharyngeal wall (veolpharyngeal stenosis)]. PMID- 13798326 TI - Physiology of olfaction and gustation. PMID- 13798327 TI - Radioactive iodine concentration in the fetal human thyroid gland from fall-out. PMID- 13798328 TI - Familial increase in the thyroxine-binding sites in serum alpha globulin. PMID- 13798329 TI - What radioisotopes can do for the physician. PMID- 13798330 TI - Insulin-like effects of serum albumin and globulin fractions on glucose uptake by rat epididymal adipose tissue. PMID- 13798331 TI - Bio-assay for insulin-like activity utilizing glucose uptake by adipose tissue. PMID- 13798332 TI - [On the problem of the anabolic effect of testosterone derivatives. (A report on experiences with dianabol)]. PMID- 13798333 TI - [On the effect of ethereal oils on the secretory function of the liver and on blood cholesterol]. PMID- 13798334 TI - [The physiological-chemical processes in hypophysial implantation (With a contribution to the effect of ACTH on the enzymes and intermediate metabolic processes)]. PMID- 13798335 TI - [Action of 3,5,3-triiodothyronine alone or combined with thryeostimulin on the thyroid gland of the rat]. PMID- 13798322 TI - [Allergy in the throat-, nose-, and ear area]. PMID- 13798336 TI - [On the accumulated pathological ejaculate findings in electro-welders]. PMID- 13798337 TI - Management of constipation during the puerperium. PMID- 13798339 TI - Effects of relaxin on wound healing. PMID- 13798338 TI - Prolonged survival of a bone-marrow graft resulting in a blood-group chimera. PMID- 13798340 TI - [On the history of prevention of occupational diseases and trauma of the eyes in prerevolutionary Russia]. PMID- 13798341 TI - [Problems of health protection in the labor movement in Russia in the seventieth and ninetieth years of the nineteenth century]. PMID- 13798342 TI - [Military-scientific work of the medical-prophylactic institutions of the Soviet army]. PMID- 13798343 TI - Problems of venereal disease control in the USSR. PMID- 13798345 TI - Observations on the critical margin for the complete excision of carcinoma of the skin. PMID- 13798344 TI - The antitoxic effect of aldosterone. PMID- 13798346 TI - The novocain method of counting thrombocytes in premature babies, in newborns, and in young children. PMID- 13798347 TI - External cephalic version in breech presentation. PMID- 13798348 TI - Acquired hypofibrinogenaemia in pregnancy. PMID- 13798349 TI - Metabolic observations in adult hypophosphatasia. PMID- 13798350 TI - Acute renal failure as a complication of acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13798351 TI - [Pilonidal fistula in automobile travelers]. PMID- 13798352 TI - [Ulcus cruris caused by faulty elimination of peripheral circulation]. PMID- 13798353 TI - [The fate of 2,6-bis(diethanolamino)-4,8-dipiperidinopyrimido-(5,4-d)-pyrimidine in the human and animal organism]. PMID- 13798354 TI - The psychotherapeutic function of the orthopsychiatric team: report of the committee on psychotherapy. 3. Implementation of treatment. PMID- 13798355 TI - Studies on the fractionation of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid of pneumococcus. I. Recovery and dose-response relationships. PMID- 13798357 TI - [The treatment of urethral stricture in the median and posterior segment]. PMID- 13798356 TI - How residency training affects a state hospital. PMID- 13798359 TI - [The effect of extensive resection of the small intestine on various functions of the organism]. PMID- 13798358 TI - [A study of canned food for children in the diet of patients with gastrointestinal diseases]. PMID- 13798360 TI - [Attempt at classification of some clinical results and theoretical indications of the use of ergot derivatives in rheumatology]. PMID- 13798361 TI - [The preservation of butter: oxidation]. PMID- 13798362 TI - [Three aspects of the problem of nutrition and alcoholism]. PMID- 13798363 TI - [Mortality in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13798364 TI - [Fibrinolytic syndromes]. PMID- 13798365 TI - [Effect of carnitine on diabetic hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13798366 TI - [On the problem of cycle-dependent variations of the serum calcium level especially in the rat]. PMID- 13798367 TI - [Maximal antirachitic UV-activation of skin of various regions of the body]. PMID- 13798368 TI - [A comparison of the peroral antirachitic effectiveness of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 in prophylactic and therapeutic experiments on rats]. PMID- 13798369 TI - [An improved method for the quantitative biological determination of the calcinosis factor]. PMID- 13798370 TI - [Studies on the serum calcium level of the rat]. PMID- 13798371 TI - [Investigations on paroxysmal myoplegia. I. Hypokalemic form. Electrophysiological investigations, determination of aldosterone excretion and muscle biopsy in familial cases]. PMID- 13798372 TI - [The use of durabolin (19-nor-androstenolone phenylpropionate) in the therapy of progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13798373 TI - [Use of durabolin (19-nor-androstenolone phenylpropionate) in the therapy of progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13798375 TI - [Use of cobalt-60 in therapy]. PMID- 13798374 TI - [Extinction as a disorder of the combined action of the specific and nonspecific afferent system]. PMID- 13798376 TI - [Physiological characteristics of Actinomyces levendulae in relation to conditions of cultivation]. PMID- 13798377 TI - [Pathways of synthesis and conversion of organic acids in Actinomyces violaceus]. PMID- 13798378 TI - [The oxidation of organic acids by a culture of Actinomyces Violaceus strain 719]. PMID- 13798379 TI - [A method for interrupted photo-stimulation in the rhythm of natural brain potentials registered electroencephalographically]. PMID- 13798380 TI - [The early stages of cleavage in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13798381 TI - Effect of cell-free extracts from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv on lung succinoxidase. PMID- 13798382 TI - [Fibromyoma of the lesser omentum]. PMID- 13798383 TI - [Changes in the peripheral nervous system in endocarditis lenta]. PMID- 13798384 TI - Specificity and sensitivity of the Reiter protein complement-fixation (RPCF) test. Report on 1,400 selected sera. PMID- 13798385 TI - [Nucleoprotein fractions of vaccinal strains of plague bacteria]. PMID- 13798387 TI - [The hazards of poisoning in chronic digitalization]. PMID- 13798386 TI - [A modification of a method used in plant growth applicable for the study of the development of antibiotic-producing fungi]. PMID- 13798388 TI - The pathogenesis of the secondary disease after foreign bone marrow transplantation in X-irradiated mice. PMID- 13798389 TI - [Certain principles of noso-geography of zoogenous reportable diseases]. PMID- 13798390 TI - Determination of physiological age in anophelines and of age distribution in anopheline populations in the USSR. AB - A technique is described whereby it is possible to make an accurate determination of the physiological age of anopheline females, i.e., the number of gonotrophic cycles through which the female has passed. This technique is based on counts of the dilatations left in the ovarioles subsequent to each maturation of follicles and oviposition. The number of dilatations found on dissection usually corresponds exactly to the number of gonotrophic cycles.By dissection of a large number of female anophelines the age composition of the mosquito population and any changes of it in the course of the transmission season may be determined, and a number of problems of population biology may be elucidated. With a knowledge of the temperature in mosquito shelters, it is possible to establish the number of gonotrophic cycles coinciding with a single sporogonic cycle of the malaria parasite and thus the physiological age at which the salivary glands of females may contain sporozoites. Dissection also makes it possible to determine the proportion of potentially dangerous females at various periods of the season. The data thus obtained are used in drawing up an epidemiological picture of a locality and in evaluating the effectiveness of anti-malaria measures.A simple technique is also described for distinguishing between parous and nulliparous female anophelines by examination of the tracheoles of the ovaries. PMID- 13798391 TI - [The basilar vein of Rosenthal and venous circulation of the base of the brain]. PMID- 13798392 TI - [Classification of vascular tumors]. PMID- 13798394 TI - [Features of the roentgenological picture in purulent complications of tuberculosis of the spine]. PMID- 13798393 TI - [Effect of internal irradiation on experimental viral and rickettsial infections. Communication I. Effect of radioactive phosphorus on the susceptibility of white mice to vaccinia viruses]. PMID- 13798395 TI - [Treatment of hypochromic anemias]. PMID- 13798396 TI - [On the problem of formation of synthomycin-resistant strains of dysenterial pathogens in patient's organis]. PMID- 13798397 TI - [Arenarin as a drug effective against bacterial cancer and other diseases of tomatoes and as a factor increasing their productivity]. PMID- 13798398 TI - [On the application of tomato spraying method with arenarin]. PMID- 13798400 TI - [Measurement of basal metabolism under sleep induced by nembutal]. PMID- 13798399 TI - [Data for the study of biological properties of dysenterial strains investigated on chick embryos and in experimental dysenterial keratoconjunctivitis]. PMID- 13798401 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis of chloro-leukemia]. PMID- 13798402 TI - [Acidified powdered milk as a routine food for infants]. PMID- 13798403 TI - [Powdered acidified milk as a routine food for infants]. PMID- 13798404 TI - Persistent toluidine blue metachromasia. PMID- 13798405 TI - Comparative effects of vitamin D, calcium, cortisone, hydrocortisone, and norethandrolone on the epiphyseal cartilage and bone of rachitic chicks. PMID- 13798406 TI - Alpharadiography: a simple method for determination of mass concentration in cells and tissues. AB - A simple apparatus for the production of contact microradiographs with the help of a polonium alpha source and nuclear emulsion plates is described. This apparatus best adapted for soft tissue and low grade mineralization studies offers advantages as to resolution, geometry of specimen as well as ease of operation and cost. PMID- 13798407 TI - Increased mitotic activity in the glandular stomach of the rat following hypophysectomy. PMID- 13798408 TI - [Apophysites of the lumbar transverse processes and their significance in accident medicine]. PMID- 13798409 TI - [Minimum pulmonary exeresis]. PMID- 13798410 TI - [Renal hemangiomas. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13798411 TI - Effect of insulin and chloretone on cholesterol content of rat tissues. PMID- 13798412 TI - [Sleep therapy and protein supplement therapy in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13798413 TI - Studies of 59 Fe uptake by rat reticulocytes in vitro. PMID- 13798414 TI - Radioactive tracer studies of red cell survival in rats bearing a transplantable tumour. PMID- 13798415 TI - Studies on the growth of Xanthophyceae in pure culture. IV. Nutritional types amongst the Xanthophyceae. PMID- 13798416 TI - Hypoplasia of the pulmonary arteries. PMID- 13798417 TI - Lobectomy for bronchial carcinoma. PMID- 13798418 TI - Restenosis of the mitral valve: an account of fifty second operations. PMID- 13798419 TI - Prophylactic use of anticoagulants in postoperative patients. PMID- 13798420 TI - Laboratory simulation of a hot industrial job to find effective heat stress and resulting physiologic strain. PMID- 13798421 TI - Postprandial hypoglycemia presenting as a neurologic problem. PMID- 13798422 TI - [Characteristics of the appearance and spreading of pulse-wave in the cranial cavity]. PMID- 13798423 TI - [Clinical contribution to the knowledge of appendicular mucocele and of so-called endoperitoneal pseudomyxoma of appendicular origin]. PMID- 13798424 TI - [Electroencephaloscopic studies on patients with paranoid form of schizophrenia after the application of meratran]. PMID- 13798426 TI - [On qualitative evaluation of the spectrum of therapeutic activity]. PMID- 13798425 TI - [Remote results of penicillin therapy of patients with early forms of syphilis]. PMID- 13798427 TI - [Effect of muscle tension on the nature of the distribution of load in the cervico-diaphyseal angle of the femoral bone]. PMID- 13798428 TI - [Chorionepithelioma, gynecomastia and hormonal disorders in a male subject]. PMID- 13798429 TI - The effect of substance P on the superior cervical ganglion of the cat. AB - Intra-arterial injections of substance p in doses from 10 to 30 units potentiated the response of the nictitating membrane to submaximal stimulation of the preganglionic sympathetic nerve, while higher doses (30 to 100 units) usually depressed the response. The stimulating action of acetylcholine on the superior cervical ganglion (as judged by the response of the nictitating membrane) was also potentiated by substance P. The responses of the nictitating membrane to adrenaline, noradrenaline and tyramine were potentiated by substance P as well. It is concluded that the potentiating effect of substance P on the response of the nictitating membrane to submaximal stimulation of the preganglionic sympathetic nerve is probably due to sensitization of acetylcholine receptors in the postsynaptic neurone. The present experiments do not explain how substance P potentiated the response to sympathomimetic amines. PMID- 13798430 TI - [On granulosa-cell tumors of the ovary]. PMID- 13798431 TI - [On the classification of connective tissue tumors of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13798432 TI - [Vitamin C metabolism after extensive resection of the small intestine]. PMID- 13798433 TI - Chloroform anesthesia for delivery. PMID- 13798434 TI - [Effect of the law of June 30, 1838 on the functioning of the children's services of Seine psychiatric hospitals]. PMID- 13798435 TI - [Idiocy and dysraphic abnormalities]. PMID- 13798436 TI - [Contribution to the EEG of mongoloids]. PMID- 13798437 TI - [Inquiry on the organization of child neuropsychiatry in the Netherlands]. PMID- 13798438 TI - A study of the ordered adsorption of metal ions on the surface of cellulose microfibrils. PMID- 13798439 TI - Phosphorylase activity of heart muscle under various conditions affecting force of contraction. PMID- 13798441 TI - [Electrolyte and fluid balance in surgical shock and shock in burned patients]. PMID- 13798440 TI - [Note on the surgery of maxillary sinusitis]. PMID- 13798442 TI - [Considerations on the technic in treatment of fractures of the extremities]. PMID- 13798443 TI - [Present criteria in the treatment of fractures]. PMID- 13798444 TI - [Uterine rupture during pregnancy and labor]. PMID- 13798446 TI - [Physico-chemical properties of plutonium (Pu239) in the blood following intravenous administration]. PMID- 13798445 TI - [Effect of diaminocyclohexantetraacetic acid calcium-disodium salt on plutonium metabolism in rats]. PMID- 13798447 TI - [The use of ion exchange resins in the removal of plutonium from the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13798448 TI - [On the dynamics of epiletic seizures in tumors of the cerebral hemispheres]. PMID- 13798449 TI - [Relation of nucleic acid content in the liver and spleen in guinea pigs to the amount of ascorbic acid requirement in thermal burns]. PMID- 13798450 TI - [The problem of treatment of dysentery in children with individual selection of antibiotics depending on the sensitivity of the microbes]. PMID- 13798451 TI - [A case of brucellar sero-hemorrhagic synovitis of the knee joint]. PMID- 13798453 TI - [protective immunization against virus influenza]. PMID- 13798452 TI - [3 Cases of myelomic diseases treated with sarcolysin]. PMID- 13798454 TI - [Achievements of public health in the western parts of BSSR. (On the 20th anniversary of the re-unification of the Western Belorussia)]. PMID- 13798455 TI - [Adenoma of the small intestine in a 5-year-old child producing a 7-ringed invagination of a considerable portion of the small intestine]. PMID- 13798456 TI - [Sensitivity of conjunctival microflora in trachoma patients to certain antibiotics]. PMID- 13798457 TI - [New developments in the method of vaccinia-foot and mouth disease complexes]. PMID- 13798458 TI - [A "balancing agent", T. P. 21]. PMID- 13798459 TI - [Considerations on the current treatment of cardiothyrotoxicosis. Apropos of 4 extremety severe cases]. PMID- 13798460 TI - Community attitudes toward mental retardation. PMID- 13798461 TI - Mental retardation in Missouri. PMID- 13798462 TI - DDT resistance in A. sacharovi and control in Greece. PMID- 13798463 TI - A case of tinea imbricata in a white boy treated with griseofulvin. PMID- 13798464 TI - Erich Hoffmann. PMID- 13798465 TI - [Eyelid carcinoma]. PMID- 13798466 TI - The role of epinephrine and norepinephrine in rebound cardiovascular phenomena in azygos flow studies and cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs. PMID- 13798467 TI - Arrhenoblastoma of the ovary. PMID- 13798468 TI - [Spino-cellular epithelioma and kerato-acanthoma. Differential diagnosis between spino-cellular epithelioma and kerato-acanthoma]. PMID- 13798469 TI - [Role of the Military Medical Academy in establishing and developing sanitary and medico-military statistics in pre-revolutionary Russia]. PMID- 13798470 TI - [A case of extensive hemangioma of the rectum]. PMID- 13798471 TI - [Chromosomal fragments, minutes and visible mutations ir Drosophila after treatment with quinone I (Bayer G 4073)]. PMID- 13798473 TI - [Synthesis of peptides by an enzyme system in the presence of nucleoside triphosphates]. PMID- 13798472 TI - Protein biosynthesis by a cell-free bacterial system. III. Determination of new peptide bonds; requirement for the "amino acid incorporation enzyme" in protein biosynthesis. PMID- 13798474 TI - [On the problem of roentgeno-radiotherapeutic aid in dermatological practice]. PMID- 13798475 TI - Swelling and vacuolization induced in ascites tumor cells by polysaccharides from higher plants. PMID- 13798476 TI - Extragenital venereal granuloma in the abdominal organs of a dog. PMID- 13798477 TI - [Results of dispensary observations on a group of patients with coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13798478 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of the temporal bone]. PMID- 13798479 TI - The effect of age on the intellectual performance of mental defectives. PMID- 13798480 TI - Radiation and the New South Wales Department of Public Health. PMID- 13798481 TI - Wedge pulmonary arteriography. Application in the selection of patients for repair of cardiac defects. PMID- 13798482 TI - Wedge pulmonary arteriography. Its application in congenital and acquired heart disease. PMID- 13798483 TI - Detection of pulmonary lesions in patients with congenital and acquired heart disease by wedge pulmonary arteriography. PMID- 13798484 TI - Clinical and experimental studies in fetal skin homografting. PMID- 13798485 TI - Tissue components of the domestic fowl. 4. Plasma-alkaline-phosphatase activity. PMID- 13798486 TI - Limb development in the absence of ectodermal ridge. PMID- 13798487 TI - Culture of human leucocytes on the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick. PMID- 13798488 TI - Some observations on the surface coat and intercellular matrix material of the amphibian ectoderm. PMID- 13798489 TI - Canavanine in the Leguminosae. PMID- 13798490 TI - Immunologic relationships among the spotted fever group of rickettsias determined by toxin neutralization tests in mice with convalescent animal serums. PMID- 13798491 TI - Effect of ions of alkali metals on hemolytic action of ammonium chloride. PMID- 13798492 TI - The localization within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus of the efferent fibres to the ruminant stomach. PMID- 13798493 TI - A problem in evolution. PMID- 13798495 TI - The predoctoral program. PMID- 13798494 TI - A new approach to the sharpening of hypodermic needles. PMID- 13798496 TI - ACTH and the corticosteroids in the therapy of nephrosis. PMID- 13798497 TI - Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy. PMID- 13798498 TI - Studies on a soil achromobacter which degrades 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. PMID- 13798499 TI - Sarcomas developing in uterine fibroids. Review of the literature and presentation of three cases. PMID- 13798500 TI - Prosthetics in the surgical repair of the sound conduction mechanism and the middle ear cavity. PMID- 13798501 TI - The use of urea in intracranial surgery. PMID- 13798502 TI - Rapid induction of allergic encephalomyelitis in rats without the use of mycobacteria. AB - Rats, in contrast to certain other species of animals reported, have a striking capacity to develop allergic encephalomyelitis within 2 to 3 weeks following one injection of spinal cord antigen combined with Freund's incomplete adjuvant-that is, adjuvant prepared without addition of killed mycobacteria. PMID- 13798503 TI - The use of a non-barbiturate hypnotic, methyprylone ("noludar") in general practice. PMID- 13798504 TI - An unusually complicated vaginal hysterectomy (typhoid fever after hysterectomy). PMID- 13798505 TI - Rabies virus isolated from brown fat of naturally infected bats. PMID- 13798506 TI - Surgical considerations of hand rehabilitation. PMID- 13798508 TI - Disarticulation of the hip for benign disease. PMID- 13798507 TI - A comparative study of lipid accumulation in the adrenal glands of mature nonpregnant dairv heifers, nonpregnant lactating dairv cows, and pregnant lactating dairv cows. PMID- 13798509 TI - Experimental repair of tracheal defects with gallbladder mucosa. PMID- 13798510 TI - Heart and lungs as a common chamber during extracorporeal support of the fibrillating canine heart. PMID- 13798511 TI - Transfixion of the aortic valve with a surgical foreign body. PMID- 13798512 TI - Dr. Alvin Mathers: an appreciation. PMID- 13798513 TI - The estimation of pregnanetriol and 17-hydroxypregnanolone in urine in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13798515 TI - Notes on the conversion of an old private house into a group practice surgery. PMID- 13798514 TI - Pheochromocytoma, a personal experience. PMID- 13798516 TI - The value of routine serologic tests for syphilis on hospital admission. PMID- 13798517 TI - Clinical landmarks in alcohol addiction. PMID- 13798518 TI - Clinical landmarks in alcohol addiction. PMID- 13798519 TI - Automatic contour scanner for myelography. PMID- 13798520 TI - Relations between behavior manifestations in the human neonate. PMID- 13798521 TI - Humatin in intestinal amebiasis. PMID- 13798522 TI - Immunization of mice against toxic doses of homologous elementary bodies of trachoma. AB - Death of mice occurs 2 to 8 hours after intravenous inoculation of concentrated viable elementary bodies of trachoma. Toxic death can be prevented by vaccinating the mice with concentrated suspensions of homologous strains inactivated by formalin or phenol. Judged by toxic challenges, at least two antigenically distinct types of elementary bodies of trachoma occur in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. PMID- 13798523 TI - Low spinal fluid pressure syndromes. PMID- 13798524 TI - Agenesis of the corpus callosum with associated facial anomalies. PMID- 13798525 TI - Armamentarium for surgery in office practice. PMID- 13798526 TI - Bacterial resistance to streptomycin, PAS and isoniazid in untreated patients with symptomatic pulmonary tuberculosis in Ashanti. PMID- 13798527 TI - The initiation of chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis in West Africans. Hospital and ambulant treatment compared using streptomycyclidine-isonicotinic acid hydrazide. PMID- 13798528 TI - The pattern of symptomatic pulmonary tuberculosis in Ashanti, with particular reference to management. PMID- 13798529 TI - The rehabilitation of psychotics in the community. PMID- 13798530 TI - The treatment of schizophrenia and psychoanalytic theory. PMID- 13798531 TI - [Systemic prediction in the course of the psychotherapeutic process and in the course of other processes of interaction]. PMID- 13798533 TI - [Solubilization of organic compounds]. PMID- 13798532 TI - Preservation of foods and drugs by ionizing radiations. PMID- 13798534 TI - [Biological and microscopic method for the detection of mammary diseases in milch cows]. PMID- 13798535 TI - [The pasteurization of milk: sanitary guarantee of pasteurized milk]. PMID- 13798536 TI - Subacute bacterial endocarditis: report of case with certain unusual features. PMID- 13798537 TI - Mechanism of drug action at receptor surfaces--II. Chemical reactivity of N-(beta chloroethyl)-phenoxyethylamines in relation to adrenergic blocking activity. PMID- 13798538 TI - Mechanism of drug action at receptor surfaces--III. Chemical reactivity and conformation of spiroethylenimmonium ions in relation to adrenergic blocking activity. PMID- 13798539 TI - [Genetic effects of atomic radiation]. PMID- 13798541 TI - [Life and development of the Ospedali di Salerno]. PMID- 13798540 TI - [Greatness and decline of the School of Salerno]. PMID- 13798542 TI - [Anesthesia in endoscopy for extraction of foreign bodies. Note I. Laryngo tracheobronchial foreign bodies. Case reports]. PMID- 13798543 TI - Inhibition of clotting as the result of plasminogen activation by streptokinase. 2. Analytical studies of the clotting mechanism. PMID- 13798544 TI - [Studies on serum oxytocinase]. PMID- 13798545 TI - [On the pathogenesis of Kasabach-Meritt syndrome (giant hemangioma, hemorrhages, thrombopenia and afibrinogenemia)]. PMID- 13798546 TI - [Quantitative problems of oxytocin inactivation]. PMID- 13798547 TI - [The clinical significance of hypersecretion of the cervical glands (fluor cervicalis) and its endocrine regulation]. PMID- 13798548 TI - The quantitative determination of small amounts of isoniazid in body fluids using a cationic exchange resin. PMID- 13798550 TI - The osmotic and mechanical resistances of leukocytes in splenic circulation and peripheral blood of man. PMID- 13798549 TI - The mechanical resistance of white blood cells in lymphosarcoma, reticulosarcoma and malignant lymphogranuloma: a contribution to the differential diagnosis and to the knowledge of the biologic behaviour of leukocytes in human pathology. PMID- 13798551 TI - [Osmotic and mechanical resistances of leukocytes in malignant epithelial neoplasms]. PMID- 13798552 TI - [The factors which regulate the sedimentation rate of white blood cells; first observations on the subject]. PMID- 13798554 TI - [On a monodemethylacontine]. PMID- 13798553 TI - [Osmotic and mechanical resistance of the leukocytes in patients treated with vitamin B4 (adenine) and chemical and physical antimitotic agents]. PMID- 13798555 TI - [Ichthyophoniasis in stock trout]. PMID- 13798556 TI - The use of an internal pacemaker in the treatment of cardiac arrest and slow heart rates. Preliminary report. PMID- 13798557 TI - Mechanism and treatment of A-V heart block and Adams-Stokes syndrome. PMID- 13798558 TI - Role of the pacemaker in the therapy of complete A-V heart block, Stokes-Adams seizures and episodes of cardiac arrest. PMID- 13798559 TI - Some properties of the transmissible interfering component of vesicular stomatitis virus preparations. PMID- 13798560 TI - Use of Pardee's carbon dioxide buffer in plaque titration of EMC virus. PMID- 13798561 TI - [Clinico-instrumental characteristics of the splitting of the first heart sound in aged hypertensive patients]. PMID- 13798562 TI - [Some psychological aspects of housework by women]. PMID- 13798563 TI - [Anatomoclinical and etipathological considerations on 4 cases of solitary eosinophilic granuloma of the skull]. PMID- 13798564 TI - [Contribution to the study of intrahepatic vascular changes in obstructive syndromes of the biliary tract and their significance in the genesis of cholostatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13798565 TI - [Hepatic vascular changes in the course of chronic biliary stasis]. PMID- 13798566 TI - [Phlebography of the major veins of the superior mediastinum. Normal and pathological aspects deduced from the analysis of over 300 cases]. PMID- 13798567 TI - [Systematic personal dosimetry for protection against roentgen rays in the antituberculosis society of Milan. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13798568 TI - [On the so-called "cholesterin pulmonitis" or "foam cell pulmonitis". (Casuistic and histopathogenetic contribution)]. PMID- 13798569 TI - [Experience with sulfadimethoxine in clinical dermatology]. PMID- 13798570 TI - [Topical use of triclobisonium in dermatology]. PMID- 13798571 TI - [Anatomo-histological studies on animals killed by anticoagulant substances]. PMID- 13798572 TI - [Behavior of succinic dehydrogenase activity in acute experimental parathion poisoning]. PMID- 13798573 TI - [Total and fractionated proteins in acute inanition]. PMID- 13798574 TI - [On the possibility that acute diseases of the respiratory tract in childhood may determine a right ventricular overload in its clinical and electrocardiographic expression]. PMID- 13798575 TI - [Fluorokymography in the diagnosis of congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13798576 TI - [Apropos of laboratory medical instruments. Possibilities of errors of construction and need for greater control]. PMID- 13798577 TI - [Considerations on a case of acute virogenic infection caused by a lymphotropic virus (infectious mononucleosis). Indications of a confusional psychosis followed, with apparently consolidated clinical recovery, by schizophrenic manifestations]. PMID- 13798578 TI - [Lithium therapy in a mental hospital]. PMID- 13798579 TI - [Cornea. Anatomohistophysiological considerations]. PMID- 13798580 TI - [On the contribution of retropneumoperitoneum to the radiological study of the hypochondriac organs]. PMID- 13798581 TI - Studies on the incorporation of 35S labelled cystine into the leucocytes of tumour bearing rats. PMID- 13798582 TI - [Study with radioactive iron of the life cycle of the erythrocytes in irradiated animals]. PMID- 13798583 TI - Centre for Physical and Biological Research at the University of Turin. PMID- 13798586 TI - [Total anomaly of the pulmonary venous return]. PMID- 13798585 TI - [The practitioner and radioisotopes]. PMID- 13798584 TI - [The general practitioner in relation to radioisotopes]. PMID- 13798587 TI - [Arterial hypertension caused by stenosis of the renal arteries. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13798588 TI - [Carotid insufficiency]. PMID- 13798589 TI - [Current status of the surgical treatment of Fallot's tetralogy with extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13798590 TI - Coronary arteriography. I. Differential opacification of the aortic stream by catheters of special design--experimental development. PMID- 13798591 TI - Studies of collateral vascular responses. I. Effects of selective occlusions of major trunks within an extensively anastomosing arterial system. PMID- 13798592 TI - Transformation of the vascular system in cold-injured tissue of the rabbits ear. PMID- 13798593 TI - [A contribution to the contrast demonstration of the blood vessels. A new enlarged cassette changer for serial-angiography]. PMID- 13798594 TI - [A contribution to subclavian-axillary vein occlusion (Paget-v. Schroetter syndrome)]. PMID- 13798595 TI - [Acute pancreatitis and its treatment]. PMID- 13798596 TI - [The sequelae of acute pancreatitis and their therapy]. PMID- 13798597 TI - [The wire cerclage of tibial fractures in the lower third segment]. PMID- 13798598 TI - Limitations of electrocardiography. PMID- 13798599 TI - [Analysis of 177 observations of gynecological repeat laparotomies]. PMID- 13798600 TI - [Analytical characteristics of some sulfonamides with prolonged action]. PMID- 13798602 TI - [Analytic research on ethyl flavone-7-hydroxyacetate]. PMID- 13798601 TI - [Some analytic characteristics of sulphamides with prolonged action]. PMID- 13798603 TI - [Ionophoretic separation and determination of mixtures of salicylic acid and phenylquinolinecarboxylic acid]. PMID- 13798605 TI - [Morphological and cytochemical aspects of bone marrow granuloblasts irradiated in vivo: megamyeloid cells]. PMID- 13798604 TI - [Supra-strictural arterial hypertension with late manifestation in several patients with aortic coarctation]. PMID- 13798606 TI - [Immunothrombocytopathies]. PMID- 13798607 TI - [Pathological findings at the Ossario fo Solferino]. PMID- 13798608 TI - [Relation between the liver and parathyroid glands (clinical and experimental observations)]. PMID- 13798609 TI - [The wounds of 1859]. PMID- 13798610 TI - [Clinical experience with intravenous nitrofurantoin]. PMID- 13798611 TI - [Problems and critical considerations relative to dosimetry with film, for the purpose of protection from ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13798612 TI - [Behavior of muscular clearances with radioiodine in the course of barbiturate anesthesia]. PMID- 13798613 TI - [On the subject of the technic and diagnostic problems in pneumo-gynecography and pneumo-pelviography]. PMID- 13798614 TI - Experimental trauma: some effects to the otic capsule and their possible significance. PMID- 13798615 TI - Repair and consequences of surgical trauma to the ossicles and oval window of experimental animals. PMID- 13798616 TI - Tissue reaction following reconstruction of the oval window in experimental animals. PMID- 13798618 TI - Postoperative nausea and vomiting. IV. Factors related to postoperative nausea and vomiting. PMID- 13798617 TI - A method for the clinical evaluation of antiemetic agents. PMID- 13798619 TI - The antiemetic efficacy of cyclizine (marezine) and triflupromazine (vesprin). PMID- 13798620 TI - Relative respiratory depresant effects of oxymorphone (numorphan) and morphine. PMID- 13798621 TI - The relative potencies of methohexital and thiopental. PMID- 13798622 TI - Postoperative nausea and vomiting. III. Evaluation of the antiemetic drugs fluphenazine (prolixin) and promethazine (phenergan) and comparison with triflupromazine, (vesprin) and cyclizine (marezine). PMID- 13798623 TI - The effect of sleep on the respiratory response to carbon dioxide. PMID- 13798626 TI - Research, therapy and prevention in child analysis. PMID- 13798624 TI - Respiratory carbon dioxide response curve computer. AB - The respiratory computer described here makes it possible to obtain more accurate and precise alveolar ventilation-PCO(CO2) response curves than formerly and with fewer man-hours of labor. It is hoped that the ease of obtaining these response curves will lead to their more frequent use in evaluating respiratory phenomena. Clinical applications in evaluating the effects of changes in compliance and airway resistance on respiration are readily apparent. This technique is being used to study the degree of respiratory depression caused by narcotics and anesthetics and to study the effects of stimulating drugs. Respiratory stimulation and depression in a variety of disease states are also being pursued (13). PMID- 13798627 TI - Personality and situational factors in the production of rigidity. PMID- 13798625 TI - Silver recovery with the X-Omat. PMID- 13798628 TI - Principles of cardiovascular surgery for the general practitioner. Part I: Management of congenital heart disease. PMID- 13798629 TI - Some uses of nor-adrostenolone phenylpropionate in pediatric practice. PMID- 13798630 TI - Isolated tricuspid insufficiency combined with Adams-Stokes syndrome. PMID- 13798631 TI - [Transbronchial puncture of the left auricle]. PMID- 13798632 TI - Unconscious self-evaluation using a stereoscope. PMID- 13798633 TI - An immunochemical analysis of the developing chick lens. PMID- 13798634 TI - Influence of anaerobiosis on glucose metabolism in the isolated rat diaphragm muscle. PMID- 13798635 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13798636 TI - [Petr Semenovich Fedorov]. PMID- 13798637 TI - [The treatment of subdiaphragmatic abscess]. PMID- 13798638 TI - [Prevention of experimental acute radiation sickness by means of chemical substances]. PMID- 13798639 TI - [Changes in the higher nervous activity of rats during roentgen-ray irradiation]. PMID- 13798640 TI - [On the problem of the transition of chronic myeloleukemia into reticulosarcomatosis]. PMID- 13798642 TI - [On the problem of biological significance of vitamin P. I. Diuresis and protein composition of the blood serum following intake of vitamin P]. PMID- 13798641 TI - [Biological studies on the uterine cervix. Embryological, clinico-experimental and comparative investigations]. PMID- 13798643 TI - [Experiences with sigmamycin in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13798644 TI - [A method for the detection of toadstools in the analysis of salted mushrooms]. PMID- 13798645 TI - [Clinical-experimental data on the problem of sterility in marriage]. PMID- 13798646 TI - [Experience in tracheobronchoscopy in a regional antituberculosis dispensary]. PMID- 13798648 TI - [Materials on the problem of the development of myopia in children of school age]. PMID- 13798649 TI - [Quadruple localization, in the same subject, of the lesions of aseptic osteonecrosis]. PMID- 13798647 TI - [On the problem of the character of visual disorders in children of school age]. PMID- 13798650 TI - [Tertiary and cogenital late manifestations in osseous syphilis]. PMID- 13798651 TI - [2 Cases of Ollier's disease]. PMID- 13798652 TI - [On determination of prothrombin in the blood in patients with polyglobulia]. PMID- 13798653 TI - [On the problem of the secretory-evacuation function of the stomach in healthy subjects in conditions of regular diet]. PMID- 13798654 TI - [Methods of estimation of the terminal supportive capacity of amputaion stumps]. PMID- 13798655 TI - [Splenectomy in Korovnikov's disease in pregnant women]. PMID- 13798657 TI - [On the relationship between the oscillation of intrathoracic pressure and smooth muscle tonus of the lung]. PMID- 13798656 TI - [On the use of vitamins B12 and B6 in conditions of repeated action of x-rays]. PMID- 13798658 TI - [Administration of first aid and extrication of affected members of the vehicle from power-driven artillery equipment]. PMID- 13798659 TI - [Experimental data on the effect of aurantin on the peripheral blood, cardiovascular system and diuresis]. PMID- 13798661 TI - [On training of the technical personnel in medical radiology]. PMID- 13798660 TI - [Histopathological changes of the gastrointestinal mucosa following peroral administration of colimycin]. PMID- 13798662 TI - [Restoration of glycogen reserves in the liver in white mice following muscle effort after ligation of the pancreatico-duodenal vein]. PMID- 13798663 TI - [On insulin content in the peripheral blood after various modes of its entrance into the portal vein]. PMID- 13798664 TI - Demonstration of cytomegalic inclusions in autolyzed fetal tissue. PMID- 13798665 TI - Thrush of the umbilical cord. PMID- 13798666 TI - The U. S. Veterans Administration. PMID- 13798667 TI - Integration of the dental service with the general health program in the Veterans Administration. PMID- 13798668 TI - Migraine with facial oedema: some general practitioner observations. PMID- 13798669 TI - [The activity of blood catalase in the initial postoperative period]. PMID- 13798670 TI - [The behavior of serum catalase activity in relation to surgical operations involving the respiratory apparatus]. PMID- 13798671 TI - [On the subject of musculo-aponeurotic tumors of the abdominal wall]. PMID- 13798672 TI - [Experience in the surgical management of icterus in the infant]. PMID- 13798673 TI - Effects of dehydration-freezing-thawing on the preservation and homotrasplant ability of renal tissue. PMID- 13798674 TI - [Clinical results of treatment with "IIH" in cases of essential and symptomatic depressive psychopathy and psychoses]. PMID- 13798675 TI - New serological techniques in the field of virus research. PMID- 13798676 TI - [Natural therapy of poliomyelitis and of its preliminary states]. PMID- 13798677 TI - Studies on transmination in insects. I. Aspartic-alpha-ketoglutaric transaminase in Celerio euphorbiae L. PMID- 13798678 TI - MARKLE DM: A clinical comparison of monaural and binaural hearing aids worn by patients with conductive or perceptive deafness. PMID- 13798679 TI - Vital statistics concerning tuberculosis among Bedouin tribes in Southern Israel. PMID- 13798681 TI - [Problems of Hebrew medical terminology-prefixes and suffixes]. PMID- 13798680 TI - Cardiovascular activity of beta-phenylethylhydrazine (phenelzine). PMID- 13798682 TI - Analgesimetry and ranking of analgesic drugs by the receptacle method. PMID- 13798683 TI - [The total amount of radiation received during 1958 by the personnel of Radium and Tumor Institute and of the Radium Department of the Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem]. PMID- 13798684 TI - A phosphoglucomutase for beta-glucose-1-phosphate. PMID- 13798685 TI - Studies on hypersensitivity. III. The relation between delayed reactivity to the picryl group of conjugates and contact sensitivity. PMID- 13798687 TI - [Lumbosciaticas of tumorous origin which simulate disk hernias]. PMID- 13798686 TI - Influence of irradiation on resistance to infection. PMID- 13798688 TI - [The surgical treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage]. PMID- 13798689 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine on the incidence of epileptic phenomena during insulin coma therapy. A statistical investigation. PMID- 13798691 TI - Use of hydroxydione in psychiatry. A controlled experiment. PMID- 13798690 TI - The specificity of reserpine in the treatment of schizophrenia in identical twins. A controlled experiment. PMID- 13798692 TI - [A window-less Geiger counter utilizing a stream of gas for the measurement of the radioactivity of chromatograms]. PMID- 13798693 TI - [Fluorescence of certain biliary acids after heating in sulfuric media]. PMID- 13798694 TI - [Transformation of androsterone into other 17-ketosteroid compounds during perfusion of the isolated liver of the rabbit in aerobiosis]. PMID- 13798696 TI - [Prolonged remission in the course of tuberculous amvloidosis. (A case with review of the literature)]. PMID- 13798695 TI - [Study with the aid of radioactive iron of the heme-synthetase of erythrocytes of rabbits treated with phenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13798697 TI - [Action of certain corticosteroids on the development of the vaccine in the incubated chick egg]. PMID- 13798698 TI - [Studies on helminthiasis in Venezuela. Ancylostomiasis infection and ancylostomiasis disease]. PMID- 13798699 TI - Increased pituitary weight produced by stilbestrol in intact and castrated rats. PMID- 13798700 TI - Serum proteins in rats treated with large doses of stilboestrol. PMID- 13798701 TI - [On the influence of muscle activity on the electrophoretic behavior of proteins in the extract from the skeletal musculature of normal and dysproteinemic rats]. PMID- 13798702 TI - Free amino acids of the hemolymph of Anacridium aegyptium L. (orthoptera). PMID- 13798703 TI - [Biological damage and occupational risks caused by ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13798704 TI - [Research on the electrophoretic distribution of soluble proteins of the cerebral hemispheres of the rabbit and on modifications induced by aspetic autolysis]. PMID- 13798706 TI - [The neuro-chemical factors of convulsive states. Electroencephalographic study with glutamic acid derivatives]. PMID- 13798705 TI - [Megimide and cardiazol: comparison of their activating action on the electroencephalogram in epileptic subjects]. PMID- 13798708 TI - [On Osgood-Schlatter disease. Remote results]. PMID- 13798707 TI - [Myopathic muscular dystrophy and diencephalo-pituitary syndrome; clinicopathogenetic study]. PMID- 13798709 TI - [Osteomas in paraplegics. (Contribution to the study of neurogenic ossification)]. PMID- 13798710 TI - [Research on the pathogenesis of the pain of coxarthrosis]. PMID- 13798711 TI - [Causalgic hand. Place of sympathectomy in its treatment]. PMID- 13798712 TI - [Causalgic hand. Role of sympathectomy in its treatment]. PMID- 13798713 TI - [Notes for a conference on the theory of transference]. PMID- 13798714 TI - [Phantasm and reality in transference]. PMID- 13798715 TI - [Hypotensive activity of combined dihydrochlorothiazide-carbethoxysyringoyl methylreserpate]. PMID- 13798716 TI - [Thyroid struma in ovarian teratoid tumor (Anatomoclinical and histogenetic consideration)]. PMID- 13798717 TI - [Commissurotomy and pregnancy]. PMID- 13798718 TI - [Anatomoclinical study of 57 cases of amputation of the extremities]. PMID- 13798719 TI - [100 Cases of intracavitary thrombosis in patients having had mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13798720 TI - [Epidemiologic approach of congenital malformations]. PMID- 13798722 TI - The experimental and clinical use of profound hypothermia. PMID- 13798723 TI - [The problem of the inheritance of acquired characteristics]. PMID- 13798721 TI - The experimental and clinical use of deep hypothermia. PMID- 13798725 TI - Ejection time in aortic stenosis and mitral stenosis. Comparison between the direct and indirect arterial tracings with special reference to preand postoperative findings. PMID- 13798724 TI - Phonocardiography in ventricular septal defect. Correlation between hemodynamics and phonocardiographic findings. PMID- 13798726 TI - Diastolic movements of the precordium in mitral stenosis and regurgitation. PMID- 13798728 TI - [Pyruvemia in subjects exposed to the risk of chronic occupational hydragyrism and saturnism]. PMID- 13798727 TI - [Prevention of pulmonary edema from adrenaline by an anti-foaming silicone administered intravenously in the rabbit]. PMID- 13798729 TI - [Determination of strontium 90 in specimens of animal bones]. PMID- 13798730 TI - Acute reactions with collagen production in renal glomeruli of rats as studied electron microscopically. PMID- 13798731 TI - Acute tubular and glomerular lesions in rat kidneys after uranium injury. PMID- 13798732 TI - Physiological function of alpha cells of the pancreas. PMID- 13798733 TI - [On loading studies with vitamin B1 and C in atrophic infants]. PMID- 13798734 TI - [Contribution on the isolated luxation of the knee]. PMID- 13798735 TI - Two types of lupus erythematosus cell factor, shown by induced L.E. cell phenomenon in man. PMID- 13798736 TI - Two types of lupus erythematosus cell factor, shown by induced L.E. cell phenomenon in dogs. PMID- 13798738 TI - [Pulmonary changes in systemic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13798737 TI - Production of lupus erythematosus (L.E.) cells in the dog by the transfusion of systemic lupus erythematosus plasma. PMID- 13798739 TI - [The use of tissue culture for cancer diagnosis from exudates]. PMID- 13798741 TI - Chemistry and structure-activity relationships of amphenone analogues. PMID- 13798740 TI - [Determination of pentachlorophenol with 4-aminoantipyrine in biological material]. PMID- 13798742 TI - Language consciousness, and problems of existential analysis (Daseinsanalyse). PMID- 13798743 TI - Concerning: "mutual exclusion of strains of tobacco mosaic virus". PMID- 13798744 TI - [The influence of cocarboxylase on the EKG changes in experimental strophanthin intoxication]. PMID- 13798745 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on the effect of cocarboxylase in heart diseases]. PMID- 13798746 TI - [Effect of cocarboxylase on metabolism in acute strophanthin poisoning in the dog]. PMID- 13798747 TI - [The bromsulphalein test: considerations on our experience during the past 3 years]. PMID- 13798748 TI - [The histamine-protection test in epilepsy and in various psychiatric syndromes]. PMID- 13798749 TI - The fate of radioactive emboli injected into the cerebral circulation, the brain as a filter. PMID- 13798750 TI - [Apropos of temporo-spatial strangeness under L.S.D.-25]. PMID- 13798751 TI - [Effect of intraperitoneal injection of serum from psychotic and "normal" subjects on serotonin induced plantar edema in the rat]. PMID- 13798752 TI - [Humoral perspectives in certain types of psychoses. Indole derivatives histamine. Methodological problems]. PMID- 13798753 TI - [A case of chorioepithelioma of pulmonary form in man]. PMID- 13798754 TI - [Sensitivity of monkeys Mac. cynomolgus and Mac rhesus to tick encephalitis virus]. PMID- 13798755 TI - [Control by means of a granulogram in a series of anti-tuberculosis chemo prophylaxis in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13798757 TI - [The place of cycloserine in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13798756 TI - [Action of cycloserine associated with other antibiotics on recent pulmonary tuberculosis. (Study of 526 patients)]. PMID- 13798758 TI - [Blood histaminase and cancer]. PMID- 13798760 TI - [Aseptic meningitis induced by ECHO viruses (types 9) in the Hradec Kralove region during 1957]. PMID- 13798759 TI - [Apropos of prolonged corticotherapy in asthma. Comparative effects of corticoids and of certain terrain modifiers (protective serum, gamma globulin) singly or diversely associated]. PMID- 13798761 TI - [Histamino-protective (or histaminophylactic) capacity of certain human serums. Application to the study of asthma and various allergic syndromes]. PMID- 13798762 TI - [The gamma globulins in the treatment of asthma. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13798763 TI - [The gamma-globulins in treatment of asthma]. PMID- 13798764 TI - [Treatment of asthma with gamma globulin]. PMID- 13798766 TI - Effects of carbon dioxide on the oxidation of succinate and reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide by Ricinus mitochondria. PMID- 13798765 TI - Tissue-fractionation studies. 14. The activation of latent dehydrogenases in mitochondria from rat liver. PMID- 13798767 TI - [Gastric leiomyomas]. PMID- 13798768 TI - [Hepato-pancreatic changes in ulcerative colitis. Recent anatomo-functional observations]. PMID- 13798769 TI - [Gerontological patients in traumatic-orthopedic wards]. PMID- 13798770 TI - Thrombocytopathy. Qualitative platelet defects. Review of present day concepts. PMID- 13798771 TI - Effect of short-term vitamin E deficiency on guinea pig skeletal muscle myoglobin. PMID- 13798772 TI - Effect of vit. E-deficiency on protein composition of guinea pig skeletal muscle. PMID- 13798773 TI - Correlation of amino acid composition with nutritive value of proteins. PMID- 13798774 TI - [An atypical systolic-diastolic machine murmur in auricular septal defect]. PMID- 13798775 TI - [Intracardiac and intravenous oximetry of the circulating blood]. PMID- 13798776 TI - [On a photocell catheter for continuous registration of oxygen-saturation of the blood]. PMID- 13798777 TI - [Pullulan, an extracellular glucan from Pullularia pullulans]. PMID- 13798778 TI - Infectibility of the dental pulp by way of dental tubules. PMID- 13798779 TI - The incidence of bacteremia in endodontic manipulation: preliminary report. PMID- 13798780 TI - Public Health assists the private physician. PMID- 13798782 TI - Philosophy of rehabilitation. PMID- 13798781 TI - The concept of pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia in adolescents. PMID- 13798784 TI - Comments on the physiology and pathology of eye movements in the vertical plane. PMID- 13798783 TI - Preservation of viable bone marrow cells by freezing. PMID- 13798785 TI - Pathways mediating vertical eye movements. PMID- 13798786 TI - Recovery from subdural hematoma without surgery. PMID- 13798787 TI - Single episode of confusion with amnesia. PMID- 13798788 TI - The maternity services in Britain and the British obstetrician. PMID- 13798789 TI - Twins and heredity. PMID- 13798790 TI - Hypnosis in the termination of hiccups unresponsive to conventional treatment. PMID- 13798791 TI - Anaphylactoid reaction to ingestion of orange. PMID- 13798792 TI - Hydralazine poisoning. Review of the literature and autopsy study of person with massive intestinal bleeding. PMID- 13798793 TI - Outline review of hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13798794 TI - Evidence for internal organization of nucleic acid in T2 bacteriophage. PMID- 13798796 TI - Extraversion, neuroticism, and motor learning. PMID- 13798795 TI - [The influence of the protein content of the diet on the distribution of S-35 labeled methionine in the tissues of growing rats]. PMID- 13798797 TI - Age-related changes in covert and overt anxiety. PMID- 13798798 TI - The factorial validity of items on the IPAT anxiety scale. PMID- 13798799 TI - [Autoplastic grafts of bone fragments in surgical practice]. PMID- 13798800 TI - Current status of intra-ocular acrylic lenses. PMID- 13798801 TI - An enzyme in mast cells with properties like chymotrypsin. AB - Mast cells contain an enzyme which hydrolyzes 3-chloroacetoxy-2-naphthoic acid anilide. By using highly purified mast cells isolated by differential centrifugation in high density sucrose solutions we have been able to study this enzymatic activity in more detail. The enzyme has properties similar to those of chymotrypsin: Chymotrypsin will hydrolyze the histochemical substrate, and the chymotrypsin and mast cell activities with this substrate are similarly inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate. The mast cell enzyme is capable of hydrolyzing the N-acetyl esters of tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine, the relative rates of hydrolysis being similar to those seen with chymotrypsin. A characteristic trypsin substrate, p-toluenesulfonyl arginine methyl ester, is not acted upon by the mast cell enzyme or chymotrypsin. The pH activity curve of the new cell enzyme is similar to that of chymotrypsin as determined with N-acetyl-L tryptophan ethyl ester as substrate. PMID- 13798802 TI - Routine tonometry in 5,000 patients for detection of early glaucoma. PMID- 13798803 TI - Family relations as experienced by psychologically disturbed children. PMID- 13798804 TI - [Tuberculosis of the tongue]. PMID- 13798805 TI - [How to prescribe hormones in gynecology]. PMID- 13798806 TI - Glomerulonephritis and Streptococcus haemolyticus A-12 carrier state with a familial character. PMID- 13798807 TI - Skin manifestations of hypovitaminosis A. PMID- 13798809 TI - The modern treatment of gout. PMID- 13798808 TI - The organization of the reproductive drive. PMID- 13798810 TI - [Idiopathic splenomegalic myelofibrosis (clinical and anatomopathological considerations)]. PMID- 13798811 TI - A determiner of the centrality of a trait in impression formation. PMID- 13798812 TI - [Action of 1-(beta-hydroxypropyl) theobromine in cardiovascular and renal diseases]. PMID- 13798814 TI - [Therapeutic data on colimycin therapy in internal medicine]. PMID- 13798813 TI - [Hydrochlorothiazide in arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13798815 TI - [Changes in the concept of man in psychiatry]. PMID- 13798816 TI - [Surgical correction of talipes valgus deformity in poliomyelitic paralysis]. PMID- 13798817 TI - [The anatomo-histological picture of patella partita]. PMID- 13798818 TI - [Our results in the surgical treatment of poliomyelitic paralysis of the hip]. PMID- 13798819 TI - [Considerations on post-reduction osteochondrosis of the hip treated by a closed method]. PMID- 13798820 TI - [Observations on the behavior of motor reactions to sound stimulation in normal newborn, premature and asphyctic infants]. PMID- 13798821 TI - [Mongolism and precocious puberty]. PMID- 13798822 TI - [Post-icteric encephalopathy without maternal-fetal incompatibility]. PMID- 13798824 TI - [Neurological considerations on postmaturity: the neonatal period]. PMID- 13798823 TI - [Apropos of the neonatal defense reactions: the reflex of Juanico and Perez in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13798825 TI - [Cranial metastasis of carcinoma of the thyroid]. PMID- 13798826 TI - [On subacute and chronic thyroiditis (with special reference to the subacute De Quervain-Giordanengo form)]. PMID- 13798827 TI - Esophageal varices. PMID- 13798828 TI - Carcinoma of the tongue, and paralytic dysphagia. PMID- 13798830 TI - Benign inflammatory postoperative esophageal stenosis. PMID- 13798829 TI - A gastroscopic biopsy study of 50 postoperative stomachs. PMID- 13798832 TI - Gastroscopic biopsy. PMID- 13798831 TI - Gastritis: a plea for rational nomenclature based on pathologic findings. PMID- 13798833 TI - [Periodic heart frequency variations in premature children]. PMID- 13798834 TI - [A case of congenital cystic fibrosis of the pancreas in a premature infant]. PMID- 13798835 TI - [Leprosy in Iceland]. PMID- 13798836 TI - [The influence of prolonged nutritive excessive protein administration on the liver and serum proteins in the rat]. PMID- 13798837 TI - [On the causes of the postmortem changes in the serum pherogram. (Experimental studies on rats)]. PMID- 13798838 TI - [Adenocarcinomu of the endometrium in pregnancy]. PMID- 13798839 TI - [Selection and traning of crane operators]. PMID- 13798840 TI - [Chronic staphylococcemia (hospital staphylococcus)]. PMID- 13798841 TI - Comparative effects of oral and intravenous administration of fat emulsion on sera fractions of dogs. PMID- 13798843 TI - [Trials in the histophotometric determination of proteins with the Burstone tetrazonium-coupling reaction]. PMID- 13798842 TI - [Shostakovskii's balsam--a new wide-spectrum drug]. PMID- 13798844 TI - [Experience with the organization for prevention and therapy of congenital dislocations of the hip joints in the Pardubice region]. PMID- 13798845 TI - [The force of hand squeenze and the force of the back muscles in relation to age in adolescents]. PMID- 13798846 TI - [Conservative therapy of congenital dislocation of the hip in the I. Ortopedicka klinika in Prague]. PMID- 13798847 TI - [A method for the determination of motor threshold in rabbits with implanted epidural electrodes]. PMID- 13798848 TI - [Group deliriant conditions (collective deliriums or familial psychoses?)]. PMID- 13798849 TI - [On the central action of the thyroid hormone]. PMID- 13798851 TI - [Electrophoretic investigation of protein composition of the blood on agar gel in normal children and in chronic nutritional disorders]. PMID- 13798850 TI - [Gynecological acute abdomen of allegic etiology]. PMID- 13798853 TI - [On species specificity action of tissue hemolysin forming in the liver of irradiated animals]. PMID- 13798852 TI - [Morphological changes of a culture of rat fibroblasts in the presence of milk factor and methylcholanthrene]. PMID- 13798854 TI - [Acute meprobamate poisoning in childhood. Description of a case]. PMID- 13798855 TI - [Immobilization of the miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni by extracts of Planorbidae]. PMID- 13798856 TI - [Physicochemical bases of inhalation anesthesia]. PMID- 13798858 TI - Staining autoradiographs at low temperature. PMID- 13798857 TI - The action of antisympathomimetic drugs on the urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline. AB - In cats anaesthetized with pentobarbitone sodium, phenoxybenzamine, dibenamine, phentolamine, and piperoxane reduced the blood pressure and increased the urinary excretion of noradrenaline. When the fall of blood pressure after phenoxybenzamine was prevented by repeated injections of vasopressin, the urinary excretion of noradrenaline did not rise. Hydergine and hydrallazine reduced the blood pressure without raising the urinary excretion of noradrenaline. In dogs, the infusion of small amounts of noradrenaline led to a significantly higher urinary recovery of the amine after phenoxybenzamine than before. It is concluded that antisympathomimetic drugs interfere with the destruction in the body of noradrenaline, whether released reflexly in hypotension or injected. PMID- 13798859 TI - [Pollution of the water supply by waste materials from a cellose- and cellulose fiber factory. I. Demonstration and determination of small ouantities of lignosulfonic acid]. PMID- 13798860 TI - [Isolation of the virus of Behcet's disease in the hypopyon]. PMID- 13798861 TI - On the development of the rat vagina. PMID- 13798862 TI - The action of the gonadotrophins on the rat prostate in tissue culture. PMID- 13798863 TI - The occurrence of degeneration phenomena during the process of separation of the primitive ureter from the Wolffian duct. PMID- 13798864 TI - Some indicators for a broad assessment of the magnitude of protein-calorie malnutrition in young children in population groups. PMID- 13798865 TI - [Results in the therapy of hypertension with reserpine, dihydrazinophthalazine, a combination of both and placebos]. PMID- 13798866 TI - Legal abortion induced by artifical rupture of the membranes. PMID- 13798867 TI - [Relations between progesterone, pregnanediol and preservation of human pregnancy]. PMID- 13798868 TI - Respiratory flora of hospital-related populations. PMID- 13798869 TI - [Mass electrophoresis for detection of vitamin B 6 deficiencies]. PMID- 13798870 TI - [Pregnancy and deficiency of vitamin B 6]. PMID- 13798871 TI - [The adrenaline test and its repercussions]. PMID- 13798872 TI - [The future of blood transfusion centers in France]. PMID- 13798873 TI - [Dietetics in acute hepatitis]. PMID- 13798874 TI - [Dietetics of ascitic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13798875 TI - [Study of the action of sodium chloride on oxyhemoglobin. II. Influence of the protein concentration on the dissociation]. PMID- 13798876 TI - [On the specificity of the L.E. phenomenon. Research in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13798877 TI - [Axial stratigraphy of the hip]. PMID- 13798879 TI - [Current status of the problem of open-heart surgery. Advantages of deep hypothermia using a microoxygenator]. PMID- 13798878 TI - [Open-heart surgery under deep hypothermia. First experimental results]. PMID- 13798880 TI - [Analysis of the sedative effect exerted by 1,4-amino-3-isoxazolidone]. PMID- 13798881 TI - [Contribution to the clinical study of a new vasodilator]. PMID- 13798882 TI - [On the treatment of arteritis of the upper extremity]. PMID- 13798884 TI - The incidence and prognostic implication of congenital absence of one umbilical artery. PMID- 13798883 TI - Failure to demonstrate C19-steroids in bovine testes. PMID- 13798885 TI - Malignant solid teratoma of the ovary. Report of three cases. PMID- 13798886 TI - Spontaneous acute toxoplasmosis in a marmoset monkey. PMID- 13798887 TI - Routes and types of infection in the fetus and the newborn. PMID- 13798888 TI - Oral history: living moments of modern medicine. PMID- 13798889 TI - [Hypnosis and its applications in medicine]. PMID- 13798890 TI - Sympathetic cardiac stimulating fibers in the vagi. PMID- 13798891 TI - [Atypical megakaryocytes in a case of myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13798892 TI - Oxytetracycline-oleandomycin in the treatment of nontuberculous bronchopulmonary infections. PMID- 13798893 TI - Local morphological response following a single subcutaneous injection of carrageenin in the rat. PMID- 13798894 TI - [The relationship of heart size and weight relation of both ventricles to the body weight and arterial pressure in normal and hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13798895 TI - Infantile cortical hyperostosis of Caffey (two cases). PMID- 13798896 TI - Stromal "endometriosis" with possible ovarian origin. PMID- 13798897 TI - Basal body temperature recordings in gynaecology and obstetrics. PMID- 13798898 TI - Glucose tolerance in dysfunctional uterine bleeding and in carcinoma of endometrium. A preliminary report. PMID- 13798899 TI - The age of the menarche and of the menopause in white South African women and certain factors influencing these times. PMID- 13798900 TI - The scope of endocrine treatment in endometriosis. PMID- 13798901 TI - Inhibition of release of intracellular potassium by non-narcotic analgesic agents. PMID- 13798902 TI - The importance of the vasa vasorum of the aorta. PMID- 13798903 TI - Regional hypothermia and its effect on the brain. PMID- 13798904 TI - On criticism of critics. PMID- 13798905 TI - Rheumatoid arthritis, leg ulceration and positive lupus erythematosus cell test: report of a case of successful grafting during cortisone therapy. PMID- 13798906 TI - Haemobartonella canis infection in a dog. PMID- 13798907 TI - Osteoporosis. PMID- 13798908 TI - Cortical and thalamic areas involved in taste discrimination in the albino rat. PMID- 13798909 TI - Differential effects of cortical lesions in infant and adult cats on roughness discrimination. PMID- 13798910 TI - The mechanism of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in rat spleen and liver mitochondria after whole-body irradiation. PMID- 13798911 TI - [Primary malignant tumors of the cranial vault]. PMID- 13798912 TI - [Artificial respiration in the sphere of resuscitation]. PMID- 13798913 TI - [On a lamp for anesthesia purposes]. PMID- 13798914 TI - [The E.M.O. apparatus. A new portable apparatus for anesthesia and resuscitation]. PMID- 13798915 TI - [The effect of capillary lesions on the thrombocyte count]. PMID- 13798916 TI - [Studies on erythropoiesis by means of loading tests in dogs with intact and damaged bone marrow]. PMID- 13798917 TI - [Narrowing of the object and color visual field in chronic noise injury]. PMID- 13798918 TI - [Lymphogranulomatosis of the stomach]. PMID- 13798919 TI - [Pathological evaluation of gastric ulcer by means of gastroscopy]. PMID- 13798920 TI - [Rare staphylococcal disease of the nervous system in children. (Disseminated cerebral abscess)]. PMID- 13798921 TI - [Pulmonary arteritis and changes of serum lipoproteins in dogs after intravenous administration of methylcellulose]. PMID- 13798922 TI - [Pulmonary arteritis and serum lipoprotein changes in dogs after the intravenous administration of methylcellulose]. PMID- 13798923 TI - [In memoriam Geza Hetenyi]. PMID- 13798924 TI - [Secondary lymphoepithelioma of the stomach]. PMID- 13798925 TI - Symposium on notifiable infectious diseases: a re-assessment. PMID- 13798926 TI - Miniature ionization chambers for measurements in body cavities. PMID- 13798927 TI - Group purchasing makes sense. PMID- 13798929 TI - Diagnosis of intermediate stage of alcoholic brain disease. PMID- 13798928 TI - Brain damage from chronic alcoholism: the diagnosis of intermediate stage of alcoholic brain disease. PMID- 13798930 TI - A stereotaxic apparatus for use in cerebral surgery. PMID- 13798932 TI - The body concept. PMID- 13798931 TI - The embryological effects of four late-lethal t-alleles in the mouse, which affect the neural tube and skeleton. PMID- 13798934 TI - Factors affecting the antimicrobial activity of phenols. PMID- 13798933 TI - Strain differences in acetylcholine concentration in the brain of the rat. PMID- 13798935 TI - Mortality in a rural Zulu community. PMID- 13798938 TI - The medical sciences-a source of scholarly strength for the university. PMID- 13798937 TI - The future of anatomy. PMID- 13798936 TI - Elbow and shoulder lesions of baseball players. PMID- 13798939 TI - Stimulatory barbiturates in psychiatry: compound 31777. PMID- 13798940 TI - Some aspects of the epidemiology of staphylococcal disease. PMID- 13798942 TI - Conjunctivo-antrostomy: a surgical treatment of epiphora. A preliminary report. PMID- 13798941 TI - Fever as a mechanism of resistance. PMID- 13798943 TI - The local leukocytic response to skin grafting. PMID- 13798944 TI - The genetical study of kuru. PMID- 13798945 TI - Triquin (triple synthetic antimalarial) in dermatology: response of chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, light-sensitivity eruptions, and miscellaneous dermatoses. PMID- 13798946 TI - Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients over sixty-five years of age. PMID- 13798947 TI - Searches for exploitable biochemical differences between normal and cancer cells. V. Cellular conservation of purines. PMID- 13798948 TI - Electrophysiology of supramedullary neurons in Spheroides maculatus. I. Orthodromic and antidromic responses. AB - This series of three papers presents data on a system of neurons, the large supramedullary cells (SMC) of the puffer, Spheroides maculatus, in terms of the physiological properties of the individual cells, of their afferent and efferent connections, and of their interconnections. Some of these findings are verified by available anatomical data, but others suggest structures that must be sought for in the light of the demonstration that these cells are not sensory neurons. Analysis on so broad a scale was made possible by the accessibility of the cells in a compact cluster on the dorsal surface of the spinal cord. Simultaneous recordings were made intracellularly and extracellularly from individual cells or from several, frequently with registration of the afferent or efferent activity as well. The passive and active electrical properties of the SMC are essentially similar to those of other neurons, but various response characteristics have been observed which are related to different excitabilities of different parts of the neuron, and to specific anatomical features. The SMC produce spikes to direct stimuli by intracellular depolarization, or by indirect synaptic excitation from many afferent paths, including tactile stimulation of the skin. Responses that were evoked by intracellular stimulation of a single cell cause an efferent discharge bilaterally in many dorsal roots, but not in the ventral. Sometimes several distinct spikes occurred in the same root, and behaved independently. Thus, a number of axons are efferent from each neuron. They are large unmyelinated fibers which give rise to the elevation of slowest conduction in the compound action potential of the dorsal root. A similar component is absent in the ventral root action potential. Antidromic stimulation of the axons causes small potentials in the cell body, indicating that the antidromic spikes are blocked distantly to the soma, probably in the axon branches. The failure of antidromic invasion is correlated with differences in excitability of the axons and the neurite from which they arise. As recorded in the cell body, the postsynaptic potentials associated with stimulation of afferent fibers in the dorsal roots or cranial nerves are too small to discharge the soma spike. The indirect spike has two components, the first of which is due to the synaptically initiated activity of the neurite and which invades the cell body. The second component is then produced when the soma is fired. The neurite impulse arises at some distance from the cell body and propagates centrifugally as well as centripetally. An indirect stimulus frequently produces repetitive spikes which are observed to occur synchronously in all the cells examined at one time. Each discharge gives rise to a large efferent volley in each of the dorsal roots and cranial nerves examined. The synchronized responses of all the SMC to indirect stimulation occur with slightly different latencies. They are due to a combination of excitation by synaptic bombardment from the afferent pathways and by excitatory interconnections among the SMC. Direct stimulation of a cell may also excite all the others. This spread of activity is facilitated by repetitive direct excitation of the cell as well as by indirect stimulation. PMID- 13798950 TI - Electrophysiology of supramedullary neurons in Spheroides maculatus. III. Organization of the supramedullary neurons. PMID- 13798949 TI - Electrophysiology of supramedullary neurons in Spheroides maculatus. II. Properties of the electrically excitable membrane. PMID- 13798951 TI - Report of a case of diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lungs (Hamman-Rich syndrome) successfully controlled by prednisolone. PMID- 13798952 TI - Vitamin B6--phosphonic acids. PMID- 13798953 TI - Partial small bowel obstruction with failure of rotation of the midgut. PMID- 13798954 TI - A rational approach to the management of epistaxis. PMID- 13798955 TI - Evaluation and treatment of lower motor unit lesions involving the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand. PMID- 13798956 TI - The ninth John Stanley Coulter Memorial Lecture: tomorrow's physiatrist. PMID- 13798958 TI - The purpose of the court. PMID- 13798957 TI - The lability of bone mineral. PMID- 13798959 TI - Laryngeal strictures. PMID- 13798960 TI - Laryngeal trauma. PMID- 13798961 TI - A statistical comparison of serum proteins in health and disease. PMID- 13798962 TI - Advantages of perineal biopsy of prostate prior to radical retropubic prostatectomy. PMID- 13798963 TI - Isolation of a non-pathogenic tumour-destroying virus from mouse ascites. PMID- 13798964 TI - Christmas factor (IX) defect in a case of haemorrhagic thrombocythaemia. PMID- 13798966 TI - Medical thoughts on the world of the child PMID- 13798967 TI - [School failure and the physician]. PMID- 13798965 TI - [Disorders of transport processes as causes of diseases and of disease symptoms (based on examples of jaundice, hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease and of iron deficiency anemia)]. PMID- 13798968 TI - [The dying and death of the child]. PMID- 13798969 TI - Treatment and survival in breast cancer: a review of results. PMID- 13798970 TI - The life history of the salmonpoisoning fluke, Nanophyetus salmincola (Chapin). PMID- 13798971 TI - Radioautographic analysis of soluble antigen-antibody complexes separable by paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13798972 TI - [Hypometabolic diseases in gynecology]. PMID- 13798973 TI - [Hypometabolism in gynecology]. PMID- 13798974 TI - [Corticotherapy of asthma]. PMID- 13798976 TI - [Cardiac consequences of hypoglycemic states]. PMID- 13798975 TI - [Septicemia with pyodermatitis and abscess of the lung from Eberth's bacillus]. PMID- 13798977 TI - [Lyophilized liver extract and the synergism of lyophilized liver extract-SCTZ in the treatment of neuropsychic alcoholism]. PMID- 13798978 TI - [Action of prolonged permanent lighting on the testicular development of the Pekin duck]. PMID- 13798979 TI - Experiments on Pekin ducks treated with DNA from Khaki Campbell ducks. PMID- 13798980 TI - [Does the otocyst exert an inductive action on the somitic mesenchyma in the chick embryo?]. PMID- 13798981 TI - [Induction of cartilage in vitro by extract of otocysts of chick embryos]. PMID- 13798982 TI - [Threshold of reticular excitability and deep sleep in the cat]. PMID- 13798983 TI - A true hermaphrodite. PMID- 13798984 TI - [Study of the proteins of the hemolymph of Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus by ultra-microelectrophoresis in agar gel]. PMID- 13798985 TI - Selection of an alga for a photosynthetic gas exchanger. PMID- 13798986 TI - Structures of some acetyl-serine peptides from acetyl-chymotrypsin. PMID- 13798987 TI - [Myeloplaxic tumors of the synovial membranes]. PMID- 13798989 TI - Treatment of tinea capitis in children with griseofulvin. PMID- 13798988 TI - [The infectious factor in hemorrhagic rectocolitis: false recurrences]. PMID- 13798990 TI - Oral hemorrhage secondary to the use of varidase buccal tablets (streptokinase streptodornase) in conjunction with anticoagulant therapy with hedulin (phenindione); (case report). PMID- 13798991 TI - Liver tumor cells implanted in the anterior chamber of the eye. PMID- 13798992 TI - Plant phospholipids. 3. Identification of diphosphatidyl glycerol. PMID- 13798993 TI - Resection and primary anastomosis in the management of stenosis and atresia of the jejunum and ileum. PMID- 13798994 TI - Malignancy in the pediatric patient. PMID- 13798995 TI - Preoperative and postoperative care of the newborn. PMID- 13798996 TI - Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis. PMID- 13798998 TI - Deuterium exchange between myoglobin and water. PMID- 13798997 TI - The use of hypothermia after cardiac arrest. PMID- 13798999 TI - Diagnostic tools for case finding in hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13799000 TI - New interest in urine sugars other than glucose. PMID- 13799001 TI - Steps toward reliable hemoglobinometry. PMID- 13799002 TI - Urinary gonadotropins. PMID- 13799003 TI - Respirator treatment of pulmonary insufficiency in the newborn. PMID- 13799004 TI - Rectal pentothal in pediatric anesthesia. A comparative clinical study. PMID- 13799005 TI - Effects of synthetic oxytocin and valyl oxytocin on mammary involution in the rat. PMID- 13799006 TI - Further studies on effects of tranquilizing drugs on mammary involution in the rat. PMID- 13799007 TI - Pituitary-adrenal relationships in the retardation of mammary gland involution by oxytocin. PMID- 13799008 TI - Deficiency of small intestinal gas in infants simulating obstruction. PMID- 13799009 TI - Postgastrectomy syndromes. PMID- 13799010 TI - Cytopathogenicity and plaque formation with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. PMID- 13799011 TI - Community medical assistance. PMID- 13799013 TI - Man in space--the medical problem. PMID- 13799012 TI - Indiana's Family Practice Program. PMID- 13799014 TI - Man in space: the medical problem. PMID- 13799015 TI - A reliable qualitative urine coproporphyrin test for lead intoxication in young children. PMID- 13799016 TI - Subdural haematoma of infants. PMID- 13799017 TI - Avoidance of pelvic hernias following vaginal hysterectomy. PMID- 13799018 TI - Bleeding and hemorrhage in late pregnancy. Hemorrhage associated with operation. PMID- 13799019 TI - Symposium on "Some current research methods and results with special reference to the central nervous system". Pharmacological approach. PMID- 13799020 TI - Studies on the development of radiation-induced bone tumours. PMID- 13799021 TI - Electroencephalographic changes in atabrine psychosis. PMID- 13799022 TI - [Methodical viewpoints on the clinical evaluation of psychotropic medications]. PMID- 13799023 TI - [EEG changes during chronic administration of piperazinyl-phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13799024 TI - [Pathophysiological processes in seizures, their electroencephalographic recognition and significance for medicinal treatment]. PMID- 13799025 TI - [Anemias of infants and children]. PMID- 13799026 TI - [Meningitis due to "Neisseria catarrhalis." Cure by intraspinal polymyxin]. PMID- 13799027 TI - [Results of conservative treatment of calcaneal fractures]. PMID- 13799028 TI - The electrocardiogram in pulmonary stenosis with intact septa. PMID- 13799030 TI - The rates of recovery of sewer rat populations after poisoning. PMID- 13799029 TI - Congenital bicuspid aortic valves: a clinical and haemodynamic study. PMID- 13799031 TI - Some properties of fluoracetamide as a rodenticide. PMID- 13799032 TI - The use of heparinized blood for exchange transfusion in infants. PMID- 13799033 TI - Developmental posterior enteric remnants and spinal malformations: the split notochord syndrome. PMID- 13799034 TI - Adjunctive use of meclizine-pyridoxine (bonadoxin) in the prevention of preoperative and postoperative nausea and emesis. PMID- 13799035 TI - Eye wounds. PMID- 13799036 TI - Effects of elevated plasma sodium concentration on sodium and potassium in the erythrocyte of the lizard Trachysaurus rugosus (Gray). PMID- 13799037 TI - Mutarotase from Penicillium notatum. I. Purification, assay, and general properties of the enzyme. PMID- 13799038 TI - Mutarotase from Penicillium notatum. II. The mechanism of the mutarotation reaction. PMID- 13799039 TI - Oxidation of mono- and disaccharides to aldonic acids by Pseudomonas species. PMID- 13799040 TI - Tropolone biosynthesis: the enzymatic decarboxylation of stipitatonic and puberulonic acids. PMID- 13799041 TI - Tropolone biosynthesis: orgin of the carboxyl groups of stipitatonic and stipitatic acids. PMID- 13799042 TI - Effects of motivating instructions on reaction time in schizophrenia. PMID- 13799043 TI - Early descriptions of aphasia. PMID- 13799044 TI - Right-left orientation and reading disability. PMID- 13799045 TI - Brain and behavior. Symposium, 1959. 4. Motivational influences on performance in brain-damaged patients. PMID- 13799046 TI - Evaluation of the cardiac patient for work capacity. PMID- 13799047 TI - [Circumcision in newborn]. PMID- 13799048 TI - [Pediatric audiological work in Denmark]. PMID- 13799049 TI - The effect of dl-3,3',5'-triiodothyronine in Graves' disease. PMID- 13799050 TI - Metabolic effects of thyroxine analogues in human myxedema. PMID- 13799051 TI - Influence of deep hypothermia upon sensitivity of rats to x-radiation. PMID- 13799052 TI - Influence of some physical factors upon oxygenation with a plastic membrane oxygenator. PMID- 13799053 TI - Primary pulmonary hypertension. Review of the literature and presentation of 2 personal cases PMID- 13799055 TI - [Punch biopsy of the peritoneum made under laparoscopic control]. PMID- 13799054 TI - [Modifications induced by 1,4-dimethyl-7-isopropylazulene on the histomor phological picture of the gastric mucosa of pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated with p-aminosalicylic acid. Study conducted on bioptic material]. PMID- 13799056 TI - The pharmacology of alpha, beta, bis(paradimethylamido-sulphonobenzylamino) ethane and of alpha, beta, bis(paradimethylamido-sulphonobenzylamino)-ethane dipenicillin G. PMID- 13799057 TI - Acute renal failure in Asiatic cholera: clinicopathologic correlations with acute tubular necrosis and hypokalemic nephropathy. PMID- 13799058 TI - Neutralizing-antibody-combining (NAC) test for measuring antigenic potency of poliomyelitis vaccine. AB - An in vitro test for the quantitative determination of the antigenic potency of poliomyelitis vaccine is described. This test-termed the neutralizing-antibody combining (NAC) test-is based on the measurement of the capacity of an inactivated virus in tissue culture to bind neutralizing antibody. Details of the experimental design and technique are given, the authors stressing the importance of using small and precisely known dosages of virus and antiserum and of incubating the test mixtures for a sufficiently long period. In preparing the test mixtures, it is essential to incubate first the vaccine + antiserum, and then add the virus. No vaccine activity will be demonstrable if the test is set in the reverse order.EXPERIMENTS CARRIED OUT WITH THE NAC TEST HAVE SHOWN THAT: (a) the test is type-specific; (b) the antigen-antibody union in the system is irreversible; (c) vaccines containing preservative yield the same potency titres as untreated vaccines; (d) the test gives reproducible results; (e) the results of the NAC test did not always agree with those obtained in animal potency tests, probably because of vagaries in the latter; (f) dried vaccines retain their complement-fixing activity, but lose their power to combine with neutralizing antibody in vitro and to produce neutralizing antibodies in vivo-a finding which suggests that the NAC test measures in vitro the same antigen responsible for neutralizing-antibody production in vivo. PMID- 13799059 TI - Collaborative assay of two gonadotrophin preparations from human postmenopausal urine. PMID- 13799060 TI - [The behavior of tissue proteases in normal and malignant rat tissues]. PMID- 13799061 TI - [On the treatment of vertebrogenous pain syndromes with finalgon ointment and liniment]. PMID- 13799062 TI - [Post-cholecystectomy syndrome]. PMID- 13799063 TI - [Diagnosis of meningioma in the pterion plate]. PMID- 13799064 TI - [Wegener's granulomatosis (Physiopathological considerations)]. PMID- 13799065 TI - [What biochemistry has contributed to cardiology in the past few years]. PMID- 13799066 TI - [Association of anhydrohydroxy-19-nor-progesterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol by oral route in the diagnosis and treatment of secondary amenorrhea]. PMID- 13799068 TI - [The effects of trypsin inhibitors on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13799067 TI - [Relationships between blood coagulation and trypsin activity with special reference to pancreatic secretion]. PMID- 13799069 TI - [On the diagnostic significance of leukocytosis in accident surgery]. PMID- 13799070 TI - [On the clinical significance of metrorrhagia in the menopause]. PMID- 13799071 TI - [Prognosis and therapy of metrorrhagia in the menopause]. PMID- 13799072 TI - [Secondary sterility with special reference to prognosis and therapy]. PMID- 13799073 TI - [Effect of antiseptics on the immunizing power of purified Vi antigen]. PMID- 13799074 TI - [Use of the Vi antigen in the therapy of abdominal typhus. Specific antibody response of normal persons subjected to repeated injections of Vi antigens]. PMID- 13799075 TI - [Perinatal mortality: considerations on 56 autopsy reports]. PMID- 13799076 TI - [Statistical and genetic research on congenital malformations. I. Age of the parents and congenital deformities]. PMID- 13799077 TI - A 15 month controlled study of the effects of amodiaquine (camoquin) in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13799078 TI - [Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from the blood of a patient with a neurologic syndrome similar to multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13799079 TI - [Antirabies vaccinations at the Institut Pasteur in 1958]. PMID- 13799080 TI - [Antirabies vaccinations at the Institut Pasteur in 1959]. PMID- 13799081 TI - [Studies on hyaluronidase-hyaluronic acid system. 5. Mechanism of growth in a concentrated form of certain staphylococcal strains in a bouillon with added hyaluronic acid]. PMID- 13799082 TI - [Studies on hyaluronidase-hyaluronic acid system. 6. Mucopolysaccharide nature of substances produced by certain strains of Staphylococcus albus]. PMID- 13799083 TI - [Contributions to methods of investigation of pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13799084 TI - Rat blood pressure as a diagnostic procedure for pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13799085 TI - [Retinal detachment operated on at the ophthalmological clinic in Pizen]. PMID- 13799086 TI - Long-term effects of tenotomy on spinal monosynaptic response in the cat. PMID- 13799087 TI - [Basic electronic equipment for an electrophysiological laboratory]. PMID- 13799088 TI - Inhibition of oxytocin inactivation by some peptides. PMID- 13799089 TI - [A uniformly blue tympanum]. PMID- 13799090 TI - [Bronchopulmonary cancer and electroencephalography]. PMID- 13799091 TI - [Cuppers' method (euthyscopy) in the treatment of strabismal amblyopia. (Critical analysis of our results)]. PMID- 13799092 TI - [Psychotechnic tests in patients with strabismus and amblyopia]. PMID- 13799093 TI - [Glaucoma and retinal detachment]. PMID- 13799094 TI - [Study of the behavior of aldolase activity of the blood of premature infants]. PMID- 13799095 TI - [Study of the behavior of aldolase activity in the maternal blood, in the funicolo-placental blood and in the blood of the newborn infant at term]. PMID- 13799096 TI - [Study of aldolase activity in various diseases in children]. PMID- 13799097 TI - [Treatment of rheumatic and degenerative arthropathies with a pyrazole derivative (Kr-132)]. PMID- 13799098 TI - [On the possibility of use of polyuronides as delaying substances]. PMID- 13799099 TI - [Influence of circulation on the pathogenesis and evolution of rupture of the Achilles tendon]. PMID- 13799100 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on multiple fractures]. PMID- 13799101 TI - [Importance of tomography in urography in the infant and child]. PMID- 13799102 TI - [Difficulties in radiological diagnosis of a tumor of the left hypochondrium in a child]. PMID- 13799103 TI - [Radiological signs of acute arthritis of the hip in a premature infant]. PMID- 13799104 TI - [Suppurative meningitis with relapse. Epidermic inclusion of the occiput]. PMID- 13799105 TI - [Contribution of radiology to the diagnosis of peritonitis of the newborn and of the infant]. PMID- 13799106 TI - [Contribution to the radiological examination of congenital atresias of the esophagus]. PMID- 13799107 TI - [Radiological semeiology of peritonitis of the newborn and of the older infant]. PMID- 13799108 TI - [The early clinical and radiological signs of septic arthritis of the hip in premature infants]. PMID- 13799110 TI - [Value of splenoportography in digestive hemorrhages in the course of chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799111 TI - [Contribution of splenoportography to the balance sheet of a cirrhotic]. PMID- 13799112 TI - [On 2 cases of periodic disease in the same family]. PMID- 13799113 TI - [The study of diiodotyrosine metabolism in human pathology]. PMID- 13799114 TI - Provisions for a hand clinic in a general hospital. PMID- 13799115 TI - Temporary regional surface cooling and long-term heparinization in the therapy of burns. PMID- 13799116 TI - Otological findings in birth injuries of the new born: Cranial and cerebral lesions in the newborn and their pathogenesis--Part I. PMID- 13799117 TI - Otological findings in birth injuries of the newborn. Part II. Continuation of a study, with discussion and review of the literature. PMID- 13799118 TI - The quiet hysteric and his captive respondent. PMID- 13799119 TI - A study of the influence of schizophrenic serum on the behavior of the spider Zilla-x-notata. PMID- 13799120 TI - [On portal hypertension, its diagnosis, therapy and prognosis]. PMID- 13799121 TI - [On the pathophysiology and treatment of cardiospasm]. PMID- 13799122 TI - [Should a portacaval anastomosis be attached side-to-side or end-to-end?]. PMID- 13799123 TI - [Determination of total neutral 17-ketosteroids in urine]. PMID- 13799124 TI - Myxoedema and pregnancy: report of 2 cases. PMID- 13799125 TI - Fluorine in human milk. Its relation to urinary fluorine levels. PMID- 13799126 TI - Medical management of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13799127 TI - Ulcerative colitis in older age patients. PMID- 13799128 TI - Ulcerative colitis in older-age patients. PMID- 13799129 TI - Ulcerative colitis in older-age patients: diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment. PMID- 13799130 TI - [Pre-, trans- and post-operative measures in neonatal surgery]. PMID- 13799131 TI - [The action of serpasil on gastric secretion motility]. PMID- 13799132 TI - [Graphs and tables permitting rapid calculation of the integral dose absorbed in gram-roentgens and gram-rads for all methods of radiotherapy (valid for water and muscle tissues)]. PMID- 13799134 TI - [Corrosive injuries of the esophagus. Treatment with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13799133 TI - The anabolic steroids. PMID- 13799136 TI - The action of the synthetic polypeptide valyl-oxytocin on the human uterus in vitro and in vivo. PMID- 13799135 TI - [On the action of pharmacologic doses of oxytocin on the mammary gland]. PMID- 13799137 TI - [The significance of oxytocin research for labor physiology]. PMID- 13799138 TI - [Comparative determination of the sensitivity of sputum microflora to antibiotics using the method of serial diffusion on paper disks]. PMID- 13799139 TI - [On the diagnosis and lengths of hospitalization of patients with brain concussion]. PMID- 13799140 TI - Oral and dental lesions in vitamin B 6 deficient rhesus monkeys. PMID- 13799141 TI - Cortisone and irradiation. II. Pulmonary necrosis and blood vessel impairment in irradiated cortisone-treated rat lung. PMID- 13799142 TI - Cortisone and radiation. III. Histopathology of the effect of cortisone on the irradiated rat kidney. PMID- 13799143 TI - Irradiation and kidney tumors. Histopathogenesis of kidney tumors in irradiated mice. PMID- 13799144 TI - [Anaphylactic-like reaction induced by pilocarpine and cold water]. PMID- 13799145 TI - The vectorcardiogram and electrocardiogram in persistent common atrioventricular canal. PMID- 13799146 TI - The vectorcardiogram and electrocardiogram in ventricular septal defect, with special reference to the diagnosis of combined ventricular hypertrophy. PMID- 13799147 TI - Vectocardiographic and electrocardiographic changes following surgical correction of atrial septal defect. PMID- 13799148 TI - [A case of Niemann-Pick disease in a 4-month-old infant]. PMID- 13799149 TI - [Evaluation of the results of sandosten therapy of allergic diseases in children]. PMID- 13799150 TI - [On rheumoseptic endocarditis. Remarks on the coexistence of rheumatic fever and subacute septic endocarditis]. PMID- 13799151 TI - Animal and human studies on ferrous fumarate, an oral hematinic. PMID- 13799152 TI - Intracranial infection of mice with Bordetella pertussis. PMID- 13799153 TI - Effect of cytotoxic agents on antibody production. PMID- 13799155 TI - Failure of the urethane antagonist-lysergic acid-diethylamide (LSD-25)--to inhibit lung carcinogenesis or the initiating phase of skin carcinogenesis in mice. PMID- 13799154 TI - Skin initiating action and lung carcinogenesis byderivatives of urethane (ethyl carbamate) and related compounds. PMID- 13799156 TI - In vivo tests for a carcinogenic metabolite in plasma of animals given injections of ethyl carbamate (urethan). PMID- 13799157 TI - Possible two-stage mechanism in experimental leukemogenesis. AB - The augmenting influence of urethan on leukemogenesis by x-radiation in mice has been found to operate when the urethan treatment follows the radiation, but not when the sequence is reversed. The result is in keeping with the idea that urethan acts as a promoting factor in leukemogenesis, as defined by the twostage mechanism hypothesis of carcinogenesis. It may also have a practical bearing on leukemia development in man. PMID- 13799158 TI - Advances in tumour pathogenesis. PMID- 13799159 TI - N15 distribution among chemical components of liver fractions in rats fed N15 labeled p-dimethylamino-azobenzene. PMID- 13799160 TI - [Mucopolysaccharides in tuberculous tissues]. PMID- 13799161 TI - [Moraxella duplex var. nonliquefaciens in bronchoscopic secretions]. PMID- 13799162 TI - [Data on atypical colonies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799163 TI - [Behavior of glutamic-pyruvic and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminases in normal adult subjects]. PMID- 13799164 TI - What governs pharmacy charges? PMID- 13799165 TI - A confirmation test for refraction and muscle balance. PMID- 13799166 TI - Iridocorneosclerectomy for glaucoma. PMID- 13799167 TI - Ossification of the coraco-acromial ligament. PMID- 13799169 TI - Distribution of acid mucopolysaccharides in inner and outer layers of bovine aorta. PMID- 13799168 TI - Identification of acid mucopolysaccharides from granulation tissue in rats. PMID- 13799171 TI - The psychoanalytic psychology of imagination. PMID- 13799170 TI - Disturbances of identity function in childhood: psychiatric and psychological observations. PMID- 13799173 TI - Psychiatry in Great Britain today. I. PMID- 13799172 TI - Clinical usefulness of gastric cytologic examination in the evaluation of diseases of the stomach. PMID- 13799174 TI - Psychiatry in Great Britain today. II. PMID- 13799175 TI - Senile dementia. PMID- 13799176 TI - [Essay on the acceleration of the development of slowly-growing strains of Rhizobium]. PMID- 13799177 TI - [Considerations on the taking of arterial pressure in obese patients]. PMID- 13799179 TI - Reactions to antituberculous drugs. PMID- 13799178 TI - Antimycotic cream and powder. Clinical evaluation. PMID- 13799180 TI - [Precirrhosis and Laennec's alcoholic portal cirrhosis. Our experiments on its histogenesis and biopticohumoral correlation]. PMID- 13799181 TI - [Treatment of edema with aminoisometradine]. PMID- 13799183 TI - [The thyroid gland and physiopathology of the circulation]. PMID- 13799182 TI - Hemodynamics of dysthreosis PMID- 13799184 TI - [Variations in the blood cholesterol level in the diabetic during treatment with chlorpropamide]. PMID- 13799185 TI - [Means of spreading of Trichinella in natural conditions]. PMID- 13799186 TI - [Changes in the nervous system inpleukemias]. PMID- 13799188 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13799187 TI - [Allergic reaction during mercusal administration]. PMID- 13799189 TI - [Methods of removal of radioactive iodine from sewage water of medical institutions]. PMID- 13799190 TI - [The determination of the coefficient of the retention of half-life daughter derivatives of radon in the respiratory organs of man]. PMID- 13799191 TI - [A case of intravital diagnosis of spherical thrombus in the heart cavity in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13799192 TI - [A case of congenital heart defect with complete atrioventricular block]. PMID- 13799193 TI - [The state of various factors of blood coagulation in patients with cancer of the cardia and esophagus]. PMID- 13799194 TI - [Comparative studies on reactions of transamination of dicarboxylic amino acids and of their amines in cancerous tumors of the human stomach]. PMID- 13799195 TI - [On the pathogenesis of symmetrical bilateral necrosis of the cortical substance of the kidneys]. PMID- 13799197 TI - [A new apparatus for artifical respiration]. PMID- 13799196 TI - [Effect of various enzymatic poisons on a purified enzymatic system of amino acid synthesis from keto acids and ammonium salts]. PMID- 13799198 TI - [Rational infant nutrition]. PMID- 13799199 TI - [Smoking during pregnancy and nursing: some viewpoints on a current problem]. PMID- 13799200 TI - [Reflections on Swedish statistics on the cause of death based on pediatric material]. PMID- 13799201 TI - [The Swedish statistics of death causes. Answer to the replies of Gosta Hultgren and Ture Widstam in Svenska Lakartidningen No. 51/1959]. PMID- 13799202 TI - [The situation of the unmarried mother. Based on observations in hospital social service]. PMID- 13799203 TI - [Congenital developmental disorders of the skeleton: sociomedical aspects]. PMID- 13799204 TI - [Study tasks in the general surgical department of a training hospital in Korea]. PMID- 13799205 TI - [The problem of accidents in children in the Netherlands]. PMID- 13799206 TI - Duodenitis and duodenal ulcers produced in rats by pantothenic acid deficiency. PMID- 13799207 TI - Nutrition and longevity in the rat. I. Food intake in relation to size, health and fertility. PMID- 13799208 TI - [Nutrition and degenerative vascular diseases]. PMID- 13799209 TI - Use of radioactive sodium and RISA in the evaluation of the edematous leg. PMID- 13799210 TI - [The relations between glycoprotein content of the gastric juice and histological findings of the mucosa]. PMID- 13799211 TI - [The demonstration of rapidly migrating lipoprotein fractions in the albumin sphere by two dimensional electrophoretic separation on starch plates]. PMID- 13799213 TI - [Immunological and chemical studies on isolated serum fractions with special reference to lipoproteins]. PMID- 13799212 TI - [Studies on the question of the dependence of the agglutinability of erythrocvtes on the carbohydrate constitutents of serum protein fractions]. PMID- 13799214 TI - [The behavior of proteins and protein-bound carbohydrates in the serum after administration of a wetting agent. Contribution to the pathogenesis of hyperproteinemic dysproteinemia]. PMID- 13799215 TI - The care of the chronically ill in a district in Sweden: a medical and social investigation. PMID- 13799217 TI - [Guidance of patients with lung diseases during hospital therapy. Possibilities and limitations. Survey and definition of the subject]. PMID- 13799216 TI - [Clinical indication for the surgical therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799218 TI - [Studies on the carbohydrate constituent of serum fractions]. PMID- 13799219 TI - Presence of trimetaphosphatase in the intestinal mucosa and properties of the enzyme. PMID- 13799220 TI - Histochemical demonstration of acid trimetaphosphatase and tetrametaphosphatase. PMID- 13799221 TI - Leiomyosarcoma of the stomach: a clinical and pathological study. PMID- 13799222 TI - Atropine in mongolism. PMID- 13799223 TI - Congenital cardiac malformations in mongolism. PMID- 13799224 TI - A possible case of atypical tuberous sclerosis. PMID- 13799225 TI - Some aetiological problems in mental deficiency. PMID- 13799226 TI - Syphilis as a cause of mental deficiency. PMID- 13799227 TI - The mentally defective twin. PMID- 13799228 TI - Neurological sequelae of pertussis with particular reference to mental defect. PMID- 13799229 TI - Post-natal head injury as a cause of mental defect. PMID- 13799230 TI - Demonstration of hematuria with chemical tests and microscopy. PMID- 13799231 TI - Head nurse leadership role. PMID- 13799232 TI - Relative biological effectiveness of Co60 gamma-radiation and 200 kV roentgen (HVL 0.93 mm Cu) with late necrosis of rabbits brain as a test system A preliminary report. PMID- 13799234 TI - [Glandula suprarenalis accessoria in a horse]. PMID- 13799233 TI - Perforation of the ileum in steroid-treated systemic lupus erythematosus: a case report. PMID- 13799235 TI - The origin of PPLO found in rectal cultures. PMID- 13799236 TI - Peptic ulcers in children. PMID- 13799237 TI - Comparative evaluation of the safety of chlorpromazine and reserpine used in conjunction with ECT. PMID- 13799238 TI - A pharmacological report on PM-1090. (A new intravenous convulsant in treatment of psychoses). PMID- 13799240 TI - Electron microscopy of fourcell stages of the ascidians Ciona and Styela. PMID- 13799239 TI - The veterinarian and our changing agriculture. PMID- 13799241 TI - [Variations in the content of total polysaccharides and mucoproteins in the serum of dogs during the course of treatment with polyvinylpyrrolidone]. PMID- 13799242 TI - [Behavior of serological tests for toxoplasmosis in vaginitis due to Trichomonas and Candida albicans]. PMID- 13799243 TI - [Maternal toxoplasmosis and repercussions of the infection on the newborn]. PMID- 13799244 TI - [Observations on pollenosis in our region]. PMID- 13799246 TI - [Malic dehydrogenase activity in the poliomyelitic muscle]. PMID- 13799245 TI - [Clinical considerations on the use of a new pharmacological combination with low prednisone content in therapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13799247 TI - [Aldolase activity of the blood in patients with progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13799248 TI - [Behavior of blood aldolase in patients with kidney disease]. PMID- 13799250 TI - [Studies on Myc. tuberculosis and on Brucellae in pasteurized milk in a center in Lombardia]. PMID- 13799249 TI - [Aminoaciduria and kidney diseases]. PMID- 13799251 TI - [Action of a bacterial mucolytic enzyme on the metachromasia of some mucosa]. PMID- 13799252 TI - [Action of a bacterial mucolytic enzyme on the metachromasia of some mucosal structures]. PMID- 13799253 TI - [Research on various properties of lactenin and on the sensitivity of various Staphylococcus aureus aviarius strains to this substance]. PMID- 13799254 TI - [Children cannot be contracted for]. PMID- 13799255 TI - [Electromyographic study on exogenous "toxic" polyneuritis]. PMID- 13799257 TI - [Electromyographic studies in progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13799256 TI - [Statistical behavior of the discharge intervals of the motor unit in myelopathic muscular atrophy]. PMID- 13799258 TI - A simple method for determination of the relative function of the right and left lung. PMID- 13799259 TI - Blocking of mitosis by heat shock. PMID- 13799260 TI - [Toxic ileitis]. PMID- 13799261 TI - Staphylococcal enterotoxin. I. Purification. PMID- 13799262 TI - Staphylococcal enterotoxin. Identification of a specific precipitating antibody with enterotoxin-neutralizing property. PMID- 13799263 TI - [Dialogical conference on "psychoanalysis"]. PMID- 13799264 TI - [The personal equation or the art of psychoanalysis]. PMID- 13799265 TI - Oestriol assays in the treatment of toxaemia. PMID- 13799266 TI - Oestriol excretion in intra-uterine foetal death: the significance of a sudden decrease and its relation to capillary pressure in the villi. PMID- 13799267 TI - The psychogenic factor of the adrenogenital syndrome. PMID- 13799268 TI - [A dead fetus]. PMID- 13799269 TI - [Adrenogenital syndrome in women]. PMID- 13799270 TI - [Continuous examinations of estriol excretion with fetal death]. PMID- 13799271 TI - [The local use of E 39 (Bayer) in malignant tumors]. PMID- 13799272 TI - [Treatment of serious hemorrhages from bladder cancers]. PMID- 13799273 TI - Comparison of the treatment of hypercholesteremia with nicotinic acid, sitosterol, and safflower oil. PMID- 13799275 TI - Are enzymes and co-enzymes involved in car-cinogenesis and carcino-chemotherapy? PMID- 13799274 TI - The chemistry of xanthine oxidase. The problems of enzyme inactivation and stabilization. PMID- 13799276 TI - [Considerations on the method of investigation of acid-resistant bacilli in urine by chloroform extraction]. PMID- 13799277 TI - [Investigation of acid-fast bacilli in saliva by the ether extraction method]. PMID- 13799278 TI - Rat behavior changes in response to a blood factor from normal and psychotic persons. PMID- 13799280 TI - Glycogenolytic effect of vasopressin in the canine liver. PMID- 13799279 TI - Clinical and metabolic effects of phenethylbiguanide. PMID- 13799281 TI - Hypocholesteremic effect in man of benzmalecene: an inhibitor of cholesterol biosynthesis. PMID- 13799283 TI - Glucagon-an interim report. PMID- 13799282 TI - Effect of an anion exchange resin on serum cholesterol in man. PMID- 13799284 TI - Pericardial effusion, a manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13799285 TI - Preparing material for microradiography: some technical considerations. PMID- 13799286 TI - Lipoma of the oral cavity. PMID- 13799287 TI - [When you travel in distant countries. Some medical suggestions before departure]. PMID- 13799288 TI - Cortisone in experimental acute pancreatic lesions. PMID- 13799289 TI - [Treatment of tetanus]. PMID- 13799291 TI - The emotional factor in glaucoma: a review. PMID- 13799290 TI - Personality features of patients with primary glaucoma. A medico psychosocial exploration. PMID- 13799292 TI - Observations and speculation on waste treatment research. PMID- 13799293 TI - [Diaplacental passage and features of cow's milk hemagglutinating antibodies]. PMID- 13799294 TI - [Studies on a new viral meningitis in the Children's Hospital in Basel]. PMID- 13799295 TI - [The hemagglutination procedure as a method of testing adulterated human milk]. PMID- 13799296 TI - The effect of deoxycorticosterone on the unidirectional transfers of sodium and potassium into and out of the dog intestine. PMID- 13799297 TI - Managing unmanageable edema. PMID- 13799298 TI - [On the influence of laryngectomy on the personality]. PMID- 13799299 TI - [Drug adulterations during recent years and their scientific significance]. PMID- 13799300 TI - [Drug adulterations of the last year and their economical importance]. PMID- 13799301 TI - Unusual muscle relaxant and analgesic properties of N-isopropyl-2-propyl-1,3 propanediol dicarbamate (carisoprodol). PMID- 13799303 TI - [Gynecomastia and abnormal pigmentation due to hexestrol]. PMID- 13799302 TI - The history, chemistry, and pharmacology of carisoprodol. PMID- 13799304 TI - [Aminoaciduria and hyperaminoaciduria (physiology and pathology of amino acid excretion in urine and its clinical significance)]. PMID- 13799305 TI - [Practical use of the new concept of dosage according to DIN 6809]. PMID- 13799306 TI - [Osteoporosis and osteomalacia]. PMID- 13799307 TI - Contract care for indigent mothers in Philadelphia. PMID- 13799308 TI - [Evaluation of ovarian function phases in the endometrium with the aid of histochemical reactions. Acid and alkaline phosphatase, phosphoamidase and glycogen staining]. PMID- 13799309 TI - [On the problem of stump cancer]. PMID- 13799310 TI - [Recent developments within ultramicroanalysis of organic compounds. A review]. PMID- 13799311 TI - Sonic disruption of spores of Bacillus cereus. PMID- 13799312 TI - Effect of drugs that alter uric acid excretion in man on uric acid clearance in the chicken. PMID- 13799313 TI - [On the etiology of toxicosis in pregnancy and the puerperium]. PMID- 13799314 TI - [Apropos of a case of functional thyroid cancer treated with radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13799315 TI - Paralysis of the left diaphragm, left vocal cord, and aneurysm of the ductus arteriosus in a 7-week-old infant. PMID- 13799316 TI - [Transplacental passage of triiodothyronine]. PMID- 13799317 TI - [Medicinal shortening of the time of labor]. PMID- 13799319 TI - [Rhinopharyngeal infections in the child]. PMID- 13799318 TI - [On medicinal spasmolysis and analgesia with palerol in labor]. PMID- 13799320 TI - [Hunger and appetites in man in the state of semi-inanition. (Investigation on 60 former deportees, 1939-45)]. PMID- 13799321 TI - Abrupt changes in hair morphology following corticosteroid therapy in alopecia areata. PMID- 13799322 TI - An improved technique for the intracutaneous injection of steroid suspensions. PMID- 13799323 TI - Abdominal postganglionic sympathectomy. A method for the production of an ulcerative colitislike state in dogs. PMID- 13799324 TI - Roentgenography and biopsy in mammary cancer. PMID- 13799325 TI - [On the oligodynamic effect of some new construction metals]. PMID- 13799327 TI - [A case of pheochromocytoma]. PMID- 13799326 TI - [A study trip to the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation]. PMID- 13799328 TI - Influence of carotenoids on the infra-red spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll in Chromatium. PMID- 13799329 TI - [Study of an active allergic antibody in presence of para-aminosalicylate of sodium (P.A.S.) against human erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets]. PMID- 13799330 TI - Amphibian ovulation in vitro induced by mammalian pituitary hormones and progesterone. PMID- 13799332 TI - Incorporation of 15 N 2 into various fractions of soybean root nodules. PMID- 13799331 TI - Biochemical pathways in legume root nodule nitrogen fixation. PMID- 13799333 TI - [The effects of helenien and vitamin A on the primary sight process. III. A flame photometric determination of the potassium and sodium content of the retina]. PMID- 13799334 TI - [On the behavior of two dwarf mutants of Antirrhinum majus L. in grafting and treatment with gibberellic acid]. PMID- 13799335 TI - Hereditary elastodystrophy ("pseudoxanthoma elasticum") and bone disease. PMID- 13799336 TI - [Sulfonamide treatment of respiratory tract infections in children]. PMID- 13799337 TI - On the fractionation of proteins, glycoproteins, and mucopolysaccharides in normal human urine by zone electrophoresis. PMID- 13799338 TI - The plasma proteins in normal urine. PMID- 13799339 TI - Demonstration of metachromasia and its distribution in the anterior chamber of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) using a new printing technique on plaster slides. PMID- 13799340 TI - Further observations on the appearance of fluorescein in the rabbit eye after intravenous injection. PMID- 13799341 TI - Intracellular potential measurements from the ciliary processes of the rabbit eye in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13799342 TI - Civil status distribution in 1822 cases of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13799344 TI - [Amniotic fluid embolism]. PMID- 13799343 TI - Experience with Malmstrom's vacuum extractor: a clinical study of 100 cases. PMID- 13799345 TI - [Hematoma of the rectus muscle sheath presenting as "acute abdomen"]. PMID- 13799346 TI - The respiratory activity and respiratory control of sarcosomes isolated from the thoracic muscle of the housefly. PMID- 13799347 TI - [Problems of arteriectomy, thrombendarteriectomy and transplantations in chronic obliterating vascular diseases]. PMID- 13799348 TI - [The pharmacy in Kumla in a new location]. PMID- 13799349 TI - [The entrance age for nursing schools]. PMID- 13799350 TI - Fatal encephalopathy in glandular fever. PMID- 13799351 TI - Less common migraine. PMID- 13799352 TI - Gastric atonia and delayed gastric emptying after vagotomy for obstructing ulcer. PMID- 13799353 TI - Contrast roentgenography in differential diagnosis between perforated ulcer and acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13799354 TI - ["Xenorexia"--a surgical disease?]. PMID- 13799355 TI - Newer concepts of myelin formation correlated to functional changes. PMID- 13799356 TI - Differential diagnosis between a calculated risk and a masochistic action. PMID- 13799357 TI - Psychological factors in the decline of an industry. PMID- 13799358 TI - [Symptoms and signs of oral regression]. PMID- 13799359 TI - [The constancy of social stereotypes at various ages]. PMID- 13799360 TI - [On the problem of the clinical aspects and treatment of fibrous dysplasia of the long bones]. PMID- 13799361 TI - [Investigation of the validity of Terman's word-list for adults]. PMID- 13799362 TI - [Convalescence and readjustment to work]. PMID- 13799363 TI - [Prognostic factors in a group of alcoholics]. PMID- 13799365 TI - [Experiences in cardiology and pulmonary physiology from a trip to the USA and Canada in the fall of 1959]. PMID- 13799364 TI - [The scientific basis of social medicine]. PMID- 13799366 TI - Inorganic sulfate and thiosulfate: transport and competition in renal tubules of the dog. PMID- 13799367 TI - Turbidimetric analysis of inorganic sulfate in serum, plasma and urine. PMID- 13799368 TI - Effect of sodium ferrocyanide and bicarbonate on reabsorption of inorganic sulfate in renal tubules. PMID- 13799370 TI - [Organization of rheumatological care. 2. Viewpoints on the adaptation of their forms to Sweden]. PMID- 13799369 TI - [Organization of rheumatological care. 1. Principles and practice in the U.S.A]. PMID- 13799371 TI - Intramural hematoma of the duodenum: report of a case with review of the literature. PMID- 13799372 TI - Metabolism of C14-labeled acetone, acetate and palmitate in fasted pregnant and nonpregnant guinea pigs. PMID- 13799373 TI - Comparison of fasting ketosis in pregnant and nonpregnant guinea pigs. PMID- 13799374 TI - Cancer of the oesophagus: a histological study of development and local spread of 10 cases of squamous cell carcinoma in the lower third of oesophagus. PMID- 13799375 TI - Studies on mineralized dental tissues. XIV. The incremental pattern of the dentine in a case of osteogenesis imperfecta. PMID- 13799376 TI - Severe reactions following previously uneventful intravenous pyelograms. PMID- 13799377 TI - [The postero-lateral approach to the thoracic cage with dissection of the serrantus magnus. Operational technic]. PMID- 13799378 TI - [Regression of retinopathy in toxicosis in spite of continuing pregnancy, case report]. PMID- 13799380 TI - Treatment of sterility of intrauterine origin. PMID- 13799379 TI - [Listeriosis and pregnancy]. PMID- 13799382 TI - [Ovarian surgery and the Stein-Leventhal syndrome]. PMID- 13799384 TI - [In memoriam: Bertil Roos, 13 February 1906 to 7 March 1960]. PMID- 13799383 TI - Visual field studies in cerebral blindness following vertebral angiography. PMID- 13799385 TI - A note on the fine structure of the turtle heart. PMID- 13799386 TI - Correction of branchial cysts by a permanent sublingual fistula. PMID- 13799387 TI - Two established human cell lines: cultivation and susceptibility to viruses. PMID- 13799388 TI - The chromosomes in two patients with Klinefelter syndrome. PMID- 13799389 TI - Simple method for culture of cells on glass plates. PMID- 13799390 TI - [On the nosological position of hypochondriacal euphoria]. PMID- 13799391 TI - [On the phantasmic paranoid-hallucinatory disease aspects of old age]. PMID- 13799392 TI - Studies on the enzymic oxidation of aminopurines. PMID- 13799393 TI - Central nystagmus. III. Functional correlations of mesodiencephalic nystagmogenic center. PMID- 13799394 TI - Pharmacological study of a new antibiotic of bacillary origin. AB - The purified extract of a new bacterial mutant, which exhibits antibiotic activity against paramecia and amoebae, was tested on various smooth muscle preparations. Spontaneous activity as well as the response to a variety of smooth muscle stimulants was diminished or completely suppressed. Intravenous injection of the extract lowered the blood pressure of the anaesthetized cat or dog. These properties may explain the beneficial effect of the extract on the intestinal symptoms of human amoebiasis, before eradication of the parasites. PMID- 13799395 TI - [The action of a new antibiotic ("colisan") on the smooth muscle of the intestine. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13799396 TI - [The fine structure of cholinesterases and the role of these enzymes in nervous conduction]. PMID- 13799397 TI - [Clinical experiences with the new vasopressor hypertensin]. PMID- 13799398 TI - [On the problem of abortion in Rh-immunized women]. PMID- 13799399 TI - [First experiences with surgery of mitral stenosis in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13799400 TI - Growth and division of single cells of higher plants in vitro. AB - The cultivation of single cells of Nicotiana tabacum L. var. "Samsun" and Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. "Early Golden Cluster" on a thin agar layer in Petri dishes is described. Under these conditions about 20 per cent of the cells divided repeatedly and established tissue clones which could be isolated and maintained as growing tissue cultures. It was possible also to follow the successive divisions of isolated cells and to observe their behavior during cytogenesis under the microscope. PMID- 13799401 TI - [Aspergilloma and pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799402 TI - [Contribution to the problem of relations between lateral cervical cysts, tuberculosis and sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13799403 TI - [On the therapy of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis with polyvitamin preparations]. PMID- 13799404 TI - [On the treatment of recent kidney injuries]. PMID- 13799405 TI - [Does methergine have a hemostatic effect in prostatectomy?]. PMID- 13799406 TI - [On a giant hydronephrosis]. PMID- 13799407 TI - [On a new spoon grasping forceps]. PMID- 13799408 TI - [On diagnosis in blunt kidney injuries]. PMID- 13799409 TI - [On kidney injuries in traffic accidents]. PMID- 13799410 TI - [Relation between action potential and tension in straited muscle]. PMID- 13799411 TI - A simple method for the assay of factor VIII. PMID- 13799412 TI - Ainhum (dactylolysis spontanea). Review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13799413 TI - [Some problems concerning tracer kinetics]. PMID- 13799415 TI - Occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in the Jerusalem population. PMID- 13799414 TI - The circulatory effects of promethazine during spinal anesthesia: a clinical study. PMID- 13799416 TI - Cardiorespiratory failure in kyphoscoliosis. PMID- 13799418 TI - [Experimental study of the etiology of acute leukoses in man]. PMID- 13799417 TI - [Experimental studies on the etiology of leukemias in humans. III. Significance of lipoid and liponucleoprotein components in the activity of human leukemia factor]. PMID- 13799419 TI - [Polyoma virus]. PMID- 13799420 TI - Interpretation of some results of radiotherapy and an attempt at determining a logical technique of treatment. PMID- 13799421 TI - On fractures of the middle third of the facial skeleton. PMID- 13799422 TI - [On fractures of the middle third of the facial skeleton]. PMID- 13799424 TI - [Exposure treatment of donor sites (surfaces stripped of skin) of dermo-epidermal grafts. Clinical case study and remarks]. PMID- 13799423 TI - [Our experience with local treatment of burned patients]. PMID- 13799425 TI - [Paper serum protidogram in C3H mice with spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma and induced and transplanted sarcoma]. PMID- 13799426 TI - [Casuistic contribution and review of the literature on primary malignant tumors of the heart]. PMID- 13799427 TI - [Malignant tumors of the testis. Anatomo-pathological, clinical and radiological findings in 90 cases]. PMID- 13799428 TI - [Controversial questions in the treatment of depressive states by tofranil]. PMID- 13799429 TI - [A new phenothiazine, on trial in clinical psychiatry]. PMID- 13799431 TI - Experiments on the 'overgrowth' phenomenon in the brain of chick embryos. PMID- 13799430 TI - [Can we allot particular clinical indications to the various phenothiazines? Our experience with thioridazine]. PMID- 13799432 TI - ["Overgrowth" in the chick brain, experimentally demonstrated]. PMID- 13799433 TI - Distribution of methylated purines in cell fractions from mouse liver and tumor. PMID- 13799434 TI - Investigation on the bacterial flora in the bronchi in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13799435 TI - Bilateral pleurisy in a case of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13799436 TI - [Corticotropin-or cortisone-activated pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799437 TI - [Pleurisy]. PMID- 13799438 TI - Glacial acetic and picric acids as a fixation for gel precipitation. PMID- 13799439 TI - A prelusive clinical trial of cyclophosphamide. PMID- 13799440 TI - [Common foci and exacerbation of lung tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799441 TI - Interrelationships in the urinary excretion of creatine, creatinine, free alpha amino acid nitrogen, and total nitrogen in premature infants. PMID- 13799442 TI - Kidney lesions associated with anaphylactoid purpura in children. PMID- 13799443 TI - The morphological basis for the filtration process in the glomeruli. PMID- 13799444 TI - [Osbeck's methods of curing syphilis. A tragicomical reminiscence of events happening 150 years ago and their cultural historical aspects]. PMID- 13799446 TI - [Adipositas in children]. PMID- 13799445 TI - Differences in corticosteroid excretion pattern between infants and children with the adrenogenital syndrome. PMID- 13799447 TI - Angiography. PMID- 13799448 TI - The influence of the plasma concentration on the renal extraction of para aminohippurate in kidney diseases. PMID- 13799449 TI - The renal extraction of para-aminohippurate in normal persons and in patients with diseased kidneys. PMID- 13799450 TI - Vestibular disturbances after stapediolysis; preliminary report. PMID- 13799451 TI - Determination of chlorine in muscle tissues by neutron activation analysis. PMID- 13799452 TI - Action potentials taken from the human uterus in labour. PMID- 13799453 TI - Mediastinal emphysema complicating trachetotomy. PMID- 13799454 TI - The electrical and mechanical activity of a muscle in voluntary contraction. PMID- 13799455 TI - The kinetic energy produced by voluntarily controlled muscle action and the frequency of the motor discharge. PMID- 13799456 TI - The mechanical work produced by voluntarily controlled muscle action and the frequency of the motor discharge. PMID- 13799457 TI - The relation between the number of impulses and the integrated electric activity in electromyogram. PMID- 13799458 TI - Bile acids and steroids. 98. The metabolism of bile acids in python and constrictor snakes. PMID- 13799459 TI - Observations on the effects of infusion of prostaglandin E in man. PMID- 13799460 TI - Some biological effects of two crystalline prostaglandin factors. PMID- 13799461 TI - [Infection risks in a children's ward]. PMID- 13799462 TI - Changes in bone sodium during acute acidosis in the rat. PMID- 13799463 TI - Gradients of generalization in secondary reinforcement. PMID- 13799464 TI - [Accidental and therapeutic poisonings in the child]. PMID- 13799465 TI - [Inflammatory diseases of Bartholin's glands in pregnancy and their therapy]. PMID- 13799466 TI - [Cystadenofibroma ovarii]. PMID- 13799467 TI - [Pre-anesthetic use of "meprobamate" in gynecology with special reference to its toxicity]. PMID- 13799468 TI - [On a case of foreign body in ovarian tumor]. PMID- 13799469 TI - [Pregnancies and birth of premature infants by juvenile primaparae with special reference to the proble of acceleration of menarche (clinico-statistical studies)]. PMID- 13799470 TI - Cerebrospinal fluid production and its relationship to cerebral metabolism and cerebral blood flow. PMID- 13799472 TI - [On partial removal of the pituitary in late complications of diabetes]. PMID- 13799473 TI - [Relationships between the anatomy and function of the kidneys: preliminary report]. PMID- 13799474 TI - [The therapy of diabetes mellitus with SB 1]. PMID- 13799475 TI - [Decannulation in children, Study of 2 cases]. PMID- 13799476 TI - [Infantile decannulation (Study of two cases)]. PMID- 13799477 TI - [A case of osteoma of the frontal sinus treated surgically]. PMID- 13799478 TI - [Arsenical peripheral neuropathy (polyneuritis arsenicosa)]. PMID- 13799479 TI - [Blood groups and diseases]. PMID- 13799480 TI - [Lead posioning and the role of endemic nephropathy]. PMID- 13799481 TI - Cholecystokinin in cholecystography. PMID- 13799482 TI - A plan of management for acute viral hepatitis. PMID- 13799483 TI - A critical evaluation of color perimetry. PMID- 13799484 TI - Effect of Pseudomonas on lactate production by mouse monocytes. PMID- 13799485 TI - [Distribution of alkaline phosphatase and secretory granules in the malpighian tubules in the cricket (Gryllus domesticus (Orthoptera:Gryllidae)]. PMID- 13799486 TI - [Glycogen in the tube of Malphigi in Gryllus domesticus (Orthoptera Gryllidae)]. PMID- 13799487 TI - [Mitochondrial transformations and pigment formation in the malpighian bodies of the cricket Gryllus domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)]. PMID- 13799488 TI - [Syrupus senegae Ed. XI. Suggestion for a simplified preparation method]. PMID- 13799489 TI - Dentistry in the hospital--an integral part of total health service. PMID- 13799490 TI - Dentistry in the hospital--an integral part of total health service. PMID- 13799491 TI - Nonsegregated hospitalization of alcoholic patients in a general hospital. PMID- 13799492 TI - How to staff the psychiatric unit. PMID- 13799493 TI - Methods improvement and work simplification. PMID- 13799494 TI - Recruitment and training of personnel. PMID- 13799495 TI - [Clinical experience on the treatment of necrotic processes with an enzyme preparation]. PMID- 13799496 TI - Leiomyoma of intermediate bronchial origin: a case report. PMID- 13799497 TI - Bronchial adenoma of carcinoid type with distant metastases. PMID- 13799498 TI - Carcinoid tumor of the testis occurring in a cystic teratoma of the testis. PMID- 13799499 TI - Recurrent liver cell adenoma. PMID- 13799500 TI - [Changes of filtration, reabsorption and renal blood flow in dogs following various modes of administration of water]. PMID- 13799501 TI - [Effect of central nervous system stimulants on water diuresis]. PMID- 13799502 TI - [Drug sickness caused by the use of PAS]. PMID- 13799503 TI - Melanoma of the anal canal: report of a case of five-year survival after abdominoperineal resection. PMID- 13799504 TI - Anorexia nervosa: diagnostic aspects. PMID- 13799505 TI - [Farinas in infant nutrition]. PMID- 13799506 TI - [The industrial milks]. PMID- 13799507 TI - [Types of farina in infant nutrition]. PMID- 13799508 TI - [A case of polyarteritis nodosa manifesting as acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799509 TI - [Congestive heart failure resistant to therapy]. PMID- 13799510 TI - [Physiopathology and clinical aspects of congestive heart failure]. PMID- 13799511 TI - [A contribution to the problem of staphylococcal hospital infection]. PMID- 13799512 TI - A replacement for the vaginal douche. PMID- 13799513 TI - Long-term management of obesity in a union health center. Analysis of successes and failures. PMID- 13799514 TI - Dubin-Johnson syndrome: report of a case occurring in a Negro male. PMID- 13799515 TI - The effect of sitosterol on radioactive fat absorption patterns. PMID- 13799516 TI - Radioactive fat absorptive patterns in the geriatric patient. PMID- 13799517 TI - Radioactive fat tolerances studies in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13799519 TI - Electroen-cephalographic and behavioral changes in unrestrained rabbits during insulin hypoglycemia. PMID- 13799518 TI - Radioactive fat absorption patterns in obesity and coronary disease. PMID- 13799520 TI - The interest value and relevance of fear-arousing communications. PMID- 13799521 TI - The generalization of hostility to disliked objects. PMID- 13799522 TI - Anti-semitism and the displacement of aggression. PMID- 13799523 TI - Repeated frustrations and expectations in hostility arousal. PMID- 13799524 TI - Some factors affecting the reduction of overt hostility. PMID- 13799525 TI - The judgmental process in personality functioning. PMID- 13799526 TI - Heated hypertonic aersol in collecting sputum specimens for cytological diagnosis. PMID- 13799527 TI - An analysis o reaction time in normal and mentally deficient young men. II. Variation of complexity in reaction time tasks. PMID- 13799528 TI - An analysis of reaction time in normal and mentally deficient young men. I. Duration threshold experiment. PMID- 13799529 TI - An analysis of reaction time in normal and mentally dificient young men. I. Duration threshold experiment. PMID- 13799530 TI - Identification of "positives" in roentgenographic readings. PMID- 13799531 TI - Smoking and cancer of the lung. PMID- 13799532 TI - Further comment on classical and instrumental conditioning. PMID- 13799533 TI - [The treatment of tetanus with curare-like preparations]. PMID- 13799534 TI - [Intra-intestinal feeding of patients with peptic ulcer and some problems of the technic of resection of the stomach]. PMID- 13799535 TI - [Problem of communal hygiene in the framework of the socialistic reorganization of agriculture]. PMID- 13799536 TI - Amino acid metabolism in epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic lesions of the neocortex (cat). PMID- 13799537 TI - [On hyaluronidase and antihyaluronidase in human serum. III. Serum hyaluronidase in pregnancy]. PMID- 13799538 TI - [The use of I-131 for determination of thyroid function in the patient of hyperthyroidism treated with radon waters]. PMID- 13799539 TI - [Investigation of an single-pan balance]. PMID- 13799541 TI - [On the evaluation of anti-tumor activity of chemical preparations]. PMID- 13799543 TI - Malignant melanoma of the vulva with pregnancy: report of a case with six-year survival. PMID- 13799542 TI - Gross physical properties of emulsified influenza virus vaccines and the adjuvant response. PMID- 13799540 TI - [On the epidemiological effectiveness of live anti-influenza vaccines of types A2 and A, A1, B]. PMID- 13799544 TI - Some implications of ego psychology for the supervisory process. PMID- 13799545 TI - [Autotransplantation of the skin in man (histological and lumines cence-micros copic investigations)]. PMID- 13799546 TI - Bruxism and chronic headache. PMID- 13799547 TI - Blood volume in chronic leukemia. PMID- 13799548 TI - Formulae for direct calculation of red cell volume, plasma volume and blood volume with the aid of the Ashby technic. PMID- 13799549 TI - The contralateral corpus luteum--an important factor in ectopic pregnancies. PMID- 13799550 TI - The fate of the smaller twin. A method of increasing the survival rate. PMID- 13799552 TI - A physical sign useful in diagnosis of roseola infantum before the rash. PMID- 13799551 TI - A clinical rule: used as a measuring index in repositioning periodontally involved, migrated teeth. PMID- 13799553 TI - [On the method of orthopedic treatment of severe forms of ischias]. PMID- 13799554 TI - [On the decrease of the action of atropine on the salivary glands by novocain]. PMID- 13799555 TI - Ion exchange mechanisms in the nephron. PMID- 13799556 TI - [The Nelson test as criterium for success of antisyphilitic treatment; serological followup studies on treated syphilitics with special reference to the Treponema pallidum immobilization test]. PMID- 13799557 TI - [Further contribution to the study of the bregmatic fontanelle in newborn of Lombard descent]. PMID- 13799558 TI - [Behavior of the colpocytological formula and index after administration of progesterone and testosterone propionate in adult women]. PMID- 13799559 TI - [Changes in the vaginal smear in rats treated with testosterone propionate and methylandrostenediol]. PMID- 13799560 TI - [Cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium in old age: cytohormonal and histochemical findings and pathogenetic considerations]. PMID- 13799561 TI - [Consideratios on the Stein-Leventhal syndrome]. PMID- 13799562 TI - [The concept of time in disability evaluation]. PMID- 13799564 TI - [On histopathology of early stages of eosinophillic granuloma of the bone (Taratynov's disease)]. PMID- 13799563 TI - [Data on ornithosis infection in irradiated and non-irradiated white rats]. PMID- 13799565 TI - [Radiation protection during work with radioactive capsules]. PMID- 13799566 TI - Going to the hospital. PMID- 13799567 TI - [Chorea minor and constitutional psychomotor erethism]. PMID- 13799568 TI - [Modes of contagion in man of animal diseases]. PMID- 13799570 TI - Urinary hyaluronidase. PMID- 13799569 TI - Pseudoxanthoma elasticum. PMID- 13799572 TI - [Treatment of atopic dermatitis in infancy]. PMID- 13799571 TI - Histoplasmosis endocarditis. PMID- 13799573 TI - The prevention of rheumatic fever recurrence. PMID- 13799574 TI - Persistent marked sinus arrhythmia following myocardial infarction: a prognostic sign. PMID- 13799575 TI - The use of water-soluble urographic contrast media in paediatric gastrointestinal studies. PMID- 13799576 TI - Remote control for cinefilm projector. PMID- 13799577 TI - Cardiovascular complications of myxedema. PMID- 13799578 TI - The era of transplantation. PMID- 13799580 TI - [Psychiatric ideas in national development]. PMID- 13799579 TI - Serum factor in fasted rats inhibiting carbohydrate metabolism in the isolated diaphragm. PMID- 13799581 TI - To improve community understanding of hospitals. PMID- 13799582 TI - The cultivation of mouse bone marrow in vivo. PMID- 13799583 TI - The functional capacity of mouse bone marrow cells growing in diffusion chambers. PMID- 13799584 TI - [The effects of prolonged antiepileptic therapy on the metabolism of porphyrin]. PMID- 13799585 TI - [Laboratory procedure in the diagnosis of porphyria]. PMID- 13799586 TI - Balanced operations for esophagitis associated with hiatal hernia en masse. PMID- 13799587 TI - Leiomyoma of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13799588 TI - Review of methods for studying maturation of human erythroblasts in vitro: evaluation of a new method of culture of cell suspensions in a clot-free medium. PMID- 13799589 TI - Glomerular abnormalities in tuberculosis. PMID- 13799590 TI - Carbon dioxide buffering in man. PMID- 13799591 TI - Mofification of protein catabolism in the anuric dog. PMID- 13799592 TI - The study of urine. PMID- 13799594 TI - Urinology. PMID- 13799593 TI - A study of the pancreatic duct system in man by the use of vinyl acetate casts of postmortem preparations. PMID- 13799595 TI - The surgical cement inlay as a temporary filling. PMID- 13799596 TI - Quantitative estimation of urinary metabolite of adrenaline and noradrenaline as possible indication of tolerance to gravitational stress. PMID- 13799597 TI - [On the method of tomography in the diagnosis of tumors of the prostate]. PMID- 13799598 TI - Congenital heart disease involving the aortic valve: four cases treated by direct vision surgery. PMID- 13799599 TI - A survey of electrocardiographic prachices in the Upper Midwest. PMID- 13799601 TI - Antisocial character disorder: its etiology and relationship to delinquency. PMID- 13799600 TI - Safety test for Q fever vaccine. PMID- 13799602 TI - [Physiological basis for the use of colpeurysis in obstetrical practice (experimental study)]. PMID- 13799603 TI - [Importance of the technic in the results of gastropylorectomy for ulcer]. PMID- 13799604 TI - [Hypoglycemic sulpha drugs. Review of their pharmacology and therapeutics]. PMID- 13799606 TI - The intake information needed in the referral of patients to a mental hygiene clinic. PMID- 13799605 TI - Nature of the hormonal influence in mouse mammary cancer. AB - New findings indicate that hormones may play a permissive role, rather than an inductive one, in mammary tumorigenesis. Hormones supporting normal gland development may result in the emergence of precancerous lesions; hormones maintaining such hyperplastic lesions may result in the emergence of tumors. The "inherited hormonal influence" may rest in genetically determined sensitivity of mammary tissue to somatotropin. PMID- 13799607 TI - [Attempts to prevent labyrinthine damage from streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin. I. Experimental research with thioctic acid]. PMID- 13799609 TI - [Non-malignant colopathies: surgical indications]. PMID- 13799608 TI - [Attempts to prevent labyrinthine damage from streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin. I. Experimental research with thioctic acid]. PMID- 13799610 TI - Microbiological formation and preparation of 3-ketoglycosides from disaccharides. PMID- 13799612 TI - [Phoniatric observations made on subjects having lesions of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13799611 TI - The structure of 3-ketoglycosides formed from disaccharides by certain bacteria. PMID- 13799614 TI - [Segmental acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799613 TI - [Renal involvement in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799615 TI - [Acute pancreatitis: on the treatment of splanchnic capillary stasis]. PMID- 13799616 TI - [Treatment of splanchnic capillary stasis in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799617 TI - [Acute pancreatitis: trypsin activators and inhibitors]. PMID- 13799618 TI - [Trypsinogen-trypsin and its inhibitors in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799619 TI - [Acute pancreatitis: enzymatic toxemia. Experimental study of antitrypsins]. PMID- 13799620 TI - [On a case of megacolon in an adult]. PMID- 13799621 TI - [Some basic facts leading to the avoidance of errors of diagnosis in digestive pathology]. PMID- 13799623 TI - [The general causes of errors of diagnosis]. PMID- 13799622 TI - [Synthetic essay on the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799624 TI - [The idea of enzyme intoxication in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799625 TI - [Endoscopic photography of the bronchi in hospital practice]. PMID- 13799626 TI - [Photo-endoscopy of the bronchi in hospital practice]. PMID- 13799627 TI - [Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Massive doses of isoniazid]. PMID- 13799628 TI - [Fluctuations of the resistance of strains of tubercle bacilli in the course of treatments of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13799629 TI - [Estimation of the tuberculosis hazard]. PMID- 13799630 TI - [Extent of the tuberculous danger]. PMID- 13799631 TI - [The place of bronchoscopy in the therapy of dyspnea due to respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13799632 TI - [Recent contributions in antituberculous chemotherapy]. PMID- 13799633 TI - [Two experiences in tuberculosis control in Tunisia]. PMID- 13799634 TI - Experimental trichinosis in the golden hamster. II. Electrocardiographic changes. PMID- 13799635 TI - Hyperamylasemia: its experimental production. PMID- 13799637 TI - [A case of Chediak-Steinbrinck-Higashi disease. Clinical and cytological study]. PMID- 13799636 TI - [Hemorrhagic complications caused by anticoagulants]. PMID- 13799638 TI - [Electron microscope study of lymphoid leukemia with intracytoplasmic crystals]. PMID- 13799639 TI - [How to recognize the cancerous nature of a thyroid tumor and what means of treatment to choose]. PMID- 13799640 TI - [Hematology and cancerology. What can one expect from bone marrow transfusions?]. PMID- 13799641 TI - [What does the laboratory contribute to guide the diagnosis and treatment of hemolytic anemia?]. PMID- 13799642 TI - [Acute promyelocytic leukemia: a study made on 20 cases]. PMID- 13799643 TI - [Radiological study of the bone lesions in acute leukoses]. PMID- 13799645 TI - [Relative medullary insufficiency]. PMID- 13799644 TI - [Comparative study of various derivatives of ethyleneiminequinone (leukemia 1210 in mice and human malignant blood diseases)]. PMID- 13799647 TI - Review of the French hematological literature (1959). PMID- 13799646 TI - [The acute transformation of chronic myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13799648 TI - [Considerations on the diagnosis and therapy of infectious mononucleosis]. PMID- 13799649 TI - [On the treatment of acute leukosis in the child]. PMID- 13799650 TI - [Present treatment of acute leukoses]. PMID- 13799651 TI - [Progress of antileukemic chemotherapy]. PMID- 13799652 TI - [The treatment of arterial hypertension by derivatives of the root of Rauwolfia serpentina]. PMID- 13799653 TI - [North-African rickettsial endemic and its consequences for metropolitan pathology]. PMID- 13799654 TI - [The etiological problem of thromboangitis obliterans of the young adult. Apropos of 7 observations]. PMID- 13799655 TI - [Cushing's syndrome and recurrent pancreatitis]. PMID- 13799656 TI - [Typhoid fever and vaccination]. PMID- 13799658 TI - [Neurotonic transitory hypertension of the young adult]. PMID- 13799657 TI - [Vaccinal nephropathies (TABDT vaccine)]. PMID- 13799659 TI - [The new hypotensive drugs]. PMID- 13799660 TI - [Clinical study of the 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamate of reserpyl, (T.C.R.) new hypotensive alkaloid of Rauwolfia serpentina]. PMID- 13799661 TI - [Antitetanus booster by intradermal route]. PMID- 13799662 TI - [Antitetanus immunity of the young adult 10 to 15 years after school vaccination]. PMID- 13799663 TI - [Allergic reactions to different tetanic vaccinal antigens and anatoxin]. PMID- 13799664 TI - Isolated cryptococcosis associated with Boeck's sarcoid. Report of a case treated with amphotericin B. PMID- 13799665 TI - Infection due to chromobacteria. Report of a case of pneumonia due to Chromobacterium prodigiosum successfully treated with kanamycin. PMID- 13799666 TI - Preduodenal portal vein causing duodenal obstruction with bleeding duodenal ulcer: a case report. PMID- 13799667 TI - [Papain in the treatment of eschars, atonic and superinfected wounds. Physiological problems caused by its activity, especially in cicatrization]. PMID- 13799668 TI - [New findings on the correlation of the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland]. PMID- 13799669 TI - [Tests of adrenal cortex inhibition]. PMID- 13799670 TI - [Use of daranide per os, as antiglaucomatous agent]. PMID- 13799671 TI - [Clinical and physiopathological study of a case of congenital methemoglobinemia]. PMID- 13799672 TI - [Utilization of the hemisuccinates of glucocorticoids in emergency treatment in children]. PMID- 13799674 TI - [Familial cerebral lipidosis of a juvenile type. Diagnostic importance of cerebral biopsy]. PMID- 13799673 TI - [Genetic and clinical study of a case of familial ectodermal dysplasia (hologynic dominant heredity]. PMID- 13799675 TI - [Typus amstelodamensis]. PMID- 13799676 TI - [Contribution to the interpretation of the electrical axis in interauricular communications]. PMID- 13799677 TI - [Anemia caused by extensive hematoma of the scalp in the newborn. (Apropos of 5 recent cases)]. PMID- 13799678 TI - [Feminizing tumor of the ovary in a 3 and 1/2-year-old child]. PMID- 13799679 TI - [A contribution to skull development and to the problem of symmetry on the basis of studies on the skull of an anchyotic, prosophthalmic, cephalothoracopagic rabbit with rudimentary maxilla]. PMID- 13799680 TI - [Recent research on the Barre-Lieou syndrome]. PMID- 13799681 TI - A training program in community psychiatry. Integrating trends in public health and administration. PMID- 13799682 TI - [Recent progress in the treatment of arterial hypertension. Apropos of a new non sedative hypotensive drug (anaprel)]. PMID- 13799683 TI - [Usefulness of electrophoretic examination of blood serum proteins in rheumatic iritis]. PMID- 13799684 TI - The proliferation of erythroblasts at normal and low barometric pressure in vitro and in vivo. PMID- 13799685 TI - [Contribution to the study of the nuclei of ossification in immature, premature and full-term infants. (Personal cases)]. PMID- 13799686 TI - [On prodigality in relation to disqualification and disability]. PMID- 13799687 TI - [Hyperthermia in the premature newborn infant. Statistical, etiopathogenetic, clinical and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13799689 TI - [Cancer in a vesical diverticulum]. PMID- 13799688 TI - [Traumatic rupture of both testes]. PMID- 13799690 TI - [Treatment of renal lithiasis]. PMID- 13799691 TI - [Research on the influence of meprobamate on the immune response]. PMID- 13799692 TI - First positive results in the creation of an intratissual artificial kidney PMID- 13799693 TI - [Possibilities of pregnancy in adolescence]. PMID- 13799695 TI - [Peridural anesthesia in orthopedic and traumatological surgery]. PMID- 13799694 TI - [Experiences in the use of chlorpropamide in the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13799696 TI - [Serum glycoproteins in patients with malignant neoplasms]. PMID- 13799697 TI - [The cardiologist and hiatal hernia of the stomach]. PMID- 13799698 TI - [The problems of acute non-specific pericarditis]. PMID- 13799699 TI - [Significance of hyposiderosis in ozena]. PMID- 13799700 TI - [Changes in the motor activity after pentazole administration in irradiated rats under the influence of phenobarbital inhibition]. PMID- 13799701 TI - [Contribution to the study of changes in hydrosoluble proteins from the crystalline lens in cataract induced by red and infrared rays]. PMID- 13799702 TI - [Triad of Fallot. Clinical and anatomical study of the case of a 47-year-old patient]. PMID- 13799703 TI - Necrosis of the colon following resection for abdominal aortic aneurysms. PMID- 13799704 TI - Intoxications by nitrous vapors during manufacture of nitrocelluloses PMID- 13799705 TI - [Cancer of the gastric stump, 26 years after gastrectomy for pyloric cancer]. PMID- 13799706 TI - [On the effect of pregnancy of the growing skeletal system]. PMID- 13799707 TI - [On the influence of pregnancy on the growing skeletal system]. PMID- 13799708 TI - [On the pathology and clinical picture of climacteric osteoarthropathies]. PMID- 13799709 TI - [Supramalleolar leg fractures in which the ski shoe acts as a fulcrum]. PMID- 13799710 TI - An analysis of the responses of a male prison population to the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. PMID- 13799711 TI - [Clinical observations and therapeutic results in Scheuermann's diseases]. PMID- 13799712 TI - [A small medical history in the light of centenaries]. PMID- 13799713 TI - [Historical view of plastic surgery of the external genital organs]. PMID- 13799714 TI - [On the increase of frequency of malformations]. PMID- 13799715 TI - [Contribution to the clinical picture of panniculitis Weber-Christian]. PMID- 13799716 TI - [Studies on the excretion of fat in the feces after stomach operations]. PMID- 13799717 TI - [The importance of phosphatases in gastric juice for the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma]. PMID- 13799718 TI - [Contribution to the clinical statistics of mammarv carcinoma]. PMID- 13799719 TI - [Effect of heart and lung disease on the volume and hemoglobin concentration of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13799720 TI - [Macroglobulinemia--Waldenstrom disease or syndrome?]. PMID- 13799721 TI - [The median single cell erythrocyte volume in bronchial carcinoma before and after thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13799722 TI - [The significance of erythrocyte size for clinical practice]. PMID- 13799723 TI - The sophomore surgeon. PMID- 13799724 TI - A magnetic analyzer for the quantitative evaluation of scintigrams PMID- 13799725 TI - Leadership hunger in a therapy group. PMID- 13799726 TI - A psychiatric census of the South Pacific. PMID- 13799727 TI - Difficulties of comparative psychiatry: the Fiji islands. PMID- 13799728 TI - Cardiodynamics and the coronary circulation in hypothermia. PMID- 13799729 TI - Comparison of dl- and d-alpha-tocopherol in the reactivation of the DPNH cytochrome c reductase of isooctane-treated heart-muscle preparation. PMID- 13799730 TI - [The prospects of use of chelating agents in internal medicine, surgery and orthopedics]. PMID- 13799731 TI - [On the effect of cortisone and horse-chestnut extracts on experimentally induced hemorrhagic diathesis]. PMID- 13799732 TI - The metabolism of isolated cerebral cortex from hypoxic rats. PMID- 13799734 TI - Evaluation of the Reiter protein complement-fixation (RPCF) test for syphilis. PMID- 13799733 TI - [Cystic lymphangioma of the greater omentum]. PMID- 13799735 TI - [Crises of senescence]. PMID- 13799736 TI - Clinical trial of high dosage vitamin E in human muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13799737 TI - [On the genetic structure of a species of Podospora anserine and on the interest of this structure in certain genetic studies]. PMID- 13799738 TI - On the development of cortical activity in fetal sheep. PMID- 13799739 TI - On the mechanisms of dark adaptation in day- and night-insects. PMID- 13799740 TI - [On the duration of development of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms (Time of pathogenesis in minor surgery)]. PMID- 13799741 TI - Current concepts in syphilis. PMID- 13799742 TI - Serum inhibition of streptococcal diphosphopyridine nucleotidase in uncomplicated streptococcal pharyngitis and in rheumatic fever. PMID- 13799743 TI - [Animal experimental studies on the genesis of endometriosis]. PMID- 13799744 TI - [The covering plaster splint]. PMID- 13799745 TI - [The linoleic acid content of the skin lipids in rats after ultraviolet irradiation]. PMID- 13799746 TI - [Changes of polyene fatty acid synthesis of skin lipids after roentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13799747 TI - [Short summary of recent papers concerning the study of lipid metabolism with the aid of isotopes]. PMID- 13799748 TI - [On the management of legally permitted abortion in the Federal Republic]. PMID- 13799749 TI - Efect of flow-rate and sample-size on column efficiency in gas-liquid chromatography. PMID- 13799750 TI - Mechanism of enzyme inhibition by phosphate esters. AB - A theory for the rapid specific reaction of certain phosphorous-containing esters with many proteolytic enzymes based on the ability of phosphorous to form one additional bond relative to carbon is presented. A stable tetrahedral phosphate ester is compared with a labile tetrahedral orthocarbonyl ester and a relatively stable pentagonal enzyme-phosphate ester complex is compared with a pentagonal enzyme-carbonyl substrate complex. The latter complex is assumed to be the transition state in the enzyme-catalyzed reaction. If the theory is correct, it opens up the possibility of studying intermediates and transition states from the known structures of chemical inhibitors. PMID- 13799751 TI - [Electron microscopic demonstration of a virus in cells infected in vitro by the polyoma agent]. PMID- 13799752 TI - [Attempts at ultrastructural cytochemistry. Action on ergastoplasm]. PMID- 13799753 TI - The detection and study of tumor viruses with the electron microscope. PMID- 13799754 TI - Ultrastructural aspects of nucleo-cytoplasmic relationship. PMID- 13799755 TI - Liver function tests. PMID- 13799756 TI - [Scapulo-humeral luxation reduced spontaneously. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13799757 TI - A simplified millipore filter technique for the isolation of cancer cells in body fluids. PMID- 13799758 TI - The vitamin B6 activity of heat-sterilized milk. PMID- 13799759 TI - [Biosyntheses in the "cobalamine" series. Part VI. On the intermediate products of the biosynthesis of vitamin B 12 by Propionibacterium shermanii]. PMID- 13799760 TI - [On the chemistry and biochemistry of "cobalamine". 16. On corrinoid conjugates]. PMID- 13799761 TI - The assimilation and metabolism of guanidine by a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PMID- 13799762 TI - [Heat stroke and amphetamine intoxication in a sportsman]. PMID- 13799763 TI - [Study of thyroid function during the course of lipoid nephrosis]. PMID- 13799764 TI - [Congenital agammaglobulinemia with steatorrhea in two heterozygotic twins of different sex]. PMID- 13799765 TI - [Mediterranean boutonneuse fever with hemagglutination positive for epidemic typhus. Isolation of a strain of Rickettsia conorii from the blood]. PMID- 13799766 TI - [Apropos of the treatment of purulent meningites of the newborn; 2 cases followed by recovery, one caused by "Aerobacter cloacae", the other by "Moraxella glucidolytica", treated with intra-spinal polymyxin]. PMID- 13799768 TI - [Rubella (obstetrical complications excepted)]. PMID- 13799767 TI - [Neonatal suppurative meningitis due to Moraxella glucidolytica (Bacterium anitratum)]. PMID- 13799769 TI - [Particular aspects of renal tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13799770 TI - [The cardiovascular manifestations of congenital myxedema]. PMID- 13799771 TI - [Galactosemia-servere neonatal form. Favorable result of a new dietetic product]. PMID- 13799772 TI - [Corticotherapy and chickenpox. Its hazards; its indications]. PMID- 13799773 TI - [Primary fibrous polymyositis of pseudomyopathic form in children]. PMID- 13799774 TI - [2 cases of prolonged thrombopenic purpura following an antidiphtheria antitetanus vaccination. Splenectomy. Cure]. PMID- 13799775 TI - [Accidental and therapeutic poisonings in the child]. PMID- 13799776 TI - Antioxidant effect of chlorpromazine. PMID- 13799777 TI - [The adrenals in hyperaldosteronism. Primary bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex in a case of hyperaldosteronism]. PMID- 13799778 TI - Leucocidal agents of haemolytic streptococci. PMID- 13799779 TI - [Investigations on the decomposition of L- and D-adrenaline in the rat organism]. PMID- 13799780 TI - [Pheochromocytoma: biochemical and pharmacological viewpoints]. PMID- 13799781 TI - Correction of deformities of the anal canal due to previous surgery. PMID- 13799782 TI - The organization of the periodontal membrane fibres of the developing molars of rats. PMID- 13799783 TI - Vascular supply to the developing teeth of rats. PMID- 13799784 TI - [Clinical and pathological data on fibroadenoma of the breast]. PMID- 13799785 TI - [Contributions to the clinical picture and pathology of breast fibroadenoma]. PMID- 13799786 TI - [Metabolism of glucides. III. The digestion of glucides]. PMID- 13799787 TI - [Metabolism of glucides. VII. Hormones and metabolism of glucides]. PMID- 13799788 TI - [Physiopathology in pictures. Metabolism of glucides. V. Muscular contraction]. PMID- 13799789 TI - [Physiopathology in pictures. Metabolism of glucides. VI. Glucide anabolism]. PMID- 13799790 TI - [Physiopathology in pictures: metabolism of glucides. IV. Glucide catabolism]. PMID- 13799792 TI - [Diagnosis of a case of asthenia with pigmentation]. PMID- 13799791 TI - [Metabolic study of a case of Whipple's disease]. PMID- 13799794 TI - [Complications of a sigmoid diverticulum]. PMID- 13799793 TI - Oral cancer. PMID- 13799795 TI - [Osteoporosis, osteomalacia and nutritional factors]. PMID- 13799796 TI - [Sex differences in pyelonephritis]. PMID- 13799797 TI - [The clinical aspects and therapy of water-and mineral metabolism]. PMID- 13799798 TI - [The adjustment of working areas to the physical capability of the bodily handicapped]. PMID- 13799799 TI - [Cardiocirculatory repercussions of cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13799800 TI - [Excretion of enteric viruses by children in Israel]. PMID- 13799801 TI - Darkfield agglutination of fluorocarbon-treated trachoma virus by serums of trachoma patients and immunized rabbits. PMID- 13799802 TI - Effect of active and inactive vaccinia virus preparations on human amnion cell cultures. PMID- 13799803 TI - Antibiotic production as a function of spore formation in Bacillus licheniformis. PMID- 13799804 TI - [On 2 unusual cases of digestive pathology]. PMID- 13799805 TI - [Studies of the mechanical properties of the human fetal membranes after premature and normal rupture]. PMID- 13799806 TI - [Persistent bronchial fistulas and late reopening of fistulas afte cavernostomy]. PMID- 13799807 TI - [Concerning the local use of antibiotic drugs in cavernostomies]. PMID- 13799808 TI - [Surgical treatment of severe tuberculous pyothorax]. PMID- 13799809 TI - [Chronic bronchitis in current practice]. PMID- 13799810 TI - [Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in rural environment]. PMID- 13799812 TI - [On the clinical picture of complications after antirabies vaccination]. PMID- 13799811 TI - Cor pulmonale simulating posterior myocardial infarction. PMID- 13799813 TI - [The measurement of coronary circulation in man with the nitrous oxide method]. PMID- 13799814 TI - [On the therapy of respiratory insufficiency and its cerebral complications]. PMID- 13799815 TI - Study of esterase activity in human brain and serum. PMID- 13799816 TI - Primary thrombocytosis and anginal syndrome. PMID- 13799817 TI - Laboratory investigations of a carrier of multiple phage types of Salmonella paratyphi B. PMID- 13799819 TI - Vascular exclusion of the liver: its influence on glucose metabolism. PMID- 13799818 TI - Autotransplantation of the adrenal of the rat to the portal circulation: effect of administration of ACTH. PMID- 13799820 TI - Synchronous division in Chlamydomonas moewusii. AB - Mass cultures of Chlamydomonas moewusii have been synchronized by means of light dark shifts. Division of at least 91 percent of the population was made to occur in 1/24 of the life cycle of the cells. The advantages of working with synchronized cultures of obligate autotrophs are discussed. PMID- 13799821 TI - Intravenous aortography; its clinical application. PMID- 13799822 TI - An evaluation of the by-pass graft in arteriosclerotic occlusive disease of the femoral artery. PMID- 13799823 TI - Inhibition of cleavage and development of the sea-urchin egg by 2-desoxy-D glucose. PMID- 13799824 TI - White sponge nevus. Report of a case. PMID- 13799825 TI - Pulmonary function in children. I. Determination of norms. PMID- 13799826 TI - Pulmonary function in children. II. Preliminary studies in chronic intractable childhood asthma. PMID- 13799827 TI - Pulmonary function in children (normal and asthmatic). PMID- 13799828 TI - A note on the development of Gaucher cells in a newborn infant. PMID- 13799829 TI - The occurrence of intestinal atresia in newborns with meconium ileus. The pathogenesis of an acquired anomaly. PMID- 13799830 TI - The interaction of process and content on thought disorders of schizophrenic and brain-damaged patients. PMID- 13799831 TI - The blood galactose disappearance curve as a test of liver function. PMID- 13799832 TI - Experiences with surgery and strontium-90 in the treatment of pteryguim. PMID- 13799833 TI - Treatment of acute massive digitalis poisoning by adminstration of a chelating agent. PMID- 13799834 TI - Rehabilitating a child with a severe feeding problem. PMID- 13799835 TI - [Strangulation ileus with a somewhat peculiar symptomatology]. PMID- 13799837 TI - Limitations of whole-body irradiation for inducing acceptance of homografts in cases involving a genetic defect. PMID- 13799836 TI - Alterations in metabolic energetics and cation transport during aging of red cells. PMID- 13799838 TI - Implantation of normal bloodforming tissue in genetically anemic mice, without x irradiation of host. PMID- 13799839 TI - A study of the association of group A streptococci with acute glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13799840 TI - Is sexual dysfunction following radical surgery for cancer of the rectum and sigmoid colon a justifiable complication? PMID- 13799841 TI - The interpretation of pulmonary artery wedge (pulmonary capillary) pressures. PMID- 13799842 TI - Experimental bilateral bundle branch block. PMID- 13799843 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Remission on treatment with heparin. PMID- 13799844 TI - [Cholelithiasis after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13799845 TI - [On the problem of a jejunal peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13799846 TI - Increased transmissibility of staphylococci to patients receiving an antimicrobial drug. PMID- 13799847 TI - [Nephrotic syndrome]. PMID- 13799848 TI - [Cervical spondyloarthrosis]. PMID- 13799849 TI - [Notes on the diagnosis of intestinal parasitoses. I. Comparative data on the results obtained by the "Faust" and "MIFC" methods]. PMID- 13799851 TI - [Respiratory functional investigations in patients after thoracoplasty]. PMID- 13799850 TI - [Note on the application of sequential analysis in the laboratory routine of a campaign for the eradication of malaria. Evaluation of the diagnostic capacity of microscopists]. PMID- 13799852 TI - [Massive intradermal local anesthesia]. PMID- 13799853 TI - [The ballistocardiogram in generalized scleroderma]. PMID- 13799854 TI - [Liver disease caused by congestive cardiac insufficiency and its physiopathology]. PMID- 13799856 TI - Transplantation immunity involving the H-3 locus: graft survival times. PMID- 13799855 TI - [Large serous cyst of the kidney]. PMID- 13799857 TI - The incidence of arteriosclerotic heart disease among cirrhotics. PMID- 13799858 TI - [Potentiated anesthesia and hypothermia by refrigeration]. PMID- 13799859 TI - Environment and public health programs. PMID- 13799860 TI - Prelude to a protest. PMID- 13799861 TI - Protest concluded. PMID- 13799862 TI - Protest continued. PMID- 13799863 TI - Protest recorded. PMID- 13799864 TI - Standardizing administrative residency requirements. PMID- 13799865 TI - The employment of lay executives. (Cutting costs by cutting heads). PMID- 13799866 TI - The employment of lay executives. PMID- 13799867 TI - The employment of lay executives. PMID- 13799868 TI - The hospital of the future? PMID- 13799870 TI - Observations on treatment of fractures of the lower extremity. PMID- 13799869 TI - Significance of pharmacologic state in recording optic potentials from cat cerebellum. PMID- 13799871 TI - Recurrence of Trichophyton rubrum infection during treatment with griseofulvin. Report of a case. PMID- 13799872 TI - Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis treatment with oxytetracycline. PMID- 13799873 TI - An investigation into crabyaws: a local footrot of cattle on bauxitic soils in Jamaica. PMID- 13799874 TI - "Which erring men call chance". PMID- 13799875 TI - The surgical volumes of the history of the United States Army Medical Department in World War II. Introduction. PMID- 13799876 TI - Engineering principles. An aid to better patient care. PMID- 13799877 TI - A paper spot test useful in study of Hurler's syndrome. PMID- 13799878 TI - Amino acid excretion in urine of normal infants and children. Paper chromtographic methods for amino acid analyses. PMID- 13799879 TI - Individual metabolic paterns: II. Excretion of beta-aminoisobutyric acid. PMID- 13799880 TI - Procedures for testing urine specimens dried on filter paper. PMID- 13799881 TI - The Saginaw study of perinatal mortality. PMID- 13799883 TI - The effect of acute hyperventilation on the blood ammonia concenration of patients with liver disease. The relative role of the kidney, liver, and extremity. PMID- 13799882 TI - The acyl-group specificity of choline acetylase. PMID- 13799884 TI - Infantile cirrhosis. A clinicopathological study of forty-one cases. PMID- 13799885 TI - 5-hydroxyendoleacetic acid excretion in pregnancy. PMID- 13799886 TI - The effect of delayed injections of tricarboxylic acid cycle inhibitors and reticuloendothelial "blocking" agents on Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice. PMID- 13799887 TI - Effects of bacterial endotoxin on metabolism. I. Carbohydrate depletion and the protective role of cortisone. AB - Mice of different strains were protected against the lethal effect of bacterial endotoxin by concurrent injections of cortisone. Either inadequate amounts of cortisone or excessive quantities of endotoxin voided the protection. Analyses of blood sugar, liver glycogen, muscle glycogen, and total body carbohydrate in the skinned eviscerated carcass were carried out on different strains of mice given endotoxin and/or cortisone. Poisoned animals were virtually depleted of all carbohydrate while mice given cortisone alone had concentrations of carbohydrate from three to four times that of normal mice. Mice given a lethal amount of endotoxin and a protective dose of cortisone had two to three times as much carbohydrate as animals injected with the same amount of endotoxin alone but significantly less than that found in normal mice. Dibenzyline failed to alter the lethal effect of endotoxin and to reduce the carbohydrate loss that accompanied endotoxin administration. Endotoxin, at the dosage level employed, lowered the temperature of mice 2 degrees -3 degrees C. during the first hour or two postinjection and the temperature remained essentially unaltered during the next 4 to 5 hours. Loss in body carbohydrate in endotoxin-poisoned mice cannot be explained, therefore, as the result of an elevated metabolic rate accompanying hyperthermia. Endotoxin prevented the conversion of injected glucose into liver glycogen but not into muscle glycogen. Mouse liver mitochondria, in the presence of endotoxin, released from ATP approximately the same amount of inorganic phosphate as that released in the presence of dinitrophenol. PMID- 13799888 TI - The histone-like basic protein of bovine spermatozoa. PMID- 13799890 TI - Obstruction of the small and large intestine. Physiopathology and treatment. PMID- 13799889 TI - The isolation of some cellular constituents of bovine spermatozoa. PMID- 13799891 TI - The "third kidney" phenomenon of the gastrointestinal tract. A complication of parenteral fluid therapy and intestinal trauma. PMID- 13799892 TI - Anatomical studies of the circle of Willis. II. Vascular disorders of the brain. PMID- 13799893 TI - Rathke-cleft cysts. PMID- 13799894 TI - The vascular lesion in cerebral softenings. PMID- 13799895 TI - Mechanism of the radiation effect on the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid. PMID- 13799897 TI - The somatic background of rote learning. PMID- 13799896 TI - Approximation of 'total vascular space' in seminal vesicles of rats, and changes in its distribution in response to castration and androgen. PMID- 13799898 TI - Hepatic damage associated with measles. PMID- 13799899 TI - Cholinesterases in human serum. PMID- 13799900 TI - Coronary artery disease. Part II. Exercise, and dietary fat. PMID- 13799901 TI - The evaluation of serum amylase levels in nonpancreatic disease. PMID- 13799902 TI - The treatment of adolescents--effecting the transference. Management problems in private practice. PMID- 13799904 TI - Fluid collection in emphysematous bullae. PMID- 13799903 TI - Influence of chemical structure upon biological properties of penicillin. PMID- 13799905 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages caused by intestinal diverticulosis]. PMID- 13799906 TI - [A case of subacute erythematovisceritis clinically cured by azoiprite treatment]. PMID- 13799907 TI - [Clinical studies on nitrogen mustard and roentgen therapy of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13799909 TI - [On the importance of hepatotoxic factors in the determinism of hepatic diseases]. PMID- 13799908 TI - [On heparin therapy in arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13799910 TI - [Study of protein-deficient anemias. Ideas on the importance of protein metabolism in erythropoietic processes]. PMID- 13799911 TI - [Vitamin H-1. Note IV.: Clinical study of its influence on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13799912 TI - [Blood pyruvate curve after oral glucose loading in senile diabetes]. PMID- 13799913 TI - [Radoslaw's curve in senile diabetes]. PMID- 13799914 TI - [The oral glucose loading curve in the diabetic elderly person]. PMID- 13799915 TI - [Effect of trace elements on the synthesis of hetero-auxins by soil microorganisms]. PMID- 13799916 TI - [Considerations on a case of jejunal accessory pancreas]. PMID- 13799918 TI - Physicians for a growing America. PMID- 13799917 TI - [Further aspects of the treatment of varicose disease]. PMID- 13799919 TI - Correction of sample absorption of radioactivity. AB - In the method presented here for the correction of sample absorption of C(14) activity, the only requirement is the availability of any C(14)-labeled compound of sufficiently high specific activity to permit addition, in negligible mass, of a number of counts equal to or greater than that in unknown samples and with solubility characteristics that exclude preferential layering during drying of samples. The principle may be applied to liquid scintillation counting. Absorption curves are dispensed with, and the weights of the assayed samples need not be determined. PMID- 13799920 TI - Isotopic tracers in the study of diabetes. PMID- 13799921 TI - K42-tagged red blood cells in blood volume determinations. PMID- 13799923 TI - Recent studies on insulin-binding antibodies. PMID- 13799922 TI - Quantitative aspects of the reaction between insulin and insulin-binding antibody. PMID- 13799924 TI - Species-specificity of human antibeef, pork insulin serum. PMID- 13799925 TI - Headlight. PMID- 13799926 TI - [Mesenterium commune of the adult with segmental enlarged small intestine]. PMID- 13799927 TI - [Mesenterium commune of the adult with segmental megaintestine]. PMID- 13799928 TI - [Ileitis and viral pneumopathy. Reactional ileitis]. PMID- 13799929 TI - [On some digestive aspects of intestinal ascaridiosis in the adult]. PMID- 13799930 TI - [Pluricentric digestive and uterine carcinoma with postoperative developmental interlude of 15 years in a woman with amebic cysts]. PMID- 13799932 TI - [Etiological and therapeutic data on digestive hemorrhages]. PMID- 13799931 TI - [Chronic amebiasis in the form of hemorrhagic rectocolitis]. PMID- 13799933 TI - [Gastrectomy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]. PMID- 13799934 TI - [Maurice Messegue or the physicians with us]. PMID- 13799935 TI - [On the problem of radiation protection in short-distance curietherapy in gynecology]. PMID- 13799936 TI - [Salpingography in the diagnosis of tubal tuberculosis. Analysis of 106 cases]. PMID- 13799937 TI - [Influence of the removal of the large intestine on oxygen consumption in the rat]. PMID- 13799938 TI - Effect of convulsant treatment on the 5-hydroxytryptamine content of brain and other tissues of the rat. PMID- 13799939 TI - [Eruptions of exceptional gravity due to drugs]. PMID- 13799940 TI - [The behavior of the serum thiocyanates in physiological pregnancy and in gestosis]. PMID- 13799941 TI - [Psychiatric problems of pregnancy]. PMID- 13799942 TI - Residual insecticides and the problem of sorption. AB - Whereas laboratory investigations have elucidated the mechanism of sorption of residual insecticides and demonstrated that their persistency is determined by a number of physico-chemical factors and is therefore theoretically calculable, the variables encountered in the field may produce results in apparent conflict with those theoretically expected. Attempts to enhance persistency through the prevention of sorption, although promising, have so far not been fully successful. It is consequently also necessary to assess the residual effectiveness of insecticides, "effectiveness" here being viewed as a biological effect expressed in terms of the mosquito mortality produced. For this purpose bio-assay tests have been used, but with very variable results, and it is suggested that a study of the bio-assay technique itself is needed. This should be conducted in parallel with chemical determinations of the total amount of insecticide present both on and below the sprayed surface. PMID- 13799943 TI - Fluorescence microscope method for detection of pulmonary malignancies. PMID- 13799944 TI - Mitotic rates and renewal times of the digestive tract epithelia in the rat. PMID- 13799945 TI - A ganglion-stimulating principle present in peptone. AB - One of us (W. T. B.) has previously described a pressor effect of peptone in the rat. This effect was considered secondary to a release of sympathin by the stimulation of sympathetic ganglia. The present experiments show that peptone causes contraction of guinea-pig ileum and inferior eyelid of the rat which is antagonized by hexamethonium. Atropine inhibits equiactive doses of peptone and acetylcholine on the guinea-pig ileum and eserine potentiates them. Boiling peptone in concentrated hydrochloric acid or N sodium hydroxide destroys its activity; incubation with proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, pepsin, and chymotrypsin) has no effect on its activity. It is concluded that peptone acts upon the intramural ganglia of the guinea-pig ileum and on sympathetic ganglia which supply the inferior eyelid of the rat. PMID- 13799946 TI - Sensitivities of different bacteriophage species to ionizing radiations. PMID- 13799947 TI - [Growth-promoting action in laboratory animals of a new analog of vitamin B12 containing 5(6)-amino-6(5)-methylbenzimidazole]. PMID- 13799948 TI - [Diseases of rice and their treatment]. PMID- 13799949 TI - An evaluation of chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. High doses of isoniazid and PAS versus daily streptomycin with high doses of isoniazid and PAS. PMID- 13799950 TI - The comparative specificity between Lowenstein-Jensen medium and a modified olei acid-albumin medium in supporting the growth of tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13799951 TI - [Clinical contribution on the treatment of diabetes with sulfabutylurea]. PMID- 13799952 TI - [Behavior of the electric systole during congestive cardiac decompensation and during the period of recompensation]. PMID- 13799953 TI - [On the subject of arteriovenous anastomoses]. PMID- 13799954 TI - Heparin as a constituent of experimental amyloid in mice. PMID- 13799955 TI - Histochemical studies on human aortic tissue. PMID- 13799956 TI - Physio-chemical investigations on acid mucopolysaccharides in human aortic tissue. PMID- 13799958 TI - A new and improved technique in orbital pneumography. PMID- 13799957 TI - Presence of neutral carbohydrates in human aortic tissue. PMID- 13799959 TI - Acute sclerotenonitis and ocular myositis complicated by papillitis, retinal detachment and glaucoma. PMID- 13799960 TI - Time uncertainty and choice reaction time. PMID- 13799962 TI - [On the theory of psychopharmacology and its use in the hospital and medical practice]. PMID- 13799961 TI - [Application of a microradiographical method to study of arteriovenous anastomoses]. PMID- 13799963 TI - [Cholesterolemia and arterial lesions in the aged. Biological and anatomical correlations]. PMID- 13799964 TI - [Diseases due to auto-antibodies]. PMID- 13799965 TI - [Grafts and immunology]. PMID- 13799966 TI - [Immuno-hematology]. PMID- 13799967 TI - [On the therapy of lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13799969 TI - [Hemoglobinuric bilious fever]. PMID- 13799968 TI - [Loa Ioa filariasis]. PMID- 13799970 TI - [A comparative investigation of dihydrochlorothiazide (esidrex) and the new oral diuretic, benzylhydroflumethiazide (centryl)]. PMID- 13799971 TI - [Cervicovaginal fistula as a complication of induced abortion]. PMID- 13799972 TI - [Placenta praevia et accreta following uterine curettage in the puerperium]. PMID- 13799973 TI - [Abnormal retinal correspondence and spatial projection]. PMID- 13799974 TI - Health education in the school. PMID- 13799976 TI - [Basis of organization of the campaign against tuberculosis in countries with large tuberculous endemia]. PMID- 13799975 TI - [Accomplishments of the Centre International de l'Enfance in 1958]. PMID- 13799977 TI - Metabolism of dlepinephrine-beta-C14 in plasma of schizophrenics. PMID- 13799978 TI - Alteration of the clinical picture during tofranil therapy. PMID- 13799979 TI - [Results of the 30 first total extracorporeal circulation trials performed in the laboratory]. PMID- 13799980 TI - Production of cardiac arrest by an electrolyte solution. A preliminary report. PMID- 13799981 TI - [Poisonous snake bite--personal report]. PMID- 13799983 TI - [2 Observations of digestive carcinoids]. PMID- 13799982 TI - [The intestinal resorption of radiocarbon-labeled cholesterol 4 in the rat, and the influence of sitosterol]. PMID- 13799984 TI - [The frequency of malignant tumors in dermatomyositis and other collagenoses]. PMID- 13799985 TI - [On the antispirochetal action of water-soluble bismuth compounds. I. Research in Borrelia duttoni infection in the mouse]. PMID- 13799986 TI - [Anesthesia in cesarean section]. PMID- 13799987 TI - [The midwife. Future of the profession]. PMID- 13799988 TI - [Treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13799989 TI - [The treatment of closed injuries of the thorax in patients with multiple injuries]. PMID- 13799990 TI - The role of splenectomy in sarcoidosis. PMID- 13799991 TI - Cholinesterase, dlysergic acid diethylamide, and 2-bromolysergic acid diethylamide. PMID- 13799992 TI - Effects of certain vitamins and histamines on the LSD psychosis. PMID- 13799993 TI - Dopamine and chromaffin cells. PMID- 13799994 TI - Brain catechol amine content after sectioning the adrenergic nerves to the brain vessels. PMID- 13799995 TI - Occurrence and distribution of catechol amines in brain. PMID- 13799996 TI - On the distribution in brain of monoamines and of enzymes responsible for their formation. PMID- 13799997 TI - [Considerations on the value of direct radiological examination of the tumorous breast]. PMID- 13799998 TI - [Conservative tubal therapy in extra-uterine pregnancy. (Experimental and clinical results)]. PMID- 13799999 TI - [Periesophageal and mediastinal phlegmons secondary to foreign bodies. Clinical contribution]. PMID- 13800000 TI - [Histologic observations on hemangiopericytoma (Apropos of two personal observations]. PMID- 13800001 TI - [Nonchromatophilic paragangliomas of rare sites. Apropos of 2 personal observations (paraganglioma of the cervical pneumogastric and paraganglioma of the base of the tongue)]. PMID- 13800002 TI - [The use of kanamycin in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13800003 TI - [Chondroma of the larynx]. PMID- 13800004 TI - [Hemangioendothelioma of the hypopharynx]. PMID- 13800005 TI - [Myoblastoma of the vocal cords. (Review of literature on muscle-tissue tumors of the larynx)]. PMID- 13800006 TI - [Reticulosarcoma of the larynx (Casuistic contribution and review of the literature)]. PMID- 13800007 TI - [Chondromas of the mandible]. PMID- 13800008 TI - [Dexamethasone in the therapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13800009 TI - [Varicocele and spermatogenesis]. PMID- 13800010 TI - [On supracondylar fractures of the humerus in childhood]. PMID- 13800011 TI - [Importance of the anesthetist in the frameowork of neonatal assistance]. PMID- 13800012 TI - [Experimental clinical contribution to the therapeutic use of mineral salts extracted from the bones of young animals and combined with vitamin D2 in cases of deficient calcium deposition and retarded bone consolidation]. PMID- 13800013 TI - [Inhibiting effect of cardioactive glucosides on cationic transport at the cellular level. Study made with Na 22]. PMID- 13800014 TI - [Cholesterol esterase activity of various rat tissues at various stages of life]. PMID- 13800015 TI - Histological and histochemical findings in the maternal and fetal rat liver after propaphenin PMID- 13800016 TI - [Histological and histochemical findings in the rat uterus after injections of gonabion]. PMID- 13800017 TI - [Research on the development of the pulmonary capillaries in the premature infant by means of the Lepene-Pickworth histological technic]. PMID- 13800018 TI - [Study of the hypophysial capillaries of the premature infant in the 6th, seventh, eighth and ninth months of pregnancy by means of the Lepene-Pickworth histochemical technic with oxidases]. PMID- 13800019 TI - [Reducing action of penicillin on the reagents of Nylander and of Fehling]. PMID- 13800020 TI - [The enterochromaffin cellular system in the premature infant; the newborn infant at term and in the older child]. PMID- 13800021 TI - [Preliminary clinical research in pediatrics on the activity of a new protein anabolic agent]. PMID- 13800022 TI - [On a case of Tuerk's syndrome in a subject delivered by cesarean section]. PMID- 13800023 TI - [Thromboembolic syndromes in the puerperal state]. PMID- 13800024 TI - [Thromboembolic syndromes in the puerperal state]. PMID- 13800026 TI - [Activities of the "San Joaquin" experimental center of medico-social aid]. PMID- 13800025 TI - [Guillain-Barre syndrome and acute articular rheumatism (clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13800027 TI - [Action of orotic acid on plants]. PMID- 13800028 TI - [Orotic acid and its activity on asporogenous yeasts and on explants "in vitro" of Helianthus tuberosus]. PMID- 13800029 TI - [Antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13800030 TI - [Treatment of infections caused by pyocyanic bacilli with bacteriophages adapted by selection]. PMID- 13800031 TI - [The late cardiovascular collapses in the high forms of acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13800033 TI - [On the conditions of operation of the lazaretto in nurseries]. PMID- 13800034 TI - [Warning symptoms during diseases of infants]. PMID- 13800032 TI - [The gamma-globulins in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases]. PMID- 13800035 TI - [Studies on the peroxidase and catalase activity of recently isolated tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13800036 TI - [The effects of roentgen rays and cytostatics on the mutation rate of Drosophila]. PMID- 13800037 TI - [On the radiomimetic effect of various cytostatics in a mutation experiment on Drosophila]. PMID- 13800038 TI - A clinical evaluation of chlorophyll, benzocaine and urea ointment in treatment of minor infections of the foot. PMID- 13800039 TI - [On drinking water supply establishments in a county]. PMID- 13800040 TI - [Some considerations apropos of erythroblastosis in twins]. PMID- 13800042 TI - [A method of surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13800041 TI - Surgical treatment of parkinsonism: the use of a pneumotaxic guide with recording and stimulation. PMID- 13800044 TI - [Growth of Aspergillus nigher in the presence of chalating agents]. PMID- 13800043 TI - An apparatus and technique for surgery of dyskinesias. PMID- 13800046 TI - [On the need for zinc, as an oligoelement, for the synthesis of tyrosine by Aspergillus niger]. PMID- 13800045 TI - [On the necessity of zinc trace element for the synthesis of tryptophan, in Aspergillus niger and its possible replacement by cadmium]. PMID- 13800047 TI - [Oligo-elements in animal and human nutrition]. PMID- 13800049 TI - [Idea of oligo-elements in biology]. PMID- 13800048 TI - [Apropos of a mediastinal syndrome with predominantly middle and posterior manifestation in a young adult]. PMID- 13800050 TI - [Massive necrosis of the central nervous system in a subject kept alive artificially]. PMID- 13800051 TI - [A case of parathyroid osteosis]. PMID- 13800052 TI - [Comparison of the degradation curves of hydrocortisone alcohol and of double succinate of hydrocortisone and sodium in the child]. PMID- 13800053 TI - Study of the adrenal response to ACTH after prolonged treatment with prednisone alone or in combination with ACTH or testosterone. PMID- 13800054 TI - [Elongation of the half-life of hydrocortisone in myxedema in the child. Its correction by specific treatment]. PMID- 13800055 TI - [Physiology of adrenal secretion in the newborn]. PMID- 13800056 TI - [Slackening in the degradation of exogenous hydrocortisone during myxedema in the child: its therapeutic correction]. PMID- 13800057 TI - [Value of the study of the degradation of hydrocortisone in myxedema in the child]. PMID- 13800058 TI - Clinical investigations with a heat-treated plasma protein fraction-plasmanate. PMID- 13800059 TI - [Severe hepatobiliary distomatosis: parasitic cirrhosis and choledochal obstruction]. PMID- 13800060 TI - [Emergency problems caused by medical and surgical comas]. PMID- 13800061 TI - [On infectious viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13800062 TI - [Pauwels' adduction osteotomy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip]. PMID- 13800063 TI - [Clinical trails on the trichomoniasis of partners of infected women]. PMID- 13800064 TI - [Correction of genu flexum in spastics]. PMID- 13800065 TI - [Total acute puerperal uterine inversion]. PMID- 13800066 TI - [Transplantation of the teres major and latissimus dorsi in obstetrical paralysis of the arm in children]. PMID- 13800067 TI - [Paul Chevallier (1884-1960)]. PMID- 13800068 TI - [Considerations on a type of therapy in vegetative dystonia]. PMID- 13800069 TI - [On the importance of the establishment of a special school for parents with abnormal minds]. PMID- 13800070 TI - [Chemoprophylaxis of complications of tuberculosis in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13800071 TI - A comparison of surface ultrastructures of normal, papillomatous, and carcinomatous epidermal cells. PMID- 13800072 TI - [Gunshot trauma of the chest]. PMID- 13800073 TI - [Contribution to the bases of redispersion oximetry]. PMID- 13800074 TI - [The influence of the intermediate layer on the concentration dependence of the results of "reflection oximetry"]. PMID- 13800075 TI - [Embolectomy of the aortic bifurcation by retrograde route]. PMID- 13800076 TI - [Catheterization-aspiration of the artery in the treatment of postembolic thrombosis]. PMID- 13800077 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of peripheral arterial emboli]. PMID- 13800078 TI - Notes on the morphology of the larva of Pneumonyssoides caninum (Chandler and Ruhe, 1940) Fain, 1955 (Acarina: Halarachnidae). PMID- 13800080 TI - [Radiotherapy in eczematous disorders]. PMID- 13800079 TI - [Histoautoradiography with sulfate marked with S-35 and the histochemical detection of mucopolysaccharides. Comparison of results obtained by the convergent results]. PMID- 13800081 TI - [Oncocytoma renis]. PMID- 13800082 TI - [A case of spontaneous xanthomatosis with increased levels of cholesterol and uric acid in the blood serum in a patient with tegmental lipoma]. PMID- 13800083 TI - [A case of onkocytoma of the lacrimal gland]. PMID- 13800084 TI - [A case of hyperplasia of the lymph node with the structure of thymoma]. PMID- 13800085 TI - [Abandoned children]. PMID- 13800086 TI - [Hyperrotation of the presenting head]. PMID- 13800087 TI - [Planning and improvisation in forceps delivery]. PMID- 13800088 TI - [Characteristics of the development of cancer metastases in the bone]. PMID- 13800089 TI - [Calendar of vaccinations in Portugal]. PMID- 13800090 TI - [On a case of circumscribed dyskeratotic manifestations associated with pigmentation and sebaceous glandular hypertrophy]. PMID- 13800091 TI - [Vitamin B 12 uptake and its problems. Significance of rectal administration]. PMID- 13800092 TI - [Will amebiasis have a new aspect in Vietnam?]. PMID- 13800093 TI - [Common cold prophylaxis in young people at a ski-camp]. PMID- 13800094 TI - Diagnosis of ambulatory schizophrenia: a case study. PMID- 13800095 TI - [Apropos of "psi" phenomena]. PMID- 13800096 TI - Electrosurgical vulvar undercutting for pruritus vulvae. A case report. PMID- 13800097 TI - [Hazard of thoughtless ocular medical therapeutics]. PMID- 13800098 TI - [Electroretinography (its clinical utility)]. PMID- 13800100 TI - [Aspiration biopsy and tumors of the orbit]. PMID- 13800099 TI - [Medicolegal use of electroretinography]. PMID- 13800102 TI - [Yeast and mid-thoracic eczematid]. PMID- 13800101 TI - [Treatment of suppurative ringworm by an iodated acid ointment]. PMID- 13800103 TI - [L'Hopital San Salvadour]. PMID- 13800104 TI - [Electron microscopic appearance of the ferritin and apoferritin molecules]. PMID- 13800105 TI - [Various aspects of iron in the organism. I. Ferritin and ferruginous micelles]. AB - Des cellules reticulaires remplies de molecules de ferritine et d'hemosiderine se trouvent au centre "d'ilots erythroblastiques." Dans la zone de contact entre la cellule reticulaire chargee de ferritine et les erythroblastes, on voit des invaginations et des petites vacuoles au bord desquelles adherent des molecules de ferritine. Il est postule que la ferritine passe de la cellule reticulaire centrale dans les erythroblastes par ce mecanisme, apparente a la pinocytose (rhopheocytose). Dans tous les erythroblastes normaux, il existe du fer sous forme de ferritine. Celle-ci peut se trouver a l'etat disperse ou agglomeree en amas. Lorsque ces amas sont assez gros, ils sont visibles au microscope optique: ce sont les granules des sideroblastes. On trouve du fer dans les mitochondries, mais rarement a l'etat normal. Il est soit sous forme de granules ferritiniques soit sous forme de micelles ferrugineuses. Dans les thalassemies et d'autres maladies s'accompagnant d'un trouble de l'hemoglobinogenese, on trouve, en grande quantite, du fer visible au microscope electronique, dans les erythroblastes. Il s'y trouve sous forme de ferritine, en amas ou disperse. Il existe parfois en grande quantite dans les mitochondries soit sous forme de ferritine, soit sous forme de micelles ferrugineuses. Il semble que soit objective ainsi le trouble de la synthese de l'hemoglobine: le fer inutilise s'accumule dans des erythroblastes hypochromes. Il est probable qu'a l'etat normal, le fer est metabolise dans les mitochondries. Dans le thalassemies et les anemies hypochromes hypersideremiques, il semble souvent bloque dans ces organites. PMID- 13800107 TI - A comparative study of hemochromatosis by electron microscopy. PMID- 13800108 TI - [Conditions of ultraviolet irradiation of cellular organites]. PMID- 13800106 TI - [Various aspects of iron in the organism. II. Different forms of hemosiderin]. AB - On voit des molecules de ferritine apparaitre dans le cytoplasme des cellules reticulaires au cours de la digestion des erythrocytes, autour des stromas phagocytes. Cette ferritine s'accumule en amas dans lesquels entrent d'autres substances, en particulier des lipides, provenant aussi des stromas globulaires et qui apparaissent sous forme myelinique. Souvent la ferritine se dispose d'une maniere cristalline. Parfois la ferritine et l'apoferritine alternent dans ces cristaux. Parfois l'hemosiderine contient des cristaux qui semblent bien etre de l'apoferritine pure. L'injection de sels de fer donne lieu a l'apparition de ferritine dans les cellules reticulaires. Dans les conditions de nos experiences, la plus grande partie du fer injecte etait sous forme de ferritine dans un delai de 3 jours. Un aspect intermediaire entre celui du fer injecte et celui de la ferritine a ete trouve. Dans le cas des injections de saccharate de fer ce sont de fines aiguilles; dans le cas des injections de lactate de fer, il s'agit de masses fibreuses. PMID- 13800109 TI - [Hygienico-sanitary inspection of foodstuffs in the 3-year period of 1955-57]. PMID- 13800110 TI - [Food poisoning in Italy in the 3-year period of 1955-1957]. PMID- 13800111 TI - Selective bronchography. PMID- 13800112 TI - The relative value of serum and plasma transaminase determinations. PMID- 13800113 TI - Evaluation of oral glutamate in ammonemia due to blood in the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13800114 TI - Deoxyribonucleotide kinases in normal and virus-infected Escherichia coli. PMID- 13800115 TI - Biochemical changes in human beings during refrigeration anesthesia. PMID- 13800116 TI - Indicanuria in phenylketonuria. PMID- 13800117 TI - Diabetes mellitus: observations, theoretical and practical. PMID- 13800118 TI - [Air pollution]. PMID- 13800119 TI - [Crusade against noise]. PMID- 13800121 TI - [Determination of urotropin dust in air]. PMID- 13800120 TI - [Recommendations concerning antipoliomyelitis vaccination with the French vaccine]. PMID- 13800122 TI - [Observations on the activation of the neurons of the colonic nerve induced by stimulation of the hypogastric nerve in the cat]. PMID- 13800123 TI - A Canadian trail of medical research. PMID- 13800124 TI - Diabetes since nineteen hundred and twenty. PMID- 13800125 TI - Unfinished researches. PMID- 13800126 TI - Unfinished researches. PMID- 13800127 TI - Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord after extensive resection of ileum in Crohn's disease: report of a case. PMID- 13800128 TI - Pancreatic replacement therapy in fibrocystic disease: a preliminary report concering a new pancreatic extract. PMID- 13800129 TI - Plasma protein levels of healthy medical students. PMID- 13800130 TI - [Contribution to the relation between sensory and motor muscles in vision]. PMID- 13800131 TI - Diurnal cycles and cannibalism in planaria. AB - Dugesia tigrina attacks Cura foremani under certain circumstances. The length of fast prior to the attack and diurnal rhythms are involved in evoking such behavior. PMID- 13800132 TI - Enzymic processes in cells. PMID- 13800133 TI - Maximum likelihood analysis of ionizing radiation-induced mortality in whole body fractionated dose experiments. PMID- 13800134 TI - The inference of intracellular enzymatic properties from kinetic data obtained on living cells. III. Mode of glucose entry into the yeast cell-elaboration by minimized X2 estimation and uranium poisoning. PMID- 13800135 TI - Theoretical relationship between percent kill and shortened life span measures of radiation injury. PMID- 13800136 TI - Summary of the Nebraska medical profession's activation for Civil Defense and Disaster. PMID- 13800138 TI - [The Pleuritic Center of the Pio Istituto Santa Corona di Pietra Ligure]. PMID- 13800137 TI - Pine House (Saskatchewan) nutrition project. PMID- 13800139 TI - Paradoxical results of infundibular resection in tetralogy of Fallot. PMID- 13800141 TI - Further observations on experimental herpes simplex infection in the baby mouse. PMID- 13800140 TI - Experimental renal papillary necrosis. PMID- 13800142 TI - [Carotid body tumor(chemodectoma)]. PMID- 13800143 TI - [The prevention of dihydrotachysterol-induced moderate sclerosis with cholesterol]. PMID- 13800144 TI - [On gastro-enterogenic cysts of the thoracic cavity]. PMID- 13800145 TI - [Pathological study of the cause of death in heart surgery]. PMID- 13800147 TI - Hypnosis as an adjunct in anesthesiology. PMID- 13800146 TI - A copper sulfate-silver nitrate method for nerve fibers of planarians. PMID- 13800148 TI - Hypnosis: its application in pediatric anesthesia. PMID- 13800149 TI - [Electrophysiological investigations of the hippocampus and of its reactions to afferent irritation]. PMID- 13800150 TI - Evaluation of a combination of meclizine and pyridoxine in the control of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. PMID- 13800151 TI - Present status of treatment of pernicious anemia. PMID- 13800152 TI - Phase II evaluation of cyclophosphamide. PMID- 13800153 TI - [On amaurotic familial idiocy (Tay-Sachs disease)]. PMID- 13800155 TI - [Study on the character of Lewy's corpuscles and their role in Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13800156 TI - [Regeneration phenomena in the central nervous system in man]. PMID- 13800154 TI - The incidence and characteristics of Lewy bodies in idiopathic paralysis agitans (Parkinson's disease). PMID- 13800157 TI - The effects of steroid therapy on pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13800158 TI - [On psychotherapy of psychical impotence]. PMID- 13800159 TI - [Experience with distal (with the exception of tubed flaps) and proximal plastic operations for the facial area in the tropics]. PMID- 13800160 TI - [Step-by-step preparation in implants of pedicle grafts into the face (Individual method)]. PMID- 13800161 TI - [Reflections on diagnostic steps from the verification of a state of change of the cervix to a cancer of the uterine body in a young woman]. PMID- 13800162 TI - Hypophosphatasia in the adult. PMID- 13800163 TI - [Utilization of galactose by erythrocytes of human new-born infants]. PMID- 13800164 TI - [Heat lability and acid stability of hemoglobin H]. PMID- 13800165 TI - Estimation of small percentages of foetal haemoglobin. PMID- 13800166 TI - [Hemoglobin study with starch block electrophoresis; on the problem of its use in Germany]. PMID- 13800167 TI - [Fetal hemoglobin and fetal erythrocytes]. PMID- 13800168 TI - [Fetal hemoglobin]. PMID- 13800169 TI - [Nutrition and nutrition disorders]. PMID- 13800170 TI - [A case of early cerebrospinal meningitis as a complication of acute otitis media]. PMID- 13800171 TI - [Histological examination in experimental hypothermia]. PMID- 13800172 TI - [Histological studies in hibernation]. PMID- 13800173 TI - [A case of agenesis of the inferior vena cava and of the iliac veins]. PMID- 13800174 TI - [Pseudocystic dilatation of the terminal ureter]. PMID- 13800175 TI - [Certain atypical forms of eosinophilic granuloma]. PMID- 13800176 TI - [Atypical condensing and proliferative form of the osseous localization of multiple myeloma]. PMID- 13800177 TI - [The articular manifestations of collagen diseases]. PMID- 13800178 TI - [Essential hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13800179 TI - [The value of a synthetic antianemic: albema]. PMID- 13800181 TI - Guillain-Barre syndrome in pregnancy. PMID- 13800180 TI - Prolongation of life in terminal illness. PMID- 13800182 TI - An improved technique for the rapid preparation of tissue sections. PMID- 13800183 TI - The phenothiazines in psychiatry, with special reference to trifluoperazine ("stelazine"): a review of the literature. PMID- 13800184 TI - The role of trifluoperazine in the treatment of mental patients. PMID- 13800185 TI - [Stereotactic operations in extrapyramidal movement disorders]. PMID- 13800187 TI - [Observations and results in conservative and surgical treatment of Perthes' disease]. PMID- 13800186 TI - [On the glioblastoma multiforme]. PMID- 13800188 TI - Electron microscopic studies of hyaluronic acid-protein gels. PMID- 13800189 TI - Protein-carbohydrate complexes. PMID- 13800190 TI - [Use and control of effects of synthetic oxytocics]. PMID- 13800191 TI - [Concentration and metabolism of free nucleotides in the rat thymus after total body irradiation]. PMID- 13800192 TI - [The effects of total-body irradiation on the intermediate products of nucleic acid metabolism]. PMID- 13800194 TI - [The present status of surgery of esophageal atresia]. PMID- 13800193 TI - [The excretion of the serotonin catabolite 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in pregnancy]. PMID- 13800195 TI - [Congential dermal fistula in conjunction with epidermoid cyst of the cauda equina]. PMID- 13800196 TI - Extraction of an actomyosin-like protein from human thrombocytes. PMID- 13800197 TI - Studies on the metabolism of human blood platelets in relation to clot retraction. PMID- 13800199 TI - [Studies on the urinary excretion of sympathicomimetic hormones in hypertensives]. PMID- 13800198 TI - [Diagnostic problems in primary hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13800200 TI - [The electrophoretic and chromatographic study of gastric juice]. PMID- 13800201 TI - [An art collection in a hospital]. PMID- 13800202 TI - [The collection of portraits of the benefactors of the Hospital of Milan]. PMID- 13800203 TI - [Luxation into the anterior chamber of a congenital cataract]. PMID- 13800204 TI - [The C-reactive protein in the cerebrospinal fluid in the course of bacterial meningitis]. PMID- 13800205 TI - Behaviour of various susceptible and resistant strains of Musca domestica L. towards cetyl and myristyl bromo-and chloroacetates. PMID- 13800206 TI - [2 Rare observations on tumors of the male genitalia: malignant leiomyoma of the epididymis, reticulosarcoma of the testis]. PMID- 13800207 TI - [Etiological diagnosis of enterovirus infections (poliomyelitis, Coxsackie, ECHO) by means of the use of tissue culture]. PMID- 13800208 TI - Effect of soap on the diffusion of water through isolated human epidermis. PMID- 13800209 TI - The irritant effect of soap upon the normal skin. PMID- 13800210 TI - Corticosteroids in treatment of skin diseases. II. Local application. PMID- 13800211 TI - Some effects of soap on the skin. PMID- 13800212 TI - Relative frequency of evisceration after laparotomy in recent years. PMID- 13800213 TI - Cervical disk pathology resulting in dysphagia in an adolescent boy. PMID- 13800214 TI - [Research activities of the radioisotope laboratory of the Istituto di Pathologia Vegetale of the Milan University]. PMID- 13800215 TI - [Somatotropic activity and fetal macrosomia. (Research on the urinary reducing steroid quotient in normosomic and macrosomic fetuses)]. PMID- 13800216 TI - [The serum protein in macrosomia]. PMID- 13800217 TI - [Tuberculosis of the endometrium and pregnancy]. PMID- 13800218 TI - The management of the tetralogy of Fallot when complicated by pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13800219 TI - [Pantothenic acid requirement of yeasts]. PMID- 13800220 TI - [Comparative value of cytological and histological methods in the diagnosis of broncho-pulmonary neoplasms]. PMID- 13800221 TI - [Study of hematopoietic lesions in rats irradiated in parabiosis]. PMID- 13800223 TI - [Adrenal reactions after total irradiation in the hamster]. PMID- 13800222 TI - [Influence of chlorpromazine on the survival of irradiated rats]. PMID- 13800226 TI - [On the biology, preservation and transplantation of cartilage]. PMID- 13800225 TI - [The detection of serum antistreptolysins]. PMID- 13800224 TI - [Influence of cortisone and ACTH on adrenal modifications of the irradiated hamster]. PMID- 13800227 TI - [The "periarthritic stiff shoulder" and its therapy]. PMID- 13800229 TI - [Primary cicatrix sarcoma]. PMID- 13800230 TI - Food quality-assurance: Army Veterinary Corps. PMID- 13800228 TI - [Sarcoma in a laparotomy scar]. PMID- 13800231 TI - A feasibility study of ultrasonic tonometry. PMID- 13800232 TI - Anxiety activated by the idea of marriage as observed in group psychotherapy. PMID- 13800233 TI - Isolation and identification of the irradiation product of thymine. PMID- 13800234 TI - The effect of paramagnetic substances on the conversion of some pyrimidines by ultraviolet radiation. PMID- 13800235 TI - [On the diagnostic significance of transaminase activity in cerebral vascular diseases in old age. Research on the cerebrospinal fluid and blood]. PMID- 13800236 TI - Excavated haematomas after pulmonary segmental resection. PMID- 13800237 TI - [Influence of the cationic composition of the medium on the fixation of bacteriophages on isolated bacterial receptors]. PMID- 13800238 TI - [Isolation of bacteriophage receptor substances in Shigella]. PMID- 13800239 TI - [A new electric tonometer for tonometry, tonography and measurement of blood circulation of the eye]. PMID- 13800240 TI - [On pigment glaucoma and the significance of pigmentation of the anterior chamber for the pathogenesis of glaucoma]. PMID- 13800241 TI - Differential diagnosis of the Taussig-Bing heart from complete transposition of the great vessels with a posteriorly overriding pulmonary artery. PMID- 13800242 TI - [A dermato-fibrosarcoma of the cheek]. PMID- 13800243 TI - [Lichen planus with metameric topography]. PMID- 13800244 TI - [Giant conglobate acne]. PMID- 13800245 TI - [Giant cutaneous histiocyto-fibro-xanthoma]. PMID- 13800246 TI - [Ulcero-gummatous process of the lower extremities in a hypertensive woman]. PMID- 13800247 TI - [Lichenoid nevus in patches and in bands. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13800248 TI - [Alterations of blood crasis in a case of cutaneous mastocytosis]. PMID- 13800249 TI - [Vegetative iodides. Histological peculiarity]. PMID- 13800250 TI - [Mycosis fungoides with hematuria]. PMID- 13800251 TI - [Hemorrhagic syndrome after gold therapy]. PMID- 13800252 TI - [Corticotherapy in dermatology]. PMID- 13800253 TI - [Pretibial circumscribed myxedema. Radioactive iodine test]. PMID- 13800254 TI - [Bullous muco-synechial and atrohying dermatitis of Loratat-Jacob. Clinical aspect and therapeutic results]. PMID- 13800255 TI - [Schaumann's disease with ulcero-necrotic elements. Action of vitamin C]. PMID- 13800256 TI - [Pretibial cutaneous myxedema]. PMID- 13800258 TI - [Clinical aspects, pathology and therapy of mastodynia]. PMID- 13800257 TI - [Results of radiotherapy of primary ovarian carcinoma]. PMID- 13800259 TI - Iron enzymes in iron deficiency. V. Succinic dehydrogenase in rat liver, kidney and heart. PMID- 13800260 TI - The regulation of iron absorption. I. A search for humoral factors. PMID- 13800261 TI - Autocannibalism: the etiology of nerve-resection anemia. PMID- 13800262 TI - Iron enzymes in iron deficiency: VII. Oxygen consumption measurements in iron deficient subjects. PMID- 13800263 TI - Iron therapy in chronically fatigued, nonanemic women: a double-blind study. PMID- 13800264 TI - Aconitase in human blood. PMID- 13800265 TI - Iron enzymes in iron deficiency. IV. Cytochrome oxidase in rat kidney and heart. PMID- 13800266 TI - Iron enzymes in iron deficiency. VI. Aconitase activity and citrate metabolism. PMID- 13800267 TI - Iron preparations: new and old. PMID- 13800268 TI - Time course of urinary excretion of inorganic phosphate by rats after parathyroidectomy and after injection of parathyroid extract. PMID- 13800269 TI - The psychiatrist and the patient's relatives. PMID- 13800270 TI - The use of the rabbit aorta strip in the analysis of the mode of action of 1 epinephrine on vascular smooth muscle. PMID- 13800271 TI - Reinforcers and reinforcement: their relation to maze performance. PMID- 13800272 TI - The effect of body position on the circulation at rest and during exercise, with special reference to the influence on the stroke volume. PMID- 13800273 TI - Early diastolic murmur in a case of infundibular stenosis of the right ventricle. PMID- 13800274 TI - [Esophageal phonocardiography]. PMID- 13800275 TI - The effect of teracycline on skeletal development in the larval sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma). PMID- 13800276 TI - Inhibition of skeletal formation in the chick embryo following administration of tetracycline. PMID- 13800277 TI - The effect of tetracycline on the development of the skeletal system of the chick embryo. PMID- 13800278 TI - Steroid influences on the lactic dehydrogenase-DPNH oxidase system of the rat uterus. PMID- 13800280 TI - Ataxia-telangiectasia. PMID- 13800279 TI - [The Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome: clinical review]. PMID- 13800281 TI - The response of man to dietary cholesterol. PMID- 13800282 TI - Ovine abortion due to toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13800283 TI - Congenital toxoplasma infections. PMID- 13800284 TI - A new dilepidid cestode, Mashonalepis dafyddi n. g., n.sp., from the gray heron, Ardea cinerea 1. PMID- 13800285 TI - Simplified, safe, and satisfactory method of preparation for barium enema studies. PMID- 13800286 TI - 'Orasecron' and pregnancy. PMID- 13800287 TI - Phantom materials for use with megavoltage x-rays. PMID- 13800288 TI - [Diagnostic errors]. PMID- 13800289 TI - [The development of medical science and sanitary affaris in the German Democratic Republic]. PMID- 13800290 TI - [Contribution to the surgical treatment of uterus perforation]. PMID- 13800291 TI - [On observations and investigations in nasotracheal intubations]. PMID- 13800293 TI - [Quo vadis, pharmacy?]. PMID- 13800292 TI - [Use of the respiratory analeptic prethcamide after intubation anesthesia]. PMID- 13800294 TI - Special therapeutics: physiology of diuretics. PMID- 13800295 TI - Transposition of drug studies from laboratory to clinic. PMID- 13800296 TI - [Hydrometrocolpos in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13800297 TI - [Strong eosinophilia persisting during acute leukemia. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13800298 TI - [Malignant histiocytic reticulosis or reticulo-sarcomatosis. Presentation of a 2 year-old patient]. PMID- 13800299 TI - [Adrenal hemorrhage after a slight burn in an child presenting an agenesis of the spleen]. PMID- 13800300 TI - [Two cases of sacrococcygeal tumors in the newborn (presentation of patients)]. PMID- 13800301 TI - [Congential incurvation of the long bones with cutaneous dimples. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13800302 TI - Relationship between prothrombin time and oxidative phosphorylation in chick liver mitochondria. PMID- 13800303 TI - Evidence in support of two adenosine triphosphatase pathways in rat-liver mitochondria. PMID- 13800304 TI - The release of adenosinetriphosphatases from rat-liver mitochondria during treatment with sound. PMID- 13800305 TI - [Cervical and lumbar intervertebral disk syndrome and its treatment with novocaine-prednisolone injections into the nerve roots]. PMID- 13800306 TI - [Does peritendinitis crepitans belong to the cervical syndrome?]. PMID- 13800307 TI - [Follow-up report on miroton]. PMID- 13800308 TI - [Therapy of hemorrhoids]. PMID- 13800309 TI - [The effect of solanolyt in gastrointestinal diseases]. PMID- 13800310 TI - [Clinical experiences with the demonstration of enzymes in the serum]. PMID- 13800312 TI - [The significance of anamnesis in lung diseases]. PMID- 13800311 TI - [Acute necrotizing epidemic hepatitis]. PMID- 13800313 TI - [Attempted analysis of the value of preventive therapy of postoperative venous thrombosis]. PMID- 13800314 TI - [Treatment of open fractures of the femoral diaphysis by immediate centro medullary nailing]. PMID- 13800315 TI - [Ascorbic acid in pharmacy]. PMID- 13800316 TI - [Ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13800318 TI - [Studies on free amino acids in Actinomyces phaeochromogenes]. PMID- 13800317 TI - [Studies on conditions for the biosynthesis of the antibiotic 26/I]. PMID- 13800319 TI - [Production of proteolytic enzyme preparations from the mycelium Penicillium chrysogenum]. PMID- 13800320 TI - [Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of ornithoses]. PMID- 13800321 TI - [On the problem of the utilization of plywood pipes for the drinking water supply system]. PMID- 13800322 TI - [Disappearance of pancreatic calculi after pancreatico-jejunostomy for diffuse lithiasis]. PMID- 13800323 TI - [On the question of changes of blood gases in dogs following polonium injury]. PMID- 13800324 TI - [Kendoside therapy of patients with circulatory insufficiency]. PMID- 13800325 TI - Hemodynamic changes in hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13800326 TI - The role of anterior pituitary hormones in controlling size, work and strength of the heart. PMID- 13800327 TI - [Studies on properties of streptococci isolated from patients with scarlet fever and cultivated on artificial culture media]. PMID- 13800328 TI - [Content of riboflavin in the blood in certain groups of neurotic and psychotic patients]. PMID- 13800329 TI - [Treatment of patients with discoid forms of lupus erythematosus by applications of 10 per cent achrichine plaster]. PMID- 13800330 TI - Neuromuscular blocking action of some antibiotics. PMID- 13800331 TI - [Relation between antibiotics and curarism. III. Tetracycline and curarism]. PMID- 13800332 TI - [Relation between antibiotics and curarism]. PMID- 13800333 TI - [Action of prochlorperazine on post-anesthetic vomiting]. PMID- 13800334 TI - [Clinical experience with a new rousing drug: methyl ester of phenyl-(alpha piperidil) acetic acid]. PMID- 13800335 TI - [Study of the possibility of utilization of food pectin as a fixing agent in cobalt intoxication]. PMID- 13800337 TI - Harold Hill. A medico-social study of rehousing. PMID- 13800336 TI - Ascorbic acid dehydro-ascorbic acid and glutathione levels in blood of patients suffering from infectious diseases. PMID- 13800338 TI - Convulsions. PMID- 13800339 TI - Vitamin B6 deficiency and convulsions. PMID- 13800340 TI - Histology of the urethral epithelium of domestic animal. PMID- 13800341 TI - Histamine and tropical eosinophilia. PMID- 13800342 TI - Staining mitochondria with hematoxylin after formalin-sublimate fixation: a rapid method. PMID- 13800343 TI - The morphology of the chondrocranium of Mastacembelus armatus (Cuv. and Val.). PMID- 13800345 TI - The chemical composition of bull semen with special reference to nucleic acids, free nucleotides and free amino acids. PMID- 13800344 TI - The central vasomotor effects of 5-hydroxytryptamie. AB - In the dog, injection of 5-hydroxytryptamine into the cerebral ventricles caused hypotension, inhibition of the pressor response to occlusion of the carotid artery and inhibition of the pressor or depressor response evoked by electrical stimulation of the central end of the cut vagus. Hypotension and inhibition of the vagal vasomotor response also occurred in dogs in which the carotid sinuses had been denervated and the vagi cut. The site of action was central. Local cerebral vascular changes could not have been responsible for the action. The central vasomotor effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine are mediated through the sympathetic outflow. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the effects of intravenous 5-hydroxytryptamine and the mechanism of action of reserpine. PMID- 13800346 TI - Acetazolamide (diamox) in the treatment of epilepsy. PMID- 13800347 TI - Azacyclonol in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13800348 TI - Recombination of characters between mutant stocks of Vibrio cholerae, strain 162. PMID- 13800349 TI - Some factors determining the maximum angular velocity of pursuit ocular movements. PMID- 13800351 TI - Growth of medical science in India. PMID- 13800350 TI - Susceptibilities of mosquitoes to D.D.T. and dieldrin in sprayed and unsprayed areas of Bombay State, India. PMID- 13800352 TI - Physiology and biochemistry in India. PMID- 13800353 TI - Enzymatic studies on the spores of Aspergillus niger. PMID- 13800354 TI - Enzymatic studies on the spores of Aspergillus niger. Part II. Phosphatases. PMID- 13800355 TI - Intestinal parasites--incidence in hospital patients in Jamnagar. PMID- 13800356 TI - Role of magnesium in the insulin-sensitivity of the rat diaphragm in vitro. PMID- 13800357 TI - Klebsiella strains isolated from cases of urinary infection. Part II. Serological investigations. PMID- 13800358 TI - Inhibition of liver hexokinase by dehydroascorbic acid and alloxan. PMID- 13800359 TI - Microbiological transformation of terpenes: hydroxylation of alpha-pinene. PMID- 13800360 TI - Teitze's syndrome. PMID- 13800361 TI - Pneumatosis in the abdomen. PMID- 13800362 TI - The effect of bradykinin, serum kallikrein and other endogenous substances on capillary permeability inthe guinea-pig. PMID- 13800363 TI - [Primary carcinoma of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13800364 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of sarcoma of synovial oirgin]. PMID- 13800365 TI - [Cutaneous amebiasis in an infant]. PMID- 13800366 TI - [Treatment of uncinariasis with bephenium and tetrachlorethylene]. PMID- 13800367 TI - A study of ascariasis eradication by repeated mass treatment. PMID- 13800368 TI - [Usefulness of therapeutic procedures against intestinal parasitoses]. PMID- 13800369 TI - [Hyperthyroidism in children. Considerations on the cardiovascular complications]. PMID- 13800370 TI - [Study of the variations in the antistaphylolysin level in the child in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13800371 TI - [The Albeaux-Fernet hypophysogram as a mirror of individual endocrine metabolism]. PMID- 13800372 TI - [The wish expression test for the study of the personality of schizophrenics]. PMID- 13800373 TI - Seminal vesiculitis. PMID- 13800374 TI - [Radiological, anatomo-pathological and biochemical changes in the femoral heads with deforming changes]. PMID- 13800375 TI - [Remote results of surgical therapy of deforming changes of the hip joint with the aid of alloplasty]. PMID- 13800376 TI - Acute necrotizing glomerulitis. The clinical features and pathology in nine cases. PMID- 13800377 TI - Anaemia of renal origin, studied by micro-dissection of the kidney. PMID- 13800378 TI - Microdissection of specimen of hydronephrosis with comparative nephron measurements. PMID- 13800379 TI - Morphogenesis of unilateral multicystic kidney in childhood. PMID- 13800381 TI - [Results of exeresis therapy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13800380 TI - [On the pathogenesis of acute coronary insufficiency and myocardial infarct in chronic septic endocarditis]. PMID- 13800382 TI - [Thoraco-pulmonary surgery]. PMID- 13800383 TI - [Presentation of a new procedure permitting the conditioning and programming of complicated electric signals for their use in physiology and medicine]. PMID- 13800384 TI - [Clinical casuistics of 43 tuberculotics with pleural or extrapleural empyema treated with the oleandomycin-tetracycline combination. Clinical and laboratory observations, and therapeutic results]. PMID- 13800386 TI - [Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetrics]. PMID- 13800385 TI - [Fluothane: our experience with 242 cases in obsterics and gynecology]. PMID- 13800387 TI - [Fluothane in pulmonary surgery. Note I]. PMID- 13800388 TI - On the pharmacology of methoxamine. PMID- 13800389 TI - On the pharmacology of synthetic hypertensine. PMID- 13800390 TI - Effects of vagal stimulation on the isolated guinea pig's lungs. PMID- 13800391 TI - Analgesic properties of 4-ethoxycarbonyl-1-(2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl) 4 phenylpiperidine (B.D.H. 20) and some related compounds. PMID- 13800392 TI - The anticonvulsant properties of 2-methyl-3-p-bromophenyl-3H-4-quinazolone hydrochloride (B.D.H. 1880) and some related compounds. PMID- 13800393 TI - [Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate in transfusional practice. Pathogenetic and therapeutic contribution to the chill-fever syndrome]. PMID- 13800394 TI - [On complementary atypical hepatic resection. (Note on surgical technic according to Grignani)]. PMID- 13800395 TI - [On cryptogenic pneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13800396 TI - [On the association of blood group A and gastric carcinoma in the province of Cremona. (Considerations and percentages on 300 histologically verified cases)]. PMID- 13800397 TI - [Hemagglutination and inhibition of hemagglutination by diphtheria antitoxins and toxoids]. PMID- 13800398 TI - [Effect of eserine, adrenaline and isopropyl-noradrenaline on some mono- and polysynaptic reflexes in the cat and rabbit]. PMID- 13800399 TI - [Staticdynamic modifications of the vertebral axis and the pathogenesis of diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13800400 TI - [Contribution to the study of epithelial inclusions of the lymph nodes. Anatomo clinical considerations on a case of glandular inclusions of the axillary lymph nodes]. PMID- 13800401 TI - [Obsteterical and pediatric collaboration in provincial hospitals in relation to neonatal and perinatal mortality]. PMID- 13800402 TI - [Spinal lymphoblastomas]. PMID- 13800403 TI - [The behavior of the non-neoplastic hepatic parenchyma during metastatic neoplasms of the liver. Study based on hepatic biopsies observed under laparoscopic control]. PMID- 13800404 TI - [Attempts at induction of a state of experimental hyperglycemia by glucagon]. PMID- 13800405 TI - [Comparison between the bioptic histological picture and behavior of total and esterified cholesterol of the blood in the course of viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13800406 TI - [Research on hepatic cholesterolesterase. I. Method of study and results obtained in the normal rat and after ligation of the choledochus]. PMID- 13800407 TI - [Data on the behavior of serotonin in blood platelets and of 5-hydroxy indolacetic acid in urine after serotonin administration in normal subjects]. PMID- 13800408 TI - The effect of certain tranquilizers on intrabiliary pressure of cholecystectomized dogs. PMID- 13800409 TI - [Melena caused by peptic ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13800410 TI - [Observations on the interaction of properdin with the complement of human sera]. PMID- 13800412 TI - [Cumulation of the history of pharmacy]. PMID- 13800411 TI - [Italian bibliography of the history of pharmacy]. PMID- 13800413 TI - [Gleanings from the history of pharmacy]. PMID- 13800414 TI - [Necessary postscript to the volume: "Le Farmacopee Lombarde". Additions and clarifications]. PMID- 13800415 TI - [Works of a scientific nature from the "Miscellaneous" section of the Library of the Collegiata di Broni (Pavia)]. PMID- 13800416 TI - [Analysis and clinical treatment of hernia of the intervertebral disk]. PMID- 13800417 TI - [Some observations on the technic of roentgenotherapy of cancer of the bladder]. PMID- 13800419 TI - [Separation and fractionation of 2 leiomyolytic pancreatic factors]. PMID- 13800418 TI - [On the existence of two distinct smooth muscle relaxing pancreatic factors]. PMID- 13800420 TI - [Action of triton on the system of the "clearing factor"]. PMID- 13800422 TI - [Preliminary studies on the individuation of lipocatic]. PMID- 13800421 TI - [Paper electrophoresis of hypophysial gonadotropins of human urine]. PMID- 13800423 TI - The influence of pseudopregnancy on the induction of mammary tumours by methylcholanthrene in mice of the BALB/c strain. PMID- 13800424 TI - [Primary tumors of the ribs]. PMID- 13800425 TI - [Spontaneous bilio-digestive fistulas]. PMID- 13800426 TI - [A case of renal tuberculosis treated with renal drainage]. PMID- 13800428 TI - [Clinical, hematological and genetic study of 4 new cases of Hb H disease with microcythemia]. PMID- 13800427 TI - [Dexamethasone and the Sanarelli-Schwartzman phenomenon]. PMID- 13800429 TI - [Action of gonadostimulins on vaginal smears of castrated rats]. PMID- 13800430 TI - [Significance of hyperbasophilia of the superficial and glandular epithelium of the cervical canal]. PMID- 13800431 TI - [Further histochemical research on the uterine cervix after childbirth. (Research on the sulfhydryl groups (SH) and on protein substances]. PMID- 13800432 TI - [The uterine cervix after childbirth. (Histological and histochemical study)]. PMID- 13800433 TI - [Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. (Description of a case)]. PMID- 13800434 TI - [Macrogenitosomia praecox]. PMID- 13800435 TI - [The occlusive syndrome of the superior vena cava]. PMID- 13800436 TI - [Isolated localizations of Hodgkin's disease: unusual localization in the pectoralis muscle]. PMID- 13800437 TI - [Cytological observations on effusions caused by staphylococcal pleural empyema treated locally with antibiotics]. PMID- 13800439 TI - [Antidromic pressoceptive impulses in the cervical vagus of the cat]. PMID- 13800438 TI - [Surgical therapy of sacrococcygeal cysts and fistulas]. PMID- 13800440 TI - [Observations on the electric activity of the recurrent nerves in the cat]. PMID- 13800441 TI - [On the mechanism of the relationship between symmetrical cortical centers of the visual analyzer]. PMID- 13800442 TI - [Considerations on spontaneous hemopneumothorax. (Discussion of an operated case)]. PMID- 13800443 TI - [Practical notes on medico-legal pneumophthisiology. On the subject of war pensions for tuberculosis]. PMID- 13800444 TI - [Considerations on several cases of hernia of the esophageal hiatus]. PMID- 13800445 TI - [On a case of grave allergic manifestations caused by digitalis. Case report]. PMID- 13800446 TI - [Blood indoxyl. Its clinical value in diseases of the kidney]. PMID- 13800447 TI - [Lysozyme therapy in grave ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13800448 TI - [Agenesis of the inferior lobe of the left lung. Radiological study]. PMID- 13800449 TI - [Radiological contribution to the study of hypothyroid syndromes]. PMID- 13800450 TI - [Conventional therapy and pseudopendulum concentration therapy in the treatment of tumors of the maxillary sinus]. PMID- 13800451 TI - [Changes in the splenoportographic findings in a patient treated for abdominal localizations of a leukemic type]. PMID- 13800452 TI - [Considerations on Paget's disease with exclusive localization in the cranial bones]. PMID- 13800453 TI - [Considerations on several cases of congenital fusion of the processes of the cervical vertebrae]. PMID- 13800454 TI - [On a case of Recklinghausen's disease subjected to parathyroidectomy]. PMID- 13800455 TI - The present status of the cholesteatoma problem. PMID- 13800456 TI - [2 Cases of primary cancer of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13800457 TI - [Causes of late diagnosis of rectal cancer]. PMID- 13800458 TI - Serological types of Pasteurella hemolytica. PMID- 13800459 TI - Septicemic pasteurellosis in lambs. PMID- 13800460 TI - [Histopathological changes in the central nervous system of the animal organism under the general influence of gamma rays in large doses]. PMID- 13800461 TI - [On experimental reproduction of dysenterial infection]. PMID- 13800462 TI - Pancreatitis. PMID- 13800463 TI - Pancreatitis. PMID- 13800464 TI - [Hyper-acute acquired hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13800465 TI - In memoriam: Leo Berman. PMID- 13800466 TI - [Diagnostic significance of asymmetrical contrast medium retention in the excretion urogram]. PMID- 13800467 TI - [Morphologic and functional indications from the excretory urogram in prostate hypertrophy]. PMID- 13800468 TI - [Disintegration of large urate calculi of the renal pelvis by conservative measures]. PMID- 13800469 TI - [On the treatment of proximal and distal ureteral stenosis in renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13800470 TI - [Problems of urogenital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13800471 TI - [The Kroiss operation]. PMID- 13800472 TI - [On the suitability and harmlessness of peritoneoscopy, as shown in 88 examinations]. PMID- 13800473 TI - Clinical aspects of aging connective tissues. PMID- 13800474 TI - Observations on the histology of aging human connective tissues. PMID- 13800475 TI - [First clinical trials of a new synthetic antidiabetic SB 1 or 1-(3 aminobenzenesulfonyl)-3-n-butylurea]. PMID- 13800477 TI - [The new antibiotics and their therapeutic indications]. PMID- 13800476 TI - [Considerations on the choice and the side effects of various cortisone derivatives]. PMID- 13800478 TI - [Toxicity and secondary effects of sulfonamides and antibiotics]. PMID- 13800479 TI - [On iron-containing growth factors, sideramines, and their antagonists, the iron containing antibiotics, sideromycins]. PMID- 13800480 TI - [Non-diabetic melituria of the child]. PMID- 13800481 TI - [Experimental early ovulation caused by cervical stimulation in humans]. PMID- 13800482 TI - [Report on 430 electroconizations of the cervix uteri (a contribution to the clinical significance of increased atypical epithelium or "carcinoma in situ")]. PMID- 13800484 TI - [Prental infections not caused by viruses]. PMID- 13800483 TI - [Carcinoma of the cervix uteri in pregnancy--new points of view on therapy]. PMID- 13800485 TI - Further studies on the evaluation of antitussive agents employing experimentally induced cough in human subjects. PMID- 13800486 TI - The acute effect of an organic mercurial on the rat kidney: a histochemical study. PMID- 13800488 TI - Endometriosis. PMID- 13800487 TI - Dysmenorrhea and menstrual disability. PMID- 13800489 TI - Premenstrual tension. PMID- 13800490 TI - Premenstrual tension. PMID- 13800491 TI - Sperm migration and uterine contractions. PMID- 13800492 TI - Ultra-structure of the myoneural junction in myasthenia gravis. PMID- 13800493 TI - The intramuscular nerve endings in myasthenia gravis. PMID- 13800494 TI - [Nocturnal myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13800495 TI - Glucose metabolism during induced hypothermia in rabbits. PMID- 13800496 TI - Cavo-pulmonary anastomosis. PMID- 13800497 TI - Surgical aspects of patent ductus arteriosus: a review of 228 cases. PMID- 13800498 TI - Exchange of patients by mental hospitals: a therapeutic holiday. PMID- 13800499 TI - Cortical and subcortical electrographic studies of a seizure pattern in a patient with massive spasm. PMID- 13800500 TI - Clinical study of bunamiodyl for oral cholecystography and cholangiography. PMID- 13800502 TI - Demonstration of the coronary arteries in man using image amplification fluroscopy. Preliminary report. PMID- 13800501 TI - An evaluation of the agents and methods in cholecystography and cholangiography. PMID- 13800503 TI - Psychological meaning of disulfiram (antabuse) therapy. Study of a case of disulfiram-induced psychosis. PMID- 13800504 TI - Estrogenic activity of coumestrol and related compounds. PMID- 13800505 TI - Serum proteins in ulcerative colitis. II. The effects of therapy correlated with electrophoretic patterns. PMID- 13800506 TI - PALMER WL: Serum proteins in ulcerative colitis. I. Electrophoretic patterns in active disease. PMID- 13800507 TI - [Significance of capillary resistance in hypertension]. PMID- 13800508 TI - [The Cartesian diver method in investigation of metabolism of the cells]. PMID- 13800509 TI - The influence of carbon dioxide tension on the respiration of normal and leukemic human leukocytes. I. Influence on endogenous respiration. PMID- 13800510 TI - [Prolonged treatment of hypertension with ganglioplegic drugs]. PMID- 13800511 TI - [Recent myocardial infarct. Value of erythrocyte sedimentation, C-reactive protein, mucoproteinemia, Weltmann test and electric systole in its evolution]. PMID- 13800512 TI - [A case of Avellis' bulbar hemisyndrome in uremia]. PMID- 13800513 TI - [Neurological manifestations caused by hypoglycemia]. PMID- 13800514 TI - Controlled hypotension. PMID- 13800515 TI - [Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome associated with congential heart disease (Ebstein syndrome)]. PMID- 13800516 TI - [Evaluation and results of electrostimulotherapy with square waves in poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13800517 TI - [On an epidemic of benign aseptic meningitis. (Clinical, epidemiological and virological considerations)]. PMID- 13800518 TI - The female castration complex. PMID- 13800519 TI - Olfaction in sexual development and adult sexual organization. PMID- 13800521 TI - [Fatal poisoning with sandostene (synthetic antihistaminic: theno-pheno piperidine)]. PMID- 13800520 TI - [Duehring-Brocq disease with onset as solar polymorphous erythema]. PMID- 13800522 TI - The individual and the group. PMID- 13800523 TI - [Remarks on a conteted confinement]. PMID- 13800524 TI - [The simulation of mental disorders according to some surveys by Clerambault]. PMID- 13800525 TI - [Contributions to the problem of postraumatic syndromes following hypothalamic lesions]. PMID- 13800526 TI - [New awakening method in narcolepsy]. PMID- 13800527 TI - [Frequency of the appearance and therapy of viral para-infectious encephalopathies]. PMID- 13800528 TI - [Severe course of diphtheria with rare complications]. PMID- 13800529 TI - [Recent views on the regeneration of the myocardium in mammals]. PMID- 13800530 TI - [Characteristics of a mitotic reaction in the regenerating mouse liver]. PMID- 13800531 TI - [An unusual case of associated myxedema and paroxysmal tachycardia]. PMID- 13800533 TI - End results of surgery for varicose veins. Twenty-eight-year study of 200 cases. PMID- 13800532 TI - [Clinical value of liver cell division indices]. PMID- 13800534 TI - Sensitivity in vitro of eighteen strains of Pasteurelia tularensis to erythromycin. PMID- 13800535 TI - [Surgical wound management with use of sterosanhydrocortisone ointment]. PMID- 13800536 TI - [Mental hygiene in the armed forces]. PMID- 13800537 TI - [A columnar chromatographic method for demonstration of unsaturated fatty acids in the blood]. PMID- 13800538 TI - Structure and activity relationships of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. PMID- 13800539 TI - [Variability of the bacterial flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics during the course of therapy of infected wounds]. PMID- 13800540 TI - [Late cutaneous porphyria]. PMID- 13800541 TI - [Effect of largactil and fluoro- and bromo-promazine on the isolated human oviduct]. PMID- 13800542 TI - Clinical variations in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13800543 TI - Economics of medicine. PMID- 13800544 TI - Differences in performance on the chromatic vs. achromatic H-T-P drawings. PMID- 13800545 TI - The attitude of industrial employers toward hiring of former state mental hospital patients. PMID- 13800546 TI - Sexual identification in children's drawings of human figure. PMID- 13800547 TI - Incorporation of tritiated uridine into amphibian eggs. PMID- 13800548 TI - [An introduction to the Vienna conference on prenatal infection]. PMID- 13800549 TI - The use of triclobisonium (triburon) in pediatric practice. PMID- 13800550 TI - [Studies on the leukemogenic effect of nucleic acids on virus-induced leukemic tissue]. PMID- 13800551 TI - Carcinogenesis in the pituitary dwarf mouse. The response to methylcholanthrene injected subcutaneously. PMID- 13800552 TI - Prof. Eric S. Horning. PMID- 13800553 TI - [Anesthesia in the Neurochirurgische Universitaetsklinik Zurich 1937-1957]. PMID- 13800554 TI - [On a supplementary thrombo-elastographic manifestation in thrombopenic purpuras]. PMID- 13800555 TI - On the structure of lysopine, a new amino acid isolated from crown gall tissue. PMID- 13800556 TI - [Cerebellar atrophy with oculocutaneous telangiectasis and bronchiectasis as a familial syndrome]. PMID- 13800557 TI - Solitary intramedullary cyst of the cervical medulla. PMID- 13800558 TI - [A case of coma of a month-long duration possibly caused by carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13800559 TI - [Penetrating injuries of the central nervous system in children]. PMID- 13800560 TI - [Cooperation of school physician and teacher in the diagnosis of diseases in students]. PMID- 13800561 TI - [General hygiene in polytechnical training]. PMID- 13800562 TI - [On the presence of a saponoside in Anemone nemorosa]. PMID- 13800563 TI - Hemodynamic changes in the ewe affecting fetal heart rate in utero. PMID- 13800565 TI - Bronchography. PMID- 13800564 TI - Anesthetics and premedication in peroral endoscopy. PMID- 13800566 TI - [On the differentiation of melanotic carcinoma and sarcoma of the mucous membrane]. PMID- 13800567 TI - [Problem of antidiphtherial vaccination in children with tuberculosis]. PMID- 13800568 TI - [Serological conflict]. PMID- 13800569 TI - Bench-scale investigation on removing sulfur dioxide from flue gases. PMID- 13800570 TI - [Quantitative studies on the variability of the nutrient cell nucleus structure and its influenceability by temperature]. PMID- 13800571 TI - An early report on Crotalaria poisoning. PMID- 13800572 TI - Comparison of the toxic effects of Crotalaria spectabilis and Crotalaria giant striata as complete feed contaminants. PMID- 13800573 TI - Critical analysis in some concepts in present day group psychotherapy. PMID- 13800574 TI - Theory and practice of psychiatric day hospitals. PMID- 13800575 TI - [A revolution in British psychiatry]. PMID- 13800576 TI - [Psychiatric day clinics in theory and practice]. PMID- 13800577 TI - Parental identification, acceptance of authority, and within-sex differences in cognitive behavior. PMID- 13800578 TI - Normal growth and development of female chickens without dietary vitamin E or other antioxidants. PMID- 13800579 TI - A nutrition survey of the armed forces of Pakistan. VI. Biochemical studies. PMID- 13800580 TI - Serum protein changes in vitamin E-deficient chicks. PMID- 13800581 TI - An effect of selenium and cystine on lipide peroxidation in tissues deficient in vitamin E. PMID- 13800583 TI - [Internal secretion]. PMID- 13800582 TI - [Studies on evaluation of adrenal cortex function with depot ACTH]. PMID- 13800584 TI - [On the clinical aspects of ACTH and cortisone therapy]. PMID- 13800585 TI - The treatment of enuresis nocturna with conditioning devices. PMID- 13800586 TI - Metabolism of d-ribose in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13800587 TI - The direct measurement of plasma triglycerides. PMID- 13800588 TI - Trauma following ejection from jet aircraft. A case report. PMID- 13800589 TI - The production and destruction of granulocytes in normal and leukemic man. PMID- 13800590 TI - A method for the evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents in man. PMID- 13800591 TI - The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Disability Program: What disability benefits mean to people. Discussion. PMID- 13800592 TI - [A case of abasia]. PMID- 13800593 TI - [Nervous respiratory syndrome and maturation crisis]. PMID- 13800594 TI - [Study of a new treatment of indirect hyperbilirubinemia of the neonatal period; first results]. PMID- 13800595 TI - [The Schilling test. Its theoretical background and clinical significance]. PMID- 13800596 TI - Preventive medicine--its changing concepts, 1859-1959. PMID- 13800597 TI - A constant temperature tissue bath. PMID- 13800599 TI - The utility of the anterior lens Purkinje image as a measure of accommodation. PMID- 13800598 TI - Level of light adaption and the human electroretinogram. PMID- 13800600 TI - [Therapy of postthrombotic local circulation disorder with underwater pressure radiomassage]. PMID- 13800602 TI - [On the treatment of rhinitis in early childhod; thermoelectric studies on nasal decongestive agents]. PMID- 13800601 TI - Intracellular potentials in rat atria during and after vagal stimulation or acetvlcholine administration. PMID- 13800603 TI - [Corticosteroids in the therapy of otorhinolaryngological diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13800605 TI - Drug therapy:1870. PMID- 13800604 TI - [Pyloric stenosis by a cyst of the abdominal wall in a 9 year old boy]. PMID- 13800606 TI - [Method for the quantitative separation of sphingomyelins. Application to the study of the metabolic replacement of sphingomyelin in vivo]. PMID- 13800607 TI - [Ophthalmological applications of modern means of medicamentous therapy]. PMID- 13800608 TI - [Review of the ophthalmological aspects of senescence]. PMID- 13800609 TI - [The principal problems to resolve and the most important recent contributions on trachoma]. PMID- 13800611 TI - [Various remarks on the prevention and treatment of scoliosis]. PMID- 13800610 TI - Antifibrinolytic activity in normal pregnancy. AB - It is found that serum antifibrinolytic activity is inhibitory both to the spontaneous fibrinolytic activity and to the activity of streptokinase-activated plasminogen. The titres of serum antiplasmin activity during gestation, labour, and the puerperium are all of the same order and do not differ from those in non pregnant women. The marked decrease in the spontaneous fibrinolytic activity in late pregnancy and labour is therefore due to an actual reduction in the circulating active lytic enzyme and is not associated with a change in the antifibrinolytic activity. PMID- 13800612 TI - [On the congenital arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13800614 TI - Congenital pulmonary artery atresia with associated tricuspid hypoplasia: report of two cases. PMID- 13800613 TI - Data on the relation between the use of antibiotics and the incidence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in a hospital environment PMID- 13800615 TI - [On the effects of the administration of somatotropic hormone on protein metabolism in normal conditions and in nephropathies]. PMID- 13800616 TI - [Somatotropic hormone and renal function in normal subjects and in kidney disease patients. Note I]. PMID- 13800617 TI - [The effects of somatotropic hormone on water-electrolyte balance in normal subjects and in kidney disease patients. Note II]. PMID- 13800618 TI - [Skeletal changes in Minkowski-Chauffard constitutional hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13800619 TI - [Duodenal obstruction due to annular pancreas in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13800620 TI - [Congenital atresia of the tricuspid valve. Clinical and anatomical observations apropos of a case]. PMID- 13800621 TI - [Clinico-radiological study of 133 cases of thymic hyperplasia]. PMID- 13800622 TI - [Skeletal age and pondero-statural development in children with severe anemia]. PMID- 13800623 TI - [Peptic ulcer in childhood: apropos of a case]. PMID- 13800624 TI - [Patella partita in medicolegal accidents]. PMID- 13800625 TI - [Radiological considerations on a case of cervical disco-ligamentous laceration]. PMID- 13800626 TI - [Methocarbamol in spastic states caused by spinal cord injuries]. PMID- 13800628 TI - Difference specta of amino acids and proteins in aqueous media of high refractive index. PMID- 13800627 TI - Intraperitoneal haemorrhage from a vessel on the surface of a uterine fibroid. PMID- 13800629 TI - Spectrophotometric titration of two ribonuclease derivatives. PMID- 13800630 TI - Difference spectra of ribonuclease and two ribonuclease derivatives. PMID- 13800631 TI - Elbow fractures. PMID- 13800632 TI - The care and cultivation of scientific manuscripts. PMID- 13800633 TI - Methods for inducing hypothermia and rewarming. PMID- 13800635 TI - Peptic ulceration and endocrine disease in necropsy material. PMID- 13800634 TI - Nutrition following gastric resection. 2. One to 7 years after surgery. PMID- 13800636 TI - When a university faculty member is assigned to the agency. PMID- 13800637 TI - A time-lapse unit for tissue culture research. PMID- 13800638 TI - Cytological identification of proliferating donor cells in chick embryos injected with adult chicken blood. PMID- 13800639 TI - The mode of action and aetiology of antihaemophilic globulin inhibitors. PMID- 13800640 TI - A method for the study of antihaemophilic globulin inhibitors with reference to six cases. PMID- 13800641 TI - A re-evaluation of the clotting time of chicken blood. PMID- 13800642 TI - Acute gaseous cholecystitis. PMID- 13800644 TI - Treating lung cancer. PMID- 13800643 TI - [The use of countercurrent partition for the separation and determination of alkaloids of Hydrastis canadensis]. PMID- 13800645 TI - [Angioblastic meningioma of the cerebellar tentorium associated with multiple hemangioblastomas of the encephalon]. PMID- 13800646 TI - [Action of some inhibiting derivatives of monoamine oxidase on the estrus cycle of the normal rat and the rat treated with reserpine]. PMID- 13800647 TI - [Apropos of an unusual incident occurring during selective pulmonary angiography]. PMID- 13800648 TI - [The use of compensatory diaphragms in pulmonary radiodiagnosis. Note of radiological technic]. PMID- 13800649 TI - [Hospitalization in the sphere of social sickness insurance. II. (The controversy and the diagnostic analyses)]. PMID- 13800650 TI - [Hospitalization under social sickness insurance. I. General criteria and regulations for hospital service]. PMID- 13800651 TI - [Study on the modifications of the thymus of calves overtreated with a mixture of cancerigenic hydrocarbons]. PMID- 13800652 TI - [Anatomoclinical data on sarcoma of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13800653 TI - [On the concept of "collagen diseases". Scleroderma "en bandes" with calcium deposits (Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome) and erythematosus]. PMID- 13800655 TI - [A rare case of congenital glossoptosis without mandibular hypoplasia: incomplete Pierre Robin syndrome]. PMID- 13800654 TI - [Aspects of histological evolution in experimental auto-, homo- and heteroplastic transplantation]. PMID- 13800656 TI - An unusual case of adrenal dysfunction in the male. PMID- 13800657 TI - [Clinical evaluation of adolescents in psychiatry]. PMID- 13800658 TI - [The flash treatment of oxyurosis by pyrrovinyquinium pamoate. General considerations on clinical trials of oxyuricides]. PMID- 13800659 TI - [Preliminary contribution to the study of tinea in Haute Volta. Review of dermatophytosis and of dermatophytes in Black Africa]. PMID- 13800660 TI - [The possibilities of applying Ouchterlony's method and immuno-electrophoresis to pathogenic fungi]. PMID- 13800661 TI - [First contribution to the knowledge of tinea in the Republic of Tchad (based on the examination of the first 1000 samplings from the Koumra District)]. PMID- 13800662 TI - The effect of pregnancy on hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease). PMID- 13800664 TI - Isovalerylcholine. PMID- 13800665 TI - [Addiction poisoning]. PMID- 13800663 TI - [Contribution to the clinical picture of Marcus Gunn phenomenon]. PMID- 13800667 TI - New salmonella type; Salmonella lansing. PMID- 13800668 TI - The effects of age on factorially "pure" mental abilities. PMID- 13800666 TI - Does the ectodermal proctodaeum participate in the development of the pronephric duct in urodele amphibia? PMID- 13800669 TI - Postoperative (adynamic) ileus; its prevention by ambenonium chloride. PMID- 13800670 TI - [Ambenonium chloride. Study of its use for 3 years in cases of postoperative abdominal distension and urinary retention]. PMID- 13800671 TI - [Local anesthesia in prostatectomy]. PMID- 13800672 TI - Influence of sulphur dioxide inhalation on the phagocytic activity of the macrophage system. PMID- 13800673 TI - [Perforation of intestinal duplication]. PMID- 13800674 TI - [On a new factor in the Rh system: the G antigen]. PMID- 13800675 TI - [On infection and preventive management from epidemiologist standpoint]. PMID- 13800676 TI - [Changes in medical education]. PMID- 13800677 TI - [On "implantation" of various arterial transplants in plastic surgery of the blood vessels in experiment]. PMID- 13800678 TI - [The problem of enuresis in children in urological practice]. PMID- 13800679 TI - [Sulfonamide therapy of diabetes]. PMID- 13800680 TI - [Clinical aspects and diagnosis of salmonellal infections]. PMID- 13800681 TI - [Basic problems of theoretical and practical activities in lowering of dysenterial morbidity]. PMID- 13800682 TI - [Side-effects of chemical preparations in clinical practice and problems of rational therapy]. PMID- 13800683 TI - [Electrophoretic investigations on protein fractions of the blood serum in patients with peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13800684 TI - [Oligophrenia of a moderate degree in an adult subject with giant congenital hydrocephalus]. PMID- 13800685 TI - [Therapy of vaginismus]. PMID- 13800686 TI - [Mental disorders induced by aging processes (problems of psychogeriatrics)]. PMID- 13800687 TI - Intra-articular steroid therapy. Comparative efficiency of 6-methylprednisolone acetate in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13800688 TI - Congenital abnormalities of the colon, rectum and anus. PMID- 13800689 TI - Sub-coma insulin treatment in Delaware State Hospital. PMID- 13800690 TI - Studies on endotuberculin. II. Some biochemical properties of endotuberculin from human and bovine strains. PMID- 13800691 TI - [Studies on Salmonella typhi. 1. Physico-chemical studies on bacterial extracts isolated with the aid of the freezing-thawing method]. PMID- 13800692 TI - [Studies on Salmonella typhi. 2. Immunological and toxicological studies with extracts and fractions from S. typhi]. PMID- 13800694 TI - [Suicide incidence and relation to economic status. A survey]. PMID- 13800693 TI - [Nosocomial suicides in a neurological sanatorium]. PMID- 13800695 TI - Alterations in the radiosensitivity of Escherichia coli through modification of cellular macromolecular components. PMID- 13800696 TI - Effect of bone marrow culture in vitro on its protective action in irradiated mice. PMID- 13800697 TI - Effects of prior alteration in nucleic acid and protein metabolism on subsequent macromolecular synthesis by irradiated bacteria. PMID- 13800699 TI - [Spontaneous bilateral hernia of the lung]. PMID- 13800698 TI - [The arteriographic aspect of early extracerebral effusions in emergency neurosurgery]. PMID- 13800701 TI - [Occupation tumors of the bladder in France. Statistics-remarks]. PMID- 13800700 TI - [Amine-induced tumors of the bladder. (42 unpublished cases)]. PMID- 13800702 TI - [Obesity and respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13800703 TI - Head, neck, shoulder and arm syndrome following cervical injury; the mechanism of injury and the symptoms and signs involved. PMID- 13800704 TI - Special orthopedic diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. PMID- 13800705 TI - The use of imipramine in the treatment of depressions. PMID- 13800706 TI - Determination of fibrinolytic activity of whole blood. With special reference to the effects of exercise and fat feeding. PMID- 13800707 TI - An association between capsulation and phage sensitivity in Erwinia amylovora. PMID- 13800708 TI - Time of onset and duration of transplantation immunity. PMID- 13800709 TI - Quantitative studies on the induction of tolerance of homologous tissues and on runt disease in the rat. PMID- 13800710 TI - The neogenesis of skin in the antlers of deer. PMID- 13800711 TI - Studies on tolerance of the Y chromosome antigen in mice. PMID- 13800712 TI - The induction of tolerance of skin homografts in rats with pooled cells from multiple donors. PMID- 13800713 TI - The melanocytes of mammals. PMID- 13800714 TI - Reactions of grafts against their hosts. PMID- 13800715 TI - Gastric ulcer: age, sex, and a curious retrogression. PMID- 13800716 TI - The Australian gastric ulcer change: further observations. PMID- 13800718 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of functional disorders of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13800717 TI - Ionizing radiation and metals. PMID- 13800719 TI - Analgesic therapy. II. Orally administered analgesics in the control of pain associated with malignant neoplasms. PMID- 13800720 TI - Soma: its pain-relieving properties in conditions encountered in general practice. PMID- 13800721 TI - Sinaxalate: a new, nonsedative skeletal muscular relaxant. Clinical experiences in hospital and office practice. PMID- 13800722 TI - Clinical experiences with styramate, a nonsedative skeletal muscle relaxant. PMID- 13800723 TI - Darvo-Tran in analgesic therapy: its clinical evaluation in muscular skeletal syndromes. PMID- 13800724 TI - Clinical experiences with methyprylon, a nonbarbiturate sedative and hypnotic drug. PMID- 13800725 TI - Chymar, a new protease. Experiences with its use in general hospital and office practice. PMID- 13800726 TI - Madribon. Observations on its use in the treatment of patients with substandard physical condition. PMID- 13800727 TI - [Cytologic study of the action of sea water on some anaerobic bacteria]. PMID- 13800728 TI - Some effects of introducing and withdrawing knowledge of results early and late in practice. PMID- 13800729 TI - A test for interaction of delay of knowledge of results and two types of interpolated activity. PMID- 13800730 TI - [Sleeplessness and dream. Waking-sleeping coordination in men with regard to waking and sleeping in animals]. PMID- 13800732 TI - Promoting effect of urea on the in vitro passive sensitization of isolated plain muscles with precipitating antibody. PMID- 13800731 TI - [Action of estrogens on the HeLa cancer cell strain]. PMID- 13800733 TI - Influence of the ionic strength of the medium on the anaphylactic sensitization of isolated tissues in vitro. PMID- 13800734 TI - [Disseminated keratoacanthoma. Apropos of an observation in an infant]. PMID- 13800735 TI - [Multiple keratoacanthoma. Suggested clinical classification of the disease]. PMID- 13800736 TI - [New statistical evaluation of the meteorological influences on the frequency of various skin diseases in the case histories of the Clinica dermatologica of Perugia]. PMID- 13800737 TI - [Action of anoxemia on the maximum functional capacity of the tubules, explored by means of tubular mass/para-aminohippuric acid method]. PMID- 13800738 TI - [Observations on the behavior of the lipid and lipoprotein fractions of the blood in obesity]. PMID- 13800739 TI - How regulation differs from accreditation. PMID- 13800740 TI - Management of recurrent amblyopia. PMID- 13800741 TI - Orthoptic practice in Europe. PMID- 13800742 TI - [Salmonella saintpaul infection with fatal outcome]. PMID- 13800743 TI - [On cortisone therapy of mumps orchitis]. PMID- 13800744 TI - The control of intractable pelvic hemorrhage by ligation of the hypogastric artery. PMID- 13800745 TI - Fibromyomata arising from Muellerian duct remnants. PMID- 13800746 TI - A nursery center program for preschool mentally retarded children. PMID- 13800747 TI - New programming for the mentally retarded school child in Massachusetts. PMID- 13800748 TI - Effects of methylphenidylacetate and chlorpromazine on certain components of general activity. PMID- 13800749 TI - A test of the novelty-reactions interpretation of the effects of stimulus change. PMID- 13800750 TI - Experimental psychology and the problem of behaviour disorders. PMID- 13800751 TI - The mechanism of carbohydrase action. 6. Structure of a salivary alpha-amylase limit dextrin from amylopectin. PMID- 13800752 TI - [Reflections concerning the primary transport of the wounded by aircraft]. PMID- 13800753 TI - [Surgery in 1959]. PMID- 13800754 TI - [Preventive treatment of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities in surgery]. PMID- 13800755 TI - [Surgical treatment of a case of bullous lobar emphysema in an infant. Value of the postoperative administration of cortisone]. PMID- 13800756 TI - [Experience of the Department of Pr. Mathey in surgery of tumors and stenosis of the trachea]. PMID- 13800757 TI - [Reflections on serious carbon monoxide poisoning. Its treatment, particularly by neurovegetative disconnection]. PMID- 13800758 TI - [Stimulation of compensatory hepatic hypertrophy in the white rat by addition of indole to the diet]. PMID- 13800759 TI - [Effects of choline and magnesium chloride on compensatory hepatic hypertrophy following excision of two-thirds of the liver in white rats]. PMID- 13800760 TI - [Effect exercised by a heparinoid on hyperlipemia induced in the rabbit by a surface-active agent]. PMID- 13800761 TI - [New investigation on Verlaine. Verlaine at Aix-les-Bains (19 August-14 September 1889)]. PMID- 13800762 TI - [A rural center of medical biology]. PMID- 13800763 TI - [To the glory of a great physician Xavier Bichat (1771-1801)]. PMID- 13800764 TI - [Influence of the environmental temperature on the rectal temperature of the rat treated with some phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13800766 TI - Radiographic demonstration of the scaphoid fracture. PMID- 13800765 TI - Histiocytic granulomatous mycobacterial lesions produced in the golden hamster (Cricetus auratus) inoculated with human leprosy: negative results in experiments using other animals. PMID- 13800767 TI - Localisation of renin in the kidney. II. PMID- 13800768 TI - The effect of partial renal corticectomy on blood pressure, blood urea, and hemoglobin in rats. PMID- 13800770 TI - [Metabolism of the heart]. PMID- 13800769 TI - Write the menu for the readers. PMID- 13800771 TI - Physiology of the myocardium. PMID- 13800772 TI - Measurement of coronary blood flow in man. PMID- 13800773 TI - Cardiac metabolism in myocardial failure. PMID- 13800774 TI - Determination of coronary blood flow. PMID- 13800775 TI - Importance of chemical transmission in cardiology and neuropharmacology. PMID- 13800776 TI - The development of modern concepts of the coronary circulation. PMID- 13800777 TI - The heart in congestive failure. PMID- 13800778 TI - The macrocytosis of hepatic disease. II. Thick macrocytosis. PMID- 13800779 TI - Herniation through congenital diaphragmatic defects. PMID- 13800780 TI - Diets and dyspepsia. Part I. PMID- 13800781 TI - Diets and dyspepsia. Part II. PMID- 13800782 TI - Precipitating factors in peptic ulcer. PMID- 13800783 TI - Operability in the aged. PMID- 13800784 TI - Phenindione sensitivity. PMID- 13800785 TI - Experimental work on femoral neck fractures. PMID- 13800786 TI - Water and lipide shifts in pregnancy. PMID- 13800787 TI - [Electrophoresis at reduced ionic strength of normal human hemoglobin on agar gel]. PMID- 13800788 TI - [Establishment of optimal parameters for the preparation of calcium gluconate by the electrolytic oxidation of D-glucose, also for the oxidation by potassium chlorate]. PMID- 13800789 TI - Experience with implantation of various types of lens protheses in unilateral aphakia. The pupillary lens or iris clip lens, a new method of fixation. PMID- 13800790 TI - Iris-supported artificial pseudophakia. A new development in intra-ocular artificial lens surgery (iris clip lens). PMID- 13800791 TI - Results of implantation of intraocular lenses in unilateral aphakia. With special reference to the pupillary or iris clip lens--a new method of fixation. PMID- 13800792 TI - [Indication and implantation technic of the "pupillar lens" or "iris-clip lens" in aphakia]. PMID- 13800793 TI - Results obtained in the examination of patients with iridocyclitis and uveitis for allergy. PMID- 13800794 TI - Spectrophotometric assay of peptidase activity. PMID- 13800795 TI - Chemotherapy adjuvant to cancer surgery. A decade of personal experience 1948 1958. PMID- 13800796 TI - Radiological protection. PMID- 13800797 TI - A guinea pig potency test for adenovirus vaccine. PMID- 13800798 TI - [Selenium, an important trace element]. PMID- 13800799 TI - Metabolism of Sarcina lutea. IV. Patterns of oxidative assimilation. PMID- 13800800 TI - A plastic rumen fistula apparatus for sheep--its insertion and use. PMID- 13800801 TI - [Contribution of the psychologic examination to the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of chronic alcoholism]. PMID- 13800802 TI - [Loeffler's syndrome]. PMID- 13800803 TI - [Results of therapy of prostate carcinoma]. PMID- 13800804 TI - [A case of a genuine penis bone in a man]. PMID- 13800805 TI - [Language, love and education]. PMID- 13800806 TI - [Methods of speech communication and their limitation to the "symbolic mode of expression" demonstrated on a 17-year old obsessive-compulsive patient]. PMID- 13800808 TI - [On the health conditions of the workers of a plant for the construction of office machines]. PMID- 13800807 TI - [Opaque arthrography of the knee]. PMID- 13800809 TI - Studies on myocardial infarction in Malmo 1935 to 1954. IV. Myocardial infarcts in the hospital in relation to coronary heart disease in the population. PMID- 13800810 TI - Excretion of rose bengal in bile. PMID- 13800811 TI - [Cytochromec in the diaphragm of man]. PMID- 13800812 TI - Social and psychological problems in patients with chronic cardiac illness. PMID- 13800813 TI - The international study of coronary heart disease. PMID- 13800814 TI - [Medicine and social orientation. Some reflections]. PMID- 13800815 TI - [Physicians and the press]. PMID- 13800816 TI - The kinetics of blood clearance o isotopically labelled Salmonella entertidis by the reticulo-endothelial system in mice. PMID- 13800817 TI - [Effect of inoculation with Calmette-Guerin bacillus on the development of Ehrlich ascites tumor in the mouse]. PMID- 13800818 TI - [Phagocytic activity of the reticulo-endothelial system in mice of pure stock after grafting of isologous or homologous leukemic cells and during the development of spontaneous leukemia]. PMID- 13800819 TI - [Experimental anatomo-pathological study of the action of the toxohormone extracted from the T 58 myelosarcoma of Oberling and Guerin on the lymphoid ganglia of the rat]. PMID- 13800820 TI - [The toxohormone content of Guerin's transplantable tumor T8 as a function of the age of the transplant]. PMID- 13800821 TI - [Research on the effects of consanguinity in man]. PMID- 13800822 TI - [Ureteropyeloneostomy in a case of immobilized lithiasis of the ureteropyelic junction. Comments on Puigvert's technic]. PMID- 13800823 TI - [Further contribution to the study of nephrocalcinosis]. PMID- 13800824 TI - [Considerations of differential diagnostic nature on the radiographic finding of the infracardiac zona and of the infracardiac bronchus]. PMID- 13800825 TI - [Pathological changes in the lung in plasmocytoma with special reference to the radiological aspects]. PMID- 13800826 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of pneumogynecography]. PMID- 13800827 TI - [Considerations on the radiological picture of plasmocytoma of the bone]. PMID- 13800829 TI - [Occupaional therapy of patients during the cure]. PMID- 13800828 TI - The airway dead space in tracheotomized patients. PMID- 13800830 TI - Effect of repeated fluoroscopic examinations on 1480 children with a long-term follow-up study. PMID- 13800831 TI - Snake bite in Britain. PMID- 13800832 TI - Steroids in the management of allergic conditions. PMID- 13800833 TI - Hydatid disease. PMID- 13800834 TI - Reversal learning under single stimulus presentation. PMID- 13800835 TI - The formation and extinction of conditioned reflexes in "brain-damaged" and mongoloid children. PMID- 13800836 TI - Perception in hemiplegia: I. Judgment of vertical and horizontal by hemiplegic patients. PMID- 13800837 TI - Perception in hemiplegia: II. Judgment of the median plane. PMID- 13800838 TI - The vulvar clinic: a teaching and research project. PMID- 13800839 TI - [Ileotransversostomy in mechanical ileus]. PMID- 13800840 TI - [Mediastinal teratoma in a child]. PMID- 13800841 TI - Pyelonephritis--an enigma. PMID- 13800842 TI - [Demonstration of technical variation of the operation for isthmic stenosis]. PMID- 13800843 TI - Easier said than done. PMID- 13800844 TI - Alterations in respiratory function during natural sleep. PMID- 13800845 TI - An evaluation of electroencephalography in cerebral infarction and is chemia due to arteriosclerosis. PMID- 13800846 TI - Lindau's disease in a South African family: a report on three further cases. PMID- 13800847 TI - Agranulocytosis due to imipramine (tofranil). PMID- 13800848 TI - The problems of listening. PMID- 13800849 TI - Agar Gel studies of blood group specific substances and precipitins of plant origin. I. The precipitins of Dolichos biflorus. PMID- 13800850 TI - Agar gel studies of blood group specific substances and precipitins of plant origin. II. The precipitins of Ricinus communis. PMID- 13800851 TI - Anti-A agglutinins from the seeds of Hyptis suaveolens Poit. PMID- 13800852 TI - Anti-A haemagglutinins from a non-leguminous plant--Hyptis suaveolens Poit. PMID- 13800853 TI - Anti-pneumococcus type XIV activity of precipitins from Ricinus communis seeds. PMID- 13800854 TI - Observations on some non-specific plant haemagglutinins. PMID- 13800855 TI - Penicillin antibody. AB - A serum which specifically agglutinated penicillin-coated erythrocytes is described. The active constituent had the charac eristics of an antibody. Its laboratory and clinical significance is discussed. PMID- 13800856 TI - The Provincial Laboratory Services in New Brunswick. PMID- 13800857 TI - Further consideration of the "cold, sick" husband. PMID- 13800858 TI - A sensitive method for the detection of iodinated compounds in human plasma, and its applications in the study of thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13800859 TI - A technique for electrophoresis in agar gel. PMID- 13800860 TI - Disseminated herpes simplex in the newborn. PMID- 13800862 TI - Recent experiences in cardiac surgery. PMID- 13800861 TI - Effects of hydroxyzine hydrochloride on ventricular fibrillation in deep hypothermia. PMID- 13800863 TI - [A case of secondary management of bronchial fistula following pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13800865 TI - Venereal diseases in the Far East; evaluation of therapy. PMID- 13800864 TI - [Frequency of multiple ulcers in primary syphilis]. PMID- 13800867 TI - Impending cerebrovascular lesions. Ophthalmic diagnosis and management. PMID- 13800866 TI - [Influenzal pneumopathy; on certain anatomicopathological findings in the 1957-58 epidemic in Turin]. PMID- 13800868 TI - Ophthalmic diagnosis and management of impending cerebrovascular lesions. PMID- 13800869 TI - A photometer head assembly for use in microphotometry. PMID- 13800870 TI - An analysis of differentiation and regulation in the mesencephalon of the chick embryo. PMID- 13800871 TI - Regulatory potentiality in the forebrain of the chick embryo. PMID- 13800872 TI - Spontaneous alar plate hyperplasia in the chick embryo. PMID- 13800873 TI - [Certain problems of physiology of the central nervous system in Czechoslovakian People's Republic]. PMID- 13800874 TI - [Evolution of functions of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13800876 TI - [The permanency of the idea of Leninism-a sharp weapon in the struggle for materialism in the natural sciences. On the nintieth birthday of V. I. Lenin]. PMID- 13800875 TI - [New tasks and future prospects of physiological sciences in the light of decisions of the June plenary session of the Central Comittee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]. PMID- 13800877 TI - [On the problem of treatment of tendon injuries of the fingers and hand]. PMID- 13800878 TI - [On the mechanism of formation of temporary connection in man]. PMID- 13800879 TI - [Studies on cortical dynamics in athletes in various functional conditions]. PMID- 13800880 TI - [A practical apparatus for removal of the bone nail in nailing of the upper and lower leg]. PMID- 13800881 TI - [On a new possibility of treatment of hemophilia B]. PMID- 13800882 TI - [On the external manifestations of sideroblastic anemia]. PMID- 13800883 TI - [Pernicious anemia in a 13-year old youth]. PMID- 13800884 TI - [Remarks on the construction and equipment of facilities for the care of mental patients]. PMID- 13800885 TI - Assessment of the functional capacity of the adrenal cortex. II. Clinical application of the ACTH test. PMID- 13800886 TI - Effects of acute steroid deprivation in bilaterally adrenalectomized patients. A clinical, endocrinological and patho-physiological study. PMID- 13800887 TI - Adrenal cortical tumours: a study with special reference to possibilities of correlating histologic appearance with hormonal activity. PMID- 13800888 TI - Albumin catabolism in burns and following surgical procedures. PMID- 13800889 TI - [Role of the stomach in albumin metabolism]. PMID- 13800890 TI - Blood volume determination in surgical patients. PMID- 13800891 TI - [Somatic effects of stress as seen from the surgical point of view]. PMID- 13800892 TI - Reversible inhibition of aldolase by ferricyanide. PMID- 13800893 TI - [Posture and blood pressure]. PMID- 13800894 TI - [Quantitative assessment of the saturation phenomenon in the bromsulphalein clearance curve]. PMID- 13800895 TI - Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 107. Metabolites of Penicillium viridicatum Westling: viridicatic acid (ethylcarlosic acid). PMID- 13800896 TI - [The treatment of depression with tofranil]. PMID- 13800897 TI - [Catamnestic studies in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13800898 TI - [Measurement of cerebral blood circulation with radioangiography]. PMID- 13800899 TI - [Experiences in work with a 2000 curie telecobalt apparatus (gammatron)]. PMID- 13800900 TI - The fine structure of the neuromuscular junction of the frog. PMID- 13800901 TI - Dissociation of the 'surface membrane complex' in atrophic muscle fibres. PMID- 13800902 TI - Physiological and structural changes at the amphibian myoneural junction, in the course of nerve degeneration. PMID- 13800903 TI - [On the problem of morphological and clinical picture of tumors of the heart]. PMID- 13800905 TI - [Therapy and observations on postpartum urine retention]. PMID- 13800904 TI - Investigations on oestrogen therapy by the intravesical route. PMID- 13800906 TI - New causes of occupational dermatoses. PMID- 13800907 TI - Ulcerative colitis among the ethnic groups in Israel. PMID- 13800908 TI - ABO blood group distribution in ulcerative and malignant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; incidence in three communal groups in Israel. PMID- 13800909 TI - Medicine and the law. Some questions that a lawyer may ask a psychiatrist concerning "The Psychopath before the Law". PMID- 13800910 TI - The use of cervilaxin in term labor. PMID- 13800911 TI - [Functional disorder of sweat secretion on the head after penetrating wound of the parotid gland]. PMID- 13800913 TI - [The course of the inspiration stream in the larynx]. PMID- 13800912 TI - [Inhalation noxa and foreign pavement epithelium in the larynx]. PMID- 13800914 TI - [The deaf-mute in medical speech; educational and social views]. PMID- 13800915 TI - [Traumatic cholesteatoma of the frontal sinus]. PMID- 13800916 TI - [Working and storage table for the instrumentarium for endobronchial photogrphy]. PMID- 13800917 TI - The localization of acid phosphatase activity in the ameba, Chaos chaos. PMID- 13800918 TI - A study of pancreatography. PMID- 13800919 TI - Subacute bacterial infection in a traumatic arteriovenous fistula. PMID- 13800920 TI - [A case of simple ulcer of the jejunum perforating into the abdominal cavity]. PMID- 13800921 TI - [On the behavior of intraocular pressure and its relation to athletic achievements]. PMID- 13800922 TI - Observations on changes in the age incidence of acute leukaemia. PMID- 13800923 TI - Pharmacons in the treatment of myopia. PMID- 13800924 TI - Recent observations upon the occurrence of hereditary glaucoma. PMID- 13800925 TI - [Further observations on the fundus oculi in juvenile patients with essential hypertension]. PMID- 13800926 TI - [Symmetric development of pigmentation as a specific factor in the fundus pattern of pigmented degeneration of the retina]. PMID- 13800927 TI - The role of adrenaline in the changes of the higher nervous activity caused by strong sound stimulus. PMID- 13800928 TI - [Effect of strong auditory stimulation on the higher nervous activity]. PMID- 13800930 TI - Some effects of sound stimuli on the pituitary-adrenocortical system. PMID- 13800929 TI - [The lymph transport of amylase]. PMID- 13800931 TI - [Co-existing duodenal ulcer and carcinoma of the kidney]. PMID- 13800932 TI - Staphylococcal infections. A study of incidence on a dermatologic ward. PMID- 13800933 TI - [Contributions to the pathomechanismof leukocyte count alteration caused by bacterial irritants]. PMID- 13800935 TI - [Observations on urethral auto-inoculation according to 10,000 cases]. PMID- 13800934 TI - [The effect of invenol on sugar resorption from the small intestine]. PMID- 13800936 TI - [12 Additional cases of interstitial pertussoid eosinophilic pneumonia of the infant]. PMID- 13800937 TI - [Food hygiene in the Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county. Bacteriological examination of food]. PMID- 13800938 TI - Alcohol as a factor in Victorian road collisions. PMID- 13800939 TI - Incidence of cerebral infarction associated with ruptured intracranial aneurysms. A study of 8 unoperated cases of anterior cerebral aneurysm. PMID- 13800941 TI - Generalized flushing of the skin with urticaria pigmentosa. PMID- 13800940 TI - A brief review of dissecting aneurysm of the aorta and a report of the successful treatment of a case. PMID- 13800942 TI - The behaviour of pyridine nucleotides of mitochondria in a 'saline medium'. PMID- 13800943 TI - The distribution and metabolism of intra- and extra- mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides in suspensions of liver mitochondria. PMID- 13800944 TI - [2 epidemics of rheumatic fever in a training center]. PMID- 13800945 TI - Pregnancy relationships to carcinoma in situ. PMID- 13800946 TI - Leasing medical equipment by hospital or physician. PMID- 13800947 TI - Why public health inspectors? PMID- 13800948 TI - [On taxonomic units in the classification of tick encephalitis]. PMID- 13800949 TI - [The "bifurcation respiration tomogram"]. PMID- 13800950 TI - [Clinical-experimental experiences with a aludrin-dosier aerosol]. PMID- 13800952 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13800953 TI - [On an unusual case of primary tuberculosis of the pubis]. PMID- 13800951 TI - [Metabolic reticuloses and relations between their intercurrents]. PMID- 13800954 TI - [Determination of phenylalanine and phenylpyruvic acid in the blood and urine. Application to two cases of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia]. PMID- 13800955 TI - [Research and identification of the source of infection in an episode of nosocomial staphylococcal infections. Proposal for prevention]. PMID- 13800956 TI - Coexistent interstitial and intrauterine pregnancy following homolateral salpingo oophorectomy: report of a case. PMID- 13800957 TI - The effect of testosterone on the melanocytes and melanin in the skin of the intact and orchidectomised male guinea-pig. PMID- 13800958 TI - [Catamnestic studies on 86 leucotomies. A contribution to operative therapy of mental disorders]. PMID- 13800959 TI - [Experimental leuk-encephalitis after intrathecal administration of a mucopolysaccharase (hyaluronidase)]. PMID- 13800960 TI - [On the problem of schizophrenia from the aspect of psychology of the unconscious]. PMID- 13800961 TI - [The current status of cerebrospinal fluid cytodiagnosis]. PMID- 13800963 TI - A progress report of the cooperative clinical studies sponsored by the Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center. PMID- 13800962 TI - Estradiol transport by human red cells. PMID- 13800964 TI - [The effect of ligation and arterialization of the coronary sinus on the activity of the cardiovascular system]. PMID- 13800965 TI - [Electrophoretic and immunological study of urinary proteins in normal children and in the course of kidney diseases]. PMID- 13800966 TI - [Isolation of the beta 1 seromucoid (beta 1A-globulin). Study of its ability to bind chromoproteins]. PMID- 13800967 TI - [Electrophoretic study of the sera of normal rats and of rats bearing transplanted tumors]. PMID- 13800968 TI - [Study of perchloric acid-soluble seromucoids of human blood serum on zone electrophoresis: immunological identification of the constituents]. PMID- 13800969 TI - [Electrophoretic and chromatographic heterogeneity of the gamma-globulins]. PMID- 13800970 TI - [Electrophoretic studies of edema fluids: cardiac, renal and cirrhotic edemas]. PMID- 13800971 TI - [Paper partition chromatography of urinary amino acids: study methods]. PMID- 13800972 TI - [Activity of various histones isolated from calf thymus on Escherichia coli and Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13800973 TI - [Apropos of the N-terminal groups of serum albumin]. PMID- 13800974 TI - [Carpal tunnel syndrome]. PMID- 13800975 TI - Reflex activity of external anal sphincter of cat. PMID- 13800976 TI - Ventricular fibrillation during left atrial puncture. Recovery after emergency mitral valvotomy. PMID- 13800977 TI - Blood nucleotides. PMID- 13800978 TI - Preoperative determination of resectability of lung cancer. PMID- 13800980 TI - Induction of labor. PMID- 13800979 TI - Extracted mammalian sperm models. I. Preparation and reactivation with adenosine triphosphate. PMID- 13800981 TI - Office vaginal examination in pregnancy. PMID- 13800982 TI - Moles and melanoma. PMID- 13800983 TI - Utilization of thymidine-C14 by queen bee larvae. PMID- 13800984 TI - Housekeeping: service core of the hospital. PMID- 13800985 TI - A histological and histochemical study of the kidney tubule of the common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, with special reference to the sexual segment in the male. PMID- 13800986 TI - [A medical protective emblem for the world]. PMID- 13800987 TI - Pulmonary ventilation. PMID- 13800988 TI - The establishment of a laboratory for the assessment of pulmonary function. PMID- 13800989 TI - The measurement of blood gas tensions; measurement of blood oxygen tension. PMID- 13800990 TI - Genetical and biochemical studies of the immobilization antigens of Paramecium aurelia. PMID- 13800991 TI - An apparatus for producing trypsinized monkey kidney cell suspensions. PMID- 13800992 TI - Excretion and retention of radioactive strontium in normal men following a single intravenous injection. PMID- 13800994 TI - A hundred years ago. PMID- 13800993 TI - Effect of schizophrenic plasma upon original learning in the rat. PMID- 13800995 TI - Samuel Johnson's lung. PMID- 13800996 TI - Treatment of functional menstrual disorders with norethisterone. PMID- 13800997 TI - Interstitial-cell tumour of the testis in a child. Report of a case and a review of the literature. PMID- 13800998 TI - Male sex hormones. PMID- 13800999 TI - Oral contraceptives. PMID- 13801000 TI - Activation of single lateral geniculate cells by stimulation of either optic nerve. AB - The lateral geniculate nucleus is organized in such a way that, initially at least, information from the one eye is almost exclusively segregated from that from the other eye. Single-unit recording, however, confirms the histological evidence that bilateral integration does take place. A small number of cells (< 8.5 percent) receive afferents directly from both optic nerves and are discharged by stimulating either nerve (direct interaction). More common is delayed interaction, where the cells are discharged independently by either optic nerve but only after a relatively long latency. Indirect interaction effects also occur. PMID- 13801001 TI - Lysergic acid diethylamide block of lateral geniculate synapses and relief by repetitive stimulation. PMID- 13801002 TI - Repetitive stimulation of optic nerve and lateral geniculate synapses. PMID- 13801003 TI - The recovery of responsiveness of the sensory synapses in the lateral geniculate nucleus. PMID- 13801004 TI - Hereditary hypochromic anemia with transfusion hemosiderosis treated with pyridoxine: report of a case. PMID- 13801006 TI - Maurice Strauss, philatelist. PMID- 13801005 TI - Florence Nightingale's message for today. PMID- 13801007 TI - [Neurological syndromes caused by malignant tumors of the nasopharynx (apropos of 9 cases)]. PMID- 13801009 TI - [Benign tumors of the cardiac valves. Critical review and description of a case]. PMID- 13801008 TI - [Systematic study of changes in the coronary walls of newborn infants of both sexes]. PMID- 13801010 TI - [On the problem of treatment and prevention of rickets in children with large doses of vitamin D in regional conditions]. PMID- 13801011 TI - [On the clinical manifestations of sporadic brucellosis in children]. PMID- 13801012 TI - [Oligophrenic deficiency and social sensitivity. (The problem of moral judgment in mental defectives based on the combined results of the Alexander, Rorschach and De Sanctis tests)]. PMID- 13801013 TI - Pancreatic enzymes (cervase) in gynecology. PMID- 13801014 TI - [Burns of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and larynx by potassium permanganate]. PMID- 13801015 TI - [Radiological examination of the femoral heads using the bone plate method]. PMID- 13801016 TI - Management of the geriatric patient in general practice. Evaluation of a new preparation. PMID- 13801017 TI - [Diagnosis of lacunae of the cranial vault]. PMID- 13801018 TI - [Diagnosis of miliary images of the lung]. PMID- 13801019 TI - [Radiological diagnosis of abnormal opacities of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13801020 TI - [Radiology of Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13801021 TI - [The densimetry of bone by x-rays]. PMID- 13801022 TI - Accident control: a local health department's experience in development and evaluation of a home accident program. PMID- 13801024 TI - A preliminary study of the use of 2-methyl-1, 2-bis (3-pyridyl)-1-propanone (SU 4885) as a test of pituitary function in man. PMID- 13801023 TI - Epidemiology of accidental poisoning. AB - In San Jose, California, studies of cases of accidental poisoning showed that the greatest hazard was to children 1 through 3 years of age. Drugs accounted for half the cases, household products for another third, and insecticides and rodenticides and others for the remainder. Most often poison material was within easy reach of the children. An analysis of families in which an accident occurred indicated that accidental poisoning might happen to any family. Since there was little after-effect of poisoning in cases in which treatment was obtained promptly, education directed toward getting prompt treatment seems most advisable. Community agencies interested in poison control need to focus their attention on parents of pre-school children. PMID- 13801025 TI - [A method for early treatment of influenzal infections]. PMID- 13801026 TI - A case of multiple obstetrical complications. PMID- 13801027 TI - The oral actinomycetes. PMID- 13801028 TI - Cellular structure of large spirilla. PMID- 13801029 TI - The effect of metabolic stimulants on the oxygen uptake of normal and leukaemic human leucocytes in vitro. PMID- 13801030 TI - [Iodine therapy in the surgical preparation of patients with Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13801031 TI - A new approach for the recognition of ventricular premature beats. PMID- 13801032 TI - Desmoids of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13801033 TI - Injury to a large accessory hepatic duct opening into the gallbladder. Report of a case. PMID- 13801034 TI - Adrenalectomy for metastatic carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13801035 TI - A methyl cytidine from the ribonucleic acid of Anacystis nidulans. PMID- 13801036 TI - Relationship between auxins and nucleic acid synthesis in coleoptile tissues. PMID- 13801037 TI - The effects of nucleases on photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation. PMID- 13801038 TI - [Rhabdomyoma of the soft palate]. PMID- 13801039 TI - [Paroxysmal hypertension due to high spinal cord lesions]. PMID- 13801040 TI - [Vesical reeducation and motor recuperation in traumatic lesions of the cervical spinal cord]. PMID- 13801041 TI - [Comparative immuno-chemical investigations on nucleoproteins isolated from roentgen-irradiated filtrable forms of typhoid bacteria]. PMID- 13801042 TI - [A case of Sheehan's syndrome]. PMID- 13801044 TI - Postoperative duodenojejunal obstruction following gastric resection. PMID- 13801043 TI - Water and electrolyte composition of decidual tissue of the rat uterus. PMID- 13801045 TI - Combined management of necrotizing pneumonia. PMID- 13801046 TI - [Action of atropine and dibenamine on hypermetabolism induced by tetrahydro-beta naphthylamine]. PMID- 13801047 TI - [Effect of chemical blockade of the pituitary on hypermetabolism induced by adrenaline and pilocarpine]. PMID- 13801049 TI - [Congenital shortening of the quadriceps femoris muscle of the hip]. PMID- 13801048 TI - [Effect of chemical blockade of the pituitary on hypermetabolism induced by dinitrophenol and tetrahydro-beta-naphthylamine]. PMID- 13801050 TI - [The neutralization of heparin during extracorporeal circulation. Experimentation with a new anti-heparin product]. PMID- 13801051 TI - [A case of diabetes in a child with pronounced fat intolerance]. PMID- 13801052 TI - [Cushing's syndrome in 12-year-old boy]. PMID- 13801053 TI - [Hypofunction of the thyroid in the light of observations at the Children's Endocrinological Clinic in Gdansk]. PMID- 13801054 TI - [Problem of juvenile goiter]. PMID- 13801055 TI - Intravital staining of the atrioventricular bundle with iodine compounds during cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13801056 TI - [Perforation of a high gastric ulcer into the left cardiac ventricle. (2 observations)]. PMID- 13801057 TI - [On the forms of heterotopia of the gray matter of the cerebrum]. PMID- 13801058 TI - Host-induced changes in the mouse mammary tumor agent from transplanted tumors as determined by neutralization studies. PMID- 13801059 TI - Influence of the mammary-tumor agent on the genesis of mammary cancer in agent free mice after male transmission. PMID- 13801060 TI - Mammary cancer in fostered CBA mice and CBA hybrids. PMID- 13801061 TI - The genesis of mammary cancer in mice. PMID- 13801062 TI - [The combination of operative and conservative measures in the therapy of arterial circulation disorders]. PMID- 13801063 TI - [Roentgen anatomical studies of the lower esophagus]. PMID- 13801064 TI - Food consumption and dental caries in salivariadenectomized and duct-ligated rats. PMID- 13801065 TI - Retention of fluoride in soft tissues of chickens receiving different fat diets. PMID- 13801066 TI - [Clinically primary ileocecal hypertrophic tuberculosis in an 8-year old girl]. PMID- 13801067 TI - [Action of 2,4-dinitrophenol on choleresis in the rat (research on the perfused liver)]. PMID- 13801068 TI - [Action of some enzymatic inhibitors on biliary excretion of bromsulfonephthalein. Study of the perfused rat liver]. PMID- 13801069 TI - [Regression of age in the hypnotic state. Considerations on some objective tests]. PMID- 13801070 TI - [Electroencephalographic study of a group of schizophrenics in the course of improvement induced in disorders of higher nervous function by chlorpromazine therapy]. PMID- 13801072 TI - [Survey of patients treated in a lung department]. PMID- 13801071 TI - [Excitatory action of the chemoreceptive afferents on the posterior hypothalamus in the acute thalamic cat]. PMID- 13801073 TI - [Are the ethical regulations of the Physicians' Association satisfactory for today?]. PMID- 13801074 TI - Envelope system for floor medications. PMID- 13801075 TI - Competing forces of mortality in long-term animal experiments: observation on the interaction between experimental tuberculosis and extraneous forces. PMID- 13801076 TI - Acquisition of resistance in guinea pigs infected with different doses of virulent tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13801077 TI - Degree of tuberculin sensitivity in guinea pigs infected with different doses of virulent tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13801078 TI - [Clinical manifestations of dissecting aortic aneurysm]. PMID- 13801079 TI - [Follow-up treatment of heart infarct]. PMID- 13801080 TI - [Neurological rehabilitation in Goteborg]. PMID- 13801081 TI - [Paraplegic care in Goteborg]. PMID- 13801082 TI - [Multiple thrombophlebitis with cancer-Trousseau's sign]. PMID- 13801083 TI - Controlling value judgements in group therapy. An experimental approach to the intervening link between sociometric description and therapeutic action. PMID- 13801084 TI - The diastolic pressure gradient between the left atrium and the left ventricle in cases of mitral stenosis. PMID- 13801085 TI - On the histology and ultrastructure of the Harderian gland in rabbits. PMID- 13801086 TI - [A case of morbus Kyrle]. PMID- 13801087 TI - [Biochemical tests of myocardial necrosis]. PMID- 13801088 TI - The effect of succinylcholine on the cat diaphragm: an electromyographic study. PMID- 13801089 TI - Mitotic activity in the epithelium of the small bronchi of mice with a high incidence of spontaneous lung tumours. PMID- 13801090 TI - [Nuclear weapons and ear injuries]. PMID- 13801091 TI - Treatment and prognosis in malignant hypertension: clinical follow-up study of 93 patients on modern medical treatment. PMID- 13801092 TI - Resection of one lobe and one segment with an osteoplastic thoracoplasty; functional results. PMID- 13801093 TI - Ciliated epithelial cyst of the oesophagus: case report. PMID- 13801094 TI - Surgery at the left bronchotracheal junction with the aid of Green's tube. PMID- 13801095 TI - Left heart catheterization with selective left atrial and ventricular angiocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral and aortic valvular disease. PMID- 13801096 TI - The evaluation of mitral stenosis with a selective left ventricular angiocardiography. PMID- 13801097 TI - Partial resection of the only remaining lung with the aid of respirator treatment. PMID- 13801099 TI - Two cases of severe laryngopathy associated with pregnancy. PMID- 13801098 TI - Fractionation of venom from the ringhals cobra. PMID- 13801100 TI - Arteriovenous malformations of the brain. Prognosis with conservative treatment. PMID- 13801101 TI - Multiple intracranial arterial aneurysms. PMID- 13801102 TI - Decompression operation in trigeminal neuralia: a follow-up study of 46 cases. PMID- 13801103 TI - Effect of parasympatholytic drugs in trigeminal neuralgia. PMID- 13801104 TI - A serum cytolytic factor active against HeLa and other established cell strains. PMID- 13801105 TI - Generalized cytomegalic inclusion disease. PMID- 13801106 TI - The ultrastructural organization and the alkaline phosphatase activity of the epithelial surface of the bovine fallopian tube. PMID- 13801107 TI - Indications of multiplication of porcine enterovirus within the intracellular canalicular system. PMID- 13801108 TI - Therapy in bullous emphysema. A preliminary report. PMID- 13801109 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy in some diseases of the thoracic organs]. PMID- 13801110 TI - A new method for enumeration of platelets. PMID- 13801111 TI - Fundamentals of aging: immobilization of proteins in wholebody irradiated white rats. PMID- 13801112 TI - Fundamentals of aging: a comparison of the mortality curve for humans with a viscosity curve of gelatin during the cross-linking reaction. PMID- 13801113 TI - A common denominator in aging research. PMID- 13801114 TI - [On tympanoplastic microsurgery. An attempt at evaluation of surgical results in 100 cases in 3 years]. PMID- 13801115 TI - Acute psychotic reaction after injection of procaine penicillin. A report of 33 cases. PMID- 13801116 TI - Hllucinatory reactions in association with oral administration of probenecid penicillin. PMID- 13801117 TI - ["Facies leontina" in a Scanian sculpture of about 1500]. PMID- 13801118 TI - [Tattooing in teen-age girls--a social problem]. PMID- 13801119 TI - Total albinos among the Cuna Indians. PMID- 13801120 TI - [Hypernephroma in old age]. PMID- 13801121 TI - Determination of strontium-90 distribution in human bone. PMID- 13801122 TI - Some observations in two cases of cryoglobulinemia. PMID- 13801123 TI - [On the determination of C-reactive protein in blood]. PMID- 13801124 TI - [Gonorrhea caused by a penicillin- and streptomycin-resistant strain]. PMID- 13801125 TI - Pattern of cholesterol ester fatty acids in serum in normal subjects and in patients with essential hypercholesterolemia. PMID- 13801126 TI - [Disciplinary rules in a set of school regulations from 1649]. PMID- 13801127 TI - [Congenital malformations in the light of obstetrical material]. PMID- 13801128 TI - [Placenta percreta with spontaneous rupture of the uterus]. PMID- 13801129 TI - Device for laryngeal phase-determinable flash photography. PMID- 13801130 TI - On the problem of congenital hemopathies (congenital myeloid and erythremic blood picture). PMID- 13801131 TI - [Immunization within Rh systems of Rh-positive mothers]. PMID- 13801132 TI - Sodium chloride intake and urinary histamine in adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13801133 TI - Electrocardiographic, heart-rate and subjective responses to prolonged gravitational stress and their relation to some dimensional and functional parameters of the circulatory system. PMID- 13801134 TI - Atherosclerosis and body-build with special reference to size and number of subcutaneous fat cells. PMID- 13801136 TI - Traumatic avoidance learning: a note on intertrial-interval responding. PMID- 13801137 TI - Heart rate changes during avoidance learning in dogs. PMID- 13801135 TI - A comparison between the effects of edrophonium and choline in the skeletal muscles of the cat. AB - The effects of edrophonium and choline have been compared with those of the depolarizing substances acetylcholine, decamethonium, and suxamethonium, in both innervated and chronically denervated tibialis anterior muscles of cats under chloralose anaesthesia. Both edrophonium and choline were more potent antagonists to paralysis by tubocurarine than could be accounted for by their ability to stimulate the motor end-plates directly. It appeared likely that direct depolarization of the end-plate played no part in the anti-curare action of edrophonium and only some part in the anti-curare action of choline. A paralysis produced by the neuromuscular blocking agent, benzoquinonium, was more readily antagonized by a tetanus or by acetylcholine, suxamethonium, and decamethonium than a similar paralysis produced by tubocurarine. The tetraethyl ammonium ion was also slightly more effective against a paralysis by benzoquinonium. On the other hand, edrophonium was about 300 times and choline about five times less potent as an antagonist to benzoquinonium than to tubocurarine. Furthermore, the previous administration of benzoquinonium abolished the antagonistic action to tubocurarine of normally effective doses of edrophonium and reduced that of choline. These results were similar to those previously obtained with neostigmine, physostigmine and ethyl pyrophosphate and suggested that there was some similarity in the mechanism of action of all of these substances. Benzoquinonium, therefore, showed promise as a useful pharmacological tool for distinguishing compounds with this particular type of action. These anti-curare compounds did not appear to act by cholinesterase inhibition, not by an increase in the sensitivity of the motor end-plates. In common with other workers, we suggest that there is a pre-synaptic mechanism of action. PMID- 13801139 TI - Multicentricity of papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid: influence on treatment. PMID- 13801138 TI - Effectiveness of iodine for the disinfection of swimming pool water. PMID- 13801140 TI - Adrenergic blockade. PMID- 13801141 TI - Current concepts of potassium metabolism. PMID- 13801142 TI - Symptoms and signs in disorders of body fluid. PMID- 13801143 TI - The treatment of renal diseases. PMID- 13801144 TI - Mechanism controlling entry of ova into rabbit uterus. PMID- 13801145 TI - Treatment of the climacteric woman. PMID- 13801147 TI - Inapparent measles after gamma globulin administration. PMID- 13801146 TI - Studies on an attenuated measlesvirus vaccine. IV. Administration of vaccine by several routes. PMID- 13801148 TI - Serological epidemiology in measles. PMID- 13801149 TI - Circulatory changes accompanying respiratory acidosis during halothane (fluothane) anaesthesia in man. PMID- 13801150 TI - Conjunctivitis. PMID- 13801151 TI - Light coagulation therapy. PMID- 13801152 TI - Public health nursing in a changing environment. PMID- 13801154 TI - Chronic nasal catarrh. PMID- 13801153 TI - Phenothiazines as antiemetics and tranquilizers. PMID- 13801155 TI - Local radium treatment for carcinoma of the larynx. PMID- 13801156 TI - Local anesthesia for dilatation and curettage of the uterus. PMID- 13801157 TI - A case of dysgerminoma presenting with uraemic convulsions. PMID- 13801158 TI - Surgical induction of labour in the management of contracted pelvis. PMID- 13801159 TI - Speech correction in the U.S.S.R. PMID- 13801160 TI - Protective action of autologous marrow against nitrogen mustard toxicity. PMID- 13801161 TI - Lymph node reactivity in cancer patients. PMID- 13801162 TI - Lymph node reactivity. III. Lymphomas and allied diseases. PMID- 13801164 TI - Artificial hibernation. A report of two patients treated successfully by the French technique and a new pulsating cooling mattress. PMID- 13801163 TI - Structure of lymph nodes in hyaline membrane disease. PMID- 13801165 TI - Spontaneous regression of carcinoma of the cervix: report of a case. PMID- 13801166 TI - Salmonellosis--a review of some unusual aspects. PMID- 13801167 TI - Salmonellosis--a review of some unusual aspects. PMID- 13801168 TI - Salmonellosis--a review of some unusual aspects. PMID- 13801170 TI - The health of patrol officers in the territory of Papua and New Guinea. PMID- 13801169 TI - Protecting and cleaning hands contaminated by synthetic fallout under field conditions. PMID- 13801171 TI - Posterior subcapsular cataracts induced by corticosteroids in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13801172 TI - Dexamethasone: antirheumatic properties, hormonal effects and adverse reactions (a 16 month study). PMID- 13801173 TI - Survey of recent research activities in the rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13801174 TI - Clinical features of overt vivax malaria seen in Australia: infections acquired in New Guinea. PMID- 13801175 TI - The insurance industry and disability control. PMID- 13801176 TI - Calcium reversal of the heat susceptibility and dipicolinate deficiency of spores formed "endotrophically" in water. PMID- 13801177 TI - Utero-adnexal infarction: report of a case. PMID- 13801178 TI - Acute appendicitis in pregnancy. PMID- 13801179 TI - Protection against acceleration by immersion during hypothermic suspended animation. PMID- 13801181 TI - The liver and the portal circulation. PMID- 13801180 TI - Recurrent intussusception due to gastrointestinal polyposis in the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. PMID- 13801182 TI - Oral treatment of pernicious anaemia with vitamin B12 and desiccated hog duodenal extract. PMID- 13801183 TI - Haemorrhagic states. PMID- 13801184 TI - The control of anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13801185 TI - Tobacco smoking and blood coagulation: acute effect on plasma stypven time. PMID- 13801186 TI - Breakdown of protein and proteolytic activity in the sheep rumen at different times after feeding. PMID- 13801187 TI - Isolation of proteolytic bacteria from the sheep rumen. PMID- 13801188 TI - Proteolysis in the sheep rumen by whole and fractionated rumen contents. PMID- 13801189 TI - World population trends. PMID- 13801190 TI - An effect of dose fractionation on the incidence of bone tumours using radioactive phosphorus. PMID- 13801191 TI - A close look at partial blindness. PMID- 13801192 TI - [Weight and time of survival of the newborn larvae of migrating Acridiidae. Chemical data]. PMID- 13801193 TI - Transfer of germ-cells in Xenopus laevis. PMID- 13801194 TI - A new phenothiazine: report of a short trial. PMID- 13801195 TI - Nurse-patient relationships. PMID- 13801197 TI - The World Medical Association. PMID- 13801196 TI - Pharmacotherapy in mental illness. PMID- 13801198 TI - Tracheobronchial papillomatosis treated by roentgen irradiation. Report of two cases. PMID- 13801200 TI - Rotational tomography of the face. PMID- 13801199 TI - Changing community attitudes toward social maladjustment through group psychotherapeutic techniques. PMID- 13801201 TI - Effect of hydroxyzine on urine flow in dog. PMID- 13801202 TI - Public libraries serve the aging. PMID- 13801203 TI - Pilonidal sinus: a study of incidence and a review of literature. PMID- 13801204 TI - Malakoplakia of the testis. PMID- 13801205 TI - Growth of streptomycin-susceptible and streptomycin-resistant strains of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13801206 TI - Fermentation of glucose-C14 and xylose-C14 by various strains of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 13801207 TI - Reversible inhibition of 2, 5-alkyl benzimidazoles on chicken sperm. PMID- 13801208 TI - Growth inhibition and leg disorder in chicks following parenteral administration of hemin and non-metalloporphyrins. PMID- 13801209 TI - [Various causes for learning difficulties]. PMID- 13801210 TI - The surgical treatment of achalasia. PMID- 13801211 TI - The surgical treatment of achalasia. PMID- 13801212 TI - A new method for determination of potassium in serum. PMID- 13801213 TI - The use of norethandrolone in acute renal failure from obstetric causes. PMID- 13801214 TI - Hydroflumethiazide: a new oral diuretic. PMID- 13801215 TI - [Effect of sex hormone preparations on hypercholesterinemia]. PMID- 13801216 TI - [On water method of transmission of leptospirosis]. PMID- 13801217 TI - [The clinical aspects of cystic-degenerative neurinomas of the eight cranial nerve]. PMID- 13801218 TI - [On the problem of the absence of spontaneous nystagmus in tumors of the posterior cranial fossa]. PMID- 13801219 TI - [Studies on the antigenic composition of tetanus anatoxin during the process of purification]. PMID- 13801220 TI - [Instrumental separation of lung tissue and of bronchi: a preliminary report]. PMID- 13801221 TI - [On the indication for surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13801222 TI - [The treatment of essential hypertension during balneological therapy]. PMID- 13801223 TI - [Wounds of the thorax and lungs]. PMID- 13801224 TI - [Vertigo caused by lesions of the cervical sympathetic system]. PMID- 13801225 TI - Radioactive iodine (I 131) in the postoperative treatment of thyroid cancer. PMID- 13801226 TI - [Paronychia caused by circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13801227 TI - [Solitary tuberous mastocytoma with generalized vascular crises]. PMID- 13801228 TI - [Clinical observations on Mauriac's syndrome]. PMID- 13801229 TI - Manpower studies with special reference to psychiatrists. PMID- 13801230 TI - [Medical evaluation or medical audit]. PMID- 13801231 TI - A lipoperoxidase factor in soya extracts. PMID- 13801232 TI - The nephrotic syndrome. Diagnosis by renal biopsy and biochemical and immunological analyses related to the response to steroid therapy. PMID- 13801233 TI - The relationship between body weight, sodium, chloride and fluid balances during diuresis in the nephrotic syndrome. PMID- 13801234 TI - The isolation of blood glucose as potassium gluconate. PMID- 13801236 TI - Measurement of coronary artery blood-flow following experimental ligation of the internal mammary artery. PMID- 13801235 TI - Analgesic action of ethyl 4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylates with oxygenated 1 substituents. AB - The analgesic potency of a series of new compounds related to pethidine has been measured in rats. The replacement of the methyl group on the nitrogen atom of pethidine by groups containing ether linkages produces an increase in potency. Two different positions for the oxygen atom are particularly beneficial, but the effects, in these two positions, appear to be exerted in different ways and are not additive. Simple toxicity tests in mice and rats and tests on respiration in rats of five of the more potent compounds revealed no unexpected adverse action. PMID- 13801237 TI - Chlorpromazine and schizophrenia. The role of the general practitioner. PMID- 13801238 TI - Excitation of cholinergic vasodilator nerves to human skeletal muscles during emotional stress. PMID- 13801239 TI - The increase in tone in forearm resistance blood vessels exposed to increased transmural pressure. PMID- 13801240 TI - The abolition of reactive and post-exercise hyperaemia in the forearm by temporary restriction of arterial inflow. PMID- 13801241 TI - Formation of orotidine 5'-phosphate by enzymes from rat liver. PMID- 13801243 TI - Pulmonary ventilation in hypothermia. PMID- 13801242 TI - Effect of local antihistamines on gastric secretion in dogs. PMID- 13801244 TI - Physiologic differentiation between primary and secondary pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13801245 TI - Summary of panel discussion on physiology of hypothermia in the human. PMID- 13801246 TI - Post-activation potentiation of gastric and intestinal contractions in response to stimulation of the vagus nerves. PMID- 13801247 TI - The techniques and interpretation of phage typing of staphylococci. PMID- 13801248 TI - Caecal infarction with false appendix. PMID- 13801249 TI - Jejunal diverticulitis with intestinal obstruction caused by faecolith. PMID- 13801250 TI - New thyroidectomy retractor. PMID- 13801251 TI - A mutation in the mouse mammary tumor virus. PMID- 13801252 TI - Serologic comparison of mammary tumor viruses from 3 strains of mice. PMID- 13801253 TI - Methylphenidate ("Ritalin"): an adjunct to psychotherapy. PMID- 13801254 TI - Acute salpingitis and pregnancy. PMID- 13801255 TI - Pregnancy associated with congenital malformations of the reproductive tract. PMID- 13801256 TI - [Nasal polyposis]. PMID- 13801257 TI - Recent trends in the treatment of tuberculosis. PMID- 13801259 TI - Lipoma in the floor of the mouth: report of a case. PMID- 13801258 TI - The color prism in today's hospital. PMID- 13801260 TI - Plastics, plus imagination. A new world of beauty and easy maintenance comes to the hospital. PMID- 13801262 TI - Disappearance of guard cell chloroplasts in ultraviolet-irradiated leaves. AB - Ultraviolet irradiation of kidney-bean leaves results in the disappearance of chloroplasts from guard cells. The evidence indicates that ultraviolet irradiation causes plastid breakdown indirectly through an effect on guard-cell metabolism. PMID- 13801261 TI - Use of triflupromazine hydrochloride for control of emetic reactions to nitrogen mustard therapy. PMID- 13801263 TI - [Portacaval anastomosis as treatment for portal hypertension]. PMID- 13801264 TI - Pericardiectomy for relapsing pericarditis and chronic constrictive pericarditis. PMID- 13801266 TI - How to suppress ideas. PMID- 13801265 TI - Conventional roasting vs. high-temperature foil cookery. PMID- 13801267 TI - Discarded blood bank blood as a source of protein for cultivation of HeLa cells. PMID- 13801269 TI - Immunological aspects of tuberculosis control. PMID- 13801268 TI - Experiment in enthusiasm. PMID- 13801270 TI - The metabolism of 2-keto-D-gluconate by resting cells of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 13801271 TI - [Enzymatic preparation of 2-desoxy-D-gluconic acid from 2-desoxy-D-glucose]. PMID- 13801272 TI - Spectrophotometric studies on the combination of formaldehyde with tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid and other hydropteridines. PMID- 13801273 TI - The reaction of tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid and related hydropteridines with formaldehyde. PMID- 13801274 TI - [Commentary on material sent to the Pasteur Institute of Paris for investigation of types of poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13801275 TI - Contralateral pneumothorax after pneumonectomy for carcinoma. PMID- 13801276 TI - Effect of zinc deficiency in hens on hatchability and embryonic development. PMID- 13801277 TI - [Quincke's edema and microbial allergy]. PMID- 13801278 TI - [Treatment of pollinosis with pollen extracts by the method of cutaneous quadrille ruling]. PMID- 13801279 TI - [Allergy to aspirin. Gastric nemorrnages preceding the appearance of asthma, urticaria or Quincke's edema]. PMID- 13801280 TI - [Diagnosis of a thoracic opacity]. PMID- 13801281 TI - [Bidimensional immuno-electrophoretic analysis in a gel medium]. PMID- 13801282 TI - [The problem of occipital localizations in the child]. PMID- 13801283 TI - [A procedure for the direct and continuous determination of radon in the air]. PMID- 13801284 TI - [Morbid association of visceral leishmaniasis and paludism]. PMID- 13801285 TI - [Ferdinand Heckenroth (1880-1959)]. PMID- 13801286 TI - [Experimental rickettsial infection of Testudo mauritanica with R. burneti and infection of the tick Hyalomma aegyptium]. PMID- 13801287 TI - [A particular type of experimental infection in the turtle (Testudo graeca and Testudo mauritanica)]. PMID- 13801288 TI - [Role of certain stinging arthropods in the preservation and transmission of the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis]. PMID- 13801289 TI - [On the treatment of Trichomonas infection during pregnancy]. PMID- 13801290 TI - Amniotic infection syndrome; pathogenesis, morphology, and significance in circumnatal mortality. PMID- 13801292 TI - [Relation between electroencephalographic variables and those expressing personality and sensorimotor functions. Results of an investigation carried out on a homogenous population of young adult 20-year-old males. Study of the correlations between psychological variables]. PMID- 13801293 TI - [Acute glaucomas following a general surgical operation]. PMID- 13801294 TI - Evaluation of radiation hazards created by thoron and thoron daughters. PMID- 13801295 TI - The preparation of thin, uniform, radioactive sources by surface adsorption and electrodeposition. PMID- 13801296 TI - [Clinical study of an antispasmodic with a predominantly musculotropic action: 2 piperidinoethyl alpha-phenyl-alpha-piperidinoacetate dihydrochloride (dipiproverine hydrochloride)]. PMID- 13801297 TI - [A case of intestinal subobstruction in an infant]. PMID- 13801298 TI - [Study of "post-partum" lipemia in mammectomized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13801299 TI - [Use of the autogenous lung in extracorporeal circulation. Experimental work and clinical application]. PMID- 13801300 TI - [Comparative study of chlorothiazide with other diuretic agents]. PMID- 13801301 TI - [Study of the zona fasciculata and zona reticularis]. PMID- 13801302 TI - [Family environment and sex education]. PMID- 13801303 TI - [Contribution to the study of the weight of the thyroid]. PMID- 13801304 TI - [Contribution to the study of the weight of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13801305 TI - [Dye dilution curves in congenital and acquired cardiac disorders]. PMID- 13801306 TI - Methanol lignin from Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. and its purification by countercurrent distribution. PMID- 13801308 TI - The declining severity of rheumatic fever: a comparative study of the past four decades. PMID- 13801307 TI - Declining severity of rheumatic fever. A comparative study of the past four decades. PMID- 13801309 TI - Central nervous system factors in water and electrolyte metabolism. PMID- 13801310 TI - Role of the connective tissue system in water and electrolyte metabolism. PMID- 13801311 TI - [On the clinical picture of porphyria cutanea tarda]. PMID- 13801312 TI - Isolated injury of the pancreas from non-penetrating abdominal trauma. PMID- 13801313 TI - Apert's syndrome (a type of acrocephalosyndactyly)-observations on a British series of thirty-nine cases. PMID- 13801314 TI - Griseofulvin for the systemic treatment of dermatomycoses. PMID- 13801315 TI - Widespread Trichophyton rubrum granulomas treated with griseofulvin. PMID- 13801316 TI - Common viral diseases of the skin. PMID- 13801317 TI - Antibacterial activity of weak solutions of aluminum salts. PMID- 13801319 TI - Percutaneous absorption: methods of study and factors which influence absorption. PMID- 13801318 TI - Penetration of anionic surfactants (surface active agents) into skin. I. Penetration of sodium laurate and sodium dodecyl sulfate into excised human skin. PMID- 13801320 TI - [On characterization of vagal respiratory regulation in the pigeon]. PMID- 13801321 TI - [Possibilities and results of the Phemister method of chip plastic surgery]. PMID- 13801322 TI - [Reflections on the direct approach in Pott's disease]. PMID- 13801323 TI - [From eosinophilic granuloma to eosinophilic granuloma by the longest way around]. PMID- 13801324 TI - A sensitive gamma-ray dosimeter. PMID- 13801325 TI - [Treatment of neuroses in the recovery and training center. 5. The policy of admission into the recovery and training center]. PMID- 13801326 TI - [Action of testosterone propionate on serum proteins as well as on serum and erythrocyte cholesterol and phospholipids in rats deficient in proteins. Relations to the evolution of anemia and hemolysis]. PMID- 13801327 TI - [Pharmacodynamic study of a non-ionic surface-active agent]. PMID- 13801329 TI - [Antagonism and synergy in pharmacodynamics]. PMID- 13801328 TI - [Comparative pharmacodynamic study of 2 alkaloids of steroid nature isolated from Funtumia latifolia Stapf (Apocynaceae), funtumine and funtumidine]. PMID- 13801330 TI - [Citrinin. New data on the pharmacodynamic action of this antibiotic]. PMID- 13801331 TI - [Comparison of 2 methods of determination of blood cholesterol]. PMID- 13801332 TI - [Influence of surface-active agents on the activity of histamine and acetylcholine]. PMID- 13801333 TI - [Action of hydroxy-4-diiodo-3, 5-benzoic acid and its esters on thyroid metabolism]. PMID- 13801334 TI - [Ion exchange resins and thyroid metabolism. Quantitative determinations on plasma]. PMID- 13801335 TI - [Action on the rat thyroid of irradiations effected by means of particles of very high energy focalized at the level of the hypophysis]. PMID- 13801336 TI - [Action, on the rat thyroid, of irradiations produced by means of very high energy particles focused at the level of the anterior hypothalamus]. PMID- 13801337 TI - Spontaneous idiopathic segmental infarction of the omentum. PMID- 13801338 TI - Sputum viscosity and postoperative pulmonary atelectasis. PMID- 13801339 TI - An outbreak of disease associated with two cases of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13801340 TI - [Action of different progestational steroids on oviduct secretion of the toad Bufo arenarum Hensel]. PMID- 13801341 TI - [Action of various progestational steroids on the toad oviduct]. PMID- 13801342 TI - Evidence against an increase in circulating pressor material in renal hypertensive rats. PMID- 13801343 TI - Effect of the addition of hydralazine or chlorothiazide to ganglionic blocking agents in the treatment of severe hypertension. PMID- 13801344 TI - [Influence of certain toxic substances in history]. PMID- 13801345 TI - [The "pre-LE" cell]. PMID- 13801346 TI - Observations on the substrate specificity of aminne oxidases. AB - A number of compounds have been tested as substrates of, first, the amine oxidases of rabbit and guinea-pig liver and of goat, pig, horse, and dog plasma and, second, the "diamine oxidase" of pig kidney. Of the three xylylenediamines [di(aminomethyl)benzenes]tested, m-xylylenediamine was found to be a substrate of the liver oxidase. All the plasma oxidases tested acted on both m- and o xylylenediamine. Both 3- and 4-picolylamine (3- and 4-aminomethylpyridine) were readily oxidized by the liver enzymes; all the plasma oxidases tested oxidized 2 , 3-, and 4-picolylamine. 