PMID- 13462717 TI - Outbreak of aseptic meningitis caused by Coxsackie B5 virus; laboratory, clinical, and epidemiologic study. PMID- 13462718 TI - Serum prostatic acid phosphatase levels in patients with carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13462720 TI - [Influenza]. PMID- 13462719 TI - New set of type A influenza viruses. PMID- 13462721 TI - On peripheral thrombophlebitis; its occurrence as a presenting symptom in malignant disease of pancreas, biliary tract, or duodenum. PMID- 13462722 TI - High acid phosphatase level indicating Gaucher's disease in patient with prostatism. PMID- 13462723 TI - Medicolegal applications of blood-grouping tests. PMID- 13462724 TI - REPORT of the Committee on Rehabilitation. PMID- 13462725 TI - NEW AND nonofficial drugs. PMID- 13462727 TI - OXYPHENONIUM bromide. PMID- 13462726 TI - LEUCOVORIN calcium. PMID- 13462728 TI - SULFISOMIDINE. PMID- 13462729 TI - Atherosclerosis and the fat content of the diet. PMID- 13462730 TI - Stress and exhaustion. PMID- 13462732 TI - Hemipelvectomy for malignant disease. PMID- 13462731 TI - The problem of fever in patients with valvular heart disease. PMID- 13462733 TI - Prednisone and prednisolone therapy in rheumatoid arthritis; clinical evaluation, with emphasis on gastrointestinal manifestations in one hundred fifty-six patients observed for periods of four to fourteen months. PMID- 13462734 TI - Zoxazolamine and/or chlorpromazine for muscle spasm. PMID- 13462735 TI - Segal's tubeless gastric analysis with azure A resin compound; a simple procedure for screening individuals with achlorhydria in a gastric cancer detection program. PMID- 13462736 TI - Solox intoxication. PMID- 13462737 TI - Hematology; record of a century: 1856-1956. PMID- 13462738 TI - Hepatictype flapping tremor occurring in patients without hepatic disease. PMID- 13462739 TI - Serum lactic dehydrogenase; a diagnostic aid in myocardial infarction. PMID- 13462740 TI - Postoperative acute adrenal cortical insufficiency. PMID- 13462741 TI - Nonabsorbable watersoluble contrast mediums: their use in diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13462742 TI - Apparent increase in frequency of infections involving Torulopsis glabrata: procedure for its identification. PMID- 13462743 TI - World medicine comes of age; fearless concern for patient is high point of harmony in vocies of 700,000 doctors. PMID- 13462744 TI - ANTIBIOTICS in virus diseases. PMID- 13462745 TI - FITNESS of American youth. PMID- 13462747 TI - [CURRENT status of Asian influenza]. PMID- 13462746 TI - ANTIBIOTICS and influenza. PMID- 13462748 TI - BACKGROUND and development of residency review and conference committees. PMID- 13462749 TI - MEDICINE and the law. PMID- 13462750 TI - The role of exercise in the aging. PMID- 13462752 TI - CHARITABLE hospitals: termination of staff privileges. PMID- 13462751 TI - GOVERNMENTAL hospitals: liability for negligence of employees. PMID- 13462753 TI - MALPRACTICE: postoperative care following removal of gall bladder; need for expert testimony. PMID- 13462754 TI - The advantages of private medical care. PMID- 13462755 TI - Hypothyroidism. PMID- 13462756 TI - Sodium liothyronine in metabolic insufficiency syndrome and associated disorders; preliminary report. PMID- 13462757 TI - Neurological case histories of two Olympic champions. PMID- 13462758 TI - Fetopelvic grading of breech presentations. PMID- 13462759 TI - Treatment of obesity with phenmetrazine hydrochloride, a new anorexiant. PMID- 13462760 TI - Obstetrician's role in postpartum mental illness. PMID- 13462761 TI - Preanesthetic use of atropine and scopolamine in patients with glaucoma. PMID- 13462762 TI - The influence of various clinical disorders and drugs on excretion of uropepsin. PMID- 13462763 TI - Two new modifications of the endotracheal tube. PMID- 13462764 TI - Electromechanical arm slings. PMID- 13462765 TI - Effective method of strapping the lumbosacral region. PMID- 13462766 TI - Acute transient myopia associated with use of acetazolamide (diamox). PMID- 13462767 TI - Man contracting rabies from man. PMID- 13462768 TI - THE ORAL cavity and disease. PMID- 13462769 TI - REPORT of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. PMID- 13462770 TI - Health maintenance for the oldster. PMID- 13462771 TI - SPECIAL Committee on Influenza: Committee on Disease Reporting and Epidemic Surveillance. PMID- 13462772 TI - PATIENT'S right to privacy. PMID- 13462773 TI - The physician's role in air travel. PMID- 13462774 TI - Intestinal polyposis and pigmented spots of lips; hereditary PeutzJeghers syndrome. PMID- 13462775 TI - The role of the psychiatrist in rehabilitation. PMID- 13462776 TI - Residual disability of pharyngeal area resulting from poliomyelitis; clinical management of patients. PMID- 13462777 TI - Penicillinase in the treatment of penicillin reactions. PMID- 13462778 TI - Prolonged treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone (meticorten). PMID- 13462779 TI - Dry fenestra novovalis operation; technique for restoration and conservation of serviceable hearing in clinical otosclerosis. PMID- 13462780 TI - Advances in otology. PMID- 13462781 TI - Reduction in elevated blood cholesterol levels by large doses of nicotinic acid; preliminary report. PMID- 13462782 TI - Accidental ingestion of a toxic dose of chlorambucil; report of a case in a child. PMID- 13462783 TI - A glove-type extension hand splint. PMID- 13462784 TI - The U. S. Army Medical Department in World War II; the history of the history. PMID- 13462785 TI - DIAPER rash. PMID- 13462786 TI - Nutritional problems in the aging and aged. PMID- 13462787 TI - Surgical complications of pregnancy. PMID- 13462788 TI - Surgical convalescence; when does it end. PMID- 13462789 TI - Ethnologic aspects of the ABO blood groups disease associations. PMID- 13462790 TI - Orally administered phytonadione in bishydroxycoumarin-induced hypoprothrombinemia. PMID- 13462791 TI - Azacyclonol (frenquel) hydrochloride in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia; a double-blind, controlled study. PMID- 13462792 TI - Cervical rib and thrombosis of the subclavian artery. PMID- 13462793 TI - The delinquent child and the family doctor. PMID- 13462794 TI - The mission of preventive medicine. PMID- 13462795 TI - Venous thrombosis simulating arterial embolization with major gangrene. PMID- 13462796 TI - Treatment of oral histoplasmosis by local injection with nystatin. PMID- 13462797 TI - Ammonia content of stored blood. PMID- 13462798 TI - Atrial fibrillation due to accidental electric shock. PMID- 13462799 TI - ASIAN influenza; a special report to physicians. PMID- 13462800 TI - Rehabilitation and restorative services. PMID- 13462801 TI - PROFESSIONAL liability involving physicians in federal government service. PMID- 13462802 TI - ARTIFICIAL insemination. PMID- 13462803 TI - ALFRED EINSTEIN COHN. PMID- 13462804 TI - Phenylketonuria. PMID- 13462805 TI - MALPRACTICE: degree of proof required. PMID- 13462806 TI - PAIN. PMID- 13462807 TI - Changing forms and causes of pulmonary insufficiency in present era of medicine. PMID- 13462808 TI - Trigeminal neuralgia; special considerations of nonsurgical treatment. PMID- 13462809 TI - Health problems of the aging; a challenge to preventive medicine. PMID- 13462810 TI - Treatment of local ischemia due to levarterenol (levophed) leakage with piperoxan. PMID- 13462811 TI - Routine measurement of respiratory rate; an expensive tribute to tradition. PMID- 13462812 TI - Terminal blood alcohol concentrations in ninety-four fatal cases of acute alcoholism. PMID- 13462813 TI - A simple, inexpensive colostomy appliance. PMID- 13462814 TI - Graduate medical education in the United States; annual report and directory of approved internships and residencies, and resume of the requirements of examining boards in the medical specialties prepared by the council on medical education and hospitals of the American Medical Association. PMID- 13462815 TI - INFLATION and medical care. PMID- 13462816 TI - Council on medical service: control of fatigue in older persons. PMID- 13462817 TI - MEDICINE and the law: analysis of professional liability claims and suits. PMID- 13462818 TI - JOHN HAROLD FITZGIBBON. PMID- 13462819 TI - MANDRED WHITSET COMFORT. PMID- 13462820 TI - Initial treatment of burns in mass casualties. PMID- 13462821 TI - Dermatological radiation therapy in this nuclear age; an appraisal. PMID- 13462822 TI - Differential diagnosis of congenital heart disease in infancy. PMID- 13462823 TI - Twixt the cup and the lip. PMID- 13462824 TI - Uniformed Services Dependents' Medical Care Program. PMID- 13462825 TI - Benzathine penicillin G in the prevention of streptococcic infections. PMID- 13462826 TI - Reactions from multiple injections of benzathine penicillin G. PMID- 13462827 TI - Treatment of myasthenia gravis; prolonged action with multiple-dose tablets of neostigmine bromide and mestinon bromide. PMID- 13462828 TI - Frequency of defects in infants whose mothers had rubella during pregnancy. PMID- 13462829 TI - Hydraulic device for remote control of injection during carotid angiography. PMID- 13462830 TI - Prolonged television viewing as cause of venous and arterial thrombosis in legs. PMID- 13462831 TI - Implantation metastasis after needle biopsy of liver tumor. PMID- 13462832 TI - SOCIAL security for physicians. I. The old age, survivors and disability insurance program (OASDI). PMID- 13462833 TI - BLOOD dyscrasias associated with promazine hydrochloride therapy. PMID- 13462835 TI - RUBELLA and pregnancy. PMID- 13462834 TI - RECOMMENDATIONS of committee on toxicology on first-aid measures for poisoning. PMID- 13462836 TI - ASIAN influenza; a special report to medical societies. PMID- 13462837 TI - The senior citizen and his community. PMID- 13462838 TI - BIMINI fue descubierto!! Is Pega Palo the answer. PMID- 13462839 TI - AUTOPSY. PMID- 13462840 TI - MEDICAL-LEGAL problems and their solutions. PMID- 13462841 TI - Medical management of thrombophlebitis and postphlebitic syndrome; survey of four hundred treated cases from a series of seven hundred seventy-nine consecutive cases of phlebitis. PMID- 13462842 TI - Chronic intolerable pain; discussion of its mechanism and report of eight cases treated with electroshock. PMID- 13462843 TI - A pressor phenomenon associated with the postpartum period. PMID- 13462844 TI - Open heart surgery; anesthesia and surgical experiences. PMID- 13462845 TI - Cardiac rehabilitation; questionnaire survey of medical directors in industry. PMID- 13462846 TI - Cardiac rehabilitation; questionnaire survey of general practitioners. PMID- 13462847 TI - Hazards of the immediate postoperative period. PMID- 13462849 TI - Military medicine; a specialty and a career. PMID- 13462848 TI - Paravertebral alcohol block of lumbar sympathetic nerves; evaluation by sweating tests in three hundred fifty-one patients. PMID- 13462850 TI - Transportation of sick and injured in civilian aircraft. PMID- 13462851 TI - Psychosomatic aspects of allergy in childhood. PMID- 13462852 TI - Efficacy of urethral catheterization for determination of urinary tract infection; results with a new technique. PMID- 13462853 TI - Febrile transfusion reactions caused by sensitivity to donor leukocytes and platelets. PMID- 13462854 TI - A portable chair-scale for hospital use. PMID- 13462855 TI - Sigmoidouterine fistula complicating diverticulitis; report of a case. PMID- 13462856 TI - Treatment of amebiasis with camoform. PMID- 13462857 TI - Clinical evaluation of zoxazolamine (flexin) in children with cerebral palsy. PMID- 13462858 TI - SOCIAL security for physicians. 2. Position of the medical profession concerning the coverage of physicians under the Social Security Act. PMID- 13462859 TI - Drug reactions enzymes, and biochemical genetics. PMID- 13462861 TI - Posture in the aging and aged body. PMID- 13462860 TI - DIAGNOSIS of urinary tract infection. PMID- 13462862 TI - ACCIDENT burden on hospitals. PMID- 13462863 TI - HOSPITAL records: limitations on admissibility. PMID- 13462864 TI - Tick paralysis. PMID- 13462865 TI - Congenital cardiovascular anomalies in adults. PMID- 13462866 TI - Open repair of atrial septal defects; results in sixty-three patients. PMID- 13462867 TI - Peregrinating problem patients; Munchausen's syndrome. PMID- 13462868 TI - Industrial injury; the practical need for evaluation of capability. PMID- 13462869 TI - The story of the Section on Anesthesiology of the American Medical Association. PMID- 13462871 TI - A simple, readily available finger splint. PMID- 13462870 TI - General orotracheal anesthesia for bronchoscopy. PMID- 13462872 TI - Role of bronchoscopy in the prevention of postoperative atelectasis. PMID- 13462873 TI - Value of hypothermia during aortic occlusion. PMID- 13462874 TI - SOCIAL security for physicians. III. Survivorship benefits; the bait. PMID- 13462875 TI - Housing as a basic need of senior citizens. PMID- 13462876 TI - Reversed passive Rb sensitization in guinea pigs. PMID- 13462877 TI - An evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia as a guide for the use of exchange transfusions in hemolytic disease in the newborn infant. PMID- 13462878 TI - Ruth Renter Darrow and the etiology of hemolytic disease of the newborn infant. PMID- 13462879 TI - Review of thrombocytopenic purpura in relation to pregnancy and the newborn infant. PMID- 13462880 TI - A case of severe erythroblastosis fetalis (fetal hydrops) with recovery. PMID- 13462881 TI - Presidential acceptance address: continuation, cooperation, creation: foundations for the future. PMID- 13462882 TI - Origin of hog cholera. PMID- 13462883 TI - Rift Valley fever as a veterinary and medical problem. PMID- 13462884 TI - An improved hood for swine hysterectomies. PMID- 13462885 TI - Achalasia of the esophagus with megaesophagus in a dog. PMID- 13462886 TI - The action of chlorpromazine hydrochloride in calves. PMID- 13462887 TI - Field studies with piperazine-carbon disulfide complex against parasites of the horse. PMID- 13462888 TI - Spinal tuberculosis in the dog. PMID- 13462889 TI - Some etiological findings in granulomatous cutaneous lesions in dogs. PMID- 13462890 TI - Liver fluke (Metorchis conjunctus) in a dog from South Carolina. PMID- 13462892 TI - CHANGES in general veterinary practice. PMID- 13462891 TI - Palsy syndrome in tiger cubs. PMID- 13462893 TI - The president's address. PMID- 13462894 TI - Unanswered public health problems. PMID- 13462895 TI - Parasitic bronchitis in adult cattle in Ontario; a case report. PMID- 13462896 TI - Distemper in the American raccoon (Procyon lotor). PMID- 13462897 TI - An isolation brooder for raising disease-free pigs. PMID- 13462898 TI - Prevention of so-called hardware disease in cattle using a magnetic metal retriever. PMID- 13462899 TI - A modified embryotome; its description and use. PMID- 13462900 TI - Proteolytic enzyme therapy in equine practice. PMID- 13462901 TI - Cerebellar hypoplasia and its sequela in a horse. PMID- 13462902 TI - Antibiotic therapy in acute eperythrozoonosis of swine. PMID- 13462903 TI - Testing milk for preclinical signs of ketosis. PMID- 13462904 TI - Listerosis in the turkey; two case reports. PMID- 13462905 TI - Canine filariasis in the Far East. PMID- 13462906 TI - A dietary cause of hair loss in Bahamian livestock. PMID- 13462907 TI - THE 1955-1956 Survey of veterinary practitioners. III. PMID- 13462908 TI - Some parameters of sterol metabolism in man on a sterol- and fat-free diet. PMID- 13462909 TI - Effect of palmitic and stearic acid on cholesterol absorption in man. PMID- 13462910 TI - Simultaneous cineradiographic and kymographic studies of human gastric antral motility. PMID- 13462911 TI - Interaction of serum lipoproteins with heparin and phenol. PMID- 13462912 TI - Transplantation of bone marrow after preservation at -70 degrees C. PMID- 13462913 TI - Effects of psychotomimetic compounds on human pseudocholinesterase. PMID- 13462914 TI - Effect of static and dynamic exercises on muscular strength and hypertrophy. PMID- 13462915 TI - Assessment of physiological severity of hot climates. PMID- 13462916 TI - Insensible weight loss at high skin temperatures. PMID- 13462917 TI - Metabolism of skin following frostbite. PMID- 13462918 TI - Posttetanic changes in the human neuromuscular system. PMID- 13462919 TI - Shivering, oxygen consumption and body temperatures in acute exposure of men to two different cold environments. PMID- 13462920 TI - Respiratory response to inspired CO2 during acclimatization to an altitude of 12, 470 feet. PMID- 13462921 TI - Maximal oxygen intake and its relation to body composition, with special reference to chronic physical activity and obesity. PMID- 13462922 TI - Maximum breathing capacity with various expiratory and inspiratory resistances (single and combined) at various breathing rates. PMID- 13462923 TI - Energy cost of breathing determined with a simplified technique. PMID- 13462924 TI - Breaking point of two breath holds separated by a single inspiration. PMID- 13462925 TI - Cardiac hypertrophy produced by exercise in albino and in hooded rats. PMID- 13462926 TI - Influence of alterations in arterial blood pH and carbon dioxide tension on plasma potassium levels in humans anesthetized with nitrous oxide, thiopental and succinyldicholine. PMID- 13462927 TI - Effect of congestive heart failure on disappearance of T-1824 from plasma in man. PMID- 13462928 TI - Effect of vitamin C and hydrocortisone on the pulmonary edema produced by ozone in mice. PMID- 13462929 TI - Blood volume studies in wounded animals. PMID- 13462930 TI - Numbers of circulating neutrophil granulocytes by hemacytometer counts using Hinkelman's diluent. PMID- 13462931 TI - Anticoagulants derived from blood platelets. PMID- 13462932 TI - Influence of hydration, venous pooling and adrenal cortical insufficiency on postural antidiuresis and antisaluresis. PMID- 13462933 TI - Hemodynamic response of healthy subjects to exercise in the supine position while breathing oxygen. PMID- 13462934 TI - Intestinal absorption by perfusion in situ. PMID- 13462935 TI - A method for microanalysis of CO2 and O2 in minute samples of gas. PMID- 13462936 TI - A micro method for determination of nitrous oxide in blood. PMID- 13462937 TI - Surgery of the chest wall. PMID- 13462938 TI - Closed heart surgery. PMID- 13462939 TI - The present status of cardiac surgery: with special reference to the pump oxygenator apparatus. PMID- 13462940 TI - Some present concepts in pulmonary surgery. PMID- 13462941 TI - Progress in cardiovascular surgery. PMID- 13462942 TI - The labyrinthine posture reflex (righting reflex) in the cat during weightlessness. PMID- 13462943 TI - Colloid cyst of the third ventricle in flyers; report of three fatal cases. PMID- 13462944 TI - Psychosomatic disorders in pilot trainees; report of nine cases. PMID- 13462945 TI - The potentials of aviation medicine in the airframe manufacturing industry. PMID- 13462946 TI - Episodes of unconsciousness in pilots during flight in 1956. PMID- 13462947 TI - Cosmic ray dosage during giant solar flare of February 26, 1956. PMID- 13462949 TI - Aeromedical problems in logistic air operations in Latin America. PMID- 13462948 TI - Influence of graded impedance to tracheal air flow on timed vital capacity measurements. PMID- 13462950 TI - Emission spectroscopy in analysis of respiratory gases. IV. Calibration characteristics of oxygen emission in the near infrared. PMID- 13462951 TI - Aviation medicine and the industrial hygiene engineer. PMID- 13462952 TI - Requirements for production and germination of spores of anaerobic bacteria. PMID- 13462953 TI - Physiological basis for rhamnose utilization by a mutant of Pasteurella pestis. I. Experiments with resting cells; the isolation of lactic aldehyde. PMID- 13462954 TI - On the nature of the granules of Mycobacterium and the identity of the bacterial nucleus. PMID- 13462955 TI - Studies on the aerobic carbohydrate metabolism of Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PMID- 13462956 TI - Effect of successive x-irradiation on Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13462957 TI - Cytogenetic study of Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13462958 TI - The endospore of Bacillus polymyxa. PMID- 13462959 TI - Induction of bacterial lysis by penicillin. PMID- 13462960 TI - Nitrate reduction. II. Utilization of possible intermediates as nitrogen sources and as electron acceptors. PMID- 13462961 TI - Nuclear division in Escherichia coli as revealed by acid fuchsin. PMID- 13462962 TI - Spectral absorption of prodigiosin in intact cells. PMID- 13462963 TI - Amino acid metabolism by pleuropneumonialike organisms. III. Glutamic acid. PMID- 13462964 TI - Sonic disruption of Azotobacter vinelandil. PMID- 13462965 TI - Sulfure requirement for postgerminative development of Bacillus megaterium spores. PMID- 13462966 TI - Studies on the bacterial cell wall. XIII. Studies on the chemical composition of bacterial cell walls and spore membranes. PMID- 13462967 TI - Characteristics of a factor protecting the viability of lyophilized Brucella abortus cells. PMID- 13462968 TI - Effect of surface active agents on endosporulation of Coccidioides immitis in a chemically defined medium. PMID- 13462969 TI - Occurrence of induced antigens in Salmonellae isolated from man. PMID- 13462970 TI - 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid as an intermediate in bacterial dissimilation of anthracene. PMID- 13462971 TI - Nutritional studies with Clostridium histolyticum. PMID- 13462972 TI - Study of Shwartzman toxicity of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharides. PMID- 13462973 TI - [Electromyography in clinical practice]. PMID- 13462974 TI - [Histamine iontophoresis in sciatica caused by intervertebral disk hernia]. PMID- 13462975 TI - [Intraarticular administration of prednisolone acetate]. PMID- 13462976 TI - [Three cases of rheumatic sacroileitis of undetermined origin]. PMID- 13462977 TI - [The solubility of powdered bone]. PMID- 13462978 TI - Origin of the major specific proteins in milk. PMID- 13462979 TI - Synthesis and microbiological properties of a thiophene analogue of carnosine. PMID- 13462980 TI - Isolation of steroids from a feminizing adrenal carcinoma. PMID- 13462981 TI - Ribonuclease. VI. Partial purification and characterization of the ribonucleases of rat liver mitochondria. PMID- 13462982 TI - The toxic action of oxygen on glucose and pyruvate oxidation in heart homogenates. PMID- 13462983 TI - Studies on the effect of vitamin B6 on 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) formation. PMID- 13462984 TI - The metabolism of mucopolysaccharides in animals. IV. The influence of insulin. PMID- 13462985 TI - The induction of tryptophan peroxidase in the isolated perfused liver. PMID- 13462986 TI - Hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic dehydrogenase. PMID- 13462987 TI - The isolation and determination of urinary hydroxykynurenine. PMID- 13462988 TI - Relation of uric acid metabolism to release of iron from hepatic ferritin. PMID- 13462989 TI - Studies of oxidative phosphorylation by hepatic mitochondria from the diabetic cat. PMID- 13462990 TI - Control by uracil of formation of enzymes required for orotate synthesis. PMID- 13462991 TI - Reductive degradation of pyrimidines. III. Purification and properties of dihydrouracil dehydrogenase. PMID- 13462992 TI - Pyrimidine metabolism. III. The interaction of the catabolic and anabolic pathways of uracil metabolism. PMID- 13462993 TI - Comparison of the amino acid composition of T2 and T3 bacteriophages. PMID- 13462994 TI - Oxidative phosphorylation by an enzyme complex from disrupted brain mitochondria. PMID- 13462995 TI - Analogues of acetyl chymotrypsin. PMID- 13462996 TI - Effect of vitamin B12 deficiency and fasting on the incorporation of P32 into nucleic acids and phospholipides of infant rats. PMID- 13462997 TI - The metabolism of D-galactose in Pseudomonas saccharophila. PMID- 13462998 TI - An unidentified iodine compound formed by incubation of cell-free preparations of tissue with iodide-I 131. PMID- 13462999 TI - Activation of the iodinating system in sheep thyroid particulate fractions by flavin cofactors. PMID- 13463000 TI - Stimulatory effect of barbital on urinary excretion of L-ascorbic acid and nonconjugated D-glucuronic acid. PMID- 13463001 TI - Effects of amethopterin on nucleic acid metabolism in mitotic and non-mitotic growth. PMID- 13463002 TI - Studies on the mechanism of formaldehyde incorporation into serine. PMID- 13463003 TI - Bacterial fermentation of nicotinic acid. I. End products. PMID- 13463004 TI - Bacterial fermantation of nicotinic acid. II. Anaerobic reversible hydroxylation of nicotinic acid to 6-hydroxynicotinic acid. PMID- 13463005 TI - The effects of 6-mercaptopurine on biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13463006 TI - The catalysis of the non-chymotryptic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate. PMID- 13463007 TI - A study of lipides of Penicillium chrysogenum. PMID- 13463008 TI - Effect of furacin on the dissimilation of pyruvate and formate by cell-free extracts of bacteria. PMID- 13463009 TI - A new method for the isolation of L-alanine and L-proline from protein hydrolysates. PMID- 13463010 TI - Inhibition of prostatic acid phosphatase by alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acids. PMID- 13463011 TI - Studies on collagen. I. The partial purification, assay, and mode of activation of bacterial collagenase. PMID- 13463012 TI - Ribonucleic acids from yeast which contain a fifth nucleotide. PMID- 13463013 TI - Sex differences in orientation of reduction products of 3-keto-C19 steroids by rat liver homogenates. PMID- 13463014 TI - The role of glutamine in protein biosynthesis in tissue culture. PMID- 13463015 TI - The metabolism of the organic acids of tobacco leaves. XIV. On the uptake of (+) tartaric acid from solutions in the range pH 3 to pH 6. PMID- 13463016 TI - The enzymatic synthesis of cytidine diphosphate choline. PMID- 13463017 TI - Carotenoids in man. II. Fractions obtained from atherosclerotic and normal aortas, serum, and depot fat by separation on alumina. PMID- 13463018 TI - Catalase inhibition by normal and neoplastic tissue extracts. PMID- 13463019 TI - 5'-Adenylic acid deaminase. I. Isolation of the crystalline enzyme from rabbit skeletal muscle. PMID- 13463020 TI - 5'-Adenylic acid deaminase. II. Homogeneity and physicochemical properties. PMID- 13463021 TI - 5'-Adenylic acid deaminase. III. Properties and kinetic studies. PMID- 13463022 TI - The transport of fatty acids in the blood. PMID- 13463023 TI - The metabolism of the essential fatty acids. VI. Distribution of unsaturated fatty acids in rats on fat-free and supplemented diets. PMID- 13463024 TI - Studies of the New Hampshire chicken embryo. VIII. Glycoproteins of serum. PMID- 13463025 TI - Observations on the analysis for thrombin and the inactivation of fibrin monomer. PMID- 13463026 TI - Absorption and metabolism of hydrocortisone-4-C14. PMID- 13463027 TI - Proteins in multiple myeloma. VII. The free amino groups of Bence-Jones proteins. PMID- 13463028 TI - Kinetic properties of a reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide cytochrome c reductase from heart muscle. PMID- 13463029 TI - The use of aminobutyric acid-3-C14 for pyrimidine biogenesis by Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13463030 TI - Incomplete spinal cord injuries; with Brown-Sequard phenomena. PMID- 13463031 TI - The Moe plate in interochanteric fractures of the femur. PMID- 13463032 TI - Congenital deformity of the carpus associated with maldevelopment of certain thenar muscles. PMID- 13463033 TI - Reduction of Smith's fracture. PMID- 13463034 TI - Unreduced anterior dislocation of the hip. PMID- 13463035 TI - Arthrodesis of the hip with a lag-screw. PMID- 13463036 TI - Flexion-compression injury of the sternum. PMID- 13463037 TI - Aneurysm complicating traumatic spondylolisthesis. PMID- 13463038 TI - Errors of diagnosis revealed at meniscectomy. PMID- 13463039 TI - Anterior dislocation of the head of the radius associated with undisplaced fracture of the olecranon in children. PMID- 13463040 TI - Ainhum. PMID- 13463041 TI - Partial cubo-navicular coalition as a cause of peroneal spastic flat foot. PMID- 13463042 TI - Multifocal osteogenic sarcoma; report of a case. PMID- 13463043 TI - Air embolism as a complication of medullary nailing. PMID- 13463044 TI - Report of the treatment of experimental fat embolism with heparin. PMID- 13463045 TI - Local gigantism. PMID- 13463046 TI - The reactions of injured human articular cartilage. PMID- 13463047 TI - Femoral growth after occlusion of the principal nutrient canal in day-old rabbits. PMID- 13463048 TI - Charles Bell Keetley (1848-1909). PMID- 13463049 TI - IN MEMORIAM; Selwyn B. Morris, 1906-1956. PMID- 13463050 TI - An impression of medical training and practice in Australia today. PMID- 13463051 TI - Disseminated moniliasis: a case report. PMID- 13463052 TI - Experimental fibrillation and defibrillation of the ventricles of a dog under ether anaesthesia. PMID- 13463053 TI - Lucknow. PMID- 13463055 TI - Nutritional deficiency. PMID- 13463054 TI - The problem of communication of ideas in rural areas. PMID- 13463056 TI - Some implications of mortality statistics relating to coronary artery disease. PMID- 13463057 TI - Some epidemiologic aspects of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13463058 TI - Studies of serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels, previously lowered by a reduced fat intake, after the addition of corn oil to the diet. PMID- 13463059 TI - The effect of adrenergic blocking agents (including chlorpromazine) on serum lipid levels of patients with disorders of fat metabolism. PMID- 13463060 TI - A method for evaluation of laxative habits in human subjects. PMID- 13463061 TI - Diabetes mellitus and pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463062 TI - The rising tide of infection of syphilis. PMID- 13463063 TI - Endocrine abnormalities accompanying hepatic cirrhosis and hepatoma. PMID- 13463064 TI - A quantitative study of the effect of thyrotropin upon the thyroidal secretion rate in euthyroid and thyrotoxic subjects. PMID- 13463065 TI - Differences in metabolism of prednisolone-C14 and cortisol-C14. PMID- 13463066 TI - Dehydroepiandrosterone and androsterone levels in human plasma: effect of age and sex; day-to-day and diurnal variations. PMID- 13463067 TI - A test for qualitative and quantitative estimation of pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-triol-11-one in urine, and its significance in adrenal disturbances. PMID- 13463068 TI - Pyrimidine metabolism in diabetes mellitus studied with the uracil tolerance test. PMID- 13463070 TI - Effect of re-use of Rana pipiens upon the accuracy of the pregnancy test. PMID- 13463069 TI - Inactivation of antidiuretic substance by human liver. PMID- 13463071 TI - Observations on hypoparathyroidism. I. Exfoliative dermatitis as the presenting sign of hypoparathyroidism: a case report. PMID- 13463072 TI - Observations on hypoparathyroidism. II. Inactivation of parathyroid hormone in a case of clinical hypoparathyroidism. PMID- 13463073 TI - Calcium metabolism, bones and calcium homeostasis; a review of certain current concepts. PMID- 13463074 TI - THE INTRAVENOUS use of sodium tolbutamide in acute studies. PMID- 13463075 TI - Differential screening of phrenotropic agents in man: psychophysiologio test data. PMID- 13463076 TI - Serial autonomic testing in psychiatric disorders. PMID- 13463077 TI - A comparative evaluation of two new central nervous system stimulants in severe psychoses. PMID- 13463078 TI - Evaluation of chlorpromazine and reserpine therapy with follow-up study. PMID- 13463079 TI - A controlled clinical psychiatric study of chlorpromazine. PMID- 13463080 TI - Action of serotonin and cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenics on the brain of the dog. PMID- 13463081 TI - Exchange of ceruloplasmin copper with ionic Cu64 with reference to Wilson's disease. PMID- 13463082 TI - The influence of ethanol upon maintained water diuresis in man. PMID- 13463083 TI - Studies on copper metabolism. XXIII. Portal (Laennec's) cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13463084 TI - The distribution and excretion of phenobarbital. PMID- 13463085 TI - Apparent free amino acids in deproteinized plasma of normal and uremic persons. PMID- 13463086 TI - Further observations on the hemodynamic effect of plasma volume expansion by dextran. PMID- 13463087 TI - Skeletal muscle analyses in health and in certain metabolic disorders. I. The method of analysis and the values in normal muscle. PMID- 13463088 TI - Cation accumulation by muscle tissue: the displacement of potassium by rubidium and cesium in the living animal. PMID- 13463089 TI - Porto-caval and porto-pulmonary anastomoses in Laennec's cirrhosis and in heart failure. PMID- 13463090 TI - Studies on phenolic steroids in human subjects. II. The metabolic fate and hepato biliary-enteric circulation of C14-estrone and C14-estradiol in women. PMID- 13463091 TI - Pathways of glycogen formation in liver and skeletal muscle in fed and fasted rats. PMID- 13463092 TI - The effect of histamine on skin and deep temperatures in man with particular reference to liver temperature. PMID- 13463093 TI - Depletion of carcass potassium in rats made hypertensive with desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) and with cortisone. PMID- 13463094 TI - The physiological disposition and metabolic fate of cortisone in man. PMID- 13463095 TI - Thyroid-adrenocortical interrelations; failure to demonstrate antagonism between triiodothyronine and hydrocortisone in man. PMID- 13463096 TI - The influence of autonomic vasoregulatory reflexes on the rate of sodium and water excretion in man. PMID- 13463097 TI - Acid mucopolysaccharides in normal serum. PMID- 13463098 TI - Thyroxine-binding by serum and urine proteins in nephrosis; qualitative aspects. PMID- 13463099 TI - A comparison of the phenylalanine content of the hemoglobin of normal and phenylketonuric individuals: determination by ion exchange chromatography. PMID- 13463100 TI - Physiological disposition of 4-C14-cortisol during late pregnancy. PMID- 13463101 TI - A simple nephelometric method for the determination of human serum betalipoprotein. PMID- 13463102 TI - Influence of cortisone and prednisolone on hyperbilirubinemia. PMID- 13463103 TI - The relationship of total exchangeable potassium and chloride to lean body mass, red cell mass and creatinine excretion in man. PMID- 13463104 TI - Haematite pneumoconiosis in Cumberland miners. PMID- 13463105 TI - Pulmonary platelet thrombo-embolism. PMID- 13463106 TI - Atypical acid-alcohol-fast bacilli cultured from human urines. PMID- 13463107 TI - Plate coagulase and fibrinolysin tests for staphylococci. PMID- 13463108 TI - A study of Proteus infections in a male urological ward. PMID- 13463109 TI - Some observations on the serological typing of Staphylococcus pyogenes. PMID- 13463110 TI - Sensitivity of Candida strains to nystatin. PMID- 13463111 TI - The differentiation of coliform organisms infecting the urinary tract. PMID- 13463112 TI - The prolonged survival of upper respiratory tract and intestinal pathogens on swabs. PMID- 13463113 TI - Two cases of meningitis due to Erysipelothrix monocytogenes. PMID- 13463114 TI - Studies on concurrent sensitization and trypsinlzation with the development of a simple trypsin tube test for routine Rhesus grouping and as a screening test for incomplete antibodies. PMID- 13463115 TI - Slide screening test for glandular fever. PMID- 13463116 TI - The effects of heating anti-human globulin sera. PMID- 13463117 TI - Microscopical examination of the buffy coat from the haematocrit in the investigation of anaemia in pregnancy. PMID- 13463118 TI - The burr red cell and azotaemia. PMID- 13463119 TI - Pernicious anaemia complicated by granulocytic leukaemia. PMID- 13463120 TI - A comparison of brain thromboplastin preparations used for testing prothrombin efficiency. PMID- 13463121 TI - A technique for estimating the bone marrow cellularity in vivo using 59Fe. PMID- 13463122 TI - The sweat test in the diagnosis of fibrocystic disease of the pancreas. PMID- 13463123 TI - Conventional tests in the study of thyroid disease. PMID- 13463124 TI - The serum proteins of healthy adult Nigerians. PMID- 13463125 TI - A simple method of defining osteoid in undecalcified sections. PMID- 13463126 TI - A rapid method for estimating fibrinogen in plasma. PMID- 13463127 TI - A simplified method for polarized light observations with the binocular microscope. PMID- 13463128 TI - A digestion rack for Kjeldahl flasks. PMID- 13463129 TI - Child personality structure as revealed in teachers' behavior ratings. PMID- 13463130 TI - Parental atitudes and academic achievement. PMID- 13463131 TI - Authoritarian paterns in the mothers of schizophrenics. PMID- 13463132 TI - Authoritarian attitudes in children. I. The effect of age, IQ, anxiety and parental religious attitudes. PMID- 13463133 TI - Sex role expectations and criteria of social adjustment for young adults. PMID- 13463134 TI - Outcome of employing three techniques of psychotherapy. PMID- 13463135 TI - MMPI performance and electroshock treatment. PMID- 13463136 TI - Patient types in outpatient psychotherapy. PMID- 13463137 TI - Rhythmical responses of low grade and middle grade mental defectives to music therapy. PMID- 13463138 TI - Some normative data on new MMPI scales. PMID- 13463139 TI - Serial verbal learning and retroactive inhibition in aments and children. PMID- 13463140 TI - A comparison of slow learner's scores on three individual intelligence scales. PMID- 13463141 TI - Neurosis and problemsolving behavior. PMID- 13463142 TI - Reliability of clinical judgment as a function of clinical experience. PMID- 13463143 TI - Context effects in judgment as a function of experience. PMID- 13463144 TI - Galvanic skin responses accompanying the picture-frustration study. PMID- 13463145 TI - Further study of psychogalvanometric test for neuroticism. PMID- 13463146 TI - Multiple solution anagram solving as an index of anxiety. PMID- 13463148 TI - Psychodiagnostic limitations of Szondi interseries changes. PMID- 13463147 TI - Trait judgment of photographs by neuropsychiatric patients. PMID- 13463149 TI - The importance of the pictorial aspect in determining performance on the picture frustration study. PMID- 13463150 TI - Self-perceptions of neuropsychiatric patients on the W-A-Y test. PMID- 13463151 TI - Comparison of normals and schizophrenics on a work-oriented projective technique. PMID- 13463152 TI - Conditioned flexion reflexes acquired during combined catalepsy and de efferentation. PMID- 13463153 TI - Uniphasic and diphasic wave forms of the skin potential response. PMID- 13463154 TI - Tachistoscopic identification of contour in patients with brain damage. PMID- 13463155 TI - Perceptual curiosity exploratory behavior, and maze learning. PMID- 13463156 TI - Hunger drive and reinforcing effect of novel stimuli. PMID- 13463157 TI - Discrimination learning by rhesus monkeys to auditory incentives. PMID- 13463158 TI - Evidence for a dual reinforcing effect of sugar. PMID- 13463159 TI - Motivation, performance, and extinction. PMID- 13463160 TI - The effects of training to approach vs. to escape from electric shock upon subsequent discrimination learning. PMID- 13463161 TI - Solution of oddity problems by cats. PMID- 13463162 TI - Matching in pigeons. PMID- 13463163 TI - The relation of secondary reinforcement to partial reinforcement. PMID- 13463164 TI - The classical conditioning of the consummatory response as a determinant of instrumental performance. PMID- 13463165 TI - Concurrent activity under fixed-interval reinforcement. PMID- 13463166 TI - A comparison of two types of warning stimulus in an avoidance situation. PMID- 13463167 TI - Transfer from a stimulus complex to differentially discriminable components. PMID- 13463168 TI - Transposition of response by children trained in intermediate-size problems. PMID- 13463169 TI - Laterality in the use of the hand, foot, and eye in monkeys. PMID- 13463170 TI - A comparison of the effects of ECS and anesthesia on acquisition of the maze habit. PMID- 13463171 TI - Sound-induced convulsions in rats subjected to cerebellar damage. PMID- 13463172 TI - Sound-induced convulsions in rats treated with reserpine. PMID- 13463173 TI - Two procedures for the establishment of imitative behavior. PMID- 13463174 TI - Successive discrimination reversal learning in the white rat: a comparison of two procedures. PMID- 13463175 TI - The factorial structure of the WAIS between early adulthood and old age. PMID- 13463176 TI - Psychological changes over a five year period following bilateral prefrontal lobotomy. PMID- 13463177 TI - The question of deterioration in alcoholism. PMID- 13463178 TI - A further note on chlorpromazine: maze reactions. PMID- 13463179 TI - Measures of conformity as found in the Rosenzweig P-F study and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. PMID- 13463180 TI - A multidimensional comparison of therapist activity in analytic and client centered therapy. PMID- 13463181 TI - Improvement and amount of therapeutic contact: an alternative to the use of no treatment controls in psychotherapy. PMID- 13463182 TI - A comparison of remainers and defectors among child clinic patients. PMID- 13463183 TI - The effectiveness of group psychotherapy with chronic schizophrenic patients and an evalution of different therapeutic methods. PMID- 13463184 TI - The need for representative design in studies of interpersonal perception. PMID- 13463185 TI - A note on the clinical validity of the Marsh-Hilliard-Liechti MMPI sexual deviation scale. PMID- 13463186 TI - The significance of patient-staff rapport in the rehabilitation of individuals with chronic physical illness. PMID- 13463187 TI - Behn-Rorschach under standard and stress conditions. PMID- 13463188 TI - Visual and verbal presentation of TAT stimuli. PMID- 13463189 TI - An inventory for assessing different kinds of hostility. PMID- 13463190 TI - The deliberate use of a set to fake in personality questionnaires. PMID- 13463191 TI - Differential qualitative performance of delinquents on the Porteus maze. PMID- 13463192 TI - Manifest anxiety and projective and objective measures of need achievement. PMID- 13463193 TI - The effectiveness of the Bender-Gestalt in differential diagnosis. PMID- 13463194 TI - Rorschach animal responses and intelligence. PMID- 13463195 TI - A study of hypertension over the age of 40 in Egypt. PMID- 13463196 TI - Rupture of the heart in recent myocardial infarction. PMID- 13463197 TI - Concentrated radiotherapy of tuberculous lymphadenitis. PMID- 13463198 TI - Experience with angiocardiography, selective angiography and the related radiodiagnostic techniques. PMID- 13463199 TI - Field studies on the action of copper sulphate as a molluscocide for control of the snail vectors of schistosomiasis in Egypt. PMID- 13463200 TI - Chlorpromazine premedication in spinal anaesthesia. PMID- 13463201 TI - Evaluation of the late results of mitral valvulotomy. PMID- 13463202 TI - Anaesthesia for mitral commissurotomy. PMID- 13463203 TI - Triple rhythm: a phonocardiographic study. PMID- 13463204 TI - Clinical assay of a new digitalis preparation. PMID- 13463205 TI - The blood and bone marrow pictures in typhus. PMID- 13463206 TI - Regitine test in hypertension. PMID- 13463207 TI - Hernia of the nerve root; a cause of sciatica. PMID- 13463208 TI - Blood group gene frequencies in the Egyptian people and their racial origins. PMID- 13463209 TI - Distribution and ecology of the snail vectors of Schistosomiasis in Egypt. PMID- 13463210 TI - Research on medical problems of national importance (Schistosomiasis, rheumatism and poliomyelitis). PMID- 13463211 TI - The anencephalic skull and a vascular theory of causation. PMID- 13463212 TI - Tumours of the glomus jugulare; critical review of the literature; report of a case. PMID- 13463213 TI - The chemical and bactericidal behaviour of synthetic ion exchange resins. PMID- 13463214 TI - Combined ligation of hepatic and splenic arteries in Egyptian splenomegaly. PMID- 13463215 TI - Pott's disease; incidence with a review of 130 cases from Helwan sanatorium. PMID- 13463216 TI - Amoebicidals and their effect on human nutrition: a preliminary report. PMID- 13463217 TI - The comparative efficiency of some quinoline compounds used alone or in combination with sulphonamides in the treatment of amoebic dysentery. PMID- 13463218 TI - The effect of water movement on populations of Bulinus truncatus. PMID- 13463219 TI - Tuberculous or tuberculoid lesions in association with cancer, with a case report. PMID- 13463220 TI - The standard conditions in basal metabolic rate determinations. PMID- 13463221 TI - Studies on human lactation. PMID- 13463222 TI - A new ganglion blocking agent of the thiophonium derivatives in hypotensive anaesthesia. PMID- 13463223 TI - Report on the subcuticular suture, its use in different incisions and with different materials. PMID- 13463224 TI - The effect of pituitary growth hormone on the level and turnover of nucle acids and phospholipids of the rat's liver. PMID- 13463225 TI - The preventive effect of glucagon (HGF) against the diabetogenic action of alloxan and its antagonism by insulin. PMID- 13463226 TI - Comparative antioestrogenic potencies of progesterone and esterified 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone in the guinea-pig. PMID- 13463227 TI - Modification of response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone by the simultaneous administration of gonadotrophic hormones or oestrogen. PMID- 13463228 TI - The growth-stimulating effect of growth hormone and L-thyroxine on the mammary glands and uterus of the mouse. PMID- 13463229 TI - A study of the proteins in the follicular fluid of the cow. PMID- 13463230 TI - The oestrous cycle and gestation period in the lactating field vole, Microtus agrestis. PMID- 13463231 TI - Increased adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the sera of acutely scorbutic guinea pigs. PMID- 13463232 TI - The action of testosterone on the sebaceous glands and epidermis in castrated and hypophysectomized male rats. PMID- 13463233 TI - The metabolic reduction of 16 alpha-hydroxyoestrone to oestriol in man. PMID- 13463234 TI - The urinary excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in human pregnancy. PMID- 13463235 TI - Enhancement by triodothyronine of response to corticotrophin in anterior hypopituitarism. PMID- 13463236 TI - The number of oocytes in ovarian autografts. PMID- 13463237 TI - The effect of long periods of continuous hydration on the neurosecretory material in the hypothalamus of the dog. PMID- 13463238 TI - Studies on the influence of sex hormones on the avian liver. I. Sexual differences in avian liver clearance curves. PMID- 13463239 TI - Studies on the influence of sex hormones on the avian liver. II. Acute liver damage in the male fowl, and the protective effect of oestrogen, as determined by a liver function test. PMID- 13463240 TI - Studies on the influence of sex hormones on the avian liver. III. Oestrogen induced regeneration of the chronically damaged liver. PMID- 13463241 TI - The pattern of distribution of thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid in the early rabbit embryo. PMID- 13463242 TI - Light-induced changes in some endocrine organs of the vole (Microtus agrestis). PMID- 13463243 TI - The development of the Sertoli cell. PMID- 13463244 TI - The effect of parabiosis on the cryptorchid mouse. PMID- 13463245 TI - Effects of cortisone and prednisolone on the water metabolism of rats with nutritional oedema. PMID- 13463246 TI - Long chain formation by strains of group A streptococci in the presence of homologous antiserum: a type-specific reaction. AB - Strains of group A streptococci, types 30 and 12, were observed to grow in extremely long chains in liquid media to which homologous antiserum was added. Addition to the media of antisera to heterologous types of streptococci failed to produce long chain growth. The long chain effect was destroyed by absorption of the antiserum with organisms of homologous type but was unaffected by absorption with organisms of heterologous types. The reaction disappeared at concentrations of antisera smaller than 0.25 per cent and was independent of complement or other heat-labile serum factors. Addition of trypsin to the culture to remove M protein from cells prevented long chain formation. The long chain effect depended upon the constant presence of antibody to the media. In its absence, the organisms promptly reverted to short chain growth. The phenomenon appears to have general applicability to those strains rich in M protein with only an occasional strain not responding as described. Further studies are in progress to determine the cause of this atypical response. The applicability of this phenomenon in detecting type-specific antibody using indicator strains of a variety of streptococcal types is discussed. PMID- 13463247 TI - Dissimilarity in oxygen consumption between the thoracic and abdominal aorta in rats. AB - Measurement of oxygen uptake by thoracic and abdominal segments of rat aorta showed significantly lower rates in the abdominal than in the thoracic aorta of adult animals. The evidence suggests that as a rat ages the respiratory rate of abdominal aorta falls more sharply than that of the thoracic segment. This result may provide an explanation for the relatively high incidence of atherosclerosis in abdominal aorta. PMID- 13463248 TI - Studies on bacteriophages of hemolytic streptococci. I. Factors influencing the interaction of phage and susceptible host cell. AB - The host ranges of bacteriophages for group A, types 1, 6, 12, and 25 and group C streptococci have been determined. The findings indicate that the susceptibility to these phages is primarily a group-specific phenomenon, although it is modified by several factors such as the hyaluronic acid capsule, lysogeny, and possibly the presence of surface proteins. Phage antibody studies indicate that while the group A phages are antigenically related, they are distinct from the group C phage. This is in agreement with the observation that group A phages are not specific for their homologous streptococcal types. The purified group C carbohydrate inactivates group C phage but not the group A phages, thus suggesting that the carbohydrate, a component of the cell wall, may serve as the phage receptor site. It has not been possible to inactivate the group A phages with group A carbohydrate. Phage lysis of groups A and C streptococci is accompanied by fragmentation of the cell wall since the C carbohydrate has been identified serologically and chemically in the supernate of centrifuged lysates. The immediate lysis of groups A and C hemolytic streptococci and their isolated cell walls by an accesory heat-labile lytic factor in fresh group C lysates is also described. PMID- 13463249 TI - The relationship between the vascular manifestations of shock produced by endotoxin, trauma, and hemorrhage. I. Certain similarities between the reactions in normal and endotoxin-tolerant rats. AB - The vascular effects of lethal doses of E. coli endotoxin, as observed in the mesentery of the rat, resemble the reactions of traumatic and hemorrhagic shock in the following respects: a profound inhibition of arteriolar and precapillary reactivity to topical epinephrine occurs after an initial stage of hyperreactivity; the small veins show failure to relax completely following constrictor doses of epinephrine; and the terminal vessels develop an unusual sensitivity to fluctuations in temperature of the fluid irrigating the tissue. Rats in which tolerance to bacterial endotoxin is induced, by repeated doses given daily, become highly resistant to the lethal effects of both drum trauma and hemorrhagic shock. However, rats in which the adaptation to traumatic shock is produced by repeated exposure to drum trauma, do not develop a significant degree of tolerance to lethal doses of endotoxin. The injection of small non lethal doses of bacterial endotoxin during non-lethal episodes of trauma or hemorrhage, leads to the development of irreversible shock and death. The bearing of these findings on the problem of the relationship between endotoxin and traumatic shock is discussed. PMID- 13463250 TI - The relationship between the vascular manifestations of shock produced by endotoxin, trauma, and hemorrhage. II. The possible role of the reticulo endothelial system in resistance to each type of shock. AB - In studies designed to establish the interrelationship between bacterial endotoxins and the vascular sequelae of hemorrhagic and traumatic shock, the effect of factors known to influence the phagocytic behavior of the reticulo endothelial system (RES) were investigated. Measures which induced a so called "blockade" of the RES were uniformly associated with an exacerbation of the vascular effects of the endotoxin of E. coli. Such pretreatment also counteracted the cross-tolerance induced by endotoxins against the lethal effects of hemorrhage or drum trauma. The vascular reactions characteristic of irreversible hemorrhagic shock could be simulated by a combination of pretreatment with carbon or proferrin and the infusion of small doses of E. coli endotoxin. An increase in the phagocytic activity of the RES, induced by repeated injections of certain colloids, was associated with an enhanced tolerance of shock. Measurement of carbon clearance values indicated that although an augmented phagocytic capacity was present in rats with induced tolerance to bacterial endotoxins, the development of resistance to trauma was not associated with a comparable change in the phagocytic function of the RES. PMID- 13463251 TI - Desoxycorticosterone-mimetic action of ammoniated glycyrrhizin in rats. AB - The desexycorticosterone-mimetic action of ammoniated glycyrrhizin on electrolyte and water metabolism and on pituitary-adrenal function, was demonstrated in rats. Retention of sodium and water was observed in both intact and adrenalectomized rats during 4 hour minerosteroid assays, the degree of retention being a function of log dose. In intact rats, the antidiuretic effect of glycyrrhizin was immediate and cumulative, while retention of sodium appeared only after a latent period and did not increase with time. Adrenalectomized rats, 3 days after the operation, showed a more marked antidiuretic effect than intact rats, but no greater retention of sodium. Rats receiving glycyrrhizin prior to histamine stress showed a marked decrease in adrenal ascorbic acid depletion, suggesting that glycyrrhizin had suppressed the output of ACTH. Whether glycyrrhizin acts on the same target organ as desoxycorticosterone in producing sodium and water retention is still an open question. However, the fact that it is capable of producing a pituitary-adrenal inhibition which resembles that of naturally occurring adrenal steroids is further evidence of the strong pharmacological resemblance between glycyrrhizin and desoxycorticosterone. PMID- 13463252 TI - Studies of the plasmin system. I. Measurement of human and animal plasminogen; measurement of an activator in human serum. AB - A general assay method involving casein digestion is shown to be applicable for determination of several components of the plasmin system. Total plasminogen of human serum can be measured by use of sufficient streptokinase for instantaneous activation, accompanied by protection of the active plasmin with casein. Total plasminogen of guinea pig serum can be measured after complete activation with streptokinase in combination with human activator. The activator principle in whole human serum can be measured by its ability to activate guinea pig plasminogen. PMID- 13463254 TI - Toxoplasmosis, congenital and acquired; ocular manifestations. PMID- 13463253 TI - The preparation, purification, and amino acid sequence of a polypeptide renin substrate. AB - A purified preparation of a polypeptide renin substrate prepared by tryptic degradation of the protein renin substrate has been analyzed by the fluorodinitrobenzene method and after degradation with renin, carboxypeptidase, and phenylisothiocyanate, has been found to possess the amino acid sequence; asp arg-val-tyr-ileu-his-pro-phe-his-leu-leu-val-tyr-ser. The first 10 of these amino acids constitutes hypertensin I which is released by cleavage of the leucyl leucine bond by renin. The remaining 4 amino acids, leu, val, tyr, ser, apparently link hypertensin I to the protein renin substrate. PMID- 13463255 TI - Optimal timing in elective pediatric surgery. PMID- 13463256 TI - To catch a thief. PMID- 13463257 TI - Rapport in medicine. PMID- 13463258 TI - Progress report: University of Miami School of Medicine. PMID- 13463259 TI - University of Florida College of Medicine. PMID- 13463260 TI - HISTORY and development of postgraduate medical education in Florida. PMID- 13463261 TI - A remodeling of the educational foundation for practice through postgraduate medical education. PMID- 13463262 TI - Progress in cancer control. PMID- 13463263 TI - A brief preliminary report on a new anticholinergic: hexocyclium methosulfate. PMID- 13463264 TI - Hazards in the management of peptic ulcer with anticholinergic drugs; a re emphasis and re-evaluation. PMID- 13463265 TI - Neglected phase of management of bronchial asthma. PMID- 13463266 TI - The treatment of cardiac arrhythmias by drugs. PMID- 13463267 TI - A model of growth and growth control in mathematical terms. AB - A PRACTICABLE MODEL OF THE GROWTH PROCESS, WHICH GIVES BETTER DEFINITION TO THE PROBLEM OF GROWTH AND GROWTH REGULATION AND GREATER PRECISION TO RELATED EXPERIMENTAL WORK THAN DO EARLIER MODELS, IS DEVELOPED ON THE BASIS OF THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: "Growth" is the net balance of mass produced and retained over mass destroyed and otherwise lost, implying continual metabolic degradation and replacement. Terminal size represents stationary equilibrium between incremental and decremental components. The mass of an organic system consists of two functionally different components,-generative and differentiated. Generative mass increases by the catalytic action of key compounds ("templates") characteristic of each cell type. Each cell also produces specific freely diffusible compounds antagonistic to these templates ("antitemplates"). Growth regulation occurs automatically by a negative "feedback" in which increasing numbers of antitemplates progressively block the corresponding templates. Differential equations expressing these interrelationships are formulated, integrated, and the solutions evaluated for the case of chick growth. These specific solutions lead to descriptions of the normal growth of a biological system which are in good agreement with known facts, and to predictions of the course of automatic growth regulations after experimental or pathological disturbances which reproduce adequately biological observations in this domain. PMID- 13463268 TI - Factors influencing the uptake and loss of radiosulfate by rat renal cortical tissue in vitro. AB - Rat kidney cortical slices, during incubation in vitro, lose previously accumulated radiosulfur when exposed to conditions (e.g. addition to the medium of metabolic inhibitors) which normally depress the uptake of S(35). The extent of this loss is not affected significantly by the presence of phlorhizin, an agent which enhances markedly radiosulfate accumulation. On the other hand, when tissues are chilled to 1 degrees C., loss is slight or negligible even in the presence of metabolic inhibitors. These data, and observations on the effect of pre-incubation of kidney slices in S(35)-free media before the addition of radiosulfate, have been interpreted as evidence that S(35) accumulation in vitro may be resolved into at least two processes, namely (a) entrance of the isotope labelled anion into the cells, by diffusion and/or active transport, and (b) complexing of S(35) (in ionic or other form) with an intracellular component. The postulated complex is stabilized, perhaps through inactivation of a specific enzyme, by chilling the tissue to 1 degrees C. Possible relationships are discussed among the observations noted above, sulfur metabolism in general, and aspects of the known in vivo transport mechanism for sulfate ion; i.e., renal tubular reabsorption. PMID- 13463269 TI - Studies on Streptococcus pyogenes. III. The effect of trypsin and a cationic detergent on the structure, permeability, and metabolism of the cell. AB - Electron microscopic observations of Streptococcus pyogenes (strain S43, type 6) treated with trypsin and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (Cetab) are presented. The concentration of trypsin necessary to remove the M protein antigen was shown to bring about a partial digestion of the cells. The cell protoplasm and protoplasmic membrane were affected. No microscopic changes appeared in the cell wall. Cetab did not alter the appearance of the cells. Both trypsin and detergent altered the permeability of the cell so that citrulline and carbamylphosphate were metabolized. Cells exhibiting enzyme activity on these substrates after Cetab treatment were characterized by the release of lysine, glutamic acid, nucleic acid, and other cellular material. Enzymes responsible for the metabolism of arginine, citrulline, and carbamylphosphate were shown to reside in the cell protoplasm. Cells which had lost their viability after Cetab treatment still possessed the ability to utilize the latter substrates. Under similar conditions the metabolism of glucose did not occur. Normal cells were shown to possess the ability to fluoresce in the presence of a dye. The intensity of the fluorescence was reduced by trypsin treatment. PMID- 13463270 TI - Properties of phycobilins from Porphyra naiadum. AB - The phycobilin pigments were freshly extracted from Porphyra naiadum in the cold. At least two types of phycoerythrin (I and II) can be distinguished by electrophoresis, chromatography, and spectral characteristics. At pH 5.0 phycoerythrin II has a relatively large negative charge, while phycoerythrin I is nearly iso-electric. At pH 7.0, however, phycoerythrin I has the larger negative charge. Mobilities have been calculated by visual measurement of electrophoresis. Phycoerythrin II can be converted to phycoerythrin I by storing at pH 7.0. Chromatography indicates at least two types of phycocyanin as well. PMID- 13463271 TI - The amino acid requirements of rabbit fibroblasts, strain RM3-56. AB - Strain RM3-56 of rabbit fibroblasts was found to require arginine, cystine, glutamine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine for growth in a medium containing 2 per cent dialyzed serum as the only undefined component. The requirement for serine is less specific than that of the other 13 amino acids and it is partially replaced by glycine, or alanine, or by several combinations of so called accessory amino acids. The concentrations of essential amino acids which permit maximal proliferation range from 0.005 to 0.3 mM. Cystine, glutamine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine are toxic at concentrations of 5 mM. The rate of proliferation of RM3-56 in a medium containing all 14 essential amino acids is increased significantly by the addition of alanine and to a lesser extent by the addition of aspartic and glutamic acids and glycine. A deficiency of cystine or glutamine results in cellular degeneration within 3 to 5 days, whereas the cells remain in good condition for 2 to 3 weeks in the absence of each of the remaining 12 essential amino acids. The results obtained with RM3-56 are compared with strains HeLa, L, and U12, whose amino acid requirements have been investigated under similar conditions. PMID- 13463272 TI - Studies of the chloride transport in the gastric mucosa of the frog. AB - The unidirectional fluxes of Cl(-) and Na(+) across the frog gastric mucosa in vitro were investigated with radioactive isotopes, and related to the secretory and electrical properties of the normal, and metabolically inhibited, mucosa. The flux of Cl(-) from nutrient to secretory surface of the mucosa was observed to rise sharply with increasing acid secretion, while the corresponding flux of Na(+) did not change appreciably. Lowering [NaCl] in the secretory solution caused a proportional drop in the fluxes from secretory to nutrient surface, of both Cl(-) and Na(+). Under the same conditions, the flux of Cl(-) from nutrient to secretory surface fell by nearly the same amount as did the flux of Cl(-) in the opposite direction, while the flux of Na(+) from nutrient to secretory surface remained essentially unchanged. Electrical and hydrodynamic causes for this observation could be excluded. Metabolic inhibitors, including cyanide, azide, DNP, and anaerobiosis depressed Cl(-) flux in both directions distinctly below the corresponding values observed with the normal, non-secreting mucosa. At the same time, a decrease in electrical potential difference and conductance was observed under inhibition. The flux of Na(+) was little changed by metabolic inhibition. The relationship between fluxes and conductance of Cl(-) during metabolic inhibition differs markedly from that observed under normal conditions, and is consistent with the view that during metabolic inhibition most of the Cl( ) moving across the mucosa does so as a free ion. From the above data it is concluded that Cl(-) is normally transported across the mucosa in combination with a carrier, the supply of which is impaired under metabolic inhibition. According to the behavior of the Na(+) flux, the passive permeability of the mucosa appeared to be little affected by the metabolic inhibition applied, but seemed to rise considerably after death of the mucosa, probably due to structural damage. PMID- 13463273 TI - The proportion of mutants in bacterial cultures. AB - The proportion of mutants in a growing culture of organisms will depend upon (a) the rate at which the wild cells produce them (with or without growth), (b) the back mutation rate, and (c) the growth rates of the wild and mutant cells. If the mutation rate without growth and the back mutation rate are neglected, the growth of a mutant is expressed by See PDF for Equation and the ratio of the mutant to wild by See PDF for Equation in which lambda = mutation frequency rate constant, "mutation rate," A = growth rate constant of wild cells W, B = growth rate constant of mutant cells M. If the term [B - (1 - 2lambda)A] is positive, the proportion of mutants increases continuously. If it is negative, the proportion of mutants reaches a constant value See PDF for Equation If mutation is assumed to occur without growth at the rate C, then the corresponding equations are (11), (12), and (14). See PDF for Equation If (B + C - A) is negative and t = infinity, See PDF for Equation If C << A, See PDF for Equation PMID- 13463274 TI - The proportion of terramycin-resistant mutants in B. megatherium cultures. AB - The number of terramycin-resistant mutants in Bacillus megatherium cultures, their mutation rate, and the growth rate of the wild and mutant cells have been determined under various conditions. These values are in agreement with the following equations (Northrop and Kunitz, 1957):- See PDF for Equation lambda = mutation rate, A = growth rate constant of wild cells, B = growth rate constant of mutants, See PDF for Equation equilibrium. The value of the mutation rate as determined from equation (6) agrees with that found by the null fraction method. PMID- 13463275 TI - Ion and water fluxes in the ileum of rats. AB - Studies have been carried out on the movement of salt and water across the small intestine of the rat. Segments of the ileum of anesthetized rats have been perfused in vivo with unbuffered NaCl solutions or isotonic solutions of NaCl and mannitol. Kinetic analysis of movements of Na(24) and Cl(36) has permitted determination of the efflux and influx of Na and Cl. Net water absorption has been measured using hemoglobin as a reference substance. Water was found to move freely in response to gradients of osmotic pressure. Net water flux from isotonic solutions with varying NaCl concentration was directly dependent on net solute flux. The amount of water absorbed was equivalent to the amount required to maintain the absorbed solute at isotonic concentration. These results have been interpreted as indicating that water movement is a passive process depending on gradients of water activity and on the rate of absorption of solute. The effluxes of Na and Cl are linear functions of concentration in the lumen, but both ions are actively transported by the ileum according to the criterion of Ussing (Acta Physiol. Scand., 1949, 19, 43). The electrical potential difference between the lumen and plasma has been interpreted as a diffusion potential slightly modified by the excess of active Cl flux over active Na flux. The physical properties of the epithelial membrane indicate that it is equivalent to a membrane having negatively charged uniform right circular pores of 36 A radius occupying 0.001 per cent of the surface area. PMID- 13463276 TI - Permeation and diffusion of K ions in frog muscle. AB - The movements of tracer K and net changes of K have been measured in frog muscle. The quantities moving can be linearly related to the square root of the time after a delay of 4 to 30 minutes depending on the external K concentration. The slope of the uptake-t((1/2)) line is increased when the external K concentration is raised. The Q(10) of the uptake is about 1.9 per unit t((1/2)). K uptake from 1 to 2 mM concentration is diminished by a factor of about 2 if strophanthin is applied. The output per unit t((1/2)) is increased by a factor of about 1.4 by strophanthin. Tetrabutylammonium substituted for 10 per cent of the Na in the medium causes a reversible slowing of K uptake and Na output. The rates of movement found in the tracer experiments can be used to calculate the net losses of K taking place in K-free or strophanthin-containing media. The results are interpreted on the basis of K movement being limited both by a resistive outer layer and by diffusion within a K-rich region. The internal diffusion constant is 10(-11) to 10(-10) cm.(2) sec.