4-Picolylamine was more rapidly oxidized by horse and dog plasma than any other substrate hitherto examined. PMID- 13801348 TI - Oxidation of 5-hydroxytryptamine and related compounds by Mytilus gill plates. AB - Homogenates of gill plates of Mytilus edulis L. used oxygen when 5 hydroxytryptamine was added. The oxidation of 5-hydroxytryptamine was not due to the presence of an amine oxidase, but to that of an enzyme that catalysed the oxidation of other 5-hydroxyindoles (5-hydroxytryptophan, bufotenine). The oxidation was cyanide-sensitive, but was not inhibited by iproniazid. In the reaction a yellowish-brown substance was formed. The occurrence of an amine oxidase in the anterior retractor muscle of the byssus and in the digestive gland was confirmed. PMID- 13801347 TI - The decarboxylation of amino acids related to tyrosine and their awakening action in reserpine-treated mice. PMID- 13801349 TI - The inhibition of human amine oxidase by the two isomers of amphetamine. PMID- 13801350 TI - Oxidation of 1, 4-methylhistamine by mammalian plasma. PMID- 13801351 TI - [Mechanical ventilatory assistance in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13801353 TI - [Observations on the action of cycloserine in experimental ocular tuberculosis in the rabbit]. PMID- 13801352 TI - Orthokinetics: a new receptor facilitation method. PMID- 13801354 TI - [On the virulence of kanamycin-resistant tubercle bacilli; comparative experimental research with kanamycin-resistant H37Rv and H37 strains]. PMID- 13801355 TI - [The action of cycloserine in experimental tuberculosis (Comparative studies between the histologic aspects and the level of concentration in the tissues)]. PMID- 13801356 TI - [Malignant granuloma of Hodgkin with late pleuro-pulmonary localization]. PMID- 13801357 TI - Histoplasmosis in Puerto Rico. PMID- 13801358 TI - [The behavior of the function and depletion time of the anterior horn ganglion cells in hypothermia and rewarming]. PMID- 13801359 TI - [Perspectives of virological research]. PMID- 13801360 TI - [Attempted demonstration of the circulation of influenza viruses in the interepidemic stage by means of susceptible animals]. PMID- 13801361 TI - Note on the problem of the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis. PMID- 13801362 TI - [Ecology of the tick-borne encephalitis virus]. PMID- 13801363 TI - [On the development of medical virology in CSR during recent 15 years]. PMID- 13801364 TI - [On the problem of the epidemiology of tickborne encephalitis]. PMID- 13801365 TI - [On a method for the determination of the 6-amino groups of lysine combined with formol in anatoxins with 1-fluoro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene. Experiences formed with bovine serum albumin]. PMID- 13801366 TI - [Antibiotics in the field]. PMID- 13801367 TI - [A study of the elasticity and elastic fibers of homoplastic arteries intended for transplantation]. PMID- 13801368 TI - [Septicity and methods of sterilization of arteries destined for homeoplastic transplantations]. PMID- 13801369 TI - [One-stage ureteroileocystoplasty and Boari's plastic surgery in stenosis of the lower third of both ureters]. PMID- 13801370 TI - [Study of the adaptation of manual labor to the postal handling system at Antwerp. (Automatic postal service installations in the railroad station of Antwerp)]. PMID- 13801371 TI - [Preparation of a fraction rich in prothrombin, proconvertin, Stuart factor and antihemophilic factor B (P.P.B. fraction)]. PMID- 13801372 TI - [Stabilization of the P. P. B. fraction]. PMID- 13801373 TI - Fifth review of microbial allergy. 1958-1959. PMID- 13801374 TI - Microbial allergy: a test to ascertain the patient's specific offending allergens and experiences in desensitizing for these allergens. PMID- 13801375 TI - The structure of nerve elements in the major salivary glands of the human. PMID- 13801376 TI - Fatal granulomatosis of the respiratory tract (lethal midline granuloma-Wegener's granulomatosis). PMID- 13801377 TI - Multiple colonic polyps of leukemic origin. PMID- 13801378 TI - Injury of the rectum by tip of disposable enema. Report of a case. PMID- 13801379 TI - [A modification of the fixation and covering technic of the transplant in keratoplasty]. PMID- 13801380 TI - [Contribution to the problem of vertigo of ocular origin]. PMID- 13801381 TI - [Consensual hypotension in glaucoma operations]. PMID- 13801383 TI - Recall and recognition vocabulary: implications for intellectual deterioration. PMID- 13801382 TI - [Malignant degenerated angioreticuloma of the orbit]. PMID- 13801384 TI - Properdin titers of dogs surviving hemorrhagic hypotension. PMID- 13801385 TI - The afferent initiation of shivering. PMID- 13801386 TI - Teratogenesis with cancer chemotherapeutic agents. PMID- 13801387 TI - Hemolysis of erythrocytes. PMID- 13801388 TI - Henoch-Schoenlein syndrome-anaphylactoid purpura. PMID- 13801389 TI - Ocular findings in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13801390 TI - Psittacosis: exposure to infected turkeys. PMID- 13801391 TI - Sex-chromatin pattern in a case of hemophilia. PMID- 13801392 TI - Testicular feminization and color blindness. PMID- 13801393 TI - The etiology of cat-scratch fever. PMID- 13801394 TI - The mechanism of tick paralysis. PMID- 13801395 TI - Virus croup. PMID- 13801396 TI - [My experiences in opthalmological activity at the Bad Elster federal baths]. PMID- 13801397 TI - A comprehensive radiation control program in New York City. PMID- 13801398 TI - Hypopituitary coma and psychosis. PMID- 13801399 TI - Does berberine localize in the pancrease? PMID- 13801400 TI - Polyoxyethelene lauryl ether. Its use in a new keratolytic acne lotion. PMID- 13801401 TI - Conservative therapy in treatment of gangrenous ulcerations. PMID- 13801402 TI - Tablet coating with a polyethylene oxide water soluble resin. PMID- 13801403 TI - Studies on sodium colistinmethanesulfonate, including a comparative study of its effect on gram-negative organisms. PMID- 13801404 TI - [Experiences with abduction-arthrodesis of the hip joint]. PMID- 13801406 TI - [The surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13801405 TI - [A contribution on traumatic edema of the back of the hand]. PMID- 13801407 TI - [Studies on the localization of Clostridium tetani in the organism of experimentally-infected laboratory animals]. PMID- 13801408 TI - Peripheral iridectomy in closed-angle glaucoma. PMID- 13801409 TI - [Technical aspects of group psychotherapy]. PMID- 13801410 TI - [Psychiatric problems in geriatrics]. PMID- 13801411 TI - [Psychoanalytic psychotherapy]. PMID- 13801412 TI - Advances in ophthalmic surgery (possible applications in other surgical fields). PMID- 13801413 TI - Alloxan diabetes, insulin and adenosine phosphates of liver. PMID- 13801414 TI - A report on thirteen years of water fluoridation in Evanston, III. PMID- 13801415 TI - [Hemodynamic effects of noradrenaline in the anesthetized cat]. PMID- 13801416 TI - [Somato-types in childhood]. PMID- 13801417 TI - [Chronic diffuse interstitial pneumonia in childhood]. PMID- 13801418 TI - [Relation of diseases of the paranasal sinuses to the appearance and development of bronchial asthma in children]. PMID- 13801419 TI - [Our experiences with the diagnosis, clinical aspects and prevention of acquired bronchiectasis in children]. PMID- 13801420 TI - [Decentralization of pharmacy services in the Gottwald region]. PMID- 13801421 TI - [Acute tubular anuria (crush syndrome) in a 3-year-old child]. PMID- 13801422 TI - Tests with larvae of Aedes, Culex and Anopheles in Venezuela. PMID- 13801423 TI - Loci of action of adrenal cortical steroids in anaerobic glycolysis by cell-free preparations of rat lymphosarcoma. PMID- 13801424 TI - A method for the evaluation of occlusal caries in the white rat. PMID- 13801425 TI - The incidence of caries in sialoadenectomized rats drinking water containing human saliva. PMID- 13801426 TI - [On the appearance and development of non-acid resistant tubercle bacilli in media added saponin. Macro- and microscopic morphological study; pathogenic power for the guinea pig]. PMID- 13801427 TI - A study of the acid-base balance of fetal sheep and goats. PMID- 13801428 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on the medullary tube of chicken embryos]. PMID- 13801429 TI - [Practical attempts and measures for the rehabilitation of the disabled]. PMID- 13801430 TI - [Annual report 1958]. PMID- 13801431 TI - [The effect of roentgen therapy in some forms of arthrosis deformans and periarthritis humegoscapulwgis]. PMID- 13801432 TI - Periarthritis humeroscapularis PMID- 13801433 TI - [Resection of pulmonary tissues in pregnant women]. PMID- 13801434 TI - Displacement of fat pads in diseases and injury of the elbow: a new radiographic sign. PMID- 13801435 TI - Case report of a vulva lesion of undetermined etiology. PMID- 13801436 TI - Early treatment of orbital fractures. PMID- 13801437 TI - Serial recordings of the depth of the anterior chamber. PMID- 13801438 TI - [Thrombo-test (according to Owren's method) performed with citrated capillary blood]. PMID- 13801439 TI - [Pregnancy and nervous disease]. PMID- 13801440 TI - ABO blood groups and gastric acidity. PMID- 13801441 TI - ABO blood groups and stomal ulcer. PMID- 13801442 TI - [Lupus erythematosus or a disease simulating lupus erythematosus developing following triantoin therapy]. PMID- 13801443 TI - [Oligophrenia and congenital metabolic disorders]. PMID- 13801444 TI - [Eye fundus changes in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia]. PMID- 13801445 TI - Sodium content of four antacids. PMID- 13801446 TI - The diuretic response to administered water in patients with primary myxedema. PMID- 13801447 TI - The auscultatory and phonocardiographic findings in mitral regurgitation. PMID- 13801448 TI - The auscultatory and phonocardiographic signs of ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13801449 TI - Systolic triple rhythms. PMID- 13801450 TI - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: a vectorcardiographic, electrocardiographic and clinical study. PMID- 13801451 TI - The influence of labored nasal breathing on arterial pressure PMID- 13801452 TI - [Role of nutrition in the prevention of pregnancy complications]. PMID- 13801453 TI - [Preventive effect of nutrition of late gestosis]. PMID- 13801454 TI - [Serum examination in late gestoses]. PMID- 13801455 TI - Intestinal infarction: with particular reference to cases occurring without macroscopic occlusion of vessels. PMID- 13801456 TI - A survey of public school administrators' attitudes regarding services for trainable retarded children. PMID- 13801457 TI - [The significance of recurrences of rheumatism in the pathogenesis of secondary stenosis after mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13801458 TI - [Problems of psychosomatic medicine. Its role in the clinical field]. PMID- 13801459 TI - [The intelligence test by the physician]. PMID- 13801460 TI - [Effect of cortisone on acquired postvaccinal immunity]. PMID- 13801461 TI - [Considerations on certain diagnostic difficulties in plasmocytomas. On "M" paraglobulinic plasmocytomas]. PMID- 13801462 TI - Personal factors in sterility. PMID- 13801463 TI - Partial gastrectomy with Braun's anastomosis in gastroduodenal ulcer. A follow-up after 3-29 years. PMID- 13801464 TI - [Spigelian hernia]. PMID- 13801465 TI - Whole-body turnover of selenium in the rat. PMID- 13801466 TI - Diagnostic errors due to fixed acute ECG pattern after myocardial infarction. PMID- 13801467 TI - [Changes of post-lithiasis dysproteinemia in cholecystectomized patients treated with a new anabolic protein]. PMID- 13801468 TI - [On Azotobacter in Siberian podzol soils]. PMID- 13801469 TI - [Changes in the brain stem in neurinoma of the eighth cranial nerve]. PMID- 13801470 TI - [Experience with surgical therapy of patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13801471 TI - [Rzheusskii retractor for amputation of the hip]. PMID- 13801472 TI - [Investigation of fumagillin by means of a paper chromatographic method]. PMID- 13801473 TI - [On anesthesia in operations on the spinal cord]. PMID- 13801474 TI - The analysis of seasonal variation in measles. PMID- 13801475 TI - Bacterial resistance to antibiotics in vivo. I. Incidence of resistance. PMID- 13801476 TI - The role of perceptual cues in the delayed reaction. PMID- 13801477 TI - [Expert testimony on pulmonary tuberculosis in "hazardous occupations"]. PMID- 13801478 TI - [The problem of tuberculosis immunity from the clinical point of view]. PMID- 13801479 TI - Infectious hepatitis. PMID- 13801480 TI - [Result of the application of nystatin in the treatment and prevention of Candida infections]. PMID- 13801481 TI - [Comparative evaluation of certain methods of primary selection of anti-viral antibiotics]. PMID- 13801482 TI - [The transhemation reaction as an index of the functional state of hemoglobin in normal and in various pathological states of the organism]. PMID- 13801483 TI - [The clinical aspects of influenzal croup in children]. PMID- 13801485 TI - [Keratoacanthoma]. PMID- 13801484 TI - [Potentiated anesthesia and hypothermia in the therapy of traumatic shock]. PMID- 13801486 TI - Mitomen chemotherapy given in relation to operation for cancer of the abdominal organs. PMID- 13801487 TI - Prolongation of the P-R interval as a manifestation of thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13801489 TI - Inherited defects of thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism. PMID- 13801488 TI - Maternal autoimmunization to thyroid as a probable cause of athyrotic cretinism. PMID- 13801490 TI - Purification of staphylococcal coagulase. PMID- 13801491 TI - Concentrations of penicillin in milk of cows following intramuscular administration. PMID- 13801492 TI - Concentrations of penicillin in milk secretions and blood serums of cows following intramammary infusion of one or more quarters. PMID- 13801493 TI - [Poliomyelitis and measles in the Even-Shmuel area]. PMID- 13801494 TI - [Retardation in studies as a school health problem]. PMID- 13801495 TI - Cardiospasm after pharyngoesophageal resection. A case report. PMID- 13801497 TI - Steroid production in vitro by normal and adrenal tumor-bearing male mice. PMID- 13801496 TI - Schedule of spermatogenesis in the pulmonate snail Helix aspersa, with special reference to histone transition. AB - The schedule of spermatogenesis is determined from the times necessary for cells labeled with tritium thymidine during premeiotic DNA synthesis to pass through the successive spermatogenic stages. A transition from a typically somatic histone rich in lysine, to a histone rich in arginine is shown to occur during spermatid stages. A later shift to a protamine is observed in the maturing sperm. These changes are characterized by the use of in situ staining methods. The transition to an arginine-rich histone is accompanied by incorporation of tritium labeled arginine, hence reflects synthesis of new protein. Comparison of the timing of arginine and thymidine incorporation, and independent measurements of DNA, show that in contrast to the case of premitotic chromosome duplication, the histone synthesis in the spermatid is unaccompanied by DNA synthesis. During the initial histone change, fine filaments are formed within the nucleus, which aggregate to form lamellae. This fine structure is lost during maturation of the sperm. PMID- 13801498 TI - Diabetes mellitus and the living microvascular system. PMID- 13801499 TI - Visual changes in the living microvascular system in man and experimental animals as they are related to thrombosis and embolism. PMID- 13801500 TI - [Mental health in student communities]. PMID- 13801501 TI - The effect of adjuvants on antituberculosis vaccination with live Mycobacteria. PMID- 13801502 TI - Production of tuberculin sensitivity. PMID- 13801504 TI - [Tuberculosis immunity]. PMID- 13801503 TI - Bacterial populations in experimental murine tuberculosis. II. Studies in vaccinated mice. PMID- 13801505 TI - Some aspects of the radiological anatomy of the pituitary gland and its relationship to surrounding structures. PMID- 13801506 TI - [Blocardren, phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride. A vasodilator with peripheral action]. PMID- 13801507 TI - Good hot food is not enough. PMID- 13801508 TI - Mevalonic acid pyrophosphate and isopentenylpyrophosphate. PMID- 13801509 TI - [On the causes and clinical significance of entoptic symptoms in digitalis treatment]. PMID- 13801510 TI - Sjogren's syndrome. 1. Serologic reactions in patients with Sjogren's syndrome with and without rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13801511 TI - [Abnormal hemoglobins. Study of a Salvador population sample]. PMID- 13801512 TI - Factors involved in the acquisition of a maze habit, analyzed by means of tranquilizing and sedative drugs. PMID- 13801513 TI - [Further studies on the hormonal principles of nidation]. PMID- 13801514 TI - [Bulbar inhibitory control of electrodermal responses]. PMID- 13801515 TI - [Release of the electrodermal responses from the facilitator reticular system]. PMID- 13801516 TI - A fifteen-year review of immunizations of preschool children. PMID- 13801517 TI - The relationship between the Crabtree effect and the oxidative metabolism of glucose and carbohydrate intermediates in ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13801518 TI - [Aseptic osteonecrosis in the course of corticotherapy of pemphigus]. PMID- 13801519 TI - [Acroosteolysis]. PMID- 13801520 TI - [The joint diseases in tabes and syringomyelia]. PMID- 13801521 TI - [The kidney in primary hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13801522 TI - Our experience in chemotherapy of malignant tumours. PMID- 13801523 TI - Effect of diet on the blood sugar and liver glycogen level of normal and adrenalectomized mice. PMID- 13801524 TI - Relationship between color and affect in paranoid schizophrenics. PMID- 13801525 TI - Therapeutic castration for advanced mammary cancer. PMID- 13801526 TI - A comparison of urinary estrogen determinations employing various methods of hydrolysis. PMID- 13801527 TI - Giant fibroadenomata of the breast in a prepubertal girl. A case report with observations of hormonal influences. PMID- 13801529 TI - Influence of serum protein binding on renal clearance of I 131-labeled diodrast. PMID- 13801528 TI - Endocrine treatment of advanced mammary cancer. PMID- 13801530 TI - Effects of carrier diodrast on excretion of I 131-labeled diodrast. PMID- 13801532 TI - Prototype study: 600 bed hospital. PMID- 13801531 TI - Prototype study: 400 bed hospital. PMID- 13801533 TI - The evidence favors the hospital laundry. PMID- 13801534 TI - Wound healing in the new-born opossum (Didelphis virginianam). PMID- 13801535 TI - The incidental carcinoma found in surgery for thyroid nodules. PMID- 13801536 TI - Present day management of thyroid nodules and malignancy. PMID- 13801537 TI - The place of total thyroidectomy in surgery for thyroid carcinoma. PMID- 13801539 TI - The status of alcoholism--where do we go from here? PMID- 13801538 TI - Danger of alcoholism in the transportation industry. PMID- 13801540 TI - Thyroid nodules and cancer. Important considerations in surgical management. PMID- 13801541 TI - A chemical relationship between the protein fractions obtained from fowl serum by cellulose ion-exchange chromatography; evidence for an amino acid anlage. PMID- 13801542 TI - The probable presence of diiodotyrosine and of monoiodotyrosine in human serum. A discrepancy between the distribution of iodo compounds when estimated by I 131 and by I 127. PMID- 13801543 TI - [Blood circulation disorders due to a locally circumscribed cause]. PMID- 13801544 TI - Concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in serum of 6 day old infants fed homogenized milk. PMID- 13801545 TI - Evaluation of a semi-open method in the management of severe burns after the acute phase. PMID- 13801546 TI - Lymphodynamics. PMID- 13801547 TI - Mitral and aortic stenosis. PMID- 13801548 TI - Clinical application of electromyography. PMID- 13801549 TI - The effect of paralysis of the cervical sympathetic system on the electromyogram of extraocular muscles in the human. With particular reference to the straited levator in Horner's syndrome. PMID- 13801550 TI - Sympathetic uveitis as an allergic phenomenon; with a study of its association with phacoanaphylactic uveitis and a report on the pathologic findings in sympathizing eyes. PMID- 13801551 TI - The effects of experimental x-radiation on the cornea. PMID- 13801552 TI - [Advantages and disadvantages on the transfer of diabetics from rastinon to diabinese]. PMID- 13801553 TI - Irradiation and surgery in the treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13801554 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the bladder--irradiation therapy. PMID- 13801555 TI - Studies on cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid from rat liver. II. Fractionation and function of microsomal ribonucleic acid. PMID- 13801556 TI - Zone-electrophoretic studies on soluble RNA from rat-liver cytoplasm. PMID- 13801557 TI - Isolation and properties of alpha-crystallin from the bovine lens. PMID- 13801559 TI - [Special diagnosis of ventricular septal defect]. PMID- 13801558 TI - [Development of the pelvic form and development of the position of the female genital apparatus near the middle of the fetal period]. PMID- 13801560 TI - The organizational structure of Danish hospitals. PMID- 13801561 TI - Formaldehyde contact dermatitis. I. A simple method for determination of small amounts of formaldehyde. PMID- 13801562 TI - Effects of MER-29, a cholesterol synthesis inhibitor, on mammalian tissue lipides. PMID- 13801563 TI - Excretory products of the sterol biosynthetic pathway in the MER-29-treated rat. Excretion of MER-29. PMID- 13801564 TI - Specific inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by a synthetic compound (MER-29). PMID- 13801565 TI - [The second thyroid gland hormone and its derivatives]. PMID- 13801566 TI - The coenzyme Q10 and vitamin K1 semiquinone free radicals. PMID- 13801567 TI - [Intravenous administration of urea in cerebral edema]. PMID- 13801568 TI - [Surgical technic in open injuries of the wrist and fingers]. PMID- 13801569 TI - [Distribution of lipids in cell cytoplasms of the liver in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13801570 TI - [Comparative studies on protein fractions of the blood serum following single exposures to high energy protons and roentgen rays]. PMID- 13801571 TI - [Splenomegaly-an early symptom of the osteomyelofibrotic syndrome?]. PMID- 13801572 TI - Afferent influences on tongue muscle activity. A morphological and physiological study in the cat. PMID- 13801573 TI - Determination of heparin level of the blood. Some observations on heparin elimination and correlation between heparin level and clotting time after intravenous injection. PMID- 13801574 TI - Preliminary report on the effect of alcohol on dark adaptation, determined by an objective method. PMID- 13801575 TI - A simple objective method for determination of the glare effect. PMID- 13801576 TI - The optokinetic fusion limit. PMID- 13801577 TI - [On blinding in traffic during driving in darkness]. PMID- 13801578 TI - [Pupillary changes of neurological significance. A survey]. PMID- 13801579 TI - [Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13801580 TI - [The controlling activity of the insurance fund]. PMID- 13801581 TI - [Care of the sick in total civil defense]. PMID- 13801582 TI - Guideposts in the changing scene. PMID- 13801583 TI - Primary tuberculosis and converters and the rationale of treatment. PMID- 13801584 TI - Enteroanastomosis at partial gastric resection. PMID- 13801585 TI - An operative goitre series. Composition and complications, particularly recurrent nerve paralysis. PMID- 13801586 TI - Extent of total hydrolysis of dietary glycerides during digestion and absorption in the human. PMID- 13801587 TI - Gas-liquid chromatography of human lymph fatty acids after feeding C14-labelled fats. PMID- 13801589 TI - Fatty acid pattern of human bile under normal and pathological conditions. PMID- 13801588 TI - The fatty acid composition of human thoracic duct lymph lipids. PMID- 13801590 TI - Digestion, absorption and metabolism of chimyl alcohol fed as free alcohol or as alkoxydiglyceride. PMID- 13801591 TI - [A useful accessory for treatment sections of hospitals and policlinics]. PMID- 13801592 TI - Protective and therapeutic effects of bacterial polysaccharides in irradiation injury in mice. PMID- 13801593 TI - [Effects and complications of the treatment of auricular fibrillation by quinidine. Preventive trial]. PMID- 13801594 TI - [Anatomo-electric correlation in left ventricular hypertrophy. II. Duration of the depolarization--The repolarization]. PMID- 13801595 TI - [Two cases of compression of the superior vena cava by benign mediastinitis. Surgical treatment with grafting]. PMID- 13801596 TI - [Auriculoventricular block, serious complication of open-heart surgery. (Apropos of 14 cases)]. PMID- 13801597 TI - Relation between basophilia and fine structure of cytoplasm in the fungus Allomyces macrogynus Em. AB - In a fungus, Allomyces macrogynus Em., staining tests have revealed changes in the location of cytoplasmic basophilia following different phases of the developmental cycle. These variations in location were used to observe which fine structures correspond to basophile and non-basophile areas of the cytoplasm. Hyphae, gametangia, zygotes, and plants were fixed at various developmental stages in OsO(4), pH 6.1, and embedded in vestopal. Sections were examined in the electron microscope. Comparison of basophile and non-basophile cytoplasms leads to the conclusion that cytoplasmic particles of 150 to 200 A in diameter are responsible for basophilia. The possibility of these particles being ribosomes is discussed and confirmed. The present paper also describes some observations on the fine structure of other cellular components of this fungus, such as nuclei, mitochondria, various granules, and flagella. PMID- 13801598 TI - [Cellular and structural modifications of the genital apparatus of impuberal and pregnant Lepus cuniculus (domestic rabbit) after treatment with bis(2 chloroethyl)-methylamine-N-oxide hydrochloride; histologic, histochemical, biological research]. PMID- 13801599 TI - [Contribution to the study of presbyacusia. Effect of a new psychodynamic agent]. PMID- 13801600 TI - [The role of fungi in the genesis of otitis externa]. PMID- 13801601 TI - The use of 'buccal varidase' in boxing injuries. PMID- 13801602 TI - The development of stuttering. I. Changes in nine basic features. PMID- 13801603 TI - Myocardial contractility in man: The acute effects of digitalis, sympathomimetic amines, and anoxic cardiac arrest. PMID- 13801604 TI - "Cirrhotic glomerulosclerosis," a renal lesion associated with hepatic cirrhosis. PMID- 13801605 TI - Remission in diabetes. PMID- 13801606 TI - The treatment of diabetes. PMID- 13801607 TI - An evaluation of hormonal augmented transhydrogenase activity in rat liver cells. PMID- 13801608 TI - The hazard of orally pipetting tritium oxide. PMID- 13801609 TI - Metabolism studies with nialamide: a preliminary report. PMID- 13801610 TI - Surgical therapy in patients with temporal lobe seizures and bilateral EEG abnormality. PMID- 13801611 TI - Fibre diameter of bone marrow nerve supply. PMID- 13801613 TI - The doctor's third arm: the rehabilitation program. PMID- 13801612 TI - The copper phthalocyanin dye "Astrablau" and its staining properties, especially the staining of mast cells. PMID- 13801615 TI - Radiotherapy in malignant disease: choice of treatment. PMID- 13801614 TI - Complications following radiotherapy of the thorax and abdomen. PMID- 13801617 TI - Diverticulosis of the duodenum. PMID- 13801616 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the bladder: a symposium. 1. Treatment by interstitial irradiation using tantalum 182 wire. PMID- 13801618 TI - A reappraisal of Piaget's theory of moral judgement. PMID- 13801619 TI - Tipping and noctural emission. PMID- 13801621 TI - A method of otoplasty. PMID- 13801620 TI - The treatment of angina pectoris with marplan (Ro 5-0831/1). PMID- 13801622 TI - The problem of implants in rhinoplasty including technique of obtaining iliac crest grafts. PMID- 13801623 TI - A note on osteogenesis by myeloid reticular cells. PMID- 13801624 TI - Preparation of a selected cell for electron microscopy. PMID- 13801625 TI - Autologous glioma transplantation. PMID- 13801626 TI - Salt excretion of fasting patients. PMID- 13801627 TI - A proposal for a community-based hospital as a branch of a state hospital. PMID- 13801628 TI - Must there be two communities in patient care? PMID- 13801629 TI - Cerebrospinal fluid gamma globulin concentration in myxedema. PMID- 13801630 TI - Communication problems among aged county hospital patients. PMID- 13801631 TI - Some footnotes to medical history. PMID- 13801632 TI - Air pollution inventory procedure and results. PMID- 13801633 TI - The formation of delta 9-unsaturated fatty acids. PMID- 13801634 TI - Incidence of diagnostic radiology in southern Tasmania in 1956. PMID- 13801635 TI - Reactions in the latex-fixation test for rheumatoid arthritis with serum of syphilitic individuals. PMID- 13801636 TI - A time for ... compassion. PMID- 13801637 TI - Addiction, addicting drugs, and the anesthesiologist. PMID- 13801638 TI - Let's think twice about 'free' narcotics. PMID- 13801639 TI - Let's think twice about 'free' narcotics. PMID- 13801640 TI - The assessment of food poisoning hazards. PMID- 13801641 TI - The history of sleeping sickness in the Sudan. PMID- 13801642 TI - [On modificative and mutative L-forms of Proteus vulgaris]. PMID- 13801643 TI - Delayed matching in the pigeon. PMID- 13801644 TI - Generalization and preference on a stimulus-intensity continuum. PMID- 13801645 TI - Serum levels and clinical results with erythromycin propionate. PMID- 13801646 TI - Effects of cardiac work on glycogen fractions of the heart. PMID- 13801647 TI - The relation of the pituitary to glomerular structure and a hypertensive state in amphibian larvae. PMID- 13801648 TI - Active sodium and chloride transport in the single celled marine alga Halicystis ovalis. PMID- 13801649 TI - Considerations involved in the slection for surgery of patients with ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13801650 TI - Environmental aspects of staphylococcal infections acquired in hospitals. III. Ventilation of operating rooms--bacteriological investigations. PMID- 13801651 TI - The electrical conductivity of electrolytes found in the sweat of patients with fibrocystic disease of the pancreas. PMID- 13801652 TI - [A patient with papilledema]. PMID- 13801653 TI - [Actions of morphine on the behavior of mice trained to run through an elevated labyrinth]. PMID- 13801654 TI - [Action of serotonin, of reserpine and of other pharmacological agents on sweat secretion. Hygrophotographic studies]. PMID- 13801655 TI - [The raised maze test used as neuropharmacological test]. PMID- 13801656 TI - Generalized moniliasis following prolonged antimicrobial therapy. PMID- 13801657 TI - Topical drying agents for acne. PMID- 13801658 TI - Erythema nodosum with conjunctival nodules. PMID- 13801659 TI - Evaluation of triburon alone and with hydrocortisone for topical therapy of dermatoses. PMID- 13801660 TI - Concepts of stammering: a century in review. PMID- 13801661 TI - Statuary hall--its women and its doctors. PMID- 13801662 TI - [Contribution to the therapy of brain abscess]. PMID- 13801663 TI - [Additional viewpoints regarding heterotropic bone formation, with special reference to the problem of the laparotomy bone]. PMID- 13801664 TI - [Clinical contribution to the symptomatology of pancreatic carcinoma]. PMID- 13801665 TI - [Experimental studies on the problem of ligation of the thoracic duct]. PMID- 13801666 TI - [Experimental study on the question of pancreas diagnosis]. PMID- 13801667 TI - [On the frequency, localization and therapy of malignant neoplasms of the mesopharynx]. PMID- 13801668 TI - [On the diagnosis and therapy of eosinophilic granuloma in involvement of the middle ear]. PMID- 13801669 TI - [Etiological viewpoints in evaluation of the anamnesis of cancer of the larynx and lungs]. PMID- 13801670 TI - [On the problem of therapy of juvenile nasopharyngeal fibroma (Irradiation or operation)]. PMID- 13801671 TI - A new oral cholecystographic medium. PMID- 13801672 TI - Cobalt radiotherapy for cancer of the intrinsic larynx. PMID- 13801673 TI - [The long illness. Reorganization of the domicile and of the hospital in order to meet the problem]. PMID- 13801674 TI - Protection against the common cold in a boy's school. PMID- 13801675 TI - Relative polycythemia: alterations of red cell distribution simulating hemoconcentration. PMID- 13801677 TI - [Pseudotumoral granulomatous orchi-epididymitis]. PMID- 13801676 TI - Experimental basotemporal epilepsy in the cat: discrete epileptogenic lesions produced in the hippocampus or amygdaloid by tungstic acid. PMID- 13801678 TI - [Glandular epithelioma of the bottom of the bladder]. PMID- 13801679 TI - [Data provided by urography and prostatography in diseases of the prostate]. PMID- 13801680 TI - [Early diagnosis and means of treatment of urinary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13801681 TI - [Jaundice caused by intrahepatic obstruction (jaundice due to intrahepatic cholestasis)]. PMID- 13801682 TI - Coordinated growth of body parts and cancer. PMID- 13801683 TI - Environmental radiation and cancer. PMID- 13801684 TI - On the mechanism of cancer induction by ultraviolet radiation. II. A quantitative description and its consequences. PMID- 13801685 TI - On the mechanism of cancer induction by ultraviolet radiation. III. The growth curve. PMID- 13801686 TI - On the mechanism of cancer induction by ultraviolet radiation. IV. The size of the replicated unit. PMID- 13801687 TI - Photobiological research with particular reference to skin. PMID- 13801688 TI - Design and evaluation of a vision screening program for elementary school children. PMID- 13801689 TI - Oxidation of serotonin and 5-hydroxy-indoles during the denaturation of oxyhaemoglobin. PMID- 13801690 TI - Concentration profiles in and around capillaries. PMID- 13801691 TI - Interaction between myosin and its substrates. PMID- 13801692 TI - Hypnosis in general practice-its limitations. PMID- 13801693 TI - The "tourniquet-shock syndrome" in lower limb gangrene of venous origin. PMID- 13801694 TI - Radiographic findings in Whipple's disease. PMID- 13801695 TI - The properdin system and immunity. XI. Studies on the interaction of zymosan with the properdin system. PMID- 13801696 TI - The properdin system and immunity. XIII. Assay and properties of a heat-labile serum factor (factor B) in the properdin system. PMID- 13801697 TI - Embolectomy in arteries to extremities. PMID- 13801698 TI - The urine culture. PMID- 13801699 TI - [The distribution pattern of C-14 labeled ergocalciferol (vitamin D-2) in the rat and Rhesus monkey]. PMID- 13801700 TI - Efficacy of divided and single dose schedules in insulin coma therapy. PMID- 13801701 TI - Severe hypotensive reactions following meprobamate overdosage. PMID- 13801702 TI - Reproducibility of the mecholyl test. PMID- 13801703 TI - The haptoglobins and haemoglobins of Alaskan Eskimos and Indians. PMID- 13801704 TI - The haptoglobins, hemoglobins and serum proteins of the Alaskan fur seal, ground squirrel and marmot. PMID- 13801705 TI - High prevalence of high-level beta-amino-isobutyric acid excretors in Micronesians. PMID- 13801706 TI - Thyroxine-serum protein complexes: single dimension gel and paper electrophoresis studies. PMID- 13801707 TI - Biochemical polymorphisms in animals: haptoglobins and transferrins. PMID- 13801709 TI - Some orienting concepts for an effective mental health movement. PMID- 13801708 TI - High activity of potent analgesics on conditioned rat tranquilizer test. PMID- 13801711 TI - The clinical use of polybrene as an antiheparin agent in open heart surgery. PMID- 13801710 TI - The effect of specific compression on soft-tissue response to formalinized polyvinyl alcohol (ivalon) sponge: a critical evaluation. PMID- 13801712 TI - Action stations for doctors in civil defence. PMID- 13801713 TI - Emotional and personality development in neuromuscular disorders. PMID- 13801714 TI - Men, machines and hospitals. PMID- 13801715 TI - Wounds of the heart. PMID- 13801716 TI - [Studies on the pressure-time relations of the right ventricle in absolute arrhythmia]. PMID- 13801717 TI - [Physiopathological and diagnostic importance of sphygmographic tracings of the subclavian and carotid arteries in aortic valvulopathies]. PMID- 13801719 TI - [Rhythmic work method of patients in the Pauli test and clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13801718 TI - [Recurrent purpura in cryoglobulinemia]. PMID- 13801720 TI - [Discouraging examples]. PMID- 13801721 TI - [General health insurance in Norway]. PMID- 13801722 TI - A combination of congenital cataract and cerebral palsy in a brother and a sister. PMID- 13801723 TI - Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome: review of the literature and a report of five cases including a family group with three affected males. PMID- 13801724 TI - The effects of an intramuscular estrogen androgen preparation on the postpartum breast. PMID- 13801726 TI - [On the mechanism of excretion of orally introduced gallic acid]. PMID- 13801725 TI - [On the question of the hepatotoxic effect of orally administered tannins and their galloyl components]. PMID- 13801727 TI - [Fresh cell therapy of vascular diseases]. PMID- 13801728 TI - [Cubitus proradius]. PMID- 13801729 TI - The effect of guanidine hydrochloride on crystalline pepsin. PMID- 13801730 TI - [Determination of mucopolysaccharides with long-chain imidazoline salts]. PMID- 13801731 TI - [Determination of uronic acids and mucopolysaccharides with the anthrone reagent]. PMID- 13801732 TI - [New qualitative method for the determination of peroxides]. PMID- 13801733 TI - [Use of benzalkonium chloride for the quantitative determination of hyaluronic acid in the vitreous body]. PMID- 13801734 TI - Architectural planning control of nosocomial infections. PMID- 13801735 TI - Storage space goes where it is needed. PMID- 13801736 TI - [On reflex dystrophies with special reference to Sudeck's syndrome]. PMID- 13801737 TI - The surgical significance of spontaneous intra-abdominal hemorrhage. PMID- 13801738 TI - [Determination of vegetable thickening agents and polyphosphates, particularly in mayonnaise]. PMID- 13801739 TI - [On the quantitative determination of lead tetraethyl in petroleum]. PMID- 13801740 TI - Malnutritional keratitis. PMID- 13801742 TI - A concept of cirrhosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13801741 TI - Vascular headache: its treatment with sublingual ergotamine tartrate. PMID- 13801743 TI - Leo Loeb, experimental pathologist and humanitarian. PMID- 13801744 TI - Headache clinics No. VIII. Vascular headache: ergotamine tartrate, caffeine and antiemetic combnation as an adjunct in therapy. PMID- 13801745 TI - Morning headache. PMID- 13801746 TI - Sublingual and suppository therapy in internal medicine. PMID- 13801747 TI - The excessive use of ergot. PMID- 13801748 TI - Tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes. PMID- 13801749 TI - A thermostable substance from lettuce seeds and seedings inhibiting beta-indolyl acetic acid oxidation. PMID- 13801750 TI - Various degrees of hypothermia in mice. PMID- 13801751 TI - Discussion of direct relief of coronary occlusion: the antomic pathologic problem. PMID- 13801753 TI - The clinical management of congestive heart failure. PMID- 13801752 TI - Pathologic physiology of angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction. PMID- 13801754 TI - Anatomy and functional importance of intercoronary arterial anastomoses. PMID- 13801755 TI - [Experiences on the percutaneous therapy of neuralgia and rheumatic disases]. PMID- 13801756 TI - Parallel volumetric and gravimetric pollen counts. The varibilities and inconsistencies of a conversion factor. PMID- 13801757 TI - Promethazine: an adaptable adjunct in anesthesia. PMID- 13801758 TI - Diagnositc difficulties in ureteral ectopia. PMID- 13801759 TI - Ischemic degeneration of nerve fibers. PMID- 13801760 TI - A rehabilitation program for geriatric patients. PMID- 13801761 TI - Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors: roentgen features. PMID- 13801762 TI - [Supplementary observations on the temperature of the embryo]. PMID- 13801763 TI - Radiation hazards in the distribution and use of luminizing compounds. PMID- 13801764 TI - [Research on the natural immunity to infection by gramnegative bacteria. The properdin system as a mechanism of natural immunity. Relationship between nonspecific immune defenses and the properdin system. Note I]. PMID- 13801765 TI - Distribution of phosphorylase in the uteri of cyclic and hormone treated rats. PMID- 13801766 TI - Statistical problems which arise in cancer therapy. PMID- 13801767 TI - Further developments in the day hospital. PMID- 13801768 TI - [Skin diseases caused by venous disorders]. PMID- 13801769 TI - Time perspective and intimacy. Their effect on patient behavior in occupational therapy. PMID- 13801770 TI - Patients' and physicians' judgments of outcome of psychotherapy in an outpatient clinic: a questionnaire in-vestigation. PMID- 13801771 TI - [On the antidiabetic action of chlorpropamide (P-607). Clinical experience]. PMID- 13801772 TI - [Behavior of carbon dioxide during anesthesia]. PMID- 13801773 TI - [Cardiocirculatory changes in the course of peridural anesthesia]. PMID- 13801774 TI - [Block of the superficial cervical plexus in orthopedico-traumatological practice]. PMID- 13801775 TI - [Plants between systematology and dynamics. A short botany for the physician]. PMID- 13801776 TI - [Erich Hoffmann 1868-1959]. PMID- 13801777 TI - Relationship between blood hexosamine and blood glucose levels in alloxan diabetic mice. PMID- 13801778 TI - Effects of hormones on connective tissue and mucoproteins. PMID- 13801780 TI - Hyperosmotic effects on the cat thyroid perfused in vitro. PMID- 13801779 TI - Effect of salt feeding on thyroid metabolism of I-131 in the dog. PMID- 13801781 TI - The production of portal pressure increases in the dog. PMID- 13801783 TI - Observations on adult hemiplegia and suggestions for treatment. PMID- 13801782 TI - Acute hemorrhage. PMID- 13801784 TI - Observations on adult hemiplegia and suggestions for treatment. PMID- 13801785 TI - The effect of treatment by reflex-inhibition and facilitation of movement in cerebral palsy. PMID- 13801787 TI - Pelvic angiography in diseases of the prostatic gland. PMID- 13801788 TI - [Guide lines of therapy of hemorrhages of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13801786 TI - Intraperitioneal bleeding due to anticoagulant therapy for myocardial infarction simulating acute surgical abdomen. PMID- 13801789 TI - [Hemorrhages of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13801790 TI - [Trends in the treatment of hemorrhages of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13801791 TI - [Adhesive properties of the blood platelets in acute hemorrhagic stress]. PMID- 13801793 TI - [On paradoxical thromboembolism]. PMID- 13801792 TI - [Control of thromboembolic disease in obstetric and gynecological practice]. PMID- 13801794 TI - [On the significance of phlebitis in the early diagnosis of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13801795 TI - Premarin intravenous in prostatic surgery. PMID- 13801796 TI - [Behavior of P wave in precordial leads in cases of electrocardiographically proved cases of atrial strain]. PMID- 13801797 TI - [Behavior of P wave in electrocardiograms of normal subjects]. PMID- 13801798 TI - Buffering technique for obtaining increased physiological response from alkaloidal eye-drops. PMID- 13801799 TI - [Confusional states following posthemorhagic transfusion]. PMID- 13801800 TI - [Electroencephalographic study of a group of general paralytics: clinical and psychometric correlations]. PMID- 13801801 TI - [Changes in the accessory sex glands in male rabbits after castration]. PMID- 13801802 TI - [Effect of synestrol on the accessory sex glands in a male rabbit]. PMID- 13801803 TI - [On the development of genital changes produced by synestrol in male rats]. PMID- 13801804 TI - [Riboflavin]. PMID- 13801805 TI - [Experiences with Nile blue test in the diagnosis of fat absorption disorders]. PMID- 13801807 TI - [Characteristics of thermoregulation in sailors during navigation in northern latitudes]. PMID- 13801806 TI - The stages of maturation in socialized thinking and in the ego development of two groups of children. PMID- 13801808 TI - [Effect on the cardiac muscle of phosphotriose, phosphoenolpyruvic acid and ZSC uridine yeast stimulator of the cardiac function]. PMID- 13801809 TI - [Combination of hemorrhage and perforation in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum]. PMID- 13801810 TI - Cytologic and histopathologic study of normal and diseased cervices. PMID- 13801811 TI - Candida albicans. Experience with Pagano-Levin culture medium for its identification in clinical material. A report of 294 cultures. PMID- 13801813 TI - What's ahead in the hospital treatment of tuberculosis. PMID- 13801812 TI - Pelvic tuberculosis. PMID- 13801814 TI - What's ahead in the hospital treatment of tuberculosis? PMID- 13801815 TI - [Antiviral properties of products of vital functions of fungi from the family Mortierella]. PMID- 13801816 TI - [Effect of certain amino acids on tobacco mosaic virus]. PMID- 13801817 TI - Further contributions to the knowledge of vestibular hearing. PMID- 13801818 TI - [Evaluation of results in mobilization of the stapes]. PMID- 13801819 TI - [Acute infections of the hand]. PMID- 13801820 TI - [Comment on almost 1000 cases of thoracic injuries]. PMID- 13801821 TI - Changes in the thyroid: serum radioiodide concentration ratio during the estrous cycle of the rat. PMID- 13801822 TI - Effect of iodoacetic acid on the total excretion of sodium and potassium in rats exposed to x-rays. PMID- 13801823 TI - [Fate of bromoacetic acid-2-C14 in the mouse]. PMID- 13801824 TI - [On the association of roentgenotherapy with thermal fangotherapy in the treatment of osteoarthrosis]. PMID- 13801825 TI - [Clinical and radiological considerations on acute occlusions of the small intestine]. PMID- 13801826 TI - [Jaundice and liver damage in South American blastomycosis. Apropos of 10 cases. Bibiographical review]. PMID- 13801827 TI - [On the results of surgical treatment of congenital high scapula]. PMID- 13801828 TI - [Arthrodesis in the treatment of fractures of the calcaneus]. PMID- 13801829 TI - [The isolated fracture of the spina iliaca anterior inferior. Generalities and historical data]. PMID- 13801830 TI - [Different response to amyl nitrite of the dysthyroid heart]. PMID- 13801831 TI - [Manifestations of auricular hyperexcitability and bilateral disorders of intraventricular conduction during myocardial infact]. PMID- 13801832 TI - [Karyological changes of basocellular epitheliomas during contact roentgenotherapy]. PMID- 13801833 TI - [Treatment and fate of the infants of mothers with anti-Rh isoimmunization]. PMID- 13801834 TI - [The behavior of heptoglobin in women during labor and the puerperium and in the newborn]. PMID- 13801835 TI - [On urinary catecholamines in pregnancy and physiological labor]. PMID- 13801836 TI - [On urinary catecholamines in pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13801837 TI - [Value of ophthalmoscopic examination in pregnancy toxicoses of the third trimester]. PMID- 13801838 TI - [Importance and significance of the quantitative determination of lipoproteins in diabetic vasculopathy]. PMID- 13801840 TI - [Electrical potentials in anomalies of position of the nongravid uterus]. PMID- 13801839 TI - [Behavior of urinary catecholamines in gynecological surgical patients]. PMID- 13801841 TI - [Observations on the electrical activity of the gravid uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy but not during labor]. PMID- 13801842 TI - [On prednisone treatment and the medical aid problem in advanced cancer of the uterus]. PMID- 13801843 TI - [Response of the gravid human uterus to methemoglobinizing drugs evaluated by electrohysterography]. PMID- 13801844 TI - [The action of the alpha-succinic hemiester of 21-hydroxy-5-pregnane-3,20-dione on the isolated uterine horn of gravid and non-gravid puberal guinea pigs]. PMID- 13801845 TI - [The treatment of manic-depressive states with an iminodibenzylic derivative (tofranil)]. PMID- 13801846 TI - [The treatment of epilepsy with a hydantion product "anirrit" (hydantoin bromate)]. PMID- 13801848 TI - [Gerontophilia as a premonitory symptom of Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13801847 TI - [The treatment of manic-depressive states with an iminodibenzyl derivative (tofranil)]. PMID- 13801849 TI - [Evaluation by radioautographic method of the permeability of caseous substances by means of radioactive rose bengal]. PMID- 13801850 TI - [Quantitative and histochemical research on succino-dehydrogenase in the brain of the dog (also in relation to the phenomenon of "predisposition" to epilepsy induced by Amantea's method of afferent excitation]. PMID- 13801851 TI - [Influence of gamma pan-irradiation on uptake of I-131 in the rat thyroid gland]. PMID- 13801852 TI - [On the evaluation of hepatic function by means of rose bengal labeled with radioiodine in normal and irradiated animals]. PMID- 13801853 TI - [On the presence and localization of succinic dehydrogenase in the guinea pig during fetal and postnatal life]. PMID- 13801854 TI - [On the usefulness of a technical device for the histochemical demonstration of succinic dehydrogenase activity]. PMID- 13801855 TI - [The permeability of the guinea pig placenta to radioactive rose bengal]. PMID- 13801856 TI - [Experimental research on the cicatrization process in skin wounds]. PMID- 13801857 TI - [Ultrastructure of the epithelium of vocal cords of the guinea pig (initial observations)]. PMID- 13801858 TI - [Observations, using the electron microscope, on renal cells of swine infected with aphthous fever virus. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13801859 TI - [The intervention of mineral waters in the enzymatic digestion of proteins in vitro]. PMID- 13801861 TI - [On streptomycin-dependence and streptomycin-resistance of Hemophilus pertussis]. PMID- 13801860 TI - [On the histochemistry of carbohydrates in muscles affected by poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13801862 TI - [Andreas Vesalius, the creator of modern anatomy]. PMID- 13801863 TI - [On the history of local anesthesia]. PMID- 13801864 TI - [William Harvey, the discoverer of blood circulation]. PMID- 13801865 TI - [The effect of carnosine and certain amino acids on the curve of fatigue of the sartorius muscle of the frog]. PMID- 13801866 TI - [Transduodenal papillectomy in adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater with favorable outcome]. PMID- 13801867 TI - Effect of synthetic smong on spontaneous activity of mice. AB - Mice allowed to run in a revolving-drum activity cage are sensitive indicators of air pollution. They respond to the presence of synthetic smog by diminishing their 24-hour activity in the revolving wheels. The redLIction in wheel activity is comparatively greater for larger amounts of smog. PMID- 13801868 TI - [A case of primary amyloidosis of the tongue simulating macroglossia]. PMID- 13801869 TI - [Remote labyrinthine and intracranial complications after surgery of the middle ear]. PMID- 13801870 TI - [On hypernephromas (latent forms manifested by solitary metastases)]. PMID- 13801871 TI - [Should the exfoliation of the epithelium of the villi be considered as an element of functional morphology of the small intestine or as an artefact?]. PMID- 13801872 TI - [Alcohol abuse by women. Clinical experiences between 1936 and 1957]. PMID- 13801873 TI - [Clinical experiences with sodium beta, beta-pentamethylene-gamma-hydroxybutyrate (Go 186, W1597), a new typp of activating substance]. PMID- 13801874 TI - [Habit formation and serious withdrawal symtoms after the use of dextromoramide (jetrium, MCP 875, palfium, R 875, errecalme, pyrrolamidol)]. PMID- 13801875 TI - Poison control. Operation of an information center in a rural and agricultural community. AB - The Fresno Community Hospital Poison Control Center has been in operation for about three years, under the sole directorship of the pathologist. All expenses are paid by the hospital. It has served a definite need in the community. As an agricultural and more or less rural community, it shows more poison cases having to do with plants, insecticides, kerosene and fertilizers than do urban communities. PMID- 13801876 TI - A method for the measurement of antibodies against Hemophilus pertussis in sera. PMID- 13801877 TI - Fixation of the agglutinogen from Hemophilus pertussis on the bacterial surface. PMID- 13801878 TI - [Possibilities of a new method of symptomatic therapy of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13801879 TI - [The non-operated cholelithiasis patient and carrier]. PMID- 13801880 TI - [A contribution to the therapy of neuropathia diabetica]. PMID- 13801881 TI - A study of the sensitivity of the mouse forestomach toward certain polycyclic hydrocarbons. PMID- 13801882 TI - [Leukemia and the liver]. PMID- 13801883 TI - [Megaloblastic anemias with peripheral micro-and macroplania in daraprim therapy of polycythemia vera]. PMID- 13801884 TI - [Possibilities of conservative carcinoma therapy in practice]. PMID- 13801885 TI - [Some practical clinical viewpoints on hypothyroidism]. PMID- 13801886 TI - [Steroid therapy of rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13801887 TI - [The liver and kidneys before and after surgery]. PMID- 13801888 TI - [The survival time of the a-wave in human electroretinograms]. PMID- 13801889 TI - [On the clinical aspects of cyanosis in the newborn infant]. PMID- 13801890 TI - [The weakening of pressor effects by sali-diuretics]. PMID- 13801891 TI - [Cultivation of Trypanosoma cruzi in tissue cultures]. PMID- 13801892 TI - Amblyopia detection in the practice of pediatircs. PMID- 13801893 TI - [Occlusor frame for vision tests of school children]. PMID- 13801894 TI - [On local antibiotic therapy in cancer in women]. PMID- 13801895 TI - [Results with supplementary chemotherapy in the therapy of genital carcinoma]. PMID- 13801896 TI - Gilles de la Tourette's disease. PMID- 13801897 TI - Concepts of schizophrenia in the writing of Benjamin Rush. PMID- 13801898 TI - Functional disorders of the digestive tract. Philosophic and nosologic aspects. PMID- 13801899 TI - Presentation of the Julius Friedenwald Medal to Russel S. Boles. PMID- 13801900 TI - [Percutaneous toxicity of hydrocyanic acid]. PMID- 13801901 TI - [Primary stages of the segmentation of the egg of Chthamalophilus delagei J. Bocquet-Vedrine (Crustacea Rhizocephala]. PMID- 13801902 TI - [Complementary contribution to the treatment of asthma by galvanic ionization]. PMID- 13801903 TI - [Consideration of the indications of oxytetracycline therapy in infant and child patients]. PMID- 13801904 TI - Balance experiments in cases of infantile acute hypernatraemia. PMID- 13801906 TI - [Dr. Pal Ferencz, 1892-1959]. PMID- 13801905 TI - [Role of prolonged mechanical artificial respiration in the treatment of poisoning with narcotic preparations]. PMID- 13801907 TI - [Principles of oxygen therapy]. PMID- 13801908 TI - Comparison of activities of isocitric dehydrogenase and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase in serum infectious hepatitis. PMID- 13801909 TI - Diagnostic applications of enzymes in medicine. General enzymological aspects. PMID- 13801910 TI - A new crystalline salt of oxytocin. PMID- 13801911 TI - [The desacralization of medicine]. PMID- 13801912 TI - [Apropos of 3 cases of genotypic dyschondroplasias]. PMID- 13801913 TI - [The radiological diagnosis of Crohn's ileitis]. PMID- 13801914 TI - [The radiological diagnosis of regional ileitis]. PMID- 13801915 TI - [Sanitary characteristics of milk sold at the collective-farm markets in Leningrad]. PMID- 13801916 TI - Cranberry juice and the antibacterial action of hippuric acid. PMID- 13801917 TI - Observations on the mechanism of induction of supernumerary limbs in adult Triturus viridescens. PMID- 13801918 TI - [A new method of sterilization of urological instruments]. PMID- 13801919 TI - [On the therapy of bladder tumors with a radioactive chromium phosphate suspension]. PMID- 13801920 TI - The liver in ulcerative colitis; the significance of raised serum-alkaline phosphatase levels. PMID- 13801921 TI - [The problem of mental responsibility in psychotherapeutic investigations]. PMID- 13801922 TI - Management of hemorrhages in the anterior chamber. PMID- 13801923 TI - Fluoroscopically controlled cholangiography with the image intensifier. PMID- 13801924 TI - Alcoholic abdomen. PMID- 13801925 TI - Further observations on flumethiazide. A new oral diuretic agent. PMID- 13801926 TI - Methoxypromazine maleate in cases of psychoneurosis. PMID- 13801927 TI - Clinical trial of a new indole derivative in patients with psychoneurosis. PMID- 13801928 TI - The hypnotic effect of a new propanediol dicarbamate, W 583 (a double blind, double dose study). PMID- 13801929 TI - Preliminary study of the therapeutic and toxic effects of 4-(1-methyl-3 indolylethyl)pyridine hydrochloride in ambulatory patients with psychoneurosis. PMID- 13801930 TI - Inhibitory effects of passive antibody on virulent poliovirus excretion and on immune response in chimpanzees. PMID- 13801931 TI - Oral treatment of dermatomycosis and onychomycosis with griseofulvin. PMID- 13801932 TI - [Certain data on the passage of S35-labeled mercamine through the placenta and on its distribution in maternal and fetal organs]. PMID- 13801933 TI - Hydatidiform mole complicated by the use of progestogens. PMID- 13801934 TI - [On the state of the phagocyte activity of the leukocytes in scarlatina]. PMID- 13801935 TI - Blood loss during prostatectomy. PMID- 13801937 TI - Natural selection and the sex ratio. PMID- 13801936 TI - Vomiting by outpatients after nitrous oxide anaesthesia. PMID- 13801938 TI - Utility forceps for resectoscope. PMID- 13801939 TI - [Effect of various drugs on caloric nystagmus]. PMID- 13801940 TI - Physiotherapy in South Africa. PMID- 13801941 TI - [On the longitudinal and transverse growth of the muscles in conditions of modified activities of young animals]. PMID- 13801942 TI - Corpus luteum and pregnancy. A Norwegian study of interest in the history of medicine. PMID- 13801943 TI - Vascular changes in premature separation of the normally implanted placenta. A preliminary report. PMID- 13801944 TI - [Hormonal treatment of gynecological diseases]. PMID- 13801945 TI - Patent ductus arteriosus Botalli in an octogenarian followed for fifty years. PMID- 13801946 TI - Recurrent attacks of bacterial meningitis. A "new" clinical problem. Report of five cases. PMID- 13801947 TI - Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia with complete A-V dissociation in an otherwise healthy young man. PMID- 13801948 TI - [Treatment of scarlet fever]. PMID- 13801949 TI - [On hitherto unobserved pathological changes of the hip bone and their roentgenological description]. PMID- 13801950 TI - [On the relation between the length of the big toe and hallux valgus. A contribution to the etiology of hallux valgus]. PMID- 13801951 TI - [On epithelioma with double metaplasia]. PMID- 13801952 TI - [Tonographic studies on the effect of N-2-(p-aminobenzenesulfonyl)-N-2-butylurea on the aqueous humor balance in man]. PMID- 13801953 TI - [Experiences with transaminase determination in subchronic and chronic lesions of the liver parenchyma]. PMID- 13801954 TI - [Role of hemodynamics in the duration of phases of the electrocardiogram in supine and upright positions]. PMID- 13801955 TI - [Changes in the upper urinary tract after irradiation and operation in cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13801956 TI - On a new genus of the Endomycetaceae. PMID- 13801957 TI - Some physical properties of infective ribose nucleic acid isolated from tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13801958 TI - [On the increasing of vitality by an enzyme-vitamin combination]. PMID- 13801959 TI - [Influenza and physical efficiency]. PMID- 13801961 TI - [Simultaneous fracture of the femoral shaft and neck]. PMID- 13801960 TI - [Objective evaluation of results of physical-therapeutic measures]. PMID- 13801962 TI - [Congenital pseudarthrosis of the dens epistrophei (os odontoideum) and its treatment]. PMID- 13801963 TI - [Is operative fixation of cervical spine injuries necessary?]. PMID- 13801964 TI - [Primary reconstructive operations in severe hand wounds]. PMID- 13801965 TI - [Therapy and prognosis of multiple wounds]. PMID- 13801966 TI - [Uncontrolled shock as indication for laparotomy]. PMID- 13801967 TI - [Plenk and accident surgery]. PMID- 13801968 TI - [A new coronary vasodilator. Experimental and clinical studies]. PMID- 13801969 TI - [On late complications after gastric operations]. PMID- 13801970 TI - [Prednisone therapy of severe chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13801972 TI - [On the complex of womanhood in man]. PMID- 13801971 TI - [On relationships between intestinal tuberculosis and regional ileitis]. PMID- 13801973 TI - Asymptomatic primary tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13801974 TI - [Flavonoids and myocardial metabolism]. PMID- 13801975 TI - [On the unusual appearance of spindle cell sarcoma on the sole of the foot]. PMID- 13801976 TI - [Description of an apparatus for measurement of the mobility of the lumbar vertebrae]. PMID- 13801977 TI - [Flavonoid effects on cellular metabolism disturbed by malachite green]. PMID- 13801978 TI - [Flavonoids. Part 5]. PMID- 13801979 TI - [The flavonoids. I]. PMID- 13801980 TI - [The flavonoids. II. Resorption, excretion and reduction of flavonoids in metabolism]. PMID- 13801981 TI - [The flavonoids. Part 3]. PMID- 13801982 TI - [The flavonoids. Part 4]. PMID- 13801983 TI - [The flavonoids. Part 6]. PMID- 13801984 TI - [The flavonoids. Part 7]. PMID- 13801985 TI - [Neuraminic acid (biochemistry, biology and clinical aspects). I. The biology and chemistry of neuraminic acid]. PMID- 13801986 TI - [Neuraminic acid (biochemistry, biology and clinical aspects). Part 2. The neuraminic acid-containing glycoproteins in disease]. PMID- 13801987 TI - [Neuraminic acids (biochemistry, biology and clinical aspects). Part 3. On the significance of neuraminic acids for the nonspecific inhibition of virus hemagglutination by serum]. PMID- 13801988 TI - [On the signigicance of pre-eclampsia and its relation to eclampsia]. PMID- 13801990 TI - [Asbestosis and carcinoma of the Iungs. I]. PMID- 13801989 TI - [On the behavior of UV erythema after percutaneous application of pharmacologically effective substances. (Part 2)]. PMID- 13801991 TI - [Asbestosis and lung carcinoma. Part 2]. PMID- 13801993 TI - Surgical cure of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13801992 TI - [On the influence of bacterial fractions on the tissue, reticuloendothelial system and differential blood picture of the white mouse]. PMID- 13801994 TI - [On new gamma-amino alcohols]. PMID- 13801996 TI - [On the menthol monography in a new German pharmocopoeia. Part I]. PMID- 13801995 TI - [Structure, properties and transformations of the absorption product of for maldehyde on benzoic acid-o-sulfonimide]. PMID- 13801997 TI - [On the assay of DL-menthol for contamination by DL-neomenthol. 2. Report on the menthol monography in a new German pharmacopoeia]. PMID- 13801998 TI - [On the chromatographic evaluation of the purity of dihydromorphinone hydrochloride, dihydrocodeine bitartrate, dihydrocodeinone bitartrate and codeine phosphate. 8. Report on the behavior of alkaloid salt solutions on aluminum oxide columns]. PMID- 13801999 TI - [On the purity test for quinidine sulfate. 7. Communication on the behavior of alkaloid salt solutions in aluminum oxide columns]. PMID- 13802000 TI - [On the introduction of mercaptomethyl groups into beta-dicarbonyl compounds with the help of acetyl chloromethyl sulfide]. PMID- 13802001 TI - [On condensation products of alpha-hydroxyalkyl-acylsulfides and secondary amines]. PMID- 13802002 TI - [On an unusual incisional hernia]. PMID- 13802003 TI - Intussusception of ileum unto abdominal wall through a Meckle's diverticulum fistula. PMID- 13802004 TI - [On the clinical manifestation and pathology of degeneratio hyaloideoretinalis hereditaria (Wagner)]. PMID- 13802005 TI - [On the practical use of the radiological enlargement technic in surgical diagnosis]. PMID- 13802006 TI - Routine chest roentgenograms: fears and practice. PMID- 13802007 TI - [On the combination of scleral buckling with light coagulation in the therapy of retinal detachment]. PMID- 13802008 TI - [Acute cardiac death during football sports]. PMID- 13802009 TI - [On the operative treatment of prostate hypertrophy]. PMID- 13802010 TI - [On the surgical treatment of the prostatic patient. Catheterization and urography for detection of the residual urine-reason for an early operation operability-results of 1000 retropubic-extravesical prostetectomies]. PMID- 13802011 TI - [Silicosis and emphysema]. PMID- 13802012 TI - [Quantitative data on the effect of peritoneal dialysis]. PMID- 13802013 TI - [The treatment of acute uremia]. PMID- 13802014 TI - [The treatment of chronic uremia]. PMID- 13802015 TI - The closing of a group. PMID- 13802016 TI - [A half work day for women]. PMID- 13802018 TI - [Clinical aspects of primary chronic arthritis and its related diseases with special reference to serological problems]. PMID- 13802017 TI - Familial coxarthrosis. PMID- 13802019 TI - [Physical medicine in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13802020 TI - [Physical therapy of traumatic spinal changes]. PMID- 13802021 TI - [The early stage of spondylitis ankylopoetica]. PMID- 13802023 TI - [Atypical tuberculosis bacteria]. PMID- 13802022 TI - [Therapy of herniated disk from the standpoint of physical therapy]. PMID- 13802024 TI - [Classification of "atypical" mycobacteria by determination of their varying acylamidase metabolic performances]. PMID- 13802025 TI - Anti-leprosy campaign in Indonesia. PMID- 13802027 TI - [Nosebleed and influenza infection]. PMID- 13802026 TI - [Changes in muscle contractility during interoceptive stimulation]. PMID- 13802028 TI - [On the practical use of hearing loss tables and the establishment of decrease of earning capacity]. PMID- 13802029 TI - [Osteoma of the ethmoid bone, dura defect and intracranial pneumatocele]. PMID- 13802031 TI - [4 Cases of maternal death]. PMID- 13802030 TI - [Uncommon form of deafness after exposure to noise and abnormality of cervical spine]. PMID- 13802032 TI - The cochlear difference tone. PMID- 13802033 TI - [Disorders of acid-base equilibrium in surgery and in internal medicine]. PMID- 13802035 TI - [A synthesis]. PMID- 13802034 TI - [Life without blood]. PMID- 13802036 TI - [Control of massive hemorrhage in intracardiac surgery]. PMID- 13802038 TI - [Limitations of the possibilities of antibiotics in acute surgical inflammatory processes]. PMID- 13802037 TI - [Hypothermia by means of air cooling]. PMID- 13802040 TI - [Vomiting children]. PMID- 13802039 TI - [Open Botalli's duct complicated by marked pulmonary hypertension. Closure by means of a slow ligature]. PMID- 13802041 TI - [Clinical experiences in the surgical treatment of anastomosis ulcer]. PMID- 13802042 TI - [10 Years of surgery in a medium size hospital without medicinal thrombosis prophylaxis]. PMID- 13802043 TI - [Discontinuous cartilage resections in the treatment plan of progressive costal cartilage necrosis]. PMID- 13802044 TI - [Morpheic epilepsy in brain tumors: clinical and electroencephalographic study]. PMID- 13802045 TI - [Pituitary-adrenal hormones and convulsive threshold]. PMID- 13802046 TI - [Psychic auras]. PMID- 13802047 TI - Clinical homeopathy. PMID- 13802048 TI - [Generalized hyperkeratoses in newborns and in infants and their therapeutic possibilities with cortisone]. PMID- 13802049 TI - Serological investigations of some human and animal hemoglobins by the agar gel diffusion method. PMID- 13802050 TI - [A simple seroreaction for macroglobulin determination]. PMID- 13802051 TI - [On the present development of hormonal therapy in oncology]. PMID- 13802052 TI - [A papillomatosis of the intra-and extra-hepatic biliary tract]. PMID- 13802053 TI - [The classification and nomenclature of liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13802055 TI - [On the significance of the body composition for the size of the circulating blood volume]. PMID- 13802054 TI - [On relations between fat distribution of the body, circulating blood volume and venous hematocrit]. PMID- 13802056 TI - [On the problem of the dependence of circulation time on the body height and sex]. PMID- 13802057 TI - [Proposals for DAB 7. Part 1. Methylene blue, benzoic acid, sodium benzoate]. PMID- 13802058 TI - [Temporary renal impairment during calcium EDTA treatment of lead poisoning]. PMID- 13802059 TI - [Some biochemical data on the cerebrospinal fluid and central nervous system in different microbial and viral diseases]. PMID- 13802060 TI - [The study of several enzymes in cultures of normal and poliomyelitis-inoculated tissues]. PMID- 13802061 TI - [A case of placental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802062 TI - The Bangkok project, step one. PMID- 13802063 TI - [On improvement of the early diagnosis of hip joint dislocation in childhood]. PMID- 13802064 TI - Hospital accreditation: its principles and importance. PMID- 13802065 TI - [Immune biological studies of the cerebrospinal fluid and diagnosis of neurosyphilis]. PMID- 13802066 TI - [On the surgical treatment of mediastinitis]. PMID- 13802067 TI - [On the clinical aspects and pathology of malignant intestinal carcinoid]. PMID- 13802068 TI - [A proposal for the future of drug provisions]. PMID- 13802069 TI - [On the introduction of the revision order for pharmacies]. PMID- 13802070 TI - [A further study on the specific antigens of preneoplastic diseases of the human breast]. PMID- 13802071 TI - [On specific antigens of pre-cancer diseases of the breast in humans]. PMID- 13802072 TI - [The gastrocolic fistula]. PMID- 13802073 TI - Induction of a mutation in poliovirus by nitrous acid. PMID- 13802074 TI - [Induction of mutations into the poliomyelitis virus by nitric acid]. PMID- 13802075 TI - [Quantitative determination by agar electrochromatography of hemoglobin of adult and fetal types in newborn and young infants]. PMID- 13802076 TI - [Calcifications and ossifications of the tegumentary apparatus]. PMID- 13802077 TI - [Contribution to the etiopathogenetic and anatomomorphological study of pathological calcifications and heterotopic ossifications]. PMID- 13802078 TI - [Municipal control of tuberculosis in the city of Buenos Aires]. PMID- 13802080 TI - [On the diagnostic and surgical significance of lobus azygos]. PMID- 13802079 TI - [Operative treatment of rupture of the extensor policis longus]. PMID- 13802081 TI - [The efferent pathways of the motor esophago-intestinal reflex]. PMID- 13802082 TI - [Differential roentgen diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication of the heart and myocardial dystrophy]. PMID- 13802083 TI - [Gasometric, biochemical and morphologic studies of the blood, clearance, during experimental hypothermia]. PMID- 13802084 TI - [Sea baths in the combined sanatorium-climatic therapy of children with primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802085 TI - [Dyspnea in mitral incompetence]. PMID- 13802086 TI - [Amyloidosis secondary to renal carcinoma. Clinical study of 3 cases]. PMID- 13802087 TI - In memoriam--Ephraim Rappaport. PMID- 13802088 TI - Replacement of the urinary bladder by a plastic reservoir with mechanical valves. PMID- 13802089 TI - [On perforated gastroduodenal ulcers in young men]. PMID- 13802090 TI - [Changes in the peripheral lymph nodes in patients with psoriasis]. PMID- 13802091 TI - [Peroral, fractionated cholecystography and cholangiography]. PMID- 13802092 TI - [The contribution of Rumanian surgeons in development of surgery of the esophagus]. PMID- 13802093 TI - [Tetanus in Yugoslavia]. PMID- 13802094 TI - On the prospects of rehabilitation therapy and prosthesis in the Ukraine in the light of resolutions of the 21 S"ezd KPSS PMID- 13802095 TI - [Comparative evaluation of methods of treatment of closed fractures of the diaphysis of the femur in adults]. PMID- 13802096 TI - [Congenital dislocation of the hip and its treatment]. PMID- 13802097 TI - [Surgical therapy of congenital hip dislocation]. PMID- 13802098 TI - [Poliomyelitis as a droplet infection]. PMID- 13802099 TI - [Role and importance of Streptococcus hemolyticus in diseases in collectives]. PMID- 13802100 TI - [A method for the registration of electro-cardiographic tracings in chick embryo]. PMID- 13802101 TI - [On the problem of complications in antirables vaccination]. PMID- 13802103 TI - [Hematuria]. PMID- 13802102 TI - [Fluorometric determination of 4-pyridoxinic acid in urine]. PMID- 13802104 TI - [Proteinuria]. PMID- 13802105 TI - [The treatment with ultrasonics of patients with pruritic dermatoses]. PMID- 13802106 TI - [On the problem of nephrosclerosis in amyloidosis of the kidney]. PMID- 13802107 TI - [Eosinophilia during infection with Ascaris lumbricoides and Toxocara canis (larva migrans)]. PMID- 13802108 TI - [Lack of appetite in the young infant]. PMID- 13802109 TI - Cardiovascular responses in experimentally induced alterations of affect. PMID- 13802110 TI - Studies on fat mobilization during acute states of arousal. PMID- 13802111 TI - The effect of autonomic ganglionic blockade upon serum free fatty acid levels in man. PMID- 13802112 TI - The relationship of central nervous system activity to lipid metabolism. PMID- 13802113 TI - Rupture of the diaphragm. PMID- 13802114 TI - Complications of the American coin in the esophagus. PMID- 13802115 TI - Varieties of acid fast bacilli and their relationship to disease in man. PMID- 13802116 TI - Local complications in 167 patients with indwelling venous catheters. PMID- 13802117 TI - Asian influenza: persistence of antibodies and revaccination. PMID- 13802118 TI - An evaluation of tetracycline preparations. PMID- 13802119 TI - Demethylchlortetracycline: serum concentration studies and cerebrospinal fluid diffusion. PMID- 13802120 TI - Low-dose long-acting sulfonamides are different. PMID- 13802121 TI - [Hypertrophy of the pylorus in adults]. PMID- 13802122 TI - Studies in the field of diuretic drugs. Part II. 5-Chloro-2,4-disulphamyltoluene (disulphamide). PMID- 13802123 TI - Studies in the field of diuretics. Part 3. Some symmetrical benzene-1,3 disulphonalkylamides. PMID- 13802124 TI - [Anatomical annotations on sanguiferous vascularization of the auricular pavilion of man in various stages of life]. PMID- 13802125 TI - The cellular composition of inflammatory exudates in human leukemias. PMID- 13802126 TI - Volvulus of the sigmoid colon. PMID- 13802127 TI - Surgical problems in the geriatric patient. PMID- 13802128 TI - Intestinal obstruction secondary to shredded cocoanut. (Case report). PMID- 13802129 TI - Multiple malignant primary neoplasms (case report). PMID- 13802130 TI - A New species of Auridistomum (Trematoda: Auridistomidae) from snapping turtles of Georgia. PMID- 13802131 TI - The effects of prednisone in two patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. PMID- 13802133 TI - Perforation of the duodenum following gastroscopy. PMID- 13802132 TI - The clinical response and the amount of insulin extractable from the pancreas in diabetic patients treated with oral hypoglycaemic drugs: a report on five cases. PMID- 13802134 TI - The pyloric segment after gastroenterostomy. PMID- 13802135 TI - Clinical status and cerebrospinal fluid "total neuraminic acid". PMID- 13802136 TI - Association of psychosis with severe renal glycosuria. PMID- 13802137 TI - Demonstration of serum precipitin to brain ganglioside. PMID- 13802138 TI - Glycoproteins of human cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13802139 TI - Interaction of viruses with native brain substrates. PMID- 13802140 TI - Studies on cerebrospinal fluid. I. Quantitative fractionation of carbohydrate constituents. PMID- 13802141 TI - Studies on the neurochemistry of schizophrenic and affective disorders. PMID- 13802142 TI - [Polynucleotide phosphorylase]. PMID- 13802143 TI - [On the problem of the application method of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13802144 TI - [A short historical sketch of surgery in the Chinese People's Republic]. PMID- 13802145 TI - [Sanitary conditions and aid to sick and wounded in the rebel camp in the twelfth century in Lianshan'bo (China)]. PMID- 13802146 TI - [On the translation into Russian of the anatomical treatise of Andreas Vesalius]. PMID- 13802147 TI - [Insufficiency of cerebral circulation]. PMID- 13802149 TI - [Health education in the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system]. PMID- 13802148 TI - [Health education and hygiene]. PMID- 13802150 TI - [Experiences with the application of electrophotometric methods for the evaluation of water purity in pumping stations]. PMID- 13802151 TI - [Result of the work of an otorhinolaryngologist in a rural area]. PMID- 13802153 TI - [A portable outfit for intratracheal anesthesia]. PMID- 13802152 TI - [On the role of the state of the upper respiratory tract in the etiology of poliomyelitis in children]. PMID- 13802154 TI - [Relation of tonsillitis to rheumatism in children]. PMID- 13802155 TI - [A synthetic colloid plasma-substitute solution from polyvinyl alcohol]. PMID- 13802156 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of uroporphyrin III from porphobilinogen and the behaviour of uroporphyrin esters in paper chromatography. PMID- 13802158 TI - [Certain clinical problems of intramedullary craniospinal tumors]. PMID- 13802157 TI - The enzymatic synthesis of uroporphyrins from porphobilinogen. IV. Investigations on the participation of formaldehyde. PMID- 13802159 TI - [On the problem of malignant periosteal osteoma]. PMID- 13802160 TI - [Improvement of the reinfusion technic]. PMID- 13802161 TI - [The method of studying repair of connective tissue]. PMID- 13802162 TI - [Occupational tumors of the skin induced by products of thermal processing of mineral fuels]. PMID- 13802163 TI - [On the question of innervation of bones of the shin from the viewpoint of age]. PMID- 13802164 TI - [Peroral iron tolerance tests in diseases of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13802165 TI - [Segmental pulmonary resection in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802166 TI - [Modern treatment of "caseoma" in prevention of the development of the progressing forms of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802167 TI - [Pathways of development of surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802170 TI - [A case of traumatic aphasia cured by largactil]. PMID- 13802171 TI - [Studies on certain manifestations of head loss during physical effort in soldiers]. PMID- 13802168 TI - [A case of intravital roentgeno-diagnosis of cancer of the horizontal portion of the lower segment of the duodenum]. PMID- 13802172 TI - [Photometric determination of phosphorus in serum by means of the vanadate molybdate method]. PMID- 13802173 TI - [Studies on wards for patients with chronic infectious tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802174 TI - Myocardial infarction with bundle-branch block complicated by septal perforation. PMID- 13802175 TI - [Ornithosis in neurology]. PMID- 13802176 TI - [Ornithosis meningitis in a nine-year-old boy]. PMID- 13802177 TI - Micromorphological data on aging bone atrophy as seen in microradiographs and colored specimens. PMID- 13802178 TI - [Nitrogen balance and its relation to potassium balance in cardiac decompensation]. PMID- 13802179 TI - [Cases of dissecting aneurysm]. PMID- 13802180 TI - Studies on five porcine enteroviruses. PMID- 13802181 TI - [Contribution to the morphology of the kidneys in acute renal failure]. PMID- 13802183 TI - [Suggestion for the expanded use of the international classification of silicosis for all types of pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13802182 TI - [On the Sanarelli-Shwartzman phenomenon (so-called generalized Shwartzman phenomenon) in man]. PMID- 13802184 TI - Chordotomy for intractable pain due to malignant disease. PMID- 13802185 TI - [Intravascular administration of novocain in epileptic diseases]. PMID- 13802187 TI - Nonspecific resistance and the reticuloendothelial system. PMID- 13802186 TI - Influence of infection upon the reticuloendothelial system, internal organs, and distribution of circulating leucocytes of normal albino mice. PMID- 13802188 TI - [On the knowledge of omega-mercaptoalkyl-ammonium salts and their disulfides]. PMID- 13802189 TI - [Comparative incidence of infections in infants, in some fed with half-fat dried milk and in others with an acidified whole dried milk]. PMID- 13802190 TI - [Torsion of testis in newborn. A survey and a case report]. PMID- 13802191 TI - [The effect of intravenous tetracycline treatment on pyelonephritis associated with hypertension]. PMID- 13802192 TI - [Effects of glucocorticoids in circulatory failure]. PMID- 13802193 TI - Morbid changes in mental deficiency. The experience of 28 years with a large colony for the mentally defective. PMID- 13802194 TI - Calculous disease. PMID- 13802195 TI - Urinary tract infections. PMID- 13802196 TI - [The problem of driving fitness in cardiovascular diseases]. PMID- 13802197 TI - [Fundamentals of local and general dermatological therapy]. PMID- 13802198 TI - [Prurigo simplex subacuta--a stepchild of dermatology. On the clinical picture, etiology and nosology of the disease]. PMID- 13802199 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with chlorpropamide]. PMID- 13802200 TI - [On the problem of the application of brucello-hydrolysates in the diagnosis of human brucellosis]. PMID- 13802201 TI - On the diagnosis of the meniscus lesion in the knee with special regard to the value of arthrography. PMID- 13802202 TI - Key mineral nutrients of concern in veterinary practice. PMID- 13802203 TI - [Neurological complications in Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13802204 TI - [Surgery of hand injuries]. PMID- 13802206 TI - [On the problem of the standardization of the evaluation of results following operative fixation of congenital dislocation of the hip joint]. PMID- 13802205 TI - [On stable osteosynthsis in fractures of the femoral neck]. PMID- 13802207 TI - [On the surgical treatment of pseudarthroses of the tubular bones]. PMID- 13802208 TI - Tinnitus, vertigo, and deafness. PMID- 13802209 TI - Angiographic studies of the anatomy of single and multiple renal arteries. PMID- 13802210 TI - [On the problem of functional surgical therapy of laryngeal cancer]. PMID- 13802211 TI - [Treatment of true rheumatism with "common berberry" (Berberis vulgaris)]. PMID- 13802212 TI - [On the pathogenesis of chylous ascites]. PMID- 13802213 TI - [On the role of the vascular factor in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis (review of the literature)]. PMID- 13802214 TI - [Apparatus for the sanitary-bacteriological examination of air]. PMID- 13802215 TI - [Intratracheal anesthesia in surgery of newborn and older infants]. PMID- 13802216 TI - [By-pass anastomoses in inoperable cancer of the esophagus and cardia]. PMID- 13802217 TI - [Evaluation, by the complete blood formula, of blood loss caused by hemorrhage]. PMID- 13802218 TI - Muscle cramps in postparalytic poliomyelitis treated with hesperidin-ascorbic acid. PMID- 13802219 TI - [Potato cancer from the ecologo-geographic point of view]. PMID- 13802220 TI - [Comparative study of the different serological tests for syphilis in Dakar]. PMID- 13802221 TI - [On the time required for the rise in antitetanus antibodies after a boster injection of anatoxin]. PMID- 13802222 TI - [Study of blood proteins in Africans residing at Dakar. The mother and the newborn infant]. PMID- 13802223 TI - [Dynamic study of the incorporation of radioactive phosphorus into desoxyribonucleic acid of rat bone marrow cells]. PMID- 13802224 TI - Effect of magnesium deficiency on the regeneration of mast cells after treatment with 48/80 in rats. PMID- 13802225 TI - [Influence of various steroids and adrenalectomy on the survival and appearance of myocardial necroses in the nephrectomized rat]. PMID- 13802226 TI - [Repercussions of the presence of hormones in milk on the ponderal development of the glands with internal secretion in the young prepuberal rat]. PMID- 13802227 TI - [Potentiation of the analgesic action of codeine by metolquizolone]. PMID- 13802228 TI - [Pharmacological action of a new neuroleptic phenothiazine derivative: thioridazine (TP 21)]. PMID- 13802229 TI - [Some pharmacological actions of haloperidol (R 1625)]. PMID- 13802230 TI - [Antitussive action of a non-barbituric hypnotic, metolquizolone]. PMID- 13802231 TI - [Antitussive action of some phenothiazines]. PMID- 13802232 TI - [Comparative experimental action of 3 antitussive agents derived from phenylaminopropane]. PMID- 13802233 TI - [Pharmacodynamic study of a new important neuroleptic: haloperidol (R-1625). I. Toxicity. Its potentiator action in anesthesia and analgesia]. PMID- 13802234 TI - [Preparation of new detoxified derivatives of basic antibiotics]. PMID- 13802235 TI - [Neuroleptics and experimental catatonia]. PMID- 13802236 TI - [The contribution of experimental pharmacology to the study of neuroleptics and tranquilizing agents]. PMID- 13802237 TI - [Chronic subdural hematoma in infants (S.D.H.)]. PMID- 13802239 TI - [Congenital anomalies of the spermatic duct]. PMID- 13802238 TI - Synthesis and biological activity of peptides related to bradykinin. PMID- 13802240 TI - [Congenital anomalies of the testicle]. PMID- 13802241 TI - [Some electrical characteristics of the resting nerve fiber membrane of an insect (Periplaneta americana)]. PMID- 13802242 TI - [The idea of affective transference applied to the practice of medicine]. PMID- 13802243 TI - [Discussion of a method of continuous recording of the pH of the circulating blood. Physiological applications]. PMID- 13802244 TI - [Two technics of microdetermination of alcohol in the blood derived from the E. J. Conway-Nolan method]. PMID- 13802245 TI - [Results obtained with Ro. 50831 in the treatment of depressive states]. PMID- 13802246 TI - [The radiological diagnosis of congenital and acquired diseases of the aorta]. PMID- 13802247 TI - [Malignant hepatoma with polyglobulia]. PMID- 13802248 TI - [Identification of the water soluble proteins of lysates of human erythrocytes by starch gel electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis]. PMID- 13802249 TI - [Study of blood transaminases in liver diseases]. PMID- 13802250 TI - [Contribution to the pathomorphology of generalized candidiasis]. PMID- 13802251 TI - A comparative study of nonphotochromogenic mycobacteria and Mycobacterium avium. PMID- 13802252 TI - [Biochemical differentiation of some species of pathogenic Actinomycetes]. PMID- 13802253 TI - Schema for the differentiation of Nocardia asteroides and Nocardia brasiliensis. PMID- 13802254 TI - [Constitution and its relation to the course of diabetes according to the thorax extremity index]. PMID- 13802255 TI - [Teratomas of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13802256 TI - [Torticollis caused by spontaneous subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint]. PMID- 13802257 TI - Elimination of endogenous corticosteroids in vivo: the effects of hepatectomy and total abdominal evisceration in the acutely adrenalectomized cat. and the effect of muscular exercise and insulin administration on the isolated hindquarter preparation. PMID- 13802258 TI - [Acute leukemoid reticulosis (Cathala-Boulenger form) in a 7-week-old infant]. PMID- 13802259 TI - [Morphological characteristics of inflammatory reactions of the lungs in premature and normal newborn infants]. PMID- 13802260 TI - [The "hysterical" gallbladder]. PMID- 13802261 TI - A referral plan that serves babies. PMID- 13802262 TI - [The character of diuresis and the elimination activity (clearance) of the kidneys with different concentrations of chlorine and sulfate ions in the drinking water. (Materials for the physiological determination of hygienic norms of the salt content of drinking waters)]. PMID- 13802263 TI - [In memoriam: Dr. S. A. Westra]. PMID- 13802264 TI - A review of salmonellosis in South Africa. PMID- 13802265 TI - Interaction of erythrocytes and endotoxins. PMID- 13802266 TI - Reproducibility of results obtained by the Treponema pallidum immobilization test in South Africa. PMID- 13802267 TI - Salmonellae and shigellae in a group of rural South African Bantu school children. PMID- 13802268 TI - The bacteriology of the Bantu food-handler: Enterobacteriaceae. PMID- 13802269 TI - The effect of meprobamate on the electroencephalogram, during treatment, intoxication and after abrupt withdrawal. PMID- 13802270 TI - [Preludin intoxication]. PMID- 13802271 TI - [Asymptomatic hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13802272 TI - [Effect of various forms of climatic therapy on gas-exchange in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802273 TI - [Conversion of flavone substances in the preparation of tea]. PMID- 13802274 TI - [On the maduromycotic foot]. PMID- 13802275 TI - Traumatic acute pancreatitis as a cause of large bowel obstruction. PMID- 13802276 TI - Gout and gouty arthritis; underlying mechanisms and the acute attack. PMID- 13802277 TI - The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with adrenocorticosteroids and their synthetic analogues: an appraisal of certain developments of the past decade. PMID- 13802278 TI - Cytotoxic action of normal serum on Ehrlich ascites and sarcoma 180 cells. PMID- 13802279 TI - Glycolaldehyde trapped from aerobic oxidation of D-xylose by Torulopsis utilis. PMID- 13802280 TI - Probable mechanism of the oxidation of acetate to glycolate by the way of the glycolaldehyde. PMID- 13802281 TI - Glyoxylate intermediate of the direct oxidation of acetate and glycolate by E. coli. PMID- 13802283 TI - [Therapy of congenital atresia of the lacrimal ducts]. PMID- 13802282 TI - Intermediates of the endogenous respiration of yeast. PMID- 13802284 TI - Psychotherapeutic aspects in the management of patients with multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13802285 TI - Pheochromocytoma: its diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13802286 TI - [On first experiences with routine circumcision of newborn infants in Germany and thoughts on cancer prophylaxis]. PMID- 13802287 TI - [The use of Form N-36 for the annual report of the sanitary-epidemiological station]. PMID- 13802288 TI - [Studies on the effeciveness of an alcoholic dysenterial vaccine based upon extensive epidemiological observations]. PMID- 13802289 TI - [The organization and methods for testing of the activity of prophylactic preparations in epidemiological trials]. PMID- 13802290 TI - [Investigations on electrical activity of various segments of the brain in frogs]. PMID- 13802291 TI - Spontaneous chylothorax in the neonatal period. PMID- 13802292 TI - Follow-up study of 127 patients with stomal ulcer. PMID- 13802293 TI - Functioning pancreatic adenomas in infants and children. PMID- 13802294 TI - [A case of chromoblastomycosis]. PMID- 13802295 TI - [Pemphigus foliaceus complicated by zona, treated by the association of quinacrine, aureomycin in large doses and corticotherapy in small doses]. PMID- 13802296 TI - [Etiological and therapeutic considerations concerning a case of Hutchinson's erythema induratum associated with papulo-necrotic tuberculids]. PMID- 13802297 TI - [Extensive sclero-lichenian condition. Recovery after 2 and onehalf years' treatment by ingestion of raw pancreas and hycrochloric acid. (Third report)]. PMID- 13802298 TI - [Scleropoikiloderma en plaques developing progressively on the trunk. Recovery after 2 1/2 years of treatment by ingestion of crude pancreas and hydrochloric acid (second presentation)]. PMID- 13802299 TI - [Incidence of complications of eczema caused by modern therapeutic agents (adrenal cortex hormone, antibiotic and antihistaminic therapy); statistics on patients hospitalized in a department of the Hopital Saint Louis during a one year period]. PMID- 13802300 TI - [Pemphigus vegetans treated by the association of quinacrine and aureomycin since 1952 (sixth report). Recovery maintained without any treatment for a year and a half]. PMID- 13802302 TI - Note on the exchange of iodine between the atmosphere, land and sea. PMID- 13802301 TI - [Etiological and therapeutic considerations concerning a case of ulcerated hypodermitis of the lower extremities and concerning a second case of erythema induratum of the Hutchinson type]. PMID- 13802303 TI - An investigation of relationship between birthduration and childhood anxieties. PMID- 13802304 TI - The biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid by the chick embryo. III. Influence of vitamin B12 deficiency. PMID- 13802305 TI - Six case histories demonstrating the feasibility of partial or total replacement of vertebral bodies by bone grafts. PMID- 13802306 TI - Improved plastic well scintillators for beta counting; determination of exchangeable potassium in man using low doses of isotope. PMID- 13802307 TI - Opportunities in dental education. PMID- 13802308 TI - Calcium ions and the permeability of human erythrocytes. PMID- 13802309 TI - [Determination of insulin in the blood by means of column-electrophoresis]. PMID- 13802310 TI - Comparative effect of DBI and insulin on glucose uptake of rat diaphragm. PMID- 13802311 TI - Oral hypoglycemic agents: clinical experience with 50 diabetic patients. PMID- 13802312 TI - [Double esophagogastric caustic stenosis. Right colic retrosternal esophagoplasty. Antrectomy and gastroduodenostomy. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13802313 TI - [Comparative microautoradiographic studies with p-32 and Au-198 on bone marrow- and tumor cells]. PMID- 13802314 TI - [Anesthesia in infantile bronchoscopic practice (122 cases)]. PMID- 13802315 TI - [On trophic disorders in the course of nervous cicatrization]. PMID- 13802316 TI - [Studies on the psycho-psychic effects of prothipendyl]. PMID- 13802317 TI - Cocaine and procaine on the electrically stimulated metabolism of cerebral tissues. PMID- 13802318 TI - [Some observations on the origin and evolution of life]. PMID- 13802319 TI - [On the theory and practice of antibiotic fattening with special reference to the gastrectomized. Experiences with 855 cases]. PMID- 13802320 TI - [On primary stump carcinoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13802321 TI - Colour judgment as a function of stimulus conditions and memory colour. PMID- 13802322 TI - Grooming behavior in the rat. PMID- 13802323 TI - The effect of altering the middle of the list during serial learning. PMID- 13802324 TI - Metabolism of mucopolysaccharides in connective tissue. II. Synthesis of glucosamine-6-phosphate. PMID- 13802325 TI - Experimental atheromatosis: acid mucopolysaccharide content of the aorta. PMID- 13802326 TI - [On the effect of hypnotics during active waking states]. PMID- 13802328 TI - [Bronchial obstructions]. PMID- 13802327 TI - [Ergometry in the evaluation of respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13802329 TI - [Ear complications of acute infectious diseases in the antibiotic era]. PMID- 13802330 TI - [On ear complications in abdominal typhus]. PMID- 13802331 TI - [Verification of otitis and recurrent otoanthritis by means of perfusion of the anthrum]. PMID- 13802332 TI - [A contribution to the differential diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma with special reference to intrathoracic suppurations]. PMID- 13802333 TI - Nucleic acid metabolism in regenerating rat liver. VII. Effect of x-radiation on enzymes of DNA synthesis. PMID- 13802334 TI - Calf thymus polymerase. PMID- 13802335 TI - Mammalian enzymes of desoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. PMID- 13802336 TI - Oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers for calf thymus polymerase. PMID- 13802337 TI - Thermal conversion of nonpriming deoxyribonucleic acid to primer. PMID- 13802338 TI - [Antagonism to a synthetic oxytocic of parenteral progester one and of oral 6alpha-methyl-17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone acetate]. PMID- 13802339 TI - [6alpha-Methyl-17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone acetate as test substance for the early diagnosis of pregnancy]. PMID- 13802340 TI - [On the use of platinum chloride as an impregnation substance]. PMID- 13802341 TI - Golgi bodies and Golgi zones in molluscan oocytes. PMID- 13802342 TI - [Details of nucleolonemes]. PMID- 13802343 TI - [Some details on the white body of cephalopod mollusks]. PMID- 13802344 TI - [Structural and cytochemical aspects of the nucleolar apparatus of ovocytes in the growth of Patella coerulea L]. PMID- 13802345 TI - [The cause of error on the endonucleolar Feulgen-positivity]. PMID- 13802346 TI - Sudden deafness. Five cases treated with anticoagulants. PMID- 13802347 TI - [Metastatic seminoma of the larynx]. PMID- 13802348 TI - [Objective method for the examination of the vascularization of the organs]. PMID- 13802349 TI - [The vascularization of the papillae circumvallate from birth to old age studied with a new technic]. PMID- 13802350 TI - [Observations on the fissurated circumvallate papillae in man]. PMID- 13802351 TI - [Results of the use, in pyogenic diseases of the ear, nose and throat, of a new antibiotic combination with synergistic action]. PMID- 13802352 TI - [The morphology of the circumvallate papillae of man in development and senescence]. PMID- 13802353 TI - [Histochemical study with alcian blue on some malignant tumors of the facial bones]. PMID- 13802354 TI - [An uncommon case of malformation due to excess of the nares]. PMID- 13802355 TI - [Contribution to the study of the mucopolysaccharides of the mucosa of the laryngeal ventricle at various ages of postnatal life]. PMID- 13802356 TI - [Extramedullary solitary plasmocytoma. Anatomoclinical observations on 3 cases]. PMID- 13802357 TI - [Primary reticulosarcoma of the trachea. Considerations on a case]. PMID- 13802359 TI - [Antigen composition of human erythrocytes treated with tannic acid]. PMID- 13802358 TI - [Study on the relation between Bolen's test and blood protein disorder in carcinoma of the larynx]. PMID- 13802360 TI - [Considerations after 5 years of grid roentgenotherapy of uterine carcinoma in stages III and IV]. PMID- 13802361 TI - [Tumors induce in Lagurus lagurus Pall. by methylcholanthrene. A transplantable strain of sarcoma in Lagurus]. PMID- 13802362 TI - [3 Cases of spondylolysis treated by resection of the posterior vertebral arch and Bosworth's graft]. PMID- 13802363 TI - [Clinical and therapeutic considerations on meniscal lesions of the knee]. PMID- 13802364 TI - [Dermoid cyst of the spleen]. PMID- 13802365 TI - [Immediate results of bicillin prevention of acute rheumatism]. PMID- 13802366 TI - [Determination of fat in milk centrifugated without any reagents]. PMID- 13802367 TI - [Comparative effects of certain antibiotics on ornithosis virus in animal experimentation]. PMID- 13802368 TI - [Essential conditions for reproduction of aerosol infection caused by ornithosis virus in experiment]. PMID- 13802369 TI - [The method of detection of the orinthosis virus in the droplet phase]. PMID- 13802370 TI - [Mental diseases and mental health in the world today]. PMID- 13802371 TI - Geriatric surgical emergency. PMID- 13802372 TI - Therapeutic trial of silicone in peptic ulcer. PMID- 13802373 TI - Staining of enzymes in mucosa of the small bowel, using a peroral biopsy tube. PMID- 13802374 TI - An evaluation of the role of anticholinergic drugs in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13802375 TI - [Experimental studies on lipoproteins in man with the aid of an ultracentrifuge flotation technic]. PMID- 13802377 TI - [The terminal pulmonary blood flow pattern in the normal and pathological angiogram]. PMID- 13802376 TI - [Ultracentrifuge and electrophoresis studies in hypo- and agammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13802378 TI - [The diphosphopyridine nucleotide blood level as a criterium for controlled dosage of cytostatics E 39 and endoxan in inoperable tumors]. PMID- 13802379 TI - [Coeducation in physical training and sports]. PMID- 13802380 TI - Trichlorethylene analgesia in minor surgery. PMID- 13802381 TI - The mother and her young child. PMID- 13802382 TI - Effect of a shell-fish poison on end-plate potentials. PMID- 13802383 TI - A method of assaying Christmas factor; its application to the study of Christmas disease (factor-ix deficiency). PMID- 13802384 TI - Free lysine excretion in pregnancy. PMID- 13802385 TI - [An activity report of the Institut fur gerichtliche Medizin der Universitaet Wien during the year 1958]. PMID- 13802386 TI - [Delirium tremens and autohemotherapy]. PMID- 13802387 TI - [A histochemical study on the distribution of the succino-dehydrase system in the nerve centers]. PMID- 13802388 TI - [Circumscribed cerebral atrophy or Pick's disease (Synthetic review and new anatomo-clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13802389 TI - [On the treatment of drug addicts]. PMID- 13802390 TI - On the specificity of the snake venom phosphodiesterase. PMID- 13802391 TI - [Afferent impulses from the tongue under the effect of acid and temperature]. PMID- 13802392 TI - [Heart rate changes during rapid temperature fluctuations]. PMID- 13802393 TI - [On cutaneous sensitivity]. PMID- 13802394 TI - [On the mediation of cold pain]. PMID- 13802395 TI - [The behavior of the trigeminal receptors during temperature stimulation]. PMID- 13802396 TI - [The influence of pressure stimulus on spontaneously active mechanosensitive receptors in the skin]. PMID- 13802397 TI - Preoperative factors in production of cardiac arrest. PMID- 13802398 TI - [On Jaffe's osteoid osteoma]. PMID- 13802399 TI - [On angioendothelioma of bone]. PMID- 13802400 TI - [On osteochondritis of the tarsal scaphoid in the adult (case report)]. PMID- 13802401 TI - [Paraplegia due to secondary segmental arachnoiditis and tuberculous meningitis (presentation of an operated case)]. PMID- 13802402 TI - [Transplantation of the superficial flexor of the ring finger pro-opponens (Sterling Bunnell method)]. PMID- 13802403 TI - [Primary hepatic amyloidosis with hemorrhagic changes]. PMID- 13802404 TI - Jejunal diverticulosis as a cause of intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13802405 TI - Prostatectomy for retention of urine. PMID- 13802406 TI - [Positive serological listeriosis findings in various disease types]. PMID- 13802407 TI - [Contribution to the study of the protein composition of the human myometrium]. PMID- 13802408 TI - [Pneumopelviography in the study of utero-ovarian dysplasias]. PMID- 13802409 TI - [Observations on cortico-adrenal function during cobalt teletherapy of genital neoplasms]. PMID- 13802410 TI - [Diseases in pregnancy and their repercussions on the newborn. Endocrino metabolic diseases in pregnancy and fetal pathology]. PMID- 13802411 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of the influence exerted by peripheral tissues on glycemic homeostasis. I. Glucose tolerance curve]. PMID- 13802412 TI - [The heart conduction tissue in the rat. Study by electron microscope. I. The common trunk of the bundle of His and the clear cells of the right auricle]. PMID- 13802414 TI - [Current surgery of the ear]. PMID- 13802413 TI - [Comparative observations on ultrastructural changes of the atrial and ventricular myocardium induced by potassium]. PMID- 13802415 TI - [Clinical value of Addis test]. PMID- 13802416 TI - [A new rapid method for the determination of ABO and Rh blood groups]. PMID- 13802417 TI - Preservation of washed bovine spermatozoa in a synthetic medium at room temperature. PMID- 13802418 TI - The effect of adenosine upon the aerobic metabolism of bovine spermatozoa. PMID- 13802419 TI - On the opacity of the eye lens caused by cooling. PMID- 13802420 TI - [Blepharochalasis (pathogenetic clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13802421 TI - [Trends in the production of meats in relation to consumption]. PMID- 13802422 TI - [Research on the action of spiramycin on experimental toxoplasmosis in white mice]. PMID- 13802423 TI - [Gynecological effects of the Vichy thermal cure]. PMID- 13802424 TI - [Apparently primary optic neuritis caused by mumps. Its diagnosis]. PMID- 13802425 TI - [The ocular complications of varicella]. PMID- 13802426 TI - [Contribution to the study of the structure of hair in lenghts of various thickness]. PMID- 13802427 TI - [The antistreptolysin and antistaphylolysin antibody titers of blood serum and blister fluid in relation to age]. PMID- 13802428 TI - [The combination of 5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinaldine (sterosan) with hydrocortisone in superficial dermatological therapy]. PMID- 13802429 TI - [Vitalism and psychosomatic concept]. PMID- 13802430 TI - Irradiation injury. PMID- 13802431 TI - Virus of avian myeloblastosis. XII. Chemical constitution. PMID- 13802432 TI - Ultrastructure of avian myeloblasts in tissue culture. PMID- 13802433 TI - Virus of avian myeloblastosis. XVII. Morphology of progressive virus-myeloblast interactions in vitro. PMID- 13802434 TI - [Pneumopathy in chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13802436 TI - [A "bilateral" Foville syndrome with particular development caused by a probable inflammatory cerebellopontine process]. PMID- 13802435 TI - [Findings on optokinetic nystagmus studied with special devices and the use of drugs]. PMID- 13802437 TI - [Clinical findings on a pseudobulbar syndrome with articulatory, sensory, gustatory and salivary disorders]. PMID- 13802438 TI - [On 2 cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of pseudobulbar onset preceded by mental deterioration]. PMID- 13802439 TI - [Casuistic contribution to the Klinefelter and Turner syndromes]. PMID- 13802440 TI - [Relations between chemical constitution and carbonic anhydrase inhibition in a series of sulfamides]. PMID- 13802441 TI - [On calcareous bile]. PMID- 13802442 TI - [On spectral sensitivity and color vision in the spermophile (Citellus citellus L.)]. PMID- 13802443 TI - [The physics of hearing aids]. PMID- 13802444 TI - Purification and properties of glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase from human brain. PMID- 13802445 TI - The reaction of pyridoxal 5-phosphate with cyanide and its analytical use. PMID- 13802446 TI - [Considerations on cyclodialysis]. PMID- 13802447 TI - First observations on enzymatic zonulolysis of Barraquer in cataract extraction. PMID- 13802449 TI - [Corticotherapy in high doses in some skin diseases]. PMID- 13802448 TI - [Contribution to the study of the cutaneous manifestations of epiloia. Apropos of an unusual incomplete form]. PMID- 13802450 TI - An analysis of the response of salamander gills to changes in the oxygen concentration of the medium. PMID- 13802451 TI - Seven years of awakening: 1906-13. PMID- 13802452 TI - Application of reciprocal inhibition therapy to exhibitionism. PMID- 13802453 TI - Some topical aspects of environmental health practice in the U.S.A. PMID- 13802454 TI - Studies on radiation-induced mammary gland neoplasia in the rat. III. Relation of the neoplastic response to dose of total-body radiation. PMID- 13802455 TI - Studies on radiation-induced mammary gland neoplasia in the rat. 5. Induction by localized irradiation. PMID- 13802457 TI - [On the problem of timely diagnosis of cancer of the lung]. PMID- 13802456 TI - [On local anesthesia in intrathoracic operations for chronic tuberculous empyema]. PMID- 13802458 TI - [The role of hypoxia in renal pathology in hypertension]. PMID- 13802459 TI - [Changes in the antigenic composition of parenchymatous organs in white mice and young cats infected by dysenterial pathogens]. PMID- 13802460 TI - [On the problem of hemophilic arthropathies (personal clinical observations)]. PMID- 13802461 TI - [Use of ditiline in traumatology]. PMID- 13802462 TI - [Some data on poliomyelitis in the Armenian SSR]. PMID- 13802463 TI - [Certain philosophical problems in theoretical medicine]. PMID- 13802464 TI - [Focal myocarditis in diphtheria in children]. PMID- 13802465 TI - [On an experimental study of sporadic cases of typhus]. PMID- 13802466 TI - [Relation of the results of Weil-Felix to agglutination properties of Proteus strains]. PMID- 13802467 TI - [Food products subjected to ionizing radiation and the possibility of their use by man]. PMID- 13802468 TI - [Mechanism of protein regeneration following acute blood loss]. PMID- 13802469 TI - [Result of the application of colposcopy in the diagnosis of cancer of the cervix uteri and of precancerous conditions]. PMID- 13802470 TI - [Pollution of the Oresund. I. Bacteriological investigations in the Oresund area]. PMID- 13802472 TI - [Pneumonectomy in the rat]. PMID- 13802471 TI - [Further experimental research on the morphogenetic value of embryonal contractions in the development of the digestive apparatus of anuran amphibians]. PMID- 13802473 TI - [The toxicology of the most common intentional chemical additives of food]. PMID- 13802475 TI - [Epidemiological effectiveness of immunization against whooping cough with shortened intervals between vaccinations]. PMID- 13802474 TI - [Posttraumatic narcolepsy]. PMID- 13802476 TI - Pathological correlations of serum transaminase levels in myocardial infarction. PMID- 13802477 TI - A study on the acute toxicity of the tri-aryl phosphates used as plasticizers. PMID- 13802478 TI - History of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1924-1959. II. Scientific contents. PMID- 13802479 TI - An anomalous tricarboxylic acid cycle in Acetobacter melanogenum. PMID- 13802480 TI - Glutamic dehydrogenase of mung bean mitochondria. PMID- 13802481 TI - Localization of hydrogen activating enzymes in Pseudomonas saccharophila. PMID- 13802482 TI - The effects of violations of assumptions underlying the test. PMID- 13802483 TI - Kala-azar in a Dutch sailor. PMID- 13802484 TI - Plague. PMID- 13802485 TI - [A methodology for the study of the activity of platelets on prothrombin consumption]. PMID- 13802486 TI - [Hemostatic processes in physiological old age]. PMID- 13802487 TI - [Isolated primary lesions of the optic nerve in Congolese Negroes of the Brazzaville region]. PMID- 13802488 TI - [Contribution to the study of renal carcinoma in the child. (Review of the literature and description of 2 cases)]. PMID- 13802489 TI - [On intestinal duplications. Bibliographic study and description of a case]. PMID- 13802490 TI - [Considerations on the hemodynamic and clinical evolution f patency of Botallo's duct in relation to the operative indications]. PMID- 13802491 TI - [Sulfaclorophyridazine in urological clinical practice]. PMID- 13802492 TI - [Endobronchopulmonary permanent medication. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13802493 TI - [Endobronchopulmonary permanent medication]. PMID- 13802494 TI - [A case of excretion of a large biliary calculus by vesicocolic fistula with spontaneous closure of the fistula]. PMID- 13802495 TI - Quality and choice of Potter Bucky grids. III. The choice of Bucky grid. PMID- 13802496 TI - [Is insulin therapy contraindicated in coronary disease in diabetics?]. PMID- 13802497 TI - [Insulin therapy in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13802498 TI - [Demonstration of serum histamine fixation with the aid of histamine labelled with C 14]. PMID- 13802499 TI - [Inductive action of the derma of the chick embryo on the chorionic epithelium in culture of the organ in vitro]. PMID- 13802500 TI - [Additional considerations on the relations between epilepsy and schizophrenia]. PMID- 13802501 TI - [Contribution to the study of asymmetries of autonomic innervation]. PMID- 13802502 TI - [Analgesia and sedation in labor. Study of 540 cases treated with promazine hydrochloride]. PMID- 13802503 TI - [Behavior of the antistreptolysin-Otiter in congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13802504 TI - [Acid-soluble nucleotides in the wall of the aorta in calf]. PMID- 13802505 TI - [On abdominal contusions with reference to some unusual cases]. PMID- 13802506 TI - [The inhibition of peptic proteolysis by various polysaccharides]. PMID- 13802507 TI - [The blood clearance of bromosulfonephthalein during acute partial obliteration of the portal system in the rat]. PMID- 13802508 TI - [Renal fixation of P32: experimental study by autoradiogram series]. PMID- 13802509 TI - [Experimental "ulcer" induced by immobilization of the white rat. II. Anatomopathology of the gastric lesions and various visceral lesions. Outcome of the ulcerations after cessation of the immobilization]. PMID- 13802510 TI - [Various considerations on acute otitis media in infants, with indication for paracentesis of the tympanum. Point of view of the otorhinolaryngologist]. PMID- 13802511 TI - [On a case of initial carcinoma of Bauhin's valve]. PMID- 13802512 TI - [Enanthaldehyde as test for the diagnosis of breast cancer]. PMID- 13802513 TI - [Influence of carbon dioxide on cerebrospinal fluid dynamics: rheographic research and findings on cerebrospinal fluid pressure in normal subjects and in arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13802514 TI - [Clinical considerations on 3 cases of the syndrome of lamina cribrosa excavation or pseudo-glaucoma]. PMID- 13802515 TI - The urinary excretion of three C-21 methyl corticosteroids in the adrenogenital syndrome. PMID- 13802516 TI - Steroids during pregnancy and possible fetal consequences. PMID- 13802517 TI - Hydrolysis of certain pure steroidal conjugates in aqueous solution. PMID- 13802518 TI - [On the vascular system of the renal glomeruli]. PMID- 13802519 TI - [Experimental teratogenesis by application of ultrasonics on the ovum of the Triton]. PMID- 13802520 TI - [Hemorrhages caused by blood incoagulability in obstetrics]. PMID- 13802521 TI - [Insane railroad workers]. PMID- 13802522 TI - [Some aspects of the illegal practice of medicine]. PMID- 13802523 TI - [Something of the great amount that we can learn in European countries]. PMID- 13802524 TI - Rapid determination of mixed beta-gamma radionuclides in urine. PMID- 13802525 TI - Urinalysis method for enriched uranium. PMID- 13802526 TI - [The right ventricle and mitral commissurotomy. Note 2. The electrocardiogram of damage due to right hypertrophy, contraindication to surgery for mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13802527 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes in the ischemic heart after general surgical operations. Considerations on the major surgical risk]. PMID- 13802528 TI - [Histo-functional relation between ossification matrix, perichondral cap and growth cartilage]. PMID- 13802530 TI - Regional anesthesis in private practice. PMID- 13802531 TI - [Modern ideas concerning the control of pain]. PMID- 13802529 TI - Postoperative nausea and vomiting. PMID- 13802532 TI - [Development of cholinesterase in the mesencephalon of the chick embryo]. PMID- 13802533 TI - [Medicolegal considerations relative to penal sanctions relative to alimentary toxi-infections]. PMID- 13802534 TI - [On the application of security measures to those acquitted by reason of mental infirmity]. PMID- 13802535 TI - [Electric studies on labor]. PMID- 13802536 TI - [Rational treatment of generalized peritonitis. (New method. Experimental and human studies)]. PMID- 13802537 TI - [Autoperfusion on the decapitated dog's head; original technic]. PMID- 13802538 TI - [Mitral valvuloplasty and mitral commissurotomy; presentaion of 2 surgical cases using the Glenn thimble and the Bonilla-Naar thimble valvulotome]. PMID- 13802539 TI - Variation with age of antistreptococcal antibodies and their correlation with antistreptolysin O titers in human sera. PMID- 13802540 TI - Depression as a practice: dynamic and psychotherapeutic considerations. PMID- 13802541 TI - The pursuit of anxiety-laden areas in therapy of the schizoid patient. PMID- 13802542 TI - [The development of the inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine]. PMID- 13802543 TI - [On radiotherapy of hemorrhagic puberal metropathy]. PMID- 13802545 TI - [Epidemiology of brucellosis with special reference to the province of Padua]. PMID- 13802544 TI - [Clinico-statistical data on the morbidity of agricultural workers in the province of Padova]. PMID- 13802546 TI - [Effect on general health of a new multivitamin preparation]. PMID- 13802547 TI - Regressive electroshock therapy and anaclitic psychotherapy. A case report. PMID- 13802548 TI - [Compression of the left optic nerve by an extradural abscess originating in the sphenoid sinus]. PMID- 13802549 TI - [Left mastoid humming caused by probable compression of the vertebral artery at the level of an abnormality of the cervical spine complicated by arthrosis]. PMID- 13802550 TI - [Critical analysis of tumoral cytology by small needle puncture. Apropos of 905 observations]. PMID- 13802551 TI - [A new aspect of the problem of occupational accidents sustained by hospital medical personnel]. PMID- 13802552 TI - [Sigmoidovesical fistula]. PMID- 13802553 TI - Renal lesions in experimental cadmium poisoning. PMID- 13802554 TI - Genetic control of cellular biochemistry. PMID- 13802555 TI - Genetics of Streptomyces. PMID- 13802556 TI - Differentiation in social amoebae. PMID- 13802557 TI - [The training of glossopharyngeal respiration in respiratory paralysis]. PMID- 13802558 TI - [Present status of the treatment of respiratory paralysis]. PMID- 13802559 TI - [The treatment of tetanus. Apropos of 12 observed cases]. PMID- 13802560 TI - [Tumors of the thymus]. PMID- 13802561 TI - [The treatment of ringworm by griseofulvin]. PMID- 13802562 TI - [Abdominocrural zona after metastasis of uterine cancer]. PMID- 13802563 TI - [Favic tinea cured by griseofulvin]. PMID- 13802564 TI - [Allergological research on psoriasis (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13802565 TI - [Pyodermatitis vegetans]. PMID- 13802566 TI - [Multiple allergy]. PMID- 13802568 TI - [Therapeutic trials in dermatology with dichlorohydroxyquinaldine ointment]. PMID- 13802567 TI - [Nodular hypodermitis of the lower extremities and acute articular rheumatism]. PMID- 13802569 TI - Carcinogenic and co-carcinogenic substances in tobacco smoke. PMID- 13802570 TI - A quantitative method for measuring the gastrointestinal absorption of iron. PMID- 13802571 TI - Rate of loss of radioiron from mouse and man. PMID- 13802572 TI - [Experimental study of portal hypertension of splenic origin]. PMID- 13802573 TI - [New demonstration on the tubal origin of oscillations registered in the course of kymographic tubal insufflation]. PMID- 13802574 TI - [Mental disorders and society]. PMID- 13802575 TI - [Pollution of the Oresund]. PMID- 13802576 TI - Post necrotic cirrhosis: case presentation and review of literature. PMID- 13802577 TI - [On the relations between "crown-gall" and root nodosities of leguminous plants]. PMID- 13802578 TI - [Symbiosis Rhizobium-Leguminosae: aspects peculiar to tropical regions]. PMID- 13802579 TI - Multiple congenital coagulation deficiencies. AB - A 6-week-old infant is presented who suffered from a congenital haemorrhagic disorder which caused death from subdural haemorrhage following mild trauma. Haematological investigation revealed deficiencies of factor VII and Christmas factor. Prower-Stuart factor was probably also deficient although investigation of this clotting factor was carried out only on serum obtained at necropsy. PMID- 13802580 TI - Spontaneous subluxation of the sternoclavicular joint. PMID- 13802581 TI - Prostatectomy-rationale and a technique. PMID- 13802582 TI - [On the action of a gastrointestinal mucosa extract on the gastric motility and secretion]. PMID- 13802583 TI - [Experimental study of the appearance of the postpartum corpus luteum in the European badger, Meles meles L]. PMID- 13802584 TI - [Studies on syphilitic endemicity in Madagascar]. PMID- 13802585 TI - [The "electrical counting apparatus" in the determination of the differential blood picture]. PMID- 13802586 TI - Diphenylhydantoin and the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the albino rat. PMID- 13802587 TI - [The action of noradrenalin on the guinea-pig heart in fluothane anesthesia]. PMID- 13802588 TI - [The effect of d-tubocurarine chloride on arterial pressure in general anesthesia]. PMID- 13802589 TI - [Fluothane in pediatric anesthesia. Clinical experience]. PMID- 13802590 TI - [Research on the behavior of sialic acid in children. I. Sialic acid in the normal infant]. PMID- 13802591 TI - [Research on the behavior of sialic acid in infancy; sialic acid in the premature]. PMID- 13802592 TI - Studies on portal hypertension. V. A comparison between the experimentally induced state of portal hypertension and that observed in human beings. PMID- 13802593 TI - [Clinical observations on the use of cycloserine in osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802594 TI - Surgical treatment of chronic non-specific arthrosynovitis of the knee joint. PMID- 13802595 TI - [The amino acid composition of cotton pellet granuloma as revealed by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13802596 TI - [Formic dehydrogenases of colon bacteria and hydrogen acceptors]. PMID- 13802597 TI - [Study on the pathogenesis of acidosis in nephropathies: combined functional and bioptic study of the kidney]. PMID- 13802598 TI - [The renal hemodynamic response to sympathicolytics in pulmonary emphysema and in cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13802599 TI - Renal hemodynamics, function and biopsy in pyelonephritis: their relation to arterial hypertension. PMID- 13802600 TI - [Elimination by biliary route of bilirubin and glycuronic acid in the rat in the course of indirect bilirubin load]. PMID- 13802601 TI - [On the behavior of serum bilirubin glucuronides in retention jaundice]. PMID- 13802602 TI - [On the relation between glycoprotein compound content and vitamin B12-binding power of the liver and kidney in rats]. PMID- 13802603 TI - [First clinical trials of the metabolite I of phenylbutazone (G 27202) in rheumatology]. PMID- 13802604 TI - [Clinical and metabolic effects of dexamethasone]. PMID- 13802605 TI - [Pantothenic hypervitaminosis and tissue cholesterol]. PMID- 13802606 TI - [Modern views on the diagnosis and therapy of thyroid diseases]. PMID- 13802607 TI - [Osteoporosis and osteomalacia]. PMID- 13802609 TI - [Trady epilepsy in the adult]. PMID- 13802608 TI - [Spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13802610 TI - [Broad tapeworm as a case of vitamin B12 deficiency]. PMID- 13802611 TI - [On the radiotherapy of hemangioma]. PMID- 13802612 TI - [Roentgen diagnosis in dermatology]. PMID- 13802613 TI - The importance of metabolic mechanisms in the aetiology of carcinoma of the bladder. PMID- 13802614 TI - Effect of orthophosphate on the transaldolase reaction. PMID- 13802615 TI - Alert for allergies. PMID- 13802616 TI - [Two cases of interstitial diffuse pneumopathy]. PMID- 13802617 TI - Hygienic norms in Hungary. PMID- 13802618 TI - Scintillation scanning of the liver. PMID- 13802619 TI - Axillary tumors as a cause of false mediastinal mass shadows on lateral chest films. PMID- 13802620 TI - [Congenital malformations. Anatomoclinical report on some cases]. PMID- 13802621 TI - [Collateral effects of certain antibiotics in relation to the application of ether in anesthesia]. PMID- 13802622 TI - [New colorimetric technics for theophylline and caffeine]. PMID- 13802624 TI - Effects of the method of tissue preparation on the assay of tissue enzyme activities. PMID- 13802623 TI - Quantitative histochemistry of the nephron. II. Alkaline phosphatase activity in man and other species. PMID- 13802625 TI - [Acridine orange fluorochromatization in gynecological cytodiagnosis]. PMID- 13802626 TI - [Digestion of elastic fibers in animal experiments]. PMID- 13802627 TI - [Endometriosis cyst on the tuberculum pubicum]. PMID- 13802628 TI - [Vulva tumor in young woman]. PMID- 13802629 TI - [Total and fractionated proteins, glycoproteins and lipoproteins in umbilical cord and maternal blood]. PMID- 13802630 TI - [Research on the hematopoietic activity of bone marrow in the premature, from birth to the third month of life]. PMID- 13802631 TI - [Treatment of recent open leg fractures]. PMID- 13802632 TI - [The role of the cerebral cortex in the regulation of arterial pressure]. PMID- 13802633 TI - Physiology of toxin production by Clostridium botulinum types A and B. I. Growth, autolysis, and toxin production. PMID- 13802634 TI - Physiology of toxin production by Clostridium botulinum types A and B. II. Effect of carbohydrate source on growth, autolysis, and toxin production. PMID- 13802635 TI - Physiology of toxin production by Clostridium botulinum types A and B. III. Effect of pH and temperature during incubation on growth, autolysis. and toxin production. PMID- 13802636 TI - Physiology of toxin production by Clostridium botulinum types A and B. IV. Activation of the toxin. PMID- 13802637 TI - Toxicity enhancement of Clostridium botulinum type A and B culture filtrates by proteolytic enzymes. PMID- 13802638 TI - [Studies on some oxidation and reduction products of thiamin. III. Thiamin disulfide in the thiochrome assay]. PMID- 13802639 TI - Studies on some oxidation and reduction products of thiamin. IV. The determination of reversibly oxidized forms of thiamin in animal tissues by an extended thiochrome procedure. PMID- 13802640 TI - Studies on some oxidation and reduction products of thiamin. V. Protein-thiamin mixed disulfides and their physiological activity. PMID- 13802641 TI - [On the anatomophysiology of the cardia in the newborn]. PMID- 13802642 TI - [On the existence of acid aminopolysaccharides in the gastric juice of the newborn]. PMID- 13802643 TI - [Variations of ammoniemia of preserved blood in presence of salts of aspartic acid and ATP]. PMID- 13802644 TI - [A case of diverticulum of the anterior urethra]. PMID- 13802645 TI - [On a case of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis]. PMID- 13802646 TI - [Presentation of a tube for the measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate]. PMID- 13802647 TI - Air pollution from soldering fumes. PMID- 13802648 TI - [Calculation of subsidiary payments for patients in different classes]. PMID- 13802649 TI - [Management of cost control in hospitals]. PMID- 13802650 TI - [Some observations on the economic and organizational aspects of a modern hospital with special reference to the medical service]. PMID- 13802651 TI - Juvenile aponeurotic fibromas. PMID- 13802652 TI - Colloid chemical aspects of metachromasia. PMID- 13802653 TI - [On the fixation of lipoids with bichromate]. PMID- 13802654 TI - Agar-agar electrophoresis as an aid in cerebrospinal-fluid diagnostics. PMID- 13802655 TI - [Primary and secondary addiction]. PMID- 13802656 TI - Cytogenetical observations in mongolism. PMID- 13802657 TI - Malformation syndrome in man associated with triploidy (69 chromosomes). PMID- 13802658 TI - Heredity and heart disease. PMID- 13802659 TI - [Congenital developmental disorders of the skeleton: genetics aspects]. PMID- 13802660 TI - Comparison of the action of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline against cocaine on the isolated perfused guinea pig heart during normothermia and hypothermia. PMID- 13802661 TI - Comparison of the action of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline on the isolated perfused guinea pig heart during normothermia and hypothermia. PMID- 13802662 TI - The isolated perfused guinea pig heart as a biological assay method for adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. PMID- 13802663 TI - Surgically correctable renal hypertension. A review and presentation of four cases. PMID- 13802664 TI - Clotting of echinoderm coelomic fluid. PMID- 13802665 TI - [Phlebitis and thrombosis of the larger veins of the body as a symptom of Behcet's disease]. PMID- 13802666 TI - Coincidence of patent ductus arteriosus and rheumatic heart disease, with a comment on the "postcommissurotomy syndrome". PMID- 13802667 TI - A tumor in the left parietal lobe. PMID- 13802668 TI - Bell's paralysis. PMID- 13802669 TI - Traumatic lesions of the urogenital tract. PMID- 13802670 TI - Observations on the amount of virus present in the haemolymph of Aedes aegypti infected with Uganda S, yellow fever and Semliki Forest viruses. PMID- 13802671 TI - Studies on the biting habits of the mosquito Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti, Linn., in a West African village. PMID- 13802672 TI - The construction of a simple tissue grinder for virus studies in small insects. PMID- 13802673 TI - Some records of mosquitoes (Culicidae, Diptera) from the Niger Delta area, Southern Nigeria. PMID- 13802674 TI - Observations on the feeding habits of the mosquito Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus): the loss of fluid after a blood-meal and the amount of blood taken during feeding. PMID- 13802675 TI - Vertical, centric and functional dimensions recorded by gnathodynamics. PMID- 13802676 TI - Prolactin production of isografts of hypophyses in mice. Influence of age and sex. PMID- 13802677 TI - Anaesthesia for Fredet-Rammstedt's operation. PMID- 13802678 TI - Estrogen-like activity in vegetable oils and mill by-products. AB - By the immature female mouse bioassay technique, an increased uterine weight was observed when certain vegetable oils were fed or injected. Byproducts from the milling of cereals were also capable of eliciting a uterine response. PMID- 13802679 TI - The metabolic fate of gallic acid and related compounds. PMID- 13802680 TI - Excretion of catechol after ingestion of quinic and shikimic acids. PMID- 13802682 TI - Classification of malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13802681 TI - The blind loop syndrome. PMID- 13802683 TI - Cytological screening tests for chemical workers exposed to bladder carcinogens. PMID- 13802684 TI - The role of physical form in psychodynamics. PMID- 13802685 TI - Metabolism of polycyclic compounds. 15. The conversion of naphthalene into a derivative of glutathione by rat-liver slices. PMID- 13802686 TI - Simplified apparatus and method for administering oxygen and ether to the dog. PMID- 13802687 TI - Complete system for electrocardiogram processing applicable to mechanical sorting. PMID- 13802688 TI - A clinical experience in cancer nursing for public health nurses. PMID- 13802689 TI - Stability of ascorbic acid in extracts of iris leaves. PMID- 13802690 TI - [Contribution to the study of hematopoietic regeneration after irradiation by x rays. I. Regeneration of grafts of spleen irradiated in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13802691 TI - [Metabolism changes and endocrine permutation of tuberculous patients under tuberculostatic therapy]. PMID- 13802692 TI - ["Cytomixis" in electron-microscopic picture]. PMID- 13802693 TI - [Further electron microscopic studies on the plant cell nucleus during meiosis]. PMID- 13802694 TI - Evaluation of pulmonary hypertension in patent ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13802695 TI - [Peripheral circulation in cases of pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13802696 TI - [Modern treatment of chronic pleural empyema]. PMID- 13802697 TI - [Histological, histochemical and tonometric research on the esophageal tunics. Note 3. Histological, histochemical and tonometric behavior of the esophageal muscular tunic of the rat after prolonged fasting]. PMID- 13802698 TI - [Histological and histochemical research on the esophageal tunics. Note 1. Behavior of the esophageal mucosa in the rat after prolonged fasting]. PMID- 13802699 TI - [Histological and histochemical research on the esophageal tunics. Note 2. Behavior of the esophageal mucosa in the rate refed and treated with steroid hormones after prolonged fasting]. PMID- 13802700 TI - Anthelmintic efficiency of tetrachlorodifluoroethane against Fasciola hepatica in sheep. PMID- 13802701 TI - [Clinical results of the use of dexamethasone acetate in rheumatology]. PMID- 13802703 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13802702 TI - [Immediate diuretic action of hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrex)]. PMID- 13802704 TI - [Food poisoning in current view]. PMID- 13802705 TI - [Mercury poisoning]. PMID- 13802706 TI - [On industrial toxicology as a diagnostic problem]. PMID- 13802707 TI - [Osteomyelitis due to Salmonella typhimurium in a case of sickle cell anemia]. PMID- 13802708 TI - [Management of tranquilizing drugs in pediatrics]. PMID- 13802709 TI - Comparison of tube dilution and disc (agar diffusion) methods for testing microbial susceptibility to antibiotics. PMID- 13802710 TI - [The concept of constitution]. PMID- 13802711 TI - Housing for the aged. PMID- 13802712 TI - A study of a case of congenital hypoprothrombinaemia. PMID- 13802713 TI - A new assay for factor V (proaccelerin-accelerin) using Russell's viper venom. PMID- 13802714 TI - [Epidemic vomiting in Hamburg. Report on an institutional epidemic with approximately 300 cases]. PMID- 13802715 TI - [Sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13802717 TI - [On the technic of anastomosis after resection of cardia and gastrectomy]. PMID- 13802716 TI - [Necrosed "parasitic" dysgermonoma and typical dysgerminoma (2 cases)]. PMID- 13802718 TI - [A new technic for inducing experimental psychoses: deprivation of sleep]. PMID- 13802720 TI - [Is hypnosis an acceptable method of treatment?]. PMID- 13802719 TI - [Current data on neuroleptics]. PMID- 13802721 TI - [Medicine and alcoholism]. PMID- 13802722 TI - [Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia. History of a disease]. PMID- 13802723 TI - [The place of psychiatry in hospitalization insurance]. PMID- 13802724 TI - Barium fecaliths following gastrointestinal radiography. PMID- 13802725 TI - The normal cervical lordosis. PMID- 13802726 TI - [Mental development in adolescence]. PMID- 13802727 TI - [Psychomotor and cerebral biolectric development of the child]. PMID- 13802728 TI - [Psychomotor development and cerebral bioelectric activity. III. Cerebral bioelectric studies in normotypes]. PMID- 13802729 TI - [Psychomotor development and cerebral bioelectrics. II. Psychometric study]. PMID- 13802730 TI - [Reconstructive rhinoplasty by brachial cylindrical flap]. PMID- 13802731 TI - [Fixation of osseous flaps by means of plastic clasps]. PMID- 13802732 TI - [Our experience in surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13802733 TI - [Pulmonary paraffinoma complicated by suppuration]. PMID- 13802734 TI - [Immunological considerations on certain problems of allergy]. PMID- 13802735 TI - [The adenoviruses]. PMID- 13802736 TI - [Toxic effects of the influenza virus]. PMID- 13802737 TI - [The treatment of certain menstrual syndromes by means of endocervicouterine aspiration (method of M. Bordier)]. PMID- 13802738 TI - [Treatment of certain menstrual syndromes by endocervical-uterine aspiration (Bordier's method)]. PMID- 13802739 TI - Blood ammonia determination as a diagnostic tool in the differentiation of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. PMID- 13802740 TI - Effect of house staff training programs on patient care. PMID- 13802741 TI - The use of the rhinotomy operation in nasal surgery. PMID- 13802742 TI - [Therapeutic effectiveness of a new combination of drugs with antispastic and antacid action]. PMID- 13802743 TI - [Bacteriophage typing of staphylococcal strains isolated in a hospital]. PMID- 13802744 TI - [The eternal victim: the patient]. PMID- 13802746 TI - The transfer of a biologically active irradiation product from cell to cell. PMID- 13802747 TI - A new fluorescent label for antibody proteins. PMID- 13802745 TI - An adenosine-triphosphate-activated hemolytic system. III. Effect of rabbit hemolytic factor on the membrane permeability of human red cells. AB - Lysis of human red cells in vitro by an enzyme obtained from rabbit red cell hemolysates and the inhibition of this lytic activity by human stroma have been shown to require Mg(++) and ATP, and ATP utilization has been demonstrated in both reactions. We find that sodium or potassium ions are also required for the lytic phenomenon and that they enhance the inhibition. The rate of hemolysis is not affected by the internal concentrations of these ions but depends only on the external concentration. The rate of influx and efflux of Na(22)Cl and K(42)Cl in surviving red cells is greatly enhanced both during and after treatment with rabbit hemolytic factor whereas the entry of C(24)-sucrose, a small foreign molecule, is mediated only in the presence of hemolytic factor. Glycolysis neither protects against lysis nor enhances the activity of this system, and cardiac glycosides which are known inhibitors of active transport of ions also have no effect. It appears that lysis in this system is not brought about by increased active transport of ions into the cell but that the rabbit factor degrades or combines with some membrane component, altering permeability and resulting in increased diffusion, first of sodium and potassium ions and other small molecules, and finally of large molecules (hemoglobin) out of the cell. PMID- 13802748 TI - [Comparative study of polynuclear and mononuclear cell metabolism in man]. PMID- 13802750 TI - [Immuno-fluorescence applied to the diagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13802749 TI - [Lyophilized reference medium for the treponema immobilization test]. PMID- 13802751 TI - [Immunofluorescence (its possibilities in parasitology)]. PMID- 13802752 TI - [Modern immunological tests for the diagnosis of syphilis and the supervision of syphilitics]. PMID- 13802753 TI - [Central deafness in children]. PMID- 13802754 TI - Radiologic pelvimetry. PMID- 13802755 TI - X-ray diagnosis of muscular spasm in the lower part of the uterus from the degree of moulding of the foetal head. PMID- 13802756 TI - Ectopic pregnancy associated with arterio-venous fistula. PMID- 13802757 TI - The structure of the epithelium lining the fallopian tube of the rat in oestrus: an electron-microscopical study. PMID- 13802758 TI - The cyclical changes occurring in the epithelium lining the endometrial glands: an electron-microscopical study in the human being. PMID- 13802759 TI - [Calcified pulmonary metastases of papilliferous carcinoma of the ovary]. PMID- 13802760 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on radiation treatment of tumors of the maxillary sinus]. PMID- 13802761 TI - Angiographic aspects of tumours of the carotid body. PMID- 13802762 TI - A starlike pattern observed in cervical mucus smears obtained from patients with breast cancer and endocrine disorders. PMID- 13802763 TI - [Stigmatization-an extreme example of a psychogenic dermatosis]. PMID- 13802764 TI - [Tolerance of the organic sulfur compounds of the acid cold permanent wave]. PMID- 13802765 TI - [Comparative studies on occupational dermatology in the metal industry. (A short report)]. PMID- 13802766 TI - [The effectiveness of sexual stimulants]. PMID- 13802767 TI - [The problem of traveling and rest]. PMID- 13802768 TI - The action of atropine, benactyzine, and scopolamine upon fixed-interval and fixed-ratio behavior. PMID- 13802769 TI - Avoidance, escape, and extinction as functions of shock intensity. PMID- 13802770 TI - Decrement in performance during prolonged avoidance sessions. PMID- 13802771 TI - [Observations on the projections of the cortex in the mesencephalic reticular formation in the cat]. PMID- 13802772 TI - [Fractionated encephalography and electroencephalogram in acute and chronic delusional psychoses]. PMID- 13802773 TI - [Contribution to the experimental study of Whipple's disease by daily administration of paraffin oil to rabbits]. PMID- 13802774 TI - [Segmental colitis of the newborn. A special form of Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13802775 TI - Intermediates in the biosynthesis of vitamin B12. PMID- 13802776 TI - The histamine content of guinea pig mast cells. PMID- 13802777 TI - Tissue mast cells, histamine and 'slow reacting substance' in anaphylactic reaction in guinea pig. PMID- 13802778 TI - The influence of three phenothiazine derivatives and of amiphenazole on the action of methadone. Studies with two algesimetric methods in untrained human subjects. PMID- 13802779 TI - A comparison of mast-cell reactions in the rat, hamster and guinea pig. PMID- 13802780 TI - Quantitative studies on the anaphylactic mastcell reaction in vivo in the guinea pig. PMID- 13802781 TI - [Osmotic characteristics of the urine as a measurement of concentration capacity of the kidney in certain pathological conditions]. PMID- 13802782 TI - [Bromide psychosis]. PMID- 13802783 TI - [Psychophysical study of work on the bicycle ergometer]. PMID- 13802784 TI - Gastric flow and acidity before and after Billroth II and Billroth I for gastro duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13802785 TI - The stability of interpersonal judgments in independent situations. PMID- 13802786 TI - Scar prognosis of wounds. PMID- 13802787 TI - [Complement fixation reaction in poliomyelitis. Investigation of antibodies in population groups of the city of Sao Paulo]. PMID- 13802788 TI - [Conservative treatment of hemangiomas]. PMID- 13802789 TI - [The possibilities of poliomyelitis virus contagion at home and at school]. PMID- 13802790 TI - Q-fever in the Netherlands Antilles. PMID- 13802791 TI - [Behavior of adrenal function in measles studied by means of the uropeps in test]. PMID- 13802792 TI - [Experimental contribution to the physiopathology of the cochlear canal]. PMID- 13802793 TI - [Meniere's disease considered as an allergic labyrinthosis]. PMID- 13802794 TI - [The behavior of the pancreatic islets under the action of synthetic hypoglycemic products]. PMID- 13802795 TI - [Erythrocyte metabolic aspects in congenital methemoglobinemia. II. Reaction of carbohydrate interconversion]. PMID- 13802796 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of dysproteinemic purpuras: hypergammaglobulinemic purpura]. PMID- 13802797 TI - [Schmidt's syndrome (Association of Addison's disease with myxedema)]. PMID- 13802798 TI - [Effect of testosterone on the urinary excretion of formaldehydrogenic corticoids in surgical patients]. PMID- 13802799 TI - [Endocrine orientations in the surgical treatment of cancer of the breast (Review of the literature and contribution to the study of endocrinology in such cancer)]. PMID- 13802800 TI - [Influence of thyroid surgery on iodoproteinemia]. PMID- 13802801 TI - [Sulfurous artesian mineral water of Garbatella in Rome]. PMID- 13802802 TI - [New indices on the water supplied to the Commune of Rome for drinking purposes. Note IV. Notes and chemical analysis of the water for drinking purposes in Cecchignola, Maccarese, Santa Maria di Galeria and Grottoni]. PMID- 13802803 TI - [New investigations on the water supply in the Commune of Rome for drinking use. Note III. Chemical analysis of th water of the Paolo aqueduct, Barbuta, Cesano and Isola Farnese]. PMID- 13802804 TI - [New investigations on waters distributed in Rome for drinking. II. Chemical analysis of the Vergine and Felice waters]. PMID- 13802805 TI - [Maternal vaccination during pregnancy as a sure and indispensable means of controlling poliomyelitis in the newborn and in infants under 1 year of age]. PMID- 13802806 TI - Observations on the supposed deficiency of vitamin B6 in pregnancy. PMID- 13802807 TI - Effect of oestriol on the female genital tract. PMID- 13802808 TI - The effect of 17-alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (orgasteron) in the treatment of threatened abortion. PMID- 13802809 TI - [Estrogens and estrogen therapy]. PMID- 13802810 TI - The action and use of bulbocapnine in cats and cattle. PMID- 13802811 TI - Effects of barbiturates on skeletal muscle function. PMID- 13802812 TI - [Clinical and radiological contribution to the knowledge of neurological manifestations of plasmacytoma]. PMID- 13802813 TI - [Clinical and electroencephalographical considerations on epilepsy following closed traumatic lesions of the brain]. PMID- 13802814 TI - [Clinical and pathogenetic considerations on myasthenia, with special reference to the importance which lesions of the thymus assume in it]. PMID- 13802815 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of subacute sclerosing leuko-encephalitis with special reference to its psychopathological and electroencephalographic aspects]. PMID- 13802816 TI - [Contribution to the clinical and pathogenic study of familial multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13802817 TI - [Doctrinal premises to the problem of the recovery of voluntary motor activity in hemiplegia]. PMID- 13802818 TI - Trypsin, invertase and amylase content of feces of germfree rats. PMID- 13802819 TI - Metabolism of chylomicron glyceride as studied by C14-glycerol-C14-palmitic acid labeled chylomicrons. PMID- 13802820 TI - Enzyme concentration and absorption of protein and glucose in duodenum of premature infants. PMID- 13802822 TI - The formation of vein thrombi following tissue injury: an experimental study in rabbits. PMID- 13802821 TI - Studies on intestinal cholesterol absorption in the human. PMID- 13802823 TI - Healing of colon anastomoses: an experimental study in the rabbit. PMID- 13802824 TI - Operative injury to the choledochus. PMID- 13802825 TI - [10 years' activity of the surgical clinic in Lund]. PMID- 13802826 TI - Chlorothiazide and hydrochlorothiazide: a comparative study of their hypotensive, saluretic and hyperuricemic action. PMID- 13802827 TI - The use of chlorothiazide and other thiazide derivatives in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13802828 TI - Use of trimethidinium methosulfate (a new ganglionic blocking agent) in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13802829 TI - [Enterocolitis epidemic caused by water contaminated with Coli O 124 in Veszprem]. PMID- 13802830 TI - [Considerations on sudden monolateral perceptive deafness in young persons]. PMID- 13802831 TI - [Allergic diseases among rural families of Serbia]. PMID- 13802832 TI - [Serological reagin tests for syphilis and treponematoses in Tahiti according to 2 inquiries done in 1958]. PMID- 13802833 TI - [On the frequency and nature of medicinal resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during antibacterial therapy]. PMID- 13802834 TI - Traffic essentials for purchasing agents. PMID- 13802835 TI - Effects of adrenalectomy, acute acidosis and adrenal corticoids on renal deamination enzymes. PMID- 13802836 TI - The effects of adrenal corticoids upon the urinary excretion of ammonia in the adrenalectomized, acidotic rat. PMID- 13802837 TI - [On the difficulties of differential diagnosis in periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13802838 TI - [On variability of the reliet of the posterior surface of the sacrum]. PMID- 13802839 TI - Role of medullary emetic chemoreceptor trigger zone (CT zone) in postnephrectomy vomiting in dogs. PMID- 13802840 TI - [The present and future conditions for the study of Q fever in Kazakhstan]. PMID- 13802841 TI - [Retention of respiration and the status of alveolar air in children of school age]. PMID- 13802842 TI - [Relation of bacteriophage reproduction to bacterial culture conditions]. PMID- 13802844 TI - [Course of oxidative processes in burn shock]. PMID- 13802843 TI - [Synthetic media for the culture of dysenterial Flexner's bacilli]. PMID- 13802845 TI - [Multiple ulcers of the stomach and duodenum caused by islet adenoma of the pancreas]. PMID- 13802846 TI - [Removal of the left lobe of the liver in angioma]. PMID- 13802847 TI - [Studies on nicotinic acid metabolism in patients with typhoid fever treated with antibiotics (synthomycin and levomycetin) with a diet rich in proteins]. PMID- 13802848 TI - [The use in dispensary conditions of seeding of sputum and tracheal washings for detection of Mycobacteria tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802849 TI - Alteration in glucose tolerance produced by irradiation of the pelvis. PMID- 13802850 TI - Squamous carcinoma of the vulva. Results of limited treatment. PMID- 13802851 TI - [Disinfection in aerogenic infections]. PMID- 13802852 TI - [Urethroplasty in urethral stenosis using the Bengt Johanson technic]. PMID- 13802853 TI - The protein metabolism in anorexia nervosa. PMID- 13802854 TI - [Therapy of syringomyelia]. PMID- 13802855 TI - Hazards of anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13802856 TI - Remediable hypertension. PMID- 13802857 TI - [Regeneration of the liver following partial resection of its parenchyma]. PMID- 13802858 TI - [Immuno-electrophoresis]. PMID- 13802859 TI - Changes in inorganic composition of tissues in experimental osteolathyrism. PMID- 13802860 TI - Some effects of adrenalectomy and prednisolone administration on extracellular fluid and bone composition in the rat. PMID- 13802861 TI - Metabolic studies of bone in vitro. I. Normal bone. PMID- 13802862 TI - Metabolic studies of bone in vitro. II. The metabolic patterns of accretion and resorption. PMID- 13802863 TI - [Official statistical study of mortality in asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis in Belgium during 1954 and 1955]. PMID- 13802864 TI - [Prolonged antibiotic therapy in simple and asthmatiform emphysematous chronic bronchitis]. PMID- 13802865 TI - [Application of triflupromazine in neuropsychiatry]. PMID- 13802866 TI - [Considerations on a case of adenoacanthoma of the endometrium]. PMID- 13802867 TI - [Studies on the question of the need for kidney pelvic and ureteral sutures in pyelotomy and ureterotomy]. PMID- 13802868 TI - [Ureteral stenosis due to grenade fragment calculus]. PMID- 13802869 TI - Traumatic rupture of the aorta. PMID- 13802870 TI - Fatal fulminating necrotizing vasculitis in steroid treated rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13802871 TI - Lumbrosacral zygapophyseal tropism and the radiculodisk syndrome. PMID- 13802872 TI - [Changes in the incidence of disease in the cool and moderately cool zones of the earth since the turn of the century]. PMID- 13802873 TI - [On natural mummification]. PMID- 13802874 TI - [Psychopathological aspects in internal medicine]. PMID- 13802876 TI - [Ozone measurements in dermatological teletherapy (large area technic)]. PMID- 13802875 TI - [Problems of radiation protection in dermatology]. PMID- 13802877 TI - [On the pathogenesis of occupational cataracts]. PMID- 13802878 TI - [On the harmfulness of heat work for the respiratory passages. Examinations on ironfoundry workers]. PMID- 13802879 TI - [Carcinogenic substances in the water and soil. III. Quantitative studies on the solubility, filtration, adsorption and penetration depth]. PMID- 13802880 TI - [Carcinogenic substances in water and soil. I. Theoretical principles, features and demonstration]. PMID- 13802881 TI - [Cancerogenic substances in water and soil. IV. Feeding experiments with 3,4 benzopyrene and detergents]. PMID- 13802882 TI - [Feeding experiments with detergents with special reference to tuberculosis infection]. PMID- 13802883 TI - Relative value studies. PMID- 13802884 TI - Sphincter protecting hemorrhoidectomy. PMID- 13802885 TI - Reinforcement of large intestine anastomoses by the use of fibrin products and nylon mesh. PMID- 13802886 TI - [The treatment of hyperthyroidism with Rauwolfia preparations]. PMID- 13802887 TI - [Demonstration of the glycolytic enzymes and the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes in amoeba (Chaos chaos L.)]. PMID- 13802888 TI - [Clinical and humoral action of carnitine in the syndromes of post-infectious malnutrition in infancy]. PMID- 13802889 TI - [Proposals for DAB 7. Part 10. Benzoic acid, boric acid]. PMID- 13802890 TI - [Proposals for DAB 7. Part 9. Determination of the iodine number]. PMID- 13802891 TI - [Proposals for the DAB 7. Part 10. Benzoic acid, boric acid]. PMID- 13802892 TI - [Proposals for the DAB 7. Part 9. Determination of the iodine number]. PMID- 13802893 TI - [Proposals for the DAB 7. 6. Acetanilid, acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate]. PMID- 13802894 TI - [On the pharmacology of salicylic acid, salicylamide and o-ethoxybenzamide]. PMID- 13802895 TI - [Salicylic acid derivatives, body temperature and metabolism]. PMID- 13802896 TI - [Histotopochemical demonstration of polysaccharides in the sensory and motor nerve cells in white rats]. PMID- 13802897 TI - [The significance of constant temperature conditions for electroretinogram studies in infant mammals]. PMID- 13802898 TI - [Biochemical and electrophysiological aspects of toxic retinal injury]. PMID- 13802899 TI - [On the postnatal development of retinal function. Comparative electroretinographic studies]. PMID- 13802900 TI - [The influence of stimulatin intensity on the survival time of the scotopic ERG]. PMID- 13802901 TI - [The influence of stimulation frequency on the survival time of the scotopic ERG]. PMID- 13802902 TI - Clostridial toxins in strangulation intestinal obstruction in the rabbit. PMID- 13802903 TI - Movement of water, sodium, chloride and hydrogen ions across the resting stomach. PMID- 13802904 TI - Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis. (Report of five cases). PMID- 13802905 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Report of a case presenting as a chronic neurological disorder and characterized by unusual histological findings. AB - A case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in a 50-year-old woman is described. Almost the whole course of the disease, lasting 18 months, was characterized by a bizarre neurological disorder, and the haematological manifestations first appeared at a late stage. In many organs a vast number of arterioles and capillaries contained plugs of a fibrinoid material, and fibrinoid was subendothelially accumulated in a few of these vessels; but, in addition, mediumsized arteries of the myocardium were also obstructed by this same material. There were also verrucal endocardiosis of the mitral valve and slight thickening of the glomerular basement membranes. The striking diffusion of a pathological substance through damaged cerebral vessel walls into the nervous tissue seems to be a significant contribution to the understanding of the pathogenesis of the vascular pathology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13802906 TI - Subungual melanoma: a case report. PMID- 13802907 TI - Polypeptides of the human pituitary with direct action on metabolism. PMID- 13802908 TI - Demyelination in cultures of rat cerebellum produced by experimental allergic encephalomyelitic serum. PMID- 13802909 TI - Reduction of chronicity in pulmonary tuberculosis by prednisone. PMID- 13802910 TI - [Signs and treatment of delirium tremens]. PMID- 13802911 TI - An investigation into the incidence of onchocerciasis in a community exposed to infection. PMID- 13802912 TI - [A method for quantitative determination of small doses of diphtherial anatoxins]. PMID- 13802913 TI - [Investigations on the oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the arterial and venous blood of the lower extremities in persons over 50]. PMID- 13802914 TI - [Cardiovascular disorders in women during menopause]. PMID- 13802915 TI - [The Krukenberg operation for amputees]. PMID- 13802916 TI - [Comparative investigations of parasympatholytics on the isolated iris sphincter]. PMID- 13802917 TI - [Studies on the effect of hydergine on isolated iris muscle preparation]. PMID- 13802918 TI - The role of gastric reflux in heartburn and diseases of the esophagus. PMID- 13802919 TI - Studies on D-glyceral-dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. XII. Studies of the enzyme with ion exchange chromatography. PMID- 13802920 TI - [A new series of local anesthetics with low toxicity from the xylocaine group]. PMID- 13802921 TI - [Complications of acute appendicitis in retrocecal position of the appendix]. PMID- 13802922 TI - [Experimental data on the effect of novarsenol on the prothrombin time]. PMID- 13802923 TI - [Functional state of the liver in syphilitic patients]. PMID- 13802924 TI - The peculiarities of structural changes with reference to the derangement and compensation of trophic functions of the organism. PMID- 13802926 TI - [Surgical tactics in non-ulcerative gastric hemorrhages in conditions of a regional hospital]. PMID- 13802925 TI - Antipyretic activity of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylamide suspension in pediatrics. A comparative clinical evaluation in two hundred six cases. PMID- 13802927 TI - [Pathological anatomy of toxoplasmosis with a review of our cases]. PMID- 13802928 TI - [A case of toxoplasmosis in a newborn infant from triple pregnancy]. PMID- 13802929 TI - An investigation into combined electroconvulsive and chlorpromazine therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia. PMID- 13802930 TI - Potentiation of epinephrine and norepinephrine by iproniazid. AB - The effects of pretreatment with iproniazid on the toxicity and cataract producing ability of epinephrine and norepinephrine were studied. The epinephrine and norepinephrine were administered in such a way that a slow, prolonged rate of absorption was achieved. Under these conditions, the lethality and cataract producing ability of these amines were shown to be significantly enhanced by the action of iproniazid. PMID- 13802932 TI - [Corticosteroids in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13802931 TI - [Necrosis of the renal papillae]. PMID- 13802933 TI - [Surgical treatment of the pulmonary hydatid cyst at the present time]. PMID- 13802934 TI - [The health education of women in the Sahara]. PMID- 13802935 TI - [The vestibular picture in post-otitic cephalgic and vertiginous syndromes treated with resection of the greater superficial petrosal nerve]. PMID- 13802936 TI - [Clinical and etiopathogenic considerations on the Lermoyez syndrome]. PMID- 13802937 TI - [Functional results of surgical hemidelabyrinthations in Meniere's syndrome]. PMID- 13802938 TI - [Lymph node calcific broncholithiasis after concussional craniofacial trauma. Photobronchoscopic and bronchographic observations]. PMID- 13802939 TI - [New conquests in the field of chemo-antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13802940 TI - [Dynamic ileus in urological disorders]. PMID- 13802941 TI - [Surgical approach to the kidney by an anterior method]. PMID- 13802942 TI - The sheep as an experimental animal in surgical science. PMID- 13802943 TI - Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia. Five cases treated surgically. PMID- 13802944 TI - The intern year as a training discipline. PMID- 13802945 TI - Tracheal stenosis in infancy. PMID- 13802946 TI - Unsuspected oesophageal leiomyoma found at hiatal herniorrhaphy. Report of two cases. PMID- 13802947 TI - Staphylococcal granuloma, rosacea, uveitis and conjunctival cicatrization. PMID- 13802948 TI - Advances in the treatment of skin diseases. PMID- 13802949 TI - Sturge-Kalischer-Weber syndrome (encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis). PMID- 13802950 TI - Two cases of primary lymphoedema. PMID- 13802951 TI - [Novocaine in geriatrics as a eutrophic and rejuvenating factor]. PMID- 13802952 TI - [Gastric mucoproteins in the treatment of liver diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13802953 TI - [Clinical study on hepatic tolerance of a sulfonamide-sulfone combination]. PMID- 13802954 TI - [On the relations between prolonged neonatal icterus and myxedema]. PMID- 13802955 TI - [Activity of S. 1021 on the juxta-epiphyseal cartilage of normal rats]. PMID- 13802956 TI - [Clinico-statistical contribution to the surgical treatment of congenital luxation of the hip]. PMID- 13802957 TI - [General anesthesia for cerebral arteriography]. PMID- 13802958 TI - History and physical examination in neurological urology. PMID- 13802959 TI - History and physical examination in neurological urology. PMID- 13802960 TI - A symptomatic enlargement of the parotid glands. Its diagnostic significance and particular relation to Laennec's cirrhosis. PMID- 13802961 TI - Agenesis of the lung. Report of a case. PMID- 13802962 TI - Nasal glioma. PMID- 13802963 TI - [Surgical therapy of sacroiliac caries]. PMID- 13802964 TI - [Filling of surgical cavities in extrapulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13802965 TI - [The influence of large and rapid changes of atmospheric pressure on certain functions of the ear, nose and throat]. PMID- 13802966 TI - Genitourinary tuberculosis. PMID- 13802967 TI - [Changes in certain hematic values in the inhabitants of Visuta Lanovka in the Tatranska Lomnica]. PMID- 13802969 TI - Discussion of humoral erythropoietic factors. PMID- 13802968 TI - [Damage to the offspring by actinic radiations]. PMID- 13802970 TI - The instructor and current literature in schools of radiologic technology. PMID- 13802971 TI - Need for inorganic phosphate in oxidations stimulated by dinitrophenol. PMID- 13802972 TI - [Pathophysiological changes with the use of extracorporeal circulation. II. Hemodynamics]. PMID- 13802973 TI - [The combination of extracorporeal circulation and hypothermia]. PMID- 13802974 TI - [Hyper- and hyponatremia following blood circulation disorders]. PMID- 13802975 TI - [Electrocardiographic picture simulating myocardial infarct in two patients with uremia with, respectively, acute pancreatitis and gastric perforation]. PMID- 13802976 TI - The oxidation of glutamate by rat-heart sarcosomes. PMID- 13802977 TI - Preparation and properties of mitochondria from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13802978 TI - The cultivation of dermatophytes on the air cell membrane of the hen's egg. PMID- 13802979 TI - [Phosphorus metabolism in cows in various stages of lactation]. PMID- 13802980 TI - Pharmacological actions of pancreatic elastase. PMID- 13802981 TI - A method of assaying tranquilizing drugs based on the inhibition of orientational hypermotility. PMID- 13802982 TI - Studies on promethazine. II. Antihistaminic activity of its optical isomers. PMID- 13802983 TI - [A case of obstructive jaundice caused by chronic inflammation of the head of the pancreas]. PMID- 13802984 TI - [Comparative biological determinations of some preparations obtained from urine of human pituitary gonadotropin]. PMID- 13802985 TI - Gonadotrophin and steroid excretion in a case of twin pregnancy. PMID- 13802986 TI - The sports day that grew. PMID- 13802987 TI - Perceptual and perceptual-motor dissociation in brain-damaged patients. PMID- 13802988 TI - Associated movements in anesthesia: the winking-jaw phenomenon. PMID- 13802989 TI - Breaking aging barriers. PMID- 13802990 TI - Healthy added years. PMID- 13802991 TI - Mastering long term illness. PMID- 13802992 TI - Mechanisms of aging. PMID- 13802993 TI - Medicine's stake in our older population. PMID- 13802994 TI - Symposium on geriatrics: growing with the years. PMID- 13802995 TI - The modern management of older patients. PMID- 13802996 TI - An automatic slide-warming view box for the high protein slide test. PMID- 13802997 TI - [On the problem of experimental neurosis in white rats]. PMID- 13802998 TI - [Air embolism of the brain in irrigation of the pleural cavity]. PMID- 13802999 TI - Localization of radioactivity in mouse skin following one application of C14 labelled 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (an autoradiographic study). PMID- 13803000 TI - [Nortestosterone in urinary incontinence in senile demented women]. PMID- 13803002 TI - [The action of cold on normal and cancerous tissues]. PMID- 13803001 TI - [Cow's milk allergy]. PMID- 13803003 TI - [Mucous polyps of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13803004 TI - [Are menstruation disorders always pathological and when should they be treated?]. PMID- 13803005 TI - [Gynecology, 1958]. PMID- 13803006 TI - [Post-pregnancy obesity (Incidences in gynecology)]. PMID- 13803007 TI - Kinetics of the continuous alcoholic fermentation of blackstrap molasses. PMID- 13803008 TI - Adsorption of methylene blue as a means of determining cell concentration of dead bacteria in suspensions. PMID- 13803009 TI - A simple technic for direct counting of micro-organisms. PMID- 13803010 TI - Measurement of gram-positiveness. PMID- 13803011 TI - Production of crystals by Rozites gonglyophora. PMID- 13803012 TI - Studies of the contribution of bladder absorption to the physiological changes induced by pentobarbital. PMID- 13803013 TI - [Difficulties in the diagnosis of esophageal cancer]. PMID- 13803015 TI - Short term psychotherapy. PMID- 13803014 TI - [Evolutive course of the eye in patients with Chagas' disease. Medical and hygienic importance. Its domestic prevention]. PMID- 13803016 TI - [The 1958-1959 epidemic of infectious hepatitis and the use of gamma globulin in general practice]. PMID- 13803017 TI - [Hyperbilirubinemia in the new-born child]. PMID- 13803018 TI - [Audiometric indications of surgery of the stapes]. PMID- 13803019 TI - Hormonal treatment of 200 patients with metastasized mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13803020 TI - [Anatomical and pathogenetic considerations on ovarian hemoperitoneum in the course of acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13803021 TI - Government in medicine. PMID- 13803022 TI - [Etiology of spontaneous hemopneumothorax in the tuberculous patient (6 clinical cases)]. PMID- 13803023 TI - Metabolic inter-relationships between soluble and microsomal RNA in ratliver cytoplasm. PMID- 13803024 TI - Studies on cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid from rat liver. I. Fractionation and function of soluble ribonucleic acid. PMID- 13803025 TI - [Maternal care by the Seguros Sociales Sanitarios]. PMID- 13803026 TI - [Disk arthropathies and lumbosacralgia]. PMID- 13803027 TI - [For the identification of the newborn in maternity hospitals]. PMID- 13803028 TI - Reconstruction of mandible following bone loss due to osteomyelitis in the line of fracture. PMID- 13803029 TI - [Various biophysical considerations on the mechanism of carcinogenesis]. PMID- 13803030 TI - Localisation of alkaline phosphatase in the development of the vertebral column in chick. PMID- 13803031 TI - Modification of 59Fe uptake in the circulating blood of lethally irradiated rats protected with cyanide. PMID- 13803032 TI - The fractionation of human tooth enamel on the basis of density. PMID- 13803033 TI - Studies on Vinca rosea. linn. isolation and estimation of reserpine by paper chromatographic and spectrophotometric analysis--Part I. PMID- 13803034 TI - Effect of purine derivatives on cholinesterase activity in vitro. PMID- 13803035 TI - A spectrophotometric method for the estimation of reserpine. PMID- 13803036 TI - Observations on the mechanism of action of tranquillisers--a study of their effect on monoamine oxidase, D- and L-amino acid oxidases and catalase. PMID- 13803037 TI - Action of manganese dioxide on simple carbohydrates. PMID- 13803038 TI - Massive osteolysis of pelvis due to osseous metastasis of thyroid carcinoma. PMID- 13803040 TI - Metabolism of polypores with phosphorus-32. PMID- 13803039 TI - Atypical osteomyelitis following inadequate antibiotic therapy: its similarity with fibrous dysplasia. PMID- 13803041 TI - Influence of D-thyroxine and L-thyroxine on the basophil count in human blood. PMID- 13803042 TI - Basophil leucocytes and histamine. PMID- 13803043 TI - Influence of heparin and serotonin on basophil leucocytes of rabbit blood. PMID- 13803044 TI - [Clinical and radiological trial use of a new antispastic-analgesic]. PMID- 13803045 TI - [On the pathogenesis of cutaneous ulcerative lesions in the post-phlebitic syndrome]. PMID- 13803046 TI - [On the pathogenesis of lipoprotein changes following pulmonary exeresis]. PMID- 13803047 TI - [On the treatment of cutaneous ul cerative lesions due to the postphlebitic syndrome]. PMID- 13803048 TI - [Renal lesions caused by injection into the aorta of contrast medium for angiographic examination. (Experimental research)]. PMID- 13803049 TI - [Perforation of acute simple ulcer of the descending colon]. PMID- 13803050 TI - [The novobiocin-tetracycline combination in experimental acute intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13803051 TI - [Model experiments on the inhibition of dehydrogenase by plant components]. PMID- 13803052 TI - [On the heterogenicity of enzymes. I. On enolase from potato-tubers]. PMID- 13803053 TI - [Urinary calculus formation in the light of research of the past 10 years]. PMID- 13803054 TI - An effect of tolbutamide on ketogenesis, in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13803055 TI - Hypoglycemia agents for oral administration. II. PMID- 13803056 TI - Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene and perforation of the stomach. PMID- 13803057 TI - Survival of sympathetic nervous system after spinal cord injury as measured by sweat mechanism. PMID- 13803058 TI - The status of tranquilizing drugs--1959. PMID- 13803059 TI - The evaluation of personnel. PMID- 13803060 TI - The elderly patient: a challenge in surgical management. PMID- 13803061 TI - [Concepts of anxiety and anguish in scientific literature]. PMID- 13803062 TI - [Our experience on the use of R-875 in anesthesiology]. PMID- 13803063 TI - [Exacerbation in patients early treated with antibiotics]. PMID- 13803064 TI - Nutrition in the Indian health program. PMID- 13803065 TI - Roentgenologic observations of motions of the upper airway associated with establishment of respiration in the newborn infant. PMID- 13803066 TI - Glossopharyngeal respiration as a part of focal seizures of the pharyngeal area in an infant. PMID- 13803067 TI - [Antihistaminics in the therapy of radiation sickness]. PMID- 13803068 TI - [Hypophysial neurosecretion in the experimental epileptic attack]. PMID- 13803069 TI - A rare variant of ameloblastoma. PMID- 13803070 TI - [Iron storage disease]. PMID- 13803071 TI - The contribution of the chromosomes to the telophase nucleus in cultures of fibroblasts of the adult crested newt Triturus cristatus carnifex. PMID- 13803072 TI - [Major psychotherapy of psychosomatic diseases]. PMID- 13803073 TI - [Psychoanalysis and "existential" analysis]. PMID- 13803074 TI - [Psychotherapy of the general practitioner]. PMID- 13803075 TI - [Clinical experiences in the therapy of bronchial asthma with new synthetic steroids]. PMID- 13803076 TI - Assay of tests for syphilis on unheated serum. PMID- 13803078 TI - [The Ainu settlement in Hokkaido]. PMID- 13803079 TI - [Industrial medical aspects of occupational hazards in the art industry]. PMID- 13803077 TI - Evaluation of tpcf-50 test and other TPCF tests for syphilis diagnosis. PMID- 13803081 TI - [Thrombosis of the vertebral artery]. PMID- 13803080 TI - Interrelation of cholesterol, palmitic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids in the growing mouse and rat. PMID- 13803082 TI - [Subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by cranial trauma and its treatment]. PMID- 13803083 TI - [Syndrome of dyskinesia and muscle hypertonicity appearing during epidemic parotitis]. PMID- 13803084 TI - [Achalasia of the ureteral papillae. Radiological study]. PMID- 13803085 TI - [Therapeutic trials with a new preparation with an organic magnesium base, cirtonal-N]. PMID- 13803086 TI - [Hyperthyreosis and myasthenia. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13803087 TI - [Direct action of testosterone propionate on the comb of the chicken. Influence of the nature of the solvent]. PMID- 13803088 TI - [Effects of supra-bulbar ischemia on the cardiac rhythm in sheep]. PMID- 13803089 TI - [The cardia in its relations to rumination]. PMID- 13803090 TI - [The effects of estradiol benzoate on the respiratory rate of the cock testis]. PMID- 13803091 TI - [Value of the determination of serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase and serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in the diagnosis of myocardial infarct and liver disease]. PMID- 13803092 TI - [Triamcinolone in the treatment of acute rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13803093 TI - Empirical observations on mental-status examination. PMID- 13803094 TI - Child guidance and the psychological laboratory. PMID- 13803095 TI - Case of a periodical affection of the eyes and chest. PMID- 13803096 TI - The defective child, his family, and the use of a child guidance clinic. PMID- 13803097 TI - Cystinuria in Sweden. II. The incidence of homozygous cystinuria in Swedish schoolchildren. PMID- 13803098 TI - Studies on ester sulphates. 4. Ester sulphate patterns in the urine of different species. PMID- 13803099 TI - Studies on ester sulphates. 7. On the excretion of sulphate conjugates of primary aliphatic alcohols in the urine of rats. PMID- 13803100 TI - Studies on ester sulphates. 9. On the occurrence of sulphate acceptors in human urine. PMID- 13803101 TI - Concepts in the management of fractures. PMID- 13803102 TI - Iproniazid: a brief review of its introduction and clinical use. PMID- 13803103 TI - [Section of the trachea (tracheotomy) in acute respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13803104 TI - [Surgical decortication of the lungs]. PMID- 13803106 TI - [Antistreptolysin-O and titer in the normal organism]. PMID- 13803107 TI - [Chances for tuberculous infection in Hungary]. PMID- 13803105 TI - Data on the significance of standardization in determining O-antistreptolysin titre. PMID- 13803108 TI - [Principles of hospitalization of adult tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13803109 TI - Creative urge as an after effect of model psychoses. PMID- 13803111 TI - [Physiological-morphological studies on the innervation of the adrenal medulla in man. Changes in organ innervation in relation to age and disease]. PMID- 13803110 TI - [Chemotherapy of Chagas' disease. 4. Considerations on the investigation of the activity of chemotherapeutics in human infection]. PMID- 13803112 TI - New development in image intensification and x-ray television. PMID- 13803113 TI - [Pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum]. PMID- 13803114 TI - [Sexual precocity caused by a feminizing tumor of the ovary, with the acute abdominal syndrome, in a girl about 3 years of age]. PMID- 13803115 TI - Mechanical and electrical responses of intact thenar muscles to indirect stimuli: study of patients with pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13803116 TI - [The histochemical properties of leukoplasia of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13803117 TI - [The polysaccharide content of carcinoma "in situ" and of invasive carcinoma of the portio]. PMID- 13803118 TI - [A hysterectomy for cancer in. Valencia in 1886]. PMID- 13803119 TI - [Diabetes and pregnancy]. PMID- 13803120 TI - [On a new case of true hermaphroditism (Bilateral diversity with double ovotestis in the inguinal canal)]. PMID- 13803121 TI - Expressive aphasia and amusia following right frontal lesion in a right-handed man. PMID- 13803122 TI - Oesophageal pressure and motility in animals: a cine-radiographic and manometric study. PMID- 13803123 TI - A clinical trial of pempidine in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13803124 TI - Electrocardiographic studies. VIII. PMID- 13803125 TI - Superior vena caval replacement with sponge teflon prosthesis. A preliminary report. PMID- 13803126 TI - Experimental evaluation of systemic and coronary arterial pressure response associated with ligation of the internal mammary and subclavian arteries. PMID- 13803127 TI - Siderosis in the Bantu. A combined histopathological and chemical study. PMID- 13803128 TI - A familial study in idiopathic hemochromatosis. PMID- 13803129 TI - The determination of the unsaturated iron-binding capacity of serum using radioactive iron. PMID- 13803130 TI - [Periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13803131 TI - What do you mean by normal hearing? PMID- 13803132 TI - [Manifestations of influenzal and coccal infection of the respiratory tract in experiment]. PMID- 13803133 TI - The determination of sodium and potassium in biological fluids with the dual channel ultramicro flame photometer. PMID- 13803134 TI - Fatty-acid distribution in lipids of the aortic wall. PMID- 13803135 TI - Disseminated sarcoidosis with a marked granulomatous arteritis. PMID- 13803136 TI - Strokes as a neurosurgeon sees them. PMID- 13803137 TI - [2 cases of human pulmonary tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis]. PMID- 13803138 TI - [Changes in the serum protein pattern during the therapy of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis with ethylisothioamide (EITA)]. PMID- 13803139 TI - [Thiamide in the treatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis sustained by resistant mycobacteria]. PMID- 13803140 TI - [Hemisuccinate of hydrocortisone in the local therapy of tuberculous pleural effusions]. PMID- 13803141 TI - [Clinico-electrocardiographic correlations in hypertension. Statistical study. Note I. The importance of some clinical factors in the determinism of electrocardiographic changes]. PMID- 13803142 TI - [Clinical results of the use in cardiovascular diseases of a new preparation with inosine base]. PMID- 13803143 TI - Myocardial sarcoid, complete heart block and aortic stenosis. PMID- 13803144 TI - Estradiol-17beta and progesterone in ovaries of starfish (Pisaster ochraceous). PMID- 13803145 TI - Studies on serum glucoproteins after surgical operations. PMID- 13803147 TI - Unusual fever case--chronic salmonella infection with fatal outcome. PMID- 13803146 TI - On the carbohydrate content of sera with increased alpha2-globulins. PMID- 13803148 TI - Increased copper content of hypertrophic myocardium. PMID- 13803149 TI - Metabolic studies on azulfidine, azudimidine and one analogue. PMID- 13803150 TI - [Studies on hormonal treatment of chronic liver diseases. Note VI. Action revealed by a prophlogistic hormone (STH) on the histological and histochemical picture and on the hexosamine and hydroxyproline content of the cirrhotic liver of the albino rat]. PMID- 13803151 TI - [Studies on the hormonal treatment of chronic liver diseases. Note V. Action of cortisone acetate on the histological and histochemical picture and on the hexosamine and hydroxyproline content of the cirrhotic liver (carbon tetrachloride-induced)]. PMID- 13803152 TI - [Albuminuria in pregnancy and its repercussions on the newborn infant]. PMID- 13803153 TI - [Weight variations in the healthy and pathological newborn infant. Considerations on the weight loss and on the regaining of the birth weight in infants born at term, in postmature and in premature, obtained from the clinico-statistical study of 4000 successive live births]. PMID- 13803154 TI - [On the determination of alpha-amino nitrogen by the copper technic]. PMID- 13803155 TI - [Histochemical research on the enterochromaffin cellular system. Note III. Revelations on typical enterochromaffin cells with copper salts]. PMID- 13803156 TI - [Interstitial tubal pregnancy. Report of a case]. PMID- 13803157 TI - [A physician and physicist of the eighteenth century: Francesco Gardini]. PMID- 13803158 TI - [The effect of modern preparations on kinetosis and especially on sea sickness]. PMID- 13803159 TI - Unilateral exophthalmos. Report of a case with demonstration of an intraorbital tumor by orbital pneumotomography. PMID- 13803160 TI - Inadvertent catheterization of entire ventricular system by way of a lateral ventricle (anterior horn). PMID- 13803161 TI - [Electromyographical study of paralysis caused by diphtheria toxin in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13803162 TI - [Physiological premisses of electromyography and investigations in normal children]. PMID- 13803163 TI - [Results of clinico-experimental electromyographical investigations during various changes in the second motor neuron]. PMID- 13803164 TI - [On an unusual case of polycystic lung associated with partial transposition of the pulmonary vein and with sinusitis]. PMID- 13803165 TI - [Reflection on the examination of patients with genital cancer]. PMID- 13803166 TI - A simplified method for the study of chromosomes in man. PMID- 13803167 TI - [On the treatment with lithium salts of manic states of various origins and of certain psychic disorders in organic diseases of the brain. (Preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13803168 TI - Maintaining set in relation to motivation and age. PMID- 13803170 TI - Age differences in the acquisition and extinction of the GSR. PMID- 13803169 TI - Modulation of speed of response with age. PMID- 13803171 TI - Age differences in card--sorting performance in relation to task difficulty, task set, and practice. PMID- 13803172 TI - Spiritual aspects of care for the aged. PMID- 13803173 TI - [Biermer's anemia. Parabiermer's anemia]. PMID- 13803174 TI - Electrical and mechanical properties of chick embryo heart chambers. PMID- 13803175 TI - Segmental perfusion of the coronary arteries with fibrinolysin in man following a myocardial infarction. PMID- 13803176 TI - The effects of tissue age and sex upon connective tissue metabolism. PMID- 13803177 TI - [Our experience with dilution curve of Evans blue in cardiac diseases]. PMID- 13803178 TI - [Hemodynamic study of the pulmonary hypertension of congenital cardiopathies of infants]. PMID- 13803179 TI - [The pediatrician and psychoanalysis]. PMID- 13803180 TI - [Anemia in infants aged six months to one year]. PMID- 13803182 TI - [The point of view of the clinician on sinusitis in children]. PMID- 13803181 TI - [The technic of specimen-taking in infants]. PMID- 13803183 TI - [Recent therapeutic trials by intravenous route of the substances 22 Th and 4099 Th in cochleovestibular syndromes of vascular origin]. PMID- 13803184 TI - [The effect of chelation in otospongiosis. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13803185 TI - [Chronic sinusitis in the child]. PMID- 13803186 TI - [Recurrent lymphocytic meningitis with parotitis]. PMID- 13803187 TI - [Views on tracheobronchial dyskinesia and tracheobronchomalacia]. PMID- 13803188 TI - [Loeffler's syndrome of ascardian origin with incomplete verminous cycle]. PMID- 13803189 TI - [Anomalies in the distribution and morphology of the bronchi. Apropos of 26 cases]. PMID- 13803190 TI - [The toxicological diagnosis of aspirin poisoning]. PMID- 13803191 TI - [Chemical or enzymatic oxidation of 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine, hydroxytyramine and noradrenaline studied by paper chromatography and electrophoresis]. PMID- 13803192 TI - [On the discoloration of various phenols by the bisulfite in chemical or enzymatic oxidation media; formation of bisulfite derivatives]. PMID- 13803193 TI - [Oxidation of adrenaline and noradrenaline by potassium iodate. Action of reducers on the iodoaminochromes]. PMID- 13803194 TI - Fracture healing by vitamin K. PMID- 13803196 TI - [A case of nymphal porocephalosis with fatal outcome]. PMID- 13803195 TI - [Hypertension and the endocrine glands]. PMID- 13803197 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism in rats with chronic uremia. PMID- 13803198 TI - [Temporal arteritis with bilateral ischemic edema of the papilla. Good results of arteriectomy and corticotherapy]. PMID- 13803199 TI - [Anticoagulants in the treatment of cerebral softening]. PMID- 13803200 TI - [Diagnostic value of the discovery of neoplastic cells in the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13803201 TI - [Experimentation with a new antiepileptic drug derived from phenytoin: 5,5 diphenyltetrahydroimidazole-4-one (glior)]. PMID- 13803202 TI - [The lumbar puncture in cerebral vascular accidents]. PMID- 13803204 TI - [Vertigo and loss of consciousness]. PMID- 13803203 TI - [Confusooneiric state with electrical petit mal having lasted 3 days]. PMID- 13803205 TI - [Priapism revealing an ependymoma]. PMID- 13803206 TI - [Diagnosis of cirrhosis in adolescents and young adults]. PMID- 13803207 TI - [The pseudodigestive forms of intracranial hypertension]. PMID- 13803208 TI - [Encephalopathies caused by spontaneous hypoglycemia]. PMID- 13803209 TI - [Encephalopathies of spontaneous hypoglycemia (Analytical review of 37 cases: apropos of a personal case)]. PMID- 13803210 TI - [Delirium tremens. Clinical, biological and therapeutic sketch]. PMID- 13803211 TI - [Present aspects of the treatment of delirium tremens]. PMID- 13803212 TI - [Langerhansian adenoma revealed by a hypoglycemic encephalopathy]. PMID- 13803213 TI - [Apropos of a case of Fahr's disease with changes of the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13803214 TI - [Rupture of the heart in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13803215 TI - Bioassay of a hemostatic factor from peanuts. PMID- 13803216 TI - [Associated vaccinations and viral vaccines]. PMID- 13803218 TI - Simultaneous right and left cardiac catheterization. PMID- 13803217 TI - [Allergy to acrylics; cutaneous and general manifestations]. PMID- 13803219 TI - Pressure-flow characteristics of needles suggested for transtracheal resuscitation. PMID- 13803220 TI - The fatty acid composition of the surface skin fats ('sebum') in acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis. PMID- 13803222 TI - Severe respiratory infection presenting with coma. PMID- 13803221 TI - Studies of sebum. Further studies of the composition of the unsaponifiable matter of human-forearm 'sebum'. PMID- 13803223 TI - The influence of histamine inhalation on the pulmonary diffusing capacity in man. PMID- 13803224 TI - The effect of epinephrine and hexamethonium bromide on the pulmonary ventilation in man. PMID- 13803225 TI - Effects of histamine on pulmonary ventilation in man. PMID- 13803226 TI - Experimental studies on byssinosis. PMID- 13803227 TI - Distribution of inspired gas in lungs. PMID- 13803229 TI - [Byssinosis]. PMID- 13803228 TI - Influence of tissue nitrogen elimination on analysis of pulmonary nitrogen clearance curves. PMID- 13803230 TI - [Professor Francois Schoofs]. PMID- 13803231 TI - [Professor Francois Schoofs]. PMID- 13803232 TI - [Passive hemagglutination technic in research on trypanosomian immunization]. PMID- 13803233 TI - [Hourglass tumors of the thorax and the spine in children]. PMID- 13803234 TI - [The renal lesions of the Schoenlein-Henoch syndrome in children. (Histological study by punch biopsy of the kidney)]. PMID- 13803235 TI - [Renal involvement during the Schoenlein-Henoch syndrome. Clinical study. Histological study by needle biopsy of the kidney]. PMID- 13803236 TI - [Measurement of the total water in the rabbit by a study of the diffusion of urea]. PMID- 13803237 TI - [Seasonal fluctuations in the thiocyanate level in fresh cow's milk]. PMID- 13803238 TI - [Neurobiology and psychopathology]. PMID- 13803239 TI - [Psychoanalytic approach to child psychiatry]. PMID- 13803240 TI - [The free and combined amino acid compositon of liver extracts used therapeutically]. PMID- 13803241 TI - [The problem of the formation of D-amino acids in normal and cancer tissue]. PMID- 13803242 TI - [Hemoglobinosis J in an Algerian Moslem affected with a dystrophic retardation of growth with splenomegaly]. PMID- 13803243 TI - [Dystrophic development retardation of the Algerian Mohammedan (pathogenetic study)]. PMID- 13803244 TI - [Osteitis of the jaw, suppurated thyroiditis and arrest of puberty during a prolonged Eberthella infection]. PMID- 13803245 TI - [Malignant adrenal cortex tumor in a 37-year-old woman. Excision and recovery]. PMID- 13803246 TI - [2 Cases of an endocrine syndrome of central origin: acromegaly and adiposogenital syndrome]. PMID- 13803248 TI - [Stein-Leventhal syndrome]. PMID- 13803247 TI - [Hyperostosis frontalis interna and galactorrhea]. PMID- 13803249 TI - Creative thinking. PMID- 13803250 TI - [Value of immuno-electrophoresis of serum proteins in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13803251 TI - [Chromatographic data on an increase of urinary 17-hydroxycorticoids in the course of a severe hyperthyroid myopathy]. PMID- 13803252 TI - [Porphyria cutanea in the adult and developmental diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13803253 TI - [Value of investigations made to disclose thrombosis of the renal veins during nephrotic syndromes in the adult]. PMID- 13803254 TI - [Hypopituitarism and diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13803255 TI - [Rapid diagnosis of hyperthyroidism by the combined determination of iodine fixation by the third hour and thyroid clearance]. PMID- 13803256 TI - [Dichlorphenamide, new hydro-ionic diuretic, therapeutic trial]. PMID- 13803257 TI - [Myasthenia with Addison's disease. Phreno-pulmonary metastatic thymoma]. PMID- 13803258 TI - [Acute and subacute nodular periphlebitis]. PMID- 13803259 TI - [Hypodermatitis "en coulees"]. PMID- 13803260 TI - [Sloughing hypodermitis]. PMID- 13803261 TI - [Action of fasting and cold on the content of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in the plasma of the rat]. PMID- 13803262 TI - [Public hospitals and an urban centralized heating system]. PMID- 13803263 TI - [Effect of monoidoacetic acid on the duration of the action potential of the ventricular muscle of the frog]. PMID- 13803264 TI - Submucosal vascular patterns of the alimentary tract and their significance. PMID- 13803265 TI - The carpal tunnel syndrome. PMID- 13803266 TI - The place of trichlorethylene in modern anesthesia. PMID- 13803267 TI - [Apropos of 2 cases of unusual lymphatic diseases in children: cystic lymphangioma and malignant lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13803268 TI - [Apropos of an enormous pseudo-diverticular aneurysmal dilation of the lower thoracic esophagus]. PMID- 13803270 TI - [Direct approach to Pott's foci: studies done on 168 interventions]. PMID- 13803269 TI - [Centro-medullary nailing of long bones in Iran]. PMID- 13803271 TI - [Splenorenal parenchymal anastomosis, a new portocaval shunt in portal hypertension syndrome caused by intrahepatic block]. PMID- 13803272 TI - [Two cases of echinococcosis of the dorsal spine]. PMID- 13803273 TI - [Apropos of transfusion accidents in surgery. Some rare cases of immunization]. PMID- 13803274 TI - [Physiology of coagulation with special reference to hemophilia]. PMID- 13803275 TI - [The coupling of platelets with subendothelial fibers]. PMID- 13803276 TI - Some hemodynamic effects of urea. PMID- 13803277 TI - Studies in renal blood flow: I. Some general considerations. PMID- 13803278 TI - Hemodynamic effects of intravenous injections affecting the level of blood sugar. PMID- 13803279 TI - Influence of blood sugar levels upon renal blood flow. PMID- 13803280 TI - [Hemodynamic problems on the subject of aortic surgery]. PMID- 13803281 TI - [On the so-called autonomous regulation of the renal circulation]. PMID- 13803282 TI - [Apropos of the utilization of a native manganese salt, manganese abietate, in the treatment of allergic diseases and modification of the terrain upon which they manifest themselves]. PMID- 13803283 TI - [The allergic terrain and its possible modification by a complex of gamma globulins and of histamine. Application to the treatment of certain secondary manifestations]. PMID- 13803285 TI - [Respiratory insufficiency in acute lung diseases]. PMID- 13803284 TI - [Familial hypercholesteremic cutaneo-tendinous xanthomatosis. Biochemical study Therapeutic trials]. PMID- 13803286 TI - [Respiratory reeduction in aged persons]. PMID- 13803287 TI - [Alternate psychotherapy *** neurotic couple]. PMID- 13803288 TI - Powerful adrenergic neurone-blocking agents related to choline 2,6-xylyl ether bromide. PMID- 13803289 TI - The selective accumulation of bretylium in sympathetic ganglia and their postganglionic nerves. AB - A study of the distribution of [(14)C]-labelled bretylium (N-o-bromobenzyl-N ethyl-N,N-dimethylammonium) in cat tissues at various times after subcutaneous injection suggests that the specificity of its blocking action on adrenergic neurones may be related to its selective accumulation in these neurones. The rate of rise and fall of concentration in sympathetic ganglia and postganglionic sympathetic nerves showed a close similarity to the time course of the blocking adrenergic neurones as manifested by relaxation of the nictitating membranes. Concentrations found were similar to those in adrenergic nerve trunks when topical application of the drug had caused a local block of conduction. Conduction in other types of nerve could be blocked by topical application, but in general they were less sensitive, heavily myelinated nerves being the most resistant. PMID- 13803291 TI - [Study of carbon monoxide in the blood of deep underground miners in the region of Carmaux]. PMID- 13803292 TI - [Action of 3-pyridylmethanal on circulation and respiration]. PMID- 13803290 TI - The actions of bretylium: adrenergic neurone blocking and other effects. AB - Bretylium caused a specific and lasting depression of many excitatory and inhibitory responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, probably by impairing conduction of impulses in adrenergic neurones with consequent failure of noradrenaline and adrenaline release. This effect, which will be referred to as the adrenergic neurone blocking action, was preceded by weak sympathomimetic effects. In the presence of bretylium the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline were increased, as after sympathectomy. Concentrations producing blocking of adrenergic neurones did not prevent the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla by splanchnic nerve stimulation or by the injection of dimethylphenylpiperazinium iodide, nor did they cause antiparasympathetic or parasympathomimetic effects. No action on the central nervous system has been detected. Curare-like neuromuscular block occurred with 10 to 30 times the amount required to block the response to adrenergic nerve stimulation alone and was accompanied by signs of temporary synaptic block in autonomic ganglia. Adrenergic nerve trunks and sensory nerves in the skin were readily blocked for long periods by topical application of bretylium, whereas the phrenic nerve of the rat was not. Bretylium had little effect on gastrointestinal propulsion or on the sensitivity of smooth muscle to acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, adrenaline, or noradrenaline, but moderate amounts depressed the peristaltic reflex and the sensitivity of the guinea-pig ileum to histamine. Bretylium caused postural hypotension in the cat in doses which had little effect on the supine blood pressure. Experiments on the nictitating membrane indicated that compensation for the effects of bretylium on low rates of stimulation of postganglionic sympathetic nerves could be attained by a small increase in the rate of stimulation, whereas compensation for its effects on high rates required an increase in the rate of stimulation beyond physiological limits. PMID- 13803293 TI - [Four a still earlier diagnosis of arteritis of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13803294 TI - [Dietetics of venous diseases of the extremities]. PMID- 13803295 TI - [Limitations and perspectives of dietetics in peripheral venous diseases]. PMID- 13803296 TI - [Acute ischemic syndromes of the extremities in relation to gout]. PMID- 13803297 TI - [Ulcer of the esophagus. Hemorrhage. Surgical intervention]. PMID- 13803298 TI - [The auditory results of auricular surgery in the child]. PMID- 13803299 TI - [A case of leukosis observed in a totally laryngectomized patient]. PMID- 13803300 TI - [Diathermo-coagulation in the treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis in the child]. PMID- 13803302 TI - [Administrative visual acuity]. PMID- 13803301 TI - [The action of colimycin in perichondritis of the auricle of the ear caused by pyocyanic bacilli]. PMID- 13803303 TI - [The structure of viruses]. PMID- 13803304 TI - [Therapeutic trials in cancerology]. PMID- 13803305 TI - [Vaccination against Teschen's disease with culture virus. Antibodies and immunity]. PMID- 13803306 TI - [Apropos of pneumoarthrography of the knee. The problem of protection in direct radiological examinations]. PMID- 13803307 TI - [Radiology of gastro-esophageal reflux]. PMID- 13803308 TI - [Research on zinc in the blood and urine. Physiopathological variations]. PMID- 13803309 TI - [Considerations on the first arterial protheses with teflon. Apropos of 20 cases]. PMID- 13803310 TI - [Cysts and fistulae of the neck of congenital origin in the child]. PMID- 13803311 TI - [Functional megacolon]. PMID- 13803312 TI - Rehabilitating the most superannuated and longest hospitalized psychotic patients. PMID- 13803313 TI - [Uterocele. Unusual aspect of certain genital prolapses]. PMID- 13803314 TI - [Further aspects of cytological diagnosis of basocellular carcinoma of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13803315 TI - [Vaginal cytology as seen by the phase contrast microscope]. PMID- 13803316 TI - [Differentiation of the mode of action of tissue and plasma thromboplastins in the presence of a lipoid extract of bovine brain]. PMID- 13803317 TI - [Comparative study of chemical and bacteriological methods of assay for isoniazid in the blood and urine]. PMID- 13803318 TI - [Spontaneous hemopneumothorax]. PMID- 13803319 TI - "Triauxie" of Proteus morganii in amino acids supplemented medium and its enzymatic interpretation. I. PMID- 13803320 TI - [Study of the "feedback control" of the synthesis of enzymes by amino acids during the growth of Proteus morganii]. PMID- 13803321 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages of splenic and splenovascular orgin]. PMID- 13803322 TI - [Splenoportography in cancer of the liver (diagnostic ideas, therapeutic value)]. PMID- 13803323 TI - [Hydatid cyst of the left liver opening into the bile duct. Resection of the cyst, suturing of the bile ducts, sphincteroplasty]. PMID- 13803324 TI - [The problem of splenopathy after truncal portacaval anastomosis]. PMID- 13803325 TI - [The surgical aspects of hepatic distomiasis]. PMID- 13803326 TI - [Splenoportography in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13803327 TI - [Coarctation of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava caused by hypertrophy of Spiegel's lobe]. PMID- 13803328 TI - [Doudenal ulcer and high implantation of the common bile duct. Problems caused by this combination]. PMID- 13803329 TI - [Intrahepatic portacaval anastomosis]. PMID- 13803330 TI - [Renal response to isotonic extracellular expansion]. PMID- 13803331 TI - [Work capacity during fatigue in man]. PMID- 13803332 TI - [Chronic occupational carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13803333 TI - [Extrapyramidal syndromes induced by chlorpromazine and reserpine]. PMID- 13803334 TI - [Recent data on the "renal passage" of sodium and potassium]. PMID- 13803335 TI - [The problem of muscular fatigue]. PMID- 13803337 TI - [The treatment of epilepsy]. PMID- 13803338 TI - [Catheterization of the coronary venous sinus in the dog]. PMID- 13803336 TI - [The sequels of spinal injuries. Comparison of clinical and medicolegal data]. PMID- 13803339 TI - [On some dihdro- and tetrahydroisoquinolines substitued in the 1 position with cyclane or cyclene groups. 2. Pharmacodynamic study]. PMID- 13803340 TI - Gerontological activities in France, 1957-1960. PMID- 13803341 TI - [Faculte de Medecine de Paris. Chair of gerontology. Inaugural lecture]. PMID- 13803342 TI - [Giant lymphedema of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13803343 TI - Discussion on psychosomatic gynaecology. PMID- 13803344 TI - Interaction of anti-staling agents with starch. PMID- 13803345 TI - Interaction of sucrose stearate with starch. PMID- 13803346 TI - Renal and cerebral scleroderma. PMID- 13803347 TI - Histochemical demonstration of acetylphosphate phosphatase in normal and dystrophic human muscle. PMID- 13803348 TI - Ultra-structure of human amnion and its possible relation to the circulation of amniotic fluid. PMID- 13803349 TI - The microscopic anatomy of the human amnion and chorion. PMID- 13803350 TI - Main's syndrome and a nurse's reaction to it. PMID- 13803351 TI - Normal psychology in the preclinical curriculum and the student's reaction to it. PMID- 13803352 TI - The role of stimulus redundancy in concept identification. PMID- 13803353 TI - Mathematical theory of concept identification. PMID- 13803354 TI - Dietary deficiency of vitamin B12. PMID- 13803355 TI - Sedation and analgesia in inoperable cancer. PMID- 13803356 TI - [Proposals for DAB 7. Part 1. Essential oils]. PMID- 13803357 TI - [Proposals for the DAB 7. Part 1. Ethereal oils]. PMID- 13803358 TI - [Proposals for the DAB 7. Part 2. Menthol and vanillin]. PMID- 13803359 TI - Evaluation of the effect of massive prednisolone therapy in acute leukemia. PMID- 13803360 TI - [7 Years of experience with sulfa-methyl-thiodiazol]. PMID- 13803361 TI - Polyoestradiol phosphate in the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13803362 TI - Surgery of the uretero-pelvic junction. PMID- 13803363 TI - The indications and techniques of bowel substitution after total cystectomy: preliminary report on twentyfive cases. PMID- 13803364 TI - The uses of the different bowel segments in urology. Personal technique of colocystoplasty for bladder enlargement and bladder substitution. PMID- 13803365 TI - [Essential hematuria, does it exist?]. PMID- 13803366 TI - [Estradurin in the treatment of cancer of the prostate]. PMID- 13803367 TI - [Surgery of the pyeloureteral junction]. PMID- 13803368 TI - [The different intestinal segments in urology. Personal technic of colo cystoplasty for bladder enlargement and substitution]. PMID- 13803369 TI - [First African cases of vertebral melitococcosis. Apropos of 3 cases detected in the French Sudan]. PMID- 13803370 TI - [Autotransfusion in hemoperitoneum. Personal technic: apropos of 7 cases of hemoperitoneum caused by rupture of extrauterine pregnancy]. PMID- 13803371 TI - [Gangrene of the scrotum caused by massive elimination of Filaria medinensis]. PMID- 13803372 TI - [The difficulties of expert opinion in traffic accidents relevant at the same time to work accidents and to common law]. PMID- 13803373 TI - Preparation of a highly purified sample of the urinary gonadotrophin. PMID- 13803374 TI - [Effect of enzymes on the biological activity of human chorionic gonadotropins]. PMID- 13803376 TI - Associative clustering in the recall of minimally meaningful geometric designs. PMID- 13803375 TI - [Physico-chemical constants for gonadotropins from pregnant mare serum]. PMID- 13803377 TI - Care of the cancer patient. PMID- 13803378 TI - [Pneumological expertise of flying personnel: Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13803379 TI - [Eczema of the external auditory canal and its complications]. PMID- 13803380 TI - [Bone lesions during myeloproliferating syndromes in adults. Clinical and radiological study]. PMID- 13803381 TI - [Chronic hyperplastic panmyelosis after excision of a large fibrous spleen. Hematological study. Favorable effect of radioactive phosphorus]. PMID- 13803382 TI - [Lymphadenia, terrain of choice for certain ectodermo-neurotropic viruses (the chickenpox-herpes zoster virus in particular)]. PMID- 13803383 TI - [Hemolytic syndromes in the course of malignant blood diseases. Study of tests of erythrocytic agglutination in the course of these conditions]. PMID- 13803385 TI - [Radio-leukosis]. PMID- 13803384 TI - [Apropos of 4 cases of renal or cerebellar tumors associated with polyglobulia: discussion of the possible relations between the two diseases]. PMID- 13803386 TI - [Esophago-cardio-fundus malpositions in the infant and child]. PMID- 13803387 TI - Hypoglycaemia in metastatic fibrosarcoma of the liver. PMID- 13803388 TI - [Hospital center of Casablanca]. PMID- 13803389 TI - [Organization of the public health service in Casablanca: introduction]. PMID- 13803390 TI - [Research on the antibiotic properties of sebum. Does sebum possess an antibiotic action?]. PMID- 13803391 TI - [The role of sebum in the defense mechanisms of the cutaneous organ is essentially of a physical nature. Contribution to the study of the physiology of the skin: the skin as organ of defense]. PMID- 13803392 TI - [Imbedding and the use of threaded Kirschner pins in arthrodesis of the fingers]. PMID- 13803393 TI - [Intradurography with methiodal in the diagnosis of lumbar radiculalgias]. PMID- 13803395 TI - A diabetes case-finding program. PMID- 13803396 TI - [Resistance and transference]. PMID- 13803394 TI - [Serious fractures of the lower extremity of the radius]. PMID- 13803397 TI - [Cardiology and diseases of the vessels. Respective indications of various cardiotonic drugs]. PMID- 13803398 TI - [Pleuropericarditis after myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13803399 TI - [Bacterial endocarditis after mitral commissurotomy. (Apropos of 4 observations)]. PMID- 13803400 TI - [Apropos of the functional rehabilitation of fractures of the leg]. PMID- 13803401 TI - [A new respiratory analeptic: G. 5668, administered orally]. PMID- 13803402 TI - [Cardiovascular effects of various curarizing substances in the anesthetized dog]. PMID- 13803404 TI - [Pharmacological and therapeutic importance of the phenomena of synergism and potentialization]. PMID- 13803403 TI - [Effects of various curarizing substances on cardiac contractile force and on arterial pressure of the anesthetized dog. Research on antagonism]. PMID- 13803405 TI - [The place of pyrrolamidol among analgesics]. PMID- 13803406 TI - [On the significance of Bitot's spots]. PMID- 13803407 TI - [Apropos of the therapy of "Trichomonas vaginalis"]. PMID- 13803408 TI - The effects of social stimuli on the response to stress. PMID- 13803409 TI - Oxygen sources for space flights. PMID- 13803410 TI - The incorporation of glycine-1-C14 by typhus rickettsiae. PMID- 13803411 TI - Amino acid-activating enzymes in isolated chloroplasts from spinach leaves. PMID- 13803412 TI - [Acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13803413 TI - A decade of A.D.A. Committee work on civil defense and disaster feeding: the first nine years. PMID- 13803414 TI - Rigidity, chronicity, schizophrenia. PMID- 13803416 TI - Computer watch and clock method for taking pulse and respiration rates. PMID- 13803415 TI - [Pharmacodynamics of cerebral circulation]. PMID- 13803417 TI - [Comparative study of the spirogram and the pneumotachogram during forced expiration in the normal subject]. PMID- 13803418 TI - [Contribution to the dynamics of paranoid delirium]. PMID- 13803419 TI - [Histochemical research on leukocytes in mental patients. Lipids in epileptics, dysthymic and alcoholic patients. (Note II)]. PMID- 13803420 TI - Implantation. PMID- 13803421 TI - The biology of trophoblast. PMID- 13803422 TI - Pulmonary 'alveolar cell' (bronchiolar) carcinoma. Report of three cases in Thailand. PMID- 13803423 TI - Reversion and reconversion rate of tuberculin skin reactions in correction with the use of prednisone. PMID- 13803424 TI - Salmonella-excreting tortoises in Oslo. PMID- 13803425 TI - A new therapeutic exercise board. PMID- 13803426 TI - An improved solvent combination for aminoacid chromatography. PMID- 13803427 TI - The size of muscle fibers in infants and children. PMID- 13803428 TI - The diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by cytologic study of duodenal secretions. PMID- 13803429 TI - Experimental and histological studies of the extrapetrous portion of the facial nerve and its communications with the trigeminal nerve in the rabbit. PMID- 13803432 TI - Local pedicle flaps in traumatic amputations of the finger tip. PMID- 13803430 TI - The innervation of skeletal muscle. PMID- 13803433 TI - Primary excision in third degree burns. PMID- 13803431 TI - Urticaria pigmentosa and polycythaemia vera: a case report. PMID- 13803434 TI - Tracheopathia osteoplastica. PMID- 13803435 TI - Some effects of gamma radiation on plant transpiration. PMID- 13803436 TI - Factors from seed extracts that modify radiosensitivity. PMID- 13803437 TI - Biological fractionation of isotopes. PMID- 13803438 TI - The determination of chlorine, bromine and iodine in biological material by activation analysis. PMID- 13803439 TI - Urinary calculi. PMID- 13803440 TI - Anaesthesia in operations for the relief of portal hypertension. PMID- 13803442 TI - Strontium-90 'mixed layer' of the Atlantic Ocean. PMID- 13803441 TI - A ribonucleoprotein component of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13803443 TI - Analysis of myosin B for magnesium. PMID- 13803444 TI - Analysis of serum magnesium in presence of calcium with chrome fast blue BG. PMID- 13803445 TI - Tyhoid fever. PMID- 13803446 TI - Cold injury in the newborn. A study of 70 cases. PMID- 13803447 TI - A case of anuria due to ureteric stone in a child. PMID- 13803448 TI - Mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, pneumoperitoneum and myocardial infarction occurring simultaneously. PMID- 13803449 TI - Escape learning as a function of amount of shock reduction. PMID- 13803450 TI - Effects of amount of reward on strength of approach in an approach-avoidance conflict. PMID- 13803451 TI - Reward magnitude and learning in a single-presentation discrimination. PMID- 13803452 TI - Partial and correlated reward in escape learning. PMID- 13803453 TI - Response latency as a function of brain stimulation variables. PMID- 13803454 TI - The hospitalization of the "criminal insane" in Victoria. PMID- 13803455 TI - Continuing studies of replacement of segments of the venous system. PMID- 13803456 TI - Factors affecting the thyroid gland uptake of I 131 of the Rana catesbeiana tadpole. PMID- 13803457 TI - Marfan's syndrome and the Weill-Marchesani syndrome in the S. family. PMID- 13803459 TI - Lead or be led. PMID- 13803458 TI - Williams' prior description of Marfan's syndrome. PMID- 13803460 TI - Physiotherapy and rehabilitation. PMID- 13803461 TI - Measurement of isocitric dehydrogenase activity in body fluids. PMID- 13803462 TI - Study of a preceptor program. PMID- 13803463 TI - Abraham Flexner-architect of medical education. PMID- 13803464 TI - The four-year medical school. PMID- 13803465 TI - The study of medical education in the United States. PMID- 13803466 TI - The relationship of the registered nurse and the practical nurse from the point of view of the practical nurse. PMID- 13803467 TI - Amebic abscess of the liver drained through the common duct: report of a case. PMID- 13803468 TI - Carcinoma arising in scars, osteomyelitis, and fistulae. PMID- 13803469 TI - Observations from the use of quarterectomy. PMID- 13803470 TI - Cleared whole mounts of shoot apices of angiosperms for topographic study. PMID- 13803471 TI - Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the presence of respiratory insufficiency. PMID- 13803472 TI - The role of librium in an out-patieft psychiatric setting. PMID- 13803473 TI - Gallocyanin as a nuclear stain in autoradiography. PMID- 13803474 TI - The management of gastro-enterities with dehydration in out-patients. PMID- 13803475 TI - [A new bronchographic contrast medium, propyliodon-Cilag]. PMID- 13803476 TI - [Cerebral angiography in the region of the internal carotid artery (preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13803477 TI - [Abdominal aortography. Indications, technic, studies and prevention of complications]. PMID- 13803478 TI - [Collateral circulation in cases of obstruction of the abdominal aorta and arteries of the pelvis and lower extremities]. PMID- 13803479 TI - [Experimental radiological studies on the heart and large vessels in dogs]. PMID- 13803480 TI - Separation anxiety. PMID- 13803481 TI - The 'stiff man syndrome' in a boy. PMID- 13803482 TI - Post-diphtheritic polyneuritis with respiratory paralysis. PMID- 13803483 TI - Controls on narcotics should keep them from getting out of hand. PMID- 13803484 TI - Newsletter prescribed to fill need for new drug information. PMID- 13803485 TI - Company house organs offer good source for drug news. PMID- 13803486 TI - Some pitfalls of surgical gynecology. PMID- 13803487 TI - Renal ectopia: report of a case of fused pelvic renal ectopia. PMID- 13803488 TI - A temperate bacteriophage from Mycobacterium butyricum. PMID- 13803489 TI - Metabolism of nicotine in the human and excretion of pyridine compounds by smokers. PMID- 13803490 TI - Microbial assays of antibiotics using seeded plates stored in the refrigerator for several days to four weeks. PMID- 13803491 TI - Production and control of a stable penicillinase. PMID- 13803492 TI - Hematopoietic responses to iron-dextran. Studies in iron-deficiency anemia of infancy. PMID- 13803493 TI - The metabolism of Plasmodium berghei, the malaria parasite of rodents. I. The preparation of the erythrocytic form of P. berghei separated from the host cell. PMID- 13803494 TI - Rhabdomyosarcoma of striated muscle origin in preadolescent children. PMID- 13803495 TI - Emotional changes following castration. PMID- 13803496 TI - Geriatrics. PMID- 13803497 TI - Alcoholism. PMID- 13803498 TI - Culture and mental disease, with special reference to Thailand. PMID- 13803499 TI - The role of the psychiatrist in the care and treatment of the mentally retarded. PMID- 13803500 TI - Cardiac glycogen in hypophysectomized rats subjected to fatty acid feeding. PMID- 13803501 TI - The effect of muscle contraction on the blood flow and on the vascular responses to adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline in individual skeletal muscles of the cat. PMID- 13803503 TI - Chemotherapy of experimental histoplasmosis. PMID- 13803502 TI - The relative values of the Marchi method and some silver impregnation techniques. A critical survey. PMID- 13803504 TI - Low levels of soluble DPN-linked alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in tumors. PMID- 13803505 TI - Mitochondrial triose phosphate isomerase. PMID- 13803506 TI - Evaluation of a micromethod for serum calcium determination with calcon as indicator. PMID- 13803507 TI - [Influence of cortisone on the morphological characteristics of experimental hepatoma in the rat]. PMID- 13803508 TI - [A technic for the detoxication and concentration of the urine for biological pregnancy test by the "Rana reaction"]. PMID- 13803509 TI - Zone and boundary diffusion in electrophoresis. PMID- 13803510 TI - [Treatment of infarct]. PMID- 13803511 TI - Percutaneous topical analgesia of larynx and trachea. PMID- 13803512 TI - Evoked slow and unit responses of the cerebral cortex following repetitive stimulation. PMID- 13803513 TI - Factors relevant to chronic and recurrent infections of the urinary system. PMID- 13803514 TI - Effects of high calcium intakes on urine in human beings. PMID- 13803515 TI - Total nondialyzable solids (TNDS) in human urine. IV. Electrophoretic properties of RS-1 subfraction. PMID- 13803516 TI - Nutrition and the formation of urinary calculi. PMID- 13803517 TI - Estimation of cardiac output soon after intracardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13803518 TI - Spatial distribution of energy dissipated by fallout beta-rays. PMID- 13803519 TI - Results of tenotomy of the tendo Achillis in intermittent claudication. PMID- 13803520 TI - Periarticular ossification following burns. PMID- 13803521 TI - Penicillin vomiting. PMID- 13803522 TI - Loss of weight and lipid shifts in organs of the digestive tract of tumor-bearing rats in relation to tumor size. PMID- 13803523 TI - The acute oral toxicity of benzylpenicillin potassium in the rabbit. PMID- 13803525 TI - Leptospirosis canicola presenting as pneumonia. PMID- 13803524 TI - Macrocyclon in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13803526 TI - Surgical significance of the thymus. PMID- 13803527 TI - Abdominal aneurysm: technique of resection. PMID- 13803528 TI - Some hazards associated with mobilization of the left lobe of the liver. PMID- 13803529 TI - The intrathoracic complications of subphrenic abscess. PMID- 13803530 TI - The acute oral toxicity of benzylpenicillin ammonium. PMID- 13803531 TI - The acute oral toxicity of benzylpenicillin potassium. PMID- 13803532 TI - Delayed vomiting induced in dogs by intramuscular digoxin. PMID- 13803533 TI - Organ lipids and water in tumor-induced and drug-induced cachexia. PMID- 13803534 TI - Chronic atropinization and fibrocystic disease of the pancreas. PMID- 13803535 TI - Loss of phospholipid in the skin of tumor-bearing rats. PMID- 13803536 TI - The comparative acute oral toxicity of spiramycin adipate in mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. PMID- 13803537 TI - A search for drugs with disulfiram like activity. PMID- 13803538 TI - Chlorpromazine tolerance and physical dependence. PMID- 13803539 TI - The acute oral toxicity in guinea pigs of acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine, alone and combined. PMID- 13803540 TI - The metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. PMID- 13803541 TI - The treatment of cervical incompetence. PMID- 13803542 TI - Observations on the metabolic and histological effects of cobalt chloride in the rabbit, with particular reference to cobalt-induced hypercholesterolaemia. PMID- 13803543 TI - Thyroid hormones and plasma lipids. PMID- 13803544 TI - Selecting department heads for the small hospital. PMID- 13803545 TI - Membrane constants of mammalian muscle fibres. PMID- 13803546 TI - The giant cells of the pregnant human uterus. PMID- 13803547 TI - Dental caries and host metabolism. PMID- 13803548 TI - The effect of compound 48/80 on the autograft and homograft reaction. PMID- 13803549 TI - The effect of histamine and a histamine-releasing agent (compound 48/80) on wound healing. PMID- 13803550 TI - Tracer studies of pyrimidine synthesis by Neurospora crassa 1298. PMID- 13803551 TI - The Q1 (A) strains of Salmonella typhimurium: induction phenomena. PMID- 13803552 TI - Climate, air pollution, and mortality. PMID- 13803553 TI - Meterological conditions and mortality. PMID- 13803554 TI - Hypnotic effects of bufferin. PMID- 13803555 TI - An assessment of the value of the initial glucose tolerance test in selection of patients for chlorpropamide treatment. PMID- 13803556 TI - Werner's syndrome (progeria of the adult); further pathological and biochemical observations. PMID- 13803557 TI - Carbimazole (neo-mercazole) in thyrotoxicosis--a review of sixty patients. PMID- 13803558 TI - Cholecystostomy: a modern reappraisal. PMID- 13803559 TI - The reliability of the serum amylase determination. PMID- 13803560 TI - The value and limitations of biopsy. PMID- 13803561 TI - [Antigens and antibodies]. PMID- 13803562 TI - A blood factor, possibly new, detected by extracts of Arachis hypogaea. PMID- 13803563 TI - Specific inhibition of anti-Rh serum by 'unnatural' sugars. PMID- 13803564 TI - Steric relationships of aldopentoses and aldohexoses. PMID- 13803565 TI - The relationship of the cranial dura to the cavernous sinuses in the cow. PMID- 13803566 TI - The association of cerebral angiomas with intracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13803567 TI - Device for the trimming of blocks for ultra-microtomy. PMID- 13803568 TI - Reappraisal of the surgical treatment of diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon, with special reference to the choice of operative procedure. PMID- 13803569 TI - The adsorption of antigen by spleen cells previously treated with antiserum in vitro. PMID- 13803570 TI - Antibody production. PMID- 13803572 TI - The two new ingredients. PMID- 13803571 TI - Plastic reconstruction of pathological renal glomeruli. I. Morphologica 1 changes in the ischemic glomerulus. PMID- 13803573 TI - Chorioallantoic membrane lesions produced by inoculation of adult fowl leucocytes. PMID- 13803574 TI - Significance of mesenteric arterial receptors in the reflex regulation of systemic blood pressure. PMID- 13803576 TI - Plastic repair of a traumatic oroantral defect: report of case. PMID- 13803575 TI - Sequential cellular changes produced by types 5 and 7 adenoviruses in HeLa cells and in human amniotic cells; cytological studies aided by fluorescein-labelled antibody. AB - The sequential cytological changes which develop in tissue culture cells infected with adenovirus types 5 and 7 are described and compared with those produced by adenovirus types 1, 2, 3, and 4. The evidence that is presented indicates that types 1, 2, and 5 belong to one major subdivision of the adenovirus group and types 3, 4, and 7 to another. That the host cell nucleus is the principal site of adenovirus synthesis has been confirmed by fluorescent antibody studies. They have demonstrated the occurrence of type-specific adenovirus antigen in the characteristic intranuclear inclusions and other virus-induced structures reported to contain virus-like particles or shown by electronmicroscopy. PMID- 13803577 TI - Surgical repair of a severed parotid duct: report of case. PMID- 13803578 TI - [Infectious toxicoses of the infant. Epidemiology and prevention]. PMID- 13803579 TI - [On the necessity of boiling pasteurized milk]. PMID- 13803580 TI - [Search for certain pathogenic micro-organisms on sewer rats captured in Paris. Prophylactic deductions]. PMID- 13803581 TI - A hypothesis regarding the time of appearance of the dream screen. PMID- 13803582 TI - Therapeutic trial of gamma globulin in infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13803583 TI - Mechanism of enzyme action. PMID- 13803584 TI - Paid teen-age aides pay nursing dividends. PMID- 13803585 TI - A technique to increase the value of a cone biopsy from the cervix. PMID- 13803586 TI - [Cerebral apoplexy-diagnosis and treatment]. PMID- 13803587 TI - The biochemistry of aromatic amines. 6. The metabolism of 3:4-dimethylaniline in rats. PMID- 13803589 TI - Aetiology of cancer of the bladder. PMID- 13803588 TI - The biochemistry of aromatic amines. 7. The enzymic hydrolysis of aminonaphthyl glucosiduronic acids. PMID- 13803590 TI - Master menus don't destroy initiative. PMID- 13803591 TI - Indications for measurement of arterial blood pH. PMID- 13803592 TI - Pulp reaction to caries. PMID- 13803593 TI - Who says it's important? PMID- 13803594 TI - Analgesic effect of dextropropoxyphene hydrochloride in elderly patients with chronic pain syndromes. PMID- 13803595 TI - Comparative effectiveness of intravenous and intra-arterial fibrinolysin therapy. PMID- 13803596 TI - Coagulation defects induced by long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13803597 TI - Experimental and clinical use of intravenous fibrinolysin therapy. PMID- 13803598 TI - Hemorrhagic diathesis associated with long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13803599 TI - Particle size as a factor in thromboplastin formation. PMID- 13803600 TI - Thrombolysis in dogs with human fibrinolysin. PMID- 13803601 TI - [Must the magistral prescription die?]. PMID- 13803602 TI - Secular change in the intelligence of 11-year-old Aberdeen schoolchildren. PMID- 13803603 TI - New fast abnormal hemoglobin in newborn Nigerians. PMID- 13803604 TI - Antibiotics in tests for toxicity of snake venom. PMID- 13803605 TI - A method for the production of viable cell suspensions from solid tumors. PMID- 13803606 TI - Available blood, fibrinogen, and donor systems in the state of West Virginia. PMID- 13803607 TI - Sub-lethal attacks of amniotic fluid embolism. (Case report). PMID- 13803608 TI - Breech management with caudal anesthesia. PMID- 13803610 TI - [Tunnel arthrodesis of the hip]. PMID- 13803609 TI - And now allergy. PMID- 13803611 TI - [A case of successfully operated ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13803612 TI - [A case of diencephalo-hypophyseal syndrome with diabetes mellitus, insulinism and ariboflavinosis caused by subdural hydroma located in the supra- and para sellar regions]. PMID- 13803613 TI - [A case of pseudohypoparathyroidism]. PMID- 13803614 TI - [A case of pseudohypoparathyroidism (Albright's disease)]. PMID- 13803615 TI - [Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in congenital hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13803616 TI - [Operative therapy of malunited fractures of the ankle]. PMID- 13803618 TI - [Dermatoplasty of the hand according to experiences of the Institut za vuzstanovitelna khirurgiia]. PMID- 13803617 TI - [On Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13803619 TI - Essential pentosuria: renal or enzymic disorder. PMID- 13803620 TI - Desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-bentonite flocculation test for lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13803622 TI - [Visceral leishmaniasis in the Karabakh area of Azerbaidzhan]. PMID- 13803621 TI - [Mulberry berries as a medicinal substance]. PMID- 13803623 TI - [Our experiences with the treatment of endarteritis with Rauwolfia serpentina preparations]. PMID- 13803624 TI - [A method for the bacteriological analysis of sewage and surface water polluted by sewage]. PMID- 13803625 TI - [Certain aspects of biochemistry of the cerebral tissue in suppurative meningitis]. PMID- 13803626 TI - Osmotic effects and diffusion of nonelectrolytes in muscle. PMID- 13803627 TI - [Nomenclature of the bronchi and trachea]. PMID- 13803628 TI - Allergic diseases in two textile industry enterprises. PMID- 13803629 TI - Allergic diseases in the industry of heat resisting materials. PMID- 13803630 TI - Allergic disease in the antimony mine. PMID- 13803631 TI - [The action of hormones on allergic manifestations]. PMID- 13803632 TI - [Histological changes of the nervous system in Coxsackie B3 infection in infancy]. PMID- 13803633 TI - [On the histological changes in the nervous system after infection with Coxsackie B3 in infancy]. PMID- 13803634 TI - [Determination of antistreptolysin using a micromethod]. PMID- 13803635 TI - [Findings on hepatic function in subjects with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. III. Comparative analysis of the histopathological picture, the results of function tests and the various components of the tuberculous process]. PMID- 13803636 TI - [Findings on hepatic function in subjects with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. II. Results obtained with various function tests]. PMID- 13803637 TI - [First observations on a simplified method of hypothermia for craniocerebral operations]. PMID- 13803638 TI - [Treatment with formaldehyde, ammonia and heat of normal and pathological serums]. PMID- 13803639 TI - Primary tumors of the anterior mediastinum PMID- 13803640 TI - [Lobelia syphilitica]. PMID- 13803641 TI - [Isotopic encephalometry. Note I. Experiences with radioiodine in a group of schizophrenic patients]. PMID- 13803642 TI - [Effect of testosterone and of thyroxin on acquired resistance to neurotoxic activity of influenza viruses in mice]. PMID- 13803643 TI - [Activation of the fibrinolytic potential: modern preventive and therapeutic principles in uterine subinvolution]. PMID- 13803644 TI - [Bacterial allergy. Localization in the respiratory tract, skin and digestive system]. PMID- 13803646 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of acquired dyschromatopsia]. PMID- 13803645 TI - [Bacterial allergy]. PMID- 13803647 TI - Simultaneity in the mind- brain- relation. PMID- 13803648 TI - [On the clinical aspects of acquired hemolytic anemias caused by auto antibodies]. PMID- 13803649 TI - Changes in the radiation sensitivity of some enzymes and the possibility of protection against the direct action of ionizing particles. PMID- 13803650 TI - [Effect of an aqueous Crataegus extract on the peripheral circulation of dogs]. PMID- 13803651 TI - [A blood-flow meter based on the bubble-flow principle with direct indication of the flow volume]. PMID- 13803652 TI - [The humoral effects of the spleen on the heart]. PMID- 13803653 TI - [A contribution to the x-ray diagnosis of polytopic enchondral dysostoses]. PMID- 13803654 TI - A contribution to pathogenesis of secondary anaemias in haemoblastoses. PMID- 13803655 TI - Retroperitoneal rupture of the duodenum following nonpenetrating trauma: report of two cases. PMID- 13803656 TI - [Modifications of the pterygium extirpation technic and application of beta-rays in the postoperative period. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13803657 TI - [On acute poisoning by streptococcal toxin in the rabbit. ECG and anatomopathological observations]. PMID- 13803658 TI - [Early results and our procedures in bladder substitution using the intestines]. PMID- 13803660 TI - [VII Congreso Argentino de Tisiologia y Neumologia: inaugural address]. PMID- 13803659 TI - [The problem of the disposal of waste water in an industrial zone]. PMID- 13803661 TI - [Functional disorders of the heart in pregnancy]. PMID- 13803662 TI - [Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy. Clinical contribution]. PMID- 13803663 TI - Method of repair in inguinal hernia. PMID- 13803664 TI - New observations on the mode of action of ribonuclease on living root-tips. PMID- 13803665 TI - New observations on biochemical interactions between nucleus and cytoplasm in Amoeba and Acetabularia. PMID- 13803666 TI - Ribonucleic acids and the synthesis of cellular proteins. PMID- 13803667 TI - [Practical significance of polarographic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid in pediatric neurology]. PMID- 13803669 TI - Subaortic stenosis: a revised concept of the disease. PMID- 13803668 TI - Idiopathic hyperkinetic state: a new clinical syndrome. PMID- 13803671 TI - An additional concept in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of metatarsal problems. PMID- 13803670 TI - Effect of pericoronary denervation on coronary hemodynamics. PMID- 13803672 TI - An epidemic of inhalation anthrax: the first in the twentieth century. II. Epidemiology. PMID- 13803673 TI - [A large urethra-bladder calculus]. PMID- 13803674 TI - [Report on experience with the therapy and post-treatment of acne vulgaris (juvenilis)]. PMID- 13803675 TI - [Maternal height and weight in relation to labor]. PMID- 13803676 TI - [Para-uterine obstetrical infections]. PMID- 13803677 TI - [Functional readaptation and legislation]. PMID- 13803678 TI - [Leukodermic prurigo]. PMID- 13803679 TI - A new method of oxygen determination. PMID- 13803680 TI - Ethylene oxide sterilization of a heart-lung machine. PMID- 13803681 TI - Factors affecting the uptake of lissamine green by serum proteins. AB - Eight physicochemical factors which affect the uptake of lissamine green on filter paper impregnated with serum proteins have been examined, and their relevance to the staining of electrophoretically separated protein fractions is discussed. It is shown that grade of paper, weight of protein applied, separate and combined denaturation and staining time, temperature and concentration of staining solution, concentration of denaturant, and type of protein all influence the weight of dye absorbed per unit weight of applied protein, and must be rigidly standardized if valid quantitative results are to be obtained. Five sets of conditions are obtained for optimal staining and it is found that separation of denaturant from dye yields the best procedure. It is concluded that lissamine green is an excellent dye for the staining and quantitative estimation of separated protein fractions in paper electrophoresis, and that conditions can usually be arranged to produce a linear relation between dye uptake and protein concentration in an experimentally efficient manner. PMID- 13803682 TI - The interaction of plasma fibrinogen with anticoagulants in vitro. PMID- 13803683 TI - The tyrosine and tryptophan content of blood serum in malignant disease. PMID- 13803684 TI - The influence of hypertension on susceptibility of the rat kidney to infection. PMID- 13803685 TI - Gastrectomy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13803686 TI - [Familial psychoses]. PMID- 13803687 TI - Host-tumour relationship. Part II. Non-haemin iron in the organism with transplanted tumour. PMID- 13803688 TI - Host-tumour relationship. Part III. Distribution of haemoglobin in the organism with transplanted tumour. PMID- 13803689 TI - Study of tumour-host relationship. I. On interrelation between haemoglobin concentration and tumour growth. PMID- 13803690 TI - [Acrocephalosyndactylia (morbus Apert)]. PMID- 13803691 TI - Fat metabolism in higher plants. XIII. Phosphatidic acid synthesis and diglyceride phosphokinase activity in mitochondria from peanut cotyledons. PMID- 13803692 TI - An unusual foregut anomaly: an extragastric pouch communicating with the pancreatic duct. PMID- 13803693 TI - Laryngeal spill-over. PMID- 13803694 TI - The waxes and lipoids of resistant houseflies and mosquitoes. PMID- 13803695 TI - Male intersex with ambiguous external genitals and well-developed muellerian elements: a case report. PMID- 13803696 TI - Injuries to the spinal cord. PMID- 13803697 TI - Low back sprain and ruptured intervertebral disc. PMID- 13803698 TI - Ruptured intervertebral disk in the industrial patient: diagnosis, surgical management, and prognosis. PMID- 13803699 TI - Antagonistic effects of parathyroid extract and cortisone. Effects on serum protein and glycoprotein fractions and on renal calcification. PMID- 13803700 TI - Acute appendicitis with perforation. PMID- 13803701 TI - Ureteroileostomy for urinary diversion. PMID- 13803702 TI - Autogenous vein grafts and teflon grafts as small vessel prostheses. PMID- 13803703 TI - Portal hypertension and bleeding esophageal varices. PMID- 13803704 TI - Leiomyosarcoma of the duodenum: case report and summary of literature. PMID- 13803705 TI - Splenectomy for hypersplenism. PMID- 13803706 TI - The influence of ascorbic acid and of milk on the absorption of therapeutic iron. PMID- 13803707 TI - The complement-fixation test in studies of components of the virus system of foot and-mouth disease and its antibodies. PMID- 13803708 TI - Complement-fixation studies of the specificity of the interactions between components of the virus system of foot-and-mouth disease and its antibodies. PMID- 13803709 TI - Biophysical studies of the interactions between the viruses of tobacco mosaic and tomato bushy stunt and their rabbit antisera. PMID- 13803710 TI - Concentration and electron microscopy of the characteristic particle of foot-and mouth disease. PMID- 13803711 TI - Gaudeamus igitur. PMID- 13803712 TI - Aggregation of an acridine dye on native and denatured deoxyribonucleates. PMID- 13803713 TI - Delivery after protocolectomy and ileostomy: report of a case. PMID- 13803714 TI - Acute hepatic necrosis induced by Brucells infection in hyperthyroid mice. AB - When small numbers of Brucella melitensis were inoculated into ABC mice, occasional hepatic granulomas without necrosis were demonstrated. The greatest multiplication of brucellae was detected in the spleens. Because it had been previously observed that ACTH or cortisone markedly accelerated the multiplication of brucellae in the livers of infected mice with destruction of liver cells, it was considered that triiodothyronine might likewise exaggerate a brucella infection by stimulating endogenous adrenal secretion. Although adrenal hypertrophy was produced, infection of mice treated with triiodothyronine resulted in severe hepatic necrosis or infarcts without the multiplication of brucellae in either the livers or spleens. The lesions were not encountered in untreated infected mice or in control mice treated with triiodothyronine. The necrosis was associated with minimal inflammatory reaction. The necrosis was not induced in mice treated with triiodothyronine and given brucella endotoxin. The precise genesis of the acute hepatic necrosis cited in these experiments remains undefined. Triiodothyronine did not cause deaths in mice infected with Br. melitensis. The infection was neither enhanced nor suppressed. PMID- 13803715 TI - [Evaluation of long term antibiotic therapy in experimental brucellosis]. PMID- 13803716 TI - Purchasing: facts about fibers, natural and synthetic. PMID- 13803717 TI - The electroencephalogram of normal and hypothyroid rats. PMID- 13803718 TI - A comparative study of the effects of drugs on the arousal system of the brain. AB - The effects of twelve drugs, eleven of which are reported to be tranquillizers, have been studied in relation to thresholds for arousal produced both by direct stimulation of the brain stem reticular formation and also by afferent nerve stimulation. The drugs can be grouped according to whether (a) like chlorpromazine they produce a slight rise in thresholds for brain stem stimulation and block sensory-induced arousal, (b) cause dissociation between behaviour and electrical activity of the brain, (c) have no effects on thresholds for brain stem stimulation and only slight effects on afferent nerve-induced arousal or (d) have no effect on arousal responses at all. PMID- 13803719 TI - Histologic evaluation of mucogingival surgery. PMID- 13803720 TI - Role of oral blood sugar-lowering agents in the management of diabetes. PMID- 13803721 TI - Volvulus of the sigmoid. PMID- 13803722 TI - Estimation of hepatic blood flow. PMID- 13803723 TI - Genetic interactions within heterokaryons of streptomycetes. PMID- 13803724 TI - Interactions among pH, buffer, and nystatin in Candida stellatoidea. PMID- 13803725 TI - Inheritance of capability of human esophageal epithelial cells to grow with diverse carbohydrates. PMID- 13803726 TI - Mechanisms controlling variation in streptomycetes. PMID- 13803727 TI - The effect of alloxan diabetes on the metabolic activity of rat mammary gland tissue. PMID- 13803728 TI - Metabolism of 11 beta-hydroxy-delta 4-androstene-3, 17-dione in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13803729 TI - The use of anabolic steroids in surgical patients. PMID- 13803730 TI - A method of repair for vaginal agenesis. PMID- 13803731 TI - The relationship of expectation of improvement to actual improvement of hospitalized psychiatric patients. PMID- 13803732 TI - Attitudinal factors influencing outcome of treatment of hospitalized psychiatric patients. PMID- 13803733 TI - Some effects of brain stimulation on timing behavior. PMID- 13803734 TI - Some effects of limbic system selfstimulation upon conditioned emotional behavior. PMID- 13803735 TI - Even after a large part of their reproductive system has been removed, some women have babies. PMID- 13803736 TI - Postoperative gynecological care. PMID- 13803737 TI - A new treatment of radio-ulnar synostosis. PMID- 13803738 TI - Perivascular extravasation of thorotrast: report of a case with eleven-year follow-up. PMID- 13803739 TI - Care of the aged female. PMID- 13803740 TI - Vitamin A isomers in the liver of rats and chicks. PMID- 13803741 TI - Heterokaryotic compatibility, metabolic cooperation, and genic recombination in Streptomyces. PMID- 13803742 TI - [Training in ophthalmology and the eye department organization]. PMID- 13803743 TI - [Oigarche]. PMID- 13803744 TI - X-ray emission from television sets. PMID- 13803745 TI - [Changes in the character of the acute patient in the pediatric hospital]. PMID- 13803746 TI - [Clinical material of an oriental skin polyclinic. An attempted statistical analysis]. PMID- 13803747 TI - [The patients of an Oriental dermatological polyclinic. Attempt at a statistical analysis]. PMID- 13803748 TI - [N-Glycosides of some sulfonamides]. PMID- 13803749 TI - [On the use of a neuroleptic in obsterical twilight sleep]. PMID- 13803750 TI - [Community factors in the treatment of alcoholics (not I-they, too)]. PMID- 13803751 TI - [On a spontaeous hematomyelia due to rupture of an aneurysm of the spinal dorsal artery caused by congenital weakness of the blood vessel wall]. PMID- 13803752 TI - [Immediate prognosis of cesarean section]. PMID- 13803753 TI - Aspects of international medical education. The selection of students. PMID- 13803754 TI - [New concepts in the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13803755 TI - Flavins as components of folic reductases. PMID- 13803756 TI - Chylomicrons and lipid transport. PMID- 13803757 TI - [Dominant hereditary nystagmus]. PMID- 13803758 TI - [Hereditary optic atrophy (Leber's disease). Apropos of a family]. PMID- 13803759 TI - [Progressive muscular dystrophy. (Considerations on genetics and its relation to creatine metabolism)]. PMID- 13803760 TI - [Cubital syndrome caused by multiple chondromatosis of the elbow]. PMID- 13803761 TI - [Atherosclerosis of the basilar trunk]. PMID- 13803763 TI - [Phenglutarimide in the medical treatment of parkinsonism]. PMID- 13803764 TI - [A study of the vascular tone in the system of the carotid arteries in brain tumors]. PMID- 13803762 TI - [Intraspinal reserpine in neuropsychiatry]. PMID- 13803765 TI - [Current status of the problem of therapy of whooping cough]. PMID- 13803766 TI - [Research on the hematological disorders, of viral origin, induced in the rabbit, by injection of homologous brain or serum]. PMID- 13803767 TI - [Research on the leukocyte disturbances provoked in the rabbit by injection of normal human serum]. PMID- 13803768 TI - Determination of the influence of size in the differentiation of an isolate. PMID- 13803769 TI - Phophorylation of H-meromyosin in the course of ATP splitting. PMID- 13803770 TI - [Muscle biochemistry]. PMID- 13803772 TI - [Pneumostratipelvigraphy]. PMID- 13803771 TI - [Hysterosalpingographical findings in patients with primary and secondary sterility during thermal cure with bromo and iodo salts]. PMID- 13803773 TI - [The significance of pneumostratigraphy for the x-ray diagnosis of tumors of the uterus and adnexa]. PMID- 13803774 TI - The agricultural revolution. PMID- 13803775 TI - [Partial medullary hypoplasia caused by arterial ligation: its protective role against benzene-induced leukopenia]. PMID- 13803776 TI - [Heart diseases and pregnancy]. PMID- 13803777 TI - Clinical studies on dexamethasone. PMID- 13803778 TI - The use of 1-lysine monohydrochloride in the treatment of mercurial resistant edema. PMID- 13803779 TI - Roentgenograms: their true value to the surgeon. PMID- 13803780 TI - The radiology of gout. PMID- 13803781 TI - Antral rhinolithiasis. PMID- 13803782 TI - Systemic-pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysm of chest wall and lung. PMID- 13803783 TI - Observations on the extensor plantar reflex and its relationship to the functions of the pyramidal tract. PMID- 13803784 TI - Osler and medicine today. PMID- 13803785 TI - The neurological tradition of the London Hospital or the importance of being thirty. PMID- 13803787 TI - The surgical treatment of persistent ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13803786 TI - William Harvey, neurologist. PMID- 13803789 TI - History of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1924-1959. I. Personnel and policies. PMID- 13803788 TI - History of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1909-1959. PMID- 13803790 TI - [Effects of chronic tonsillitis on the course of scarlatina]. PMID- 13803791 TI - [Barbiturate anesthesia with addition of oxytocics in oxytocics in obsterics]. PMID- 13803792 TI - [The influence of androgenic hormones on the serum calcium content in rats]. PMID- 13803793 TI - [On the surgical treatment of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13803794 TI - [The problem of the percutaneous estrogenic effects of the Neydhartingen moor]. PMID- 13803795 TI - Simultaneous measurements of blood flow and sodium 24 clearance in the skin. PMID- 13803796 TI - Amelanotic malignant melanoma. PMID- 13803797 TI - [Peutz-Touraine syndrome]. PMID- 13803798 TI - [On the surgical treatment of hemolytic anemias]. PMID- 13803799 TI - [Surgical treatment of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13803800 TI - [Cysts, fibrous and giant-cell bone growths, their pathogenesis and nature]. PMID- 13803801 TI - [Hyperparathyroidism and Recklinghausen's disease]. PMID- 13803802 TI - [Polypi and polyposis of the rectum and large intestine]. PMID- 13803804 TI - [Intrathoracic goiter]. PMID- 13803803 TI - Photo-oxidation of yeast enolase. PMID- 13803805 TI - Dispersion of aggregated barley stripe mosaic virus by detergents. PMID- 13803806 TI - [On the active effect of amino acids on cardiac activity]. PMID- 13803807 TI - Urticaria of the gastric mucosa with massive hemorrhage following oral penicillin anaphylaxis. PMID- 13803809 TI - The treatment of psychoneurotic conditions with trifluoperazine. PMID- 13803808 TI - Jaundice following iproniazid administration with recovery; serial biochemical and histological observations of two patients. PMID- 13803810 TI - Cockroach control aboard Navy surface ships. PMID- 13803811 TI - Apparatus for automatically recording oxygen consumption, respiratory movements and activity of small animals. PMID- 13803812 TI - [On some new N, N-disubstituted 4-aminobutyl esters of 4-carbethoxysyringic acid]. PMID- 13803813 TI - [Action of 6-mercaptopurine and of 8-azaguanine on Galliera sarcoma in the rat]. PMID- 13803814 TI - [Effect of the association of 6-mercaptopurine-chlorambucil and 6-mercaptopurine myleran on the growth of Galliera sarcoma in the rat]. PMID- 13803815 TI - [Inhibitory action of isonicotinic acid hydrazide on the development of Galliera sarcoma in the rat]. PMID- 13803816 TI - [On the capacity of some alkylating agents to inhibit the growth of Galliera sarcoma in the rat]. PMID- 13803817 TI - Contribution to the knowledge of atrioventricular dissociation with interference. PMID- 13803818 TI - [Corresponding diseases on the stomach, gallbladder and pancreas]. PMID- 13803819 TI - Retention of discrimination habits by cats. PMID- 13803820 TI - The Van de Graaf X-ray machine. PMID- 13803821 TI - Local government medical officers. PMID- 13803822 TI - A case of progressive hemiatrophy presenting with spontaneous fractures of the lower jaw. PMID- 13803823 TI - [Recent findings in biochemical caries research and their significance for caries prophylaxis]. PMID- 13803824 TI - [Clinical study of I-dehydro-17 alpha-methyltestosterone]. PMID- 13803825 TI - [Observations on electrolyte dynamics in subjects during treatment with ACTH and cortisone: relation to the clearance of total 17-OH steroids]. PMID- 13803826 TI - [Excretion of delta-4, 3-ketocorticosteroids (INH-reactive) in normal and pathological conditions. Changes after stimulation with ACTH]. PMID- 13803827 TI - [Contribution to the study of hemoglobin in microcythemic patients by means of paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13803828 TI - [Apropos of a case of partial relaxation of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13803829 TI - [Anatomoclinical study on a case of eosinophilic granuloma of the stomach]. PMID- 13803830 TI - [Action of lysozyme on the processes of wound healing]. PMID- 13803831 TI - [On the effect of certain basic proteins (protamine, protein C and papain) in experimental peritonitis]. PMID- 13803833 TI - Graduate surgical education in the community hospital. PMID- 13803834 TI - [Latent hemophilia and tonsillectomy]. PMID- 13803832 TI - Standardization of antibiotic sensitivity discs inadequate without standardization of methods and interpretation. PMID- 13803835 TI - Solar stills in Iraq. PMID- 13803836 TI - [Iproniazide (marsilid) in cancerology]. PMID- 13803837 TI - [Spinal anesthesia in obstetrics]. PMID- 13803838 TI - [6 Cases of bacillemia with B. alcaligenes]. PMID- 13803839 TI - [The titer course of complement binding V-, S- and L-antibodies in the sera of influenza-infected guinea pigs]. PMID- 13803840 TI - Immunology of cultivated mammalian cells. I. Species specificity determined by hemagglutination. PMID- 13803841 TI - Immunology of cultivated mammalian cells. II. The effect of heterophil hemagglutinin content of sejum for cultivation of mammalian cells. PMID- 13803842 TI - Biochemical studies of the developing avian embryo. 4. Some respiratory pigments. PMID- 13803843 TI - What labor expects from medicine. PMID- 13803844 TI - Life after leprosy through rehabilitation. PMID- 13803845 TI - The mechanism of elimination of certain strains or species of trypanosomes when mixed in experimental infections. PMID- 13803846 TI - [Recent investigations in the field of parasite physiology]. PMID- 13803847 TI - [Recent investigations in the field of the pathologic physiology of parasitic infections]. PMID- 13803848 TI - [On the use of parenteral fat emulsions and their influencing by heparin]. PMID- 13803850 TI - [On the effect of 3, 5-dioxo-1, 2-diphenyl-4-butylpyrazolidine on the synthesis of fatty acids]. PMID- 13803849 TI - [Inhibition of the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver in vitro and decrease in the cholesterol content of human serum by nicotinamide]. PMID- 13803851 TI - [The epidemiology of rheumatic fever in Israel]. PMID- 13803853 TI - Employability of the diabetic. PMID- 13803852 TI - Medical aspects of motor vehicle accident prevention. PMID- 13803854 TI - Heart disease and motor vehicle accidents. PMID- 13803855 TI - [Contribution to the study of treatment of superficial carcinoma (Stage "O")]. PMID- 13803856 TI - [Erysipelas therapy with madribon ("long-acting"-sulfonamide)]. PMID- 13803857 TI - [A modified leather bandage for therapy of dislocated clavicle fractures]. PMID- 13803858 TI - Evaluation of older patients for cardiac surgery. PMID- 13803859 TI - ["What do I know about the public health service?" A contribution to health education]. PMID- 13803860 TI - [What are the Federal Government, the States and the Communal administrations doing to further public health?]. PMID- 13803861 TI - Lymphadenopathy. PMID- 13803862 TI - The fine structure of the epithelial cells of the mouse prostate. I. Coagulating gland epithelium. AB - The fine structure of the epithelial cells of the anterior lobe, or coagulating gland, of the mouse prostate has been investigated by electron microscopy. This organ is composed of small tubules, lined by tall, simple cuboidal epithelium surrounded by connective tissue and smooth muscle. The epithelial cells are limited by a distinct plasma membrane, which covers minute projections of the cytoplasm into the lumen. The cell membranes of adjacent cells are separated by a narrow layer of structureless material of low density. The cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum are greatly dilated, and the cytoplasmic matrix is reduced to narrow strands, in which the various organelles are visible. The content of the cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum appears as structureless material of lesser density than the cytoplasmic matrix. Material which may be interpreted as secretion products can be seen in the lumina of the tubules. The possible nature of the material inside the cisternal spaces and the secretory mechanisms in these cells is discussed. PMID- 13803864 TI - [The current status of phonocardiography]. PMID- 13803865 TI - The management of temper tantrums and enuresis in childhood. PMID- 13803863 TI - The fine structure of the epithelial cells of the mouse prostate. II. Ventral lobe epithelium. AB - The fine structure of the epithelial cells of one component of the prostatic complex of the mouse-the ventral lobe-has been investigated by electron microscopy. This organ is composed of small tubules, lined by tall simple cuboidal epithelium, surrounded by smooth muscle and connective tissue. Electron micrographs of the epithelial cells of the ventral lobe show these to be limited by a cell membrane, which appears as a continuous dense line. The nucleus occupies the basal portion of the cell and the nuclear envelope consists of two membranes. The cytoplasmic matrix is of moderately low density. The endoplasmic reticulum consists of elongated, circular, and oval profiles representing the cavities of this system bounded by rough surfaced membranes. The Golgi apparatus appears localized in a region between the apical border and the nucleus, and is composed of the usual elements found in secretory cells (3, 9). At the base of the cells, a basement membrane is visible in close contact with the outer aspect of the cell membrane. A space of varying width, which seems to be occupied by connective tissue, separates the epithelial cells from the surrounding smooth muscle fibers and the blood vessels. Bodies with the appearance of portions of the cytoplasm, mitochondria, or profiles of the endoplasmic reticulum can be seen in the lumina of the acini and on the bases of these pictures and others of the apical region the mechanism of secretion by these cells is discussed. The fine structural organization of these cells is compared with that of another component of the mouse prostate-the coagulating gland. PMID- 13803866 TI - [A peculiar case of the antigenic relationship between Bac. coli and Sh. flexneri 5]. PMID- 13803867 TI - [On the shift of lysosensibility of S. java and S. paratyphi B strains by prophage substitution]. PMID- 13803869 TI - ["Rheumatism", a dangerous diagnostic error]. PMID- 13803868 TI - [Professor Hans Schlossberger]. PMID- 13803870 TI - [Surgery and function of the organ. Practical experiences in an average hospital with testing for and assurance of safetv in surgerv in potassium and proteiniron disorders, in hepatorenal syndrome, and in anticoagulant therapy of thromboembolism]. PMID- 13803871 TI - [Surgery and organ function. Practical experiences with the determination of operatbility in a secondary hospital]. PMID- 13803872 TI - [Functional changes in the organism at rest and at work during prolonged inhalation of gas mixtures containing large amounts of oxygen]. PMID- 13803873 TI - [Estrocortine for the treatment of leukorrhea]. PMID- 13803874 TI - Metabolism studies with Ro 4-2130, a new sulfonamide. PMID- 13803875 TI - Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of trimethobenzamide (tigan). PMID- 13803876 TI - [Epilepsy]. PMID- 13803877 TI - Microcephaly. PMID- 13803878 TI - A survey of 200 women discharged from a mental deficiency hospital. PMID- 13803879 TI - Tympanoplasty. PMID- 13803881 TI - Experiences with tympanoplasty. PMID- 13803880 TI - A technique for storing the skin graft during tympanoplasty. PMID- 13803882 TI - Factors influencing drug costs. PMID- 13803883 TI - The significance of an autograft of the great saphenous vein in the treatment of arteriosclerosis obliterans of the thigh. PMID- 13803884 TI - [Surgical treatment of leg ulcers of venous' origin]. PMID- 13803885 TI - [Surgical treatment of ulcus cruris]. PMID- 13803886 TI - [On the treatment of irritative cough with tussukal]. PMID- 13803887 TI - [Portacaval shunt in portal hypertension and hepatic coma]. PMID- 13803888 TI - [Complications following therapy of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13803890 TI - [Critical observations on the statistics on the cure of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13803889 TI - [Results of therapy of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13803891 TI - [Serum electrolytes in pregnancy]. PMID- 13803892 TI - [On instruction in the field of industrial hygiene]. PMID- 13803893 TI - [Contact eczema caused by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide]. PMID- 13803894 TI - [On allergic skin diseases caused by hydrazine sulfate]. PMID- 13803895 TI - [Experiences with a water-soluble x-ray contrast medium (gastrografin) in gastro intestinal diagnosis]. PMID- 13803896 TI - [Foramina parietalia permagna in intracerebral hemangioma]. PMID- 13803897 TI - [On the roentgen diagnosis of cerebrospinal fistula and pneumatocele especially of the anterior cranial fossa]. PMID- 13803898 TI - Medical statistics: its concepts and uses. PMID- 13803899 TI - [Immobilization of the shoulder girdle and the wrist with special reference to fractures of the clavicle and the scaphoid bone]. PMID- 13803900 TI - [Bronchoscopy with a tracheal tube in place]. PMID- 13803901 TI - Intra-aortic transfusion of oxygenated blood and endotracheal insufflation of oxygen in the resuscitation of severely anoxic newborn lambs. PMID- 13803902 TI - Amino acids in muscle and kidney of potassium-deficient rats. PMID- 13803903 TI - Effect of corticosteroid excess and of bilateral adrenalectomy on metabolism of Mg28. PMID- 13803904 TI - [Anaphylactic shock with fatal outcome after heparin injection]. PMID- 13803905 TI - Subacute bacterial endocarditis due to coagulase-negative Staphylococcus albus. PMID- 13803906 TI - Freud and Schiller. PMID- 13803907 TI - [Marfan's syndrome. A case with varicose veins in childhood as the initial symptom]. PMID- 13803908 TI - [On the position of the foramen Monro in normal and pathological lateral phlebogram and on the dislocation of deep internal veins in pathological processes of the cerebrum]. PMID- 13803909 TI - [Use of mytelase in the prevention of postoperative intestinal distension and of urinary retention]. PMID- 13803910 TI - Medical appraisal of elderly county hospital patients. PMID- 13803911 TI - Decreased carbohydrate tolerance in elderly patients. PMID- 13803912 TI - [Myoclonic infantile epilepsy ("hypsarrhythmia")]. PMID- 13803913 TI - [Cephalo-oculo-cutaneous telangiectasis (Louis-Bar syndrome). Progressive ataxia, dementia, chronic bronchitis and vascular changes in a 13 year-old boy]. PMID- 13803914 TI - [Thrombosis prophylaxis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13803915 TI - [Clinical experiences with the local anesthetic hostacain in surgery]. PMID- 13803916 TI - Prognosis of renal cell carcinoma: a clinical study of 52 patients. PMID- 13803917 TI - Properties of diphtheria antitoxins produced in guinea pigs with use of Freund's adjuvant. PMID- 13803918 TI - A defense of Epimetheus. Development of knowledge concerning the meningococcus. PMID- 13803919 TI - [The pathophysiology of stuttering in the light of the doctrine of the internal image]. PMID- 13803920 TI - [Influenzal pneumonia without symptoms]. PMID- 13803921 TI - Habitual premenstrual spotting following electrocauterization of the cervix: a newly observed phenomenon. PMID- 13803922 TI - Annular pancreas. Report of case with unusual presenting symptoms and cure. PMID- 13803923 TI - Iron absorption and storage in sideropenia. PMID- 13803924 TI - Neonatal mortality with special refernce to infectious causes of death. PMID- 13803925 TI - [Disseminated perforations of the jejunum late after resection]. PMID- 13803926 TI - [On a two-stage liver rupture in children]. PMID- 13803927 TI - [Comparative studies on spontaneously descended testis in unilateral cryptorchism]. PMID- 13803928 TI - [Aortographic findings in Sudeck's dystrophy and consequences in therapy]. PMID- 13803929 TI - Bobbies, beefeaters, and British "medzin". PMID- 13803931 TI - New liver suture. PMID- 13803930 TI - Radioisotope implantation into the internal mammary vessels for breast cancer. PMID- 13803932 TI - Basic areas of prevention of athletic injuries. PMID- 13803933 TI - Newton County pilot screening for tuberculosis control through school certification. PMID- 13803934 TI - [Auerbach's plexus and aperistalsis of the esophagus]. PMID- 13803935 TI - The prognosis of mental disorders in children. PMID- 13803936 TI - Borderline schizophrenia in children; symptomatology and course illustrated by a longitudinal study of a typical case. PMID- 13803937 TI - Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia complicated by gangrene of the stomach. PMID- 13803938 TI - [Trial use of G. 5668 in the treatment of alveolar hypoventilation]. PMID- 13803939 TI - [Hodgkin's disease with gastric localization]. PMID- 13803940 TI - Occurrence of osteoporosis in mice with muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13803941 TI - [Oral antidiabetics as substitutes for small insulin doses in psychiatric patients. A clinical trial with chlorpropamide and tolbutamide]. PMID- 13803942 TI - [On a case of monosymmetric tetrabrachial thoracopagus twin monster]. PMID- 13803943 TI - [Studies on blood serum proteins in systemic diseases of the hemopietic system. VI. Pathological proteins appearing during the course of leukemias, maligant granuloma and primary reticulosis]. PMID- 13803944 TI - [Influence of treatment with adrenal cortex hormones on immunohematological lesions in hemopoietic system diseases and in visceral lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13803945 TI - [Immuno-hematological changes in visceral lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13803946 TI - [Serological syndromes observed during the course of primary reticuloses]. PMID- 13803947 TI - [Changes in the osseous system in chronic manifest lymphatic leukemia]. PMID- 13803948 TI - [Studies on serum proteins in diseases of the hemopoietic organs. V. Behavior of serum proteins in primary chronic reticulosis]. PMID- 13803949 TI - Ectopic pregnancy at Cleveland Mount Sinai Hospital. PMID- 13803950 TI - [On a case of accident in anti-dysentery immunization]. PMID- 13803951 TI - [Relative importance of the general practitioner and the specialist in patient care]. PMID- 13803952 TI - Patellar shape and degenerative changes in the femoro-patellar joint. PMID- 13803953 TI - [On representation in the cerebellum of certain visceral nerves]. PMID- 13803954 TI - [On the problem of the effect of interoceptive irritation on electrical activity of the cerebral cortex following the administration of aminazin]. PMID- 13803955 TI - [Gastrointestinal complications occurring in modern antirheumatic treatment]. PMID- 13803956 TI - Sleep deprivation. PMID- 13803957 TI - Febrile response to bacterial pyrogens in leukemia. PMID- 13803958 TI - Fever from pathogenic fungi. PMID- 13803959 TI - Role of bacterial urease in experimental pyelonephritis. PMID- 13803960 TI - Mechanism of action of a toxic bacterial antigen. PMID- 13803961 TI - [Histochemical studies on tumor cell mitochondria in the selection of antibiotics with antineoplastic activity]. PMID- 13803962 TI - [On the problem of the possibility of utilization of cortisone for study of vaccinal strains of Brucella]. PMID- 13803963 TI - Cyanotic spells and loss of consciousness induced by cardiac catheterization in patients with Fallot's tetralogy. PMID- 13803964 TI - Radioactive phosphorus in the in vivo diagnosis of melanoma of the skin. PMID- 13803965 TI - Wasted economy and wasted manpower--a plea for more and better trained assitants. PMID- 13803966 TI - Observations on the therapy of leg ulcers. PMID- 13803967 TI - The liver in hypothermia. PMID- 13803968 TI - Changes in liver function and structure due to experimental passive congestion under controlled hepatic vein pressures. PMID- 13803969 TI - Studies concerning functional differences between liver regions supplied by the hepatic artery and by the portal vein. PMID- 13803970 TI - [Posttraumatic ossification of accessory bones]. PMID- 13803971 TI - [Spinal injury in "Klischnigg" contortionists]. PMID- 13803972 TI - [Doctor J. N. Roy: 1872-1959]. PMID- 13803973 TI - [Use of the "stop-flow" technique in the study of the excretion of protein substances. I. Excretion of hemoglobin]. PMID- 13803974 TI - [Syndrome of fatal plasmatic hypertonia in the course of an episode of urinary retention]. PMID- 13803975 TI - Medullary reticuloses in adults. PMID- 13803976 TI - Diencephalic syndrome of early infancy associated with brain tumor. Report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13803977 TI - [Contributions to the nutrition physiology of tubercle bacteria]. PMID- 13803978 TI - [Carcinoma of the whole esophagus after a cardiospasm lasting for many years]. PMID- 13803979 TI - [Contribution to the clinical and roentgenological symptomatology of ulcer in the aged]. PMID- 13803980 TI - [Gastroduodenal mucosal prolapse and its clinical significance]. PMID- 13803981 TI - [Extensive polyposis ventriculi in pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13803982 TI - [Heart volume and its relation to other hemodynamic factors during application of new roentgenological examination methods]. PMID- 13803984 TI - [The overloading of the rural population from the view point of the rural physician]. PMID- 13803983 TI - [Lymphogranulomatosis and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13803985 TI - The effect of acclimatization to cold on the action of drugs in the rat. PMID- 13803986 TI - A check list for nursing service policy manuals. PMID- 13803987 TI - [Corolla-like opacification of the gallbladder after intravenous injection of a urinary contrast substance]. PMID- 13803988 TI - [Observations on chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13803989 TI - Reserpine as a therapeutic agent in schizophrenia. PMID- 13803990 TI - [On lymphadentis mesenterialis (Masshoff)]. PMID- 13803991 TI - [The effect of nutrition on fecal lysozyme excretion in infants without intestinal disease]. PMID- 13803993 TI - Diseases due to enzymatic dysfunction. PMID- 13803992 TI - [Determination of leucine aminopeptidase activity in the sera of healthy and sick persons; preliminary report]. PMID- 13803994 TI - [Collagen, collagen system diseases]. PMID- 13803995 TI - [New steroids]. PMID- 13803996 TI - [Psychotherapy in internal diseases]. PMID- 13803997 TI - Clinical evaluation of trimeglamide in anxiety. PMID- 13803998 TI - Serum lactic acid dehydrogenase: an aid to the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia. PMID- 13803999 TI - [When may we speak of pertusis in medical practice?]. PMID- 13804000 TI - [Scientific research on general practice and its significance for clinical medicine]. PMID- 13804001 TI - [Rheumatology]. PMID- 13804002 TI - [Localization of foreign bodies during interventions with the aid of a sound or a metal loop]. PMID- 13804003 TI - [Hypersensitivity to scophedal and its control with lorfan]. PMID- 13804004 TI - [Clinical observations on the pathogenesis of chloracne]. PMID- 13804005 TI - [Leukemia as a false diagnosis. Contribution on the differential diagnosis of leukemoid reactions in children]. PMID- 13804006 TI - [On complete dislocations and dislocation-fractures in the tibiotarsal joint]. PMID- 13804007 TI - [Middle ear cholesteatoma with sinus thrombosis in central perforation of the tympanic membrane]. PMID- 13804008 TI - [On the basilar membrane of normal and pathologically changed mucosa of the upper respiratory tract]. PMID- 13804009 TI - [On the clinical picture of glossitis rhombica mediana]. PMID- 13804010 TI - [Studies on the ground substance of normal and pathological nasal mucosa]. PMID- 13804011 TI - [Circumscribed lichenification of the hair of the head with simultaneous reversible alopecia]. PMID- 13804012 TI - [On the behavior of total phosphate in the water-soluble non-keratin portion of normal horny layer, callus and psoriasis scales]. PMID- 13804013 TI - [On changes of skin connective tissue during the hair growth cycle in the mouse]. PMID- 13804014 TI - [Histochemical findings in "pemphigus with subepidermal vesicle formation" with a contribution to the pathogenesis of supepidermal vesicle formation]. PMID- 13804015 TI - [Histological and histochemical changes in psoriatic foci during enteral triamcinolone treatment]. PMID- 13804016 TI - [Familial dysautonomy (Riley-Day syndrome): apropos of 3 cases]. PMID- 13804017 TI - [A case of mandibulofacial dysostosis]. PMID- 13804018 TI - [Results of serial lung studies in adolescents]. PMID- 13804019 TI - Melanosarcoma involving the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13804020 TI - [Considerations on a case of auricular intra-septal hematoma]. PMID- 13804021 TI - [Considerations on the post-myocardial-infarct syndrome]. PMID- 13804022 TI - [Considerations on the sequelae of epidemic hepatitis]. PMID- 13804023 TI - [Esophagobronchial fistulas]. PMID- 13804024 TI - [On the site of specific exchange of amino acids in the beta-chain of pathological human hemoglobins]. PMID- 13804025 TI - An inexpensive self-retaining safety-pin retractor. PMID- 13804026 TI - Automotive crash injury research. PMID- 13804027 TI - [Primary chronic polyarthritis with chronic pulmonary changes]. PMID- 13804028 TI - On the occurrence of virus-like bodies in human leukemia. PMID- 13804029 TI - [On the presence of virus-like inclusions in human leukemic tissues]. PMID- 13804030 TI - [Quantitative distinction of serum mucoproteins in different species]. PMID- 13804031 TI - [On the use of electron microscopy in clinical hematology]. PMID- 13804032 TI - [On the influence of heparin on the eosinophil count]. PMID- 13804033 TI - [On the influence of nicotinic acid and heparin on iron metabolism]. PMID- 13804034 TI - [Treatment of the adrenogenital syndrome with decadron]. PMID- 13804035 TI - Review of the Austrian hematologic literature: year 1959. PMID- 13804036 TI - The effects of exercise on central blood volume in man. PMID- 13804037 TI - Drainage pathways of pulmonary veins in atrial septal defect. PMID- 13804038 TI - Ventriculo-right atrial communication; diagnosis by clinical, hemodynamic and angiographic methods. PMID- 13804039 TI - A Simplified indicator-dilution technic for the localization of left-to-right circulatory shunts. An experimental and clinical study of intravenous injection with right heart sampling. PMID- 13804040 TI - Complete replacement of the mitral valve. Successful clinical application of a flexible polyurethane prosthesis. PMID- 13804041 TI - Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. Ten years' experience with the Putti-Platt reconstruction procedure. PMID- 13804042 TI - [Pessimum of contractility of the mammalian cardiac auricle]. PMID- 13804043 TI - [Writers, musicians and artists among physicians]. PMID- 13804044 TI - [On the energy extinction of the skin reaction to ultraviolet rays]. PMID- 13804045 TI - [Natural immunity and its humoral factors. The properdin system]. PMID- 13804046 TI - [Surgical treatment of extrapyramidal syndromes]. PMID- 13804047 TI - [Principal causes of mrtality in Mexico according to age and sex]. PMID- 13804048 TI - Sell your state hospital through the Chamber of Commerce. PMID- 13804049 TI - Why not integrate fire & police services? PMID- 13804050 TI - A self-reproducing system concerned with the formation of chloroplasts in Euglena gracilis. PMID- 13804051 TI - [Congenital hemangiomatosis (hemangioma multiplex)]. PMID- 13804052 TI - The formation of mercapturic acids. 3. N-Acetylation of S-substituted cysteines in the rabbit, rat and guinea pig. PMID- 13804053 TI - The formation of mercapturic acids. 4. Deacetylation of mercapturic acids by the rabbit, rat and guinea pig. PMID- 13804054 TI - The chemistry of xanthine oxidase. Electron-spin resonance of xanthine oxidase solutions. PMID- 13804055 TI - The chemistry of xanthine oxidase. 6. Variations in stability and the presence of an inhibitor in certain preparations. PMID- 13804056 TI - Effect of pyrimethamine upon sporogony and pre-erythrocytic schizogony of Laverania falciparum. AB - Studies have been conducted in Liberia on the effect of pyrimethamine on the sporogony and, for the first time, on the pre-erythrocytic schizogony of Laverania falciparum. From the results reported here it is concluded that it may reasonably be assumed that a mass monthly regimen of pyrimethamine in Liberia could afford protection to the individual and to the mosquito and thus to the population at large, provided that resistance to pyrimethamine does not intervene.Pyrimethamine in single doses of 25 mg or 50 mg administered to gametocyte carriers was able to render gametocytes of L. falciparum uninfective to A. gambiae for periods up to 28 days after administration.Mosquitos feeding upon a malaria-free pyrimethamine-treated subject before or after feeding upon a non-treated gametocyte carrier became infected and sporozoites appeared in the salivary glands.Pyrimethamine administered in 12.5-mg doses 13 days before, 6 days before and 2 days after sporozoite infection or administered in 25-mg doses 35 days and 7 days before sporozoite infection disallowed the development of the pre-erythrocytic schizonts of L. falciparum in the livers of two chimpanzees. PMID- 13804057 TI - Pre-erythrocytic stages of human malaria parasites: Plasmodium malariae. PMID- 13804058 TI - Studies on malaria in chimpanzees. VIII. The experimental transmission and pre erythrocytic phase of Plasmodium malariae, with a note on the host-range of the parasite. PMID- 13804059 TI - Safety of intravenous proteolytic enzymes (varizyme) in equine practice. PMID- 13804060 TI - Insulin-resistant diabetic acidosis: successful treatment with adrenocorticoids. PMID- 13804061 TI - [Our experience with the use of iproniazid in psychiatry]. PMID- 13804062 TI - [Delayed puberty]. PMID- 13804063 TI - [Is the use of cortisone during pregnancy allowable?]. PMID- 13804064 TI - [Isolation, purification and investigation on certain physicochemical properties of antibiotic 6613]. PMID- 13804065 TI - Physiotherapy in pregnancy and labour. PMID- 13804066 TI - Some uses of computers in experimental neurology. PMID- 13804067 TI - The EEG in epilepsy. A historical note. PMID- 13804068 TI - [Tuberculoma of the ureter]. PMID- 13804069 TI - [Surgery in horseshoe kidney]. PMID- 13804070 TI - [Surgical treatment of hernias of the esophageal hiatus]. PMID- 13804071 TI - [Pulmonary nocardiosis. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13804072 TI - [Endobronchial hamartoma]. PMID- 13804073 TI - [Surgical treatment of persistence of the ductus arteriosus. (Apropos of 127 cases)]. PMID- 13804074 TI - [Pectus excavatum. Surgical correction]. PMID- 13804075 TI - [Residencies in surgery. Personal experience]. PMID- 13804076 TI - [Tumors of the mediastinum. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13804077 TI - Effect of heart irregularity on left ventricular and arterial peak systolic pressures in aortic stenosis. PMID- 13804078 TI - Colonic cleansing for pyelography: an evaluation of a new type of enema. PMID- 13804080 TI - An attempt to induce "pigment spread" in freckled human skin. PMID- 13804079 TI - Treatment of pilonidal sinus. PMID- 13804082 TI - The cellular distribution of foetal and adult haemoglobins. PMID- 13804083 TI - A re-survey of the nervous system, for radiographers. PMID- 13804081 TI - Francis Thompson-student, addict, poet. PMID- 13804084 TI - Biliary and renal calculi. PMID- 13804085 TI - The travelling-wave linear accelerator. PMID- 13804086 TI - [Listeriosis in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13804087 TI - Role of stroma in haemoglobin synthesis: experiments on duck red cells in vitro. PMID- 13804088 TI - Pathway of carbon-14 incorporation from radiocarbon-labelled sodium bicarbonate to haem in duck blood incubated in vitro. PMID- 13804089 TI - The electroencephalographic effects of arrested circulation during hypothermia. PMID- 13804090 TI - [Report on 2 years of cooperation with the "Hochschulsanatorium St. Blasien"]. PMID- 13804092 TI - An externally valved hydraulic cardiac substitute. PMID- 13804093 TI - [Utility of anticoagulant treatment in congestive heart failure]. PMID- 13804091 TI - Stress ulcers in the stomach. PMID- 13804094 TI - [Pancreatic diabetes in northern Sardinia and regional pancreatic factors]. PMID- 13804095 TI - [The etiology and microbiology of actinomycosis]. PMID- 13804096 TI - Intraventricular blood pressures in the chicken. PMID- 13804097 TI - [Antibiotics--research and therapy]. PMID- 13804098 TI - [On pathological-anatomical studies on the nervous system in polycythemia vera rubra]. PMID- 13804099 TI - [Significance of the measurement of venous pressure during surgery of the thoracic organs]. PMID- 13804100 TI - [Gynecological cancer. Current diagnostic problems]. PMID- 13804101 TI - [Clinical problems in the healing of cavities]. PMID- 13804103 TI - Skin cancer. PMID- 13804102 TI - [Pathology and pathogenesis of arterial vascular diseases]. PMID- 13804104 TI - Age and productivity among workers in four Chicago companies. PMID- 13804105 TI - Changing status of the aged in modern society. PMID- 13804106 TI - Effect of posture on splitting of the second heart sound. PMID- 13804107 TI - Improvement in local tolerance and therapeutic effectiveness of benzathine penicillin. A comparison of the effect of further purification of the drug, the addition of procaine penicillin, and the addition of prednisolone. PMID- 13804108 TI - The prevention of type specific immunity to streptococcal infections due to the therapeutic use of penicillin. Occurrence of second attacks due to the same type of group A hemolytic streptococci. PMID- 13804109 TI - Analysis by electron microscopy and infectivity of foot-and mouth disease virus in moving-boundary and zone ultracentrifugation. PMID- 13804110 TI - Examination of spray-droplet particle counting as a measure of virus concentration. PMID- 13804111 TI - Cataract surgery: clinical evaluation of 204 cataract operations. PMID- 13804112 TI - Cataract surgery; operative technique. PMID- 13804113 TI - [Changes in the absorptive capacity of the peritoneum in exsanguination]. PMID- 13804114 TI - [Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in the history of the journal "Khirurgiia"]. PMID- 13804115 TI - [Our experience in palliative operations in high obstruction of the biliary tract on the basis of alveolar echinococcosis]. PMID- 13804116 TI - [On the preparation of eserine salicylate collyrium]. PMID- 13804117 TI - [Long-term prognosis in myocardial infarct; clinical control of 180 cases for a period of from 1 to 18 years]. PMID- 13804119 TI - [The diagnosis of false papillary edema]. PMID- 13804118 TI - [Anomalies of the visual field in the course of persistent oculomotor paralysis in the adult]. PMID- 13804120 TI - [Primary cancer of the gastric stump after gastrectomy for ulcer]. PMID- 13804121 TI - [Apropos of cancers of parasitic origin]. PMID- 13804122 TI - [The Centre Pierre et Marie Curie d'Alger, large anticancer center]. PMID- 13804123 TI - [What should be known about cancer]. PMID- 13804124 TI - [On superficial skin necroses caused by therapeutic measures]. PMID- 13804125 TI - Attitudinal consequences of commitment to unpleasant behavior. PMID- 13804126 TI - [Infant nutrition]. PMID- 13804127 TI - [The use of nystatin in cultural tuberculosis diagnosis]. PMID- 13804128 TI - [Localized retroperitoneal lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13804129 TI - Blood-transfusion on passenger liners while at sea. PMID- 13804130 TI - Light-proof radar hoods. PMID- 13804131 TI - Radar reading with reading glasses or "fitin-glasses": a test plate with phosphorescent optotypes. PMID- 13804132 TI - [Radar observing with reading glasses or "fitin glasses". A test card with phosphorescent optotypes]. PMID- 13804133 TI - Contributions of electromyography to strabismus. PMID- 13804134 TI - A survey of the penicillin sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus in general practice. PMID- 13804135 TI - [Pendulum irradiation of the parametrium and its lymphatics]. PMID- 13804136 TI - Hemolytic anemia with cold hemagglutination and atypical pneumonia. PMID- 13804137 TI - [From public hygiene to forensic medicine]. PMID- 13804138 TI - [Historoentgenographic studies in poisonnig with heavy metals]. PMID- 13804139 TI - [Historoentgenographic studies in silicosis]. PMID- 13804140 TI - In memoriam Professor emeritus Dr. Fritz Reuter PMID- 13804141 TI - [The physician and traffic accidents]. PMID- 13804142 TI - Assimilation of nucleic acid precursors by isolated thymus nuclei. PMID- 13804143 TI - Mon valent cations and the incorporation of metabolites by isolated thymus nuclei. PMID- 13804144 TI - Drug therapy in obsessional states and other psychiatric problems. PMID- 13804145 TI - The use of marsilid in the treatment of mental disorders resistive to previous therapy. PMID- 13804146 TI - [Recent viewpoints in pregnancy care]. PMID- 13804147 TI - [The value of radioactive gold in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma]. PMID- 13804148 TI - [Actinomycosis perineo-vaginalis]. PMID- 13804149 TI - [Effect of certain preparations from plants of the family Aralia on experimental radiation sickness]. PMID- 13804150 TI - [Certain aspects in the investigation of medicinal plants]. PMID- 13804152 TI - [Surgical treatment of portal hypertension and its complications]. PMID- 13804151 TI - [Contribution to the study of mechanisms of stimulation of acid secretion of the stomach]. PMID- 13804153 TI - [Pharmacologic study of the facilitation of cortical responses to reticular arousal]. PMID- 13804154 TI - [Wedenski's inhibition in the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13804155 TI - The arousal of the brain. PMID- 13804156 TI - [Nervous regulation of cortical activity]. PMID- 13804157 TI - [On the circulatory effects of nicotine. Local vascular effects in the skin and skeletal muscle of the cat]. PMID- 13804158 TI - Biosynthesis of choline in vitro. PMID- 13804159 TI - Mono- and dimethylethanolamine isolated from rat-liver phospholipids. PMID- 13804160 TI - [The risk of uterine rupture in normal pregnancy subsequet to cesarean section]. PMID- 13804162 TI - How to remember your patients' name. PMID- 13804163 TI - Your last will and testament. PMID- 13804161 TI - [Dispensary work at an industrial polyclinic]. PMID- 13804164 TI - Management of chronic Iumbosacral strain. PMID- 13804165 TI - [Clinical evaluation of somato-visceral nerve block in therapy of burns of the hand]. PMID- 13804166 TI - [Statistical report of the Servizio di Anestesiologia for the years from 1954 to 1959]. PMID- 13804167 TI - [Clinical possibilities offered by curative anesthesia in the treatment of pain]. PMID- 13804168 TI - [The significance of brain temperature for cold counter-regulation. I. The effect of brain temperature on respiratory metabolism of the dog in a thermoin different environment]. PMID- 13804169 TI - [The significance of brain temperature for cold counter-regulation. II. The effect of brain temperature on respiratory metabolism of the dog under cold exposure]. PMID- 13804170 TI - [The significance of brain temperature for cold counter-regulation. III. The effect of brain temperature on the blood circulation of the dog]. PMID- 13804172 TI - A critique of Fine's position. PMID- 13804171 TI - The ABO groups in kryptogenetic epilepsy. PMID- 13804173 TI - Therapy of certain endocrine and endocrine-sensitive tumors. PMID- 13804174 TI - Treatment of congestive heart failure with 3-benzyl dihydroflumethiazide: preliminary report. PMID- 13804175 TI - Allergic cystitis: the cause of nocturnal enuresis. PMID- 13804176 TI - [Chemotherapy of experimental schistosomiasis. 2. Observations on the therapeutic action of glucosamine hydrochloride]. PMID- 13804177 TI - Effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan on schizophrenia. PMID- 13804178 TI - A note on questionnaire rigidity and extreme response set. PMID- 13804180 TI - [Cervical ribs]. PMID- 13804179 TI - Extreme response set, drive level and abnormality in questionnaire rigidity. PMID- 13804181 TI - [Lymph nodal curettage of the retroduodenopancreatic space and of the hepatic pedicle in gastrectomy for cancer]. PMID- 13804182 TI - [The "second look": controlled reintervention. (On the experience of Wangensteen and several personal reflections)]. PMID- 13804183 TI - [The Middlebrook-Dubos reaction and erythrosedimentation rate in evaluation of the grade of activity of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804185 TI - Transvaginal pudendal block. PMID- 13804184 TI - [Phenacetin--kidney]. PMID- 13804186 TI - New records and descriptions of chiggers (Acarina: Trombiculidae) on bats in Alabama. PMID- 13804187 TI - 5-Fluorouracil in clinical cancer experience with 155 patients. PMID- 13804188 TI - The indications for cancer chemotherapy. PMID- 13804189 TI - Electronic monitoring apparatus for coil kidney. PMID- 13804190 TI - Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase activity with triphosphopyridine nucleotide and with diphosphopyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13804191 TI - Estimating the prevalence of alcoholism from vital rates. PMID- 13804192 TI - [Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia with concomitant leukemia differential blood count]. PMID- 13804193 TI - [On posttraumatic carotid-cavernous anastomoses]. PMID- 13804194 TI - [Our arteriographic experiences in cerebral blood circulation disorders]. PMID- 13804195 TI - [On the clinical aspects of ileocecal pseudotuberculosis]. PMID- 13804196 TI - [The clinical usefulness of the Abderhalden reaction for the recognition of cancerous disease]. PMID- 13804197 TI - [Quantitative chromatographic analysis of amino acid excretion in children in various stages of life]. PMID- 13804198 TI - The aminoacyl insertion reaction. PMID- 13804199 TI - Genetic and chemical studies on the head protein of bacteriophages T2 and T4. PMID- 13804200 TI - A negative staining method for high resolution electron microscopy of viruses. PMID- 13804201 TI - [Peracon in practice. Experiences with a new kind of antitussive agent]. PMID- 13804202 TI - ["Growing pains"]. PMID- 13804203 TI - [Blood and cerebrospinal fluid findings in molimina crurum nocturna (including restless legs)]. PMID- 13804204 TI - [Frequency of molimina crurum nocturna (including restless legs) in an urban population]. PMID- 13804205 TI - [Levin test and school performance]. PMID- 13804206 TI - Some aspects of placement systems in industry. PMID- 13804207 TI - Synergism between effects of hyperventilation, hypoglycemia and positive acceleration. PMID- 13804209 TI - Uterine vascular clamping: new procedure for the study of congenital malformations. PMID- 13804208 TI - Familial muscular subaortic stenosis: an unrecognized form of "idiopathic heart diseases," with clinical and autopsy observations. PMID- 13804210 TI - The use of radioactive rose bengal in the evaluationof infantile jaundice. PMID- 13804211 TI - The indirect effect of irradiation on embryonic development. I. Irradiation of the mother while shielding the embryonic site. PMID- 13804212 TI - The indirect effect of irradiation on embryonic development. II. Irradiation of the placenta. PMID- 13804213 TI - Basic considerations in the prescribing of wheel chairs. PMID- 13804214 TI - [Note on the diagnosis of variola in the laboratory. II. Method for the inculation of the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick embryo]. PMID- 13804215 TI - [On the changes of gas metabolism of isolated tissue after roentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13804216 TI - [Variations of the intracellular content of sodium and potassium and metabolism of glycogen in liver sections of the x-irradiated rat]. PMID- 13804217 TI - A portable technique for the maintenance of constant sterile postoperative wound suction. PMID- 13804218 TI - [Effect of chronic irradiation on dry rye seeds]. PMID- 13804219 TI - [Effect of iodine preparations on the level of thyrotropic hormones in the blood in patients with thyrotoxicosis]. PMID- 13804220 TI - Effect of prolonged effect of an iodide on the thyroid gland PMID- 13804221 TI - Detection of the cerebrosides on paper chromatograms. PMID- 13804222 TI - [On the structure of globular proteins and its relation to the external environment]. PMID- 13804223 TI - [Characteristics of selective sorption and purification of streptomycin on carboxyl resins in relation to their chemical structure]. PMID- 13804224 TI - [Experimental teratoid of the tests of white mice induced by testosterone and copper sulfate]. PMID- 13804225 TI - [Tumors of the interstitial tissue of the epididymis in mice induced by diethylstibesterol]. PMID- 13804226 TI - Occupational exposures to uranium air contamination in feed materials production facilities, 1948-1956. PMID- 13804227 TI - Mortality from coronary heart disease and physical activity of work in California. PMID- 13804228 TI - Prevention and control of chronic disease. V. Periodic health examination and multiple screening. PMID- 13804229 TI - [Work and other social factors as a cause of chronic diseases]. PMID- 13804230 TI - On the mechanism of action of an ascorbic acid-dependent nonenzymatic hydroxylating system. PMID- 13804231 TI - Mechanism of action of 6-azacytosine in bacteria. PMID- 13804232 TI - All-vegetable protein mixtures for human feeding. II. The nutritive value of corn, sorghum, rice and buckwheat substituted for lime-treated corn in INCAP vegetable mixture eight. PMID- 13804233 TI - Supplementation of cereal proteins with amino acids. III. Effect of amino acid supplementation of wheat flour as measured by nitrogen retention of young children. PMID- 13804234 TI - [The problem of expert testimony of punishable adolescents]. PMID- 13804235 TI - Serum leucine aminopeptidase activity in normal pregnancy and in patients with hydatidiform mole. PMID- 13804236 TI - Preliminary observations on the antihypertensive properties of guanethidine. PMID- 13804237 TI - Conversion of atrial fibrillation to atrial flutter as a manifestation of digitalis toxicity. PMID- 13804238 TI - Newer approaches to antihypertensive therapy. PMID- 13804239 TI - Reversible effects of antihypertensive therapy. PMID- 13804240 TI - The etiology and therapy of essential hypertension. A review. PMID- 13804241 TI - The treatment of severe hypertension. PMID- 13804242 TI - Congenital cardioaortic fistula. PMID- 13804243 TI - Preliminary observations on a new antiarrhythmic agent (Ro 2-5803). PMID- 13804244 TI - Valvular surgery in the young patient with rheumatic heart disease. PMID- 13804245 TI - [Evaluation of different methods of oxygen administration for decompression of divers]. PMID- 13804246 TI - [Hematoma of the umbilical cord]. PMID- 13804247 TI - [Vaginites due to "Haemophilus vaginalis"]. PMID- 13804248 TI - [Epidemiology of the staphylococcal and mycotic infection of the newborn in the maternity ward. Antibiotic resistance of bacteria of maternal origin and bacteria of hospital origin]. PMID- 13804249 TI - [Pain syndrome caused by persistence of symphysial mobility after childbirth. Its relations with relaxin]. PMID- 13804250 TI - [Antibiotic resistance in staphylococcal vaginitis in the course of pregnancy. Maternal pathology after labor]. PMID- 13804251 TI - [Staphylococcal vaginal infection. Its maternal consequences in the postpartum period]. PMID- 13804252 TI - [Cortisone and derivatives in the treatment of sterility]. PMID- 13804253 TI - [General and local corticotherapy and tubal functional recovery]. PMID- 13804254 TI - [On salpingectomy. Pathology of the tubal stumps]. PMID- 13804255 TI - [Treatment of trichomonas vaginitis by TC-109]. PMID- 13804256 TI - [Uterine diverticulosis]. PMID- 13804257 TI - [Listeria monocytogenes septicemia in a pregnant woman. Subsequent abortion]. PMID- 13804258 TI - [Genital tuberculosis and pregnancy]. PMID- 13804259 TI - [Treatment and prevention of maternal and neonatal complications caused by staphylococcal infection]. PMID- 13804260 TI - [Thiocolchicoside in obstetrics]. PMID- 13804261 TI - [Erroneous conclusions from splenoportographic pictures]. PMID- 13804262 TI - [Pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum. Clinical study]. PMID- 13804263 TI - Congeners of pempidine with high ganglion-blocking activity. PMID- 13804264 TI - [The school in the hospital]. PMID- 13804265 TI - [Tracheal compression due to bacillary adenopathy. Urgent surgical intervention]. PMID- 13804266 TI - [Hypochromic anemias in infants]. PMID- 13804267 TI - [Respiratory allergy in children: general concepts of respiratory allergy in children]. PMID- 13804268 TI - [The importance of bismuth silicate in pediatric therapeutics]. PMID- 13804269 TI - [Apropos of two cases of Gaucher's disease]. PMID- 13804270 TI - [Pulmonary sequestration; aortographic diagnosis; pathogenic discussion]. PMID- 13804271 TI - [Emergency pneumonectomy in a 4-month-old infant infected with staphylococci]. PMID- 13804272 TI - [Mucoviscidosis of spontaneously regressive outcome]. PMID- 13804273 TI - [Lowe's syndrome. Study of a case]. PMID- 13804274 TI - [Relapsing bronchopneumopathies of childhood. Recent etiological aspects]. PMID- 13804275 TI - [The intersexual states. Anatomoclinical forms]. PMID- 13804276 TI - [Vitaminresistant rickets and primary tubular acidosis]. PMID- 13804277 TI - [Study of serum transaminase and aldolase levels in the course of myopathy]. PMID- 13804278 TI - [Study of the level of serum transaminases and aldolase during myopathies]. PMID- 13804279 TI - [Lung and chickenpox]. PMID- 13804280 TI - [Nontuberculous ventilatory disorders during recent primary tuberculosis in a young child]. PMID- 13804281 TI - [Study of blood coagulability in the premature newborn infant]. PMID- 13804282 TI - [Remarks concerning the statistics of 52 cases of hemophilia detected in the Northern region]. PMID- 13804283 TI - [Declines in scholastic performance. Their significance and causes]. PMID- 13804284 TI - ["Acetonemic vomiting"]. PMID- 13804286 TI - [Current possibilities and limitations of selective cine-angiocardiography]. PMID- 13804285 TI - [What should we think of the aggravating influence of corticoids on the development of contagious viral diseases of childhood?]. PMID- 13804288 TI - Bronchial carcinoma in men detected by selective and unselective miniature radiography: a review of 228 cases. PMID- 13804287 TI - Liver injury involving right hepatic artery ligation, complicated by survival. PMID- 13804289 TI - Earlier diagnosis of lung cancer: unselective miniature radiograpy. PMID- 13804290 TI - [The calcic bile syndrome. (Apropos of 2 cases)]. PMID- 13804292 TI - [Diuretics and their therapeutic uses]. PMID- 13804291 TI - [Corticoid therapy in diseases of the digestive system and adnexal glands]. PMID- 13804293 TI - Studies with chlorothiazide tagged with radioactive carbon (C14) in human beings. PMID- 13804294 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the pulmonary artery in pulmonary hypertension. PMID- 13804295 TI - [On the structure of the end formation of the peripheral vegetative nerve fibers]. PMID- 13804296 TI - [Current questions of tuberculosis prevention]. PMID- 13804297 TI - [Success of therapy from the point of view of the physician. Results and late results in the therapy of open pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804298 TI - [Spontaneous pneumoperitoneum in infants]. PMID- 13804299 TI - [Excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids after short-term therapy with dexamethasone]. PMID- 13804300 TI - [On the determination of urinary estrogens by Ittrich's method]. PMID- 13804301 TI - Biogenesis of 6-hydroxylated oestrogens in human tissues. PMID- 13804302 TI - Isolation of 6-hydroxyoestradiol-17 beta and oestriol after incubation of oestradiol-17 beta with ratliver slices. PMID- 13804303 TI - Research on time course of 6- and 16 alpha-hydroxylation of estrogens by rat liver slices PMID- 13804304 TI - [Metabolism of testosterone in normal and neoplastic human tissue]. PMID- 13804305 TI - Formation of oestriol-3, 16 beta, 17 alpha by liver tissue in vitro. PMID- 13804306 TI - Isolation of oestriol-3,16 beta, 17 alpha from the urine of pregnant women. PMID- 13804307 TI - [Metabolism of estrone, estradiol-17 alpha and estradiol-17 beta in rabbit liver]. PMID- 13804308 TI - [Effect of roentgen irrdiation on the active transport of sodium and potassium and on respiration of kidney sections]. PMID- 13804309 TI - Isolation of 17-epioestriol from the urine of pregnant women. PMID- 13804310 TI - [Recent results in the field of estrogen metabolism]. PMID- 13804311 TI - [Relations between the electrolyte content and metabolism in the mouse uterus]. PMID- 13804312 TI - [On the reaction of 5.5-diphenylglycocyamidine and its N-alkyl derivatives with ammonia and amines]. PMID- 13804313 TI - [On the local effect of vitamin A on the nasal mucosa]. PMID- 13804314 TI - [The local reaction of human nasal mucosa to osmotic stimulation]. PMID- 13804315 TI - [On intravenous treatment with chloromycetin succinate]. PMID- 13804316 TI - [Several aspects of the diagnosis and therapy of metastases]. PMID- 13804317 TI - [Apropos of nonrachitic curvatures of the lower extremities. 2. New cases of tibio-personeal diaphysial toxopachyosteosis observed in adults]. PMID- 13804318 TI - Primary pulmonary hypertension with obstructive venous lesions. PMID- 13804319 TI - The birefrigence of newly formed reticulin. PMID- 13804320 TI - Voice problems. PMID- 13804321 TI - Greater efficiency in oxygen therapy. An improved oxygen tent. PMID- 13804322 TI - Methaemoglobin reduction test: a new, simple, in vitro test for identifying primaquine-sensitivity. AB - The 8-aminoquinolines, and many other drugs, cause an acute intravascular haemolysis, known as primaquine-sensitivity, in a certain percentage of persons, particularly the darker-skinned peoples of the world. Massive drug programmes for the eradication of malaria in whole population groups frequently call for the use of primaquine; in addition, the use of other haemolytic or potentially haemolytic drugs in clinical medicine is widespread. Thus it is becoming increasingly important to be able to identify primaquine-sensitive individuals in field and clinical laboratories. Two modifications of a new test for primaquine sensitivity, the methaemoglobin reduction test, are described in detail in this paper. The more simple modification, the field screening test, is practical for surveying large population groups in the field. The more accurate clinical test is also suitable for field use if a clinical spectrophotometer or photoelectric colorimeter is available. PMID- 13804323 TI - The Albert F. Mathieu Chorionepithelioma Registry. PMID- 13804324 TI - The pathologic effects of metallic foreign bodies in the pulmonary circulation. A long-term experimental study. PMID- 13804325 TI - As the patient sees it: accident care. PMID- 13804326 TI - Congenital varicella with primary varicella pneumonia. PMID- 13804327 TI - Rice-field leptospirosis in Turkey. A serologic survey. PMID- 13804328 TI - Adrenocorticoids in the treatment of lye poisoning. PMID- 13804329 TI - Neurotoxic effects accompanying poisoning from the phenothiazine tranquilizers. PMID- 13804330 TI - Use of burned toast as a substitute for activated charcoal in the "universal antidote". PMID- 13804331 TI - Suppurative arthritis. PMID- 13804332 TI - Health insurance and hospital use related to marital status. PMID- 13804333 TI - [On the post partum period after psychoprophylactic preparation for labor]. PMID- 13804334 TI - [A case of full-term extrauterine pregnancy with living child]. PMID- 13804335 TI - [Noteworthy data from abortion statistics]. PMID- 13804336 TI - [Anomalies of the uterus and pregnancy]. PMID- 13804337 TI - "Tolerance" in postpartum female mice induced by strain-specific matings. PMID- 13804338 TI - Effect of prior inoculation of packed erythrocytes on survival of skin homografts in rats. PMID- 13804340 TI - [The Ortner syndrome (recurrent nerve paralysis with enlargement of the left auricle)]. PMID- 13804339 TI - [Pulmonary fibrosis in children (Hamman-Rich syndrome)]. PMID- 13804341 TI - [Comparative studies on the influence of weather in various climatic areas in meningitis epidemica]. PMID- 13804342 TI - [Meningococcic meningitis, acute encephalopathies and weather]. PMID- 13804343 TI - Extended dormancy of deciduous woody plants treated in autumn with gibberellic acid. PMID- 13804344 TI - [Considerations on the surgical treatment of cerebral abscesses]. PMID- 13804345 TI - [On an unusual angiographic picture in meningiomas of the middle third of the wing of the sphenoid]. PMID- 13804346 TI - [Analysis of the results obtained by surgical treatment in a series of 40 cases of tumors of the acoustic nerve: critical data and therapeutic course]. PMID- 13804347 TI - [The contribution of G. I. Sokol'skii to the development of Russian and world medicine]. PMID- 13804348 TI - [Endocrinology. How and when must testicular ectopy be treated?]. PMID- 13804350 TI - [Review of endocrinology]. PMID- 13804349 TI - [Cushing's disease. How should true Cushing and Cushinglike syndromes be treated?]. PMID- 13804351 TI - [Anterior pituitary insufficiency in adults. Clinical and therapeutic problems]. PMID- 13804352 TI - [Syndrome of adrenal hypercorticism in the course of chemo-antibiotic treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804353 TI - [Physiopathology of endocrine-related hypertension]. PMID- 13804354 TI - [Present status of the treatment of Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13804355 TI - [The treatment of slow adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13804356 TI - [Diffusion and perfusion of the lungs in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13804357 TI - [On a case of cor triloculare biatriatum and pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804358 TI - [Present indications and limitations of medical collapse therapy]. PMID- 13804359 TI - [The bullous transformation of pulmonary cavitations]. PMID- 13804360 TI - Functional disorders of the mouth and esophagus. PMID- 13804361 TI - [A clinical case of virological importance]. PMID- 13804362 TI - [Preliminary note on the study of the Arbor virus in Venezuela]. PMID- 13804363 TI - [Thermal waters of Urena]. PMID- 13804364 TI - [Certain considerations on the color pyramid test]. PMID- 13804365 TI - [Pharmacodynamic changes of the adrenocortical response and of fibrinolysis of the clot to the administration of a pyrogen, in man]. PMID- 13804366 TI - [Apropos of a fracture in a case of exostosing disease]. PMID- 13804367 TI - A melanophore-stimulating factor in embryonic skin. PMID- 13804368 TI - Surgical treatment of advanced and recurrent cancer of the pelvic viscera: an evaluation of ten years experience. PMID- 13804369 TI - The influence of glomerular filtration rate, solute excretion and hydration on the concentrating mechanism of the experimentally diseased kidney in the dog. PMID- 13804370 TI - The pathologic physiology of chronic Bright's disease. An exposition of the "intact nephron hypothesis". PMID- 13804371 TI - Immediate and delayed rupture of the extrahepatic biliary tract following blunt abdominal trauma. PMID- 13804372 TI - Diagnostic specificity. Some social psychiatric considerations. PMID- 13804373 TI - [Isoimmunization by the factors of group A and B. Serological study of the ABO antagonism. Bases for detecting it?]. PMID- 13804374 TI - Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. VIII. Conversion of pyruvate into alanine, glycine and serine of silkfibroin. PMID- 13804375 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XI. Utilization of the carbon from formate for the biosynthesis of the amino acids in silk fibroin]. PMID- 13804376 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XII. Utilization of both carbons from glycine for the biosynthesis of the amino acids in silk fibroin]. PMID- 13804377 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XVI. Conversion of threonine into the glycine, serine and alanine of silk fibroin]. PMID- 13804378 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. X. Variations in the concentration of aspartic and glutamic acids in the hemolymph during the development of Bombyx mori L]. PMID- 13804379 TI - [Biochemical aspects of the nymphal diapause of Lepidoptera]. PMID- 13804380 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. IX. Utilization of the carboxylic carbon of phenylalanine for the synthesis of the amino acids of silk fibroin]. PMID- 13804381 TI - Sequelae of tracheobronchial aspiration. PMID- 13804382 TI - Chemotherapy for the tuberculin converter: results of a survey of attitudes among 424 tuberculosis hospitals in the United States. PMID- 13804383 TI - Psychophysiologic studies of the neonate: an approach toward the methodological and theoretical problems involved. PMID- 13804384 TI - Co-operation in research in Europe--exchange of information between microbiologists concerned with the radiation preservation of food. PMID- 13804385 TI - Regeneration of visual pigments from their low-temperature photoproducts. PMID- 13804386 TI - Visual pigments of some common laboratory mammals. PMID- 13804387 TI - Toxic marrow failure treated by a homograft of foetal haemopoietic tissue. PMID- 13804389 TI - Experimental heterotopic ossification. PMID- 13804388 TI - Transplantation immunity in the isologous mouse radiation chimaera. PMID- 13804390 TI - The influence of a diet with a low phenylalanine content on a case of phenylketonuria. PMID- 13804391 TI - The influence of dietary depletion of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin on the induction of gliomata in mice. PMID- 13804392 TI - Resistance of housefiles to gama-benzene hexachloride and dieldrin. PMID- 13804393 TI - Pentachlorocyclohexene as a possible intermediate metabolite of benzene hexachloride in houseflies. PMID- 13804395 TI - Corynebacterium ulcerans. PMID- 13804394 TI - Tyramine-producing streptococci in neonatal diarrhoea. AB - An outbreak of neonatal diarrhoea associated with large numbers of Streptococcus faecalis var. zymogenes is described.A follow-up survey showed that 23.3% of 347 healthy babies carried this organism without ill effect. The tyrosine decarboxylase activity of the streptococci from both sick and healthy babies was identically high. It is suggested that the tyramine-producing activity of these streptococci was not the primary cause of the diarrhoea. PMID- 13804396 TI - Multi-operational chamber for calibration purposes. PMID- 13804397 TI - ytoplasmic structure in Mycobacterium leprae. PMID- 13804398 TI - The fine structure of the lepra cell. PMID- 13804399 TI - Chelating agents in the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. PMID- 13804400 TI - Principles of the Bohr integration procedure and their application to measurement of diffusing capacity of the lung for oxygen. PMID- 13804401 TI - Polymorphous light eruption and solar keratosis treatment with 8-methoxypsoralen. PMID- 13804402 TI - The significance in human stereotactic brain surgery of individual variation in the diencephalon and globus pallidus. PMID- 13804404 TI - [New conclusions on the triterpenes of sage leaves. Preliminary communication 12. On the constituents of Salvia officianalis L]. PMID- 13804403 TI - [Analysis of ethereal sage oils by means of gas and thin layer chromatography. Part II. On the constituents of Salvia off.L]. PMID- 13804405 TI - [Emergencies in some endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13804406 TI - The heart in systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13804407 TI - Antifibrillatory effects of electrolyte-regulating steroids on isolated rabbit atria. PMID- 13804408 TI - K42 and C136 fluxes during ACh- and Ca-induced atrial fibrillation. PMID- 13804409 TI - Participation of a dialyzable cofactor in the relaxing factor system of muscle. I. Studies with single glycerinated fibres. PMID- 13804410 TI - Nutrition and disease: folic acid deficiency in the mouse. PMID- 13804411 TI - Neurological complications of antirabies vaccine; treatment with corticosteroids. PMID- 13804412 TI - Eosinophilic granuloma of the lung. PMID- 13804413 TI - Meprobamate toxicity. PMID- 13804414 TI - A mass miniature radiography and tuberculin-testing survey in African miners and their dependants on the Copperbelt of N. Rhodesia, 1957-58. PMID- 13804415 TI - Acute cholecystitis. PMID- 13804416 TI - Extracardiac factors in cardiac disease. PMID- 13804417 TI - Optimism in cardiovascular disease. PMID- 13804418 TI - Phenmetrazine hydrochloride in treatment of obesity. PMID- 13804419 TI - Acromegaly occurring in one of uniovular twins. PMID- 13804420 TI - A function for ascorbic acid in the metabolism of an insect. AB - Homogenates of Blattella conjuncta oxidize L-tyrosine. The reaction is diminished by dialysis, but may be reactivated with L-ascorbic acid. Glutathione, pyridoxal phosphate, and folic acid also activate the system. PMID- 13804421 TI - Vitamin and coenzyme content of hepatomas induced by buter yellow. PMID- 13804422 TI - The validity of WAIS performance subtests completed with one hand. PMID- 13804423 TI - Nuclear transplantation studies on the early gastrula (Rana pipiens). I. Nuclei of presumptive endoderm. PMID- 13804424 TI - Myocardial infarction in patients treated with Sippy and other high-milk diets: an autopsy study of fifteen hospitals in the U.S.A. and Great Britain. PMID- 13804425 TI - Further observations on the relationships between gramnegative rods and staphylococci grown in the presence of penicillin. PMID- 13804426 TI - Formation of bile acids from cholesterol in the alligator. PMID- 13804427 TI - [Interaction of alcoholic and lactic dehydrogenases of yeast with sulfanilamidic disulfides]. PMID- 13804428 TI - Species differences in the distribution of extraneuronal cholinesterases within the vertebrate central nervous system. PMID- 13804430 TI - [On the treatment of diabetes with a new oral antidiabetic. Clinical contribution]. PMID- 13804429 TI - [Primary tumors of the gastrojejunal anastomosis]. PMID- 13804431 TI - [Epidermoid cyst of the cauda equina separated into 2 masses, one ossified on the spot, the other mobile in the dural cul-de-sac]. PMID- 13804432 TI - [The arterial spasm, complication of surgery of intracranial aneursyms. Angiographic demonstration of a case]. PMID- 13804433 TI - [The surgical treatment of cancerous paraplegia]. PMID- 13804435 TI - [On radiological diagnosis of sliding hernia of the stomach]. PMID- 13804434 TI - [Diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13804436 TI - Studies on bacterial chromatophores. I. Reversible disturbance of transfer of electronic excitation energy between bacteriochlorophyll-types in Chromatium. PMID- 13804437 TI - [On various methods of prevention of pyoderma at the Stalingrad tractor factory]. PMID- 13804438 TI - A magnetokinetic study of the reaction between ferrimyoglobin and methyl hydrogen peroxide. PMID- 13804439 TI - Diabetic neuropathy. PMID- 13804440 TI - Predictive and concomitant variables related to improvement with actual and simulated ECT. PMID- 13804441 TI - Ionic exchanges and cardiac action potential in relation to the electrocardiogram. PMID- 13804442 TI - Tranquilizer interference in the Rana pipiens chorionic gonadotropin test. PMID- 13804443 TI - [Protein- and electrolyte changes in the blood and urine during the acute stage following cerebrocranial injuries and after brain operations]. PMID- 13804444 TI - [On salt metabolism in secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency (Studies of sodium and potassium metabolism in patients with secondary pituitary gland adenoma]. PMID- 13804445 TI - [On the problem of the mechanism of convulsions induced by pyramidon]. PMID- 13804446 TI - [Chlorophyll-induced photosensitized oxidation-reduction conversion of pyridine nucletodes in chlorophyll solutions and in leaf homogenates]. PMID- 13804447 TI - The effect of thiamine defficiency on the activity of erythrocyte hemolysate transketolase. PMID- 13804448 TI - The relative effects of pyridoxine deficiency on two plasma transaminases in the growing and in the adult rat. PMID- 13804450 TI - [Oscillographic study of chronic pneumopathic patients by means of the Valsalva Flak test]. PMID- 13804449 TI - [Phonocardiographic investigations during Azoulay's maneuver in normal and chronic pneumopathic subjects]. PMID- 13804451 TI - [Vectorcardiographic study of the heart in sillicosis]. PMID- 13804452 TI - [Physiological features of Actinomyces subtropicus in connection with the biosynthesis of albomycin]. PMID- 13804453 TI - [Effect of temperature on the fermentation and biosynthesis of erythomycin]. PMID- 13804454 TI - Labor's concern with medical care and medical insurance. PMID- 13804455 TI - [Physiology of color vision]. PMID- 13804456 TI - The absence of position sense in the human eye. PMID- 13804457 TI - [The physiology of color perception]. PMID- 13804458 TI - A comparison of ion shifs with adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate levels in muscle. PMID- 13804459 TI - Radiopharmaceuticals are drugs. PMID- 13804460 TI - Effect of lipoprotein lability on immunological properties of human low density lipoproteins. PMID- 13804461 TI - A definition of our specialty. PMID- 13804462 TI - Respiratory disease of mushroom workers; farmer's lung. PMID- 13804463 TI - [Study of the ciliary body by electron microscope]. PMID- 13804464 TI - [Failures of trypsin and chymotrypsin in their local applications in opthalmology. Cautionary measures]. PMID- 13804465 TI - Electrocardiographic studies. IV. PMID- 13804466 TI - Electrocardiographic studies. VI. PMID- 13804467 TI - [Electrocardiographic studies VII]. PMID- 13804468 TI - [Electrocardiographic studies. V]. PMID- 13804469 TI - Transfer of thiamine across the placenta of guinea pig. PMID- 13804470 TI - Equilibration of sodium and potassium between intraperitoneally injected dextran and blood plasma in normal and adrenalectomised rats. PMID- 13804471 TI - Silicotuberculosis. PMID- 13804472 TI - [Mesodermal mixed tumor of the uterus]. PMID- 13804473 TI - Paramutation and chromosome organization. PMID- 13804474 TI - [The education of female laboratory assistants in radiology in the low countries]. PMID- 13804475 TI - Treatment of advanced carcinoma of the breast by bilateral oophorectomy and prednisone. PMID- 13804476 TI - Effect of local penicillin spray on survival time following a massive open wound. PMID- 13804477 TI - The use of THAM to prevent hyperventilation and acidosis while breathing carbon dioxide. PMID- 13804478 TI - Rheumatoid lung disease: report of a case which developed in childhood. PMID- 13804479 TI - The treatment of respiratory acidosis with THAM. PMID- 13804480 TI - [Mast cell reticulosis (tissular basophiloma) with histamine flushes and development into tissular basophilic leukemia]. PMID- 13804481 TI - Effect of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) on K42 outflux from rabbit cortex. PMID- 13804482 TI - Potassium outflux from rabbit cortex during spreading depression. PMID- 13804483 TI - A characterization of the stimulation of mammalian muscle spindles by succinylcholine. PMID- 13804484 TI - A flexible trunk harness for the paraplegic. PMID- 13804485 TI - Hypernephroma-familial occurrence in one family. PMID- 13804486 TI - The costs of anesthetic materials and the expenses of practicing anesthesiology. PMID- 13804487 TI - [Neuro-reflex regulation of lymphocytic dynamics in human cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13804488 TI - Intestinal infarction of venous origin. PMID- 13804489 TI - [Anemias of animals caused by iron deficiency]. PMID- 13804490 TI - [Experimental arteriolitis and electrolyte disorder in the rat. Action of coenzyme A]. PMID- 13804491 TI - A technique for hernia repair. AB - After Ryan reported a low recurrence rate in a large series of patients with recurrent inguinal and femoral hernia who were operated upon by a technique developed by Shouldice and later improved, an adaptation of the method was used in a number of difficult cases. In the dissection technique, the transversalis fascia is completely transected from the internal ring to the pubic spine. This exposes a fascial layer which has never before been described as being intentionally used in hernia repair. The method of imbrication with steel wire for suturing also differs from the methods most often used. Use of local anesthesia is another important part of the technique as a whole. PMID- 13804492 TI - [Data from the literature concerning the clinical, biological and anatomical study of Dubin-Johnson disease]. PMID- 13804493 TI - Changes in human lung collagen and lipids with age. PMID- 13804494 TI - The role of vitamin C-hesperidin in the prevention of abortion. PMID- 13804495 TI - [Clinical significance of laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics during the treatment of surgical patients]. PMID- 13804496 TI - [Research on a germ of the family of Pseudomonadaceae (order of Pseudomonadeae) Erwinia nimipressularis isolated from a fresh sausage]. PMID- 13804497 TI - [Study of a strain of Erwinia (Erwinia salmonis nv. sp.) isolated from a common trout (Salmo fario L.)]. PMID- 13804498 TI - [Study of a bacterium of the Pseudomonadaceae family isolated from a meat food product]. PMID- 13804499 TI - [Detection of filterable forms of bacteria in shellfish. Return to normal forms in ordinary media]. PMID- 13804500 TI - [Virulence of phytopathognic bacteria for warmblooded vertebrates]. PMID- 13804501 TI - [Study of a strain of Empedobacter isolated from sputum]. PMID- 13804502 TI - Filling in the blanks in staffing. PMID- 13804503 TI - Intermittent "normal" ventricular conduction appearing in left bundle branch block: a vectorcardiographic study. PMID- 13804504 TI - Hemorrhagic ascites due to perforated duodenal ulcer: report of a case. PMID- 13804505 TI - Hemopericardium following rupture of a bacterial aortic sinus aneurysm. PMID- 13804506 TI - [Nephrectomy with resection of the inferior vena cava for renal neoplasm]. PMID- 13804507 TI - [Interrelation of renal tumor and cyst: presentation of 2 cases]. PMID- 13804508 TI - Hepatic and renal lesions in rabbits submitted to orthostatic collapse. PMID- 13804509 TI - [On the problem of distribution of trichinella in the muscles]. PMID- 13804510 TI - Massive pulmonary hemorrhage. PMID- 13804511 TI - Bilateral simultaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13804512 TI - The impact of hospital insurance on Indian health services. PMID- 13804513 TI - Sedimentation characteristics of bacterial ribonucleoprotein obtained at different periods during the cell-division cycle. PMID- 13804514 TI - [New results of erythropoiesis research]. PMID- 13804515 TI - Production of a human "anti-leukemic leukocyte" serum and its therapeutic trial. PMID- 13804516 TI - Iron deficiency anemia producing evidence of marrow hyperplasia in the calvarium. PMID- 13804517 TI - Intravenous infusion of dialyzed, autogenous, ascitic fluid in the management of cirrhotic ascites: a preliminary report of favorable results in six patients. PMID- 13804518 TI - [The problem of central mechanisms in disorders of regulation of respiration in the light of contemporary experimental data]. PMID- 13804519 TI - [The lumbar spine from the viewpoint of the general practitioner]. PMID- 13804520 TI - [On the x-ray diagnosis of lung cancer]. PMID- 13804521 TI - [Experience in the use of transverse tomography in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804522 TI - [Significance of tomography in the detection of non-contrast foreign bodies in the bronchi in children]. PMID- 13804523 TI - Sanatorium treatment of neuroses: a follow-up of patients admitted during two years. PMID- 13804524 TI - [Rapid induction of mammary cancer in the rat with 3-methylcholanthrene and progesterone]. PMID- 13804525 TI - Postnatal changes in volumetric and density relationships of neurons in cerebral cortex of cat. PMID- 13804526 TI - The glia/neuron index in the submolecular layers of the motor cortex in the cat. PMID- 13804527 TI - Developmental studies on emetic response to tartar emetic and copper sulfate in the cat. PMID- 13804528 TI - [Behavior of the testis in survival in vitro]. PMID- 13804529 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of the cicatrization of cartilages]. PMID- 13804530 TI - [Anatomo-clinical considerations on the subject of cerebral thrombophlebitis in the puerperium]. PMID- 13804531 TI - [On a case of benign tumor of the occipital foramen]. PMID- 13804532 TI - [ECG changes in various types of myocarditis and its diagnostic significance]. PMID- 13804533 TI - Treatment of dermatitis venenata. PMID- 13804534 TI - The effect of stimulant and depressant drugs on a measure of emotional reactivity in the rat. PMID- 13804535 TI - The place of animal psychology in the development of psychosomatic research. PMID- 13804536 TI - Use of polyethylene plastic bags for storage of pathologic tissue. PMID- 13804537 TI - Food and temperature. PMID- 13804538 TI - Contribution to the knowledge of the Ehler-Danlos syndrome. PMID- 13804539 TI - Contribution to the knowledge of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. PMID- 13804540 TI - A rediscovered etiological factor in idiopathic hypoglycaemia in children. PMID- 13804541 TI - Studies in spontaneous hypoglycemia in childhood. Failure to increase the epinephrine secretion in insulin-induced hypoglycemia. PMID- 13804542 TI - [Auto-immunization as the cause of disease]. PMID- 13804543 TI - Autoantibodies in human ulcerative colitis. AB - Sera from 30 children, suffering from ulcerative colitis, were examined for the presence of antibodies capable of reacting with antigens of normal human tissue. It was possible to demonstrate that most of the sera contained a precipitating and hemagglutinating factor, reacting with a constituent of human colonic tissue. This constituent was obtained, within 1 hour after death, from colonic tissue of newborn babies who had died without feeding. It could also be prepared from fetal tissue. The antigen can be extracted with phenol-water at 65 degrees C. and seems to be a polysaccharide. The precipitating factor in the sera of the patients behaves electrophoretically as a gamma-globulin. Phenol-water extracts from liver and from kidney also reacted positively with the sera from certain patients. There are indications which suggest that the antigen obtained from these tissues is identical with that from colon. Sera from 38 healthy children did not give any reactions with the extracts used. In additional controls, the sera of 32 children with various diseases, all of suspected autoimmune origin, were also tested. A few of these reacted positively with the phenol-water extracts from the organs mentioned above. Most likely, the antigen reacting in these cases is different from that reacting with the antibodies in the sera from patients with ulcerative colitis. The possible role of the antibodies in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis and the mechanism of their formation are discussed. PMID- 13804544 TI - Juvenile nephronophthisis. Part 1. A genetically determined nephropathy with hypotonic polyuria and azotaemia. PMID- 13804545 TI - [Cavitary bronchopulmonary cancers]. PMID- 13804547 TI - [On a case of intestinal pneumatosis cystica]. PMID- 13804546 TI - [Dilatation of the bronchi and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804548 TI - [Absenteeism for sickness among crane operators of the Port of Oslo, 1946-57]. PMID- 13804549 TI - [Change-over to a lighter type of work]. PMID- 13804550 TI - The post-myocardial-infarction syndrome. PMID- 13804552 TI - [Changes of the vertebral arch due to constitutional factors]. PMID- 13804551 TI - [Dysostosis mandibulofacialis in the x-ray picture]. PMID- 13804553 TI - [Diseases of the spine and their differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13804554 TI - [The prevention of thrombotic complications in heart surgery]. PMID- 13804555 TI - The metabolic effect of new anabolic 19-nor-steroids. Metabolic studies on patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis during combined therapy with prednisone and anabolic steroid. PMID- 13804556 TI - Medical education in Denmark. PMID- 13804557 TI - Lipoma of heart. PMID- 13804558 TI - Benign polyp of ureter. PMID- 13804559 TI - Ureteral obstruction from endometriosis. PMID- 13804560 TI - Diverticular disease of the colon. PMID- 13804561 TI - A plea for orthoptic reorientation. PMID- 13804562 TI - Parallel alleys as clues to the constitution of visual space. PMID- 13804563 TI - Nutrition and the clinician. PMID- 13804564 TI - Nutrition and the clinician. PMID- 13804565 TI - The evolution of medical research in South Africa. PMID- 13804566 TI - The management of ischaemic (coronary) heart disease. PMID- 13804567 TI - Hibernation and cold storage effects on phosphates in hamster blood. PMID- 13804568 TI - Production and life span of erythrocytes during hibernation in the golden hamster. PMID- 13804569 TI - [Statistical analysis of the spasmolytic effect of atropine towards various parasympathicomimetics on the isolated guinea pigileum]. PMID- 13804571 TI - Pharmacological and chemotherapeutic properties of cyclic and non-cyclic phosphoramide esters. PMID- 13804570 TI - [On the problem of bone marrow injury by cancerotoxic substances]. PMID- 13804572 TI - The sinus venosus type of atrial septal defect: surgical treatment. PMID- 13804573 TI - Aortic subvalvar stenosis: surgical treatment. PMID- 13804574 TI - Functional obstruction of the left ventricle (acquired aortic subvalvar stenosis). PMID- 13804576 TI - Secondary operations for Fallot's tetralogy. PMID- 13804575 TI - Pure infundibular stenosis. PMID- 13804577 TI - The present position relating to cancer of the lung. Radical pneumonectomy. PMID- 13804578 TI - The surgical treatment of Fallot's tetralogy. PMID- 13804579 TI - The surgical treatment of aortic stenosis. PMID- 13804580 TI - Effect of novobiocin on permeability of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13804581 TI - Measurement of eccentric fixation by the Bjerrum screen. PMID- 13804582 TI - Hogarth's anatomical theatre. PMID- 13804583 TI - Country practice in days gone by (as recorded in contemporary diaries). Part I. PMID- 13804584 TI - Treating asthma with steroids. PMID- 13804585 TI - [On a new method for the indirect polarographic determination of tartaric acid. Contributions to the chemistry and physiology of several metabolic chemically important acids]. PMID- 13804587 TI - [Proposals for DAB 7. Part 5. Cyanocobalamine]. PMID- 13804586 TI - [On the polarographic determination of microquantities of caryone in plant particles. 2. Microanalysis of ethereal oils]. PMID- 13804588 TI - Uveitis. II. Peripheral uveitis: clinical description, complications and differential diagnosis. PMID- 13804589 TI - Partners in social medicine. PMID- 13804590 TI - The role of the medical officer of health as a social scientist. PMID- 13804591 TI - Cutaneous antigen-antibody reactions in the rat. PMID- 13804592 TI - The release of histamine and formation of a slow-reacting substance (SRS-A) during anaphylactic shock. PMID- 13804593 TI - Mutant-associated antagonisms in Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13804594 TI - A mechanism of resistance to 8-azaguanine. II. Studies with experimental neoplasms. PMID- 13804595 TI - Metabolism of uracil and 5-fluorouracil by drug-sensitive and by drug-resistant bacteria. PMID- 13804596 TI - A mechanism of resistance to 6-mercaptopurine: metabolism of hypoxanthine and 6 mercaptopurine by sensitive and resistant neoplasms. PMID- 13804597 TI - Pseudo neural hypacusis in children. PMID- 13804598 TI - An exploratory investigation of delayed progressive neural hypacusis in children. PMID- 13804599 TI - The tolerance of the dog brain to total arrest of circulation. PMID- 13804600 TI - Choledochoscopy versus cholangiography. Experience of a 12-month trial. PMID- 13804601 TI - [Shocks caused by transfusion and antileukocytic immunization]. PMID- 13804602 TI - [Average arterial pressure and the magnitude of pressure amplitude and pulse rate]. PMID- 13804604 TI - Haemodynamics in essential hypertension. PMID- 13804603 TI - Circulatory changes underlying blood pressure elevation during acute emotional stress (mental arithmetic) in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. PMID- 13804605 TI - [Changes in blood pressure during progressive muscular effort in normal human subjects]. PMID- 13804606 TI - [Changes in rest hemodynamics in hypertension with special reference to its pathogenesis]. PMID- 13804607 TI - The general circulatory consequences in heart failure. PMID- 13804608 TI - [Pathophysiology of changes of electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13804609 TI - Blood dyscrasias associated with tolbutamide therapy. PMID- 13804610 TI - Effects of hydrogen ion concentration on tissue in culture. PMID- 13804612 TI - How to help supervisors evaluate employes. PMID- 13804611 TI - [Model research on the biological activation of one-carbon units. II. A model of the serine hydroxymethylase-reaction]. PMID- 13804613 TI - Primary neoplasms of the small bowel: analysis of one hundred two cases. PMID- 13804615 TI - [On a case of suppurative echinococcal cyst of the spleen]. PMID- 13804614 TI - The problem of malignancy in certain neoplasms often considered benign. PMID- 13804616 TI - [Radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer of the larynx. Resume of cases treated at the Hopital Notre-Dame from 1942 to 1958. inclusively]. PMID- 13804617 TI - Some family operations and schizophrenia. A study of five hospitalized families each with a schizophrenic member. PMID- 13804618 TI - [The Salmonella infections--a current problem]. PMID- 13804619 TI - Oxidative phosphorylation in fractionated bacterial systems. II. The role of vitamin K. PMID- 13804620 TI - Oxidative phosphorylation in fractionated bacterial systems. III. Specificity of vitamin K reactivation. PMID- 13804621 TI - Metabolism of drugs in subjects with Laennec's cirrhosis. PMID- 13804622 TI - Evidence that tranquilizing action of reserpine is associated with change in brain serotonin and not in brain norepinephrine. PMID- 13804623 TI - The importance of dissociaton constant and lipid-solubility in influencing the passage of drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13804624 TI - Interaction of monoamine oxidase inhibitors with physiological and biochemical mechanisms in brain. PMID- 13804625 TI - Selective release of norepinephrine and serotonin by reserpine-like compounds. PMID- 13804626 TI - Treatment of Trichomonas foetus infection in bulls. PMID- 13804627 TI - A study of the factors involved in the production of gastric ulcers by the restraint technique. PMID- 13804628 TI - Rewarding properties of intracranial stimulation. AB - Monkeys can be trained to press a lever to obtain intracranial brain stimulation on a large fixed-ratio schedule as well as on a continuous reinforcement schedule. A long extinction curve appears to be indicative of a future high fixed ratio performance. PMID- 13804629 TI - Acute benign pericarditis caused by Coxsackie virus group B. PMID- 13804630 TI - A case of neo-natal leukaemia. PMID- 13804631 TI - The synthesis of mevalonic acid by non-particulate avian and mammalian enzyme systems. PMID- 13804632 TI - Duplication of the stomach associated with bleeding duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13804633 TI - Resection of the whole of the sternum and the cartilaginous parts of costae I-IV: a case report. PMID- 13804634 TI - [Anesthetic research on pains in the lower back]. PMID- 13804635 TI - Characteristics of the adrenal ascorbic acid response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in the rat. PMID- 13804637 TI - Abstracting tools in the sciences. PMID- 13804638 TI - Intestinal lipodystrophy (Whipple's disease); diagnosis by small-intestine biopsy tube. PMID- 13804636 TI - Sweat iodide excretion in patients with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13804639 TI - [Encephalomyelitis following antirabic vaccination]. PMID- 13804641 TI - [A case of extracranial metastasis of glioblastoma]. PMID- 13804640 TI - The respiratory response to carbon dioxide in health and in emphysema. PMID- 13804642 TI - [The character of growth and metastasis of pinealoma]. PMID- 13804643 TI - [Cardiopathy associated with malignant carcinoid]. PMID- 13804644 TI - [Complete transposition of the pulmonary veins]. PMID- 13804645 TI - Comparison of effects of acidosis and alkalosis on the renal action of diamox. PMID- 13804646 TI - Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil) in the treatment of lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13804648 TI - [On the photosensitization of the skin]. PMID- 13804649 TI - A study of renal function in orthostatic hypotension. PMID- 13804650 TI - Master two-step exercise test in clinically unselected patients. PMID- 13804651 TI - Pulmonary function tests in rehabilitation. PMID- 13804652 TI - A report on the alleviation of nocturnal cramps by the combined use of quinine sulfate and aminophylline. PMID- 13804653 TI - The prospects for direct-writing phonocardiography; with a short critique of spectrophonocardiography. PMID- 13804654 TI - Teacher education in a mental hospital. PMID- 13804655 TI - The kinetics of intravenously injected radioactive vitamin B12: studies on normal subjects and patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia and pernicious anemia. PMID- 13804656 TI - Therapeutic response and length of hospitalization of psychiatrically ill veterans, social determinants. PMID- 13804657 TI - Borderline state, character disorder, and psychotic manifestations-some conceptual formulations. PMID- 13804659 TI - The psychiatrist's decision to refer a patient for psychological testing. PMID- 13804658 TI - Jacob E. Finesinger, M.D., 1902-1959. PMID- 13804660 TI - The public mental hospital as a symptom of social conflict. PMID- 13804661 TI - The finger tip injury--an assessment of management. PMID- 13804662 TI - Observations on fecal continence mechanisms. PMID- 13804663 TI - Supine hypotensive syndrome with ECG changes. Case report. PMID- 13804664 TI - Hazards of therapy as seen by a pathologist. PMID- 13804665 TI - Presumptive anatomic diagnosis of viral infection of the fetus and newborn infant. PMID- 13804666 TI - The deposition of aging pigment in the human cerebral cortex. PMID- 13804667 TI - An ultrastructural study on the role of the keratohyalin granules in the keratinization process. PMID- 13804668 TI - An epidemic of St. Louis encephalitis in Cameron County, Texas, in 1957. PMID- 13804669 TI - Apparent and inapparent attack rates for St. Louis encephalitis in a selected population. PMID- 13804670 TI - Malaria surveillance in the United States, 1958. PMID- 13804671 TI - Field evaluation of dry smallpox vaccine and aging glycerinated vaccine in East Pakistan. PMID- 13804672 TI - Bone marrow needle biopsy. PMID- 13804673 TI - Candida-reacting antibody in the serum of patients with lymphomas and related disorders. PMID- 13804674 TI - Role of the medical profession in traffic accident prevention. PMID- 13804676 TI - Foetal type haemoglobin and neonatal bilirubinaemia. PMID- 13804675 TI - The quantum yield of photosynthesis in Porphyridium cruentum, and the role of chlorophyll a in the photosynthesis of red algae. AB - Quantum yield measurements were made with the red alga Porphyridium cruentum, cultured so as to give different proportions of chlorophyll and phycobilins. Totally absorbing suspensions were used so that there was no uncertainty in the amount of energy absorbed. These measurements have shown that chlorophyll, in this alga, has a photosynthetic efficiency as high as in other algal groups, and higher than the phycobilins-at least at wave lengths shorter than about 650 mmicro. Wave lengths longer than this are beyond the range of maximum efficiency of chlorophyll. Under specified conditions of temperature and supplementary light full efficiency may be extended to longer wave lengths. The results of these measurements have made it unnecessary to suppose that in red algae chlorophyll plays a minor role while the phycobilins are the photosynthetic sensitizers of primary importance. PMID- 13804677 TI - On the growth activity of virus-induced leukemia cells. PMID- 13804678 TI - Enzymatic aspects of growth and growth control. PMID- 13804679 TI - Plasma cholinesterase activity in newborn infants with erythroblastosis foetalis. PMID- 13804680 TI - Plasma cholinesterase activity in the newborn infant. PMID- 13804681 TI - Self-rocking in infancy. PMID- 13804682 TI - Uterine procidentia with incarceration. PMID- 13804683 TI - Release of catechol amines from the adrenal medulla by carbon tetrachloride. PMID- 13804684 TI - Position classification in public health nursing. PMID- 13804685 TI - Recruiting public health nurses. PMID- 13804686 TI - [Treatment of posttraumatic edematous states with cycloven]. PMID- 13804687 TI - Long term influence of the Beck operation for coronary heart disease. PMID- 13804688 TI - The high molecular weight components of sputum. PMID- 13804689 TI - Little leaguer's elbow. PMID- 13804690 TI - New dual-end instrument for basal peripheral iridectomy on the dilated pupil. PMID- 13804691 TI - [Granulosa cell tumor in a 5-year old child]. PMID- 13804692 TI - [Clinical experiences with soluble theophylline derivatives]. PMID- 13804693 TI - [On a case of cerebral abscess associated with tetralogy of Fallot]. PMID- 13804694 TI - [Possibilities of diagnosis of incretory diseases in the physician's office]. PMID- 13804695 TI - [Applications of a diuretic drug of sulphamidic derivation: chlorothiazide]. PMID- 13804696 TI - Choline salicylate: a new, effective, and well-tolerated analgesic, anti inflammatory, and antipyretic agent. PMID- 13804698 TI - [Viral hepatitis. Observations on the hepatitis patients of the Medizinische Klinik from 1935 to 1957]. PMID- 13804697 TI - [Physiological studies of blood coagulation and liver function]. PMID- 13804699 TI - Pharmacological and toxicological compounds as protective or therapeutic agents against radiation injury in experimental animals. III. Acid-catalyzed reactions of azirdines with thiourea and its derivatives. PMID- 13804700 TI - Pharmacological and toxicological compounds as protective or therapeutic agents against radiation lethality in experimental animals. II. Acidcatalyzed reactions of aziridines with thiourea and its derivatives. PMID- 13804701 TI - Effect of neomycin alteration of the rat intestinal flora on serum cholesterol and valvular sudanophilia. PMID- 13804702 TI - Decreased adenosine triphosphatase acivity of flagella from a paralyzed mutant of Chlamydomonas moewusii. PMID- 13804703 TI - Random and oriented movements of bracken spermatozoids. PMID- 13804704 TI - The evolution of my views on the aetiology of infantile diarrhoea on the basis of my own investigations. PMID- 13804705 TI - [Achievements in the field of pedology and pediatrics during 15 years of the People's Polish Republic]. PMID- 13804706 TI - [Evolution of views on the etiology of diarrheas during recent 75 years]. PMID- 13804707 TI - [The dermatoxic properties of serum in relation to allergic phenomena]. PMID- 13804708 TI - [What is meant by the concept of parenteral diarrheas]. PMID- 13804709 TI - The fluorescence of the eye lens in rats after local roentgen irradiation. A spectrophotometric investigation. PMID- 13804710 TI - The occurrence of nitrogen and phosphorus in some fractions obtained by separation of eye lens lipids on silicic acid columns. PMID- 13804711 TI - [The prevention of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13804712 TI - [The surgical treatment of pulmonary stenosis]. PMID- 13804713 TI - Vasopressors. PMID- 13804714 TI - [Modern care of paraplegics and its organization]. PMID- 13804715 TI - [Apropos of an asymmetrical aneurysmal dilatation of the esophagus]. PMID- 13804716 TI - [An unusual esophageal syndrome: uniparietal aneurysmal enlargement of the esophagus]. PMID- 13804717 TI - The role of the os tibiale externum in pathomechanical disorders of the foot. PMID- 13804719 TI - [Clinical forms of eosinophilia]. PMID- 13804718 TI - The existence of ammonia in blood in vivo with observations on the significance of the NH4 plus minus NH3 system. PMID- 13804720 TI - [Medical therapy of urinary calculi. Therapy and prophylaxis based on the currently prevailling theories of pathogenesis]. PMID- 13804721 TI - [Erroneous diagnosis-mediastinal pleurisy; correct diagnosis-idiopathic esophageal dilatation]. PMID- 13804722 TI - [Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve]. PMID- 13804723 TI - [On certain cytochemical reactions of the hepatic cells following experimental modification of hepato-portal circulation]. PMID- 13804724 TI - [Variations of alkaline phosphatase in serum and hepatic tissues following experimental ligation of the hepatic vessels in dogs]. PMID- 13804725 TI - [Angiographic pictures in primary bone tumors of the extremities]. PMID- 13804726 TI - [Angiological aspects in the cervical rib syndrome]. PMID- 13804727 TI - Freudian theories of identification and their derivatives. PMID- 13804728 TI - [Repair of bone defect of the cranium by acrylan plate]. PMID- 13804729 TI - [Rehabilitation--psychiatric viewpoints]. PMID- 13804731 TI - [Research on the problem of "healthy" carriers of influenza virus]. PMID- 13804730 TI - [Ulnar nerve injury in the hand area]. PMID- 13804732 TI - Some actions of thyroxine on oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13804734 TI - The influence of thyroxine and related compounds on oxidative rate and efficiency of phosphorylation in liver mitochondria and submitochondrial particles. PMID- 13804733 TI - Tetraiodothyroacetic acid, triiodothyroacetic acid and oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13804735 TI - An aortic-right ventricular fistula of more than eighteen months' duration: an approach to dynamics. PMID- 13804736 TI - [The relation between diastolic retinal arterial pressure and ocular tonus in chronic glaucoma]. PMID- 13804737 TI - Effects of parathyroid extract on metabolism of sulfate in immature rats. PMID- 13804739 TI - [Curarization and artifical respiration as a promising method of treatment of post-traumtic and postoperative brain lesions with hyper-thermia]. PMID- 13804738 TI - Transfer of maternal calcium to the offspring via the milk. AB - By measuring the specific activities of milk and of maternal and filial long bones 3 months after calcium-45 had been given to the then nonpregnant mothers, it was found that the magnitude of the contribution of the maternal calcium stores to milk formation is similar to the contribution to the bone calcium of the offspring, that is, 10 to 15 percent of either milk calcium or filial calcium is maternal in origin. PMID- 13804740 TI - [On the statement of G.P. Kovtunovich and B. V. Kachorovski "Vascular nevi and hemangioma of the skin"]. PMID- 13804741 TI - [Certain topographic characteristics of the heart and of its pulsation in modified diaphragmatic position in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13804742 TI - Electrophoretic partition of cerebrospinal fluid and serum proteins in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13804743 TI - Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis in adults: report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13804744 TI - Studies on acute iron poisoning. PMID- 13804745 TI - Marked enlargement of the liver and transient ascites associated with the treatment of diabetic acidosis. PMID- 13804746 TI - Sterilization of the bowel in infants and children. PMID- 13804747 TI - The epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease: the importance of African contributions. PMID- 13804748 TI - [Changes in the protein fractions of the blood serum in epidemic hepatitis in children]. PMID- 13804750 TI - [Histological and cytological studies on epulids]. PMID- 13804749 TI - [On a peculiar telelymphangiectatic laryngeal disease with elephantiasis of the vocal folds]. PMID- 13804751 TI - [Medico-legal considerations on three cases of post-traumatic branch block]. PMID- 13804752 TI - Formation of new wool follicles in the adult sheep. PMID- 13804753 TI - Direct artificial respiration (D.A.R.): present-day teaching and group training requirements. PMID- 13804754 TI - Direct artificial respiration. PMID- 13804755 TI - Permanent ileostomy in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13804756 TI - Surgical aspects of the malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13804757 TI - Granulomatous diseases of the intestine. PMID- 13804758 TI - National statistics in the epidemiology of mental illness. PMID- 13804759 TI - Metabolism of connective tissue in limb atrophy in the rabbit. PMID- 13804760 TI - Preliminary observations concerning the use of choline salicylate in various types of arthritis. PMID- 13804761 TI - A form for recording sigmoidoscopic examinations of dysentery cases. PMID- 13804762 TI - The immunology of sub-lethally x-irradiated rabbits. PMID- 13804763 TI - Hospital-Blue Cross teletypewriter network--how it works in Florida. PMID- 13804764 TI - Tuberculosis in Kansas. III. The current treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13804765 TI - Effect of respiratory acidosis on renal blood flow. PMID- 13804767 TI - The physician, tranquilizers and control of nervousness. PMID- 13804766 TI - Site of synthesis of the peptide component of the cell wall of Bacillus megaterium. PMID- 13804768 TI - Partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer. AB - This paper reports a study of 955 patients in whom partial gastrectomy was performed for peptic ulcer. An analysis is presented of the clinical and operative factors which may influence the success of the operation. PMID- 13804769 TI - Potential field initiated during monosynaptic activation of frog motoneurones. PMID- 13804770 TI - Normal growth of mammary gland in pregnant and lactating mice. PMID- 13804771 TI - Adjunctive steroid treatment of Colles' fractures: results in 21 cases. PMID- 13804772 TI - Excitability and electrical response of ischemic heart muscle. PMID- 13804773 TI - Factors integrating the activity of body organs and the action of disorganizing influences. PMID- 13804774 TI - Functional processes in the heart and the possible effects of hypothermia. PMID- 13804775 TI - Electrical activity of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. PMID- 13804776 TI - The nasal mites (Acarina) of some West Texas flycatchers (Tyrannidae). PMID- 13804777 TI - Modern anesthetic techniques and equipment in small animal practice. PMID- 13804778 TI - Visceral functions of the nervous system. PMID- 13804779 TI - Mechanisms of resistance of the adult housefly (Musca domestica) to 'cyclodiene' insecticides. PMID- 13804780 TI - Through the eyes of the schizophrenic. PMID- 13804781 TI - Attitudes of released chronic schizophrenic patients concerning illness and recovery as revealed by a structured post-hospital interview. PMID- 13804782 TI - Rehabilitation house. PMID- 13804783 TI - Irradiation of eggs and egg products. PMID- 13804784 TI - A study of the survival and function of homografted thyroid tissue in membrane filter chambers in the rat. PMID- 13804786 TI - An evaluation of endocrine tissue homotransplantation in the millipore chamber: with a note on tissue adaptation to the host. PMID- 13804785 TI - Current status of endocrine homografts using the Millipore diffusion chamber technic. PMID- 13804787 TI - Taxonomic studies of the genus Clostridium: Clostrididum bifermentans and C. sordellii. PMID- 13804789 TI - Biological monitoring of persons working with radioelements. PMID- 13804790 TI - Some observations on the excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-ketogenic steroids by guinea-pigs. PMID- 13804788 TI - Dermattis, hepatitis and nephritis due to phenindione (phenylindandione). PMID- 13804791 TI - The effect of oestradiol on the response of hypophysectomized guineapigs to adrenocorticotrophin. PMID- 13804792 TI - Postpubertal adrenal virilism with biochemical disturbance of the congenital type of adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13804793 TI - Metabolic changes resulting from 90Ytirradiation of the pituitary in a patient with Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13804794 TI - The phosphate esters of mammalian skin maintained on glucose and various deoxyglucoses. PMID- 13804795 TI - Severe folic acid deficiency anaemia in an infant : a case report. PMID- 13804796 TI - Human sparganosis in Mississippi: report of two cases. PMID- 13804797 TI - Hydatid disease. A summary of human cases in Mississippi. PMID- 13804799 TI - Adolescents and their medical care. PMID- 13804798 TI - Four cases of choriocarcinoma. PMID- 13804800 TI - Intermittent positive-pressure respiration and therapeutic bronchial lavage in intractable status asthmaticus. PMID- 13804802 TI - Studies on the relationship between ovarian hormones and uterine infection. IV. The role of the granulocyte system in uterine defence. PMID- 13804801 TI - Leptospira bratislava isolated from a hedgehog in Scotland. PMID- 13804803 TI - Variations in uterine response to experimental infection due to the hormonal state of the ovaries. II. The mobilization of leukocytes and their importance in uterine bactericidal activity. PMID- 13804805 TI - [Fracture of the calcaneus: results of active exercise therapy]. PMID- 13804807 TI - [On the diagnosis of one and two stage rupture of the spleen]. PMID- 13804806 TI - [The modification of human blood protein bodies by amino acids]. PMID- 13804808 TI - [Are butchers especially disposed to tuberculous tendon sheath inflammation?]. PMID- 13804809 TI - [On the diagnosis and surgical indications in blunt renal injuries]. PMID- 13804810 TI - [Hypertension in unilateral kidney diseases]. PMID- 13804811 TI - [On the surgery of varicocele]. PMID- 13804812 TI - [Periureteritis plastica]. PMID- 13804813 TI - Modification of renal lesions produced by 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). PMID- 13804814 TI - Report of a case of double trachea. PMID- 13804815 TI - How to cut the highway toll in half in the next ten years. PMID- 13804816 TI - Statistical criticism. PMID- 13804817 TI - The silent schizophrenic patient among severely neurotics in group psychotherapy. PMID- 13804818 TI - [Open-heart surgery of Fallot's tetralogy in hypothermia]. PMID- 13804819 TI - Problems in the surgical treatment of aneurysm of the internal carotid artery. PMID- 13804820 TI - [Oxygen saturation of the blood in tetralogy of Fallot before and after surgical treatment]. PMID- 13804821 TI - The vectorcardiographic evaluation of cardiosurgical treatment (QRS complex). PMID- 13804822 TI - [Treatment of chronic abscesses of the lung by local administration of antibiotics and hyaluronidase]. PMID- 13804823 TI - [Resection and suture in a case of stenosis of the left main bronchus]. PMID- 13804825 TI - Recent advances in the anatomy and physiology of the anorectal region. PMID- 13804824 TI - [Stereospecificity of the effect of emetine]. PMID- 13804826 TI - Keratoacanthoma. A review of histopathological specimens previously diagnosed as keratoacanthoma or as squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. PMID- 13804827 TI - Night calls: their frequency and nature in one general practice. PMID- 13804828 TI - A family medicine teaching programme as evaluated by its former students. PMID- 13804829 TI - Metastatic tumors of the epididymis and the spermatic cord. PMID- 13804830 TI - [Diverticula of the female urethra]. PMID- 13804831 TI - [Testicular tumors]. PMID- 13804832 TI - [Tumors of the kidney]. PMID- 13804833 TI - A possible case of mongolism in a Saxon population. PMID- 13804834 TI - Oman 1958. PMID- 13804835 TI - [Effect of vaious doses of ultraviolet radiations on the production of variants of Asp. nidulans synthetizing active proteases]. PMID- 13804836 TI - [Electroshock therapy with unidirectional and rectangular-form currents. Considerations and results]. PMID- 13804837 TI - [Electrophoresis of blood proteins in psychoses treated by various phenothiazine derivatives. Preliminary communication]. PMID- 13804838 TI - [Kanamycin, new antibacillary medication]. PMID- 13804839 TI - Cupping and its allied arts. PMID- 13804840 TI - Sinografin: an opaque medium for hysterosalpingography. PMID- 13804841 TI - The treatment of emotional disorders in obstetrics and gynecology with thioridazine. PMID- 13804842 TI - Keloid following antibiotic powder spray. PMID- 13804843 TI - Effects of muscular work and heat on the cardiovascular system. PMID- 13804844 TI - Surgery in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13804845 TI - [Enterovirus infections in children and associated clinical syndromes]. PMID- 13804846 TI - [Cheng-chiu therapy--an old method of reflex therapy in Chinese popular medicine]. PMID- 13804847 TI - [The use of prochlorpemazine in psychiatric practice. Trials]. PMID- 13804848 TI - [Preliminary study of a new anabolic steroid: norethandrolone]. PMID- 13804849 TI - [Therapeutic trials of a new anabolizing steroid, norethandrolone (nilevar)]. PMID- 13804850 TI - [Methylpentynol carbamate. Its therapeutic effects on a severe psychosis. Critical phenomena]. PMID- 13804851 TI - [Apropos of 2 cases of chronic cor pulmonale caused by obesity]. PMID- 13804852 TI - [Value of the regitine test in the diagnosis of pheochromocytomas (apropos of 1 case)]. PMID- 13804853 TI - [The immediate effects of intravenous injection of acetazolamide on the retention of carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13804854 TI - [Etiopathogenic concept of the action of hypotensive agents]. PMID- 13804855 TI - [Complete mitral atresia with a vena cava implanted in the left auricle alone assuring the return of the pulmonary blood to the right heart]. PMID- 13804856 TI - [The treatment of arterial pulmonary hypertension]. PMID- 13804857 TI - [Asthma of the mitral patient (etiological study)]. PMID- 13804858 TI - [Problems raised by phlebitis of the upper extremity]. PMID- 13804859 TI - [Role of bronchial circulation in pulmonary hypertension in mitral patients]. PMID- 13804860 TI - [The clinical and biological diagnosis of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13804861 TI - [Medicinal treatment of juvenile hypertension]. PMID- 13804862 TI - [Diuretics in cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13804863 TI - [Has the treatment of arterial hypertension made any progress?]. PMID- 13804864 TI - [Mictio lactea (chyluria, uraturia and pyuria)]. PMID- 13804865 TI - Differences between human individuals in the attraction of malaria mosquitoes, owing to a difference in smell. PMID- 13804866 TI - The attraction of carbon dioxide excreted by the skin of the arm for malaria mosquitoes. PMID- 13804867 TI - Microsomal N-demethylation and the effect of the hepatic carcinogen dimethylnitrosamine on amino acid incorporation into the proteins of rat livers and hepatomas. PMID- 13804868 TI - Achievement motivation in fantasy and behavior. PMID- 13804869 TI - Cognitive style and intra-individual variation in abilities. PMID- 13804870 TI - Dimensions of cognitive style. PMID- 13804871 TI - [Karyoclastic action of different glucocorticoids in massive doses on the bone marrow. Repercussion on the peripheral neutrophils]. PMID- 13804872 TI - Clinical psychology tomorrow. PMID- 13804873 TI - Rheumatoid arthritis of the hands. PMID- 13804874 TI - Volkmann's ischemic paralysis. PMID- 13804875 TI - The agglutination of L cells by vaccinia virus. II. The cell virus interaction related to the agglutination reaction. PMID- 13804876 TI - Value of a large dose of antitoxin in clinical tetanus. PMID- 13804877 TI - Benign tumors of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13804878 TI - Myocardial infarction associated with pregnancy: report of two cases. PMID- 13804879 TI - Culdoscopy. PMID- 13804880 TI - Influence of nutrition on reproduction in laboratory rodents. PMID- 13804881 TI - Phenol-induced histological skin changes: hazards, technique, and uses. PMID- 13804882 TI - Insecticide resistance as a world problem. PMID- 13804883 TI - Respiratory obstruction in haemophilia. PMID- 13804884 TI - Evaluating the textbook. PMID- 13804885 TI - Primary intrahepatic cholestasis due to Hodgkin's disease with response to adrenocorticotropin. PMID- 13804886 TI - Amphibian oocyte nuclei. PMID- 13804887 TI - Congenital abnormalities of the eye with particular reference to prematurity. PMID- 13804888 TI - Radio active calcium osteosarcomas ans squamous carcinomas: influence of dietary restriction and retarded growth on incidence. PMID- 13804889 TI - Management of "intractable" ascites in decompensated cirrhosis; favorable response of five patients to medical treatment. PMID- 13804890 TI - Fatty infiltration in the liverresponse to treatment. PMID- 13804891 TI - The clinical importance of antral gastrin. Report of a case with persistent marginal ulcer associated with continued secretion of gastrin. PMID- 13804892 TI - Postbulbar duodenal obstruction. PMID- 13804893 TI - Carcinoma of the pylorus simulating benign duo denal obstruction. PMID- 13804894 TI - Duodenal ulcer complicated by obstruction: results of medical treatment. PMID- 13804895 TI - Everett Naughtin Collins. PMID- 13804896 TI - The nervous patient. The effect of nervous and emotional tension on the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13804897 TI - Therapeutic principles in management of peptic ulcer. 4. Radiation therapy with cobalt-60. PMID- 13804898 TI - The history of thoracic surgery. PMID- 13804899 TI - Facial pain. PMID- 13804900 TI - Smallpox immunization. PMID- 13804901 TI - Esophageal lacerations secondary to vomiting. Report of four cases. PMID- 13804902 TI - Recurrence of varicosity following 'high ligation'. PMID- 13804904 TI - Solitary diverticulum of the caecum and its complications. PMID- 13804903 TI - Diverticular disease of the colon. A review of 258 cases. PMID- 13804905 TI - A case of hydrops foetalis and severe toxaemia after 23 weeks gestation. PMID- 13804906 TI - The mammalian metabolism of L-histidine. I. The enzymatic formation of L hydantion-5-propionic acid. PMID- 13804907 TI - The mammalian metabolism of L-histidine. II. The enzymatic formation, stabilization, purification, and properties of 4(5)-imidazolone-5(4)-propionic acid, the product of urocanase activity. PMID- 13804908 TI - Metabolism of formiminoglutamic acid by vitamin B12 and folic acid-deficient rats fed excess methionine. PMID- 13804909 TI - The mammalian metabolism of L-histidine. III. The urinary metabolites of L histidine-C14 in the monkey, human, and rat. PMID- 13804910 TI - The distribution and properties of a histamine-methylating enzyme. PMID- 13804911 TI - Psychosomatic correlates in contact dermatitis: a pilot study. PMID- 13804912 TI - The relevance of body image to neurosis. PMID- 13804913 TI - Chemotherapeutic studies on a new antibiotic-BRL.1241. PMID- 13804914 TI - The clinical use of T.O.E. in E.E.N.T. practice. PMID- 13804915 TI - Doctors' dilemmas. PMID- 13804916 TI - Opsiphylactic injection treatment of grass hay fever and pollen asthma. VIII. Discussion of the results of a study of 564 patients each given one annual injection of emulsified pollen extract. PMID- 13804917 TI - The opsiphylactic treatment of ragweed polinosis by means of a single annual injection of emulsified extract (X). A critical study of 1064 patients. PMID- 13804918 TI - The results of treatment of birch, oak and elm allergy with single annual injection of emulsified extract. VII. PMID- 13804919 TI - Potassium loss from the heart during the immediate posthypercapnic period. PMID- 13804921 TI - Pulmonary surface tension. PMID- 13804920 TI - Performance of absorbents: effect of moisture. PMID- 13804922 TI - Eosinophilic granuloma of the bladder. PMID- 13804923 TI - Infective ribonucleic acid from the viruses of Talfan and Teschen diseases. PMID- 13804924 TI - Living clocks. PMID- 13804925 TI - Urinary excretion of tryptophan metabolites by schizophrenic individuals. PMID- 13804926 TI - Gerontology and geriatrics for practical nursing students. PMID- 13804927 TI - On routine barium examination of the small bowel. PMID- 13804929 TI - Laboratory data on the Detroit poliomyelitis epidemic-1958. PMID- 13804930 TI - Serologic status of children four years after poliomyelitis field trial. PMID- 13804928 TI - [Serologic response of infants vaccinated simultaneously against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and poliomyelitis in function of the presence of specific antibodies of maternal origin]. PMID- 13804931 TI - Comparative biochemistry of urea synthesis. 3. Activities of urea-cycle enzymes in various higher and lower vertebrates. PMID- 13804932 TI - Flammability of an azeotropic mixture of ether and fluothane when vaporized in oxygen or air. PMID- 13804933 TI - School phobia: Psychiatric first aid. PMID- 13804934 TI - Evaluation of prepared milks for infant nutrition; use of the Latin square technique. PMID- 13804935 TI - Social factors influening length of hospital stay of schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13804936 TI - Hemoglobin peptides used in hemoglobin synthesis. PMID- 13804937 TI - Chronic thyroiditis in childhood. PMID- 13804938 TI - The management and treatment of the anaemias. PMID- 13804939 TI - A physician's guide to dietary serum cholesterol control. PMID- 13804940 TI - Variable responses of hyperlipemic patients to altered food patterns. PMID- 13804941 TI - A guide for dietary reduction of serum cholesterol level in patients with hyperlipemia. PMID- 13804942 TI - Oral mucosal involvement in nevus unius lateris (ichthyosis hystrix). PMID- 13804943 TI - The effects of desensitisation on the sputum eosinophils. PMID- 13804944 TI - How to conduct campaigns: from selecting counsel to collecting pledges. PMID- 13804945 TI - Closed panel health care programs and their influence on existing forms of voluntary health care mechanisms. PMID- 13804946 TI - The bard and the body. PMID- 13804947 TI - Evidence for a selective process during perception of tachistoscopically presented stimuli. PMID- 13804949 TI - The advantages of private medical care. PMID- 13804948 TI - Some properties of staphylococci related to pathogenicity. PMID- 13804950 TI - [Autoclave preparation of a medium with egg base for the tubercle bacillus]. PMID- 13804951 TI - Urinary oestrogens of adrenal origin in women with breast cancer. PMID- 13804952 TI - The effect of 17alpha-ethinyl-19-nortestosterone (norethisterone) on the urinary excretion of oestrogens, pregnanediol and gonadotrophins during the menstrual cycle. PMID- 13804953 TI - Investigation of and use of dimethyl siloxanes, halogenated carbons and polyvinyl alcohol as subcutaneous prostheses. PMID- 13804954 TI - Changes in nutritive value of food fats during processing and cooking. PMID- 13804955 TI - The metabolism of oestrogens and the measurement of the excretory products in the urine. PMID- 13804956 TI - Education for a learned profession. PMID- 13804957 TI - Studies on the intracellular localization of anterior pituitary hormones by means of differential centrifugation. PMID- 13804958 TI - Studies on ultracentrifuge fractions of anterior pituitary with special reference to adrencorticotrophic hormone. PMID- 13804959 TI - Pressure caudal anesthesia and back manipulation. Conservative method for treatment of sciatica. PMID- 13804961 TI - Ectopia cordis. PMID- 13804960 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of renal-artery stenosis. PMID- 13804962 TI - Induction of Fechner colors in black and white photographs. AB - Fechner colors are visible when two black and white photographs of a scene which have been taken with longwavelength and short-wavelength light, respectively, are viewed in an alternating sequence. Such colors may be combined with spatially induced, two-primary colors to enhance or reduce the vividness of the latter. PMID- 13804963 TI - Prognosis from presenting symptoms of preschool children with atypical development. PMID- 13804964 TI - The bio-dynamics of launch and re-entry. PMID- 13804965 TI - Degenerative cerebellar ataxias. PMID- 13804966 TI - The measurement of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in body fluids: A critical review. PMID- 13804967 TI - Gunshot wounds of the lower extremity: the fast draw syndrome. PMID- 13804968 TI - One method of treating subdeltoid bursitis. PMID- 13804969 TI - Simple device for practicing vascular anastomosis. PMID- 13804970 TI - Masses of the rectovaginal septum. A proposed classification, review of the literature and report of a case of leiomyosarcoma. PMID- 13804972 TI - Temporogram. PMID- 13804971 TI - Intraretinal recording with micropipette electrodes in the intact cat eye. PMID- 13804973 TI - Cholesteatoma of the external auditory canal. PMID- 13804974 TI - Left hepatic lobectomy and simultaneous portacaval shunt for hepatoma associated with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. PMID- 13804975 TI - Surgical-medical induction of labor. PMID- 13804976 TI - The law and the problem of abortion. PMID- 13804977 TI - The psychiatrist and the anesthesiologist as a cooperative team in electroshock treatment. PMID- 13804978 TI - Causes of polyuria and polydipsia in patients with injuries of the cervical spinal cord. PMID- 13804979 TI - An investigation into the possible existence of polyneuronal innervation of individual skeletal muscle fibres in certain hind-limb muscles of the cat. PMID- 13804980 TI - The effect on a muscle twitch of the back-response of its motor nerve fibres. PMID- 13804981 TI - Electromyographic kinesiology of the hand: Part I. Method. PMID- 13804982 TI - The patient's motion ability: evaluation methods, trends, and principles. PMID- 13804983 TI - The patient's motion ability: evaluation methods, trends, and principles. PMID- 13804984 TI - Blood pressure and thiocyanate space in the vitamin B6-deficient rat during pregnancy. PMID- 13804985 TI - Blood volume and serum protein in the deoxypyridoxine-fed rat during pregnancy. PMID- 13804986 TI - Occupational health nursing manpower. PMID- 13804987 TI - The dietitian in a diploma nursing program. PMID- 13804988 TI - The effect of type of dietary fat on reproductive performance and body composition of the vitamin B6-deficient rat. PMID- 13804989 TI - The inheritance of progressive muscular atrophy as a dominant trait in two New England families. PMID- 13804990 TI - Further direct proof of the 1, 4-dihydro structure of reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13804991 TI - Attention: a theoretical note. PMID- 13804992 TI - Kartagener's syndrome with fibrocystic disease. PMID- 13804993 TI - Apollo and Dionysus. PMID- 13804994 TI - Tumor of the lacrimal sac. PMID- 13804995 TI - Complications of gallstones. PMID- 13804996 TI - Cancer of the pyriform sinus. PMID- 13804997 TI - A comparison of various methods used in the laboratory diagnosis and assessment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13804998 TI - Isomers of vitamin A in fish liver oils. PMID- 13804999 TI - Urinary gonadotrophins in normal men. PMID- 13805000 TI - E. D. Plass and J. H. Randall, and obstetrics and gynecology at the State University of Iowa, 1926 to 1955. PMID- 13805001 TI - "Tumor mass," malignant or benign? PMID- 13805002 TI - Word association and the acquisition of grammar. PMID- 13805003 TI - Method in phonetic symbolism experiments. PMID- 13805004 TI - Blocks for balance and posture for the spastic patient. PMID- 13805005 TI - Further observations on intestinal lesions associated with pheochromocytomas. A case of malignant pheochromocytoma in pregnancy. PMID- 13805006 TI - Further studies of small vessel anastomosis and replacement in the dog. I. Plastic prostheses. II. An unidentified host variable affecting results. PMID- 13805008 TI - Value of periodic examinations in detecting early lung cancer. PMID- 13805009 TI - An administrator's best traits may be his worst enemies. PMID- 13805007 TI - Intestinal bleeding and perforation complicating treatment with vasconstrictors. PMID- 13805010 TI - Factors affecting hospital and prepayment costs. PMID- 13805011 TI - Good judgment is impersonal judgment. PMID- 13805012 TI - How to keep good judgment from going bad. PMID- 13805013 TI - Let the public control utilization through planning. PMID- 13805014 TI - Some forces that will affect the hospital and the hospital pharmacy. PMID- 13805015 TI - The nature of administration. PMID- 13805016 TI - What's behind the administrative process. PMID- 13805017 TI - Will success spoil the administrator? PMID- 13805018 TI - Number and distribution of roentgenologic examinations for 100,000 people. PMID- 13805019 TI - Radiation facts for public health officers. AB - In the medical use of x-rays a few kinds of examinations contribute a large percentage of the gonadal exposure. Dose reduction to a population need not require total reduction nor restriction of the medical use, but study and attention to a few examinations in the pelvic region may satisfy the most skeptical that the use is justified or indicate the need for modification of our present indications for taking x-rays in this area.The potential dangers of ionizing radiation have long been respected and responsible organizations are constantly studying new developments that might add to the dangers and new knowledge that might affect conclusions. PMID- 13805020 TI - Family structure and social isolation of older persons. PMID- 13805021 TI - A method of controlling the temperature of insect neurosecretory cells in situ. PMID- 13805022 TI - Immunochemical reactions involving ribonuclease. PMID- 13805023 TI - Bassini's contribution to our understanding of inguinal hernia. PMID- 13805024 TI - The reaction of porcine and ovine ribonucleases with antibody to bovine ribonuclease. PMID- 13805025 TI - Inguinal hernia. PMID- 13805026 TI - Umbilical hernia repair by layer closure of posterior and anterior rectus sheaths. PMID- 13805027 TI - Digestion and absorption as factors in body weight. PMID- 13805028 TI - Prevalence of intestinal protozoa in adults at four military bases in California. PMID- 13805029 TI - Carcinoma of the tongue. PMID- 13805030 TI - Nonpalpable epigastric hernias. PMID- 13805031 TI - Congenital prepyloric gastric atresia. Report of two cases. PMID- 13805032 TI - The metabolism of tryptophan in patients with bladder cancer. PMID- 13805033 TI - The effects of intracisternal sarin and pyridine-2-aldoxime methyl methanesulphonate in anesthetized dogs. AB - Dogs poisoned by the anticholinesterase sarin could be saved by intravenous administration of atropine sulphate together with a suitable oxime. The central effects of intracisternal sarin were respiratory paralysis and vasomotor stimulation. The problem arose as to whether the oxime, being a quaternary nitrogen compound, could enter the brain from the blood, and could have a central action on the paralysed respiration. The methyl methanesulphonate of pyridine-2 aldoxime administered intracisternally, after sarin poisoning by the same route, was ineffective; atropine, given intravenously, was effective. The central and peripheral effects of sarin were thus reversed by the atropine-oxime therapy, the central effects by atropine, the peripheral by the oxime. PMID- 13805034 TI - Inhibitors of tumor growth: N-chloroacetyl-beta-alanine, N-chloroacetylglutamic acid, and azaserine. PMID- 13805035 TI - Ornithine transcarbamylase activity in serum. PMID- 13805036 TI - The occurrence of leptospiral infections in feral rodents in southwestern Georgia. PMID- 13805038 TI - Statistics on a family care program. PMID- 13805037 TI - Biosynthesis of the coumarins. Tracer studies on coumarin formation in Hierochloe odorata and Melilotus officinalis. PMID- 13805039 TI - Spontaneous chromosome fragmentation in the armored scale insects (Coccoidea Diaspididae). PMID- 13805040 TI - Potassium balance of the dog heart: effects of increasing heart rate and of pentobarbital and dihydro-ouabain. PMID- 13805041 TI - A true circle conversion of the "C-M" absorber unit. PMID- 13805042 TI - Anomalies in the microscopic structure of some wools. PMID- 13805043 TI - Postnatal tooth development in cattle. PMID- 13805044 TI - The effect of the level of dietary fat on the toxicity of phenolic antioxidants. PMID- 13805045 TI - Fatty acid oxidation by carp liver mitochondria. PMID- 13805046 TI - Determination of serum cholesterol with perchloric acid. PMID- 13805047 TI - Glucose metabolism in carp. PMID- 13805048 TI - The inhibition of breast engorgement with endocrine substances and its possible role in the prevention of puerperal breast abscess. PMID- 13805049 TI - A subtle threat to the supply of medical educators. PMID- 13805050 TI - Episternal bones. A case report. PMID- 13805051 TI - The Reiter protein antigen test compared with the TPI and other treponemal and nontreponemal antigen technics in the diagnosis of syphilis. PMID- 13805052 TI - Challenge to the private physician in the epidemiology of syphilis. PMID- 13805053 TI - Preliminary evaluation of the incidence of reactions to penicillin. PMID- 13805054 TI - An evaluation of the incidence of reactions to penicillin. PMID- 13805055 TI - Migration as a factor in venereal disease programmes in the United States. PMID- 13805056 TI - Present and future problems in venereal disease control. PMID- 13805057 TI - The effect of chronic whole-body irradiation on peripheral cue associations. PMID- 13805058 TI - Visual acuity performance of normal and chronic irradiated monkeys. PMID- 13805059 TI - 'Absolute' versus 'relational' discrimination of intermediate size in the rhesus monkey. PMID- 13805060 TI - Implications of recency effects for probability learning theories. PMID- 13805061 TI - The conquest of pain. PMID- 13805062 TI - Acute appendicitis associated with obstructing carcinoid tumor of appendix. A case report. PMID- 13805063 TI - The delta4-hydrogenases of guinea pig adrenal gland. PMID- 13805064 TI - The distribution of radio-iodide in the skin of the rat. PMID- 13805065 TI - Concentration of radio-iodide in the skin of the rat. PMID- 13805066 TI - The response of the thyroid gland of the guinea-pig to stress. PMID- 13805067 TI - The hypothalamus and the thyroid gland. PMID- 13805068 TI - Unilateral double testicles or transverse ectopia of the testis. PMID- 13805069 TI - [Constancy of treponemic tests]. PMID- 13805070 TI - Congenital abnormalities of the anus. PMID- 13805071 TI - The pathology and classification of talipes. PMID- 13805072 TI - The problem of Byron's lameness. PMID- 13805073 TI - Panel discussion on functional disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13805074 TI - Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. PMID- 13805075 TI - Chronic idiopathic neutropenia. PMID- 13805076 TI - Report by the Special Medical Committee Investigating Maternal Mortality on 319 deaths associated with pregnancy and childbirth occurring in New South Wales, 1950 to 1956. PMID- 13805077 TI - Rotational cobalt 60 teletherapy of vesicle cancer. PMID- 13805078 TI - The effect of insulin hypoglycaemia on tolerance to positive acceleration. PMID- 13805079 TI - A hypermelanotic rash complicating sulphone therapy. PMID- 13805081 TI - Incidence and clinical manifestations of onchocerciasis in a focus in the Oriental Province of the Belgian Congo. PMID- 13805080 TI - Hypermelanotic rash associated with sulphonamide therapy. PMID- 13805082 TI - Neoplasms of the skin associated with onchodermatitis. PMID- 13805083 TI - Onchocercal depigmentation. PMID- 13805084 TI - Onchocerciasis and leprosy. PMID- 13805086 TI - The role of Onchocerca volvulus in lymphadenopathy and associated conditions. PMID- 13805085 TI - The clinical course of dimorphous macular leprosy in the Belgian Congo. PMID- 13805087 TI - [A treatment of persistent perforating ulcers]. PMID- 13805088 TI - [The filarial itch and leprosy]. PMID- 13805089 TI - The rheumatic child in school; the preention of invalidism. PMID- 13805090 TI - Bulbar subconjunctival epithelial cyst. PMID- 13805091 TI - A rapid method for the preparation of bacteriophage suspensions for staphylococcal typing. PMID- 13805092 TI - The inactivation of ribonuclease during the isolation of ribonucleic acids and ribonucleoproteins from yeast. PMID- 13805093 TI - Biological effects of a compound related to amphenone. PMID- 13805094 TI - Isologous and homologous transplants of ovarian tissue in the anterior eye chambers of intact and castrated male and female mice of inbred strains. PMID- 13805095 TI - The action of testosterone on spontaneous adrenal cortical tumors. PMID- 13805096 TI - Inhibition of growth of a transplanted adrenal cortical tumor by sex steroids. PMID- 13805097 TI - Outbreak of dysentery caused by Shigella boydii 4. PMID- 13805098 TI - Legal custody of recal citrant tuberculosis patients. Report of a hospital program. PMID- 13805099 TI - Legal custody of recalcitrant tuberculous patients. Report of a hospital program. PMID- 13805100 TI - Fever secondary to ingestion of quinidine. PMID- 13805101 TI - Arteriovenous fistula between the internal mammary artery and vein following stab wound of the chest: a case report. PMID- 13805102 TI - Nutrition of Pasteurella pestis in chemically defined media at temperatures of 36 to 38 C. PMID- 13805103 TI - Dust in cardrooms. PMID- 13805104 TI - The effect of x-irradiation on the perineuronal satellite cells in the cortex of aging brains. PMID- 13805105 TI - The effect of iodopyrine on the thyroid gland of the rat. PMID- 13805106 TI - [Listeria meningoencephalitis in an adult woman]. PMID- 13805107 TI - [Rare and fatal cardiopulmonary complications of ascaridosis: Ascaris in the heart and pneumonitis caused by embolization of their eggs]. PMID- 13805109 TI - Age differences in residual lung volume and vital capacity of normal individuals. PMID- 13805108 TI - Age changes in skinfold compressibility. PMID- 13805110 TI - Experimental studies on the impact of deficient diet on behavior. PMID- 13805111 TI - [Nutrition, care and physical development of infants in villages of the Radomsko county]. PMID- 13805113 TI - [Effect of unconditionally and conditionally applied low pressure on certain physiological functions]. PMID- 13805112 TI - [Changes of carbohydrate metabolism in conditionally and unconditionally applied low pressure]. PMID- 13805114 TI - [The resistance of the leukocytes and the dilution fluids in the eosinophil count in the rabbit]. PMID- 13805115 TI - [Graphic dosimetry in cyclo-cobalt-therapy]. PMID- 13805116 TI - [Unsaponifiable lipid extracts from the spleen as radioprotective agents]. PMID- 13805117 TI - [Digitalis poisoning in the aged]. PMID- 13805118 TI - [Prevention of poisoning by organophosphates]. PMID- 13805119 TI - [Comparison of menadione and vitamin K 1 in animal nutrition]. PMID- 13805120 TI - Rehabilitation and resettlement of disabled people: the statutory and voluntary services. PMID- 13805121 TI - Smooth-muscle tumours of the alimentary tract. PMID- 13805122 TI - Placenta praevia accreta. PMID- 13805123 TI - Angiokeratoma circumscriptum and angiokeratoma scroti. Report of a case. PMID- 13805124 TI - A comparative trial of ECT and tofranil. PMID- 13805125 TI - Ocular findings in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas: a preliminary report. PMID- 13805126 TI - Role of olfactory sense in pregnancy block by strange males. AB - Pregnancy is blocked in a high proportion of recently mated female mice exposed to strange males. This reaction is virtually abolished by the prior removal of the olfactory bulbs of the female. The smell of the strange male appears to be the primary stimulus in the exteroceptive block to pregnancy in mice. PMID- 13805127 TI - A block to pregnancy in the mouse caused by proximity of strange males. PMID- 13805128 TI - An exteroceptive block to pregnancy in the mouse. PMID- 13805129 TI - Gastrectomy for massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage of unknown cause. PMID- 13805130 TI - Advances in surgery. PMID- 13805131 TI - Complications of internal medical importance after surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13805132 TI - Squamous epithelial cancer of the pleura following extrapleural pneumothorax for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13805133 TI - Resetting the sporulation rhythm in Pilobolus with short light flashes of high intensity. AB - The "clock-controlled" endogenous sporulation rhythm in the fungusPilobolus sphaerosporus has been investigated as part of a comparative study aimed at elucidating characteristic common features of circadian ((1)) rhythms. Pilobolus was chosen for inclusion in this study because of its demonstrated rhythm and sensitivity to light, and because it is a relatively simple plant. It has been shown that a single, high-intensity, 1/2000 second light flash will completely reset (shift the phase of) a rhythm persisting in continuous dim red light at constant temperature, and that one or more transient cycles occur before the phase shift is complete. The significance of these results is discussed. PMID- 13805134 TI - The suppression by cortisone of the acute local radiation in the rabbit ear. PMID- 13805135 TI - Assessment of urinary excretion of antimalarial drugs in large-scale chemotherapeutic eradication projects. AB - Assessment of the urinary excretion of an antimalarial drug is a useful means of checking the amount of drug administered and the regularity of intake. The author describes the various methods available for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of antimalarial drugs in urine and discusses their relative merits, with special reference to their suitability for use in the field. He points out the difficulties involved in estimating the urinary excretion of antimalarials in large-scale chemotherapeutic eradication projects and stress the importance of simplifying testing techniques as far as possible. PMID- 13805136 TI - Malaria research and eradication in the USSR. A review of Soviet achievements in the field of malariology. AB - Relatively little is known outside the USSR about the past history of malaria in that country, the contribution of its scientists to malaria research, the recent progress of Soviet malariology, or the achievements of the Soviet Union in the eradication of malaria. These achievements are of particular interest because the general strategy of malaria eradication in the USSR has many technical, administrative, and economic and social features not seen elsewhere. PMID- 13805137 TI - [Copernicus, unknown physician]. PMID- 13805138 TI - [Is the time of delivery a useful criterium for testing drugs in obstetrics?]. PMID- 13805139 TI - Studies in schizophrenia. PMID- 13805140 TI - [On the psychological aspects of obesity]. PMID- 13805141 TI - [Meningeal carcinomatosis. Anatomoclinical study of 11 cases]. PMID- 13805142 TI - [On the alkaloids of Pycnarrhena manillensis Vidal. Pycnamine, a new alkaloid of the berbamine series of biscoclaurine alkaloids]. PMID- 13805143 TI - [Ventricular repolarization in the spatial electrocardiogram in arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13805144 TI - Intravenous fluid therapy for infants and children. Physiologic principles and a practical regimen with examples of application. PMID- 13805146 TI - A method to determine average voltage in the EEG. PMID- 13805145 TI - Common foot disabilities. PMID- 13805148 TI - [Apropos of the synthesis and metabolism of catacholamines]. PMID- 13805147 TI - [A pacemaker in the medial septum region of the dog brain]. PMID- 13805149 TI - [Contribution to the natural history of viral hepatitis. Anatomoclinical study of hepatic sequelae]. PMID- 13805151 TI - [A prolonged survival in metastasizing Ewing sarcoma]. PMID- 13805150 TI - [Practical utilization of the technic of direct x-ray augmentation]. PMID- 13805152 TI - [Micro-focus bronchograms]. PMID- 13805153 TI - [On methods of longitudinal aging research on the eye]. PMID- 13805154 TI - [Various aspects of scarlet fever. Staphylococcal scarlet fever]. PMID- 13805155 TI - [On trials with hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfuric acid in experimental fractures]. PMID- 13805156 TI - Some aspects of the management of the pregnant diabetic. PMID- 13805157 TI - Pastoral counseling with the mentally ill. PMID- 13805158 TI - [The effect of oxygen on pulmonary arterial pressure and lung mechanics in a patient with cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13805159 TI - Inorganic and organic components of tooth structure. PMID- 13805160 TI - [On unusual forms of final myeloblastosis in chronic myelosis]. PMID- 13805161 TI - [Peculiarities of thermoregulatory processes in infants]. PMID- 13805162 TI - [On the nature of the so-called thetarhythm in the hippocampus]. PMID- 13805163 TI - [Esophagotracheal fistula after blunt thoracic trauma]. PMID- 13805164 TI - [The significance of medical cooperation in maxillary orthopedic prophylaxis]. PMID- 13805166 TI - [Follow-up examinations of hepatitis patients according to the dispensary method]. PMID- 13805165 TI - Development of a canine globulin concentrate. PMID- 13805167 TI - [Adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid. A survey of the indications with special reference to diseases of the spine]. PMID- 13805168 TI - [The adjuvant effect of glucocorticoids in tuberculous exudative pleuritis]. PMID- 13805169 TI - [A contribution to the standardization of cultivated drugs]. PMID- 13805171 TI - [Bronchography with a fine focus tube]. PMID- 13805170 TI - [Hard exposure technic in routine roentgen pulmonary diagnosis]. PMID- 13805172 TI - [Proteinuria and engorged kidneys]. PMID- 13805173 TI - [On a chronic extrapulmonary Klebsiella infection]. PMID- 13805174 TI - [Comparative studies on albino rats and chickens on the utilization of neo-(2 mono-cis) vitamin A]. PMID- 13805175 TI - [On pneumonectomy in childhood and adolescence]. PMID- 13805176 TI - [The significance of lymph nodes in the course of primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13805177 TI - [Which tuberculous lymph nodes should be operated on?]. PMID- 13805178 TI - [Therapy of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13805179 TI - [Effect of lard and olive oil load on serum lipids]. PMID- 13805180 TI - [Hepatophobia and laparoscopy]. PMID- 13805181 TI - [Laparoscopy and the practitioner]. PMID- 13805182 TI - [Comparative value of tests of tuberculous allergy, from the tuberculin cuti reaction to the BCG test. (Investigation by simultaneous tests in 910 boys 15 to 17 years of age]. PMID- 13805183 TI - [To what extent has the age of primary tuberculous infection receded?]. PMID- 13805184 TI - Use of chloramphenicol in the study of nitrogen fixation. PMID- 13805185 TI - [Treatment of hypertension in private practice]. PMID- 13805186 TI - [The oxygen deficiency test. On principles and relations to regulative processes in the organism]. PMID- 13805187 TI - [An objective measuring method for establishment of psychomotor readiness]. PMID- 13805188 TI - [Working possibilities underground in severe climatic conditions]. PMID- 13805189 TI - [Pulmonary artery findings as a sequel to therapy]. PMID- 13805190 TI - Electroencephalographic study of the signs of chronic vascular insufficiency of the Sylvian region in aged people. PMID- 13805192 TI - Prospects for a systemic therapy of cancer. PMID- 13805191 TI - Critique of mutational theories of carcinogenesis. PMID- 13805193 TI - [Remarks on the method of determination of osmotic resistance of leukocytes]. PMID- 13805194 TI - [Capillary resistance in anemia]. PMID- 13805195 TI - [On the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in practice]. PMID- 13805196 TI - [Comments on the pathogenesis of lead anemia]. PMID- 13805197 TI - [New results on the pathophysiology of siderocytes]. PMID- 13805198 TI - [Coagulation studies in the differential diagnosis of liver diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13805199 TI - [Coagulation tests in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas]. PMID- 13805200 TI - [Electronoptic studies on thrombopathy]. PMID- 13805201 TI - [Unusual manifestations of bone tuberculosis in infants and small children]. PMID- 13805202 TI - [Atelectases due to different causes in the course of pulmonary tuberculosis in puberty]. PMID- 13805203 TI - [On the relationships of the factors of the prothrombin complex and the increase of physiological coagulation inhibitors in juvenile menorrhagia]. PMID- 13805204 TI - [Thrombocyte changes caused by pharmacological agents]. PMID- 13805205 TI - Embolic cerebral sequel in rheumatic mitral stenosis precipitating senile mental deterioration. PMID- 13805206 TI - In memoriam Oskar Vogt, M.D., 1870-1959. PMID- 13805207 TI - The earliest record of sudden death possibly due to atherosclerotic coronary occlusion. PMID- 13805208 TI - [Carcinosis of the leptomeninges in minute peripheral lung carcinoma]. PMID- 13805209 TI - [On healing processes in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13805210 TI - [Blood pressure in aging chronically ill subjects from a statistical viewpoint]. PMID- 13805211 TI - Fatal nephropathy during edathamil therapy in lead poisoning. PMID- 13805213 TI - [Bases and clinical aspects of medicinal damages]. PMID- 13805214 TI - [Medical contemporaries of Laennec]. PMID- 13805212 TI - [Quantitative studies of the clearance of substances from the blood vessel by the lungs. I. The clearance of ethyl alcohol by the lungs of healthy persons during breathing at rest]. PMID- 13805215 TI - [Technic and clinical significance of qualitative studies concerning urinary porphyrins and their preliminary stages in healthy and sick persons]. PMID- 13805216 TI - [Tuberculosis and blood circulation]. PMID- 13805217 TI - [The medical and thermal treatment of chronic angina. The percussive aerosol]. PMID- 13805218 TI - New type hot water system saves space and cost. PMID- 13805219 TI - [Cases of multiple peripheral aneurysms in bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13805220 TI - [The appearance of neurological disorders after the use of stemetil]. PMID- 13805221 TI - [Various views on Huntington's chorea]. PMID- 13805222 TI - [The effect of a small dose of vitamin K1 on the bilirubin level and the prothrombin time of the blood of premature infants]. PMID- 13805223 TI - [Stress incontinence and the sling operation]. PMID- 13805224 TI - [2 Years of "modern" control of the fears of childbirth]. PMID- 13805225 TI - [Therapy of acute streptococcal tonsillitis and the prevention of acute rheumatism and acute glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13805226 TI - Oestrogenic activity at menopausal age in women with diabetes mellitus ("diabete gras"). PMID- 13805227 TI - Granulosa-cell tumours causing precocious puberty; oestrogen fractionations in two patients. PMID- 13805228 TI - [On a method for the preparation of flavones labelled with carbon 14]. PMID- 13805229 TI - [School and trends of thought in psychotherapy]. PMID- 13805230 TI - [Clinical significance of the minimum calcium requirement]. PMID- 13805231 TI - [Hypophysis, parathormone and renal elimination of phosphorus in the dog]. PMID- 13805232 TI - [On a case of osteoposis]. PMID- 13805233 TI - [Oral antidiabetics in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13805234 TI - [Tests for measurement of thyroid function]. PMID- 13805235 TI - [Laboratory and clinical tests]. PMID- 13805236 TI - Nuclear ophthalmoplegia with biopsy of extra-ocular muscle. PMID- 13805237 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of human listeriosis]. PMID- 13805238 TI - Test based on normal serum component implementing fixation of complement by turkey antiserum. PMID- 13805239 TI - Benign streptococcal sore throat. PMID- 13805240 TI - Iron therapy in primary iron-deficiency anaemia. PMID- 13805241 TI - Primary iron-deficiency anaemia in young men. PMID- 13805242 TI - Studies on the mechanism of adsorption and penetration by bacteriophage. PMID- 13805243 TI - [An arteriovenous fistula perforated into the pleural]. PMID- 13805244 TI - [Duodenal ulcer or gallstones?]. PMID- 13805245 TI - [Subphrenic abscess]. PMID- 13805247 TI - [Two pairs of mammary tumors]. PMID- 13805246 TI - [Tumor of the cecum with diverticulosis of the colon]. PMID- 13805248 TI - A simplified method for the determination of the blood clotting time. PMID- 13805249 TI - X-ray negative dyspepsia: a follow-up study. PMID- 13805250 TI - Plasma vitamin A level and the vitamin A absorption test in achlorhydria. PMID- 13805251 TI - Chromatographic pattern of ninhydrin staining compounds in gastric juice and its relation to acid gastric secretion. PMID- 13805252 TI - Urinary excretion of thiamine and riboflavin in achlorhydria: preliminary report. PMID- 13805253 TI - Effect of some common sulphonamides and antithyroid drugs on the acid gastric secretion. PMID- 13805254 TI - [Note on the shigellae of Cambodia]. PMID- 13805255 TI - [Inflammatory cerebral sclerosis with adrenal cortex insufficiency. With a contribution to the histochemistry of copper deposits in the liver]. PMID- 13805256 TI - [Therapeutic trials of 10-methoxy-deserpidine in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13805257 TI - [Developmental aspects of arterial hypertension in young persons]. PMID- 13805258 TI - [Adrenal reactions in chronic respiratory insufficiency with and without acute manifestations]. PMID- 13805259 TI - [Cavernoliths and endomural calcifications of tuberculous pulmonary ulcerations]. PMID- 13805260 TI - [Current difficulties of tuberculosis prevention and their social and financial repercussions]. PMID- 13805261 TI - [Tuberculosis at the hour of truth]. PMID- 13805262 TI - [Tuberculosis in the present time]. PMID- 13805263 TI - [Tuberculosis of emphysematous patients and their cardiac complications]. PMID- 13805264 TI - [Silicosis and scleroderma]. PMID- 13805265 TI - [The syndrome of edematous bronchoplegia in the course of chronic respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13805266 TI - [Pulmonary angioma and polycythemia temporarily improved by excision]. PMID- 13805267 TI - [Pulmonary fibrosis due to sarcoidosis with severe course and its prophylaxis]. PMID- 13805268 TI - [Respiratory reeducation in ventilatory disorders of diaphragmatic origin. Presentation of a film]. PMID- 13805269 TI - [Corticoid therapy during pleuropulmonary disorders]. PMID- 13805270 TI - [Obliterating endo-aneurysmorrhaphy for femoral aneurysm in an 80-year-old patient]. PMID- 13805271 TI - [Traumatic rhinorrhea with intraventricular pneumatocele]. PMID- 13805272 TI - [Apropos of antigens of various helminths. Experiences with Schultz-Dale and cutaneous tests in man]. PMID- 13805273 TI - [Mental deficiency and craniocerebral trauma]. PMID- 13805274 TI - [Demonstration of outlines of clinical record cards for the study of patients with uveitis, exophthalmos, ear diseases, and intraocular vascular diseases used in the ophthalmological clinic of the University of Rome]. PMID- 13805275 TI - [On some unusual audiosurgical operations and their results]. PMID- 13805276 TI - [Relation between cholinesterase activity and motoricity of the stomach in sheep]. PMID- 13805277 TI - [Chemical activation of muscle spindles in man. The significance of spindle mechanics for the spinal effect]. PMID- 13805278 TI - [The influence of chemically active muscle fibers on the monosynaptic stimulation of spinal motor neurons in man]. PMID- 13805279 TI - [Hypoglycemias in adults. Clinical and therapeutic aspects]. PMID- 13805280 TI - [A procedure of treatment of conjunctival adhesions in enucleation cavities]. PMID- 13805281 TI - [Erythrogenesis imperfecta]. PMID- 13805282 TI - [Constitutional hypoplastic thrombopenia]. PMID- 13805283 TI - [Auditory and extra-auditory acoustic incidences due to sand-blasting]. PMID- 13805284 TI - [Chronic bronchitis and allergy]. PMID- 13805285 TI - [Pneumology]. PMID- 13805286 TI - Decimal classification for an anaesthetic filing system. PMID- 13805287 TI - The toxic effect of kanamycin on the inner ear: report of a case. PMID- 13805288 TI - Arteriography in the diagnosis of bone tumours of the limbs. PMID- 13805289 TI - [Arteriography in diagnosis of osseous tumors of the extremities]. PMID- 13805290 TI - [Comparative experimental study on pulmonary histopathological changes determined by some contrast media in aqueous suspension used for bronchography]. PMID- 13805291 TI - [On 3 cases of duodenal ulcer in children]. PMID- 13805292 TI - [De Quervain's disease]. PMID- 13805294 TI - [The correction of acromioclavicular dislocation with transplantation of the short head of the biceps]. PMID- 13805293 TI - [Fractures of the anterior calcaneal process]. PMID- 13805295 TI - [Contribution to the study of the alkaline phosphatase of the granulocytes in childhood]. PMID- 13805296 TI - [Research on and the determination of artificial cellulose fibers in cotton wool]. PMID- 13805297 TI - A new antihistamine. Its usage in allergic states. PMID- 13805299 TI - Inhelder and Piaget's The Growth of Logical Thinking. I. A psychologist's viewpoint. PMID- 13805298 TI - [Visual and acoustic responses on the level of the anterior median surface of the cortex in the cat under chloralose]. PMID- 13805301 TI - [Apropos of the one plane suture. The quincunx suture]. PMID- 13805300 TI - Analysis of morbidity and mortality statistics (male). Treatment Service Department of Veterans Affairs April 1, 1958 - March 31, 1959. PMID- 13805302 TI - [Carotid angiography in laryngo-pharyngeal and cervical tumors]. PMID- 13805303 TI - [The three laryngeal motor functions. Simple or association alterations of central origin of these three motor functions. Experimental works of Bolsi and Fasano]. PMID- 13805304 TI - [Transethmoidosphenoidal paranasal hypophysectomy in the treatment of metastatic cancerizations: results of endocrinosurgical treatment in a case of recurring meningomastoidal melanoblastoma]. PMID- 13805305 TI - [Properdin and cortisone-like compound. Influence of prednisolone on the properdin system of the Wistar rat]. PMID- 13805306 TI - [New acquisitions on the subject of the bio-enzymology of ictero-hemoglobinuric favism. Note I. The enolase, fructokinase and phosphofructokinase activity of the erythrocytes]. PMID- 13805307 TI - [New contributions on the subject of the bio-enzymology of ictero-hemoglobinuric favism. Note 2. The behavior of ervthrocvtic pentoses]. PMID- 13805308 TI - [Acute hemolytic anemia due to chloramphenicol in subjects with bio-enzymatic erythrocytic anomalies]. PMID- 13805309 TI - [New contributions on the subject of the bio-enzymology of ictero-hemoglobinuric favism. Note 3. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity of the hepatic parenchyma]. PMID- 13805310 TI - [Pharmacological research on the active principle of Atractylis gummifera. X. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated rat liver mitochondria]. PMID- 13805311 TI - [The pharmacological properties of a new synthetic anticholinergic drug in connection with the problem of the parasympathicolytic action of drugs]. PMID- 13805312 TI - Hyaline degeneration of rat liver cells studied with the electron microscope. PMID- 13805314 TI - [9 alpha-Fluoro-16 alpha-methylprednisolone (desamethasone) in dermatology: clinical and laboratory data]. PMID- 13805313 TI - [Opportunities for the study of pathology in England]. PMID- 13805315 TI - [Recurrent intestinal subocclusion in a 40-day-old infant complicated by unexpected obstruction from intestinal duplication. Operation-Recovery]. PMID- 13805316 TI - [Description of a case of genuine congenital anophthalmia. Histopathological documentation]. PMID- 13805317 TI - [Considerations on the practical utility of selective tests of renal function (clearances)]. PMID- 13805318 TI - [Description of a case of pitressinresistant diabetes insipidus with special reference to dietetic treatment]. PMID- 13805319 TI - [Description of a very unusual case of Whipple's disease in the pediatric age]. PMID- 13805320 TI - [Amelioration of the pharmacodynamic action of spasmalgin by modification of the doses of its constituents]. PMID- 13805321 TI - [Recovery of the placental blood. Early clamping of the umbilical arteries--total ligation of the cord after a minimum time for recovery of the placental blood]. PMID- 13805322 TI - [Prophylaxis of air embolism in high pressure transfusions]. PMID- 13805323 TI - Pheochromocytoma: postoperative shock and blood volume. PMID- 13805325 TI - [Medical supply service in WK (experiences from WK 58 of the 6th Division)]. PMID- 13805324 TI - [Clinical significance of intrathoracic tumor formations]. PMID- 13805326 TI - [On the pathogenesis of the so-called aspergilloma]. PMID- 13805327 TI - [Operations in lung metastases]. PMID- 13805328 TI - [The importance of exploratory thoracotomy in unclear thoracic findings (spindle cell sarcoma and silico-tuberculosis)]. PMID- 13805329 TI - [The so-called intralobar sequestration of the lung]. PMID- 13805330 TI - [The status of lung surgery]. PMID- 13805331 TI - [The status of lung surgery]. PMID- 13805332 TI - [Contribution to the therapy of coronary circulation disorders]. PMID- 13805333 TI - Methods of heating the hip joint. PMID- 13805334 TI - [Modification of an experimental obstruction edema in rats by chlorothiazide, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, DOCA and vasopressin]. PMID- 13805335 TI - [Electrolyte content of plasma and plasma and erythrocytes in nephrectomized rats. II]. PMID- 13805336 TI - [Changes in water and salt excretion and in kidney structure from the second to the tenth day after a single intravenous dose of chlormerdrin]. PMID- 13805337 TI - [Effects of acetazolamide, chlorothiazide and chlormerodrin on inulin clearance, true endogenous creatinine, para-aminohippuric acid and urea. Differentiation of nephrotoxic effects of diuretics from dehydration sequelae in healthy rats]. PMID- 13805338 TI - [Experimental production of tumors by implantation of polymethylmethacrylate into rats]. PMID- 13805339 TI - [Renal effects of acetazolamide, chlorothiazide and chlormerodrin in experimental renal insufficiency. I. Damage of the kidneys by roentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13805340 TI - [Renal effects of acetazolamide, chlorothiazide and chlormerodrin in experimental renal insufficiency. II. Injuries to the kidneys by operative bladder catheterization]. PMID- 13805341 TI - [Renal effects of acetazolamide, chlorothiazide and chlormerodrin in experimental renal insufficiency. III. Disorder of renal function due to partial nephrectomy]. PMID- 13805342 TI - [Renal water and electrolyte excretion of thirsty rats within 32 hours after a single intravenous dose of chlormerodrin or mersalyl]. PMID- 13805343 TI - [Thorotrast injuries]. PMID- 13805344 TI - [Regional lymph node complications after BCG vaccination. A compilation based on BCG-lymphomas which were surgically excised and studied at the Pathologisches Institut Zurich in the years 1953-1958]. PMID- 13805345 TI - Blood clearance of P32-labeled vesicular stomatitis and Newcastle disease viruses by the reticuloendothelial system in mice. PMID- 13805346 TI - Differences in stability of antigen-antibody complexes formed with poliovirus and acute and convalescent phase human sera. PMID- 13805347 TI - A laboratory method for evaluation of topical anti-inflammatory agents. PMID- 13805348 TI - Pruritus ani and anal hygiene. PMID- 13805349 TI - [172 Cases of exanthema subitum from practice and clinic]. PMID- 13805351 TI - Arterial malformation in the superior mediastinum. PMID- 13805350 TI - Inhibition of penicillinase and reduction of resistance in vitro in staphylococci by surface-active substances. PMID- 13805352 TI - [Facial nerve lesion localized by means of tomography of the inner ear]. PMID- 13805353 TI - Localized emphysema. PMID- 13805354 TI - Cysts of the lung in infants and children. PMID- 13805355 TI - [The origin of lymphogenic metastases in the thoracic duct]. PMID- 13805356 TI - [The role of the thoracic duct as a pathway of metastasis of abdominal tumors]. PMID- 13805357 TI - [On primary chronic pneumonia]. PMID- 13805358 TI - [Early decortication in exudative pleurisy]. PMID- 13805359 TI - [The importance of chronic bronchitis in surgery]. PMID- 13805360 TI - [Transpleural vertebrotomy with bone chip implantation in the treatment of spondylitis of the thoracic vertebra]. PMID- 13805361 TI - The use of insulin stimulation in emotional disorders and drug addiction. PMID- 13805362 TI - Ward group sessions in the framework of daily hospital rounds. A new therapeutic tool. PMID- 13805363 TI - [On congenital dura cysts. Casuistic report]. PMID- 13805364 TI - Mitochondrial glycolysis of rat brain and its relationship to the remainder of cellular glycolysis. PMID- 13805365 TI - [Bidirectional ballistocardiographic study in eight cases of dextrocardia due to situs viscerum inversus]. PMID- 13805366 TI - [The ballistocardiogram in atrioventricular block]. PMID- 13805367 TI - [Baroceptors and cardiac minute volume. Effects of section of the depressor nerves on the increase of circulatory output induced by the aperture of the experimental A-V fistula]. PMID- 13805368 TI - [Inotropic cardiac effects caused by electric stimulation of the posterolateral areas of the hypothalamus]. PMID- 13805369 TI - [Mechanism of the cardiac chronotropic effect of electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus]. PMID- 13805370 TI - [Erythromycin and cortisone-like agents in the treatment of diphtheria]. PMID- 13805371 TI - [Malformations of the fingers of the hand in pathology and in art (Arachnodactylia, clinodactylia, camptodactylia)]. PMID- 13805372 TI - [The epoxy resins. Their use in the mechanical industry and related aspects of occupational pathology]. PMID- 13805373 TI - [The risk of saturnism in auto body shop workers]. PMID- 13805374 TI - [Epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ancona province (statistical data for the decade 1948-57)]. PMID- 13805375 TI - [A method for the separation of novocaine and adrenalin in solution]. PMID- 13805376 TI - [On 2 cases of nodal rhythm during mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13805377 TI - [The myocardial-pericardiac form of bronchopulmonary carcinoma. Clinical case study]. PMID- 13805378 TI - [Functional and occupational recovery of the infarct patient]. PMID- 13805379 TI - [Epiphysiolysis of the femur head in a 22-year old man with hormonal growth disorder]. PMID- 13805380 TI - Experimental observations on post-stenotic dilatation. PMID- 13805381 TI - A comparative study of the efrectiveness of adrenal cortical compounds in hemorrhagic shock. PMID- 13805382 TI - A general theory of the causes of murmurs in the cardiovascular system. PMID- 13805383 TI - [On the metabolism of ribose-5-phosphate in hemolysates]. PMID- 13805384 TI - [Equivalent model mitosis after preparative treatment with snail gastric cytase]. PMID- 13805385 TI - Comparative study of uterine contractility, urinary estrogen-pregnanediol levels, and myometrial disappearance time of radioactive sodium in fullterm pregnancy and premature delivery. PMID- 13805386 TI - Analysis of 247 consultations for poisonings in Wisconsin. PMID- 13805387 TI - Ascending thrombosis involving inferior vena cava and renal veins. PMID- 13805388 TI - Postoperative rupture of major vessels after radical pelvic operation. PMID- 13805390 TI - Surgical treatment of stage 1 cancer of the cervix. PMID- 13805389 TI - Pelvic exenteration operations: with summary of sixty-six cases surviving more than five years. PMID- 13805391 TI - The surgery of hepatic tumors with special reference to hepatic lobectomies. PMID- 13805393 TI - Further investigation of the effect of roentgen irradiation upon the development of the head of the young axolotl. PMID- 13805392 TI - Studies on experimental shock; effects of vasopressor amines and phenothiazine derivatives. PMID- 13805394 TI - Reaction of limb regenerates of adult axolotl (Siredon mexicanum) to X irradiation. PMID- 13805395 TI - Roentgen regression and roentgen stimulation in axolotl (Siredon mexicanum). PMID- 13805396 TI - Juvenile eczema: atopic dermatitis. PMID- 13805397 TI - Sideropenic webs in men. PMID- 13805398 TI - Retroperitoneal emphysema as a complication of barium enema. PMID- 13805399 TI - The haptoglobin content of serum in haemolytic anaemia. PMID- 13805400 TI - [On a case of acute leukemia with unusual course]. PMID- 13805401 TI - [Hemodynamic effects of acute and progressive occlusion of the pulmonary artery in the dog]. PMID- 13805402 TI - [Electrographic observations in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome]. PMID- 13805403 TI - [Rare pathology in breast neoplasms. (Juvenile papilliferous carcinoma on virile cystic mastopathy, cancerous transformation of mixed mammary tumor, sarcomatous development of fibroadenoma, phylloid intracanicular fibroadenoma)]. PMID- 13805404 TI - [Pathology of tumors of the spermatic cord]. PMID- 13805405 TI - Treatment of chronic functional constipation with dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate and danthron. PMID- 13805406 TI - [Changes in the eosinophil count during the administration of various types of neuroleptic medications]. PMID- 13805407 TI - [Humoral and cellular processes in neuroleptic treatment]. PMID- 13805408 TI - [A rare case of diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13805409 TI - [On the x-ray diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13805410 TI - [On primary cancer of the fallopian tubes]. PMID- 13805411 TI - [On primary cancer of the lung and its treatment]. PMID- 13805412 TI - [Lymph node puncture or biopsy in the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13805413 TI - [New concepts concerning certain types of jaundice]. PMID- 13805414 TI - [On air pollution by fluorinated dusts]. PMID- 13805415 TI - [Considerations on a case of primary peritoneal neoplasm subjected to local treatment with radiophosphorus]. PMID- 13805416 TI - [Experimental observations on the effect of subinhibitory concentrations of isoniazid on H37Rv cultures]. PMID- 13805417 TI - [Report of 10 years of activity of the retraining school in the Istituto Sanatoriale "Principi di Piemonte" Of Naples]. PMID- 13805418 TI - [Radiological signs preceding stress arthroses in the hip]. PMID- 13805419 TI - Problems of the central nervous system simulating cerebral palsy. PMID- 13805420 TI - [Influence of hypertonic saline solutions on pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13805421 TI - [Influence of hypertonic solutions on the pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13805422 TI - IIeo-entectropy in treatment of advanced cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13805423 TI - [Detection of cancerous cells in the circulating blood]. PMID- 13805424 TI - [Hidradenoma of the vulva]. PMID- 13805425 TI - [The menopausal cervix. (Clinical and histopathological study)]. PMID- 13805426 TI - Cells originating in ulcerated submucous myomas of the uterus: the so-called "vermiform bodies". PMID- 13805427 TI - [Contribution to the study ofatherosclerosis in the chicken. Preliminary report. Distribution of lipid deposits and their relation to the atheromatous plaques]. PMID- 13805428 TI - [Anatomo-pathological study of tuberculous uterine synechia]. PMID- 13805429 TI - [History of the clot]. PMID- 13805430 TI - [Once again paragraph 19 of the Apothekenbetriebsordnung of April 2, 1958]. PMID- 13805431 TI - Effects of gases upon cell growth; quantitative studies on multiplication of monolayer cultures of human lens epithelium L-Strain, and chick heart fibroblasts under various gaseous environments. PMID- 13805432 TI - Tracheotomy in head and chest injuries. PMID- 13805433 TI - Physiologic effects of cabin pressure failure in high altitude passenger aircraft. PMID- 13805434 TI - Emotional behavior of airline passengers. PMID- 13805435 TI - A reconsideration of the nature of the neoplastic reaction in the light of recent advances in cancer research. PMID- 13805436 TI - Enhancement of virus yield of Rous sarcomas. PMID- 13805437 TI - Problems in viral-tumor therapy. PMID- 13805438 TI - Cytologic diagnosis in otolaryngology. PMID- 13805439 TI - Significance of mast cells in nasal secretions. PMID- 13805440 TI - The application of in vitro cytotoxic reactions to clinical diagnosis of food allergy. PMID- 13805441 TI - The work of the British Red Cross Society throughout the world. PMID- 13805442 TI - Multiplication of equine rhinopneumonitis virus in Syrian hamsters. PMID- 13805443 TI - Ovine vibrionic abortion caused by a new variety of Vibrio. PMID- 13805444 TI - Physiological properties of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Vibrio species isolated from cattle, sheep, and chickens. PMID- 13805446 TI - Management of maxillo-facial fractures. PMID- 13805445 TI - Biological availability of strontium-90 from atomic tests. PMID- 13805447 TI - The Rh factor. PMID- 13805448 TI - Massive fluid-suspension cultures of certain mammalian tissue cells. III. Exploratory supplementation experiments with chemically defined medium NCTC 109. PMID- 13805449 TI - Food and health: the U. S. Army Veterinary Corps--from early military history to the space age. PMID- 13805450 TI - Cancer of the stomach. PMID- 13805451 TI - Bacterial species of the rumen. PMID- 13805452 TI - Maternal mortality and morbidity following cesarean section. PMID- 13805453 TI - Self-help clothes for handicapped children. PMID- 13805454 TI - Physiological studies during hypothermia in monkeys. PMID- 13805455 TI - A right-sided double lumen tube. PMID- 13805456 TI - A double-lumen endobronchial tube. PMID- 13805457 TI - Anaesthesia with hydroxydione (presuren). PMID- 13805459 TI - Tachistoscopic recognition of non-alphabetical material. PMID- 13805458 TI - Local analgesic drugs. PMID- 13805460 TI - Transient nodal rhythm after contact with alternating current. PMID- 13805461 TI - [First Madagascan case of rhinosporidiosis]. PMID- 13805462 TI - [On certain methods for selective staining of the shell of human parasitic helminth eggs]. PMID- 13805463 TI - [Role of the intermediate host Biomphalaria madagascariensis (Smith, 1882) in the cycle of the Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907 in Madagascar. Demonstration in the Ambositra focus of infection]. PMID- 13805464 TI - [The standardization of documentation in microbiology and immunology]. PMID- 13805465 TI - [Congenital hip dislocation in children]. PMID- 13805466 TI - James Douglas of the pouch, 1675-1742. PMID- 13805467 TI - Ectopic anus in the female. PMID- 13805468 TI - The hydrodynamics of micturition. PMID- 13805469 TI - [Tuberculous meningitis according to material of the Wroclawska klinika neurologiczna]. PMID- 13805470 TI - [On certain mechanisms of visual perception]. PMID- 13805471 TI - Biosynthesis of chlorophylls a and b in Chlorella vulgaris. PMID- 13805472 TI - [Current status of the treatment of scleroderma]. PMID- 13805473 TI - [Paragnomen or act beyond expectation]. PMID- 13805475 TI - [On the history of people's surgery]. PMID- 13805474 TI - Fluorine in the human fetus. PMID- 13805476 TI - [An immuno-histochemical method]. PMID- 13805477 TI - [Inclusion disease]. PMID- 13805478 TI - [Ulcers of the rectal ampulla treated successfully by local administration of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13805479 TI - [Analysis of peri-natal mortality]. PMID- 13805480 TI - [General physiopathology of potassium metabolism in the organism]. PMID- 13805481 TI - [Generalized tuberculosis of the lymph nodes in adults]. PMID- 13805482 TI - [Nitrofuran drugs]. PMID- 13805484 TI - [A giant ganglioneuroma in the area of the left brachial plexus]. PMID- 13805483 TI - [On performance changes in the aged with special reference to traffic problems]. PMID- 13805485 TI - [Isolated laceration of the pancreas caused by impalement injury of the scrotum]. PMID- 13805486 TI - [On the clinical manifestations of malignant synovioma]. PMID- 13805487 TI - [On the recognition of acute pancreatitis in old age]. PMID- 13805488 TI - [Unusual mechanism of invagination through an inverted Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13805489 TI - [Fatal shock intra partum]. PMID- 13805490 TI - Pathways of sugar metabolism in relation to the biosynthesis of polyacetylenic antibiotics. PMID- 13805491 TI - [Benign tumors of the mediastinum from data of clinical material]. PMID- 13805492 TI - [Aspects of vitamin metabolism in pregnancy: vitamin A and beta-carotene]. PMID- 13805493 TI - [Considerations on the morphology and morphochemistry of neoplastic invasion in a case of adenocarcinoma of the endometrium extending into the endocervix]. PMID- 13805494 TI - [Findings on the tolerance of patients with vesicular moles to oral and intravenous glucose loading]. PMID- 13805495 TI - [Findings on vitamin metabolism in pregnancy. 1) Ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13805496 TI - [Responses of glucidic homeostasis to cobalt telethejapy in patients with uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13805497 TI - [Serum alkaline phosphatases in patients with cervical carcinoma treated with cobalt teletherapy]. PMID- 13805498 TI - [Study of capillary permeability in patients with cervical carcinoma treated with cobalt teletherapy]. PMID- 13805499 TI - [Study of the blood levels of lactic acid in patients with genital carcinoma treated with cobalt 60 teletherapy]. PMID- 13805500 TI - [The behavior of phenolemia in normal and pathological pregnancy]. PMID- 13805501 TI - [Vomiting in the infant according to the Duhamel classification. I. Generalities]. PMID- 13805502 TI - A new, potent antihistamine: dimethpyr indene. A preliminary report. PMID- 13805503 TI - [On the problem of the innervation of the fallopian tube]. PMID- 13805504 TI - The growth, breeding and longevity of rats fed irradiated or non-irradiated prok. PMID- 13805505 TI - [Atypical form of thyroid crisis]. PMID- 13805506 TI - [The use of potassium bromide crystals for dosimetry of gamma radiation]. PMID- 13805507 TI - [Problems confronting the Russian congress of pediatricians]. PMID- 13805509 TI - [Tumors of the thoracic cage]. PMID- 13805508 TI - [Radioisotope implantation of the pituitary gland in metastasized cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13805510 TI - Long-term results of radical mastectomy with removal of internal mammary chain. PMID- 13805511 TI - Researches on the etiological factors in human breast cancer. PMID- 13805512 TI - Method of concentration of viral diagnostic reagents using hydrophilic agents. PMID- 13805513 TI - [General anesthesia with endotracheal intubation by nasal route in maxillofacial, otorhinolaryngoiatrical and stomatological surgery. (Considerations on 700 cases)]. PMID- 13805514 TI - [Detection of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its esters in wines]. PMID- 13805515 TI - [Mechanical respiration with intermittent positive-negative pressure in therapy of respiratory insufficiency in the premature infant]. PMID- 13805516 TI - A psychopharmacological evaluation of 2-diethylaminoethyl-para-aminobenzoate (procaine). PMID- 13805517 TI - [On the incidence and parallelism of clinical and laboratory changes in a group of 500 rheumatic children with and without cardiopathy]. PMID- 13805519 TI - [Results of therapy of cervical and uterine carcinoma in the years 1948 to 1953]. PMID- 13805518 TI - [The behavior of the P wave in mitral stenosis after surgical opening of the valve]. PMID- 13805520 TI - Chloroquine in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13805522 TI - Planning and the motor vehicle. PMID- 13805523 TI - Some common and uncommon iso-antibodies found in patients' sera. PMID- 13805521 TI - Lipid synthesis by human leucocytes in vitro. PMID- 13805524 TI - Topical anesthesia for esophagogastroscopy. PMID- 13805525 TI - The use of reserpine in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13805526 TI - Observations on 1,500 patients: rapid mobilization of patients following cerebrovascular accident. PMID- 13805527 TI - Reactions involving the carbon--nitrogen bond: heterocyclic compounds. PMID- 13805528 TI - Rescue breathing for the partly-drowned. PMID- 13805529 TI - Immunochemistry of synthetic polypeptides and polypeptidyl proteins. II. Quantitative studies on the modified protiens. PMID- 13805530 TI - Immunochemistry of synthetic polypeptides and polypeptidyl proteins. IV. Immunologica reactions of the synthetic polypeptides. PMID- 13805531 TI - Immunochemistry of synthetic polypeptides and polypeptidyl proteins. III. Antigencity of the synthetic polypeptides. PMID- 13805532 TI - Health departments and their public relations. PMID- 13805533 TI - [On the diagnosis and therapy of kidney wounds]. PMID- 13805534 TI - [Regional enteritis and Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13805535 TI - [Function disorders of the distal nephron. On the diagnostic differentiation of phases II and III of concentrative kidney function and its defects in chronic kidney diseases]. PMID- 13805536 TI - [On the diagnosis and stationary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in women discovered in connection with environmental and x-ray serial study]. PMID- 13805537 TI - [Protective action of some alcoholic and phenolic amino ethers of the general formula X-O-(CH2)n-N-(R)(R), on bronchospasm induced in guinea pigs by aerosols of histamine and serotonin]. PMID- 13805538 TI - [Suppression of lactation by a combination of testosterone enanthate and estradiol valerianate]. PMID- 13805539 TI - [On the mechanism of pulsesynchronous respiration]. PMID- 13805540 TI - [On the significance of the vagus nerve in pulse-synchronized respiration]. PMID- 13805541 TI - [Alteration of the gnawing activity in guinea pigs by experimental peritonitis. A method for testing substances for antiphlogistic effects]. PMID- 13805542 TI - [Pharmacodynamic alteration of elastic pulmonary resistance. Increase by histamine and adrenalin]. PMID- 13805544 TI - beta-Hydroxy-beta-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase, cleavage and condensing enzymes in relation to cholesterol formation in rat liver. PMID- 13805545 TI - [A photoelectric device for recording the contraction curves of embryonal heart explants]. PMID- 13805543 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in relation to duplication of centers in dividing eggs of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpouratus. AB - The earliest known event in the sequence leading to mitosis is the duplication of cell centers. The present investigation shows that the synthesis of DNA, although closely following it in time, is initiated entirely independently of this prior event. Fertilized eggs of the sea urchin, S. purpuratus, were exposed to beta mercaptoethanol at intervals during development. This substance, when introduced at appropriate times, blocks mitosis and also prevents duplication of centers. Whether or not duplication of centers had already occurred before introduction of the blocking agent was determined by observing the division patterns of eggs after the mercaptoethanol was removed: division of one cell into two, or of two into four indicated that duplication had not occurred; division of one into four or of two into eight, that it had. Incorporation of H(3)-labeled thymidine into DNA, as demonstrated by autoradiography, showed that DNA synthesis took place during the mercaptoethanol block regardless of whether or not the centers had already duplicated. Thus the two major reproductive events of the mitotic sequence, although normally coordinated in time, can be dissociated experimentally and shown to function independently. PMID- 13805547 TI - [The semi-automatic resuscitation apparatus "Respiro" according to Dr. Bucher]. PMID- 13805546 TI - [New construction at the Institut d'Histologie et d'Embryologie de 1'Universite de Lausanne]. PMID- 13805548 TI - [Chronic bronchitis: the significance of sputum examination for diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13805549 TI - [The value of pulmonary function tests in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13805550 TI - Sjogren's syndrome: report of a fatal case with pulmonary and renal lesions. PMID- 13805552 TI - The influence of concentration of vasoconstrictor on local anesthesia. PMID- 13805551 TI - [Treatment of posthypercapnic cardiac rhythm disorders with sodium bicarbonate]. PMID- 13805553 TI - [The "book about the eyes" and the prognosis in childbirth. 20 Years after the discovery of the Carlsberg VIII Papyrus]. PMID- 13805554 TI - [Studies on the influence on gonadotropin excretion in man by sex hormones]. PMID- 13805555 TI - [On the problem of the postoperative survival period and remote metastases in cerebellar medulloblastoma]. PMID- 13805556 TI - [Dicumarol, phenylindandione and acenocoumarin (sintrom): comparative research on their use in long-term anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13805557 TI - [Pentothal sodium suspension for rectal administration. A preliminary report]. PMID- 13805559 TI - [The problem of traffic accidents in the area of a surgical university clinic]. PMID- 13805558 TI - [On the problem of craniocerebral trauma]. PMID- 13805560 TI - [Experiences with blunt thorax injuries]. PMID- 13805561 TI - [Hemophilia and its treatment with special reference to bone and joint changes]. PMID- 13805562 TI - [The fat-embolism in traffic accidents]. PMID- 13805563 TI - [Experiences with homeoplastic cold-preserved bones after resection of bone tumors]. PMID- 13805564 TI - [On supination subluxation of the ankle]. PMID- 13805565 TI - [Research on the metabolism of lipidic glycerol]. PMID- 13805566 TI - [Rupture of a large vein as a result of knotting during heart catheterization of an infant]. PMID- 13805567 TI - Head injuries. PMID- 13805568 TI - Motor unit territory and fiber density in myopathies. PMID- 13805569 TI - Dynamic elasticity in the initial phase of an isotonic twitch. PMID- 13805570 TI - Impulse propagation in striated muscle fibers and the role of the internal currents in activation. PMID- 13805571 TI - Clinical and electroencephalographic correlations with serum levels of diphenylhydanotin. PMID- 13805572 TI - [A case of acute poisoning following intravenous injection of gasoline]. PMID- 13805573 TI - Study of normal range of motion in the neck utilizing a bubble goniometer. PMID- 13805574 TI - The action spectrum of 8-methoxypsoralen for erythema in human skin. Preliminary studies with a monochromator. PMID- 13805575 TI - Solanum elaeagnifolium, silver-leafed nightshade, poisoning in livestock. PMID- 13805576 TI - A clinical study of hydramnios. PMID- 13805577 TI - Pulmonary hyaline membranes: a study of the infant disease and experimental hyaline membranes induced pharmacologically. PMID- 13805578 TI - Experimental infection of human volunteers with the U-virus-a strain of ECHO virus type 11. PMID- 13805579 TI - Methotrexate in treatment of metastasizing chorioncarcinoma: a case report. PMID- 13805580 TI - Reticulosarcoma complicating sarcoidosis. PMID- 13805581 TI - Feeding the aged person. PMID- 13805582 TI - Comparison of the Folin/Wu estimation of blood sugar with a glucose oxidase method for estimating glucose. PMID- 13805583 TI - A high frequency pulse generator for injuring tissue within the Sandison-Clark rabbit ear chamber. PMID- 13805584 TI - Tissue injury by high frequency electric current: observations with the Sandison Clark ear-chamber. 1. Injury to small blood vessels. PMID- 13805585 TI - Tissue injury by high frequency electric current: observations with the Sandison Clark ear-chamber. 2. Injury to small groups of cells. PMID- 13805587 TI - On Brugia gen. nov. for Wuchereria spp. of the 'malayl' group, i.e., W. malayi (Brug, 1927), W. pahangi Buckley and Edeson, 1956, and W. patei Buckley, Nelson and Heisch, 1958. PMID- 13805586 TI - Principles of management of the patient after open-heart operation. PMID- 13805588 TI - Effects of nucleosides on acute left ventricular failure in the isolated dog heart. PMID- 13805589 TI - Propagation, cytopathogenicity, and hemagglutination-hemadsorption of some arthropod-borne viruses in tissue culture. PMID- 13805590 TI - The "ruster" in industry. PMID- 13805591 TI - Psoriasis with acro-osteolysis. PMID- 13805593 TI - Background factors and symptom presentation in a child guidance clinic. PMID- 13805592 TI - Fatal methemoglobinemia due to well water nitrates. PMID- 13805595 TI - Chest injuries. PMID- 13805594 TI - Parathyroid hormone-like activity in the sera of rats with induced hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13805596 TI - [Resorption of iron and the blood picture after total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13805597 TI - [Supervisory inspection in silicosis hazad]. PMID- 13805598 TI - Tetracycline and sulfonamide serum and urine concentrations in human subjects obtained with a new syrup for urinary tract infections. PMID- 13805600 TI - Hemorrhage--anticipation and control. Preoperative detection of bleeders, local hemostasis during operation, and problems of transfusion. PMID- 13805599 TI - Tetracycline serum concentrations in human subjects following the oral administration of a combination of tetracycline phosphate complex, aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine, and phenyltoloxamine dihydrogen citrate. PMID- 13805601 TI - Medicine in the Union of South Africa. PMID- 13805602 TI - [A casuistic contribution to pulmonary embolism in the puerperium]. PMID- 13805603 TI - [On the organization of colposcopic preventive examinations]. PMID- 13805604 TI - [Clinical picture of asthmatic bronchitis in childhood during the course of the epidemic of influenza]. PMID- 13805605 TI - Tumors of the brain stem with special reference to ocular manifestations. PMID- 13805606 TI - Some aspects of the management of of craniocerebral injuries. PMID- 13805607 TI - A comprehensive study of incarcerated and strangulated hernia. PMID- 13805608 TI - Research on the bacteriological pollution of coastal waters. PMID- 13805610 TI - Observations on strains of Salmonella types from the groups E1 and E2 occurring under natural conditions. PMID- 13805611 TI - Paratyphoid A in Poland. PMID- 13805609 TI - [Bacteria Salmonella in sewage and polluted water]. PMID- 13805612 TI - [Clinical-experimental studies on the effectiveness of some pharmacological combinations used for premedication]. PMID- 13805613 TI - [Sympatholytic activity of dolsin and largactil]. PMID- 13805614 TI - [Rotation of the globe as "new" source of energy. A demonstration]. PMID- 13805615 TI - [Investigations on the chemistry of arterial walls. V. Formation and chemical composition of mucopolysaccharides of the human aorta]. PMID- 13805616 TI - Granulomatous prostatitis. PMID- 13805617 TI - [Mechanical components of cardiac respiratory insufficiency and its clinical special forms]. PMID- 13805618 TI - [Nephrolithiasis as a cause of anuria in patients with a solitary kidney]. PMID- 13805619 TI - [Contribution to the problem of lung carcinoma]. PMID- 13805620 TI - [Scintillation radiation detectors]. PMID- 13805622 TI - [Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease localized only in the lymph nodes]. PMID- 13805621 TI - [A case of teratoma of the neck in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13805623 TI - [Clinical and anatomo-pathological observations in a newborn infant born of a diabetic mother]. PMID- 13805624 TI - [Congenital glomerulo-sclerosis]. PMID- 13805625 TI - [On a case of Gaucher's disease]. PMID- 13805626 TI - [On the use of lysozyme combined with antibiotics in therapy of sepsis and viral infections in hospitalized infants]. PMID- 13805627 TI - [The therapeutic problem of pertussis. (Comparative observations on the results obtained with various antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents: streptomycin chloramphenicol, hydrazide, spiramycin)]. PMID- 13805628 TI - [Aspartic-ketoglutaric transminase activity in the erythrocytes in the course of an experimental hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13805629 TI - [Identification by teeth]. PMID- 13805630 TI - [Roentgen therapy of painful joint syndrome in hemiplegic patients]. PMID- 13805631 TI - [Trophic changes in the extremities in hemiplegic patients. Part I. Changes in the soft tissues of the extremities]. PMID- 13805632 TI - [Trophic changes in the extremities of hemiplegics. Part II. Osteoarticular changes]. PMID- 13805634 TI - [Therapeutic methods in tuberculous meningitis in children]. PMID- 13805633 TI - [On the diaplacental penetration of chlorpromazine in the rabbit]. PMID- 13805635 TI - [Changes in ballistocardiograms of patients with mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13805636 TI - Autoxidation of carotene and vitamin A. Influence of fat and antioxidants. PMID- 13805637 TI - [On preservation of human skin]. PMID- 13805638 TI - [Problems of physiopathology of the patient of gastrectomy for ulcerous disease: changes in the electrophoretic serum-protein pattern]. PMID- 13805639 TI - [On principal problems of the so-called artificial insemination]. PMID- 13805640 TI - [Formation and course of conditioned reflexes in the presence of traumatic dominance in the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13805641 TI - [Comparative studies on various schemes of ascariasis therapy with piperazine salts]. PMID- 13805642 TI - [Angioma of the small intestine]. PMID- 13805643 TI - [On the antiphlogistic effect of 3-phenylpropyl carbamate (MH 532), a new central muscle relaxant with tranquilizing properties]. PMID- 13805644 TI - [On the antiphlogistic effect of gamma-phenylpropyl carbamate and some of its derivatives]. PMID- 13805645 TI - [Median requirements of hospital construction]. PMID- 13805646 TI - [The average requirements in hospital construction]. PMID- 13805647 TI - [On the local treatment of urological diseases with trypur novo "stabilized"]. PMID- 13805648 TI - [Problems of acid-base metabolism during extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13805649 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on the effect of prethcamide as a respiratory stimulant]. PMID- 13805650 TI - [Intracardiac surgery with hypothermia and extracorporeal circulation. Experiences and results in 130 patients]. PMID- 13805651 TI - [Problems after intracardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13805652 TI - [Practical significance of registration and determination of biological volumes in extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13805653 TI - [Acid, base and electrolyte metabolism, circulation and ventilation during "carbon dioxide respiration"]. PMID- 13805654 TI - [What criteria determine the value of a heart-lung machine]. PMID- 13805655 TI - [Drug synthesis studies on sulfones]. PMID- 13805656 TI - [Relation between the physical-chemical properties and the effect of local anesthetics. Part 3]. PMID- 13805657 TI - [Relation between the physical-chemical properties and the effect of local anesthetics. Part 4]. PMID- 13805658 TI - [Relations between the physical-chemical features and effect of local anesthetic. Part I]. PMID- 13805659 TI - [Relations between the physical-chemical properties and the action of local anesthetics. Part 2]. PMID- 13805660 TI - [Relations between the physical-chemical properties and the effect of local anesthetics. Part 5]. PMID- 13805661 TI - [The relationships between the physical-chemical properties and the effect of local anesthetics. Part 6]. PMID- 13805662 TI - [Relations between chemical structure and pharmacological action]. PMID- 13805663 TI - [The use of paper chromatography in drug testing]. PMID- 13805664 TI - [Temporary chronic cor pulmonale in animal experiment after recurrent microembolism (With a contribution to the pathogenesis of pulmonary sclerosis)]. PMID- 13805665 TI - [The submicroscopic picture of myocardial cells after toxic inhibition of aerobiosis]. PMID- 13805666 TI - [Changes of the ultrastructure of the myocardial cell in disorders of the aerobiosis. A contribution to the problem of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13805668 TI - [Bone measurements for surgery and orthopedics--a roentgenological problem?]. PMID- 13805669 TI - [New possibilities in roentgenological blood vessel diagnosis]. PMID- 13805667 TI - [Roentgenological cardiac volume determination and the heart model. Previous methods and a new contribution to routine clinical application]. PMID- 13805670 TI - [The roentgentopogram. A simple aid in spatial orientation in diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13805671 TI - [The x-ray topogram in daily practice]. PMID- 13805673 TI - Bagassosis-a medical enigma. PMID- 13805672 TI - Steroid therapy as a life-saving measure in fulminating pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13805674 TI - [Leiomyoma of the esophagus]. PMID- 13805675 TI - [The UV inactivation spectrum for lysine decarboxylase induction in Bacterium cadaveris]. PMID- 13805676 TI - [On delimitation of UV erythema by nonspecific radiation erythema]. PMID- 13805678 TI - Mechanisms of action of schistosomicidal agents. PMID- 13805679 TI - [Differential diagnosis of splenomegaly]. PMID- 13805677 TI - The effect of piperazine on succinate production by Ascaris lumbricoides. AB - Piperazine reduced the production of succinate by Ascaris lumbricoides. This effect was reversible. There was a close parallelism between the concentrations of piperazine which paralysed the worm and those which inhibited the formation of succinate. Piperazine did not affect the incorporation of [2-(14)C]lactate into succinate by strips of Ascaris muscle. It was concluded that production of succinate supplies energy for the contraction of Ascaris muscle. PMID- 13805680 TI - [Respiratory acidosis and circulation with special reference to cerebral circulation]. PMID- 13805681 TI - [Respiration mechanics during artificial respiration. Studies on man and on a lung model]. PMID- 13805683 TI - [The significance of lung function test for thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13805682 TI - [Arterial blood gases and electrolytes during physical work]. PMID- 13805684 TI - [Respiratory reanimation. Theoretic bases]. PMID- 13805686 TI - Adolescents need attention. PMID- 13805687 TI - Mortality from coronary heart disease in California men who work long hours. PMID- 13805685 TI - [Total- and acetyl-coenzyme A in the liver of normal and alloxan diabetic rats]. PMID- 13805688 TI - [Hormone-induced tumor-like hyperplasia, hyperplasiogenic tumors and their reactions]. PMID- 13805690 TI - [Parotid tuberculosis and its roentgenological description in childhood]. PMID- 13805689 TI - [Primary liver carcinoma]. PMID- 13805691 TI - [Tetanus in the Spanish Sahara. (First treated case)]. PMID- 13805692 TI - [Primary lithiasis of the common bile duct, acute pancreatitis, pancreatic fistulae and multiple abscesses of the epiploon. Apropos of an observation]. PMID- 13805693 TI - [A forensic psychiatric institute]. PMID- 13805694 TI - [Thyrotoxicosis in Korea]. PMID- 13805695 TI - Senile cardiac amyloidosis. PMID- 13805696 TI - [Generalized necrotizing angiitis with symmetrical renal cortex necrosis in pregnancy following a vericella infection (A contribution to the problem of symmetrical renal cortex necrosis)]. PMID- 13805697 TI - [Comparative considerations on the biomorphosis of amino acids of the human brain and peripheral nerves]. PMID- 13805699 TI - [Internal secretion]. PMID- 13805698 TI - [Inner secretion]. PMID- 13805700 TI - [On the problem of the affinity of the liver for metastasis. Studies on the nucleic acid content of primary tumors and their metastases]. PMID- 13805702 TI - [The age of the eye]. PMID- 13805701 TI - [The different nucleic acid content of tumor tissue and normal tissue as demonstration of the metabolic autonomy of cancer tissue]. PMID- 13805703 TI - [The physiological and nosological significance of biomorphosis]. PMID- 13805704 TI - An "integration conference" in a general hospital. AB - An "integration conference" has been devised to bring about an integrated approach by the whole staff of a hospital to the whole patient in his whole environment. The aspects of the environment which the conference served to integrate included the family, the hospital, and all its disciplines, and the community and all its available resources. The conference was found to be of value to the patient, his parents, the interns and residents, the specialties in the hospital, the hospital as a whole and the community. PMID- 13805705 TI - [On the problem of driving fitness from the standpoint of the psychiatrist]. PMID- 13805706 TI - [Histologic testicular changes in old age]. PMID- 13805707 TI - [Unusual behavior of a bone sarcoma]. PMID- 13805708 TI - [Formation and persistence of antibodies against poliomyelitis after vaccinations with Salk vaccine. A contribution to the value and limitations of Salk vaccinations]. PMID- 13805709 TI - [An orienting study of animal sera for antibodies against Leptospira by mixed antigens in the complement fixation reaction. Part I. Perfection of the technic]. PMID- 13805710 TI - Transplantation of bone. PMID- 13805711 TI - [Bone transplantation]. PMID- 13805712 TI - [Errors and risks of allogenic plastic operations in surgery of the bones and joints]. PMID- 13805714 TI - [On the observation, evaluation and rehabilitation of persons with craniocerebral injuries]. PMID- 13805713 TI - [Observations on bone transplantation]. PMID- 13805715 TI - [On the therapy of cervical spine luxations]. PMID- 13805716 TI - [Spinal injuries in motorists]. PMID- 13805717 TI - [The pressure osteosynthesis and its relations to callus formation]. PMID- 13805718 TI - [Quantitative studies on the increased excretion of gonadotropic hormone of the hypophysis after fresh traumatic brain injury]. PMID- 13805719 TI - [Our technic and our experience with Bernbeck's detorsion-osteotomy]. PMID- 13805720 TI - Immunologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. I. Antibody responses following overt infection of man. PMID- 13805721 TI - Ecologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. IV. Avian infection. PMID- 13805722 TI - Ecologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. II. Mosquito infection. PMID- 13805723 TI - Immunologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. IV. Maternal antibody in birds. PMID- 13805724 TI - Immunologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. III. Infection and antibody responses of birds. PMID- 13805725 TI - Ecologic studies of Japanese encephalitis virus in Japan. IX. Epidemiologic correlations and conclusions. PMID- 13805726 TI - [Disorders of ureteral dynamics after ureteroplasty with interruption of continuity]. PMID- 13805727 TI - [Medical ethics from the historical viewpoint]. PMID- 13805728 TI - [The beginnings of tissue pathology in England]. PMID- 13805729 TI - Glaucoma detection. A problem for general medicine. PMID- 13805730 TI - [The laundry mangle cover]. PMID- 13805731 TI - [Studies on the haptoglobin groups of Smithies]. PMID- 13805732 TI - The relationships between steroid molecular structure and cell growth. PMID- 13805733 TI - [On the use of a new phenothiazine derivative in the treatment of radiation injury]. PMID- 13805734 TI - Observations on feeding habits of adult Westermanniinae (Lepid., Noctuidae) in Cambodia. PMID- 13805735 TI - [A study trip through Bulgaria]. PMID- 13805736 TI - [Effects of N-(4-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-N'-butylurea (D 860) on the metabolism of ethanol]. PMID- 13805737 TI - [The polyclinical use of Kytta plasma and Kytta ointment]. PMID- 13805738 TI - Cardiovascular diseases in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13805740 TI - [Direct and laboratory-instrumental semeiotics in modern clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13805739 TI - Malignant abdominal granulomatosis with recurrent fever. PMID- 13805741 TI - [Malignant abdominal granulomatosis with fever of recurrent type]. PMID- 13805742 TI - [On the abdominal form of malignant granuloma]. PMID- 13805743 TI - [Symposium on the organization of medical studies. Registration at the Faculty of Medicine]. PMID- 13805744 TI - [Vascular diseases in pancreatic diabetes]. PMID- 13805745 TI - [Acute internal hemorrhage by rupture of aneurysm of the splenic artery]. PMID- 13805747 TI - [Glucide metabolism during erythrocytic senescence. II. Modifications of some glycolytic enzymes]. PMID- 13805746 TI - [Glucide metabolism during erythrocytic senescence. I. Modifications of some enzymes of the collateral pathway of hexosemonophosphate]. PMID- 13805748 TI - Investigation of factors influencing erythrocyte glycolysis in vitro and in vivo. PMID- 13805749 TI - [Recent contributions in the field of enzymatic pathology of the erythrocyte]. PMID- 13805750 TI - [The mitochondrial biochemical lesion in pentachlorophenol intoxication]. PMID- 13805751 TI - [Citric acid in the normal and pathologic thyroid]. PMID- 13805752 TI - A case of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. PMID- 13805753 TI - [Apropos of a case report on milk allergy in an infant. Importance of radiology for the diagnosis]. PMID- 13805755 TI - [Cancer of the biliary tract]. PMID- 13805754 TI - [Value of psychological tests in the course of expert evaluations of cranial injured patients]. PMID- 13805756 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer and severe skin burns]. PMID- 13805757 TI - [Sigmoiditis and diverticulitis of the left colon]. PMID- 13805758 TI - [Treatment of anorectal prolapse]. PMID- 13805759 TI - [Gastrectomy and work capacity]. PMID- 13805760 TI - A transplantable reticulum-cell sarcoma variant of Friend's viral leukemia. PMID- 13805761 TI - [An objective method for the investigation of sensory adaptation]. PMID- 13805762 TI - [Antituberculous vaccination and its effect on the reduction incidence of tuberculous menigitis in Stalino (1948-1957)]. PMID- 13805763 TI - [On anticoagulant therapy of cerebral embolism and thrombosis]. PMID- 13805764 TI - [Data on the pathogenesis of the arterial disease of diabetes]. PMID- 13805765 TI - [Difficulties in the problem of fatigue]. PMID- 13805766 TI - [Is there a hyperaldosteronism in the premenstrual syndrome?]. PMID- 13805767 TI - [Risks due to ultrasonics in industry and aviation]. PMID- 13805768 TI - [The problem of ultrasonics]. PMID- 13805770 TI - Challenges of the sixties: hospitals in the public eye. PMID- 13805769 TI - [The behavior of the cardiovascular system in chronic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13805771 TI - The physician in the hospital organization. PMID- 13805772 TI - The effects of cortisone on intradermally induced vaccinia infection in rabbits. PMID- 13805773 TI - Marie-Struempell arthritis in twins, complicated by the presence of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13805774 TI - Medical education activities of The Rockefeller Foundation. PMID- 13805775 TI - [An epidemic episode of Q fever at Bosco Mesola (Ferrara). Note II. Clinical and laboratory aspects]. PMID- 13805776 TI - [An epidemic episode of Q fever at Bosco Mesola (Ferrara). Note I. Epidemiological considerations]. PMID- 13805777 TI - [On the primary toxicity in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13805778 TI - [On the problem of determination of the color index of the blood of laboratory animals]. PMID- 13805779 TI - [Experiences made with terramycin ointment (Pfizer)]. PMID- 13805781 TI - [The survival of flury rabies virus under different conditions of preservation]. PMID- 13805780 TI - [Histophysiological changes in the neurosecretory tract induced in the guinea pig by intracarotid injections of pharmacological doses of adrenalin, histamine, serotonin, nicotine, prostigmine, acetylcholine and atropine]. PMID- 13805782 TI - [Survival of the fixed Pasteur virus in Fermi-Semple type phenicated antirabies vaccine and its relation to the degree of immunity conferred]. PMID- 13805783 TI - [Alexander's "plastic" relief-like x-ray pictures]. PMID- 13805784 TI - [Contribution to the roentgenology of silicosis in foundries]. PMID- 13805785 TI - [Hungarian martyrs of radiology]. PMID- 13805786 TI - [On the mechanism of acidosis during the course of muscular effort]. PMID- 13805788 TI - [Radiological study of food allergy of the digestive apparatus]. PMID- 13805787 TI - [On the regularity of growth of the vertebrae of the thoraco-lumbar region in the x-ray picture]. PMID- 13805789 TI - [Roentgenological determinations of the size of the frontal sinus]. PMID- 13805791 TI - [The great developer of the illustration of medical books: Dr. Geza Arpad Gerster]. PMID- 13805790 TI - [Roentgenological serial study for the early diagnosis of bone and joint diseases due to occupational causes]. PMID- 13805792 TI - [Use of contact laxative suppositories in roentgenological examination of colonic function]. PMID- 13805794 TI - [Neuroradiology and radiation dosage]. PMID- 13805795 TI - [Radiation dosages in clinical roentgen examinations. Preliminary results]. PMID- 13805793 TI - [Effect of actinomycetes, fungi and bacteria isolated from the soil in areas irrigated with sewage on Ascaris suum eggs]. PMID- 13805796 TI - [Studies on the possibilities of the reduction of radiation doses in the diagnostic use of roentgen rays]. PMID- 13805797 TI - Routine radiography for tuberculosis in pregnant women. PMID- 13805798 TI - Theoretical observations about life's basic tendencies. PMID- 13805799 TI - The thorn in the flesh. PMID- 13805800 TI - [Cardiac working insufficiency from a therapeutic point of view]. PMID- 13805801 TI - [Two cases of external protozooses]. PMID- 13805802 TI - [On the Chilaiditi symptom]. PMID- 13805803 TI - [Study on the age and sex distribution of 3000 ambulant gastric patients in a roentgen institute]. PMID- 13805805 TI - [Study of the thermal sensitivity of normal and pathological subjects]. PMID- 13805804 TI - [Progress in the methods of treatment of tuberculous meningitis]. PMID- 13805806 TI - [Measured physical stress as a method of evaluation of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in hypertensive disease]. PMID- 13805807 TI - [The significance of emotional factors on the blood circulation in hypertension]. PMID- 13805809 TI - [On the problem of prevention of eye diseases in school children]. PMID- 13805808 TI - [Characteristics of the properties of variants of Staphylococcus aureus 209 P resistant to various antibiotics]. PMID- 13805810 TI - Regular fire drills: the best insurance. PMID- 13805811 TI - Experimental treatment of tumors with antibodies. PMID- 13805812 TI - [Several observations on the winter dormancy of the buds and cambium of ligneous plants]. PMID- 13805813 TI - [Congenital arterio-venous communications]. PMID- 13805814 TI - Management of childhood allergies with anti-inflammatory steroids. PMID- 13805815 TI - Principles of management with corticosteroid drugs. PMID- 13805816 TI - [Changes in certain electrocardiographic indices in acute radiation sickness produced by beta-radiations and roentegen irradiation. (Experimental investigations)]. PMID- 13805817 TI - [On the problem of rare lesions of the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13805818 TI - [On the problem of Letterer-Siwe disease]. PMID- 13805819 TI - [On the role of reflex mechanisms in humoral effects of narcotics and anesthetics]. PMID- 13805820 TI - [Tumors in rats developing after intraperitoneal administration of plutonium nitrate (Pu239)]. PMID- 13805821 TI - [Coronary heart diseases. Problems and responses]. PMID- 13805822 TI - [Nomenclature of coagulation factors]. PMID- 13805823 TI - [In Memoriam Aleksei Petrovich Bystrov]. PMID- 13805824 TI - [On participation of N. I. Pirogov in the Demidov Congress of the Academy of Science in 1850]. PMID- 13805825 TI - [P. F. Lesgaft. (On the 50th anniversary of his death)]. PMID- 13805826 TI - [Problems of physical education in activities of the Obshchestvo Vrachei Kazani during nineteenth century]. PMID- 13805828 TI - [On certain aspects of teaching hygiene]. PMID- 13805827 TI - [Placental tumor with vascular rupture]. PMID- 13805829 TI - [Types of blood adsorption caused by influenzal and parainfluenzal viruses: preliminary communication]. PMID- 13805830 TI - [Treatment of various forms of endocarditis with antibiotics and butadione]. PMID- 13805831 TI - [A case of gliomangioma]. PMID- 13805832 TI - [Ileo-ileal retrograde invagination in the aged]. PMID- 13805833 TI - [Raynaud's syndrome and the value of sympathetic surgery in its therapy]. PMID- 13805834 TI - [Sensitivity to antibiotics of microorganisms pathogenic for the human eye (resistance in vitro and under clinical conditions)]. PMID- 13805835 TI - [Oscillograph EO-7 used as an electrocardioscope]. PMID- 13805836 TI - [Action of gibberellic acid on the dormant embryos of Evonymus europaeus cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13805837 TI - Urinary excretion of C-20 reduction products of corticosterone and 11 dehydrocorticosterone. PMID- 13805838 TI - [The treatment of patients with chronic coronary insufficiency with novocaine blockade of the anterior mediastinum]. PMID- 13805839 TI - [On the problem of identification of the pathogens of botulism with the aid of luminescent serum]. PMID- 13805840 TI - Hormone excretion in prostatic cancer: the early and late effects of endocrine treatment on urinary oestrogens, 17-ketosteroids and 17-ketogenic steroids. PMID- 13805841 TI - Selection of breast-cancer patients for adrenalectomy or hypophysectomy by determination of urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and aetiocholanolone. PMID- 13805842 TI - The isolation of androsterone and aeticholanolone from the urine of oophorectomised-adrenalectomised women. PMID- 13805843 TI - Comparison of biological and chemical estimations of urinary oestrogens. II. Urine from patients with breast cancer maintained on cortisone after oophorectomy adrenalectomy or hypophysectomy. PMID- 13805844 TI - The use of teaching models in medical exhibits. PMID- 13805845 TI - [The distribution of cerium and ruthenium in the organs of the rat following their administration by inhalation]. PMID- 13805846 TI - [Reflex effects from the pancreatic ducts on arterial pressure, respiration and lymph flow]. PMID- 13805847 TI - The primipara with breech presentation. PMID- 13805848 TI - [Changes in the protein fraction of the blood after resection of the stomach]. PMID- 13805849 TI - [On the diagnosis of cystic degeneration of the liver]. PMID- 13805850 TI - [Frequent finding of hyperglycemia in grave toxi-infectious diseases in children]. PMID- 13805851 TI - Angiocardioaortography with gaseous contrast: its importance in the study of renal anomalies. PMID- 13805852 TI - [Nosographical classification of "endocardial cushion defects": from "ostium primum persistants" to "ostium atrio-ventriculare commune". Clinical and anatomo pathological study]. PMID- 13805853 TI - [On a problem which has become current again: the action of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin on the acoustic nerve. Should the use of dihydrostreptomycin be abandoned?]. PMID- 13805854 TI - Chest roentgenographic changes in systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13805855 TI - [Biosynthesis of pyridine and flavin nucleotides]. PMID- 13805856 TI - [Choledocholithiasis]. PMID- 13805857 TI - [A technique for study of the action of carbon dioxide on fungi parasitic on subterranean plant organs]. PMID- 13805858 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the prostate by interstitial irradiation with radioactive gold. Experimental and clinical studies. PMID- 13805859 TI - Carcinoma of the prostate. Treatment by interstitial irradiation with radioactive gold-experimental and clinical studies. PMID- 13805860 TI - The clinical use of halothane anaesthesia during cardiopulmonary bypass for open heart surgery. PMID- 13805862 TI - Examinations. PMID- 13805861 TI - The experimental use of halothane anaesthesia in open-heart surgery with cardio pulmonary bypass. PMID- 13805863 TI - The historical development of clinical therapeutic trials. PMID- 13805864 TI - Observer variation in cerebral angiography: an assessment of the value of minor angiographic changes in the radiological diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease. PMID- 13805865 TI - Cerebral angiography in the diagnosis of the acute stroke. PMID- 13805866 TI - The chronic pathological effects on the liver of the rat of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids heliotrine, lasiocarpine, and their N-oxides. PMID- 13805867 TI - Further controlled studies of meprobamate. PMID- 13805868 TI - Psychotherapy of paranoid patients. PMID- 13805869 TI - The smaller medical staff: an organization to scale helps meet full-size problems. PMID- 13805870 TI - Athletics and nutrition. PMID- 13805871 TI - Studies on the use of enhancing agents to promote absorption of tetracycline administered orally. PMID- 13805872 TI - Occult faecal blood study with valtorin. PMID- 13805873 TI - Differentiation of fast and slow muscles in the cat hind limb. PMID- 13805874 TI - Interactions between motoneurones and muscles in respect of the characteristic speeds of their responses. PMID- 13805875 TI - The vasodepressor activity of a new organic nitrate and a contribution to the mechanism of action of this class of drugs. PMID- 13805876 TI - "Pseudo-infarction" phenomenon of acute pericarditis. PMID- 13805877 TI - [Recent observations on remote radiological behavior of pleuro-pulmonary and skeletal metastases in breast cancer following bilateral ovario-adrenalectomy]. PMID- 13805879 TI - [Treatment of advanced breast cancer with special reference to the current status of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13805878 TI - [Anatomo-clinical and radiological considerations on neoplasms of the thymus (case contribution)]. PMID- 13805880 TI - [Regional hospital as an organization-methodological center of public health]. PMID- 13805881 TI - Note on conditioned reinforcement in avoidance extinction. PMID- 13805882 TI - Note on key-holding behavior in the pigeon. PMID- 13805883 TI - Repeated conditioning-extinction sessions as a function of the reinforcement schedule. PMID- 13805885 TI - [The neuron theory and electrophysiology]. PMID- 13805884 TI - The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium, 1958. 2. The interaction of alcoholic husbands and their nonalcoholic wives during counseling. PMID- 13805886 TI - Obstetric analgesia based on pethidine-antagonist mixtures. PMID- 13805888 TI - Training of the nonuniversity-educated medical practitioners in the later Middle Ages. PMID- 13805887 TI - Use of premixed pethidine and antagonists in obstetrical analgesia; with special reference to cases in which levallorphan was used. PMID- 13805889 TI - Experimental sebaceous gland suppression in the adult male mouse. PMID- 13805890 TI - Injuries of the brain caused by penetration of the orbit (pitchforks, sled runners, arrows, etc.). PMID- 13805891 TI - The epithelium of the urogenital sinus in female human foetuses. PMID- 13805892 TI - The effect of parental age, parity and duration of marriage on the twinning rate. PMID- 13805893 TI - The familial incidence of twinning. PMID- 13805895 TI - [On the effect of nicotinic acid load on the content of total nicotinic acid in the blood in man]. PMID- 13805894 TI - The twinning rate in Europe and Africa. PMID- 13805896 TI - [Formation of the artificial vagina in male pseudohermaphrodite with testicular feminization syndrome]. PMID- 13805897 TI - [Psychopathology and biochemistry of experimental psychoses produced by anticholinergic hallucinogens]. PMID- 13805898 TI - [On thromboplastic and fibrinolytic activity of the wall of the aorta in certain animals. (Preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13805899 TI - [The receptor function of the autonomic ganglia]. PMID- 13805901 TI - [On the problem of cotagiosity of hemorrhagic fever in the Stavropolsk region]. PMID- 13805900 TI - [Conditioned shaking reflexes from the interoceptors of the bladder after section and partial removal of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13805902 TI - [Complete circular rupture of the duodenum in blunt injury]. PMID- 13805903 TI - A clinical evaluation of four oxyuricides. PMID- 13805904 TI - The effects of hypoglycemia induced by agents other than exogenous insulin on duodenal motility in dogs under morphine-chloralose anesthesia: I. The arylsulfonylureas. PMID- 13805905 TI - The relation of drug-induced hypoglycemia to duodenal motility in anesthetized dogs. PMID- 13805906 TI - [Effects of an increased mechanical load on the formation of bones of the extremities in growing animals]. PMID- 13805907 TI - Survival of dogs following section of carotid and vertebral arteries. PMID- 13805908 TI - The surgical approach to intrathoracic goiter. PMID- 13805909 TI - Serum enzymes as diagnostic aids. Serum lactic dehydrogenase, malic dehydrogenase, glutamic-oxalacetic transminase, and glutamic-pyruvic transminase in a large series of patients. PMID- 13805910 TI - [Possibilities of measurement error in the verification of the roentgen dose with free air ionization chambers]. PMID- 13805911 TI - [Diabetes and its social repercussions]. PMID- 13805912 TI - [Radioactive cobalt (Co60) in the treatment of cancer]. PMID- 13805913 TI - Oocytes in seminiferous tubules. II. A case report of bilateral ovotestes. PMID- 13805914 TI - Two unilaterally cryptorchid boys with spermatogenic precocity in the descended testis, hypertelorism and polydactyly. PMID- 13805915 TI - Further observations on freezing human spermatozoa. PMID- 13805916 TI - New faces for a new era in medicine. PMID- 13805917 TI - Electron microscopic study of demyelination in an experimentally induced lesion in adult cat spinal cord. AB - Plaques of subpial demyelination were induced in adult cat spinal cords by repeated withdrawal and reinjection of cerebrospinal fluid. Peripheral cord was fixed by replacing cerebrospinal fluid available at cisternal puncture with 3 per cent buffered OsO(4). Following extirpation, surface tissue was further fixed in 2 per cent buffered OsO(4), dehydrated in ethanol, and embedded in araldite. Normal subpial cord consists mainly of myelinated axons and two types of macroglia, fibrous astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Twenty-nine hours after lesion induction most myelin sheaths are deteriorating and typical macroglia are no longer visible. Phagocytosis of myelin debris has begun. In 3-day lesions, axons are intact and their mitochondria and neurofibrils appear normal despite continued myelin breakdown. All axons are completely demyelinated by 6 days. They lack investments only briefly, however, for at 10 and 14 days, macroglial processes appear and embrace them. These macroglia do not resemble either one of the normally occurring glia; their dense cytoplasm contains fibrils in addition to the usual organelles. It is proposed that these macroglia, which later accomplish remyelination, are the hypertrophic or swollen astrocytes of classical neuropathology. The suggestion that these astrocytes possess the potential to remyelinate axons in addition to their known ability to form cicatrix raises the possibility of pharmacological control of their expression. PMID- 13805918 TI - [Chronic paraproctitis (rectal fistulae)]. PMID- 13805919 TI - A decade of anti-inflammatory steroids, from cortisone to dexamethasone. Summary. PMID- 13805920 TI - Recognition and treatment of arthritis in the elderly patient. PMID- 13805921 TI - [Analysis of the clinical course in children with Bornholm disease (epidemic myalgia), caused by Coxsackie viruses, types B-III and B-IV]. PMID- 13805922 TI - [Clinical picture of the epidemic myalgia in children at the focus of the disease]. PMID- 13805923 TI - [Clinical significance of medicinal resistance of agents causing infectious diseases and its relation to the reactivity of the organism]. PMID- 13805924 TI - [The significance of developing immunity for the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy of typhoid fever and dysentery]. PMID- 13805925 TI - [On the local treatment of vaginal leukorrhea with hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13805926 TI - A comparison of ether anesthesia with thiopental--nitrous oxide--succinylcholine for upper abdominal surgery. PMID- 13805927 TI - Unrecognized foreign bodies in the air and food passages. PMID- 13805928 TI - The measurement of skull shape and size. PMID- 13805929 TI - Treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia with a new penicillin: clinical observations in 25 patients. PMID- 13805930 TI - [Action of chorionic gonadotropins on the gonads of the newborn guinea pig]. PMID- 13805931 TI - [Evaluation of clinical significance of the determination of mucoproteins in urine in rheumatic patients]. PMID- 13805933 TI - The mimicry of tumors of the spinal cord. PMID- 13805932 TI - Peritoneal tap. PMID- 13805934 TI - Multiholed catheter for management of urethral lesions. PMID- 13805936 TI - The use of hypochlorite for the control of bleeding. PMID- 13805935 TI - Studies on vitamin E. 3. The relative activities of tocopherols and some other substances in vivo and in vitro against dialuric acid-induced haemolysis of erythrocytes. PMID- 13805937 TI - [From the herb shop to phytotherapy: from the empiricism of the past to the salutary treatments of today]. PMID- 13805938 TI - [The biochemical function of citric acid in the boyd]. PMID- 13805939 TI - [Research on the metabolism of indoles in schizophrenia. Determination of indicanemia]. PMID- 13805940 TI - [Resistance of molds to the combined action of detergents and temperature]. PMID- 13805941 TI - [On the utility of limiting schermographic investigations of children of school age to tuberculin-positive subjects]. PMID- 13805942 TI - [Tuberculin allergy and bacillary allergy in subjects vaccinated with dermal multi-injections of "Petragnani's concentrated integral anatuberculin" (P.C.I.A.)]. PMID- 13805943 TI - [Observations on the incidence of brucellosis in Tuscany]. PMID- 13805944 TI - [Studies on the biology of E. histolytica. IV. Observations on the flora associated in the cultures]. PMID- 13805945 TI - [Morphology and histochemistry of the testis in the prepuberal hypogonadotropic hypoandrogenic syndrome]. PMID- 13805946 TI - [Arteries of the urinary bladder and prostate gland in conditions of collateral circulation]. PMID- 13805947 TI - Tuberculous peritonitis. A study of forty-seven proved cases encountered by a general medical unit in twenty-five years. PMID- 13805948 TI - [Evaluation of properties of pathogenic INH-resistant tubercle bacilli after intradermal infection of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13805949 TI - [The course of tuberculous processes in guinea pigs after the infection with tubercle bacilli resistant to the effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)]. PMID- 13805950 TI - [Appearance of pulmonary cancer and of other malignant tumors of the respiratory system in Poland during 1951-56]. PMID- 13805951 TI - [Morbidity and recently-uncovered cases of tuberculosis (infectivity) according to statistics of anti-tuberculosis clinics in 1957]. PMID- 13805952 TI - [A case of association of 2 rare abnormalities: achromatopsia and central fissure of the choroid of both eyes]. PMID- 13805953 TI - [Pentose-cycle enzymes in the sugar beet]. PMID- 13805954 TI - [Observations on the stratigraphic investigation of the maxillary sinus and on the principal causes of error]. PMID- 13805955 TI - [The Harwell plants]. PMID- 13805956 TI - [Tele-cobaltotherapy of vesical tumors; practical considerations]. PMID- 13805957 TI - [On the treatment of uterine carcinoma and parametrial spread with telecobalt therapy]. PMID- 13805958 TI - [Radioisotopes in the therapy and diagnosis of neoplasms (notes on the principal technics used)]. PMID- 13805959 TI - [Treatment by ACTH and cortisone of inflammatory diseases of the nervous system]. PMID- 13805960 TI - [On an effective thrombosis prophylaxis in urological operations]. PMID- 13805961 TI - Experiments on blister formation. I. Experiments with proteolytic enzymes and hyaluronidases. PMID- 13805962 TI - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and nocardiosis. PMID- 13805963 TI - A clinicopathologic study of 43 cases of glandular tumors of the tongue. PMID- 13805964 TI - [Extrarenal hyperazotemia in gastric patients]. PMID- 13805965 TI - The general medical causes of morbidity and mortality in an expeditionary force in a tropical area. B. PMID- 13805966 TI - Influence of tropical weather on cardiac output, work, and power of right and left ventricles of man resting in hospital. PMID- 13805967 TI - Selected problems in electrocardiography. PMID- 13805968 TI - Relation of arterial pressure to spontaneous variations in digital volume. PMID- 13805969 TI - Study of incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm in New Orleans. PMID- 13805970 TI - The electrocardiogram, spatial vectorcardiogram, and ventricular gradient in congenital ventricular septal defect. PMID- 13805971 TI - The spatial vectorcardiogram in proved congenital artial septal defect. PMID- 13805972 TI - The value of home recordings of blood pressure in the management of patients with arterial hypertension. PMID- 13805973 TI - Observations on heart rate and cardiodynamics during weightlessness. PMID- 13805974 TI - A patient with rigid spine (rheumatoid arthritis), aortic valvular stenosis and atrioventricular nodal and right bundle branch block. PMID- 13805975 TI - Hypertension and arteriosclerosis. PMID- 13805976 TI - Cardiac enlargement due to myocardial degeneration of unknown cause. Preliminary report on effect of prolonged bed rest. PMID- 13805977 TI - Digital pre- and postcapillary vasoconstriction and vasodilation resembling pre- and postglomerular arteriolar function in kidney. PMID- 13805978 TI - Emergency treatment in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13805979 TI - Influence of the central nervous system on veins in man. PMID- 13805980 TI - Of the normal dog. PMID- 13805981 TI - Rheoplethysmographic studies of digital venous tone and venous activity. PMID- 13805982 TI - Sheep drenching technique. PMID- 13805983 TI - Oxidative enzymes and phosphorylation in hepatic mitochondria from riboflavin deficient rats. PMID- 13805984 TI - Chromosomes of Gyraulus circumstratius, a freshwater snail. PMID- 13805985 TI - The effect of the McDowell operation on the growth of surgery. PMID- 13805986 TI - A bioelectric scale of human alertness: concurrent recordings of the EEG and GSR. PMID- 13805987 TI - Automatic analysis of the electroencephalogram: a review and classification of systems. PMID- 13805988 TI - A theoretical interpretation of the effect of radiation quality on yield in the ferrous and ceric sulfate dosimeters. PMID- 13805989 TI - Radiation carcinogenesis: a new hypothesis. PMID- 13805990 TI - Treatment of oroantral fistula: report of case. PMID- 13805991 TI - Intravenous premedication in dentistry. PMID- 13805993 TI - Unilateral hyperplasia of left mandibular condyle and hypoplasia of body of right side of mandible: report of case. PMID- 13805992 TI - Hospitalization of the dental patient requiring extensive treatment. PMID- 13805994 TI - Central fibroma of mandible: report of case. PMID- 13805995 TI - A panel discussion of radioisotope therapy. PMID- 13805996 TI - Mystical and scientific aspects of the psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Adler, and Jung. PMID- 13805997 TI - The electrocardiogram of patients with atrioventricular cushion defects (defects of the atrioventricular canal). PMID- 13805999 TI - Unusual causes of heart failure. PMID- 13805998 TI - Cardiological practice in the era of cardiac surgery with pump-oxygenators (bypass cardiology). PMID- 13806000 TI - Investigations in acute leukemia. PMID- 13806001 TI - The effects of epoxypropyl piperazine derivatives on a spectrum of transplanted mouse leukemias. PMID- 13806002 TI - Effect of total-body irradiation on the transplantability of mouse leukemias. PMID- 13806003 TI - OETTGEN HF, REPPERT JA, COLEY V: Studies on the synergism of fluorinated pyrimidines and certain pyrimidine and purine derivatives against transplanted mouse leukemia. PMID- 13806004 TI - [Osmotic behavior as a criterion for the functional state of liver sections]. PMID- 13806006 TI - [Contact eczema]. PMID- 13806005 TI - [Contact eczema caused by hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13806007 TI - [Occupational skin diseases]. PMID- 13806008 TI - [On the problem of accident- and occupational-caused tendon sheath tuberculosis]. PMID- 13806009 TI - [The incidence of tendon sheath tuberculosis in butchers]. PMID- 13806010 TI - [Modern methods for the treatment of psoriasis]. PMID- 13806011 TI - [Problem of keratoacanthoma multiplex]. PMID- 13806012 TI - The use of cortisone in establishing experimental fungal keratitis in rats: a preliminary report. PMID- 13806014 TI - [Experience with the work of regional hospitals in the Altai Region following the reform]. PMID- 13806015 TI - [On the fiftieth anniversary of the department of normal anatomy in the Saratovskii Meditsinskii Institut (1909-1959)]. PMID- 13806013 TI - The use of tetracycline-oleandomycin combination in the acute pneumonopathies of infancy, with particular considerations of staphylococcic empyema. PMID- 13806016 TI - Invertebrate hormones and cancer. PMID- 13806017 TI - Herpes simplex following decompression operations for trigeminal neuralgia. Attempts to modify by local use of hydrocortisone preparations. PMID- 13806018 TI - Iodophors in dermatology: a clinical note. PMID- 13806019 TI - [Remarks apropos of 260 bacteria isolated from suppurative meningitis]. PMID- 13806020 TI - [Results of 58 titrations of sensitivity to streptomycin, PAS and isoniazid of Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13806021 TI - [Comparative study of the antistaphylococcal bacteriostatic activity of 4 antibiotics: erythromycin, spiramycin, oleandomycin and novobiocin]. PMID- 13806022 TI - [The use of a stereotype from two stimuli for determination of the type of nervous system in dogs]. PMID- 13806023 TI - A short integrated treatment of trichomoniasis. PMID- 13806024 TI - Biometric evaluation of an intensive treatment program in a state mental hospital. PMID- 13806025 TI - A ward behavior rating scale for mental hospital patients. PMID- 13806026 TI - [The shortage of nursing personnel. Attempt at finding a solution]. PMID- 13806027 TI - [Hallux rigidus]. PMID- 13806028 TI - [The Medical Electronic Conferences at UNESCO]. PMID- 13806029 TI - [The modern diagnostic center. 3. Pneumonology. Functional examinations]. PMID- 13806030 TI - [The modern diagnostic center]. PMID- 13806031 TI - [Surgical treatment of facial hemiatrophy. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13806032 TI - [Arteriographic study of the plantar circulation in trophic disorders of the feet]. PMID- 13806033 TI - [Erythrodermal reticulosis with reticulemia of Sezary. Apropos of three observations of the "red men"]. PMID- 13806034 TI - [Congenital hippocratic finger with palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis and bone disorders]. PMID- 13806035 TI - [Results obtained by griseofulvin in an epidemic of tinea caused by "Microsporum ferrugineum"]. PMID- 13806036 TI - [Leishmaniasis with multiple cutaneous localizations and disseminated lymphangitic nodules]. PMID- 13806037 TI - [A case of Gougerot-Sjoegren syndrome, with unusually severe osteoarticular lesions]. PMID- 13806038 TI - [Bazin's erythema induratum]. PMID- 13806039 TI - [Bazin's erythema induratum]. PMID- 13806041 TI - [Functional exclusion of the hippocampus and conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13806040 TI - [On a method for the preparation of Listeria antigen for indirect hemagglutination reaction]. PMID- 13806043 TI - [Spatial dissociation in the formation of contrasting conditioned reflexes and their mutual interference]. PMID- 13806042 TI - Activation of latent foci of spreading cortical depression in rats. PMID- 13806044 TI - Leao's spreading depresion in pigeons. PMID- 13806046 TI - Congenital polycystic kidney disease. PMID- 13806045 TI - [Use of spreading EEG depression for the study of memory traces in rats]. PMID- 13806047 TI - Coarctation of the aorta in infants: a clinical and experimental study. PMID- 13806048 TI - Bacterial oxidation of vitamin B6. II. Metabolites of pyridoxamine. PMID- 13806049 TI - Tracer experiments on the formation of ethylene by apple tissue. PMID- 13806050 TI - [Vaccino-prophylaxis in the U.S.A]. PMID- 13806052 TI - The possible role of ticks as vectors of Leptospire. II. Infection of the ixodid ticks, Dermacentor andersoni and Amblyomma maculatum, with Leptospira pomona. PMID- 13806051 TI - Identification of the virus of Colorado tick fever in mouse tissues by means of fluorescent antibodies. PMID- 13806053 TI - Endometrial biopsies in the office. Report of 400 cases. PMID- 13806054 TI - The perineal wound after excision of the rectum. PMID- 13806055 TI - Vagal nerve section in chronic duodenal ulceration. PMID- 13806057 TI - The optical rotatory power of collagen. PMID- 13806056 TI - Vagotomy in the treatment of peptic ulceration. PMID- 13806059 TI - Physical properties of some volume recorders in plethysmography. PMID- 13806058 TI - [Experiences with irritant therapy in virus infections and febrile infections]. PMID- 13806060 TI - [Perfusions of posthypophysial oxytocin in the induction of labor]. PMID- 13806061 TI - Function of the rectal gland in the spiny dogfish. AB - The rectal gland of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, secretes a fluid which is essentially a sodium chloride solution with a concentration about twice that of the plasma and greater than that of sea water. Observed volumes of flow are sufficiently large to make it clear that the rectal gland can remove from the blood relatively large amounts of sodium chloride, and presumably this is its function. PMID- 13806062 TI - [On the therapy of premature separation of the normally located placenta]. PMID- 13806063 TI - Recurring congenital talipes equinovarus. PMID- 13806064 TI - [Experiences with a new migraine remedy]. PMID- 13806065 TI - [A case of infundibular pregnancy]. PMID- 13806066 TI - [An unusual case of cervical hypertrophy]. PMID- 13806067 TI - [Meningeal hemorrhages of the newborn and their prevention]. PMID- 13806069 TI - [Lytic therapy of asthma with the new phenothiazine derivative repeltin]. PMID- 13806068 TI - [Prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13806070 TI - [Biological titration of basic preparations of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner in relation to Anagasta (Ephestia) kuhniella Zell]. PMID- 13806071 TI - [Preliminary study of the therapeutic action of a new monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Ro 5-0831]. PMID- 13806072 TI - [The so-called "tranquilizing" agents]. PMID- 13806073 TI - Medical education in community hospitals. PMID- 13806074 TI - The effect of temperature on tolerance to positive acceleration. PMID- 13806075 TI - A technique of profundus tendon repair: preliminary report. PMID- 13806077 TI - Supernumerary kidney: report of a case. PMID- 13806076 TI - Treatment of the Leriche syndrome: a technique of endarterectomy. PMID- 13806078 TI - Public health problems of ionising radiation interpretation and presentation of data. PMID- 13806079 TI - Radioactive contamination of air, water and food. (a) Radioactive contamination of the air. PMID- 13806080 TI - [Thoughts on the problem of neuroses]. PMID- 13806081 TI - [Sources of contamination in children hospitalized for tuberculous primary infection in the children's clinic from 1950 to 1958]. PMID- 13806082 TI - [On the atypical transformation zone]. PMID- 13806083 TI - "The beloved physician". PMID- 13806084 TI - [Permanent micturition disorders after spinal anesthesia]. PMID- 13806085 TI - [100 Peroperative pulmonary biopsies in mitral stenosis. Morpho-functional findings]. PMID- 13806086 TI - [Atypical extended right hepatectomy for primary cancer of the right lobe]. PMID- 13806087 TI - [Apropos of renal cancer "in situ"]. PMID- 13806088 TI - [On the vitamin B12 content of human milk]. PMID- 13806089 TI - [Observations on the pulmonary area in the neonatal period (in infants born at term and premature infants)]. PMID- 13806090 TI - [Morphology of the blood and bone marrow in some dystrophic states due to dietary deficiencies in infancy. Comparative data]. PMID- 13806091 TI - [ABC course of the B Service and brucellosis]. PMID- 13806092 TI - [Toxoplasmosis in the deer]. PMID- 13806094 TI - Histopathologic evaluation of griseofulvin in Microsporum audouini infections. PMID- 13806093 TI - [On evaluation of the heterochromatic nuclear structure of granulocytes in blood cell morphological sex determination]. PMID- 13806095 TI - [First systematic investigations of the heart in the school population of Pontevedra]. PMID- 13806096 TI - [Cervical ribs]. PMID- 13806098 TI - [Fulminating hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13806097 TI - [Contribution to the study of the intestine of pulmonary tuberculosis patients]. PMID- 13806099 TI - [Summary of the activities carried out by this Dispensary during the year 1959]. PMID- 13806100 TI - [The incorporation of iron 59 in the ductuli efferentes in the hamster]. PMID- 13806101 TI - [Respiratory function in chronic bronchitis]. PMID- 13806102 TI - [Note on the bacteriostatic action of "Cynara scolymus L."]. PMID- 13806103 TI - [Importance of investigation of urinary and serum amino-acids in general pathology and in pediatrics]. PMID- 13806104 TI - Dysmorphia orbitopalpebralis congenita. PMID- 13806105 TI - Flap versus graft. PMID- 13806106 TI - [Problem of congenital defects with special reference to harelip and cleft palate]. PMID- 13806107 TI - [Traumatic defects of the soft parts of the skull]. PMID- 13806108 TI - The effect of twin flashes and of repetitive light stimuli on the human electroretinogram. PMID- 13806109 TI - Strabismus. Early treatment improves the child's appearance and helps develop normal binocular vision. PMID- 13806110 TI - Symposium: pleoptics in the treatment of strabismus. I. Introductory remarks. PMID- 13806111 TI - [Animal experimental investigations on the reaction of the epithelium to fresh autoplastic and preserved homoplastic skin transplants with regard to the formation of lobar cholesteatomata]. PMID- 13806112 TI - [On the principles of new therapeutic possibilities in rhinology]. PMID- 13806113 TI - [On the regeneration ability of the ciliated epithelium in the nose after total destruction of the epithelium]. PMID- 13806114 TI - [Contribution to the method for the utilization of commercial antibiotic test tablets spofa in practice]. PMID- 13806115 TI - Difference in respiratory frequency changes in rats after section of the right or left vagus nerves PMID- 13806116 TI - [Carcinoma of the rectum in a 15-year-old boy]. PMID- 13806117 TI - [Diabetes appearing during influenza]. PMID- 13806118 TI - [On 2 cases of malarial psychoses]. PMID- 13806119 TI - [Value of gastric radioscopy in the diagnosis of allergic gastropathies]. PMID- 13806120 TI - [Epidemic outbreak of tuberculosis in a rural school]. PMID- 13806121 TI - Differential metabolic responses of susceptible and resistant mouse leukemia cells to 8-azaguanine. PMID- 13806122 TI - Serving the cerebral palsied adult. PMID- 13806123 TI - Studies in a case of chronic idiopathic jaundice. PMID- 13806124 TI - [Results of the examination of senile hips of inmates of a home for the aged in Wejherowo]. PMID- 13806125 TI - [Aclasis diaphysealis]. PMID- 13806127 TI - Inhibition of diamine oxidase in vivo by hydrazine derivatives. PMID- 13806126 TI - [Comparison of morphological and serological criteria in the diagnosis of visceral erythematosis]. PMID- 13806128 TI - [Experiences with conservative and operative treatment of lumbar intervertebral prolapse]. PMID- 13806129 TI - [A coil apparatus for vaporization of formalin]. PMID- 13806130 TI - Caloric and protein intakes of children between 1 and 18 years of age. PMID- 13806131 TI - Cancer cells in wound washings in head and neck surgery. PMID- 13806132 TI - Absorption analysis of x-ray spectra produced by beryllium window tubes operated at 20 to 50 Kvp. PMID- 13806133 TI - Dietetic management of the child in health and illness. PMID- 13806134 TI - The localization of microorganisms in inflamed dental pulps of rats following bacteremia. PMID- 13806136 TI - Pyelonephritis in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13806135 TI - Partial thoracic stomach in childhood. PMID- 13806138 TI - Lymphatic localization of malignant and bacterial cells. PMID- 13806137 TI - The effects of different salt concentrations on the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. PMID- 13806139 TI - Survival of red blood cells in dogs following total body perfusion. PMID- 13806140 TI - Survival of patients with injuries of the spinal cord. PMID- 13806141 TI - A modified Thiersch operation in treatment of complete rectal prolapse. PMID- 13806142 TI - Ratbite fever due to Streptobacillus moniliformis: a report of two cases. PMID- 13806143 TI - Biochemical changes during carcinogenesis. IV. Protein synthesis and urea production in perfused livers of rats fed 2-acetylaminofluorene. PMID- 13806144 TI - [The proposed training of nurses' aids and nurses]. PMID- 13806145 TI - [The therapy of traumatic urethral avulsion by means of the Kroiss sounding technic]. PMID- 13806146 TI - [Our experiences in the treatment of burns]. PMID- 13806147 TI - [On the death of Louis R. Grote]. PMID- 13806148 TI - Disaster medicine: the local problem. PMID- 13806149 TI - [Increase of mammary carcinomas during pregnancy and in the lactation period]. PMID- 13806150 TI - [The significance of diagnostic extirpation for mammary carcinoma]. PMID- 13806151 TI - [On relations between bronchial carcinoma and atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13806152 TI - [New data on functions and diseases of the spleen]. PMID- 13806153 TI - [On the treatment of fractures with piacryl and igamid B pins]. PMID- 13806154 TI - Head injuries in children. Observations on their incidence and causes with an enquiry into the value of routine skull x-rays. PMID- 13806156 TI - Myxoedema, goitre and nerve deafness in a child born in London. PMID- 13806155 TI - Lactosuria and sucrosuria with failure to thrive. PMID- 13806157 TI - [Ovarian maturation and follicular growth]. PMID- 13806158 TI - [Histological and immunohistological detection of local antibody formation in the cornea]. PMID- 13806159 TI - [Secretion formation in the pancreas]. PMID- 13806160 TI - The role of a children's psychiatric clinic in the teaching of psychiatry. PMID- 13806161 TI - Surgical planing for the prevention of cancer of the skin. PMID- 13806162 TI - [Studies on electrical conductivity of the liver in irradiated animals]. PMID- 13806164 TI - Overdosage with thalidomide (distaval). PMID- 13806163 TI - Clinical experience with a new sedative drug. PMID- 13806165 TI - Bronchopulmonary cancer. Problems of surgical tactics. PMID- 13806166 TI - [On clinical aspects of tumors of the pineal gland]. PMID- 13806167 TI - The etiology of athetosis with particular reference to neonatal jaundice. PMID- 13806168 TI - The weight force in Charcot disease of joints: the apparent paradox of tibiofibular joint fusion. PMID- 13806169 TI - The weight stream in Charcot's disease of the joints. Reconstruction of the Charcot knee. PMID- 13806170 TI - Fracture of head of femur with dislocation of hip. PMID- 13806171 TI - The effects of irradiation upon the revascularization and survival of skin autografts. PMID- 13806172 TI - [Remarks on the paper by H. Bruester and H. G. Staemmler: "Hemophiloid disease due to circulating anticoagulants in childhood"]. PMID- 13806173 TI - [Anterolateral ventriculocisternotomy, a modified ventricular drainage]. PMID- 13806174 TI - [Frontobasal skull injuries]. PMID- 13806175 TI - [A case of embryonal hernia of the umbilical cord in a premature infant with congenital heart defect]. PMID- 13806176 TI - Contact transmission of Rous sarcoma. PMID- 13806177 TI - Pathogenicity of a viral strain (RPL 12) causing avian visceral lymphomatosis and related neoplasms. III. Influence of host age and route of inoculation. PMID- 13806178 TI - Virus isolated from avian lymphomas unrelated to lymphomatosis virus. PMID- 13806179 TI - The oncogenic spectrum of two pure strains of avian leukosis. PMID- 13806181 TI - [Initiative of the workers in construction of the medical institutions of Kirgiz SSR]. PMID- 13806180 TI - [Postvaccinal encephalitis and encephalopathy]. PMID- 13806183 TI - [Treatment of patients with open injuries of the large joints]. PMID- 13806182 TI - [Complications in cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography]. PMID- 13806184 TI - Anoxia and ventricular fibrillation; with a summary of evidence on the cause of fibrillation. AB - Experiments are described showing that ventricular fibrillation is more readily produced in isolated rabbit hearts by electrical stimulation when the oxygen supply to the heart is reduced. This evidence completes investigations which have been made into factors affecting the production of fibrillation. These investigations have shown that factors which shorten the duration of the action potential, particularly those which cause the "plateau" to disappear, facilitate fibrillation, and those which lengthen the duration of the action potential prevent fibrillation. The reason for the length of the cardiac action potential may therefore be to prevent fibrillation. When the action potential is of normal length the fact that two adjacent fibres are out of phase does not matter; the one which is first to contract is not re-excited by the one which is second to contract, because at that moment the first is inexcitable. If the action potential is short, then the first may be already repolarized and may be excited by spread of excitation from the second. Factors which inhibit metabolism shorten the action potential. PMID- 13806185 TI - Peripheral effects of nicotine and acetylcholine resembling those of sympathetic stimulation. PMID- 13806186 TI - Choline acetylase activity in the atria and its possible relation to the maintenance of the membrane potential. AB - Choline acetylase is present in rabbit atria and forms acetylcholine continuously. It is known that the contractions of isolated atria cease when the temperature falls to a point below 20 degrees C., and that they can be started again by acetylcholine, which causes a rise in the transmembrane potential. The question may therefore be asked whether the transmembrane potential is normally kept sufficiently high for impulses to be propagated by the acetylcholine which is formed within the atria. The effect of lowering the temperature on choline acetylase activity has therefore been studied. The activity was found to decline much more steeply below 20 degrees C. than between 33 degrees and 20 degrees . The Q(10) rose to 7.8. This finding is consistent with the view that one function of choline acetylase activity is to maintain the transmembrane potential. PMID- 13806187 TI - Sympathetic postganglionic cholinergic fibres. AB - When the postganglionic fibres to the nictitating membrane are stimulated in a cat treated with reserpine, the membrane contracts. The contraction is increased after the injection of eserine and is abolished with atropine. Thus the fibres stimulated appear to be cholinergic. When the splenic nerve is stimulated in a cat treated with reserpine there is similar evidence of the presence of cholinergic fibres; the spleen dilates, the dilatation is greater in the presence of eserine and is abolished by atropine. The hypogastric nerves when stimulated cause inhibition of the uterus of the virgin cat. When the cat is treated with reserpine, stimulation then causes contraction which is increased in the presence of eserine and abolished by atropine. There is also evidence of cholinergic fibres in the postganglionic supply to the vessels of the rabbit's ear. From this and other evidence it is suggested that a form of adrenergic mechanism may exist such that cholinergic fibres in the postganglionic sympathetic supply liberate acetylcholine; this in turn liberates noradrenaline from a store around the sympathetic nerve ending. PMID- 13806188 TI - The effect of precursors of noradrenalin on the response to tyramine and sympathetic stimulation. AB - Previous observations have shown that the effects of sympathetic stimulation and of tyramine were absent in the organs of animals treated with reserpine, but that they were restored by an infusion of noradrenaline. Observations are described showing that an infusion of adrenaline did not restore the pressor action of tyramine in the cat or in the rat, but that in the rat the pressor action was restored by an infusion of dopamine, or of (-)-dopa, or of m-tyrosine,or of phenylalanine. Observations are also described showing that the effect of postganglionic stimulation of the fibres to the nictitating membrane and to the iris was restored by an infusion of dopamine or of (-)-dopa; it was restored less well by an infusion of noradrenaline. An infusion of noradrenaline did not restore the action of tyramine on the denervated iris or on the denervated vessels of the cat's foreleg. An infusion of noradrenaline appeared to increase the effect of sympathetic stimulation of the hypogastric nerves to the uterus of the virgin cat about as much as an infusion of adrenaline. An infusion of noradrenaline restored the constrictor action of nicotine on the perfused vessels of the rabbit ear. PMID- 13806189 TI - The relation of circulating noradrenaline to the effect of sympathetic stimulation. PMID- 13806190 TI - Pharmacology of cardiac failure. PMID- 13806191 TI - The cause of fibrillation. PMID- 13806192 TI - The relation of the autonomic nervous system to cardiac arrhythmias. PMID- 13806194 TI - Chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13806193 TI - Why thiopentone injected into an artery may cause gangrene. PMID- 13806195 TI - Poliomyelitis vaccination: dosage and technique. PMID- 13806197 TI - [Apropos of 4 cases of toxi-tuberculous impregnation observed for over 40 years]. PMID- 13806196 TI - The maintenance of family life in relation to children under five in the present day social structure. (a) The medical officer's viewpoint. PMID- 13806198 TI - [Interview with a representative]. PMID- 13806199 TI - [Is imagination in medicine forbidden or legitimate?]. PMID- 13806201 TI - [Man in the face of death]. PMID- 13806200 TI - [Man facing death]. PMID- 13806202 TI - [The physician before the miracle]. PMID- 13806203 TI - [On the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in children]. PMID- 13806204 TI - [Female urogenital trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13806205 TI - [A simple pupillometer]. PMID- 13806206 TI - The problem of sodium and water needs of patients. PMID- 13806207 TI - Long-acting tranquilizer-anticholinergic in gastrointestinal disorders: an experimental and clinical study. PMID- 13806208 TI - Loss of specificity on passage of immunologically competent cells in the chick embryo. PMID- 13806209 TI - Theories of immunity. PMID- 13806210 TI - Auto-immune disease. I. Modern immunological concepts. PMID- 13806212 TI - Virus genetics. PMID- 13806211 TI - Auto-immune disease. II. Pathology of the immune response. PMID- 13806213 TI - Histophysiology of growth in hydra. PMID- 13806214 TI - Changing trends in clinical investigation. PMID- 13806215 TI - Changing trends in clinical investigation. PMID- 13806216 TI - Filariasis research in Fiji 1957-1959. Part 1. Epidemiology. PMID- 13806218 TI - Atmospheric pollution--the present position. PMID- 13806217 TI - Filariasis research in Fiji 1957-1959. Part 2. Experiments in larval control of mosquito vectors. PMID- 13806219 TI - Control of insect pests. PMID- 13806220 TI - The treatment of shock by oxygen under pressure. PMID- 13806221 TI - Carcinoma of the stomach. An evaluation of diagnostic methods including exfoliative cytology. PMID- 13806222 TI - Administrators of the unforeseen. PMID- 13806223 TI - Cardiovascular research in the Public Health Service. PMID- 13806224 TI - Current status of live poliovirus vaccine. PMID- 13806225 TI - Health in human communities of an industrial civilization. PMID- 13806226 TI - Leaders for our medical future. PMID- 13806228 TI - Medical education and the public health service. PMID- 13806227 TI - Live poliomyelitis vaccine status. PMID- 13806229 TI - Medicine in the U. S. Public Health Service. PMID- 13806230 TI - Salute to the American Dental Association: a century of leadership. PMID- 13806231 TI - Smoking and lung cancer: a statement of the Public Health Service. PMID- 13806232 TI - Successful planning for the hospital system of the future will call for coordination of the efforts of all of the agencies involved. PMID- 13806233 TI - The challenge of disability. PMID- 13806234 TI - A group experience with ureteroileal-cutaneous anastomosis for urinary diversion: results and complications of the isolated ileal conduit (Bricker procedure) in 96 patients. PMID- 13806235 TI - The dental hygienist in dental practice. PMID- 13806236 TI - Effect of molecular structure upon concentration of hydrocarbons in 'painted' mouse skin. PMID- 13806237 TI - Amputation of the upper extremity. PMID- 13806238 TI - Conservative treatment of certain fractures in the hand. PMID- 13806239 TI - Prognostic factors in radioresistant cervical cancer. PMID- 13806240 TI - Responses of cerebral cortex to diffuse monocular and binocular stimulation. PMID- 13806241 TI - 'Weightless' micro-electrodes for recording extracellular unit action potentials from the central nervous system. PMID- 13806242 TI - Repetitive firing of respiratory neurones during their burst activity. PMID- 13806243 TI - An address. PMID- 13806244 TI - Sleep. Physiology, pathology and groups of therapeutic agents. PMID- 13806245 TI - Growth, reproduction, mortality, and pathologic changes in rats fed gamma irradiated potatoes. PMID- 13806246 TI - Urologic problems in children. PMID- 13806247 TI - Reassignment of sex: report of 3 cases. PMID- 13806248 TI - Assignment and reassignment of sex. PMID- 13806249 TI - Bleeding diverticular disease of the colon. PMID- 13806250 TI - Melanoma of the rectum: report of a case. PMID- 13806251 TI - 'Cat bite' disease. Report of a case. PMID- 13806252 TI - A control circuit for a pneumatic-transfer teletherapy unit. PMID- 13806253 TI - Observations on the drug-induced synthesis of D-glucuronic, L-gulonic and L ascorbic acids in rats. PMID- 13806254 TI - Water-soluble vitamins, Part I. (Ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, inositol). PMID- 13806255 TI - Formation of L-xylulose from L-gulonic acid in rat kidney. PMID- 13806256 TI - Biochemical pharmacological considerations of phenylbutazone and its analogues. PMID- 13806257 TI - Cortisone and ACTH impairment of response to rabies vaccine. PMID- 13806258 TI - Physical diagnosis of maxillo-facial injury. PMID- 13806260 TI - A case of reticulum cell sarcoma of the orbit. PMID- 13806259 TI - The diagnosis of maxillofacial injury. PMID- 13806261 TI - Fatal circulatory collapse in premature infants receiving chloramphenicol. PMID- 13806262 TI - Arthroplasty of head of middle phalanx of second digits. PMID- 13806263 TI - Urea clearance as measured by titration with mercuric chloride. PMID- 13806264 TI - Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the patella: report of a case. PMID- 13806265 TI - The safe disposal of radioactive wastes. PMID- 13806266 TI - Postoperative infections in an ophthalmologic hospital with comments upon bacteriophage typing of staphylococci as a preventative tool. PMID- 13806267 TI - Thyroid disease in Missouri. PMID- 13806269 TI - Evaluation of abnormal stature in the adolescent and young adult. PMID- 13806268 TI - Acute leukemia after radioactive iodine (I-131) therapy for hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13806270 TI - Resistance of birds to challenge with Eimeria tenella. PMID- 13806271 TI - Amebic abscess of the liver in a six-month-old infant. PMID- 13806272 TI - Lung tumors in hamsters produced by polyoma virus. PMID- 13806273 TI - Delayed repolarization in smooth muscles. PMID- 13806274 TI - Responses of smooth muscles to quick stretch: relation of stretch to conduction. PMID- 13806275 TI - Membrane potential changes associated with stimulation of smooth muscle by adrenalin. PMID- 13806276 TI - Learning to care for mentally retarded children. PMID- 13806277 TI - Industry's need and utilization of health personnel and its role in their further education and training. PMID- 13806278 TI - Westinghouse management health examinations--their investment value. PMID- 13806280 TI - The anatomy of anxiety. PMID- 13806279 TI - Recent investigations on tranquilizers and stuttering. PMID- 13806281 TI - Sarcoidosis and Hyperparathyroidism with Hypercalcemia - Special Usefulness of the Cortisone Test PMID- 13806282 TI - The apparent extracellular space of mammalian skeletal muscle. A comparison of the inulin space in normal and dystrophic mouse tissues. PMID- 13806283 TI - Lipid absorption: palmitic acid-1-C-13 and tripalmitin-carboxyl C-14. PMID- 13806284 TI - Lipid absorption: palmitic acid-I-C13 and tripalmitin-car-boxyl C14. PMID- 13806285 TI - Secretion of labeled blood lipids into the intestine. PMID- 13806286 TI - Prepackaging-a reality. PMID- 13806287 TI - Hydroxyzine hydrochloride and chlorpromazine. A clinical trial with a group of "tense" psychiatric patients. PMID- 13806288 TI - The office and out-patient treatment of leukemia. PMID- 13806289 TI - [Treatment of criminal psychopaths in the Swiss penal and restrictive institutions]. PMID- 13806290 TI - [Contribution to the problem of spasticity and intrinsic muscle spasm as well as therapeutic experience with a new muscle relaxant]. PMID- 13806291 TI - [Action of vitamins A and E in 13 patients with atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13806292 TI - Fat in the diets of older women. PMID- 13806293 TI - Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. PMID- 13806294 TI - The postpneumonectomy state: clinical and physiologic observations in thirty-six cases. PMID- 13806295 TI - Goiter and myxedema due to iodide administration. PMID- 13806296 TI - Non-uniform pulmonary diffusion as demonstrated by the carbon monoxide equilibration technique: mathematical considerations. PMID- 13806297 TI - Non-uniform pulmonary diffusion as demonstrated by the carbon monoxide equilibration technique: experimental results in man. PMID- 13806298 TI - Nail-setting for upper extremity amputees. PMID- 13806299 TI - Prognosis of the eczema-asthma syndrome. PMID- 13806300 TI - Morphological differentiation of Entamoeba hartmanni and E. polecki from E. histolytica. PMID- 13806301 TI - V and W antigens in strains of Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. PMID- 13806302 TI - Keeping the patient with bladder fistula dry. PMID- 13806303 TI - Incorporation of radiopaque materials into denture plastics. PMID- 13806304 TI - Primary process in children as a function of age. PMID- 13806305 TI - Myocardial infarction in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13806306 TI - [Turbidimetric determination of the Beta-lipoproteins of the serum after flocculation by polyvinylpyrrolidone]. PMID- 13806307 TI - [On the level of beta-lipoproteins in myelomas and in Waldenstroem's macroglobulinemia]. PMID- 13806308 TI - [Turbidimetric determination of gamma globulins after precipitation by heparin and cobaltous chloride]. PMID- 13806309 TI - [On a rapid determination of the cholesterol bound to the serum alpha- and beta lipoproteins]. PMID- 13806310 TI - [Determination of cholesterol in the alpha- and beta-lipoproteins of the serum by a method based on selective precipitation of beta-lipoproteins]. PMID- 13806311 TI - The development of cleft lip and palate. PMID- 13806312 TI - Histochemical demonstration of cytochrome oxidase activity in osteoclasts. PMID- 13806313 TI - Histochemical demonstration of cytochrome oxidase with new amine reagents. PMID- 13806314 TI - Histochemical demonstration of succinic dehydrogenase activity in osteoclasts. PMID- 13806315 TI - Histochemical localization of oxidase activity in the mitochondria of the human heart. PMID- 13806316 TI - Histochemical observations on enzymatic processes in bones and teeth. PMID- 13806317 TI - Postcoupling, noncoupling, and fluorescence techniques for the demonstration of alkaline phosphatase. PMID- 13806319 TI - A new concept in the management of priapism. PMID- 13806318 TI - Selection of operative procedures for ulcerative colitis and familial polyposis. PMID- 13806320 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy. Lactic acid production following insulin administration. PMID- 13806321 TI - Pheochromocytoma in pregnancy. PMID- 13806322 TI - Plasma nonesterified fatty acids in normal pregnancy and the puerperium. PMID- 13806323 TI - [Uterine mucosa of "folliculo-luteinic aspect" with hypopregnandioluria and hyperandrogenuria. Preliminary considerations]. PMID- 13806324 TI - [Immunological study of soluble antigens and haptens of tubercle bacilli. I. Isolation and identification of the components precipitating with specific immune serums]. PMID- 13806325 TI - [Immunochemical research on the soluble antigens of the tubercle bacillus. II. Immunochemical study of 2 polysaccharides present in the filtrates of culture of the tubercle bacillus]. PMID- 13806326 TI - About films and emulsions in phase contrast cinephotomicrography. PMID- 13806327 TI - The fate of normal mast cells studied in tissue culture by means of time lapse cinephotomicrography. PMID- 13806328 TI - Fascia Iata, cutis, and tantalum grafts in repair of massive abdominal incisional hernias. PMID- 13806329 TI - Predictive criteria of preclinical femoral hernia. PMID- 13806330 TI - Cross-modal transfer of training in monkeys. PMID- 13806331 TI - The alcoholic and his community search for help. PMID- 13806332 TI - Visceral larva migrans syndrome caused by human Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13806333 TI - A portable anaesthetic machine. PMID- 13806334 TI - Antileukaemic activity of polyporic acid. PMID- 13806335 TI - The frequencies of certain sequences of nucleotides in deoxyribonucleic acid. PMID- 13806336 TI - The purification and action of tumor factor extracted from mouse and human neoplastic tissue. PMID- 13806337 TI - The design and applications of a demountable 4-pi Geiger-Mueller counter. PMID- 13806338 TI - Decay times of high-energy induced luminescence. PMID- 13806339 TI - A test of pancreatic function in man based on the analysis of duodenal contents after administration of secretin and pancreozymin. AB - Pancreozymin in man as in animals appears to act as a specific enzyme stimulant. The preparations of pancreozymin used in these experiments also contain cholecystokinin, which causes the gall bladder to contract, and a smooth muscle stimulant, possibly substance P. The duodenal contents obtained in response to a standard dose of secretin and pancreozymin have been collected quantitatively in man and the volume and amount of bicarbonate, amylase, trypsin, and lipase measured in order to study pancreatic function. The results of 105 tests undertaken on a normal group, in pancreatic and biliary disease, and in non pancreatic steatorrhoea have been analysed. In localized pancreatic lesions and after recovery from acute pancreatitis, normal function is often retained. Mild functional impairment may be demonstrated only by a poor enzyme output in the post-pancreozymin fractions, while at a later stage bicarbonate output is affected and finally the volume of the duodenal contents is reduced. The secretin pancreozymin test is most valuable, therefore, in the more chronic and advanced forms of pancreatic disease in which it gives a good assessment of residual pancreatic function. In diagnosis care must be taken in interpreting a functional test in terms of anatomical pathology. The test has proved useful not only in diagnosis but also as a guide to treatment and an index of prognosis. PMID- 13806341 TI - Small volume perfusion system of the isolated rat liver. PMID- 13806340 TI - Serum amylase and serum lipase levels in man after administration of secretin and pancreozymin. AB - A simple evocative test has been used to study pancreatic function. Serial estimations of amylase and lipase in blood serum are made at intervals up to six hours and again at 24 hours after injecting intravenously standard doses of secretin and pancreozymin. The results of 213 tests on a normal group, in pancreatic disease, in biliary and hepatic diseases have been analysed and compared with the results of duodenal intubation and an oral glucose tolerance test. A combined evocative test and oral glucose tolerance test provide evidence of pancreatic dysfunction in the majority of cases of cancer of the pancreas and chronic pancreatitis. The conditions of the test are described and the pathological lesions in which false positive evocative tests may be found are indicated. The simple evocative test provides the earliest biochemical evidence of pancreatic disease in some patients with cancer of the pancreas and chronic pancreatitis. PMID- 13806342 TI - The irradiation of ware potatoes. PMID- 13806343 TI - The cost of chemical methods of preventing the sprouting of potatoes. PMID- 13806344 TI - Use of long-lived natural radio-activity as an atmospheric tracer. PMID- 13806345 TI - The admission pseudopsychosis. PMID- 13806346 TI - [Plastic surgery of defect of the cranial vault after excision of osteoma]. PMID- 13806347 TI - [On subcutaneous rupture of the retroperitoneal part of the duodenum]. PMID- 13806348 TI - [Emergencies in acute and chronic renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13806349 TI - [Shock]. PMID- 13806350 TI - The student nurse and the patient in the O.R. PMID- 13806351 TI - Congestive phenomena occuring in pregnant women with heart disease. PMID- 13806352 TI - Diagnosis of diffuse myocardial fibrosis. PMID- 13806353 TI - Acute appendicitis in pregnancy. PMID- 13806354 TI - The solitary ectopic pelvic kidney: case report with a review. PMID- 13806355 TI - [Reactivity of the skin in patients with chronic diseases of the stomach and liver]. PMID- 13806357 TI - [The embryological and anatomical basis of zonulolysis and prolapsus of the vitreous body into the anterior chamber]. PMID- 13806356 TI - Gonioscopic observations after iridencleisis. PMID- 13806358 TI - [The morphogenesis of papillary stasis; biomicroscopic study]. PMID- 13806359 TI - [Spinal changes in funnel chest]. PMID- 13806360 TI - [Fractures of the greater tuberosity]. PMID- 13806361 TI - [Hematogenic osteomyelitis of the clavicle]. PMID- 13806362 TI - [Pathological anatomy of rheumatic heart and vascular diseases]. PMID- 13806363 TI - Contamination of apparatus during freeze-drying. PMID- 13806364 TI - [Serum glycoproteins in acute articular rheumatism and in rheumatoid arthritis in the active phase]. PMID- 13806365 TI - [Blood proteins and glycoproteins in hepatobiliary pathology]. PMID- 13806366 TI - [Serum proteins and glycoproteins in pulmonary silicosis]. PMID- 13806367 TI - [New technic for the determination of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid]. PMID- 13806368 TI - [Electrophysiological studies on the effects of neuroleptic and tranquilizing substances (phenothiazine, meprobamate) on the spinal motor system]. PMID- 13806369 TI - [Dysgenesis mesodermalis et ectodermalis Rieger or Rieger's disease]. PMID- 13806370 TI - [A contribution to symptomatic narcolepsy in combination with epilepsy]. PMID- 13806371 TI - [The syndrome of delusions of vermin in a diabetic]. PMID- 13806372 TI - Effects of atropine and carbachol on labeling of protein fractions of mouse pancreas in vitro. PMID- 13806373 TI - Inhibition of uptake of Larginine-U-C14 into nuclear proteins by 5-bis (2 chloroethyl) aminouracil. PMID- 13806374 TI - Labeling of nuclear proteins of tumors and other tissues in vitro with L-lysine-U C14 and L-alanine-U-C14. PMID- 13806375 TI - The uptake of a variety of amino acids into nuclear proteins of tumors and other tissues. PMID- 13806376 TI - Metabolic patterns for glucose-1-C14 in tissues of tumor-bearing rats. PMID- 13806377 TI - [The significance of the stabilizer for the metabolic processes in preserved blood with special reference to electrolyte shift]. PMID- 13806378 TI - [Brain changes in chronic addiction to sedatives]. PMID- 13806379 TI - [On hepatolenticular degeneration (Westphal-Struempell-Wilson diseas)]. PMID- 13806380 TI - [On intraventricular meningioma]. PMID- 13806381 TI - [Doriden intoxication]. PMID- 13806382 TI - The relative value studies. PMID- 13806383 TI - Radical preoperative roentgen therapy in primarily inoperable advanced cancers of the head and neck. PMID- 13806384 TI - Simeon T. Cantril, 1908-1959. PMID- 13806385 TI - [Simeon T. Cantril, M.D. 1908-1959]. PMID- 13806386 TI - [On the therapy of arterial peripheral circulatory diseases]. PMID- 13806387 TI - [On the therapy of hypertension]. PMID- 13806388 TI - [Technics for the microcombustion of C14-labelled substances and the measurement of the activity with carbon dioxide counters]. PMID- 13806389 TI - [Rapid microdetermination of carbon in C14-labelled substances and the filling of counters with carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13806390 TI - [The present status of poliomyelitis inoculation with live avirulent polio virus. Report from an information tour]. PMID- 13806391 TI - [Somesthetic reticular and cortical influences at the level of the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus in the cat]. PMID- 13806392 TI - [On the clinical aspects of arteriomesenteric duodenal obstruction]. PMID- 13806393 TI - Clinical and pathological laboratories. PMID- 13806394 TI - Hospital administration. PMID- 13806395 TI - Nursing service criteria. PMID- 13806396 TI - Requirements for the physical plant. PMID- 13806397 TI - Why organize the medical staff? PMID- 13806398 TI - The separation, identification and determination of adrenocortical steroids. PMID- 13806399 TI - Forearm fractures. PMID- 13806400 TI - Staphylococcal endocarditis with atrial septal defect. Report of a fatal case with a review of treatment. PMID- 13806401 TI - Turner's syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis. PMID- 13806402 TI - [On the differential diagnosis of unilateral exophthalmus]. PMID- 13806403 TI - A symposium on the group purchase of dental care. 5. The role of the health agency. PMID- 13806404 TI - [Data on the organization of the afferent projection at the level of the motor cortex of the cat]. PMID- 13806405 TI - Renal glycosuria. PMID- 13806406 TI - [On the problem of pathogenesis and treatment of tetanus neonatorum]. PMID- 13806407 TI - [On the problem of metallic osteosynthesis in penetrating radiation injuries in experiment]. PMID- 13806408 TI - [Changes in the optic chronaxy and the electroencephalogram caused by the use of substances acting on the trigeminal nerve endings]. PMID- 13806409 TI - [Study of the thresholds of reflex action of atmospheric pollutants by the method of electroencephalography]. PMID- 13806410 TI - [The effect of subliminal olfactory stimulation on reflex activity]. PMID- 13806411 TI - [Clinical and pathomorphological aspects of an epidemic produced by the ornithosis vikus]. PMID- 13806413 TI - [Bronchial asthma and the work environment]. PMID- 13806412 TI - [The relation between cholesterol esterification and elimination of 17 ketosteroids in epidemic hepatits]. PMID- 13806414 TI - [Dexamethasone and histiocapillary unity in dermatology]. PMID- 13806415 TI - [On allergic dermatitis and occupation]. PMID- 13806416 TI - [Allergic dermatitis, work and cortisone-like drugs]. PMID- 13806417 TI - [Allergy and administration of hydrocortisone through the respiratory passages]. PMID- 13806418 TI - Labyrinthine vestibular function and testing methods. PMID- 13806419 TI - Problems related to the caloric cost of living. PMID- 13806421 TI - [Symbiotic capacity and certain physiological properties of nodule bacteria of Lotus and Anthyllis]. PMID- 13806422 TI - [In the final stage of the liquidation of malaria in the RSFSR]. PMID- 13806423 TI - [New pharmacodynamic data relative to the audiogenic crisis in the mouse]. PMID- 13806424 TI - [Various effects of the exposure of man to noise and to vibrations of turbo-jet motors. 2. Effects on the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13806425 TI - Supplementary report maintenance of a previously learned concept as a function of partial reinforcement. PMID- 13806426 TI - [Effects of an analog of uracil on the properties of an enzymatic protein synthesized in its presence]. PMID- 13806427 TI - [Description of a technic simultaneously combining electrophoresis and immunological precipitation in gel: electrosyneresis]. PMID- 13806428 TI - [Existence of anti-enzyme antibodies of a new type in certain immune serums]. PMID- 13806429 TI - Psychoneurotic reactions of the aged. PMID- 13806430 TI - Neurotic symptoms and predisposition in aging people. PMID- 13806431 TI - On or off your rocker. PMID- 13806432 TI - [Direct microscopic observation of keratitis. The problem of the inflammation]. PMID- 13806433 TI - [Observations on R. Marquard:" A contribution to the pathological anatomy and genesis of progressive scleroperikeratitis"]. PMID- 13806434 TI - [Listeriosis of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13806435 TI - [On ornithosis]. PMID- 13806436 TI - [Surgical inflammation problems in the light of protein metabolism]. PMID- 13806437 TI - [Cytology of the biliary tract and the intestines]. PMID- 13806438 TI - Evisceration of the eye. PMID- 13806439 TI - [Androstanolone-base in therapeutics]. PMID- 13806441 TI - [Crohn's disease. Its development phase]. PMID- 13806440 TI - [Towards a guiding principle for hospital pharmacy]. PMID- 13806443 TI - [Apropos of 2 anatomoclinical observations of Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13806442 TI - [Periumbilical tumoral epiploitis secondary to the radical treatment of right inguinal hernia with extensive epipolic resection]. PMID- 13806444 TI - [Contribution to the study of the influence of variety and ecology on the amino acid composition of vegetables (grains of alimentary Papilionacea)]. PMID- 13806446 TI - Group psychotherapy and psychodrama in Cuba. PMID- 13806445 TI - [Chromatographic methods of determination of amino acids]. PMID- 13806447 TI - Psychogenesis of the peptic ulcer. PMID- 13806448 TI - [Transcultural studies in Latin America]. PMID- 13806449 TI - [Annual report of the activities of the Academia Nacional de Medicina]. PMID- 13806450 TI - [Extent of environmental improvement]. PMID- 13806451 TI - [Interstitial plasma cell pneumonias with demonstration of Pneumocystis carinii in Chile]. PMID- 13806453 TI - Experiments concerned with the development of the World Health Organization test for resistance in adult mosquitoes. PMID- 13806452 TI - The campaign against veneral disease in Mexico. PMID- 13806454 TI - Resistance to pyrethrins. PMID- 13806455 TI - The importance of synthetic pyrethroids. PMID- 13806456 TI - Use of pyrethrum spraying for malaria control. PMID- 13806457 TI - [A method of photo-registration of arterial pressure]. PMID- 13806458 TI - Restitutive growth in the hair follicle of the rat. PMID- 13806459 TI - Anticoagulant drug therapy for thrombophlebitis in the lower extremities. An evaluation. PMID- 13806460 TI - The elastic properties of human aortic intima, media and adventitia: the initial effect of thromboendarterectomy. PMID- 13806461 TI - The utility of ureteroileal urinary diversion in the treatment of irreparable ureteral obstructions. PMID- 13806463 TI - Restraint board for small animals. PMID- 13806462 TI - The present status of paralytic rabies (battransmitted) in Trinidad. PMID- 13806464 TI - Plague formation by visceral lymphomatosis virus in chicken embryo kidney cells. PMID- 13806465 TI - [Repeated abortion. Strassmann operation. Subsequent pregnancy]. PMID- 13806466 TI - [Homoplastic transplantation of split skin flaps in the treatment of large granulating wounds in children]. PMID- 13806468 TI - A teaching device for nursing students. PMID- 13806467 TI - [Plastic surgery by means of an enlarged skin flap in the treatment of extensive wounds caused by burns. (Certain data from modern foreign literature)]. PMID- 13806469 TI - Simplification and improvement in estimating drug dosage and fluid and dietary allowances for patients of varying sizes. PMID- 13806470 TI - The use of glucose, electrolyte, albumin, and amino-acid solutions and whole blood in parenteral fluid therapy. PMID- 13806471 TI - Bacterial flora in vaginitis: a study before and after treatment with pure cultures of Doederlein bacillus. PMID- 13806472 TI - Sarcoma of the urachus. PMID- 13806473 TI - Compensatory mechanisms following massive small bowel resection for intestinal volvulus. PMID- 13806474 TI - The haemoglobin of foetal blood. PMID- 13806475 TI - Intra-abdominal repair in the treatment of rectal prolapse in women. PMID- 13806477 TI - Toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13806476 TI - Tumors of the hand. A ten-year survey and report of 437 cases. PMID- 13806478 TI - Laryngectomy. An improved incision. PMID- 13806479 TI - Retrograde tracheal intubation. PMID- 13806480 TI - The complex nature of cancer. PMID- 13806481 TI - Cannulization of the bovine pancreatic duct. PMID- 13806482 TI - Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and umbilical hernia in a dog. PMID- 13806483 TI - Integrity of vinyl plastic suits in tritium atmospheres. PMID- 13806484 TI - Protective clothing program at the Savannah River Plant. PMID- 13806485 TI - Incidence, distribution, and enzymatic activity of carcinoma of the prostate gland. PMID- 13806487 TI - Assisted respiration in respiratory disease. PMID- 13806486 TI - Physiological factors affecting airway resistance in normal subjects and in patients with obstructive respiratory disease. PMID- 13806488 TI - Mechanical properties of the lung. PMID- 13806489 TI - The work of breathing through the nose. PMID- 13806490 TI - The presence of basic proteins in microsomes. PMID- 13806492 TI - [Histones: their structure, variations and role in animal organisms]. PMID- 13806491 TI - Effect of oxygen on the inactivation of trypsin by ionizing radiation. PMID- 13806493 TI - Preparation of the chart: maturation of human blood cells. PMID- 13806494 TI - Photomicrography of blood specimeens. PMID- 13806495 TI - A study of the antigens of normal leukocytes. PMID- 13806496 TI - Steroid growth requirements and steriod growth inhibitors of Mycoplasma. PMID- 13806497 TI - The measurement of the growth of Mycoplasma in liquid media. PMID- 13806498 TI - The survival of washed suspensions of Mycoplasma. PMID- 13806499 TI - The Democratic Party and medicine. PMID- 13806500 TI - Simultaneous carcinoma of jejunum and colon. PMID- 13806501 TI - Orange-pith ileus after partial gastrectomy. PMID- 13806502 TI - Immunisation in infancy. PMID- 13806503 TI - [Immunization of newborn during the first 3 months]. PMID- 13806504 TI - [Immunologic response to a booster injection following an early vaccination against poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13806505 TI - [Vaccination by quadruple vaccine (diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and poliomyelitis)]. PMID- 13806506 TI - Effect of corticotrophin on hypothalamic syndrome in children. PMID- 13806507 TI - ["Occupation and work as a source of health". An exhibition at the Norrkoeping Museum]. PMID- 13806508 TI - [Day hospital care]. PMID- 13806509 TI - [Reflections on the concept of chronic disease and pathological senility]. PMID- 13806510 TI - A special haemophilic syndrome. PMID- 13806511 TI - [Hereditary disorders of hemostasis]. PMID- 13806512 TI - Sex identification at different ages using the draw-a-person test. PMID- 13806513 TI - Internal laryngocele treated by endoscopic excision and fulguration. PMID- 13806514 TI - Intensive psychotherapy for the hospitalized aged. PMID- 13806515 TI - The metabolic fate of 5-ethyl-1-methyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (1-methylnirvanol) and that of 3,5-diethyl-5-phenyl hydantoin (3-ethylnirvanol). PMID- 13806516 TI - A study of the pancreatic response to food after gastrectomy in man. AB - The results of intubation tests on 50 patients before and after gastrectomy have been reviewed. Following gastrectomy, the pancreatic response to food is modified in the following manner.(1) There is an increase in the resting volume of secretion.(2) After a Billroth I operation, the output in one hour after a meal is some two-thirds of the pre-operative output.(3) After a Polya gastrectomy, the pancreas continues to secrete at its resting rate after meals.(4) Dissociation of enzymes occurs in the afferent loop after a Polya operation. Lipase is frequently absent from the intestinal contents, and trypsin occasionally so.(5) Vagal section appears to be an important factor in the production of the new pattern of response. PMID- 13806517 TI - The spectrophotometry of dense light-scattering material. PMID- 13806519 TI - [On clinical evaluation of the degree of a hemorrhagic syndrome in dogs in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13806518 TI - Conversion of caffeic acid to esculetin during paper chromatography. PMID- 13806520 TI - Stimulation of cleavage in Arbacia eggs with desoxyribonucleic acid fractions. PMID- 13806521 TI - [Electronystagmographic changes after some drugs]. PMID- 13806522 TI - Presentation of the Julius Friedenwald Medal to Chester Morse Jones. PMID- 13806523 TI - [Typical bronchogenic scattering of an early infiltrate in spite of chemotherapy]. PMID- 13806524 TI - The use of ionexchange materials in the fractionation of gonadotrophins from urine. PMID- 13806525 TI - [Roentgen diagnosis of gynecological tumors]. PMID- 13806526 TI - [Contribution to renal participation in nanism because of fragilitas ossium hereditaria]. PMID- 13806527 TI - Running speed as a function of successive reversals in hunger drive level. PMID- 13806528 TI - [The migratory speed of human granulocytes in dependence on their maturation state]. PMID- 13806529 TI - The scientific revolution. PMID- 13806530 TI - Some observations on the effect of small doses of glucagon in normal and diabetic subjects. PMID- 13806531 TI - Peripheral glucose metabolism in fasting control subjects and diabetic patients. PMID- 13806532 TI - Observations on the peripheral metabolism of nonesterified fatty acids. PMID- 13806533 TI - Certain aspects of glycine and histidine metabolism in patients with sprue. PMID- 13806534 TI - Isolation and properties of the xylan-fermenting bacterium 11. PMID- 13806535 TI - Auscultatory findings in myocardial infarction. PMID- 13806536 TI - Proportion of noradrenaline to adrenaline in the adrenal glands of litter-mate cats. PMID- 13806537 TI - Postfuruncular alopecia. PMID- 13806538 TI - [The morphology of the marginal surface between epithelium and connective tissue of the female genital and anal region and of the vagina]. PMID- 13806539 TI - [Traumatic posterior dislocation of the hip complicated by fracture of the acetabular wall or the cotyloid edge. Current clinical data]. PMID- 13806540 TI - [On an epidemic of alimentary toxi-infections caused by ice cream. Epidemiological utility of a detailed bacteriological examination. Deficiency of measures taken to prevent them]. PMID- 13806541 TI - [Flavobacterium in epidemic meningitis of the newborn]. PMID- 13806542 TI - [The transmissible diarrheal disorders of the infant and the child]. PMID- 13806543 TI - Blood-feeding habits of adult Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) in Cambodia. PMID- 13806544 TI - [Constituent synthesis of galactokinase following the development of lambda bacteriophages in Escherichia coli K 12]. PMID- 13806546 TI - [Evolution of a Plagiorchis encysting in Gamarrus pulex L., and identified as Plagiorchis cirratus (Rud. 1802) (Trematoda-Plagiorchiidae)]. PMID- 13806545 TI - [On a sporozoan parasite of Schistosoma bovis (Trematoda, Schistosomatidae)]. PMID- 13806547 TI - Placenta and salivary gland fluoride transfer in the rat. PMID- 13806548 TI - The effect of oat hulls on the dental caries experience in rats. PMID- 13806549 TI - The effect of yeast on dental caries in the rat. PMID- 13806550 TI - [The values of the relation P/PR in the electrocardiographic diagnosis of atrial "enlargement"]. PMID- 13806551 TI - [Hemodynamic, functional and bioptic observations of the kidney in adult diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13806552 TI - [On the mechanism of alpha-cytotoxic action of cobaltous chloride]. PMID- 13806553 TI - [Giant calculus of the right ureter]. PMID- 13806554 TI - Giant hypertrophic gastritis. A report of fourteen cases. PMID- 13806555 TI - [Retarding action of nordihydroguiaiaretic acid on aging in the rat]. PMID- 13806556 TI - Relationship between constitution and activity in a series of 2,5-disubstituted 1 (2-dialkylamino-alkoxyphenyl) pyrroles. PMID- 13806557 TI - Spasmolytic activity of 1-pyridylpyrroles. PMID- 13806558 TI - [Difference in estrogenic activity between alpha-bromotriphenylethylene and one of its pentadeuterium-substituted analogs]. PMID- 13806559 TI - [On the choleretic activity of secondary aromatic alcohols]. PMID- 13806560 TI - [Hypoglycemic activity of acid derivatives of naphthalene]. PMID- 13806561 TI - Eye manifestations of internal diseases. PMID- 13806562 TI - Pathological changes in the blood of chickens infected with Salmonella gallinarum. PMID- 13806564 TI - The value and danger of exogenous oxytocin in obstetrics. PMID- 13806563 TI - The in vivo sensitization of avian erythrocytes with Salmonella gallinarum polysaccharide. PMID- 13806565 TI - Management of patients with hydatidiform mole. PMID- 13806566 TI - Effect of pea root exudate on the antagonism of some rhizosphere micro-organisms towards Fusarium oxysporum f. pisi. PMID- 13806567 TI - Production of a perfect stage in a nutritionally deficient mutant of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum after ultra-violet irradiation. PMID- 13806568 TI - Neuropathological findings in experimental hypoxia. PMID- 13806569 TI - Difficulties of colinic surgery. PMID- 13806570 TI - Chemical changes in sensitized tissues. PMID- 13806571 TI - [On the method of determination of quinine oxidase in the serum in liver diseaes]. PMID- 13806572 TI - [The physician-patient relationship]. PMID- 13806573 TI - [Importance of preoperative radiological control in cases of ureteral calculi]. PMID- 13806574 TI - [Bioenergetic aspect of adaptation of the rat to high temperatures]. PMID- 13806575 TI - In vitro inhibition of anaerobic glycolysis by phenothiazine aaractic drugs. PMID- 13806576 TI - [New method for the preparation of N-vanillylnonanamide]. PMID- 13806577 TI - [1-Aminoalkylreserpine derivatives]. PMID- 13806578 TI - [On the factors influencing the reaction of the horseradish peroxidase-ascorbic acid system]. PMID- 13806579 TI - [A new biological process for the determination of the tannin content of drugs]. PMID- 13806580 TI - [On operative treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13806581 TI - [On the problem of the hygienic evaluation of the quality of meat irradiated with ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13806582 TI - Quantitative traits, and polygenic systems in evolution. PMID- 13806583 TI - [Prolonged anticoagulant treatment]. PMID- 13806584 TI - [Interauricular communication with pulmonary hypertension]. PMID- 13806585 TI - [Anticoagulant therapy with phenylindanedione. A clinical analysis of 101 cases]. PMID- 13806586 TI - Transient ventricular standstill following low ventricular tachycardia as a cause of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome. PMID- 13806587 TI - Arterial pulse recording in peripheral vascular disease. PMID- 13806588 TI - Claude Bernard on cardiac catheterization. PMID- 13806589 TI - Description of congenital pulmonary atresia and tricuspid stenosis (Delmas, 1826). PMID- 13806590 TI - Evaluation of a precordial continuous murmur. Rupture of aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva into the right ventricle. PMID- 13806591 TI - Piorry on percussion of the heart. PMID- 13806592 TI - Plethysmographic studies in atherosclerosis obliterans. PMID- 13806593 TI - Reduction of digital pulse volume after the intraarterial injection of vasodilators. PMID- 13806594 TI - [Atherosclerosis obliterans of the extremities and coronary insufficiency. A clinical study of 134 cases]. PMID- 13806596 TI - [Clinical experiences with a new segmental plethysmograph]. PMID- 13806595 TI - [Claude Bernard and cardiac sounding]. PMID- 13806597 TI - [Instrumental exploration of the arterial circulation of the extremities]. PMID- 13806598 TI - [Intra-arterial therapy in peripheral arteriopathies]. PMID- 13806599 TI - [Peripheral arterial emergencies]. PMID- 13806600 TI - [Plethysmographic observations during arteriography of the extremities]. PMID- 13806601 TI - [Surgery of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13806602 TI - [Extirpation of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries and substitution with vascular plastic graft]. PMID- 13806603 TI - [Bacterial aneurysms of the extremitis. Surgical treatment of 2 cases]. PMID- 13806604 TI - Subperiosteal segmental resection of the mandible. PMID- 13806605 TI - [On certain properties of Cl, perfringens types A, B, C, D, F in relation to type specificity of their strains]. PMID- 13806606 TI - [Studies of strains of Cl. perfringens type D isolated in infectious enterotoxemia]. PMID- 13806607 TI - [Primary cancer of the vermiform proces with metastas to the uterus and fallopian tubes]. PMID- 13806608 TI - [Antibacterial properties of various keto compounds]. PMID- 13806609 TI - Planning made the difference: no surprises in this emergency power drama. PMID- 13806610 TI - Enzymatic synthesis of formylglutamic acid by a plant protein. PMID- 13806611 TI - Cephalosporium keratitis. PMID- 13806612 TI - The effect of triton, a surface-active polyoxyethylene ether, on the development of experimental silicosis. PMID- 13806613 TI - Effect of triton on triolein I131 distribution in atherosclerotic rabbit tissues. PMID- 13806615 TI - Lipreading performance and the rate of the speaker. PMID- 13806614 TI - Site of origin of plasma triglyceride. PMID- 13806616 TI - Eye movement recording. PMID- 13806617 TI - Effects of 1,4 dihydrazinophthalazine on organ content and adrenal medullary secretion of catechol amines. PMID- 13806618 TI - Effects of 1,4-dihydrazinophthalzine on the catechol amines. PMID- 13806619 TI - Resynthesis of adrenaline in the rabbit's adrenal medulla during insulin-induced hypoglycemia. PMID- 13806620 TI - [On the problem of the rate of formation of conditioned reflexes as an indication of the development of higher nervous activity in ontogenesis]. PMID- 13806621 TI - [First followers of Marxism among Russian physicians]. PMID- 13806623 TI - [V. I. Lenin and the first physician-Marxists]. PMID- 13806622 TI - [V. I. Lenin and Russian social medicine at the end of the ninetenth century]. PMID- 13806625 TI - [On the problem of the role of thrombosis and embolism in the development of infarcts (statistical data based on autopsy material of the Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute of the Order of Lenin)]. PMID- 13806624 TI - [A method for the determination of chloretracycline concentrations in liquids, organs and tissues of animals with the aid of paper disks]. PMID- 13806626 TI - [Metabolism of estrogens in women with fibromyoma of the uterus]. PMID- 13806627 TI - An improved stereophotographic method for clinical measurements of optic disc protrusion. PMID- 13806628 TI - Treatment of hyperthyroidism. A comparison of surgery versus other modes. PMID- 13806629 TI - Management of inflammatory breast cancer. PMID- 13806630 TI - Sinus histiocytosis as evidence of host resistance in breast cancer. PMID- 13806632 TI - Is your health visitor really necessary? PMID- 13806631 TI - Symposium on trauma. PMID- 13806633 TI - Relation of dipicolinic acid content of anaerobic bacterial endospores to their heat resistance. PMID- 13806634 TI - The physician and community mental health. PMID- 13806635 TI - Tricuspid insufficiency in pulmonary embolism. PMID- 13806637 TI - Large bowel obstruction. PMID- 13806636 TI - Granular cell myoblastoma of the breast. PMID- 13806638 TI - Phlebitis. A study of 979 cases at the Boston City Hospital. PMID- 13806639 TI - Diverticula of the pharynx and oesophagus. PMID- 13806640 TI - Conjunctival reaction due to 1-epinephrine bitartrate (epitrate). PMID- 13806641 TI - Results of pleoptics in the management of amblyopia with eccentric fixation. PMID- 13806642 TI - [Effect of experimental hypo- and hyperthyroidism on the content of vitamin C in tissues of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13806643 TI - [Effect of vitamin C free diets on the metabolism of iodine in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13806645 TI - [Microflora of the upper respiratory tract in measle patients]. PMID- 13806644 TI - [Effect of vitamin C on the content of iodine in the thyroid gland and in the blood of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13806646 TI - [Early surgical treatment of chemical burns]. PMID- 13806647 TI - [Clinical forms of acute pancreatitis, their diagnosis and treatment]. PMID- 13806648 TI - [Colimycin in the treatment of coli enteritis in children]. PMID- 13806649 TI - [On the problem of the mechanical origin of the break in a metal nail following intraosseous fixation]. PMID- 13806650 TI - Binuclear motoneurones in the monkev. PMID- 13806651 TI - Collagen disease. PMID- 13806653 TI - [Analysis of the distribution of potentials and currents inside of the retina curing light stimulation. II. Passive distribution of potentials and currents in the retina as in a volume conductor]. PMID- 13806652 TI - Preventive use of antibiotics in medicine. PMID- 13806654 TI - Clinical appraisal of cleft palate rehabilitation problems. PMID- 13806655 TI - [Antihistaminics in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13806656 TI - [Preliminary report on the treatment of various neurological syndromes with B 85 "Merck"]. PMID- 13806657 TI - [Rehabilitation in medullary compression]. PMID- 13806658 TI - [Effect of insulin on the respiration in patients with tetanus]. PMID- 13806659 TI - [Hydatid malformation of the gallbladder from a voluminous cyst of the liver]. PMID- 13806660 TI - [Complexicity and unicity of the pathology of intersitial infections and fistula of the anus]. PMID- 13806661 TI - [Respiratory allergy]. PMID- 13806662 TI - [Mesenteric adenolymphitis and acute intestinal invagination in adults]. PMID- 13806663 TI - [The pathology of hemoglobin C]. PMID- 13806664 TI - [Association of polycystic kidney and spongy kidney]. PMID- 13806665 TI - [Turner's syndrome. Current pathogenic concepts]. PMID- 13806666 TI - [Polycystic kidney]. PMID- 13806667 TI - Cumulative testing experience with consecutive lots of oral poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13806668 TI - Assessment of correlation between certain in vitro poliovirus markers and monkey neurovirulence. PMID- 13806669 TI - Contributions of tissue culture to canine hepatitis and distemper vaccination. PMID- 13806670 TI - [Study of the nonspecific inhibitors of streptolysin. Optimum condition for their inactivation by albumin]. PMID- 13806671 TI - Lipomatosis of the ileocecal valve. PMID- 13806673 TI - [Considerations on a case of vertebal echinococcosis with spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13806672 TI - [Studies of glycerophosphatase concentration and localization in the human placenta]. PMID- 13806674 TI - [On the receptive qualities and the concept of death of the osseous heterograft]. PMID- 13806675 TI - [Report on the activites accomplished by the Atalaya Medical Post]. PMID- 13806676 TI - [History of Argentine psychiatry]. PMID- 13806678 TI - [A contribution to nodular scleroderma (keloid-like scleroderma Unna)]. PMID- 13806677 TI - Different clinical aspects of plasmocytoma PMID- 13806679 TI - [Polyps of the rectum and of the distal portion of the colon]. PMID- 13806680 TI - [The vectorcardiogram of myocardial infarcts with disorder of intraventricular conduction]. PMID- 13806681 TI - [Electro- and vectorcardiographic study in a case of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with right branch block]. PMID- 13806682 TI - A critical re-evaluation of systolic and diastolic overloading patterns. PMID- 13806683 TI - Diagnostic contribution of the vectorcardiogram in hemodynamic overloading of the heart. PMID- 13806684 TI - [Semantic relation between pathology and clinical signs]. PMID- 13806685 TI - [Post-abortion septic septicemia. Acute adrenal insufficiency. Water-house Friderichsen syndrome]. PMID- 13806686 TI - [Report concerning the article, "A case of afibrinogenemia treated with human fibrinogen", by Jorge Amarales and Ramon Rubio]. PMID- 13806687 TI - [Our casuistics on lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13806688 TI - [A phenothiazine derivative in laryngology and bronchoesophagology]. PMID- 13806689 TI - Histochemical distribution of beta-glucuronidase in gingival tissue. PMID- 13806690 TI - Histochemical study of pulp healing. PMID- 13806691 TI - [Dyslalias. Spoken language disorder]. PMID- 13806693 TI - [Anatomical and functional bases of a new method of valvuloplasty]. PMID- 13806692 TI - [A very simple valve tester]. PMID- 13806694 TI - [The cart used for cardiac resuscitation]. PMID- 13806695 TI - The biological assay of Rauwolfia schueli. PMID- 13806696 TI - [A case of Abrikossof's tumor of malignant development]. PMID- 13806697 TI - Radiation labelling with carbon 14 of aliphatic hydrocarbons. PMID- 13806698 TI - Radiometric analysis of tritiated organic compounds by means of vapor phase chromatography. AB - An analytical method, involving the gas chromatographic separation and the quantitative measurement of tritiated volatile compounds, was studied. The method has been successfully employed to detect traces of carrier-free tritiated substances. PMID- 13806699 TI - [Limits and results of partial cystectomy in cancer of the bladder]. PMID- 13806700 TI - [Cataract and altitude]. PMID- 13806701 TI - [Possibilities of evaluation of operations of revascularization of the myocardium by means of coronarography in asystole]. PMID- 13806702 TI - [First tests on the use of cerebral ultrasonic therapy in psychiatry]. PMID- 13806703 TI - [Some data on the behavior of platelets after lyophilization]. PMID- 13806704 TI - [Quantitative and electrophoretic study of glycoproteins in the amniotic fluid]. PMID- 13806705 TI - [Some enzymes (aldolase, glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, amylase, tributyrinase and trypsin) in amniotic fluid]. PMID- 13806706 TI - [Proteins and lipids in the red cell and in its stroma in rabbits subjected to hemorrhage and to the action of hemolyzing substances]. PMID- 13806707 TI - [Proteins, lipids and some enzymes in the red cell and in its stroma in rabbits subjected to high doses of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13806708 TI - [Research on umbilical cord blood: proteins, amino acids and total lipids of the red cell and its stromal fraction]. PMID- 13806709 TI - [Research on umbilical cord blood: various enzymes (amylases, lipases, aldolases, glutamic oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases in the red cell in toto and in its stromal fraction]. PMID- 13806710 TI - [Some characteristics of the red cell of the peripheral and splenic blood and after splenectomy in Cooley's disease]. PMID- 13806711 TI - [Some enzymes in the red cell and in its stroma in rabbits subjected to hemorrhage and to the action of hemolyzing substances]. PMID- 13806712 TI - [The proteins of the red cell, of its stromal fraction and of the plasma of the premature infant]. PMID- 13806713 TI - [Some aspects of the blood in infantile diabetes (proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins, cholesterol)]. PMID- 13806714 TI - [Comparison of the action of 6-alpha-methyl-17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone acetate and of 17-alpha-ethinyl-19-nortestosterone by means of the Clauberg test]. PMID- 13806715 TI - [Anatomoclinical considerations on a case of dysgerminoma of the ovary]. PMID- 13806716 TI - [Indications and limitations of estrogen therapy in several hemorrhagic syndromes. (Clinical observations)]. PMID- 13806717 TI - [On a case of tuberculosis of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13806718 TI - [The diagnostic value of blood amylases in the course of acute surgical diseases of the abdomen]. PMID- 13806720 TI - [Hypnosis]. PMID- 13806719 TI - Radical mastectomy with resection of the internal mammary chain. PMID- 13806721 TI - [Statistical study of lesions of the nerve trunks of the upper extemity]. PMID- 13806722 TI - [Study of blood ammonia in 42 cases of hepatic coma]. PMID- 13806723 TI - [Lymphoreticulosarcoma of icteric form]. PMID- 13806724 TI - [Relations between alcoholism and hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13806725 TI - [Multiple schwannomas of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13806726 TI - [Hemochromatosis and primary cancer of the liver]. PMID- 13806727 TI - [Contribution to the study of a new synthetic choleretic: 4,2',4' trimethoxychalcone]. PMID- 13806728 TI - [Diseases of the liver and biliary tract in 1959]. PMID- 13806729 TI - [The diagnostic stages in prolonged jaundice]. PMID- 13806730 TI - [Cirrhotic ascites and their treatment]. PMID- 13806731 TI - [Urinary amino acids in liver disease]. PMID- 13806732 TI - [Cancers of the upper air ways and digestive passages with multiple successive localizations (apropos of 7 cases)]. PMID- 13806733 TI - [Papillomas of the larynx]. PMID- 13806734 TI - [Experimental research on a possible preventive action of thioctic acid (in acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning). III]. PMID- 13806735 TI - [Congenital digestive obstruction (the intestine along its entire length)]. PMID- 13806736 TI - Ages one to six-geting-ready years. PMID- 13806738 TI - The problem of cerebral palsy in Mississippi. PMID- 13806737 TI - Urinary selenium and dental caries. PMID- 13806739 TI - [Therapeutic indications in severe traumatic lesions of the face]. PMID- 13806740 TI - [Hemolytic disease of the newborn]. PMID- 13806741 TI - [Modification according to age, from 0 to 45 days, of cortical, hippocampal, thalamic and reticular after-discharges as well as cardiazolic crises in the kitten]. PMID- 13806742 TI - Studies on the behavior in soils of tomato black ring, raspberry ringspot, and arabis mosaic viruses. PMID- 13806743 TI - [Interfacial properties of various mucilages used in pharmacy. V. Stability of various emulsions prepared with arabic acid used as the emulsifying agent: benzene and toluene]. PMID- 13806744 TI - Puncture wound of the liver by stingray spines. PMID- 13806745 TI - [Renal edema]. PMID- 13806746 TI - [Retroduodenal choledochoduodenostomy]. PMID- 13806747 TI - [Interreaction of platelets and plasma in the initial phase of coagulation. Technic of study in the normal subject of the role of the platelets. Effect of contact]. PMID- 13806748 TI - [Utilization of P.P.B. in congenital deficiencies of a factor of the prothrombin complex (Stuart factor deficiency, true hypoconvertinemia)]. PMID- 13806749 TI - [Sporadic hemophilia A with transitory refractory state]. PMID- 13806750 TI - [Study of a case of true congenital hypoproconvertinemia]. PMID- 13806751 TI - [Casuistic contribution to the behavior of a homoplastic aortic transplant in aortic isthmus stenosis]. PMID- 13806752 TI - [Chemicophysical characterization of some fractions of irradiated desoxyribonucleic acid in aqueous solution]. PMID- 13806753 TI - [Study of the effect of ionizing radiations on aqueous solutions of desoxyribonucleic acid]. PMID- 13806754 TI - [Study of the products of decomposition of desoxyribonucleic acid irradiated in aqueous solution with the aid of counter current distribution]. PMID- 13806755 TI - [Clinico-radiological considerations on the telecardiographic changes observable after mitral valvulotomy]. PMID- 13806756 TI - [Clinical results of the prolonged administration in pregnancy of synthetic progestative agents]. PMID- 13806757 TI - [Historical panorama of maternal welfare through the centuries]. PMID- 13806758 TI - [Antonio Maria Giordano (Piedmontpharmacist)]. PMID- 13806759 TI - [Historical note on artificial insemination]. PMID- 13806760 TI - [Historical note on natural childbirth]. PMID- 13806761 TI - [Therapy of cancer of the breast through the centuries. Part II. From 1850 to our time]. PMID- 13806762 TI - Two unusual methods of psychotherapy: hypnotism and narcoanalysis. Their application in the obstetrico-gynecological field PMID- 13806763 TI - [Experimental research on a preparation with antiseptic and local anesthetic action]. PMID- 13806765 TI - Radiation hazards in diagnostic radiology. PMID- 13806764 TI - An associate degree program in nursing. PMID- 13806766 TI - [Action of vitamin B12 and of one of its analogues in alcoholic-tobacco toxic neuritis. (Histopathological study)]. PMID- 13806767 TI - [On the adenosine triphosphatase activity of human erythrocytes]. PMID- 13806768 TI - [The conditions of the constant electrocardiogram in the dog]. PMID- 13806769 TI - [Electrocardiographic picture following experimental obstruction of the coronary artery in a dog. (Effect of position of the forelegs on ECG)]. PMID- 13806770 TI - [On the subject of pulmonary adenomatosis]. PMID- 13806771 TI - [Experimental cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride. Effects of hormone treatment]. PMID- 13806772 TI - [Recent contributions relating to hormonal therapy in hepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13806773 TI - [Steroids and growth. On the prolonged effect of estradiol and methyl testosterone on tissue cultures of fibrocytes]. PMID- 13806774 TI - [Electrophoretic data on the behavior of the blood proteins and cerebrospinal fluid proteins in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13806775 TI - [Tussive syncope: clinical and electroencephalographic data and pathogenic interpretations]. PMID- 13806776 TI - [Electroencephalographic contribution to the study of cerebral angioma]. PMID- 13806777 TI - [Some observations on the projective action of music during musical stimulation associated with TAT studies]. PMID- 13806778 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by materno fetal blood incompatibility]. PMID- 13806779 TI - Fragmentation: a medical education problem. PMID- 13806780 TI - Acute right lower abdominal pain in patients with past history of appendectomy. PMID- 13806781 TI - Reversibility of drug-induced parkinsonism. PMID- 13806782 TI - Efficacy of trifluoperazine in chronic mental illness. PMID- 13806783 TI - Radical lobectomy. PMID- 13806784 TI - [Concomitant pancreatitis in disease of the billary tract. Treatment by cholecystectomy and common bile duct drainage]. PMID- 13806785 TI - [Surgery of chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13806786 TI - [The French medical corps in 1960]. PMID- 13806787 TI - [Therapeutic trial of iproniazid in coronary angina]. PMID- 13806788 TI - [Study of a polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene polymer. I. Pharmacological study]. PMID- 13806789 TI - [Pharmacodynamic study of alburnum from Tilla sylvestris Desf. Vasomotor action]. PMID- 13806790 TI - [Comparative action of morphine and its morpholinylethylic ether]. PMID- 13806791 TI - [Pharmacological study of the alburnum of Tilia sylvestris L. Effect on the smooth fibers of the blood vessels and the intestine]. PMID- 13806792 TI - [Comparative effects of phenytoin and of a homologue on the adreno-pituitary system]. PMID- 13806793 TI - Effects of insulin on adipose tissue. PMID- 13806794 TI - Studies on rat adipose tissue in vitro. VI. Effect of epinephrine on glucose metabolism. PMID- 13806795 TI - Studies on rat adipose tissue in vitro. III. Synthesis of glycogen and glyceride glycerol. PMID- 13806796 TI - The role of memory in the acquisition of concepts. PMID- 13806797 TI - The treatment of exotropia. PMID- 13806798 TI - Hemolysis caused by pumps in extracorporeal circulation (in vitro evaluation of pumps). PMID- 13806799 TI - A medical student's impressions of India. PMID- 13806800 TI - Nutritional and dietary aspects of the Melbourne Child Growth Study. PMID- 13806801 TI - Intoxication by ethchlorvynol (placidyl). Report of four cases. Canad Cases. PMID- 13806802 TI - [Contribution to a concept of cerebral anoxia. Modifications of the electrocorticogram and variations of time of latency of disappearance of EEG activity in the rabbit]. PMID- 13806803 TI - [Importance of reduced glutathione in the metabolism of the brain]. PMID- 13806804 TI - The oral pathologist looks at the practice of dentistry. PMID- 13806805 TI - A comparison of topical corticosteroids: triamcinolone acetonide, prednisolone, fluorometholone, fluorometholone, and hydrocortisone. PMID- 13806806 TI - The use of sulfadimethoxine (madribon) in the treatment of papulopustular and cystic acne vulgaris. PMID- 13806807 TI - The skin from infancy to old age.... PMID- 13806808 TI - [Studies of blood lipid content in the rabbit and factors conditioning it. Variations of various constituents in the same animal and from one animal to another. Influence of sex]. PMID- 13806809 TI - [Studies on lipemia in rabbits and on the factors which govern it. Influence of diet]. PMID- 13806810 TI - [Partial results of 8 years of work at the functional rehabilitation center at Ramonville Saint-Agne (Toulouse)]. PMID- 13806811 TI - Oral endotracheal connection. PMID- 13806812 TI - [Value of levomepromazine (R. P. 7044) in anesthesiology]. PMID- 13806813 TI - The establishment of a cell strain (MAC-21) from a mucoid adenocarcinoma of the human lung. PMID- 13806814 TI - [Normal alkali-reserve values in childhood]. PMID- 13806815 TI - [Significance and ambiguity of enzymatic tissue and serum findings in recent myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13806816 TI - Phenothiazine ataraxics. Extrapyramidal reactions. AB - Thirty-nine cases of extrapyramidal reactions caused by seven chemically different phenothiazine medications are presented. Historical, pharmacological, diagnostic, and therapeutic factors are considered. It is important that the physician prescribing phenothiazines be well aware of the reactions which may occur so that therapy may be discontinued at the first untoward signs. PMID- 13806817 TI - [Psychosomatic considerations on 50 cases of allergic asthma. Attempted group psychotherapy]. PMID- 13806818 TI - [Precocious psychoses of the post-partum]. PMID- 13806819 TI - [Psychosomatic aspect of certain abdominal pains in the North-African Musulman]. PMID- 13806820 TI - On the properties of some aromatic ring-opening enzymes of species of the genus Nocardia. PMID- 13806821 TI - Carbon dioxide reention in anesthetized dogs after inhibition of carbonic anhydrase. PMID- 13806823 TI - The relation of person naming and tension to prognosis and adjustment of chronic mental patients. PMID- 13806822 TI - Effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibition on mixed venous carbon dioxide tension in anesthetized dogs. PMID- 13806824 TI - [Measurement of the beta-radioactive contamination of atmospheric precipitations in Siena relative to the period of September 1-December 31, 1958. Some data on its characteristics]. PMID- 13806825 TI - [Observations and experiments on the determination of the motor activity of the rat]. PMID- 13806826 TI - [Diabetes and pregnancy]. PMID- 13806827 TI - [Intracranial calcifications in subjects with cured tuberculosis meningitis. Their relation to outcomes of the disease]. PMID- 13806828 TI - [A new penicillin: the potassium salt of 6-(alpha-phenoxypropionamido) penicillanic acid]. PMID- 13806830 TI - [Therapy of thinness]. PMID- 13806829 TI - [On antibiotic therapy. 1]. PMID- 13806831 TI - An investigation into the efficient use of time in the calorimetric measurement of heat output. PMID- 13806832 TI - The effects of acetylstrophanthidin on the kinetics of potassium and Rb86 in the myocardium of dogs. PMID- 13806833 TI - An adequate budget. PMID- 13806834 TI - The initiation of vaccinia infection. PMID- 13806835 TI - Normal development of the hyaloid and retinal vessels in the rat. PMID- 13806836 TI - The psychiatric social worker and the problems of aging. PMID- 13806837 TI - [Research on immunity against rabies in cortisone-treated rabbits vaccinated with the "Flury" strain]. PMID- 13806838 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes in rabbits in experimental herpes]. PMID- 13806839 TI - [Study of the incidence of antipoliomyelitis antibodies of types I, II and III in unvaccinated persons in the rural areas of the R.P.R]. PMID- 13806840 TI - [Evolution of the Guerin T8 epithelioma in rats immunized against vaccinia]. PMID- 13806841 TI - A concept of cancer based on auto-immunization. PMID- 13806842 TI - [N-ethyl-N-cetylmorpholine sulfate in the treatment and prevention of erythema and intertrigo in children]. PMID- 13806843 TI - [The use of prochlorpemazine in the prevention of postoperative vomiting]. PMID- 13806844 TI - [Disease of the exocrine pancreas in chronic non-lithiasic cholecystitis. Systematic study with the use of new methods]. PMID- 13806845 TI - Clinical experiences with 5-fluorouracil. PMID- 13806846 TI - Fluorescent antiglobulin studies in leukopenic and related disorders. PMID- 13806848 TI - [Clinico-statistical contribution to supracondyloid osteotomy of the femur in the cure of paralytic genuvarum]. PMID- 13806847 TI - [Sialolithiasis]. PMID- 13806849 TI - [Clinico-statistical contribution to the surgical therapy of anterior talipes equinocavus from infantile paralysis]. PMID- 13806850 TI - [On a case of congenital radio-ulnar synostosis treated surgically]. PMID- 13806851 TI - [On a case of juvenile solitary osseous cysts of the perone]. PMID- 13806852 TI - A therapeutic approach to rheumatoid spondylitis. PMID- 13806853 TI - Streptococcal infections. PMID- 13806854 TI - [Alimentation and growth in the premature]. PMID- 13806855 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the colon]. PMID- 13806856 TI - [On the existence of a diverticulum of the cloaca which may give birth to the ureter in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13806857 TI - [First investigations of the use of a new antibiotic (F.I. 1600) in pediatrics]. PMID- 13806858 TI - [On 110 cases of fracture of the clavicle in the newborn]. PMID- 13806859 TI - [Adiponecrosis of the subcutaneous tissue in the newborn]. PMID- 13806860 TI - [Agenesis of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Clinical contribution and synthetic review of the literature]. PMID- 13806861 TI - [Clinical and radiological study of a familial and early case of gargoylism]. PMID- 13806862 TI - [On the heredity and genetics of gargoylism (Pfaundler-Hurler disease)]. PMID- 13806863 TI - [Prevention and treatment of primary tuberculosis in the child]. PMID- 13806864 TI - [Vulvar pathology and dermatology]. PMID- 13806865 TI - The detachment of gastrocnemius muscles in the treatment of spastic equinus foot. PMID- 13806866 TI - [On the preventive use of a preparation with caffeine and ergotamine-tartrate base in anesthesia with nitrous oxide]. PMID- 13806867 TI - [Considerations on the measurement of the vertical dimensions of the objects in electron microscopy]. PMID- 13806868 TI - [Cutaneous reticulosis of Letterer-Siwe histological picture. Recovery maintained for a year]. PMID- 13806869 TI - [Metallic infibulation and autoplastic bone graft in fractures of the forearm]. PMID- 13806870 TI - [On another case of fibroma of the synovial membrane of the knee]. PMID- 13806871 TI - [Our experience with Dupuytren's disease]. PMID- 13806872 TI - [Traumatic acute abdomen. Clinicostatistical report on 44 cases]. PMID- 13806873 TI - [The phenomenon of hyper-lengthening of the bone following diaphysial fracture of the long bone sustained in infancy and adolescence]. PMID- 13806874 TI - [Cranial injuries: clinico-statistical considerations]. PMID- 13806875 TI - [Practical value of tracheotomy in the treatment of cerebral coma of traumatic origin]. PMID- 13806876 TI - [Rupture of the spleen caused by closed contusive injury of the abdomen. (Clinical considerations and report of 9 cases undergoing splenectomy in the 5 year period 1954-59)]. PMID- 13806877 TI - [Systematic osteosynthesis of fractures of the proximal epiphysis of the femur in the aged]. PMID- 13806878 TI - [The so-called "2-stage" traumatic rupture of the spleen]. PMID- 13806879 TI - [Injuries of the cranium]. PMID- 13806880 TI - [Nerve compressions at the level of the carpal tunnel]. PMID- 13806881 TI - Water requirement for renal excretion in full-term newborn infants and premature infants fed a variety of formulas. PMID- 13806882 TI - Parenteral fluid therapy in the pediatric surgical patient. PMID- 13806883 TI - [Contribution to the study of the cardiac glycosides in the leaves of Digitalis purpurea L. stabilized and dried by various methods]. PMID- 13806884 TI - [Uterine rupture in the "Conception Palacios" Maternity Hospital from January 1949 to August 1958]. PMID- 13806885 TI - The effects of some polycyclic hydrocarbons on mouse liver-SH levels. PMID- 13806886 TI - Body-weight and liver-SH levels of mice. PMID- 13806887 TI - [Effects of dietetic administration of DL-ethionine: hepatic content of purine and pyrimidine bases]. PMID- 13806888 TI - [Menstrual cycle disorders caused by hypogonadism]. PMID- 13806889 TI - [Semeiology and methods of diagnosis in the presence of menstruation disorders]. PMID- 13806890 TI - [Anal fissure]. PMID- 13806891 TI - [Department of Proctology of the General Polyclinic Hospital of Rio de Janeiro]. PMID- 13806893 TI - [Proctological examination]. PMID- 13806892 TI - [Melanosis coli]. PMID- 13806894 TI - [Various aspects of hemotherapy]. PMID- 13806895 TI - Body types and tuberculosis. PMID- 13806896 TI - Psychosomatic factors in rate of recovery from tuberculosis. PMID- 13806897 TI - Burying live atoms. PMID- 13806898 TI - Getting rid of atomic wastes. PMID- 13806899 TI - [Neonatal ascites, first symptom of a case of Niemann-Pick disease]. PMID- 13806900 TI - Prolonged pregnancy, its effects on mother and child and principles of management. PMID- 13806901 TI - [The contribution of functional cardiorespiratory examinations to evaluation of the grade of work capacity in dispensary practice]. PMID- 13806903 TI - [Peptic ulcer in children]. PMID- 13806902 TI - Biochemical investigations of a case of glycogenstorage disease (von Gierke's disease). PMID- 13806904 TI - [Tonsillar reflex]. PMID- 13806905 TI - [Subcutaneous hydatidosis. Spontaneous rupture of a left lumbar cyst]. PMID- 13806906 TI - Illegal abortion as a public health problem. PMID- 13806907 TI - [Maternal health is the key to family wellbeing]. PMID- 13806908 TI - Oxytocin and contractility of the pregnant human uterus. PMID- 13806909 TI - Primary pulmonary hypertension with death during right heart catheterization. A case report and a survey of reported fatalities. PMID- 13806910 TI - Ventricular fibrillation in induced hypothermia. PMID- 13806911 TI - [The Gross test in mental deficiency]. PMID- 13806912 TI - A study of the adjustment of parents and siblings of institutionalized and non institutionalized retarded children. PMID- 13806913 TI - Comparison of cholesterol and estrogen-induced atherosclerosis in cockerels. PMID- 13806914 TI - Salmonella and Shigella infections found in one hundred ninety-five cases of acute diarrhea. PMID- 13806915 TI - Metabolic response to thermal trauma of normal and thyroprivic rats at three environmental temperatures. PMID- 13806916 TI - The role of the thyroid gland in the production of the hypermetbolic state occuring in rats with full-thickness burns. PMID- 13806917 TI - Mississippi's future contribution to medical education. PMID- 13806918 TI - Mandibular micrognathia corrected by vertical osteotomy in the rami and iliac bone graft. PMID- 13806919 TI - Sterilization of oral surgery instruments. PMID- 13806921 TI - Femoral hernia: the collar stud operation. PMID- 13806920 TI - Swine repopulation. II. Performance of "disease-free" boars on farms with diseased pigs. PMID- 13806922 TI - The effect of foot-rest position on the strength of horizontal pull by the hand. PMID- 13806923 TI - The effect of the spatial position of a control on the strength of six linear hand movements. PMID- 13806924 TI - Some basic aspects of clot dissolution. PMID- 13806925 TI - Partial inhibition of the active transport of cations in the giant axons of Loligo. PMID- 13806926 TI - The effects of injecting 'energy-rich' phosphate compounds on the active transport of ions in the giant axons of Loligo. PMID- 13806927 TI - The phosphorus metabolism of squid axons and its relationship to the active transport of sodium. PMID- 13806928 TI - Some aspects of the behavior of the ant in the maze under various conditions of stimulation. PMID- 13806929 TI - Fat embolic phenomena during anesthesia and surgery. PMID- 13806930 TI - [Occupational deafness in steel plants. II. Technological and clinicostatistical observations]. PMID- 13806931 TI - [Acute neuritis of the eighth cranial nerve in the course of labyrinthine disorders (concerning several of our clinical observations)]. PMID- 13806932 TI - [Clinical observation of accessory disorders of the labyrinth]. PMID- 13806933 TI - [Enzymatic activity in the olfactory mucosa and in the vomero-nasal organ of Felis catus (alkaline and acid phosphatases, lipases)]. PMID- 13806934 TI - [Histochemical research on the olfactory mucosa. (I--Mucopolysaccharides)]. PMID- 13806935 TI - [Comprehension of the speaking voice in the presence of various noise conditions]. PMID- 13806936 TI - [Luetic tonsillitis]. PMID- 13806937 TI - Cerebrovascular disease. PMID- 13806938 TI - Decrease in aerobic glycolysis of erythrocytes following the continuous administration of L-triiodothyronine. PMID- 13806939 TI - Bioassay of theophylline preparations using human subjects. PMID- 13806940 TI - Distribution studies on radioactive Hg203 sodium mercaptomerin in animals. PMID- 13806941 TI - Effectiveness of oral erythromycin propionate in commonly occurring infections. PMID- 13806942 TI - [New data on the influence of feeding on the quantity and composition of the lipids in hen's eggs]. PMID- 13806943 TI - Vertebra plana in children produced by xanthomatous disease. PMID- 13806944 TI - An analysis of 1957 Indiana births by time of day and day of week. PMID- 13806945 TI - The availability of lysine in wheat, flour, bread and gluten. PMID- 13806946 TI - [Comparative study of the electrolyte composition of blood serum and edema fluid in cardiacs with symptoms of circulatory insufficiency]. PMID- 13806947 TI - [Comparative study of the protein composition of the blood serum and edema fluid in heart diseases with manifestations of circulatory insufficiency]. PMID- 13806948 TI - [Study of the rhythm of excretion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in normal subjects]. PMID- 13806949 TI - [Involvement of the sinal node, of the atrioventricular node and of the pathways of interatrial conduction secondary to coronary sclerosis. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes attacks due to concomitant impairment of sinusal and nodal automatism]. PMID- 13806950 TI - [Metastatic tumors of the temporal bone]. PMID- 13806951 TI - [A case of fibro-caseous tuberculosis of the thyroid]. PMID- 13806953 TI - [Value of bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of asthma]. PMID- 13806952 TI - [Laryngoscopy in suspension]. PMID- 13806954 TI - [A contribution to hematomorphological sex determination: sex determination from the blood picture]. PMID- 13806955 TI - [Experimental histological changes caused by very large doses of dexamethasone]. PMID- 13806956 TI - [Toxicity and hypoglycemic activity of a recent antidiabetic sulfonamide]. PMID- 13806957 TI - The mode of action of 21-hydroxypregnano-3-20-dione on the neuromuscular system. PMID- 13806958 TI - [Sulfur crenotherapy of chronic non-specific laryngitis]. PMID- 13806959 TI - [Considerations and clinical contribution on isolated fractures of the acromion]. PMID- 13806960 TI - [Action of intraarticular deltacortenol]. PMID- 13806961 TI - [The action of STH in the healing of fractures]. PMID- 13806962 TI - [Arthrogryposis associated with severe dysplasia of the spine]. PMID- 13806963 TI - [The use of chlorpropamide in diabetes mellitus (preliminary clinical trial)]. PMID- 13806964 TI - [On a new test of colloidal lability of the serum]. PMID- 13806966 TI - [The Nelson-Mayer test and the current trends in serodiagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13806965 TI - [Statistical contribution to the study of antibiotic-resistance]. PMID- 13806967 TI - Correlation between malocclusion, oral habits, and socio-economic level of preschool children. PMID- 13806968 TI - Some cardiovascular effects of phenyl-2-butyl-norsuprifen hydrochloride (arlidin). PMID- 13806969 TI - The effects on myocardial oxygen availability of hemorrhagic hypotension and its reversal by various agents, including 1-norepinephrine. PMID- 13806970 TI - Pregnancy in the latter years of reproductive life. PMID- 13806971 TI - Diagnosis of amyloidosis. PMID- 13806972 TI - Clinical, metabolic and endocrinologic effects of abrupt cessation of maintenance cortisone acetate therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13806973 TI - The effects of pregnancy and labor on the respiratory pattern of the newborn infantsubsequent morbidity and mortality. PMID- 13806974 TI - Emotional factors favoring successful breast feeding of infants. PMID- 13806975 TI - Summary of histopathologic and chemical findings, with respect to fluoride. A survey in Utah County, Utah. PMID- 13806976 TI - Kinetic studies on rabbitmuscle myokinase. PMID- 13806977 TI - Extraction loop for small lenses. PMID- 13806978 TI - Systolic blood pressure in the hamster as determine by a straingauge transducer. PMID- 13806979 TI - Smooth muscle and thrombus thresholds to unipolar stimulation of small blood vessels. PMID- 13806980 TI - Multiple applications of hemodialysis in the management of acute renal failure. PMID- 13806981 TI - Treatment of fire victims: Lady of Angel School disaster. PMID- 13806982 TI - Variations of results in treatment of postoperative ear infections. PMID- 13806983 TI - Emergency generator test eliminates guesswork. PMID- 13806984 TI - [Ano-rectal dyskinesias]. PMID- 13806985 TI - The use of dyes to distinguish between species of the genus Azotobacter. PMID- 13806987 TI - The temporal coding of sensory data: an investigation of two theories. PMID- 13806986 TI - [Formation of acetaldehyde in acetone-butyl alcohol fermentation]. PMID- 13806988 TI - The treatment of superficial fungus infections of the skin with oral griseofulvin. PMID- 13806989 TI - Contributions by dermatology to the progress of medicine. PMID- 13806990 TI - [Radioclinical considerations apropos of some rare tumors of the superior maxilla]. PMID- 13806991 TI - [Case of an immediate acute post-anemia complication (melena) observed at the Professor Gilsanz University Medical Clinic]. PMID- 13806992 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on the immediate and later results in 40 cases of neonatal exchange transfusion for hemolytic disease]. PMID- 13806993 TI - Acute hepatitis treated with high doses of vitamin C. Report of a case. PMID- 13806994 TI - [A contribution to the surgery of the crystalline lens]. PMID- 13806995 TI - A possible lethal synthesis of monofluormalate. PMID- 13806997 TI - [The significance of Babinski's sign in theory of reflexes and behavior]. PMID- 13806996 TI - Metabolism of glycine by a pseudomonad. PMID- 13806998 TI - [The syndrome of functional anhydrosis]. PMID- 13806999 TI - [Anti-alcoholism days in the schools]. PMID- 13807000 TI - [The traumatic epidural hematoma of the posterior cranial fossa: a possible diagnosis]. PMID- 13807001 TI - [Non-verbal communication. Psychological and psychopathological study]. PMID- 13807002 TI - [Considerations on visuopsychic and spatial disorders in parietal lesions]. PMID- 13807003 TI - [Anthropological aspects of ananchastic religiosity]. PMID- 13807004 TI - [Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate in emergency surgery]. PMID- 13807006 TI - [Henry D. Bulkley and Noah Worcester. Two pioneers from the earliest epoch of American dermatology]. PMID- 13807005 TI - [Anti-smallpox vaccination]. PMID- 13807007 TI - [Recent works from American literature]. PMID- 13807008 TI - [Recent works of American literature. IV]. PMID- 13807009 TI - Infections in newborn nurseries. PMID- 13807010 TI - [Cysticercus longicollis in Canidae]. PMID- 13807011 TI - A new phage-typing scheme for Salmonella typhi-murium. PMID- 13807012 TI - 10-Hydroxy-Delta 2-decenoic acid in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). PMID- 13807013 TI - The action of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum on alpha motoneurones. PMID- 13807014 TI - [Alphachymotrypsin during extraction of the crystalline lens; special reference to congenital cataract]. PMID- 13807015 TI - Allergic sensitivity to eosin. PMID- 13807016 TI - Allergy in skin disease. PMID- 13807017 TI - Cement dermatitis. PMID- 13807018 TI - Corticosteroids in dermatology. PMID- 13807019 TI - Heritable disorders of connective tissue. PMID- 13807020 TI - The prevention of post-operative oedema. Controlled clinical trial of lyophilized chymotrypsin in plastic surgery. PMID- 13807021 TI - The surgical treatment of nasal speech disorders. PMID- 13807022 TI - Afferent loop volvulus with a grossly elevated serum amylase. PMID- 13807023 TI - Gas cysts of the large bowel simulating multiple polyposis. PMID- 13807024 TI - The rejection of renal homografts. Inhibition in dogs by 6-mercaptopurine. PMID- 13807025 TI - [Neurovetative system and blood coagulation]. PMID- 13807026 TI - [Study on correlations between blood coagulability and blood lipid disorder during treatment with oral heparin in vascular diseases]. PMID- 13807027 TI - [The prevention of serious cardiopulmonary complications by means of drainage of the left heart in intracardiac surgery with induced arrest]. PMID- 13807028 TI - [The performance of cesaren section with ultra-short-acting barbiturates (The experience of the Maternita degli Incurabili)]. PMID- 13807029 TI - [The practice of cesarean section with ultra-short-action barbiturates. (Experience of the Maternita degli Incurabili)]. PMID- 13807030 TI - [Clinical results obtained with oxytocin as masteomotor hormone administered by nasal route]. PMID- 13807031 TI - [Neonatal hemorrhages with special reference to adrenal hemorrhage (Data on 10 clinical cases)]. PMID- 13807032 TI - Role of the sympathetic nervous system in carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity. PMID- 13807033 TI - Problems in the modern practice of head injuries. PMID- 13807034 TI - Palliative treatment of the itching crisis of neurodermatitis. PMID- 13807036 TI - [Intracranial extension of frontal mucoceles]. PMID- 13807035 TI - [Metallic dental prosthesis impacted into the thoracic esophagus. Surgical extraction]. PMID- 13807037 TI - [Meningitis of sinusoid origin with the form of coma vigil]. PMID- 13807038 TI - [Metastases of cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13807039 TI - [The influence of thoracic operations on esophageal transit]. PMID- 13807040 TI - [Disorders of arterial hypertension within the scope of ORL]. PMID- 13807041 TI - [Treatment of incontinence of urine in women with the Goebell-Stoeckel operation. Technic and results]. PMID- 13807042 TI - [Infiltrative rectitis and perirectitis. Place of surgery]. PMID- 13807043 TI - [On the technic of autoplastic grafts in the treatment of non-consolidated diaphysial fractures]. PMID- 13807044 TI - [On the communicative and significative value of paraphasias]. PMID- 13807045 TI - [10-year statistical evaluation of fractures caused by convulsive treatments]. PMID- 13807046 TI - [Considerations on a case of Leri's disease]. PMID- 13807047 TI - [Decennial review of the traumatological case histories in a psychiatric institute]. PMID- 13807048 TI - [Lesions of the pelvic girdle caused by electroshock]. PMID- 13807049 TI - [Lesions of the scapular girdle caused by convulsive treatments]. PMID- 13807050 TI - [Situs inversus of the stomach with hepatodiaphragmatic interposition]. PMID- 13807051 TI - [The radiological aspect of Sturge-Weber's syndrome]. PMID- 13807052 TI - [Vertebral lesions caused by convulsive treatments]. PMID- 13807053 TI - Carboxylations and decarboxylations. PMID- 13807054 TI - Evolution of enzymes and the photosynthetic apparatus. PMID- 13807055 TI - [Evolution of the concepts of the epidemiology of tuberculosis with special reference to the problem in the Republic of Panama]. PMID- 13807056 TI - [Alcoholic encephalopathy of the cerebellar type]. PMID- 13807057 TI - [Action of the venom of Latrodectus mactans on the heart-lung preparation]. PMID- 13807058 TI - [Mechanism of the pressor action of the venom of the spider Latrodectus mactans. II. Study using the Starling cardiopulmonary preparation]. PMID- 13807059 TI - Hypertension, pregnancy, and pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13807060 TI - Antibiotic resistant pulmonary staphylococcic infections. PMID- 13807061 TI - Staphylococcic pulmonary infections. PMID- 13807062 TI - [Recurrent torsion of the spermatic cord]. PMID- 13807064 TI - [On the Inzani-Hirschsprung disease]. PMID- 13807063 TI - [Tissue alterations from amino and imino acids (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13807065 TI - [Susceptibility to infections in splenectomized children (review of literature and clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13807066 TI - [Variations in peptic secretion (uropepsin test) in children treated with prednisone and ACTH. (Correlations between the stomach and the pituitary-adrenal system)]. PMID- 13807067 TI - [Neonatal varicella. Description of a clinical case]. PMID- 13807068 TI - [On a case of solid benign dysontogenetic tumor on a duplicate matrix of the tail of the pancreas. Anatomo-clinical contribution]. PMID- 13807069 TI - [A new epidemic dermatosis of children]. PMID- 13807070 TI - [Hydrotubations with trypsin in tubal obstruction]. PMID- 13807071 TI - [Report on the first year of work of the Medico-Social Fund associated with the Hospital San Jose, made to the Honorable Order of the Knights of Malta]. PMID- 13807072 TI - [The value of the history of medicine]. PMID- 13807073 TI - [Works carried out by the Servicio "Calixto Torres Umana" of the Hospital San Jose during the period from 1 July 1956 to 30 June 1959]. PMID- 13807074 TI - [Some aspects of natality in Ecuador]. PMID- 13807076 TI - Economics of medical care. PMID- 13807075 TI - [Histopathological aspects of chorio-allantoic membranes subjected to experimental non-viral stress]. PMID- 13807078 TI - [Modifications of the catecholamine content of the adrenal medulla determined by some Rauwolfia alkaloids in various experimental conditions. Histochemical research]. PMID- 13807077 TI - [Effect of reserpine on the content of catecholamines in the adrenal medulla of the rat, after administration of iproniazid or denervation of the gland]. PMID- 13807079 TI - [Female genital schistosomiasis]. PMID- 13807081 TI - [On vestibular function in man in old age. Electronystagmographic research]. PMID- 13807080 TI - Serum total cholesterol values in men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. PMID- 13807082 TI - [Vegetative reactions caused by vestibular stimulation in old age]. PMID- 13807083 TI - [Heart diseases in pregnancy and the puerperium: "postpartal heart disease"]. PMID- 13807084 TI - [Behavior of the electrocorticogram in rabbits treated with the betatron]. PMID- 13807085 TI - [Note on occupational pathology of workers engaged in electrolysis and flotation in plants for the production of zinc]. PMID- 13807086 TI - [Diagnosis of the prenatal age based on the histological study of the vertebral column]. PMID- 13807088 TI - [The industrial medical service in the framework of social welfare]. PMID- 13807087 TI - [Sudden death in a case of aortic hypoplasia with hypoadrenalism and status thymicolymphaticus]. PMID- 13807089 TI - [Statistical considerations on the existence of a relation between pigmented degeneration of the retina and keratoconus]. PMID- 13807090 TI - [Contribution to the conservative treatment of eyes with retinoblastoma. (Radiation therapy, surgical and drug treatment)]. PMID- 13807091 TI - [Congenital indiffernce to pain]. PMID- 13807092 TI - [Ulcero-mutilating acropathies]. PMID- 13807093 TI - [Evolution of penicillin treatment of general paralysis]. PMID- 13807094 TI - [Genetic predisposition to Biermer's anemia. Study by the test of absorption of labeled vitamin B12]. PMID- 13807095 TI - [Peripheral neuritis due to chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13807096 TI - [Syncope]. PMID- 13807097 TI - [The mechanisms that underlie the concept of position and kinesthesia. Neurophysiological study]. PMID- 13807098 TI - [Therapeutic application of fibrinolysin]. PMID- 13807099 TI - Viral studies of the normal eye. PMID- 13807100 TI - Health in Africa. PMID- 13807101 TI - [A spectacular case of palatine and pharyngeal allergy]. PMID- 13807102 TI - [Anaphylaxis and allergy]. PMID- 13807104 TI - [Rehabilitation of cardiac patients and of the rheumatic child]. PMID- 13807105 TI - [The special aspects of medicine in North Africa]. PMID- 13807103 TI - A pharmacological analysis of the contractile mechanism of Mytilus muscle. PMID- 13807106 TI - [Rare myelographic findings in a case of discal hernia of L3-L4]. PMID- 13807107 TI - [My personal therapeutic orientation in the treatment of post-traumatic aseptic necrosis of the femur head]. PMID- 13807108 TI - [Osteotomies in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip]. PMID- 13807109 TI - [Regarding the problem of the indications in the treatment of osteoarthrosis of the hip]. PMID- 13807110 TI - [Review of my 35 years of orthopedic experience]. PMID- 13807111 TI - [On the behavior of sialic acid and mucoprotein in serum of rabbits poisoned with parathion]. PMID- 13807112 TI - [On the behavior of euglobin fibrinolysis in subjects employed in the spraying of insecticides containing diazinone]. PMID- 13807113 TI - [On the behavior of the serum level of mucoprotein and sialic acid in lead workers]. PMID- 13807114 TI - [The behavior of euglobin fibrinolysis in lead workers]. PMID- 13807115 TI - [Changes in the fibrinolytic power of the blood in atherosclerotic subjects with and without active or prior thrombotic complications]. PMID- 13807116 TI - [On euglobulin fibrinolysis. I. The characteristics of euglobulin fibrinolysis in normal man]. PMID- 13807117 TI - [On euglobulin fibrinolysis. II. The characteristics of euglobulin fibrinolysis in arterisclerotic subjects]. PMID- 13807118 TI - [On euglobulin fibrinolysis. III. Primary data on the characteristics of euglobulin fibrinolysis in infective diseases and in neoplasms]. PMID- 13807119 TI - [On the behavior of mucoprotein and sialic acid in subjects affected with infectious and neoplastic diseases]. PMID- 13807120 TI - [On the behavior of sialic acid and mucoproteins in atherosclerotic subjects]. PMID- 13807121 TI - [On the behavior of the fibrinolytic activity and of several plasma lipid components in diabetic subjects]. PMID- 13807122 TI - [On the behavior of the plasma "clearing factor" after the administration of a synthetic heparinoid]. PMID- 13807123 TI - [On the modifications of euglobulin fibrinolysis induced after the administration of a synthetic heparinoid]. PMID- 13807124 TI - [The fibrinolytic power of arterial and venous blood]. PMID- 13807125 TI - [Sialic acid titers determined by the method of Hess and collaborators in normal subjects]. PMID- 13807126 TI - [The use of a 1 molar solution of sodium lactate in the therapy of atrioventricular heart block and in the Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome]. PMID- 13807127 TI - [Idiopathic myocarditis with necrosed and calcified parenchymatous foci]. PMID- 13807128 TI - [Artificial hypothermia in treatment of thyrotoxic crises]. PMID- 13807129 TI - [Chronic cor pulmonale (clinico-radiological observation)]. PMID- 13807130 TI - Folk-lore as a medical problem among Arab refugees. PMID- 13807131 TI - Recovery of malignant cells from enema returns in carcinoma of the colon. PMID- 13807132 TI - Sigmoidoscopy as part of routine cancer clinic examinations with correlated fecal chemistry and colon cytologic studies. PMID- 13807133 TI - A cytologic method of diagnosis of carcinoma of the colon. PMID- 13807134 TI - Hospital use of routine sigmoidoscopy. PMID- 13807135 TI - Gastro-intestinal blood loss measured by radioactive chromium. AB - A new technique is described for the measurement of blood loss in the faeces of patients labelled with radioactive chromium ((51)Cr). The method is simple and is probably more accurate at low levels of faecal radioactivity than those previously described. The method will measure as little as 0.02muC of (51)Cr in whole blood in a 24-hour stool. The apparent average daily blood loss in a series of 10 normal people averaged 0.6 ml., with a range of 0.3 to 1.3 ml. Estimations of plasma and salivary radioactivity have been made in an attempt to assess the importance of contamination from eluted (51)Cr. Minor radioactivity in plasma but none in saliva was recorded. Stool contamination from such sources is thought to be insignificant. No significant correlation existed between chemical occult blood tests and isotope measurements, where there was less than 10 ml. of whole blood in a 24-hour stool. PMID- 13807136 TI - A twin oscilloscopic vectorcardiograph. PMID- 13807137 TI - Normal and abnormal di-iodo-L-tyrosine metabolism in human subjects. PMID- 13807138 TI - Radioiodine compounds of human urine after 131 I therapy. 1. Fractionation. PMID- 13807139 TI - Radioiodine compounds of human urine after 131 I therapy. 2. Chromatographic comparison with iodine compounds of known structure. PMID- 13807140 TI - [Metabolism in vivo of estradiol in man]. PMID- 13807141 TI - [The role of the liver in the metabolism of estrogens]. PMID- 13807142 TI - Five schools linked together for TV teaching. PMID- 13807143 TI - Observations on the synthesis of the modern physician. PMID- 13807144 TI - Effects of repetition of verbal signals upon the behaviour of chronic psychoneurotic patients. PMID- 13807146 TI - Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the treatment of schizophrenia. PMID- 13807145 TI - Images of tomorrow. PMID- 13807147 TI - The use of tofranil in the aged. PMID- 13807148 TI - St. Anthony's fire rekindled: gangrene due to therapeutic dose of ergotamine. PMID- 13807149 TI - Total glossectomy for carcinoma. PMID- 13807150 TI - The Department of National Health and Welfare. PMID- 13807151 TI - The first Donald Fraser Memorial Lecture. PMID- 13807152 TI - Recovery from the bile-duct hyperplasia induced by feeding alpha-naphthyl isothiocyanate to rats. PMID- 13807153 TI - Recovery from biliary obstruction after spontaneous restoration of the obstructed common bile-duct. PMID- 13807154 TI - Compensatory hypertrophy of the spleen: a study of splenic growth. PMID- 13807155 TI - A case of neurilemmoma (schwannoma) of the tongue. PMID- 13807156 TI - Foreign body in the alveolar bone: report of a case. PMID- 13807157 TI - The association of virulence with endotoxin in Salmonella pullorum. PMID- 13807158 TI - Beta-excited characteristic x-rays as energy reference sources. PMID- 13807159 TI - Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. PMID- 13807160 TI - Cerebral claudication. Its surgical management. PMID- 13807161 TI - Familial incidence of mixed salivary tumours. PMID- 13807162 TI - Uropepsinogen level in post-gastrectomy cases. PMID- 13807163 TI - Oral surgery at the crossroads-which direction? PMID- 13807164 TI - The development of the specialty of oral surgery in the past century. PMID- 13807165 TI - Lesions of the ciliary ganglion as a cause of Argyll Robertson and Adie pupils. PMID- 13807166 TI - Open-angle glaucoma. PMID- 13807167 TI - Simplified aldehyde-fuchsin staining of neurosecretory cells. PMID- 13807168 TI - Griseofulvin in fungus infections. PMID- 13807169 TI - Pathology of the salivary glands. PMID- 13807170 TI - Reversibility and "poise" in liver disease. PMID- 13807172 TI - Use of free full-thickness skin grafts in the treatment of cutaneous defects with special reference to hand injuries. PMID- 13807171 TI - The chemical mediation of inflammation. PMID- 13807173 TI - Production of alpha-hydroxy fatty acids by two strains of Lactobacillus casei. PMID- 13807174 TI - Determination of apparent hippuric acid and free glycine in urine by microbiological assay. PMID- 13807175 TI - The biosynthesis of thiamine. 2. Fractionation of enzyme system and identification of thiazole monophosphate and thiamine monophosphate as intermediates. PMID- 13807176 TI - Interstitial cell tumor of the testis in a seven-year-old child. PMID- 13807177 TI - A cage for maintaining stock colonies of parasitic mites and their hosts. PMID- 13807178 TI - [Antihistaminics in threatened abortion]. PMID- 13807179 TI - Portal hypertension and biliary cirrhosis. PMID- 13807180 TI - [Study of meniscal lesions of the knee using contrast arthrography]. PMID- 13807181 TI - [Incidence of various causes of death in the first week of life in Italy in the years from 1951 to 1956]. PMID- 13807182 TI - [The posterior fontanelle as route of intravenous approach in the neonatal period]. PMID- 13807183 TI - [First results with a new substance with monoamine oxidase antagonist action in the treatment of infantile anorexia]. PMID- 13807184 TI - [A rapid method for determining serum amylase]. PMID- 13807185 TI - The urban facility and community liaison. PMID- 13807186 TI - Acute cerebral changes in experimental canine fat embolism. PMID- 13807188 TI - The post-mortem origin and mechanism of neuronal hyperchromatosis and nuclear pyknosis. PMID- 13807187 TI - Differences in shape and size of neuroglial nuclei in the spinal cord due to individual, regional and technical variations. PMID- 13807189 TI - "Association" of nonsense syllables following varied learning conditions. PMID- 13807190 TI - [Corticosteriod therapy in tuberculosis and other lung diseases]. PMID- 13807191 TI - Recent advances in roentgenology of the upper gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13807192 TI - [Right ventricular prevalence in the lamb: comparison of the electrocardiographic aspects and weight relations between the two ventricles]. PMID- 13807193 TI - Pyrazinamide-isoniazid treated tuberculous patients: a five year follow-up. PMID- 13807194 TI - [Influence of the occlusion of the pancreatic ducts on the elastase content of the organ]. PMID- 13807195 TI - [Evaluation in vitro of insulin by the isolated rat diaphragm method]. PMID- 13807196 TI - [Insulin activity of the plasma in normal subjects and in non-acidotic diabetics determined by the isolated rat diaphragm method]. PMID- 13807197 TI - [The use of insulin]. PMID- 13807198 TI - Some heterocyclic aldehyde thiosemicarbazones possessing anti-viral activity. PMID- 13807199 TI - [Psychiatric aspects of heart-brain interaction]. PMID- 13807200 TI - [Critique of heroic methods of inducing intracranial hypotension]. PMID- 13807201 TI - [Clinical trials on thiomucase, a spreading agent (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13807202 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on diphtheria. II. Statistical data on cases of diptheria hospitalized in Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculted de Medicina of the University of Sao Paulo in the years 1945 to 1959]. PMID- 13807203 TI - Past, present and future outlook of the cancer control program in Delaware. PMID- 13807204 TI - [Demonstration of the synonymy of 2 species of Contracaecum, parasites of marine mammals]. PMID- 13807205 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages as the cause of hyperazotemia]. PMID- 13807207 TI - [Physiopathology and clinical aspects of pulmonary emphysema in the aged]. PMID- 13807206 TI - [Pyelonephritis: present diagnostic possibilities]. PMID- 13807208 TI - [Blood sugar lowering substances in therapy]. PMID- 13807209 TI - [Chronic pulmonary emphysema due to bronchitic-asthmatic obstruction]. PMID- 13807210 TI - [Chronic pulmonary emphysema due to bronchitico-asthmatic obstruction]. PMID- 13807211 TI - [Geza Hetenyi (1894-1959)]. PMID- 13807212 TI - [Professor Paolo Ottonello]. PMID- 13807213 TI - [Random thoughts on the subject of sulfur therapy]. PMID- 13807214 TI - [Technical and human aspects of a crisis in medicine]. PMID- 13807215 TI - [The importance of functional disorders of the extrahepatic bile ducts in the syndrome of minor hepatic insufficiency]. PMID- 13807216 TI - ["Compensated" and "decompensated" hyperhemolysis in constitutional elliptocytosis]. PMID- 13807217 TI - [Histomechanical research on vascular hamartomas of the extremities, by means of serial histological sections]. PMID- 13807218 TI - [Increase of the saturation of oxygen of the hemoglobin of regional venous blood in vascular hamartomas and in infantile osteohyperplastic angiectasic syndromes of the extremities]. PMID- 13807220 TI - [Morphological modifications of the neurosecretion of the neurohypophysis of the rat in various functional conditions (histological and electron microscopic observations)]. PMID- 13807219 TI - [Morphological modifications of giant cell nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus and neurohypophysis of the rat after administration of NaCl and water]. PMID- 13807221 TI - [On a case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of familial nature]. PMID- 13807222 TI - [PAS-positive substances in the cerobrospinal fluid: electrophoretic research]. PMID- 13807223 TI - Gastric retention and hypoglycaemia in diabetes. PMID- 13807224 TI - Autocatalytic particles and steady states. PMID- 13807225 TI - Johannesburg Pneumoconiosis Conference. PMID- 13807226 TI - The search for new antibiotics. PMID- 13807227 TI - Cervical disk lesions with neurological disorder. Differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. PMID- 13807228 TI - Effects of water deprivation on random activity. PMID- 13807229 TI - Beneficial therapeutic effects of solubilized amphotericin B after oral administration in experimental coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis in mice. PMID- 13807230 TI - Pigmentation of the nail-beds, palate and skin occurring during malarial suppressive therapy with "camoquin". PMID- 13807231 TI - The susceptibility of mother mice and pregnant mice to the virus of foot-and mouth disease. PMID- 13807232 TI - Transfer of immunity to foot-and-mouth disease virus from maternal mice to offspring. PMID- 13807233 TI - A hazardous anaesthetic. PMID- 13807234 TI - Carbon dioxide narcosis following thoracoplasty. A case report. PMID- 13807235 TI - Effect of neptazane on intra-ocular pressure in relation to its systemic action and its clinical application. PMID- 13807236 TI - Heart disease under workmen's compensation. AB - In expert testimony before the Industrial Accident Commission, all physicians are taken as equally competent. The value of their testimony depends upon the validity of their data and the reasons for the conclusions drawn. In case of conflicting opinion, the referees, who are laymen, must decide on the basis of the testimony. Therefore physicians preparing reports must see that data are complete, that all routine investigative procedures are not only applied but reported, and that the reasons for claiming connection of injury with employment are fully stated. Moreover, other recognized causes of the patient's condition should be considered and ruled out for reasons given. The increasing number of claims for workmen's compensation in heart disease, and the increasing tendency of insurers to settle rather than contest claims, may actually be harmful to the welfare of persons with heart disease, for it deters employers from hiring them and thus risking higher insurance costs. Physicians concerned with compensation claims must develop more widely acceptable standards that properly separate the inherent risk of heart disease from that incurred through employment for which the employer may reasonably be considered liable. PMID- 13807237 TI - Ophthalmic stress. PMID- 13807238 TI - A device allowing a fraction collector to be operated in accordance with a preset, easily changeable collecting-time program. PMID- 13807239 TI - The excretion of mercaptomerin and its diuretic effect modified by bromcresol green and probenecid. PMID- 13807240 TI - Factors involved in antibody formation. PMID- 13807241 TI - Effect of surgical operation on the plasma clearance of infused prednisolone. PMID- 13807242 TI - Effects of estrogen on blood volume and hemoglobin in immature pullets. PMID- 13807243 TI - Uranium urinalysis data at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. PMID- 13807244 TI - Simple rapid methods of estimating arterial and mixed venous pCO2. PMID- 13807245 TI - The rebreathing method of estimating arterial and mixed venous carbon dioxide ftension. PMID- 13807246 TI - The cause of oedema in "corpulmonale". PMID- 13807247 TI - A method of controlled oxygen administration which reduces the risk of carbon dioxide retention. PMID- 13807248 TI - Respiratory failure: the relation between oxygen concentrations of inspired air and arterial blood. PMID- 13807249 TI - Simplification of Haldane's apparatus for measuring carbon dioxide concentration in respired gases in clinical practice. PMID- 13807251 TI - The effect of examiner status upon Rorschach performance. PMID- 13807250 TI - Methemoglobinemia-a problem. PMID- 13807252 TI - The construction and care of ileostomy and colostomy. PMID- 13807253 TI - Symposium on carcinoma of the rectum. Permanent sigmoid colostomy construction. PMID- 13807254 TI - The spatial resolving power of the human retina with oblique incidence. PMID- 13807256 TI - Correlation of accommodation between the two eyes. PMID- 13807255 TI - Dynamics of accommodation responses of the human eye. PMID- 13807257 TI - The accommodation response of the human eye. PMID- 13807258 TI - Diabetes in the tropics. PMID- 13807259 TI - Incidence of diabetes mellitus in one district of Basutoland. PMID- 13807260 TI - Maintenance of pulmonary arterial medial hypertrophy in newborn pups. PMID- 13807261 TI - Aneurysm of hemiazygos vein associated with portal hypertension. PMID- 13807262 TI - The acute effects of injection of thyrotrophic hormone or of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus on thyroid activity. PMID- 13807263 TI - The effects of partial hypophysectomy in the rabbit. PMID- 13807264 TI - Effects of growth hormone on metabolic and endocrine factors in hypophysectomized dogs. PMID- 13807265 TI - Effects of exposure to cold and of diet on coenzyme A levels in tissues. PMID- 13807266 TI - Effects of exposure to cold on acetylation in the rat. PMID- 13807267 TI - Some possible factors involved in the transformation of the allergic to the exudative phase of inflammation. PMID- 13807268 TI - Intussusception of the vermiform appendix presenting clinically as a cecal carcinoma. PMID- 13807269 TI - Serum transaminase in endomyocardial fibrosis. PMID- 13807270 TI - Instrument for withdrawal and proportioning of fluids. PMID- 13807271 TI - Factors influencing image quality in cineroentgenography. PMID- 13807272 TI - Current status of cinefluorography in cardiac diagnosis. PMID- 13807273 TI - Radiology of patent ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13807274 TI - The future position of the internship. A medical school or a postgraduate responsibility. PMID- 13807275 TI - Craniobuccal origin, signs, and treatment of craniopharyngiomas. PMID- 13807276 TI - Relation of millipore to healing and regeneration in transected spinal cords of monkeys. PMID- 13807277 TI - Anamnestic responses in rabbits immunized with two related bacterial viruses. PMID- 13807278 TI - The detection and identification of avian gonadal tumours by means of a liver clearance test. PMID- 13807279 TI - Puck aneurysm. PMID- 13807280 TI - The patient profile chart. A new method of disability evaluation. PMID- 13807281 TI - Nitrogen and amino acid composition of three species of anoplocephalid cestodes: Moniezia expansa, Thysanosoma actinioides, and Cittotaenia perplexa. PMID- 13807282 TI - Inhalation of excess liquor as a factor in the production of hyaline membrane atelectasis. PMID- 13807283 TI - The infant in caesarean section. PMID- 13807285 TI - John Hay. PMID- 13807284 TI - Nisin sensitivity of Bacillus coagulans. PMID- 13807286 TI - Survival in good health until 65 years with pulmonary valvar stenosis. PMID- 13807287 TI - Laevocardia with transposition of the abdominal viscera. PMID- 13807288 TI - Relationship of pressure and valve area in pulmonary stenosis. PMID- 13807289 TI - Valvotomy as a curative operation for simple pulmonary stenosis. PMID- 13807290 TI - Why statistics? PMID- 13807291 TI - [Clinical aspects of gout]. PMID- 13807292 TI - A case of chordoma. PMID- 13807293 TI - Medical aspects of ambient radiations of extraterrestrial space. PMID- 13807294 TI - Progress toward space flight. PMID- 13807295 TI - An apparent growth stimulant for Candida albicans released from tetracycline treated bacterial flora. PMID- 13807296 TI - Studies on the synthesis o serum albumin by the isolated microsome fraction from rat liver. PMID- 13807297 TI - The incorporation of amino acids into subcellular tissue components of the rat in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13807298 TI - The use of intramedullary prosthetic replacement in fractures of the femoral neck. PMID- 13807299 TI - The development of bronchogenic carcinoma in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13807300 TI - Building and maintaining a sound practice. PMID- 13807301 TI - A comparative study of the resorption of the alveolar ridges in denture-wearers and non-denture-wearers. PMID- 13807302 TI - The effect of epi-oestradiol benzoate on cholesterol induced atherosclerosis in the chicken. PMID- 13807303 TI - The effect of 19-norandrostenolone on experimentally-induced atheroma in cockerels. PMID- 13807304 TI - Studies on the influence of anabolic steroids on experimental atheroma: androstanolone. PMID- 13807305 TI - A comparative study of oestrogenic action against experimental atheroma in the cockerel. PMID- 13807306 TI - Resistance to extinction as a function of number of shock-termination reinforcements. PMID- 13807307 TI - Empyema in infants and children as a clinical problem. PMID- 13807308 TI - The treatment of bowel dysfunction in infants and young children. PMID- 13807309 TI - [A new procedure for the study of hepatic "clearance" against endogenous bilirubin]. PMID- 13807310 TI - [True transcapillary protein filtration in relation to various pressure levels. Part 3]. PMID- 13807311 TI - [Contribution to the study of capillary permeability for electrophoretic serum protein fractions. II. The visible and masked filtering of the electrophoretic fractions in arteriosclerosis and arthrosis as compared with the normal individual]. PMID- 13807313 TI - [Primary tumors of the heart. Review and presentation of 4 cases]. PMID- 13807312 TI - Myxoma of the heart. PMID- 13807314 TI - [Lamellar inclusions of the alveolar cells in the lung of the young rat. Relation between ultrastructure and fixation]. PMID- 13807315 TI - [Table for plaster cast preparation especially equipped for extensive traumatology of the locomotor apparatus]. PMID- 13807316 TI - [Study of the virus of anti-smallpox vaccine cultured in tissues. Its use in the preparation of a vaccine]. PMID- 13807317 TI - [Smallpox vaccine prepared in rabbit kidney tissue culture]. PMID- 13807318 TI - [Determination of plasmatic fibrinogen by the "Stirland" technic in normal subjects and blood donors]. PMID- 13807319 TI - Epidemiological aspects of deep mycoses in Venezuela. PMID- 13807320 TI - The efficiency tracing technique for eliminating self-absorption errors in 4-pi beta-counting. PMID- 13807321 TI - Postintubation ulcer of the larynx. Report of a case. PMID- 13807322 TI - [Clinico-statistical contribution to gerontological gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13807323 TI - [The current prognosis and therapy of toxic hypertensive nephropathy and eclampsia. (Clinicostatistical contribution)]. PMID- 13807324 TI - [Clinico-statistical data on cesarean section in the maternity hospital of Foggia (Report of a 20-year period)]. PMID- 13807325 TI - [Diabetes in endocrine diseases. I. In diseases of the pituitary and thyroid]. PMID- 13807326 TI - [Partial systematized ("controlled") splenectomies (lienectomies)]. PMID- 13807327 TI - [Infantile acrodynia]. PMID- 13807328 TI - [Recent progress in ophthalmological therapeutics. Analgesics and anesthetics]. PMID- 13807330 TI - [Tissue therapy of abdominal wall abscesses]. PMID- 13807329 TI - [Nutritive value of the cashew nut. Protein and vitamins]. PMID- 13807331 TI - [Recent acquisitions in therapeutics]. PMID- 13807332 TI - [Current preoccupations in obstetric surgery]. PMID- 13807333 TI - [Giant cylindroma of the nose treated with ionizing therapeutics]. PMID- 13807334 TI - [Coarctation of the aorta]. PMID- 13807335 TI - Anorexia, weakness, restlessness and parkinsonism associated with hypokalemia following radioactive iodine therapy. PMID- 13807336 TI - Subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency. PMID- 13807337 TI - The uses of the proposed reactor to the medical profession in this country. PMID- 13807338 TI - [Investigations in vitro relative to the action of dithiazanine on Ascaris]. PMID- 13807339 TI - [Fluoroscopic and radiographic study of the thorax]. PMID- 13807340 TI - Motives for murder. PMID- 13807341 TI - The case of Emmett Dunne. PMID- 13807342 TI - The investigation and interpretation of head injuries. PMID- 13807343 TI - [On treatment of essential arterial hypertension with ganglioplegic substances]. PMID- 13807344 TI - [Chronic recurrent pancreatitis. I. Classification and treatment]. PMID- 13807345 TI - [Changes in transaminase activity of the liver and muscles of guinea pigs during cortisone treatment]. PMID- 13807346 TI - [Remarks on the outcome of experimental bone grafts]. PMID- 13807347 TI - [Comparative study on the morphology of the electrophoretic curves in skeletal pathology]. PMID- 13807348 TI - [Results of cycloserine therapy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (Casuistic contribution)]. PMID- 13807349 TI - [Lactic dehydrogenase activity of the human myometrium in various functional and pathological states]. PMID- 13807350 TI - [Transaminase activity of the human myometrium in various functional and pathological states]. PMID- 13807351 TI - [Electrolyte composition of the myometrium and of the tubal musculature in pregnancy. Myometrial ionic changes in relation to the dynamics of labor, to the duration of pregnancy and to toxicoses]. PMID- 13807352 TI - [Myometrial ionic composition and its modifications in relation to the menopause and to fibromyomatosis]. PMID- 13807353 TI - [Transaminase, aldolase and lactic dehydrogenase activity in neoplastic tissues of the uterus]. PMID- 13807354 TI - [Reiter's syndrome]. PMID- 13807355 TI - [Rheumatoid monoarthritis of the hip with positive Waaler-Rose reaction. Development towards polyarthritis after arthrodesis]. PMID- 13807356 TI - [The Kaschin-Beck disease]. PMID- 13807357 TI - [The syndrome of edematous exophthalmos, pretibial myxedema and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy after thyroidectomy]. PMID- 13807358 TI - Fundamental mechanisms of enzyme action and their importance to the medical technologist. PMID- 13807359 TI - [Research on tryptic inhibitors of the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13807360 TI - Reversal of the reserpine-induced depletion of brain serotonin by a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. PMID- 13807361 TI - [Effect of the treatment with thyroxin on certain enzymatic systems dependent on vitamin B6]. PMID- 13807362 TI - [Research on the metabolism of fructose in protopathic progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13807363 TI - [On certain aspects of the metabolism of pyridine coenzymes in the maternal and fetal liver, and in the placenta during various periods of pregnancy]. PMID- 13807364 TI - [Considerations on the anatomohistopathological picture of a fatal meprobamate poisoning]. PMID- 13807365 TI - [Transaminase activity in the blood in fatal poisoning by E-605]. PMID- 13807366 TI - Studies on Sarcina ventriculi. I. Stock culture method. PMID- 13807367 TI - Studies on Sarcina ventriculi. II. Nutrition. PMID- 13807368 TI - [Study on bottles for serum, plasma and blood. Needle for their use]. PMID- 13807369 TI - [Medical accomplishments of international scope]. PMID- 13807370 TI - The response of tolbutamide-treated patients to the stress of surgery. PMID- 13807371 TI - [Results of resuscitation of the newborn]. PMID- 13807372 TI - [Personal contribution to the reconstructive technic for the inguinal canal in direct hernia]. PMID- 13807373 TI - On the fluorimetric determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline. PMID- 13807374 TI - Sudden death. PMID- 13807375 TI - Vertebral erosion secondary to cardiomegaly. Case report of aberrant left coronary artery. PMID- 13807377 TI - [Contribution to the study of the degree of air pollution by dust in a factory of cork agglomerates]. PMID- 13807376 TI - [Bacteriology and specific treatment of non-tuberculous bronchopulmonary infectious processes]. PMID- 13807378 TI - Electrophoretic isolation of circumoval precipitins in the serum of individuals infected with Schistosoma mansoni. PMID- 13807379 TI - Sodium and potassium content of Puerto Rican foods and public water supplies. PMID- 13807380 TI - Sodium and potassium in Puerto Rican foods and waters. PMID- 13807381 TI - [Pelvic pneumoperitoneum associated with gaseous cystography in the study of bladder neoplasms]. PMID- 13807382 TI - [On hygienic examinations of aerosol apparatus]. PMID- 13807383 TI - [Portal hypertension]. PMID- 13807384 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13807385 TI - [Leukemoid reactions]. PMID- 13807386 TI - [Possibilities and difficulties of radiology in research in chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13807387 TI - [The development of cardiovascular radiology]. PMID- 13807388 TI - Public health education in relation to atomic energy and radiation hazards. Training of local authority and other appropriate personnel. PMID- 13807389 TI - [Clinical trials with an unspecific antiallergic polyvalent vaccine]. PMID- 13807390 TI - [A peculiar bronchographic picture in a case of primary malignant tumor of the lung]. PMID- 13807391 TI - [Contribution to the prevention of disorders caused by encephalography by means of prochlorpemazine]. PMID- 13807392 TI - [Cigarette paper containing ammonium sulfamate and carcinogenic hydrocarbons]. PMID- 13807393 TI - [The use of amyl nitrite and of a noradrenaline-like substance in the analytic study of cardiac sounds of acquired valvular disorders]. PMID- 13807394 TI - [Massive bilateral renal hemorrhage in subjects under dicumarol treatment]. PMID- 13807395 TI - [Sacral peridural anesthesia in intervention by the vaginal approach]. PMID- 13807396 TI - [Metabolic activity of the normal endometrium (determination of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase and malic dehydrogenase)]. PMID- 13807397 TI - [Utilization of the new progestative agents in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea due to defect]. PMID- 13807398 TI - [Diseases in pregnancy and their repercussions on the newborn. Materno-fetal infections]. PMID- 13807399 TI - [Further contribution to the histogenetic problem of Krukenberg tumor]. PMID- 13807400 TI - [Physiopathological problems of patients gastrectomized for ulcer disease: research on phospho-calcic metabolism and on the possible appearance of osteoporosis]. PMID- 13807401 TI - [Morphology and function of the menisco-femoral ligaments of the knee joint in man]. PMID- 13807402 TI - [On colloid fixation in the vitelline entoderm of the chick egg, after laying]. PMID- 13807403 TI - [The colloidopexic acitvity of the viteline entoderm of the chick after hatching. Introduction and scope of the research]. PMID- 13807404 TI - [Excretion of total neutral 17-ketosteroids in normal adults]. PMID- 13807405 TI - The reinforcing value of gentling. PMID- 13807406 TI - Intradermal vaccination in healthy adults with type A Asian strain influenza vaccine. PMID- 13807407 TI - Appendiceal calculi. PMID- 13807408 TI - [Latest contribution to the knowledge on the relations between blood phospholipids and the velocity of erythrosedimentation]. PMID- 13807409 TI - [The mineral water treatment of genital inflammations and pelvic pains in women]. PMID- 13807410 TI - [Funicular myeloses. Considerations apropos of 110 cases]. PMID- 13807411 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13807412 TI - A method for the synthesis of ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside-5' triphosphates. PMID- 13807413 TI - Mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acids. PMID- 13807414 TI - [Treatment of anorexia nervosa in mental patients]. PMID- 13807415 TI - [Geotrichosis of the scalp simulating folliculitis decalvans]. PMID- 13807416 TI - [Considerations on the therapy of epiphysiolysis of the hip]. PMID- 13807417 TI - [Symmetrical bilateral fractures of the extremities]. PMID- 13807418 TI - [Considerations on 20 cases of acute osteoarthritis in infants]. PMID- 13807419 TI - [Considerations on the anatomo-radiological picture and on the differential diagnosis of florid rickets]. PMID- 13807420 TI - [Investigation of diabetic morbidity (in Chile)]. PMID- 13807421 TI - [Acute reticuloendotheliosis of early childhood (Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease)]. PMID- 13807422 TI - [Intestinal invagination in infants]. PMID- 13807423 TI - [Pertussis and promazine]. PMID- 13807424 TI - [Analysis of the work "Clinical study on neuralgic psychoses (in sensu lato)" by G. Mingazzini and G. Pacetti, 1899, with psychopathological and clinical considerations on the problem]. PMID- 13807425 TI - [On Cogan's syndrome (blindness with bilateral deafness) with successive associations of neurological and endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13807426 TI - Studies of bacillary populations in experimental tuberculosis of mice treated by isoniazid. PMID- 13807427 TI - [Practical aspect of the problem of the resistance of Koch's bacillus to antibacillary medications]. PMID- 13807428 TI - [The change of tuberculosis from a general pathological point of view]. PMID- 13807429 TI - The problems of perception. PMID- 13807430 TI - [Harmonic analysis of cardiac sounds by means of high-speed phonocardiography]. PMID- 13807431 TI - [Analysis of heart sounds with high velocity phonocardiography]. PMID- 13807432 TI - [High-velocity phonocardiography: analysis of the vibrations composing the heart sounds and murmurs]. PMID- 13807434 TI - [On the pathogenesis of fragilitas ossium hereditaria]. PMID- 13807433 TI - [On the amino-acid content of collagens]. PMID- 13807435 TI - [Observation on possible results in treatment of fibrothorax]. PMID- 13807436 TI - [Measurement of daily activity in European badger Meles meles L]. PMID- 13807437 TI - [Lipid metabolism disorders in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13807438 TI - [Detection and preventive treatment of vascular diseases in the course of diabetes]. PMID- 13807439 TI - Clinical studies on the use of buccal streptokinase (varidase). (A preliminary report). PMID- 13807440 TI - Cushing's syndrome and dermatomycosis. PMID- 13807441 TI - The Second Central American Congress of Dermatology. PMID- 13807443 TI - Accidental poisoning in young children--the hazards of iron medication. PMID- 13807442 TI - Accidental ingestion of pipamazine in young children. PMID- 13807444 TI - Convulsions as a manifestation of acute dextro propoxyphene intoxication. PMID- 13807445 TI - Toxicity of household soap and detergent products and treatment of their ingestion. PMID- 13807446 TI - The electrocardiogram during anesthesia and surgery. PMID- 13807448 TI - Electrophoresis and its application to clinical medicine. PMID- 13807447 TI - The effect of lowered muscle temperature on the action of neuromuscular blocking drug in man. PMID- 13807449 TI - [Olfaction and pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13807450 TI - New discoveries in the clinical medicine of ankylostomiasis. PMID- 13807451 TI - [New contributions on the clinical aspects of ancylostomiasis]. PMID- 13807452 TI - [Postamebic syndrome]. PMID- 13807453 TI - Subarachnoid haemorrhage in pregnancy. PMID- 13807454 TI - Perphenazine in obstetrics; evaluation of its use to replace an analgesic. PMID- 13807455 TI - [Considerations on the possibilities of using electroencephalography in otoneurology]. PMID- 13807456 TI - [Apropos of a case of polyneuritis cerebralis menieriformis or Frankl-Hochwart syndrome]. PMID- 13807457 TI - [Considerations on certain morphological aspects of the cochlear nuclei in man]. PMID- 13807458 TI - [Contralateral deafness in tumors of the cerebellopontile angle]. PMID- 13807459 TI - Plastic surgery: the hand. PMID- 13807460 TI - The care and the treatment of the burned hand. PMID- 13807461 TI - Rabies vaccine trials in Nigeria. PMID- 13807462 TI - Our Irish drug industry. PMID- 13807463 TI - Note on the measurement of translocation of photosynthate in very short times. PMID- 13807464 TI - The effects of tranquilizing drugs on tropical fish. PMID- 13807465 TI - [Preventive therapy of ABO incompatibility]. PMID- 13807466 TI - Breast cancer surgery. Prevention of the lymphedema of the arm following radical mastectomy. PMID- 13807467 TI - Report of the Committee on Professional Education and of the Subcommittee on the Evaluation of Cancer Teaching Methods. PMID- 13807468 TI - [Prevention of lymphedema of the arm in radical surgery of cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13807469 TI - [Histoplasmosis]. PMID- 13807470 TI - [Thromboplastic action of streptomycin in hemophiliacs]. PMID- 13807471 TI - Radiotherapy of intra-oral malignancies. PMID- 13807472 TI - [Paralytic talipes calcaneus and its treatment with tendon transplantation by v. Baeyer]. PMID- 13807473 TI - Estriol PMID- 13807474 TI - [Study of the etiopathogenic factors in late abortions and premature births]. PMID- 13807475 TI - [Passive immunity in pseudopostmature infant]. PMID- 13807476 TI - [On the behavior of the Thorn test in acute confusional psychoses]. PMID- 13807477 TI - [The electrical field of the horse heart]. PMID- 13807478 TI - Role of inhibitors in hemagglutination behavior of mumps virus. PMID- 13807479 TI - [Remarks on hepatic damage in the course of antidiabetic treatment with hypoglycemic sulfanulurea]. PMID- 13807480 TI - Clinical evaluation of aminophenylpyridone (dornwal): a new drug for stabilizing emotional behavior. PMID- 13807481 TI - Differential diagnosis with serum alkaline phosphatase levels. PMID- 13807482 TI - Etiological investigation of arteriosclerotic heart disease. PMID- 13807483 TI - Surgical techniques. 2. The repair of inguinal hernia. PMID- 13807484 TI - Vagotomy and pyloroplasty for duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13807485 TI - The effect of local factors on the portal venous pattern. PMID- 13807486 TI - The interrelatioship of wedged hepatic vein pressure, intrasplenic pressure, and intra-abdominal pressure. PMID- 13807487 TI - Pyloric obstruction due to biliary calculus. PMID- 13807488 TI - [Current status and trends in research in cancerology]. PMID- 13807489 TI - Cystosarcoma phyllodes. PMID- 13807490 TI - Gamma particles, Nadi-positive mitochondria, and development in the water fungi Blasocladiella and Allomyces. PMID- 13807491 TI - O. R. nursing is a professional specialty. PMID- 13807492 TI - The effect of muscular work on serum aldolase activity in trained and untrained man. PMID- 13807493 TI - [Action of solutions of amino acids, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 on regeneration of plasma proteins in the perfused frog]. PMID- 13807494 TI - [On a case of post-mortem casarean section with unusual survival of the fetus]. PMID- 13807495 TI - [On a method of treatment of delirium tremens]. PMID- 13807497 TI - A method of removing a bead from a bronchus. An improvement in procedure. PMID- 13807496 TI - Pulmonary hyaline membrane disease. Obstetrician's point of view. PMID- 13807498 TI - Intestinal obstruction after colon surgery. PMID- 13807499 TI - Siliconized intestinal decompression tubes. PMID- 13807500 TI - Peritoneal reconstruction after extensive abdominal wall resection. PMID- 13807501 TI - Iatrogenic intraperitoneal dissemination of a fibrosarcoma of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13807502 TI - The pattern of antigenic variation in Trypanosoma equiperdum. PMID- 13807503 TI - Radiation therapy in cancer of the Iarynx. PMID- 13807504 TI - Ward barium meal examination in acute gastro-intestinal haemorrhage. PMID- 13807505 TI - [Clinical and experimental study of the antihistaminic activity of doxylamine succinate]. PMID- 13807506 TI - [Corticosteroids and blood diseases]. PMID- 13807507 TI - [Glycyrrhetinic acid (experimental research)]. PMID- 13807508 TI - [On preventive measures against sequelae of decompression sickness in fliers]. PMID- 13807509 TI - [Unusual complication following Botallo's duct surgery]. PMID- 13807510 TI - [Antidiuretic activity of the plasma in ontogenic development of dogs]. PMID- 13807511 TI - [Anaerobic transporation of sodium and water in renal cortex sections in newborn animals]. PMID- 13807512 TI - [Changes of behavior after intracerebral administration of bradykinin]. PMID- 13807513 TI - [Mutual toxic influences of bradykinin and streptolysin O]. PMID- 13807514 TI - [On a technic for aortography with selective angiography of the aortic branch by means of the percutaneous introduction of the catheter]. PMID- 13807516 TI - [Classical ideas and recent data on the causes of congenital abnormalities in ORL]. PMID- 13807517 TI - [Glomus jugularis]. PMID- 13807515 TI - The forced expiratory volume after exercise, forced inspiration, and the Valsalva and Muller manoeuvres. PMID- 13807518 TI - [Metastases of cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13807520 TI - [Observations and considerations on the activities of the Centro di Qualificazione "B. e F. Vigorelli" of Milan]. PMID- 13807519 TI - [Test of a synthetic toilet-soap]. PMID- 13807521 TI - [Radiological study of the static changes of the thorax after pulmonary exeresis]. PMID- 13807522 TI - Chiropractic. PMID- 13807523 TI - Multinucleation of skeletal muscle in vitro. AB - Healthy, mature, spontaneously contracting muscle was cultivated from explants of 13-day chick embryos for periods up to 4 months in the multipurpose chamber (Rose, 1954) using cellophane-strip technique (Rose et al., 1958) with silicone gaskets, Eagle's medium including 10 per cent horse serum reinforced with 300 mg per cent of glucose, and the teased type of explant. This method provided optically ideal conditions for the study of muscle fibers with oil immersion, phase contrast time-lapse cinematography at 1 frame per minute without apparent damage for periods as long as 10 days. In no case was mitosis, amitosis, or nuclear "budding" observed in the course of muscle development. Multinuclear muscle fibers have been shown with cine technique to result from both myoblast fusion and polar extension of preformed (explanted) muscle tissue. Myoblast fusion was the only demonstrable way of giving rise to multinucleation. Nuclear membrane "wrinkling" was shown to be merely a temporary distortion that occurred during nuclear migration and rotation. It is suggested that this phenomenon may be responsible for numerous reports of amitosis in the genesis of muscle fibers. The histological development of new straps resulted from an orderly sequence of events. Included in these were polar extension, nuclear migration, rotation, and fixation. Following these events there was increased mitochondrial activity, myofibril formation, and cross-banding. Spontaneous contractions were seen throughout the entire course of differentiation in vitro but became more regular and stronger in the later stages. PMID- 13807524 TI - Pulmonary cytomegalic inclusion disease in an adult. PMID- 13807525 TI - Primary aldosteronism without adrenal adenomata: report of a case. PMID- 13807526 TI - Granulomatous orchitis. PMID- 13807527 TI - [Rapid micromethod for determination of serum lipids]. PMID- 13807528 TI - Rheumatoid disease and pneumoconiosis (Caplan's syndrome). PMID- 13807529 TI - Solitary endobronchial metastasis from carcinoma of kidney. PMID- 13807530 TI - Current applications of the reverse-jet filter principle. PMID- 13807531 TI - [Surgical treatment of some of the sequels of burns of the hand]. PMID- 13807532 TI - Constitutional reaction following buccal trypsin: a case report. PMID- 13807533 TI - [Identification of an inhibitor of cellular respiration contained in Ehrlich's ascitic fluid]. PMID- 13807534 TI - Pleoptic treatment of amblyopes with central and eccentric fixation. PMID- 13807535 TI - Social behavior of mentally retarded children. PMID- 13807536 TI - [The lack of opacification of the gallbladder in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13807537 TI - [Study of the effects of sympathectomy on cutaneous vasomotor tone]. PMID- 13807538 TI - [The heart problem in fibroma. Clinical and instrumental findings]. PMID- 13807539 TI - [Findings on the T wave of the coronary type in the electrocardiogram of young subjects and critetia for their exact clinical evaluation]. PMID- 13807540 TI - [Importance of minor electrocardiographic changes in the diagnosis of early subendocardial coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13807541 TI - [Topography of fundamental and radiating pain in various electrocardiographic positions in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13807542 TI - [Electrocardiographic pictures and pulmonary functional changes in chronic emphysema]. PMID- 13807543 TI - [Electrocardiographic pictures and pulmonary functional changes in chronic emphysema]. PMID- 13807544 TI - [Supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia with altered intraventricular conduction]. PMID- 13807545 TI - [Value of the treatment of surgical edema by a new diffusion factor: 84-04-C]. PMID- 13807546 TI - [Several considerations on the metabolism of potassium in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13807547 TI - [General anesthesia in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13807549 TI - [Remote results of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia in childhood]. PMID- 13807548 TI - [Suitability for flight and vestibular function]. PMID- 13807550 TI - [Hypertrophic stenosis of the pylorus in infants. (Clinico-therapeutic remarks)]. PMID- 13807551 TI - [Strangulation of the inguinal hernia in childhood]. PMID- 13807552 TI - Inferior vena cava syndrome in late pregnancy. PMID- 13807553 TI - [Behavior of coagulation in blood donors. (Relation to the number of donations, age and arterial pressure)]. PMID- 13807554 TI - [Cellular pathology and vitalistic mechanism]. PMID- 13807555 TI - [On the usefulness of the administration of chloramphenicol-tetracycline association by the parenteral route]. PMID- 13807556 TI - [Influence of gluten on intestinal absorption in the normal rat]. PMID- 13807557 TI - [Marginal fractures of the pelvic girdle]. PMID- 13807558 TI - [Physiokinesitherapy in the case of recent fractures of the metacarpus and phalanges]. PMID- 13807559 TI - Method for gastric tube feeding, with brief review of peptic esophagitis. PMID- 13807560 TI - Steroid-induced adrenal insufficiency aggravated by severe medical illness. PMID- 13807561 TI - The surgery of peritoneal adhesions. PMID- 13807562 TI - [Neonatal footprints as a means of identification]. PMID- 13807563 TI - [Diabetes, prediabetes and pregnancy]. PMID- 13807564 TI - [Considerations of the use of a new spasmolytic agent with gangliar action in the treatment of vomiting in the infant]. PMID- 13807565 TI - Morphology and other parameters of phantasy in the schizophrenias. PMID- 13807566 TI - The dying. PMID- 13807567 TI - Studies of cardiac rhythm during anesthesia and administration of oxytocics. PMID- 13807568 TI - Some compounds active against experimental visceral leishmaniasis. PMID- 13807569 TI - Excretion and tissue distribution of actinobolin. PMID- 13807570 TI - [Experimental and clinical studies with a lipotropic gastric mucoprotein]. PMID- 13807571 TI - [Phenomena of cation transport at the level of the renal tubules]. PMID- 13807573 TI - [Recent contributions on the theme of group-specific substances]. PMID- 13807572 TI - [The urinary elimination of potassium in diuresis induced by water-loading and in diuresis induced by sulfonamide diuretics]. PMID- 13807574 TI - [Influence of a tree-lined road on the EEG tracing]. PMID- 13807576 TI - [Constitution of helminth eggs. I. Presence and formation of an acid-alcohol resistant substance in the shell]. PMID- 13807575 TI - [Remarks and considerations relative to an investigation of 45 alcoholics discharged in 1956]. PMID- 13807577 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of intestinal bilharziosis due to Schistosoma mansoni in Madagascar. Study of the Ambositra focus. I. Malacological and parasitological investigation]. PMID- 13807578 TI - Recognition of emotional disturbance and the preventio of suicide. PMID- 13807580 TI - [Histaminergy and allergy]. PMID- 13807579 TI - The neutralisation of the virus of the foot-and-mouth disease by immune serum. PMID- 13807581 TI - [Pyuria in childhood]. PMID- 13807583 TI - Fibrous cortical defect. PMID- 13807582 TI - Studies in squamous metaplasia in rat bladder. I. Effects of hypovitaminosis A, foreign bodies, and methylcholanthrene. PMID- 13807584 TI - Physico-chemical properties of crystalline human macroglobulin. PMID- 13807585 TI - Molecular properties of Rous chicken sarcoma hyaluronic acid-protein complex. PMID- 13807586 TI - Physical, physicochemical and chemical charactersitics of macroglogulinic serum mucoprotein. PMID- 13807587 TI - Two new subvariants of virilizing adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13807588 TI - Panel on aspects of international medical education. III. Approach to clinical orientation in the Argentine. PMID- 13807589 TI - [Entero-mesenteric infarct]. PMID- 13807590 TI - [Pneumostratigraphic study of a tumor of the left of the liver lobe]. PMID- 13807591 TI - [The "Universitatas Krankenhaus" of Hamburg]. PMID- 13807592 TI - [Experience with endovenous use of xylocaine]. PMID- 13807593 TI - [Effect of gastric mucoprotein on the intestinal absorption of fats in artificial feeding]. PMID- 13807594 TI - [Fractures of the dorso-lumbar spine]. PMID- 13807595 TI - Thalamic angioma and aneurysm of the anterior chorodial artery with intraventricular hematoma. PMID- 13807596 TI - Treatment of atrioventricular block with prednisone. PMID- 13807597 TI - Effect of intravenous heparin on terminal temperature in the hypothermic dog. PMID- 13807598 TI - Lowering of the mean terminal temperature of surface-cooled dogs by intravenous heparin. PMID- 13807600 TI - [Clinical and experimental physiopathological study on ocular disorders in quinine poisoning]. PMID- 13807599 TI - [Comparative study of retinal vaso-motricity by experimental research of non specific pharmacodynamics and by clinical research in puerperal eclampsia]. PMID- 13807601 TI - [Role of the ergastoplasm in the synthesis of glycogen during the course of formation of the "paraboloid" of visual cells]. PMID- 13807602 TI - [Syndrome of electrolyte depletion by villous tumor of the rectum]. PMID- 13807603 TI - Synthesis of citrulline with animal and bacterial enzymes. PMID- 13807604 TI - Management of peptic ulcer: clinical appraisal of therapeutic measures. PMID- 13807605 TI - Salmonellosis in sentry dogs. PMID- 13807606 TI - [The role of radicular tearings in elongations of the brachial plexus]. PMID- 13807607 TI - [Clinical untruths and paradoxes of Hansen's neuritis]. PMID- 13807608 TI - [Counter-verities and clinical paradoxes of hansenian neutritis]. PMID- 13807609 TI - [Value of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of non-ruptured extra-uterine pregnancy. (Apropos of 18 cases)]. PMID- 13807610 TI - [Prothrombin and its modification in therapy with anticoagulants]. PMID- 13807611 TI - [The government and medical care: Peru]. PMID- 13807612 TI - Cyclodiathermy-dialysis: a tunnelizing procedure for glaucoma. PMID- 13807613 TI - Pitfalls in glaucoma surgery. PMID- 13807614 TI - Postoperative intraocular infection: prevention and management. PMID- 13807615 TI - [Rendu-Osler disease (Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias)]. PMID- 13807616 TI - A system for monitoring the ECG under dynamic conditions. PMID- 13807617 TI - [Study of the protein fraction of the grain of Fonio-Digitaria exilis (Kippist) Stapf-a protein exceptionally rich in methionine]. PMID- 13807618 TI - [Paroxysmal sneezing of psychic origin. Effect of largactil therapy]. PMID- 13807619 TI - [Bilateral thermal labyrinth stimulation with consensual nystagmic effect]. PMID- 13807620 TI - [Fibrosarcoma of the larynx]. PMID- 13807621 TI - Metabolism of sulfobromophthalein sodium (BSP): recent advances. PMID- 13807622 TI - Effect of hepatic dysfunction on circulating levels of sulfobromophthalein and its metabolites. PMID- 13807623 TI - The use of prednisone to initiate or potentiate diuresis in chronic hepatic disease with ascites. PMID- 13807624 TI - [On the use of hydroxyzine in anesthesia in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13807625 TI - [Anesthesia in operations of experimental revascularization of the myocardium]. PMID- 13807626 TI - [Excitability of the carotid sinus in surgery (experimental work)]. PMID- 13807627 TI - [A case of anti-c isoimmunization]. PMID- 13807628 TI - [Emergency treatment of premature infants]. PMID- 13807629 TI - Histochemical study of a pigment in the digestive tube of Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13807630 TI - [Early osteogenesis imperfecta]. PMID- 13807631 TI - The tubercle of Carabelli in the Kish dentition, Mesopotamia, 3000 B. C. PMID- 13807632 TI - [The action of 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic diethylamide on respiration in man]. PMID- 13807633 TI - [Hazard of postoperative adrenocortical insufficiency due to cortisome therapy]. PMID- 13807634 TI - [The action of micoren on pulmonary ventilation in the unanesthestized subject and in barbituric anesthesia]. PMID- 13807636 TI - [Psychotherapy]. PMID- 13807635 TI - [Lingual goiter. Etiological, clinical and therapeutic considerations, with special reference to the use of radioactive iodine (I131) as a means of investigation for the topographical and functional study of the thyroid tissue in the lingual and extralingual site]. PMID- 13807637 TI - [The quantitative determination of 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5 hydroxyindolacetic acid with paper chromatography]. PMID- 13807638 TI - [Studies on the quantitative determination of 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5 hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid with the help of paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13807639 TI - [Apropos of fractures of the leg]. PMID- 13807640 TI - [Recurrence of segmental ileitis on the residual ileal stump]. PMID- 13807641 TI - [Apropos of 6 malignant tumors of the soft tissues]. PMID- 13807642 TI - [The perforation by foreign bodies of the large intestine]. PMID- 13807643 TI - [ACTH tests]. PMID- 13807644 TI - [Anemias caused by loss and destruction of blood]. PMID- 13807645 TI - [Peripheral and central factors of dysgeusia]. PMID- 13807646 TI - [Present status of surgery of the stapes in otosclerosis]. PMID- 13807647 TI - The relationship between the acid output of the stomach following "maximal" histamine stimulation and the parietal cell mass. PMID- 13807648 TI - [Our collaboration in dermatological experience with dexamethasone]. PMID- 13807649 TI - Studies on immunity to toxins of Clostridium botulinum. VI. Purification and detoxification of type D toxin and the immunological response to toxoid. PMID- 13807650 TI - [Toxoplasmosis. Results of the toxoplasmin intradermore-action in various pathological states and comparison with the dye test]. PMID- 13807651 TI - [Nialamide in the treatment of mental depression. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13807652 TI - [Comments on scarlet fever]. PMID- 13807653 TI - [On oral treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13807654 TI - [Hormone determination in functional metrorrhagias]. PMID- 13807655 TI - Venereal disease in the female. PMID- 13807656 TI - [Veneral diseases in women]. PMID- 13807657 TI - [Detection of female genital cancers seen from the economic and social points of view]. PMID- 13807658 TI - [Detection of genital cancers in the female as seen from the economic and social angle; general summary]. PMID- 13807659 TI - The influence of some anti-leukaemic chemicals on the proliferation of ascites tumour cells studied by the colchicine method. PMID- 13807660 TI - [Rene Burnand]. PMID- 13807661 TI - [Action of dextro-rotatory amphetamine and eserine on avoidance conditioning and on discrimination phenomena]. PMID- 13807662 TI - Controlled trial of G27 202 (p-hydroxyphenyl-butazone) in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13807663 TI - The injection of concentrated prednisolone trimethylacetate intra-articularly in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13807664 TI - Rapid increase of plasma unesterified fatty acids in man during fear. PMID- 13807665 TI - [Stronglyoidiasis in childhood. Anatomopathological study of 5 cases]. PMID- 13807666 TI - [Congenital absence of the vagina. (Clinical and therapeutic considerations on a case)]. PMID- 13807667 TI - [Scleroma in Puglia and Lucania]. PMID- 13807668 TI - [Conjugation in vitro of bilirubin and distribution of phosphoric esters in MHV virus mouse hepatitis]. PMID- 13807669 TI - [Modifications induced by cortisone and orotic acid on the histological picture and on the processes of conjugation of bilirubin in mouse viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13807670 TI - [Observations on the conjugation in vitro of bilirubin in liver homogenates of newborn guinea pigs]. PMID- 13807671 TI - [Oxidation of fatty acids in experimental nephrosis induced by aminonucleoside in rats]. PMID- 13807672 TI - [Right and parietal left thalamic spongioblastoma associated with cutaneous Recklinghausen's disease]. PMID- 13807673 TI - [Considerations on various etiological factors of fetal macrosomia]. PMID- 13807674 TI - [Test of sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin with an electromyographic technic: its clinical importance]. PMID- 13807675 TI - Contribution to the knowledge of the antithyroid activity of some substances with antitubercular activity. Research with radioiodine PMID- 13807676 TI - [Reserpine and thyroid function. Research with I-131]. PMID- 13807678 TI - [Coremiella cuboidea (Sacc. and Ell.) cif. and car. n. comb. isolated from human feces]. PMID- 13807677 TI - [Pulmonary mycosis in a case of acute leukemia treated with cobalt tele irradiation and antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13807680 TI - Invasive carcinoma of the cervix in New Zealand; the incidence and results of treatment. PMID- 13807679 TI - Uridine diphosphate derivatives in the tissues and hemolymph of insects. PMID- 13807681 TI - Value of deep x-ray in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13807682 TI - The assessment of the risk of intrauterine death in pre-eclampsia. PMID- 13807683 TI - The optimal time for induction in pre-eclampsia. PMID- 13807685 TI - Protoveratrine in the treatment of hypertension during pregnancy. PMID- 13807684 TI - Posterior pituitary oxytocin. PMID- 13807686 TI - Vulval toilet in the puerperium. PMID- 13807687 TI - Thoracic surgery in the presence of pulmonary insufficiency and disability. PMID- 13807688 TI - Isolation of the neurotoxic component of the venom of the sea snake, Enhydrina schistosa. PMID- 13807689 TI - The toxicity and immunological properties of some sea-snake venoms with particular reference to that of Enhydrina schistosa. PMID- 13807690 TI - Resections for tuberculosis at Eastern Oklahoma Tuberculosis Sanitorium. PMID- 13807691 TI - Combination egg candler and chorioallantoic membrane dropping apparatus. PMID- 13807692 TI - Secretion of sodium ions by the frog's sartorius. PMID- 13807693 TI - Comparative immunologic studies of cell structures isolated from Salmonella typhosa. PMID- 13807694 TI - Atmospheric deposits in Britain. A study of dinginess. PMID- 13807695 TI - [Studies on paraphrenia. First study. Introduction]. PMID- 13807697 TI - Assessment of sensorineural response in otosclerotics. PMID- 13807698 TI - Critique of present efforts to develop a damage risk criterion. PMID- 13807696 TI - [Father Gemelli and psychiatry]. PMID- 13807699 TI - [The first descriptions of angina pectoris: Lord Hyde, Count of Clarendon, Nicolas-Francois Rougnon, William Heberden]. PMID- 13807700 TI - [Changes caused in the protein fraction of cow's milk by various purification method. (Electrophoretic study)]. PMID- 13807701 TI - [Ballistic innovations and traumatological repercussions. Military health organization]. PMID- 13807702 TI - [Bio-bibliographical notes on Giuseppi Amadei (1854-1919), psychiatrist and Lombrosian anthropologist]. PMID- 13807703 TI - [The medical press of Cremona. (Contribution to the history of medical journalism in Lombardy)]. PMID- 13807705 TI - [Urobilinuria in pulmonary silicosis. (Pathological finding or causal comparison]. PMID- 13807704 TI - [Transcutaneous radiotherapy of pituitary adenoma]. PMID- 13807706 TI - [Pharmacological study of a new choleretic derived from alpha-cyclohexylbutyric acid]. PMID- 13807708 TI - Hypothyroidism and myxedema. PMID- 13807707 TI - [Recent data on the pharmaceutical applications of D-sorbitol]. PMID- 13807709 TI - Human metabolism of orally ingested glycyrrhetinic acid and monoammonium glycyrrhizinate. PMID- 13807710 TI - [The iron binding capacity of the human serum and its determination with radioactive iron]. PMID- 13807711 TI - Vascular studies in pseudoxanthoma elasticum and angioid streaks; with a series of color photographs of the eyeground lesions. PMID- 13807712 TI - Mediastinoscopy: a method for inspection and tissue biopsy in the superior mediastinum. PMID- 13807713 TI - [On the decarboxylations in wine and the appearance of citramalic acid]. PMID- 13807715 TI - [Herbicide-an explosive hazard?]. PMID- 13807714 TI - [Physiological study of the poisoning of plants by biuret]. PMID- 13807716 TI - The oxidation of solubilised and emulsified oils. Part II. Solubility of benzaldehyde, cyclohexene and methyl linoleate in potassium laurate and cetomacrogol solutions. PMID- 13807717 TI - The oxidation of solubilised and emulsified oils. Part III. The oxidation of methyl linoleate in potassium laurate and cetomacrogol dispersions. PMID- 13807718 TI - Preliminary observations on the fate of intravenously administered lactose labelled with carbon-14. PMID- 13807719 TI - Assessment of mitral regurgitation by indicator dilution: a modification of the variance method of Korner and Shillingford. PMID- 13807720 TI - Assessment of mitral regurgitation by indicator dilution: observations on the principle of Korner and Shillingford. PMID- 13807721 TI - [Determination of pregnane 3alpha-17alpha-20alpha-triol in urine in the congenital adrenogenital syndrome]. PMID- 13807722 TI - [A case of nanism with dysgenesis of the gonads]. PMID- 13807723 TI - Thrombo-embolic complications in mitral commissurotomy. PMID- 13807724 TI - [On several side-effects of the anticoagulants most commonly used in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13807725 TI - [On the vasodilating and fibrinolytic action of nicotinic acid in the therapy of pregnancy toxicoses]. PMID- 13807726 TI - [On various side-effects of isonicotinic acid hydrazide]. PMID- 13807727 TI - [alpha-Achymotrypsin in surgery of the face]. PMID- 13807728 TI - [A case of agammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13807729 TI - [Comparative hemodynamic effects of a synthetic vasopressin and pitressin in the dog]. PMID- 13807730 TI - [Synthetic angiotensins and pulmonary circulation in the dog]. PMID- 13807731 TI - [Action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxytryptophan on the thyroid of the rabbit]. PMID- 13807732 TI - [Experimental vascular changes and pulmonary arterial pressure]. PMID- 13807733 TI - [Research on pulmonary arterial hypertension in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13807734 TI - [The time of transmission of left auricular waves in the "capillary pulmonary" position in the dog]. PMID- 13807735 TI - [Spectrophotometric determination of the percentage of oxygenation and of the oxygen content of blood containing nucleated erythrocytes. I, Cock's blood]. PMID- 13807736 TI - [Spectrophotometric determination of the percentage of oxygenation and of the oxygen content of blood containing nucleated erythrocytes. II. Trout blood]. PMID- 13807737 TI - [Study of retrograde "pulmonary capillary" curve in the dog]. PMID- 13807738 TI - The use of radioactive colloidal chromic phosphate for the treatment of malignant effusion. PMID- 13807739 TI - Current problems of medical defence organizations. PMID- 13807740 TI - Presidential address to radiation section. PMID- 13807742 TI - An analysis of nursing care: quality care. PMID- 13807741 TI - Vascular reactivity of rats with desoxycorticosterone and metacorticoid hypertension. PMID- 13807743 TI - Properdin levels in splenectomized persons. PMID- 13807744 TI - The inflammatory cycle: a method of study in Hurler's disease. PMID- 13807745 TI - [The surgical treatment of patency of the ductus arteriosus (considerations on 30 operated cases)]. PMID- 13807746 TI - [Considerations on a case of choledochal lithiasis associated with fibro congestive splenomegaly]. PMID- 13807747 TI - [On a case of congenital obstruction by a diaphragm of the duodenum]. PMID- 13807748 TI - [On the opportunity of preserving and limiting the use of the term "schizomania"]. PMID- 13807749 TI - [On the secondary effects of N-(gamma-dimethylaminopropyl)-iminodibenzyl hydrochloride]. PMID- 13807750 TI - Renal excretion of radiofluoride in the dog. PMID- 13807751 TI - Distribution, migration and binding of whole blood fluoride evaluated with radiofluoride. PMID- 13807752 TI - Radiofluoride distribution in tissues of normal and nephrectomized rats. PMID- 13807753 TI - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Diagnosis of probable case by examination of sputum. PMID- 13807754 TI - The etiology of paralytic ileus and acute dilatation of the stomach: studies of plasma 17-hydroxycorticoid levels. PMID- 13807755 TI - Inflammatory gastric polyps (eosinophilic granulomas of the stomach). PMID- 13807756 TI - Dr. Rufus Wyman of the McLean Asylum. PMID- 13807758 TI - Charles Poyen brings mesmerism to America. PMID- 13807757 TI - Addenda to the early history of hypnotic anaesthesia. PMID- 13807759 TI - Uses of the past. X. Aging and mental illness. PMID- 13807761 TI - The natural occurrence and enzymatic formation of a hydroxyethyl derivative of thiamine pyrophosphate. PMID- 13807760 TI - The creatine phosphoryltransfer reaction in iodoacetate-poisoned muscle. AB - The iodoacetate-nitrogen-poisoned muscle offers the possibility of studying the stoichiometry of the single muscle twitch since metabolic resynthesis by glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are blocked, and there remains as an energy source only the creatine phosphoryltransfer system, creatine phosphate reacting with adenosinediphosphate to give the triphosphate and creatine. It is shown, preparatory to a determination of the amount of phosphocreatine split in a single twitch, that iodoacetate does not inhibit creatine phosphoryltransferase at concentrations which block glycolysis. An analysis is developed which assumes that the transferase maintains the creatine phosphoryl transfer reaction in equilibrium following contraction, and further that the creatine phosporyltransfer reaction and the myokinase reaction are isolated in muscle. On the basis of this analysis and the data obtained, an estimate of the equilibrium constant of the creatine phosphoryl reaction in muscle is obtained which agrees with values determined in vitro. Using the estimated equilibrium constant, and the concentrations of creatine, creatine phosphate, and adenosinetriphosphate found, a value for the concentration of free adenosinediphosphate is obtained which is considerably less than that found by direct chemical analysis. PMID- 13807762 TI - Microangiography of bone in the study of radiation changes. PMID- 13807763 TI - Removable urologic table top. PMID- 13807764 TI - Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis: a five year cure. PMID- 13807765 TI - Filtration and collimation reduce stray radiation in urography. PMID- 13807766 TI - Death due to parathyroid crisis. PMID- 13807767 TI - Essential hypercholesterolaemia in two siblings. Effect of corn oil on serum lipoids. PMID- 13807768 TI - Chromatographic separation of serum lipoproteins on glass powder columns. Description of the method and some applications. PMID- 13807769 TI - Determination of serum glycerides. PMID- 13807770 TI - Serum lipids in normal men. PMID- 13807771 TI - The combined effects of ionizing radiation and high temperature on the longevity of the Sprague-Dawley rat. PMID- 13807773 TI - Traumatic avoidance learning: the effect of preventing escape responses. PMID- 13807772 TI - Human tolerance to cold. PMID- 13807774 TI - Primary and secondary reward in traumatic avoidance learning. PMID- 13807775 TI - The historical development of medical education in the United States. PMID- 13807776 TI - [The concept and nature of the properdin system in the area of nonspecific defense protection of the organism]. PMID- 13807778 TI - [An electromyographic study of muscle activity in the musculus deltoideus]. PMID- 13807777 TI - Time-dose relations for optimal radiation treatment of malignancy with minimal damage to normal tissues. PMID- 13807779 TI - The urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline by depressive patients during iproniazid treatment. PMID- 13807780 TI - The urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline by schizophrenic patients during reserpine treatment. PMID- 13807781 TI - [Cera chirurgicalis; sterile surgical wax]. PMID- 13807782 TI - Compression of the common iliac vessels by dilatation of the bladder. Report of a case. PMID- 13807783 TI - Potassium iodide screens and high capacity roentgen tubes in angiocardiography. PMID- 13807784 TI - [Aprobit-a new antihistaminic]. PMID- 13807785 TI - Physiological analysis and subsequent surgical treatment of a case of carotid sinus syndrome. PMID- 13807786 TI - Carbon dioxide tension and pH of lymph and arterial blood in anaesthetized dogs. PMID- 13807787 TI - The size and shape of the apatite crystallites in bone as determined from line broadening measurements on oriented specimens. PMID- 13807788 TI - Micro x-ray diffraction on biological materials. PMID- 13807789 TI - [Optical diffractometers]. PMID- 13807790 TI - The cystourethrographic demonstration of retrograde urinary flow in the vas deferens as a cause of epididymitis. PMID- 13807791 TI - Incidence of urological anomalies in association with major nonurological anomalies. PMID- 13807792 TI - Some notes on the control of conditioned suppression. PMID- 13807793 TI - Discrimination learning. AB - Eight rats were run through discrimination training sessions in which responses in the dark were not reinforced whereas the first response after the onset of a light was reinforced. The procedure generated orderly learning and latency data for the individual animal. The latency distributions are adequately described by a simple mathematical formulation. PMID- 13807794 TI - An evaluation of factors affecting the survival of Escherichia coli in sea water. I. Experimental procedures. PMID- 13807795 TI - An evaluation of factors affecting the survival of Escherichia coli in sea water. II. Salinity, pH, and nutrients. PMID- 13807796 TI - An evaluation of factors affecting the survival of Escherichia coli in sea water. III. Antibiotics. PMID- 13807797 TI - An evaluation of factors affecting the survival of Escherichia coli in sea water. IV. Bacteriophages. PMID- 13807798 TI - Factors affecting the survival of bacteria in sea water. PMID- 13807799 TI - A psychiatric day-hospital for convalescent patients. PMID- 13807800 TI - Complete bronchial obstruction in asthma. An unusual bronchographic hazard. PMID- 13807801 TI - An evaluation of the toe-touch position in the diagnosis of hiatus hernia. PMID- 13807802 TI - Symposium: The role of laboratory research in a medical school hospital. Opening remarks by the moderator. PMID- 13807803 TI - Some cytological and cytochemical observations on changes accompanying the growth of ICH virus in tissue-cultured dog kidney cells. PMID- 13807804 TI - Simplified measurement of pulmonary function in office practice. PMID- 13807805 TI - The radioactivephosphorus test in ophthalmology. PMID- 13807806 TI - A method for the routine determination of chlorpropamide in plasma. PMID- 13807807 TI - [Action of the administration of somatotrophic hormone, alone and in association with corticotrophic hormone, on the thymus of the newborn rat]. PMID- 13807808 TI - Motor unit action potential parameters in human newborn infants. PMID- 13807809 TI - Blastomycosis meningitis: report of a case successfully treated with amphotericin B. PMID- 13807811 TI - Anaemia or iron deficiency? PMID- 13807810 TI - A new ultra-fine powder inhalation therapy in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. Preliminary report of a six-week subjective investigation in general practice. PMID- 13807813 TI - Flying trip to West Africa. PMID- 13807812 TI - Nitrogen fixation in cell-free extracts of Clostridium pasteurianum. PMID- 13807814 TI - [Lethargy]. PMID- 13807815 TI - Look before you enter. PMID- 13807816 TI - [Chemoprophylaxis of amebiasis]. PMID- 13807817 TI - [Phalanx valga of the great toe ("phalanx valga hallucis") or clinodactyly of the great toe]. PMID- 13807818 TI - [Clinical and radiological considerations on an unusual case of esophageal varices]. PMID- 13807819 TI - [Clinico-radiological and embryological considerations on a complex intestinal heterotopia]. PMID- 13807820 TI - [Unusual aspects of a case of esophageal varices]. PMID- 13807821 TI - Montgomery Revolving Scholarship Plan; county society program acclaimed. PMID- 13807822 TI - Symposium on butazolidin in general practice. PMID- 13807823 TI - Peripheral polyneuritis. A nursing care study. PMID- 13807824 TI - The railroad doctor and personal injury litigation. PMID- 13807825 TI - Ruben Nomland. PMID- 13807826 TI - Griseofulvin: its potentialities and its problems. PMID- 13807827 TI - [Domiciliary use, for the first time in Spain, of a home-made external cardiac electrostimulator]. PMID- 13807828 TI - [Electrophysiology of the electrical stimulation of the heart]. PMID- 13807829 TI - [Urinary estrogens in carcinoma of the breast]. PMID- 13807830 TI - Some effects of restriction of chest cage expansion on pulmonary function in man: an experimental study. PMID- 13807831 TI - Itching. PMID- 13807832 TI - [Diagnostic value of laparophotography]. PMID- 13807833 TI - [Therapeutic problems posed by digestive fistulas]. PMID- 13807834 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis of primary papillitis. Endoscopic angiocholangiography and brilliancy screen]. PMID- 13807835 TI - [A case of hydatic cyst open into the bile ducts of difficult diagnosis and treatment. Value of gammagraphy. Sudden death caused by intestinal hemorrhage of unknown cause]. PMID- 13807836 TI - [Apropos of idiopathic chronic jaundice]. PMID- 13807837 TI - [Clinical, endoscopic and biological aspects of a case of Dubin-Johnson disease]. PMID- 13807838 TI - [Melena due to hypertension, radicular or truncal, pulsatile, in the region of the mesenteric vein]. PMID- 13807839 TI - [Papillomas and papillomatoses of the common bile duct]. PMID- 13807840 TI - Personality determinants of repressive and obessive reactions to failure-stress. PMID- 13807841 TI - Hypothermic myxoedema. A report of the successful use of triiodothyronine. PMID- 13807842 TI - The effects upon the kidney of transienthypercalcemia induced by parathyroid extract. PMID- 13807843 TI - Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus caused by amyloid disease. Evidence in man of the role of the collecting ducts in concentrating urine. PMID- 13807844 TI - Effect of acute potassium deficiency on susceptibility to infection with particular reference to the kidney. PMID- 13807845 TI - The interaction of plasma proteins and mucoid substances in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hyaline membranes. PMID- 13807846 TI - The suppression of experimental proteinuria in the rat by compounds that inhibit increased capillary permeability. PMID- 13807847 TI - Salmonella typhimurium septicemia in an elderly cardiac patient: a case report. PMID- 13807848 TI - High-temperature characteristics of inorganic fibers. PMID- 13807849 TI - [Postoperative parotitis]. PMID- 13807850 TI - [Our experience with neoplasms of the retroperitoneal space]. PMID- 13807851 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of Kaposi's disease]. PMID- 13807852 TI - [Pulsating adenoma of the sternum with papilliferous structure, metastatic from a calcified goiter]. PMID- 13807853 TI - Culture, psychiatry, and the written word. PMID- 13807854 TI - [On the clinico-radiological aspect of abscessing lung diseases. Considerations on 2 cases of pulmonitis probably caused by Friedlaender's bacillus]. PMID- 13807855 TI - Emergency medical packet for one hundred personnel. PMID- 13807856 TI - [A contribution to the idea of different concepts of the world for psychotherapy]. PMID- 13807857 TI - [Psychasthenic and schizophrenic states]. PMID- 13807858 TI - [Psychotherapeutic treatment of schizophrenic disorders]. PMID- 13807859 TI - [Viewpoints on psychosomatics]. PMID- 13807860 TI - [World views of the mentally disturbed]. PMID- 13807861 TI - Effects of deuterium oxide upon poliovirus multiplication. PMID- 13807862 TI - [Gastric fibromyxoma]. PMID- 13807863 TI - Cystosarcoma phyllodes. PMID- 13807864 TI - Cholelithic intestinal obstruction: report of four cases. PMID- 13807866 TI - Fuel for the fire. PMID- 13807867 TI - Radiation therapy of carcinoma of the larynx. PMID- 13807865 TI - [Psychosomatic aspects of temporal epilepsy]. PMID- 13807868 TI - [Rhabdomyosarcoma of the left auricle]. PMID- 13807869 TI - Treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13807870 TI - A new antihistamine, dimethpyrindene. PMID- 13807871 TI - Osteochondrosis of capital epiphysis of femur (Legg-Calve-Perthes disease); long term end-results in ninety patients. PMID- 13807872 TI - Alcohol in the Iroquois dream quest. PMID- 13807873 TI - Substrates supporting activity in immature nerve fibers. PMID- 13807875 TI - Toxicology of a triaryl phosphate oil. I. Experimental toxicology. PMID- 13807876 TI - An analysis of home visits to newborn infants made by the public health nurses in the East York-Leaside Health Unit, Ontario. PMID- 13807877 TI - The effect of caffeine and alcohol on simple visual reaction time. PMID- 13807878 TI - The availability of bound nicotinic acid to the rat. 3. The effect of boiling maize in water. PMID- 13807879 TI - Lesions of the descending vestibular nucleus in the cat. PMID- 13807880 TI - Spinal tracts mediating subthalamic hyperkinesia. Physiological effects of selective partial cordotomies upon dyskinesia in rhesus monkey. PMID- 13807881 TI - Lesions of the fastigial nuclei in the rhesus monkey. PMID- 13807882 TI - The activation by tocopherol and other agents of ascorbic acid synthesis by liver homogenates from vitamin E-deficient rats. PMID- 13807883 TI - Trial of a self-firing Heaf multiple puncture machine. PMID- 13807884 TI - An account of the statistical analysis of the relative heart volumes of 755 patients in various disease groups. PMID- 13807885 TI - A comprehensive program of prophylaxis for control of dermatophytosis. PMID- 13807886 TI - Complications of ileostomy. PMID- 13807887 TI - [Bazin's erythema induratum]. PMID- 13807888 TI - [Abnormal sex development or genital dysgenesis]. PMID- 13807889 TI - [Action of dimethylamino-propyl-N-chlorophenothiazine on the electrophoretic behavior of plasma proteins in the rabbit. II. Prolonged treatment by the endoperitoneal route]. PMID- 13807890 TI - [A case of dorsal traumatic luxation of the ulnar head]. PMID- 13807891 TI - [On the traumatic luxation of the hip in childhood]. PMID- 13807892 TI - Hereditary spino-cerebellar ataxia in a large Brazilian kindred. PMID- 13807893 TI - [Considerations on mediastinal tumors]. PMID- 13807894 TI - Enlarged pneumonectomy for bronchopulmonary cancer. PMID- 13807895 TI - [Injectable meprobamate in neurosurgical patients]. PMID- 13807896 TI - The pharmacology of the psychotomimetic agents. PMID- 13807898 TI - Is cigarette smoking a cause of carcinoma of the bronchus? PMID- 13807897 TI - Pleural fluid glucose with special reference to its concentration in rheumatoid pleurisy with effusion. PMID- 13807899 TI - Activity of iodotyrosine deshalogenase in "normal" and diseased human thyroids. PMID- 13807900 TI - The uptake of triiodothyronine by erythrocytes in pregnancy complicated by thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13807901 TI - A comparative study of inhibition of penicillinase by simple compounds, antiserum, and their combinations. PMID- 13807902 TI - The human adrenal cortex at the time of death. PMID- 13807903 TI - Where purchasing authority begins and ends. PMID- 13807904 TI - The coroner and the common law. I. Introduction. PMID- 13807905 TI - The coroner and the common law. II. Functions of the coroner. PMID- 13807906 TI - The coroner and the common law. III. Death and its medical imputations. PMID- 13807907 TI - The coroner and the common law. IV. Basic qualifications of a coroner or medical examiner. PMID- 13807908 TI - The coroner and the common law. Part V. Coroner or medical examiner? PMID- 13807909 TI - Systemic lupus erythematosus of long duration. PMID- 13807911 TI - Manipulation of visually homogenous stimulus objects. PMID- 13807910 TI - Association of relevant stimuli along a spatial gradient. PMID- 13807912 TI - The effect of sustained novelty upon manipulation in rhesus monkeys. PMID- 13807913 TI - The effects of food deprivation and restricted activity upon exploratory behavior of the rat. PMID- 13807914 TI - Comparison of the Van Slyke and micro-Kjeldahl methods for total serum protein of African sera. PMID- 13807915 TI - [Proposal for a more rational formula for the study of blood coagulability using the heparin tolerance test in vivo]. PMID- 13807916 TI - Epidemiologic study of leprosy in the Republic of El Salvador, Central America. PMID- 13807917 TI - [Cancer of the esophagus treated with cobalt therapy]. PMID- 13807918 TI - Histochemical reactions of periodontal tissues: a review of the literature. PMID- 13807919 TI - [Antidiabetic sulfonamides with a chemical structure inducing delayed action. 1. Chemical study]. PMID- 13807920 TI - A clinical and radiographic study of appendiceal fecaliths: a review of the literature and report of seven cases. PMID- 13807921 TI - [Bacteriology and antibiogram in 102 cases of infectious rhinosinusopathies]. PMID- 13807922 TI - [Tracheal cannula permitting phonation during artificial ventilation by tracheotomy]. PMID- 13807923 TI - [Method of extraction of urinary steroid hormones. Application to the extraction of estrogens]. PMID- 13807924 TI - [On the possibility of the separate determination of estrone and estradiol by means of the difference in the kinetics of their fluorescence reactions]. PMID- 13807925 TI - [Separation of urinary steroid hormones and elimination of interfering pigments. Application to the determination of estrone, estradiol and estriol]. PMID- 13807926 TI - [Separation of urinary steroid hormones and elimination of interfering pigments. Application to the determination of neutral 17-ketosteroids]. PMID- 13807928 TI - A practical guide to the bottle feeding of healthy infants. PMID- 13807927 TI - The cost of artificial feeding. PMID- 13807929 TI - The natural history of the partial thoracic stomach (hiatus hernia) in children. PMID- 13807930 TI - Adrenocortical function after long-term corticoid therapy. PMID- 13807931 TI - [Two cases of puerperal uterine inversion]. PMID- 13807932 TI - [Ocular protection in therapy of epitheliomas of the internal orbital angle]. PMID- 13807933 TI - [Clinico-statistical findings concerning the maternal and fetal risks in obstetrical anesthesia and analgesia (from the year 1951 to 1958 in the Obstetrico-Gynecological Clinic of Parma)]. PMID- 13807935 TI - [Insoluble proteins]. PMID- 13807934 TI - [Late recurrent syndromes in acute carbon monoxide poisoning: clinical and electroencephalographic contribution on 5 cases]. PMID- 13807936 TI - [Leukemias and recurrent reticulopathies]. PMID- 13807937 TI - [Pathogenic aspects of myocardial insufficiency]. PMID- 13807938 TI - [Multiplication of vaccinia virus in cell cultures. General study]. PMID- 13807939 TI - [The multiplication of vaccinia virus in cell cultures. Cytological study]. PMID- 13807940 TI - [Cardiovascular changes in diphtheria]. PMID- 13807941 TI - Notes on the counting and mounting of planktonic organisms. PMID- 13807942 TI - [On individual prophylaxis of allergic skin reactions]. PMID- 13807943 TI - [Protective plasters against x-rays]. PMID- 13807944 TI - [Psychotechnic tests in medico-psychological and psychiatric appraisal of the adult]. PMID- 13807945 TI - The reactions of general practitioners to a psychiatric abstracting service. PMID- 13807946 TI - The reactions of general practitioners to a psychiatric abstracting service. PMID- 13807948 TI - Medical malpractice in Colorado. PMID- 13807947 TI - [Some aspects of the role of the industrial physician on construction jobs in the high mountains]. PMID- 13807949 TI - Primary repair of compound skull fractures in children. PMID- 13807950 TI - The plasma fibrinogen levels in Gambian women and young children. PMID- 13807951 TI - Maduromycosis: an unusual case with a description of the causative fungus. PMID- 13807952 TI - [Colosigmoditis and chronic constipation]. PMID- 13807953 TI - Functions of a modern medical school. PMID- 13807954 TI - A record and reporting system for field research units. PMID- 13807955 TI - Clinical observations in the treatment of phlebothrombosis with fibrinolysin. PMID- 13807956 TI - Acute rheumatic fever in adults. PMID- 13807957 TI - Pulmonary emphysema: report of 26 cases followed to death. PMID- 13807958 TI - Treatment of the family as a unit. PMID- 13807959 TI - Austin I. Dodson: 1891-1959. PMID- 13807960 TI - Attempts to reproduce cirrhosis of the liver in rats after total-body x irradiation. PMID- 13807961 TI - Anaesthesia for obstetrical manoeuvres and operations. PMID- 13807962 TI - Effects of amphenone B and of diet on cholesterol levels in the rat. PMID- 13807963 TI - Effects of diet on incorporation of acetate-1-C 14 into cholesterol by rat liver slices. PMID- 13807964 TI - Toxicity of sphingosine and other long-chain amines. PMID- 13807965 TI - [Planning of legislation on nursing]. PMID- 13807966 TI - The effect of Injury in nociceptive tests employed in analgetic assays. PMID- 13807967 TI - Preparation of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid from N-acetyl-D-mannosamine. PMID- 13807969 TI - Transposition of the index finger to replace the middle finger. PMID- 13807968 TI - Aetiological factors in lung cancer-a review. PMID- 13807970 TI - Status of dietitians in the hospital. PMID- 13807971 TI - The institutionalized population in Minnesota. PMID- 13807972 TI - Radiological uses of radioactive materials. PMID- 13807973 TI - Physical and chemical properties of protamine from the sperm of salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). II. Anion binding characteristics. PMID- 13807974 TI - [The treatment of Huet's syndrome]. PMID- 13807975 TI - [Paraplegia with recurrences due to compression of the artery of the intumescentia lumbalis by a tiny meningioma]. PMID- 13807976 TI - Use of premarin as a hemostatic agent in vaginal surgery. PMID- 13807977 TI - Cervical incisions in present-day obstetrics. PMID- 13807978 TI - [On intra-articular treatment with hydrosoluble prednisolone]. PMID- 13807979 TI - The distribution of cytochrome oxidase, glucose-6-phosphatase and esterase in the fractions of liver cells prepared from glycerol homogenates. PMID- 13807980 TI - Some practical aspects of deafness. PMID- 13807981 TI - The new marine biological station on Heligoland. PMID- 13807982 TI - Surgical treatment of the late complications of snake bite. PMID- 13807983 TI - Composition of a paraffin wax fraction from tobacco leaf and tobacco smoke. PMID- 13807984 TI - Some phenolic constituents of cigarette smoke. PMID- 13807985 TI - Cushing's disease. PMID- 13807986 TI - Relative lymphocytosis in anorexia nervosa. PMID- 13807988 TI - The hyperventilation syndrome. PMID- 13807987 TI - Occurrence of allergic disease in patients with adrenal cortical hypofunction. PMID- 13807989 TI - A fluorescent antibody study of the simian foamy agent. PMID- 13807991 TI - Genetic conditions which promote or retard the formation of species. PMID- 13807990 TI - Primary site of gene action in anterior pituitary dwarf mice. PMID- 13807992 TI - Electrophoresis and its application to clinical medicine. PMID- 13807993 TI - Mechanism of inactivation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in human erythrocytes. PMID- 13807994 TI - Staining of cytologic smears without ethyl alcohol. PMID- 13807995 TI - Adaptation of a standard radiography table for aortography and peripheral arteriography. PMID- 13807996 TI - Recovery from partial-body x-irradiation as measured by the lethality of two exposures. PMID- 13807997 TI - Starch-gel electrophoresis and chromatography in the purification of beef thyrotropic hormone. PMID- 13807998 TI - [Antithetic clearance inversion after lumbar sympathectomy]. PMID- 13807999 TI - The practical management of supervision of postoperative water- and electrolyte balance PMID- 13808000 TI - [The significance of electrolytes in post-operative nutrition]. PMID- 13808001 TI - [Is artificial hypotension in surgery of the colon and rectum indicated?]. PMID- 13808002 TI - [A new method of blood vessel preservation by imbedding in a rapidly hardening plastic]. PMID- 13808003 TI - [On the pathophysiology of water metabolism in surgery of the colon and rectum]. PMID- 13808004 TI - [Secondary renal insufficiency in colon and rectal carcinoma]. PMID- 13808005 TI - Secretion of 17 alpha-hydroxy-5-pregnenolone by the canine adrenal gland during stimulation with adrenocorticotropin. PMID- 13808006 TI - [Oil acne]. PMID- 13808007 TI - Immediate treatment of cerebral infarction. Seven years' personal experience. PMID- 13808008 TI - Levels of serum protein-bound iodine in patients with metastatic carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13808009 TI - An unusual case of idiopathic hypoparathyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism and metastatic calcification. PMID- 13808010 TI - Extradural haemorrhage in a child, without skull fracture, following minor trauma. PMID- 13808011 TI - The genus Bacteroides. Taxonomy and significance in obstetrics and gynecology. PMID- 13808012 TI - The vaginal fungi. PMID- 13808013 TI - Specialty training with reference to gynecology. PMID- 13808014 TI - A critical evaluation of external body surface counting in the determination of cardiac output with radio-active isotopes. PMID- 13808015 TI - The inheritance of coeliac disease. PMID- 13808016 TI - Reaction of 6-mercaptopurine with inosine- and guanosine-5'-phosphate pyrophosphorylase purified from E. coli. PMID- 13808017 TI - A study of triacetyloleandomycin in general infections of institutionalized patients. PMID- 13808018 TI - Clinical and laboratory observations with a new muscle relaxant (Trancopal) in athetosis. A preliminary report. PMID- 13808019 TI - Egg yolk agar for isolation of coagulase-positive staphylococci. PMID- 13808021 TI - Hydroxyzine in the treatment and management of institutionalized mental patients. PMID- 13808020 TI - Evaluating a new anticonvulsant in a "therapeutic community". PMID- 13808022 TI - Paromomycin (Humatin) in the treatment of intestinal amebiasis: a preliminary dose-range study. PMID- 13808024 TI - Heredity and congenital malformations. PMID- 13808023 TI - Prozine therapy in emotionally disturbed patients. PMID- 13808025 TI - Uterine mesodermal mixed tumors. PMID- 13808027 TI - Studies on Pasteurella multocida. IV. Serological types from species other than cattle and swine. PMID- 13808026 TI - The critical incident technique in identification of the patients' perception of therapeutic patient-patient interaction on a psychiatric ward. PMID- 13808028 TI - Lacerations of the eyelids. PMID- 13808029 TI - Developmental coxa vara. PMID- 13808030 TI - The principles of tonometry and the Schiotz tonometer. I. PMID- 13808031 TI - The principles of tonometry and the Wolfe scleral tonometer. Part III. PMID- 13808032 TI - The principles of tonometry--impression tonometers. Part II. PMID- 13808033 TI - Orcein-acetic squashing in cancer detection. PMID- 13808034 TI - Nystatin in the control of fungous overgrowth during large bowel chemotherapy. PMID- 13808035 TI - Multiple-purpose utility instrument. PMID- 13808036 TI - New state law on hospital and nursing home. Care of public assistance recipients. PMID- 13808037 TI - Inferior mesenteric vascular occlusion: sigmoidoscopic diagnosis. PMID- 13808038 TI - The liver in schistosomiasis. PMID- 13808039 TI - Multiple congenital diverticula of the jejunum: report of a case. PMID- 13808040 TI - Studies on the relationship of viral infections to leukemia in mice. II. The effect of sublethal neurotropic viral infections on the development of spontaneous leukemia in AKR mice. PMID- 13808041 TI - Estimation of left-to-right shunt from arterial dilution curves. PMID- 13808042 TI - Effect of Valsalva maneuver on oxygen saturation in patients with intracardiac shunts. PMID- 13808043 TI - Fatal case of congenital plasma thromboplastin component deficiency: failure of response to therapy in Christmas disease. PMID- 13808044 TI - Radiation exposure: credit and debit. PMID- 13808045 TI - Source of epinephrine vs. norepinephrine: further studies. PMID- 13808046 TI - [The repair of fractures. 1. Biochemical evolution of the callus and the reaction of the skeleton]. PMID- 13808047 TI - [The repair of fractures. 3. Biochemical evolution of a fracture with an intermediary fragment]. PMID- 13808048 TI - [The repair of fractures. 2. Phosphorus-calcium balance during reparation]. PMID- 13808049 TI - [Topographical changes in the ultra-structures of the cylindrical epithelium of the human uterine body as a function of the ovarian cycle]. PMID- 13808050 TI - [Research on the ultrastructures of cervical basal-cell intra-epithelial epithelioma (Topographical reconstruction)]. PMID- 13808051 TI - Distribution and development of smoking habits. PMID- 13808052 TI - Efficacy of an anti-smoking campaign. PMID- 13808053 TI - Young smokers. An attitude study among schoolchildren, touching also on parental influence. PMID- 13808054 TI - The career ambitions and expectations of medical students. PMID- 13808055 TI - The families and individuals who did not cooperate on a sample survey. PMID- 13808056 TI - A note on Freud's 'instincts and their vicissitudes'. PMID- 13808057 TI - The early history of ether. PMID- 13808058 TI - Studies on copper metabolism. XXIX. A critical analysis of serum copper and ceruloplasmin concentrations in normal subjects, patients with Wilson's disease and relatives of patients with Wilson's disease. PMID- 13808059 TI - Bacterial degradation of the nitrobenzoic acids. 2. Reduction of the nitro group. PMID- 13808060 TI - The solitary pulmonary nodule: a critical evaluation. PMID- 13808061 TI - Cyanosis following cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13808062 TI - Postoperative care after cardiopulmonary bypass for open heart surgery. PMID- 13808063 TI - An oxygenator for isolation-perfusion in the treatment of cancer. PMID- 13808064 TI - Simplified flow determination, volume control, and blood replacement in the rotating disc oxygenator. PMID- 13808065 TI - [Clinical experience with a new long-acting sulfonamide in pediatrics]. PMID- 13808066 TI - [Respiratory insufficiency in tetanus. Clinical and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13808067 TI - [Radiographic study of the lumbosacral passage in patients with lumbosacral pain]. PMID- 13808068 TI - [The analytic technique as "existential" technique]. PMID- 13808069 TI - [Electroshock and lysozyme]. PMID- 13808070 TI - [Contribution to the study of erythropoietic porphyria: 2 cases with hemolytic anemia, splenomegaly and adrenal hypofunction]. PMID- 13808071 TI - [Erythropoietic porphyria. Note II. The orientation of erythropoiesis]. PMID- 13808073 TI - [Treatment of acute diarrhea in the infant]. PMID- 13808072 TI - [Precursory symptoms of ulcer onset. Therapeutic significance]. PMID- 13808074 TI - Spread of activity through the atrioventricular node. PMID- 13808075 TI - [The Speck test in the exploration of tubal permeability]. PMID- 13808076 TI - [The crystallization of the cervical mucus in hysterectomy patients with preservation of the adnexa]. PMID- 13808077 TI - [Allergic tests by electrophoresis]. PMID- 13808078 TI - [Acute spontaneous uterine inversion. Cardiac arrest]. PMID- 13808079 TI - [Arsenic in modern pediatrics]. PMID- 13808080 TI - [Psychoanalysis of football and other games]. PMID- 13808081 TI - [Idiopathic stenosing periureteritis. Further contributions to the diagnosis and therapy. Review. Report of a case]. PMID- 13808082 TI - [New aspects of surgical ureteral substitution (Ileal plastic operations)]. PMID- 13808083 TI - [Acute leukemia. Determination of the effects of antimetabolites and hormones on survival and remission]. PMID- 13808084 TI - [Result of the medical treatment of primary pulmonary abscess]. PMID- 13808086 TI - An inborn error of metabolism--phenylketonuria. PMID- 13808085 TI - Symposium on acute surgical conditions of the abdomen. Acute abdominal pain associated with vascular emergencies. PMID- 13808087 TI - Size and number of gallstones in acute and chronic cholecystitis. PMID- 13808088 TI - California malpractice. PMID- 13808089 TI - A libel action. PMID- 13808090 TI - [The lymphatic system of the neck and its relation to laryngeal cancer]. PMID- 13808092 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes in aortic dissecting aneurysm]. PMID- 13808091 TI - [The determination of bis(p-acetoxy-phenyl)-2-pyridylmethane in a laxative compound]. PMID- 13808093 TI - Postpartum hypertension after use of vasoconstrictor and oxytocic drugs. Etiology, incidence, complications, and treatment. PMID- 13808094 TI - [Observations on the progress of labor in primiparas of advanced years (by means of graphic representation)]. PMID- 13808095 TI - [Hypertensin II and uterine contraction. "In vitro" study and comparison with sympathicotropic amines]. PMID- 13808096 TI - [Intravenous analgesia in minor obstetrical operations with morphine-like agents and their antagonists in association. Note II. "L-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan" plus "L-3-hydroxy-N-allylmorphinan"]. PMID- 13808097 TI - [Intravenous analgesia in minor obstetrical operations with morphine-like drugs and their antagonists in combination. I. "d-2:2-Diphenyl-3-methyl-4 morpholinobutyrryl pyrrolidone" and "N-allyl-normorphine"]. PMID- 13808098 TI - [Morphological changes induced by A.C.T.H. in the breast of the intact impuberal guinea pig]. PMID- 13808100 TI - [Premedication with d-2,2-diphenyl-3-methyl-4-morpholinobutyryl pyrrolidine in gynecological interventions by vaginal route]. PMID- 13808101 TI - [Prevention and therapy with beta-methyl-beta-ethyl-glutarimide of fetal respiratory depression caused by barbiturates in anesthesia for cesarean section]. PMID- 13808102 TI - [The clinical importance of the bromsulfon-phthalein test in gynecology]. PMID- 13808103 TI - [Calcified hydatid cyst of the kidney]. PMID- 13808104 TI - [Renal tumor and lithiasis]. PMID- 13808105 TI - [Demological indexes of gastroenterological morbidity and mortality in the Argentine Republic. III]. PMID- 13808106 TI - [Demological indices of gastroenterological morbidity-mortality in Argentina. II]. PMID- 13808107 TI - [Generalized intestinal polyposis. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Gardner syndrome]. PMID- 13808109 TI - [Various concepts on hernias of the esophageal hiatus]. PMID- 13808108 TI - [Preventive mechanisms in gastoesophageal reflux. Their importance in surgery of hernias]. PMID- 13808110 TI - [Amyloidoses, with special reference to their cutaneous manifestations]. PMID- 13808111 TI - A new antigenic group of arthropod-borne viruses: the Bunyamwera group. PMID- 13808112 TI - Antigenic relationship between Powassan and Russian spring-summer encephalitis viruses. PMID- 13808113 TI - [Utilization of thiogenal in obstetrics]. PMID- 13808114 TI - [Cardiac changes in generalized lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13808115 TI - [Familial poisoning]. PMID- 13808116 TI - [Medical digestive hemorrhages]. PMID- 13808117 TI - [Normocytic anemias caused by maturation anomalies]. PMID- 13808118 TI - Some physical and physiological factors controlling the fate of inhaled substances. II. Retention. PMID- 13808119 TI - [The prognosis of sterility]. PMID- 13808120 TI - [Gastrobioptic contribution to the study of the gastric mucosa in the aged]. PMID- 13808122 TI - "Houses are built to live in, and not to look on". PMID- 13808121 TI - [Senile dysphagia due to cervicodorsal kyphosis with esophageal atony]. PMID- 13808123 TI - The university and the school of medicine. PMID- 13808124 TI - Whither medical education? PMID- 13808125 TI - In vitro studies of the metabolism of tissue slices. I. Metabolic and physical factors influencing the penetration of tetrazolium salts. AB - The use of tetrazolium salts for metabolic studies has been dismissed on the basis of their poor penetration into fresh tissue slices. In view of the fact that the penetration of these compounds can be visualized, it was felt that knowledge of the factors involved would be important. Factors, known to influence the penetration of oxygen, were examined with respect to the tetrazolium salts. The penetration of tetrazolium salt into tissue slices was a regular and predictable phenomenon. It was found that decreasing the metabolism of the cells in the slice substantially increased the penetration of these compounds, while increases in metabolism, by addition of substrate (such as succinate) to the incubating medium, considerably decreased their penetration. Increasing concentrations of the salt in the medium resulted in greater but limited penetration. It is our belief that the metabolism of tissue slices can be effectively studied with the aid of the tetrazolium salts, the portion of the population of cells participating in any reaction being accurately established by measuring the depth of the zone of reduced dye. PMID- 13808126 TI - [Metastatic skeletal syndrome developing rapidly 30 years after the appearance of a parotid tumor treated surgically]. PMID- 13808127 TI - [Anti-E. coli agglutinins in "normal" children (Hemagglutination test)]. PMID- 13808128 TI - [Antibodies against Escherichia coli in gastroenteritis of infants]. PMID- 13808129 TI - [Action of N-(4-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-N'-butylurea on experimental hepatic steatosis]. PMID- 13808130 TI - The early history of radium therapy and the American Radium Society. PMID- 13808131 TI - Hemosiderin granules in the choroid plexus. PMID- 13808132 TI - Detection and measurement of circulatory shunts by use of a radioactive gas. PMID- 13808133 TI - A plea for conservatism in surgery for breast cancer. PMID- 13808134 TI - Acute epiploic appendagitis. PMID- 13808135 TI - Massive postoperative hematemesis following subtotal gastrectomy. PMID- 13808136 TI - Peptic esophagitis complicated by esophageal ulcer and obstruction. PMID- 13808137 TI - Postoperative pancreatic fistula. PMID- 13808138 TI - Tuberculosis of the mammary gland. PMID- 13808139 TI - [The laboratory diagnosis of cholera (Review)]. PMID- 13808140 TI - [The behavior of the cerebral circulation in the rabbit, dog and cat studied with the thermofluximetric method]. PMID- 13808141 TI - [Experimental possibilities for the inactivation of endogenous pyrogen by lysozyme]. PMID- 13808142 TI - [Present views on the pathogenesis of inflammation, with special reference to the antiphlogistic mechanism of action of basic proteins]. PMID- 13808143 TI - [Theoretical and practical aspects of the modern concepts of inflammation]. PMID- 13808144 TI - The effect of stress on the consumption of alcohol and reserpine. PMID- 13808145 TI - Drug therapy in schizophrenia. A controlled study of the relative effectiveness of chlorpromazine, promazine, phenobarbital, and placebo. PMID- 13808146 TI - Treatment of schizophrenic reactions with phenothiazine derivatives. A comparative study of chlorpromazine, triflupromazine, mepazine, prochlorperazine, perphenazine, and phenobarbital. PMID- 13808147 TI - 298 alleged anti-fertility plants of India. PMID- 13808148 TI - The occasional "independence" of dyslexia and dysgraphia from dysphasia. PMID- 13808149 TI - Simple stab wound perineal drainage for extravasation during transurethral resection of the prostate. PMID- 13808150 TI - Reduction and fixation by pinning "banderillero" style-fractures of the humerus at the elbow in children. PMID- 13808151 TI - Reaction of plasma albumin with I-naphthyl N-methylcarbamate and certain other esters. PMID- 13808152 TI - Microbial oxidation and utilization of orthophosphite during growth. PMID- 13808153 TI - [Heterologous artificial insemination]. PMID- 13808154 TI - [On heterologous artificial insemination]. PMID- 13808155 TI - The metabolism of ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde labeled with C14. PMID- 13808156 TI - [Metabolism of labeled ethyl alcohol and the influence of pharmacological substances]. PMID- 13808157 TI - [Separation and characterization of N-ethyl-gamma-glutamine from Xerocomus badius]. PMID- 13808158 TI - [Prednisone and plasmatic electrolyte unbalance caused by panroentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13808159 TI - [Modifications of the content in nucleic acids of some endocrine glands after prolonged treatment with hormones. Action of gonadotropins]. PMID- 13808160 TI - [Modifications of the nucleic acid content of some endocrine glands after prolonged treatment with hormones. Action of the somatotropic hormone]. PMID- 13808161 TI - [Plasma tocopherol and its variations after the parenteral administration of tocopherol acetate in healthy subjects and in subjects with liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13808162 TI - The haematology of the Central Australian aborigine. 11. White and differential counts; eosinophil counts and Casoni tests. PMID- 13808163 TI - The haematology of the Central Australian aborigine. III. Lymphocyte and neutrophil haemograms, with European controls. PMID- 13808164 TI - The haematology of the central Australian aborigine. IV. Haemoglobin, erythrocyte counts, constants, fragilities and sedimentation rates. Effects of Europeanization. PMID- 13808165 TI - Further serological studies of staphylococcal enterotoxin. PMID- 13808166 TI - [Scoliosis in cases of fibrous dysplasia of bone and neurofibromatosis]. PMID- 13808167 TI - [Morphological interpretation of apparently monocytic leukemias]. PMID- 13808168 TI - [Clinical findings on the importance of tonsillectomy in rheumatic disease]. PMID- 13808169 TI - Prophylactic chemotherapy for burns. Studies on the local and systemic use of combined therapy. PMID- 13808170 TI - [Electrolytes of the perilymph and cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13808171 TI - [Vitamins in the perilymph]. PMID- 13808172 TI - [Attempted vaccination against Candida in experimental animals]. PMID- 13808173 TI - [On the capacity of readaptation to work in ex-patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. I. The functional response of the cardio-pulmonary system to an increase of energetic demands imposed by the work of gardening]. PMID- 13808174 TI - [On the work rehabilitation capacity of ex-patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. II. The importance of the knowledge of maximum aerobic work in the selection of subjects to retrain for muscular work]. PMID- 13808175 TI - Mucous broncho-stop and bronchoplegia. Two usually neglected causes of disturbances of the ventilation in limited portions of the lung. PMID- 13808176 TI - [Casuistic contribution to the study of bullous sequels of tubercular caverns. Action of chemo-antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13808177 TI - The structural stability of tocacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13808178 TI - On a modifier of the gene a in Ephestia kuehniella. PMID- 13808179 TI - [The stroke volume of the heart in sudden decrease of peripheral resistance]. PMID- 13808180 TI - [On the dependence of auditory threshold sound pressure on the duration of tone in use of short acoustical tones of different frequency]. PMID- 13808181 TI - [Changes in the direct cortical potential during the natural sleeping-waking period in the freely-moving animal]. PMID- 13808182 TI - [Electroencephalogram (EEG) and anesthesia]. PMID- 13808184 TI - [The effectiveness of gamma-aminobutyric acid and substance P on the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13808183 TI - [On the relation between the dendrite potential and the direct current in the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13808185 TI - A recording microplanimeter. PMID- 13808186 TI - [Instrumental equipment for quantitative cytochemistry]. PMID- 13808187 TI - A clinical investigation of long-acting oral codeine analgesics evaluated statistically. PMID- 13808188 TI - Evaluation of calmative agents: revision of methods. PMID- 13808189 TI - Evaluation of appetite suppressants. PMID- 13808190 TI - Heart excision and replacement. PMID- 13808191 TI - The evolution of a by-pass technique using the lungs as an oxygenator. PMID- 13808192 TI - Restoration of sinus rhythm following elective cardiac arrest under hypothermia. PMID- 13808193 TI - Norepinephrine depletion as a possible mechanism of action of guanethidine (SU 5864), a new hypotensive agent. PMID- 13808194 TI - Pseudomonas corneal ulceration. PMID- 13808195 TI - Insurance for professional illnesses in Italy. PMID- 13808196 TI - [Changes in the complement-fixing antigenic property of a strain of Coxsackie virus B4 subjected to ultrasonics]. PMID- 13808197 TI - [Changes in the cytopathogenic activity of a strain of Coxsackie virus B4 subjected to ultrasonics]. PMID- 13808198 TI - [Clinical and pharmacological studies of a new diuretic: "benzhydroflumethiazide"]. PMID- 13808199 TI - [The wheal absorption time during the diuretic action of hydrochlorothiazide]. PMID- 13808200 TI - [Observations on the antibody and protein pictures in acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13808201 TI - [Research on the protein picture in a group of patients with acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13808202 TI - [Blood and urinary levels of pyrrolidinylmethyltetracycline]. PMID- 13808203 TI - [Study of the immunological response of a group of patients with acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13808204 TI - [Behavior of complement-fixing antibodies durign anti-poliomyelitis vaccination according to the Salk method]. PMID- 13808205 TI - [Pharmiglucin: antibacterial activity]. PMID- 13808206 TI - [Postgraduate education in the preparation of the physician]. PMID- 13808207 TI - [Carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy studied by means of glucagon]. PMID- 13808208 TI - [Glucide metabolism in pregnancy studied by means of glucagon]. PMID- 13808209 TI - [Periods and glycoregulatory factors in pregnancy]. PMID- 13808210 TI - [The vitamin B 12 content of cow's milk and goat's milk]. PMID- 13808211 TI - [Roentgen contrast media on the basis of iodinated phenoxy fatty acids. Part 2]. PMID- 13808212 TI - [X-ray contrast media with an iodinated phenoxy fatty acid base]. PMID- 13808213 TI - An assessment of the fakability of scores on the group personality projective test. PMID- 13808214 TI - Studies on anti-eluate sera. II. Comparison of a conventional antiglobulin serum with three anti-eluate sera in the study of 70 patients with acquired hemolytic anemia. PMID- 13808215 TI - Pediatric cardiology. PMID- 13808216 TI - Irradiation of lymphocytes in freshly drawn blood. PMID- 13808217 TI - Blood-brain barrier behavior during temporary concussion. PMID- 13808218 TI - [Behavior of gastric pH in small herbivorous animals treated with chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13808219 TI - [Behavior of various muscle phenomena in man during treatment with small doses of curare]. PMID- 13808220 TI - [Chlorpromazine and gastrointestinal function in small animals]. PMID- 13808221 TI - [Clinical experience on a substance potentiating the efficacy of some drugs]. PMID- 13808222 TI - [Possibility of surgical intervention on the first abdominal portion of the intestine in small herbivorous animals]. PMID- 13808223 TI - Thyroid-suppression test in the prognosis of hyperthyroidism treated by antithyroid drugs. PMID- 13808224 TI - The duration of increased serum iodine concentration after ingestion of bunamiodyl (orabilex). PMID- 13808225 TI - Cystic cavitation following chemotherapy of acute tuberculosis. PMID- 13808226 TI - Bronchiectasis: pathogenesis and treatment. PMID- 13808227 TI - Hazard of antifoam emboli from a bubble oxygenator. PMID- 13808228 TI - Normothermic perfusion and replantation of the excised dog kidney. PMID- 13808229 TI - Respiratory and cardiovascular alterations during the process of anoxic death in the newborn. PMID- 13808230 TI - Hormone production of the isolated human placenta. Studies on the role of the foetus in the endocrine functions of the placenta. PMID- 13808231 TI - [Obstructive laryngitis. Analysis of 216 cases hospitalized in the Hospital "Manuel Arriaran" during the year 1958]. PMID- 13808232 TI - [Hypnotic phenomenology produced with an electromechanical apparatus: the cortical stimulator. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13808233 TI - [Parameniscosis interna as a cause of gonalgia]. PMID- 13808234 TI - [Sketch on the chemistry of petroleum]. PMID- 13808235 TI - [Study of the distribution of the free and esterified fractions of cholesterol between the alpha and beta lipoproteins]. PMID- 13808236 TI - [A spreading factor different from the hyaluronidases (acting upon chondroitin sulfuric acid)]. PMID- 13808237 TI - [Neurological manifestations of bilharziasis; medullary lesions due to Schistosoma mansoni]. PMID- 13808238 TI - [Calcified occipital angioma diagnosed after 45 years of migraines]. PMID- 13808239 TI - [Angiography of the cerebral vessels]. PMID- 13808240 TI - [Gas encephalography]. PMID- 13808241 TI - [Pathogenesis of nervous arthropathies]. PMID- 13808242 TI - [Psychiatric phenomena in thrombosis of the internal carotid artery]. PMID- 13808243 TI - [The electroencephalogram: its value in localization of lesions of the cerebral hemispheres]. PMID- 13808244 TI - [Problems posed by Pauwels' adduction osteotomy]. PMID- 13808245 TI - [Surgical indications in coxarthrosis in agricultural workers]. PMID- 13808246 TI - [On a case of severe tetanus curarized with success]. PMID- 13808247 TI - [A case of very grave asthmatic disease with acidosic-coma treated and cured with respiratory resuscitation]. PMID- 13808248 TI - [On six cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome with grave respiratory insufficiency treated in the Centre de reanimation respiratoire of Bordeaux in the past year]. PMID- 13808249 TI - Urinary specific gravity as a measure of renal function. PMID- 13808250 TI - Simultaneous tachycardias. PMID- 13808251 TI - [Treatment of massive hematemesis. Experimental data and clinical use of local gastric hypothermia]. PMID- 13808252 TI - [Dexamethasone in bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13808253 TI - [Surgical treatment of angina pectoris]. PMID- 13808254 TI - [Research on the anthelmintic activity and toxicity of diphenyl tin oxide]. PMID- 13808255 TI - [Extemporaneous cytodiagnosis and cytoprognosis of pigmented tumors of the skin]. PMID- 13808256 TI - [Cytodiagnosis and cytoprognosis of salivary gland tumors]. PMID- 13808258 TI - [Preliminary studies of bacterial allergy in certain articular inflammatory rheumatism]. PMID- 13808257 TI - [Contribution to the etiological and therapeutic study of chronic urticaria]. PMID- 13808259 TI - [Apropos of allergy to molds]. PMID- 13808260 TI - [Practical allergology and dermatology. Apropos of a study including 300 cases]. PMID- 13808261 TI - [3 Cases of "Jadassohn's nevus sebaceus"]. PMID- 13808262 TI - [Disseminated multiple epitheliomatosis]. PMID- 13808264 TI - [Legitimacy of obstetrical analgesia]. PMID- 13808265 TI - [Effects of 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate in 100 cases of threatened abortion]. PMID- 13808266 TI - [Current concepts of the cesarean operation]. PMID- 13808263 TI - [Trial of a human gamma globulin with high histamino-protector power in certain allergic dermatoses, especially prurigo-asthma]. PMID- 13808267 TI - [Midforceps delivery. Analysis of 107 cases]. PMID- 13808268 TI - Inhibition of some metalloprotein enzymes by 3-amino-1,2,4,-triazole. PMID- 13808269 TI - [Functional bronchopathies and dynamic bronchography]. PMID- 13808270 TI - A capsulated yeast producing black pigment: Cryptococcus ater n. sp. PMID- 13808271 TI - Presence of sialic acid in connective tissue. PMID- 13808272 TI - [Content of sialic acid in various connective tissues]. PMID- 13808273 TI - [On the presence of a new mucopolysaccharide in metaphysial cartilage]. PMID- 13808274 TI - [The provisions concerning hygiene and food supply in the statutes of a small town in Lombardy]. PMID- 13808275 TI - [Repeated remissions in a case of beta-plasmocytoma; variations in the blood protein picture during p-bis(2-chloroethyl)-aminophenylalanine therapy]. PMID- 13808276 TI - [The problem of cardiac hypertrophy in the course of coronary disease]. PMID- 13808277 TI - [Evaluation of the theoretical bases of the clinical use of precordial leads in childhood]. PMID- 13808278 TI - Cineangiocardiography versus ultrarapid serial angiography. PMID- 13808279 TI - Inhibition of tumor growth in mice by sensitized rat lymph nodes. PMID- 13808280 TI - [Inhibition of the growth of malignant tumors in the rat by means of transplantation of sensitized lymph nodes]. PMID- 13808281 TI - [Radical mastectomy in the treatment of cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13808282 TI - [Dietetic aspects in acute diarrhea]. PMID- 13808283 TI - [On the treatment of inveterate and recent non-reducible fractures of the forearm by means of autoplastic transplants]. PMID- 13808284 TI - [Influence of administration of DL-ethionine on the enzymatic adaptation of hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase in the rat]. PMID- 13808285 TI - [Glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the liver of rats on low protein diet]. PMID- 13808286 TI - [Action of diphenesenic acid on the intestinal absorption of fats as determined in vivo in the rat]. PMID- 13808287 TI - [Chloramphenicol glycinate for endobronchial use]. PMID- 13808288 TI - [Renal function in experimental acute carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13808289 TI - Fatal miliary coccidioidomycosis complicating prolonged prednisone therapy in a patient with myelofibrosis. PMID- 13808290 TI - A case of coccidioidal meningitis arrested by prolonged therapy with intravenous amphotericin B. PMID- 13808291 TI - [A new anti-parkinson substance: alpha-phenyl-alpha-(diethylaminoethyl) glutarimide hydrochloride. Clinical trial]. PMID- 13808292 TI - [Clinical experience in the treatment of mental depression with and inhibitor of cerebral monoamine oxidase: beta-phenyl-isopropyl hydrazine]. PMID- 13808293 TI - [The antigenic structure of some mycobacteria]. PMID- 13808294 TI - Effect of the medium dielectric strength on the activity of alpha chymotrypsin. AB - The rates of hydrolysis of TrEE, TEE, and ATEE(1) by alpha-chymotrypsin were determined in media of variable dielectric strength. Many substances which modify the dielectric constant of the medium, exert additional specific effects on the reaction rate, noticeable at more or less elevated concentrations. Notwithstanding, it is possible to differentiate the dielectric and specific effects by comparing the rates in solvents of distinct nature at relatively low concentrations. Thus, the effect of varying the dielectric strength could be studied within wider ranges (DeltaD = 20 with TrEE and ca. 28 with ATEE) than in the previous study of trypsin (DeltaD = 12). The dielectric effect on alpha chymotrypsin is the opposite of that observed with trypsin. In both cases there is a linear relationship between the logarithm of the rate of hydrolysis and the reciprocal of the dielectric constant. The slope is negative with alpha chymotrypsin and positive with trypsin. According to expressions relating the dielectric constant to the rate in non-enzymatic reactions, the behavior of alpha chymotrypsin is like that of a negative ion, while trypsin behaves as a positive ion. The enzyme activity appears to depend upon the arrangement of charges in the enzyme and substrate molecules, rather than on the presence of certain atomic groupings in the substrate. PMID- 13808295 TI - The splanchnic blood flow and oxygen consumption estimated in man by the bromsulphalein method with special reference to the influence of the peripheral dye level. PMID- 13808296 TI - Effect of intravenous infusions of ethyl alcohol on estimated hepatic blood flow in man. PMID- 13808297 TI - [On a case of pulmonary metastases of an infiltrating cancer of the gastric body]. PMID- 13808298 TI - Transplantation immunity: separation of antigenic components from isolated nuclei. PMID- 13808299 TI - [Clinical and encephalographic study of a pure cerebellar atrophy, without cerebral participation in a young adult]. PMID- 13808301 TI - [Elements for a classification of hysteria]. PMID- 13808300 TI - [Benign injuries of the cranium and the subjective syndrome. Clinical and therapeutic study apropos of 450 cases]. PMID- 13808302 TI - [Patients causing problems of psychiatric care in general hospitals]. PMID- 13808303 TI - [Thyroxin in the treatment of hypothyreosis and obesity]. PMID- 13808304 TI - [Anxiety and fear in internal medicine]. PMID- 13808305 TI - [Cardiovascular diseases and lipemias]. PMID- 13808306 TI - [Hypertrichosis of the young woman]. PMID- 13808307 TI - [Apropos of the antiacetylcholine effects of different Rauwolfia alkaloids and several intermediary substances obtained during the synthesis of reserpine]. PMID- 13808308 TI - [Collagen diseases of the eye and their therapy with prednisolone]. PMID- 13808309 TI - [Corneal herpes and its treatment with dihydroergotamine]. PMID- 13808310 TI - [On a case of ectopic or aberrant goiter of the anterior mediastinum]. PMID- 13808312 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of radical surgery in pancreas head and papillary carcinoma]. PMID- 13808311 TI - [Preparation for operation in carcinoma of the head of the pancreas and in papillary carcinoma]. PMID- 13808313 TI - [The Korsakoff syndrome]. PMID- 13808314 TI - [A new drug in the treatment of mental diseases]. PMID- 13808315 TI - [Imipramine hydrochloride in the treatment of depressive states]. PMID- 13808316 TI - [Social function of the physician]. PMID- 13808317 TI - [Fundamentals of diagnosis in pneumology]. PMID- 13808318 TI - [Physiopathology of respiratory insufficiency observed in the course of pulmonary sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13808319 TI - Factors involved in the absorption of vitamin B12. PMID- 13808320 TI - Scalene node dissections. PMID- 13808321 TI - Report on a new drug, captodiamine: a preliminary investigation. PMID- 13808322 TI - [Chlorothiazide in decompensated hypertensive heart disease]. PMID- 13808323 TI - [Behavior of euglobulins in pleural exudates]. PMID- 13808324 TI - The microscopic structure of normal human synovial tissue. PMID- 13808325 TI - [Locus-pedicled skin graft in hernia repair]. PMID- 13808326 TI - [Observations on vertebral angiography by percutaneous puncture of the subclavial artery]. PMID- 13808327 TI - [A case of hyperostosis frontalis interna in childhood]. PMID- 13808328 TI - Trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin in cataract surgery. PMID- 13808329 TI - On the choroidal detachment following cataract extraction. PMID- 13808330 TI - The viricidal action of ethylene oxide. Experience gained of methods employing tissue culture for control of the results. PMID- 13808331 TI - Fetal hemoglobin. Its significance in assessing the duration of pregnancy and the effect of late toxemia on fetal hemoglobin. PMID- 13808332 TI - [A new scale for the artificial kidney. For the control of the ultra-filtration effect of the artificial kidney: a patient net suspension balance instead of a bed scale]. PMID- 13808333 TI - [A tara weight-free, easily transportable precision suspension scale for continuous weight control of the seriously ill patient in bed]. PMID- 13808334 TI - [On a new method for supervision of the water metabolism of the body in severely ill: a patient "netto" suspension scale instead of a "bed" scale]. PMID- 13808335 TI - [Estimation of prothrombin time by the Quick test (preparation of thromboplastin)]. PMID- 13808336 TI - [A new arterial vasodilator: duvadilan]. PMID- 13808337 TI - [Arteriosclerosis (peripheral)]. PMID- 13808338 TI - [Functional popliteal phlebography]. PMID- 13808339 TI - [Peroral endoscopy in childhood (with special reference to newborn and other infants)]. PMID- 13808341 TI - [Aortography in chronic obstructive arteriopathies]. PMID- 13808340 TI - [Prevention and treatment of reactions caused by "pyretogens" with the use of an antihistaminic associated with calcium]. PMID- 13808342 TI - [Tricuspid atresia. 2 cases operated on with success]. PMID- 13808343 TI - [Possible influence of the kidney in hematopoiesis. Experimental studies in dogs. 1]. PMID- 13808344 TI - Preliminary observations of the Paneth cells of the Tamandua tetradactyla Lin. PMID- 13808345 TI - Method of examination used in the course of histology of the Escola Paulista de Medicina. PMID- 13808346 TI - Sex chromatin ('chromoleme') in the Purkinje nerve cells of some mammals. PMID- 13808347 TI - [Diagnosis of genetic sex by the study of the nuclei of the arrectores pilorum muscles in biopsies of human skin]. PMID- 13808348 TI - [Congenital cerebral arteriovenous aneurysms. Apropos of 2 clinical cases]. PMID- 13808349 TI - [Selective omphalotomorrhaphy in the newborn]. PMID- 13808350 TI - [Action of alpha-dinitrophenol on the level of blood potassium]. PMID- 13808351 TI - [Experimental increase in coronary flow by constriction of the ascending aorta in the treatment of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13808352 TI - Retinal detachment surgery: scleral shortening by outfolding with titanium clips. PMID- 13808353 TI - [Research on the behavior of the serum enzyme picture in lead poisoning. Note I. Cholinesterase, procainesterase and aspirinoesterase]. PMID- 13808355 TI - [Acute experimental poisoning from E-605 (parathion). Study of blood coagulation factors]. PMID- 13808354 TI - [Research on the behavior of the serum enzyme picture in lead poisoning. Note II. Transaminase activity, aldolase activity and malic and lactic dehydrogenase activity]. PMID- 13808356 TI - [Acute experimental poisoning from E-605 (parathion). The behavior of some aspecific indices of the activity of the disease]. PMID- 13808357 TI - [Behavior of the enzymatic picture in serum in workers employed in disinfestation with organic phosphorus esters. I. The modifications of cholinesterase, procainesterase and aspirin esterase rates]. PMID- 13808358 TI - [Behavior of the enzymatic picture in serum in workers employed in disinfestation with organic phosphorus esters. II. Serum levels of aldolase and transaminase activities]. PMID- 13808359 TI - [Acute experimental poisoning from E-605 (parathion). Study of the enzymatic picture. I. The behavior of serum esterases (cholinesterases, procainesterases and aspirin esterases)]. PMID- 13808360 TI - [Acute experimental poisoning from E-605 (parathion). Study of the enzymatic picture. II. The behavior of transaminase activity and aldolase activity in serum]. PMID- 13808361 TI - [On the behavior of the tuberculin reaction in silicotic and silico-tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13808362 TI - [The Middlebrook and Dubos test in silicotic and silico-tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13808363 TI - [Clinical observations on the possibility of blocking the side-effects of reserpine in psychiatry]. PMID- 13808364 TI - [The use of the reserpine-orphenadrine association in liquid vehicle in psychiatric treatment]. PMID- 13808365 TI - [Gastric eosinophilic granuloma]. PMID- 13808366 TI - [Radiological aspects of hydranencephaly. Description of 2 cases]. PMID- 13808367 TI - [Pneumoaneurysmography]. PMID- 13808368 TI - [The diagnostic importance of the radiological changes of the skeleton in sympathoblastoma (Observations on 12 cases)]. PMID- 13808369 TI - [On a new medium of biliary contrast for oral administration (biloptin)]. PMID- 13808370 TI - [On the use of new contrast media in hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13808371 TI - [Determination of the braking time of the rotatory armchair (New personal technic)]. PMID- 13808372 TI - [Several aspects of cardiac behavior during total laryngectomy]. PMID- 13808373 TI - [Cardiocirculatory data in 93 patients with carcinoma of the larynx]. PMID- 13808374 TI - [Psychic disturbances in heredito-degenerative chorea]. PMID- 13808375 TI - [Considerations on Cotard's syndrome]. PMID- 13808376 TI - [On epilepsia morpheica]. PMID- 13808377 TI - [Experimental research on derivations of the portal circulation. III. Enteronephropexy]. PMID- 13808378 TI - [Experimental research on diversion of the portal circulation. II. Gastrohepatopexy]. PMID- 13808379 TI - [On new possibilities of surgical decompression in animals with portal hypertension due to intrahepatic obstruction]. PMID- 13808380 TI - [On a new operation of surgical revascularization of the myocardium]. PMID- 13808381 TI - [Subacute and chronic infectious jejunoileitis in adults]. PMID- 13808382 TI - [Blood bilirubin and alkaline phosphatases in patients with mitrotricuspid valvulopathies]. PMID- 13808383 TI - [The action of thioctic acid on experimental hepatic siderosis]. PMID- 13808384 TI - [Observations on siderosis in rats with experimental hepatic damage]. PMID- 13808386 TI - [Malignant tumors of the pavilion of the ear. Clinical considerations on 243 cases]. PMID- 13808385 TI - [Experimental studies on the effect of nitrogen mustard in acute pulmonary edema produced by adrenalin]. PMID- 13808387 TI - [Electrophoretic investigations on the urinary proteins of the Equidae]. PMID- 13808388 TI - Cytoplasmic inheritance. PMID- 13808389 TI - The influence of nutrition on mutation induced by radiation. PMID- 13808390 TI - Durability of suture materials. PMID- 13808391 TI - A hand clamp for plastic tubing. PMID- 13808392 TI - A labour-saving plate for the Melrose heart-and-lung machine oxygenator. PMID- 13808393 TI - [The relations between the greater omentum and the transverse mesocolon during embryonic development]. PMID- 13808394 TI - Contributions to the physiology of spinal shock. PMID- 13808395 TI - [Further studies on raw and heated milk]. PMID- 13808396 TI - [On familial gouty diathesis associated with cerebral and renal symptoms in a small child]. PMID- 13808398 TI - [On differential diagnosis and pathogenesis of glycogenosis]. PMID- 13808397 TI - [On the problem of tuberculosis protection by the body substance of tubercle bacilli in the native state. I. Production of a tuberculin allergy with dead tubercle bacilli (or their body substance) in the native state]. PMID- 13808399 TI - [On unusually marked skin changes in Pfaundler-Hurler disease (gargoylism, dysostotic idiocy)]. PMID- 13808401 TI - [The development of the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13808400 TI - [Electrocardiographic, enzymatic and radiologic aspects of a case of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13808402 TI - [Ligation of the pulmonary artery: morphohistological and functional results (Experimental research)]. PMID- 13808403 TI - [On bronchial adenoma (clinical and anatomo-histological observations)]. PMID- 13808404 TI - [Distribution of isoniazide and bacteriologic findings in the context of pathologic materials of tubercular processes]. PMID- 13808405 TI - Studies on the induction of bone and soft tissue tumours in rats by gamma irradiation and the effect of growth hormone and thyroxine. PMID- 13808406 TI - Quantitative measurements of oxygen tension in normal tissues and in the tumours of patients before and after radiotherapy. PMID- 13808407 TI - [Regulatory mechanisms of electrocortical activity]. PMID- 13808409 TI - [Holiday reading: physiology--psychology]. PMID- 13808408 TI - [Intralobar pulmonary sequestration]. PMID- 13808410 TI - [Pierre Teissier (1864-1932)]. PMID- 13808411 TI - [Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia]. PMID- 13808412 TI - Effect of intermittent positive pressure breathing on the cardiac output of patients with chronic pulmonary disease. PMID- 13808413 TI - Anthracosilicosis. Selected aspects related to the evaluation of disability, cavitation, and the unusual x-ray. PMID- 13808414 TI - The effects of x-radiation on the early cleavage stages of the snail, Llyanassa obsoleta. PMID- 13808415 TI - C-sections--OB's responsibility. PMID- 13808416 TI - The cervicothoracic area: some clinical and practical considerations. PMID- 13808417 TI - [Possibility of use of a new model of microspectrophotometer]. PMID- 13808418 TI - Transformation of Neisseria meningitidis by deoxyribonucleates from cells and from culture slime. PMID- 13808419 TI - Effects of tetrazotized diorthoanisidine on depressor response to 5 hydroxytryptamine in the rabbit. PMID- 13808420 TI - [A new form of psychosurgery: iridium 194 administered by transorbital approach]. PMID- 13808421 TI - [Cerebral grafts by transorbital approach and stimulation of the hypothalamus in leucotomies]. PMID- 13808422 TI - [Stratigraphic control of the pelvis in the course of treatment for congenital luxation of the hip]. PMID- 13808424 TI - [The place of unusual etiologies in the sudden unilateral blindness caused by cranial injuries]. PMID- 13808423 TI - [Primary inoculation conjunctival tuberculosis due to bovine bacillus]. PMID- 13808425 TI - [Glaucoma revealing unilateral edematous exophthalmos]. PMID- 13808426 TI - [The syndrome of obliteration of the the retinal arteries, rare complication of carotid arteriography]. PMID- 13808427 TI - [Studies on therapeutic possibilities in poisonings with radioactive split products. 6. The influencing of the behavior of radiostrontium by earth alkali salts]. PMID- 13808428 TI - [Hepatic colic]. PMID- 13808429 TI - [The malabsorption syndrome]. PMID- 13808430 TI - [Jaundice and pregnancy]. PMID- 13808431 TI - [Gastroenterology. How to manage emergency treatment of hematemesis in a cirrhotic]. PMID- 13808432 TI - [Gastroenterology (Continued). The treatment of chronic intestinal amebiasis]. PMID- 13808433 TI - [Pre-frontal novocaine infiltration in digestive pathology]. PMID- 13808434 TI - [Clinical forms of chronic primary jejuno-ileitis]. PMID- 13808435 TI - [Lactic therapy in colic diseases]. PMID- 13808436 TI - [Exploration of the metabolism of fats in the small intestine by radioactive isotopes]. PMID- 13808438 TI - [The physiopathological consequences of diarrhea]. PMID- 13808437 TI - [Study of fat metabolism in disorders of the small intestine by means of radioisotopes]. PMID- 13808439 TI - [Cirrhoses and abnormal globulins (euglobulins and macroglobulins)]. PMID- 13808441 TI - [Subacute and chronic infectious jejunoileitis of the adult]. PMID- 13808440 TI - [Clinical results and mechanism of the treatment of edemas with corticoids]. PMID- 13808442 TI - The effect of triethylene-melamine on the ferility of female mice. PMID- 13808443 TI - [The use of a new analeptic prethcamide in anesthesia]. PMID- 13808444 TI - [Clinical evaluation of a new phenothiazine: methopromazine (FI-5631 or mopazine)]. PMID- 13808445 TI - [Clinical experience with a synthetic hypertensin]. PMID- 13808446 TI - [Experiences with methylprylon ("noludar", Roche) in 412 surgical patients]. PMID- 13808447 TI - [Experiences with tessalon in peroral endoscopy]. PMID- 13808448 TI - [Testicular retention]. PMID- 13808449 TI - [Eosinophilic appendicitis in childhood]. PMID- 13808451 TI - [Contribution to the study of the obstetrical problem of the large fetus]. PMID- 13808450 TI - [The electroencephalogram of the newborn in normal labor and dystocia]. PMID- 13808452 TI - [Type and frequency of lesions of newborn infants in dystocic births]. PMID- 13808453 TI - [Considerations on the therapy of plasmocytoma (on the basis of 6 personal cases]. PMID- 13808454 TI - [Histochemical study on the bronchial mucosa in man]. PMID- 13808455 TI - [Lesions of the esophagus after roentgenotherapy]. PMID- 13808456 TI - [Morphological data on karyokinesis of the cells of laryngeal carcinoma cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13808457 TI - [On the role of mast cells in the pathogenesis of epistaxis]. PMID- 13808458 TI - [The particular aspects of surgery of malignant tumors of the ovary]. PMID- 13808459 TI - [Complex traumatic lesions of the hip]. PMID- 13808460 TI - [Lung diseases and blood enzymatic activity (oxalacetic transaminases, lactic dehydrogenases, phosphoglucoisomerases)]. PMID- 13808461 TI - [Phosphoglucoisomerase in the blood in various disease states]. PMID- 13808462 TI - [Arthrodesis of the hip (with special reference to fixation with bone grafts)]. PMID- 13808463 TI - [Arthroplasty of the hip with acrylic endoprosthesis associated with head repair]. PMID- 13808464 TI - [Deep massage in the treatment of tendinitis]. PMID- 13808465 TI - [Development and therapy of tibial torsion in congenital clubfoot]. PMID- 13808466 TI - [Experimental study on the mechanical resistance of various types of bone implants in arthrodesis of the hip]. PMID- 13808468 TI - [On intramedullary nailing in fractures of the forearm]. PMID- 13808467 TI - [On Monteggia's fracture]. PMID- 13808469 TI - [On inveterate dislocation of the shoulder]. PMID- 13808470 TI - [On isolated fractures of the intercondyloid eminence of the tibia]. PMID- 13808472 TI - [Quadruple obstetric epiphysial separation (description of a case)]. PMID- 13808471 TI - [On the radiographic development of autoplastic bone implants]. PMID- 13808473 TI - [Relation between diskal hernias and reduction of the width of the intervertebral space]. PMID- 13808474 TI - [Results of gluco-corticoid therapy in a case of Albers-Schonberger disease (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13808475 TI - [The reduction of dislocations of the elbow by the method of traction "on the dangling arm"]. PMID- 13808476 TI - [The reduction of luxation of the shoulder by the Lacey-Crawford method]. PMID- 13808478 TI - DNA synthesis in irradiated hair follicles of the mouse. PMID- 13808479 TI - Psychopharmacological agents: a selective survey. PMID- 13808477 TI - [Unsual radiological picture of an aspecific osteitis]. PMID- 13808480 TI - A technique for the exposure of the third and fourth portions of the duodenum. PMID- 13808481 TI - Objective-test assessment of the primary personality dimensions in middle childhood. PMID- 13808483 TI - Clinical diagnosis by the IPAT music preference test. PMID- 13808482 TI - Thorotrast and carcinogenesis. Report of a case. PMID- 13808484 TI - Personality structure in four and five year olds in terms of objective tests. PMID- 13808485 TI - Extension of meaning of objective test personality factors: especially into anxiety, neuroticism, questionaire and physical factors. PMID- 13808486 TI - Stimuli related to stress, neuroticism, excitation, and anxiety response patterns: illustrating a new multivariate experimental design. PMID- 13808487 TI - The objective measurement of motivation structure in children. PMID- 13808488 TI - Anxiety, extraversion, and other secondorder personality factors in children. PMID- 13808489 TI - Percutaneous retrograde catheterization of the left ventricle and systemic arteries of man. PMID- 13808491 TI - The polymask as a means of administering oxygen. PMID- 13808490 TI - Myocardial injury from therapeutic irradiation. PMID- 13808492 TI - A new mask for delivering oxygen or other gases. PMID- 13808493 TI - The effect of radiation upon the heart. PMID- 13808494 TI - Is trichomonal infestation a veneral disease? PMID- 13808495 TI - Is trichomonal infestation a venereal disease? PMID- 13808496 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of trichomonal urethritis in men. PMID- 13808497 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of trichomonal urethritis in male patients. PMID- 13808498 TI - Uveitis, arthritis, and non-specific genital infection. PMID- 13808499 TI - [Value of industrial medicine for the sanitary and social education of the population]. PMID- 13808500 TI - Toxic epidermal necrolysis occurring in a child. PMID- 13808501 TI - [The interpretation of movement in the Rorschachs of mentally defective children]. PMID- 13808502 TI - [Dietetic trends in tetany syndromes]. PMID- 13808504 TI - [Results of occupational reclassification of pulmonary tuberculotics in a large industry]. PMID- 13808503 TI - The effect of insulin on the thyroid gland and its influence on heat regulation. PMID- 13808505 TI - [Treatment of cryptorchism]. PMID- 13808506 TI - [Early results of a personal method of plastic surgery for hypospadias]. PMID- 13808507 TI - [Voluminous angiolipoma of the forearm in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13808508 TI - [Surgical treatment of nervous arthropathies]. PMID- 13808509 TI - [Osteotomies in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip]. PMID- 13808510 TI - [Anterior marginal fracture-dislocations of the radius]. PMID- 13808511 TI - [On the complications of the direct approach to foci of Pott's disease]. PMID- 13808512 TI - [Right hepatic lobectomy]. PMID- 13808513 TI - [Observations and experiences in the use of the preparation europanyl]. PMID- 13808514 TI - Genetic factors in the prognosis of Rh erythroblastosis. PMID- 13808515 TI - Perforation of the newborn stomach: report of a case. PMID- 13808516 TI - Rh erythroblastosis and ABO incompatibility. PMID- 13808517 TI - Spina bifida occulta and pregnancy. A case report. PMID- 13808518 TI - The diaphragm in dystrophia myotonica. PMID- 13808519 TI - [On the pharmacological properties of o-anisylboric acid]. PMID- 13808520 TI - [Arylboric derivatives and ataractic activity]. PMID- 13808521 TI - [Pharmacodynamic effects of carquejol]. PMID- 13808522 TI - [Toxicity of methyleugenol, of methylisoeugenols and of methyldihydroeugenol]. PMID- 13808524 TI - The mode of termination of the sensory nerves and its significance. PMID- 13808523 TI - Development and postnatal changes of digital Pacinian corpuscles (corpuscula lamellosa) in the human hand. PMID- 13808525 TI - [Comparative calcium efficacy of powdered milk and of calcium carbonate, as a function of the calcium content of the diet]. PMID- 13808526 TI - [Does calcium oxalate constitute a source of calcium utilizable by the rat during growth?]. PMID- 13808527 TI - [Effect of vitamin D on the blood calcium level in the young rat deficient in calcium and on the development of various parts of its skeleton]. PMID- 13808528 TI - The cellular content of the endoneurium of peripheral nerve. PMID- 13808530 TI - Differences in the deoxyribonucleic acid content of nuclei from Schwann cells, endoneurial cells and related tumour cells. PMID- 13808529 TI - Changes in the deoxyribonucleic acid content of ganglion cells during chromatolysis. PMID- 13808531 TI - Electron microscopic observations on the mucous membrane of the stomach and of exfoliated cells. PMID- 13808532 TI - [Alpha-chymotrypsin. First trials of a proteolytic enzyme in the surgery of deafness]. PMID- 13808533 TI - [The new view of ORL in the light of current therapeutics]. PMID- 13808534 TI - Use of psychoanalysis in the study of the classics. PMID- 13808535 TI - [Placental grafts in the restoration of loss of substance in the trachea (experimental research)]. PMID- 13808536 TI - [Clinicostatistical observations on carcinoma of the lips]. PMID- 13808538 TI - Effect of nicotinic acid on experimental atheromatosis of rabbits. PMID- 13808537 TI - [Histomorphological and histochemical findings on the influence exercised by substances activating and by substances depressing the neuroendocrine system on hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy (experimental research)]. PMID- 13808539 TI - [Manifestations of a psychasthenic nature in a case of Sturge-Weber-Krabbe disease]. PMID- 13808540 TI - [Importance of hypercapnia in congestive cardiac insufficiency caused by chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13808541 TI - [Water-electrolyte metabolism in the course of prolonged treatment with chlorothiazide and hydrochlorothiazide]. PMID- 13808543 TI - [Health education of the population. Practical procedures of health education]. PMID- 13808542 TI - [Apropos of the prevention of venereal diseases by benzathine penicillin G]. PMID- 13808544 TI - [Arthrographical research with combined contrast medium in meniscal lesions of the knee]. PMID- 13808545 TI - [Right hepatic lobectomy extended to include the caudate and quadrate segments for cancer of probable gallbladder origin]. PMID- 13808546 TI - [Practice of cardiological examinations in an industrial medicine service]. PMID- 13808548 TI - [On the behavior of the senile organism under the influence of alcohol. Further research]. PMID- 13808547 TI - [The clearing factor and alcohol in the senile organism]. PMID- 13808549 TI - [On the local use of prednisolone trimethylacetate in allergic rhinopathies]. PMID- 13808550 TI - An unusual site of metastasis from the larynx. PMID- 13808551 TI - [On a case of cleidocranial dysostosis]. PMID- 13808552 TI - [Three cases of suicide of medicolegal interest]. PMID- 13808553 TI - [Progestatives and the pituitary gland: morphology and function]. PMID- 13808554 TI - Effect of cortisone and testosterone on autologous osteocartilaginous and bone transplants in the rat. PMID- 13808555 TI - [Effect of cortisone and testosterone on autologous osteocarilaginous and osseous grafts in the rat]. PMID- 13808556 TI - [Cytopathological research on the action of vaccinia virus on four cell strains in stable culture]. PMID- 13808557 TI - [Research on the sensitivity to the viral action of Galliera sarcoma cultures in vitro]. PMID- 13808558 TI - [Contribution to the study of malignant mixed tumors of the Fallopian tube (carcinosarcoma)]. PMID- 13808559 TI - [Aldosterone in physiological pregnancy]. PMID- 13808560 TI - [Therapy of trichomonal vaginitis with a new combination of nitrofurans]. PMID- 13808561 TI - [Behavior of desoxyribonucleic acid during hepatic erythropoiesis in man]. PMID- 13808562 TI - [On the use of new placental extracts in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13808563 TI - Cleavage of cystine by a pyridoxal model. PMID- 13808564 TI - The biosynthesis of CoA in the pigeon liver extract. PMID- 13808565 TI - Disulfide interchange by ionizing radiation. AB - The irradiation of a soluition of two symmetric disulfides produces detectable amounts of the nonsymmetric mixed disulfide. The effect is abolished by the addition of ethylmaleimide. The finding indicates that radiation caulses a disulfide opening and recombining process which may be of radiobiological interest. PMID- 13808567 TI - New anti-viral compounds with considerable activity in vivo-I, Biphenyl derivatives. PMID- 13808566 TI - Inability of thiotaurine to protect mice against ionizing radiation. PMID- 13808568 TI - Antiviral compounds--II. Reaction of 4-biphenylglyoxal with p-aminobenzoic acid and related structures. PMID- 13808569 TI - The concept of a supporting moiety as applied to the synthesis of anti-viral compounds. PMID- 13808570 TI - Anticholinesterase activities of some bis-quaternary ammonium salts. PMID- 13808571 TI - [Ausculation of interstitial disorders of the lung]. PMID- 13808572 TI - [Clinical interpretation of acute splenalgia]. PMID- 13808573 TI - [Clinical interpretation of proteinuria]. PMID- 13808574 TI - [Semiological value of the "expectoration"]. PMID- 13808575 TI - [Varicose ulcer]. PMID- 13808576 TI - [Considerations on the subject of lymphography]. PMID- 13808578 TI - Acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13808577 TI - [Hare-Pancoast-Tobias syndrome caused by aneurysm of the innominate trunk and right subclavian artery]. PMID- 13808579 TI - Retroperitoneal pelvic neurofibrosarcoma. PMID- 13808580 TI - The cervical cone biopsyhysterectomy sequence and factors affecting the febrile morbidity. PMID- 13808582 TI - The Clendening collection. PMID- 13808581 TI - Osteomyelitis of the superior maxilla in infants: a report on 24 personally treated cases. PMID- 13808583 TI - Cerebral demyelination associated with disorders of the reticuloendothelial system. PMID- 13808584 TI - Housekeeping and the operating room. PMID- 13808586 TI - The effect of "social censure" and "social approval" on the psychomotor performance of schizophrenics. PMID- 13808585 TI - The role of multiplication of Pasteurella pestis in mononuclear phagocytes in the pathogenesis of flea-borne plague. PMID- 13808588 TI - [Notes for a study of the relations between music and pharmacy. Pharmacist musicians]. PMID- 13808587 TI - A physician and an apothecary charged with the murder of Amadeus VII, the "Red Count". PMID- 13808589 TI - [The symbolic language of chemistry]. PMID- 13808590 TI - [Incrimination of a physician and a pharmacist in the death of Amadeus VII, the Red Count]. PMID- 13808591 TI - [Intravenous cholangiocholecystography in cirrhotics and icterus patients. Preliminary results obtained by the use of new methods]. PMID- 13808592 TI - [The Facultad de Medicina of Monterrey in its centennial]. PMID- 13808593 TI - Histochemistry and composition of the male reproductive tract of the horned lizard as affected by seasonal variation. PMID- 13808594 TI - [On an unusual occupational lesion of the trainer-driver]. PMID- 13808595 TI - [The user for farm irrigation purposes of chlorinated waste waters. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13808596 TI - [Relation between sedimentation rate and the quantitative determination of the perchlorosoluble blood proteins]. PMID- 13808597 TI - [Changes in the bladder tumor and bladder wall after telecobalt therapy]. PMID- 13808598 TI - [On athletic heart. Apropos of a case of right hypertrophy in a young 5000-meter runner]. PMID- 13808599 TI - [Alterations of the thromboelastogram after treatment with ethionine]. PMID- 13808600 TI - [Thrombo-elastographic research in experimental malnutrtion due to gastrocolic fistulas]. PMID- 13808601 TI - [Influence of protamine sulfate on hepatic lipid metabolism in normal conditions and in hypercholesterolic steatosis]. PMID- 13808602 TI - [Exocrine pancreas and defective nutrition: histological and histochemical observations in the course of experimental gastrocolic fistulas]. PMID- 13808604 TI - [The urea test in the study of hemocoagulative damage induced by ethionone]. PMID- 13808603 TI - [Ethionine and blood coagulability: evaluation of the heparin tolerance test in vitro]. PMID- 13808605 TI - [Clinical and experimental hepato-pancreatic changes during gastro-colic fistulas. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13808606 TI - [Behavior of plasmatic antithrombin activity in the course of experimental gastrocolic fistulas]. PMID- 13808607 TI - [Behavior of the clearing factor in experimental dietary endogenous deficiency]. PMID- 13808608 TI - [Relation between thyroid function and basophilic leukocytes; clinical and experimental research]. PMID- 13808609 TI - [Electroencephalographic findings in infantile encephalitis syndromes]. PMID- 13808612 TI - [The disease of spasms in flexion]. PMID- 13808611 TI - [Evolutive aspects of the epileptic picture in children]. PMID- 13808610 TI - [Electroenecephalographic picture in encephalitic syndromes in children. Relative physiopathological and clinical problems]. PMID- 13808614 TI - [A case of rhinosporidiosis]. PMID- 13808613 TI - [The normalization of the EEG tracing during antiepileptic therapy]. PMID- 13808615 TI - Hydrochlorothiazide in severe congestive heart failure. Clinical experience in the treatment. PMID- 13808616 TI - [Longterm prognosis of suppurative meningitis in early childhood]. PMID- 13808617 TI - Trend in public attitudes toward epilepsy over the past decade. PMID- 13808618 TI - [On an in vivo trial technic for trichomonacidal substances]. PMID- 13808619 TI - [Pharmacological trial of trichomonacidal drugs on the rat experimentally infested by Trichomonas vaginalis Donne, 1837]. PMID- 13808620 TI - [Chemotherapy of intestinal lambliasis]. PMID- 13808621 TI - [Drugs used in the treatment of genital trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13808622 TI - [Recent acquisitions in anti-amebic therapy]. PMID- 13808624 TI - Medicolegal problems posed by the medical expert opinion on the subject of occupational diseases PMID- 13808623 TI - [Recent contributions in the treatment of intestinal helminthiasis]. PMID- 13808625 TI - [Apropos of "typical" segmental resections]. PMID- 13808626 TI - [Chromatographic determination of cortisone, hydrocortisone and aldosterone in human urine]. PMID- 13808627 TI - [Analysis of corticoid-like steroids of pharmaceutical interest, by means of paper chromatography]. PMID- 13808628 TI - [Chromatographic study of the steroids present in chloroform extracts of urine, fractionated between benzene and water (11-hydroxycorticoids and 11 desoxycorticoids)]. PMID- 13808629 TI - [Duodeno-pancreatectomy (head), Codivilla's operation (1898). Historical vindication]. PMID- 13808630 TI - Care for the indigent-indigent care. PMID- 13808631 TI - Clinical and laboratory studies of plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency (PTA). PMID- 13808632 TI - [Use of alpha-chymotrypsin-A "zolulase" in cataract surgery]. PMID- 13808633 TI - The further investigation of the fronto-orbital centres for intraocular and blood pressure. PMID- 13808634 TI - [On central regulation of intraocular pressure]. PMID- 13808635 TI - Gout in the Negro female. PMID- 13808636 TI - Treatment of obesity in the adult. PMID- 13808637 TI - Anemia of hepatic disease studied with radiochromium. PMID- 13808638 TI - The remarkable tissue mast cells; with observations on mast cell acid polysaccharides in the cutaneous lesions of urticaria pigmentosa. PMID- 13808639 TI - Nonfatal pulmonary amniotic embolism. An unusual transplacental path of entry. PMID- 13808640 TI - Laboratory investigation of autoimmunization. PMID- 13808641 TI - Primary fibrosarcoma of the tongue associated with syphilitic leucoplakia. PMID- 13808642 TI - The implantation of cells from the oral mucous membrane by injection needles. PMID- 13808643 TI - Tuberculosis of the mouth and throat; with special reference to the incidence and management since the introduction of chemotherapy. PMID- 13808644 TI - The problem of otosclerosis. PMID- 13808645 TI - Vertigo. PMID- 13808646 TI - Clinical evaluation of the antacid properties of hydrated magnesium aluminate. PMID- 13808647 TI - Bleeding peptic ulcer: medical management. PMID- 13808648 TI - The effect of isopropamide iodide (darbid), alone and in combination with prochlorperazine (compazine), on the serum protein-bound iodine. PMID- 13808649 TI - [The organization of medical and social aid for aged persons. General report of the Inspection Generale de la Sante et de la Population]. PMID- 13808650 TI - [The organization of medical and social aid for the aged]. PMID- 13808651 TI - Neonatal pediatrics. Part I. Cardiovascular evaluation. PMID- 13808652 TI - [Fatal outcome of a case of pyonephrosis terminated by a metastatic abscess of the brain]. PMID- 13808653 TI - [Pulmonary metastases revealing a cancer of the kidney]. PMID- 13808654 TI - [The anatomo-surgical principles of repositioning of the abnormally floating kidney]. PMID- 13808655 TI - [Various causes of urinary retention in women]. PMID- 13808656 TI - The practical application of the Clean Air Act. PMID- 13808657 TI - [The consequences of the coverage of hospital physicians by the social security]. PMID- 13808658 TI - [The responsibility of interns]. PMID- 13808659 TI - [Gamma globulins and antibodies. Therapeutic applications]. PMID- 13808661 TI - [The Institut d'Hematologie of Montpellier]. PMID- 13808662 TI - [The present and future role of blood transfusion centers in hematological diagnosis]. PMID- 13808660 TI - [Gamma globulins and antibodies. Therapeutic uses]. PMID- 13808663 TI - [The prevention of blood transfusion accidents caused by incompatibility and the problems involved]. PMID- 13808664 TI - Combatting hidden threats to the patient. PMID- 13808665 TI - [Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in a silicotuber culotic]. PMID- 13808666 TI - [Epidemiology at Casablanca during the year 1959]. PMID- 13808667 TI - Prevention Service PMID- 13808668 TI - The treatment of trichomonal and monilial vaginitis with pimaricin. PMID- 13808670 TI - [Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13808669 TI - [Megamycetoma associated with pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13808671 TI - [Apropos of cerebral thrombophlebitis in the puerperium]. PMID- 13808672 TI - [Clinical findings and considerations on the use of the gamma-ethylester of glutamic acid (glutster) in the obstetrical and gynecological field]. PMID- 13808673 TI - [Considerations on several endometrial findings after administration of diphenesinic acid]. PMID- 13808674 TI - [Considerations on the apperance of malaria in the puerperium]. PMID- 13808676 TI - [Observations and views on the use of a new psychopharmacological drug in gynecology]. PMID- 13808675 TI - [Considerations on various observations concerning the use of psychopharmaca in labor]. PMID- 13808678 TI - [Physiopathology of the puerperium (Second Part: Pathology)]. PMID- 13808677 TI - [On cortisone and cortisone-simulant therapy associated with antibiotics in inflammatory disorders of the true pelvis]. PMID- 13808679 TI - [Physiopathology of the puerperium. (Part 2. Pathology)]. PMID- 13808680 TI - [Physiopathology of the puerperium. (Part 2. Pathology)]. PMID- 13808681 TI - [Physiopathology of the puerperium]. PMID- 13808682 TI - [Usefulness of the local administration of a heparinoid substance in vascular diseases in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13808683 TI - [Protection from neural biological lesions concomitant with reserpine therapy in psychiatry]. PMID- 13808684 TI - [The evolution of modern psychiatry in its psychological and biological aspects]. PMID- 13808685 TI - [On peritonitis due to appendicitis. Is the appendicitis which causes peritonitis always perforated?]. PMID- 13808686 TI - [Volvulus of the sigmoid. Apropos of 27 operated cases in 3 years at the Averroes hospital]. PMID- 13808687 TI - [2 Cases of inguinal herniation of the uterus]. PMID- 13808688 TI - [Duodenal and mesenteric agenesis with total volvulus of the small intestine]. PMID- 13808689 TI - [Pathology and clinical aspects of megacolon]. PMID- 13808690 TI - [Pathology and clinical aspects of megacolon]. PMID- 13808691 TI - [The origins of antitubercular legislation]. PMID- 13808692 TI - [Nozinan in psychiatric therapy]. PMID- 13808693 TI - [Considerations on steroid diabetes. Corrective effect of chlorpropamide]. PMID- 13808694 TI - Serological reactions in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis; evaluation of S.S.C., F II L.P. and B.F.T. systems. PMID- 13808695 TI - [Preliminary study on the clinical effects of a new monoamine oxidase antagonist in rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13808696 TI - [Considerations on the current concepts of the relation between liver damage and chronic peripheral arteriopathy]. PMID- 13808697 TI - [Contribution to the study of calcified and ossified goiter. (Illustration of 6 clinical cases)]. PMID- 13808699 TI - [On the value of pulmonary stratigraphy with special reference to examinations of employed persons]. PMID- 13808698 TI - [Experimental study on functional hepato-portal hypertension protracted by neurovascular stimuli of splenic origin]. PMID- 13808700 TI - [The paramastoid process]. PMID- 13808701 TI - [The radiological picture of neurinoma of the acoustic nerve: considerations on 68 cases]. PMID- 13808702 TI - [Heller's extramucosal cardiomyotomy in the treatment of so-called idiopathic megaesophagus]. PMID- 13808703 TI - [Contribution to the etiology of chronic otitis media in childhood]. PMID- 13808704 TI - [Analysis of certain causes of fetal damage and loss]. PMID- 13808705 TI - [Studies on the state of physical development of working adolescents in Slovakia]. PMID- 13808706 TI - [Hygienic supervision in the Svitavy region]. PMID- 13808707 TI - The reaction of the disulphide groups of insulin with sodium sulphite. PMID- 13808708 TI - The sulfur chemistry of proteins. PMID- 13808709 TI - The reaction of 2:2'-diaminodiethyl disulphide (cystamine) with sulphite at pH. PMID- 13808710 TI - A decade of anti-inflammatory steroids, from cortisone to dexamethasone. Part III. Clinical studies. Introductory remarks. PMID- 13808711 TI - Are medical textbooks essential to medical education? PMID- 13808712 TI - Maintenance of the external hospital area. PMID- 13808713 TI - [Action of orotic acid on female gonads. Histological research in growing fowl]. PMID- 13808714 TI - [Tumor of the conus and cauda with intracranial hypertension]. PMID- 13808715 TI - [Familial polyposis of the small intestine with the appearance of spots on the lips and oral mucosa-Peutz syndrome]. PMID- 13808716 TI - [Fluorimetric determination of serum estrogens after chromatographical fractionation. Technic, verification and application to the study of certain physiological and pathological states in women]. PMID- 13808717 TI - Pulmonary damage caused by oxygen poisoning: an electron-microscopic study in mice. PMID- 13808718 TI - On the glycogen in Escherichia coli B; electron microscopy of ultrathin sections of cells. PMID- 13808719 TI - A three-electrode ionization condenser chamber. PMID- 13808720 TI - [Glutamic acid; biochemistry and therapeutic applications]. PMID- 13808721 TI - A short review of classification and etiology of tumors. PMID- 13808722 TI - [An epidemic episode occurring during malaria eradication in Sicily]. PMID- 13808724 TI - [Urologic complications in pelvic fractures]. PMID- 13808723 TI - [The fimbriae in Shigella flexneri and Escherichia coli with particular reference to antigenic properties]. PMID- 13808725 TI - [Changes in the volume of internal organs and cardiac function in experimental tourniquet shock]. PMID- 13808726 TI - [Electrodiagnosis and electrotherapy in paralysis following Heine-Medin disease]. PMID- 13808727 TI - [Contribution to the study of the action of the melanophoric hormone (intermedin) on the thyroid function of the frog (Rana esculenta)]. PMID- 13808728 TI - [Research on the penetration of labeled thyroxin into the pituitary gland of the frog (Rana esculenta). Observations on nyctohemeral variations]. PMID- 13808729 TI - [Tetracycline-chloramphenicol in hepato-biliary surgery]. PMID- 13808730 TI - [Thyroid hormones and related compounds of the saliva (Contribution to the study of the metabolism of iodine)]. PMID- 13808731 TI - [Meteorological factors and mortality from diseases of the respiratory tract. (Cograduated indices)]. PMID- 13808732 TI - [Present incidence of deaths from tuberculosis and lung diseases in Italy]. PMID- 13808733 TI - [Intensive program of tuberculin testing for the full medicosocial control of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13808734 TI - [Effect of roentgen irradiation on nucleic acid level in the liver and spleen of rabbits]. PMID- 13808735 TI - The diuretic effect of spirolactone SC-9420 in a case of secondary aldosteronism. PMID- 13808736 TI - Effect of heparinoid and spirolactone on the renal excretion of sodium and aldosterone. PMID- 13808737 TI - [New information on the large periwinkle (Vinca minor L.)]. PMID- 13808738 TI - [Course of labor in older primaparae according to data of the Second Clinic of Gynecological Diseases and Obstetrics of the Silesia Academy of Medicine]. PMID- 13808739 TI - Assay of canine profibrinolysin (plasminogen). PMID- 13808740 TI - The biochemistry and physiology of urokinase. PMID- 13808741 TI - Myxoma of the left auricle: a report of three cases. PMID- 13808742 TI - A plethysmographic method for measuring the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in newborn infants. PMID- 13808743 TI - Are there any centrally controlled sympathetic inhibitory fibres to the musculature of the intesine? PMID- 13808744 TI - Blood flow in the foot and calf of the newborn. A plethysmographic study. PMID- 13808745 TI - [Immunological studies on poliomyelitis. IV. Detection of antibodies neutralizing three poliomyelitis viruses in some Parisian students. Comparison of serological results and some elements of the mode of living]. PMID- 13808746 TI - Permanent intubation in inoperable cancer of the oesophagus and cardia: a new tube. PMID- 13808747 TI - [Regressive hemiballism in a mitral patient]. PMID- 13808748 TI - [A sign of discrete meningeal reaction: induced contracture of the superior fascia of the major rectus abdominis muscles]. PMID- 13808749 TI - [Present cough medication]. PMID- 13808750 TI - [Palm contractures observed in diabetic subjects (Dupuytren contracture)]. PMID- 13808751 TI - [Pneumothoracic pleural empyema]. PMID- 13808752 TI - [Therapy of silent gallstones]. PMID- 13808754 TI - [Neuroma]. PMID- 13808753 TI - [Cardiac trauma]. PMID- 13808755 TI - [Neuromas]. PMID- 13808756 TI - Congenital absence of the aortic arch. PMID- 13808757 TI - [A new simple and rapid method for determination of alkaline phosphatases]. PMID- 13808758 TI - [Two cases of Strongyloides stercoralis infection diagnosed with the duodenal sound]. PMID- 13808759 TI - Influence of sex difference and hormones on elastine and collagen in the aorta of chickens. PMID- 13808761 TI - [Electroencephalographic findings in the confusional phase of electroshock therapy]. PMID- 13808760 TI - [Long-acting sulfonamides]. PMID- 13808762 TI - [Action of sodium arsenite on hepatic regeneration in rats subjected to partial hepatectomy]. PMID- 13808763 TI - [Action of sodium arsenite on experimental hepatic regeneration. Protective effect of thioctic acid]. PMID- 13808764 TI - [Contribution to the study of artificial hibernation. XVIII. Protein-bound iodine in the blood and thyrotropic activity]. PMID- 13808765 TI - [Our experience with hiccough in anesthesia]. PMID- 13808766 TI - [Considerations on electronystagmographic technic]. PMID- 13808767 TI - [Present knowledge on malignant tumors of the nasopharynx]. PMID- 13808769 TI - [Effect of parathyroid hormone on serum lipids in the rat]. PMID- 13808768 TI - [Influence of heparin on various polysaccharide-protein structures: relation to the clearing factor]. PMID- 13808770 TI - [Effect of parathyroid hormone on serum sialic acid in the rat]. PMID- 13808771 TI - [Effect of parathyroid hormone on various serum enzyme activities in the rat]. PMID- 13808773 TI - [Clearing factor and lipid metabolism]. PMID- 13808772 TI - [Behavior of the clearing factor in some blood diseases]. PMID- 13808775 TI - [The sialic acids: recent biochemical and clinical acquisitions]. PMID- 13808776 TI - [Acute abdomen in geriatrics]. PMID- 13808774 TI - [Contribution to the study of artificial hibernation. XVII. 17-Hydroxycorticoids and catecholamines in peripheral blood]. PMID- 13808777 TI - [Certain hormonal problems in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13808778 TI - [Cocarboxylase and its use in the treatment of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13808779 TI - [Further observations on the geographic distribution of multiple sclerosis in the north-central parts of Poland]. PMID- 13808780 TI - [On the activity of glutamic-oxalic-acetic transminase, lactic dehydrogenase and aldolase in certain diseases of the nervous system]. PMID- 13808781 TI - [Treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone of patients with multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13808782 TI - [The problem of the re-expansion of the residual pulmonary parenchyma after exeresis in relation to prolonged chemo-antibiotic treatment and collapsotherapy]. PMID- 13808783 TI - [Anatomo-pathological and statistical contribution to the study of gastrointestinal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13808784 TI - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis with intussusception: report of a case. PMID- 13808785 TI - ["Major" causalgia and "minor" causalgia: differential criteria in relation to therapy]. PMID- 13808786 TI - [Anti-treponema antibodies in human syphilis detected by the fluorescence test]. PMID- 13808787 TI - [Allergens and allergic diseases in Italy]. PMID- 13808788 TI - [Metabolic repercussions of adenosinetriphosphoric acid on muscular tissues of the guinea pig in various experimental conditions, with special reference to the behavior of uterine muscle. III. Influence of ovarian hormones on the oxidative modifications induced by ATP on myometrial homogenates]. PMID- 13808789 TI - [Oxytocin in the blood of women in labor]. PMID- 13808790 TI - [Erythrocyte survival and blood crasis in patients with clinically cured uterine neoplasms]. PMID- 13808791 TI - [Is there a "hematic threshold" in neoplastic disease?]. PMID- 13808792 TI - [Adrenal cortex response to operative stress in pelvectomy]. PMID- 13808793 TI - [Clinical manifestations and treatment of so-called postoperative parotitis]. PMID- 13808794 TI - [First clinical experience in the ambulatory use of prochlorperazine in psychiatry]. PMID- 13808795 TI - [Mental anorexia with report on two cases]. PMID- 13808797 TI - A study of children with mongolism reared in the home compared to those reared away from the home. PMID- 13808796 TI - [On a case of phrenasthenia following severe cranial trauma]. PMID- 13808798 TI - Phenylketonuria. Report of a survey to discover treatable siblings of institutionalized patients. PMID- 13808799 TI - Phenylketonuria: a general review. PMID- 13808800 TI - Employe relations. PMID- 13808802 TI - [7 Years of endocavitary aspiration in the Sanatorio "Villa Maria"]. PMID- 13808801 TI - Personnel policies: fact, not fiction. PMID- 13808803 TI - Lipid factors in the production of encephalomalacia in the chick. PMID- 13808804 TI - Effect of fatty acids on chick encephalomalacia. PMID- 13808805 TI - [Phytobezoar and gastric ulcer]. PMID- 13808806 TI - [Reflex disorders of the esophagus, stomach and largynx caused by a pharyngoesophageal diverticulum]. PMID- 13808807 TI - [Mental state of women before surgery and preoperative psychoprophylaxis]. PMID- 13808808 TI - [Neurotic disorders in climacterium]. PMID- 13808809 TI - [A modified rotating shaft method for modern investigations on the effects of drugs during heat stimulation]. PMID- 13808810 TI - [Research on the transmission of herpes in the golden hamster (Cricetus auratus)]. PMID- 13808812 TI - [On the action of various marcobarbiturates on the uterine motility]. PMID- 13808811 TI - [Normal slow hemoglobin A2; its relation with a new slow hemoglobin B2 fraction and its importance for the recognition of thalassemic variants which occur in families with thalassemia media and hemoglobinopathy H]. PMID- 13808813 TI - [Action of thioctic acid on milk secretion]. PMID- 13808814 TI - Action of rennin and pepsin on alpha-casein: paracasein and soluble products. PMID- 13808815 TI - [Research on the antituberculous activity of ethyl-iso-thioamide. (Clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13808816 TI - [Study of the possible bronchodilating action of ACTH in therapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13808817 TI - [On a case of probable histoplasmois infection with pulmonary localization Evolution during 7 years]. PMID- 13808818 TI - [Free and conjugated 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and sulfated 17-keto-steroids in plasma. I. Normal values in puberty and adults]. PMID- 13808819 TI - Some clinical aspects of uncertain sexuality: Klinefelter's and Turner's syndromes. PMID- 13808820 TI - [Diagnostic problems and therapeutic aspects of hyperadrenocorticism]. PMID- 13808821 TI - [Klinefelter and Turner syndromes]. PMID- 13808822 TI - [Extramucosal pylorotomy]. PMID- 13808823 TI - [Hepatic echinococcosis. Cystectomy. Eventual epiploplasty]. PMID- 13808824 TI - [Hyster ectomy and vaginoplasty. (Surgery of prolapse in old women)]. PMID- 13808825 TI - [Operation for hydrocele. Inguinal approach]. PMID- 13808826 TI - [Operation for hydrocele. Scrotal route]. PMID- 13808827 TI - [Operation for varicocele]. PMID- 13808828 TI - [Partial nephrectomy]. PMID- 13808830 TI - [Surgery of intestinal invagination]. PMID- 13808829 TI - [Retropubic prostatectomy. Millin's technic]. PMID- 13808831 TI - [Vagotomy and pyloroplasty]. PMID- 13808832 TI - [25 Years of a medical life]. PMID- 13808833 TI - [Result of the surgical treatment of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13808834 TI - [Preliminary note on the use in domiciliary spraying of a residual organic phosphate insecticide (baytex)]. PMID- 13808835 TI - [Resistance of Culex pipiens fatigans to chlorinated hydrocarbons in Leopoldville (Belgian Congo)]. PMID- 13808836 TI - The mechanism of dual responsiveness in muscle fibers of the grasshopper Romalea microptera. AB - Dually innervated Romalea muscle fibers which respond differently to stimulation of their fast and slow axons are excited by intracellularly applied depolarizing stimuli. The responses, though spike-like in appearance, are graded in amplitude depending upon the strength of the stimuli and do not exceed about 30 mv. in height. In other respects, however, these graded responses possess properties that are characteristic of electrically excitable activity: vanishingly brief latency; refractoriness; a post-spike undershoot. They are blocked by hyperpolarizing the fiber membrane; respond repetitively to prolonged depolarization, and are subject to depolarizing inactivation. As graded activity, these responses propagate decrementally. The fast and slow axons of the dually responsive muscle fibers initiate respectively large and small postsynaptic potentials (p.s.p.'s) in the muscle fiber. These responses possess properties that characterize electrically inexcitable depolarizing activity. They are augmented by hyperpolarization and diminished by depolarization. Their latency is independent of the membrane potential. They have no refractory period, thus being capable of summation. The fast p.s.p. evokes a considerable or maximal electrically excitable response. The combination, which resembles a spike, leads to a twitch-like contraction of the muscle fiber. The individual slow p.s.p.'s elicit no or only little electrically excitable responses, and they evoke slower smaller contractile responses. The functional aspects of dual responsiveness and the several aspects of the theoretical importance of the gradedly responsive, electrically excitable component are discussed. PMID- 13808838 TI - [Mud therapy in urology]. PMID- 13808837 TI - [Preamplifier for microelectrodes, with transistor-equipped gain stages]. PMID- 13808839 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of pyopneumothoracic complications in lung diseases in children]. PMID- 13808840 TI - [Contribution to the chemical study of some tropical leguminous plants used for food]. PMID- 13808841 TI - [Pulmonary involvement in collagen diseases. Critical review]. PMID- 13808842 TI - [Study of substances of tumor origin with inhibitory action on liver catalase in vivo. Note I. Orientational research on the nature of anti-catalase substances in tumors]. PMID- 13808844 TI - The effect of experimental bleeding upon the liver of horses. PMID- 13808843 TI - [Study of tumoral substances with inhibitory action on hepatic catalase "in vivo". Note No. 2. Use of ascitic fluids for the study of substances inhibiting catalase]. PMID- 13808845 TI - [Research on the antimitotic properties of substances derived from podophyllotoxin]. PMID- 13808846 TI - [Teonanacatl and psilocybin]. PMID- 13808847 TI - [Dephosphorylation and deamination of adenosine and inosine derivatives of glucose amination in the bone marrow]. PMID- 13808848 TI - Adenylate kinase of mammalian erythrocytes. PMID- 13808849 TI - Adenosine nucleotidases of human placenta. PMID- 13808850 TI - [Research on pyrophosphatases]. PMID- 13808851 TI - [Chromatographic separation and determination of purine derivatives and phosphoric esters of biological importance]. PMID- 13808852 TI - The effect of sulfonylureas on the respiratory quotient in diabetic and normal animals. PMID- 13808853 TI - Determination of riboflavin and its coenzymes in tissues. PMID- 13808854 TI - Breakdown of adenosine and inosine nucleotides in bone at physiological pH. PMID- 13808855 TI - [Differential effects of brain suspensions from the normal brain and after electroshock treatment]. PMID- 13808856 TI - [Memories of Franz Nissl]. PMID- 13808858 TI - [2 Cases of melanoblastoma of the choroid]. PMID- 13808857 TI - [On the problem of anorexia nervosa]. PMID- 13808859 TI - [Parasitic cysts in the brain of the vole Clethrionomys glareolus]. PMID- 13808860 TI - The relationship of some chronic neurological syndromes of unknown origin and of multiple sclerosis to the virus of central-European tick-born encephalitis, and of lymphocytic choriomeningltis. PMID- 13808862 TI - [Relation of the irradiation of motor activity to the domination of the hemispheres]. PMID- 13808861 TI - [Paired activity of the cerebral hemispheres in the motor area; irradiation of stimulation and inhibition to the corresponding contralateral muscles]. PMID- 13808863 TI - [A new method for the collection of urine from infants]. PMID- 13808864 TI - [Therapeutic contribution to the treatment of ulcer of the leg. Criticism of current therapeutic measures; norms derived from the pathogenesis]. PMID- 13808865 TI - [Psoriatic arthropathy]. PMID- 13808866 TI - [Successful splenectomy after repeated bacteremia after subacute bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13808867 TI - [Chromatography of lipids on glass fiber paper]. PMID- 13808868 TI - [Work-capacity in climacterium]. PMID- 13808869 TI - [Lumbosciatic syndrome in miners]. PMID- 13808870 TI - [General epidemiology of respiratory infections]. PMID- 13808871 TI - [Convergence spasms of the eye]. PMID- 13808872 TI - [On the problem of prevention of ventricular fibrillation]. PMID- 13808873 TI - [Analysis of health and other causes for rejections and failures among the students of vocational SHD mining schools in Mezibori during recent several years]. PMID- 13808875 TI - Clinical experience with 6-azauracil. PMID- 13808874 TI - [Congenital damages of the central nervous system in children related to latent toxoplasmosis in mothers]. PMID- 13808876 TI - Term abdominal pregnancy with living fetus: report of a case. PMID- 13808877 TI - [On injuries of the larynx]. PMID- 13808878 TI - [New method for the determination of the volume of the kidneys]. PMID- 13808879 TI - [The maximum work potential of the respiratory tract as a function test in children]. PMID- 13808880 TI - [Effect of fatigue on the efflux of aldolase from isolated muscle]. PMID- 13808881 TI - [Variations in the temperature of the foot during walking and running downhill]. PMID- 13808882 TI - [The behavior of the vital capacity under the effect of prolonged stay at very high altitude (Himalayas)]. PMID- 13808883 TI - [The maximum consumption of oxygen in man subjected to chronic hypoxa by prolonged stay in the Himalayas]. PMID- 13808884 TI - [Alterations of the hepatic parenchyma and value of several serum lability tests in calculous cholecystitis]. PMID- 13808885 TI - [Considerations on a case of mixed tumor of the submaxillary gland]. PMID- 13808886 TI - [Talocalcaneal fractures and their therapy]. PMID- 13808887 TI - Treatment of fractures of the upper articular end of the tibia PMID- 13808888 TI - Quantitative biochemical and microspectrophotometric Feulgen DNA analyses on Tetrahymena cells treated with iron. PMID- 13808889 TI - [Acute anemia of the newborn caused by fetal hemorrhage into maternal circulation]. PMID- 13808890 TI - [Dermo-hypodermitis with an inclination to atrophy and centrifugal distribution]. PMID- 13808891 TI - [Nucleolytic enzymes of human seminal fluid in relation to fertility]. PMID- 13808892 TI - [Experiences with the treatment of lambliasis in children with acranil in child homes]. PMID- 13808893 TI - [Choanal diaphragms: the acquired form]. PMID- 13808894 TI - Ewing's sarcoma. PMID- 13808895 TI - [Care in dysplasia and congenital luxation of the coxa in Slovakia. Certain factors of the problem]. PMID- 13808896 TI - [Certain considerations on intra-articular tumors related to the so-called rheumatic infections]. PMID- 13808897 TI - [Further experiences on osteotomy of the spine]. PMID- 13808898 TI - [A small epidemic of typhus developing from a case of Brill-Zinsser's disease in a louse-infested environment]. PMID- 13808899 TI - [Outbreaks of typhoid fever in Slovakia from 1920 to 1958]. PMID- 13808900 TI - [Use of methylthiouracil in claudicatio intermittens]. PMID- 13808901 TI - [The use of methylthiouracil in intermittent claudication]. PMID- 13808902 TI - [Glucocorticoid function in chronic tuberculosis patients explored by means of the adrenalinic eosinopenia test]. PMID- 13808903 TI - [Determination of urinary 17-ketosteroids in treated chronic tuberculosis]. PMID- 13808904 TI - [Comments on a recent case of tuberculous granulitis]. PMID- 13808905 TI - [Comments on recent cases of tuberculous granules]. PMID- 13808906 TI - [Serum lysozyme activity in systemic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13808907 TI - [Histamine liberators in chronic rheumo-arthropathies]. PMID- 13808908 TI - [Oral therapy of diabetes]. PMID- 13808909 TI - [Adrenogenital syndrome in childhood caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia with increase of gonadotropins (FSH and ICSH)]. PMID- 13808910 TI - [Adrenogenital syndrome in childhood caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia with increase of gonadotropins (FSH and ICSH)]. PMID- 13808911 TI - [Female pseudohermaphroditism of adrenal origin. (Apropos of 2 cases)]. PMID- 13808912 TI - [Gynecomastias. Study of 270 cases]. PMID- 13808913 TI - [Pyramidal tract symptoms in Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13808914 TI - [Cushing's syndrome caused by cortical carcinoma in a 34-month-old girl: clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological study]. PMID- 13808915 TI - [The lymphoid thyroid cytogram with presence of antithyroid antibodies in the blood serum]. PMID- 13808916 TI - [Hyperthyroidism. Clinical and diagnostic study]. PMID- 13808917 TI - [The pathomorphology of reticulo-histiocytic granulomatous encephalitis]. PMID- 13808919 TI - [Behavior of the connective tissue in cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13808918 TI - [On the problem of intrathecal regulation and genesis of cerbrospinal fluid proteins]. PMID- 13808920 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on the spinal ganglia. II. Satellite cells]. PMID- 13808921 TI - [Experiences with hostacortin "H" crystalline suspension in an orthopedic outpatient department]. PMID- 13808922 TI - [Chromogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in synthetic milieu]. PMID- 13808923 TI - [Treatment of thoracic contusions]. PMID- 13808924 TI - [Fixed-field roentgenoftherapy of extensive neoplasms of the thoracic eosphagus]. PMID- 13808925 TI - [Contributions to the study of changes in tumours induced by the betatron. Hisopathological study of 16 irradiated bronchopulmonary neoplasms]. PMID- 13808926 TI - Iproniazid in cardiovascular therapy, with special references to its action in agina pectoris and blood pressure. PMID- 13808928 TI - [Health of the workers and environmental and individual hygiene of the industrial plant]. PMID- 13808927 TI - [Natural extracirculatory erythrocyte resistance and the calculation of spontaneous hemolysis in vitro]. PMID- 13808929 TI - [Behavior of serum proteins in lipoid nephrosis and in nephrotic syndromes in children]. PMID- 13808930 TI - [A method for stimulation therapy in the light of the studies on proteins]. PMID- 13808932 TI - [Medical osteopathies]. PMID- 13808931 TI - [Pepsin, pepsinogen and uropepsinogen, an animal experimental study]. PMID- 13808933 TI - [recent advances in anesthesia]. PMID- 13808934 TI - [Medical rehabilitation of patients following pulmonary resection]. PMID- 13808935 TI - [On pulmonary cysts]. PMID- 13808936 TI - Heat labile and heat stable factors and antibodies in normal and immune sera against T-system bacteriophages. PMID- 13808937 TI - Toxic porphyria. PMID- 13808938 TI - [A case of multiple myeloma with storage of pathological proteins]. PMID- 13808939 TI - [Unusual allergic reaction during blood transfusion]. PMID- 13808940 TI - Total pelvic exenteration for rectal cancer. PMID- 13808941 TI - [Value of the radiological picture in diagnosis of complicated pulmonary hydatidosis]. PMID- 13808942 TI - [Acupuncture in the treatment of frostbite]. PMID- 13808943 TI - [Infection and theory of toxemia in burns]. PMID- 13808945 TI - [Treatment of concomitant fractures of the shaft of the femur and of ipsilateral fracture of the hip]. PMID- 13808944 TI - [Course of allergic inflammation under the influence of certain factors]. PMID- 13808946 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of congenital cardiovascular diseases. I. Pulmonary stenosis. PMID- 13808947 TI - [Etiological types of 3778 adult cardiac cases in Shanghai]. PMID- 13808948 TI - [Treatment of hypertensive disease by Chinese drugs and traditional forms of physiotherapy: a preliminary report]. PMID- 13808949 TI - [Hematuria caused by filariasis]. PMID- 13808950 TI - Chloroquine in treatment of cardiac arrhythmias: a preliminary report. PMID- 13808951 TI - Acupuncture in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13808952 TI - [On the indications and remote results of operative treatment of metastases of cancer of the brain]. PMID- 13808953 TI - [Traction treatment for fracture of the shaft of femur]. PMID- 13808954 TI - Benign nonparasitic cysts of liver: report of 3 cases. PMID- 13808956 TI - [Agenesis of the lung: Case report]. PMID- 13808955 TI - [Clinical application of transorbital puncture of the lateral ventricles of the brain]. PMID- 13808957 TI - [Surgical treatment of mitral stenosis: analysis of 100 cases]. PMID- 13808958 TI - [Blood vessels of the skin of the extremities in man and teir practical significance in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13808959 TI - [The progress of ophthalmology in the Chinese People's Republic during the past 10 years]. PMID- 13808960 TI - [Early results of partial gastrectomy]. PMID- 13808961 TI - [Auricular acupuncture in the treatment of surgical diseases: a preliminary report]. PMID- 13808962 TI - [Berberine in the treatment of typhoid fever: Preliminary report]. PMID- 13808963 TI - [Benign vascular tumors of the penis]. PMID- 13808964 TI - [A comparison between barium sulfate mucilage and lipoidol in bronchography]. PMID- 13808965 TI - Research in labor hygiene and occupational diseases: its achievements and perspectives in socialist construction. PMID- 13808966 TI - [Glomerulonephritis: analysis of 128 cases]. PMID- 13808968 TI - [Achievements in traditional internal medicine in the past ten years]. PMID- 13808970 TI - [Distribution of arteries in the right upper lobe of the lung among Chinese]. PMID- 13808971 TI - Epidemic hemorrhagic fever; investigations in T'uliho area, Inner Mongolia, and clinical study of 104 cases. PMID- 13808972 TI - [Huang chih tze in the treatment of sprain]. PMID- 13808973 TI - [A preliminary study of the lungs among porcelain workers]. PMID- 13808974 TI - [Roentgenological changes of the chest in 48 cases of leptospirosis]. PMID- 13808975 TI - [On the problem of the dynamics of general and local changes in the electroencephalogram in the elaboration of conditioned motor reflexes in man]. PMID- 13808976 TI - [Comparative physiological evaluation of sensitivity to the effects of high nitrogen tension in several homothermic animals]. PMID- 13808977 TI - [Afferent innervation of the heart]. PMID- 13808978 TI - [Hyalomma anatolicum Koch, 1844, in a bird in Richelieu (Indre-et-Loire)]. PMID- 13808979 TI - [Antistaphylococcal antibiotics]. PMID- 13808980 TI - [Evolution of resistant bacterial population under the influence of antibiotics]. PMID- 13808981 TI - Cellophane transfer: application to the study of activity of combinations of antibiotics. PMID- 13808982 TI - [Plastic and reparative surgery]. PMID- 13808983 TI - [Vesical myomas and fibromyomas. Apropos of a case of myoma enclosing the intramural ureter]. PMID- 13808984 TI - [Blood loss and postoperative anemia in lung resection]. PMID- 13808985 TI - Histochemical localization of cholinesterase in the amphibian spinal cord and alterations following ventral root section. PMID- 13808986 TI - [Juvenile uterine hemorrhages]. PMID- 13808987 TI - [Remarks on tuberculous pyothorax and its medical treatment]. PMID- 13808988 TI - Some aspects of the metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13808989 TI - Depolarization of the fluorescence of proteins labelled with various fluorescent dyes. PMID- 13808990 TI - Comparison of the sensitivity of several mammalian cell types for the isolation of poliomyelitis viruses from man. PMID- 13808991 TI - Closed injuries of the larynx and pharynx. PMID- 13808992 TI - Aminoaciduria in a case of scurvy. PMID- 13808993 TI - Identification of bacteria by specific antibody conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate. PMID- 13808994 TI - A statistical analysis of cholecystectomies in a charity hospital. PMID- 13808995 TI - Inhibition of lactic dehydrogenase by alpha-mercapto-acids. PMID- 13808996 TI - Studies on the mechanis of curarization. PMID- 13808997 TI - [Ornithodorus coniceps (Canestrini, 1890) as a possible carrier of the causative agent of tickborne spirochetosis]. PMID- 13808998 TI - [Comparative effect of adrenaline and of the "releasing factor" on cultures of Welchia perfringens]. PMID- 13808999 TI - [Goiters in Lebanon. Apropos of 500 personal cases]. PMID- 13809000 TI - Estimation of vitamin C by agar diffusion. PMID- 13809001 TI - [Significance of function tests and certain controversial problems of functional diagnosis of disorders of the respiratory apparatus in clinical tuberculosis]. PMID- 13809002 TI - Pure-tone threshold patterns observed in functional hearing loss. PMID- 13809003 TI - The conditioned GSR auditory speech threshold. PMID- 13809004 TI - [Central effects of quaternary derivatives of spasmolytin]. PMID- 13809005 TI - Recent studies on carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13809006 TI - [Structural and functional renal sequelae of pyelonephritis]. PMID- 13809007 TI - Kidney function and structure in subclinical and in inapparent renal diseases. PMID- 13809009 TI - [Comparison of clinical-roentgenological data after resection of the stomach in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13809008 TI - Research on the effect of sterilizing doses of Co60 gamma rays on antibacterial sera. PMID- 13809010 TI - [Regional characteristics of the distribution of esophageal cancer]. PMID- 13809011 TI - [A new method for the surgery of tuberculous coxitis and of certain tumors of the hip]. PMID- 13809012 TI - Effect of rice polishing concentrate on liver lipids. PMID- 13809013 TI - Incorporation of uracil-2-C14 into the nucleic acids of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13809014 TI - Effect of ethyl-biscoumacetate (tromexan) on the course and extent of experimental atherosclerosis in chicks. PMID- 13809015 TI - Mechanism of the release by compound 48/80 of histamine and of a lipid-soluble smooth muscle stimulating principle ("SRS"). PMID- 13809016 TI - Histamine and a lipid-soluble smooth-muscle stimulating principle ('SRS') in anaphylactic reaction. PMID- 13809017 TI - A method for the assay of 'slow reacting substance'. PMID- 13809018 TI - The mechanism of histamine release in anaphylactic reaction in guinea pig and rat. PMID- 13809019 TI - The occurrence of a lipid-soluble smooth-muscle stimulating principle ('SRS') in anaphylactic reaction. PMID- 13809020 TI - Enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway in the mung-bean seeding. PMID- 13809021 TI - Microbial synthesis of protein in relation to the biogenesis of nucleic acids with Azotobacter vinelandii as the test organism. PMID- 13809022 TI - Sarcoidosis. PMID- 13809023 TI - How to take good clinical photos. PMID- 13809024 TI - Interstitial implantation of radium needles in the treatment of carcinoma of the penis. PMID- 13809025 TI - Nasopharynx cancer (a 20 year review of end-results). PMID- 13809026 TI - [Sterile blood transfusion]. PMID- 13809027 TI - [Chemopotentials of functionally differentiated giant neurons]. PMID- 13809028 TI - [On the histology of cerebral rheumatism]. PMID- 13809029 TI - Psychiatric unit in the general hospital. PMID- 13809030 TI - Assessment of applications for rehousing on medical grounds. PMID- 13809031 TI - Some historical aspects of tuberculosis. PMID- 13809033 TI - The contribution of surface characters to the wettability of leaves. PMID- 13809032 TI - Ikkadu Hospital, report on auxiliary nurse midwife training, 1959. PMID- 13809034 TI - Pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of pernicious anemia. PMID- 13809036 TI - [On the preventive therapy of thromboembolism in abdominal and gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13809035 TI - The intercalated disc of the goldfish heart. PMID- 13809037 TI - A fatal case of erythema multiforme following deep x-ray therapy. PMID- 13809038 TI - The mixed antiglobulin reaction in the detection of human isoantibodies against leucocytes, platelets and HeLa cells. PMID- 13809039 TI - Postoperative prophylactic anticoagulants. PMID- 13809040 TI - Use of a vacuum extractor (ventouse) in obstetrics. PMID- 13809042 TI - Pathogenesis and treatment of hepatic failure. PMID- 13809041 TI - The clinical uses of the 19-norsteroids in gynaecology. PMID- 13809043 TI - Pathogenesis and treatment of hepatic failure. PMID- 13809044 TI - Treatment of anorexia nervosa by ethyl-nortestosterone. PMID- 13809045 TI - Fat-mobilising and ketogenic activity of urine extracts: relation to corticotrophin and growth hormone. PMID- 13809046 TI - Conn's syndrome. PMID- 13809047 TI - [The surgical anemias]. PMID- 13809048 TI - [Benign tumors of the esophagus]. PMID- 13809049 TI - [Reconstruction of a grasp in a case of congenital amputation of the fingers]. PMID- 13809050 TI - [A cause of error in quantitative chromatography: the residual spot at the start]. PMID- 13809051 TI - [Effect of breaking down of sulfhydryl compounds on electrical manifestations of the brain]. PMID- 13809052 TI - [Effect of large doses of procurane on rat fetus]. PMID- 13809053 TI - Some recent developments in the application of wave-mechanical methods to the study of the mechanism of carcinogenesis by chemical substances. PMID- 13809054 TI - [Experimentation with 1314 in the Hopital Militaire Percy]. PMID- 13809055 TI - Adult pyloric obstruction due to a mucosal diaphragm. Report on two cases. PMID- 13809056 TI - The post-gastrectomy syndrome. PMID- 13809057 TI - Volvulus of the caecum. AB - Three cases of volvulus of the caecum are presented and their symptoms and treatment are discussed. It is suggested that this condition may be commoner than is thought and would be diagnosed more frequently if considered in the differential diagnosis. PMID- 13809059 TI - Radiation control at the grassroots. PMID- 13809058 TI - Bronchogenic carcinoma: an aggressive surgical attitude. PMID- 13809060 TI - A study of "natural childbirth". PMID- 13809061 TI - St. Louis encephalitis virus in mosquitoes. PMID- 13809062 TI - Strabismus. PMID- 13809063 TI - How outline titles can contribute to readability. PMID- 13809064 TI - Two cases of epiphrenic diverticula of the oesophagus. PMID- 13809065 TI - Need-attitudes of normal and paranoid schizophrenic males. PMID- 13809067 TI - Future problems in air pollution research. PMID- 13809066 TI - The patient as an individual. PMID- 13809068 TI - A method of marking for the surgical specimen. PMID- 13809069 TI - Experiences with minimal wound dressings following head and neck surgery: constant suction used in lieu of bulky wound dressings. PMID- 13809070 TI - Experiences with the Robertson urine test. PMID- 13809071 TI - The problem of melanoma. PMID- 13809072 TI - Postural reflexes in forelimb of toad, Bufo marinus. PMID- 13809073 TI - Canine oral papillomatosis. II. Immunologic aspects of the disease. PMID- 13809074 TI - Canine oral papillomatosis. I. Virus assay and observations on the various stages of the experimental infection. PMID- 13809075 TI - [Research on enterobacteria in cold blooded animals of Central and Southern Vietnam]. PMID- 13809076 TI - [Serological analysis of the somatic antigen of Malleomyces pseudomallei]. PMID- 13809077 TI - [Determination of procalmadiol in the blood. Study of its passage from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy]. PMID- 13809078 TI - [The free nucleotides in rat splenic tissue]. PMID- 13809079 TI - [Comparative effects of histamine and traumatism in the natural and artificial progestational phase in the production of deciduoma in the female rat]. PMID- 13809080 TI - [Should retroversion be treated surgically?]. PMID- 13809081 TI - Biological activity of 3-methoxy-catecholamines. AB - The methoxy analogs of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine manifest some activity on smooth muscle and blood pressure. Metanephrine is as potent as epinephrine on rabbit aortic strips. The same compounds demonstrate a lesser potency on rabbit duodenum preparation, while 3-methoxy-dopamine produces a slight contraction of the duodenum. Both metanephrine and 3-methoxy-dopamine have 15 to 25 percent of the pressor activity of the original nonmethylated catecholamines. Normetanephrine is 1/600 as active as norepinephrine on the blood pressure of the cat. PMID- 13809082 TI - Degradation by hydrazine of bovine plasma albumin and lysozyme. PMID- 13809083 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages in the course of biliary diseases]. PMID- 13809084 TI - [Intrahepatic lithiasis--lithiasis of the left hepatic duct: new surgical data]. PMID- 13809085 TI - [Recent observations of occupational fluorine-induced osteopetrosis]. PMID- 13809086 TI - [Influence of aureomycin on the ponderal growth and duration of survival of the adrenalectomized rat]. PMID- 13809087 TI - Closure of full-thickness cheek loss by forehead flap. PMID- 13809088 TI - Reconstruction of cervical trachea: case report. PMID- 13809089 TI - Reconstruction of the columella. PMID- 13809090 TI - Stimulus differences in discrimination learning. PMID- 13809091 TI - Genralized pustular psoriasis. PMID- 13809092 TI - [Immunity phenomena in recurrent spirochetoses]. PMID- 13809094 TI - Angioreticuloma of the brain. PMID- 13809093 TI - The basophil cells of guinea-pig bone marrow and their response to horse serum. PMID- 13809095 TI - Immunochemical studies of human serum Rh agglutinins. PMID- 13809096 TI - The phosphate-water oxygen exchange reaction of oxidative phosphorylation in submitochondrial preparations. PMID- 13809097 TI - Adenylic acid and adenosine deaminase activities in rat livers during azo-dye carcinogenesis. PMID- 13809098 TI - Folic-acid deficiency in haemolytic anaemia. PMID- 13809099 TI - Megaloblastic anaemia due to phenobarbitone; the convulsant action of therapeutic doses of folic acid. PMID- 13809100 TI - Folic-acid deficiency in pregnancy. The pathogenesis of megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13809101 TI - [The practitioner facing a transparent spine]. PMID- 13809102 TI - Metabolic control mechanisms. I. Electron transfer in the mammalian cell. PMID- 13809103 TI - Metabolic control mechanisms. II. Crossover phenomena in mitochondria of ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13809104 TI - Metabolic control mechanisms. III. Kinetics of oxygen utilization in ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13809105 TI - Metabolic control mechanisms. IV. The effect of glucose upon the steady state of respiratory enzymes in the ascites cell. PMID- 13809106 TI - Energy-linked reduction of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13809107 TI - Primary metabolic events associated with photosynthesis. PMID- 13809108 TI - Fluorescence measurements of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotide in aerobiosis and anaerobiosis. PMID- 13809109 TI - Localization and kinetics of reduced pyridine nucleotide in living cells by microfluorometry. PMID- 13809110 TI - Analogue and digital representations of enzyme kinetics. PMID- 13809111 TI - Phosphorylation efficiency of the intact cell. II. Crossover phenomena in bakers' yeast. PMID- 13809112 TI - Phosphorylation efficiency of the intact cell. III. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in yeast cells. PMID- 13809113 TI - The response of mitochondria to muscular contraction. PMID- 13809114 TI - Needs and interpersonal perception. PMID- 13809115 TI - Effect of temperature as a stresser on white blood cells, adrenals and bursae of Fabricius of chicks. PMID- 13809116 TI - Toxicity of plastics. PMID- 13809117 TI - Socialism and the professions: the medical profession. PMID- 13809118 TI - [On the source of regenerative histogenesis in Planaria]. PMID- 13809119 TI - [Hormonal determinations]. PMID- 13809120 TI - Sedimentation of blood without anticoagulants. PMID- 13809121 TI - Early investigations of haematemesis. AB - Most series of haematemesis or melaena present data about the clinical problems in relation to the final diagnosis. When a patient is admitted there is the problem of management which depends to a considerable extent on the diagnosis. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to achieve an accurate diagnosis in 80% during the first 24 hours. PMID- 13809122 TI - Haematemesis and melaena. Their early radiological investigation. PMID- 13809123 TI - The early diagnosis of the causes of haematemesis. PMID- 13809124 TI - Haematemesis and melaena. PMID- 13809125 TI - Intra-articular therapy in arthritis with special reference to hydrocortisone. PMID- 13809126 TI - Huntington's chorea in Michigan. III. Clinical observations. PMID- 13809127 TI - Progress of the automobile industry in regard to automobile exhaust and air pollution. PMID- 13809128 TI - Mucoceles: their diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13809130 TI - Long-term results in glaucoma therapy. PMID- 13809129 TI - Glaucoma, 1958-1959. PMID- 13809131 TI - Effects of gibrel on nitrification and sulfur oxidation in different Oregon soils. PMID- 13809132 TI - The effect of prolactin on the xanthine oxidizing activity of pigeon tissues. PMID- 13809133 TI - Multiple haemoglobins in fish. PMID- 13809134 TI - Fluoridation in South America. PMID- 13809135 TI - A clinical and pathological study of adenoacanthoma of the uterine body. PMID- 13809136 TI - Achievement and nurturance in triads varying in power distribution. PMID- 13809137 TI - [Shunt operation for tetralogy of Fallot: a report of 4 cases]. PMID- 13809138 TI - [Surgical correction of eventration of the diaphragm: report of 2 cases]. PMID- 13809139 TI - [Combined treatment of anal fistula with modern and traditional methods in 120 cases]. PMID- 13809140 TI - [Emergency treatment of massive hemorrhage from ruptured esophageal varices]. PMID- 13809141 TI - [Teratoma of the testis: Case report]. PMID- 13809142 TI - Pediatric surgery in People's China. PMID- 13809143 TI - [Hygienic principles for standards for the sanitary-protective zones of filing stations]. PMID- 13809144 TI - [Surgical therapy of volvulus of the stomach]. PMID- 13809145 TI - An instrument for control of intestinal fistulae. PMID- 13809146 TI - On the use of Arakawa vaccine in the prevention of meales. PMID- 13809147 TI - [Glycyrrhiza glabra and daphne in the treatment of frostbite: preliminary observations on 76 cases]. PMID- 13809148 TI - Experimental trachoma in human volunteers produced by cultured virus. PMID- 13809149 TI - Electrical response of single neurons in the optic lobe of toad to photic stimulation. PMID- 13809150 TI - A study of identification in male homosexuals. PMID- 13809151 TI - Contractile responses to electrical stimulation of glial cells from the mammalian central nervous system cultivated in vitro. PMID- 13809152 TI - Effects of in vitro radiocobalt irradiation of rabbit ova on subsequent development in vivo with special reference to the irradiation of maternal organism. PMID- 13809153 TI - [Roentgen diagnosis of intestinal ascariasis]. PMID- 13809154 TI - Effect of commercial contraceptive jellies placed into the rabbit vagina before mating. PMID- 13809155 TI - Fertilization of rabbit ova in vitro. PMID- 13809156 TI - [Complications of ku chih (hemorrhoid dessicating) treatment and their management]. PMID- 13809157 TI - [Treatment of furuncle, carbuncle and suppurative wounds by traditional medicine: a preliminary report on 500 cases]. PMID- 13809158 TI - The responsibility of the professional nurse in the prevention and control of infections. PMID- 13809159 TI - Macromolecular growth requirements of human cells in continuous culture. PMID- 13809160 TI - Cholecystogastrostomy of invaginative type combined with gastrectomy. PMID- 13809161 TI - Survival, and protection against chlorination, of human enteric pathogens in free living nematodes isolated from water supplies. PMID- 13809162 TI - Growth of small free-living amoebae in various bacterial and in bacteria-free cultures. PMID- 13809163 TI - [Surgical treatment of megaloglossia]. PMID- 13809164 TI - Characteristics of growth of encephalomyocarditis virus in cultures of mouse muscle. PMID- 13809165 TI - Biochemical studies on sockeye salmon during spawning migration. XII. Liver glycogen. PMID- 13809167 TI - Hepatolenticular degeneration. PMID- 13809166 TI - [Effectiveness of berberine in bacillary dysentery]. PMID- 13809168 TI - Parasitic infestations of the brain. PMID- 13809169 TI - The course and distribution of the arteriae bronchiales and their anastomoses with the arteria pulmonalies in the lung. PMID- 13809170 TI - [Hepatolenticular degeneration: a review of the literature]. PMID- 13809171 TI - [Parasitic infestations of the brain: a review of the literature]. PMID- 13809172 TI - Changes in the length of Mycobacterium leprae murium in the evolution of murine leprosy in mice. PMID- 13809173 TI - [On the biochemical expression of genetic determinants of Escherichia coli introduced to Salmonella typhimurium]. PMID- 13809174 TI - [The circulatory effects of the xanthine derivative Ro 1-8239 in "pure" mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13809175 TI - [Cutaneous handicap in work placement of adolescents]. PMID- 13809176 TI - Management of advanced radiation proctitis. PMID- 13809177 TI - [Hurler's polydystrophy in a 3-year-old boy]. PMID- 13809178 TI - Serologic evidence of infection with Eaton agent in lower respiratory illness in childhood. PMID- 13809179 TI - [Therapeutic considerations on 44 cases of regional enteritis]. PMID- 13809180 TI - [A case of collagenosis]. PMID- 13809181 TI - Localization by autoradiography at -195 degrees C. of radioactive areas in rats exposed to a high flux of thermal neutrons: importance of phosphorus-32 in consecutive internal irradiation. PMID- 13809182 TI - [Clinical aspects in 55 cases treated with haloperidol]. PMID- 13809183 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of marsilid in a series of depressive states]. PMID- 13809184 TI - Dissociation of the synthesis of nucleic acids from the synthesis of protein by a purine analogue. PMID- 13809185 TI - [Restoration of the synthesis of enzymes after inhibition by azaquanine]. PMID- 13809186 TI - The precipitation of plasma proteins by short-chain fatty acids. PMID- 13809187 TI - [A virus-induced factor producing the formation of syncytium in cell culture]. PMID- 13809188 TI - [Inhibition of the multiplication of human poliomyelitis virus in KB cells previously infected by type III Myxovirus parainfluenzae (strain EA 102)]. PMID- 13809189 TI - [An inhibiting factor of intracellular multiplication of viruses called interferon, originating from cancer cells. The phenomenon of viral autoinhibition]. PMID- 13809190 TI - [Influence of cortisone on the delay of cancerization of the liver in the normal or the adrenoprival rat]. PMID- 13809191 TI - [Data for hygienic standardization of maximum permissible concentrations of methanol vapors in air]. PMID- 13809192 TI - Myxoma of the heart with internal carotid artery occlusion in a child. PMID- 13809193 TI - Congenital neurocutaneous syndromes in childhood. PMID- 13809194 TI - Congenital neurocutaneous syndromes of childhood. III. Sturge-Weber disease. PMID- 13809195 TI - [Intramedullary nailing: technical difficulties and complications]. PMID- 13809196 TI - [Craniocerebral injuries in children]. PMID- 13809199 TI - [Brain abscess]. PMID- 13809198 TI - [The significance of percussion and auscultation in bone fracture]. PMID- 13809197 TI - [Barium oil in bronchography]. PMID- 13809200 TI - [Cysts of the brain]. PMID- 13809201 TI - [Dietetics in acute diarrheas in infants]. PMID- 13809202 TI - On the occurrence of vascular lesions in the kidneys of dogs with hypertension due to renal ischemia. PMID- 13809203 TI - Plaque assay of Toxoplasma on monolayers of chick embryo fibroblasts. PMID- 13809204 TI - [On the problem of talocrural and talotarsal arthrodesis of severe talipes calcaneus et cavus]. PMID- 13809205 TI - [Surgical control of the growth in length of the lower extremity]. PMID- 13809207 TI - [Frequency of Klinefelter's syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis in oligophrenia]. PMID- 13809206 TI - [De Quervain's subacute thyroiditis]. PMID- 13809208 TI - [Spasticity of cortical origin]. PMID- 13809209 TI - Home care for the chronically ill geriatric patient. PMID- 13809210 TI - Studies on anti-eluate sera. I. The production of antiglobulin (Coombs) sera in rabbits by the use of antibodies eluted from sensitized red blood cells. PMID- 13809211 TI - [On late primary debridement of infected wounds]. PMID- 13809212 TI - [Results of prolonged antibacterial therapy of children and adolescents with cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13809213 TI - Early infantile autism: a review. PMID- 13809214 TI - Obsessions of infanticide. PMID- 13809215 TI - Psychiatrogenic illness. PMID- 13809216 TI - The concept of nemesis in psychoneurosis. PMID- 13809217 TI - The anatomy of an accident. PMID- 13809218 TI - Electron micrographs of pinocytosis channels in Amoeba proteus. PMID- 13809219 TI - Volunteer visits keep patients' spirits up and complaints down. PMID- 13809220 TI - Behavior of stroke volume at rest and during exercise in human beings. PMID- 13809221 TI - The maximal oxygen intake test in patients with predominant mitral stenosis. A preoperative and postoperative study. PMID- 13809222 TI - Sustained release of drugs in certain drug-resin complexes as judged by urinary excretion rates. PMID- 13809224 TI - [Radioactive therapy for heart disease]. PMID- 13809223 TI - Common ano-rectal conditions. PMID- 13809225 TI - Electron microscope observations on the behavior of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane during cellular division. AB - Bacterial cells were fixed in OsO(4), washed, dehydrated, and embedded in a methacrylate mixture. Ultrathin sections were cut on a Porter-Blum ultramicrotome and were examined in an RCA electron microscope, type EMU-2D. The sections revealed that the cytoplasmic membrane undergoes a centripetal growth to form a membrane septum. This septum is formed as a double structure. Constriction of the daughter cells and deposition of cell wall material lead to the separation of the daughter cells. The bacterial cytoplasm appears to consist largely of 200 A granules and occasionally reveals arrays of parallel dense lines. PMID- 13809226 TI - Electron microscopy of cellular division in Sarcina lutea. PMID- 13809227 TI - Tobacco-induced epithelial proliferation in human subject. Long-term effects of pipe smoking on epithelium of hard palate. PMID- 13809228 TI - Anatomic and clinical significance of calcification of the aortic knob visualized radiographically. PMID- 13809229 TI - An analysis of the clinical application of the van den Bergh reaction jaundice. PMID- 13809230 TI - The U. S. Air Force Dental Corps. PMID- 13809231 TI - Emotional and psychosomatic problems of pregnancy. PMID- 13809232 TI - Use of naturetin in edema of pregnancy. PMID- 13809233 TI - Treatment of positive tuberculin reactors. PMID- 13809234 TI - Varieties of tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13809235 TI - Surgical management of intestinal atresia. PMID- 13809236 TI - Vagal afferents in the monkey. PMID- 13809237 TI - Augmentation of the inflammatory reaction by activity of the central nervous system. PMID- 13809239 TI - Human ecology, disease, and schizophrenia. PMID- 13809238 TI - Changes in tissue vulnerability induced during hypnotic suggestion. PMID- 13809240 TI - Evidence for disturbance in the metabolism of the central nervous system of patients with chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13809241 TI - Release of proteolytic enzyme from cat brain during stimulation. PMID- 13809242 TI - A humoral agent implicated in vascular headache of the migraine type. PMID- 13809243 TI - The cerebral hemispheres and the highest integrative functions of man. PMID- 13809244 TI - Atmosphere effect re-examined. PMID- 13809245 TI - Confusion of figurative and literal usages of words by schizophrenics and brain damaged patients. PMID- 13809246 TI - Studies in isolated organ physiology: bromsulphalein clearance in the isolated perfused bovine liver. PMID- 13809247 TI - The mechanism of vagus influence on the hormonal phase of gastric acid secretion. PMID- 13809248 TI - The problem of excess tuberculosis beds in Michigan. PMID- 13809249 TI - Serum amylase estimations in differential diagnosis. PMID- 13809250 TI - Human tissue preservation: development of regulations and removal of some legal barriers. AB - Human tissue must be obtained promptly postmortem if it is to be successfully preserved. Legal assistance toward this goal has been established by the California Legislature. To implement this legislation the State Board of Public Health has established regulations relating to human tissue preservation. These are the first such regulations in the nation. Tissue preservation is not yet fully developed. Much research is in progress to overcome many problems. The future may hold interesting developments. Present laws and regulations will implement them. PMID- 13809251 TI - [Value of the systematic examination of the vaginal flora during pregnancy]. PMID- 13809252 TI - [Etiology of female trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13809253 TI - [Trip to Japan]. PMID- 13809254 TI - Severe myocardial necrosis produced by isoproterenol in the rat. PMID- 13809255 TI - The influence of adrenal cortical steroids on cardiac necrosis produced by isoproterenol. PMID- 13809256 TI - Artificial insemination. PMID- 13809257 TI - Hereditary nephritis. PMID- 13809258 TI - Mitochondrial swelling and electron transport. I. Swelling supported by ferricyanide. PMID- 13809259 TI - Treatment of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13809260 TI - [Erosions of the esophagogastric junction. Apropos of 7 cases observed during gastroscopies]. PMID- 13809261 TI - Interaction chronograph method for analysis of differences between schizophrenics and controls. PMID- 13809262 TI - Role of fibrinolytic agents in thrombotic diseases. PMID- 13809263 TI - The present status of the clinical evaluation of fibrinolysin. PMID- 13809264 TI - A change in susceptibility of guinea pig cells to myxoma virus in tissue culture. PMID- 13809265 TI - [Difficulties and accidents during prolonged treatment with isoniazid in high doses]. PMID- 13809266 TI - [Deficiency of 11-hydroxylase in a case of congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands without arterial hypertension; clinical and biological study]. PMID- 13809267 TI - [Increase in plasma and urinary 17-hydroxycorticoids in a case of congenital hyperplasia of the adrenals without arterial hypertension. Identification of abnormal steroids related to a deficiency of 11beta-hydroxylase]. PMID- 13809268 TI - [Jaundice caused by infectious hepatitis in the newborn and the infant]. PMID- 13809269 TI - [Jaundices of the neonatal period and of young infants]. PMID- 13809270 TI - [Hamman-Rich syndrome in children: clinical, functional, histological and therapeutic study in a 6-year-old patient]. PMID- 13809271 TI - [Icterogenic hepatitis in the newborn and young infant. Apropos of 40 cases]. PMID- 13809272 TI - [Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Apropos of a case: clinical and anatomical study]. PMID- 13809273 TI - [Electroencephalographic and clinical correlations during jaundice caused by indirect bilirubinemia in the newborn. Evolutive aspect]. PMID- 13809274 TI - [Clinical tests with rodanex suppositories]. PMID- 13809275 TI - [Apropos of a new medical treatment of hemorrhoids]. PMID- 13809276 TI - [A case of Waldenstroem's hyperglobulinemic purpura. Clinical and biological study]. PMID- 13809277 TI - [Useful and dangerous local treatments of eczema]. PMID- 13809278 TI - [Men do not change]. PMID- 13809279 TI - Ovarian tumors in childhood: report of six new cases and review of the literature. PMID- 13809280 TI - Spontaneous postoperative expulsion of spleen through appendectomy incision. PMID- 13809281 TI - Studies on the folic acid vitamins. IV. The persistence of amethopterin in mammalian tissues. PMID- 13809282 TI - Studies on the folic acid vitamins. V. The effect of folic acid on the citrovorum factor activity of mouse liver. PMID- 13809283 TI - Biochemical studies on inositol. VI. Mechanism of cleavage of inositol to D glucuronic acid. PMID- 13809284 TI - [On alpha-chymotrypsin therapy of fallopian tube obstruction]. PMID- 13809285 TI - [The use of alpha-chymotrypsin in diseases of the excretory lacrimal ducts]. PMID- 13809286 TI - A simple and effective autoclave method of handpiece and instrument sterilization without corrosion. PMID- 13809287 TI - The effect of reserpine on the blood sugar level in the rat. PMID- 13809288 TI - [Bullous staphylococcal infections: respiratory emergencies]. PMID- 13809289 TI - [Health education of the population. Role of the Minister of Public Health and of the Population in the organization and development of health education]. PMID- 13809290 TI - [Idiopathic mixed jaundice with successive attacks: Rotor, Manahan and Florentin syndrome]. PMID- 13809291 TI - [Note on bromsulphalein clearance in Dubin-Johnson's jaundice]. PMID- 13809292 TI - [The ether-solubility of bilirubin]. PMID- 13809293 TI - [Clinical trials of palfium (R 875, dextromoramide)]. PMID- 13809294 TI - [Some remarks apropos of the clinical application of R-875 (dextromoramide)]. PMID- 13809295 TI - [The relation between the structure, solubility and tissue toxicity of various minerals]. PMID- 13809296 TI - [Action of silica in solution on the enzyme system succinic dehydrogenase cytochrome oxidase]. PMID- 13809297 TI - [Study of the action of very small doses of alcohol on higher nervous activity]. PMID- 13809298 TI - [Changes in exocrine pancreatic secretion and in salivary secretion during induced hypothermia]. PMID- 13809299 TI - [Cortical excitability and induced hypothermia]. PMID- 13809300 TI - [Effects of induced hypothermia on medullary reflectivity]. PMID- 13809301 TI - [Immediate autoplastic woundclosure after orbital or sino-orbital exenteration for malignant tumors. Apropos of 14 surgical cases]. PMID- 13809302 TI - [Anterior or total pelvic exenteration in advanced cancer of the uterine cervix and of the rectum. Study of 25 surgical interventions]. PMID- 13809303 TI - [Anti-rabies vaccination]. PMID- 13809304 TI - [On the problem of dysfunction of the liver in cancer of the larynx and its diagnostic significance]. PMID- 13809305 TI - Conversion of glucose to glycogen after ingestion of a high-carbohydrate diet. PMID- 13809306 TI - Hemagglutination test in tularemia: results in 56 vaccinated persons with laboratory acquired infection. PMID- 13809307 TI - Methionine, iodocasein and oxygen consumption of chicks. PMID- 13809308 TI - [Evolution of the hooking apparatus of the tube in certain Lepidoptera]. PMID- 13809309 TI - An electron microscope study of cornification in the human skin. PMID- 13809310 TI - An electron microscope study of molluscum contagiosum. PMID- 13809311 TI - An electron microscope study of the eccrine sweat gland. PMID- 13809312 TI - Electron microscope observations on hardening in the hair follicle. PMID- 13809313 TI - Electron microscopic observations of the arrector pili muscle of the human scalp. PMID- 13809314 TI - Electron microscopic observations of the human sebaceous gland. PMID- 13809316 TI - Differential development of intelligence in the college years. PMID- 13809315 TI - Islet cell tumour of the pancreas with chronic diarrhoea and hypokalaemia--a recently recognized syndrome. PMID- 13809318 TI - Hereditary elliptocytosis in two Nigerian families. PMID- 13809317 TI - [Intestinal occlusion caused by adhesions of a twisted ovarian cyst. Postoperative neurotoxic shock. Treatment by artificial hibernation and recovery]. PMID- 13809319 TI - The effectiveness of oral ammonium chloride on increased excretion of radio strontium in man. PMID- 13809320 TI - Ionizing radiation and organic chemistry. PMID- 13809321 TI - News of the profession in Great Britain. Shortage of chiropodists. PMID- 13809322 TI - [Study of the variation of the level of gas exchanges induced by the ingestion of food, including water, in swine]. PMID- 13809323 TI - Good and bad gynaecological surgery in general practice. PMID- 13809324 TI - Treatment of incontinence following repair of vesico-vaginal fistulae. PMID- 13809325 TI - The role of chelation and binding equilibria in iron metabolism. PMID- 13809326 TI - [Diphtherial myocarditis. Report of 3 cases]. PMID- 13809327 TI - [Technic for the study of pharmacological modifications of the caliber of the bronchi in the intact rabbit]. PMID- 13809328 TI - [A new synthetic coronary dilator. Pharmacological study]. PMID- 13809329 TI - [Amplivix, a new medication controlling angina]. PMID- 13809330 TI - [Sensitization to the cardiac stimulating effect of adrenaline by metanephrine]. PMID- 13809332 TI - Ultracentrifugal examination of digestion products from rabbit gamma-globulin. PMID- 13809331 TI - A comment on the pH-dependent dissociation of haemoglobins. PMID- 13809333 TI - [Cryoglobulinemia]. PMID- 13809334 TI - [Essential cryoglobulinemia with polymorphous erythema and acroparesthesia]. PMID- 13809335 TI - [Iron and its pathology. Its interest in tropical medicine]. PMID- 13809336 TI - [Iron in the normal individual]. PMID- 13809337 TI - [Importance of the study of macroglobulinemias in tropical pathology]. PMID- 13809338 TI - Factors affecting the pulmonary "capillary" pressure. PMID- 13809339 TI - Pulmonary resistance in acquired heart disease. PMID- 13809340 TI - Inactivation of concentrated purified poliovirus suspensions. PMID- 13809341 TI - [Physiology of sexual inversion in the shrimp, Lysmata seticaudata, with functional protendrous hermaphroditism]. PMID- 13809342 TI - How our joints are lubricated. PMID- 13809343 TI - Periarthritis of the shoulder. PMID- 13809344 TI - Surgery of the hip-joint: present and future developments. PMID- 13809345 TI - The lubrication of animal joints in relation to surgical reconstruction by arthroplasty. PMID- 13809346 TI - Serum magnesium-cholesterol relationships in the Central Australian aborigine and in Europeans with and without ischaemic heart disease. PMID- 13809347 TI - The effect of salicylate on plasma protein bound iodine in man. PMID- 13809348 TI - The spermatogenic potential of the undescended testis before and after treatment. PMID- 13809349 TI - [Distribution of cellulolytic microorganism of the soil. I. Technics]. PMID- 13809350 TI - [Role of Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae and Artemisia in the allergic complications of the end of autumn]. PMID- 13809351 TI - [Remote, multiple and severe complications of primary tuberculous infection]. PMID- 13809352 TI - [Cylindrical bronchial cancers of primary appearance (bronchioloalveolar cancers). Apropos of 4 cases]. PMID- 13809353 TI - [Chronic dyspneic bronchitis in the adult. Etiological study]. PMID- 13809354 TI - [Respirtory allergies caused by Candida albicans]. PMID- 13809355 TI - [Etiology of chronic bronchitis in the adult]. PMID- 13809356 TI - [Respiratory allergy to ricin in the Marseille region]. PMID- 13809357 TI - [Treatment of asthma and chronic bronchorrhea by methylprednisolone]. PMID- 13809358 TI - [Contribution to the study of blood groups among the Tedas of Tibesti (ABO series)]. PMID- 13809359 TI - [Peritonitis caused by diverticular perforation of the sigmoid]. PMID- 13809360 TI - Hospitals and the Department of National Health and Welfare: introduction. PMID- 13809361 TI - Present challenges in public health. PMID- 13809362 TI - The association--today and tomorrow. PMID- 13809363 TI - [Comparative experimental studies on new sulfonamides with diuretic and saluretic effect]. PMID- 13809364 TI - Pharmacology and biochemistry of some amphenone analogues and other adrenal cortical inhibitors. PMID- 13809365 TI - Incidence of ischaemic heartdisease among Indians in Kenya. PMID- 13809366 TI - Mushroom poisoning. PMID- 13809367 TI - [Influence of the somatotropic hormone on the water and electrolyte content of the plasma and muscle of the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii)]. PMID- 13809368 TI - [Treatment of paroxysmal muscle paralysis with synthetic corticosteroids]. PMID- 13809369 TI - [Hormonal therapy of allergy]. PMID- 13809370 TI - [The hormonal therapy of allergy]. PMID- 13809371 TI - [World medical research]. PMID- 13809372 TI - [Anurias of obstetrical origin]. PMID- 13809373 TI - [Particulars of the action of ethyl dimethylaminocyanophosphate absorbed by the digestive way]. PMID- 13809374 TI - The effect of temperature on the non-luminescent oxidation of Cypridina luciferin. PMID- 13809375 TI - The sedimentation constant and molecular weight of Cypridina luciferase. PMID- 13809376 TI - The measurement of luciferin and luciferase. PMID- 13809377 TI - Fatal case of measles. PMID- 13809378 TI - The growth of hair follicles in waves. PMID- 13809380 TI - An objective evaluation of palatopharyngeal competence. PMID- 13809379 TI - Bilateral amputation in rehabilitation of paraplegics. PMID- 13809381 TI - Functional levels of amputation in the hand. PMID- 13809382 TI - Management of nerve injuries in the upper extremity. PMID- 13809383 TI - Vascular disorders of the upper extremity. PMID- 13809384 TI - Hand surgery: an appraisal of peripheral nerve block. PMID- 13809385 TI - The surface membrane of pulmonary alveolar walls. PMID- 13809386 TI - [The problem of multiple basocellular epitheliomas of the cervico-vaginal region (Apropos of 3 cases)]. PMID- 13809387 TI - Contaminant emissions from the combustion of fuels. PMID- 13809388 TI - [Comparative study of the anti-inflammatory action of phenylbutazone and delta cortisone in the course of treatment of acute articular rheumatism in children]. PMID- 13809389 TI - [Some hazardous therapeutics in children]. PMID- 13809390 TI - [Peptonotherapy, using pure peptones in nasopharyngeal infections in infants and children]. PMID- 13809392 TI - [Graft of lamellar cornea, with the lyophilized globe of Pr. Payrau]. PMID- 13809391 TI - [Impact of antibiotics on clinical problems posed by abscess of the lung]. PMID- 13809393 TI - A statistical description of a clinical trial of promazine. PMID- 13809394 TI - Statistical inference and the single case in clinical design. PMID- 13809395 TI - [Demography of the aged woman]. PMID- 13809396 TI - [Various demographic data on the recipients of social security]. PMID- 13809397 TI - [To play does not mean to play]. PMID- 13809398 TI - [Hemorrhages, shock, anesthesia, reanimation]. PMID- 13809399 TI - [Mortality unrelated to pregnancy and puerperal states]. PMID- 13809400 TI - [Fetal maceration and strangulation of the cord]. PMID- 13809401 TI - [On the role of uterine malpositions after cesarean sections in the failure of the test of labor]. PMID- 13809402 TI - [Influence of ovarian and thyroid hormones on two amino acid decarboxylases in the rat liver. Demonstration of the existence of two independent regulatory mechanisms]. PMID- 13809403 TI - [Influence of thyroid hormones on the adenosine triphosphate content of the rat liver]. PMID- 13809404 TI - [A particular type of blood protein disorder]. PMID- 13809405 TI - [Chloralism and bromism. Their association. Biologico-psychiatric aspects]. PMID- 13809406 TI - [Lectual mania]. PMID- 13809407 TI - [New research on the biological action of hexadecadrol]. PMID- 13809408 TI - [Studies on the soluble proteins of cerebral tissue. I. Study by paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13809409 TI - [Studies on the soluble proteins of cerebral tissue. II. Chemical and immunological research. III. Fractionation by chemical means. Characterization of the isolated proteins]. PMID- 13809410 TI - [The serological reactions of syphilis during a blood protein disorder]. PMID- 13809411 TI - [Various biological changes during therapeutic use of hexadecadrol]. PMID- 13809412 TI - [Statistical data drawn from the study of the blood protein and glycoprotein pictures by paper electrophoresis in 100 elderly persons from 70 to 91 years old]. PMID- 13809413 TI - [The treatment of varicocele. The Ivanissevich operation]. PMID- 13809414 TI - [Multi-nodular mastocytosis of infants, with generalized vasomotor attacks]. PMID- 13809415 TI - [Multinodular mastocytosis in an infant with generalized vasomotor crises]. PMID- 13809416 TI - [Effect of podophyllin on a localized element of histiocytic reticulosis]. PMID- 13809417 TI - [Effect of podophylline on a localized element of histiocytic reticulosis]. PMID- 13809418 TI - [On resochin therapy of certain spinal diseases]. PMID- 13809419 TI - [Necrosing angiitis of the larynx in a man with discoid lupus of another site]. PMID- 13809420 TI - [Histogenetic study of endocardial fibroelastosis of the adult]. PMID- 13809421 TI - Hypothermia and its effects on the sensory and peripheral motor systems. PMID- 13809422 TI - Nodular muscular hyperplasia in the lungs of South African miners. PMID- 13809423 TI - The incidence of malignant disease in 1,620 African (Bantu) gold miners: an autopsy survey. PMID- 13809424 TI - A ten-year experience with caesarean section in a 50-bed hospital. PMID- 13809425 TI - Intra-uterine perforation of the ileum with meconium peritonitis. PMID- 13809426 TI - [The electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram in aortic isthmus stenosis]. PMID- 13809427 TI - [Clinical, radiological and anatomical histories in a case of pancreatic lithiasis]. PMID- 13809428 TI - [Influence of a lowering of the local temperature of the diencephalic region on the thermoregulatory muscular activity in the alert dog]. PMID- 13809429 TI - [Chlorpromazine and temperature regulation. 1. The freezingzone]. PMID- 13809430 TI - [Recent data on heat regulation. II. On the origin and sources of heat liberated in the chemical regulation of temperature]. PMID- 13809431 TI - Depth electrographic study of a fast rhythm evoked from the human calcarine region by steady illumination. PMID- 13809432 TI - Responses to clicks from the human brain: some depth electrographic observations. PMID- 13809433 TI - Electrical stimulation of the human brain through implanted electrodes: preliminary observations. PMID- 13809434 TI - The convulsive patterns provoked by indoklon, metrazol and electroshock: some depth electrographic observations in human patients. PMID- 13809435 TI - Results obtained with seven different antibiotics in chicken embryos experimentally infected with Staphylococcus. PMID- 13809436 TI - Staphylococcal infections in children. Results obtained with different antibiotics. PMID- 13809437 TI - [Electrophoretic study of blood proteins in children with Chagas' disease]. PMID- 13809438 TI - [Drainage of the intrahepatic bile ducts]. PMID- 13809439 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism in Microsporum canis. PMID- 13809440 TI - Effect of steroids and related compounds on the growth of dermatophytes. PMID- 13809441 TI - Hereditary spherocytosis. PMID- 13809442 TI - Construction of a psychological scale of weight from fractionation data. PMID- 13809443 TI - Carbon dioxide assimilation by Leishmania donovani. PMID- 13809444 TI - Conditioning and generalization of GSR as a function of awareness. PMID- 13809445 TI - Acute myeloid leukaemia with leukaemic deposit in the orbit. PMID- 13809446 TI - Biological synthesis of L-ascorbic acid in animal tissues: conversion of L gulonolactone into L-ascorbic acid. PMID- 13809447 TI - On a lipid cofactor involved in the conversion of L-gulonolactone into L-ascorbic acid. PMID- 13809448 TI - Electron microscopic observations on the morphology of Mycobacterium leprae. PMID- 13809449 TI - Evaluation of radioprotective efficacy of cysteamine (with rat-liver-cell glycogen as reference system). PMID- 13809450 TI - Gonio-vessels in normal and abnormal eyes. PMID- 13809451 TI - Mechanism of blister formation in leprosy patients. PMID- 13809452 TI - Effect of low-frequency ultrasonic waves on aqueous solutions of condensed phosphates. PMID- 13809454 TI - [A case of Stevens-Johnson's syndrome in a 9-year-old boy]. PMID- 13809453 TI - Studies on the site of synthesis of nicotinic acid from tryptophan in rabbits. PMID- 13809455 TI - On axiation and symmetry in transplanted wing of the chick. PMID- 13809456 TI - [Influence of the gradient between the onset and the termination of airtransmitted sonic or ultrasonic bursts on their effectiveness in stimulating the nervous system]. PMID- 13809457 TI - [Action of vibrations on nervous excitability]. PMID- 13809458 TI - [Chronic effects of morphine and pyrrolamidol on nerve centers]. PMID- 13809459 TI - [Comparison of the action, on the nerve centers, of 2 analgesics: morphine and pyrrolamidol]. PMID- 13809460 TI - [The 50th anniversary of chronaxia: its significance in the expression of the excitability and the functional rapidity of a tissue]. PMID- 13809461 TI - [Contribution to the study of the harmfulness of noises. The laws of the unbalancing action of sounds on the nerve centers]. PMID- 13809462 TI - [Nervous fatigue]. PMID- 13809463 TI - [On the fiftieth anniversary of chronaxy (L. Lapicque 1909); importance of the explication of excitation time in measurements of excitability]. PMID- 13809465 TI - [Physical-fitness examination of divers]. PMID- 13809464 TI - [Centralization--rationalization]. PMID- 13809466 TI - Malignant melanoma of the oral cavity. Report of a case. PMID- 13809467 TI - Benign neoplastic fibro-osseous lesion of the mandible: report of a case. PMID- 13809469 TI - Carcinoma of the antrum: a clinical and histopathologic study. PMID- 13809468 TI - Papillary cystadenoma of minor salivary gland origin. Report of a case. PMID- 13809470 TI - Sialolithiasis of a minor salivary gland. PMID- 13809471 TI - A solitary xanthoma of the attached gingiva. Report of a case. PMID- 13809472 TI - Infantile cirrhosis of the liver (Sen's syndrome) with particular reference to the sulphur-containing amino acids. PMID- 13809473 TI - A peep into the health conditions in Assam. PMID- 13809474 TI - The availability of bound nicotinic acid to the rat. 4. The effect of treating wheat, rice and barley brans and a purified preparation of bound nicotinic acid with sodium hydroxide. PMID- 13809475 TI - A study of alpha-ketoacids in protein malnutrition. PMID- 13809476 TI - A study of alpha-keto-acids in protein malnutrition. PMID- 13809477 TI - Rupture of the uterus. PMID- 13809478 TI - Mebinol in amoebiasis. PMID- 13809479 TI - Tropical eosinophilia. Experiments with Toxocara canis. PMID- 13809480 TI - Secondary neoplasms of the ureter with illustration of a case. PMID- 13809481 TI - Milk-ejecting action of ergot. PMID- 13809482 TI - The fate of injected oxytocin in the rabbit. PMID- 13809483 TI - [The problem of assiduity in the extra-hospital therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. (Two years of experience, 1958-1959, in a specialized out-patient department in Tunis)]. PMID- 13809484 TI - [Apropos of multiple or successive localizations of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13809485 TI - [Vascular wounds of the base of the neck: apropos of 2 cases with survival]. PMID- 13809487 TI - [The current status of industrial medicine in France]. PMID- 13809486 TI - [French instructions for medical fitness examinations of drivers of various types of vehicles]. PMID- 13809488 TI - [The reclassification of tuberculotics in harbor work]. PMID- 13809489 TI - Histochemical localization of hydrolytic enzymes in human salivary glands. PMID- 13809490 TI - Parotid gland secretion rate as method for measuring response to gustatory stimuli in humans. PMID- 13809491 TI - [Localization of orbital foreign bodies by the method of stereo-radiographic transposition of Chausse]. PMID- 13809492 TI - [Severe relapse of a lepromatous leper treated for six years by the sulfone J 51]. PMID- 13809493 TI - [Some theoretical and practical information resulting from our 28 years of research on leprosy]. PMID- 13809494 TI - [The problem of the nature and of the significance of the Mitsuda lepromin reaction]. PMID- 13809495 TI - [The sources of Ambroise Pare. The book "De la Generation de l'Homme]. PMID- 13809496 TI - [Oxytocin and vasopressin of sheep: reconstitution of an active hormonal complex]. PMID- 13809497 TI - [Presence of 2 vasopressins in the neurohypophysis of the chick]. PMID- 13809498 TI - [Bronchial cancer with slow evolution]. PMID- 13809499 TI - [Another case of association of tuberculosis and cancer of the kidney]. PMID- 13809500 TI - [Apropos of the surgical treatment of coralliform calculi of the kidney]. PMID- 13809501 TI - [Surgical possibilities in the treatment of renal tuberculosis of the remaining kidney]. PMID- 13809502 TI - [On the consumption of pollen]. PMID- 13809504 TI - [The "traditional" Chinese medicine according to the work of Professors Huard and Wong (1959)]. PMID- 13809503 TI - [The importance of explorative behavior in animal psychology]. PMID- 13809505 TI - Further experimental evaluation of two new corticosteroids. Triamcinolone (aristocort) and dexamethasone (deronil) preparations in the therapy of ocular inflammation. PMID- 13809506 TI - An initial evaluation of (aristocort) triamcinolone and its acetonide derivative in the therapy of ocular inflammation. Part II. Clinical studies. PMID- 13809507 TI - An initial evaluation of (aristocort) triamcinolone in the therapy of ocular inflammation. Part I: Experimental studies. PMID- 13809508 TI - Experimental lamellar heterografts; comparison of fresh and preserved donor corneas. PMID- 13809509 TI - [The technical prevention of accidents]. PMID- 13809510 TI - [Traumatic diabetes]. PMID- 13809511 TI - [Apraxia regarding pain (loss of practical reactivity to escape from danger)]. PMID- 13809512 TI - Butanol-insoluble iodinated compound in the plasma of a goitrous cretin. PMID- 13809513 TI - [On the structure and form of vocal emission in the course of the telephonic conversation]. PMID- 13809514 TI - [Griseofulvin in the treatment of ringworm and epidermomycosis]. PMID- 13809515 TI - A simple paper strip urine test for para-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13809516 TI - Results of the PAS urine test (phenistix) study done in May and June, 1959. PMID- 13809517 TI - [The evolution of venereal diseases]. PMID- 13809518 TI - [Schwanniomyces hominis n.sp. as the cause of an epidermal lesion in the newborn]. PMID- 13809519 TI - [Need for a health and preventive consciousness in the practitioner]. PMID- 13809521 TI - [Trends in the teaching of dentistry in the Western Hemisphere]. PMID- 13809520 TI - [The teaching of the preventive, hygienic and social aspects of odontology in professional training courses]. PMID- 13809522 TI - [Adrenalin, noradrenalin, carotid sinus reflex in the sloth (Bradypus tridactylus)]. PMID- 13809524 TI - [Fifteenth anniversary of the Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia]. PMID- 13809523 TI - Grandeur and poverty of medical specialization: aspiration toward a new humanism. PMID- 13809525 TI - [Greatness and poverty of medical specialization. Aspiration toward a new humanism]. PMID- 13809526 TI - [Hypertensive cardiopathy]. PMID- 13809527 TI - [Importance and limitations of medical specialism. Aspiration toward a new humanism]. PMID- 13809528 TI - [Importance and limitations of medical specialization. Aspiration toward a new humanism]. PMID- 13809529 TI - [On specialization in medicine]. PMID- 13809530 TI - Therapeutic evaluation of demethylchlorte-tracycline in human brucellosis. PMID- 13809531 TI - [Recent advances in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13809532 TI - [Enumeration of cancer metastases]. PMID- 13809533 TI - The use of homogenization procedures for extracting nuclei from plant cells. PMID- 13809534 TI - Life-like preservation of cytoplasmic detail in plant cells. PMID- 13809535 TI - The distribution of deoxyribonucleic acid in homogenates of plant roots. PMID- 13809536 TI - The localization of deoxyribose nucleic acid in cells of the root meristem of Vicia faba. PMID- 13809537 TI - The quantitative cytochemistry of DNA and its significance in cell physiology and heredity. PMID- 13809538 TI - Effect of nicotinic acid on blood cholesterol. PMID- 13809539 TI - [Acute cholecystitis and myocardial infarct (myocardial infarct of reflex origin)]. PMID- 13809540 TI - [The role of vascular spasm in disorder of the anticoagulation system of the blood]. PMID- 13809541 TI - Diagnosis of Whipple's disease by peripheral lymph node biopsy: report of a case. PMID- 13809542 TI - A comparison of in vitro and in vivo characteristics as related to the pathogenesis of measles, varicella, and herpes zoster. PMID- 13809544 TI - [On the administration of radioiodine to animal organisms in a nonmetabolizable form]. PMID- 13809543 TI - [On the effectiveness of pantothenic acid in the treatment of herpes zoster]. PMID- 13809545 TI - [Certain indices of functional state of the cardiovascular system in patients with syphilis in relation to specific and non-specific therapy]. PMID- 13809546 TI - Effect of an antibiotic (bacitracin) on the growth of a young hypophysectomized rat PMID- 13809547 TI - [The hypophysis and experimental typhoid of the white rat]. PMID- 13809548 TI - [New research on the histamine-sensitizing action of Haemophilus pertussis (phase 1)]. PMID- 13809549 TI - [Resistance of the hypophysectomized rat to experimental salmonellosis]. PMID- 13809550 TI - [Thymic hypertrophy. Symptoms and treatment]. PMID- 13809551 TI - The effect of calomel on plasma epinephrine in the rat and the relationship to mechanisms in pink disease. PMID- 13809552 TI - Hypernatraemia and gastro-enteritis: practical and theoretical considerations. PMID- 13809553 TI - What does the surgically anesthetized patient hear? PMID- 13809554 TI - On the nature of pink disease. PMID- 13809555 TI - Surgical resection in the treatment of pulmonary histoplasmosis: a follow-up study. PMID- 13809557 TI - Varying responses to radioactive iodine (I131) therapy in hyperthyroid patients. PMID- 13809556 TI - [Remote results of 100 cases of pulmonary exeresis]. PMID- 13809558 TI - Hepatic cirrhosis due to sarcoidosis. PMID- 13809559 TI - Portal hypertension in hepatic sarcoidosis. PMID- 13809560 TI - [Morphology of the commissures of the mitral valve in rheumatic lesion]. PMID- 13809561 TI - Corrective bowling, from a scientific approach. PMID- 13809562 TI - [Clinico-morphological characteristics of fibrosarcomas of the soft tissues of the extremities and trunk]. PMID- 13809563 TI - [The modernization of eye instruments]. PMID- 13809564 TI - [The treatment of cancer of the cervix uteri with radium and telecobaltotherapy]. PMID- 13809565 TI - Gastric biopsy and secretory findings in hypochromic anaemias. PMID- 13809566 TI - [Anatomofunctional aspects of the fundic mucosa in gastric ulcer (lesser curvature) and in pyloric ulcer. Biopsy findings and secretion of HCl and pepsin]. PMID- 13809567 TI - [Bioptic findings and secretory behavior of the gastric mucosa in duodenal ulcer: comparison between fundal glandular morphology and the secretory behavior]. PMID- 13809568 TI - [On the clinical value of duodenal biopsy]. PMID- 13809569 TI - The contribution of the bioptic findings to the knowledge of the histology and histopathology of the duodenal mucosa. PMID- 13809570 TI - [The gastric biopsy in pediatrics: technic and first results]. PMID- 13809571 TI - Bioptic and secretory findings of the gastric mucosa in thromboangitis obliterans. PMID- 13809572 TI - Bioptic findings and secretory behaviour of the gastric mucosa during some dermatoses. PMID- 13809573 TI - [Considerations on the symptomatology of cor pulmonale in relation to the determining cause]. PMID- 13809574 TI - [High voltage R wave in precordial leads of the right heart as expression of postero-lateral necrosis]. PMID- 13809575 TI - [Results of enzymatic therapy in changes of myocardial metabolism]. PMID- 13809576 TI - Christian medical work and the Indian church. PMID- 13809577 TI - A brief survey of health conditions in India. PMID- 13809578 TI - [On the problem of diagnosis of subacute phlegmon of the stomach]. PMID- 13809579 TI - [On marble disease]. PMID- 13809580 TI - The gram-staining reaction of disintegrated micro-organisms. PMID- 13809581 TI - [Evacuation and treatment of maxillo-facial injuries in combat zones]. PMID- 13809582 TI - [Inhibition of cortisone inactivation in rat liver homogenate by butenolide and butenolide-dipyrine combinations]. PMID- 13809583 TI - [Studies on permeability change caused by drug combinations with potentiating properties]. PMID- 13809584 TI - [Pharmacological studies on benzylbutenolide aminopyrine solutions in combination with spasmolytics]. PMID- 13809585 TI - On the histochemical distribution of thiamine in nervous tissues. PMID- 13809586 TI - A study of certain CNS depressants. PMID- 13809587 TI - The pharmacology of 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine-HCl. PMID- 13809588 TI - The analgesic and anesthetic effect of 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine HCl on the monkey. PMID- 13809589 TI - [Chinese popular medicine]. PMID- 13809590 TI - Eosinophilic leukemia. PMID- 13809591 TI - Dietary and clinico-nutritional survey of aborigines in Taiwan. PMID- 13809592 TI - Pharmacologic studies of a new antitussive, alpha (dimethylaminoethyl)-ortho chlorobenzhydrol hydrochloride (SL-501, Bayer B-186). PMID- 13809593 TI - Antispasmodic activity of JB-340 (N-methyl-3-piperidyl-diphenylglycolate methobromide) with special reference to its relative selective action on the sphincter of Oddi, colon and urinary bladder of the dog. PMID- 13809594 TI - The action and clinical use of ephedrine, an alkaloid isolated from the Chinese drug ma huang; historical document. PMID- 13809595 TI - Familial periodic paralysis. Report of a case resistant to dextrose and insulin provocation. PMID- 13809596 TI - [New generators for radiology with selenium redressers]. PMID- 13809597 TI - [Effect of reaction of the medium on bactericidal properties of substances containing active chlorine]. PMID- 13809598 TI - [Idiopathic steatorrhea. Nosology and treatment]. PMID- 13809599 TI - [Healers]. PMID- 13809600 TI - [Reflections on the clinical aspects of diaphragmatic hernias]. PMID- 13809601 TI - [Reflexions on hemorrhoids and their medical treatment]. PMID- 13809602 TI - [Psychism and digestive surgery]. PMID- 13809603 TI - [A rare complication of pulmonary tuberculosis: spontaneous pneumopericardium]. PMID- 13809604 TI - [Two simultaneous homolateral primary bronchial tumors, and of different histological types, in the same patient]. PMID- 13809605 TI - [Destruction of the lung by generalized bronchiectasis with retractile sclerosis]. PMID- 13809606 TI - [Pulmonary pathology in lepers. A radio-clinical study]. PMID- 13809607 TI - [Influence of the "developing country" factor on the indications of chest surgery in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13809608 TI - Effect of inosine on iron absorption in rats. PMID- 13809609 TI - Schistosomal hypophyseal dwarfism: study of 72 cases. PMID- 13809610 TI - Effect of variations of rations on the incidence of teratogeny in vitamin E deficient rats. PMID- 13809611 TI - [Analysis of 100 cases of acute perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13809612 TI - Studies in bacteriology and immunology of tuberculosis in new China. PMID- 13809613 TI - [Cardiac arrest during anesthesia and surgery]. PMID- 13809615 TI - [Adenofibroma of the breast]. PMID- 13809614 TI - [Fang-chou as a vascular prosthesis: an experimental study]. PMID- 13809616 TI - [An experimental study of the nylon vascular prosthesis grafted in a traumatic wound]. PMID- 13809617 TI - Evidence of the occurrence of u large RNA molecule per ribonucleoprotein particle. PMID- 13809618 TI - [Double jejunal loop as a substitute for the stomach following total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13809619 TI - Properties of a particulate nitrate reductase from the nodules of the soybean plant. PMID- 13809621 TI - [The Centre Psychotherapique Departmental of Brienne (Aube)]. PMID- 13809620 TI - Effect of starvation, acenocoumarin and vitamin K on the coagulation pattern of the guinea pig. PMID- 13809622 TI - [The hospital, the physician, the patient]. PMID- 13809623 TI - Children with congenital heart disease served in regional centers, 1952-56. PMID- 13809624 TI - Postnatal period-general scope. PMID- 13809625 TI - An appraisal of the management of Hirschsprung's disease. PMID- 13809626 TI - Interstitial cystitis in children. PMID- 13809627 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in ophthalmology (review of the literature)]. PMID- 13809628 TI - Introduction of the 5-halogenated uracil moiety into deoxyribonucleic acid of mammalian cells in culture. PMID- 13809629 TI - [Case of degeneration of myositis ossificans into a malignant tumor]. PMID- 13809631 TI - Our wasted dollars. PMID- 13809630 TI - [Characteristics of chemical composition of desoxyribonucleic acids in various groups of birds in normal conditions and after crossed inoculation with DNA]. PMID- 13809632 TI - [On the effect of subcutaneous administration of anti-tumor sera on the development and growth of transplanted Brown-Pearce tumor]. PMID- 13809633 TI - Experiences with cyclogyl. PMID- 13809634 TI - The concentration factor in local anesthetic solutions. PMID- 13809635 TI - Blood sugar levels during the dental experience. I. Blood sugar level in the waiting room. PMID- 13809636 TI - The normal glucose-tolerance pattern. PMID- 13809637 TI - [Pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption, oxygen emission and oxyhemoglobinic saturation during work of progressively increased intensity in normal, pneumopathic and cardiopathic subjects]. PMID- 13809638 TI - [Instantaneous respiratory quotient during work as an index of respiratory efficiency]. PMID- 13809639 TI - [Pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide emission and oxyhemoglobin saturation at rest and during progressively increasing work in normal subjects]. PMID- 13809640 TI - [Pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide emission and oxyhemoglobin saturation at rest and during progressively increasing work in heart diseases]. PMID- 13809641 TI - [Pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide emission and oxyhemoglobin saturation at rest and during progressively increasing work in lung diseases]. PMID- 13809642 TI - [Leukocytic reactions to the stimulation in various periods after irradiation]. PMID- 13809643 TI - [Changes in the interstitial substance of the retina in ocular leprosy]. PMID- 13809644 TI - Radiation from high-speed particles. PMID- 13809645 TI - [Follicular ileitis and intestinal invagination]. PMID- 13809646 TI - [Technic of study of the terminal small intestinal loop. Application to edematous bauhinitis]. PMID- 13809647 TI - [Studies on immunogenic properties of gangrenal dianatoxin (perfringens and oedematiens) on humans]. PMID- 13809648 TI - [On the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods of treatment of Botkin's disease in children]. PMID- 13809649 TI - [Changes in the central nervous system in trauma and their role in disorders of motor function after peripheral nerve injuries]. PMID- 13809650 TI - [On the characteristics of outbreaks of measles in a rural community]. PMID- 13809651 TI - [Role of pathogenic enteric bacillus in the etiology of gastrointestinal diseases in infants]. PMID- 13809652 TI - [Excretion of riboflavin in the urine in experimental tumors]. PMID- 13809653 TI - [Preventive effect of prolonged sorbitol administration in choline deficiency]. PMID- 13809654 TI - [Cirrhosis and tumors of the liver in choline--protein insufficiency]. PMID- 13809655 TI - [Experience with the investigation of carcinogenic substances in sewage from certain industries]. PMID- 13809656 TI - [Experience with the induction of neuroses in monkeys by means of experimental change of the nycto-hemeral rhythm]. PMID- 13809657 TI - [Micronecrosis in the heart of the monkey resulting from experimental neurosis]. PMID- 13809658 TI - [Material for clinico-roentgenological diagnosis of cancer of the middle-lobe bronchus]. PMID- 13809659 TI - [Function state of the system of blood coagulation in surgical therapy of fibromyoma of the uterus]. PMID- 13809660 TI - [Functional state of blood coagulation in uterine fibromyomas]. PMID- 13809661 TI - [The surgical treatment of diaphysial fractures of the leg]. PMID- 13809662 TI - [Effect of influenzal infection on artificial diphtherial immunity in vaccinated children]. PMID- 13809663 TI - Effect of transverse acceleration on pulmonary function. PMID- 13809664 TI - [On the energy metabolism of thrombocytes]. PMID- 13809665 TI - [Veterinary pathology as a heading under comparative pathology]. PMID- 13809666 TI - [The effect of muscular work on the restoration of conditioned reflex activity in dogs]. PMID- 13809667 TI - [On the problem of the evaluation of the effectiveness of roentgen therapy in certain forms of cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13809668 TI - [Multiple osteochondropathies of the heads of the metatarsal bones]. PMID- 13809669 TI - [Use of phage titer growth reaction for the diagnosis of dysentery]. PMID- 13809670 TI - [On extragenital endometriosis]. PMID- 13809671 TI - [Experience in the prevention of influenza in conditions of industrial enterprises]. PMID- 13809672 TI - Composition of tracheobronchial secretions in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas and bronchiectasis. PMID- 13809673 TI - [In memory of Academician Konstantin Mikhailovich Bykov]. PMID- 13809674 TI - Effects of streptomycin on the hatching of Australorbis glabratus eggs. PMID- 13809675 TI - [Our experience with the conduction of potentiated anesthesia in oncological patients]. PMID- 13809676 TI - Demonstration of absence of physical dependence to therapeutic doses of dextropropoxyphene hydrochloride (darvon) using the "allyl test". PMID- 13809677 TI - [Treatment of patients with exudative pleurisy with ACTH in association with antibacterial preparations]. PMID- 13809678 TI - [On the mechanism of action of certain trace elements on the development of resistance to streptomycin]. PMID- 13809679 TI - [Sensitivity of the Proteus to certain antibiotic and nitrofuran preparations]. PMID- 13809680 TI - [Changes in the protein picture of the blood serum in influenza of children]. PMID- 13809681 TI - [Materials on the clinico-roentgenological diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the clavicle]. PMID- 13809682 TI - [Significance of the stratigraphic roentgenological examination in the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases of the bones]. PMID- 13809683 TI - [Ictero-hemorrhagic leptospirosis in a district of the Novosibirsk region]. PMID- 13809685 TI - [Content of serotonin in the blood of monkeys]. PMID- 13809684 TI - [The content of serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine) in the blood in various hematological diseases]. PMID- 13809687 TI - [On anti-leukemic activity of ethyleneimine derivatives and of certain other chemical agents]. PMID- 13809686 TI - [On the problem of anti-tumor activity of ethyleneimine derivatives]. PMID- 13809688 TI - [On the anti-tumor activity of certain derivatives of trimer and tetramer of phosphonitrile]. PMID- 13809689 TI - [Therapy of cardiac insufficiency with convallotoxin]. PMID- 13809690 TI - [Toxigenicity of cultures of Escherichia coli of various serological groups and their sensitivity to antibiotics]. PMID- 13809691 TI - [On the problem of the effect of chlortetracycline and tetracycline on iron cotent in the blood serum]. PMID- 13809692 TI - [Certain experimental data on the effect of various funcoxytetracycline in various organs]. PMID- 13809693 TI - [Influence of phthivazide on the development of immunity in BCG vaccination in experiment]. PMID- 13809694 TI - [On the method for staining of sections of burned skin]. PMID- 13809695 TI - [On the qualitative characteristics of certain early changes in the intestine during experimental acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13809696 TI - [Intravital cytochemical investigation of the liver tissue]. PMID- 13809697 TI - Indocyanine green: observations on its physical properties, plasma decay, and hepatic extraction. PMID- 13809698 TI - Injury and repair following irradiation of salivary glands in male rats. PMID- 13809699 TI - Conversion of gastrojejunostomy to gastroduodenostomy in treating the dumping syndrome. PMID- 13809700 TI - Gastric carcinoma: multiple visceral resection in an unusual case of long-term survival. PMID- 13809701 TI - [Properdin system in radiation sickness (Review of the literature)]. PMID- 13809702 TI - [A standard antibotulism serum type E]. PMID- 13809703 TI - [White mice as objects for experimental determination of anaphylactogenic properties of therapeutic sera]. PMID- 13809704 TI - [Silver impregnation using N. I. Odnoralov's method in macro-microscopic studies of the innervation of the serous membranes]. PMID- 13809705 TI - [On the relationships between natural labor and psychoprophylactic labor]. PMID- 13809706 TI - [Relaxation and psychosomatic methods in labor]. PMID- 13809708 TI - [Clinico-statistical data on malignant neoplasms of the facial ridge in the juvenile age]. PMID- 13809707 TI - [Action of 4-chlortestosterone on the consolidation of experimental fractures]. PMID- 13809709 TI - [Clinical and anatomicopathological study of a case of granuloma gangraenescens, with special reference to the nosographic picture and significance of the arterial lesions]. PMID- 13809710 TI - [Objective pulsating tinnitus aurium]. PMID- 13809711 TI - [Extracorporeal hemodialysis as a reanimation method]. PMID- 13809712 TI - [Giant hydronephrosis in pregnancy with supraumbilical drainage]. PMID- 13809713 TI - [Comparative evaluation of approaches to the bladder and urethra in lithiasis with special reference to their rationality]. PMID- 13809714 TI - [Basic problems in vesical lithiasis in our country]. PMID- 13809715 TI - The use of dexamethasone in the treatment of allergic disorders. PMID- 13809716 TI - [Detection of complement-fixing antibodies in various species of birds and mammals in the complement fixation reaction with the antigen of ornithosis]. PMID- 13809717 TI - Disaster medical care. The objective of the A.M.A. Committee and the organization of a county society program. PMID- 13809718 TI - Factors affecting the growth of enterococci in highly alkaline media. PMID- 13809719 TI - Hydroxyl ion dependent release of amino acids from enterococci. PMID- 13809720 TI - [A method for colorimetric determination of pH on skin surface]. PMID- 13809721 TI - [On the problem of Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease in recent years (1954-58)]. PMID- 13809722 TI - Cancer of the thyroid; morphological and clinical study of two hundred six cases. PMID- 13809723 TI - Polymorphous cell tumor of the thyroid. PMID- 13809724 TI - Proliferating adenoma of the thyroid: wuchernde struma of Langhans. PMID- 13809725 TI - The medical student and human relations. PMID- 13809726 TI - Response of human beings to a low-vitamin B6 diet. PMID- 13809727 TI - [Strabismus in univitelline twins]. PMID- 13809728 TI - Emergency radiography. PMID- 13809729 TI - [Delayed speech in the child. Statistical research on specific dyslexia in relation to disorders of lateral dominance and of spatio-temporal orientation]. PMID- 13809730 TI - [Some applications of cybernetics to a theory of language]. PMID- 13809731 TI - [Conditioned reflexes in bees to a chain visual stimuli]. PMID- 13809732 TI - Annular pancreas causing obstruction in a 71-year-old woman. PMID- 13809733 TI - Clinical evaluation of styramate (sinaxar) as a muscle relaxant in neurologic and neuromuscular diseases. PMID- 13809734 TI - Clinical evaluation of tetracycline-novobiocin on 100 cases of acute infection due to staphylococci and other bacteria. PMID- 13809735 TI - Characteristics of the individual child's behavioral responses to the environment. PMID- 13809736 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of the hyperactive child. PMID- 13809737 TI - [On a case of Wilson's disease associated with epileptic manifestations]. PMID- 13809738 TI - [On the modality of extinction of cerebral electrical rhythms in the rabbit in various experimental conditions]. PMID- 13809739 TI - Biochemical and pharmacological studies of beta-phenylethylhydrazine and selected related compounds. PMID- 13809740 TI - Effect of oxygen on endogenous metabolism of a respiratory-deficient brewer's yeast. PMID- 13809741 TI - Heterotransplantation and organ culture of human embryonic lung. PMID- 13809742 TI - Heterotransplantation of human tumours and tissues. PMID- 13809743 TI - [On age-connected changes in the venous valves of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13809744 TI - Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients. PMID- 13809745 TI - [Pneumology. How to treat periods of severe aggravation of chronic respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13809746 TI - Dissociation of pacemakers located within the artioventricular node. PMID- 13809747 TI - Electrocardiographic diagnosis and clinical implications of ventricular premature systoles. PMID- 13809748 TI - Clinical evaluation of heart sounds. PMID- 13809749 TI - [Influence of x-irradiation on the content of splenic tissue in ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13809750 TI - [On the mechanism of action of x-irradiation on the ascorbic acid content of splenic tissue]. PMID- 13809752 TI - Two tours, 1901-1908. PMID- 13809751 TI - [Radiophosphate of chromium in the treatment of certain skin cancers]. PMID- 13809753 TI - [Importance of cholesterol transfer]. PMID- 13809754 TI - [Influence of the concentration of dietary cholesterol on certain aspects of cholesterol synthesis in the rat]. PMID- 13809755 TI - [Study of the origin of fecal sterols in the rat by means of radioactive indicators. 1. Demonstration of the secretion of sterols into the intestinal contents]. PMID- 13809756 TI - [Specific mutagenic activity of 3 organic peroxides on the reverse mutations of 2 loci of E. coli 15 T-9-13]. PMID- 13809757 TI - [Congenital and familial Stuart factor deficiency. Apropos of 2 personal cases considered congenital hypoconvertinemia]. PMID- 13809758 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic study of normal human perilymph]. PMID- 13809759 TI - [Immunoelectrophoretic study of human perilymph]. PMID- 13809760 TI - [Biological study of a chelating agent with an affinity for calcium in the field of otology]. PMID- 13809761 TI - [Lambliasis in the adult]. PMID- 13809762 TI - [Migratory thrombo-phlebitis of the lower limbs of neo-rickettsial etiology]. PMID- 13809763 TI - [Stenosis of the inferior vena cava]. PMID- 13809764 TI - [On a regular appearance of an infectious "mutant" in fungi of the genus Pestalozzia]. PMID- 13809765 TI - [Anti-diphtheria, anti-tetanus and anti-whooping cough vaccination]. PMID- 13809766 TI - [Influence of prolonged exposure to cold on the cutaneous vasomotor reactions of the guinea pig and rabbit]. PMID- 13809767 TI - [Study of the peripheral vasomotricity in the guinea pig after administration of vasodilators. I. Tachyphylaxis. II. Inhibition of the vasodilator effect]. PMID- 13809768 TI - [Some aspects of the pharmacology of derivatives of nicotinic acid]. PMID- 13809769 TI - [Inhibition of the vasodilator effect of sodium nicotate by structural analogs]. PMID- 13809770 TI - [On the vasodilator mechanism of action of beta-pyridylcarbinol]. PMID- 13809771 TI - [Statistical contribution to the study of occupational deafness]. PMID- 13809772 TI - [Contribution to the study of the metabolism and cytoplasmic synthesis of desoxyribonucleic acids in tissue culture]. PMID- 13809773 TI - [Histoautoradiographic study of the incorporation of tritiated thymidine in somatic cells treated by "myleran" in tissue cultures]. PMID- 13809774 TI - [Action of neutral and acid desoxyribonucleases on living somatic cells cultivated in vitro. III. Histoautoradiographic study after incorporation of tritium-labelled thymidine]. PMID- 13809775 TI - [Action of neutral and acid desoxyribonucleases on living somatic cells cultured in vitro]. PMID- 13809776 TI - [The culture of tissues and its applications in pathology]. PMID- 13809777 TI - [Results of a homogeneous series of 182 surgical operations for bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13809778 TI - [Results of a series of 23 operations for brachyesophagus in newborn and young infants]. PMID- 13809779 TI - Growth and development of Merriam's kangaroo rat, Dipodomys merriami. PMID- 13809780 TI - [Sulfonamides and curare simulants: potentiation of paralysis induced by d tubocurarine]. PMID- 13809781 TI - [Contribution to the chemical and pharmacological study of derivatives of orthophosphoric acid. III. Chemical composition and anticholinesterase activity]. PMID- 13809782 TI - [Contribution to the chemical and pharmacological study of derivatives of orthophosphoric acid. IV. Comparative pharmacological study of 2 homologous triesters: dimethylpropargyl phosphate and diethylpropargyl phosphate]. PMID- 13809783 TI - [New method of preparation of amides and diamides of orthophosphoric acid]. PMID- 13809784 TI - [Activity of bemegride against muscle-paralyzing drugs]. PMID- 13809785 TI - [Mechanism of convulsive crises produced by irradiation of the head in the rabbit]. PMID- 13809786 TI - [On some pharmacological actions of sodium naphthyl-2-amino-6,8-disulfonate]. PMID- 13809787 TI - [Action of aminoethylthiourea on the activity of the succinodehydrogenase of the liver of the mouse subjected to gamma radiations of Co60]. PMID- 13809788 TI - [Action on the neuromuscular system of iodomethylates of the thiazol fraction of thiamine and of its hydrochloride ester]. PMID- 13809789 TI - [Comments on a urinary tract anatomical specimen from a patient with bilharziasis]. PMID- 13809790 TI - Healing process in the mechanical denudation of the corneal endothelium. PMID- 13809791 TI - [Remote results of treatment of fractures of the diaphysis of the femur in newborn infants by the Schede method]. PMID- 13809792 TI - Selective phagocytosis of nucleated erythrocytes by cytotoxic amebae in cell culture. AB - Strains of Acanthamoeba, which produce cellular damage resembling viral cytopathic effect, are known to occur in cultures of monkey kidney cells. Trophozoites of a similar strain were observed to engulf and denucleate chicken erythrocytes. Nonnucleated guinea pig erythrocytes were apparently left unchanged. PMID- 13809793 TI - [A rare tumor of the retroperitoneal space: the enterocystoma]. PMID- 13809794 TI - [Endocrine glands and the digestive system]. PMID- 13809795 TI - [Metabolic conversion of tryptophan to nicotinic acid in some certain hormonal situations. Investigations in the hypophysectimized rat]. PMID- 13809796 TI - D-Xylose metabolism by cell-free extracts of Penicillium chrysogenum. PMID- 13809797 TI - [Encephalography in the diagnosis of pituitary tumors]. PMID- 13809798 TI - [Successful isolation of the encephalitis type B virus from Lasiohelea taiwana (blood-sucking fly). Its significance in relation to the epidemiology]. PMID- 13809799 TI - Trans-sternal phlebography of the internal mammary veins. PMID- 13809800 TI - [Arteriography in fibrosarcomas and sarcomas of the extremities]. PMID- 13809801 TI - [Angiography in tumors of the bones and of the soft tissues of the extremities]. PMID- 13809802 TI - [Radiological investigations of the exocrine secretory activity of pancreas after secretin stimulation]. PMID- 13809803 TI - Further contribution to the study of osseous metastases from tumors of the respiratory apparatus PMID- 13809804 TI - [On osteoarthropathies and tabetic fractures]. PMID- 13809805 TI - [Experimental clubfoot]. PMID- 13809806 TI - [On the treatment of closed fractures of the metacarpus and phalanges]. PMID- 13809807 TI - [Traumatic endo-uterine fracture of the clavicle]. PMID- 13809808 TI - Pectus excavatum. A critical evaluation of treatment. PMID- 13809809 TI - Pectus excavatum: a critical evaluation of treatment. PMID- 13809811 TI - [Posterior tibial transplantation to the external nerve in external popliteal sciatic paralysis]. PMID- 13809810 TI - Perforated peptic ulcer. Review of 100 cases. PMID- 13809812 TI - [On nerve formations of the cervical stump. (Anatomopathological study)]. PMID- 13809813 TI - [Polyploid cells in the human endometrium. 1) Histomorphological findings]. PMID- 13809814 TI - [Study of the fine innervation of the female genitalia. Uterus]. PMID- 13809815 TI - [Study of the fine innervation of the female genitalia: tubes]. PMID- 13809817 TI - [Study on the minute innervation of the female genitalia. 2. The ovaries]. PMID- 13809816 TI - [Study on the fine innervation of the female genitalia. 4. External genitalia]. PMID- 13809818 TI - [Statistical findings in 1764 cases of focal cerebral vascular diseases detected at autopsy during 45 years of activity at the dissection laboratory of the S. Salvi Clinic]. PMID- 13809819 TI - [On the diagnosis of cytomegaly in adults]. PMID- 13809820 TI - [On the open marrow wiring of fractures of the forearm]. PMID- 13809821 TI - [Pelvic osteotomy in plastic surgery of the acetabular roof]. PMID- 13809822 TI - [On the composition of fibers of the aortic depressor nerve in the rabbit]. PMID- 13809823 TI - [On the immediate clinical results of cobalt teletherapy]. PMID- 13809824 TI - [Partial congenital gigantism]. PMID- 13809825 TI - [Paucisymptomatic pseudotumoral silicosis]. PMID- 13809826 TI - Intracranial abscesses. A diagnostic and therapeutic investigation based on the analysis of 39 cases. PMID- 13809827 TI - Illusory neoplasms of the stomach and duodenum as a manifestation of carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13809828 TI - [On the nitration of 2-amino-1,2,3,4-tetralin]. PMID- 13809829 TI - [Metabolic aspects of the myocardium]. PMID- 13809830 TI - [A screw-type repositor]. PMID- 13809831 TI - [On the problem of accelerated identification of Vibrio cholera]. PMID- 13809832 TI - [Pericarditis with subacute constrictive evolution]. PMID- 13809833 TI - [Primary respiratory insufficiency with a malignant course. Fibrous and pseudo cystic bronchopulmonary lesions]. PMID- 13809834 TI - [Physiopathology and hemodynamics of contrictive pericarditis]. PMID- 13809835 TI - [Radiological study of the pulmonary artery and of the lungs in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13809836 TI - [Study of certain tachycardial paroxysms in the course of digitalis treatments. (Auricular tachycardia with auriculo-ventricular block)]. PMID- 13809837 TI - Factors in the organization of a Staphylococcus infection prevention program. PMID- 13809838 TI - [Contribution to the study of new methods for the biological control of chronic trinitrotoluene poisoning]. PMID- 13809839 TI - Sex differentiation and experimental sex reversal in Elasmobranch fishes. PMID- 13809840 TI - [Transaminase, aldolase and lactic dehydrogenase activity of the uterus of the impuberal guineapig before and after treatment with estrogens and progesterone]. PMID- 13809841 TI - Supersensitivity of denervated superior cervical ganglion to acetylcholine. PMID- 13809842 TI - [Complications of translumbar abdominal aortography. Review of the literature and personal observations]. PMID- 13809843 TI - [Risks in peripheral arteriography]. PMID- 13809844 TI - [Clinico-radiological remarks on missed visualization of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13809845 TI - [Osmotic-leukocytic resistance in various dermatoses]. PMID- 13809846 TI - [On the specificity of the precipitation test for the diagnosis of lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13809847 TI - [Serological changes demonstrable with the precipitation test for the diagnosis of erythematodes in rabbits treated with desoxyribonucleic acid]. PMID- 13809848 TI - [The use of sulphamides in the prevention of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13809849 TI - The inhibiting action of some corticoid hormones and of a brain extract (neuroketone) on the increased ocular tone caused by hyaluronidase. PMID- 13809850 TI - Brain serotonin increase in rats and cats after treatment with neuroketone (a brain extract). PMID- 13809851 TI - [On kidney disease caused by trichloroethylene]. PMID- 13809852 TI - An enzyme system from mitochondria catalyzing adenosine diphosphate-adenosine triphosphate and orthophosphate-adenosine triphosphate exchange reactions. PMID- 13809853 TI - [Prognosis and medicolegal consequences of cranial injuries in children]. PMID- 13809854 TI - [Further studies on the inhibitory effects of pyridoxamine upon the development of resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. avium to streptomycin. (Part 1)]. PMID- 13809855 TI - [Further studies on the inhibitory effects of pyridoxamine upon the development of resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. avium to streptomycin. Part 2]. PMID- 13809856 TI - [Ventricular tachycardia following posterio-inferior myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13809857 TI - [A case of unusual localization of echinococcosis in the submaxillary salivary gland in a 6 year old girl]. PMID- 13809858 TI - Radiologic diagnosis of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13809859 TI - Reversal of hepatic venous circulation in dogs. PMID- 13809860 TI - Medical care and medical service plans: their implications for medical education. PMID- 13809861 TI - The setting of clinical teaching as seen by Institute participants. PMID- 13809862 TI - The characterization of the cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13809863 TI - Genetics and metabolism. PMID- 13809864 TI - Experience with intestinal plication and a proposed modification. PMID- 13809865 TI - [On experience in sanitary evaluation of the soil of school and kindergarten grounds]. PMID- 13809866 TI - Contribution to the problem of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of Wilms tumor. PMID- 13809867 TI - Studies in the design and analysis of dental experiments. I. The importance of equal sample sizes in experiments. PMID- 13809868 TI - Studies in the design and analysis of dental experiments. II. A four-way analysis of variance. PMID- 13809869 TI - [Research on anti-pancreas antibodies in certain endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13809870 TI - [Fatigue fracture of the rib]. PMID- 13809871 TI - [Public health in the Chinese People's Republic during the last 10 years]. PMID- 13809872 TI - Effect of pre-immunized rat bone marrow on lethally irradiated mice. PMID- 13809874 TI - Morbidity and mortality characteristics of Asian strain influenza. PMID- 13809873 TI - Studies on the transfer of antibody formation by iso- and heterotransplants. PMID- 13809875 TI - Antimalarial properties of some guanidine derivatives. PMID- 13809876 TI - [Metastatic carcinoma of the choroid (clinical and histological contribution)]. PMID- 13809877 TI - Contributions of bicarbonate ion and of dissolved CO2 to expired CO2 in dogs. PMID- 13809878 TI - Some digenetic trematodes of fishes of Friday Harbor, Washington. PMID- 13809879 TI - Quantitative effect of iodinated opaque media on thyroidal uptake of radioiodine. PMID- 13809880 TI - [The phenothiazines]. PMID- 13809881 TI - [Nephrotic syndrome due to a probable thrombophlebitic diffusion to the renal veins in patients with chronic fistulized osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13809882 TI - [On a case of Eisenmenger's syndrome associated with other congenital malformations]. PMID- 13809883 TI - [Radiological and medicolegal findings on the appearance of posttraumatic spinal osteoarthrotic reactions]. PMID- 13809884 TI - [Reciprocal values of the Rorschach and Zulliger methods in medicolegal investigations on occupational guidance]. PMID- 13809885 TI - Proportional sampling system for the collection of an integrated auto exhaust gas sample. PMID- 13809886 TI - [The treatment of recurrent luxation of the shoulder by the Dickson-O'Dell operation]. PMID- 13809887 TI - [Apropos of 45 cases of closed fracture of the leg]. PMID- 13809888 TI - [Non-familial ulcero-mutilating acropathy]. PMID- 13809889 TI - [Airborne surgical units]. PMID- 13809890 TI - [Influence of the administration of glycoactive steroids on the thyroid histofunctional picture of normal guinea pigs and those treated with thyrotropin]. PMID- 13809891 TI - [Chromosomal sex and ovarian agenesis. Contribution and pathogenetic considerations]. PMID- 13809892 TI - [Utilization of duodenum for restoration of continuity of the gastrointestinal tract after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13809893 TI - Uptake of tyrosine by rat brain in vivo. PMID- 13809894 TI - A simple fluorometric procedure for determining salicylic acid in biologic tissues. PMID- 13809895 TI - [Experimental considerations on the role of glutathione in infectious diseases]. PMID- 13809896 TI - [Effect of tetracyline hydrochloride on the peripheral blood picture in guinea pigs in experimental gas gangrene produced by B. perfringens]. PMID- 13809897 TI - [Interpretation of a change in the cervix in pregnancy diagnosed as "mosaic" by colposcopy]. PMID- 13809898 TI - [On the development of chorioadenoma destruens after vesicular mole. Hormonal data and clinical aspects]. PMID- 13809899 TI - Resuscitation in general practice. PMID- 13809900 TI - The progressive changes in the pathology of early retrolental fibroplasia. PMID- 13809901 TI - Amino-aciduria. PMID- 13809902 TI - The clinical significance of aminoaciduria. PMID- 13809903 TI - Neuraminic acids in the cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenic and oligophrenic patients. PMID- 13809904 TI - [Quantitative determination of the neuraminic acids in the cerebrospinal fluid of oligophrenics, schizophrenics and dementia patients of evolutive age. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13809905 TI - [Certain forms of visceral candidomycosis resulting from antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13809906 TI - [A brief survey of activities of the Leningrad Society of Patho-Anatomists during 50 years (1909-1959)]. PMID- 13809907 TI - [Approach of L. A. Orbell to certain psychiatric problems]. PMID- 13809908 TI - [Lymphosarcoma of the peritioneal cavity in children]. PMID- 13809909 TI - [Malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity in children]. PMID- 13809910 TI - [Critical time for the determination of the loudness of sound]. PMID- 13809911 TI - Carcinoma of the epididymis. PMID- 13809912 TI - Stein-Levanthal syndrome. A case report. PMID- 13809914 TI - [The non-chromaffin paraganglioma (chemodectoma) of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13809913 TI - A comparative study of four means of expressing the metabolic rate of rats. PMID- 13809915 TI - [Clinico-statistical observations on deaths in the five years 1953-1957. Excesses and limitations of collapse therapy]. PMID- 13809917 TI - Acute retinal vascular proliferation. PMID- 13809916 TI - [Clinicosocial aspects of precancerous and cancerous pulmonary conditions. (Study of 1167 cases)]. PMID- 13809918 TI - Griseofulvin--an advance in the treatment of tinea capitis. PMID- 13809919 TI - [A study of the hyaluronidase activity of the blood serum in Bright's disease]. PMID- 13809920 TI - [Anatomohistological structure of plerocercoids of Baikal Diphyllobothrium]. PMID- 13809921 TI - [The natural focus of diphyllobothriasis in the Baikal and its pattern]. PMID- 13809922 TI - [Two cases of lymphogranulomatosis in early childhood with disease of the skin]. PMID- 13809923 TI - [Toxoplasmosis in a two-year old child]. PMID- 13809924 TI - [Analgesia in labor obtained with a steroid with anesthetic action. First clinical trials]. PMID- 13809925 TI - [Hematic ascorbic acid in the luteinic phase]. PMID- 13809927 TI - [The cortisone drugs in hyperandrogenism]. PMID- 13809926 TI - [Our experience with anesthesia in cesarean section]. PMID- 13809929 TI - [Basic problems in the investigation of human voluntary movements from the bio physical viewpoint]. PMID- 13809928 TI - [The use of methyl-amino-isocamphane in anesthesia]. PMID- 13809930 TI - [A case of lipoma of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13809931 TI - [Blossom fasciation in the common chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) II]. PMID- 13809932 TI - [Experiments on the production of an improved drug from the Roman camomile (blossoms of Chamomillae romanae)]. PMID- 13809933 TI - [The influence of stimulators on root-growth of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.)]. PMID- 13809934 TI - [A modified form of Zeiss microscope for aural microsurgery]. PMID- 13809935 TI - [Contribution to clinical aspects of mixed tumors and cylindromas in otolaryngology]. PMID- 13809936 TI - [A method of prevention of late complications after frontobasal injuries]. PMID- 13809937 TI - [Multiple myeloma with unusual characteristics]. PMID- 13809938 TI - [Changes of serum protein fractions under the influence of some new drugs in dermato-venerology]. PMID- 13809939 TI - Lithium aluminum tritide in active hydrogen analysis. PMID- 13809940 TI - [On the neurological disorders during treatment with isoniazid]. PMID- 13809941 TI - [Considerations on psychoneurotic manifestations following cranial injuries]. PMID- 13809942 TI - Critical survey of medical mycology in Czechoslovakia for the years 1946 to 1956. PMID- 13809943 TI - [On the toxicity of vitamin K (experimental part)]. PMID- 13809944 TI - [Calcium level in the blood serum in women during the second half of pregnancy and during labor]. PMID- 13809945 TI - [Panmyelophthiasis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13809946 TI - Oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation involving 2-methylquinones. PMID- 13809947 TI - [2-Methylquinones: coenzymes in electron transfer and energy storage processes]. PMID- 13809948 TI - [Certain considerations on constrictive pericarditis]. PMID- 13809949 TI - [A case of symmetric skin necrosis during the course of chickenpox]. PMID- 13809950 TI - [Properties of fibrin film of domestic production]. PMID- 13809951 TI - [2 Cases of celiac disease in children of the same family]. PMID- 13809952 TI - Interaction between thiourea and insect polyphenoloxidase. PMID- 13809953 TI - A titrimetric method for the determination of creating phosphokinase. PMID- 13809954 TI - [Disorders produced in vivo in the multiplication of viral ribonucleotides]. PMID- 13809955 TI - [Roentgenodiagnostic significance of functional changes in the stomach and the duodenum in diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts]. PMID- 13809956 TI - [Demonstration of the function of the anastomosis in gastrectomies according to Pean-Rydygier and Hofmeister-Finsterer]. PMID- 13809957 TI - [Disorders of evacuation of the resected stomach in the early postoperative period]. PMID- 13809958 TI - [Motor function of the stomach after resection (according to Pean-Rydygier and Hofmeister-Finsterer) and of the small intestine during the recurrence of peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13809960 TI - [Roentgenological picture of motor function of the small intestine with the use of skiabaryum (of the old type) as a contrast medium. Comparison with other contrast media]. PMID- 13809959 TI - [On the function of the sphincter of Oddi and the motility of the small intestine]. PMID- 13809961 TI - [Monaural auditory threshold in the presence of a sound of different frequency in the opposite ear]. PMID- 13809962 TI - [The differential threshold of intensity in the presence of a contralateral sound of the same frequency. Role of the interaural phase difference]. PMID- 13809963 TI - [Studies on the periodicity of types of gas exchanges in a yeast: Kloeckera apiculata (Rees emend. Kloecker) Janke]. PMID- 13809964 TI - [Studies on the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on excitation states of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13809965 TI - [On the investigations on the relationships between metabolic, electrolytic and carbohydrate exchange and electrocardiographic changes in the so-called energy dynamic cardiac insufficiency. III. Hypoglycemic states interrupted by adrenalin]. PMID- 13809966 TI - [On the pathogenesis of blood lipid changes in icteric diseases]. PMID- 13809967 TI - [Usefulness of Stonebrink's medium for the isolation of tubercle bacilli from contaminated material]. PMID- 13809969 TI - The problem of psychiatric diagnosis: can biochemistry and neurophysiology help? PMID- 13809968 TI - A psychiatric approach to the dying patient. PMID- 13809970 TI - Lipoma of the stomach. PMID- 13809971 TI - Choledocholithiasis: failure of routine operative cholangiography to improve results. PMID- 13809972 TI - Cataract formation in human and experimental diabetes. Part I. PMID- 13809973 TI - Cataract formation in human and experimental diabetes. Part II. PMID- 13809974 TI - [Study of 65 needle punch biopsies of the parietal pleura]. PMID- 13809975 TI - [Periarteritis nodosa with pulmonary onset simulating a secondary cancer]. PMID- 13809976 TI - Paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13809977 TI - [Malignant lymphogranulomatosis of the cardia]. PMID- 13809978 TI - Effect of corticotropin and growth hormone on allantoin synthesis and excretion in the dog. PMID- 13809979 TI - [Oxytocic properties of the blood serum in women with pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13809980 TI - Chronic subclaviancarotid artery obstruction syndrome. Report of a patient with coarctation of the aorta and rupture of an associated traumatic aneurysm of the aortic arch. PMID- 13809981 TI - [On osteogenesis imperfecta with report of 2 cases]. PMID- 13809982 TI - [On 3 cases of dislocation of the semilunar bone]. PMID- 13809983 TI - Gonadal dysgenesis, rheumatoid spondylitis, hypetension and multiple congenital anomalies. PMID- 13809985 TI - Fluorides: a critical review. II. Analysis of fluorides. PMID- 13809984 TI - Current information on the quantities of fluoride found in air, food, and water. With notes on analytical procedures. PMID- 13809986 TI - [Products of carbohydrate metabolism of Aspergillus mangini]. PMID- 13809987 TI - [Practical applications of protometry in anhydrous media for the analytical control of some pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13809988 TI - [The detection of cancer of the uterus in our maternity departments]. PMID- 13809989 TI - The normal endometrium and its cycle PMID- 13809990 TI - Demonstration of esophageal varices by simple technique. PMID- 13809991 TI - Metastatic carcinoma in the cirrhotic liver. PMID- 13809992 TI - [Pathological anatomy of the bone lesions in malignant hemopathy]. PMID- 13809993 TI - Metastatic abscess of the brain as complication of bronchiectasis. Case report. PMID- 13809994 TI - Epidemiology in the social sciences. AB - The techniques and principles of epidemiology, so successfully utilized in the study and control of communicable diseases, should be applied to other mass phenomena in the community. The local health officer should apply them in his "diagnosis" of the sicknesses of his organized community. Epidemiological methods have been used to study mental diseases as well as chronic diseases, and an experiment in using epidemiological methods on the county level to study psychosocial disorders has been carried out. The impact of psychosocial episodes on somatic diseases is now generally accepted and well documented. Individual practitioners of medicine are becoming more interested in the significance of social tensions on the health of their patients. Public health physicians, specialists in preventive medicine, are the best equipped by training and experience to take the leadership in the application of epidemiological methods to sociomedical problems and are in a unique position to assist their colleagues in the private practice of medicine in providing modern helpful and meaningful health protection to their patients.Organized medicine might well become more cognizant of the sociological changes taking place in the nation as they relate to health and assume the responsibility for aggressive leadership in the anticipation of and the solution of these problems. PMID- 13809995 TI - Two kinds of particles with contrasting properties in influenza A virus strains from the 1957 pandemic. PMID- 13809996 TI - Cytochemical study of mitochondrial structure. PMID- 13809997 TI - Cytochemical evidence of the origin of lipid bodies (so-called Golgi bodies) from mitochondria. PMID- 13809998 TI - Cytological and cytochemical study of the growing oocytes of the fish, Boleophthalmus dussumerii. PMID- 13809999 TI - The ratio total serum cholesterol/(percent alpha lipoprotein)-2 as a means of separating groups of coronary from non-coronary subjects. PMID- 13810000 TI - [Atherosclerosis, serum lipids and nutrition. I. Review of the literature]. PMID- 13810001 TI - [Atherosclerosis, serum lipids and nutrition. II. Effects of a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acids on the blood cholesterol of 20 patients]. PMID- 13810002 TI - [Immunity against poliomyelitis in childhood, in Greece, as demonstrated by hemagglutination tests]. PMID- 13810003 TI - Diabetes mellitus following smallpox vaccination. PMID- 13810004 TI - Severe opthalmologic complications following favism. PMID- 13810005 TI - Aminoaciduria in epilepsy. PMID- 13810006 TI - Persistence of haemoglobin "Bart's" beyond infancy in a child with thalassaemia. PMID- 13810007 TI - Familial multilocular cystic disease of the jaws. PMID- 13810008 TI - The growth of algae in deuterium oxide. PMID- 13810009 TI - [Value of decadron in rheumatology and allergic diseases]. PMID- 13810010 TI - Occurrence of the Thomsen-Friedenreich phenomenon in vivo. PMID- 13810011 TI - [Philosophical and national dynamics in the development of psychology]. PMID- 13810013 TI - [Apropos of 2 cases of aortic coarctation during pregnancy]. PMID- 13810012 TI - [Vaginal lesions during abortive maneuvers by tablets of potassium permanganate]. PMID- 13810014 TI - [Experimental research on the action of antibiotics on W. perfringens, in placental retention of the post-abortion period]. PMID- 13810015 TI - [Post-abortum venous septicemia]. PMID- 13810016 TI - [Apropos of 11 observations of pregnancy in diabetics]. PMID- 13810017 TI - [Partial nephrectomy in renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13810018 TI - [Therapeutic effect of pumpkins seed in the treatment of acute schistosomiasis; 89 cases]. PMID- 13810019 TI - Pumpkin seed (Cucurbita moschata) in the treatment of acute schistosomiasis. PMID- 13810020 TI - Epidemic type B encephalitis: its clinical manifestation and treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. PMID- 13810021 TI - Traditional drug Rehmannia Iutea in treatment of retinal periphlebitis: report of 10 cases. PMID- 13810022 TI - [Lunatotriquetrum fusion or lunatocapitatum fusion in the treatment of Kienboeck's disease]. PMID- 13810023 TI - Chromogenic groupings in the Lowry protein determination. PMID- 13810024 TI - Mandibulofacial dysostosis. PMID- 13810025 TI - [Etiology and therapeutic indications of non-tuberculous spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13810026 TI - [Hypersensitivity of "delayed" type to lipopolysaccharides of the tuberculous bacillus. (Comparative study of intradermal tests by tuberculin and by this non protein constituant]. PMID- 13810027 TI - Chorionepithelioma of the uterus following an incomplete abortion. PMID- 13810028 TI - Iron absorption and gastric operations. PMID- 13810029 TI - The syndrome of congenital hypothyroidism with defective dehalogenation of iodotyrosines. Further observations and a discussion of the pathophysiology. PMID- 13810030 TI - [Congenital disorders of the production of thyroid hormones]. PMID- 13810031 TI - [Histochemical significance of stainable inclusions in the Purkinje cell of the brain of the adult cat, by the periodic acid-Schiff reaction]. PMID- 13810032 TI - Etiology of static bone defects of the mandible. PMID- 13810034 TI - [Vesticular formations in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13810033 TI - [Viral renal tumors in chickens. I. Morphological study]. PMID- 13810035 TI - Clinical value of the indirect methods for determination of residual urine volume. PMID- 13810036 TI - Management of renal injuries. PMID- 13810037 TI - Infected solitary cyst of the kidney. PMID- 13810038 TI - Transfer of vitamins from mother to fetus. PMID- 13810039 TI - Nutritional significance of vitamin B12. 2. Mechanism of absorption of vitamin B12. 3. Vitamin B12 in health and disease. PMID- 13810040 TI - Role of vitamins in lipid metabolism. PMID- 13810041 TI - The vector of filariasis in Djakarta and its bionomics. AB - The authors present the results of an investigation, carried out in 1956-57 in the Rawasari district of Djakarta, to determine the vector of Bancroftian filariasis and to study its bionomics.Culex pipiens fatigans was the only species found to harbour the larvae of Wuchereria bancrofti in the area surveyed, and even in this mosquito the infection rate was very low. Among 24 271 C. p. fatigans dissected, the rate of infection with larvae of all stages was 1.8% and the rate of infection with larvae of the mature (infective) stage was 0.3%. It was established, however, that transmission occurred throughout the year, with a maximum in September. The density of larvae of all stages per dissected mosquito was 0.12 and that of the infective-stage larvae per dissected mosquito was 0.014. The potential transmission index was calculated to be 0.26.As to the bionomics of C. p. fatigans in Rasawari district, the study revealed that the density of mosquitos was highest in July and August, that mosquito-nets, clothes, hanging objects and furniture were the preferred resting-places, and that feeding took place mostly after midnight. PMID- 13810042 TI - Insecticide susceptibility and resistance in anopheline mosquitoes in Java. PMID- 13810043 TI - Inoculation of helminth eggs into animal eyes. PMID- 13810044 TI - Comparative study of direct smear and cultural examination of sputum. PMID- 13810045 TI - Bioassay of histamine. PMID- 13810047 TI - The use of hypnosis in medicine. PMID- 13810046 TI - The blood group genes of the copper Eskimo. PMID- 13810048 TI - Anterior-chamber implants in ophthalmic surgery; new developments and new uses. PMID- 13810050 TI - The correction of uniocular aphakia by means of all-acrylic anterior chamber implants. PMID- 13810049 TI - Correction of uniocular aphakia by means of all-acrylic anterior-chamber implants: review of 100 cases. PMID- 13810051 TI - [Clinical significance of tuberculous rheumatism]. PMID- 13810052 TI - [Problem of reactivity of children to penicillin]. PMID- 13810053 TI - [Attempted evaluation of the effects of rheumatic disease on the respiratory system]. PMID- 13810054 TI - [Role of the visualization of the arteria cerebralis posterior in angiography of the arteriae carotis internae (arteriographic studies)]. PMID- 13810055 TI - [Localized spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13810056 TI - [Pneumo-phthisiology]. PMID- 13810057 TI - [Anatomical-pathological studies of resection preparations in the classification of surgical indications of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13810058 TI - [Histodiagnosis of sarcoidosis. Recall of sampling and of morphological criteria]. PMID- 13810059 TI - [Histo-autoradiographic study of the incorporation of triatiated thymidine into living somatic cells treated with desoxyribonuclease. Cytoplasmic synthesis of desoxyribonucleic acid]. PMID- 13810060 TI - The rehabilitation center counselor at work. PMID- 13810061 TI - [Biological determination of the toxicity of pathological body fluids. V. On the effect of amine fractions from urine extracts of mental and neurological patients]. PMID- 13810062 TI - [On the significance of streptococcal infections in the pathogenesis of acute polyarthritis and acute nephritis]. PMID- 13810063 TI - [On the problem of expert testimony of cervical vertebral injuries with reference to congential anomalies]. PMID- 13810064 TI - [Evolution of hospital psychiatry: the psychiatric clinic of the University of Basel from 1917 to 1956]. PMID- 13810065 TI - [Indications for tofranil administration in geriatrics]. PMID- 13810066 TI - [The fiber structure of the discus temporo-mandibularis]. PMID- 13810067 TI - [A study of two cases of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia treated by a diet low in phenylalanine]. PMID- 13810069 TI - Treatment of corneal abrasion with topical whole blood. PMID- 13810068 TI - [The active principle of Pinguicula vulgaris L]. PMID- 13810070 TI - Cup-shaped mitochondria in interstitial cells of the albino rat testis. PMID- 13810072 TI - Reactions to poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13810071 TI - [Parathion poisoning. Report on a case with toxic damage of the brain]. PMID- 13810073 TI - [Recurrent acute infantile hemiplegia caused by a deep hemispheric angioma]. PMID- 13810074 TI - Infection and malignant tumours. 2. Inhibition of growth of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in young rabbits treated with phage lysates of haemolytic streptococci. PMID- 13810075 TI - Infection and malignant tumours. 1. Growth of Brown-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits treated with living or killed haemolytic streptococci. PMID- 13810076 TI - The influence of rest pauses on mechanical efficiency. PMID- 13810077 TI - [Interval work and interval training]. PMID- 13810078 TI - Duplications in the gastro-intestinal tract in children. PMID- 13810079 TI - The effect of dihydrodesoxystreptomycin on the function of the eighth nerve. PMID- 13810080 TI - The management of maxillofacial trauma. PMID- 13810081 TI - Anatomic and functional studies of the coronary circulation in the dog and pig. PMID- 13810082 TI - Visually observed traces of a high frequency eye vibration. PMID- 13810083 TI - Spleen-shielding in x-irradiation-acclerated experimental amyloidosis in mice. PMID- 13810084 TI - X-irradiation as accelerating factor in caseinate-induced amyloidosis in mice. PMID- 13810085 TI - [Consistency of ointments and methods for determination of consistency. A review]. PMID- 13810087 TI - The protection of inquiry as an influence on the growth of the medical educator. PMID- 13810086 TI - Transport of amino acids into and across cells. PMID- 13810088 TI - [Neonatal anemia caused by transplacental hemorrhage from fetus to mother]. PMID- 13810089 TI - The results of patellectomy in chondromalacia and arthrosis. PMID- 13810090 TI - A study of the roentgen appearance of cranial vault sutures: correlation with their anatomy. PMID- 13810092 TI - Growth problems in childhood PMID- 13810091 TI - Persistence of latent Anaplasma marginale infection in deer. PMID- 13810093 TI - [On the preparation and stability of phenytoin solutions for injection]. PMID- 13810094 TI - Emotional factors with eye patients. PMID- 13810095 TI - A method for the determination of free, non-protein bound thyroxine in serum. PMID- 13810096 TI - Free non-proteinbound serum thyroxine. PMID- 13810097 TI - Pituitary regulation of thyroid activity. PMID- 13810098 TI - The binding of L-triiodothyronine to plasma proteins. PMID- 13810099 TI - The binding to serum protein of acetic and propionic acid analogues of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. PMID- 13810100 TI - The metabolic effect of p-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13810101 TI - Triiodothyronine uptake by erythrocytes. PMID- 13810103 TI - Training in animal care. PMID- 13810102 TI - Triiodothyronine uptake by erythrocytes. PMID- 13810105 TI - The clotting of milk by staphylococci. PMID- 13810106 TI - The scope of South African anti-snakebite sera. PMID- 13810104 TI - Eventration of the diaphragm. PMID- 13810107 TI - Chronic unilateral dislocation of the mandibular joint treated surgically by a high condylectomy. Report of a case. PMID- 13810108 TI - [Essential hyperlipemia, latent diabetes mellitus and severe neuropathy]. PMID- 13810109 TI - Furaltadone-a new systemic antibacterial agent. Statistical review of four hundred and sixty-six cases. PMID- 13810110 TI - Chlorpromazine in obstetric analgesia. PMID- 13810111 TI - [Cystinuria (clinical, biochemical and genetic study). Apropos of 3 families]. PMID- 13810112 TI - [Prolonged febrile form of a purely metastatic embryonic sympathoblastoma (Hutchinson's type)]. PMID- 13810113 TI - [Intravenous therapy in the treatment of severe bronchopneumonia in infants and children. Apropos of 20 cases]. PMID- 13810115 TI - [Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (apropos of 20 observations)]. PMID- 13810114 TI - [Current frequency of Sydenham's chorea in children]. PMID- 13810116 TI - [Recurring paralysis with hyperaldosteronism]. PMID- 13810117 TI - [Treatment of flexion spasms of the infant (hypsarrhythmia). Apropos of 3 cases]. PMID- 13810118 TI - [On the descendants of alcoholics]. PMID- 13810119 TI - [Renal lithiasis caused by familial cystinuria]. PMID- 13810120 TI - [Role of the industrial physician in the adaptation to work of handicapped young people]. PMID- 13810121 TI - Studies of aggregated gamma-globulin. I. Sedimentation, electrophoretic and anticomplementary properties. PMID- 13810122 TI - Studies of aggregated gamma-globulin. II. Effect in vivo. PMID- 13810123 TI - Current management of hepatitis. PMID- 13810124 TI - Adrenocortical and gonadal responses of female mice to increased population density. PMID- 13810125 TI - Peptic ulceration in infants and children. PMID- 13810126 TI - Comparison of ocular reactions with the use of silver nitrate and erythromycin ointment in ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis. PMID- 13810127 TI - [Effects of the simultaneous administration of probenecid and phenylbutazone on uric acid excretion and uric acid concentration in blood]. PMID- 13810128 TI - Rectal prolapse in psychiatric patients. PMID- 13810129 TI - D-Xylose and its use in the diagnosis of malabsorptive states. PMID- 13810130 TI - Chair for the invalid patient. PMID- 13810131 TI - The problem of burns. PMID- 13810132 TI - Homo-transplantation of bone marrow: the attempted homo-transplantation of bone marrow in a patient with leukemia. Report of a case. PMID- 13810133 TI - Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy in two members of an African family. PMID- 13810134 TI - Dr. Jonathan C. Meakins. PMID- 13810135 TI - Abdomino-perineal resection of the rectum in a haemophilic. PMID- 13810136 TI - Hexamethylene 1-6 biscarbaminoylcholine bromide. A new synthetic muscle relaxant. PMID- 13810137 TI - An obstetric anaesthetic table. PMID- 13810138 TI - [Apropos of some therapeutic tests with iproniazid phosphate (marsilid) in angina pectoris]. PMID- 13810139 TI - [The surgical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The Pean-Billroth operation]. PMID- 13810140 TI - Psychiatric aide career problems. PMID- 13810141 TI - [Partial regulated splenectomies. Preliminary note on the first 3 cases operated on]. PMID- 13810142 TI - [Regulated partial splenectomies. Apropos of 3 operated cases]. PMID- 13810143 TI - Problems in anatomic analysis of lesions of the median longitudinal fasciculous. PMID- 13810144 TI - [Active exercise therapy of rheumatic disorders]. PMID- 13810145 TI - [Prevention of rheumatic disease]. PMID- 13810146 TI - [Surgical treatment of papillary necrosis]. PMID- 13810147 TI - Eosinophilic pneumonia. Report of two cases with pulmonary biopsy. PMID- 13810148 TI - Increased circulating insulin-like activity in obese-hyperglycaemic mice. PMID- 13810149 TI - Effects of hormones on glucose utilization in fasted rats. PMID- 13810150 TI - A word about wages: those paid vs those earned. PMID- 13810151 TI - Control of human resources. PMID- 13810152 TI - How do employes feel about you? PMID- 13810153 TI - New horizons for making recruitment effective. PMID- 13810154 TI - The cytologic examination of sputum and bronchial secretions. PMID- 13810155 TI - Role modifications of the handicapped homemaker. PMID- 13810156 TI - An evaluation of the qualitative use of interference microscopy in cytology. PMID- 13810157 TI - A study of the relative frequency of carcinoma of the cervix in the Negro. PMID- 13810158 TI - Effect of early ambulation. On the incidence of postoperative complications of cataract surgery. PMID- 13810159 TI - History of the Air Pollution Control Association. PMID- 13810160 TI - [Duration of QT wave in the electrocardiogram in rheumatic disease in children]. PMID- 13810161 TI - [Sudden death following penicillin injection]. PMID- 13810162 TI - [Chlorothiazide, a new diuretic drug]. PMID- 13810164 TI - Esophagocoloplasty as a palliative surgical procedure for inoperable carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13810163 TI - [Electrocardiogram in pigeons in experimental arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13810165 TI - [Observations on the problem of prevention and reorganization of consultation services in rheumatic disease in children]. PMID- 13810166 TI - [Utility of certain function tests in viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13810167 TI - [Diseases produced by the virus from the Coxsackie group in the light of our observations]. PMID- 13810168 TI - [The results of electroacupuncture therapy for soft tissue infection]. PMID- 13810169 TI - [Diverticulum as a source of massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13810170 TI - [Switch-over a shortly-delayed conditioned reflexes to retarding reflexes]. PMID- 13810171 TI - The chromosome complements of human somatic cells. PMID- 13810172 TI - Accomplishments in child health since liberation. PMID- 13810174 TI - [Lessons from Soviet medicine in the past 10 years]. PMID- 13810173 TI - Reconstruction of the thumb. PMID- 13810175 TI - Mental diseases in Peking between 1933 and 1943. PMID- 13810176 TI - [Early clinical manifestations of ancylostomiasis and the effectiveness of early treatment on the basis of immunodiagnosis]. PMID- 13810177 TI - [On the effect of thiopental and veronal on adrenalin and noradrenalin level in the brain in rats]. PMID- 13810178 TI - Hepta-, hexa-, and pentacarboxylic porphyrins of porphyria cutanea tarda. I. Isolation and properties of the porphyrins. PMID- 13810179 TI - Hepta-, hexa-, and pentacarboxylic porphyrins of porphyria cutanea tarda. II. Preparation of the porphyrins by stepwise decarboxylation ofuroporphyrins. PMID- 13810180 TI - Hepta-, hexa-, and pentacarboxylic porphyrins of porphyria cutanea tarda. III. Infrared spectra of the porphyrins. PMID- 13810181 TI - [Nitrogen mustard in chronic nephrotic syndrome]. PMID- 13810183 TI - [Pelvic radiography with pneumoperitoneum: Studies on the physiology and pathology of the female genital organs]. PMID- 13810184 TI - [Invasion of the small intestine by an ovarian cystic teratoma: a case report]. PMID- 13810185 TI - [Content of vitamin A in maternal milk during first week of lactation]. PMID- 13810186 TI - Aberrant salivary gland in tonsillar fossa. PMID- 13810187 TI - [Pneumonectomy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13810188 TI - Nutrition and reproduction in the domestic fowl. PMID- 13810190 TI - [On the theory of the mechanism of the appearance of reactions to meteorological conditions]. PMID- 13810189 TI - [Alteration of normal pregnancies and extra-uterine pregnancies in a woman with only 1 patent fallopian tube. 5 Pregnancies: 1 normal, 2 extra-uterine and then 2 normal]. PMID- 13810191 TI - [Flame photometer for quantitative determination of sodium and potassium]. PMID- 13810192 TI - [On the interpretation of the negative cholecystocholangiogram in intravenous cholangiography with biligrafin]. PMID- 13810193 TI - [On the x-ray symptomatology of stenosis infracollicularis of the urethra]. PMID- 13810194 TI - [Pathological anatomy and pathogenesis of experimental crush syndrome]. PMID- 13810195 TI - [On the problem of the significance of the nervous system in functional regulation of the uterus]. PMID- 13810196 TI - Complement fixing factors in the sera of rats inoculated with Walker 256 carcinoma. PMID- 13810197 TI - [On the use of prophylactic external version]. PMID- 13810198 TI - [The influence of roentgen irradiation on the course of acute Salmonella infection (Experimental study)]. PMID- 13810199 TI - [Some data on the action of muscle relaxants (ditilin, diplatsin)]. PMID- 13810200 TI - [Operative treatment of recurrent and massive forms of rectal prolapse with the use of capron material]. PMID- 13810201 TI - [Change of the biopotentials of the brain in various diseases of the nervous system with subcortical localization of the pathological process]. PMID- 13810202 TI - The role of dental society sponsored plans in administering group purchase of dental care. PMID- 13810203 TI - [Effect of tetracycline on plasmacytic reactions in immunized white mice]. PMID- 13810204 TI - [Further improvement of medical services for the rural population according to the decisions of the Dekabr'skii Plenum TSK KPSS]. PMID- 13810205 TI - [The features of blood circulation in the lower extremities in atherosclerosis and "obliterating endarteritis"]. PMID- 13810206 TI - [Comparative characteristics of live vaccine against poliomyelitis prepared in the Institute of Poliomyelitis Research of the AMN SSSR, and Sabin's vaccine from attenuated strains of the poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13810207 TI - [On results of the investigation and mass application in 1959 of live attenuated vaccine against poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13810208 TI - Sound localization in infancy. PMID- 13810210 TI - [Quantitative determination of ethanol in the blood by means of gas chromatography]. PMID- 13810209 TI - [On the problem of nicotinic acid metabolism in patients after total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13810211 TI - Serum enzymes and genetic carriers in muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13810212 TI - Discrimination of genetic entities in muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13810213 TI - A note on deaf mutism. PMID- 13810214 TI - Incorporation of adenine nucleotide into ribonucleic acid by cytoplasmic enzyme preparations of chick embryos. PMID- 13810215 TI - [Spontaneous rupture of the esophagus]. PMID- 13810216 TI - Eosinophilic granuloma of the mandible: a case report. PMID- 13810217 TI - [The significance of various skin reactions in the dynamics of attacks of rheumatism in children]. PMID- 13810218 TI - Digitalis delirium: a report on three cases. PMID- 13810219 TI - Digitalis therapy. PMID- 13810220 TI - Olfactory neuroblastoma. PMID- 13810221 TI - Conservative treatment of teeth involved in a cystic ameloblastoma: report of a case. PMID- 13810222 TI - Fossil Canis from the tar pits of La Brea, Peru. AB - New fossil material has been obtained from La Brea, Peru. Included in this material are remains of a large wolflike canid which could not be referred to any living or fossil South American canine genus. Comparison with fossil canids from Rancho La Brea, Calif., shows that it closely resembles Canis (Aenocyon) dirus Leidy. PMID- 13810223 TI - Origins of American surgery. PMID- 13810224 TI - The scientific endeavors of a surgeon. PMID- 13810225 TI - The standards of military medicine in the Army. PMID- 13810226 TI - The relationship of acetylcholinesterase in the cochlea to the olivocochlear bundle. PMID- 13810227 TI - Spastic diplegia of premature birth. PMID- 13810228 TI - Dual neuromuscular block in man. PMID- 13810229 TI - The diagnosis of neuromuscular block in man. PMID- 13810230 TI - Motor end plate changes in myasthenia gravis. PMID- 13810231 TI - Oxygenation in radiotherapy. PMID- 13810232 TI - Thermal insulation in buildings. PMID- 13810233 TI - [On the phyto-estrogen content of some plants]. PMID- 13810234 TI - Canadian paediatric contributions to medical progress. PMID- 13810235 TI - A survey of the species of Coccidia in chickens in Maine. PMID- 13810236 TI - Pathology of PPLO and other agents in chicken embryos. PMID- 13810237 TI - [Suppurative inflammation (abscess) of the lacrimal caruncle]. PMID- 13810238 TI - Biological significance of peptide containing hydroxyproline during the development of carrageenin granuloma. PMID- 13810240 TI - [Effect of various concentrations of silicon dioxide, colloidal silicic acid and titanium dioxide on the synthesis of collagen proteins in tissue cultures of fibroblast]. PMID- 13810239 TI - The effect of different concentrations of silicic acid and silica dust on the biosynthesis of collagen in tissue cultures. PMID- 13810241 TI - The influence of aging and undernutrition on chemical contractility and relaxation of collagen fibres in rats. PMID- 13810242 TI - [Effect of aging and of malnutrition on chemical contraction and relaxation of the collagen fibers in rats]. PMID- 13810243 TI - Hydroxylation of proline in vitro. PMID- 13810245 TI - [A possibility for the rejuvenation of collagen fiber structures]. PMID- 13810246 TI - [Possibilities of quantitative determination of the degree of fibrosis in the study of experimental silicosis]. PMID- 13810244 TI - A study of the chemical shrinkage and relaxation of collagen fibers. PMID- 13810247 TI - [Deep doses of cobalt bomb]. PMID- 13810248 TI - [Two still unknown estrogen effects in prostate hypertrophy]. PMID- 13810249 TI - Use of d-lysergic acid diethylamide in the treatment of alcoholism. PMID- 13810250 TI - [A case of Crouzon's disease (dysostosis craniofacialis)]. PMID- 13810251 TI - [On papillar atrophy after experimental dissection of the optic nerve]. PMID- 13810252 TI - Perceptual set and critical flicker frequency. PMID- 13810253 TI - The management of constipation. PMID- 13810255 TI - Nephrotomography in the differentiation of renal cyst from neoplasm: a review of 500 cases. PMID- 13810254 TI - [On the problem of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13810256 TI - [Keloids as a form of auto-aggression in the scar]. PMID- 13810257 TI - Skin autoantibodies and unsuccessful autotransplantation following immunization with freeze-dried autologous skin. PMID- 13810258 TI - [On aspecific mesenteric lymphoadenitis]. PMID- 13810259 TI - [Pilonidal cysts]. PMID- 13810260 TI - The production of L-alpha-glycerophosphate during anaerobic glycolysis in normal and malignant tissues. PMID- 13810261 TI - [Adaptation of a guinea pig-mouse strain of type C foot-and-mount disease virus to the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)]. PMID- 13810262 TI - [Simultaneous multiple stratigraphy during bronchography]. PMID- 13810263 TI - [The urinary excretion of antidiuretic substances in the paranephritic nephrotic syndrome and in other medical nephropathies]. PMID- 13810264 TI - [Data on the Zlatkis method for the determination of blood cholesterol]. PMID- 13810265 TI - [Research on the behavior of serum aldolase in experimental tetanus poisoning]. PMID- 13810266 TI - [Ventricular fibrillation in surgery with extracorporeal circulation and cardiac arrest: experimental study]. PMID- 13810267 TI - [The use of adrenochrome monosemicarbazone solution in general surgery]. PMID- 13810268 TI - [Total blood phosphatide/lipid ratio in surgical diseases of the extrahepatic bile ducts]. PMID- 13810269 TI - [Late sequelae of gastrectomy for ulcer. II. Prevention and surgical treatment of bad results]. PMID- 13810270 TI - [Adaptability of the ileal graft to vesical and ureteral functions]. PMID- 13810271 TI - [Tumors of the testicle. Anatomical, clinical and therapeutic study according to statistics of 140 cases]. PMID- 13810272 TI - [Ileocystoplasty and pregnancy]. PMID- 13810273 TI - [The decline of Millin's prostatectomy]. PMID- 13810274 TI - [The decline of Millin's prostatectomy]. PMID- 13810275 TI - Experimental aspects of ocular siderosis and hemosiderosis. PMID- 13810276 TI - [The turning point]. PMID- 13810277 TI - [Sympathetic corticopupillary pathways]. PMID- 13810279 TI - [Renal resection for tuberculosis]. PMID- 13810278 TI - [Observations on the methods of Peterson, of Bongiovanni and Eberlein and of Silber for determination of plasma 17-hydroxycorticoids in man]. PMID- 13810280 TI - [Recovery of the heart following arrest induced by potassium citrate]. PMID- 13810281 TI - [Roentgenological diagnosis of congenital anomalies of location of the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13810282 TI - [On the application of Luescher's test in mental disorders]. PMID- 13810283 TI - Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia. II. Some properties of blood serum proteins. PMID- 13810284 TI - [Neuronevomatosis]. PMID- 13810285 TI - [Melanoid pigmentation of the endocervix. A neurogenistic visceral argument]. PMID- 13810286 TI - [Effect of adrenalin and noradrenalin on contractile activity of the human uterus]. PMID- 13810287 TI - [Effect of adrenalin on non-pregnant uterus in women and in certain experimental animals]. PMID- 13810288 TI - [On the toxicity in the mouse of chemical systems forming free inorganic radicals]. PMID- 13810289 TI - [Intracellular penetration of sodium in hypertension caused by desoxycorticosterone in the rat]. PMID- 13810290 TI - [Muscular work and ionic balances in the rat]. PMID- 13810291 TI - [Sodium picture in the rat during ingestion of cationic adsorption resins]. PMID- 13810292 TI - [On the biosynthesis of adrenaline studied with the aid of labelled catecholamines]. PMID- 13810293 TI - [Experimental study of the vascular effects of hypertensin. Trial of its clinical use in medical reanimation]. PMID- 13810294 TI - [A diuretic sulfonamide: hydrochlorothiazide. Experimental and clinical study]. PMID- 13810295 TI - [Reverine]. PMID- 13810296 TI - [Further clinical observations on the application of sympatho-tonic amines in surgery]. PMID- 13810297 TI - [Effect of butazolidin on the course of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13810298 TI - [Complications of reserpine therapy]. PMID- 13810299 TI - Supplementary report: stimulus and response meaningfulness (m) in paired associate learning by hospitalized mental patients. PMID- 13810300 TI - The metabolism of 2-keto-D-gluconate by cell-free extracts of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 13810301 TI - [The metabolic cycle of 2-keto-D-gluconic acid in Leuconostoc mesenteroides]. PMID- 13810302 TI - [The enzyme system of Prototheca. I. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucomutse and phosphoglucoisomerase]. PMID- 13810303 TI - About the "Precis de mycologie" by the late M. Langeron. PMID- 13810304 TI - The concept of species from superior to inferior plants. PMID- 13810305 TI - [New method for the treatment of bladder tumors with Au-198. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13810306 TI - [Hydrochlorothiazide in the treatment of the hypertensive edemo-nephrotic syndrome]. PMID- 13810307 TI - [The use of potentiated anesthesia in the surgical treatment of epilepsy in small children]. PMID- 13810308 TI - [Dihydrochlorothiazide in the treatment of endolymphatic hydrops]. PMID- 13810309 TI - [The glomus jugulare. Its tumors (Presentation of a case)]. PMID- 13810310 TI - [Determination of the date of explosion of a nuclear bomb by means of analysis of radioactive decay of fission products gathered by filter]. PMID- 13810311 TI - [The appointment of pharmacy inspectors in the first body of legislation concerning Argentine pharmacy (1822)]. PMID- 13810312 TI - [The surgeon Don Angel Castelli, father of the Mayo chief]. PMID- 13810313 TI - [Addison's syndrome in childhood]. PMID- 13810314 TI - [Capillary permeability in acute rheumatism]. PMID- 13810316 TI - [A case of adenosarcoma of the kidney (Wilms tumor) in an adult]. PMID- 13810315 TI - [Adenocarcinoma complicating a case of exstrophy of the bladder]. PMID- 13810317 TI - Choleic acid complexes of vitamins K1 and K3. PMID- 13810318 TI - Pyridine coenzymes. III. Model reactions of the transhydrogenase systems. PMID- 13810319 TI - Resolution of the over-all basicity of carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic derivatives of 4-aminoazobenzene. PMID- 13810321 TI - [The in vitro culture of the Shope fibroma]. PMID- 13810320 TI - [The Shope fibroma virus in testicular cells of Ovis aries cultured in vitro]. PMID- 13810322 TI - [The presence of so-called "orphan" viruses in animals]. PMID- 13810323 TI - [Remarks on surgical births in this Hospital in the past 4 years (1955-1958)]. PMID- 13810324 TI - [Therapeutic effects of 1,4-dicaffeylquinic acid (cinarine) after oral, rectal, intravenous and intraduodenal administration]. PMID- 13810325 TI - The influence of nicotinamide on the nucleotide pattern of liver cells. PMID- 13810326 TI - Action of hyaluronidase on aqueous and ocular pressure. PMID- 13810327 TI - [The Billroth I and its immediate complications]. PMID- 13810329 TI - [Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis in some of its clinical and histopathological aspects]. PMID- 13810328 TI - [The true operative mortality in simple suture of perforated gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13810330 TI - [Clinical and developmental aspects of chondroma of the superior maxilla]. PMID- 13810331 TI - [Enterovirus infections]. PMID- 13810332 TI - Cholesterolosis. PMID- 13810333 TI - The effects of spontaneous ventilation and coughing upon blood gas changes secondary to endotracheal suction. PMID- 13810334 TI - [Selected alkaloids of Rauwolfia useful in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13810335 TI - Licensure of physical therapists. PMID- 13810336 TI - Liver cirrhosis, an auto-aggression disease. PMID- 13810337 TI - [Postoperative problems in pulmonary exeresis]. PMID- 13810338 TI - [Respiratory complications during and after extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13810339 TI - [Applications and results of modern technics of anesthesiology and reanimation in otorhinolaryngoiatric specialized surgery]. PMID- 13810340 TI - [Applications and results of the modern technics of anesthesiology and resuscitation in specialized otorhinolaryngological surgery]. PMID- 13810341 TI - [Synovial permeability and cortisone; experimental research]. PMID- 13810342 TI - [On the clinical value of the p-toluenesulfonic acid test]. PMID- 13810343 TI - [Salivary lysozyme and Zambrini's ptyalo-reaction]. PMID- 13810344 TI - [Treatment with muds and the synovial fluid in rheumoarthropathies]. PMID- 13810345 TI - [Serum and renal transaminases in experimental carbon tetrachloride poisoning]. PMID- 13810346 TI - On indices for the appraisal of health department activities. PMID- 13810347 TI - [Endobronchial foreign body spontaneously expelled after retention for 7 years]. PMID- 13810348 TI - [Considerations on potentiated anesthesia in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13810349 TI - [The choice of anesthesia method in cesarean section]. PMID- 13810350 TI - [First thromboelastographic observations on hexadimethrine bromide]. PMID- 13810351 TI - [Preparative electrophoresis of blood proteins on a starch block]. PMID- 13810352 TI - [Metabolic characteristics of mucous bacteria isolated in cases of ozena and scleroma]. PMID- 13810353 TI - Some effects of x-ray on the infective larvae of the cattle nematode Trichostrongylus axei. PMID- 13810354 TI - Composition of epiphyseal cartilage. 1. Changes in hexosamine and acetone extractable contents of epiphyseal cartilage of rachitic chicks following administration of vitamin D3. PMID- 13810355 TI - Effect of degree of illumination on rate of ambiguous figure reversal. PMID- 13810356 TI - [Study on the structural and architectural characteristics of the "regenerated meniscus" in the knee joint]. PMID- 13810357 TI - [Cholecystography in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13810358 TI - [Research on the chemical and electrophoretic characteristics of urinary proteins in some kidney diseases]. PMID- 13810359 TI - [Study of rheumatism in rubber workers]. PMID- 13810360 TI - [Surgical exeresis in the treatment of tetanus]. PMID- 13810361 TI - [Amundsen and Scott confronted by historicomedical review]. PMID- 13810362 TI - [On the treatment of depressive states with the iminodibenzyl derivative G-22355 (tofranil)]. PMID- 13810363 TI - [Problems in military psychiatry. Clinico-statistical study]. PMID- 13810364 TI - [Problems of military psychiatry. Clinico-statistical study. (B) Problems of psychiatric etiology in military surroundings]. PMID- 13810365 TI - [Problems of military psychiatry. Clinico-statistical study. C. Problems of psychiatric nosography in military environment]. PMID- 13810366 TI - [Research on the role of the lung in the dog in the process of rapid clearance of the blood of free histamine of exogenous and endogenous origin]. PMID- 13810367 TI - [Research on antistreptolysin 0 in pemphigus foliaceus]. PMID- 13810368 TI - [Dystocia caused by Bandl's ring in deflected cephalic presentations]. PMID- 13810369 TI - [The architecture of the osteomalacic pelvis. Mechanism of formation]. PMID- 13810370 TI - [Lipids associated with ribonucleoproteins in the cells of the mesencephalic nuclei]. PMID- 13810371 TI - [Notes on the fatty meal with radioactive iodine in diabetes in the aged]. PMID- 13810373 TI - [Our self-adjustable apparatus for disorders of abduction of the arm]. PMID- 13810372 TI - An effect of the substrate on ureamodified penicillinase. PMID- 13810374 TI - [The rehabilitation of children with spina bifida]. PMID- 13810376 TI - Spontaneous pneumothorax complicating bronchial carcinoma. PMID- 13810377 TI - [Effect of isonicotinic acid hydrazide on the determination of pyruvic acid in various rat tissues]. PMID- 13810378 TI - [The reaction of the ornithine cycle in a soluble fraction of pigeon liver]. PMID- 13810379 TI - [Comparison of the adrenocorticotropic effect and of the activity on mitochondrial respiration of derivatives of salicylamide]. PMID- 13810380 TI - [Rectal absorption of oleandomycin]. PMID- 13810381 TI - [Action of nucleotides on the hepatic ribonucleic acid during protein deficiency]. PMID- 13810382 TI - [Action of post-pituitary extracts on the female genital apparatus. (Experimental study)]. PMID- 13810383 TI - [Experimental research on the mechanism of action of posterior pituitary extracts on the female genital system and on various parts of the endocrine system]. PMID- 13810384 TI - [The kidney snapshot test. Its clinical use in pregnancy]. PMID- 13810385 TI - [On the therapy of epidemic hepatitis with N-(2,3-dimercaptopropyl)-phthalamic acid]. PMID- 13810386 TI - [New trends in the therapy of threatened abortion and premature labor]. PMID- 13810387 TI - [Pathological pregnancies and their repercussions on the newborn. Prematurity]. PMID- 13810389 TI - [The alaryngeal voice of the laryngectomized]. PMID- 13810388 TI - [Progesterone and 6-methyl-17-hydroxyprogesterone acetate in the treatment of threatened premature labor]. PMID- 13810390 TI - The specificity of tryptophan analogues as inducers, substrates, inhibitors, and stabilizers of liver tryptophan pyrrolase. PMID- 13810391 TI - [Research on the modality and on the genetic vasoactive mechanisms of action of heparin]. PMID- 13810392 TI - [Unusual evolution of urogenital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13810393 TI - Long-term observations on relationship between food and water ingestion in the dog. PMID- 13810394 TI - [Contribution to the physiology and pathology of menstrual bleeding in young girls]. PMID- 13810395 TI - [Side effects during prochlorperazine therapy]. PMID- 13810396 TI - Dichloro-isuprel inhibition of sympathomimetic hyperglycaemia. PMID- 13810397 TI - Clean-voided urine specimens for culture from female patients. Comparison with catheterized specimens. PMID- 13810399 TI - [New method of exploration of painful shoulder]. PMID- 13810398 TI - [Radiocinematographic study of miction]. PMID- 13810400 TI - Surgical treatment of pulsion diverticula of the hypopharynx: one-stage resection in 478 cases. PMID- 13810401 TI - Pulsion diverticula of the esophagus and their treatment. PMID- 13810402 TI - Early detection of preeclampsia. Home testing with colorimetric paper strips. PMID- 13810403 TI - The analysis of phenobarbital and acetylsalicylic acid mixtures using ion exchange resins. PMID- 13810404 TI - Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia. PMID- 13810406 TI - A scheme for obtaining an obstetrical history from foreign-speaking patients. PMID- 13810405 TI - [Minerva and her helmet]. PMID- 13810407 TI - Bronchopulmonary sequestration. PMID- 13810408 TI - The surgeon's conscience. PMID- 13810409 TI - Some metabolic problems of space flight. PMID- 13810410 TI - Primary functions in a mental hospital. PMID- 13810412 TI - Organization for professional relations. PMID- 13810411 TI - Therapeutic aspects of the mental hospital organization. PMID- 13810413 TI - Injectable tranquilizers for weaning and shipping calves. PMID- 13810414 TI - An evaluation of erythromycin stearate and propionyl erythromycin in normal and hospitalized subjects. PMID- 13810416 TI - Surgical considerations in hiatus hernia. PMID- 13810415 TI - Comparative activity of demethyl-chlortetracycline and tetracycline against organisms commonly encountered in clinical material. PMID- 13810417 TI - [Dermoid cysts of the testicle. Conservative surgery]. PMID- 13810418 TI - [Urethral injuries. Our experience]. PMID- 13810419 TI - [Aseptic ureteral catheterization]. PMID- 13810420 TI - [A case of gonadal dysgenesis with Turner's syndrome, in an 8-year-old girl, and its actual diagnosis]. PMID- 13810421 TI - Bacterial penicillin amidase. PMID- 13810422 TI - A re-analysis of "excitability" and its relationship with improvement in performance of imbeciles. PMID- 13810423 TI - Scanning of paper electrophoretograms after protein dyeing with bromocresol green. PMID- 13810424 TI - Conversion of ergosterol to 22-de-hydrocholesterol in Blattella germanica. PMID- 13810425 TI - Function of sterols in Dermestes vulpinus. PMID- 13810427 TI - The absence of sterol synthesis in insects. PMID- 13810428 TI - Two courses in maternal and child health nursing. PMID- 13810429 TI - Oxygen sensitivity in the insect Prodenia eridania. PMID- 13810430 TI - The mutagenic activity of some pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Drosophila. PMID- 13810431 TI - Biosynthesis of glycerides in the mucosa of the small intestine. PMID- 13810432 TI - Stretching the educational dollar. PMID- 13810433 TI - Multiple carcinoid tumours of the ileum: report of a case. PMID- 13810434 TI - Pancreatic atrophy and absorption failure in a boxer. PMID- 13810435 TI - Changes in the levels of adenosine triphosphate and glycogen in the liver caused by protein administration. PMID- 13810436 TI - Intussusception in infants and children. PMID- 13810437 TI - Group Health Association of America. PMID- 13810438 TI - Correlation of complications of labor with lesions in the brains of neonates. PMID- 13810440 TI - Psychiatric halfway hostel, a Cambridge experiment. PMID- 13810439 TI - Preferential uptake of phosphate by premalignant and malignant lesions of the vulva. PMID- 13810441 TI - An evaluation of routine culture examinations for Trichomonas vaginalis and Candida. PMID- 13810442 TI - Congenital goiter with monoiodotyrosine in the serum. PMID- 13810443 TI - Occult and excessive antidiuretic activity in experimental diabetes insipidus. PMID- 13810444 TI - Pituitary insufficiency: a clue to the diagnosis of sellar tumors. PMID- 13810445 TI - Recent achievements of a non-governmental organization in V.D. control. PMID- 13810446 TI - Needs for further progress in venereal disease control. PMID- 13810447 TI - A note on autoxidation and its inhibition in wool alcohols B.P. PMID- 13810448 TI - The stability of oily cream B.P. PMID- 13810450 TI - Radiation, the cellular approach. PMID- 13810449 TI - Intra-arterial oxygen insufflation in the treatment of peripheral vascular insufficiency. Preliminary report on 117 cases. PMID- 13810451 TI - Recent advances in the treatment of hypertensive cardiovascular disease. PMID- 13810452 TI - The effect of certain factor on nitrogen retention and lysine requirements of adult human subjects. I. Total caloric intake. PMID- 13810454 TI - A new method for the bioassay of the calcium mobilizing fraction of parathyroid extracts. PMID- 13810453 TI - Amino acid requirements of men and women. II. Relation of lysine requirement to sex, body size, basal caloric expenditure and creatinine excretion. PMID- 13810455 TI - Chronic thyroiditis--past and present. PMID- 13810456 TI - Fat bodies in Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13810457 TI - Overlap of site of action of x-ray and ultraviolet irradiation in Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13810458 TI - Radiation as a cytogenetic tool. PMID- 13810459 TI - Auxin and the bulbing of onions. PMID- 13810460 TI - Superimposedan abruptio placentae, hypofibrinogenemia, acute renal shutdown, and paralytic ileus complicating a case of prepregnancy hypertension. PMID- 13810461 TI - Giant hydrocephalus. Report of a case. PMID- 13810462 TI - Invasive carcinoma of the cervix coincident with pregnancy: report of a case. PMID- 13810463 TI - The aging dimension: a factorial analysis of individual differences with age on psychological and physiological measurements. PMID- 13810464 TI - Neurological diseases: recent advances. PMID- 13810465 TI - Peripheral nerve injury associated with fractures. PMID- 13810466 TI - Detection and direct recording of left-to-right shunts with the hydrogen electrode catheter. PMID- 13810467 TI - Left-to-right shunt detection by an intravascular electrode with hydrogen as an indicator. AB - Hydrogen gas crosses the pulmonary membrane and dissolves in blood, and it therefore appears immediately and in high concentration in the left heart and later and in lower concentration in the right heart. The hydrogen-sensing, platinum black-tipped catheter is uniquely sensitive in detecting the left-to right shunts. PMID- 13810468 TI - Continuous perfusion of the arrested heart with arterialized hypocalcemic blood. PMID- 13810469 TI - A community placement program for the mentally retarded. PMID- 13810470 TI - Amenorrhea and elevated level of serum cholesterol produced by a trifluoromethylated phenothiazine (SKF 5354-A). PMID- 13810471 TI - Haem synthesis in vitro. Studies with mammalian and avian erythrocytes. PMID- 13810472 TI - Synthesis of haem by circulating blood cells. PMID- 13810473 TI - Toxic complications of treatment with 6-mercaptopurine; two cases with hepatic necrosis and intestinal ulceration. PMID- 13810474 TI - A clinical trial of hydrocortisone in the prevention of transfusion thrombophlebititis. PMID- 13810475 TI - Manual performance as a function of rate of change in hand skin temperature. PMID- 13810476 TI - Evaluation of topical preparations containing triamcinolone acetonide. PMID- 13810477 TI - Cardiac rehabilitation for work. PMID- 13810478 TI - Rehabilitation of the cardiac patient. Employment and cardiac impairment rating. PMID- 13810480 TI - Water for the people. PMID- 13810479 TI - Clinical staging and proper end-results reporting of cancer. PMID- 13810481 TI - Basic research problems in space medicine: a review. PMID- 13810482 TI - Use of PETN-ataractic combination (cartrax) in coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. PMID- 13810483 TI - Oxidative phosphorylation: synthesis of adenosine diphosphate by the oxidation of quinol phosphates. PMID- 13810484 TI - The anatomy of cortical vision. PMID- 13810485 TI - Electron microscope studies of nuclear extrusions in pancreatic acinar cells of the rat. AB - This paper describes "blebs" protruding from the surface of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The "blebs" are separated from the cytoplasm by 2 membranes which are continuous with the outer and inner nuclear membranes. The "blebs" contain 3 structurally distinct substances. Two of these substances (beta and gamma substances) are similar to extranucleolar karyoplasm and nucleolar material. The other substance (alpha substance) is present in every "bleb," but it cannot be readily compared to a recognizable nuclear structure. Cytoplasmic vesicles are described that are apparently different from the Golgi vesicles or the vesicular component of the ergastoplasm. It is suggested that these vesicles may be of nuclear "bleb" origin. A dark karyoplasmic zone extending from the region of the nucleolus into the nuclear "bleb" is shown. This zone may be similar in some respects to the preformed pathway ("Leitbahn") described by Altmann (3) and Hertl (28) and could reflect movement of nuclear material from the nucleolar region into the cytoplasm. The "blebs" are thought to be homologous to structures described by many light microscopists, but they are considerably larger than the nuclear "blebs" described previously by electron microscopists. PMID- 13810486 TI - Occurrence of 4-hydroxypipecolic acid in Acacia species. PMID- 13810487 TI - Regression to the mean--a confused concept. PMID- 13810488 TI - Cytology of the prostate gland in diagnosis of cancer. PMID- 13810489 TI - Hydrocele: studies on biochemical and histologic structure in relation to treatment. PMID- 13810490 TI - Effect upon the kidney of replacing the lower half of the ureter with terminal ileum: an experimental study. PMID- 13810491 TI - Urinary tract disease in females. PMID- 13810492 TI - The management of undescended testes. PMID- 13810494 TI - Data on linkage in man: ovalocytosis, sickling and the Rhesus blood group complex. PMID- 13810493 TI - The results of early diagnosis of genito-urinary cancer: contemporary trends in diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13810495 TI - ABO blood groups and secretor character in rheumatic carditis. PMID- 13810496 TI - Distribution of ABO blood groups and the secretor status in duodenal ulcer families. PMID- 13810497 TI - The health of executives. A plea for the best assessment. PMID- 13810498 TI - Antigenic analysis of certain group B arthropodborne viruses by antibody absorption. AB - A method for carrying out antibody absorption studies for antigenic analysis of group B arthropod-borne (arbor) viruses is described and examples of homologous and heterologous absorption curves are presented. Evidence that antigenic structure can be a stable property was obtained with three strains of West Nile virus isolated from different hosts in different countries over a period of years. Comparative studies with viruses of the Japanese B-St. Louis-West Nile subgroup indicate that each virus contains a completely specific antigen as well as one or more cross-reactive components. Strains of yellow fever virus isolated in America were shown to lack an antigen present in strains of African origin although no differences were found between isolates from the same geographical area. The attenuated 17 D vaccine strain of yellow fever was found to have acquired an additional antigen not present in the unadapted parent or in other strains tested. However, alteration in pathogenicity for man was not found to be necessarily attended by any antigenic modification, as shown by the antigenic identity of the French neurotropic vaccine strain with its pantropic parent. PMID- 13810499 TI - The influence of alcohol upon carbohydrate metabolism in the liver and in isolated diaphragms. PMID- 13810500 TI - The influence of ethyl alcohol on the oxygen consumption of cerebral slices. PMID- 13810501 TI - The effects of phenformin on the isolated rat diaphragm. PMID- 13810502 TI - The mode of action of oral hypoglycemic agents. PMID- 13810503 TI - A two-stage micro-evaporator. PMID- 13810504 TI - Identification of phenazocine, a potent new analgesic. PMID- 13810505 TI - Porokeratosis mibelli. PMID- 13810506 TI - The physical educator's role in physical fitness. PMID- 13810507 TI - Possible applications of ionizing radiations in the fruit, vegetable and related industries. PMID- 13810508 TI - Preparation of leaf epidermis for topographic study. PMID- 13810509 TI - The effect of portacaval transposition on Heidenhain pouch secretion in response to various stimuli. PMID- 13810510 TI - The use of an intramuscular depot of iodized oil as a long-lasting source of iodine. PMID- 13810511 TI - Jobs for homebound. PMID- 13810512 TI - The use of tofranil (imipramine) for depressive states in private psychiatric out patient practice: a preliminary evaluation. PMID- 13810513 TI - Treatment of occlusive vascular disease with disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). PMID- 13810514 TI - Atherosclerosis, occlusive vascular disease and EDTA. PMID- 13810515 TI - Studies of primate tolerance to complex accelerations. PMID- 13810516 TI - [Surgery in the total plan of tuberculosis therapy]. PMID- 13810517 TI - Movement and pain in the treatment of injuries. PMID- 13810518 TI - The treatment of cerebrovascular thromboses and embolism with fibrinolytic agents. PMID- 13810519 TI - Effect of glucagon on gastric secretion in the dog. AB - The effects of glucagon on gastric secretion in the dog have been studied. Gastric juice was collected both from denervated and innervated pouches under basal conditions and when the animals were stimulated by meat extract and by histamine. In the dogs with innervated pouches psychic stimulation and the stimulatory action of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia were also used. Glucagon reduced the volume but not the acidity of gastric juice collected under all conditions. This effect was independent of its hyperglycaemic action and occurred when physiological doses were administered. PMID- 13810520 TI - The effects of corticotrophin and corticoids on secretion from denervated gastric pouches in dogs. AB - The effects of corticotrophin and of cortisone, methyl prednisolone, and of aldosterone on the gastric secretion of dogs have been investigated. Juice was collected from dogs with denervated pouches under basal conditions and when stimulated with meat extract and with histamine. For each secretion the volume, viscosity, and pH were measured, and the concentrations of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, sodium, potassium, and chloride estimated. In the pharmacological doses used all the substances produced similar effects. Volume and acidity of the secretion were increased and there was a decrease in the viscosity of the basal secretion. The concentration of pepsin and of sodium and potassium were decreased while the chloride concentration was unaffected. Cortisone (the only steroid tested in this respect) increased the maximal secretory response to histamine. Three to five days elapsed before any change took place in the secretion. The effects observed were independent of the glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid activity of the particular hormone used and were probably due in some measure to a 50% increase in parietal cell population, associated with a 36% decrease in peptic cell population, which was demonstrated histologically. PMID- 13810521 TI - Haemagglutination-inhibition tests against CA virus. PMID- 13810522 TI - Essential atrophy of the iris, with the report of an unsuccessful attempt to prevent glaucoma by early iridectomy. PMID- 13810523 TI - Toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13810524 TI - The inhibition of lens-inducing capacity of the optic vesicle with adult lens antisera. PMID- 13810525 TI - Clinical experiences with isoxsuprine. PMID- 13810526 TI - A moving-beam caesium 137 telecurie unit. PMID- 13810527 TI - The parasites of domestic animals in the Bahama Islands. PMID- 13810528 TI - The life history and pathogenicity of Eimeria meleagridis Tyzzer, 1927, in the turkey poult. PMID- 13810529 TI - Two cases of basal-cell congenital naevus. PMID- 13810530 TI - Extensive scalds (60 per cent plus) with survival after attacks of bloody oliguria and Curling's ulcer. PMID- 13810531 TI - Chromophobe adenoma in a dog: angiographic and anatomic study. PMID- 13810532 TI - [100 Typanoplasties practised with the aid of the use of free periosteal membrane graft]. PMID- 13810533 TI - The morbidity from pulmonary tuberculosis in patients suffering from extrapulmonary tuberculous disease, lupus vulgaris cutis. PMID- 13810534 TI - Heterotopic bone formation developing in abdominal scars. PMID- 13810535 TI - The osteopathic physician and third party medicine. PMID- 13810536 TI - [Notes on Ceratopogonidae. IX. Ceratopogonidae of the Congo Republic]. PMID- 13810537 TI - [Notes on Ceratopogonidae. VIII. Ceratopogonidae on the Ile de la Reunion]. PMID- 13810538 TI - [Notes on Ceratopogonidae. X. Ceratopogonidae of the Congo Republic]. PMID- 13810539 TI - Primary tumours of the liver in infants and children. PMID- 13810540 TI - Extrahepatic portal bed block in children: pathogenesis and treatment. PMID- 13810541 TI - [Hypothermia and ventricular fibrillation. Experiences with 350 heart operations using circulatory arrest]. PMID- 13810542 TI - [Experiments on the substitution of steam disinfection by aimed circulating disinfectant gases. Part 1. Effective use of triethylene glycol in the TCP apparatus]. PMID- 13810543 TI - [Fundamental principles on the effect of antibiotic therapy on resistance to infection]. PMID- 13810544 TI - [Aspects of the anticancer campaign]. PMID- 13810545 TI - [Research on specific dynamic action in the pigeon in avitaminosis B1]. PMID- 13810546 TI - [Apropos of a case of calcified tumor of the epiploon. Some considerations concerning the physiology and pathological anatomy of that organ]. PMID- 13810547 TI - Reactions to novelty and stimulus-change induced response decrement. PMID- 13810548 TI - Isolation of Pasteurella tularensis from foals. PMID- 13810549 TI - [The angiogram in absence of the corpus callosum]. PMID- 13810550 TI - ["Spontaneous" liquorrhea]. PMID- 13810551 TI - [On the differential diagnosis of spontaneous nasal liquorrhea]. PMID- 13810552 TI - An immunologic and chemical study of the similarities between mouse and human serum proteins. PMID- 13810553 TI - Immuno-electrophoretical investigations on mouse serum protein fractions obtained by ammonium sulphate fractionation. PMID- 13810554 TI - Thyroid hormone binding proteins in human serum characterized by immuno electrophoresis and auto-radiographic tracings. PMID- 13810555 TI - Macroglobulinemia in a transplantable mouse leukemia. PMID- 13810556 TI - Two transplantable mouse hepatomas associated with an increase of metal-combining beta-globulin (transferrin) in serum. PMID- 13810557 TI - [Some cases of paraproteinemia diagnosed with the help of immuno-electrophoretic findings]. PMID- 13810558 TI - The theoretical basis and practical employment of immuno-electrophoresis, with special regard to serum proteins. PMID- 13810559 TI - [Immuno-electrophoresis]. PMID- 13810560 TI - [Indications and results of a new method of feeding by sound]. PMID- 13810561 TI - [The anxiety of life]. PMID- 13810563 TI - [Difficulties of diagnosis of certain low cancers of the esophagus]. PMID- 13810562 TI - Selective redistribution of blood in the surgical treatment of aortic insufficiency. PMID- 13810565 TI - [The uninhabited common bile duct]. PMID- 13810564 TI - [Right iliac incision in acute intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13810566 TI - [Time in surgery]. PMID- 13810567 TI - Observations on teaching problems. PMID- 13810568 TI - [Comments on various factors in sterility and results of therapy in 100 marriages studied recently]. PMID- 13810569 TI - [Intercepted insemination as a factor in involuntary sterility]. PMID- 13810570 TI - [Intercepted insemination as a factor of involuntary sterility]. PMID- 13810571 TI - [The male factor in repeated abortion]. PMID- 13810572 TI - [Prediabetes and pregnancy]. PMID- 13810574 TI - [Determinism of bilateral symmetry in the bird egg. I. Relation between the direction of winding of the chalaza and the orientation of the embryo]. PMID- 13810573 TI - [On the determinism of bilateral symmetry in birds. 12. The state of development which is realized in the uterine ovum of the pigeon, determination of the embryonic axis]. PMID- 13810575 TI - [Metastases of the soft tissues appearing several months before the discovery of primary thyroid epithelioma]. PMID- 13810577 TI - [4 Cases of pseudocysts of muscles]. PMID- 13810576 TI - [Does histology permit the establishment of prognosis of cancer of the breast?]. PMID- 13810578 TI - Preparation and staining of frozen sections in the operating theatre. PMID- 13810579 TI - Effect of raw milk storage and bacterial development on subsequent lactic culture activity. PMID- 13810580 TI - Pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus. A study in combined obstetric and paediatric management. PMID- 13810581 TI - The teaching of obstetrics; new edition. PMID- 13810582 TI - Growth in the young hypophysectomized guinea-pig. PMID- 13810583 TI - A study of the relationship of street level carbon monoxide concentrations to traffic accidents. PMID- 13810585 TI - Experimental investigations of ligamentous healing. PMID- 13810584 TI - Struma lymphomatosa in children. Report of 12 cases. PMID- 13810586 TI - Surgery of the forefoot in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13810587 TI - Micro methods for the determination of chylomicron counts, fatty esters, lipid phosphorus and cholesterol in blood serum. PMID- 13810588 TI - Tobacco nucleotide pyrophosphatases. PMID- 13810589 TI - In vitro inhibition of selected enzymes by rare earth chlorides. PMID- 13810590 TI - Rhodopseudomonas spheroides: high catalase and blue-green double mutants. PMID- 13810591 TI - [Aerobiosis and the hemoprotein content of photosynthetic bacteria]. PMID- 13810592 TI - An intermediate stage in the hydrogen peroxide-induced synthesis of catalase in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13810593 TI - Kinetics of hydrogen peroxide destruction in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides: roles of catalase and other enzymes. PMID- 13810595 TI - Physiology of induced catalase synthesis in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13810594 TI - Permeability barriers and the assay of catalase in intact cells. PMID- 13810596 TI - Protein synthesis in the induced formation of catalase in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13810597 TI - Purified catalase from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13810598 TI - The induced synthesis of catalase in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13810600 TI - A case of bilateral pneumothorax and haemothorax. PMID- 13810599 TI - Passage of antigenic material between inductor and ectoderm. PMID- 13810601 TI - On the causation of varicose veins and their prevention and arrest by natural means. PMID- 13810602 TI - Varicose veins, nature's error or man's? Some implications of the Darwinian theory. PMID- 13810603 TI - Report on five thousand consecutive electro-shock treatments without complications. PMID- 13810604 TI - [Hypertension in unilateral nephropathies (apropos of four personal cases)]. PMID- 13810605 TI - A study of an epidemic of swimming pool granuloma. PMID- 13810606 TI - [Methods for demonstration and determination of sulfhydryl compounds]. PMID- 13810607 TI - Postnatal changes in the histology of the seminal vesicle and coagulating gland in the rat. PMID- 13810608 TI - Some effects of artificial cryptorchidism on the accessory reproductive organs of the rat. PMID- 13810609 TI - Some principles and problems of medical editing. PMID- 13810610 TI - The effect of hypothalamic lesions on ovarian function in the ewe. PMID- 13810611 TI - Depression: mood, symptom, syndrome. PMID- 13810612 TI - Psychosomatic accompaniments of latent and manifest depressive affect. PMID- 13810613 TI - A 'new' human blood group antigen, Sw a. PMID- 13810614 TI - MNSs gene frequencies in English blood donors. PMID- 13810616 TI - Restoration to community living. PMID- 13810615 TI - The demonstration of the Rh chromosome CwDE. PMID- 13810617 TI - Why is after-care necessary? PMID- 13810618 TI - A technique for evaluating the effectiveness of institutional open house. PMID- 13810619 TI - "Idiopathic" hypertrophy of the pyloric canal in adults. PMID- 13810620 TI - The future of the Australian aboriginal. PMID- 13810621 TI - A critical inquiry into the use of the Graduate Nurse Qualifying Examination Clinical Test by one institution. PMID- 13810622 TI - Open heart surgery. PMID- 13810623 TI - The enzymatic synthesis of psychosine. PMID- 13810624 TI - A mechano-electronic transducer blood pressure recorder. PMID- 13810626 TI - [Ionizing radiation as a public health problem in peace time]. PMID- 13810625 TI - Autoradiographic observations on injected S35-thiocyanate and C14-cyanide in mice. PMID- 13810627 TI - [The indoor climate of dwellings]. PMID- 13810628 TI - [On the effect of fractionation on electivity in irradiation with fast electrons]. PMID- 13810629 TI - [Intrahepatic bilio-digestive anastomosis]. PMID- 13810630 TI - [Modification of the Billroth 1 resection for prevention of the dumping syndrome]. PMID- 13810631 TI - [Obstructive jaundice caused by lymph stasis]. PMID- 13810632 TI - [Remarks on the evolution, with age, of several vocabulary tests]. PMID- 13810633 TI - [Applications and limitations of longitudinal rheography]. PMID- 13810634 TI - [The metabolic interrelations between the lipids and cholesterol]. PMID- 13810635 TI - [Study of the lipids of lymph after administration of 1-C14-oleic acid with or without cholesterol]. PMID- 13810636 TI - ["Sample menus" for feeding of infants and young children]. PMID- 13810637 TI - [Galactosic diabetes and intolerance to milk]. PMID- 13810638 TI - [On the complications of adenoidism in infancy and childhood]. PMID- 13810639 TI - [Sudden death in the infant]. PMID- 13810640 TI - The preparation and use of 131 I-tagged fibrinogen to demonstrate fibrinolysis. PMID- 13810641 TI - Pelvic abscess following ruptured appendicitis in children. PMID- 13810642 TI - Brain radiation in newborn rats and differential effects of increased age. II. Microscopic observations. PMID- 13810643 TI - [The hematic rate of uric acid and of xanthine bases in the pigeon and the chicken in relation to the process of uric acid synthesis in the liver of uricotelic vertebrates]. PMID- 13810644 TI - [Experimental epilepsy following simultaneous strychinization of centers pertaining to two heterologous zones (visual zone and sensory-motor zone) of the cerebral cortex of the dog]. PMID- 13810645 TI - Health significance of endemic goitre and related conditions. PMID- 13810646 TI - Naturally occurring goitrogens. PMID- 13810647 TI - Should ascorbic acid be added to infant dried milk preparations? PMID- 13810648 TI - The epidemiology and prevention of acute accidental poisoning in childhood. PMID- 13810649 TI - The rise and decline of pink disease. PMID- 13810650 TI - Diverticular disease of the colon as a cause of severe hemorrhage in the aged. PMID- 13810651 TI - Aortic hypoplasia and its significance in the aetiology of pre-eclamptic toxaemia. PMID- 13810653 TI - [On the lending of hospital journals]. PMID- 13810652 TI - Bacteriologic studies of experimental air-borne salmonellosis in chicks. PMID- 13810654 TI - The treatment of poisoning during the past twenty-five years. A retrospective review. PMID- 13810657 TI - [An evaluation of palfium]. PMID- 13810658 TI - Carcinomas of the digestive system in Denmark 1943-1956; cancer incidence in Denmark. VI. PMID- 13810659 TI - Pre-litigation panels at county levels. PMID- 13810660 TI - Recent trends in malpractice. PMID- 13810662 TI - [Surgery of deafness]. PMID- 13810661 TI - [A case mf sssential hypertension and pregnancy]. PMID- 13810663 TI - [Bronchological findings in negative radiological examinations]. PMID- 13810664 TI - [Evolution of osseous autografts in the plastic reconstruction of the fingers]. PMID- 13810665 TI - [Reconstruction of the scrotum and of the avulsed teguments of the penis caused by traumatic lesion]. PMID- 13810666 TI - [Influence of progressive and regressive cellular manifestations on the enzymatic activity of cytoplasmatic particles of rat liver, isolated by means of differential centrifugation at density gradient]. PMID- 13810667 TI - [Use of radioactive isotopes in the study of certain problems of general pathology]. PMID- 13810668 TI - [Duration of the cycle of the seminal epithelium of the rat]. PMID- 13810669 TI - Differentiation and renewal of spermatogonia in the monkey, Macacus rhesus. PMID- 13810670 TI - Problems associated with aspiration of grass heads (inflorescences). PMID- 13810671 TI - [Comparison of coagulation time obtained with the one-stage method according to Quick (prothrombin time) and according to Owren (prothrombin-proconvertin time) in the control of coumarin treatment]. PMID- 13810672 TI - Diagnosis of headache by therapeutic tests. PMID- 13810673 TI - Home treatment of depression with imipramine (tofranil). PMID- 13810674 TI - Forensic pathology. The function and responsibility of the coroner's office. PMID- 13810675 TI - The forensic pathologist--a medical detective. PMID- 13810676 TI - The surgical volumes of the history of the United States Army Medical Department in World War II. Orthopedic surgery in overseas theaters. PMID- 13810677 TI - A comparison of psychological characteristics and physiological reactivity in ulcer and rheumatoid arthritis groups. I. Psychological measures. PMID- 13810679 TI - Personality dynamics in torticollis. PMID- 13810678 TI - Body image changes associated with personality reorganization. PMID- 13810681 TI - Selective elimination of single sense cells with methylene blue. PMID- 13810680 TI - A case of proved adrenocorticotropin deficiency. PMID- 13810683 TI - [Expansion and construction of the hospital of the Vereniging to Ziekenverpleging in Dordrecht]. PMID- 13810682 TI - Enumeration of pleuropneumonia-like cultures. PMID- 13810684 TI - [The new wing of the Saint Francis Hospital at Rotterdam]. PMID- 13810685 TI - Reaction of formyl porphyrins with acetone-hydrocloric acid. PMID- 13810686 TI - [Role of the anesthetist in a regional hospital]. PMID- 13810687 TI - A dose-stress response of adrenaline affecting fetuses at a critical time in pregnant rabbits. PMID- 13810688 TI - Observations on the electroencephalograph during experimental and clinical cardio pulmonary by-pass. PMID- 13810689 TI - Control unit for blood-pressure recording. PMID- 13810690 TI - Quantitative aspects of indicator dilution curves. PMID- 13810691 TI - Effect of preanesthetic medication with promazine and promethazine on pentobarbital anesthesia and subsequent hypothermia in the cat. PMID- 13810692 TI - Effects of meperidine, promazine, and promethazine preanesthesia on traumatic shock and experimental pentobarbital anesthesia in cats. PMID- 13810693 TI - Discipline in the home: a controlled observational study of parental practices. PMID- 13810694 TI - Ordering of phenomenon in a paired comparisons procedure. PMID- 13810695 TI - The effect of wind speed on maximum evaporative capacity in man. PMID- 13810696 TI - The effect of neoplasms on longevity. Should we change our underwriting practices? PMID- 13810697 TI - Malignant disease of the nose and nasal sinuses in East Africa. PMID- 13810698 TI - The deaf child. PMID- 13810699 TI - Chlorinated organic pesticide residues in fluid milk. PMID- 13810700 TI - The analysis of the anatomy and geometry of the unilateral cleft lip. PMID- 13810701 TI - Preoperative irradiation for cancer of the esophagus. PMID- 13810702 TI - Pancreatic dornase aerosol in postoperative atelectasis. PMID- 13810703 TI - Early experience with fibrinolysin. PMID- 13810704 TI - Review of clinical experience with clotlysing agents. PMID- 13810706 TI - Hypothermia in cardiac surgery. PMID- 13810705 TI - The use of enzymes and anti-inflammatory drugs in surgical disease. PMID- 13810707 TI - Ducto-alveolar growth in mammary glands of adrenogonadectomized male rats bearing mammotropic pituitary tumors. PMID- 13810708 TI - The reliability of air pollution measurements in relation to the siting of instruments. PMID- 13810709 TI - Shield for epidural catheterss. PMID- 13810710 TI - Current trends in medical education. PMID- 13810711 TI - Inhibition of thyrotropic activity by immunologically specific antiserum. PMID- 13810712 TI - Accuracy of interpersonal perception--a general trait? PMID- 13810713 TI - [Comparative diagnosis by means of selected biopsies and serial sections of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13810714 TI - [Importance of serial sections as an assurance of conservative treatment of grade "O" cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13810715 TI - [Why a new anticoagulant: warfarin?]. PMID- 13810716 TI - [Why a new anticoagulant: warfarin]. PMID- 13810717 TI - [Amino acid excretion with bile after bromsulphophthalein]. PMID- 13810718 TI - [On a suicide attempt with gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (inexide)]. PMID- 13810719 TI - [Filarial cardiopathy]. PMID- 13810720 TI - [Trial classification of the human ballistogram by study of its chronology related to the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13810721 TI - [Reducing diet in the treatment of cardiacs]. PMID- 13810722 TI - [Etiology of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13810723 TI - [Long term anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13810724 TI - An analysis of ten cases of Salmonella infection on a general surgical service. PMID- 13810725 TI - A method for determination of silicone (anti-foam) content of tissues. PMID- 13810726 TI - Free amino-acids of some fungi. PMID- 13810727 TI - [Degradation of the sulfuric ester of 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine by intestinal bacteria in the rat]. PMID- 13810728 TI - Industrial medicine's hall of fame--Daniel L. Lynch, 1883-1956. PMID- 13810729 TI - Profiles in occupational health; Royd Ray Sayers. PMID- 13810730 TI - Cesarean section on the dead and the moribund. PMID- 13810731 TI - Photosensitization of the eye with methoxsalen. 