(-1) depending on the K concentration. The rate of movement of the K can be related to the electrochemical activity of the ion, the lability of the sites on which it is absorbed, and cation + anion pair diffusion within the cell. The surface resistance to K ions can be accounted for as the sum of a membrane resistance equal to that found by electrical methods and the resistance offered to the movement of K by an annulus sufficiently thick (ca. 3 micro) to accommodate the cell Na at a density equal to the mean density of cation within the cell through which K diffuses with the same diffusion constant as holds in the K-rich region. Na movement, if assumed to take place by diffusion from the annulus with diffusion constant equal to that for K ions, has a rate which agrees well with observed values. The influence of strophanthin and tetrabutylammonium on the ion movements is interpreted as being the result of these agents causing an expansion of the outer non-selective region, normally occupied mainly by Na, at the expense of the inner K-rich region. PMID- 13463277 TI - Diffusion and permeation of cations in human and dog erythrocytes. AB - The kinetics of movement of tracer Na into human and dog red cells have been studied. The time courses of these processes and of K transfer were compared with the theoretical time course for saturation of a flat sheet having a resistive surface. The theoretical and the experimental curves when plotted against t((1/2)) have a considerable portion which is linear; on the basis of this resemblance the results are interpreted in terms of a permeability constant and an internal diffusion constant. It is supposed that selective adsorption acts to bring about concentration of K in the human cell and that the bulk of the Na of that cell is present in a thin outer region, while the K is in the interior. The action of strophanthin is to remove the usual limit to the Na capacity of the cell and it is proposed that the Na region increases in thickness at the expense of the K region. Omission of K from the medium has a similar result. Na uptake into poisoned cells measured either with tracer or as a net gain has a linear dependence upon t((1/2)) after a delay. The permeability of the dog cell to Na is reduced when K is added to the medium; this may be due to the formation of an outer K-rich region which imposes a resistance to Na movement. PMID- 13463278 TI - Studies on protein synthesis in vitro. VI. Incorporation and release of amino acids in particulate preparations from livers of rats. AB - The release of radioactive amino acid from the particulate fractions separated from the prelabelled livers of rats by centrifugation has been studied under various conditions. Although pure fractions may not have been obtained, great differences in behavior were observed. In the mitochondria and nuclei dinitrophenol (10(-4)M) causes an inhibition of release, but in microsomes the opposite effect is observed. When the incubation medium is fortified with ATP and phosphocreatine, release is inhibited. In microsomes and nuclei the inhibition proceeds to the extent that the incorporation of preformed radioactive amino acid occurs. Protein is synthesized at a rapid rate. In incubations longer than 1 hour there is always a release of radioactive amino acid. It is concluded from these results that the interpretation of release data from slices or systems such as those studied is impossible without further information concerning some of the unknown variables. The most important unknown is the specific activity of the "free" amino acid in the particulates and the effect of carrier amino acid in the medium of this specific activity. PMID- 13463279 TI - Relation of aggression in the personality to outcome with electro-convulsive shock therapy. PMID- 13463280 TI - Psychology and the logic of similarity. PMID- 13463281 TI - Figural after-effects, brain modifiability, and schizophrenia: a further study. PMID- 13463282 TI - Reasoning as an associative process. III. The role of verbal responses in problem solving. PMID- 13463283 TI - Psychologists' attitudes on psychological issues. II. Static-mechanical elementarism. PMID- 13463284 TI - Norms for three aspects of TAT behavior. PMID- 13463285 TI - The effect of lesions in the amygdaloid area in monkeys. PMID- 13463286 TI - The differentiation of temperament from personality. PMID- 13463287 TI - A method for educing the present correlates of perception; an introduction to the method of successive covariation. PMID- 13463288 TI - Figural after-effects and retinal induction. PMID- 13463289 TI - The effect of intention upon learning. PMID- 13463290 TI - An exploratory study in selective functions of concepts. PMID- 13463291 TI - Problem solving difficulty as function of deviation of meaning of physical cues from expected meaning. PMID- 13463292 TI - Longevity and the onset of lesions in male rats. PMID- 13463293 TI - Longevity of male and female house flies. PMID- 13463294 TI - Prolongation of the normal life span by radiation protection chemicals. PMID- 13463295 TI - Effects of age and endocrines on the mast cell counts of the rat myocardium. PMID- 13463296 TI - Skeletal lesions produced by chronic treatment with somatotrophic hormone (STH) and aminoacetonitrile (AAN). PMID- 13463297 TI - The lactic and malic dehydrogenase activities of aortic and pulmonary artery tissue in individuals of various ages. PMID- 13463298 TI - A study of age differences in the x-ray density of fiver bones in the adult human wrist and hand. PMID- 13463299 TI - Newer clinical and laboratory studies in the aged. XV. Changing lipoprotein patterns in the aged; a follow-up study. PMID- 13463300 TI - Light aversion motivation in psychologic studies of aging in rats. PMID- 13463301 TI - Set in relation to age. PMID- 13463302 TI - Ionizing radiation and the aging process; a review. PMID- 13463303 TI - Some effects of age on the quality of intellectual output. PMID- 13463304 TI - A proposed plan for old age security insurance. PMID- 13463305 TI - Metal reduction reactions of the melanins: silver and ferric ferricyanide reduction by various reagents in vitro. PMID- 13463306 TI - Metal reduction reactions of the melanins: histochemical studies. PMID- 13463308 TI - Trichoxanthin, the yellow granular pigment of guinea pig hair follicles and hairs. PMID- 13463307 TI - Histochemical studies of succinic dehydrogenase of the brain of mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. PMID- 13463309 TI - Distribution of phosphamidase activity in the male albino rat. PMID- 13463310 TI - The Feulgen-deoxyribonucleic acid absorption curve in normal and tumorous tissues. PMID- 13463311 TI - Cytophotometric determination of protein-bound disulfide groups. PMID- 13463312 TI - Radioautographic demonstration of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the adrenal medulla with I131-labelled iodate and iodate-formalin. PMID- 13463313 TI - Studies on tissue fixation: the penetration of trichloracetic acid solutions into rat tissues. PMID- 13463314 TI - Cytochemical demonstration of succinic dehydrogenase by the use of a new p nitrophenyl substituted ditetrazole. PMID- 13463315 TI - Henry Power on the Circulation of the blood. PMID- 13463316 TI - A note on Rosso and the illustrations to Charles Estienne's De Dissectione. PMID- 13463317 TI - Tobias Smollett (1721-1771)--the doctor as man of letters. PMID- 13463318 TI - Iconographies of medical portraits. PMID- 13463319 TI - Integration of human serum and serum fraction diffusion patterns; a study of zonal characteristics and complex reactions. PMID- 13463320 TI - Precipitin production in chickens. XV. The effect of aging of the antisera on precipitate formation. PMID- 13463321 TI - Interaction between internally labeled complement and specific precipitates. PMID- 13463322 TI - Studies on the hemagglutinin of infectious canine hepatitis virus. PMID- 13463323 TI - Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. III. Reactions in horse sera. PMID- 13463324 TI - Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. IV. Precipitation in rabbit antisera to type IX and type XII pneumococcus. PMID- 13463325 TI - Cross reactions of polyglucoses in antipneumococcal sera. V. Precipitation by glycogens and limit dextrins. PMID- 13463326 TI - The purification of poliomyelitis virus as studied by complement fixation. PMID- 13463327 TI - Reactivity of influenza A and B viruses propagated in cultures of human embryo tissues and in the chick embryo. PMID- 13463328 TI - Demonstration of antigenic relationship between mumps virus and hemagglutinating virus of Japan. PMID- 13463329 TI - A study of experimental encephalomyelitis employing mammalian and nonmammalian nervous tissues. PMID- 13463330 TI - Effective passive immunization of mice twelve days after intracerebral inoculation of type 2 poliovirus. PMID- 13463331 TI - Rupture of the pregnant uterus. PMID- 13463333 TI - Further observations on cases of ascites in Hyderabad-Decan. PMID- 13463332 TI - Detection of ovulation by single premenstrual vaginal smear examination; a composite study of vaginal cytology, endometrial biopsy and urinary pregnanediol. PMID- 13463334 TI - A study of the factors in the spread of cholera in Calcutta. PMID- 13463335 TI - Hydatid cyst as a cause of paraplegia. PMID- 13463336 TI - Monostotic fibrous dysplasia. PMID- 13463337 TI - Aortic arch syndrome. PMID- 13463338 TI - Pemphigus vulgaris treated with plasma transfusion. PMID- 13463339 TI - DOCTORS and the press. PMID- 13463340 TI - Some socio-economic aspects of family planning. PMID- 13463341 TI - Japanese B encephalitis in Pondicherry. PMID- 13463342 TI - Preliminary report on kidney biopsies. PMID- 13463343 TI - The use of chlorpromazine in eclampsia. PMID- 13463344 TI - The action of local anaesthetics on the uterus. PMID- 13463345 TI - Smallpox in Uttar Pradesh. PMID- 13463346 TI - Rupture of lower segment caesarean section scar. PMID- 13463347 TI - Progressive facial hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg's syndrome) with Adie's syndrome. PMID- 13463348 TI - SARDAR Bahadur Dr. Lehna Singh Mehta. PMID- 13463349 TI - Pollen allergy in Rajasthan; a preliminary study of the botanical flora aerial pollens. PMID- 13463350 TI - Rheumatoid arthritis and its treatment with placental serum and blood serum of pregnant women. PMID- 13463351 TI - Treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions in gynaecological practice with antibiotics combined with nonspecific protein. PMID- 13463352 TI - Pregnancy and heart disease. PMID- 13463353 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of sterility in the male. PMID- 13463354 TI - Surgical treatment of female sterility. PMID- 13463355 TI - Ovarian goitre associated with dermoid cyst. PMID- 13463356 TI - Sarcoidosis treated with antituberculous drugs. PMID- 13463357 TI - Dermoid tumour of the spinal cord. PMID- 13463358 TI - Water tolerance test in health and chronic illness and water diuresis. PMID- 13463359 TI - Vitamin D2 in tuberculosis. PMID- 13463360 TI - Intrapleural pressure in health and respiratory diseases. PMID- 13463361 TI - Studies on riboflavin metabolism during menstrual cycle. PMID- 13463362 TI - Co-ordination of antimicrobials and collapse therapy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463363 TI - Rauwolfia serpentina in dermatological therapy. PMID- 13463364 TI - Ear, nose and throat emergencies in general practice. PMID- 13463365 TI - Barbiturate poisoning. PMID- 13463366 TI - Endemic (flea) typhus in Golconda. PMID- 13463367 TI - Hypertensive encephalopathy in a child. PMID- 13463368 TI - Intravenous dipyrone as an analgesic in painful musculoskeletal lesions. PMID- 13463369 TI - Two cases of creeping disease. PMID- 13463371 TI - TAENIASIS. PMID- 13463370 TI - A case of omphalomesenteric duct. PMID- 13463372 TI - Environmental sanitation in rural areas. PMID- 13463373 TI - Bone marrow infarction with fat embolism and nephrosis in sickle cell disease. PMID- 13463374 TI - The Queckenstedt test: its indications, contraindications, and dangers. PMID- 13463375 TI - Immunological research on brucellosis and human immunization against this infection by means of an attenuated live vaccine. PMID- 13463376 TI - Isolation of a paracolobactrum organism pathogenic to chicks. PMID- 13463377 TI - Serum-agar double diffusion studies with ascaris antigens. PMID- 13463378 TI - Host-parasite relationship in experimental pertussis. II. Chromatographic analysis of mouse tissue extracts for a determination of the free amino acid constituents. PMID- 13463379 TI - The effect of Hemophilus pertussis sensitization on the increase of susceptibility of mice to infection by a saprophyte. PMID- 13463380 TI - Resistance-lowering effect of substances which diminish complement titer or act as inhibitors of the tricarboxylic acid cycle; enhancement of their activity by starch. PMID- 13463381 TI - The serologic reactivity of influenza virus precipitated and concentrated by zinc solutions. PMID- 13463382 TI - Response of mice to inoculations of both Candida albicans and Escherichia coli. II. The effect of the strain of mice. PMID- 13463383 TI - An improved method for detection of urea hydrolysis by fungi. PMID- 13463384 TI - Cellular factors in the acquired immunity to Bartonella muris. PMID- 13463385 TI - Experimental transmission of Pasteurella tularensis by the flea, Orchopeas leucopus (Baker). PMID- 13463386 TI - Studies on immunity to asiatic cholera. IX. Electrophoretic fractions of cell wall and intracellular substance of Vibrio cholerae and their occurrence in successive isolates during the course of the disease. PMID- 13463387 TI - The effect of repeated doses of x rays on the hemolysin response in rabbits. PMID- 13463389 TI - Collective review of hydatid disease. PMID- 13463388 TI - A simple method for cultivation of viruses and rickettsiae in the chorio allantoic ectoderm of the chick embryo by inoculation via the air sac. PMID- 13463390 TI - Intestinal obstruction caused by spontaneous rupture of the ileum, with volvulus due to abscess formation; report of an unusual case. PMID- 13463391 TI - Transcystoscopic injection of tumors of the bladder with radioactive colloidal chromic phosphate. PMID- 13463392 TI - Low back pain and sciatica due to posterior compression. PMID- 13463393 TI - Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in pregnancy. PMID- 13463394 TI - Maternal mortality and morbidity from anesthesia. PMID- 13463395 TI - The weight stream in Charcot's disease of joints; Charcot's disease of the foot and ankle; comment on spontaneous fracture of the heel bone and on posterior extraarticular fusion of the ankle. PMID- 13463396 TI - Salmonella osteomyelitis; report of three cases, one with fatal outcome and autopsy. PMID- 13463397 TI - Technic and indications for arthroplasty of the hip with acrylic prostheses; review of final results. PMID- 13463399 TI - Diagnosis of the commoner glaucomas. PMID- 13463398 TI - Management of foreign matter in the anterior segment of the eye, with particular reference to occupational injury. PMID- 13463400 TI - Surgical treatment of villous tumors of the rectum. PMID- 13463401 TI - Electron microscopic study of keratohyalin in the formation of keratin. PMID- 13463402 TI - A study of photosensitivity occurring with chlorpromazine therapy. PMID- 13463403 TI - Studies of the mechanism of allergic eczematous contact dermatitis. I. Findings on human skin with radioactive bichloride of mercury. PMID- 13463404 TI - The use of a precipitin test to differentiate Candida albicans from Candida stellatoidea. PMID- 13463405 TI - A semi-in vivo procedure for testing antifungal agents for topical use. PMID- 13463406 TI - The mechanism of triglyceride therapy in dermatomycoses. PMID- 13463407 TI - The use of a cycloheximide-chloramphenicol medium in routine culture for fungi. PMID- 13463409 TI - Structural changes in buried human skin. PMID- 13463408 TI - Use of lindane to control mites in fungous cultures. PMID- 13463410 TI - Effect of percutaneous absorption of meticortelone on the eosinophile count. PMID- 13463411 TI - Mucoid substances and cutaneous connective tissue in dermatoses. I. Mucoid collagen fibers in dermal granulations, tumors, and other infiltration. PMID- 13463412 TI - Mucoid substances and cutaneous connective tissue in dermatoses. II. Mucoid alterations in degenerative and congenital dermatoses. PMID- 13463413 TI - Mucoid substances and cutaneous connective tissue in dermatoses. III. Cutaneous mucopolysaccharides in inflammation of the skin. PMID- 13463415 TI - The relationship between skin hydration and the suppression of sweating. PMID- 13463414 TI - Proteolytic activity in dermatoses: preliminary observations on inflammation and pruritus. PMID- 13463416 TI - The effect of vapor impermeable gloves on evaporation and sweat suppression in the hand. PMID- 13463417 TI - Isolation of Microsporum distortum from animals in the United States. PMID- 13463418 TI - Topical application of more soluble forms of hydrocortisone; a comparison with hydrocortisone acetate and hydrocortisone (free alcohol). PMID- 13463419 TI - Sensitivity and specificity of Reiter protein complement-fixation (RPCF) test for syphilis. PMID- 13463420 TI - The doctor draft act. PMID- 13463421 TI - Alcoholism and Iowa physicians. PMID- 13463422 TI - The history of treated diabetes mellitus: a contrast of the young and the old. PMID- 13463423 TI - Orinase-for use or abuse. PMID- 13463424 TI - Cryptococcus neoformans meningoencephalitis: a case report. PMID- 13463425 TI - The claim agent, the doctor and the injured worker. PMID- 13463426 TI - Abdominal pain: my clinical approach to the problem. PMID- 13463427 TI - Surgical aspects of abdominal pain. PMID- 13463428 TI - The indications and contraindications for cobalt 60 teletherapy. PMID- 13463429 TI - Various syndromes associated with visual field changes. PMID- 13463430 TI - The beginnings of medicine in Sioux County. PMID- 13463431 TI - The treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13463432 TI - Genito-urinary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463433 TI - Primary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463434 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463435 TI - Porphyria: a review and case presentation. PMID- 13463436 TI - Electrical injuries. PMID- 13463437 TI - Sodium and potassium: studies of changes in their excretion following neurosurgical operations. PMID- 13463438 TI - Tuberculosis in Kansas; a study of its past, present, and future. PMID- 13463439 TI - Coarctation of the aorta; complications of abdominal pain and distention after surgical resection. PMID- 13463441 TI - Tears of the poppy; a review of the history of opium. PMID- 13463440 TI - Childhood granulomas; report of a case of obstructive growths in the ear canals. PMID- 13463442 TI - Bacterial endocarditis: an analysis of fifty cases. PMID- 13463443 TI - Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus in prematures. PMID- 13463444 TI - Histoplasmin reactivity in three Kentucky areas. PMID- 13463445 TI - Mural thrombus and bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13463446 TI - Chronic isiopathic jaundice with abnormal liver pigmentation: report of a case. PMID- 13463447 TI - Thyroid clearance, uptake, and rate of uptake of radioiodine in hyperthyroidism: their interrelationships and diagnostic value. PMID- 13463448 TI - The persistence in the blood of the radioactive label of albumins, gamma globulins, and globulins of intermediate mobility. V. The effect of supplementary sulfur-containing dietary amino acids upon the die-away plots of autosynthesized albumins and gamma globulins labeled with S35. PMID- 13463449 TI - The significance of interactions between proteins and lipids for serologic cancer diagnosis. PMID- 13463450 TI - Chromogens in the urine of normal individuals and of epileptic patients which react with Ehrlich's aldehyde reagent. PMID- 13463451 TI - Endocrine factors in the alterations of the blood coagulation mechanism following surgery. PMID- 13463452 TI - Plasma and red cell cholinesterase in 800 healthy blood donors. PMID- 13463453 TI - The effects of cortisone on the galactose tolerance tests of normal men. PMID- 13463454 TI - Effect of fructose feeding on glucose tolerance in man. PMID- 13463455 TI - The acute respiratory effects of chlorpromazine in man. PMID- 13463456 TI - The influence of streptococcal toxin on the course of canine experimental nephrosis. PMID- 13463457 TI - The plasma amino acids in patients with liver failure. PMID- 13463458 TI - Effect on portal blood ammonium concentration of administering methionine to patients with hepatic cirrhosis. PMID- 13463459 TI - Leukocyte phosphatase activity in pregnancy. PMID- 13463460 TI - Experimental aminonucleoside nephrosis in rats. PMID- 13463461 TI - Differential diagnosis of gastric ulcer and cancer by a study of maximally stimulated gastric secretion. PMID- 13463462 TI - Differentiation of polycythemia vera and secondary polycythemia by arterial oxygen saturation and pulmonary function tests. PMID- 13463463 TI - The effect of magnesium sulfate in lowering tetracycline blood levels. PMID- 13463464 TI - A specific enzymatic assay for the diagnosis of congenital galactosemia. I. The consumption test. PMID- 13463465 TI - A specific enzymatic assay for the diagnosis of congenital galactosemia. II. The combined test with 4-epimerase. PMID- 13463466 TI - Aspiration of bone marrow from the anterior superior iliac spine. PMID- 13463467 TI - A fluorometric method for total serum cholesterol. PMID- 13463468 TI - A rapid method for preparation of plasma proteins for radioassay. PMID- 13463469 TI - A short albumin method for the demonstration of isohemagglutinins, particularly incomplete Rh antibodies. PMID- 13463470 TI - Direct titration of calcium in blood serum. PMID- 13463471 TI - The vaginal approach for diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy. PMID- 13463472 TI - New drugs in psychiatry. PMID- 13463473 TI - Sweat gland abscesses of infancy. PMID- 13463475 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463474 TI - A critical anatomical assessment of certain signs and symptoms in otorhinolaryngology. PMID- 13463476 TI - Bilateral hearing improvement following fenestration. PMID- 13463477 TI - Malformations of the auricle. PMID- 13463478 TI - Post-traumatic conduction deafness. PMID- 13463479 TI - A case of thrombosis of the left posterior inferior cerebellar artery, associated with changes in hearing on the affected side. PMID- 13463480 TI - Cholesteatoma of the petrous apex. PMID- 13463481 TI - Obliteration of the sigmoid sinus: report of a case. PMID- 13463482 TI - Rehabilitation of the deaf. PMID- 13463483 TI - Bleeding from the ear in closed head injuries. PMID- 13463484 TI - Management of postoperative subtotal gastrectomy patients. PMID- 13463486 TI - Surgical treatment in cerebral palsy. PMID- 13463485 TI - Traumatic ventricular septal defect: report of a case treated successfully. PMID- 13463487 TI - Coronary atherosclerosis. PMID- 13463488 TI - Remarks on the rehabilitation of the cardiac patient. PMID- 13463489 TI - Prevention and management of heart failure: general principles and their application. PMID- 13463490 TI - The concept of diminishing levels; an adjunct to the management of incurable cancer. PMID- 13463491 TI - Retrograde jejuno; gastric intussusception; a case report. PMID- 13463492 TI - Cardiac patients and surgery. PMID- 13463493 TI - Cholelithiasis in children; a report of three cases. PMID- 13463495 TI - Present day concepts of endometriosis. PMID- 13463494 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463496 TI - A class for retarded children in Sanford. PMID- 13463497 TI - Division of Mental Health. PMID- 13463498 TI - [Physiology and pharmacodynamics; Applications]. PMID- 13463499 TI - [Ulcero-mutilating acropathy of the legs: histological manifestation of hypertrophic neuritis]. PMID- 13463500 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463501 TI - [About geriatric practice]. PMID- 13463502 TI - [Eczema of housewives; secondary paradoxical role of household allergens]. PMID- 13463503 TI - [3 Cases of hemorrhagic rectocolitis treated with hydrocortisone enema]. PMID- 13463505 TI - [Encephalomalacia having onset in utero]. PMID- 13463504 TI - [Un cas de leucosarcomatose de Sternberg]. PMID- 13463506 TI - [Findings on hemorrhagic rectocolitis; 51 case reports]. PMID- 13463507 TI - [Unexpected use of Rivoire's test (intradermal reaction to folliculin)]. PMID- 13463508 TI - The Marfan syndrome. PMID- 13463509 TI - Clinical acceptability of a chloral hydrate-antipyrine tablet. PMID- 13463510 TI - Radioisotopes in private practice; an outline of the uses and limitations of radioisotopes in clinical medicine. PMID- 13463511 TI - Pericardial biopsy. PMID- 13463513 TI - Heart disease in general practice. PMID- 13463512 TI - Mecamylamine in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13463514 TI - The doctor as a community citizen; one banker's view. PMID- 13463515 TI - Kerosene poisoning in children; a study of 48 cases. PMID- 13463516 TI - The Sylacauga, Alabama, plan for the delivery of indigent maternity cases. PMID- 13463518 TI - The psychiatrist, the general practitioner and the community. PMID- 13463517 TI - Understanding means help for mentally ill. PMID- 13463519 TI - The Medical College of Alabama; 1957 progress report. PMID- 13463520 TI - Congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula without atresia of the esophagus; a case report. PMID- 13463522 TI - A safe effective way to prevention of dental decay. PMID- 13463521 TI - CHEST diseases in institutions: report of the American College of Chest Physicians' Committee on Chest Diseases in Institutions. PMID- 13463523 TI - Combined teaching in human ecology. PMID- 13463524 TI - The Wisconsin preceptor program--a 30-year experiment in medical education. PMID- 13463525 TI - An alumni evaluation of the Wisconsin preceptorial program. PMID- 13463526 TI - The year of internship. PMID- 13463527 TI - The first seminar on medical education in Colombia. PMID- 13463528 TI - Medical education in Germany. PMID- 13463529 TI - The National Intern Matching Program, 1957. PMID- 13463530 TI - Harry Alfred Barker, 1901-57. PMID- 13463533 TI - Van Gieson's picro-saurefuchsin following Perl's reaction for ferric iron. PMID- 13463532 TI - The bacteriological control of ice-lollies. PMID- 13463531 TI - A survey of the methods for the separation of human leucocytes from peripheral blood and the demonstration of specific A and B antigens in leucocytes by absorption techniques. PMID- 13463534 TI - A simple bile solubility test. PMID- 13463536 TI - Museum preparations of intestine. PMID- 13463535 TI - The use of Nile blue in the enumeration and cytological examination of cells in fluid medium. PMID- 13463537 TI - Copying electrophoretograms with reflex document paper. PMID- 13463539 TI - A Simple section drier. PMID- 13463538 TI - A chemical test for the detection of calcium when using Perenyi's fluid. PMID- 13463540 TI - The preservation of red cells at low temperatures; a survey of present methods. PMID- 13463541 TI - The morphology and cytochemistry of H. capsulatum. PMID- 13463542 TI - A micro method for the estimation of serum bilirubin. PMID- 13463543 TI - A guinea pig post-mortem tray. PMID- 13463544 TI - A simple micro-projector. PMID- 13463545 TI - The application of dental hand instruments to the working of perspex in museum technique. PMID- 13463546 TI - A routine method for red cell diameter measurement. PMID- 13463547 TI - The importance of early diagnosis in tuberculosis control programmes. PMID- 13463548 TI - Prophylaxis of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463549 TI - [Possibilities of rehabilitation of the tuberculotic in Lebanon]. PMID- 13463551 TI - [Spread of tuberculosis infection & morbidity of tuberculosis in Lebanon]. PMID- 13463550 TI - [The dispensary in the anti-tuberculosis campaign]. PMID- 13463553 TI - [Pneumoperitoneum in the diagnosis & treatment of certain low effusions]. PMID- 13463552 TI - [Pituitary-adrenal hormones in the treatment of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13463554 TI - [Temperature regulating action of Rauwolfia serpentina in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13463555 TI - Problems of childhood tuberculosis. PMID- 13463556 TI - [Sodium-free diets; practical application]. PMID- 13463557 TI - [Antismallpox vaccination in pregnancy]. PMID- 13463558 TI - Complications of abortion. PMID- 13463559 TI - Surgical versus non-surgical treatment of intussusception in children. PMID- 13463560 TI - Action and uses of ataractic compounds; a critique. PMID- 13463561 TI - New principles in the management of mental illness. PMID- 13463562 TI - Pectus excavatum. PMID- 13463563 TI - The medical challenge of the twentieth century. PMID- 13463564 TI - Percentage evaluation of visual disablilty. PMID- 13463565 TI - Premature mortality in a community hospital. PMID- 13463566 TI - Modern treatment of breast cancer. PMID- 13463567 TI - Some psychosomatic aspects of primary glaucoma. PMID- 13463568 TI - Are your patients physically qualified to drive. PMID- 13463569 TI - Use of chemical tests for intoxication in Michigan law enforcement. PMID- 13463570 TI - Drugs and driving. PMID- 13463571 TI - The highway accident problem in Michigan and what has been done about it. PMID- 13463572 TI - Automotive crash injury research in Michigan. PMID- 13463573 TI - Traffic accidents and safety; transportation of the injured. PMID- 13463574 TI - The speeding ambulance. PMID- 13463575 TI - Whiplash injuries. PMID- 13463576 TI - Emotional problems in driving. PMID- 13463577 TI - Function of an amputee clinic. PMID- 13463578 TI - [ASIAN influenza; a review of available information]. PMID- 13463579 TI - Chiropodical management of infantile metatarsus varus. PMID- 13463580 TI - Dangers of casting for the contour shoe with special reference to the feet of individuals with diabetes mellitus and arterioscleoris obliterans. PMID- 13463581 TI - Radiographic evaluation of calcaneal apophysitis. PMID- 13463582 TI - Some comments on metatarsalgia. PMID- 13463584 TI - Mosaic verrucae: a case report. PMID- 13463583 TI - Tenotomy as an aid in orthodigita. PMID- 13463585 TI - The physician in the world today. PMID- 13463586 TI - The challenge to medical education in the years ahead. PMID- 13463587 TI - Our health for the future. PMID- 13463588 TI - The training of the surgeon. PMID- 13463589 TI - Newer concepts in convalescent care. PMID- 13463590 TI - Intestinal parasitism in Beghemdir Province, Ethiopia. PMID- 13463591 TI - Parasitic infestation in Liberia. PMID- 13463592 TI - Postpartum hypopituitarism (Sheehan's syndrome); a case report. PMID- 13463594 TI - President's farewell address. PMID- 13463593 TI - The care of terminal and inoperable carcinoma of the breast with emphasis on adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy and hormone therapy. PMID- 13463595 TI - President's inaugural address. PMID- 13463596 TI - Electroencephalographic changes in animals under the influence of hypnosis. PMID- 13463597 TI - An inquiry into the mechanism of action of electric shock treatments. PMID- 13463598 TI - The psychosis of a association; folie a deux. PMID- 13463599 TI - Some recurrent life history patterns observed in patients with malignant disease. PMID- 13463600 TI - Effects of psychotomimetic compounds on certain oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in mammalian brain. PMID- 13463601 TI - Psychophysiological studies on schizophrenic patients; the effect of cortisone administration and with-drawal upon behavior, serum 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, critical flicker frequency and electroencephalographic tracings. PMID- 13463602 TI - Are the first born more susceptible to functional mental diseases. PMID- 13463603 TI - The visual field in the sensorimotor induction syndrome and its changes under the influence of colors. PMID- 13463604 TI - Incidence of fractures in convulsive therapies with and without anectine. PMID- 13463606 TI - The recurrence of seizures in time. PMID- 13463605 TI - Use of succinylcholine chloride (anectine) in electroshock therapy. PMID- 13463607 TI - The effects of frenquel upon chronic disturbed patients. PMID- 13463609 TI - The phantom limb: a proposed theory of unconscious origins. PMID- 13463608 TI - A clinical evaluation of frenquel. PMID- 13463610 TI - Religious background of patients in a mental hygiene setting. PMID- 13463611 TI - Normal and neurotic olfactory behavior in monkeys; a motion picture. PMID- 13463612 TI - Carotid sinus convulsions treated by surgery. PMID- 13463613 TI - Experiences in the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13463614 TI - On the advantages of opening certain intracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13463615 TI - Familial calcification of the basal ganglia with response to parathormone. PMID- 13463616 TI - Some experiences with Walton's frequency analysis of the electromyogram. PMID- 13463617 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine on the electroencephalogram of epileptic patients. PMID- 13463618 TI - Cholinesterase in normal and abnormal human skeletal muscle. PMID- 13463619 TI - Tuberculous meningitis. PMID- 13463620 TI - A note on transneuronal atrophy in the human lateral geniculate body. PMID- 13463621 TI - A study of dyslexia. PMID- 13463622 TI - The significance of hyperkinesis in lesions of the anterior striatum in rhesus macaccus. PMID- 13463623 TI - Ischaemic and postischaemic paraesthesiae in motor neurone disease. PMID- 13463624 TI - Metastatic paraplegia of prostatic origin with notes of a case occurring 28 years after suprapubic prostatectomy. PMID- 13463625 TI - Functional organization of descending vestibular influences. PMID- 13463626 TI - Differentiation of tonic from phasic alpha ventral horn cells by stretch, pinna and crossed extensor reflexes. PMID- 13463627 TI - Conditioned electrocorticographic potentials and behavioral avoidance response in cat. PMID- 13463628 TI - Physiological and pharmacological consequences of different synaptic organizations in cerebral and cerebellar cortex of cat. PMID- 13463629 TI - Functional organization of neuromuscular spindle in toad. PMID- 13463630 TI - The Sherrington school of physiology. PMID- 13463631 TI - The place of neurological surgery in the undergraduate curriculum. PMID- 13463632 TI - Neurofibromas of the fifth cranial nerve. PMID- 13463633 TI - Circulatory dynamics of the canine spinal cord; temporal phases of blood flow measured by fluorescein and serioroentgenographic methods. PMID- 13463634 TI - Gliomas of the optic pathways in childhood. PMID- 13463635 TI - Observations on patency of cervical carotid artery following surgical treatment for thrombosis. PMID- 13463636 TI - Beta radiation of the feline caudate nucleus: late results. PMID- 13463637 TI - Vertebral arteriography in the study of subarachnoid hemorrhage. PMID- 13463638 TI - Successful separation of craniopagus twins. PMID- 13463639 TI - Spinal cord compression by an intramedullary aneurysm; case report and review of the literature. PMID- 13463640 TI - Choroid plexus papilloma causing spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage; report of case and review of literature. PMID- 13463641 TI - Diastasis of the optic nerve. PMID- 13463642 TI - Arterial graft and endarterectomy in reconstitution of the common carotid artery two years following ligation. PMID- 13463643 TI - Paget's disease of the axis causing quadriplegia. PMID- 13463644 TI - A new method for applying polyethylene film to the skull in the treatment of craniosynostosis. PMID- 13463645 TI - The structure of endometrial cysts of the ovary. PMID- 13463646 TI - Cancer of the uterine cervix: an enquiry into predisposing factors, with special reference to earlier diagnosis. PMID- 13463647 TI - Studies in prolonged pregnancy. I. Cord blood oxygen levels at delivery. PMID- 13463648 TI - The excretion of pregnanediol during the normal menstrual cycle. PMID- 13463649 TI - Male cells in granulosa cell tumours. PMID- 13463650 TI - Three cases of the Stein-Leventhal syndrome. PMID- 13463651 TI - An investigation into the reliability of short specimens of urine for estimating daily pregnanediol excretion. PMID- 13463652 TI - Stress incontinence in women: its mechanism and treatment. PMID- 13463653 TI - Education for childbirth and its results. PMID- 13463654 TI - Mesenchymal tumours of the uterus resembling the haemangiopericytoma. PMID- 13463655 TI - Post-menopausal bleeding. PMID- 13463656 TI - Stillbirth due to haemolytic disease of the newborn. PMID- 13463657 TI - Further studies in regard to the influence of the placental site on foetal cephalic presentation. PMID- 13463658 TI - Recurrent arterial occlusion in the puerperium. PMID- 13463659 TI - Stop rheumatic fever. PMID- 13463660 TI - Allergy and euergy. PMID- 13463661 TI - Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. PMID- 13463662 TI - The placebo. PMID- 13463663 TI - Visceral larva migrans. PMID- 13463664 TI - CONCERNING medical care of people receiving old age assistance. PMID- 13463665 TI - [Influenza]. PMID- 13463666 TI - POLICY on vaccination. PMID- 13463668 TI - The porphyrias. PMID- 13463667 TI - Evaluation of the present use of cesarean section. PMID- 13463669 TI - Stop rheumatic fever. PMID- 13463670 TI - University of Oklahoma Speech and Hearing Clinic. PMID- 13463671 TI - Pressure groups in health. PMID- 13463672 TI - On the error balancing of an optical system in combination with its receiver. PMID- 13463673 TI - Infrared dispersion of liquids by critical angle refractometry. PMID- 13463674 TI - Bilayer bichromatic cathode screen. PMID- 13463675 TI - Convergence function in binocular visual space. I. A note on theory. PMID- 13463676 TI - Convergence function in binocular visual space. II. Experimental report. PMID- 13463677 TI - Studies of rod-process to suprathreshold light stimuli with a direct current method. PMID- 13463678 TI - Spectral sensitivity in the pigeon. PMID- 13463679 TI - Some color naming experiments for red and green monochromatic lights. PMID- 13463680 TI - Correlate for lightness in terms of CIE-tristimulus values. II. PMID- 13463681 TI - Low-temperature reciprocity failure of photographic emulsions and the temperature dependence of sensitivity. PMID- 13463682 TI - New atomic energy levels in the Mn II spectrum. PMID- 13463683 TI - Comparative studies on the physiology of Trichomonad Protozoa. PMID- 13463684 TI - Host resistance and regulation of the development of Plasmodium lophurae in the pheasants, coots and domestic pigeons. PMID- 13463685 TI - Development in vitro of isolated oocysts of Plasmodium relictum. PMID- 13463687 TI - Some characteristics of Plasmodium berghei passed within inbred strains of mice. PMID- 13463686 TI - Parasitemia and survival in inbred strains of mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. PMID- 13463688 TI - Blood parasitism in the English sparrow, with certain biological implications. PMID- 13463690 TI - Oxyspirura (Yorkeispirura) pusillae n. sp. (Nematoda: Thelazlidae) from the orbital cavity of the brownheaded nuthatch, Sitta pusilla pusilla Latham, 1790. PMID- 13463689 TI - Observations on the mode of infection of the hump of cattle by Stephenofilaria assamensis in East Pakistan. PMID- 13463691 TI - The effectiveness of cadmium oxide against Trichinella spiralis in mice. PMID- 13463692 TI - The oxyurid nematodes of rodents. I. The genus Citellina Prendel. PMID- 13463693 TI - Gyrodactylus eucaliae n. sp. (Trematoda: Monogenea) from the brook stickleback, Eucalia inconstans. PMID- 13463694 TI - On the intraspecific and interstrain variations of the male sexual glands of Schistosoma japonicum. PMID- 13463695 TI - A redescription of Pseudodiorchis reynoldsi (Jones, 1944) (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae), a parasite of the short-tailed shrew. PMID- 13463696 TI - The copepod Choniosphaera cancrorum parasitizing a new host, the green crab Carcinides maenas. PMID- 13463697 TI - Re-description of Ixodes lunatus Neumann 1907 and of a new species confused therewith, from Madagascar. PMID- 13463698 TI - Cestrahelmins laruei n. g., n. sp., a digenetic trematode from the muskellunge, Esox m. masquinongy Mitchill. PMID- 13463699 TI - Extended low-temperature preservation of human malaria parasites. PMID- 13463700 TI - The establishment of various trichomonads of animals and man in axenic cultures. PMID- 13463701 TI - Similar internal morphology of Toxoplasma gondii and Besnoitia jellisoni stained with silver protein. PMID- 13463702 TI - A rodentectoparasite-disease survey in Death Valley National Monument, California. PMID- 13463703 TI - Further observations on the life-cycle of Gynaecotyla adunca (Linton, 1905). PMID- 13463704 TI - The chromosomes of Hymenolepis diminuta. PMID- 13463705 TI - Congenital sulfhemoglobinemia. PMID- 13463706 TI - Paper electrophoretic study of serum proteins in children with leukemia. PMID- 13463707 TI - Steroid therapy for rheumatic fever. PMID- 13463708 TI - Influence of L-lysine supplements on the absorption and retention of nitrogen from milk by children with protein malnutrition: preliminary report. PMID- 13463709 TI - Studies on protein metabolism in undernourished infants and children. PMID- 13463710 TI - The management of facial trauma in infants and children. PMID- 13463711 TI - Niemann-Pick disease in a boy of 16 months; electrophoretic study of blood serum proteins and lipoproteins following various types of therapy. PMID- 13463712 TI - Frequency of cerebral lateral dominance variations among school children of premature and full-term birth. PMID- 13463713 TI - Congenital leukemia associated with mongolism; report of a case. PMID- 13463714 TI - Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with vascular purpura. PMID- 13463715 TI - Constant infusion pump for limiting fluids. PMID- 13463716 TI - Child care in Russia. PMID- 13463717 TI - CLINICAL pathological conference: the Children's Medical Center Boston, Mass. PMID- 13463718 TI - Progress in neuropsychiatry. PMID- 13463719 TI - Agenesis of the spleen. PMID- 13463720 TI - MEDICINE in Red China. PMID- 13463721 TI - Stimulusresponse analysis of inferences from projective test behavior. PMID- 13463722 TI - The interpretation of approval and disapproval by delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents. PMID- 13463723 TI - The effects of rewards and punishments during perceptual organization. PMID- 13463724 TI - Personality and psychological stress. PMID- 13463726 TI - Recall of interrupted and non-interrupted tasks as a function of experimentally induced anxiety and motivational relevance of the task stimuli. PMID- 13463725 TI - Situational therapy. PMID- 13463727 TI - Some relationships between defensiveness and self-concept discrepancies. PMID- 13463728 TI - The connotative impact of color on the Rorschach and its relation to manifest anxiety. PMID- 13463729 TI - Personality dimensions of emotional responsiveness and rigidity, and scales for measuring them. PMID- 13463730 TI - Examination deception as a function of residual, background, and immediate stimulus factors. PMID- 13463731 TI - [Inactivation of antibiotics by vitamins]. PMID- 13463732 TI - Hemodynamic effects of levarterenol infusion during induced pulmonary stenosis. PMID- 13463734 TI - A study of substances which alter intraventricular conduction in the isolated dog heart. PMID- 13463735 TI - Central and peripheral components of the action of ganglionic blocking agents. PMID- 13463733 TI - Bioassay of Rauwolfia roots and alkaloids. PMID- 13463736 TI - Action of eserine and amphetamine on the electrical activity of the rabbit brain. PMID- 13463737 TI - The toxicology of potassium and sodium iodates: acute toxicity in mice. PMID- 13463738 TI - Some observations on the interaction of reserpine and LSD. PMID- 13463739 TI - Objective comparison of primidone and phenobarbital in epileptics. PMID- 13463740 TI - Biochemical and pharmacological studies on o-tyrosine and its meta and para analogues; a suggestion concerning phenylketonuria. PMID- 13463741 TI - The effect of 6-mercaptopurine on nucleic acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13463742 TI - The relation between dose of succinylcholine and duration of apnea in man. PMID- 13463743 TI - Antagonism of tubocurarine. III. Time course of action of pyridostigmin, neostigmine, and edrophonium in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13463744 TI - Distribution and metabolic fate of S35-labeled myleran (busulfan) in normal and tumor-bearing rats. PMID- 13463745 TI - Effects of ribosides and related compounds on phosphate transport in incubated fresh and cold-stored human erythocytes. PMID- 13463747 TI - Effect of iproniazid on serotonin metabolism in vivo. PMID- 13463746 TI - A comparative study of the effects of four different Rauwolfia preparations administered parenterally. PMID- 13463748 TI - The effect of certain central nervous system depressants on pituitary-adrenal activating agents. PMID- 13463749 TI - Pharmacology of lysergic acid diethylamide and some of its related compounds. PMID- 13463750 TI - The synthesis of certain bisisoquinoline derivatives structurally related to emetine. PMID- 13463751 TI - Assessment of direct cholinesterase inhibitory activity by pupillary miosis. PMID- 13463753 TI - A simple method for the production of high titre penicillinase. PMID- 13463752 TI - Observations on the effect of sulphur dioxide in blackcurrant syrup on the development of aneurine deflciency in rats. PMID- 13463754 TI - The stepwise alkoxylation of phenyl phosphorodichloridate. PMID- 13463755 TI - Chronic toxicity studies on food colours. III. Observations on the toxicity of malachite green, new coccine and nigrosine in rats. PMID- 13463756 TI - Cortisone as an adjunct in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13463757 TI - Sulfa methoxypyridazine (Kynex) in bacterial respiratory infections in children. PMID- 13463759 TI - Viomycin in the treatment of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463758 TI - Medicine and the law. PMID- 13463760 TI - American aid to health in the Philippines through the ICA. PMID- 13463761 TI - The grand alliance of medicine and chemistry. PMID- 13463762 TI - Radiological treatment of hemangioma. PMID- 13463763 TI - A report on the sanitary survey of milk and choco-milk from bulk milk-dispensers in the city of Manila. PMID- 13463764 TI - Meningococcic meningitis treated with sulfa methoxypyridazine (KYNEX); report of cases. PMID- 13463765 TI - Jaundice in pregnancy. PMID- 13463766 TI - Observations on tuberculosis control in India, Japan and Taiwan. PMID- 13463767 TI - Hepatic abscess of the liver due to ascariasis. PMID- 13463768 TI - Reflections on the Mathison technique of uretero-intestinal anastomosis. PMID- 13463769 TI - The mechanism of action and therapeutic effects of laetrile in cancer. PMID- 13463770 TI - Dark adaptation, absolute threshold and Purkinje shift in single units of the cat's retina. PMID- 13463771 TI - Change of organization in the receptive fields of the cat's retina during dark adaptation. PMID- 13463772 TI - Pitch dependence on intensity in unilateral deafness with recruitment of loudness. PMID- 13463773 TI - The effect of carbon dioxide on the respiratory response to noradrenaline in man. PMID- 13463774 TI - Some observations on the mechanism of adrenaline hyperpnoea. PMID- 13463775 TI - The effects of lowering the bath temperature on the responses of the isolated guinea-pig ileum. PMID- 13463776 TI - The hypothalamus and lactation in the rabbit. PMID- 13463777 TI - Cholinesterase activity in the atrial wall of the dog and cat heart. PMID- 13463778 TI - Observations on the changes in resistance of the pulmonary vascular bed in response to stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreceptors in the dog. PMID- 13463779 TI - The effects of stimulation of the carotid body chemoreceptors on pulmonary vascular resistance in the dog. PMID- 13463780 TI - The effects of stimulation of the carotid sinus baroreceptors upon the pulmonary arterial blood pressure in the cat. PMID- 13463781 TI - Some properties of the substance in human cerebrospinal fiuid sensitizing the frog rectus muscle to acetylcholine. PMID- 13463782 TI - The rhythmical activity of groups of motor units in the voluntary contraction of muscle. PMID- 13463783 TI - The reciprocal actions of accommodation and convergence. PMID- 13463784 TI - A simple quick-acting apparatus for making the same hypothalamic lesion in a series of rats. PMID- 13463785 TI - A specific colorimetric method for estimation of phlorrhizin. PMID- 13463786 TI - An ultramicrotome. PMID- 13463787 TI - The distensibility of the upper respiratory passages. PMID- 13463789 TI - Responses of frog skin to local mechanical stimulation. PMID- 13463788 TI - Adrenocortical pathway of lobeline protection in various forms of pulmonary oedema of the rat. PMID- 13463790 TI - The uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine by blood platelets. PMID- 13463791 TI - The effect of changes in barometric pressure on maximum breathing capacity. PMID- 13463792 TI - The effect of nerve section and compression injury on the histochemical appearances of cholinesterase in a mixed peripheral nerve. PMID- 13463793 TI - The effect of muscle temperature on twitch and tetanus in the cat. PMID- 13463794 TI - The hormonal control of myometrial function during pregnancy. PMID- 13463795 TI - Fate and excretion of the pressor activity of vasopressin in rats. PMID- 13463796 TI - A technique for recording functional activity in specific groups of medullated and non-medullated fibres in whole nerve trunks. PMID- 13463797 TI - On excitation of non-medullated afferent fibres in the vagus and aortic nerves by pharmacological agents. PMID- 13463798 TI - The effect of a rapid change in Na+ balance on the salivary Na+ :K+ concentration ratio of sodiumdepleted sheep. PMID- 13463799 TI - A study of the desensitization produced by acetylcholine at the motor end-plate. PMID- 13463800 TI - The output of sympathetic transmitter from the spleen of the cat. PMID- 13463801 TI - Pulmonary blood flow in the cat; the effect of positive pressure respiration. PMID- 13463802 TI - The effect of ions upon neuromuscular transmission in a herbivorous insect. PMID- 13463803 TI - The exchange of potassium for caesium and rubidium in frog muscle. PMID- 13463804 TI - Heat production in new-born infants under normal and hypoxic conditions. PMID- 13463805 TI - The clinical and scientific methods: synthesis or antithesis. PMID- 13463806 TI - Objectifying the subjective; a methodological approach to the TAT. PMID- 13463807 TI - Responses of school-children to human and animal pictures. PMID- 13463808 TI - Rorschach: some comments on predicting structured behavior from reactions to unstructured stimuli. PMID- 13463809 TI - The development of the Rorschach test in Japan. PMID- 13463810 TI - Alleged Rorschach anxiety indices in children. PMID- 13463811 TI - Quantification of the Bender-Gestalt recall: a pilot study. PMID- 13463812 TI - An experimental variation of the draw-a-person technique. PMID- 13463813 TI - The validity, bases, and process of clinical judgment, using a limited amount of projective test data. PMID- 13463814 TI - The prediction of overt aggressive verbal behavior from Rorschach content. PMID- 13463815 TI - Rorschach findings in a group of peptic ulcer patients and two control groups. PMID- 13463816 TI - A comparison of several measures of psychosexual disturbance. PMID- 13463817 TI - An exploration of relationships between manifest anxiety and selected psychosexual areas. PMID- 13463818 TI - [Various findings on vision in the periphery of the visual field]. PMID- 13463819 TI - [Individual psychological differences and typologic aspects of the nervous system]. PMID- 13463820 TI - [Problem of consciousness & the concept of existence in relation to the organism]. PMID- 13463821 TI - [Development of barking in the young dog; research methods & initial results]. PMID- 13463822 TI - [Pueumomastography, technic in radiodiagnosis of breast cysts]. PMID- 13463823 TI - [Emergency radiological examination during severe digestive hemorrhages]. PMID- 13463824 TI - [Value of oblique and transverso-axial tomographies in diagnosis of coarctation of aorta in adult]. PMID- 13463826 TI - [Possibilities and technical advantages of cobalt teletherapy in pharyngolaryngeal cancers]. PMID- 13463825 TI - [Treatment of thrombocythemia and polyglobulism with radiophosphorus]. PMID- 13463828 TI - [Use of intensity/time curves in electrodiagnosis]. PMID- 13463827 TI - [Experimental hypereosinophilia caused by total body x-irradiation in guinea pig]. PMID- 13463830 TI - [Lumbar interspinal osteoarthritis]. PMID- 13463829 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463831 TI - [First experience with new annular anticathode tube for concentration of x-rays]. PMID- 13463832 TI - [Presentation of enlarged radiogramms rectified with a new procedure using cathode radiation]. PMID- 13463833 TI - [Leon Babaiantz, 1898-1957]. PMID- 13463834 TI - [Use of radioactive cobalt and cesium]. PMID- 13463835 TI - [Protection of mucosa in radiotherapy]. PMID- 13463836 TI - [Principle of a dosimetry integrator for cobalt 60 cyclotherapy]. PMID- 13463837 TI - [Electronic dosimeter in cobalt therapy]. PMID- 13463838 TI - [Radiocinematography on brilliance amplificator; plan of work; popularization and future]. PMID- 13463839 TI - [Pyeloureteral motility and urinary cysts]. PMID- 13463840 TI - [Frontal oblique tomographic exploration of tracheobronchial tree]. PMID- 13463841 TI - [Angiocardiography in mediastinal diseases]. PMID- 13463842 TI - [Examination of mediastinal aorta with contrast media; thoracic aortography]. PMID- 13463844 TI - [Limits of radiological exploration of mediastinal tumors]. PMID- 13463843 TI - [Extended angiocardiopneumography in various mediastinal diseases; iconography]. PMID- 13463846 TI - [Radiological diagnosis of mediastinal tumors in infant and child]. PMID- 13463845 TI - [Indications for gaseous contrasts in radiological exploration of mediastinum]. PMID- 13463847 TI - [Mediastinal lipomas]. PMID- 13463848 TI - [200 Bronchial cancers subjected to radiotherapy]. PMID- 13463850 TI - [Pendular radiotherapy and bronchopulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13463849 TI - [Radiosurgical association in therapy of bronchial cancer]. PMID- 13463851 TI - [Moving radiotherapy and bronchial cancer]. PMID- 13463852 TI - [Treatment of lung cancer with direct radiotherapy]. PMID- 13463853 TI - [Technical conditions in irradiation of bronchial cancers with the betatron (22 MeV)]. PMID- 13463854 TI - [Value of lipiodol bronchography in diagnosis and precise localization of bronchial cancers]. PMID- 13463855 TI - [Radiotherapy and bronchial cancer; 126 cases treated with only x-rays]. PMID- 13463856 TI - [Remote control stimulation in electromyography]. PMID- 13463857 TI - [Some radiologically diagnosed brain tumors verified surgically]. PMID- 13463859 TI - [Bone lesions during chronic leukemia in adult]. PMID- 13463858 TI - [Several diagnoses furnished by fractional pneumoencephalography in adult]. PMID- 13463860 TI - [Radiocinematography of knee menisci]. PMID- 13463861 TI - [Synthetic bone equivalent to living bone for phantom dosimetry; theoretical study and realization]. PMID- 13463862 TI - [Tomography in diagnosis of renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13463863 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463864 TI - [Study and realization of a new scintiliation dosimeter for radiotherapy and curietherapy]. PMID- 13463865 TI - [Apparatus for centering and distribution in radiotherapy]. PMID- 13463866 TI - [Apparatus for keeping the head in profile position for taking serial photographs]. PMID- 13463867 TI - [Radiological study of cervical fusion]. PMID- 13463868 TI - [Probable case of gallbladder emphysema]. PMID- 13463869 TI - [From the electric friction engine to the electrostatic industrial generator]. PMID- 13463870 TI - [From the electrostatic engine to the roentgenotherapy generator]. PMID- 13463871 TI - [New 6-valve generator with great force; the hexatronix]. PMID- 13463873 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463872 TI - [Case of erosive aneurysm of descending thoracic aorta]. PMID- 13463874 TI - [Serial meniscography of knee]. PMID- 13463875 TI - [Bilateral notching of humeral heads]. PMID- 13463876 TI - [Stereo stratigraphy]. PMID- 13463877 TI - [Tomographic study of bacillary osteitis of vertebral plates]. PMID- 13463878 TI - [Value of radiological information in obstruction of pyeloureteral junction]. PMID- 13463880 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463879 TI - [Broncho-pulmonary manifestations of ornithosis; radiologic aspects]. PMID- 13463881 TI - [Tomography in three fourths of posterior arthroses and subluxation of cervical spine]. PMID- 13463882 TI - [Results of radiolodine therapy in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13463883 TI - [Trial of direct placentography; use in diagnosis of placentaprevia]. PMID- 13463884 TI - [Case of lumbar hernia]. PMID- 13463885 TI - [Value of angiocardiography in pulmonary malformations]. PMID- 13463886 TI - [Reflux and esophageal radiology]. PMID- 13463887 TI - [Case of false lung cancer]. PMID- 13463888 TI - [Remote hazards of radiological examinations in infant and child]. PMID- 13463889 TI - [Erythroderma of fatal evolution from the starting point of the irradiation field]. PMID- 13463890 TI - [Electrophonic effect; its value in the study of infrasonics]. PMID- 13463891 TI - [Microvibration of bodies, evidence of physiological tonus]. PMID- 13463892 TI - Moving with the times on the rehabilitation front. PMID- 13463893 TI - The shortage of vocationally oriented rehabilitation centers; a community dilemma. PMID- 13463894 TI - Vocational evaluation of the emotionally handicapped. PMID- 13463896 TI - Air pollution and the public health. II. The problem of industry. PMID- 13463895 TI - [How Poland serves the disabled]. PMID- 13463898 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13463897 TI - A study of certain aspects of the relations of hearing to noise exposure. PMID- 13463899 TI - Nigeria. PMID- 13463900 TI - The Kowloon riots, 1956. PMID- 13463902 TI - Some experiences of a dermatologist in a cruiser in the Mediterranean. PMID- 13463901 TI - 100 Years ago; an essay on opium smoking. PMID- 13463903 TI - Hydergine in anaesthesia. PMID- 13463904 TI - Tobacco amblyopia. PMID- 13463905 TI - A case of decompression sickness. PMID- 13463906 TI - A case of glandular fever with pulmonary involvement. PMID- 13463907 TI - The use of radioactively labeled vitamin B12 in the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. PMID- 13463909 TI - Prognosis in pediatrics. PMID- 13463908 TI - Polyhydramnios; report of a case. PMID- 13463910 TI - Anterior myocardial infarction. PMID- 13463912 TI - Effects of duration and articulation changes on intelligibility, word reception and listener preference. PMID- 13463911 TI - Plastic-tape sound spectrograph. PMID- 13463914 TI - The pitch of side-tone. PMID- 13463913 TI - Intelligibility of whispering in a tone language. PMID- 13463915 TI - Cerebral palsied monovular twins. PMID- 13463916 TI - Bibliography of publications on speech and hearing in cerebral palsy. PMID- 13463917 TI - Babbling and echolalia in language theory. PMID- 13463918 TI - Speech of children before and after removal of tonsils and adenoids. PMID- 13463919 TI - Linguistic functioning of bilingual and monoilngual children. PMID- 13463920 TI - Case study of delayed language. PMID- 13463922 TI - A point of view about stuttering. PMID- 13463921 TI - Effects of auditory masking upon the speech of stutterers. PMID- 13463923 TI - Cobalt-60 teletherapy. PMID- 13463924 TI - Chest injuries. PMID- 13463925 TI - A comparative study of pernicious anemia in the Negro and white races. PMID- 13463927 TI - ASIATIC influenza: a statement by the Executive committe of the Board of Directors, Tennessee State Medical Association. PMID- 13463928 TI - A roentgen study of the evolution of carcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13463926 TI - Corticosteroids locally in the treatment of symptomatic calcifications of soft tissues. PMID- 13463929 TI - Carcinoma-in-situ and early invasive carcinoma occurring in the tracheobronchial trees in cases of bronchial carcinoma. PMID- 13463930 TI - Bilateral therapy for unilateral spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13463931 TI - The surgical treatment of chronic progressive pulmonary histoplasmosis. PMID- 13463932 TI - A study of the role of drug resistance in the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13463933 TI - The value of routine pulmonary function studies in thoracic surgical cases: results in 212 cases. PMID- 13463934 TI - Hypoplasia of the lobar pulmonary arteries; a report of three cases. PMID- 13463935 TI - Bronchospirometry in lateral decubitus positions and in clinical practic: survey of the ventilatory efficiency. PMID- 13463936 TI - Arterial patterns of right upper lobe. PMID- 13463937 TI - Rupture-separation of the cervical trachea following a closed chest injury; report of a case successfully treated by primary anastomosis. PMID- 13463938 TI - Coexistent achalasia of the esophagus and hiatal hernia of the cardiac end of the stomach. PMID- 13463939 TI - Spontaneous chylothorax with a bronchopleural fistula. PMID- 13463940 TI - Tracheal atresia associated with tracheoesophageal fistula. PMID- 13463941 TI - Primary granular-cell myoblastoma of the bronchus; report of a case with resection. PMID- 13463942 TI - Left heart catheterization; an evaluation of its clinical application in 450 cases. PMID- 13463943 TI - The use of rigid prostheses in vascular surgery. PMID- 13463944 TI - Diagnostic and physiologic measurements using left heart catheterization. PMID- 13463945 TI - The effect of exercise upon the mean diastolic left atrial-left ventricular gradient in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13463946 TI - Surgical correction of transposition of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. PMID- 13463948 TI - Elective cardiac arrest; an adjunct to open-heart surgery. PMID- 13463947 TI - Mechanical by-pass during thoracic aortic crossclamping. PMID- 13463950 TI - Total gastrectomy: two case reports introducing the use of two Levin tubes for both aspiration and feeding purposes. PMID- 13463949 TI - Experiences in the use of cardioplegia (induced cardiac arrest) in the repair of interventricular septal defects. PMID- 13463951 TI - Experimental study of tracheal reconstruction. PMID- 13463952 TI - Ten-year survival of metastatic pulmonary choriocarcinoma following bilobectomy. PMID- 13463953 TI - Supernumerary diaphragm with agenesis of upper lobe. PMID- 13463954 TI - The effects of air embolism in the systemic circulation and its prevention during open cardiac surgery. PMID- 13463955 TI - Benign localized pleural mesothelioma: report of two cases. PMID- 13463956 TI - African epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. PMID- 13463957 TI - Malaria control in Swaziland; some observations during the first year of partial discontinuation of insecticides. PMID- 13463958 TI - Tinea nigra; a short general account based on Far Eastern experience. PMID- 13463959 TI - Two cases of accidentally induced infections with Plasmodium Falciparum in non immunes in West Africa. PMID- 13463960 TI - The epidemiology of human trypanosomiasis in Ashanti, Ghana (Gold Coast). PMID- 13463962 TI - African epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. PMID- 13463961 TI - Entamide trial in Chuak, Upper Burma. PMID- 13463963 TI - An investigation into water supplies of a rural area in southeast Asia. PMID- 13463964 TI - Survey for sero-immunity to poliomyelitis in Peru and Colombia with comments on the changing pattern of occurrence of poliomyelitis in tropical areas. PMID- 13463965 TI - Tropical ascariasis. PMID- 13463967 TI - Maternal and child health services in S. E. Asia. VI. Ceylon. PMID- 13463966 TI - The effect of aureomycin on undernourished African children. PMID- 13463968 TI - [Infant feeding in the village of Guinhangdan, Leyte, Philippines]. PMID- 13463969 TI - [Anatomical bases for ileo-ureterocystoplasty]. PMID- 13463970 TI - [Experimental studies on uretero-ileoplasty with seromuscular ileal graft]. PMID- 13463971 TI - [Functional changes of urinary tract studies with intravenous urography during combined radiotherapy & surgical treatment of cervical cancer]. PMID- 13463972 TI - [Radiological diagnosis of adrenal tumors]. PMID- 13463973 TI - [Reflex occlusions in prostate patients]. PMID- 13463974 TI - [Suturing of the vena cava during right nephrectomy; stenosis; transitory anuria]. PMID- 13463975 TI - [Triple segmental resection of the ureter of a remaining hydronephrotic tuberculous kidney]. PMID- 13463977 TI - [Radiological examination of the prostate patient; comparative value of intravenous urography and prostatography]. PMID- 13463976 TI - [Venous urography with two successive injections]. PMID- 13463978 TI - [Failure of an ivalon ureteral graft]. PMID- 13463979 TI - [Case of fusocellular sarcoma of spermatic cord]. PMID- 13463981 TI - [Tuberculosis of the ovary with compression of pelvic ureter; 2 cases]. PMID- 13463980 TI - [Blood coagulation disorders during transvesical excision of prostate adenoma]. PMID- 13463982 TI - [Difficulties of surgical prognosis of kidney tumors]. PMID- 13463983 TI - [Urogenital tuberculosis, pelvic kidney and tumor of testes]. PMID- 13463985 TI - [Ureteroneocystostomy for non-tuberculous stenosis of juxta-vesical ureter]. PMID- 13463984 TI - [Radium therapy with surgery in bladder tumors]. PMID- 13463986 TI - Nephroblastoma (Wilms' tumor); case report. PMID- 13463987 TI - Multiple dissimilar tumors in one kidney. PMID- 13463988 TI - Renal cell adenocarcinoma in a five-year-old girl with a reduplicated collecting system and ectopic ureter opening into urethra. PMID- 13463989 TI - Studies in the prophylaxis of urinary tract calculi. I. Urinary glucuronides. PMID- 13463990 TI - A study of the peristaltic conduction mechanism in the canine ureter. PMID- 13463991 TI - The use of polyvinyl sponge for experimental cystoplasty. PMID- 13463992 TI - Reconstruction of the bladder with a seromuscular graft. PMID- 13463993 TI - Vesical exstrophy and transitional cell carcinoma: unusual longevity following ureterosigmoidostomy. PMID- 13463994 TI - The roentgenographic diagnosis of cystitis emphysematosa. PMID- 13463995 TI - Radical excision of locally extensive carcinoma of the deep male urethra. PMID- 13463996 TI - Combined therapy for Peyronie's disease. PMID- 13463997 TI - Embryonal carcinoma of testis in infants and children: report of two cases. PMID- 13463998 TI - Tuberculosis of prostate and seminal vesicles. PMID- 13463999 TI - Changes in serum acid phosphatase levels consequent to prostatic manipulation or surgery. PMID- 13464000 TI - Evaluation of the effect of zoxazolamine (flexin) on spasticity. PMID- 13464001 TI - [Tuberculin reactions in guinea pigs. VII. Observations by the hour of the tuberculin reactions in guinea pigs sensitized with varying strains of tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13464002 TI - [Fundamental pathological findings and their modification by chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis. III. On the therapeutic effect of various anti tuberculous compounds containing several benzothiazole derivatives]. PMID- 13464003 TI - [Enumeration of human tubercle bacilli employing tween agar medium. I. Viable count by means of agar mixing method]. PMID- 13464004 TI - [Study on the virulence of tubercule bacilli isolated from the sputum of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who have occasionally pauci bacilli in their sputum]. PMID- 13464005 TI - [Study on the mononuclear cell response of vaccinated animals. I. The response of mononuclear cells of guinea pigs to glycogen & heat-killed tubercle bacilli given intraperitoneally, & the fate of tubercle bacilli within the mononuclear cells]. PMID- 13464006 TI - [A clinical study on copper metabolism of tuberculosis. I. Variations in serum copper content]. PMID- 13464007 TI - [Effect of cycloserine on experimental tuberculosis of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13464008 TI - [Influence of nicotinic acid derivatives on the catalase activities of human type tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13464009 TI - [Studies on complications after pulmonary resection; intermediate results & treatment of bronchopleural fistula]. PMID- 13464010 TI - [Conservative therapy of chronic suppurative otitis media]. PMID- 13464011 TI - [Potentiated anesthesia in extensive intrathoracic operations]. PMID- 13464012 TI - [Possibility of surgical repair of congenital dislocation of the hip in adults]. PMID- 13464013 TI - [Surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the bone; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13464014 TI - [Result of the treatment of Madelung's disease by diaphyseal repair and osteotomy of the radius]. PMID- 13464015 TI - [Chromorectoscopy, a method of investigation of renal function following implantation of the ureters in the sigmoid and rectum]. PMID- 13464016 TI - [Experience with control of trachoma in Korea]. PMID- 13464017 TI - [Results of vaginal mud tamponade in certain chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases at the Pomorie fangotherapeutic center]. PMID- 13464018 TI - [Intra-osseous local novocaine anesthesia in surgery in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13464019 TI - [Diagnostic difficulties in adenomyosis of the cervix uteri]. PMID- 13464020 TI - [Case of biliary ileus]. PMID- 13464021 TI - [Case of suppurative echinococcosis of the thyroid gland with perforation into the trachea and esophagus]. PMID- 13464022 TI - [Apparatus for buccofacial fixation in curietherapy]. PMID- 13464023 TI - [The problem of premature infant care]. PMID- 13464024 TI - [Abdominal pain as a symptom of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13464025 TI - [Value of fluoroscopy of paranasal sinuses in children]. PMID- 13464026 TI - [Cortisone therapy in children]. PMID- 13464027 TI - [The historical development of the urological roentgen diagnosis]. PMID- 13464028 TI - [The retroperitoneal duodenal rupture]. PMID- 13464029 TI - [The problem of frequent occurrence of carcinoma in aged, with special reference to skin carcinoma]. PMID- 13464030 TI - [Experiences with the use of contact laxative La 96a in abdominal surgery]. PMID- 13464031 TI - [Subcutaneous muscular & tendinous lacerations due to indirect effects of violence]. PMID- 13464032 TI - [A case of prophylactic medullar nailing of the femur]. PMID- 13464033 TI - [Rare complication of bland subphrenic abscesses]. PMID- 13464034 TI - [Post-gastrectomy recurrence of carcinoma]. PMID- 13464035 TI - Dermatopathology as a field of research. PMID- 13464036 TI - Mammary periductal hyalin in diabetic women; report of twenty cases. PMID- 13464037 TI - Study of the mechanism of increased iron absorption in hamsters fed tween 20. PMID- 13464038 TI - The validation of the quantitative histochemical method for use on postmortem material. I. The effect of time and temperature. PMID- 13464040 TI - Leptospiral myocarditis. PMID- 13464039 TI - Peri-insular halos in pancreases of diabetic children. PMID- 13464041 TI - Application of alcian blue as a histochemical method. PMID- 13464042 TI - Renal glomeruli in multiple myeloma. PMID- 13464043 TI - Endocrine ablation in metastatic disease of the breast. PMID- 13464044 TI - The hazards of the counterincision in the diaphragm in the transthoracic repair of hiatus hernia. PMID- 13464045 TI - Facial paralysis following parotid gland surgery: treatment. PMID- 13464047 TI - Some principles of homoeostasis. PMID- 13464046 TI - [Chronic constrictive pericarditis]. PMID- 13464048 TI - Assay of antihaemophilic globulin in treatment of haemophilic patients. PMID- 13464049 TI - Deficiency of an extra-thyroid enzyme in sporadic cretinism. PMID- 13464050 TI - Unnecessary irradiation in chest radiography. PMID- 13464051 TI - Effects of certain protein foods on blood-sugar levels and glucose tolerance. PMID- 13464052 TI - Primary hyperoxaluria. PMID- 13464053 TI - Adrenaline-secreting neuroblastoma in an infant. PMID- 13464054 TI - Massive spontaneous intraperitoneal haemorrhage in late pregnancy. PMID- 13464056 TI - GAMMA-GLOBULIN deficiency. PMID- 13464057 TI - Asiatic influenza in the Netherlands. PMID- 13464055 TI - OLD BONES. PMID- 13464058 TI - Influenza epidemic in Aden. PMID- 13464059 TI - Endocrine transplantation. PMID- 13464060 TI - Neutralisation of canine-distemper virus by serum of patients convalescent from measles. PMID- 13464061 TI - Effect of antibiotics on purulent sputum. PMID- 13464062 TI - Penicillin treatment of leptospirosis. PMID- 13464063 TI - ANDREW FERGUS HEWAT. PMID- 13464064 TI - Involvement of the nervous system in Behcet's syndrome; report of three cases and isolation of virus. PMID- 13464065 TI - Encephalomyelopathy in Becket's disease; report of necropsy findings in two cases. PMID- 13464066 TI - Cellulitis and thrombophlebitis in Behcet's syndrome. PMID- 13464067 TI - The toxicity and fate of injected animal antihaemophilic globulin. PMID- 13464068 TI - Dental extraction in haemophilia. PMID- 13464069 TI - Lipaemia, heparin, and blood viscosity. PMID- 13464070 TI - Use of glucose oxidase, peroxidase, and O-dianisidine in determination of blood and urinary glucose. PMID- 13464071 TI - New method of studying the bacterial flora of infected open wounds and burns. PMID- 13464072 TI - Tracheostomy tube and connections for patients having intermittent positive pressure respiration. PMID- 13464073 TI - Apparatus for resuscitation and suction. PMID- 13464074 TI - PREVENTION of maternal deaths. PMID- 13464075 TI - CONTROL of haemophilic bleeding. PMID- 13464076 TI - MENTAL defect, tetraplegia, and ichthyosis. PMID- 13464077 TI - Tuberculosis case-finding in the aged. PMID- 13464078 TI - The final examination as an instrument of medical education. PMID- 13464079 TI - A comparative trial of objective papers and essay papers in pathology and bacteriology class examinations. PMID- 13464080 TI - Controlled experiments in teaching. PMID- 13464081 TI - Medical students look west; impressions of some American medical schools. PMID- 13464082 TI - A schematic model of the spinal cord and brain stem. PMID- 13464083 TI - EVOLUTION of medical education. PMID- 13464084 TI - FINALS. PMID- 13464085 TI - WHY MEDICINE. PMID- 13464086 TI - Rales, rhonchi, and Laennec. PMID- 13464087 TI - Medical history: profession or pastime. PMID- 13464088 TI - The circulation of the nerve impulse; a Harveian address. PMID- 13464089 TI - Halothane; a clinical assessment. PMID- 13464090 TI - Coagulability of the blood in ischaemic heart-disease. PMID- 13464091 TI - Studies on the inhibition of fibrinolysis by lipids. PMID- 13464093 TI - Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria; electronmicroscopic study of red blood cells. PMID- 13464092 TI - Electrolyte levels in normal and dystrophic muscle determined by neutron activation. PMID- 13464094 TI - Inadequacy of general anaesthesia for abdominal operations; a possible solution. PMID- 13464096 TI - Tropical eosinophilia; hepatic lesions related to presence of nematode larvae. PMID- 13464095 TI - Plantar digital neuroma. PMID- 13464097 TI - In-vitro formation of noradrenaline from dopamine by human tissue. PMID- 13464098 TI - Griffin autopoise centrifuge: serological model. PMID- 13464099 TI - CHARLES DAVID READ. PMID- 13464100 TI - CUTHBERT HENRY JONES LOCKYER. PMID- 13464101 TI - Fainting and cerebral damage; a danger in patients kept upright during dental gas anaesthesia and after surgical operations. PMID- 13464102 TI - Cerebral damage from shock due to disease in aged people; with special reference to cardiac infarction, pneumonia, and severe diarrhoea. PMID- 13464103 TI - ACUTE otitis media in general practice; report of a survey by the Medical Research Council's Working-Party for Research in General Practice. PMID- 13464104 TI - Streptococcus pyogenes in acute tonsillitis and otitis media; a study from general practice. PMID- 13464105 TI - The pathogenesis of peptic ulcers. PMID- 13464106 TI - The classification and principles of treatment of gastric ulcers. PMID- 13464107 TI - Recent developments in the treatment of the paraplegic bladder. PMID- 13464108 TI - Cystoscopy in the investigation of postmenopausal bleeding. PMID- 13464109 TI - Auxiliary overhead spot-light. PMID- 13464110 TI - HOMOSEXUAL offences and prostitution. PMID- 13464111 TI - ANOXIA and cerebral damage. PMID- 13464112 TI - Cost of treatment of affective disorders; a comparison between three mental hospitals. PMID- 13464113 TI - THE SURGERY of deafness. PMID- 13464114 TI - MERVYN ARCHDALL. PMID- 13464115 TI - Congenital atresia of the nasal choanae. PMID- 13464116 TI - Maturation of hearing acuity. PMID- 13464117 TI - Surgery vs. irradiation in therapy of conduction deafness of tubal origin. PMID- 13464118 TI - New instrumentarium for peroral endoscopy and endoscopic photography. PMID- 13464119 TI - Hypertrophied lingual tonsils. PMID- 13464120 TI - Utilization of rhinoplastic technique; hemi-lateral rhinotomy; for removal of intranasal tumors. PMID- 13464121 TI - Schwannoma of the pharynx with Horner's syndrome. PMID- 13464122 TI - [Statistical review on the prevalence of breast feeding in the Province of Messina]. PMID- 13464123 TI - [Chemico-physical & bacteriological