1. Acute effects. PMID- 13810732 TI - The effect of tryptophan on the tryptophan peroxidase activity of cell-free systems from rat liver. PMID- 13810733 TI - Auto-immunization and auto-antibodies. PMID- 13810735 TI - Immunity to tissue grafts. PMID- 13810734 TI - Biochemical anomalies in schizophrenia. PMID- 13810736 TI - The pharmacological action of autonomic drugs on the eye of fowls. PMID- 13810737 TI - [Psychosomatic aspects of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13810738 TI - Cervical diskography. A contribution to the etiology and mechanism of neck, shoulder and arm pain. PMID- 13810739 TI - Destruction of cervical vertebra by solitary neurofibroma. Report of a case with quadriplegia. PMID- 13810740 TI - Vertebral body fusion for ruptured cervical discs. PMID- 13810741 TI - Treatment of "refractory" ascites with a new aldosterone antagonist in patients with cirrhosis. PMID- 13810742 TI - The relationship of postoperative acidosis to pulmonary and cardiovascular function. PMID- 13810743 TI - The cardiac output in response to surgical trauma. A comparison between patients who survived and those who died. PMID- 13810744 TI - Circulatory response to trauma of surgical operations. PMID- 13810746 TI - Bruce County Home for the Aged. PMID- 13810747 TI - Atypical rupture in ectopic pregnancy: an ambulatory emergency in Ifugao. PMID- 13810745 TI - The historical development of the surgical treatment of heart disease. PMID- 13810748 TI - Hormonal induction of vascular tissue in tobacco pith in vitro. AB - The direct addition of indole-3-acetic acid into sterile-cultured stem pith sections of Nicotiana tabacum through inserted glass pipettes has induced cell division and differentiation where such activity would not normally occur. This evidence lends support to the theory that indole-3-acetic acid is the hormone that limits xylogenesis. PMID- 13810749 TI - Some pain threshold studies with particular reference to thiopentone. PMID- 13810750 TI - Gold in optometric attics. PMID- 13810751 TI - Specs 'n' stamps. PMID- 13810752 TI - [A new technic for the study of the bactericidal power of antibiotic combinations derived from "transfer on cellophane": the cross arrangement]. PMID- 13810753 TI - [Activity of 15 common antibiotics on 25 strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae: bacteriostatic, bactericidal]. PMID- 13810754 TI - [Activity of 15 usual antibiotics on 25 strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae: bacteriostasis, bactericide]. PMID- 13810755 TI - Treatment of Charcot's joints: case report. PMID- 13810756 TI - Computer analysis of reflex control and organization: respiratory sinus arrhythmia. AB - Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in waking man is described by differential equations which relate thorax circumference acceleration to instantaneous heart rate. Consequent experiments show that the arrhythmia is initiated by stretch receptors within the thorax rather than by hemodynamic or central factors, and that it is due mainly to superimposed biphasic inspiratory heart rate transients of about 15 seconds' duration. Analysis of respiration heart rate reflex provides a new quantitative physiological tool. PMID- 13810757 TI - Respiratory control of heart rate: laws derived from analog computer simulation. PMID- 13810758 TI - [Cyclopropane in ambulatory practice]. PMID- 13810759 TI - [From antitubercular dispensary to dispensary of social medicine. Results of a 5 year experiment]. PMID- 13810760 TI - [Clinical contribution to the knowledge of primary pigmented tumors of the palatine tonsil]. PMID- 13810761 TI - The preparation of a medicomilitary history. Its special problems. PMID- 13810762 TI - Deoxyribosenucleic acids. X. The shape of the sedimenting boundary of sodium deoxyribonucleate. PMID- 13810763 TI - Antivitamin B12 activity for the growing chick and developing chick embryo of some analogs of cyanocobalamin. PMID- 13810764 TI - The effect on chick growth of inactivated penicillin, mineral sulphates or furazolidone supplements. PMID- 13810765 TI - Water-soluble vitamins. II. (Vitamin B12, folic acid, ascorbic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, miscellaneous). PMID- 13810766 TI - Recurrent carcinoma of the stomach seventeen years after subtotal gastrectomy. PMID- 13810767 TI - Further studies with serotonin and experimental pulmonary embolism. PMID- 13810768 TI - Observations on the action of triethylene thiophosphoramide within individual cells. PMID- 13810769 TI - Studies on human melanoma cells in tissue culture. I. Growth characteristics and cytology. PMID- 13810770 TI - Studies on a craniopharyngioma in tissue culture. I. Growth characteristics and alterations produced following exposure to two radiomimetic agents. PMID- 13810771 TI - On the relationship between divorce and rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13810772 TI - Junction box for viewing different leads on two cardiographs or cardioscopes during surgery. PMID- 13810773 TI - A note on the size of the avian olfactory bulb. PMID- 13810774 TI - Brain and personality. PMID- 13810775 TI - Jacob Ellis Finesinger; 1902-1959. PMID- 13810777 TI - On the development of diagnostic criteria. PMID- 13810776 TI - Observations on the comparative anatomy of the avian brain. PMID- 13810778 TI - Some clinical changes in behavior accompanying endocrine disorders. PMID- 13810779 TI - A study of the transmission of potentials after hemispherectomy. PMID- 13810780 TI - The latency and form in man of the occipital potentials evoked by bright flashes. PMID- 13810781 TI - Hon. Herbert Edward Millen, LL.B., 1892-1959. PMID- 13810782 TI - The Negro physician and hospital staffs. PMID- 13810783 TI - [Dutch pioneers in radiology]. PMID- 13810784 TI - Absence of catecholamines in cardioactive acetone extracts of ox spleen. PMID- 13810785 TI - The cardio-active principle in spleen. AB - A substance has been demonstrated in acetone extracts of freeze-dried spleen which had cardiotonic properties on isolated papillary muscles from the cat and perfused hearts of the cat and guinea-pig. This activity of the extract could not be explained by the presence of choline, acetylcholine, histamine, 5 hydroxytryptamine, adrenaline or noradrenaline. PMID- 13810786 TI - Circulatory, respiratory and metabolic responses to isopropylnoradrenaline in man. PMID- 13810787 TI - Investigations of a new dental chemotherapeutic agent in the presence of blood. PMID- 13810788 TI - [The behavior of the blood gases and lactic acid level in experimental obstruction of nasal respiration]. PMID- 13810789 TI - Arthroplasties using compressed ivalon sponge. PMID- 13810790 TI - Fractures in the aged: medical considerations-especially osteoporosis. PMID- 13810791 TI - [Arterial embolisms of the extremities and mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13810792 TI - The effect of gastric sympathectomy on the tonus, motility, and gastric secretion in the vagotomized stomach. PMID- 13810794 TI - The performance of brain-injured children on hidden-figure tasks. PMID- 13810793 TI - [Appetite as the keeper of physical and mental vitality in the adult]. PMID- 13810795 TI - The concept of egg yolk as a dietary inhibitor to rheumatic susceptibility. PMID- 13810796 TI - The hemolytic streptococcus concept in rheumatic fever. PMID- 13810797 TI - The treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis with diethyl dithiolisophthalate. A preliminary report. PMID- 13810798 TI - Progressive systemic sclerosis. PMID- 13810799 TI - [On the evaluation of the elasticity of the arterial wall in hypertensive states]. PMID- 13810800 TI - [Mental hygiene and social service]. PMID- 13810801 TI - [Blood levels of kanamycin in infants and children]. PMID- 13810802 TI - [Blood levels of F.I. 1600 in children and infants]. PMID- 13810804 TI - [Recent acquisitions on adenoviruses. Note I. The discovery, properties and immunological classification of the virus]. PMID- 13810805 TI - [Recent acquisitions on adenoviruses. Note II. Cytopathogenic activity, viral particles and biochemistry]. PMID- 13810803 TI - [Activity in vitro of F.I. 1600 on 123 strains of Staphylococcus pyogenes resistant to various antibiotics]. PMID- 13810807 TI - [Radiotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme with reference to malignant glioma]. PMID- 13810806 TI - [Hypophysis- and hypophysis tumor implantation with radioisotopes]. PMID- 13810808 TI - [Roentgen diagnosis and radiotherapy of the thymus]. PMID- 13810809 TI - [Localization of the myocardial infarct and its complications]. PMID- 13810810 TI - [Erythrocytic metabolic aspects in congenital methemoglobinemia. 3. Non-oxidative heptose formation]. PMID- 13810811 TI - Oxidative phosphorylation in sarcosomes from thoracic muscles of the American cockroach. PMID- 13810812 TI - Anaerobic column chromatography of non-oxidized components of plant tissue extracts. PMID- 13810813 TI - Investigation into the working of the "death benefit" for coalworkers' pneumoconiosis. PMID- 13810814 TI - The international classification of radiographs of the pneumoconioses. PMID- 13810815 TI - Factors responsible for decline of inflammation in Arthus hypersensitivity vasculitis. PMID- 13810816 TI - The role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the initiation and cessation of the Arthus vasculitis. AB - The role of polymorphs in the Arthus type hypersensitivity vasculitis has been studied. Polymorphs were found to play an essential role in not only producing the inflammatory vasculitis, but also were instrumental in ridding the damaged vessel of the antigen, probably by means of proteolytic catabolism at the inflammatory site. A temporal relationship between the disappearance of antigen from the damaged vessels and a decrease in inflammatory reaction was found. The earliest localization of antigen and its associated rabbit globulin in the Arthus vasculitis was found to be beneath the endothelium of small vessels. Since submitting this article for publication, Sorkin and Boyden (J. Immunol., 1959, 82, 332) have reported the catabolism of antigen in the presence of antibody by mononuclear cells obtained from the peritoneal cavities of guinea pigs. Evidence was presented indicating that the antigen molecule was actually broken down by the mononuclear cells. Techniques similar to those reported here were used. PMID- 13810817 TI - Capillaria hepatica in man-follow-up of a case. PMID- 13810818 TI - Advances in the treatment of leprosy. PMID- 13810819 TI - Idiopathic infantile hypoglycemia and leucine sensitivity. PMID- 13810820 TI - Nutritional excess in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13810821 TI - Overnutrition in the infant and child. PMID- 13810822 TI - Studies in the relationship of amino acids to infantile hypoglycemia. PMID- 13810823 TI - [On certain general mechanisms concerning the interrelation of histamine, sulfur and sulfurous mineral waters]. PMID- 13810824 TI - Transfer of DNA-glucose from parental to offspring phage T2. PMID- 13810825 TI - Epidemiology of endemic cholera. PMID- 13810826 TI - Epidemic crisis in East Pakistan April-July, 1958. PMID- 13810827 TI - The evolution of infectious diseases. PMID- 13810828 TI - Pertussis vaccination. PMID- 13810829 TI - Reporting and incidence of food poisoning. PMID- 13810831 TI - Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. PMID- 13810830 TI - Radiation hazards and precautions. PMID- 13810832 TI - Experimental ultraviolet carcinogenesis. PMID- 13810833 TI - Bacteremic shock:hypothermia as a therapeutic adjunct. PMID- 13810835 TI - Carpal anomalies amongst Yorubas. PMID- 13810834 TI - Etiology and management of venous ulcers in the leg. PMID- 13810836 TI - [Perinatal mortality in the past decade at the R.C.S. dell'Annunziata]. PMID- 13810837 TI - [Remarks on embryopathies caused by short waves]. PMID- 13810838 TI - [Trnasplacental transmissibility of anti-influenza antibodies]. PMID- 13810839 TI - [Incidence of antibodies against Sendal virus in the normal Sicilian population]. PMID- 13810840 TI - [The 17-ketosteroids and the 17-hydroxy-corticosteroids. Indications and interpretation of their determination]. PMID- 13810841 TI - Hypertensive gastroesophageal sphincter. PMID- 13810843 TI - The physiologic basic of some disorders of motor function of the esophagus. PMID- 13810844 TI - The semantics of the process of absorption. PMID- 13810842 TI - The peptic ulcer problem. A physiologic appraisal. PMID- 13810845 TI - Light-induced production of carotenoid pigments by Cephalosporia. PMID- 13810846 TI - Pyocele of the sphenoid sinus. PMID- 13810847 TI - Cogan's syndrome. PMID- 13810848 TI - Chronic brucellosis: report of a case lasting more than twenty years. PMID- 13810849 TI - Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the heart. PMID- 13810850 TI - Sudden unexpected death in infancy. PMID- 13810851 TI - Traumatic interventricular septal defect. PMID- 13810852 TI - [Diagnostic value of the jugular venous pulse]. PMID- 13810853 TI - [Pulmonary hypertension with pulmonary artery necrosis]. PMID- 13810854 TI - [Some angiocardiographic and physiopathological aspects of malformations of the tetralogy of Fallot type]. PMID- 13810855 TI - [Late repair of traumatic arterial lesions]. PMID- 13810856 TI - [On the treatment of arterial embolism of the upper extremities]. PMID- 13810857 TI - [Association of chromomycosis and leprosy in the lepromatous patient]. PMID- 13810858 TI - Chemical studies of the satellite cells of the squid giant nerve fiber. PMID- 13810859 TI - The passive dynamic mechanical properties of the human thorax-abdomen system and of the whole body system. PMID- 13810860 TI - [Social hygiene, an outline of its structure and its problems]. PMID- 13810861 TI - Structural organization of the motor nerve endings in mammalian muscle spindles and other striated muscle fibers. PMID- 13810862 TI - [Vascular accidents of the brain stem]. PMID- 13810864 TI - Lysogeny in the genus Proteus. PMID- 13810863 TI - [Chronic myeloid leukemia during pregnancy successfully treated with busulfan]. PMID- 13810865 TI - The late sucrose fermenting property of Proteus mirabilis. PMID- 13810866 TI - The back mutation rate of lactose-positive variants of Shigella sonnei. PMID- 13810867 TI - The late lactose-fermenting property of Shigella sonnei. PMID- 13810868 TI - Double vas deferens: a case report. PMID- 13810869 TI - Incidence of venereal disease in Italy. PMID- 13810870 TI - Advances in treatment of cancer of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13810871 TI - Biological studies of paromomycin. PMID- 13810872 TI - Vagectomy, hemigastrectomy, and gastroduodenostomy in treatment of duodenal ulcer. Experimental evaluation. PMID- 13810873 TI - The problem of the common duct stone: transduodenal sphincterostomy versus choledochotomy. PMID- 13810874 TI - Cyclops foetalis: a case report. PMID- 13810875 TI - Maternal influenza and congenital deformities: a prospective study. PMID- 13810876 TI - Studies on the normal serum panagglutinin active against trypsinated human erythrocytes. V. The nonidentity of the agglutinin with serum trypsin inhibitor and the components of complement. PMID- 13810877 TI - Cytopathology of canine distemper studied by the use of fluorescent antibodies. PMID- 13810878 TI - A new concept of the cause of Costen's temporomandibular arthrosis. PMID- 13810879 TI - The effect of extracorporeal circulation upon acid-base equilibrium in dogs. PMID- 13810880 TI - Ventricular fibrillation during uniform myocardial anoxia due to asphyxia. PMID- 13810881 TI - Effect of prolonged periods of anoxia on atrioventricular conduction and cardiac muscle. PMID- 13810883 TI - Focal senile translucency of the sclera. PMID- 13810882 TI - In vivo gamma counting as a measurement of uranium in the human lung. PMID- 13810884 TI - Ocular pathology of cystinosis. PMID- 13810885 TI - Tetrazolium studies on the retina. II. Substrate dependent patterns. PMID- 13810886 TI - Tetrazolium studies on the retina: 4. Distribution of reductase in ocular tissue. PMID- 13810887 TI - Aberrant lipogenesis. PMID- 13810888 TI - An analysis of 300 successive intracapsular cataract extractions by phakoeresis, alphachymotrypsin being used in 50 per cent of cases. PMID- 13810889 TI - Bilateral retinal detachment following carotid-cavernous fistula. PMID- 13810890 TI - Pathology of the brain in single and mixed deficiencies of vitamins A and E in the chick. PMID- 13810891 TI - Cerebral effects of 3-acetylpyridine in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). PMID- 13810893 TI - Bacterial and chemical warfare. The current status. PMID- 13810892 TI - Postventriculotomy electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram. A preliminary report. PMID- 13810894 TI - Biological and chemical warfare in civil defense. PMID- 13810895 TI - The control of aldosterone secretion. PMID- 13810896 TI - [Observations on the blood glyco-lipoprotein picture in senile diabetes]. PMID- 13810898 TI - [Vitamin B6 and basal metabolism]. PMID- 13810897 TI - [Relations between changes of the blood protein picture and morphological modifications of the liver in cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13810900 TI - [On a case of Lofgren's syndrome (bilateral hilar adenopathy and erythema nodosa)]. PMID- 13810899 TI - [Recent research on the action of vitamin B6 and molybdenum on some secondary anemias]. PMID- 13810901 TI - [Collapse therapy and exeresis in silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13810903 TI - Experimental intraocular venography. PMID- 13810902 TI - Use of spider silk in aerosol research. PMID- 13810904 TI - The effect of passage in different hosts on the inhibitor sensitivity of an Asian influenza virus strain. PMID- 13810905 TI - Estimation of the cellular lethal dose and the critical cell number for the C3H mouse mammary carcinoma from radiosensitivity studies in vivo. PMID- 13810906 TI - Successful repair of traumatic arteriovenous fistulas between hepatic artery and portal vein and right renal arteyr and inferior vena cava. PMID- 13810907 TI - Treatment of shoulder-hand syndrome with griseofulvin. PMID- 13810908 TI - Maternal syndrome in Rh iso-immunization: report of a case. PMID- 13810909 TI - Steroid anaesthesia: a clinical trial with 'presuren' brand hydroxydione. PMID- 13810910 TI - [Content of ascorbic acid of the adrenals of rat embryos decapitated at various stages of gestation]. PMID- 13810911 TI - [Growth of the adrenals in the fetal and newborn rat]. PMID- 13810912 TI - Standardization of the pulmonary nitrogen clearance test using older normal men. PMID- 13810913 TI - Trancopal in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and symptoms of allergy: report on 1391 patients. PMID- 13810914 TI - [Vesical lithiasis in childhood]. PMID- 13810915 TI - Relationship between choline-deficient fatty liver and chronic alloxan diabetes in rats. PMID- 13810916 TI - [Effect of change in environmental and living conditions on the prevalence of diabetes in Yemenite and Kurdish communities]. PMID- 13810917 TI - Studies on experimental amyloidosis. I. Analysis of histology and staining reactions of casein-induced amyloidosis in the rabbit. PMID- 13810918 TI - Electron microscopic observations on the lesion of elastosis perforans serpiginosa. PMID- 13810919 TI - Studies on Rauwolfia alkaloids in diabetic hypertensive patients. PMID- 13810920 TI - Diabetic acidosis: an evaluation of the cause, course and therapy of 73 cases. PMID- 13810921 TI - A study of bone lesions in a case of hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13810922 TI - Sensory isolation: hallucinogenic effects of a brief procedure. PMID- 13810923 TI - Further observations on the ABO blood groups and the sex ratio. PMID- 13810925 TI - A modified bile return system in the dog. PMID- 13810924 TI - ABO-Rh interaction of an Rh-incompatibly mated population. PMID- 13810926 TI - Organization and functions of a medical school animal facility. PMID- 13810927 TI - A new saluretic agent. PMID- 13810928 TI - An approach to the office treatment of the patient with hypertension. PMID- 13810930 TI - Clinical use of dihydroflumethiazide in patients with high arterial pressure. PMID- 13810929 TI - Anti-hypertensive therapy with a fixed mixture of benzydroflumethiazide and Rauwolfia whole root. PMID- 13810931 TI - A second example of a rabbit red blood cell antigen resulting from the interaction of two genes. PMID- 13810932 TI - Anamnestic reactions in rabbits showing unresponsiveness to erythrocytic isoantigens. PMID- 13810933 TI - Genetic influences on iso-immunization in the rabbit. PMID- 13810934 TI - Hypothermia for cardiac surgery in children. PMID- 13810935 TI - Patent ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13810936 TI - [Analysis of the hybridization of P2 phage and a defective prophage of Escherichia coli B by a method of density gradient centrifugation]. PMID- 13810937 TI - Bell's palsy-a medical emergency. PMID- 13810938 TI - Clinical observations on the modification of human oral tissue metabolism by local intraoral factors. PMID- 13810939 TI - Verbal reinforcement in schizophrenia. PMID- 13810940 TI - Detection of rheumatoid factors(s) by alligator erythrocyte hemagglutination. PMID- 13810941 TI - Congenital anomaly of the anus and rectum:importance of X-ray examination. PMID- 13810943 TI - Cultural attitudes toward aging and their implications for public planning. PMID- 13810942 TI - Use of nitrogen mustard as adjuvant to radical mastectomy. PMID- 13810944 TI - Evaluation of carbethoxysyringoyl methylreserpate as an antihypertensive agent. PMID- 13810945 TI - Identification of blood group antigens and minor cell populations by the fluorescent antibody method. PMID- 13810946 TI - Pleurisy and pericarditis complicating myocardial infarction: the so-called post myocardial infarction syndrome. PMID- 13810947 TI - Disappearance rates of infused epinephrine and norepinephrine from plasma: a comparison of normal and schizophrenic subjects. PMID- 13810948 TI - Plasma concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine during intravenous infusions in man. PMID- 13810949 TI - The importance of radiographic examination of the oesophagus and routine chest radiography after oesophagoscopy. PMID- 13810950 TI - The radiological demonstration of Dracunculus medinensis. PMID- 13810951 TI - Protein biosynthesis. PMID- 13810952 TI - A rapid and simple frozen section for surgical pathology. PMID- 13810953 TI - Effect of physical exercise on alimentary lipaemia. PMID- 13810954 TI - Consistency in potency assay of tetanus toxoid in mice. AB - The use of mice for the assay of tetanus toxoids would offer considerable advantages over the use of guinea-pigs, but mice cannot readily be immunized with the fluid tetanus toxoid at present designated as the International Standard. This study shows, however, that the mouse is a very suitable laboratory animal for the comparison of adsorbed tetanus toxoids, and that an AlPO(4)-adsorbed vaccine, which is stable at 4 degrees C, is a satisfactory reference preparation. The log-dose-response lines of toxoids adsorbed on different quantities of AlPO(4) and on various quantities of another adsorbent ran parallel to those of the reference vaccine. The 95% confidence limits for the potencies of tetanus vaccines, diphtheria-tetanus vaccines, and diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines, determined by assay against the reference vaccine in mice, showed a high degree of reproducibility of the results. PMID- 13810955 TI - Aberrant left coronary artery. Report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13810957 TI - Evaluation of stapes mobilization for otosclerosis. PMID- 13810956 TI - Primary glutethimide addiction. PMID- 13810958 TI - Relief of vertigo by stapes mobilization in a patient with otosclerosis. PMID- 13810959 TI - Triamcinolone and methyl prednisolone in psoriasis. Comparison of their intralesional and systemic effects. PMID- 13810960 TI - Thrombocytopenic purpura secondary to German measles. Varicella encephalitis (2 cases). PMID- 13810962 TI - [Changes in the state of immunity against diphtheria]. PMID- 13810961 TI - Adrenal virilizing tumour and pregnancy. PMID- 13810963 TI - Diastematomyelia. An embryological interpretation with report of a case. PMID- 13810964 TI - Family morbidity. A suggested method of measurement. PMID- 13810965 TI - The pigment cell system in the Light Sussex fowl. PMID- 13810966 TI - The active site of esterases. PMID- 13810967 TI - [Protection against radiation sickness with the aid of chemicals]. PMID- 13810968 TI - [The premium for compulsory health insurance]. PMID- 13810969 TI - The capacity of the kidney of the marine dogfish, Squalus acanthias, to secrete hydrogen ion. PMID- 13810970 TI - Significance of illness to the patient. PMID- 13810972 TI - Methods of investigating the vascular architecture of the mandible. PMID- 13810971 TI - Fractures of the maxillary tuberosity occurring during tooth extraction. PMID- 13810974 TI - Venous drainage of the mandible. PMID- 13810973 TI - Serum phospholipids in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13810975 TI - Mechanisms in body balance and orientation. PMID- 13810976 TI - An interdisciplinary approach to the first year course in psychiatry. PMID- 13810977 TI - Glucose catabolism of rabbit retina before and after development of visual function. PMID- 13810978 TI - Physical aspects of cobalt 60 teletherapy using wedge filters. 2. Dosimetric considerations. PMID- 13810979 TI - Physical aspects of cobalt 60 teletherapy using wedge filters. I. Physical investigations. PMID- 13810980 TI - Physical aspects of roentgen therapy using wedge filters. III. The effect on wedge fields of variations in kV and other factors. PMID- 13810981 TI - Physical aspects of roentgen therapy using wedge filters. I. Some new copper wedges and their applications. PMID- 13810982 TI - Physical aspects of roentgen therapy using wedge filters. II. Analysis of wedge field dosimetry. PMID- 13810983 TI - Physical aspects of roentgen therapy using wedge filters. IV. A new wedge principle using graphite and tin. PMID- 13810984 TI - [Therapeutic trial of R. 1132 in diarrheas]. PMID- 13810985 TI - Pseudohypoparathyroidism with hypothyroidism. A case report and review of literature. PMID- 13810986 TI - The effects of phenobarbital upon phosphate metabolism of cerebral cortex in vitro. PMID- 13810987 TI - The relationship of pulmonary hyaline membrane to certain factors in pregnancy and delivery. PMID- 13810988 TI - The central nervous system in congenital heart disease. PMID- 13810989 TI - Ulcerative colitis arising during corticosteroid therapy: report of a case. PMID- 13810990 TI - The effect of glucagon on histamine-stimulated gastric secretion in man. PMID- 13810991 TI - Polycythemia associated with bilateral unilocular renal cysts. PMID- 13810992 TI - Cerebral palsy: a re-evaluation. PMID- 13810993 TI - The community and the mentally retarded. PMID- 13810994 TI - Safety attachment for aspirin bottles. PMID- 13810996 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. PMID- 13810995 TI - [Psychological test expert testimony in the determination of the indication for analysis]. PMID- 13810997 TI - Methods and materials used for artificial teeth. PMID- 13810999 TI - Studies on a pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase system in tissues utilizing a histochemical method. PMID- 13811000 TI - Living arrangements and mental disorders among the aged. Workshop, 1958. 3. The contribution of a private residence program in a family agency to the healthful living of aging persons. PMID- 13810998 TI - Bronchial adenomas in Cushing's syndrome: their relation to thymomas and oat cell carcinomas associated with hyperadrenocorticism. PMID- 13811001 TI - Interactions of a synthetic penicillin, 6-benzylsulfonamidopenicillanic acid, and penicillinase-producing staphylococci. PMID- 13811002 TI - Clinical experiences with intravenous colchicine in inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13811003 TI - Lysergic acid diethylamide: side effects and complications. PMID- 13811004 TI - Notes on the hallucinogenic state. PMID- 13811005 TI - Sleep regulation with thalidomide. PMID- 13811006 TI - [A test for the determination of homogenous characteristics of the metabolism of plasma protein fractions]. PMID- 13811007 TI - Requirements for stereospecificity in hydrolysis by chymotrypsin: diethyl beta acetamidoglutarate. PMID- 13811008 TI - Histopathologic cardiovascular responses to passive sensitization. PMID- 13811009 TI - Serotonin- and histamine-affecting agents and experimental vascular sensitization. PMID- 13811010 TI - Psychophysiological influences on peripheral venous tone. PMID- 13811011 TI - The determination of arginine released in human blood plasma after plasminogen activation. Use of a cation-exchange resin. PMID- 13811012 TI - The free amino acid changes in plasma following coagulation and plasminogen activation. PMID- 13811013 TI - Fate of progesterone injected subcutaneously in mice. PMID- 13811014 TI - Polyamines and ribosome structure. PMID- 13811016 TI - Clinical evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract in the aged. PMID- 13811015 TI - A hypothesis on a possible competitive relation between DNA synthesis and protein synthesis. PMID- 13811017 TI - Oral complaints and taste perception in the aged. PMID- 13811018 TI - [Frequency of rheumatic heart disease, glutathione instability and thalassemia in children of Kurdish Jews]. PMID- 13811019 TI - Eczema vaccinatum. PMID- 13811020 TI - Health insurance under social security. PMID- 13811021 TI - Trends and issues in social welfare expenditures and programs. PMID- 13811022 TI - [Effects of the perfusion of disodium tetracemate on the pressure actions of serotonin in dog with sectioned Hering's and pneumogastric nerves]. PMID- 13811023 TI - [Comparative study of the metabolism of S35 in the mouse after oral or subcutaneous administration of sodium radiosulfate and sodium radiosulfide]. PMID- 13811024 TI - [Biological control of Cr-51 labeled sodium chromate: effects of the trivalent chromium]. PMID- 13811025 TI - [Study and control of the labelling of erythrocytes with chromium 51]. PMID- 13811026 TI - [The control of artificial radioisotopes in medical usage in France]. PMID- 13811027 TI - [Research on the biochemistry of choline and its derivatives. XLI. Balance in the different forms of choline in plants]. PMID- 13811028 TI - A technique for the collection of adult mosquitoes for study. PMID- 13811029 TI - Convulsive seizures caused by phenothiazine tranquilizers. PMID- 13811030 TI - Erythema multiforme exudativum associated with use of sulfamethoxypyridazine. PMID- 13811031 TI - Effect of rate of ingestion of diet on hexosemonophosphate shunt activity. PMID- 13811032 TI - Role of rate of ingestion of diet on regulation of intermediary metabolism ("meal eating" vs. "nibbling"). PMID- 13811033 TI - [Leprosy as a social problem in Latin America]. PMID- 13811034 TI - [More on the problem of leprosy and lepers]. PMID- 13811035 TI - Experience with prolonged administration of intravenous fat emulsions. Behavior, course, and laboratory findings in dogs. PMID- 13811036 TI - Intraperitoneal antibiotic administration. PMID- 13811037 TI - Giant ulcers of the stomach. PMID- 13811038 TI - Choice of agents for preoperative preparation of the colon. PMID- 13811039 TI - Dangers of intestinal antisepsis. PMID- 13811040 TI - Recent developments in colon surgery. PMID- 13811041 TI - The influence of antibiotics on the spread of tumors of the colon: an experimental study. PMID- 13811042 TI - Analysis of the differentiation and of the heterogeneity within a population of Escherichia coli undergoing induced beta-galactosidase synthesis. PMID- 13811043 TI - Inhibition by glucose of the induced synthesis of the beta-galactoside-enzyme system of Escherichia coli. Analysis of maintenance. PMID- 13811044 TI - Physiology of the inhibition by glucose of the induced synthesis of the beta galactosideenzyme system of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13811045 TI - Reversible inactivation of chymotrypsin by sulfate ions. PMID- 13811046 TI - On the behavior of the E. coli Pz-"beta-galactoside system" introduced into Shigella dysenteriae. PMID- 13811048 TI - Mechanisms of enzymic cleavage of some organic phosphates. PMID- 13811047 TI - Bond cleavage in enzymic hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphate to nucleoside monophosphate and inorganic pyrophosphate. PMID- 13811049 TI - Gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the aged. PMID- 13811050 TI - A correlation of symbol organization with brain function (EEG). PMID- 13811051 TI - Dyscalculia: a clinical study with some neuropathological correlations. PMID- 13811052 TI - Rupture of dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. The relationship of effort to onset. AB - Physicians are constantly being asked to testify in cases in which a complication of a degenerative disease occurred during the course of employment. In one of two such cases reported herein, compensation was granted, in the other, not.A physician can say for certain that the effort did not cause the disease, but he cannot say for certain that it had nothing to do with the rupture. PMID- 13811053 TI - The relationship of cardiac hypertrophy to cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13811054 TI - [Influence of synthetic physostigmine substitutes on labor]. PMID- 13811055 TI - 5-Ribosyl uracil, a carbon-carbon ribofuranosyl nucleoside in ribonucleic acids. PMID- 13811056 TI - Pseudouridine, a carbon-carbon linked ribonucleoside in ribonucleic acids: isolation, structure, and chemical characteristics. PMID- 13811057 TI - Interactions between rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocytes and staphylococci. AB - A method has been described for the study in vitro of leucocyte-bacteria interactions which permits the simultaneous evaluation of both phagocytosis and intracellular bacterial inactivation. Employing this technique, the fate and localization of staphylococci in homogeneous suspensions of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocytes have been studied. Coagulase-positive strains of S. aureus were not efficiently ingested in the presence of normal rabbit serum. In contrast, coagulase-negative strains of S. albus were rapidly engulfed and inactivated. Immune sera prepared against a coagulase-positive strain enhanced the the ingestion of the homologous organism as well as of three heterologous strains of S. aureus. Following phagocytosis, prompt intracellular killing of S. aureus occurred. The thermostable opsonins in immune sera reacted only with strains of S. aureus. A comparison between polymorphonuclear leucocytes obtained from normal and immune animals revealed no differences in their ability either to ingest or kill coagulase-positive staphylococci. Studies with other bacterial species are presented to illustrate: (a) phagocytosis followed by intracellular inactivation; (b) phagocytosis followed by intracellular survival; and (c) the absence of phagocytosis. PMID- 13811058 TI - Relation of cell metabolism to infection with rickettsial and bacterial agents. PMID- 13811059 TI - Production of viraemia in cortisone-treated monkeys with the attenuated Brunenders strain of type-I poliovirus. PMID- 13811060 TI - The sensitivity of monkeys to subcutaneous inoculation of the Brunenders strain of type-I poliomyelitis virus. PMID- 13811061 TI - [Various reflections on genital prolapse among Moroccans]. PMID- 13811062 TI - [Prolonged artificial respiration in rehabilitation]. PMID- 13811063 TI - [Mental hygiene in the army]. PMID- 13811065 TI - [War psychoneuroses]. PMID- 13811064 TI - [A new therapeutic trend: A.N.P. 235 (2-dimethylaminoethyl ester of p chlorophenoxyacetic acid). Action on disorders of consciousness. Regulation of hypothalamo-hypophysial functions. Central neuroregulation]. PMID- 13811066 TI - [Clinical and biological considerations concerning some new synthetic corticoids]. PMID- 13811067 TI - [Uridine-5-triphosphoric acid in therapeutics. II. Treatment of myopathies, myotonia, myasthenia and fatigue states]. PMID- 13811068 TI - [The treatment of consciousness disorders in neurosurgery by the dimethylaminoethyl ester of p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (ANP-235)]. PMID- 13811069 TI - [A new therapeutic trend in neuropsychiatry and in general pathology: the dimethylaminoethyl ester of p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (A.N.P. 235). Psycho corticotonic, regulator of hypothalamo-hypophysial and central neuro-regulator functions, action on disorders of consciousness]. PMID- 13811070 TI - [Fatigue in psychiatry]. PMID- 13811071 TI - [Insomnia, disease of the century?]. PMID- 13811072 TI - [Introductory lessons to the study of stress. VII. Magnesium: its biological and therapeutic importance]. PMID- 13811074 TI - [Anatomical details of the venous system of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13811073 TI - [Ionic and metabolic disequilibrium in the confuso-oneiric episode of acute alcoholism: therapeutic results]. PMID- 13811075 TI - Contributions to the study of the thyroid function during the early puerperium. PMID- 13811076 TI - Experience with British latex suspension for agglutination test in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13811077 TI - Control over charges. PMID- 13811078 TI - Patterns of influence: medical school faculty members and the values and specialty interests of medical students. PMID- 13811079 TI - The medical student, specialization and general practice. PMID- 13811080 TI - The autolysis of trypsin in the presence of urea. PMID- 13811081 TI - [Inhibitory action of prednisone on the development of hepatic sclerosis induced by carbon tetrachloride]. PMID- 13811083 TI - Simultaneous gastric and duodenal ulcers in a 15 years old boy. PMID- 13811082 TI - [Cell respiration of hepatic tissue in experimental cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride]. PMID- 13811084 TI - [Tuberculosis and conception. (Report I)]. PMID- 13811085 TI - [On a new pharmacological combination in the treatment of ulcerous disease]. PMID- 13811086 TI - [Dr. Auguste Van Lint (1877-1959)]. PMID- 13811087 TI - [The bone marrow implant in some blood diseases]. PMID- 13811088 TI - [Occipital angioma with history of ophthalmic migraines. (Apropos of a case)]. PMID- 13811089 TI - [Study of the tubular reabsorption of inositol]. PMID- 13811090 TI - [Comparative renal excretion of linear polyols and of meso-inositol]. PMID- 13811091 TI - [Apropos of 50 years of the research of Charles Nicolle on infantile splenomegaly in the Mediterranean basin (or infantile kala-azar), bouton d'orient, toxoplasmosis gondii and typhus exa nthematosus. (Extracts from the correspondence between Ch. Nicolle and Felix Mesnil)]. PMID- 13811092 TI - [Apropos of cross-immunity tests in recurrent fever caused by ticks]. PMID- 13811093 TI - Environmental aspects of staphylococcal infections acquired in hospitals. I. The hospital environment--its place in the hospital Staphylococcus infections problem. PMID- 13811094 TI - Vestibular dysfunction in childhood schizophrenia. PMID- 13811095 TI - The Apgar scoring system in evaluation of the newborn infant. PMID- 13811096 TI - The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine: Harvard Medical Library-Boston Medical Library. PMID- 13811097 TI - Variability of potassium concentration in gastric secretion. PMID- 13811098 TI - Surgical treatment of regional enteritis. PMID- 13811099 TI - Diverticulitis: indications for surgery. PMID- 13811100 TI - Surgery of primary hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13811102 TI - Surgical treatment of carcinoma of the colon. PMID- 13811101 TI - Ulcerative colitis: indication for surgery and types of operation. PMID- 13811104 TI - An improved automatic signal plotter. PMID- 13811103 TI - Physical studies on a short-treatment-distance cesium-137 teletherapy unit. PMID- 13811105 TI - Some observations on heart disease in Dar es Salaam. PMID- 13811106 TI - Foot inspection of the school child. PMID- 13811108 TI - Effects of atmospheric pollution on the human chest. PMID- 13811107 TI - A controlled study of efficacy of iproniazid in treatment of depression. PMID- 13811109 TI - Rate of entrance of sodium into the aqueous humour of the rabbit. PMID- 13811110 TI - Partial purification of bovine antiplasmin (antifibrinolysin). PMID- 13811111 TI - The safety of blood transfusion. PMID- 13811112 TI - Preparation for disaster in California. PMID- 13811113 TI - Reading problems. PMID- 13811114 TI - Goeckerman therapy in the management of common dermatoses. PMID- 13811115 TI - Educational aspects of preparation for medical writing. PMID- 13811116 TI - Contrasting tail and other responses to morphine and reserpine in rats and mice. PMID- 13811117 TI - The effects of injecting local anaesthetic (lignocaine and proctocaine) into the sub-cortex of trained cats. PMID- 13811118 TI - Postcolectomy regression of adenomatous polyps of the rectum. PMID- 13811119 TI - Liquid junction and membrane potentials of the squid giant axon. AB - The potential differences across the squid giant axon membrane, as measured with a series of microcapillary electrodes filled with concentrations of KCl from 0.03 to 3.0 M or sea water, are consistent with a constant membrane potential and the liquid junction potentials calculated by the Henderson equation. The best value for the mobility of an organic univalent ion, such as isethionate, leads to a probably low, but not impossible, axoplasm specific resistance of 1.2 times sea water and to a liquid junction correction of 4 mv. for microelectrodes filled with 3 M KCl. The errors caused by the assumptions of proportional mixing, unity activity coefficients, and a negligible internal fixed charge cannot be estimated but the results suggest that the cumulative effect of them may not be serious. PMID- 13811120 TI - Tetanus immunization. PMID- 13811121 TI - Lung homograft acceptance and heterograft rejection by late homologous radiation chimeras. PMID- 13811122 TI - Abrogation by injected mouse blood of protective effect of foreign bone marrow in lethally x-irradiated mice. PMID- 13811123 TI - Studies on the mechanism of secondary disease: the parental-F1 hybrid radiation chimera. PMID- 13811124 TI - Late effects of x-radiation. The influence of dose fractionation on life span, leukemia, and nephrosclerosis incidence in mice. PMID- 13811125 TI - Life span shortening in X- and fast neutron irradiated mice. PMID- 13811127 TI - Ion exchange chromatography of glucagon in ureacontaining buffers. PMID- 13811126 TI - Passive transfer of a delayed type of skin reactivity to tuberculin PPD. PMID- 13811128 TI - The chromatography of insulin in urea-containing buffer. PMID- 13811129 TI - The administration of halothane vapour measured by a rotameter. PMID- 13811130 TI - Pediatrics in the space age. PMID- 13811131 TI - Potentialities of surgery. PMID- 13811133 TI - The Conference Committee on Graduate Training in Surgery. PMID- 13811132 TI - Surgery and ancillary methods of therapy for cancer. PMID- 13811134 TI - The role of the doctor and patient in early cancer detection. PMID- 13811135 TI - The story of cholecystography. PMID- 13811136 TI - The use of halothane for neonatal anaesthesia. PMID- 13811137 TI - The use of halothane-nitrous oxide for out-patient dental work. PMID- 13811138 TI - Holism: its historic background and application in osteopathic medicine. PMID- 13811139 TI - Spina bifida occuta. PMID- 13811140 TI - Chemical changes produced in lipids by irradiation. PMID- 13811142 TI - Malpractice and the statute of limitations. PMID- 13811141 TI - The effects of irradiation on the quality of meat and poultry. PMID- 13811143 TI - Treatment of recurrent cancer of the pharynx and cervical esophagus. PMID- 13811144 TI - Incorporation of glycine-I-C14 into nucleic acids and proteins of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13811146 TI - Electrocardiographic changes in idiopathic hypercalcaemia of infancy. PMID- 13811147 TI - A sulphate-reducing bacterium from the sheep rumen. PMID- 13811148 TI - Effect of penicillin on the maintenance of rumen oligotrich protozoa. PMID- 13811149 TI - The cultivation of sheep rumen oligotrich protozoa in vitro. PMID- 13811150 TI - Effect of dietary fat and extent of blood sampling on the level of plasma cholesterol in the rat. PMID- 13811151 TI - The effect of dietary fat and the repeated withdrawal of small samples of blood cholesterol levels in the rat. PMID- 13811152 TI - Anticholinestease antidotes. IV. The effectiveness of the induction of methaemoglobinemia as an adjunct to therapy for GA poisoning. PMID- 13811153 TI - The induction of methaemoglobinemia as an adjunct to therapy for tabun poisoning. PMID- 13811154 TI - Protein spherulites. PMID- 13811155 TI - Metallocarboxypeptidases. PMID- 13811156 TI - Problems in an emergency psychiatric clinic. PMID- 13811157 TI - Radiography in hydatid disease. PMID- 13811158 TI - Studies on the toxicity of Indigofera endecaphylla. III. Separation of toxic fractions from seed and herbage. PMID- 13811159 TI - An evaluation of the sensitization response as a method determining radiation sensitivity. PMID- 13811160 TI - Epidermoid cyst of the spleen. Report of two cases. PMID- 13811161 TI - Measurement of the excavation. PMID- 13811162 TI - [Study of wounding fish and the injuries caused in humans by the fish]. PMID- 13811163 TI - [Study on injurious fish and on the injuries caused in man by fish]. PMID- 13811164 TI - Electrophysiological evidence of baroreceptors in the pulmonary artery of the dog. PMID- 13811165 TI - Serum protein pattern ininfants with nutritional disorders. PMID- 13811166 TI - Staphylococcic phages. I. Lysogenicity in Staphylococcus aureus of animal origin. PMID- 13811167 TI - Staphylococcic phages. II. The use of human typing phages and adapted human typing phages in the typing of Staphylococcus aureus of animal origin. PMID- 13811168 TI - Staphylococcic phages. III. Typing of Staphylococcus aureus cultures isolated from the bovine udder. PMID- 13811169 TI - Paromomycin in the treatment of Shigella and Salmonella infections in children. PMID- 13811170 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcaemia with renal calculi. PMID- 13811171 TI - Effect of jet aircraft noise on hearing. PMID- 13811173 TI - [Detection and multiplication in vitro of tuberculosis bacilli in a state of quiescence considered as nonviable; conclusions of an epidemiological nature]. PMID- 13811172 TI - A case of vestibular failure after streptomycin. PMID- 13811174 TI - [Study of extrinsic factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis rendering its in vitro culture problematical]. PMID- 13811175 TI - [Study of the intrinsic factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis explaining the state of quiescence and the failures of culture on usual media]. PMID- 13811176 TI - [On essential familial osteolysis]. PMID- 13811177 TI - [The platelet sedimentation rate in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13811178 TI - [The platelet sedimentation rate in thrombopenic and thrombopenic syndromes]. PMID- 13811179 TI - [Endometriosic cyst of the ovary. Casuistic contribution]. PMID- 13811180 TI - [Extrauterine pregnancy and salpingeal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13811181 TI - [Large hematic cysts of the spleen having relation to the genital sphere]. PMID- 13811182 TI - [The testing of pulmonary ventilation during pregnancy and puerperium]. PMID- 13811183 TI - [A year's use of chlorothiazide in prenatal out-patient services. Remarks on therapy]. PMID- 13811184 TI - [Apropos of a hydramniotic twin pregnancy developing in a malformed uterus]. PMID- 13811185 TI - Tumours of cartilaginous orgin. PMID- 13811186 TI - Hypothermia and coronary perfusion for surgery of atrial and valvular defects. PMID- 13811187 TI - The anthelmintic action of phenothiazine and piperazine against Heterakis gallinae and Ascaridia galli in chickens. PMID- 13811188 TI - Acetylcholine effects of gamma-carbomethoxypropyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide. PMID- 13811189 TI - Physiological events in organophosphorus poisoning. PMID- 13811190 TI - [The concept of relative biological effectiveness (Its place among the concepts and units utilized in radiology)]. PMID- 13811191 TI - [Radiotherapy of epitheliomas of the palatine tonsil]. PMID- 13811192 TI - [Measurement of respiratory output]. PMID- 13811193 TI - [The regulatory work of the kidney in the metabolism of water]. PMID- 13811194 TI - [Contribution to the study of the treatment of depressive states with G 22355 (tofranil)]. PMID- 13811195 TI - [Nocturnal paresthesia agitans of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13811196 TI - Alterations in cerebrospinal fluid protein following pantopaque myelography. PMID- 13811197 TI - [Cancer of the pancreas]. PMID- 13811198 TI - [The infants of prolonged pregnancy in relation to obstetrical management. Immediate and remote results]. PMID- 13811199 TI - [The diagnostic and therapeutic management of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13811200 TI - [Some aspects of regional pathology in the province of Avila]. PMID- 13811201 TI - [Radiocinematography of the lower duodenum. Diagnostic value of stasis of the lower curvature]. PMID- 13811202 TI - The distribution of Salmonella agglutinins in sera of healthy adults at Ibadan. PMID- 13811203 TI - Salmonellae isolated at Ibadan. Second report: strains isolated during 1957. PMID- 13811205 TI - Serological evidence of the existence of Q-fever in Ibadan. PMID- 13811204 TI - Serotypes of salmonella at Ibadan, Nigeria, with special note of the new serotypes isolated in Nigeria. PMID- 13811206 TI - The incidence of antibiotic resistant staphylococci isolated at Ibadan 1956-1958. PMID- 13811207 TI - [One year of BCG impregnation complementary to antibiotics in a sanatorium. Its influence on the variation of the tuberculin reaction]. PMID- 13811208 TI - [The tuberculin reaction under antibiotherapy]. PMID- 13811209 TI - A new method for studying the functioning of the lungs. PMID- 13811210 TI - Pulmonary gas elimination capacity (PGEC) of different intravenously injected gases in saline solution. PMID- 13811211 TI - A study of serum enzymes in patients suffering from periods of respiratory insufficiency, especially asthma and emphysema. Preliminary report. PMID- 13811212 TI - Eosinophils and neutrophils in sputum and the ESR. PMID- 13811213 TI - [Liver cirrhosis with deficiency encephalopathy]. PMID- 13811214 TI - [Portal hypertension]. PMID- 13811215 TI - [Renal hypoplasia]. PMID- 13811216 TI - Use of oral hypoglycemic agents in treatment of diabetes mellitus: a critical analysis. PMID- 13811217 TI - Notes on the culicine mosquitoes of Singapore. V. The Aedes niveus subgroup (Diptera, Culicidae): previously described species and keys to adults and larvae. PMID- 13811218 TI - Notes on the culicine mosquitoes of Singapore. VI. Observations on catches made with baited and unbaited trap-nets. PMID- 13811219 TI - Notes on the culicine mosquitoes of Singapore. VII. Host preferences in relation to the transmission of disease. PMID- 13811220 TI - [Practical data relative to the minor forms of spontaneous hypoglycemia (Diagnostic and therapeutic study apropos of 15 cases)]. PMID- 13811221 TI - [Giant hypertrophic gastritis. (Study of 4 cases)]. PMID- 13811222 TI - [Mental hygiene centers for the psychosocial campaign]. PMID- 13811223 TI - [Side-effects of treatment with neuroleptics]. PMID- 13811224 TI - [Apropos of a case of primary splenic neutropenia of Wiseman and Doan]. PMID- 13811225 TI - [Iron metabolism studied with radioactive iron in a case of hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13811226 TI - Myths and facts of lung cancer. PMID- 13811227 TI - [Side effects of tofranil. General review apropos of 3 cases of polyneuritis of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13811228 TI - [Trials of serotonin in the psychiatric clinic]. PMID- 13811229 TI - Further observations on the biological properties of dequalinium (dequadin) and hedaquinium (teoquil). PMID- 13811230 TI - The bronchoconstrictor action of bradykinin in the guinea-pig. AB - Bradykinin was found to be a potent bronchoconstrictor agent in the guinea-pig anaesthetized with urethane. This action was not affected by vagotomy, or by treatment of the animal with mepyramine, atropine, lysergic acid diethylamide, or cortisone. Adrenaline and isoprenaline suppressed the bronchoconstrictor responses to bradykinin and histamine. Small doses of acetylsalicylic acid, however, suppressed only that to bradykinin. Bradykinin also produced bronchoconstriction in the isolated perfused lungs of the guinea-pig. The closely related peptide, wasp kinin, was also a potent bronchoconstrictor. PMID- 13811231 TI - Management of peripheral facial palsies due to trauma. Rationale for operative treatment. PMID- 13811232 TI - The combined effect of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and Pasteurella hemolytica on cattle. PMID- 13811233 TI - Recent advances in the virology of trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis and allied diseases. PMID- 13811234 TI - [2 Cases of "scintillatio nivea" associated with cataracts of juvenile type. Paget's bone disease in the first, generalized choroid sclerosis in the other]. PMID- 13811235 TI - [Atypical unilateral recurrence of avascular heredosyphilitic interstitial keratitis with hypopyon; subacute bilateral papillitis, cicatricial peripheral choroiditis]. PMID- 13811236 TI - [Circular hypoplasia of the mesodermal iris]. PMID- 13811237 TI - [Grouped pigmentation of the retina]. PMID- 13811238 TI - [Late epilepsy and syndrome of right hemihypertrophy, Darier's follicular dyskeratosis, nevus of the tail of the eyebrow and myelin fibers of the retina]. PMID- 13811239 TI - [Left ophthalmic zona. Scleral complications, osteoporosis of the superior maxilla, congenital abnormalities of the iris and fundus of the eye]. PMID- 13811240 TI - [Severe lesions of the eyeball caused by plant foreign bodies resting on the bulbar conjunctiva]. PMID- 13811241 TI - [Steinert's myotonic dystrophy: incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders in unaffected cousins of the third generation, children of unaffected subjects]. PMID- 13811242 TI - [Subconjunctival, corneal and vitreous hemorrhages in the course of mumps iritis]. PMID- 13811244 TI - A new intracerebral yellow fever mouse-protection test. PMID- 13811243 TI - Infection experiments with parapoliomyelitis virus (Col SK virus) in young pigs. PMID- 13811245 TI - Some experiments with dilution media for yellow fever virus in virus titrations. PMID- 13811246 TI - [Virulence and virulence curves]. PMID- 13811247 TI - [On the modification of the virulence of tumors by chemotherapeutic agents. The effect of Bayer E 39 on the virulence of Krebs-2 ascites carcinoma]. PMID- 13811248 TI - [The cultivation of yellow fever virus 17D on ascites of the Krebs-2-carcinoma]. PMID- 13811249 TI - [The graphic demonstration of the virulence of ascites tumors (virulence curve method)]. PMID- 13811250 TI - Adsorption to ascites cells and eclipse phenomenon of yellow fever virus in ascites-carcinoma. PMID- 13811251 TI - Culture of yellow fever virus 17D in ascites of Krebs-2-carcinoma. PMID- 13811253 TI - [Palustral endemic indices of sedentary personnel of the experimental station of Marais of Ouled Mendil and vicinty in 1959]. PMID- 13811252 TI - [The influence of N,N-bis (2-chloroethyl)-N', O-propylene-phosphorodiamidic acid on the virulence of Krebs-2-ascites tumors]. PMID- 13811254 TI - [Review of 1959 cancerology]. PMID- 13811255 TI - National hospital insurance in Canada. PMID- 13811256 TI - Techniques of manipulation. PMID- 13811257 TI - Healed dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. A report of three cases. PMID- 13811258 TI - Genital neoplasms. PMID- 13811259 TI - Menopausal and post-menopausal bleeding. PMID- 13811260 TI - The present position--saprophytic and indeterminate ("atypical") acid-fast bacilli. PMID- 13811261 TI - The tables turn. Presidential address. PMID- 13811262 TI - Accidents in a naval dockyard. PMID- 13811263 TI - Diverticulitis coli versus the coloproctologist. PMID- 13811264 TI - Diverticulitis of the colon. PMID- 13811265 TI - Newer developments in proctology-No. IV. PMID- 13811266 TI - Newer developments in proctology. PMID- 13811267 TI - Newer developments in proctology. PMID- 13811268 TI - Not all doctors live in "ivory towers". PMID- 13811269 TI - Status of eastern equine encephalitis and the mosquito vector potential in New York State. PMID- 13811270 TI - The management of otitis externa. PMID- 13811271 TI - Growth hormone and radiosulfate incorporation. I. A new assay method for growth hormone. PMID- 13811272 TI - Heterogeneity of lecithins labelled with phosphorus-32. PMID- 13811273 TI - Studies on phospholipids. 6. A complex phospholipid from sheep brain. PMID- 13811274 TI - Glucose and nitrate utilisation by anaerobic cultures of Ps. aeruginosa. PMID- 13811275 TI - Nitrate adaptation by ageing suspensions of Ps. aeruginosa. PMID- 13811276 TI - The effect of electro-convulsive therapy on initiative. PMID- 13811277 TI - Hospital outpatient service and sound planning. PMID- 13811278 TI - The influence of atmospheric pollution on the public health. PMID- 13811279 TI - Experimental evaluation of grafts in the canine inferior vena cava. PMID- 13811281 TI - Surgical treatment of acquired heart disease. PMID- 13811280 TI - Congenital cardiovascular disease: surgical treatment. PMID- 13811282 TI - Graded response of experimental skin wheal, and its suppression by chlorpromazine and antihistamine. PMID- 13811283 TI - Story of stained glass craft. PMID- 13811284 TI - Relationship of acute coronary disease to duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13811285 TI - Pregnancy and delivery following extensive vulvectomy. PMID- 13811286 TI - Management of carcinoma of the vula. PMID- 13811287 TI - Calcium carbimide-a new protective drug in alcoholism. PMID- 13811288 TI - Enhancement of infectivity of hog cholera virus. PMID- 13811289 TI - The passage of hog cholera virus through cellulose dialysis membranes. PMID- 13811290 TI - The effect of arterial occlusion on sweat-gland responses in the human forearm. PMID- 13811291 TI - An indicator dilution method for the detection an quantification of pulmonic or tricuspid regurgitation. PMID- 13811292 TI - Detection of pulmonic and tricuspid valvular regurgitation by means of indicator solutions. PMID- 13811293 TI - Isolated congenital pulmonic valvular regurgitation. Diagnosis by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography. PMID- 13811294 TI - Social rehabilitation following cerebrovascular accidents. PMID- 13811295 TI - Recurrent intussusception in an adult, due to intestinal metastases of a breast sarcoma. PMID- 13811296 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. VI. The interaction of leucocytes and endotoxin in vitro. AB - Study in vitro of the interaction of bacterial endotoxin with rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocytes has resulted in the following findings: 1. Incubation of endotoxin and leucocytes in saline results in: (a) the release of leucocytic pyrogen, and (b) the inactivation of endotoxin. 2. Cell-free extracts of leucocytes also inactivate endotoxin. 3. Incubation of leucocytes in "physiological" saline causes rapid discharge of leucocytic pyrogen. In contrast, relatively little pyrogen is released by leucocytes incubated in fresh serum. 4. The release of leucocytic pyrogen in serum is markedly stimulated by the presence of endotoxin. 5. Leucocytes obtained from tolerant rabbits interact with endotoxin in essentially the same manner as leucocytes from normal rabbits. The pertinence of these findings to the pathogenesis of fever and to related information concerning human leucocytes has been discussed. PMID- 13811298 TI - Esters produced by Chalaropsis thielavioides. AB - Chalaropsis thielavioides, a filamnentous fungus. produces a characteristic ester like aroma on potato dextrose broth. By gas-liquid chromatographic techniques, the major aroma-producing substances have been identified as isobutyl and ethyl acetate. Lesser amounts of isoamyl acetate, ethanol, and methanol were also present. PMID- 13811297 TI - The schistosomicidal and toxic effects of some N-p-aminophenoxyalkylamides. AB - Several N-(omega-p-aminophenoxyalkyl)amides were active against Schistosoma mansoni in mice. One of the most effective, N-(5-p-aminophenoxypentyl)benzamide (M&B3002), acted more rapidly than lucanthone on adult worms but less rapidly than antimony potassium tartrate. It was inactive against immature worms. This compound and M&B2948A (N-(5-p-aminophenoxypentyl)phthalimide) were both active against S. mansoni in hamsters. In monkeys M&B2948A was inactive, whilst M&B3002 was not tested for therapeutic activity. Several of the compounds were examined for the production of visual impairment in cats. Although this property was not entirely absent, its incidence was very much lower in this amide series than among other omega-p-aminophenoxyalkyl derivatives not containing an amide group. M&B3002 and M&B2948A produced impairment of vision in only a small proportion of the large number of cats tested. The general toxicology of the two drugs was studied in several species, and also their absorption and excretion in mice and rats; this was to provide information for a clinical trial. PMID- 13811299 TI - Occupational psychiatry. PMID- 13811300 TI - Neglected children. PMID- 13811301 TI - Factory in a ward. PMID- 13811303 TI - Dangers of artificial airways for rescue work. PMID- 13811302 TI - Intravenous nonbarbiturate, nonnarcotic analgesics: preliminary studies. 1. Cyclohexylamines. PMID- 13811304 TI - Fatalities in anesthesia and surgery; fundamental considerations. PMID- 13811305 TI - Cancer of the breast. PMID- 13811306 TI - Midbrain evoked responses relating to peripheral unmyelinated or 'C' fibers in cat. PMID- 13811307 TI - An analysis of the effect of various dosage schedules in hyposensitizing programs for allergic children. PMID- 13811308 TI - Self-quenching Geiger counters containing mixtures of permanent gases. PMID- 13811309 TI - Effects of linear energy transfer on the radiolysis of water and heavy water. PMID- 13811310 TI - Nameless invariants in psychological medicine. PMID- 13811311 TI - Successful removal of a myxoma of the left atrium. PMID- 13811312 TI - [Dermoid cyst of the 4th ventricle in a person with mental disorders for 20 years]. PMID- 13811313 TI - [Comparative study of electroencephalographic data obtained from 274 male mental patients from 19 to 25 years old]. PMID- 13811314 TI - [Parasitic epilepsy of unusual origin: distomiasis (due to Heterophyes heterophyes)]. PMID- 13811315 TI - [Hysteria and mesodiencephalic structures]. PMID- 13811316 TI - [Tropical pathology in armies. II. The place of mental disorders in the pathology of armies in tropical regions]. PMID- 13811317 TI - Isolated granulomatous myocarditis. PMID- 13811318 TI - The role of affirmation in analysis. PMID- 13811319 TI - Phobias in children. PMID- 13811320 TI - Carcinoma developing in areas of adenomyosis. PMID- 13811322 TI - [Frigidity in hysterectomized patients]. PMID- 13811321 TI - [Tumors of the corpus callosum area; on the clinical aspects and pathology of midline gliomas]. PMID- 13811324 TI - [Isolation of a purified substrate for lysozyme from Micrococus lysodeikticus]. PMID- 13811323 TI - [Obtainment of the substrate of lysozyme contained in the ectoplasmic wall of Eberthella typhi]. PMID- 13811325 TI - [A new photometric method of titration of the hemagglutinating power of myxoviruses. II. Theoretical interpretation]. PMID- 13811326 TI - [Obtainment of non-hemagglutinating strains of myxovirus]. PMID- 13811327 TI - [Titration of the hemagglutinating activity and the enzymatic activity of Myxovirus parainfluenzae I (virus Sendai)]. PMID- 13811328 TI - [Filtrable forms of Eberthella typhi obtained by the action of lysozyme]. PMID- 13811329 TI - [Hemagglutination of monkey erythrocytes and infectious hepatitis]. PMID- 13811330 TI - [Effect of lysozyme on the somatic antigen of Eberthella typhi]. PMID- 13811331 TI - [Lysozyme and autarcesis]. PMID- 13811332 TI - [Pityriasis rubra pilaris with post-anginal acute onset, greatly improved by treatment with synthetic vitamin A]. PMID- 13811333 TI - [The articular and rheumatismal lesions of collagenosis]. PMID- 13811334 TI - [Anemias due principally to hemolysis]. PMID- 13811335 TI - [Study of the level of total complement in the course of various blood diseases]. PMID- 13811336 TI - [On the subject of renal carcinomas. Clinico-radiological considerations]. PMID- 13811337 TI - [The so-called dysphagic form of cancer of the lung]. PMID- 13811338 TI - [On diverticulosis of the duodenum. Clinical and radiological contribution]. PMID- 13811339 TI - [Behavior of the tuberculin reaction and the Middlebrook-Dubos (M.D.) hemagglutination test in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis treated with ethylisothioamide (EITA)]. PMID- 13811340 TI - [Displacement of the pacemaker of the turtle heart under the influence of vagal excitation]. PMID- 13811341 TI - [Shifting of the pacemaker in the tortoise heart under the influence of vagal stimulation]. PMID- 13811342 TI - [Our experience with the use of "detectors" in local antiblastic radiotherapy]. PMID- 13811343 TI - [The therapeutic use of methionine methylsulfonium chloride in hepatic insufficiency and in gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13811344 TI - Further research on the isolation of tumour cells in the circulating blood. PMID- 13811345 TI - [Further research on the isolation of tumor cells from circulating blood]. PMID- 13811346 TI - [Anatomo-surgical research on the intrahepatic arterial branches]. PMID- 13811347 TI - [Chloramphenicol glycinate in urological practice]. PMID- 13811348 TI - [Functional exploration of the thyroid in the child by means of I-132 (preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13811349 TI - [On a case of ureteral malformation]. PMID- 13811350 TI - [Relation between type of delivery and neonatal pathology]. PMID- 13811351 TI - [Practical device for the determination of lead pollution of the atmosphere]. PMID- 13811352 TI - [Ultrasonics in the treatment of venous diseases of the lower extremity]. PMID- 13811353 TI - Site of origin of a hyperglycemic substance liberated into the pancreato-duodenal blood by deserpidine injections. PMID- 13811354 TI - [Influence of vitamin K on the formation of Heinz bodies and on erythrocyte resistance in premature infants]. PMID- 13811355 TI - [Considerations on megaesophagus]. PMID- 13811356 TI - [Ligation of the internal mammary artery in angina pectoris]. PMID- 13811357 TI - Enzymes for formation of citrovorum factor in members of the psittacosis group of microorganisms. PMID- 13811358 TI - [The fight against venereal diseases in the province of Algeria during 1958]. PMID- 13811359 TI - [Hepatic coma, its physiopathology and treatment]. PMID- 13811360 TI - [Determination of cerebral and digital circulation by rheographic and plethysmographic methods and its relation to stellate ganglion block with an anesthetic with prolonged action in focal vascular reactions]. PMID- 13811361 TI - [Isolation and identification of a sapogenin from an amole of Caxaca (Manfreda pringlei)]. PMID- 13811363 TI - [Blood coagulation and the coagulogram]. PMID- 13811362 TI - [Histamine and mast cells in the rat lung in survival in vitro]. PMID- 13811364 TI - Human pharmacologic studies with actinomycin P2 (PA 126-P2). PMID- 13811365 TI - [Correction of retractions caused by burns of the axilla. Value of flap rotations in cases of average severity]. PMID- 13811366 TI - [Grave hepatitis in a patient of severe burns grafted by the Mowlem-Jackson method]. PMID- 13811367 TI - [Grave wound of the hand. Cicatricial sequelae]. PMID- 13811368 TI - [Reconstruction of a flexor tendon and its trochleas of reflexion]. PMID- 13811369 TI - [Wound of the hand with complex lesions. Results of a repeated operation]. PMID- 13811370 TI - [Utilization of homografts alternated with autografts in the treatment of large burns. II. Histobiological study]. PMID- 13811371 TI - [Treatment of massive burns. Behavior of skin grafts (auto- and homografts) in the Mowlen-Jackson procedure]. PMID- 13811372 TI - Early carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13811373 TI - Followup report on a case of bilateral papillary carcinoma of the renal pelvis. PMID- 13811374 TI - Followup report on a case of bilateral papillary carcinoma of the renal pelvis. PMID- 13811375 TI - Viral activation of cell response. PMID- 13811376 TI - [Enzymatic activity of glycolysis in the erythrocytes in the course of an experimental hemolytic anemia: phosphoglucomutase, aldolase and enolase activity]. PMID- 13811378 TI - [Anesthesia and intraoperative therapeutic possibilities in surgery of hepatic icterus]. PMID- 13811379 TI - [Anesthetic prognosis in the surgical treatment of prolonged obstructive jaundice: report on 40 cases]. PMID- 13811377 TI - [Observations on the behavior of erythrocytic phosphoglucomutase activity in patients with neoplasms and malignant blood diseases]. PMID- 13811380 TI - [Parenteral therapy of the child in infantile surgery]. PMID- 13811381 TI - [Apropos of the angiographical pathological circles in cerebral abscesses]. PMID- 13811382 TI - [Municipalized pharmacies in the proposed laws on direct appropriation of public services by communes and provinces]. PMID- 13811383 TI - [Sensitivity to DDT of some anopheline species in Sardinia and in continental Italy]. PMID- 13811384 TI - [The pressure of filling of the left ventricle in severe aortic insufficiencies. Its relations with elongation of the auriculoventricular conduction]. PMID- 13811385 TI - Response of the coronary arterial bed to electroshock: an experimental study in dogs. PMID- 13811386 TI - Planning a demonstration night. PMID- 13811387 TI - Standards of practice of internal medicine: methods of judging its quality in hospitals. PMID- 13811388 TI - Acute purulent meningitis due to Clostridium perfringens. Report of a case. PMID- 13811389 TI - Microbiology of shellfish. Bacteriological study of the natural flora of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). PMID- 13811390 TI - Egg membrane lytic activity of sperm extract and its significance in relation to sperm entry in Hydroides hexagonus (Annelida). AB - Previous electron microscope studies indicated that the individual spermatozoon of Hydroides hexagonus forms a hole in the vitelline membrane by means of lysis. Other observations established that the hole is real, being visible in living material during sperm entry. During the present investigation sea water extracts from frozen-thawed sperm were tested for lytic effect on the membrane. In normal living eggs the membrane appears as a single thick envelope, but in electron micrographs of sections it is seen to consist of a narrow outer border layer, a wide principal or middle layer, and a narrow inner border layer. After immersion in sperm extract the outer border layer elevates but does not dissolve, the middle layer liquefies and disappears, and the inner border layer seems not to change. This is interpreted as lysis of the middle layer. The extract exerted the same effect on fertilized and unfertilized eggs. In electron micrographs the sections treated with extract greatly resemble that part of the membrane which has been penetrated by the individual spermatozoon. It is concluded that the individual spermatozoon, too, exerts a lytic effect. Together, the present and two earlier studies are considered clearly to demonstrate that in Hydroides the individual spermatozoon does indeed make an entry hole in the egg membrane by applying lytic material to that part of the membrane in its own vicinity. PMID- 13811391 TI - Formation of sperm entry holes in the vitelline membrane of Hydroides hexagonus (Annelida) and evidence of their lytic origin. AB - Electron micrographs of inseminated eggs of Hydroides hexagonus previously had shown that in the immediate vicinity of the penetrating spermatozoon a small portion of the vitelline membrane regularly was absent, and it had been suggested that this area was a hole made by lytic activity of the individual spermatozoon during the course of its passage through the membrane. This deduction would receive support if it could be established that a sperm entry hole does form in living material. During the present study a hole repeatedly observed and photographed in the membrane of living eggs was found to arise as the spermatozoon penetrated the membrane. Gently compressed eggs formed exovates only through this hole. The holes, and exovates, were not found except at sperm entry sites. It was concluded that this hole is the counterpart of the area from which the membrane is absent in the electron micrographs cited above, and that the spermatozoon makes this hole. In an electron micrograph two spermatozoa which had penetrated the membrane at separate but closely neighboring points now occupy a single hole. It is argued that if each spermatozoon had displaced the membrane mechanically to make its hole, then there should be two holes, with a partition of membrane between them, but if each had eroded the membrane by applying lysin, a single hole should have formed as the eroded areas expanded and finally merged into one. The latter view agrees with the facts of the electron micrograph. It is concluded that lysis is the most probable means by which the individual spermatozoon makes its hole. PMID- 13811392 TI - Principles of nursing care in the management of burns. PMID- 13811393 TI - Radioactivity in foods. PMID- 13811394 TI - [Our experience in the use of a scopolamine derivative combined with an analgesic]. PMID- 13811395 TI - Management of penoscrotal fistulas and/or diverticula. PMID- 13811396 TI - Present day treatment of the traumatic cord neurogenic bladder. PMID- 13811397 TI - Irradiation of the ovaries from the urinary excretion of iodine 131. PMID- 13811398 TI - The sialic acids. I. The structure and enzymatic synthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid. PMID- 13811399 TI - [Pulmonary manifestations of chickenpox during primary tuberculous infection in infants: general data on chickenpox lung]. PMID- 13811400 TI - Conjugation of sulfobromophthalein sodium with glutathione in thioether linkage by the rat. PMID- 13811401 TI - [Value of the measurement of imperceptible weight losses during certain pathological states of childhood]. PMID- 13811402 TI - Sciatic nerve injury in infants. Recognition and prevention of impairment resulting from intragluteal injections. PMID- 13811403 TI - [Influence of gonadotropic hormones in infestation by Trichomonas vaginalis and Paracercobodo hominis in the hypophysectomized rat]. PMID- 13811405 TI - [The measurement of the blood volume and its clinical applications]. PMID- 13811406 TI - Meat inspection. A local necessity. PMID- 13811404 TI - [Apropos of 2 retroplacental hemorrhages in patients with prior cesarean section]. PMID- 13811407 TI - Evoked potential evidence for connections from the cerebellar hemispheres to the sigmoid gyri. PMID- 13811408 TI - Methods used in dietary survey of civilians in Ecuador. PMID- 13811409 TI - Traumatic heart disease as an athletic injury. PMID- 13811410 TI - Cytology of glycogen and lipid storage in the pallium of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). PMID- 13811411 TI - You are what you eat. PMID- 13811412 TI - [Histangic evaluation in corrective dermatology]. PMID- 13811413 TI - Evaluation of bioassay for urinary catechol amines with strips of rabbit aorta. PMID- 13811414 TI - Spectrophotometric assay of capsules of aminophylline, amobarbital, and ephedrine hydrochloride. PMID- 13811415 TI - Longevity and mortality in dogs of four breeds. PMID- 13811416 TI - [Torsion of a fallopian tube]. PMID- 13811417 TI - [Renal injuries]. PMID- 13811419 TI - [Functional signs of right cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13811418 TI - [The treatment of pollakiuric prostatitis]. PMID- 13811420 TI - [The sign of the external jugular portospleno-inferior cava venous reflux]. PMID- 13811421 TI - Phosvitin in the serum of the hen. PMID- 13811422 TI - Replication of tobacco mosaic virus. Kinetics of virus protein and ribonucleic acid biosynthesis. PMID- 13811423 TI - Replication of tobacco mosaic virus. A re-examination of theories. PMID- 13811424 TI - [An unusual congenital malformation of the nose, palate and facial bone group (a case of cebocephalia)]. PMID- 13811425 TI - [Polycystic kidney. Considerations on 20 cases]. PMID- 13811427 TI - [Preliminary research on the transaminase activity of bovine sera in health and in various disease processes]. PMID- 13811426 TI - [Clinical and diagnostic aspects of renal lithiasis]. PMID- 13811428 TI - The prosthetic education program at Northwestern University Medical School. PMID- 13811429 TI - Management of orthopedic problems: hints to the general practitioner. PMID- 13811430 TI - Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire. PMID- 13811431 TI - Radiologic findings in otosclerosis. PMID- 13811432 TI - The radiologic evaluation of Eustachian tube function. PMID- 13811433 TI - The duffy blood group system in transfusion reactions: a reviw of the literature and report of four cases. PMID- 13811434 TI - Waste disposal without air pollution. PMID- 13811436 TI - Thrombo-embolism, a dangerous condition. PMID- 13811435 TI - A public health perspective on fluoridation. PMID- 13811437 TI - Antituberculosis agents-IV. Some dihydrostreptomycin derivatives. PMID- 13811438 TI - Antituberculosis agents. V. Streptidine-beta-hexosides and related compounds. PMID- 13811439 TI - Antituberculosis agents. VI. Streptidine-oxyethyl beta-D-glucopyranoside. PMID- 13811440 TI - [Influence of the reciprocal effect of the thyroid gland and gonads on the functional status of the thymus gland]. PMID- 13811442 TI - Effect of adrenalectomy on the hormone content of the thymus in the rat. PMID- 13811441 TI - [Substitute therapy of the thymoprivous state in guinea pigs with the aid of a purified extract from human tonsils]. PMID- 13811443 TI - Influence of the thymus upon the egg-white allergy in the rat. PMID- 13811444 TI - [Influence of a purified thymus extract on the action of insulin on the rat diaphragm]. PMID- 13811446 TI - [Influence of the pituitary glands on the content of active principle in the thymus of the rat]. PMID- 13811445 TI - [Influence of a purifiedthymus extract on the action of desoxycorticosterone on glucose utilization of the rat diaphragm]. PMID- 13811447 TI - Dopa oxidase activity in differential diagnosis of amelanotic melanoma tissue. PMID- 13811448 TI - [Apropos of 42 cases of so-called juvenile arteritis]. PMID- 13811450 TI - The Sacramento Street project. PMID- 13811449 TI - [Radiosurgical and surgical treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix at the Centre Anti-Cancereux du Maroc]. PMID- 13811451 TI - A timed vital capacity recording device. PMID- 13811452 TI - [Variations in glucose consumption during muscular effort]. PMID- 13811453 TI - [Measurement of the free glucose diffusion space in man]. PMID- 13811455 TI - [Diaphragmatic hernia in early infancy (anatomo-clinical and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13811454 TI - [Relations between serum glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase levels and hyperbilirubinemia in the first days of life. Experimental contribution]. PMID- 13811456 TI - [Clinico-statistical contribution on prenatal infections]. PMID- 13811457 TI - [Primary acute myocarditis in childhood. Considerations on a case of probable parotitic etiology]. PMID- 13811458 TI - [Behavior of properdin in the first days of life. Study by bacteriophage neutralization]. PMID- 13811459 TI - The extent of intracranial gliomata at autopsy and its relationship to techniques used in radiation therapy of brain tumors. PMID- 13811460 TI - [Fatal hypoglycemia. Clinico-pathological study]. PMID- 13811461 TI - Mammalian glycosidases. 2. Properties of alpha-mannosidase and beta-galactosidase from rat epididymis. PMID- 13811462 TI - Localization of beta-glucuronidase in normal and cancer cells. PMID- 13811463 TI - Glycosidases in the mammalian alimentary tract. PMID- 13811464 TI - [Giant leiomyoma of the stomach with initial sarcomatous transformation]. PMID- 13811465 TI - [Retroperitoneal tumors. Considerations on a case of myxomatoid fibroma]. PMID- 13811466 TI - [Crenoclimatic therapy in childhood and puberty]. PMID- 13811467 TI - [Pathology of painful pes planus and balneary treatment]. PMID- 13811468 TI - [A case of chondroma of the larynx]. PMID- 13811469 TI - [Gynecography: its usefulness as an examination procedure]. PMID- 13811470 TI - Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: its production, prevention, and pathology as studied by light and electron microscopy. PMID- 13811471 TI - Studies on the folic acid vitamins. VI. The effect of amethopterin on erythropoiesis in man. PMID- 13811472 TI - Effects of large infrequent doses of a-methopterin on acute leukemia in children. PMID- 13811473 TI - Some effects of S,2-aminoethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) in man. PMID- 13811474 TI - Studies on the folic acid vitamins. II. The acute toxicity of amethopterin in man. PMID- 13811476 TI - Fractionation of bovine thyrotrophin and luteinizing hormone on cellulose ion exchange columns. PMID- 13811475 TI - Studies on the folic acid vitamins. III. The duration of the effects of the folic acid antagonists in man. PMID- 13811477 TI - On the existence of multiple forms of bovine thyrotrophin. PMID- 13811478 TI - Problems in establishing a new medicolegal system. PMID- 13811479 TI - Functional infundibular stenosis treated by cyclopropane anaesthesia. PMID- 13811480 TI - Guardsman stripe grafts in the treatment of a case of recurrent breakdown in circumferential skin grafts on a limb. PMID- 13811481 TI - [Peripheral vascular receptors with respiratory effects]. PMID- 13811482 TI - [Therapy of cardio-respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13811483 TI - [Selective chromohemodromography in the diagnosis of left-sided short-circuits]. PMID- 13811484 TI - [Experimental research on the influence of some drugs with neurovegetative action on the portal circulation in the dog. III. Action of pilocarpine]. PMID- 13811485 TI - [Hemodynamic variations induced by blood-letting. The behavior of the peripheral rheogram in a group of blood donors]. PMID- 13811486 TI - [Peripheral vascular receptors. On the vascular sensitivity of the internal carotid artery beyond the chest]. PMID- 13811487 TI - [On the influence of some drugs with neurovegetative action on the portal circulation in the dog. IV. Action of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Experimental research]. PMID- 13811488 TI - The period of functional closure of the foramen ovale and the ductus botalli in the human newborn. PMID- 13811489 TI - A study of hypnotics in normal subjects with induced awakening. PMID- 13811490 TI - [On the psychotherapy of male impotence]. PMID- 13811491 TI - [On the psychotherapy of male impotence]. PMID- 13811492 TI - [The psychotherapeutic encounter with guilt and guilt feelings]. PMID- 13811493 TI - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (case report). PMID- 13811494 TI - Coronary artery disease. PMID- 13811495 TI - The failure of anticoagulant therapy to prevent coronary thrombosis after long term use and in impending myocardial infarction (with case reports). PMID- 13811496 TI - [Contribution to the study of plasma fibrinolytic activity and of several blood coagulation factors in relation to thoracic surgical operations]. PMID- 13811497 TI - [Hepatic function and blood coagulation in the course of experimental intestinal infarct]. PMID- 13811498 TI - [The behavior of diastase in the blood and urine of patients with gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13811499 TI - [Effects of prostatectomy on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13811500 TI - Iatrogenesis pediatrica: introductory remarks. PMID- 13811501 TI - Other common problems of an iatrogenic nature. PMID- 13811503 TI - [Chronoresistance in vitro of leukocytes in the plasma of subjects studied during reactions due to total blood transfusion]. PMID- 13811502 TI - [Priapism (apropos of a case of idiopathic priapism)]. PMID- 13811505 TI - Cancer of the colon. PMID- 13811504 TI - Experimental applications of bone marrow transplantation. PMID- 13811506 TI - Dentists' stick wax: a cover-sealing compound for temporary slides. PMID- 13811507 TI - Personality factors in motor vehicle accidents. PMID- 13811508 TI - [On various methods of extracting the proteins from rat liver mitochondria]. PMID- 13811509 TI - Oxidation to C14O2 and conversion to fatty acids of C14-glucose in livers of normal, fasted and x-irradiated rats. PMID- 13811510 TI - Intestinal absorption of C14-palmitic acid and C14-tripalmitin in the rat. PMID- 13811511 TI - [Cytostatics and trophoblast. Effect of ethyleneiminoquinone on the mouse placenta]. PMID- 13811512 TI - Stenosing tenosynovitis and its possible relation to the carpal tunnel syndrome. PMID- 13811513 TI - Lateral radiography of the scapula with patient supine. PMID- 13811514 TI - A case of sporotrichosis confused as cat-scratch fever. PMID- 13811515 TI - Management of arterial injuries to lower extremity. PMID- 13811516 TI - Collateral arterial circulation in the legs. PMID- 13811517 TI - Surgical treatment of cancer of the ear and temporal bone. PMID- 13811518 TI - The surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the ear and temporal bone. Part I. PMID- 13811519 TI - Swallowing dysfunctions associated with radical surgery of the head and neck. PMID- 13811520 TI - Vocal rehabilitation by autogenous vein graft. PMID- 13811521 TI - Anaesthesia with hypothermia for closure of atrial septal defects in children. PMID- 13811523 TI - Rate of change in myocardial glycogen and lactic acid following arrest of coronary circulation. PMID- 13811522 TI - Anaesthesia for ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in children. PMID- 13811524 TI - Acute effects of quinidine on K exchange and distribution in the dog ventricle. PMID- 13811525 TI - Sodium exchange and distribution in the isolated heart of the normal dog. PMID- 13811526 TI - Use of indicator-dilution curves in the evaluation of acquired heart disease. PMID- 13811527 TI - Ammonia tolerance in liver disease. PMID- 13811528 TI - Effect of heparin on the blood ammonia determination. PMID- 13811529 TI - Immunological studies with hamstermelanoma. PMID- 13811530 TI - Certain principles concerning the use of hypnosis in anesthesiology. PMID- 13811531 TI - The use and abuse of medical hypnosis. PMID- 13811532 TI - Evolution of primary aldosteronism as a highly specific clinical entity. PMID- 13811533 TI - The laboratory evaluation of hemolytic disease. PMID- 13811534 TI - Ventricular aneurysm. PMID- 13811535 TI - A pulsating epigastric mass due to perforation of a tuberculous pericardial abscess through the diaphragm. PMID- 13811536 TI - [Advantages and disadvantages of a "disposable" bubble oxygenator (Rygg-Kyvsgaard apparatus)]. PMID- 13811537 TI - Serotonin, bananas, and diarrhoea. AB - From previous studies on serotonin it seemed possible that it might play a major role in determining the rhythm of the bowel in man. This hypothesis was tested, with negative results, by observing the effect of giving bananas, a rich natural source of serotonin, to normal subjects and by measuring the excretion of 5 hydroxyindolacetic acid in patients with diarrhoea. PMID- 13811538 TI - Intraluminal pressures in the pelvic colon. PMID- 13811539 TI - The incidence of hepatomas in irradiated and non-irradiated CBA male mice as a criterion of ageing. PMID- 13811540 TI - Development of a new fibrinolytic enzyme and its use in surgical lesions. PMID- 13811541 TI - Indications for and application of debricin ficus protease. PMID- 13811542 TI - Studies on the proteins of fish skeletal muscle. 7. Denaturation and aggregation of cod myosin. PMID- 13811543 TI - [Use of anticoagulants in coronary disease]. PMID- 13811544 TI - Electrophoretic studies on cytochrome oxidase. PMID- 13811545 TI - Inhibition of growth of Tetrahymena piriformis by certain steroids. PMID- 13811546 TI - Biochemical pharmacological considerations of zoxazolamine and chlorzoxazone metabolism. PMID- 13811547 TI - Physiological disposition and metabolic fate of chlorzoxazone (paraflex) in man. PMID- 13811548 TI - Stimulatory effect of foreign compounds on ascorbic acid biosynthesis and on drug metabolizing enzymes. PMID- 13811549 TI - Adaptive increases in drug-metabolizing enzymes induced by phenobarbital and other drugs. PMID- 13811550 TI - Induced synthesis of liver microsomal enzymes which metabolize foreign compounds. AB - The administration of 3,4-benzpyrene to rats markedly increases the activities of certain liver microsomal enzymes which metabolize foreign compounds. Evidence based on studies of enzyme induction is presented which suggests the presence in liver microsomes of several enzymes which can catalyze the same type of reaction. PMID- 13811551 TI - The metabolic fate of zoxazolamine (flexin) in man. PMID- 13811552 TI - Chronic idiopathic pericardial effusion without tamponade. PMID- 13811553 TI - The effect of venoarterial bypass on coronary blood flow. PMID- 13811554 TI - Intestinal adhesions. Present status of prevention and treatment. PMID- 13811555 TI - The differentiation of aneurysm and mediastinal tumor. PMID- 13811556 TI - Left ventricular puncture in the assessment of aortic stenosis. PMID- 13811557 TI - The use of adrenal cortical compounds in hemorrhagic shock. PMID- 13811558 TI - A carcinoid tumour in a rectal polyp. PMID- 13811559 TI - Experience with sustained analeptic therapy in geriatric rehabilitation. PMID- 13811560 TI - Opinions of some teachers regarding their work with trainable children: implications for teacher education. PMID- 13811561 TI - Mrs. Mary E. Irish, 1864-1959. PMID- 13811562 TI - The search for new weapons of life. PMID- 13811563 TI - Unilateral renal disease as a cause of hypertension: its detection by ureteral catheterization studies. PMID- 13811565 TI - Complications of Meckel's diverticulum encountered in adult life. PMID- 13811564 TI - The removal of lipoprotein lipase from the blood by the normal and diseased liver. PMID- 13811566 TI - [Health education in rural environments in dark Africa]. PMID- 13811567 TI - Mitochondrial oxidation of extra-mitochondrial TPNH1 mediated by purified DT diaphorase. PMID- 13811568 TI - The protean manifestations of histoplasmosis as illustrated in twenty-three cases. PMID- 13811569 TI - Effects of auxin and gibberellic acid on growth of Ulothrix. PMID- 13811570 TI - A study of membrane resting and action potentials of dystrophic mammalian muscle. Effects of electrolyte alterations. PMID- 13811571 TI - [Gestalt analysis in psychiatric research]. PMID- 13811573 TI - The influence of boundary conditions on the amplitude of R and other accession potentials in leads from the ventricular wall. PMID- 13811572 TI - [The problem of "nosological unity" in psychiatry]. PMID- 13811574 TI - Massive nitrogen mustard therapy in Hodgkin's disease with protection of bone marrow by tourniquets. PMID- 13811575 TI - Novobiocin jaundice: demonstration of a hemolytic state. PMID- 13811576 TI - Errors of immediate memory. PMID- 13811577 TI - Serial order intrusions in immediate memory. PMID- 13811578 TI - [A contribution to the genesis of recurrent lid edema in children]. PMID- 13811579 TI - [Regenerative changes of corneal innervation]. PMID- 13811580 TI - [The influence of resochin on animal experimental uveitis]. PMID- 13811581 TI - [The innervation of normal and paralyzed external ocular muscle]. PMID- 13811582 TI - [Some considerations on the nuclear and cellular dimensions of the red cells of Tinca vulgaris, Cyprinus carpio and Barbus plebeius]. PMID- 13811583 TI - [The growth of anaerobes in a chicken broth with rice]. PMID- 13811584 TI - The challenge of housing for the aged in San Antonio. PMID- 13811585 TI - Emergency management of maxillo-facial injuries. PMID- 13811586 TI - [Serotonin and protein metabolism, psychotic state and medicamentous therapy of psychosis]. PMID- 13811587 TI - [Anatomo-pathological basis of modern surgery of cancer of the rectum]. PMID- 13811588 TI - Energy requirements of military personnel during basic training. PMID- 13811589 TI - Physiological measurements. For use in the study of metabolic functions. PMID- 13811590 TI - Food consumption of military personnel performing light activities in a hot desert environment. PMID- 13811591 TI - [On a case of leukemic infiltration of the synovial membrane of the knee]. PMID- 13811592 TI - [Action of cytotrophic substances and of ATP on gastric ulcer from ligation of the pylorus]. PMID- 13811593 TI - [Review of the pharmacodynamic property of atropine on the cardiovascular apparatus]. PMID- 13811594 TI - [Experimental research on the action of corticoids and of ACTH on normal bone marrow activity]. PMID- 13811595 TI - Psittacosis elementary bodies. PMID- 13811596 TI - Parkinson's disease: its challenge and outlook. PMID- 13811597 TI - [Is the "free" or "normal" diet in treatment of the diabetic harmless?]. PMID- 13811598 TI - [On the differential diagnosis of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13811599 TI - Observations on the centrifugal segregation of young erythrocytes: a possible method of genotyping the transfused patient. PMID- 13811601 TI - The effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors on urinary excretion of citrate by humans. PMID- 13811600 TI - [Frontal surgery for pain]. PMID- 13811602 TI - A simple optical aid for obtaining calibration curves in tonography. PMID- 13811604 TI - [Music as an adjuvant to premedication in general anesthesia]. PMID- 13811603 TI - [Introduction of an R.P.R. respirator in Madagascar]. PMID- 13811605 TI - [Soda lime: complications of its use overseas]. PMID- 13811606 TI - [Anatomo-clinical aspects of broncholithiasis]. PMID- 13811607 TI - Influence of carbachol and of fine dust aerosols upon the breathing mechanics and the lung volumes of normal subjects and of patients with chronic respiratory disease before and after administering sympathomimetic aerosols. PMID- 13811608 TI - [Contribution to the study of the assay of Digitalis purpurea leaves]. PMID- 13811609 TI - [Traumatic hemoperitoneum of obscure origin]. PMID- 13811610 TI - [Experimental rabies infection in the Syrian hamster]. PMID- 13811611 TI - Inhibition of progress of preestablished atherosclerosis by diethylstilbesterol in the rabbit. PMID- 13811612 TI - Human hyperlipaemia and hypercholesterolaemia: rapid correction with a sulphated polymannuronide. PMID- 13811613 TI - [Blood proteins in different psychoses of old age]. PMID- 13811614 TI - A simple automatic stimulation timer. PMID- 13811615 TI - What happens at the bargaining table? PMID- 13811617 TI - [Porto-caval encephalopathyl]. PMID- 13811616 TI - [Medio-tarsal osteoarthropathy caused by diabetic neuropathy]. PMID- 13811619 TI - [The duty of preparation for delivery]. PMID- 13811618 TI - [Preparation for labor by the synergistic action of vitamin E and progesterone]. PMID- 13811620 TI - [The duty of preparation for labor]. PMID- 13811621 TI - [On a case of Kippel-Feil syndrome]. PMID- 13811622 TI - [The use of chlorpromazine in the therapy of whooping cough]. PMID- 13811623 TI - [Differentiation of amenorrheas of short duration]. PMID- 13811624 TI - [The action of depot hormones in the treatment of the climacteric syndrome]. PMID- 13811625 TI - [A case of melitococcal spondylitis]. PMID- 13811627 TI - The state psychiatric hospitals and the state medical association: a plan for cooperative efforts. PMID- 13811626 TI - The occupational therapist as a therapist. PMID- 13811628 TI - Preliminary study on the kinetics of 32P incorporation into protein and riboncleic acid of HeLa cells infected with poliovirus. PMID- 13811629 TI - [Contribution to the study of isolated fractures of the pyramidal bone]. PMID- 13811630 TI - [The stimulation of long bone growth as a method for correcting inequality in the length of the lower extremities in poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13811631 TI - [Transaminase and phosphoglucomutase activity of the blood of the coronary venous sinus after experimental myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13811633 TI - [Plasma somatotropin variations after intra-pituitary implantation of radioactive substances]. PMID- 13811632 TI - [Study of thyroid function and of the metabolism of thyroxin in some cases of secondary male hypogonadism of eunuchoid type]. PMID- 13811634 TI - [Tests of adrenal cortex function in male hypogonadism]. PMID- 13811635 TI - [Experiences with a test for the evaluation of plasma somatotropin activity in various hypo- and hyperpituitary states]. PMID- 13811636 TI - [Elliptocythemic disease. II. Associated ellipto-drepanocytosis]. PMID- 13811637 TI - Present health of children given x-ray treatment to the anterior mediastinum in infancy. PMID- 13811638 TI - [On a case of melorheostosis]. PMID- 13811639 TI - Electron microscopy of ultrathin sections of Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. II. Morphological and cytological changes preceding ascospore formation. PMID- 13811640 TI - Electron microscopy of ultrathin sections of Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. III. Ascosporogenesis, ascospore structure, and germination. PMID- 13811641 TI - Study of life-cycle of Schizosaccharomyces octosporus by means of ultra-thin sectioning and electron microscopy. PMID- 13811642 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of Crosti and Gianotti's dermatosis of the exposed extremities]. PMID- 13811643 TI - Kinetics of bacterial growth: relationship between population density and specific growth rate of continuous cultures. PMID- 13811644 TI - [The vertebro-vertebral collateral circulation in obliteration of the subclavian artery at its origin]. PMID- 13811645 TI - [Epidemiological differences between Madrid and Barcelona and the rest of the provinces affected with leprosy]. PMID- 13811646 TI - [Treatment of dermatomycoses with griseofulvin]. PMID- 13811647 TI - [Anatomoclinical study of pleuropneumonias in infancy]. PMID- 13811648 TI - [Ideas on a possible masculine sterility caused by antibodies]. PMID- 13811649 TI - On two cases of generalized malignant histiomonocytic reticulosis. PMID- 13811650 TI - The campaign against leprosy in Venezuela. PMID- 13811651 TI - An introduction to the principles of ethics. PMID- 13811652 TI - Effective artificial respiration. PMID- 13811653 TI - Tranquilizers: their use and abuse. PMID- 13811654 TI - Sore throat after anaesthesia. PMID- 13811655 TI - Some pharmacological properties of a commercial heart extract. PMID- 13811656 TI - The location and origin of gastric urease. PMID- 13811657 TI - Critical energy barriers in the excretion of sodium. PMID- 13811658 TI - Principles underlying the exchanges of K and Na ions across cell membranes. PMID- 13811659 TI - Differential diagnosis of keloids and hypertrophic scars by tissue culture technique with notes on therapy of keloids by surgical excision and decadron. PMID- 13811660 TI - Observations on the behavior of human keloids in vitro. PMID- 13811661 TI - Hemodynamic and hypotensive effects of long-term therapy with chlorothiazide. PMID- 13811662 TI - The nature of the increased peripheral resistance in hypertension. PMID- 13811663 TI - The use and risk of the Roux-en-Y anastomosis in the relief of post-gastrectomy symptoms. PMID- 13811664 TI - Assortative mating and reciprocal difference in the blue-snow goose complex. PMID- 13811665 TI - Immunity to diphtheria in U. S. soliders. PMID- 13811666 TI - Surgical emergencies at sea. PMID- 13811667 TI - Bursitis and post-traumatic lesions: management with combined use of ultrasound and intra-articular hydrocortisone. PMID- 13811668 TI - Significant early manifestations of pulmonary disease. PMID- 13811669 TI - Development of union interest in medical programs. PMID- 13811670 TI - The antagonism of the antibacterial action of mercury compounds. Part I. The antibacterial activity of mercuric chloride. PMID- 13811671 TI - The antagonism of the antibacterial action of mercury compounds. Part II. Factors affecting the action of mercuric chloride. PMID- 13811672 TI - The antagonism of the antibacterial action of mercury compounds. Part V. Quantitative aspects of the antagonism of the antibacterial action of mercuric chloride. PMID- 13811673 TI - The stability of thioglycollate solutions. II. Miscellaneous factors associated with the oxidation and stability. PMID- 13811674 TI - Effects of hypothalamic lesions on endocrine activity in female rats. PMID- 13811676 TI - Thoughts of a new president. PMID- 13811675 TI - Sacral epidurography. PMID- 13811677 TI - The swollen optic disc. PMID- 13811678 TI - Respiration and respiration and respiratory problems of the newborn infant. PMID- 13811679 TI - Pulmonary physiology in children. III. Lungvolumes, mechanics of respiration and respiratory muscle strength in scoliosis. PMID- 13811680 TI - Water and electrolyte economy in newborn infants of diabetic mothers. PMID- 13811681 TI - Ward management in a state hospital. PMID- 13811682 TI - One hospital's formula for training dietary aides. PMID- 13811683 TI - The significance of gall bladder deformities. PMID- 13811684 TI - Studies on synovial tissue. 7. Concentrations of creatine and phosphocreatine in synovial tissue. PMID- 13811685 TI - Chemical studies on a factor which induces resistance to an isologous tumor in an inbred strain of mice. PMID- 13811686 TI - Isolation of bacteriophages for the detection of Corynebacterium insidiosum, agent of bacterial wilt of alfalfa. PMID- 13811687 TI - Growth factor relationships of soil microorganisms as affected by proximity to the plant root. PMID- 13811688 TI - Chylothorax: a complication of translumbar aortography. PMID- 13811689 TI - Adenocarcinoma of the appendix: a report of two cases. PMID- 13811690 TI - A comparative evaluation of the histological demonstration of mucin. PMID- 13811692 TI - Current views on tuberculosis from the standpoint of the small hospital or clinic. PMID- 13811691 TI - Physics and the radiographer. PMID- 13811693 TI - Giant cell reparative granuloma. PMID- 13811694 TI - Oral tuberculous ulceration. PMID- 13811695 TI - Toxoplasma in Queensland. III. A preliminary survey of animal hosts. PMID- 13811696 TI - Toxoplasma in Queensland. IV. Serological surveys of the human population. PMID- 13811697 TI - Demonstrable deficiency of Christmas factor in two sisters. PMID- 13811698 TI - Mild haemophilia and Christmas disease: a laboratory study. PMID- 13811699 TI - A report on three cases of innominate aneurysm. PMID- 13811700 TI - Some aspects of reconstructive surgery in leprosy. PMID- 13811701 TI - The paralysed bladder. The residual urine in bladder rehabilitation. PMID- 13811702 TI - The relationship of spinal cord damage to cervical spinal injury. PMID- 13811703 TI - Combined radiation and nitrogen mustrad therapy in Hodgkin's disease as compared with radiation therapy alone. PMID- 13811704 TI - Visceral displacement in black bears subjected to abrupt deceleration. PMID- 13811705 TI - Peculiar familial and malignant pheochromocytomas of the organs of Zuckerkandl. PMID- 13811706 TI - Supplementary report: Prompting versus confirmation in paired-associate learning. PMID- 13811707 TI - Dose relationships and oxygen dependence in ultraviolet and photodynamic hemolysis. PMID- 13811708 TI - Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine as conditioned stimuli for avoidance behavior. AB - Conditioned leg-flexion responses in dogs were developed with electric shock as an unconditioned stimulus and intestinal stimulation or the effects of injections of various drugs as conditioned stimuli. It is concluded that physiological effects can play a role in the development and maintenance of conditioned avoidance behavior. PMID- 13811709 TI - Radioactive labelling of lepidoperous larvae: a method of estimating late larval and pupal mortality in the wild. PMID- 13811710 TI - Role of Eaton agent in disease of lower respiratory tract: evidence for infection in adults. PMID- 13811711 TI - The effects of thyrotoxicosis upon the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. PMID- 13811712 TI - The chemical analysis of fossil bone: individual variation. PMID- 13811714 TI - The gingivae. PMID- 13811713 TI - Gastroschisis: a method of treatment. PMID- 13811715 TI - Complications encountered in the treatment of cancer of the mouth. PMID- 13811716 TI - Observations on the third stage of labour with reference to the mode of placental expulsion. PMID- 13811718 TI - Duplication of distal colon. Report of a case and its surgical correction. PMID- 13811717 TI - The location of renin in the rabbit kidney. PMID- 13811719 TI - Incomitant squint. PMID- 13811721 TI - Infection in our hospitals. PMID- 13811722 TI - Tricuspid atresia: a case report of a 51 year old woman treated by an extracardiac shunt. PMID- 13811720 TI - Recurrent Mikulicz's aphthae treated with topical hydrocortisone hemisuccinate sodium. Double-blind controlled clinical trial. PMID- 13811723 TI - The chromatography of serum proteins on cellulose ion exchange columns. PMID- 13811724 TI - Principles of therapy in human hypersensitiveness; historical document. PMID- 13811725 TI - Research in the field of allergy. PMID- 13811726 TI - The relationship of acidosis and growth retardation. PMID- 13811727 TI - Clinical and experimental interrelations of sodium and the central nervous system. PMID- 13811728 TI - Aldosterone and potassium metabolism. PMID- 13811729 TI - The problem of water intoxication in pediatrics and surgery. PMID- 13811730 TI - Symposium on carcinoma of the rectum. The "hopeless case". PMID- 13811731 TI - An ecological life history of Aureobasidium pullulans (De Bary) Arnaud. PMID- 13811732 TI - Multiple endocrine adenoma syndrome. AB - The case history of a 40-year-old woman with a fatal haemorrhage from a duodenal ulcer, jejunitis, renal lithiasis, hypertrophy of the adrenal glands, multiple adenomas of the pancreas, and three adenomas of both the parathyroid and pituitary glands is reported. Though there was histological evidence, in the bones, of hyperparathyroidism, the serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, and phosphatase and the urinary excretion of calcium were normal. The significance of low calcium and high phosphorus excretion in the urine as an indication of parathyroid disorder is discussed."Multiple endocrine adenoma syndrome" is suggested as the appropriate designation for the clinical disorders in which adenomas of one or more endocrine glands are associated with disorders of the alimentary tract when patients present with recurrent peptic ulceration, pancreatic dysfunction, or watery diarrhoea. PMID- 13811733 TI - Malabsorption syndrome: pathogenesis. PMID- 13811734 TI - Rehabilitation and resettlement of disabled people: the hospital services. PMID- 13811735 TI - Recurrent mitral stenosis after mitral valvotomy. Surgical considerations. PMID- 13811736 TI - Ventricular aneurysm following myocardial infarction: results of surgical treatment. PMID- 13811737 TI - Results of surgical treatment of atrial septal defects. Particular consideration of low defects including ostium primum and atrioventricular canal. PMID- 13811738 TI - Femoral arteriovenous fistula creation in the treatment of the short leg. Experience with seven cases. PMID- 13811739 TI - Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. PMID- 13811740 TI - Diagnostic accuracy of the barium enema study in carcinoma of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13811741 TI - Acquired syphilis of the stomach. Report of two cases. PMID- 13811742 TI - School phobia in adolescence: a manifestation of severe character disturbance. PMID- 13811743 TI - A micro calcium method accurate in the presence of magnesium and phosphate. PMID- 13811744 TI - Irradiation damage to the bowel. PMID- 13811745 TI - Small-bowel obstruction following antecolic partial gastrectomy. PMID- 13811746 TI - Hemispherical photography in studies of plants. PMID- 13811747 TI - The reaction of bases with chloroform. PMID- 13811748 TI - A theory of data. PMID- 13811749 TI - The effects of roentgen rays on the heart--a clinical study in children. PMID- 13811750 TI - A correlated study of intensity-duration curves and terminal neuronal reinnervation of muscle. PMID- 13811751 TI - Race and ecology in man. PMID- 13811753 TI - Some epidemiologic considerations of thromboembolism. PMID- 13811752 TI - Clinicopathologic correlation in thromboembolism. PMID- 13811754 TI - Anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13811755 TI - Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: prediction, prevention and treatment. PMID- 13811756 TI - Limiting factors in maximal utilization of intravenous glucose by the postoperative patient. I. Thiamine deficiency. PMID- 13811757 TI - Clinical evaluation of effect of premarin on bleeding during and following prostatic surgery. PMID- 13811758 TI - Studies on thrombopoiesis. 1. Effect of a dialyzable spleen preparation on the thrombocyte level. PMID- 13811760 TI - Interpersonal relations. PMID- 13811759 TI - A case of chronic subdural haematoma. PMID- 13811761 TI - Antibodies and antigens labelled with fluorescein. PMID- 13811762 TI - The diagnostic application of fluorescent antibodies. PMID- 13811763 TI - Disappearance of avoidance responding during continued training. PMID- 13811764 TI - Significance of electroencephalographic changes occurring during cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13811765 TI - Neptazane in glaucoma. A preliminary clinical report. PMID- 13811766 TI - Removal of Elschnig's pearls. PMID- 13811767 TI - Sedatives in pneumonia and bronchitis. PMID- 13811768 TI - Illustrations and reports of late effects of radiation. PMID- 13811769 TI - The contribution of radiotherapy to the problem of skin cancer in Queensland. PMID- 13811770 TI - Thrombocytopenia associated with the administration of diethylstilbestrol in man. PMID- 13811771 TI - Sequential mechanisms in the enhanced absorption of vitamin B12 by intrinsic factor in the rat. PMID- 13811773 TI - Treatment of acne vulgaris with esidrix-KCl. Preliminary report. PMID- 13811772 TI - The stimulation of adenosine triphosphatase in submitochondrial particles by sulfhydryl reagents. PMID- 13811774 TI - Effect of ACTH on the plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels (Porter Silber) in normotensive patients. PMID- 13811775 TI - Stimulatory action of adrenal medulla and catecholamines upon hydroxylation of steroids by adrenocortical homogenates. PMID- 13811776 TI - Illnesses and health service utilization by foreign and American university students. A preliminary study. PMID- 13811777 TI - A bag for measuring respiratory volumes. PMID- 13811778 TI - On the efficiency of intragastric oxygen. PMID- 13811779 TI - A comparison of the respiratory work done against an external resistance by man and by a sine-wave pump. PMID- 13811780 TI - The estimation of minute volume. PMID- 13811781 TI - The effects of ionizing radiation on rat thoracic-duct lymphocytes in vitro. PMID- 13811782 TI - New problems and advances in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular relationships. PMID- 13811784 TI - Transaxillary transpleural sympathectomy for the upper extremity. PMID- 13811783 TI - The treatment of cardiac emergencies. PMID- 13811785 TI - Varicose veins. PMID- 13811786 TI - Minimizing the genetic hazard of medical radiation. PMID- 13811787 TI - Radiation therapy of benign conditions. PMID- 13811788 TI - An immunologic comparison of cell components of Shigella dysenteriae type 2. PMID- 13811790 TI - Experimental shigellosis in mice. I. Chronic infection with Shigella dysenteriae type 2. PMID- 13811789 TI - Experimental shigellosis in mice. II. Immunological responses to Shigella dysenteriae type 2 infection. PMID- 13811791 TI - Atherogenesis and its relation to diabetes. PMID- 13811792 TI - Problems in application of the basic criteria of schizophrenia. PMID- 13811793 TI - Neurosurgical alleviation of intention tremor of multiple sclerosis and cerebellar disease. PMID- 13811794 TI - Neurosurgical relief of intention tremor due to cerebellar disease and multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13811795 TI - Results of 1,000 consecutive basal ganglia operations for parkinsonism. PMID- 13811797 TI - Some major factors involved in reconstructing the medical curriculum; factors of future significance which may lead to further changes. PMID- 13811796 TI - Syncopal attacks relieved by meprobamate: report of a woman with heart block and aortic stenosis. PMID- 13811798 TI - Functions, responsibilities, organization and staffing in the engineering department. PMID- 13811799 TI - Tripelennamine aqueous jelly two per cent. Its use for topical anesthesia of the urethra. PMID- 13811800 TI - Early and occult depressions: their importance in general practice. PMID- 13811801 TI - The possible biochemical lesion in blindness due to methanol poisoning. PMID- 13811803 TI - The effect of chlortetracycline on the immune response. II. Influence on development of protective antibodies after vaccination with a live, avirulent strain of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. PMID- 13811802 TI - Cytogenetic analysis of major heterochromatic elements (especially Xh and Y) in Drosophila melanogaster, and the theory of "heterochromatin". PMID- 13811804 TI - Further studies on Clostridium chauvoei infections and immunity in laboratory animals. PMID- 13811806 TI - The bulk growth of animal cells in continuous suspension culture. PMID- 13811805 TI - A transmissible interfering component of vesicular stomatitis virus preparations. PMID- 13811807 TI - Spatial and temporal characteristics of the alpha rhythm: a toposcopic analysis. PMID- 13811808 TI - A simple electrode selector system. PMID- 13811809 TI - An ambiguity of bipolar recording. PMID- 13811810 TI - Objective measures of perception in schizophrenics and normals. PMID- 13811811 TI - Blood and cerebrospinal fluid glucose in the fasting state. PMID- 13811812 TI - Diffuse endomyocardial sclerosis: report of a case. PMID- 13811813 TI - Effect of prophylactic digitalization on myocardial function after elective cardiac arrest. PMID- 13811814 TI - Myocardial function after elective cardiac arrest during hypothermia. PMID- 13811815 TI - Use of cardiotonic agent (mephentermine) in myocardial depression due to potassium. PMID- 13811816 TI - Disposable closed drainage sets in urology. PMID- 13811817 TI - Coccygodynia. An analysis of one hundred cases. PMID- 13811818 TI - Distribution of radioactive and nonradioactive vitamin B12 in the dog. PMID- 13811819 TI - Transverse presentation due to bladder distension. Report of a case. PMID- 13811820 TI - Self-esteem and need achievement as determinants of selective recall and repetition. PMID- 13811821 TI - [First experiences with trans-sternal phlebography of the internal mammary vein]. PMID- 13811823 TI - [Occupational rehabilitation and the placement of pulmonary tuberculotics in the Lyon region]. PMID- 13811822 TI - Granulomatous peritonitis caused by ascaris ova. PMID- 13811824 TI - Respiratory responses to intravenous sodium cyanide, a function of the oxygen cyanide relationship. PMID- 13811825 TI - The hydrocortisone production in late pregnancy. PMID- 13811826 TI - The reliability of some adrenal function tests. PMID- 13811827 TI - Advances in endocrinology. PMID- 13811828 TI - A sodium-excreting steroid? PMID- 13811829 TI - Dehydration therapy in cerebral hypoxia. PMID- 13811830 TI - Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia. A comparison of methods, with particular reference to chelated iron and intramuscular iron. PMID- 13811831 TI - Hyperparathyroidism: diagnosis and management. PMID- 13811832 TI - Suppressive effect of carotid sinus stimulation on premature ventricular beats in certain instances. PMID- 13811833 TI - Prophylactic use of oral penicillin in rheumatic fever, chorea, and carditis. PMID- 13811834 TI - Significance of discharge from the nipple in nonpuerperal mammary conditions. PMID- 13811835 TI - Mammary dysplasia: diagnoses and treatment. PMID- 13811836 TI - Precancerous lesions of the breast: how to treat them. PMID- 13811837 TI - Rehabilitation and cancer. PMID- 13811838 TI - [Perinatal morbidity and mortality in the Ospedale Civile di Imperia in the period from September 1956 to March 1959]. PMID- 13811839 TI - [New research on congenital deformities. A rare form of renal and vascular gigantism]. PMID- 13811841 TI - [Value of the psychogalvanic phenomenon in biology. Method and applications]. PMID- 13811840 TI - [Endocrine obesity in the light of homeostasis. The role of puberty, pregnancy, emotions, climate in the rupture of equilibrium of the "interior milieu"]. PMID- 13811842 TI - [The electrophoretic study of the sera of rats exposed to experimental infection by influenza virus and treated with cortisone]. PMID- 13811843 TI - [Experimental studies on influenza virus strains isolated during the epidemic in February-March 1959]. PMID- 13811844 TI - Chorionepithelioma teratoma of testis. Breast hypertrophy preceding palpable testicular tumour. PMID- 13811846 TI - Recurrent stress incontinence of urine following unsuccessful surgery. PMID- 13811845 TI - Medical education in the Tudor period. PMID- 13811847 TI - Surgical management of complete prolapse of the uterus and vagina. PMID- 13811848 TI - The pathology, diagnosis, and management of preinvasive carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13811849 TI - Vaginal hysterectomy: technique and operative complications. PMID- 13811850 TI - The electroretinogram in infantile, late infantile, and juvenile amaurotic family idiocy. PMID- 13811851 TI - A report of an unusual self-inflicted eye injury. PMID- 13811852 TI - Effects of x-irradiation on embryos at critical stages of heart development. PMID- 13811853 TI - Report on carcinogenic action of certain agents on urinary bladder of dogs. PMID- 13811854 TI - [The importance of the blood platelets and capillaries in the initial stages of mammalian tuberculosis]. PMID- 13811855 TI - The agglutinant and adhesive behaviour of isolated human and rabbit platelets in contact with various strains of mycobacteria. PMID- 13811857 TI - Look to the pattern of relationships. PMID- 13811856 TI - Renal excretion of calcium in man: estimation of Tm-Ca. PMID- 13811858 TI - Public health engineering in northern Canada. PMID- 13811859 TI - Inhibition of aldosterone secretion and modification of electrolyte excretion in man by a chemical inhibitor of 11 beta-hydroxylation. PMID- 13811861 TI - [Present status of research carried out under the guidance of the Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier in the field of carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13811860 TI - Metabolic studies with a steroid isolated from the urine of patients with "salt losing" congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13811862 TI - [Industrial fatigue]. PMID- 13811863 TI - Maternal health and mongolism. PMID- 13811864 TI - Saliva-serum of tritium after the administration of tritiated water. PMID- 13811866 TI - Body-build of male homosexuals. PMID- 13811865 TI - Abnormality of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier of patients suffering from a depressive illness. PMID- 13811867 TI - Body-build of male homosexuals. PMID- 13811868 TI - Integrated livestock production. PMID- 13811869 TI - [Experimental and clinical notes on the use of a new sulphamide in urology]. PMID- 13811870 TI - Rupture of diaphragm following repair of hiatal hernia. Report of two cases. PMID- 13811871 TI - N.A.T.O. babies. PMID- 13811872 TI - Radium poisoning--an old industrial hazard in a new form. PMID- 13811873 TI - Quantitative determination of tryptophan metabolites (via kynurenine) in biologic fluids. PMID- 13811874 TI - The use of colposcopy in the early detection of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13811875 TI - The value of colposcopy in the detection of preclinical carcinoma of the cervix (Three years' experience at King George V Memorial Hospital, Sydney). PMID- 13811876 TI - Noise and hearing loss in New Zealand industry. PMID- 13811877 TI - The employment of epileptics in New Zealand factories. PMID- 13811878 TI - [Study of carriers of "Micrococcus pyogenes" among patients of a surgical clinic]. PMID- 13811879 TI - [Morphological and functional aspects of the vegetative innervation, and in particular vasomotor, of the human tracheobronchial tree]. PMID- 13811880 TI - [The treatment of depressions in a non-hospital environment with G.22355 (tofranil)]. PMID- 13811881 TI - [On a case of voluminous intrathoracic lipoma of subpleural origin]. PMID- 13811882 TI - [Identification of porphyrins by paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13811883 TI - [Muscular exercise of average duration in stabilized pulmonary tuberculosis patients]. PMID- 13811884 TI - [Activity of glucose-6-phosphatase and level of glycogen in the rat kidney during fetal and postnatal life]. PMID- 13811885 TI - [Modifications of the aortic mechanogram of the rabbit under the effects of adrenaline, acetylcholine, histamine and hydergine]. PMID- 13811886 TI - [Some aspects of the action of atmospheres of extreme temperatures on the anesthesized animal]. PMID- 13811887 TI - [Effect of the inhalation of warm air on the waking state in humans]. PMID- 13811888 TI - [Effects of low sodium medium on the electric activity of the isolated mammalian heart]. PMID- 13811889 TI - [Existence of responses of large amplitude with slow establishment at the level of the cardiac cell]. PMID- 13811890 TI - [Graphic representation permitting the comparison of different types of cardiac cellular potentials]. PMID- 13811891 TI - [Viral pneumonias]. PMID- 13811892 TI - Morphogenesis and histomechanics of the benign connective tissue newgrowths of the skin. PMID- 13811893 TI - Action of long-chain polymers on kidney juxtaglomerular cells and connective tissue mast cells. PMID- 13811894 TI - [Apropos of a case of hereditary rickets with phosphate diabetes]. PMID- 13811895 TI - Clinical experimentation with an antitussive preparation according to a new technic PMID- 13811896 TI - Observations on the oviposition-cycle of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus), IV. PMID- 13811897 TI - Recognition of nulliparous mosquitoes without dissection. PMID- 13811898 TI - Syndrome of Avellis. PMID- 13811899 TI - Distribution of chromium sesquioxide and polyethyleneglycol in the reticulo-rumen of cattle. PMID- 13811900 TI - Retroperitoneal tumours: some clinical aspects. PMID- 13811901 TI - The early experiences of ileorectal anastomosis. PMID- 13811902 TI - [Anthropometric research in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13811903 TI - [Spyrographic and oximetric research with a new synthetic respiratory analeptic]. PMID- 13811904 TI - [Ventilatory changes induced by operations of pulmonary exeresis for tuberculosis]. PMID- 13811905 TI - [Serological aspects of simple and ozenatous atrophic rhinitis]. PMID- 13811906 TI - [Optimal concentrations of vitamin B1 in fermentation reactions]. PMID- 13811907 TI - [On the significance of some cutaneous tests of sensitivity to streptomycin in sanatorial personnel]. PMID- 13811908 TI - Effects of posterior hypothalamic lesions on sexual maturation of immature female albino rats. PMID- 13811909 TI - Dizziness. PMID- 13811910 TI - [Arteriovenous aneurysm of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13811911 TI - Hemagglutination by trypsin-modified infectious bronchitis virus. PMID- 13811912 TI - [Indications and advantages of the use of whole acid milk in the normal nutrition of the infant]. PMID- 13811913 TI - [Personal health booklet or personal health envelop?]. PMID- 13811914 TI - [Psychic symptomatology of cerebral tumors in the child]. PMID- 13811915 TI - Considerations on bronchial fistula following resections for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13811916 TI - Retro-iliac ureter. PMID- 13811917 TI - Transthoracic nephrectomy. PMID- 13811918 TI - [Apropos of 2 epidemics of miliary sweating sickness (1782-1907)]. PMID- 13811919 TI - [Harada's disease]. PMID- 13811920 TI - [Strabismus and left-handedness]. PMID- 13811921 TI - Note on MER-29 in arteriosclerotic heart disease. PMID- 13811922 TI - Actinomycete antibiotics. I. The biological incorporation of propionate into the macrocyclic lactone of erythromycin. PMID- 13811923 TI - Blood groups of Alaskan Eskimos and Indians. PMID- 13811924 TI - [Postpuerperal edematocerebellar syndrome]. PMID- 13811925 TI - [Late abcess of the right iliac fossa after appendectomy for appendicular peritonitis following prolonged antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13811926 TI - [Osteomalacia in Tunisia]. PMID- 13811927 TI - [Chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13811928 TI - [Histotherapy in the framework of modern medicine]. PMID- 13811929 TI - Routine cardiac fluoroscopy-an unnecessary health hazard. PMID- 13811930 TI - Effect of shock and of vasopressor drugs on the regional circulation of the brain, heart, kidney and liver. PMID- 13811931 TI - Microelectrode studies of unit discharges in the sensorimotor cortex: investigations in monkeys with experimental tremor. PMID- 13811932 TI - Unit activity in the cortex of the monkey with an experimental tremor. PMID- 13811933 TI - Monorhythmic frontal delta activity in the human electroencephalogram: a study of 100 cases. PMID- 13811934 TI - [The peritoneum in the North-African]. PMID- 13811935 TI - [Thromboelastography in the newborn; preliminary study]. PMID- 13811936 TI - [Pleuropulmonary suppurations in early infacy]. PMID- 13811937 TI - [Obstructive jaundices. Differential diagnosis of their etiopathogenetic mechanisms]. PMID- 13811938 TI - Electromagnetic blood flow measurement in extracorporeal circuits: its application to cardiopulmonary bypass. PMID- 13811939 TI - [Emollients. Fundamentals of their action. Principle types]. PMID- 13811941 TI - [Second case of intracranial cysticercosis in Puerto Rico: operation and postoperative course]. PMID- 13811940 TI - Jose Manuel Espino, 1885-1960. PMID- 13811942 TI - [Balneological experiences in the therapy of rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13811943 TI - Hans Barkan (1882-1960). PMID- 13811944 TI - The presence of lipids but absence of tannins in Elodea idioblasts. PMID- 13811945 TI - [Influence of corticosteroids on phosphoremia in the rat]. PMID- 13811946 TI - [Variations of the content of inorganic phosphorus of plasma in the rat, the roussette (Scyliorhinus stellaris) and the sea eel (Anguilla vulgaris) as a function of oxygen tension in the external milieu]. PMID- 13811947 TI - [Variations of proteinemia in the marine eel (Anguilla vulgaris, L.) under the influence of osmotic aggression]. PMID- 13811948 TI - [Effect of osmotic aggression on proteinemia of the hog-fish (Scorpaena porcus, L.)]. PMID- 13811949 TI - [Mechanism of the disorder of intestinal absorption of glucose following cutaneous burns]. PMID- 13811950 TI - [Study on the proteinemia of the hogfish (Scorpaena porcus L.). Influence of progressive anoxia]. PMID- 13811951 TI - [Splenectomy in 3 cases of congenital porphyria]. PMID- 13811952 TI - [Research on cardiac glycogen levels in fresh water fish. Influence of anoxia]. PMID- 13811953 TI - [Bilateral anterior uveitis. Apparently isolated clinical manifestation in a patient with Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13811954 TI - [Current status of biological and medical research on multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13811955 TI - [Preparation and properties of some 2-hydroxy-2-aralkyllevulinic acids]. PMID- 13811956 TI - [Pathogenesis of ventricular fibrillation in hypothermia]. PMID- 13811957 TI - An evaluation of the use of an isolated segment of ileum as a means of urinary diversion. PMID- 13811958 TI - The quantitative determination of cyanocobalamin. PMID- 13811959 TI - Patterns of reaction in infection with a virulent form of PPLO from goats. PMID- 13811960 TI - Arthritis in ruminants due to pleuropneumonia-like organisms. PMID- 13811961 TI - Indirect continuous monitoring of blood pressure. PMID- 13811962 TI - Malarial therapy in Buerger's disease. PMID- 13811963 TI - [Building-and-work program of the Commission for Traffic Safety (CTS)]. PMID- 13811964 TI - Labeled iodinated compounds in tumors and tissues of C3H mice after the injection of I 131-labeled triiodothyronine. PMID- 13811965 TI - The concentration of radioactive triiodothyronine in mammary tumors and tissues of C3H mice. PMID- 13811966 TI - An unusual case of ethmoidal mucocele. Surgical management and ten-year follow up. PMID- 13811967 TI - Ear instruments for office use with magnification. PMID- 13811968 TI - [Dramatic complication of local anesthesia during labor]. PMID- 13811969 TI - [Clinical and statistical data on syphilitic infection. (Epidemiology in the past decade in the region of Casale)]. PMID- 13811970 TI - [Clinical contribution and nosological classification of a special form of psoriasis arthropathica]. PMID- 13811971 TI - [Hemorrhagic cystitis and allergy to drugs]. PMID- 13811972 TI - [Intolerance associated with anticryptogamic agents in agricultural workers. Diagnostic and medicolegal importance]. PMID- 13811973 TI - [Lymphatic leukemia and generalized herpes zoster]. PMID- 13811974 TI - [The "infanto-juvenile" form of Parkes-Weber disease (hemangiectasia hypertrophicans of Parkes-Weber or the Klippel-Trenaunay-Parkes-Weber syndrome)]. PMID- 13811975 TI - Comparison of PPLO strains from tissue culture by complement fixation. PMID- 13811977 TI - [The use of high-energy radiations in roentgen diagnosis]. PMID- 13811976 TI - [The glycoproteins of tears in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13811978 TI - [Experimental research in guinea pigs on the relative biological effectiveness of 180 keV and of 2 MeV radiations]. PMID- 13811979 TI - [Changes in cardiac function in patients with cysts of the parametrium]. PMID- 13811980 TI - Snake bite in the tropics. PMID- 13811981 TI - Medical Research Council, Obstetrical Research Committee, report on eclampsia, 1956-1958. PMID- 13811982 TI - Tetrahymena chironomi sp. nov., a ciliate from midge larvae, and the current status of facultative parasitism in the genus Tetrahymena. PMID- 13811983 TI - School health service facilities. PMID- 13811984 TI - Spectral distributions of primary and scattered 140K vp x-rays. PMID- 13811985 TI - The Society's library. PMID- 13811986 TI - Observations concerning the influence of micrococci upon Monosporium apiospermum. PMID- 13811987 TI - [The clinical significance of the nephelometric serum test in vitro in drug induced allergy]. PMID- 13811988 TI - Proteolytic activity in development of pain and itching. Cutaneous reactions to bradykinin and kallikrein. PMID- 13811989 TI - The results of haemorrhoidectomy. PMID- 13811990 TI - [Value of complementary examinations]. PMID- 13811991 TI - [Action of 3 adrenolytic agents on the pentetrazole epileptic crisis]. PMID- 13811992 TI - [Action of yohimbin on variations of the chemical composition of the blood of animals in deep hypothermia]. PMID- 13811993 TI - [Aspects of the pentetrazole crisis after reserpine, yohimbine or regitine]. PMID- 13811994 TI - [Separation of lipids by chromatography on paper impregnated with silicic acid. II. Possibilities and limitations of the method]. PMID- 13811995 TI - Components of blood necessary for clot retraction. PMID- 13811996 TI - [Surgical repair of severe traumatic lesions of the upper extremity]. PMID- 13811997 TI - Effect of single dose of DL-serine on lipide phosphorylation in kidney of rats. PMID- 13811999 TI - Symptomatic neonatal hypoglycemia associated with toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13811998 TI - Lipotropic agents and lipid transport. PMID- 13812000 TI - Topical use of chymar ointment. PMID- 13812001 TI - Use of intravenously given hydroxyzine for simple pain-producing office procedures. PMID- 13812002 TI - [On the problem of the therapy of bilateral serial rib fractures by means of the D. Frantz method of extensions of the sternum]. PMID- 13812003 TI - [Experimental and clinical-surgical considerations on Raynaud's disease]. PMID- 13812004 TI - A study of the response of psychotic patients to photographic self-image experience. PMID- 13812005 TI - The use of glycine 1-C14 in the measurement of serum protein turnover rates in dairy cows. PMID- 13812006 TI - Plasma cell myelomatosis in a horse. PMID- 13812008 TI - Serum transaminase activities in cats with hepatic necrosis. PMID- 13812007 TI - Erythrocyte survival studies in the mule deer, aoudad sheep, and springbok antelope, using glycine-2-C14. PMID- 13812009 TI - Ruminant urolithiasis. I. Preliminary observations in experimental ovine calculosis. PMID- 13812010 TI - Ruminant urolithiasis. 2. Histochemical studies in experimental ovine calculosis. PMID- 13812011 TI - Silo-filler's disease. PMID- 13812012 TI - The use of jejunal interposition woth total gastrectomy. PMID- 13812013 TI - External precordial scanning. Preliminary report of a simplified method for the detection of left-to-right circulatory shunts. PMID- 13812014 TI - Hyperbilirubinaemia in premature infants and the effect of synthetic vitamin K. PMID- 13812015 TI - Control of staphylococcal infection in a maternity hospital; clinical survey of the prophylactic use of hexachlorophane. PMID- 13812017 TI - The past of anatomy in the United States. PMID- 13812016 TI - The poisoning of Maia squinado (Herbst) by certain compounds of mercury. PMID- 13812018 TI - Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the pancreas with report of two cases. PMID- 13812019 TI - Secondary carcinomas presenting as ulcerating tumours of the rectum, with report of two ovarian cases. PMID- 13812020 TI - [Mucopolyosides-sulfates of the human gastric mucosa. Histoautoradiographic study with S-35 labelled sodium sulfate in fragments removed by biopsy. I. The fundic mucosa in the normal state]. PMID- 13812022 TI - [A further case of ulceriform gastric cancer with slow evolution. Endoscopic diagnosis]. PMID- 13812021 TI - [Mucopolyosides-sulfates of the human gastric mucosa. Histoautoradiographic study with S-35 labelled sodium sulfate in fragments removed by biopsy. II. The fundic mucosa during chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13812023 TI - [The place of the diaphragmatic hernia of the adult in pathology]. PMID- 13812024 TI - [Repair of the diaphragm by myoplasty in children]. PMID- 13812025 TI - [3 Cases of giant lobar emphysema]. PMID- 13812026 TI - [Tuberculous pyothorax. (Study of 72 surgically treated cases)]. PMID- 13812027 TI - [Unpublished letters of Theophile de Bordeu (Year 1746: Second sojourn in Montpellier)]. PMID- 13812028 TI - Some aspects of retrospective studies. PMID- 13812029 TI - Principles of research. PMID- 13812030 TI - Stereospecificity of enzymic reactions involving mevalonic acid. PMID- 13812031 TI - [Relation between urinary volume and elimination of total reducing corticoids in the normal rat]. PMID- 13812033 TI - [Anemias of cancer patients]. PMID- 13812032 TI - [Does cytology permit the establishment of prognosis of cancer of the breast?]. PMID- 13812034 TI - A clinical study of hydrochlorothiazide. PMID- 13812035 TI - Contributing factors in the anginal syndrome. PMID- 13812036 TI - Gouty arthritis: a clinical study. PMID- 13812037 TI - A new technique in stapes mobilization. PMID- 13812038 TI - A new technique in stapes mobilization. PMID- 13812039 TI - Preanaesthetic sedation for children. PMID- 13812040 TI - A study of carbon tetrachloride. I. The effect of carbon tetrachloride inhalation on rat serum enzymes. PMID- 13812041 TI - A study of carbon tetrachloride. II. The effect of carbon tetrachloride inhalation on serum and tissue enzymes. PMID- 13812042 TI - The toxicology of uncured epoxy resins and amine curing agents. PMID- 13812043 TI - The role of proliferation in the second stage of carcinogenesis. PMID- 13812044 TI - [On pharmacotherapy of depressive syndromes with the iminodibenzyl derivative, tofranil]. PMID- 13812046 TI - [Treatment of Willebrand's disease (angiohemophilia) by coagulant fractions (Fr I A, Fr I and P.P.B.)]. PMID- 13812045 TI - [Psychodynamic and pharmacotherapeutic aspects of simple schizophrenia]. PMID- 13812047 TI - [Measurement of antihemophilic A activity]. PMID- 13812048 TI - [Slow, chronic, organic and functional adrenal insufficiencies in the child]. PMID- 13812049 TI - [Chronic bronchorrheas. Clinical and ventilatory function studies]. PMID- 13812050 TI - [Natural infection of strawberry plants (Fragaria sp.) by tobacco mosaic virus]. PMID- 13812051 TI - [Transmission of tobacco mosaic virus by plant louse Passerina fragaefolii Cock]. PMID- 13812052 TI - [Suppurated cervical adenitis caused by Salmonella typhi murium]. PMID- 13812053 TI - Present status of radiation preservation of foods. The disinfestation of foods, particularly grain. PMID- 13812054 TI - [Isolated optic atrophy revealing an aneurysm]. PMID- 13812055 TI - [Tubotympanic aerosol therapy outside thermal stations. Its therapeutic value]. PMID- 13812056 TI - [General etiology of constrictive pericarditis]. PMID- 13812057 TI - [Facial edema after dental extractions. Its relation to sensitization to novocaine]. PMID- 13812058 TI - [On the problem of scleroderma]. PMID- 13812059 TI - [A case of pulmonary tularemia operated on as suspected bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13812060 TI - The effectiveness of the Bender-Gestalt in differentiating a flight group from an aggressive group of adolescents. PMID- 13812061 TI - The modification of acute mortality in mice by variation of the dose-rate and the overall time of irradiation. PMID- 13812062 TI - Surgical resection in pulmonary tuberculosis due to atypical Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PMID- 13812063 TI - The extracellular polysaccharide of gelatinous strains of Chromobacterium violaceum. PMID- 13812064 TI - [Myelographic signs of avulsion of the roots of the brachial plexus]. PMID- 13812065 TI - Neuro-muscular blockade by neomycin, potentiation by ether anesthesia and d tubucurarine and antagonism by calcium and prostigmine. PMID- 13812066 TI - [Concomitant bilateral tumors of the testicles]. PMID- 13812067 TI - [Disturbances of the sexual function in paraplegics]. PMID- 13812068 TI - [Determination of 17, 21, dihydroxy-20-kentosteroids in urine and plasma by the Porter-Silber method]. PMID- 13812069 TI - [Hypertrichosis]. PMID- 13812070 TI - [Xanthomatous biliary cirrhosis. (Apropos of a case continuing for 4 years)]. PMID- 13812071 TI - [The complications caused by statutory vaccinations in France]. PMID- 13812072 TI - [Surgical treatment of hypertrophic cicatrices]. PMID- 13812073 TI - [Biopsy of the liver-evaluation of 100 cases]. PMID- 13812074 TI - The effect of excessive iodine intake on the thyroid gland of the rat. PMID- 13812075 TI - Response of epididymal adipose tissue to small concentrations of insulin: effect of cortisone. PMID- 13812076 TI - Hyperglycemia caused by the oral administration of glucose in turtles. PMID- 13812077 TI - [Epaulet flaps. Their value in the repair of extensive losses of substance of the neck]. PMID- 13812078 TI - [Study of the cholesterolytic index and of the variations in lipoproteins in various animal species and in experimental atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13812079 TI - Intradural infection following resection of post-traumatic mucocele in the frontal paranasal sinus. Case report. PMID- 13812080 TI - [The radioiodine test in the aged]. PMID- 13812081 TI - [Research on the electrophoretic picture of the blood proteins and glycoproteins in progressive muscular dystrophy and in dystrophia myotonica]. PMID- 13812082 TI - The neonatal clavicle. PMID- 13812083 TI - Three cases of intracranial vascular malformations in infants. PMID- 13812085 TI - [Effect of the activation of carotid sensitivity on strychnine-induced cortical spikes]. PMID- 13812084 TI - [New data on epicardial activation in the dog: comparison with the results obtained in man]. PMID- 13812086 TI - Organization of national, state and county tuberculosis associations. PMID- 13812087 TI - Radiotherapeutic operations in gynecology. PMID- 13812088 TI - Observations on the pathology of insidious dementia following head injury. PMID- 13812089 TI - [Initial electrophoretic studies of muscle proteins in patients with muscle diseases, with special reference to progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13812090 TI - Myosin and actin from myofibrils of vitamin E deficient rabbits. PMID- 13812092 TI - [Biochemical data on primary myodystrophies]. PMID- 13812091 TI - [Research on the variations, in relation to age, of lipoproteins and total cholesterol of the blood in normal subjects]. PMID- 13812093 TI - [Proteins, lipids and some enzymes of the red cell and of its stromal fraction in various cases of infantile hemopathies]. PMID- 13812094 TI - [Observations on blood polyunsaturated fatty acids in conditions of lipidic balance]. PMID- 13812095 TI - [Observations on citremia after glucose loading in adipose children]. PMID- 13812096 TI - [Acetylation of p-aminobenzoic acid in obese children]. PMID- 13812097 TI - [Attempt to influence creatinuria with a metabolite of glycolysis: fructose-1,6 diphosphate in primary myopathy]. PMID- 13812098 TI - [Various enzymes (aldolase, glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, tributyrinase, amylase) in the whole erythrocyte and in its stromal portion]. PMID- 13812099 TI - [Peripheral circulation studied by the rheographic method in myopathic children]. PMID- 13812100 TI - [Distribution of aldolase activity in erythrocyte fractions with different osmotic resistance]. PMID- 13812101 TI - [The turnover of plasma phospholipids studied with P32 in hypothyroidism]. PMID- 13812102 TI - [Clinical contribution to the problem of differential diagnosis of confusion and dementia]. PMID- 13812103 TI - [Contribution to the etiopathogenetic problem of mental anorexia: report of a case with traumatic etiology]. PMID- 13812105 TI - [Research on the quantitative evaluation of the early bone marrow modifications consequent to hypophysectomy in the albino rat]. PMID- 13812104 TI - [On the theme of "authenticity" of suicide]. PMID- 13812106 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of the mechanism of erythropoietic stimulation by cobalt salts]. PMID- 13812107 TI - [Studies on the medullary modifications induced by the prolonged administration of a salt of cobalt in the albino rat]. PMID- 13812108 TI - [Experimental research on hemato-medullary changes consequent to repeated transfusions of concentrated homologous erythrocytes in the albino rat]. PMID- 13812110 TI - [Experimental research on the pathogenesis of the hemato-medullary alterations of hypophysectomy in the albino rat]. PMID- 13812109 TI - [Experimental research on the pathogenesis of medullary hypoplasia of inanition]. PMID- 13812111 TI - [Experimental research on the relation between nutrition and hemopoiesis. 1. Changes in hemopoiesis due to dietary protein deficiency]. PMID- 13812112 TI - [Experimental research on the relation between nutrition and hemopoiesis. 2. On the pathogenesis of medullary hypoplasia dur to protein-free diet]. PMID- 13812113 TI - [Research on the quantitative evaluation of the nucleated cells in the bone marrow of experimental animals (albino rat)]. PMID- 13812114 TI - Acetylcholine: its significance in controlling ciliary activity of human respiratory epithelium in vitro. PMID- 13812115 TI - Cultured human respiratory epithelium: its use in the comparison of the cytotoxic properties of local anesthetics. PMID- 13812116 TI - Pharmacodynamic management of cardiac action during deep hypothermia. PMID- 13812117 TI - Postnatal adjustments in water, nitrogen and electrolyte metabolism in premature infants. PMID- 13812118 TI - Studies on a microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes. I. Prevalence and effect on the parasitized larval trematodes. PMID- 13812119 TI - Studies on a microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes. II. Experimental transmission. PMID- 13812120 TI - [Psychosomatic factor in the etiopathogenosis of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13812121 TI - Amino acid incorporation and protein synthesis: a review. PMID- 13812122 TI - Blood and urine calcium changes in totally parathyroidectomized Rana pipiens. PMID- 13812123 TI - [Cystic pulmonary caverns of tuberculous origin]. PMID- 13812124 TI - [Brief considerations on the treatment of psychoses and psychoneuroses from 1940 to 1957 by Dr. Joaquin Cortes Cesar, Medical Director of the Hospital de Enfermos Mentales of Nicaragua]. PMID- 13812125 TI - Primary aldosteronism, observations on 2 cases. PMID- 13812126 TI - [Etiological factors in delayed desquamation of the endometrium]. PMID- 13812128 TI - [Psychodynamics of depressive neuroses and syndromes in group analytical psychotherapy]. PMID- 13812127 TI - [Symptomatic therapeutics of allergic bronchial diseases]. PMID- 13812129 TI - [Research on the action of chlorpromazine on the glycide metabolism of Candida albicans. II]. PMID- 13812130 TI - [Influence of chlorpromazine on the transformation of the S-R phase in E. coli and S. typhil]. PMID- 13812131 TI - [Research on the influence of chlorpromazine on immune processes]. PMID- 13812132 TI - [Study of oximetry and of coronary flow during extracorporeal circulation and during execution of pharmacological cardiac arrest]. PMID- 13812133 TI - [The role of the bronchial circulation in cardiac surgery. 2. Cause of cardiopulmonary changes during extracorporeal circulation and their prevention by means of decompression of the left chamber]. PMID- 13812134 TI - [Resuscitation and alkalinization. Treatment of grave barbiturate poisoning in diabetic]. PMID- 13812135 TI - [Dystocia caused by fetal monstrosity due to congenital polycystic kidneys]. PMID- 13812136 TI - [Acute bronchopneumopathy in the aged]. PMID- 13812137 TI - [Clinical study on cases of gestosis observed in delivery in the 1956-1959 triennium]. PMID- 13812138 TI - [Preparation for labor: theoretical-practical principles and clinical aspects]. PMID- 13812139 TI - [Vibration measurements on living subjects]. PMID- 13812141 TI - Giardiasis, a cause of celiac syndrome. PMID- 13812140 TI - [L-Ascorbic acid and atherosclerosis. Note 1. Changes induced by L-ascorbic acid on the blood cholesterol level in normal and atherosclerotic subjects]. PMID- 13812142 TI - [A colorimetric method for the determination of alkaloids in ipecacuanha root and their galenic preparation]. PMID- 13812143 TI - [Women facing chronic and social diseases]. PMID- 13812144 TI - [Nuclear medicine]. PMID- 13812145 TI - [A latent form of postero-lateral congenital disphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13812146 TI - Studies on stability of rat liver mitochondria. II. Relation of the electron transport system to swelling. PMID- 13812148 TI - A note on the natural history of tularemia. PMID- 13812149 TI - Varying patterns of the lobar branches of the pulmonary artery. A study of 524 lungs and lobes seen at operation of 426 patients. PMID- 13812147 TI - Maintenance of alpha-ketoglutarate and succinate oxidation in E-deficient liver homogenates by alpha-tocopherol, a tocopherol metabolite, menadione and diphenylphenylenediamine. PMID- 13812150 TI - Treatment of an avulsed skin-flap involving the circumference of the entire lower leg: a case report. PMID- 13812151 TI - Bilateral reduplication of kidneys and ureters with associated hydropyonephrosis and hydropyoureter. PMID- 13812152 TI - [Quantitative variations of pyruvemia in diabetics treated with tolbutamide]. PMID- 13812153 TI - [Clinical study of the treatment of the surgical patient with triflupromazine]. PMID- 13812154 TI - [Experimental embolism of the lung and attempted therapy]. PMID- 13812155 TI - [Acute articular rheumatism. Clinical forms, diagnosis and treatment]. PMID- 13812156 TI - [Diabetic coma]. PMID- 13812157 TI - [Diagnosis of polyneuritis]. PMID- 13812158 TI - [Diphtheric paralyses]. PMID- 13812160 TI - [Streptococcal septicemias]. PMID- 13812159 TI - [Erythema nodosum]. PMID- 13812161 TI - [On the glycoactive characteristics of dexamethasone]. PMID- 13812162 TI - Studies of Micrococcus cryophilus. Part I. Effect of temperature and aeration on multiplication. PMID- 13812164 TI - Laughter among colleagues. A study of the social functions of humor among the staff of a mental hospital. PMID- 13812163 TI - [The determination of magnesium in biological materials]. PMID- 13812165 TI - Inhibition of foreign spleen reaction by inactivation of donor cells with recipient antigen. PMID- 13812166 TI - Intestinal parasites in the Panama Canal Zone. PMID- 13812167 TI - Experiences with diabetes and thyroid diseases at the Margaret Hague Maternity Center. PMID- 13812168 TI - Failed forceps. PMID- 13812169 TI - [Rupture of the uterus]. PMID- 13812170 TI - Management of the surgical complications of pregnancy. PMID- 13812171 TI - Lack of relation between therapeutic and criminal abortion. PMID- 13812172 TI - Utilization of carbohydrates by the mosquito flagellate, Crithidia fasciculata. PMID- 13812173 TI - Carcinoid heart disease. PMID- 13812175 TI - [Acute adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13812174 TI - Peptic ulceration of stomach and duodenum in infants. PMID- 13812176 TI - [Acute adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13812177 TI - [Polyangiitis with meningo-cerebral manifestations]. PMID- 13812178 TI - Traumatic arterial malformations of the scalp: a review of the literature and two case reports. PMID- 13812179 TI - [Modern treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13812180 TI - [Myocardial infarct. Its differential diagnosis and its treatment with various modern anticoagulants]. PMID- 13812181 TI - [Personal experience on the value of the step test in the diagnosis of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13812182 TI - [Value of long-term anticoagulant therapy in the evolution of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13812183 TI - Retinal haemorrhages in severe anaemias: their diagnostic significance. PMID- 13812184 TI - [Incidents in the course of tofranil treatment: confusional-oneiric states of which one was of the pseudo-delirium tremens type]. PMID- 13812185 TI - [Incidents in the course of tofranil treatment: acute edematous syndrome]. PMID- 13812186 TI - [Electron microscopic and clinical studies in diabetic glomerulosclerosis]. PMID- 13812187 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on the liver sinusoids in viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13812188 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on the question of Disse's space in the liver]. PMID- 13812189 TI - [Myelitis appearing during the course of antirabies vaccination. Pathogenic and therapeutic study]. PMID- 13812190 TI - [Reflexions on the differential diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and benign acute lymphocytic meningitis in young adults]. PMID- 13812191 TI - [Treatment of severe arterial hypertension with ganglioplegics]. PMID- 13812192 TI - [Auriculovectogram]. PMID- 13812193 TI - [Treatment of angina pectoris with beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine]. PMID- 13812194 TI - Contribution of iproniazid to the treatment of angina pectoris. PMID- 13812195 TI - [Hypertensive heart disease (Diagnosis and therapy)]. PMID- 13812196 TI - A symposium on electron staining. A.-Quantitative aspects of electron staining. PMID- 13812197 TI - Prospects for substance differentiation by electron and x-ray micro-methods. PMID- 13812199 TI - [The surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer (considerations and results in patients of gastric resection in the "Pizzamiglio" Surgical Division)]. PMID- 13812198 TI - [Lumbar ganglionectomy in the treatment of arteriopathies of the lower extremities. Immediate and remote clinical results]. PMID- 13812200 TI - [Portosystemic encephalopathy]. PMID- 13812201 TI - [A case of hypoplastic anemia appearing in a diabetic, in the course of treatment with D-860]. PMID- 13812202 TI - [The importance of lowering the anterior fascia of the minor obliquus in inguinoplasties. (Lowering of the anterior fascia of the minor oblique muscle to the level of the public spine)]. PMID- 13812203 TI - Brain concentrations of biogenic amines and EEG paterns of rabbits. PMID- 13812204 TI - [On the possibility of contamination of the culture for research on Koch's bacillus by acid-resistant germs present in the indicator used in the homogenation]. PMID- 13812206 TI - [The emergency problem in hospital organization]. PMID- 13812207 TI - [Oxytocics in the third stage of labor]. PMID- 13812205 TI - [Treatment of vesical dysfunction in spinal cord-injured patients]. PMID- 13812208 TI - [Surgery of rheumatism. Impressions of an internship in Aix-les-Bains]. PMID- 13812209 TI - [Staphylococcal enterocolitis: an iatrogenic disease. Apropos of 2 cases]. PMID- 13812210 TI - [South American blastomycosis (Lutz'mycosis). Apropos of a case with osseous localization]. PMID- 13812211 TI - [Carcinoma of alveolar cells. Brazilian casuistic contribution]. PMID- 13812212 TI - The adrenal cortical suppresant effect of two triazine analogs in the guinea pig. PMID- 13812213 TI - [Spermatic cord cyst of filarial origin]. PMID- 13812214 TI - [Phenogenesis of sex characteristics]. PMID- 13812215 TI - A morphofunctional test of the comparative action of cytotoxics on tumoral (sarcoma 2 A) and non-tumoral (embryonic) tissue cultures. PMID- 13812216 TI - [Action of the ovovaccine combined with cytostatics on the evolution of Guerin tumors in rats]. PMID- 13812217 TI - [Influence of vaccinia virus associated with narcosis on the evolution of the Guerin T8 epithelioma in rats]. PMID- 13812218 TI - [Chagas' heart disease]. PMID- 13812219 TI - [The clinical application of radiotherapy in state of narcosis]. PMID- 13812220 TI - [Experimental radiotherapy enhanced by narcosis]. PMID- 13812221 TI - [Observations on the circulation in diabetic aged]. PMID- 13812222 TI - [The uterine rheogram. Preliminary note concerning technic]. PMID- 13812223 TI - [The place of ACTH in the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis]. PMID- 13812224 TI - [The place of ACTH in the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis]. PMID- 13812225 TI - [Microtraumatic aseptic osteonecrosis of the femur head in gout patients]. PMID- 13812226 TI - [Treatment of the crisis in acute articular rheumatism by short treatment by deltacortisone in massive dose, associated with phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13812227 TI - [Rheumatoid polyarthritis and multineuritis]. PMID- 13812228 TI - [Remarks on the luxation of cervical vertebrae in rheumatoid polyarthritis]. PMID- 13812229 TI - [Idiopathic necrosis of the femur head]. PMID- 13812230 TI - [Coxarthrosis with lysis of the femor head (wearing coxarthrosis)]. PMID- 13812231 TI - [Lymphoid leukemia and vertebral decalcification]. PMID- 13812232 TI - [Value of kinesitherapy in the treatment of coxarthrosis]. PMID- 13812233 TI - [The place of kinesitherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip]. PMID- 13812234 TI - [Medical and paramedical treatment of coxarthrosis]. PMID- 13812235 TI - [Osseous fixation of strontium and gallium. Clinical applications]. PMID- 13812236 TI - [Diagnosis between fibrous dysplasia and enchondromatosis. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13812237 TI - [Muscle cramps of the lower extremities appearing after successive ablation of 2 diskal hernias and insertion of a lumbosacral graft for initially left then right sided sciatica. Their disappearance after resection of a painful pseudarthrosis from this graft]. PMID- 13812238 TI - [Colloid milium and osteoarticular manifestations. (Apropos of 2 cases)]. PMID- 13812239 TI - [Remarks on the subject of castration in the treatment of metastases of breast cancer]. PMID- 13812240 TI - [The problem of castration in the treatment of metastasis of cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13812242 TI - [Observations on the morbidity of scabies]. PMID- 13812241 TI - [Investigation on the treatment of sciatica]. PMID- 13812243 TI - The vocational and personal preferences of psychiatric and general nurses. PMID- 13812244 TI - The effects of meprobamate on perception. II. The visual after-image. PMID- 13812245 TI - The effects of meprobamate on perception. III. The spiral after-effect. PMID- 13812246 TI - The effects of meprobamate on perceptions. I. Apparent movement. PMID- 13812247 TI - Overtransfusion in the operating room. PMID- 13812248 TI - Principles of lower extremity venous surgery. PMID- 13812249 TI - The long-term rehabilitation service of St. Louis Chronic Hospital program for the aged: a two-year study. PMID- 13812250 TI - Melanotic freckle, lentigo maligna. PMID- 13812251 TI - [Treatment of pemphigus with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13812253 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of mandibular joint reactions. PMID- 13812252 TI - An effective dermatologic skin cleanser for treating seborrheas. PMID- 13812254 TI - [Some new contributions on pulmonary irrigation and innervation in patients with hypertension of the lesser circulation]. PMID- 13812255 TI - [Formation and growth of connective fibers in vitro]. PMID- 13812256 TI - Brewster countersink operation. PMID- 13812257 TI - Epidural or peridural anesthesia in major surgery. PMID- 13812258 TI - Canadian Forces Medical Service in survival operations. PMID- 13812259 TI - The role of the CFMS in survival operations. PMID- 13812260 TI - Children's eyes. PMID- 13812261 TI - Testicular neoplasms in dogs. PMID- 13812262 TI - [Observation on the use of imipramine for 1 year in clinical psychiatry at a general hospital]. PMID- 13812263 TI - An evaluation of pancreatic biopsy with the Vim-Silverman needle. PMID- 13812264 TI - Traumatic mediastinal hematoma: report of unusual case. PMID- 13812265 TI - [Pertussis encephalitis in 2 siblings. Treatment and cure with cortisone]. PMID- 13812266 TI - Effect of negative intra-alveolar pressure on pulmonary diffusing capacity. PMID- 13812267 TI - [Cardiopulmonary factors limiting the exercise of short duration in extensive respiratory insufficiency in former coal miners]. PMID- 13812268 TI - Experimental hemorrhagic pancreatitis produced by staphylococcal toxin. PMID- 13812269 TI - Role of intestinal bacteria in aromatization of quinic acid in man and guinea pig. PMID- 13812270 TI - [Technical factors in blood vessel demonstration with special reference to renal angiography]. PMID- 13812271 TI - [Clavicular pseudarthrosis in childhood]. PMID- 13812272 TI - [Experiences with the respiratory tonic micoren in an orthopedic clinic]. PMID- 13812273 TI - [On the therapy of habitual patellar luxation]. PMID- 13812274 TI - [Shoulder-arm syndrome as a main symptom in malignant tumor]. PMID- 13812275 TI - Amniotic circulation studied with 1132. PMID- 13812276 TI - [Amniotic circulation studied with I-132]. PMID- 13812277 TI - [Lysozyme and clearance factors]. PMID- 13812279 TI - [Symposium on digestive hemorrhages. Status of the problem]. PMID- 13812278 TI - [On the influence exercised by lysozyme on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13812280 TI - [Research on the lipids of the adrenal cortex: ultra-structural aspects]. PMID- 13812281 TI - [The responsibility of the fixation process for the appearance of hyperchromophilic cells in nerve tissue]. PMID- 13812282 TI - [A technic for the preparation of carbon membranes for the electron microscopy of biological objects]. PMID- 13812283 TI - Some problems posed by the ultrastructure of lipids of the adrenal cortex PMID- 13812284 TI - [On a fatal case of aspirin poisoning]. PMID- 13812285 TI - [Peculiarities of medicolegal expert opinion in common law]. PMID- 13812286 TI - [Medicolegal diagnosis of traumatic epilepsy]. PMID- 13812287 TI - [The medico-social examination of young adults]. PMID- 13812288 TI - [Alcoholism and traffic accidents]. PMID- 13812289 TI - [Delirium tremens and work accidents]. PMID- 13812290 TI - Suicide and legislation on industrial accidents PMID- 13812291 TI - [Vascular epilepsy in adults]. PMID- 13812292 TI - [Deep hypothermia and estrus cycle in the rat]. PMID- 13812293 TI - Clinical problems in the management of hemophilia. PMID- 13812294 TI - [Venereal diseases. III. Contribution of experimental syphilis to the knowledge and treatment of its human counterpart]. PMID- 13812295 TI - [On the value of the association of corticoids with antibiotics in animal pathology]. PMID- 13812296 TI - [Action of unsaturated fatty acids on experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits]. PMID- 13812297 TI - [Action of unsaturated fatty acids on experimental atherosclerosis in the rabbit]. PMID- 13812298 TI - [Responsibility of dietary fats in arterial pathology]. PMID- 13812299 TI - [Practical value of the chemical analysis of urinary calculi]. PMID- 13812300 TI - [Blood lipids and atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13812302 TI - [Disorders of calcium metabolism in urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13812303 TI - [Prophylaxis and treatment of urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13812301 TI - [Calciuria, phosphaturia and prognosis of urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13812305 TI - [Which are the drugs used in urinary lithiasis?]. PMID- 13812304 TI - [The long series of antibiotics of fungal origin]. PMID- 13812306 TI - [Hospitalization of the newborn: neonatal mortality]. PMID- 13812307 TI - [On a case of Hodgkin's lymphogranuloma of benign course (so-called "paragranuloma" of Jackson and Parker)]. PMID- 13812308 TI - [Morphological pathology of the antibody deficiency syndrome]. PMID- 13812309 TI - [Pathogenesis and clinical picture of pneumatosis cystoides of the large intestine]. PMID- 13812310 TI - [On the appearance of unusual mouse tumors in the late stage after acute ionizing total body irradiation]. PMID- 13812311 TI - [Effects of long-term hygroton treatment on hypertension]. PMID- 13812312 TI - [Natruresis and aldosterone excretion in essential hypertension]. PMID- 13812313 TI - [The treatment of acute myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13812314 TI - [Comparative study on the effect of various hypotensive agents on the blood pressure and kidney function after prolonged therapy]. PMID- 13812316 TI - [The therapy of hemolytic transfusion reactions]. PMID- 13812315 TI - [The pathogenesis of sodium hyperdiuresis in essential hypertension]. PMID- 13812317 TI - [Therapy of hemolytic transfusion reactions]. PMID- 13812318 TI - [Medical concepts in corrective dermatology]. PMID- 13812319 TI - [Current clinical and histo-chemico-pathological concepts for the diagnosis of cutaneous malignant melanoma. II]. PMID- 13812320 TI - [Duodenal perforation in a 7-year-old boy during treatment with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13812321 TI - [Perforated gastrojejunal ulcer. Remote development]. PMID- 13812322 TI - [Evaluation of thyroid function in pediatrics by means of the use of 1132 as a tracer]. PMID- 13812323 TI - [Research on the hormogenesis of the goitrous thyroid]. PMID- 13812324 TI - Surgical treatment of pulmonary coccidioidomycosis. A ten-year study. PMID- 13812325 TI - Is it true? PMID- 13812326 TI - Partial reinforcement effects in a T maze. PMID- 13812327 TI - Recent developments in radioisotope techniques: A symposium. III. The flow of blood in varicose veins. PMID- 13812328 TI - Lipid pneumonia and infection with Nocardia asteroides complicating achalasia of the cardia. PMID- 13812329 TI - The survival of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cured and uncured meat. PMID- 13812331 TI - Recreation for the aged. PMID- 13812330 TI - The role of the World Health Organization in epidemiology. PMID- 13812332 TI - [Considerations on the surgical doctrinaire of Paul of Aegina]. PMID- 13812333 TI - Dependence of periodic activation and inhibition of monoaminoxidase by aliphatic compounds upon chain-length. PMID- 13812334 TI - Metabolic relations of manganese to other minerals. PMID- 13812335 TI - Yeasayers and naysayers: agreeing response set as a personality variable. PMID- 13812336 TI - Fluid and electrolyte balance following gastric surgery. PMID- 13812337 TI - [Critical observations on the measurement of the volume of the gallbladder. Experimental and clinical investigations]. PMID- 13812338 TI - [Comparative value of laboratory diagnostic elements in the detection and procedure of treatment of European hepatic distomatosis]. PMID- 13812339 TI - [Demonstration of specific antibodies in some tissular helminthic diseases]. PMID- 13812340 TI - [Clinical experimentation with auxinutril in a neurosurgical department]. PMID- 13812341 TI - [Anuria following unilateral ascending pyelography in a sudden adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13812342 TI - [Cybernetics. Culture. Education]. PMID- 13812343 TI - [Apropos of hepatectomy]. PMID- 13812344 TI - [Regulated hepatectomies]. PMID- 13812345 TI - [Comparative effects of vascular lesions and lesions of the autonomic nervous system on the testicle of the adult rat]. PMID- 13812346 TI - [Development of ovaries of impuberal female rats transplanted at the end of the deferent canal of impuberal male rats]. PMID- 13812347 TI - [Osteodystrophy due to lesions of the neurovegetative system]. PMID- 13812349 TI - [Thyroid activity and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13812348 TI - [Effect of an isotope (I 131) on the virulence of B. C. G. and on the allergy produced by this bacillus]. PMID- 13812350 TI - [Isolation and properties of the agglutinating principle in the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L]. PMID- 13812351 TI - A protective cabinet for the post-mortem examination of infected animals. PMID- 13812352 TI - [Treatment of insomnia from psychoses with plexonal]. PMID- 13812353 TI - [Iproniazid; biochemistry, activity and use in psychiatry]. PMID- 13812354 TI - [Chorionic gonadotropin tests]. PMID- 13812355 TI - [Treatment of the menopause]. PMID- 13812356 TI - [Clinical and therapeutic considerations on a cerebral aneurysm]. PMID- 13812357 TI - The anoxia test for myocardial ischaemia. PMID- 13812358 TI - Clinical biochemistry of farm animals. I. Proteins and amino-acids of the body fluids of cattle and sheep. PMID- 13812359 TI - Clinical biochemistry of farm animals. II. Amino-acid and protein patterns of the body fluids of cattle and sheep in disease. PMID- 13812360 TI - The effect of saponin, sterols and linoleic acid on the weight increase of growing rats. PMID- 13812361 TI - Source and function of urinary ammonia in the alligator. PMID- 13812364 TI - The pathologist and toxicologist in the evaluation of the safety and methods of development of radiodiagnostic compounds. PMID- 13812363 TI - 17-Oxosteroids of pregnant ewes' urine. PMID- 13812365 TI - Articulation skills of adolescents and adults with cleft palates. PMID- 13812366 TI - Treatment of cardiac oedema. PMID- 13812368 TI - The disease called "wildfire". PMID- 13812367 TI - [Pulmonary hernia of the mediastinum with suffocant crises in the infant. Mediastinorhaphy. Recovery]. PMID- 13812369 TI - The post-natal distribution of the abdominal chromaffin tissue in the guinea-pig, mouse and white rat. PMID- 13812370 TI - The survival and growth of pancreatic tissue in the anterior chamber of the eye of the albino rat. PMID- 13812371 TI - [Reflections on the use of high voltages in radiodiagnosis]. PMID- 13812372 TI - [Apropos of a spontaneous and total liberation of the small intestine after Noble's operation]. PMID- 13812373 TI - [Gastroduodenal perforations during treatments with delta-cortisone (apropos of 3 cases)]. PMID- 13812374 TI - Rapid semi-micro procedure for estimating free and total cholesterol. PMID- 13812375 TI - Interpretation of protein-bound iodine values. PMID- 13812376 TI - [Construction of protein diagrams for Hansen's disease]. PMID- 13812377 TI - [Disadvantages and advantages of the idea of alveolar ventilation in clinical practice and in physiology]. PMID- 13812378 TI - [New results of pituitary grafts]. PMID- 13812379 TI - [Does aldosterone possess progestational properties?]. PMID- 13812380 TI - [Itinerant radiophotographic detection. (Annoted figures on the year 1958)]. PMID- 13812381 TI - [The concept of optimum in radiophotography]. PMID- 13812382 TI - A research institute in a small hospital. PMID- 13812383 TI - Geographical variation in leukaemia mortality in relation to background radiation and other factors. PMID- 13812384 TI - Interpretation of chromosome counts made on bone-marrow cells. PMID- 13812385 TI - Incidence of intussusception in Newcastle children. PMID- 13812386 TI - The pathogenesis of Giardia lambia in children. PMID- 13812388 TI - ["Public health" social service at Casablanca]. PMID- 13812387 TI - The incidence of Giardia lamblia infestation of children in Victoria. PMID- 13812389 TI - Atherosclerosis: Clinical implications of experiments on lipid transport in animals. PMID- 13812391 TI - The permeability of liver and skin capillaries to lipids in the cat. PMID- 13812390 TI - Permeability of normal and injured skin capillaries to lipoproteins in the rabbit. PMID- 13812392 TI - [Sensibility to ristocetin of some microbial strains]. PMID- 13812393 TI - A combination of amodiaquin and primaquine (camoprim) in the prevention and cure of sporozoite-induced Chesson strain vivax malaria. PMID- 13812394 TI - Paromomycin as a therapeutic substance for intestinal amebiasis and bacterial enteritis. PMID- 13812395 TI - A new look at malaria eradication in the Americas. PMID- 13812396 TI - Field trial of the cytoanalyzer: 1,184 specimens analyzed. PMID- 13812397 TI - [Coxarthrosis. Statistical and etiological concepts]. PMID- 13812398 TI - [The external fixator. Some difficult orthopedic problems resolved by its use]. PMID- 13812399 TI - [The fetal origin of so-called congenital occlusions of the small intestine caused by atresia]. PMID- 13812400 TI - [Labelling of bees by means of radioactive gold]. PMID- 13812401 TI - [Isolation of the yellow fever virus in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13812402 TI - [The sucrose galactosides from the roots of Cucubalus baccifer (Caryophyllaceae). Study of their structure]. PMID- 13812403 TI - [The alpha-galactosidase of Penicillium paxillus]. PMID- 13812404 TI - [Identification of ajugose as an oligosaccharide of the stachyose-verbascose series]. PMID- 13812405 TI - [Research on the galactosides of Lychnis dioica. 5. Study of the saccharides soluble in water after preliminary extraction of the oligosaccharides]. PMID- 13812406 TI - [Research on the galactosides of Lychnis dioica. IV. Isolation and structure of a new monogalactoside of sucrose]. PMID- 13812407 TI - [Comparative action of phytic acid on proteins and glycoprotein-protein mixtures]. PMID- 13812408 TI - [Research on combinations of proteins with phosphorus-containing compounds. V. Influence of glycoproteins on the phytic precipitation of holoproteins]. PMID- 13812409 TI - [General considerations on the determination of enzymes in clinical chemistry]. PMID- 13812410 TI - [Asthma; pulmonary tuberculosis periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13812411 TI - The hydroxyproline content of porcine gelatin. PMID- 13812412 TI - Structural changes in collagen. The action of alkalis and acids in the conversion of collagen into eucollagen. PMID- 13812413 TI - The N-terminal amino acid residues of gelatin. 4. Chain weight and rigidity relationship in fractionated gelatins. PMID- 13812414 TI - The distribution of mucoprotein in gelatins and fractionated gelatins. PMID- 13812415 TI - Central hemorrhagic encephalopathy of early infancy. PMID- 13812416 TI - General anesthesia and the vulnerable brain. PMID- 13812417 TI - Pathogenesis of nodular atrophy of the cerebral cortex. A common cortical change found in cases of cerebral palsy. PMID- 13812419 TI - Structural alterations in the cerebellum in cases of cerebral palsy; their relation to residual symptomatology in the ataxic-atonic group. PMID- 13812418 TI - Residual changes in the brain incident to anoxia under general anesthesia. Report of case with a survival period of six years. PMID- 13812420 TI - Syndrome of decorticate rigidity, convulsions and amentia occurring in early infancy. Review of literature and report of four verified cases with subtotal softening of forebrain. PMID- 13812422 TI - Traumatic aneurysm of an intracranial artery. Description of lesion incident to a shot gun wound of the skull and brain. PMID- 13812421 TI - The effects of heparin in acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Observations and deductions. PMID- 13812423 TI - Widespread softening of the cerebral gray matter in infancy. Its probable etiology in a paranatal circulatory disorder. PMID- 13812424 TI - [Thyroid insufficiency caused by congenital anomaly of hormonal synthesis]. PMID- 13812426 TI - [Clinical aspects of thyroid insufficiency]. PMID- 13812425 TI - [Atypical tuberculosis with progressive hypothalamic-pituitary syndrome leading to panhypopituitarism]. PMID- 13812427 TI - [Current data on the physiology and clinical pathology of the parathyroid glands]. PMID- 13812428 TI - [Giant cell myocarditis]. PMID- 13812429 TI - [Apropos of the frequency of colic diverticulosis]. PMID- 13812430 TI - [On the regeneration of the menisci of the knee after meniscectomy]. PMID- 13812431 TI - [Thoracic choriocarcinomas in humans]. PMID- 13812432 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary staphylococcal infections]. PMID- 13812433 TI - [General characteristics of pleuropulmonary staphylococcal infections]. PMID- 13812434 TI - [The major clinical aspects of pulmonary staphylococcal infections. Staphylococcal "pneumonia"]. PMID- 13812435 TI - [Radiological semiology of pulmonary cavities]. PMID- 13812436 TI - [Physicians and medicine in Egypt at the end of the 16th century]. PMID- 13812437 TI - [The liver of the alcoholic]. PMID- 13812438 TI - A fluorimetric microdetermination of selenium in biological material. PMID- 13812439 TI - The prosthetic group of a chromoprotin from mycobacteria. PMID- 13812440 TI - Protection in diagnostic x-ray departments. PMID- 13812441 TI - The Society of Radiographers' stand at the fifth Scottish boys and girls exhibition. PMID- 13812442 TI - [Observations on the ultrastructure of the musculo-tendinous junction]. PMID- 13812443 TI - [On measurements of the tensile strength of the tentorium cerebelli in newborn and larger infants]. PMID- 13812444 TI - [Surgical treatment of tumors of the parotid gland]. PMID- 13812445 TI - The effect of oxytocics on the "Ca-deficient" uterus. A measure of oxytocic potency. AB - If the excised, parturient rabbit uterus is repeatedly treated with a Krebs solution free from Ca, its tension in a tetanus drops gradually, and in 15 to 30 minutes becomes zero. We call such a uterus "Ca-deficient." The uterus in this condition has a high threshold, it is non-propagating, "inexcitable," fails to respond to oxytocics in a characteristic fashion, but retains maximum contractility. As Ca is gradually restored to the Krebs, these lost qualities return in a graded fashion and tension of the tetanized uterus becomes a log function of the [Ca]. If the [Ca] is kept low, i.e. 1/10 to 1/20 of the normal, tetanic tension is small but steady, and the preparation offers a full scale of tension increment for the measurement of oxytocic potency. Keeping the stimulus and the [Ca] constant, excitability (measured by tension increment) is a log function of the drug concentration. The recovery of excitability by restoring Ca to the Ca-deficient uterus is strongly temperature-dependent. The Ca-deficient uterus is a useful preparation for the study of the mechanism of regulation. When its excitability is partially recovered by Ca, the electrically stimulated uterus becomes an excellent tool for the quantitative measurement of oxytocic potency. PMID- 13812446 TI - [Cancer cells in the blood in tumors of the urogential system]. PMID- 13812447 TI - Cytologic investigation of malignant cells in peripheral blood and testicular substance from patients orchiectomized for prostatic carcinoma: preliminary report. PMID- 13812448 TI - Genitourinary complications of non-gonococcal urethritis and trichomoniasis in males. PMID- 13812449 TI - [Evolution of a case of massive intestinal resection]. PMID- 13812450 TI - Benign gastric tumours of nonepithelial origin: report of three cases. PMID- 13812451 TI - [Nephrology and urology. Indications and contraindications of ascending pyelography]. PMID- 13812452 TI - Resistance manifestations in the behaviour of the vectors in Venezuela. PMID- 13812453 TI - [Domestic cleanliness and the use of phosphorus insecticides in the campaign against flies]. PMID- 13812454 TI - Amputee rehabilitation. PMID- 13812455 TI - The meaning of religion to older people. PMID- 13812456 TI - [Ulcer-cancer of the stomach]. PMID- 13812457 TI - Relationship between malarial parasitaemia and symptoms of the disease: a review of the literature. AB - The relationship between parasitaemia and the clinical manifestations of malaria is a highly complex subject, considered by the WHO Expert Committee on Malaria which met in September 1958 to warrant further investigation since it has an important bearing on the organization of eradication programmes. As a first step, the author has reviewed the existing literature on such aspects of malaria epidemiology as the prevalence of gametocytes at various stages of a malarial infection, the limit of infectiousness of the human host, the period of survival of the malaria parasite in man, and the development of immunity through repeated infection. From this study of the works published during the past 60 years, he concludes that much more information as to the role of asymptomatic parasitaemia in the transmission of malaria is required and suggests that it will best be obtained through a critical analysis of the data recorded during the eradication campaigns now under way in many countries. PMID- 13812458 TI - [Intradermal toxoplasmin reaction in normal population]. PMID- 13812459 TI - [Sex-linked ocular albinism in the frame of detection of heterozygotes in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13812460 TI - [Old and new aspects of toxicological chemistry]. PMID- 13812461 TI - The effect of high-cholesterol diet (egg yolk) on beryllium-induced osteogenic sarcoma in rabbits. PMID- 13812462 TI - Current practices in general medicine. 8. Modern-day emergency room facilities. PMID- 13812463 TI - The thermostability of chicken serum to be used in the PPLO agglutination test. PMID- 13812464 TI - "Red spot" in poultry. PMID- 13812465 TI - A simple quantitative test for urinary calcium. Preliminary report. PMID- 13812466 TI - Thalassemia major. Thirty-five year survival, with obliterative pulmonary endarteritis and atypical bone changes. PMID- 13812467 TI - Endocrine changes in hemidecorticate rats. PMID- 13812468 TI - Bibliotherapy: some practical considerations. (Part One). PMID- 13812469 TI - Substrate requirements for the positive inotropic action of arsenate on electrically-stimulated rat ventricle strips. PMID- 13812470 TI - Pseudocyst of the pancreas in childhood. PMID- 13812471 TI - Myocardial metabolic and electrical properties of rabbits and ground squirrels at low temperatures. PMID- 13812472 TI - Effect of various drugs on spontaneous and surgically induced ventricular fibrillation in hypothermia. PMID- 13812473 TI - Effect of cold on the isolated perfused mammalian heart. PMID- 13812474 TI - Minimum dosage local anesthesia. PMID- 13812475 TI - Retinal lesions associated with some important systemic disorders. PMID- 13812476 TI - A simple apparatus for the diagnosis and recording of diplopia. PMID- 13812477 TI - Presidential address to world health and tropical hygiene section. PMID- 13812478 TI - Intermittent treatment of Trichophyton rubrum infections with griseofulvin. PMID- 13812479 TI - Experiences of a consultative health centre for older people. PMID- 13812481 TI - Glaucoma as a general surgical complication. PMID- 13812480 TI - The transverse diameter of the heart in older people. PMID- 13812482 TI - The cytochemistry of nonezyme proteins. PMID- 13812483 TI - V. Korenchevsky, father of gerontology. PMID- 13812484 TI - These changing times. PMID- 13812485 TI - The social desirability of trait descriptive terms: order and context effects. PMID- 13812486 TI - The role of psychotherpy. PMID- 13812487 TI - A doctor experiences Guillain-Barre's syndrome from within. PMID- 13812488 TI - A note on the meaning of television to a psychotic woman. PMID- 13812489 TI - Skin grafting in the study of cocarcinogenesis. PMID- 13812490 TI - Splenic siderosis in mice treated with dithiourethane. PMID- 13812491 TI - Lobster muscle phosphorylase: purification and properties. PMID- 13812492 TI - The conversion of lobster muscle phosphorylase a to b and phosphorylase b to a. PMID- 13812493 TI - Mammogenesis and lactogenesis in hypophysectomized, ovariectomized, adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13812494 TI - Amino acid analog incorporation into bacterial proteins. PMID- 13812495 TI - Unilateral congenital absence of the external iliac and femoral arteries. PMID- 13812496 TI - Nuclear sex and body-build in schizophrenia. PMID- 13812498 TI - Heredity and mental disease. PMID- 13812497 TI - Protein-bound iodine in phenylketonuria. PMID- 13812499 TI - The genetics and sub-classification of microcephaly. PMID- 13812500 TI - Radiation dosage to medical personnel. PMID- 13812501 TI - Address of the president-elect. PMID- 13812502 TI - Some effects of a low protein diet on a first filial generation of white rats. PMID- 13812503 TI - Serum vitamin B12 levels in liver disease. PMID- 13812504 TI - A preliminary note on parasitic infections on the Moor Plantation, Ibadan. A study of one hundred employees. PMID- 13812505 TI - An amending note on the transmission of Plasmodium berghei from immunized rats to subinoculated mice. PMID- 13812506 TI - Notes on the snail vector of Schistosoma haematobium in the Ibadan area of Nigeria: with some observations on the pathology of the liver and spleen in mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma haematobium and Schistoma mansoni. PMID- 13812508 TI - [Current medical problems in the World Health Organization]. PMID- 13812507 TI - The laboratory diagnosis of human leptospirosis. PMID- 13812509 TI - Influence of excess dietary molybdenum on rat and calf liver and heart enzymes. PMID- 13812510 TI - Effect of excess dietary zinc on iron and copper in the rat. PMID- 13812511 TI - The metabolism of ouabain in the rat. PMID- 13812512 TI - Internal mammary lymph node biopsy as a guide to postmastectomy radiation therapy in breast carcinoma. PMID- 13812514 TI - Folic acid activity during blood regeneration. PMID- 13812513 TI - Cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid and pteroylglutamates in normal and megaloblastic bone marrow. PMID- 13812516 TI - Perforated peptic ulcer in the elderly patient. PMID- 13812515 TI - Interrelation of vitamin B12 and iron. PMID- 13812517 TI - [The role of statistics in scientific investigation]. PMID- 13812519 TI - [Measles encephalitis and ACTH]. PMID- 13812518 TI - Immunological response to trivalent oral poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13812520 TI - Expired-air resuscitation. PMID- 13812521 TI - Pleural decortication. PMID- 13812522 TI - The relationship between urinary aldosterone, plasma volume, extracellular fluid volume and total body water. PMID- 13812523 TI - A bivalve gastropod. PMID- 13812524 TI - Adenoacanthoma of the pylorus. A report of a case. PMID- 13812525 TI - Bacillus subtilis septicemia: report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13812526 TI - Secondary structure of ribonucleic acid in solution. PMID- 13812527 TI - Pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-triol, pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha triol-11-one and related steroids. PMID- 13812528 TI - Movements of radioactive carbon dioxide within the animal body during oxidation of 14C-labelled substances. PMID- 13812529 TI - The transport of radioactive carbon dioxide in the blood stream of the dog after administration of radioactive bicarbonate. PMID- 13812531 TI - Suggestions on the fenestration of the oval window. PMID- 13812530 TI - The effect of intragastric oxygen on the oxygenation of arterial and portal blood in hypoxic animals. PMID- 13812533 TI - Proteinuria during the 24 hour period following exercise. PMID- 13812532 TI - [Indications for tracheotomy in the course of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13812534 TI - Meralgia paresthetica. PMID- 13812535 TI - [The treatment of posttraumatic rigidity of the knee by means of arthrolysis operation]. PMID- 13812536 TI - [On the clinical value of some symptomatological findings in the diagnosis of meniscal lesions of the knee]. PMID- 13812537 TI - [Variation in the technic of anterior capsular enervation of the hip; simultaneous resection of the 2 branches of the obturator nerve. (Considerations on the first 20 operated cases)]. PMID- 13812538 TI - [Arthrodesis in the paralytic shoulder]. PMID- 13812539 TI - [Arthrodesis of the wrist]. PMID- 13812540 TI - [Coccygodynia]. PMID- 13812541 TI - [Considerations on a case of essential osteopsathyrosis]. PMID- 13812542 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of "Camurati-Engelmann osteopathy"]. PMID- 13812543 TI - [Hemochemical study on 2 cases of osteopsathyrosis]. PMID- 13812545 TI - [On congenital dislocation of the radial head]. PMID- 13812544 TI - [Luxation of the peroneal tendons]. PMID- 13812546 TI - [Remote results of fractures of the olecranon treated surgically]. PMID- 13812547 TI - [Surgical treatment of arthroses of the knee]. PMID- 13812548 TI - The stimulation of aldosterone secretion by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). PMID- 13812549 TI - [Hypercalcemia and duodenal ulcer (Burnett's syndrome)]. PMID- 13812550 TI - A decade of public health in Pennsylvania: prelude to the future. PMID- 13812552 TI - Alterations of connective tissues related to senescence and the pathology of old age. PMID- 13812551 TI - On morbid thanatogenesis in the aged. PMID- 13812554 TI - Histochemical investigations in geriatrics. PMID- 13812555 TI - Bradyrhythmia occurring in the course of arteriosclerosis and other nosogenic processes as a positive factor of longevity. PMID- 13812553 TI - On some biomorphological factors in geriatrics. PMID- 13812556 TI - Endothelioma (mesothelioma) of serous membranes as a problem of histophysiology. PMID- 13812557 TI - [Focal capillaroparietal glomerular disease as an allergic process in rheumatic disease]. PMID- 13812558 TI - The lateral approach to the larynx and hypopharynx. PMID- 13812559 TI - Hyperkeratosis of the larynx. PMID- 13812560 TI - Tick typhus in East Africa. PMID- 13812561 TI - The dynamics of leukopenia and leukocytosis. PMID- 13812562 TI - Evaluation of marrow granulocytic reserves in normal and disease states. PMID- 13812564 TI - Surgical induction of labour in the home. PMID- 13812563 TI - The physiology of granulocytic cells in normal and leukemic states. PMID- 13812565 TI - Tris buffer for the demonstration of haemoglobin A2 by paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13812566 TI - [Clinical experiences with extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13812567 TI - Persistent atrioventricular canal. Surgical experiences. PMID- 13812568 TI - Comparative studies of the conventional white cell count and estimation of macro and micro hematocrit buffy layers. PMID- 13812569 TI - Allergy in general practice. PMID- 13812570 TI - Mental disorder in a series of English out-patient defectives. PMID- 13812571 TI - Psychiatric day hospitals. PMID- 13812572 TI - Gross autoradiography of solute translocation and distribution in plants. PMID- 13812573 TI - The anemia of hypophysectomized animals. PMID- 13812574 TI - Some reflexes mediated by the afferent fibers of the abdominal vagus in the rabbit and cat. PMID- 13812575 TI - Histologic connections and electrical and autonomic responses evoked by stimulation of the dorsal fornix in the rabbit. PMID- 13812576 TI - A heat-Ioss mechanism involving the habenular, interpeduncular and dorsal tegmental nuclei. PMID- 13812577 TI - A specific response in the hippocampus of the rabbit to olfactory stimulation. PMID- 13812578 TI - The pituitary cytology of an adult cretinoid dwarf. PMID- 13812579 TI - Effects of iodoacetate on potassium, glucose and lactic acid metabolism in isolated perfused frog liver. PMID- 13812580 TI - Effects of position on expiratory reserve volume of the lungs. PMID- 13812581 TI - Metabolic studies of 32P-labelled triethylenethiophosphoramide. PMID- 13812582 TI - Muscular effort and posture in hiatus hernia. PMID- 13812583 TI - Posterior choanal atresia, with a report of ten cases. PMID- 13812584 TI - The management of congestive heart failure. PMID- 13812585 TI - Lethality of sarin in a warm environment. PMID- 13812586 TI - Breathing in brief exercise. PMID- 13812587 TI - Occupational dermatoses. PMID- 13812588 TI - Observations on the kidney after phosphate loading in the rat. PMID- 13812589 TI - Influence of dietary fructose on glucose tolerance in man. PMID- 13812590 TI - Comparison of acute hypoglycemic potencies of tolbutamide and chlorpropamide. PMID- 13812591 TI - Influence of phenethylbiguanide on lactic, pyruvic and citric acids in diabetic patients. PMID- 13812592 TI - Management of the listless patient. PMID- 13812593 TI - Physical properties of elastic duplicating materials. PMID- 13812594 TI - Presidential address: our opportunities. PMID- 13812595 TI - Experimental ascites treated by hypophysectomy and substitution therapy. PMID- 13812596 TI - Renal function changes in the dog hypophysectomized for ascites. PMID- 13812597 TI - Hypothermia-its use in severe carbon monoxide poisoning. PMID- 13812598 TI - Emergency care of extradural hematoma. PMID- 13812599 TI - Surgical management of Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13812600 TI - Changing emphases in paediatrics; the challenge of our times. PMID- 13812602 TI - Phonocardiography in interventricular septal defects. PMID- 13812603 TI - Management of nonpenetrating injuries of the chest. PMID- 13812601 TI - The pediatric management of emotional and behavioral disorders. PMID- 13812604 TI - Infection of hamsters with para influenza 3 virus. PMID- 13812605 TI - A study of cartilage homografts in rabbits sensitised by a skin homograft from the cartilage donor. PMID- 13812606 TI - Boiled cartilage heterografts in relation to transplantation immunity. PMID- 13812607 TI - Cartilage homografts in papain-injected rabbits. PMID- 13812608 TI - [Histochemical research on human endocervical mucosa during the menstrual cycle and after the menopause. II. Hotchkiss-McManus method for periodic-acid-Schiff positive substances]. PMID- 13812609 TI - [Histochemical research on human endocervical mucosa in the various phases of the menstrual cycle and after the menopause. I. Langhans method for glycogen]. PMID- 13812610 TI - [Histochemical research on the human endocervical mucosa during the menstrual cycle and after the menopause. III. Gomori method for alkaline glycerophosphatase]. PMID- 13812611 TI - [Histochemical research on the human endocervical mucosa during the menstrual cycle and after the menopause. IV. Method for ribonucleic acid using gallocyaninechromallume]. PMID- 13812612 TI - [Histochemical research on the human endocervical mucosa during the menstrual cycle and after the menopause. V. Feulgen method for desoxyribonucleic acid]. PMID- 13812613 TI - Illnesses in children infected with an adenovirus antigenically related to types 9 and 15. PMID- 13812614 TI - Viral diseases of children. PMID- 13812615 TI - Croup-present day concept. PMID- 13812616 TI - Experiences with cyclophosphamide in treatment of childhood tumors. PMID- 13812617 TI - Progress and rate of absorption of radiostrontium through intestinal tracts of rats. PMID- 13812618 TI - Movement of radiostrontium through intestinal tract of fed or fasted rats. PMID- 13812619 TI - [On the pathogenesis and histology of keratoacanthoma]. PMID- 13812620 TI - [On the recognition of reticulum cell sarcoma of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13812621 TI - N-Hydroxylation: A new metabolic reaction observed in the rat with the carcinogen 2-acetylaminofluorene. PMID- 13812622 TI - The hydroxylation of the carcinogen 2-acetylaminofluorene by rat liver: stimulation by pretreatment in vivo with 3-methylcholanthrene. PMID- 13812623 TI - [Distribution of antibodies against the polyoma virus in different strains of laboratory mice]. PMID- 13812624 TI - Zone electrophoresis studies on hemagglutinin of hemagglutinating and of masked strain of polyoma virus. PMID- 13812625 TI - [On spontaneous fistula of the ileum]. PMID- 13812626 TI - [Radiation protection in the operative treatment of femur neck fractures by the use of the image intensifier tube]. PMID- 13812627 TI - [The simplified operative treatment of femur neck fractures under view of television]. PMID- 13812628 TI - The anti-human-globulin-inhibition test. A simplified technique. PMID- 13812629 TI - Mechanism of immunological unresponsiveness. PMID- 13812630 TI - The amino acid composition of proteins isolated from the ribonucleoprotein particles of rat liver. PMID- 13812631 TI - The life history and affinities of the turtle lung fluke, Heronimus chelydrae Maccallum, 1902. PMID- 13812632 TI - Maternal reactions and the development of independence and achievement behavior in young children. PMID- 13812633 TI - Children's repetition choices in an intellectual achievement situation following success and failure. PMID- 13812634 TI - Jaundice precipitated by prochlorperazine (compazine) in the treatment of alcoholic psychiatric disturbance. PMID- 13812635 TI - Radiation in dental offices. PMID- 13812636 TI - Control of neuromuscular manifestations of severe systemic tetanus. PMID- 13812637 TI - Hypotension associated with anesthesia. PMID- 13812638 TI - Comparative study of three isolates with the original feline viral rhinotracheitis virus. PMID- 13812639 TI - A study of the antigenic relationships between feline and human viruses. PMID- 13812640 TI - Isolation of cytopathic agents from the nasopharyngeal region of the domestic cat. PMID- 13812641 TI - Multiplication and cytopathogenicity of herpes simplex virus in cultures of feline renal cells. PMID- 13812642 TI - Sarcoma of the uterus. A study of 42 cases. PMID- 13812643 TI - Venous interruption for septic thrombophlebitis. PMID- 13812645 TI - The digestion and absorption of protein by normal man. PMID- 13812644 TI - Absorption and elimination of 15-N after administration of isotopically labelled yeast protein and yeast protein hydrolysate to adult patients with coeliac disease. 1. Rate of absorption of 15-N yeast protein and yeast protein hydrolysate. PMID- 13812646 TI - Quinones in electron transport. II. Influence of accessory lipid factors on the activity of coenzyme Q analogs. PMID- 13812647 TI - Quinones in electron transport. 1. Coenzymatic activity of plastoquinone, coenzyme Q and related natural quinones. PMID- 13812648 TI - Observations on the EEL blood cell counter. PMID- 13812649 TI - Studies on the urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid and 17 hydroxycorticosteroids in patients treated with marsilid. PMID- 13812650 TI - Clinical studies on the cardiovascular effects of marsilid. PMID- 13812651 TI - Isolated pulmonary venous sclerosis: a cause of cor pulmonale. PMID- 13812652 TI - The relative flow rates of red cells and plasma--peripheral and central circulation studies in the dog. PMID- 13812653 TI - The effect of recirculation on the shape of the arterial concentration curve after an instantaneous injection of indicator. PMID- 13812654 TI - Periodic paralysis associated with hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13812655 TI - Han Yak, the practice of ancient medicine in Korea. PMID- 13812657 TI - A large periodontal cyst of the mandible. PMID- 13812656 TI - Pathogenic effects of salt loading in the presence and absence of the adrenal glands. PMID- 13812658 TI - Synergistic basal narcosedation. A basic technique employing promethazine, meperidine, and secobarbital. PMID- 13812659 TI - Organizing a metropolitan hospital council. PMID- 13812660 TI - "Dutch" medicines and their uses. PMID- 13812661 TI - An adrenergic basis for bulbar inhibition. PMID- 13812662 TI - Combination pillar and palate retractor. PMID- 13812663 TI - Cytomegalic inclusion disease of the nose. PMID- 13812665 TI - Traumatic stricture of the larynx. PMID- 13812664 TI - Foreign body of retropharyngeal space. PMID- 13812666 TI - The creatinine excretion and urine volume of premature infants. PMID- 13812667 TI - The urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids by premature infants: comparisons between premature infants experiencing uneventful courses and those having clinical difficulty, including death. PMID- 13812668 TI - The half-life of hydrocortisone in normal newborn infants. PMID- 13812669 TI - The relationship between pyrogen-induced renal vasodilatation and circulating pyrogenic substances. PMID- 13812670 TI - Fever: pathogenesis and circulatory changes. PMID- 13812671 TI - [Proteolysis as a possible mechanism in cutaneous anaphylaxis]. PMID- 13812672 TI - [Treponema immobilization test and conventional serology in 100 cases of neurosyphilis]. PMID- 13812674 TI - [Current concepts of pathogenesis of cutaneous allergy. Reactions of immediate type]. PMID- 13812673 TI - [Besnier's prurigo. Recent contributions]. PMID- 13812675 TI - [Hypertrophic angiomas of the newborn. Therapeutic management]. PMID- 13812676 TI - [Belgian medicosocial regulations, legislation and contributions in the field of venereal disease control from the end of the 18th century up to our days]. PMID- 13812677 TI - [Belgian regulations, legislation and medicosocial contributions in the field of antivenereal campaign from the end of the 18th century to our time]. PMID- 13812678 TI - [Belgian regulations, legislation and medicosocial contributions in the field of venereal disease prevention and control from the end of the 18th century up to the present time]. PMID- 13812679 TI - Genetic differences in growth rate and maturation of rabbits. PMID- 13812680 TI - [A casuistic contribution on acro-osteolysis]. PMID- 13812681 TI - [An unusual ankle joint deformity with anomalies of the navicular, cuneiform and supranavicular bones]. PMID- 13812682 TI - [Effect of L(-) tryptophan on vitamin B6 deficiency determined by isoniazide]. PMID- 13812683 TI - [Action of k-strophanthoside on erythrocyte-plasma exchange of the potassium ion in human heparinized blood: study in vitro and in vivo]. PMID- 13812684 TI - Uptake of thymidine and synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid in mouse ascites cells. PMID- 13812685 TI - [Some practical aspects of radiophotography]. PMID- 13812687 TI - The survival of stocks of HeLa cells maintained at-70 degrees C. PMID- 13812686 TI - [Cyto-chemical diagnosis of rupture of the membranes]. PMID- 13812688 TI - Distribution of antibiotic-producing streptomycetes in Italian soils. PMID- 13812689 TI - Antibiotics against plant disease. VII. The antifungal hepataene component (F-17 C) produced by Streptomyces cinnamomeus f. azacoluta. PMID- 13812690 TI - [Effect of a ganglion-blocking drug of rapid action on thyroid content of thyroxin-bound iodine]. PMID- 13812691 TI - [Studies on adrenocortical function; behavior of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and 17 ketosteroids in the blood plasma following progesterone administration]. PMID- 13812692 TI - Noninfectious granulomatous angiitis with a predilection for the nervous system. PMID- 13812693 TI - A clinical and pathologic study of akinetic mutism. PMID- 13812694 TI - Influence of the clinical type of malnutrition on the absorption and retention of nitrogen. PMID- 13812695 TI - Fat metabolism in chronic, severe malnutrition: lipoprotein in children with kwashiorkor. PMID- 13812696 TI - [Protein metabolism in advanced malnutrition: concentration of free amino acids in the blood plasma]. PMID- 13812697 TI - [Research in the Hospital Infantil de Mexico]. PMID- 13812698 TI - Medullary spinothalamic tractotomy for high intractable pain. PMID- 13812699 TI - Peripatetic intraocular foreign body. PMID- 13812700 TI - Oxygen lack as a possible cause of reactive hyperemia. PMID- 13812701 TI - Sarcoma botryoides: a case report. PMID- 13812702 TI - Hemodynamic alterations in patients with cerebral arterial insufficiency before and after operation. PMID- 13812703 TI - Arterial reconstructive operation for occlusive disease of the innominate, carotid, subclavian, and vertebral arteries. PMID- 13812704 TI - Evaluation of late failures after reconstructive operations for occlusive lesions of the aorta and iliac, femoral, and popliteal arteries. PMID- 13812705 TI - Ligation of esophageal varices: a new technique. PMID- 13812706 TI - Liver failure in late pregnancy: hyperuricaemia as an early sign in its detection. PMID- 13812707 TI - Cancer Detection Committee (addendum to the Brussels Reports 1957): report from Australia. PMID- 13812708 TI - Detection of antibodies by fluorescent-spot technique. PMID- 13812709 TI - Clinical results of treatment of diabetes insipidus with drugs of the chlorothiazide series. PMID- 13812710 TI - Sodium transport by the chorioallantoic membrane of the pig. PMID- 13812711 TI - Distinguishing characteristics of autohemagglutinins and rouleaux phenomena. PMID- 13812712 TI - Potency of poliomyelitis vaccines estimated by an antibody combining test. PMID- 13812713 TI - A study of human placental growth with observations on the placenta in erythroblastosis foetalis. PMID- 13812714 TI - A convocation address. PMID- 13812716 TI - The golden scourge. PMID- 13812717 TI - Clinical evaluation of methdilazine hydrochloride, a new antihistamine, using double-blind and placebo control. PMID- 13812715 TI - Studies on the respiratory and circulatory effects of carbetidine HCI used for supplementation of thiopentone sodium-nitrous oxide-oxygen anaesthesia. PMID- 13812718 TI - A study of the nasal cytology in infants with eczemoid dermatitis. PMID- 13812719 TI - Allergenicity of cow's milk proteins. 1. Effect of heat treatment on the allergenicity of protein fractions of milk as studied by the dual-ingestion passive transfer test. PMID- 13812720 TI - Organic acid excretion after calcium gluconate infusions. PMID- 13812721 TI - The effects of changes in acid-base balance on urinary citrate in the rat. PMID- 13812722 TI - Spinal abruption. PMID- 13812723 TI - The determination of serum alpha- and beta-lipoprotein cholesterol. PMID- 13812724 TI - Toxic cataract. PMID- 13812725 TI - Hyaline arteriolosclerosis in the spleen: an immuno-histochemical study. PMID- 13812726 TI - Some observations on the pathogenesis and natural history of intracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13812727 TI - The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis; the trends of recent work. PMID- 13812728 TI - Studies of a complement-fixing antigen from group A streptococcal L forms. I. Preparation and preliminary tests in rabbits and man. PMID- 13812729 TI - Conversion of glycine to oxalate in a normal subject. PMID- 13812730 TI - Conversion of glycine to oxalate in primary hyperoxaluria. PMID- 13812731 TI - Acylative decarboxylation with particular reference to the acetylative decarboxylation of the 2:4-dinitrophenyl derivatives of some amino acids. PMID- 13812732 TI - Use of the hemagglutination-inhibition test in the control of chronic respiratory disease of chickens. PMID- 13812733 TI - The effect of succinylcholine on intraocular pressure in adults, infants and children during general anesthesia. PMID- 13812734 TI - Further observations on the gastro-oesophageal junction. PMID- 13812735 TI - P32 Incorporation by Ehrlich ascites cells in vitro. PMID- 13812736 TI - The influence of dinitrophenol and fatty acids on the P32 metabolism of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. PMID- 13812737 TI - A comparison of the nucleic acids of rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma. PMID- 13812740 TI - Changes in the sodium and potassium contents of cells nuclei after irradiation. PMID- 13812739 TI - The effect of ionizing radiation on nuclear phosphorylation in the radio sensitive tissues of the rat. PMID- 13812741 TI - Some criticisms of factor analysis with suggestions for alternative methods. PMID- 13812738 TI - 2-Hydroxyiminomethyl-N-methylpyridinium methanesulphonate (P2S), an antidote to organophosphorus poisoning. Its preparation, estimation and stability. PMID- 13812743 TI - House staff training on a private medical service. PMID- 13812742 TI - Treatment in a child guidance clinic. PMID- 13812744 TI - [Studies on the central depressor features of some thymol ethers]. PMID- 13812745 TI - The treatment of cancer by perfusion. PMID- 13812746 TI - The surgical treatment of acquired heart disease utilizing extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13812747 TI - Perfusion treatment of patients with cancer. PMID- 13812748 TI - Comparison of curricula in collegiate programs in radiologic technology. PMID- 13812750 TI - The value of routine proctosigmoidoscopy. PMID- 13812749 TI - Panel discussion on gastric ulcer in 1959. PMID- 13812751 TI - Renal complications after ileac diversion of the urine in non-neoplastic disorders. PMID- 13812752 TI - Renal complications after ileac diversion of the urine in non-neoplastic disorders. PMID- 13812753 TI - Transurethral prostatic resection; prevention and treatment of complications. PMID- 13812754 TI - Micro-electrophoresis of human white cells and platelets. PMID- 13812755 TI - Presuren in anaesthesia. PMID- 13812756 TI - The enigma that was Annabelle. PMID- 13812757 TI - [Method for the administration of psychotropic drugs into the common carotid of the rabbit]. PMID- 13812758 TI - [On the specificity of the motor effect induced in the rabbit by intracarotid injection of certain psychotropic drugs]. PMID- 13812759 TI - Action of some pachycurares and leptocurares on the neuromuscular transmission in the chicken. PMID- 13812760 TI - [Experiences in the treatment of mycoses with griseofulvin]. PMID- 13812761 TI - [The significance of intestinal flora for vitamin supply]. PMID- 13812762 TI - Dental caries and growth in rats fed whole-milk powders with increasing lysine deterioration. PMID- 13812763 TI - [Is a life without intestinal bacteria possible? On the significance of the bacteria for the normal organism]. PMID- 13812764 TI - Biochemical studies on the toxicity of tetraethyl lead and other organo-lead compounds. PMID- 13812765 TI - The action of mitochondrial preparations on glycolysis. PMID- 13812766 TI - Problems and difficulties in teachingpsychosomatic medicine to medical students in Germany. PMID- 13812767 TI - [Experiences with the non-directive method in psychiatric-neurological practice]. PMID- 13812768 TI - [Significant body image disorders in severe psychasthenia]. PMID- 13812769 TI - [Meningo-uveo-papillitis with ocular onset and with slow favorable outcome]. PMID- 13812770 TI - [Diminution of mental processes after cranial injuries]. PMID- 13812771 TI - [Multiple sclerosis with onset by mental disorders. Anatomo-clinical study]. PMID- 13812772 TI - [Thalamic dementia]. PMID- 13812774 TI - [Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Reflections apropos of a case]. PMID- 13812773 TI - [Cerebellar syndrome evolving concomitantly with streptomycin therapy in a pulmonary tuberculosis patient]. PMID- 13812775 TI - [Internuclear anterior paralysis in the course of a vascular syndrome of the brain stem]. PMID- 13812776 TI - [Left occipital porencephalia by trauma in childhood. Enormous craniolacumia. Physiopathological considerations]. PMID- 13812778 TI - [The use of heparinoids to prevent defective cicatrix in plastic surgery of the eyelids]. PMID- 13812777 TI - [Report of a case of pellagra with hypersensitivity to phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13812779 TI - [Vogt-Harada-Koyanagi disease]. PMID- 13812780 TI - Perforation of infarcted interventricular septum. Antemortem diagnosis. PMID- 13812781 TI - The milk-alkali syndrome: case report of reversible hypercalcemia, alkalosis and renal insufficiency. PMID- 13812782 TI - [Action of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the isolated limbus of the cerebral cortex of the cat]. PMID- 13812783 TI - [The effect of suprasegmental nervous structure on the deambulatory activity of the decebrated guinea pig]. PMID- 13812784 TI - [The effects of factor I on the isolated limbus of the cerebral cortex of the cat]. PMID- 13812785 TI - [Effects of cortisone on the cerebrocortical electrical activity of the cat]. PMID- 13812786 TI - [Effects of cortisone on the isolated cerebral cortex of the cat]. PMID- 13812787 TI - [Modifications of the cerebrocortical response to transcallosal impulses by the effect of cortisone]. PMID- 13812788 TI - [Research on modifications of cerebral electrical activity induced by cortisone and on the neurophysiological mechanism of the modifications]. PMID- 13812790 TI - [Working conditions in environments with high temperatures]. PMID- 13812789 TI - The use of gamma globulin in the treatment of intrinsic asthma. PMID- 13812792 TI - [Toxic nephropathy]. PMID- 13812791 TI - [Medical problems on occupational diseases from parasiticides in agriculture]. PMID- 13812793 TI - [The general practitioner faced with fractures of the face]. PMID- 13812794 TI - [Quantitative and qualitative determination of steroid sulfates with the aid of methylene blue. II. Detection of steroid sulfates by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13812795 TI - [Quantitative and qualitative determination of steroid sulfates with the aid of methylene blue. I. Microdosage of steroid sulfates]. PMID- 13812796 TI - Development of a simplified disposable membrane oxygenator. PMID- 13812798 TI - Powdered duodenal extract in the treatment of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13812797 TI - Physiology of vision. PMID- 13812800 TI - [A case of Ollier's dyschondroplasia]. PMID- 13812799 TI - Culture of algae and other micro-organisms in deuterium oxide. PMID- 13812801 TI - [Experimental control of the taking of autoplastic and homoplastic bone grafts by means of radioistopes]. PMID- 13812802 TI - [Considerations on 2 cases of distal epiphysial traumatic dislocation of the femur]. PMID- 13812803 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of diaphysial fractures of the femur. (Review of 110 cases)]. PMID- 13812804 TI - [Dorso-lumbar scoliosis caused by vertebral exostosis]. PMID- 13812805 TI - [Rare obstetrical lesion of the clavicle]. PMID- 13812806 TI - [Functional aphonia and its treatment]. PMID- 13812807 TI - [Fibrinogen and liver disease]. PMID- 13812808 TI - [On the biological importance of group specific substances]. PMID- 13812809 TI - [Further observations on the circulatory characteristics of the isolated and artifically perfused rabbit kidney]. PMID- 13812810 TI - [Some observations on the structure of the vitamin B12-binding factors obtained from swine gastric mucosa]. PMID- 13812811 TI - Methane exhalation in sheep. PMID- 13812812 TI - [Corn and aureomycin in the alimentation of the rat]. PMID- 13812813 TI - [Illustration of 2 cases of endogenous pulmonary siderosis and of one case of exogenous siderosis previously interpreted as silicosis]. PMID- 13812814 TI - [First clinical research on various esters of phenylethylcarbinol with choleretic action]. PMID- 13812815 TI - [Hepatic changes following the administration of thiopentone or ether to the organism in a state of hypoxemia]. PMID- 13812816 TI - Health education in the college program. PMID- 13812817 TI - [On the phenomenon of extinction in cutaneous sensation time in parietal lesions]. PMID- 13812818 TI - [A case of thallium poisoning in a child]. PMID- 13812819 TI - [Collagen content of human uterine muscles]. PMID- 13812821 TI - Correlation of plasma levels of oral antidiabetic agents with blood sugar responses. PMID- 13812820 TI - [Studies on the electrolyte content of human myometrium]. PMID- 13812822 TI - [Experimental studies on the effect of a kidney lesion on diabetes mellitus; alloxan diabetes and Masugi's kidney disease]. PMID- 13812823 TI - [Clinical relationships between diabetes mellitus and the liver]. PMID- 13812824 TI - An outbreak of sporotrichosis in Florida. PMID- 13812826 TI - Indications for cardiac catheterization. PMID- 13812825 TI - The use of a vasopressor agent as a diagnostic aid in auscultation. PMID- 13812827 TI - [On the dissociation of the sodium and potassium salts of polyphosphoric ester amides of thiamine]. PMID- 13812828 TI - Fibrinolysis in acute leukaemia. PMID- 13812829 TI - Von Willebrand's disease--a plasma deficiency cause of the prolonged bleeding time. PMID- 13812830 TI - [Von Willebrand's disease. Plasma defect as the cause of prolonged bleeding time]. PMID- 13812831 TI - The separation of AHF from fibrinogen. PMID- 13812832 TI - The separation of AHF from fibrinogen. II. PMID- 13812833 TI - Glycogen disease. PMID- 13812835 TI - [Diagnostic and therapeutic advances in hemorrhagic diatheses]. PMID- 13812834 TI - Myocarditis in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13812836 TI - [Recurrent pneumonia in children]. PMID- 13812837 TI - Heredity and sex-determination. PMID- 13812838 TI - The immediate reaction of the mammalian host to the bite of uninfected Chrysops and of Chrysops infected with human and with monkey Loa. PMID- 13812839 TI - Local care of burns. PMID- 13812840 TI - Hydroa vacciniforme affecting the eye. PMID- 13812841 TI - [On medicinal first aid in cases of so-called apparent death]. PMID- 13812842 TI - [On the results of treatment of dislocations and fracture-dislocations of the hip]. PMID- 13812843 TI - [A center for the treatment of burns: the Centre de L'Hospital Edouard-Herriot (Lyon)]. PMID- 13812844 TI - [On the treatment of fractures of the lower end of the femur]. PMID- 13812845 TI - [Resection of the hip with acrylic endo-prosthesis. Successive deteriorations of the result after insertion of 2 different types of prosthesis]. PMID- 13812846 TI - [On the treatment of recent and old acromio-clavicular separations]. PMID- 13812847 TI - [Presentation of the pliable individual tent for burned patients. Type of the Hospices Civil de Lyon. Model of Dr. A. Gate and Dr. R. Deleuze]. PMID- 13812848 TI - [The future of surgery in Europe as a function of technical and social development]. PMID- 13812849 TI - [The future of surgery in Europe in terms of technical and social evolution]. PMID- 13812850 TI - [Biochemical study of 12 cases of cryoglobulinemia]. PMID- 13812851 TI - [Biochemical study of various atypical forms of dysproteinemia]. PMID- 13812852 TI - [Bernard Palissy, humanist in spite of himself]. PMID- 13812853 TI - [Several cases of intra-epithelial epithelioma of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13812854 TI - [Various considerations on blood disorders caused by atomic radiations and their modern treatments]. PMID- 13812855 TI - Biochemical activities of nucleic acids. The present position of the coding problem. PMID- 13812856 TI - The present status and problems involved in human sensitization to antibiotics. PMID- 13812857 TI - The effect of bronchial asthma on the heart, with special reference to the spatial vector-cardiogram. PMID- 13812858 TI - Adverse drug reaction. PMID- 13812859 TI - Chronic headache in the aged. PMID- 13812860 TI - Management of chronic vascular headache (clinical observations). PMID- 13812861 TI - Considerations on abdominal epilepsy. PMID- 13812862 TI - Evaluation of radiation therapy of bladder carcinoma. PMID- 13812863 TI - A method for ala plasty in cleft lip nasal deformities. PMID- 13812864 TI - Postherpetic pain. PMID- 13812865 TI - Surgical approach to facial scarring. PMID- 13812866 TI - Nontoxic goiter. PMID- 13812867 TI - Results of treatment of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. PMID- 13812868 TI - Cancer and the mystery of growth. PMID- 13812869 TI - Carcinoma of the thyroid in children. PMID- 13812870 TI - Chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13812871 TI - Endocrine dependency of tumors of the thyroid. PMID- 13812872 TI - Recognition of a pathognomonic sign for the retropharyngeal goiter. PMID- 13812873 TI - The cancer problem: a speculative review of the etiology, natural history, and treatment of cancer. PMID- 13812875 TI - Aortic stenosis. PMID- 13812874 TI - The danger of becoming satisfied with standardized techniques. PMID- 13812876 TI - Effects of membrane current on transmembrane potentials of cultured chick embryo heart cells. PMID- 13812878 TI - The use of autogenous skin as a vascular prosthesis. PMID- 13812879 TI - [Effects of radiotherapy on vaginal cytology. Prognostic significance]. PMID- 13812880 TI - [On 4 cases of hemoperitoneum of ovarian origin outside of pregnancy]. PMID- 13812881 TI - [Sodium hydroxydione in anesthesia. Its use in 120 cases with new technic of administration]. PMID- 13812882 TI - [Primary pleural sarcoma]. PMID- 13812883 TI - [Bullous or deterged cavities during pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13812884 TI - [Microbiological, clinical, radiological and therapeutic observations during some forms of acute pneumopathy in infants]. PMID- 13812885 TI - [Illustration of a rare disorder of enchondral ossification]. PMID- 13812886 TI - [Triamcinolone in allergic syndromes]. PMID- 13812887 TI - Rapid determination of diethyl ether levels in blood. PMID- 13812888 TI - [Incidence and distribution of Chagas-Mazza disease in Cordova]. PMID- 13812889 TI - [The laboratory in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13812890 TI - Routine method for the goldfish assay of toxin in crude culture centrifugates of Clostridium botulinum type A. PMID- 13812892 TI - [Results of the surgical treatment of Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13812891 TI - [Clinical, biological and histological recovery in two cases of cirrhogenic hepatitis using deltacortisone]. PMID- 13812893 TI - [Epithelial cancer of the jejunum]. PMID- 13812894 TI - [Chronic painful recurrent and icterogenic pancreatitis with residual cyst of the pancreatic head. Cure by cystoduodenostomy]. PMID- 13812895 TI - [A case of chronic invagination on the blind end of a small intestinal loop en Y after duodeno-pancreatectomy for cancer of the third duodenal portion]. PMID- 13812896 TI - [Study of the menstrual cycle in sterility]. PMID- 13812897 TI - A self-retaining vaginal and posterior culde-sac retractor. PMID- 13812898 TI - Pregnancy complicating peptic ulcer. PMID- 13812899 TI - A new form of scalp ringworm in Western New York. PMID- 13812900 TI - [The 4 ophthalmoscopic aspects of arteriolar sclerosis in arterial hypertensive disorders]. PMID- 13812901 TI - What is the Florida Medical Assistants' Association? PMID- 13812902 TI - Industry's state in water conservation. PMID- 13812903 TI - On reading epilepsy. PMID- 13812904 TI - Hughlings Jackson, the man; and the early days of the National Hospital. PMID- 13812905 TI - Jacksonian ideas and the future, with special reference to aphasia. PMID- 13812906 TI - The beginnings of the National Hospital, Queen Square (1859-1860). PMID- 13812907 TI - [Speech disorders in cases of epilepsy]. PMID- 13812908 TI - Preoperative evaluation of the pulmonary vascular bed in patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with left to right shunts. I. Effect of acetylcholine: preliminary report. PMID- 13812909 TI - A syndrome featuring defects of the heart, sternum, diaphragm, and anterior abdominal wall. PMID- 13812911 TI - [Critical review of Raynaud's phenomenon]. PMID- 13812910 TI - [Radioisotope contamination of the biosphere]. PMID- 13812912 TI - [Discussion on vasculocutaneous disorders of the extremities. Does Raynaud's disease exist?]. PMID- 13812913 TI - [Aortic stenosis and sudden death]. PMID- 13812914 TI - Large ganglia occurring in tendons. A discussion of three cases. PMID- 13812915 TI - The arterial supply and venous drainage of the vertebral column of the dog. PMID- 13812916 TI - Phosphatase studies in Gaucher's disease. PMID- 13812917 TI - Synovial sarcoma in children. PMID- 13812918 TI - Concerning nausea and vomiting during spinal anesthesia. PMID- 13812920 TI - Experiences with tranquillising drugs in asthma. PMID- 13812919 TI - Incorporation and rate of loss of S35-methionine by adult rat trachea in organ cultures and in living animals. AB - Full-thickness pieces of adult rat trachea were supported on rayon on the surface of clotted medium in watch glasses. Differentiated epithelium was reduced in height during 25 days of cultivation because basal cells and some columnar cells migrated to cover exposed parts of the explants and because some differentiated cells died and were shed. S(35)-methionine was (a) placed on explants in vitro and (b) injected intraperitoneally in living rats. Cultured tissues and tissues of living rats were examined by autoradiography at 4 and 24 hours and 4, 7, and 11 days after labeling. Although migratory undifferentiated epithelial cells appeared in cultured trachea, all living epithelial cells in vitro incorporated and subsequently lost S(35)-methionine to the same extent as did epithelium of intact rats. The biologic half-life of methionine in rat tracheal epithelium in vivo and in vitro was about 5 days. PMID- 13812922 TI - Osteoporosis in the elderly. PMID- 13812921 TI - Pregnancy and subacute bacterial endocarditis. Report of a case. PMID- 13812923 TI - Vascular responses of human skin to infra-red radiation. PMID- 13812924 TI - A comperative study of media for detection of enterococci in water. PMID- 13812925 TI - A case of gastro-colic fistula. PMID- 13812926 TI - Roentgenologic study of choroid plexus papillomas in childhood. PMID- 13812927 TI - Drug treatment of tuberculosis. I. Standard chemotherapy. PMID- 13812928 TI - Drug treatment of tuberculosis. II. Treatment of patients with tubercle bacilli resistant to standard chemotherapy. PMID- 13812929 TI - The chemotherapy of tuberculosis. With special reference to patients whose bacilli are resistant to the standard drugs. PMID- 13812930 TI - Tuberculosis undefeated. PMID- 13812931 TI - Knub Blege Faber, 1862-1956. PMID- 13812932 TI - Rectal complications of inflammatory disease of the small and large bowel. PMID- 13812933 TI - [Study, by the method of immunoelectrophoresis, of the moment of appearance of some characteric constituents of the adult in the liver of the chick embro]. PMID- 13812934 TI - [Clinical, etiological aspects and treatment of hypochromic anemias]. PMID- 13812935 TI - [Apropos of 7 cases of cryoglobulinemia]. PMID- 13812936 TI - [The clinical and radiological aspects of the osseous manifestations during chronic malignant reticulo-lymph node diseases]. PMID- 13812937 TI - [Value and indications for splenic radiotherapy in the treatment of hemogenic syndromes]. PMID- 13812938 TI - [Trial of teleradiotherapy in the treatment of acute leukemias. Apropos of 6 cases]. PMID- 13812939 TI - [Current orientation in the treatment of leukemia]. PMID- 13812940 TI - [Study of the excretion of allantoin and its derivatives in the rat and in man. Determination of allantoin by chromatography]. PMID- 13812941 TI - Chemical keratectomy. PMID- 13812942 TI - Emotional glaucoma. PMID- 13812943 TI - Evaluation of ophthalmodynamometric and angiographic findings in patients with internal carotid artery thrombosis. PMID- 13812944 TI - [Clinical findings on cardiac complications of disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13812945 TI - [Behavior of plasma and serum antithrombin in some liver diseases. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13812946 TI - [Total remission after prednisone and tetracycline therapy in a case of megaloblastic anemia resistant to liver extracts and vitamin B12]. PMID- 13812947 TI - [Findings and considerations on several cases of remission of diabetes mellitus induced by liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13812948 TI - [Collagen disease with rheumatoid and angioitic features]. PMID- 13812949 TI - The effect of a toxic cellular component of group A streptococci on connective tissue. PMID- 13812950 TI - Descartes. PMID- 13812951 TI - Sclerosis of the centrum semiovale in a case of infantile cerebral palsy. PMID- 13812952 TI - Microgyria and cytomegalic inclusion disease in infancy. PMID- 13812953 TI - The brain and mental retardation. PMID- 13812954 TI - Histological technique for the eye. PMID- 13812955 TI - The teenager and venereal disease. PMID- 13812956 TI - Studies in activity level: IV. effects of visual stimulation during task performance in mental defectives. PMID- 13812957 TI - A methodological approach to personality research in mental retardation. PMID- 13812958 TI - [On the differential diagnosis of postoperative adhesions and pancreas carcinomas]. PMID- 13812960 TI - [On congenital intersexuality and its diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities (I)]. PMID- 13812959 TI - [On congenital intersexes and their diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities. II]. PMID- 13812961 TI - [Formation of concretions at the site of the prostate after prostatectomy]. PMID- 13812963 TI - The effect of 2-dimethylaminoethanol (deanol) on anaphylactoid edema in rats. PMID- 13812962 TI - Thoracic duct drainage in uremic states in man. PMID- 13812964 TI - Memory disturbances after electroconvulsive therapy. 3. An experimental study of retrograde amnesia after electroconvulsive shock. PMID- 13812965 TI - Experimental studies of the therapeutic action of electroconvulsive therapy in endogenous depression. The role of the electrical stimulation and of the seizure studied by variation of stimulus intensity and modification by lidocaine of seizure discharge. PMID- 13812966 TI - Distribution of training and reversal learning by cats. PMID- 13812967 TI - The problem of spontaneous rupture of the normal alimentary canal. PMID- 13812968 TI - The treatment of infections with erythromycin propionate. PMID- 13812969 TI - The relationship of food intake to the absorption of potassium alpha-phenoxyethyl penicillin and potassium phenoxymethyl penicillin from the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13812970 TI - Diagnosis of radiation injury and analysis of the human lethal dose of radiation. PMID- 13812971 TI - Dynamics of hemopoietic proliferation in man and mice studied by H3-thymidine incorporation into DNA. PMID- 13812972 TI - Radiation leukemogenesis: an analysis of the problem. PMID- 13812973 TI - Studies on radiation-induced mammary gland neoplasia in the rat. I. The role of the ovary in the neoplastic response of the breast tissue to total- or partial body x-irradiation. PMID- 13812974 TI - Atomic medicine in general practice. PMID- 13812975 TI - The postoperative myelogram. PMID- 13812976 TI - Use of 82Br in differential diagnosis of lymphocytic meningitis. PMID- 13812977 TI - Spectrophotometric assay of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease by the use of cytidine 2':3'-phosphate. PMID- 13812978 TI - The preparation and purification of cytidine 2':3'-phosphate. PMID- 13812979 TI - The effectiveness of 2-PAM and of EA 1814 as adjuncts to atropine therapy in dogs exposed to GB vapor by inhalation. PMID- 13812980 TI - The value of aerosporin in the isolation of Neisseria from swabs forwarded to the laboratory in transport medium. PMID- 13812981 TI - Trends in ophthalmological thought. PMID- 13812982 TI - The apparent size of after-images. PMID- 13812983 TI - The interrelation between total exchangeable sodium, potassium and chloride, and lean body mass in man. PMID- 13812984 TI - Effect of pretreatment with methylthiouracil on results of I-131 therapy. PMID- 13812985 TI - A clinical method of assessing the results of therapy in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13812987 TI - Examination of the colon. PMID- 13812986 TI - A comparison of potassium perchlorate, methylthiouracil, and carbimazole in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13812988 TI - Electrocardiographic changes simulating myocardial ischemia and infarction associated with spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage. PMID- 13812989 TI - [Proteolysis in the blood serum of premature infants]. PMID- 13812990 TI - [Basilar impression as a cause of hemifacial spasm]. PMID- 13812991 TI - [Clinical trials with a new sedative: the imide of N-phthalylglutamic acid]. PMID- 13812992 TI - [Considerations on the methods of identification of premature infants]. PMID- 13812993 TI - [Considerations on methods of identification of the premature newborn infant]. PMID- 13812994 TI - [Infantile desmoid tumor]. PMID- 13812995 TI - [Lumboiliac eventration after plastic surgery with skin graft]. PMID- 13812996 TI - An unusual case of renal trauma. PMID- 13812997 TI - The rheumatic diseases in general practice. PMID- 13812998 TI - An instrument for serial sampling of intestinal juice: the intestinal cup--a means of locating the site of intestinal bleeding. PMID- 13812999 TI - Failure of preputial closure in a dog. PMID- 13813000 TI - [Immunological determination of blood insulin in pregnant women]. PMID- 13813001 TI - Studies of the mechanism of action of chlorothiazide in cardiac and renal diseases. I. Acute effects on renal and systemic hemodynamics and metabolism. PMID- 13813002 TI - Studies of the mechanism of action of chlorothiazide in cardiac and renal diseases. II. Acute effects on electrolyte and acid-base metabolism. PMID- 13813003 TI - Diabetic nephropathy. PMID- 13813004 TI - [Nephrology and urology. How should proteinuria be managed in a pregnant woman?]. PMID- 13813005 TI - [Lupoerythematonephritis. I. Clinical and antomical study of 14 cases]. PMID- 13813007 TI - [Physiopathology of renal insufficiency in the course of sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13813006 TI - [Disorders of calcium, metabolism in renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13813009 TI - Ophthalmology. PMID- 13813008 TI - [Meningococcal infections. Classic and modern data]. PMID- 13813010 TI - Surgical treatment of persistent vernal catarrh. PMID- 13813011 TI - Activity of single neurones in the hypothalamus: effect of osmotic and other stimuli. PMID- 13813012 TI - Urea permeability of alveolar membrane: hemodynamic effects of liquid in the alveolar spaces. PMID- 13813013 TI - Colour preferences of older patients. PMID- 13813014 TI - The surgical treatment of peptic esophagitis. PMID- 13813015 TI - The natural resistance of the white rat to Nematospiroides dubius and the effect of cortisone on this resistance. PMID- 13813016 TI - The response of the new-born baby to inflation of the lungs. PMID- 13813017 TI - The synthesis of citrovorum factor by Leuconostoc mesenteroides P60. PMID- 13813018 TI - The synthesis of serine by Leuconostoc mesenteroides P60. PMID- 13813019 TI - The sudomotor test. PMID- 13813020 TI - Diseases of the liver. PMID- 13813022 TI - Chemical transmission in the central nervous system. PMID- 13813021 TI - Aspects of black-fly control and entomology in the New World in relation to the Simulium problem in Nigeria. AB - A general account is given of insecticidal control of black-flies in North and Central America, and the problems are contrasted with those arising in the control of Simulium damnosum Theo. in Nigeria. Some recent biological observations on Canadian black-flies are described, and it is emphasized that these have materially contributed to successful control. It is pointed out that S. damnosum control is being practised in the absence of much fundamental biological knowledge of this pest. Entomological aspects of onchocerciasis in Mexico and Guatemala are discussed, and compared with S. damnosum and its relationship to onchocerciasis in Nigeria. PMID- 13813023 TI - Inside x-ray. PMID- 13813024 TI - Ionizing radiations in industry. Their uses and potential dangers. PMID- 13813026 TI - [Technic and results of peroperative cholangiography]. PMID- 13813025 TI - Failure to demonstrate TSH-releasing activity of pitressin and oxytocin. PMID- 13813027 TI - Ventral hernia: a rapid method of repair. PMID- 13813028 TI - [Isolation of a single pathogenic virus from patients of the pemphigus group]. PMID- 13813029 TI - Calcium deposition in the forelimbs of the chick embryo. PMID- 13813030 TI - [The influence of the administration of iproniazid on the 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) content of the platelets and on the urinary elimination of 5 hydroxyindolacetic acid in man]. PMID- 13813031 TI - Tryptic enzymes of chinooksalmon. PMID- 13813032 TI - [Method utilizing leukocytes for recognition of the take of a marrow graft]. PMID- 13813033 TI - Solving the problem of surgical lighting. PMID- 13813034 TI - Changes in scalp hair roots as a measure of toxicity from cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. PMID- 13813035 TI - The effect of variation in the age of the donor on homologous grafts into the brain of the rat. PMID- 13813036 TI - The nature of the influence of x-translocations on sex of progeny in Sciara coprophila. PMID- 13813037 TI - [Inflammatory granuloma of the stomach caused by penetrating foreign body]. PMID- 13813038 TI - [Treatment of diastasis recti abdominis with dermolipectomy]. PMID- 13813039 TI - Ionizing radiation and evolution. PMID- 13813040 TI - Aortic incompetence in ankylosing spondylitis. PMID- 13813041 TI - Treatment of the carpal-tunnel syndrome. PMID- 13813042 TI - A case of sarcoma of the prostate in a child. PMID- 13813043 TI - An apparatus for infant conditioning research. PMID- 13813044 TI - Effort thrombosis of the subclavian and axillary veins: review of the literature and case report with two-year follow-up with venography. PMID- 13813045 TI - Delayed hypersensitivity in several strains of mice studied with six different tests. PMID- 13813046 TI - Delayed hypersensitivity. PMID- 13813047 TI - Enhancement by various cations of the double-diffusion precipitin test. PMID- 13813048 TI - Four modifications of the micro agar diffusion precipitin test. PMID- 13813049 TI - Tuberculin skin reactions in mice hypersensitized by vaccination with living avirulent tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13813050 TI - Lobectomy for staphylococcal pneumonia, with pneumothorax, in an infant. PMID- 13813051 TI - Metastatic carcinoma at the site of injection of iron-dextran complex. PMID- 13813052 TI - ABO blood group alterations in leukaemia. PMID- 13813054 TI - The negative antiglobulin test in Rh erythroblastosis. PMID- 13813053 TI - Adenocarcinoma arising in presacral enterogenous cyst. PMID- 13813055 TI - Dental findings in neuropsychiatric patients. PMID- 13813056 TI - Urinary diversion. PMID- 13813057 TI - The economics of machine sources of radiation. PMID- 13813058 TI - A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology. PMID- 13813059 TI - Intradenal anesthesia for cavity preparation. PMID- 13813060 TI - Surgeon apprentice and naturalist: being incidents from the journal of William L. Crowther during the voyage of the barque "Emu" from Van Diemen's land to London dock, February 24 to June 23, 1839. PMID- 13813061 TI - Hormone and hormonelike activity of active polypeptides. PMID- 13813063 TI - [Role of the kidney in arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13813062 TI - Peptides with oxytocic and pressor activity obtained from acidified rat serum. PMID- 13813064 TI - Enjoyable food and learning experiences: projects for nursing students. PMID- 13813065 TI - The professional medical training program. U. S. Army. PMID- 13813066 TI - [Use and results of the Rush pin method in fractures of the forearm]. PMID- 13813067 TI - [Chemical osteosynthesis in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13813068 TI - [First attempts at chemical osteosynthesis with commercial adhesives. Experimental research]. PMID- 13813069 TI - [Observations on the use of a polyurethane polymer in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13813070 TI - [Necrotizing angiitis due to sensitization]. PMID- 13813071 TI - [Correction of cardiorenal decompensation by artificial respiration in 2 patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease]. PMID- 13813072 TI - [The role of speed in aircraft]. PMID- 13813073 TI - [Surgical considerations on endocardial fibroelastosis]. PMID- 13813075 TI - Sleep and wake. PMID- 13813074 TI - [Quantitative cytostromal changes in malignant recurrent glioma]. PMID- 13813076 TI - Conservative treatment with halter traction in acute cervical trauma. PMID- 13813077 TI - Delayed action potentials in the trigeminal system of cats. Discussion of their possible relationship to tic douloureux. PMID- 13813078 TI - The effect of cervical sympathectomy on experimental papillomas of rabbits' ears. PMID- 13813079 TI - Interstitial pneumonia and its consequences in rheumatoid disease. PMID- 13813080 TI - Lesions of joint and tendon sheaths in systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13813081 TI - Pathology of ankylosing spondylitis. PMID- 13813082 TI - The cultivation of cells from adult epidermis. PMID- 13813083 TI - The effect of heat on the metabolism of guinea pig's ear skin. PMID- 13813084 TI - The toxicity of rubbers and plastics used in transfusion-giving sets. AB - The toxicity of different rubbers and plastics used in transfusion-giving sets has been investigated by examining their effects on (a) cultures of chick embryo tissues, (b) the oxygen uptake of guinea-pig skin tissue cultures, and (c) the growth of Str. pyogenes. The results of the laboratory tests have been compared with the incidence of thrombophlebitis after prolonged transfusions through the various materials. It was found that where the materials inhibited the growth of Str. pyogenes they were also toxic to tissue cultures, but that some materials which were toxic to tissue cultures did not inhibit bacterial growth. The assessments of the relative toxicity of the materials tested by the two tissue culture methods were in agreement. The skin respiration studies, however, gave more information on the early effects of the toxic materials. The relative toxicity of the materials as revealed by these tests could be correlated with the differences in the incidence of thrombophlebitis following intravenous infusions administered through giving-sets assembled with the materials tested. It is suggested therefore that the toxicity revealed by these tests is of clinical importance, and that tissue culture toxicity tests will prove to be of value in selecting rubbers and plastics for clinical purposes. PMID- 13813085 TI - Isolation of a phytoalexin from Pisum sativum L. PMID- 13813086 TI - Influenza immunization. PMID- 13813087 TI - Laboratory uses of antibiotics. PMID- 13813088 TI - [Controlled trials with combined pertussis and influenza vaccines]. PMID- 13813089 TI - [Duration of the immunity conferred by vaccination]. PMID- 13813090 TI - The structure of some mammalian polysaccharide fibres as indicated by the optical and electron microscopy of their mechanical disintegration. PMID- 13813092 TI - Inferior vena caval ligation for thromboembolism. PMID- 13813091 TI - Transventricular mitral valvotomy. Report of 50 consecutive cases. PMID- 13813093 TI - Teaching undergraduate clinical pediatrics. The use of supplementary study project techniques. PMID- 13813094 TI - Allergy in the child from birth to one year of age. PMID- 13813095 TI - Serotonin and the dynamics of the heart. PMID- 13813096 TI - A factor analytic study of Barron's Ego Strength scale. PMID- 13813097 TI - Identification of amino sugars. PMID- 13813098 TI - Bilateral bronchiectasis: surgical management with particular attention to the problem of the residual superior segment of the lower lobes. PMID- 13813099 TI - Determination of glycerol in blood-glycerol mixtures. PMID- 13813100 TI - Edward Chace Tolman: a life of scientific and social purpose. PMID- 13813101 TI - [Action of hypoglycemizing sulfonylureas on the phosphatase activity of the blood]. PMID- 13813102 TI - [Electroencephalographic studies of intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn]. PMID- 13813103 TI - [Chromatographic studies of amino acids in childhood. IV. The amino acids of the cerebrospinal fluid in normal conditions and in various neurological diseases]. PMID- 13813104 TI - [Contributions to the study of fetal hemoglobin in the infant]. PMID- 13813105 TI - [Contribution to the electroencephalographic study of neonatal anoxia]. PMID- 13813106 TI - [Medulloblastoma of the cerebellum. Multiple cerebral metastases after operation and radiotherapy]. PMID- 13813107 TI - [Meningiomas. Isolated involvement of the cranial nerves]. PMID- 13813108 TI - [Frontal mucocele with intracranial extension. Apropos of 2 cases]. PMID- 13813109 TI - [Segmental compression of the extra-spinal venous plexus. Value for the diagnostic localization of blocking disorders of the spinal canal]. PMID- 13813110 TI - [Treatment of chronic auricular fibrillation with quinidine and study of the blood concentration]. PMID- 13813111 TI - [Simple radiography and pulmonary arterial hypertension in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13813113 TI - [Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium]. PMID- 13813112 TI - [Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13813114 TI - [Action of sulfadimethoxine in urogenital infections]. PMID- 13813115 TI - Ability of some plasma protein fractions to convert venous blood into hemostatic blood. PMID- 13813116 TI - Crude cephalin as the active substance of organ extracts able to convert venous blood into hemostatic blood. PMID- 13813117 TI - Ability of aerated lymph to convert venous blood into haemostatic blood. PMID- 13813118 TI - The hereditary factor in hypertension. PMID- 13813119 TI - [Ecological study of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13813120 TI - [Genetic study of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13813121 TI - [Hospital medicine and its morbidity]. PMID- 13813122 TI - The association of peptic ulcer and symptomatic hiatal hernia. PMID- 13813123 TI - Economy in heating costs in flats and public buildings. PMID- 13813124 TI - Uptake of heparin by cells. PMID- 13813125 TI - [On the exact mechanism of the agar-binding reaction in a quantitative method]. PMID- 13813126 TI - [Cancer diagnostic method with quantitative agar fixation]. PMID- 13813127 TI - [Examination of the human thymus with special reference to the thymus fat cells]. PMID- 13813128 TI - [The role of mucopolysaccharides in the growth of tumors]. PMID- 13813129 TI - [On Apert's syndrome]. PMID- 13813130 TI - [True spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine. (The C6 symptom complex)]. PMID- 13813131 TI - [Radiation protection in heart catheterization]. PMID- 13813132 TI - [Problem of radiation protection in trochoscopic examination]. PMID- 13813133 TI - [Spleno-porto-hepatography. Animal experiements]. PMID- 13813134 TI - [Importance of the protrusion of the pulmonary arch in roentgenological diagnosis]. PMID- 13813135 TI - [Therapeutic experiments in connection with zymosan therapy of late toxemias (preliminary report)]. PMID- 13813136 TI - [Group infection with Strongyloides stercoralis in a home for children]. PMID- 13813137 TI - Absorption of 3-methylglucose from the intestine of the frog, Rana pipiens. PMID- 13813138 TI - Effect of ionic environment on intestinal sugar transport. PMID- 13813139 TI - Ionic effect on intestinal transport of glucose in the rat. PMID- 13813140 TI - Function and regulation of the myometrium. PMID- 13813141 TI - Studies on excitation-contraction coupling. PMID- 13813142 TI - [On molecular physiology and regulation of the uterus]. PMID- 13813143 TI - [The change in the eosinophil cell count during BZ 55 loading]. PMID- 13813144 TI - [Changes of eosinophil count after bucarban therapy]. PMID- 13813145 TI - [Experiments with active immunization against infectious hepatitis. The mode of action of gamma-globulin]. PMID- 13813146 TI - [Determination, quantity and significance of cerebrospinal fluid oxidizing substances in purulent meningitis]. PMID- 13813147 TI - [Orthopedic examination of newborn infants]. PMID- 13813148 TI - [Determination of properdin in human and animal sera using reagent sera of animal origin]. PMID- 13813149 TI - [On the effect of hydrocortisone on mitochondria-bound enzymes in the lymphatic organs of rats]. PMID- 13813150 TI - [Observations on the problem of pigmentation]. PMID- 13813151 TI - [15 years of the development of the material status of public health]. PMID- 13813152 TI - [The effect of PAS loading on the secretion relationships of the stomach]. PMID- 13813153 TI - [Studies on thrombocytosis induced by ultraviolet rays in mice]. PMID- 13813154 TI - [Studies on ultraviolet irradiation-caused thrombocytosis in mice]. PMID- 13813155 TI - [On the value of the paratoluene-sulfonic acid precipitation test]. PMID- 13813157 TI - [Diffuse necrosis of the cerebral cortex following whooping cough]. PMID- 13813156 TI - [Cryoglobulinemia in diffuse plasmocytoma]. PMID- 13813158 TI - [Data on the problem of absorption disorders following gastric resection]. PMID- 13813159 TI - [Modern anesthesiology in medical practice]. PMID- 13813160 TI - [On a synthetic muscle relaxant relaxan and on results of its application]. PMID- 13813161 TI - Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining of 'atypical' mycobacteria and tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13813162 TI - [Curaneous necrosis resulting from arteriography]. PMID- 13813163 TI - [Intracapsular cataract extraction with a rotation maneuver of the fold with horizontal grip. Capsule forceps for rotation of the fold]. PMID- 13813165 TI - [Regeneration of wall defect of large veins after homo-, hetero- and alloplastic substitution]. PMID- 13813164 TI - [On the use of plant extracts in the care of wall defects of large veins]. PMID- 13813166 TI - [Disorders of the menstrual cycle and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis with normal and increased estrogen excretion]. PMID- 13813168 TI - [Contributions to the histomorphology of tonsilla pendula]. PMID- 13813167 TI - [Significance of the ratio of steroid derivatives excreted in urine in the differentiation of endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13813169 TI - [Lightning flash as electrotrauma of the auditory apparatus]. PMID- 13813170 TI - [On intracranial complications of mesotympanic otitis]. PMID- 13813171 TI - [On tonsillar calculi (tonsillolithiasis) in relation to calculus recurrence]. PMID- 13813172 TI - [Open frontal bone fracture due to horse's kick with recurrent meningitis]. PMID- 13813173 TI - A rapid silver impregnation method for demonstrating amyelinate nerve fibres (short communication). PMID- 13813174 TI - Contributions to the development of the myoneural synapses. Ontogenetic aspects of the subneural apparatus. PMID- 13813175 TI - [Giant-cell tumor (osteoclastoma) of the patella]. PMID- 13813176 TI - [Post-cholecystectomy syndrome]. PMID- 13813177 TI - Preparation of formalinized erythrocytes. PMID- 13813178 TI - [On the extra-adrenal effects of ACTH]. PMID- 13813179 TI - Bacteriological and biochemical investigations in Reiter's syndrome. PMID- 13813180 TI - Recurrent attacks in Reiter's disease. PMID- 13813181 TI - Recurrent attacks in Reiter's disease. PMID- 13813182 TI - Significance of sacro-ilitis in Reiter's disease. PMID- 13813183 TI - Treatment of non-specific urethritis with tri-acetyl-oleandomycin. PMID- 13813184 TI - [The incidence of developmental anomalies of the heart and role of various factors in their development]. PMID- 13813185 TI - [Titration of stomach content with potassium permanganate; preliminary report]. PMID- 13813186 TI - [General and local anesthesia in pulmonary surgery]. PMID- 13813187 TI - [On the Turner syndrome]. PMID- 13813188 TI - [Hyperchloremic renal acidosis in childhood]. PMID- 13813189 TI - [A new method for prevention of wounds of the ureter in adnexectomy]. PMID- 13813190 TI - [Modification of the technic of Wertheim's operation]. PMID- 13813191 TI - [The acute febrile forms of fascioliasis hepatica. (Biopsy of the liver in a case)]. PMID- 13813192 TI - Mechanism of formation of selenoid bodies. PMID- 13813193 TI - [Trial of short treatment of brucellosis with tetracycline compound]. PMID- 13813194 TI - [Mechanisms of action of thermal waters]. PMID- 13813195 TI - [Muscle therapy]. PMID- 13813196 TI - [Influence of mixed narcosis on the remaining kidney: histochemical data in rats]. PMID- 13813197 TI - [The vascularization of glioblastoma multiforme: histological and angiographic study]. PMID- 13813198 TI - [On a case of primary esophageal localization of malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13813199 TI - [Methylmethionine sulfone chloride and wound healing]. PMID- 13813200 TI - [On combined tetracycline-chloramphenicol in the experimental occulsion syndrome]. PMID- 13813201 TI - [On the use of some antiemetic substances in experimental acute intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13813202 TI - [Para-hydroxypropiophenone and experimental gastric lesions caused by phenylquinolinecarboxylic acid]. PMID- 13813203 TI - [Considerations on the production of glucofrangulin from frangula bark]. PMID- 13813204 TI - [Modifications of the blood lipid picture after fat meal, alone and with heparin in the normal subject]. PMID- 13813205 TI - [Correlations between total blood cholesterol and beta-alpha relation of blood lipoproteins in diabetics]. PMID- 13813206 TI - [On plasmatic clearing induced by a gastric mucin preparation and heparin]. PMID- 13813207 TI - [Splenic reactions following 1,2-benzopyrene injection into the marsupialized dog spleen]. PMID- 13813208 TI - [Contribution of the study of the treatment of dislipidemic states]. PMID- 13813209 TI - [Hyperactivation of the histiocytic system of the bone marrow in experimentally provoked bone marrow aplasia]. PMID- 13813210 TI - Dyspnea in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13813211 TI - alpha-Lipoic acid and chemical protection against ionizing radiation. PMID- 13813212 TI - Bronchial arterial blood flow. PMID- 13813213 TI - The simultaneous estimation of right and left ventricular outputs applied to a study of the bronchial circulation in dogs. PMID- 13813215 TI - [Acute urinary infections in the child]. PMID- 13813214 TI - The simultaneous estimation of right and left ventricular outputs applied to a study of the bronchial circulation in patients with chronic lung disease. PMID- 13813216 TI - [Anthropological study of infantile diarrhea in the commune of Renca, Santiago, Chile]. PMID- 13813217 TI - [Surgical negligence]. PMID- 13813218 TI - [Gastric carcinoma]. PMID- 13813219 TI - [Glaucoma and neuro-autonomic dystonia]. PMID- 13813220 TI - [Contribution to the study of coronary rhythm]. PMID- 13813221 TI - [Hypopotassemia in alcoholism]. PMID- 13813222 TI - [Physiology of the innervation of the coronary arteries]. PMID- 13813223 TI - [Radiological investigation of ulcer of the duodenal bulb using mixed contrast: opaque and gaseous]. PMID- 13813224 TI - [Further considerations on antituberculosis chemotherapeutic action of p aminosalicylic hydrazide: in vitro activity on Koch's bacillus resistant to streptomycin and isoniazid]. PMID- 13813225 TI - [Some aspects of the pharmacological activity of a new theophylline: 1-hexyl-3, 7 dimethylxanthine (SK-7)]. PMID- 13813226 TI - [Diuresis and diuretics]. PMID- 13813227 TI - [Apropos of a case of association of ulcerous perforation and hematemesis]. PMID- 13813228 TI - [The prevention and therapy of venous thrombosis in surgical practice]. PMID- 13813229 TI - Background and development of duck embryo rabies vaccine. PMID- 13813230 TI - Further bacterial studies in hemorrhagic shock. PMID- 13813231 TI - [Combination of chlorpromazine with antithyroid preparations]. PMID- 13813232 TI - Congenital esophageal stenosis. PMID- 13813233 TI - The early elective surgical approach to the treatment of traumatic hemothorax. PMID- 13813234 TI - Anesthesia for obstetric emergencies. PMID- 13813235 TI - Twenty-four-hour obstetric anesthesia coverage. PMID- 13813236 TI - The effect of hormones on the physical properties and collagen content of the rat's uterine cervix. PMID- 13813237 TI - 'Short sheeting' the hospital means high linen replacement costs. PMID- 13813238 TI - The respiratory effects of progesterone in severe pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13813239 TI - Observations on the thymus gland at perinatal and neonatal death. PMID- 13813240 TI - Spread of Asian influenza in a residential school. PMID- 13813241 TI - What price tranquilization? PMID- 13813242 TI - Trifluoperazine ('stelazine')--a review of recent work. PMID- 13813243 TI - Clinical assessment of depth of jaundice in newborn infants. PMID- 13813244 TI - Type specific antibodies in acute glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13813245 TI - Mega-aorta in a young man. PMID- 13813246 TI - Determination of the maximal breathing capacity using a Douglas bag. PMID- 13813248 TI - Trends in medicine 1939-1958. PMID- 13813247 TI - [Herpes zoster and acute abdomen]. PMID- 13813249 TI - The role of the x-ray technician in the cardiopulmonary laboratory. PMID- 13813250 TI - Smoking patterns of university students in Canada. PMID- 13813251 TI - The maximal isometric tetanic tensions developed by mammalian muscle, in situ, at different temperatures. PMID- 13813252 TI - The influence of heat-stress on the pars nervosa of the mouse. PMID- 13813253 TI - A trial of tablet substitutes for the Gregersen test. PMID- 13813254 TI - Porphyrin biosynthesis in the leucocyte. PMID- 13813255 TI - The relation between drug-induced excitation in the cat and addiction liability. PMID- 13813256 TI - An old wives tale. PMID- 13813257 TI - Renal disease and hypertension. PMID- 13813258 TI - The effects of concentrated eluted anti-red blood cell antibodies on the in vivo survival of normal red blood cells. PMID- 13813259 TI - Heminephro-ureterectomy: comparison of one-stage and two-stage operations. PMID- 13813260 TI - Heminephro-ureterectomy: comparison of one-stage and two-stage operations. PMID- 13813261 TI - Incidence of psychiatric illness among hospital out-patients: an application of the Cornell Medical Index. PMID- 13813262 TI - Obituary: Charles August Thelander. PMID- 13813263 TI - Intramural hematoma of the duodenum: a case report. PMID- 13813264 TI - Calcification of the vas deferens in diabetes. PMID- 13813265 TI - William Jesse Baker; 1894-1958. PMID- 13813266 TI - The response to influenza vaccines as determined by levels of complement-fixing antibody in the acute-phase sera of patients with respiratory disease. PMID- 13813267 TI - Antibody response to influenza vaccines containing the Asian strain. PMID- 13813268 TI - Some facts about nursing in North Carolina. PMID- 13813269 TI - [Effect of mass oral immunization with live vaccine prepared from Sabin's strain on epidemiological processes in poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13813271 TI - Ganglioside and its relationship to neuraminic acid and hexosamine in the brain. PMID- 13813270 TI - Caeruloplasmin as demonstrated by starch gel electrophoresis. AB - Starch gel electrophoresis has demonstrated that graded concentrations of sodium sulphate do not precipitate the serum globulins in any reasonable degree of purity. The use of this form of electrophoresis has shown that caeruloplasmin is associated with a globulin in the Fa(2) position.This technique can be employed as a screening test for patients suspected of suffering from hepatolenticular degeneration. PMID- 13813272 TI - Chemistry of disease of the central nervous system. PMID- 13813273 TI - Neurochemistry and neurochemists. PMID- 13813274 TI - The diagnostic value of biochemical examination of cerebral biopsy material. PMID- 13813275 TI - Extreme sensitivity of germination and photo-periodic reaction in the genus Chenopodium (Tourn.) L. PMID- 13813276 TI - A cute poisoning. A survey of 516 cases. PMID- 13813277 TI - Tricuspid atresia. Treatment by superior vena cava-pulmonary artery anastomosis. PMID- 13813278 TI - Measurement of external dead space with a new flowmeter. PMID- 13813279 TI - Modern surgery for middle ear deafness. PMID- 13813280 TI - A sequential probability ratio method for detecting compounds with diuretic activity in rats. PMID- 13813281 TI - Electrolyte changes in heart tissue and coronary arterial and venous plasma following coronary occlusion. PMID- 13813282 TI - Glucose and pyruvate metabolism in liver slices of chronically uremic rats. PMID- 13813283 TI - Subacute bacterial endocarditis in the older age group. PMID- 13813284 TI - A study of thermoregulatory and emotional sweating in man by skin ion transfer. AB - Local introduction of atropine and dibenzyline into human skin was carried out by iontophoresis. Both thermoregulatory and emotional sweating were blocked by atropine but were not blocked by dibenzyline. It would seem that emotional sweating produced as a result of a physical stress situation is partly or predominately under cholinergic control. PMID- 13813285 TI - Effect of prochlorperazine and of prochlorperazine-isopropamide on basal gastric secretion. PMID- 13813286 TI - Uropepsin excretion in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding. PMID- 13813287 TI - Hogan's skull. PMID- 13813288 TI - [The determination of serum cholinesterase in normal labor and puerperium]. PMID- 13813289 TI - [Contribution to electroconvulsive therapy with unidirectional impulse current]. PMID- 13813290 TI - Ectopic pinealomas. PMID- 13813291 TI - [Hemodynamic changes produced by Valsalva's maneuver in normal persons and in patients with right or total heart insufficiency]. PMID- 13813292 TI - [Bloodless functional examination in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13813293 TI - [Our experience with oxytocic perfusions]. PMID- 13813294 TI - [Hemorrhages caused by hypocoagulability or incoagulability of the blood in the gravido-puerperal cycle]. PMID- 13813295 TI - [Prophylactic medical treatment of abortion]. PMID- 13813296 TI - [Various aspects of acute renal failure in tocology]. PMID- 13813297 TI - [Clinical syndromes in chronic Chagas' heart disease]. PMID- 13813298 TI - Studies on rabbit-adapted foot-and-mouth disease virus. I. Propagation and pathogenicity. PMID- 13813299 TI - Studies on rabbit-adapted foot-and-mouth disease virus. II. Immunogenicity. PMID- 13813300 TI - Demonstration of immune response to foot-and-mouth disease vaccine in protection test in young adult mice. PMID- 13813301 TI - Thyrotoxicosis in identical twins. PMID- 13813302 TI - Hormonal mastopathy: a clinical study and outline of treatment. PMID- 13813303 TI - Coagulase-negative staphylococci in blood-cultures. PMID- 13813304 TI - Physiological jaundice. PMID- 13813305 TI - Systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13813306 TI - Spontaneous potentials from explants of brain tissue in culture. PMID- 13813307 TI - A simplified quantitative tissue culture flow system. PMID- 13813309 TI - Recent studies on the virus of infectious bronchitis. PMID- 13813308 TI - Effect of supernatant potassium-level on cardiac activity in quantitative tissue culture. PMID- 13813310 TI - The Library of the Basic Medical Sciences Institute in Pakistan. PMID- 13813311 TI - A case of locked twins. PMID- 13813312 TI - The Mineral-Springs Hospital. PMID- 13813313 TI - Micrococcal nuclease and some products of its action. PMID- 13813314 TI - Analysis of modified beta-lactoglobulins and ovalbumins prepared from the sulfenyl iodine intermediates. PMID- 13813315 TI - The reaction of beta-lactoglobulin sulfenyl iodide with mercaptans, thiouracil and thiocyanate. PMID- 13813316 TI - Face the future. PMID- 13813317 TI - Supportive maternal and child care. PMID- 13813318 TI - Let the buyer be aware. PMID- 13813319 TI - [Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube]. PMID- 13813320 TI - [Hydrochlorothiazide in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13813322 TI - [Studies on the oxytocic and relaxant principles and cardiovascular effects of amniotic fluid]. PMID- 13813321 TI - [Typhoid abscess of the eyelid]. PMID- 13813323 TI - [Experimental studies on the influence of air ionization on pathological changes of the gastric mucosa]. PMID- 13813324 TI - [Henoch-Schoenlein's purpura]. PMID- 13813325 TI - [Preparation of non-infective lyophilized tick encephalitis antigen for complement fixation reaction]. PMID- 13813326 TI - Nocardiosis of the central nervous system: report of two fatal cases. PMID- 13813327 TI - [Treatment of herpes with riboflavin. Prevention of the recurrent form]. PMID- 13813328 TI - [Macrocytic nutritional anemia in children]. PMID- 13813329 TI - [Finding of Nocardia asteroides in liver abscess]. PMID- 13813330 TI - [The evolution of Infant mortality in Spain (1901-1956)]. PMID- 13813331 TI - [Experimental research on the acquisition of antitubercular immunity induced by exogenous bacteria administration repeated during chemoprophylactic treatment with INH]. PMID- 13813332 TI - [The activity of sodium ethylthiosulfate against experimental tuberculosis in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13813334 TI - [On some possible causes of discordance between antibiogram and therapeutic result (with special reference to tuberculosis)]. PMID- 13813333 TI - [On the development of H37Rv cultures in the presence of radiophosphorus used for labeling them]. PMID- 13813335 TI - [The antitubercular activity of kanamycin in investigations of the Scuola Tisiologica di Napoli]. PMID- 13813336 TI - [Zinc reactivation of D-lactic dehydrogenase inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid]. PMID- 13813337 TI - [Enzootic hepatic cirrhosis in the horse]. PMID- 13813338 TI - Statistics of gastro-enteritis mortality in Venezuela. AB - Gastro-enteritis constituted the chief cause of death in Venezuela during the period 1950-54 in both urban and rural areas, being responsible for an annual death-rate of 166 per 100 000 inhabitants, but was a particularly acute problem in localities with under 5000 inhabitants, where only one in every three fatal cases received medical care before death. Although the disease is not a very important cause of neo-natal mortality, nearly 90% of gastro-enteritis deaths occur among children between 4 weeks and 5 years of age. There is some seasonal variation, with relatively low mortality values in the first and last four months of the year and an appreciable rise in the intermediary period.An analysis is made of all death certificates in 1953 on which death was attributed to a cause interpreted as being gastro-enteritis (totalling over 7000), and it is thought that, despite the variable terminology used, the same disease is in fact referred to in the great majority of certificates. The authors suggest measures for ensuring the comparability of gastro-enteritis statistics in the circumstances prevailing in Venezuela. PMID- 13813339 TI - [Oxidative phosphorylation in isolated motochondria from the brain of hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13813340 TI - [Effects of lysine on the "tibial test" and on the concentration of ATP and cocarboxylase in the growth cartilage]. PMID- 13813341 TI - [Lysine and phosphorylation of glucose in metaphysial cartilage]. PMID- 13813342 TI - [Metallic osteosynthesis in fracture of the femur neck distinctly hypoplasic from old amputation of the leg]. PMID- 13813343 TI - [Observations on the ATP, cocarboxylase and pyridine nucleotide content of diabetic muscles]. PMID- 13813344 TI - [Osteosynthesis with screws in fractures of the medial malleolus]. PMID- 13813345 TI - [The action of pantethine on the take of the homoplastic bone grafts]. PMID- 13813346 TI - [Study of medullary and peripheral blood proteins and of the plasmareticulum in liver diseases]. PMID- 13813347 TI - Acute intermittent porphyria. A family study. PMID- 13813348 TI - [Contribution to the study of a new contact laxative in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13813350 TI - [Placental micro-graft in therapy of endocrine abortion]. PMID- 13813349 TI - [On the combination therapy of special clinical forms of threatened abortion with vitamins A and E]. PMID- 13813351 TI - The introduction of fat into thrombi. An experimental study. PMID- 13813353 TI - Internships and residencies: historical backgrounds and current trends. PMID- 13813352 TI - Challenge to nursing-1959. PMID- 13813354 TI - A study toward a theory of neuromuscular education through occupational therapy. PMID- 13813355 TI - Na, Cl, and water transport by rat colon. AB - Segments of the colon of anesthetized rats have been perfused in vivo with isotonic NaCl solutions and isotonic mixtures of NaCl and mannitol. Unidirectional and net fluxes of Na and Cl and the net fluxes of water and mannitol have been measured. Net water transport was found to depend directly on the rate of net Na transport. There was no water absorption from these isotonic solutions in the absence of net solute transport, indicating that water transport in the colon is entirely a passive process. At all NaCl concentrations studied, the lumen was found to be electrically negative to the surface of the colon by 5 to 15 mv. Na fluxes both into and out of the lumen were linear functions of NaCl concentration in the lumen. Net Na absorption from lumen to plasma has been observed to take place against an electrochemical potential gradient indicating that Na is actively transported. This active Na transport has been interpreted in terms of a carrier model system. Cl transport has been found to be due almost entirely to passive diffusion. PMID- 13813356 TI - The effect of x-irradiation on sodium and water transport in rat ileum. PMID- 13813358 TI - Self medication and consumer protection. PMID- 13813357 TI - Na, Cl, and water transport by rat ileum in vitro. AB - Interrelationships between metabolism, NaCl transport, and water transport have been studied in an in vitro preparation of rat ileum. When glucose is present in the mucosal solution, Na and Cl both appear to be actively transported from mucosa to serosa while water absorption is passive and dependent on net solute transport. Removal of glucose from the mucosal solution or treatment with dinitrophenol, monoiodoacetate, or anoxia inhibits active salt transport and as a result, water absorption is also inhibited. The dependence of water absorption on metabolism can be explained as a secondary effect due to its dependence on active salt transport. The relationship between salt and water transport has been discussed in terms of a model system. PMID- 13813360 TI - Abnormal congenital fistulous communications of the coronary arteries. PMID- 13813359 TI - Sustained release pentylenetetrazol-nicotinic acid therapy in senile patients. PMID- 13813361 TI - Orbital hypotelorism, arhinencephaly, and trigonocephaly. PMID- 13813362 TI - Evaluation and treatment of the patient with an elevated blood pressure; with special reference to specific conditions amenable to surgical correction. PMID- 13813363 TI - The effect of 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL) on thyroid function. PMID- 13813364 TI - Investigation of therapy of lung carcinoma. PMID- 13813365 TI - Mithramycin-human toxicology and preliminary therapeutic investigation. PMID- 13813366 TI - [Influence of hyaluronic acid on reparative processes of the cutaneo-muscular layers]. PMID- 13813367 TI - [The response of lymphatic tissue to prolonged administration of hyaluronic acid]. PMID- 13813368 TI - Adrenal apoplexy-a case report. PMID- 13813369 TI - Vasopressin and oxytocin in the posterior lobe of the pituitary of man. PMID- 13813370 TI - Dynamic approach to human endocrine pathology. PMID- 13813372 TI - Photographing the projected image in the lecture room. PMID- 13813371 TI - Line drawings made from photographs. PMID- 13813373 TI - Rescuing photographs for medical publication. PMID- 13813374 TI - Short and long acting sulphones by intramuscular injection. PMID- 13813375 TI - Neurotrophic ulcers of the foot: corrective shoes for leprosy. PMID- 13813376 TI - Postsurgical treatment for claw toes. PMID- 13813377 TI - The physical therapist and the management of emotional reactions to physical disability. PMID- 13813378 TI - Neurologic findings in county hospital patients. PMID- 13813379 TI - A continuous extractor for use in toxicological analysis. PMID- 13813380 TI - The isolation and detection of ergometrine in toxicological analysis. PMID- 13813381 TI - Toxicological analysis. PMID- 13813382 TI - Supplementary report: the effects of verbal reinforcement combinations on learning in children. PMID- 13813383 TI - Report of a case of diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis ("Hamman-Rich syndrome"). PMID- 13813384 TI - The ambulance. PMID- 13813385 TI - Treatment of multiple injuries associated with automobile accidents. PMID- 13813386 TI - The challenge of new drugs to the practicing physician. PMID- 13813387 TI - Training for the host-guest relationship in the care of the elderly. PMID- 13813389 TI - [Observations on the use of two new theophylline derivatives]. PMID- 13813388 TI - Studies on the permeability of tooth roots to penicillin. PMID- 13813390 TI - [The association of vascular pictures in the median line of the face with convulsions and intracranial vascular abnormalities. A variation of Sturge-Weber disease]. PMID- 13813391 TI - [Results of therapy of lymphogranulomatosis Hodgkin at the Roentgeninstitut des Inselspitals and the Universitaet Bern]. PMID- 13813392 TI - Surgical support of the posterior sclera. Part I. Experimental results. PMID- 13813393 TI - A case of uveo-parotid fever. PMID- 13813394 TI - A supplementary procedure for the improvement of facial nerve paralysis. PMID- 13813395 TI - Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle. Case report with histologic, radiographic and electromyographic observations. PMID- 13813396 TI - Pathological confirmation of retinoschisis: a case report. PMID- 13813397 TI - Biochemical changes in the dermatitides. PMID- 13813398 TI - Changing concepts in dermatology. PMID- 13813399 TI - Synaptic action during and after repetitive stimulation. PMID- 13813400 TI - The chemical excitation of spinal neurones by certain acidic amino acids. PMID- 13813401 TI - The action of procaine and atropine on spinal neurones. PMID- 13813402 TI - The relationship between affect and the excretion of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. PMID- 13813403 TI - Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13813404 TI - Plant dermatitis. PMID- 13813405 TI - Recognition of early emphysema by pulmonary function tests. PMID- 13813406 TI - Visual problems above 50,000 feet. PMID- 13813407 TI - Treatment of the undescended testis with especial reference to pathological anatomy. PMID- 13813408 TI - Treatment of the undescended testis with especial reference to pathological anatomy. PMID- 13813409 TI - Advancements in health, education and welfare. PMID- 13813410 TI - As a Congressman sees medicine's problems. PMID- 13813411 TI - Doctors must become politically active. PMID- 13813412 TI - Medical and health care for the aged. PMID- 13813413 TI - Medical and health care for the aged. PMID- 13813414 TI - Etiological factors in peptic ulcer as revealed in group-analytic pschotherapy. PMID- 13813415 TI - [Studies with twins on the hereditary tendency of vegetative-endocrine syndrome (VES) in women]. PMID- 13813416 TI - [Abstraction and reality in medicine]. PMID- 13813417 TI - [Considerations on the current surgical technics in hydatid echinococcosis of the liver]. PMID- 13813418 TI - Light hypersensitivity: a simplified office procedure for diagnosis of contact photodermatitis. PMID- 13813419 TI - [Contribution to the study of hemorrhagic calculous cholecystitis. (Considerations on 3 cases)]. PMID- 13813420 TI - [Liver function in patients with chronic obliterating peripheral arteriopathy]. PMID- 13813421 TI - [Considerations on hepatic function in patients with abdominal diseases of surgical importance and subjected to surgical intervention (study of 385 cases)]. PMID- 13813422 TI - The purification of human caeruloplasmin. PMID- 13813423 TI - The Christian ideals of nursing. PMID- 13813424 TI - [The treatment of tubal obturation by hydrotubage with mixed prednisolone and alpha-chymotrypsin. First observations]. PMID- 13813425 TI - [The treatmnt of functional menometrorrhagias with anesthesia of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion]. PMID- 13813427 TI - Metastasis of malignant tumours to the adrenal gland. PMID- 13813426 TI - Prophylaxis and treatment of toxaemia pregnancy with oral diuretics. PMID- 13813428 TI - The incidence of lefomyomata of the stomach. PMID- 13813429 TI - [The electrocardiographic criteria of left ventricular hypertrophy; comparison with the clinical and radiological elements]. PMID- 13813430 TI - [The ECG aspect of left ventricular hypertrophy in the aged]. PMID- 13813431 TI - [Attempted early prognostic judgment in myocardial infarct. I. Evaluation of the clinical symptoms]. PMID- 13813432 TI - The tuberculin test. PMID- 13813433 TI - Inter-dependence of hyaluronic acid and M protein in streptococcal aerosol infections in mice. PMID- 13813434 TI - [On the surgical therapy of retinal detachment; complications after scleral indentation by plastic plugs]. PMID- 13813435 TI - [Toxicity of heated fats; the problem of frying oils]. PMID- 13813436 TI - Renal clearances of amino acids in normal adults and in patients with aminoaciduria. PMID- 13813437 TI - Immediate and late results of anal ileostomy after total proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13813438 TI - Bronchogenic carcinoma: a mass radiography group compared with a practitioners' group. PMID- 13813439 TI - Cancer of the lung--a public health problem? PMID- 13813440 TI - Protein metabolism in relation to energy needs. PMID- 13813441 TI - Laboratory studies of eye infections in South Africa. The properties of the virus of trachoma. PMID- 13813442 TI - [Observations on a case of erythremic myelosis]. PMID- 13813443 TI - [Criteria for the analytical evaluation of blood sugar variations after glucose loading in various experimental conditions in infancy]. PMID- 13813444 TI - [Blood pentose and variations of blood glucose after intravenous administration of some pentoses (d-xylose, d-arabinose and l-arabinose) in the child]. PMID- 13813445 TI - [Behavior of phosphoremia after intravenous glucose tolerance test in the child. Note 1]. PMID- 13813446 TI - [Recent views on the biosynthesis of antibodies]. PMID- 13813447 TI - The enhancement of hemolysin production in the rat by Zymosan. PMID- 13813448 TI - Establishing a psychiatric therapeutic community in a federal narcotic hospital. PMID- 13813449 TI - Survival of breast-cancer patients in Connecticut, 1935-54. PMID- 13813450 TI - Survival of patients with uterine cancer, Connecticut, 1935-54. PMID- 13813451 TI - Analytic work with LSD 25. PMID- 13813453 TI - Effect of perphenazine on postoperative emesis. PMID- 13813452 TI - Fecal feedings as a therapy in Staphylococcus enterocolitis. PMID- 13813454 TI - [Blood-group incidence (ABO system) in patients with mammary, ovarian and uterine neoplasms]. PMID- 13813455 TI - [A specific and natural immunity and its possible applications in the obstetric and gynecological fields]. PMID- 13813456 TI - [Leukocytic antibodies and possible transfusion complications in polytransfused patients]. PMID- 13813457 TI - [Therapy of anti-Rh isoimmunization in pregnancy and hemolytic disease of the newborn]. PMID- 13813458 TI - Use of halothane (fluothane) in obstetric anesthesia: preliminary report. PMID- 13813459 TI - Studies on tumor cells implanted in semipermeable capsules in the mouse. PMID- 13813460 TI - Circling syndrome produced in mice by dimethylaminohexose reductone. PMID- 13813461 TI - Evaluation of compounds affecting the psyche. PMID- 13813462 TI - [Study of the results of endobronchial aspiration biopsy and of cytodiagnosis by examination of sputum. Apropos of 100 cases of bronchopulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13813463 TI - Pneumonia due to gram-negative bacilli. PMID- 13813464 TI - [On relationships in the development of spine and pelvis]. PMID- 13813465 TI - [Agricultural work medicine. I. Remarks on the bill concerning medical protection of agricultural work]. PMID- 13813467 TI - [Further research on the relation between the adrenals and hepatic ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13813466 TI - [Remarks on the bill relative to medical protection of agricultural work]. PMID- 13813469 TI - [The action of the adrenals on the content of combined vitamin C in the liver]. PMID- 13813468 TI - [The behavior of free ascorbic acid in the liver of adrenalectomized rats]. PMID- 13813470 TI - [On the application of 0.1 per cent adrenalin into the anterior chamber of the eye in ophthalmological surgery]. PMID- 13813471 TI - [Controlled field trials with the prophylaxis (with special reference to typhoid vaccines)]. PMID- 13813472 TI - [Relationship between the chemical structure of urinary calculi and the clinical picture of lithiasis]. PMID- 13813473 TI - Estimation of 3-deoxy sugars by means of the malonaldehyde-thiobarbituric acid reaction. PMID- 13813474 TI - Uronic acid metabolism in bacteria. IV. Purification and properties of 2-keto-3 deoxy-D-gluconokinase in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13813476 TI - Intravenous cholangiography and tomography as an aid in the diagnosis of ascariasis of the biliary tract. PMID- 13813477 TI - [Changes in the nervous system during the course of cancer]. PMID- 13813475 TI - Anemia of endocrinopathies. PMID- 13813478 TI - [Effect of low pressures of short duration on fetal development (preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13813479 TI - [After-treatment of thoractomy in infancy and childhood]. PMID- 13813480 TI - Some red-cell antigens of Bison bonasus as compared to red-cell antigens of domestic cattle. PMID- 13813481 TI - [Analysis of cases of bone fracture and of their effect on the course of organic changes leading to fatal outcome in patients over 50 years of age]. PMID- 13813482 TI - [Changes of intraocular pressure in women during the menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13813483 TI - [Block of the left branch of the Paludino-His bundle]. PMID- 13813484 TI - [On the value of tomography of the larynx in cases of malignant tumors and its comparison with laryngological examination]. PMID- 13813485 TI - [Effect of exclusion of Simmond's apparatus on the course of dye shock]. PMID- 13813486 TI - [Contribution to the problem of the relationship between chloromycetin therapy and recurrent appearances of typhoid and attempted therapy with other antibiotics]. PMID- 13813487 TI - [Case of Schonlein-Henoch's disease]. PMID- 13813488 TI - [Analysis of deaths in cases of endocarditis in the I Klinika chorob wewnetrzynch A.M. in Warsaw during 1945-1958]. PMID- 13813489 TI - Haemoglobin content of the larvae of Tendipes f.i. plumosus L. from various levels of bed sediment. PMID- 13813490 TI - [On the ovarian lymphatic system]. PMID- 13813491 TI - [A case of bilateral Mooren's ulcer]. PMID- 13813492 TI - [Femur neck fractures following radiotherapy of pelvic tumors]. PMID- 13813493 TI - [A case of Stevens-Johnson's syndrome in an 11-year-old girl]. PMID- 13813494 TI - Trackdown: the economics of multiple operations for recurrent cancer. PMID- 13813496 TI - [Significance of trace elements in the organism]. PMID- 13813495 TI - [Effect of tobacco smoke on the course of experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13813498 TI - [On the problem of exclusion gastrectomy]. PMID- 13813497 TI - [Effect of partial hepatectomy on protein and sugar levels in the blood serum in dogs]. PMID- 13813499 TI - [A fatal case of poisoning with Taxus baccata. Experiments on demonstration of Taxus alkaloid in the cadaver organs]. PMID- 13813500 TI - [Placenta praevia accreta]. PMID- 13813501 TI - [On the temperature stability of W/O emulsion ointments]. PMID- 13813503 TI - [Adamantinoma in the nasal cavity]. PMID- 13813502 TI - [Experimental tuberculosis in passively sensitized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13813504 TI - [Conservative treatment of acute purulent sinusitis with irrigations of penicillin-hyaluronidase solution]. PMID- 13813505 TI - [Reflex death during an otological examination]. PMID- 13813506 TI - [Therapeutic experiences with a sulfonamide with depot character in otorhinolaryngological diseases]. PMID- 13813507 TI - [Therapeutic experiences with long-acting depot sulfonamides in oto-, rhino- and laryngological diseases]. PMID- 13813508 TI - [Changes in a large blood drop in patients suffering from severe diseases]. PMID- 13813509 TI - [On diagnostic difficulties in common infections in children with encephalopathies]. PMID- 13813510 TI - [A method for ultracentrifugal determination of beta-lipoprotein]. PMID- 13813511 TI - [Experimental observations on the concentration of phosphorus P32 at the site of fracture of the long bones]. PMID- 13813512 TI - Functional portal hypertension in children. PMID- 13813513 TI - [Diabetic angiopathy]. PMID- 13813514 TI - [The problem of insulin dosage in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13813515 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of rare neoplasms of the kidney: the malignant mesenchymoma (clinicodiagnostic and histogenetic problems)]. PMID- 13813516 TI - Concerning some technical points of cardiac surgery conducted under total cardiopulmonary by-pass. PMID- 13813517 TI - [Suicide in the province of Ferrara. (Statistical study)]. PMID- 13813518 TI - The histochemical localization of specific cholinesteranse in the lymphatic tissue of mammals. PMID- 13813519 TI - [The use of perphenazine in treatment of postoperative vomiting]. PMID- 13813520 TI - [Asymptomatic pneumothorax in brachial plexus block]. PMID- 13813521 TI - [Clinical observations on reflex dystrophic syndromes]. PMID- 13813522 TI - [Spinal anesthesia and the hydergine test]. PMID- 13813523 TI - [Complications in brachial plexus block: considerations on the subjects of professional risks]. PMID- 13813524 TI - [Vasoconstrictor drugs in spinal anesthesia]. PMID- 13813525 TI - [Sympathetic block in a case of mediastinal tumor]. PMID- 13813526 TI - [Clinical observations and neurophysiological considerations on a case of prolonged loss of consciousness]. PMID- 13813527 TI - [Erythrodermas in newborn and young infants. Erythroderma ichthyosiforme congenita (EIC). Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13813528 TI - [Chemical warefare in the framework of civil defence]. PMID- 13813529 TI - [Observations on the use of cycloserine in a psychiatric hospital]. PMID- 13813530 TI - [On a new orally-administered diuretic]. PMID- 13813531 TI - [Clinical significance of variations in acid phosphatase in the blood serum after prostatic massage]. PMID- 13813532 TI - [Papilloma in a vesical diverticulum]. PMID- 13813533 TI - [Anatomo clinical observations on fascitis (Gerota's) of descending thoraco abdominal course]. PMID- 13813534 TI - [Chorionepithelioma of the testicle]. PMID- 13813536 TI - [On terminal ureteritis. (Anatomical and histopathological considerations)]. PMID- 13813535 TI - [On bilateral seminoma of the testis]. PMID- 13813537 TI - [On the embryological origin and constitution of the ureteral sheaths]. PMID- 13813538 TI - [Renal changes secondary to hepatic damage from radiations. (Experimental research)]. PMID- 13813539 TI - [Ureteral occlusions in sclerosis of the pararenal cellular tissue]. PMID- 13813540 TI - On the nature of Wassermann's reaction. PMID- 13813541 TI - [Immunizing potency of O, H, Vi antigens of S. typhi and of H antigen of S. minnesota studied through bacteremic proof in the small mouse]. PMID- 13813542 TI - [Giulio Buonomini (1908-1960)]. PMID- 13813543 TI - [The enteric viruses in clinical medicine and epidemiology]. PMID- 13813544 TI - [Virus and current medical diagnosis]. PMID- 13813545 TI - [On tumors of the male breast. Clinical contribution. Etiopathogenetic and therapeutic study]. PMID- 13813547 TI - [Considerations on the clinical aspects and therapy of bilateral harelip]. PMID- 13813546 TI - [Spondylopathies simulating coronary cardiopathies]. PMID- 13813548 TI - [Teratomas of the sacrococcygeal region (Observations on 3 operated cases)]. PMID- 13813549 TI - [On ossification of the lateral stylohyoidal and thyrohyoidal ligaments]. PMID- 13813550 TI - L-Lysine in nutrition and therapy. PMID- 13813551 TI - Hodgkin's disease of the cecum: report of a case. PMID- 13813552 TI - [On the relations between chronic obstructive peripheral arteriopathies and cerebral electrical activity]. PMID- 13813553 TI - Evaluation of various rewarming techniques following general and local hypothermia. PMID- 13813556 TI - Some effects of immediate versus randomly delayed shock on an instrumental response and cognitive processes. PMID- 13813555 TI - Cardiovascular functions in the dog rewarmed rapidly and slowly from deep hypothermia. PMID- 13813557 TI - Effects of extinction trials on discrimination reversal. PMID- 13813558 TI - [3-Pyridylacetic acid: chemical and chemicophysical characteristics]. PMID- 13813559 TI - [The use of pantothenyl alcohol in the prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative intestinal atony]. PMID- 13813561 TI - The distribution of soluble antigens in cellular structures of rat liver. PMID- 13813560 TI - [Lymph flow in ganglioplegia after exclusion of arteriovenous anastomoses]. PMID- 13813562 TI - On the nuclear hemoglobin of chicken red cells. PMID- 13813563 TI - [Simple and rapid method for the determination of the total fraction of ketosteroids in extracts of the adrenal gland. Note 1]. PMID- 13813564 TI - [Research on carbonic anhydrase activity in conditions of experimental anoxemia]. PMID- 13813565 TI - [Experimental research on ureteroileocystostomy; preliminary note]. PMID- 13813566 TI - [Prednisone and tracheal homografts]. PMID- 13813567 TI - Distribution of the sexes and environmental influence in the European eel. PMID- 13813568 TI - [Clinical considerations on epidural hematoma at the vertex of the cranium]. PMID- 13813569 TI - [Usefulness of various electroencephalographic findings in the diagnosis of dural hematoma]. PMID- 13813570 TI - [On a cryomacroglobulin]. PMID- 13813571 TI - [Solubilization of a human crymacroglobulin by combination with serum albumin after treatment with urea at pH 9]. PMID- 13813572 TI - [Distribution of ABO blood groups and Rh-o factor in the population of the province of Messina]. PMID- 13813573 TI - [Considerations on the therapeutic action of levomepromazine in a group of schizophrenics]. PMID- 13813574 TI - [Isolated fractures of the trochanter major]. PMID- 13813575 TI - [Two cases of fracture in Pellegrini-Stieda disease]. PMID- 13813576 TI - [Presentation of a further case of osteopoikilia]. PMID- 13813577 TI - [Conservative treatment of fractures of the clavicle]. PMID- 13813578 TI - [Immediate osteosynthesis in exposed fractures. Special reference to Steinmann's nail]. PMID- 13813580 TI - [Bilateral traumatic dislocation of the hip. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13813579 TI - [Arthrodesis of the hip using the Delitala technic]. PMID- 13813581 TI - [Direction for meniscectomy of the knee]. PMID- 13813582 TI - Dupuytren's contracture--Baron Guillaume Dupuytren and Sir Astley Cooper. PMID- 13813583 TI - Gonadotrophic hormone function in persistent estrous rats with hypothalamic lesions. PMID- 13813584 TI - [Cortisone and the Sanarelli-Schwartzman phenomenon]. PMID- 13813585 TI - Roentgen therapy of certain complications of acute leukemia in childhood. PMID- 13813586 TI - Potentiation of x-ray effects by actinomycin D. PMID- 13813587 TI - [Action of Chamaedrys teucrum on the proteolytic digestion of the stomach]. PMID- 13813588 TI - [Electronoptic studies of the dust particles of a talc lung]. PMID- 13813589 TI - [Staphylococcal anatoxin in human medicine. (Doctrinal bases, preparation, control and practical applications)]. PMID- 13813590 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of natural immunity in pregnancy and in the newborn]. PMID- 13813591 TI - [Behavior of the serum properdin level in neoplasms of the uterus]. PMID- 13813592 TI - [Behavior of the serum properdin level in neoplasms of the uterus]. PMID- 13813593 TI - [Protective action of cysteine in experimental arsenic and selenium poisoning]. PMID- 13813594 TI - [Research in vitro on toxigenesis of Cl. tetani and Cl. botulinum]. PMID- 13813595 TI - The pharmacology of halothane in man: a review. PMID- 13813596 TI - [First clinico-experimental investigations on the atoxicity by venous route of a new antibiotic]. PMID- 13813597 TI - [Transaminase activity in a group of schizophrenics]. PMID- 13813598 TI - [On the association of epilepsy and schizophrenia]. PMID- 13813599 TI - [Crenotherapy of enteritis associated with antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13813600 TI - [Fibrosis of the lung of mitral patients]. PMID- 13813601 TI - [The Ebstein type tricuspid abnormality. (Considerations on the interpretation of tricuspid and ventricular changes)]. PMID- 13813603 TI - [Significance and semeiological value of so-called sex chromatin]. PMID- 13813602 TI - [The lymphatic vessels in the lung of mitral patients]. PMID- 13813604 TI - Ununited fracture of the neck of femur. PMID- 13813605 TI - [A provisional public cerebral palsy care in Stockholm city and province, 1 April 1953-31 December 1957]. PMID- 13813607 TI - [Labor in pulmonary tuberculosis patients]. PMID- 13813606 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of barbiturate anesthesia of ultrashort action in cesarean section]. PMID- 13813608 TI - [The diagnostic problem in metrorrhagia of the pre- and post- menopausal periods]. PMID- 13813609 TI - Health clinics could end the hospital bed shortage. PMID- 13813610 TI - [Therapy of polycythemia vera]. PMID- 13813611 TI - [Constitution and nutritional deficiency as predisposing factors to trachomatous infection]. PMID- 13813612 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the lip]. PMID- 13813613 TI - The mechanism of internal rotation and its application to malrotation. PMID- 13813614 TI - Vaginoplastic operations: some general observations. PMID- 13813616 TI - [Optical bases of various systems used for the improvement of subnormal vision]. PMID- 13813615 TI - [Clinical findings on the determination of visual acuity in subjects with subnormal vision]. PMID- 13813617 TI - [Fibrinolysis in surgery]. PMID- 13813618 TI - [The dynamics of the protein fractions and lipoproteins of the blood in the course of myocardial infarct and in the pre-infarct state]. PMID- 13813619 TI - [Significance of sleep in the open air in a forest school for children with rheumatism]. PMID- 13813621 TI - [Comparative evaluation of microbiological application of phase and anoptral methods of contrasting]. PMID- 13813620 TI - [Immediate and remote results of penicillin-pyrogenic therapy of rabbits infected with syphilis]. PMID- 13813622 TI - [Fibrocystic mastopathy. (Current concepts of pathogenesis and therapy)]. PMID- 13813623 TI - [Pressure and oximetric correlations during the sympatol test for demonstration of interventricular septal communication]. PMID- 13813625 TI - Lipomas of the large intestine: review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13813624 TI - The influence of thyroxine on the O-methylation of catechols. PMID- 13813626 TI - [Cytomegalic inclusion disease in a newborn]. PMID- 13813627 TI - [Esophageal spasm]. PMID- 13813628 TI - [The reaction of adenylpolyphosphates in blood in various clinical forms of leukemic diseases]. PMID- 13813629 TI - [Transaminases in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of subjects with acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13813630 TI - [Clinical and therapeutic observations on 2 cases of thrombocytopathy]. PMID- 13813631 TI - [Hygienic aspects of the conditioning of crane cabs]. PMID- 13813632 TI - [Contribution to the problem of familial incidence in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13813633 TI - [Hemianoptic disorders in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13813634 TI - [The problem of objective examination of maximum ventilation capacity]. PMID- 13813635 TI - [Anesthesia in intracranial surgery]. PMID- 13813636 TI - N-Substituted 7-methoxy-8-aminomethyl-chromones and flavones: new brain-stem stimulants. PMID- 13813637 TI - Some basic derivatives of 3-methylflavone-8-carboxylic acid. PMID- 13813638 TI - [Research on antispasmodics. 6-Aminomethylchromones and flavones]. PMID- 13813639 TI - [Results of conservative therapy of transtrochanteric fractures of the femur in old age]. PMID- 13813640 TI - [Surgical treatment by means of osteotomy of the trochanteric region in neglected fractures of the femoral neck in old age]. PMID- 13813641 TI - [Morphological findings in respiratory disorders in the newborn]. PMID- 13813642 TI - [The morphology of carcinoma in situ]. PMID- 13813643 TI - Rupture of congenital intracranial aneurysm in pregnancy. PMID- 13813644 TI - [Congenital osteogenesis imperfecta (Vrolik's disease)]. PMID- 13813646 TI - Ruptured uterus. PMID- 13813645 TI - The response of canine endometrium to various hormones and related compounds. PMID- 13813647 TI - [On the problem of myasthenic syndromes]. PMID- 13813648 TI - The affinity of heparin for certain liberators of histamine. PMID- 13813649 TI - [On positive disintegration. An outline of the theory concerning the psychological development of man through unbalanced states, nervous states, neuroses and psychoses]. PMID- 13813650 TI - [Certain characteristics of the course of obsessional states during the involutive period]. PMID- 13813651 TI - [Rupture of the liver in an infant]. PMID- 13813652 TI - [A case of acquired and congenital hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13813653 TI - [Cases of atypical myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13813654 TI - [Indications for splenectomy]. PMID- 13813655 TI - [Morphological changes of the epithelium of the oral cavity during the course of Addison-Biermer's and hypochromic anemias]. PMID- 13813656 TI - [Two cases of agranulocytosis in influenza]. PMID- 13813657 TI - [Special aspects of gastroduodenal ulcer in the Middle East]. PMID- 13813658 TI - [Critical study of the results of a series of antipoliomyelitis vaccinations]. PMID- 13813659 TI - [The project for a vaccination calender for Belgium]. PMID- 13813661 TI - Current status of therapy in microbial food poisoning. PMID- 13813660 TI - Haematology in British hospitals. Present conditions and future possibilities. PMID- 13813662 TI - Mitral stenosis. Auscultatory and phonocardiographic findings. PMID- 13813664 TI - Leukemia, radiation and fallout. PMID- 13813663 TI - The electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram in ventricular septal defect. PMID- 13813666 TI - Lower extremity braces in rehabilitation. PMID- 13813665 TI - Identification of Erysipelothrix insidiosa with fluorescent antibody. PMID- 13813667 TI - [The effect of measles on the course of nephrosis in children]. PMID- 13813669 TI - [Therapeutic resensitization of infective mycobacterial populations which had become chemo-antibiotic-resistant]. PMID- 13813668 TI - [The so-called resensitization by therapy of infectious mycobacterial populations which have become chemoantibiotic-resistant]. PMID- 13813670 TI - [Respiratory function in the aged]. PMID- 13813671 TI - [Poliomyelitis and seasonal incidence (Clinico-statistical data)]. PMID- 13813672 TI - [Re-training in infantile cerebral paralysis]. PMID- 13813673 TI - Congenital anomaly of the left circumflex coronary artery. PMID- 13813674 TI - [Public health committee of the West-European Union]. PMID- 13813675 TI - [Contribution to the study of the lymphatic channels of the larynx and trachea]. PMID- 13813676 TI - [Oral treatment of diabetes with a new hypoglycemic agent, P 607 or diabinese: results of 12 months of clinical experimentation]. PMID- 13813677 TI - Management of the nephrotic syndrome with particular reference to the use of triamcinolone. PMID- 13813678 TI - Modern sulfonamides in pediatric practice. PMID- 13813679 TI - Tracheo-esophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. PMID- 13813680 TI - [On surgical treatment of echinococcosis of the lung]. PMID- 13813681 TI - A review of hospital dental services and the dental service of the Ohio Tuberculosis Hospital. PMID- 13813682 TI - [Albers-Schonberg disease; osteosclerotic anemia; marble bone disease]. PMID- 13813683 TI - [Spontaneous hypoglycemia in children]. PMID- 13813684 TI - [Observations on the pulmonary circulation time: study of the relations between respiratory activity and pulmonary circulation time in anesthetized dogs]. PMID- 13813685 TI - [Arteriolopathy of the liver in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13813686 TI - [Lipodystrophy caused by insulin]. PMID- 13813687 TI - [Considerations of nosological nature on chronic lymphatic leukemia]. PMID- 13813688 TI - Pancreatic insufficiency and obstructive jaundice due to chronic duodenal ulcer: a case report. PMID- 13813689 TI - [Adhesion-disappearance phenomena]. PMID- 13813690 TI - [Remarks on venereal diseases. VI. The laboratory in diagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13813691 TI - [Seroneutralization of poliomyelitis viruses]. PMID- 13813692 TI - [Spontaneous immunity to poliomyelitis in Paris]. PMID- 13813693 TI - [The "C-reactive protein" in syphilis]. PMID- 13813694 TI - [Medical treatment of nontuberculous bronchopulmonary suppurations]. PMID- 13813695 TI - [How shall the compensation for eye injuries be determined?]. PMID- 13813696 TI - Characterization of two 'mitochondrial' particulates from rat brain. PMID- 13813697 TI - [Circulatory failure of the vertebral artery and its branches]. PMID- 13813698 TI - Testicular lesions of periarteritis nodosa, with special reference to diagnosis. PMID- 13813699 TI - Method for experimental constriction of arteries with polyvinyl alcohol sponge. PMID- 13813700 TI - Smith-Petersen's shelf operation in the treatment of congenital subluxation and dysplasia of the acetabulum in adults. PMID- 13813701 TI - [Mucous finger cysts]. PMID- 13813702 TI - Gastric ulceration in rats with experimentally-induced polycythemia. PMID- 13813703 TI - The enzymatic synthesis of 5-fluorouridine 5'-phosphate. PMID- 13813704 TI - Adrenocortical function after prolonged salt restriction in hypertension. PMID- 13813706 TI - [On rheumatic disease in children]. PMID- 13813705 TI - Salt, fat and hypertension: the Japanese experience. PMID- 13813707 TI - [Notes on the mothers delivered in the prison of Haemeenlinna (Finland) 1931-57, and on their infants treated there]. PMID- 13813708 TI - [On the use of L-A-penicillin and gamma globulin in the prevention of infections in the premature infant]. PMID- 13813709 TI - Attainment and value of precision in deep radiotherapy. Some fundamentals with special reference to moving beam therapy with 200 to 250 kV roentgen rays and cobalt 60 gamma radiation. PMID- 13813710 TI - Dose distributions in 250 kV perpendicular axial arc therapy. PMID- 13813711 TI - Precision deep therapy with 200 to 250 kV roentgen rays and cobalt 60 gamma radiation; with special reference to perpendicular axial arc therapy. PMID- 13813712 TI - A brief history of faith healing. PMID- 13813713 TI - [Hygienic examinations of farms in Samso]. PMID- 13813714 TI - Determination of the 17-ketosteroid and corticoid output in cases of Cushing's syndrome caused by hyperplasia and adenoma. PMID- 13813715 TI - The technique of tarsometatarsal exarticulation as described by Jacobsen in 1805 in Copenhagen: ten years before Jaques Lisfranc. PMID- 13813717 TI - [A method of determination of placental defects]. PMID- 13813718 TI - Carcinoma of the vulva and subsequent succesful pregnancy. PMID- 13813719 TI - [Osteitis condensans ilii]. PMID- 13813720 TI - Bacillus anthracis aerosols in goat hair processing mills. PMID- 13813721 TI - [Van Gogh as a psychiatric problem]. PMID- 13813722 TI - Venography in fractures of the femoral neck. PMID- 13813723 TI - [Galactose metabolism]. PMID- 13813724 TI - Observations on the distribution and action of substance P in marine animals. PMID- 13813725 TI - [Comparison between four smaller ECG apparatus]. PMID- 13813727 TI - [Contribution to the recognition of primary hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13813726 TI - [On the formal genesis of systemic dermatoses]. PMID- 13813728 TI - [On a case of vertebra plana totalis with 8 cervical vertebrae]. PMID- 13813729 TI - [A new analgesic]. PMID- 13813731 TI - [Transfusion problems as seen from the viewpoint of the serologist]. PMID- 13813730 TI - [The use of serum anti-f (anti-hr) in blood group serological paternity studies]. PMID- 13813732 TI - Experimental delayed occlusion of the left coronary artery. PMID- 13813733 TI - New type concentric stimulating and recording electrode for electroencephalography and oscillography. PMID- 13813734 TI - Susceptibility of Salmonellae to kanamycin and other antibiotics. PMID- 13813735 TI - [Sensitivity of 231 gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms to kanamycin]. PMID- 13813736 TI - [The sensitivity of pathogenic staphylococci to ristocetin and other chemotherapeutic agents]. PMID- 13813737 TI - [Sensitivity of pathogenic staphylococci and gram-negative bacteria to vancomycin and other antibiotics]. PMID- 13813738 TI - [The antibacterial effect of tetracycline, oleandomycin and their combinations. Experimental observations in vitro]. PMID- 13813739 TI - Penicillin sensitivity of gram-negative enteric bacilli: successful treatment of urinary tract infections. PMID- 13813740 TI - [Problems in the therapy of respiratory tract infections]. PMID- 13813741 TI - The autonomy of the thyroid gland in hyperthyroidism treated with radioiodine. PMID- 13813742 TI - [Radiochromium in determination of blood volume changes]. PMID- 13813743 TI - A new flocculation test for differentiating obstructive from hepatocellular jaundice. PMID- 13813744 TI - [Experiences with sulfamethoxypyridazine]. PMID- 13813745 TI - [Microbial persistence studied in vivo by employment of artificial fibrin coagulate. I. Growth of bacteria in fibrin coagulate. Streptococcus viridans persistence after penicillin administration]. PMID- 13813746 TI - Lipid-induced coagulation changes in normal subjects and in patients with atherosclerosis. PMID- 13813747 TI - [Current status of the problem of tuberculosis. The former patient in relation to life insurance]. PMID- 13813748 TI - [Incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the desoxyribonucleic acid of sericigenic glands in the silkworm]. PMID- 13813749 TI - [Attempted electrical and psychological comparison in 150 children from 4 to 15 years old]. PMID- 13813750 TI - Phenylbutazone in treatment of postoperative iritis. PMID- 13813751 TI - The modern techniques in the treatment of amblyopia. PMID- 13813752 TI - Social class and psychological medicine in the United States, 1789-1824. PMID- 13813753 TI - Effect of x-irradiation on the weight and nucleic acids of the embryonic chick lens. PMID- 13813754 TI - [Study of the postmortem changes in the inner ear by a new method of fixation (method of fixation by irrigation)]. PMID- 13813756 TI - Comparative morphologic studies of the superficial branches of the middle cerebral artery. PMID- 13813757 TI - [Some experience with lyophilization in layers]. PMID- 13813755 TI - [Vulvar pruritus]. PMID- 13813758 TI - [Adrenocortical extract, ascorbic acid and vitamins of the B group in therapy of hyperemesis gravidarum]. PMID- 13813759 TI - [Influence of prolonged administration of ACTH on the histomorphological appearance and on the functional orientation of the endocrine glands of the normal adult guinea pig. Note I. Hypophysis and adrenals]. PMID- 13813760 TI - [Influence of prolonged administration of ACTH on the histomorphological appearance and on the functional orientation of the endocrine glands of the normal adult guinea pig. Note II. Gonads]. PMID- 13813761 TI - [Influence of prolonged administration of ACTH on the histomorphological appearance and on the functional orientation of the endocrine glands in normal adult guinea pigs. Note IV. The pancreas]. PMID- 13813763 TI - [Fractures in amputation stumps]. PMID- 13813762 TI - [Influence of prolonged administration of ACTH on the histomorphological appearance and on the functional orientation of the endocrine glands in normal adult guinea pigs. Note III. Thyroid and parathyroids]. PMID- 13813764 TI - [Primary arthrosis of the trapezio-metarcapal]. PMID- 13813765 TI - [Surgical treatment of spina bifida]. PMID- 13813766 TI - [An unusual familial congenital malformation of the hands and feet]. PMID- 13813767 TI - [Displacement osteotomy in coxa valga subluxans]. PMID- 13813768 TI - [On the treatment of pseudoarthrosis of the clavicle]. PMID- 13813769 TI - [Treatment of Segond's injury]. PMID- 13813770 TI - [On a case of ossification of the humeral artery and median nerve]. PMID- 13813771 TI - [Renal hemodynamics in anemic and polyglobulic states]. PMID- 13813772 TI - [Values of the hepatic blood flow studied in normal subjects and in heart patients by the iodine-labeled albumin complex]. PMID- 13813773 TI - Surgical correction of the oral sulci. PMID- 13813774 TI - [Retro-molar osteotomy for correction of prognathism]. PMID- 13813775 TI - [A measuring apparatus for impulse sequence frequencies with a broad measuring range for continuous registration on the russkymograph]. PMID- 13813776 TI - Effect of dietary deficiencies of folic acid and choline on lipid metabolism in the rat. PMID- 13813777 TI - Leptospirosis in Bombay: report of five cases. PMID- 13813778 TI - [Contribution to the clinical and biological study of severe nutrition disorders after subtotal gastrectomy for benign lesions: study of 20 cases]. PMID- 13813779 TI - Studies on the purification of bovine plasminogen (profibrinolysin). PMID- 13813780 TI - [Manifestations of adenosinetriphosphatase in the first embryonal stages of mammals]. PMID- 13813781 TI - [The cytochemical localization of adenosinetriphosphatase in the eggs of mammals and its relation to their morphogenetic organization]. PMID- 13813782 TI - [Biographic note on M. Ch. Judson Herrick, foreign correspondent. (1868-1960)]. PMID- 13813783 TI - [New constituents of the egg of Ascidia revealed by metachromatic vital dyes]. PMID- 13813784 TI - Nutrition and caries. IX. The influence of calcium carbonate on rat caries induced by a cariogenic diet. PMID- 13813785 TI - Nutrition and caries. X. Observations in wild rats. PMID- 13813786 TI - Nutrition and caries. XII. Endogenic versus exogenic factors. PMID- 13813787 TI - The effects of citric and phosphoric acids on the teeth. PMID- 13813788 TI - Strategies of searching in two simple systems. PMID- 13813789 TI - Interactions between histamine, acetylcholine and other muscle stimulants in guinea pig ileum. PMID- 13813791 TI - A study in meaning. PMID- 13813790 TI - The effect of Freund's adjuvants on lymphatics in the mouse's ear. PMID- 13813793 TI - [The physicians' task in war]. PMID- 13813792 TI - The isolation of epithelial cells from normal and neoplastic colon. PMID- 13813794 TI - The relative biological efficiency of 20 MV and 4 MV radiations. III. The oxidation of ferrous sulphate solution. PMID- 13813796 TI - Survey of the action of ionizing radiations in aqueous systems, and some considerations of energy transfer. PMID- 13813795 TI - The relative biological efficiency of 20 MV and 4 MV radiations. IV. Experiments on the survival of E. coli B. PMID- 13813797 TI - [On a peculiar aspect of burns of the esophagus]. PMID- 13813798 TI - Modern trends in vascular surgery. PMID- 13813799 TI - Axillary arm block--With emphasis on its use in children. PMID- 13813800 TI - A study of the fine structure of mammalian somatic chromosomes. PMID- 13813801 TI - Effects of anaerobiosis on the rates of multiplication of mammalian cells cultured in vitro. PMID- 13813802 TI - British hospitals as they were before 1948. PMID- 13813803 TI - Hypersensitivity to PAS simulating glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis). PMID- 13813804 TI - Atypical angina. PMID- 13813805 TI - Cerebral vascular lesions and pepticulceration. PMID- 13813806 TI - Renal tubular degeneration. Electron microscopy in ischaemic anuria. PMID- 13813807 TI - An electron microscopic study on glomeruli in renal biopsies taken from human shock kidney. PMID- 13813808 TI - [Diagnosis of Huntington's chorea]. PMID- 13813809 TI - Increase in the process of accumulation of amino acids in carrot slices with prolonged aerobic washing. PMID- 13813810 TI - [Alteration in the motor-evacuatory function of the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of novocain block and in relation to the features of abdominal treatment (experimental-roentgenological study)]. PMID- 13813811 TI - The iliacometer. PMID- 13813812 TI - Animal experiments on the spread of inhaled radioactive red phosphorus in the body. PMID- 13813813 TI - The determination in vivo of the rate of ciliary beat in the trachea. PMID- 13813814 TI - [Society and motorism from the viewpoint of hygiene]. PMID- 13813815 TI - [Studies on the reduction of methemoglobin by ultraviolet light]. PMID- 13813816 TI - [The reduction of methemoglobin by UV]. PMID- 13813817 TI - [Principles and indications of "segmental massage"]. PMID- 13813818 TI - Radiological diagnosis of anomalous pulmonary venous connection: a tomographic study. PMID- 13813819 TI - [Selective biplane cardioangiography]. PMID- 13813820 TI - Oral cancer: the role and responsibility of the dentist. PMID- 13813821 TI - [The study of cardiac dynamics on polygraphic tracings obtained in the course of cardiac catheterization]. PMID- 13813822 TI - [Senile chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13813823 TI - [The diagnosis of various anatomo-clinical types of pulmonary stenosis by means of cardiac catheterization]. PMID- 13813824 TI - [Pulmonary stenosis with intact interventricular septum. (Clinical, physiopathologic and instrumental study of 45 cases)]. PMID- 13813825 TI - [The "in-vitro heparin tolerance" test in clinical practice. Note I. Technic and standardization of the method]. PMID- 13813826 TI - [Primary changes of the repolarization phase in congenital heart diseases. Note II. Aortic stenosis and isthmic coarctation]. PMID- 13813827 TI - [Primary modifications of the T wave in congenital heart defects. Note I. Septal defects and persistence of the common atrioventricular canal]. PMID- 13813828 TI - Chemoreceptor tumours in the neck arising away from the carotid body with report of a case presenting as a swelling in the pharynx. PMID- 13813829 TI - Thyroxine-enhanced oxidative phosphorylation of rat-liver mitochondria. PMID- 13813830 TI - The effect of thyroxine on mitochondrial oxidation and swelling. PMID- 13813831 TI - The teaching of obstetrics at the resident level. PMID- 13813832 TI - [The carotid murmur: new sign of insufficiency of circulation of the internal carotid]. PMID- 13813833 TI - [Rubber cannula for chemothalamectomy]. PMID- 13813834 TI - [Glioma of the optic nerve]. PMID- 13813835 TI - [Effect of glucagon on the renal excretion of electrolytes]. PMID- 13813836 TI - [Galactagogue action of Helinus mystacinus (Ait). E. Mey and of Periploca linearifolia Dill, and Rich]. PMID- 13813837 TI - A simple and inexpensive card-changer. PMID- 13813838 TI - Twitmyer and the conditioned response. PMID- 13813839 TI - Retention of remote associations. PMID- 13813840 TI - [Clinical observations on the therapeutic use of a combination of digitaloids]. PMID- 13813841 TI - [Constant interferences of cardiac and respiratory rhythms in a case of total heart block and Cheyne-Stokes cyclic respiration]. PMID- 13813842 TI - [Research on the metabolic activities of the myocardium. Changes induced by cardiotropic hepatic factor on oxygen consumption of the guinea pig heart]. PMID- 13813843 TI - [Studies on metabolic activity of the myocardium. I. Oxygen consumption by various sections of the heart in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13813844 TI - The global picture of animal disease. PMID- 13813845 TI - Viability and tetrazolium salt in ascites tumours. PMID- 13813846 TI - A new treatment of anorexia nervosa. PMID- 13813848 TI - [Complications in induced abortions]. PMID- 13813847 TI - [Apropos of a case of "electrical trauma" caused by high-tension current. Electrical injury and thermal burn]. PMID- 13813849 TI - [Uretero-rectal fistula in congenital genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13813850 TI - [Study of an epidemic of infantile gastroenteritis due to toxic colibacilli]. PMID- 13813851 TI - Wives of some famous doctors. PMID- 13813852 TI - [Apparatus designed for transuterine pelvic phlebography]. PMID- 13813853 TI - [Should all cases of sterility betreated?]. PMID- 13813854 TI - [The radiological diagnosis in female pelvic pains]. PMID- 13813855 TI - [Traumatic amenorrhea]. PMID- 13813856 TI - [The future of neurology. Some observations]. PMID- 13813857 TI - A simplified method of staining thin sections of biolgical material with lead hydroxide for electron microscopy. PMID- 13813858 TI - Bell's palsy: some problems of prognosis and treatment. PMID- 13813859 TI - Some relations between action potential and resting potential of the lobster giant axon. AB - Experiments were performed to determine the quantitative relation existing between action potential and resting potential of the lobster giant axon. Resting potential changes were induced by either increasing the external potassium concentration or by reducing the external calcium concentration. For either treatment the action potential amplitude is proportional to the logarithm of the resting potential minus a constant. This constant is equivalent to the minimum resting potential at which a propagated spike is possible, and is larger for depolarization in low calcium than in high potassium. Thus the change in action potential per unit change in resting potential is greater in low external calcium than in high external potassium. Analog computer solutions to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for squid axon membrane potentials show that, if the initial conditions are properly specified, the action potential is proportional to the logarithm of the potassium potential minus a constant. The experimental results and the analog computations suggest that reducing external calcium produces changes in the invertebrate axon that cannot be accounted for solely on the basis of alterations in the potassium potential. PMID- 13813861 TI - A study of a case of lichen myxedematosus (papular mucinosis). PMID- 13813860 TI - Applicability of Hodgkin-Huxley model to experimental data from the giant axon of lobster. PMID- 13813862 TI - Comparative trials of new oral progestogenic compounds in treatment of premenstrual syndrome. PMID- 13813863 TI - Early symptoms of pre-eclamptic toxaemia. PMID- 13813864 TI - Effect of menstruation on schoolgirls' weekly work. PMID- 13813865 TI - Tolerance for transfusion in presence of impaired cardiac reserve. PMID- 13813866 TI - A family with narcolepsy. PMID- 13813867 TI - The effects of stimulation of the carotid body chemoreceptors on the pulmonary vascular bed in the dog: the 'vasosensory controlled perfused living animal' preparation. PMID- 13813869 TI - Carcinoma of the tonsil. PMID- 13813868 TI - The effects of stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreceptors on the pulmonary vascular bed in the dog. PMID- 13813870 TI - Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum of the parotid gland. PMID- 13813871 TI - Dynamic aspects of enzymatic O-methylation and -demethylation of catechols in vitro and in vivo. PMID- 13813872 TI - Group discussion with male V.D. patients. PMID- 13813873 TI - Studies on unidentified chick growth factors apparently organic in nature. PMID- 13813874 TI - [The anesthesiologist's legal status]. PMID- 13813875 TI - [Controlled hypotension and hypothermia with halothane]. PMID- 13813876 TI - Clinical observations on acetyl digitoxin. PMID- 13813877 TI - What an industrial nurse can accomplish. PMID- 13813878 TI - [Intramuscular prednisolone in the treatment of allergic diseases]. PMID- 13813879 TI - [New methods of application of ACTH in the therapy of asthmatic bronchitis]. PMID- 13813880 TI - [A new clinical method for measurement of oxygen released and bound in the blood by the electrochemical technic]. PMID- 13813882 TI - Various laboratory aspects of alpha chymotrypsin. PMID- 13813881 TI - [The place of angiography in urinary pathology]. PMID- 13813883 TI - [Development of vision in institutionalized children during first months of life]. PMID- 13813884 TI - [Development of hearing in institutionalized children]. PMID- 13813885 TI - [Perez reflex]. PMID- 13813886 TI - [Experience with training at a children's institution]. PMID- 13813887 TI - Ophthalmologists: their general and special contributions. PMID- 13813888 TI - [The syndrome of intestinal malabsorption. Physiopathological, diagnostic and therapeutic actualization]. PMID- 13813889 TI - [Synergic antibiotic association in pediatrics. Its importance in acute infections]. PMID- 13813890 TI - Hemolytic mechanisms. PMID- 13813892 TI - Leukemia. Present status. PMID- 13813891 TI - Leukemia and auto-immunization- some possible relationships. PMID- 13813893 TI - The Di Guglielmo syndrome. PMID- 13813894 TI - The use of corticosteroids in hematological therapy. PMID- 13813895 TI - What is systemic lupus? Some comments on its pathogenesis and course. PMID- 13813896 TI - [Therapy of idiopathic thrombopenic purpura]. PMID- 13813897 TI - [Investigations of the vascular structures of the endometrium made with autohistoradiographical methods]. PMID- 13813898 TI - [On certain characteristics of the innervation of the mucosa of the cervical canal]. PMID- 13813899 TI - [Further investigations on the innervation of the endometrium]. PMID- 13813900 TI - [Massive auricular dilatation (atriomegalia)]. PMID- 13813901 TI - [The features of the course of myocardial infarct in women]. PMID- 13813902 TI - [Subcorneal pustular dermatosis]. PMID- 13813903 TI - [Evaluation of the toxigenicity of diphtheria bacteria by the diffusion method]. PMID- 13813904 TI - [Thermal disinfection of laundry]. PMID- 13813905 TI - [Thermal disinfection of linen]. PMID- 13813906 TI - Extraction and concentration of mammogenic fractions from anterior pituitary gland. PMID- 13813907 TI - [Experiments with the kitchen machine "comet" as a multipurpose working tool in the pharmacy laboratory]. PMID- 13813908 TI - [Contribution to the pathogenesis of thromboembolism and to its prophylaxis by panthesin-hydergin]. PMID- 13813909 TI - Anatomy, physiology and natural history of simple ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13813910 TI - Criteria for acceptance of skin grafts. PMID- 13813911 TI - Host factors in cancer of the breast and uterine cervix and corpus. PMID- 13813912 TI - [Filters and caps in hemotherapy]. PMID- 13813913 TI - Diabetes and pregnancy. PMID- 13813914 TI - A psychological study of moderate social drinkers; organoleptic responses and motivation field survey. PMID- 13813915 TI - Hangovers and whiskey congeners. Comparison of whisky with vodka. PMID- 13813916 TI - The whisky congeners. Comparison of whisky with vodka as to toxic effects. PMID- 13813917 TI - [Stroboscopic fixation of the vocal cords]. PMID- 13813918 TI - [Basis for vocal rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients]. PMID- 13813919 TI - Studies on the acrosome. VI. Fine structure of the starfish acrosome. PMID- 13813920 TI - Cyto-embryology of echinoderms and amphibia. PMID- 13813921 TI - [Studies on serum peptonase and transaminase activity in experimental myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13813922 TI - [Kinesthetic (proprioceptive) stimulation as a condition signal of autonomic reactions in man]. PMID- 13813923 TI - Recurrent thrombosis in unrecognized malignant tumors of the lung. Report of two cases. PMID- 13813924 TI - Repression and psychopathology. PMID- 13813925 TI - The perceptual organization TAT score: number, order, and frequency of components. PMID- 13813926 TI - Ethnic group differences in coronary heart disease in Singapore: an analysis of necropsy records. PMID- 13813927 TI - Obliterative brachiocephalic arteritis (pulseless disease). PMID- 13813928 TI - Diagnostic problems in pulmonary diseases. PMID- 13813929 TI - A transistorised drip indicator. PMID- 13813930 TI - Clinical features of multiple myeloma. A review of the clinical manifestations and laboratory investigations in 40 cases. PMID- 13813931 TI - Familial vitamin D-resistant rickets. Metabolic studies in one family concerning aetiology and treatment, and indicating the separate actions of vitamin D. PMID- 13813933 TI - [Effect of roentgen rays on transamination of 5-aminolevulic and aspartic acids in certain organs in rats]. PMID- 13813932 TI - "Unguis dominantis". PMID- 13813934 TI - Maple syrup urine disease: branched-chain keto-aciduria. PMID- 13813935 TI - Transfer of sodium and iodo-antipyrine across guinea pig placenta with an in situ perfusion technique. PMID- 13813936 TI - Postoperative recurrence of breast cancer after thirty-two years. A case report and review of the literature. PMID- 13813937 TI - [Study of preventive lymph nodal irradiation in the treatment of tonsillar epitheliomas by x-rays]. PMID- 13813938 TI - Studies on Acorus calamus. IV. Investigations on mechanism of action in mice. PMID- 13813939 TI - Influence of variation in environmental temperature on the acute toxicity of reserpine and chlorpromazine in mice. PMID- 13813940 TI - Epidemic control of poliomyelitis with inactive virus vaccines. Studies in cynomologus monkeys. PMID- 13813941 TI - [Therapeutic study of chorionic gonadotropins, alone and combined with other hormonal substances, in senescence]. PMID- 13813942 TI - Post-graduate pastoral counseling seminars. PMID- 13813943 TI - Paper electrophoresis as a method of evaluating the effect of long-term estrogen therapy on serum lipoproteins in man. PMID- 13813944 TI - [Presence of transaminase activity in the human uterus]. PMID- 13813945 TI - [Transaminase activity in the human myometrium]. PMID- 13813946 TI - [Distribution of aspartic-ketoglutaric transaminases in various segments of the human uterus at the end of pregnancy]. PMID- 13813947 TI - [Presence and distribution of transaminase activity of the human uterus in labor at the end of pregnancy]. PMID- 13813948 TI - [Research with radiomolecules and colloidal substances on the circulation of the amniotic fluid and on materno-fetal exchanges]. PMID- 13813949 TI - [Distribution of Na and K in the myometrium in pregnancy and labor]. PMID- 13813950 TI - [Physical chemistry of contractile elements and recent views on the mechanism of the contraction]. PMID- 13813951 TI - [Incidence of the coexistence of Trichomonas with Candida albicans. Therapeutic results after use of trichomycin and mycostatin]. PMID- 13813952 TI - Induction of labor. PMID- 13813953 TI - Metabolism of the heart in failure. PMID- 13813955 TI - [The French pharmaceutical industry in reference to the common market]. PMID- 13813954 TI - The myocardial metabolism of fructose. PMID- 13813956 TI - [Treatment of losses of substance of the tibia. Critical study of 13 followed-up cases]. PMID- 13813957 TI - [Prevention of venereal diseases in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam]. PMID- 13813958 TI - The investigation of lipoproteins in lymph and other body fluids by paper electrophoresis. AB - The protein and lipid electrophoresis patterns of lymph and various body fluids have been examined. Chylous fluids produce a characteristic lipid pattern with a dense deposit at the origin and a lipid trail. The value of centrifuging turbid fluids at high speed before electrophoresis is stressed. PMID- 13813959 TI - [Endothelioma of the fallopian tube and ovary]. PMID- 13813960 TI - Electrical activity of the small intestine. PMID- 13813961 TI - Antagonism of serotonin-induced contraction and electrical activity in the ileum. PMID- 13813962 TI - Electrical activity of the longitudinal muscle of dog small intestine studied in vivo using microelectrodes. PMID- 13813963 TI - Electrolyte in human myometrium. PMID- 13813964 TI - Effect of the placenta on the electrical activity of the cat uterus in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13813965 TI - The relationship between electrical and mechanical activity of the small intestine of dog and man. PMID- 13813966 TI - Foreign-body granuloma of intervertebral disc and spinal canal. PMID- 13813967 TI - The idea of man's antiquity. PMID- 13813968 TI - [Behavior of animal cells in vitro at the temperature of 4 degrees C]. PMID- 13813969 TI - Traumatic infarction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. PMID- 13813970 TI - Mediastinal tumors. PMID- 13813971 TI - [A contribution on the problem of dysbacteria in the field of gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13813972 TI - [On the use of methergine in gynecological indications]. PMID- 13813973 TI - [Effect of tantalum and silk on the rate of regeneration of injured nerves]. PMID- 13813974 TI - [Effects of histamine-liberating substances on the experimental fibrogenesis caused by silica]. PMID- 13813975 TI - [Influence of complex agents on the development of experimental fibrosis induced by silica in the rat]. PMID- 13813976 TI - [Significance of rhinitis in the appearance of infantile diarrheas]. PMID- 13813977 TI - [Bacteremia in paramaxillary inflammatory diseases]. PMID- 13813978 TI - [Hypersideremic hypochromic anemia. Recent observations on the biosynthesis of heme]. PMID- 13813979 TI - Effect of homologous bone marrow-spleen cell suspension on survival of swine exposed to radiation from a nuclear weapon. PMID- 13813980 TI - Some alternative states of amoeba, with special reference to life-span. PMID- 13813981 TI - Some theoretical aspects of nucleo-cytoplasmic relationships. PMID- 13813982 TI - [Pseudotumoral forms of bronchial tuberculosis]. PMID- 13813983 TI - [The value and limitations of medical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13813984 TI - Health visiting: the challenge of 1960. (c) Meeting the challenge of change. PMID- 13813985 TI - The Columbia University Psychoanalytic Clinic: an experiment in university teaching in psychoanalysis. PMID- 13813986 TI - [Mesenteric lymphadenitis due to Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis with symptoms simulating acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13813987 TI - Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. PMID- 13813988 TI - Gas liquid chromatography of conjugated fatty acids. PMID- 13813989 TI - Late adolescence in a juvenile diabetic: a case report. PMID- 13813990 TI - Diverticulitis of cecum and ascending colon. PMID- 13813991 TI - [Ascorbic acid retention in plant hips during storage]. PMID- 13813992 TI - Twin pregnancy and birth. Survey of 1,006 cases. PMID- 13813994 TI - Hospitals and doctors can be happy though married. PMID- 13813993 TI - Anesthesia for the aged: a comparative evaluation. PMID- 13813996 TI - On the occurrence of lymphocyte agglutinines in rat serum. PMID- 13813995 TI - This hospital designed its own 'perfect' bed light. PMID- 13813997 TI - On serum-cholesterol levels and neutral fecal sterols in germ-free rats; bile acids and steroids 59. PMID- 13813998 TI - On the oxidation of cholesterol by mouse liver mitochondria. Bile acids and steroids 88. PMID- 13813999 TI - On the origin of the neural fecal sterols and their relation to cholesterol metabolism in the rat. Bile acids and steroids 92. PMID- 13814000 TI - [An instrument for the combined measurement of slow and rapid blood sedimentation]. PMID- 13814001 TI - [Serum transaminase and its significance in liver diseases]. PMID- 13814003 TI - [Operability and results of surgical treatment of cancer of the lung]. PMID- 13814002 TI - [Potentiated intubation anesthesia with the use of curare-like preparations in operations on organs of the thoracic cavity]. PMID- 13814004 TI - [On conditions of the nervous system in subjects working with radioactive substances]. PMID- 13814005 TI - [Results of dynamic investigation of the peripheral blood in subjects working under the influence of small doses of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13814006 TI - [On the organization of anesthesiological service in an oncological dispensary]. PMID- 13814007 TI - [Renal syndrome in Schoenlein-Henoch disease (capillary toxicosis)]. PMID- 13814008 TI - [Local anesthesia in cases of cesarean section]. PMID- 13814009 TI - [Changes of electrical activity in the brain in dogs exposed to light stimulation in chronic darkness]. PMID- 13814010 TI - [A case of chronic lymphadenosis with massive leukemic lesions of the lung tissue and formation of cavities]. PMID- 13814011 TI - [Changes of blood pressure in dogs in experiments with conditioned food reflexes to electrical current]. PMID- 13814012 TI - [Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in therapy]. PMID- 13814013 TI - [Viral pneumonias]. PMID- 13814014 TI - [Diagnosis of allergy among bakers and millers]. PMID- 13814016 TI - [Our experiences in medicamentous allergy]. PMID- 13814015 TI - [Normal and pathological histology of the glomerulus]. PMID- 13814017 TI - [Action of the marine climate of the coast of Montenegro on bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13814018 TI - [Chronic glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13814019 TI - [The role of bronchial infections in asthma]. PMID- 13814020 TI - [An unusual cause of back pain: fat hernia through the interspinal ligament]. PMID- 13814021 TI - Ruptured peptic ulcer during triamcinolone therapy: report of a case. PMID- 13814022 TI - Studies on the metabolism of heparin. PMID- 13814023 TI - Biochemical changes during carcinogenesis by plastic films. PMID- 13814024 TI - [On the 50th anniversary of the first congress of Russian therapeutists]. PMID- 13814025 TI - Fire and explosion hazards. PMID- 13814026 TI - [Lipophilic dialkylcarbamic acid esters of (m-hydroxyphenyl) alkyldimethylammonium iodides. Acetylcholine. VI]. PMID- 13814027 TI - [Desulfuration of 3,4-diphenylthiophene compounds with Raney nickel]. PMID- 13814028 TI - [On the demonstration of cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides and drugs with medical leeches. Acetylcholine V]. PMID- 13814029 TI - The effectiveness of scopolamine N-methyl bromide (pamine bromide) in the treatment of bronchial asthma: a spirometric and clinical study. PMID- 13814030 TI - Melioidosis: pathogenesis and immunity in mice and hamsters. III. Effect of vaccination with avirulent strains of Pseudomonas pseudomallei on the resistance to the establishment and the resistance to the progress of respiratory melioidosis caused by virulent strains; all-or-none aspects of this disease. PMID- 13814031 TI - [Correct determinations of hemoglobin with national standards]. PMID- 13814032 TI - [On amino analogs of natural estrogens, delta 1,3,5,(10)-3-amino-4 methylestratriene-17 beta-ol]. PMID- 13814034 TI - [Report on experiences with tussukal]. PMID- 13814033 TI - [Contribution to the cancer-inducing effect of aromatic hydrocarbons and related compounds]. PMID- 13814035 TI - Incorporation of influenza virus in human blood platelets in vitro. Electron microscopical observation. PMID- 13814036 TI - A method for avoiding centrifugation in the imbedding of suspensions in polymethacrylates. PMID- 13814037 TI - [Trauma in the mining industry]. PMID- 13814038 TI - [On the indication for ambulatory surgical intervention in trichiasis and entropion under conditions of close contact with the patient]. PMID- 13814039 TI - Absence of hypoglycemia and hypophosphatemia following initial dosages of phenethylbiguanide (D.B.I.). PMID- 13814040 TI - Vibratory sense and oscillometric index in gout and in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13814041 TI - Organ weights of animals maintained on alleged aphrodisiacs: "pega palo" and "bois cochon". PMID- 13814042 TI - Age and sex related muscle weakness. PMID- 13814043 TI - Some principles of diabetes care. PMID- 13814044 TI - Science, and the other powers: religious, esthetic, economic, political. PMID- 13814046 TI - The increasing responsibility of the biological photographer. PMID- 13814045 TI - [Sulfonylbiguanides]. PMID- 13814048 TI - [Atelectasis as a complication of artificial pneumothorax]. PMID- 13814047 TI - Bed-pan hands. PMID- 13814049 TI - [Ultraviolet irradiation as a hygienic problem]. PMID- 13814050 TI - [Effect of roentgen rays on the action of adrenalin]. PMID- 13814051 TI - Abruptio placentae. A survey of 131 consecutive cases. PMID- 13814052 TI - [Late recurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814053 TI - [The present course of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814054 TI - Accidental poisoning by vinyl chloride: report of two cases. PMID- 13814055 TI - Level of 3-methylcholanthrene in mammary glands of rats after intragastric instillation of carcinogen. PMID- 13814056 TI - Mammary carcinogenesis by 3-methylcholanthrene. I. Hormonal aspects in tumor induction and growth. PMID- 13814057 TI - Adrenalectomy for mammary cancer: A review. PMID- 13814058 TI - Sensitivity of Lebanese and Syrians to toxoplasmin and to a similar antigen prepared from Leishmania tropica. PMID- 13814059 TI - The localization of ribonuclease activity in tissue sections. PMID- 13814060 TI - The numerical proportions of cell types in rat liver during carcinogenesis by 4 dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB). PMID- 13814061 TI - The need of parallel biochemical and histochemical analyses in studies on cell chemistry. PMID- 13814062 TI - [Contributions to bichromate allergy. I. Serial studies regarding occupational skin damage in the shingle industry]. PMID- 13814063 TI - [On the medical ethics of some current problems]. PMID- 13814064 TI - [Anesthesia and the conduct of the operative period in patients undergoing surgery on the "dry" heart under hypothermia]. PMID- 13814065 TI - [Hypothermia in surgical therapy of patients with Fallot's tetralogy]. PMID- 13814066 TI - [Chrysotherapy of joint involvement in the urethro-oculo-synovial syndrome]. PMID- 13814067 TI - [Cortisone and parasitoses. A case of intestinal amebiasis probably aggravated by corticotherapy]. PMID- 13814068 TI - [Levomepromazine in present-day medical use]. PMID- 13814069 TI - [Cortisone derivatives: delta-cortisone, triamcinolone in the treatment of infectious diseases (tuberculosis excepted)]. PMID- 13814070 TI - Efficient heparin assay for monitoring regional heparinization and hemodialysis. PMID- 13814071 TI - Fungicide assay by spore germination in shaker flasks. PMID- 13814072 TI - Further studies of the effects on myocardial energy utilization elicited by nitroglycerin. PMID- 13814073 TI - Bitot's spots and vitamin A deficiency. PMID- 13814074 TI - Alfred Fabian Hess-a biographical sketch (October 9, 1875-December 5, 1933). PMID- 13814075 TI - Foreword. PMID- 13814076 TI - Paper electrophoresis of sera and plasma from chicks affected with erythroblastosis. PMID- 13814077 TI - The experimental transmission of avian leukosis: a review. PMID- 13814078 TI - [Some research on the "chronic" explorative behavior of Blatella germanica]. PMID- 13814079 TI - [Study of the visual fields of 24 patients with occipital lesions verified by surgery]. PMID- 13814080 TI - [Respiratory complications and dramatic autonomic disorders in 2 patients treated with reserpine]. PMID- 13814081 TI - [Guillain-Barre syndrome with extrinsic bilateral ophthalmoplegia and acute ataxia]. PMID- 13814082 TI - [Visual agonisia with micropsia due to bilateral cerebral malacia in the course of a Paget's disease]. PMID- 13814083 TI - [Coexistence of acromegaly and calcified tumor of the temporal fossa]. PMID- 13814084 TI - [Identification of ECHO viruses by means of hemagglutinin-inhibition reaction]. PMID- 13814085 TI - [Hemagglutination reactions in the ECHO viruses]. PMID- 13814086 TI - Changes in membrane potentials, K content, and fiber structure in irradiated frog sartorius muscle. PMID- 13814087 TI - [Considerations on anesthesia for radical vulvectomies. Clinical observations]. PMID- 13814088 TI - [The therapy of diabetic retinopathy]. PMID- 13814089 TI - Spontaneous mammary tumors in experimental rats associated with pituitary and adrenal changes. PMID- 13814091 TI - [Fetus papyraceus et compressus]. PMID- 13814090 TI - [Prevention of postpartum hemorrhages]. PMID- 13814092 TI - [Omphalositic monstrosity of the mylacephelous type]. PMID- 13814093 TI - Some metabolic effects of a new parenteral anabolic agent. PMID- 13814094 TI - [Adreno-splenic transplantation associated with right adrenalectomy of advanced cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13814095 TI - [Value and place of colloidal radiogold in the treatment of neoplastic effusions]. PMID- 13814096 TI - [Cancer of the breast in the male. Elements of prognosis]. PMID- 13814097 TI - [Comparative value of bilateral adrenalectomy and adreno-splenic transplantation in the treatment of cancer of the breast in the advanced stage]. PMID- 13814098 TI - [The problems posed by cancer on the cervical stump after subtotal hysterectomy]. PMID- 13814099 TI - [Apropos of the treatment of cancer of the rectum: place of radiotherapy and surgery; general statistics of an anti-cancer center]. PMID- 13814100 TI - [Evaluation of corticoid therapy: conclusions]. PMID- 13814101 TI - [Cancer of the breast and pregnancy. Elements of prognosis]. PMID- 13814102 TI - [Cancer of the tongue: etiological, anatomoclinical and therapeutic data]. PMID- 13814103 TI - [Combined treatment of operable forms of cancer of the cervix by combined radium and surgery]. PMID- 13814104 TI - [Corticoid therapy and cancer]. PMID- 13814105 TI - [Total parotidectomy with the preservation of the facial nerve]. PMID- 13814106 TI - Problems in the prognosis of neuroblastoma. PMID- 13814107 TI - [The readapted posterior approach in renal surgery. Its technic--its indications]. PMID- 13814108 TI - [New contributions in the treatment of prostatic cancer]. PMID- 13814109 TI - [Vesical algias, pelvic algias, their causes, their therapy]. PMID- 13814110 TI - Somatotopic organization within the brain-stem trigeminal complex of the cat. PMID- 13814111 TI - Neurone activity in the cat's trigeminal main sensory nucleus elicited by graded afferent stimulation. PMID- 13814112 TI - The value of a rebreathing tube in the prevention of postoperative atelectasis. PMID- 13814113 TI - Lattice dystrophy of the cornea. A clinical and microscopic study. PMID- 13814114 TI - Pulmonary decortication. PMID- 13814115 TI - Malnutrition in African adults. 5. Effects of hookworm infestation on absorption of foodstuffs. PMID- 13814116 TI - Chronic localized constrictive pericarditis. PMID- 13814117 TI - Unilateral lung transradiancy: a physiological study. PMID- 13814118 TI - The cutaneous loss of nitrogen compounds in African adults. PMID- 13814119 TI - Production of tetracycline by Streptomyces aureofaciens in synthetic media. PMID- 13814120 TI - Aspartocin. II. Fermentation studies. PMID- 13814121 TI - Production of gibberellic acid by fermentation. PMID- 13814122 TI - The eighth National Intern Matching Program. PMID- 13814123 TI - Eighth National Intern Matching Program. PMID- 13814124 TI - National intern matching program--the eighth annual report. PMID- 13814125 TI - The Association of American Medical Colleges: its objectives and program. PMID- 13814126 TI - A simple device for obtaining lateral acetabular views of the hip in infants. PMID- 13814127 TI - Fluphenazine: comparative studies. PMID- 13814128 TI - Extrapyramidal symptoms of triflupromazine, mepazine, prochlorperazine. PMID- 13814129 TI - Isocarboxazid (marplan) in ambulatory psychiatric patients. PMID- 13814130 TI - Darwin and evolution. PMID- 13814131 TI - Lactosuria and amino-aciduria in infancy. A new inborn error of metabolism? PMID- 13814132 TI - Origin and evolution of viruses. PMID- 13814133 TI - The in vitro sensitivity to brucellergen of leucocytes from guinea pigs experimentally infected with Brucella abortus. PMID- 13814134 TI - A device for flaming platinum loops. PMID- 13814135 TI - Location of 131 I pitressin in the kidney by autoradiography. PMID- 13814136 TI - [On a case of closed trauma of the thorax]. PMID- 13814137 TI - [Hazards of overdosage of ansolysen]. PMID- 13814138 TI - [Bucaille's operation in a desperate case of hemorrhagic rectocolitis]. PMID- 13814139 TI - [Diabetes and choledocal lithiasis]. PMID- 13814140 TI - [The effects of cortisone on experimental nutritional steatosis of the liver]. PMID- 13814141 TI - [Severe hemorrhagic rectocolitis partially sparing the rectum]. PMID- 13814142 TI - The effect of cell population density on the amino acid requirements for poliovirus synthesis in HeLa cells. PMID- 13814144 TI - The basis for variation in susceptibility to poliovirus in HeLa cells. PMID- 13814143 TI - Poliovirus protein: source of amino acids and time course of synthesis. PMID- 13814145 TI - [On the parotid tumor]. PMID- 13814146 TI - [On so-called "gastric stump carcinoma"]. PMID- 13814147 TI - [The occurrence of Taenia solium in the appendix]. PMID- 13814148 TI - [Successful treatment of a lung cyst causing tension pneumothorax by lobectomy in a 11 day old newborn infant]. PMID- 13814149 TI - [Note on the utilization of streptomyclidine isonicotinyl hydrazide (SH) in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814150 TI - [On the interest of the total blood cholesterol ratio: phospholipids in the diagnosis and prognosis of hepatic insufficiency in the dog]. PMID- 13814151 TI - [Electrophoretic study of the serum of rats with hepatoma]. PMID- 13814152 TI - Recent experience in the treatment of diarrhea in infants. PMID- 13814153 TI - The significance of body size. PMID- 13814154 TI - Amethopterin and liver purine metabolism in vivo. PMID- 13814155 TI - Fluorescence microscopy in exfoliative cytology. Report of acridine orange examination of 5491 cases, with comparison by the Papanicolaou technic. PMID- 13814156 TI - Further light on australopithecine humeral and femoral weapons. PMID- 13814157 TI - The first Australopithecus cranium from the pink breccia at Makapansgat. PMID- 13814158 TI - Ovarian tumors in the premenarchal child. PMID- 13814159 TI - [Research on the tuberculosis bacillus in tonsillar tissue]. PMID- 13814160 TI - [Reduced sensitivity of Anopheles maculipennis to DDT in certain regions of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Sensitivity of Anopheles to dieldrin and lindane]. PMID- 13814161 TI - [Results of the investigation of Anopheles maculipennis reactivity to DDT and other insecticides in Bosnia and Hercegovina]. PMID- 13814162 TI - [Significance of the determination of the iron-copper ratio and of transaminase in the blood serum in the diagnosis of acute hepatitis]. PMID- 13814163 TI - [The value of micro-waves in medical practice]. PMID- 13814164 TI - Effect of T-3 on the senile state: a double blind evaluation of l triiodothyronine (cytomel R) in the management of institutionalized geriatric patients. PMID- 13814165 TI - Can man control his numbers? PMID- 13814166 TI - Haemangiomata of skeletal muscles. PMID- 13814167 TI - Effectiveness of yeast, vitamin B12, and alternative treatments on survival of Indian carp during the early period of life. PMID- 13814168 TI - Effect of an aldosterone antagonist on the fluid retention of aminonucleoside nephrosis. PMID- 13814169 TI - Intralobar sequestration of lung, associated with foregut diverticulum (oesophagobronchial fistula) and an aberrant artery. PMID- 13814170 TI - Subspeciation in Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) Nemata, Trichostrongyloidea. PMID- 13814171 TI - Formation of urinary calculi: an experimental study. PMID- 13814172 TI - Some clinical observations on urinary calculi. PMID- 13814173 TI - Pseudotumours of the orbit. PMID- 13814174 TI - Studies on the nematode parasites of plants in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh, India). PMID- 13814175 TI - Investigations concerning the dynamics of water and electrolytes during senes cence. PMID- 13814176 TI - [Pathogenic aspects of insipid polyuria]. PMID- 13814177 TI - Untoward reaction to a new ceruminolytic agent. PMID- 13814178 TI - Some cytochemical observations on Toxoplasma gondii. PMID- 13814179 TI - The role of vision in spatial orientation by the white rat. PMID- 13814180 TI - [Contribution to the problem of myelofibrosis and osteomyelosclerosis]. PMID- 13814181 TI - [Determination of the neurovegetative reactivity in asthma with the electrophoretic dermogram]. PMID- 13814182 TI - [On a method for bloodletting in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13814183 TI - [Studies on the resistance to tumors in animals. (Preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13814184 TI - Continuous epidural block for obstetric anesthesia. PMID- 13814185 TI - [Influence of certain surface-active agents on the permeability of membranes; I. Research on anuran larvae]. PMID- 13814186 TI - [Comparative action of several effectors on the aldolase activities of muscle and of lyophilized yeast]. PMID- 13814187 TI - [Real action and interreaction of metals and chelating agents (or similar substances) on the aldolase activities of muscle and of lyophilized yeast]. PMID- 13814188 TI - [Perchlorosoluble glycoproteinemia and "polypeptide sedimentation"]. PMID- 13814189 TI - [Aldolase activity of the placenta, maternal blood and that of the newborn]. PMID- 13814190 TI - [Transaminase activity of the placenta. Maternal blood and that of the newborn infant]. PMID- 13814191 TI - [Gangrene of the scrotum of Fournier's type]. PMID- 13814192 TI - Electrocardiographic changes in the first week of life. PMID- 13814193 TI - Hydrochlorothiazide as a diuretic agent. Preliminary report of our clinical trials. PMID- 13814194 TI - [Tuberculous pylorostenosis]. PMID- 13814195 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of gastric changes in dermatology]. PMID- 13814196 TI - Habit reversal in the crab. PMID- 13814197 TI - An outbreak of infection with Salmonella typhimurium in a general hospital. PMID- 13814198 TI - [Duplication of the small and large intestine]. PMID- 13814199 TI - [The susceptibility of old people to atmospheric stimulation effects]. PMID- 13814200 TI - [After betatron and cobalt, cesium 137. A new-comer in the arsenal of high-energy preparations in the treatment of cancer]. PMID- 13814201 TI - [Regarding a case of Warthins tumor: benign branchioma of the neck]. PMID- 13814202 TI - [Antimalarial drugs]. PMID- 13814203 TI - [Drugs for insomnia]. PMID- 13814204 TI - [Some new antibiotics: hexacycline, polymyxin and colimycin]. PMID- 13814205 TI - [Synthetic diuretics]. PMID- 13814206 TI - [The treatment of diabetes by oral administration]. PMID- 13814207 TI - [Relation between the cancerogenic power of conjugated molecules and their fixation with cellular proteins]. PMID- 13814208 TI - [Reversal of the leproreaction by BCG after failure of other methods]. PMID- 13814209 TI - 1958 Summary of disease outbreaks. PMID- 13814210 TI - [Process and clinical study of the different segments in cortical disorders]. PMID- 13814212 TI - Present status of dietary treatment of diabetes. PMID- 13814211 TI - [Morphological and histochemical bases of cortical disorders]. PMID- 13814213 TI - Steroid-protein interactions. PMID- 13814215 TI - Idiopathic paroxysmal myoglobinuria. PMID- 13814214 TI - Effect of cortisone on ethionine-induced pancreatitis in the rat. PMID- 13814216 TI - Protrusions of the lumbar disk: a correlation of the radiographic diagnoses and surgical findings. PMID- 13814217 TI - [Syndrome of acute anuria in post-abortal septicemia caused by Cl. welchii successfully treated by extracorporeal hemodialysis in artificial kidney]. PMID- 13814218 TI - Orthostatic changes in plasma, total blood and extracellular fluid volume in healthy subjects. PMID- 13814219 TI - [Apropos of a case of optic neuritis in the course of sphenoid sinusitis]. PMID- 13814220 TI - [On the effect of intracerebrally administered thyroxin in rats]. PMID- 13814221 TI - [Functional results of partial pulmonary resections with complementary osteoplastic thoracoplasty]. PMID- 13814222 TI - [Early closing of cavernostomies by myoplasty]. PMID- 13814223 TI - [Physiological study of a lung subjected to radiotherapy]. PMID- 13814224 TI - [Note on the trial use of fluoromethoxyphenylpiperazine-butyrophenone (28-28 M.D.) at the time of admission]. PMID- 13814225 TI - [Appearance of surrealistic procedures as a defense mechanism in a patient]. PMID- 13814226 TI - [Why the Rorschach for the psychiatrist?]. PMID- 13814227 TI - [A new digitalic agent: acetyldigitoxin. Clinical study in 100 patients]. PMID- 13814228 TI - [On pathologo-anatomical changes in the newly forming wall of the esophagus after replacement of the defect with polyvinyl alcohol prosthesis]. PMID- 13814229 TI - Immune platelet isoantibodies. PMID- 13814230 TI - The serology and the prognosis of 128 cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. PMID- 13814231 TI - Acquired hemolytic anemia with polyagglutinability of red blood cells due to a new factor present in normal human serum (Anti-Tn). PMID- 13814232 TI - [Are circulating anticoagulants antibodies?]. PMID- 13814233 TI - [Isoantibodies and antigens of leukocytes and platelets independent of those of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13814234 TI - [Hemodynamic balance of surgical pleuropulmonary diseases. Their preoperative interest]. PMID- 13814235 TI - [Studies on the increased deposition of dust--sodium chloride aggregates in the upper respiratory tract of man]. PMID- 13814236 TI - New studies on aerosols. VI. Protective effects of sympathomimetic aerosols against various pneumoconstricting drugs. PMID- 13814237 TI - New studies on aerosols. VII. Comparative action of atropine and of sympathomimetic drugs upon the pneumoconstricting effects of parasympathomimetic substances. PMID- 13814238 TI - Studies on aerosols. VIII. A method for recording changes in volume of guinea pigs excised lungs after breathing constricting or dilating aerosols. PMID- 13814239 TI - [The difficulty of definition and measurement of the so-called alveolar ventilation]. PMID- 13814240 TI - [Some peptide sequences of colimycin]. PMID- 13814241 TI - [Eventful and tragic situations in obstetrical practice]. PMID- 13814242 TI - [Surgical treatment of uterine retroversion]. PMID- 13814243 TI - [Tendon avulsion-evulsion]. PMID- 13814244 TI - [Typical ring lesion]. PMID- 13814245 TI - Experimental use of teflon prostheses for elongation of the inferior vena cava in the Baffes operation. PMID- 13814246 TI - [Vicarious function of plantar flexure of the posterior tibial muscles, peroneus longus and brevis in a case of paralysis of the sural triceps]. PMID- 13814248 TI - Improving the take of composite grafts. PMID- 13814247 TI - Evaluation of merthiolate iodine formaldehyde concentration technique as compared to direct smears, brine floatation and zinc sulphate centrifugal floatation techniques. PMID- 13814249 TI - A protein from leaves catalysing the reduction of haem-protein compounds by illuminated chloroplasts. PMID- 13814250 TI - Haemoglobin in the root nodules of Casuarina cunninghamiana. PMID- 13814251 TI - Relationship between photophosphorylation and the Hill reaction. PMID- 13814252 TI - The electro-encephalogram in patients undergoing open heart surgery with heart lung bypass. PMID- 13814253 TI - Are surface epithelial cells necessary for gastric acid secretion? PMID- 13814254 TI - Shell fragment injuries of the kidney. PMID- 13814255 TI - The effects of carnosine and anserine on glycolytic reactions in skeletal muscle. PMID- 13814256 TI - The significance of carnosine and anserine in striated skeletal muscle. PMID- 13814258 TI - Atypical macular lesions in Nigeria. PMID- 13814257 TI - Actions and interactions of aldosterone monoacetate and neurohypophysial hormones on the isolated cat kidney. PMID- 13814259 TI - Some observations on the immunological relationship between tuberculosis and leprosy with particular reference to the lepromin reaction. PMID- 13814260 TI - Some recent chemotherapeutic work in leprosy: with a discussion of some of the problems involved in clinical trials. PMID- 13814262 TI - Histoplasmosis in Michigan. PMID- 13814261 TI - The value of the social sciences in the promotion of health in tropical countries. PMID- 13814264 TI - Some pharmacological properties of 5-chloro-2,4-disulphamyltoluene "disamide" an orally active diuretic agent. PMID- 13814263 TI - Some biological properties of dimethisterone "secrosteron" a new orally active progestational agent. PMID- 13814265 TI - [Direct enlargement of the roentgen picture of the lung in silicotics]. PMID- 13814266 TI - [Bone marrow in chronic lead poisoning]. PMID- 13814267 TI - [Sideroblasts and siderocytes in lead poisoning]. PMID- 13814268 TI - [The bone marrow in occupational lead poisoning]. PMID- 13814269 TI - The size, shape, and position of the heart in aged subjects. PMID- 13814271 TI - The changing face of modern medicine. Part II. PMID- 13814270 TI - The changing face of modern medicine. Part I. An excursion into the realms of recent advances. PMID- 13814272 TI - [Electrophoretic investigations on the fluid of free abdominal effusions]. PMID- 13814273 TI - The clinical application of pulmonary function studies. PMID- 13814274 TI - [A further clinical sign of pleural effusion]. PMID- 13814275 TI - [Clinical trials of a new chemotherapeutic agent for vatinal use (5,7-dichloro-8 hydroxyquinaldine) in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13814276 TI - [The jaundice of the hemolytic disease of newborn]. PMID- 13814277 TI - [Fetal hemorrhage into the maternal circulation]. PMID- 13814278 TI - [A simple rapid method for the measurement of serum cholinesterase activity]. PMID- 13814279 TI - [Impossibility of a normal caloric supply by the parenteral route in the infant. Consequences and practical deductions]. PMID- 13814280 TI - [Pulmonary fat embolism and intravenous fat after local postmortem burning of the lungs]. PMID- 13814281 TI - [On mitochondrial sizes in the livers of fasting mice. (Microscopic and submicroscopic studies)]. PMID- 13814283 TI - [The submicroscopic structure of the cell during nuclear division]. PMID- 13814282 TI - [Posttraumatic cystic hydroma of the dura mater]. PMID- 13814284 TI - [Studies on the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with cycloserine. II. Bacteriological results]. PMID- 13814285 TI - [The Loewenstein-Jensen medium for isolation of isoniazide-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814286 TI - The faith and adventures of Dr A. J. Cronin. PMID- 13814287 TI - [Influence of the female's age on the dimensions of the Drosophila melanogaster ova]. PMID- 13814288 TI - [Value of the use of hexadecadrol phosphate in emergency states]. PMID- 13814289 TI - [Value of the utilization of hexadecadrol phosphate in emergency conditions]. PMID- 13814290 TI - Anti-epileptic medication. PMID- 13814291 TI - Safe high dosage isoniazid therapy. PMID- 13814292 TI - [On the effect of glucagon on water and electrolyte metabolism]. PMID- 13814293 TI - [Parkinson's syndrome and meningioma]. PMID- 13814294 TI - Evaluation of thioridazine (mellaril), a new phenothiazine, in the hospitalized patient. PMID- 13814295 TI - Factors influencing the prognosis of cerebral thrombosis and infarction due to atherosclerosis. PMID- 13814296 TI - [Incidence and distribution of cardiovascular diseases at the Institute]. PMID- 13814298 TI - [The diagnosis of coronary disease]. PMID- 13814297 TI - [Cardiovasular diseases and highway safety]. PMID- 13814299 TI - [The relationships of the general practitioner and the specialist]. PMID- 13814300 TI - [Enzyme activities in human prostatic adenoma]. PMID- 13814301 TI - Polarized air as an adjunct in the treatment of burns. PMID- 13814302 TI - Cardiac muscle tone. PMID- 13814304 TI - [Presentation of five paintings of the 17th century Parisian Confraternity of Surgeons]. PMID- 13814303 TI - [The risks of prolonged corticotherapy]. PMID- 13814305 TI - [Evaluation of histological and hormonal methods of diagnosis of chorioepithelioma]. PMID- 13814306 TI - The "fontanometer"; adaptation of the Schiotz tonometer for the determination of intracranial pressure in the neonatal and early periods of infancy. PMID- 13814307 TI - Conceptual development reflected in age differences in associations to names and pictures of objects. PMID- 13814308 TI - [Contribution to the problem of manic-depressive psychosis in childhood]. PMID- 13814309 TI - Tolerance of cooled animals to acute hypoxia during rewarming. PMID- 13814310 TI - [A case of ileus caused by a biliary calculus]. PMID- 13814311 TI - [On biliary peritonitis consecutive to the perforation of the gallbladder and bile ducts. (Our experience)]. PMID- 13814312 TI - [Primary carcinoma of the lung (with a review of peripheral carcinomas)]. PMID- 13814313 TI - [Congenital cysts and fistulae of the neck]. PMID- 13814314 TI - [Ulcus simplex intestini]. PMID- 13814315 TI - [Menstrual cycle and gynecological condition of workers in pyrotechnic industry]. PMID- 13814316 TI - [Biliary involvement in chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13814317 TI - [Biliary repercussion of chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13814318 TI - Fantasy aggression and learning in emotionally disturbed and normal children. PMID- 13814321 TI - [The problem of melanosarcoma and glioma development on the basis of comparative growth studies on 43 melanosarcomas and 12 gliomas of human eyes]. PMID- 13814319 TI - The management of fibromyomas in infertility and abortion. PMID- 13814322 TI - Blood transfusion reactions: their causes and identification. PMID- 13814323 TI - Calcaneal fractures. PMID- 13814324 TI - On the daily allowance for folic acid. PMID- 13814325 TI - Cirrhosis in alcoholics. PMID- 13814326 TI - A peripatetic hepatologist. PMID- 13814327 TI - Hepatic coma; thoughts on terminology. PMID- 13814328 TI - Tuberculosis control in institutionalized mentally retarded patients. PMID- 13814329 TI - A method for estimating mitotic rates in Vicia roots after x irradiation. PMID- 13814330 TI - The distribution of the cells in the buffy layer in chronic myeloid leukaemia. PMID- 13814331 TI - The redistribution of the red cells on centrifugation. PMID- 13814332 TI - The significance of blue polychromasia. PMID- 13814333 TI - Biochemical alterations in herniated intervertebral disks. PMID- 13814334 TI - Hexokinase from Aspergillus parasiticus. PMID- 13814335 TI - Periodate technique for the identification of sugar phosphates. PMID- 13814336 TI - Activation of plasminogen by Staphylokinase. PMID- 13814337 TI - The activation of plasminogen by staphylokinase: comparison with streptokinase. PMID- 13814338 TI - The practical implications of studies on insecticide resistance in anopheline mosquitoes. PMID- 13814339 TI - Sidetone delay and reading rate, articulation, and pitch. PMID- 13814340 TI - The anxiety reaction in reference to exist-ential-analytics. PMID- 13814341 TI - Conflicting testimony about post-traumatic neurosis. PMID- 13814342 TI - Experiments on electrophoresis in segmental systems composed of polyurethane foam. PMID- 13814343 TI - Studies on the mechanism of action of 6-mercaptopurine in sensitive and resistant L1210 leukemia in vitro. PMID- 13814345 TI - Trophic hormone content of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in normal and castrate male dogs. PMID- 13814344 TI - Decreased gonadotrophic hormone content of the anterior pituitary gland in dogs with hypothalamic lesions. PMID- 13814346 TI - The effect of hypothalamic lesions on the testes and prostate of male dogs. PMID- 13814347 TI - Interviews of parents of high anxious and low anxious children. PMID- 13814348 TI - Gonadal dysgenesis with cor pulmonale. PMID- 13814349 TI - Effect of surgery on pulmonary function. PMID- 13814350 TI - Transient aminoaciduria in severe potassium depletion. PMID- 13814352 TI - Tracheal fenestration: new technique, new instruments. PMID- 13814351 TI - Electroencephalographic studies in respiratory failure. PMID- 13814353 TI - Patterns of fat excretion in feces of premature infants fed various preparations of milk. PMID- 13814355 TI - Medical ethics. PMID- 13814354 TI - A study of the fate of autogenous cartilage grafts. PMID- 13814356 TI - The evolution of anaesthesia. PMID- 13814357 TI - Clinical experience with a combination of trimethobenzamide and pyridoxine in patients with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. PMID- 13814359 TI - Five-way convertible bed table. PMID- 13814358 TI - Temporal arteritis. Report of a case treated with cortisone. PMID- 13814360 TI - Prolapse and its management. PMID- 13814361 TI - Malignant change in an intracranial epidermoid. PMID- 13814362 TI - Ocular aspects of electromyography. PMID- 13814363 TI - Spontaneous cysts of the ciliary body. PMID- 13814364 TI - Dedication of portrait of Jacob Ziskind. PMID- 13814365 TI - The cure of elf-disease in animals. PMID- 13814366 TI - A survey of some British veterinary folkflore. PMID- 13814367 TI - Fever patterns in a case of hepatic amebiasis. PMID- 13814368 TI - The examination of the blood. PMID- 13814369 TI - The relationship between genetic, nuclear and social sex. PMID- 13814370 TI - An aesthetics afloat. PMID- 13814371 TI - Chromosomal and somatic sex. PMID- 13814372 TI - [Chromosomal sex and somatic sex]. PMID- 13814373 TI - Action of carboxypeptidase on beta-lactoglobulin. PMID- 13814374 TI - [The rheumatoid factor]. PMID- 13814375 TI - Fate of homologous adult spleen cells injected into new-born mice. PMID- 13814376 TI - Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in Israel, 1952-59, with evaluation of Salk vaccination during a three-year period. AB - The epidemic of poliomyelitis which occurred in Israel in 1958 among a population a large proportion of which had received inactivated Salk-type vaccine aroused great interest. This was the first time a vaccinated infant population had been exposed to a severe epidemic and thus afforded the first opportunity to determine whether or not vaccination afforded a high degree of protection in this age group. The authors report on the observations made.While the vaccine conferred some protection, this was not of so high a degree as had been expected from experience elsewhere in older children. This partial failure may be explained in part by the use in the earlier vaccination campaigns of vaccines of lower potency than is now current and perhaps by the fact that many vaccinations were performed intradermally.No very exact measure of the protection conferred can be given. For some groups the figures are too small for statistical validity; for others, it is not possible to distinguish between the effect of vaccine and that of age, the latter possibly being the more important factor. PMID- 13814377 TI - A case of cysticercosis, temporal lobe epilepsy, and transvestism. PMID- 13814378 TI - The methacholine test in depressive states. PMID- 13814379 TI - A successful experiment in joint contracting. PMID- 13814380 TI - A comparison of erythrocyte and chylomicron electrophoretic migration times and serum cholesterol levels in atheroma. PMID- 13814381 TI - A review of the evidence on the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. PMID- 13814382 TI - Food obstruction of the small intestine: a review of 15 cases. PMID- 13814383 TI - Electrocardiographic changes in atrial septal defect following surgical correction. PMID- 13814384 TI - Diagnosis and treatment ot stupor and coma. PMID- 13814385 TI - Epidemic cervical myalgia. PMID- 13814386 TI - Staphylococcal infection in nurses. PMID- 13814387 TI - The relationship between the chemical structure and neurotoxicity of alkyl organophosphorus compounds. AB - Thirty-six alkyl organophosphorus compounds have been tested for neurotoxicity in the chicken. The individual compounds were chosen to enable the importance of each portion of the molecule to be assessed in relation to the property of neurotoxicity. Seventeen substances were found to be neurotoxic, fifteen for the first time. All of these contained fluorine. On the basis of the results reported, certain predictions have been made about the chemical structure of compounds which would be expected to be neurotoxic. The importance of fluorine suggests that it plays a direct role in the development of the biochemical lesion, and this may occur as the result of its being carried by the molecule as a whole to specific areas in the nervous system. By the action of cholinesterase, the P-F bond may be ruptured and ionic fluorine liberated where it blocks some metabolic cycle. PMID- 13814388 TI - Polyinosinic plus polycytidylic acid: a crystalline polynucleotide complex. PMID- 13814389 TI - Modern diuretic therapy. PMID- 13814390 TI - Discussion on the aging mind. PMID- 13814391 TI - Mental abnormalities following subdural haematoma. PMID- 13814392 TI - Action of two ethyl thiol esters against experimental tuberculosis in the guinea pig. AB - Two thiol esters, ethyl dithiolterephthalate (Compound 13,130) and ditophal (ethyl dithiolisophthalate; Etisul), have been tested for their antituberculosis activity in guinea-pigs. Compound 13,130 was active at a dose of 100 mg./Kg. twice daily by mouth in animals infected subcutaneously, but was inactive against an intracerebral infection at 50 mg./kg. Ditophal was active in the subcutaneously infected animals at 200 mg./kg. orally or 50 mg./kg. subcutaneously. Higher doses subcutaneously were irritant. PMID- 13814393 TI - A permeability factor released from guinea-pig serum by antigen-antibody precipitates. PMID- 13814394 TI - Effect of surgery on psychotic patients. PMID- 13814396 TI - Dr. Fuster Chiner's tubograph. PMID- 13814395 TI - The relationship between Lactobacillus counts, Snyder tests and the subsequent incidence of dental caries. PMID- 13814397 TI - Use of dieldrin in the control of Glossina palpalis (R-D) in Nigeria. PMID- 13814398 TI - Synthesis of 1-glyceryl-2-myo-inosityl phosphate. PMID- 13814399 TI - Triflupromazine (vesprin) in anaesthesia: a clinical evaluation. PMID- 13814401 TI - Some considerations regarding obscure diseases affecting the mural endocardium. PMID- 13814400 TI - Ventilation during anesthesia: the problem of maintaining adequate respiration during anesthesia. PMID- 13814402 TI - Observations on hospital planning. PMID- 13814403 TI - A visit to the U.S.A. PMID- 13814404 TI - Hospital planning in relation to present trends in medicine. PMID- 13814406 TI - A critical evaluation of red cell and plasma volume techniques in patients with burns. AB - From the results in 110 patients, in whom 207 red cell volume estimations were made at various times after burning using either (51)Cr-, (32)P-, or Group NN labelled cells, and 17 plasma volume estimations on the same patients using either T-1824-or (131)I-labelled albumin, it is concluded that: [List: see text] PMID- 13814405 TI - A critical evaluation of red cell and plasma volume techniques in patients with civilian injuries. PMID- 13814407 TI - "Lipostabil": a pilot study. PMID- 13814408 TI - Physical properties of highly purified human plasminogen. PMID- 13814409 TI - Observations on leptospiral antibodies occurring in pig sera. PMID- 13814410 TI - Analgesia for burns dressings. PMID- 13814411 TI - The energy supply for muscle contraction. PMID- 13814413 TI - Water-soluble cellulose derivatives. Uses as primary emulsifying agents. Part II. PMID- 13814414 TI - Water-soluble cellulose derivatives: uses as primary emulsifying agents. Part I. PMID- 13814412 TI - The effect of sulfate on molybdenum toxicity in the chick. PMID- 13814415 TI - Architectural problems of new hospitals. PMID- 13814416 TI - The lubrication of endotracheal tubes with polyethylene glycols. PMID- 13814417 TI - The action of normal and atypical cholinesterase of human serum upon a series of esters of choline. PMID- 13814418 TI - Cervical pregnancy with missed abortion. Report of a case. PMID- 13814419 TI - Clinical advances in geriatric psychiatry. PMID- 13814420 TI - ["Programa Legaria" of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social]. PMID- 13814421 TI - [Recurrent chronic pancreatitis. Clinical and functional study]. PMID- 13814422 TI - Crobn's disease with carcinoma of the colon. PMID- 13814423 TI - Some physiological correlates of Rorschach body image productions. PMID- 13814424 TI - Simultaneous occurrence of osteitis deformans and Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13814425 TI - 3-Aminomethylcyclo-hexaneglycine, a lysine analog. PMID- 13814426 TI - Clinical experience with isoflurophate as an aid in orthoptic treatment. PMID- 13814427 TI - Progress report on research program. PMID- 13814428 TI - Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. PMID- 13814430 TI - Experiences with the surgical treatment of inguinal hernia in the child. PMID- 13814429 TI - Maternal mortality in Connecticut, 1951-1955. PMID- 13814431 TI - Re-evaluation of inguinal herniorrhaphy in the infant and child. PMID- 13814432 TI - Fair starting wages turn the key to a sound wage program. PMID- 13814433 TI - The retarded child. What can the physician do? PMID- 13814434 TI - A new concept in the treatment of symptomatic redundant colon or dolichocolon. PMID- 13814435 TI - Annular pancreas and jaundice in the newborn: report of a case. PMID- 13814436 TI - Role of density in populations of mammalian plague reservoirs. PMID- 13814437 TI - Ludwig's angina with associated acute glomerulonephritis. A discussion with report of a case. PMID- 13814438 TI - The Luangwa Valley plague outbreaks and their significance in relation to Savannah plague in Central Africa. PMID- 13814439 TI - A new composite electrode for use with the panendoscope. PMID- 13814440 TI - Symposium on commonly mismanaged urologic problems. Foreword. PMID- 13814441 TI - The small blood vessels of the conjunctiva and nailbed in arteriosclerosis. PMID- 13814442 TI - Explosive or episodic behaviour disorders in children as epileptic equivalents. PMID- 13814443 TI - Moid sensitivities in asthmatic children. PMID- 13814444 TI - Patterns in the distortion of scientific method. PMID- 13814445 TI - The elusive ductus. PMID- 13814446 TI - Knowing why in public relations makes it easier to decide what. PMID- 13814447 TI - The classification of certain filamentous bacteria with respect to their chemical composition. PMID- 13814448 TI - Studies upon an oral aerobic actinomycete. PMID- 13814449 TI - Metastatic melanoma of the stomach. PMID- 13814451 TI - Effects of high calcium intakes on the absorption of other nutrients. PMID- 13814450 TI - The interpretation of certain morphological appearances in a Streptomyces sp. PMID- 13814452 TI - A preliminary study on the clinical use of choline salicylate. PMID- 13814453 TI - Multiple myeloma presenting clinically as obstructive jaundice: a case report. PMID- 13814454 TI - An interpretation of the mechanical detector action of the cochlea. PMID- 13814455 TI - An interpretation of the mechanical detector action of the cochles. PMID- 13814456 TI - Favorable response of calcinosis universalis to edathamil disodium. PMID- 13814457 TI - A mechano-electrical theory of cochlear action. PMID- 13814458 TI - Metabolic causes of renal stones in children. PMID- 13814459 TI - Missouri Senate Bill No. 167 concerning industrial hearing loss. An interpretation. PMID- 13814460 TI - The relation of research to health aspects of hearing conservation. PMID- 13814461 TI - Inadvertent primary resection for the complications of sigmoid diverticulitis. PMID- 13814462 TI - Intestinal recirculation as an aid to absorption: an experimental study. PMID- 13814463 TI - The bioassay of host radiosensitivity: an index of radiocurability applied to cervical carcinoma. PMID- 13814464 TI - Radiosensitivity and cervical cancer. PMID- 13814466 TI - Headache in childhood. PMID- 13814465 TI - An evaluation of several media for the early detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa encountered in clinical practice. PMID- 13814467 TI - The action of pipenzolate methylbromide on the bladder as determined by cystometric study. PMID- 13814468 TI - Aggressive behavior of staff members in a neuropsychiatric setting. PMID- 13814469 TI - Notes on punched-card systems for medical research data. I. The binary-ternary decimal code. PMID- 13814470 TI - Oxygen tension measurements in bone marrow fleck cultures. PMID- 13814471 TI - The lactobacilli--1. PMID- 13814472 TI - Mongolism and leukemia. PMID- 13814473 TI - An evaluation of post-catheterization prophylactic chemotherapy. PMID- 13814474 TI - Hospitals and the autopsy: legal and social elements. PMID- 13814475 TI - The effect of visual stimulation on hallucinations and other mental experiences during sensory deprivation. PMID- 13814476 TI - Carcinoma of the prostate presenting as disease of the rectum. PMID- 13814478 TI - Acute effects of hypophysectomy and diencephalic lesions on aldosterone secretion. PMID- 13814477 TI - Subacute and chronic effects of hypothalamic lesions on aldosterone and sodium excretion. PMID- 13814479 TI - Studies of actomyosin from cardiac muscle of dogs with experimental congestive heart failure. PMID- 13814481 TI - Chromatographic analysis of radioactive cationic nuclear proteins of tissues of tumor-bearing rats. PMID- 13814480 TI - The role of the anterior pituitary in the control of aldosterone secretion in experimental secondary hyperaldosteronism. PMID- 13814482 TI - Hormonal influence on lipid metabolism of rat uterus. PMID- 13814483 TI - Nerve injuries of the hand. PMID- 13814484 TI - Industrial medicine and the general practitioner. PMID- 13814485 TI - Toxicity of three drug solvents. PMID- 13814486 TI - Sheepskins and decubitus ulcers. PMID- 13814487 TI - Comparison of the resting gastric secretion of children and adults. PMID- 13814488 TI - The vertical fissure line. PMID- 13814489 TI - The simple exhibit. PMID- 13814490 TI - Studies on experimental concurrent infections of dairy calves with coccidia and nematodes. III. Eimeria spp. and the threadworm. Strongyloides papillosus. PMID- 13814491 TI - Studies on experimental concurrent infections of dairy calves with coccidia and nematodes. IV. Eimeria spp. and the small hairworm. Trichostrongylus colubriformis. PMID- 13814492 TI - Phaeochromocytoma: diagnosis and management. PMID- 13814493 TI - The metabolism of progesterone and its related compounds in human pregnancy. PMID- 13814494 TI - Gynecologic operations at cesarean section. PMID- 13814495 TI - Progress in the management of labor and delivery. PMID- 13814496 TI - The microcirculation of the skin. PMID- 13814497 TI - What Blue Cross must do to survive. PMID- 13814498 TI - Polarographic studies of skin oxygen tension following sympathetic denervation. PMID- 13814499 TI - Asphyxiation due to simultaneous rupture of bronchus and pulmonary artery. PMID- 13814500 TI - Basic bronchopulmonary physiology in the management of postpolio respiratory problems. PMID- 13814501 TI - Simultaneous tuberculosis and coccidioidomycosis in an asymptomatic patient. Case report. PMID- 13814502 TI - Misdiagnosis of benign obstructive prostatic disease. PMID- 13814503 TI - Treatment of thrombophlebitis with a fibrinolytic agent, with special references to side effects. PMID- 13814504 TI - Tissue culture of avian visceral lymphoid tumors and in vitro serial passage of the virus. PMID- 13814505 TI - Scicide by meprobamate poisoning. PMID- 13814506 TI - The causation of herniae by weight-lifting. PMID- 13814507 TI - Evidence for liver inactivation of parathyroid hormone. PMID- 13814508 TI - A study of diarrhoea-enteritis deaths in infants in Manila, Philippines. Report of a Joint Study Group of the Institute of Hygine, University of the Philippines, and the Manila Health Department. AB - In view of the high mortality caused by diarrhoea-enteritis among children under two years of age in the Philippines, a study was conducted to determine, first, the accuracy of death certificates ascribing death to this cause and, secondly, the relative importance of certain preventable factors in such death.From an analysis of 217 certificates showing diarrhoea-enteritis as the cause of death, it was found that over one-fifth of the deaths should in fact have been ascribed to other disease entities. The findings suggest that important factors contributing to death are failure to seek medical attention early enough and inadequate therapy, even when given early. PMID- 13814509 TI - Early changes in intravascular pressures, platelets, and serotonin after E. coli endotoxin administration. PMID- 13814510 TI - Immediate effects of intravenous endotoxin on serotonin concentrations and blood platelets. PMID- 13814511 TI - Conditions associated with gastrointestinal activity. PMID- 13814512 TI - An improved microbiological assay for formiminoglutamic acid. PMID- 13814513 TI - An automatic device for controlling hot air ovens. PMID- 13814514 TI - Hazards of tattooing: report of two cases of dermatitis caused by sensitization to mercury (cinnabar). PMID- 13814515 TI - Effect of neomycin and kanamycin on bacterial surface sites adsorbing C060 and vitamin B12. PMID- 13814516 TI - The treatment of intoxication with ethynyl-cyclohexyl carbamate (valmid) by extracorporeal hemodialysis: a case report. PMID- 13814517 TI - Congenital tuberculosis. Report of a case. PMID- 13814518 TI - Regulation of shivering and non-shivering heat production during acclimation of rats. PMID- 13814519 TI - Thermogenic factors during cooling and in the stabilized hypothermic state. PMID- 13814520 TI - Prolonged hepatitis due to infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13814521 TI - Hepatitis caused by glipasol (R.P. 2259)--an antidiabetic sulphonamide drug. PMID- 13814522 TI - A method for the determination of some amino acid decarboxylases. PMID- 13814524 TI - Evaluation of drugs affecting neuro-muscular transmission. PMID- 13814523 TI - Report on the chemotherapy section of the VIIth International Cancer Congress. PMID- 13814525 TI - Traumatic rupture of the gallbladder without a penetrating wound of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13814526 TI - The splenic approach to the portal circulation. PMID- 13814527 TI - Obstetric and pediatric management of erythroblastosis fetalis. PMID- 13814528 TI - Phospholipid metabolism in nervous tissue. 2. Metabolic stability. PMID- 13814529 TI - Phospolipid metabolism in nervous tissue. 3. The anatomical distribution of metabolically inert phospholipid in the central nervous system. PMID- 13814530 TI - Metabolism of myelin lipids: estimation and separation of brain lipids in the developing rabbit. PMID- 13814531 TI - Acute laryngeal obstruction in children. PMID- 13814532 TI - A case of anorexia nervosa treated by a combination of psychotherapy, insulin and reserpine. PMID- 13814533 TI - Myocardial infarction after acute gastro-intestinal haemorrhage: report of 3 cases. PMID- 13814534 TI - The evolution of anaesthesia. PMID- 13814535 TI - Functional aspects of the cor pulmonale syndrome. PMID- 13814536 TI - Physical-chemical studies of proteins of squid nerve axoplasm, with special reference to the axon fibrous protein. AB - The proteins in the axoplasm of the squid, Dosidicus gigas, have been resolved electrophoretically into a major fraction including the fibrous protein, and possibly its structural subunits, and a minor fraction including at least two proteins with low sedimentation coefficients. A partially reversible change in the structure of the fibrous protein occurs under the action of 0.4 M salt or high pH. These experiments have been interpreted to indicate that in the intact fiber one, or a few, protofibrils are arranged helically or longitudinally along the fiber axis, and linked by electrostatic bonds. On the dissociation of these bonds the separated protofibrils assume a less extended form and sediment more rapidly than the intact fibers. Some material with a lower sedimentation rate is also released on the dissociation. This fraction may comprise smaller chain fragments. The volume fraction and the approximate refractive index of the fibers have been calculated. PMID- 13814537 TI - Sedimentation of deoxyribonucleic acid isolated under low hydrodynamic shear. PMID- 13814538 TI - [On the therapeutic effects of triflupromazine in the obstetrico-gynecological field]. PMID- 13814539 TI - Fear, anxiety, and the perception of others. PMID- 13814540 TI - An empirical test of structural balance in sociometric triads. PMID- 13814541 TI - The serious implications of anaphylactoid purpura. PMID- 13814542 TI - Effect of glucagon on metabolism of glucose and acetate by isolated rat liver. PMID- 13814544 TI - The blood-brain barrier and the extracellular space of brain. PMID- 13814546 TI - Anatomy and physiology of the eye from the point of view of its nutrition. PMID- 13814545 TI - The fate of substances injected into the anterior chamber of the eye. PMID- 13814547 TI - [On the functional state of the adrenal cortex in the early stages of experimental silicosis]. PMID- 13814548 TI - [The effectiveness of active combined immunization against staphylococcal infection and tetanus]. PMID- 13814549 TI - [Electroencephalographic data on the effect on the brain of irritation of the cervix uteri and vagina in nonpregnant women]. PMID- 13814550 TI - [An unusual form of intestinal obstruction in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13814551 TI - [The effect of sarcolysin and dopan on the biosynthesis of pyrimidines of nucleic acid in transplanted tumors and tissues of the recipient organism]. PMID- 13814552 TI - Some factors associated with the development of coronary heart disease: six years' follow-up experience in the Framingham study. PMID- 13814553 TI - Summary of recent literature regarding cigarette smoking and coronary heart disease. PMID- 13814554 TI - The hibernating mammalian heart. PMID- 13814555 TI - Studies of parotid-tumor agent in cultures of leukemic tissues of mice. PMID- 13814556 TI - Morphologic changes in salivary-gland tissue of the newborn mouse exposed to parotid-tumor agent in vitro. PMID- 13814557 TI - Cell sensitivity and specificity of response to polyoma virus. PMID- 13814558 TI - [The effect of sympathomimetics in combination with xanthine derivatives on the isolated guinea-pig heart according to the Langendorff method]. PMID- 13814559 TI - [The irritant effect of aliphatic alcohol sulfates on the conjunctiva of the rabbit eye]. PMID- 13814560 TI - On Cercaria owreae (Hutton, 1954) from Sagitta hexaptera (d'Orbigny) in the Caribbean plankton. PMID- 13814561 TI - Penetration of Fasciola gigantica Cobbold, 1856 into snail hosts. PMID- 13814562 TI - Penetration of the liver-fluke, Fasciola hepatica into the snail, Limnaea truncatula. PMID- 13814563 TI - On the quantitative evaluation of routes of glucose metabolism by the use of radioactive glucose. PMID- 13814564 TI - Some observations on foetal and new-born rhesus monkeys. PMID- 13814566 TI - [On attempted complex therapy of bronchial asthma by means of slight postinsulin hypoglycemic states and adrenalin]. PMID- 13814565 TI - Some respiratory and cardiovascular problems after birth. PMID- 13814567 TI - [Management of perforation of the thoracic parts of the esophagus]. PMID- 13814568 TI - Action of chlorpromazine. 3. Mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase and the adenosine triphosphate-adenosine diphosphate exchange. PMID- 13814569 TI - The mechanism of action of chlorpromazine. Reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotidecytochrome c reductase and coupled phosphorylation. PMID- 13814570 TI - The detection of placental degeneration during pregnancy. Serum-isocitric dehydrogenase activity. PMID- 13814571 TI - Autolytic changes in foetal liver. PMID- 13814572 TI - Sodium and potassium movement in the excised rat aorta. PMID- 13814573 TI - Studies on lipid metabolism in the small intestine with observations on the role of bile salts. PMID- 13814574 TI - The esterification of palmitate-1-C14 by homogenates of intestinal mucosa. PMID- 13814575 TI - Halothane in open cardiac operations: a technic for use with extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13814576 TI - Use of collagenase in the characterization of pseudocoelomic membranes of Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13814577 TI - Epidemic Koch-Weeks conjunctivitis and trachoma in the Coachella Valley of California. PMID- 13814578 TI - Acute periarteritis nodosa with chronic glomerulonephritis: report of a case. PMID- 13814579 TI - Virucidal activity of beta-propiolactone vapor. II. Effect on the etiological agents of smallpox, yellow fever, psittacosis, and Q fever. PMID- 13814580 TI - Exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of cancer. PMID- 13814581 TI - The development of carcinoma of the large intestine in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13814582 TI - Exploring will we go: some notes on an expedition to Labrador. PMID- 13814583 TI - The E.S.R. in a new dress. PMID- 13814585 TI - A hydrolytic procedure for the identification and estimation of individual phospholipids in biological samples. PMID- 13814584 TI - The activation of surface films of lecithin by amphipathic molecules. PMID- 13814586 TI - Galactosemia. A genetic study of four generations by enzyme assay. PMID- 13814587 TI - Synthesis and hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester by cells of the reticulo endothelial system. PMID- 13814588 TI - Esterolytic and lipolytic-enzymes of macrophages. PMID- 13814589 TI - The effect of the antioxidant butylated hydroxy toluene on serum lipid and glycoprotein levels in the rat. PMID- 13814590 TI - Cholesterol esterase activity of rabbit macrophages. PMID- 13814591 TI - Oxidation of 14C-labelled chylomicron fat and 14C-labelled unesterified fatty acids by macrophages in vitro and the effect of clearing factor. PMID- 13814592 TI - Removal of cholesterol from reticulo-endothelial cells. PMID- 13814593 TI - A report on cancer detection in the United States, 1937-1957. PMID- 13814594 TI - Extent of nonspecific background localization of radioiodinated serum proteins in human tumor and normal tissues. PMID- 13814595 TI - Localization of radioiodinated rat fibrinogen in transplanted rat tumors. PMID- 13814596 TI - Purification of cauliflower mosaic virus. PMID- 13814597 TI - The food and drug administration faces new responsibilities. PMID- 13814598 TI - Hue differences and brightness differences as determinants of figural after effects. PMID- 13814599 TI - The aftereffect of seen movement and brain damage. PMID- 13814600 TI - Ocular manifestations of thyroid disease. Current concepts. PMID- 13814601 TI - A mobile freezing microtome trolley. PMID- 13814602 TI - Prevailing interstitial pressures in the lower limbs. PMID- 13814603 TI - Tissue pressure and vasoconstrictor influences in the ischemic kidney of man and dog. PMID- 13814604 TI - Ossified subperiosteal hematoma. Observations on three instances including one in an extinct ruminant, the Irish Giant Deer. PMID- 13814605 TI - The historical importance of gunshot wounds in the Renaissance and progress of surgery. PMID- 13814606 TI - Problems of the Blues. PMID- 13814607 TI - Intestinal haemorrhage in typhoid fever. PMID- 13814608 TI - Spherophakia. PMID- 13814609 TI - Mutations of the retinal pigment cells in a case of pseudoglioma. PMID- 13814610 TI - [A case of Gerhardt's syndrome treated by bilateral cordopexy and its effects on respiratory function]. PMID- 13814611 TI - [Note on the use of a prolonged-action sulfonamide (madribon) in children]. PMID- 13814612 TI - [The Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. A form of chondro-ectodermal dysplasia. Discussion of the limitations of the disorder]. PMID- 13814613 TI - How labor legislation may affect hospitals. PMID- 13814614 TI - The prevention and management of complications in thyroidectomy. PMID- 13814615 TI - Relation of pharmacology to surgery. PMID- 13814616 TI - Rates of acetate turnover and lipid synthesis in normal, hypothyroid and hyperthyroid rats. PMID- 13814617 TI - [Intracranial hypertensive syndrome in the course of acute leukosis. Anatomoclinical study of a case]. PMID- 13814618 TI - [Three-dimensional stratigraphic study in differential diagnosis of diseases of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13814619 TI - [Roentgenotherapy in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the salivary glands]. PMID- 13814620 TI - [Stratigraphic study of abdominal neoformations. (With special reference to the use of transverse axial stratigraphy and of the technic of pluridirectional shading)]. PMID- 13814621 TI - [Radiological study of intrathoracic goiter]. PMID- 13814622 TI - [Cutaneous tumor caused by arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13814623 TI - [Hamartoma of the lung]. PMID- 13814624 TI - [Summarizing information on LSD 25 and psychotherapy]. PMID- 13814625 TI - Synthetic ergonovine and ergonovine. A comparative evaluation of effect on the postpartum uterus. PMID- 13814626 TI - Teaching the gynecologic basic sciences. PMID- 13814627 TI - [Clinical study of nephrosis]. PMID- 13814628 TI - [Vascular tumors in otorhinolaryngology. Histo-morphological and clinico statistical contribution]. PMID- 13814629 TI - [On the use of prednisolone in hemolytic anemia of the newborn caused by fetomaternal Rh-factor incompatibility]. PMID- 13814630 TI - [Schoenlein-Henoch syndrome and acute encephalopathy following smallpox vaccination]. PMID- 13814631 TI - [Morphological study of the thyroid in various periods of life]. PMID- 13814632 TI - [Obstetrical prognosis of cesarean section patients. (Study of 228 cases)]. PMID- 13814633 TI - ["Banal" urethritis]. PMID- 13814634 TI - [Gynecological aspects of Indo-Americans; feminine circumcision]. PMID- 13814635 TI - [Hodgkin's sarcoma of gastric localization]. PMID- 13814636 TI - A new approach to intensive care. PMID- 13814637 TI - [A case of idiopathic muscular hypertrophy of the esophagus]. PMID- 13814638 TI - Surgical treatment of lesions producing arterial insufficiency of the internal carotid, common carotid, vertebral, innominate and subclavian arteries. PMID- 13814639 TI - Surgical considerations of acquired diseases of the aorta and major peripheral arteries. I. Aortic aneurysms. PMID- 13814640 TI - Surgical considerations of acquired diseases of the aorta and major peripheral arteries. II. Dissecting aneurysms of the aorta. PMID- 13814641 TI - Surgical considerations of acquired diseases of the aorta and major peripheral arteries. III. Atherosclerotic occlusive vascular disease. PMID- 13814642 TI - Changing concepts in thoracic vascular surgery. PMID- 13814643 TI - Changing concepts in vascular surgery. PMID- 13814644 TI - Diary of my trip to the U.S.S.R. PMID- 13814645 TI - [N,N-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-amino]-dl-phenylalanine alone or associated with typhoid endotoxins or with zymosan on the development of sarcoma 180]. PMID- 13814646 TI - [Therapeutic application of Vi antigen]. PMID- 13814647 TI - [Appetite and its organic, functional and physical effects in geriatrics]. PMID- 13814648 TI - The problem of antagonizing the effects of the muscle relaxants. PMID- 13814649 TI - [Medical superintendents or lay administrators for general hospitals]. PMID- 13814650 TI - [On malformations of the pectoral muscles]. PMID- 13814652 TI - [Influence of the age of the donor on the outcome of experimental homoplastic bone grafts]. PMID- 13814651 TI - [Unusual radiographic aspect of the lumbar spine]. PMID- 13814653 TI - [Apropos of a case of "testosterone facies"]. PMID- 13814654 TI - [Experimental research on a possible preventive action of thioctic acid (in acute mercuric chloride poisoning). IV]. PMID- 13814656 TI - [Various aspects of desertion]. PMID- 13814655 TI - The presence of a direct oxidative cycle in the retina. PMID- 13814657 TI - [Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in ossification cartilage]. PMID- 13814658 TI - [A practical application of karyological diagnosis of sex on cloth]. PMID- 13814660 TI - [Plasma-cells in silicotic lungs of exhumed cadavers]. PMID- 13814661 TI - [Constitutional appendicopathy as a possible pathogenetic factor in gastric and duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13814659 TI - [Histomorphological diagnosis of sex from blood stains on hair]. PMID- 13814662 TI - [Considerations on a case of intestinal occlusion caused by atresia of the small intestine (associated with circumscribed peritonitis, mesenteric dysgenesis and presence of micro-ileum in a newborn infant)]. PMID- 13814663 TI - [Comparison of the phosphatase activity of the psoriasic epidermis and squamae]. PMID- 13814664 TI - [Immediate and late manifestations of fetal peritonitis]. PMID- 13814665 TI - [Observations on the morphology of blood vessels and on PAS-positivity in the brain of hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13814666 TI - [Pathology of the vessels in cerebral softening and hemorrhage]. PMID- 13814667 TI - [Histological findings on the myocardium of rabbits subjected to electroshock]. PMID- 13814669 TI - [Studies on hygienic conditions in schools in Calabria]. PMID- 13814668 TI - [Tumors of the head of the pancreas and of Vater's papilla]. PMID- 13814670 TI - [Considerations on the time of appearance and evolution of the nucleus of ossification of the knee-cap in children with sequelae of Heine-Medin disease]. PMID- 13814671 TI - [Data on megalothymic scoliosis]. PMID- 13814672 TI - [On 2 cases of pneumomediastinum]. PMID- 13814673 TI - [Considerations on a new hormonal treatment of hyperplasia of the thymus]. PMID- 13814674 TI - [Considerations on 2 cases of duodenal ectasia]. PMID- 13814675 TI - [On the early diagnosis and treatment of congenital luxation of the hip]. PMID- 13814676 TI - Effects of exogenous and endogenous insulin on glucose utilization and production. PMID- 13814677 TI - Treatment of imperforate anus. PMID- 13814678 TI - [Variations of blood lactic acid and pyruvic acid during anesthesia]. PMID- 13814679 TI - [Variations of the vitamin C level during surgical operations and in the postoperative period]. PMID- 13814680 TI - First branchial cleft sinus. PMID- 13814681 TI - Diktyoma (embryonal medullo-epithelioma). Review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13814682 TI - Retinoblastoma with spread by direct continuity to the contralateral optic nerve: report of a case. PMID- 13814683 TI - [Diverticulosis and diverticulitis of the rectosigmoid]. PMID- 13814685 TI - [Discussion of neurological cases]. PMID- 13814686 TI - [Mental hygiene, the nation and the army]. PMID- 13814684 TI - [Radiological aspects of the small intestine in anxiety]. PMID- 13814687 TI - [Radiological contribution to the diagnosis of fetal macrosomia. (Clinico statistical findings)]. PMID- 13814688 TI - [Ehlers-Danlos syndrome]. PMID- 13814689 TI - Trisomic condition of a large chromosome in a woman with mongoloid traits. PMID- 13814690 TI - Study of the antigenic activity of cellular particulates of a human tumor cultured in vitro. PMID- 13814691 TI - [Toxic effect of sera from cancer patients and from normal subjects on human tumor cells cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13814692 TI - [Possibilities of the study of the mental development of infants in the pediatric outpatient departments of the O.N.M.I]. PMID- 13814693 TI - [Observations on electromyographic myotonic reactions in various pathological conditions]. PMID- 13814694 TI - [Polymyositis (clinical and electromyographic study)]. PMID- 13814695 TI - [Dysthyroid myopathic syndromes: Clinical observations]. PMID- 13814696 TI - [Contribution to the study of carriers of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus in hospital surroundings. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13814697 TI - [Resistance to antibiotics in staphylococci and streptococci isolated from the hospital personnel]. PMID- 13814698 TI - [The biological basis of amebiasis prophylaxis]. PMID- 13814699 TI - [Electro-clinical findings in a case of temporal absentia]. PMID- 13814700 TI - [On a case of dysthymia anxiosa with very high myoclonic threshold and with delayed convulsive seizure. Observations on activation by photo-cardiazol stimulation]. PMID- 13814701 TI - [Nerve conduction in relation to the quantity of vitamin B1 of the nerve]. PMID- 13814702 TI - [Contribution to the study of the cardiocirculatory action of N-isopropylnor adrenaline]. PMID- 13814703 TI - [Histamine-sensitizing factor of antipertussis vaccine]. PMID- 13814704 TI - [Pharmacological and clinical considerations on the association ATP-cardiac glycosides (lanatoside C, strophanthin) in the treatment of arteriosclerotic heart disease]. PMID- 13814705 TI - Biologic properties of human leukemic and tumoral RNA. IV. Leukemia and neoplasms induced in mice with human leukemic RNA carried in tissue culture. PMID- 13814706 TI - Porphyria--a disease of the liver and liver enzymes. PMID- 13814707 TI - Biologic properties of human leukemic and tumoral RNA. III. The effect of different media on the cytopathogenicitv in tissue culture. PMID- 13814708 TI - [Anesthesia without sleep: "neuroleptanalgesia"]. PMID- 13814709 TI - [Fabio Rivalta]. PMID- 13814710 TI - [Succinic dehydrogenase activity in the endometrium in normal and pathological conditions (Histochemical study)]. PMID- 13814711 TI - [On a case of diffuse and giant polyposis of the endometrium]. PMID- 13814712 TI - [The isonicotonylhydrazone of the furyl-2-methyl ketone in the treatment of female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814713 TI - [Study of the autolytic activities in the embryonic development and metamorphosis of Bufo vulgaris]. PMID- 13814714 TI - Cerebrospinal fluid, its physiology and diagnostic evaluation. PMID- 13814715 TI - On the pathogenesis of neuronal lesions in viral encephalomyelitides. PMID- 13814716 TI - Splenic reactions in asphyxiation. PMID- 13814717 TI - [Considerations on the changing evolution of pulmonary tuberculous processes in the years 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957]. PMID- 13814718 TI - [The behavior of cholesterol in gonadectomized rats]. PMID- 13814719 TI - [The biosynthesis of pyridine nucleotides in man and animals and its inhibition considered in cancerology]. PMID- 13814720 TI - [Ectopic pregnancy at term with living mother and child]. PMID- 13814721 TI - [Action of prednisone in oleous solution in the treatment of advanced cancer patients]. PMID- 13814723 TI - [Epilepsy in flexion]. PMID- 13814724 TI - [Severo Ochoa, winner of the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine. His life and work]. PMID- 13814722 TI - [Psychosomatic aspects of essential arterial hypertension. Special mention of the emotional factors]. PMID- 13814725 TI - Indications for cesarean section. PMID- 13814726 TI - Symposium on cesarean section: foreword. PMID- 13814727 TI - Daily light sensitivity rhythm in a rodent. AB - Single 10-minute light periods can cause a phase shift in the rhythm of the daily locomotor activity of flying squirrels otherwise maintained in constant darkness. A daily rhythm of sensitivity to these standard light periods was found. PMID- 13814728 TI - Vascular responses to smoking tobacco compared with responses to skin testing of tobacco extracts. PMID- 13814729 TI - Vascular effects of nylidrine hydrochloride during exercise. PMID- 13814730 TI - [Role and usefulness of the community health center. The example of Anderlecht]. PMID- 13814731 TI - Descendance of Euglena cells isolated after various bleaching treatments. PMID- 13814732 TI - The mass induction of white strains in Euglena as influenced by the physiological conditions. PMID- 13814733 TI - [Wounds of the heart and pericardium]. PMID- 13814734 TI - [Chorionepithelioma of the uterus. (Remarks on a clinical case)]. PMID- 13814735 TI - [Primary cylindromatous carcinoma of the trachea, with reference to the question of the so-called cylindroma]. PMID- 13814736 TI - [Modifications induced by triiodothyronine on skin lesions caused by plexioroentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13814737 TI - [Atopic dermatitis]. PMID- 13814738 TI - [The Health Campaign against burns]. PMID- 13814739 TI - Intracellular localization of catalase and of some oxidases in rat liver. PMID- 13814740 TI - [Treatment of arterial hypertension with combined Rauwolfia and veratrum]. PMID- 13814741 TI - [Rapid titration of antibiotics by the use of resazurin]. PMID- 13814742 TI - [On a rapid method for titration of the proteolytic activity of bacteria]. PMID- 13814743 TI - [Rheumatoid arthritis, glucuro-conjugation and sodium salicylate (Experimental study)]. PMID- 13814744 TI - [Glycoproteins in the blood serum in acute abdomen]. PMID- 13814745 TI - [Vitamin C and glucuro-conjugation (Experimental study)]. PMID- 13814746 TI - [Adenopapillomas of the stomach]. PMID- 13814747 TI - Combined effects of cortisone and insulin on developing chicken embryos. PMID- 13814748 TI - Total-body x-irradiation and splenectomy in guinea-pigs. PMID- 13814749 TI - [Myocardial fibrosis]. PMID- 13814750 TI - [On some species of the genus Capillaria Zeder, 1800 parasitic in birds (Nematoda, Trichuroidea)]. PMID- 13814751 TI - [Influence of various animal organic extracts on arterial pressure]. PMID- 13814752 TI - Differentiation of the glycogen body of the chick embryo under normal and experimental conditions. PMID- 13814753 TI - [Phlebitis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13814754 TI - [Urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in physiological pregnancy and gestosis]. PMID- 13814755 TI - [Pale turgescence of the nucleus]. PMID- 13814756 TI - [Oto-neuro-ophthalmological aspects of the Melkersson-Rosenthal-Miescher syndrome. On the etiology of various so-called primary types of facial paralysis]. PMID- 13814757 TI - [Effect of secretin on the carbonic anhydrase activity of the pancreas as measured in vitro]. PMID- 13814758 TI - [Hydatid cysts of the lung]. PMID- 13814759 TI - [Surgical treatment of pseudocyst of the pancreas]. PMID- 13814760 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of acute ischemic syndromes in peripheral progressive atherosclerotic arterial disease. (Primary role of arteriographic investigation)]. PMID- 13814761 TI - [Fistulous perianoscrotal pseudoelephantiasis syndrome of undetermined origin]. PMID- 13814762 TI - [Our contribution to the study of plastic induration of the corpora cavernosa and its association with Dupuytren's palmar retraction]. PMID- 13814763 TI - [Subacute inguinal lymphogranulomatosis in Zaragoza]. PMID- 13814764 TI - [Initial results obtained in psychiatric therapy with a new phenothiazine derivative: triflupromazine]. PMID- 13814765 TI - [Studies in man on the analeptic properties of 3-methyl-7-methoxy-8 dimethylaminomethylflavone]. PMID- 13814766 TI - [Outbreak of water-borne typhoid fever]. PMID- 13814767 TI - [On the growth of human cells (KB and PF) in vitro in presence of antiserums]. PMID- 13814768 TI - [Further serological findings on the nucleoprotein fraction of benzopyrene induced sarcoma]. PMID- 13814769 TI - [Apropos of virus-like particles in some tumors]. PMID- 13814770 TI - [On the significance of virus-like corpuscles in cancer tissue]. PMID- 13814772 TI - [Physiology of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13814771 TI - [Cytodiagnosis of generalized cytomegalic inclusion disease in the living patient]. PMID- 13814773 TI - [Mechanism and importance of the peripheral metabolism of ammonium]. PMID- 13814774 TI - [Enteritis regionalis]. PMID- 13814775 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of regional enteritis]. PMID- 13814776 TI - [Radiology of cancer of the colon]. PMID- 13814777 TI - Diseases and toxaemias transmissible to man from poultry and poultry products. PMID- 13814778 TI - [Education and administration course for nursing at the Escuela de Salubridad of the Universidad de Chile]. PMID- 13814779 TI - [Results of 6 months of clinical experimentation with R 1625 (haloperidol)]. PMID- 13814780 TI - Electron microscopy of Swiss mouse leukemia virus. PMID- 13814781 TI - Further electron microscope studies of a mouse leukemia induced by cell-free filtrates. AB - Further electron microscope observations of tissues from Swiss and DBA/2 mice with leukemia transmissible by cell-free filtrates to the adult animals are presented. The cytological characteristics of the leukemic cells, the fine structure of the viruses, and the virus host-cell relationships have been examined. The leukemia virus has an external diameter averaging 870 A, and appears to be formed at the level of cell membranes by a budding process. The viruses are observed most frequently in intercellular spaces, but are also often found within cytoplasmic vacuoles of megakaryocytes. Lead hydroxide staining was applied to the study of the leukemic material. The viruses have been found to have a considerable affinity for this lead salt, only comparable in intensity to the affinity shown by RNP granules for the same chemical. PMID- 13814782 TI - [Exact localization of intraocular foreign bodies by external guiding marks]. PMID- 13814783 TI - A rectal irrigator. PMID- 13814785 TI - Gout: a clinical study. PMID- 13814784 TI - Sedation of children. PMID- 13814786 TI - Cessation of systemic steroids for ocular diseases. PMID- 13814787 TI - [Considerations on suitable laryngectomy in supraglottic cancer]. PMID- 13814788 TI - New treatment of trichomoniasis: preliminary report of a new drug. PMID- 13814789 TI - [A second case of intestinal lipodystrophy or Whipple's disease]. PMID- 13814790 TI - The carotid body system of the higher vertebrates. PMID- 13814791 TI - Histologic study of the undescended human testis during puberty. PMID- 13814792 TI - Puberal maturation of the normal human testis. A histologic study. PMID- 13814793 TI - [Studies on venous pressure]. PMID- 13814794 TI - [Hypotensive reflex caused by pressoreceptor mechanism from the venocardiac viewpoint. I. Its demonstration and experimental study]. PMID- 13814795 TI - [Treatment of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and other suppurative meningitis]. PMID- 13814796 TI - [Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. Our experience in the Centro Hospitalario de Traumatologia del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social]. PMID- 13814797 TI - The management of the patient after recovery from myocardial infarction. PMID- 13814798 TI - The recognition of angina pectoris. PMID- 13814799 TI - What heart lesions are amenable to surgery? PMID- 13814800 TI - Biventricular transposed aorta and left ventricular stenotic pulmonary artery. An embryologic and pathologic account of a new syndrome whose existence was previously theoretically predicted. PMID- 13814801 TI - [Syphilis in Spain (Past present and future in our century)]. PMID- 13814802 TI - [Intravenous oxytocin in the induction of labor. Various considerations]. PMID- 13814803 TI - [Urogenital Hemophilus infection-venereal disease?]. PMID- 13814804 TI - [Harmfulness of "hemophilus vaginalis"]. PMID- 13814805 TI - [Urethrovaginal bacteriology and urinary symptoms in pregnant women]. PMID- 13814806 TI - [Evaluation of the present status of psychosomatic medicine]. PMID- 13814807 TI - The preservation of typing sera at room temperature with a five per cent aqueous solution of phenol. PMID- 13814808 TI - [The estrogen-producing testis syndrome]. PMID- 13814809 TI - The effect of antagonists on the response of the forearm vessels to adrenaline. PMID- 13814810 TI - Pneumonia. PMID- 13814811 TI - Impact of sudden, severe disablement of the father upon the family. PMID- 13814812 TI - [Cancer of the prostate and perineural lymphatic infiltration]. PMID- 13814813 TI - [Simultaneous adenocarcinoma of testicules in ectopy]. PMID- 13814814 TI - Metaplastic and malignant changes of the urothelium. PMID- 13814815 TI - Ureterovaginal ectopia: ureteropyelostomy. PMID- 13814816 TI - [Vesicorectostomy]. PMID- 13814818 TI - [Transcutaneous puncture in renal polycystosis]. PMID- 13814817 TI - [Charles V and 2 humanistic physicians (Andres Laguna, Francisco Valles)]. PMID- 13814819 TI - [Biopsy probe for the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814820 TI - [Hormonal curettage and climateric and postclimacteric metropathy]. PMID- 13814821 TI - [Considerations on the origin and significance of apical systolic murmurs in patients with arteriosclerotic heart disease]. PMID- 13814822 TI - [Variations of oscillometric indices of the extremities induced by nitroglycerin in healthy subjects and in arteriopathic patients]. PMID- 13814823 TI - [Observations on tachycardia after operation for ligation of Botallo's duct]. PMID- 13814824 TI - [Electrokymographic findings in the dignosis of Botallo's duct]. PMID- 13814825 TI - [Research on the diagnostic value of the esophageal phonocardiogram in mitral diseases]. PMID- 13814826 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis]. PMID- 13814827 TI - [Functional exploration of the vestibular apparatus]. PMID- 13814828 TI - [Bronchogenic cyst of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13814829 TI - Intracranial and extracranial circulations in the dog: anatomic and angiographic studies. PMID- 13814830 TI - [Clinical aspects of interventricular communications]. PMID- 13814831 TI - Synnematin B in the treatment of Salmonella enteritis in infants. PMID- 13814833 TI - Studies in parkinsonism: 9. Evaluation of respiratory function-preliminary observations. PMID- 13814832 TI - [Use of chloramphenicol in Salmonella enteritis in infants]. PMID- 13814834 TI - [Fetal distress]. PMID- 13814835 TI - A comparative study in eye movement patterns in reading English and Urdu scripts. PMID- 13814837 TI - [Deontology of the medical press]. PMID- 13814836 TI - [Acute glaucoma. Advice to non-ophthalmological physicians]. PMID- 13814838 TI - Treatment of alimentary worm infestations. PMID- 13814840 TI - [Introduction to leukemia]. PMID- 13814839 TI - Ribonucleic acid composition in cytoplasmic fractions isolated from rat liver cells. PMID- 13814841 TI - [Treatment and physiopathology of leukemia]. PMID- 13814842 TI - Changes in osmotic pressure and ionic concentrations of plasma during muscular work and recovery. PMID- 13814843 TI - Hematological changes during muscular activity and recovery. PMID- 13814844 TI - [Critical evaluations and personal experience with dextromoramide or R-875. A new heroin analgesic]. PMID- 13814845 TI - [A new procedure for peroral biopsy of the jejunum]. PMID- 13814846 TI - [Apropos of 10 cases of idiopathic malabsorption syndrome. Non-tropical sprue]. PMID- 13814848 TI - [Emergencies in the digestive tract]. PMID- 13814847 TI - [Treatment of the malabsorption syndrome. Its influence on the clinical, radiological and histological manifestations]. PMID- 13814849 TI - [Postbulbar duodenal ulcers]. PMID- 13814850 TI - [Electrolyte composition of the endometrium in relation to various functional states]. PMID- 13814851 TI - [Contribution to the clinical aspects of neoplasms of the uterine body]. PMID- 13814852 TI - [Present status of the treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum]. PMID- 13814853 TI - [Primary carcinoma of Bartholin's gland]. PMID- 13814854 TI - [Experiences with a new method of venography]. PMID- 13814855 TI - [Considerations and results of selective intravenous cholangiography in 97 cases examined]. PMID- 13814856 TI - On the localisation of oxidase systems in Acetobacter cells. PMID- 13814857 TI - Studies on the metabolism of Acetobacter peroxydans. II. The enzymic mechanism of lactate metabolism. PMID- 13814858 TI - The mechanism and localization of hexonate metabolism in Acetobacter suboxydans and Acetobacter melanogenum. PMID- 13814859 TI - On the formation of acetoin by Acetobacter. PMID- 13814860 TI - [On a method of rapid staining of preparations obtained with the freezing microtome]. PMID- 13814861 TI - [On cerebral echinococcal cysts]. PMID- 13814862 TI - [The use of the Grafton-Smith tube in some cases of mechanical ileus of gynecological nature]. PMID- 13814863 TI - [Some data and remarks on body height and weight curves in children]. PMID- 13814864 TI - Taking the trauma out of traffic. PMID- 13814865 TI - Electron microscopy of the olfactory and gustatory pathways. PMID- 13814866 TI - The fine structure of synapses in the ciliary ganglion of the chick. AB - Ciliary ganglia of chick embryos and newly hatched chicks were examined in the light and electron microscopes. Particular attention was given to the fine structure of calyciform synapses, which are characteristically found in ciliary ganglia of birds. The calyciform endings are characterized by large expansions of the presynaptic axons upon ganglion cells, and the terminal processes extend over a considerable area of the cell surface. Often, indeed they appear to envelop the cell. In the electron microscope image, the appositional membranes are separated by a space about 300 to 400 A wide; i.e., the synaptic cleft. At irregularly spaced regions, the appositional membranes show areas of increased density. The presynaptic processes contain clusters of synaptic vesicles, localized at these dense regions. Thus the fine structure complex typical of other synapses is evident. The unique structural features of this synapse are as follows: (a) The calyx or presynaptic terminal derives from a single axon, does not arborize, and terminates upon a single ganglion cell. Thus, unlike the classical bouton terminal, this represents an anatomical device for firing single cells by single axons. (b) The surface area in contiguity, i.e., the area of appositional membranes, is far more extensive than the bouton terminal. The fine structure of this synapse is compared with others, for example, the classical boutons terminaux and purely electrical synapses, in an attempt to correlate fine structure with function. PMID- 13814867 TI - [Studies on angiographic radiological anatomy of the living body. Note I. General data and proposal for a method of scaled spinal localization]. PMID- 13814868 TI - [Study of angiographic radiological anatomy in the living person. Note II. Trunk of the abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13814869 TI - [Study of the angiographic radiological anatomy on living persons. Note III. Parietal branches of the abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13814870 TI - [Chromatography of circulating iodinated hormones in hyperthyreoses]. PMID- 13814871 TI - [Modification of the thyroid uptake and urinary excretion of I 131 after acute and protracted treatment with some chloride and sodium salts]. PMID- 13814872 TI - [On a case of neonatal purulent meningitis from Proteus inconstans]. PMID- 13814873 TI - [Cranial rheography during electroshock with succinylcholine]. PMID- 13814874 TI - [Cranial rheography in the study of the physiodynamics of cerebral circulation]. PMID- 13814875 TI - [Clinical and experimental notes on the androgenic activity of 9 alpha-fluoro-11 beta-hydroxy-17-methyltestosterone]. PMID- 13814876 TI - [Properdin and typhoid fever]. PMID- 13814877 TI - [Clinical and genetic data on 2 cases of hypoproconvertinemia]. PMID- 13814878 TI - [Early results of investigation of the Stuart factor in umbilical cord blood: its relation to serum factors and its influence on the Thromboplastin Generation Test]. PMID- 13814879 TI - [Hemorrhagic disease of newborn due to an associated deficiency (prothrombin, factors VII, IX, X). Clinical and pathogenic data]. PMID- 13814880 TI - [Time of appearance of cutaneous radioactivity after administration of oleic acid labeled with I131]. PMID- 13814881 TI - [Hypertensin in post-hemorrhagic shock]. PMID- 13814882 TI - [Observations on the use of analeptics in fetal anoxia and in asphyxia neonatorum]. PMID- 13814883 TI - [Observations on the use of analeptics in fetal anoxia and in neonatal asphyxia]. PMID- 13814884 TI - [On various aspects of uterine muscular biochemistry due to the action of analeptics in labor]. PMID- 13814885 TI - Spontaneous fracture of the second metatarsal in a child of 7: a case report. PMID- 13814887 TI - [The poliomyelitis epidemic of 1954 in Trentino. Clinicostatistical study]. PMID- 13814886 TI - [Voluminous traumatic diaphragmatic hernia with permanent gastropleural communication and bronchial fistula]. PMID- 13814888 TI - ["Clinico-statistical study on 67 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage"]. PMID- 13814889 TI - [On 3 cases of thrombosis of the axillary vein]. PMID- 13814890 TI - Plaque formation by measles virus. PMID- 13814891 TI - [Glutamine and epilepsy. Note I. Basal blood and cerebrospinal glutamine and after intravenous glutamine administration]. PMID- 13814892 TI - The old and the new: morphine, meperidine, and anileridine. PMID- 13814893 TI - [Diphtheria]. PMID- 13814894 TI - [Purulent meningitis]. PMID- 13814895 TI - [Diseases in pregnancy and their repercussions on the newborn. Notes on various morbid conditions (heart diseases, blood diseases, etc.)]. PMID- 13814896 TI - [Prochlorperazine in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13814897 TI - [The evaluation of functional capacity in the selection of patients for mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13814898 TI - [Two cases of painful foot]. PMID- 13814899 TI - [Activation of the oxidation of cysteine by some chelating agents]. PMID- 13814900 TI - [On the relative biological efficiency (RBE) of ionizing radiations. General considerations on relative biological efficiency (RBE) and linear energy transfer (LET)]. PMID- 13814901 TI - [Pericardial hepatic pseudo-cirrhosis of Pick's syndrome]. PMID- 13814902 TI - [Working with plant fibers]. PMID- 13814903 TI - [Purine compounds of the branchial hearts of the Octopus vulgaris]. PMID- 13814904 TI - [Spondylolisthesis and resection of the posterior arch]. PMID- 13814905 TI - [Anatomoclinical study of a case of chronic anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13814906 TI - Adolescent menstrual disorders. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach. PMID- 13814907 TI - [The thromboelastogram in acute myocardial infarct not treated with anticoagulants]. PMID- 13814908 TI - [Cardiepatol (cardioactive principle of Zuelzer) in the treatment of heart diseases. Experimentation made with microclysters of 3 cc]. PMID- 13814909 TI - The influence of blood corpuscles on clot firmness: thrombelastographic observations. PMID- 13814910 TI - [A case of pulmonary disease in thalassemia minor]. PMID- 13814911 TI - [Diphtheria in the adult]. PMID- 13814912 TI - [Prof. Paul Sedallian]. PMID- 13814913 TI - [Note on the clinical trial of a new antiulcer substance]. PMID- 13814914 TI - [Calciuria in children with acute hemorrhagic nephritis]. PMID- 13814915 TI - [Some cases of hypoglycemia in infancy and childhood]. PMID- 13814916 TI - [On the semeiological value of some phonocardiographic data in subjects with permeability of Botallo's ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13814917 TI - [The semeiological value of some phonocardiographic data in persistent ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13814918 TI - [Some observations related to the curve of pressures registered in ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13814919 TI - [Disorders of rhythm and conduction in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13814920 TI - [Some physiopathological and clinical considerations on interventricular communication]. PMID- 13814921 TI - [On the radiological aspects of esophagojejunostomy practised after total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13814923 TI - [On several peculiar relations between "free sebaceous glands" of the buccal mucosa and the genal and retromolar glands]. PMID- 13814922 TI - [Possibility of the use of an aerosol antihistaminic]. PMID- 13814924 TI - [Lymphosarcomas of the small intestine]. PMID- 13814925 TI - [Lymphosarcomas of the small intestine]. PMID- 13814927 TI - [Public health and atmospheric contamination]. PMID- 13814926 TI - [Laparoscopy in acute abdominal syndromes]. PMID- 13814928 TI - [Bronchial secretion (Study on inflammatory bacteriology and cytology]. PMID- 13814929 TI - Legislation on iodine prophylaxis. PMID- 13814930 TI - [Description of a new strain of "Candida pelliculosa, Redaelli 1925", isolated from clinical material of human origin]. PMID- 13814931 TI - [List of cultures of fungi. Personal technic]. PMID- 13814932 TI - [Trichophyton verrucosum, Bodin 1902, isolated from calves in Venezuela]. PMID- 13814933 TI - [On the behavior of the "antistaphylolysin" titer in osteomyelitis and in other morbose processes with staphylococcal etiology]. PMID- 13814934 TI - Malignant disease in the Transvaal. VII. Cancer of the genito-urinary system. First statistical report of the radiation therapy department of the Johannesburg group of hospitals. PMID- 13814935 TI - Analysis by means of an analog computer of plasma corticoid values during adrenocorticotropic hormone infusion. PMID- 13814936 TI - [Influence of sex on corticoid metabolism]. PMID- 13814937 TI - Fluorimetric determination of free plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroids in man. PMID- 13814938 TI - [Oleandomycin and bone infections]. PMID- 13814939 TI - Cushing's syndrome with bilateral calcification of the adrenal glands. PMID- 13814940 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of acute febrile polyneuritis]. PMID- 13814942 TI - [Mastectomy in cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13814941 TI - [Circulatory activation therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy in children. I. Transcerebral calcium dielectrolysis. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13814944 TI - [Immunological and hemocoagulative characteristics of serums of rabbits immunized with prothrombin, fibrinolysin (plasmin), fibrinogen and thrombin. (Experimental immuno-coagulopathy)]. PMID- 13814943 TI - [The application of intestinal biopsy to occupational diseases. I. Definition of the problem and methodological premise]. PMID- 13814945 TI - Platelet count and thrombelastographic maximal amplitude in experimental thrombocythemias. PMID- 13814947 TI - Thromboelastography in hemorrhagic disorders. PMID- 13814946 TI - The diagnostic value of thrombelastography. PMID- 13814948 TI - [Considerations on the pathogenesis of hemorrhage in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13814949 TI - [Recent developments in the quantitative diagnostic study of the coagulation factors and of fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13814950 TI - [The liver and blood coagulation. The changes in blood coagulation factors in experimental liver injuries and hepatopathies]. PMID- 13814951 TI - Intrathoracic reduplication cysts. PMID- 13814952 TI - The typhoidal carrier and cholelithiasis. PMID- 13814953 TI - Carcinoma of the lung: combined therapy. PMID- 13814954 TI - Peripheral vascular surgery: indications and techniques. PMID- 13814955 TI - Portal caval shunt: a reappraisal. PMID- 13814956 TI - [Adrenocortical influence in the pathology and clinical aspects of the sexual area]. PMID- 13814957 TI - [Service for the clinical use of the artificial kidney. Our clinical experience in the treatment of severe uremia with the artificial kidney]. PMID- 13814958 TI - [On inter-atrial communication with pulmonary hypertension. Clinical note]. PMID- 13814959 TI - [Prognostic evaluation of aortic stenosis after surgery. Clinical note on the value of the most common instrumental semeiological findings]. PMID- 13814961 TI - A corneal dissector for lamellar keratoplasty and anterior or posterior lamellar keratectomy. PMID- 13814960 TI - Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma to the choroid. PMID- 13814962 TI - Recent advances in ophthalmic surgery. PMID- 13814963 TI - [C-reactive protein as a detector of inflammatory processes in blood donors]. PMID- 13814964 TI - [Needs for transfusion service in anti-atomic defense]. PMID- 13814965 TI - Wegener's granulomatosis. PMID- 13814966 TI - [Wallenberg's syndrome]. PMID- 13814968 TI - [Chronic non-hemolytic icterus]. PMID- 13814967 TI - [Nephrocalcinosis caused by ingestion of milk and alkaline substances]. PMID- 13814969 TI - Radioprotective efficacy of sodium cyanide. PMID- 13814970 TI - [The distribution and the future of the physicians in Argentina]. PMID- 13814971 TI - An autoradiographic study of the distribution in mice of oestrogens labelled with carbon-14 and tritium. PMID- 13814972 TI - Transaminasic activity of the serum in the course of infantile viral hepatitis. PMID- 13814973 TI - [Considerations on the use of thioctic acid in the treatment of hepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13814974 TI - [Addisonian microcardia]. PMID- 13814975 TI - [Positivity of the Widal sero-agglutination reaction in disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13814976 TI - [Comparative analytical characteristics of diuretic derivatives with the benzothiadiazine structure]. PMID- 13814977 TI - [On the relation between hematopoiesis and the diencephalo-hypophysial system. Diagnostic considerations and therapeutic corollary in endocrine diseases and liver diseases]. PMID- 13814978 TI - [Culicoides in Badajoz]. PMID- 13814979 TI - Timers of the times. PMID- 13814980 TI - Rupture of tuberculous aortic aneurysm into lung. PMID- 13814981 TI - [A symptomatological test for aphasia and connected functions]. PMID- 13814982 TI - [Bilateral denervation of the carotid sinus in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13814983 TI - [Wunderlich disease]. PMID- 13814984 TI - [Clinical experimentation with a new compound with hypoglycemic activity (chlorpropamide). Preliminary note]. PMID- 13814985 TI - [Preliminary clinical observations on treatment with a monoamine oxidase antagonist in coronary diseases and in other disease states]. PMID- 13814986 TI - [Electroencephalographic findings in viral hepatitis and in other liver diseases]. PMID- 13814987 TI - Anicteric virus hepatitis in a closed environment as shown by serum transaminase activity. AB - Although it has long been recognized that cases of virus hepatitis without jaundice outnumber those with jaundice, particularly among children, only recently-with the introduction of tests to determine the activity of serum transaminases-has it become possible to assess with any accuracy the real frequency of the anicteric forms. In the present paper, the authors report on an investigation in an institution for children in Rome. Some 1000 serum enzyme determinations were made on 104 children and 11 adults; detailed results are given. It was found that among the children anicteric hepatitis predominated over icteric hepatitis in a ratio of 30: 1 and that the total frequency of virus hepatitis of both forms was strikingly high. The clinical and epidemiological implications of these and associated findings are discussed. PMID- 13814988 TI - Evaluation of nicotinic alcohol timespan tablets in humans by urinary excretion tests. PMID- 13814989 TI - Some observations on the ultrastructure and morphogenesis of photoreceptors. PMID- 13814990 TI - Submicroscopic morphology of the synapse. PMID- 13814991 TI - Experimental diabetic retinopathy. Retinal metabolism in the alloxan diabetic rat. PMID- 13814992 TI - Ophthalmic pharmacology and toxicology. PMID- 13814993 TI - [Gravido-puerperal maternal mortality in the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) from 1 January 1950 to 31 December 1957]. PMID- 13814994 TI - [Statistical data on maternal mortality throughout the world]. PMID- 13814995 TI - [Sex determination in man]. PMID- 13814996 TI - [Prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13814997 TI - Pericarditis following pneumonectomy for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13814998 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of reticulosarcomas of the large intestine]. PMID- 13814999 TI - [Action of various pancreatic enzymes on the permeability of the crystalline lens]. PMID- 13815000 TI - [Permeability of the crystalline lens to lens proteins in senile cataract]. PMID- 13815001 TI - [A case of subacute anerythremic myelosis]. PMID- 13815002 TI - [A case of idiopathic steatorrhea]. PMID- 13815004 TI - [Kidney transplantation in relation to the treatment of anuria: review]. PMID- 13815003 TI - [Furazolidone associated with glucuronolactone in the therapy of acute hepatocholangitis]. PMID- 13815005 TI - [Modern antishock apparatus, with special reference to artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13815006 TI - [The use of a colored carboxylic resin in the study of gastric acidity in subjects gastrectomized for ulcer]. PMID- 13815007 TI - [On the use of a new spasmolytic factor in the therapy of peripheral arteriopathies]. PMID- 13815008 TI - Eosinophilic granuloma of the temporal bone. PMID- 13815009 TI - [Gastric chlorine]. PMID- 13815010 TI - Anticonvulsive character of styramate and other depressant drugs. PMID- 13815011 TI - Continuous intravenous infusion of strychnine in rats: II. Antagonism by various drugs. PMID- 13815012 TI - Effects of different frequencies of stimulation of sciatic nerves on the patellar reflex. PMID- 13815013 TI - Continuous intravenous infusion of strychnine in rats: III. Endocrine influences. PMID- 13815014 TI - Studies on strychnine excitability. I. Method of continuous (i.v.) infusion in rats. PMID- 13815015 TI - Pharmacological studies on a new central depressant 2-hydroxy 2-phenyl ethyl carbamate. PMID- 13815016 TI - Effects of somatotrophin on brain excitability. PMID- 13815017 TI - The effect of central depressants on certain spinal reflexes in the acute high cervical cat. PMID- 13815018 TI - [Old and new methods of localization of placental implantation]. PMID- 13815019 TI - [Angioma of the breast (Clinical and anatomopathological contribution)]. PMID- 13815020 TI - [Contribution to the study of lateral fistulas of the neck of branchiogenic origin]. PMID- 13815021 TI - [On the utilization of glucose-1-phosphate by the erythrocytes of man]. PMID- 13815022 TI - An enzymic disorder in the erythrocytes of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria: a deficiency in acetylcholinesterase activity. PMID- 13815023 TI - [Blood glucose and phosphorus curves due to oral loading of glucose in elderly persons]. PMID- 13815024 TI - [Glycerophosphate compound syrup, F.G. Method of analysis]. PMID- 13815025 TI - [The histaminopexic power in vasomotor monocorditis]. PMID- 13815026 TI - Deficiency dysproteinemia and antibody deficiency syndromes (review of the literature and description of a case) PMID- 13815027 TI - [The effect of 19-nortestosterone propionate on weight increase in the premature infant]. PMID- 13815028 TI - [The influence of 19-nortestosterone propionate on weight increase of the premature infant]. PMID- 13815029 TI - [Study on the lysis in vitro of erythrocytes of premature infants. I. Osmotic resistance]. PMID- 13815030 TI - [Study on the lysis in vitro of erythrocytes of premature infants. II. Thermal fragility]. PMID- 13815031 TI - [Study on the lysis in vitro of erythrocytes of premature infants. III. Resistance to acid pH]. PMID- 13815032 TI - [Research on the adrenocortical function of the newborn in relation to the pathology of pregnancy and labor]. PMID- 13815033 TI - Urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline output after medullo-adrenalectomy in dogs. PMID- 13815034 TI - Pharmacological depletion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in various organs of mice. PMID- 13815035 TI - Distribution and urinary excretion of radioactive adrenaline. PMID- 13815036 TI - Fluorimetric estimation of adrenaline and noradrenaline in urine and blood and diagnosis of chromaffin cell tumors. PMID- 13815037 TI - Hypertensive responses in reserpinized dogs. PMID- 13815038 TI - Pharmacological effects on distribution and urinary excretion of radioactive adrenaline. PMID- 13815039 TI - Physio-pharmacological effects on suprarenal secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in dogs. PMID- 13815040 TI - Psychotomimetics and psychotonics. PMID- 13815041 TI - [Metabolism of catecholamines: experimental and clinical tests]. PMID- 13815042 TI - [The adrenal medulla in theory and practice]. PMID- 13815044 TI - Mental health groups. An effective form of low-cost psychoanalytic therapy. PMID- 13815043 TI - [The diagnosis of chromaffinoma]. PMID- 13815045 TI - Delays in the diagnosis of deafness among preschool children. PMID- 13815046 TI - [Combined cirrhosis-pancreatitis and splenoportal thrombosis]. PMID- 13815047 TI - [Diencephalo-hypophysial roentgenotherapy in hemorrhagic syndromes]. PMID- 13815048 TI - [Uratic arthropathies]. PMID- 13815049 TI - Phosphatases and phospholipases in the central nervous system. A study in normal states and in experimentally induced disseminated allergic encephalomyelitis. PMID- 13815050 TI - Traumatic multiple hyperostosis of bone. PMID- 13815051 TI - Paroxysmal tachycardia in a child showing Stokes-Adam and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndromes. PMID- 13815052 TI - [The duration of the phases of ventricular systole in man]. PMID- 13815053 TI - [Contribution to the physiopathological study of respiratory insufficiency and of its effects on circulatory function]. PMID- 13815054 TI - [Liver-protective therapy in stasis of the liver in congestive failure]. PMID- 13815055 TI - [The right ventricular infarct]. PMID- 13815057 TI - Pathological anatomy of endemic goitre. PMID- 13815056 TI - [Interpretation of splenomanometry and transparietal splenoportography in Central Africa]. PMID- 13815058 TI - Activities of bacteria-free preparations from Vibrio cholerae. PMID- 13815059 TI - [Clinical observations with new diuretic drugs]. PMID- 13815060 TI - Effect of nicotinic acid on blood lipids in arteriosclerotic patients. PMID- 13815061 TI - Superficial thrombophlebitis treated with phenylbutazone. PMID- 13815062 TI - [Determination of the antigenic value of poliomyelitis vaccine]. PMID- 13815063 TI - Infectivity of polio virus ribonucleic acid for embryonated eggs and unsusceptible cell lines. PMID- 13815064 TI - Predictions of sequences of successes and failures. PMID- 13815065 TI - Subjective probabilities of interpersonal relationships. PMID- 13815066 TI - Learning a social structure. PMID- 13815067 TI - Antibiotics in intestinal surgery. PMID- 13815068 TI - [Abdomino-perineal amputation with lowering of the end of the colon to the perineum (Technic of Dr. Leibovici)]. PMID- 13815069 TI - [Endometriosis of the small intestine. Study of a case]. PMID- 13815070 TI - Carcinoma with adenomatous structure in skin transplanted in the region of keloid acne of the neck. PMID- 13815071 TI - [Research on the enzymatic activity of skin grafts in homologous transplants]. PMID- 13815072 TI - [Eosinopenizing action proper to inanition]. PMID- 13815073 TI - The chemistry and pharmacology of hydrotrichlorothiazide. PMID- 13815074 TI - The International Assocaition of Secretaries of Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Societies. PMID- 13815075 TI - Acute vascular occlusion of the extremities. PMID- 13815076 TI - Harry E. Mock, 1880-1959. PMID- 13815077 TI - Parkinson's law in medicine. PMID- 13815078 TI - Response of the arteriosclerotic limb to injury. PMID- 13815079 TI - [On the causes of perinatal mortality (case studies from the obstetric gynecological and pediatric clinics of Genoa in the years 1951-58]. PMID- 13815080 TI - A case of serious arterial hypertension due to ureteral malformation and ascending pyelonephrytis associated with congenital alacrimia. PMID- 13815081 TI - [A case of severe arterial hypertension due to unilateral ureteral malformation and ascending pyelonephritis, associated with congenital alacrimia]. PMID- 13815082 TI - The relationship between calcium-phosphorus metabolism, the 'Krebs cycle' and steroid metabolism. PMID- 13815083 TI - [Research on the eutrophic action of isonicotinic hydrazide in non-tuberculous children]. PMID- 13815084 TI - [Considerations on the perinatal mortality of premature infants from the clinical and anatomo-pathological points of view]. PMID- 13815085 TI - [The effects of anabolizing steroids on creatine metabolism in progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13815086 TI - [On the use of a new compound of phenothiazine derivatives and a barbiturate. Clinical note]. PMID- 13815087 TI - Observations on two opposite clinical situations: renal acidosis and alkalosis. PMID- 13815088 TI - [Description of a very rare case of nephrogenic adiposis]. PMID- 13815089 TI - [New studies on the pathogenesis of favism]. PMID- 13815090 TI - [What consolation, advice and hopes should the physician give mothers of mentally retarded children?]. PMID- 13815091 TI - Cytological instability in tumors of Picea glauca. AB - Smear preparations of cells taken from primary explants of normal and adjacent tumor wood of Picea glauca showed completely regular mitotic behavior in the normal cells, with the great majority of cells diploid (22 chromosomes), a few tetraploid, but almost none aneuploid. Tumor tissue was extremely unstable, with numbers ranging from 3 to more than 70, with a high proportion of aneuploids but otherwise normal-appearing mitoses. The relation of this mitotic instability to other data on these tumors is pointed out. PMID- 13815092 TI - Association of Salmonella-caused osteomyelitis and sickle-cell disease. Report of three cases. PMID- 13815093 TI - [Sterility]. PMID- 13815094 TI - [Chronic pancreatitis: syndrome of pyloric pseudostenosis with diarrhea]. PMID- 13815095 TI - [Intestinal tuberculosis: clinical symptomatology]. PMID- 13815096 TI - [Intestinal tuberculosis: early symptomatology and forms of onset]. PMID- 13815097 TI - Electrical responses of primate visual system: II. Recordings from single oncells of macaque lateral geniculate nucleus. PMID- 13815098 TI - Color vision mechanisms in the monkey. PMID- 13815099 TI - Reducing the chronic cycle. PMID- 13815100 TI - [Sinusitis]. PMID- 13815102 TI - [Semiology in lesions of the brachial plexus]. PMID- 13815101 TI - [Carpal tunnel syndrome and syndrome of Guyon's space]. PMID- 13815103 TI - [Temporomaxillary ankylosis]. PMID- 13815104 TI - [Treatment of lesions of the inferior branch of the facial nerve]. PMID- 13815105 TI - [Apropos of a case of abdomino-pelvic unilocular hydatic cyst (Preoperative diagnostic possibilities and importance of the same)]. PMID- 13815106 TI - [Surgical centers. Sheffield Royal Infirmary. Impressions from a study tour]. PMID- 13815107 TI - Alternative pathways of thymine and uracil metabolism in the liver and hepatoma. PMID- 13815108 TI - The problem of dysmenorrhoea. PMID- 13815109 TI - The study and control of paralytic rabies transmitted by bats in Trinidad, British West Indies. PMID- 13815110 TI - [Histopathological data of a general nature for the diagnostic differentiation of benign and malignant neoformations]. PMID- 13815111 TI - [Q fever]. PMID- 13815112 TI - A study on the localization of contractile proteins in the muscle of the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus). PMID- 13815113 TI - The atom bomb and civilian defence for the Cape peninsula. PMID- 13815114 TI - [Enzymic deamination of 5'-desoxycytidylic acid and 5-methyl-5'-desoxycytidylic acid in hepatic regeneration]. PMID- 13815115 TI - Distribution of alkaline and acid phosphatase in the particulate fractions of the retina. PMID- 13815116 TI - Researches for biochemic characterizing of the phosphomonoesterase of ocular tissues. PMID- 13815117 TI - [Further experimental contributions to the pathogenesis of complicated cataracts]. PMID- 13815118 TI - [Observations on the levels of protein-bound iodine of the blood in an area of endemic goiter in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13815119 TI - [Apropos of the sympathetic cervical syndrome]. PMID- 13815120 TI - [Contribution to the study of barotraumatic sinusitis]. PMID- 13815121 TI - [The action of cocarboxylase in the postoperative period]. PMID- 13815122 TI - [Pharmacology of anti-hypertensive substances]. PMID- 13815123 TI - The Netherlands Scientific Film Centre. PMID- 13815124 TI - The relation of guilt toward parents to achievement and arranged marriage among the Japanese. PMID- 13815125 TI - Aspergillus fumigatus and actinomycetes in air. Temperature and pH as selective factors in the analysis of the mycoflora of the air by means of the culture plate technique. PMID- 13815126 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of cholesterol. 9. Formation of phosphorylated derivatives of mevalonic acid in liver-enzyme preparations. PMID- 13815127 TI - [The dangers of compositrine]. PMID- 13815128 TI - [Threatened abortion, uterine perforation and pregnancy brought to term]. PMID- 13815129 TI - Acute and chronic glomerular nephritis. PMID- 13815130 TI - Polyuria. PMID- 13815131 TI - [Amniotic fluid embolism. A case report and a short survey of literature]. PMID- 13815132 TI - [General report on the diphtheria endemy in Belgium]. PMID- 13815133 TI - [General report on vaccination against poliomyelitis and poliomyelitis endemicity]. PMID- 13815134 TI - [Gelle's quantitative test by means of the pneumophone]. PMID- 13815135 TI - N,O-Diacetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylneuraminic acid in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13815136 TI - An historical study on theories of the placenta to 1900. PMID- 13815137 TI - [On some unusual lesions]. PMID- 13815138 TI - [Remote sequelae of an open luxation of the hip in a 14-year-old boy]. PMID- 13815139 TI - [The treatment of Brodie's abscess]. PMID- 13815140 TI - [Ocular viral diseases]. PMID- 13815141 TI - A case of amoebic granuloma of the caecum with an acute appendicular abscess in early infancy. PMID- 13815142 TI - [On four cases of primary tumor of the ureters]. PMID- 13815143 TI - The problem of atmospheric diffusion. PMID- 13815144 TI - Multiple sclerosis in a small New England community. PMID- 13815145 TI - Fluorescent treponemal antibody test. Modification based on quantitation (FTA 200). PMID- 13815146 TI - Fluorescent treponemal antibody studies. PMID- 13815147 TI - Fluorescent antibody tests for detection of the gonococcus in women. PMID- 13815148 TI - Practical hints in the early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13815149 TI - [Improvement in a giant tuberculous cavity after endo-bronchial streptomycin and elastase therapy]. PMID- 13815150 TI - The use of a lift truck in a sheltered workshop. PMID- 13815151 TI - Total body irradiation in man: tissue patterns observed in attempts to increase the receptivity of renal homografts. PMID- 13815152 TI - In memoriam: Merrill Clary Sosman, M.D., 1890-1959. PMID- 13815153 TI - Merrill Clary Sosman, 1890-1959. PMID- 13815155 TI - Allergy in childhood. PMID- 13815154 TI - The theory and practice of total-body irradiation in the dawn of the homograft era. PMID- 13815156 TI - Rabies. PMID- 13815158 TI - Lung cancer among white South Africans. PMID- 13815157 TI - Sex steroids in the lungfish (Protopterus annectens Owen). PMID- 13815159 TI - The fate of glucose supplied at a rate sufficient to maintain basal metabolism. PMID- 13815160 TI - The problem of poisons. PMID- 13815161 TI - Further studies on the isolation and identification of Candida species. PMID- 13815162 TI - Surgical treatment of complications resulting from irradiation therapy of cervical cancer. PMID- 13815163 TI - Fusion of triquetral and lunate bones shown in serial radiographs. PMID- 13815164 TI - Biochemical changes caused by protein deficiency in young children. PMID- 13815165 TI - Infant feeding in Uganda. PMID- 13815166 TI - Kwashiorkor in Malaya. PMID- 13815168 TI - A note on female Blacky protocols. PMID- 13815167 TI - Treatment of kwashiorkor with moderate amounts of protein. PMID- 13815169 TI - The preparation of antifoam tablets. PMID- 13815170 TI - Adjuvant therapy with isocarboxazid. PMID- 13815171 TI - Rabies in insectivorous bats of Arizona. PMID- 13815172 TI - Behavior changes following caudate lesions in rhesus monkey. PMID- 13815173 TI - Notes on the photography of invertebrate fossils. PMID- 13815174 TI - Response of rat zona glomerulosa in experimental nephrosis. PMID- 13815175 TI - [Finding of Trypanosoma of the rangeli type in opossums of the species Didelphis marsupialis marsupialis in the state of Para]. PMID- 13815176 TI - [Epidemiology and prophylaxis of American kalazar]. PMID- 13815177 TI - [New host of trypanosomes of the types cruzi and rangeli found in the state of Para: the marsupial Metachirops opossum opossum]. PMID- 13815178 TI - Practical physiologic therapy in metabolic and electrolyte imbalances. PMID- 13815179 TI - Enterobacillary septicemia and bacterial shock in septic abortion. PMID- 13815180 TI - Educational techniques for the rehabilitation of chronic schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13815181 TI - Normal implantation in ovariectomized guinea pigs. PMID- 13815182 TI - Adrenal sensitivity to ACTH as a function of time after hypothalamic lesion and after hypophysectomy. PMID- 13815183 TI - Recent developments in methods of detecting anti-cancer activity. PMID- 13815185 TI - Current status of preparation of the intestine for operation. A critical appraisal. PMID- 13815186 TI - Disaster medical care and shelter. The federal program. PMID- 13815184 TI - Studies on the relationship of Staphylococcus aureus to pseudomembranous enteritis and to postantibiotic enteritis. PMID- 13815187 TI - Nuclear age hospital with a survival complex. PMID- 13815188 TI - A device for mouth-to-airway artificial respiration in adult patients. PMID- 13815189 TI - A study of experimental methods for producing thrombosis in small arteries. PMID- 13815192 TI - The child handicapped by cerebral palsy. PMID- 13815191 TI - Rehabilitation. PMID- 13815190 TI - Treatment of thrombophlebitis with streptokinase-streptodornase. PMID- 13815193 TI - Cardiazol convulsion therapy in some psychotic cases. PMID- 13815194 TI - Studies on a possible method of separation of gamma-casein by high-speed centrifugation and its identification by agar electrophoresis. PMID- 13815195 TI - Some types of medical papers: with suggestions on their preparation. PMID- 13815196 TI - [Pulmonary distomatosis (paragonimiasis)]. PMID- 13815197 TI - [Experimental study of maxillary expansion in dento-facial orthopedics]. PMID- 13815198 TI - Steatorrheas PMID- 13815199 TI - [Essay on Military Health Service policy]. PMID- 13815200 TI - [The Health Service of the Army Ground Troops]. PMID- 13815202 TI - Retropubic prostatectomy using a no-catheter technique. PMID- 13815201 TI - [Utility and indications of thromboelastographic control during anticoagulant treatment]. PMID- 13815203 TI - [Spasms in flexion and Gibbs' hypsarrhythmia]. PMID- 13815204 TI - [The treatment of acute psychiatric states by promazine]. PMID- 13815205 TI - Hemorrhagic responses before and after adrenochrome monosemicarbazone sodium salicylate and placebo in dogs. PMID- 13815206 TI - [Intersomatic vertebral arthrodesis]. PMID- 13815207 TI - [Transacetabular internal luxation in the surgical treatment of arthroses of the hip (Charnley's technic)]. PMID- 13815208 TI - [Development of Pott's disease in adults treated by the "direct approach"]. PMID- 13815209 TI - [Surgical aspects of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13815210 TI - [Central luxation (Charnley's technic). Surgical treatment of coxarthrosis]. PMID- 13815211 TI - [Controlled dosage of inslulin in diabetes in children]. PMID- 13815212 TI - [Kolobierz vacation center for diabetic children]. PMID- 13815213 TI - [On hypoxemic test in a pressure chamber]. PMID- 13815214 TI - [First contribution to the knowledge of tinea in children of the Ivory Coast (Africa)]. PMID- 13815215 TI - Fervenulin, a new crystalline antibiotic. I. Discovery and biological activities. PMID- 13815216 TI - [Effect of ergosterol on the enzymatic activity of phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase]. PMID- 13815217 TI - [A simple method of determination of ammonia in the blood]. PMID- 13815219 TI - [Influence of the period of illumination on the biology and morphology of the Bryophyllum species (Crassulaceae)]. PMID- 13815218 TI - [On the determination of blood cholesterol. (Trial of a direct colorimetric method)]. PMID- 13815220 TI - [Gastroenterology. Gastritis. What are the present therapeutic possibilities?]. PMID- 13815221 TI - [Climatotherapy]. PMID- 13815222 TI - [A new treatment of ranula: synthetic antithyroid agents. Apropos of 4 cases]. PMID- 13815223 TI - [Case of a patient with a neoplasm of the uterine cervix associated with 2 other epitheliomas]. PMID- 13815224 TI - [Histological lesions of the pancreas in various hepatobiliary and gastroduodenal disorders and in gastrectomized patients]. PMID- 13815225 TI - [Histological study of the pancreas associated with various abdominal diseases (gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric cancer, gastrectomy, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis); 25 case reports]. PMID- 13815226 TI - [Relation between endocrine glands and biliary secretion. Action of hypophysectomy in the white rat]. PMID- 13815227 TI - [Action of hypophysectomy on basic choleresis of the white rat]. PMID- 13815228 TI - [Therapeutic action of Tiliae silvestris alburnum on hepato-biliary disease and migraine]. PMID- 13815229 TI - [Hemorrhages due to hiatal hernias in the adult (100 cases)]. PMID- 13815231 TI - [Trials in gastrocinematography]. PMID- 13815230 TI - [Presentation of a new bioptic gastroscope]. PMID- 13815232 TI - [Histological lesions of the gastric mucosa during experimental changes of the endocrine glands in the female rat. 2. Action of adrenalectomy]. PMID- 13815233 TI - [Selective arteriography of the celiac trunk and of the superior mesenteric artery by femoral percutaneous retrograde route in man. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13815234 TI - [Laparoscopy in gastroenterological practice]. PMID- 13815235 TI - [Treatment of hematemesis]. PMID- 13815237 TI - [Clinical and hematological study of a case of Fanconi's disease]. PMID- 13815236 TI - [Remote results of 300 cholecystectomies performed under peroperative radiomanometric control]. PMID- 13815238 TI - [Scapulohumeral periarthritis]. PMID- 13815239 TI - [Practical aspects of the intra-arterial treatment of chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13815240 TI - [Long-term prognosis of the nephrotic syndrome in the child. Apropos of 193 cases]. PMID- 13815242 TI - [Current development and present state of pediatrics]. PMID- 13815241 TI - Infection of children by strains of tubercle bacilli initially resistant to streptomycin or to isoniazid. PMID- 13815243 TI - [Prognosis in lipoid nephrosis]. PMID- 13815244 TI - [The prevention and the treatment of primary tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13815245 TI - [Adrenal cortex function test in the child]. PMID- 13815246 TI - [Some remarks on 2 years of experience with general anesthesia in private practice]. PMID- 13815247 TI - [Anchorage of transplanted tendons at the foot with the aid of extension wires]. PMID- 13815248 TI - [Generalized bone atrophy in the aged]. PMID- 13815249 TI - [Orthopedic problems in old age]. PMID- 13815250 TI - [On the position of aldehyde in colamine plasmalogen from the brain]. PMID- 13815252 TI - The tissue commitee in a general hospital. PMID- 13815251 TI - Senior Citizens Residence, Kalamazoo. PMID- 13815253 TI - [Extinction of the response to peripheral stimuli of the somato-sensitive cortex in function of the frequency of stimulation and during simultaneous stimulation of the homolateral lateral geniculate body]. PMID- 13815254 TI - [Simultaneous determination of serum lactic dehydrogenase, glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminases in acute myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13815255 TI - [The rehabilitation of cardiacs]. PMID- 13815256 TI - Chorionic gonadotropin in the treatment of repeated abortion: a survey of fifteen years clinical experience. PMID- 13815257 TI - The surgical abdomen in pregnancy. PMID- 13815258 TI - Uterine prolapse in the young nulliparous female. A possible contributing factor. PMID- 13815259 TI - Uterine prolapse in the young nulliparous female: a possible contributing factor. PMID- 13815260 TI - Complications associated with diagnostic barium enema. PMID- 13815261 TI - [Preliminary research on modifications of the lipofuscin present in normal and neoplastic human tissues]. PMID- 13815262 TI - The relationship between the quality of nursing care and its cost. PMID- 13815263 TI - [An unusual cystic lesion of the humerus]. PMID- 13815264 TI - [Heredity of acquired characteristics. Chapter 4. Callosities]. PMID- 13815265 TI - [Inheritance of acquired characteristics]. PMID- 13815266 TI - [The inheritance of acquired characteristics]. PMID- 13815267 TI - [The inheritance of acquired characteristics]. PMID- 13815268 TI - [Stomatology and sympathetic pathology. Some anatomo-clinical data]. PMID- 13815269 TI - [Topographical alterations of the so-called "laterovertebral" sympathetic chain in lumbosacral arthroses and intervertebral disk disorders]. PMID- 13815270 TI - [Chemotherapy of melancholia. Indications. Complications]. PMID- 13815271 TI - [Semeiological study of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Their physiopathological bases]. PMID- 13815272 TI - [Portacaval encephalopathy with recurrent transitory coma and demential development. (Clinical, electroencephalographic and splenoportographic data)]. PMID- 13815273 TI - [Are sugars in the diet a determining factor in dental caries?]. PMID- 13815274 TI - [The value of the determination of age by examination of the teeth in thin sections]. PMID- 13815275 TI - [Statistical anatomical study of 382 fractures of the cheek bone]. PMID- 13815276 TI - [On regulation of the dental prosthesis mechanic's trade]. PMID- 13815277 TI - The determination of meprobamate as the dixanthyl derivative. PMID- 13815278 TI - Anileridine (leritine) a new synthetic analgesic in anaesthesia. PMID- 13815279 TI - [Fluothane-ether in anaesthesia for pulmonary surgery]. PMID- 13815280 TI - [Fluothane-ether in anesthesia for pulmonary surgery]. PMID- 13815281 TI - [Cardiovascular studies on fluothane-ether (preliminary report)]. PMID- 13815282 TI - [The influence of traumatic cervical root avulsion on the auditory and labyrinth apparatus]. PMID- 13815283 TI - [The directional preponderance of experimental nystagmus as a peripherally or centrally produced symptom]. PMID- 13815284 TI - [Additional otological contribution to the syncopal cervical vertebral syndrome (the non-traumatic syndrome)]. PMID- 13815285 TI - [Alveolo-capillary diffusion capacity (its measurement in the normal and silicotic subject)]. PMID- 13815286 TI - [The measurement of the alveolocapillary diffusion capacity in the normal and the pneumoconiotic subject]. PMID- 13815288 TI - [Observations on the fine vascularization of the ovary in the climacteric]. PMID- 13815287 TI - Treatment of obesity with a new anorexiant, diethylpropion, without special stress on diet. PMID- 13815289 TI - A disrupting factor in silver staining techniques. PMID- 13815290 TI - On the transfer of labeled amino acids from "S-RNA" to purified ribonucleoprotein particles from rat liver microsomes. PMID- 13815291 TI - The enzymatic composition of rat liver microsomes during liver regeneration. PMID- 13815292 TI - [On the primary effects of phalloidin on liver cells]. PMID- 13815293 TI - A study of some "acute phase reactants" in rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13815294 TI - Concentration of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid. PMID- 13815295 TI - Zone elctrophoretic studies of proteins and glycoproteins of bovine serum and synovial fluid. PMID- 13815296 TI - Invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix: general considerations. PMID- 13815297 TI - Salmonella as a hospital infection hazard. PMID- 13815298 TI - [Pancreatectomy in hyperinsulinism]. PMID- 13815299 TI - Gouty arthritis in Filipinos. PMID- 13815300 TI - An automatic flow switch. PMID- 13815301 TI - Salmonella endocarditis: report of three cases, including one of mural endocarditis. PMID- 13815302 TI - [Therapeutic results in hypophysial tumors]. PMID- 13815303 TI - [Mechanism of cerebral air distribution--according to observations in controlled pneumoencephalography]. PMID- 13815304 TI - Safe practices in the physical therapy department. PMID- 13815305 TI - [The educational experiments of Vanves. The pedagogic and sportive half-time and the snow class]. PMID- 13815307 TI - [Clinical study of tumors of the principal salivary glands]. PMID- 13815306 TI - Some clinical observations of relaxin in obstetrics. PMID- 13815308 TI - [Painless cholestasis. A syndrome with difficult differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13815309 TI - [Obesity, false alimentary disease, false glandular disease]. PMID- 13815310 TI - [Partial strangulation of the sigmoid loop]. PMID- 13815311 TI - [Isolated fractures of the tibial diaphysis]. PMID- 13815312 TI - [Fractures and pseudarthroses of the scaphoid carpal. Apropos of 56 cases]. PMID- 13815313 TI - [Posttraumatic osteonecrosis of the astragalus]. PMID- 13815314 TI - [Post-traumatic aseptic necrosis of the astragalus]. PMID- 13815315 TI - [Treatment of bad union after fracture of the lower extremity of the radius]. PMID- 13815316 TI - [The treatment of pseudarthrosis of the forearm]. PMID- 13815317 TI - [Fracture-dislocations of the hip and their early treatment]. PMID- 13815318 TI - [Levomepromazine in anesthesiology]. PMID- 13815319 TI - [A simple clinical test for the diagnosis between diabetes insipidus and pure polydipsia]. PMID- 13815320 TI - [On the possible cure, by a combined method of persuasion and conditioning, of polyuro-polydipsia syndromes with certain criteria considered as characteristic of true diabetes insipidus]. PMID- 13815321 TI - [On a case of Hashimoto's goiter following mumps thyroiditis; demonstration of auto-antibodies]. PMID- 13815322 TI - [Blocking action of synthetic corticoids on steroid eliminations of hyperthyroid patients]. PMID- 13815323 TI - [Compared inhibiting action of -cortisone, -hydrocortisone and dexamethasone on the pituitary-adrenal cortex axis]. PMID- 13815324 TI - [Use of dexamethasone in inhibition tests of the adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13815325 TI - [Tests of adrenal cortex inhibition. Clinical applications; therapeutic deductions]. PMID- 13815326 TI - [The endocrine disorders of myotonic myopathy. (Apropos of 10 cases)]. PMID- 13815327 TI - [Adrenal cortex function during hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13815328 TI - [Virilizing tumor of the adrenal]. PMID- 13815329 TI - [Adrenal insufficiency, acute, then chronic, appearing suddenly in the course of heparin treatment]. PMID- 13815330 TI - [Clinical applications of tests of inhibition of the thyroid]. PMID- 13815331 TI - [Dynamic exploration of the thyroid. Stimulation and inhibitor tests]. PMID- 13815332 TI - [Paul Harvier (1880-1960)]. PMID- 13815334 TI - [The electrophoretic blood protein picture in the course of treatment of acute articular rheumatism]. PMID- 13815333 TI - [Notes on the hypoglycemic syndrome]. PMID- 13815335 TI - Clinical and biological elements in the diagnosis of pseudo-hermaphroditism. PMID- 13815336 TI - [Clinical and biological elements for diagnosis of hermaphroditism]. PMID- 13815338 TI - [Noise and work. Application to the work of young people]. PMID- 13815339 TI - [Quantitative relations between the effects of diphenazine in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13815337 TI - [The sequels of cranial injuries]. PMID- 13815340 TI - [Exteroceptive and interoceptive conditioned reflex effects on the motor activity of the reticulum and rumen in sheep]. PMID- 13815341 TI - Surgical procedures for carcinoma of the left colon and rectum, with five-year end results following abdominopelvic dissection of lymph nodes. PMID- 13815342 TI - [Fibroma of the large intestine of large dimensions]. PMID- 13815343 TI - [Acute intestinal obstruction based on neoplasms of the intestine]. PMID- 13815344 TI - [Acrocephalosyndactylia]. PMID- 13815345 TI - [Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis and slight accident]. PMID- 13815346 TI - [Corset bandages of wide rubber strips for the treatment of rib and pelvic fractures]. PMID- 13815347 TI - [Diseases of amputation stumps and their surgical treatment]. PMID- 13815348 TI - [The physician and the medical profession; practical experiences from a medical consultation practice]. PMID- 13815349 TI - [The radiological therapy of cervix uteri carcinoma]. PMID- 13815350 TI - [Essential thrombocythemia; 8 new cases with a follow-up examination of Owren's patient]. PMID- 13815351 TI - Further studies on the surgical cure of retroversion. PMID- 13815352 TI - [Considerations on a case of epitheliel mesenteric cysts in carcinomatous degeneration]. PMID- 13815353 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of bone in an infrequent site: presentation of a personal case]. PMID- 13815354 TI - [Malignant leiomyoma (leiomyosarcoma) of the kidney (Case report and synthetic review)]. PMID- 13815355 TI - [On obturator hernias]. PMID- 13815356 TI - [Experience with pulmonary resection in tuberculosis at a city tuberculosis hospital]. PMID- 13815357 TI - [A recent case of thimni, external ocular myiasis due to Oestrus ovis, in France]. PMID- 13815358 TI - Absorption of sustained-release oral amphetamine preparations in the rat. PMID- 13815359 TI - Secondary carcinoma of the penis from carcinoma of the bladder. PMID- 13815361 TI - [Some histological remarks on skin carcinoma]. PMID- 13815360 TI - The effects of radiation on the lungs in the treatment of carcinoma of the bronchus. PMID- 13815362 TI - [On 1206 cases of echinococcosis diagnosed and treated in therapeutic institutions of the Plovdi region]. PMID- 13815363 TI - [Pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13815364 TI - [The hyperventilation syndrome]. PMID- 13815365 TI - Arsenic poisoning following therapy for amebiasis. PMID- 13815366 TI - Prognosis of the solitary kidney. PMID- 13815367 TI - A comparison of skin tests by iontophoresis, scratch and intradermal techniques. PMID- 13815368 TI - A survey of the serum protein electrophoresis pattern in allergic children. PMID- 13815369 TI - Chronic allergy-crippler and killer of children. PMID- 13815370 TI - Recognition and management of allergy in the preschool child. PMID- 13815372 TI - The human population. PMID- 13815371 TI - [Indicators of gamma-irradiation utilizing photo-resistance]. PMID- 13815373 TI - Relationship between frequency-dependent compliance and unequal ventilation. PMID- 13815375 TI - [Social perception]. PMID- 13815374 TI - Effect of 'unilateral hypoxia' on pulmonary blood flow distribution in normal subjects. PMID- 13815376 TI - Immunological and karyological criteria for identification of cell lines. PMID- 13815377 TI - Immunological studies with nucleoproteins from tissue-culture cells. II. Nucleoproteins from HeLa and H.Ep No. 1 cells. PMID- 13815378 TI - Influence of adult lymphoid tissues on polyoma-induced tumours. PMID- 13815379 TI - A histoautoradiographic study of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in tissue cultures of chicken embryo liver cells infected with RPL-12 lymphomatosis virus. PMID- 13815380 TI - Chromblastomycosis treated with local infiltration of amphotericin B solution. Report of second case. PMID- 13815381 TI - [Practical importance of the measurement of neuromuscular excitability in psychiatry]. PMID- 13815382 TI - [Recurrent genital prolapse]. PMID- 13815383 TI - Chemical investigations of the giant nerve fibers of the squid. I. Fractionation of dialyzable constitutents of axoplasm and quantitative determination of the free amino acids. PMID- 13815384 TI - Chemical investigations of the giant nerve fibers of the squid. II. Detection and identification of cysteic acid amide (beta-sulfoalaninamide) in squid nerve axoplasm. PMID- 13815385 TI - [Nephrostomy or drainage through natural channels]. PMID- 13815386 TI - [Attempted utilization of the colochicine method for the estimation of androgenic substances by the aid of the seminal vesicles of the rat]. PMID- 13815387 TI - [Possible uses of alpha-chymotrypsin administered by parenteral route in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13815388 TI - Dr. Edward Playter--a vision fulfilled. PMID- 13815389 TI - [Trial in the antituberculosis fight in rural areas (district of Bayeke)]. PMID- 13815390 TI - [Mac Murray's osteotomy and Charnley's trans-acetabular athrodesis in the treatment of coxarthrosis deformans]. PMID- 13815391 TI - [Our experiences with single-stage surgical reconstruction of the joint in congenital hip dislocation in children]. PMID- 13815392 TI - [Results of the treatment of congenital hip dislocation with the aid of Frejka's pillow]. PMID- 13815393 TI - The importance of remedial exercises in rehabilitation. PMID- 13815394 TI - [Rehabilitation in poliomyelitis in the light of recent views]. PMID- 13815395 TI - [Presentation of patients operated on for ozena by a personal technic]. PMID- 13815396 TI - [Vitamin E preservation in oxygen deficiency in early pregnancy. An animal experimental contribution]. PMID- 13815397 TI - [Constrictive calcareous pericarditis]. PMID- 13815398 TI - Accelerated palliative radiation therapy of bronchial carcinoma with 250-kv roentgen rays. PMID- 13815399 TI - [Investigations on localization of the biosynthesis of pepsin in gastric mucosa cells]. PMID- 13815400 TI - [On the effects of L-dopa in man and their modification by reserpine, chlorpromazine, iproniazid and vitamin B6]. PMID- 13815401 TI - Experience with A.I.P. in man. PMID- 13815402 TI - Human experiments with V.D.S. (Salvioli's diffusible vaccine). PMID- 13815403 TI - Modality for B.K. killing by physical and chemical means and for preparing an efficient antitubercular non-living vaccine. PMID- 13815404 TI - Modality of action of killed antitubercular vaccines. PMID- 13815405 TI - [The evaluation of rheumatic heart diseases medical care service]. PMID- 13815406 TI - [Lipoma of the stomach associated with carcinoma. Description of two cases]. PMID- 13815408 TI - [Follicular mucinosis (Pinkus' "alopecia mucinosa")]. PMID- 13815407 TI - Use and abuse of antibiotics in dentistry. PMID- 13815409 TI - [Cutaneous reticulosis with Letterer-Siwe histological picture. Recovery continuing for more than a year]. PMID- 13815411 TI - [Sebaceous epithelioma]. PMID- 13815410 TI - [Malignant cutaneo-ganglionic histiocytic reticulosis with hepatosplenomegaly]. PMID- 13815412 TI - [The silicotic granuloma of the skin]. PMID- 13815413 TI - [Moniliasis with papillomatosis of the foot. Discussion of a monilial granuloma. Papillomatous and hyperkeratosis moniliasis]. PMID- 13815414 TI - [Commissural moniliasis with papillomatosis and verrucosis]. PMID- 13815415 TI - [Monilial granuloma. Effects of amphotericin B]. PMID- 13815416 TI - [Clinical examination of a patient with a leg ulcer]. PMID- 13815417 TI - [Massive pharyngo-laryngeal moniliasis. Importance of the method of application of nystatin]. PMID- 13815418 TI - [Kaposi's disease. Extension of the osseous involvement constrasting with the obliteration of the cutaneous lesions by penicillin]. PMID- 13815419 TI - [Verrucose lichen circinatus and mucous erosive lichen]. PMID- 13815420 TI - [Griseofulvin in the treatment of dermatophyte infections. (Complementary results)]. PMID- 13815421 TI - [Griseofulvin in the treatment of tinea, onychomycosis and cutaneous dermatophyte infections]. PMID- 13815422 TI - [Griseofulvin in the treatment of tineas]. PMID- 13815424 TI - Griseofulvin treatment at Saint Louis Hospital, Paris. PMID- 13815425 TI - [Current recrudescence of recent syphilis]. PMID- 13815423 TI - [Griseofulvin]. PMID- 13815426 TI - [Scleromyxedema-type papular mucinosis]. PMID- 13815427 TI - [The resurgence of syphilis]. PMID- 13815428 TI - [The treatment of cutaneous epitheliomas]. PMID- 13815429 TI - Thyrotoxicosis treated with small repeated doses of radioidine. PMID- 13815430 TI - [Vitamin D2 poisoning in the child]. PMID- 13815431 TI - [Apropos of the last 100 hospitalized cases of primary tuberculous infection in infants and childre]. PMID- 13815432 TI - [The relations of mastopathia cystica to carcinoma of the breast]. PMID- 13815433 TI - Iodide binding in thyroid cellular fractions. PMID- 13815434 TI - Studies on proteins of normal and diseased thyroid glands. PMID- 13815435 TI - The syndrome of congenital goiter with butanol-insoluble serum iodine. PMID- 13815436 TI - Simplified method of estimating the MNS gene frequencies. PMID- 13815438 TI - [Preliminary note on poisoned arrows and poisons of arrows in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13815437 TI - [A case of fatal phenol poisoning in a newborn infant. Unusual route of penetration of this toxic agent]. PMID- 13815439 TI - [Phenmetrazine in the treatment of obesity]. PMID- 13815440 TI - [Result of use of removable wire suture in restoration of the integrity of the flexor tendons of the hand]. PMID- 13815441 TI - [Cultivation of the causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis of the desert type in tissue culture]. PMID- 13815442 TI - Anoxic endurance of cardiac and respiratory function in the adult and infant rat. PMID- 13815443 TI - Mechanism of cardiac damage in anoxia. PMID- 13815445 TI - [On the effect of human milk nutrition]. PMID- 13815444 TI - The effects of the chelating agent ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid on cell adhesion in the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. PMID- 13815447 TI - Comparative study of Gaffkya homari, Aerococcus viridans, tetrad-forming cocci from meat curing brines, and the genus Pediococcus. PMID- 13815446 TI - Modified benzidine test for the detection of cytochrome-containing respiratory systems in microorganisms. PMID- 13815448 TI - Roentgen changes in sickle cell anemia. PMID- 13815449 TI - Safeguards in diagnostic radiologic examinations: problems in studying infants. PMID- 13815450 TI - [On the differentiation of various antibodies toward nuclear and cellular cytoplasmatic cellular components in lupus erythematosus disseminatus]. PMID- 13815451 TI - Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reactions with a systemic lupus erythematosus serum factor and isolated DNA. PMID- 13815452 TI - Anti-cytoplasmic factors in the sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and certain other diseases. PMID- 13815453 TI - Effects of environmental temperature and air volume exchange on survival of rats exposed to microwave radiation of 24,000 megacycles. PMID- 13815454 TI - Data on the timing and frequency distribution of pains in normal labour. PMID- 13815455 TI - [Asymmetry in the content of calcium in the blood as an index of interoception of the parathyroid glands]. PMID- 13815456 TI - Extracellular lipid production by a strain of Rhodotorula graminis. PMID- 13815457 TI - The effect of inhibitors on the hemagglutinating activity of polyoma virus. PMID- 13815459 TI - Catch as catch can hypnosis. PMID- 13815458 TI - Interference between polyoma and vesicular stomatitis viruses in tissue culture. PMID- 13815460 TI - Changing trends in pediatric practice. PMID- 13815461 TI - Effectiveness of community resources in helping mentally retarded children. PMID- 13815462 TI - Early medical care of delinquent children. PMID- 13815463 TI - Effect of the thyroid on butyrate oxidation in the rat heart. PMID- 13815464 TI - Chronic pulmonary suppuration. PMID- 13815465 TI - [Minor forms of hemophilia]. PMID- 13815466 TI - [Roentgenological differential diagnosis of intracavitary tumors and thrombi of the heart]. PMID- 13815467 TI - [On the problem of stenosis and stricture of the calyceal necks in chronic pyelonephritis. With an opinion on the preceding article by Dr. A. Heidenblut]. PMID- 13815468 TI - [A case of bilateral anophthalmia]. PMID- 13815469 TI - Parkinson's disease--V.A.-D.V.A. study group. Part I. Biostatistics and case reporting. PMID- 13815471 TI - The centenary of the National Hospital, Queen Square. PMID- 13815470 TI - Precordial click. PMID- 13815472 TI - The treatment of parkinonism. PMID- 13815473 TI - [Autonomy of oxygen ventilatory, carbon dioxide and neurogenic stimulus of muscular exercise]. PMID- 13815474 TI - [The regulation of ventilation during muscular exercise in man]. PMID- 13815475 TI - [The regulation of ventilation during muscular exercise in man]. PMID- 13815476 TI - The outcome of pregnancy in diabetic women. I. Fetal wastage, mortality, and morbidity in the offspring of diabetic and normal control mothers. PMID- 13815477 TI - Arhinencephaly in an infant born to a diabetic mother. PMID- 13815478 TI - Idiopathic epilepsy in early infancy. The question of frequent daily attacks causing undifferentiated type of mental deficiency. PMID- 13815479 TI - The outcome of pregnancy in diabetic women. II. Analysis of clinical abnormalities and pathologic lesions in offspring of diabetic mothers. PMID- 13815480 TI - The quantitative assay of corticotrophin using rats treated with hydrocortisone acetate. AB - An attempt has been made to modify the Sayers method for the assay of corticotrophin by substituting for hypophysectomy an injection of sufficient hydrocortisone acetate to suppress the release of endogenous pituitary corticotrophin in intact rats over the period of the assay. The results of forty such assays of subcutaneous corticotrophin seem to indicate that this procedure is about 1(1/2) to 2 times as efficient as the original method using hypophysectomized rats. For a 2 + 2 point assay it was necessary to use a minimum of twenty-four to thirty-two rats. PMID- 13815481 TI - [The residual ovary]. PMID- 13815482 TI - [On the problem of the ability of Lamblia to penetrate the tissues]. PMID- 13815483 TI - [Eradication of malaria in the Kafan region in the Armenian Republic]. PMID- 13815484 TI - Nucleic acids. Selected topics related to their enzymology and chemistry. PMID- 13815485 TI - Allergy and neurosis in asthma. PMID- 13815486 TI - Enzymic formation of glyoxylic acid from gamma-hydroxyglutamic acid. PMID- 13815487 TI - Starch-agar-gel electrophoresis of tuberculoproteins from heated culture filtrates. PMID- 13815488 TI - [A case of myoma of the jejunum]. PMID- 13815489 TI - [The connection between pain and emptying of the stomach in duodenal ulcer patients, with hydrochloric acid determination during digestion]. PMID- 13815490 TI - [The relation between pain and evacuation of the stomach in duodenal ulcer. Its therapeutic consequences]. PMID- 13815491 TI - Influence of 31-Mev x-rays on excretion of nitrogen compounds in spleen isolated from irradiated guinea pig. PMID- 13815492 TI - A controlled clinical evaluation of two new analgesics, phenazocine and phenampromid. PMID- 13815493 TI - The analgesic potency of piminodine (alvodine). PMID- 13815494 TI - [Primary observations on the changes in the latero-cervical lymph nodes of guinea pigs treated with prednisolone. (Quantitative study of desoxyribonucleic acid)]. PMID- 13815495 TI - [Histophotometric research on desoxyribonucleic acid in laryngeal epithelial neoplasms and in their lymph node metastases]. PMID- 13815496 TI - [Quantitative histochemical study on the desoxyribonucleic acid of the laryngeal epithelium in chronic aspecific laryngitis]. PMID- 13815497 TI - [On the distribution of alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity in laryngeal malignant epithelial neoplasms and in their lymph-node metastases]. PMID- 13815498 TI - [On the distribution of alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity in normal lymph nodes and in human aspecific chronic lymphadenitis]. PMID- 13815499 TI - [Some considerations on the distribution of Sudan black-B positive intracellular substances in laryngeal epitheliomas and their metastases]. PMID- 13815500 TI - [Behavior of Sudan black B-positive substances in normal latero-cervical lymph nodes and in those altered by a chronic aspecific phlogistic condition: research on rabbit and man]. PMID- 13815501 TI - [Statistical observations on the reactions of Kunkel to phenol and Burnstein to heparin in different ages of life]. PMID- 13815502 TI - [Postoperative lumbar myelography]. PMID- 13815504 TI - Adrenocortical hormone in human blood. PMID- 13815503 TI - [Cysts in the esophageal wall]. PMID- 13815505 TI - [Lymphosarcomas of the small intestine]. PMID- 13815506 TI - A simple method for preparing microscopic slides of mammalian cells grown in vitro: the cotton swab-smear technic. PMID- 13815507 TI - [Atomic exploration and diagnosis]. PMID- 13815508 TI - [Treatment with radioisotopes]. PMID- 13815509 TI - [Experience on 170 surgical cases of tympanoplasty. Technic and results]. PMID- 13815510 TI - [On 130 more cases of tympanoplasty]. PMID- 13815511 TI - [A case of supraglottic cancer in woman]. PMID- 13815512 TI - [More on supraglottic laryngectomy]. PMID- 13815514 TI - [Current status of the surgical treatment of laryngeal cancer in Spain]. PMID- 13815513 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the laryngeal vestibule]. PMID- 13815515 TI - [On mental disorders in primary muscular dystrophy (psycho-experimental study)]. PMID- 13815516 TI - [Lipoid and treponemal serology in experimental syphilide of the rabbit subjected to chemo-antibiotic treatment and persistence of the infection]. PMID- 13815517 TI - [Piliferous productions in legal medicine]. PMID- 13815518 TI - [Increase of the size of the parotid glands in Paget's bone disease]. PMID- 13815519 TI - [On surgery of the adrenal glands. II]. PMID- 13815520 TI - Some observations in bronchoscopy in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13815521 TI - On increasing the velocity of a nerve impulse. PMID- 13815522 TI - The mode of action of carisoprodol. PMID- 13815523 TI - [Research on the distribution of alkaline phosphatases in blood protein fractions separated by means of continuous electrophoresis]. PMID- 13815524 TI - [Large doses of vitamin E as a factor in mental improvement. Mental recovery of defective children]. PMID- 13815525 TI - [Fractures of the zygomatic bone]. PMID- 13815527 TI - Infant feeding in the Philippines. PMID- 13815526 TI - [Variations of composition of the fatty liver due to chemical poisons. Criteria for correct evaluation of experimental data]. PMID- 13815528 TI - [Endourethral instillations of oxytetracycline in the treatment of non-specific chronic prostatovesiculitis. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13815529 TI - [Non-surgical epididymo-testicular pain. Classification]. PMID- 13815530 TI - [Exeresis in pulmonary tuberculosis. II. Upper right lobectomy]. PMID- 13815531 TI - [Quantitative determination of blood estrogens in apparently healthy women]. PMID- 13815532 TI - [Analytical study of the cases of bone lesions seen in the Hospital Curie from 1944 to 1953, inclusive]. PMID- 13815533 TI - [Contribution to immediate plastic repair in resection of tumors of the face]. PMID- 13815534 TI - [Science and humanism in medicine]. PMID- 13815535 TI - [Dermatomyositis-calcinosis]. PMID- 13815537 TI - The treatment of carcinoma of the lowr lip. PMID- 13815536 TI - [Cervical gas myelography. Method and attempted interpretation: apropos of 40 cases]. PMID- 13815538 TI - [The behavior of serum copper in various diseases]. PMID- 13815539 TI - [Clinicometabolic observations in patients with liver diseases treated with orotic acid]. PMID- 13815540 TI - [Chronic glomerulonephritis and pregnancy. Personal experience]. PMID- 13815542 TI - [Pyelonephritis and pregnancy. Personal experience]. PMID- 13815541 TI - [Essential arterial hypertension (primary hypertension) and pregnancy. Personal experience]. PMID- 13815543 TI - [Appendicular acute abdomen in pregnancy]. PMID- 13815544 TI - Right bundle branch block with right ventricular hypertrophy. PMID- 13815545 TI - [The bronchial circulation in bronchi in drainage of caverns treated with intracavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13815546 TI - [Value and significance of systematic repetition of schermographic observations]. PMID- 13815547 TI - [Chronic lead poisoning]. PMID- 13815548 TI - Depressing activity of meprobamate on the reticulo-endothelial system. PMID- 13815549 TI - [On the problem of chemical asymmetry of the subcortical nodes and cortex of the cerebral hemispheres in man]. PMID- 13815550 TI - [The problem of the placement of ill and healthy elderly persons in the canton of Vaud]. PMID- 13815551 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of common respiratory diseases by means of bacteriophages]. PMID- 13815552 TI - [Two cases of reticulosarcoma of the esophagus]. PMID- 13815553 TI - [Apropos of 2 cases of extensive carotid thromboses. The limits of surgical possibilities]. PMID- 13815554 TI - [Apropos of 100 recent mitral commissurotomies]. PMID- 13815555 TI - Prolonged administration studies with chlorpropamide. PMID- 13815556 TI - Toxicology of nialamide, a new psychotherapeutic agent. PMID- 13815557 TI - [The hepatoscintillogram after injection with denatured human albumin labeled with I 131]. PMID- 13815558 TI - [The rehabilitation of cardiac patients to work]. PMID- 13815559 TI - Clinical pathological conference. PMID- 13815560 TI - Pelvic floor repair under lumbar epidural analgesia and promazine (sparine). PMID- 13815562 TI - [On the therapy of peripheral nerve injuries]. PMID- 13815561 TI - FERRARA RJ, ROBARGE I: Treatment of acne vulgaris with polythionates incorporated in a vanishing cream. PMID- 13815563 TI - [Our patients with sickle cell anemia and their future]. PMID- 13815564 TI - [Comparative study of edemas in 796 cases of phlebitis treated with heparin or dicumarol and in 151 cases of phlebitis not treated with anticoagulants]. PMID- 13815565 TI - [Rickettsioses and cardiovascular diseases. Apropos of 13 cases, of which 12 were heart diseases]. PMID- 13815566 TI - Juvenile hemangio-endothelioma: report of a case. PMID- 13815567 TI - Influence of alphaprodine hydrochloride on intravenous barbiturate induction dosage. PMID- 13815568 TI - [Anatomoclinical study of the sympathoma. Presentation of 30 cases. 4 of them cured]. PMID- 13815569 TI - Social therapeutics in geriatric medicine. PMID- 13815570 TI - [Therapy of coli bacillus meningitis of a newborn infant with colimycin]. PMID- 13815571 TI - [Pulmonary manifestations of mucoviscidosis in the infant]. PMID- 13815572 TI - [A method of accelerated analgesic labor]. PMID- 13815573 TI - [Contribution to the anatomopathological study of senescence: anatomical study of two subjects over 100 years old]. PMID- 13815574 TI - [Rhabdopoietic sarcoma with alveolar structure. Study of an anatomical case]. PMID- 13815576 TI - [Experimental burns of the cheek pouch of the golden hamster. Study of the vascular modifications]. PMID- 13815575 TI - [Ectopias of the gastric mucosa at the level of the small intestine during ulcers of the small intestine and Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13815577 TI - [Experimental burns of the cheek pouches in the golden hamster: study of the vascular changes]. PMID- 13815578 TI - [On the circulatory changes observed after experimental burns]. PMID- 13815579 TI - [Pathological anatomy of pachypleuritis]. PMID- 13815580 TI - [Intrathoracic respiratory localization of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13815581 TI - The free cancer cell. PMID- 13815582 TI - [The electroencephalogram in the course of hypocalcemia in the infant. (Apropos of 118 cases)]. PMID- 13815583 TI - [Electroencephalographic study of hypocalcemia in infants (118 cases)]. PMID- 13815584 TI - [Resumption of work by patients having suffered a myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13815585 TI - [Study of 60 cases of syphilitic aortosigmoiditis observed in a 12-year period]. PMID- 13815586 TI - [The occlusion of the subarcuate fossa]. PMID- 13815587 TI - [Inhibition of the respiratory metabolism of various bacteria by a polypeptide of tissular origin]. PMID- 13815588 TI - [Nucleoagglutinins. I. Serum nucleoagglutinis]. PMID- 13815589 TI - [Nucleoagglutinins. II. Tissular nucleoagglutinins]. PMID- 13815590 TI - [Chemical mediators of inflammatory reactions]. PMID- 13815591 TI - [De senectute 1960]. PMID- 13815592 TI - [Kinetics of the inflammatory reaction]. PMID- 13815593 TI - [The concept of antibodies]. PMID- 13815594 TI - [New research by chromatography on a case of amphidiploidy in Brassica]. PMID- 13815595 TI - [Demonstration of a new factor intervening in the phosphoroclastic reaction of Clostridium saccharobutyricum]. PMID- 13815596 TI - [Spectrophotometric determination of the ratio of albumins to globulins in the blood]. PMID- 13815597 TI - Postcesarean hysterectomy for hemorrhage due to placenta accreta associated with placenta previa. Report of a case. PMID- 13815598 TI - Secondary failure of response to tolbutamide treatment. PMID- 13815599 TI - [Alcoholic psychoses. Alcoholic general pseudo-paralysis and cortico-callous lesions]. PMID- 13815600 TI - [Necrosis of the Marchiafava-Bignami corpus callosum and Morel's cortical laminar sclerosis]. PMID- 13815601 TI - [Relation between Marchiafava-Bignami degeneration of the corpus callosum and Morel's cortical laminar sclerosis (apropos of 5 anatomo-clinical case reports)]. PMID- 13815602 TI - [The familial environment of schizophrenics. 2. Methods of approach]. PMID- 13815603 TI - [Neurological syndromes induced by neuroleptics]. PMID- 13815604 TI - Efficacy of tofranil in the treatment of various types of depression: a comparison with other antidepressant drugs. PMID- 13815605 TI - [Psylocybin. Psychological and therapeutic actions]. PMID- 13815606 TI - [A non-phenothiazine and non-reserpine major neuroleptic, haloperidol, in the treatment of psychoses]. PMID- 13815607 TI - [Haloperidol and chemotherapy of psychoses]. PMID- 13815608 TI - [The action of haloperidol in psychoses]. PMID- 13815609 TI - [Therapeutic effect of psilocybin on convulsive neurosis]. PMID- 13815610 TI - [Psylocybin. History Pharmacophysiology. Clinical aspects]. PMID- 13815611 TI - [Psychometric study of the effects of amobarbital (amytal) and chlorpromazine on normal subjects]. PMID- 13815612 TI - [Study of paroxysmal elements appearing during intermittent photic stimulation]. PMID- 13815613 TI - [Prolonged insulin coma; therapeutic effect of ANP-235]. PMID- 13815614 TI - [Narcissistic neurosis and artistic production (anxiety, painting and sexulaity)]. PMID- 13815615 TI - [Jean Lhermitte (1877-1959)]. PMID- 13815616 TI - [Serial aorto-arteriography. Presentation of a method of examination of the vascular system]. PMID- 13815617 TI - [Apropos of the report of Galmiche and Roy on zoxazolamine. Value of uricosuric agents of the chloroaminobenzoxazol series]. PMID- 13815618 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfonylureas]. PMID- 13815619 TI - [Use of a new anabolic agent (methandrostendone) in chronic renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13815620 TI - [Osteotomy in osteoarthritis of the hip]. PMID- 13815621 TI - [Clinical extrapolations of biological statistics. 1. Results of an inquiry into cholesterolemia]. PMID- 13815622 TI - [The problem of quarters for the personnel in the departmental psychiatric hospital of Ravenel (Vosges)]. PMID- 13815623 TI - [On the results of prostatectomy in 104 patients presenting with various cardiovascular diseases in addition to the prostate hypertrophy]. PMID- 13815624 TI - The fibrinolytic system and use of fibrinolysin in myocardial infarction; preliminary report. PMID- 13815625 TI - Urinary osmolar concentration: a means of evaluating early renal function changes in essential hypertension. PMID- 13815626 TI - Ileo-urethroplastica perinealis. PMID- 13815627 TI - Possible reasons for drop of resting potential of mammalian heart preparations during hypothermia. PMID- 13815628 TI - [Fatal methemoglobinemia due to nitratecontaining mineral water]. PMID- 13815629 TI - [Treatment of malignant lymphomas]. PMID- 13815630 TI - [A case of placenta accreta: etiological and pathogenic considerations]. PMID- 13815631 TI - Chorionic gonadotrophin determinations in patients with hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. PMID- 13815632 TI - [Indirect injury of the vagina and sterility]. PMID- 13815633 TI - [Action of vitamin B6 (pyridoxol) on the isolated frog heart]. PMID- 13815634 TI - [Pharmacodynamic research on S-methylisothiouronium sulfate]. PMID- 13815635 TI - [Use of chlorothiazide in the treatment of toxemia of pregnancy]. PMID- 13815636 TI - Effect of ampheniodone on the brain of the conscious monkey. PMID- 13815638 TI - Circulatory effects of cortical stimulation. PMID- 13815637 TI - Cardiovascular phenomena during seizure activity. PMID- 13815639 TI - Electronic command of movement and behavior. PMID- 13815640 TI - Emotional behavior in animals and humans. PMID- 13815641 TI - [The urocytogram in obstetrics]. PMID- 13815642 TI - [Retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma]. PMID- 13815643 TI - [Influence of dessicated thyroid on the tonus and peristaltism of the upper urinary tract in primary myxedema. (Apropos of 2 cases)]. PMID- 13815644 TI - Research on the thermal conductivity and diathermancy of albino rat skin Final Report. PMID- 13815645 TI - [Behavior of the rectus abdominis muscles during movements of forced expiration. Electromyographic study]. PMID- 13815646 TI - [Influence of the expiratory muscles in the limitation of inspiration. (Electromyographic studies in man)]. PMID- 13815647 TI - [Influence of the expiratory muscles in the limitation of the inspiration. (Electromyographic study in man)]. PMID- 13815648 TI - [An observation of Jean Cruveilhier]. PMID- 13815649 TI - Effects of azaserine on Azotobacter agilis. PMID- 13815650 TI - Case for diagnosis. PMID- 13815651 TI - [Alcoholism and work and traffic accidents]. PMID- 13815652 TI - [Mechanical artificial respiration with the "R.P.R." apparatus in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13815653 TI - [Experimental and clinical study of the analgesic effects of N-allyl-normorphine (nalorphine) administered rectally]. PMID- 13815654 TI - [Importance of pyrrolamidol in anesthesiology; its application in surgery of the head (neurosurgery, O.R.L., ophthalmological, stomatological, plastic and esthetic facial surgery)]. PMID- 13815656 TI - [Data on the receptors of irradiated areas of the human body during radiotherapy]. PMID- 13815655 TI - [Medicinal treatment of urinary incontinence with vitamin E]. PMID- 13815657 TI - [Studies on the reception in the irradiated body segments in experimental conditions in animals]. PMID- 13815658 TI - [On the treatment of rheumatic valvular diseases of the heart by carbon dioxide thermal baths and the prescribed treatment of heart patients in general]. PMID- 13815659 TI - [Hypertrophy of the prostate and disease of the cardiovascular system. (Results of 104 prostatectomies)]. PMID- 13815660 TI - [Steroid anesthesia in cesarean section]. PMID- 13815661 TI - [Epilepsy and neurosis: EEG problem]. PMID- 13815662 TI - [Epidemic influenza in its clinico-biologic aspects]. PMID- 13815663 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on associated icterus and diabetes]. PMID- 13815664 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages with low incidence]. PMID- 13815665 TI - [The heart in myopathies]. PMID- 13815666 TI - [Saddle block anesthesia (its indications in urology)]. PMID- 13815667 TI - [Remkv's conjuctival test in ocular diseases of suspected focal origin]. PMID- 13815668 TI - [Pharmacological properties of glutathione adenylate]. PMID- 13815670 TI - [On the relationship between the structure and pharmacological properties of certain derivatives of polymethylene-bis-dimethylsulfonium]. PMID- 13815669 TI - [Observations on posttraumatic parkinsonism]. PMID- 13815671 TI - [Protective action of pentaerythritol on the picture of fatty degeneration of the liver: comparative study]. PMID- 13815672 TI - [Influence of a complex salt of cobalt on peripheral cholinergic synapses]. PMID- 13815673 TI - [Pharmacological properties of a new synthetic derivative with central depressive activity: 2,2-bis(chloromethyl)-1,3-propanediol (dispranol)]. PMID- 13815674 TI - [Sympathetic mediation and tachyphylaxis to sympathomimetics]. PMID- 13815675 TI - [Tetraethylammonium and neuromuscular transmission]. PMID- 13815677 TI - [Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) and the glutamic acid decarboxylase in the brain]. PMID- 13815676 TI - [Anti-toxic action of glutamic acid, of vitamin B6 and of a combination of glutamic acid and vitamin B6 against the convulsant action and the lethal effects induced by isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) in the rat]. PMID- 13815678 TI - [Synthesis of urea from carbamylaspartic acid and ornithine and from citrulline and aspartic acid in the presence of rat liver slices and homogenates]. PMID- 13815679 TI - [Clinical considerations on the fate of infants born of tuberculotic mothers]. PMID- 13815680 TI - [The combination of trypsin, chymotrypsin and ribonuclease in therapy of inflammatory gynecological diseases]. PMID- 13815681 TI - [Presence of an anticoagulant in the blood of a lupus erythematosus patient]. PMID- 13815682 TI - [Attempts with psychotherapy in schizophrenics]. PMID- 13815683 TI - [Introduction to the specific psychopathology of adolescence]. PMID- 13815684 TI - Evaluation of anterior and posterior trabeculodialysis. PMID- 13815685 TI - [Intravenous perfusion of oxytocics in breech presentation]. PMID- 13815686 TI - Red blood cell volume and distribution before and after bleed-out in the rat. PMID- 13815687 TI - [Our orientation in the operative method of correction of urinary incontinence in women]. PMID- 13815688 TI - [Male or female? Vexing question for the obstetrician]. PMID- 13815689 TI - [Prevention of fetal and neonatal infection]. PMID- 13815690 TI - [Study of the nucleus in diagnosis of the cancerous cell]. PMID- 13815691 TI - [The determination of sex and its anomalies]. PMID- 13815692 TI - [The new progestinics in the treatment of menstrual anomalies of excess]. PMID- 13815693 TI - A clinical review of chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13815694 TI - Pain as a manifestation of acute anterior-spinal-artery thrombosis. PMID- 13815695 TI - [Contribution to the recognition of the hypothalamus-hypophysis system in cattle. Part II. Morphological studies on the hypothalamus-posterior lobe system]. PMID- 13815696 TI - [Studies on the morphology and origin of special nervous structures in the neurohypophysis of cattle and their significance as the site for the formation of neurosecretion]. PMID- 13815697 TI - [Multiple sclerosis and experimental encephalomyelitis. Present status of the problem]. PMID- 13815698 TI - [5-hydroxytryptamine in peripheral arteriopathies]. PMID- 13815699 TI - [Functional value of certain vertebra in posture]. PMID- 13815700 TI - [The hypotonic and akinetic effects of serotonin in man]. PMID- 13815701 TI - [Action of injection of toxohormonal extracts on the growth and evolution of transplantable animal tumors]. PMID- 13815702 TI - [The chemotherapy of cancers and cyclophosphamide, B-518]. PMID- 13815703 TI - [Reversal of the inhibition of the bactericidal and fungicidal action of phenylmercuric borate and sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate in thioglycolate media by means of sodium laurylsulfate and sodium tetradecylsulfate]. PMID- 13815704 TI - [Bactericidal properties of anionic detergents]. PMID- 13815705 TI - [A new test of virulence for Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus (golden Staphylococcus): study of the lipolytic activity by the Sierra method]. PMID- 13815706 TI - [Use of detergent mixtures. Vital stains for direct bacteriological examination in dermatology]. PMID- 13815707 TI - [Notes on some attempts at the drying and the preservation of papaya latex]. PMID- 13815708 TI - [Comparative bacteriological and animal experimental studies on ristocetin ("spontin") and ilotycin ("erythrocin")]. PMID- 13815709 TI - [Test preparation DZ a new skin disinfectant in surgery and general practice]. PMID- 13815711 TI - [Character of the tissue reactions in rabbits in the course of experimental tuberculosis treated with ACTH under cover of antitubercular drugs]. PMID- 13815710 TI - [On the effect on lactation and the bacteriostatic effect of some new sulfonamides]. PMID- 13815712 TI - [Virulence of INH-resistant bacilli]. PMID- 13815714 TI - Carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13815713 TI - [Rate of the appearance of resistance in tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13815715 TI - [Thoraco-abdominal wounds]. PMID- 13815716 TI - [Wounds of the colon in military surgery. (Apropos of 234 cases)]. PMID- 13815717 TI - [Purpura fulminans and cortisone]. PMID- 13815718 TI - [A case of gargoylism in a 3-year-old Moroccan child]. PMID- 13815719 TI - Duodenal ulcer: some observations on pathogenesis. PMID- 13815720 TI - Newer concepts in the medical treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13815721 TI - [Diplopia and television]. PMID- 13815722 TI - [Longevity and ancestry]. PMID- 13815723 TI - [Climatotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13815724 TI - [Results of thermal cures in intestinal diseases]. PMID- 13815725 TI - [Apropos of a case of meningitis due to Listeria monocytogenes in an 81 year old woman]. PMID- 13815726 TI - [Health education of the population. Trends and needs of health education]. PMID- 13815727 TI - [Problems posed by diseases of long duration in elderly persons]. PMID- 13815728 TI - Comparative chemotherapeutic studies with the newer sulfonamides. PMID- 13815729 TI - [Apropos of a synovial sarcoma]. PMID- 13815730 TI - [Apropos of surgical technic in intracranial arterial aneurysms]. PMID- 13815731 TI - [Primary hyperaldosteronism. A review of the medical literature from 1995 to June 1958]. PMID- 13815732 TI - [Clinical evaluation of dexamethasone]. PMID- 13815733 TI - Primary aldosteronism. A review of medical literature from 1955 to June 1958. PMID- 13815734 TI - [Primary hyperaldosteronism. A review of the medical literature from 1995 to June 1958]. PMID- 13815735 TI - [On the sasonal variations of sexual activity of shrews]. PMID- 13815736 TI - [Action of catecholamines and corticostimulin on growth in the mouse]. PMID- 13815737 TI - [Corticostimulin and the adrenal zone X]. PMID- 13815738 TI - [On the adrenalin regulation of the corticotropic function of the pituitary. Action of adrenalin, noradrenalin, corticotropin and their combinations on the adrenal of the young mouse]. PMID- 13815739 TI - [On the mechanisms regulating the adrenal zone X of the mouse. Role of corticostimulin]. PMID- 13815740 TI - [Relation of the development of the X zone, the adrenal catecholamine content and the volume of the adrenal medulla and cortex in the mouse]. PMID- 13815741 TI - [Endocrine disorders in thiamine deficiency. Protective role of ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13815742 TI - [Effect of afferent impulses from the receptors of internal organs on the bioelectric activity in the nuclei of the thalamic region of the brain]. PMID- 13815743 TI - [Remote results of the treatment of stenosing chronic regional enteritis (Crohn type) and of its complications by extensive resection]. PMID- 13815744 TI - [Achalasia of the cardia experimentally produced in the cat by chemical destruction of Auerbach's plexus]. PMID- 13815746 TI - [On the legal admissability of graphological expert testimony]. PMID- 13815747 TI - Physical signs of cirrhosis. PMID- 13815745 TI - [Exeresis of the duodenal mucosa and catheter duodenostomy in cases of difficult or hazardous closure of the duodenal stump]. PMID- 13815748 TI - Post graduate medicine: a report of the Department of Postgraduate Medical Education. PMID- 13815750 TI - [Physical considerations of endoroentgenotherapy]. PMID- 13815749 TI - [Comparative action of mescaline, LSD 25 and yageine on the central temperature of the rat]. PMID- 13815751 TI - [Contribution to the anatomopathological diagnosis of pulmonary tumors when biopsy proved to be impossible]. PMID- 13815752 TI - [The transurethral approach in treatment of prostatic adenoma]. PMID- 13815753 TI - [Chromatographic spectra of poliomyelitis viruses: characterization of the strains]. PMID- 13815754 TI - [Experimental vitellogenesis of young Batrachia, tadpoles or in metamorphosis]. PMID- 13815755 TI - [The action of the gonadotropic hormone on the gonads of very young tadpoles of Alytes obstetricans Laur]. PMID- 13815756 TI - Urolithiasis in children: report of three cases and review of the literature. PMID- 13815757 TI - Erythromycin propionate ointment in the treatment of cutaneous bacterial infections in children. PMID- 13815758 TI - [Dolichostenomelia with Crouzon's disease. Rapidly fatal course]. PMID- 13815759 TI - [Intolerance to cow's milk. Current perspectives]. PMID- 13815760 TI - [Congenital cataracts and abnormalities of the anterior segment in students of classes of amblyopes in Paris]. PMID- 13815762 TI - Vitamin D and the structure of kidney mitochondria. PMID- 13815761 TI - [Determination of carnitine in biological milieu]. PMID- 13815763 TI - Synthetic detergents in well water. PMID- 13815764 TI - A new method for performance of total and differential cell counts in cerebrospinal and serous fluid. PMID- 13815765 TI - [The latest developments in urinary plastic surgery]. PMID- 13815766 TI - [Functional respiratory retraining]. PMID- 13815767 TI - [On the rehabilitation of tuberculous subjects in France]. PMID- 13815769 TI - [Anal pruritus]. PMID- 13815768 TI - [Contribution to the clinico-therapeutic study of forms of "pseudotumoral encephalitis"]. PMID- 13815770 TI - [Comments on venereal diseases. I. Current aspect of syphilis in France]. PMID- 13815771 TI - [Treatment of verruca plana]. PMID- 13815772 TI - [Intraosseous fixation of a 3-flanged nail in trans- and intertrochanteric fractures of the hip]. PMID- 13815773 TI - [Comparative evaluation of certain methods of the introduction of a 3-blade nail in medial fractures of the femoral neck]. PMID- 13815774 TI - [Diabetic retinopathy]. PMID- 13815775 TI - Role of fatty acids in the growth stimulation of Sarcina species by vitamin-free casein digests. PMID- 13815776 TI - 'Iron transport' compounds as growth stimulators for Microbacterium sp. PMID- 13815777 TI - The mechanism of penicillin biosynthesis. PMID- 13815778 TI - [Use of erythrocytes labeled with chromium 51 for study of blood volume and its variations]. PMID- 13815780 TI - [Familial hemorrhagic angiomatosis or Rendu-Osler disease]. PMID- 13815779 TI - [Clinical study of a new diuretic, hydrochlorithiazide: modification of water and electrolyte balance in patients with and without edema]. PMID- 13815781 TI - [The myelogram]. PMID- 13815782 TI - [Celebrated physicians of antiquity]. PMID- 13815783 TI - [Less frequent complications of Salmonella infections with special reference to their course in childhood]. PMID- 13815784 TI - [Typhus abdominalis in infancy and early childhood]. PMID- 13815785 TI - [Role of Salmonella infections in diarrhea in infants]. PMID- 13815786 TI - [Some considerations on the place of immunology in human African trypanosomiasis]. PMID- 13815787 TI - [Multiplications of the agents of human African trypanosomiasis in tissue culture]. PMID- 13815789 TI - [Apropos of full-time work in hospitals of the 2nd category]. PMID- 13815788 TI - [Multiplication of human African trypanosomes in tissue culture]. PMID- 13815790 TI - Effect of liver on changes in renal dynamics caused by lysed red blood cells. PMID- 13815792 TI - [Note concerning the use of a new neuroplegic agent, Ro 4-0403, in character disorders of epileptics]. PMID- 13815791 TI - [Non-parasitic liver cyst with rapid development]. PMID- 13815793 TI - [Particular effect of RP-7843 (majeptil) in hebephreniacs: existence of a hallucinatory and deliriant activity not exteriorized until then]. PMID- 13815794 TI - Spontaneous alteration after free and forced trials. PMID- 13815795 TI - Replication report: alteration following exposure without choice. PMID- 13815796 TI - [Oxyhemometry in the practical work of the physician]. PMID- 13815797 TI - [On new hemostatic suppositories]. PMID- 13815798 TI - [Necrosis and necrosis therapy in peripheral circulation disorders]. PMID- 13815799 TI - [Fractionated interstitial fluid studies according to Bartelheimer in changing negative pressure and venous stasis]. PMID- 13815800 TI - [Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13815801 TI - [The treatment of dyspepsia in the infant by colimycin]. PMID- 13815802 TI - [Some important biochemical effects of x-rays]. PMID- 13815803 TI - [Virological studies in pleurodynia (Bornholm's disease) during an epidemic observed in Hungary in 1958 and during an outbreak of myocarditis in newborn infants]. PMID- 13815804 TI - [Gastrostomy with an isolated jejunal loop]. PMID- 13815805 TI - The effect of dream deprivation. PMID- 13815806 TI - [On the problem of clinical aspects of occupational complications caused by aminazin]. PMID- 13815807 TI - [On the diagnosis of thrombosis of the coronary arteries in examination of cadavers]. PMID- 13815808 TI - The controversial palmar flap in the reconstruction of fingertips. PMID- 13815809 TI - [Diagnostic pitfalls for the gynecologist]. PMID- 13815810 TI - Experimental and clinical application of a pump for partial and total aortic bypass. PMID- 13815811 TI - A study of cerebral dysfunctions in relation to age and to endocrine syndromes. PMID- 13815812 TI - [The cell picture of cantharides blisters in children and its significance]. PMID- 13815813 TI - [Cholerosis, choleretics, and liver and bile duct diseases]. PMID- 13815814 TI - [Paper-electrophoresis of proteins in hepatobiliary diseases. Comments on 1847 examinations, with a note on gel-electrophoresis]. PMID- 13815815 TI - [The value of enzymo-electrophoresis of the dehydrogenase of lactic acid in hepatology]. PMID- 13815816 TI - [Clinical observations concerning the use of a chloramphenicol-tetracycline combination]. PMID- 13815817 TI - [Determination of cortisol and cortisone in the urine, by means of acetic anhydride labeled with tritium]. PMID- 13815819 TI - [Peculiarities of vascular tone in arterial hypotension and hypertension]. PMID- 13815818 TI - [Effect of nicotinic acid on unconditioned reflex function of the salivary gland]. PMID- 13815821 TI - [Certain data on house fungi in the Ukrainian Republic]. PMID- 13815822 TI - [Factors determining success in the treatment of cancer of the colon and rectum]. PMID- 13815820 TI - [Changes in nucleoprotein metabolism in the liver and kidneys in rats following combined injuries of the organsm]. PMID- 13815823 TI - [On the preservations of Salmonella after passage of H antigen to the uniphasic state]. PMID- 13815824 TI - [Leishmaniasis in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13815825 TI - [Contribution to the study of the influence of the nyctohemeral environment of the host on the multiplication of Plasmodium relictum]. PMID- 13815827 TI - Asymptomatic appendicitis. PMID- 13815826 TI - [Study of the deoxyribonucleic acid content of prehypophysial cells in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13815828 TI - Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. PMID- 13815829 TI - [Etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations and therapy of the disease apropos of a case of megaloblastic anemia]. PMID- 13815830 TI - [A case of spontaneous rupture of the spleen]. PMID- 13815831 TI - [Statistics on hydatid cysts of the liver]. PMID- 13815832 TI - The effects of griseofulvin on epithelial cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13815833 TI - A study of the cutaneous effects of serotonin. PMID- 13815835 TI - [Therapy of the sprue syndrome]. PMID- 13815834 TI - Tritium-labeling of griseofulvin. PMID- 13815836 TI - [Intestinal and portal vein circulation in man under the influence of conservative therapy]. PMID- 13815838 TI - [Studies on the therapeutic modification of intestinal and portal vein circulation in man]. PMID- 13815837 TI - [On the effect of hot cataplasms and bed rest on the blood supply of the human liver from a therapeutic point of view]. PMID- 13815839 TI - [The Zollinger-Ellison syndrome]. PMID- 13815840 TI - [Therapeutic progress in the sphere of digestive diseases]. PMID- 13815841 TI - [Therapy of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13815842 TI - [Therapy of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13815843 TI - [Therapy of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13815844 TI - Therapy of chronic pancreatitis and of excretory pancreas insufficiency PMID- 13815845 TI - [Therapy of esophageal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13815846 TI - [Cerebrospinal fluid withdrawal and intrathecal therapy in head injuries and their sequelae]. PMID- 13815847 TI - [In memoriam Max Nonne]. PMID- 13815848 TI - [Resection or gastroenterostomy?]. PMID- 13815849 TI - [Anabolism and metabolic effects during treatment with nor-androstenolone phenyl propionate]. PMID- 13815851 TI - [In search of a good test for normality]. PMID- 13815850 TI - [Changes in the menstrual cycle by the use of oral gestagenic drugs]. PMID- 13815852 TI - [Rectosigmoid cystic pneumatosis in the adult]. PMID- 13815853 TI - [Does gastric ulcer develop into cancer? How recognize it]. PMID- 13815854 TI - [Recovery of a rectal cancer by contact radiotherapy]. PMID- 13815855 TI - [Cancer of the colon. Clinical diagnosis (rectum excluded)]. PMID- 13815856 TI - [Dietetic indications in chronic diarrhea in the adult]. PMID- 13815857 TI - [Is it necessary to operate in hiatal hernia? Surgical indications and medical therapy]. PMID- 13815858 TI - [Ulcerous disease of the duodenum without ulcer lesion]. PMID- 13815859 TI - [Immediate and late results of high protein diets in hepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13815860 TI - [Anabolic and metabolic effects during nor-androstenolone phenylpropionate (NAPP) therapy]. PMID- 13815861 TI - [Recent data on myopathy]. PMID- 13815862 TI - Incorporation of C14-labeled substrates into violacein. PMID- 13815863 TI - Physiological aspects of violacein biosynthesis in nonproliferating cells. PMID- 13815864 TI - Entoptic scatter as a function of wavelength. PMID- 13815865 TI - Irradiance thresholds for chorioretinal lesions. PMID- 13815866 TI - [Disco-vertebral necrosis following aortography]. PMID- 13815867 TI - [Necrosis of intervertebral disks and vertebrae after aortography]. PMID- 13815868 TI - [Physical study of iodized contrast media]. PMID- 13815869 TI - Urinary oxalate excretion. PMID- 13815870 TI - A study of presynaptic slow potentials in virus-infected sympathetic ganglia of the rat. PMID- 13815871 TI - Patterns of vascular channels in the cortex of the human mandible. PMID- 13815872 TI - The anthropometry of the manual work space for the seated subject. PMID- 13815873 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the normal colon. PMID- 13815874 TI - Factors influencing bone density. PMID- 13815875 TI - The syndrome of complete interruption of the corticospinal tract in the brainstem of man: a case report and comparison with the effects of pyramidotomy in the monkey. PMID- 13815876 TI - The number of axons in the right and left medullary pyramids of Macaca rhesus and the ratio of axons to myelin sheaths. PMID- 13815877 TI - [Primary cerebral reticuloendotheliosis (so-called granulomatous encephalitis) and infundibulo-tuberal granuloma]. PMID- 13815878 TI - [Acid-soluble nucleotides in milk of ewe, cow, goat and sow]. PMID- 13815879 TI - Physiological mechanisms concerned in the maintenance of lactation in the goat and sheep. PMID- 13815880 TI - [The role of innervation of the mammary gland in the maintenance of lactation]. PMID- 13815881 TI - Problems in evaluation of R-1625. PMID- 13815882 TI - Report on a phenothiazine of high clinical potency. PMID- 13815883 TI - Rapid intensive treatment of impending relapse. PMID- 13815884 TI - Industrial workshop for psychiatric patients. PMID- 13815885 TI - Work therapy for psychiatric patients. PMID- 13815886 TI - Consumer protection in foodstuffs: the manufacturer's viewpoint. PMID- 13815887 TI - The incidence of syphilitic infection in individuals aged 65 and 70 years in Bornholm demonstrated by history and by clinical and serological examination. PMID- 13815888 TI - Paper electrophoretic investigation of protein bound lipids in cerebrospinal fluid. A preliminary report. PMID- 13815889 TI - An investigation of the PTC taste character in monochorionic twin pairs. PMID- 13815890 TI - Closed head injury in twins. Neurologic, psychometric, and psychiatric follow-up study of consecutive cases, using co-twins as controls. PMID- 13815891 TI - Use of twins for clinical research. PMID- 13815892 TI - [Air requirement in tracheal compression caused by staged spasms in the area of the upper esophagus]. PMID- 13815893 TI - [On late complications, for the most part life-threatening, in patients with difficult decannulation after tracheotomy]. PMID- 13815894 TI - Critical periods for the effects of infantile experience on adult learning. AB - Mice were shocked with 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 ma of current at 2 to 3, 8 to 9, or 15 to 16 days. Handled, nonshocked and nonhandled controls were also used. In adulthood each group was split into thirds and taught an avoidance response under shock of 0.3, 0.5, or 0.7 ma. The amount of shock given during infancy and adulthood, and the age at which shock occurred, were all found to have significant effects upon learning. PMID- 13815895 TI - Effects of differential infantile handling upon weight gain and mortality in the rat and mouse. AB - Animals were handled during ages 1 to 10, 11 to 20, or 1 to 20 days, or were nonhandled controls. Animals handled for 20 days weighed the most in adulthood, while the controls weighed the least. Animals handled on days 1 to 10 survived food and water deprivation the longest of any group. Mice handled for 20 days died earlier than controls, while the reverse was true for the rat. PMID- 13815896 TI - Supplementary report: the Yerkes-Dodson law and shift in task difficulty. PMID- 13815897 TI - Effects of chlorpromazine on acquisition and extinction of a conditioned response in mice. PMID- 13815898 TI - The relationship between a measure of kinesthesis and two indices of adjustment. PMID- 13815899 TI - Effect of nitroacridine 3663 on synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid and multiplication of T2 phage. PMID- 13815900 TI - [On the vaginal presence of Trichomonas]. PMID- 13815901 TI - [Our experience with cardiac catheterization in congenital and acquired cardiac defects]. PMID- 13815902 TI - Public relations and the eye. PMID- 13815903 TI - [Catecholamine excretion in infectious diseases. I]. PMID- 13815904 TI - [Studies on the intracellular localization of renin and hypertensinase activity]. PMID- 13815905 TI - [Atypical carcinoid syndrome with increased excretion of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in pancreas carcinoma]. PMID- 13815906 TI - [A contribution to the psychoendocrinology of Klinefelter's syndrome]. PMID- 13815907 TI - Therapeutic importance of extrapyramidal phenomena evoked by a new phenothiazine. PMID- 13815908 TI - The maintenance of family life in relation to children under five in the present day social structure. (b) The viewpoint of the children's officer. PMID- 13815909 TI - The management of the elderly cardiac. PMID- 13815910 TI - The resistance of the tolerant state to x-irradiation. PMID- 13815911 TI - The resistance of the tolerant state to x-irradiation. PMID- 13815912 TI - A possible basis for immunological tolerance. PMID- 13815913 TI - Spastic hemiplegia: etiology and early diagnosis. PMID- 13815914 TI - [A case of obliteration of the suprahepatic section of the inferior vena cava]. PMID- 13815915 TI - [Fatal colitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Bacillus pyocyaneus) following antibiotic treatment in a patient with sepsis caused by Streptococcus viridans]. PMID- 13815916 TI - [Electroencephalographic tracings at different sound frequencies]. PMID- 13815917 TI - The relation between the frequency of the alpha-rhythm and the speed of writing. PMID- 13815918 TI - [The new chemotherapeutic treatments of depressive states. Collaboration of specialist and practitioner]. PMID- 13815919 TI - Experimental neurological syndromes and the new drug therapies in psychiatry. PMID- 13815920 TI - Electrophoretic pattern during amphibian development. PMID- 13815921 TI - Management views financing of hospital and medical care. PMID- 13815922 TI - [Increased action of hypnotics and narcotics under the influence of central cholinolytics]. PMID- 13815923 TI - Contamination of school water supply with sludge from the septic tank: the Center Point, Alabama, incident. PMID- 13815925 TI - The sicca syndrome (Sjogren's syndrome). A study of sixteen cases. PMID- 13815924 TI - [Glycoproteins in the blood serum in rheumatic lesions of the heart]. PMID- 13815926 TI - The histopathology of delayed death in irradiated mice treated with homologous cells. PMID- 13815927 TI - The late stage of the myeloproliferative syndrome: case reports. PMID- 13815928 TI - Jaundice during treatment of myelomatosis with M & B 938. PMID- 13815929 TI - On the distribution and excretion of some I 131-labelled renal contrast media. An experimental study in cats. PMID- 13815930 TI - The radioactive hypaque renogram. Assessment of renal function with automatic external scintillation detection equipment. PMID- 13815931 TI - The radioactive hypaque renogram in acute renal obstruction. PMID- 13815932 TI - [Vocational education of handicapped adolescents and its long-term prospects]. PMID- 13815933 TI - [On the influence of carbohydrate- and protein-rich food on the growth of the ascites tumor in mice]. PMID- 13815934 TI - Zinc content of erythrocytes and leucocytes of blood of normal and leukaemic subjects. PMID- 13815935 TI - Value of added filtration in diagnostic roentgenography. PMID- 13815936 TI - [Should acute tonsillitis be treated with penicillin?]. PMID- 13815937 TI - Ulcerating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13815938 TI - D- and L-lactic acid dehydrogenases in Lactobacillus plantarum. PMID- 13815939 TI - Hydroflumethiazide: the clinical pharmacology of a new oral diuretic. PMID- 13815940 TI - Comparative studies of the effectiveness of complement obtained from different species in the alpha haemolysin test on human sera. PMID- 13815941 TI - The medical laboratory technologist. PMID- 13815942 TI - Bronchiolitis in infants; problem in practice. PMID- 13815943 TI - Congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia. PMID- 13815944 TI - Arab and United States children: some psychological comparisons. PMID- 13815945 TI - Causes of retardation among institutional children: Iran. PMID- 13815946 TI - Aortic regurgitation; multiple eponyms, physical signs and etiologies. PMID- 13815947 TI - Successful pregnancy following treatment for pelvic tuberculosis. PMID- 13815948 TI - Viruses newly isolated from the upper respiratory tract. PMID- 13815949 TI - Avoidance learning and relearning as a function of shuttlebox dimensions. AB - Rats in a low-ceiling shuttlebox initially show a lower level of learning than rats in a high-ceiling box. After an hour's interruption of conditioning the performance of animals in low-ceiling boxes improves and avoidance is slightly more efficient than in the unimproved performance of animals in high-ceiling boxes. Box height also interacts significantly with length of box. PMID- 13815950 TI - Recurrent cerebrovascular episodes. PMID- 13815951 TI - The nature of polymyositis and related muscular diseases. PMID- 13815952 TI - [Apropos of colorimetric research on "Cassia auriculata"]. PMID- 13815953 TI - [A very low-temperature (-70, -80 degrees C) refrigerator]. PMID- 13815954 TI - [Classification by clinical stages of malignant tumors of the breast]. PMID- 13815955 TI - [Classification by clinical stages in malignant tumors of the breast]. PMID- 13815956 TI - [Classification of malignant tumors of the breast according to their clinical stages]. PMID- 13815957 TI - [Clinical examination of a patient complaining about a mammary swelling]. PMID- 13815959 TI - [Inquiry on the reclassification of pulmonary tuberculotics examined at the Centre de Selection Psychotechnique de Lyon in 1953-1954]. PMID- 13815958 TI - [Clinical research and its financing]. PMID- 13815961 TI - [Physiopathological aspects of pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13815960 TI - [Circulatory and respiratory repercussions of occlusion of a pulmonary artery in man]. PMID- 13815962 TI - [Acquired hemolytic jaundice: its place in the group of hemolytic anemias]. PMID- 13815963 TI - [Drainage of the digestive tract by the transparietal route]. PMID- 13815964 TI - [Effect of Carlina bibersteinii on the resistance of white mice to radial acceleration]. PMID- 13815965 TI - Medical care plans as a source of morbidity data. The prevalence of illness and associated volume of service. PMID- 13815966 TI - Primary myoglobinuria (Meyer-Betz disease). PMID- 13815967 TI - A new salicylate therapy for the treatment of arthritic diseases. PMID- 13815968 TI - Skin changes in hypocalcaemia. PMID- 13815969 TI - Argininosuccinic aciduria. A new form of mental deficiency due to metabolic causes. PMID- 13815970 TI - Discussion on parathyroid disease. PMID- 13815971 TI - [Open fractures of the metacarpus]. PMID- 13815972 TI - Control of adrenal secretion of electrolyte-active steroids. I. PMID- 13815973 TI - Control of adrenal secretion of electrolyte-active steroids; adrenal stimulation by cross-circulation experiments in conscious sheep. PMID- 13815974 TI - The buoyancy of marine animals. PMID- 13815975 TI - The Mobile Psychiatric Clinic of the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals. PMID- 13815976 TI - Bronchial obstruction in cystic fibrosis: rheological factors. PMID- 13815977 TI - [Inhibition of the depressive actions of adrenalin, noradrenalin and nicotine on the isolated rat duodenum by various adrenolytic or sympatholytic agents]. PMID- 13815978 TI - [Role of the lungs, of the distal tubule and the bicarbonate ion in the maintenance of the electrolyte structure of the body fluids]. PMID- 13815979 TI - Chlormethazanone as a skeletal muscle relaxant. PMID- 13815980 TI - Clinical observations during the use of triflupromazine (vesprin) in mental disorders with special regard to side reactions. PMID- 13815981 TI - Production of periportal fatty infiltration of the liver in the rhesus monkey by a protein-deficient diet. PMID- 13815982 TI - [A rare type of Salmonella isolated from a sparrow in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13815983 TI - [Human anthrax and complex epizootic (cattle, swine, mink and dog)]. PMID- 13815984 TI - Spondylolysis following spinal fusion. Report of a case. PMID- 13815985 TI - [What degree of confidence can one give to laboratory methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboses?]. PMID- 13815986 TI - [Epidemiology of tetanus]. PMID- 13815987 TI - [Pseudo-rheumatismal forms of Pierre-Marie's hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy]. PMID- 13815988 TI - [Spontaneous subdural hematomas in the adult]. PMID- 13815989 TI - [Some clinical remarks on leptospirosis (L. pomona)]. PMID- 13815990 TI - The electrocardiogram and ventricular gradient in isolated congenital pulmonary stenosis. PMID- 13815991 TI - A study of the ventricular gradient in normal infants and children. PMID- 13815992 TI - The spatial vectorcardiogram and ventricular gradient in apical myocardial infarction in necropsied patients. PMID- 13815993 TI - [Biliary peritonitis without perforation: a case]. PMID- 13815994 TI - [Three cases of cutaneous radionecrosis treated surgically]. PMID- 13815995 TI - Progress in surgery for cancer of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13815996 TI - [Agar immunoelectrochromatography of human hemoglobins]. PMID- 13815997 TI - [Treatment of metastases of a chorioepithelioma of the postpartum by a synthetic antifolliculin]. PMID- 13815998 TI - [Undetected bilateral temporomandibular dislocation. Late orthopedic reduction]. PMID- 13815999 TI - The calorigenic response of cold-acclimated white rats to infused noradrenaline. PMID- 13816000 TI - Familial congenital methemoglobinemia: report of a case and family study. PMID- 13816001 TI - [Early radiological images of knee disorders]. PMID- 13816002 TI - [Intravital staining with hematoxylin in the clinical and histological diagnosis of the early stages of cancer of the cervix uteri. (Hemotoxylin test)]. PMID- 13816003 TI - [Resistance of vectors to insecticides according to data of the World Health Organization]. PMID- 13816004 TI - [Antimicrobial substances from Hypericum perforatum]. PMID- 13816005 TI - Senile purpura and liver disease: a possible relationship. PMID- 13816006 TI - Chromoblastomycosis treated by vibrapuncture injection of amphotericin B. PMID- 13816007 TI - Diffuse leprosy; case in a Louisiana Negro. PMID- 13816008 TI - [Analytic group psychotherapy in private practice]. PMID- 13816009 TI - [Prerequisites of ambulant psychoanalytic group psychotherapy]. PMID- 13816011 TI - Sampling auditory responses at the cortical level. A routine for EER-audiometric testing. PMID- 13816010 TI - [The lower sacral region in daily practice]. PMID- 13816012 TI - Sampling auditory responses at the cortical level. A routine for EER-audiometric testing. PMID- 13816013 TI - Studies in immunity to experimental staphylococcal mastitis in the goat and cow. PMID- 13816014 TI - Acute hyperparathyroidism: case report. PMID- 13816015 TI - Organization and functions of the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners. PMID- 13816016 TI - [Pyelography with percutaneous puncture]. PMID- 13816017 TI - Gelation phenomena in degraded fibrinogen and fibrin. PMID- 13816019 TI - Measurements of intensity of primary fluorescence in microbial smears. PMID- 13816018 TI - Use of 5-fluorouracil in treatment of bladder carcinomas. PMID- 13816020 TI - Rhythm and proliferation with special reference to the six day rhythm of blood leukocyte count. PMID- 13816021 TI - [Pancoast-Tobias syndrome]. PMID- 13816022 TI - [Nine arteriovenous aneurysms of the posterior fossa. Clinical and therapeutic study]. PMID- 13816023 TI - [Medullary complications of vertebral cancer of prostatic origin]. PMID- 13816024 TI - [Extrapyramidal syndrome in the course of delirium tremens. Role of reserpine. Diagnostic and therapeutic problems]. PMID- 13816025 TI - [Neurosis, obsession and psychasthenia]. PMID- 13816026 TI - [Biological aspects of influenza virus strains isolated in the R.P.R. Comparison with the strains isolated during the epidemic in February-March 1959]. PMID- 13816027 TI - [The study of tissue anti-influenza antibodies in animals apparently resistant to experimental infection]. PMID- 13816028 TI - [Virulicidal action and action on Ehrlich ascites tumor of the hydrosoluble fraction of royal jelly of the honey bee]. PMID- 13816029 TI - [The surgery of intracranial angiomas and aneurysms]. PMID- 13816030 TI - [Effect of intravenous anesthesia on arterial pressure]. PMID- 13816031 TI - [Our experiences with decurarizing effects of nivaline]. PMID- 13816032 TI - [On the response to light of certain types of Phlebotomus and their daily rhythm according to observations in the Agdamsk region of the Azerbaidzhan Republic]. PMID- 13816033 TI - Venous congestion of flaps treated by application of leeches. PMID- 13816034 TI - [Effect of the compression method on the value of terminal maximal intra-arterial pressure]. PMID- 13816035 TI - [Indirect registration of median intra-arterial pressure in a moving man]. PMID- 13816036 TI - [Sphygmography and determination of blood pressure in the central caudate artery]. PMID- 13816038 TI - [Orthodontic particularities in the treatment of harelip and cleft palate and their anatomical explanation]. PMID- 13816037 TI - [On plasma-substituting properties of aminopeptide hydrolysate in the treatment of acute massive hemorrhages in animals]. PMID- 13816039 TI - Tonography in office practice. PMID- 13816040 TI - [On sorption properties of toxins in relation to antibiotics]. PMID- 13816041 TI - [A case of free autoplasty with a "sieve" skin graft]. PMID- 13816042 TI - The bacteriological prevention of relapses and complications after a first attack of otitis media in children. PMID- 13816043 TI - Chisel techniques for stapes mobilization. PMID- 13816044 TI - The problem of loss of consciousness in flying personnel. PMID- 13816046 TI - [The lesions caused, during resuscitation maneuvers, by the needle used in making the intracardiac injection]. PMID- 13816045 TI - [Neostigmine as an abortive drug]. PMID- 13816047 TI - [Critical analysis of the value of the degree of obliteration of the cranial sutures for the determination of age, based on the examination of 480 skulls]. PMID- 13816048 TI - [Suicide by ingestion of an anticholinesterase insecticide]. PMID- 13816049 TI - [Fatal complications caused by penicillin]. PMID- 13816050 TI - [The role of emotion in the sudden death of patients with heart disease]. PMID- 13816051 TI - [Organization of the Institutes of Legal Medicine]. PMID- 13816052 TI - [Interstitial vesical pheochromocytoma]. PMID- 13816053 TI - [Medullary nailing of a low multifragmentary fracture of the femur with passage of the nail through a tuberculous osteoarthritis of the knee. Cure of the fracture and the arthritis]. PMID- 13816054 TI - [Idiopathic muscular hypertrophy of the esophagus]. PMID- 13816056 TI - [Cavernous hemangioma of the liver. Apropos of a personal case]. PMID- 13816055 TI - [Human hepatic distomatosis caused by Fasciola hepatica. Observation of a further case cured by emetine and choledochotomy]. PMID- 13816057 TI - [Two cases of intraabdominal hemangioma: liver and pancreas]. PMID- 13816058 TI - [Simultaneous use of hypothermia and extracorporeal circulation in open heart surgery]. PMID- 13816059 TI - [The medical and social aims of the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13816060 TI - [Diabetes]. PMID- 13816061 TI - [Some problems caused by the use of a new non-mercurial diuretic]. PMID- 13816062 TI - [Acute symmetrical gangrene of the extremities. Apropos of a case with temporary anuria]. PMID- 13816063 TI - [Effects of Talairach's method in a diabetic with cancer of the breast with osseous metastases]. PMID- 13816064 TI - [Chair of the Diabetes Mellitus and Nutritional Disease Medicosocial Clinic. Inaugural lecture]. PMID- 13816065 TI - [Apropos of a new uricosuric]. PMID- 13816066 TI - [On the clinical aspects and operative therapy of ventricular septal defect]. PMID- 13816067 TI - [On ventricular aneurysm or diverticulum and its surgical treatment]. PMID- 13816069 TI - The open repair of pulmonary stenosis and trilogy of Fallot during hypothermia. PMID- 13816068 TI - [On the duplication (doubling anomaly) of the duodenum]. PMID- 13816070 TI - [Experiences with by-pass heart surgery using hypothermia and extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13816071 TI - [Heart surgery in hypothermia and with the heartlung machine]. PMID- 13816072 TI - [On the operative correction of heart defects with the heart-lung machine]. PMID- 13816073 TI - [Detection of protein X-1 accompanying hemoglobin in newborn infants]. PMID- 13816074 TI - [Paper electrophoresis and electrochromatography on gelose of the lesser fractions of normal adult hemoglobin after light adsorption on amberlite]. PMID- 13816075 TI - Inferior nasal quadrantanopia in pseudotumor cerebri. PMID- 13816076 TI - Management of traumatic hyphema. PMID- 13816077 TI - [The fact of toxic risk in agriculture]. PMID- 13816078 TI - [Blood alcohol levels and their interpretation in a certain number of subjects hospitalized for traffic accidents]. PMID- 13816079 TI - Safety: a factor in functional training phases of physical therapy. PMID- 13816080 TI - [Vacuolated lymphocytes in familial amaurotic idiocy and their diagnostic significance]. PMID- 13816081 TI - [Evacuant lipiodol hysterography in fetal deaths in utero]. PMID- 13816082 TI - Streptovaricin and isoniazid in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13816083 TI - The problem of optic atrophy complicating tuberculous meningitis. PMID- 13816084 TI - Evidence for a vessel wall defect in immuno-thrombocytopenic hamsters. PMID- 13816085 TI - Effect of griseofulvin on Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton violaceum infections. Clinicomycological correlation of the mode of action in tissue. PMID- 13816086 TI - [Apropos of the succession, either in the same breast, or in one breast and then in the other, of a glandular epithelioma and Paget's disease]. PMID- 13816088 TI - [Chemotherapy of tumors of the chorion]. PMID- 13816089 TI - [Radiations and grafts]. PMID- 13816087 TI - [Clinical and pathological considerations on tumors of the salivary glands and of the homologous mucous glands]. PMID- 13816090 TI - [The Rhone-Azur Sanatorium at Briancon]. PMID- 13816091 TI - [The discharge of the patient--preparation and consequences--the social aspects]. PMID- 13816092 TI - Preliminary note on certain pharmacological properties of 3 beta, 16 alpha dihydroxyallopregnan-20-one. PMID- 13816093 TI - Brain tumors in the newborn. PMID- 13816094 TI - The mismanagement of the urethral catheter. PMID- 13816095 TI - Aseptic management of catheter drainage. PMID- 13816096 TI - Effects of age and of Krebs-cycle metabolites on the inhibition of mouse brain respiration by pentobarbital. PMID- 13816097 TI - Alternation of estrogen therapy in advanced carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13816098 TI - [Contribution to the study of the peripheral structure of Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13816099 TI - [Apropos of new stainings of tuberculous bacilli by basic fuchsin at low temperature, in the presence of surface-active substances]. PMID- 13816100 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the proteins of the Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13816101 TI - [Contribution to the study of the administrative organization of the personnel for hospital laboratories]. PMID- 13816103 TI - [Professional training of hospital laboratory technicians in various foreign countries]. PMID- 13816102 TI - [Contribution to the study of the organization of hospital laboratories from the point of view of their location and their installation]. PMID- 13816104 TI - [Some problems raised by the installation of hospital laboratories in several countries of the French Community: The influence of the state of health of the country on the emphasis to be put on that installation]. PMID- 13816105 TI - [Study of several outlines to be recommended for the 3 conventional types of hospital laboratories (large, medium and small)]. PMID- 13816107 TI - [Clinical observations and anatomical findings in 16 cases of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas]. PMID- 13816106 TI - Chromosome mapping of linkage data from Saccharomyces by tetrad analysis. PMID- 13816108 TI - [Arterial fluoroscopy in clinical practice. Its practical value in the prognosis and treatment of thromboarteritis of the extremities]. PMID- 13816109 TI - [Practical importance of arterial fluoroscopy in thromboarteritis of the extremities. Fluoroscopic criteria]. PMID- 13816110 TI - [Practical value of arterial fluoroscopy in thromboarteritis of the extremities. Fluoroscopic criteria]. PMID- 13816111 TI - [Electrophoretic study of blood serum in human hepatic distomiasis]. PMID- 13816113 TI - A cytological and cytochemical study of X-irradiated human testes. PMID- 13816112 TI - In vitro culture of Ehrlich as cites tumor cells. AB - The successful culturing and subculturing of ascites tumor cells for 80 odd days are described, as well as the growth pattern of these cells during this period. The cytological appearance of cells after 3 weeks in tissue culture and reinoculation into mice is also presented. PMID- 13816114 TI - [Oligo-elements and alimentary hygiene]. PMID- 13816115 TI - [Research on spontaneous and experimental masculinization of the submaxillary glands in the female mouse]. PMID- 13816116 TI - [Translumbar aortography: apropos of 556 cases (1956-1959)]. PMID- 13816117 TI - [Considerations on a case of atypical bronchopneumonia of prolonged duration, with various aspects of atelectasic disorder]. PMID- 13816118 TI - [Primary atypical penumonia. Casuistic contribution]. PMID- 13816119 TI - [Research with cholecystography and blood protein electrophoresis in a group of hepatomegalic children]. PMID- 13816121 TI - [85 cases of osteomeningeal breaches of the anterior fossa of the base of the skull. Therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13816120 TI - [Osteo-meningeal breaches of the base of the cranium; therapeutic study based on 80 observations]. PMID- 13816122 TI - [Osteomyelitis of the base of the skull, with Vernet's syndrome, operated and recovered]. PMID- 13816123 TI - [Reflections on the subject of the treatment of tibio-peroneal diastasis after a severe open dislocation of the tarsus]. PMID- 13816124 TI - Esophageal cysts. PMID- 13816126 TI - Mechanisms of anemia in leukemia and malignant lymphoma. PMID- 13816125 TI - Inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by hemolysis inducing drugs. PMID- 13816127 TI - [Current status of the surgical treatment of portal hypertension according to recent American works]. PMID- 13816128 TI - [Study of the urinary mucoproteins in renal lithiasis. I. By the determination of hexosamines]. PMID- 13816130 TI - [On the technic of administration of RP-7843]. PMID- 13816129 TI - [Treatment of residual lymph nodal cancers of the neck by implantation of radioactive gold. Apropos of 6 cases]. PMID- 13816131 TI - [Methodological aspects of certain humoral research studies in psychiatry]. PMID- 13816132 TI - [Abortion and sterilization in psychiatry]. PMID- 13816133 TI - The action of three recent antihistaminic drugs--ambodryl, sandosten and synopen on bronchial muscle. PMID- 13816134 TI - Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery. PMID- 13816135 TI - Myxoma of the left atrium simulating restenosis of the mitral valve. PMID- 13816136 TI - Dihydroergotamine in the treatment of mumps. PMID- 13816137 TI - Selective resorption in nephrectomized rats. PMID- 13816138 TI - [Studies on selective reabsorption in nephrectomized rats]. PMID- 13816139 TI - Preliminary observations of the antisecretory properties of promandeline 263 and compound R-661. PMID- 13816140 TI - Partial duodenal obstruction from an abdominal aneurysm, with hypochloremic alkalosis and azotemia. PMID- 13816141 TI - [Renal lithiasis in children and infants]. PMID- 13816143 TI - What the physician should tell a patient who is afflicted with a malignant lesion. PMID- 13816142 TI - [Accidental injection of hot plastic material into the hand]. PMID- 13816144 TI - [Mesenteric thrombosis and carcinoid of the small intestine]. PMID- 13816145 TI - [Edmond Dube (1894-1960)]. PMID- 13816146 TI - [Prophylaxis of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13816147 TI - Pediatric surgical nursing. PMID- 13816149 TI - [Functional anatomy of the hip]. PMID- 13816150 TI - The histophysiology of the thyroid: a review. PMID- 13816148 TI - [Contribution to the study of animal growth induced by antibiotics. Comparative study in rats of the relation between the weight of the animal and that of the intestine]. PMID- 13816151 TI - [Apropos of the action of meprobamate on experimental gastric ulcers obtained by the method of intermittent electrization in the white rat]. PMID- 13816152 TI - [Application, in the white rat, of a method of color conditioning in view of the study of tranquilizing substances]. PMID- 13816153 TI - [Contribution to the study of the humoral manifestations of pain. Effect of pain on the sanguine acid-base equilibrium and blood ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13816154 TI - [Contribution to the study of the humoral manifestations of pain. Effect of pain on the sanguine acid-base equilibrium and blood ascorbic acid content of the blood]. PMID- 13816155 TI - [Influence of ethyl alcohol on conditioning to colors in rats]. PMID- 13816156 TI - The physio-pathology of neuromuscular transmission and the trophic influence of motor innervation. PMID- 13816157 TI - [Contribution to the study of the neurophysiological processes brought into play during sensorial attention]. PMID- 13816159 TI - [Papilloma of the bladder]. PMID- 13816158 TI - [Neuromuscular block in human myasthenia]. PMID- 13816160 TI - Phenylbutazone and isoniazid in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13816161 TI - [The local production of antibodies in the course of occular toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13816162 TI - [Serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13816163 TI - [Tetanus and bullous eruptions due to viruses]. PMID- 13816164 TI - [Notes on a case of recurrent ulcers caused by Zollinger Ellison syndrome]. PMID- 13816165 TI - [Acute digestive hemorrhages; emergency endoscopy]. PMID- 13816166 TI - [Graft of mastoid bone on the site of a zygomato-malar fracture]. PMID- 13816168 TI - [Pancreatic lipase of swine: purification and study of some properties]. PMID- 13816167 TI - [Inhibition of pancreatic lipase by diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate in emulation]. PMID- 13816169 TI - [Statistical study of the frequency of hallux valgus and of different forms of the foot in classical dancers]. PMID- 13816170 TI - [Points common to sport medicine and occupational medicine]. PMID- 13816171 TI - [Critical study of repation for silicosis]. PMID- 13816173 TI - [Occupational dermatoses. Introduction]. PMID- 13816172 TI - [Industrial medicine in the plastic materials industry]. PMID- 13816174 TI - [On the misleading form of the paragraph dealing with anemia in the table of indemnification for saturnism]. PMID- 13816175 TI - [The problem of compensation in occupational dermatoses]. PMID- 13816176 TI - [Outline of the technic of the directed day-dream in psychotherapy]. PMID- 13816177 TI - Denaturant effect of basic trypanocidal drugs on the protein of cell-free trypanosomal extracts. PMID- 13816178 TI - Paper electrophoresis of trypanosomal extracts. PMID- 13816179 TI - [Return to work of pulmonary tuberculotics. The point of view of the physician, chief of an urban hospital service]. PMID- 13816180 TI - [Apropos of oily solutions in rhinological therapy]. PMID- 13816181 TI - Renal excretory transport of organic acids: inhibition by oxypurines. PMID- 13816182 TI - Renal metabolism of salicylate and salicylurate. PMID- 13816183 TI - Methods of reconstruction following resection of anterior oral cavity and mandible for malignancy. PMID- 13816184 TI - [An unusual localization of ocular "Wuchereria bancrofti" filariasis. First Madagascan case of presence of Bancroft microfilaria in the anterior chamber of the eye]. PMID- 13816185 TI - [Hepatic calcifications]. PMID- 13816187 TI - [Factors in natality]. PMID- 13816186 TI - [Permanent treatment of gouty disease]. PMID- 13816188 TI - [Factors of mortality]. PMID- 13816189 TI - [The health budget of the French]. PMID- 13816190 TI - [Study of a population of sulfur-reducing bacteria]. PMID- 13816191 TI - [Intestinal invagination caused by benign tumor of the ileum]. PMID- 13816192 TI - [Practical value of the ballistocardiogram in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13816193 TI - [Acute arterial thrombosis of the dangers of sporting events]. PMID- 13816194 TI - [Bilateral ligation of the internal mammary arteries in the treatment of coronary diseases]. PMID- 13816195 TI - [The George VI Hospital at Nairobi]. PMID- 13816196 TI - A new trichomonacide PMID- 13816198 TI - Bacteria in electronically cooked foods. PMID- 13816197 TI - Changes in ovarian follicle composition with plasma levels of snakes during estrus. PMID- 13816199 TI - [Coronary sinus rhythm]. PMID- 13816200 TI - [Studies on the drug-protein relationship. Interactions of sulfaproxyline and of sulfamerazine with blood proteins]. PMID- 13816201 TI - [Pharmacological research on several esters of phenylethylcarbinol with choleretic action. Note II. Radiological evaluation of the cholecystokinetic activity of the phthalic ester]. PMID- 13816202 TI - [Action of streptomycin on the amino acid composition of the phytoflagellates]. PMID- 13816203 TI - [Considerations on methods for the analysis of the protein, amino acid and carbohydrate composition of bacterial cells. I]. PMID- 13816204 TI - [Preliminary research on the amino acid composition of the structural proteins of autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria. II]. PMID- 13816205 TI - [Value of investigations on drug-protein bindings by chemotherapy with sulfamides and with antibiotics]. PMID- 13816206 TI - [Significance of the thrombo-elastogram in regard to other tets of hemostasis]. PMID- 13816207 TI - The enigma of endometriosis. PMID- 13816208 TI - Heterocyclic disulphonamides and their diuretic properties. PMID- 13816209 TI - [Possible influences of rickettsial infections on pregnancy]. PMID- 13816210 TI - [Preventive and therapeutic lessons and suggestions from 260 health reports]. PMID- 13816211 TI - [Experimental research on the therapeutic mechanism of action of trypsin and chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13816212 TI - [On a case of abdominal menstrual fistula]. PMID- 13816213 TI - [Climacteric depression (Polyclinical experiences)]. PMID- 13816214 TI - [Personality changes in endocrinopathy in childhood]. PMID- 13816215 TI - [On sensorial ocular disorders with late appearance after a cranial injury]. PMID- 13816216 TI - [Abnormal ophthalmological manifestations in a case of acute tuberculosis]. PMID- 13816217 TI - [Edmond Velter (1884-1959)]. PMID- 13816219 TI - Operant discrimination reversals: comparative data. PMID- 13816218 TI - [Some reflections on the use of alpha-chymotrypsin in the cataract operation]. PMID- 13816220 TI - [The treatment of refractory cardiac edema with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13816221 TI - [Television with an image intensifier in radiosurgery, especially in traumatology]. PMID- 13816222 TI - [On the method of determination of cyanides in the sewage water of coke chemical plants and gas generating stations]. PMID- 13816223 TI - [On complete lack of resistance to tuberculosis in childhood]. PMID- 13816224 TI - [Separation by electrophoresis of the toxic constituents of the venoms of Naja naja and Naja nigricollis]. PMID- 13816225 TI - [Mesenteric-caval anastomosis. Anatomoclinical contribution]. PMID- 13816226 TI - [Cavography by trans-somatic route]. PMID- 13816227 TI - [Aldosterone. Its surgical importance]. PMID- 13816228 TI - [Fibrinolysin. Its surgical applications]. PMID- 13816229 TI - [The Budd-Chiari syndrome]. PMID- 13816230 TI - The dressing-graft PMID- 13816231 TI - [The subhepatic veins and their pathology]. PMID- 13816232 TI - [Treatment of an organized venous thrombosis]. PMID- 13816233 TI - Rapid and reversible block of electrical activity by powerful marine biotoxins. PMID- 13816234 TI - Action of lipid-soluble quaternary ammonium ions on the resting potential of myelinated nerve fibers of the frog. PMID- 13816235 TI - Effect of curare on conduction in myelinated, isolated nerve fibres of the frog. PMID- 13816236 TI - New evidence for the role of acetylcholine in conduction. PMID- 13816237 TI - [Electron microscopic studies of the cartilage in the collagenosis problem]. PMID- 13816238 TI - [Relation between hypercoagulability and blood lipid disorder in diabetics]. PMID- 13816239 TI - Diagnosis and surgical correction of peritoneopricardial diaphragmatic hernia in a dog. PMID- 13816240 TI - Survey of cardiovascular disease in dogs--preliminary report on the first 1,000 dogs screened. PMID- 13816241 TI - Changing concepts in medical and hospital care. PMID- 13816242 TI - Integrated hospital plans. PMID- 13816243 TI - Morbidity studies under British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service. PMID- 13816244 TI - A method for bovine semen analysis. PMID- 13816246 TI - Syncopal dysphagia. PMID- 13816245 TI - Electrocardiographic changes during cardiac operations performed with a pump oxygenator. PMID- 13816248 TI - [The treatment of diabetes by oral hypoglycemic agents (sulphamides and biguanidines)]. PMID- 13816247 TI - The effect of an amino acid analog on catheptic activity in somite mesoderm of the chick embryo. PMID- 13816249 TI - [A case of primary pulmonary arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13816250 TI - [Histogenesis of the teeth and the horny beak of the larvae of Discoglossus pictus Otth]. PMID- 13816251 TI - Tuberculosis among the Navajo: research in cross-cultural technologic development in health. PMID- 13816252 TI - Clinical usefulness of riboflavin-tagged isoniazid for self-medication in tuberculous patients. PMID- 13816253 TI - [On ureteral transplantation (ureterocystoneostomy)]. PMID- 13816254 TI - [On renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13816255 TI - Scope, costs, and reduction of psychiatric disability. PMID- 13816257 TI - Ventricular septal defect: a review. PMID- 13816256 TI - Clinical value of tonography in the diagnosis and follow-up of glaucoma. PMID- 13816258 TI - [On the effect of bacterial pyrogens with special reference to fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13816259 TI - Pyrogens as thrombolytic agents. Clinical and experimental studies. PMID- 13816260 TI - [The effect of intravenously administered streptokinase on fibrinolysis and blood coagulation]. PMID- 13816261 TI - [A simple method for determination of thrombocyte factor 4]. PMID- 13816263 TI - Principles of sector therapy. PMID- 13816262 TI - [Prevention and therapy of thromboses]. PMID- 13816264 TI - [Contributions to the problem of renal circulation during experimental exsiccosis (by water deficiency)]. PMID- 13816265 TI - [On the renal inulin excretion in various forms of diuresis]. PMID- 13816266 TI - [Perforation of a gastric ulcer in a newborn infant and successful therapy]. PMID- 13816267 TI - A chromatographic-spectrophotometric method for the determination of ceruloplasmin. PMID- 13816268 TI - The preparation of crystalline ceruloplasmin from human plasma. PMID- 13816269 TI - [Contribution to the problem of double infection: epidemic hepatitis and rubella]. PMID- 13816270 TI - Diluted water: an explanation of the rat's preference for saline. PMID- 13816271 TI - Trust, trustworthiness, and the F scale. PMID- 13816272 TI - Lysis and other circulatory phenomena in malaria (Plasmodium knowlesi). PMID- 13816273 TI - [Papillotomy after marsupialization of a hydatid cyst of the liver]. PMID- 13816274 TI - [Localized edemas in states of surgical shock]. PMID- 13816275 TI - [Localized edemas in surgical, local and general shock states]. PMID- 13816276 TI - [Phlebitis and embolisms: contigencies always possible in gynecology]. PMID- 13816277 TI - ["Choriocytoma", dependent malignant tumor of heterotopic endometrial tissue. Apropos of sigmoid and epiploic findings secondary to endometriosis of Douglas' pouch]. PMID- 13816278 TI - Circulatory responses to endotracheal intubation in light general anesthesia-the effect of atropine and phentolamine. PMID- 13816279 TI - [Treatment of whooping cough]. PMID- 13816280 TI - [Diets for renal patients]. PMID- 13816281 TI - [Hearing disorders in tapetoretinal degeneration]. PMID- 13816283 TI - Comparative analysis of some peptides of haemoglobin and myoglobin. PMID- 13816282 TI - Malignant melanoma or retino-blastoma in an adult. PMID- 13816284 TI - Gastric aberrant pancreas associated with gastric ulcer: report of a case. PMID- 13816285 TI - [A campaign for control of gerbils, Tatera valida Bocage, on the plain of Ndjili, Leopoldville]. PMID- 13816286 TI - Postpartum Bacterium alkaligenes septicaemia with meningeal involvement. PMID- 13816287 TI - [On air pollution of living quarters by carbon monoxide as a result of burning natural gas]. PMID- 13816288 TI - [Studies on gas bubble-free plexiglass imbedding of plant objects for ultramicrotomy]. PMID- 13816289 TI - [Physiopathology of digestive hemorrhages]. PMID- 13816291 TI - Pathologic effects of smoking on the larynx and oral cavity. PMID- 13816290 TI - [Spontaneous benign stenosis of the hepatic duct discovered after cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13816292 TI - Projections from the mesial frontal cortex (supplementary motor area) to the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem of the Macaca mulatta. PMID- 13816293 TI - Hemorrhage as a complication of reflux esophagitis. PMID- 13816294 TI - [Long-term results of direct nailing in torsion fractures of the malleolus]. PMID- 13816295 TI - Effect of acetoacetate on the oxidation of reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide by intact rat liver mitochondria. PMID- 13816296 TI - Stimulation by acetoacetate of DPNH oxidation by liver mitochondria. PMID- 13816297 TI - Injuries to the eye. PMID- 13816298 TI - [Renal action of hydroxyphenyl-meta-ethanolamine (HMEA) in the dog]. PMID- 13816300 TI - Resources management and the MSC. PMID- 13816301 TI - [Apropos of three cases of sigmoid volvulus treated by resection and immediate intraperitoneal reestablishment of continuity of the colon]. PMID- 13816299 TI - [Studies on immunological changes in human subjects vaccinated with IEM Gamaleya chemical combined depot polyvaccine with special reference to dysenterial antigens]. PMID- 13816302 TI - Urinary iodometry and intravenous cholangiography. PMID- 13816303 TI - [Urinary elimination of biligrafin as test of excretory function of the liver. Its relations to intravenous cholangiography]. PMID- 13816304 TI - Ornithosis in two railway guards, an occupational hazard. PMID- 13816305 TI - Modern concepts of treatment. I. Individual therapy. PMID- 13816306 TI - Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase levels in coronary heart disease. PMID- 13816307 TI - A clinical trial of penta-erythritol tetranitrate, a khellin derivative (recordil), and iproniazid in angina of effort. PMID- 13816308 TI - Adrenal cortical function after steroid therapy. PMID- 13816309 TI - [Experimental realization of an efficient extra-renal purifying apparatus combining the technic of the artificial kidney with that of the exchange transfusion (fractionated hemodialysis)]. PMID- 13816310 TI - [Study of the action of renal areteriography on the dog kidney]. PMID- 13816312 TI - The old age, survivors and disability insurance program. PMID- 13816311 TI - The Social Security program. PMID- 13816313 TI - Evaluation of thrombectomy in the management of iliofemoral venous thrombosis. PMID- 13816314 TI - The beneficial effects of coronary perfusion on the hypothermic myocardium during caval occlusion. PMID- 13816315 TI - Estimation of mitral insufficiency by isotope dilution techniques. PMID- 13816316 TI - The replacement of short segments of veins with functional autogenous venous grafts. PMID- 13816317 TI - Pedal pulses disappearing with exercise. A test for intermittent claudication. PMID- 13816318 TI - Effect of oxygen and nitric oxide on the radio-sensitivity of human cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13816319 TI - Multiple inhibition by 6-methylpurine. PMID- 13816320 TI - Purine antagonists and growth of Tetrahymena. PMID- 13816321 TI - Antimetabolites of acetate in Tetrahymena. PMID- 13816322 TI - Serine synthesis in Tetrahymena from non-amino acid sources; compounds derived from serine. PMID- 13816323 TI - The influence of folic acid, threonine and glycine on serine synthesis in Tetrahymena. PMID- 13816324 TI - Distribution and hematocrit ratios of blood in the rat. PMID- 13816325 TI - Vascular-extravascular exchange of II31 plasma proteins in the rat. PMID- 13816326 TI - An essay on coughs by Locke and Sydenham. PMID- 13816327 TI - Locke's essay on respiration. PMID- 13816328 TI - Sydenham's original treatise on smallpox with a preface, and dedication to the Earl of Shaftesbury, by John Locke. PMID- 13816329 TI - The correspondence between John Locke and Sir Hans Sloane. PMID- 13816330 TI - Reversible manifestation of thyroiditis. PMID- 13816331 TI - Studies on measles virus in tissue culture. III. The antigenicity of live and killed measles virus in a nonsusceptible host. PMID- 13816332 TI - Chromocenters resembling sex chromatin in human tissue-culture cell lines. PMID- 13816333 TI - Lens extraction. PMID- 13816334 TI - Time estimation as a function of level of behavior of successive tasks. PMID- 13816335 TI - Free-operant behavior under conditions of delayed reinforcement. I. CRF-type schedules. PMID- 13816336 TI - [The treatment of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13816337 TI - [Cytostatic treatment of bladder tumors. First experiences with the new cytostatic agent DG 428]. PMID- 13816338 TI - [Comments on cases of Rh incompatibility during the past 8 years in the Casa Provincial de Maternidad]. PMID- 13816339 TI - [The present moment in obstetrics, strategic crossroads]. PMID- 13816340 TI - Pulmonary embolism. PMID- 13816341 TI - Research on problems of mental subnormality. PMID- 13816342 TI - A note on psychoses and Loeffler's syndrome complicating creeping eruption. PMID- 13816343 TI - Concepts of speech production in cleft palate cases and a possible technical aid. PMID- 13816344 TI - Possibility of iatrogenic factors responsible for hypernatremia in dehydrated infants. PMID- 13816345 TI - Observations on paper electrophoretic movements of some cardiac glycosides. PMID- 13816346 TI - [On the cytotoxicity of wetting agents]. PMID- 13816347 TI - [Research on the anti-mitotic properties of compounds related to nitrogen mustards. I. Comparative activity, tested on plant cells, of "nitrogen mustard" HN 3 and its sulfur homologues (yperite) and oxygen homologues (chlorex)]. PMID- 13816348 TI - [Study of the antimitotic activity of N,N',N"--triethylene thiophosphoramide on plant cells]. PMID- 13816349 TI - [Study of the antimitotic properties of carcinophylline on the meristematic cells of Allium sativum L]. PMID- 13816350 TI - [Critical evaluation of early manifestations of dysplasia of the hip joint]. PMID- 13816351 TI - [Early surgical treatment of 2 cases of myelomeningocele in spina bifida]. PMID- 13816352 TI - Quantitative studies with MH2 reticulo endothelioma virus. PMID- 13816353 TI - Christmas disease. PMID- 13816354 TI - LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia. PMID- 13816355 TI - Apomorphine-induced pecking in pigeons. AB - Apomorphine produced persistent pecking in pigeons, the latent period, intensity and duration of which were related to the dose. The ED50 was estimated as 78.1+/ 11.1 mug./kg. On chronic administration of apomorphine there was a significant decrease in latent period and weight which quickly returned to normal on stopping the drug. No conditioning and no tolerance were observed. The uncertain emetic effect of apomorphine in pigeons has been confirmed. Ten other centrally acting agents tested (caffeine, cocaine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methamphetamine, morphine, nalorphine, pentylenetetrazol, strychnine, and yohimbine) failed to produce similar effects in pigeons. PMID- 13816356 TI - Effect of drugs on LSD-25 induced pyrexia in rabbits. PMID- 13816357 TI - A comparative study of the hypotensive activity of Rauwolfia preparations. PMID- 13816358 TI - [Development of viral septicemia during aphthous fever in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13816359 TI - [Influence of therapy on the evolution of acute leukoses]. PMID- 13816360 TI - Haemoglobin P in a family in the Belgian Congo. PMID- 13816361 TI - Stanleyville I and II: two new variants of adult haemoglobin. PMID- 13816362 TI - Optic neuritis: treatment by ACTH and cortisone. PMID- 13816363 TI - Medical aspects of ionizing radiation. Part II. Hazards of irradiation. PMID- 13816364 TI - Medical aspects of ionizing radiation. Part III. The diagnostic and therapeutic uses of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13816365 TI - Medical aspects of ionizing radiations--Part I. PMID- 13816366 TI - Porphyria: report of two cases of acute hepatic porphyria with review of literature. PMID- 13816367 TI - [On gonadal dysgenesis in newborn and young infants with chromatin-negative nuclear patterns]. PMID- 13816368 TI - [Prematurity and development of the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13816369 TI - [Favorable clinical effects of coenzyme A in several cases of chronic gout]. PMID- 13816370 TI - Intramuscular use of pentothal sodium as an aid to pediatric anesthesia. PMID- 13816371 TI - [Research and determination of pure benzocaine and benzocaine mixed with procaine]. PMID- 13816372 TI - [A long-acting sulfonamide: its value in pediatrics according to clinical and laboratory evaluation]. PMID- 13816373 TI - [Experimental study of the effect of induced intraductal biliary hypertension on coronary circulation]. PMID- 13816374 TI - Absorption of L-lysine in the small intestine of rats. PMID- 13816375 TI - [Intestinal absorption of amino acids]. PMID- 13816376 TI - [Intestinal absorption of sterols]. PMID- 13816377 TI - [Intestinal absorption of triglycerides]. PMID- 13816378 TI - [Anatomoclinical correlation in coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13816379 TI - [Familial myoclonic epilepsy with various clinical types in the same family]. PMID- 13816380 TI - [A case of acute myelopathy caused by arsenobenzene]. PMID- 13816381 TI - [Cerebral episodes in spontaneous hypoglycemia (with 3 personal cases)]. PMID- 13816382 TI - [Acrocephalo-syndactyly and essential tremors in hereditary combination]. PMID- 13816383 TI - [Peculiar relations between a paramyoclonic syndrome and hypertensive hydrocephalus]. PMID- 13816384 TI - [Pneumographic picture of cervical overfilling as sign of pre-penetration of the amygdaloids]. PMID- 13816385 TI - [2 Cases of presenile dementia syndrome (cerebral atrophy) with an early neurological picture]. PMID- 13816387 TI - [Comparison of different views on schizophrenia and attempted extracausal theoretical explanation]. PMID- 13816386 TI - [Central pain from suprathalamic lesions regressed with atophanyl]. PMID- 13816389 TI - [Endogenous hyperinsulinism and its neuropsychiatric syndrome]. PMID- 13816388 TI - [Diabetic amyotrophy (with a personal case of bulbar amyotrophy of the type of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)]. PMID- 13816390 TI - [Focal asbestosis. Silicosis in combination with asbestosis]. PMID- 13816391 TI - [On 2 cases of myoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13816392 TI - Skull changes in eighteen cases of dystrophia myotonica. PMID- 13816393 TI - The width (third dimension) of the sella turcica. PMID- 13816394 TI - [Procaine. Its intraarterial injection]. PMID- 13816395 TI - [Foot diseases]. PMID- 13816396 TI - Unconscious motivation as a source of creative expression. PMID- 13816397 TI - [Diabetic nephropathies of the dog. Diffuse and circumscribed diabetic glomerulosclerosis and Armanni-Ebstein nephropathy in the dog: study of comparative pathology, biochemical and histochemical on the glycoproteins]. PMID- 13816398 TI - [Glycogen and alkaline phosphatases in cells of the alveolar lining in some pathological states of the lungs. Functional and morphogenetic deductions]. PMID- 13816399 TI - [Contribution to the surgical treatment of inveterate luxations of the lower epiphysis of the ulna]. PMID- 13816400 TI - [On a case of Morquio type spondylo-epiphysial dysplasia]. PMID- 13816401 TI - [On a case of divergent luxation of the metatarsi]. PMID- 13816402 TI - Ochronosis: report of a case. PMID- 13816403 TI - [Histochemical study on the cholinesterase activity of the innervation of the human vulva]. PMID- 13816405 TI - [Hematuria and its urological causes]. PMID- 13816404 TI - [On a case of congenital long segment megacolon]. PMID- 13816406 TI - [On several cases of urinary calculosis]. PMID- 13816407 TI - [Dynamic phenomena of the cerebellum and neurotropic substances. Note II]. PMID- 13816408 TI - [Neurotropic substances and dynamic phenomena in animals. I. Labyrinthine phenomena]. PMID- 13816409 TI - [Neurotropic substances and phenomena induced by lesions of the cerebral cortex. Note III]. PMID- 13816410 TI - [Agar gel precipitation of hepatitis contagiosa canis virus]. PMID- 13816411 TI - [Results of an inquiry on the distribution of arteriosclerosis and of hypertension in a group of rural inhabitants of Marche (790 subjects)]. PMID- 13816412 TI - [Transcutaneous therapy of chronic coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13816413 TI - [Treatment of angina pectoris by percutaneous route]. PMID- 13816414 TI - Roentgen investigation of the coronary veins in the dog. PMID- 13816415 TI - [Angiographic study of changes induced by amyl nitrite on the coronary circlation]. PMID- 13816416 TI - [New radiological sign of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13816417 TI - [Radiological study of the function of the extrahepatic bile ducts in gastrectomized patients]. PMID- 13816418 TI - Arteriographic findings in coronary sclerosis. PMID- 13816419 TI - [Changes in the antigenic properties of serum following denaturation of the proteins]. PMID- 13816420 TI - [Decrease in the -SH groups of crystalline bovine albumin after thermal denaturation]. PMID- 13816421 TI - [Epilepsy and otorhinolaryngoiatrics: otogenic epilepsy]. PMID- 13816422 TI - [Epilepsy and otorhinolaryngology: otogenous epilepsy]. PMID- 13816423 TI - The electrophoretic pattern of serum bilirubin, ascitic and cerebrospinal fluids: a study of 232 cases of icterus. PMID- 13816424 TI - [Considerations on a case of acute leukemic reticulo-endotheliosis]. PMID- 13816425 TI - [Leukemoid hematological picture during the course of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma]. PMID- 13816426 TI - [Balneology with carbonic waters]. PMID- 13816427 TI - Modification of cholesterosis and lipidosis of rats maintained on an atherogenic diet. PMID- 13816428 TI - [Neuroganglioplegics and disposition to noxae]. PMID- 13816429 TI - [Interference of quercetin in phlorizin poisoning]. PMID- 13816430 TI - [Is the pharmacological property of vitamin U specific? II. The effect of quercetin on experimental gastric ulcer induced by histamine and antihistaminics]. PMID- 13816431 TI - [On the mechanism of the cholesterol antagonistic effect of substances with vitamin P character (Chemical and electrophoretic behavior of cholesterol in the presence of proteins "in vitro" under the influence of methylesculetin)]. PMID- 13816432 TI - [Quercetin in hepatic diseases caused by phenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13816433 TI - [The influence of meprobamate on the organic responses to some autonomic drugs]. PMID- 13816434 TI - [The vitamin P factors in their capacity to correct the humoral substrate and the morphology of arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13816435 TI - Utilization of thymine and thymidine in DNA synthesis of Ehrlich and Yoshida ascites tumor cells incubated "in vitro". PMID- 13816436 TI - [Mechanism of action of antimitotic agents]. PMID- 13816437 TI - [Studies on the pathogenesis of tubercular cardiopathy]. PMID- 13816438 TI - [The condition of respiratory function in cases of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis: results of a serial study of 8147 patients by the Knipping-Scoz-Di Maria method]. PMID- 13816439 TI - [The minor circulation in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. Study of the hemodynamics]. PMID- 13816440 TI - [The respiratory functional situation in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. (Results of research carried out on 8,500 patients)]. PMID- 13816441 TI - [Howard's test in "post-operative disease"]. PMID- 13816442 TI - [I. Identification, separation and degradation of mycostatin in hydro-alcoholic drinks in relation to time, reaction of the medium, natural components of wine and sulfurous anhydride. II. Action of mycostatin on respiration and fermentation of alcoholic yeasts. III. Tolerance of Mus musculus to mycostatin in antifermentative doses]. PMID- 13816443 TI - [The radiobiological methods for functional and topographical delimitation of surgical diseases of the thyroid gland. (Research with I-131]. PMID- 13816444 TI - [Experimental research on deep abdomino-thoracic lymphographic morphology]. PMID- 13816445 TI - [Research on the radiological functional anatomy of the suprafascial lymphatic system of the extremities in the course of inflammatory and dynamic phlebopathies]. PMID- 13816446 TI - [Hypotensive medications]. PMID- 13816447 TI - A chromatographic study of the deoxyribonucleic acids from normal and leukemic human tissues. PMID- 13816448 TI - [Study on the composition of catgut]. PMID- 13816449 TI - [Behavior of the mesenchymal system and the neuroendocrine constellation in calves treated for 18 months with cancerigenic hydrocarbons: histopathological study]. PMID- 13816450 TI - [On a rare case of myxosarcoma of the bladder]. PMID- 13816451 TI - [On a rare observation of angioreticulosarcoma of the thyroid]. PMID- 13816452 TI - [Anatomo-microscopic observations on lymphatic vascularization of the liver with metastases of primary carcinoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13816453 TI - Dental conditions of county hospital patients. PMID- 13816454 TI - [The problem of prolonged treatment with cortisone-like agents]. PMID- 13816455 TI - [On Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Apropos of two cases]. PMID- 13816456 TI - The effect of prednisone and ACTH ON Guillain-Barre's syndrome. PMID- 13816457 TI - [Response of the Guillain-Barre syndrome to prednisone and ACTH]. PMID- 13816458 TI - [A new antibiotic: kanamycin]. PMID- 13816459 TI - [Encephalopathy caused by roseola infantum]. PMID- 13816460 TI - [Is prednisone really effective in orchitis caused by parotitis?]. PMID- 13816461 TI - [Respiratory disorders in the acute phase of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13816462 TI - [Viral laryngitis]. PMID- 13816463 TI - Pharmacology of drugs used in cardiac arrhythmias and disturbances in conduction. PMID- 13816464 TI - Refractory period and latency of the premature ventricular systole. PMID- 13816465 TI - [On the action of nicotinic acid associated with streptomycin in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13816466 TI - [Residencies in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13816467 TI - [Relapses after surgical operations of collapse therapy and of exeresis]. PMID- 13816468 TI - [Calculation of the mitral and tricuspid valvular reflux by means of analysis of dilution curves]. PMID- 13816469 TI - [Experimental research on electrocardiographic variations in "liquid gas" poisoning]. PMID- 13816470 TI - [A case of osteomyelitis caused by Salmonella typhi]. PMID- 13816471 TI - [Clinical study on a new pharmacological combination with distinct diuretic properties]. PMID- 13816472 TI - Aldosterone separation from biological extracts by two reversed phase paper chromatographic systems. PMID- 13816473 TI - [Venous hypertension and hyperproduction of aldosterone: experimental research]. PMID- 13816474 TI - [On a new case of acquired hemolytic anemia in childhood]. PMID- 13816475 TI - [The clinical value of fecal urobilinogen. Critical evaluation]. PMID- 13816476 TI - [The determination of fecal urobilinogen. Note II. Influence of the method of feces sampling]. PMID- 13816477 TI - [Discussion on methods of measurement of cerebral blood flow in man: recent research on the possibility of use of iodated human radioalbumin and surface counters]. PMID- 13816478 TI - [The output/volume ratio, fundamental data in quantitative radiography]. PMID- 13816479 TI - [The elimination with the urine of chromium 51 introduced into the human organism as a tracer for erythrocytes]. PMID- 13816480 TI - [Histochemistry of ascorbic acid in the formed elements of the peripheral blood in patients with ancylostomiasis]. PMID- 13816481 TI - [Anabolic effects of 4-chlorotestosterone acetate in patients with malignant neoplasms (before and after surgical intervention]. PMID- 13816482 TI - [On the antineoplastic action of a cyclic phosphamide ester of nitrogen mustard (endoxan, or B 518). Clinical tests]. PMID- 13816483 TI - Metabolic mechanisms involved in the swelling of isolated mitochondria and in its prevention. PMID- 13816484 TI - Susceptibility patterns of two bacteriophage types of Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13816485 TI - [Behavior of blood sugar, blood pyruvate and blood lactic acid after oral glucose loading in 30 elderly diabetics]. PMID- 13816486 TI - [Behavior of the blood sugar, blood pyruvate and blood lactic acid after insulin loading in a group of 10 elderly diabetics]. PMID- 13816487 TI - Eastern viral encephalitis. PMID- 13816488 TI - Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13816489 TI - Salt depletion in cold weather in infants with cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13816490 TI - [Rhodanese activity in the erythrocytes in the course of an experimental hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13816492 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of convulsive comas]. PMID- 13816491 TI - [Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Abruzzo in the decade from 1947-1956]. PMID- 13816493 TI - [On a case of osseous metastasis to the right calcaneus in a subject with cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13816494 TI - [Various aspects of gynecological pathology in virgins]. PMID- 13816495 TI - [On some recent contributions on the subject of the etiology of congenital malformations]. PMID- 13816496 TI - [Malignant tumors of the ocular globe]. PMID- 13816497 TI - The effects of need-oriented communications on attitude change. PMID- 13816498 TI - [Regulations for the prevention of errors and accidents in the preparation and dispensation of medicines in the pharmacy]. PMID- 13816499 TI - [Radiosensitivity in vitro of Ehrlich's ascites cancer]. PMID- 13816500 TI - [Therapeutic action of a substance containing diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) on mice treated with gamma rays]. PMID- 13816501 TI - [Gout and tonsils]. PMID- 13816502 TI - [Clinical and radiological study of the senile hip]. PMID- 13816503 TI - [Effect of glutamic acid on cholinergic excitation in the neuro-muscular synapses]. PMID- 13816504 TI - [The effect of glutamic acid on cholinergic excitation in the central and peripheral synapses]. PMID- 13816505 TI - [Contribution to the study of necrophilia]. PMID- 13816506 TI - [Attempted serological differentiation of fetal hemoglobin and hemoglobin of Cooley's anemia by the method of complement deviation with use of antisheep guinea pig serum]. PMID- 13816507 TI - [Effect of pantothenic acid on the production of properdin in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13816508 TI - [Relation between properdinemia and alexinemia in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13816509 TI - [The appearance of specific antigens in filterable and non-filterable chicken sarcoma by the method of precipitation in agar]. PMID- 13816510 TI - [The effect of different regimens of hospitalization on the course of whooping cough]. PMID- 13816512 TI - [Pulmonary embolism after venous thrombosis of the arm]. PMID- 13816511 TI - [Apropos of corneal complications with alpha-chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13816513 TI - [Sialography, method of investigation of the parotid gland]. PMID- 13816514 TI - [Poisoning with parathion and with other organic phosphorus compounds: recent therapeutic principles]. PMID- 13816515 TI - The taste of water. PMID- 13816516 TI - Recent research on physiology of the salivary glands. PMID- 13816517 TI - [Electroencephalographic study of hypnosis]. PMID- 13816519 TI - [Formation, absorption and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Results of studies with radioactive isotopes]. PMID- 13816518 TI - The role of riboflavin in the aetiology and treatment of dermatoses in sucklings. PMID- 13816520 TI - A theory of depression and enhancement in the brightness response. PMID- 13816521 TI - Therapy of iron deficiency anemia with parenteral iron-dextran. PMID- 13816522 TI - The pathogenesis and management of neurological complications of malignant lymphomas and leukemia. PMID- 13816523 TI - Transplacental transmission of busulfan (myleran) in a mother with leukemia. Production of fetal malformation and cytomegaly. PMID- 13816524 TI - Kwashiorkor in a North American white male. PMID- 13816525 TI - Going downhill-a lethal journey. PMID- 13816526 TI - Five cases of sickle-cell haemoglobin-C disease. PMID- 13816527 TI - Background of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13816528 TI - Ocular evaluation of the cerebral palsied child. PMID- 13816529 TI - Time, space and stereoscopic vision. Visual flight safety considerations at supersonic speeds. PMID- 13816530 TI - [On the mechanism of hypotensive effects of platyphylline]. PMID- 13816531 TI - Paper electrophoresis separation of the soluble proteins of rat muscle sarcosomes. PMID- 13816532 TI - [The consumption of oxygen by the isolated guinea pig diaphragm in fever induced by 2,4-dinitrophenol and in that induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide]. PMID- 13816533 TI - [Inhibition of staphylococcic hemolysin by cholesterol and phosphatides]. PMID- 13816534 TI - [The influence of staphylococcic alpha-toxin on the oxidative phosphorylation and on the morphology of mitochondria]. PMID- 13816535 TI - [Reevaluation of the personal estate and inheritance property of hospital establishments]. PMID- 13816536 TI - Fatal infection by Strongyloides stercoralis: report a case. PMID- 13816537 TI - [Small pheochromocytoma. Accidental finding at autopsy in a case of irreducible cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13816538 TI - [Differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae with triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride]. PMID- 13816539 TI - [Participation in the discussion on the report of R. de Saussure: "Metapsychology of pleasure"]. PMID- 13816540 TI - [Reflections on the genesis of a psychotic object relationship in the small child]. PMID- 13816541 TI - [Cavernous tuberculosis of the lungs in the present time according to dispensary data]. PMID- 13816542 TI - [Comparative characteristics of colorimetric methods for the determination of small quantities of phenol in industrial sewage]. PMID- 13816543 TI - [On the method of determination of pyridine gases in industrial waste waters]. PMID- 13816544 TI - [Digestive allergy]. PMID- 13816545 TI - [Value of pneumoperitoneum in the preoperative management of incisional hernias]. PMID- 13816546 TI - [The absorption, secretion and unbalance of the intestinal flora in the etiopathogenesis of primary steatorrhea]. PMID- 13816547 TI - [Considerations on the etiology and treatment of congenital amputations. Presentation of 4 clinical cases]. PMID- 13816548 TI - [The aid of the laboratory in the diagnosis of infrequent diseases]. PMID- 13816549 TI - [Evaluation of a film in an Andean town in Peru]. PMID- 13816550 TI - [The problem of malaria on the African continent]. PMID- 13816551 TI - [Acute viral hepatitis and its developmental types]. PMID- 13816552 TI - [Postoperative treatment in radical operations of the maxillary sinus]. PMID- 13816553 TI - [Simple anesthetic technics in otorhinolaryngology suitable for the practicing physician]. PMID- 13816554 TI - [Use of the drill in surgery of the maxillary sinus and its adjoining regions]. PMID- 13816556 TI - [Medicine and astronautics]. PMID- 13816555 TI - [Use of trypsin in the middle ear. Our experience]. PMID- 13816557 TI - [Anomalies and anatomical variations in surgery of the stellate ganglion]. PMID- 13816558 TI - [Diagnostic value of serial encephalography in the study of cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13816559 TI - [Cancer of the liver (our experience)]. PMID- 13816560 TI - [Relation of vitamin C to certain physiogical functions in conditions of lowered atmospheric pressure]. PMID- 13816561 TI - [Studies on the use of a convergence emitter in gynecological carcinoma. Part I. The influence of changing layer thickness in cross fire irradiation with standing and convergence fields]. PMID- 13816562 TI - [Studies on the use of convergent irradiation in gynecological carcinoma. Part 4. Craniocaudal extent of the iso-dose]. PMID- 13816563 TI - [Studies on the use of the convergence ray in gynecological carcinoma. Part 2. The influence of a partial surface covering on the isodoses of the convergence ray. Part 3. Measurement results in irradiation of a pelvic phantom]. PMID- 13816564 TI - The size and hydration of rabbit-reticulocyte ribosomes. PMID- 13816565 TI - Iproniazid ("marsilid") in the treatment of depression. PMID- 13816566 TI - [On the diagnosis of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13816567 TI - [Diet as an experience]. PMID- 13816568 TI - The use of anticoagulant drugs in atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. PMID- 13816569 TI - [Aneurysm of the hepatic artery]. PMID- 13816570 TI - The pathological basis of the radiological changes in ulcerative colitis: a study of cases treated by colectomy. PMID- 13816571 TI - Osmotic properties of living cells. PMID- 13816572 TI - Surface-subsurface distribution of bacteria in swimming pools--field studies. PMID- 13816573 TI - Hydatid cyst of the spleen. PMID- 13816574 TI - Vaccination against poliomyelitis in the United Kingdom. PMID- 13816575 TI - Vaccination against yellow fever and cholera. PMID- 13816576 TI - [Autonomic repercussions from psychomodifying drugs]. PMID- 13816577 TI - Evaluation of personnel exposure from stratospheric fission fragment contamination on aircraft. PMID- 13816578 TI - [Therapeutic action of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, marsilid (iproniazid), on depressive states]. PMID- 13816579 TI - On your shoulders. PMID- 13816580 TI - Technique of nephro-ureterectomy. PMID- 13816581 TI - What labor and management owe each other. PMID- 13816582 TI - [A typical pediatric disease]. PMID- 13816583 TI - [Children in hospitals]. PMID- 13816584 TI - Duplication of the rectum. PMID- 13816585 TI - A machine for moulding thermoplastics. PMID- 13816587 TI - The intracellular regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13816586 TI - Studies on the metabolism of hydroxypyruvate in animal tissues. PMID- 13816588 TI - A preliminary study on the incidence of occult blood in the stools in pregnancy. PMID- 13816589 TI - Inactivation of oxytocin by plasma of pregnant women. PMID- 13816590 TI - Studies on the methods of feeding of blood-sucking arthropods. III. The methods by which Haematopota pluvialis (Diptera, Tabanidae) obtains its blood-meal from the mammalian host. PMID- 13816591 TI - Chemical changes in skeletal muscle during development. PMID- 13816592 TI - The effect of growth on the composition of avian muscle. PMID- 13816593 TI - Supplemental value of the intracavitary electrocardiograph in cardiac catheterization. PMID- 13816595 TI - Retropubic prostatectomy; 1948 to 1958. PMID- 13816594 TI - Relief of post-discectomy pain by sympathectomy. PMID- 13816596 TI - [The ferric chloride color test for the determination of blood cholesterol]. PMID- 13816597 TI - Infectivity of the primary tuberculous complex. Some complications in childhood. PMID- 13816598 TI - A report of two cases of Whipple's disease diagnosed by peroral small intestinal biopsy. AB - Two patients with Whipple's disease are described in whom the diagnosis was established by peroral small intestinal biopsy. Scurvy occurred in one patient. PMID- 13816599 TI - Xanthinuria. PMID- 13816600 TI - High blood-pressure and stroke. Necropsy study of heart-weight and left ventricular hypertrophy. PMID- 13816601 TI - Pattern of uric-acid excretion during a leukaemic remission. PMID- 13816602 TI - Some corneal changes associated with the wearing of contact lenses. PMID- 13816603 TI - Contagious conjunctivo-keratitis of sheep. PMID- 13816604 TI - Extraction and chromatography of mouse and bovine pancreatic ribonucleases. PMID- 13816605 TI - Intracellular localization and chromatography of mouse pancreas ribonucleases. PMID- 13816606 TI - [Surgical technic in intracranial arterial aneurysms]. PMID- 13816608 TI - [Round foci pneumoconiosis in miners]. PMID- 13816607 TI - [The Caplan syndrome (arthritis in silicosis)]. PMID- 13816609 TI - [H.P. Stubbe Teglbjaerg 3/1 1896 - 8/22 1959]. PMID- 13816610 TI - Exercise board for injured hands. PMID- 13816611 TI - Observations on the placental giant cells of the rat. PMID- 13816612 TI - Spontaneous pneumopericardium. PMID- 13816613 TI - Industrial noise--an analysis of the problem. PMID- 13816614 TI - Carcinoma of the cervix. The physician's responsibility. PMID- 13816615 TI - The effects of venoarterial pumping for circulation support. PMID- 13816616 TI - Neurological, electroencephalographic, and heredo-familial aspects of pseudohypoparathyroidism and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. J. PMID- 13816617 TI - Heartburn. PMID- 13816618 TI - The patient, the physician-teacher, and the student. PMID- 13816619 TI - Treatment of papillomata of the bladder with radioactive colloidal gold (Aul98). PMID- 13816620 TI - Enzyme lysis of asthmatic sputum. A review and progress report. PMID- 13816621 TI - Iatrogenic disorders of infancy and childhood. PMID- 13816622 TI - The drug-sensitive erythrocyte: a review. PMID- 13816623 TI - [Observations on the action of fixative on the nerve cells of spinal ganglion]. PMID- 13816625 TI - An integrated science program? PMID- 13816624 TI - [Histochemical research on the lipase of fatty tissue]. PMID- 13816626 TI - Isolation and identification of 16-oxooestradiol-17 beta in human placentae. PMID- 13816627 TI - Estrogen excretion in breast cancer patients before and after ovarian irradiation and oophorectomy. PMID- 13816628 TI - [A propos of a medication for post-anesthesia vomiting]. PMID- 13816629 TI - Cervical carcinoma; cancer cells in the circulating blood. PMID- 13816630 TI - [A device for measuring the pulse and frequency of respiration]. PMID- 13816631 TI - An autoradiographic study of the difference between thymus and lymph node lymphocytes shown by transfusion of labelled cells. PMID- 13816632 TI - The localization of radioactive phosphorus within the spleen at different times after a single dose. PMID- 13816633 TI - The cell renewal in the rat adrenals studied with tritiated thymidine. PMID- 13816634 TI - [Education of personnel in the paramedical disciplines of the rehabilitation center]. PMID- 13816635 TI - [The treatment of menieriform syndromes is not always disappointing. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13816636 TI - [Oral cavity and crenotherapy in pediatrics]. PMID- 13816637 TI - [Therapeutic tranquilization with meprobamate in pediatrics]. PMID- 13816638 TI - [Synthetic penicillins]. PMID- 13816639 TI - [On the prophylaxis of kernicterus in premature infants]. PMID- 13816640 TI - [On inhibition of antibody formation by prednisone]. PMID- 13816641 TI - [Lipase, phosphatase and amylase activity in freeze-dried breast human milk]. PMID- 13816642 TI - [On the influencing of enzyme activity by toxins and chemotherapeutics]. PMID- 13816643 TI - [On the therapy of icterus neonatorum in premature infants with kollidon infusions (periston N)]. PMID- 13816644 TI - [On ACTH-cortisone therapy of vascular purpura (Schoenlein-Henock-Glanzmann)]. PMID- 13816645 TI - [On the pathogenesis and therapy of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn]. PMID- 13816646 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on the effectiveness of glucocorticoids in antigen-antibody reactions]. PMID- 13816647 TI - [On the pathogenesis of "alveolar enanthema" of the lungs in measles]. PMID- 13816648 TI - [Serological studies in rheumatic eye diseases]. PMID- 13816649 TI - [A contribution to irrigation of the anterior chamber with streptomycin in intraocular infections]. PMID- 13816650 TI - [Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis in agammaglobulinemia. Observations on immunobiology]. PMID- 13816651 TI - [On the clinical aspects and diagnosis of trigeminal neurinoma]. PMID- 13816652 TI - [Increased use of the "varilux" light measurement apparatus of the Ihagee Kamerawerk Dresden]. PMID- 13816653 TI - Language and mentation of two phenylketonuric children. PMID- 13816654 TI - Intra-arterial transfusion in hemorrhagic shock. Technic and clinical results in twentyfour cases. PMID- 13816655 TI - [The therapy of chronic adnexitis with placenta extracts]. PMID- 13816657 TI - [Contribution on the plastic covering of large abdominal hernias with the skin flap]. PMID- 13816656 TI - Voice quality and anxiety. PMID- 13816658 TI - Ninety years of cancer progress. PMID- 13816659 TI - Effect of hepatic coccidiosis infection in rabbits on tissue levels of vitamins A and E. PMID- 13816660 TI - Incorporation of labeled amino acids into tissue proteins of vitamin E-deficient and control rabbits. PMID- 13816661 TI - The effect of infectious disease on vitamin metabolism. PMID- 13816662 TI - [Studies on a new psycho-sedative in the policlinic]. PMID- 13816663 TI - [Historical remarks on the concept of dietetics]. PMID- 13816664 TI - ["Penicillin allergy" in uniovular twins]. PMID- 13816665 TI - [Osmotic erythrocyte resistance in severe craniocerebral trauma]. PMID- 13816666 TI - [Glioblastoma and age]. PMID- 13816667 TI - [On ependymoma in children]. PMID- 13816668 TI - [Three year duration of an indwelling metal ring in the small intestine]. PMID- 13816669 TI - [On the problem of occipital headache. Search for an explanation of its origin and a suggestion for causal therapy]. PMID- 13816670 TI - Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. Part I. Historical sketch of the Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. PMID- 13816671 TI - Infectivity of phenol-extracted preparations from cucumber leaves infected with necrotic ringspot virus. PMID- 13816672 TI - Controversial aspects of the morphology of PPLO. PMID- 13816674 TI - [Early diagnosis of glaucoma]. PMID- 13816673 TI - Effect of nutritional deficiencies on hepatic insulinase in rats. PMID- 13816675 TI - [Glaucoma as a social problem]. PMID- 13816676 TI - Early injury of chromoexcretion after total irradiation of rats. PMID- 13816677 TI - [Statistical studies on health and fertility of physicians working with ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13816678 TI - [Peripheral blood changes after internal irradiation. I. Effect of radiophosphorus P 32]. PMID- 13816679 TI - [Oral penicillin in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13816681 TI - [25 Years of treatment of Hodgkin's disease in the cancer center at Ghent: a statistical survey]. PMID- 13816680 TI - Adamantinoma of the capitate bone. PMID- 13816682 TI - [The combined I131 test in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders]. PMID- 13816683 TI - On the relations between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary in Rana temporaria. PMID- 13816685 TI - [Clinical meeting held in connection with the medical congress of Antwerp at the Thoraxcentrum of the A. Stappaertsgasthuis at Antwerp. Introduction]. PMID- 13816684 TI - [Malignant bronchial tumors]. PMID- 13816686 TI - [Project for the organization of psychiatric aid in Belgium. Fondation Julie Renson]. PMID- 13816688 TI - [Industrial noise and its influence on man]. PMID- 13816687 TI - [The duty of the physician with reference to disclosure in problems of traffic medicine]. PMID- 13816689 TI - [On otological disorders in the various forms of ostitis of the skull, especially in Paget's disease]. PMID- 13816690 TI - [Relation between hearing fatigue and residual hearing injury after noise effects]. PMID- 13816691 TI - [A familial case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]. PMID- 13816692 TI - [On studies on the endoscopic diagnosis of progressive scleroderma]. PMID- 13816693 TI - The spindle motor nerves to the gastrocnemius muscle of the rabbit. PMID- 13816694 TI - [Appearance of fibroblast-like cells in a strain of human epithelial liver cells]. PMID- 13816695 TI - [Gynecological problems in adolescent girls]. PMID- 13816696 TI - [On singultus in intra-uterine respiratory movements]. PMID- 13816697 TI - [On diagnostic errors in "azetonemic vomiting"]. PMID- 13816698 TI - [The activity of the kidney nerves after section of the central nervous system at different levels]. PMID- 13816699 TI - [The effect of replenishment of blood circulation on the activity of the renal nerves in the frog]. PMID- 13816700 TI - [Influence of embryonic pancreas on the formation of liver glycogen in chicks studied by the method of in vitro parabiosis]. PMID- 13816701 TI - [On the treatment of esophageal carcinoma]. PMID- 13816702 TI - [Treatment of primary malignant bone tumors from the viewpoint of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13816703 TI - Psychopathologic and physiologic relationships. PMID- 13816704 TI - Laboratory observations on an extracorporeal method of producing systemic hypothermia. PMID- 13816706 TI - [On the treatment of perforating gastric or duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13816705 TI - The effects of thoracic surgery on the pulmonary diffusing capacity. PMID- 13816707 TI - [Cerebral cysticercosis with psychic disorders]. PMID- 13816709 TI - Mark Akenside: eighteenth century physician-poet. PMID- 13816708 TI - [On the therapy of gastric and duodenal disorders with a gastric acid adsorbent]. PMID- 13816710 TI - [Observations on the spindle, during meiosis in Listera ovata, by means of microradiography]. PMID- 13816711 TI - [Apropos of the protein elements of bile: proteinocholia]. PMID- 13816712 TI - 6-Aminonicotinamide and 6-aminonicotinic acid metabolism in nucleated and nonnucleated erythrocytes. PMID- 13816713 TI - Purine derivatives in lymph from the thoracic duct of the rat. PMID- 13816714 TI - ["Presuren" as a basic narcotic in urological surgery and as a full narcotic in general surgery]. PMID- 13816715 TI - [Pancreas necrosis and pancreas cysts in small children]. PMID- 13816716 TI - [Are photofluorographic controls used too frequently in the armed forces?]. PMID- 13816717 TI - [Tuberculosis in the armed forces, 1953-1956]. PMID- 13816718 TI - [A new leukorrhea remedy with broad spectrum effect]. PMID- 13816719 TI - [On the value and practice of the medical postmortem examination from the viewpoint of the forensic physician]. PMID- 13816720 TI - [Experiences with an antibiotically effective fluor-hydrocortisone ointment]. PMID- 13816721 TI - [Experiences in surgical treatment of baldness]. PMID- 13816722 TI - [Fertility studies in nonspecific epididymitis]. PMID- 13816723 TI - [The change in the degree of fertility during the course of acute nonspecific epididymitis. (Contribution to the pathogenesis of primary inhibition of spermiogenesis)]. PMID- 13816724 TI - [Comparative animal experiments with leukocyte resistance value in grid irradiation]. PMID- 13816725 TI - [On the induction of retropneumoperitoneum in the Steinschnitt position]. PMID- 13816727 TI - [Modern hearing aids and their adjustment]. PMID- 13816726 TI - [Experiences in the care of isolated tympanic membrane injuries]. PMID- 13816728 TI - [On the causal genesis of the Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome (non-traumatic uveitis and deafness)]. PMID- 13816729 TI - [Indications and results of adjuvant corticoid therapy in tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13816730 TI - [Limitations of conservative surgery in gynecology]. PMID- 13816731 TI - [Practical study of sarcomas of the digestive tube]. PMID- 13816732 TI - [Rehabilitation of the "pyloroplasty"]. PMID- 13816733 TI - [Remote results in the surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer by extensive gastrectomy]. PMID- 13816734 TI - [Investigation of germs of the genus "Brucella" in the milk supply of Madrid]. PMID- 13816735 TI - [Characteristics of the poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13816736 TI - [Histochemical and polarized light studies on amyloid]. PMID- 13816737 TI - [Nerve injury caused by p-bromophenylacetylurea]. PMID- 13816738 TI - [Metachromasia with various dyes in mixed light and in polarized light]. PMID- 13816739 TI - Estimated probability of success for a fixed goal. PMID- 13816740 TI - Progesterone requirements in pregnancy. PMID- 13816741 TI - [Karley's septal lines in the 3rd stage of Boeck's disease of the lungs]. PMID- 13816742 TI - [Roentgenographic characterization of sulfonamides and their antidiabetically effective derivatives by films of the powder]. PMID- 13816743 TI - [Dosage relationships in soft ray therapy of exophytic skin neoplasms]. PMID- 13816744 TI - [On the problem of sex-specific nuclear structure of lymphocytes]. PMID- 13816745 TI - [Studies on the labile prephase of the biological leukocyte curve after local irradiation]. PMID- 13816747 TI - [Therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis with pyrazinamide]. PMID- 13816746 TI - [The illustration of granulocyte drumsticks in short copy]. PMID- 13816748 TI - [Technical aspects of dosage limitation in lung radiography]. PMID- 13816749 TI - [Cutaneous reactions. IV. Tuberculoid granuloma of unclear etiology]. PMID- 13816750 TI - [A case of arteritis "temporalis"]. PMID- 13816751 TI - [Pay regulations in laundries]. PMID- 13816753 TI - Spallanzani's unpublished experiments on the sensory basis of object perception in bats. PMID- 13816752 TI - The suitability of A. koliensis as an intermediate host for Wuchereria bancrofti. PMID- 13816754 TI - [Considerations on non-directive counseling in psychological practice]. PMID- 13816755 TI - [Bronchial changes in Hodgkin's disease (malignant granuloma)]. PMID- 13816756 TI - [Absenteeism in industry]. PMID- 13816757 TI - [Temporary disability insurance in the United States]. PMID- 13816759 TI - [Structural peculiarities of cardiac aneurysms and their significance in the compensation of cardiac action]. PMID- 13816758 TI - [Case of aneurysm of the right cardiac ventricle]. PMID- 13816760 TI - Photographic recording of precipitin bands in agar gel. PMID- 13816761 TI - The active surface of yeast lactic acid dehydrogenase. PMID- 13816762 TI - [Spectrum fluorescence analysis of tobacco smoke products]. PMID- 13816763 TI - [On the presence of 3,4-benzopyrene in the air of living quarters]. PMID- 13816764 TI - [Age-connected hypercholesterinemia as an index of increased activity of the hypothalamic centers]. PMID- 13816765 TI - [Increase of gonadotropin secretion in cancer of the breast as an indication of increased diencephalohypophysial activity]. PMID- 13816766 TI - [Pituitary inhibitors. Effect of sigetin on the development of the uterus in prepuberal mice]. PMID- 13816767 TI - [Sub-dosage in roentgenotherapy]. PMID- 13816768 TI - Toxicity of propellant fuels and oxidizers. PMID- 13816769 TI - Eugene F, DuBois, environmental physiologist. PMID- 13816770 TI - Progesterone withdrawal as a pregnancy test. PMID- 13816771 TI - Dosage requirements of griseofulvin in onychomycosis due to Trichophyton rubrum. I. Preliminary report. PMID- 13816772 TI - [Chemical strains among medicinal plants]. PMID- 13816773 TI - Effect of beta-sitosterol on regression of hyperlipemia and increased plasma coagulability in the chicken. PMID- 13816774 TI - Response of sarcoma 37 and normal cells of the mouse host to zymosan and hydroglucan. PMID- 13816775 TI - [Radiopaper chromatography of isoniazid and its metabolites. I]. PMID- 13816776 TI - [A contribution on bronchiolitis obliterans]. PMID- 13816777 TI - [Desmoid pills and early recognition of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13816778 TI - [The tubeless desmoid stomach function test. Roentgen investigation of the mechanism and consequences of the test]. PMID- 13816779 TI - Familial occurrence of hemochromatosis: report of four cases in siblings. PMID- 13816780 TI - [The hospital reform in France]. PMID- 13816781 TI - Epithelial cancers of the palatine tonsil. PMID- 13816782 TI - Use of bladder pedicles as substitutes for the lower ureter. PMID- 13816783 TI - Use of bladder pedicles as substitutes for the lower ureter. PMID- 13816784 TI - Experimental excision of portions of the left ventricle. PMID- 13816785 TI - Transbuccal administration of pitocin for induction and stimulation of labor. PMID- 13816787 TI - [A case of a large calculus in acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13816786 TI - Vasopressin as a hemostatic in gynecologic surgery. PMID- 13816788 TI - Artificial respiration in the therapy of primary varicella pneumonia. PMID- 13816789 TI - Proliferative ovarian tumors: with special reference to the incidence of previous pelvic surgery and/or irradiation in carcinoma. PMID- 13816790 TI - [Hydroxydione treatment of acute alcoholic psychoses]. PMID- 13816791 TI - [On causes, appearance, clinical aspects, therapy and prophylaxis of organic phosphate poisoning in the rural industry in the Plovdiv region]. PMID- 13816792 TI - Vocational diagnosis and counseling of the retarded in sheltered workshops. PMID- 13816793 TI - [Prophyria]. PMID- 13816794 TI - [Piezography]. PMID- 13816795 TI - Staining for iodine in chromatograms of human plasma: an artefact due to thiourea or thiouracils. PMID- 13816796 TI - [Functional structure of the thalamus and its clinical significance]. PMID- 13816798 TI - [On the problem of synthesis in schizophrenia research]. PMID- 13816797 TI - [On the pathogenesis of secondary disorders in depression]. PMID- 13816799 TI - [Views on a disease as a personality reaction]. PMID- 13816800 TI - The clinical value of the Romeo test. PMID- 13816801 TI - [Acute naphthalane poisoning]. PMID- 13816802 TI - [On disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13816804 TI - [A new test for quantitative determination of proteins in urine]. PMID- 13816803 TI - [Unusual case of echinococcosis of the m.psoas]. PMID- 13816805 TI - [Immuno-electrophoresis in the diagnosis of rheumatism]. PMID- 13816806 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes in influenzal infection]. PMID- 13816807 TI - [On hibernation in pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13816808 TI - [Blood transfusion and reamination in surgery]. PMID- 13816809 TI - [Surgical therapy of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome]. PMID- 13816810 TI - [On the problem of parietal pulmonary and bronchial communications in echinococcal cysts of the liver opening into the biliarv tract]. PMID- 13816811 TI - Delayed recovery of airborne Serratia marcescens after short-time exposure to ultra-violet irradiation. PMID- 13816812 TI - [Tetracycline concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid with special reference to pyrrolidinomethyltetracycline]. PMID- 13816813 TI - Experimental and clinical investigations with pyrrolidinomethyl tetracycline. PMID- 13816814 TI - [The use of physiologically tolerable carboxylamides as solvents for oxytetracycline]. PMID- 13816815 TI - Phonocardiography in atrial septal defect: correlation between hemodynamics and phonocardiographic findings. PMID- 13816816 TI - Phonocardiography in pulmonary stenosis: special correlation between hemodynamics and phonocardiographic findings. PMID- 13816817 TI - The management of arrhythmias in acute myocardial infarction. PMID- 13816818 TI - Comparison of internal mammary artery ligation and sham operation for angina pectoris. PMID- 13816819 TI - Extreme hypertrophy of the left atrial appendage: the case of the giant dog ear. PMID- 13816820 TI - Not four years, but forty: a look at KUMC's postgraduate medical education. PMID- 13816821 TI - The electrocardiogram in acute pulmonary embolism. PMID- 13816822 TI - The family physician, the general practitioner, and the internist. PMID- 13816823 TI - Responses to phenethylamines and nicotine and histology of turtle atria. PMID- 13816825 TI - Electrophoretic studies of bovine serum. IV. Differences in serum glycoproteins due to age and sex. PMID- 13816827 TI - Effects of physical environment on the virus of foot-and-mouth disease. PMID- 13816826 TI - Electrophoretic studies of bovine serum. III. Serum protein changes in anaplasmosis. PMID- 13816828 TI - [Hernia and eventrations. Total boiled skin grafts]. PMID- 13816829 TI - Ruptured posterior fossa aneurysms and their surgical treatment. PMID- 13816830 TI - Occipital headache. PMID- 13816831 TI - The epileptic in relation to pregnancy. PMID- 13816832 TI - Toilet training and enuresis. PMID- 13816833 TI - [On arterial vascular disorders of the extremities after blunt trauma]. PMID- 13816834 TI - [Aneurysms of the renal artery]. PMID- 13816835 TI - [Apropos of psychotherapy of the asthmatic child]. PMID- 13816836 TI - [Apropos of hysteria in children]. PMID- 13816837 TI - [Considerations on the genesis of tics in the child]. PMID- 13816838 TI - Muscle spasms due to perphenazine (trilafon). PMID- 13816839 TI - [On a case of involutive myelopathy favorably treated with large doses of cyanocobalamine]. PMID- 13816840 TI - [Usefulness of the simultaneous determination of the beta-lipoprotein level and the ratio of alpa- and beta-lipoproteins in detection of the tendency toward atherosclerosis (Study of 110 subjects)]. PMID- 13816841 TI - [Clinical observations on the use of a new sulfonamide with prolonged action (sulfadimethoxine)]. PMID- 13816842 TI - Idiopathic hemochromatosis. PMID- 13816843 TI - Some observations on P-wave morphology in precordial lead V in patients with elevated left atrial pressures and left atrial enlargement. PMID- 13816844 TI - Problem of esophageal hiatal hernia. PMID- 13816845 TI - Pulmonary edema. PMID- 13816846 TI - [Aluminum in human milk]. PMID- 13816847 TI - [A new special intestinal suction canula]. PMID- 13816848 TI - The present status of the problem of the minor respiratory diseases. PMID- 13816849 TI - The Slaughterhouses Act, 1958. PMID- 13816850 TI - Nodular goiter. A review. PMID- 13816851 TI - Note on use of correlation statistics and population analysis. PMID- 13816852 TI - Factor analysis of a magazine interest test. PMID- 13816853 TI - Some uses of descriptive statistics in population analysis. PMID- 13816854 TI - Subcortical stimulation of the brain and release of antidiuretic hormone in man. PMID- 13816855 TI - Glassfiber paper chromatography of adrenal and gonadal steroids. PMID- 13816856 TI - Effect of calcium gluconate and adrenal steroids on sodium and water excretion in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. PMID- 13816858 TI - Surgical management of defects of the scalp. PMID- 13816857 TI - Osteectomy of the mandible in cleft lip and palate habilitation. PMID- 13816859 TI - Letter from Australia: prospective migrant. PMID- 13816860 TI - [Gastric resection in chronic gastroduodenal ulcer. A follow-up study]. PMID- 13816861 TI - [Cerebro-meningeal hemorrhage during Werlhof's disease. Emergency splenectomy]. PMID- 13816862 TI - [On the pathology of pneumomediastinum in the newborn]. PMID- 13816863 TI - [Quantitative behavior of the myocardial stroma in experimental hypertrophy based on morphological and chemical correlative studies]. PMID- 13816864 TI - [Quantitative definition of collagen in the ventricular myocardium of the rabbit]. PMID- 13816865 TI - [On glycogen content in the hypophysis]. PMID- 13816866 TI - Studies on the chemical forms of urinary lead. PMID- 13816867 TI - Separation of biologically active components from scorpion venoms by zone electrophoresis. PMID- 13816868 TI - Effects of a toxin present in a purified extract of telsons from the scorpion Tityus serrulatus on smooth muscle preparations and in mice. PMID- 13816869 TI - [A case of progressive hypertrophic neuritis]. PMID- 13816870 TI - [Meningoencephalitis caused by bacteria of the Escherichia genus in a septuagenarian. Treatment with intrathecal and muscular chloramphenicol]. PMID- 13816871 TI - [On fitness evaluation regarding tuberculosis in the pre-induction examination]. PMID- 13816872 TI - [Serial x-ray examinations as military medical health care]. PMID- 13816873 TI - Modified Beaver respirator: the application of negative phase. PMID- 13816874 TI - Further studies on vitamin B12 and thymine biosynthesis. PMID- 13816875 TI - Nutritional muscular dystrophy in the monkey. PMID- 13816876 TI - Water-soluble vitamins, Part II. (Vitamin B12, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid). PMID- 13816877 TI - An experimental analogue of three psychotherapeutic approaches. PMID- 13816878 TI - Recurrent myocardial infarction after cessation of anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13816879 TI - [The new university pharmacy building of Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald]. PMID- 13816880 TI - Arc suppression in shock circuits. PMID- 13816881 TI - [Allergic factors in infections of the respiratory tract]. PMID- 13816882 TI - Persistent foot-and-mouth disease infections of cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13816883 TI - Properties of foot-and-mouth disease virus in tissue culture. I. Changes in plaque morphology and antigenicity following passage in tissue culture. PMID- 13816884 TI - Properties of foot-and-mouth disease virus in tissue culture: II. Persistent infection induced by temporary exposure of the cultures to antibodies. PMID- 13816885 TI - [Influence of fasting on some enzymatic activities of the myocardium]. PMID- 13816886 TI - [Research on the myocardial metabolism of the rat with experimental stenosis of the ascending aorta. Behavior of lactic, pyruvic, alphaketoglutaric acids and of ATP, ADP, AMP]. PMID- 13816887 TI - [Determination of various enzyme activities of human pancreatic tissue]. PMID- 13816888 TI - Influence of unbalanced diets on nitrogen content and enzymatic activities of hepatic mitochondria of rats. PMID- 13816889 TI - [Pathogenetic and clinical observations on the use of hyoscine-N-butyl-bromide in asthma attacks]. PMID- 13816890 TI - [The properdin level in neoplasms and in malignant blood diseases]. PMID- 13816891 TI - [Behavior of some indices of organic defense (bactericidal power, properdinic system) in animals treated with antimitotics]. PMID- 13816893 TI - [Apropos of highway accidents]. PMID- 13816892 TI - [Electroshock and hemocoagulation. Thromboelastographic data]. PMID- 13816894 TI - [The urinary factor in genital prolapse]. PMID- 13816895 TI - The effect of allicin from garlic on tumor growth. PMID- 13816896 TI - Effect of certain phenooxazinones and related compounds on selected species of Clostridium. PMID- 13816897 TI - Effect on mice of oral painting of cigarette-smoke condensate. PMID- 13816898 TI - The influence of prolonged oxygen change on the formation of spontaneous and induced mouse cancer. PMID- 13816899 TI - Influence of altered atmospheric oxygen on urethan-induced pulmonary tumors in mice. PMID- 13816900 TI - Hepatic glucokinase in the fed, fasted, and alloxan-diabetic rat. PMID- 13816902 TI - "At Wagram", 23 March 1960 PMID- 13816901 TI - Ubiquinones and ubichromenols in the rat. PMID- 13816903 TI - [Certain observations on physiology of the senses during the passage from the state of acceleration to zero gravity]. PMID- 13816904 TI - [From acceleration to weightlessness. A space-medical talk on the "eve" of the first space flight]. PMID- 13816905 TI - [Influenza A and B in a military group]. PMID- 13816906 TI - [Measurement technic and biological effect of naturally radioactive mineral water from the viewpoint of modern study methods]. PMID- 13816907 TI - Clinical observations on cerumenolysis with a new pharmacologic agent. PMID- 13816909 TI - [The effect of various quinoid substances on aldolase]. PMID- 13816908 TI - [On electrophoresis of serum lipoproteins in arteriosclerosis and some other disease pictures]. PMID- 13816910 TI - [On the effect of diethylstibestrol and steroid hormones on the respiration of baker's yeast. 57. A report on sex hormones, steroids and sterines]. PMID- 13816911 TI - [On the local effect of dihydrotachysterol (AT 10) on the bone tissue of the rat]. PMID- 13816912 TI - [Uptake and release of calcium by anorganic bone substance and the influence of proteins and protein degradation products]. PMID- 13816913 TI - [Influence of various antirheumatic drugs on the metabolism of cortisone in the rat liver. 58. Contribution on sex hormones, steroids and sterins]. PMID- 13816914 TI - [On the presence of steroidesterase in the liver]. PMID- 13816915 TI - The helium closed circuit method for measuring the functional residual capacity. PMID- 13816916 TI - A new colorimetric method for the determination of ketohexoses in presence of aldoses, ketoheptoses and ketopentoses. PMID- 13816917 TI - A colorimetric procedure for the determination of triose phosphate and fructose 1,6-diphosphate in presence of other sugars. PMID- 13816918 TI - Composition of mucoid fractions from duodenal fluid of children and of adults. PMID- 13816919 TI - Mechanisms in the interconversion of ribose 5-phosphate and hexose 6-phosphate in human hemolyzates. 1. Sedohetulose and triose phosphates as intermediates in the conversion of ribose 5-phosphate to hexose 6-phosphate in human hemolyzates. PMID- 13816920 TI - Nutritional and endocrine influences on the synthesis of albuminoid in rat lenses. I. The effect of restricted diet and L-thyroxine on the albuminoid formation. PMID- 13816921 TI - [Variation of the time of reaction of Alytes tadpoles to thyroxine treatment according to the season of the year]. PMID- 13816922 TI - The differential diagnosis of haemolytic anaemias. PMID- 13816923 TI - [Colpography in childhood]. PMID- 13816924 TI - [Medicosocial aspects of psychoneuroses]. PMID- 13816925 TI - [External irritants in allergic and non-allergic vasomotor rhinopathy]. PMID- 13816926 TI - [Sinusitis]. PMID- 13816927 TI - Eye health screening in schools. PMID- 13816929 TI - A philosophy of operation. PMID- 13816930 TI - The gamma radiolysis of butyl chlorides. PMID- 13816928 TI - [Effect of the configuration of desoxyribonucleic acid molecule on biological activity of bound proteins]. PMID- 13816931 TI - Epidemic bronchiolitis in infants. PMID- 13816932 TI - [Fight against tuberculosis in Casablanca]. PMID- 13816933 TI - The occurrence and origin of certain vitamins in human saliva. PMID- 13816934 TI - [On the incidence of bacterial resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis at the begining of hospital treatment]. PMID- 13816935 TI - [On the problem of differentiation of human and bovine tubercle bacteria with the aid of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (TCH) according to Boenicke]. PMID- 13816936 TI - [Prevention and treatment of transfusional reactions]. PMID- 13816937 TI - The pharmacological effects of D- and L-2-aminobutylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide and 3-aminopropyl-N-methyl isothiuronium bromide hydrobromide in the cat. PMID- 13816938 TI - [Action of hypercalcium and hypocalcium milieu on the ventricular myocardium, studied with the aid of microelectrodes in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13816939 TI - Galactosamine polymers produced by Aspergillus parasiticus. PMID- 13816940 TI - Interosseous wiring of mandibular fractures: a follow-up of fifty cases. PMID- 13816941 TI - [Endogenous depression as a consequence of disorders of the autonomic relationship to the environment]. PMID- 13816942 TI - [On the problem of the mechanism of action of psychotropic drugs, especially of tofranil]. PMID- 13816943 TI - Evaluation of drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. PMID- 13816944 TI - Comparison of the LSD-25 experience and delirium tremens. PMID- 13816945 TI - [On the determination of insulin in the blood of epididymal fatty tissue of the rat with the aid of marked glucose. I. Method and margins of error]. PMID- 13816947 TI - [Association types of reactions in cyclophrenia]. PMID- 13816946 TI - [Transformation of a "drug purpura" into a chronic thrombopenic with "autoallergic" pathogenesis]. PMID- 13816948 TI - Hodgkin's disease with an unusually slow evolution of paragranuloma into granuloma. PMID- 13816949 TI - Hemoglobin H associated with an uncommon variant of thalassemia trait. PMID- 13816950 TI - Demecolcine toxicity: a case report of severe hematopoietic toxicity and a review of the literature. PMID- 13816951 TI - The psychotherapeutic function of the orthopsychiatric team: report of the committee on psychotherapy. Panel, 1959. 6. The need for ongoing research in the general function of the orthopsychiatric team. PMID- 13816952 TI - [A defibrillator pacemaker with automatic tension- and current indicator and interruption of the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13816953 TI - [Foaming-a new procedure in the concentration of cellular blood elements (leukocytes)]. PMID- 13816954 TI - The isolation of a new complex lipid: triphosphoinostide from ox brain. PMID- 13816955 TI - [On the problem of the origin of Weber-Christian disease]. PMID- 13816956 TI - [On the significance of the Kauffman-Wolheim water test in liver diseases with special reference to bioptic studies]. PMID- 13816957 TI - [Studies on the potassium, sodium and water content of the cadaver heart in cardiac insufficiency and myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13816958 TI - [Acute nutrition disorders in the roentgenogram]. PMID- 13816960 TI - [The unstable phase of radiation effects]. PMID- 13816959 TI - [Experiences with extracorporeal hemodialysis. Part III. Bone marrow studies on normalization of erythropoesis in acute and chronic uremias by hemodialysis]. PMID- 13816961 TI - Early vascular changes in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13816962 TI - Changes in serum proteins, lipoproteins, and protein-bound carbohydrates in relation to pathologic alterations in the microcirculation of diabetic subjects. PMID- 13816963 TI - Relationship of blood protein composition to intravascular erythrocyte aggregation (sludged blood); clinical and experimental studies. PMID- 13816964 TI - Primary progressive interstitial ossifying myositis. Report of a case. PMID- 13816965 TI - Baseball shoulder. PMID- 13816966 TI - Clinical experience with tests for pulmoanry function: review of 100 consecutive cases. PMID- 13816967 TI - Mediastinal cystic hygroma: report of two cases. PMID- 13816968 TI - Pulmonary infiltration associated with blood eosinophilia (P.I.E.): a clinical study of Loeffler's syndrome and of periarteritis nodosa with P.I.E. syndrome. PMID- 13816970 TI - The Medical College of Utah at Morgan. PMID- 13816969 TI - Esophageal obstruction due to amyloid deposits complicating multiple myeloma: report of case. PMID- 13816971 TI - [Certain conditions possibly influencing surgical results in strabismus]. PMID- 13816972 TI - [Evolution of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13816973 TI - [The diagnosis of pure syphilitic aortitis, not complicated by aneurysm]. PMID- 13816974 TI - [Psychopharmacology of a third neuroleptic from the butyrophenone series: R 2498 or triperidol]. PMID- 13816975 TI - [Trial imipramine therapy of refractory depressive states]. PMID- 13816976 TI - [Psychopharmacological experimentation with a new neuroleptic drug: R 1647]. PMID- 13816977 TI - [Report on the neuropsycho-pharmacological activity of haloperidol (R 1625)]. PMID- 13816978 TI - A study of the 1-131 uptake in children, with special reference to the iodide repletion test. PMID- 13816979 TI - [On the therapy of zygoma fracture]. PMID- 13816980 TI - Hydronephrosis. PMID- 13816981 TI - The administration of hydrocortisone by ionization. PMID- 13816982 TI - Transplantation of the V-2 carcinoma by suspensions containing known numbers of tumor cells. PMID- 13816983 TI - The lack of absorption of ingested bovine antibody in humans. PMID- 13816984 TI - Purification and properties of malate synthetase. PMID- 13816985 TI - A method of desalting certain polypeptides. PMID- 13816987 TI - Neuro-fibroma of the bladder. PMID- 13816986 TI - Chromatographic isolations of pig and human melanocyte-stimulating hormones. PMID- 13816988 TI - Post-traumatic intussusception in adults. PMID- 13816989 TI - Inflammation in the foetal and neonatal rat: the local reactions to skin burns. PMID- 13816990 TI - Salmonellae in fertilizers containing superphosphate. PMID- 13816991 TI - The fate of bacteria in the small intestine. PMID- 13816992 TI - Solitary neurilemmomata presenting in the larynx, pharynx and neck. PMID- 13816993 TI - Protein in dying beta-cells of the pancreatic islets. PMID- 13816995 TI - Children with nonorganic hearing problems. PMID- 13816994 TI - Cause of the instability of cytochrome c reductase. PMID- 13816996 TI - Factors affecting drug metabolism by liver microsomes. IV. Starvation. PMID- 13816997 TI - Rhabdomyosarcoma involving the left mandible. PMID- 13816998 TI - [A case of meningioma of the orbit]. PMID- 13816999 TI - Clinical and hematologic studies on pure Dictyocaulus viviparus (Bloch) lungworm infections in calves. PMID- 13817001 TI - [How to read a vertebral radiogram]. PMID- 13817000 TI - Survival of total-body x-irradiated mice after delayed infusions of isologous bone marrow. PMID- 13817002 TI - [Bronchiectasis; various aspects, observations and comparisons, with personal findings in 9 Indonesian men]. PMID- 13817003 TI - [Death caused by penicilin]. PMID- 13817004 TI - [Role of exfoliative cytology in the clinic (review of literature)]. PMID- 13817005 TI - [Subacute (granulomatous) thyroiditis]. PMID- 13817006 TI - [Heart and hypofunction of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13817007 TI - On the operative method of placenta implantation in the anterior chamber in various eye diseases. PMID- 13817008 TI - [Sequlae and their therapy in attempted hanging]. PMID- 13817009 TI - [Surgical therapy of congenital midline fistulas of thethyroglossal tract]. PMID- 13817010 TI - [Drugs and therapy of diphtheria in Serbia during the second half of the nineteenth century]. PMID- 13817011 TI - [Instant oscillographic analysis of vowels]. PMID- 13817012 TI - [Comparative study of the principal methods of artificial respiration]. PMID- 13817013 TI - [Congenital cyst of the lung in an infant]. PMID- 13817014 TI - [Dystrophy in infants and children up to 3 years of age]. PMID- 13817015 TI - [Aldosterone]. PMID- 13817016 TI - [Contribution to the study of the content of pleural exudates]. PMID- 13817017 TI - [Infections of the urinary tract]. PMID- 13817019 TI - [The treatment of endometrial amenorrhea by homoplastic grafting of the endometrium]. PMID- 13817018 TI - [The effect of certain vaccines on the immunogenic effect of BCG vaccine]. PMID- 13817020 TI - Emotional factors in coronary occlusion. PMID- 13817021 TI - [Role of sex hormones in the regulation of active intake of water and electrolytes]. PMID- 13817022 TI - [Release of ADH in young rats]. PMID- 13817023 TI - [Glycolytic metabolities of human erythrocytes. Separation of acid soluble phosphate esters by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13817024 TI - [On the switch-over of homogenous conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13817025 TI - [Transverse laceration of the duodenum in blunt trauma of the abdomen]. PMID- 13817026 TI - [Combined treatment of osteomyelitis with penicillin and sanasine]. PMID- 13817028 TI - [Does saliva have a role in blood pressure regulation?]. PMID- 13817027 TI - [Determination of biological activity of polimyxin by agar diffusion method]. PMID- 13817029 TI - Studies on the submicroscopic structure of chicken leukosis: lymphomatosis, erythroblastosis and granuloblastosis. PMID- 13817030 TI - Studies on submicroscopic structure of parotid gland tumors of mice. PMID- 13817031 TI - Studies on a virus ("polyoma") inducing multiple tumors in animals. PMID- 13817032 TI - Studies on mammary tumor inducing virus in mice (Bittner virus). PMID- 13817033 TI - Studies on human leukemia. PMID- 13817034 TI - Studies on submicroscopic structure of human leukemic tissues. PMID- 13817035 TI - [Calculation of protection for a betatron with the energy of 25 Me V]. PMID- 13817036 TI - Ionic requirements of Treponema pallidum. II. Ammonium, lithium, rubidium, and cesium. PMID- 13817037 TI - The potential dangers to the hematopoietic organs in a modern industrial society. PMID- 13817038 TI - Changes in perceptual function after isolation. PMID- 13817040 TI - [On the phylogenesis of inflammation]. PMID- 13817039 TI - Completion of meiosis in uninseminated eggs of Drosophila melanogaster. AB - Contrary to earlier statements, meiosis goes to completion in "Linfertilized" eggs of Drosophila melanogaster. Evidence suggests that this is not only characteristic of the strain examined but of the species as a whole and of other Drosophila species as well. PMID- 13817041 TI - Congenital hepatic fibrosis with portal hypertension. PMID- 13817042 TI - Acidosis following respiratory alkalosis in thoracic operations with and without heart-lung bypass. PMID- 13817044 TI - [Anthropmetric data and cabin space]. PMID- 13817043 TI - Experimental evaluation of ivalon as replacement for right ventricular myocardium. PMID- 13817046 TI - [Basic principles of modern nutrition]. PMID- 13817045 TI - [Decomposition of hemins with hydrogen peroxide in alkaline medium. VI. On the Stokvis reaction (pentdyopent reaction)]. PMID- 13817047 TI - [A rare syphilitic disease of the nervous system: acute meningoencephalitis based on Nissl-Alzheimer's capillary endarteritis]. PMID- 13817048 TI - [Unusual form of neurosyphilis: acute meningoencephalitis caused by Nissl Alzheimer's capillary end-arteritis]. PMID- 13817049 TI - [III. Direct demonstration of staphylococcal alpha toxin in pus. Clinical significance of the method]. PMID- 13817050 TI - [III. On the direct demonstration of staphylococcal alpha-toxin from pus. The clinical significance of the method]. PMID- 13817051 TI - [Cerebrospinal form of paragonimiasis]. PMID- 13817052 TI - [Child mortality in influenza during the fall of 1957 and during the spring of 1958. Bulovka, Prague, 8]. PMID- 13817053 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis and therapy of the so-called chronic interstitial pneumofibrosis in children]. PMID- 13817054 TI - [On detention institutions. A contribution to the discussion]. PMID- 13817055 TI - Comparison of the cardiovascular and respiratory effects of halothane and the halothane-diethyl ether azeotrope in dogs. PMID- 13817056 TI - A study of chloroform anaesthesia in a precision system. I. The effect on anion cation balance in man. PMID- 13817057 TI - Micoren in barbiturate poisoning. PMID- 13817058 TI - The antisialogogue effect of phenothiazine derivatives: comparison of promazine, levomepromazine, trifluoperazine, proclorperazine, methdilazine and prothipendyl. PMID- 13817059 TI - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (delysid, LSD-25) on thiopental recovery. PMID- 13817060 TI - Double blind study of phenothiazines used in pre-anaesthetic medication: a clinical evaluation of promethazine (phenergan), promazine (sparine), proclorperazine (stemetil), and levomepromazine (nozinan). PMID- 13817061 TI - The antisialogogue effect of phenothiazine derivatives: comparison of pecazine, perphenazine, fluphenazine, thiopropazate, pipamazine and triflupromazine. PMID- 13817062 TI - Direct artificial respiration; training with the Brook airway. PMID- 13817063 TI - Drugs which stimulate affective behavior. 2. Comparison of the analeptic effect of d'amphetamine, bemigride with amiphenazole, methylphenidylacetate, iproniazid (micoren) and RP8228. PMID- 13817064 TI - Drugs which stimulate affective behaviour. 3. Comparison of the effect of picrotoxin, pentylenetetrazol, bemigride, pipradrol, ectylurea, vanillic acid diethylamide and deanol. PMID- 13817065 TI - Perphenazine in clinical anaesthesia. PMID- 13817066 TI - Potentiation of thiopental anesthesia by derivatives and analogues of phenothiazine. PMID- 13817067 TI - Save a life with a breath of air. PMID- 13817069 TI - [In memory of Dr. Walter Stemmer]. PMID- 13817068 TI - The effects of anaesthetic agents on the cardiovascular system: a review. PMID- 13817070 TI - Felt and plastic back support. PMID- 13817071 TI - Shoulder abduction splint. PMID- 13817072 TI - A self-calibrating blood-pressure monitoring system. PMID- 13817073 TI - Scalpel and scissors: a flanged incision for cataract extraction. PMID- 13817074 TI - [On the treatment of cholecystitis according to clinical material from the period of 1954-1959]. PMID- 13817075 TI - [Rapid method with chromic hematoxylin for cytological investigations]. PMID- 13817076 TI - [Remote results of prolonged antibacterial therapy of patients with focal, hematogenous-disseminated and infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817077 TI - [On the 100th anniversary of the method of rhinoscopy]. PMID- 13817078 TI - [Daily expenditure of energy in mining drillers in the polar region]. PMID- 13817079 TI - [The functional state of the ovaries and the capacity for work of women after surgical treatment of uterine fibromyoma]. PMID- 13817080 TI - [Some data on the work of a diagnostic intestinal department]. PMID- 13817081 TI - [The Polish morphological journal "Folia Morphologica" (organ of the Polish anatomical society) in 1958]. PMID- 13817082 TI - [Utilization of blood transfusion preparations during 1958]. PMID- 13817083 TI - [Ten years of our transfusion services]. PMID- 13817084 TI - [On the determination of the active sites of certain enzymes by means of a new specific reagent, Roussin's salt. I]. PMID- 13817085 TI - [On the determination of the active sites of certain enzymes by means of a new specific reagent, Roussin's salt. II]. PMID- 13817086 TI - [Pathological anatomy of hemorrhagic infarcts of the lungs]. PMID- 13817087 TI - [Familial hemoglobinopathy]. PMID- 13817088 TI - [Selected problems concerning U wave according to observations on 1046 electrocardiograms]. PMID- 13817089 TI - [Clinical problems of staphylococcal diseases in children on the basis of a microbiological analysis: research on the uniformity of strains from different parts of the body]. PMID- 13817090 TI - [Current views on the origin of bacterial resistant to antibiotics]. PMID- 13817091 TI - [On the differentiation of pathogenic staphylococci in various diseases]. PMID- 13817092 TI - [Therapy of depressive states with iprazid]. PMID- 13817093 TI - [Epileptic seizures in cerebrospinal meningitis]. PMID- 13817094 TI - Clearance rates following intraarterial injections in the study of peripheral vascular beds. PMID- 13817095 TI - Phenformin (DBI) therapy in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13817096 TI - Facts and fallacies. PMID- 13817097 TI - John Hunter's artists. PMID- 13817098 TI - John Hunter's views on cancer. PMID- 13817099 TI - Are hospital employees misinformed? PMID- 13817100 TI - [Laboratory breeding from eggs to adulthood of Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818, S. aureum Fries. 