modifications caused by the administration of antibiotics of the tetracycline group in the feces of nursing children]. PMID- 13464124 TI - [Unusual case of traumatic lesion in the newborn, clinically simulating congenital abnormality of the esophagus]. PMID- 13464125 TI - [Generalized thrush in infants]. PMID- 13464126 TI - [Congenital tracheo-bronchoesophageal fistulae & their surgical treatment]. PMID- 13464127 TI - [Energetic metabolism & growth of the premature infant]. PMID- 13464128 TI - [Blood proteins & electrophoretic determination of protein level in dystrophy due to prevalent protein deficiency]. PMID- 13464129 TI - Why biophysics. PMID- 13464130 TI - The new look in virus research. PMID- 13464131 TI - Nucleoproteins in cell structure. PMID- 13464132 TI - Some chemical aspects of abnormal growth. PMID- 13464134 TI - The chemical basis of blood group specificity in man. PMID- 13464133 TI - The chemistry of the porphyrias. PMID- 13464135 TI - The plasma proteins. PMID- 13464137 TI - Protein malnutrition. PMID- 13464136 TI - Laboratory and clinical findings in hypersensitivity. PMID- 13464138 TI - Shock from burns. PMID- 13464139 TI - The electrolyte and metabolic response to trauma. PMID- 13464140 TI - Radiation injury to bone. PMID- 13464141 TI - Reaction of enzymes to injury. PMID- 13464143 TI - Cooling of the whole organism. PMID- 13464142 TI - The effects of alcohol. PMID- 13464144 TI - Substances that increase tissue permeability and their relation to infection and fertilization. PMID- 13464145 TI - Release and activity of posterior pituitary hormones. PMID- 13464146 TI - The effects of distension of viscera. PMID- 13464148 TI - The comparative anatomy of the larynx with particular reference to the functions of the organ in man. PMID- 13464147 TI - Fat metabolism. PMID- 13464149 TI - Histochemistry and its application to the basic sciences. PMID- 13464150 TI - [Gas pelvigraphy; radiosurigical comparison of 44 cases from a series of 250]. PMID- 13464151 TI - [Anatomo-surgical considerations on the internal saphenous system]. PMID- 13464152 TI - [Importance of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis]. PMID- 13464153 TI - [Development of duodenal ulcer during treatment with reserpine]. PMID- 13464154 TI - [Topography of the nucleus of cranial nerve: the nucleus of a single bundle]. PMID- 13464156 TI - [Meningeal hemorrhages accompanying an outbreak of severe vesicular polymorphous erythema with a type of pluri-orificial erosive ectodermatosis]. PMID- 13464155 TI - [Chronic localized tetanus in a patient presenting chronic post-traumatic ulcerations of the legs]. PMID- 13464157 TI - [Recurrent generalized giant urticaria complications with edema of the glottis following simple contact with mercurochrome]. PMID- 13464158 TI - [A case of myxedema following treatment with iodine]. PMID- 13464159 TI - [Parathyroid osteosis with blurred x-ray manifestations]. PMID- 13464160 TI - [Urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids in cirrhosis of the liver]. PMID- 13464161 TI - [Sterility caused by trophic disorders of the testes; role of circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13464162 TI - [Rheumatic manifestations developing in marginal hyperthyroidism; with reference to 5 cases of scapulohumeral periarthritis]. PMID- 13464163 TI - [Treatment of paraplegias & nervous disorders of Pott's disease with the cortical hormone: delta cortisone: cortancyl]. PMID- 13464164 TI - [Investigations on adrenal cortex function in cranial wounds]. PMID- 13464165 TI - [Use of organic & inorganic vascular prosthesis in reparation surgery or replacement of large vessels; development of ideas; current status of the problem]. PMID- 13464166 TI - [Radial paralysis in closed fractures of the humeral diaphysis; with regard to 19 cases]. PMID- 13464167 TI - [Clinical, electroencephalographic & radiologic study of parasagittal meningioma & meningiomas of the falx of brain; 42 cases]. PMID- 13464168 TI - [The histamine-fixing power of the blood; its diagnostic & therapeutic significance in pediatrics]. PMID- 13464169 TI - [Intragastric talc granuloma after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13464170 TI - [Medical treatment of hydatid cysts of the liver]. PMID- 13464171 TI - [Ascending nephritis with osteomalacia & nephrocalcinosis]. PMID- 13464172 TI - [Hyperkeratosis palmaris verrucosa with cheiromegaly & arthropathy of the thumb of syringomyelitic origin]. PMID- 13464174 TI - [Anatomy of the long posterior ciliary arteries]. PMID- 13464173 TI - [Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease with multiple miliary lupoids & Perthes-Jungling cystoid osteitis]. PMID- 13464175 TI - [Primary cutaneous tuberculous infection at the level of the thigh with adenopathy of Scarpa's triangle & mediastinal fistulized adenopathy]. PMID- 13464176 TI - [Superficial blastomycosis of mucous membranes with multiple foci]. PMID- 13464177 TI - [Mycosis fungoides with tumors at the onset & rapid fatal development]. PMID- 13464178 TI - [Attack of hypoglycemia with cardiovascular collapse in the course of diabetes]. PMID- 13464179 TI - [Sensorimotor Polyradiculoneuritis with albuminocytological dissociation in the course of diabetes with nutritional disorders]. PMID- 13464180 TI - [The time of formation of a vertebral osteophyte]. PMID- 13464181 TI - [Use of a trypanosome extract for treatment of malignant affections; possibility of contraindications]. PMID- 13464182 TI - [Activity of treatment with chelating agents in chloric acne; first results]. PMID- 13464184 TI - [Amino acid excretion of normal children of different ages]. PMID- 13464183 TI - [About the subacute sclerotic leucoencehphalitis]. PMID- 13464185 TI - [Diseases of the prostate]. PMID- 13464186 TI - [Maternal welfare & legislation concerning pregnancy]. PMID- 13464187 TI - [Chronic subdural hematoma in adults]. PMID- 13464188 TI - [Dr. Gusztav Groszmann, 1878-1957]. PMID- 13464189 TI - [Flat and steep acetabulum]. PMID- 13464190 TI - [Postbulbar duodenal ulcers]. PMID- 13464191 TI - [Osteochondral tracheopathy]. PMID- 13464192 TI - [Cranioschisis]. PMID- 13464193 TI - [Problems of grid irradiation. II. Comparison of grids]. PMID- 13464194 TI - [Dosimeter for deep-radiotherapeutic apparatus]. PMID- 13464195 TI - [Physical problems of thyroid function tests using radioiodine]. PMID- 13464197 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464196 TI - [Experiences and observations in Germany]. PMID- 13464198 TI - [Etiologic diagnosis of virus diseases]. PMID- 13464200 TI - [Swine plague in Marocco]. PMID- 13464199 TI - [Demonstration of anti-infectious therapeutics]. PMID- 13464201 TI - [Scleroma of the nose & larynx]. PMID- 13464202 TI - [Place of pubiotomy in the indications for pelvitomies in Moroccan women]. PMID- 13464203 TI - [Indication of the Noble operation in peritonitis]. PMID- 13464204 TI - [Pyrosis & its importance for the practitioner]. PMID- 13464205 TI - [Visceral spread of hydrocyanic acid & mercury in poisoning by mercuric cyanide]. PMID- 13464207 TI - [Traits and portraits]. PMID- 13464206 TI - [2 Cases of severe whooping cough in infants treated successfully by the Julien Marie tritherapy]. PMID- 13464208 TI - [Cure of tuberculosis and cure of the tuberculous patient]. PMID- 13464209 TI - [Tuberculin reactions and their semiological value]. PMID- 13464210 TI - [Chronic bronchial catarrh [catarrhal inflammation] and its treatment]. PMID- 13464211 TI - [Gynecomastia in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis concerning five cases]. PMID- 13464212 TI - [Ambulatory chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis; clinical and epidemiological effects]. PMID- 13464213 TI - [Tuberculosis in Morocco; evaluation of tuberculosis (methods and results) in countries in the process of development]. PMID- 13464214 TI - [Hypophyso-adrenal hormones and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464215 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis in the Moroccan infant; study of 70 cases at Casablanca]. PMID- 13464216 TI - [Cystic pulmonary exclusion or sequestration]. PMID- 13464217 TI - [Spontaneous pneumothorax revealing Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13464218 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464219 TI - [Results of thoracic surgery in the province of Agadir]. PMID- 13464220 TI - [Various comments on a radiophotographic survey]. PMID- 13464221 TI - [Preliminary trials of extracorporeal circulation on the animal]. PMID- 13464222 TI - Presentation of a portrait of Dr. J. Albert Chatard. PMID- 13464223 TI - Presentation of a portrait of Dr. Emil Novak. PMID- 13464224 TI - Socio-economic issues confronting medicine. PMID- 13464225 TI - An evaluation of tests of pulmonary and cardiac function in relation to chest surgery. PMID- 13464226 TI - A new electrotherapeutic device for treatment of skin lesions; bio-cold-ray. PMID- 13464227 TI - Potentiating effect of chlorothiazide (diuril) in combination with antihypertensive agents; preliminary report. PMID- 13464228 TI - Operable congenital malformations of the heart. IV. Section 2. Rare and unusual forms. PMID- 13464230 TI - Constructive emotions in children. PMID- 13464229 TI - Employee health services in nongovernmental establishments in the Washington. D. C. metropolitan area: results of a survey. PMID- 13464231 TI - Emotional problems in children. PMID- 13464232 TI - Chemotherapeutic management of emotional problems in children. PMID- 13464233 TI - Why and when of tonsillectomy. PMID- 13464234 TI - Army medical research. PMID- 13464235 TI - Unexploited ocean resources. PMID- 13464236 TI - Electrophoretic separation of serum lipoprotein; some observations on preservation of serum and on physiological variations. PMID- 13464237 TI - Recommendation of a superior mouth guard for intramural sports. PMID- 13464238 TI - The surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis. PMID- 13464239 TI - A complementary aspect of medical care. PMID- 13464240 TI - Management of respiratory problems encountered in trauma. PMID- 13464241 TI - Medical supply and property accountability. PMID- 13464242 TI - Direct and indirect tissue biopsy methods; a progress report. PMID- 13464243 TI - Pulmonary function tests: practical applications and limitations in general practice. PMID- 13464244 TI - Tracer studies in medical diagnosis. PMID- 13464245 TI - Current concepts in electrocardiography: a critique of the unipolar approach to interpretation. PMID- 13464246 TI - Clinical examination of the heart. PMID- 13464247 TI - Dizziness and vertigo: diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13464248 TI - Pain in the chest. PMID- 13464249 TI - Cough, dyspnea and stridor. PMID- 13464250 TI - Backache; differential diagnosis. PMID- 13464251 TI - Abdominal pain. PMID- 13464252 TI - Roentgenologic findings in acute diseases in the abdomen. PMID- 13464253 TI - Hematemesis and melena. PMID- 13464254 TI - Jaundice; its differential diagnosis. PMID- 13464256 TI - The edematous patient. PMID- 13464255 TI - Splenomegaly; a problem in differential diagnosis. PMID- 13464257 TI - Failure of urinary secretion. PMID- 13464258 TI - The diagnosis of virus infection. PMID- 13464259 TI - Current diagnosis of systemic arterial hypertension. PMID- 13464260 TI - The neuroses in general practice. PMID- 13464261 TI - Periodic examination of well patients. PMID- 13464262 TI - Electroencephalographic evidence of personality changes produced by ataraxic drugs in mentally disturbed patients. PMID- 13464263 TI - Largactil, ritalin and meratran in the treatment of endogenous psychotic depression. PMID- 13464264 TI - Outline of early radioiodine uptake tests for the assay of thyroid function. PMID- 13464265 TI - The action of leuchaemic cells on neutral fat. PMID- 13464266 TI - [Alimentary obstruction in the neonatal period]. PMID- 13464267 TI - Manic-depressive psychosis following head injury. PMID- 13464268 TI - THE TROUBLESOME Staphylococcus. PMID- 13464269 TI - [SPREAD of the new influenza virus outside Asia]. PMID- 13464270 TI - Adrenocortical hormone treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13464271 TI - An epidemic exanthem associated with polyarthritis in the Murray valley, 1956. PMID- 13464272 TI - Some epidemiological and laboratory observations on an epidemic rash and polyarthritis occurring in the upper Murray region of South Australia. PMID- 13464273 TI - The Murray valley rash. PMID- 13464274 TI - Hormonal therapy and the significance of the pregnanediol excretion test in recurrent abortion. PMID- 13464275 TI - Congenital recto-vaginal fistula in an adolescent. PMID- 13464277 TI - A non-directive method of group psychotherapy. PMID- 13464276 TI - Intrathoracic goitre: its prevalence in Sydney metropolitan mass radiography surveys. PMID- 13464278 TI - Psychiatric aspects of childhood epilepsy. PMID- 13464279 TI - The nature of the allergic reaction in the mammalia. PMID- 13464281 TI - Alcohol and fatal traffic accidents. PMID- 13464280 TI - George Edward Twynam (1856-1941), of Sydney: decompression disease of bone. PMID- 13464282 TI - Dr. Bellamy of Papua. I. PMID- 13464284 TI - Severe acute dilatation of the stomach (gastro-succorrhoea). PMID- 13464283 TI - The problems of the inguinal hernia. PMID- 13464286 TI - Medical services: today and tomorrow. PMID- 13464287 TI - INFANTS born of diabetic and prediabetic mothers. PMID- 13464285 TI - Death from aplastic anaemia following methyl thiouracil therapy. PMID- 13464288 TI - Clinical value of bone marrow examination. PMID- 13464290 TI - Slant technic for the extirpation of ingrown toenails. PMID- 13464289 TI - Myocardial infarction: ten-year (1945-1955) survey of anticoagulant treated and untreated patients; a morphological study of 134 cases. PMID- 13464291 TI - Coronary heart disease: prognostic factors with particular reference to the psyche. PMID- 13464292 TI - Newer concepts of steroid therapy for allergic disease. PMID- 13464293 TI - Rectal bleeding. PMID- 13464294 TI - Mechanical heart-lung apparatus; a new and promising adjunct to corrective cardiac surgery. PMID- 13464295 TI - Sex in utero; an epitome of the attempts to predict it. PMID- 13464296 TI - Diabetes mellitus, insulin and glucagon. PMID- 13464297 TI - The new drugs and the child. PMID- 13464298 TI - Hookworm infection. PMID- 13464300 TI - PILONIDAL cysts. PMID- 13464299 TI - Diabetes and the law. PMID- 13464301 TI - The social worker is on your team. PMID- 13464303 TI - Investing for the successful physician. PMID- 13464305 TI - Incontinence of urine in the elderly. PMID- 13464302 TI - Missionary doctor in Africa. PMID- 13464304 TI - Radiation hazards and medical practice. PMID- 13464306 TI - Results of hospital care. PMID- 13464307 TI - Craniosynostosis. PMID- 13464308 TI - Educating children in hospital. PMID- 13464311 TI - Medical witness. PMID- 13464310 TI - Tuberculosis campaign in Scotland. PMID- 13464309 TI - Juvenile liaison officers; a Liverpool experiment. PMID- 13464312 TI - [Pleurisy in 20 year old subjects]. PMID- 13464313 TI - [Various findings on vagotomy]. PMID- 13464314 TI - [Clinical problems of mitral disease]. PMID- 13464316 TI - [Rehabilitation in aphasia]. PMID- 13464315 TI - [Functional anatomy of the foot]. PMID- 13464317 TI - [Case of disease of the basal grey nuclei]. PMID- 13464318 TI - [Hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13464319 TI - [3 Questions about practical hemotherapy]. PMID- 13464320 TI - [Health service in atomic war]. PMID- 13464321 TI - [Anatomical & physiological findings on the respiratory system in relation to anesthesia in infancy]. PMID- 13464323 TI - [Histochemical changes in the hepatic reticuloendothelial system in kala-azar]. PMID- 13464322 TI - [Anesthetic infiltration of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion as a treatment for metrorrhagia]. PMID- 13464324 TI - [Postoperative urinary incontinence in man: Flaque-Lowsley operation]. PMID- 13464325 TI - [Fibrinolysis during surgery with survival of the patient]. PMID- 13464326 TI - [Data on the pathology of Koehler's second disease; epiphysitis of the second metatarsus]. PMID- 13464327 TI - [Antidiabetic sulphonamides]. PMID- 13464328 TI - [Staphylococcia & its treatment]. PMID- 13464329 TI - [Present status of medicine & disadvantages of the various organizations of the United Nations]. PMID- 13464330 TI - [Hemodynamic diagnosis of tricuspid stenosis; case report]. PMID- 13464331 TI - [Clinical value of heparinic activity of blood in atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13464332 TI - [Subsidies in the history of public health in Portugal]. PMID- 13464333 TI - [Clinical manifestations of male sterility]. PMID- 13464334 TI - [Azygos factor, extracorporeal circulation & hypothermia: experimental study & preliminary note]. PMID- 13464335 TI - [Royal jelly as a coadjuvant in the therapy of degenerative rheumatism]. PMID- 13464336 TI - [Radiogenic proctitis]. PMID- 13464337 TI - [Primary or essential arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13464338 TI - [Arterioespasmo ergot]. PMID- 13464339 TI - [Pyloric obstruction caused by biliary calculus]. PMID- 13464340 TI - [Spontaneous hemopneumothorax]. PMID- 13464342 TI - [Chemotherapy of malaria]. PMID- 13464341 TI - [Low salt syndrome of renal origin with hyperazotemia caused by transitory salt loss]. PMID- 13464343 TI - [Congenital pyloric stenosis]. PMID- 13464344 TI - [Afro-American medicine; pathological pecularities in Negroes]. PMID- 13464345 TI - [Tumors of the bladder; present concepts]. PMID- 13464346 TI - [Compendium of the sporicidal properties of benzalkonium chloride]. PMID- 13464347 TI - [Psychological, social & moral aspects of sterility]. PMID- 13464348 TI - [The healing dance; the tarantula & the sword dance]. PMID- 13464349 TI - The seconal capsule murder; R. v. John and Janet Armstrong. PMID- 13464350 TI - Homosexuality. PMID- 13464351 TI - Tales told by dead men. PMID- 13464352 TI - [Physiology of aging]. PMID- 13464353 TI - [Basis of antibacterial therapy in dermatology]. PMID- 13464354 TI - [Practical cases of expert testimony and treatment of cranium-brain injuries]. PMID- 13464355 TI - [Enterocolitis after surgery and antibiotic administration]. PMID- 13464356 TI - [Subdiaphragmatic aortography and the clinical picture of the total occlusion of abdominal aorta (Leriche syndrome)]. PMID- 13464357 TI - [Differential diagnosis of dystrophic myotonia]. PMID- 13464358 TI - [Experimental study of tolerance to injectable lecithin in animals]. PMID- 13464359 TI - [North Sea climate in treatment of respiratory diseases in children]. PMID- 13464360 TI - [Treatment of E 605 poisoning]. PMID- 13464362 TI - [Treatment of various forms of rheumatism with impletol]. PMID- 13464361 TI - [Treatment of skin ulcerations with special reference to ulcus cruris]. PMID- 13464363 TI - [Effect of preludin on body weight and metabolism of adipose patients]. PMID- 13464364 TI - [Treatment of parkinsonism; effect of pacatal on Parkinson's tremors]. PMID- 13464365 TI - [Treatment of post-infectious peripheral circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13464366 TI - [Treatment of asthma with efrodal B; review of three years of experience]. PMID- 13464367 TI - [Further research on intravenous short narcosis in surgical clinic and polyclinic]. PMID- 13464368 TI - [Albert Wilhelm Fischer for his 65th birthday]. PMID- 13464369 TI - [News on antibiotics. I. Review]. PMID- 13464370 TI - [Stomatology; review]. PMID- 13464371 TI - [The problem of evaluation & expert testimony of atherosclerosis. I]. PMID- 13464372 TI - [Clinical aspects of renal duplication]. PMID- 13464373 TI - [Spread & antibiotic resistance of pathogenic staphylococci in medical practice. I]. PMID- 13464374 TI - [The problem of hypoxia hazards to the athlete's heart]. PMID- 13464375 TI - [Treatment of sports injuries with hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13464376 TI - [Eupragin for treatment of chronic joint & muscular diseases]. PMID- 13464377 TI - [Clinical experiences with the new antistaphylococcic antibiotic drug novobiocin with special reference to abscessed pneumonia]. PMID- 13464378 TI - [Experiences with depot novadral in surgery]. PMID- 13464379 TI - [Production of malignant tumors by nucleoproteins]. PMID- 13464380 TI - [Objective & subjective visual function tests]. PMID- 13464381 TI - [The problem of evaluation & expert testimony of atherosclerosis. II]. PMID- 13464382 TI - [Differential diagnosis of facial hemiatrophy & other hemilateral facial asymmetries]. PMID- 13464383 TI - [Symptomatology of the Sturge-Weber disease]. PMID- 13464384 TI - [Clinical aspects & therapy of juvenile hemorrhage]. PMID- 13464385 TI - [Treatment of nonspecific depression states with depot primodian]. PMID- 13464386 TI - [Experiences with sleep therapy, with special reference to nervous exhaustion states & neuroses]. PMID- 13464387 TI - [Treatment of migraine-headache with conjunctival stimulation]. PMID- 13464388 TI - [Clinical experiences with miltown]. PMID- 13464389 TI - [Diagnosis of liver diseases]. PMID- 13464390 TI - [Dentistry & study of oral & maxillary diseases including facial & maxillary surgery]. PMID- 13464391 TI - [Prognosis & rehabilitation after myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13464392 TI - [The atypical ECG in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13464393 TI - [Forms of hypertension caused by trauma]. PMID- 13464394 TI - [The heart during puberty]. PMID- 13464395 TI - [To Max Hochrein on his 60th birthday]. PMID- 13464396 TI - [Treatment of pruritus in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13464397 TI - [Belladonna rectiole in treatment of postoperative functional urinary retention]. PMID- 13464398 TI - [Tropical medicine as a university course]. PMID- 13464399 TI - [The Behcet syndrome (Gilbert's ophthalmia lenta)]. PMID- 13464400 TI - [Disability determination in endangiitis obliterans]. PMID- 13464401 TI - [The importance of diet in cancer therapy]. PMID- 13464402 TI - [Dietetic care of cancer cases in the Centre de Dietetique Ecquevilly]. PMID- 13464403 TI - [Contribution on photosensitivity in lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13464404 TI - [Etiology of gastric & pulmonary carcinoma]. PMID- 13464405 TI - [Replacement of vertebral bodies after excision of foci in tuberculous spondylitis]. PMID- 13464406 TI - [The dream life in agnosia]. PMID- 13464407 TI - [A contribution on iodine therapy of hypertension]. PMID- 13464408 TI - [Experience with an iron-mineral-vitamin preparation in therapy of masked sideropenia in general practice]. PMID- 13464409 TI - [Contribution on concomitant familial ovalocytosis and constitutional eosinophilia]. PMID- 13464411 TI - [Rehabilitation of tuberculous persons and its legal basis]. PMID- 13464410 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464413 TI - [Coins in popular medicine. II]. PMID- 13464412 TI - [Prescription of sulfonamides in dental practice]. PMID- 13464414 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464415 TI - [Physiology and clinical aspects of hepatocardiac correlations]. PMID- 13464416 TI - [Diabetes and pregnancy]. PMID- 13464417 TI - [Mutations, effect of radiations and radiation protection]. PMID- 13464418 TI - [Periodicity of systolic energy release in human heart]. PMID- 13464419 TI - [Autonomic tonus changes in the treatment of degenerative spine diseases]. PMID- 13464420 TI - [Neurosyphilitic diseases with negative cerebrospinal liquor findings]. PMID- 13464421 TI - [When should the fractional gastric juice tests be repeated]. PMID- 13464423 TI - [Experiences with isoniazid-PAS in the treatment of cavernous and exsudative pulmonary tuberculoses in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13464422 TI - [Experiences with a new depot sedative proscalun]. PMID- 13464424 TI - [Familial Werlhof's disease]. PMID- 13464425 TI - [Differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, silicosis and silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13464426 TI - [Silicosis and cancer]. PMID- 13464427 TI - [Symposium on fluoridation problems]. PMID- 13464428 TI - [Michael Aschenbrenner, apothecary and minter]. PMID- 13464429 TI - [Benediction by proxy; instructions for water consecration in treatment of wounds]. PMID- 13464430 TI - [Development of Recklinghousen's disease with parathyroid epithelioma; results of more than 10 years]. PMID- 13464431 TI - [Chromium radiophosphate & cervical ganglion curettage]. PMID- 13464432 TI - [Fatal deceptiveness of a bilateral pneumothorax; complication of median sternotomy with internal cleidotomy for the treatment of subclavicular arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13464434 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464433 TI - [Failure of the Moroney operation in the treatment of recurrent ulcers following gastrectomy & associated vagotomy]. PMID- 13464435 TI - [Combined traumatic lesions of the femoral diaphysis & homologous hip: 11 case reports]. PMID- 13464436 TI - [142 Cases of cancer of the rectum; 113 excisions]. PMID- 13464437 TI - [Acute postoperative dilatation of the stomach & venous thrombosis]. PMID- 13464438 TI - [A case of voluminous aneurysm of the hypogastric artery in a 6 month old infant]. PMID- 13464439 TI - [16 Cicatricial strictures of the esophagus treated surgically: operative results]. PMID- 13464440 TI - [A case of degenerated pancreatic adenoma]. PMID- 13464441 TI - [A case of cancer of the esophagus in its early stage]. PMID- 13464442 TI - [A modification of the usual incision in large right thoracophrenolaparotomies]. PMID- 13464443 TI - [CHARLES THOM]. PMID- 13464445 TI - [A new type of intracellular inclusions produced by plant virus]. PMID- 13464444 TI - [Gram-positive bacterial flora in infections of the urinary tract. I. Indentification, frequency and antibiogram]. PMID- 13464446 TI - [Bacteriophage identification by means of serological technics. II. Bacteriophages from persons with urogenital infections]. PMID- 13464447 TI - [Resistance of Salmonella typhosa to chloramphenicol]. PMID- 13464448 TI - [Purification and enzymatic disantigenization of antitoxic serums and plasmas. III. Theoretical evaluation of antitoxic and anaphylactic function of antitoxic serums and plasmas]. PMID- 13464449 TI - [Action of chemical agents on viruses and experiments with an antivariolar agent cultivated in chick egg]. PMID- 13464450 TI - [Study and analytical microbiological control of paper money]. PMID- 13464451 TI - [Growth of heterotrophic bacteria in a medium deprived of organic substances]. PMID- 13464452 TI - [Comparative study of leukotoxic, hemolytic and lecithinase activity of toxins of basic causative organisms of gas gangrene]. PMID- 13464453 TI - [Observations on combined action of toxins of Clostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus on phagocytic activity of the leukocytes]. PMID- 13464454 TI - [Examination of phytoncides of Helichrysum arenarium]. PMID- 13464455 TI - [Examination of activity lactase of Streptococcus lactis. II]. PMID- 13464456 TI - [Antibiotic characteristics of Parmelia and isolated substances]. PMID- 13464457 TI - [Effect of microcide on Clostridium perfringens]. PMID- 13464458 TI - [Atypical strains of intestinal microbes isolated from healthy individuals]. PMID- 13464459 TI - [Etiology of scarlet fever]. PMID- 13464460 TI - [Kiev's microbiologist and botanist Andrii Vasyl'ovych Krains'kyi]. PMID- 13464461 TI - [In memoriam Professor Dr. V. Patzelt; 1887-1956]. PMID- 13464462 TI - [A simple device for sharpening objects imbedded in plexiglas]. PMID- 13464463 TI - [Cytological study. III. Suitability and use of phosphotungstic acid and thallium nitrate as a contrast medium for demonstration of cytoplasmic structure]. PMID- 13464464 TI - [A new microtome with a diamond knife]. PMID- 13464465 TI - [Technic and method of research on tubular apparatus of a rabbit kidney in relation to renal function; the proximal segment]. PMID- 13464466 TI - [The new auditorium-microscopy hall of the histological and embryological institute at the University of Graz]. PMID- 13464467 TI - [A simple method for aimed preparation of objects for direct penetration of light in electron microscopy]. PMID- 13464469 TI - [Histological determination and localization of proliferation sites in pavement cell carcinoma]. PMID- 13464468 TI - [Differential diagnosis of virus diseases in insects. II]. PMID- 13464470 TI - [Histological embedding without embedding angles and without pouring of the embedding medium]. PMID- 13464471 TI - The Kober lecture: the challenge of painful syndromes. PMID- 13464472 TI - Military medical problems in Britain today. PMID- 13464473 TI - Postgraduate education in the Army Medical Service. PMID- 13464474 TI - [Biochemical histochemical changes in the adrenal cortex induced by phenothiazine derivatives with antihistaminic & neuroplegic activity]. PMID- 13464475 TI - [Findings on analgesic technics for adenotonsillectomy in children]. PMID- 13464476 TI - [Behavior of cerebral venous pressure & CSF pressure in relation to bronchoalveolar pressure]. PMID- 13464477 TI - [Anesthesia in obstetric operations]. PMID- 13464478 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464479 TI - [Anesthesia for broncography and bronchoscopy]. PMID- 13464480 TI - [Hydrogenated ergot alkaloids in the postoperative period]. PMID- 13464481 TI - [Treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications with streptokinase streptodornase aerosol therapy]. PMID- 13464482 TI - [Peridural spinal anesthesia in cesarean section]. PMID- 13464483 TI - [Controlled hypotension in adrenal surgery]. PMID- 13464484 TI - [Experimental research on liver damage induced by anesthetics & under the protective effect of thioctic acid]. PMID- 13464485 TI - [Anesthesia for cerebral angiography]. PMID- 13464487 TI - [Progress in general anesthesia in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13464486 TI - [Explosion risk in the operating room]. PMID- 13464488 TI - [Spirometric evaluation of respiratory function during sodium hydroxydione administration]. PMID- 13464489 TI - [Considerations on a personal method of administration of sodium isopropyl-bromo allyl-N-methyl barbiturate as the only anesthetic in average and minor surgery]. PMID- 13464490 TI - [Research on the binding of blood proteins with a steroid with anesthetic properties; 21-hydroxypregnandione sodium succinate]. PMID- 13464491 TI - [Influence of hepatectomy and nephrectomy on the hypotensive action action of trimethaphan camphorsulfonate]. PMID- 13464492 TI - [Practical experience with an ultra-short acting barbiturate]. PMID- 13464493 TI - [General anesthesia in laryngeal surgery]. PMID- 13464494 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464496 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464495 TI - [Physiopathology of obliterations of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13464497 TI - [Arteriographic studies on occlusion of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13464498 TI - [Results of surgical treatment of stomach cancer]. PMID- 13464499 TI - [Complications of colon diverticulitis]. PMID- 13464500 TI - [Coexistence of tumors of various types in the intestine and in ovaries]. PMID- 13464501 TI - [Case of fracture of the ossification center of the great trochanter]. PMID- 13464502 TI - [Case of infarct of the small intestine]. PMID- 13464503 TI - [Syndrome of edematous malnutrition 2 years after subtotal gastrectomy for ulcer]. PMID- 13464504 TI - [Case of intestinal occlusion caused by subserous hematoma of the ileum]. PMID- 13464505 TI - [Determination of the circulating human blood and plasma volume in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13464506 TI - [Comparative experimental study of pressure & electrographic changes induced by rapid blood transfusion; in relation to the route of infusion; cardiocirculatory apparatus in simple intra-arterial and in simultaneous intra-arterial & intravenous rapid transfusions; possibilities and limitations]. PMID- 13464507 TI - [Double immovable suture technic for the closure of the abdomen]. PMID- 13464508 TI - [Alveolar tumors of the lung; anatomical, pathological, clinical and therapeutic contribution]. PMID- 13464509 TI - [Importance of the sino-auricular node artery in heart surgery; routes of approach to the right atrium in bloodless surgery]. PMID- 13464510 TI - [Experimental surgery of the globus pallidus and its efferents; anatomical and histological research]. PMID- 13464511 TI - [Changes in motor activity of the bladder after sympathetic enervation; cystometric and cystographic study]. PMID- 13464512 TI - [Heteroplastic dysembryoma of the mediastinum; case of cervico-thoracic tetratoma]. PMID- 13464513 TI - [Renal ectopia]. PMID- 13464514 TI - [Jejunal invagination caused by angioadenoma]. PMID- 13464515 TI - [A case of duodeno-renal fistula]. PMID- 13464516 TI - [Case of sacciform congenital ectasia of the common bile duct; clinical note]. PMID- 13464517 TI - [Rupture of the tendons of the brachial biceps; general aspects of tendinous ruptures; rupture of the tendon of the long head]. PMID- 13464519 TI - [Non-gonococcal urethritis from the viewpoint of general pathology]. PMID- 13464518 TI - [Non-gonococcal urethritis as a new social disease]. PMID- 13464520 TI - [Microbic forms of non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464521 TI - [Pathogenesis of non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464522 TI - [Chemotherapy and antibiotics in the modern incidence of non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464524 TI - [General diseases and non-gonococcal urethritis; non-gonococcal urethritis and general complications]. PMID- 13464523 TI - [Urethro-genital manifestations and histopathology of non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464525 TI - [Urologic pathology and non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464526 TI - [Vagino-urethral pathology and non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464527 TI - [Psychology of patients with non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464528 TI - [Problem of treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464529 TI - [Non-gonococcal urethritis as a syndrome]. PMID- 13464530 TI - [Treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis with a streptomycin-chloramphenicol succinate mixture]. PMID- 13464532 TI - [Radiotherapy of non-gonococcal urethritis; preliminary note]. PMID- 13464531 TI - [Combination of autovaccination and antibiotics in therapy of various non gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464533 TI - [Urethritis caused by colibacillus]. PMID- 13464534 TI - [Traumatic urethritis]. PMID- 13464535 TI - [Allergic urethritis]. PMID- 13464537 TI - [Urinary inhibins in non-gonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464536 TI - [Comparative effect of various antibiotics in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis and data on the incidence of postgonococcal urethritis]. PMID- 13464539 TI - [Micromorphological and macromorphological characteristics & experimental pathogenicity of aerobic Actinomyces isolated in a fatal case of human actinomycosis]. PMID- 13464538 TI - [Research on the bacteriostatic effect of so-called urinary inhibins]. PMID- 13464540 TI - [Severe progressive collagen mesenchymopathy with multiple manifestations (erythematodes, scleroderma, cellulitis) in hypothyroidism & hypopituitarism]. PMID- 13464541 TI - [Cutaneous reactivity in diabetic]. PMID- 13464542 TI - [Intolerance to antidiabetic sulfonamides; case of unreported cutaneous allergy]. PMID- 13464543 TI - [Problem of synthetic narcotics]. PMID- 13464544 TI - [Leafing through pharmaceutical terminology]. PMID- 13464545 TI - [Contribution of Giuseppe Pasta to the development of Bergamese spas]. PMID- 13464546 TI - [Relation between herbist & druggist in Piedmont during 16th to 19th centuries]. PMID- 13464547 TI - [Biography of 19th century Piedmontese pharmacist: Giovanni Battista Schiapparelli (1795-1863)]. PMID- 13464548 TI - [Significance of maximum work potential of the chest in psycho-physioprophylaxis in labor]. PMID- 13464549 TI - [Cord transfusion in resuscitation of the newborn in asphyxia]. PMID- 13464550 TI - [Meprobamate & its combinations with other drugs in the field of obstetrics & gynecology]. PMID- 13464551 TI - [Research on salivary crystallization during menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13464552 TI - [Blood amylase determination in normal pregnancy & in toxemia]. PMID- 13464554 TI - [Replacement of the terminal portion of the ureter with an isolated loop of the ileum]. PMID- 13464553 TI - [Endocrine picture in fibrocystic breast disease & modifications induced in the latter by chorionic gonadotropin alone & in combination with prolactin]. PMID- 13464555 TI - [Micro-electrophoretic determinations of serum proteins in pregnancy at term and in the puerperium]. PMID- 13464556 TI - [Quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropins by the Galli-Mainini test]. PMID- 13464557 TI - [Carcinoma of the uterine body with voluminous hemato-pyometra]. PMID- 13464558 TI - [Radiopelvimetry and dystocia of inclination]. PMID- 13464559 TI - [Tuberculin and photofluorographic examinations in schools; results and problems of systematic controls made from 1952 to 1956]. PMID- 13464560 TI - [Changes in tuberculin reaction caused by ACTH in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464561 TI - [Blood cholesterol and cholesterolytic capacity in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464562 TI - [Antibacterial isoniazid loading as a test of tubercular activity]. PMID- 13464563 TI - [Antireactive treatment of silicosis with tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464564 TI - [Pyrazinamide-isoniazid mixture in the treatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464565 TI - [New aspects of tuberculosis in the Sanatorium]. PMID- 13464566 TI - [Cycloserine]. PMID- 13464567 TI - [Arrhythmia syndrome caused by acute cerebrovascular diseases]. PMID- 13464568 TI - [Intra-arterial administration of respiratory enzymes in peripheral arteritis; local changes of lactic acid, pyruvic acid and alpha-ketoglutaric acid levels and of oxygen utilization coefficient]. PMID- 13464569 TI - [Changes in distribution of body water during hypoglycemic shock caused by insulin]. PMID- 13464570 TI - [Food poisoning caused by Shigella; two epidemics in the Bari region in 1954]. PMID- 13464571 TI - [Systemic osteochondrodystrophies of growth; case of endochondral polytopic dysostosis of Morquio type]. PMID- 13464572 TI - [Clinical study and general aspects of the possibility to use tranquilizing drugs meprobamates-in general surgery and traumatology]. PMID- 13464573 TI - [Two unpublished letters of Antonio Scarpa]. PMID- 13464574 TI - [Medicine & social welfare in China; presentation and general impressions]. PMID- 13464575 TI - [General report on social hygiene with special reference to tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464576 TI - [Medical education]. PMID- 13464577 TI - [Scientific research]. PMID- 13464578 TI - [Pharmacology and materia medica]. PMID- 13464579 TI - [Chinese medicine and physicians today]. PMID- 13464580 TI - [Obstetrics and gynecology; with an appendix on general surgery]. PMID- 13464581 TI - [Relations between the modern and traditional medicine]. PMID- 13464582 TI - [Elia di Cyon, physiologist of the nervous system, political journalist, writer and apologist]. PMID- 13464583 TI - [Mortality in diabetes]. PMID- 13464584 TI - [Studies on lipoproteins in diabetes mellitus and in arteriosclerosis: effect of phenyl-ethyl-acetate of choline]. PMID- 13464585 TI - [Less usual clinical manifestations of q fever; short review concerning a sporadic case of most unusual symptomatological complexity]. PMID- 13464586 TI - [Report on an infant vaccinated with Salvioli's diffusing vaccine who lived for over a year in a highly contaminated environment]. PMID- 13464588 TI - [Parapsychology from a historian's viewpoint]. PMID- 13464587 TI - [Capacity of isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis to contaminate and to provoke disseminative processes; report of 4 cases]. PMID- 13464589 TI - [Three years experience of palm reading with Maria Gardini, a clairvoyant from Bologna]. PMID- 13464590 TI - [Poliomyelitis vaccination in Italy]. PMID- 13464591 TI - [Pathomorphosis of poliomyelitis in its medicosocial aspects]. PMID- 13464592 TI - [Poliomyelitis secondary to other communicable diseases]. PMID- 13464593 TI - [Characteristics of therapeutic, prophylactic and social care for acute anterior poliomyelitis in Italy]. PMID- 13464594 TI - [Health assistance to poliomyelitics with paralytic complications]. PMID- 13464595 TI - [Non-nervous lesions caused by acute poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13464596 TI - [Biochemical studies on tissue cultures in normal condition and after infections with poliomyelitis virus; effect of virus on pentanucleotidases and simple nucleotidases of host cells]. PMID- 13464597 TI - [Poliomyelitic myocarditis]. PMID- 13464598 TI - [Histopathological study of anterior acute poliomyelitis; lesions of peripheral and central sensory systems]. PMID- 13464599 TI - [Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system from the viewpoint of modern neuropathology]. PMID- 13464600 TI - [Photographic documentation of the technic of in vitro culture of KB cells and its application to biopathology of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13464601 TI - [Czechoslovak tick-borne encephalitis]. PMID- 13464602 TI - [Prognosis in poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13464603 TI - [Professor Guido Oselladore commemorates at the Medical Academy of Lombardy Professor G. M. Fasiani on the occasion of the anniversary of his death]. PMID- 13464604 TI - [Comparative clinical observations on the effect of various cortisone derivatives used in intraarticular & periarticular therapy]. PMID- 13464605 TI - [Effect of testosterone implants on spermatogenesis of men with reduced fertility]. PMID- 13464606 TI - [Skeletal localizations of malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13464607 TI - [ACTH test of cortico-adrenal function in normal persons & in diabetics]. PMID- 13464608 TI - [Chronicity of brucellosis, preliminary note]. PMID- 13464609 TI - [Epidemiological notes on ancylostomiasis in the region of Ancona]. PMID- 13464610 TI - [Myocarditis & coronaritis syndrome caused by tonsillar focus]. PMID- 13464611 TI - [Treatment of congenital hip luxation with a divarication instrument; preliminary note]. PMID- 13464612 TI - [Clinical aspects on lung disorders caused by a virus]. PMID- 13464613 TI - [Food poisoning caused by Salmonella typhimurium]. PMID- 13464614 TI - [Results of hormonal therapy in virus hepatitis & evaluation of its effects in the differential diagnosis from other types of jaundice]. PMID- 13464615 TI - [Pathogenesis & prophylaxis of congenital goiter]. PMID- 13464616 TI - [Delitala's operation in habitual shoulder luxation]. PMID- 13464617 TI - [Therapy of tuberculous meningitis in infants]. PMID- 13464618 TI - [Modern therapy of cutaneous tuberculosis]. PMID- 13464619 TI - [Pharyngotyphoid]. PMID- 13464620 TI - [Ollier's disease with ocular complications]. PMID- 13464621 TI - [Our experiences with peridural anesthesia]. PMID- 13464622 TI - [Clinical & humoral studies on the post-commissurotomy syndrome]. PMID- 13464623 TI - [Angiological exploration of a new clinical significance: peripheral & visceral photoplethysmography & rheography. I. Peripheral & visceral photoplethysmography]. PMID- 13464624 TI - [Angiological explorations of a new clinical significance: peripheral & visceral photoplethysmography & rheography. II. Peripheral & visceral rheography]. PMID- 13464625 TI - [Liver lesions in ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13464626 TI - [Leukemoid reactions in the course of bronchopneumonia with secondary pleurisy]. PMID- 13464627 TI - [Study of gastric cytology; a new sound used for it]. PMID- 13464628 TI - [Honey & royal jelly in therapeutic use]. PMID- 13464629 TI - [Further contributions to the study of blood bilirubin with paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13464630 TI - [Clinical use of hypoglycemic sulfonamides after 8 months of experimentation]. PMID- 13464631 TI - [Changes of certain metabolic aspects (pyruvic acid, lactic acid, ketone bodies, lipids) in diabetics treated with hypoglycemic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13464632 TI - [Chromosomal sex determination with slides of oral mucosa smears]. PMID- 13464633 TI - [Etiological therapy of urinary tract infections]. PMID- 13464634 TI - [Additional contribution to the study of the hypoglycemic mechanism of action of sulfonylurea; comparison of carbutamide with tolbutamide]. PMID- 13464635 TI - [Radiotherapy & vitamin E in the treatment of certain circumscribed changes of the connective tissue]. PMID- 13464636 TI - [Trypsin in the treatment of thrombotic syndromes]. PMID- 13464637 TI - [Indication for the use of synthetic antihistaminics in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13464638 TI - [Effects of certain drugs (cocarboxylase, phyto-stimulants, STH, vitamin T) on the regeneration of peripheral nerve fibers; results of Jent's corneal test]. PMID- 13464639 TI - [Recent advances in the field of antidiabetic drug therapy]. PMID- 13464640 TI - [C-reactive protein in clinical practice]. PMID- 13464641 TI - [Urinary excretion of aldosterone in the pediatric age, with special reference to the neonatal period]. PMID- 13464642 TI - [Clinical & morphological aspects of exanthematic neuraxitis]. PMID- 13464643 TI - [Radiological study of primary initial coxarthrosis]. PMID- 13464644 TI - [Cancerogenesis & therapy; a working hypothesis]. PMID- 13464645 TI - [Secondary effects of novobiocin]. PMID- 13464646 TI - [Practical value of a little-known reaction in differential diagnosis of acute abdomen]. PMID- 13464647 TI - [Value & significance of determination of C-reactive protein & glutamic oxalacetic transaminase in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13464648 TI - [The possibility of teratogenic effects of vitamin deficiency due to antibiotic treatment]. PMID- 13464649 TI - [The hypothesis of fibrinolytic activities in the bile]. PMID- 13464650 TI - [Acute necrotizing thrombotic angiopathy of the kidneys in advanced age]. PMID- 13464651 TI - [Ocular motility disorders due to supranuclear lesions]. PMID- 13464652 TI - [Interpretation of the electrophoretic diagram of human sperma; demonstration of lysozyme, hyaluronidase & acid phosphatase]. PMID- 13464653 TI - [Specific diagnosis of blood stains with paper chromatography]. PMID- 13464654 TI - [Paper electrophoresis of normal & pathological human seminal fluid]. PMID- 13464655 TI - [Chromatographic studies on animal & human adult & fetal hemoglobin]. PMID- 13464656 TI - [Fatal accidents occurring in human blood transfusion]. PMID- 13464657 TI - [Post-tetanic myocardia]. PMID- 13464658 TI - [An exceptional case of necrophilia]. PMID- 13464659 TI - [Postoperative death caused by internal suffocation of alimentary origin]. PMID- 13464660 TI - [Potassium permanganate used as abortive drug; case report]. PMID- 13464661 TI - [Renal function in normal & premature newborn]. PMID- 13464662 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464663 TI - [Developmental diagnosis with consultants of the Opera Nazionale Maternita & Infanzia; criteria of its application]. PMID- 13464664 TI - [Use of milk integrated with bifidus factor in infant nutrition]. PMID- 13464665 TI - [Infant mortality & nepiology]. PMID- 13464666 TI - [Purulent pleurisy in infants]. PMID- 13464667 TI - [Obstetric paralysis of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13464669 TI - [Thalassotherapy in infancy]. PMID- 13464668 TI - [Obstetrical fracture of the clavicle in the newborn]. PMID- 13464670 TI - [Oxalosis: a new metabolic storage disease: oxalosis with icthyosis, renal nanism, horsheshoe kidney, nephrocalcinosis & general renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13464671 TI - [Findings on a case of acquired methemoglobinemia caused by aniline]. PMID- 13464672 TI - [Thromboelastogram in healthy children]. PMID- 13464674 TI - [Determination of water & electrolyte balance & its clinical applications in surgery in infants]. PMID- 13464673 TI - [Various anatomic conditions of the digestive tract causing habitual vomiting & malnutrition in the newborn & nursing infant]. PMID- 13464675 TI - [Clinical syndromes produced by isolated or multiple renal tubular insufficiency]. PMID- 13464676 TI - [Findings on diaphragmatic hernia in children]. PMID- 13464677 TI - [Prevention of rheumatic diseases in congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13464678 TI - [Therapy of rheumatic diseases in childhood & prevention of their recurrence; ten years' experience]. PMID- 13464679 TI - [Clinical and diagnostic aspects of atresia of the esophagus with esophagotracheal fistula in the premature infant; illustration of a case]. PMID- 13464680 TI - [Typus degenerativus amstelodamensis: a clinical case]. PMID- 13464681 TI - [Study of a case of infantile hemocytoblastic leukemia preceded by a phase of medullary aplasia, with concurrence of tubercular infection and the leukemic stage]. PMID- 13464682 TI - [A case of pterygoarthromyodysplasia congenita; case report]. PMID- 13464683 TI - [Pyopneumothorax in infants]. PMID- 13464684 TI - [Relations between temporary and repeated occlusion of ureter and the autonomic nervous system]. PMID- 13464685 TI - [Case reports of so-called small kidneys]. PMID- 13464686 TI - [Secondary effects of selective renal arteriography on kidney function with special reference to change in azotemia]. PMID- 13464687 TI - [Changes in glycogen content in prostatic epithelial cells in dogs after administration of hormone preparations (methyltestosterone, hexestrol and hexestrol diphosphate)]. PMID- 13464688 TI - [Chloropenic, hyperazotemic syndrome in the light of new endocrinological data]. PMID- 13464689 TI - [Preliminary reports on sclerosing treatment of prostate hypertrophy with Negro's method]. PMID- 13464690 TI - Clinical variations in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13464691 TI - Determining the activity of pulmonary tuberculosis; reliability of history, physical examination, and routine office laboratory procedures. PMID- 13464693 TI - Gastric ulcer. PMID- 13464692 TI - Encephalopathies following DPT inoculations and pertussis. PMID- 13464694 TI - Present-day concepts of the treatment of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13464695 TI - Renal failure following the administration of intraperitoneal neomycin. PMID- 13464696 TI - Surgical approach to esophagitis with hiatus hernia. PMID- 13464697 TI - Treatment of congestive heart failure. PMID- 13464698 TI - The Masonic Memorial Hospital and the cancer problem. PMID- 13464699 TI - Loeffler's syndrome (eosinophilic pneumonia). PMID- 13464700 TI - Treatment of the nephrotic syndrome with malaria. PMID- 13464701 TI - Obstruction pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13464702 TI - Poisoning by the organic phosphorus insecticides. PMID- 13464703 TI - Uterine rupture. PMID- 13464704 TI - Concealed abdominal hemorrhage. PMID- 13464705 TI - Carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13464706 TI - The efficacy of extended resection for carcinoma of the rectum and sigmoid. PMID- 13464707 TI - Support during labor. PMID- 13464708 TI - Fracture problems. VI. PMID- 13464710 TI - Periodic health examinations on international basis. PMID- 13464709 TI - Inflammatory edema accompanying microcirculatory disease and its specific therapy with microcirculatory constriction. PMID- 13464711 TI - Office treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13464712 TI - A review of the highlights in the examination and treatment of the female patient. PMID- 13464713 TI - On reprints; a survey. PMID- 13464714 TI - Urinary drainage in the paraplegic patient. PMID- 13464715 TI - Maxillofacial trauma. PMID- 13464716 TI - Blood loss: in production of guaiac positive and tarry stools; a review. PMID- 13464717 TI - Surgery of the acromioclavicular joint. PMID- 13464718 TI - Semitendinosus transfer for gastrocnemius-soleus paralysis. PMID- 13464719 TI - Citizen-doctor. PMID- 13464720 TI - Medicine in Haiti. PMID- 13464721 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464723 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464722 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464724 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464725 TI - [Paper chromatography of vanillin and ethylvanillin in food stuffs]. PMID- 13464726 TI - [Boric acid dose determination in boric acid-containing fertilizers by ion exchange resins and by flame spectrophotometry]. PMID- 13464727 TI - [Caffeine determination in caffeine-free coffee]. PMID- 13464728 TI - [Bacteriological examination and evaluation of choice butter]. PMID- 13464729 TI - [Relation of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups of gluten proteins to baking properties of various flours]. PMID- 13464730 TI - [Examination of tobacco. V. Reproducible method for smoke examination]. PMID- 13464731 TI - [A new form of circular paper chromatography; semicircular technic]. PMID- 13464732 TI - Evaluation of surgical methods in the treatment of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13464734 TI - Automat plan puts all supplies in one place. PMID- 13464733 TI - The chemical lesions of atherosclerosis. PMID- 13464735 TI - What makes an internship desirable. PMID- 13464736 TI - Impact of heart surgery on hospitals. PMID- 13464737 TI - "THE WAY we've always done it" isn't the way to solve the problem of staffing the floors. PMID- 13464738 TI - WHAT IT costs to use needles and syringes. PMID- 13464739 TI - Scholarships help them recruit nurses. PMID- 13464740 TI - The purchasing policy shouldn't just grow. PMID- 13464741 TI - Equal pay for equal jobs is a good rule. PMID- 13464742 TI - Regional variations in hospital statistics. PMID- 13464743 TI - Sterile supply fits into the pharmacy. PMID- 13464744 TI - How administrative dietitians get that way. PMID- 13464746 TI - Insulation offers built-in dividends. PMID- 13464745 TI - Peach dishes persuade patients to eat. PMID- 13464747 TI - A training program for housekeepers. 7. How to teach service personnel. PMID- 13464748 TI - [Surgical therapy of diaphysial pseudarthrosis by a special technic]. PMID- 13464749 TI - [Four years of active tetanus immunization in four Bochum mines]. PMID- 13464750 TI - [An unusual localization of heterotopic calcification]. PMID- 13464751 TI - [Therapy of fractures of the first metatarsal]. PMID- 13464752 TI - [Subcutaneous injuries of the peroneal nerve]. PMID- 13464753 TI - [So-called prolonged exposure for amplified fluoroscopy]. PMID- 13464754 TI - [Extensive myositis ossificans of the lower leg]. PMID- 13464755 TI - [Brain stem contusion and ileus]. PMID- 13464756 TI - [Medical and health insurance significance of artifacts]. PMID- 13464757 TI - [Surgical indications in acute closed brain injury]. PMID- 13464758 TI - [Unusual fractures of the pelvic edge]. PMID- 13464759 TI - [Unusual dislocation of the head of radius in a fracture of radius neck]. PMID- 13464760 TI - [Treatment of fractures of femur shaft in small children]. PMID- 13464762 TI - LABORATORY diagnosis of virus infections in the Public Health Laboratory Service. PMID- 13464761 TI - The nutrition of infants taking national dried milk. PMID- 13464763 TI - THE STERILIZATION of animal cages by steam. PMID- 13464764 TI - The isolation of Salmonella infantis from a turkey poult. PMID- 13464765 TI - Some results of training student nurses in general hospitals. PMID- 13464766 TI - The growth of Staph. aureus in milk with special reference to food poisoning. PMID- 13464767 TI - The changing pattern of disease. PMID- 13464768 TI - An analysis of 101 strains of influenza A virus isolated in England and Wales during the winter of 1955-56, by laboratories of the Public Health Laboratory Service. PMID- 13464769 TI - The incidence of penicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy herd samples. PMID- 13464770 TI - CANCER registration in England and Wales. PMID- 13464771 TI - A guide to the use of the laboratory in the investigation of suspected virus infections of man. PMID- 13464772 TI - SEROTYPES of Streptococcus pyogenes; their relative prevalence in England and Wales, 1952-1956. PMID- 13464773 TI - [The colposcope used by the general practitioner as an indispensable factor of cervix carcinoma prophylaxis]. PMID- 13464774 TI - [Prevention & control of the uterus cancer; colposcopy with a simple apparatus cytology & the control of the cervix]. PMID- 13464775 TI - [Differential diagnosis of diseases of the rectum]. PMID- 13464776 TI - [Porphyria, a rarely diagnosed internal & neurological disease]. PMID- 13464777 TI - [A case of multanin (DDT+HCH) poisoning in pest control]. PMID- 13464778 TI - [Use of meprobamate in internal medicine]. PMID- 13464779 TI - [Clinical experiences with the new vasodilator permanil]. PMID- 13464780 TI - [Cholinesterase therapy of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13464782 TI - [Minor surgery]. PMID- 13464781 TI - [In memoriam Henry E. Sigerist]. PMID- 13464783 TI - [Surgery of the heart & the great vessels]. PMID- 13464784 TI - [Heredity of basal cerebral aneurysm]. PMID- 13464785 TI - [Allergy connected with menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13464786 TI - [First clinical experiences with a purified Rauwolfia alkaloid combination preparation]. PMID- 13464787 TI - [Development & advances of x-ray technic in heart catheterization; image amplification & x-ray television]. PMID- 13464789 TI - [The time factor in psychiatric treatment method]. PMID- 13464788 TI - [To Professor Hans Meyer on his 80th birthday]. PMID- 13464790 TI - [Physical therapy in urinary diseases]. PMID- 13464791 TI - [Therapy of pancreatic necrosis; a simple surgical treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts]. PMID- 13464792 TI - [Internal medical indications for splenectomy]. PMID- 13464793 TI - [Splenopathic dysmyeloidia; contribution to the study of so-called aplastic anemia]. PMID- 13464794 TI - [Morphography in the study of somatic & sexual growth disorders]. PMID- 13464795 TI - [Diabetes & pregnancy]. PMID- 13464796 TI - [Selective arteriography of abdominal vessels in diagnosis of renal, hepatic & splenic diseases]. PMID- 13464797 TI - [The spread of poliomyelits virus & of other viruses occurring in human stools; report on observations in a selected group of population]. PMID- 13464798 TI - [Respiratory resuscitation in the Paris University Clinic for Infectious Diseases (Hopital Claude Bernard)]. PMID- 13464799 TI - [The significance of nutritional allergy as a pathogenetic factor in various diseases in children]. PMID- 13464800 TI - [Effects of anemia on the heart]. PMID- 13464801 TI - [Observations on double x-ray contours of long cylindrical bones in infants]. PMID- 13464802 TI - [A case of congenital cystic disease of the lungs, complicated by spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13464803 TI - [A symptom valuable for clinical diagnosis of influenza]. PMID- 13464804 TI - [A woman posing as husband]. PMID- 13464805 TI - [Aspergillus gracilis Bainier var. sartoryi (Biourge) Batista, Lima and Vital n. var.; phylogenetic importance]. PMID- 13464806 TI - [Taxonomic study of a new Aspergillaceae]. PMID- 13464807 TI - Mutation of mycobacteria to proactinomyces by radioactive cobalt. PMID- 13464808 TI - [Several saprophytic Agaricaceae of Pernambuco]. PMID- 13464809 TI - In vitro study of antifungal activity of pentamidine and stilbamidine. PMID- 13464810 TI - Etiology of maduromycosis in India. PMID- 13464811 TI - [Sporotrichum cerebriforme nov. spec]. PMID- 13464812 TI - In memoriam; Frederick DeForest Weidman. PMID- 13464813 TI - In memoriam; Masao Ota (1885-1945). PMID- 13464814 TI - TREATMENT of the mentally ill. PMID- 13464815 TI - Dr. L. H. Lampitt. PMID- 13464816 TI - Visual pigment of a decapod crustacean: the lobster. PMID- 13464818 TI - Nature of the bactericidal agent in sea water. PMID- 13464817 TI - Origin of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. PMID- 13464819 TI - Ascorbic acid content of baobab fruit. PMID- 13464820 TI - Role of organ-specific antigen during 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene carcinogenesis in the rat liver. PMID- 13464821 TI - Effect of relative humidity on rat breeding and ringtail. PMID- 13464822 TI - Precision determination of cell dimensions by the back-reflexion Weissenberg method. PMID- 13464823 TI - A hydrogen-conversion detector for gas chromatography. PMID- 13464824 TI - Photoperiodicity and wool growth in romney rams and wethers. PMID- 13464825 TI - The National Coal Board's pneumoconiosis field research. PMID- 13464826 TI - Rate of entry of radioactive strontium into plants from soil. PMID- 13464827 TI - Gene mutations in human haemoglobin: the chemical difference between normal and sickle cell haemoglobin. PMID- 13464828 TI - The repetitive property of the human brain as studied by the electroencephalogram and the method of after-images. PMID- 13464829 TI - Inhibition of adrenal 11 beta-hydroxylation by ions. PMID- 13464830 TI - Composition of the cell wall of Lactobacillus bifidus. PMID- 13464831 TI - Cell-wall amino-acids and amino-sugars. PMID- 13464832 TI - Mechanism of contraction of smooth muscle by drugs. PMID- 13464833 TI - Mechanism of nerve-impulse transmission at a crayfish synapse. PMID- 13464835 TI - Alloxan diabetes in the piglet. PMID- 13464834 TI - A second oxytocin in the hypothalamus. PMID- 13464836 TI - Activity and specificity of rennin. PMID- 13464837 TI - Relationship between the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate and oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13464838 TI - Genetics of the beta-lactoglobulins of cow's milk. PMID- 13464839 TI - Histochemical appearances of cholinesterase in the normal sciatic nerve and the changes which occur after nerve section. PMID- 13464840 TI - Sites of the incorporation of an amino-acid into proteins of Bacillus megaterium. PMID- 13464841 TI - A rapid procedure for the separation of amino-acids on paper chromatograms. PMID- 13464842 TI - A convenient method for labelling biologically interesting carboxylic acids with tritium. PMID- 13464843 TI - Internal structure of the virus-like particles associated with the Rous sarcoma, and their presence in other neoplastic and normal chicken tissues. PMID- 13464844 TI - Intestinal lecithinase. PMID- 13464845 TI - Sensitivity of pancreas hexokinase towards alloxan and its modification by glucose. PMID- 13464846 TI - Dwarf Drosophila produced by ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid: a relationship to chelation of zinc. PMID- 13464847 TI - Polymorphism in human trypanosomiasis. PMID- 13464848 TI - Chromosome polymorphism in the common shrew. PMID- 13464849 TI - Significance of vacuolated neurones in the medulla of sheep affected with scrapie. PMID- 13464850 TI - Gas chromatography. PMID- 13464851 TI - Co-ordinated response to stimuli in coral polyps. PMID- 13464853 TI - Effects of carbon sources and base analogues of nucleic acid on the formation of bacterial amylase. PMID- 13464852 TI - Properties of helicorubin and cytochrome h. PMID- 13464854 TI - Demonstration of early renal uptake of potassium-42 by an autoradiographic method for water-soluble isotopes of short half-life. PMID- 13464856 TI - Tooth eruption sequence in fossil and recent man. PMID- 13464855 TI - Tyrosine peptides as precursors of melanin in mammals. PMID- 13464857 TI - Partial albinism in Syrian hamster. PMID- 13464858 TI - Shortening of life by chronic irradiation: the experimental facts. PMID- 13464859 TI - Prof. H. O. Weiland. PMID- 13464860 TI - Dr. Gerald Roche Lynch. PMID- 13464861 TI - Effect of experimental biliary obstruction on the phagocytic activity of the reticulo-endothelial system. PMID- 13464863 TI - State of copper in polyphenoloxidase (tyrosinase). PMID- 13464862 TI - Effect of copper and chelating agents on growth inhibition of Aspergillus niger by 8-hydroxyquinoline and pyridine-N-oxide-2-thiol. PMID- 13464864 TI - Biological role of potassium-40. PMID- 13464865 TI - Resistance of 9-a-fluoro-11-beta-hydroxyprogesterone to inactivation in the liver of the guinea pig. PMID- 13464866 TI - Influence of hexanitrodiphenylamine on the incidence of neoplasms in the mammary tissue of rats. PMID- 13464868 TI - Right-ventricle pressures and heart-rate in diving birds. PMID- 13464867 TI - Growth of fowl plague virus in macrophages and giant cells. PMID- 13464869 TI - A teaching program in rehabilitation. PMID- 13464870 TI - Athletic injuries. PMID- 13464871 TI - Athletic injuries: some observations on their prevention and treatment. PMID- 13464872 TI - Treatment of common chronic cardiac arrhythmias. PMID- 13464873 TI - Choice of digitalis preparation. PMID- 13464875 TI - Neurologic complications and manifestations of general medical disorders. PMID- 13464874 TI - Private practice of medicine vs. socialized systems. PMID- 13464876 TI - Social Security coverage for physicians and the Keogh-Jenkins bills. PMID- 13464877 TI - [Imagine the possibility]. PMID- 13464878 TI - [The prevention of acoustic trauma in the armed forces]. PMID- 13464880 TI - [Contour bullet wounds]. PMID- 13464881 TI - [Transportation of wounded in motor trucks]. PMID- 13464879 TI - [Dish washing & infection]. PMID- 13464882 TI - [20 Years of activity of the Oncological Institute of Prague]. PMID- 13464884 TI - Experiments on the heterotransmission of haemoblastosis. II. Reactive and pathological changes in rats after inoculation with human leukaemia. PMID- 13464883 TI - Experiments on the heterotransmission of haemoblastosis. I. Reactive and pathological changes in rats after inoculation with mouse leukaemia. PMID- 13464885 TI - Antitumorous action of 6-azauracil on some transplantable experimental tumours. PMID- 13464886 TI - Biochemistry of the blood in cancer. III. On the acid denaturation of haemoglobin. PMID- 13464887 TI - [Presence of anti-tumor substances in Euphorbia amygdaloides. I. Experiments with Crocker's tumor]. PMID- 13464888 TI - Further observations on the biology of BS-tumour. I. Cultivation in vitro. PMID- 13464889 TI - [Decreased radiosensitivity of denervated tumors]. PMID- 13464890 TI - [Dependence of results of radiotherapy on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13464891 TI - [Special contact beta-ray tubiform counter for vaginal detection]. PMID- 13464892 TI - Contribution to statistics on cancer of the breast in males. PMID- 13464893 TI - [Problem of so-called cellules claires; a variation of the cervical cancer]. PMID- 13464894 TI - Cancer of breast in the male. PMID- 13464895 TI - [Late generalization of cylindroma of the parotid gland and of choriocarcinoma]. PMID- 13464896 TI - [Clinical and radiological aspects of cancer of the pulmonary parenchyma]. PMID- 13464897 TI - [Prof. Dr. Ernst Mayenhofer]. PMID- 13464899 TI - [Probability test]. PMID- 13464898 TI - [Several problems of pneumocystis pneumonia]. PMID- 13464900 TI - [Experience with the bromsulphalein test in pediatrics]. PMID- 13464901 TI - [A new case of typus degenerativus amstelodamensis (Cornelia de Lange)]. PMID- 13464902 TI - [Treatment of behavior disorders in children with comitiadon]. PMID- 13464903 TI - [Abscess in the prevesical connective tissue (Retzii's cavity) as an unusual complication of scarlet fever]. PMID- 13464904 TI - [Congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease); clinical & roentgenological manifestations in the newborn & in early infancy]. PMID- 13464905 TI - [Acute porphyria, with report of a case]. PMID- 13464906 TI - [Considerations on Unverricht-Lundborg's myoclonus epilepsy with special reference to 10 cases]. PMID- 13464908 TI - [Effect of Schizandra chinensis on EEG in exhausted neurotics with depressive manifestations; preliminary communication. II]. PMID- 13464907 TI - [Therapeutic use of largactil (chlorpromazine) in Kochanowka]. PMID- 13464909 TI - [Leptomeningitis of the base of the brain simulating intracranial tumor]. PMID- 13464910 TI - [Analysis of bio-electric mechanisms of motor inhibition in narcolepsy]. PMID- 13464911 TI - [Post-traumatic syndrome of vasomotor origin, livedo racemosa universalis, disseminated, pyramidal-extrapyramidal disorders, and psychic disorders]. PMID- 13464912 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464913 TI - [Present problems of so-called collagen diseases with report of three cases]. PMID- 13464914 TI - [Experience with a technic of methyl polymetacrylan implants in cranioplasty]. PMID- 13464915 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13464916 TI - [Clinical forms of cerebellar atrophies]. PMID- 13464917 TI - [Studies on the appearance of changes in the areas of the cerebral fluid consecutive to pneumocranium in cases of epilepsy]. PMID- 13464918 TI - [Further studies on formation of simple differentiation in mental deficiency in children]. PMID- 13464920 TI - [Cases of epilepsy and their classification according to clinical and bio electric syndromes]. PMID- 13464919 TI - [Epilepsy originating in the brain stem]. PMID- 13464921 TI - [Pseudosyringomyelia]. PMID- 13464922 TI - [Case of compulsive neurosis treated by hibernation]. PMID- 13464923 TI - [Results of isonicotinic acid hydrazide therapy of multiple sclerosis and of Erb's progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13464924 TI - [Brief considerations based on observation on the methods of activation in EEG of epilepsy]. PMID- 13464925 TI - [Neurological indications for abortion; discussion]. PMID- 13464926 TI - [Cerebral reactions to carbohydrate deficiency]. PMID- 13464927 TI - [Clinico-bioelectric correlations]. PMID- 13464928 TI - Staphylococcal infections in an obstetric unit. I. Epidemiologic studies of pyoderma neonatorum. PMID- 13464930 TI - Experiences with the combined operation for cancer of the head and neck. PMID- 13464929 TI - Staphylococcal infections in an obstetric unit. II. Epidemiologic studies of puerperal mastitis. PMID- 13464931 TI - Snuff-a source of pathogenic bacteria in chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13464933 TI - Recent contributions to the medical problems of old age. PMID- 13464932 TI - An unusual receptive aphasia as a manifestation of temporallobe epilepsy; report of case treated by surgery. PMID- 13464934 TI - Importance of detecting rapid changes in blood catechol amine levels in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13464935 TI - Multiple sounds in paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia; an aid in diagnosis by auscultation. PMID- 13464936 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43331. PMID- 13464937 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43332. PMID- 13464938 TI - Epidemic neuromyasthenia; an outbreak of poliomyelitislike illness in student nurses. PMID- 13464939 TI - Epidemic neuromyasthenia; an outbreak in Punta Gorda, Florida. PMID- 13464940 TI - New technic for detection of bacterial contamination in a blood bank using plastic equipment. PMID- 13464941 TI - Recent contributions to the medical problems of old age. PMID- 13464942 TI - Osteochondroma of the coronoid process of the mandible; report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13464943 TI - Self-administration of tripelennamine by a narcotic addict. PMID- 13464944 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43341. PMID- 13464945 TI - Effect of peritonitis of nonbiliary origin on the function of the gall bladder as measured by cholecystography, its frequency and its duration. PMID- 13464946 TI - A controlled study of three methods of prophylaxis against streptococcal infection in a population of rheumatic children. I. Streptococcal infections and recurrences of acute rheumatic fever in the first two years of the study. PMID- 13464947 TI - Renal tubular acidosis with recurrent nephrolithiasis and nephrolithiasis. PMID- 13464948 TI - Salmonella osteomyelitis in patients with sickle-cell anemia. PMID- 13464949 TI - Medical aspects of the Swampscott train-wreck disaster. PMID- 13464950 TI - Recent contributions to the medical problems of old age. PMID- 13464951 TI - Bilateral renocortical necrosis: with recovery: report of a case. PMID- 13464952 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43351. PMID- 13464953 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43352. PMID- 13464954 TI - Effects of oral and intramuscular administration of reserpine in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13464955 TI - Atheromatous emboli to the kidneys after aortic surgery. PMID- 13464956 TI - Fatal reactions to penicillin: evaluation of a test for sensitivity. PMID- 13464957 TI - Diffuse calcification of the cornea in hypercalcemia. PMID- 13464958 TI - Clinical applications of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13464959 TI - A case of chicken-pox pneumonia with x-ray findings suggesting metastatic carcinoma. PMID- 13464960 TI - Ruptured gastric ulcer in an eleven-year-old boy. PMID- 13464961 TI - Dr. John Parsons. PMID- 13464962 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43361. PMID- 13464963 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43362. PMID- 13464964 TI - Antibiotic combinations; tetracycline, erythromycin, oleandomycin and spiramycin, and combinations of tetracycline with each of the other three agents; comparisons of activity in vitro and antibacterial action of blood after oral administration. PMID- 13464965 TI - Intravenous infusion of bone marrow in patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy. PMID- 13464966 TI - Clinical and laboratory studies of mumps. I. Laboratory diagnosis by tissue culture technics. PMID- 13464967 TI - Femoral arteriography; a simple and safe method. PMID- 13464968 TI - Disaster in pedagogy. PMID- 13464969 TI - Clinical applications of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13464971 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43371. PMID- 13464970 TI - Current concepts in therapy: analgesic drugs. V. Non-narcotics. IV. Salicylamide and para-aminophenol. PMID- 13464972 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43372. PMID- 13464973 TI - SPARE parts. PMID- 13464975 TI - POSTGRADUATE Medical Institute. PMID- 13464974 TI - ERYTHROMYCIN, oleandomycin and spiramycin- and their combinations with tetracycline. PMID- 13464976 TI - Pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchopneumonia and atelectasis. PMID- 13464977 TI - Hypoaldosteronism; a clinical study of a patient with an isolated adrenal mineralocorticoid deficiency, resulting in hyperkalemia and Stokes-Adams attacks. PMID- 13464978 TI - Antibiotic combinations; tetracycline, erythromycin, oleandomycin and spiramycin and combinations of tetracycline with each of the other three agents; comparisons of activity in vitro and antibacterial action of blood after oral administration. PMID- 13464979 TI - The clinical significance of serum transaminase in infectious mononucleosis complicated by hepatitis. PMID- 13464980 TI - Coexistence of intussusception and Henoch's purpura. PMID- 13464981 TI - The atomic age and radiology. PMID- 13464982 TI - Clinical applications of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13464983 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43381. PMID- 13464984 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43382. PMID- 13464985 TI - Toxic hazards; accidental ingestion of a veratrum alkaloid. PMID- 13464986 TI - Management of the malnutrition of convalescence. PMID- 13464987 TI - Comparison of results to infant following maternal regional or general anesthesia for delivery. PMID- 13464988 TI - Modern therapy of hypertension. PMID- 13464989 TI - Ataractic treatment in a private hospital. PMID- 13464990 TI - Convulsions complicating ataractic therapy, their incidence and theoretical implications. PMID- 13464991 TI - Bilateral sliding hernia. PMID- 13464993 TI - Geriatric conditions of the eye. PMID- 13464992 TI - Therapeutic effectiveness of elixophyllin as compared with aminophylline in severe angina pectoris. PMID- 13464994 TI - Problems of the lower esophagus. PMID- 13464995 TI - Intussusception with extrusion of intestine through the rectum. PMID- 13464996 TI - Ritter's disease (dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum) with recovery. PMID- 13464997 TI - Exogenous hemochromatosis: a case of typical hemochromatosis caused by repeated transfusions of blood. PMID- 13464998 TI - Eventration of abdominal viscera in a newborn treated successfully by surgery. PMID- 13464999 TI - Occupational aspects of proctologic disease. PMID- 13465000 TI - A program for the rehabilitation of asthmatic patients. PMID- 13465001 TI - POSTOPERATIVE respiratory and circulatory depression. PMID- 13465002 TI - Surgery in the aged. PMID- 13465003 TI - Rations for the New Zealand trans-Antarctic expedition. PMID- 13465004 TI - Tuberculosis of the pelvic organs. PMID- 13465005 TI - The use of oral preparations in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13465006 TI - Health education aspects of fluoridation in New Zealand; some problems involved. PMID- 13465007 TI - The history of medical training and licensure. PMID- 13465008 TI - Martin's journey to the Hebrides, 1695. PMID- 13465009 TI - The value of the haemagglutination test (Rose's test) in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13465010 TI - Cancer of the oesophagus and cardia. PMID- 13465011 TI - [The management of breech presentation]. PMID- 13465012 TI - Survival of Leptospira outside their hosts. PMID- 13465013 TI - Psychotherapy and tranquillisers. PMID- 13465014 TI - Nocardiosis in New Zealand: report of a case. PMID- 13465015 TI - Resuscitation of the newborn. PMID- 13465016 TI - Clinical observations on movement, muscle tone, tonic innervation and instinctive reactions. PMID- 13465017 TI - Some problems in general practice relating to the diagnosis and treatment of squint. PMID- 13465018 TI - The painful face and its surgical treatment. PMID- 13465019 TI - Haemoperitoneum from endometriosis. PMID- 13465020 TI - Government expenditure on medical and pharmaceutical benefits. PMID- 13465021 TI - Atmospheric pollution; its relation to lung cancer. PMID- 13465022 TI - An aid in the changing of tracheotomy tubes. PMID- 13465023 TI - Dermato-venereology in Denmark. PMID- 13465024 TI - Dermato-venereology in Finland. PMID- 13465025 TI - Dermato-venereology in Norway. PMID- 13465026 TI - Dermato-venereology in Sweden. PMID- 13465027 TI - [Monilethrix in five generations]. PMID- 13465028 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465029 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465030 TI - [Ecthyma contagiosum, a virus disease transmitted from sheep to man]. PMID- 13465031 TI - [Complement fixing antibodies against viruses of the psittachosis-lymphogranuloma venereum group; findings in a survey of normal subjects]. PMID- 13465032 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465033 TI - [The question of radiation protection. I. General aspects]. PMID- 13465034 TI - [Image amplification, a new aid in x-ray diagnosis]. PMID- 13465035 TI - [Late leukemia after roentgen & radium therapy]. PMID- 13465036 TI - [Cartilaginous exostosis with unusual localization in knee]. PMID- 13465037 TI - [Medical & biological approaches in transplantation research]. PMID- 13465038 TI - [Problems of anesthesia in cardiovascular surgery]. PMID- 13465039 TI - [Maligne testistumores]. PMID- 13465040 TI - [Referred pain och lumbal diskdegeneration]. PMID- 13465041 TI - [Ten years of surgical tuberculosis therapy]. PMID- 13465042 TI - [Postoperative bromsulphalein test for liver function]. PMID- 13465043 TI - [A case review of femur neck fractures]. PMID- 13465044 TI - Traumatic rupture of the esophagus by compressed air; report of case with review of 110 cases of esophageal rupture. PMID- 13465045 TI - The effect of prolonged continuous therapy on the course of chronic, recurring peptic ulcer; anticholinergic therapy with SKF-4740 (darbid). PMID- 13465046 TI - The effect of prolonged continuous therapy on the course of chronic recurring peptic ulcer; antacid therapy with dihydroxy aluminum aminoacetate (alglyn). PMID- 13465047 TI - Omphalocele of the abdominal viscera; a case report. PMID- 13465048 TI - Trimeprazine: an adjuvant in the management of itching dermatoses. PMID- 13465049 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis in infants and children. PMID- 13465050 TI - Allergic stomatitis. PMID- 13465051 TI - Primary ovarian abscess; report of a case. PMID- 13465052 TI - The effect of steroid therapy on the natural course of diseases. PMID- 13465053 TI - Disease states resulting from antibiotic therapy. PMID- 13465054 TI - Iatrogenic allergic vascular disease. PMID- 13465055 TI - Disease states resulting from certain drugs. PMID- 13465056 TI - Disease states resulting from miscellaneous therapeutic measures. PMID- 13465057 TI - Leprosy in North Carolina: report of a case in a World War II veteran. PMID- 13465058 TI - The Society's program on professional liability insurance. PMID- 13465059 TI - The physical fitness of American youth. PMID- 13465060 TI - Insulin-zinc suspensions (lente-insulins) in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13465061 TI - Parathyroid adenoma. PMID- 13465063 TI - Parathyroid adenoma; a condition still frequently overlooked. PMID- 13465062 TI - Fluoride dentifrice and stomatitis. PMID- 13465064 TI - Fractures of the hand. PMID- 13465065 TI - The amino acid requirements of adult man. PMID- 13465066 TI - Calcium requirements. PMID- 13465067 TI - [WATER and life in the desert]. PMID- 13465068 TI - IRON DEFICIENCY anemia after partial gastrectomy. PMID- 13465069 TI - THE D-XYLOSE absorption test. PMID- 13465070 TI - VITAMIN D in the newborn. PMID- 13465072 TI - CYSTINURIA. PMID- 13465071 TI - THE PAROTID glands and nutritional diseases. PMID- 13465073 TI - ETHER anesthesia and pyruvate metabolism. PMID- 13465074 TI - RETROLENTAL fibroplasia. PMID- 13465075 TI - ANEMIA responding only to crude liver extract. PMID- 13465076 TI - HYDROCORTISONE content of human adrenal vein blood. PMID- 13465077 TI - PANTOTHENIC acid in swine nutrition. PMID- 13465078 TI - ANTI-CHOLINE compounds. PMID- 13465080 TI - UTILIZATION of D-valine. PMID- 13465079 TI - CALORIE-PROTEIN relationships. PMID- 13465081 TI - LIPOTROPIC factors in edema prevention. PMID- 13465082 TI - CHOLESTEROL biosynthesis. PMID- 13465084 TI - NUTRITIVE value of the pandanus. PMID- 13465083 TI - SODIUM, potassium, and hypertension. PMID- 13465085 TI - Female hermaphroditism without virilization. PMID- 13465086 TI - Outline of emergency room care of wounds and tetanus prophylaxis. PMID- 13465087 TI - The Pierre-Robin syndrome: an acute airway problem in the newborn. PMID- 13465088 TI - Volvulus of the sigmoid. PMID- 13465089 TI - MATERNAL health in Ohio. PMID- 13465090 TI - An unusual case of bacterial resistance to antibiotics with successful reversal by use of isonicotinic acid hydrazide and para-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13465092 TI - Primary pleural effusion. PMID- 13465091 TI - A new formula for continuous medication in the asthmatic patient. PMID- 13465093 TI - Hospital transports; with special reference to the Steamboat Allen Collier and the Cincinnati Branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. PMID- 13465094 TI - The inhibitory reaction of some drugs on the activity of the alkaline phosphatase, demonstrated by histochemical method. III. Inhibitory reaction of ninhydrin. PMID- 13465095 TI - Cubical anatomy of several ducts and vessels by injection method of acrylic resin. III. On the vascular system of the spleen in some mammals. PMID- 13465096 TI - Cytochemical changes of the proximal convolution of the kidney in mouse after injection of alloxan. PMID- 13465097 TI - An electron microscope study of spermatid differentiation in the mouse. PMID- 13465098 TI - A cytological study of cat sweat glands. PMID- 13465099 TI - [Origin of natural antibodies; data and research on anti-Flexner agglutinins]. PMID- 13465100 TI - The surgical correction of mandibular prognathism and retrognathia with consideration of genioplasty. II. Operating methods for microgenia and distoclusion. PMID- 13465101 TI - Multiple myeloma involving the jaws; review with report of an additional case. PMID- 13465102 TI - A pedunculated hemangioma of the hard palate. PMID- 13465103 TI - Tissue reaction to gingivectomy pack. PMID- 13465104 TI - Oral manifestations of cretinism; report of a case. PMID- 13465105 TI - Mucoepidermoid tumor of minor salivary gland; report of a case. PMID- 13465106 TI - Cherubism. PMID- 13465107 TI - Histologic response of amputated pulps to calcium compounds and antibiotics. PMID- 13465108 TI - The origin of the teeth in Amblystoma punctatum. PMID- 13465109 TI - The presence of lysozyme in root canals. PMID- 13465110 TI - Dental aspects of osteoradionecrosis. PMID- 13465111 TI - Macrocheilia. PMID- 13465112 TI - Intraoral enucleation of mandibular cyst with implantation of gel-foam and primary closure. PMID- 13465113 TI - Granular-cell myoblastoma of the newborn; report of a case. PMID- 13465114 TI - Delayed management of parapharyngeal space abscess; report of a case. PMID- 13465115 TI - Acute infection associated with deeply embedded impacted premolar. PMID- 13465116 TI - Histopathology of the human mandibular artery and arterioles in periodontal disease. PMID- 13465117 TI - Infectious stomatitis; report of a case. PMID- 13465118 TI - Carcinosarcoma of the maxillary sinus; report of a case. PMID- 13465119 TI - Histologic responses of rat oral tissues to nonoral tumor growth and to cancer chemotherapeutic agents. II. Tongue, salivary glands, and oral mucosa. PMID- 13465120 TI - Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe in the dog: a pseudoparotid tumor. PMID- 13465121 TI - Aberrant salivary gland tissue in mandible. PMID- 13465123 TI - Isolation and identification of microorganisms from unexposed canals of pulp involved teeth. PMID- 13465122 TI - On the occurrence of mucous cells in papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. PMID- 13465124 TI - Isolation and identification of spirochetes obtained from unexposed canals of pulp-involved teeth. PMID- 13465125 TI - Proteolytic organisms of the carious lesion. PMID- 13465126 TI - [Schmidt Lajos dr., 1893-1957]. PMID- 13465127 TI - [Prophylaxis of late pregnancy toxicoses]. PMID- 13465128 TI - [Causes, diagnosis, and therapeutic possibilities of virilism of women]. PMID- 13465129 TI - [Therapy and care of children in hepatitis past the acute stage]. PMID- 13465130 TI - [Plastic surgery in radiogenic ulcers]. PMID- 13465131 TI - [Attempt to influence syringomyelia by sympathetic surgery]. PMID- 13465133 TI - [Acute hepatitis associated with chronic kidney disease]. PMID- 13465132 TI - [New case of melorheostosis (Leri's)]. PMID- 13465134 TI - [Postoperative Addison's crisis with neurological symptoms]. PMID- 13465135 TI - [Dr. Nandor Zinner, 1893-1957]. PMID- 13465136 TI - [Essential pathological features of leukemia]. PMID- 13465137 TI - [Experiences with the thrombocytopenia index of Storck and Hoigne produced by Micrococcus pyogenes anatoxin in coccogenous eczema]. PMID- 13465138 TI - [Results of late clinical and roentgentomographic examinations in dorsolumbar spine fractures]. PMID- 13465140 TI - [Report on my journey to Postyen]. PMID- 13465139 TI - [Primarv thrombosis of the pulmonary veins in extensive dehydration]. PMID- 13465141 TI - [Cecal lipoma causing invagination]. PMID- 13465142 TI - [About scleroderma, with special regard to histogenesis and histochemistry]. PMID- 13465143 TI - [Allergic aspects of the diseases of the hemopoietic system]. PMID- 13465144 TI - [Data on the relationship between otogenic sigmoid sinus thrombosis and papillary stasis]. PMID- 13465145 TI - [Diabetes occurring in connection with largactil therapy]. PMID- 13465146 TI - [Methylandrostendiol (neosteron) in the therapy of progressive muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13465147 TI - [Case of gallbladder cancer diagnosed by liver biopsy]. PMID- 13465148 TI - [Coprolith simulating tumor and causing partial intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13465149 TI - [Primary torsion of the omentum after inguinal hernia]. PMID- 13465150 TI - [Basic structure of synapsis]. PMID- 13465151 TI - [Changes in the resistance of coli dyspepsia strains toward antibiotics]. PMID- 13465152 TI - [Development of BCG allergy]. PMID- 13465153 TI - [Malignant metastases in myocardium]. PMID- 13465154 TI - [Fate of tuberculotic patients, treated with tuberculostatics, 5 years after leaving the institute]. PMID- 13465155 TI - [Primary cardiac tumor leading to atrioventricular block]. PMID- 13465156 TI - [Cerebral abscess in infant caused by sewing needle]. PMID- 13465157 TI - [Alteration of bronchoscopic tube for examinations in narcosis]. PMID- 13465158 TI - [Tooth replacement by metal brace implants]. PMID- 13465159 TI - [Complaints originating from the diseases of cystic duct stump after cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13465161 TI - [New method for the study of tissue degradation of antidiuretic substances in vivo]. PMID- 13465160 TI - [Effect of phenothiazines on the motility and acetylcholine, histamine, and oxytocin sensitivity of the uterus]. PMID- 13465162 TI - [Iron metabolism in essential pulmonary hemosiderosis]. PMID- 13465163 TI - [Effect of rothane (DDD) on the function and histological picture of rat adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13465164 TI - [Diabetes insipidus appearing to be resistant to glanduitrin]. PMID- 13465165 TI - [Surgical cute in actinomycosis of the genital organs]. PMID- 13465166 TI - [Resection of common carotid artery]. PMID- 13465167 TI - [New data on the attitude of ancient Egyptians towards medicine, based on paleographic examinations]. PMID- 13465168 TI - [Risks of modern therapeutic and preventive procedures]. PMID- 13465169 TI - [Iodine clearance tests; relationship between the blood levels of inorganic and protein-bound iodine]. PMID- 13465170 TI - [Causes of atherosclerosis developing in hypertension]. PMID- 13465171 TI - [Serum protein fractions in lung carcinoma]. PMID- 13465172 TI - [Complications of stellate ganglion block by procaine in connection with nearly 5000 cases]. PMID- 13465173 TI - [Results achieved with potentiated narcosis in gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13465174 TI - [Cervical pregnancy with perforation into the abdomen]. PMID- 13465175 TI - [Reduction of vaccination reactions caused by enteral vaccines]. PMID- 13465176 TI - [Stases of the lungs and hilus]. PMID- 13465177 TI - [Primary tumors of the endocardium]. PMID- 13465178 TI - [Changes of cerebrospinal fluid in viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13465179 TI - [Experiences with fibrinogen B reaction]. PMID- 13465180 TI - [The life and work of Sandor Lumniczer]. PMID- 13465181 TI - [Fatal case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome caused by phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13465182 TI - [Papillary carcinoma of kidney pelvis in young girl]. PMID- 13465183 TI - [Clinical, anatomical & pathological concepts of in situ carcinoma of larynx]. PMID- 13465184 TI - [Importance of individual variations in discrimination of stimulus intensity changes in persons with normal hearing]. PMID- 13465185 TI - [Hereditary anosmia related to sex]. PMID- 13465186 TI - [Effect of pilocarpine on salivary secretion of iodine in normal conditions and after resection of chorda tympani]. PMID- 13465187 TI - [Radiological examination of middle ear carcinoma]. PMID- 13465188 TI - [Diagnostic importance of psychic component in posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome]. PMID- 13465189 TI - [Underdevelopment of the pulmonary tissue]. PMID- 13465190 TI - [Studies on hyaline membrane syndrome in newborn. I. Morphological studies]. PMID- 13465191 TI - [Studies on hyaline membrane syndrome in newborn. II. Fluorescence microscopy in hyaline membrane syndrome]. PMID- 13465192 TI - [Studies on hyaluronidase-hyaluronic acid system; effect of hyaluronic acid on healing of experimental ulcer of the stomach in rats]. PMID- 13465193 TI - [Effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone on citric acid level in the blood in experimental vitamin C deficiency]. PMID- 13465194 TI - [Effect of prolonged administration of luminal and veronal on oxygen consumption by various tissues in rat]. PMID- 13465195 TI - [Implantation of human tumors in laboratory animals]. PMID- 13465196 TI - [Morphological changes in the central nervous system in infants dead in toxic syndrome]. PMID- 13465197 TI - [Role of Oxyuris vermicularis in appendicitis]. PMID- 13465198 TI - [Intraparietal capillary revascularization in arteriosclerotic coronary arteries]. PMID- 13465199 TI - [Spontaneous aortic rupture; anatomo-pathological study]. PMID- 13465200 TI - [Types of monkey able to be used for poliomyelitis virus research]. PMID- 13465201 TI - [Aspecific blood hyaluronidase inhibition & radium therapy in benign & malignant gynecological diseases]. PMID- 13465202 TI - [Findings on arterial pressure in the newborn; oscillographic research]. PMID- 13465204 TI - [Preoperative emotional states]. PMID- 13465205 TI - [Prevention of shock]. PMID- 13465203 TI - [Effect of pantothenyl alcohol; research in obstetrical & gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13465206 TI - [Restoration of vital functions in acute carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13465207 TI - [Effect of anesthesia on respiration and on bioelectric activity of the brain in acute asphyxia and in restoration of body functions]. PMID- 13465208 TI - [Experimentation with a synthetic plasma substitute, polyglucine]. PMID- 13465209 TI - [Pressor characteristics of hepatic and intestinal blood]. PMID- 13465210 TI - [Role of cholinesterase in the mechanism of certain phenomena of anaphylactic shock]. PMID- 13465211 TI - [Effect of cooling of renal area on blood pressure in modified reactivity of the system]. PMID- 13465212 TI - [Effect of some bacterial and serum antigens on chemoreceptors of the cardiocoronary reflexogenic zone]. PMID- 13465213 TI - [Pathophysiology of spinal centers in experimental pollomyelitis in cotton rats]. PMID- 13465214 TI - [The role of internal inhibition in perversion of leukocyte reactions]. PMID- 13465216 TI - [Development of the concept of reactivity]. PMID- 13465215 TI - [Nikolai Nikolaevich Sirotinin; 60th birthday anniversary]. PMID- 13465217 TI - [Role of histamine in the mechanism of allergic reactions]. PMID- 13465218 TI - [Neuroplegic drugs and hypothermia in prevention and treatment of shock]. PMID- 13465219 TI - [Dimedrol in prevention of an experimental shock induced by blood transfusion]. PMID- 13465220 TI - [Effect of the nervous system on phagocytic activity of micro- and macrophages]. PMID- 13465221 TI - [Specific desintegration of tissue proteins in infectious fevers]. PMID- 13465222 TI - [Effect of various food proteins on the functional state of active mesenchyma]. PMID- 13465223 TI - [Gas exchange, respiratory function of the blood and hemodynamics after partial replacement by plasma substitutes]. PMID- 13465224 TI - [Effect of substances changing the functional state of the central nervous system on vasopressor reflexes in sensitized rabbits]. PMID- 13465225 TI - [Treatment of intestinal infections in children by the administration of Bacilius cereus, by oral route]. PMID- 13465226 TI - [Neonatal mortality; findings on 227 necropsies in the first week]. PMID- 13465228 TI - Milk allergy. I Observations on incidence and symptoms in well babies. PMID- 13465227 TI - [5 Cases of esophageal atresia with tracheo-esophageal fistula, operated on with survival]. PMID- 13465230 TI - Primary pulmonary hypertension. PMID- 13465229 TI - Milk allergy. II. Observations on incidence and symptoms of allergy to milk in allergic infants. PMID- 13465231 TI - Chediak-Higashi syndrome; a lethal familial disease with anomalous inclusions in the leukocytes and constitutional stigmata: report of a case with necropsy. PMID- 13465232 TI - A syndrome of recurrent infection and infiltration of viscera by pigmented lipid histiocytes. PMID- 13465233 TI - Salmonella osteomyelitis and abnormal hemoglobin disease. PMID- 13465234 TI - On the acceptance of solid foods, and other food patterns, of infants and children. PMID- 13465235 TI - Poliomyelitis viremia in a newborn infant. PMID- 13465236 TI - The distribution of group B Coxsackie viruses in a children's institution. PMID- 13465237 TI - The effect of humidity on survival of newly born premature infants. PMID- 13465238 TI - The adrenogenital syndrome, salt-losing type; case reports of two males with prolonged observation since birth. PMID- 13465239 TI - Nonadrenal female pseudohermaphrodism after administration of testosterone to mother during pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13465240 TI - In vitro comparison of the antithrombic action of heparin and chondroitinsulfuric acid-B. PMID- 13465241 TI - Ultramicro determination of salicylates in blood serum. PMID- 13465242 TI - Chronic multiple peripheral neuropathy in childhood. PMID- 13465243 TI - Obesity in pediatric practice. PMID- 13465244 TI - Familial aspects of obesity. PMID- 13465245 TI - Mechanisms concerned with appetite. PMID- 13465246 TI - A pediatric-psychiatric viewpoint on obesity. PMID- 13465247 TI - A summary of some clinical aspects of obesity. PMID- 13465248 TI - Chronic subdural hematoma treated by subdural-pleural shunt. PMID- 13465249 TI - [Determination of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in blood & urine in pediatrics]. PMID- 13465250 TI - [Case of primary chronic hypoparathyroidism in a child]. PMID- 13465251 TI - [Congenital goiter resistant to hormone therapy]. PMID- 13465252 TI - [Anatomical & clinical study of 11 cases of perinatal bronchopneumonia]. PMID- 13465253 TI - [Clinical, genetic & biological study of the Lowe-Bickel syndrome]. PMID- 13465254 TI - [Nutritional allergy in pediatrics. II. Diagnostic methods]. PMID- 13465255 TI - [Results of late surgical treatment of ischemic Volkmann's contracture]. PMID- 13465256 TI - [Chorioepithelioma of a twisted right ovary; right castration; radiotherapy; clinical recovery 6 1/2 years later; torsion of a tumor of the left ovary (malignant disembryoma); left castration; radiotherapy; death within a year caused by metastases]. PMID- 13465257 TI - [Opaque lung in an infant 4 1/2 years old; complicated malformations diagnosed by pulmonary angiography]. PMID- 13465258 TI - [Balance-sheet after 4 years of functioning of a center for premature infants; present technic of care; study of causes of death; perspectives for the future of premature infants]. PMID- 13465259 TI - [Tonsillectomy & acute articular rheumatism]. PMID- 13465260 TI - [Tonsils & primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465261 TI - [Importance of the Thierry spatula for the extraction of the fetal head]. PMID- 13465262 TI - [Neonatal jaundice, non-hemolytic & without manifest lesions in the newborn & infants]. PMID- 13465263 TI - [Syndrome de Turner et pterygium coli]. PMID- 13465264 TI - [2 Years of rehabilitation at the medical center of phoniatrics & of auditive rehabilitation at Villefreanche-sur-Mer]. PMID- 13465265 TI - [Looped stenosis of the small intestine of congenital origin]. PMID- 13465266 TI - [Monstrous hypertrophy of the tonsils & adenoids in a 9 month old infant; spectacular effect of excision]. PMID- 13465267 TI - [Indications for crossed current of medium frequency in pediatrics & pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13465269 TI - Attitudes toward and approaches to the problem of homosexuality. PMID- 13465268 TI - [Influenza]. PMID- 13465270 TI - Radiology under Blue Shield and Blue Cross in Pennsylvania. PMID- 13465272 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465271 TI - Birth canal lacerations. PMID- 13465273 TI - Studies in stereochemistry. XIII. di-Phenylserinols: a new synthesis and its stereochemical findings (5). PMID- 13465274 TI - The structure of cryptostrobin and strobopinin; the flavanones from the heartwood of Pinus strobus. PMID- 13465275 TI - Studies on cancerocidal substances. XV. Preparation of some new azo derivatives of bis(beta-chloroethyl) amine. PMID- 13465276 TI - Studies on cancerocidal substances. XVI. Some sulfonic acid esters as anti-cancer agents. PMID- 13465277 TI - Organic phosphates. III. Studies on alcoholysis of several cyclic phosphates. PMID- 13465278 TI - Organic phosphates. IV. Synthesis of several bis(2-hydroxyalkyl) and methyl 2 hydroxyalkyl phosphates. PMID- 13465279 TI - Studies on the lipid of Pelteobagrus nudiceps. I. The isolation of a substance stimulating the repair of tuberculosis foci. PMID- 13465280 TI - Studies on the lipid of Pelteobagrus nudiceps. II. The structure of octadecenoic acid and docosatetraenoic acid isolated from Pelteobagrus nudiceps. PMID- 13465281 TI - Synthesis of pyridazine derivatives. VIII. Nucleophilic substitution of 3, 6 dichloro-4-methylpyridazine. PMID- 13465282 TI - The stereochemistry of dihydrolycorine. PMID- 13465283 TI - The synthesis of 8-substituted purine derivatives. I. Some 8-substituted derivatives of hypoxanthine. PMID- 13465284 TI - The synthesis of 8-substituted purine derivatives. II. Some 8-substituted 6 mercaptopurines. PMID- 13465285 TI - Chemicopharmacological studies on antispasmodic action. VII. Antagonism to acetylcholine tested with rectus abdominis of frog. PMID- 13465286 TI - Studies on digitalis glycosides. VII. Gitoroside, digitalonin, and gitoxin pentaacetate. PMID- 13465287 TI - Studies on abietic acid derivatives. III. Synthesis of fluorenone derivatives. PMID- 13465288 TI - Metabolism of drugs. X. The relationship between hypnotic activity and metabolism of ethylhexabital. (1). The influence of species, sex, and age on the activity of liver to metabolize ethylhexabital and the isolation of an in vitro metabolite. PMID- 13465289 TI - Metabolism of drugs. XI. The relationship between hypnotic activity and metabolism of ethylhexabital. (2). The effect of sex hormones. PMID- 13465290 TI - Studies on the constituents of Digitalis purpurea L. VI. Glucodigifucoside, a new cardiotonic glycoside. PMID- 13465291 TI - Studies on phenazines. XV. The ring cleavage of phenazine. (1). 2, 3 Quinoxalinedicarboxylic acid. PMID- 13465292 TI - Studies on the constituents of Digitalis purpurea L. VII. Enzymatic decomposition of glucodigifucoside. PMID- 13465293 TI - Isolation of glucuronide of p-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13465294 TI - Synthesis of 1, 8-dihydroxy-4-methyl-3-naphthoic acid (terranaphthoic acid). PMID- 13465295 TI - Synthesis of octadehydromatrine and allomatridine. PMID- 13465296 TI - [Disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance & its relation to fluid therapy & diuretics. I. Fluid therapy]. PMID- 13465297 TI - [Chemotaxonomical survey. III. Cyperaceae. 1]. PMID- 13465298 TI - [Mydriatic alkaloid content of Scopolia lurida]. PMID- 13465299 TI - [Phytochemical investigation of Erodium cicutarium. III]. PMID- 13465300 TI - [Use of ion-exchange in pharmaceutical chemistry]. PMID- 13465301 TI - Theories of drug antagonism. PMID- 13465303 TI - Antagonisms and antagonists. PMID- 13465302 TI - Affinity, intrinsic activity and drug interactions. PMID- 13465304 TI - Drug antagonism and pAx. PMID- 13465305 TI - Nonequilibrium drug antagonism. PMID- 13465306 TI - Kinetics of recovery from inhibition by antihistaminics, atropine and antispasmodics. PMID- 13465307 TI - Histamine release by compounds of simple chemical structure. PMID- 13465308 TI - [Alkaloide der Colchicum-Pflanzen. I]. PMID- 13465309 TI - [Pharmacology & toxicology of the chinese drug He-t'un]. PMID- 13465310 TI - Multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13465311 TI - Suggestions for an in-service training program. PMID- 13465313 TI - Facilitation technics achieve self care in poliomyelitis patient. PMID- 13465312 TI - Stiffness and flexibility. PMID- 13465314 TI - The off-set arm crutch. PMID- 13465315 TI - Deglutition: pharyngeal stage. PMID- 13465316 TI - Fatigue and inadequacy. PMID- 13465317 TI - Cutaneous respiration in man. PMID- 13465318 TI - Electrical inexcitability of synapses and some consequences in the central nervous system. PMID- 13465319 TI - Enzymatic mechanisms in steroid metabolism. PMID- 13465320 TI - Leprosy in Malaya. PMID- 13465321 TI - Glossopharyngeal breathing and its use in the treatment of respiratory poliomyelitis patients. PMID- 13465322 TI - PHYSIOTHERAPY in Cyprus. PMID- 13465323 TI - Faradism for fractures of the hand. PMID- 13465324 TI - Pharyngeal fistulas: repair and prevention using mastoid-occiput based shoulder flaps. PMID- 13465325 TI - Replantation of the mandible in cancer surgery. PMID- 13465326 TI - The treatment of intractable plantar warts. PMID- 13465327 TI - Surgery of the double cleft lip and protruding premaxilla. PMID- 13465328 TI - Bilateral cleft lip repair. PMID- 13465329 TI - Dental problems in cleft lip-cleft palate patients. PMID- 13465330 TI - Useful aids in skin grafting procedures. PMID- 13465331 TI - Drug addiction in reconstructive surgery. PMID- 13465332 TI - [Anatomy & surgical technic of typical lobar & segmentary excision of the left liver sector]. PMID- 13465333 TI - [Gastrectomy extended to typical partial liver resection in case of its involvement into cancer of the stomach; report on 3 cases]. PMID- 13465334 TI - [Arthrodesis of elbow; surgical technic]. PMID- 13465335 TI - [Pulmonary atelectasis in surgical patients; causes, prevention & treatment by bronchial aspiration]. PMID- 13465336 TI - [Blood lipo- & glycoproteins in thromboangiitis obliterans; electrophoretic study]. PMID- 13465337 TI - [Topical use of hydrocortisone & prednisolone in the treatment of pleural effusions]. PMID- 13465338 TI - [Diagnosis of death time within its rational limits]. PMID- 13465339 TI - [The decalogue of the pneumothorax at the present time]. PMID- 13465340 TI - [The colonic sphincters; a case of intestinal obstruction due to hypertrophy of Cannon's sphincter]. PMID- 13465341 TI - [Early recurrence of uterine cervical cancer after surgical treatment]. PMID- 13465342 TI - [Humoral disorders in neuroses]. PMID- 13465343 TI - [Treatment of arterial hypertension with adelphan]. PMID- 13465344 TI - [Phagocytic index of leukemic inflammatory and normal granulocytes]. PMID- 13465345 TI - [Hypersplenism in endocarditis lenta as indication for splenectomy]. PMID- 13465346 TI - [Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome caused by rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13465347 TI - [Morphology of the peripheral blood in fluorescence microscopy]. PMID- 13465348 TI - [Principles of physiology and pathology of walking]. PMID- 13465349 TI - [Changes of composition and sugar in the blood in hypothermia in dogs]. PMID- 13465350 TI - [Kidney function test in dogs during artificial hypothermia]. PMID- 13465351 TI - [T wave in spatial vectography]. PMID- 13465352 TI - [Ancylostoma duodenale in appendico-cholecystic syndrome]. PMID- 13465353 TI - [Sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to isonicotinic acid hydrazide and streptomycin in lowered molecular pressure of oxygen and increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13465354 TI - [Pathology and clinical aspects of convulsions in children]. PMID- 13465355 TI - [Coronary disease with co-existing lateral bulbar Babinski-Nageotte-Wallenberg syndrome]. PMID- 13465356 TI - [Modified method of paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13465357 TI - [ACTH in the treatment of serositis and pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465358 TI - [Participation of Polish physicians in the Crimean War]. PMID- 13465359 TI - [Effect of noradrenalin on irreversible shock]. PMID- 13465360 TI - [Result of the treatment of hypertension with carbo-ethoxy hydrazino phthalazine hydrochloride]. PMID- 13465361 TI - [Early surgical treatment of hemorrhage caused by peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13465362 TI - [Penicillin therapy of acrodermatitis atrophicans of Pick-Herxheimer]. PMID- 13465363 TI - [Exacerbation of gastric catarrhs and peptic ulcer during digitalis therapy]. PMID- 13465364 TI - [Attempted clarification of pathogenesis and hazards of peptic ulcer in circulatory insufficiency]. PMID- 13465367 TI - [Stuttering; as a social problem]. PMID- 13465365 TI - [Arteriovenous gastric anastomoses]. PMID- 13465366 TI - [Recent studies on the treatment of gout]. PMID- 13465368 TI - [Treatment of Addison-Biermer's anemia with placenta extract]. PMID- 13465369 TI - [Blood sugar natural conditioned reflex changes in normal conditions and in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13465370 TI - [Role of the thyroid in regulation of citric acid level in the blood]. PMID- 13465371 TI - [Neurological manifestations of malignant tumors of the nasopharyngeal cavity]. PMID- 13465372 TI - [Behavior of the circulatory system in viral influenza]. PMID- 13465373 TI - [Epidemic of paratyphoid fever at the State Machine Center P; clinical data]. PMID- 13465374 TI - [Case of hydropericardium in myxedema]. PMID- 13465375 TI - [Results of roentgenologic and electrocardiographic examinations of the heart in silicosis]. PMID- 13465376 TI - [Clinico-radiological syndrome of symptoms of chordomas of the spine, not including sacral bone]. PMID- 13465377 TI - [Recent methods of the treatment of multiple sclerosis and their classification]. PMID- 13465378 TI - [History of the development of the Krakow Clinic of Internal Medicine]. PMID- 13465379 TI - [Lung as an organ of elimination of bacteria]. PMID- 13465380 TI - [Hemostatic effect of human milk]. PMID- 13465381 TI - [Effort ballistocardiography in bicycle racers]. PMID- 13465382 TI - [Ballistocardiography in silicosis]. PMID- 13465383 TI - [Problem of splenectomy in endocarditis lenta, with report of a case]. PMID- 13465384 TI - [Case of sepsis tuberculosa acutissima (typhobacillosis Landouzy)]. PMID- 13465385 TI - [Case of chronic myopathy in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13465386 TI - [Picrotoxin therapy of barbiturate poisoning]. PMID- 13465387 TI - [Essay with hibernation in severe burns]. PMID- 13465388 TI - [Blood transfusion in surgery and obstetrics]. PMID- 13465389 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465390 TI - [Studies on restoration of sinus rhythm in auricular fibrillation with the aid of quinidine]. PMID- 13465391 TI - [Premedication in general anesthesia with the aid of hibernation-inducing agents]. PMID- 13465392 TI - [Remote results of experimental transplantation of preserved arteries]. PMID- 13465393 TI - [Thoracoplasty and extrapleural pneumothorax in the era of the treatment of tuberculosis by resection]. PMID- 13465394 TI - [Effect of N1-sulfanilylo-N2-n-butyl-carbamide in diabetes complicated by tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465395 TI - [Problem of cervical pregnancy]. PMID- 13465396 TI - [Essay with methylmethacrylate in osteosynthesis; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13465397 TI - [General and specific pathophysiology of electrolyte balance. I. General pathophysiology cellular electrolyte deficiency]. PMID- 13465398 TI - [Role of the occupation, age, and season in myocardial infarction]. PMID- 13465399 TI - [Treatment of hypertension with blocking agents of domestic production]. PMID- 13465400 TI - [Rheumatism in bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13465401 TI - [Principles of diagnosis of focal infection of the oral cavity in internal clinical practice and indication for surgery of foci]. PMID- 13465402 TI - [Arterial hypertension in the mountain climate]. PMID- 13465403 TI - [Development of concepts of hypertension in Polish medicine]. PMID- 13465404 TI - [Fluorescein test in determination of circulation rate in normal subjects]. PMID- 13465405 TI - [Blood and bone marrow pictures in Heine-Medin disease]. PMID- 13465406 TI - [Effect of serum taken from cancer patients on the development of chick embryo]. PMID- 13465407 TI - [Complications and causes of death in diabetes meilitus]. PMID- 13465408 TI - [Experimental pneumonia pneumocystica in animals. I]. PMID- 13465409 TI - [Krabbe's diffuse sclerosis; hereditary familial variation of diffuse cerebral sclerosis in two brothers]. PMID- 13465410 TI - [Significance of trauma in pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13465411 TI - [Hand-shoulder syndrome in coronary disease]. PMID- 13465412 TI - [Comparison of electrocardiographic results with clinical examination in cardiovascular diseases]. PMID- 13465413 TI - [Peripheral eosinophil count with presentation of a method]. PMID- 13465414 TI - [Case of entero-gastric invagination following partial gastrectomy]. PMID- 13465415 TI - [Capillary circulation]. PMID- 13465416 TI - [Clinical value of quantitative determination of gamma globulin in the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13465417 TI - [Clinical observations on the course of cardiac defects during pregnancy, labor and delivery. I]. PMID- 13465418 TI - [Babcock-Bacon's abdomino-perineal excision of the rectum with preservation of the sphincter; indications and remote results]. PMID- 13465419 TI - [Electrocardiographic observations on the effects of ergotamine on intraventricular conduction disorders]. PMID- 13465421 TI - [Mysoline; a new anti-epileptic drug]. PMID- 13465420 TI - [Effect of action of insulin on oscillometric changes]. PMID- 13465422 TI - [Ehlers-Danlos syndrome]. PMID- 13465423 TI - [Traumatic rupture of a polycystic kidney]. PMID- 13465424 TI - [Rauwolfia serpentina in internal diseases]. PMID- 13465425 TI - [Analysis of observations of acute diseases of the pancreas and their therapy]. PMID- 13465426 TI - [Disorders of fat metabolism in burn disease]. PMID- 13465427 TI - [Pathogenesis and therapy of leg ulcers]. PMID- 13465428 TI - [Duodenal diverticula]. PMID- 13465429 TI - [Nephelometric micromethod of determination of serum whole lipids; modified method]. PMID- 13465430 TI - [Endocardial elastic fibrosis in a brother and a sister]. PMID- 13465431 TI - [Mechanism of genesis of auriculo-ventricular block in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13465432 TI - [Painless infarct]. PMID- 13465433 TI - [Essay on the clarification of mechanical function of the heart; battering ram like function of the heart]. PMID- 13465434 TI - [Growth hormone and experimental diabetes]. PMID- 13465435 TI - [Sodium thiosulfate in kidney function tests]. PMID- 13465436 TI - [Vectogram T in ventricular conduction disorders]. PMID- 13465437 TI - [Treatment of chronic pleuro-pulmonary fistulas]. PMID- 13465438 TI - [Recent studies on biliary dyskinesia]. PMID- 13465439 TI - [Micromethod of Biernacki's reaction in mass investigations]. PMID- 13465440 TI - [Differentiation of leukemia from leukemic reaction in acute sepsis tuberculosa]. PMID- 13465441 TI - [Mixed abscess from the lymph nodes of the hilus; surgical treatment following lobectomy]. PMID- 13465442 TI - [Case of renal hemangioma]. PMID- 13465443 TI - [Causes of appearance of postoperative negative nitrogen balance]. PMID- 13465444 TI - [Studies on etiologic factor in rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13465445 TI - [Studies on the level of electrolytes in serum and muscles in acute abdomen]. PMID- 13465446 TI - [Effect of largactil on success in the treatment of psychic diseases]. PMID- 13465447 TI - [Normal electrocardiogram in pregnancy and puerperium]. PMID- 13465448 TI - [Syndrome of so-called duodenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13465449 TI - [Hemorrhage from leukemic gastric infiltration as a first manifestation of myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13465450 TI - [Unusual case of Rh iso-immunization]. PMID- 13465451 TI - [Reactivity of the organism in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465452 TI - [Endocrine system and level of oxalic acid in the blood]. PMID- 13465453 TI - [Blood lipids and proteins deficiency in arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13465454 TI - [Observations on the clinical course of cardiac defects in pregnancy, labor, and delivery. II]. PMID- 13465455 TI - [Coagulation disorders in burns]. PMID- 13465456 TI - [Hemoglobin level in women working in coal mines]. PMID- 13465457 TI - [Practical value of Philipps-Van Slyke's method in detection of anemia in labor]. PMID- 13465458 TI - [Fatal case of multiple embolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery caused by morphotic components of the amniotic fluid in labor; so-called amniotic fluid of various branches of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13465459 TI - [Unusual eosinocytic reaction in a case of lambliasis]. PMID- 13465460 TI - [Effect of chicory (cichorium) on neoplastic processes in rats]. PMID- 13465461 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465462 TI - [Linguistic discussion on usage of words "peritoneal" and "pleural"]. PMID- 13465463 TI - [Do not be ashamed of being good]. PMID- 13465464 TI - [Problem of carcinogenic properties of tobacco smoke based in studies on radioactivity]. PMID- 13465465 TI - [Further studies on adenosintriphosphoric acid in pregnancy, labor and puerperium]. PMID- 13465466 TI - [Electrophoretic changes of serum protein picture following pneumoencephalography]. PMID- 13465467 TI - [Aldolase reaction in infectious hepatitis]. PMID- 13465468 TI - [Attempted application of hyaluronidase in obstetrics]. PMID- 13465469 TI - [Manifestations and diagnosis of malignant tumors of the kidneys]. PMID- 13465470 TI - [Case of Cushing's syndrome in a woman with pituitary cyst]. PMID- 13465471 TI - [Case of annular pancreas with duodenal stenosis]. PMID- 13465472 TI - [Case of primary splenic pancytopenia]. PMID- 13465474 TI - Progress in the search for morphine substitutes. PMID- 13465475 TI - Mediastinal abscess occuring seven months after total laryngectomy; report of a case. PMID- 13465473 TI - [Prednisone and prednisolone in the treatment of blood diseases]. PMID- 13465476 TI - Granulomatous uveitis occurring in identical twins with sarcoidosis; report of two cases. PMID- 13465477 TI - [Physiology of the ovaries; uterine & vaginal repercussions in women]. PMID- 13465478 TI - [Rational nutrition. I. General rules]. PMID- 13465479 TI - [Choledochohepatic stenosis]. PMID- 13465480 TI - [Determination of folic acid in pharmaceutical products]. PMID- 13465481 TI - [Rational nutrition. II. Methods of evaluation]. PMID- 13465482 TI - [Pleural effusion caused by pleuropulmonary carcinomas; undetected pulmonary syphilis]. PMID- 13465483 TI - [Polio and the Salk vaccine]. PMID- 13465484 TI - [A true diverticulum of the esophagus with ectopic pancreatic tissue; case report]. PMID- 13465485 TI - [Rational nutrition. III. Reduction of the units of consumption]. PMID- 13465486 TI - [Testicular hemorrhagic inundation caused by rupture of a cavernous angioma & by a strangulated inguinal hernia in an infant]. PMID- 13465487 TI - [Microbiological determination of folic acid in commercial injected preparations]. PMID- 13465489 TI - [Medical & legal findings on poisoning; case report]. PMID- 13465488 TI - [Rational nutrition. IV. Composition of nutrients & elaboration of compendiums]. PMID- 13465491 TI - [Determination of folic acid in pharmaceutical products; complementary note]. PMID- 13465490 TI - [52 Cases of plastic induration of the penis; clinical note]. PMID- 13465492 TI - [Immunology of pus (leukocytes). I. Recent studies; problem of serological relationship of antigens from pus and leukocytes]. PMID- 13465493 TI - [Epidemiological application of serology of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13465494 TI - [Antibacterial resistance in diphtheria]. PMID- 13465495 TI - [Agglutinin level in diphtheria]. PMID- 13465496 TI - [Effect of phages on antigenic variability of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13465497 TI - [Lysogenicity and adaptation of phages in Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13465498 TI - [Adaptation of staphylococcal bacteriophages to strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13465500 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465499 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465501 TI - Surgical endocrine ablation for advanced breast cancer. PMID- 13465502 TI - Anticoagulants in reconstructive vascular surgery. PMID- 13465503 TI - The jugular venous pulse. PMID- 13465504 TI - Critical evaluation of the efficacy of new drugs. PMID- 13465506 TI - Pseudomembranous enterocolitis with jujunal perforation associated with CL. Welchii infection. PMID- 13465505 TI - Angiomyxoma of the left auricle; report of a case. PMID- 13465507 TI - Traumatic injury to the heart due to blunt force, with a case report. PMID- 13465508 TI - The problem of the aged amputee. PMID- 13465509 TI - Thrombophlebitis following intravenous infusions; a review of its aetiology and prevention. PMID- 13465510 TI - Aetiological factors in trigeminal neuralgia. PMID- 13465511 TI - Cryptocancer of lung. PMID- 13465512 TI - Intra-arterial oxygen in the management of ischaemic gangrene in the elderly. PMID- 13465513 TI - A case of erythema multiforme major: Stevens-Johnson's syndrome. PMID- 13465514 TI - A case of submucous lipoma of the pelvic colon. PMID- 13465515 TI - Observations on speech disorders in children. PMID- 13465516 TI - Aetiological factors in bladder tumours. PMID- 13465517 TI - Tests of adrenal cortical function and their place in the diagnosis of adrenal cortical disease. PMID- 13465518 TI - The use of tranquillizers. PMID- 13465519 TI - Chiropody and scientific attitude. PMID- 13465520 TI - Unorthodox methods in scaphoid fractures; review of 100 consecutive cases. PMID- 13465521 TI - Endometriosis as a cause of intestinal obstruction; a report of two cases. PMID- 13465523 TI - Mild depression; a common syndrome often unrecognized. PMID- 13465524 TI - The value of surgery in the treatment of the arteriosclerotic leg. PMID- 13465522 TI - Drivers, drinks and drugs. PMID- 13465525 TI - The present treatment of patients with arterial hypertension. PMID- 13465526 TI - The differential diagnosis of chest pain. PMID- 13465527 TI - Osteoporosis. PMID- 13465528 TI - Early recognition and treatment of glaucoma. PMID- 13465529 TI - Some considerations of head injury. PMID- 13465530 TI - Indications for surgery of the heart and great vessels. PMID- 13465531 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13465532 TI - Hemorrhage from the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13465533 TI - Epidemic bronchiolitis of infants; Nova Scotia 1956. PMID- 13465534 TI - The use of respiratory function tests in clinical medicine. PMID- 13465535 TI - Syndromes of hypogonadism in the male. PMID- 13465536 TI - On erythroblastosis: prevention is better than cure, if you can cure it. PMID- 13465537 TI - General observations on the care of older patients. PMID- 13465538 TI - Canadian contributions to medicine. PMID- 13465539 TI - Tonsil tags. PMID- 13465540 TI - The inguinal hernia, hydrocele and undescended testicle problem in infants and children. PMID- 13465541 TI - Ulcerative colitis; observations on its etiology, course and management. PMID- 13465542 TI - Respiratory distress in the newborn infant. PMID- 13465543 TI - Diagnosis of carcinoma of the right colon. PMID- 13465544 TI - The treatment of open injuries to the hand with particular reference to tendon repair. PMID- 13465545 TI - Use and abuse of heat in physical medicine and rehabilitation. PMID- 13465546 TI - Jaundice. PMID- 13465548 TI - Recent developments in the study of hereditary diseases in children. PMID- 13465547 TI - Care of the premature infant. PMID- 13465549 TI - Infantile cortical hyperostosis. PMID- 13465550 TI - Some epileptic variants in childhood. PMID- 13465551 TI - The disturbed child. PMID- 13465552 TI - Teeth in the growing face. PMID- 13465553 TI - Guides for clinical diagnosis of some infectious diseases. PMID- 13465554 TI - Obesity in children and adolescents. PMID- 13465555 TI - Hermaphrodism and pseudohermaphrodism in children. PMID- 13465556 TI - Congenital disorders of renal tubular function. PMID- 13465557 TI - Bleeding from the anus in children. PMID- 13465558 TI - The causes of vomiting in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13465559 TI - The accidental chemical poisoning problem. PMID- 13465561 TI - Brain tumors in childhood. PMID- 13465560 TI - Reading disorders. PMID- 13465562 TI - [Hemolytic anemias in childhood]. PMID- 13465563 TI - The epidemiology of carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13465564 TI - Hormone dependence in carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13465565 TI - The treatment of cancer of the breast. PMID- 13465566 TI - Hypophysectomy and adrenalectomy in the treatment of cancer of the breast. PMID- 13465568 TI - Physiological hypertrophy of the breast. PMID- 13465567 TI - Chronic mastitis. PMID- 13465569 TI - The use and abuse of mammoplasty. PMID- 13465570 TI - Iatrogenic diseases in children. PMID- 13465571 TI - The diagnosis of carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13465572 TI - Ferrous calcium citrate in pregnancy anaemia. PMID- 13465573 TI - Domestic beat hand; a new occupational entity. PMID- 13465574 TI - Doctors' diseases. PMID- 13465575 TI - Coronary thrombosis in general practice. PMID- 13465576 TI - Some observations on emergency calls in a highland practice. PMID- 13465577 TI - The early diagnosis of acute appendicitis in general practice. PMID- 13465578 TI - Rings on their toes; did the ancient Britons suffer from gout. PMID- 13465579 TI - Current therapeutics. CXVII. Calcium disodium versenate (sodium calciumedetate). PMID- 13465580 TI - Equipping the surgery. IX. Apparatus and reagents for testing urine. PMID- 13465581 TI - The relief of pain in terminal cancer. PMID- 13465582 TI - The significance of polyuria. PMID- 13465583 TI - [Allergic bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13465584 TI - [Thoughts on the treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13465585 TI - [Etiology, functional significance & bronchoscopic control of normal & pathological fluctuations of the bronchial caliber in respiration]. PMID- 13465586 TI - [Pulmonary emphysema; pathogenetic & clinical aspects]. PMID- 13465587 TI - [Pulmonary emphysema & its treatment]. PMID- 13465588 TI - [Chronic cor pulmonale; pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, therapy]. PMID- 13465589 TI - [Development & state of modern aural surgery]. PMID- 13465590 TI - [Active principles of the hepatic gland & their functional relations; general role of liver therapy]. PMID- 13465591 TI - [Esanin as a remedy for autonomous nervous disorders in children]. PMID- 13465592 TI - [The choice of sex in cases of intersexuality]. PMID- 13465593 TI - [Successful rewarming of severely hypothermic young infants by largactil-induced neuroplegia]. PMID- 13465594 TI - [Paracoccidioidic mesenteric tabes; paracoccidioidomycotic mesaraic chylectasis]. PMID- 13465595 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465596 TI - [Nystatin prevention & therapy in patients subject to the effects of ACTH, corticoids & antibiotics]. PMID- 13465597 TI - [Cholangioma liver]. PMID- 13465598 TI - [Classification of secretory breast disease]. PMID- 13465599 TI - [Necrobiosis lipoidica]. PMID- 13465600 TI - [Thyroactive iodinated proteins; hormonal effect]. PMID- 13465601 TI - [Intestinal rupture caused by strain]. PMID- 13465602 TI - [Intestinal hemorrhages in children caused by intestinal varices]. PMID- 13465603 TI - [Benzylpenicillin diethylaminoethyl ester hydroiodide (leocillin) given rectally in otorhinolaryngological therapy]. PMID- 13465604 TI - [Hysterography with a water-soluble iodide substance; complicated tubal pregnancy]. PMID- 13465605 TI - [Cardiac arrest]. PMID- 13465606 TI - [Number in tribute to Enrique Finochietto]. PMID- 13465607 TI - [Remote results & complication of plombage in surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465608 TI - [Modern treatment of pulmonary abscess]. PMID- 13465609 TI - [Gentian violet as a therapeutic agent in internal medicine]. PMID- 13465610 TI - [Internal biliary fistulas]. PMID- 13465611 TI - [Post-partum cardiac disease]. PMID- 13465612 TI - [Supraclavicular neurovascular compression; technic of surgical exploration]. PMID- 13465613 TI - [Various aspects of diverticulitis of the colon]. PMID- 13465614 TI - [Contribution to the study of fibrous dysplasia]. PMID- 13465615 TI - [Tumors of the ampulla of Vater; technic for papillectomy]. PMID- 13465616 TI - [Splenoportography; critical study of personal experience with the method]. PMID- 13465617 TI - [ACTH induction of diuresis in acute tubular insufficiency]. PMID- 13465618 TI - [Hormonal changes as clinical manifestations; diagnostic value]. PMID- 13465619 TI - [Meprobamate; experimental toxological study]. PMID- 13465620 TI - [Thoracic esophagus; local anesthesia]. PMID- 13465621 TI - [Ligamentous phlebitis of the chest wall; Mondor's disease]. PMID- 13465622 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the breast; radical mastectomy; prevention of local recurrence]. PMID- 13465623 TI - [Angioma of the parotid gland and parotid region]. PMID- 13465624 TI - [Hepatectomy]. PMID- 13465625 TI - [Migraine or headache. II]. PMID- 13465626 TI - [Prevention of endemic goiter in Mexico]. PMID- 13465627 TI - [Effect of the World Health Organization on the exercise of medicine]. PMID- 13465628 TI - [Editorial; megacolon]. PMID- 13465629 TI - [Clinical criteria in the medical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465630 TI - [Geomedical facts regarding Mexico]. PMID- 13465631 TI - [Deficiency anemias]. PMID- 13465632 TI - [Alterations in calcium & phosphorus metabolism in chronic renal insufficiency]. PMID- 13465633 TI - [Myocardial revascularization]. PMID- 13465634 TI - [SOCIOLOGY health and preventive medicine at the University and Mexico]. PMID- 13465635 TI - [Mycosis tegumentary initially]. PMID- 13465636 TI - [Plastic surgery in ancient & modern times]. PMID- 13465637 TI - [Effect of 2-amino-6-methylhepatanol-6 on right cardiac pressure in man; study based on intracardiac catheterization]. PMID- 13465638 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465639 TI - [Pulmonary circulation & gas exchange at the lung level]. PMID- 13465641 TI - [Universal hazards imposed by the atomic explosions]. PMID- 13465640 TI - [P-aminobenzoic acid acetylation in man as a new liver function test]. PMID- 13465642 TI - [Angiocardiography in the exploration of lung malformations. Atlas of Clinical Radiology]. PMID- 13465643 TI - [Hereditary episodic adynamia, particular form of familial periodic paralysis with hypercalcemia; first cases in France]. PMID- 13465644 TI - [On a case of adult erythro-myeloid splenic anemia]. PMID- 13465645 TI - [Universal hazards from atomic expiosions]. PMID- 13465646 TI - [Serotonin; determination of urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; experimental and clinical results]. PMID- 13465647 TI - [Accurate study of smears of vaginal trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13465648 TI - [Case of mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema following eclampsia]. PMID- 13465649 TI - [Life in hospitals of the 18th century]. PMID- 13465650 TI - [Ictero-hemorrhagic syndrome with anoxia and collapse in newborn; its relations with cytomegalic inclusion disease]. PMID- 13465651 TI - [An easy examination for assessing resistence to fatigue]. PMID- 13465652 TI - [Natural defense of human organism against cancer; recent experimental research]. PMID- 13465653 TI - [Blood coagulation]. PMID- 13465654 TI - [Fatigue in car driver during competition for duration records (April 8-May 18)]. PMID- 13465655 TI - [Induction method and its applications]. PMID- 13465656 TI - [Cardiac complications of pulmonary surgery; concerning three pneumonectomies followed by cardiac complications]. PMID- 13465657 TI - [Treatment of postamebic colitis by a bromated derivative of hydorxyquinoline]. PMID- 13465658 TI - [Leprosy as theme of horror in various literary works]. PMID- 13465659 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465660 TI - [Mechanism of regulation of the fundamental properties of the myocardium in the light of the theory of equilibrium by interstimulating antagonism]. PMID- 13465661 TI - [Clinical and pathogenic problems of nephritis during endocarditis; general aspects of the physiopathology of concomitant disorders with latent clinical syndromes]. PMID- 13465663 TI - [Causes of the absence of electrocardiographic signs in certain cases of angina pectoris and myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13465662 TI - [Penicillin therapy of endocarditis lenta]. PMID- 13465664 TI - [Theory of the differential construction of the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13465665 TI - [Experimental studies of the effect of oxygen on the frog heart]. PMID- 13465666 TI - [Behavior of hemodynamic factors in hypertensive disease during the cold test]. PMID- 13465667 TI - [The ventricular gradient in the frontal plane in cases of infarct]. PMID- 13465668 TI - [Vectorial analysis of ECG waves in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13465669 TI - [Extracellular fluid in hypertensive patients]. PMID- 13465670 TI - [Clinical importance of the accentuation of the second aortic and pulmonary sound]. PMID- 13465671 TI - [Clinical and physiopathological circulatory problems caused by surgery of mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13465672 TI - [Epidemiologic progress in tuberculosis in the USSR]. PMID- 13465673 TI - [Control of tuberculosis and morbidity dynamics in rural regions of the Minskii district]. PMID- 13465674 TI - [Effectiveness of artificial pneumothorax in tuberculosis in Moscow during a period of 15 years (1941-1955)]. PMID- 13465675 TI - [Mixed pneumothorax in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465676 TI - [Pneumopleuritis and atelectasis in pulmonary tuberculosis treated by pneumothorax]. PMID- 13465677 TI - [Results of extrapleural pneumolysis in tuberculosis of the lower lobe in obliterated and free pleural cavity]. PMID- 13465678 TI - [Modern treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in France]. PMID- 13465679 TI - [Electrocardiographic syndromes in pathology of the right heart in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465680 TI - [Hemoptysis and hemorrhage in pulmonary tuberculosis during the last years]. PMID- 13465681 TI - [Diagnosis of tuberculous infection of lymph nodes of the bifurcation in young children by means of body section roentgenography]. PMID- 13465682 TI - [Tissue therapy according to V. P. Filatov's method in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465683 TI - [Role of medical gymnastics in the general complex of sanatorial treatment of chronic & fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465684 TI - [Remote results of koumiss therapy]. PMID- 13465685 TI - [Differential diagnosis of tuberculous infection of the abdominal cavity]. PMID- 13465686 TI - [Work capacity in tuberculous spondylitis]. PMID- 13465687 TI - [Development of views on Mycobacterium tuberculosis; 75th anniversary since Robert Koch's discovery]. PMID- 13465688 TI - [New data on pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculoma in connection with broncho glandular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465689 TI - [Treatment of experimental tuberculous meningitis by oral administration of drugs]. PMID- 13465690 TI - [Complex method of studying intrapulmonary vessels]. PMID- 13465691 TI - [A case of benign tumor simulating tuberculous infiltration]. PMID- 13465692 TI - [A case of nodular tuberculosis of the heart]. PMID- 13465693 TI - [Cavernotomy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13465694 TI - The water supplies and water requirements of the modern state. PMID- 13465695 TI - Functions of water in the body. PMID- 13465696 TI - The relationship of water and salt. PMID- 13465697 TI - Water equilibrium in health. PMID- 13465698 TI - The breakdown of the water equilibrium in disease. PMID- 13465699 TI - The restoration and maintenance of water equilibrium in disease. PMID- 13465700 TI - Clean food. PMID- 13465701 TI - Public-health aspects of food poisoning. PMID- 13465702 TI - The bacteriology of food poisoning. PMID- 13465703 TI - Inspection of food. PMID- 13465704 TI - The viewpoint of catering management. PMID- 13465705 TI - Clinical consequences of food poisoning as illustrated by a recent outbreak. PMID- 13465706 TI - Protecting food at home and in the canteen. PMID- 13465707 TI - Hygiene in restaurants and public houses. PMID- 13465708 TI - The effect of spoilage and handling on the bacterial flora of fish. PMID- 13465709 TI - The formation of papillae on bacterial colonies. I. PMID- 13465710 TI - The formation of papillae on bacterial colonies. II. PMID- 13465711 TI - The effect of potassium on the resting metabolism of the frog's sartorius. PMID- 13465712 TI - The kinetics of dissociation of the first ligand molecule from fully saturated carboxyhaemoglobin and nitric oxide haemoglobin in sheep blood solutions. PMID- 13465713 TI - Cholesterol as a carcinogen. PMID- 13465714 TI - A study in body ballistics: seat ejection. PMID- 13465715 TI - The production of antibodies by young rats. PMID- 13465716 TI - Iron deficiency and the growth of pea roots. PMID- 13465717 TI - The use of osmium in the fixation and staining of tissues. PMID- 13465718 TI - Vitamin A isomers in some eucaridan Crustacea. PMID- 13465719 TI - The adaptation of bacterial cultures during the lag phase in media containing new substrates or antibacterial agents. PMID- 13465720 TI - Virus interference. I. The interferon. PMID- 13465721 TI - Virus interference. II. Some properties of interferon. PMID- 13465722 TI - Discussion on anaesthesia for obstetrics: an evaluation of general and regional methods; some aspects of general anaesthesia. PMID- 13465723 TI - Discussion on anesthesia for obstetrics: an evaluation of general & regional methods: requirements of the obstetrician. PMID- 13465724 TI - Discussion on anesthesia for obstetrics: an evaluation of general & regional methods. PMID- 13465725 TI - Spontaneous mammary neoplasms of the domestic animals. PMID- 13465726 TI - Adrenalectomy for cancer of the breast. PMID- 13465727 TI - Discussion on mammary tumors: xanthine oxidase activity in normal & abnormal growth. PMID- 13465728 TI - Changing patterns in skeletal and articular tuberculosis. PMID- 13465729 TI - Discussion: eyes in general practice. PMID- 13465730 TI - Discussion: eyes in general practice. PMID- 13465731 TI - Discussion: eyes in general practice. PMID- 13465732 TI - Discussion on referred pain: referred pain in relation to the mechanism of common sensibility. PMID- 13465733 TI - The physiological basis of referred pain. PMID- 13465734 TI - Discussion on referred pain. PMID- 13465735 TI - The pattern of Australian Medical History. PMID- 13465736 TI - History of excision of the rectum. PMID- 13465737 TI - Benign strictures of the colon. PMID- 13465738 TI - Pelvic abscesses: diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13465739 TI - Dermabrasion. PMID- 13465740 TI - Dermabrasion. PMID- 13465741 TI - Sarcoidosis with an unusual arthritis. PMID- 13465742 TI - Drugs used in the management of epilepsy. PMID- 13465743 TI - Discussion on the toxic effect of drugs used in neurological & psychiatric practice. PMID- 13465744 TI - Discussion on the toxic effects of drugs used in neurological & psychiatric practice. PMID- 13465745 TI - Some observations on the effect of fats on blood clotting. PMID- 13465746 TI - Staphylococcal antibody in osteomyelitis and suppurative arthritis. PMID- 13465747 TI - Effect of selenium in preventing exudative diathesis in chicks. PMID- 13465748 TI - Prevention of exudative diathesis in chicks by factor 3 and selenium. PMID- 13465749 TI - Hematocrit change as indication of anaphylactic shock in the mouse. PMID- 13465750 TI - Renal localization, excretion and toxicity of mercuric chloride in normal and nephrotic rats. PMID- 13465751 TI - Effect of hypothermia on ventricular fibrillary threshold. PMID- 13465752 TI - Diuretic effects of some mercurated substituted N-n-propylurea derivatives. PMID- 13465753 TI - Propagation of poliovirus in chick embryo cell cultures. I. Cultivation of 3 virus types. PMID- 13465754 TI - A fraction from liver which agglutinates autologous red cells. PMID- 13465755 TI - Absorption and excretion of sulfachloropyridazine. PMID- 13465756 TI - Host resistance in hemorrhagic shock. IX. Demonstration of circulating lethal toxin in hemorrhagic shock. PMID- 13465757 TI - Failure to transmit common cold to suckling hamsters. PMID- 13465758 TI - Blood levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) during labor of human pregnancy. PMID- 13465759 TI - Beneficial effects of alfalfa and other succulent plants on glucoascorbic acid toxicity in the rat. PMID- 13465760 TI - Effects of flavonoids on response of rats fed massive and suboptimal doses of vitamin A. PMID- 13465761 TI - Failure of hypothalamic tissue to reinitiate thyrotropin production by mouse pituitaries in tissue culture. PMID- 13465763 TI - Preparation and some properties of Neisseria gonorrhoeae endotoxin. PMID- 13465764 TI - Cholinesterases in human and ruminant central nervous tissue. PMID- 13465762 TI - Alteration of hepatic storage of radiolabeled vitamin B12. PMID- 13465765 TI - Influence of cortisone and stress upon persistence and multiplication of MEFl virus in hamsters. PMID- 13465766 TI - Effects of protein depletion and inanition on serum glycoprotein concentrations in the rat. PMID- 13465767 TI - Diurnal variations in excretion of chloride in normal subjects. PMID- 13465768 TI - Mechanism of reflex bradycardia which follows sudden closure of an arteriovenous fistula. PMID- 13465769 TI - Propagation of infectious canine hepatitis virus in cultures of pig and ferret kidney. PMID- 13465770 TI - Means of increasing the tolerated dose of isoniazid in mice. II. Certain amino acids. PMID- 13465771 TI - Bile constituents of the opossum Didelphys marsupialis virginiana. PMID- 13465772 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism in expertmental nephrosis. PMID- 13465773 TI - Multiplication of foot and mouth disease virus in adult kidney, and embryonic lung and heart bovine tissue cultures. PMID- 13465774 TI - Potassium acetate inhibition of Lactobacillus casei and its reversal by lithium, sodium and fatty acids. PMID- 13465775 TI - Action of diphtheria toxin on cells cultivated in vitro. PMID- 13465776 TI - Distribution of oxytocin, vasopressin and intermedin in hypophysis of the beaver. PMID- 13465777 TI - Means of increasing the tolerated dose of isoniazid in mice. III. Certain vitamins. PMID- 13465779 TI - Endogenous respiration of Serratia marcescens and oxidation of added carbohydrates. PMID- 13465778 TI - Inhibition of prothrombin activation in sodium citrate solutions. PMID- 13465780 TI - Effect of CA++ and MG++ on anticomplementary sera in complementfixation tests. PMID- 13465781 TI - Attempt to stimulate lymphatic gland changes of fowl typhoid with adrenal cortex extract. PMID- 13465782 TI - Evidence for adrenergic and cholinergic components in milk let-down reflex in lactating rat. PMID- 13465783 TI - Digestive action of gastric juice following various types of gastric resection for duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13465784 TI - Convulsions and bizarre behavior in monkeys receiving chlorpromazine. PMID- 13465785 TI - A method for evaluating both non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics. PMID- 13465786 TI - Purified diets for ruminants. PMID- 13465787 TI - Effect of ferric chloride on mobilization of accumulated liver cholesterol, in mice. PMID- 13465788 TI - Association of thyrotropin with gamma-globulin in myxoedema. PMID- 13465789 TI - Some metabolic actions of orinase. PMID- 13465790 TI - Urinary bladder sterols. PMID- 13465791 TI - Increased concentration of water in uterus of the rat following treatment with relaxin. PMID- 13465792 TI - Role of liver on consequences of lipid mobilization. PMID- 13465793 TI - Effect of specific activity on distribution of radiolutecium (Lu177). PMID- 13465794 TI - Fate of intravenously administered glycerol. PMID- 13465795 TI - Production in mice of large volumes of ascites fluid containing antibodies. PMID- 13465796 TI - Ultracentrifuge concentration of poliovirus and effect of calf serum and gelatin. PMID- 13465797 TI - Postirradiation creatinuria in Macaca mulatta. PMID- 13465798 TI - Biotin requirements of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13465799 TI - Influence of dietary sodium chloride on incidence of urinary calculi in sheep. PMID- 13465800 TI - Effect of vitamin D on retention of radium by the white rat. PMID- 13465801 TI - Hypothalamic lesions associated with goldthioglucose-induced obesity. PMID- 13465802 TI - Effect of glucagon on alimentary lipemia. PMID- 13465803 TI - Preparation of partially purified porcine intrinsic factor. PMID- 13465804 TI - Variations in muscle electrolyte composition due to sampling and to aging. PMID- 13465805 TI - Pharmacological studies with pseudoreserpine and raunescine, two alkaloids isolated from Rauwolfia canescens Linn. PMID- 13465806 TI - Mode of action of aliphatic amino acids on cortical synaptic activity. PMID- 13465807 TI - [Humoral regulation of erythropoiesis. IV. Relative heat stability of erythropoietine]. PMID- 13465808 TI - Diastolic hypertension produced by high fat diets and dietary stresses. PMID- 13465809 TI - Effect of ethinyl estradiol on plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, ACTH responsiveness and hydrocortisone clearance in man. PMID- 13465810 TI - Determination of alpha-amino acid nitrogen in urine. PMID- 13465812 TI - Intraperitoneal insemination of the heifer. PMID- 13465811 TI - Histology and regenerative capacity of liver following multiple partial hepataectomies. PMID- 13465813 TI - Lipogenesis by adipose tissue, dietary effects. PMID- 13465814 TI - Effect of pituitary growth hormone on transplantable mouse tumors. PMID- 13465815 TI - Transplantable mastocytoma in the mouse containing histamine, heparin, 5 hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13465816 TI - Eggs of floodwater mosquitoes (Diptera: culicidae). VI. Effect of metabolites on latent embryos in uncapped eggs. PMID- 13465817 TI - Regional enteritis; a study of 38 patients treated medically. PMID- 13465818 TI - An improved instrument for irrigation of the common bile duct. PMID- 13465819 TI - The effect of opiates on the activity of serum transaminase. PMID- 13465820 TI - Enzymatic hydrolysis of L-leucylglycine in serum in hepatic disease. PMID- 13465821 TI - The clinical syndrome of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PMID- 13465822 TI - Pulmonary disability as a symptom of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PMID- 13465823 TI - Esophageal motility in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PMID- 13465824 TI - Electromyographic studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PMID- 13465825 TI - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; pathologic aspects. PMID- 13465826 TI - Epidemiologic investigations of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. III. A genetic interpretation of incidence and geographic distribution. PMID- 13465827 TI - Recording and basic patterns of dilution curves: normal and abnormal. PMID- 13465828 TI - A tricarbocyanine dye for continuous recording of dilution curves in whole blood independent of