1824. S. erythrocephalum De Geer. 1776, S. decorum Walker, 1848, (Diptera, Nematocera, Simuliidae). Biological observations concerning the species]. PMID- 13817101 TI - [Description of Greniera fabbi, Doby et David, 1959 (Diptera-Nematocera Simuliidae) in the western part of France (Atlantic Loire)]. PMID- 13817102 TI - [Supplement to the study of Simuliidae (Diptera, Nematocera) of Northern France]. PMID- 13817103 TI - Evolution of genes and genes in evolution. PMID- 13817105 TI - [Contrasting images in the abdominal organs]. PMID- 13817104 TI - The present evolution of man. PMID- 13817106 TI - [Determination of the localization of enzymes in Acetobacter cells by intermittent ultrasonics]. PMID- 13817107 TI - [On the pathology of Vater's papilla: apropos of vaterian carcinoma]. PMID- 13817108 TI - [Malignant granulomatosis of Sternberg and reticulohistiocytopathies]. PMID- 13817109 TI - [Morphological variants and anatomo-clinical profile of sarcoma of the breast]. PMID- 13817110 TI - [Uterine tumors in the anatomo-clinical reflexes of the uropoietic organs]. PMID- 13817111 TI - [On two cases of echinococcal cyst of the kidney]. PMID- 13817112 TI - Curiosity, culture, and curricula. PMID- 13817113 TI - Should teachers all be investigators? PMID- 13817114 TI - Surgical treatment of angina. PMID- 13817116 TI - Cervical smears: some practical considerations. PMID- 13817115 TI - Pseudomalignant endometrial changes induced by administration of new synthetic progestins. PMID- 13817117 TI - Ovarian tumors: practical considerations. PMID- 13817118 TI - A giant placenta: a case report. PMID- 13817119 TI - The value of vision screening in the preschool age child. PMID- 13817120 TI - Interrelationships among Porteus Maze test qualitative errors. PMID- 13817121 TI - Test-retest performance of schizophrenics on two forms of the Porteus mazes. PMID- 13817122 TI - The effects of beta radiation on the angle of the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. PMID- 13817123 TI - Effect of storage on NaI131 solutions upon the thyroid uptake by day-old chicks. PMID- 13817124 TI - Hematologic changes in rat following administration of desoxypyridoxine, aminopterin, oxythiamine and 6,7-dimethyl-9-(2'-acetoxyethyl)isoalloxazine. PMID- 13817125 TI - Role of reducing agents, adrenal glands, and pituitary glands on the conversion of folic acid to citrovorum factor. PMID- 13817126 TI - The general practitioner in government medicine. A brief summary of the subject in the light of the British National Health Service. PMID- 13817127 TI - Evaluation of environmental uranium contamination at the feed materials production center. PMID- 13817128 TI - The contributions of former presidents of the section of proctology to the problem of carcinoma of the rectum. PMID- 13817130 TI - Fundamentals of practice administration. PMID- 13817129 TI - Gastroenteritis of viral origin. PMID- 13817131 TI - Ten easy lessons on how to land in court. PMID- 13817132 TI - Hemagglutination of rabbit erythrocytes by pus from cases of cat scratch fever. PMID- 13817134 TI - Blood pyruvate and lactate response of normal subjects to dextrose, sucrose, and liquid glucose. PMID- 13817133 TI - Electrolytes and arterial muscle contractility. PMID- 13817135 TI - A riddle of the seventeenth century; the Linacre lecture. PMID- 13817136 TI - Obesity. PMID- 13817137 TI - Some reflections on cancer research. PMID- 13817138 TI - Squamous-cell carcinoma of the tonsil. PMID- 13817139 TI - The cariogenic property of cereal foods. PMID- 13817140 TI - [On the particle size of drugs incorporated in eye ointments]. PMID- 13817141 TI - [On anamnesis and ocular functions in healthy children]. PMID- 13817142 TI - [Zoster opthalmicus gangraenosus with loss of the eyeball]. PMID- 13817143 TI - [Bioptic findings in the duodenal mucosa in biliary pathology]. PMID- 13817144 TI - [Influence of antacid-antisecretory drug association on changes of the gastric pH after mixed meal in normal subjects and duodenal ulcer patients]. PMID- 13817145 TI - Sodium currents in the myelinated nerve fibre of Xenopus laevis investigated with the voltage clamp technique. PMID- 13817146 TI - Cardiovascular effects of isoproterenol in normal subjects and subjects with congestive heart failure. PMID- 13817147 TI - Why nurses leave--and what to do about it. PMID- 13817148 TI - Operation of a summer camp for children with diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13817149 TI - Studies on sulphatases. 26. Arylsulphatase activity in the digestive juice and digestive gland of Helix pomatia. PMID- 13817150 TI - Studies on sulphatases. 27. The purification and properties of the arylsulphatase of the digestive gland of Helix pomatia. PMID- 13817151 TI - Action of the chondroitinase of Proteus vulgaris on hyaluronic acid. PMID- 13817152 TI - Observations on the arylsulphatase of Proteus vulgaris. PMID- 13817153 TI - The "geometrical lesion" as applied to developmental neuropathology. PMID- 13817154 TI - [Quantitative study of the utilization of glucides by Pasteurella pestis strain E. V. in non proliferating suspension. I. Rhamnose]. PMID- 13817155 TI - [Quantitative study of the utilization of sugars by Pasteurella pestis strain E. V. in nonproliferating suspensions. II. Glucose. Autodestruction, at 37 degrees, of the power to degrade glucose by bacteria cultivated at 26 degrees]. PMID- 13817156 TI - [Patho-morphological changes in the nerve cells of the spinal cord in the stillborn and in dead newborn infants]. PMID- 13817157 TI - The use of anaerobic energy in elective cardiac arrest. PMID- 13817158 TI - Response of antithyroid antibody titers during treatment of goiter. PMID- 13817159 TI - Electroretinographic measurement of the spectral sensitivity in albinos, Caucasians, and Negroes. PMID- 13817160 TI - Change of threshold during dark adaptation measured with orange and blue light in cats and rabbits. PMID- 13817161 TI - Depression of cone sensitivity during dark adaptation. PMID- 13817162 TI - Diurnal variation of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, sodium, potassium, magnesium and creatinine in normal subjects and in cases of treated adrenal insufficiency and Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13817163 TI - Anthropometric determination of fat-free body weight. PMID- 13817164 TI - [Studies on the choleretic and cholokinetic effect of felogen]. PMID- 13817165 TI - [The therapy of chronic liver diseases. The therapy of chronic liver diseases and acute threatening states of liver insufficiency]. PMID- 13817166 TI - [Genital carcinoma in women]. PMID- 13817167 TI - ["The rolled graft". First results and improved technic]. PMID- 13817168 TI - [Obstetrics of the general practitioner, home delivery-hospital delivery]. PMID- 13817169 TI - Studies on the electron transfer system. 29. The isolation and properties of a succinic dehydrogenase-cytochrome b complex from beef-heart mitochondria. PMID- 13817170 TI - [On experiences in the treatment of urological patients with ganlion]. PMID- 13817171 TI - [On the therapy of simple vesical ulcer with local infiltration]. PMID- 13817172 TI - [Organic disorders in chronic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13817173 TI - The x-ray diagnosis of gas gangrene of the uterus: report of a case. PMID- 13817175 TI - MMPI performance of aphasic and nonaphasic brain-damaged patients. PMID- 13817174 TI - Scintigraphy and portography-their value in the diagnosis of liver disease. PMID- 13817176 TI - Color-form attitudes of deaf children. PMID- 13817177 TI - The effect of injected insulin on the amino acid incorporating system of rat liver. PMID- 13817178 TI - [Jaundice with occlusion syndrome as the leading symptom in virus hepatitis injurious effects of drugs, in pregnancy and in newborns]. PMID- 13817179 TI - Chronic thoracic duct-venous shunt preparation in dogs. PMID- 13817180 TI - [Respiratory disorders in polyneuritis]. PMID- 13817181 TI - [Therapy of poisoning caused by hypnotics]. PMID- 13817182 TI - [Male fertility in adolescence and in old age]. PMID- 13817183 TI - [On the problem of infertility caused by occupational factors]. PMID- 13817184 TI - [Urinary retention in irradiated female genital carcinoma (frequency and proposals for therapy)]. PMID- 13817185 TI - [On the roentgen diagnosis of blunt injuries of the thorax]. PMID- 13817186 TI - [On the increase of tolerance in radiotherapy of the abdominal cavity]. PMID- 13817187 TI - Bronchospirometric measurements during surgery on the open thorax PMID- 13817188 TI - [The wetting agent admovon and its use in the treatment of surgical lung diseases]. PMID- 13817189 TI - ["Specific maternal mortality", a criterion of obstetrical performance]. PMID- 13817190 TI - [On the therapy of hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13817192 TI - [On a case of superfecundation]. PMID- 13817191 TI - [On the inhibitory function of methyl-nortestosterone on ovarian function]. PMID- 13817194 TI - [On the distribution of a bacterial endotoxin in the blood (in vitro)]. PMID- 13817193 TI - [Paper chromatographic studies on the behavior of adenine-, guanine-, and uridine nucleotides as well as other acid-soluble phosphorus compounds in the cerebrum of the rat in asphyxia and post-asphyxic recovery]. PMID- 13817195 TI - [Health control of prostitutes and paragraph 28 of the law on the control of venereal diseases]. PMID- 13817196 TI - [On regulations in the endocrine system]. PMID- 13817197 TI - [On the problem of the organ-specific cytostatic effect of diethylstilbestrol diphosphate in prostate carcinoma]. PMID- 13817198 TI - [Release of the "overproduction effect" of the testis by chorionic gonadotropin in men with oligo-asthenospermia]. PMID- 13817199 TI - [Clinical studies on the estrogen effect of stilbestrol phosphate in peroral and intravenous application]. PMID- 13817200 TI - [On the effect of single and combined doses of ACTH and chorionic gonadotropins on the adrenal cortex of castrated male rats]. PMID- 13817201 TI - [Fluctuations and changes in coronary circulation and blood pressure of the non anesthetized dog in continuous registration]. PMID- 13817202 TI - [On the method of continuous registration of coronary circulation and blood pressure on the non-anesthetized dog]. PMID- 13817203 TI - [The decrease of coronary circulation after adrenalin and noradrenalin administration to anesthetized and non-anesthetized dogs]. PMID- 13817204 TI - [The effect of high doses of quinidine on ventricular tachycardia and contractility of the dog heart in chronic oral administration]. PMID- 13817205 TI - [Pharmacological bases of the treatment of hypertension]. PMID- 13817206 TI - [Studies on the biostatistically adjustable time difference in serial indirect determination of the total bacterial and fungal count in a low swamp]. PMID- 13817207 TI - Effect of arteriovenous fistula and ligation of proximal vein on the growth of bone. PMID- 13817208 TI - [Ileus in pregnancy]. PMID- 13817210 TI - [Our experience with episiotomy]. PMID- 13817209 TI - [Instrumental facilitation for the assistants in vaginal gynecological operations]. PMID- 13817211 TI - [Success or failure of prophylaxis of mastitis]. PMID- 13817212 TI - [Lymphoepithelial tumors]. PMID- 13817213 TI - [On the 75th anniversary of the death of Julius Cohnheim]. PMID- 13817214 TI - [Pancreatitis. Pathogenesis, forms, incidence]. PMID- 13817215 TI - [The histopathology of the rhythm and conduction system of the heart]. PMID- 13817217 TI - [To kill and to be killed. Criminological reflections]. PMID- 13817216 TI - Factors involved in the action of venoms against bacterial toxins in experimental animals. PMID- 13817219 TI - [An unusually large marginal point on the iliosacral joint]. PMID- 13817218 TI - [Accessory cardiac bronchial diverticulum, diverticulum-like healed lymph node cavity or multilated accessory bronchus]. PMID- 13817220 TI - [Bronchial changes in primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817221 TI - [Bronchoscopic findings in children and adolescents with exudative pleurisy]. PMID- 13817222 TI - [The perception of distance]. PMID- 13817224 TI - [Vision in an empty visual field]. PMID- 13817223 TI - [Parallel lines and their appearance]. PMID- 13817225 TI - [A psychosomatic ophthalmological syndrome? Retinopathia centralis serosa]. PMID- 13817226 TI - [On sequelae of injections in Bogomoletz therapy]. PMID- 13817227 TI - [Synthesis and anesthetic activity of a series of new derivatives of xylocaine]. PMID- 13817228 TI - [The psychic and somatic aspects of a psychiatric institution. Psychic aspects]. PMID- 13817229 TI - Closed heart surgery in atrial septal defect (126 cases). PMID- 13817230 TI - [Results of ligation of the internal mammary arteries in a group of coronary patients]. PMID- 13817231 TI - Mitral commissurotomy in pregnancy. A study of 37 surgical cases. PMID- 13817232 TI - [Interstitial irradiation of the pituitary gland with yttrium 90]. PMID- 13817233 TI - Radiobiological and surgical hypophysectomy in the treatment of cancer. PMID- 13817234 TI - [Our experience in pituitary surgery, especially in relation to cancer]. PMID- 13817236 TI - [The nosographic problem of endocarditis]. PMID- 13817235 TI - [Treatment of a case of intestinal pseudopolyposis with ileostomy and colloidal Aul98 enema]. PMID- 13817237 TI - The role of senile decay and hormonal factors in the development of cancer. PMID- 13817238 TI - [Is predisposition to diseases determined in the prenatal period?]. PMID- 13817239 TI - [Senile involution and hormonal factors in the genesis of cancer]. PMID- 13817240 TI - [A simple operative method of enrichment for detection of Koch's bacillus]. PMID- 13817241 TI - [Even the dead aid us in healing]. PMID- 13817242 TI - [The American military hospital in Landstuhl in Germany. Brief report of a visit and impressions]. PMID- 13817243 TI - [Current bases for the taxonomy of Pyrenomycetes and the case of Melogramma spiniferum]. PMID- 13817244 TI - The role of the surgeon in the prolongation of uncomplicated surgical convalescence. PMID- 13817245 TI - Air pollution and respiratory disease. A preliminary report. PMID- 13817246 TI - Convalescence after surgery. An introduction. PMID- 13817247 TI - Convalescence--when does it end? PMID- 13817248 TI - Studies of arthropodborne virus infections in Queensland. I. A serological survey of aboriginal missions bordering the Gulf of Carpentaria. PMID- 13817249 TI - The laboratory diagnosis of virus diseaes. PMID- 13817250 TI - Prognosis of pulmonary opacities in mass fluorogram material. PMID- 13817251 TI - Peroperative cholangiography and the problems of visualization and treatment of stones and strictures in the biliary tract. PMID- 13817252 TI - Delayed clouding in corneal grafts. PMID- 13817253 TI - The endoscopic operation for hypopharyngeal diverticula: a roentgencinematographic study. PMID- 13817254 TI - The secretion and absorption of endolymph. PMID- 13817255 TI - [The mechanism of excitation of the hair cells]. PMID- 13817256 TI - [Development of care in congenital hip dislocation in Usti n. L]. PMID- 13817257 TI - [Further observations on the problem of reactivity of the adrenal gland and the hibernation gland in the beginning stage of artificial hibernation. Part 2. The relations of the thyroid- and hibernation gland to radioiodine I-131 during the initial period of artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13817258 TI - [Studies on beta-glucuronidase activity of human thrombocytes]. PMID- 13817259 TI - [On the clinical determination and kinetics of beta-glucuronidase]. PMID- 13817260 TI - [On the problem of therapy with intravenously administered fats]. PMID- 13817261 TI - [beta-Glucuronidase activity in the serum in various internal diseases]. PMID- 13817262 TI - [Peptic ulcer in students]. PMID- 13817263 TI - [Transitory hypertension in students]. PMID- 13817264 TI - [Serologic investigations in ABO- and Rh-incompatibility in blood transfusion]. PMID- 13817265 TI - Perforated esophagus-an acute emergency. PMID- 13817266 TI - Perforated esophagus: an acute emergency. PMID- 13817267 TI - [Methods for the investigation of gastric acidity]. PMID- 13817268 TI - [Head dimensions as a supplementary factor in the evaluation of total body development in a child]. PMID- 13817269 TI - Cytochemical criteria of survival and nonsurvival of the H.Ep. No. 3 tumor following graduated doses of roentgen rays. PMID- 13817271 TI - [Effects of vasoactive drugs on blood flow and resistance in various vascular beds]. PMID- 13817270 TI - [A new method for the investigation of vascular permeability]. PMID- 13817272 TI - [Sex chromatin in some deviations of normal sex]. PMID- 13817273 TI - [A rapid polychromic method of staining vaginal smears]. PMID- 13817274 TI - [The role of tree planting in dust control in the air]. PMID- 13817275 TI - [On traumatic dislocation of the hip in children]. PMID- 13817276 TI - Avocados. PMID- 13817278 TI - Garnishes add relish to hospital meals. PMID- 13817277 TI - Fruit gives a party flavor to holiday meals. PMID- 13817279 TI - Carbopol 934: an improved suspending agent for insoluble test compounds. PMID- 13817280 TI - Annual General Meeting. Killarney, 1959; the president's address. PMID- 13817281 TI - Nocardiosis: report of two cases in children. PMID- 13817282 TI - [Electrokinetic differentiation of muscle proteins of albino rats. Paper electrophoresis of extracts at low ionic strength]. PMID- 13817283 TI - [The problem of the microdetermination of silicon in tissues and in biological materials]. PMID- 13817284 TI - [Vital inhibition, a protection against microorganisms capable of rapid reproduction]. PMID- 13817285 TI - The fatty acid patterns of plasma lipids during alimentary lipemia. PMID- 13817287 TI - Body fat. PMID- 13817286 TI - Microdetermination of long-chain fatty acids in plasma and tissues. PMID- 13817288 TI - On crash programs. PMID- 13817289 TI - [Increased levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in serum and of aldosterone in urine in burns]. PMID- 13817290 TI - Neuroplegics and hormones in the treatment of burns. PMID- 13817292 TI - [Development of health services during 1958]. PMID- 13817291 TI - [Functional cortical hyperfunction in a severely burned individual associated with diffuse osteoporosis and nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13817293 TI - [Pupillographic changes in amblyopia]. PMID- 13817294 TI - [Contribution to pupillography]. PMID- 13817295 TI - [The conditions of public health in the past and in our days]. PMID- 13817296 TI - [Physico-chemical studies on human urokinase with special reference to its behavior in relation to adsorbents]. PMID- 13817297 TI - [Surgical therapy of extensive hairy pigmented nevus in a child]. PMID- 13817298 TI - [Branching of gastric arteries]. PMID- 13817299 TI - [Histological studies on the vascularization of the gastric ulcer area]. PMID- 13817301 TI - [Preventive eye examination in pre-school children]. PMID- 13817300 TI - Oximetry and pressure breathing. PMID- 13817302 TI - [Sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics in vitro in peritonitis consecutive to appendicitis]. PMID- 13817303 TI - An electron-microscopic study of spores of morphological variants of Streptomyces erythreus strains. PMID- 13817305 TI - An assessment of oral antidiabetic therapy. PMID- 13817304 TI - [Is the use of directed heat an advance in modern spasmolytic obstetrics?]. PMID- 13817306 TI - An assessment of oral antidiabetic therapy. PMID- 13817307 TI - Immunizing properties of live attenuated measles virus. PMID- 13817308 TI - [Content of ascorbic acid in guinea pig organs after a single-dose roentgen ray irradition]. PMID- 13817309 TI - [On the optimal supply of the puerpera with vitamin C]. PMID- 13817310 TI - [Characteristics of the double role of inhibition as exemplified in reactions of the organism to chemical epileptogenic stimuli]. PMID- 13817311 TI - The Streptococcus faecalis oxidases for reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide. V. A flavin mononucleotike-containing diaphorase. PMID- 13817312 TI - The Streptococus faecalis oxidases for reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide. IV. Properties of the enzyme-substrate complex formed between reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide peroxidase and pyridine nucleotides. PMID- 13817314 TI - [Retrosternal goiter]. PMID- 13817313 TI - Micro-evolution among the Susak islanders. Inbreeding, sterility, blood groups and red hair. PMID- 13817315 TI - [Vast right abdomino-phreno-thoraco-brachial wound caused by a circular saw]. PMID- 13817316 TI - [Outline of cellular pharmacology]. PMID- 13817317 TI - [Physiological and pharmacological elements of female endocrinology]. PMID- 13817318 TI - [Data on the deactivation of municipal sewage at biological treatment stations (Preliminary report)]. PMID- 13817319 TI - Liver restoration in hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13817320 TI - [Behavior of the hemoxytensiometer calibration curve of blood taken during physical exercise and of blood taken during rest, preserved for a long period of time]. PMID- 13817321 TI - [The behavior of arterial oxygen tension and other arterial blood gas analytical data in rest and during physical exercise]. PMID- 13817322 TI - A catheter for nasal inoculation of large animals. PMID- 13817323 TI - Observations on blood group distribution in peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. AB - There is increasing evidence that blood group substances play a role in the causation of disease or in the protective mechanism against it. This paper records the special liability for patients of blood group O to develop stomal ulceration. Other data studied failed to confirm previous work suggesting that in gastric ulceration or neoplasm blood group A was a characteristic of an antral lesion. PMID- 13817324 TI - Occupational lung cancer: a review. PMID- 13817325 TI - Smoking and lung cancer. Report to the Sub-Committee for the Study of the Risks of Cancer from Air Pollution and the Consumption of Tobacco. PMID- 13817326 TI - The carcinogenic risk of radiation human leukemia. PMID- 13817327 TI - [Demonstration of the cortical permeability gradient of the egg of Triturus alpestris and its modifications under the influence of certain physical agents (rotation of the egg, centrifugation, ultrasounds)]. PMID- 13817328 TI - [Essential hyperlipemia: review article]. PMID- 13817329 TI - Hyperuricaemia related to treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13817330 TI - Regional variations in uptake of radioactive CO in the normal lung. PMID- 13817331 TI - Clinical and pharmacological studies with guanethidine in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13817333 TI - Bretylium tosylate in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13817332 TI - Plasma pempidine concentrations in hypertensives. PMID- 13817334 TI - [Circulatory effect of chlorothiazide in hypertension]. PMID- 13817335 TI - Malignant hypertension and hypokalaemia: cured by nephrectomy. PMID- 13817336 TI - Regional uptake of radioactive oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the lungs of patients with mitral stenosis. PMID- 13817337 TI - The place of bretylium tosylate in the treatment of high blood pressure. PMID- 13817338 TI - [Comparison of the results of cataract operations done with and without alpha chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13817339 TI - [Lesions of the fundus oculi in recent cranial injuries. Data on 500 cases]. PMID- 13817340 TI - [Fine point galvanocauterization in the treatment of retinal detachment and study of 1060 cases of retinal detachment]. PMID- 13817341 TI - [Treatment of intra-ocular tumors with physical agents]. PMID- 13817342 TI - [Addenda to "Course of helminthology. I. Trematoda, sub-class Aspidogastrea"]. PMID- 13817343 TI - [Experimental studies on Nicolla gallica (R.-Ph Dollfus, 1941) R.-Ph. Dollfus. 1958, its cotyloid cercaria and its progenetic metacercaria. Observations on the family of Coitocaecidae Y. Ozaki 1928, s.f. Coitocaecinae F. Poche 1926, Trematoda podocotyloidea and on the cotyloid cercaria in fresh and sea water]. PMID- 13817344 TI - [On a trematode (genus Isoparorchis) pathogenic agent of the "inkspot disease" in fish of Vietnam]. PMID- 13817345 TI - Fish eggs as a cause of human botulism. Two outbreaks in British Columbia due to types E and B botulinus toxins. PMID- 13817346 TI - Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy complicated by renal cortical necrosis and cerebral mucormycosis. PMID- 13817347 TI - [Pituitary dwarfism with atrophy of the frontal lobes and character disorders]. PMID- 13817348 TI - Clothing shop educates the mentally retarded. PMID- 13817349 TI - Histogenesis of hair in the mink and its relationship to dermal fetal fat cells. PMID- 13817350 TI - The use of heparin as an anti-inflammatory agent. PMID- 13817351 TI - A comparative in vitro evaluation of various antibiotics. PMID- 13817352 TI - The treatment of inflammation in otolaryngology; the use of steroids and heparin. PMID- 13817353 TI - Serological survey of 659 dogs for leptospirosis using the capillary tube method. PMID- 13817354 TI - The action of fast carbon and heavier ions on biological materials. I. The inactivation of dried enzymes. PMID- 13817355 TI - [Observations on the effect of occupational and extraoccupational factors on the industrial worker]. PMID- 13817356 TI - A county dental society's experience with dental health education programs at elementary, secondary, college and university levels. PMID- 13817357 TI - [Current indications for the chemotherapy of malignant tumors with ethyleneiminobenzoquinones]. PMID- 13817358 TI - [Development of chemotherapy of infectious diseases in the past 30 years and the future prospects for chemotherapy of cancer]. PMID- 13817359 TI - [Experimental studies on an effective operation prophylaxis]. PMID- 13817360 TI - Making classroom teaching glow. PMID- 13817361 TI - Children with severe brain injuries. Neurological organization in terms of mobility. PMID- 13817362 TI - [Some reflections on conditions of control of drugs]. PMID- 13817363 TI - [Control of intraoperative blood loss]. PMID- 13817364 TI - [The routine of water and electrolyte therapy in operative medicine]. PMID- 13817365 TI - [Practical tests of the respiratory tonic, "micoren"]. PMID- 13817366 TI - [Incidents in carotid angiography, their causes and prevention]. PMID- 13817367 TI - [Mediastinal thymus cysts]. PMID- 13817369 TI - [Infectious diseases. How to treat infections due to colibacilli]. PMID- 13817368 TI - [Effect of plague microbe toxin on the process of transamination in the liver]. PMID- 13817370 TI - [Painful abdominal syndrome in the course of amylosis]. PMID- 13817371 TI - [Suicides with insulin. Apropos of a suicide attempt with the aid of a massive dose (700 units) of insulin in a nondiabetic subject]. PMID- 13817372 TI - [The serum transminases. Value of their determination in clinical practice]. PMID- 13817374 TI - [Complications of corticotherapy]. PMID- 13817373 TI - [A case of choleperitoneum]. PMID- 13817375 TI - [Effect of extracts from the posterior lobe on water reabsorption by the small intestine]. PMID- 13817376 TI - [Research on the antidiuretic activity in post-nephrectomy hypertension in the rat]. PMID- 13817377 TI - [The kinetics of intestinal water resorption in rats under the influence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)]. PMID- 13817378 TI - [Role of the age factor in hypoxemic states. (Clinico-experimental studies)]. PMID- 13817379 TI - [The significance of age reactivity and compensation in the pathogenesis, clinical aspects and prevention of pneumonia in children]. PMID- 13817380 TI - [Prolonged action of sulfonamides]. PMID- 13817381 TI - [Functioning substitute bladder]. PMID- 13817382 TI - [The change of nonesterified fatty acids in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13817383 TI - Mechanism of splenic protection against 'Bartonella muris' in the parabiotic rat. PMID- 13817385 TI - [Physiology of the spleen]. PMID- 13817386 TI - [On the pharmacology of tofranil (N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-iminodibenzyl hydrochloride]. PMID- 13817387 TI - Scratching movements and facilitation of the scratch reflex produced by tubocurarine in cats. PMID- 13817388 TI - Cationic excretion by the dog kidney. PMID- 13817389 TI - Dark adaptation as a function of age and time. II. A derivation. PMID- 13817390 TI - [2 Cases of primary amyloidosis]. PMID- 13817391 TI - [The defensive reactions of the body in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817392 TI - An instrument and technique for the continuous measurement of respiratory carbon dioxide patterns in metabolic tracer studies. PMID- 13817393 TI - The suitability of beta-D-glucose pentaacetate for food use. II. Studies on the absorption and metabolism. PMID- 13817394 TI - [Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita (Periosteal dysplasia of Porak and Durante)]. PMID- 13817395 TI - [Some data on experimental toxoplasmosis in the mouse. I. Localization in the bone marrow. II. Elective localization in the lungs of mice inoculated intravenously]. PMID- 13817396 TI - [Conservative surgery of the fallopian tubes]. PMID- 13817397 TI - Effect of BAL (2,3-dimercaptopropanol) on hypoglycemic action of insulin. PMID- 13817398 TI - Leukocytic infiltration of the umbilical cord. Manifestation of fetal hypoxia due to reduction of blood flow in the cord. PMID- 13817399 TI - [Duodenal tuberculosis. Extrinsic duodenal obstruction of tuberculous etiology?]. PMID- 13817400 TI - [Cervical chorioepithelioma]. PMID- 13817401 TI - [Current question in renal physiopathology: are there sufficient anatomical presuppositions to accept the theory of the juxtamedullary hemodynamic short circuit?]. PMID- 13817402 TI - [Further details on isthmic stenosis in afferent glomerular arterioles]. PMID- 13817403 TI - [On a case of spontaneous rupture of the inferior thyroid artery]. PMID- 13817404 TI - [Spontaneous rupture of an artery. Study of the most typical anatomoclinical types, with special reference to spontaneous hematoma of the rectus abdominis muscle]. PMID- 13817405 TI - [Study on the latest ramifications of arterial, venous and portal hepatotectonic in normal and pathological (cirrhotic) conditions: experimental research with the method of plastic reconstruction]. PMID- 13817406 TI - [The economy of intrahepatic circulation in the light of the relation between the vessel diameter and the ramification angle. I. Study on the normal liver]. PMID- 13817408 TI - [The progressive changes of the arteries and glomeruli in hydronephrosis]. PMID- 13817409 TI - Deanol in depression. A controlled trial. PMID- 13817407 TI - [The economy of intrahepatic circulation in the light of the relation between the vessel diameter and the ramification angle. II. Study on the cirrhotic liver]. PMID- 13817410 TI - Dietary problems of the aging. PMID- 13817411 TI - [Metastatic liposarcoma of the lungs]. PMID- 13817412 TI - [Cases of rare rectal tumors--neuroma of the rectum]. PMID- 13817413 TI - [A case of aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus]. PMID- 13817414 TI - Synopsis of a new classification of the ectotrophic mycorrhizae established on morphological and anatomical characteristics. PMID- 13817415 TI - An analysis of the electrical burst phenomenon in some rhinencephalic structures of the dog and monkey. PMID- 13817416 TI - Differential effects of general anesthetics on spontaneous electrical activity of neocortical and rhinencephalic brain systems of the dog. PMID- 13817417 TI - A simple dog head holder for use with the Lab Tronics stereotaxic instrument. PMID- 13817418 TI - [A method for the determination of succinic dehydrogenase activity in tissue homogenates]. PMID- 13817419 TI - Training nursing home administrators. PMID- 13817420 TI - Abnormally low alpha 2- and beta-globulin levels in serious hepatic insufficiency. PMID- 13817421 TI - [Some diseases of the immunity system]. PMID- 13817422 TI - [Use of dexamethasone (decadron) in the internal medicine clinic]. PMID- 13817423 TI - [Application of the kinetic counting method to the characterization of some physiological groups of soil microorganisms]. PMID- 13817424 TI - [The importance of the pharmaceutical industry in the 7 year plan of the DDR]. PMID- 13817425 TI - The evaluation of I 131 therapy of Graves' disease. Reliability and prognostic value of chemical and radioactive iodine studies. PMID- 13817426 TI - Thallium poisoning. A report of six cases. PMID- 13817427 TI - An outbreak of meningoencephalomyocarditis among newborn infants during the epidemic of Bornholm disease of 1958 in Hungary. II. Aetiological findings. PMID- 13817428 TI - [Meningo-encephalo-myocarditis in newborn infants during the epidemic of Bornholm disease in Hungary in 1958. II. Etiological aspects]. PMID- 13817429 TI - Studies on the interaction between Coxsackie and poliomyelitis viruses. IV. Further experiments concerning the antagonism between Coxsackie B1 virus and the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus in young mice. PMID- 13817430 TI - Neutron activation analysis of arsenic in normal skin, keratoses, and epitheliomas. PMID- 13817431 TI - Effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on the carbohydrate metabolism of brain tissue. PMID- 13817432 TI - [On the place of lumbar sympathectomy in the treatment of circulation disorders of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13817433 TI - [The fungal spectrum of a soil analysis. II. Demonstration of physiological features]. PMID- 13817434 TI - [The fungus spectrum of a soil analysis. III. Demonstration of single fungi]. PMID- 13817435 TI - [The fungus spectrum of a soil test. I. Demonstration of homogeneity]. PMID- 13817436 TI - [Problems of experimental techniques of radiation effects and certain radiobiological data]. PMID- 13817437 TI - [On the application of high energy irradiation for therapeutic purposes]. PMID- 13817438 TI - Prognostic significance of the serum protein content in premature babies and its relation to pulmonary hyaline membrane: preliminary communication. PMID- 13817439 TI - Accuracy of serum pepsinogen in the diagnosis of duodenal ulcer as compared to Ewald and diagnex tests. PMID- 13817440 TI - Bone marrow transplant in acquired hypogammaglobulinemia. PMID- 13817441 TI - In need of care. PMID- 13817442 TI - Problems in adoption. PMID- 13817443 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages in children]. PMID- 13817444 TI - [Appendicitis in inguinal hernia simulating invagination of the ileum. Clinical case]. PMID- 13817445 TI - Duties of the medical expert in court. PMID- 13817446 TI - [On some aspects of the differential diagnosis between bronchopulmonary cystic diseases and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817447 TI - [Study of some blood enzymatic activities in the course of cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817448 TI - [Bronchographic observations on retractive fibrothorax]. PMID- 13817449 TI - [Bronchographic observations on the tributary bronchus of tuberculous caverns]. PMID- 13817450 TI - [Bronchographical findings during and following postprimary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817452 TI - Chronic emphysema in female siblings. PMID- 13817451 TI - [General technical considerations and clinical indications of bronchography in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817453 TI - The effect of variations in the form of feedback on the efficiency of problem solving. PMID- 13817454 TI - Mesenteric cysts. PMID- 13817456 TI - Design for a study of geriatric rehabilitation. PMID- 13817455 TI - Rehabilitation of geriatric patients in county hospitals. A preliminary report. PMID- 13817457 TI - Aging in a high energy society. PMID- 13817458 TI - Gerontology at the University of Michigan. The historical perspective. PMID- 13817459 TI - Professional development in gerontology. PMID- 13817460 TI - Relation of temperature, gas tension and hydrostatic pressure to the formation of gas bubbles in extracorporeally oxygenated blood. PMID- 13817461 TI - A method for perfusion of isolated dog lungs. PMID- 13817462 TI - A survey of 581 dermatophytes identified in South Australia during the years 1954 to 1959. PMID- 13817463 TI - A warning on the frequency of endothrix tinea capitis among the aboriginal and part-aboriginal population of South Australia. PMID- 13817464 TI - Recent advances in the treatment of superficial fungous diseases: the use of antifungal antibiotics. PMID- 13817465 TI - The history, clinical features, and treatment of tinea capitis due to Trichophyton tonsurans and Trichophyton violaceum. PMID- 13817466 TI - Tinea contracted from kangaroos. PMID- 13817467 TI - Cytological studies of chick embryo cells infected with the virus of primary atypical pneumonia. PMID- 13817468 TI - Cortisone insufficiency with adrenal hyperplasia: an example of faulty bio synthesis. PMID- 13817469 TI - Salt retention in middle age: a study in steroid oedema. PMID- 13817470 TI - One stage colectomy, protectomy and ileostomy for diffuse ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13817471 TI - Pulmonary haemodynamics. PMID- 13817472 TI - Research and clinical medicine. PMID- 13817473 TI - The leukocyte response in patients with shigellosis. PMID- 13817474 TI - The diameter of the nerve fibres to the extrinsic eye muscles of the goat. PMID- 13817475 TI - Tuberculosis of the spine. PMID- 13817476 TI - Naturally occurring forms of folic acid. I. "Prefolic A": preparation of concentrate and enzymatic conversion to citrovorum factor. PMID- 13817477 TI - Cancer and the family doctor. PMID- 13817478 TI - Positive and negative information in matching problems. PMID- 13817479 TI - Diagnosis of pertussis by fluorescent antibody staining of nasopharyngeal smears. PMID- 13817480 TI - Effects of storage on enzyme activity and viability of skin. PMID- 13817481 TI - Re-orientation in mental health. (a) The local authority service. PMID- 13817482 TI - 5-Hydroxytryptophan as an intermediate of serotonin biosyntheses in malignant carcinoidosis. PMID- 13817483 TI - Serotonin studies on mouse tissues. PMID- 13817484 TI - The urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid after the oral administration of serotonin in various disease states. PMID- 13817485 TI - The 1957 epidemic of poliomyelitis in Belfast. PMID- 13817486 TI - [A suicide attempt with fly agaric. On the toxicology of Amanita muscaria. With a contribution to the psychology of the choice of suicide agent]. PMID- 13817487 TI - [Treatment of tuberculosis with kanamycin, a new Japanese antibiotic]. PMID- 13817488 TI - [Acute viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13817489 TI - [Central and peripheral effects of operations in hypothermia with circulatory arrest]. PMID- 13817491 TI - [Isolated tumor-like polypous lymphogranulomatosis of the vocal cord in generalized lymphogranulomatosis of the lymph nodes, spleen, liver and bone marrow]. PMID- 13817492 TI - [Uremia and miliary tuberculosis of the kidneys. (A short report)]. PMID- 13817493 TI - [Progress in neuropharmacology]. PMID- 13817494 TI - [Pulmonary aspergilloma]. PMID- 13817490 TI - [Intraoperative cardiological supervision in operations on the heart and large vessels in hypothermia]. PMID- 13817495 TI - [Myasthenia gravis. Anatomopathological, clinicodiagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Review of the literature. Considerations on 11 thymectomized cases]. PMID- 13817496 TI - Genetic study of the Ku. family, affected with familial spastic spinal paralysis. The mode of transmission of this affection PMID- 13817497 TI - [On the treatment of cerebral sclerosis]. PMID- 13817498 TI - [Tumors of the salivary glands]. PMID- 13817499 TI - [Natural and immune antibodies in normal pregnancy]. PMID- 13817500 TI - [Early treatment of fractures of the facial bones]. PMID- 13817501 TI - Discrimination between rock and coal particles in thermal precipitator samples of respirable dust. PMID- 13817502 TI - [Trial therapy of chronic intestinal amebiasis with demethylchlortetracycline. Probable action of this drug on giardiasis]. PMID- 13817503 TI - [Treatment of taeniasis by duodenal intubation: (a) with a hypertonic solution of magnesium sulfate and (b) with an isotonic solution of acridine]. PMID- 13817504 TI - Drug intoxication. PMID- 13817505 TI - The nature of the antirheumatic action of salicylates. PMID- 13817506 TI - The use of isotopes in nutrition research with special reference to tritium. PMID- 13817507 TI - Hospital-medical-insurance partnership from a physician's standpoint. PMID- 13817508 TI - Parathyroids and gastric secretion. PMID- 13817509 TI - [Modifications of glucide metabolism in patients treated with neuroplegic drugs]. PMID- 13817510 TI - Condylar hyperplasia: report of a case. PMID- 13817511 TI - [Gastric iontophoretic effect of histamine]. PMID- 13817512 TI - [The display of fertility and sterility in men and animals in history and art]. PMID- 13817513 TI - [Blood vessel substitution with nylon prosthesis]. PMID- 13817514 TI - Statistical study of clinical and electroencephalographic manifestations of 536 psychotic episodes occurring in 516 epileptics between clinical seizures. PMID- 13817515 TI - [The problem of the complete remedy for cancer]. PMID- 13817516 TI - Traumatic rupture of the spleen. An analysis of sixty-eight cases. PMID- 13817517 TI - Thermoregulatory heat production in the brain. PMID- 13817518 TI - [Plasma modifications following induced stasis. IV. Variations of the blood platelet rate]. PMID- 13817520 TI - [Thyroiditis of autoimmunity associated with liver diseases]. PMID- 13817519 TI - Human auto-immune thyroiditis: clinical studies. PMID- 13817521 TI - Comparison of iodine-124 and iodine-131 in inhibition of goitrogenesis in the rat. PMID- 13817522 TI - Histopathology of the stomach in pernicious anaemia and jejunum in steatorrhoea. PMID- 13817523 TI - Primary malignant disease of the thyroid. PMID- 13817524 TI - Types of thyroid growth. PMID- 13817525 TI - [Divagations on the subject: "Pain"]. PMID- 13817526 TI - [Mental disease and mental health in the world of today]. PMID- 13817527 TI - [On homolateral facial clonus]. PMID- 13817528 TI - [Current aspects of the problem of cerebral dominance]. PMID- 13817529 TI - [Anatomo-lymphographic observations in vivo on the superficial lymphatic system of the lower extremities of man]. PMID- 13817530 TI - [Pattern of flow of the lymph through the inguinal lymph nodes. Lymphographic observations in vivo]. PMID- 13817531 TI - [On the antisecretory and antacid properties of N-ethylpyrrolidinylbenzilate ethylbromide]. PMID- 13817532 TI - A serological study on some strains of Listeria monocytogenes isolated in Michigan. PMID- 13817533 TI - [Heart diseases of obscure etiology]. PMID- 13817534 TI - [Treatment of fractures caused by malignant tumors]. PMID- 13817535 TI - Evaluation of the SR and RR smear in irradiation of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13817536 TI - Studies on the living cornea in vitro. I. Method and physiologic measurements. PMID- 13817537 TI - Studies on the living cornea in vitro. II. The active transport of sodium across the epithelium. PMID- 13817539 TI - [In defense of psychiatric hospitals]. PMID- 13817538 TI - [A hospital of the 14th century in Lanzo]. PMID- 13817540 TI - Physique and hazardous occupations. A comparison of the physique of 160 Royal Marines. PMID- 13817541 TI - Radiographic demonstration of uterine developmental abnormality as a cause of abnormal lie of the foetus. PMID- 13817543 TI - Galactosemia. PMID- 13817542 TI - The enzymatic expression of heterozygosity in families of children with galactosemia. PMID- 13817544 TI - Genetic studies in galactosemia. I. The oral galactose tolerance test and the heterozygous state. PMID- 13817545 TI - The effect of charged particle irradiation on germination of Bacillus subtilis. PMID- 13817546 TI - Distribution of deliveries among North Carolina physicians in 1958 with some implications for the future. PMID- 13817547 TI - Diabetes as a complication of pregnancy. PMID- 13817548 TI - Obstetrical anesthesia in Iowa. PMID- 13817549 TI - Survey of perinatal statistics in Iowa. PMID- 13817550 TI - Effective use of lay executives. PMID- 13817551 TI - General personnel administration. PMID- 13817552 TI - Students recruit students. PMID- 13817553 TI - The emergency treatment cart in a modern hospital. PMID- 13817554 TI - [Syndrome of the ileocecal valve]. PMID- 13817555 TI - Retinal stimulation by light substitution. PMID- 13817556 TI - Rod-cone interaction in the frog's retina analysed by the Stiles-Crawford effect and by dark adaptation. PMID- 13817557 TI - The effect of a coloured adapting field on the spectral sensitivity of frog retinal elements. PMID- 13817558 TI - [Certain aspects of fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13817559 TI - Roentgenographic manifestations of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13817560 TI - [Oxygenosol and vitamin B-12]. PMID- 13817562 TI - [Parallel between the splanchnic and musculocutaneous vasomotor responses during various nervous stimulations]. PMID- 13817561 TI - [Musculocutaneous corrective vasomotor responses after exclusion of the 4 classic barosensitive zones in the dog]. PMID- 13817563 TI - [Respective behavior of the musculocutaneous and the superior mesenteric regions in the regulation of arterial pressure. 3. Nervous stimulations]. PMID- 13817564 TI - [Mechanism by which cortisone inhibits the genital cycle. Role of the hypophysis]. PMID- 13817565 TI - [Mechanism by which cortisone inhibits the genital cycle]. PMID- 13817566 TI - [Action of cortisone on the female genital apparatus. Animals with spontaneous ovulation: rats, guinea pigs, monkeys]. PMID- 13817567 TI - [Cortisone and the female genital cycle]. PMID- 13817568 TI - Imagination in maternity care. PMID- 13817569 TI - A clinical evaluation of thiocarbanidin and isoniazid in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13817570 TI - Evaluative checklist of the literature of neoplastic diseases. PMID- 13817571 TI - Familial fibrocystic pulmonary dysplasia and its relation to Hamman-Rich syndrome. PMID- 13817572 TI - [Studies on the metabolism of isolated frog tissues-activity of thyroid hormones]. PMID- 13817573 TI - [Oxyuriasis in childhood. Therapeutic trial with diethylendiamine citrate and phosphate (piperazine)]. PMID- 13817574 TI - [Investigation of goiter in school children of the provinces of Linares and Nuble]. PMID- 13817575 TI - [Endemic goiter. A public health problem in Chile?]. PMID- 13817576 TI - [Various aspects of the treatment of chronic pulmonary patients]. PMID- 13817577 TI - Testosterone and the browth of mammary glands and other tissues of hypophysectomized rats treated with thyroxine, insulin and cortisone. PMID- 13817578 TI - The growth responses of mammary glands and other tissues in hypophysectomized female rats treated with thyroxine, insulin, cortisone, and pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. PMID- 13817580 TI - Diagnosis and management of regional enteritis. PMID- 13817579 TI - Colostomy in surgery of infants and children. PMID- 13817581 TI - Making inservice education attractive. PMID- 13817582 TI - Making rounds with a purpose. PMID- 13817583 TI - Ornithosis in urban practice. PMID- 13817584 TI - Sexual function following surgery for ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13817586 TI - Indications and applications of left heart catheterization in the right lateral decubitus position. PMID- 13817585 TI - Recent improvements in the use of tomography in intravenous cholangiography. PMID- 13817587 TI - Some considerations of bioengineering from a microscopic viewpoint. PMID- 13817588 TI - [An oxygen therapy apparatus as a source of infection]. PMID- 13817589 TI - Comparison of simultaneously recorded intraarterial and extra-arterial pressure pulses in man. PMID- 13817590 TI - [Experimental studies on the pathogenesis of amyloidosis in the golden hamster]. PMID- 13817591 TI - [The significance of necrosis as a cause of blood protein changes in tumors]. PMID- 13817592 TI - [Experimental studies on the genesis of kidney tumors in the golden hamster]. PMID- 13817593 TI - [The growth of kidney tumor induced by estrogens in the golden hamster in tissue culture]. PMID- 13817594 TI - [The specific effect of estrone sulfate on tissue culture of a hormone-induced kidney tumor in the golden hamster]. PMID- 13817595 TI - [Acute porphyria with bulbar paralysis]. PMID- 13817596 TI - Control of antibiotics in Belgium. PMID- 13817597 TI - [Study of the photodynamic action of riboflavin on bacteria]. PMID- 13817598 TI - Attitudes and the availability of knowledge concerning traditional beliefs. PMID- 13817599 TI - Acute renal insufficiency following aortic surgery: a discussion of the pathogenesis and a consideration of gangrene of an extremity as a complication. PMID- 13817600 TI - Effect of the administration of cortisone on the response of chicks to the endotoxin of Salmonella pullorum. PMID- 13817601 TI - Control of persistent nasal carriers of resistant-type staphylococci. PMID- 13817602 TI - Cavernous hemangioma. PMID- 13817604 TI - Out of the blue.... Article on how claims are handled prepared by director of Physicians' Relations Department, Ohio Medical Indemnity, the Blue Shield Plan. PMID- 13817603 TI - Delirium tremens and the psychiatric patient. PMID- 13817605 TI - Out of the blue.... PMID- 13817606 TI - The humanity of man: our special challenge. PMID- 13817607 TI - Hippocrates of Cos: the man and his oath. PMID- 13817608 TI - Management of breech presentation. PMID- 13817609 TI - Osmotic pressure and aqueous humor formation in dogfish. AB - Comparative chemical analyses show the aqueous humor of smooth dogfish has lower concentrations of urea and trimethylamine oxide than the blood plasma. Freezing point depression determinations demonstrate that the aqueous humor has a correspondingly lower osmotic pressure. It would appear that water entering the aqueous humor from the plasma is moving against an osmotic gradient. PMID- 13817610 TI - An experiment in community service. PMID- 13817611 TI - [Gastric cancer and blood groups]. PMID- 13817612 TI - [Efficient oral treatment of trichocephalosis]. PMID- 13817613 TI - The treatment of amebiasis with paromomycin (humatin). PMID- 13817614 TI - [Water diuresis after administration of 2-methyl-9 alpha-fluorohydrocortisone (compound FF) in patients with adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13817615 TI - [Lipodystrophia neonatorum. (Adiponecrosis subcutanea neonatorum)]. PMID- 13817616 TI - [Determination of phosphorus in the smallest blood sample; ultramicromodification of the Fiske-Subbarow method using amidol]. PMID- 13817617 TI - [EEG in the differential diagnosis of abortive cerebral diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13817618 TI - [Posthypoglycemic encephalopathy]. PMID- 13817619 TI - Perforation of the right ventricle during selective angiocardiography: report of a case. PMID- 13817620 TI - [Para-esophageal cyst of he posterior mediastinum]. PMID- 13817621 TI - [Traumatic rupture of the right diaphragm with total hernia of the liver secondarily diagnosed. Reduction by thoracotomy]. PMID- 13817622 TI - [Cancer of the cervicothoracic esophagus developed above a caustic stricture. Surgical treatment in several stages]. PMID- 13817623 TI - [Apropos of the experimental repair of losses of tracheal substance]. PMID- 13817624 TI - [Idiopathic megaesophagus in medical practice. Pathogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13817625 TI - [Present procedure of the surgical treatment of hydatid cyst of the lung]. PMID- 13817626 TI - [Atypical exeresis in cancer of the lung]. PMID- 13817627 TI - [Nontraumatic acquired diaphragmatic hernia in adults]. PMID- 13817628 TI - [Radiological pitfalls in diaphragmatic hernias]. PMID- 13817629 TI - [Hyperparathyroidism caused by parathyroid adenoma. Parathyroidectomy. Appearance of postoperative duodenal ulcers and diabetes]. PMID- 13817630 TI - [Characteristics of the caoutchouc of guayule ("Parthenium argentatum" Gray)]. PMID- 13817631 TI - [Intestinal invagination in the adult]. PMID- 13817632 TI - A combination long-leg--short-leg brace. PMID- 13817633 TI - The fate of a radio-opaque medium injected into the sciatic nerve. PMID- 13817634 TI - [Tuberculosis of the cervix]. PMID- 13817635 TI - [A case of African anemia with schizonts of Plasmodium falciparum in the peripheral blood]. PMID- 13817636 TI - ["Prower-Stuart" coagulation defect. Various characteristics of the factor]. PMID- 13817637 TI - [Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Spontaneous remission and remission concurrent with splenectomy and administration of ACTH, steroids and quinacrine]. PMID- 13817638 TI - [Contributions to the problem of hemorrhages caused by fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13817639 TI - [Antidiabetic sulfonamides with a chemical structure inducing delayed action. 2. Experimental study]. PMID- 13817640 TI - [Clinical trials of a new antidiabetic sulfonamide: phenbutamide]. PMID- 13817641 TI - Changes in weight and composition of stomachs and small intestines of rats after vagotomy. PMID- 13817642 TI - [Cardiac changes during the course of acute and chronic pulmonary diseases]. PMID- 13817643 TI - [Classification of tuberculosis of the lymphatic system]. PMID- 13817644 TI - [Contribution to the epidemiological role of Brill-Zinsser disease in the area of endemic typhus. A focus of disease produced by a patient in the recurrent stage (morbus Brill-Zinsser)]. PMID- 13817645 TI - [Treatment of tuberculosis miliaris pulmonum at the children's hospital in Dedinje]. PMID- 13817646 TI - [Contribution to diagnosis and surgical therapy of tumors of the orbit and paranasal sinuses]. PMID- 13817647 TI - [Air pollution and respiratory diseases in the world and in our country]. PMID- 13817648 TI - [Air pollution and communal saturnism in the village Malo Rudare]. PMID- 13817649 TI - Intra-articular administration of triamcinolone; preliminary report. PMID- 13817650 TI - Gastro-intestinal disturbances in association with methylprednisolone (medrol) therapy: preliminary observations. PMID- 13817651 TI - Tetracycline with glucosamine (cosa-tetracyn) in oral surgery. PMID- 13817652 TI - [Retinal vascular changes in senile diabetes in relation to general conditions]. PMID- 13817653 TI - The biochemistry of connective tissue. PMID- 13817654 TI - A test for anti-androgens. PMID- 13817655 TI - Anti-androgenic activity of dihydroisosteviol. PMID- 13817656 TI - Some biological properties of a perhydrophenanthrene derivative. PMID- 13817657 TI - A nonsteroidal androgen. AB - 2-Acetyl-7-oxo-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, lOa-dodecahydrophenanthrene possesses androgenic activity when applied directly to the chick's comb. This action is in addition to the antiandrogenic activity previously reported for this compound. This is the first demonstration of androgenic activity by a compound not possessing the steroid nucleus. PMID- 13817658 TI - Medical case report. PMID- 13817659 TI - The new approach to depression. PMID- 13817660 TI - [A case of abdominal pregnancy at term with living infant]. PMID- 13817661 TI - [The action of pineal extract on the erotization caused by treatment with androgens in complementary therapy of uterine cancer]. PMID- 13817662 TI - [2 New simulids for the French fauna (Diptera-Simuliidae)]. PMID- 13817663 TI - [Modifications produced by progesterone in the serum acetylcholinesterase of patients with uterine fibroma]. PMID- 13817664 TI - [On a case of twin thoracopagus]. PMID- 13817665 TI - [Relations between testosterone and serum acetylcholinesterase in women with uterine fibroma]. PMID- 13817666 TI - [Acute mesenteric venous thrombosis as a sequel to chronic tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands]. PMID- 13817667 TI - Minnesota's progressive community mental health services. PMID- 13817668 TI - [Considerations on the uses and the characterization of food dyes]. PMID- 13817669 TI - [Contribution to the study of some red dyes of the naphthionic acid group]. PMID- 13817670 TI - [On the coloring matter used in the coating of medicaments]. PMID- 13817671 TI - Quantitative measurement of liver function with radioactive rose bengal. PMID- 13817672 TI - An electromagnetic blood flowmeter for measuring blood flow to the oral region of anaesthetized experimental animals. PMID- 13817673 TI - Echinococcosis. PMID- 13817674 TI - Hypoglycaemia induced by galactose. PMID- 13817675 TI - The treatment of bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13817676 TI - Prophylactic isoniazid: protection of infants in a tuberculosis hospital. PMID- 13817677 TI - Tuberculosis. PMID- 13817678 TI - [Apropos of a case of renal adenoma]. PMID- 13817679 TI - [Statistico clinical observations on prostatic calculosis]. PMID- 13817680 TI - [The "indirect manometry" of pyelo-ureteral kinesis (considerations on current methods of uretero-pyelometry)]. PMID- 13817681 TI - [Acute idiopathic avitaminoses K and their treatment with vitamin K 1]. PMID- 13817682 TI - [Acute idiopathic avitaminoses K. Their treatment by vitamin K1]. PMID- 13817683 TI - [Treatment of hemophilia A by coagulant fractions (fractions I-A and I-F)]. PMID- 13817684 TI - [Preparation of fractions rich in antihemophilic factor A. Fraction I (I-F) from the end of Seitz filtration and adsorbed sterile fraction (I-A)]. PMID- 13817685 TI - [Congenital deficiencies of a factor of the "prothrombin complex"]. PMID- 13817686 TI - [Changes of the oral mucosa in Kaposi's idiopathic sarcoma]. PMID- 13817687 TI - [Blood groups and endogenous eczema]. PMID- 13817688 TI - [Chronic eczema caused by clothing dyes and textile accessory products]. PMID- 13817689 TI - [Contact allergy to ointment preservatives and hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13817691 TI - [Xeroderma pigmentosum]. PMID- 13817690 TI - [Treatment of constitutional neurodermatitis with the thipendyl derivative dominal forte]. PMID- 13817692 TI - Some problems arising in prospective and retrospective studies of the etiology of disease. PMID- 13817693 TI - [Entomological observations on medicinal and spice plants. III. Families: Solanaceae, Scrophulariceae, Plantaginaceae. Rubiaceae. Valerianaceae, Dipsaceae, Curcurbitaceae, Compositae]. PMID- 13817694 TI - [Entomological observations on medicinal and spicy plants. II]. PMID- 13817695 TI - [Causes of failure in the therapy of clubfoot]. PMID- 13817696 TI - Teaching patients about stapes mobilization. PMID- 13817697 TI - [On a lubricant container]. PMID- 13817698 TI - Clinical experiences with 1,1,1 trichloroethane: a preliminary report of 50 anesthetic administrations. PMID- 13817699 TI - Complications of pressor amine therapy. PMID- 13817700 TI - Ronnel (trolene) as an anthelmintic in lambs. PMID- 13817701 TI - [Aphthosis with cerebellar syndrome]. PMID- 13817702 TI - [Persistent severity of staphylococcal septicemia despite antibiotics]. PMID- 13817704 TI - [Studies on the blood coagulation system in experimental traumatic pneumopleural shock]. PMID- 13817703 TI - [Preparation and application of a suspension of washed erythrocytes]. PMID- 13817705 TI - [Thermal exchange during the exposure to high temperatures]. PMID- 13817706 TI - [Utilization of residual placental blood for the newborn and influence of evacuation of the placental vessels on the character of its separation]. PMID- 13817707 TI - [Significance of registration in precordial vectocardiography according to a topographical principle in the diagnosis of myocardial lesions]. PMID- 13817709 TI - [Dynamics of healing of surgical wounds of the gastrointestinal tract and the mechanism of appearance of wound complications]. PMID- 13817708 TI - [Studies on compensatory kidney hypertrophy. I. Karyometric and quantitative histochemical studies on the initial functional karyoncosis in the main segment epithelium after removal of a kidney]. PMID- 13817710 TI - [The role of the World Health Organization the world over]. PMID- 13817711 TI - [The teaching of preventive medicine and its modern trend]. PMID- 13817712 TI - Criteria for the evaluation of therapeutic agents in the treatment of urinary tract infections. I. 6-demethyl-chlortetracycline. PMID- 13817713 TI - Acquired pseudo-Pelger anomaly of granulocytic leukocytes. PMID- 13817714 TI - [An experience report on clinical therapy using fresh foods in obesity]. PMID- 13817715 TI - Dissemination of flat warts by wire brush surgery. PMID- 13817716 TI - Skin cancer in smallpox vaccination scars: a report of five cases. PMID- 13817717 TI - Dermatitic and pigmentary reactions to monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone: report of two cases. PMID- 13817718 TI - Peripheral neuritis associated with discoid lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13817719 TI - Eliminating incomplete records: a challenge. PMID- 13817720 TI - The care of electric equipment and facilities. PMID- 13817721 TI - The repair of vesicovaginal fistula by the transperitoneal, transvesical approach. PMID- 13817722 TI - Oral cholecystography using prior fat meal and increased telepaque dosage. PMID- 13817723 TI - Ureteroceles in children, with emphasis on the frequency of ectopic ureteroceles. PMID- 13817724 TI - [The iodine metabolism in the ectopic thyroid]. PMID- 13817725 TI - [Iodine substances in the blood in thyreopathies]. PMID- 13817726 TI - [Tuberculous tendon sheath inflammation in butchers: occupational accident or disease?]. PMID- 13817727 TI - [Epidemic meningitis in a premature infant station caused by Klebsiella type 2 (Aerobacter aerogenes)]. PMID- 13817728 TI - [Portraits of the Faculte de Pharmacie de Paris]. PMID- 13817729 TI - Acetazolamide in sickle-cell anaemia. PMID- 13817730 TI - [Action of 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol on pancreatic diabetes in the dog]. PMID- 13817731 TI - [Mechanism and correction of intracranial hypertension from acute hypercapnia]. PMID- 13817732 TI - [Psycho- and neural therapy--seen from another point of view]. PMID- 13817733 TI - Delay of absorption of radiolabeled cyanocobalamin in the intestinal wall in the presence of intrinsic factor. PMID- 13817734 TI - Have you ever asked the patient? PMID- 13817735 TI - Roniacol in the treatment of certain labyrinthine disorders. PMID- 13817736 TI - [On changes of phosphate metabolism of isolated muscle after roentgen irradiation]. PMID- 13817737 TI - [Suppression of glycolysis-inhibition after x-irradiation of ascites tumor cells by phosphate]. PMID- 13817738 TI - The measurement of metabolic and vascular responses in liver and muscle with observations on their responses to insulin and glucose. PMID- 13817739 TI - [Treatment of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis by means of a prolonged administration of tuberculostatic drugs]. PMID- 13817740 TI - Three essentials in therapy of Parkinson's disease. PMID- 13817742 TI - Helping the deaf to hear. PMID- 13817741 TI - The psychotherapy of paralysis agitans. PMID- 13817743 TI - [On the discrepant type of electrocardiogram and its significance for the diagnosis of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13817744 TI - [Rheumatic coronaritis]. PMID- 13817745 TI - [On a new sign in the EKG--"P-dextral"]. PMID- 13817746 TI - [On the presence of beta hemolytic streptococci in the oral cavity of children under salt-bromine-iodine crenotherapy]. PMID- 13817747 TI - Renal transplantation between identical twins. PMID- 13817748 TI - Dermatopathic lymphadenitis (lipomelanic reticulosis) simulating mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13817750 TI - [Hypothermia caused by accidental immersion]. PMID- 13817749 TI - The nature of breast secretion in infancy. PMID- 13817751 TI - [Differential diagnosis of congenital heart defects by selective angiocardiography]. PMID- 13817752 TI - [Contribution to Melkersson-Rosenthal's syndrome]. PMID- 13817753 TI - [Vertebrogenic myelopathies]. PMID- 13817754 TI - [Studies on the intracellular demonstration of Echo virus type 9 in monkey kidney cell culture]. PMID- 13817755 TI - [The symptomatology, demonstration of the pathogen and serological studies in enterovirus infections in childhood. Observed on the clinical material of the year 1958 at the Universitaets-Kinder-klinik Freiburg i. Br]. PMID- 13817756 TI - [The symptomatology, demonstration of the pathogen and serological studies in enterovirus infections in childhood. Observed on the clinical material of the year 1958 at the Universitaets-Kinkerklink Freiburg i. Br]. PMID- 13817757 TI - [On bilateral connections between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli]. PMID- 13817758 TI - [Recurrent conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13817759 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of leukorrhea in children]. PMID- 13817760 TI - Tuberculosis control programs in the Denver public schools--1958-1959. PMID- 13817761 TI - The treatment of tinea capitis with oral potassium iodide. PMID- 13817762 TI - Clinical experience with an asphaltite from the Dead Sea; preliminary report. PMID- 13817763 TI - [Preliminary report; the therapeutic effect of the hot springs of Zohar (Dead Sea) on some skin diseases]. PMID- 13817764 TI - Incidence of peptic ulcer in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13817765 TI - [Action of mercuric chloride on clot retraction]. PMID- 13817766 TI - [Sanitary-hydrotechnical anti-malarial works in the RSFSR during post-war years (1946-1955) and their effectiveness]. PMID- 13817767 TI - [On the problem of treatment of chronic alcoholism]. PMID- 13817768 TI - Brain, movement and time. PMID- 13817769 TI - Roentgenographic changes seen in sickle-cell anemia. PMID- 13817770 TI - [Studies on the behavior of the adrenals in experimental benzol poisoning. II. On the survival and on the hematological picture of animals under benzene poisoning and adrenalectomy]. PMID- 13817771 TI - [Mastic kidney with endothoracic growth. Thoraco-abdominal nephrectomy]. PMID- 13817772 TI - [Non-specific chyluria. Concerning 2 cases]. PMID- 13817773 TI - [On a case of vesical fibroleiomyosarcoma]. PMID- 13817774 TI - [Radiotherapy in the treatment of anthrax of the kidney]. PMID- 13817775 TI - [Tumor of the kidney with neoplastic thrombus in the vena cava. Operation with thoracoabdominal approach]. PMID- 13817776 TI - Coronary arteriography during induced cardiac arrest and aortic occlusion. PMID- 13817777 TI - Left ventricular and systemic arterial catheterization: a simple percutaneous method using a spring guide. PMID- 13817778 TI - Venous air embolism complicating angiocardiography: an illustrative case report. PMID- 13817779 TI - Surgical approach to the knee joint by section of collateral ligament. PMID- 13817780 TI - Configurational studies of polynucleotides and ribonucleic acid. PMID- 13817781 TI - The heterogeneity in properties and functioning of deoxyribonucleic acids. PMID- 13817782 TI - Effect of brain-stem lesions on conditioned responses of cats. PMID- 13817783 TI - [Comparative studies on the sodium and calcium content in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid post mortem]. PMID- 13817784 TI - [Hydrogen-ion concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid post mortem]. PMID- 13817785 TI - [Acute phase protein and acute cardiac death]. PMID- 13817786 TI - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. PMID- 13817787 TI - Donald Smythe Childs, 1888-1960. PMID- 13817788 TI - Surgical management of injury to the pancreas. PMID- 13817789 TI - Pancreatography. PMID- 13817790 TI - [Indications for drainage of Wirsung's duct]. PMID- 13817791 TI - Radiologic aspects of stab wounds of the chest. PMID- 13817792 TI - [Medical economics]. PMID- 13817793 TI - [Claws, horns and tusks. 4 Case reports on wounds made by maddened animals]. PMID- 13817794 TI - [A semi-automatic table for seriographic investigations]. PMID- 13817795 TI - [Contribution to the study of the immunobiology of cancers. Paradoxal allergic reactions]. PMID- 13817796 TI - [The immunobiological problems of cancers. Allergic effects of devitalized antigenic implants]. PMID- 13817797 TI - Chloramphenicol, nucleic acid synthesis and mutation induced by ultraviolet light. PMID- 13817798 TI - Effect of purine and pyrimidine analogues on reversion of a tryptophan-requiring strain of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13817799 TI - Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis by chloramphenicol in synchronized cultures of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13817800 TI - Medical care of the aging in Baton Rouge. PMID- 13817801 TI - Complications and sequelae of hydatidiform mole. PMID- 13817802 TI - Adrenal cortical and Leydig cell nodules in dysgenetic ovaries. PMID- 13817803 TI - Histopathology of surgically excised lesions of the vagina. PMID- 13817804 TI - Junction of cancerous epithelium and stroma in the uterine cervix: electron microscope studies. PMID- 13817805 TI - Hormonal influence on lymphocyte differentiation from RES cells. PMID- 13817806 TI - Analysis of the single dilution method of titration of psittacosis virus. PMID- 13817807 TI - Quantitative studies of the relationships between infecting dose of Rous sarcoma virus, antiviral immune response, and tumor growth in chickens. PMID- 13817808 TI - 11 beta-Hydroxy dehydrogenase system activity in thymi of mice following prolonged cortisol treatment. PMID- 13817809 TI - Factors affecting the incidence and severity of poliomyelitis. An analysis of the 1958 epidemic in New Jersey. PMID- 13817810 TI - Syphilis resurgence: a new epidemiologic challenge. PMID- 13817811 TI - New Jersey's action program to prevent poliomyelitis. PMID- 13817812 TI - Eastern viral encephalitis. Epidemiology. PMID- 13817813 TI - Cast of the esophagus. Report of a case. PMID- 13817815 TI - Treatment of radiation pneumonitis with prednisolone. PMID- 13817814 TI - The evaluation of premedication in children. PMID- 13817817 TI - Management of blood clotting defects in children. PMID- 13817816 TI - Analysis of electrocardiographic patterns in hypothyroid heart disease. PMID- 13817818 TI - The use of regional anesthesia with general analgesia in oral surgery practice. PMID- 13817819 TI - Hypertension and unilateral renal disease treated by nephrectomy. PMID- 13817820 TI - Transmission of excitation in the wall of the intestine. PMID- 13817821 TI - Gastrografin: in gastroenterologic diagnosis. PMID- 13817822 TI - Is there a routine cervical smear? PMID- 13817823 TI - Trophoblast in the circulating blood during pregnancy. PMID- 13817824 TI - Unexplained vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. A preliminary report on the use of norethynodrel in management. PMID- 13817825 TI - Motility of Rhodomicrobium vannielii. PMID- 13817826 TI - Radiation hazards from medical and dental uses of x-ray. PMID- 13817827 TI - Further studies on the relationship between particle size and anthelmintic efficiency of phenothiazine. PMID- 13817828 TI - Ruelene, an organic phosphate, as an anthelmintic in sheep. PMID- 13817829 TI - "Premature" children at primary schools. PMID- 13817830 TI - The late results of Heller's operation for cardiospasm. PMID- 13817831 TI - Studies with 19-norethisterone oenanthate in mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13817832 TI - A new intravenous barbiturate for pediatric anesthesia in difficult and handicapped dental patients. PMID- 13817833 TI - Emphysema. PMID- 13817834 TI - Intrapartum and puerperal infection. PMID- 13817836 TI - Bleeding and hemorrhage in late pregnancy, Hemorrhage. Prophylaxis, initial management, and diagnostic procedures. PMID- 13817837 TI - Acute salt depletion in fibrocystic disease of the pancreas. PMID- 13817838 TI - Infectious mononucleosis with thrombocytopenic purpura in a child. PMID- 13817839 TI - The excitatory action of acetylcholine on cutaneous non-myelinated fibres. PMID- 13817840 TI - The prognosis in idiopathic diaphragmatic paralysis. PMID- 13817841 TI - A planned study of minimal tuberculosis. PMID- 13817842 TI - [Occupational amino-tumors of the urinary tract caused by benzidine]. PMID- 13817843 TI - [Clinical experiences in the therapy of hypertension with hydrochlorothiazide]. PMID- 13817844 TI - [Oral penicillin therapy of subacute bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13817845 TI - [On the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis with depot sulfonamides]. PMID- 13817846 TI - Clinical evaluation studies in lepromatous leprosy: a 24-weeks' study of pyrazinamide-isoniazid therapy. PMID- 13817847 TI - Clinical evaluation studies in lepromatous leprosy: a 48-weeks' study of cycloserine therapy. PMID- 13817848 TI - Bluish discoloration in lepromatous lesions during treatment with amodiaquin. PMID- 13817849 TI - Current status of the therapy of leprosy. PMID- 13817850 TI - The need for study of the potentials of surgery and physiotherapy in leprosy, with estimates of frequency of disability based on findings in the Ryukyus. PMID- 13817851 TI - Ruptured aneurysm of the inferior thyroid artery associated with paralysis of the vocal cord: report of case. PMID- 13817852 TI - [Apropos of a further case of Lofgren's syndrome]. PMID- 13817853 TI - [Edema in arteritis]. PMID- 13817854 TI - The state of DNA in the resting-cell nucleus. PMID- 13817855 TI - [Isolation of Microsporum gypseum from soil and guano in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13817857 TI - [Professional secrecy in the hospital]. PMID- 13817856 TI - [The lighting of surgical operating rooms]. PMID- 13817858 TI - [Responsibility of the public hospitals for the actions of their interns]. PMID- 13817859 TI - A study with the electron microscope of the skin tumour of molluscum contagiosum. PMID- 13817860 TI - Identification with the electron microscope of particles associated with polyoma virus in induced parotid gland tumours of C3H mice. PMID- 13817861 TI - [Tests of glucose tolerance]. PMID- 13817862 TI - [Lipids of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13817863 TI - [On the differentiation of circulatory regulating reflexes in the left heart]. PMID- 13817864 TI - The new penicillins, with special reference to 'broxil'. PMID- 13817865 TI - [Apropos of postoperative hemorrhages: a case of fibrinopenia]. PMID- 13817866 TI - [Clinical and radiological remarks on a case of truncal portacaval anastomosis of 10 years standing]. PMID- 13817867 TI - [Wounds of the pelvis caused by firearms]. PMID- 13817868 TI - [Does ambulatory narcosis still have the freedom of the city?]. PMID- 13817869 TI - Technological aspects of food irradiation. Gamma radiation dosimetry. PMID- 13817870 TI - [On the use of pyrrolidino-methyl-tetracycline in internal medicine]. PMID- 13817871 TI - The production of active immunity against the canine hookworm Uncinaria stenocephala. PMID- 13817872 TI - Experimental reproduction of the cystic hyperplasia-pyometra complex in the bitch. PMID- 13817873 TI - Ovarian abnormalities in the bitch. PMID- 13817874 TI - The cystic hyperplasia-pyometra complex in the bitch. PMID- 13817876 TI - The radiological diagnosis of the sinus venosus type of atrial septal defect. PMID- 13817875 TI - Strontium and calcium metabolism in metabolic bone diseases. PMID- 13817877 TI - The application of recent scientific information through the feeding-stuffs industry. PMID- 13817878 TI - Anaphylactoid shock due to homologous blood exchange in the dog. PMID- 13817879 TI - The effects of anaphylactoid shock from blood exchange on cardiopulmonary bypass in the dog. PMID- 13817880 TI - Experimental evaluation of veno-arterial pumping, a proposed technique for circulation support. PMID- 13817881 TI - A realistic fee schedule for modern ophthalmic dispensing. PMID- 13817882 TI - Erythrocyte electrolytes in muscle disease. PMID- 13817883 TI - Modified resin method for determination of radioiodine conversion ratio. PMID- 13817884 TI - Prolonged survival of dystrophic mice treated with 17 alpha-ethyl-19 nortestosterone. PMID- 13817885 TI - A simple capacitor transducer for measuring blood pressure in small experimental animals. PMID- 13817886 TI - Plastic embedding of undecalcified bone. PMID- 13817887 TI - Active transport of Fe59 by everted segments of rat duodenum. PMID- 13817888 TI - Requirement for vitamin D for the active transport of calcium by the intestine. PMID- 13817889 TI - True transmembrane potential curve from the surface of guinea pig ventricle: its relation to intrinsic deflection. PMID- 13817891 TI - [Speech defects in school children]. PMID- 13817890 TI - Measurement of the error in Wilson's central terminal: an accurate definition of unipolar leads. PMID- 13817892 TI - Acute fatal parathyroid poisoning associated with necrosis of the parathyroid adenoma prior to death. PMID- 13817893 TI - Primary ovarian pregnancy: report of a case and summary. PMID- 13817894 TI - The buffering properties of keratin scrapings. PMID- 13817895 TI - The source of free amino acids in keratin scrapings. PMID- 13817896 TI - Important guides in the recognition of viral diseases of the respiratory and central nervous systems. PMID- 13817897 TI - Bacteriologic studies of the sputum in patients with chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Results of continuous therapy with tetracycline, penicillin, or an oleandomycin-penicillin mixture. PMID- 13817898 TI - Broad-spectrum antibiotics after ten years. PMID- 13817899 TI - An ocular study of pulseless disease. PMID- 13817900 TI - Hydriodic acid-induced myxedema followed by recovery and thyroidal failure. PMID- 13817901 TI - The effect of estrogens upon the peripheral metabolism of thyroxine. PMID- 13817902 TI - Failure of diethylstilbestrol to affect thyroidal accumulation and renal clearance of I-131. PMID- 13817903 TI - Iodine metabolism in hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. PMID- 13817905 TI - Palatability in action. PMID- 13817906 TI - Three looks at hospital food service in the sixties. I. A hospital dietitian forecasts use of electronics in cooking and for placement of certain menu items on patients' trays. PMID- 13817904 TI - Changes in visually guided behaviour following midsagittal division of optic chiasm and corpus callosum in monkey (Macaca mulatta). PMID- 13817907 TI - Simple modification of synoptophore, useful in pleo-orthoptic treatment. PMID- 13817908 TI - Space begins at 50,000 feet. PMID- 13817909 TI - Chickenpox and zoster. PMID- 13817910 TI - Vascular disease in juvenile diabetic patients of long duration: a preliminary report. PMID- 13817911 TI - The effect of daily feeding of 90 Sr to rabbits. PMID- 13817912 TI - Dermatologic therapy. PMID- 13817913 TI - Patient government in a psychotic population. PMID- 13817914 TI - Baroreceptor reflexes in new-born rabbits. PMID- 13817915 TI - Auditory areas I, II, and Ep: cochlear representation, afferent paths and interconnections. PMID- 13817916 TI - Pancreatic surgery. PMID- 13817917 TI - A hearing testing program for preschool children. PMID- 13817918 TI - Eastern equine encephalitis virus isolated from Culex nigripalpus in Trinidad. PMID- 13817919 TI - Arthropod-borne encephalitic viruses in the West Indies area. Part I: A serological survey of Grenada, W.I. PMID- 13817920 TI - Intra-oral excision of the submandibular gland. PMID- 13817921 TI - [Deficiency phenomena of tabes dorsalis and of the cerebrospinal fluid with special reference to optic atrophy]. PMID- 13817922 TI - Bacillus faecalis alcaligenes septicemia in the newborn. PMID- 13817923 TI - 1-(o-Carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxyribulose. A compound formed by mutant strains of Aerobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli blocked in the biosynthesis of tryptophan. PMID- 13817924 TI - Feedback control of tryptophan biosynthesis. PMID- 13817926 TI - [Hydrotherapy in military hospitals]. PMID- 13817925 TI - Alkaline conversion of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid to 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. PMID- 13817927 TI - Reactivity of forearm vessels to vasoconstrictor substances in hypertensive and normotensive subjects. PMID- 13817928 TI - Effects of bretylium tosylate on blood-pressure, cardiac output, and renal function in hypertension. PMID- 13817929 TI - The Dublin School of Medicine. PMID- 13817930 TI - Challenges in industrial hygiene. PMID- 13817931 TI - [Intravenous isoniazid (comparative study of its metabolism and that of orally administered isoniazid)]. PMID- 13817932 TI - The new fertility testing tape: A predictive test of the fertile period. PMID- 13817933 TI - Treatment of renal failure with a parallel flow, straight tube blood dialyzer. PMID- 13817934 TI - Mucocoele of male urethra. PMID- 13817935 TI - Early diagnosis is ischemic heart disease. PMID- 13817936 TI - Observations on the circulation of domestic cattle. PMID- 13817937 TI - Misleading shadows on chest films. PMID- 13817938 TI - Roentgen demonstration of nonopaque ureteral calculi. PMID- 13817939 TI - [Congenital malformations and their relations with parental age and birth order of the affected children]. PMID- 13817940 TI - Teaching groups in urban areas. PMID- 13817941 TI - [Internal secretion of the salivary glands]. PMID- 13817942 TI - [Histological features of local and generalized plasmocytoma of the nasopharynx]. PMID- 13817944 TI - [The present state of diagnosis and therapy of the allergic head-cold]. PMID- 13817943 TI - [On the genesis of parotid cysts]. PMID- 13817945 TI - [On biological characteristics of BCG bacteria resistant to phthivaside]. PMID- 13817946 TI - [Allergy and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13817947 TI - Chronic vitamin A poisoning. PMID- 13817949 TI - [Infertility feigned by very early abortions]. PMID- 13817948 TI - [Experiences with hydrocortisone hydro-tubation in tubal obstruction]. PMID- 13817950 TI - [Pollution by radioactive substances of reservoir surfaces]. PMID- 13817951 TI - [Current aspects of sanitary control of water supply]. PMID- 13817952 TI - [On chronic progressive encephalomalacia]. PMID- 13817953 TI - [Dislocation of the semilunar and navicular bones]. PMID- 13817954 TI - [On roentgenography of the anterior semicircle of the pelvis]. PMID- 13817955 TI - [Repercussions of the frustration of the possessive instinct]. PMID- 13817956 TI - [A contribution to the history of tonometry. The first impression tonometer (A. v. Graefe, 1862)]. PMID- 13817957 TI - [Studies on the rigidity coefficient]. PMID- 13817958 TI - [Balneotherapy of lithiasis of the urinary system. Our experience in Khisar]. PMID- 13817959 TI - [Inframicrobial meningoencephalitis belonging to the group transmitted by arthropods. Identification of the pathogenic agent and study of the nerve lesions induced in white mice]. PMID- 13817960 TI - [On the susceptibility of Syrian hamster to tick-borne encephalitis virus isolated in the R.P.R. Studies on pathomorphological changes]. PMID- 13817961 TI - Clinical and electroencephalographic patterns and diagnosis in influenza encephalitis of the suckling and infant. PMID- 13817962 TI - [Diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of bacillary pericarditis with effusion]. PMID- 13817964 TI - [Neurofibroma sarcomatosum ventriculi]. PMID- 13817963 TI - [Considerations on present reactions to drugs used in anesthesia and reanimation]. PMID- 13817965 TI - [Contribution to diagnosis and therapy of thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's)]. PMID- 13817967 TI - [Contribution to the study of Brill-Symmers disease. Clinical and histopathological aspects-pathogenetic considerations-therapeutic indications results of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13817966 TI - Therapeutic indications in cancer of the cervix uteri. PMID- 13817968 TI - [Alkaline phosphatases and dehydrogenases of the irradiated kidney]. PMID- 13817969 TI - [Influenza associated with acute myocarditis]. PMID- 13817970 TI - Physiology of the gastric antrum and its relation to surgery. PMID- 13817971 TI - Prophylactic bilateral adrenalectomy and oophorectomy and advanced cancer of the breast. PMID- 13817972 TI - Dwight Edwin Clark, 1910-1959. PMID- 13817973 TI - Ethical considerations in the use and care of laboratory animals. PMID- 13817974 TI - On medical education. PMID- 13817975 TI - Some comments on the cause of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13817977 TI - [Excentric fixation]. PMID- 13817976 TI - [Pathogenesis of peptic gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13817978 TI - A simple method for obtaining perforated supporting membranes for electron microscopy. PMID- 13817979 TI - Effect of denervation on potassium-42 uptake by the rat muscle in vitro. PMID- 13817980 TI - Electrolytes in denervated and reinnervated muscle. PMID- 13817981 TI - [Results of surgical therapy of glaucoma in the ophthalmological clinic in Kosice during 1949-1958]. PMID- 13817982 TI - 4-Aminosalicylic acid blood levels following oral administration of sodium 4 aminosalicylate and calcium 4-benzamidosalicylate. PMID- 13817983 TI - Refractory heart failure. PMID- 13817984 TI - Rehabilitation: an added dimension in nursing care. PMID- 13817985 TI - Antiques of interest to the apothecary. PMID- 13817986 TI - Ribonucleic acid metabolism in U.V.-irradiated Escherichia coli B. PMID- 13817987 TI - Effects of phospholine-iodine (217MI) on intraocular pressure in man. PMID- 13817988 TI - The effect of alpha chymotrypsin on suture materials. PMID- 13817989 TI - Effect of demecarium bromide (BC 48) on intraocular pressure in man. PMID- 13817990 TI - Ethoxzolamide (cardrase) in the management of chronic simple glaucoma. PMID- 13817992 TI - The coefficient of scleral rigidity in normal and glaucomatous eyes. PMID- 13817991 TI - Phospholine iodine (217MI) and demecarium bromide (BC48) in the management of glaucoma. PMID- 13817993 TI - The effect of disalide on the intraocular pressure in man. PMID- 13817994 TI - The effects of ethoxzolamide (cardrase) on intraocular pressure. PMID- 13817995 TI - [On the epidemiology of brucellosis of the suis type]. PMID- 13817996 TI - [Epidemiological analysis of seasonal cyclic characteristics of brucellosis]. PMID- 13817997 TI - [Oxygen pulse during performance of 1 watt/kg. of body weight]. PMID- 13817998 TI - A clinical trial of deserpidine and reserpine in the treatment of the chronic schizophrenic. PMID- 13818000 TI - The direct removal of portal blood ammonia by the liver. PMID- 13817999 TI - Influence of hepatectomy and hepatic necrosis on electrophoresis of plasma proteins. PMID- 13818001 TI - A rational approach to classification and treatment of fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus. PMID- 13818002 TI - Effect of malaria control on haemoglobin levels. PMID- 13818003 TI - Biopotency of non-tocopherol compounds in vit. E deficiency diseases. PMID- 13818004 TI - Observations on the growth of African infants with special reference to the effects of malaria control. PMID- 13818006 TI - Expiratory pressures and air flow during speech. PMID- 13818005 TI - The hemolysin response in rabbits immunized during low-level cobalt-60 gamma irradiation. PMID- 13818007 TI - Co-operative control of library resources: a symposium. The national problem--why co-operate? PMID- 13818008 TI - A hospital network for coal miners and their families. PMID- 13818009 TI - Medical program of welfare and retirement fund of the United Mine Workers of America. PMID- 13818010 TI - Rehabilitating the tuberculous in Israel. PMID- 13818011 TI - [Report on 100 cases of obstetrical analgesia with dextromoramide. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13818012 TI - [On the effect of modern anesthesia on the results in obstetrical operations]. PMID- 13818013 TI - [Anesthetic procedures in obstetrical surgery]. PMID- 13818014 TI - [The biological effects of mixed industrial dusts]. PMID- 13818015 TI - Absorption of histamine into the blood stream on perfusion of the cerebral ventricles, and its uptake by brain tissue. PMID- 13818016 TI - Passage of circulating adrenaline into perfused cerebral ventricles and subarachnoidal space. PMID- 13818017 TI - Assay of lysergic acid diethylamide and its passage from blood into the perfused cerebral ventricles. AB - On the isolated rat uterus, lysergic acid diethylamide had an oxytocic action in a concentration of 2x10(-8); in smaller concentrations (10(-9) to 10(-10)), which had no stimulating effect of their own, it potentiated acetylcholine-induced contractions. This potentiating effect was made the basis for assaying minute amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide. The method was used to assay this substance in plasma of cats during its intravenous infusion at a rate of 10 mug./min./kg. During these infusions 0.4 to 2 ng./min. of lysergic acid diethylamide passed into the cerebral ventricles perfused with a salt solution of a composition resembling that of cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13818019 TI - [On documentation and basic statistical handling of records at a surgical department]. PMID- 13818018 TI - [The asthmogenic zone in the auditory apparatus]. PMID- 13818020 TI - [Change of the properties and purification capacity of soils in prolonged utilization of sewage farms]. PMID- 13818021 TI - Modified apparatus for the formation of synthetic calculus. PMID- 13818022 TI - A bovine gland extract for calculus formation. PMID- 13818023 TI - [The value of umbilical probing for the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the umbilical arteries]. PMID- 13818024 TI - Genetic control of two gamma-globulin isoantigenic sites in domestic rabbits. AB - Results of immunochemical analysis of sera from 335 offspring of 81 litters of rabbits are consistent with the hypothesis that the isoantigenic sites, RGG-I and RGG-II, of the gamma-globulins are controlled by a single allelic pair of autosomal genes with both specificities exhibited by the heterozygote. The three genotypes may be designated gamma(I)/gamma(I), gamma(II)/gamma(II), and gamma(I)/gamma(II). PMID- 13818026 TI - [Considerations on the most frequent errors in statistical analysis of experimental and clinical work]. PMID- 13818025 TI - [Chlorothiazide as a diuretic agent in the treatment of congestive cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13818027 TI - [Photostimulation in patients with expansive processes in the base of the brain and in the posterior cranial fossa]. PMID- 13818028 TI - The catalytic activity of carboxypeptidase-degraded aldolase. PMID- 13818029 TI - [Studies on a simple procedure for freeze-drying after the entrainment method]. PMID- 13818031 TI - Doctor's bills. PMID- 13818030 TI - Traits of fatherhood as revealed by the factor-analysis of a parent attitude scale. PMID- 13818032 TI - The electrocardiogram in atrial septal defect. PMID- 13818033 TI - [Tolerance of orbital implants made of hydrocolloid acrylate]. PMID- 13818035 TI - [Non-magnetic intraocular foreign bodies]. PMID- 13818034 TI - [Intra-cameral lenses made of hydrocolloidal acrylates]. PMID- 13818036 TI - Early experiemnts with group psychotherapy. A historical review. PMID- 13818038 TI - The combined secretin and cytology test in the diagnosis of pancreatic and biliary tract cancer. PMID- 13818037 TI - Inhibitory effect of new anticholinergics on the basal and secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion in patients with and without pancreatic disease: therapeutic and theoretic implications. PMID- 13818040 TI - Radiological notes. Case No. 98. PMID- 13818039 TI - Relationship between blood amylase and factors affecting carbohydrate metabolism. II. The influence of ACTH, hydrocortisone, liver disease and pancreatectomy. PMID- 13818041 TI - Rehabilitation and the leprosy patient. PMID- 13818042 TI - [On the problem of pneumonia connected with adenovirus infections in children]. PMID- 13818043 TI - The influence of vitamin A and ammonium chloride on the growth and longevity of rats fed a deficient diet supplemented with nonfat milk. PMID- 13818044 TI - Seasonal distribution of initial appearance of postnatal ossification centers in hand and wrist of undernourished children. PMID- 13818045 TI - The sites of maturational strength and weakness in the developing hand skeleton. PMID- 13818047 TI - [Adenoviruses and the diseases caused by them]. PMID- 13818046 TI - [Outbreak of adenovirus diseases in Gorki]. PMID- 13818048 TI - [Results of sanitary-hygienic investigation of multi-stage houses of recent construction in Tashkent]. PMID- 13818050 TI - Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the lung. PMID- 13818049 TI - [Transamination of glutamic acid in a developing chick embryo]. PMID- 13818051 TI - [On the nailing of pathological fractures of the neck of the femur]. PMID- 13818052 TI - [Parenteral fat nutrition and its modification by heparin]. PMID- 13818053 TI - [Androgen therapy in follow-up carcinoma care]. PMID- 13818054 TI - Blockade of some cardiac actions of adrenaline by dichloroisoproterenol. PMID- 13818055 TI - [Fecaloma]. PMID- 13818056 TI - Semi-socialized medicine Germany. PMID- 13818057 TI - The latex-fixation reaction in nonrheumatic diseases. PMID- 13818058 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XIV. Variations in the concentration of catecholamines during nymphal molt]. PMID- 13818059 TI - [Catecholamines and chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13818060 TI - [Effects of adrenaline sensitizers on adrenal catecholamines]. PMID- 13818061 TI - [Introduction to the study of the metabolism of catecholamines]. PMID- 13818062 TI - Study of tissue response to polyvinyl resin sponge implants in the jaws of dogs. PMID- 13818064 TI - [Spirographic studies on healthy school children]. PMID- 13818063 TI - The clinical application of gas chromatography to the analysis of respiratory gases. PMID- 13818065 TI - Still's greatest contribution to medicine. PMID- 13818066 TI - [Immunochemical studies on the mechanism of allergic diseases. I. The influence of organic sulfur compounds on the complement fixation reaction in the sera of sensitized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13818067 TI - [Immunochemical studies on the mechanism of allergic diseases. II. The complement and properdin titer of sensitized and anaphylactic shock-exposed guinea pigs]. PMID- 13818068 TI - [Immunochemical studies on the mechanism of allergic diseases. Summary and outlook]. PMID- 13818069 TI - The case against compulsory isolation of the recalcitrant tuberculous. PMID- 13818070 TI - Pericarditis after acute myocardial infarction. Relapses over period of twenty eight months. PMID- 13818071 TI - Management of pericarditis secondary to myocardial infarction. PMID- 13818072 TI - Percussion of the sternum. I. Aid to differentiation of pericardial effusion and cardiac dilatation. PMID- 13818074 TI - [The cytogenetic action of ultraviolet radiation in Allium cepa]. PMID- 13818073 TI - Transient bundle branch block occurring during slowing of the heart beat and following gagging. PMID- 13818076 TI - On the treatment of infantile intussusception. PMID- 13818075 TI - [Correlation between the content of beta-lipoproteins and total proteins in biological liquids. Consequences in the interpretation of the "Burstein test"]. PMID- 13818077 TI - Effect of small doses of alcohol on a skill resembling driving. PMID- 13818078 TI - A backward glance at the rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13818079 TI - Action of tritiated thymidine on the clonal growth of mammalian cells. PMID- 13818080 TI - [Neurogenic tumors of the lungs]. PMID- 13818081 TI - [Oral poisoning with hydrazine]. PMID- 13818082 TI - [Electron microscopic studies on Mycobacterium phlei. (Structure and formation of metachromatic granula)]. PMID- 13818084 TI - Use of millipore filters in ophthalmic surgery. PMID- 13818083 TI - [Studies on the substructure of "chromatophores" of Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodospirillum molischianum]. PMID- 13818085 TI - Psychodrama in private practice. PMID- 13818086 TI - [The sleeping position of infants]. PMID- 13818087 TI - [On thoracic wall sarcoma]. PMID- 13818088 TI - [On certain problems related to retroperitoneal tumors possibly connected with enlarged spleen]. PMID- 13818089 TI - Aortic grafts of polyurethane in dogs. PMID- 13818090 TI - Medico-statistical information from Denmark for the years 1957 and 1958. PMID- 13818091 TI - [Medicostatistical information for the years of 1957 and 1958. Reports from the Public Health Administration]. PMID- 13818092 TI - [Subacute bacterial endocarditis, subarachnoid meningeal hemorrhage, due to rupture of a mycotic aneurysm]. PMID- 13818094 TI - On visual contrast thresholds. III. The just perceptible and the just imperceptible stimulus. PMID- 13818093 TI - [Therapeutic damages by anti-epileptic drugs with special reference to severe side-effects as demonstrated in the literature and my own cases]. PMID- 13818095 TI - [Anemia and disease of the endocrine glands]. PMID- 13818096 TI - [Trypanosomiasis responsible for Waldenstrom's disease]. PMID- 13818097 TI - [Drug cytopenia of allergic origin]. PMID- 13818098 TI - [Apropos of a fatal case of post-abortum septicemia]. PMID- 13818099 TI - Metabolism of myosin and life time of myofibrils. PMID- 13818100 TI - [Study of serum creatine kinase in myopathic patients and their families]. PMID- 13818101 TI - [The non-uniformity of hemoglobin]. PMID- 13818102 TI - [Starch gel electrophoregram of muscle proteins following nerve section. Peculiar behavior of myoglobin]. PMID- 13818103 TI - [Serum creatine kinase in the diagnosis of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13818104 TI - [Hepatic ferric overload. Unrecognized form in a son of a patient with hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13818105 TI - [Compensation of cranial-injured persons]. PMID- 13818106 TI - The quantitative histochemical distribution of thiamine in normal rat brain. PMID- 13818107 TI - Radioiodine uptake by the infarcted heart. PMID- 13818108 TI - The role of hyperuricemia in coronary heart disease. PMID- 13818109 TI - The use of psychopharmacological drugs in internal medicine. Some indications and limitations. PMID- 13818110 TI - [Hyperuricemia and coronary disease]. PMID- 13818112 TI - Anomaly simulating a retrocaval ureter. PMID- 13818111 TI - Certain aspects of tuberculosis of the genitourinary tract: stones and renal tuberculosis; Puigvert's operation for tuberculosis of the lower portion of the ureter. PMID- 13818113 TI - [Determination of tryptophan in natural milieu. 2. Stability of tryptophan during alkaline hydrolysis done in the presence of carbohydrates]. PMID- 13818114 TI - Emotional hypertension and anxiety neuroses with cardiac symptoms: treatment with methylnonyl dioxolane-reserpine combination. PMID- 13818115 TI - [Dental prophylaxis and therapy in childhood]. PMID- 13818116 TI - Carcinoid of Meckel's diverticulum. Report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13818117 TI - Clinical evaluation of ristocetin in children. A preliminary report. PMID- 13818118 TI - Ristocetin, a laboratory and clinical evaluation in children. PMID- 13818119 TI - [Intra- and suprasellar tumors in the angiogram of the carotid artery]. PMID- 13818120 TI - [On two unusual operative findings in spaceoccupying intrasellar processes]. PMID- 13818121 TI - [Experimental pulmonary lesions after splenectomy in the white rat. Relations with Bartonella]. PMID- 13818122 TI - [Intravenous injection of Guerin epithelioma brei in the fresh animal]. PMID- 13818123 TI - [Intravenous injection of brei of Guerin's epithelioma in splenectomized rats]. PMID- 13818124 TI - [Experimental azohepatoma of the rat examined by the electron microscope]. PMID- 13818125 TI - [Preliminary research on experimental pulmonary edema in the rat examined by the electron microscope]. PMID- 13818126 TI - [The ultrastructure of the rat kidney examined by the electron microscope]. PMID- 13818127 TI - [The ultrastructure of the rat lung examined by the electron microscope]. PMID- 13818128 TI - [Intravenous injection of a powder of Guerin's epithelioma. IV. In the rat which has undergone various nervous, pharmacodynamic and endocrine actions]. PMID- 13818129 TI - [Intravenous injection of powder of the Guerin epithelioma. II. In the rat bearing an identical tumor]. PMID- 13818130 TI - Some remarks on the training of more active therapy leaders. PMID- 13818131 TI - [Some remarks on the education of leaders in the field of activity therapy]. PMID- 13818132 TI - [Individual differences in the electrophoretic behavior of blood proteins and lipoproteins in the eel]. PMID- 13818133 TI - [Starch gel electrophoretic study of sera of fish: cyclostomes, selachians, teleosts]. PMID- 13818134 TI - Biological effects of some steroids with progestational activity. PMID- 13818135 TI - A longitudinal study of the growth and development of prematurely and maturely born children. IV. Morbidity. PMID- 13818136 TI - A longitudinal study of the growth and development of prematurely and maturely born children. Part V. Patterns of maternal care (a study of child rearing in Scotland). PMID- 13818137 TI - Physical and mental handicap in the prematurely born. PMID- 13818138 TI - The problem of prematurity. PMID- 13818139 TI - "Species" of Brucella characterized by phage lysis. PMID- 13818141 TI - Industrial hygiene and the practice of occupational medicine. PMID- 13818140 TI - Industrial hygiene and air pollution. PMID- 13818142 TI - [Bronchial tuberculosis and surgical therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818143 TI - [Respiratory insufficiency and prevention of cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13818145 TI - Medical, social, and legal aspects of suicide. PMID- 13818144 TI - A clinical study of the muscle relaxantimbretil. PMID- 13818146 TI - Myocardial infarction and other electrocardiographic changes in the postoperative period. PMID- 13818147 TI - Physiologic studies in general anesthesia for ambulatory dental patients. PMID- 13818148 TI - The therapeutic use of local anesthesia. PMID- 13818149 TI - Sodium glucuronate and glucuronolactone in bilirubin conjugation and formation of borneol glucuronide. PMID- 13818150 TI - Periodic chest radiography of mine-workers. PMID- 13818151 TI - Coarctation of the aorta in one of identical twins. PMID- 13818152 TI - Photoconvulsive threshold in depressive illness and the effect of E.C.T. PMID- 13818153 TI - Effect of blood volume and cardiac output on the measurement of myoclonic threshold. PMID- 13818154 TI - [Hypernephroma and polycythemia]. PMID- 13818155 TI - [Therapeutic experiments in malignant neoplasms with a "braking substance" from the urine of pregnant subjects. A therapeutic report on the article by H. Geiger "The regulation principle in pregnancy and cancer and its therapeutic application" in volume 2 (1959), page 113]. PMID- 13818156 TI - [On the treatment of tic]. PMID- 13818157 TI - [An outbreak of Salmonella breslau infection connected with the use of duck eggs]. PMID- 13818158 TI - [Hematological characteristics of tickborne Gamasidae rickettsiosis. Part 1. Changes in the white blood cells]. PMID- 13818159 TI - [On the nature of vitamin C metabolism in Gamasidae-borne rickettsiosis (rickettsiosis D)]. PMID- 13818160 TI - [Healing of a mesenteric venous thrombosis by extensive resection of the small intestine and heparin therapy]. PMID- 13818161 TI - [Successful resection of half of the small intestine in mesenterial thrombosis]. PMID- 13818162 TI - [Result of the work of the council of assistance for improvement of working conditions in an industrial enterprise]. PMID- 13818163 TI - [A contribution to the study of calcifications in the small pelvis in genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818164 TI - [Report of a case of latent genital tuberculosis. Value of a plain roentgenogram of the small pelvis in the diagnosis]. PMID- 13818165 TI - [Phytoncides; plans for 1959-1965]. PMID- 13818166 TI - [An useful method of basal electroencephalography]. PMID- 13818168 TI - [Physiological nutrition observations on the milk of various mammals and the possibilities of a change in cow's milk for the requirements of human infants]. PMID- 13818167 TI - [Chronic hyperosmosis in brain damage demonstrated by a case of cyclops ventricle]. PMID- 13818170 TI - [Medical professional secrecy]. PMID- 13818169 TI - [Medical professional secrecy]. PMID- 13818171 TI - [Mental hygiene and faith healing]. PMID- 13818172 TI - [Nervous vomiting]. PMID- 13818173 TI - [The form of organization of a hospital]. PMID- 13818174 TI - [On the clinical picture of vibration sickness]. PMID- 13818175 TI - [Modifications of the level of cerebral electrogenesis (EGN) induced by intermittent light stimulation (ILS)]. PMID- 13818176 TI - [Quantitative electroencephalography: normal-hyperapnea type reaction in man]. PMID- 13818177 TI - [The practice of quantitative electroencephalography]. PMID- 13818178 TI - [The rehabilitation of prostitutes]. PMID- 13818179 TI - [Mental complications during therapy of lupus erythematosus with atabrine]. PMID- 13818180 TI - [The physician in the French Canadian novel]. PMID- 13818181 TI - [The physician in the French-Canadian novel]. PMID- 13818182 TI - Survival after apoplexy. A 5-year follow-up. PMID- 13818183 TI - Chemical osteosynthesis of fractures and nonunions of the shafts of long bones of the lower extremity. PMID- 13818184 TI - [Rhinencephalic components of the dorsal thalamus in rats]. PMID- 13818185 TI - [Observations on the deficiency and re-establishment of motor functions after a cerebrocortical injury]. PMID- 13818186 TI - Chronic hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. PMID- 13818187 TI - [Features of tissue reaction and of the course of inflammation in the diabetic organism]. PMID- 13818188 TI - [On the arrangement, the fine structure and the origin of connective tissue fibers in myocardial cicatrix with special reference to the formation of elastic fibers]. PMID- 13818189 TI - [New headpiece and electrodes, for the electroencephalographic recording]. PMID- 13818190 TI - [Glomus tumor in the trachea]. PMID- 13818191 TI - [Practical significance of simple functional tests of the respiration organ in the Internal Disease Clinic]. PMID- 13818193 TI - [Mechanism of action of antifungal antibiotics. I. Action of amphotericin B on the respiratory metabolism of Candida albicans]. PMID- 13818192 TI - [A case of pyloric stenosis caused by extrinsic compression due to cystic pneumatosis of the small intestine]. PMID- 13818194 TI - [Phenomena of immunity in mvcoses]. PMID- 13818195 TI - [Cellular lesions provoked by reoviruses (ECHO virus 10). Fluorescent antibodies and cytochemical study]. PMID- 13818196 TI - [On the virological and serological diagnosis of enterovirus infections]. PMID- 13818197 TI - [Cineangiocardiography]. PMID- 13818198 TI - [Dynamic histochemistry of neurons. I. Incorporation of radiolabelled methionine]. PMID- 13818199 TI - [Dynamic histochemistry of the neurons. II. Fate of the proteins elaborated by the ganglion cells]. PMID- 13818200 TI - [Incorporation of S-35 marked methionine in the autonomic ganglionic cells in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13818201 TI - [Antigenic structure of various strains of Rhizobium]. PMID- 13818202 TI - [On the nature of milk diphasic fever (data on the study of the focus in the European part of the USSR). II. Serological and immunological studies]. PMID- 13818203 TI - [Changes in the lymphatic system of the small intestine after gastrointestinal anastomoses and interintestinal anastomoses]. PMID- 13818204 TI - [Lymphatic system of the small intestine and mesentery and development of collateral lymph circulation in portacaval anastomosis and ligation of the portal vein]. PMID- 13818205 TI - [Therapy of recurrences of cancer of the lip]. PMID- 13818206 TI - [Experimental analysis on the phenomenon of spinal shock]. PMID- 13818207 TI - [On an outbreak of aseptic serous meningitis]. PMID- 13818208 TI - [On the problem of the resistance of plants to infection with a non-specific strain of Rhizobium]. PMID- 13818210 TI - [Inflammation of the mesenchymal tissue in children]. PMID- 13818209 TI - [Attempted transmission of passive allergy by means of the aqueous humor]. PMID- 13818211 TI - [The importance of body weight in the vascular lesions of diabetes]. PMID- 13818212 TI - [The treatment of early infantile interstitial plasma cell pneumonia with moronal tacholiquin aerosols]. PMID- 13818213 TI - [Comparative studies on the optical density of serum after oral fat loading with fat excretion in the feces after Schmidt's test meal]. PMID- 13818214 TI - [Whipple's disease (lipodystrophia intestinalis)]. PMID- 13818215 TI - [Study of an advantageous modification in the Wassermann reaction]. PMID- 13818216 TI - Current practices and possible pitfalls. PMID- 13818217 TI - [Characteristics of the fermentation of wood hydrolysates by Schizosaccharomyces Pombe]. PMID- 13818218 TI - Medical interlingua. PMID- 13818219 TI - Studies of carbohydrate metabolism during ether anesthesia. I. Effect of ether on glucose and fructose metabolism. PMID- 13818220 TI - A case of atonic cerebral diplegia with lissencephaly. PMID- 13818221 TI - [Induction of cancer in rats by implantation of tar pitch from water pipes]. PMID- 13818222 TI - [Fluorescent adulterants in liquid paraffin and organic solvents]. PMID- 13818224 TI - [The summation effect]. PMID- 13818223 TI - [The cytolyzing effect of extracts from normal tissues on various tumors in the rat]. PMID- 13818225 TI - Tumor cell destroying properties of normal tissues. PMID- 13818226 TI - Pharmacological tests in cancer chemotherapy. PMID- 13818227 TI - [Quantitative analysis of the carcinogenic effect of 4-dimethylaminostilbene]. PMID- 13818228 TI - [The breeding of pure-bred animals]. PMID- 13818229 TI - Critical tests with polymethylenepiperazine (PMP) against parasites of the horse. PMID- 13818230 TI - Field studies comparing piperazine-carbon disulfide complex with carbon disulfide for parasite control in the horse. PMID- 13818231 TI - The differential determination of catecholamines in urine. PMID- 13818232 TI - [Topographic-anatomical determination of the localization of a left-sided recurrent nerve paralysis following thorotrast injury]. PMID- 13818233 TI - Mistaken identity is one mistake no hospital can afford. PMID- 13818234 TI - An address. PMID- 13818235 TI - Comparative physiology: fuel of muscle metabolism. PMID- 13818236 TI - Enzymes of ketone body metabolism. II. Properties of an acetoacetate-synthesizing enzyme prepared from ox liver. PMID- 13818237 TI - [Rules for resuscitation of the newborn infant]. PMID- 13818238 TI - Enzymatic activity of staphylocoagulase. I. Characterization of an esterase associated with purified preparations. PMID- 13818239 TI - Enzymatic activity of staphylocoagulase. II. Dissociation of plasma clotting from tributyrinase activity. PMID- 13818240 TI - Trigeminal neuralgia. PMID- 13818241 TI - [Disorders of dentition in the infant]. PMID- 13818243 TI - [Children should and can wear dental prosthetic devices]. PMID- 13818242 TI - [Why it is necessary to examine the mouth of a child]. PMID- 13818244 TI - Traumatic tendovaginitis of the fifth dorsal compartment of the wrist. PMID- 13818245 TI - A study of the cardiovascular adjustments to the increased stress produced by narrowing of the abdominal aorta. PMID- 13818246 TI - Secondary abdominal pregnancy. PMID- 13818247 TI - Oral treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13818248 TI - [Physiological study of the levels of lactic acid in the venous, arterial, peripheral and pulmonary bloods]. PMID- 13818249 TI - Unidentified nutrients required by the hyperthyroid rat. PMID- 13818250 TI - Electrocardiographic detection of abnormal plasma potassium concentrations in hamsters after adrenalectomy and treatment with desoxycorticosterone. PMID- 13818251 TI - [Preliminary observations on the application of sigmamycin in surgery]. PMID- 13818252 TI - Exchange of hydrogen between reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide and water. PMID- 13818253 TI - [Ointments in the INAM galenic formulary]. PMID- 13818254 TI - Enzymes catalyzing sequential reactions in mouse brain and liver supernatant fractions: I. Differential use of Janus green B and phenazine methosulfate. PMID- 13818255 TI - [Reflexions on 7 years of use of artificial ventilation with the Alluaume pulmotor]. PMID- 13818256 TI - [An artificial ventilation apparatus for animal experimentation: the "Handy veterinarian's resuscitator"]. PMID- 13818257 TI - [A standard of venous anesthesia without barbituric; value of the ataralgesiant association: pyrrolamidol and levomepromazine]. PMID- 13818258 TI - [Importance of ataralgesic assoications, pyrrolamidol with levomepromazine, in visceral surgery]. PMID- 13818259 TI - [Apropos of intravenous corticoid therapy. Reflections on 40 cases]. PMID- 13818260 TI - Teaching community aspects of nursing: their inclusion in the basic curriculum. PMID- 13818261 TI - [Clinical observations on radiotherapy of uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13818263 TI - [A radiological contribution to the clinical aspects of giant cell tumors]. PMID- 13818262 TI - [Therapeutic experiences with the combination of roentgen irradiation and a cytostatic agent in model studies on the Jensen sarcoma of the rat]. PMID- 13818264 TI - [The importance of ballast in the nutrition of small infants]. PMID- 13818265 TI - Some aspects of the pathogenesis and surgical management of peptic ulcers. PMID- 13818266 TI - Acetylaspartic acid and ammonia poisoning. PMID- 13818267 TI - The combination of oxygen and optimum fractionation in radiation therapy of adenocarcinoma. PMID- 13818268 TI - Haemorrhage in an enterogenous cyst of the duodenum. PMID- 13818269 TI - A case in South Africa of ocular myiasis in man due to the first-stage larvae of the nasal bot fly of the sheep (Oestrus ovis L). PMID- 13818270 TI - [Contribution to the study of histological structure of auriculoventricular fibrous rings]. PMID- 13818271 TI - Treatment of hypertension: use of trimethidinfum--chlorothiazide combination. PMID- 13818272 TI - [Aims and methods in public health]. PMID- 13818273 TI - Observations on the antihypertensive effectiveness of a new propanediol dicarbamate (W-583). PMID- 13818274 TI - [Tables of mortality and survival for the municipal of Ribeirao Preto (1949 1951)]. PMID- 13818275 TI - [Reparative coloplasty in complete stenosis of the esophagus]. PMID- 13818277 TI - [A contribution to the therapy of myotonia with prednisone (ultracorten)]. PMID- 13818276 TI - [Results of the treatment with cobalt chlorophyllin (erythrophyll) in some neurological and neuro-ophthalmological disorders. Comparison with vitamin B12]. PMID- 13818278 TI - [Androstanolone in massive doses as almost exclusive treatment of hepatic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13818279 TI - [Trial of treatment of cirrhosis by a synthetic androgen in high doses. (1 Year of systematic clinical experimentation)]. PMID- 13818280 TI - [Terminal ileitis of stenosing form after unrecognized acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13818281 TI - [Two cases of acute porphyria]. PMID- 13818282 TI - [Reflections on lambliasis: its treatment and its clinical forms]. PMID- 13818283 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages in the course of sequels of gastrectomy]. PMID- 13818284 TI - [Study of allergic sensitization in hemorrhagic rectocolitis. 15 Cases]. PMID- 13818285 TI - [The hereditary factor in peptic ulcer. The digestive ulcer, disease of recessive hereditary predisposition]. PMID- 13818286 TI - [Biliary manifestations after castration]. PMID- 13818288 TI - [On the question of the biochemical properties of Klebsiella, type 4 (ozaenae)]. PMID- 13818287 TI - [Digestive indications of corticotherapy]. PMID- 13818289 TI - Subfractionation of human serum enzymes. AB - Evidence is given for the subfractionation by starch gel electrophoresis of human serum cholinesterase. aromatic esterase, and acid phosphatase. These subfractions and unfractionated leucine aminopeptidase are localized with respect to the protein zones of the Smithies starch gel pattern. PMID- 13818290 TI - [Two cases of traumatic salivary fistulas of Steno's canal]. PMID- 13818292 TI - [The problems of late treatment of intrapulmonary foreign bodies]. PMID- 13818291 TI - [Carcinoma arising on cicatricial esophageal stenosis resulting from lye burns]. PMID- 13818294 TI - [Cancer of the breast and pregnancy]. PMID- 13818293 TI - [Cancer developing in esophageal cicatricial stenosis following alkali burns]. PMID- 13818295 TI - [Hematidrosis in an 8 year old child]. PMID- 13818296 TI - [On regional disorders of arterial blood pressure in spinal cord lesions at different levels]. PMID- 13818297 TI - Treatment of canine coccidiosis using nitrofurazone and sulfonamides. PMID- 13818298 TI - [Distribution of radioactive phosphorus in the brain tissue in experimental injuries off the brain]. PMID- 13818299 TI - The acetylation of polyamines in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13818300 TI - The cholestatic form of viral hepatitis. Experiences with viral hepatitis at Brooke Army Hospital during the years 1951 to 1953. PMID- 13818301 TI - [Results of supporting osteotomy in the treatment of fractures of the femoral neck]. PMID- 13818302 TI - Iso-antigens of rabbit gamma-globulin. PMID- 13818303 TI - [Findings in 1000 brain-injured persons on the basis of veterans' compensation records]. PMID- 13818304 TI - [On some new problems posed by penitentiary psychopathology]. PMID- 13818305 TI - [The industrial perspective in social rehabilitation]. PMID- 13818306 TI - Accumulation of serotonin in the brain of reserpine-treated mice after inhibition of monoamine oxidase: effect of body temperature. PMID- 13818308 TI - [Simplification and standardization in the taking of objective pictures in endoscopy]. PMID- 13818307 TI - Effect of forms of vitamin B6 on acute toxicity of hydrazines. PMID- 13818310 TI - Collagen disease: the overlooked diagnosis. PMID- 13818309 TI - The corticosteroid-induced peptic ulcer: a serial roentgenological survey of patients receiving high dosages. PMID- 13818312 TI - Practical psychotherapy-a valuable tool of all physicians. PMID- 13818311 TI - Current therapy of systemic lupus erythematosus. A comparative evaluation of corticosteroids and their side-effects with emphasis on fifty patients treated with dexamethasone. PMID- 13818313 TI - Rehabilitation and occupational therapy. PMID- 13818314 TI - Rhythms, cycles and periods in health and disease. PMID- 13818315 TI - [Invalidation of Neostrigeidae Bisseru 1956 (Trematoda: Digenea)]. PMID- 13818316 TI - [Dysmenorrhea due to an unusual genital malformation]. PMID- 13818317 TI - [Acute azotemic nephritis in relation to the evolution of a hydramniotic and embryonate mole]. PMID- 13818318 TI - [Report of the Congress of Jesenik (Czechoslovakia) on neuroses]. PMID- 13818319 TI - The effects of ionizing radiations on the biochemistry of mammalian tissues. III. Studies on the toxicity of rare earth compounds and their influence on radiation lethality. PMID- 13818320 TI - The effects of ionizing radiations on the biochemistry of mammalian tissues. IV. Effects of derivatives of dithiocarbamic acid on the oxidation of alpha-keto acids. PMID- 13818321 TI - The inhibitory action of radioprotective dithiocarbamates on succinic dehydrogenase activity of animal tissues. PMID- 13818322 TI - The chromatography of polycyclic hydrocarbons. PMID- 13818323 TI - The effects of ionizing radiations on the biochemistry of mammalian tissues. II. Effects of derivatives of dithiocarbamic acid on enzyme systems. PMID- 13818324 TI - [Nasal sinus manifestations in respiratory allergy in children]. PMID- 13818325 TI - [Methods for the etiological diagnosis of respiratory allergy]. PMID- 13818326 TI - [Experimental researches on the action of various cerebral tissue extracts in leukemia in AK mice]. PMID- 13818327 TI - [Photometric dysharmony in the visual field of glaucoma patients]. PMID- 13818329 TI - Health and disease. PMID- 13818328 TI - Effect of nutrition on the resistance of mice to endotoxin and on the bactericidal power of their tissues. AB - Mice on inadequate nutritional regimens were found to be more susceptible to various bacterial diseases than mice fed a complete diet containing 15 to 20 per cent casein. The tests of susceptibility included: (a) infections with virulent bacteria; (b) injection of large doses of avirulent coagulase-negative staphylococci; and (c) lethal effects of bacterial endotoxins. The infection enhancing effect of nutritional deficiencies could be rendered even more striking by administering the infective inoculum simultaneously with a sublethal dose of endotoxin. Despite their great susceptibility to infection, malnourished animals retained much of their ability to eliminate bacteria from the blood, liver, spleen, kidneys, and lungs, at least during the early phases of the infectious processes. This was true even when the animals had received endotoxin simultaneously with the infective dose. The results suggest that under the conditions of the present study, the nutritional state influenced the outcome of infection not primarily by affecting the fate of the pathogens in vivo, but rather by modifying the ability of the host to resist their toxic effects. PMID- 13818330 TI - Medicine as a social science. PMID- 13818332 TI - [Surgical attitude on ductus arteriosus with severe pulmonary hypertension]. PMID- 13818333 TI - [The association of the artificial heart-lung apparatus and deep hypothermia in open-heart surgery]. PMID- 13818331 TI - Tyrothricin, gramicidin, and tyrocidine--twenty years later, with remarks on the tissue factors which affect chemotherapy. PMID- 13818334 TI - Syphilitic coronary obstruction: correction under artificial heart-lung and profound hypothermia. PMID- 13818335 TI - [Surgery of intracardiac shunts at the ventricular level]. PMID- 13818336 TI - [The combination of the artificial heart-lung and deep hypothermia in open-heart surgery]. PMID- 13818338 TI - [167 Open heart operations under extracorporeal circulation for congenital heart disease]. PMID- 13818337 TI - The association of the artificial heart-lung with deep hypothermia in open heart surgery. PMID- 13818339 TI - [Abnormal and complicated aortic coarctations]. PMID- 13818340 TI - [Atrioventricular canal and ostium primum. Surgical treatment, based on 25 cases]. PMID- 13818341 TI - [Repair of Fallot's tetralogy under open-heart surgery: selection of suitable cases]. PMID- 13818342 TI - [Apropos of a case of aortopulmonary fistula successfully treated under extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13818343 TI - [Apropos of a case of aneurysm of the renal artery with arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13818344 TI - [Surgical treatment of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13818345 TI - [The position of the artifical heart-lung apparatus in the surgical treatment of pulmonary stenosis with intact interventricular septum]. PMID- 13818347 TI - [Retrosternal pains immediately alleviated by the ingestion of fresh water]. PMID- 13818346 TI - [Contribution of social psychology to a problem of land management (construction of a dam)]. PMID- 13818348 TI - [Oxygen fixation by kidney sections after burns or frostbite]. PMID- 13818349 TI - [Complete correction of a triad of Fallot, in extracorporeal circulation, in a pregnant woman]. PMID- 13818350 TI - [Our experience with digestive hemorrhages (Apropos of 40 cases)]. PMID- 13818351 TI - [The value of sphincteroplasty in recurring lithiasis of the choledochus]. PMID- 13818352 TI - [Anoxic heart arrest during extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13818353 TI - [Cardiac arrest by anoxia in extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13818354 TI - [15 years of the development of therapeutic and preventive services]. PMID- 13818355 TI - [Acidity test. IV. Studies in certain metabolic disorders of the kidneys]. PMID- 13818356 TI - [Acidity test. III. Examination of patients with hyperparthyroidism and with nephrolithiasis without hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13818357 TI - [Acidity test. V. Metabolism of phosphorus in acidity tests]. PMID- 13818358 TI - [Acidity test. II. A method for the acidity test]. PMID- 13818359 TI - [Acidity test. I. Titrable acidity of urine]. PMID- 13818360 TI - [Experience in treatment with radioactive phosphorus of various inflammatory diseases of the anterior chamber of the eye]. PMID- 13818361 TI - A simple method to assure proper pediatric ear examinations. PMID- 13818362 TI - Advantages of a new salicylate in immunization reactions in infants. PMID- 13818363 TI - Constipation in infants and children. PMID- 13818364 TI - [A case of hypo-gamma-globulinemia during the course of generalized lymphosarcoma]. PMID- 13818365 TI - Oxidative enzymes and phosphorylase in central-core disease of muscle. PMID- 13818367 TI - [Pedunculated cystic breast on the basis of a breast rudiment in the right labia majora]. PMID- 13818366 TI - Reciprocal relationship of phosphorylase and oxidative enzymes in skeletal muscle. PMID- 13818368 TI - Role of consultant physicians in the prevention and rehabilitation of heart disease PMID- 13818369 TI - [Experimental liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13818370 TI - [Determination of the concentration of radioactive aerosols by the aspiration method]. PMID- 13818371 TI - [Pollution of the air in urban streets by vehicles operating on ethylated gasoline]. PMID- 13818373 TI - Habilitation for employment. PMID- 13818372 TI - [Changes in the process of preservation of the chemical composition of a variant of Brucella obtained under the influence of bacteriophage]. PMID- 13818375 TI - [Incidence and course of urogenital diseases in the Swiss Army during the 1939 1945 mobilization]. PMID- 13818374 TI - [Endocrine control of iron metabolism. V. Reciprocal influence of folliculin and thyroxin on the hematological picture and on the serum iron in the rat]. PMID- 13818376 TI - [The incidence and course of urogenital diseases in the Schweizerische Armee during the time of mobilization 1939-1945]. PMID- 13818377 TI - [Acoustic trauma and fitness for military service]. PMID- 13818378 TI - [The anemias of pregnancy]. PMID- 13818379 TI - [Functional surgery and gynecology]. PMID- 13818381 TI - [Immunization of white mice with Coxsackie viruses for the purpose of obtaining hyperimmune serum]. PMID- 13818380 TI - [Vitamin therapy in the neuroleptic syndrome]. PMID- 13818382 TI - [Advances in physiopathology and clinical management of anemias]. PMID- 13818383 TI - [Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia with myleran]. PMID- 13818384 TI - [Rupture of the spleen in a newborn with hemolytic disease caused by Rh-factor isoimmunization]. PMID- 13818385 TI - The influence of moulds in respiratory allergy as evidenced by provocation tests. PMID- 13818386 TI - [Modifications of the pulmonary sensitivity to acetylcholine and of the pulmonary sensitivity to allergens by hydrocortisone derivatives]. PMID- 13818387 TI - [Injurious or harmless qualities of inhaled or ingested alimentary allergens. Loss of their antigenic properties after the ingestion of pepsin and trypsin. Studies on two cases by means of a method of pulmonary provocation test]. PMID- 13818388 TI - [Considerations on the development of radiological signs in renal contusions in the child. (Apopos of 4 cases of renal atrophy)]. PMID- 13818389 TI - [Elements for the diagnosis of Paget's disease]. PMID- 13818390 TI - [Possibilities of medical therapy in ankylosing spondylarthritis]. PMID- 13818391 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XIII. The compositions of silkworm biochemistry. XIII. The composition of the fibroin from the cocoon of Bombyx mori L. compared with the composition of the fibroins from the cocoons of other Lepidoptera. Attempts at molecular taxonomy]. PMID- 13818392 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XV. Variations in the concentration of free threonine in the hemolymph during the development of Bombyx mori L]. PMID- 13818393 TI - [Contributions to silkworm biochemistry. XVII. Variations in the apparent concentrations of histidine and methionine in the hemolymph during the development of Bombyx mori L]. PMID- 13818394 TI - [Psychiatric problems and catholicism]. PMID- 13818395 TI - [Action of beta-(N-diethylmethylamine)-ethoxyethyl-N'-(methyl-pyrrolidine) diodide on the arterial pressure and on the vegetative nervous system]. PMID- 13818396 TI - [Critical study of the indications for plasma therapy]. PMID- 13818397 TI - [Metabolic use of plasma and erythrocytes]. PMID- 13818398 TI - [Changes in hypothalamic neurosecretion with age]. PMID- 13818399 TI - [Problems in the treatment of transsexualism]. PMID- 13818400 TI - [Hypacusia after acute alcoholic intoxication. Description of a case]. PMID- 13818401 TI - [Intravenous novocaine therapy of Meinere's disease]. PMID- 13818402 TI - [Clinico-pathological and therapeutic problems of pachyderma laryngis]. PMID- 13818403 TI - [Cellulo-humoral disorders following antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13818404 TI - [Disorders of the fibrin structure induced by intoxication. Role of antibiotics]. PMID- 13818405 TI - [Influence of antibiotic therapy on vaccine therapy]. PMID- 13818406 TI - [On the role of infection and poisoning in thromboembolic disease]. PMID- 13818407 TI - [Platelet antennae and their demonstration in vitro in fluids. Dry staining]. PMID- 13818408 TI - [Trial of group therapy of alcoholics in general practice]. PMID- 13818410 TI - Daylight telefluoroscopy. PMID- 13818409 TI - [Retrospective view of a year of x-ray motion picture and television]. PMID- 13818411 TI - Radiation protection in the design and operation of nuclear power stations. PMID- 13818412 TI - [Evaluation of some aspects of coronary sclerosis at the present time (research and clinical aspects)]. PMID- 13818413 TI - [Early diagnosis of cancer of the esophagus]. PMID- 13818414 TI - [Spontaneous fractures]. PMID- 13818415 TI - [Experimental study of the antagonistic actions of a spirolactone (aldactone) and of desoxycorticosterone]. PMID- 13818416 TI - [Induction of diuresis by the combination of progesterone and an iso-indoline derivative in a case of refractory edema]. PMID- 13818417 TI - [Study of the preservation of the A and B antihemophilic factors in lyophylized plasma]. PMID- 13818418 TI - [Can one prove that erythrocyte blood group antigens exist in thrombocytes?]. PMID- 13818419 TI - [Some notes on the utilization of the antiglobulin inhibition reaction for research on the human origin of blood stains]. PMID- 13818420 TI - [New contribution to the study of blood group antigens in thrombocytes. I. Demonstration of Fya factor in blood platelets]. PMID- 13818421 TI - [New contribution to the study of blood group antigens in thrombocytes. II. Demonstration of an A-related antigen common to man and swine (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13818422 TI - [New method of identification of blood and organic traces (passive hemagglutination reaction)]. PMID- 13818423 TI - [Value of the passive hemagglutination reaction for the identification of the origin of blood strains]. PMID- 13818424 TI - ["Routine" method for arteriography of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13818425 TI - Prophylaxis against the venereal diseases. Total abolitionism and the international associations. PMID- 13818426 TI - [Anti-venereal prophylaxis, total abolitionism and international associations]. PMID- 13818427 TI - [The defense against syphilis: current status of the problem]. PMID- 13818428 TI - [Practical data concerning cases of varicose phlebitis]. PMID- 13818429 TI - [Nephrology and urology. How to recognize and treat lupus nephropathies]. PMID- 13818430 TI - [Renal arteriography]. PMID- 13818431 TI - [Etiological study of permanent hypertension in young persons]. PMID- 13818432 TI - [Effect of the irritation of the splanchnic nerve on the visceral monosynaptic arch]. PMID- 13818433 TI - A second mechanism of inhibition at the crayfish neuromuscular junction. PMID- 13818434 TI - Excitation of the crayfish neuromuscular junction with decreased membrane conductance. PMID- 13818435 TI - Spontaneous potential changes at crayfish neuromuscular junctions. PMID- 13818437 TI - [On amputations in spontaneous gangrene]. PMID- 13818436 TI - [Myoplasty of bone cavities by means of a flap from the contralateral extremity (crossed myoplasty)]. PMID- 13818438 TI - [Primary and secondary localization of echinococcosis in the female genitalia]. PMID- 13818439 TI - [A new method of repair of diverticulum of the thoracic portion of the esophagus]. PMID- 13818440 TI - Hospital problems in a medium-sized community. PMID- 13818441 TI - The permissive role of adrenal cortical hormones after injury in man. PMID- 13818442 TI - Cellulose production by Acetobacter acetigenum and other Acetobacter spp. PMID- 13818443 TI - Cellulose production by Acetobacter actigenum in defined medium. PMID- 13818444 TI - Cellulose production by Acetobacter strains in submerged culture. PMID- 13818445 TI - Comparison of slime from tomato and banana strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum. PMID- 13818447 TI - [The plantar reflex in the diagnosis of fetal vitality (emergency procedure)]. PMID- 13818446 TI - [Studies on the retina of various Viverridae]. PMID- 13818448 TI - [Spontaneous cure of pulmonary tuberculosis. The present state of the conservative and surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818449 TI - [On the convergence of various labyrinthine afferent nerves toward individual neurons of the vestibular nuclear area]. PMID- 13818450 TI - The specificity of induction of beta-glucosidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PMID- 13818452 TI - [On a new peroral nonmercurial diuretic]. PMID- 13818451 TI - [Advances in the recognition and therapy of circulatory collapse]. PMID- 13818453 TI - [Speculum aid in delivery]. PMID- 13818455 TI - [On the evacuation mechanism of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13818454 TI - [On the therapy of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13818456 TI - [Pulmonary mycoses and blastomycoses]. PMID- 13818457 TI - [On the problem of primary carcinoma of the plexus choroideus]. PMID- 13818459 TI - [Q-T wave in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13818458 TI - [Perforating appendicitis following torsion of the pedicle of the vermiform process in a 15 day old boy]. PMID- 13818460 TI - Russian is important. PMID- 13818461 TI - Effective anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13818463 TI - Problems in geriatrics. PMID- 13818462 TI - Production of pentose intermediates during growth of Nocardia opaca and other saprophytic soil nocardias and mycobacteria. PMID- 13818464 TI - A study of the reproducibility of the forced vital capacity of coalworkers at two collieries in Scotland and two collieries in South Wales. PMID- 13818465 TI - Some aspects of hygiene in relation to the production and service of clean food. PMID- 13818466 TI - The epidemiology of coronary disease. PMID- 13818467 TI - Vagrant thoughts on the writing of the Rudolph Matas History of Medicine in Louisiana. PMID- 13818468 TI - A new hypotensive agent for toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13818469 TI - Results of operations for lumbar disc protrusions. PMID- 13818470 TI - Intraperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured coronary vein of a uterine myoma. PMID- 13818471 TI - Radiography of the ear, nose and throat. Part I. Otological aspects of the work. PMID- 13818472 TI - Radiography of the ear, nose and throat. Part II. Respiratory tract aspects of the work. PMID- 13818473 TI - Radiography of the ear, nose and throat. Part III. Alimentary tract aspects of the work. PMID- 13818474 TI - [Therapy of whooping cough with chloramphenicol]. PMID- 13818475 TI - [Endoscopic photography]. PMID- 13818476 TI - Antigenic property and electrophoretic behavior of the serum albumin of rats bearing the Walker tumor. PMID- 13818477 TI - [Increase in the morphological effect of estradiol on the uterus induced by mineral deficiency in the rat]. PMID- 13818478 TI - [Demonstration of the toxicity of the serum of the rat bearing Walker tumor in the hypophysoprivic rat, by treatment with thymic extract]. PMID- 13818479 TI - [Influence of chromonucleoproteins of calf thymus on the development of Walker tumors in rats]. PMID- 13818480 TI - [Protective action of the thymus against experimental cancer in rats]. PMID- 13818481 TI - [Contribution to radiotherapeutic treatment of verruca]. PMID- 13818482 TI - [Alpha-chymotrypsin in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13818483 TI - [A case of giant lobar emphysema in an infant]. PMID- 13818484 TI - [Iron deficiencies in vegetables]. PMID- 13818485 TI - [Treatment by ACTH of flexion spasm disease in early childhood]. PMID- 13818486 TI - [The somato-psychic patients]. PMID- 13818487 TI - [The complexometric determination of sodium in blood serum]. PMID- 13818489 TI - An approach to clinical problems of Gambian sleeping sickness. PMID- 13818488 TI - Bronchiolitis in infancy. PMID- 13818490 TI - The snail host of Opisthorchis felineus. PMID- 13818491 TI - Spectrofluorometric determination of tocopherols. PMID- 13818492 TI - An improved emergency stretcher. PMID- 13818493 TI - Ornithosis: report of five cases. PMID- 13818494 TI - Special sound absorptive materials in noise control. PMID- 13818495 TI - Management of anterior cranial and upper facial injuries. PMID- 13818496 TI - Poloxalkol in the treatment of constipation in children. PMID- 13818497 TI - Hair from a Kadar woman of India. PMID- 13818498 TI - [Clinico-instrumental evaluation of aortic coarctation. Study on the diagnostic and prognostic value of the electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, ballistocardiogram, central and peripheral sphygmogram and the rheogram]. PMID- 13818499 TI - [Clinical and physiopathological study of the mitropulmonary disease]. PMID- 13818500 TI - [A case of Pautrier-Woringer lipo-melanic reticulosis]. PMID- 13818501 TI - [A recent case of lipomelanic reticulosis after prolonged corticotherapy]. PMID- 13818502 TI - [First notes on the use of a new vasodilator, Caa 40, in leg ulcers]. PMID- 13818503 TI - [Pigmented true fibrosarcomas plurinodular at onset]. PMID- 13818504 TI - [Apropos of lipoidoproteinosis]. PMID- 13818506 TI - [Oppenheim-Urbach's dyslipoidosis and multiple lipomatosis in associated outbreak]. PMID- 13818505 TI - [Oppenheim-Urbach dyslipoidosis and multiple lipomatosis developing by associated outbursts]. PMID- 13818507 TI - [A case of cutaneomucosal hyalinosis (Urbach-Wiethe disease)]. PMID- 13818508 TI - [Acropathia mutilans and giant ulcer]. PMID- 13818509 TI - [Colloquy on vasculocutaneous diseases of the extremities. Erythromelalgia]. PMID- 13818510 TI - The thrombogenic hypothesis and its implications. PMID- 13818511 TI - Fimbriae and adhesive properties in Klebsiella strains. PMID- 13818512 TI - [Apropos of a rare disease]. PMID- 13818513 TI - A new operation for the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease. PMID- 13818514 TI - [Louis Lumiere and the photographic origins of tomography]. PMID- 13818515 TI - [Considerations on the interpretation of d'Arsonval's experiences with high frequency selective heating]. PMID- 13818516 TI - [Clinical observations on the use of chloropropamide in diabetic patients]. PMID- 13818517 TI - Vascular leiomyoma. A study of sixtyone cases. PMID- 13818518 TI - Bone marrow depression in murine leukaemia. PMID- 13818519 TI - [Means for the improvement of therapy of osteoarticular tuberculosis in children thus improving their fate]. PMID- 13818520 TI - Placental transfer of maternal erythrocytes into the fetal circulation. PMID- 13818521 TI - Mensuration of the heads of bull spermatozoa. PMID- 13818522 TI - The influence of hydrogen ion concentration on the mean velocity and the velocity frequency distributions of normal bull spermatozoa. PMID- 13818523 TI - A new technique for studying the quantitative aspects of cytochemical reactions and its application to the Feulgen reaction. PMID- 13818524 TI - Increase of acid phosphatase activity in mouse liver after dextran storage. PMID- 13818525 TI - [Contribution to the therapy of aspecific chronic vesiculo-prostatitis]. PMID- 13818526 TI - [Georges Brouardel (1869-1959)]. PMID- 13818527 TI - Studies on loiasis in monkeys. II.--The population dynamics of the microfilariae of Loa in experimentally infected drills (Mandrillus leucophaeus). PMID- 13818529 TI - Studies on the biting habits of Chrysops. VII. The biting-cycles of nulliparous and parous C. silacea and C. dimidiata (bombe form). PMID- 13818528 TI - Studies on the biting habits of Chrysops. VI. A comparison of the biting habits, monthly biting densities and infection rates of C. silacea and C. dimidiata (Bombe form) in the rain-forest at Kumba, Southern Cameroons, U.U.K.A. PMID- 13818531 TI - O2 diffusion in lung of the anesthetized cat. PMID- 13818530 TI - Demethylchlortetracycline in the treatment of pneumonia. PMID- 13818532 TI - Pulmonary vasomotor responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine in the cat. Influence of the sympathetic nervous system. PMID- 13818534 TI - Ocular effects of systemic siderosis in the human. PMID- 13818533 TI - [Critical evaluation of the antibiotic, kanamycin, in grave infections]. PMID- 13818535 TI - Amyloidosis of the respiratory tract. PMID- 13818536 TI - The Army Medical Service School. Its history and mission. PMID- 13818537 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of simple glaucoma. PMID- 13818538 TI - The physician's role in physical fitness. PMID- 13818539 TI - Frederick Salmon: founder of St. Mark's Hospital, London. PMID- 13818540 TI - Calcinosis cutis. Report of a case in a child. PMID- 13818542 TI - [National literature on the problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases published during the second quarter of 1959]. PMID- 13818541 TI - [National literature on the problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases published during 1959]. PMID- 13818543 TI - [National literature on the problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases published during the third quarter of 1959]. PMID- 13818544 TI - [National literature on the problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases, a supplement to 1958 and the first quarter of 1959]. PMID- 13818545 TI - [On some features of the epidemiology of malaria and its distribution during the closing period of liquidation of malaria in the USSR]. PMID- 13818546 TI - [Russian literature on problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases in 1959]. PMID- 13818547 TI - [Significance of the investigation of serum glycoproteins in the detection of rheumatic processes]. PMID- 13818549 TI - [Problems of clinical immunohematology]. PMID- 13818548 TI - [Again: anamnesis and expert testimony]. PMID- 13818550 TI - [Some problems in the treatment of leukoses]. PMID- 13818551 TI - [Vasodilator treatment with a derivative of beta-phenylethylamine. Results in 5 cases of arterial syndromes]. PMID- 13818552 TI - [Hypophysial somatotropin. The indications in medical treatment of adults and in gerontology. Apropos of 18 cases]. PMID- 13818553 TI - Discussion on early ambulation. PMID- 13818554 TI - Discussion on early ambulation. PMID- 13818555 TI - Serial passage of the parotid gland tumor agent in mice. The activity of such tumor extracts for several strains of mice. PMID- 13818556 TI - Accuracy of brightness discrimination as measured by concurrent verbal responses and GSRs. PMID- 13818558 TI - [A case of grave osteopathy during hypocythemic leukosis]. PMID- 13818557 TI - Studies on the transformation of 11-deoxy-17 alpha-hydroxycorticosterone to hydrocortisone with a strain of Curvularia lunata. PMID- 13818560 TI - A consideration of virus-host relationship in virus-induced neoplasia at the cellular level. PMID- 13818559 TI - The detection of terminal nucleoside residues in polyribonucleotides. PMID- 13818561 TI - Induction of tumors in vitro with viruses. PMID- 13818562 TI - [The controlling of cellular electrolyte and water content by hormones]. PMID- 13818563 TI - An experimental investigation of the effectiveness of saline and gluconate solutions following induced shock in animals. PMID- 13818564 TI - Biological activity of some 6 alpha-fluoro and 16 alpha-methyl C-21 steroids. PMID- 13818565 TI - Viral hepatitis--etiology of an outbreak. PMID- 13818566 TI - Monovalent Asian influenza vaccine: evaluation of its use during two waves of epidemic Asian influenza in partly immunized penitentiary population. PMID- 13818567 TI - Tetanus today. PMID- 13818568 TI - Radiation: registration of sources. AB - Registration of sources of ionizing radiation, including x-ray machines and radioactive material used in the healing professions, is required by legislation recently enacted in California. Registration will provide information concerning the type and location of sources of radiation, and will provide a basis for the evaluation of a need for additional radiation control and protection measures in the future. As the medical uses of radiation procedures constitute a major portion of the total radiation exposure to the total population, it becomes increasingly important that physicians develop a reasonable and knowledgeable concept of not only the obvious benefits but also the actual and potential hazards of radiation as used in medicine. Practical and effective measures to minimize patient exposure, based on professional knowledge, competence and experience, with profession-wide participation and support, will insure the effective integration of the medical uses of radiation in the California Atomic Energy Development and Radiation Protection Program. PMID- 13818569 TI - [The culture of tuberculous bacilli on embryonated egg (practical applications)]. PMID- 13818570 TI - [Legal-expert activities of J. M. Balinski in the medical council]. PMID- 13818571 TI - [Results obtained with a paste and ointment with dichloroxyquinaldine in current dermatological practice]. PMID- 13818573 TI - [Apropos of the esthetics of colored surfaces]. PMID- 13818572 TI - [Apropos of 2 familial cases of epidermolysis bullosa]. PMID- 13818574 TI - [Initial studies on the localization of the Rickettsia of the blue disease of the Melolontha]. PMID- 13818575 TI - [Psychism in medicine]. PMID- 13818576 TI - [The masculinizing effects of steroids hormones]. PMID- 13818577 TI - [On the automatic extraction of urinary phenolsteroids]. PMID- 13818578 TI - An infectious fibroma of the Virginia white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). PMID- 13818579 TI - [A study of the electrical phenomena in the cerebral cortex of dogs during elaboration of conditioned defensive reflexes]. PMID- 13818580 TI - [Changes in the interrelationships of bioelectrical activity in various areas of the cerebral cortex of the dog in the process of formation of temporary connections]. PMID- 13818581 TI - [On flash-nodding-salaam convulsions and their treatment with ACTH and hydrocortisone. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13818582 TI - [On several cases of whooping cough and tuberculous meningitis with abdominal primary complex caused by a tubercle bacillus resistant to antibiotics]. PMID- 13818583 TI - [Epidemiological considerations on the evolution of poliomyelitis in Rumania before the introduction of antipoliomyelitis vaccination (1927-1957)]. PMID- 13818585 TI - [A case of varioloid. Epidemiology, control measures, isolation of suspects of disease and transmission]. PMID- 13818584 TI - [A survey of 100 cases of chronic urinary infection treated with nitrofurantoin]. PMID- 13818586 TI - [Health hazards due to Salmonella-infected egg products]. PMID- 13818587 TI - [On the necessity for legal measures against smallpox outbreaks]. PMID- 13818588 TI - Illumination and its relationship to visual acuity and oculomotor function. Part I. The physiology of vision, some basic concepts. PMID- 13818589 TI - Effect of tolbutamide on glucose uptake by leucocytes of patients with diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13818590 TI - [On the cinematographic description of selective cardiac and pulmonary angiography]. PMID- 13818591 TI - [Personality changes in tuberculosis (Preliminary report on an attempt, by means of psychodiagnostic methods, to arrive at objective conclusions)]. PMID- 13818592 TI - Dental health problems of the Negro population. PMID- 13818594 TI - The oral tissues in vitiligo. PMID- 13818593 TI - Recurrent erythema multiforme exudativum. Report of a case. PMID- 13818595 TI - [New antibiotics and pulmonary tuberculosis (viomycin, cycloserine, neomycin)]. PMID- 13818596 TI - [Note on the activation of antibiotic aerosols by a new diffusion factor, thiomucase, in the local treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818597 TI - [Pulmonary arterio-venous aneurysms]. PMID- 13818598 TI - Lymphatic pathway of pancreatic secretion in man. PMID- 13818599 TI - Changes in thoracic duct chyle effected by the pancreas. PMID- 13818600 TI - Flow rate and composition of thoracic-duct lymph in patients with cirrhosis. PMID- 13818601 TI - Measurement of pancreatic enzymes in human thoracic duct lymph. PMID- 13818602 TI - Comparison of heparin induced lipid clearing activity in human thoracic duct lymph and plasma. PMID- 13818603 TI - Wound healing and extracellular desoxyribosenucleic acid. PMID- 13818604 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism in the thyroid gland. PMID- 13818605 TI - Hexose monophosphate pathway in thyroid tissue. PMID- 13818606 TI - Patient and staff reactions to a change in procedure on a psychiatric ward. PMID- 13818607 TI - [Uteroplacental apoplexy with extramucosal rupture of the uterus]. PMID- 13818608 TI - [The postural hypotensive shock of decubitus in pregnant women]. PMID- 13818609 TI - [Prevention of congenital malformations]. PMID- 13818610 TI - [The role of the presacral nerve in obstetrics]. PMID- 13818611 TI - [Unrecognized viroses and fetal abnormalities]. PMID- 13818612 TI - Calcium and strontium in rat small intestine. Their fluxes and their effect on Na flux. AB - Studies have been carried out on movements of Ca and Sr ions in rat small intestine, using the in vivo preparation developed by Curran and Solomon (5). In the concentration range of 0 to 25 mM, Sr flux appears to be passive, though restricted. Ca transport may not, however, be ascribed to passive independent movement of these ions since at higher concentrations (12.5 and 25 mM) Ca return from blood to intestinal lumen increases more than expected. An apparent diffusion coefficient of Ca and Sr ions in the membrane has been calculated and the influence of negative charges within the membrane on cation diffusion has been examined in a semiquantitative manner. Both Ca and Sr ions exercise a drastic effect on active Na absorption from intestine and on concomitant passive water movement. From 0 to 1 mM, Ca and Sr ions cause a sharp increase in Na and water efflux from the lumen. This rising phase is interpreted in terms of combination of the divalent cation with the Na carrier system following Michaelis Menten kinetics. At concentrations higher than 1 mM, the effect of Ca and Sr ions is reversed and Na and water absorption decreases slowly as Ca or Sr concentration is increased. This falling phase is ascribed to a non-specific Ca effect which produces a general "stiffening" of the membrane. PMID- 13818613 TI - [Some considerations on the surgical treatment of Crohn's ileitis]. PMID- 13818614 TI - [Extralabyrinthine effects on the activity of the cells of vestibular nuclei]. PMID- 13818615 TI - [The pathological electromyogram]. PMID- 13818616 TI - [The pathological electromyogram]. PMID- 13818617 TI - [On the local treatment of actinomycotic processes with reverin]. PMID- 13818618 TI - [A rhomboid graft for plastic surgery after radical operation on the ear]. PMID- 13818619 TI - An investigation of effects of opaque media on the lungs with comparison of barium sulfate, lipiodol and dionosil. PMID- 13818621 TI - Description of learning to learn in human subjects. PMID- 13818620 TI - Controlled fixation of the stimulus-figure in a study of autonomous change in the memory-trace. PMID- 13818623 TI - Recent research on human problem solving. PMID- 13818622 TI - Effect of self-satiation on perceived size of a visual figure. PMID- 13818624 TI - Mitochondrial alterations in cultures of the central nervous system as observed with the electron microscope. PMID- 13818625 TI - Electron microscopic observations of the gametocytes of a malarial parasite (Plasmodium cathemerium). PMID- 13818627 TI - Perspectives in the treatment of diabetes. PMID- 13818626 TI - Clinical experience with chlorpropamide in the treatment of diabetes. PMID- 13818628 TI - In vitro synthesis of progesterone by swine corpora lutea. PMID- 13818629 TI - Gout, familial hypericaemia, and renal disease. PMID- 13818630 TI - Fibrous dysplasia of the skull and sinuses. PMID- 13818631 TI - Malignancies arising primarily in the nose: case reports. PMID- 13818632 TI - Aseptic meningitis associated with a previously unrecognised virus. PMID- 13818633 TI - Passage of labeled cholesterol into the aortic wall of the normal dog. PMID- 13818634 TI - Phenmetrazine hydrochloride and methylcellulose in the treatment of "refractory" obesity. PMID- 13818635 TI - Neurodermatitis-a psychosomatic approach. PMID- 13818636 TI - Dermatomyositis presenting as aplastic anaemia. PMID- 13818637 TI - Going forward in Panama. PMID- 13818638 TI - Enzyme systems in marine Algae. 3. Trans-beta-glucosylation by extracts of Cladophora rupestris and Ulva lactuca. PMID- 13818639 TI - The pharmacokinetics of halothane (fluothane) anaesthesia. PMID- 13818640 TI - The estimation of halothane in tissues. PMID- 13818641 TI - The excretion and stability to metabolism of bretylium. AB - Bretylium (o-bromobenzylethyldimethylammonium) is a new type of hypotensive drug. It was estimated in extracts of human urine as the methyl orange complex. From 7 to 45% of a single oral dose was found in human urine within 9 hr. The [(14)C] labelled drug was used to investigate excretion by cats. A minor proportion of a subcutaneous dose was eliminated by cats in the faeces, probably after secretion into the bile. Most of the dose was excreted unchanged in the urine. No products of metabolism were found in either human or cat urine. The drug suffered negligible change when incubated with rat liver tissue in vitro. PMID- 13818642 TI - A comparison of inactin and thiopentone as intravenous anaesthetics. PMID- 13818644 TI - The American Dental Association. PMID- 13818643 TI - A method for assessing the efficacy of oral analgesics: its applications and limitations. PMID- 13818645 TI - The role of auxiliary personnel in dental practice. PMID- 13818646 TI - Modern concepts in treatment of hay fever. PMID- 13818647 TI - Effect of reduced ventilation on systemic blood pressure and blood flow in the hind part of the cat during infusion of noradrenaline. PMID- 13818648 TI - Circulatory studies on substance P in man. PMID- 13818649 TI - 1,000 Inguinal herniae in a veterans hospital (1946-1958). PMID- 13818650 TI - Is leprosy transmitted by insects? PMID- 13818652 TI - Radiation and industrial health. PMID- 13818651 TI - Fallout from nuclear weapons tests. PMID- 13818653 TI - Radiation health problems as the relate to epidemiology. PMID- 13818654 TI - Radiologic management of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13818655 TI - The institutional social situation: its integrating role in psychiatric therapy. PMID- 13818656 TI - Incidence of mortality and dose-response relationship following partial-body x irradiation of the rat. PMID- 13818657 TI - [Curative action of isologous bone marrow in rats having received a lethal dose of myleran. Relation between the number of cells of transfused bone marrow and survival]. PMID- 13818658 TI - The comparative myology of the pelvic appendage in the Salientia. PMID- 13818659 TI - Complications in strabismus and their avoidance. PMID- 13818660 TI - Selection of operative procedures in vertical muscle deviations. PMID- 13818661 TI - A case of Gilles de la Tourette's disease (maladie des tics): a study of the intrafamily dynamics. PMID- 13818662 TI - Purification and identification of flavanone glycosides in the peel of the sweet orange. PMID- 13818663 TI - Mechanism of action of thiosemicarbazide and metrazol on cerebellar and cerebral activity in the cat. PMID- 13818665 TI - The dangers of antibiotic treatment. PMID- 13818666 TI - Depression: treatment of office patients with phenelzine (nardil). PMID- 13818664 TI - Modification of cortical, reticular and hippocampal unit activity by nicotine in the rabbit. PMID- 13818667 TI - Electroshock and monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the treatment of depressed reactions. PMID- 13818668 TI - Experiences with a new psychic energizer. PMID- 13818669 TI - Clinical assessment of the treponemal Wassermann reaction. PMID- 13818670 TI - Incidence of treponemal disease in a group of immigrants in East London. PMID- 13818671 TI - An adaptation of the Heidbrink trichlorethylene circuit for paediatric ether anaesthesia. PMID- 13818672 TI - Preliminary study of radioactive product obtained from iodinating tetracycline. PMID- 13818673 TI - Ependymoma of the conus medullaris. PMID- 13818674 TI - Additional components in ribonucleic acid of rat-liver fractions. PMID- 13818675 TI - The isolation of 5-methylcytidine from RNA. PMID- 13818676 TI - Nonfamilial and nonhereditary craniofacial dysostosis: a variant of Crouzon's disease. PMID- 13818677 TI - Epidemiologic studies of Asian influenza in a Louisiana parish. PMID- 13818678 TI - What high-level wellness means. PMID- 13818679 TI - Postcoital examination of semen. PMID- 13818680 TI - Sequelae of caesarean section. PMID- 13818681 TI - Finding for uterine cancer from one or more cytologic examinations of 33,750 women. PMID- 13818682 TI - Morphology and serum protein changes in plasma cell neoplasms in mice. PMID- 13818683 TI - Roentgen changes in Salmonella osteomyelitis occurring in children with and without sickle cell anemia. PMID- 13818684 TI - Oxygen consumption by tissues from rats injected with L- or D-thyroxine. PMID- 13818685 TI - Fatal diphtheria in the fully immunized child. PMID- 13818686 TI - Ectopic pregnancy. A report of 219 cases. PMID- 13818687 TI - Histology of the aorta in coarctation. PMID- 13818688 TI - The pathology of asthma, with special reference to changes in the bronchial mucosa. AB - The pathological features of 20 cases dying in status asthmaticus have been studied. In gross sections the lungs showed no emphysema, but mucus plugs in the air passages and focal areas of collapse were outstanding features. Five cases showed cystic bronchiectasis which was of a similar distribution to the focal areas of collapse, occurring in the upper lobes as commonly as in the lower lobes.Histologically, shedding of the ciliated bronchial mucosal cells was prominent and this is attributed to a transudation of oedema fluid from the submucosa. Areas of regeneration of the mucosa, with the presence of simple stratified epithelium, were seen frequently. The loss of the ciliated respiratory epithelium and the transudation of oedema fluid into the bronchial lumen, with interference with the action of the remaining ciliated cells, are considered to be the essential factors in the failure of clearance of the bronchial secretions in asthma. It is postulated that bronchospasm plays little or no part in the shedding of the bronchial mucosa or in the pathogenesis of the asthmatic attack. PMID- 13818689 TI - An introduction to remotivation technique. PMID- 13818690 TI - Struma lymphomatosa: a report of three cases in one family. PMID- 13818691 TI - Gingival-bone count: a method for epidemiological study of periodontal disease. PMID- 13818692 TI - A shield for patient protection in dental x-ray work. PMID- 13818693 TI - Biased criticism of fluoridation. PMID- 13818694 TI - The response to chemotherapeutic agents of homologously and isologously transplanted rat neoplasms. PMID- 13818695 TI - Interdependence. PMID- 13818696 TI - [Isolated fractures of the radial diaphysis]. PMID- 13818697 TI - Significance of autologous organ transplantation in the approach to homotransplantation. PMID- 13818698 TI - Etiologic factors in polyposis and carcinoma of the colon. PMID- 13818699 TI - A method of handling the jejunal loop in gastrectomy with a posterior anastomosis. PMID- 13818700 TI - On the nature and care of wounds. PMID- 13818701 TI - Upper end of range of intelligence in mongolism. PMID- 13818702 TI - Effects of moderate decompression stress upon plasma potassium and glucose in the adrenalectomized cat. PMID- 13818703 TI - Distribution of the ABO blood groups in cases of acquired haemolytic anaemia. PMID- 13818704 TI - Bloods from recently delivered women which were found lacking the expected anti-A or anti-B antibodies. PMID- 13818705 TI - In vitro absorption of the Rhesus antibody anti-D by Rhesus negative red cells. PMID- 13818706 TI - Retarded development of Ostertagia species in sheep. PMID- 13818707 TI - The use of syrosingopine (SU-3118) and hydralazine in ambulatory hypertensive patients. PMID- 13818708 TI - Some cation-binding properties of cartilage. PMID- 13818709 TI - [On a new law of the heart]. PMID- 13818710 TI - The pressure in the different zones of the pericardium. PMID- 13818712 TI - [Repercussions of iproniazide (marsilid) on arterial pressure and renal hemodynamics]. PMID- 13818711 TI - [Wounds of the tendons, nerves and vessels of the anterior face of the wrist]. PMID- 13818713 TI - [The execution of pharmaceutical analyses in the presence of polyethylene glycol derivatives. 1. Polyethylene glycol stearate in aqueous solution]. PMID- 13818714 TI - [Presence of malonic acid in the seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris. Evolution of this acid during germination]. PMID- 13818716 TI - [Erythroderma ichthyosiforme with osseous dystrophy and delayed puberty]. PMID- 13818715 TI - [Tuberous xanthomatosis appearing 13 years after arterial hypertension and coronary accidents]. PMID- 13818717 TI - [Flavoquine-induced pigmentation]. PMID- 13818718 TI - [Lewandowsky-Lutz epidermodysplasia verruciformis with epitheliomatous transformation]. PMID- 13818719 TI - [Eruptive cutaneous leiomyomas of monomelic form]. PMID- 13818720 TI - [Profuse form of Fox-Fordyce disease]. PMID- 13818721 TI - [Disseminated juvenile xanthoma-lentigo with diabetes insipidus and hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13818722 TI - [Paraffinoma of the face caused by work accident]. PMID- 13818723 TI - [Osteomatosis in infants]. PMID- 13818724 TI - [Erythema nodosa]. PMID- 13818725 TI - [Erythema nodosum]. PMID- 13818726 TI - [Fabry's diffuse angiokeratoma (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum)]. PMID- 13818727 TI - [Lupus erythematosus, complication of work]. PMID- 13818728 TI - [Scleroderma in bands with retractile myosclerosis in a 9-year-old child]. PMID- 13818730 TI - [Rothmann-Makai panniculitis]. PMID- 13818729 TI - [Scleroderma in bands with retractile myosclerosis in a 9-year-old girl]. PMID- 13818731 TI - Burns of the hand. PMID- 13818732 TI - [Seminar on the problems of alimentation and nutrition in Africa, south of the Sahara]. PMID- 13818733 TI - [Consequences of localized irradiation of the fetal liver in the mouse. I. Mortality and growth changes]. PMID- 13818734 TI - [Consequences of localized irradiation of the liver of the fetal mouse. II. Weight changes]. PMID- 13818735 TI - [Isologous and homologous grafts of leukemic cells]. PMID- 13818736 TI - [Research on certain cancerogenic hazards of x-rays]. PMID- 13818737 TI - [Unilateral exophthalmos]. PMID- 13818738 TI - Present status of the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13818739 TI - [Traumatic perforation of the esophagus. A case treated surgically]. PMID- 13818740 TI - [Eccrine poroma]. PMID- 13818741 TI - [Epidermotropic cutaneous reticulosis accompanied by gastric and vertebral lesions]. PMID- 13818742 TI - [Epidermotropic cutaneous reticulosis and gastric lesions]. PMID- 13818743 TI - [Varicella or generalized zona of rapid development in a patient with myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13818744 TI - [Lucien-Marie Pautrier (1876-1959)]. PMID- 13818746 TI - [Two cases of Oppenheim-Urbach's cutaneous dyslipoidosis in young diabetics]. PMID- 13818745 TI - [Professor L. M. Pautrier]. PMID- 13818747 TI - [2 Unusual tests in tuberculosis.--The Dubos-Middlebrook test; its diagnostic value]. PMID- 13818748 TI - [Cytomegalic inclusion disease]. PMID- 13818749 TI - [Suffering in the Christian order]. PMID- 13818750 TI - [The treatment of infantile diarrheas. Our experience with 5,7-dichloro hydroxyquinaldine]. PMID- 13818751 TI - Effects of certain anesthetics on distribution of red cells in the dog. PMID- 13818752 TI - [Clinical study of the unevenness in retinal blood flow; its evaluation by ophthalmodynamometry (tonoscopy). Its importance in the detection of glaucoma]. PMID- 13818753 TI - [Status of the problem of scarlet fever]. PMID- 13818754 TI - Origin of the ribonucleic acid associated with the soluble antigens of tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13818755 TI - [Importance of the meprobamate-aspirin combination in rheumatology]. PMID- 13818756 TI - [Right upper lobectomy followed by the re-implantation of the intermediate bronchus into the trachea]. PMID- 13818757 TI - [Experience with the oviposition, behavior of the point of incubation in certain Diptera, phasiinae]. PMID- 13818758 TI - [Ochronosis and alkaptonuric arthritis]. PMID- 13818759 TI - [Re-establishment of previously lowered by calcium deficiency. Passiveness of calcium; activity of lactose]. PMID- 13818760 TI - [Doctor Jenkins in "Le Nabab" of Alphonse Daudet]. PMID- 13818761 TI - [Medicine and physicians in the early days of the railroad]. PMID- 13818762 TI - [Gastrectomy and pulmonary tuberculosis. Contribution to statistical documentation]. PMID- 13818763 TI - [Stenosis of the small intestine]. PMID- 13818764 TI - [Action of a hypoglycemic sulfamide on gastroduodenal behavior in radiology]. PMID- 13818765 TI - [Ulcer of the second portion of the duodenum]. PMID- 13818766 TI - [Cholelithiasis with cancer of the gall-bladder]. PMID- 13818767 TI - [What is the place of gastroenterostomy in treatment of peptic ulcer?]. PMID- 13818768 TI - [Aspects of the biology of species of digitalis and of their chemical composition]. PMID- 13818769 TI - [Dysmenorrhea and buscapina compositum]. PMID- 13818770 TI - [Results of pallidal surgery in treatment of parkinsonism and dyskinesias]. PMID- 13818771 TI - Studies on skin neoplasia in rabbits treated with methylcholanthrene and cortisone. PMID- 13818772 TI - [Psychiatry and neurosurgery. Aspects of an indispensable cooperation]. PMID- 13818774 TI - [On some special aspects of the measles]. PMID- 13818773 TI - [Consequences of modernization on the development of industrial relations]. PMID- 13818775 TI - [Prevention of capillary hemorrhage during treatment with synthetic anticoagulants]. PMID- 13818776 TI - [Prevention of capillary hemorrhages during treatments with synthetic anticoagulants]. PMID- 13818777 TI - Titration of Newcastle disease virus in tissue culture. PMID- 13818778 TI - [Study of respiratory parameters during muscular exercise tests of average duration at a constant rate in healthy subjects. I. Development of respiratory parameters during a test of given strength]. PMID- 13818779 TI - [Study of respiratory parameters during muscular exercise tests of average duration at a constant rate in healthy subjects. II. Variations in respiratory parameters as a function of strength]. PMID- 13818780 TI - [Study of respiratory parameters during muscular exercise tests of average duration at a constant rate in healthy subjects. III. Influence of age, sex, pulmonary volume, morphology and training on the maximal strength tolerated by the subject]. PMID- 13818783 TI - [Relative indications of peridural anesthesia]. PMID- 13818782 TI - [Skin cancer and radiotherapy]. PMID- 13818781 TI - [Cutaneous cancer and radiotherapy]. PMID- 13818784 TI - [Modifications of the volume and output of the two ventricles at the beginning of effort in the normal man]. PMID- 13818785 TI - [The supply officer]. PMID- 13818786 TI - [Recovery from hydronephrosis through a simple meatostomy]. PMID- 13818787 TI - [Does idiopathic hypoproteinemia exist? Considerations on a case of hypoproteinemia in a patient with an incomplete form of mucoviscidosis]. PMID- 13818788 TI - [Tetraplegia with respiratory insufficiency after ureterosigmoidostomy]. PMID- 13818790 TI - [Lysergic acid diethylamide and psychiatry. General introduction]. PMID- 13818789 TI - [Intolerance to lactose. Insufficient intestinal hydrolysis of lactose]. PMID- 13818791 TI - [Phlebotomus species of Tlemcen (Algeria)]. PMID- 13818792 TI - [Endometriosis of the ovary and spontaneous pregnancy in a four-year primary sterility]. PMID- 13818793 TI - [Correct diagnosis and treatment of cervicitis by the general practitioner]. PMID- 13818794 TI - Cycloserine in the treatment of female genital tuberculosis. PMID- 13818795 TI - [On the fate of infants of mothers with pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818796 TI - [The fate of the infants of patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818797 TI - [Laparoscopy]. PMID- 13818798 TI - [Laparoscopy]. PMID- 13818799 TI - [On perfusion therapy in childhood]. PMID- 13818800 TI - [Accidental discovery, in a little girl, of two intraabdominal foreign bodies]. PMID- 13818801 TI - [Basal cranial hyperostosis in the clinical and radiological picture of thalassemic hemopathy]. PMID- 13818802 TI - [Observations on some case of tuberculous meningitis treated by the diacephalorachidian method, and on some others treated by the diacephalorachidian method associated with prednisone]. PMID- 13818803 TI - [Environment and the initial phases of psychic development]. PMID- 13818804 TI - [The behavior of sialic acid in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13818805 TI - [Research on the furfural content of the air of some aeronautical environments]. PMID- 13818806 TI - [The action of dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids in normal and hypertensive individuals]. PMID- 13818807 TI - [Psychotechnical selection of workers; importance of previous occupations in the attitude towards the new work occupation in the prevention of accidents]. PMID- 13818808 TI - [General and specific preventive measures for some special aeronautical industrial processes]. PMID- 13818809 TI - [Orientational occupational profile of the commercial producer]. PMID- 13818810 TI - [The professional analogies in selective practice]. PMID- 13818812 TI - [Determination of blood iron. Preliminary report]. PMID- 13818811 TI - [Paralysis of the radial nerve in injuries of the upper extremity. Clinicostatistical contribution]. PMID- 13818813 TI - [Hormone levels in the normal menstrual cycle and pregnancy]. PMID- 13818814 TI - [On the method of treatment of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum by tamponade with isolated omentum]. PMID- 13818816 TI - Central messenger service. PMID- 13818815 TI - Metabolic characteristics within a chemical family. PMID- 13818817 TI - Ion and water transport in stomach and intestine. PMID- 13818818 TI - [Doses of x-ray irradiation to which patients and medical personnel are exposed during cardiac catheterization]. PMID- 13818819 TI - Systemic treatment of human trichomoniasis with a derivative of nitro-imidazole, 8823 RP. PMID- 13818820 TI - [Female genital infections caused by intercourse]. PMID- 13818821 TI - [Syphilis and its 2 therapeutic phases]. PMID- 13818822 TI - [Syphilis and its two therapeutic phases]. PMID- 13818823 TI - [Treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis and trichomoniasis in the male]. PMID- 13818824 TI - The synthesis of methionine by enzymic transmethylation. III. Mechanism of the reversible polymerization of thetin-homocysteine methylpherase and its relation to the mechanism of methionine synthesis. PMID- 13818825 TI - The synthesis of methionine by enzymic transmethylation. IV. Light scattering studies of the depolymerization of thetin-homocysteine methylpherase. PMID- 13818826 TI - [Comparative study of gastric intubation using histamine and of the colored resin test]. PMID- 13818827 TI - [Clinical aspect of primary and secondary dysglobulinemias]. PMID- 13818828 TI - [Influence of barbiturates on human coproporphyrinuria. Role of hepatic insufficiency]. PMID- 13818829 TI - [Use of coproporphyrinuria as a test in hepatic insufficiency. Method and critique]. PMID- 13818830 TI - [Psychiatric study of essential porphyria]. PMID- 13818831 TI - [Somatognosic disturbances in the course of epileptic crises]. PMID- 13818832 TI - Elective extraperitoneal cesarean section. PMID- 13818833 TI - The anterior vaginal suspension operation: a report of 110 cases. PMID- 13818834 TI - Antagonism of the oxidative dissimilation of p-aminobenzoic acid by p aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13818835 TI - Influence of extraneous carbon sources on biosynthesis de novo of bacterial enzymes. PMID- 13818836 TI - The centennial of pollen aerobiology: an evaluation of apparatus and techniques. PMID- 13818837 TI - Toxicological studies of O,O-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP) in tobacco warehouses. PMID- 13818838 TI - [Extraction of lead from lead-glazed pottery]. PMID- 13818839 TI - [Lipoproteins and stability of serum proteins in dogs during the course of anaphylactic reaction]. PMID- 13818840 TI - [Role of histamine in anaphylactic shock in dogs]. PMID- 13818841 TI - A new technique for the recovery of infective strongyle larvae from soil and pasture. PMID- 13818842 TI - [Physiopathological basis of the treatment of pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13818843 TI - [The determination of blood sugar and blood urea by an automatic method]. PMID- 13818844 TI - [Biological and radiological development of common rickets treated by carnitine]. PMID- 13818845 TI - [Changes in the leukocyte formula in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treated with ultrasonics]. PMID- 13818846 TI - [A new head-holder for cats]. PMID- 13818847 TI - [On the characteristics of anemia induced by division of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13818848 TI - [Bacteriology of respiratory diseases in this country]. PMID- 13818849 TI - [Congenital fissure of the cricoid laryngeal cartilage]. PMID- 13818851 TI - Combined individual and group psychoanalysis. Symposium, 1959. 3. Discussion. PMID- 13818850 TI - Sex differences in children's concepts of justice. PMID- 13818852 TI - [Magnesium and pathogenesis of idiopathic constitutional spasmophilia]. PMID- 13818853 TI - [Effects of thyroparathyroidectomy and of parathyroid extract load on the magnesium in the blood of the dog]. PMID- 13818854 TI - [A new pituitary hormone: the hormone stimulating the biosynthesis of tyrosine (T.B.S.H.)]. PMID- 13818855 TI - [Therapeutic combinations in the ambulatory treatment of thinness. Apropos of statistics on 82 cases]. PMID- 13818856 TI - [Therapeutic combinations in the ambulatory treatment of thinness]. PMID- 13818857 TI - State hospitals make a new start in vocational rehabilitation. PMID- 13818858 TI - Effects of a short period of training of varying severity on some measurements of physical fitness. PMID- 13818859 TI - Replicability of measurements of density of the human body as determined by underwater weighing. PMID- 13818860 TI - [Cytomegalic inclusion disease. First case reported in Central America, with review of the literature]. PMID- 13818861 TI - [Biologic effects of preparations with a base of surface-active substances utilized in local applications]. PMID- 13818862 TI - The reduction of beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A to mevalonic acid. PMID- 13818863 TI - The nuclear material in Streptomyces. PMID- 13818864 TI - An evaluation of neomycin ointments for the treatment of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle. PMID- 13818865 TI - [The clinical value of electrocardiography]. PMID- 13818866 TI - [Therapy of stenocardiac pains with nitroglycerin]. PMID- 13818867 TI - [On the treatment of acute rheumatic fever with corticosteroids]. PMID- 13818868 TI - [Hufeland's views on rheumatism]. PMID- 13818869 TI - [On side-effects during gold therapy]. PMID- 13818870 TI - [Mola hydatidosa intravenosa-in-traspermaticalis metastatica]. PMID- 13818871 TI - [The nutrition of the premature infant]. PMID- 13818872 TI - Effect of antecedent diet and of cortisone treatment on cholesterol-4-C14 metabolism in rabbits. PMID- 13818873 TI - Influence of cortisone on lipid distribution and atherogenesis. PMID- 13818874 TI - Human and amphibian neoplasms compared. PMID- 13818875 TI - Robert Chambers 1881-1957: an appreciation of his scientific career. PMID- 13818876 TI - The mechanism of virus-induced transformations in tubules of the frog kidney. PMID- 13818877 TI - The terminal amino acids of the barium-a2-glycoproteins of normal human plasma. PMID- 13818878 TI - Faith in the medical profession. PMID- 13818879 TI - Synthesis of 5-fluoropyrimidine metabolites. PMID- 13818880 TI - [Generalized Shwartzman's phenomenon as a cause of death in a child]. PMID- 13818881 TI - [Effect of endogenous carcinogens on protein metabolism]. PMID- 13818882 TI - The electrocardiogram in children with ventricular septal defect and severe pulmonary hypertension. Correlation with response of pulmonary arterial pressure to surgical repair. PMID- 13818883 TI - [On the determination of diethyl-stilbesterol and its dipropionate in oily solutions and salves with the aid of UV-spectrophotometry]. PMID- 13818884 TI - [Energy metabolism of hypertrophied myocardium in animal experiment]. PMID- 13818885 TI - [Cardiological exploration]. PMID- 13818886 TI - [Localization of the bulbar centers which regulate gastric motoricity]. PMID- 13818887 TI - Basic teaching in surgical nursing. PMID- 13818889 TI - [Microbial parasitism and host. The biochemical factor in infectious disease]. PMID- 13818888 TI - [The task of the administration in a hospital]. PMID- 13818890 TI - Renal hypertension. PMID- 13818891 TI - Diet and diuretics in the treatment of hypertensive cardiovascular disease. PMID- 13818892 TI - Diuretics in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13818893 TI - Treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13818894 TI - [Fatal pneumopathy caused by "Pneumocystis carinii" in a leukemic child treated with prednisone]. PMID- 13818895 TI - [The role of viruses in neoplastic growth]. PMID- 13818896 TI - Immunocytochemical demonstration of intranuclear localization of 18S gamma macroglobulin in macroglobulinemia of Waldenstrom. PMID- 13818897 TI - Malt beverages as supplements to medically approved diets. PMID- 13818898 TI - Sensory nerve-endings and sensation in the anal region of man. PMID- 13818899 TI - Radiological appearances in the post-gastrectomy dumping syndrome. PMID- 13818900 TI - Failure of phenindione to prevent intravascular clotting. PMID- 13818901 TI - Absorption of inorganic iron after partial gastrectomy: comparison of the Polya and the Billroth I operations. PMID- 13818902 TI - Partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer: six years after. PMID- 13818903 TI - Hematemesis as the initial manifestation of systemic elastorrhexia discovered on the occasion of an ocular contusion PMID- 13818904 TI - [Cutaneo-visceral lymphosarcomatosis in a patient with inveterate tinea imbricata]. PMID- 13818906 TI - Insect microbiology. PMID- 13818905 TI - The effect of cytochrome C on the oxygen consumption of tissues of normal and CO poisoned animals. PMID- 13818907 TI - [Diagnosis of valvular defects by means of catheterization of the left heart]. PMID- 13818908 TI - [Indications, technic and complications of catheterization of the left heart]. PMID- 13818909 TI - [Hodgkin's disease in a pair of uniovular twins]. PMID- 13818910 TI - Reproductive failure in rats due to copper deficiency. PMID- 13818911 TI - Tracheal diverticula. Report of a specimen and review of the literature. PMID- 13818912 TI - Role of cholera a toxin in experimental cholera. PMID- 13818913 TI - Metastasizing giant cell tumor occurring in a phalanx of a finger: case report. PMID- 13818914 TI - Steroid excretion in relation to weight in mentally defective boys. PMID- 13818916 TI - The size of mental defective boys. PMID- 13818915 TI - The neutral 17-ketosteroid and 17-ketogenic steroid excretion of mongol and non mongol mentally defective boys. PMID- 13818917 TI - Acrylic investment of intracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13818918 TI - Blood ammonia in chronic pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13818919 TI - Phosphate metabolism of spleen cells in antibody formation. PMID- 13818920 TI - The effect of 5-bromouracil deoxyriboside on the synthesis of antibody in vitro. PMID- 13818921 TI - Reasoning in research. PMID- 13818922 TI - [Results of therapy in advanced forms of bronchospastic obstructive emphysema]. PMID- 13818923 TI - [On the clinical aspects of hypertension]. PMID- 13818924 TI - Kaposi's sarcoma in infants and children. PMID- 13818925 TI - [Research on streptococcal antihyaluronidase. I. Turbidimetric determination of hyaluronic acid]. PMID- 13818926 TI - The influence of clorpactin WCS-90 on the bacterial complications of surgery. PMID- 13818927 TI - The mechanism of antral regulation of gastric secretion. Continuous cross circulation. PMID- 13818928 TI - Tris(l-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide (TEPA). PMID- 13818929 TI - [Cellular pathology]. PMID- 13818930 TI - [Localization of enzymes in the formed elements of the cells]. PMID- 13818931 TI - Dexamethasone therapy in bronchial asthma. PMID- 13818932 TI - [Osteopathy, arthropathy and myopathy of pregnancy]. PMID- 13818934 TI - [Malignant cutaneous plasmocytic reticulosis]. PMID- 13818933 TI - [Fabry's angiokeratosis]. PMID- 13818935 TI - [Tuberculoid leprosy with old and deep ulceration of the heel cured by curettage and suture combined with medical therapy]. PMID- 13818936 TI - ["Incontinentia pigmenti" with peculiarly lichenoid characteristics]. PMID- 13818937 TI - [Incontinentia pigmenti with peculiarly lichenous characteristics]. PMID- 13818938 TI - [Considerations on osteopathies resulting from bismuth therapy]. PMID- 13818939 TI - [Lymphoblastic reticulorcomatosis. Possible role of a septic prick]. PMID- 13818940 TI - [Subacute lupus erythematosus and nivaquine: residual lesions]. PMID- 13818941 TI - [Vascularization of the pituitary gland]. PMID- 13818942 TI - [Severe hemorrhagic diathesis after repeated exchange transfusions]. PMID- 13818943 TI - [Severe hemorrhagic diathesis after repeated exsanguination-transfusion]. PMID- 13818944 TI - [On transplantable tumors of the vagina in the mouse]. PMID- 13818945 TI - Study in the efficiency of vaccination against influenza in two employment groups in Melbourne in 1959. PMID- 13818947 TI - [The dominant psychological factors of adolescence]. PMID- 13818946 TI - Primary venereal herpes simplex infection in the male. PMID- 13818948 TI - [A case of repeated recurrences of myosarcoma of the chest wall without distant metastases]. PMID- 13818949 TI - [Tumors of the bladder in dogs induced by beta-naphthylamine]. PMID- 13818950 TI - [On the problem of the so-called lymphadenitis subacuta nuchalis et cervicalis "Piringer-Kuchinka"]. PMID- 13818951 TI - Educating for health through college health services. PMID- 13818952 TI - [Some critical comments on the Paris anatomical nomenclature (P. N. A. 1955)]. PMID- 13818953 TI - [Contribution to the incidence of granulosa cell tumors]. PMID- 13818954 TI - [The incidence of ovarian cancer in the First Gynecological Hospital of Charles University]. PMID- 13818955 TI - [Radiotherapy of induratio penis plastica]. PMID- 13818956 TI - [Precancerous conditions of the cervix uteri. Cooperation between oncological and gynecological services]. PMID- 13818957 TI - [On the pathology of development of the human fetus]. PMID- 13818958 TI - [Methods of production and certain properties of crystalline muscle proteins]. PMID- 13818959 TI - [Studies on urological complications in post-traumatic paraplegia]. PMID- 13818961 TI - [The anatomic conditions of the middle ear in surgical-microscopic view; contribution to the surgical anatomy of the ear]. PMID- 13818960 TI - Instruments for transmeatal middle ear surgery. PMID- 13818962 TI - Recent experiences with spontaneously disappearing gallstones. PMID- 13818963 TI - Function of carotenoids in photosynthetic bacteria. PMID- 13818964 TI - The effect of dark, aerobic growth on the photosensitivity of carotenoidless Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. PMID- 13818965 TI - [The fate of inoperable cases with prostatic hypertrophy]. PMID- 13818966 TI - The administration of sodium glucuronate to jaundiced newborn infants. PMID- 13818968 TI - Brightness and spatial discriminations based on perceived incentive magnitude. PMID- 13818967 TI - Delivery of thoracopagus twins after intra-uterine separation. PMID- 13818969 TI - The California state program to promote local health department research. PMID- 13818970 TI - [Epicritical postscript ot a craniobasilar carotid artery aneurysm as presented previously]. PMID- 13818971 TI - [The determination of the proteolytic potential of the blood by the Gaschler method and its value in the diagnosis of carcinoma]. PMID- 13818972 TI - Treatment of pleural and peritoneal effusion with intracavitary colloidal radiogold (Au 198). PMID- 13818973 TI - [Studies on pulmonary perfusion and ventilation in dogs with the aid of an alcoholic method]. PMID- 13818974 TI - [Extramusculoperiosteal pneumothorax in the treatment of cavernous tuberculosis in adolescents]. PMID- 13818975 TI - The mode of action of decamethonium on neuromuscular transmission in cat. PMID- 13818976 TI - Liver changes in rats after administration of Senecio aquaticus. PMID- 13818977 TI - Effect of sodium fluoride on the toxicity of red squill. PMID- 13818978 TI - Macroscopic heart changes in 141 consecutive cases of myomalacia cordis. PMID- 13818979 TI - Leucocyte skimming and other intravascular "skimming" phenomena in vivo. PMID- 13818981 TI - [Standardization of unit terms in clinico-chemical laboratory work]. PMID- 13818980 TI - [On transfusion equipment of plastic material. Technic and use in clinics]. PMID- 13818982 TI - [On the extracellular space of rats in administration of mercury-free diuretics]. PMID- 13818983 TI - Techniques for the intracavitary treatment of bladder neoplasms with radioactive solutions contained in a rubber balloon. PMID- 13818984 TI - The intracavitary treatment of the bladder with radioactive colloidal gold. PMID- 13818985 TI - Electric shock therapy. Anesthetic agents used properly remove unpleasantness and dangers. PMID- 13818986 TI - Sudanophilic leukodystrophy with increased hexosamine content. PMID- 13818987 TI - [On the nucleic acids as effectors for preservation of type and individual and on their therapeutic potentialities]. PMID- 13818988 TI - Engineering research on protective headgear. PMID- 13818989 TI - Successful treatment of portal vein thrombosis associated with intrahepatic obstruction. PMID- 13818990 TI - Abdominal aortic aneurysms. PMID- 13818991 TI - A study of urinary beta-glucuronidase activity in the production of bladder tumours in rats. PMID- 13818992 TI - Surgical treatment of divergence excess. PMID- 13818993 TI - Correction of unilateral aphakia with contact lenses. Report of seven cases. PMID- 13818995 TI - Prevalent medical problems of the senior citizens of West Virginia and recommended community planning and action for their solution. PMID- 13818994 TI - The use and abuse of contact lenses. PMID- 13818996 TI - A-B-O sensitization in the newborn. Diagnosis, frequency and symptoms. PMID- 13818997 TI - On the incidence of haemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility. PMID- 13818998 TI - Bilirubin studies in premature infants who received menadione derivatives or vitamin K1 at birth. PMID- 13818999 TI - Hydrops foetalis without blood group incompatibility but associated with hydramnios. PMID- 13819000 TI - [Infant nutrition with whole milk powder (pelargon)]. PMID- 13819001 TI - [Diffusion and duration of breast-feeding]. PMID- 13819003 TI - [On the biochemical principles of a diet in liver diseases]. PMID- 13819002 TI - [Hygiene of pregnancy and public health nurses]. PMID- 13819004 TI - Localized pretibial myxedema: report of two cases treated with hydrocortisone by local injection. PMID- 13819005 TI - The clinical director: dynamic psychiatrist and scientific manager. PMID- 13819006 TI - Benign lymphoepithelial cysts (ectopic salivary gland tissue) in lymph nodes: report of two cases. PMID- 13819007 TI - A-K amputation exercise cuff. PMID- 13819008 TI - Mobile insulated hot pack cart. PMID- 13819009 TI - Experimental psychogenic hypertension: blood pressure changes conditioned to painful stimuli (schizokinesis). PMID- 13819010 TI - Psychophysiological reactions to novel stimuli: measurement, adaptation, and relationship of psychological and physiological variables in the normal human. PMID- 13819011 TI - A method for studying psychophysiological adaptation to novel signals. PMID- 13819012 TI - [Tissue reactions to certain types of suture material in rats]. PMID- 13819013 TI - [Otitis media in acute diarrheas in infants]. PMID- 13819014 TI - [Clinical aspects of parasternal metastases of breast cancer appearing after mastectomy]. PMID- 13819015 TI - [Antigenic properties of certain strains of Leptospira isolated in Poland]. PMID- 13819016 TI - Effect of normal and high intakes of orthophosphate and metaphosphate in rats. PMID- 13819017 TI - [Labor crisis (labor shock)]. PMID- 13819018 TI - Radiation myelitis. PMID- 13819019 TI - [Experiences in the organization of medical aid for children in children's kindergarten institutions of state farms of the Gorki Region]. PMID- 13819020 TI - Effect of thyroxine, thyrotrophic and somatotrophic hormones on skin of dwarf mice. PMID- 13819021 TI - Clinical value of the radioactive rose bengal liver function test. PMID- 13819022 TI - Studies in patients with adrenocortical hyperfunction. II. Corticosteroid excretion patterns. PMID- 13819023 TI - Studies in patients with adrenocortical hyperfunction. I. The effect of corticotropin on levels of corticosteroids, 17-ketosteroids and aldosterone. PMID- 13819025 TI - Otitis media and complications. Summaries of the bibliographical material available for 1958. PMID- 13819024 TI - Studies in patients with adrenocortical hyperfunction. III. IN vitro secretion of steroids by human adrenal glands. PMID- 13819026 TI - [Protection against noise of adolescent assistants in the shooting stand. Serial studies on 1000 adolescents on the occasion of the Federal Shooting Contest 1958 in Biel]. PMID- 13819027 TI - Fatty metamorphosis of the liver in pregnancy: report of a fatal case without jaundice. PMID- 13819028 TI - Studies of regional lung function using radioactive oxygen. PMID- 13819030 TI - The annihilation coincidence method of localizing positron-emitting isotopes, and a comparison with parallel counting. PMID- 13819029 TI - A comparison of the uptakes of oxygen-15 and oxygen-16 in the lung. PMID- 13819031 TI - [A case of Gaucher's disease in a 13-year-old girl]. PMID- 13819032 TI - [Lengthening of the leg in sequelae of poliomyelitis in children]. PMID- 13819033 TI - [An automatic device for the maintenance in the poison chamber of stable concentrations of vapors of liquid substnaces]. PMID- 13819035 TI - [Two cases of wound of the heart]. PMID- 13819034 TI - Standing potentials of the frog's eye. PMID- 13819036 TI - [Clinico-epidemiological data on sporadic cases of typhus]. PMID- 13819037 TI - [Protein electrophoresis and flocculation test]. PMID- 13819038 TI - [Acetone bodies in the blood of patients with malignant tumors during the action of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13819039 TI - [Studies on the characteristics of metabolism in plague by means of fluoroacetate]. PMID- 13819040 TI - [Clinical aspects and therapy of patients with polycystic kidneys]. PMID- 13819041 TI - [Intraosseous pelvic anesthesia in surgery of the prostate and urinary bladder]. PMID- 13819042 TI - [40 years of public health in Soviet Azerbaidzhan]. PMID- 13819044 TI - [On the history of cholera control (activities of N. F. Gamaleia in the control of an outbreak of cholera in Baku in 1940]. PMID- 13819043 TI - [Georgii Norbertovich Gabrichevskii (on his hundredth birthday)]. PMID- 13819045 TI - [On the problem of the immunoprophylaxis of smallpox]. PMID- 13819046 TI - [Aleksandr Nikolaevich Natishvii]. PMID- 13819047 TI - [On cases of angioma of the ear]. PMID- 13819048 TI - [Mechanism of action of pyrogenal]. PMID- 13819049 TI - [On the sensitization of mechanoreceptors under the influence of acetylcholine]. PMID- 13819050 TI - [Construction by Kolkhozes of rural hospitals as a means of improvement of medical service of the rural population]. PMID- 13819051 TI - [On the problem of the status of the depressor apparatus of the carotid sinus in various forms of hypertension]. PMID- 13819052 TI - [Some data on the possibility of the influence of the central nervous system on the activation of fibrinogenase]. PMID- 13819053 TI - [Preventive experimental vaccination of monkeys against Sonne's dysentery]. PMID- 13819054 TI - [Therapy of thrombophlebitis with butazolidin]. PMID- 13819055 TI - [A case of thalamic syndrome treated successfully with largactil]. PMID- 13819057 TI - [Intermediate metabolism in animals at the Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry in Vienna in 1958]. PMID- 13819056 TI - [Level of proteins and protein fractions in the blood serum of calves in relation to age]. PMID- 13819058 TI - [Attempted evaluation of hemodynamic disorders of the kidneys innormal pregnancy and in late pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13819059 TI - [Preventive use of chloromycetin in a focus of typhoid and related observations]. PMID- 13819060 TI - [Evaluation of a method of production of concentrated blood]. PMID- 13819061 TI - [The effect of spa therapy on the glutathione level in the venous blood of patients with spondylarthritis ankylopoietica]. PMID- 13819062 TI - [On the activity of the sphincter vesicae during the course of the sexual cycle in women]. PMID- 13819063 TI - [Mauriac's syndrome]. PMID- 13819064 TI - [Mechanism of action of d-tubocurarine chloride in the treatment of tetanus. Results of laboratory investigations]. PMID- 13819065 TI - [On the behavior of the cervix uteri in prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13819067 TI - [The ripeness of the cervix as indication for the induction of labor activity in prolonged pregnancies]. PMID- 13819068 TI - [Use of hyaluronidase in chronic salpingitis]. PMID- 13819069 TI - [Therapeutic experiences with a combination of prednisone and butazolidine]. PMID- 13819070 TI - Frequency of spontaneous fragmentation of ova in unbred gilts. PMID- 13819071 TI - Inhibition and synchronization of mating in the mouse by oral administration of progestins. PMID- 13819072 TI - The radiological and bacteriological assessment of tuberculous lung lesions remaining after chemotherapy. PMID- 13819073 TI - Mechanism of sympathomimetic action of aldehydes. PMID- 13819074 TI - Acute pelvic abscess in duplication of the sigmoid and uterus. PMID- 13819075 TI - Erythrocyte survival studied by serologic methods an by labeling with Cr51 and Fe59. PMID- 13819076 TI - The use of DFP32 as a red cell tag with and without simultaneous tagging with chromium 51 in certain animals in the presence or absence of random destruction. AB - DFP(32), used to label erythrocytes in vitro, combines with cell constituents in two stages, the first almost immediate and involving tributyrinase inactivation, the second slower (more than 40 minutes) involving cholinesterase inactivation. Raising the DFP concentration increases the amount irreversibly bound, but increases even more the immediate post-transfusion elution, and DFP is unsuited for investigating erythrocyte viability of stored samples. In vivo tagging by intramuscular injection is satisfactory and normal survival curves are linear since the sample tagged has normal age distribution of cells in absence of random destruction. Here DFP(32) curves are easier to interpret than Cr(51) curves. In sheep, chromium elution occurs at two different rates producing a rapid initial drop followed by a slower one of about 3 per cent daily. Random destruction alters cell age distribution. New equations are derived for cases in which this is constant both with and without chromium elution; they were applied satisfactorily to dog and sheep blood. Analysis of such curves is difficult; approximate values for random destruction rates can be obtained though not potential life spans. Chromium curves can be analyzed only with the help of DFP(32) or similar curves, and yield little additional information. DFP(32) and chromium can be used simultaneously to provide controls. PMID- 13819077 TI - Studies of red cell survival. PMID- 13819078 TI - Some aspects of rumen ciliate protozoa. PMID- 13819079 TI - Total anomalous pulmonary venous connexion. PMID- 13819080 TI - The management of hypnotic overdosage. PMID- 13819081 TI - Two new fleas (Hystrichopsyllidae) from the kangaroo rat and pocket mouse. PMID- 13819082 TI - Podiatry research. PMID- 13819083 TI - Charges for care and maintenance in state institutions for the mentally retarded. PMID- 13819084 TI - The biosynthesis of meso-inositol by cultured mammalian cells, and the parabiotic growth of inositol-dependent and inositol-independent strains. PMID- 13819085 TI - The reversible binding of half-cystine residues to serum protein, and its bearing on the cystine requirement of cultured mammalian cells. PMID- 13819086 TI - The utilization of proteins by cultured human cells. PMID- 13819087 TI - The effects of subliminal stimuli of aggressive content upon conscious cognition. PMID- 13819088 TI - Enzymatic patterns of adaptation to fructose, glucose, and mannose exhibited by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PMID- 13819089 TI - Parietal eye nerve in the fence lizard. AB - A nerve from the parietal eye of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, is described as leaving inconspicuously from the third-eye and extending caudally under the dura mater and then ventrally along the left anterolateral surface of the epiphysis to the habenular commissure of the brain. The existence of a parietal nerve must be considered in interpreting the effects of parietalectomy. PMID- 13819090 TI - Cutaneous porphyria. Observations on 111 cases in three racial groups. PMID- 13819092 TI - Urine and stool investigations in the differentiation of the porphyrias as seen in the three racial groups in Cape Town. PMID- 13819091 TI - The effect of ACTH and the steroid drugs on the nephrotic syndrome. PMID- 13819093 TI - Francis Joseph Cole, 1872-1959. PMID- 13819094 TI - The effect of alcohol-acetic, formalin, Zenker's fluid, and gelatin on the activity of lipase. PMID- 13819095 TI - The relationship between the chemical heterogenity of wool keratin and the mode of incorporation of the cystine residues. PMID- 13819096 TI - Replacement of venous defects by venous autografts. PMID- 13819097 TI - Early manifestations of nephritis. PMID- 13819098 TI - Studies of poststreptococcal nephritis and other glomerular diseases. PMID- 13819099 TI - An unusual nappy rash. PMID- 13819101 TI - A long-term experience with joint medical-psychiatric teaching. PMID- 13819100 TI - A case of disseminated histoplasmosis. PMID- 13819102 TI - Factors in hospital costs. PMID- 13819103 TI - A psychologist's view of the problems of the cleft palate child. PMID- 13819104 TI - Electromyographic study of local and generalized muscular impairment. PMID- 13819105 TI - Encopresis-psychogenic soiling. PMID- 13819106 TI - An experimental study of resection and replacement of the superior vena cava. PMID- 13819107 TI - Antecubital strings--a new physical sign? PMID- 13819108 TI - Experimental viral bovine mastitis. PMID- 13819109 TI - Inversion of the puerperal uterus managed by the Haultain technique. PMID- 13819110 TI - Hypogammaglobulinaemia in myeloma. PMID- 13819111 TI - Gastric analysis. PMID- 13819112 TI - A new method of deriving the vectorcardiogram from routine clinical electrocardiographic leads. PMID- 13819113 TI - Malpractice and the newborn. PMID- 13819114 TI - Problems in the evolution of obstetrics. PMID- 13819116 TI - Organic matrix of tooth enamel. PMID- 13819115 TI - Individual copper band rubber base impressions for inlays and crowns. PMID- 13819117 TI - Estate planning and management--a dentist's viewpoint. PMID- 13819118 TI - An unusual case of fugue and orality. PMID- 13819119 TI - Obstructed labour due to foetal abdominal distension. PMID- 13819120 TI - The retained placenta. PMID- 13819121 TI - Finger block for local vasodilatation. PMID- 13819122 TI - Disorientation in helicopter pilots. PMID- 13819123 TI - The design of caesium sources for teletherapy. PMID- 13819124 TI - Studies of cellular adhesiveness. PMID- 13819125 TI - Right lobar pneumonia. PMID- 13819126 TI - Discussion on the chemical, pharmacological and clinical aspects of the 19 norsteroids: metabolic effects in chronic renal failure. PMID- 13819127 TI - The training of the surgical intern and resident. PMID- 13819128 TI - Formation of noninfectious viral hemaggluinins in ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13819129 TI - Methods for measuring viability of ascites cells dye exclusion and respiration as affected by depletion, poisons, and viruses. PMID- 13819130 TI - Viral growth and oncolysis in Krebs 2 cells as affected by substrate. PMID- 13819131 TI - Psychiatry today: the influence of current psychiatric trends on general practice and the community. PMID- 13819132 TI - A note on the kinetics of endogenous respiration of yeast. PMID- 13819133 TI - Endogenous respiration of yeast. I. The endogenous substrate. PMID- 13819134 TI - Postnatal development of the cerebral cortex in the rat. PMID- 13819135 TI - Influence of the thyroid on the central nervous system. PMID- 13819136 TI - Splenic cyst with pre-operative diagnosis. PMID- 13819137 TI - Psychiatric education. PMID- 13819139 TI - Greetings to convention of occupational therapists. PMID- 13819138 TI - Comprehensive psychiatric services for the state of Colorado. PMID- 13819140 TI - Mental illness, reversible and irreversible. PMID- 13819141 TI - [Hyperemia and spasm as seen in the blood supply of the finger]. PMID- 13819142 TI - [On temperature sensations in reciprocal contact of 2 skin areas]. PMID- 13819143 TI - [Temperature sensations and the warm-cold feeling]. PMID- 13819144 TI - [The physiology of pain]. PMID- 13819145 TI - A retrospective evaluation of research in the medical curriculum. PMID- 13819146 TI - Education for the practicing physician: the postgraduate program at Yale. PMID- 13819147 TI - [Difficulties in gastric emptying after stomach surgery]. PMID- 13819148 TI - [Contributions to the genetics of the Pelger anomaly]. PMID- 13819149 TI - [Pelger-Huet's nuclear anomaly; preliminary results of a survey of 15,000 blood smears]. PMID- 13819150 TI - [The treatment of high ureteral stones]. PMID- 13819151 TI - [Apropos of peridural spinal anesthesia in cesarean section. (Considerations on a technic)]. PMID- 13819152 TI - [Calcium chloride in therapy of certain pre- and postoperative complications]. PMID- 13819154 TI - [On the therapy of whooping cough in the first year of life with specific hyperimmune serum]. PMID- 13819153 TI - [On the prevention of anemia in premature infants]. PMID- 13819155 TI - A clinical and electrical study of ulnar nerve lesions in the hand. PMID- 13819156 TI - [The internal anastomoses in gallbladder surgery]. PMID- 13819157 TI - Craniostenosis or oxycephaly. PMID- 13819159 TI - [Roentgen therapy of chronic myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13819158 TI - [Contribution to the recognition of Urbach-Wiethe lipoid proteinosis (Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae)]. PMID- 13819160 TI - [Experiences at the construction of an underground operational track]. PMID- 13819162 TI - Doctors without credentials. PMID- 13819161 TI - [Two incidence of a simultaneous intra- and extrauterine pregnancy in a patient]. PMID- 13819163 TI - Pathophysiology of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13819164 TI - Occupational health problems in space flight as experienced with nuclear power plants. PMID- 13819165 TI - The new dimensions of submarine medicine. PMID- 13819166 TI - [On the possibility of skin substitution in the loss of the skin of the whole hand]. PMID- 13819167 TI - Ontogenesis of the immune response. PMID- 13819168 TI - Redox potentials in soybean nodules during the vegetative period. PMID- 13819169 TI - Functional interrelationships of the paravertebral muscles in the lumbar region. PMID- 13819170 TI - Patterns of response of the paravertebral musculature to visceral stimuli. PMID- 13819171 TI - The separation and properties of the streptovitacins. PMID- 13819172 TI - Fervenulin, a new crystalline antibiotic. II. Isolation and characterization. PMID- 13819173 TI - Hair growth and its relation to vascular supply in rotated skin grafts and transposed flaps in the albino rat. PMID- 13819174 TI - [Intestinal obstruction by food]. PMID- 13819175 TI - Influence of postspinal hypotension on the fetal electrocardiogram. PMID- 13819176 TI - An evaluation of spinal anesthesia in obstetrics. PMID- 13819177 TI - Education for childbirth. PMID- 13819178 TI - [Decadron in acne therapy]. PMID- 13819179 TI - [On the problem of hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus]. PMID- 13819180 TI - [Apropos of "De la Vieillesse des Schizophrenes" (On the old age of schizophrenics) by Christian Muller]. PMID- 13819181 TI - [The psychopathology of post-electroshock]. PMID- 13819182 TI - Potential changes recorded inside primary afferent fibres within the spinal cord. PMID- 13819183 TI - Presynaptic changes associated with post-tetanic potentiation in the spinal cord. PMID- 13819184 TI - Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic action. PMID- 13819185 TI - Supraspinal control of interneurones mediating spinal reflexes. PMID- 13819186 TI - Enhanced synaptic function due to excess use. PMID- 13819187 TI - Clinical and experimental evaluation of suture materials treated with antibiotics. PMID- 13819188 TI - [Esophageal cancer]. PMID- 13819189 TI - Iatrogenic emotional problems associated with ward rounds. PMID- 13819190 TI - The effect of topically applied acetylcholine on the unanesthetized monkey cerebral cortex. PMID- 13819191 TI - The supersensitivity of chronically "isolated" cerebral cortex as a mechanism in focal epilepsy. PMID- 13819193 TI - The present status of the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. PMID- 13819192 TI - Carotid-cavernous fistula: a perplexing surgical problem. PMID- 13819194 TI - [Cardiac dynamics and the phlebogram in latent left insufficiency]. PMID- 13819195 TI - [Cancer and trauma]. PMID- 13819196 TI - Flexion-extension injury of the cervical spine. PMID- 13819197 TI - [On "acute abdomen" on the dissection table]. PMID- 13819199 TI - [Experimental osteomyelitis in the animal]. PMID- 13819198 TI - [BCG vaccination in young premature infants]. PMID- 13819200 TI - [Complicated luxation of the os multangulum minus and a possibility of its treatment]. PMID- 13819201 TI - [Statistical and roentgenological studies on some problems of osteoma of the paranasal sinuses]. PMID- 13819202 TI - [Contributions to the problem of labyrinth fistulae]. PMID- 13819203 TI - [Critical observation on the problem of traumatic osteoma of the paranasal sinuses from the point of view of expert testimony]. PMID- 13819204 TI - [Data on the diagnosis and therapy of lingual thyroid]. PMID- 13819206 TI - [Peritonsillar abscesses in children and possible complications]. PMID- 13819207 TI - [The significance of function disorders of the labyrinth in fistula of the semicircular canal for the prognosis of labyrinth and cochlea function]. PMID- 13819205 TI - [Forms and frequency of tonsillogenic inner ear disorders]. PMID- 13819208 TI - The effects of narcotics and antagonists upon respiration and circulation in man. A review. PMID- 13819209 TI - Postanesthetic respiratory depression: differential diagnosis. PMID- 13819210 TI - [Louis Pillemer 1908-1957; formerly Professor of Immunology in the Pathological Institute of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio]. PMID- 13819211 TI - The use of the buccal flap in cleft palate repair. PMID- 13819212 TI - Gastrointestinal bleeding in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Review of the literature and report of a case with massive recurrent hemorrhage necessitating right colectomy. PMID- 13819213 TI - Filling and moulding of the cerebral fluid and vascular systems of the brain by means of a new plastic. PMID- 13819214 TI - The combined intra-venous use of pethidine, phenergan and lorfan for analgesia in obstetrics: a study of 1350 cases. PMID- 13819215 TI - Locan pessaries in the treatment of trichomonal vaginitis. PMID- 13819216 TI - Studies on senile diabetes. PMID- 13819217 TI - [Care of the chronically ill-care of the aged]. PMID- 13819218 TI - A study of angiotensin in the pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13819219 TI - Aseptic meningitis due to ECHO virus type 18. PMID- 13819220 TI - [On the clinical manifestations and pathology of testicular tumors]. PMID- 13819221 TI - [Principles in the therapy of fronto-basal fractures]. PMID- 13819223 TI - [Results of radiotherapy of cervical cancer in a small radiology department from 1947 to 1953]. PMID- 13819224 TI - Comparative clinical studies with new cytostatic agents. PMID- 13819222 TI - [The development of hearing power in animals and its special significance for civilized man]. PMID- 13819225 TI - [Cerebral disorders of motoricity and their treatment by exercise therapy]. PMID- 13819226 TI - [Clinical experiences with endoxan]. PMID- 13819227 TI - [Present state of the problem of bone marrow transplantation]. PMID- 13819228 TI - [Modern cyanhemoglobin determination as a clinical and policlinical standard method of blood pigment examination and the average hemoglobin content of the population]. PMID- 13819229 TI - [Results of prolonged and high-dosage ACTH therapy of rheumatic carditis in childhood]. PMID- 13819230 TI - [Experience with insulin-zinc-suspensions in childhood diabetes mellitus: report on 37 cases with several year follow-up of the majority]. PMID- 13819231 TI - Success of failure in tuberculosis treatment and control. Some psychologic aspects. PMID- 13819233 TI - Some newer drugs and reservations. PMID- 13819232 TI - [Local leukocyte reactions in intraperitoneal infection of mice with E. coli]. PMID- 13819235 TI - Medicine and marketing. PMID- 13819234 TI - The ghost medical journals of Minnesota. I. The Minnesota Homoeopath. PMID- 13819236 TI - [On surgical possibilities in recurrence after operated intestinal tumors]. PMID- 13819237 TI - [Prophylaxis and treatment of tetanus]. PMID- 13819238 TI - [Suggestions for the formulation of guide lines for tetanus prophylaxis]. PMID- 13819239 TI - [The future fate of surgically treated cancer patients]. PMID- 13819240 TI - [The simultaneous use of serum and toxoid in tetanus prophylaxis]. PMID- 13819241 TI - [Critical remarks on the study of statistics on the cause of death, for example "pneumonia mortality" in infants in Greater Berlin in 1956]. PMID- 13819242 TI - An unusual student organization. PMID- 13819243 TI - Observations on the growth of children in Nsukka Division, Eastern Nigeria. PMID- 13819244 TI - Persistent experimental aortic aneurysms in dogs. PMID- 13819245 TI - Non-penetrating injuries to the spleen. PMID- 13819247 TI - [Cystic tumors of the cerebellum]. PMID- 13819246 TI - [The early homolateral pyramidal syndrome and meningiomas of the third frontal convolution]. PMID- 13819248 TI - [Multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13819249 TI - Estimation of pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance from ultra low frequency precordial movements (kinetocardiograms). PMID- 13819250 TI - The recognition and differentiation of right ventricular pressure and flow loads. PMID- 13819251 TI - Characteristics of the SE polyoma virus. PMID- 13819252 TI - History of medicine in minnesota. Pioneer physicians of Stevens County, Minnesota. PMID- 13819253 TI - Addiction liability and narcotics control. PMID- 13819254 TI - [Physical dependence and tolerance in relation to various analgesics in patients suffering from chronic pains; comparison between morphine, oxymorphone and anileridine]. PMID- 13819255 TI - Hyperparathyroidism, with pseudoerosion of the sella turcica. PMID- 13819256 TI - [The practical adherence to an oil diet]. PMID- 13819257 TI - [Diet forms for reduction of the serum lipid level (cholesterol level)]. PMID- 13819259 TI - Some membrane properties of the effector in the galvanic skin response. PMID- 13819258 TI - [Normalization by means of cysteine of interoceptive reflexes modified by the effect of toxic substances from Ascaris]. PMID- 13819260 TI - Hypospadias: its repair in one hundred cases; suggestion for modifying the first stage repair. PMID- 13819261 TI - Communication with administration. PMID- 13819262 TI - The properties of thyroglobulin. II. The effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate. PMID- 13819263 TI - The denaturation of pepsin. IV. The effects of temperature. PMID- 13819264 TI - The properties of thyroglobulin. I. The effects of alkali. PMID- 13819265 TI - [Wilms' tumor and accident]. PMID- 13819266 TI - Anatomy of body water and electrolytes. PMID- 13819267 TI - Universal aganglionosis of the colon. PMID- 13819268 TI - Legal note--health inspections. PMID- 13819269 TI - Role of the kidney in water metabolism in young infants: physiologic and clinical considerations. PMID- 13819270 TI - Clinical studies of the effectiveness of a new topical antimicrobial, triclobisonium chloride. PMID- 13819271 TI - Meprobamate in dermatology. PMID- 13819272 TI - Triamcinolone in dermatology. PMID- 13819273 TI - 'Drunk-in-charge': some medico-legal aspects. PMID- 13819274 TI - Psychodynamics of a transvestite. PMID- 13819275 TI - Current practices in general medicine. 4. Parental counseling in mental retardation. PMID- 13819276 TI - Thesaurosis following inhalation of hair spray. PMID- 13819277 TI - [On the function of the enterochromaffin cell system of the intestine in experiment]. PMID- 13819278 TI - [Morphological and experimental studies on fibrosis formation in carcinoid]. PMID- 13819280 TI - [Significance and problems of the histochemical findings in renal infarction]. PMID- 13819281 TI - A simple method for determing standard errors of survival rates, with tables. PMID- 13819279 TI - [The relations of the size and function of the adrenal cortex to hypertension, cardiac valve defects and cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13819283 TI - [Spectrophotometric analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in UV light. Part II]. PMID- 13819284 TI - [Spectrophotometric analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid in ultraviolet light]. PMID- 13819282 TI - Accident surveys and safety programs in two hospital clinical laboratories. PMID- 13819285 TI - Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide and diacetyl monoxime against poisoning by organophosphorus compounds. PMID- 13819286 TI - Some biological properties of two fluoro-derivatives of tryptamine. PMID- 13819287 TI - Studies on the effect of organophosphorus insecticides on amphibians. PMID- 13819288 TI - Effects of diacetyl monoxime on neuromuscular transmission. AB - The action of diacetyl monoxime on neuromuscular transmission has been studied in frogs, chickens, and cats, and in isolated rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. In frogs and chickens the oxime caused a flaccid paralysis; in chickens there was sometimes opisthotonos. In the indirectly stimulated rat diaphragm, diacetyl monoxime decreased the height of a single twitch, but a tetanus was well sustained. In cats, the twitch height of the indirectly excited gastrocnemius-soleus muscle was reduced by diacetyl monoxime more than was that of the tibialis anterior muscle, but in both muscles a tetanus was well maintained. Diacetyl monoxime reduced the response to direct stimulation of both the rat diaphragm and cat muscles. Diacetyl monoxime injected intra-arterially in the cat elicited a transient hypertension and a gasp. Diacetyl monoxime did not reverse the neuromuscular block caused by anticholinesterases either in isolated rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations or in cats. PMID- 13819289 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: the effect of diethylcarbamazine on Brugia malayi and B. pahangi in domestic cats. PMID- 13819290 TI - Experimental transmission of Brugia malayi and B. pahangi to man. PMID- 13819291 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: the accuracy of blood survevs. PMID- 13819292 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: the periodicity of the microfilariae of Brugia malayi and B. pahangi in animals. PMID- 13819293 TI - Comparison of chemical and biological estimations of plasma progestin. PMID- 13819295 TI - Origins of the healing art. PMID- 13819294 TI - Myelin lipids in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13819296 TI - Pathology and Rudolf Virchow. PMID- 13819297 TI - Clinical findings in the use of a synthetic penicillin. PMID- 13819298 TI - School Health Services Evaluation Study. Preliminary report. PMID- 13819299 TI - [Hypotensive therapy of epistaxis]. PMID- 13819300 TI - The challenge of rabies. PMID- 13819301 TI - Teratoid tumors of the mediastinum found despite previous normal chest radiography. PMID- 13819302 TI - Value of tomography in the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma: a case report. PMID- 13819303 TI - Two cases of locked twins. PMID- 13819304 TI - Calcified bladder: a new method of management. PMID- 13819305 TI - Malignant lymphomas in children. PMID- 13819306 TI - Economic influences of an industrial medical program on a county medical society. PMID- 13819307 TI - [Apropos of the voyage of King Louis of Holland to the Pyrenees in 1807 and of his visit with the doctor Jean Fabas. physician inspector of the springs of Sanit Sauveur]. PMID- 13819308 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of acute diverticular disease of the colon. PMID- 13819309 TI - Acute aseptic meningitis: a review. PMID- 13819310 TI - Matching facial color with split thickness skin grafts from adjacent areas. PMID- 13819311 TI - Surgical-psychiatric study of patients seeking plastic (cosmetic) surgery: ninety eight consecutive patients with minimal deformity. PMID- 13819312 TI - The correction of deformity in the adult cleft palate patient. PMID- 13819313 TI - Contradictory conclusions from two speed of performance measures. PMID- 13819314 TI - The morphological distribution in the mouse liver of injected paraffin emulsion. PMID- 13819315 TI - [Parenteral feeding]. PMID- 13819316 TI - [Parenteral nutrition]. PMID- 13819317 TI - The lipolytic activity in dog plasma after intravenous fat emulsion. PMID- 13819318 TI - The production of lipaemia-clearing activity in dog plasma after intravenous injection of soya bean phosphatides. PMID- 13819319 TI - The removal of artificial fat emulsions from the blood stream of dogs. PMID- 13819320 TI - Tolerance of the dog to intravenous fat emulsion. PMID- 13819321 TI - Studies on the uterine growth-stimulating effects of combinations of testosterone propionate and natural oestrogens. PMID- 13819322 TI - Estrogen antagonisms: effects of gluco- and mineralocorticoids on estrone-induced uterine growth. PMID- 13819323 TI - Oestrogen antagonisms: the effects of various steroids on the uterine growth produced in mice by oestriol. PMID- 13819324 TI - Production of adrenal atrophy by 6-methyl-17-acetoxyprogesterone, with remarks on the adrenal effects of other progestational agents. PMID- 13819325 TI - Estrogen antagonisms: temporal modalities in steroid block of estriol-induced changes in vaginal smears of mice. PMID- 13819326 TI - Oestrogen antagonisms: temporal modalities in steroids block of oestrone-induced changes in vaginal smears of mice. PMID- 13819327 TI - The modification of estrogen-induced changes in rat vaginas with steroids and related agents. PMID- 13819328 TI - Adaptations of man and animals to their environment. PMID- 13819329 TI - [Some effects of cold on man]. PMID- 13819330 TI - Quantitative determination of iodine in vivo. PMID- 13819331 TI - Effect of secergan on the duodenum and common bile duct. PMID- 13819332 TI - Gallbladder evacuation in the normal male induced by cholecystokinin. PMID- 13819333 TI - Roentgenologic findings in ulcerative colitis with malignant degeneration. PMID- 13819334 TI - [Cell-virus relation in Rous fowl sarcoma]. PMID- 13819335 TI - [Direct effect of curare on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13819336 TI - [On the role of erythrocytes in immunity]. PMID- 13819337 TI - Inhibition of the perisaltic reflex of the isolated rabbit's ileum. The effect of antimuscarinic, ganglion-blocking and spasmolytic drugs including some quaternary phenothiazine compounds. PMID- 13819338 TI - Studies on the inhibition of atropine-fast nicotine-induced contractions of the isolated rabbit's ileum. The effect of atropine, scopolamine their quaternary analgogues, monoquaternary antispasmodics and bisquaternary ganglion-blocking compounds. PMID- 13819339 TI - Biliary excretion of the sulphonamide compound dosulfin in gallstone disease. PMID- 13819340 TI - On the binding of zinc and mersalyl to the contractile element in muscle and the relation to its relaxing effect. PMID- 13819341 TI - Relaxation and visco-elastic behaviour of glycerol-extracted muscle fibre bundles in the presence of zinc and ATP. PMID- 13819342 TI - The binding of zinc to glycerol-extracted muscle, and its relaxing effect. PMID- 13819343 TI - Chemistry of amino acids and peptides. PMID- 13819344 TI - [Present day thoughts on the question of abortion]. PMID- 13819345 TI - Continuous blood pH measurement with extracorporeal cooling. PMID- 13819346 TI - Hydroflumethiazide: a new oral diuretic. PMID- 13819347 TI - The action of hydroflumethiazide in relation to adrenal steroids and potassium loss. PMID- 13819348 TI - An aldosterone antagonist and diuretics in the treatment of chronic oedema and ascites. PMID- 13819349 TI - Fluid intake and exchangeable body sodium of normal and adrenalectomized rats given various concentrations of saline to drink. PMID- 13819350 TI - Sodium excretion in the adrenalectomized rat after intravenous saline infusion. PMID- 13819351 TI - The effect of prolonged intragastric infusions of isotonic and hypertonic saline on water and sodium excretion and on exchangeable body sodium in normal and adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13819352 TI - Genesis of hydatidiform mole: old and new concepts. PMID- 13819353 TI - Clinical evaluation of parabromdylamine maleate (dimetane) in allergic and vasomotor rhinitis. PMID- 13819354 TI - Polynucleotide biosynthesis: formation of a sequence of adenylate units from adenosine triphosphate by an enzyme from thymus nuclei. PMID- 13819355 TI - The purification and properties of a ribonuclease from squid. PMID- 13819356 TI - Observations on the occupational life history of the coal-face worker at two collieries. PMID- 13819357 TI - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. PMID- 13819358 TI - Osteoid osteoma-with report of two cases. PMID- 13819359 TI - Ten-year experience with operative cholangiography. PMID- 13819360 TI - Haemophilus vaginalis. Its association with puerperal pyrexia and leucorrhoea. PMID- 13819361 TI - Haemophilus vaginalis: morphology, cultural characters and viability. PMID- 13819362 TI - The diagnosis and management of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13819363 TI - Physical education and the adolescent. PMID- 13819364 TI - The use of implanted low intensity radium needles in the treatment of skin cancer of the face and neck. PMID- 13819365 TI - [Experimental study of the resorption of neutral suspension from the cavity of the knee joint]. PMID- 13819366 TI - The relationship of serum gamma-globulin concentration to malaria and sickling. AB - The serum protein patterns of groups of Nigerians including 98 children partially protected by "daraprim" against malaria, and 113 unprotected children, have been studied. The protected children have a significantly lower concentration of serum gamma globulin than the unprotected children from the age of 12 months onwards. In children, sicklers have a significantly higher serum gamma globulin than non sicklers. It is suggested that sickling protects against malaria by enhancing the antibody response against the malaria parasite. PMID- 13819367 TI - The free aminoacids of plasma and urine in kwashiorkor. PMID- 13819368 TI - Biochemical normals in Nigerians. Urinary 17-oxosteroids and 17-oxogenic steroids. PMID- 13819369 TI - Blood keto-acids in kwashiorkor. PMID- 13819370 TI - Laboratory tests of typhoid vaccines used in a controlled field study. AB - In 1954-55, a controlled field trial of two types of typhoid vaccine-alcoholized ("vaccine A") and phenolized ("vaccine F")-prepared in Yugoslavia was carried out in the town and district of Osijek. In an attempt to correlate the protection conferred on man by these vaccines with their potency in laboratory animals, arrangements were made for laboratory tests to be performed jointly by the Central Institute of Hygiene, Zagreb, Yugoslavia; the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Elstree, Herts, England; and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Washington, D.C., USA. In this paper, the results of the WRAIR tests are presented.The potency relationship between vaccine A and vaccine F was found to vary with the type of test performed. According to active immunization tests in mice, using either mucin or saline challenge, vaccine A was more potent than vaccine F, as it proved also in the passive immunization of mice with saline challenge and in Vi-antibody production in rabbits. As judged by the results of the passive immunization of mice with mucin challenge and of O antibody production in rabbits, there was, however, no clear-cut difference in potency between the two vaccines. And, as indicated by H-antibody production in rabbits, vaccine F was clearly superior to vaccine A. Since vaccine F was also the more effective in man, the last-mentioned findings are of considerable interest, suggesting that the H antigen may be more, and the Vi antigen less, important in protecting man against typhoid fever than is currently considered to be the case. PMID- 13819371 TI - Specific prophylaxis of tetanus. PMID- 13819372 TI - Kaj Ulrik Linderstrom-Lang, 1896-1959. PMID- 13819374 TI - Medical assessment of the organophosphorus insecticide diazinon. PMID- 13819373 TI - [Carcinoma of the penis. A clinical study of 229 cases]. PMID- 13819375 TI - Subendocardial myocardial infarction. PMID- 13819376 TI - [Histochemical studies on gold in gold dermatitis before and after BAL treatment]. PMID- 13819377 TI - Should steroids be used in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis? PMID- 13819378 TI - Ribonucleic acid changes in the motoneurons of the frog during axon regeneration. PMID- 13819380 TI - [The production of cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13819379 TI - Citrate-buffered Cr-51-labelled chromic chloride--an extracellular radio-tracer with potential use in blood-brain barrier studies. PMID- 13819381 TI - Treatment of the adolescent patient in a state hospital. PMID- 13819382 TI - Organisms of the pleuropneumonia group of avian origin: their classification into species. PMID- 13819383 TI - Biology of the pleuropneumonialike organisms. Introduction. PMID- 13819384 TI - A case of obstetrical acute yellow atrophy of the liver. PMID- 13819385 TI - Correlations of new MMPI scales with Edwards SD scale. PMID- 13819386 TI - Social desirability and the description of others. PMID- 13819387 TI - The cardiac output of the unanaesthetized rabbit, and the effects of preliminary anaesthesia, environmental temperature and carotid occlusion. PMID- 13819388 TI - Some comments on Schutzenberger's analysis of data on the human sex ratio. PMID- 13819389 TI - The meaning of binomial distribution. PMID- 13819390 TI - Spasmolytic esters of N-substituted alpha-aminophenylacetic acids. PMID- 13819391 TI - An aid to the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of some diseases in the pig and other species. PMID- 13819392 TI - Potassium ions and the inhibitory process in the crayfish stretch receptor. AB - The effect of the absence of potassium in the bathing solution on the synaptic inhibitory potentials of the crayfish stretch receptor has been studied. The inhibitory potentials were increased in size, i.e. became more hyperpolarizing, in the absence of potassium. Since the resting potential of the cell is increased in the absence of potassium, the alteration of the inhibitory potentials implies that the potassium conductance of the membrane is increased. While other ions, e.g. Cl(-), may also be involved, it seems that the membrane potential during inhibition is mainly dominated by K(+). PMID- 13819393 TI - Spirillum serpens meningitis. Report of a case. PMID- 13819394 TI - The functional organization of the sensory cortex in the cat. PMID- 13819395 TI - The surgical treatment of internal carotid artery occlusion. PMID- 13819396 TI - Physiological observations in achalasia and their significance in methods of treatment. PMID- 13819397 TI - The uptake of iron by Corynebacterium diphtheriae growing in submerged culture. PMID- 13819398 TI - The growth and toxin production of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in submerged culture. PMID- 13819399 TI - A survey of provisions for the elderly. PMID- 13819400 TI - Pulse registration as a means of evaluating peripheral vascular patency and vasomotor activity. PMID- 13819401 TI - Organization of the small arteries of the hand and digits. PMID- 13819402 TI - Arterial pressure in men over sixty. PMID- 13819403 TI - Vascular compression of the trachea and oesophgus. PMID- 13819404 TI - Hypnotic treatment of asthma. Real and illusory results. PMID- 13819405 TI - The changing trend of a geriatric ward. A comparative analysis of the admission and discharge rates of patients in one geriatric ward during 1949 and the first quarter of 1959. PMID- 13819406 TI - The micromorphology of a salivary-gland tumor of a mouse infected with polyoma virus. PMID- 13819407 TI - Human leptospirosis. PMID- 13819408 TI - Fine structure of pleuropneumonia-like organisms in pure culture and in infected tissue culture cells. PMID- 13819409 TI - A comparative micromorphologic study of normal human epidermis and a human squamous cell carcinoma transplant. PMID- 13819410 TI - The micromorphology of a human bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13819411 TI - Radial head prosthesis in the management of radial head fractures. PMID- 13819412 TI - The collection, storage and selection of human vitreous for use in retinal detachment surgery. PMID- 13819413 TI - The effect of environment on chick growth. PMID- 13819414 TI - The availability to chicks of zinc in various compounds and ores. PMID- 13819415 TI - The role of the health department in the prevention of tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13819416 TI - Effects of pulmonary hypertension of the tracheobronchial tree. PMID- 13819417 TI - Congenital stenosis of pulmonary veins. Pathologic and developmental considerations. PMID- 13819418 TI - The problem of mitral insufficiency caused by accessory chordae tendineae in persistent common atrioventricular canal. PMID- 13819419 TI - A new trisomic syndrome. PMID- 13819420 TI - Some characteristics of DNA synthesis and the mitotic cycle in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. AB - In vivo studies of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells during the first 5 days of growth in peritoneal cavities of mice consisted of the following: 1. Determination of growth curves by direct enumeration of cells. 2. Estimation of the duration of each phase of the mitotic cycle based on incidence of cells in different phases. 3. Radioautographic studies to determine the proportion of cells in different phases of the mitotic cycle that incorporate tritiated thymidine during a single brief exposure to this precursor of DNA. 4. Estimation of the rate of incorporation of tritiated thymidine at different times during the period of DNA synthesis by comparison of mean grain counts over nuclei in radioautographs at different times following exposure to tritiated thymidine. The assumptions underlying these experiments and our observations concerning the duration of the period of DNA synthesis and its relation to the mitotic cycle are discussed. It is concluded that DNA synthesis is continuous, occupying a period of 8.5 hours during the interphase and that the average rate of synthesis is approximately constant. PMID- 13819421 TI - Value of plasma pepsinogen estimation. PMID- 13819422 TI - Creatinine excretion and body composition. PMID- 13819423 TI - Plasma creatinine level and creatinine clearance as tests of renal function. PMID- 13819424 TI - Creatinine space as a measure of total body water in anuric subjects, estimated after single injection and haemodialysis. PMID- 13819425 TI - Measurement of antipyrine in plasma: interference by certain drugs. PMID- 13819426 TI - Recovery of renal function after acute renal failure. PMID- 13819427 TI - Epidemiologic studies of tuberculin sensitivity. II. Response to experimental infection with myobacteria isolated from human sources. PMID- 13819428 TI - Isolation of "atypical" mycobacteria from healthy persons. PMID- 13819429 TI - At Arizona State Hospital-evaluation of dish machine compounds pays dividends. PMID- 13819430 TI - Experiences and concepts regarding vagotomy and a drainage procedure for duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13819431 TI - Correlation of heat output and blood flow in the finger, especially in cold induced vasodilation. PMID- 13819432 TI - Temperature distribution over the human head, especially in the cold. PMID- 13819433 TI - Electron spin resonance investigations of Allium cepa and Calliphora vomitoria. PMID- 13819434 TI - Clinical experience with triethylenethiophosphoramide (Thio-TEPA) in the treatment of cancer. PMID- 13819435 TI - [Some factors playing a part in the administration of the nursing services]. PMID- 13819436 TI - Public health nursing in Saskatchewan. PMID- 13819437 TI - The micromorphology of the tuberculate spores of Histoplasma capsulatum. PMID- 13819438 TI - Internal fracture fixation with Rush's pin; experiences of a series of 116 cases. PMID- 13819439 TI - Soil sampling in an urban focus of histoplasmin sensitivity. PMID- 13819440 TI - Story of the tuberculin test from an epidemiologic viewpoint. PMID- 13819442 TI - Studies on the Arizona group of Enterobacteriaceae. PMID- 13819441 TI - Three readily reversible flagellar phases in an organism of the Arizona group. PMID- 13819443 TI - A new Arizona serotype (27:17,20) isolated from man. PMID- 13819444 TI - Fetal mortality in adult mice after superovulation with gonadotrophins. PMID- 13819445 TI - Embryonic development in superovulated mice not receiving the coital stimulus. PMID- 13819446 TI - Identification of C14-labelled male chromatin at fertilization in colchicine treated mouse eggs. PMID- 13819447 TI - Stimulation of granulation tissue growth by tissue extracts. Study in intramuscular wounds in rabbits. PMID- 13819449 TI - Central angiospastic retinopathy: an ocular vasoneurotic syndrome. PMID- 13819448 TI - The use of polysorbate 80-choline-inositol complex in the treatment of hypercholesteremia. PMID- 13819450 TI - Late occlusion of femoral and popliteal fabric arterial grafts. PMID- 13819451 TI - Studies on Vitamin E. 1. The determination of tocopherols in animal tissues. PMID- 13819452 TI - Effect of thyroxine and 2,4-dinitrophenol on levels of ubiquinone and ubichromenol in the rat. PMID- 13819453 TI - Radiological detection of Meckel's diverticulum. PMID- 13819454 TI - [Myeloid metaplasia and pheochromocytoma]. PMID- 13819455 TI - [Conservative treatment of perforated stomach and duodenal ulcers]. PMID- 13819456 TI - [Neurenteric cysts]. PMID- 13819457 TI - [Marginal notes to an examination of 380 patients with lung carcinoma (1 Junuary 1949 to 1 January 1959)]. PMID- 13819458 TI - [Risk and management of surgery in old age]. PMID- 13819460 TI - [Epidural analgesia]. PMID- 13819459 TI - [The determination of erythrocyte survival with the aid of DFP-32]. PMID- 13819461 TI - [A case of acute familial porphyria]. PMID- 13819462 TI - [Bornholm disease (acute epidemic myalgia)]. PMID- 13819463 TI - [Effectiveness of splenectomy in various diseases of the hematopoietic system. Part I. Splenectomy in hemolytic anemias]. PMID- 13819464 TI - [Effect of mountain conditions on arterial pressure]. PMID- 13819465 TI - [Removal of the ligature from the ureter 40 days after its ligation]. PMID- 13819467 TI - [Experiences with the stationary compulsory detention of asocial tuberculous subjects]. PMID- 13819468 TI - [The stationary placement (compulsory hospitalization) of asocial tuberculotics]. PMID- 13819466 TI - [The toxic effect of penicillin on the guinea pig and penicillinase demonstration in the guinea pig and rat brain]. PMID- 13819469 TI - Mild chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis without severe acute exacerbations, bulky steatorrhoea, or pronounced weight loss. PMID- 13819471 TI - Epiphrenic diverticulum of the esophagus: surgical treatment. PMID- 13819472 TI - A surgeon's concept of hiatal hernia. PMID- 13819470 TI - [The current status of ultrasonic cardiography]. PMID- 13819473 TI - One surgeon's attitude toward cigarette smoking. PMID- 13819474 TI - The era of open-heart surgery. PMID- 13819475 TI - The failure of nerve block in postoperative intercostal neuralgia. PMID- 13819476 TI - [Binding of strophanthin with proteins in the blood serum]. PMID- 13819477 TI - [Use of chen-chiu therapy (acupuncture and moxa) in certain depressive syndromes (preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13819478 TI - [On clinical-anatomical parallels in acute cholecystitis]. PMID- 13819480 TI - [Carbohydrate composition of specific polysaccharides of certain types of pathogenic bacteria of the enteric group]. PMID- 13819479 TI - [Urethroplasty according to V. A. Gusunin in marked hypospadias]. PMID- 13819481 TI - [Early tuberculous intoxication in infants during the first year of life]. PMID- 13819482 TI - [The aspiration method in acute postoperative atelectasis in patients with tuberculosis of the lungs]. PMID- 13819483 TI - [On the problem of the content of nonhemoglobin iron in the blood of healthy children and in patients with anemia]. PMID- 13819484 TI - The morphology of buffy coat in normal human adults. PMID- 13819485 TI - [On the opening of the Pasteur station in Samara]. PMID- 13819487 TI - [On a discussion of the study of human vitamin requirements]. PMID- 13819486 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of the bones of the skull]. PMID- 13819488 TI - A comparison of group-centered and individual-centered activity programs. PMID- 13819489 TI - Changes in recognition thresholds associated with chlorpromazine, promazine and phenobarbital. PMID- 13819490 TI - Two-way separation of amino acids and other ninhydrin-reacting substances by high voltage electrophoresis followed by paper chromatography. PMID- 13819491 TI - [Atrial septal defect treated with open cardiotomy]. PMID- 13819493 TI - Carcinoma of the lower portion of the esophagus. PMID- 13819492 TI - Open heart surgery in atrial septal defects. PMID- 13819494 TI - Bullet wound of heart and right lung with recovery. PMID- 13819495 TI - [Reflections on a case of parapsoriasis in vesicular form with unusual manifestations and course]. PMID- 13819496 TI - [Contributions to the surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. Vagosympathetic neurectomy]. PMID- 13819497 TI - [Attempted induction of nitrate reducase in an auxotrophic Escherichia coli mutant by hemin]. PMID- 13819498 TI - Report on psychiatric residential weekend study courses. PMID- 13819499 TI - Multisection transverse tomography in radium implant calculations. PMID- 13819500 TI - Facial diplegia in infectious mononucleosis in the absence of Landry-Guillain Barre syndrome. PMID- 13819501 TI - Hyperkalemic familial periodic paralysis. PMID- 13819502 TI - [A case of migration of a metal fragment from the lung to the kidney]. PMID- 13819503 TI - "Iowa trumpet," pudental needle guide. PMID- 13819504 TI - Effect of epinephrine upon the duration of spinal anesthesia. PMID- 13819505 TI - Comparison of the recovery from methohexital and thiopental anesthesia in man. PMID- 13819506 TI - Reduction of cardiovascular stress during electroshock therapy by trimethaphan. PMID- 13819507 TI - Studies on cross circulation in rabbits with second-set skin homografts. PMID- 13819508 TI - In vivo tolerance of canine kidneys to glycerol perfusion. PMID- 13819510 TI - [Caloric requirements-caloric consumption and food consumption]. PMID- 13819509 TI - Adrenal cortical and medullary responses to trauma in dogs with isolated pituitaries. PMID- 13819511 TI - [Bone tophi in uric arthritis. A case of tophi in both femur heads]. PMID- 13819512 TI - [Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis]. PMID- 13819513 TI - Effect of carbutamide on hepatic glycogenolysis activated by glucagon: a study using hepaticvein catheterisation in non-diabetic subjects. PMID- 13819514 TI - Action of hypoglycemia on coronary insufficiency and mechanism of ECG alterations. PMID- 13819515 TI - [Clinical aspects of renal diabetes]. PMID- 13819516 TI - [On the clinical value of needle biopsy of the kidneys]. PMID- 13819517 TI - Ammonium tolerance test. A diagnostic aid in liver diseases. PMID- 13819518 TI - [From Egyptian folk medicine]. PMID- 13819519 TI - Factors affecting the rapidity of alteration of nitrous oxide concentration in a circle cystem. PMID- 13819520 TI - The effect of reserpine on the action of various vasopressors. PMID- 13819521 TI - [Studies on the passive transference of a roentgen ray-induced resistance factor of the liver and spleen to allyl alcohol damage]. PMID- 13819522 TI - [The effect of thyroxin and triiodothyronine on the hypophysis activated after administration of antithyroid substance]. PMID- 13819523 TI - [Vitamins as a necrotropic liver protective substance]. PMID- 13819524 TI - [The effect of total and partial body irradiation determined with the aid of the allyl alcohol test on white rats]. PMID- 13819525 TI - [Autoradiographic localization studies on the brain and inner secretory glands of the cat with S-35-labelled dimethyl-amino-propyl-phenothiazine (megaphen)]. PMID- 13819526 TI - [On the influence of butazolidin on soft connective tissue compared with thyroxin and propylthiouracil studied with the caryometric method]. PMID- 13819527 TI - [On triiodothyronine and the problem of its therapeutic use]. PMID- 13819528 TI - [Results of conservative and surgical treatment of leg fractures at the Chirurgische Universitats-Klinik Halle-Saale during the last 10 years]. PMID- 13819529 TI - [Contribution on postoperative progressive skin necrosis]. PMID- 13819530 TI - [On postoperative thromboembolisms. Experiences after prophylactic administration of magnesium preparations]. PMID- 13819531 TI - [In vitro method of demonstration of pollen antibodies in human serum]. PMID- 13819532 TI - [On the mechanism of the rearrangement of methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA catalyzed by the cobalamine coenzyme]. PMID- 13819533 TI - [Adrenogenital syndrome with electrolytic changes in the course of the neonatal period]. PMID- 13819534 TI - General anesthesia for cardiac catherization. PMID- 13819535 TI - Extraintestinal amebiasis involving the macula. PMID- 13819536 TI - Factors determining pathogenicity of variants of ECHO 9 virus for newborn mice. AB - While some strains of ECHO 9 virus were found to be completely incapable of multiplying in newborn mice or even of being adsorbed by their tissues (e.g., the prototype Hill strain), other naturally occurring strains readily multiplied even after inoculation of as little as 3 TCD(50) of virus. With the multiplying strains, the infection remained clinically inapparent except after inoculation of very large doses, usually in the range of 10(5) to 10(7.5) TCD(50). Investigation of the question why such large doses were required to produce paralysis indicated that for paralysis to occur virus multiplication had to reach a level of 10(8) TCD(50) or more within 4 days after inoculation of mice less than 1 day old. The reason for this was found in the fact that at 5 to 6 days of age the mice lost their susceptibility to paralysis even when multiplication was capable of progressing to the indicated high level. Thus, speed of multiplication and extent of muscle involvement before the 5th day of life were the determining factors. Passage in tissue culture had no effect except to yield a larger dose for inoculation, while serial propagation in mice resulted in a gradual enrichment of virus particles capable of more rapid multiplication in mice and in a concurrent greater paralytogenic activity of smaller doses. PMID- 13819537 TI - [The value of arterial pulsation curves in the determination of the degree of aortic stenosis]. PMID- 13819538 TI - [Preliminary report concerning routine tonometry in 1000 patients over 40]. PMID- 13819539 TI - Permeability of Escherichia coli to ribose and ribose nucleotides. PMID- 13819540 TI - [Differential diagnosis of acute jaundice]. PMID- 13819541 TI - [On the problem of the safety of employing products in food sterilized with the aid of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13819543 TI - [On the physiology of blood coagulation]. PMID- 13819542 TI - [On the differentiation and calcium dependence of contact activations of wettable surfaces. Its influence on blood thombokinase formation]. PMID- 13819544 TI - The pursed-lip technic in abdominal breathing exercises for pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13819545 TI - [The therapy of vaginal leukorrhea with the organic mercury preparation versotrane]. PMID- 13819546 TI - [The indication and method of total excision of neurinoma of the eighth cranial nerve]. PMID- 13819547 TI - [Experience with the application of hunger therapy of obesity]. PMID- 13819548 TI - [The diagnosis of cancer of the stomach with the aid of the study of the gastric contents in the fasting state: preliminary report]. PMID- 13819549 TI - [Effect of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde on chlortetracycline synthesis]. PMID- 13819550 TI - [The effect of the products of vital activity of bacteria on the growth and antibiotic properties of various actinomycetes]. PMID- 13819551 TI - [Conditions of hemopoiesis and changes of protein metabolism in hypertension and in certain lesions of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13819552 TI - [Isolation of pure cultures of microorganisms (a modification of L. I. Komarovaia's method)]. PMID- 13819553 TI - [Listeriosis in pregnant women and in newborn infants]. PMID- 13819554 TI - [A case report of burns of the stomach]. PMID- 13819555 TI - [Nerves of the vessels of the venous sinuses of the dura mater]. PMID- 13819556 TI - [Basic requirements in the organization of polyclinical surgical aid]. PMID- 13819558 TI - [On the so-called external fistulae of the gastric stump following gastrectomy]. PMID- 13819557 TI - [Modification of the Reddy method for the determination of total urinary 17 hydroxycorticoids]. PMID- 13819559 TI - [On the so-called external gastric stump fistulas resulting from gastric resections]. PMID- 13819560 TI - [One year of experience in the work of visiting nurses]. PMID- 13819562 TI - [First aid]. PMID- 13819561 TI - [Arthrodesis of the ankle joint]. PMID- 13819563 TI - [Penetrating joint injuries and traumatic joint infections]. PMID- 13819564 TI - [3 years of psychoanalysis in a hospital]. PMID- 13819565 TI - On the problem of distribution of femoral branches into the vastus medialis muscle with special reference to the knee joint branches PMID- 13819566 TI - [On the hourglass shape of the stomach in adult man]. PMID- 13819567 TI - [Vascular abnormalities in the retroperitoneal space of a 68-year old man]. PMID- 13819568 TI - [Contribution to the development of the human acetabulum in puberty]. PMID- 13819569 TI - [Contribution to the structure of the socket of the hip joint in mammals and man]. PMID- 13819570 TI - [Clinical studies in 451 cases of parkinsonism]. PMID- 13819571 TI - [On the applicability of cosaldon in the treatment of cerebral sclerotic parkinsonism]. PMID- 13819572 TI - [Ambulant treatment of alcoholics]. PMID- 13819573 TI - [Rehabilitation work in the mental hospital]. PMID- 13819574 TI - [Prevention of adhesions by intra-abdominal instillation of prednisolone acetate. An experimental animal contribution]. PMID- 13819575 TI - [Retroperitoneal tumors]. PMID- 13819576 TI - [ACTH, triiodothyronine and cortisone. Its influence on wound healing in the stomach and liver]. PMID- 13819577 TI - [Tissular emphysema caused by compressed air]. PMID- 13819578 TI - [Wound healing in the liver following electrically induced injury: experimental investigation in the rat]. PMID- 13819579 TI - "It's worth it if it works". PMID- 13819580 TI - Hemorrhage from the ear due to an aneurysm of the internal carotid artery. PMID- 13819581 TI - Interruption of the pituitary stalk in the patient with mammary cancer. PMID- 13819582 TI - Resolution in contact microradiography. PMID- 13819583 TI - [Segmented (marrow-rich) nerve fibers in the adrenal medulla of the whie rat]. PMID- 13819584 TI - Differentiation-hybridization cycles and polyploidy in Achillea. PMID- 13819585 TI - [Observations on non-puerperal galactorrhea (review of 59 cases)]. PMID- 13819586 TI - [Intralumbar hydrocortisone administration in post-vaccinal encephalitis]. PMID- 13819587 TI - [Problems and causes of unsuccessful smallpox vaccinations]. PMID- 13819588 TI - Ectopic tricuspid leaflet producing symptoms of infundibular pulmonic stenosis. PMID- 13819589 TI - Surgical results in patients with cardiac septal defects. PMID- 13819590 TI - The physiological iron loss by the mouse. PMID- 13819591 TI - Physiological erythrocyte decomposition PMID- 13819593 TI - Neurosis in the family. A study of psychiatric epidemiology. PMID- 13819592 TI - Does time stand still for some psychotics? PMID- 13819594 TI - Schizophrenia, neurotic compliance and the psi hypothesis. PMID- 13819595 TI - The return of Quetzalcoatl and doctrinal compliance. A case study of Cortes and Montezuma. PMID- 13819596 TI - The cell surface of Paramecium. PMID- 13819597 TI - Organelle systems and biological organization. Structural and developmental evidence leads to a new look at our concepts of biological organization. PMID- 13819599 TI - [On the clinical aspects and pathology of ochre pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13819598 TI - Photobiology and biochemistry of circadian rhythms in non-photosynthesizing cells. PMID- 13819600 TI - [alpha-Hydroxycarboxyl-amides]. PMID- 13819601 TI - [On the constitution and mechanism of action of oral antidiabetics]. PMID- 13819603 TI - [Leukemogenic effect of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid in RFH mice]. PMID- 13819602 TI - [Studies on experimental leukemia. Part 5. On the leukemogenic effect of 3 hydroxyanthranilic acid in RFH mice]. PMID- 13819604 TI - [Studies on experimental leukemias. Part IV. Increase of the incidence of leukemia in RFH mice after increase of the dosage of indole]. PMID- 13819605 TI - [Factors which are decisive for lasting results in pleoptic treatment]. PMID- 13819606 TI - [Muscle sensibility and fixation]. PMID- 13819607 TI - [On photography of motility disorders]. PMID- 13819608 TI - [Osteolysis of the lateral clavicular end after compressed air damage]. PMID- 13819609 TI - [A letter from Muenster. Twenty-fifth anniversary of "Haus Hornheide"]. PMID- 13819610 TI - Effects of past experience on exploratory behaviour in rats. PMID- 13819611 TI - Diagnosis of occult and border line disorders of the thyroid. PMID- 13819612 TI - Pathogenesis of rupture of extensor tendons at the wrist in rhumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13819613 TI - Electron microscopy of the degeneration of fine structures in Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. pollen walls. PMID- 13819614 TI - Electrocardiographic diagnosis of idiopathic hypoparathyroidism. PMID- 13819615 TI - Hepatocellular lipofuscin and the pigment of chronic idiopathic jaundice. PMID- 13819616 TI - Treatment of ulcerative colitis with a resin polymyxin phthalylsulfacetamide preparation. PMID- 13819617 TI - A neurological complication in children on phenothiazine tranquillizers. PMID- 13819618 TI - Alteration of the environment of Anopheles larvae by nutria in the Naaman swamps, Acre District, Israel. PMID- 13819619 TI - On the mechanism of the effect of long-term oral administration of methylphenidate (ritalin). PMID- 13819620 TI - [Effect of a prolonged administration of phenmetrazine in clinically-used doses on vegetative reactions in dogs]. PMID- 13819621 TI - [Effect of peroral combinations of reserpine with methylphenidine on vegetatie processes in dogs at rest in inborn and acquired reflexes]. PMID- 13819622 TI - [Experimental work on the appearance of abnormal reactions and their effective therapy]. PMID- 13819623 TI - A genetic constitution frustrating the sexual drive in Drosophila paulistorum. AB - Hybrids obtained in the laboratory between two subspecies of Drosophila paulistorum possess a genetic constitution which is discordant enough so that the hybrid females repel the courtship of all males, and will mate with none. The hybrid males will court and will be rejected by almost all females, including their own hybrid siblings. PMID- 13819624 TI - [On the causes of sulfonamide allergy of the skin]. PMID- 13819625 TI - [The Treponema pallidum immobilization test (Nelson-Mayer) in neurosyphilis]. PMID- 13819626 TI - Effects of combinations of psychopharmacologic agents. PMID- 13819627 TI - Chronic cor pulmonale following thromboembolism: a clinical and pathophysiological study of three cases. PMID- 13819628 TI - [Differential diagnosis of diseminated pulmonary infiltrations]. PMID- 13819629 TI - Lung compliance and respiratory resistance, determined from time-marked esophageal pressure-tidal volume curves and their relation to some other tests of lung function. A clinical and pathophysiological study of 148 cases with various chest diseases. PMID- 13819630 TI - Radioactive heparin studies. PMID- 13819631 TI - Studies made with radioactive heparin in humans. PMID- 13819632 TI - Distribution of injected heparin in different blood fractions. PMID- 13819634 TI - Comparison of alkaline phosphatase methods. PMID- 13819633 TI - [Histological structure of the testes of Rana ridibunda and its changes under the influence of chorionic gonadotropins from urine of pregnant women]. PMID- 13819635 TI - [Study of the cleavage products which originate from lactic acid fermentation with azo dyes. IV. Purification and characterization of an air oxidation product of 1-hydroxy-2-aminonaphthalene-4-sulfonic acid]. PMID- 13819637 TI - The role of myocardial dysfunction in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13819636 TI - An experimental evaluation of the indicator dilution technique for the measurement of mitral regurgitation. PMID- 13819638 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies of diphtheria]. PMID- 13819639 TI - Oxidative enzymes of gingiva. PMID- 13819640 TI - Lactic oxidase of tetrahymena pyriformis: the over-all reaction mechanism. PMID- 13819641 TI - Some theoretical considerations of changes in tissue enzyme activity after whole body x-irradiation of animals. PMID- 13819642 TI - A mammalian and protozoan electron-transport inhibitor in Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13819643 TI - [On the physical efficiency of the body after heart suture]. PMID- 13819644 TI - [Proctitis ulcerosa and its therapy in the sphere of the colitis ulcerosa problem]. PMID- 13819645 TI - Keep hearing aids off the shelf. PMID- 13819646 TI - The "cloud baby": an example of bacterial-viral interaction. PMID- 13819647 TI - Immunologic responses of premature and full-term infants to infection with certain viruses. PMID- 13819648 TI - The problem of staphylococcal infection in newborn infants. PMID- 13819650 TI - [The medical aspects of preserved foods in the food-processing industry]. PMID- 13819649 TI - [Irritants and inflammation-stimulating substances. I]. PMID- 13819651 TI - [Allergies in dermatology]. PMID- 13819652 TI - [First experiences with intensive preoperative irradiation of bronchial carcinoma with cobalt 60]. PMID- 13819653 TI - [Studies on dose distribution in grid irradiation in regard to the pathogenesis of the radiation syndrome and skin tolerance in roentgen deep therapy. II]. PMID- 13819654 TI - [Contribution to the discussion of the proposal of the Commission of DRG for the classification according to grade of lung cancers]. PMID- 13819655 TI - [Studies on the relative biological effectiveness of various radiation qualities on mammals in vivo]. PMID- 13819656 TI - Effect of ACTH on permeability of adrenal cells to sugar. PMID- 13819658 TI - [Clinical-experimental contribution to the diagnosis and therapy of cerebral blood circulation disorders]. PMID- 13819657 TI - The unequal incorporation of tracer progesterone-C 14 into the corticosterone and cortisol synthesized by homogenates of bovine adrenal cortex. PMID- 13819659 TI - [On the clinical aspects and treatment of spondylogenous neuralgia]. PMID- 13819660 TI - [Radiocirculography, a clinical method for the measurement of cerebral blood circulation]. PMID- 13819661 TI - [Radiocirculography, a clinical method of measurement of cerebral blood circulation]. PMID- 13819662 TI - [The present situation in the clinical therapy of depressions]. PMID- 13819663 TI - [On the problem of coli substitution in broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Observations on the use of a natural tetracycline-resistant coli strain in surgery]. PMID- 13819664 TI - [Atebrine and the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13819665 TI - [Storage of I-131 by the trachea. Corrections and supplements]. PMID- 13819666 TI - [On the existing situation of mosquito control in the DDR]. PMID- 13819667 TI - [Suggestions on fly control]. PMID- 13819668 TI - [Therapy of ectoparasitic diseases with drugs for internal application in veterinary medicine]. PMID- 13819669 TI - [Viewpoints on the testing of insecticides for the control of injurious insects]. PMID- 13819671 TI - [On the diagnostic significance of the Finalgon test in acute rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13819670 TI - [On the chemotherapy of Sonne E dysentery in children]. PMID- 13819672 TI - [On nucleus measurements of the thyroid gland and kidney of rats under experimental conditions]. PMID- 13819673 TI - [On the demonstration of esterases in the tissues of the anterior ocular segment]. PMID- 13819674 TI - Suppression of lactation with single-dose hormone medication. PMID- 13819675 TI - The effects of relaxin on term and premature labor. PMID- 13819676 TI - Premenstrual tension syndrome and primary dysmenorrhea. PMID- 13819677 TI - Genetic factors in parabiosis. PMID- 13819678 TI - [Combined muscle-fascia plastic surgery in facial paralysis]. PMID- 13819679 TI - [The pattern and seasonal behavior of the thyroid gland of wild chamois]. PMID- 13819680 TI - [Follicular hormone, reticuloendothelial system and atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13819681 TI - [The effect of various pharmacological agents on liver enzymes in the blood serum in experimental liver damage]. PMID- 13819682 TI - [Clinical observations with a combined tarantihistamine-hydrocortisone ointment]. PMID- 13819684 TI - Effects of thiosemicarbazide on spinal reflex activity. PMID- 13819683 TI - Anticonvulsant properties of hydroxylamine and elevation of cerebral gamma aminobutyric acid in cats. PMID- 13819685 TI - The hippocampal arousal pattern in rabbits. PMID- 13819686 TI - A second contribution to the study of the narcissistic mortification. PMID- 13819687 TI - [Psychoanalysis: science, art or bureaucracy?]. PMID- 13819688 TI - [Investigations on gamma-pyrones. Part 4. Condensation of gamma-pyrones with cyclic malonic acid amide]. PMID- 13819689 TI - [Studies on gamma-pyrones. 2. On the optical properties of meconic acid derivatives]. PMID- 13819690 TI - [Studies on gamma-pyrones. 3. Optical studies on 4-thiomeconic acid derivatives]. PMID- 13819691 TI - Pyrimidine studies. II. Effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine and related nucleosides on incorporation of precursors into nucleic acid pyrimidines. PMID- 13819692 TI - [Quantitative studies on the propagation of Borrelia erractici in the white mouse]. PMID- 13819693 TI - [Demonstration of complement-fixing antibodies in infections with Borrelia]. PMID- 13819694 TI - The use of p-nitro-alpha-acetylamino-beta-hydroxy-propiophenone (NAP) in the differentiation of mycobacteria. PMID- 13819695 TI - A microbiological assay for the quantitative determination of glycerol. PMID- 13819696 TI - [On the existence of certain types of latent injuries of irradiated molecules of myosin]. PMID- 13819697 TI - [On the existence of certain enzyme-active conditions of myosin with various degrees of thermolability]. PMID- 13819698 TI - The effect of electro-convulsive therapy on spinal fluid constitutents. PMID- 13819699 TI - Brain and behavior: 1. Neurohumors, drugs, and behavior. PMID- 13819700 TI - [A contribution to the efficacy of Phemister's bone graft in the treatment of pseudarthrosis]. PMID- 13819701 TI - [The teleological principle in the teaching of fracture healing]. PMID- 13819702 TI - [Tranquilizers from the point of view of the internist]. PMID- 13819703 TI - The body image barrier concept. PMID- 13819704 TI - [Prevalence of rheumatic heart disease among elementary and secondary school students in Jerusalem]. PMID- 13819705 TI - [Localization of the tip of Ling-Gerard capillary electrodes in the renal tubuli in measurement of active ion transport]. PMID- 13819707 TI - [Concrete suggestions for a quick reform of the study of medicine]. PMID- 13819706 TI - [Large papillomatous granulation tumor in the nose caused by atypical tropical fungi seldom appearing in Europe]. PMID- 13819708 TI - [The tonsil problem. (Critical observations on antibody formation in the tonsils]. PMID- 13819709 TI - [Total pancreatectomy]. PMID- 13819710 TI - Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on plasma concentrations of 17 hydroxycorticosteroids, dehydroepiandrosterone and androsterone in man. PMID- 13819712 TI - An ounce of prevention.... PMID- 13819711 TI - Coarctation of the aorta. Atypical localization central to the origin of the innominate artery. PMID- 13819713 TI - Comparative hypnotic efficacy of "phenaglate". PMID- 13819715 TI - [Latent erythrocyte turnover. Calculation and morphological demonstration]. PMID- 13819714 TI - Prolonged neuropsychiatric disability and cardiomyopathy in acute intermittent porphyria. PMID- 13819716 TI - [Long-term treatment of chronic cardiac decompensation with hydroflumethiazide (rontyl). 14-Months experience]. PMID- 13819717 TI - The human aorta. VI. The regression of atherosclerosis in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13819718 TI - [Spirolactone, an aldosterone-antagonistic steroid. Illustration of its effects on a patient with liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13819719 TI - [Treatment of diabetes in-sipidus with rontyl]. PMID- 13819720 TI - Epidemics of primary tuberculosis and their significance. PMID- 13819721 TI - [Does chemoprophylaxis of influenza infection still have significance today? Report on a blind test]. PMID- 13819722 TI - [Research on the behavior of anti-streptolysin O of the blood in rheumatoid arthritis. (With special refeence to the clinical characteristics of the disease and to the presence of the rheumatoid factor]. PMID- 13819723 TI - [Clinical data and considerations on the therapeutic action of a combination of vitamin B 1 with B 12 and adenosine monophosphoric acid in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13819724 TI - On the development and regression of the muellerian ducts in the male hamster. PMID- 13819725 TI - [Data for the study of antitoxic immunity in diphtheria in child homes in Vladivostok]. PMID- 13819726 TI - Thyrotrophin as an aid in radioiodine treatment. PMID- 13819727 TI - [The clinical evaluation of the process of healing of a tuberculous cavity]. PMID- 13819728 TI - Clinical and experimental nephropathy resulting from use of neomycin sulfate. PMID- 13819729 TI - Present status of marrow transplantation for leukemia. PMID- 13819730 TI - [Data on an Old German collective manuscript from the Italian convent Farfa]. PMID- 13819731 TI - [Information on Heidelberg medical history of the fifteenth and sixteenth century from manuscripts and early printed matter]. PMID- 13819732 TI - [Overestimation of the classical antique?]. PMID- 13819733 TI - Benzthiazide--a new oral diuretic. A preliminary report. PMID- 13819734 TI - P wave in electrocardiograms; observations of thyrotoxic patients. PMID- 13819735 TI - Developmental level and sensory impairment in the aged. PMID- 13819736 TI - Rorschach rigidity and sensory decrement in a senescent population. PMID- 13819737 TI - The occurrence of trachoma in the Eastern Caprivi Strip of South West Africa. PMID- 13819738 TI - Immunization of the rural Bantu against diphtheria in the Northern Transvaal. I. Immunity produced after one, and after two, injections of alum-precipitated toxoid. PMID- 13819739 TI - A long sump for operative decompression of obstructed bowel. PMID- 13819740 TI - An indwelling plastic conduit for relief of obstruction in unresectable carcinoma of the stomach. PMID- 13819741 TI - The portal hypotensive action of pituitrin. PMID- 13819742 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the cervical portion of the thoracic duct. PMID- 13819743 TI - Pressurized therapy: a new treatment for vascular diseases and coincidental low back pain. PMID- 13819744 TI - The routine use of lumbar epidural anaesthesia in obstetrics: a clinical review of 9,532 cases. PMID- 13819745 TI - Mood elevating effects of chlorphenoxamine HCl. PMID- 13819746 TI - Laboratory and clinical experience with leucomycin, a new antibiotic. PMID- 13819747 TI - Preliminary studies of the antibacterial activity of a plastic spray containing tetramethylthiuramdisulfide intended for use on the skin. PMID- 13819748 TI - Brain and behavior: session I. Symposium, 1959. 5. Conceptual problems in relating brain and behavior. PMID- 13819749 TI - Child psychiatry; mental deficiency. PMID- 13819750 TI - Spontaneous perforation of umbilical hernia. The need for early herniorrhaphy in ascites. PMID- 13819751 TI - Bishydroxycoumarin toxicity: some physiological aspects and report of a death from spontaneous subdural hematoma. PMID- 13819752 TI - Clinical significance of notched T waves. PMID- 13819753 TI - Phonocardiographic features of atrial septal defect. PMID- 13819754 TI - Cerebral hemodynamic and metabolic studies in patients with congestive heart failure. II. Observations in confused subjects. PMID- 13819755 TI - Blood volume in patients with acute glomerulonephritis as determined by radioactive chromium tagged red cells. PMID- 13819756 TI - The effect of nylidrin hydrochloride (arlidin) on the cerebral circulation. PMID- 13819757 TI - Parasitic diarrheas: incidence, diagnosis, and treatment. PMID- 13819758 TI - [Absence of extrahepatic biliary gallbladder. Demonstration of an intrahepatic rudimentary gallbladder]. PMID- 13819759 TI - [The hyperlipemia of alcoholics]. PMID- 13819760 TI - [Hyperlipemia with lactescence of the serum in the course of alcoholic cirrhosis with severe anorexia]. PMID- 13819761 TI - [Rudimentary gallbladder inclosed within the right lobe, discovered during an operation for pseudolithiasic painful syndrome]. PMID- 13819762 TI - [Research on cleavage products which originate by lactic acid fermentation from azo dyes. I. Azorubin and fast red E and their reductive cleavage products]. PMID- 13819763 TI - [Research on cleavage products which originate by lactic acid fermentation from azo dyes. II. Oxidative cleavage products of azorubin and fast red E which originate from the reductive products by the action of atmospheric oxygen]. PMID- 13819764 TI - Discussion of apparent anomalies in lung retention of uranium. PMID- 13819765 TI - The selection of candidates applying for psychoanalytic training. PMID- 13819766 TI - The evaluation of the internal anal sphincterotomy operation with special reference to anal fissure. PMID- 13819767 TI - [Clinical experiences with the respiratory tonic micoren in gynecological surgery and obstetrics]. PMID- 13819768 TI - Indications for portasystemic anastomosis. PMID- 13819769 TI - Prolonged anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13819770 TI - Systemic rheumatoid arthritis and hypercortisonism. PMID- 13819771 TI - Ten years continuous anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13819772 TI - Inhibition of protein synthesis by D-aspartate and a possible site of its action. PMID- 13819773 TI - Effect of sodium chloride feeding on adrenocortical hormone secretion of salt deprived rats. PMID- 13819774 TI - Inhibition of gluconeogenic action of cortisol in pyridoxine-deficient rats. PMID- 13819775 TI - Relationship of vitamin B6 to gluconeogenic action of cortisol. PMID- 13819776 TI - Fatal amebiasis complicating corticosteroid management of pemphigus vulgaris. PMID- 13819777 TI - Angina pectoris and rehabilitation in geriatric patients. PMID- 13819778 TI - [Inhalation introxication with nickel tetracarbonyl]. PMID- 13819779 TI - [Diet therapy of renal lithiasis]. PMID- 13819780 TI - The relationship between response strength and one parameter of the hunger drive. PMID- 13819781 TI - The activity of thiocarbanilides and related antituberculous agents against experimental photochromogenic infections. PMID- 13819782 TI - [Blood sugar examinations with the enzymatic method of "true" glucose]. PMID- 13819783 TI - Epilepsy in the families of epileptics. PMID- 13819784 TI - Hereditary aspects of epilepsy. PMID- 13819785 TI - [Tuberculostatic effects of INH complexes with bivalent metals]. PMID- 13819786 TI - Multiple papillomas of the entire biliary tract: case report. PMID- 13819787 TI - Photocoagulation. Theoretical considerations on its use in the peripheral retina. PMID- 13819788 TI - ["Familial perleche" simulated by hereditary bilateral fistulae of the corner of the mouth]. PMID- 13819789 TI - A demagnetiser for surgical instruments. PMID- 13819790 TI - Tangent screen illumination. PMID- 13819791 TI - [Precipitating factors and sequelae in pulmonary hypertension]. PMID- 13819792 TI - Psychiatric investigations among refugee patients in Norway. With some remarks on the causal chains in mental disorders. PMID- 13819793 TI - [On the prophylactic use of procaine (compound H3)]. PMID- 13819795 TI - [On the intravital diagnosis of dissecting aortic aneurysm]. PMID- 13819794 TI - Antibody response to heterologous protein in rabbits of varying maturity. PMID- 13819796 TI - Proteins, lipoproteins and protein-bound carbohydrates in the serum of diabetic patients. PMID- 13819797 TI - [Follow-up of the material of smokers difficult to treat]. PMID- 13819798 TI - The influence of diet on the cholesterol level in the blood serum of Polish merchant marine crews. PMID- 13819799 TI - Sodium and potassium levels in the blood serum of healthy people. PMID- 13819800 TI - The vitamin C level in the urine of sailors. PMID- 13819801 TI - [Evaluation of the nutrition of deep-sea fishermen on base vessels]. PMID- 13819802 TI - The haemoglobin and the number of erythrocytes in several groups of marine workers. PMID- 13819804 TI - An electronically controlled device for the generation of rotational stimuli. PMID- 13819803 TI - On the effect of continuous acceleration. PMID- 13819805 TI - Steroid studies on urine from mothers of mongoloid infants. PMID- 13819806 TI - Treatment of plantar trophic ulcers with "novolep" in a rural leprosy centre. PMID- 13819807 TI - Respiration measurements in mice. PMID- 13819808 TI - [Sterilization of women as a social-psychiatric indication. A follow-up study]. PMID- 13819810 TI - [Relation of the immediately stated subjective cause of suicide attempts to the frequency of recidivation]. PMID- 13819809 TI - The mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis in mental hospitals in Finland. PMID- 13819811 TI - A new sedation for electroencephalograms of disturbed children in a general hospital. PMID- 13819812 TI - [On new or little-known principles of practical execution of radiation protection in the roentgen diagnostic sector]. PMID- 13819813 TI - [Radiodiagnosis, radiotherapy and radiation protection 1960/1]. PMID- 13819814 TI - [Radiodiagnosis, radiotherapy and radiation protection]. PMID- 13819816 TI - Teflon prosthesis in tracheal defects in man. PMID- 13819815 TI - [Radiodiagnosis, radiotherapy and radiation protection]. PMID- 13819817 TI - Penetrating heart wounds with hemopericardium. PMID- 13819818 TI - [EEG studies on the course of therapy of paranoid schizophrenia with largactil and serpasil]. PMID- 13819819 TI - A method for the simultaneous estimation of total exchangeable sodium and potassium in man. PMID- 13819820 TI - Estimation of protein bound 131 I in plasma. PMID- 13819821 TI - The estimation of thyroxine in human plasma by an electrophoretic technique. PMID- 13819822 TI - On the specificity of the Ruffini like joint receptors. PMID- 13819823 TI - Nociceptive reflexes of the human foot. The plantar responses. PMID- 13819824 TI - The influence of photo-catalytic conversion on the pharmacodynamic properties of ergot alkaloids. Adrenolytic effect and toxicity of lumiergotamine (1) and lumiergocristine (1). PMID- 13819825 TI - Influence of experimental staphylococcic infections on arterial anastomoses and grafts. PMID- 13819827 TI - [Final results and late complications after prostatectomy]. PMID- 13819826 TI - Late results of prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. A clinical study based on 370 cases. PMID- 13819828 TI - [Chylothorax]. PMID- 13819829 TI - [Fracture of the pelvic girdle associated with lesion of the rectum]. PMID- 13819830 TI - A historical survey on the teaching of psychoanalytic technique. PMID- 13819831 TI - The teaching of psychoanalytic technique. PMID- 13819832 TI - [Medullary sponge kidney]. PMID- 13819833 TI - Retrocaval ureter; two roentgenographically diagnosed and surgically corrected cases. PMID- 13819834 TI - Pharmacological studies on two antihistaminics with prolonged action, longifene and postafene. PMID- 13819835 TI - [Certain aspects of the reorganization of higher medical education]. PMID- 13819836 TI - [Current problems of microbiology (data of the Seventh International Congress in Stockholm]. PMID- 13819837 TI - [Lesson and its elements]. PMID- 13819838 TI - [Cultivation of Flexner bacilli in chick embryos]. PMID- 13819839 TI - [Effect of mercamin on the liver: experimental morphological research]. PMID- 13819840 TI - [Experience in military medical expert testimony in neuroses]. PMID- 13819841 TI - [Ganglion-blocking and neuroplegic substances in otolaryngological operations]. PMID- 13819842 TI - [Molecular weight and enzymatic activity of proteolytic enzymes irradiated by ultrasonic waves]. PMID- 13819843 TI - [On ultrasonic representation of organs and tissues of the animal organism]. PMID- 13819844 TI - [On oxidation processes of biologically-active substances in the field of ultraviolet waves]. PMID- 13819845 TI - [On the centenary of the discovery of Lamblia. Sketch of the history of lambliosis]. PMID- 13819847 TI - [Some data on the treatment of peptic ulcer in children in the sanatorium for children "Ozero Shira"]. PMID- 13819846 TI - [Energy metabolism of cancer cells]. PMID- 13819848 TI - A familial convulsive disorder with an unusual onset during intrauterine life: a case report. PMID- 13819849 TI - Cattie ringworm caused by Trichophyton verrucosum as a source of tinea capitis in children. PMID- 13819850 TI - Alveolar cell carcinoma of the lungs. The first report of a case in Egypt and review of the literature. PMID- 13819851 TI - Controlled hypotension by a thiophanium derivative during surgery. PMID- 13819852 TI - Studies on the toxicity of pyrithiamine. PMID- 13819853 TI - The development of the skull of Chalcides ocellatus. II. The fully formed chondrocranium and the osteocranium of a late embryo. PMID- 13819854 TI - A study of the interaction of electroconvulsive shock with chlorpromazine and reserpine in rats. PMID- 13819855 TI - Physiologic management of ventilation during anesthesia. PMID- 13819856 TI - Head-tilt method of oral resuscitation. PMID- 13819857 TI - Resuscitation of drowning victims. PMID- 13819858 TI - [Determination of respiratory volume under anesthesia. Use of a new apparatus for measurement of the respiratory volume]. PMID- 13819859 TI - Composition and synthesis of lipids in resting and phagocytizing leukocytes. AB - The lipid content of rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes, obtained from peritoneal exudates, constituted 8.7 +/- 2.9 per cent of the dry weight of these cells; 60 per cent of all lipids were phospholipids, 20 per cent triglycerides, and the remainder cholesterol and cholesterol esters and a small amount of non esterified fatty acids (2 to 4 per cent). The composition of the fatty acids in leukocytes, as determined by gas-liquid chromatography, was slightly different from rabbit serum and red blood cells, but markedly different from the dietary fat. The synthesis, turnover, and composition of lipids in rabbit leukocytes at rest and during phagocytosis in vitro were compared. Lipid content and composition were not affected by the phagocytic process. However, active phagocytosis resulted in an increase in the rate of turnover of lipids. This stimulation of lipid metabolism was more marked in triglycerides and cholesterol esters than in phospholipids. It is suggested that the increased turnover of lipid during phagocytosis may reflect a general metabolic stimulation accompanying this process, rather than a specific synthesis of phospholipid for the production of new cell membrane. PMID- 13819860 TI - [On regulations concerning bloodletting procedures in cases of suspected criminal action under the influence of alcohol]. PMID- 13819861 TI - Response of peritoneal exudate cells to Brucella melitensis. Influence of nature ox inflammatory irritant. PMID- 13819862 TI - [Immunization of goats against brucellosis. (Summary of the experiments concerning the isolation, properties and behavior of vaccine strain)]. PMID- 13819864 TI - Immunization against Brucella infection. 7. Immunological and epidemiological studies in Cordoba, Spain. AB - The author describes a study, carried out in the Province of Cordoba, Spain, to test the efficacy of a live vaccine prepared from the Rev I strain of Brucella melitensis against caprine brucellosis and to determine the extent of natural infection in goats and humans in the Province.It was found that the vaccine significantly increased the resistance of the goats to infection without inducing a carrier state of the vaccine strain and that the immunity persisted for at least 15 months-the period of test.Serum agglutination tests, milk ring tests, and milk culture tests on goats showed that approximately 16-29% of the individual animals examined would be considered infective on the basis of one or other of the tests. Of the 118 herds tested, 111 were discovered to be harbouring infected animals.Serum agglutination tests on humans revealed that 25 of the 880 people tested (2.8%) had titres of 160 International Units (IU) or above and that, on the basis of a diagnostic titre of 80 IU or above, 7% of the population would be regarded as showing evidence of a past or present infection. PMID- 13819863 TI - Cellular immunity. PMID- 13819865 TI - Titles in hospital administration. PMID- 13819866 TI - A reaction of water with rattail tendons (hydration-elongation). PMID- 13819867 TI - The swelling and extractability of human sponge-biopsy connective tissue. PMID- 13819868 TI - Some steroid hormone-like effects of menthol. AB - Menthol or menthone, or both, like progesterone, have been shown to have the following biological activities: (i) an inhibitory action on liver and kidney aldehyde dehydrogenase activity which, under certain circumstances, is reflected in an increased rate of oxidation of D-galactose, and (ii) a stimulatory effect on the oxidation of D-galactose by two prepubertal congenitally galactosemic subjects. PMID- 13819869 TI - The biosynthesis and turnover of oxalate in normal and hyperoxaluric subjects. PMID- 13819870 TI - A new agglutination reaction in the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases: the Hyland Ra test. PMID- 13819871 TI - The effect of cooling on mammalian muscle spindles. PMID- 13819872 TI - Response of muscle spindles to stimulation of the sympathetic trunk. PMID- 13819873 TI - An inquiry into the causes and prevention of complications in resection surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13819874 TI - Acoustic trauma following intermittent exposure to tones. PMID- 13819875 TI - Acoustic trauma following intermittent exposure to tones. PMID- 13819876 TI - Clinical implications of recent research on the inner ear. PMID- 13819877 TI - How to plan an efficient autopsy room. PMID- 13819878 TI - Effect of mechanical factors on respiratory work and ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide. PMID- 13819879 TI - The alveolar-capillary block syndrome. PMID- 13819880 TI - Emergency drug cabinet helps nurses fill night orders. PMID- 13819881 TI - [Ladd's syndrome]. PMID- 13819882 TI - A new technique for the control of hospital cross-infection. Experience with BRL. 1241 in a maternity unit. PMID- 13819883 TI - Multiple keratoacanthoma. Report of a case following the administration of mercurial diuretics. PMID- 13819884 TI - [The features of pancreatic duct structure and their significance in surgery]. PMID- 13819886 TI - A case of localized gastric abscess. PMID- 13819885 TI - [Open reduction of the hip in congenital dislocation in adolescents and adults]. PMID- 13819887 TI - Treatment of advanced carcinoma of the breast by oophorectomy and prednisone. PMID- 13819888 TI - The role of photography in pediatrics. PMID- 13819889 TI - Health education in M.C.H. work. PMID- 13819890 TI - Public relations and propaganda. PMID- 13819891 TI - [On pollution of subterranean water in the Central Chernozem Region]. PMID- 13819892 TI - [Effect of sulfur dioxide in the air on certain biochemical indices in the blood in man]. PMID- 13819893 TI - Anterior pituitary cytology of the dwarf mouse. PMID- 13819894 TI - Hematoxylin as a pituitary stain. PMID- 13819895 TI - The transverse tarsal joint and its control. PMID- 13819896 TI - Angiography of the internal carotid with use of the catheter technic. PMID- 13819897 TI - Roentgen findings in a case of phaeochromocytoma. PMID- 13819898 TI - Heterotopic pancreatic tissue in the gall bladder wall: report of a case. PMID- 13819899 TI - Splenic cysts. PMID- 13819900 TI - Wound healing in denervated skin of rats. PMID- 13819901 TI - [Vibration during boring with electric drills]. PMID- 13819903 TI - [A case of autonomic dysfunction after acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13819902 TI - [Annual report--unquestionable asset in the work of a health center]. PMID- 13819904 TI - Conservative treatment of chronic mastoiditis. PMID- 13819905 TI - Lingual tonsillitis. PMID- 13819906 TI - Management of dizziness. PMID- 13819907 TI - Management of referred otalgia. PMID- 13819908 TI - Newer concepts in everyday treatment of conditions in otolaryngology. PMID- 13819909 TI - Pruritus: a neglected symptom in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13819910 TI - [Observations on the effects of chlorpromazine on experimental intrahepatic obstructive jaundice]. PMID- 13819911 TI - Electrocardiographic signs of pericarditis in typhoid fever. PMID- 13819912 TI - Excessive requirement of oral digitalis preparations. PMID- 13819913 TI - [A case of necrosing papillitis without fatal outcome]. PMID- 13819914 TI - Malignant disease in the aged: review of 16 years experience in a modern medical facility for the elderly. PMID- 13819915 TI - Blood flow in the renal glomerulus. PMID- 13819916 TI - Multicentric carcinogenesis in the human liver. PMID- 13819917 TI - [Certain physico-chemical and biochemical characteristics of the development of the blood in chick embryo in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13819919 TI - Pen, paper, and parkinsonism. PMID- 13819918 TI - [Contributions to the problem of toxoplasmosis. Serological studies on normal and on brain-damaged subjects, and on dogs]. PMID- 13819920 TI - Treatment of patients with mitral valvular disease by radioactive iodine. PMID- 13819921 TI - [Vaginal cytologic diagnosis]. PMID- 13819922 TI - The effect of prostaglandin on the non-pregnant human uterus in vivo. PMID- 13819923 TI - [Prostaglandin]. PMID- 13819924 TI - Cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis in diabetic nerve and spinal cord. PMID- 13819925 TI - [Experiences with new methods of keloid therapy]. PMID- 13819926 TI - [Calcifications of the adrenal gland in the child]. PMID- 13819927 TI - Magnesium and calcium interrelationships. PMID- 13819928 TI - [Glaucoma associated with progressive essential atrophy of the iris]. PMID- 13819929 TI - [Reduction of intraocular pressure induced by ethoxzolamide]. PMID- 13819930 TI - [On the utilization of precipitation reaction and of serological diagnosis in Candida infections]. PMID- 13819931 TI - [On the evaluation of haptenes from yeast-like fungi from the family Candida in clinical and experimental conditions]. PMID- 13819932 TI - Studies on the mechanism of action of urethane on mammary adenocarcinoma 755. PMID- 13819934 TI - Report of the Chairman of the Technical Development Board to the Governing Council 1958-1959. PMID- 13819933 TI - Potentiation in combinations of three biochemically related antimetabolites. PMID- 13819935 TI - [Effect of bacterial toxins on leukocyte migration in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13819936 TI - [Effect of certain bacterial toxins on leukocyte migration]. PMID- 13819937 TI - [Effect of tetanus toxin on the interoceptors of the carotid sinus]. PMID- 13819938 TI - [The incidence of coronary heart disease in endarteritis obliterans of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13819939 TI - [Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia]. PMID- 13819940 TI - A group version of a perceptual maze test. PMID- 13819941 TI - Maternity care: the administrative aspects of inaugurating the family-centered plan. PMID- 13819942 TI - [The result of work of the sanitary-epidemiological service of a rural area in the system of regional hospitals (from data of the Kingiseppski and Roshchinski districts of the Leningrad region)]. PMID- 13819943 TI - [Fate of a tendon pulled through an artificial channel in the bone]. PMID- 13819944 TI - [On the characteristics of the method of puncture of the left auricle]. PMID- 13819945 TI - [Plaster as a material for the plombage of bone defects]. PMID- 13819946 TI - The effect of partial sterilization of field soils by chemicals upon differential microbial counts, carbon dioxide activity, and rates of organic matter decomposition. PMID- 13819947 TI - Calcified atherosclerosis and cancer. PMID- 13819948 TI - [On Chagas' disease and Trypanosoma cruzi as well as other American Trypanosoma infections]. PMID- 13819949 TI - [Myocardial infarction not due to coronary thrombosis]. PMID- 13819950 TI - The effect of whole-body radiation on autologous skin transplants. PMID- 13819951 TI - X-ray damage and recovery in mammalian cells in culture. PMID- 13819952 TI - Cellular aspects of tumor therapy. PMID- 13819953 TI - Parkinson's disease and related dyskinesias. PMID- 13819954 TI - Paraplegic care and rehabilitation. PMID- 13819955 TI - Renal acidosis. PMID- 13819956 TI - Symposium on regulation of the cardiovascular system in health and disease: regulation of water and electrolytes. PMID- 13819957 TI - The kidney and hydrogen ion metabolism. PMID- 13819958 TI - Acetate and fumarate permeases of Mycobacterium smegmatis. PMID- 13819959 TI - [On the relations of urinary calculi formation to the shape of the kidney pelvis]. PMID- 13819960 TI - Ribonucleases of mouse tissues and of the Ehrlich ascites tumour. PMID- 13819961 TI - The interaction of infections ribonucleic acid with a mammalian cell line. I. Relationship between the osmotic pressure of the medium and the production of infectious centers. PMID- 13819962 TI - Intensive care unit wins patient, personnel approval. PMID- 13819963 TI - Diabetic diarrhea with malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13819964 TI - Diabetic neuropathy following stress situations. PMID- 13819965 TI - Diabetic neuropathy: a consideration of factors in onset. PMID- 13819966 TI - Diabetic neuropathy: evaluation of factors in onset. PMID- 13819967 TI - The deep reflexes in old age. PMID- 13819969 TI - Zoological garden and mental hospital. PMID- 13819968 TI - Cultural aspects of mental illness. PMID- 13819970 TI - Dissociation constants of peptides. V. Continuous infrared spectroscopy in aqueous solutions between 1,000 and 5,00 cm-1 (2 to 10 microns). PMID- 13819971 TI - Counting efficiency of Co56, Co58 and Co60 with 2 counters and 3 counting technics. PMID- 13819972 TI - Absolute configuration and parasympathomimetic activity. Chemistry and pharmacology of acetyl-beta-methylcholine. PMID- 13819973 TI - Studies on bacterial utilization of uronic acids. 4. Alginolytic and mannuronic acid oxidizing isolates. PMID- 13819974 TI - The treatment of toxic nodular goiter with radioactive iodine: 10 years' experience with 436 cases. PMID- 13819975 TI - [Experiences with butazolidin therapy of acute superficial thrombophlebitis after 2000 injections]. PMID- 13819976 TI - The use of frozen pooled citrated normal plasma as a daily control for determinations of plasma prothrombin time. PMID- 13819977 TI - Nursing home care for the older person. PMID- 13819978 TI - Nursing service in disasters. PMID- 13819979 TI - The bridge between. PMID- 13819980 TI - Some observations on cultural and biochemical characteristics of Leptospira pomona. PMID- 13819982 TI - Cortical electrical responses to visual stimulation in the human infant. PMID- 13819981 TI - Development of evoked responses in visual and auditory cortices of kittens. PMID- 13819983 TI - Some approaches to clinical blood coagulation in children. PMID- 13819984 TI - [Experiences in the treatment of diabetes with the oral drugs rastinon, diabinese and dibein]. PMID- 13819985 TI - A cataract operation in a centenarian. PMID- 13819986 TI - Lesions of the macula and perimacular region of involutional and senile origin. PMID- 13819987 TI - Comparative determinations of carbon dioxide content in blood. Studies of small samples of whole blood exposed to air for a few seconds and for 4 minutes at 37.5 degrees C. PMID- 13819988 TI - Further studies of catheter-venosets employing half-needle guide. PMID- 13819989 TI - Cosmic ray intensity in interplanetary space. PMID- 13819990 TI - Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. PMID- 13819991 TI - Staphylococcal invasion of pulmonary infarcts. PMID- 13819993 TI - Clinical observations regarding negative practice. PMID- 13819992 TI - Dietary fluoride related to fluoride content of teeth. PMID- 13819994 TI - Symptosium on cerebrovascular disease. PMID- 13819995 TI - Heart catheterization and angio-cardiography. PMID- 13819996 TI - The dietitian on the nursing faculty. PMID- 13819997 TI - Gonadal dysgenesis in three sisters. PMID- 13819998 TI - Accidental acute irradiation from cobalt-60. PMID- 13819999 TI - The written paper of the final M.B., B. Ch. examination in medicine. PMID- 13820000 TI - Perforated peptic ulcer treated by the nonoperative method. PMID- 13820001 TI - Nursing care in adrenal hyperfunction. PMID- 13820002 TI - Observations on glial metabolism: water and electrolyte distribution. PMID- 13820003 TI - A cyst in the deltoid associated with rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13820004 TI - Intravenous protoveratrine in the prevention and management of eclampsia. PMID- 13820005 TI - A method of beta particle treatment. PMID- 13820006 TI - Insecticide resistance in populations of Anopheles gambiae in West Africa. AB - A method published by Elliott in 1958 for investigation of insecticide resistance in Anopheles larvae has been applied to strains of A. gambiae from various parts of West Africa, and the results analysed to provide information as to the proportions of the three possible genotypes in the different populations.At Kano, the gene conferring resistance to dieldrin and gamma-BHC appears to be increasing in the wild population, being present in about 50% and 42% of the population in the homozygous (RR) and heterozygous (RS) states respectively. Theoretical considerations suggest that in a situation where the male heterozygote is sterile, the gene in the minority will tend to become extinct in the absence of any specific selection. In a colony maintained in captivity for six generations without intentional selection the reverse was seen to happen, the S gene increasing its representation at the expense of the R gene.In Sokoto Province, some figures of the same type were obtained; these are analysed and found to produce results compatible with those from Kano, especially as regards the LC(50) level derived for the effect of gamma-BHC on the RS fraction of the population.At Freetown, a similar analysis suggests that the factor conferring resistance to gamma-BHC has also appeared. About 66% of the sample examined appear to carry the R gene.At Ibadan, samples of the population showed some tolerance to dieldrin, but the presence of the specific type of resistance seen elsewhere was not established. The tolerance appears to be non-specific, as some relative tolerance to DDT appeared to be present also. PMID- 13820007 TI - Insecticide resistance in some Anopheles larvae. PMID- 13820009 TI - Sclerema. PMID- 13820008 TI - Metastatic carcinoma masquerading as primary thyroid cancer: a report of authors' 14 cases. PMID- 13820010 TI - Translumbar aortography. PMID- 13820011 TI - Group and type-specific polysaccharides of group D Streptococci. PMID- 13820012 TI - The management of acute renal failure. PMID- 13820013 TI - Vaccinal osteomyelitis. PMID- 13820014 TI - Aminoacetone formation by Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13820015 TI - The estimation of aminoacetone and 5-aminolaevulic acid. PMID- 13820016 TI - The areas within concentration isopleths downwind of continuous point source. PMID- 13820018 TI - Homosexuality and creativity. PMID- 13820017 TI - Guilt, shame, and frigidity. PMID- 13820019 TI - Antagonism of drug-induced pulsus alternans in dogs. PMID- 13820022 TI - Attempt at ablation of the pituitary gland by implantation of radioactive material. PMID- 13820021 TI - Jury's responsibility in assessing diminished responsibility. PMID- 13820020 TI - Coexisting mechanical and electrical alternation in drug-induced pulsus alternans in dogs. PMID- 13820023 TI - The use of the rad in clinical practice. PMID- 13820024 TI - Investigations of the entry of strontium 90 into human diet in the United Kingdom. PMID- 13820025 TI - Further studies in achalasia of the cardia. PMID- 13820026 TI - The innervation of the cardia and lower oesophagus in man. PMID- 13820027 TI - The natural history of achalasia of the cardia. PMID- 13820028 TI - Defect of the atrial septum in the elderly. Report of successful surgical correction in five patients sixty years of age or older. PMID- 13820029 TI - Long esophagomyotomy for diffuse spasm of the esophagus and hypertensive gastro esophageal sphincter. PMID- 13820030 TI - Surgical treatment of the tetralogy of Fallot. PMID- 13820031 TI - Surgical management of persistent common atrioventricular canal. PMID- 13820032 TI - Primary tumors of the mediastinum. PMID- 13820033 TI - Results of surgical treatment. PMID- 13820034 TI - Surgical management of benign esophageol obstruction. PMID- 13820035 TI - Naval medical statistics. PMID- 13820036 TI - Personnel research. PMID- 13820037 TI - Paternity tests in Wayne County. PMID- 13820038 TI - The Maillard reaction. PMID- 13820039 TI - Surgery of the inferior oblique muscle following complications of operation on the lateral rectus muscle. PMID- 13820040 TI - Closed injuries of the pancreas. With special reference to pseudocyst formation. PMID- 13820041 TI - Serum complement, rheumatoid factor, and other serum proteins in rheumatoid disease and systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13820042 TI - The estimation and recovery of dextran sulphates in biological fluids. PMID- 13820043 TI - Recovery of spermatozoa from semen stains. PMID- 13820044 TI - Benzyl cinnamate (Jacobson's solution) with vitamin A. A one-year experience in the treatment of cerebrovascular lesions. PMID- 13820045 TI - Prompt effects of high-level irradiation on animal metabolism. PMID- 13820046 TI - The skull in hyperparathyroid bone disease. PMID- 13820047 TI - Operant behavior in mental defectives: exploratory studies. PMID- 13820048 TI - Effects of verbal urging and praise upon rotary pursuit performance in mental defectives. PMID- 13820049 TI - Learning in mentally defective, normal, and superior subjects. PMID- 13820050 TI - The diagnostic importance of pupillary reflexes. PMID- 13820051 TI - Inservice training. An outline of an inservice program to train nonprofessional personnel in ethics and etiquette. PMID- 13820052 TI - Vascular patterns associated with categen hair follicles in the human scalp. PMID- 13820053 TI - 1-Glyceryl-2-myo-inosityl phosphate: alternative synthesis and behavior on hydrolysis. PMID- 13820054 TI - Pituitary proteinase I: Purification and action on growth hormone and prolactin. PMID- 13820055 TI - Pernicious anemia masked by multivitamins containing folic acid. PMID- 13820056 TI - Medical evidence in nullity suit. PMID- 13820057 TI - Anterior transabdominal adrenalectomy for endocrine disease. PMID- 13820058 TI - Anal fissure occurring in infants and children. PMID- 13820059 TI - Obstetrical anesthesia. PMID- 13820060 TI - Clinical and physiologic results following radioactive iodine (I131) in the treatment of chronic pulmonary insufficiency. PMID- 13820061 TI - The ultraviolet inactivation of pneumococcus transforming factor. PMID- 13820062 TI - Technical problems in the surgical repair of intrathoracic aneurysms. PMID- 13820063 TI - Surgical treatment of congenital heart disease in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13820064 TI - Analysis of ventilatory and respiratory function after 82 thoracic and nonthoracic operations. PMID- 13820065 TI - Comparative study of 6-chloropurine and 6-mercaptopurine in acute leukemia in adults. PMID- 13820066 TI - The use of an imidazolyl derivative of thioguanine in acute leukemia. PMID- 13820068 TI - A host effect on bacteriophage survival after ultraviolet irradiation. PMID- 13820069 TI - Pulmonary manifestations of Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13820067 TI - Studies of recurrent herpes simplex infections following section of the trigeminal nerve. PMID- 13820070 TI - Association of cardiac pulmonary haemosiderosis and fibrosis. PMID- 13820072 TI - Pulmonary haemosiderosis. Clinical and radiological aspects. PMID- 13820071 TI - The resemblance between sarcoidosis with hypercalcaemia and hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13820073 TI - The social implications of chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13820074 TI - [On the diffusion of some antiseptics from ointment bases]. PMID- 13820075 TI - [Determination of sulfonamides in blood and urine]. PMID- 13820076 TI - A colorimetric method for the assay of soluble succinic dehydrogenase and pyridinenucleotide-linked dehydrogenases. PMID- 13820077 TI - Juvenile melanoma of the uvea. PMID- 13820078 TI - Neurologic examination of the infant; newborn to 12 months. PMID- 13820079 TI - [Clinical aspects and therapy of armour heart. Report on 115 operated cases]. PMID- 13820080 TI - Failure to thrive: role of the mother. PMID- 13820081 TI - Clinical evaluation of dexamethasone. Preliminary report. PMID- 13820082 TI - [Erythremic myelosis in the rabbit in benzol poisoning]. PMID- 13820083 TI - The management of school phobia by the family physician. PMID- 13820084 TI - A study of acetylcholine induced contractures in denervated mammalian muscle. PMID- 13820085 TI - Studies on D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. XIV. The effect of pH on the steric properteis. PMID- 13820086 TI - Studies on D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. XV. The effect of urea. PMID- 13820087 TI - Role of the coenzyme in the stabilization of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. PMID- 13820088 TI - [A case of true anal imperforation]. PMID- 13820089 TI - [Paradoxical differences between the behaviors of normal mice exposed to antenatal leukemogenic injury and inbred AKR-leukemia mice; preliminary report]. PMID- 13820090 TI - Conformational control of bond migration in the D-homo rearrangement of 17 hydroxy-20-keto steroids. PMID- 13820091 TI - Bronchography in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13820092 TI - Sarcoma of the pulmonary artery. PMID- 13820093 TI - [Antibiotic and antiblastic properties of poine]. PMID- 13820094 TI - Effect of handling on the thyroid-ectomized rat. PMID- 13820095 TI - Further studies on the renal action of glucagon. PMID- 13820096 TI - [The role-playing with dolls in psychotherapy (of adults and children)]. PMID- 13820097 TI - [On the admissions age in nursing schools]. PMID- 13820098 TI - [Juvenile melanoma]. PMID- 13820099 TI - [The hypertrophic form of Darier's disease]. PMID- 13820100 TI - [The hypertrophic form of Darier's disease]. PMID- 13820102 TI - Recent findings in amoebiasis. PMID- 13820101 TI - The tetracyclines in amebiasis. PMID- 13820103 TI - Impedance matching circuit for the mercury strain gauge. PMID- 13820104 TI - Circulation of heart to the hands of Arctic Indians. PMID- 13820105 TI - Periodic health examination. Nature and distribution of newly discovered disease in executives. PMID- 13820106 TI - Biochemical differences in ribonucleo-proteins. PMID- 13820107 TI - Latent enzymic activity of a ribonucleoprotein isolated from Escherichia coli. PMID- 13820108 TI - Preparation and properties of a ribonucleoprotein isolated from Escherichia coli. PMID- 13820110 TI - Antemortem radiographic demonstration of gas gangrene of the liver. PMID- 13820109 TI - Role of the curative workshop in trial-visit programs. PMID- 13820111 TI - [Amphetamine psychoses]. PMID- 13820112 TI - [Ulcus duodeni and psychogenesis. A report on the literature]. PMID- 13820113 TI - [A contribution to the histology of human stomach mucosa (Measurement results of the fundus-antrum border)]. PMID- 13820114 TI - [The electrolyte content of the human cadaver heart in energetic-dynamic cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13820115 TI - [Histological structural analysis of regressively changed tissue in curettage material]. PMID- 13820116 TI - [Pathological-anatomical comments on the work "Possibilities, limitations and hazards of suction biopsy of the gastric mucosa" by K. Krentz]. PMID- 13820117 TI - Studies on acute rheumatic fever in the adult. II. The rebound phenomenon. PMID- 13820118 TI - Developments in fermenter design and fermentation control. PMID- 13820119 TI - Some pharmacological actions of beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine (PIH). PMID- 13820120 TI - Starch-gel electrophoresis of wheat proteins. PMID- 13820121 TI - Biological activities of some 6-methylated progesterones. PMID- 13820122 TI - Metrotropic activity of some 21-haloprogesterone derivatives. PMID- 13820123 TI - [Contribution to the clinical picture of chronic granulocytopenia in childhood]. PMID- 13820124 TI - Fructose dissimilation of Lactobacillus brevis. PMID- 13820125 TI - [On the problem of differential diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis from rheumatic meningoencephalitis]. PMID- 13820126 TI - Science and medicine. PMID- 13820127 TI - [The problems and wishes of the free practititioner]. PMID- 13820128 TI - ECHO 11 virus associated with aseptic meningitis. PMID- 13820129 TI - Bronchial asthma; prevention and cure by continous postural drainage. PMID- 13820130 TI - Effects of d-tubocurarine on the submandibular salivary gland. PMID- 13820131 TI - Precocious ovarian stimulation following hypothalamic and amygdaloid lesions in rats. PMID- 13820132 TI - [The limbic system and its role in the emotional life]. PMID- 13820133 TI - Lipid metabolism in the diabetic rat. IV. Metabolism of acetate, acetoacetate, butyrate, and mevalonate in vitro. PMID- 13820134 TI - Lipid metabolism in the diabetic rat. III. Acetate metabolism and acetoacetate synthesis in vitro. PMID- 13820135 TI - Mediastinal duplication of the gut. PMID- 13820136 TI - A diffusion cell for the production of very sharp boundaries. PMID- 13820137 TI - Some physico-chemical studies on salts of long chain dicarboxylic acids. PMID- 13820138 TI - The critical micelle concentration of cetomacrogol 1000. PMID- 13820139 TI - The surface activity of 1,16-hexadecane disodium sulphate at the air:water interface. PMID- 13820140 TI - In vitro culture of the Krebs ascites carcinoma and the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma of mice. PMID- 13820141 TI - Radiation hazards in industry. PMID- 13820142 TI - [Diabetic retinopathy]. PMID- 13820143 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acids of central nervous system, kidney, and spleen: a comparison of some chemical and physical properties. PMID- 13820144 TI - Effect of potassium on small and large blood vessels of the dog forelimb. PMID- 13820145 TI - Effect of potassium upon small and large blood vessels of the dog forelimb. PMID- 13820146 TI - [Erythroblastic polyploidy]. PMID- 13820147 TI - Chromatographic separation of urinary corticosteroids: experiences with partition chromatography on cellulose columns. PMID- 13820148 TI - Adrenal phosphorylase and the action of corticotrophin. PMID- 13820149 TI - [Oral antipoliomyelitis vaccination with live attenuated virus in Cuban children. Clinical and serological study]. PMID- 13820151 TI - The effect of relaxin on the contractility of the human pregnant uterus. A tocographic study. PMID- 13820150 TI - Response of Cuban children to oral vaccination with living attenuated poliovirus vaccines. A clinical and serological study. PMID- 13820152 TI - A criterion of oxytocic activity. PMID- 13820153 TI - [On the effect of insulin hypoglycemia on spinal cord reflexes in the cat]. PMID- 13820154 TI - [Chole-bronchial fistula in echinococcosis of the liver]. PMID- 13820155 TI - [On selection of a rational surgical approach to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the left heart]. PMID- 13820156 TI - Vitimin B6 and lipid metabolism in monkeys. PMID- 13820157 TI - Recent research in the B vitamins. PMID- 13820158 TI - Effect of dosage on plateauing in adult female Norway rats receiving a growth hormone containing pituitary extract. PMID- 13820159 TI - The endocrine management of breast cancer. PMID- 13820160 TI - The effect of intermittent positive pressure breathing on the lung compliance and intrapulmonary mixing of gases. PMID- 13820161 TI - Tuberculosis contacts in north-west London. PMID- 13820162 TI - Relation of thermolabile components to optical properties of dental enamel. PMID- 13820163 TI - Intrarenal variations in haematocrit. PMID- 13820164 TI - Technique of irradiation of conscious patients under increased oxygen pressure. PMID- 13820165 TI - Biological effects of a chemical mutagen, diepoxybutane, on tomato. AB - Tomato seeds were treated with three concentrations of 1:2, 3:4-diepoxybutane. Seedling mutations were induced in high amounts with all doses, but other biological effects in the treated generation including delayed germination, chlorophyll-deficiency sectoring in the first true leaves, and failure of plants to bear fruit, were found only with the highest concentration. Neither a lethal nor a partially lethal dose was applied. PMID- 13820166 TI - Occurrence of a hemadsorption virus in normal monkey tissue culture. PMID- 13820167 TI - Congenital siderocytic hypochromic aplastic anaemia. PMID- 13820168 TI - Involuting and scarred glomeruli in the kidneys of infants. PMID- 13820169 TI - "Sudden and unexpected" death in infancy. PMID- 13820171 TI - Othello's epilepsy. PMID- 13820170 TI - Epidemiology of "sudden, unexpected, or rapid" deaths in children. PMID- 13820173 TI - [Paroxysmal blindness of epileptic origin]. PMID- 13820172 TI - [Therapeutic value of new antimyasthenia drugs according to clinical and electromyographic aspects]. PMID- 13820174 TI - Special problems in surgery of the aged. PMID- 13820176 TI - [Dysentery in our country]. PMID- 13820175 TI - The last stitch club. PMID- 13820177 TI - Diarrhoeal diseases in Yugoslavia, with particular reference to Croatia. PMID- 13820178 TI - [Clinical and allergological observations on allergic rhinopathies due to mycophytes in Emilia]. PMID- 13820179 TI - [Clinical and allergological observations on allergic rhinopathy caused by Mycophytes in Emilia]. PMID- 13820181 TI - Variables of successful re-referral by a psychiatric clinic. PMID- 13820180 TI - Stimulating effect of acetylcholine on frog and guinea-pig hearts. PMID- 13820182 TI - Acute ferrous sulfate poisoning in children: report of five cases. PMID- 13820183 TI - Duplication of the stomach and duodenum associated with congenital heart disease: a case report. PMID- 13820184 TI - Antibacterial action of Candida. PMID- 13820185 TI - [Antimicrobial action of Candida against Bacillus subtilis]. PMID- 13820186 TI - Studies on streptococcal hyaluronidase and antihyaluronidase. III. The production and cellular localization of hyaluronidase following streptococcal infection. PMID- 13820187 TI - [Photo-periodic reaction in reproduction]. PMID- 13820188 TI - Effect of sympathetic denervation on the sensitivity of the submaxillary gland to stimulating agents. PMID- 13820189 TI - On the existence of specific secretory sympathetic fibres for the cat's submaxillary gland. PMID- 13820190 TI - Is there a leakage of acetylcholine from post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve endings? PMID- 13820191 TI - Supersensitivity of the submaxillary gland following exclusion of the postganglionic parasympathetic neurone. AB - The repeated subcutaneous injection of four different parasympatholytic agents into cats has been found to cause a supersensitivity of the submaxillary glands to adrenaline. The fact that the level of sensitivity reached is the same with all four drugs is taken as evidence that the supersensitivity is due to the absence of an action of acetylcholine on the gland cells. This acetylcholine can only in part be that released by the secretory impulse, for the supersensitivity produced is more marked than that caused by preganglionic parasympathetic denervation. It is assumed that the postganglionic cholinergic neurone exerts some action of its own on the gland cell. Sensitization above the level reached after decentralization ensues when such an action is abolished by parasympatholytic agents. Degenerative section of the postganglionic fibres would also exclude this action, but for anatomical reasons this cannot be made complete. The supersensitivity which follows this operation is greater than after decentralization but less than that produced by treatment with atropine-like drugs. PMID- 13820192 TI - Changes in the fine structure of rat liver cells brought about by dimethylnitrosamine. PMID- 13820193 TI - Studies on isolated tumour mitochondria: biochemical properties of mitochondria from hepatomas with special reference to a transplanted rat hepatoma of the solid type. PMID- 13820194 TI - Swelling of fresh and aged liver mitochondria as affected by succinate, adenine nucleotides and thyroxine. PMID- 13820195 TI - Efficiency of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylations in intact ascites tumour cells. PMID- 13820196 TI - [On the detection of Salmonella in egg products and other food]. PMID- 13820197 TI - Oestrogen inhibition by steroids and other substances. PMID- 13820198 TI - Oestrogen inhibitors of the stilboestrol series. PMID- 13820199 TI - Parental identification in young children. PMID- 13820200 TI - Young children's discriminations of parent and child roles. PMID- 13820201 TI - Agranulocytosis following therapy with phenothiazine derivatives. PMID- 13820202 TI - Calcium versenate in the diagnosis of chronic lead nephropathy. PMID- 13820203 TI - The distribution and metabolic state of carbon-14 meprobamate in the rat brain. PMID- 13820204 TI - Chemical effects of ionizing radiations on nucleic acids and nucleoproteins. PMID- 13820205 TI - Endocrine therapy in carcinoma of the prostate gland: 10-year survival studies. PMID- 13820206 TI - Endocrine therapy in carcinoma of the prostate gland: 10-year survival studies. PMID- 13820207 TI - Wound disruptions. PMID- 13820208 TI - Surface back-scatter for rectangular fields in the quality range from a half value layer of 1 mm of A1 to cobalt 60 gamma radiation. PMID- 13820209 TI - Treatment time allowances for leaded-down applicators. PMID- 13820210 TI - Amphotericin B and griseofulvin in the treatment of experimental systemic mycoses. PMID- 13820211 TI - Failure of griseofulvin to control experimental systemic mycoses in mice. PMID- 13820212 TI - Prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans in pigeon habitats. PMID- 13820213 TI - [A contribution to the clinical aspects of fresh heart infarct]. PMID- 13820214 TI - [On the recognition of secondary uterus carcinoma]. PMID- 13820215 TI - [On protein-bound carbohydrates of the blood serum and intercellular fluid in chronic polyarthritis rheumatica and arteriosclerosis obliterans]. PMID- 13820216 TI - [On the modification of granulation tissue by choline, acetylcholine and cortisone]. PMID- 13820217 TI - [Histochemical studies on liver punctate]. PMID- 13820218 TI - [On the behavior of glutamic acid transaminase in the electrophoretic separation of serum proteins]. PMID- 13820219 TI - [On some problems of chronic diseases of connective tissue]. PMID- 13820220 TI - [On the protein fractions of thrombi and vascular clots in peripheral arterial circulation disorders]. PMID- 13820222 TI - [Analysis of malignant tumors of the bone treated in the orthopedic clinic in Hradec Kralove]. PMID- 13820221 TI - [The therapy of so-called collagen diseases]. PMID- 13820223 TI - Bacterial agglutination by the combined action of qualitatively distinct antibodies. PMID- 13820224 TI - The significance of changes in the electrocardiogram in hypothermia. PMID- 13820225 TI - [A modification of Hess operation in ptosis of the eyelids]. PMID- 13820226 TI - Systemic innovation in nursing education. PMID- 13820227 TI - On the bile acids in duodenal contents of infants and children. Bile acids and steroids 72. PMID- 13820228 TI - A method for stimulation and simultaneous electroencephalogram recording. PMID- 13820229 TI - Preliminary investigation of phenelzine in the management of angina pectoris. PMID- 13820230 TI - Mast cell disease. PMID- 13820231 TI - Serum cholesterol in acute starvation: a report of 20 cases. PMID- 13820232 TI - Studies of amylase activity in pleural effusions and ascites. PMID- 13820233 TI - Halothane and hypotension. PMID- 13820234 TI - Low incidence of "muscle pain" after suxethonium bromide (brevidil E). A comparison between suxethonium and suxamethonium. PMID- 13820236 TI - [Treatment of cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13820235 TI - [The effect of electrolytic disorders of the humoral medium on the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13820237 TI - [Treatment of the complications of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13820238 TI - [Primary peritoneal carcinoma as a result of chronic foreign body peritonitis (talc)]. PMID- 13820239 TI - [Results obtained with dexamethas one in rheumatology]. PMID- 13820240 TI - [Pharmacology of a new group of central stimulating substances]. PMID- 13820241 TI - Some effects of ovariectomy and injection of ovarian hormones in the armadillo. PMID- 13820242 TI - The reproductive tract of the female nine-banded armadillo. PMID- 13820243 TI - A histological study of the cortex of the ovary of the adult armadillo, with special reference to the question of neoformation of oocytes. PMID- 13820244 TI - Development and structure of the villous haemochorial placenta of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus). PMID- 13820247 TI - Isolation of measles virus at autopsy in cases of giant-cell pneumonia without rash. PMID- 13820246 TI - Studies on an attenuated measles-virus vaccine. I. Development and preparations of the vaccine: technics for assay of effects of vaccination. PMID- 13820245 TI - Electron microscopic observations on the villous haemochorial placenta of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus). PMID- 13820248 TI - Studies on the virus of measles. PMID- 13820250 TI - [Virus-caused exanthemas in man]. PMID- 13820249 TI - Radioactive trash disposal at Los Alamos. PMID- 13820251 TI - The cancer chemotherapy program of the United States. PMID- 13820252 TI - The role of conditional gifts and grants in the medical school of today. PMID- 13820253 TI - [On the local administration of modern corticosteroids in orthopedics]. PMID- 13820254 TI - Formation of nuclear inclusion bodies in tissue culture cells by 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide. PMID- 13820255 TI - [On the lesions of epithelial cells of human amnion caused by poliomyelitis virus in vitro]. PMID- 13820256 TI - [On a virus considered as the foamy virus, isolated in renal cell cultures of Japanese monkey]. PMID- 13820257 TI - [On the development of the poliomyelitis virus in a simplified medium of the synthetic medium no. 199]. PMID- 13820258 TI - [Application of an antifungal antibiotic (kabicidin) in cultures of cells]. PMID- 13820259 TI - [Identification and antigenic typing of strains of poliomyelitis virus isolated in Japan]. PMID- 13820260 TI - The first cleavage furrow in sea urchin eggs does not pass through the sperm entrance point. PMID- 13820261 TI - [Anesthesia in skull and brain surgery]. PMID- 13820262 TI - [Vegetative blockade with chlorprocaine]. PMID- 13820263 TI - [Chromatographic behavior of organic substances of different compound classes toward polyamide]. PMID- 13820264 TI - [Radioactive threads and their uses in dermatology]. PMID- 13820265 TI - [Clinical experiences with triiodothyronine. II]. PMID- 13820266 TI - [Clinico-statistical study of cases of congenital dysplasia of the hip occurring during the 4-year period 1952-1956]. PMID- 13820268 TI - The effect of stimulation of the brain stem on conditioned reflex activity and on behaviour. PMID- 13820267 TI - The role of the mesencephalon, diencephalon and archicortex in the activation and inhibition of the pituitary-adrenocortical system. PMID- 13820269 TI - Corticoids with high lympholytic activity in the adrenal cortex and the venous blood of the adrenals. PMID- 13820270 TI - [On the differential diagnosis of primary atypical pneumonias]. PMID- 13820271 TI - [Marginal note on the description of "combat reaction" in "Dr.Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak]. PMID- 13820272 TI - [Dissecting aortic aneurysm simulating peripheral arterial emboli]. PMID- 13820273 TI - The silent patient. PMID- 13820274 TI - Influence of stress and endocrine factors on plasma proteins in the rat. PMID- 13820275 TI - Relationship of the selective cooling index to the rate of cooling with internal hypothermia. PMID- 13820276 TI - [Grave supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia after myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13820277 TI - The action of adelphan on haemodynamic factors in hypertonic disease. PMID- 13820278 TI - [Correlations between systemic hemodynamic disorders and the stages of clinical evolution of hypertensive disease]. PMID- 13820279 TI - [Diabetes mellitus following cerebrocranial injury]. PMID- 13820280 TI - [Our experience with lumbotomy according to Pressman]. PMID- 13820281 TI - [Surgery of the liver and biliary tract according to data of the surgical ward of the I Gradska obedinena bolnitsa in Sofia]. PMID- 13820283 TI - [Reading in the hospital]. PMID- 13820282 TI - [Nephrolithiasis-causes, distribution, prevention]. PMID- 13820284 TI - [Saint-Lazare Hospital]. PMID- 13820285 TI - [The development of the health service in Costa-Rica]. PMID- 13820286 TI - [The research laboratory of the Societe d'Eutonologie at the Boucicaut Hospital]. PMID- 13820287 TI - Serological tests in long-standing congenital syphilis. A case of long-standing congenital syphilis with only traces of antibodies in both the standard tests for syphilis (STS) and the Treponema pallidum immobilization test (TPI). PMID- 13820288 TI - [Occurrence of seropositive syphilis among pregnant Norwegian women, 1953-58]. PMID- 13820289 TI - [A large intermuscular lipoma of the hip diagnosed by a roentgenological method]. PMID- 13820290 TI - A further case of lung disease caused by an atypical acid-fast organism. PMID- 13820291 TI - [Infectious complications in a surgical department in the periods 1945-1946 and 1956-1957]. PMID- 13820292 TI - [An experimental animal contribution on the mechanism of action of psychopharmacological agents]. PMID- 13820293 TI - [Health control in future health and sick care]. PMID- 13820294 TI - [In memoriam: Bertil Roos]. PMID- 13820295 TI - [The new authoritative promulgation-a report to the medical profession]. PMID- 13820296 TI - Magnetometer method for recording localized movements of stomach walls. PMID- 13820297 TI - The relationship between Rorschach responses and attitudes toward parents. PMID- 13820298 TI - [Study of the free 17-hydroxycorticosteroids of the plasma and of fibrinolysis of the clot under the influence of a pyrogen, in man]. PMID- 13820299 TI - [Clinical application of a test for hypersteroidemia provoked by a pyrogen. I. General principles of the test]. PMID- 13820300 TI - [Eunuchoidism in the clinical picture of partial anterior pituitary insufficiency]. PMID- 13820301 TI - Family-centered maternity care. PMID- 13820302 TI - [Autoplastic transfusion (re-infusion) and blood banks]. PMID- 13820303 TI - [Injuries of the bony pelvis in spontaneous delivery]. PMID- 13820304 TI - Medicine unlimited. PMID- 13820305 TI - Medicine unlimited. PMID- 13820306 TI - A unified concept of health and disease. PMID- 13820307 TI - A unified concept of health and disease. PMID- 13820308 TI - Pseudoangina. PMID- 13820309 TI - [Criticism of the form factor in the blood based on experimental studies]. PMID- 13820310 TI - Effects of steroid hormones upon diphosphopyridine nucleotide-mediated enzymatic reactions. PMID- 13820311 TI - Shifting levels of communication in treatment of adolescent character disorders. PMID- 13820312 TI - Some parameters of the psychological evaluation of children. PMID- 13820313 TI - Effects of temperature and anions on titration curves of frog muscle. AB - Titration curves of frog muscle at 2 degrees C and 25 degrees C were determined in vivo. Lowered temperature decreases respiration without change of colloidal charge or of ion distribution as estimated from charge. Anions which are inhibitors or metabolites combine with muscle colloids, changing the distribution of other ainions and cations. PMID- 13820314 TI - A theory of connective tissue behavior: its implications in periodontal disease. PMID- 13820315 TI - Titration curves of colloidal surfaces. III. Wool. PMID- 13820316 TI - Enzymatic activity of Nitrosomonas extracts. PMID- 13820317 TI - [New common methods of research for exploration of old problems]. PMID- 13820318 TI - [The control of atmospheric and rain water radio-activity at the Saclay nuclear center]. PMID- 13820319 TI - Food faddism. PMID- 13820320 TI - From gills to lungs. PMID- 13820321 TI - Conservative treatment of cancer of the prostate: some clinical observations. PMID- 13820322 TI - [On bone marrow insufficiency in generalized tuberculosis]. PMID- 13820323 TI - Dietary lipemia and the clearing factor. PMID- 13820324 TI - Heparin in acute myocardial infarction: observations indicating the potential advantages of using it as the sole anticoagulant in therapy. AB - There is a considerable body of experimental evidence that heparin is superior as an anticoagulant to any prothrombin depressing drugs. Furthermore its lipemia clearing action affords other benefits which result from the removal of fat from the bloodstream. Important among these beneficial effects is the increased tissue and myocardial oxygen consumption which results from the injection of heparin in atherosclerotic patients. Because of these advantages of heparin over oral anticoagulants, the use of heparin as the sole anticoagulant for three weeks in patients with severe acute myocardial infarction was evaluated as opposed to the customary therapy where heparin is given for several days and then oral anticoagulants are used. The mortality in the dicoumarin treated group was 38 per cent, as compared with 28 per cent in the patients who received only heparin for three weeks. PMID- 13820325 TI - Heparin lipemia clearing reaction and fat transport in man. Summary of available knowledge. PMID- 13820326 TI - Liver function in patients with elevated serum cholesterol or low-density lipoproteins. PMID- 13820327 TI - Short term studies of effect of heparin upon cholesterol excretion in man. PMID- 13820328 TI - The influence of colloidal silicic acid on the in vitro oxygen consumption of rat liver tissue. PMID- 13820329 TI - The use of chicken red cells in the Coombs consumption test as a specific and simple method for the detection of the L.E. factor. PMID- 13820330 TI - [The basic processes of radiation effect in biological systems]. PMID- 13820331 TI - [On the practical significance of the combination of Crataegus with sedative acting substances in the treatment of heart diseases]. PMID- 13820332 TI - [Pharmacological properties of the dimethyloctylammoniumethyl ester of benzilic acid]. PMID- 13820333 TI - The treatment of schizophrenic out-patients with promazine and reserpine. PMID- 13820334 TI - Prevention of psychiatric hospitalization with use of psychopharmacological agents. PMID- 13820335 TI - [On changes of cholinesterase activity in the blood of the rabbit by sensitization and anaphylactic shock]. PMID- 13820336 TI - [The significance of section of the cervical spinal cord for antibody formation and anaphylactic shock]. PMID- 13820337 TI - [Experimental studies on the problem of anaphylactic reactions dependent on the nervous system]. PMID- 13820338 TI - [On 5-hydroxytryptamine liberation in anaphylactic reaction in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13820340 TI - [Acute poisoning with phenacetin and sedative combination preparations containing phenacetin]. PMID- 13820341 TI - [On serotonin liberation during anaphylactic reaction in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13820342 TI - A study of yaws (does congenital yaws occur?). PMID- 13820343 TI - [Bacillary dysentery, antibiotics and sulfaguanidine]. PMID- 13820344 TI - The suicide problem: its growing importance for the family physician. PMID- 13820345 TI - [On anterior pituitary lobe insufficiency after severe obstetrical hemorrhage]. PMID- 13820339 TI - [On the substance liberated in anaphylactic and allergic reaction]. PMID- 13820346 TI - [The fate of alimentary cholesterol in the rat and in the rabbit]. PMID- 13820347 TI - [The choleretic effect of 1-phenyl-1-hydroxy-n-pentane]. PMID- 13820348 TI - A survey of tuberculin and histoplasmin reactors among school children of Washtenaw County, Mich. PMID- 13820349 TI - Hamartoma of the trachea. Report of a case, with a review of the literature of benign trachea neoplasms. PMID- 13820350 TI - The plasma hydrocortisone level in normal subjects and during surgery. II. Determination by the Bojesen method. PMID- 13820351 TI - Hormonal control of mating behavior in an insect. PMID- 13820352 TI - Bone sclerosis in multiple myeloma. PMID- 13820353 TI - [On the prophylaxis of postoperative thromboembolic complications with magnesium]. PMID- 13820354 TI - Determination of N.D.G.A. antioxidant in oily vitamin preparations. PMID- 13820355 TI - Absolute judgments of odor quality. PMID- 13820356 TI - [Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarct with special reference to the significance of unipolar breast and extremity leads]. PMID- 13820357 TI - [Hereditary hypophyseal diabetes insipidus. Observations in pregnancy and description of a family]. PMID- 13820358 TI - [Combined oxygen therapy of peripheral vascular disorders]. PMID- 13820359 TI - Anti-inflammatory effect of obstructive jaundice in rats. PMID- 13820360 TI - An experimental study of the lymph node barrier. Injection of Walker carcinoma 256 in the lymph vessels. PMID- 13820361 TI - Lymphatico-venous communications in the albino rat. PMID- 13820362 TI - Studies on osteopetrosis. III. Roentgenological and pathologic-anatomical investigations on some of the bone changes. PMID- 13820363 TI - Effect of papain on bone. I. A histologic autoradiographic, and micro radiographic study on young dogs. PMID- 13820364 TI - Early changes in the epiphyseal growth zone in experimental osteolathyrism: a histologic, microradiographic and autoradiographic study. PMID- 13820365 TI - An autoradiographic study of the epiphyseal cartilage in normal rabbits after administration of radiosulphate. PMID- 13820366 TI - An autoradiographic study of the epiphyseal cartilage in papain-treated rabbits after administration of radiosulphate. PMID- 13820367 TI - Senior community, western style. PMID- 13820368 TI - [Artificial interruption of pregnancy in current penal law]. PMID- 13820370 TI - The management of Parkinson's disease. PMID- 13820369 TI - [Experimental studies and results of therapy with sulfa perlongit in diseases of the respiratory system]. PMID- 13820371 TI - A new contrast medium for cholecystography. A preliminary report on 40 cases. PMID- 13820372 TI - Ameloblastoma of the mandible: report of a case. PMID- 13820373 TI - Antibiotic control of diarrhea in Whipple's disease. A six-year follow-up of a patient diagnosed by jejunal biopsy. PMID- 13820374 TI - SHKLAIR IL, FOSDICK LS: The effects of saliva on the pH and lactate concentration in dental plaques. I. Caries-rampant individuals. PMID- 13820375 TI - Effect of Thio-TEPA on advanced malignant ovarian tumours. PMID- 13820376 TI - The relationship between inactivation of tobacco mosaic virus by x-rays and breakage of nucleic acid. PMID- 13820377 TI - [Pendulum roentgenotherapy of esophageal cancer: dosimetric tests on dummies and on living patients]. PMID- 13820378 TI - Electrocardiographic evaluation of pulmonic stenosis. PMID- 13820379 TI - Examination of bone marrow. PMID- 13820380 TI - [Neuroleptic therapy and triad of effects on the brain stem]. PMID- 13820381 TI - The use of fibrinolysin in the prevention of thrombus formation in small artery anastomoses. PMID- 13820382 TI - A comparison of the incidence of thrombosis in small arteries following repair of transverse and longitudinal incisions. PMID- 13820383 TI - Differential analysis of hepatic excretory function with gamma emitting isotopes. II. Attempts to alter rate phenomena. PMID- 13820384 TI - Differential analysis of the stages of hepatic excretory function with gamma emitting isotopes. I. Methods and validation. PMID- 13820385 TI - Effects of changing hepatic blood flow on 17-hydroxycorticosteroid metabolism in dogs. PMID- 13820386 TI - [Alveolo-capillary diffusion in cardiopathies with increased pulmonary flow]. PMID- 13820387 TI - [Alveolo-capillary diffusion in mitral stenosis. Comparison with data obtained in congenital heart diseases with large pulmonary volume and in pneumonectomized subjects]. PMID- 13820388 TI - Thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13820389 TI - Squamous-cell carcinoma of the lip and tongue. PMID- 13820390 TI - Mutation to L-rhamnose resistance and transduction to L-rhamnose utilization in Salmonella typhosa. PMID- 13820391 TI - Inhibition of the growth of Salmonella typhosa by L-rhamnose. PMID- 13820392 TI - Treatment of diabetes in children with Bz-55. PMID- 13820393 TI - Treatment of premature infants with 15 per cent oxygen. PMID- 13820394 TI - Perinatal mortality and its prophylaxis: postnatal factors. PMID- 13820395 TI - Balanced treatment of depression. PMID- 13820396 TI - Librium, a new non-sedative neuroleptic drug: a clinical evaluation. PMID- 13820397 TI - Effects of radiation upon the salivary glands. PMID- 13820398 TI - A case of Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13820399 TI - Studies in the epidemiology of tinea pedis. IV. Seed and soil. PMID- 13820400 TI - Studies in the epidemiology of tinea pedis. III. Cross-infection in the family. PMID- 13820401 TI - Studies in the epidemiology of tinea pedis. V. Some day-schools revisited. PMID- 13820402 TI - Anxiety and the normal heart. PMID- 13820403 TI - Clinical observations on direct analysis. PMID- 13820404 TI - An autoradiographic study of the incorporation of S35 in the urinary bladder of the female mouse following administration of radiosulphate. PMID- 13820405 TI - Quantitative determination of the penetration of radiosodium ions (Na22) through the bladder wall of the rabbit by means of the disappearance technique. PMID- 13820406 TI - [Incidence of surgically treated cases of tubal pregnancy from 1932 to 1936, as compared with the years 1952 to 1956 in Stockholm city and county]. PMID- 13820407 TI - [Hemoglobin content and blood volume of normal, anemic and polycythemic rats, determined by carbon monoxide and radiochromium]. PMID- 13820408 TI - HERZOG P: Ventilation nomogram for practical use with the Engstrom respirator. PMID- 13820409 TI - Studies on the innervation of human teeth. PMID- 13820410 TI - The cortilymph, the third lymph of the inner ear. PMID- 13820411 TI - Infection of the foetus during labour. PMID- 13820412 TI - The effect of relaxin on the duration of labour induced by oxytocin. PMID- 13820413 TI - Induction of labour around full term especially by means of synthetic oxytocin in intravenous drip. PMID- 13820414 TI - Isolation of 32P-labeled phosphorylserine from a highly purified preparation of calif intestinal alkaline phosphatase incubated with radioactive inorganic phosphate. A preliminary report. PMID- 13820415 TI - The management of endocrine deficiencies of surgical origin. PMID- 13820416 TI - Gonadal dysgenesis: ovaries in association with chromatin-negative pattern in somatic cells. PMID- 13820418 TI - [The intermediate hosts of the fowl tapeworms Raillietina cesticillus, Choanotaenia infundibulum and Hymenolepis carioca]. PMID- 13820417 TI - Thyroid function in pregnancy. PMID- 13820419 TI - [Splenosis of the peritoneum]. PMID- 13820420 TI - [The Kay-Cross oxygenator]. PMID- 13820422 TI - [Surgical treatment of an ulcer of vascular origin]. PMID- 13820421 TI - [Aneurysms of the terminal aorta. Two cases treated by resection and graft]. PMID- 13820423 TI - [Isolation of an urease-positive Acinetobacter group in man]. PMID- 13820424 TI - [Problems raised by mycoses in pneumology. Biological diagnosis of bronchopulmonary aspergilosis]. PMID- 13820425 TI - [On the therapy of asthma in childhood]. PMID- 13820426 TI - [Simple uses of naturopathy in the area of modern surgery]. PMID- 13820427 TI - [Medical service during the Russian offensive on the Karelian Isthmus in 1944]. PMID- 13820428 TI - [Foreign bodies in the larynx and lower respiratory tract]. PMID- 13820429 TI - [Hemolysis caused by arsine poisoning]. PMID- 13820430 TI - Strychnine poisoning. PMID- 13820431 TI - The isolation and characterization of D-serine ethanolamine phosphodiester from earthworms. PMID- 13820432 TI - Treatment of pulmonary metastases from malignant embryoma of the testicle with nitrofurazone PMID- 13820433 TI - [Therapeutic results concerning 150 cases of lymphosarcoma of the tonsil]. PMID- 13820434 TI - Optical interaction effects in models of parts of the visual receptors. PMID- 13820435 TI - Receptor amblyopia. PMID- 13820436 TI - Response of a model retinal receptor as a function of wavelength. PMID- 13820437 TI - Cancer of the nasopharynx. PMID- 13820438 TI - Recent advances in bronchoesophagology. PMID- 13820439 TI - [Perinatal mortality in cesarean section]. PMID- 13820440 TI - [Complications of smallpox vaccination]. PMID- 13820441 TI - [Application of rearrangement of the Amadori type of some polypeptides]. PMID- 13820442 TI - [The perchlorosoluble sermucoid of the serum during the evolutive phases of atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13820443 TI - Steroids in rheumatoid arthritis, a challenge to the internist. PMID- 13820444 TI - Prophylaxis for otitis media in an Indian population. PMID- 13820445 TI - A case of Mondor's disease. PMID- 13820446 TI - Juvenile rhabdomyosarcoma of thigh. PMID- 13820447 TI - Death rates for coronary heart disease in metropolitan and other areas. PMID- 13820448 TI - Serum fatty acids after fatal heart-attacks. PMID- 13820449 TI - The decade-counter tube in the psychological laboratory. PMID- 13820450 TI - Congenital anomalies of the upper extremity. PMID- 13820451 TI - Repair of extensor mechanism of the hand. PMID- 13820452 TI - Acceptability of diabetics for life insurance. PMID- 13820453 TI - Fate of glucose in Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13820454 TI - The remnants of an army. PMID- 13820455 TI - A preliminary study of age, learning and adaptability in the rat. PMID- 13820456 TI - [Is there a predisposition factor in pulmonary tuberculosis and peptic ulcer?]. PMID- 13820457 TI - [Peptic ulcer and pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13820458 TI - [On the diagnosis of brain tumors with marked albumin]. PMID- 13820459 TI - Preliminary trials with bithionol against tapeworm infections in cats, dogs, sheep, and chickens. PMID- 13820460 TI - Teniacidal trials with some diphenyl sulfones in cats, dogs, and chickens. PMID- 13820461 TI - Experimental lathyrism. Effect of aminoacetonitrile on connective tissue formation in adult rats. PMID- 13820462 TI - [Examination of leukocyte concentrates as a routine diagnostic method]. PMID- 13820463 TI - Incorporation of 5-bromouracil into transforming principle of Bacillus subtilis and its biological effects. PMID- 13820464 TI - Infection of chick iris epithelium with the Rous sarcoma virus in vitro. PMID- 13820465 TI - [Asocial tuberculosis. First part]. PMID- 13820466 TI - [Asocial tuberculotics. Part 3]. PMID- 13820467 TI - [Asocial tuberculous patients. Part 2]. PMID- 13820468 TI - [Remote results of resection of the stomach in patients with a history of closure of perforated ulcer]. PMID- 13820469 TI - [Resection of the stomach in the plan of treatment of perforated ulcer]. PMID- 13820470 TI - [The result of 300 resections of the stomach in patients with a history of closure of perforated ulcer]. PMID- 13820471 TI - [Effect of folliculin and progesterone on mitotic activity of the uterine epithelium in mice]. PMID- 13820472 TI - [Mitotic activity of the uterine epithelium in mice in various stages of pregnancy]. PMID- 13820473 TI - Energy absorption by the bone marrow of the mouse receiving whole-body irradiation with 250-Kv x-rays or cobalt-60 gamma rays. PMID- 13820474 TI - Serological procedure for the detection of antibodies to penicillin. AB - A hemagglutination technique for demonstrating antibodies to penicillin in sera from penicillin-allergic subjects is described. Erythrocytes coupled to penicillin T by means of bis-diazotized-benzidine constitute the "antigen" used to measure the antipenicillin antibody. The hemagglutination reaction is highly specific. as indicated by hemagglutination-inhibition studies. The clinical significance of these antibodies remains to be elucidated. PMID- 13820475 TI - [Acute intermittent porphyria and pregnancy (Report of a case and review of the English literature)]. PMID- 13820477 TI - Philosophy and objectives of home economics-a discussion. PMID- 13820476 TI - Potassium accumulation and sodium efflux by Porphyra perforata tissues in lithium and magnesium sea water. AB - Cells of Porphyra perforata, a red marine alga, accumulate K in the absence of concomitant Na or Li extrusion while immersed in Li- or Mg-sea waters lacking Na. This suggests that the coupling observed between K and Na transport is facultative. No evidence is obtained for net extrusion of Li. Na efflux, with the concentration gradient, is facilitated by K and is proportional to the cellular Na content. Either Na efflux does not involve an ion carrier or the number of Na sites is large. Because K accumulation has been observed in the absence of Na extrusion, but not vice versa, it seems that K uptake is the primary secretory event, with Na extrusion a secondary process dependent upon K accumulation. PMID- 13820478 TI - [On the teaching of urology in medical institutes]. PMID- 13820479 TI - Audiometric evaluation of stapes mobilization surgery. PMID- 13820480 TI - Spontaneous superior mediastinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13820481 TI - Water intake without the act of drinking. AB - A method is described that allows a rat to ingest fluid through a chronic gastric tube that bypasses the oropharyngeal cavity. In this situation longterm regulation of water intake occurs in normal rats and in the rat with diabetes insipidus. Under special circumstances, a remarkable degree of excess intake can be produced. PMID- 13820482 TI - Fetishism: a study of its psychopathology with particular reference to a proposed disorder in brain mechanisms as an etiological factor. PMID- 13820484 TI - Recent advances in cerebral palsy with special reference to South Africa. PMID- 13820483 TI - Cerebral palsy. PMID- 13820485 TI - An adjustable shielding device for use in diagnostic roentgenology. PMID- 13820486 TI - Simple distal ileal obstruction. PMID- 13820487 TI - Intra-ocular coenurus infestation. PMID- 13820488 TI - Association of Bowen's disease with visceral cancer. PMID- 13820489 TI - Fibrosing response to aqueous. Its relation to glaucoma. PMID- 13820490 TI - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. PMID- 13820491 TI - Glycoprotein content of serum lipoproteins. PMID- 13820492 TI - Calcium and the kidney. PMID- 13820493 TI - Fat consumption in the United States. PMID- 13820494 TI - Fluorescence studies of chloroplast development in Euglena. PMID- 13820495 TI - Clinical use of glutamates (capomate) in the treatment of resistant bronchial asthma. PMID- 13820496 TI - Dexamethasone therapy in the adrenogenital syndrome--a comparative study. PMID- 13820497 TI - Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (tardive) and porphyria cutanea tarda: an analytic comparison of these two conditions. PMID- 13820498 TI - Cantharidin treatment of digital and periungual warts. AB - Seventy-six digital and periungual warts in 40 patients were treated topically with cantharidin, a potent blistering agent. The material, dissolved in equal parts of acetone and collodion, was applied directly to the warts. Occlusion facilitated blistering. No pretreatment was required. The warts were re-treated at weekly intervals until clinically cured.Fifty-six per cent of digital warts and 33 per cent of periungual warts cleared after a single application of cantharidin. Few required more than three treatments. Observation was continued for more than six months in more than half of the cases. Cure was lasting in about 70 per cent of the cases in which the long term result was known. Cantharidin ranks with liquid nitrogen in effectiveness, but it is painless to apply and does not cause scarring. For these reasons it is especially useful in children.The main disadvantage is pain and tenderness at the treated site for two to four days in some patients. This can be avoided by careful application of the drug. Occasionally new warts appear at the edge of the cantharidin blister. They are best treated by curettage and desiccation. PMID- 13820499 TI - Synthetic antimalarial drug therapy in lupus erythematosus and polymorphous light eruptions. AB - The therapeutic efficacy of the synthetic antimalarial agents in lupus erythematosus and the polymorphous light eruptions is well established. Severe toxic reactions are rare but mild disturbances are relatively common. Although gold therapy probably is as effective in discoid lupus erythematosus, the antimalarials are easier to administer and cause fewer serious side effects. The mechanism of action of these drugs is poorly understood although definite anti inflammatory properties have been noted. Perhaps further investigations of known biological processes such as free radical formation and neutralization, redox potential alterations or enzymatic changes may shed more light on this problem. PMID- 13820500 TI - Constitution of tumor viruses. PMID- 13820501 TI - Observations on purified preparations of the Rous virus; infectivity and structure of the particles. PMID- 13820503 TI - Patterns of intra-familial communication. PMID- 13820502 TI - Observations on the fine structure of type 5 adenovirus. PMID- 13820504 TI - Reserpine and the chronic stress of reduced barometric pressure in female rats. Observations on body weight, adrenal weight and histology and hematocrit values. PMID- 13820505 TI - Pulmonary artery aneurysm with dissection after Blalock operation for tetralogy of Fallot. PMID- 13820506 TI - Allergic photocontact dermatitis from promethazine (phenergan). PMID- 13820507 TI - Bullous reactions to bacterial antigens in dermatitis herpetiformis. PMID- 13820508 TI - Role of dermal sensitivity in ragweed contact dermatitis. PMID- 13820509 TI - Multiple primary malignant neoplasms in the air and upper food passages: a statistical review. PMID- 13820510 TI - Measuring the size of isolated cells. PMID- 13820511 TI - The extraction of pigments from Euglena gracilis. PMID- 13820512 TI - Experimental klebsiella pneumonia in mice with particular reference to periarterial changes. PMID- 13820514 TI - Some factors affecting the reaction of allergic contact dermatitis. PMID- 13820513 TI - Antepartum fetal death during anticoagulant therapy for thromboembolism: report of three cases. PMID- 13820515 TI - Contribution to the pathogenesis of zirconium granulomas in man. PMID- 13820516 TI - Effect of denervation on histochemically demonstrable acetylcholinesterase and non-specific cholinesterase in the rat adrenal. PMID- 13820517 TI - [Acute poisoning by phenergan in the child]. PMID- 13820518 TI - Changes induced by prolonged administration of nicotine in the distributions of cholinesterases and acid phosphatase in the adrenal medulla of the rat. PMID- 13820520 TI - [Giant diverticular lithiasis in an 11-year-old child with sclerosis of the bladder neck]. PMID- 13820519 TI - Differential staining of the adrenaline- and noradrenaline-containing adrenomedullary cells. PMID- 13820521 TI - [Retropubic radical prostatectomy]. PMID- 13820523 TI - [Results of the Cotte operation in dysmenorrhea]. PMID- 13820522 TI - Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. The clinical features of thirty autopsied cases. PMID- 13820525 TI - Pseudocysts of the pancreas: a report of seventeen cases. PMID- 13820524 TI - [Biosynthesis of C14-labelled proteins with Chlorella pyrenoidosa]. PMID- 13820527 TI - [A contribution to the syndrome of toxic sensitization to luminal]. PMID- 13820526 TI - A consideration of multiple factors in the etiology of uveitis. PMID- 13820528 TI - [On exogenous late myopathies. I. Polymyositis granulomatosa Boeck]. PMID- 13820529 TI - [The significance of muscle biopsy in the so-called collagenoses]. PMID- 13820530 TI - [A new roentgenological demonstration method for motility studies of the uterus]. PMID- 13820531 TI - [Thallium poisoning in the second half of pregnancy]. PMID- 13820532 TI - [Medical therapy of anthrax of the kidney (Apropos of 5 personal cases)]. PMID- 13820533 TI - [Clinical and physiopathological observations on ovarian function in pulmonary tuberculotics. Preliminary investigations]. PMID- 13820534 TI - Action of mucoproteins in vivo and in tissue culture on poliomyelitis virus. PMID- 13820535 TI - Blow-out fracture of the orbit. PMID- 13820536 TI - Vision in the U.S. Armed Forces. PMID- 13820537 TI - [Experimental studies on the pathogenesis of shock kidney. II. Tubular changes after the injection of kidney homogenates and streptococci]. PMID- 13820538 TI - [Toxicity of organ extracts and their thrombokinase activity]. PMID- 13820539 TI - [On diseases caused by inhalation of enamel]. PMID- 13820540 TI - Local skin transfers. PMID- 13820541 TI - [Carcinomas of the cicatrix following thermal burns and their therapy by plastic operations]. PMID- 13820543 TI - State's progress in rehabilitation. PMID- 13820542 TI - Divergence between lethal doses and sterilizing doses of x-rays with progressive developments in Habrobracon females. PMID- 13820544 TI - [The significance of allergy in the pathology of childhood]. PMID- 13820545 TI - Behavior of L1210 leukemia after heterologous transplantation in rats. PMID- 13820547 TI - [Poisoning with dusopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)]. PMID- 13820546 TI - [Analysis of the bradycardia action of cholinesterase inhibitor paraoxon (diethyl p-nitrophenylphosphate) on isolated hearts of warm-blooded animals]. PMID- 13820548 TI - [Clinical experiences with the antidote pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide (PAM) in E 605 poisoning. Selected cases]. PMID- 13820549 TI - The accelerating effect of narcotic analgesics on the hydrolysis of aromatic substrates by human plasma cholinesterase. PMID- 13820550 TI - Activation and inhibition of the arylesterase of human serum. PMID- 13820551 TI - Hydrolysis of beta-carbonaphthoxycholine. PMID- 13820552 TI - [Study of the hydrolysis of the corpus luteum]. PMID- 13820553 TI - Trifluoperazine in refractory schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13820554 TI - [Immunological studies in relation to the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccination of small infants]. PMID- 13820556 TI - Inductive benzoic-acid oxidase in parasitic mycobacteria. PMID- 13820555 TI - Effect of streptomycin on the incorporation of tyrosine labelled with carbon-14 into protein of Mycobacterium cell fractions in vivo. PMID- 13820557 TI - The clinical course of acute miliary tuberculosis in children vaccinated with BCG. PMID- 13820558 TI - [Fatal recurrence of a case of traumatic tuberculous meningitis cured 5 years previously]. PMID- 13820559 TI - [Tuberculosis, leukemia and leukemoid reaction]. PMID- 13820560 TI - [Coexistence of a staphylococcal pneumonia epidemic and a chickenpox epidemic in a Gdansk nursery]. PMID- 13820562 TI - [Determined pyretogenic effects from subcutaneous grafts of normal and pathological homologous tissues]. PMID- 13820561 TI - [Homologous homogenates and hepatic amino acids]. PMID- 13820564 TI - [Arterio-portal anastomosis in portal cirrhosis (portalization of the hepatic artery)]. PMID- 13820563 TI - [Distribution of some amino acids in the hypertrophic kidney of tumor-bearing rats]. PMID- 13820565 TI - [Post-mediastinal neurinoma]. PMID- 13820566 TI - [Sudden death preceding surgery]. PMID- 13820568 TI - [On the problem of cortical regulation of renal activity]. PMID- 13820567 TI - [C. Darwin as a physiologist (on the 150th anniversary of his birthday)]. PMID- 13820569 TI - [Change in the character of oxidative processes during performance of work in moderate and maximum tempo in different combinations]. PMID- 13820570 TI - [It is possible to transmit tick-borne encephalitis through the placenta and maternal milk?]. PMID- 13820571 TI - [Insulin therapy of inoperable cancer patients]. PMID- 13820573 TI - [Late toxicosis of pregnancy]. PMID- 13820572 TI - [On the synchronism in embryonic development of birds]. PMID- 13820575 TI - [On the problem of rickets in Israel]. PMID- 13820574 TI - [A contribution to pheochromocytoma in pregnancy]. PMID- 13820576 TI - Primary lymphosarcoma of the lung. Report of a case and summary of the literature. PMID- 13820577 TI - [Sinistral position of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13820578 TI - [Pregnancy and hypertension]. PMID- 13820579 TI - [Water-electrolyte balance in endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13820580 TI - Primary lymphosarcoma (reticulum cell) of the stomach. (Case report). PMID- 13820582 TI - Statistics--a trap for the unwary. PMID- 13820581 TI - Pathological reports for mortality statistics. PMID- 13820583 TI - [On the occurrence of hypovitaminotic osteomalacia in peacetime]. PMID- 13820584 TI - Results of treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior part of the tongue. PMID- 13820585 TI - Results of treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper jaw and antrum. PMID- 13820586 TI - Technique for lengthening the columella in cases of repaired bilateral harelip. PMID- 13820587 TI - Plastic and prosthetic repair for patients with complete loss of the lower jaw. PMID- 13820588 TI - Plastic correction of deformities of the tip of the nose. PMID- 13820589 TI - Plastic correction of excessive hypertrophy of the breasts at puberty: report of a case. PMID- 13820590 TI - Plastic correction of the crooked nose. PMID- 13820591 TI - Plastic repair for the receding chin. PMID- 13820592 TI - Soft tissue injuries to the face. PMID- 13820593 TI - Studies on oestrogens in cattle: oestrogen conversions in different tissues grown in vitro. PMID- 13820594 TI - [ACTH, cortisone and derivatives in the therapy of tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13820595 TI - The menopause. PMID- 13820596 TI - The inservice hospital sister needs continuing education. PMID- 13820597 TI - Panel discussion on hypnosis. PMID- 13820598 TI - Effects of delayed reward on simultaneous and successive discrimination learning in children. PMID- 13820599 TI - Plasmalogen in the developing brain. PMID- 13820600 TI - Drug influences on lacrimal lysozyme production. PMID- 13820601 TI - Coenzyme Q. XVI. The estimation of the coenzyme Q10 content of alfalfa. PMID- 13820602 TI - The history of Hill Homes, London. PMID- 13820603 TI - A study of dry sockets. PMID- 13820604 TI - Diagnosing and building morale. II. Profiles and attitudes of personnel. PMID- 13820605 TI - Sheep cell agglutinin and ox cell hemolysin in the serological diagnosis of mononucleosis infectiosa. PMID- 13820606 TI - Studies on the possibilities of improving the nutritive value of Swedish wheat bread. I. The effect of lysine supplementation. PMID- 13820607 TI - Studies on the possibilities of improving the nutritive value of Swedish wheat bread. II. The effect of supplementation with lysine, threonine, methionine, valine and tryptophan. PMID- 13820608 TI - ACTH in the treatment of acute postoperative pancreatitis. PMID- 13820609 TI - Urologic viewpoints on the treatment of urinary tract infections in children. PMID- 13820610 TI - [On the genesis and involution of epithelial pearls deriving from tooth germ and enamel epithelium]. PMID- 13820611 TI - The incidence of uterine atresia after post-partum curettage. A follow-up examination of 141 patients. PMID- 13820612 TI - [Frequency of penicillin- and streptomycin-resistant staphylococci in infections in surgical policlinic patients]. PMID- 13820613 TI - [Nosocomial infections. IV. Epidemiological investigations]. PMID- 13820614 TI - Oxidation of the indole nucleus of 5-hydroxytryptamine and the formation of pigments: isolation and partial characterization of a dimer of 5 hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13820615 TI - Cardiopulmonary disease and pulmonary ventilation. PMID- 13820616 TI - Menstrual irregularities in rhesus monkeys elicited by reserpine administered on selected days of the cycle. PMID- 13820617 TI - Diurnal temperature variation in the rhesus monkey under normal and experimental conditions. PMID- 13820618 TI - Studies on a new cellulase preparation from Penicillium. I. Method of determining enzymatic activity. PMID- 13820619 TI - [Convalescence- readjustment to work]. PMID- 13820620 TI - [Something on the activities of an American dermatological clinic]. PMID- 13820621 TI - Anterior pituitary structural changes in adrenal-ectomized male albino rats following ACTH administration. PMID- 13820622 TI - [Investigations on the biosynthesis of vitamins of the folic acid group by green plants]. PMID- 13820623 TI - [Radioactive iodine in the therapy of thyrotoxicoses]. PMID- 13820624 TI - [Analysis of the cardiotonic activity of gitoxin and gitoxigenin in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13820625 TI - [Factors causing damage to the natural development of children in our time]. PMID- 13820626 TI - [Ionizing radiations and public health service]. PMID- 13820627 TI - [Mental deficiency and the care of mental defectives as a social and sociopsychological problem]. PMID- 13820628 TI - [Radical surgical treatment of tuberculosis of the spine]. PMID- 13820629 TI - [Must the human child lie on his back?]. PMID- 13820630 TI - [Treatment of thyroid insufficiencies]. PMID- 13820631 TI - An experimental enterococcal pyelonephritis in mice. PMID- 13820632 TI - Studies on congenital hemolytic syndromes. III. Rates of destruction and production of erythrocytes in sickle cell anemia. PMID- 13820633 TI - Antibacterial activity of acyclic decapeptide analogs of gramicidin S. AB - Three acyclic decapeptide analogs of gramicidin S, although found to possess antibacterial activity, apparently have modes of action which differ from that of the naturally occurring cyclic antibiotic. In contrast to the immediate action of gramicidin S, one of the decapeptides produced complete bacteriostasis only after several cell divisions had occurred. Furthermore, mixtures of gramicidin S with either of two of the acyclic peptides were synergistic. Some implications of these findings are discussed. PMID- 13820634 TI - [Kanamycin- a new antibiotic]. PMID- 13820635 TI - Polyagglutinability of red blood cells complicating treatment with artificial kidney in two cases of acute renal failure. PMID- 13820636 TI - Artificial respiration in severe renal failure with pulmonary insufficiency. PMID- 13820637 TI - [Characteristics of the distribution and excretion of polonium in animals following the administration of unithiol]. PMID- 13820638 TI - [Steroid excretion during chloroquine therapy of rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13820639 TI - [On an unusual spinal anomaly]. PMID- 13820640 TI - [Antineoplastic chemotherapy in the Soviet Union, West Germany, France, England and Italy]. PMID- 13820641 TI - [Use of a nitrogen mustard derivative in splenectomized rats. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13820642 TI - Rapid identification of mycobacterial colonies. I. The auramine test. PMID- 13820643 TI - Judgments of therelative frequency of sequential binary events: effects of frequency differences. PMID- 13820644 TI - Intrahepatic typhoid infection as cause of the carrier state. PMID- 13820645 TI - [Industrial injuries in new constructions. (According to data of a construction clinic)]. PMID- 13820646 TI - [Age-related changes in the hemopoietic organs in mice]. PMID- 13820647 TI - [Morphological and certain histochemical changes (glycogen, alkaline phosphatase and ribonucleic acid) in immunized guinea pigs infected with Clostridium oedematiens]. PMID- 13820649 TI - [Contribution on prescalene lymph node biopsy by the Daniels method]. PMID- 13820648 TI - Priapism in sickle cell anemia: treatment by estrogenic hormone. PMID- 13820651 TI - [The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome]. PMID- 13820650 TI - [Dysphoric syndromes in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13820652 TI - [Considerations on the problem of urinary gonadotropins in gynecological endocrinology]. PMID- 13820653 TI - [Fluoxymesterone (ultrandren) and inhibition of lactation]. PMID- 13820654 TI - [Long-acting estro-luteinic combination in obstetrical and gynecological hormone therapy]. PMID- 13820655 TI - [The effectiveness of enzyme therapy (trypsin and chymotrypsin) in mastitis (acute and chronic)]. PMID- 13820656 TI - [Candidomycosis as a complication in streptomycin therapy of women with genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13820657 TI - Motor unit territory and muscle fiber concentration in paresis due to peripheral nerve injury and anterior horn cell involvement. PMID- 13820658 TI - [Intramuscular administration of tetracyclines in the treatment of patients with brucellosis]. PMID- 13820659 TI - [Comparative evaluation of the determination of entero-typhoid bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics of the tetracycline series by means of serial dilution and phase-contrast microscopy]. PMID- 13820660 TI - [Investigation of certain antibiotics for the prevention of radiation sickness]. PMID- 13820661 TI - [Certain aspects and perspectives of experimental and clinical study of antibiotics in the light of the tasks of the 7-year-plan]. PMID- 13820662 TI - [Certain results and perspectives of experimental and clinical stjdies of antibiotics in the light of tasks of the 7-year-plan]. PMID- 13820663 TI - [On changes in the intervertebral nodes and spinal cord after ligation of a peripheral nerve]. PMID- 13820664 TI - [Ejection apparatus for catapult seats in Swedish military aircraft]. PMID- 13820665 TI - [Certain cases of congenital cardiac defects complicated by pregnancy]. PMID- 13820666 TI - [Prognostic use of ballistocardiograms in pregnant cardiac patients]. PMID- 13820667 TI - [Prognostic value of ballistocardiography of pregnant women with heart diseases]. PMID- 13820668 TI - [Distribution and form of potassium in the muscle]. PMID- 13820669 TI - [Further studies on the effect of "lecithin" on the recovery process]. PMID- 13820670 TI - [Energy storage in reversible arrest of the heart by KC1]. PMID- 13820671 TI - [Cardiac automatism and radioactivity]. PMID- 13820672 TI - Treatment of disease or trauma of muscles and joints. PMID- 13820673 TI - [A case of chronic erythroblastopenia]. PMID- 13820674 TI - [Fractionated irradiation of the rabbit brain with the 31 MeV-betatron]. PMID- 13820675 TI - [Maternity insurance]. PMID- 13820676 TI - [Stroboscopic studies in professional speakers]. PMID- 13820677 TI - [The stroboscopic recognition of functional voice disorders by means of singing and speaking stress]. PMID- 13820678 TI - Relation of serial position errors to doublet and split-doublet location in verbal maze pattern. PMID- 13820679 TI - On the mitochondrial oxidation of isocitrate. PMID- 13820680 TI - Enzymic activities of human skeletal muscle mitochondria: a tool in clinical metabolic research. PMID- 13820681 TI - Transhydrogenase and TPNH oxidase activities of rat-liver mitochondria. PMID- 13820682 TI - High altitude protection from pressure-breathing mask with trunk and lower limb counterpressure. PMID- 13820683 TI - Some effects of oxygen-breathing on man. PMID- 13820684 TI - Biochemical studies on psychotropic drugs-I. The effect of psychotropic drugs on gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamic acid in brain tissue. PMID- 13820685 TI - The histologic picture in thyroxin-induced lymphatic hyperplasia: a quantitative examination on guinea pig. PMID- 13820686 TI - [On the stress-counterregulating role of ascorbic acid in pyogenic infections]. PMID- 13820687 TI - [The stress-controling role of ascorbic acid therapy in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13820689 TI - [The treatment of metastatic intraocular carcinomas]. PMID- 13820688 TI - [Enterocolitis necroticans in newborn infants]. PMID- 13820690 TI - [Section-roentgenological investigations in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13820691 TI - [On the pathogenesis of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. (Review of literature)]. PMID- 13820692 TI - [Goniotomy in congenital child and juvenile glaucomas]. PMID- 13820693 TI - [Some features of the antigenic properties of embryonal human tissues in cultivation on various media]. PMID- 13820694 TI - Nucleocytoplasmic relationships in irradiated cells. PMID- 13820695 TI - [Dermatological diseases of occupational origin]. PMID- 13820696 TI - [The nephropathy of malignant erythemato-visceritis]. PMID- 13820697 TI - Comparative effects of prenatal gamma radiation and x-irradiation on the reproductive system of the rat. PMID- 13820698 TI - Failure of AET to protect against testes injury in the x-irradiated rat. PMID- 13820699 TI - An unidentified water-soluble factor in alfalfa which improves utilization of vitamin A. PMID- 13820700 TI - Beneficial effects of alfalfa meal and other bulk-containing or bulk-forming materials on symptoms of tween 60 toxicity in the immature mouse. PMID- 13820701 TI - Antioxidants and survival time of mice exposed to multiple sublethal doses of x irradiation. PMID- 13820702 TI - Chronic effects of low-level radiation upon protein and amino acid requirements. PMID- 13820704 TI - Beneficial effects of alfalfa meal and other bulk-containing or bulk-forming materials on the toxicity of non-ionic surface-active agents in the rat. PMID- 13820705 TI - Beneficial effects of alfalfa meal on chlorazanil hydrochloride toxicity in the rat. PMID- 13820706 TI - Effects of diet on fish oil toxicity in the rat. PMID- 13820707 TI - [Biological characteristics and classification of Shigella newcastle bacteriophages]. PMID- 13820708 TI - [On cholesterol-protein complexes in the cerebrospinal fluid in normal conditions and in certain pathological conditions]. PMID- 13820710 TI - A museum of human anatomy for systematic teaching. PMID- 13820709 TI - [On clinical aspects and therapy of angioreticulomas of the fourth ventricle]. PMID- 13820711 TI - New design and teaching facilities in the anatomy dissecting room. PMID- 13820712 TI - Resistance to deformation of axial structures in living guinea-pig spermatozoa. AB - Rotation of living guinea-pig spermatozoa can be effected by drawing the shaft of a long microneedle of diameter 0.5 to 1.0 micro across the tail; the special characteristics of this rotation demonstrated in the tail a polygonal structure and high resistance of the peripheral fibrils to deformation by pressure of the microneedle. PMID- 13820713 TI - A refresher course for medical laboratory technologists. PMID- 13820714 TI - Pyridoxine-responsive anemia. PMID- 13820715 TI - Erythropoietic factor in the control of red cell production. PMID- 13820716 TI - Erythropoietic function in uremic rabbits. II. Effect of nephrectomy on red cell production and iron metabolism. PMID- 13820717 TI - Hematology: control of red cell production. PMID- 13820718 TI - The pharmacological actions of (m-hydroxyphenethyl) trimethylammonium (leptodactyline). AB - Leptodactyline is a naturally occurring quaternary ammonium base, which is found in large amounts in the skin of some South American amphibians of the genus Leptodactylus. It is the first example of a m-hydroxyphenylalkylamine in the living organism. In vertebrates it had powerful nicotinic actions and a marked neuromuscular blocking effect. This was considered, on the basis of experimental evidence, to be of the "depolarizing" type. PMID- 13820719 TI - Observations on the release and turnover rate of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13820720 TI - Isolation of bufoviridine from the skin of Bufo viridis and its identification as dihydrobufothionine. PMID- 13820721 TI - [On the technic of hydroxydione anesthesia in surgery of infants and small children]. PMID- 13820722 TI - [Comparative evaluation of functional capacity of the kidneys in adenoma of the prostate]. PMID- 13820723 TI - [Difficulties in the diagnosis of compression of the spinal cord and its roots in tuberculous spondylitis (clinical and anatomical parallels)]. PMID- 13820724 TI - [Disorder of the nervous system in blind wounds of the heart and pericardium]. PMID- 13820725 TI - [Inactivation of various virus types by some conventional disinfectants in short term action]. PMID- 13820726 TI - Physiological observations on the human thalamus. PMID- 13820728 TI - Training and a logical operation by children. PMID- 13820727 TI - Medical problems facing Congress. PMID- 13820730 TI - Tantalum mesh in hernial repair. PMID- 13820729 TI - Transfer effects of learning a verbal generalization. PMID- 13820732 TI - Duodenal obstruction due to incomplete rotation of the bowel. PMID- 13820731 TI - Effect of dietary protein quality on alteration of serum proteins and lipoproteins in the rat. PMID- 13820733 TI - Myofascial syndrome with trigger mechanisms. PMID- 13820734 TI - Presacral tumors. PMID- 13820735 TI - Complications of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13820736 TI - [On reflexes to blood circulation and respiration produced by the antigens from chemoreceptors of the skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13820737 TI - [Letter of the Reverend Father Parrenin, dated at Peking, on the disease commonly caused by venereal disease]. PMID- 13820739 TI - The development of inclusions in sugar beets infected with beet-yellows virus. PMID- 13820738 TI - Cytologic and histologic symptoms of beet yellows. PMID- 13820740 TI - [Some aspects of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis in our country]. PMID- 13820741 TI - [The heart in acute diffuse glomerulonephritis in children]. PMID- 13820742 TI - ["Hypertensive encephalopathy" in acute diffuse glomerulonephritis in children]. PMID- 13820744 TI - [Localization of lacerations by means of the "relascope" of Professor Wessely]. PMID- 13820743 TI - [Correlation between clinical hypothyroidism of the child and experimental physical thyroidectomy with I 131]. PMID- 13820745 TI - [On a case of syphilis followed by myeloid leukemia with ocular lesions. Its stabilization with transfusions and other treatments]. PMID- 13820746 TI - [On an interesting case of optic atrophy]. PMID- 13820747 TI - [On the effect of p-chlorphenyldiaminotriazine on renal water and electrolyte excretion]. PMID- 13820748 TI - [On the treatment of hypertension with saluretics]. PMID- 13820749 TI - [On the influence of triazine derivatives on diuresis in relation to the influence of exogenous and endogenous antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13820750 TI - [On the therapy of decompensated heart diseases with orpidan]. PMID- 13820751 TI - [Some remarks on surgery of the trachea. Apropos of 4 cases]. PMID- 13820752 TI - [Experimentation on extensive circumferential losses of substance of the trachea]. PMID- 13820753 TI - [Contribution to the study of melanotropic hormone present in abnormal placental extracts (moles and chorioepitheliomas)]. PMID- 13820754 TI - Development of the army's occupational vision program. PMID- 13820755 TI - [Remarks on the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of cervix carcinoma]. PMID- 13820756 TI - [On the maintenance and restoration of ideal vaginal states in sexually mature women by Doederlein bacteria]. PMID- 13820757 TI - [Experiences with serological syphilis studies of blood donors]. PMID- 13820758 TI - [Multiple vaccination and poliomyelitis vaccination]. PMID- 13820760 TI - [On the suitability of gas heat for schools]. PMID- 13820759 TI - [On the demonstration of irregular antibodies in preserved blood]. PMID- 13820761 TI - [The clinical manifestations of the antibody deficiency syndrome in the area of the ear, upper respiratory tract and bronchi]. PMID- 13820762 TI - [Esophageal cancer]. PMID- 13820763 TI - [Filtration and porosity in cigarette filters]. PMID- 13820765 TI - [Determination of the volatile acid in wine]. PMID- 13820764 TI - [Spectrophotometric determination of nicotine]. PMID- 13820766 TI - [Radioactive elements and their clinical uses]. PMID- 13820768 TI - [P wave and auricular pressures]. PMID- 13820767 TI - [Adrenal cortical response before and during labor]. PMID- 13820769 TI - [Progress of immunopathology]. PMID- 13820770 TI - [Radiological examination of the digestive apparatus]. PMID- 13820771 TI - [Disorders of potassium metabolism during treatments with neuroleptics. Their clinical aspects. Their corrections]. PMID- 13820772 TI - [Recovery of antibody-globulins and of gamma-hyposulfite globulin]. PMID- 13820773 TI - Dicumarol, coumadin, marcumar and tromexan; comparative study of their action on the clot as registered by the thrombelastogram. PMID- 13820775 TI - [Ginseng root on the current drug market]. PMID- 13820774 TI - [Mental hygiene in the armies]. PMID- 13820776 TI - [Use of standard diagnostic disks for the determination of antibiotic sensitivity of staphylococci isolated from wound infection]. PMID- 13820778 TI - [Cancer of the uterus in Turkey (statistics and etiology)]. PMID- 13820777 TI - Factors contributing to direct radiation reduction in dentistry. PMID- 13820779 TI - [Internal secretion of the pancreas and diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13820780 TI - [New research explaining the mechanism of congestive heart failure]. PMID- 13820781 TI - Re-orientation in mental health. (c) The hospital service. PMID- 13820782 TI - [Autoplasty of the artery with venous transplant]. PMID- 13820783 TI - Ethics and successful practice. PMID- 13820784 TI - [On the pulmonary barrier in mitral defects (morpho-roentgenological similarities from data of lung biopsy taken during operations on the mitral value)]. PMID- 13820785 TI - [Features of malaria control in Derbent in the Dagestan Autonomous Republic]. PMID- 13820787 TI - Holistic approach in the management of angina pectoris. PMID- 13820786 TI - [Functional conditions of the pituitary and adrenal cortex under stress in young and old rats]. PMID- 13820788 TI - Treatment of the shoulder-hand syndrome. PMID- 13820789 TI - Parents of schizophrenic children: workshop, 1958. 2. The family of the schizophrenic child. PMID- 13820790 TI - Childhood psychosis and "childhood schizophrenia". PMID- 13820791 TI - [Intravenous perfusion of oxytocin during childbirth]. PMID- 13820792 TI - [Diagnostic value of some tensional variations in patients with multiple cranial injuries]. PMID- 13820793 TI - Anaplasma marginale. I. Studies with phase contrast and electron microscopy. PMID- 13820794 TI - [A case of acute renal insufficency probably caused by transfusion of incompatible blood]. PMID- 13820795 TI - [A case of chronic renal insufficiency caused by pyelonephritis and congenital urological malformation]. PMID- 13820796 TI - [Intestinal biopsy. Technic and some results]. PMID- 13820797 TI - [Hemangioma of the cranial vault]. PMID- 13820798 TI - [Tuberculosis today]. PMID- 13820799 TI - [Potentiometric titration of potassium and of some organic nitrogen-containing drugs with sodium tetraphenylboron]. PMID- 13820800 TI - [Studies on osmostic diuresis and the role of the antidiuretic hormone. II. In patients with diabetes insipidus]. PMID- 13820801 TI - The responses of some developing feathers to X-rays. PMID- 13820802 TI - [Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13820803 TI - [Congenital cardiopathies and pregnancy. Study of 117 cases]. PMID- 13820804 TI - [Contribution to the study of dextrocardia. Analysis of 36 cases]. PMID- 13820805 TI - Differential diagnosis between persistent atrioventricular canal and the combination of atrial and ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13820806 TI - [Corrected transposition of the great vessels]. PMID- 13820807 TI - [Our experience on the control of anticoagulant therapy with special reference to the proconvertin-prothrombin method]. PMID- 13820808 TI - [Treatment of shock]. PMID- 13820809 TI - Production of gamma- and alpha-globulins by the isolated and perfused rat spleen. PMID- 13820810 TI - [Symptomatology of rabies in man]. PMID- 13820811 TI - [Clinical experiences with a new psychosedative: Ro 1-9569]. PMID- 13820812 TI - [Anatomo-clinical analysis of 46 cases of "obstructive laryngitis"]. PMID- 13820813 TI - [Abdominal pain and surgical pseudo-emergencies in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13820814 TI - Physiological and pharmacological analysis of spinal cord convulsions. PMID- 13820815 TI - Spinal cord convulsions. PMID- 13820816 TI - [Study of some actions of effortil compared with sympathol]. PMID- 13820817 TI - [Splenic function in the regulation of leukocyte osmotic resistance]. PMID- 13820818 TI - [Postoperative cholangiography after injection of air]. PMID- 13820819 TI - [Endolingual injection in anesthesiological practice]. PMID- 13820820 TI - [ACTH in arterial grafts]. PMID- 13820821 TI - [Thromboelastographic study of the action of dextran on processes of blood coagulation]. PMID- 13820822 TI - [Hemopoiesis in animals treated with 6-aminonicotinamide and adenosine triphosphoric acid]. PMID- 13820823 TI - [The nature and prevention of hepatic steatosis caused by massive doses of nicotinamide and 6-aminonicotinamide]. PMID- 13820824 TI - [Behavior of the activity of various glycolytic enzymes and aminopherases in the blood and tissues of animals treated with 6-aminonicotinamide]. PMID- 13820825 TI - [Contribution to the study of primary solitary skeletal and extra-skeletal localizations of plasmocytomas]. PMID- 13820826 TI - [Value and limits of the prognostic importance of changes in serum concentrations of several glycolytic and aminopherasic enzymatic activity in subjects of epithelial neoplasms and Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13820827 TI - [Thromboelastographic study of the action of 6-aminonicotinamide on blood coagulation processes]. PMID- 13820828 TI - [Clinical and radiological findings in subjects with diverticula of the esophagus]. PMID- 13820829 TI - [The urinary elimination of the dextran molecule as index of glomerular permeability. Relation between the clearance of dextran and the clearance of sodium hyposulfite]. PMID- 13820830 TI - [The urinary elimination of the dextran molecule as index of glomerular permeability. The determination of the intrinsic viscosity of dextran fractions eliminated by renal route in some kidney diseases]. PMID- 13820831 TI - Polyostotic bone sarcoma associated with osteitis deformans. PMID- 13820832 TI - Pancreatic heterotopia: report of nine cases among Filipinos. PMID- 13820833 TI - [Abdominal pain, jaundice due to obstruction and diabetes]. PMID- 13820834 TI - [On the significance of the serum protein picture in the symptomatology of myotonic dystrophies]. PMID- 13820835 TI - [Evaluation of the bronchi in the tomogram]. PMID- 13820836 TI - The changing pattern of domiciliary care: the younger generation. PMID- 13820837 TI - Convulsions in cats following withdrawal of barbital sodium. PMID- 13820838 TI - Volatile fatty acid rations for growing lambs. PMID- 13820839 TI - [Ocular myopathia. IV. Ocular myasthenia]. PMID- 13820840 TI - Electromyographic findings on two types of misdirection of regenerating axons. PMID- 13820841 TI - Studies on the properties of the metabolic products of the screw-worm, Callitroga hominivorax (Coquerel). PMID- 13820842 TI - Human hepatocellular pigments and lysosomes. PMID- 13820843 TI - An electron microscopic study of erythrophagocytosis. AB - The present study describes a submicroscopic surface fragmentation of erythrocytes which occurs in the ascitic fluid of rats bearing the Novikoff ascites hepatoma. The resulting fragments attach to the surface of macrophages and are phagocytized by pseudopod formation. Plasma membrane in the region of these phagocytosis vacuoles appears to condense into electron-opaque material, suggesting an alteration in its physicochemical state. Stages in intracellular digestion of intact erythrocytes or small fragments within the phagocytosis vacuoles are illustrated; no particles resembling ferritin are observed. The phagocytosis vacuoles possess high levels of acid phosphatase activity. They may be called phagosomes, a type of lysosome. There is no indication of a connection between phagosomes and other formed cytoplasmic organelles. Small vacuoles of the order of 80 mmicro in diameter, which may represent pinocytosis vacuoles, are present in the cytoplasm and some appear to be in contact with the phagosome membrane, reminiscent of observations of Rose with HeLa cells. PMID- 13820844 TI - [Action of some vasoconstrictors on arterial pressure in the spinal guinea pig]. PMID- 13820845 TI - [The serum electrophoretogram during experimental poisoning with Amanita phalloides]. PMID- 13820846 TI - [Quantitative determination of hepatic collagen and lipids in the course of experimental chronic poisoning with distilled alcoholic drinks]. PMID- 13820847 TI - [Experimental study of cerebral embolization by microscopic fragments of hydatid chitin]. PMID- 13820849 TI - [Temperature exchanger for deep hypothermia (Vadot model)]. PMID- 13820848 TI - The effect of surgical operation on the adrenocortical response to ACTH. PMID- 13820850 TI - [Apropos of 80 open-heart operations under hypothermia at 30-32 degrees centigrade]. PMID- 13820851 TI - Localisation of acid phosphatase by starch-gel electrophoresis of fractionally collected human semen. PMID- 13820852 TI - Visualization of acid and alkaline phosphatase after starch-gel electrophoresis of seminal plasma, serum and bile. PMID- 13820853 TI - [Social importance of amblyopia exanopsia. Its prevention and treatment]. PMID- 13820854 TI - [Treatment of tonsillar mycosis by the topical application of sulfate]. PMID- 13820855 TI - [Total endolabyrinthine syndrome and Kitahara-Horniker disease]. PMID- 13820856 TI - [Endocrinogenic nasosinopathy]. PMID- 13820857 TI - [Postural influence on the radiographic obtainment of the gastroduodenal image in mucosa pseudoprolapse]. PMID- 13820858 TI - [Diabetes and carcinoma of the pancreas]. PMID- 13820859 TI - [Endocrinogenic disease of the nasal sinus]. PMID- 13820860 TI - [Considerations on the delivery of the large fetus. Study based on 4000 cases]. PMID- 13820861 TI - Tendon sheath syndrome. A report of two cases. PMID- 13820862 TI - Influence of pH on particulate and soluable aconitase and glutamic dehydrogenase of Lupinus albus. PMID- 13820863 TI - Co-operative control of library resources: a symposium. The realities of co operation. PMID- 13820864 TI - Shelving medical serials for reader convenience: title vs. corporate entry. PMID- 13820865 TI - Re-evaluation of the methods of cleaning the hands of the surgical team. PMID- 13820866 TI - The effect of insulin on nonesterified fatty acid release from the human leg. PMID- 13820867 TI - The in vitro effects of aliphatic nitro compounds on tissues. PMID- 13820868 TI - Clinical experience with MER-29, an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis. PMID- 13820869 TI - Learning theory and the new "mental chemistry". PMID- 13820870 TI - [Antihemorrhagic activity of a new derivative of cyclohexadienolone]. PMID- 13820871 TI - [Griseofulvin in therapy of dermatomycosis (10 months of experience)]. PMID- 13820872 TI - [Preliminary study of experimental infection by "Trichophyton violaceum" in man]. PMID- 13820873 TI - Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic paronychia. PMID- 13820874 TI - [Pathogenesis and treatment of perionychia]. PMID- 13820876 TI - [The ideal chemical antiblastic agent]. PMID- 13820875 TI - [Carcinogenetic viruses and carcinostatic viruses]. PMID- 13820877 TI - [The effect of potassium cyanide and some SH-group blocking substances on oxygen consumption and the content of coenzyme A, inorganic phosphate and some adenosine phosphates in yeast cells]. PMID- 13820878 TI - [The content of adenine nucleotide, creatine phosphate, coenzyme A and lactic acid in the mouse brain in the excitation and tolerance stage of anesthesia]. PMID- 13820879 TI - A simplified method for repair of mandibular fractures in the dog. PMID- 13820880 TI - [Our experience on cancer of the pancreas and of the ampullar area]. PMID- 13820881 TI - [Systems of medical education in the United States and Mexico. Comparative analysis]. PMID- 13820882 TI - Pregnancy complicated by previous bilateral total adrenalectomy. PMID- 13820883 TI - [Pelvic venography in diagnosis of uterine myoma]. PMID- 13820884 TI - [Pelvic venography in the remaining ovary syndrome]. PMID- 13820885 TI - [Vacuum extraction of the fetus by the Malmstroem method]. PMID- 13820886 TI - The disappearance of intravenously administered vitamin B12. Studies in normal subjects and in patients with pernicious anemia. PMID- 13820887 TI - Purification of rabies antibodies in horse serum and diagnostic importance of the fluorescent antibody technique. PMID- 13820888 TI - [Latent cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13820889 TI - [Giant epithelioma of the scalp]. PMID- 13820890 TI - [Variations of megakaryocyte glycogen in relation to the production of blood platelets]. PMID- 13820891 TI - [Cytochemistry of eosinophilic granulation: its iron content]. PMID- 13820892 TI - [Progress in immuno-hematology]. PMID- 13820893 TI - [Biological and clinical aspects of human toxoplasmosis with special reference to the glandular form]. PMID- 13820895 TI - The status of the genera Acanthatrium Faust, 1919, and Prosthodendrium Dollfus, 1931 (Trematoda: Lecithodendriidae). PMID- 13820894 TI - On the life history of Prosthodendrium (Acanthatrium) anaplocami n. sp. (Trematoda: Lecithodendriidae). PMID- 13820896 TI - The Mallory-Weiss syndrome. PMID- 13820897 TI - Painless pancreatitis with chronic insufficency. PMID- 13820898 TI - Hyperimmune vaccinal gamma globulin in the treatment and prophylaxis of eczema vaccinatum. A report of three cases. PMID- 13820899 TI - Constrictive pericarditis. PMID- 13820900 TI - Transmembrane potential measurements of cells of higher plants as related to salt uptake. AB - Measurements of the difference in electropotential between the interior of the cell and the external solution have been made for the first time in cells of several crop plants (1). The interiors of cells of Avena, Pisum, and Zea seedling tissues all have potentials of about -80 to -115 mv relative to that of an external solution of 0.1 mmole of KC1 per liter, bathing the tissue. The potential difference of Avena coleoptiles varies with the concentration of external KC1 and is depressed by 2,4-dinitrophenol. The potential difference occurs between the cytoplasmic layer and the exterior; the potential of the vacuole does not appear to be significantly different from that of the cytoplasm. Obviously a relatively large cation accumulation ratio could be accounted for in plant cells by this large potential without invoking a chemical cation transport scheme. PMID- 13820901 TI - [Epidemic nephropathy]. PMID- 13820902 TI - [Changes in the lipids during the incubation of serum. I. Transformation of cholesterol and of non-phosphorylated lipids]. PMID- 13820903 TI - [Changes in the lipids during the incubation of serum. II. Identification of glycerylphosphorylcholine]. PMID- 13820904 TI - [The biliary reflux and the lymphatics of the liver]. PMID- 13820905 TI - [Clinical experience with florantirone in patients with liver and gallbladder diseases]. PMID- 13820906 TI - [Essential atrophy of the epithelial layers of the iris and of the ciliary bodies, its relation to glaucoma]. PMID- 13820907 TI - [Essential atrophy of the epithelial layers of the iris and of the ciliary body, its relation to glaucoma]. PMID- 13820908 TI - [Ozena and nasal esthetics]. PMID- 13820909 TI - [Blood sugar disorders during gastric cancers]. PMID- 13820910 TI - [Blood sugar disorders in the course of cancer of the stomach]. PMID- 13820911 TI - [Blood sugar disorders in the course of gastric cancers]. PMID- 13820912 TI - [Digestive hemorrhages triggered by aspirin in the course of ulcerous or undetermined syndromes. (Apropos of 10 cases)]. PMID- 13820913 TI - [Hemochromatosis during thalassemia minor. (Associated pigmentary biliary lithiasis and duodenal ulcer. Terminal asystole)]. PMID- 13820914 TI - [Intestinal hemorrhage. First manifestation of an acute leukosis of digestive localization]. PMID- 13820915 TI - [Hypoglycemia in gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13820916 TI - [On hexokinase activity in cells of tissue cultures]. PMID- 13820917 TI - [Changes in the nutrient growth medium during the process of culture of kidney cells in vitro]. PMID- 13820918 TI - [On the effect of insulin on glycolysis in cells in tissue cultures]. PMID- 13820919 TI - Evaluation of low rupture of the membranes as a method of induction of labour with special reference to its advantages over high rupture. PMID- 13820920 TI - [On the problem of treatment of acute and subacute thrombophlebitis of the skin veins of the lower extremities by surgery]. PMID- 13820921 TI - [Gastrogenic tetany]. PMID- 13820922 TI - Respiratory effects of a calibrated volume-limited pressure-variable ventilator during surgery. PMID- 13820923 TI - Intermittent peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of experimental salicylate intoxication. PMID- 13820924 TI - Hypogonadal impotence in middle-aged men: treatment with fortified chorionic gonadotropin. PMID- 13820925 TI - [The treatment of metastatic breast carcinoma by radiogold implantation into the hypophysis]. PMID- 13820926 TI - Reduced gonadal irradiation in prenatal chest roentgenographic examinations. PMID- 13820927 TI - New dimensions in chest radiography. PMID- 13820928 TI - Gastroduodenal x-ray diagnosis: a comparison of radiographic technics and interpretations. PMID- 13820929 TI - Clinical evaluation of norisodrine syrup in allergic cough. PMID- 13820930 TI - [Trichophytia profunda barbae caused by Trichophyton rubrum and studies on the epidemiology of the pathogen]. PMID- 13820931 TI - Visual discrimination following successive temporal ablations in monkeys. PMID- 13820932 TI - Ionized calcium in biological media. PMID- 13820933 TI - [A case of benign leptospirosis with fatal outcome]. PMID- 13820934 TI - Interpersonal and structural factors in the study of mental hospitals. PMID- 13820935 TI - [Late findings after adrenal surgery]. PMID- 13820936 TI - [Experimental studies on the improvement of embolectomy results in arterial embolism]. PMID- 13820937 TI - [On the technic of individual kidney clearance tests in children]. PMID- 13820938 TI - [Hormonal regulation in the climacteric and predisposition to carcinoma]. PMID- 13820939 TI - Phage typing reduces incidence of infection. PMID- 13820940 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis in Kartagener syndrome]. PMID- 13820941 TI - Activity in single hippocampal pyramids. PMID- 13820942 TI - Excitation, inhibition and rhythmical activity in hippocampal pyramidal cells in rabbits. PMID- 13820943 TI - [Nucleic acid and nucleotides, their participation in the metabolism and in the control of tumors]. PMID- 13820944 TI - [Recent discoveries from the biochemistry of nucleic acids and cancerostatic substances]. PMID- 13820945 TI - Effect of reserpine on release of noradrenaline from transmitter granules in adrenergic nerves. AB - Direct evidence is given that reserpine, in concentrations of 0.125 to 0.625 mM, effects a release of noradrenaline from a suspension of transmitter granules isolated from bovine splenic nerves. PMID- 13820946 TI - Release of noradrenaline from adrenergic transmitter granules by tyramine. PMID- 13820947 TI - The estimation of catechol amines in urine. PMID- 13820948 TI - The presence of free and conjugated 3,4:dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac) in urine and blood plasma. PMID- 13820949 TI - Residual choledochal calculi thirty-one months after cholecystectomy: spontaneous passage four days after demonstration by intravenous cholegraphy. PMID- 13820950 TI - 3,4,omega-Trihydroxyacetophenone 3-methyl ether in adrenal extracts. PMID- 13820951 TI - A re-description of the trematode Calicotyle stossichii Braun, 1899, with an account of Calicotyle palombi sp.nov. PMID- 13820952 TI - [Marginal note on Balzac: Mortsaufism]. PMID- 13820954 TI - [Mycosis of the scalp caused by fowl Achrion (Achorion gallinae)]. PMID- 13820953 TI - [The Balzac mystery as seen by a physician]. PMID- 13820955 TI - Oral maintenance treatment of pernicious anaemia with a crude preparation of beef liver and total hog pylorus (hepaforte). PMID- 13820956 TI - Public health aspects of cancer control. PMID- 13820957 TI - [Physicians' tasks in a war]. PMID- 13820958 TI - An interim account of an autumnal outbreak of Q fever in Cardiff. PMID- 13820959 TI - The family as a potential resource in the rehabilitation of the chronic schizophrenic patient. PMID- 13820960 TI - A record system for the practitioner. PMID- 13820961 TI - Immunophysical methods in parasitic infections: a continuous electrophoresis apparatus for preparative fractionation of protein systems. PMID- 13820962 TI - Infections with hemadsorption virus in University of Wisconsin students. PMID- 13820963 TI - Infectious mononucleosis in University of Wisconsin students. Report of a five year investigation. PMID- 13820964 TI - The League House in La Jolla. PMID- 13820965 TI - Psychiatry in modern nursing. PMID- 13820966 TI - Metabolism of D-galactose to D-glucuronic acid, L-gulonic acid and L-ascorbic acid in normal and barbital-treated rats. PMID- 13820967 TI - A method for assessing the stinging caused by eyedrops. PMID- 13820968 TI - Genetic control of isoniazid metabolism in man. PMID- 13820969 TI - Induction of tolerance to skin homografts in rat littermates. PMID- 13820970 TI - Cadmium poisoning. PMID- 13820971 TI - The estimation of fucose in saliva. PMID- 13820972 TI - The fucose and agglutinogen contents of saliva in subjects with duodenal ulcers. PMID- 13820973 TI - Hans Friedrich Jensen, biochemist. PMID- 13820974 TI - Viruses and evolution. PMID- 13820975 TI - Hypersensitivity reactions to penicillin. PMID- 13820976 TI - Neurologic complications of myxedema: convulsions. PMID- 13820977 TI - Reaction of an Aspergillus polysaccharide with Cryptococcus capsules and various acidic polysaccharides. PMID- 13820978 TI - Silo-filler's disease: report of two cases in Henderson County, North Carolina. PMID- 13820979 TI - A bulbar suction test for glaucoma. PMID- 13820980 TI - [Fractures of the radius and cubitus]. PMID- 13820981 TI - Relative sensitivity of different biological responses to thyroxine. PMID- 13820982 TI - Ependymoma in a cow. PMID- 13820983 TI - Annual administrative reviews: accounting and financial management. PMID- 13820984 TI - Influence of preheating, pH, and holding temperature upon viability of bacterial spores stored for long periods in buffer substrates. PMID- 13820985 TI - The effect of several psychotomimetic drugs on human serum cholinesterase. PMID- 13820986 TI - Medical freedom through medical service. PMID- 13820987 TI - The relative biological efficiency of single doses of fast neutrons and gamma rays on Vicia faba roots and the effect of oxygen. Part II. Chromosone damage: the production of micronuclei. PMID- 13820988 TI - The influence of oxygen on the sensitivity of Tradescantia pollen tube chromosomes to x-rays. PMID- 13820989 TI - The effect of temperature on mitosis and on the action of colchicine in root meristem cells of Vicia faba. PMID- 13820990 TI - Sheehan's syndrome with diabetes insipidus. PMID- 13820992 TI - Roentgenographic aids in diagnosis of neoplasms of liver and extrahepatic ducts. PMID- 13820991 TI - Psychosis and addiction to phenmetrazine (preludin). PMID- 13820994 TI - Difficulties in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13820993 TI - Clinical experiences with fibrinolysin therapy. PMID- 13820995 TI - Time-dose relationship of radiation; fibrosis of lung. PMID- 13820996 TI - Observations on the effect of cholesterol and fat supplementation on the composition of rabbit liver and plasma lipides. PMID- 13820997 TI - Clinical evaluation of new formulations of tablets of dithiazanine iodide in multiple parasitosis in Guatemala. PMID- 13820998 TI - Value of a simple observational technique for determining the fat content of algal cells. PMID- 13820999 TI - Some aspects of surgery on infants. PMID- 13821000 TI - The in vivo antitumor activity of streptovitacins A, B, C, and D. PMID- 13821001 TI - Psicofuranine. VI. Antitumor and toxicopathological studies. PMID- 13821003 TI - Initial impressions of hypnosis in obstetrics. PMID- 13821002 TI - A cassette changer for aortography and femoral arteriography. PMID- 13821004 TI - The effects of electrical stimulation of visceral afferent nerve fibres on monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex responses. PMID- 13821005 TI - Tuberculosis in rural Matabeleland. PMID- 13821006 TI - Fluothane: closed-circuit use in 20 cases of intervertebral body spinal fusion. PMID- 13821007 TI - Transient neonatal myasthenia. PMID- 13821008 TI - Spastic colon. PMID- 13821009 TI - Reflections in model and arterial pulse waves. PMID- 13821010 TI - Liquid protein concentrate in clinical practice. PMID- 13821011 TI - Pseudomyxoma peritonei associated with an appendix obstructed by an argentaffinoma (carcinoid) in a male. PMID- 13821012 TI - Physiotherapy in surgical conditions of the heart. PMID- 13821013 TI - Reflections on the professional education of the physiotherapist. PMID- 13821014 TI - Symposium on the use of medical auxillary services. (d) What is physiotherapy? PMID- 13821015 TI - Symposium: Ocular effects of ionizing radiation and radiotherapy; biologic effects of radiation and a discussion of radiological units. PMID- 13821016 TI - Peculiar writing mannerisms. PMID- 13821017 TI - The skin and mucous membrane manifestation of monocytic leukemia. PMID- 13821018 TI - Studies of nutrient media for tissue cells in vitro. VI. The effect of the nucleic acid derivatives mixture of medium NCTC 109 on NCTC strain 2071 and NCTC strain 2981. PMID- 13821019 TI - Growth in vitro of a long-term strain of monkey-kidney cells in medium NCTC 109 free of any added protein. PMID- 13821020 TI - The aetiology of systemic hypertension. PMID- 13821021 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of cardiac infarction. PMID- 13821022 TI - The electrocardiogram of alcoholic cardiomyopathy. PMID- 13821023 TI - Hypercholesterolemia and dietary vegetable oils. PMID- 13821024 TI - Clinical experience with phenelzine in psychosomatic and psychophysiologic disorders: a preliminary report. PMID- 13821025 TI - Comparison of bretylium tosylate with guanethidine in the treatment of severe hypertension. PMID- 13821026 TI - Treatment of status epilepticus by muscle relaxants and artificial respiration. PMID- 13821027 TI - [Certain 9-substituted xanthene derivatives]. PMID- 13821028 TI - [Heterocyclic synthesis with hydrazone halogenides: pyrazolequinazoline derivatives]. PMID- 13821029 TI - [On a method for the determination of gas-exchange in small animals]. PMID- 13821030 TI - [Materials on normal temperature-humidity conditions in indoor stadiums]. PMID- 13821031 TI - Osteopathy. PMID- 13821033 TI - The building at 212. PMID- 13821032 TI - Proposed amendments to the code of ethics and by-laws of the American Osteopathic Association. PMID- 13821034 TI - The autistic child. PMID- 13821035 TI - [Relations between psycho-analysts of adults and children]. PMID- 13821036 TI - [Emotional response of a study group to the symposium]. PMID- 13821037 TI - Effect of thoracolumbar sympathectomy on the clinical course of primary (essential) hypertension. A ten-year study of 100 sympathectomized patients compared with individually matched, symptomatically treated control subjects. PMID- 13821038 TI - [Primary pleural cancers. (Attempted classification of primary pleural tumors)]. PMID- 13821039 TI - [The mesotheliomas. Attempted anatomoclinical classification of primary pleural tumors]. PMID- 13821040 TI - [Anatomical and clinical study (excluding the physiology) of pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13821041 TI - [Pneumoconioses. Some demographic, medical and economic statistics]. PMID- 13821042 TI - [The cost of the sickness risk. Essay on causes of its variations]. PMID- 13821043 TI - Epidemics of tinea capitis due to Trichophyton verrucosum contracted from cattle or sheep. PMID- 13821045 TI - [On the utilization of cork mattresses for intra-ship transport of sick and wounded]. PMID- 13821044 TI - High leucocytosis (leukaemoid reactions) in dermatitis herpetiformis. PMID- 13821046 TI - Effective increase in nematode populations by the addition of aureomycin. PMID- 13821047 TI - Further studies on hereditary unilateral deafness. PMID- 13821048 TI - Ionophoresis of acid and basic amino acids on filter paper using low voltages. PMID- 13821049 TI - In situ histological evaluation of elastase activity. PMID- 13821050 TI - A march to Utopia--true or political. PMID- 13821051 TI - Griseofulvin therapy of superficial cutaneous mycoses. PMID- 13821052 TI - The treatment of cutaneous pyodermas. PMID- 13821053 TI - The appearance of labeled cells in the thoracic duct lymph of the guinea pig after the administration of tritiated thymidine. PMID- 13821054 TI - Literature survey of growth and developmental factors in articulatory maturation. PMID- 13821055 TI - The effect of indole-3-acetic acid on the ageing male rat. PMID- 13821056 TI - The effect of pituitary growth hormone on the aging male rat. PMID- 13821057 TI - The effect of prolonged thyroxine treatment on the ageing male rat. PMID- 13821058 TI - E. Farquhar Murray. PMID- 13821059 TI - Indications for sterilization in women. PMID- 13821060 TI - [Two results of "large lumbar puncture" in inner ear deafness]. PMID- 13821061 TI - Corticoid therapy in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13821062 TI - The ideal straight line (morphotype and morphogram according to Decourt and Doumic). PMID- 13821063 TI - Bases for concern about teenagers' diets. PMID- 13821064 TI - Acute posttraumatic aneurysm of radial artery. PMID- 13821065 TI - The significance of extreme mandibular movements. PMID- 13821066 TI - Trichophytosis of the scalp in adults; chronic trichophytosis of the adult. PMID- 13821067 TI - [On the origin of Ctenomyces interdigitalis (Epidermophyton Kaufmann-Wolf) in the soil. Palmar dyshidrosis by contact with soil]. PMID- 13821068 TI - [Considerations apropos of the mycological and pathogenic characters of Keratinomyces ajelloi--Vanbreuseghem 1952, soil saprophyte]. PMID- 13821069 TI - [The saprophytic and telluric origin of dermatophytes: a species of the Aleurisma genus, saprophyte of the soil and agent of an experimental dermatomvcosis]. PMID- 13821070 TI - [The problem of the existence and demonstration of keratinolytic enzymes in dermatophytes]. PMID- 13821072 TI - Ten years' experience with varicose vein stripping. PMID- 13821071 TI - [Experimental anatomo-functional study on cystic transformation of the residual ovary]. PMID- 13821073 TI - [Some psychiatric findings in maladjusted youth]. PMID- 13821074 TI - [Biological effects of radar high frequencies]. PMID- 13821075 TI - [Contraindications for certain drugs for aviators and drivers of automobiles]. PMID- 13821076 TI - [Apropos of the use of Hoffmann's external fixation apparatus in fractures of the tibial diaphysis]. PMID- 13821077 TI - [Effect of temperature on nucleic acids in B. licheniformis]. PMID- 13821078 TI - Influence of sodium pentobarbital on splanchnic blood flow and related functions. PMID- 13821079 TI - The morphology of the pseudoparasitic phase of some dermatophytes. PMID- 13821081 TI - [On the problem of regeneration in the pancreatico-gastric anastomosis]. PMID- 13821080 TI - [Non-specific resistance to tetanus of animals of various types of nervous system]. PMID- 13821082 TI - A comparison of tetracycline and pyrrolidinomethyltetracycline intravenously and orally against a Staphylococcus infection in mice. PMID- 13821083 TI - [The autonomic nervous system and schizophrenia]. PMID- 13821084 TI - Changing practices: a plea and some predictions. PMID- 13821085 TI - Advances in psychological medicine. PMID- 13821086 TI - Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health. PMID- 13821087 TI - New knowledge for better mental health. PMID- 13821088 TI - Psychiatry for the family physician. PMID- 13821089 TI - Psychiatry in industry. PMID- 13821090 TI - Corticosteroids in preoperative medical management of ulcerative colitis. Do they affect surgical success? PMID- 13821091 TI - Suprapubic one-stage prostatectomy with primary closure of the bladder. PMID- 13821092 TI - Increased urinary excretion of catechol amines in the absence of known chromaffin tumors: a survey by the rabbit aortic-strip method of 802 unselected, hospitalized patients. PMID- 13821093 TI - [The significance of carrot soup in potassium substitution therapy in acute nutrition disorder in children]. PMID- 13821094 TI - Renal cell carcinoma and polycythemia. PMID- 13821095 TI - [Lung sarcoma]. PMID- 13821096 TI - [On preoperative care with palascopin in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13821097 TI - [Treatment of active pulmonary tuberculosis with butazolidin]. PMID- 13821098 TI - [Nephrocin. Clinical trial of a new nose-drop preparation]. PMID- 13821099 TI - Having feelings about patients. PMID- 13821100 TI - Love and hate in the doctor's office. PMID- 13821101 TI - The first phase of alcoholic rehabilitation: report of a controlled study with benactyzine, paraldehyde and pyridoxine. PMID- 13821102 TI - The physician who talked himself into trouble. PMID- 13821103 TI - Why you should limit your small talk. PMID- 13821104 TI - The new era of aging. PMID- 13821105 TI - The place of dialysis in renal failure in surgical practice. PMID- 13821106 TI - Selected problems of treatment in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13821107 TI - [Experiences in the surgical treatment of epiphysiolysis capitis femoris]. PMID- 13821108 TI - [Orthopedic apparatus as a therapeutic agent and aid]. PMID- 13821110 TI - [The orthopedic apparatus as a therapeutic agent and aid]. PMID- 13821109 TI - [Review of monochromatic quartz optics]. PMID- 13821111 TI - The influence of chromatic and achromatic color in the Rorschach. PMID- 13821112 TI - [Mental reactions in puberal girls during gynecological examination]. PMID- 13821113 TI - Use of trifluoperazine in chronic psychotic patients. PMID- 13821114 TI - Disabilities of the feet and the need for chiropody. PMID- 13821115 TI - The reality of mental disease and the disease of reality. PMID- 13821116 TI - [Apropos of the "Traite de Psychiatrie" by Henri Baruk]. PMID- 13821117 TI - Trichinosis in Ohio and its detection by the S-K test. PMID- 13821118 TI - [Anesthesia bronchoscopy under muscle relaxation]. PMID- 13821119 TI - [The effect of electric shock therapy on the hearing threshold]. PMID- 13821121 TI - [Diagnosis of 'acute abdomen']. PMID- 13821120 TI - [The therapy of malignant nasopharyngeal tumors with the combined surgical radiological method of the Heidelberger Klinik (Part A: Surgery)]. PMID- 13821122 TI - [Toxic effects of HgNa2 EDTA and HgNazChenta]. PMID- 13821123 TI - [EDTA and cobalt poisoning]. PMID- 13821124 TI - [Complexons in experimental cadmium poisoning]. PMID- 13821125 TI - [Morphological observations in the hypothalamus of cats after ligations of the pancreatic duct]. PMID- 13821126 TI - [A case of acute intermittent porphyria in a Bantu]. PMID- 13821128 TI - Familial recurring polyserositis. PMID- 13821127 TI - [Rickettsioses and atypical pneumonias in the lower Congo]. PMID- 13821129 TI - Vivax-type malaria parasite of macaques transmissible to man. AB - Transmission of Plasmodium cynomolgi bastianellii from rhesus monkeys to two human subjects by Anopheles freeborni and the occurrence of attacks of malaria in two other laboratory workers not exposed to human malaria suggests the existence of an animal reservoir of infection complicating malaria control and eradication. PMID- 13821130 TI - The effect of metabolites on the antitoxoplasmic action of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine. PMID- 13821131 TI - Scientific centenaries in 1960. PMID- 13821132 TI - [Immunological studies on Hashimoto's goiter consecutive to mumps thyroiditis]. PMID- 13821133 TI - [Immunological study of a Hashimoto's goiter following mumps thyroiditis]. PMID- 13821134 TI - [Critical review of methods of evaluation of properdin]. PMID- 13821135 TI - [Serological study of 5 cases of accidental acute irradiation. Effects of the transfusion of homologous bone marrow]. PMID- 13821136 TI - [Serological diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis]. PMID- 13821137 TI - High frequency (sedac) testing and treatment. PMID- 13821138 TI - Transvestitism: (employment of somatic therapy with subsequent improvement). PMID- 13821139 TI - Coronary nodal rhythm. PMID- 13821140 TI - [Contribution to the treatment of hypertension]. PMID- 13821141 TI - Smoking and personality. PMID- 13821142 TI - Serial position effects in nonsense syllable learning as a function of interlist rest pauses. PMID- 13821143 TI - The Rees-Eysenck body index and Sheldon's somatotype system. PMID- 13821144 TI - The concept of statistical significance and the controversy about one-tailed tests. PMID- 13821145 TI - Dimensions of personality, psychiatric syndromes, and mathematical models. PMID- 13821146 TI - [Importance of the Martin and Badin tests with cetavlon and the Vernes test with resorcin in various diseases and especially in thromboses]. PMID- 13821147 TI - [Heparin tolerance and Quick time tests on total blood]. PMID- 13821148 TI - The psychologic effects of ACTH and cortisone therapy. PMID- 13821149 TI - Two cases of congenital complete heart-block diagnosed antenatally. PMID- 13821150 TI - The electrical activity of mammalian intrafusal fibres. PMID- 13821151 TI - The motor regulation of mammalian spindle discharges. PMID- 13821152 TI - Rapidly labeled fractions of ribonucleic acid in Bacillus megaterium. PMID- 13821153 TI - [Various experimental observations in aneurysms of the left cardiac ventricle and their surgical significance]. PMID- 13821154 TI - [Aldolase and its clinical signifiance]. PMID- 13821155 TI - [Change of the blood indices in repeated administration of synthomycin (Experimental study)]. PMID- 13821156 TI - [On the diagnosis of epidemic hepatitis in the phase of abatement in children]. PMID- 13821157 TI - [On the diagnostic and prognostic significance of aldolase activity in epidemic hepatitis in children]. PMID- 13821158 TI - [Some enzymes of glycolysis in the blood serum of children with Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13821159 TI - [Complicated uterine perforation of intestinal lesions]. PMID- 13821160 TI - [An anesthetic technic for cesarean section and its undoubted advantages]. PMID- 13821161 TI - [Attempted pathogenic interpretation of the glomerular lesions observed during the evolution of kidney diseases in pregnancy]. PMID- 13821162 TI - [A recent case of one-way uterovesical fistula after segmental abdominal cesarean section]. PMID- 13821163 TI - [Cysts of the ovaries and gravido-puerperalism]. PMID- 13821164 TI - [On the stimulating effect of Penicillium glaucum on the multiplication of Leptospira]. PMID- 13821165 TI - The role of transference in psycho-analytic and other approaches to group treatment. PMID- 13821166 TI - Resistance to insulin due to neutralizing antibodies. PMID- 13821167 TI - The cells of the human adenohypophysis in thyroid disorders. PMID- 13821168 TI - Active transport of Ca ions across the rabbit cornea. PMID- 13821169 TI - The function of the extrinsic laryngeal muscles at different pitch: an electromyographic and roentgenologic investigation. PMID- 13821170 TI - [Contribution to the study of the biological changes in confusional states]. PMID- 13821171 TI - [The Rorschach test and the diagnosis of beginning schizophrenia]. PMID- 13821172 TI - Sudden death due to coronary insufficiency resulting from healed polyarteritis nodosa in a boy of seven years. PMID- 13821173 TI - An experimental analysis of regional organization in the regenerating fore limb of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). PMID- 13821174 TI - Nonhaem iron in erythrocytes as a precursor for haemoglobin. PMID- 13821175 TI - The human aorta. VII. The influence of continuous heparin treatment on atherosclerosis in the aorta. PMID- 13821176 TI - [Staphylococcal bacteremia. II. Frequency, origin, way of entrance and mortality illustrated by 201 cases from 1957 to 1958]. PMID- 13821178 TI - [Staphylococcal bacteremia. I. Clinical survey of 88 cases from 1940-58]. PMID- 13821179 TI - Oriented preparations of free-floating asymmeterial cells or cell constituents by their inclusion in extruded fibers. PMID- 13821177 TI - Correlation between phage-type and hyaluronidase-production of Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13821180 TI - [Acute massive hemorrhage caused by gastroduodenal ulcer in aged over 70]. PMID- 13821181 TI - [Clinico-statistical considerations on 828 cases of acute peritonitis caused by perforation of abdominal organs]. PMID- 13821182 TI - [On a case of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in an adult]. PMID- 13821183 TI - [Changes of the rheogram after lumbar gangliectomy in peripheral obliterting arteriopathy. (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13821184 TI - [Further research on the effect of various drugs on the formation of the collateral circulation after ligation of the aorta at the iliac bifurcation]. PMID- 13821185 TI - [Dilatropon in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13821186 TI - [Findings in a case of chronic segmental enteritis]. PMID- 13821187 TI - [Giant hypertrophic gastritis simulating a gastric neoplasm]. PMID- 13821188 TI - Techniques and complications of spinal anesthesia. PMID- 13821189 TI - [Contribution to the diagnosis of a congenital isolated tracheo-esophageal fistula]. PMID- 13821190 TI - [Contribution to the study of the socalled accessory nucleus of the facial nerve in man]. PMID- 13821191 TI - [On certain histofunctional aspects of the hypothalamus in the course of primary and so-called idiopathic amentia]. PMID- 13821192 TI - [Various histochemical aspects of the hypothalamic nuclei in guinea pigs subjected to cumulative electroshock]. PMID- 13821193 TI - [Influence of pregnancy on malaria of the white rat from Plasmodium vinckei]. PMID- 13821194 TI - [Experimental infection of white mice with Plasmodium vinckei]. PMID- 13821195 TI - [Exploration of the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system during malaria in rodents]. PMID- 13821196 TI - [Experimental malaria (due to Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium vinckei). Its importance in general immunology]. PMID- 13821197 TI - [Blood lipases in pancreatic pathology]. PMID- 13821198 TI - [Various post-influenzal neuropsychiatric syndromes]. PMID- 13821199 TI - [Aluminum hydroxynaphthoate, intestinal antiseptic and antidiarrheic agent. Preliminary study]. PMID- 13821200 TI - [Clinical contribution to the nosology and classification of polyradiculoneuritis with special reference to the chronic form]. PMID- 13821201 TI - [Contribution to the study of nosographic picture of chronic progressive polyradiculoneuritis]. PMID- 13821202 TI - Effects of versene and beta-2-thienylalanine on the developing down feather. PMID- 13821203 TI - Fixative and post-mortem changes in the morphology of duodenal villi. PMID- 13821204 TI - [Congenital total auriculoventricular block in a patient with endocardial fibroelastosis and persistence of the ductus arteriosus. Diagnosis in utero]. PMID- 13821205 TI - [Action "in vitro" of 5,7-dichloro-beta-oxyquinaldine on Trichomonas vaginalis]. PMID- 13821206 TI - Ethyl-methyl-glutarimide (bemegride) as activator of the electroencephalogram: a diagnostic aid in clinical EEG work. PMID- 13821207 TI - Failure to demonstrate preciptating antibodies against vessel extracts in patients with vascular disorders. PMID- 13821208 TI - [New personal contribution to the treatment of various heart diseases with an extract of young hearts: "recosen"]. PMID- 13821210 TI - The nephrotic syndrome PMID- 13821209 TI - [Medical aspects of helicopter flight in the French Air Force. Piloting traumatology]. PMID- 13821211 TI - [Cervical ribs]. PMID- 13821212 TI - [Evaluation of thyroid homografts in the testis of thyroidectomized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13821213 TI - [Reflections apropos of a uterine rupture, sequel of corporeal hysterotomy]. PMID- 13821214 TI - [The detection of cancer of the uterine cervix considered from the economic and social points of view]. PMID- 13821215 TI - [The detection of cancer of the uterine cervix studied from the economic and social points of view]. PMID- 13821216 TI - [The use of Vichy waters in gynecology]. PMID- 13821217 TI - [Our statistics on adenomectomy (in 1000 operations)]. PMID- 13821218 TI - [Therapeutic indications in cases of horseshoe kidney]. PMID- 13821220 TI - [High-frequency electric glottography, particulars of the equipment]. PMID- 13821219 TI - [Delta-hydrocortisone in urological practice]. PMID- 13821221 TI - [Protoplasmic modifications of the Ranvier nodes by electrotonizing currents revealed by angular agography. Disappearance of agographic responses with preservation of action potentials]. PMID- 13821222 TI - [Present status of the toxicology of boron hydrides]. PMID- 13821223 TI - [Research on the comparative metabolism of xylenes or dimethylbenzenes]. PMID- 13821224 TI - [Study of the metabolism of xylenes or dimethylbenzenes in the rat, guinea pig and rabbit]. PMID- 13821226 TI - [On the subject of renewal of authorization of utilization of the "Sainte-Anne" spring at Arcachon (Gironde)]. PMID- 13821225 TI - [Toxicological research on substitute solvents for benzene. IV. Study of xylenes]. PMID- 13821227 TI - [On the subject of two mineral springs of Santenay (Cote-d'Or)]. PMID- 13821228 TI - [On the toxicological properties of the constitutents of petroleums]. PMID- 13821229 TI - [Stenosing forms of tuberculosis of the small intestine]. PMID- 13821230 TI - Problems in the isolation and identification of avian PPLO. PMID- 13821231 TI - Clinical aspects of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13821232 TI - Effect of coitus on nasal temperature. PMID- 13821233 TI - Medication of the ear, nose and throat. PMID- 13821234 TI - Recent advances in nasal physiology. PMID- 13821235 TI - Sexual functions and the nose. PMID- 13821236 TI - The painful neck. PMID- 13821237 TI - The management of radiation injuries to the intestines. PMID- 13821239 TI - [Preventive action of topical applications of fluorine on the onset of experimental caries induced by cariogenic diet]. PMID- 13821238 TI - An improved ileostomy appliance. PMID- 13821240 TI - [Morphological and histochemical aspects of the gingival mucosa in old age]. PMID- 13821242 TI - [Various methods for the repair of fixed dental prostheses without their removal]. PMID- 13821241 TI - [Considerations on the constant finding of plasma cells in hypertrophic marginal parodontitis]. PMID- 13821243 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes after mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13821244 TI - [The electrocardiogram during the operation of mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13821245 TI - [Myocardial infarct and ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia. (Clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13821246 TI - [Composition of the bone salts in ossifying tissues. I. Effect of bone mineralization treatments on synthetic calcium phosphates]. PMID- 13821247 TI - [The influence of somatotropic hormone on small intestine resorption of glucose]. PMID- 13821248 TI - [Effect of a temporary distribution of food intake on the nature of nutritionally induced adaptation changes]. PMID- 13821249 TI - [A simple method for standard laboratory diets with various contents of principal nutrients]. PMID- 13821250 TI - Combined insulin-tolbutamide therapy in the management of insulin-dependent diabetes. PMID- 13821251 TI - Effect of sulfonylurea preparations on angina pectoris and intermittent claudication in diabetic subjects. PMID- 13821252 TI - Tolbutamide in the treatment of angina pectoris. PMID- 13821253 TI - Neuropsychiatric manifestations of somatic disease: a review of nutritional, metabolic and endocrine aspects. PMID- 13821254 TI - [Value of fibrinogenemia in the picture of blood protein and blood coagulation changes in liver diseases]. PMID- 13821255 TI - [On functional pathology of the blood platelets (Bibliographical review and critical considerations)]. PMID- 13821256 TI - [Research on platelet function in thrombosis and thrombophilic conditions]. PMID- 13821257 TI - [The thromboplastin formation test in thrombosis and thrombophilic conditions]. PMID- 13821258 TI - [Considerations on the prognosis of myocardial infarct. Note I. The prognosis of myocardial infarct in the acute phase]. PMID- 13821259 TI - [Fetal phonocardiography during pregnancy and labor]. PMID- 13821260 TI - [Syndrome of spatial inattention with pains of cortical origin. Anatomoclinical study]. PMID- 13821261 TI - On clinical teaching. PMID- 13821262 TI - [Effect of ultrasonic waves on Azotobacter chroococcum]. PMID- 13821263 TI - [On adsorption of actinophages on the sensitive actinomycetes]. PMID- 13821264 TI - [Effect of penicillin on morphology of experimental pneumonia induced by Pneumoccus of the III type]. PMID- 13821265 TI - [Changes in the electrical activity of the cerebellar cortex induced by local chloralose treatment]. PMID- 13821266 TI - [Electrophysiological research on the pathways of cerebellipetal impulses of visual origin]. PMID- 13821267 TI - Monosynaptic activation of different portions of the motor neuron membrane. PMID- 13821268 TI - [Analysis of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials registered intracellulary of frog spinal motoneurons]. PMID- 13821269 TI - [Focal postsynaptic potentials registered by means of microelectrodes in the frog spinal cord]. PMID- 13821270 TI - [Studies on the relationship between the chemical structure and the antihypertensive-saluretic activity of chlorothiazide and hydrochlorothiazide]. PMID- 13821271 TI - [On an atypical course of the ligament of the little finger]. PMID- 13821272 TI - [Observations on the tolerance to a new combined diphtheria-tetanus-poliomyelitis vaccine]. PMID- 13821273 TI - [The use of chlorothiazide in therapy of severe essential hypertension]. PMID- 13821274 TI - New connection for endotracheal tubes in infants. PMID- 13821275 TI - Accreditation as I see it. PMID- 13821276 TI - Cardiospasm (a critical consideration of modern surgical treatment). PMID- 13821277 TI - [On the treatment of angina pectoris]. PMID- 13821278 TI - [The present position of surgery of the sympathetic nervous system in obliterant arteritis of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13821279 TI - Technique of stereotactic surgery. PMID- 13821280 TI - The changing pattern of neurosurgery. PMID- 13821281 TI - Radiological determination of foetal length by measurement of the lumbar spine. PMID- 13821282 TI - Diabetic neuropathy: a clinical and histological study on the significance of vascular affections. PMID- 13821284 TI - Regional co-operation in medical education: WICHE. PMID- 13821283 TI - Marine sterols. 6. Sterol biosynthesis in molluscs and echinoderms. PMID- 13821285 TI - A recently discovered second letter from George Washington to John Baker. PMID- 13821286 TI - Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. Report of two cases and review of the natural history of the disease. PMID- 13821287 TI - Too many words: a plea for the medical reader. PMID- 13821289 TI - [Alternate bacteriophagic lysis and secondary growth of staphylococcus (Tw strain)]. PMID- 13821288 TI - [Virus infections in the respiratory tract. 4. Prevention]. PMID- 13821290 TI - [Inductor effect of oxygenated water on phage production by the lysogenic Escherichia coli K12 strain]. PMID- 13821291 TI - Unusual congenital deformity of the superior mediastinum. PMID- 13821292 TI - Cell nuclei and gamma macroglobulins. PMID- 13821293 TI - Characterization of anti-thyroglobulin factors in human serum. PMID- 13821294 TI - Human gamma globulin fractionation on anion exchange cellulose columns. PMID- 13821295 TI - Separation of 6.6S and 18S gamma globulins with isohemagglutinin activity. PMID- 13821296 TI - Distinctive myeloma globulins associated with a new plasma cell neoplasm of strain C3H mice. PMID- 13821297 TI - Myeloma proteins and macroglobulins associated with plasma cell tumors in experimental animals. PMID- 13821298 TI - Bence Jones proteinuria associated with a transplantable mouse plasma-cell neoplasm. PMID- 13821299 TI - Separation of serum antibody activities by anion-exchange cellulose chromatography. AB - Mumps, Histoplasma capsulatum. thyroglobulin, and typhoid H antibodies were found in fraction 1, which contained only gamma globulins with ultracentrifugal sedimentation coefficients of 6.6 Svedberg units (S). Typhoid O antibodies and rheumatoid factor were only in fraction 5, composed principally of gamma macroglobulins with ultracentrifugal sedimentation coefficients of 18 S. In contrast isohemagglutinins, Rh antibodies, and anti-human liver nucleoprotein activities were found in two chromatogram fractions (1 and 5) with different physicochemical properties. PMID- 13821300 TI - Leiomyosarcoma of Meckel's diverticulum. PMID- 13821301 TI - Lipemia-induced acceleration of intravascular clotting. II. Effect of hypoprothrombinemia. PMID- 13821303 TI - Comparison of physiological properties of certain phage-typable coagulase positive Staphylococci. PMID- 13821302 TI - Coagulase production by Staphylococcus aureus. I. Factors influencing coagulase production. PMID- 13821304 TI - [Torsion of the testis]. PMID- 13821305 TI - [Air embolism of the coronary arteries in surgery of auricular septal defect on the open heart in hypothermia]. PMID- 13821306 TI - Complementation among the subgenic mutants in the r-locus of Drosophila melangogaster. PMID- 13821307 TI - Changes in blood pressure and pulse during administration of muscle relaxants. PMID- 13821308 TI - Catalase activity as variable property of mycobacteria. PMID- 13821309 TI - Acquired tolerance for micro-embolism. PMID- 13821310 TI - [On the problem of the increase of immunogenic properties of live vaccine against tularemia]. PMID- 13821311 TI - [On anti-chicken cell and anti-chicken organ serums. On anti-chicken hemoglobin serums]. PMID- 13821312 TI - The significance of one umbilical artery. PMID- 13821313 TI - [Intradermal reactions in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases]. PMID- 13821314 TI - Automatic determination of serum proteins. PMID- 13821315 TI - [On cerebral thrombophlebitis of the puerperium. (Apropos of 2 clinical cases)]. PMID- 13821316 TI - [On a double neurological complication of diphtheria: hemiplegia and meningoradiculitis]. PMID- 13821317 TI - [On secondary cerebral echinococcosis. (Clinical contribution)]. PMID- 13821318 TI - [On an exceptional oculo-labial synkinesia]. PMID- 13821319 TI - [Effect of cooling on the autolytic changes of glia: experimental research]. PMID- 13821320 TI - [Grave paranoid schizophrenia appearing in a chronic alcoholic subject]. PMID- 13821321 TI - Measurement of the dose in small tissue volumes surrounding "point" sources of radioisotopes. PMID- 13821322 TI - [The effect of neuraminidase on different forms of cattle submaxillary mucin]. PMID- 13821323 TI - [On 2 cases of human myiasis produced by Chrysomyia bezziana Villeneuve in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13821324 TI - [Sparganosis in man and animals in Ruanda-Urundi]. PMID- 13821325 TI - [Functional aspects and structural role of the homosexual investment in the course of psychoanalytic treatments of adults]. PMID- 13821326 TI - [Clinico-morphological characteristics of tumors of the lamina quadrigemina]. PMID- 13821327 TI - Catalase activity in pathogenic Leptospira. PMID- 13821328 TI - [On the use of splenectomy in hypoplastic anemias]. PMID- 13821329 TI - [Classification of tuberculosis of urogenital organs]. PMID- 13821330 TI - How to handle salesmen's calls profitably. PMID- 13821332 TI - Cost of sewage treatment works in the USA. PMID- 13821331 TI - Selecting a good assistant. PMID- 13821333 TI - New factors in man's management of his environment, especially fluoridation, air pollution and radiation. PMID- 13821334 TI - The collection, treatment and utilization of solid wastes: practice and research in the USA. PMID- 13821335 TI - Keratitis and deafness. PMID- 13821336 TI - Congenital toxoplasmosis. IV. Case finding using the skin test and ophthalmoscope in state schools for mentally retarded children. PMID- 13821337 TI - Congenital toxoplasmosis. V. Ocular aspects of the disease. PMID- 13821338 TI - Ocular signs of diabetes. PMID- 13821339 TI - Stimulation of dye-test antibodies in human volunteers using heat-killed Toxoplasma. PMID- 13821340 TI - Variability in answers to a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. PMID- 13821341 TI - The alkaloids of hemlock (Conium maculatum L.). Distribution in relation to the development of the fruit. PMID- 13821342 TI - The determination of the alkaloids of Conium maculatum by paper chromatography. PMID- 13821343 TI - Dolitrone anesthesia. PMID- 13821344 TI - Observations on penicillin "B". PMID- 13821345 TI - Choroid plexus papilloma and its relation to hydrocephalus. PMID- 13821346 TI - Protection by sulfur compounds against the air pollutants ozone and nitrogen dioxide. AB - Two distinct but related pathways of protection against the lethal effects of ozone and nitrogen dioxide are shown by (i) simultaneous inhalation of compounds that furnish -SH or -SS-, or both, and (ii) by injection of thiourea derivatives several days prior to exposure to these oxidant gases. The mechanism of (i) is believed similar to that proposed for the action of radiation-protective compounds; that of (ii) involves the development of a tolerance initiated by the thiourea against the oxidants. PMID- 13821347 TI - Accidents in children. PMID- 13821348 TI - Ventricular tachycardia associated with thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13821349 TI - Compressive properties of dental gypsum. PMID- 13821350 TI - Patent ductus arteriosus in adult life. PMID- 13821351 TI - Cortisone and skin sensitivity to tuberculin in reticuloses. PMID- 13821352 TI - Aliphatic precursors of pyrimidines in Neurospora. PMID- 13821353 TI - Pharyngitis: acute and chronic. PMID- 13821354 TI - Radiation nephritis: report of a case. PMID- 13821355 TI - [Pseudomyopathic syndrome appearing during treatment with 9 alpha-fluro-16 alpha hydroxy-delta-hydrocortisone (triamcinolone)]. PMID- 13821356 TI - [Complications and sequelae of embolisms of the large branches of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13821357 TI - [Variations of the PQ space in recuperation from commissurotomies or pericardotomies]. PMID- 13821358 TI - [Anomalous pulmonary venous return and interauricular communication]. PMID- 13821359 TI - [Double superior vena cava. Apropos of a case]. PMID- 13821360 TI - [Action in vitro of a new antifungal antibiotic extracted from an actinomycete isolated from the soil]. PMID- 13821361 TI - [Antibacterial activity of a new antibiotic produced by a fungus]. PMID- 13821362 TI - The early recognition of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13821363 TI - Tolbutamide-induced improvement in carbohydrate tolerance of young people with mild diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13821364 TI - Metabolic effects of phenethylbiguanide in normal subjects and in diabetic patients. PMID- 13821365 TI - [Clinico-pathological correlation of patients who have died in the medical department of the Hospital Roosevelt. Study of diagnostic errors and their principal causes]. PMID- 13821366 TI - The effect of hydrochlorothiazide (esidrex) on intraocular pressure in man. PMID- 13821367 TI - Primary carcinoma of the liver and giant-cell hepatitis in infancy. PMID- 13821368 TI - Kidney-, liver- and heart-damages from trauma and from induced intravascular aggregation of blood-cells: an experimental study. PMID- 13821369 TI - Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. (Albright-McCune's syndrome) report of a case. PMID- 13821370 TI - Studies on wound healing and trauma. Part 2. Morphological basis of the retarding effect of femoral fracture on healing of skin incisions. PMID- 13821371 TI - Experimental studies in hemoglobinuric nephrosis. Part 3. The effect of acute hemolytic anemia (hemoglobinemia) combined with ten minutes' unilateral renal ischemia on the morphology and function of the rabbit's kidneys. PMID- 13821372 TI - [Organization of oncological services in the Ostrava region]. PMID- 13821373 TI - [A new type of warming chamber for observation by means of phase optic]. PMID- 13821374 TI - How to help the child with cystic fibrosis. PMID- 13821375 TI - [On the problem of comparative evaluation of various methods of placing the circular vascular suture]. PMID- 13821376 TI - [The psychomotor development of the African child of Senegal]. PMID- 13821377 TI - The prognosis for disturbances in ocular motility following trauma to the head: a follow-up examination of an acute neurosurgical patient material. PMID- 13821378 TI - Professor Piraja da Silva, incontestable discoverer of "Schistosoma mansoni". PMID- 13821379 TI - A simple device for long-lasting, continuous injections into animals. PMID- 13821380 TI - Some observations on the histology and histochemistry of the chromaffin cells probably storing dopamine. PMID- 13821381 TI - On the cellular localization of catechol amines in the brain. PMID- 13821382 TI - Site of production of oestrogen in rat ovary as studied in micro-transplants. PMID- 13821384 TI - Public relations in public health. PMID- 13821383 TI - Site of production of oestrogen in the ovary of the rat. PMID- 13821385 TI - [Contribution on iritis as the sign of allergic-hyperergic inflammation]. PMID- 13821386 TI - [Clinical studies on liver cirrhosis. IX. Signs of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13821387 TI - [Relations of lymphogranulomatosis maligna (Hodgkin's disease) to lymphogranulomatosis benigna (Boeck's disease or sarcoidosis) with special reference to involvement of the CNS]. PMID- 13821388 TI - [Acute pneumopathy. Our experience with tetracycline with triple sulfas]. PMID- 13821389 TI - [Medicosocial considerations on pulmonary tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13821390 TI - [Therapy of neurovegetative dystonia with a new antineurodystonia agent]. PMID- 13821391 TI - Mechanism of induction of spore germination in Bacillus subtilis by L-alanine and hydrogen peroxide. PMID- 13821392 TI - Placental implantation for peripheral vascular disease. PMID- 13821393 TI - Ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13821394 TI - Clinico-pathological considerations of temporal lobe epilepsy due to small focal lesions. A study of cases submitted to operation. PMID- 13821395 TI - [Phonocardiographic studies of aortic stenosis]. PMID- 13821396 TI - [Investigation on cochleovestibular function in subjects with chronic mercury poisoning. Preliminary results]. PMID- 13821397 TI - [Changes of smell in chronic occupational mercury poisoning]. PMID- 13821399 TI - [Clinical and histopathological contribution to the study of mycosis spinulosa of the tonsils]. PMID- 13821398 TI - [Changes of the larynx in chronic occupational mercury poisoning]. PMID- 13821400 TI - Longevity and intellectual variation in a senescent twin population. PMID- 13821401 TI - [Intestinal tuberculosis. Radiological aspects for its diagnosis]. PMID- 13821402 TI - The aerobic assimilation of glucose by yeast cells. PMID- 13821403 TI - [Study on the mechanical sterilization of the air]. PMID- 13821404 TI - Salmonella infections in man. With special reference to Ceylon. PMID- 13821405 TI - Effects of potassium on frog skeletal muscle in a chloride-deficient medium. PMID- 13821406 TI - Prolonged response of skeletal muscle in the absence of penetrating anions. PMID- 13821407 TI - [A clinical contribution to sucsan-azulene therapy]. PMID- 13821408 TI - Inoperable vesicovaginal fistula: substitution of the vesical sphincter in certain cases. PMID- 13821409 TI - Vesical fistulas after cesarean section. PMID- 13821410 TI - Aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons in polluted air as indicators of carcinogenic hazards. PMID- 13821411 TI - Effect of cigarette smoke and its constituents on ciliated mucus-secreting epithelium. PMID- 13821412 TI - Coordinated health services in the Canal Zone: a case study and some implications for the United States. PMID- 13821413 TI - Pseudouroporphyrin, and enzymic and non-enzymic porphyrin formation in vitro. PMID- 13821414 TI - Binding of haem to protein in haemoglobin and myoglobin. PMID- 13821415 TI - Effect of oxygen tension on haem and porphyrin biosynthesis. PMID- 13821416 TI - Light sensitivity due to demethylchlortetracycline. Report of four cases. PMID- 13821417 TI - Pyodermas during use of topical C-21 steroids; four case reports. PMID- 13821418 TI - [The anatomical results and functional outcome after modified radical operation in chronic otitis media]. PMID- 13821419 TI - [The substitutive effect of human tonsillar extract on the growth of thymectomized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13821420 TI - [The use of the anti-inflammatory effect of glycocorticoids in gynecology]. PMID- 13821421 TI - Tubal pregnancy. PMID- 13821422 TI - An outbreak of primary myocarditis in infants: an epidemiological study. PMID- 13821423 TI - [An outbreak of primary myocarditis in infants (An epidemiological study)]. PMID- 13821424 TI - On infantile tetany and pathological changes in the C.S.F. PMID- 13821425 TI - [Balance studies on the electrolyte effect of hydrochlorothiazide in children. Contribution to the mechanism of action of conteben diuresis]. PMID- 13821426 TI - [The treatment of typhoid in children with corticosteroids and chloramphenicol]. PMID- 13821427 TI - [Contribution to the problem of damage to the human embryo by artificial radioactive isotopes]. PMID- 13821428 TI - [Electron microscopic findings on the problem of double membrane formation in herpes simplex virus]. PMID- 13821429 TI - Pulmonary hypertension due to pulmonary arterial coarctation. PMID- 13821430 TI - [Artificial deformities of the human skull]. PMID- 13821431 TI - Crossed renal ectopia without fusion: report of a case in a seven-month-old female infant, with review. PMID- 13821432 TI - Bilateral eosinophilic granulomas of the mastoid processes. Report of a case in a two-year-old boy, with review. PMID- 13821433 TI - Effects of single dose proton irradiation of normal skin and Vx2 carcinoma in rabbit ears: a comparative investigation with protons and roentgen rays. PMID- 13821434 TI - Histological changes in the liver in diseases of the biliary tract. PMID- 13821435 TI - [On the mechanism of action of various catalase inhibitors]. PMID- 13821436 TI - [Pancreatic lipases in the intestinal content of the cadaver]. PMID- 13821437 TI - [Roentgen films of frontal sections through the skull. A contribution to the interpretation of frontal skull tomography]. PMID- 13821438 TI - [A case of glomus tumor which was undiagnosed for 30 years]. PMID- 13821439 TI - [Delta-butazolidine in rheumatological practice]. PMID- 13821440 TI - [Chronic evolutive polyarthritis with L.E. cells. Clinical and serological studies]. PMID- 13821441 TI - [Chronic evolutive polyarthritis with LE cells]. PMID- 13821442 TI - [Serology of disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13821443 TI - Dexamethasone in childhood asthma. PMID- 13821445 TI - [Problems and experiences with the control of venereal diseases in seaports]. PMID- 13821444 TI - Goiter and thyroid dysfunction following the use of iodides in asthmatic children. PMID- 13821446 TI - Ileorectal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13821447 TI - The combined operation of gastrectomy and vagotomy. PMID- 13821448 TI - The workshop of the surgeon--the modern operating room. PMID- 13821449 TI - [Atypical digestive manifestations of non-occupational lead poisoning. Results of treatment by chelators]. PMID- 13821450 TI - The use of amphotercin B in selected cases of chorioretinitis. PMID- 13821452 TI - [Pulmonary manifestations of disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13821451 TI - Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, a dyscephaly with congenital cataracts and hypotrichosis. PMID- 13821453 TI - Effect of oxygen tension on sodium transport across isolated frog skin. PMID- 13821454 TI - An integrated adolescent care program in an general psychiatric hospital. Workshop, 1959. PMID- 13821455 TI - Juvenile delinquency: a 1960 perspective. PMID- 13821456 TI - [Contribution to the problem of the regulation of injected glucose from the small intestine in young rats]. PMID- 13821458 TI - The effect of population movement on housing as it concerns public health. PMID- 13821457 TI - [Hearing gains after columellization]. PMID- 13821459 TI - [Histochemical changes in the placenta in antenatal death of the fetus]. PMID- 13821460 TI - Occult pathology in senile prostates. PMID- 13821461 TI - Bilharzial bladder-neck obstruction. PMID- 13821462 TI - [Glyconeogenesis and pantothenic acid]. PMID- 13821463 TI - Cryptophthalmos: a case report. PMID- 13821464 TI - Transpleural approach in radical treatment of tuberculosis of the thoracic spine. PMID- 13821465 TI - [Traumatic intracranial hematomas]. PMID- 13821466 TI - [Hereditary multiple cartilaginous exostoses]. PMID- 13821467 TI - [Considerations on the clinical use of a new water-soluble derivative of theobromine]. PMID- 13821468 TI - [Shortening of the leg and the formation of a solitary cartilaginous exostosis after juxta-articular radiation of a hemangioma in infancy]. PMID- 13821469 TI - [The familial incidence of lipoid nephrosis and nephrophthisis]. PMID- 13821470 TI - [Allergy problems. Part I]. PMID- 13821472 TI - [Infant eczema]. PMID- 13821471 TI - [Endogenous causes of failures of vaccination]. PMID- 13821473 TI - [Maintenance of biological balance of plasma calcium and its disorders]. PMID- 13821474 TI - [Modern viewpoints on tubule functions]. PMID- 13821475 TI - [The current status of water and electrolyte treatment of toxic conditions]. PMID- 13821476 TI - [The effect of vitamin D. Clinical use]. PMID- 13821477 TI - [Utilization of tissue culture for serodiagnosis of Japanese encephalitis (preliminary report)]. PMID- 13821478 TI - [Cultivation of Japanese and West Nile encephalitis viruses in tissue cultures of angiosarcoma, Detroit-6, NER-2 and monkey kidney cells]. PMID- 13821479 TI - [Clinical studies on bone and joint tuberculosis]. PMID- 13821480 TI - [Prevention and treatment of severe ischemic contracture of the forearm]. PMID- 13821481 TI - A study of the effects of certain drugs on alterations of foveal dark adaptability. PMID- 13821482 TI - Combined effect of vitamins A and E on dark adaptation in man. PMID- 13821483 TI - Foot binding in Chinese women. PMID- 13821484 TI - [Surgical treatment of tuberculous foci in tuberculous spondylitis of the thoracic area by thorachotomy (Preliminary report)]. PMID- 13821485 TI - [Present state of scientific research in the field of general, industrial and agricultural microbiology in China]. PMID- 13821486 TI - [On reflex activity of serotonin on the heart in frog in perfusion of the aorta]. PMID- 13821487 TI - Behavior "attention" and fear induced by cortical stimulation in the cat. PMID- 13821488 TI - Capillaries of normal and diseased breast. PMID- 13821489 TI - Phosphorylase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase in breast tissue. PMID- 13821491 TI - Automation business practices in the small hospital. PMID- 13821490 TI - [Sarcoma and carcinoma of the cervix stump]. PMID- 13821492 TI - [On a case of skin metastasis in lung carcinoma]. PMID- 13821493 TI - [Dermatitis ex insectis (Paederus)]. PMID- 13821494 TI - [A case of Kaposi's disease (Sarcoma idiopathicum multiplex haemorrhagicum)]. PMID- 13821495 TI - [Occupational dermatosis caused by mouldy sisal]. PMID- 13821496 TI - [On acute and chronic edema of the upper extremity after radical mastectomy operations]. PMID- 13821497 TI - [The optimal conditions for the study of spatial summation with fixed stimuli according to the method of quantitative light-perception perimetry]. PMID- 13821499 TI - [Some results of treatment with sulfamethoxypyridazine Astra]. PMID- 13821498 TI - Punch tape billing does two jobs at once. PMID- 13821500 TI - [Day hospitalization in psychiatry. Value and limitations. II. Doctrinal considerations]. PMID- 13821501 TI - [Day hospitalization in psychiatry. Value and limitations. I. General introduction]. PMID- 13821502 TI - Hemorrhoidectomy: causes and prevention of unsatisfactory results. PMID- 13821503 TI - Is the continuance of ultra-radical operations for cancer of the colon and rectum justifiable? PMID- 13821504 TI - [Late sequelae after enzymatic zonulysis]. PMID- 13821506 TI - [Conjunctiva]. PMID- 13821505 TI - [On blood transfusions in childhood]. PMID- 13821507 TI - [The visual fields for motion and white color determination in intracranial processes]. PMID- 13821508 TI - [Surgical treatment of secondary intracranial malignant tumors]. PMID- 13821509 TI - [Neurologic manifestations in fractures of the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae (according to observations on 2 cases)]. PMID- 13821510 TI - [Hormonal effects on experimental hypertrophy of the rat heart]. PMID- 13821511 TI - [Arterial and venous autoplastic grafts in reparative surgery of the ureter; experimental research]. PMID- 13821512 TI - [Behavior of experimental septicemia caused by Staphylococcus and by coli bacterium according to the route of inoculation]. PMID- 13821513 TI - [Our experience with reinforcement of the spine by Shamov's method]. PMID- 13821514 TI - [Data on the treatment of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid fistulae and meningitis by permanent lumbar drainage with neuroplegics]. PMID- 13821515 TI - Clotting activity of maternal and foetal sheep blood. PMID- 13821516 TI - Influence of organ extracts on blood clotting factors. PMID- 13821517 TI - The influence of certain metal salts on blood coagulation. PMID- 13821518 TI - [Action of 19-norandrostenolone phenylproprionate on blood protein disorder in subjects with pulmonary tuberculosis. (Electrophoretic study)]. PMID- 13821519 TI - [Variations of free blood 17-hydroxycorticoids in the course of surgical intervention on the urogenital apparatus for tuberculous and other diseases]. PMID- 13821520 TI - [Sulfadimethoxine in the treatment of urinary tract infections]. PMID- 13821521 TI - [Possible vaginal cytology in colpitis]. PMID- 13821522 TI - [Treatment of trichomonal infection of the vagina by the use of liquid cultures of Doederlein's Lactobacillus]. PMID- 13821523 TI - [Problems of the physiopathology of senile bone from the viewpoint of the most recent methods of metabolic investigations of the skeleton]. PMID- 13821524 TI - [On the symptomatic ileus caused by subfascial hematoma]. PMID- 13821525 TI - [Disseminated cutaneous necrosis during the course of infections hepatitis]. PMID- 13821526 TI - [Hysterocele in pregnancy]. PMID- 13821527 TI - [Radiotherapy of myasthenia gravis pseudoparalitica]. PMID- 13821528 TI - Decelerator and antiarrhythmic properties of amotriphene. PMID- 13821529 TI - The relation of mercurial diuresis to cellular protein-bound sulfhydryl changes in renal cells. PMID- 13821530 TI - Studies on the pharmacology of glucagon. PMID- 13821531 TI - [Barbiturate coma. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Therapy]. PMID- 13821532 TI - [The electrocardiogram in diffuse glomerulonephritis in children]. PMID- 13821533 TI - [Importance of the electrocardiographic concept of critical frequency from the diagnostic and therapeutic viewpoint in pediatric practice]. PMID- 13821534 TI - [Apropos of a case of fatal shock due to the first injection of antitetanus serum]. PMID- 13821535 TI - [Fatal acute poisoning by ingestion of massive doses of zinc sulfate. (On the professional responsibility of the pharmacist)]. PMID- 13821536 TI - [Volvulus of the small intestine]. PMID- 13821537 TI - Experience with librium in clinical psychiatry. PMID- 13821538 TI - Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. Unusual case. PMID- 13821539 TI - Conceptual problems of research on emotions. PMID- 13821541 TI - The future of the cancer chemotherapy national program. PMID- 13821540 TI - [Case of abdominal aortic thrombosis diagnosed at the site of bifurcation]. PMID- 13821542 TI - Mucopolysaccharides and sodium metabolism. PMID- 13821543 TI - [Basic principles in the treatment of acute radiation injuries]. PMID- 13821544 TI - [Brachio-scapular periarthritis (clinical aspects, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy)]. PMID- 13821545 TI - Validity and methodology in projective tests. PMID- 13821546 TI - [Vitamin A and the premenstrual syndrome]. PMID- 13821547 TI - [The study of motor plates by the muscle biopsy technic]. PMID- 13821548 TI - [Recent data on the relationship between plasma pepsinogen and adrenocortical function]. PMID- 13821549 TI - Catecholamines and histamine in vascular tissue or normal and depancreatised dogs. PMID- 13821550 TI - [Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (case report)]. PMID- 13821551 TI - [Gastrointestinal disorders associated with skeletal injuries]. PMID- 13821552 TI - [Considerations on several cases of endodural tumors of the spine]. PMID- 13821554 TI - [Apparatus for the determination of antagonistic muscle tonus balance of the trunk]. PMID- 13821553 TI - Serous choroiditis associated with amebiasis. PMID- 13821555 TI - [Problem of correction of electrolyte disorders in adrenogenital syndrome in infants]. PMID- 13821557 TI - [Chronic renal tubular diseases]. PMID- 13821556 TI - [Contribution to the study of the action of antibiotics on immunity]. PMID- 13821558 TI - [Transaminase. Process for the colorimetric determination in the blood serum of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase]. PMID- 13821559 TI - Pulmonary schistosomatic arteriovenous fistulas producing a new cyanotic syndrome in Manson's schistosomiasis. PMID- 13821560 TI - [Contribution to the histopathogenesis and etiology of medionecrosis aortae idiopathica with reference to the role of aortitis syphilitica (on the basis of 95 cases of aneurysma dissecans)]. PMID- 13821562 TI - Histoplasmosis. In vivo studies in the rabbit ear chamber. PMID- 13821561 TI - [Pre-malignant lesions in persons over 50 years of age; diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13821563 TI - Patterns of role dominance and conflict in parents of schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13821565 TI - [On chemical composition of the "white bodies" in certain Cephalopoda]. PMID- 13821564 TI - [Riboflavin and flavin coenzymes in seminal fluid]. PMID- 13821566 TI - [On the chemical composition of the white body of the Octopus vulgaris]. PMID- 13821567 TI - Riding-trousers-like type of pelvicrural lipodystropy (trochanteric lipomatosis). PMID- 13821568 TI - [Pelvicrural lipodystrophy of riding-breeches type (trochanteric lipomatosis)]. PMID- 13821569 TI - [Auris externa ad ansam (otoplasty)]. PMID- 13821570 TI - [Frontal flaps versus nasogenian flaps in the substitution of nasal substance]. PMID- 13821571 TI - [Adenolymphography with radioactive colloidal gold (Au 198)]. PMID- 13821572 TI - [Study on the physico-biological dosimetry of micro-waves]. PMID- 13821573 TI - [Transverse axial stratigraphy as a supplementary examination of radioisotopography in study of benign and malignant goiters]. PMID- 13821574 TI - [Modifications of the thyroid uptake of I-131 in the albino rat after roentgen irradiation of the diencephalo-pituitary region]. PMID- 13821575 TI - [Evaluation of several clinical, radiological and laboratory findings in the prognosis of recent tuberculous pulmonary caverns]. PMID- 13821576 TI - [Trans-papillary drainage of a necrotic pseudo-cyst of the pancreas]. PMID- 13821577 TI - On the reversibility of articular degenerative processes. PMID- 13821578 TI - [Problems of immunity against virus diseases]. PMID- 13821579 TI - [Experimental animal studies on inhibition of lactation with largactil]. PMID- 13821580 TI - [Disorders of the cardiac rhythm during the climacteric]. PMID- 13821581 TI - [Ectopic pregnancy and carcinoma of the cervix uteri]. PMID- 13821582 TI - Skin grafts of the orbit. PMID- 13821583 TI - The surgical treatment of congenital blepharoptosis by means of corium--muscle flaps. PMID- 13821584 TI - [Role of skin implant in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13821585 TI - [A case of methemoglobinemia in infancy]. PMID- 13821586 TI - The role of insulin in lens metabolism. PMID- 13821587 TI - Familial polyposis limited to females of one family for three generations. PMID- 13821588 TI - Modern concepts of infections of the prostate. PMID- 13821589 TI - [Peripheral metabolism of thyroxin in the rat with hypervitaminosis A]. PMID- 13821590 TI - Congenital absence of skin. PMID- 13821591 TI - Management of burns in children. PMID- 13821592 TI - Psoriasis in association with sarcoidosis. Report of a case. PMID- 13821593 TI - Pachymeningitis apparently due to penicillin hypersensitivity. PMID- 13821594 TI - Prognostic significance of Raynaud's phenomenon and other clinical characteristics of systemic scleroderma. A study of 271 cases. PMID- 13821595 TI - Diverticulosis and diverticulitis of the colon. PMID- 13821596 TI - Chromatographic studies with pig adrenocorticotrophin. PMID- 13821597 TI - Refractory and irresponsive periods of muscle in progressive muscular dystrophy and paresis due to lower motor neuron involvement. PMID- 13821598 TI - Refractory period of human muscle after the passage of a propagated action potential. PMID- 13821599 TI - Aromatic-alcohol-oxidase activity in the growth medium of Polystictus versicolor. PMID- 13821600 TI - Reduction of certain aromatic acids to aldehydes and alcohols by Polystictus versicolor. PMID- 13821601 TI - Mental health, a point of view. PMID- 13821602 TI - Social and emotional development of students in college and university. 2. PMID- 13821603 TI - Effect of hypophysectomy and adrenalectomy in nucleoside-induced nephrosis in the rat. PMID- 13821604 TI - Low sodium diet in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13821605 TI - [Cholesterol pleurisy]. PMID- 13821606 TI - [Saponins and sapogenins. V. The saponins and sapogenins of Acacia intsia Willd]. PMID- 13821607 TI - [Anthoxanthin glycosides of Apium petroselinum and a new synthesis of apigenine]. PMID- 13821608 TI - [Chemical study of the oil of the seed of Albizzia procera Benth]. PMID- 13821611 TI - Conservation of hearing in children. PMID- 13821610 TI - Electron microscopy of renal biopsies. PMID- 13821609 TI - Segregation of ferritin in glomerular protein absorption droplets. AB - Ferritin was used as a tracer to study the mechanism by which proteins are segregated into droplets by the visceral epithelium of glomerular capillaries. In glomeruli from both normal and aminonucleoside-nephrotic rats ferritin molecules introduced into the general circulation penetrated the endothelial openings and were seen at various levels in the basement membrane. Striking differences between nephrotic and controls were seen only in the amount of ferritin incorporated into the epithelium. In normal animals, a few ferritin molecules were seen in small invaginations of the cell membrane limiting the foot processes, within minute vesicles in the epithelium, or within occasional large vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotics, epithelial pinocytosis was marked, and numerous ferritin molecules were seen within membrane invaginations and in small cytoplasmic vesicles at all time points. After longer intervals, the concentration of ferritin increased in vacuoles and particularly within the dense bodies or within structures with a morphology intermediate between that of vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotic animals cleft-like cavities or sinuses were frequently encountered along the epithelial cell surface facing the urinary spaces. Some of these sinuses contained material resembling that filling the dense bodies except that it appeared less compact. The findings suggest that ferritin molecules-and presumably other proteins which penetrate the basement membrane-are picked up by the epithelium in pinocytotic vesicles and transported via the small vesicles to larger vacuoles which are subsequently transformed into dense bodies by progressive condensation. The content of the dense bodies may then undergo partial digestion and be extruded into the urinary spaces where it disperses. The activity of the glomerular epithelium in the incorporation and segregation of protein is similar in normal and nephrotic animals, except that the rate is considerably higher in nephrosis where the permeability of the glomerular basement membrane is greatly increased. PMID- 13821612 TI - Preservation of hearing. PMID- 13821614 TI - Value of participation in research in continuing education of practicing doctor. PMID- 13821613 TI - Antagonism of the effects of tremorine by tropine derivatives. AB - Methods of testing new drugs for anti-Parkinson activity are briefly reviewed. The production in animals of Parkinson-like effects by Tremorine (1,4 dipyrrolidin-1'-ylbut-2-yne), and the inhibition of these effects in mice by a number of tropine derivatives, are described. No correlation was found between the activity against tremor and the anticholinergic, antihistaminic or local anaesthetic properties of the compounds. PMID- 13821615 TI - Cancer of the head and neck. PMID- 13821616 TI - Ectopic ureteral opening into seminal vesicle. PMID- 13821617 TI - Practical application of radioactive metals. PMID- 13821618 TI - Nuclear reactor radiology in clinical medicine. PMID- 13821619 TI - The Brookhaven medical research reactor. PMID- 13821620 TI - Rhabdomyosarcoma of the naso-orbital angle. PMID- 13821621 TI - The in vitro uptake of 32P by red blood-cells in thyroid disease. PMID- 13821622 TI - Body fluid shifts in the dog during hypothermia. PMID- 13821623 TI - Nuclear changes in squamous cells from buccal mucosa in pernicious anaemia. PMID- 13821625 TI - Bioplastic substance: significance of the ground substance of tissues. PMID- 13821624 TI - Itinerant teacher for nursing homes. PMID- 13821626 TI - Brenner tumors and estrogen production. PMID- 13821627 TI - Telemetering of intraenteric pressure in man by an externally energized wireless capsule. AB - Gastrointestinal intraluminal pressures have been recorded in eight patients by a pressure-sensitive telemetering capsule energized by an external, wireless source. The capsule is smaller and simpler than a battery-powered capsule, and has a relatively unlimited life. The pressure records are similar to those obtained by other sensing devices. PMID- 13821628 TI - Measurement of gastrointestinal motility in man. PMID- 13821629 TI - Tricolobisonium chloride in secondary infections of the lower extremities in ambulatory patients. PMID- 13821630 TI - Hospital fire safety. PMID- 13821631 TI - Statement of Dr. Charles L. Farrell before subcommittee on administration of Social Security laws of House Ways and Means Committee. PMID- 13821632 TI - Adrenoglomerulotropin. PMID- 13821633 TI - Epiphysis cerebri in the control of steroid secretion. PMID- 13821634 TI - Heinz body anaemia with splenic hypoplasia. PMID- 13821635 TI - Physiologic considerations in the diagnosis and management of hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13821637 TI - Address of the president. PMID- 13821636 TI - Surgical therapeusis of the adrenal gland. PMID- 13821638 TI - Use of spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide in treatment of oedema. PMID- 13821639 TI - Staphylococcal infections in a general hospital. PMID- 13821640 TI - Surveillance and control of staphylococcic infections in a maternity unit. PMID- 13821641 TI - [Allergy to "para"-substituted substances]. PMID- 13821642 TI - [Deformities caused by traumatic lesions of growth cartilage. (Preliminary report)]. PMID- 13821643 TI - Myoepithelial anomalies of the gallbladder. PMID- 13821645 TI - Stapes operations: specific pathological indications for the variable surgical techniques. PMID- 13821644 TI - Ossicular repositioning and ossicular prostheses in tympanoplasty. PMID- 13821647 TI - Surgery for deafness. PMID- 13821646 TI - Stapes surgery: pathologic indications for the bypass operations and the vein graft. PMID- 13821648 TI - Cancer of the head and neck; primary and reconstructive surgery. PMID- 13821649 TI - Cancer of the mouth and throat: therapy and repair. PMID- 13821650 TI - Normal contour in surgery for protruding ears. PMID- 13821651 TI - The Charles F. and Olga C. Moon collection of obstetrics and gynecology in the University of Nebraska College of Medicine Library. PMID- 13821652 TI - [The therapeutic action of asiaticoside in the dermatological field]. PMID- 13821653 TI - Vagotomy and pyloroplasty: a solution to the management of bleeding duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13821654 TI - Abnormal hemoglobin. PMID- 13821655 TI - Gross mammary cysts. PMID- 13821656 TI - [Statistical findings on bronchopulmonary carcinoma in the decennium 1946-1955]. PMID- 13821657 TI - [Tuberculous adenobronchial fistulas of adults in the current epidemiology of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13821658 TI - [Considerations on the remote results of surgical treatment of 25 cases of cerebral abscess]. PMID- 13821659 TI - [Observation on the apoplectic form of posttraumatic intracranial hematoma]. PMID- 13821660 TI - [Anatomoclinical considerations in a case of chronic subdural empyema]. PMID- 13821661 TI - [Effect of hydrocortisone and of desoxycorticosterone in partially nephrectomized rats drinking NaCl and KCl solutions]. PMID- 13821662 TI - [Repeated fractures of the thigh in an adolescent and accident expert testimony]. PMID- 13821663 TI - Pyridoxal phosphate and tryptophan metabolism in alloxan-diabetic rats. PMID- 13821664 TI - [Spectrofluorometric determination of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and of pyridoxamine-5 phosphate]. PMID- 13821665 TI - Acyl N to O shift in poly-DL-serine. AB - It has been demonstrated that concentrated sulfuric acid causes the polypeptide, poly-DL-serine (MW approximately 5000), to rearrange to the polyester, to the extent of 70 percent of the original number of amide bonds. The remaining hydroxyls of the serine residues become sulfonated. PMID- 13821666 TI - Dyspnea. PMID- 13821667 TI - [Biology of the tetanus bacillus]. PMID- 13821668 TI - [Critical analysis of the gingival "hemoculture"]. PMID- 13821669 TI - [Evolution of the aspect of infections under the influence of antibiotics]. PMID- 13821670 TI - [Vaccinal virus, serological reactions and immunity]. PMID- 13821671 TI - [On multiple hemangioma of the roof of the skull]. PMID- 13821672 TI - [Comparative electrophoretic studies on normergic and allergic-hyperergic inflammation exudates of the rabbit skin]. PMID- 13821673 TI - [A contribution to the problem of hereditary cortisol deficiency]. PMID- 13821674 TI - [A report from opthalmological practice on a vasoconstricting medication (yxin)]. PMID- 13821675 TI - [Pharmacology of meprobamate]. PMID- 13821676 TI - [Allergic diseases of the duodenal bulb]. PMID- 13821677 TI - [The allergic ileopathy and its surgical incidence]. PMID- 13821678 TI - [Pathological mucosal cornification and its relation to glycogen synthesis. (Electron microscopic and histochemical studies)]. PMID- 13821679 TI - [The electron microscopic structure of human carcinoma]. PMID- 13821680 TI - [Acute fluorine poisoning]. PMID- 13821681 TI - [Structural changes in the human intervertebral disk]. PMID- 13821682 TI - Fat absorption in alcoholics with cirrhosis. PMID- 13821684 TI - Consistency of performance at examinations. PMID- 13821683 TI - Pharmacological properties of phenyldiguanide and other amidine derivatives in relation to those of 5-hydroxytryptamine. AB - Cats in which the coronary and allied chemoreflexes could not be obtained with small intravenous doses of 5-hydroxytryptamine were insensitive also to phenyldiguanide. In cats which responded to phenyldiguanide with reflex falls of blood pressure and heart rate, abolished by vagotomy, the effects of graded doses (5 to 150 mug./kg.) of phenyldiguanide bore a striking resemblance to those produced initially by 5-hydroxytryptamine in somewhat smaller doses. Differences in the cardiovascular responses to the two drugs are attributed to additional (non-reflex) actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine. The reflex actions of both drugs were blocked reversibly also by 2-naphthylguanidine (500 mug.). Certain other drugs (bufotenine, procaine, S-decylisothiourea) antagonized the depressor action of phenyldiguanide as well as the reflex depressor action of 5-hydroxytryptamine. Like 5-hydroxytryptamine, phenyldiguanide and certain other amidine derivatives caused pain when applied to the base of blisters in human subjects. Unlike 5 hydroxytryptamine, phenyldiguanide did not constrict perfused rat blood vessels or increase the tone of the rat fundal strip preparation of Vane (1957). Phenyldiguanide did not affect the sensitivity of these smooth muscle preparations to 5-hydroxytryptamine, but other amidine derivatives proved to be moderately strong antagonists of the vasoconstrictor actions of 5 hydroxytryptamine and of adrenaline. Unlike 5-hydroxytryptamine, phenyldiguanide did not produce gastric haemorrhage in the mouse. Phenyldiguanide did not prolong chloral hydrate sleeping time in mice by the same mechanism as did 5 hydroxytryptamine. Phenyldiguanide was not highly toxic to mice (LD50 being 240 mg./kg.). It is concluded that phenyldiguanide and certain other amidine derivatives act on sensory receptors which respond to 5-hydroxytryptamine, but that they show little pharmacological resemblance to 5-hydroxytryptamine in other respects. PMID- 13821685 TI - Mitotic activity of virus-infected cells. PMID- 13821686 TI - Antipoliomyelitis serum: prospects for a therapeutically effective serum. PMID- 13821688 TI - [Giantism of the both feet associated with hemi-hypertrophy in a 6-year-old child]. PMID- 13821687 TI - [A case of ulcerative cystitis complicated by perforation of the urinary bladder]. PMID- 13821689 TI - [Present and future aspects of the developments concerning the application of radioactive isotopes and radiations for the diagnosis of various diseases]. PMID- 13821690 TI - A nomogram for dosage calculations in telecobalt theapy. PMID- 13821691 TI - Food habits--an anthropologist's view. PMID- 13821692 TI - [Ocular histoplasmosis. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13821693 TI - Experimental production of vitamin B12 deficiency in rats and mice on a maize groundnut-meal diet. PMID- 13821694 TI - Observations on the influence of vitamin B12 and folic acid on protein utilization in the growing rat. PMID- 13821695 TI - Folic acid and labile methyl oxidation. PMID- 13821696 TI - Influence of dietary glycine and serine on lipid metabolism in the rat in folic acid deficiency. PMID- 13821697 TI - [A case of Marchiafava-Bignami disease observed in a patient with postencephalitic parkinsonism]. PMID- 13821698 TI - [A contribution to the lead fuel problem]. PMID- 13821699 TI - [Prolonged and curable mental obtusions in epileptics]. PMID- 13821700 TI - [Relations between the French State and the hospitals]. PMID- 13821701 TI - [Does the autonomic nervous system and its mediators exert a real influence on the frequency of gastrointestinal movements?]. PMID- 13821702 TI - [Ephemeral nature of the action of vasodilator agents injected intra-arterially]. PMID- 13821703 TI - [Variations of peripheral blood flow and oxyhemoglobin saturation of the venous blood]. PMID- 13821704 TI - [Selection trial in Digitalis lanata Ehrh]. PMID- 13821705 TI - [Artificial adaptation of the influenza virus to inhibitors of normal serum. I. Obtaining, from a sensitive strain, a nonsensitive variant by virus culture in the presence of its inhibitor]. PMID- 13821707 TI - [Natural variation of the grippe virus type A towards the serum inhibitors of normal animals]. PMID- 13821708 TI - [Postural changes in the interpretation of various normal and pathological elements in the phonocardiogram]. PMID- 13821706 TI - [Modification of the receptivity of animal and human erythrocytes to influenza and mumps agglutinins after treatment of these erythrocytes with formol]. PMID- 13821709 TI - [Morgagni-Adams-Strokes syndrome. Apropos of two unusual cases of prolonged arrest of the heart and of prolonged ventricular flutter]. PMID- 13821710 TI - [Puerperal infections, thromboses, emboli, sudden death]. PMID- 13821711 TI - A new epidemiological study of cancer. PMID- 13821712 TI - [Biochemical studies on protein metabolism of the lethal mutant (lethal giant larvae (lgl) of Drosophila melanogaster]. PMID- 13821713 TI - [Treatment with quick-acting anticoagulants of the rare earth type especially in cardiac and pulmonary infarction]. PMID- 13821714 TI - Regulation of growth and spacing of gland elements in the mammary fat pad of the C3H mouse. PMID- 13821715 TI - Common sense and health care costs. PMID- 13821716 TI - Compulsory health insurance-fact and fancy. PMID- 13821717 TI - Fight compulsory sickness insurance. PMID- 13821718 TI - The future of fevers. III. The family doctor. PMID- 13821719 TI - Co60-vitamin B12 binding by chromatographic fractions of human gastric contents. PMID- 13821720 TI - The use of sulfadimethoxine in the treatment of urinary tract infections. PMID- 13821721 TI - The role of renal counterbalance in autogenous renal transplants. PMID- 13821722 TI - Primary carcinoma in a diverticulum of the female urethra: review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13821723 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of proteins in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.). PMID- 13821725 TI - Diagnosis of lesions of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13821724 TI - Crystallization of purified mouse encephalomyocarditis virus particles. PMID- 13821726 TI - Aseptic meningitis due to type 19 ECHO virus infection. PMID- 13821727 TI - [Arthroses of the small digital joints including rhizarthrosis of the thumb]. PMID- 13821728 TI - [Theory and practice of psychiatric-psychotherapeutic day hospitals in England]. PMID- 13821729 TI - [On an extracranial meningioma]. PMID- 13821730 TI - [Post-abortion sepsis. Massive bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome]. PMID- 13821731 TI - [Experience with continuous lumbar epidural analgesia in labor]. PMID- 13821732 TI - [Radiographic diagnosis]. PMID- 13821733 TI - [Action of RP-7044 (nozinan) on the electroencephalogram in child neuropsychiatry]. PMID- 13821734 TI - [Collective sleep therapy with group psychotherapy in child neuropsychiatry]. PMID- 13821735 TI - [Cystic pneumatosis of the jejunum]. PMID- 13821736 TI - [Cirrhogenic protein-deficient anemia]. PMID- 13821737 TI - [Placebos and substitute applications in medicine]. PMID- 13821738 TI - [Influence of prolactin-luteotropin (LTH) on the electroencephalogram in the rabbit]. PMID- 13821739 TI - [Ischemic ulcers]. PMID- 13821740 TI - [Surgical treatment of arterial embolism]. PMID- 13821741 TI - The new outlook in medical education in Colombia. PMID- 13821742 TI - Developmental maturity as a determinant in prestige of adolescent girls. PMID- 13821743 TI - Permeability studies on the amoebae of the slime mold, Dictyostelium mucoroides. PMID- 13821745 TI - [Correlation between the size of the nucleus and its DNA content]. PMID- 13821744 TI - [Studies on the relationship between body constitution and type of the nervous system in tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13821746 TI - [Cirrhosis and primary cancer of the liver]. PMID- 13821747 TI - [Types of jaundice with free bilirubin]. PMID- 13821748 TI - [Clinical importance of functional examination of the liver]. PMID- 13821749 TI - [Hepatic coma and its treatment]. PMID- 13821750 TI - [The medical treatment of massive digestive hemorrhages in cirrhotics]. PMID- 13821751 TI - The concept of hepatic clearance. PMID- 13821753 TI - [On the so-called detention syndromes: review and notes on several cases]. PMID- 13821754 TI - [The problem of respiratory acidosis and alkalosis in pulmonary surgery]. PMID- 13821752 TI - [Note on the use of 2-(2-cholorobenzylthi)-4-dimethylamino-5-methylpyrimidine HC1 in anti-cancer chemotherapy]. PMID- 13821755 TI - [Effects of carotid compression in a group of apparently healthy aged subjects. Note II]. PMID- 13821756 TI - [Effects of carotid compression in a group of apparently healthy aged subjects. Note I]. PMID- 13821757 TI - [Research on the nature of the tegmental reaction]. PMID- 13821758 TI - [Synthesis of odd-numbered fatty acids with 1- or 2-C14-labelled propionate in the intact mouse]. PMID- 13821760 TI - [Experience with occupational reclassification of epileptics in residential homes]. PMID- 13821759 TI - [Method for the lengthening of higher fatty acids]. PMID- 13821761 TI - [Prevention of pyoderma in newborn infants]. PMID- 13821762 TI - [Problem of the application of hypertonic solutions with chemical therapeutic preparations]. PMID- 13821763 TI - [Anatomical healing of pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitation during the last months of cachexia in cancer]. PMID- 13821764 TI - Eber Landau; 1878-1959. PMID- 13821765 TI - [The usual forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and the therapeutic problems that they raise]. PMID- 13821766 TI - [Modern trends in research on the causes of tumors]. PMID- 13821767 TI - [Research on blood groups in epileptics]. PMID- 13821768 TI - [Atypical typhoid fevers]. PMID- 13821769 TI - Multiple myeloma manifested as a problem in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease. PMID- 13821770 TI - [Some difficulties in the application of special treatment according to the article 92 of the Swiss penal code]. PMID- 13821772 TI - [Adaptation of biological protection methods to wounds in peacetime and in wartime]. PMID- 13821771 TI - [Experimental studies of radiation cataract]. PMID- 13821773 TI - [Amputation of the lower extremities in emergency surgery]. PMID- 13821774 TI - [Inhibitors of the first phase of coagulation in cases other than hemophilia]. PMID- 13821775 TI - [Abnormalities of the kidney and ureter. Statistical observations]. PMID- 13821776 TI - [Etiological, clinical and therapeutic statistical data on 193 burned patients hospitalized in the Dermatological Clinic of Perugia in the 3-year period of 1956 1957-1958]. PMID- 13821777 TI - Ouabain-induced ventricular tachycardia and its effect on the performance and metabolism of the dog heart. AB - At constant pressure work there was an increase in the oxygen consumption of the dog heartlung preparation after tachycardia due to auricular stimulation and a far greater increase in consumption after ouabain-induced ventricular tachycardia, as compared with control hearts beating at their own sinus rhythm. In neither condition was the increase in coronary flow greater than the spontaneous increase in the controls. It is suggested that an increase in oxygen demand, under certain circumstances, may be met primarily by an increased desaturation of coronary blood. "Therapeutic" doses of ouabain did not improve the mechanical efficiency of the preparation. "Toxic" doses of ouabain which gave rise to ventricular tachycardia did not decrease the phosphocreatine or labile nucleotide phosphorus content of the heart provided there was no hypoxia of the heart muscle. PMID- 13821778 TI - Plant-growth substances and the copper chelation theory of their mode of action. PMID- 13821779 TI - A rapid and precise method for the determination of urea. AB - A method is described for the determination of urea in plasma and urine. The effects of variations in the experimental conditions are examined and the results of recovery experiments and other tests of precision and accuracy are reported. In comparison with other methods in current use, this method has distinct advantages in sensitivity, simplicity, and precision, thus economizing in time, sample volume, reagents, and equipment. PMID- 13821780 TI - Effects of posture on plasma volume and some blood constituents. AB - When the posture was changed from horizontal to vertical, or the reverse, the alteration in plasma volume and in the levels of haematocrit, haemoglobin, and plasma protein was much greater in patients with oedema or low plasma protein or albumin concentrations ("the pathological group") than in patients without these abnormalities ("the control group"). This larger fluid shift, and the larger concentration changes dependent on it, are explained in terms of Starling's hypothesis. In the control group there was scarcely any change in the total mass of intravascular plasma protein with change in posture, but in the pathological group this was often considerable. This was interpreted as indicating increased permeability of the capillaries to protein. Attention is drawn to the influence of uncontrolled alterations in posture on biochemical and haematological measurements and a recommendation is made in order to standardize conditions before taking blood for the analysis of non-diffusible constituents. PMID- 13821782 TI - Experiments with the Hexhlet dust sampler in British coal mines. PMID- 13821781 TI - The first breath: a preliminary communication describing some methods of investigation of the first breath of a baby and the results obtained from them. PMID- 13821784 TI - [Immunoelectrophoresis of the vitreous humor]. PMID- 13821783 TI - Primary myxoma occurring in the left ventricle of the heart: report of a case. PMID- 13821785 TI - Gastroscopy in ancylostomiasis. PMID- 13821786 TI - [An original aspect of the arthrosic terrain: the algogenic and reflexogenic lipomatous nodule]. PMID- 13821787 TI - [On iodine fluctuation of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13821788 TI - [On the variations of iodine activity of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13821789 TI - [Diagnostic and therapeutic problems in stenosis of the lacrimal canaliculi]. PMID- 13821790 TI - [Reconstructive operations on the abnormally formed or displaced plica semilunaris for improvement of lacrimal drainage]. PMID- 13821791 TI - [Summarized report on secondary mycoses with diseases of the margin of the eyelids, the conjunctiva and the cornea]. PMID- 13821792 TI - [Quantitative paper-chromatographic determination of important decomposition products of cortisol in urine]. PMID- 13821793 TI - [Arsenic content in axillary and pubic hair in relation to sex and age]. PMID- 13821794 TI - [On the normal content of arsenic in the scalp hair, the axillary and pubic hairs, according to sex and age]. PMID- 13821795 TI - [Biological evidence of a substance with gluco- and mineralo-corticoid action in the kidneys]. PMID- 13821796 TI - [Detection of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids in the kidney using a biological method]. PMID- 13821797 TI - [Detection of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids in the lungs using a biological method]. PMID- 13821798 TI - [The biological demonstration of gluco- and mineral corticoid-like substances in the lungs]. PMID- 13821799 TI - Effect of arterenol (norepinephrine) and epinephrine on cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism. PMID- 13821800 TI - Effect of norepinephrine on cerebral hemodynamics in severe hypotension. PMID- 13821801 TI - The multiple genesis and therapy of psychiatric disorders. PMID- 13821802 TI - [Surgical diseases of the pancreas (review of Italian studies during the years 1958 and 1959). Part I]. PMID- 13821803 TI - [Surgical diseases of the pancreas. Review of Italian contributions during the years 1958-1959. Part II]. PMID- 13821804 TI - [Respiratory efficiency in function of age]. PMID- 13821805 TI - [Pulmonary ventilation in subjects of advanced age]. PMID- 13821806 TI - [The behavior of static pulmonary values in subjects of advanced age]. PMID- 13821807 TI - [Respiratory mechanics in subjects of advanced age]. PMID- 13821808 TI - [Mineral disorders and mental hygiene in the world of today]. PMID- 13821809 TI - [Lepromatous leprosy. Clinical and histological data on hepatic involvements]. PMID- 13821810 TI - [Histological changes of the thyroid in the course of severe experimental burns]. PMID- 13821811 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the activity "in vitro" of several antibiotics on the multiplication of Candida albicans]. PMID- 13821812 TI - [Data and remarks on the epidemiology of accidents, with special reference to those occurring in the home]. PMID- 13821813 TI - [Behavior of oxygen consumption and respiratory enzymes (cytochrome oxidases and succinic oxidases) in brains of hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13821814 TI - [Behavior of ribonucleic acid in neurons of ganglia at the base of the brain in hypertensive rats]. PMID- 13821815 TI - [Gastric fibroma and cancerous pseudo-fibromyxomas of the stomach]. PMID- 13821816 TI - Endometriosis. Will conservative surgery increase fertility? PMID- 13821817 TI - Clostridium perfringens in war and peace. PMID- 13821818 TI - Effect of beer on blood fibrinolytic activity. PMID- 13821820 TI - Spontaneous fibrinolysis. PMID- 13821819 TI - Reduction of blood fibrinolytic activity in diabetes mellitus by insulin. PMID- 13821821 TI - The management of esophageal varices in children by injection of sclerosing agents. PMID- 13821822 TI - The endoscopic management of congenital atresia of the esophagus with or without tracheo-esophageal fistula and of congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula without atresia of the esophagus. PMID- 13821823 TI - Infant welfare in South Australia today. PMID- 13821824 TI - The discovery of insulin. PMID- 13821825 TI - Out-patient tolerance and anthelminthic activity of new formulations of dithiazanine. PMID- 13821826 TI - An experimental study of oxytetracycline: local genital absorption and diffusion, and placental transmission to the blood of the umbilical cord and to the amniotic fluid. PMID- 13821827 TI - [In memoriam: Professor Charles Oberling, 1895-1960]. PMID- 13821828 TI - [Application of the modified Vitali-Morin reaction to the determination of some preparations in the Codex derived from the Solanaceae]. PMID- 13821829 TI - [Study of the compound resulting from the action of a mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid on atropine in the cold]. PMID- 13821831 TI - Cineradiography with a 9" image intensifier. PMID- 13821830 TI - Factors affecting the absorbability of certain dietary fats in the chick. PMID- 13821832 TI - [New therapeutic experiences in digestive disorders]. PMID- 13821833 TI - [On the therapy of chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13821834 TI - [Diabetic coma in a 3-month-old infant]. PMID- 13821835 TI - [Action of 1,4-dicaffeylquinic acid on spontaneous and water-load diuresis in man]. PMID- 13821837 TI - [On the problem of compensatory changes of renal functions following unilateral nephrectomy]. PMID- 13821836 TI - [On a case of rhabdomyomyxosarcoma of the bladder]. PMID- 13821838 TI - An atypical case--gout: a case report. PMID- 13821839 TI - The use of a carbon dioxideproducing suppository as a substitute for the enema. PMID- 13821840 TI - Control of nocturnal secretion of gastric juice with a long-release dosage form of hexocyclium methylsulfate. PMID- 13821841 TI - Nitrofuratoin (furadantin) in the biliary tract. PMID- 13821842 TI - [Microclysmas in therapy, with special reference to crenotherapy]. PMID- 13821843 TI - [Bronchography in pulmonary tuberculosis. Its clinical value in 114 cases]. PMID- 13821844 TI - [Glimpses of present phthisiosurgery as seen by a phthisiologist]. PMID- 13821845 TI - [Embolism of the iliac-femoral artery without gangrene of the extremities]. PMID- 13821846 TI - [Clinical experiences with the nucleoside-theophylline combination in cardiocirculatory disorders]. PMID- 13821847 TI - [Cinefluorographic aspects of the hemodynamics of the auricle and superior vena cava]. PMID- 13821848 TI - [Abdominal rheography]. PMID- 13821849 TI - [Macro-microscopic structure and lymphatic system of the epicardium in man]. PMID- 13821850 TI - [Relation between the level of precipitating antibodies and the degree of immunity induced in cattle by aphthae vaccination]. PMID- 13821851 TI - [With the aid of local Soviets]. PMID- 13821853 TI - [Experience with postoperative immunization of patients with cancer of the stomach]. PMID- 13821852 TI - The relationship of toxin and antitoxin injection site to tetanus development in the rat. AB - The pattern of development of symptoms was studied following injection of 3 MLD (minimum lethal dose) of tetanus toxin in each of the following sites in the rat: vein, muscle, endoneurium, epineurium, spinal cord, subarachnoid space, and subdural space. Similar observations were made when 3 MPD (minimum protective dose) of antitoxin were injected into each of the above sites a few minutes after the intramuscular injection of toxin. Local tetanus followed intramuscular, endoneurial, and epineurial injection of the toxin; blood-borne tetanus also appeared in the latter instance. Tetanus dolorosus followed intraspinal injection of toxin. Both dorsal tetanus and blood-borne tetanus developed after subdural administration of toxin. Blood-borne tetanus, alone, appeared following intravenous and subarachnoid injection of toxin. In no case did injection of antitoxin at the various sites listed above prevent local tetanus from developing after intramuscular injection of toxin. Of the various sites injected with antitoxin, the intramuscular, intraspinal, and intravenous were the most effective. It is suggested that the endoneurial tissue spaces serve as a conduit for tetanus toxin from the muscle to the CNS. The perilemma of the peripheral nerve trunk may act as a selectively permeable membrane which permits tetanus toxin to pass from the epineurium to the endoneurium. Outward diffusion of toxin from the endoneurial spaces is apparently markedly reduced. The antitoxin probably is prevented from permeating this barrier in either direction. The importance of absorption of tetanus toxin by the lymphatic and blood circulation is discussed. PMID- 13821854 TI - The use of radioactive iodine labeled triolein in the evaluation of fat absorption following cholecystectomy. PMID- 13821855 TI - Observations using diodrast 1131 as an index of renal function in auto- and homotransplantation. PMID- 13821856 TI - [Clinical course and treatment of renal tuberculosis with calcification of caseous foci]. PMID- 13821857 TI - [On the mechanism of action of organic phosphorus anticholinesterase compounds]. PMID- 13821858 TI - [The absorption of sea plankton of a mixture of beta-emitters with long half life]. PMID- 13821859 TI - [Clinico-roentgenological diagnosis of gastric burns]. PMID- 13821860 TI - [On the roentgenodiagnosis of calcified aneurysms of the cerebral vessels]. PMID- 13821861 TI - Stimulating effect of yeast autolysate on nitrogen-fixing activity of soil actinomycetes PMID- 13821862 TI - [Activity of respiratory enzymes and productivity of proteins in certain amino autographic bacterial]. PMID- 13821863 TI - [On humoral mechanisms of hemopoietic changes in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13821864 TI - [Experimental studies on burn autoantigen]. PMID- 13821865 TI - [Effect of total roentgen-irradiation on excretion with urine of substances determining Dishe's reaction (preliminary communication)]. PMID- 13821866 TI - [Antigen for complement fixation reaction in tick-borne encephalitis. Part 1. Comparative characteristics of the diagnosticum of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis purified by various alcohols]. PMID- 13821867 TI - [Pathology of cortical activity in organic diseases of the brain with neurotic and psychopathic disorders]. PMID- 13821868 TI - [Present state of the problem of the inheritance of changes of higher nervous activity in animals]. PMID- 13821869 TI - Plague in camels and its prevention in the USSR. AB - In 1954-56 a series of experiments was carried out in Central Asia, under the guidance of the author, in which camels were infected with plague by infesting them with Ixodes and Argas ticks which had previously fed on plague-infected laboratory animals. Subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous injection was also used. The experiments showed that the camels varied markedly in their susceptibility to plague, which in any case was relatively low.Special investigations on plague prevention in camels are also reported. Vaccination with dried live vaccine injected in a single dose of 30 000 million organisms created a sufficiently high degree of immunity in adult animals. Spraying of the camels' coats with insecticide is also recommended. PMID- 13821870 TI - The question of the existence of natural foci of plague in Europe in the past. PMID- 13821871 TI - [On the condition of the lymphatic channel in disorder of the outflow of blood in the extremities of the dog]. PMID- 13821872 TI - [The plasticity of the blood vessels of the pelvic extremities in dogs in experimental disorder of blood outflow]. PMID- 13821873 TI - [Natural variability of actinomycetes producing streptomycin]. PMID- 13821875 TI - [Topography of skin temperature in thyrotoxicosis patients]. PMID- 13821874 TI - [Peptic esophagitis as a complication of esophagofundoanastomosis]. PMID- 13821876 TI - [On the competition for the vacancy for the assistant in the department of physiology in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1860]. PMID- 13821877 TI - Inhibition of Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro. PMID- 13821878 TI - Measurement of brain circulation time by radio-active iodinated albumin. PMID- 13821879 TI - [Characteristics of cortical coordination in dogs in experimental atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13821880 TI - [Changes in certain hemo-dynamic indices in dogs in experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13821881 TI - [Subdiaphragmatic abscess]. PMID- 13821883 TI - [On the problem of encephalopathies following intoxications and infections]. PMID- 13821882 TI - [Experimental data on the investigation of the effect of chloretetracycline for parenteral administration in various forms of complex therapy of acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13821884 TI - Clinical value of liver photoscanning. PMID- 13821885 TI - Crush injuries of the chest. PMID- 13821886 TI - Strontium-90 content of the stratosphere. PMID- 13821887 TI - Clotting defects in obstetrics, with special reference to postpartum haemorrhage. PMID- 13821888 TI - Disturbed ectopic pregnancy. PMID- 13821889 TI - The comparative biochemistry of avian egg white proteins. PMID- 13821890 TI - [Clinical trials of chloroprothixene (taractan)]. PMID- 13821891 TI - [A cell line abnormally sensitive to the action of certain toxic agents]. PMID- 13821892 TI - [Hormone treatment of psoriasis in the woman. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13821894 TI - [Discovery of biologically false standard reactions by the TPI (Nelson) test in examination of late syphilis]. PMID- 13821893 TI - [The stimulating effect of antibiotics on Treponema pallidum]. PMID- 13821895 TI - [The favorable effect of kanamycin in experimental rat leprosy]. PMID- 13821897 TI - [Current possibilities of surgery in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13821896 TI - [Experimental study of pulmonary transplants with special reference to the use of rapid cooling as an attempt to obtain definitive attachment]. PMID- 13821898 TI - [Current problems regarding "round shadows" in the lungs]. PMID- 13821899 TI - [Posttraumatic hernia of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13821900 TI - [Profound hypothermia in cardiovascular surgery]. PMID- 13821901 TI - Damage to liver induced by dL-methionine-ethylester. PMID- 13821902 TI - [Basic ideas concerning vectorcardiography. I. The normal vectorcardiogram]. PMID- 13821903 TI - The vectorcardiogram in chronic Chagas myocarditis: an analysis of the intraventricular conduction delays associated with a superiorly oriented AQRS. PMID- 13821904 TI - [Gonadal dysgenesis]. PMID- 13821905 TI - [The syndrome of gonadal dysgenesis]. PMID- 13821906 TI - Chemical constitution of the red blood cell membrane. PMID- 13821907 TI - [On primary, surgical management of ligament ruptures of the knee joint]. PMID- 13821908 TI - [The five stages of a new species, Ophidilaelaps radfordi (Acari gamasoidea) parasite on reptiles in the Rumanian People's Republic]. PMID- 13821909 TI - [A new larva of the family Trombiculidae (Acari) parasite on a bat of Rumania]. PMID- 13821910 TI - Psychological test report: a communication between psychologist and psychiatrist. PMID- 13821911 TI - The effectiveness of oral cholecystagogues and intravenous cholecystokinin in producing bile duct visualization during oral cholecystography. PMID- 13821912 TI - The half-life-time of induced tryptophan peroxidase in vivo. PMID- 13821913 TI - Alterations in nucleic acid turnovers in subcellular components during tryptophan peroxidase induction. PMID- 13821918 TI - [Intensive treatment of ascaridiasis and oxyurosis with hexahydropyrazine citrate (bryrel)]. PMID- 13821915 TI - The effects of 8-azaguanine and 6-mercaptopurine on purine catabolism in the rat. PMID- 13821916 TI - Histamine release and intracellular potentials during anaphylaxis in the isolated heart. PMID- 13821914 TI - Cellular xanthine oxidase and uricase levels in leukemic and normal mouse leukocytes. PMID- 13821917 TI - Early history of cataract and the ancient operation for cataract. PMID- 13821919 TI - Orthopedic procedures for dispensary physicians. PMID- 13821920 TI - Hypertensive fibrinoid arteritis of the brain and gross cerebral hemorrhage: a form of "hyalinosis". PMID- 13821921 TI - A specific demonstration of sulfadiazine in spot analysis PMID- 13821922 TI - [Friderich Rappaport]. PMID- 13821923 TI - [On the pathogenesis of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13821924 TI - [On the problem of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13821925 TI - [On the therapy of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13821926 TI - History of the treatment of heart disease in the nineteenth century. PMID- 13821927 TI - Allergy and contact lenses. PMID- 13821928 TI - Repository antigen injections. Preparation and therapy. PMID- 13821929 TI - Spectrophotometric determination of blood oxygen content. PMID- 13821930 TI - Studies of thought disorder in schizophrenia. I. Chapman's tests of distractibility and associative intrusion in schizophrenia and organic brain disease. PMID- 13821931 TI - A specific assay method for biological solution with particular reference to allergen extracts. PMID- 13821932 TI - Immunological inadequacy of randomly selected grass pollen extracts in specific hay fever therapy. PMID- 13821933 TI - Studies on the enzymic decomposition of urocanic acid. PMID- 13821934 TI - Intravenous angiography. PMID- 13821935 TI - Congenital mesodermal dysmorpho-dystrophy (brachymorphic type). PMID- 13821936 TI - The roentgen findings in severe pseudomembranous enterocolitis. PMID- 13821937 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the parathyroid glands. Part II. PMID- 13821938 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the parathyroid glands. Part III. PMID- 13821939 TI - Repository antigen injections. Absorption studies by immunologic and radioactive methods. PMID- 13821940 TI - A safe tranquilizer: niacinamide hydrobromide as a safety factor. PMID- 13821941 TI - Cajeput-type oil for the treatment of furunculosis. PMID- 13821942 TI - Treatment of gastritis, ulcerlike pain, and ulcer syndrome. Clinical and roentgenographic evaluation of new medication. PMID- 13821943 TI - Antibiotic-induced rectal itch (pruritus ani) treated with amino acid ointment. PMID- 13821944 TI - Additives to combat side effects of reserpine. PMID- 13821945 TI - Trevidal AC, an antacid composition with spasmolytic, calmative properties. PMID- 13821946 TI - The tentorial nerves and Iocalization of intracranial pain in man. PMID- 13821947 TI - [On the therapy of the hypotonic circulatory maladjustment syndrome]. PMID- 13821948 TI - RNA and DNA metabolism in human tissue culture cells studied with tritiated cytidine. PMID- 13821950 TI - Duration of survival in multiple myeloma. PMID- 13821949 TI - The 4-epimerization and decarboxylation of uridine diphosphate D-glucuronic acid by extracts from Phaseolus aureus seedlings. PMID- 13821951 TI - Variation in the duration of survival of patients with the chronic leukemias. PMID- 13821952 TI - The present position relating to cancer of the lung. Long-term functional results after pneumonectomy. PMID- 13821953 TI - Indirectestimation of arterial carbon dioxide tension in emphysema. PMID- 13821954 TI - An unusual case of carcinoma of the larynx. PMID- 13821955 TI - Mimetic features of rheumatic-fever recurrences. PMID- 13821956 TI - Errors in the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. PMID- 13821957 TI - Formula diets and weight reduction. PMID- 13821958 TI - The measurment of success in weight reduction. An analysis of methods and new index. PMID- 13821959 TI - The stethoscope: a source of diagnostic aid and conceptual errors in rheumatic heart disease. PMID- 13821960 TI - The treatment of obesity: an analysis of methods, results, and factors which influence success. PMID- 13821961 TI - A stereotaxic technique in man allowing multiple spatial and temporal approaches to intracranial targets. PMID- 13821962 TI - Case studies from a generic workshop. PMID- 13821963 TI - Frontal avascularity: an angiographic observation in frontal lobe tumors. PMID- 13821964 TI - Endogenous and hydroquinone oxidase rates of Stremtomyces griseus cells as affected by streptomycin. PMID- 13821965 TI - [On aneurysms of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13821966 TI - [Apropos of R. Raynaud's report]. PMID- 13821967 TI - [Determination of blood coagulability]. PMID- 13821968 TI - Osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. PMID- 13821969 TI - Symptomatic Meckel's diverticulum of unusually large size. PMID- 13821970 TI - The use of thorium X in treatment of pilonidal cyst: a preliminary report. PMID- 13821971 TI - A method of light, general anesthesia with rapid induction and recovery. PMID- 13821972 TI - Encephalitis after yellow fever vaccination. PMID- 13821973 TI - [Allergic pruritus of mycogenic genesis (pruritus allergicus mykogenes)]. PMID- 13821974 TI - Haemodynamic changes in acute cardiac failure. PMID- 13821975 TI - [On combined coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13821976 TI - [Frontal space-occupying processes without lateral displacement of the anterior cerebral artery]. PMID- 13821977 TI - [The significance of the hypotensive symptom complex in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13821978 TI - [Esophageal diverticula]. PMID- 13821979 TI - [Inhibition of the effects of ACTH by protamine]. PMID- 13821980 TI - [Hazards in oxygen inhalation]. PMID- 13821981 TI - [On posttraumatic cerebromeningeal hydrodynamic disorders]. PMID- 13821982 TI - Mycotic prostatitis. PMID- 13821983 TI - The epidemiological virulence of staphylococci. PMID- 13821984 TI - [On a method for induced hemagglutination reaction]. PMID- 13821985 TI - [On antihyaluronidase in the sera of children with rheumatism]. PMID- 13821986 TI - [Air pollution by acetone in the vicinity of acetate silk plant]. PMID- 13821987 TI - [Materials for the determination of the maximum permissible concentration of acetone in the air]. PMID- 13821988 TI - [Chemical control of invactivated vaccine against poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13821989 TI - [Interaction of purine and pyrimidine derivatives with formaldehyde in aqueous solution]. PMID- 13821990 TI - [Quantitative studies on free formaldehyde during the inactivation of poliomyelitis virus with formalin]. PMID- 13821992 TI - [Care and reintegration]. PMID- 13821991 TI - Adrenocortical response to the 48-hour ACTH test in myxedema and hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13821993 TI - [Induced abortion in primary chronic polyarthritis]. PMID- 13821994 TI - [Colpocleisis combined with a "side-to-side" fixation of the vaginal canal]. PMID- 13821995 TI - [Criminal abortion]. PMID- 13821996 TI - [Sartorius transplantion in surgery of cancer of the vulva. Use of the sartorius muscle for protection of vessels in Scarpa's triangle after lymph node excision]. PMID- 13821997 TI - [The treatment of vaginal carcinoma by means of the use of a radiferous applicator]. PMID- 13821998 TI - [Tuberculoma of the small intestine and Crohn's disease]. PMID- 13821999 TI - Two types of tables for use with Wechsler's intelligence scales. PMID- 13822000 TI - [See-saw unilateral exophthalmos due to carotid-cavernous fistula]. PMID- 13822001 TI - [Posttraumatic cerebral tumours. Electroencephalographic criteria of medicolegal diagnosis]. PMID- 13822002 TI - [Hemispheric atrophy and hypoxia. Possibilities of amelioration of the circulatory regime]. PMID- 13822003 TI - Scratching movements evoked by drugs applied to the upper cervical cord. PMID- 13822004 TI - Penetration of bromophenol blue from the perfused cerebral ventricles into the brain tissue. PMID- 13822005 TI - Experiments on the site of action of tubocurarine when applied via the cerebral ventricles. PMID- 13822006 TI - A physiological approach to the problem of general anaesthesia and of loss of consciousness. PMID- 13822007 TI - A re-evaluation of the posterior subfascial approach for the ligation of the communicating veins in the leg. PMID- 13822008 TI - Pain and amputations for circulatory disease. PMID- 13822009 TI - The post-phlebitic limb and its treatment. PMID- 13822011 TI - [2 New cases of ectodermal dyplasia of the anhidrotic type]. PMID- 13822010 TI - The treatment of acute arterial occlusion. PMID- 13822012 TI - Surgical correction of pigeon breast. PMID- 13822014 TI - [Diagnostic possibilities of modern lung function analysis]. PMID- 13822013 TI - [Attempt at an evaluation of physical performance capacity according to age in spiro-ergometric test methods]. PMID- 13822015 TI - Organic psychosis as picked up in psychiatric examination. PMID- 13822016 TI - Iatrogenic heart disease. PMID- 13822017 TI - Anemia as a presenting symptom of esophageal hiatal hernia of the diaphragm. PMID- 13822018 TI - [The quantitative determination of L-ascorbic acid in pharmaceutical preparations by paper chromotography]. PMID- 13822019 TI - The nuclear membrane as a barrier to the free diffusion of proteins. PMID- 13822020 TI - Strumectomy and neurosis. PMID- 13822021 TI - Cell dosimetry. PMID- 13822022 TI - The pattern of promiscuity seen in Schnitzler's "round dance". PMID- 13822023 TI - The value of mucoprotein levels and other serological reactions in rheumatoid arthritis. A preliminary report. PMID- 13822024 TI - Mammalian cytochrome b. AB - Digestion of a preparation of cytochromes b and c(1) with pancreatic protease followed by ammonium sulfate precipitation resulted in a soluble cytochrome b uncontaminated by cytochrome C(l). This preparation, which was free of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activity, had an estimated deltaE(1 cm)(1g/ml) of 102 for its alpha-peak. In the reduced form absorption maxima were found at 560 to 562, 530 to 532, and 427 to 428 mmicro, and in the oxidized form, at 413 mmicro. PMID- 13822025 TI - Beneficial effects of hypothermia after cardiac arrest. PMID- 13822026 TI - Response to carotene loading in malabsorption states. PMID- 13822027 TI - Endocrinologic and metabolic effects of 17 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone in women. PMID- 13822028 TI - Dinitrophenol-induced cataracts in the avian embryo. PMID- 13822030 TI - From self-analysis to transference character traits. PMID- 13822029 TI - Dinitrophenolinduced cataracts in the chick embryo. PMID- 13822031 TI - The id: present, past--and future? PMID- 13822032 TI - The tragic comedy of greatmen. PMID- 13822033 TI - Heat-labile serum systems in fresh-water fish. AB - Serum specimens from 18 specimens of 12 different species of freshwater fish were examined for their ability to kill Toxoplasma nonspecifically. This ability was present in all sera except those of two of three great northern pike. The effect was destroyed by exposure to 53 degrees C, 56 degrees C, or zymosan. Complement was demonstrated in all sera except that from one great northern pike, when rabbit erythrocytes were used in the indicator system. PMID- 13822034 TI - Human toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13822035 TI - Ferrous fumarate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. PMID- 13822036 TI - Is it migraine? A review of migraine and migraine equivalents. PMID- 13822037 TI - The control of weight in hypertensives on rauwolfia and its derivatives. PMID- 13822038 TI - On the negative recency hypothesis in the prediction of a series of binary symbols. PMID- 13822039 TI - Peripheral metabolism of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in iodine deficient rat. PMID- 13822040 TI - The household interview survey as a technique for the collection of morbidity data. PMID- 13822041 TI - Antibodies in ribonucleoproteins. PMID- 13822042 TI - Immunogenetic studies on X-irradiated mice treated with hematopoietic cells and grafted with tumor tissues. PMID- 13822043 TI - Clinical evaluation of chlorprothixene. PMID- 13822044 TI - Clinical evaluation of cyclohexalamine. PMID- 13822045 TI - The treatment of anergic schizophrenia with imipramine. PMID- 13822046 TI - Treatment of anergic schizophrenia with nialamide. PMID- 13822047 TI - Treatment of hospitalized mental patients with iproniazid. PMID- 13822048 TI - Antepartum thrombophlebitis treated by long-term use of bishydroxycoumarin. PMID- 13822049 TI - Cryptococcosis (torulosis) of the central nervous system treated with amphotericin B during pregnancy. PMID- 13822050 TI - Long latency responses evoked in the anterior brain stem under pentobarbital anesthesia. PMID- 13822051 TI - An interesting case of recurarization. PMID- 13822052 TI - Effect of decamethonium upon conditioned reflexes in rats. PMID- 13822054 TI - [Trials of various forms of group treatment of alcoholics in Overfoerstergarden]. PMID- 13822053 TI - Some additional properties of Proteus particles. PMID- 13822055 TI - Avian tubercle bacilli and other mycobacteria. Their significance in the eradication of bovine tuberculosis. PMID- 13822056 TI - The fallacy of diagnosing tuberculosis without proof of etiology. PMID- 13822057 TI - The South African ticks Rhipicephalus capensis Koch and R. gertrudae n. sp. PMID- 13822058 TI - Selective colorimetric determination of local anesthetics containing a tertiary amine. PMID- 13822059 TI - Pharmacopoeias and formularies. The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1959. PMID- 13822060 TI - [New methodical and differential diagnostic viewpoints on a function test of the chorda tympani]. PMID- 13822061 TI - [Apropos of the meprobamate-reserpine combination. New indications apropos of a series of 350 cases]. PMID- 13822062 TI - [Treatment of Meniere's syndrome by cirtonal-N]. PMID- 13822063 TI - The administration of BAS, 5-HTP, and marsilid to schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13822064 TI - Blood and urinary serotonin and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid levels in schizophrenic patients and normal subjects. PMID- 13822065 TI - Monoamine oxidase, psychoenergizers, and tranquilizers. AB - 1-Benzyl-2-methyl-5-methoxytryptamine (BAS) inhibits monoamine oxidase in man. This finding confirms the findings of Woolley in mice. Since BAS, a tranquilizing agent, and Marsilid, a psychoenergizer, are both monoamine oxidase inhibitors, doubt is cast upon the hypothesis, that the stimulatory effect of Marsilid is due to its ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase. PMID- 13822066 TI - On the relationship of adrenaline and its oxidation products to schizophrenia. PMID- 13822067 TI - The collection and infrared analysis of low molecular weight hydrocarbons from combustion effluents. PMID- 13822068 TI - A method of surgical correction of entropion in aged persons. PMID- 13822069 TI - The Latin square design in speech and hearing research. PMID- 13822070 TI - [Legal abortion by the extra-amniotic injection of sodium chloride]. PMID- 13822071 TI - [Operative treatment of cervical insufficiency in habitual abortion]. PMID- 13822072 TI - [Symptomatic therapy of brucellosis with farmidone]. PMID- 13822073 TI - [Data on the glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamicpyruvic transaminases in lipofibrocalcareous myopathy]. PMID- 13822074 TI - [Virus 1957: synthesis of research activity at the Laboratorio di Microbiologia of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita]. PMID- 13822075 TI - [Influenza pandemic in 1957-58 in Italy: virological data]. PMID- 13822076 TI - [Etiological study of acute inflammations of the upper airways in infants. Description of 2 epidemic foci, due respectively to infection by a type 2 adenovirus and by a type 2 poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13822077 TI - [Contribution to the study of monkey viruses. I. Cytopathogenic viruses isolated from the kidneys and feces of Asiatic and African monkeys]. PMID- 13822078 TI - Contribution to the study of diseases in Italy caused by the Coxsackie B group of viruses. II. Epidemiological, clinical and virological data obtained in the course of a summer outbreak caused by Coxsackie B 4 virus. PMID- 13822079 TI - [Virological studies of patients simultaneously affected by Asian influenza and by various neurological syndromes]. PMID- 13822080 TI - [Lymphosarcoma in childhood. Clinical consideractions on 8 treated cases]. PMID- 13822081 TI - [The behavior of prothrombin, of factor V and of factor VII before and after exchange transfusion]. PMID- 13822082 TI - [Daily oscillations in motor activity of the rumen in sheep]. PMID- 13822083 TI - [Relation of various nitrogen compounds excreted with urine in sheep to forms and amounts of nitrogen in fodder]. PMID- 13822084 TI - [Extracorporeal circulation in intracardiac surgery]. PMID- 13822085 TI - Antibiotics and Candida albicans given by endobronchial route. PMID- 13822086 TI - [Leukemoid reactions appearing in mice after the administration of cytostatic drugs]. PMID- 13822087 TI - Experimental pneumomanometry: a study of the pulmonary resistance in the sub normal new-born. PMID- 13822088 TI - Action of venom phosphodiesterase on deoxyribooligonucleotides carrying a monoesterified phosphate on carbon 3'. PMID- 13822089 TI - [Hyperazotemia in the course of a viral icterigenic hepatitis]. PMID- 13822090 TI - [Cecal amebiasis with a complex tumoral form]. PMID- 13822091 TI - [Fatal amebiasis. Associated role of a staphylococcus]. PMID- 13822092 TI - [Apropos of an experience with tranquilizing therapy by meprobamate in general practice]. PMID- 13822093 TI - [Intestinal amebiasis in French North Africa. Clinical and therapeutic aspects]. PMID- 13822094 TI - Recent developments in mental health research. PMID- 13822095 TI - [Experiences in aneurysm surgery]. PMID- 13822096 TI - [Mechanical arterial suture with the Soviet universal suturing apparatus]. PMID- 13822097 TI - [The mitral stenosis operation in general medical view]. PMID- 13822098 TI - [A calibration apparatus for measurement of blood flow]. PMID- 13822099 TI - [On functional change of muscles]. PMID- 13822100 TI - [On the change of the concept of inflammation]. PMID- 13822101 TI - [The effect of histamine on the blood pressure and blood supply of the mesenteric and femoral area under abnormal circulatory conditions]. PMID- 13822102 TI - Experimental transformation of cells. PMID- 13822103 TI - The effect of vitamin A on tissue structure. PMID- 13822104 TI - Anatomical studies in the genus Rubus. Part 3. The anatomy of the leaf of Rubus loganobaccus L.H. Bailey. PMID- 13822105 TI - [Therapy of post-irradiation syndromes by isolated cellular nuclei and steroids of the spleen]. PMID- 13822106 TI - Metabolism of propionate-1-C-14 in the intact mouse. PMID- 13822107 TI - [On the surgical therapy of roentgen ulcer]. PMID- 13822108 TI - [On the therapy of keloids]. PMID- 13822109 TI - [On the effect of megaphen, adrenalin and noradrenalin on the leukocyte picture in the intact and decapitated rat]. PMID- 13822110 TI - [Quantitative registration of respiratory activity after stimulation of the exteroceptors]. PMID- 13822111 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infancy and vitamin D metabolism. PMID- 13822112 TI - The inhibition of pancreatic ribonuclease by anionic polymers. PMID- 13822113 TI - Laminarase of Euglena gracilis. AB - An enzyme in extracts of the protistan Euglena gracilis splits the polysaccharide laminarin (beta-1:3-glucosan). Its optimal pH is 5.0, and it is activated by Mn(++) ions. PMID- 13822114 TI - [The treatment of toxic nodular goiter with radioiodine]. PMID- 13822115 TI - Problems of social medical insurance in Austria. PMID- 13822116 TI - Succinoxidase system of Pasteurella tularensis. PMID- 13822117 TI - A new colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of epinephrine and norepinephrine. PMID- 13822118 TI - Purification and properties of adrenal L-DOPA decarboxylase. PMID- 13822119 TI - The oxidation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde. PMID- 13822120 TI - Stamp out the waste bug. A public relations campaign against useless waste. PMID- 13822121 TI - [Bechterew's disease, a special form of primary chronic polyarthritis?]. PMID- 13822122 TI - Chemical inactivation of foot-and-mouth disease virus. PMID- 13822123 TI - [Ovarian implantation in the spleen and hypophysectomy]. PMID- 13822124 TI - [Intrasplenic ovarian graft in rats with ligated testicular pedicle]. PMID- 13822125 TI - [Intrasplenic ovarian grafts in rats with ligation of the testicular pedicles]. PMID- 13822126 TI - [On uterus rupture]. PMID- 13822127 TI - Radioautographic study of aortic plaque formation. PMID- 13822128 TI - [Heterochromatin and morphological sex characteristics of human leukocytes]. PMID- 13822129 TI - The interaction of polynucleotides with metal ions, amino acids, and polyamines. PMID- 13822130 TI - The interaction of polynucleotides with cations. PMID- 13822131 TI - The determination of cuprous ion in copper proteins. PMID- 13822132 TI - [Sliding hiatal hernia in the newborn]. PMID- 13822133 TI - [Unspecific spondylitis in Scheuremann's disease]. PMID- 13822134 TI - Some basic principles in the diagnosis of chest diseases. PMID- 13822135 TI - What administrators want to know about progressive patient care. PMID- 13822136 TI - Decontamination of human skin experimentally soiled by radioactive materials. PMID- 13822137 TI - The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Disability Program: What disability benefits mean to people. Discussion. PMID- 13822138 TI - The coffee break. PMID- 13822139 TI - The teaching of occupational medicine in the United States and Canada, 1960. PMID- 13822140 TI - Localization and retention of triolein I131 in various tissues of the atherosclerotic rabbit. PMID- 13822141 TI - Delayed hemorrhage after percutaneous kidney biopsy. PMID- 13822142 TI - Alteration of the pattern of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism by propionate and butyrate. PMID- 13822143 TI - Transplantation studies of factors in skeletal organogenesis. I. The subcutaneously implanted immature long-bone of the rat and mouse. PMID- 13822144 TI - [Determination of refraction is a form of medical practice prohibited for the optometrist]. PMID- 13822145 TI - Chehov the physician born January 17, 1860. PMID- 13822146 TI - [The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular system; literature review]. PMID- 13822147 TI - [Role of brucellosis in the etiology of various ocular inflammations, especially uveitis]. PMID- 13822148 TI - [Significance of leptospirosis in the etiology of uveitis]. PMID- 13822149 TI - [Regional vascular reactions in progressive muscular effort in normal human subjects]. PMID- 13822150 TI - Changes of blood flow in forearm muscle and skin during an acute emotional stress (mental arithmetic). PMID- 13822151 TI - [Pathophysiology of water and electrolytes in acute renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13822152 TI - Housing, health and happiness. PMID- 13822153 TI - [Cryptococcosis and its differential diagnosis based on a personal observation]. PMID- 13822154 TI - [On the therapy of laryngeal amyloids]. PMID- 13822155 TI - [Eventration of diaphragm: Report of 2 cases]. PMID- 13822157 TI - [Chinese journal "Shui tsunkan" ("Periodical on plague") in 1958. (Review)]. PMID- 13822156 TI - Retrobulbar neuritis: report of 57 cases. PMID- 13822158 TI - Immediate effect of acupuncture on electroencephalograms of epileptics. PMID- 13822159 TI - Neurology in new China. PMID- 13822160 TI - [Neurology in New China]. PMID- 13822161 TI - [The immediate effect of acupuncture on the electroencephalograms of epileptic patients]. PMID- 13822162 TI - [Late sequelae after gastric resection according to the Billroth I method (preliminary report)]. PMID- 13822163 TI - [Children's feet--children's slippers]. PMID- 13822164 TI - A day school for schizophrenic children. PMID- 13822165 TI - [Amylolytic activity of Aspergillus oryzae growing on synthetic media]. PMID- 13822166 TI - [Considerations on natural foci of plague and anti-plague work in the Chinese People's Republic. (Impressions from a trip)]. PMID- 13822167 TI - The problem of rabies in Canada. PMID- 13822168 TI - The mechanism of breathing. PMID- 13822169 TI - Intermediate compound hypothesis in relation to dissociation curve data measured in vivo. PMID- 13822170 TI - Immunocytochemical study of the sensitization response (sr) in vaginal epithelium. PMID- 13822171 TI - Psychiatric trends in Sweden. PMID- 13822172 TI - I131 labelled triolein (glyceryltrioleate) and oleic acid131 absorption studies as an index of small intestinal function. PMID- 13822173 TI - Observations on porphyria with special reference to Ireland. PMID- 13822174 TI - The reactivation of poxviruses. II. The range of reactivating viruses. PMID- 13822175 TI - Genetic studies with mammalian poxviruses. II. Recombination between two strains of vaccinia virus in single HeLa cells. PMID- 13822176 TI - Myxomatosis. PMID- 13822177 TI - [Demethylchlortetracycline (ledermycin). Comparative bacteriological research]. PMID- 13822178 TI - [Extrinsic compression of the body of the stomach]. PMID- 13822179 TI - 'Ionexten' depot therapy with special relation to diseases of involuntary musculature. PMID- 13822180 TI - Urea formation in nephrectomized mice. PMID- 13822181 TI - Nutrition and genetics. PMID- 13822183 TI - [Serological studies on Klebsiella. Method of investigations]. PMID- 13822182 TI - Some observations on the history of the American Otological Society. PMID- 13822184 TI - [Mastoiditis due to Haverhillia (Streptococcus) moniliformis]. PMID- 13822185 TI - [On the persistence of the vomeronasal organ in man]. PMID- 13822186 TI - [Research on the sensitivity of the total tonsillar flora to the most common antibiotics]. PMID- 13822187 TI - [Tympano-jugular paraganglioma]. PMID- 13822188 TI - Retinal vein occlusion. PMID- 13822189 TI - [On an operated case of cerebral Boeck's sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13822190 TI - [Percutaneous vertebral angiography]. PMID- 13822191 TI - Clinical and electromyographic studies of "spinal reflexes" in premature and full term infants. PMID- 13822192 TI - [Clinical and electromyographic investigations on spinal reflexes in premature and mature infants]. PMID- 13822193 TI - Experience in the eradication of enzootic plague in the north-west part of the Caspian region of the USSR. AB - The writer recounts the history of plague control in the north-west part of the Caspian lowlands from 1924 to 1956. Plague has long been enzootic in this area, the main rodent involved being the little sisel. Until 1932, sisels were exterminated only in small areas where epizootics occurred, but from 1933 to 1941 an extensive extermination campaign was waged, covering up to 7 million hectares annually. The excellent results achieved by these wholesale measures suffered a setback during the Second World War, but effective rodent control was re established in 1947 and it is thought that complete eradication of enzootic plague from the area can now be expected. PMID- 13822194 TI - [Principal instrumental methods of fetal extraction]. PMID- 13822195 TI - Treatment of trichomoniasis in the female. PMID- 13822196 TI - [Production of chlamidospores in Candida albicans]. PMID- 13822197 TI - [On the surgical technic in tension emphysemas of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13822198 TI - [The surgical treatment of mitral valve insufficiency: review of the literature]. PMID- 13822199 TI - [Lactic dehydrogenase in gynecology]. PMID- 13822200 TI - [Contribution on "benign" papillomas of the renal pelvis and ureter]. PMID- 13822201 TI - Long-term illness. Management of the chronically ill patient. PMID- 13822203 TI - [Dexame thasone and gastric secretion]. PMID- 13822202 TI - [Epidemiological effectiveness of systematic application of typhoid bacteriophage in chronic bacterial carriage]. PMID- 13822204 TI - Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis. PMID- 13822205 TI - [Contribution to the recognition of the "formatio reticularis medullae oblongatae et pontis" of man]. PMID- 13822206 TI - A contribution to the mode of action of tetracycline antibiotics. II. The influence of chelating substances (oxine, citrate) on the antibrucellic activity of tetracyclines). PMID- 13822207 TI - The pulmonary vascular bed in tetralogy of Fallot. I. Changes associated with pulmonic stenosis. PMID- 13822209 TI - [Clinical aspects of properdin research]. PMID- 13822208 TI - The pulmonary vascular bed in tetralogy of Fallot. II. Changes following a systemic-pulmonary arterial anastomosis. PMID- 13822210 TI - [Epidemiological aspects of infectious enterocolitis in Budapest]. PMID- 13822211 TI - [Experiences in the therapy of pulmonary abscess]. PMID- 13822212 TI - Incipient congestive heart failure. PMID- 13822213 TI - Reconstruction of neurologic and septic hip dislocation. PMID- 13822214 TI - Metals in living tissues. PMID- 13822215 TI - Tropical ulcer in Natal. PMID- 13822216 TI - Rubella as a cause of thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13822217 TI - Changing concepts in otolaryngology for the pediatrician. PMID- 13822218 TI - Operant conditioning of hostile verbs in relation to experimenter and subject characteristics. PMID- 13822219 TI - Pulmonary arteriosclerosis in transposition of the great vessels. PMID- 13822220 TI - Segmental gastrectomy with innervated antrum for duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13822222 TI - An impression of Moscow medicine. PMID- 13822221 TI - Health education in South Africa. PMID- 13822223 TI - Synthetic detergents and eczematous hand eruptions. PMID- 13822224 TI - Natural abatement of schistosomiasis mansoni in St. Kitts, British West Indies. PMID- 13822225 TI - Blunt trauma of the chest. PMID- 13822226 TI - Total colonoscopy: a systematic surgical approach. PMID- 13822227 TI - Diagnostic conization of the cervix: an analysis of 235 operations. PMID- 13822228 TI - Abruptio placentae and rupture of the marginal sinus of the placenta: some relationships. PMID- 13822229 TI - Severe abruptio placentae. PMID- 13822230 TI - Canadian milestones in medical research. PMID- 13822231 TI - Vaccination against poliomyelitis and other diseases with a new series of combined antigens. PMID- 13822232 TI - Vaccination against poliomyelitis with combined antigens. PMID- 13822234 TI - The slide culture. Its use in a dermatology residency program for the study of dermatophtyes. PMID- 13822233 TI - [Program of immunization of infants and children in Canada]. PMID- 13822235 TI - Influence of dietary protein percentage on growth of wool. PMID- 13822236 TI - Alcohol in clinical medicine. PMID- 13822237 TI - Heat stroke in New York City. Experience with twenty-five cases. PMID- 13822238 TI - Public health nursing service to patients. PMID- 13822239 TI - Work measurement and performance budgeting. PMID- 13822240 TI - Rupture and dissection of aorta in Marfan's syndrome. PMID- 13822242 TI - Better linen service through centralizing laundry facilities. PMID- 13822241 TI - Meprobamate overdosage. A report on the management of five cases. PMID- 13822243 TI - Studies in histochemistry. LVI. Microbiological determination of biotin in microgram amounts of tissue. PMID- 13822245 TI - Mortality in Shetland a hundred years ago. PMID- 13822244 TI - The subsequent performance of lads who had their National Service deferred to allow them to complete apprenticeships. PMID- 13822246 TI - An evaluation of the modified heller operation in the treatment of achalasia of the esophagus. PMID- 13822247 TI - Experimental studies on cataract formation. PMID- 13822248 TI - Injuries to the knee. PMID- 13822249 TI - Primary amentia and micro-orchidism associated with an XXXY sex-chromosome constitution. PMID- 13822250 TI - The chromosome complement in true hermaphroditism. PMID- 13822251 TI - Chromosome abnormalities in certain diseases of man. PMID- 13822253 TI - Nuclear sex and the sex chromosomes. PMID- 13822252 TI - Cytogenetics in man. PMID- 13822254 TI - Arsenic values in various skin diseases estimated by activation analysis. PMID- 13822255 TI - Response of favus to griseofulvin. PMID- 13822256 TI - Cysts of the kidney. PMID- 13822257 TI - [Effect of methylestrenolone in the lactating woman]. PMID- 13822258 TI - [Glandular pseudo-epithelioma of the decidua]. PMID- 13822260 TI - [Perforation of the uterus]. PMID- 13822259 TI - [Self-purification of the lungs from dust. IV. Effect of the size of dust particles on the self-purification function of the organism]. PMID- 13822261 TI - [Influence of lysozyme on the proteolytic activity of the feces]. PMID- 13822263 TI - [Superficial mycosis. New therapeutic focus]. PMID- 13822262 TI - [Comparative clinical studies on the problem of ototoxic effects of streptomycin dihydrostreptomycin mixtures with and without addition of pantothenic acid]. PMID- 13822264 TI - [Epidemic of serous meningitis in Zagreb in 1956]. PMID- 13822265 TI - Absorptive phenomena in the explanted yolk sac placenta of the rat. PMID- 13822266 TI - They come and go. PMID- 13822267 TI - [Industrial mental hygiene]. PMID- 13822268 TI - [Medical care activity of the Casa de Saude de Carnaxide]. PMID- 13822270 TI - [Mental health problems]. PMID- 13822269 TI - [Depression and its treatment. (General problems)]. PMID- 13822271 TI - [The therapy of depressions]. PMID- 13822272 TI - [University medical teaching and public health and welfare]. PMID- 13822273 TI - [Tension pneumothorax as a complication of staphylococcal pneumonia]. PMID- 13822274 TI - Nucleotide and polynucleotide synthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi. II. In vitro effect of tioguanine and of the aminonucleoside of stylomycin. PMID- 13822275 TI - Nucleotide and polynucleotide synthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi. IV. Effect of the aminonucleoside of stylomycin on mouse infections. PMID- 13822276 TI - [Antimetabolites]. PMID- 13822277 TI - [Cesarean section in the Northeast (Experience of the Maternidade da Encruzilhada)]. PMID- 13822278 TI - [Cesarean section-early and late prognosis]. PMID- 13822279 TI - [Endometriosis]. PMID- 13822280 TI - [Obstetrical services in the general hospital]. PMID- 13822281 TI - Irradiation of cells in tissue culture. VII. Studies on the susceptibility to bluetongue virus on radiation induced giant cells in vitro. PMID- 13822282 TI - [The biological differentiation of exudates and transudates by means of the Menkin-Tinozzi reaction]. PMID- 13822283 TI - The low-back syndrome-postural implications. PMID- 13822284 TI - [Therapeutic test with dithiazanine iodide (netocyd) in infections caused by Hymenolepis nana]. PMID- 13822285 TI - Experimental observations on postural nystagmus in the cat. PMID- 13822286 TI - Experimental observations on postural nystagmus in the cat. PMID- 13822287 TI - Experimental observations on postural nystagmus. II. Lesions of the nodulus. PMID- 13822288 TI - Positional nystagmus in man and animals. PMID- 13822289 TI - Innervation of the cochlea in relation to hearing loss. PMID- 13822290 TI - [Cardiac arrest during surgical operations]. PMID- 13822291 TI - [The social responsibility of the medical profession as a class]. PMID- 13822292 TI - [Periban "N" in influenzal encephalitis]. PMID- 13822293 TI - [Nodular goiter]. PMID- 13822294 TI - [Procoagulating action of steroid digitaloids in thrombosis (preliminary note)]. PMID- 13822295 TI - [Results of clinical experience with G 28,315 in the treatment of gouty patients]. PMID- 13822296 TI - [Acute renal failure in obstetrics and gynecology. Report of 2 cases]. PMID- 13822297 TI - [Genital tuberculosis and extrauterine pregnancy; case report]. PMID- 13822298 TI - [Interstitial pregnancy]. PMID- 13822299 TI - [Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in hemorrhagic metropathias]. PMID- 13822300 TI - [Changes in bilirubinemia in normal newborn infants in Guatemala during the first 72 hours of life]. PMID- 13822301 TI - [Histopathology of the nerve endings in tuberculous laryngitis]. PMID- 13822302 TI - [The problem of surgical heart diseases in pediatric practice]. PMID- 13822303 TI - [Correction of hypomastia with polyethylene wool inserted by areolar route]. PMID- 13822304 TI - [Remote result of the construction of a vagina]. PMID- 13822305 TI - [Action of triamcinolone in the external treatment of some skin diseases]. PMID- 13822306 TI - [Sterility statistics at the clinic]. PMID- 13822307 TI - Double eyelid operation in the Oriental in Hawaii. PMID- 13822308 TI - Phosphoglyceric acid mutase activity without added 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in preparations purified from rice germ. PMID- 13822309 TI - Effect of operative procedure on gastric acidity of anesthetized children. PMID- 13822310 TI - Ninth Squibb Clinical Seminar. Dermatology. PMID- 13822311 TI - [Strange and exceptional fracture of the kidney]. PMID- 13822312 TI - [Transaminases in the blood of newborn infants]. PMID- 13822313 TI - Serum antibody response of malnourished children as compared with well nourished children. PMID- 13822315 TI - [Esophageal fistula]. PMID- 13822314 TI - [Ovular infection]. PMID- 13822316 TI - [Non-neoplastic rectal stenosis (Nicolas-Favre disease)]. PMID- 13822317 TI - [Defective (pathological) cicatrices in occupational forensic medicine. Medicolegal study]. PMID- 13822318 TI - [Fatal cardiac syncope in industrial forensic medicine. Medicolegal study. Its evaluation]. PMID- 13822319 TI - [The study of environmental technical control (work microclimate) in work places and its medicolegal value in occupational diseases and of the project of conformity with Law 9688 and its amendment]. PMID- 13822320 TI - [The traumatic knee in forensic occupational medicine. Medicolegal study. Its evaluation as causal or concausal relation according to Law 9688 (on work accidents)]. PMID- 13822321 TI - [Experimental hypoplasia of the labyrinth]. PMID- 13822322 TI - [Hydatid cyst of the liver. Cystectomy]. PMID- 13822323 TI - [An Argentine experiment on residencies in surgery]. PMID- 13822324 TI - [Discogenic lumbosciaticas. Analysis of 60 surgically treated patients]. PMID- 13822325 TI - [Obstetric analgesia by psychophysical methods]. PMID- 13822326 TI - [General introduction to the study of cortical disorders]. PMID- 13822327 TI - [Systematic botany and pharmaceutical plants]. PMID- 13822328 TI - [Variations of the response by recruitment during different stages of cerebral anoxia]. PMID- 13822329 TI - [Activity of reticular bulbar formation during anoxia. Its relation to arterial tension and pupillary diameter]. PMID- 13822330 TI - The aortitis of rheumatoid spondylitis: report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13822331 TI - Human brucellosis. PMID- 13822332 TI - The structure and biologic activity of the corticosteroid hormones and ACTH. PMID- 13822333 TI - The use and abuse of the corticosteroid hormones in connective tissue diseases. PMID- 13822334 TI - [Data on the social and economic aspects of the detection of genital cancer in the female (viewpoints of detection in Spain)]. PMID- 13822335 TI - [Juvenile metropathy]. PMID- 13822336 TI - [Modern methods in the management of normal labor. Directed labor]. PMID- 13822337 TI - [Necessity of the obstetric team in current assistance in childbirth]. PMID- 13822338 TI - [Report for the oriented systematic investigation of feminine cancer as a basis of the fight against cancer. Experience obtained and severe dangers to avoid in its organization]. PMID- 13822339 TI - [Report on the social and economic aspect in relation to Spain of female genital cancer detection. Points of view of the investigation in Spain]. PMID- 13822340 TI - [Psychopathologic approach to the temporal attitudes of the senile (Psychoclinical study of therapeutic work)]. PMID- 13822341 TI - Immunological studies with I 131 labeled antigen in experimental uveitis. PMID- 13822342 TI - Preliminary report: clinical trials with cyclophosphamide in children with acute leukemia. PMID- 13822343 TI - Comparison of two heat-shock methods and a phenol treatment method for determining germination rates of spores of Bacillus anthracis. PMID- 13822344 TI - [The hypophysial cisterna of man and its relation to pathogenesis mechanism of secondary sella dilatation]. PMID- 13822345 TI - [Note on the variations in the number of mast cells in the myocardium of the chicken and monkey during experimental malaria]. PMID- 13822346 TI - Hemostasis in retropublic prostatectomy. PMID- 13822347 TI - [Practical use of psychoprophylaxis]. PMID- 13822348 TI - Studies on procaine allergy with reference to urticaria due to procaine penicillin treatment. A. The most common types of reactions in penicillin treatment and a review of literature on the incidence of reactions. PMID- 13822349 TI - A discographical study of ruptured lumbar intervertebral discs. PMID- 13822350 TI - [Bipotentiality of male and female behavior in an insect Geratitis capitata Wied. (Dipt. Trypetidae)]. PMID- 13822351 TI - [Remarks on vasculo-cutaneous disorders of the extremities: erythema nodosum]. PMID- 13822352 TI - [Signs of homosexuality detectable by projective technics among the female population of a penitentiary]. PMID- 13822353 TI - [Respiratory manifestations in collagen diseases]. PMID- 13822354 TI - [Endocrinological study of patients with ovarian tumors]. PMID- 13822355 TI - [Histochemical research on the localization of mucopolysaccharides and elastic fibers in the vessels and stroma of uterine fibromyomas]. PMID- 13822356 TI - [The dietary ration of the Italian soldier with special reference to the protein quota]. PMID- 13822357 TI - [The spleen in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Anatomopathological and etiopathogenetic considerations]. PMID- 13822358 TI - [Contribution to the study of a theory of the psychiatric assistance of tomorrow]. PMID- 13822359 TI - [Apropos of hydatid-peritoneum and of hydatid choleperitoneum. Remarks on exeresis of the neomembrane of encystment]. PMID- 13822360 TI - [Complications of aortography and arteriography]. PMID- 13822361 TI - [Longitudinal and median "columnization" of the "large dural cul-desac" (Hanraets' operation)]. PMID- 13822362 TI - [Diskal hernia of pure lumbalgic type]. PMID- 13822363 TI - [Value of a vasodilator derived from beta-phenylethylamine in vascular pathology]. PMID- 13822364 TI - [The early diagnosis of kala-azar in the adult (Apropos of 11 cases)]. PMID- 13822365 TI - [Epidemic viral hepatitis in Algeria]. PMID- 13822366 TI - [Stenosis of the ureter secondary to hysterectomy]. PMID- 13822367 TI - [Action of the hormones in milk on the pregnancy as well as on the growth of the young rat and on the weight development of its organs]. PMID- 13822368 TI - [Supplemental antibiotic diet and blood cholesterol in the chicken]. PMID- 13822369 TI - [Electrophoresis of the blood proteins in sow's milk at the onset of lactation]. PMID- 13822370 TI - [Antibiotics, atherosclerosis and scientific popularization]. PMID- 13822371 TI - [Physicians' considerations on the prevention of automobile accidents]. PMID- 13822372 TI - [A new vasodilator in the functional therapy of peripheral arteriopathies: 1-(p hydroxyphenyl)-2-(1-methyl-2-phenoxyethylamino)-propanol HC1]. PMID- 13822373 TI - [Value and significance of blood protein changes in patients with malignant neoplasms of the large intestine subjected to surgical intervention]. PMID- 13822374 TI - [On blood protein changes in patients with malignant neoplasms of the large intestine]. PMID- 13822375 TI - [The functional reserve of the adrenal gland measured by the test with long acting ACTH]. PMID- 13822376 TI - [Emergency device in a case of hemorrhage from postanastomotic peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13822377 TI - Visceral injuries and experimental toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13822378 TI - [Intravenous reserpine in the differential diagnosis of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13822379 TI - [Prolonged treatment of arterial hypertension with chlorisondamine]. PMID- 13822381 TI - [Prometheus liberated: historical review of anesthesia]. PMID- 13822380 TI - The private dermatologist and skin cancer: a clinical study of two hundred twenty six epitheliomas derived from five dermatologic practices. PMID- 13822383 TI - [The physiology of William Harvey]. PMID- 13822382 TI - [Prometheus unbound: historical review of anesthesia]. PMID- 13822384 TI - [Pyruvic acid and alpha-ketoglutaric acid in the thyroxin-treated animal]. PMID- 13822385 TI - [Relations between ascorbic acid and the hepatic synthesis of glutamine]. PMID- 13822386 TI - [Residual choledochal syndrome due to Fasciola hepatica]. PMID- 13822387 TI - [Contribution to the histochemical study of cancer of the cervix uteri during grid roentgeno-therapy. (Note III. Acid phosphatase)]. PMID- 13822388 TI - [Electroshock in the treatment of psychoses of the puerperium]. PMID- 13822389 TI - [Electroshock in treatment of some psychoses in pregnancy]. PMID- 13822390 TI - [Electroshock in treatment of some psychoses of the pregnancy]. PMID- 13822391 TI - [Postoperative vomiting in cesarean section]. PMID- 13822392 TI - [The use of succinylcholine in general anesthesia for cesarean section (research on transplacental passage)]. PMID- 13822393 TI - [On the lymphatic vascularization of the lingual tonsil]. PMID- 13822394 TI - [Behavior of the inner ear in chronic experimental aniline poisoning]. PMID- 13822395 TI - [Behavior of the nasal mucosa and the olfactory apparatus in chronic experimental aniline poisoning]. PMID- 13822397 TI - [Clinical applications of the color pyramid test]. PMID- 13822396 TI - [Changes in the vascularization of the mucous membranes of the principal air passages after prolonged folliculin treatment]. PMID- 13822398 TI - [Anomalies of behavior of characterial type in children with former anoxia and their bioelectrical aspects]. PMID- 13822399 TI - [Research on substances with analeptic action. Note II. On some esters and amides of comphocarboxylic acid]. PMID- 13822400 TI - [Statistical notes on the first patients in the Ospedale Psichiatrico Provinciale of Rovigo limited to natives of Polesine and to the 20 year period 1936-1955]. PMID- 13822401 TI - [Clinical experience with a new quinidine preparation: quinidine polygalacturonate]. PMID- 13822402 TI - [Clinical notes on quinidine therapy]. PMID- 13822403 TI - [Hypoglycemic drugs in Sackel therapy]. PMID- 13822404 TI - [The skeletal development of the pseudopostmature infant]. PMID- 13822405 TI - [Effect of the administration of cortisone-like substances on the system for the enzymatic conjugation of bilirubin in neonatal rat liver homogenates and slices]. PMID- 13822406 TI - [Experience with 3-pyridylacetic acid in humans]. PMID- 13822407 TI - [Study of the oxidative metabolism of glucose in erythrocytes of diabetic rats]. PMID- 13822408 TI - [Content of the B group vitamins in the regenerating liver after partial hepatectomy]. PMID- 13822409 TI - [Transaminase activity of the liver and glycogenesis from gluco-active steroids]. PMID- 13822410 TI - [Glucuronic conjugation of bilirubin in the regenerating rat liver]. PMID- 13822411 TI - Increase by chlorothiazide of the paralysing activity of d-tubocurarine chloride. PMID- 13822412 TI - [On the "stretch crisis" due to endocisternal injections of ACTH in the dog]. PMID- 13822413 TI - [The conservative method in the treatment of cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13822414 TI - [Silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13822415 TI - [Illustrated chronological synthesis of Chinese medicine and its evolution]. PMID- 13822416 TI - [Subconjunctival hemorrhages in labor]. PMID- 13822417 TI - [Neoplasms of the female genital system and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase in the blood]. PMID- 13822418 TI - [Hematic metabolism of thiocyanates in patients with malignant neoplasms of the genital system]. PMID- 13822419 TI - [Sulfocyanate in the blood in the puerperal state. I. In pregnancy]. PMID- 13822420 TI - [Sulfocyanate in the blood in the puerperal state. II. In maternal blood in labor, in umbilical cord blood and in amniotic fluid]. PMID- 13822421 TI - [Sulfocyanate in the blood in the puerperal state. III. In puerperium]. PMID- 13822422 TI - [Considerations on current therapy of puerperal mastitis]. PMID- 13822423 TI - [Association of ovarian endometriosis and dermoid cyst]. PMID- 13822424 TI - [Infectious icterogenic hepatitis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13822425 TI - William Harvey's debate with Caspar Hofmann on the circulation of the blood. New documentary evidence. PMID- 13822426 TI - [On the parenteral use of trypsin in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13822427 TI - [The bronchographic picture of silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13822428 TI - [The bronchoscopic picture of silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13822430 TI - [Lymphomatous cholecystitis]. PMID- 13822429 TI - [Cancer of the recto-sigmoid. Pathological anatomy]. PMID- 13822431 TI - [Wilson's disease and splenomegaly. Recent acquisitions and report of a case]. PMID- 13822432 TI - [The hospital problem in Italy]. PMID- 13822433 TI - [Influence of incidental factors (meteorological changes, age and parity) on pregnancy toxemias. Clinico-statistical study of the decade 1949-1958]. PMID- 13822434 TI - [Considerations on a severe case of postpartum afibrinogenemia complicated by irreversible renal damage]. PMID- 13822435 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of the vacuum extractor in obstetrical practice]. PMID- 13822436 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the constitutional semeiotics of presenile diabetics]. PMID- 13822437 TI - [Secondary arthroses and work incapacity]. PMID- 13822438 TI - [On thrombocytosis caused by serotonin (Experimental research in the rabbit)]. PMID- 13822439 TI - [Dermo-abrasive esthetic treatment of systemic verrucous nevus]. PMID- 13822440 TI - [Peripheral nerve lesions in military surgery]. PMID- 13822441 TI - [Granet's ano-rectal plastic technic. Its practical value in the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids]. PMID- 13822442 TI - [On nitrogen requirements. Quantitative study of the amino acids of some foods]. PMID- 13822443 TI - [New technical detail for anesthesia of the pudendal plexus in obstetrics]. PMID- 13822444 TI - The collection and storage of viable human fetal hematopoietic tissue for intravenous use. PMID- 13822445 TI - Some experiences with irradiation injury. PMID- 13822446 TI - [Acute mesenteric vascular occlusion]. PMID- 13822447 TI - [Chromatographic determination of dehydroepiandrosterone]. PMID- 13822448 TI - [Action of estrogens on the adrenals of rats of the "Augustus" strain]. PMID- 13822449 TI - Psychotherapy with severely regressed schizophrenics. Report of two cases. PMID- 13822450 TI - The pregnant woman's emotional attitude and its reflection of the newborn. PMID- 13822451 TI - The semantics and the context of the schizophrenic's language. PMID- 13822452 TI - [Presence in the lung, stomach and pancreas of an unidentified nematode]. PMID- 13822453 TI - [Vaginal cytology and trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13822454 TI - [Department for the study and treatment of sterility: statistical review after 16 years of functioning]. PMID- 13822455 TI - [Therapeutic and preventive possibilities in tubal obstructions]. PMID- 13822456 TI - [Apropos of a case of coarctation of the aorta surgically treated with resection and substitution of a "nylonsilicon" prosthesis]. PMID- 13822457 TI - [Live vaccines against poliomyelitis. Current status of the question]. PMID- 13822458 TI - [The control of the treatment of syphilis. Presentation of a form for the serological control of patients treated for syphilitic infection]. PMID- 13822459 TI - [Super-illumination in hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants]. PMID- 13822460 TI - [Super-illumination in hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn]. PMID- 13822461 TI - [Do spigelian hernias exist? Reflections on personal case histories]. PMID- 13822462 TI - [Pure staphylococcal peritonitis of gynecological origin]. PMID- 13822463 TI - [Cardiac arrest and biliary ileus. Resuscitation and recovery]. PMID- 13822464 TI - [Experimental study on the mechanism of death caused by embolism]. PMID- 13822466 TI - [On a new miotic (Preliminary note)]. PMID- 13822465 TI - [Beta therapy in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13822467 TI - [The evolution of poliomyelitis in Angola]. PMID- 13822468 TI - [A case of paralysis of the internal rectus. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13822469 TI - [Pre-operative care in cataract surgery]. PMID- 13822470 TI - [The treatment of amblyopia]. PMID- 13822471 TI - [Tracing of cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13822472 TI - [Importance of the Laboratory in the prevention of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13822474 TI - [Experimental deflection of the optic nerve in the chick embryo]. PMID- 13822473 TI - [Adrenal hyperplasia. Adrenogenital syndrome with arterial hypertension in the adult]. PMID- 13822475 TI - The wandering clot. PMID- 13822476 TI - Trustees can be valuable in collecting accounts receivable. PMID- 13822477 TI - Cerebrospinal otorrhea. PMID- 13822478 TI - Some effects of digoxin upon the heart and circulation in man. Digoxin in combined (left and right) ventricular failure. PMID- 13822479 TI - The relation between hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension in chronic cor pulmonale. PMID- 13822480 TI - Regionalization in Puerto Rico-problems and progress. PMID- 13822481 TI - [Osteoid osteoma of the vertebral column]. PMID- 13822482 TI - [Comparative biochemical and histochemical studies on the lipolytic activity of intestinal canal epithelium of Planorbis corneus L. and Murex trunculus L]. PMID- 13822483 TI - Vitamins in horse perilymph. PMID- 13822484 TI - [Non-stupefying analgesic-sedative combination for postoperative medication]. PMID- 13822485 TI - [Study of the immediate hemodynamic effect of chlorothiazide on the cardiac patient]. PMID- 13822486 TI - [Action of 4-beta-hydroxyethyldiethylenediaminomethyltetracycline phenoxymethylpenicillinate on the respiration and multiplication of Staphylococcus aureus]. PMID- 13822487 TI - [Comparative antibiotic activity of 4'-hydroxyethyl)-diethylenediaminomethyl tetracycline and tetracycline hydrochloride]. PMID- 13822488 TI - [Variations of the basedowian personality induced by medical and surgical treatment of Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13822489 TI - [Experimental research on the coagulability of the blood in the portal region. Considerations on the etiopathogenesis of various forms of venous thrombosis in the area of the cava]. PMID- 13822490 TI - The effect of pressure on sweating. PMID- 13822491 TI - [Therapeutic effects of prednisolone hemisuccinate in intracutaneous administration in asthmatic syndromes]. PMID- 13822492 TI - Glomus tumour in a dog. PMID- 13822493 TI - [Primary aldosteronism and the lesser circulation]. PMID- 13822494 TI - Anginal syndrome in hypotension. Neuro-hormonal aspects. PMID- 13822495 TI - [Hexosamine synthetase activity in the Walker tumor]. PMID- 13822496 TI - [Effect of climate on the autonomic nervous system and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13822497 TI - Carcinoma of the adrenal cortex with feminization. PMID- 13822498 TI - Pituitary responsiveness to stress after corticoid therapy. PMID- 13822499 TI - [Tissue distribution of Fe59-saccharate in the rabbit]. PMID- 13822500 TI - [Study on the distribution of methionine-S-35 in the rat; hormonal influence on the incorporation of amino acids into muscle proteins]. PMID- 13822501 TI - [Considerations on clinical use of radioisotopes]. PMID- 13822502 TI - [On the medicolegal diagnosis of epilepsy]. PMID- 13822503 TI - Life-threatening poliomyelitis, Boston, 1955. PMID- 13822504 TI - Effect of deep and quiet breathing on pulmonary compliance in man. PMID- 13822505 TI - Studies of pulmonary functions. PMID- 13822506 TI - Experimental infection of white-tailed deer with Leptospira pomona. PMID- 13822507 TI - Operative cholangiography. PMID- 13822508 TI - Operative cholangiography: an aid in reducing the incidence of residual common duct stones. PMID- 13822509 TI - Anaesthetic emergencies. PMID- 13822511 TI - The recognition of nonepileptic seizures. PMID- 13822510 TI - Meatal stenosis. An easily diagnosed but frequently missed urologic disease in children. PMID- 13822512 TI - [Cerebral abscesses of thrombophlebitic orgin caused by contiguous septic processes]. PMID- 13822513 TI - [Cervical spinal cord syndrome in patients with cranial injuries. Clinical contribution of 4 cases]. PMID- 13822514 TI - [Anti-inflammatory effect of pancreatic ribonuclease administered alone and in combination with trypsin and chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13822515 TI - Rapid determination of total and free cholesterol in serum. PMID- 13822517 TI - [Pleuropulmonary staphylococcal infection in the infant]. PMID- 13822516 TI - [Precapillary arteriovenous communications: Sucquet-Hoyer canals]. PMID- 13822518 TI - [Modifications of the respiration in laryngectomized persons induced by a slight resistance]. PMID- 13822519 TI - [Modifications of the respiration in man induced by a slight resistance (Fleisch's tachograph)]. PMID- 13822520 TI - [Modifications of the respiration in man induced by a slight resistance (Fleisch's technograph)]. PMID- 13822521 TI - [Modifications of the respiration in man induced by a slight resistance (Hochrein's tachograph)]. PMID- 13822522 TI - [Nasal, oral and tracheal respiration in man and the effects of slight respiratory resistances]. PMID- 13822523 TI - [The physical chemistry of solutions]. PMID- 13822524 TI - [Observations on the relations between cholesterolemia and paper-electrophoretic lipoprotein fractions as indices of lipid metabolism disorders]. PMID- 13822525 TI - [Giant juxtacardiac ulcer complicated by hemorrhage and perforation. Emergency total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13822526 TI - [The relations between professors and students]. PMID- 13822527 TI - [The behavior of C-reactive protein in echincococcosis]. PMID- 13822528 TI - [Considerations on splenoportography and splenomanometry in Banti's disease]. PMID- 13822529 TI - A multiple-unit pigeon apparatus. PMID- 13822530 TI - A continuous stencil duplicator. PMID- 13822531 TI - A semi-automatic teaching machine. PMID- 13822532 TI - Intermittent reinforcement of matching to sample in the pigeon. PMID- 13822534 TI - [Growth patterns of bacilli cultivated on chicken egg yolk]. PMID- 13822533 TI - Suppression of a performance under differential reinforcement of low rates by a pre-time-out stimulus. PMID- 13822535 TI - [Primary intracranial hypotension (Idiopathic hypoliquorrachia)]. PMID- 13822536 TI - [Intracardiac phonocardiography in man]. PMID- 13822537 TI - [Initial results of intracardiac phonocardiography]. PMID- 13822538 TI - Postoperative changes in blood coagulation in elderly patients. PMID- 13822539 TI - [Electrocardiographic data on animals exposed to controlled cardiac arrest by a pharmacological mixture used in open heart surgery]. PMID- 13822540 TI - A method for elective cardiac arrest in experimental open-heart surgery: electrocardiographic observations. PMID- 13822541 TI - Non-penetrating chest injury resulting in isolated rupture of the ventricular septum and angina pectoris. PMID- 13822542 TI - Electrocardiographic observations in 300 transthoracic left heart catheterizations. PMID- 13822543 TI - Diagnostic value of intracardiac phonocardiography in some complicated cardiac problems. PMID- 13822544 TI - Intracardiac phonocardiography in ventricular septal defect. PMID- 13822545 TI - Intracardiac phonocardiogram in thirty cases of atrial septal defect. PMID- 13822546 TI - Intracardiac phonocardiography: a valuable diagnostic technique in congenital and acquired heart disease. PMID- 13822547 TI - [On the diagnostic value of the intracardiac phonocardiogram]. PMID- 13822548 TI - [Modern clinical and therapeutic criteria in urethral stenosis]. PMID- 13822549 TI - [Future of the Algerian Health Organization]. PMID- 13822551 TI - [On pollution of the northern part of Donets by the Rubezhansk industrial center and on the need for the investigation of intermediate products of biochemical decomposition of derivatives of aromatic series]. PMID- 13822550 TI - [On the content of heavy metals in rivers of Kazennyi Torts and northern Donets during irrigation periods]. PMID- 13822552 TI - [Contribution to the therapy of cough]. PMID- 13822553 TI - [On heart therapy with reserpine and Crataegus]. PMID- 13822554 TI - Prophylactic shunt. PMID- 13822555 TI - A further experimental study of a response-interference versus a drive facilitation theory of the effect of anxiety upon learning. PMID- 13822556 TI - [Electroencephalographic correlations in the field of motoricity]. PMID- 13822558 TI - [The place of psychophysiology among the biological sciences]. PMID- 13822557 TI - [General review of the mechanisms of central inhibition]. PMID- 13822559 TI - Psychosis and systemic lupus erythematosus: a review of the literature and case reports. AB - In a review of the literature of the last 60 years concerning the association between psychosis and systemic lupus erythematosus, reports of 227 cases of this association were found. The average incidence of psychosis in the various series of systemic lupus erythematosus that were reviewed was 22 per cent. In only 25 per cent of the cases in which the information was given was the psychosis associated with steroid therapy. The psychiatric manifestations are variable and may be associated with a neurological disorder. Psychosis may antedate by many years other features of lupus. The psychosis due to lupus may respond to steroid therapy. Since systemic lupus erythematosus sometimes may be an important differential diagnosis of functional psychosis, appropriate diagnostic studies should be carried out in psychotic patients who have an accelerated sedimentation rate or positive serological test for syphilis without apparent reason. PMID- 13822560 TI - Nucleoprotein-latex agglutination test in connective tissue diseases. PMID- 13822561 TI - A structural function of mucopolysaccharide in connective tissue. PMID- 13822562 TI - Mode of action of testicular hyaluronidase. PMID- 13822563 TI - Adenocarcinoma of the breast in a South African Bantu boy aged fourteen. PMID- 13822564 TI - Sampling and related problems in research methodlogy. PMID- 13822566 TI - Gas gangrene as a complication of haematemesis. PMID- 13822565 TI - [The effect of neuroplegic substances on the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the liver of rats in conditions of burn shock]. PMID- 13822567 TI - Reduction of the radioactive content of milk by a feeding procedure. PMID- 13822568 TI - Effect of a high-fat diet on growth and blood sugar of the rat. PMID- 13822569 TI - Studies with a single strip test for the simultaneous determination of glycosuria, proteinuria, and urinary pH. PMID- 13822570 TI - Hyperparathyroidism and urolithiasis. PMID- 13822572 TI - [Shortening of the minimum contact time in experimental eczema in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13822571 TI - Chronic infections of the urinary tract. PMID- 13822573 TI - Endometriosis: current concepts. PMID- 13822574 TI - The formation of thyroid hormones in vivo after the administration of I-131 labelled potassium iodide and thyrotropic hormone. PMID- 13822575 TI - [Psychohygienic aspects of treatment of the aged]. PMID- 13822576 TI - The use of acetazoleamide in the therapy of salicylate poisoning. PMID- 13822577 TI - Importance of differential diagnosis in otoplasty. PMID- 13822578 TI - Structural features of keratin suggested by its mechanical properties. PMID- 13822579 TI - [Note on the value of preoperative diagnosis of the syndrome of capsular pseudo exfoliation in senile cataract]. PMID- 13822580 TI - [Classification and prognosis of tumorous lesions and tumors of the kidney in infants and children]. PMID- 13822581 TI - [Influence of feeding on the importance of fat reserves in swine]. PMID- 13822582 TI - An electrophoretic study on structural components of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. PMID- 13822583 TI - Augmentation of cochlear microphonic by stimulation of efferent fibres to the cochlea; preliminary report. PMID- 13822584 TI - [A new treatment of autonomic disorders]. PMID- 13822585 TI - [Kneipp's therapy in cardiovascular disorders]. PMID- 13822586 TI - [Hematological and histological studies on mouse leukemia, induced by cell-free filtrate from leukemic rat tissue]. PMID- 13822587 TI - [The danger of Salmonella import with egg products and animal provender]. PMID- 13822588 TI - [On bronchial and pulmonary carcinoid. On bronchial and pulmonary microcarcinoidosis]. PMID- 13822589 TI - [On the iodine test of the female bladder epithelium]. PMID- 13822590 TI - [On the methods of study of the peripheral endocrine (paracrine) glands]. PMID- 13822591 TI - [On thionine inclusion staining]. PMID- 13822592 TI - [The problem of metabolic processes in the yellow cell organ and carcinoid of the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13822593 TI - [On comparative biological evaluation of function tests of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13822594 TI - [On the concentration of sodium citrate in preserved blood. II. Post-transfusion survival of erythrocytes preserved by a solution containing low sodium citrate concentration]. PMID- 13822595 TI - [Functional bone biopsy in the differential diagnosis of destructive processes]. PMID- 13822597 TI - [Results of an investigation on school orientation for the purpose of occupational training of young people]. PMID- 13822596 TI - Intracellular localization of carcinogen and its relationship to the mechanism of carcinogenesis in rat liver. PMID- 13822598 TI - [Plasma transport of thyroid hormones in the nephrotic syndrome. Research by horizontal and vertical electrophoresis and by chromatography on the protide fractions of plasma incubated with thyroxin labelled with I-131]. PMID- 13822599 TI - [Histopathology of the kidney in the paranephritic nephrotic syndrome. Nephrobiopsy study using optic and electron microscopy]. PMID- 13822601 TI - [Xanthogranuloma of pulmonary localization]. PMID- 13822600 TI - [Thyroid function and iodine metabolism in the paranephritic nephrotic syndrome and in some other medical liver diseases]. PMID- 13822602 TI - Immediate operation versus conservation for acute abdominal complaints. A survey of over 5,000 hospital admissions. PMID- 13822603 TI - Myxedematous hoarseness. PMID- 13822604 TI - Notes on thyroiditis. PMID- 13822605 TI - Pharyngeal diverticula of the esophagus. PMID- 13822606 TI - Postoperative management of patients with total gastrectomy. PMID- 13822607 TI - Psychologic management of the aged surgical patient. PMID- 13822608 TI - [Severe multiple injuries (in the surgical emergency stage)]. PMID- 13822609 TI - [Our experience with reanimation]. PMID- 13822610 TI - [The hemoglobin content of reticulocytes]. PMID- 13822611 TI - [The effects of plasma volume changes on erythrocyte and reticulocyte count during the reticulocyte crisis]. PMID- 13822612 TI - [The extent of the hemoglobinization process in reticulocytes]. PMID- 13822613 TI - The influence of subtotal thymectomy and antigen administration on the radioactivity of desoxyribonucleic acid phosphorus of different organs in guinea pigs after a single label. PMID- 13822614 TI - The cell production of different lymph nodes in guinea pigs. PMID- 13822615 TI - The influence of subtotal thymectomy on P32-autoradiograms of spleen. PMID- 13822616 TI - Transfusion of labelled thymus lymphocytes in rats under secondary response to S. typhi H. Antigen. PMID- 13822618 TI - The influence of immunization on lymphocytes shown by transfusion of labelled lymphocytes. PMID- 13822617 TI - On the recirculation of lymphocytes from the lymph to the blood. PMID- 13822619 TI - The influence on lymphocytes of sensitization to dinitrochlorobenzene shown by transfusion of labelled lymphocytes. PMID- 13822620 TI - [Then and now. A critical survey of 120 years of the development of anesthesia]. PMID- 13822621 TI - [Clinical and stastistical data on the age frequency of breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13822622 TI - [The necessity for the isolation and treatment of injudicious tuberculosis out patients]. PMID- 13822623 TI - [Non-rachitic tibia vara]. PMID- 13822624 TI - [On a method of treatment of costal fractures]. PMID- 13822625 TI - [Osteochondritis of the medial sesamoid of the first metatarsus (casuistic note)]. PMID- 13822626 TI - [Pellegrini's disease]. PMID- 13822627 TI - [Several tests of a new phenothiazine derivative]. PMID- 13822628 TI - Metabolic processes in chromosomes. PMID- 13822629 TI - [On the electrocardiographic behavior after effort of subjects with recent clinical thromboangiitis obliterans]. PMID- 13822630 TI - [The surviving kidney after unilateral nephrectomy. Functional behavior in relation to time since the operation in patients of various ages]. PMID- 13822631 TI - [The surviving kidney after unilateral nephrectomy. Long-term functional changes in patients with hyperfunctioning of the kidney present prior to the operation]. PMID- 13822632 TI - The function and morphology of the kidney in thromboangiitis obliterans. PMID- 13822633 TI - Functional and histological features of the kidney in thromboangiitis is obliterans. PMID- 13822634 TI - [Effect of acetate on the maximum capacity for the tubular excretion of p aminohippuric acid (PAI) in normal persons]. PMID- 13822635 TI - [Effect of acetate on the maximum capacity for the tubular excretion of p aminohippuric acid (PAI) in unilaterally nephrectomized patients]. PMID- 13822637 TI - [The residual kidney after mononephrectomy. Hypertrophy and functional compensation as measured by filtration indexes, circulation and tubular excretion in man]. PMID- 13822636 TI - [Some aspects of connective tissue of the kidney in patients with thromboangitis obliterans; biopsy findings]. PMID- 13822638 TI - [Hypervitaminosis caused by pantothemic acid and the sex glands]. PMID- 13822639 TI - [Urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids and pantothenic hypervitaminosis in the rat]. PMID- 13822640 TI - [Method for the separation and determination of lipoproteins of the serum by means of electrophorsis on a starch block]. PMID- 13822641 TI - [Blood lipid and coagulation picture in man in relation to diet and physical activity]. PMID- 13822642 TI - Gastric lipomata. PMID- 13822643 TI - Gall-stone ileus. Recurrences and multiple stones. PMID- 13822644 TI - The redevelopment of urban centres. PMID- 13822645 TI - Occult invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13822646 TI - [A fascial method of vaginal surgery in stress incontinence in women]. PMID- 13822647 TI - [Difficulties in manual management of pelvic presentation]. PMID- 13822649 TI - [On the operative treatment of circumscribed labyrinthitis]. PMID- 13822648 TI - Form perception and modelling of patients without sight. PMID- 13822651 TI - [Experiments on preservation of Saccharomyces strains by freeze drying]. PMID- 13822650 TI - [On the therapy of tumors of the external ear]. PMID- 13822652 TI - [Synthesis of methyl-8-hydroxyquinoline aldehydes]. PMID- 13822653 TI - [On the problem of the connection between trauma and chronic peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13822654 TI - [Prednisolone protection in resumption of a continuous drip transfusion interrupted by pyrogenic reaction]. PMID- 13822655 TI - [On the differentiation of the scrotal tissue of Perodicticus potto (Muller 1766) in comparison with other Prosimiae]. PMID- 13822656 TI - [Indication range and clinical evaluation of depot cortexon]. PMID- 13822657 TI - [Range of indication and clinical usefulness of depot cortexon]. PMID- 13822658 TI - [Corticoids and poisonings]. PMID- 13822659 TI - [Critical remarks on the clinical results in treatment with dexamethasone (9 alpha-fluoro-16 alpha-methylprednisolone)]. PMID- 13822660 TI - [Effects of dexamethasone on metabolism, electrolyte balance and blood conditions]. PMID- 13822661 TI - [Modification of severe liver parenchyma damage by administration of high doses of androgen derivatives and corticosteroids]. PMID- 13822662 TI - [On the clinical effectiveness of delta-butazolidine]. PMID- 13822663 TI - [Blood lymphocytosis in whooping cough]. PMID- 13822664 TI - [Etiologic research in a case of chronic lymphoid leukemia]. PMID- 13822665 TI - [Minor hemophilia A with normal coagulation time or hemophilosis A without anti A. Importance of coagulation-dilution]. PMID- 13822666 TI - [The iron deficiency anemias or anemias with hyposideremia in human medicine]. PMID- 13822667 TI - [The principal types of leukosis]. PMID- 13822668 TI - [Vascular disorders and positive agglutinations due to certain Rickettsia]. PMID- 13822670 TI - Management of cardiopulmonary emergencies. PMID- 13822669 TI - [Ferritin in the normal human brain]. PMID- 13822671 TI - Current research in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13822672 TI - Progressive lenticular degeneration without liver damage in a young child. PMID- 13822673 TI - MANNING JW III: Perforation of the stomach in the newborn. PMID- 13822674 TI - Common eye diseases seen by the general practitioner. PMID- 13822675 TI - Osteosclerosis in edentulous mandible simulating carious unerupted cuspid. PMID- 13822676 TI - Relationship of structure to tumor-inhibitory activity in the phenanthrene series. PMID- 13822677 TI - Observations concerning the diabetes mellitus associated with Werner's syndrome. PMID- 13822678 TI - Failure of radioiodine to induce thyroid cancer in the rat. PMID- 13822679 TI - Stimulation in vitro of pathways of glucose oxidation in thyroid by thyroid stimulating hormone. PMID- 13822680 TI - Circulating insulin antagonists in diabetes mellitus: untreated diabetics, diabetics during infections and acromegalics with diabetes. PMID- 13822681 TI - Chemotherapy in the management of malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13822682 TI - Effect of humoral and tissue factors on insulin action. PMID- 13822683 TI - The performance-verbal IQ discrepancy in a group of sociopaths. PMID- 13822684 TI - Amphotericin B and its use in the deep mycoses. PMID- 13822685 TI - Studies in iron absorption. I. Determination in rats by measurement of total body radioactivity. PMID- 13822686 TI - The professional in a bureaucracy. The case of the Soviet physician. PMID- 13822687 TI - Retroperitoneal rupture. PMID- 13822688 TI - Haemoglobin levels and helminthiasis in Malay recruits. PMID- 13822689 TI - Antigenic properties of fresh and stored corneal proteins. PMID- 13822691 TI - Foot and leg cramps. PMID- 13822690 TI - The inherent dangers of vaginal examinations in the last trimester. PMID- 13822692 TI - Leg cramps. AB - Foot and leg cramps are among the most frequent complaints presented by patients of both sexes, especially older persons. Similar cramping may occur in the thighs or in other skeletal muscles of the extremities and trunk. Foot and leg cramps usually occur after unusual exertion or during sleep. "Nocturnal leg cramps" may be of sufficient intensity to prevent sleep. "Pregnancy cramps" are particularly distressing. Effective treatment of foot and leg cramps requires an understanding of the etiology, pathophysiology and diagnostic techniques. Weight reduction and improved diet are essential. Among the useful supplementary medications are calcium lactate or gluconate, vitamin-mineral supplements, sympathetic blocking agents, vasodilators, ataraxics, muscle relaxants, quinine, hydrochloride, antihistamines, and nonmercurial diuretics. Improved foot care and correction of foot imbalance is usually required. Edema and venous insufficiency are improved by elastic support, by repeated foot elevation for massages, by manipulations and exercises and by the use of diuretics. There may be need for operations on the veins and for sclerotherapy. Patients with arterial insufficiency are often benefited by lumbar sympathetic blocks with long-acting anesthetics and intra arterial injections with relaxants, vasodilators, thrombolytic enzymes and anticoagulants. Sympathectomy, angiography and reconstructive arterial operations are indicated in only a small proportion of patients with foot and leg cramps. PMID- 13822694 TI - Single application of intravenous pitocin for induction of labor in toxemias of pregnancy. PMID- 13822693 TI - The ear of the newborn as an identification constant. PMID- 13822696 TI - Induction of labor. PMID- 13822697 TI - Putting theory into practice. PMID- 13822695 TI - Errors of presentation. PMID- 13822698 TI - Precision blood volume procedure using RIHSA. PMID- 13822699 TI - Correlation of neurologic syndromes with lesions found angiographically. Report of 6 cases of cerebral arterial insufficiency. PMID- 13822700 TI - Perinatal idiopathic hemochromatosis: giant cell hepatitis interpreted as an inborn error of metabolism. PMID- 13822701 TI - [Intravenous cholangiography in the study of spontaneous bilio-digestive fistulas]. PMID- 13822702 TI - [Studies of the vaginal flora. Germs of the "diphtheroid" group]. PMID- 13822703 TI - Nature of the acid phosphatase present in scales of human skin. PMID- 13822704 TI - Catabolism of nucleosides by barley-extracts. PMID- 13822705 TI - On sterols in bacteria. PMID- 13822706 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in the study of hemolytic states]. PMID- 13822707 TI - Dynamic behavior of bone marrow granuloblasts in leukopenia and leukocytosis. PMID- 13822708 TI - [The culture "in vitro" of bone marrow: applications of clinical interest]. PMID- 13822709 TI - [Erythrocytic dynamics and evaluation of splenic and hepatic hemocatheresis in patients affected with myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia]. PMID- 13822710 TI - [Recent acquisitions on the mechanism of concentration-dilution of urine in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13822711 TI - [Myelopathies and radiculopathies caused by cervical spondylosis. Clinical and therapeutic contribution]. PMID- 13822712 TI - [Determination of the cerebral blood flow in thrombosis of the carotid and its branches]. PMID- 13822713 TI - [The ribonuclease activity of the spinal fluid]. PMID- 13822715 TI - [Changes of the skeletal system in hormonal diseases]. PMID- 13822714 TI - [The cavities of pulmonary suppurations; (their diagnosis in current practice)]. PMID- 13822716 TI - Iproniazid in treatment of angina of effort. PMID- 13822718 TI - Services to handicapped students at Southern Illinois University. PMID- 13822719 TI - [Apropos of a recent series of 1-stage Pean type gastrectomies]. PMID- 13822717 TI - The treatment of hypertension with hydrochlorothiazide: a comparison with reserpine. PMID- 13822720 TI - Growth characteristics of human endometrium in tissue culture. PMID- 13822721 TI - Influence of hypophysectomy on porphyrin synthesizing enzyme activity of rat harderian glands and livers. PMID- 13822722 TI - The median forehead flap--indications and limitations. PMID- 13822723 TI - [The corticosteroids in pediatrics]. PMID- 13822724 TI - [Serum phosphatase level in diagnosis of tumors of the prostate]. PMID- 13822726 TI - [Substitution of an ileocolic loop for the esophagus]. PMID- 13822725 TI - The finding of giant cells in the sputum of tuberculous patients. PMID- 13822727 TI - The genesis of leprosy lesions. PMID- 13822728 TI - [Anhydrohydroxynor-progesterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol in the diagnosis of pregnancy]. PMID- 13822729 TI - [Emergency surgery for gynecological inflammatory processes]. PMID- 13822730 TI - [The prognosis in sterility]. PMID- 13822731 TI - [The teaching of ethics of the student and graduate]. PMID- 13822732 TI - [Horizons of labor psycho-analgesia]. PMID- 13822733 TI - [The occurrence of nicotine in the genus Acacia]. PMID- 13822734 TI - [A portio adapter for persufflation and hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13822735 TI - [Ludwig Nuernberger (born 17 July 1884 in Aschbach, Oberfranken, died 10 April 1959 at Munich)]. PMID- 13822736 TI - [On certain rules in the spread of metastases of cancer of the stomach]. PMID- 13822737 TI - [A case of malignant granuloma primarily diagnosed as tuberculosis]. PMID- 13822738 TI - [The effect of methionine on the distribution of Se-35 in the organs and its renal excretion in healthy rats and in animals with sarcoma 45]. PMID- 13822739 TI - [On the problem of the pathogenesis of the so-called dumping syndrome after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13822740 TI - [Analysis of the clinical observations on treatment of diseases of the hematopoietic system by splenectomy]. PMID- 13822741 TI - [Twenty-five indications for prevention of posttransfusion complications for physicians of medical institutions]. PMID- 13822742 TI - [Control of fungus diseases in rural areas]. PMID- 13822743 TI - [Case study on esophageal perforations by a small-size foreign body and technics for its removal]. PMID- 13822744 TI - [On the clinical aspects of otogenic diffuse subdural abscesses]. PMID- 13822745 TI - [On the effect of remote re-immunization on tumor antibody formation]. PMID- 13822746 TI - [Complex expeditions to natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis in the Cheliabinsk region]. PMID- 13822747 TI - [Tetany and epilepsy]. PMID- 13822748 TI - [Neuromyelitis optica (with report of a case)]. PMID- 13822749 TI - [Electroclinical manifestations of syncopal seizures]. PMID- 13822750 TI - Educational and sex differences in the organization of abilities in technical and academic students in Colombia, South America. PMID- 13822751 TI - Influence of protein and fat content of diet on the body composition of piglets. PMID- 13822752 TI - [Reserpine in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13822753 TI - [Considerations on South American blastomycosis. On the behavior of serum proteins]. PMID- 13822754 TI - [On mechanisms of depression of diuresis during interoceptive stimulation of the stomach]. PMID- 13822755 TI - [Conditioned reflex chamber for the study of higher nervous activity in rats by defense methods]. PMID- 13822756 TI - [Diagnostic significance of splenomanometry]. PMID- 13822757 TI - [Effect of hypothermia on the course of general peritonitis]. PMID- 13822758 TI - [Critical evaluation of precipitation diagnosis of lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13822759 TI - [On the problem of capillary permeability in liver diseases]. PMID- 13822760 TI - [Certain considerations on the training of medical personnel in the field of health education]. PMID- 13822761 TI - [On the current problems of teaching public health in medical schools with special regard to health needs in the field]. PMID- 13822762 TI - [The action of various substances on the mast cells of the turbinates]. PMID- 13822763 TI - [Diagnosis and surgical therapy of traumatic arteriovenous aneurysms between the internal carotid artery and cavernous sinus]. PMID- 13822764 TI - [Changes in the gastrointestinal tract in spinal cord injuries]. PMID- 13822765 TI - [On certain basic aspects in clinical and therapeutic considerations on craniocerebral trauma]. PMID- 13822766 TI - [Lobectomy as a method for the treatment of traumatic epilepsy]. PMID- 13822767 TI - [Utilization of experiences of Soviet neurosurgery in our country]. PMID- 13822768 TI - [Calcium-disodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTACAL Spofa) in the treatment of thallium and bismuth poisoning]. PMID- 13822769 TI - [Results of research on the minimal and normal lactose content of milk]. PMID- 13822770 TI - [The maximal and normal contents of lactose in milk]. PMID- 13822771 TI - [Comparison of adenine levels in arterial and venous blood]. PMID- 13822772 TI - [Nucleic acids in the blood. I. Content of nucleic acids in human blood serum]. PMID- 13822773 TI - [Content of nucleic acids in human spleen in cases of leukemia]. PMID- 13822774 TI - [Partial separation of the myometrium in necrosis after cesarean section]. PMID- 13822775 TI - [On the problem of experimental bone marrow anaphylaxis III]. PMID- 13822776 TI - [On the problem of experimental bone marrow anaphylaxis. Part I]. PMID- 13822777 TI - [Unusual aspects of surgery of the septum and considerations on the relations between functional endonasal surgery and plastic surgery]. PMID- 13822778 TI - [Corrective surgery of the osteocartilaginous structure of the nose in its functional trends]. PMID- 13822779 TI - [Contribution to the study of the neural component in tubular flaps]. PMID- 13822780 TI - [Angioma racemosum of the external ear]. PMID- 13822781 TI - [On the hemogram in the early diagnosis of cancer of the rectum]. PMID- 13822782 TI - [On the localization of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma in relation to age]. PMID- 13822783 TI - [Enzymatic zonulolysis]. PMID- 13822784 TI - [Some data on the biology of Macrocheles insignitus, Berl. (Acarina, Mesostigmata)]. PMID- 13822785 TI - [Significance of reactivity of the organism in the appearance of adrenalin induced pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13822786 TI - [A method for the isolation of cytidylic acid from preparations by means of ion exchange]. PMID- 13822787 TI - [Assimilation, decomposition and formation of amino acids in silkworm organism]. PMID- 13822788 TI - [The method of hydrolysis of protein preparations in comparative assessment of their amino acid composition]. PMID- 13822789 TI - [On the natural isohemagglutinins of the A,B,O system. (Response to the critiques published in a book by E. A. Kabat)]. PMID- 13822790 TI - [Quantitative study of the heterogeneity of the immune anti-A or anti-B agglutinins of human serums]. PMID- 13822791 TI - [Complex neuroendocrine syndrome. Associated Friedreich-type disease. Aran Duchenne syndrome and adiposogenital syndrome]. PMID- 13822792 TI - Matching to objective events in probability-learning--some discrepant results. PMID- 13822793 TI - The effect of distributional skewing upon judgment with free choice of scale. PMID- 13822794 TI - Tetanus prophylaxis. PMID- 13822795 TI - Lipid synthesis by ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13822797 TI - Therapeutic approaches toward control of hypercholesteremia. PMID- 13822796 TI - Further studies on experimental atherosclerosis and dietary pyrimidines: orotic acid, thiouracil, and uracil in male and female rats. PMID- 13822798 TI - [On surgical therapy of epiphora in irreparable functional disorders of the lower lacrimal canaliculus]. PMID- 13822799 TI - Radioisotopic study of effects of irrigating fluid in transurethral prostatectomy. PMID- 13822800 TI - Morphology of laryngotracheitis virus. PMID- 13822801 TI - [Venous thrombosis during the treatment of hypertension with reserpine]. PMID- 13822802 TI - [Experimental research on the activity of specific and nonspecific cholinesterases in the development of the optic lobe of the chicken]. PMID- 13822803 TI - [Our experiences with nephropexy in a wandering kidney]. PMID- 13822804 TI - Quantitative determination of C14-tyrosine absorption in melanated and non melanated mouse tissues. PMID- 13822805 TI - The in vitro cultivation of amphibian blastema tissue. PMID- 13822806 TI - [Association of an anesthetic, antacids and antisecretive agents in the therapy of hyperchlorhydric gastroduodenal diseases]. PMID- 13822807 TI - Nucleic acids and induced amphibian metamorphosis. PMID- 13822809 TI - [Clinical evaluation and therapeutic value of a new digitalic drug, acetyl digitoxin]. PMID- 13822808 TI - Biochemistry of amphibian oocytes. I. Method of isolation and nucleic acid content of nuclei. PMID- 13822810 TI - [Considerations on a case of ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia of benign aspect]. PMID- 13822811 TI - [Phonocardiographic study of modifications of the amplitude of cardiac sounds induced, in subjects with a normal cardiovascular system, by respiration of a mixture poor in oxygen]. PMID- 13822812 TI - Evaluation of concentrated contrast media in angiocardiography, nephrotomography and intravenous aortography. PMID- 13822813 TI - [Hematemesis and melena (with particular regard for the etiological problem)]. PMID- 13822814 TI - Kinetics of erythropoiesis. A comparison of response to anemia induced by phenylhydrazine and by blood loss. PMID- 13822815 TI - Some quantitative aspects of erythropoiesis. PMID- 13822816 TI - Put it in writing. PMID- 13822817 TI - The song of the squirt. PMID- 13822818 TI - The form of crystals of Mahoney poliovirus grown in phosphate-saline. PMID- 13822819 TI - Oral inhalation therapy. Oral inhalation therapy of ergotamine tartrate in headache and migraine. PMID- 13822820 TI - Cross-circulation experiments in elucidating the viability and distribution of leukocytes. PMID- 13822821 TI - Early psychotherapeutic management of the school phobia. PMID- 13822822 TI - On the nature of the glutamic dehydrogenase produced by inter-allele complementation at the am locus of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13822824 TI - Cranial vascular lesions in neurologic surgery. PMID- 13822823 TI - The biochemistry of genetic factors. PMID- 13822825 TI - Epoxy resins in electron microscopy. AB - A method of embedding biological specimens in araldite 502 (Ciba) has been developed for materials available in the United States. Araldite-embedded tissues are suitable for electron microscopy, but the cutting qualities of the resin necessitates more than routine attention during microtomy. The rather high viscosity of araldite 502 also seems to be an unnecessary handicap. The less viscous epoxy epon 812 (Shell) produces specimens with improved cutting qualities, and has several features-low shrinkage and absence of specimen damage during cure, minimal compression of sections, relative absence of electron beam induced section damage, etc.-which recommends it as a routine embedding material. The hardness of the cured resin can be easily adjusted by several methods to suit the materials embedded in it. Several problems and advantages of working with sections of epoxy resins are also discussed. PMID- 13822826 TI - [Urinary calculi in childhood]. PMID- 13822827 TI - Regeneration of gastric mucosa from differentiated cells. PMID- 13822828 TI - The indirect action of subcutaneous injections of glycerol on the renal tubules in the rat. PMID- 13822830 TI - [Nil nocere: Allergic drug reactions]. PMID- 13822829 TI - [Nil nocere: Allergic disorders caused by drugs]. PMID- 13822831 TI - [Prophylaxis of drug allergy by avoidance of inappropriate therapy]. PMID- 13822832 TI - [On the use of novobiocin in surgical orthopedics]. PMID- 13822833 TI - Local injection therapy for rheumatic diseases. A practical guide. PMID- 13822834 TI - Staphylococcus infections in hospitals. PMID- 13822835 TI - Monilial empyema treated successfully with intrapleural instillations of amphotericin B. PMID- 13822836 TI - Physiology and pharmacology of the skin 1958@59. PMID- 13822837 TI - Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis. PMID- 13822838 TI - Skin disease in the white South African. A survey of the incidence of skin disorders in 13,500 dermatological patients from the Transvaal and Orange Free State. PMID- 13822839 TI - A fault of epidermal protein metabolism in psoriasis: a biochemical review. PMID- 13822840 TI - Patchy senile elastoma of the lip resembling leukoplakia. PMID- 13822841 TI - Wart relapses at the edges of therapeutic cantharidin blisters. PMID- 13822842 TI - An analysis of myographic records of swallowing in normal and abnormal subjects. PMID- 13822843 TI - Some adaptations of farm animals to climatic stress. PMID- 13822844 TI - An intermediate restraining device for working with monkeys. PMID- 13822845 TI - [Embolization of the greater and lesser circulation]. PMID- 13822846 TI - The period of sensitization in immigrant hay fever patients. PMID- 13822847 TI - Post-operative mycotic endophthalmitis diagnosed clinically and verified histopathologically. PMID- 13822848 TI - Central nervous system lipidosis in an adult with atrophy of the cerebellar granular layer: a case report. PMID- 13822849 TI - Tumors of the minor salivary glands. PMID- 13822850 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic analysis of constituents from the blood of the eel]. PMID- 13822851 TI - The role of the reticulo-endothelial system in hemorrhagic shock. AB - "Blockade" of the RES by thorotrast so lowered the tolerance of hemorrhagic shock in rabbits and dogs that a reversible degree of hemorrhagic shock became irreversible. This was true not only in normal rabbits, but in rabbits made resistant to hemorrhagic shock by producing resistance to endotoxins. Rabbits which had been pretreated with thorotrast and then subjected to hemorrhagic shock displayed at death the hemorrhagic lesions and the renal cortical necrosis characteristic of the Shwartzman reaction, in addition to the intramural hemorrhages in the gut which are characteristic of animals dying of hemorrhagic or of endotoxic shock. Elimination of the Shwartzman reaction by the prior administration of nitrogen mustard did not prevent the endotoxemia or the death in shock. Rabbits made more resistant to thorotrast than normal rabbits by prior repeated administration of this substance were also more resistant than normal rabbits to endotoxin, and survived an ordinarily lethal exposure to hemorrhagic shock. During the first few hours after its administration thorotrast induced excessive vulnerability not only to endotoxin and to hemorrhagic shock, but also to an additional small dose of thorotrast. Moreover, a non-absorbable antibiotic given by gavage shortly after thorotrast produced the same lesions as these other agents; i.e. endotoxic shock, the Shwartzman reaction, and death. These data indicate that the lesions induced by thorotrast are produced by endotoxins which the injured or blockaded RES cannot inactivate. The presence of endotoxins in the blood of these rabbits was indicated by the lethal effect of this blood in test recipients. The foregoing observations did not apply to rabbits with an intestinal flora free of coliform bacteria. Over 80 per cent of such rabbits were resistant to an ordinarily lethal exposure to hemorrhagic shock, and they escaped the damage caused by the usual doses of thorotrast. They did, however, develop endotoxic shock and die if given a large dose of thorotrast. These data were taken to indicate that coliform-free rabbits are not entirely free of endotoxins. (In the ordinary environment animals cannot avoid swallowing endotoxin and coliform bacteria.) The absence of the Shwartzman reaction in the coliform-free rabbits is taken to signify that this reaction requires the participation of the endotoxins derived from the intraintestinal bacteria. The absence of endotoxic shock in the coliform-free rabbits is taken to signify that the endotoxins of the coliform bacteria are involved in the shock and death of the coliform-bearing rabbits. Finally the prevention by dibenamine of both the Shwartzman reaction and endotoxic shock and death in rabbits with a normal flora demonstrates that adrenergic activity plays an indispensable role in both phenomena. The foregoing data provide strong support for the thesis that when the RES is severely disabled by any agent, endotoxins which normally and continuously enter the circulation from the gut will produce endotoxic shock and death. PMID- 13822853 TI - The cause of death in acute intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13822852 TI - Cardiac arrest during a nasal operation. PMID- 13822854 TI - [Immunological study of individual human haptoglobins]. PMID- 13822856 TI - [Animal heteroagglutinins. II. Heteroagglutinins obtained by immunization]. PMID- 13822855 TI - [Animal heteroagglutinins. I. Heteroagglutination by the serum of "Vipera aspis"]. PMID- 13822857 TI - Effect of an insulin infusion on hepatic output of glucose. PMID- 13822858 TI - Spontaneous extravasation associated with excretory urography. PMID- 13822859 TI - Simultaneous occurrence of intracranial aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation. Report of case successfully treated. PMID- 13822860 TI - Recurrent attacks of subarachnoid haemorrhage in presence of a cerebral angioma and an intraventricular oligodendroglioma. PMID- 13822861 TI - Cardiac arrest during nasotracheal aspiration. PMID- 13822862 TI - Experimental sham coronary endarterectomy with and without coronary artery perfusion. PMID- 13822863 TI - Clinical experience with chlorpropamide and comparative evaluation with tolbutamide. PMID- 13822864 TI - Fat facts and fallacies. PMID- 13822865 TI - Obesity and diabetes: a reevaluation. PMID- 13822866 TI - Laboratory and clinical studies with sulfadimethoxine: a preliminary report. PMID- 13822867 TI - [First comparative observations on the cardiac venous circulation in some ruminants]. PMID- 13822868 TI - [First observations on coronary artery circulation in some ruminants]. PMID- 13822869 TI - [On the anastomoses of the coronary arterial circulation: comparative observations and considerations]. PMID- 13822870 TI - [On the presence of endovascular blocking formations in the heart of some small domestic ruminants]. PMID- 13822871 TI - Clinical experience with chlorpropamide. PMID- 13822872 TI - The administration of faculty. PMID- 13822873 TI - Activity changes as a function of reinforcement under low drive. PMID- 13822874 TI - [Causes of diseases and mortality in an expeditionary force in tropical regions]. PMID- 13822875 TI - [The problem of vaccinations in military units]. PMID- 13822876 TI - Agar diffusion studies in the dextran-antidextran system. PMID- 13822877 TI - Clinical hyperthyroidism and coarctation of the aorta. PMID- 13822878 TI - [Pulmonary aspergilloma]. PMID- 13822879 TI - [Staphylococcal infections originating in surgical wards produced by antibiotic resistant strains]. PMID- 13822880 TI - [Morphological and pathogenic study of 100 tuberculomas of the lung]. PMID- 13822881 TI - The current status of acanthosis nigricans. PMID- 13822882 TI - The physiology of chromatophores. PMID- 13822883 TI - Evaluation of variables for the 'timed intravenous infusion' procedure for pentyleneterazol seizures in mice. PMID- 13822884 TI - [Observations on the incidence of multiple carcinoma in the larynx]. PMID- 13822885 TI - Effect of alpha-chymotrypsin on corneal wound healing. PMID- 13822886 TI - Monitoring of ventilation by integrated diaphragmatic electromyogram. Determination of carbon dioxide threshold in anesthetized man. PMID- 13822887 TI - Observations on the acoustical and mechanical properties of the vocal folds. PMID- 13822889 TI - [Treatment of fractures of the femur neck]. PMID- 13822888 TI - A method of monitoring muscular relaxation by the integrated abdominal electromyogram. PMID- 13822891 TI - [Maternal mortality]. PMID- 13822890 TI - Modification of maximal audiogenic and electroshock seizures in mice by psychopharmacologic drugs. PMID- 13822892 TI - Effect of antichlolinergic compounds on post convulsive electroencephalogram and behavior of psychiatric patients. PMID- 13822893 TI - Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of tofranil. PMID- 13822894 TI - [Lyspafen compositum]. PMID- 13822895 TI - Retinal detachment. PMID- 13822896 TI - Report of 48 biopsies taken with the flexible gastric biopsy tube. PMID- 13822897 TI - The differential effect of drugs on the proximal and distal colon. PMID- 13822898 TI - The A and V syndromes. PMID- 13822899 TI - Your children's eyes. PMID- 13822900 TI - [Birth trauma and brain damage]. PMID- 13822901 TI - [Chorioepithelioma, chorieopitheliosis and hydatid mole]. PMID- 13822902 TI - [Delivery with the vacuum extractor]. PMID- 13822903 TI - Malignant cells in a peripheral blood smear: report of a case. PMID- 13822904 TI - Clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of gamma-globulin in acute infections in young children. PMID- 13822905 TI - The consequences of the continuous ingestion of Sr90 by mice. PMID- 13822906 TI - [Changes in the muscles in roentgenological representation in certain diseases of the nervous system in children]. PMID- 13822907 TI - [Axial roentgen projections in urology]. PMID- 13822908 TI - Nutrition research fo rman in space flight. PMID- 13822909 TI - Nutrition research for the space traveler. PMID- 13822910 TI - Dye uptake by grampositive and gram-negative cells as related to adsorption laws. PMID- 13822911 TI - Group therapy in a receiving hospital. PMID- 13822912 TI - Carcinoma complicating chronic ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13822913 TI - Evaluation of a new contraceptive cream-jel based on long-term usage. PMID- 13822914 TI - Rapid identification of cholera vibrios with fluorescent antibody. PMID- 13822915 TI - Sexual potency in aging males. IV. Status of private patients before and after prostatectomy. PMID- 13822917 TI - Recent concepts of diagnosis therapy, and research in uremia. PMID- 13822916 TI - Sexual potency in aging males. III. Technic of avoiding nerve injury in perineal prostatic operations. PMID- 13822918 TI - Sexual potency and the physician. PMID- 13822919 TI - Liothyronine as a replacement for thyroid therapy. PMID- 13822920 TI - [Economic factors in the investigation of sterility]. PMID- 13822921 TI - Demethylchlortetracycline. PMID- 13822922 TI - Observations on demethylchlortetracycline. PMID- 13822923 TI - Pathogenic staphylococci isolated at Boston City Hospital in 1958: phage types and antibiotic susceptibility. PMID- 13822924 TI - Occurrence of serious bacterial infections since introduction of antibacterial agents. PMID- 13822925 TI - Antibiotic susceptibility and phage type of pathogenic staphylocci: a study of two hundred ten strains isolated at Boston City Hospital in 1955. PMID- 13822926 TI - Chemoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, I. General considerations and application to streptococcal infections, rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis and bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13822927 TI - The challenge of new drugs to the clinical investigator. PMID- 13822928 TI - Treatment of pneumonia and other serious infections. PMID- 13822929 TI - The effects of obesity, pyometra and diabetes mellitus on the fat and cholesterol contents of liver and spleen in the dog. PMID- 13822930 TI - The use of heparin in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. A preliminary report. PMID- 13822931 TI - Breast cancer and thyroid disease. PMID- 13822932 TI - Viral encephalomyelitis. PMID- 13822933 TI - Bromide space in infants and children. PMID- 13822934 TI - Venous admixture in the pulmonary circulation of anestethetized dogs. PMID- 13822936 TI - Modern processes of colour photography. PMID- 13822935 TI - [On bacteriostatic effect of certain vitamins]. PMID- 13822938 TI - Triamcinolone in dermatologic conditions. PMID- 13822937 TI - Dietary fat and cardiac conditions. PMID- 13822939 TI - Correlation of heart rate during norepinephrine infusion with pulse pressure following amyl nitrite inhalation. PMID- 13822940 TI - Evaluation of chlorothiazide alone in the treatment of moderately severe and severe hypertension. PMID- 13822941 TI - The significance of lateral and generalized retinal sheen. PMID- 13822943 TI - The use of chlorothiazide and its derivatives in the treatment of toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13822942 TI - Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in hypertension: preliminary observations on nialamide. PMID- 13822944 TI - Michael Higgins Ebert. PMID- 13822945 TI - Total gastrectomy in an infant made necessary by ingestion of tinning paint. PMID- 13822946 TI - Publicity, the public and the medical profession. PMID- 13822947 TI - Studies in tumor autoimmunity. PMID- 13822948 TI - The pharmacological properties of glycyrrhetinic acid hydrogen succinate (disodium salt). PMID- 13822949 TI - Oil folliculitis. A study of 200 men employed in an engineering factory. PMID- 13822951 TI - [Papillotomy. Lasala papillotractor]. PMID- 13822950 TI - [Research on a new method for the determination of gastric acidity without catheterization]. PMID- 13822952 TI - [Fracture of the tibial spine]. PMID- 13822954 TI - [Unusual crural hernias. Internal crural hernias]. PMID- 13822953 TI - [Of surgical and operative tetanus]. PMID- 13822955 TI - [Mediastinocervical hydatid cysts]. PMID- 13822956 TI - [Gastrectomy. Pean-Billroth procedure]. PMID- 13822957 TI - [The adrenal glands. An instrument]. PMID- 13822958 TI - [Cancer of the colon. Preventing seedings]. PMID- 13822959 TI - [Acute intralingual hemorrhage]. PMID- 13822960 TI - [Facial nerve; chin and frontal branches]. PMID- 13822961 TI - [Aspiration drainage]. PMID- 13822962 TI - [Coccygodynias]. PMID- 13822963 TI - [Colocolostomies]. PMID- 13822964 TI - [Concerning fracture of the elbow]. PMID- 13822965 TI - [Definitive colostomy in obese paraplegics]. PMID- 13822966 TI - [Duodenal ulcer difficult to resect; vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy]. PMID- 13822967 TI - [Floss silk]. PMID- 13822968 TI - [Hepatic hydatidosis. Mabit operation]. PMID- 13822969 TI - [Jejunoileal plication or enteroptychia: Noble's operation. Procedures of Satinsky and of White]. PMID- 13822970 TI - [Large cyst of the ovary]. PMID- 13822971 TI - [Lateral fistulas of the neck]. PMID- 13822972 TI - [Mammary cancer]. PMID- 13822973 TI - [Mesenteric tumors]. PMID- 13822974 TI - [On phimosis]. PMID- 13822975 TI - [On testicular ectopy. I]. PMID- 13822976 TI - [Postoperative costal chondritis]. PMID- 13822977 TI - [Reamputations of the thigh]. PMID- 13822978 TI - [Recurrent and external laryngeal nerves]. PMID- 13822979 TI - [Renal decapsulation for acute anuria]. PMID- 13822980 TI - [Retroinguinal, suprainguinal and spigelian hernias]. PMID- 13822981 TI - [Staircase gastrectomy]. PMID- 13822982 TI - [Testicularectopy. II]. PMID- 13822983 TI - [Tracheotomy]. PMID- 13822984 TI - [Umbilical and urachal pathology]. PMID- 13822985 TI - [Umbilical hernia in adults]. PMID- 13822986 TI - [Wounds of the common bile duct and the pancreatic ducts caused by gastrectomy]. PMID- 13822987 TI - [On the use of monobenzoate of estradiol (ovocyclin M) in induction of labor]. PMID- 13822989 TI - Public health concern with ionizing radiation. PMID- 13822988 TI - [Acute evolutive Chagas' myocarditis]. PMID- 13822990 TI - [Blood neuraminic acid in silicosis and in silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13822991 TI - Diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma in situ by suction dilation of the cervix uteri. PMID- 13822992 TI - [Research with the "Landis test". Critical evaluation of the method]. PMID- 13822993 TI - [Evaluation of the protease activity of human epidermis in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13822994 TI - [Observations on 2 cases of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with special reference to recent pathogenetic views]. PMID- 13822995 TI - [Biological and nutritive role of nonsaturated fatty acids, relative high-lipid diet, hepatic damage and obesity]. PMID- 13822996 TI - [Dietectics and surgery. Role of the dietetic assistant in cases of illness due to surgery]. PMID- 13822997 TI - [Practical considerations on dietetics in geriatric surgery with general points on geriatric dietetics]. PMID- 13822998 TI - [Practical guides in gero-surgical dietetics]. PMID- 13822999 TI - [Proteins from the dietician's viewpoint]. PMID- 13823000 TI - [On the content of glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in normal and pathological amniotic fluid (polyhdramnios)]. PMID- 13823001 TI - [On the radiological behavior of the thymus in the first days of life]. PMID- 13823003 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the phonocardiogram in the newborn infant: on the syndrome of energeticodynamic cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13823002 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of cardiac souffles in the newborn infant]. PMID- 13823004 TI - [Indications and results of the application of bella-donna alkaloids for prolonged action in the field of otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13823005 TI - [Contribution to the study of the inheritability of congenital dysplasia of the hip. I. Radiographic-anthropometric examination and application of a discriminative function for the determination of dysplastic patients and of carriers]. PMID- 13823006 TI - [Supracortical bone transplant in diaphysial fractures of the tibia]. PMID- 13823007 TI - [A new combination of drugs in therapy of diseases caused by cold]. PMID- 13823008 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of the Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome]. PMID- 13823009 TI - [Various pharmacological and therapeutic considerations on chlorothiazide and hydrochlorothiazide in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13823010 TI - [Protective effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine against the hepatocellular damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats]. PMID- 13823011 TI - Effect of reserpine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and polymyxin B on mast cells and tensile strength of healing wounds. PMID- 13823012 TI - [Budd-Chiari syndrome. (Review of the literature and description of a personal case)]. PMID- 13823013 TI - [Attempted suicide by N-68 (covatine)]. PMID- 13823014 TI - [A case of non-traumatic rupture of the heart. Diagnosis by autopsy after exhumation]. PMID- 13823015 TI - [Action of polyvinylpyrrolidone on phosphatases of the blood serum and various organs in the rat]. PMID- 13823016 TI - The aldolase activity of the human placenta and amniotic membrane. PMID- 13823017 TI - [Considerations on the pressure modifications following peridural anesthesia in pregnancy]. PMID- 13823018 TI - [Identification of meprobamate by means of chromatography by adsorption on colored plates]. PMID- 13823019 TI - [The precipitation reaction on agar slide in the specific diagnosis of blood]. PMID- 13823020 TI - [The morphology of the P wave in Einthoven's second lead in the electrocardiogram of the dog and of the sheep (lamb)]. PMID- 13823021 TI - [Constancy of the form of the P wave of the electrocardiogram in comparisons of the decubitus and of the technic of derivation. (Experiments on small animals)]. PMID- 13823022 TI - [The electrocardiogram of the rabbit in experimental nicotine poisoning]. PMID- 13823023 TI - [Retinal pressor and bulbar tonometric values during general anesthesia by intravenous route]. PMID- 13823024 TI - [Hydrocortisone-terramycin-polymyxin association in ophthalmology; clinical note]. PMID- 13823025 TI - [Results of immediate recanalization in traumatic interruption of the lacrimal ducts]. PMID- 13823026 TI - [Unusual foreign bodies (eyelashes) in the anterior chamber and in the crystalline lens]. PMID- 13823027 TI - Panel on problems of discipline. I. Narcotic addiction in physicians. PMID- 13823028 TI - [20 years of activity of the Divisione per le Malattie del Ricambio]. PMID- 13823029 TI - [Considerations on the relations between Heinz bodies and hyperhemolysis in the picture of certain forms of hemolytic jaundice]. PMID- 13823030 TI - [Early results of longitudinal rheography of the extremities in poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13823031 TI - Blood thrombocyte levels after administration of equine estrogens. PMID- 13823032 TI - Bovine abortion due to Haemophilus species. PMID- 13823033 TI - Growth promoting effect of some biotin analogues for Candida albicans. PMID- 13823034 TI - Principles of emergency surgery in the aged. PMID- 13823035 TI - [On so-called spontaneous biliary peritonitis]. PMID- 13823036 TI - Clinical manifestations of leukemia. Recent contributions. PMID- 13823037 TI - A method for evaluating the hemostatic effect of various agents in thrombocytopenic rats and mie. PMID- 13823038 TI - The artificial kidney in the treatment of renal failure and hyperuricemia in patients with lymphoma and leukemia. PMID- 13823039 TI - [Plan of hospital residencies. Organization of a system of resident physicians in internal medicine or clinical medicine]. PMID- 13823040 TI - Studies with a cellulose membrane oxygenator. PMID- 13823042 TI - [Relations between the State and hospitals in Germany]. PMID- 13823041 TI - An improved sump suction drain for the management of gastric and intestinal fistulas. PMID- 13823043 TI - A critical review of the treatment of mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13823044 TI - Regression in the treatment of mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13823045 TI - [Morquio's disease. Presentation of a case]. PMID- 13823046 TI - [Basal temperature in the interpretation of serveral problems of sterility and infertility]. PMID- 13823047 TI - Effects of enzymatic deoxyribonucleic acid digests on population changes and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis of pneumococci. PMID- 13823048 TI - [Fluorographic study of the population of the rural areas of Sverdlovsk region]. PMID- 13823049 TI - [A decade of experience in work at the fluorographic station of the Sverdlovsk Regional Hospital]. PMID- 13823050 TI - [Renal hamartoblastoma. 2 Cases]. PMID- 13823051 TI - Pelvic renal tumor: conservative surgery, repeated pyelectomy. PMID- 13823052 TI - An anesthetic technique for oral endoscopy. PMID- 13823053 TI - Correlations between edentation and cranial sutures. PMID- 13823054 TI - [Aplastic crisis in thalassemia]. PMID- 13823055 TI - Probable role of blood volume alteration in angioedema. A case report. PMID- 13823056 TI - Transient effect of potassium on A-V conduction and ventricular tachycardia produced by acetyl-strophanthidin: demonstration of supernormal conduction. PMID- 13823057 TI - Transient effect of intravenous potassium on A-V conduction and ventricular ectopic beats: clinical study. PMID- 13823058 TI - Abnormal electrocardiogram and a normal heart. PMID- 13823059 TI - Diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia. PMID- 13823060 TI - Employment of cardiacs. PMID- 13823061 TI - Normal electrocardiogram in angina pectoris. PMID- 13823063 TI - Use of quinidine in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. PMID- 13823062 TI - Transient nature of depression of arrhythmias by potassium. PMID- 13823064 TI - Deafness as part of an hereditary syndrome. PMID- 13823065 TI - Nuclear transfer in amphibia and the problem of the potentialities of the nuclei of differentiating tissues. PMID- 13823066 TI - [Indication and results of contrast demonstration of the knee joint with positive contrast medium]. PMID- 13823067 TI - Anemia as a complication of proclorperazine therapy. PMID- 13823069 TI - [Tubular function in chronic renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13823070 TI - [Current problems of the physiology and pathology of the liver]. PMID- 13823068 TI - [Acceleration of metabolic restoration after physical work by means of cold stimulus during work. II. Values of carbon dioxide and respiratory quotient]. PMID- 13823071 TI - [Measurement of maximum oxygen requirements in human subjects by means of flow registration]. PMID- 13823072 TI - [A criticism of medical expert testimony]. PMID- 13823073 TI - [How much can nurses or attendants participate in anesthesia?]. PMID- 13823074 TI - [On the classification of clinical stages and the communication of treatment results of malignant mammary tumors]. PMID- 13823076 TI - Infrequently recognized diseases of childhood. PMID- 13823075 TI - [On the clinical division of stages and a report of the result of therapy in malignant tumors of the breast]. PMID- 13823077 TI - Effect of nicotine and tobacco on muscle function. PMID- 13823078 TI - Synergetic action of 2(o-methoxyphenoxymethyl)-5-oxazolidone on morphine, dihydrocodeine and aminopyrine analgesia. PMID- 13823079 TI - [Pharmacological investigation of 5-(o-methoxyphenoxymethyl)-2-oxyzolidone]. PMID- 13823080 TI - An acute hallucinatory episode with recovery. PMID- 13823081 TI - An unusual complication resulting from amphetamine sulphate ("benzedrine"): a case report. PMID- 13823082 TI - Attempted suicide, with special reference to bromureides and similar preparations. PMID- 13823083 TI - The Red Cross the world over. PMID- 13823085 TI - [On the therapy of eczema]. PMID- 13823084 TI - [New skeletal element dorsal on the radio-carpal joint]. PMID- 13823086 TI - [Renal vein calcifications]. PMID- 13823087 TI - [On the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the liver and bile ducts]. PMID- 13823088 TI - [Characterization of 2 adenosine triphosphatases in hog kidney cell nucleus]. PMID- 13823089 TI - [Retinitis diabetica proliferans. Report on 100 cases]. PMID- 13823090 TI - [The young diabetic: with and without retinopathy]. PMID- 13823091 TI - Preoperative and postoperative care of the aged patient with fractured hip. PMID- 13823092 TI - [Practical suggestion for infant and geriatric care]. PMID- 13823093 TI - Nurses' attitudes toward preference for and importance of categories of activity in psychiatric nursing care. PMID- 13823094 TI - [Hidradenoma of the vulva. (Record of 4 cases)]. PMID- 13823095 TI - [On the mode of action and the use of iodine baths (leukona iodine baths) in the so-called intervertebral disk syndrome]. PMID- 13823096 TI - [On the pathogenesis of urticaria due to apples]. PMID- 13823097 TI - [On iron deficiency in chronic polymorphous photodermatosis]. PMID- 13823098 TI - [On the formal genesis of hyperlipemic xanthoma]. PMID- 13823100 TI - [On the indication for struma resection]. PMID- 13823099 TI - [Symptomatic epilepsy in cerebral vascular processes]. PMID- 13823101 TI - Toward the clinical integration of medicine and psychiatry. PMID- 13823102 TI - [Clinical experiences with a new chloramphenicol preparation for intramuscular injection]. PMID- 13823103 TI - A critique of experimental lymphography. PMID- 13823104 TI - Lymphagiography and lymphadenography with various contrast agents. PMID- 13823105 TI - The big duodenum. PMID- 13823106 TI - [On modification of the bacterial properties of the serum. A contribution to the problem of nonspecific resistance]. PMID- 13823107 TI - [Our experiences with nylon arterial prostheses]. PMID- 13823108 TI - [Schizophrenic reactions and disorders of the hypophyso-gonadal axis. Clinical rules for the prognosis and treatment of the coexistence of an endocrine disease and a psychosis]. PMID- 13823109 TI - [The use of titriplex III for cross-matching for urgent blood transfusions and patients with blood coagulation disorders]. PMID- 13823110 TI - [Blood group serological studies in the sphere of exchange transfusion in the newborn infant]. PMID- 13823111 TI - Osteomyelitis and disc space infections of the spine. PMID- 13823112 TI - [Jaksch-Hayem-Luzet syndrome. Hepatosplenomegaly, anemia pseudoleucaemica infantum. (3-Year observation)]. PMID- 13823113 TI - [Epidemiological observations on the pathogenesis and dissemination of an influenza epidemic on board a passenger ship]. PMID- 13823114 TI - [Experiences in evaluation of the sterility of catgut]. PMID- 13823115 TI - Emphysematous necrotizing pancreatitis. PMID- 13823116 TI - [A study on the objectivation of Aslan's novocaine therapy with reference to adrenal cortex function]. PMID- 13823117 TI - [Internal medical and roentgenological experiences with pyrilax (4,4'diacetoxyphenyl-2-pyridylmethane, DDPM) a new contact laxative]. PMID- 13823118 TI - [The angiographic picture of corpus callosum deficiency]. PMID- 13823119 TI - [On the determination of high gamma ray doses with an integrating glass dosimeter]. PMID- 13823120 TI - [On the problem of resistance of the hedgehog to cantharidin]. PMID- 13823121 TI - [Changes of critical blinking frequency during the course of a work day in telephone operators]. PMID- 13823122 TI - [Dispersion of the critical flicker frequency as an independent functional characteristics of the optic analyzer]. PMID- 13823123 TI - On factors involved in the mechanism of 'taste-blindness'. PMID- 13823124 TI - [Characterization of test liquids which are used in the determination of the critical mixture temperature]. PMID- 13823125 TI - [Inhibition of spontaneous carcinogenesis in R III and AkR mice by implants of modified cancerous tissue]. PMID- 13823126 TI - Histochemical model experiments on factors influencing dye-protein interaction. PMID- 13823127 TI - [A case of melanocarcinoma of the temporal region improved by podophyllin]. PMID- 13823128 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on inflammation dysproteinemia]. PMID- 13823129 TI - [On the histochemical demonstration of amino peptidase in cancer tissue]. PMID- 13823130 TI - [Polyposis ventriculi and blood proteins]. PMID- 13823131 TI - Fibrinolytic activator, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and potassium in myocardial tissue at various stages of human myocardial infarction. PMID- 13823132 TI - [Content and distribution of body water in normal conditions, in congestive cardiac insufficiency and in the nephrotic syndrome]. PMID- 13823133 TI - [Anatomic-roentgenological examinations of the arteries of the pelvic floor for the further development of blood-saving surgical methods in the perineovaginal zone]. PMID- 13823134 TI - [Anatomical-roentgenological studies on the distribution and formation of anastomoses of visceral and parietal arteries in the female pelvis]. PMID- 13823135 TI - [Histopathological studies on cancers previously treated with iscador]. PMID- 13823136 TI - [Report on a trip to China]. PMID- 13823137 TI - [The protective effect of tocopherol against toxic phenomena connected with the roentgen irradiation of mammary carcinoma]. PMID- 13823138 TI - [Woman and sport]. PMID- 13823139 TI - [Woman and sport]. PMID- 13823140 TI - Experimental studies of mucopolysaccharides from synovial cells. PMID- 13823141 TI - The surgical treatment of tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13823142 TI - [Tendon and ligament injuries roentgenologically demonstrated]. PMID- 13823143 TI - [Liver rupture. Report of 16 cases, one of which was caused by a safety belt in an automobile]. PMID- 13823144 TI - [Effects of morphine and N-allylnormorphine on the thyroid uptake of radioiodine]. PMID- 13823145 TI - [Use and possibilities of the logetron]. PMID- 13823146 TI - [The epiphysial cartilages of the child]. PMID- 13823147 TI - [Ambulatory methods in the examination of late epilepsy in adults]. PMID- 13823148 TI - [Radiographic memory, decisive step in peroperative radiodiagnosis]. PMID- 13823150 TI - [Multi-discipline spirit in radiology]. PMID- 13823149 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of the frequency analyser]. PMID- 13823151 TI - Quantitative colorimetric determination of tryptophan. PMID- 13823152 TI - Routine microestimation of iron in hemoglobin. PMID- 13823153 TI - Serum iron determination using direct colour extraction. PMID- 13823154 TI - [Subcutaneous nodular hemangiomatosis in association with thrombocytopenia. Report of a case]. PMID- 13823155 TI - Smooth transition techniques in 16 mm. film editing. PMID- 13823156 TI - Flocculation tests in hydatid disease. AB - A new serological technique of diagnosing human hydatid disease, employing polystyrene latex particles coated with hydatid cyst fluid, and a modified technique using bentonite particles are described. Comparison of the latex test with the complement-fixation test performed on 102 sera has shown a total agreement of 98% and an agreement of 93.1% in the positive specimens. The bentonite test and the complement-fixation test performed on 126 sera have shown a total agreement of 97.6% and an agreement of 90.1% in the positive specimens. Both flocculation tests are simpler to perform than the complement-fixation test. They are specific, and sensitivity closely parallels that of the complement fixation test, with 6.9% and 6.1% of the positive specimens showing higher sensitivity in the latex and bentonite tests respectively. The bentonite test was less sensitive than the complement-fixation test in one case. None of the latex tests showed less sensitivity. The antibody active in the latex test has been demonstrated in a gamma globulin fraction of the antiserum. Some differences in the behaviour of flocculating and complement-fixing properties of sera are discussed. PMID- 13823157 TI - Mouse challenge with Salmonella typhosa T 5501 in testing the potency of typhoid vaccines. PMID- 13823158 TI - Kinetics of deterioration of smallpox vaccine. PMID- 13823159 TI - [Relation of the vascular system of the spine to pathological spinal processes]. PMID- 13823160 TI - Drug therapy in child psychiatry: psychological aspects. PMID- 13823161 TI - Involvement of the central nervous system in infants with schizophrenia. PMID- 13823162 TI - Estimation of body burden and internal dose based upon urinary uranium. PMID- 13823163 TI - Urinalysis summary. PMID- 13823164 TI - The staining of acid-fast bacilli in tissue sections. PMID- 13823165 TI - Hallucinations as a disorder of Gestalt function. PMID- 13823166 TI - Effects of gibberellic acid on the growth and alkaloidal content of Datura stramonium L. PMID- 13823167 TI - The relationship of pregnancy weight gain to toxemia. PMID- 13823168 TI - The incidence of Q fever among dairy herds in western Ontario. PMID- 13823169 TI - Prognostic considerations in primary isolated insufficiency of the pulmonic valve. PMID- 13823170 TI - Left atrial pressure pulses in the presence of myxoma. PMID- 13823171 TI - Coexistent Addison's disease and North American blastomycosis. PMID- 13823172 TI - Maternal death due to disseminated varicella. PMID- 13823173 TI - Changing concepts in the practice of medicine. PMID- 13823174 TI - How I edit medical manuscripts. PMID- 13823175 TI - Medical progress in 1959. PMID- 13823176 TI - Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and vascular disease. PMID- 13823177 TI - Serologic and fractionation studies of C-reactive protein. PMID- 13823178 TI - Mucopolysaccharides of serum and pleural fluid. PMID- 13823179 TI - Systemic therapy in pyogenic skin diseases. PMID- 13823180 TI - Pulmonary and allergic manifestations of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13823181 TI - Pulmonary and allergic manifestations of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13823182 TI - Dustfall measurements. PMID- 13823183 TI - Some effects of different tensions of oxygen on the respiration and growth of L strain fibroblasts. PMID- 13823184 TI - Experimental evidence in support of the dormant tumor cell. AB - When rats were injected intraportally with as few as 50 Walker-256 carcinosarcoma cells aarcoma cells and then examined 5 months later for hepatic tumor growth, none was evident. If, however, 3 months after injection the rats were subjected to repeated laparotomy and liver examination at 7-day intervals, 100 percent had a tumor within a few weeks. PMID- 13823185 TI - Experimental studies of factors influencing hepatic metastases. II. Effect of partial hepatectomy. PMID- 13823186 TI - Experimental studies of factors influencing hepatic metastases. III. Effect of surgical trauma with special reference to liver injury. PMID- 13823187 TI - Subliminal and supraliminal influences on dreams. PMID- 13823189 TI - A simple test of coordination in the fingers. PMID- 13823188 TI - [Apropos of the Poetzl phenomenon. The subliminal effects of visual stimulation on dreams, images and hallucinations]. PMID- 13823190 TI - Ocular palsy in temporal arteritis. Part II. PMID- 13823191 TI - Ocular palsy in temporal arteritis. Part III. Neurologic manifestations of the arteritides other than temporal arteritis. PMID- 13823192 TI - Present trends in the treatment of the cerebral vascular diseases. PMID- 13823193 TI - The pathologic and clinical aspects of thalamic hemorrhage. PMID- 13823194 TI - Embryonal rest tumor of the central nervous system: report of an unusual case with a communicating congenital dermal sinus and recurrent meningitis. PMID- 13823195 TI - The versatile antrostomy. PMID- 13823196 TI - Lennox Graham Teece. PMID- 13823197 TI - Experimental studies of factors influencing hepatic metastases. I. The effect of number of tumor cells injected and time of growth. PMID- 13823198 TI - Experimental studies of factors influencing hepatic metastases. IV. Effect of cirrhosis. PMID- 13823199 TI - Experimental studies of factors influencing hepatic metastases. V. Effect of cortisone and adrenalectomy. PMID- 13823200 TI - Effect of cholesterol atherosclerosis, hypertension and cortisone on aortic oxygen consumption in rabbit. PMID- 13823201 TI - Maturation of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase in neonatal rat kidney. PMID- 13823202 TI - Rarity of hepatic metastases in cirrhosis--a misconception. PMID- 13823203 TI - Disseminated atheromatous emboli. PMID- 13823204 TI - The periodic acid-Schiff reaction as an aid in the identification of mesothelioma. PMID- 13823205 TI - Further pathologic observations on the syndrome of peptic ulcer and multiple endocrine tumors. PMID- 13823206 TI - Elastolytic effect of pepsin. PMID- 13823207 TI - The association of idiopathic hemochromatosis and excessive iron overload. Report of a case, with comment relative to the concept of exogenous hemochromatosis. PMID- 13823208 TI - Effect of neomycin on cholesterol atherosclerosis in the rabbit. PMID- 13823209 TI - Tissue mast cells. PMID- 13823210 TI - Cardiac output in horses. PMID- 13823211 TI - Disturbance of respiration of calves caused by pneumonia due to Dictyocaulus viviparus. The changes taking place in respiratory rate, ventilation rate, plasma carbon dioxide content and plasma pH. PMID- 13823212 TI - The concentration of some of the inorganic constituents in the plasma of healthy Ayrshire cattle. PMID- 13823213 TI - On acanthocephala of turtles, with the description of Neoechinorhynchus emyditoides n. sp. PMID- 13823214 TI - [An apparatus for taking and examining stereoscopic fluorograms]. PMID- 13823215 TI - An evaluation of Doppelt's abbreviated form of the WAIS for the mentally retarded. PMID- 13823216 TI - A corrected table for determining the significance of the difference between verbal and performance IQ'S on the WAIS and the Wechsler-Bellevue. PMID- 13823217 TI - Sexual identification in mentally retarded male children and adults. PMID- 13823218 TI - The altitude quotient as an index of intellectual potential: I. WAIS data for familial and undifferentiated mental retardates. PMID- 13823219 TI - [Torsion of healthy adnexa caused by the "hula hoop" (registration of a case)]. PMID- 13823220 TI - The use and abuse of antibiotics. PMID- 13823221 TI - Use and abuse of steroids. PMID- 13823222 TI - WEISS HS, GRIMINGER P: Biochemical observations on aortas of chickens. Effect of different fats and varying levels of protein, fat and cholesterol. PMID- 13823223 TI - Essential fatty acids of normal and atherosclerotic aortas from chickens receiving differently saturated fats for three years. PMID- 13823227 TI - Drug treatment of neurosis: blessing or curse? PMID- 13823224 TI - Quantitative aspects of lysine deficiency and amino acid imbalance. PMID- 13823225 TI - Protein depletion and amino acid requirement in the growing chicken. PMID- 13823226 TI - Further aspects of amino acid imbalance, with special reference to the high arginine requirement of chicks fed casein diets. PMID- 13823228 TI - On the nature of the fluorescence of enzyme-DPNH complexes. PMID- 13823229 TI - The mechanism of the glutamic dehydrogenase reaction. I. The molecularity of the first complex formed. PMID- 13823230 TI - Nondiagnostic bone marrow in leukemia. PMID- 13823231 TI - Plasma corticosterone and adrenal ascorbic acid levels in adeno- and neurohypophysectomized rats given epinephrine postoperatively. PMID- 13823232 TI - Experimental prolonged partial whole body perfusion. PMID- 13823233 TI - Aganglionic lesions of the colon. PMID- 13823234 TI - Experiences with the Shirodkar operation. A preliminary report. PMID- 13823235 TI - Some views on the statistical design of experiments. PMID- 13823236 TI - "Acute lethal catatonia" treated by hypothermia. PMID- 13823237 TI - [On the value of the detection of Hofmann's bacillus in the air as a sanitary index in closed quarters]. PMID- 13823238 TI - [Sanitary-index role of dysenterial bacteriophages in the framework of the current state of the theory of bacteriophage]. PMID- 13823239 TI - A 1:2-dihydro-s-triazine with marked activity against certain pathogenic bacteria and synergistic with a sulphonamide in experimental bacterial infections. PMID- 13823240 TI - Paromomycin: experimental antibacterial activity. PMID- 13823241 TI - The susceptibility of staphylococci to chloram-phenicol: a survey of experimental and clinical experiences. PMID- 13823242 TI - [Report on an educational trip in Scandanavia, England and Scotland. II]. PMID- 13823243 TI - Determination of the insulin-like activity of the A-chain of insulin. PMID- 13823244 TI - Effect of urea on enzyme activity of the choroid plexus. PMID- 13823245 TI - Postpartum hemiplegia. PMID- 13823246 TI - A. Earl Walker: a brief biographical sketch. PMID- 13823247 TI - Malpractice actions and prophylaxis. PMID- 13823248 TI - Recent developments in forensic pathology. PMID- 13823249 TI - Parents of schizophrenics, neurotics, and normals. PMID- 13823250 TI - A comparison of psychological characteristics and physiological reactivity in ulcer and Rheumatoid arthritis groups. II. Differences in physiological reactivity. PMID- 13823251 TI - A developmental analysis of some body image and body reactivity dimensions. PMID- 13823252 TI - Griseofulvin therapy for tinea capitis in a Board of Health Clinic. PMID- 13823253 TI - Head-body differentiations in body image and skin resistance level. PMID- 13823255 TI - Psychiatric considerations of hand disability. PMID- 13823254 TI - Right-left gradients in body image, body reactivity and perception. PMID- 13823256 TI - Surgery on varicose veins. PMID- 13823257 TI - The Canadian Medical Protective Association--your own association. PMID- 13823258 TI - Pigmented nevi. PMID- 13823259 TI - Studies on nuclei. I. Physical properties on deoxyribonucleoprotein from rat thymus in 1 M sodium chloride. PMID- 13823260 TI - Studies on nuclei. II. Effects of x-rays on deoxyribonucleoprotein from rat thymus. PMID- 13823261 TI - Homochlorcyclizine: an antiallergic drug with multiple clinical properties. PMID- 13823262 TI - Does the allergic diathesis influence malignancy? PMID- 13823263 TI - [On the technic of operation of tilt of the greater trochanter in defects of the head and neck of the femur]. PMID- 13823264 TI - Sulfonamide therapy in the prevention of asthma associated with infection. PMID- 13823265 TI - Effects of breathing carbon dioxide upon the pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13823266 TI - A pedal push-pull device for supine exercise. PMID- 13823267 TI - Supplying the spark in the correction of foot and postural defects. PMID- 13823269 TI - Studies using anterior pituitary hormones as antigens. PMID- 13823268 TI - On the conformation of substituted cyclopentanones. Rotatory dispersion and spectral data of some steroidal alpha-halocyclopentanones. PMID- 13823270 TI - Patent ductus arteriosus in a patient surviving to seventy-four years. PMID- 13823271 TI - Indolent, or so-called serous otitis media, including combined allergy and virus studies. PMID- 13823272 TI - Factors influencing the exchange of sodium between plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13823273 TI - Metabolism of chlorpromazine: organic-extractable fraction from human urine. PMID- 13823274 TI - Studies on vaginal enzymology. PMID- 13823275 TI - Certain enzyme phenomena in relation to cancer. PMID- 13823277 TI - Dislocated hips viewed in two planes. PMID- 13823276 TI - Bronchogenic carcinoma with metastasis to aphakic eye. PMID- 13823278 TI - Techniques for the measurement of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes as they relate to the principles of bioassay. PMID- 13823279 TI - The EPPS profile stability coefficient. PMID- 13823280 TI - Variability of responses and the stability of scores and interpretations of projective protocols. PMID- 13823282 TI - Diagnosis fo secondary detachment. PMID- 13823281 TI - [Subastragalar luxations of the foot]. PMID- 13823283 TI - Light coagulation therapy.