variations in blood oxygen saturation. PMID- 13465829 TI - Special applications of indicator-dilution technics in congenital and acquired heart disease. PMID- 13465830 TI - Localization of left-to-right shunts. PMID- 13465831 TI - Localization of valvular regurgitation. PMID- 13465833 TI - Identification of central great vessels by indicator-dilution curves. PMID- 13465832 TI - Anomalous connection of the pulmonary and systemic veins. PMID- 13465834 TI - Demonstration of ejection pathways from the right ventricle. PMID- 13465835 TI - The diagnosis of tricuspid atresia. PMID- 13465836 TI - Applications of indicator-dilution technics in clinical surgery. PMID- 13465837 TI - Dilution curves associated with valvular regurgitation. PMID- 13465838 TI - Evaluation of a method for detection of mitral regurgitation from indicator dilution curves recorded from the left atrium. PMID- 13465839 TI - A simple method for differentiating mitral regurgitation from mitral stenosis by means of indicatordilution curves. PMID- 13465840 TI - Applications of dilution curves recorded from the right side of the heart or venous circulation with the aid of a new indicator dye. PMID- 13465841 TI - Assessment of clinical value: symposium on diagnostic applications of indicator dilution technics. PMID- 13465843 TI - [Chelation; its analytic & therapeutic applications]. PMID- 13465842 TI - [Effect of detergents on alkaloidal extraction]. PMID- 13465844 TI - [Eggs]. PMID- 13465845 TI - [Apothecaries & their record diaries]. PMID- 13465846 TI - [Chemical assay of drugs; its possibilities & limitations]. PMID- 13465847 TI - [The pectines]. PMID- 13465848 TI - [Antibiotic activity in Actinomycetes: antimicrobial, antifungicidal, anticancerous, et.; general views & future perspectives]. PMID- 13465849 TI - [Laboratory materials, manufacture, assaying & conditioning of pharmaceutical products; various new trends]. PMID- 13465850 TI - [Sex determination]. PMID- 13465851 TI - [Medicine in the 19th century]. PMID- 13465852 TI - [Case reports & experiments on hypoglycemic sulfonamides. II. Effect of sulfabutylurea on carbohydrate metabolism]. PMID- 13465853 TI - [Fluoroelectrokymographic index in differential diagnosis of mediastinal tumors]. PMID- 13465854 TI - [Behavior & significance of alkaline phosphatase in blood in primary & secondary malignant liver neoplasms]. PMID- 13465855 TI - [Clinical factors in minor & latent hemophilia]. PMID- 13465856 TI - [Possibilities & limitations of cyto & histological diagnosis in lymph node disease; comparative study of cytology in contrast with histology]. PMID- 13465857 TI - [First data on the census of microcythemia in the population of Berra, Ferrara]. PMID- 13465858 TI - [First experimental application of ammi majus L. extract prepared in Poland, in the treatment of Vitiligo]. PMID- 13465859 TI - [Sialol acid in the blood serum in skin diseases]. PMID- 13465860 TI - [Purpura simplex hemosiderotica]. PMID- 13465862 TI - [Biochemical disorders of the organism during pellagroid]. PMID- 13465861 TI - [Evaluation of the results of treatment of neurosyphilis by penicillin and fever therapy]. PMID- 13465863 TI - [Methods of laboratory examination of antimycotic agents]. PMID- 13465864 TI - [Remarks on the epidemiology of mycoses in the Gdansk district with special reference to children's homes]. PMID- 13465865 TI - [Dynamics of sporadic serological reactions in sporadic typhus]. PMID- 13465866 TI - [Typhus in the Biallystok region during 1946-54]. PMID- 13465867 TI - [Further considerations on the possibility of predicting of recurrence of typhus]. PMID- 13465869 TI - [Opsono-phagocytic reaction with Rickettsia prowazeki]. PMID- 13465868 TI - [Serological reactions in subjects living in the region of sporadic cases of typhus]. PMID- 13465870 TI - [Survival of Rickettsia prowazeki in organs of experimentally infected rodents]. PMID- 13465871 TI - [Antigenic activity of four strains of R. burneti]. PMID- 13465872 TI - [Q fever serological survey of certain groups of the population in Poland]. PMID- 13465873 TI - [Q fever serological examination of in meat and breeding animals]. PMID- 13465874 TI - [Focus of Q fever in Krakow]. PMID- 13465875 TI - [Human morbidity during an epidemic of Q fever in the Rzeszow region]. PMID- 13465876 TI - [Serological survey of domestic animals in the first focus of epidemic of Q fever in Poland]. PMID- 13465877 TI - [Leptospira antibody level in slaughterhouse workers]. PMID- 13465878 TI - [The natural sciences & our concepts of the soul]. PMID- 13465879 TI - [Contributions of psychoanalysis to developmental psychology]. PMID- 13465880 TI - [Psychoanalysis of a female patient with a so-called split personality]. PMID- 13465881 TI - An appraisal of existential analysis. I. PMID- 13465882 TI - Intractable episodic vomiting in a three-year-old child. PMID- 13465883 TI - The syndrome of Capgras. PMID- 13465884 TI - [A theory of diagnosis as applied to the treatment of a case of paraphrenia]. PMID- 13465885 TI - The treatment of drug and alcohol withdrawal effects with thorazine. PMID- 13465886 TI - Erythremia (polycythemia vera) as a complicating factor in electric shock therapy: case report. PMID- 13465887 TI - Sodium amytal as an aid in state hospital practice: single interviews with 100 patients. PMID- 13465888 TI - Hostility as a barrier to therapy in alcoholism. PMID- 13465889 TI - Reflections on the nature and psychiatric aspects of cryptogenic epilepsy. PMID- 13465890 TI - Psychodynamic patterns in sex offenders: a fourfactor theory. PMID- 13465891 TI - [In memoriam Richard Arwed Pfeifer]. PMID- 13465892 TI - [Stealing by children & adolescents and the relation of this activity to kleptomania]. PMID- 13465893 TI - [Unilateral paralysis of abducent nerve as an initial sign of acute leukemia]. PMID- 13465894 TI - [Thoughts on the nature of therapy]. PMID- 13465895 TI - [Co-operation of physician & psychologist at the policlinic of a psychiatric hospital]. PMID- 13465896 TI - [The work of the psychologist in a psychiatric hospital]. PMID- 13465897 TI - [Problems of modern convulsive therapy]. PMID- 13465898 TI - [Suggestions on capacity, number, distribution, furniture, choice of personnel & special tasks of centers of poliomyelitis therapy for acute cases, including departments of artificial respiration]. PMID- 13465899 TI - [Correlations of cerebral cortex & subcortex regard to the central regulations]. PMID- 13465900 TI - [The second signal system & its role for the central regulation of organic functions]. PMID- 13465901 TI - [Typological, pathognomonic & pathogenetic conclusions drawn from the doctrine of the two signal systems]. PMID- 13465902 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13465903 TI - On some convergences of sociology and psychiatry. PMID- 13465904 TI - Techniques of sociotherapy. PMID- 13465905 TI - The treatment of personality disorders in a therapeutic community. PMID- 13465906 TI - Social controls and psychiatric theory in a ward setting; a case study in the microsociology of knowledge. PMID- 13465907 TI - Patient demands in a mental hospital context. PMID- 13465908 TI - Patient role and social uncertainty; a dilemma of the mentally ill. PMID- 13465909 TI - Perspectives on deviance; wives' definitions of their husbands' mental illness. PMID- 13465910 TI - A multidimensional system for analyzing psychotherapeutic techniques. PMID- 13465911 TI - Staff operations in a state mental hospital. PMID- 13465912 TI - Psychiatric expert testimony; its covert meaning and social function. PMID- 13465913 TI - The meanings and uses of countertransference. PMID- 13465914 TI - The role of narcissism in moral masochism. PMID- 13465915 TI - Penelope's character. PMID- 13465916 TI - Teaching and learning of psychoanalytic psychiatry in medical school. PMID- 13465917 TI - The id and the ego; a developmental interpretation. PMID- 13465918 TI - The structure of emotion. I. Lust and rage. PMID- 13465919 TI - The psychotherapist's continuous evaluation of his work. PMID- 13465920 TI - Unresolved sexual fantasies in group psychotherapy. PMID- 13465921 TI - The hypnotic state and the psychology of time. PMID- 13465922 TI - Freud's library. PMID- 13465923 TI - A reappraisal of the roles of past experience and innate organizing processes in visual perception. PMID- 13465924 TI - Factors relevant to the validity of experiments in social settings. PMID- 13465925 TI - Transfer designs and formulas. PMID- 13465926 TI - Experimental studies on figural aftereffects in Japan. PMID- 13465927 TI - Stimulus predifferentiation: some generalizations and hypotheses. PMID- 13465928 TI - Three criteria for the use of one-tailed tests. PMID- 13465929 TI - Sleep, wakefulness, and consciousness. PMID- 13465930 TI - On Wilson's distributionfree test of analysis of variance hypotheses. PMID- 13465931 TI - [Child educators & their helpers; twelve topics for parent evenings]. PMID- 13465932 TI - Thermal inactivation of Coxiella burnetii and its relation to pasteurization of milk. PMID- 13465933 TI - Rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis. PMID- 13465934 TI - [Influenza epidemic alert]. PMID- 13465935 TI - [ASIAN strain of influenza A]. PMID- 13465936 TI - Influenza epidemics during 1951-56 with a review of trends. PMID- 13465937 TI - Excessive cigarette smoking. PMID- 13465938 TI - Exposure to organic phosphorus sprays and occurrence of selected symptoms. PMID- 13465939 TI - Pertussis in Florida. PMID- 13465940 TI - Three phase sanitation program in the Klamath flood disaster. PMID- 13465941 TI - A guide for referral agencies. PMID- 13465942 TI - Community plan for epileptics. PMID- 13465943 TI - Hearing and acoustical handicaps. PMID- 13465944 TI - Program for the cerebral palsied. PMID- 13465946 TI - Recovery from mental illness. PMID- 13465945 TI - Speech problems of hemiplegics. PMID- 13465947 TI - VECTOR control in the United States. PMID- 13465948 TI - Sanitation survey in Vicksburg. PMID- 13465949 TI - Philippine influenza epidemic of 1957. PMID- 13465950 TI - TESTING influenza vaccines. PMID- 13465951 TI - Biological warfare and its defense. PMID- 13465952 TI - The interrelation of toxoplasmosis in swine, cattle, dogs, and man. PMID- 13465953 TI - A survey of x-radiation exposure in the practice of veterinary medicine. PMID- 13465954 TI - Comparison of complement fixation tests for coccidioidomycosis. PMID- 13465955 TI - Prevention of secondary attacks of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13465956 TI - Swimming pool injuries, mycobacteria, and tuberculosis-like disease. PMID- 13465957 TI - Health education in the public library. PMID- 13465958 TI - Diarrheal disease control by improved human excreta disposal. PMID- 13465959 TI - An outbreak of gastroenteritis in a Louisiana school. PMID- 13465960 TI - Accuracy of the reported causes of fetal and neonatal deaths. PMID- 13465961 TI - Evaluation of the Suessenguth-Kline test for trichinosis. PMID- 13465962 TI - [Experimental histological studies of female genitalia after prolonged administration of methylandrostenediol]. PMID- 13465963 TI - [Findings on the use of sympatholytics in normal and pathological labor]. PMID- 13465964 TI - [Critical evaluation of tests of colpocytology, glycopexis, basal temperature and quantitative variations of the principle gestative hormones in relation to the diagnosis, prevention and therapy of endocrine abortion]. PMID- 13465965 TI - [Colpocytological aspects of prolonged pregnancy. I]. PMID- 13465966 TI - [The effect of thioctic acid on hyperpyruvemia in pregnancy]. PMID- 13465967 TI - [Colpocytological changes in intrauterine death of the fetus]. PMID- 13465968 TI - [Diffuse neurofibromatosis and pregnancy]. PMID- 13465969 TI - [Sodium and potassium concentrations in urine of pregnant women at term and during labor and the puerperium]. PMID- 13465970 TI - [Sodium and potassium in the plasma and erythrocytes of normal pregnant women]. PMID- 13465971 TI - [Behavior of glycoproteins in the placenta in prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13465972 TI - [Experimental histological study of the effect of placental extracts on female genitalia]. PMID- 13465973 TI - [Study of tribormone depositum in the climacteric syndrome; catabolite elimination curves and duration of the therapeutic effect]. PMID- 13465974 TI - [Study of puerperal inversion of the uterus]. PMID- 13465975 TI - [Intradermal reaction to histamine in pregnant women treated with prednisolone in the last trimester of pregnancy]. PMID- 13465976 TI - [Studies of surgical and radiological treatment of ovarian neoplasms]. PMID- 13465977 TI - [A new test for the study of liver function in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13465978 TI - [Histochemical study of cancer of the uterine cervix during x-ray therapy with grids. I. Nucleic acids]. PMID- 13465979 TI - [Clinical importance of a colloid lability test in patients of cancer of the uterus after radiotherapy]. PMID- 13465980 TI - Differential diagnosis of vesicovaginal and ureterovaginal fistula. PMID- 13465981 TI - A urinary bladder diverticulum; case report. PMID- 13465982 TI - Anorectal complications of acute leukemia simulating lymphopathia venereum. PMID- 13465983 TI - Porphyria. PMID- 13465985 TI - Facial paralysis caused by foreign body in mastoid; case report. PMID- 13465984 TI - An unusual complication of ureteroileostomy; case report. PMID- 13465986 TI - Gastrointestinal complications of steroid therapy; report of two patients with huge gastric ulcers. PMID- 13465987 TI - Osteomyelitis of the pubic junction following pelvic surgery. PMID- 13465988 TI - Gallbiadder polyps. PMID- 13465989 TI - Atrial septal defect simulating mitral stenosis. PMID- 13465990 TI - Malignant melanoma of the skin; report of a case with metastases. PMID- 13465991 TI - Orthopedic manifestations in neurofibromatosis; report of six cases. PMID- 13465992 TI - A case of unilateral atrophic kidney unaccompanied by hypertension. PMID- 13465993 TI - Myelofibrosis and tuberculosis. PMID- 13465994 TI - Johann von Mikulicz and the development of esophagoscopy. PMID- 13465995 TI - Carcinosarcoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13465996 TI - The treatment of slipped femoral capital epiphysis by subtrochanteric osteotomy and blade plate fixation. PMID- 13465997 TI - Osteosarcoma. PMID- 13465998 TI - The effect of cortisone upon the reaction of the skin to tuberculin in tuberculosis and in sarcoidosis. PMID- 13465999 TI - Veno-occlusive disease of the liver. PMID- 13466000 TI - Primary aldosteronism. PMID- 13466001 TI - The immediate treatment of cerebral embolism. PMID- 13466002 TI - A subacute progressive encephalopathy with mutism, hypokinesia, rigidity, and myoclonus. PMID- 13466003 TI - Observations in man upon the osmotic behaviour of the body cells after trauma. PMID- 13466004 TI - Jejunal biopsy after partial gastrectomy. PMID- 13466005 TI - ESSENTIAL hypertension. II. Mechanism of symptoms and current therapy. PMID- 13466006 TI - Infant feeding in the USSR. PMID- 13466007 TI - The optimal time for surgery in the newborn period. PMID- 13466008 TI - Enhancement of conventional therapy for appetite stimulation; a new treatment. PMID- 13466009 TI - Nutritive value of a representative good American diet with and without milk. PMID- 13466010 TI - Successful open cardiac surgery; a mechanical pump oxygenator system. PMID- 13466011 TI - Contractions of the human uterus and a theory of labor. PMID- 13466012 TI - Radiolysis of aqueous solutions of hydrocarbons benzene, benzene-d6, cyclohexane. PMID- 13466013 TI - Calorimetric determination of the ratio of energy absorption to ionization for 22 Mev x-rays. PMID- 13466014 TI - The action of x-rays on cocarboxylase. PMID- 13466015 TI - The effect of x-rays of different qualities on the alkaline phosphatase of living mouse bone. II. Effects of 22. 5-Mevp x-rays. PMID- 13466016 TI - An analysis of the role of dose and dosage rate in the early radiation mortality of the chick. PMID- 13466017 TI - The effect of x-irradiation on the absorption of plutonium in the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13466018 TI - Bacteriological studies on mice exposed to supralethal doses of ionizing radiations. I. Radiation from a nuclear device. PMID- 13466019 TI - The effect of total-body x-irradiation on the circulation of splenectomized dogs. PMID- 13466020 TI - The combined effects of ionizing radiation and low temperature on the metabolism, longevity, and soft tissues of the white rat. II. Histologic changes. PMID- 13466022 TI - The place of the tutorial in teaching with special reference to radiography. PMID- 13466021 TI - Limitation of the primary beam in chest radiography. PMID- 13466023 TI - [Simultaneous occurrence of so-called right deviation of the descending aorta in monozygotic twins]. PMID- 13466024 TI - [Calcification of the intervertebral disks in childhood and the problem of calcification in general]. PMID- 13466025 TI - [Spontaneous pathological fractures in an infant with chronic thoracic empyema]. PMID- 13466026 TI - [Fractional x-ray therapy in small doses in bronchial carcinoma and inflammatory processes of the lungs]. PMID- 13466027 TI - [Early results of study of the increase of radiobiological action as a function of variations induced in surface tensions of living tissue]. PMID- 13466028 TI - [Radioactive cobalt therapy of the Mikulicz syndrome associated with leukemia]. PMID- 13466029 TI - [Selective abdominal arteriography by humeral route]. PMID- 13466030 TI - [Experimental study & systematization of endothoracic transport shadows in transverse axial stratigraphy]. PMID- 13466031 TI - [Periarthritis calcarea of the wrist]. PMID- 13466032 TI - [Sesamoid bones in differential radiological diagnosis of fractures]. PMID- 13466033 TI - [Postoperative pendular-tangential roentgenotherapy of breast carcinoma: proposed new method]. PMID- 13466034 TI - [Cerebral angiography in arteriosclerotic patients]. PMID- 13466035 TI - [Radiological manifestations of polycystic kidney]. PMID- 13466036 TI - [Radiological study of dyschondroplasia]. PMID- 13466037 TI - [Casuistic & critical data on the study of deformities of the duodenal ring]. PMID- 13466038 TI - [A rare case of lymphadenopathy from cardiac stasis at the hilus of the lung with neoplastic radiological manifestations]. PMID- 13466039 TI - [Clinical manifestations & radiotherapy of epitheliomas of the extremities]. PMID- 13466040 TI - [Results of the use of urografin in cerebral arteriography]. PMID- 13466041 TI - [Unusual manifestation of anemia with falciform cells]. PMID- 13466042 TI - [Radiological aspects of isolated fracture of intervertebral disk and of posttrumatic spondylosis]. PMID- 13466043 TI - [Statistical study and analysis of 105 cases of breast carcinoma treated with radiotherapy only]. PMID- 13466044 TI - [Optimal tension in radioscopy in relation to diffused radiations]. PMID- 13466045 TI - [Bronchial shortcircuits (inter-bronchial anastomosis); case reports]. PMID- 13466046 TI - Radiotherapy in advanced and incurable malignant disease. PMID- 13466047 TI - Complications of advanced cervical cancer and their management. PMID- 13466049 TI - The role of the surgeon in advanced cancer. PMID- 13466048 TI - The present status of hormone therapy in advanced breast cancer. PMID- 13466050 TI - Cystic angiomatosis of bone. PMID- 13466051 TI - Roentgen manifestations of congenital agammaglobulinemia. PMID- 13466052 TI - Effective irradiation with radium for cancer of the cervix. PMID- 13466053 TI - Changes in lung and pleura following two-million-volt therapy for carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13466054 TI - The use of oral antihistamines in intravenous urography. PMID- 13466055 TI - A bronchographic sign of chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13466056 TI - The angled postero-anterior projection of the stomach; an attempt at better visualization of the high transverse stomach. PMID- 13466057 TI - Renografin as a new contrast medium for cerebral angiography; report of animal experiments. PMID- 13466058 TI - Flow rates of contrast substances obtainable at conventional angiocardiography. PMID- 13466059 TI - Diffuse thickening of the calvarium in osteogenesis imperfecta. PMID- 13466060 TI - Recurrent gastric ulcer incident to cortisone therapy. PMID- 13466061 TI - Rapid osseous changes in syringomyelia. PMID- 13466062 TI - Extended range radiography; preliminary report. PMID- 13466063 TI - Clinical management of the patient with advanced cancer. PMID- 13466064 TI - Ira Hiram Lockwood; 1885-1957. PMID- 13466065 TI - [Direct & indirect action on the heart of the chicken embryo by irradiation in vitro]. PMID- 13466066 TI - [Effects of prednisolone on the lymph nodes of irradiated guinea pigs]. PMID- 13466067 TI - [Effects of ionizing radiations on tissue culture]. PMID- 13466068 TI - [Fibrinolytic enzymes in preventive therapy of acute radiodermatitis]. PMID- 13466069 TI - [Clinical & therapeutic aspects of the so-called Schmincke tumors]. PMID- 13466071 TI - [A simple method of determination of adenosinetriphosphatase activity of the skin]. PMID- 13466070 TI - [Researches on the oxidation metabolism of the skin: presence of the tricarboxylic acid cycle]. PMID- 13466072 TI - [Local effects of teleradiotherapy in dermatology]. PMID- 13466074 TI - [Francesco Galdi]. PMID- 13466073 TI - [Dermatitis due to contact with chlorpromazine; a new occupational disease]. PMID- 13466075 TI - [Functional disorders in the pathology of the extrahepatic ducts]. PMID- 13466076 TI - [Functional disorders in the pathology of the extrahepatic ducts]. PMID- 13466077 TI - [Histopathology of experimental nephropathy, Masugi type, in the rat]. PMID- 13466078 TI - [Hematomedullary sulfhydryl groups, fixed and soluble, in liver disease patients]. PMID- 13466079 TI - [Italian literature on extrahepatic bile ducts. (1955-1956)]. PMID- 13466080 TI - [Immediate effects of ligature of sinus node artery on sinus rhythm function in dogs; electrocardiographic and histopathological study]. PMID- 13466081 TI - [Remote effects of ligature of sinus node artery on sinus rhythm function in dogs; electrocardiographic & histopathological study]. PMID- 13466082 TI - [Importance of local phenomena of water diffusion and osmosis in the determination of tissue pressure]. PMID- 13466083 TI - [Existence of a pressure gradient between the interstices of the cortical zone and that of the medulla in the kidneys of rabbits]. PMID- 13466084 TI - [Properidin and natural resistance to infection]. PMID- 13466085 TI - [Goiters caused by excessive urinary iodine loss]. PMID- 13466086 TI - [Glycemic repercussions of sulfabutylcarbamide load in diabetics and normal subjects]. PMID- 13466087 TI - [Experimental research on the effects of N-4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl-N'-butyl urea on various enzymes of glycolysis: glucose-6-phosphatase, hexokinase and phosphoglucomutase]. PMID- 13466088 TI - [Ballistocardiography in adolescents]. PMID- 13466089 TI - [The reticuloendothelial system in the mechanism of action of hydrazide of isonicotinic acid in experimental tuberculosis in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13466091 TI - [Cyanosis: systematic review]. PMID- 13466090 TI - [Effects of diets containing fats of varied grade of saturation on the chemical composition of the liver and deposited lipids; hepatotrophic effect of essential unsaturated fatty acids]. PMID- 13466092 TI - [Complementary power of serum in infectious diseases; trial of an original colorimetric method in brucellosis and various other infections]. PMID- 13466093 TI - [Protein turnover in experimental poisoning. I. Metabolic turnover of labeled albumin in lead poisoning]. PMID- 13466094 TI - [Effects of sodium nicotinate in disorders of atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction]. PMID- 13466095 TI - [Comparison of various methods of recording the spatial vectorcardiogram]. PMID- 13466096 TI - [Proposal of a thromboeiastographic method for research on antiplatelet antibodies]. PMID- 13466097 TI - [Thromboelastographic evaluation of platelet action on the fibrin formation process]. PMID- 13466098 TI - [Influence of the vegetative nervous system on the glycemic curve due to oral glucose]. PMID- 13466099 TI - [Essential hypoproteinemia]. PMID- 13466100 TI - [First findings on iodine metabolism in some medical nephropathies]. PMID- 13466101 TI - [Functional data obtained by fluoroelectrokymography in morphological changes of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13466102 TI - [Clinical aspects and considerations on the treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfonamides]. PMID- 13466103 TI - [Pathogenetic cofactors in atheromasic diseases]. PMID- 13466104 TI - [Metabolism of amino acids in liver diseases; urinary amino acids of normal subjects and liver patients; research conducted by means of paper chromatography]. PMID- 13466105 TI - [Data concerning blood alkaline phosphatases; determination of fast alkaline phosphatases by means of paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13466106 TI - [Vectorcardiography; theoretical basis and clinical applications]. PMID- 13466107 TI - [Contribution to the study of the adrenal cortex function in hepatic cirrhosis; unsuccessful response to surgical stress]. PMID- 13466108 TI - [Data on the treatment of leg fractures]. PMID- 13466109 TI - [Use of methylandrostenediol in the therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466110 TI - [Preparation for the direct x-ray examination of the abdomen]. PMID- 13466111 TI - [Radiological treatment of cancer of the esophagus]. PMID- 13466112 TI - [3 cases of tumors of the abdominal wall]. PMID- 13466113 TI - [Leriche syndrome; clinical & anatomopathological contribution]. PMID- 13466114 TI - [Series of 12 cases of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea of traumatic origin treated surgically]. PMID- 13466115 TI - [Research on adrenal function after overload with ACTH in various cases of peripheral arterial disease]. PMID- 13466116 TI - [Torsion of the spleen]. PMID- 13466117 TI - [Congenital idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13466118 TI - [Urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids & 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in patients subjected to ligation of the hepatic & splenic arteries for liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13466119 TI - [Case of intestinal invagination in an adult caused by benign tumor of the ileum]. PMID- 13466120 TI - [Effect of reserpine on adrenal cortex function]. PMID- 13466121 TI - [Research on behavior of hepatic function after gastric, duodenal, hepatic and biliary surgery]. PMID- 13466122 TI - [Importance of oscillometry after effort test in diagnosis of chronic obstructive arterial diseases of legs]. PMID- 13466123 TI - [Case of nephrotic syndrome treated with thiosemicarbazone (Tb1)]. PMID- 13466124 TI - [2 Cases of stomach cancer perforated into free peritoneum; clinical manifestations]. PMID- 13466125 TI - [Raffaele Janni (1868-1957)]. PMID- 13466126 TI - [Anesthesia for bronchographic examinations in children & adults]. PMID- 13466127 TI - [Struma ovarii]. PMID- 13466128 TI - [Embolism of the aortic bifurcation: clinical contribution]. PMID- 13466129 TI - [A case of dermoid cyst of the spermatic cord]. PMID- 13466130 TI - [A case of transmesenteric strangulated hernia with secondary volvulus of the small intestine]. PMID- 13466131 TI - [Inquiry on the living & work conditions of miners in metal-producing mines of Iglesiente. II. Effect of environment of physical development and on pathology in 42 families]. PMID- 13466132 TI - [Incidence of silicosis and tuberculosis in dust-producing industries of Veneto]. PMID- 13466133 TI - [Hygienic and sanitary conditions in the production of infusorial earth]. PMID- 13466134 TI - [Preliminary report on the effect of sulfurous crenotherapy in pulmonary silicosis]. PMID- 13466135 TI - [Vascular diseases caused by vibrations of pounding machines]. PMID- 13466136 TI - [Gaetano Pieraccini]. PMID- 13466137 TI - [Salvatore Diez]. PMID- 13466138 TI - [Clinical contribution to the study of relations between psychopathology & endocrine disorders; diencephalic-hypopituitary syndrome associated with schizophrenia]. PMID- 13466139 TI - [Electroencephalographic aspects of narcolepsy]. PMID- 13466140 TI - [A case of paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve; clinical note]. PMID- 13466141 TI - [Biological effects of the treatment with antireticular cytotoxic serum; synchronous & multiple changes of simultaneous blood chemistry]. PMID- 13466142 TI - [Reactions of psychomotor equilibrium & development]. PMID- 13466143 TI - [Nature & fundamentals of clinical tendencies in psychology]. PMID- 13466144 TI - [EEG changes in mental patients treated with Speransky's method of CSF pumping]. PMID- 13466145 TI - [Ultrasonic therapy of urinary incontinence in a group of mental patients]. PMID- 13466146 TI - [Bogomolets' antireticular cytotoxic serum in cerebrovascular disorders]. PMID- 13466147 TI - [Clinical statistics referring to the triennial period from 1954 to 1956; statistical report & explanations]. PMID- 13466148 TI - [Cellular pathology of the liver]. PMID- 13466149 TI - [Bilirubin]. PMID- 13466150 TI - [Clinical evaluation of liver function tests]. PMID- 13466151 TI - [Duodenal intubation: recent findings concerning its functional significance]. PMID- 13466152 TI - [Malignant erythemato-visceritis]. PMID- 13466153 TI - [Puncture biopsy of the liver and its contribution to hepatology]. PMID- 13466154 TI - [Pathogenesis of sclerosis and cirrhosis of the liver]. PMID- 13466155 TI - [Liver diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13466156 TI - [Recent progress in the study of viral hepatitis in humans and animals]. PMID- 13466157 TI - [Plasma substitutes]. PMID- 13466158 TI - [Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466159 TI - [The concept of hepatic insufficiency]. PMID- 13466160 TI - [Hepatic coma; nervous complications of liver diseases]. PMID- 13466161 TI - [Hepatic granulo-chromatosis with anhemolytic jaundice]. PMID- 13466162 TI - [Hepatogenic familial jaundice with direct bilirubin]. PMID- 13466163 TI - [Hepatic familial congenital jaundice]. PMID- 13466164 TI - [Typical hepatectomies]. PMID- 13466165 TI - [Plasmodium subpraecox, a strain of Plasmodium praecox adapted to living in the screech owl Carina noctua]. PMID- 13466166 TI - [Effect of piperazine adipate on Enterobius vermicularis & Ascaris lumbricoides]. PMID- 13466167 TI - [Natural immunity of the chick to Plasmodium praecox]. PMID- 13466168 TI - [Effect of modern criteria of medical assistence on the plan of hospital construction in Italy]. PMID- 13466169 TI - [Protection of dairy products against adulterants]. PMID- 13466170 TI - [Data on the production of milk & dairy products in Italy]. PMID- 13466171 TI - [Structure of a trisaccharide synthesized by the action of Penicillium chrysogenum on sucrose]. PMID- 13466172 TI - [Research on curarizing alkaloids of various Brazilian species of Strychnos. VI. Separation of the quaternary Strychnos alkaloids by paper chromatography with aqueous solvents]. PMID- 13466173 TI - [Research on curarizing alkaloids of various Brazilian species of Strychnos. VII. Strychnos macrophylla alkaloids]. PMID- 13466174 TI - [Research on curarizing alkaloids of Brazilian species of Strychnos. VIII. Strychnos solimoesana alkaloids]. PMID- 13466175 TI - [Research on curarizing alkaloids of various Brazilian species of Strychnos. IX. Strychnos guianensis alkaloids]. PMID- 13466176 TI - [New respirometer for Bulfonidae & other small vertebrates]. PMID- 13466177 TI - [Differences of behavior of the cockroach & water-bettle foregut following under the effects of muscle-contractants & description of a new recording technic]. PMID- 13466178 TI - [Findings on the mechanism of acid of iodo-, bromo- & chloracetic acid in the American cockroach]. PMID- 13466179 TI - [Crossed immunity among various strains of relapsing fever spirochete]. PMID- 13466180 TI - [A new contractile principle isolated from medusa Rhizostoma pulmo L]. PMID- 13466181 TI - [Use of sugar fermentation microtechnic in the classification of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13466182 TI - [Relation between the technic of immunization of rabbits for preparation of antileptospiral diagnostic sera and their content of paraspecific and aspecific agglutinins]. PMID- 13466183 TI - [The aphthous virus in tissue culture in vitro. I. Cultivation of A4, O and C strains trypsinized swine kidney cells]. PMID- 13466184 TI - [The aphthous virus in tissue culture in vitro. II. Growth curve of A4, O and C strains, in vitro and in vivo]. PMID- 13466185 TI - [A new procedure of detection of dulcin in food products]. PMID- 13466186 TI - [Determination of saccharin in food by identification of organic sulfur in the form of sulfhydryl ion]. PMID- 13466187 TI - On the participation of ammonia in cerebral metabolism and function. PMID- 13466188 TI - Plastic operations on the tendons of the thumb. PMID- 13466189 TI - Experimental study of the influence of abnormal uterine action on the state of the foetus (elaboration of model). PMID- 13466190 TI - The development of foetal hypoxia in abnormal uterine action in rabbits. PMID- 13466191 TI - The pharmacology of camomile and juniper. PMID- 13466192 TI - Effects of bacterial toxins in the organism. PMID- 13466194 TI - The development of neurology in Czechoslovakia since the Second World War. PMID- 13466193 TI - Pesticides in foodstuffs. I. The determination of residual amounts of chlorinated hydrocarbons in biological material and in foodstuffs. PMID- 13466195 TI - [Fistula renovaginal]. PMID- 13466196 TI - [Rotation of kidney; surgical treatment]. PMID- 13466197 TI - [Spontaneous rupture of the bladder]. PMID- 13466198 TI - [Hydrocele; a technic for sclerosing treatment]. PMID- 13466199 TI - [Data on the role of the bladder mucosa in the endocrine cycle]. PMID- 13466201 TI - [Cancer of the left kidney adhering to the descending colon; surgical management]. PMID- 13466200 TI - [Lymphosarcoma of the bladder]. PMID- 13466202 TI - [Value of aortography in the diagnosis of renal agenesis]. PMID- 13466203 TI - [Gauze left in the retroperitoneal space after sympathectomy]. PMID- 13466204 TI - [Bilateral renal carcinoma]. PMID- 13466205 TI - [Cancer of a congenital single kidney]. PMID- 13466206 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466207 TI - [Pathological rupture of the kidney]. PMID- 13466208 TI - [Blind supernumerary ureter & mesenteric tumor]. PMID- 13466209 TI - [Complete acute urine retention caused by a cervical serous cyst in a 68-year-old patient]. PMID- 13466210 TI - [An unusual complication of operative ureteral catheterization; sequels]. PMID- 13466212 TI - [A syringe for the aspiration of clots & pieces of calculi after lithotrity]. PMID- 13466211 TI - [Significance of the elimination of ureteral foreign bodies in nephrectomy]. PMID- 13466213 TI - [Fleeting partial torsion of the spermatic cord, three cases]. PMID- 13466214 TI - [Wounds of the bladder]. PMID- 13466215 TI - [Use of nitrogen mustards in benign & malignant bladder tumors]. PMID- 13466216 TI - [The hypoglycemic and antidiabetic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13466217 TI - [Clinical study of varices of the leg]. PMID- 13466218 TI - [Surgical treatment of varices of the leg]. PMID- 13466219 TI - [Pathogenesis, prevention & treatment of residual varices]. PMID- 13466220 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466221 TI - [Plan for the surgical treatment of essential varices of the leg]. PMID- 13466222 TI - [Causes of failure in the treatment of varices]. PMID- 13466223 TI - [Syndrome of chronic venous insufficiency; treatment of the venous factor]. PMID- 13466224 TI - [Syndrome of chronic venous insufficiency; significance of insufficient communication]. PMID- 13466225 TI - [Some findings on varices of the leg]. PMID- 13466226 TI - [Motor disorders in herpes zoster; a case of quadriplegia]. PMID- 13466227 TI - [Diaminophenylxanthenes, a new antimicrobial series]. PMID- 13466228 TI - [Treatment of acute poliomyelitis with sympathetic nerve blocks]. PMID- 13466229 TI - [The dynamic-full circle in dermatology]. PMID- 13466231 TI - [British experience with the National Health program]. PMID- 13466230 TI - [Treatment of advanced cancer with triethylenethiophosphoramide & aminopterin]. PMID- 13466232 TI - [Possibility & convenience of hydration in surgery]. PMID- 13466233 TI - [Half-diagnosis of thyroid gland dysfunctions]. PMID- 13466234 TI - [Critical study of renal angiography]. PMID- 13466235 TI - [Surgical treatment of mitral valvular lesions in 208 cases]. PMID- 13466236 TI - [Sodium antimony III gluconate in the treatment of schistosomiasis mansoni]. PMID- 13466237 TI - [The phenomenon of Sanarelli-Shwartzman]. PMID- 13466238 TI - [Clinical study of cancer of the jugal region]. PMID- 13466239 TI - [Cardial relaxation in infants; Neuhauser's cardio-esophageal chalasia]. PMID- 13466240 TI - [Congenital urethro-rectal fistula]. PMID- 13466241 TI - [Bullous & hemorrhagic iododerma & iodic acne]. PMID- 13466242 TI - [Medical education]. PMID- 13466243 TI - [Electroencephalography in clinical medicine]. PMID- 13466244 TI - [Sex determination by somatic nuclear structure & its application in legal medicine]. PMID- 13466245 TI - [Pathogenesis of rarefaction of bone in the Cushing syndrome]. PMID- 13466246 TI - [Testicular lesions in rats treated with DL-ethionine]. PMID- 13466247 TI - [Mesenterialization of the portal veins (Cavalcanti's operation) in the treatment of portal hypertension caused by liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13466248 TI - [Prednisone in experimental asthma in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13466249 TI - [Hearing after radical mastoidotympanectomy]. PMID- 13466250 TI - [Psychosomatic education of the physician]. PMID- 13466251 TI - [What the precise physician should know about uveitis & how it should be treated]. PMID- 13466253 TI - [Technic of the Beck I operation in the surgical treatment of ischemia of the myocardium]. PMID- 13466252 TI - [Doctor education]. PMID- 13466254 TI - [Prostate surgery; analysis of various operative technics, personal results]. PMID- 13466255 TI - [Wilm's tumor; presentation of 3 surgical cases & review of the literature]. PMID- 13466256 TI - [Oblique & segmental medullary nailing]. PMID- 13466257 TI - [Tuberculoma of the lung]. PMID- 13466258 TI - [Esophageal varices]. PMID- 13466260 TI - [Technigrams of surgery; total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13466259 TI - [Carcinoma of the tongue]. PMID- 13466261 TI - [Cerebral antiography; diagnosis of intracranial expansive processes]. PMID- 13466262 TI - [The surgeon-cancerologist]. PMID- 13466263 TI - [Transparietal splenoportography: technic and clinical interpretation]. PMID- 13466264 TI - [Carcinoma of the prostate; clinical and therapeutic aspects]. PMID- 13466265 TI - [Conduction disorders resulting from experimental production of interventricular communications]. PMID- 13466266 TI - [Discography and myelography in investigation of lumbar discopathy; comparative studies and surgical control of the results]. PMID- 13466267 TI - [Pulmonary atelectasis in surgical pathology]. PMID- 13466268 TI - [Tumors of the breast: fibroadenoma]. PMID- 13466269 TI - [Surgical technical drawings: technical devices for formation of gastric pouches]. PMID- 13466270 TI - [Ventriculography and pneumoencephalography; diagnosis of intracranial expansive processes]. PMID- 13466271 TI - [Pupillary dilatation; new diagnostic sign for digestive parasites]. PMID- 13466272 TI - [Clinical & experimental study on the physiopathology of intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13466273 TI - [Treatment of intestinal syndromes of bacterial origin]. PMID- 13466274 TI - [Results of hepato-splenic surgical treatment of schistosomiasis mansoni; study of 17 cases]. PMID- 13466275 TI - [Diabetes during pregnancy]. PMID- 13466276 TI - [Brucellosis bowel]. PMID- 13466277 TI - [Cytological examination in the diagnosis of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13466278 TI - [Feces examination for parasites]. PMID- 13466279 TI - [Treatment of frambesia. IV. Early tertiarism of frambesia treated with 2 doses of 600,000 units & 1 & 2 doses of 1,200,000 units of dipenicillin G N', N' dibenzylethylenediamine]. PMID- 13466280 TI - [Tuberculomas]. PMID- 13466281 TI - [Mucous plugs of bronchi in asthma & Hoffmann & Teichmuller eosinophilic catarrhs]. PMID- 13466282 TI - [Smoking & diseases]. PMID- 13466283 TI - [Student aid at the University of Bahia]. PMID- 13466284 TI - [Fluorine & dental caries]. PMID- 13466285 TI - [Use of cervical traction in clinical medicine]. PMID- 13466286 TI - [Peptic ulcer & psychosomatic medicine. I]. PMID- 13466287 TI - [Bacteriostasis of coloring materials on Listeria]. PMID- 13466288 TI - [Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee]. PMID- 13466289 TI - [Serological study of Chagas' disease in Paraiba]. PMID- 13466290 TI - [Man, a possible reservoir of the virus of Leishmania donovani; primary & secondary cutaneous localizations of kala-azar]. PMID- 13466291 TI - [Chemotherapy of lymphomas & leukemia. I]. PMID- 13466292 TI - [Inquiry on endemic goiter]. PMID- 13466293 TI - [Family conflicts; fight between the disease, the patient & the relatives]. PMID- 13466294 TI - [Disadvantages of juices]. PMID- 13466295 TI - [Treatment of essential insomnia by powdered brewer's yeast]. PMID- 13466296 TI - [New technic for the preparation of autogenous vaccines]. PMID- 13466297 TI - [Iron alone & combined in the therapy of ankylostomotic anemia]. PMID- 13466298 TI - [Extrophia of the bladder]. PMID- 13466299 TI - [Peptic ulcer and psychosomatic medicine. II]. PMID- 13466300 TI - [Gynecology & its relation to clinical medicine in general]. PMID- 13466301 TI - [Schistosomiasis & immunity; review & critical study]. PMID- 13466302 TI - [Chemotherapy of lymphoma & leukemia. II]. PMID- 13466304 TI - [Cholecystography in icterus]. PMID- 13466303 TI - [Schistosomiasis mansoni in various locations of Alagoas]. PMID- 13466305 TI - [Complete loss of hair; treatment with intravenous calcium with vitamin C]. PMID- 13466306 TI - [Treatment of pemphigus foliaceous; wild fire]. PMID- 13466307 TI - [BZ 55 in the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13466308 TI - [Postmortem cesarean section; conditions for its realization; ethical & medicolegal problems]. PMID- 13466309 TI - [Peptic ulcer and psychosomatic medicine. III]. PMID- 13466310 TI - [Epilepsies]. PMID- 13466311 TI - [Correlation between pulse & metabolism in hot climates]. PMID- 13466312 TI - [Physical education, sports & health; historical note; development of the subject. I]. PMID- 13466313 TI - [Altitude or mountain sickness. I]. PMID- 13466314 TI - [Brazilian Medical Association & various problems of the medical profession]. PMID- 13466315 TI - [Professional orientation in vascular diseases]. PMID- 13466316 TI - [How the physician should manage psychogenic functional disorders]. PMID- 13466317 TI - [Value & significance of specific therapy in schistosomiasis mansoni, in the field of prevention]. PMID- 13466318 TI - [Treatment of so-called essential insomnia by brewer's yeast; other therapeutic indications for brewer's yeast]. PMID- 13466319 TI - [Attenuation of virulence, for the guinea pig, of Koch bacillus isolated from patients undergoing chemotherapy; clinical & experimental aspects of the problem]. PMID- 13466320 TI - [Streptomycin in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466321 TI - [Pulmonary resection in the surgical treatment of massive tuberculous caverns]. PMID- 13466322 TI - [Costal fibrous dysplasia]. PMID- 13466323 TI - [Pulmonary fibrosis of uncertain etiology; report of a case with autopsy findings]. PMID- 13466324 TI - [Circulatory adjustments in pneumonectomized & lobectomized subjects]. PMID- 13466325 TI - [Epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis in Brazil]. PMID- 13466326 TI - [Participation of the Tuberculosis Department in the fight against tuberculosis in the federal district]. PMID- 13466327 TI - [Results of resection in pulmonary tuberculosis; study of 292 cases]. PMID- 13466328 TI - [Velez index in experimental tuberculosis in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13466329 TI - [Bronchography in resection for pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466330 TI - [Cancer and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466331 TI - [Readjustment of the campaign programs against tuberculosis in the light of recent acquisitions in phthisiology]. PMID- 13466332 TI - [Data in relation to the methods of studying respiratory function. I. Value of angiopneumography in the determination of pulmonary function]. PMID- 13466333 TI - [Present status of the Brazilian method of BCG vaccination]. PMID- 13466334 TI - [Dominant concepts in osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466336 TI - [Surgical treatment of bronchiectasis]. PMID- 13466335 TI - [Data on microbacterial resistance to streptomycin]. PMID- 13466337 TI - [A new organization in the Azevedo Lima Teaching Sanatorium; bases for a dynamic tuberculosis & pneumonology center]. PMID- 13466338 TI - [Resection in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466339 TI - [X-ray examinations & BCG vaccination in the Civil Defense Division (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul)]. PMID- 13466340 TI - [Pulmonary resection for tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466341 TI - [Prevention of tuberculosis in countries with unfavorable economic and technical conditions]. PMID- 13466342 TI - [Medical practice in Brazil by an Argentine physician]. PMID- 13466343 TI - [Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466345 TI - [Lipase index and erythrocyte sedimentation; comparative study based on clinical, radiological and bacilloscopic investigations]. PMID- 13466344 TI - [Study of pulmonary function in tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13466346 TI - [Course in phthisiology]. PMID- 13466347 TI - [Biochemistry of Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13466348 TI - [Current status of therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466349 TI - [Pulmonary resection]. PMID- 13466350 TI - [Lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13466351 TI - [Blood seromucoid. II. Relation between seromucoid & globulinic fractions]. PMID- 13466352 TI - [Present concepts on potassium metabolism & its changes]. PMID- 13466353 TI - [Presence & duration of gastric antecedents in acute perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13466354 TI - [Elementary exercises for physiotherapy or respiratory medical gymnastics]. PMID- 13466355 TI - [Toxic adenoma & the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome]. PMID- 13466356 TI - [Atypical patent ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13466357 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466358 TI - [Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of kala-azar]. PMID- 13466359 TI - [Crohn's disease & the regional enteritis syndrome]. PMID- 13466360 TI - [General concept concerning the use of oral hypoglycemic sulfonamides in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13466362 TI - [Use of a new analgesic spasmolytic compound in acute abdominal pain]. PMID- 13466361 TI - [Possibilities of bronchotherapy in respiratory diseases]. PMID- 13466363 TI - [Further note on the therapy of general paresis]. PMID- 13466364 TI - [Development of a case of nephrosis; severe tuberculous peritonitis]. PMID- 13466365 TI - [Treatment of liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13466366 TI - [Urinary 17-ketosteroids in the physiopathology of glucide metabolism: personal findings]. PMID- 13466367 TI - [Gastric mucosa: endoscopic & histologic studies in the normal state and in chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13466368 TI - [Mechanism of action of hypoglycemic sulfamides]. PMID- 13466369 TI - [Resume of 9 cases of progressive muscular atrophy treated with growth hormone by intra-arterial administration]. PMID- 13466370 TI - [Various aspects of bronchography: technic; contrast media; its importance for the distal bronchi]. PMID- 13466371 TI - [Orbital meningioma successfully removed by intracranial approach]. PMID- 13466372 TI - [Case of Takayasu's disease (pulseless disease)]. PMID- 13466373 TI - [Tetanus; immunological scheme]. PMID- 13466374 TI - [Findings on shock in the Obstetrical Service of the Alfredo da Costa Maternity Clinic]. PMID- 13466375 TI - [Use of intravenous alcohol in obstetrical surgery]. PMID- 13466376 TI - [Account of a visit to Paris, under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior, with the aim of perfecting laboratory technics for hormone determinations, many related especially to endocrine problems]. PMID- 13466377 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466378 TI - [15 Years of work]. PMID- 13466379 TI - [50 Years of pediatrics]. PMID- 13466380 TI - [50 Years of progress in pediatrics]. PMID- 13466381 TI - [Apprenticeship in pediatrics]. PMID- 13466382 TI - [Pediatrics in medical education programs]. PMID- 13466383 TI - [Physician for children & newborn]. PMID- 13466384 TI - [Anorexia]. PMID- 13466385 TI - [Contribution to the subject: acute diarrhea in infants]. PMID- 13466386 TI - [Pediatrics polypragmatism & alarmism]. PMID- 13466387 TI - [Differential diagnosis of infant toxicosis]. PMID- 13466388 TI - [Use of piperizine citrate in ascariasis in patients with typhoid fever]. PMID- 13466389 TI - [The infantile vomiter in pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13466390 TI - [Dolichocolon in childhood]. PMID- 13466391 TI - [Comments about spina bifida]. PMID- 13466392 TI - [Lipoid nephrosis; various thoughts]. PMID- 13466393 TI - [Congenital familial hypogammaglobulinemia with familial severe generalized moniliasis & atypical reactions following BCG vaccination]. PMID- 13466394 TI - [Anatomical classification & etiopathogenesis of intracranial hemorrhages of the newborn]. PMID- 13466395 TI - [Congenital toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13466396 TI - [Laboratory investigations in the diagnosis & pathogenesis of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13466397 TI - [Data on the effect of glutamic acid in the treatment of 101 mentally deficient children]. PMID- 13466398 TI - [Ocular hypertelorism with mental deficiency & megacolon]. PMID- 13466399 TI - [Lead poisoning in infants; recent advances in the treatment; 8 cases in 2 families]. PMID- 13466400 TI - [Hemophilic joint diseases]. PMID- 13466401 TI - [Gargoylism; Hurler-Pfaundler disease; possible existence of the two diseases included in this syndrome]. PMID- 13466402 TI - [Sinding-Larsen osteomalacia]. PMID- 13466403 TI - [Concurrent BCG in the treatment of allergic manifestations of tuberculous nature]. PMID- 13466405 TI - [Prolonged & discontinued sleep in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13466404 TI - [Myocardial infarct; statistical & developmental study]. PMID- 13466407 TI - [Sepsis in the premature infant]. PMID- 13466406 TI - [Heart diseases in children: concept]. PMID- 13466408 TI - [Severe enterosepsis treated with sigmamycin]. PMID- 13466410 TI - [Diagnosis of Hirschprung's disease in the newborn]. PMID- 13466409 TI - [Progressive spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffman disease); clinical study, pathological anatomy, electromyography & genetics in 15 cases]. PMID- 13466411 TI - [Physiopathology of the operative position]. PMID- 13466412 TI - [First results of controlled hypotension with alkaloid esters of Veratrum album]. PMID- 13466413 TI - [Pethidine]. PMID- 13466414 TI - [Resuscitation of the newborn]. PMID- 13466415 TI - [Modern orientations in the treatment of acute generalized tetanus]. PMID- 13466416 TI - [New valve for open circuit apparatus]. PMID- 13466417 TI - [Open circuit artificial respiration; automatic valve]. PMID- 13466418 TI - [New model of a valve for artificial respiration with open circuit apparatus]. PMID- 13466419 TI - [Anesthesia and analgesia in labor. I. Normal labor]. PMID- 13466420 TI - [Anesthesia and analgesia in labor. II. Dystocic labor]. PMID- 13466421 TI - [Anesthesia and analgesia in labor. III. Resuscitation of the newborn]. PMID- 13466422 TI - [Problems in anesthesia in cardiovascular surgery. I. Cardiac paralysis and resuscitation]. PMID- 13466423 TI - [Problems in anesthesia in cardiovascular surgery. II. Bloodless heart surgery]. PMID- 13466424 TI - [Problems in anesthesia in cardiovascular surgery. III. Anesthesia in mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13466425 TI - [Postoperative physiopathology and therapy. I. Water-electrolyte changes in surgery of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13466426 TI - [Postoperative physiopathology and therapy. II. Water-electrolyte changes in pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13466427 TI - [Postoperative physiopathology and therapy. III. Water-electrolyte changes in obstetrics]. PMID- 13466428 TI - [Postoperative physiopathology and therapy. IV. Water-electrolyte changes in geriatrics]. PMID- 13466429 TI - [Status of anesthesiology in Spain: present and future of the specialty]. PMID- 13466430 TI - [Determination of ribonuclease activity by agar plate diffusion method]. PMID- 13466431 TI - [Inhibition of circulating antibodies by hyperimmunization in protein-antiprotein systems]. PMID- 13466432 TI - [Bromacetate degradation in vitro and by the animal organism]. PMID- 13466433 TI - [The d-peptidases in cancer]. PMID- 13466434 TI - [Research on saponins. VII. Physicochemical method of evaluation]. PMID- 13466435 TI - [Hyperglycemic action of extracts of endocrine pancreatic nodules from the tunny fish]. PMID- 13466436 TI - [Significance of zone X of the rat adrenal; study of zone X in hypophysectomized animals]. PMID- 13466437 TI - [Research on richness in active functional groups of serum proteins]. PMID- 13466438 TI - [Effects of magnesium and manganese ions on absorption of glucose by yeast]. PMID- 13466439 TI - The intestinal absorption of different sugars by adrenalectomized rats as tested in successive experiments. PMID- 13466440 TI - [Effects of serotonin on gastric secretion of the cat]. PMID- 13466441 TI - Antihistaminases and gastric secretion stimulated by histamine in cats. PMID- 13466442 TI - [New data on glutathion in pathological tissues]. PMID- 13466443 TI - [Method for the simultaneous determination and optical registration of arterial pressure and of the systolic volume in frog heart]. PMID- 13466444 TI - [Various aspects of Hering's law]. PMID- 13466445 TI - [The pupil at rest and its pathological changes]. PMID- 13466446 TI - [New trends in study of the pathogenesis and therapy of glaucoma]. PMID- 13466447 TI - [Disappearance of retinal venous pulse as a sign of intracranial hypertension]. PMID- 13466448 TI - [Total evacuation of the vitreous body in therapy of nonevolutive grave opacities]. PMID- 13466450 TI - [Dacryostomy]. PMID- 13466449 TI - [The papilledema]. PMID- 13466451 TI - [Surgical aspects of strabismus]. PMID- 13466452 TI - [Scleral resection combined with diathermy in detachment of the retina]. PMID- 13466453 TI - [Electroretinography from a neuroophthalmological point of view]. PMID- 13466454 TI - [Contribution to the syndrome of ophthalmoplegia migraine]. PMID- 13466455 TI - [Amino acid supplement & nitrogen retention in dystrophic infants]. PMID- 13466456 TI - [About the esophageal atresia]. PMID- 13466457 TI - [Mortality in the 2nd year of life in Spain, 1901-54; death at 1 year of age: 12 23 months]. PMID- 13466458 TI - [Primary examination of newborn infants]. PMID- 13466459 TI - [Arterial hypertension caused by unilateral anomalies of the renal artery in children]. PMID- 13466460 TI - [Hydronephrosis caused by congenital ureteropyelic obstruction]. PMID- 13466461 TI - [Cooiey's anemia]. PMID- 13466462 TI - [Systematic radiological examination of the digestive tract in newborn infants]. PMID- 13466463 TI - [Anorectal tampons of meconium as a cause of intestinal obstruction in newborn infants]. PMID- 13466464 TI - [Concept & teaching of pediatrics & puericulture]. PMID- 13466465 TI - [Reactivation of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466466 TI - [Case of severe hemorrhage 24 hours after the Jacobeaus-Maurer operation]. PMID- 13466467 TI - [Advanced pulmonary tuberculosis with total lung destruction; presence of this type of lesion despite the action of current drugs]. PMID- 13466468 TI - [Findings on the study of byssinosis]. PMID- 13466470 TI - [Construction of a code for the Argentinian child]. PMID- 13466471 TI - [Iterative excitability & rhythmic contraction of striated muscles; prosthenic contraction]. PMID- 13466469 TI - [Treatment of surgical injuries of the ureter]. PMID- 13466472 TI - [Psychogenic headache; treatment with ataraxic agents]. PMID- 13466473 TI - [South American blastomycosis in Colombia]. PMID- 13466474 TI - [Human echnicoccosis (hydatid cyst); 2 cases]. PMID- 13466475 TI - [Renal hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13466476 TI - [Hemolytic anemias]. PMID- 13466478 TI - [Oral treatment of diabetes mellitus with rastinon (D-860)]. PMID- 13466477 TI - [Physiopathological research on the antidiabetic effects of derivatives of sulfanylcarbamide]. PMID- 13466479 TI - [Effects of oral carbutamide (nadisan) on glucose consumption by the isolated diaphragm]. PMID- 13466480 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466481 TI - [New comments on an old theme: basedowian neurosis]. PMID- 13466482 TI - [Various comments on one hundred cases of cryptorchidism]. PMID- 13466483 TI - [Exophthalmos]. PMID- 13466484 TI - [Goiter in the Nile Valley]. PMID- 13466485 TI - [Insulin sensitivity of the rat diaphragm pretreated with carbutamide]. PMID- 13466486 TI - [Action of carbutamide (BZ-55) on the insulinic effect of plasma]. PMID- 13466487 TI - [New points of view in the treatment of climacteric disorders]. PMID- 13466488 TI - [Hypersensitivity as biological factor in the response to treatment of hyperthyroidism with I131]. PMID- 13466489 TI - [Relation between the frontal projection of the thyroid gland and its volume]. PMID- 13466490 TI - [Various epidemiological & pathogenic findings on oral moniliasis in newborn infants]. PMID- 13466491 TI - [Monilia & moniliasis; evaluation of various technics of the diagnosis of moniliasis]. PMID- 13466492 TI - [Data on the study of the pathogenesis of actinodermatitis]. PMID- 13466493 TI - [Application of Graham's method in dogs infected with Taenia pisiformis]. PMID- 13466494 TI - [Blackflies of Durango and Simulium (Simulium) Marqueze n. sp. (Diptera: Simuliidae)]. PMID- 13466495 TI - [Local anesthesia produced by the chile (Capsicum annuum var. Acuminatum)]. PMID- 13466496 TI - [Natural infection of mice with Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13466497 TI - [General data & antecedents in the nutrition of undernourished patients]. PMID- 13466498 TI - [Changes in the digestive tract in malnutrition]. PMID- 13466499 TI - [Dermatological changes in malnutrition]. PMID- 13466500 TI - [Neurological manifestation in malnutrition]. PMID- 13466501 TI - [Changes in endocrine function in malnutrition]. PMID- 13466502 TI - [Nitrogen metabolism in children with severe chronic malnutrition; absorption & retention of nitrogen from proteins of high biological value]. PMID- 13466503 TI - [Study of proteins from biological liquids. IV. Reserve organic proteins in malnutrition & Laennec's liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13466504 TI - [Cicatricial stenosis of the common bile duct; new method for the placement of the biliary tube]. PMID- 13466505 TI - [Absorption of D-xylose in steatorrhea]. PMID- 13466506 TI - [Diagnostic value of peritoneoscopy]. PMID- 13466507 TI - [Osteomyelosclerosis]. PMID- 13466508 TI - [Frequency of anemia in Mexico City]. PMID- 13466509 TI - [Lymphomas; study of the cases at the Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutricion]. PMID- 13466510 TI - [Diagnosis of paragonimiasis]. PMID- 13466511 TI - [Diarrhea of parasitic etiology in children; new advances in the diagnosis & treatment]. PMID- 13466512 TI - [Diarrhea from Trichuris trichiura (whipworm)]. PMID- 13466513 TI - [Diarrhea from strongyloides stercoralis]. PMID- 13466514 TI - [Diarrhea from necator americanus]. PMID- 13466515 TI - [Diarrhea from Trichuris trichiura (whipworm)]. PMID- 13466516 TI - [Diarrhea from Enterobius vermicularis (Oxyuris)]. PMID- 13466517 TI - [Diarrhea from hymenolepis nana ]. PMID- 13466518 TI - [Organizacion Nacional de Dispensarios Infantiles: antiparasitic therapeutic compendium]. PMID- 13466519 TI - [A new medication against intestinal & extra-intestinal amebiasis; effective also against Giardia lamblia & intestinal & vaginal trichomoniasis; baskir compuesto Kuba]. PMID- 13466521 TI - [Biostatistics of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13466520 TI - [Hospital Center of Aeronautics of the galleon]. PMID- 13466522 TI - [Radioisotopes in medicine]. PMID- 13466523 TI - [Primary actinomycosis of the tonsils]. PMID- 13466524 TI - [Hyaline membrane atelectasis; case report, etiopathogenesis]. PMID- 13466526 TI - [Metabolic and clinical aspects of infantile dehydration]. PMID- 13466525 TI - [Aseptic bone necrosis (Legg Perthes Calve disease)]. PMID- 13466527 TI - [Right aortic arch]. PMID- 13466528 TI - [Antibiotics in every-day practice]. PMID- 13466529 TI - [Stomatological problems related to aviation]. PMID- 13466530 TI - [Evaluation of anticoagulant treatment in 521 cases of acute myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13466531 TI - [Hemodynamic aspects of inter-auricular communication]. PMID- 13466533 TI - [Normal spatial cubic vectorcardiography]. PMID- 13466532 TI - [Vectorcardiographic study in normal adults]. PMID- 13466534 TI - [Diaphragmatic hernia; clinico-therapeutic findings]. PMID- 13466535 TI - [Polyarteritis nodosa; findings on various aspects of the disease, based on a clinical case report with skin manifestations]. PMID- 13466536 TI - [Pulmonary emphysema; its effect on the cardiovascular system: hemodynamic study]. PMID- 13466537 TI - [Aldolase in biliary & hepatic diseases]. PMID- 13466538 TI - [Study of the glomerular function by the utilization of sodium thiosulfate injected in the blood]. PMID- 13466539 TI - [Clinical & radiological aspects of the distal end of the esophagus]. PMID- 13466540 TI - [Functional syndromes after gastrectomy; experimental study]. PMID- 13466541 TI - [Post-gastrectomy megaloblastic anemia]. PMID- 13466542 TI - [Problem of microbial resistance to antibiotics; clinical, bacteriological & epidemiological data based on the study of 3,155 strains isolated in hospital environment]. PMID- 13466543 TI - [Clinical aspects of 85 cases of gout]. PMID- 13466544 TI - [Laboratory aspects of gout]. PMID- 13466545 TI - [Determination of glutamine in cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of hepatic coma]. PMID- 13466546 TI - [A new anticoagulant: acenocoumarin (G 23350) & its antagonism by phytylmenadione]. PMID- 13466547 TI - [Histamine headache; experimental headache & the syndrome of unilateral vasodilatation]. PMID- 13466548 TI - [Dermatomyositis]. PMID- 13466549 TI - [Cerebral metabolism & physiopathology in schizophrenia]. PMID- 13466550 TI - [Cortical process of stimulation]. PMID- 13466551 TI - [2 Cases of multiple sclerosis in children]. PMID- 13466553 TI - [Cultural Psychotherapy]. PMID- 13466552 TI - [Bernardo Serebrinsky, his personality & work]. PMID- 13466554 TI - [PROFESSOR Christofredo JAKOB in memoriam]. PMID- 13466555 TI - [Activity of the Department of Venereology of Costa Rica during 1954 & 1955]. PMID- 13466556 TI - [Preventive therapy in the eradication of venereal disease in Golfito]. PMID- 13466557 TI - [Serological survey & dissemination of information on syphilis in Esparta & La Garita]. PMID- 13466558 TI - [Study of a group in the age range of 15 to 24 years in relation to sexual education]. PMID- 13466559 TI - [Antivenereal propaganda using motion pictures & movable equipment]. PMID- 13466560 TI - [Broad spectrum antibiotics]. PMID- 13466561 TI - [Clinical findings in cancer of the pancreas]. PMID- 13466562 TI - [Surgery versus conservative treatment in penetrating wounds of the chest]. PMID- 13466563 TI - [Nutritional studies in Honduras. III. Clinico-nutritional research in the rural population of Chamelecon, Department of Cortes]. PMID- 13466564 TI - [Problem of craniostenosis in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13466566 TI - [Long-standing latent syphilis; review of 2 & 1/2 years in the Department of Dermatology of the Hospital San Felipe]. PMID- 13466565 TI - [Lipoidea pneumonia]. PMID- 13466567 TI - [Bone inserts]. PMID- 13466568 TI - [Current aids in normal labor]. PMID- 13466569 TI - [Immediate & future results of the therapy of early diagnosed conjugal sterility]. PMID- 13466570 TI - [Embryopathy in rubella; experiments on the mechanism of production]. PMID- 13466571 TI - [Uterine curettage by infiltration of the parametrium by local anesthesia]. PMID- 13466572 TI - [Not a single death in 9,572 obstetrical cases]. PMID- 13466573 TI - [Face presentation in the Servicio de Maternidad of the Hospital Central de Valencia]. PMID- 13466574 TI - [3 Cases of unicervical uterus bicornis in pregnancy in patients who had normal labor previously]. PMID- 13466575 TI - [Giant calculus extracted through a vesicovaginal fistula in pregnancy]. PMID- 13466576 TI - [Physiology of lactation]. PMID- 13466577 TI - [Fatty infiltration of the liver in portacaval anastomosis; experimental data]. PMID- 13466578 TI - [Fatal ulcerative colitis after the use of antibiotics; clinical & pathological data on 5 cases]. PMID- 13466579 TI - [Intravenous cholangiography; data on a new preparation]. PMID- 13466580 TI - [Experimental production of blisters by intradermal injections in patients with pemphigus foliaceus]. PMID- 13466581 TI - [Branchiogenic carcinoma with metastases to base of cranium]. PMID- 13466582 TI - [Rare congenital fissures of the face]. PMID- 13466583 TI - [Physiological basis for the oxygen]. PMID- 13466584 TI - [Effect on Oddi's sphincter of various drugs used in surgery of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13466585 TI - [Mitral commissurotomy; operative complications observed in 61 cases]. PMID- 13466586 TI - [Determination of chromosomal sex by neutrophil leukocytes in the peripheral blood]. PMID- 13466587 TI - [Findings on the treatment of inguinal & crural hernia with the Anson-McVay technic (herniorrhaphy with Cooper's ligament]. PMID- 13466588 TI - [Megacolon in childhood]. PMID- 13466589 TI - [Fibrin sponge in the local treatment of cavitations of the lung]. PMID- 13466590 TI - [Bronchiolar carcinoma (alveolar carcinoma) of the lung]. PMID- 13466591 TI - [Use of plastic material in the treatment of recurrent & incisional hernias]. PMID- 13466592 TI - [Blood volume & blood electrolytes in hydrated & dehydrated dystrophic infants]. PMID- 13466593 TI - [ACTH & cortisone in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466594 TI - [Transvesical prostatectomy with immediate closure of the bladder]. PMID- 13466595 TI - [Notes on the concept of unconscious fantasy]. PMID- 13466596 TI - [Incorporating visual and anal incorporation]. PMID- 13466597 TI - [The vicissitudes of the expression of aggression]. PMID- 13466599 TI - [Psychodynamic process of the discovery of reality]. PMID- 13466598 TI - [On instincts. 1. Dramatic and dynamic psychology of instincts]. PMID- 13466600 TI - [Inner perception as a visual phenomenon]. PMID- 13466602 TI - [Mnemodyschronia; contribution on defense mechanisms of the ego]. PMID- 13466601 TI - [Concept of the world in autism]. PMID- 13466603 TI - [The ego as the double of the Id]. PMID- 13466604 TI - [Dreams are hallucinations of masked traumatic situations]. PMID- 13466605 TI - [A typical dream: the elevator]. PMID- 13466606 TI - [Reactivation of unconscious fantasies by a real traumatic act]. PMID- 13466607 TI - [Analysis of early anxieties reactivated in a patient during pregnancy & lactation]. PMID- 13466608 TI - [Findings on fear of pregnancy in both sexes]. PMID- 13466609 TI - [Circumcision and prenatal regression]. PMID- 13466610 TI - [Various findings on the concept of distance in phobias]. PMID- 13466611 TI - [Existence of the uncanny in various phobias]. PMID- 13466612 TI - [A disintegration phobia]. PMID- 13466613 TI - [Clinical observations on diagnosis, etiology (psychodynamics) and therapy of male homosexuality]. PMID- 13466614 TI - [Structure of melancholy and mania]. PMID- 13466615 TI - [Omnipotence and sublimation]. PMID- 13466616 TI - [Projective identification of a case of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13466617 TI - [Schizoid mechanisms in neurotic behavior]. PMID- 13466618 TI - [The meaning of chess in a case of autism]. PMID- 13466619 TI - [Case report of hyperthyroidism; personality & circumstances prior to its onset]. PMID- 13466621 TI - [A case of anorexia nervosa]. PMID- 13466620 TI - [Anorexia nervosa and claustrophobia]. PMID- 13466622 TI - [Asthma & the castration complex in a married women]. PMID- 13466623 TI - [Analysis of associating, interpreting & speaking: realization of unconscious fantasies & the value of greater integration of the ego by means of this analysis]. PMID- 13466624 TI - [Various problems of psychoanalytic technic determined by projective identification & counter-identification]. PMID- 13466625 TI - [Prenatal existence in transference]. PMID- 13466626 TI - [The first dream in an eroticized transference]. PMID- 13466627 TI - [A case of negative therapeutic reaction]. PMID- 13466628 TI - [Elements in evaluating the course of psychoanlaytic therapy]. PMID- 13466630 TI - [The novel Barrabas or the persecution by the ideal]. PMID- 13466629 TI - [Elaboration of the Oedipus complex in a therapeutic group]. PMID- 13466631 TI - [Prenatal aspects of science fiction; analysis of Ray Bradbury's Illustrated Man]. PMID- 13466632 TI - [Miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni; anatomy; cytology, physiology]. PMID- 13466633 TI - [Biography of Brigadier General Luis Rivero Borrell, M. C. Ret]. PMID- 13466634 TI - [Pages in the history of military health]. PMID- 13466635 TI - [Urological technics of Dr. Rivero Borrell]. PMID- 13466636 TI - [Fortieth anniversary of the Escuela Medico Militar]. PMID- 13466637 TI - [Thought on the medical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13466638 TI - [Jose Leon Martinez]. PMID- 13466639 TI - [Function of aesthetic surgery in the rehabilitation of man]. PMID- 13466640 TI - [Early immunity]. PMID- 13466641 TI - [Non-suppurant acute thyroiditis]. PMID- 13466642 TI - [Psychogenic factors in the choreic syndrome]. PMID- 13466643 TI - [Acute renal failure]. PMID- 13466644 TI - [Findings on peripheral paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve]. PMID- 13466645 TI - [Reactions caused by anti-rabies vaccination]. PMID- 13466646 TI - [Chronic bronchitis in aged]. PMID- 13466647 TI - [Plastic surgery in relation to the general public]. PMID- 13466648 TI - [Study of neurotrophic lesions of the skeleton]. PMID- 13466649 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466650 TI - [Painful syndromes of the knee associated with lesions of the fabella]. PMID- 13466651 TI - [A case of anterior inflammation of bifid rib, so-called Brites ring type, in a 2 year-old girl]. PMID- 13466652 TI - [Arched, clubbed thumb in strong abduction-extension & other concomitant symptoms]. PMID- 13466653 TI - [Bilateral arthroplasty of the knee for bone ankylosis in flexion of tuberculous origin: Putti technic; excellent late results of 8 & 9 years]. PMID- 13466654 TI - [Treatment of paralysis of munimus & medius gluteal muscles with Huc's pelvitrochanteroplasty]. PMID- 13466655 TI - [Indications for local surgery in vertebral osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13466656 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466657 TI - [Myeloplaxis tumors of lobar spinal cord treated by direct approach]. PMID- 13466658 TI - [A case of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13466659 TI - [Certain problems connected with active male homosexuality; fragment of an analysis]. PMID- 13466660 TI - [Pseudoneurotic & pseudocharacterologic schizophrenia]. PMID- 13466661 TI - [Principles & practical achievements of mental hygiene & prophylaxis]. PMID- 13466662 TI - [The sexual neurosis of the Danaides]. PMID- 13466663 TI - [Nomenclature of coagulation factors]. PMID- 13466664 TI - [A Christmas disease inhibitor]. PMID- 13466665 TI - [Immunochemical studies on the presence of fibrinogen in washed human platelet extracts & in various leukocyte extracts]. PMID- 13466666 TI - [Distribution of blood groups & Rh types in 2 Vietnamese ethnic groups]. PMID- 13466667 TI - [The neodymium index]. PMID- 13466668 TI - [Preparation of a plasma free of the thromboplastin factor of platelet origin]. PMID- 13466669 TI - [Coagulation mechanism in the chicken. I. Study on the elements of the prothrombin complex & of thromboplastin formation]. PMID- 13466670 TI - [Hematology and philately]. PMID- 13466671 TI - [New technic for the electron microscopic examination of blood platelets; preliminary note]. PMID- 13466672 TI - [Avian leukosis]. PMID- 13466673 TI - [Epidemic of adenovirus infections]. PMID- 13466675 TI - [Functioning and the first results of a neuropsychiatric consultation in sanatorium]. PMID- 13466674 TI - [Notes on the costs of minor risks]. PMID- 13466676 TI - [Report on the assistance to epileptics]. PMID- 13466677 TI - [Problems of the production of serum tests of human origin in the determination of blood groups in France]. PMID- 13466678 TI - [Homage to Dean Jacques Parisot]. PMID- 13466679 TI - [Immunological studies in poliomyelitis. I. Results of successive probings in hospital centers of several large country towns]. PMID- 13466680 TI - [Immunological studies in poliomyelitis. II. Preliminary results on research of neutralizing antibodies in two school groups at the end of an epidemic]. PMID- 13466681 TI - [Production of antibodies in young rabbit; effect of pituitary somatotropin]. PMID- 13466682 TI - [Research on alpha-hemolytic toxin assimilated by staphylococci of canine origin]. PMID- 13466683 TI - [Research on return injection of staphylococcal anatoxin in rabbit]. PMID- 13466684 TI - [Effect of microbial filtrates on toxigenic and gelatinolytic power of staphylococci]. PMID- 13466685 TI - [Toxicity of several antibiotics, especially streptomycin in guinea pig]. PMID- 13466686 TI - [Approximate titration of tetanus antitoxin in horses vaccinated against tetanus by diffusion in jellyfied medium]. PMID- 13466687 TI - [Prevention and therapy of tetanus]. PMID- 13466689 TI - [Value of unification in Europe of official standards for controlling products of serums and vaccines]. PMID- 13466688 TI - [Intracerebral toxinic aggression and antitetanic immunity in rabbit]. PMID- 13466690 TI - [Yasushi Nakamura]. PMID- 13466692 TI - [Clinical & universal classification of trachoma]. PMID- 13466691 TI - [Pathological anatomy of trachoma in Japan]. PMID- 13466693 TI - The Siniscal lid plate; a new instrument. PMID- 13466695 TI - [Problem of the formation of voice & articulate language from an anatomical viewpoint]. PMID- 13466694 TI - [Results of three years of mass treatment of trachoma in the indigenous population of Morocco in the field of assistance to children (O.S.E.-Morocco)]. PMID- 13466696 TI - [Suppressive areas of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13466697 TI - [Clinical & peroperative experimentation in the study of laryngeal physiology]. PMID- 13466698 TI - [Experimental peroperative study in man; vocal cord vibrations without subglottic air current; recorded by ultra-fast camera]. PMID- 13466699 TI - [Analysis of forces which are exerted on the vocal cords in humans during its vibrations with or without subglottic pressure]. PMID- 13466700 TI - [Anatomical & histological data related to the stimulation of the right & left recurrent nerve phonation; anatomical data on the length of bulbar-efferent motor tracts]. PMID- 13466701 TI - [Experimental study of the primary glottic apparatus & the acoustic role of Morgagni's ventricles]. PMID- 13466702 TI - [Study of the single muscular fiber of the internal thyroarytenoid cartilage in the dog by means of intracellular electrodes]. PMID- 13466703 TI - [Anatomophysiological data on the functional system formed by the bulbar nuclei of the 10th cranial nerve (ambiguus nucleus) & bulbar & medullary nuclei of the 11th nerve]. PMID- 13466704 TI - [Histological research on the recurrent nerve & its motor end-plate of the intrinsic laryngeal musculature in man]. PMID- 13466705 TI - [Languages without verbs]. PMID- 13466706 TI - [Transitions of singers or the covering of opening sounds of the first register]. PMID- 13466707 TI - [Histological research in polarized light on the musculature of the vocal cords]. PMID- 13466708 TI - [Various experimental research related to voice production in dogs]. PMID- 13466709 TI - [New measurements of the duration of the opening phase of the glottis during phonation in man & in vivo carried out with a synchronized stroboscope]. PMID- 13466710 TI - [Clinical interpretations of the stroboscopic immobility of a single vocal cord]. PMID- 13466711 TI - [Chronaximetry of accessory nerves in vivo following auditory stimulations of various frequencies]. PMID- 13466712 TI - [Studies on training in phonology]. PMID- 13466713 TI - [Intracranial complications during otitis media in infants]. PMID- 13466714 TI - [Papilloma of the larynx & its therapeutic problems]. PMID- 13466715 TI - Ultrasonics, resonance and deafness. PMID- 13466716 TI - [Personal contributions to the surgery for deafness]. PMID- 13466718 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466717 TI - [Bone metastases in larynx cancer]. PMID- 13466719 TI - [The combined action of hydrocortisone & vasoconstrictors in the treatment of acute rhinitis]. PMID- 13466720 TI - [Results of the treatment of vertigo with cyclizine chlorhydrate]. PMID- 13466721 TI - [Symptomatology, diagnosis & treatment of viral hepatitis]. PMID- 13466722 TI - [ECHO virus 9; etiological agent in an epidemic of aseptic meningitis in Belgium]. PMID- 13466723 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466724 TI - [Ougree Rest Home]. PMID- 13466725 TI - [Antimicrobial effect of detergents]. PMID- 13466726 TI - [Evaluation of cutaneous & deep vascular reactions in carbon dioxide baths in healthy subjects by the measurement of local blood flow]. PMID- 13466727 TI - [Several brief notes on the subject of administration organization of transfusion services in U.S.A]. PMID- 13466728 TI - [Weak ankle; a sometimes common sequela of trauma]. PMID- 13466729 TI - [Acromegalic diabetes; onychia & paronychia treated by hypoglycemic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13466730 TI - [1838; Year of crisis in the life of Theodore Schwann]. PMID- 13466731 TI - [Effectiveness of antidiphteria & antitetanus vaccinations]. PMID- 13466732 TI - [14th International Conference on Tuberculosis at New Delhi, 7-11 January 1957]. PMID- 13466733 TI - [Introduction to the biological & vitaminological study of dairy products in Lebanon & Syria]. PMID- 13466734 TI - [Telecobalttherapy; survey of radiotherapy of high voltage]. PMID- 13466735 TI - [Kaposi's disease localized in the thumb]. PMID- 13466736 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466737 TI - [Congenital dislocation of the hip treated by blood reduction (Leveuf's method); excellent results]. PMID- 13466738 TI - [Variations of normal blood cholesterol in Lebanon natives]. PMID- 13466739 TI - [Military medicine as a means of hommage to Brigadier Colonel Meuli]. PMID- 13466741 TI - [Treatment of osseous cysts of the hand]. PMID- 13466740 TI - [Cervical lymphogranuloma with suspicion of mediastinal origin treated 17 years ago]. PMID- 13466742 TI - [Increase of operability in gastric surgery]. PMID- 13466743 TI - [Present-day problems in the treatment of intra-ocular foreign bodies]. PMID- 13466744 TI - [Role of the supernumerary bones of the tarsus in a normal walk]. PMID- 13466745 TI - [Injuries to the oto-vestibular apparatus]. PMID- 13466746 TI - [Surgery before the fundamental medical sciences]. PMID- 13466747 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466748 TI - [Biochemical & histological study of Wilson's disease in siblings of a strict anatomoclinical homotype]. PMID- 13466749 TI - [Early hemiplegia in myocardial infarction]. PMID- 13466750 TI - [Death notice: A. Baudouin]. PMID- 13466751 TI - [Selective prefrontal lobotomy by cingulotractotomy]. PMID- 13466752 TI - [Neurological syndrome of subacute development resembling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treated by intraspinal injections of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13466753 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466754 TI - [Existence of perceptual & sensory signs in myasthenia]. PMID- 13466755 TI - [Progressive facial hemiatrophy with atrophy of the breast & homolateral muscular atrophy of the arm & contralateral muscular atrophy of the leg]. PMID- 13466756 TI - [Meso-diencephalic hemorrhage with disorders of consciousness & terminal coma]. PMID- 13466757 TI - [A case of spina bifida occulta with myelodysplasia]. PMID- 13466758 TI - [Grand non-parasitic blood eosinophilia with labile pulmonary infiltration associated with chronic cerebellar syndrome; clinical study of two cases]. PMID- 13466759 TI - [Carcinomatous meningitis secondary to breast cancer; polioencephalo-myelitic clinical manifestations; transitory and almost complete regression under the action of delta-cortisone; diffuse carcinomatous invasion of the meninges with exclusion of the parenchyma]. PMID- 13466760 TI - [Paralysis of the upward movement of the eyes of vascular origin; anatomoclinical study]. PMID- 13466761 TI - [Appetite disorders and rhinencephalon; with special reference to a regressive case of obesity due to hyperphagia secondary to temporal lobectomy for epilepsy]. PMID- 13466762 TI - [Absence of Babinski sign in certain spasmodic paraplegias; causes and consequences]. PMID- 13466763 TI - [Confusion of long duration and temporal epileptic discharge during the development of general paralysis]. PMID- 13466764 TI - [Anachlorhydric migraine; treatment with ammonium chloride; pathogenic considerations]. PMID- 13466765 TI - [Personal technic of fractional ventriculography with head low; advantages, indications]. PMID- 13466766 TI - [Arterial hypertonic states in the internal carotid area]. PMID- 13466767 TI - [Two cases of multiple sclerosis treated by phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13466769 TI - [Parasitic eosinophilia]. PMID- 13466768 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466770 TI - [Eosinophilia & leukemia; critical review of the question of eosinophilic leukemia]. PMID- 13466771 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466772 TI - [Eosinophilia in dermatology]. PMID- 13466773 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of the bone & its x-ray diagnosis]. PMID- 13466775 TI - [Historic & present-day classification of adrenal cortex tumors]. PMID- 13466774 TI - [Limitations of sodium restriction in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13466776 TI - [Clinical study of the endocrine tumors of the adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13466777 TI - [Congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13466778 TI - [Hormone determination in adrenal cortex tumors]. PMID- 13466779 TI - [Radiology and tumors of the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13466780 TI - [Present-day status of surgical treatment of adrenal tumors]. PMID- 13466781 TI - [Origin of adrenal steroids; their clinical importance]. PMID- 13466782 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13466783 TI - [Report of post-anginal rheumatism]. PMID- 13466784 TI - [Sciatica in adolescent from 14 to 20 years of age; study of 52 cases]. PMID- 13466786 TI - [Report of psoriatic spondylarthritis]. PMID- 13466785 TI - [Greenstick fractures in pagetic bone]. PMID- 13466787 TI - [A head clamp for cervical traction]. PMID- 13466788 TI - [Recurrent polyarthritis with alopecia, Raynaud's syndrome and positive L. E. test; remarks on the nosological problem of recurrent rheumatism]. PMID- 13466789 TI - [Painful post-traumatic syndrome of styloid apophysis of temporal bone]. PMID- 13466792 TI - Pores and comedones. PMID- 13466791 TI - The present day treatment of infertility. PMID- 13466790 TI - Contact dermatitis due to chlorpromazine. PMID- 13466793 TI - The unhospitalized tuberculosis patient; a community responsibility. PMID- 13466794 TI - New trends in medical record administration and education. PMID- 13466796 TI - [Case of myocarditis during serum sickness]. PMID- 13466795 TI - [Metabolic changes in blood and cerebrospinal fluid induced by sulfanyl butyl urea]. PMID- 13466797 TI - [Relations between cardiopathies and surgical risk]. PMID- 13466798 TI - [Reconstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts]. PMID- 13466799 TI - [Spatula in the form of a spoon used to spray antibiotic powders into infected surgical cavities]. PMID- 13466800 TI - [Acoustic manifestations of cardiosclerosis]. PMID- 13466801 TI - [Liver function in various heart diseases of surgical interest before and after surgery]. PMID- 13466803 TI - [Case of acute benign pericarditis]. PMID- 13466802 TI - [Essential pernicious & hypochromic anemia]. PMID- 13466804 TI - [Changes in sensitivity to various antibiotics of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated in the year 1956]. PMID- 13466805 TI - [Modern etiopathogenetic and therapeutic aspects of Inzani-Hirschprung's disease]. PMID- 13466806 TI - [Aortic arch syndrome; two case reports]. PMID- 13466808 TI - [Modification of classical methods of plastic repair of inguinal hernia]. PMID- 13466807 TI - [Pseudo-epitheliomatous lesions of penis; Buschke and Lowenstein's condyloma acuminatum]. PMID- 13466809 TI - [Developmental stages of malignant granuloma with prevalent inflammatory aspect; considerations on the morphological pictures and the histogenesis]. PMID- 13466811 TI - [Rhabdomyosarcoma of the lung]. PMID- 13466810 TI - [Respiratory activity of the lymphatic tissue during an inflammatory process]. PMID- 13466812 TI - [Mechanism of action of estrogens in prostate cancer]. PMID- 13466813 TI - [Case of pericardial localization of malignant granuloma]. PMID- 13466814 TI - [Rapid method for numbering small laboratory animals]. PMID- 13466815 TI - [Rare case of congenital malformation of the urogenital apparatus; enterocystoma with myxoglobulosis and duplication of the bladder; preventive note]. PMID- 13466816 TI - [Recent contribution to the anatomicopathological picture of experimental acute poisoning by 6-aminonicotinamide]. PMID- 13466817 TI - [Effects of desoxypyridoxine on Walker carcinoma and other experimental tumors; preventive note]. PMID- 13466818 TI - [Clinical and anatomicopathological contribution to the study of fibrosclerosis of the bone marrow]. PMID- 13466819 TI - [Inhibition with antimitotic of thyreotropinic exophthalmos in thyroidectomized guinea pigs]. PMID- 13466820 TI - [Submucous lipomatosis of the appendix]. PMID- 13466821 TI - [Diffuse arterial xanthomatosis; documentation of a recent autopsied case]. PMID- 13466822 TI - [Histological data on a case of retroperitoneal liposarcoma]. PMID- 13466823 TI - [Tumors of the sudoriparous glands and their analogies with the fibrocystic mastopathy and fibroadenoma of the breast]. PMID- 13466825 TI - [Transaminases and alpha-ketoacidosis]. PMID- 13466824 TI - [Effects of estradiol benzoate and testosterone on the genital apparatus of Bufo bufo tadpoles]. PMID- 13466826 TI - [Various results of benzopyrene treatment in amphibian urodela (Triturus cristatus)]. PMID- 13466827 TI - [Deep structures of the heart of various Primates]. PMID- 13466828 TI - [Morphology, measurements and weight of the middle ear ossicles]. PMID- 13466829 TI - [Effects of theophylline on bacteriophage multiplication]. PMID- 13466830 TI - [Eczema in infants; study of proteins, lipoproteins & total & fractionated glycoproteins in relation to the etiopathogenesis of the disease]. PMID- 13466832 TI - [Variations in fluoro-electrokymographic curve in subjects with mitral defects]. PMID- 13466831 TI - [In vitro effect of spiramycin on 153 strains of Staphylococcus pyogenes; comparison with the effect of penicillin & erythromycin]. PMID- 13466833 TI - [2 Cases of fibrous-congestive splenomegaly in childhood]. PMID- 13466834 TI - [Erythropoietic effects induced in the normal rat by a plasmatic extract from rabbits rendered anemic by phenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13466835 TI - [Anti-A1 antibodies active at body temperature in group A2 children with polytransfused Mediterranean hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13466836 TI - [Recent indications for blood transfusion; prevention and treatment of transfusional hemolytic reaction]. PMID- 13466837 TI - [Blood volume and its clinical importance]. PMID- 13466838 TI - [Current problems of the use of transfusion in the treatment of hypoplastic and aplastic bone marrow syndromes]. PMID- 13466839 TI - [Relation between passive hemagglutination and blood fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13466840 TI - [Prozone phenomenon in a case of idiopathic immunologic hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13466841 TI - [Idiopathic immunologic hemolytic anemia with specific auto-immunization]. PMID- 13466842 TI - [A new prospect in transfusion therapy: bone marrow transplantation]. PMID- 13466843 TI - [Establishment of the National Council of Economy and Labor]. PMID- 13466844 TI - [Recent trends in French legislation on work accidents and occupational diseases; problems of the mother country and France Overseas]. PMID- 13466845 TI - [The Gabrielli formula in coexistence and direct and indirect concurrence of disability; concerning a sentence of the Supreme Court of Appeals]. PMID- 13466846 TI - [X-irradiation as a therapeutic and preventive measure in post-traumatic periarthritis]. PMID- 13466847 TI - [Statistico-clinical studies of patients of burns treated in the dermatological clinic of Modena in the ten-year period, 1946-1955]. PMID- 13466848 TI - [Critical and medicolegal study of current accident-insurance evaluation in traumatic male castration]. PMID- 13466849 TI - [Clinical study of hemophilic arthropathy]. PMID- 13466850 TI - [Early cure of chronic osteomyelitis obtained by removal of the focus and trans osteal drainage]. PMID- 13466851 TI - [Integral re-education of disabled workmen]. PMID- 13466852 TI - [Blood protein picture in several cases of severe burn]. PMID- 13466853 TI - [Radiographic projections in fractures of the tuberosity of the humerus]. PMID- 13466854 TI - [Bacterial endotoxin in infections and immunity; various aspects evaluated in vitro]. PMID- 13466855 TI - [Explicit antimigratory action by bacterial endotoxins on tissue cultures in vitro; general principles and methodology]. PMID- 13466856 TI - [Prevention of pertussis and diphtheria by means of combined vaccination; results of a preliminary epidemiological investigation in the infant population of Padova]. PMID- 13466857 TI - [Experimental research on the virulence of a spontaneously attenuated strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MB39)]. PMID- 13466858 TI - [Recent findings on the serological response to purified antigens of Salmonella typhi inoculated in single dose]. PMID- 13466859 TI - [Characteristics of postanaphylactic refractivity; reactivity to antigens of smooth musculature of organs isolated from animals in refractory phase]. PMID- 13466861 TI - [Antistreptolysin and antistaphylolysin titers in dermatology]. PMID- 13466860 TI - [Pathogenic power of isoniazidresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis; experiments on guinea pigs]. PMID- 13466862 TI - [Social importance of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases]. PMID- 13466863 TI - [Comparative experimental research on the hygienic properties of the foam rubber mattress]. PMID- 13466864 TI - [Recent observations on the importance of immune reactivity in the determinism of the duration and frequency of conditions of carriers of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13466866 TI - [Age and sex in mortality from diseases of the respiratory apparatus and from tumors in the district of Venice from 1911 to 1953]. PMID- 13466865 TI - [Technics for determination of bacteriophages in water]. PMID- 13466867 TI - [The production and sale of fresh egg paste]. PMID- 13466868 TI - [Epidemiological aspects of typhoid fever in the province of Pisa. II. Importance of research on carriers in the urban center of Pisa]. PMID- 13466869 TI - [Eventual anti-anaphylactic effects of tetracycline, viomycin and nystatin]. PMID- 13466870 TI - [Statistical contribution to the problem of the antibiotic resistance of Staphylococci]. PMID- 13466871 TI - [Observations on the increased predisposition and morbidity by diphtheria in the adult population of Bologna in the last twenty-five years]. PMID- 13466872 TI - [Infant mortality in La Spezia in the years 1930 to 1937 and 1947 to 1954]. PMID- 13466874 TI - [Acceleration forces and subgravity condition in flight]. PMID- 13466873 TI - [Pisan honorance for Alfonso Di Vestea]. PMID- 13466875 TI - [Some causes of airplane accidents]. PMID- 13466876 TI - [Contribution to the study of the spleen in anoxia. I]. PMID- 13466877 TI - [Irrationality of the ingestion of sea water for the maintenance of water balance]. PMID- 13466879 TI - [Respiration during acute hypoxia in normal subjects; critical analysis. I]. PMID- 13466878 TI - [Modifications induced on the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin value by the simultaneous action of intermittent anoxia, cobalt and small blood transfusions]. PMID- 13466880 TI - [Research on the modifications of critical fusion frequency of light stimulation induced by the ingestion of ethyl alcohol]. PMID- 13466881 TI - [Considerations of traumatic vertebral lesions caused by airplane accidents]. PMID- 13466882 TI - [Polyglobulia caused by intermittent anoxia]. PMID- 13466883 TI - [Speech disorders in occlusive syndromes of the carotid & its ramifications]. PMID- 13466884 TI - [Clinical & angiographic aspects of hemiplegia in thrombosis of the cerebral arteries]. PMID- 13466885 TI - [Disorders of the sexual function in two cases of temporal epilepsy]. PMID- 13466886 TI - [EEG changes in cerebral angioma]. PMID- 13466887 TI - [The problem of epileptogenic cortical EEG foci without correspondent anatomic lesions]. PMID- 13466888 TI - [Neurophysiological study on the effects of succinylcholine on the end-plate in man, with special reference to the phenomena of depression & facilitation]. PMID- 13466889 TI - [Peripheral polyneuropathy initially mimicking apoplexy]. PMID- 13466890 TI - [A little-known etiology of temporal epilepsy: pertussis]. PMID- 13466891 TI - [Effects of antibiotics on brain tumors]. PMID- 13466892 TI - [Headache in myasthenia]. PMID- 13466893 TI - [Neurological syndrome with multiple foci in a case of aleukemic hemocytoblastic leukemia]. PMID- 13466895 TI - [Speech disorders, associated with lesions of the posterior part of the supplementary psychomotor region]. PMID- 13466894 TI - [Efficacy of isoniazid & streptomycin treatment of multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13466896 TI - [Periodical EEG phenomena; periodical delta wave in a case of encephalitis due to toxoplasmosis in newborn]. PMID- 13466897 TI - [A case of a paradoxical brain abscess in a patient with a congenital heart change]. PMID- 13466898 TI - [Symptomatology resembling extradural hematoma in two children; spontaneous remission]. PMID- 13466899 TI - [Dystrophia myotonica occurring in old age]. PMID- 13466900 TI - [Hemodynamic characteristics of fetal circulation]. PMID- 13466901 TI - [Experiments on the survival of human uterine tube fragments]. PMID- 13466902 TI - [Considerations on the use of reserpine & phenyl (alpha-piperidyl) acetic acid in the treatment of preoperative anxiety states]. PMID- 13466903 TI - Amelia totalis; a case report. PMID- 13466904 TI - [Behavior of glyco-& lipoproteins, total protein polysaccharides & muco-proteins during normal human pregnancy]. PMID- 13466905 TI - [Uterine radiography & tubal obstruction; value of insufflation after hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13466906 TI - [Clinico-statistical review of 211 cases of prolapse of the umbilical cord during the 20 year period 1936-1955]. PMID- 13466908 TI - [Various factors in the intrinsic innervation of the human fallopian tube]. PMID- 13466907 TI - [Survival of newborn infants in a state of apparent death with resuscitation for more than 5 minutes]. PMID- 13466909 TI - [Study on placental glycogenesis using low temperature fixation technic]. PMID- 13466910 TI - [Ovarian changes during chorionepithelioma & hydatiform mole]. PMID- 13466911 TI - [Possible effect of prolonged pregnancy on perinatal fetal mortality]. PMID- 13466912 TI - [Utero-tubal insufflation; its value in diagnosis & treatment of female sterility]. PMID- 13466913 TI - [Physiology of the adrenal cortex functioning as the third gonad]. PMID- 13466914 TI - [Ovarian opotherapy: study of the biological effects of various ovarian extracts]. PMID- 13466915 TI - [Use of meprobamate in obstetrics & gynecology]. PMID- 13466916 TI - [Case of struma ovarii]. PMID- 13466917 TI - [Primary cancer of the fallopian tube]. PMID- 13466918 TI - [Rare case of secondary carcinoma of the clitoris]. PMID- 13466919 TI - [Clinical statistical findings on a case of bilateral dermoid cysts]. PMID- 13466920 TI - [Prevention of post-transfusion reactions using prednisone]. PMID- 13466921 TI - [Data on the use of baralgine]. PMID- 13466922 TI - [Death of Professor Luigi Fossati]. PMID- 13466923 TI - [Trophostatic vertebral pain syndrome in natural menopause and after castration]. PMID- 13466924 TI - [Chlorpromazine in labor analgesia]. PMID- 13466925 TI - [Clinical, anatomopathological and endocrinological findings in a case of thecoma]. PMID- 13466926 TI - [Use of anesthesia in the second stage of labor in manual delivery]. PMID- 13466927 TI - [Study of a case of subarachnoid hemorrhage in pregnancy]. PMID- 13466928 TI - [Study of sudden death in labor]. PMID- 13466929 TI - [Experimental study of peritoneal adhesion; effects of water-soluble vitamins. I. Vitamin C]. PMID- 13466930 TI - [Local action of teleroentgentherapy in dermatology]. PMID- 13466931 TI - [The use of ethyl alcohol as a postoperative analgesic]. PMID- 13466932 TI - [Erythromycin and experimental low acute intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13466933 TI - [Effects of dipenicillin dibenzylethylenediamine in experimental acute intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13466934 TI - [Effects of p-hydroxypropiophenone on regeneration of the thyroid]. PMID- 13466935 TI - [Effects of thyroxin and vitamin A on regeneration of the thyroid]. PMID- 13466936 TI - [Contigent correlations between pregnancy and neoplasms; experimental research on the Galliera sarcoma of Mus norvegicus]. PMID- 13466937 TI - [Plastic surgery of the cervical esophagus by means of grafts of decalcified bone; experimental research]. PMID- 13466938 TI - [Effects of hyaluronidase on experimental adrenalin-induced acute pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13466939 TI - [Significance of the heart disease factor in the Cotard-Falret syndrome]. PMID- 13466940 TI - [Protein, lipid & glycoprotein metabolism in senile dementia & arteriosclerotic dementia]. PMID- 13466941 TI - [Possible significance of dysmetabolic factors in senile dementia & arteriosclerotic dementia]. PMID- 13466942 TI - [Potassium & calcium behavior in various types of neuropsychiatric disorders in children]. PMID- 13466943 TI - [Scapolo-crural diplegia, bilateral anterior artery syndrome]. PMID- 13466944 TI - [Thiebirge-Weissenbach syndrome with neurologic manifestations: a case study]. PMID- 13466945 TI - [Hearing disorders in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13466946 TI - [Cranio-cerebral metastases; clinical considerations]. PMID- 13466947 TI - [Attempted suicide by schizophrenics in the light of existential phenomenology]. PMID- 13466948 TI - [The basic disorder in myasthenia & myasthenia-like syndromes & disorders]. PMID- 13466949 TI - [Findings on glucide metabolism in acute febrile confusional syndromes]. PMID- 13466950 TI - [Myasthenic syndromes]. PMID- 13466951 TI - [Possible relation between the ground substance of the central nervous system & senile plaques; critical review]. PMID- 13466952 TI - [Histopathological changes in the nervous system in herpes zoster; findings on a fatal case with cutaneous onset]. PMID- 13466953 TI - [Rare complication of electroshock therapy: spontaneous idiopathic pneumothorax; case report]. PMID- 13466955 TI - [Determination of full detail (D) responses in the Rorschach test of the normal Italian adult]. PMID- 13466956 TI - [Psychopathological aspects of the Turner syndrome]. PMID- 13466954 TI - [Psychopathological experiences with the combined action of lysergic acid mono- & diethylamide (LAE-32, LSD-25)]. PMID- 13466957 TI - [Environmental & constitutional factors in transmission of mental diseases; observations on two family branches]. PMID- 13466958 TI - [Dreamy state & neurotic depresonalization; case report]. PMID- 13466959 TI - [Clinical aspects of myasthenia gravis in children]. PMID- 13466960 TI - [Depressive states & psychotherapy]. PMID- 13466961 TI - [Acetylcholine in depressive states; pathogenetic interpretations & therapeutic use]. PMID- 13466962 TI - [Play therapy; performance & results]. PMID- 13466964 TI - [Legal evaluation of insanity]. PMID- 13466963 TI - [Good results obtained with ACTH in extrapyramidal disorders caused by reserpine]. PMID- 13466965 TI - [Mechanism of action of sedatives in the treatment of anxiety]. PMID- 13466966 TI - [Mental symptoms of Friedrich's disease; preliminary report]. PMID- 13466967 TI - [Lysergic acid amides & mescaline in psychodiagnosis & psychotherapy]. PMID- 13466968 TI - [Mental disorders in Cushing syndrome]. PMID- 13466969 TI - [A new technic of simultaneous registration of two effects of the psychogalvanic reflex, the Tarchanoff & the Fere effects]. PMID- 13466970 TI - [Importance of psychopathological factors & drug dosage in experimental psychoses]. PMID- 13466971 TI - [LSD-25 & psychomotor epilepsy]. PMID- 13466972 TI - [Delirium & obsession of negation]. PMID- 13466973 TI - [Frenquel in psychiatry]. PMID- 13466974 TI - [Anesthetic intervention & its effects on the cervical sympathetic nervous system (carotid sinus & inferior cervical ganglion) in a group of phrenasthenics]. PMID- 13466975 TI - Circulatory responses during anesthesia. PMID- 13466976 TI - Radioactivity and the rationale of radioisotopes. PMID- 13466977 TI - Importance and interpretation of routine blood counts. PMID- 13466978 TI - Cerebral vascular lesions. PMID- 13466979 TI - The family doctor in parent-teacher consultation. PMID- 13466980 TI - Surgical treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease. PMID- 13466981 TI - Contraindications for adrenalectomy in carcinomatosis. PMID- 13466982 TI - Evaluation of triple biopsies for breast carcinoma. PMID- 13466983 TI - Red cell survival studies using radio-chromium. PMID- 13466984 TI - Effects of glutamic acid on behavior, intelligence and physiology. PMID- 13466985 TI - Headaches; a diagnostic problem. PMID- 13466986 TI - Parathion poisoning case report. PMID- 13466987 TI - Benign ovarian tumors in women under forty. PMID- 13466988 TI - Simplified control of vomiting of pregnancy. PMID- 13466989 TI - Utah president's message. PMID- 13466991 TI - Preventive psychiatry in the National Health Service and industry. PMID- 13466990 TI - Mental hygiene in a changing world. PMID- 13466992 TI - Mental hygiene in marriage. PMID- 13466993 TI - Presidential address to the public health inspectors conference. PMID- 13466994 TI - Public cleansing: present problems and future trends. PMID- 13466995 TI - Presidential address to the engineers and surveyors conference. PMID- 13466996 TI - Flood prevention and control. PMID- 13466997 TI - Rural sewage disposal. PMID- 13466998 TI - Presidential address to the health visitors conference. PMID- 13466999 TI - The use of health visitor resources in meeting new demands in home care. PMID- 13467000 TI - The use of health visitor resources in meeting new demands in home care. PMID- 13467001 TI - Presidential address to engineering and architecture section. PMID- 13467003 TI - Presidential address to housing and town planning section. PMID- 13467002 TI - The utilization of fuel in buildings: some recent advances in heating, ventilating and the provision of hot water and steam services. PMID- 13467004 TI - Town planning: industrial streamlining. PMID- 13467006 TI - Value for money in flats. PMID- 13467005 TI - Atmospheric pollution and the demand for smokeless fuels. PMID- 13467007 TI - Opportunities for preventive medicine in occupational health. PMID- 13467008 TI - Absenteeism in industry. A. Assembly and uses of sickness-absence statistics. PMID- 13467009 TI - Absenteeism in industry. B. Records & research in occupational medicine. PMID- 13467010 TI - Absenteeism in industry. C. Clinical aspects of absenteeism. PMID- 13467011 TI - Presidential address to the health education section. PMID- 13467012 TI - Health education in schools. A. Health with education: to-day's opportunities. PMID- 13467013 TI - Health education in schools. B. A headmaster looks at the health education needs of his pupils. PMID- 13467015 TI - [Technic of lumbar aortography]. PMID- 13467014 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467016 TI - [Importance of testicular biopsy]. PMID- 13467017 TI - [Trichomoniasis in males]. PMID- 13467018 TI - [Technic of urethrography]. PMID- 13467019 TI - [Tuberculosis of the urinary bladder]. PMID- 13467020 TI - [Suitability of mineral waters in the treatment of urological conditions]. PMID- 13467021 TI - [Infections and nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13467022 TI - [Substitution of urinary bladder with sigmoid colon with preservation of normal urinary continence & of stools; experiments on dogs]. PMID- 13467023 TI - [Chemotherapy of prostate carcinoma]. PMID- 13467024 TI - [50th Birth anniversary of Vaclav Paces]. PMID- 13467025 TI - [Radiological aspects of abdominal cavity after laparotomy]. PMID- 13467026 TI - [Chylangiomy]. PMID- 13467027 TI - [Leiomyoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13467028 TI - [Leiomyosarcoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13467029 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467030 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467032 TI - [Treatment of large abdominal hernia]. PMID- 13467031 TI - [Volvulus of the small intestine caused by Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13467033 TI - [Unusual case of spontaneous hemoperitoneum in woman]. PMID- 13467034 TI - [Perforation of paranephritic abscess into free peritoneal cavity in preganncy]. PMID- 13467035 TI - [Treatment of ulcus cruris of varicose etiology]. PMID- 13467036 TI - [Theoretical basis for metabolic preparation of patients for cardiac surgery]. PMID- 13467037 TI - [A case of accessory liver of microscopic size in the free wall of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13467038 TI - [Perforation of esophagus]. PMID- 13467039 TI - [Resection of thoracic esophagus for carcinoma concurrent with idiopathic dilatation of esophagus]. PMID- 13467040 TI - [Operative substitution of the large bile passages]. PMID- 13467041 TI - [Blunt injury to the liver]. PMID- 13467042 TI - [Porcelain gallbladder]. PMID- 13467043 TI - [Subcutaneous ruptures of liver treated with absorbable hemostatics]. PMID- 13467044 TI - [A case of biliary ileus]. PMID- 13467045 TI - [Influence of various degrees of inflammation on the permeation of hyaluronidase]. PMID- 13467046 TI - [Parasacral tumors]. PMID- 13467047 TI - [Cooperation of surgeons and oncologists in the fight against malignant tumors]. PMID- 13467048 TI - [Aneurysm of splenic artery]. PMID- 13467049 TI - [Order in the terminology of stomach operations]. PMID- 13467050 TI - [Ileus caused by foreign body]. PMID- 13467051 TI - [Terminal ileitis complicated by fistula between the small intestine and bladder]. PMID- 13467052 TI - [Traumatic diaphragmatic herniation of liver simulating pulmonary tumor]. PMID- 13467054 TI - [Primary retroperitoneal tumors]. PMID- 13467053 TI - [Prerequisites for good results in intramedullary pinning]. PMID- 13467055 TI - [Surgical significance of ectopic biliary tract]. PMID- 13467056 TI - [Surgical therapy of cardiac aneurysm following myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13467057 TI - [Pathological arteriovenous communication of peripheral blood vessels]. PMID- 13467058 TI - [Role of penicillin in prevention of infection in injuries of fingers and hand]. PMID- 13467059 TI - [Study of blood changes during shock]. PMID- 13467060 TI - [Experimental work on pinning of infected fractures]. PMID- 13467061 TI - [Clinical experiences in pinning of infected fractures]. PMID- 13467062 TI - [Characteristics and healing of injuries in miners in underground workings]. PMID- 13467063 TI - [A new operative approach to the elbow joint]. PMID- 13467064 TI - [Transport immobilization of the head]. PMID- 13467065 TI - [Surgical treatment by bone graft and styloidectomy of scaphoid pseudarthrosis]. PMID- 13467066 TI - [Subcutaneous injury of pancreas]. PMID- 13467067 TI - [A new rotating bed]. PMID- 13467068 TI - [Quantitative bacteriological examination of the urine]. PMID- 13467069 TI - [Pelvic phlebography]. PMID- 13467070 TI - [Observation of the dynamics of the urinary tract by the methods of kymography and photoregistration]. PMID- 13467071 TI - [Calculi in the vas deferens]. PMID- 13467072 TI - [Our experiences in the radical treatment of varicoceles by the Palomo method]. PMID- 13467073 TI - [Treatment of urinary incontinence in women with the aid of a Silon (nylon) net]. PMID- 13467074 TI - [Treatment of bladder fistula after prostatectomy]. PMID- 13467075 TI - [Treatment of necronephrosis due to corrosive sublimate]. PMID- 13467076 TI - [Dr. Josef Braun's 50th anniversary]. PMID- 13467077 TI - [On the 75th anniversary of Academician F. Burian]. PMID- 13467078 TI - [Treatment of exstrophy of the bladder]. PMID- 13467079 TI - [Esophagoplasty]. PMID- 13467080 TI - [Fibrous leiomyoma of the lungs in a child]. PMID- 13467081 TI - [Development and cause of postoperative cerebrospinal fistulae in the region of the posterior cranial fossa]. PMID- 13467082 TI - [Treatment of facial nerve palsy by anastomosis with hypoglossal nerve]. PMID- 13467083 TI - [Our experiences in surgical treatment of coarctation of the aorta]. PMID- 13467084 TI - [Surgical treatment of massive hemorrhage from esophageal varices]. PMID- 13467085 TI - [Replacement of skull defects with dead bone]. PMID- 13467086 TI - [Electroencephalography in brain abscess]. PMID- 13467087 TI - [Treatment of pressure on the spinal cord from destructive extradural processes]. PMID- 13467088 TI - [Treatment of fractured spine with injured spinal cord, according to experiences of the Health Center at Ostrava]. PMID- 13467089 TI - [Results of surgical treatment of herniation of intervertebral disk]. PMID- 13467090 TI - [Early rehabilitating care after brain injury]. PMID- 13467091 TI - [Experiments in the transplantation of preserved nerve grafts]. PMID- 13467092 TI - [Functional importance of the internal carotid]. PMID- 13467093 TI - [Anatomical and physiological relations of the foramen magnum]. PMID- 13467094 TI - [Comments on the symptomatology and diagnosis of epidural hematoma]. PMID- 13467095 TI - [Death of Academician Jan Bedrna]. PMID- 13467096 TI - [Complications and difficulties in surgery of the abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13467097 TI - [Causes of the syndrome of the axillary and costoclavicular veins]. PMID- 13467098 TI - [Modified Kondoleon operation in therapy of ulcus cruris]. PMID- 13467099 TI - [Indications for epinephrectomy in thromboangiitis]. PMID- 13467100 TI - [Successful therapy of an islet cell tumor with an extraordinary symptomatology]. PMID- 13467101 TI - [Transperitoneal sympathectomy]. PMID- 13467102 TI - [Short review of the modern status of the use of antibiotics in surgery]. PMID- 13467103 TI - [Contraindications for use of antibiotics in surgery]. PMID- 13467105 TI - [Dangers of intraperitoneal use of aureomycin]. PMID- 13467104 TI - [Insensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics as a surgical problem]. PMID- 13467106 TI - [Experience with closed treatment of purulent lesions in ambulatory practice]. PMID- 13467107 TI - [Fatal pseudomembranous staphylococcal enteritis caused by antibiotics used during intestinal surgery]. PMID- 13467108 TI - [Personal experiences with the treatment of purulent lesions of fingers & hand by prolonged immersion lavage technic of P. Malek]. PMID- 13467109 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in surgery]. PMID- 13467110 TI - [Pharmacological relaxation of the muscles in relation to personal experiences with procuran]. PMID- 13467111 TI - [Role of spinal anesthesia in surgical correction of sudden intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13467112 TI - [Anesthesia in acute intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13467113 TI - [Problems of anesthesia in traumatology]. PMID- 13467114 TI - [Stenosing subglottic edema after endotracheal anesthesia]. PMID- 13467115 TI - [Case of fatal allergy (idiosyncrasy) after total anesthesia with thiopentone & procuran]. PMID- 13467116 TI - [Effect of ganglion-blockers on anesthetic effect and toxicity of thiopental]. PMID- 13467117 TI - [Personal experience on the use of hydergine in artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13467118 TI - [Simplified anesthesia with diparcol]. PMID- 13467119 TI - [Experiences with clinical use of MY 301]. PMID- 13467120 TI - [Partial inversion of the appendix]. PMID- 13467121 TI - [Progressive epifascial gangrene]. PMID- 13467122 TI - [Volvulus of mesogaster with incomplete rotation of the intestines in 18-year-old girl]. PMID- 13467123 TI - [Effect of hyaluronidase on formation of postoperative adhesions]. PMID- 13467124 TI - [Hidden abdominal injury]. PMID- 13467125 TI - [Gastric tumor in 7-year old child]. PMID- 13467126 TI - [Right-side fixation of the sigmoid colon]. PMID- 13467127 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst]. PMID- 13467128 TI - [Regional gangrenous enteritis; clinical aspects of surgical forms of enteritis hemorrhagica necrotisans]. PMID- 13467129 TI - [Early postoperative ambulation; prevention of postoperative complications]. PMID- 13467130 TI - [Severe enterocolitis with perforation in newborn & in delicate infants]. PMID- 13467131 TI - [Problem of massive gastric hemorrhage of unknown origin]. PMID- 13467132 TI - [Acute intestinal obstruction in tumors of the small intestine]. PMID- 13467133 TI - [Unusual content of the hernial pouch in left-sided strangulated femoral hernia (chicken bone)]. PMID- 13467134 TI - [To Assistant Professor Bohuslav Niederle on the occasion of his 60th birthday anniversary]. PMID- 13467135 TI - [Effects of ganglion-blocking drugs on shock]. PMID- 13467136 TI - [Reactivity of the organism to toxins in shock & hypothermia; study on dynamics of circulation and activity of substances in the organism in conditions of shock]. PMID- 13467137 TI - [Clinical experience with artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13467138 TI - [Experiences with experimental hypothermia]. PMID- 13467139 TI - [Pathogenesis and treatment of hemorrhage]. PMID- 13467140 TI - [Clinical experiences with the treatment of severe hemorrhage]. PMID- 13467141 TI - [Resuscitation with blood substitutes]. PMID- 13467142 TI - [Morphological changes of the central nervous system in acute anemia]. PMID- 13467143 TI - [Eosinophilic infiltration of the gastric wall]. PMID- 13467144 TI - [Principles & technic of safe, invaginated, peritonealized anastomosis of the esophagus]. PMID- 13467145 TI - [Studies on ballistocardiography]. PMID- 13467146 TI - [Pathology of the base of the cranium and of the adjoining vertebral formations]. PMID- 13467147 TI - [Thyroid gland and experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467148 TI - [Effect of hydrogen ion concentration and of osmotic and hydrostatic pressures on function on vascular interoceptors in the extremities]. PMID- 13467149 TI - [Role of the cerebral cortex in pain sensitivity]. PMID- 13467150 TI - [Behavior of velocity of erythrocyte sedimentation after hemorrhage and blood and plasma transfusion]. PMID- 13467152 TI - [Re-education in a case of sensory aphasia]. PMID- 13467151 TI - [Results of various radiological methods in the study of morphology, physiology & pathology of the liver & bile ducts]. PMID- 13467153 TI - [Cataract & retinitis in a case of insulin-resistant para-diabetes with acromegaly]. PMID- 13467154 TI - [Chronic abscess of bone]. PMID- 13467155 TI - [Is surgery necessary in gastric ulcer]. PMID- 13467156 TI - [Obstetrical hemorrhage caused by blood coagulation defects; acute fibrinolysis]. PMID- 13467157 TI - [The thinking of the experimental physiologist]. PMID- 13467158 TI - [Side-effects & complications of poliomyelitis vaccinations]. PMID- 13467159 TI - [The significance of urinary citric acid excretion for the diagnosis of renal function]. PMID- 13467160 TI - [The mutual clinical relations of the infectious diseases]. PMID- 13467161 TI - [The fate of paraplegics; study on the results of treatment of traumatic paraplegia]. PMID- 13467162 TI - [Meprobamate in ambulatory psychiatric treatment]. PMID- 13467163 TI - [Suture technic in ruptures & resections of the thoracic aorta by maintaining the circulation; temporary intravasal insertion tube; periaortic clamp for intra aortic transfusions; experimental animal studies]. PMID- 13467164 TI - [Limitations of prophylaxis of thrombosis & embolism]. PMID- 13467165 TI - [The problem of analgesic addiction]. PMID- 13467166 TI - [Acute renal insufficiency in pneumococcal meningitis & its treatment with artificial kidney]. PMID- 13467167 TI - [In memoriam Professor Edgar Goldschmid]. PMID- 13467168 TI - [Medicine of the future]. PMID- 13467169 TI - [Localization diagnosis with radioisotopes]. PMID- 13467170 TI - [Antibiotic combinations]. PMID- 13467171 TI - [Retrospect of 12 years therapy of peptic ulcer with robuden]. PMID- 13467172 TI - [Clinical aspects, pathogenesis & therapy of lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13467173 TI - [Mechanism of eosinopenia due to adrenalin]. PMID- 13467174 TI - [Urinary excretion of steroid hormones in schizophrenics; study of the nyctohemeral rhythm]. PMID- 13467175 TI - [Role of the adrenal cortex in insulin activity in diabetes]. PMID- 13467176 TI - [Diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13467177 TI - [Failures in photofluorography]. PMID- 13467178 TI - [Cardiovascular system in a specific age group of reservists; report on the examination of 656 reservists of the Swiss Army, considered fit for service]. PMID- 13467179 TI - [Possibilities of cough control]. PMID- 13467180 TI - [Thorotrast injuries of the kidneys with hypertension]. PMID- 13467181 TI - [Clinical manifestations & therapy of lead poisoning with report of a fatal toxic nephrosis caused by Ca-EDTA (calcium versenate)]. PMID- 13467182 TI - [Therapeutic possibilities in organo-phosphorus anti-esterase poisoning]. PMID- 13467184 TI - [The problem of personality structure]. PMID- 13467183 TI - [Delirium tremens in hypnotic addiction]. PMID- 13467185 TI - [Recollections regarding Eugen Bleuler]. PMID- 13467186 TI - [Trends in present day psychiatry]. PMID- 13467187 TI - [Pathogenesis & therapy of bronchial asthma in children]. PMID- 13467189 TI - [Assistance to neurological & mental patients]. PMID- 13467188 TI - [Clinical psychiatry 120 years ago]. PMID- 13467190 TI - [Psychogenic nutrition disorders in infants & small children]. PMID- 13467191 TI - [The expressive syndrome of mimic disintegration in chronic schizophrenics]. PMID- 13467192 TI - [Amorphous insulin & hyaluronidase in insulin treatment of psychoses]. PMID- 13467193 TI - [Abuse & addiction with phenacetin-containing preparations]. PMID- 13467194 TI - [Treatment of depressive states with an iminodibenzyl derivative (G 22355)]. PMID- 13467195 TI - [The psychiatric vocabulary of our period & the information conveyed by it]. PMID- 13467196 TI - [Examination of optokinetic nystagmus in schizophrenia]. PMID- 13467197 TI - [Puerperal psychosis]. PMID- 13467198 TI - [Practical remarks on the indications for a psychotherapeutic treatment]. PMID- 13467199 TI - [History of Islamic psychiatry]. PMID- 13467200 TI - [Sociological factors in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia; observations in uniovular twins]. PMID- 13467201 TI - [Family structure of male prostitutes & homosexuals]. PMID- 13467202 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467203 TI - [Hereditary fructose intolerance, a congenital metabolic disorder unknown until now]. PMID- 13467204 TI - [Distribution of chronic lead poisoning in storage battery plants and lead paint producing factories]. PMID- 13467205 TI - [Stomach ulceration in rats receiving 5-hydroxytryptamin]. PMID- 13467206 TI - [Experience with chemotherapy in male genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467207 TI - [Changing indications of surgery in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467208 TI - [Familial occurrence of Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann's disease]. PMID- 13467209 TI - [Unusual course in cases of Boeck's disease]. PMID- 13467210 TI - [X-ray observations over a long period of primary tuberculous lymphadenitis of the neck]. PMID- 13467211 TI - [Combined methods of surgery for thoracic tuberculous spondylitis]. PMID- 13467212 TI - [Bronchial fistulas of hilar lymph nodes in common tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467213 TI - [Eosinophilic encephalopathy & myoendocarditis in a case of urogenital tuberculosis with tuberculostatic medication]. PMID- 13467214 TI - [Contribution on therapy of liquefying caseous lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination]. PMID- 13467215 TI - Inhibition of cell division of Escherichia coli by low doses of ultraviolet light. PMID- 13467216 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467218 TI - Isolation of cytopathogenic viral agent from feces of cattle. PMID- 13467217 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467220 TI - Infantile experience and resistance to physiological stress. PMID- 13467219 TI - Decomposition of actinomycin by a soil organism. PMID- 13467221 TI - Inapparent lymphocytic choriomeningitis infection in folic acid-deficient mice. PMID- 13467223 TI - Liquid scintillation counting of C14- and H3-labeled amino acids and proteins. PMID- 13467222 TI - Phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism in E. coli strain K-12. PMID- 13467224 TI - Preparation of tritiated proteins by the Wilzbach method. PMID- 13467225 TI - Cerebral synaptic inhibition by serotonin and iproniazid. PMID- 13467226 TI - On the nature of the pigment in retinal pigment epithelium. PMID- 13467227 TI - Kojic acid; a convulsant. PMID- 13467228 TI - Blood groups in pituitary adenoma; suspected correlation reexamined. PMID- 13467229 TI - Standard human beings versus standard values. PMID- 13467230 TI - Membrane time constant of motoneurons. PMID- 13467232 TI - R. M. Yerkes, psychobiologist. PMID- 13467231 TI - Strontium-calcium movement from soil to man. AB - The calcium reservoirs of the biosphere are becoming labeled to varying degrees with strontium-90 from nuclear weapons. These reservoirs include the human and animal skeleton, the milk, the vegetation, the upper layers of soil, and the waters. The degree of labeling is governed by the dilution that occurs, or the differential behavior of calcium and strontium in various steps of the food chain. This differential behavior normally provides a factor of protection against strontium-90 in the soil and vegetation that may be as high as 25 for the newborn and is most likely not less than 6 for adults, depending on food habits. The physiological steps that are important in the movement of the two elements in the biosphere are described to provide a basis for an approach toward increase of the discrimination against strontium in favor of calcium. Some aspects of agricultural practices are discussed from this standpoint. The matter of hazard from levels now existing and the present need to undertake remedial measures are not discussed, in major part because of lack of experimental data on which to base such considerations. PMID- 13467233 TI - Physiological response to air exposure in codfish. PMID- 13467234 TI - Irregular maintenance schedules and drive. PMID- 13467235 TI - Release of 5-hydroxytryptamine by benzoquinolizine derivatives with sedative action. PMID- 13467236 TI - Nature of the glucuronide in direct-reacting bilirubin. PMID- 13467237 TI - Withdrawal of positive reinforcement as punishment. PMID- 13467238 TI - Gamma globulin factors protective against infections from Pseudomonas and other organisms. PMID- 13467239 TI - Interrelationship between certain bacteria and the rumen ciliate Dasytricha ruminantium. PMID- 13467240 TI - Rapid chemical changes in reconstituted dry milk. PMID- 13467241 TI - Magnitude of biological hazard from strontium-90. PMID- 13467242 TI - H. E. Sigerist, social historian of medicine. PMID- 13467243 TI - Effect of rat intrinsic factor on vitamin B12 absorption in pernicious anemia. PMID- 13467244 TI - Distribution of lysogenic streptomyces. PMID- 13467245 TI - Changes in serum proteins in amphibian metamorphosis. PMID- 13467246 TI - Chlorination of poliovirus. PMID- 13467247 TI - Hereditary ovarian tumors in Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13467248 TI - Fluorescence of ethylenediamine derivatives of epinephrine and norepinephrine. PMID- 13467249 TI - Bilirubin glucuronide formation in vitro; demonstration of a defect in Gilbert's disease. PMID- 13467250 TI - Ethological concepts. PMID- 13467251 TI - Paper chromatography of unstable substances. PMID- 13467252 TI - Effect of cyanide on biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in vitro. PMID- 13467253 TI - Composition of the placental septa as shown by nuclear sexing. PMID- 13467254 TI - Stimulant effect of 2-dimethylaminoethanol; possible precursor of brain acetylcholine. PMID- 13467255 TI - Evidence that glutamine is a precursor of asparagine in a human cell in tissue culture. PMID- 13467256 TI - Acquisition of resistance to osteolathyrism during adaptation to cold. PMID- 13467257 TI - Effects of gamma radiation on collembola population growth. PMID- 13467258 TI - R. Chambers, pioneer in the study of living cells. PMID- 13467259 TI - Selective removal of nonprotein sulfhydryl compounds from biological systems. PMID- 13467261 TI - Evidence for accessory pathway of galactose metabolism in mammalian liver. PMID- 13467260 TI - Elution of Chromium-51 from labeled hemoglobins of human adult and cord blood. PMID- 13467262 TI - Diurnal cycles and learning in earthworms. PMID- 13467263 TI - Extension of a tracheole into cytoplasm. PMID- 13467264 TI - In pursuit of a gene. PMID- 13467265 TI - Oscillatory membrane currents of squid giant axon under voltage-clamp. PMID- 13467266 TI - Role of proline in polypeptide chain configuration of proteins. PMID- 13467267 TI - Interaction of stigmasterol and 2,4-dinitrophenol in the growth of Tetrahymena piriformis. PMID- 13467268 TI - Occurrence of trans fatty acids in human tissue. PMID- 13467269 TI - Uptake of calcium-45 and strontium-90 from water by freshwater fishes. PMID- 13467270 TI - Effects of intraventricular injections of streptolysin O in unanesthetized cats. PMID- 13467271 TI - Vitamin A-carotene deficiency affects serum protein and utilization of carotene by steers. PMID- 13467272 TI - Sexual differentiation in Hydra; control by carbon dioxide tension. PMID- 13467273 TI - Volatile saturated aliphatic aldehydes in rancid fat. PMID- 13467275 TI - Isolation and propagation of rabbit kidney epithelialike cells. PMID- 13467274 TI - Potentiation by ouabain of contractile response of myocardium to glucose. PMID- 13467276 TI - Sensitivity of hamster to colchicine. PMID- 13467277 TI - Alpha-rhythm responsiveness in normal, schizophrenic, and brain-damaged persons. PMID- 13467279 TI - Ultraviolet television color-translating microscope. PMID- 13467278 TI - Bone crystallites as observed by use of the electron microscope. PMID- 13467280 TI - Electronically controlled respirator. PMID- 13467281 TI - Integrating device for use with potentiometers. PMID- 13467282 TI - Automatic particle and bacterial colony counter. PMID- 13467283 TI - Servo control of general anesthesia. PMID- 13467284 TI - Glass electrode for measuring sodium ion. PMID- 13467286 TI - Synthesis of "on-off" and "of" responses in a visual-neural system. PMID- 13467285 TI - Preserving fluorescein isocyanate for simplified preparation of fluorescent antibody. PMID- 13467287 TI - Spectrophotometry in the far ultraviolet. PMID- 13467288 TI - Cultivation of adult mouse mammary gland in hormone-enriched synthetic medium. PMID- 13467289 TI - Controlling growth of test bacteria for antibiotic assays through anaerobiosis. PMID- 13467290 TI - Cortical response to antidromic stimulation of the corpus callosum. PMID- 13467291 TI - Studies on proteins of the nervous system. I. A note on the electrophoretic behaviour of some brain nucleoproteins. PMID- 13467292 TI - A comparative, chemical study of tropomyosins from different sources. I. Amino acid composition and N-terminal structure. PMID- 13467293 TI - The motor cell columns in the cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord of the mole-rat. PMID- 13467294 TI - Environment and pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13467295 TI - The stripping operation for varicose veins: its results compared with those of high ligation and retrograde injection. PMID- 13467296 TI - Tuberculous osteomyelitis of the mandible. PMID- 13467297 TI - Appendicitis in a haemophilic. PMID- 13467298 TI - Sensitivity to phenindione: report of a case. PMID- 13467299 TI - Pigmented mole in a dermoid cyst of ovary: report of a case. PMID- 13467300 TI - Darwin's first witness. PMID- 13467301 TI - CHRONIC bronchitis: treatment of acute exacerbations. PMID- 13467302 TI - An analysis of the hypoglycaemic response to tolbutamide. PMID- 13467303 TI - Actions on blood clotting of peptide material in human brain: with special reference to enhancement of antithrombin activity. PMID- 13467304 TI - The chromatographic separation of the serum bile pigments in jaundice. PMID- 13467305 TI - Tietze's syndrome; an unusual cause of chest wall swelling. PMID- 13467306 TI - The use of skin traction in the treatment of recent hemiplegia. PMID- 13467307 TI - Cor triloculare biatriatum. PMID- 13467308 TI - William Hunter; his life, personality and achievements. PMID- 13467309 TI - GRAND mal epilespy. PMID- 13467310 TI - Open healing of cavities in pulmonary tuberculosis treated with antimicrobials; a clinical and pathological study. PMID- 13467311 TI - Formation of bullous cavities following antimicrobial therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13467312 TI - Middle lobe syndrome. PMID- 13467313 TI - Response of far advanced bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis to chemotherapy. PMID- 13467314 TI - [Systematic pulmonary condensations secondary to primary tuberculous infection in young adults]. PMID- 13467315 TI - [Pleural localizations caused by Salmonella choleraesuis Kutzendorf]. PMID- 13467316 TI - [Bacteriology and early detection of pulmonary tuberculosis; new rapid procedure for detection of tuberculous bacteria]. PMID- 13467317 TI - [Protein-bound iodine in blood of parents of patients with manifestations of thyroid disease]. PMID- 13467318 TI - [Indications and contra-indications for psychoanalysis in adult]. PMID- 13467319 TI - [Early ambulation in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13467320 TI - [Practical value of Maclagan's reaction in infectious hepatitis; 243 cases of viral jaundice]. PMID- 13467322 TI - [Pneumoencephalography and cerebrospinal fluid in cranio-cerebra! injuries]. PMID- 13467321 TI - [Isolated mediastinal and mediastino-pulmonary images of undetermined etiology; radiological and clinical study, evolutive process, diagnostic hypotheses; 50 case reports]. PMID- 13467323 TI - [Dangers of discontinued antibiotic treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467324 TI - [Successful emergency treatment by re-establishment of circulation in acute ischemia caused by arteritis]. PMID- 13467325 TI - [Clinical picture of non-erythroblastic kernicterus in premature]. PMID- 13467326 TI - [Toxoplasmosis in newborn, and its prophylaxis]. PMID- 13467327 TI - [Study of intranatal infection]. PMID- 13467329 TI - [Pulmonary reactions in the neonatal period; results of 5 years of histological examinations at the Centre de Prematures de l'Ecole de Puericulture]. PMID- 13467328 TI - [Cytomegalic inclusion disease; 6 personal case reports]. PMID- 13467330 TI - [Fatal Candida infections in newborn and in infants; anatomical and histological aspects of 6 cases]. PMID- 13467331 TI - [Diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism]. PMID- 13467332 TI - [Control of fires in the petroleum industry]. PMID- 13467333 TI - [Clinical study on a new synthetic antihistaminic: trans-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1-(2 pyridyl)-3-pyrrolidinoprop-1-one chlorhydrate]. PMID- 13467334 TI - [Treatment of school apathies & of intellectually retarded young students]. PMID- 13467335 TI - [delta-Cortisone (prednisone) in the treatment of edematous syndrome & alcoholic cirrhosis]. PMID- 13467337 TI - [Industrial accidents among lathe workers]. PMID- 13467336 TI - [Therapeutic abortion in pregnancy & sterilization in heart diseases]. PMID- 13467338 TI - [Management of unexpected withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism]. PMID- 13467339 TI - [N-(5-nitro-2-furfurylidene)-1-amino-hydantoin in urinary tract infections]. PMID- 13467340 TI - [New tests for hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13467341 TI - [Panorama of Chinese medicine today]. PMID- 13467342 TI - [The place of hormone therapy in the treatment of gout]. PMID- 13467343 TI - [Hemoptysis; diagnostic & therapeutic management]. PMID- 13467344 TI - [Administrative control of the technics & moral of members of the hospital medical staff by the hospital director]. PMID- 13467345 TI - [Postoperative bronchopulmonary complications; diagnostic & therapeutic technics]. PMID- 13467346 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467348 TI - [Medical & surgical treatment of eschars]. PMID- 13467347 TI - [Anesthesia for chest surgery]. PMID- 13467349 TI - [Clinical value of crotonyl-N-ethyl-orthotoluidine as an antipruritic]. PMID- 13467350 TI - [Myocarditis caused by Chaga's disease]. PMID- 13467351 TI - [Comments on retinal diseases during pregnancy]. PMID- 13467352 TI - [Menisci of the knee; residual posterior horn]. PMID- 13467353 TI - [New treatment of Microsporum ringworm]. PMID- 13467355 TI - [Rauserfia, new hypotensive drug; its injectable (intramuscular) therapeutic use]. PMID- 13467354 TI - [How to use antibiotics]. PMID- 13467356 TI - [Dextrocardia]. PMID- 13467357 TI - [Reconstruction of the cervical esophagus with a concealed flap with a bayonet joint]. PMID- 13467358 TI - [Symptomatology of the venous portion of the circulatory system]. PMID- 13467359 TI - [Seroprevention of poliomyelitis with gamma globulin]. PMID- 13467360 TI - [More than 2 1/2 years of prevention of rabies with the Fermi vaccine without complications]. PMID- 13467361 TI - [Maternal mortality; concurrent causes in maternal statistics from the Hospital Pirovano]. PMID- 13467362 TI - [Perspectives of the medical profession in Argentina; the professions as a measure of social scale]. PMID- 13467363 TI - [Preoperative treatment of cancer of the digestive system with nitrogen mustards]. PMID- 13467364 TI - [Clinical experience with a new antitussive agent]. PMID- 13467365 TI - [Treatment of arterial hypertension with 1-hydrazinophthalazine (apresoline)]. PMID- 13467366 TI - [Extirpation of the submaxillary gland by the intrabuccal approach]. PMID- 13467367 TI - [Surgery in the treatment of arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13467368 TI - [Vaginal birth defects]. PMID- 13467369 TI - [Duodenal fistulas]. PMID- 13467370 TI - [Hormonal therapy in pre- & postoperative care in pituitary surgery]. PMID- 13467372 TI - [VICENTE DALMASSES; 1894-1955]. PMID- 13467371 TI - [Diagnosis of tubal sterility]. PMID- 13467373 TI - [Causes of mortality in surgery for gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13467374 TI - [Poliomyelitis in a child less than 1 year old; 250 cases]. PMID- 13467375 TI - [Alcoholism]. PMID- 13467376 TI - [Epiphysiolysis of the hip or coxa vara of adolescents in the state of accentuated separation; operative technic & results]. PMID- 13467377 TI - [Anticeroid activity of antimycobacterial agents]. PMID- 13467378 TI - [Histological & cytological distribution of vitamin A in the human liver; biopsy]. PMID- 13467379 TI - [Facial wrinkles]. PMID- 13467381 TI - [On poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13467380 TI - [Surgical organization; operative instrumental grouping]. PMID- 13467383 TI - [More on operative asepsis]. PMID- 13467382 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467384 TI - [Anti-poliomyelitic vaccination]. PMID- 13467385 TI - [In vitro cultures in the diagnosis of poliomyelitic infection]. PMID- 13467386 TI - [Classification & etiopathology of urinary incontinence in women. I]. PMID- 13467387 TI - [Sequels of burns]. PMID- 13467388 TI - [Appendectomy; choice of incision]. PMID- 13467389 TI - [Deglutition centers]. PMID- 13467390 TI - [Diagnosis & therapy of Brocq's alopecia]. PMID- 13467391 TI - [Medical journalism in Argentina in the past century]. PMID- 13467392 TI - [Hepatitis viruses and pregnancy]. PMID- 13467393 TI - [Air transport of patients with bulbar poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13467394 TI - [Barre-Lieou syndrome; ophthalmological importance]. PMID- 13467395 TI - [Rose-Ragan reaction in the biological diagnosis of rheumatism]. PMID- 13467396 TI - [Early or juvenile delinquency]. PMID- 13467397 TI - [PAA 701 therapy of chronic amebiasis]. PMID- 13467398 TI - [Primary hydatid cyst of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13467399 TI - The management of cavernous haemangioma in infants. PMID- 13467400 TI - Dynamic cytology of human neoplasms. PMID- 13467401 TI - Anaesthetic and analge sic methods in obstetrics. PMID- 13467402 TI - Human blood fractions. PMID- 13467403 TI - Thyroid disease; a review of cases submitted to operation. PMID- 13467404 TI - The effect of estradiol and cortisone on the dense connective tissue of the skin in the albino rat. PMID- 13467405 TI - Demography and family practice; some demographic considerations of significance in the Lamontville family practice of the Institute of Family and Community Health, Durban. PMID- 13467406 TI - Synthetic macromolecular compounds and their use in medical therapy. PMID- 13467407 TI - Haematological standards for adult South African males; an inter-racial study. PMID- 13467408 TI - Some biochemical changes in kwashiorkor. PMID- 13467409 TI - The influence of pyridoxine on iron absorption in non-pregnant subjects. PMID- 13467410 TI - The incidence of post-mortem syphilis. PMID- 13467411 TI - The thyroid gland. PMID- 13467412 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal aneurysms with special reference to resection and grafting. PMID- 13467414 TI - Income tax as it affects the medical practitioner. PMID- 13467413 TI - Capillaria hepatica infection in man; a syndrome of extreme eosinophilia, hepatomegaly and hyperglobulinaemia. PMID- 13467415 TI - General practice series: the pituitary gland in disease. PMID- 13467416 TI - Influenza, a general review of recent developments. PMID- 13467417 TI - Some important features in the development, structure and function of the parotid salivary glands. PMID- 13467418 TI - Familial unilateral gynaecomastia in an adolescent. PMID- 13467419 TI - Alkaptonuria in two sisters. PMID- 13467420 TI - The adrenal glands. PMID- 13467421 TI - The history of pneumoconiosis; a brief review. PMID- 13467422 TI - Chest pain as the only symptom of gastric ulcer. PMID- 13467423 TI - Behaviour problems in children; their relation to mental hygiene and public health. PMID- 13467424 TI - Crouzon's disease: hereditary cranio-facial dysostosis; a case report. PMID- 13467425 TI - Traumatic aneurysm; the angiographic demonstration following a fracture of the femur. PMID- 13467426 TI - Diseases of the gonads. PMID- 13467427 TI - Endemic syphilis or yaws? A review of the literature from South Africa. PMID- 13467428 TI - Renal stone; a study of 520 patients with special reference to the pattern of recurrence. PMID- 13467429 TI - Liver function tests in primary carcinoma of the liver in the South African Bantu. PMID- 13467430 TI - Two cases of secondary carcinoma of bone with periosteal reaction. PMID- 13467431 TI - Puerperal sepsis 1800-1957. PMID- 13467432 TI - Post-irradiation infarction of the femoral head. PMID- 13467433 TI - HORMONAL control of mammary cancer. PMID- 13467434 TI - Midget dermatome and strip skin grafting. PMID- 13467436 TI - Constitutional hepatic dysfunction. PMID- 13467435 TI - Hydrocalycosis and calyceal diverticulum. PMID- 13467437 TI - Torn congenital discoid meniscus of the knee; case report and review. PMID- 13467438 TI - IN MEMORIAM: A. Marais Moll. PMID- 13467439 TI - Solitary mastocytoma and the mastocytoses; a discussion of the mastocytoses and a report of two cases of solitary mastocytoma showing an unusual phenomenon of generalized flushing. PMID- 13467440 TI - Diagnosis of free fluid with, the paranasal sinuses. PMID- 13467441 TI - Step-fracture of the distal end of the radius. PMID- 13467442 TI - Xylocaine intoxication; a report on three recent cases. PMID- 13467444 TI - Acute gout in pheasant hunters; pheasant hunter's toe. PMID- 13467443 TI - The obstructed tear duct. PMID- 13467445 TI - The Dakotas, A.M.A. and the public. PMID- 13467447 TI - Problems of small general hospitals in South Dakota: a survey. PMID- 13467446 TI - The history of the South Dakota State Medical Association. PMID- 13467448 TI - Tuberculosis and the physician in general practice. PMID- 13467449 TI - The doctor as a witness. PMID- 13467450 TI - The South Dakota prescription survey, 1956. PMID- 13467451 TI - South Dakota Pharmacy and animal health. PMID- 13467452 TI - Bronchial adenomas: problems in diagnosis and treatment with particular reference to roentgenologic aspects. PMID- 13467453 TI - Tumor localization with radioisotopes. PMID- 13467454 TI - Selection of cases for vaginal hysterectomy and observations on the pelvic repair. PMID- 13467455 TI - The place of miltown in general practice. PMID- 13467456 TI - Furadantin in urinary tract infection: long-term follow-up study. PMID- 13467457 TI - Experiences with vaginal delivery following cesarean section. PMID- 13467458 TI - The management of substernal and intrathoracic goiters. PMID- 13467459 TI - Experiences in the use of cordex in urethral strictures: a preliminary report. PMID- 13467460 TI - Term birth following the construction of an artificial vagina. PMID- 13467461 TI - A new look at sarcoidosis: a review of clinical records of 160 patients with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. PMID- 13467462 TI - Blood volume determinations in gastrointestinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13467463 TI - The relationship of low backache to anorectal disease. PMID- 13467464 TI - Use of spinal anesthesia in private practice. PMID- 13467465 TI - Recent trends in cataract surgery. PMID- 13467466 TI - Intracranial aneurysms complicating pregnancy. PMID- 13467467 TI - Thyroid disease in childhood. PMID- 13467468 TI - Persistent pruritus vulvae. PMID- 13467469 TI - Comprehensive examination of the large bowel. PMID- 13467470 TI - GRADUATE education for general practice. PMID- 13467471 TI - [Achievements in the control of infectious diseases in the Soviet Union]. PMID- 13467472 TI - [Epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis at the present time]. PMID- 13467473 TI - [Variability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467474 TI - [Significance of resistance to drugs in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467475 TI - [Characteristics of morphological changes in the treatment of tuberculosis with antibiotics and other drugs]. PMID- 13467476 TI - [Clinical significance of tomography in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467477 TI - [Significance of surgical collapse therapy methods in pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitations]. PMID- 13467478 TI - [Bronchial ligation as a new method for treatment of tuberculosis with cavitations]. PMID- 13467479 TI - [Treatment of tuberculosis in heart disease]. PMID- 13467480 TI - [Results of electrocardiographic examination in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467481 TI - [Ways of rational therapy of ocular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467482 TI - [Achievements in the treatment of tuberculosis of the urinary system]. PMID- 13467483 TI - [Clinical and anatomic peculiarities in the development of uremia and renal sclerosis in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467484 TI - [Active contractility of the lung]. PMID- 13467485 TI - [Cardiopulmonary insufficiency in pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13467486 TI - [Adenomatosis of the lungs]. PMID- 13467488 TI - [Blood gases in lobar and focal pneumonia]. PMID- 13467487 TI - [Effect of various broncholytic substances on bronchial permeability to aerosols]. PMID- 13467489 TI - [Peripheral blood in chronic suppurative processes in the lungs and its changes after a blood transfusion]. PMID- 13467490 TI - [Treatment of brucellosis by intracutaneous vaccine injections and by vaccine combined with antibiotics]. PMID- 13467491 TI - [Neurovascular disorders in lumbo-sacral radicular syndromes]. PMID- 13467492 TI - [Thoracoscopy and thoracocautery in spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13467493 TI - [Prevention of basic complications of mumps by drugs in rural condition]. PMID- 13467494 TI - [Application of local baths with water of various temperatures in certain dermatoses]. PMID- 13467495 TI - [Treatment of lupus erythematosus by vitamin B12]. PMID- 13467496 TI - [Effectiveness of novocaine blocks in therapy of nocturanal urinary incontinence]. PMID- 13467497 TI - [Control of tuberculosis in children during the first year of the Soviet regime]. PMID- 13467498 TI - [In memoriam of an outstanding Russian physician and revolutionary N. I. Dolgopolov; 100th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13467499 TI - [Leon Argarovich Orbeli; 75th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13467500 TI - [M.S. Vovsi; 60th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13467501 TI - [Changes in the activity of various enzymes in experimental atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13467502 TI - [Oxidative metabolism of the aorta wall]. PMID- 13467503 TI - [Glutamic oxalactic transaminase activity of various organs of alloxan diabetic rats]. PMID- 13467504 TI - [Relation between morphology & metabolism of micro-organisms; glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity in abnormal forms of Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13467505 TI - [Status of blood lipoproteins (& other humoral tests) in dogs under normal conditions & under lipid load]. PMID- 13467506 TI - [Hepatic regeneration and the process of transamination]. PMID- 13467507 TI - [Behavior of renal alkaline phosphatase activity during compensatory hypertrophy in various experimental conditions]. PMID- 13467509 TI - Spot diameter method of quantitative autoradiography of ruthenium 106 particles in lung tissues. PMID- 13467508 TI - Formalin-chloride fixation to improve silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus. PMID- 13467510 TI - Silver staining of mitochondria in rat retina as shown by light and electron microscopy. PMID- 13467511 TI - The value of alcohol for fixation of skin. PMID- 13467512 TI - A universal stain for the sex chromatin body. PMID- 13467513 TI - Low temperature sulfation of tissues and the demonstration of metachromasy. PMID- 13467514 TI - Selective staining of volutin in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. PMID- 13467515 TI - [The role of light in the synthesis of carbohydrates]. PMID- 13467516 TI - [Therapeutic use of radioactive isotopes; a critical survey]. PMID- 13467517 TI - [The place of radiotherapy and surgery in the treatment of uterine cancer]. PMID- 13467518 TI - [Precancerous lesions of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13467519 TI - [Morphological findings after moving beam irradiation of esophagus carcinoma]. PMID- 13467520 TI - [Technic of moving beam therapy in cancer of esophagus]. PMID- 13467521 TI - [Roentgen findings of treated metastases of breast cancer with a special reference of combined treatment with roentgen rays and sex hormones]. PMID- 13467522 TI - [Nature and significance of chemotherapy as compared to local surgical and x-ray therapy of cancer]. PMID- 13467523 TI - [Phantom measurement of radium and cobalt60 with microionization chambers of Bomke's dosimeter]. PMID- 13467524 TI - [Local radiation reaction of the skin and cortisone therapy; experiments with guinea pigs and white rats]. PMID- 13467525 TI - [Significance of the body posture in general development of radiation effects in total body irradiation]. PMID- 13467526 TI - [Life expectancy of malignant struma]. PMID- 13467527 TI - [Development disorders induced by roentgen rays in viviparous Xiphophorus helleri. I. Primary radiation injuries]. PMID- 13467528 TI - [Development and the present state of instruction in roentgenology to medical and roentgenological candidates, respectively, in Hungary]. PMID- 13467529 TI - [Prolonged total body irradiation of white mice at small dose rate]. PMID- 13467530 TI - [Principles of the most suitable sequence of therapeutic measures in the treatment of cancer]. PMID- 13467531 TI - [Significance of preoperative irradiation of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13467532 TI - [Clinical aspects of bronchial carcinoma in connection with radiotherapy. II]. PMID- 13467533 TI - [Electrophoretic studies on the serum of loirs (Glis glis) after irradiation and in hibernation]. PMID- 13467534 TI - [Important aspects of post-examinations of irradiated genital carcinomas in women]. PMID- 13467535 TI - [Influence of different qualities of visible light on sex functions and on Aschheim-Zondek reactions in white rats]. PMID- 13467536 TI - [Studies on the biological dose equality of hard x-rays of 180 kv and radiostrontium electrones in monocellular ova of Ascaris megalocephala]. PMID- 13467537 TI - [Central roentgen institute]. PMID- 13467538 TI - [Radiotherapy of eyelid carcinoma]. PMID- 13467539 TI - [Fighting cancer and cancer disease]. PMID- 13467540 TI - [A lymphogranulomatosis of 25 years duration, including 11 years of secondary lymphogranulomatosis of the stomach]. PMID- 13467541 TI - [Radiotherapy of retothel sarcoma in the region of the pharynx and the nose]. PMID- 13467542 TI - [Irradiation of recurrent uterine cervix carcinomas by old and new methods]. PMID- 13467543 TI - [Effect of small x-ray doses on experimental septicemia induced by Bacterium pneumoniae Friedlander. I. Effect of small doses administered after infection; post-irradiation]. PMID- 13467544 TI - [Experimental contributions on preoperative radiotherapy. I. Vitality of irradiated Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in intravenous injection]. PMID- 13467545 TI - [Experimental studies on grid irradiation]. PMID- 13467546 TI - [Epilation dosage]. PMID- 13467547 TI - [Osteoradionecrosis of the vault of the cranium]. PMID- 13467548 TI - [Skeletal changes in angiomatous processes of soft parts]. PMID- 13467549 TI - [Significance of ray scattering for space dose]. PMID- 13467550 TI - [Survival prognosis in irradiated testes tumors]. PMID- 13467551 TI - [Radiophosphorus lack in radiotherapy of skin diseases]. PMID- 13467552 TI - [Critic of preoperative irradiation of breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13467553 TI - [Research on the distribution of neutrons in a model]. PMID- 13467554 TI - [Clinical aspects and treatment results of carcinoma of the larynx in the years 1940-1956]. PMID- 13467555 TI - [Influence of various methods of medical thermotherapy on transference]. PMID- 13467556 TI - [Effect of small x-ray dose on experimental bacterium pneumoniae Friedlander septicemia. II. Effect of small dose x-ray total body irradiation previous to a subcutaneous infection (preliminary irradiation)]. PMID- 13467558 TI - [Possibility of pendulum irradiation of superficially located pathological foci]. PMID- 13467557 TI - [Hematological research on protective substances. V. Reaction of spleen to radiations after administration of protective substances]. PMID- 13467559 TI - [Localization device and tactile graphic device as a means for adjustment and dose determination in pendulum irradiation of gynecological tumors]. PMID- 13467560 TI - [Focal dose determination in pendulum irradiation]. PMID- 13467561 TI - [Electron gun for biophysical research]. PMID- 13467562 TI - [Effect of tungsten and copper as anode material on the radiation quality of unfiltered beryllium window tubes]. PMID- 13467563 TI - [Equalization of dose distribution of high speed electrons of a betatron to dose distribution of roentgen rays]. PMID- 13467564 TI - [Radiation charge of gonads in diagnostic and therapeutic application of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13467565 TI - [Tissue culture as a radiobiological work method]. PMID- 13467566 TI - [Melanoblastoma of female genitalia]. PMID- 13467567 TI - [Skin cancer and age; age index of skin carcinoma in Tubingen from 1.7.1945 to 1.7.1955]. PMID- 13467568 TI - [Clinical aspects and diagnosis of lung tumors; a report of two years of experience at a radiotherapy hospital]. PMID- 13467569 TI - [Effect of roentgen rays on carbohydrate metabolism of tumor cells]. PMID- 13467570 TI - [Comparison of primary effects of radiomimetics and ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13467571 TI - [Auto-antibodies in thrombopenic purpura & leukopenia]. PMID- 13467572 TI - [Sedimentation rate at the onset of cancer]. PMID- 13467573 TI - [Circulating pancytopenia; relatively early sign of systemic cancer & generalized cancer of organs]. PMID- 13467574 TI - [Freudian psychoanalysis; several precise details on the practical modalities of the cure]. PMID- 13467576 TI - [Psychotherapy in children]. PMID- 13467575 TI - [Adler and individual psychology]. PMID- 13467578 TI - Pregnancy following artificial insemination from epididymal cyst. PMID- 13467577 TI - The use of partitioned ejaculates in investigating the role of accessory secretions in human semen. PMID- 13467579 TI - Testicular biopsy in sterile and subfertile males. PMID- 13467580 TI - The effects of unilateral orchidectomy on the rat testis. PMID- 13467581 TI - Studies relating to the storage of mammalian spermatozoa. PMID- 13467582 TI - The influence of seminal fluid on fertility. PMID- 13467583 TI - The initiation of motility in mammalian spermatozoa. PMID- 13467584 TI - The mechanism of spermiation in the male frog, Rana esculenta. PMID- 13467585 TI - The immediate effects of occlusion of superior epididymal arteries in the rat as demonstrated by the use of radiopaque medium. PMID- 13467586 TI - Thermoregulation of the testis at high temperatures. PMID- 13467587 TI - The use of a new long-acting progestational compound (17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone-capronate) in infertility and habitual abortion. PMID- 13467588 TI - Brief evaluation of some therapeutic measures used at an infertility clinic during the past twenty years. PMID- 13467589 TI - An attempt to produce the Hertwig effect by x-irradiation of male mice. PMID- 13467590 TI - [Speech disorders in children]. PMID- 13467591 TI - [Review of case material at the department of child psychiatry at Kivela hospital 1950-55]. PMID- 13467592 TI - [Specialists as school physicians]. PMID- 13467593 TI - [Medical use of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)]. PMID- 13467594 TI - [Mental hygiene & care of mentally ill]. PMID- 13467595 TI - [70th Anniversary of Professor Viljo Rantasalo, a leader in medical activities]. PMID- 13467596 TI - [Differential diagnosis between pulmonary tumors, tuberculosis & pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13467597 TI - [Regional distribution of brain tumors treated at the Red Cross hospital in Finland, 1936-56]. PMID- 13467598 TI - [Research methods of industrial environmental hygiene]. PMID- 13467599 TI - Intra-abdominal complications following distal subtotal gastrectomy for benign gastroduodenal ulceration. PMID- 13467600 TI - Reconstruction of the bile ducts: an experimental study using free arterial grafts and nylon mesh tubes. PMID- 13467601 TI - Surgery in postgastrectomy bleeding. PMID- 13467602 TI - Simple closure for perforated peptic ulcer. PMID- 13467603 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the stomach in the newborn; a report of two cases. PMID- 13467604 TI - Gallstones: solubility studies. PMID- 13467605 TI - Intestinal obstruction due to phytobezoar following gastric resection; report of two cases. PMID- 13467606 TI - Pseudoaneurysm of the left ventricle: diagnosis by direct cardioangiography; report of two cases successfully repaired. PMID- 13467607 TI - Closure of bronchial stump after pneumonectomy; comparison of some techniques through evaluation of tensile strength of suture. PMID- 13467608 TI - Lung resection for metastatic cancer; 29 cases from the University of Minnesota and a collected review of 264 cases. PMID- 13467609 TI - A histologic study of routine scalene node biopsies. PMID- 13467610 TI - Experimental enzymatic dissolution of soft tissue hematomas. I. Streptokinase streptodornase and hyaluronidase. PMID- 13467611 TI - [Fat embolism; changes in the level of the blood lipase following the intravenous injection of neutral fat, fatty acids, and other substances into dogs]. PMID- 13467612 TI - A cardiac punch instrument. PMID- 13467613 TI - Closed chest defibrillation of the heart. PMID- 13467614 TI - The medical profession, health insurance, and the medical schools. PMID- 13467615 TI - Lumbar sympathectomy in the treatment of obliterative vascular disease of the lower extremities. PMID- 13467616 TI - Late results of ureterosigmoidostomy in children. PMID- 13467617 TI - Reappraisal of ileal segment substitution for the urinary bladder. PMID- 13467618 TI - Transesophageal ligation of bleeding esophageal varices. PMID- 13467620 TI - Congenital duodenal obstruction in the adult. PMID- 13467619 TI - Eponymic fractures: Giovanni Battista Monteggia and Monteggia's fracture. PMID- 13467621 TI - Leiomyoma of thyroid gland; report of case. PMID- 13467622 TI - Carcinoma of the breast seventeen years after mammography with thorotrast. PMID- 13467624 TI - [Experimental production of gallstones by incomplete stricture of the terminal common bile duct]. PMID- 13467623 TI - Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13467625 TI - Evaluation of the risk in the medical treatment of acute cholecystitis. PMID- 13467626 TI - Experience with intravenous cholecystography in infants and children. PMID- 13467627 TI - Needle aspiration of the gall bladder at the time of laparotomy to determine the presence or absence of calculi; a diagnostic aid. PMID- 13467628 TI - Preparation and bioassay of a low magnesium liquid diet for human consumption. PMID- 13467629 TI - The acid secretory response to histamine and insulin hypoglycemia after various operations on the stomach. PMID- 13467630 TI - A method for the continuous or repeated determination of blood volume. PMID- 13467631 TI - Shock: a surgical hazard in the paraplegic. PMID- 13467632 TI - Adrenocortical response to surgery. PMID- 13467633 TI - The incidence and significance of polyps of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13467634 TI - Cancer of the breast; a comparison of two methods of treatment. PMID- 13467635 TI - The use of a gastric tube to replace the esophagus as performed by Dr. Dan Gavriliu of Bucharest, Rumania; a preliminary report following a visit to Bucharest, Rumania. PMID- 13467636 TI - Lipomas of the hand. PMID- 13467637 TI - Prolonged massage of the fibrillating heart. PMID- 13467638 TI - Frozen irradiated heterografts. PMID- 13467639 TI - Teflon fabric grafts in growing pigs. PMID- 13467641 TI - A respirator for laboratory animals utilizing compressed air and suction. PMID- 13467640 TI - The experimental use of ivalon arterial grafts. PMID- 13467642 TI - Study of the canine lung as an oxygenator of human and canine blood in extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13467643 TI - Activation of the anterior pituitary by cervical sympathectomy. PMID- 13467644 TI - A new concept of the sympathetic pathways to the eye; a new technique to avoid a Horner's syndrome. PMID- 13467645 TI - Medical education and the shades of gray. PMID- 13467646 TI - The median sternal incision in intracardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation; a general evaluation of its use in heart surgery. PMID- 13467647 TI - Autogenous vein grafts. PMID- 13467648 TI - The prevention of ileostomy dysfunction; a modification of technique. PMID- 13467649 TI - Extrinsic esophageal obstruction and postoperative chylothorax. PMID- 13467650 TI - Simulated mitral stenosis by metastatic melanoma. PMID- 13467651 TI - Traumatic chylothorax; case report and general discussion. PMID- 13467652 TI - Lipoma of the esophagus; report of a case. PMID- 13467653 TI - Preliminary findings of the effect of automotive safety design on injury patterns. PMID- 13467654 TI - Early surgical treatment of abdominal injuries in the traffic victim. PMID- 13467655 TI - Technique for the use of carbon dioxide in presacral retroperitoneal pneumography. PMID- 13467657 TI - The acceleration of wound healing with cartilage. I. PMID- 13467656 TI - The implications of abnormal sodium concentration. PMID- 13467658 TI - The reflection of temporary pancreatic duct occlusion in serum amylase levels of the experimental animal. PMID- 13467659 TI - Treatment of inflammatory carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13467660 TI - The etiology and mechanism of nuclear stripping in the endocervical and endonasal epithelium. PMID- 13467661 TI - The use of a plastic sponge to sample regenerating tissue in healing wounds. PMID- 13467662 TI - The surgical anatomy pertaining to liver resection. PMID- 13467663 TI - Study of serum proteins with paper electrophoresis. I. Studies on quantitation with elution and densitometry techniques. PMID- 13467664 TI - A comparison of anileridine, morphine, and meperidine in man. PMID- 13467665 TI - Vascular anomalies of the retro-infrahyoid (pretracheal) space and their importance in tracheotomy. PMID- 13467666 TI - Fecal excretion of fat following esophagogastrectomy in animals. PMID- 13467667 TI - Technique of achieving an adequate extramucosal myotomy in megaesophagus (achalasia, cardiospasm, dystonia). PMID- 13467668 TI - Seven hundred and seven cases of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. PMID- 13467669 TI - Hydrodynamics of the human common duct. PMID- 13467670 TI - What of the man. PMID- 13467671 TI - Hemodynamic alterations resulting from blood vessel grafts and prostheses. PMID- 13467672 TI - An evaluation of human blood processed in plastic transfusion equipment. PMID- 13467673 TI - Heat sealed dacron taffeta blood vessel replacement. PMID- 13467674 TI - [Arterial homografts, with a presentation of 84 cases]. PMID- 13467675 TI - Experimental production of pseudocysts of the pancreas with preliminary observations on internal drainage. PMID- 13467676 TI - Management of renal trauma. PMID- 13467677 TI - Simultaneous intravenous cholangiography and urography. PMID- 13467678 TI - Elective cardiac arrest for open-heart surgery. PMID- 13467679 TI - The transfer of water (deuterium oxide) across the pleural and peritoneal membranes. PMID- 13467680 TI - Vaginal cytology in breast cancer patients. PMID- 13467681 TI - Experiments on occlusion of the abdominal aorta in normothermic dogs. PMID- 13467683 TI - The viability of preserved bone. PMID- 13467682 TI - The small benign and malignant gastric lesion. PMID- 13467684 TI - Coronary arteriography in arteriosclerotic disease of the heart. PMID- 13467685 TI - Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13467687 TI - An analysis of one hundred cases of recurrent cancer of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13467686 TI - Intravenous cholangiography: correlation with operative findings in 72 patients. PMID- 13467688 TI - The opportunity for the early treatment of lung cancer. PMID- 13467690 TI - Flexible sump-tube drain. PMID- 13467689 TI - A study of a long acting muscle relaxant (tubadil) in anorectal surgery. PMID- 13467691 TI - The results of a questionnaire survey of colostomy patients. PMID- 13467692 TI - Interstitial cystitis. PMID- 13467693 TI - Diagnostic esophagoscopes for palpatory introduction. PMID- 13467694 TI - Rigid esophagoscopy. PMID- 13467695 TI - Diagnostic gastroscopy. PMID- 13467696 TI - Positive stomach diagnosis by gastroscopic biopsy. PMID- 13467698 TI - Sigmoidoscopy (conventional). PMID- 13467697 TI - Peritoneoscopy: a critical clinical review. PMID- 13467699 TI - Traction sigmoidoscopy. PMID- 13467700 TI - Coloscopy in the treatment of mucosal polyps of the colon. PMID- 13467701 TI - Abrasion microbiopsy and endoscopy in cancer diagnosis. PMID- 13467702 TI - Laryngoscopy. PMID- 13467703 TI - Bronchoscopy and endoscopic photography. PMID- 13467704 TI - Thoracoscopy. PMID- 13467705 TI - Endoscopy of the heart. PMID- 13467706 TI - Cystoscopy; indications and technical considerations. PMID- 13467707 TI - Culdoscopy. PMID- 13467708 TI - The fundamentals of colposcopy. PMID- 13467710 TI - Ventriculoscopy. PMID- 13467709 TI - Hysteroscopy. PMID- 13467711 TI - Myeloscopy: intraspinal endoscopy. PMID- 13467712 TI - Endoscopic surgery of the thoracic antonomic nervous system. PMID- 13467713 TI - Microscopic endoscopy of the eye. PMID- 13467714 TI - Hazards and safeguards in steroid therapy. PMID- 13467715 TI - Hazards and safeguards in the use of chlorpromazine and other relaxing agents in anesthesia. PMID- 13467716 TI - Hazards and safeguards in the use of parenteral replacement fluids. PMID- 13467717 TI - Antibiotic prophylaxis; possibilities, limitations and hazards. PMID- 13467718 TI - The physiology of intravascular coagulation in health and disease: with reference to safeguards and hazards in the prophylactic and therapeutic use of heparin and dicumarol. PMID- 13467719 TI - [Medicinal therapy; development of Hungarian chemico-pharmaceutic industry]. PMID- 13467720 TI - [Erythrocyte therapy of blood diseases]. PMID- 13467721 TI - [Experience with cortisone therapy of certain blood diseases]. PMID- 13467723 TI - [Studies on immunity tests with Rh-sensitized and papain and trypsin treated erythrocytes in blood diseases]. PMID- 13467722 TI - [Use of cortisone and ACTH in the treatment of blood diseases]. PMID- 13467724 TI - [Experimental neurosis in dogs and its role in myocarditis. II]. PMID- 13467725 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467726 TI - [Considerations on the treatment of certain internal diseases by intradermal novocaine block of the Zakharin-Head zone; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13467727 TI - [Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with lysates]. PMID- 13467728 TI - [The color spots method in the signal characteristics of the temperament]. PMID- 13467729 TI - [Sublimate test; Stolt-Greenstead reaction]. PMID- 13467730 TI - [Xeroderma pigmentosum in adults]. PMID- 13467731 TI - [Atypical case of Raynaud's disease]. PMID- 13467732 TI - [Case of free movable thrombus in the left auricle in mitral disease]. PMID- 13467733 TI - [Three cases of left appendicitis]. PMID- 13467734 TI - [Case of onion poisoning]. PMID- 13467736 TI - [The place of pharmacies in evacuation planning]. PMID- 13467735 TI - In vitro and in vivo evaluation of an antimycotic 2,2'-dihydroxy-5,5' dichlorodiphenylsulfide, and its chemical determination in serum. PMID- 13467737 TI - [Studies on determination of the limits of error in bioassay of oxytocin]. PMID- 13467738 TI - [Nervous tic, a common symptom in neuroses]. PMID- 13467739 TI - [Clinical & pharmaceutical aspects of recently introduced ointment bases]. PMID- 13467740 TI - [Test material for speech audiometry of children]. PMID- 13467741 TI - [Restless legs; a possible pathogenetic clarification]. PMID- 13467742 TI - [Evaluation of Almen's test using a specific enzymatic glycose test]. PMID- 13467743 TI - [Bronchography in pulmonary tuberculosis; comparative studies with special consideration on duration & chemotherapy]. PMID- 13467744 TI - [Awakening by glucagon from insulin coma in Sakel treatment]. PMID- 13467745 TI - [Comfort & safety of the occlusive pessary; follow-up of own cases]. PMID- 13467746 TI - [First aid in drowning accidents]. PMID- 13467747 TI - [The spiral centrifuge, a new laboratory apparatus]. PMID- 13467748 TI - [Organization of postgraduate medical education]. PMID- 13467749 TI - [Pregnancy after earlier legal abortion]. PMID- 13467750 TI - [Ultrasonic therapy; biological effects & clinical results]. PMID- 13467751 TI - [Congenital hip dislocation; considerations on early diagnosis & therapy]. PMID- 13467752 TI - [Contamination by gelatin tubes in endourethral instrumentation]. PMID- 13467753 TI - [Fibrinogen, hypo- & afibrinogenemia]. PMID- 13467754 TI - [Hormone therapy of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13467755 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467756 TI - [A pharmacological explanation of the spread of witchcraft]. PMID- 13467757 TI - [Care of aged & aged patients in Sweden, as it is & as it should be]. PMID- 13467758 TI - [Sven Johansson's method of osteosynthesis in 25 years' retrospect]. PMID- 13467759 TI - [Etiology of congenital malformations]. PMID- 13467760 TI - [Cystinuria & cystinosis; review with reference to a case with problematic diagnosis]. PMID- 13467761 TI - [Therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in gastrectomized cases]. PMID- 13467762 TI - [Typical social conditions of mothers after recent pregnancy; study on 300 representative cases in Gothenburg with regard to housing, occupation, type of child care & previous abortions]. PMID- 13467763 TI - [Differentiation of chronic cases in nursing homes]. PMID- 13467764 TI - [Critical conditions in radiology]. PMID- 13467765 TI - [The place of the social worker in clinical organization; impressions from studies in England]. PMID- 13467767 TI - [Aspects of nitrogen metabolism in higher animals; history & basic concepts]. PMID- 13467766 TI - [Feliable recording method for mass typing of blood groups]. PMID- 13467768 TI - [Isolation & differentiation of morphological elements in pleural exudates, ascites, etc., by means of a new centrifuge]. PMID- 13467769 TI - [Differentiation of erythrocytes by chamber centrifuge]. PMID- 13467770 TI - [Cassette holder for lateral radiography in nailing of femur neck fractures]. PMID- 13467771 TI - [The question of high speed driving of ambulances; analysis of traffic accidents involving ambulances]. PMID- 13467772 TI - [Causes of street & highway traffic accidents & possible preventive measures]. PMID- 13467773 TI - [Considerations on psychiatric diagnostic nomenclature]. PMID- 13467774 TI - [Panorama of rehabilitation of physical incapacity in France]. PMID- 13467775 TI - [Etueffont-Bas Professional Training Centre; realization os service for paralytics]. PMID- 13467776 TI - [In Ireland; blood transfusion]. PMID- 13467777 TI - [Infra-red heating; does it present any hazards]. PMID- 13467778 TI - [New nursing school of the Belfort hospital center]. PMID- 13467779 TI - [New children's pavilion at Renee-Sabran Hospital at Giens]. PMID- 13467780 TI - [Lens hospital center]. PMID- 13467781 TI - [Vladimir Nikitich Vinogradov; 75th anniversary of his birth and 50 years of his medical, scientific-pedagogical and social activities]. PMID- 13467782 TI - [Role of disorders of cortico-visceral relationship and role of the type of the higher nervous activity in pathogenesis and clinical aspects of internal diseases]. PMID- 13467783 TI - [Problem and indications for surgical intervention in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13467784 TI - [Giant hypertrophic gastritis]. PMID- 13467785 TI - [Cardiac catheterization in acquired heart diseases]. PMID- 13467786 TI - [Certain clinico-anatomical and electrocardiographic changes in recurrent myocardial infarcts]. PMID- 13467787 TI - [Gas content in the cardiac cavities in mitral lesions]. PMID- 13467789 TI - [Clinico-diagnostic significance of certain immunologic indices in rheumatism]. PMID- 13467788 TI - [Rhythm and conduction disorders in myocardial infarction]. PMID- 13467790 TI - [Use of radioiodine for diagnostic purposes in clinical practice in internal diseases]. PMID- 13467791 TI - [Function tests of the thyroid gland in heart diseases with the aid of radioiodine]. PMID- 13467792 TI - [Motor function of the small intestine in Addison-Biermer's anemia]. PMID- 13467793 TI - [Bronchoscopy in clinical practice in nonspecific pulmonary diseases]. PMID- 13467794 TI - Things of good report; the American Medical Association in action. PMID- 13467795 TI - Medical aspects of aging and long-term illness. PMID- 13467796 TI - Convalescen homes; their place in the medical care of the community. PMID- 13467797 TI - Survey of facilities and services available to elderly people in Texas. PMID- 13467798 TI - Differential diagnosis between cardiac and pulmonary dyspnea. PMID- 13467799 TI - Considerations in the management of certain cardiac arrhythmias. PMID- 13467800 TI - The anemias; diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13467801 TI - Cadmium shampoo treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. PMID- 13467802 TI - MEDICAL schools have growing pains. PMID- 13467803 TI - Is radium still needed in cancer therapy. PMID- 13467804 TI - Carcinoma of the larynx. PMID- 13467805 TI - Surgical lesions of the thyroid. PMID- 13467806 TI - Carcinoma of the male breast. PMID- 13467807 TI - Can the cure rate of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix be improved. PMID- 13467808 TI - The hard prostate. PMID- 13467809 TI - Amebiasis: its pseudosurgical appearance. PMID- 13467810 TI - Infectious encephalitis in West Texas: report of an epidemic. PMID- 13467812 TI - Definite proof necessary for malpractice verdict. PMID- 13467811 TI - Fungus studies at a tuberculosis sanatorium. PMID- 13467813 TI - COME HELL or high water. PMID- 13467814 TI - Nasal injuries and deformities in the newborn. PMID- 13467815 TI - Lesions of the eustachian tube: management. PMID- 13467816 TI - Discarding old ideas in otolaryngology. PMID- 13467817 TI - Intussusception; operative versus nonoperative treatment. PMID- 13467818 TI - Technical aspects of vagotomy-gastroenterostomy. PMID- 13467819 TI - Congenital aganglionic megacolon; (Hirschsprung's disease). PMID- 13467820 TI - Roentgen characteristics of the malignant lymphomas and leukemias in childhood. PMID- 13467821 TI - Importance of the postvoiding film in pediatric excretory urography. PMID- 13467822 TI - Meckel's diverticulum. PMID- 13467823 TI - Simple ulcer of the colon. PMID- 13467824 TI - [Limits of the concepts of antibodies in therapeutic indications in acquired idiopathic thrombopenic purpura]. PMID- 13467825 TI - [Tuberculostatic activity of isonicotylamino-I, dimethyl-2,5, pyrrol (G.144), a structural analogue of isoniazid]. PMID- 13467826 TI - [Antagonism of morphine and of 2,4-diamino-5-phenyl-thiazole (daptazole) in respect to respiratory centers and systems controlling wakefulness]. PMID- 13467827 TI - [First attempts to determine permeability of the auditory canal and of the tympanic membrane by means of radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13467828 TI - [The action of certain antihemorrhagics on the prolongation of bleeding time caused by certain drugs]. PMID- 13467830 TI - [Treatment in malignant blood disorders]. PMID- 13467829 TI - [Therapeutic value of Cohn fraction I and of platelet transfusion]. PMID- 13467831 TI - [Research on aliphatic local anesthetics. 3]. PMID- 13467832 TI - [Antispasmotic action of benzylaniline derivatives. II. Phenolic ethers]. PMID- 13467833 TI - [Effect of cocarboxylase and pyridoxol (vitamin B6) in large doses on certain heart diseases connected with stress]. PMID- 13467834 TI - [Clinical use of procaine amide in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia]. PMID- 13467835 TI - [Use of pituitary inhibitors in the treatment of malignant tumors, particularly breast tumors]. PMID- 13467836 TI - [Treatment of ascitic cirrhosis with delta-cortisone and delta-hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13467837 TI - [Treatment of multiple sclerosis with vaccine of Margoulis and Choubladze]. PMID- 13467838 TI - [Effect of animal or vegetal biostimulins on antibiotic action in vitro]. PMID- 13467839 TI - [Some new properties of a biologically active fraction of injectable opotherapeutic extracts; an attempt to bring together the described phenomena]. PMID- 13467840 TI - [Pharmacodynamic study of voacamine, an alkaloid of Voacanca africana, Apocynaceae]. PMID- 13467841 TI - [Measurement of blood flow]. PMID- 13467842 TI - [The isotopes and their medical applications]. PMID- 13467843 TI - [Use of isotopes in pharmacology]. PMID- 13467844 TI - [The use of radioactive isotopes in medical diagnosis]. PMID- 13467845 TI - [Diagnosis of cerebral tumors by radio-isotopes]. PMID- 13467846 TI - [Technical means of using isotopes in therapy]. PMID- 13467847 TI - [Results obtained in the treatment of polyglobulism with radioactive phosphorus]. PMID- 13467848 TI - [Treatment in chronic leukosis with radioactive phosphorus, P-32]. PMID- 13467849 TI - [Possible genetic consequencies of the use of radioisotopes]. PMID- 13467850 TI - [Treatment of the hyperthyroid by radioactive iodine.]. PMID- 13467851 TI - [Attempted treatment of generalized cancer with radioactive isotopes]. PMID- 13467852 TI - [Tumor & adrenocortical hormones, with a case report on pleural mesothelioma]. PMID- 13467853 TI - [Use of flaxedil in modern anesthesia]. PMID- 13467854 TI - [A new piperidine derivative as hypnotic & sedative]. PMID- 13467855 TI - [Therapy of poisoning caused by hypnotics & alkaloids]. PMID- 13467856 TI - [Considerations on the therapy of rheumatism, especially that affecting the nerves]. PMID- 13467857 TI - [Clinical evaluation of the dietary adjuvant, sodium alginate]. PMID- 13467858 TI - [Contribution on medical therapy of gynecological bleeding]. PMID- 13467859 TI - [A new depot preparation for female climacteric complications]. PMID- 13467861 TI - [Experience with BZ 55]. PMID- 13467860 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467862 TI - [The cortisone derivative prednisone & prednisolone in therapy of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13467863 TI - [Cardiovascular effects of trimanyl]. PMID- 13467864 TI - [Usnic acid as an oral antivirotic]. PMID- 13467865 TI - [Adelphan in therapy of hypertension]. PMID- 13467866 TI - [Antihistamine jelly in local therapy of wasp sting]. PMID- 13467867 TI - [Diagnosis & therapy of postoperative electrolyte-water imbalance. I]. PMID- 13467868 TI - [Classification of the so-called nitro-agents; a tentative pragmatic system. I]. PMID- 13467869 TI - [Granoton, a recent natural remedy for cardiovascular disorders]. PMID- 13467870 TI - [A new treatment for painful, inflammatory osteochondrosis]. PMID- 13467871 TI - [Contribution on the therapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13467872 TI - [Therapy of the so-called nervous child]. PMID- 13467873 TI - [Brief report on a simple method of local subcutaneous air insufflation in therapy of epicondylitis of the humerus]. PMID- 13467874 TI - [Myoechinacin therapy of whooping cough]. PMID- 13467875 TI - Tracheal reconstruction without the use of grafts. PMID- 13467876 TI - An operation for hiatus hernia with short oesophagus. PMID- 13467877 TI - A study of the forces productive of gastro-oesophageal regurgitation and herniation through the diaphragmatic hiatus. PMID- 13467878 TI - The congenital diaphragmatic hernia of Bochdalek. PMID- 13467879 TI - The hypothermic heart; work potential and coronary flow. PMID- 13467880 TI - Double aortic arch in an infant treated surgically. PMID- 13467881 TI - The centrilobular form of hypertrophic emphysema and its relation to chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13467882 TI - Arterial blood gas measurements in the management of patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. PMID- 13467883 TI - The results of thoracoplasty in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13467884 TI - A ten years' study of spontaneous pneumothorax in a community. PMID- 13467885 TI - Intestinal vascular lesions simulating polyarteritis nodosa after resection of coarctation of the aorta. PMID- 13467886 TI - A myxomatous tumour of pleuro-pulmonary origin. PMID- 13467887 TI - Pulmonary hamartoma (the cartilaginous type). PMID- 13467888 TI - Forced expiratory volume before and after isoprenaline. PMID- 13467889 TI - [Membrane stenosis of the esophagus]. PMID- 13467890 TI - [Contribution on broncholithiasis]. PMID- 13467891 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467892 TI - [Severe thoracic injury with tracheal & bronchial involvement in a riding accident, and a case of recovery from cardiac arrest during bronchography]. PMID- 13467893 TI - [A contribution on postoperative pain control after intrathoracic surgery]. PMID- 13467894 TI - [Lung reducing surgery as the ultima ratio method in advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, with results]. PMID- 13467895 TI - [Electrocardiographic studies after pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13467896 TI - [Steroid anesthesia in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13467897 TI - [In vitro studies of blood changes caused by use of the bubble oxygenator an artificial lung constructed according to the principle of gas dispersion]. PMID- 13467898 TI - [The unilateral carbon dioxide rebreathing test and its value for surgical indication in bilateral pulmonary disease]. PMID- 13467899 TI - [Puncture of mediastinal lymph nodes by penetration through the tracheal bifurcation]. PMID- 13467900 TI - [Technic and possibilities of commissurotomy in surgical therapy of mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13467901 TI - [The helicopter in modern transportation of wounded]. PMID- 13467902 TI - [Dental problems in aviation]. PMID- 13467903 TI - [Complications of vaccination & their therapy with immune globulin against vaccinia]. PMID- 13467904 TI - [Streptomycin & penicillin in gonorrhea therapy; a comparative study on a military case series]. PMID- 13467905 TI - [Oleandomycin, a new antibiotic]. PMID- 13467906 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467907 TI - [General toxic symptoms after conjunctival instillation of 1% scopolamine bromide solution]. PMID- 13467908 TI - [Side effects in chlorpromazine therapy of psychoses]. PMID- 13467910 TI - [Sheehan's syndrome; anterior pituitary insufficiency after postpartum hemorrhage]. PMID- 13467909 TI - [Chlorpromazine medication & urinalysis]. PMID- 13467911 TI - [Respirator treatment in postoperative pulmonary failure]. PMID- 13467912 TI - [Harmful effects of pregnancy interruption]. PMID- 13467913 TI - [Therapy of alcoholism]. PMID- 13467914 TI - [Use of case reports as evidence in court procedure]. PMID- 13467915 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467916 TI - [Crease-resistant fabrics as a cause of eczema]. PMID- 13467917 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467918 TI - [Glycyrrhetinic acid in local therapy of eczema; comparison with hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13467919 TI - [The Treponema pallidum immobilization test (TPI), a notable advance in serodiagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13467920 TI - [Recent progress in blood transfusion]. PMID- 13467921 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467922 TI - [Multiple cartilaginous exostoses with Madelung's deformity; case report]. PMID- 13467923 TI - A simple method for the urinary folic acid: assay in folic acid load test; studies on the nutrition of children in Hirosaki area. 48. PMID- 13467924 TI - Folic acid deficiency in children with nutritional dystrophy; studies on the nutrition of children in Hirosaki area. 49. PMID- 13467925 TI - Age-adjusted death rates for cirrhosis of liver in 24 countries. PMID- 13467926 TI - Influence of starvation on fatty liver. PMID- 13467927 TI - Age-adjusted death rates for leukemia and aleukemia in 16 countries. PMID- 13467928 TI - Experimental and clinical observation on acute rising intracranial pressure; the first report of studies about pressure in cranium. PMID- 13467929 TI - Change of pressure in cranium following various operations on the brain: the second report of studies about pressure in cranium. PMID- 13467930 TI - Studies on homoimmunogen of rabbit kidney. 2. Chemical nature of the homoimmunogen. PMID- 13467931 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. 198. Spectrophotometric determination of glucuronic acid in co-presence of galacturonic acid. PMID- 13467932 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. 199. Spectrophotometric determination of galacturonic acid in co-presence of glucuronic acid. PMID- 13467933 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. 200. Itinsulfuric acids in pig skin. I. PMID- 13467934 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. 201. On the mode of union between itinsulfuric acids and proteins in pig skin. PMID- 13467935 TI - Influence of nutrition on experimental mouse ectromelia virus infection; the effect of varied protein intake on experimental mouse ectromelia virus infection. PMID- 13467936 TI - On the measurement of the respective volumes of the circulating blood in arteries and in veins. PMID- 13467937 TI - Studies on melanin. II. PMID- 13467938 TI - [Problem of pulmonary stenosis]. PMID- 13467939 TI - [Treatment of diabetes with hypoglycemic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13467940 TI - [What does one in practice need to know on the problem of obesity]. PMID- 13467941 TI - [Staphylococcal septicemia & the presence of Staphylococcus in the blood]. PMID- 13467942 TI - [Basic treatment of gout]. PMID- 13467943 TI - [Post-anginal rheumatism in the adult; nosology & treatment]. PMID- 13467944 TI - [Management of poliomyelitis with respiratory disorders]. PMID- 13467945 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis in persons over fifty]. PMID- 13467946 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467947 TI - [Artificial hibernation in premature infants]. PMID- 13467948 TI - [Gas encephalography in infants & children]. PMID- 13467949 TI - [Indications for pulmonary surgery in infants & children]. PMID- 13467950 TI - [Findings on measles encephalitis]. PMID- 13467951 TI - [Sporadic goiters in the newborn]. PMID- 13467952 TI - [Results & statistics from the Premature Infant Service; 1955-1956]. PMID- 13467953 TI - [Latest research in the field of blood groups]. PMID- 13467955 TI - [Anti-tissular antibodies]. PMID- 13467954 TI - [Hemoglobin groups]. PMID- 13467956 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13467957 TI - [A new weapon in the treatment of hemorrhages during the course of thrombopathies: concentrated dried plasma transfusion]. PMID- 13467958 TI - [Diagnosis & treatment of hemorrhagic syndrome caused by defibrination of circulation blood]. PMID- 13467959 TI - [Problems posed by the preparation of dried plasma]. PMID- 13467960 TI - [A new method for the study of plasma proteins]. PMID- 13467961 TI - The treatment of retinoblastoma by radiation and triethylene melamine. PMID- 13467962 TI - The production of heterochromia and glaucoma by diffuse malignant melanoma of the iris. PMID- 13467963 TI - Lethal midline granuioma. PMID- 13467964 TI - Sturge-Weber-Dimitri syndrome. PMID- 13467965 TI - Symposium: disorders of the salivary glands; the common and uncommon disorders. PMID- 13467966 TI - Symposium: disorders of the salivary glands; secretory sialography. PMID- 13467967 TI - Symposium: disorders of the salivary glands; surgical management of tumors of the parotid gland. PMID- 13467968 TI - Studies concerning vestibular factors in the ballet dancer, the pigeon, and the blind person. PMID- 13467969 TI - A method for calculating the average decibel loss of hearing in workman's compensation. PMID- 13467970 TI - A corneoscieral tract forceps. PMID- 13467971 TI - An improved magnifier. PMID- 13467972 TI - An arm-support table. PMID- 13467973 TI - New operative card form. PMID- 13467974 TI - The viewpoint of a dean. PMID- 13467975 TI - Aspects of ophthalmology in Queensland. PMID- 13467976 TI - Gonioscopy in primary glaucoma. PMID- 13467977 TI - Ocular leprosy. PMID- 13467978 TI - The detached retina. PMID- 13467979 TI - Studies on outflow of aqueous humor. PMID- 13467980 TI - More about trachoma. PMID- 13467981 TI - The prevention of eye accidents in industry. PMID- 13467982 TI - Ocular injury from electric current and lightning flash. PMID- 13467983 TI - The management of intraocular foreign bodies. PMID- 13467984 TI - Beta radiation for recurrent pterygia. PMID- 13467985 TI - A pterygium survey of the far north coast of New South Wales. PMID- 13467986 TI - Pterygia in western New South Wales. PMID- 13467988 TI - Brisbane survey of pterygium. PMID- 13467989 TI - Shallow peripheral retinocele. PMID- 13467987 TI - Pterygium in South Australia. PMID- 13467990 TI - The pathology of intraorbital tumours. PMID- 13467992 TI - Microcorneal lenses. PMID- 13467991 TI - Recurrent malignant melanoma in the orbit: report of a case. PMID- 13467993 TI - A case of progressive corneal ulceration treated by therapeutic lamellar keratoplasty. PMID- 13467994 TI - Hydatid cyst of the orbit: report of a case. PMID- 13467995 TI - Seymour Philps. PMID- 13467996 TI - GEOFFREY HOWARD BARHAM BLACK. PMID- 13467997 TI - The tissue stages and sporogony of Plasmodium knowlesi. PMID- 13467998 TI - Transmission of Plasmodium knowlesi by Anopheles stephensi. PMID- 13467999 TI - A study on the infectivity of patients to mosquitoes in the early stages of primary Plasmodium vivax malaria; (Madagascar strain). PMID- 13468000 TI - An unusual epidemiology of malaria in South-Eastern Nigeria. PMID- 13468001 TI - Serum protein changes induced by Plasmodium berghei infection in rats and Plasmodium knowlesi infection in monkeys. PMID- 13468002 TI - Trace element deficiencies in Gambia. PMID- 13468003 TI - The diagnosis of haemosiderosis by sternal marrow puncture. PMID- 13468004 TI - The dermatosis associated with kwashiorkor in Basutoland. PMID- 13468005 TI - A small outbreak of yellow fever in the Gold Coast. PMID- 13468006 TI - Experiments with antimalarial drugs in man. II. A description of methods. PMID- 13468007 TI - Experiments with antimalarial drugs in man. III. Experiments with compound 5943. PMID- 13468008 TI - Experiments with antimalarial drugs in man. IV. An experiment to investigate the prophylactic value of proguanil against a strain of Plasmodium falciparum known to be resistant to therapeutic treatment. PMID- 13468009 TI - Bladder pouch for prolonged tubeless cystostomy. PMID- 13468010 TI - Radical cystectomy for advanced carcinoma of the bladder. PMID- 13468011 TI - Rectal involvement in carcinoma of the prostate: report of two cases. PMID- 13468012 TI - Clinical pathologic discussion of interesting urologic conditions. PMID- 13468013 TI - Multiplicity of congenital stenotic lesions in a child. PMID- 13468015 TI - Congenital bladder neck obstruction in children. PMID- 13468014 TI - The differential diagnosis of obstructions of the lower urinary tract in children. PMID- 13468016 TI - Anorectal malformations and associated urinary fistulas; report of one hundred cases. PMID- 13468017 TI - Testicular interstitial cell tumor with feminization in the adult male. PMID- 13468018 TI - Early deligation of the ureter. PMID- 13468019 TI - Peripelvic lymphatic renal cysts. PMID- 13468020 TI - Pheochromocytoma: report of five cases, one a spontaneous cure. PMID- 13468021 TI - Pyribenzamine as a topical anesthetic in urologic procedures. PMID- 13468022 TI - Preliminary evaluation of radioactive colloidal gold in treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13468023 TI - Cobalt-60 teletherapy for urinary bladder carcinoma: two and one half years' experience. PMID- 13468024 TI - The use of the radioisotopes as an experimental tool. PMID- 13468025 TI - Investigative and diagnostic aspects of exfoliative cytology. PMID- 13468027 TI - Cancer as a public health program. PMID- 13468026 TI - Public health in Pennsylvania: Department of Health, plans and programs. PMID- 13468028 TI - Progress in public health in Philadelphia. PMID- 13468029 TI - The changing scene in Harley Street. PMID- 13468030 TI - John and William Hunter and some eighteenth century scientific moods. PMID- 13468031 TI - John Redman (1722-1808): medical preceptor of Philadelphia. PMID- 13468032 TI - Letter on inoculation, 1760. PMID- 13468033 TI - Memoir of John Heysham Gibbon (1871-1956). PMID- 13468034 TI - Memoir of Stephen E. Tracy (1875-1956). PMID- 13468035 TI - WILLIAM HARVEY. PMID- 13468036 TI - The surgery of stenotic valvular disease. PMID- 13468037 TI - The cerebral circulation in man. PMID- 13468038 TI - Fainting. PMID- 13468039 TI - The genetic component in high blood pressure. PMID- 13468040 TI - Histaminic cephalgia (Horton's headache or syndrome): provocative tests. PMID- 13468041 TI - Intra-arterial injection; its technique and importance in medicine. PMID- 13468042 TI - STRESS and hypertension. PMID- 13468044 TI - MATTER and anti-matter. PMID- 13468043 TI - DANIEL BOVET. PMID- 13468045 TI - Helminthiasis. PMID- 13468046 TI - [Pathogenesis pathological anatomy and treatment of endarteritis obliterans (angioneurosis obliterans of the extremities)]. PMID- 13468047 TI - [Endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468048 TI - [Name and clinical classification of spontaneous gangrene]. PMID- 13468049 TI - [Etiology and pathogenesis of endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468050 TI - [Morphological changes in the arteries of lower extremities in angioneurosis; the so-called endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468051 TI - [Variations of the blood adrenalin level in angioneurosis obliterans after various therapeutic measures]. PMID- 13468052 TI - [Pathogenesis and therapy of endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468053 TI - [Changes in the bone marrow and in the peripheral blood in angioneurosis obliterans treated by intra-arterial injections of therapeutic substances]. PMID- 13468054 TI - [Dynamics of capillaroscopy and cutaneous thermometry in endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468055 TI - [Oscillographic and plethysmographic evaluation of immediate and remote results of surgical treatment of endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468056 TI - [Dynamics of chronaxy in endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468057 TI - [Chronaximetry in the treatment of chronic ulcers of the extremities and endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468058 TI - [Electrocardiographic data in endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13468059 TI - [Conditioned reflex function of the principal gastrointestinal glands in normal subjects and in peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13468060 TI - [Effect of a neurohumoral excitant on gastric secretion during sleep in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13468061 TI - [Effect of sympatol on gastric and hepato-pancreatico-duodenal secretion in normal subjects and in peptic ulcer; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13468062 TI - [Treatment of peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma by intra-arterial infusions of novocaine and penicillin]. PMID- 13468063 TI - [Problem of novocaine therapy of peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13468064 TI - [Morphology of the blood in intra-arterial administration of novocaine in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13468065 TI - [Modifications of zonal sensitivity in peptic ulcer during intra-arterial administration of novocaine]. PMID- 13468066 TI - [Hygienic characteristics of nutrition in peptic ulcer and their relation to dispensary services]. PMID- 13468067 TI - [Results of reflex therapy of hypertension]. PMID- 13468068 TI - [Association of hypertension with certain internal diseases]. PMID- 13468069 TI - [Result of intra-arterial novocaine therapy of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13468070 TI - [Reactions of the cardiovascular system in athletes with normal and high arterial pressures to controlled physical effort]. PMID- 13468071 TI - [Mechanism of action of garlic on the heart and on the blood vessels]. PMID- 13468072 TI - [Results of intratracheal and intrabronchial infusions of antibiotics and phytoncides in the treatment of pulmonary suppurations; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13468073 TI - [Reaction of the cardiovascular system in phytoncide therapy of pulmonary suppurations; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13468074 TI - [Result of the treatment of bronchial asthma by block of the tracho-bronchial tree]. PMID- 13468075 TI - [Leukocytosis, leukemoid, and leukosis as a single neural reflex reaction]. PMID- 13468076 TI - [Some phenomena in the system of dynamic stereotype; preceding inhibition and preceding induction]. PMID- 13468077 TI - [Data on excitability and lability of the central nervous system in human pathology]. PMID- 13468078 TI - [Examination of cerebral regulation of the cardiac function. I. Some peculiarities of conditioned reflexes of the heart formed after injection of adrenalin]. PMID- 13468079 TI - [Examination of cerebral regulation of cardiac function. II. Changes of cardiac reaction to adrenalin under the influence of inhibition in the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13468080 TI - [Mechanism of salivary gland innervation]. PMID- 13468081 TI - [Intensity and duration of induction inhibition during interrelation of eating and emetic centers]. PMID- 13468082 TI - [Changes of the functions of the motor apparatus under the influence of cerebellar circulation]. PMID- 13468083 TI - [Effect of removal of a part of cerebellum on carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13468084 TI - [Interoceptive effects of absolute refractory phase of the neuromuscular apparatus]. PMID- 13468085 TI - [Biological significance of the phenomenon of functional mobility]. PMID- 13468086 TI - [Physiological indices of neuromuscular apparatus in athletes]. PMID- 13468087 TI - [Effect of static stress on the reflex phase of gastric juice secretion]. PMID- 13468088 TI - [Effect of static stress on conditioned reflex activity in a dog]. PMID- 13468089 TI - [Use of electrocardiogram for the analysis of nerve effects on the heart during physical exercises]. PMID- 13468090 TI - [Alimentary hyperglycemia in dogs with various type of higher nervous function]. PMID- 13468091 TI - [Blood glycolysis in experimental hemolytic anemia induced by stains]. PMID- 13468092 TI - [Effect of zinc chloride solution added to blood on phagocytosis]. PMID- 13468093 TI - [Effect of potassium iodide on efficiency of muscles]. PMID- 13468094 TI - [Effect of various concentrations of iodides on the intensity of oxygen consumption by a mulberry silkworm]. PMID- 13468095 TI - [Fibrinogenase in urine]. PMID- 13468096 TI - [Mechanism of fibrinogenase activity]. PMID- 13468097 TI - [Activity of fibrinogenase in blood of an intact organism]. PMID- 13468098 TI - [Effect of the nervous system on fibrinogenase activity in blood]. PMID- 13468099 TI - [Some biochemical changes of the cerebrospinal fluid in hypertension]. PMID- 13468100 TI - [Effect of antispasmotic substances (bromides and luminal) on processes of stimulation and inhibition of the central nervous system. I]. PMID- 13468101 TI - [Effect of the nervous system on reactivity changes of peripheral blood vessels to vasoconstrictive substances in experimental atherosclerosis induced by cholesterine]. PMID- 13468102 TI - [Pharmacology of curare and its synthetic analogs]. PMID- 13468103 TI - [Effect of mineral water of the Gavrilovskii spring in Chkalovskii district on diuresis]. PMID- 13468105 TI - [Functional correlation of the respiratory and emetic centers]. PMID- 13468104 TI - [Effect of novocaine, dicaine and sovcaine on the system; comparative experimental research]. PMID- 13468106 TI - [Effect of isoniazid on liver function]. PMID- 13468107 TI - [Toxic suppression of respiratory phosphorylation of skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13468109 TI - [Erysimini cuspidatum as a new cardiac drug]. PMID- 13468108 TI - [Effect of dinitrophenol on the process of rigor mortis]. PMID- 13468110 TI - [Creative life of V. V. Strel'tsov]. PMID- 13468111 TI - [In memoriam of V. M. Vasilevskii]. PMID- 13468112 TI - Advances in inhalation therapy. PMID- 13468113 TI - A small epidemic of tuberculosis. PMID- 13468114 TI - Laboratory investigations with cycloserine. PMID- 13468115 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous meningitis without intrathecal administration of drugs]. PMID- 13468116 TI - [Mechanics of ventilation and their disorder caused by changes in parietal structure and in form of thorax]. PMID- 13468117 TI - [Surgical treatment of tuberculous caverns in lower pulmonary lobe]. PMID- 13468118 TI - [Pulmonary manifestations of scleroderma]. PMID- 13468119 TI - [First personal experiences with pyrazinamide]. PMID- 13468120 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468121 TI - [Results of thoracic cauterization in the Region of Ozren in 1954]. PMID- 13468122 TI - [Pulmonary localizations of staphylococcal infections and their pseudotuberculous forms]. PMID- 13468123 TI - [Basic factors in medical use of ultrasonics; a review]. PMID- 13468124 TI - [Ultrasonic therapy of hematoma]. PMID- 13468125 TI - [Accessory sacroiliac joints & their clinical significance; preliminary report]. PMID- 13468126 TI - [Adrenocortical steroid therapy of severe toxic conditions & shock]. PMID- 13468127 TI - [A new water-soluble hydrocortisone preparation for intravenous use: solvisat Leo]. PMID- 13468128 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468129 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468130 TI - [Abuse of drugs and driver certification]. PMID- 13468131 TI - [The significance of the visual fields for finger movements]. PMID- 13468132 TI - [Sudden & spontaneous loss of labyrinthine function; 22 cases]. PMID- 13468133 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468134 TI - [Pregnancy following sterilization by Madlener's method]. PMID- 13468136 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468135 TI - [A case of mucocele of the appendix with ileus]. PMID- 13468137 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468138 TI - [Hyperaldosteronism & other clinical conditions with chronic potassium deficiency]. PMID- 13468139 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468140 TI - [Extirpation of rhinopharyngeal fibroma under artificial hypotension]. PMID- 13468141 TI - [Topicin powder in therapy of ulcus cruris]. PMID- 13468142 TI - [Risk of addiction to meprobamate]. PMID- 13468143 TI - [The economic returns on my work]. PMID- 13468144 TI - [The activity of fibrinolysin in the body; review]. PMID- 13468145 TI - [The relation of fibrinolysin in uterine bleeding]. PMID- 13468146 TI - [Metastatic prostatic cancer with hemorrhagic diathesis due to fibrinolysis; case report]. PMID- 13468147 TI - [Actocortin therapy of acute abdominal conditions, particularly when complicated by peritonitis & shock]. PMID- 13468148 TI - [In memoriam; Erik Guldberg]. PMID- 13468149 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468150 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468151 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468152 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468153 TI - [Physical medicine]. PMID- 13468154 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468155 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468156 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468157 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468158 TI - [Surgery]. PMID- 13468159 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468160 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468161 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468162 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468163 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468164 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468165 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468166 TI - [Biological aspects of radiations]. PMID- 13468167 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468168 TI - [Investigations on morbidity by the Odense group of practicing physicians]. PMID- 13468169 TI - [Bromide poisoning; correlation of clinical symptoms & laboratory findings]. PMID- 13468170 TI - [Psychosomatic treatment of asthma in a child]. PMID- 13468171 TI - [Relaxation therapy of neuroses]. PMID- 13468172 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468173 TI - [Cardiospasm in a six-year old child]. PMID- 13468174 TI - [Lillehjemmet, the Broonshoj model home for aged]. PMID- 13468175 TI - [Butazolidin in the treatment of Bouillaud disease]. PMID- 13468176 TI - [Transverse myelitis caused by mumps]. PMID- 13468177 TI - [Painful syndromes of the epigastric region]. PMID- 13468178 TI - [Thymoma & myasthenia gravis; 2 cases]. PMID- 13468179 TI - [Medical treatment of coronary artery disease]. PMID- 13468180 TI - [Study of blood cholesterol in obese diabetics under the influence of phenmetrazine (preludine)]. PMID- 13468181 TI - [Hemodynamics of valvular lesions of rheumatic origin]. PMID- 13468182 TI - [The mechanics of respiration]. PMID- 13468183 TI - [Pronation fractures of the arm]. PMID- 13468184 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468186 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468187 TI - [Notes on anesthesia: considerations in anoxia]. PMID- 13468185 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468188 TI - Histaminergic nerve effects in relation to peptic ulcer. PMID- 13468189 TI - Special-care ward for critically ill surgical and postoperative patients. PMID- 13468190 TI - Nontuberculous chest cases originally diagnosed as tuberculous: a five-year study. PMID- 13468191 TI - Study of 507 patients discharged from a tuberculosis service: a year's experience at a naval hospital. PMID- 13468192 TI - Increasing dental speeds. PMID- 13468193 TI - Redundancy of the sigmoid colon. PMID- 13468194 TI - The sigmoid segment as a bladder substitute. PMID- 13468195 TI - Carcinoma of the esophagus; survival, and the fallacy of early diagnosis. PMID- 13468196 TI - Rupture of previous cesarean section scar in subsequent pregnancies; report of seven cases. PMID- 13468197 TI - Radiation hazards and medical x-ray protection: in installations of the U.S. Army, Europe. PMID- 13468198 TI - Development of a therapeutic community; problems encountered in daily community meetings. PMID- 13468199 TI - JAUNDICE in infancy. PMID- 13468200 TI - Application of psychodynamic principles to psychotherapy in military service. PMID- 13468201 TI - Dental incident rate in parachuting. PMID- 13468202 TI - Decompression sickness at medium altitude. PMID- 13468203 TI - Army Hospital dedicated at Fort Belvoir. PMID- 13468204 TI - The treatment of rheumatic carditis with cortisone. PMID- 13468206 TI - Effect of proclorperazine on psychologic, psychomotor, and muscular performance. PMID- 13468205 TI - A new overhead anesthetic panel for piped gases, vacuum, and electric outlets. PMID- 13468207 TI - Weever stings and their medical management. PMID- 13468208 TI - Suitability of ivalon sponge tubes for replacing vascular segments. PMID- 13468209 TI - Reduction of ionizing radiation in diagnostic roentgenology. PMID- 13468210 TI - Accuracy of prediction of military success or failure; a follow-up study. PMID- 13468211 TI - Use of the membrane filter for potable water in the air force. PMID- 13468212 TI - Uncomplicated pregnancy following bilateral lung lobectomies. PMID- 13468213 TI - Generalized skin eruption caused by bromsulphalein. PMID- 13468214 TI - Hindquarter amputation for hip chondrosarcoma. PMID- 13468216 TI - Pilonidal disease: series of 100 consecutive cases. PMID- 13468215 TI - Thoughts on the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome; report of an analogous case. PMID- 13468218 TI - Incidence of carcinoid tumors: review of necropsy and surgical specimens at the University of Michigan. PMID- 13468217 TI - Cytologic effects of irradiation in oral smears: a study of the changes in benign squamous cells. PMID- 13468219 TI - Military medicine during the Civil War. PMID- 13468220 TI - Dr. Frederick George Novy; 1864-1957. PMID- 13468221 TI - [Use of a substitute ileal segment in urology; report or 105 cases]. PMID- 13468222 TI - [Results & experiences with Scheele's ileocystoplasty]. PMID- 13468223 TI - [Morphological changes of nerve tissue in cancerous bladders after telecobaltotherapy]. PMID- 13468224 TI - [Treatment of the late radiation ulcer of the female urinary bladder]. PMID- 13468225 TI - An operation for the relief of urinary retention caused by paralysis of the detrusor muscle. PMID- 13468226 TI - [Mega-ureter; etiology & therapy]. PMID- 13468227 TI - A study of cetiprin as a urologic drug. PMID- 13468228 TI - [Extraperitoneal ureterosigmoidostomy]. PMID- 13468229 TI - [Histopathological studies on bladder tumors after telecobaltotherapy]. PMID- 13468230 TI - [The costly work of the surgeon]. PMID- 13468231 TI - [The threatening possibility of "health factories"]. PMID- 13468232 TI - [The low salt diet]. PMID- 13468233 TI - [Contribution on the topic of shortened work schedules for the nursing staff]. PMID- 13468235 TI - [Report on the laundry control in various hospitals in Zurich]. PMID- 13468234 TI - [Rationalization in English & Dutch laundries; report on a visit]. PMID- 13468236 TI - [Immunological and clinical problems in malignant tumors]. PMID- 13468237 TI - [Present problems of contemporary hematology]. PMID- 13468238 TI - [Some new data in the study of the brain]. PMID- 13468239 TI - [Individual and group variations in the structure of cerebral cortex of the inferior parietal region in modern man]. PMID- 13468240 TI - [Mechanism of cerebral development and effects of injurious factors]. PMID- 13468241 TI - [Medical science in the people's republic of Bulgaria]. PMID- 13468242 TI - [Production of new surgical instruments and apparatus]. PMID- 13468243 TI - [Aleksei Nikolaevich Sysin]. PMID- 13468244 TI - [In memoriam Vladimir Georgievich Garshin]. PMID- 13468245 TI - [Investigations on the specificity of reactions of the organism to radiations]. PMID- 13468246 TI - [Result of roentgenotherapy of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13468248 TI - [Roentgenologic phases of healing of caverns in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468247 TI - [Effect of preliminary radiotherapy on healing of surgical wounds]. PMID- 13468249 TI - [Broncho-pulmonary cysts and their malignant degeneration]. PMID- 13468250 TI - [Cardiac size with special reference to contractile function of the myocardium in pneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13468251 TI - [Problem of the origin of split waves in roentgenokymography]. PMID- 13468252 TI - [Functional restoration of the esophagus and its compensatory adaptation following surgery of cardiospasm]. PMID- 13468253 TI - [Certain characteristics of the gastric mucosa in pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13468254 TI - [Errors permissible in solving principal bases of the theory of integral dose]. PMID- 13468255 TI - [Appliance for focused serial pictures of the lungs]. PMID- 13468257 TI - [Differentiation of fibrinous formations from fluid in velamentous pleurisy]. PMID- 13468256 TI - [Luminescent isodosograph]. PMID- 13468258 TI - [Case of leiomyoma of the cardia]. PMID- 13468260 TI - [Present-day treatment, prevention & legislation of silicosis]. PMID- 13468261 TI - [Pathology of fluorescent lighting]. PMID- 13468259 TI - [Case of chronic radiation sickness]. PMID- 13468263 TI - [Biological methods of diagnosing saturnism]. PMID- 13468262 TI - [Chronic carbonic monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13468264 TI - [Role of emotional factors in the difficulties of functional rehabilitation of surgery & injuries]. PMID- 13468265 TI - [Early signs of benzene poisoning]. PMID- 13468266 TI - [Use of chelating agents in heavy metal poisoning]. PMID- 13468267 TI - [The porphyrias]. PMID- 13468268 TI - [Methods of ambulatory support of the lumbar spine for adults]. PMID- 13468269 TI - [Crenotherapy of rheumatismal diseases]. PMID- 13468270 TI - [Microscopic examination of vascular endothelium by phase contrast and top light]. PMID- 13468271 TI - [Research on muscle fiber dilation and the structure of the right heart chamber wall in a guinea pig]. PMID- 13468272 TI - [The problem of hyperplasia and neoplasia in reticulosis]. PMID- 13468273 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468274 TI - [Plastic dilation of renal parenchyma in experimental hydronephrosis of a white mouse]. PMID- 13468275 TI - [Evaluation of specificity of histologic reactions of chorioallantoic membrane of a chick embryo in viral diagnostic. II. Reactions of the chorioallantoic membrane to unspecific stimuli]. PMID- 13468276 TI - Percutaneous renal biopsy. PMID- 13468277 TI - Management of chronic congestive failure and angina pectoris in geriatric patients with choline theophyllinate. PMID- 13468278 TI - Cryptenamine and the toxemias of pregnancy. PMID- 13468279 TI - Modification (pharmacogenic ) of subphrenic abscess. PMID- 13468280 TI - Disseminated lupus erythematosis simulating acute rheumatic fever; a case report. PMID- 13468281 TI - Perforation of the esophagus produced by a plastic toy. PMID- 13468282 TI - The arylsulfonylurea drugs which produce hypoglycemia: their use in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13468283 TI - Nursing needs in Virginia's state mental institutions. PMID- 13468284 TI - Amebic colitis; diagnosis by rectal biopsy. PMID- 13468285 TI - A cryoglobulin with unusual characteristics associated with a rare hematologic disorder. PMID- 13468286 TI - The value of vaginal smears in routine office studies. PMID- 13468287 TI - Milk sanitation and public health. PMID- 13468288 TI - [Heterotransplantation of blood vessels; results of experiments on 40 dogs]. PMID- 13468289 TI - [Q fever; isolation of Coxiella burnetii from sheep placenta]. PMID- 13468290 TI - [So-called primary atypical pneumonias of unknown etiology (PAP)]. PMID- 13468291 TI - [Effect of diamox on eye hypertension]. PMID- 13468292 TI - [Incidence of beta-hemolityc Streptococcus in sick children]. PMID- 13468293 TI - [Inactive pulmonary tuberculosis & the fitness to serve in the armed forces]. PMID- 13468294 TI - [Intra-aural approach in trepanation]. PMID- 13468295 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468296 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468297 TI - [Case of complex congenital heart disease in a 3-year old child]. PMID- 13468298 TI - [Clinical value of endoscopic method of investigation in malignant tumors]. PMID- 13468299 TI - [Nutrition and gastric cancer]. PMID- 13468300 TI - [Antitoxic function of the liver in certain chronic diseases of the stomach]. PMID- 13468301 TI - [Effect of irritation of interoceptors of the stomach on function of the salivary glands in gastric cancer and precancerous conditions]. PMID- 13468302 TI - [Functional state of the vegetative nervous system in cancer patients]. PMID- 13468303 TI - [Paradoxal (so-called parachylic) secretion of the stomach in gastrointestinal diseases]. PMID- 13468304 TI - [Application of gradual mechanical excitation of the stomach in gastric function tests]. PMID- 13468305 TI - [Acid and alkaline phosphatases in blood serum in normal patients and in precancer and cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13468306 TI - [Morphology of erythrocytes and erythropoiesis in gastric cancer and precancer]. PMID- 13468307 TI - [Content of globin in erythrocytes in cancer and ulcer of the stomach]. PMID- 13468308 TI - [Thrombocytopoiesis in cancer and precancer of the stomach according to data on the peripheral blood and the bone marrow]. PMID- 13468309 TI - [Certain problems of clinical roentgenologic diagnosis of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13468311 TI - [Gastrochromoscopy in early diagnosis of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13468310 TI - [Modifications of the level of bromine in the blood in cancer]. PMID- 13468312 TI - [Basic aspects of early diagnosis of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13468313 TI - [Modifications of catalase activity in the blood and liver punctates in cancer and precancer of the stomach; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13468314 TI - [Level of free choline in blood serum in cancerous patients]. PMID- 13468315 TI - [Biological synthesis of purine and pyrimidine substances and of mononucleotides]. PMID- 13468316 TI - [Restoration of plasma proteins following severe blood loss in dogs]. PMID- 13468317 TI - [Chemical and biological properties of O-antigens in Vibrio comma]. PMID- 13468318 TI - [Effect of addition of amino acids and of adenylic acid on metabolic processes in preserved blood]. PMID- 13468319 TI - [Intensity of glycogen and glucose metabolism in the brain and in the liver in anoxia]. PMID- 13468320 TI - [Quantitative chromatographic method in investigation of urinary histidine in pregnancy]. PMID- 13468321 TI - [Disorders of liver tryptophan metabolism in rats in protein deficiency]. PMID- 13468322 TI - [Carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism in the myocardium in hypothermia and following exclusion of circulation]. PMID- 13468324 TI - [Rabbit mesenchymal tissue cultivation in the presence of Shope's virus]. PMID- 13468323 TI - [New cooling system for the apparatus used in electrophoresis of proteins]. PMID- 13468325 TI - [Specific cerebral tumor antigens]. PMID- 13468326 TI - [Protein changes in cell nuclei during growth & regression induced in transplanted rat sarcoma 45 by triethylene phosphoramide]. PMID- 13468327 TI - [Effects of triethylene phosphoramide on nucleic acid metabolism in neoplasm and various organs of animals with transplanted tumors (rat sarcoma 45)]. PMID- 13468328 TI - [Effects of triethylene phosphoramide on the activity of acid & alkali glycerophosphatase in transplantable rat sarcoma 45]. PMID- 13468329 TI - [Effects of heavy metal salts on the roentgen sensitivity of transplantable tumors]. PMID- 13468330 TI - [Granulomatose polyps of the stomach]. PMID- 13468331 TI - [Cancer of thoracic esophagus and its radiation treatment]. PMID- 13468332 TI - [Role of neuroendocrine agents in the appearance and development of melanoma]. PMID- 13468334 TI - [Tumor of the testicle; its treatment & clinical study]. PMID- 13468333 TI - [Dishormonal ovarian tumors and their clinical manifestation]. PMID- 13468335 TI - [Laryngeal cancer and its treatment]. PMID- 13468336 TI - [Lower lip cancer and comparative evaluation of various methods of its treatment]. PMID- 13468337 TI - [Cancer of the lip (concerning material of Republican Tallin Oncological Dispensary)]. PMID- 13468338 TI - [Work of the oncological service in Leningrad and prospects for its development]. PMID- 13468339 TI - [Comparative study of malignant tumor incidence in the Tookoom District of the Latvian SSSR]. PMID- 13468340 TI - [Malignant accessory mammary gland tumor in man; rare case]. PMID- 13468341 TI - [Acute myeloid leukosis with tumor-like infiltration of both breasts]. PMID- 13468342 TI - [Adrenal pheochromocytoma and its surgical treatment]. PMID- 13468343 TI - [Present problems of etiology and pathogenesis of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468344 TI - [Role of chronic inflammatory processes in the appearance of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468345 TI - [Problems of pathological anatomy of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468346 TI - [Certain problems of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468347 TI - [Significance of fluorography in detection of pulmonary cancer during prophylactic examination]. PMID- 13468348 TI - [Significance of tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468349 TI - [Role of bronchography in diagnosis of bronchial cancer]. PMID- 13468350 TI - [Roentgeno-anatomical comparison of bronchial and pulmonary changes in primary pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468351 TI - [Evaluation of bronchoscopy as a diagnostic method in pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468352 TI - [Possibility of utilization of angiography in diagnosis of cancer of the lungs]. PMID- 13468353 TI - [Certain new data on morphology of cellular elements of pulmonary cancer detected in sputum]. PMID- 13468354 TI - [Modern methods of anesthesia in surgery of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468355 TI - [Indications and contra-indications for surgical treatment of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468356 TI - [Method of radical surgery in pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468357 TI - [Certain characteristics of surgical therapy of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468358 TI - [Clinical aspects and surgery of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468359 TI - [Immediate and remote results of surgical therapy of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468360 TI - [Principal aspects of radiotherapy of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468361 TI - [Distribution of pulmonary cancer in Sverdlovsk and in Sverdlovsk region]. PMID- 13468362 TI - [Organizational measures in prevention and early diagnosis of pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13468363 TI - The antigenic constituents of the neutrophilic leukocyte with special reference to the L. E. phenomenon. PMID- 13468364 TI - The blood groups of the western Walsers. PMID- 13468365 TI - Preparation and properties of a heat-treated human plasma protein fraction. PMID- 13468366 TI - [Changes of agglutinability of erythrocytes by storage in various media and the relation to the importance of compatibility testing]. PMID- 13468367 TI - [Cytochemistry of leukergic leukocytes]. PMID- 13468368 TI - [Influencing of properidin activity by erythrocyte stroma, with a contribution to hemolysis problem in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: Marchiafava-Micheli anemia]. PMID- 13468369 TI - Changes in anti-A, anti-B, anti-D and cold agglutinins reactivity resulting from ultraviolet irradiation. PMID- 13468370 TI - The distribution of human schistosomiasis and the potential snail hosts in Ghana. PMID- 13468371 TI - A preliminary note on the degree of compatibility between Schistosoma haematobium and its Bulinid vectors. PMID- 13468372 TI - The therapy of mycetoma. PMID- 13468374 TI - Isolation of Salmonellae from rats in Ibadan. PMID- 13468373 TI - Human trypanosomiasis; the Guo-Sabule outbreak. PMID- 13468375 TI - Survey of medical publications from the Gold Coast (Ghana) 1955-1956. PMID- 13468376 TI - A case of sickle cell haemoglobin "C" disease in Eastern Nigeria. PMID- 13468378 TI - Acute appendicitis and intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13468377 TI - Dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum; Ritter's disease. PMID- 13468379 TI - Acute myocardial infarction; a follow-up record of 450 cases. PMID- 13468380 TI - Significance of serum alkaline phosphatase in carcinoma of the liver. PMID- 13468382 TI - The prodromata of mental illness. PMID- 13468381 TI - Complications of hernia, inguinal and femoral. PMID- 13468383 TI - Prevention of stenosis of the cervical os following electrosurgical treatment. PMID- 13468384 TI - Medical education in West Virginia. PMID- 13468385 TI - Nodular goitre. PMID- 13468386 TI - Glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13468387 TI - Unruptured primary ovarian pregnancy; with report of a case. PMID- 13468388 TI - Anxiety, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. PMID- 13468390 TI - Selection and preoperative treatment of patients for the Le Fort operation. PMID- 13468389 TI - Irregularity of the stages of the menstrual cycle. PMID- 13468391 TI - Uterine adnexa in inguinal hernia in infant females: report of a case involving uterus; both uterine tubes and ovaries. PMID- 13468392 TI - Acute perforations of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus to colon). PMID- 13468393 TI - Experimental coronary artery occlusion. PMID- 13468394 TI - Enema studies: role of volume in the action of hypertonic sodium phosphate enemas. PMID- 13468395 TI - The treatment of nausea following therapeutic irradiation. PMID- 13468396 TI - Intense uterine contractions with special reference to massive pulmonary hemorrhage of the newborn. PMID- 13468397 TI - Polyneuritis in pregnancy; case report and a review of the literature. PMID- 13468398 TI - Hysterectomy: psychosomatic factors of the preoperative and postoperative aspects and management. PMID- 13468399 TI - A review of financial support for research in human reproduction and development. PMID- 13468400 TI - Are you tax bait. PMID- 13468401 TI - When is surgery elective. PMID- 13468402 TI - [Harmfulness of human parasites]. PMID- 13468403 TI - [Organization of the suppression of human parasites in Poland. I. Genesis and present scope of the problem in Poland]. PMID- 13468404 TI - [Critical survey of research on problems of medical parasitology carried out since the last meeting (1954-1956)]. PMID- 13468405 TI - [Critical survey of veterinary parasitological research carried out since the last meeting (1954-1956)]. PMID- 13468406 TI - [Critical survey of general parasitological research carried out since the last meeting (1954-1956)]. PMID- 13468407 TI - [Theory of parasitocoenosis & the role of pathogenic germs]. PMID- 13468408 TI - [Research on toxoplasmosis in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13468410 TI - [Is infection with trichinellosis by peroral introduction of intestinal Trichinella possible ]. PMID- 13468409 TI - [Role of ticks in the transmission of infectious and invasional diseases to man and animals in Hungary]. PMID- 13468411 TI - [Discovery of natural foci of Trichinella spiralis in Slovakia (CSR)]. PMID- 13468412 TI - [Research into factors inhibiting the development of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs]. PMID- 13468413 TI - [Research on Trichomonas of cattle in Bulgaria]. PMID- 13468414 TI - [Ecologicoparasitological research in the Soviet Union, with special regard to flukes of migratory birds]. PMID- 13468415 TI - [Parasitic fauna of Golldapiwo Lake]. PMID- 13468416 TI - [Problem of modern helminthology]. PMID- 13468417 TI - [Problems concerning trichinellosis & echinococcosis. I. Trichinella spiralis and trichinellosis]. PMID- 13468418 TI - [Biology of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819; Loos, 1899) (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae)]. PMID- 13468419 TI - [Fauna of biting mosquitoes at Nether-Silesia]. PMID- 13468420 TI - [Resistance to antibiotics and sulfonamides of more common bacteria in the years from 1954 to 1956]. PMID- 13468421 TI - [Behavior of septic complications in post-mortem material in the years 1950 and 1955]. PMID- 13468422 TI - [Importance of paracentesis and adenotomy in treatment of otitis in the antibiotic era]. PMID- 13468423 TI - [Generalized moniliasis caused by Candida krusei]. PMID- 13468424 TI - [Disorders of hypothalmoneurohypophyseal regulation of water metabolism]. PMID- 13468425 TI - [Differential diagnosis of the swellings of the cervical lymph nodes]. PMID- 13468426 TI - [Examination neuroses]. PMID- 13468427 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468428 TI - [Treatment of inflammatory and vascular kidney diseases]. PMID- 13468429 TI - [Treatment with peroral antidiabetic drug invenol (BZ-55) and rastinon (D-860) of tuberculotic diabetics]. PMID- 13468430 TI - [Arteriovenous aneurysm of renal artery after nephrectomy]. PMID- 13468431 TI - [New specific antidote in severe morphine poisoning]. PMID- 13468432 TI - [Additional information on the Viennese clinician Maximilian Stoll]. PMID- 13468433 TI - [Beriberi heart]. PMID- 13468434 TI - [Intratracheal intubation as means of first aid]. PMID- 13468435 TI - [Status after pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13468436 TI - [Problem of intestinal fat]. PMID- 13468437 TI - [Behavior of bactericidal power of blood in rabbits and the effects of cortisone and of benzene poisoning]. PMID- 13468438 TI - [Muscle contracture as a general scientific problem]. PMID- 13468439 TI - [Lung complications after tonsillectomy in children]. PMID- 13468440 TI - [Julius Wagner-Jauregg's opinion on Sigmund Freud and his studies of psychoanalysis; scientific and historical note]. PMID- 13468442 TI - [Physiology of cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13468441 TI - [Recollections on Heinrich Obersteiner on 31 July 1957]. PMID- 13468443 TI - [Case of bilateral congenital lack of abduction with facial paresis (Moebius syndrome)]. PMID- 13468444 TI - [Familial case of cheilitis glandularis simplex]. PMID- 13468445 TI - [Causes of poisoning in children]. PMID- 13468446 TI - [Inflammation of anterior lingual glands]. PMID- 13468447 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468448 TI - [Recent findings & results in surgery of colonic carcinoma]. PMID- 13468449 TI - [Prevention of athletic accidents & injuries]. PMID- 13468450 TI - [General & local cortisone therapy of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13468451 TI - [Effects of largactil on the course of experimental hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13468452 TI - [Heparin (liquemin Roche) in therapy of thrombosis of the axillary vein]. PMID- 13468453 TI - [Effects of iodine on the central arterial & general blood pressure during a course of treatment at Bad Hall, upper Austria]. PMID- 13468454 TI - [The mechanism of cardiac fibrillation]. PMID- 13468455 TI - [Operative test for hemostatics & clinical experience with reptilase in an extensive case series]. PMID- 13468456 TI - [Differential diagnostic problems of pulmonary involvement in manifest & latent breast cancer]. PMID- 13468457 TI - [Report on three cases of aortic thrombosis and their treatment with panthesin & hydergine]. PMID- 13468458 TI - [The problem of so-called hypersensitivity to iodine]. PMID- 13468459 TI - [Therapy of eczema & pruritus of the external auditory canal]. PMID- 13468460 TI - [Complication of obstructed nasal breathing in infants & children]. PMID- 13468461 TI - [Clinical features & roentgenology of gastrointestinal malformations in newborn]. PMID- 13468462 TI - [Pyruvic acid & cocarboxylase in cardiac decompensation]. PMID- 13468463 TI - [Fluorescein diffusion in the human eye after combined iodine therapy in Bad Hall, upper Austria]. PMID- 13468464 TI - [Chemical & biological radiation protection]. PMID- 13468465 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468466 TI - [The question of endocrine function of bronchial adenoma (carcinoid)]. PMID- 13468467 TI - [Comparison of Lestradet's titrimetric determination of alkali reserve with Van Slyke's volumetric & Rappaport's micromanometric methods]. PMID- 13468468 TI - [Tuberculous osteitis of flat bones]. PMID- 13468469 TI - [The diagnostic value of cranial rheography in cerebral vascular disorders]. PMID- 13468470 TI - [Chemical & biological radiation protection. II. Biological radiation protection]. PMID- 13468471 TI - [The question of radiation hazards of diagnostic doses of radioisotopes]. PMID- 13468472 TI - [Inverted vision as a cerebral symptom]. PMID- 13468473 TI - [Central blindness as an isolated congenital defect in two siblings]. PMID- 13468474 TI - [A case of pregnancy psychosis manifested by endogenous depression]. PMID- 13468475 TI - [Practical experience with local & intravenous use of prednisolone]. PMID- 13468476 TI - [The distribution of nervous excitation in central forms of convulsion]. PMID- 13468477 TI - [Therapeutic use of LSD 25 in clinical psychiatry]. PMID- 13468478 TI - [The question of electrocoagulation in erosion of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13468479 TI - [The role of cytology in diagnosis of female genital carcinoma]. PMID- 13468480 TI - [Surgery of pain perception]. PMID- 13468481 TI - [A case of scapular chondroma as a contribution to the pathogenesis of scapular crackle]. PMID- 13468482 TI - [Tomography of the cranial base]. PMID- 13468483 TI - [Comparison of rheographic determination of the cardiac output with Grollman's acetylene method]. PMID- 13468484 TI - [Possibilities of quantitative salting out of certain fractions of blood proteins]. PMID- 13468485 TI - [Justification of an active direction of the placental period]. PMID- 13468486 TI - [Treatment of peripheral blood circulation disorders]. PMID- 13468487 TI - [Blood protein and lipid electrophoresis in parenchymal liver diseases]. PMID- 13468488 TI - [Hepatitis]. PMID- 13468489 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468490 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468491 TI - [Determination of unsaturated binding capacity of blood iron]. PMID- 13468492 TI - [Absolute and relative static insufficience]. PMID- 13468493 TI - [Warm bath Villach]. PMID- 13468495 TI - [The essence and the treatment of migraine]. PMID- 13468494 TI - [Memorial lecture on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of Wagner Jauregg]. PMID- 13468497 TI - [Necessity of reform of infant care]. PMID- 13468496 TI - [Electrophoresis of blood proteins and lipids in parenchymal liver diseases]. PMID- 13468498 TI - [Acute porphyria]. PMID- 13468499 TI - [William Harvey, the discoverer of the blood circulation]. PMID- 13468500 TI - [Painless and easier birth with drugs]. PMID- 13468501 TI - [Treatment of postoperative intestinal atony with pursennid]. PMID- 13468502 TI - [Poliomyelitis & tonsillectomy]. PMID- 13468503 TI - [Medicinal local treatment of osteomyelitis & its results]. PMID- 13468504 TI - [Late results of the first roentgen irradiation performed in 1896]. PMID- 13468505 TI - [Effects of Gastein cures on the endocrine system]. PMID- 13468506 TI - [The autonomic block in pediatrics]. PMID- 13468507 TI - [Titer & immune globulins in Salmonella infections treated with antibiotics]. PMID- 13468508 TI - [Dermatological problems in aged]. PMID- 13468509 TI - [Experiences with a very effective new analgesic]. PMID- 13468510 TI - [Experiences with recosen]. PMID- 13468511 TI - [Clinical aspects of silicosis]. PMID- 13468512 TI - [Hazards of cardiac therapy; digitalis, quinidine, novocainamide]. PMID- 13468513 TI - [Medicinal local treatment of osteomyelitis & its results]. PMID- 13468514 TI - [Percutaneous use of testosterone in an alcoholic solution]. PMID- 13468515 TI - [Drinking cures in nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13468516 TI - [Use of plastic materials in surgery]. PMID- 13468517 TI - [Clinical value of thoracic fluoroscopy]. PMID- 13468518 TI - [Problems of expert testimony on traumatic non-localized processes of brain atrophy]. PMID- 13468519 TI - [Treatment of chronic constipation in aged]. PMID- 13468520 TI - [The limbic system; investigation and clinical aspects]. PMID- 13468521 TI - [Acute hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis]. PMID- 13468522 TI - [Aging man and balneology]. PMID- 13468524 TI - [The question of an optimal time for surgery in cryptorchism]. PMID- 13468523 TI - [Problems in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy]. PMID- 13468525 TI - [Results of a test of a pure theophylline in a pulmotest and a clinical trial in bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13468526 TI - [Classical blood groups in relation to carcinoma and peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13468527 TI - [When shall goiter in adolescence be operated on]. PMID- 13468528 TI - [Structural regulations in the vegetative short circuit in focal reactions]. PMID- 13468529 TI - [Nonhemolytic transfusion disorders in blood diseases and their prevention or therapy with the antihistamine preparation synistamin]. PMID- 13468530 TI - [New occupational diseases]. PMID- 13468531 TI - [Physical fundamentals & clinical value of phonocardiography]. PMID- 13468532 TI - [Electron microscopy of liver cells in serum & epidemic hepatitis; preliminary report]. PMID- 13468533 TI - [Effects of levulose combined with vitamin B complex in radiation injuries]. PMID- 13468534 TI - [Effects of thrombin]. PMID- 13468535 TI - [Bacteriophagia as a borderline field of antibiosis]. PMID- 13468536 TI - [Supportive use of cortisone and prednisolone during tuberculostatic therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468537 TI - [Three years experiences in the use of the AHG consumption test in rheumatic heart diseases]. PMID- 13468539 TI - [Methionine determination in human serum, especially in essential hypertension]. PMID- 13468538 TI - [The role of vitamin B12 in carbohydrate metabolism]. PMID- 13468541 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468542 TI - [Forensic problems of amnesia]. PMID- 13468540 TI - [On Wagner-Jauregg's centenary]. PMID- 13468543 TI - [Histochemistry & classification of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease]. PMID- 13468544 TI - [Distorted image of the eye region]. PMID- 13468545 TI - [The role of the wife in the pathogenesis of alcoholism]. PMID- 13468546 TI - [Control of success in therapy of schizophrenia by psychological test methods]. PMID- 13468547 TI - [Localization of a rhinogenous brain abscess with radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13468548 TI - [The problem of therapy of a working epileptic]. PMID- 13468549 TI - [Demonstration of an infraclinoidal aneurysm of the internal carotid artery]. PMID- 13468551 TI - Brucellosis presenting as thrombocytopenic purpura: a case report. PMID- 13468550 TI - Chronic nutritional deficiencies as seen in an eye, ear, nose, and throat practice; an analysis of 681 cases. PMID- 13468552 TI - Psychosomatic skin diseases. PMID- 13468553 TI - Problems in diagnosis and management of the braininjured child. PMID- 13468554 TI - Treatment of methanol poisoning. PMID- 13468556 TI - EXPERT committee on biological standardization; tenth report. PMID- 13468555 TI - Rural school sanitation, as it looks to your State Board of Health. PMID- 13468557 TI - [Various aspects of medical responsibility]. PMID- 13468558 TI - [Human experimentation]. PMID- 13468559 TI - [Role of the family physician]. PMID- 13468560 TI - The role of the patient in clinical research of a physiological problem. PMID- 13468561 TI - Early pregnancy and fertility tests. PMID- 13468563 TI - An unusual ectopia cordis in a human stillborn infant. PMID- 13468562 TI - The rheumatoid factor in serum and synovial fluid. PMID- 13468564 TI - Reflex effects of acute hypertension in the pulmonary vascular bed of the dog. PMID- 13468566 TI - Studies on the biochemical and serological properties of Escherichia coli. 2. On the Escherichia coli isolated from normal feces and pathological materials. PMID- 13468565 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of vascular disease: the effect of intravenously injected human plasma and of lipid-rich human plasma globulins on inflammatory lesions of the coronary arteries of dogs. PMID- 13468567 TI - Further studies on the classification of the genus Candida. VI. Antigenic analysis of four species. PMID- 13468569 TI - [Hydromechanical significance of sedimentation rate determined by shifting the level of the suspension layer]. PMID- 13468568 TI - On a case of genital gaseous phlegmon. PMID- 13468570 TI - The present state of the treatment of hard of hearing in Japan. PMID- 13468571 TI - [Experimental studies on the virus of infectious anemia of horses. II. Ultrafiltration and electron microscopy of viruses fixed in white mice]. PMID- 13468572 TI - [Prednisolone therapy of infectious mononucleosis]. PMID- 13468573 TI - [Morphology of the poison apparatus of Japanese fish. XVI. Summary of poison apparatus]. PMID- 13468574 TI - [Review of modern methods of chemical analysis in the clinical field; chromatographic analysis]. PMID- 13468575 TI - [ACTH therapy of temporal arteritis]. PMID- 13468576 TI - [Contribution on diagnosis of autonomic regulatory disorders & hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13468577 TI - [Contribution on differential diagnosis of ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13468578 TI - [Skin color changes]. PMID- 13468579 TI - [Observations on a series of human cases of rabies during the past years]. PMID- 13468580 TI - [Drinking water pollution by phenol in the ground water]. PMID- 13468581 TI - [Electron microscopy of normal & neoplastic rat liver cells]. PMID- 13468582 TI - [Carl August Schubart (1785-1873) a prominent physician in Kahla (Thuringia); the centenary of his fiftieth anniversary as doctor of medicine, the 8th of August 1957]. PMID- 13468583 TI - [The art of healing in ancient Indonesia]. PMID- 13468584 TI - [Requisite time, minimal time and chronaxy]. PMID- 13468585 TI - [Significance of wall musculature for the elasticity of aortic air chamber]. PMID- 13468586 TI - [Experimental research on the relation of pressure and volume of rubber tubes. I]. PMID- 13468587 TI - [Effect of stroke frequency on the action potential and mechanogram of a heart strip preparation in different temperatures]. PMID- 13468588 TI - [Frequency in the reaction of pupils to light]. PMID- 13468589 TI - [Transmission characteristics of electrophysiological experimental set-up]. PMID- 13468591 TI - [Effects of the posterior pituitary hormone on the human uterus during the menstrual cycle & in pregnancy. II. Pregnancy]. PMID- 13468590 TI - [Effects of the posterior pituitary hormone on the human uterus during the menstrual cycle & in pregnancy. I. Menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13468592 TI - [Short wave stimulation of the diencephalon for leukopenia in carcinoma cases after radium & x-ray therapy]. PMID- 13468593 TI - [The vaginal cycle]. PMID- 13468594 TI - [Penicillin in maternal & infant blood & in amniotic fluid under depot penicillin administration]. PMID- 13468596 TI - [Dietary salt substitutes in general and a new sodium chloride substitute in particular]. PMID- 13468595 TI - [Experience with a new spasmolytic in obstetrics]. PMID- 13468597 TI - [Present clinical aspects of endocarditis in adults]. PMID- 13468598 TI - [Experience with early diagnosis of gastric cancer by coordinating anamnesis with radiography]. PMID- 13468599 TI - [The role of the reticuloendothelial system in development of cancer]. PMID- 13468600 TI - [The glucose tolerance test in determination of liver function]. PMID- 13468601 TI - [Blood protein picture & liver function tests in epidemic hepatitis in children]. PMID- 13468602 TI - [Evaluation of the blood protein picture in differential diagnosis of jaundice; paper electrophoretic findings]. PMID- 13468603 TI - [Critical evaluation of modern cancer tests]. PMID- 13468604 TI - [Blood protein studies in mice during starvation]. PMID- 13468605 TI - [The blood proteins in porphyria]. PMID- 13468606 TI - [Clinical studies on liver cirrhosis. II. Relation of liver cirrhosis to the allergic and collagen diseases]. PMID- 13468607 TI - [Various new therapeutic methods in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13468609 TI - [Carbohydrate metabolism in obesity]. PMID- 13468608 TI - [Results with erycinum in internal diseases]. PMID- 13468610 TI - [Genuine insulin injuries of genuine insulin toxicity]. PMID- 13468611 TI - [Relation between pulse wave celerity, blood pressure and capillary resistance in labile and fixed hypertension and arteriosclerosis under comparative medication by Rauwolfia serpentina Benth and a horse chestnut-rutin preparation]. PMID- 13468612 TI - [Role of reflex mechanisms in maintaining intraocular pressure]. PMID- 13468613 TI - [Diagnostic value of uropepsins in pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13468614 TI - [Isoniazid as ulcer remedy]. PMID- 13468615 TI - [Etiology of Lipschutz's pseudosyphilis papulosa]. PMID- 13468616 TI - [Heredobiologic aspects of allergy; review & personal observations]. PMID- 13468617 TI - [Esophageal stenoses with epidermolysis bullosa; remarks on G. W. Korting's paper]. PMID- 13468618 TI - [Malignant degeneration in a region of old wounds due to frambesia]. PMID- 13468619 TI - [Treatment of chronic recurrent herpes simplex]. PMID- 13468620 TI - [Critical comments on oxygenated tissue therapy of trophic leg ulcer]. PMID- 13468621 TI - [Observations on two families afflicted with hereditary epidermolysis bullosa simplex]. PMID- 13468622 TI - [Light protective effects of esters & amides of p-methoxycinnamic acid. 2. Light protective effects of alkyl esters of p-methoxycinnamic acid & of p-acylamino- and alkoxyphenylacylpyridinium salts]. PMID- 13468623 TI - [A fatal case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome due to phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13468624 TI - [Psychological & therapeutic aspects of acne vulgaris]. PMID- 13468626 TI - [Blocking of salicylic acid excretion by benemid]. PMID- 13468625 TI - [To Josef Vonkennel on his 60th birthday]. PMID- 13468627 TI - [Indication for testicular biopsy in male fertility disorders]. PMID- 13468628 TI - [Demonstration of dermatophytes by means of adhesive tape & periodic acid Schiff reagent staining]. PMID- 13468629 TI - [Keloid formation after revaccination of uniovular twins]. PMID- 13468630 TI - [Dermatologic contribution on certain clinical phenomena in simultaneous trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13468631 TI - [Hexachlorophene in dermatology]. PMID- 13468632 TI - [In memoriam Alfred Stuhmer]. PMID- 13468633 TI - [Immunobiological processes & their interaction in specific vaccine therapy of psoriasis vulgaris]. PMID- 13468634 TI - [Radio-isotope studies of dermatological interest]. PMID- 13468635 TI - [Steroid hormone therapy of skin diseases]. PMID- 13468636 TI - [To Prof. H. Lohe on his 80th birthday]. PMID- 13468637 TI - [Experimental findings concerning the behavior of pathogenic dermatophytes]. PMID- 13468638 TI - [Cephalosporiosis; a contribution to the symptomatology of rare mycoses]. PMID- 13468639 TI - [Results of electron microscopy of the intercellular corial substance in Buschke's sclero-edema adultorum]. PMID- 13468640 TI - [Disseminated miliary cutaneous tuberculosis & lupus vulgaris in generalized lymph node & pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468641 TI - [Clinical manifestations of porphyria cutanea tarda]. PMID- 13468642 TI - [Poliomyelitis and the weather]. PMID- 13468643 TI - [Selective effect of etherial oils on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria]. PMID- 13468644 TI - [Production of complement fixing S- and V antibodies against mumps in animals]. PMID- 13468645 TI - [Aerobiosis of two Flexner strains and oneanaerobic strains (Cl. perfringens)]. PMID- 13468646 TI - [A surgical disease caused by Salmonella moscow in a returning war prisoner from Russia]. PMID- 13468648 TI - [Comparative research on utilization of various commercial peptones by Salmonella typhi]. PMID- 13468647 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468649 TI - [Typing of phages of typhoid bacteria in epidemiological determination of new cases]. PMID- 13468650 TI - [Studies of the diphtherial strain 499]. PMID- 13468651 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468652 TI - [A new vg-allele in Drosophila melanogaster]. PMID- 13468653 TI - [A case of double fertilization in Drosophila ambigua Pom]. PMID- 13468654 TI - [The digital localization type of obstructive arterial diseases; clinical aspects of circulatory disorders of the upper extremities]. PMID- 13468655 TI - [Walking test as a criterium of the clinical course and therapeutic effects in claudicatio intermittens]. PMID- 13468656 TI - [Significance of arteriography of the feet in the diagnosis of vascular diseases]. PMID- 13468657 TI - [Acral skin resistance measurement for the determination of trophic disorders in angio-organopathies]. PMID- 13468658 TI - [An unusual abnormality of the coronary artery]. PMID- 13468659 TI - [Changes in the blood protein composition in some circulatory diseases]. PMID- 13468661 TI - [Auditory training]. PMID- 13468660 TI - [A contribution on direction hearing]. PMID- 13468662 TI - [Injurious effects of isoniazid on the eighth cranial nerve]. PMID- 13468663 TI - [Surgical separation of cicatricial adhesions between the soft palate & the pharynx]. PMID- 13468664 TI - [Contribution on surgical technic for lateral fistulas of the neck]. PMID- 13468665 TI - [Flexible holder for tube & connecting piece in intubation anesthesia]. PMID- 13468666 TI - [Early diagnosis of hearing disorders in preschool children and establishment of kindergartens]. PMID- 13468667 TI - [Adaptation of separate schooling for children according to the degree of hearing loss]. PMID- 13468668 TI - [Hearing aids]. PMID- 13468669 TI - [Legal & other bases of aid to persons suffering from hearing & speech disorders]. PMID- 13468670 TI - [Investigations on growth of rat prostate in tissue culture]. PMID- 13468671 TI - [Investigations on the innervation of striated skeletal muscles in white rats]. PMID- 13468672 TI - [Occurrence of Kupffer's stellate cells and fat-storing cells in liver of fish (Cyprinus carpio)]. PMID- 13468673 TI - [Experimental investigations on regeneration of transected spinal cord of Amblyostoma mexicanum]. PMID- 13468674 TI - [Contributions to ontogenesis of the hypophysis of Testudo graeca and Emys orbicularis, with special consideration of its relations to prechordal plate, chorda and intestinal roof]. PMID- 13468675 TI - [Comparative-histological investigations of the nerve elements of the esophagus]. PMID- 13468676 TI - [Comparative quantitative investigations of the allocortex of wild and domestic swine]. PMID- 13468677 TI - [Photofluorography of the population of the German Democratic Republic in 1955; statistical results]. PMID- 13468678 TI - [Tracheal rinsing & laryngeal smears in detection of tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13468679 TI - [Demonstration of tubercle bacilli by simplified fluorescence microscopy]. PMID- 13468680 TI - [A case of rheumatic purpura associated with pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468681 TI - [Carbon arc lamp with spontaneous ignition and constant light production for purposes of microscopy]. PMID- 13468682 TI - [A new damp chamber for biological and microbiological manipulations with special reference to phase contrast and electron microscopic research]. PMID- 13468683 TI - [Surface structures of Paramecium spec. and Opalina ranarum]. PMID- 13468684 TI - [Electron microscope with a device for diffraction of the microfield and for dark field image through single reflexion]. PMID- 13468685 TI - [Controllable magnetostatic lens systems for an electron microscope]. PMID- 13468686 TI - [Health & fire protection in photogravure printing]. PMID- 13468687 TI - [New works on type determining phages of Salmonella typhi in relation of adaptation of Vi-phage II]. PMID- 13468688 TI - [Type determining phages in degraded typhoid strains]. PMID- 13468689 TI - [Lysotyping of Salmonella typhi with adaptable phages other than Vi-phage II]. PMID- 13468690 TI - [Effect of changes in the pH value and of glucose addition to agar culture medium on results of lysotyping]. PMID- 13468691 TI - [Several lysotypes in an epidemic of typhus abdominalis]. PMID- 13468693 TI - [Constancy of staphylococcal types determined by lysotyping]. PMID- 13468692 TI - [Lysotyping of Escherichia coli isolated from dyspeptic feces in the newborn]. PMID- 13468694 TI - [Specificity of type-phages for staphylococcal groups]. PMID- 13468695 TI - [Endemic spread of Staphylococci in maternity hospitals]. PMID- 13468696 TI - [Phage typing of Staphylococcus aureus; incidence of strains isolated from various materials with a special reference to Staphylococcal strains isolated from mastitis]. PMID- 13468697 TI - [Effect of various environmental factors on the general pigment composition of Micrococcus pyogenes]. PMID- 13468698 TI - [Interpretation of pigment function in Micrococcus pyogenes]. PMID- 13468699 TI - [Biochemical and immunochemical research on Brucella]. PMID- 13468700 TI - [How long does a tularin test remain positive]. PMID- 13468701 TI - [Methylene blue as an adjuvant in complex treatment of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468702 TI - [Sterilization and culture tests with highly thermoresistant spore earth]. PMID- 13468703 TI - [Preparation of formvar net foils and their use for microcultures]. PMID- 13468704 TI - [Long-term cultures of Toxoplasma gondii in HeLa cells]. PMID- 13468705 TI - [Histological changes of a chick embryo induced by the virus of Czechoslovakia tick encephalitis]. PMID- 13468706 TI - [Purification of viruses with Bentonid]. PMID- 13468707 TI - [Clinically non-symptomatic Eperythrozoon infection in albino mice connected with liver changes]. PMID- 13468708 TI - [Bismuthsulphite agar (Wilson) for identification of Salmonella; supplementary report]. PMID- 13468709 TI - [A new Arizona serotype 5:1,2,5,6]. PMID- 13468710 TI - [Effect of extreme diets on fecal flora in man. II]. PMID- 13468711 TI - [Examination of the gram-positive fecal flora in a breast-fed infant]. PMID- 13468712 TI - [Metabolic utilization of carbon nitrogen by ammonia-assimilating strains of two mammalian types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13468713 TI - Tuberculostatic effects of synthetic azine dyes. PMID- 13468714 TI - [Nephelometric determination of nitrofurazone, especially in the presence of dodecyl-di(amino-ethyl)-glycine-hydrochloride]. PMID- 13468715 TI - [A principle promoting bacterial growth. II. Growth stimulation of different germs by beta-d-glucose]. PMID- 13468716 TI - [Increase of cell plasma]. PMID- 13468718 TI - [Studies with the toxoplasmin test]. PMID- 13468717 TI - [A device for counting colonies of bacteria]. PMID- 13468719 TI - [Modern anesthesia in small & average size hospitals; experience with 3000 cases of anesthesia with curare without intubation]. PMID- 13468720 TI - [Intubation anesthesia with curare; a review of 2000 cases of anesthesia with d tubocurarine chloride]. PMID- 13468721 TI - [Experience with peridural anesthesia, with special consideration of blood pressure stabilizing adjuvants in the anesthetic solution]. PMID- 13468722 TI - [Experience with the short-acting anesthetic thiogenal in 5% solution]. PMID- 13468723 TI - [The so-called snoring & mouth breathing preventive strap as an aid in anesthesia]. PMID- 13468724 TI - [Tooth protective device in intubation anesthesia]. PMID- 13468726 TI - [Justification of bilateral adrenalectomy in thromboangiitis; theoretical considerations]. PMID- 13468725 TI - [The first ether anesthesia in pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13468727 TI - [Tantalum mesh implantation in recurrent hernia and histological findings in related tests on animals]. PMID- 13468728 TI - [Multiple occurrence of primary & secondary malignant tumors]. PMID- 13468729 TI - [Hohmann's operation, a commendable method in therapy of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus]. PMID- 13468730 TI - [Two unusual cases of cutaneous emphysema]. PMID- 13468731 TI - [Experimental cardiac spasm]. PMID- 13468732 TI - [Traumatic collapse of the lung]. PMID- 13468733 TI - [Drilling wires for fixation of flaps & fragments at the cranial roof]. PMID- 13468734 TI - [Experiences with the alternating incision at the right rib bow; Orator's modification of Pribram's costal incision]. PMID- 13468736 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468735 TI - [Unusual case of testicular torsion in infant as a contribution to the clarification of this disease]. PMID- 13468737 TI - [Results of 500 hallux valgus operations]. PMID- 13468738 TI - [Transplantation in burns]. PMID- 13468739 TI - [Embolism due to projectile]. PMID- 13468740 TI - [Strenghtening of circulation in surgery in aged]. PMID- 13468741 TI - [Ten years' experience with surgery of gastric cancer]. PMID- 13468742 TI - [Thiersch's patch technic in repair of rectal defects]. PMID- 13468743 TI - [Vertebral puncture for biopsy]. PMID- 13468744 TI - [Pseudoarthrosis following sternal fracture]. PMID- 13468745 TI - [Extirpation of the patella with partial regeneration through retained periosteum]. PMID- 13468746 TI - [Kirschner nailing in fractures of clavicle & forearm]. PMID- 13468747 TI - [The problem of urinary bypass after cystectomy; with demonstration]. PMID- 13468748 TI - [Accidents during thyroid operations]. PMID- 13468749 TI - [Contribution on the surgical management of cardial sclerosis]. PMID- 13468750 TI - [A contribution on the topic of limy bile]. PMID- 13468751 TI - [Contribution on splenic rupture in two stages]. PMID- 13468752 TI - [Malformations of bladder & ureters; pyuria in children as a pathognomonic symptom of abnormalities of the excretory urinary ducts]. PMID- 13468754 TI - [Experience with the blood transfusion service at the Chirurgische Universitets Klinik in Rostock]. PMID- 13468753 TI - [Retention of thorotrast in the kidneys 15 years after retrograde pyelography; new radiograms, this time directly enlarged]. PMID- 13468755 TI - [Applicability of the prontosil liver function test in pregnancy]. PMID- 13468756 TI - [Amenorrhea after appendectomy]. PMID- 13468757 TI - [Pregnancy & labor after isolated tuberculous endometritis]. PMID- 13468758 TI - [A simple method of treating umbilical cord prolapse; preliminary report]. PMID- 13468759 TI - [Surgical correction of ectopic bladder]. PMID- 13468760 TI - [Early & late results of intraperitoneal implantation of the ureters into the bladder]. PMID- 13468761 TI - [Dynamic evacuation disorders of the upper urinary tract]. PMID- 13468762 TI - [Urinary casts & concrement formation following sulfonamide administration]. PMID- 13468763 TI - [Clinical contribution on the hepatorenal syndrome]. PMID- 13468764 TI - [Cystolithiasis in vesicovaginal fistula]. PMID- 13468765 TI - [Experimental studies on free periureteral transplantation of the omentum after denudation of the ureter]. PMID- 13468766 TI - [Butazolidin therapy of thrombosis]. PMID- 13468767 TI - [Etiology of the so-called rebound wave (Wolf's term)]. PMID- 13468768 TI - [Radiophosphorus studies of the placental barrier function under normal conditions & in experimental epilepsy]. PMID- 13468770 TI - [The question of menstrual release]. PMID- 13468769 TI - [Personal studies on a sirenoid monster]. PMID- 13468771 TI - [The radiogram of metrorrhagia & its differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13468772 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13468773 TI - [Determination of cervical findings by colposcopic cervix-areametry]. PMID- 13468774 TI - [Blood picture studies in pregnancy, labor & puerperium]. PMID- 13468775 TI - [The psychological aspect of labor pains]. PMID- 13468776 TI - [Effects of chlorpromazine on labor pains]. PMID- 13468777 TI - [Prognostic indications for general medication in control of postpartum hemorrhage]. PMID- 13468778 TI - [Considerations on mastitis]. PMID- 13468779 TI - [EEG studies in fresh closed intracranial injuries]. PMID- 13468780 TI - [Massive hemorrhages into adenoma of the hypophysis]. PMID- 13468781 TI - [The problem of bilateral carotid occlusion]. PMID- 13468782 TI - [Alcoholization of the facial nerve following its localization by electrostimulation]. PMID- 13468783 TI - Examination of normal and myxedematous skin; use of Mowry's alcian blue-periodic acid-Schiff technique. PMID- 13468784 TI - Thyroid-iodide therapy of blastomycosis. PMID- 13468785 TI - The allergic eczema-like reaction and the primary irritant reaction; a histologic comparison of their evolution in the acanthotic skin of guinea pigs. PMID- 13468786 TI - The treatment of North American blastomycosis with amphotericin B. PMID- 13468787 TI - Tinea nigra palmaris in the Chicago area. PMID- 13468788 TI - Treatment of eczema herpeticum with gamma globulin. PMID- 13468789 TI - Purpura of idiopathic hyperglobulinemia; Waldenstrom's purpura hyperglobulinemica. PMID- 13468790 TI - Mechanisms of blister formation. PMID- 13468791 TI - Erythema neonatorum allergicum; a study of the incidence in two hundred newborn infants and a review of the literature. PMID- 13468792 TI - An appraisal of the therapeutic effect of riboflavin in psoriasis. PMID- 13468793 TI - Effect of ionizing radiations on fungi in vitro. PMID- 13468794 TI - Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (Gronblad-Strandberg syndrome); a clinical, light-, and electron-microscopic study. PMID- 13468795 TI - Granulomas of the axillas caused by deodorants. PMID- 13468797 TI - Actinotherapy; what are its indications in dermatology. PMID- 13468796 TI - Pseudoxanthoma elasticum; a cutaneous manifestation of a systemic disease; report of a case of Paget's disease and a case of calcinosis with arteriosclerosis as manifestations of this syndrome. PMID- 13468798 TI - Confluent and reticulated cutaneous papillomatosis; report of a case. PMID- 13468799 TI - Experimental production of acne by progesterone. PMID- 13468800 TI - The treatment of pityriasis rosea with convalescent plasma, gamma globulin, and pooled plasma. PMID- 13468801 TI - Charles Robert Rein; 1904-1957. PMID- 13468802 TI - Recent changes in maximum permissible exposure values. PMID- 13468803 TI - The biological action of Degussa submicron amorphous silica dust (Dow Corning Silica). IV. Studies on guinea pigs infected with tuberculosis. PMID- 13468804 TI - Experimental infective pneumoconiosis. V. Massive fibrosis of the lungs produced by coal-mine dust and Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. muris (Vole bacillus). PMID- 13468805 TI - Gas-mask protection against diborane, pentaborane, and mixtures of boranes. PMID- 13468806 TI - Blood cholinesterase activity; practical considerations in routine testing programs. PMID- 13468807 TI - Effect of air contaminants on reproduction and offspring survival in mice. PMID- 13468808 TI - Dry aluminum powder therapy for thermal burns. PMID- 13468810 TI - The treatment of burns. PMID- 13468809 TI - The exposure method in the treatment of burns. PMID- 13468811 TI - Oral treatment of burn shock. PMID- 13468812 TI - The use of energy costs in regulating physical activity in chronic disease. PMID- 13468813 TI - Pathogenesis of renal infection. PMID- 13468814 TI - Sulfamethoxypyridazine in urinary tract infections. PMID- 13468815 TI - Bacteriuria and the diagnosis of infections of the urinary tract; with observations on the use of methionine as a urinary antiseptic. PMID- 13468816 TI - A review of the prolonged use of estrogens and androgens in postmenopausal and senile osteoporosis. PMID- 13468817 TI - Observations on the role of androgens and estrogens in body balance. PMID- 13468818 TI - Present concepts of steroid therapy in virilizing adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13468819 TI - The effects of estrogens on serum lipids in women. PMID- 13468820 TI - Experimental basis for anabolic therapy. PMID- 13468821 TI - Study of a long-acting quinidine preparation: experience in normal subjects and in patients with myocardial abnormality. PMID- 13468822 TI - Hemophilia in Negro subjects. PMID- 13468823 TI - Treatment of acute gouty arthritis with demecolcine. PMID- 13468824 TI - Clinical implications of excess aldosterone output. PMID- 13468825 TI - The solitary circumscribed pulmonary nodule. PMID- 13468826 TI - Pathological changes noted in bone marrow in a case of Q fever. PMID- 13468827 TI - Cholesteremia and nicotinic acid. PMID- 13468828 TI - Saturnine gout; a secondary type of gout. PMID- 13468829 TI - Acute renal failure due to scleroderma kidney disease; a report of one case with autopsy findings. PMID- 13468830 TI - Anaplastic myxoma of left atrium. PMID- 13468831 TI - Hepatolenticular degeneration associated with acanthosis nigricans. PMID- 13468833 TI - Practical aspects of long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13468832 TI - High-output circulatory failure due to arteriovenous fistula; complication of intervertebral-disk surgery. PMID- 13468834 TI - A brief history of the portal circulation. PMID- 13468835 TI - Terminal distribution of spinoreticular fibers in the cat. PMID- 13468836 TI - Hypothermia and cerebral vascular lesions. II. Experimental middle cerebral artery interruption followed by induction of hypothermia. PMID- 13468837 TI - Psychomotility and parkinsonism in treatment with neuroleptic drugs. PMID- 13468838 TI - Treatment of myotonia with procainamide. PMID- 13468839 TI - A general theory of treatment in psychiatry. PMID- 13468841 TI - Jacksonism and the works of Ribot. PMID- 13468840 TI - Serum oxidation tests in schizophrenic and normal subjects; copper levels, adrenaline and N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxidation rates, and glutathione concentration. PMID- 13468843 TI - Persistent effect of chlorpromazine on extinction of an avoidance response. PMID- 13468842 TI - Relation of electroencephalographic delta activity to behavioral response in electroshock; quantitative serial studies. PMID- 13468844 TI - Schizophrenia and task orientation: the structured ward setting. PMID- 13468845 TI - Effect of synthetic diet low in aromatic amino acids on schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13468846 TI - The nature of vergence revealed by electromyography. II. Accommodative and fusional vergence. PMID- 13468848 TI - Further studies on the use of digital pressure in cataract surgery. I. Optimal length of time for applications of digital pressure. PMID- 13468847 TI - Effects of iodoacetic acid on ocular inflammatory responses. PMID- 13468849 TI - Radiation effect on intraocular tissues in radon seed treatment of retinoblastoma. PMID- 13468850 TI - Ocular manifestations of sickle-cell disease. PMID- 13468851 TI - Increased intracranial pressure without papilledema. PMID- 13468852 TI - The histology of the glioma of the optic nerve; a study with silver carbonate. PMID- 13468853 TI - Fungus keratitis (Aspergillus fumigatus); treatment with nystain (mycostatin). PMID- 13468854 TI - Differential diagnostic difficulties in atypical retinoblastoma; report of a case. PMID- 13468855 TI - Experimental studies of the choroidal vessels. V. Hemodynamic observations. PMID- 13468856 TI - Coats' disease. PMID- 13468857 TI - Blindness secondary to unusual cyst of the sphenoid sinus. PMID- 13468858 TI - A temporary lens for aphakia. PMID- 13468859 TI - Vision chart for the ophthalmoscope. PMID- 13468860 TI - Leptospiral uveitis. PMID- 13468862 TI - Nasal surgery in children. PMID- 13468861 TI - Neuro-ophthalmology. PMID- 13468863 TI - The occlusal film; an adjunct to the roentgen diagnosis of nasal fractures. PMID- 13468864 TI - The question of the origin of the vibrations of the vocal cords; a clinical contribution. PMID- 13468865 TI - Adenoidectomy; an evaluation of the original technique. PMID- 13468866 TI - A new operation to restore hearing in conductive deafness of chronic suppurative origin. PMID- 13468867 TI - Contribution to etiopathogenesis of pharyngitis sicca chronica. PMID- 13468868 TI - Vascular labyrinthine syndromes in the light of a new technique; labyrinthine iontophoresis. PMID- 13468869 TI - Technique of tympanoplasty; report of cases. PMID- 13468870 TI - Binaural hearing. PMID- 13468871 TI - Adjusting the patient to the hearing aid. PMID- 13468872 TI - Effect of masking on induced conduction deafness. PMID- 13468873 TI - Two case reports of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma with primary presentation in the ear. PMID- 13468875 TI - A simple caloric test. PMID- 13468874 TI - Successful cardiac resuscitation following tetracaine reaction. PMID- 13468876 TI - Some implications of increasing antibiotic resistance of Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. PMID- 13468877 TI - Experimental pulmonary embolism in dogs: a study of the physiologic and anatomic changes following repeated infections of autogenous clots. PMID- 13468878 TI - Cardiac amyloidosis in the aged. PMID- 13468879 TI - Experimental xanthomatosis in the rabbit. II. Changes in the ground substance. PMID- 13468880 TI - Late effects of total-body roentgen irradiation. II. The influence of fractionated and single radiation doses on the incidence of tumors, nephrosclerosis, and adrenal vacuolation in Wistar rats during various periods of postirradiation survival. PMID- 13468881 TI - Myocarditis and valvulitis in dogs subsequent to cardiovascular stress. PMID- 13468882 TI - The failure to produce a local renal Shwartzman phenomenon. PMID- 13468883 TI - Skin toxicity of a hemolytic serum. PMID- 13468884 TI - Idiopathic familial oxalosis. PMID- 13468885 TI - Atherosclerotic lesions in rabbits with hemorrhagic lipemia. PMID- 13468886 TI - The inflammatory response in acute alloxan diabetes; enhanced proliferation of Rhizopus and Micrococcus in cutaneous lesions of rabbits. PMID- 13468887 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine on arterial lipid deposition in rabbits after cholesterol feeding. PMID- 13468888 TI - Acid mucopolysaccharides in the histopathogenesis of aortic aneurysms in the Lathyrus-fed rat. PMID- 13468889 TI - Lymphnodal hamartoma versus thymic choristoma of pulmonary hilum. PMID- 13468890 TI - Spontaneous pneumothorax: a consideration of pathogenesis and management with review of seventy-two hospitalized cases. PMID- 13468892 TI - Hormonal and metabolic response to injury. PMID- 13468891 TI - The surgical residency training program at Tripler Army Hospital. PMID- 13468893 TI - Wound contamination, wound infection, and the antibiotics. PMID- 13468894 TI - Wound shock and debridement. PMID- 13468895 TI - Fluid and electrolyte requirements in injury. PMID- 13468896 TI - Principles of wound healing. PMID- 13468897 TI - Sunstroke and heat exhaustion. PMID- 13468898 TI - Blast injuries in air and water. PMID- 13468899 TI - Mechanisms and management of cold injury. PMID- 13468900 TI - Early care of burns. PMID- 13468901 TI - Value of tracheotomy in the surgical patient. PMID- 13468902 TI - Management of injuries of the neck. PMID- 13468903 TI - Injury of the heart and great vessels. PMID- 13468904 TI - Management of trauma to the lungs and bronchi. PMID- 13468905 TI - Injuries of the mediastinum and esophagus. PMID- 13468907 TI - Injuries of the spinal column. PMID- 13468906 TI - Fractures of the thoracic cage. PMID- 13468908 TI - Trauma of the shoulder, arm, elbow and forearm. PMID- 13468909 TI - Injuries to the thigh, knee, and leg. PMID- 13468910 TI - Injuries of hand and wrist, foot and ankle. PMID- 13468911 TI - Tendon trauma. PMID- 13468912 TI - Trauma to the pelvis and hip. PMID- 13468913 TI - Acute head injuries. PMID- 13468914 TI - Injuries of the spinal cord. PMID- 13468915 TI - Injuries to the solid abdominal viscera. PMID- 13468916 TI - Priority of treatment in multiple injuries and summation of surgery for acute trauma. PMID- 13468917 TI - Aortography utilizing percutaneous left ventricular puncture. PMID- 13468918 TI - Surgical operations on the superior mesenteric artery. PMID- 13468919 TI - Carcinoid of the rectum. PMID- 13468920 TI - Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. PMID- 13468921 TI - Complications of translumbar aortography related to site of injection. PMID- 13468922 TI - Aminoacetic acid (glycine) as an antifibrillary agent in hypotermia. PMID- 13468923 TI - Antifibrillatory action of piperidolate hydrochloride (dactil) in hypothermia. PMID- 13468924 TI - Successful nylon prosthesis for the femoral artery and vein. PMID- 13468925 TI - Gastroschisis, with comments on embryological development and surgical treatment. PMID- 13468926 TI - Surgical treatment of gastrocolic fistula due to cancer of the colon. PMID- 13468927 TI - The intramural diverticulum and dissecting diverticulitis. PMID- 13468928 TI - Late postcholecystectomy rupture of the common bile duct. PMID- 13468929 TI - Surgical management of near-total esophageal atresia. PMID- 13468930 TI - Pathologic and histochemical observations in experimental hypothermia. PMID- 13468931 TI - Whiplash injuries of the head and neck; clinical and medicolegal considerations in management. PMID- 13468932 TI - Neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the peritoneal cavity. PMID- 13468933 TI - Pancreatic pseudocysts and fistulae; pseudocyst and fistula following blunt trauma treated by internal drainage. PMID- 13468934 TI - Acute perforated peptic ulcer; results of operative treatment. PMID- 13468935 TI - Small-bowel tumors; clinical review of thirty-four cases. PMID- 13468936 TI - Anal ileostomy; description of a two-stage procedure. PMID- 13468937 TI - Nutritional deficiencies in various areas of the world. PMID- 13468939 TI - Proteus meningitis; report of a case in a newborn caused by Proteus mirabilis. PMID- 13468938 TI - Presidential address, Society for Pediatric Research. PMID- 13468940 TI - Action of prednisone, on experimental asthma of the guinea pig. PMID- 13468941 TI - Experimental headache with endogeneous histamine; first results obtained by 48/80, a histamine-liberator drug, in the cephalic and peripheral circulatory systems of man. PMID- 13468942 TI - Besnier's prurigo and urticaria in a bronchial asthma material. PMID- 13468943 TI - Distribution of gamma globulin groups in sera from patients with allergy and psoriasis. PMID- 13468944 TI - Endocrine allergy. PMID- 13468945 TI - [Allergic correlations of diseases of the hemopoietic organs]. PMID- 13468946 TI - [Anesthesia problems in modern heart surgery]. PMID- 13468947 TI - [Surgery in diabetic patients. I. Problems of anesthesia]. PMID- 13468948 TI - [Surgery in diabetic patients. II. Problems of preoperative, peroperative & postoperative care]. PMID- 13468949 TI - [Effect of chlorpromazine on protein substrate]. PMID- 13468950 TI - [Ultrarapid anesthesia in otorhinolaryngology; experiences with a new drug; sodium salt of N-methyl-isopropyl-barbituric acid with 4 volume % of diethyl ether]. PMID- 13468951 TI - [Clinical study of a new analeptic: N,N-dibutyl-N,N'-bis (morpholinocarboxy) ethylene-diamine(prontodin)]. PMID- 13468953 TI - [Practical use of brevatonal in anesthesia]. PMID- 13468952 TI - [Intravenous thiobarbituric inducing anesthesia in children]. PMID- 13468954 TI - [Immediate & late anatomical & pathological changes in organs of guinea pigs after anesthesia with methyl-thioethyl-2-pentyl-thiobarbituric acid sodium salt]. PMID- 13468955 TI - [Effect of beta-methyl-beta-ethylglutarimide on respiration of cerebral & hepatic tissues]. PMID- 13468956 TI - [Use of a new anesthetic in bronchoesophagoscopy; a 5% solution of sodium salt of beta-bromallyl isopropyl N-methyl carbamide combined with a 4% diethyl ether]. PMID- 13468957 TI - [Behavior of liver glycogen in experimental hypoxia]. PMID- 13468958 TI - [Experimental studies on various barbiturates with ultra-short effect]. PMID- 13468959 TI - [Studies on the behavior of extracellular fluids after general anesthesia with sodium succinate of 21-hydroxypregnandione]. PMID- 13468961 TI - [A new analgesic narcotic: isopropyl chloride; practical note]. PMID- 13468960 TI - [Electrophoretic behavior of free & bound cerebral & hepatic proteins after administration of beta-methyl-beta-ethyl-glutarimide]. PMID- 13468962 TI - [Production of calculating tables for chronomicrometry. II]. PMID- 13468963 TI - [Determination of potassium in blood and urin by chronomicrometry. IV]. PMID- 13468964 TI - [Hemostatic values in the hepatic gland]. PMID- 13468965 TI - [A new method for measurement of total carbon]. PMID- 13468966 TI - [Chemotherapy]. PMID- 13468967 TI - [Histopathological findings in endometrial hyperplasia]. PMID- 13468968 TI - [Chronic brucellosis; its therapy]. PMID- 13468969 TI - [New pathogenetic and therapeutic concepts of the hyperthyroid neuroendocrine syndrome (thyrotoxicosis)]. PMID- 13468970 TI - [Argentina as a country of immigration]. PMID- 13468971 TI - [Antecedents for an anthropology]. PMID- 13468973 TI - [The indeterminate field as a contribution to the link between physics and psychology]. PMID- 13468972 TI - [A new route in natural philosophy]. PMID- 13468974 TI - [Study of a new interpretation of Meyer and Mendeleheff's table. II]. PMID- 13468975 TI - Practical research on muscles: the myologia practica. PMID- 13468976 TI - [Interpretation of strips in paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13468977 TI - [Synthesis of gamma-phosphonoglutamic acid]. PMID- 13468978 TI - [Effect of surgical removal of a tumor on nitrogen balance in rats]. PMID- 13468979 TI - [Energy balance in growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv]. PMID- 13468980 TI - [Modification of diacetyl method of determination of creatine and phosphocreatine]. PMID- 13468981 TI - [Synoptic method of presentation of structural content in biochemistry]. PMID- 13468983 TI - [New method for the esterification of amino acids]. PMID- 13468982 TI - [Phosphorus fractions of psoriatic scales (psoriasis vulgaris)]. PMID- 13468984 TI - [Potassium content of the blood serum in healthy men. II. Effects of venous stasis, diet and exercise; individual constancy of potassium level]. PMID- 13468985 TI - [Neuraminic acid in serum protein fractions obtained by salting out and by methanol fractionation]. PMID- 13468986 TI - [Photometric method for the determination of oxyhemoglobin/total hemoglobin ratio in blood]. PMID- 13468988 TI - [Investigations on the biosynthesis of alkaloids in Lupinus angustifolius]. PMID- 13468987 TI - [Activation of rye seed tyrosinase]. PMID- 13468989 TI - Mitral valvotomy in pregnancy. PMID- 13468991 TI - [Intercoronary anastomoses like those seen in postmortem coronarography]. PMID- 13468990 TI - [Esophageal electrocardiogram in paroxysmal tachycardia & auricular flutter before & after quinidine & procaine amide therapy]. PMID- 13468992 TI - [Heparin, cholesterol & plasma protein values in the general evolution of atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13468993 TI - [Use of radioactive iodine (I 131) in the treatment of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13468994 TI - [Electrocardiographic investigations in the kwashiorkor]. PMID- 13468995 TI - [Academician Arnold Jirasek septuagenarian]. PMID- 13468996 TI - [Formation of callouses in intra-axial osteosynthesis]. PMID- 13468998 TI - [Clinical manifestations and therapy of so-called cystic degeneration of the lateral knee meniscus]. PMID- 13468997 TI - [Some comments on the physical & chemical properties of metals in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13468999 TI - [The fixed knee in traumatological care]. PMID- 13469000 TI - [Experiences with therapy of post-traumatic and postoperative synovitis of knee]. PMID- 13469001 TI - [A rare case of injury to soft tissue of knee]. PMID- 13469002 TI - [Traumatic rupture of pubic symphysis]. PMID- 13469003 TI - [Clinical x-ray changes of locomotor apparatus in a ballet group]. PMID- 13469004 TI - [Fundamental types of injuries in tuberculosis of locomotor organs]. PMID- 13469005 TI - [Experimental contribution on the effect of nutrition on fracture healing]. PMID- 13469006 TI - [Experiences with suturing injured tendons of hand and fingers]. PMID- 13469007 TI - [Dislocation of knee]. PMID- 13469008 TI - [Mobilization of elbow in progressive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13469009 TI - [So-called tumors of the latero-cervical aberrant thyroid gland; lymph node metastasis of occult thyroid carcinoma]. PMID- 13469010 TI - [Repair of loss of skin substance with proximal flaps]. PMID- 13469011 TI - [Chronic hyperostotic & necrotic osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13469012 TI - [Clinical variant of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome]. PMID- 13469013 TI - [Immediate graft in severance of the flexor tendons]. PMID- 13469014 TI - [Surgical treatment of fractures of the femur neck]. PMID- 13469015 TI - [Evaluation of treatment of traumatic shock in pelvic fractures]. PMID- 13469016 TI - [Solitary plasmocytoma; presentation of a case]. PMID- 13469017 TI - [Jacobaeus pleurolysis & its possible complications in the antibiotic era]. PMID- 13469018 TI - [Urinary calculi in children; 87 cases]. PMID- 13469019 TI - [Arterial heteroplastic grafts previously x-irradiated; histological study]. PMID- 13469021 TI - [Cytologic diagnosis of gastric carcinoma]. PMID- 13469020 TI - [Double superior vena cava with Roger's disease]. PMID- 13469022 TI - [Effects of repeated adrenal grafts on the peripheral vessels of non adrenalectomized rats]. PMID- 13469023 TI - [Immediate and precocious complications of gastric resection]. PMID- 13469024 TI - [Clinical manifestations of complicated hydronephrosis]. PMID- 13469025 TI - [Dilatropon treatment of peripheral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13469026 TI - [Mediastinal cysts]. PMID- 13469027 TI - [A special method of gastrectomy for the treatment of juxta-cardial ulcers]. PMID- 13469028 TI - [Anesthetic & surgical procedures & postoperative treatment in certain cases of congenital cardiac defects]. PMID- 13469029 TI - [Bacteriology of the biliary tract]. PMID- 13469030 TI - [Postoperative peptic ulcer; clinical report on 100 operated cases with late follow-up]. PMID- 13469031 TI - [Effects of adrenalin on the leukocyte count in men determined by Schilling's hemogram]. PMID- 13469032 TI - [Intramural esophageal cysts with ciliated epithelium; case report & review of literature]. PMID- 13469033 TI - [Pyelogenic cysts of the kidneys]. PMID- 13469035 TI - [Surgical removal of a foreign body incarcerated in the esophagus]. PMID- 13469034 TI - [Functional & structural aspects of a compensatory kidney]. PMID- 13469036 TI - [Introduction to the study of the role of the peripheral lymphatic system in surgical pathology]. PMID- 13469037 TI - [Pathology & clinical aspects of the primary tumors of the thoracic wall]. PMID- 13469038 TI - [Mediastinal tumors; case reports]. PMID- 13469039 TI - [Anastomosis of coronary vessels]. PMID- 13469040 TI - [The behavior of eosinophilic blood circulation in injured persons]. PMID- 13469041 TI - [Homoplastic & alloplastic arterial substitutes]. PMID- 13469042 TI - [Experimental studies on the interruption of arterial hepatic circulation. II. Effects of direct injection of penicillin into the portal vein]. PMID- 13469043 TI - [Histologic pulmonary changes after bronchography with a non-water-soluble contrast medium, aqueous dionosil]. PMID- 13469044 TI - [Benign tumors of the stomach; clinical aspects]. PMID- 13469046 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469045 TI - [Torsion of the great omentum; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13469047 TI - [Causes of late dehiscence of anastomosis in esophageal resection]. PMID- 13469048 TI - [Surgical treatment of hemorrhagic postbulbar ulcus]. PMID- 13469049 TI - [Clinical manifestations of incomplete rotation and mobile middle intestine in children]. PMID- 13469050 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469051 TI - [Clinical manifestations & therapy of diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13469052 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469053 TI - [Examination of the colon with double contrast media with Welin's technic]. PMID- 13469054 TI - [Value of fibula in defective pseudar throsis of tibia after osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13469055 TI - [Abnormalities of kidneys and ureters]. PMID- 13469056 TI - [Case of traumatic avulsion of the skin of penis & scrotum]. PMID- 13469057 TI - The connection between skin-irritating and protein-denaturing effects of some surface-active agents. PMID- 13469059 TI - Water-washable scalp ointments. PMID- 13469058 TI - Barrier creams: a comparative investigation on the protective action of barrier creams with and without silicone oil. PMID- 13469060 TI - Purpura; as seen by the dermatologist. PMID- 13469061 TI - Lupus erythematosus profundus (Kaposi-Irgang): report of case. PMID- 13469062 TI - Generalised moniliasis. PMID- 13469063 TI - Treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis with 2-acetylamino-5-nitrothiazole (aminitrozole) given orally. PMID- 13469064 TI - Streptomycin for gonorrhoea in London in 1956. PMID- 13469065 TI - Skin complications of gold treatment. PMID- 13469066 TI - Studies on urinary gonadotrophins. III. Qualitative differences between urinary gonadotrophins of young males and of postmenopausal women. PMID- 13469067 TI - [Paper chromatographic fractionation of neutral urinary 17-ketosteroids during virilism due to congenital adrenal cortex hyperplasia; study of their biogenesis]. PMID- 13469068 TI - [Chromatographic separation of sulfates and glycuronides of urinary steroids. II. Study of 17-ketosteroids from urine of patient with adrenal cancer]. PMID- 13469069 TI - Estimation of 17,21-dihydroxy-20-keto-steroids in plasma by a micro-modification of the Silber-Porter assay. PMID- 13469070 TI - The determination of 17-OH corticosteroids in urine. PMID- 13469071 TI - 17-Ketosteroids and pseudo ketosteroids in the urine of cattle. PMID- 13469072 TI - Fluctuability of steroid excretion. PMID- 13469074 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469073 TI - Urinary excretion of catechol amines during insulin hypoglycemia in five patients with Addison's disease and in one patient after bilateral adrenalectomy. PMID- 13469075 TI - Paper electrophoresis of serum proteins in thyroidectomized rats. PMID- 13469076 TI - Effects of experimental neurosis on the thyroid and adrenal glands of the rat. PMID- 13469077 TI - [Extreme sexual dimorphism in growth of Moschus duck, Cairina moschata Flemm. II. comparative endocrinological research in domestic ducks]. PMID- 13469078 TI - Oestrogen sensitive nervous structures in the hypothalamus. PMID- 13469080 TI - [Exreme sexual dimorphis during the growth of Moschus duck, Cairina moschata Flemm. III. Bastards of Moschus drake and domestic duck]. PMID- 13469079 TI - The neurosecretory substance in the hypothalamic-hypophysial system of the horse. PMID- 13469082 TI - [Fractionation and determination of neutral urinary 17-ketosteroids during Cushing disease]. PMID- 13469081 TI - Ossification at the proximal end of the femur in female rats (Long-Evans strain). I. Changes with increasing age. II. Changes following hypophysectomy. III. Changes following injections of growth hormone, thyroxin, and their combinations. PMID- 13469083 TI - [Steroid metabolism in breast cancer. I. Comparative research on excretory relations of 17-ketosteroids using fractionated hydrolysis and adsorption chromatography]. PMID- 13469084 TI - The secretion of cortisol and corticosterone by the human adrenal cortex. PMID- 13469085 TI - [Effect of cortisone on adrenal cortex hypertrophy induced by reserpine]. PMID- 13469086 TI - The effect of adrenalectomy on the content and turnover of sodium and potassium in various organs. PMID- 13469087 TI - Studies on the mechanism of ovulation; autoradiographic investigations on the uptake of radioactive sulphate (35S) into the ovarian follicular mucopolysaccharides. PMID- 13469088 TI - Utilization of a tracer dose of radioiodine in rats with experimental liver injury. PMID- 13469089 TI - The number of circulating eosinophil leucocytes as an indication of the adrenal function in thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13469090 TI - Investigations on the urinary excretion of reducing corticoids in cattle and sheep. PMID- 13469091 TI - [Rectal complications in radiotherapy of cervix cancer; review of 349 cases detected in La Hestre clinic & treated from 1929 to September 1955 in Prof. S. Simon's service at the Institute Bordet in Brussels]. PMID- 13469092 TI - [Correlations between vitamin B12 & iron]. PMID- 13469093 TI - [Comparison of the inhibitory effects of atropine & 2 synthetic parasympatholytics of the postinsulin & basal gastric secretion in man]. PMID- 13469095 TI - [Esophageal achalasia treated by transthoracic esophagogastrostomy]. PMID- 13469094 TI - [Use of the bromsulphalein test in the study of liver repercussions in cardiac decompensation]. PMID- 13469096 TI - [Factors responsible for achlorhydria after subtotal gastrectomy]. PMID- 13469097 TI - [Effect of chylomicrons on thymol turbidity test]. PMID- 13469098 TI - [Complications of infectious hepatitis]. PMID- 13469099 TI - [Cranial injuries followed by acute pancreatitis & acute diabetes (coma); recovery from pancreatitis & remission of diabetes]. PMID- 13469100 TI - [Solitary schwannoma of the small intestine with hemorrhagic symptomatology]. PMID- 13469101 TI - [Ulcerogenic action of oxytetracycline on the stomach of man]. PMID- 13469102 TI - [Leiofibromyoma of the gastric fundus]. PMID- 13469104 TI - Methods in human genetics. PMID- 13469103 TI - [Voluminous fibrosarcoma of the upper portion of the stomach treated by extensive inverted gastrectomy & splenectomy]. PMID- 13469105 TI - The twin-study method in wider perspective. PMID- 13469106 TI - [A methodical contribution of twin research to human genetics]. PMID- 13469107 TI - Determination of the zygosity of twins. PMID- 13469108 TI - Genetic-statistical data on the presence of secondary oocytary twins among non identical twins. PMID- 13469109 TI - The collection of 300 twin index cases for a study of tuberculosis in twins and their families. PMID- 13469110 TI - [Results of a reexamination of the Berlin twin series after 20-25 years; preliminary results]. PMID- 13469111 TI - [Preliminary report on the state of health of children of consanguinous marriages]. PMID- 13469112 TI - The range of applicability of multifactorial genetics to man. PMID- 13469113 TI - Generalized formulae of the penetrance calculus. PMID- 13469114 TI - Linkage studies with multiple allelomorphic genes. PMID- 13469116 TI - [Relativity of mendel's classical concepts of dominance and recessiveness]. PMID- 13469115 TI - [A case of heredity in circumscribed aplasia of the vertex with indications to blood groups]. PMID- 13469117 TI - [Importance of human genetics in medicine]. PMID- 13469118 TI - Suggestions for notation in human genetics. PMID- 13469119 TI - The incidence of diabetes and its preponderance among women. PMID- 13469120 TI - Heredity in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13469121 TI - A follow-up study of children of young diabetic mothers. PMID- 13469122 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469123 TI - [The role of genetic factors in the development of congenital myxedema with thyroid deficiency]. PMID- 13469125 TI - The carrier state in sex-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. PMID- 13469124 TI - Protein-bound iodine in relatives of patients with thyroid diseases. PMID- 13469126 TI - The inheritance of arterial blood pressure. PMID- 13469127 TI - Hereditary acromelalgia or restless legs. PMID- 13469128 TI - [Nanism as a genetic problem]. PMID- 13469129 TI - [Hereditary rickets resistant to vitamin D]. PMID- 13469130 TI - A genetic study on the hereditary methaemoglobinaemic cyanosis (H.M.C.). PMID- 13469131 TI - Heredity of the joint diseases. PMID- 13469132 TI - Hereditary factors in some rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13469133 TI - Polyarthritis in twins. PMID- 13469134 TI - The genetic behaviour of heritable disorders of connective tissue. PMID- 13469135 TI - Hereditary diseases of the osteocartilagineous system; comparative morphological basis. PMID- 13469136 TI - Hereditary factors in longevity. PMID- 13469137 TI - Biochemical genetics and its human implications. PMID- 13469138 TI - Inborn errors of lipid metabolism. PMID- 13469139 TI - Dominant inheritance of alcaptonuria. PMID- 13469140 TI - [Heterozygotic and homozygotic manifestation of certain metabolic disorders: chronic porphyria, cystinosis, Niemann-Pick disease]. PMID- 13469141 TI - A specific enzymatic defect in congenital galactosemia. PMID- 13469142 TI - Heterozygous carriers of phenylketonuria detected by phenylalanine tolerance tests. PMID- 13469143 TI - Preliminary twin data on the salivary excretion of a receptor-destroying enzyme. PMID- 13469144 TI - Genetic aspects of psoriasis. PMID- 13469145 TI - Fourteen cases of erythro-keratodermia figurata variabilis within one family. PMID- 13469147 TI - A case of general albinism. PMID- 13469146 TI - [Research on heredity of epithelioma adenoides cysticum]. PMID- 13469148 TI - [Genetic etiology of congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13469149 TI - On the inheritance and development of preaxial and postaxial types of polydactyly. PMID- 13469150 TI - The physical characteristics and heredity of short thumbs. PMID- 13469151 TI - Contribution to the study of the inheritance of dysostosis cleidocranialis. PMID- 13469152 TI - Etiological factors in clefts of the palate and lip. PMID- 13469153 TI - [Hereditary structural abnormalities of human teeth]. PMID- 13469154 TI - Hereditary defects in enamel and dentin. PMID- 13469155 TI - [Semilethal form of recessive deaf-mutism]. PMID- 13469156 TI - Consanguinity and congenital deaf mutism in the Netherlands; are the parents of deaf children detectable as heterozygotes. PMID- 13469157 TI - Two families with parents of different types of red-green blindness. PMID- 13469158 TI - [Heredity of daltonism; new observations of siblings of parents with different types of color blindness]. PMID- 13469160 TI - Heredity of disc-shaped cataract. PMID- 13469159 TI - [Dyschromatopsia and monozygotic twins]. PMID- 13469161 TI - [Nodular degeneration of the cornea (Groenow) bound to the color of the iris; pedigree of a family]. PMID- 13469163 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469162 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469164 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of pathogenesis of ametropia by a study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins]. PMID- 13469165 TI - Different types of hereditary optic atrophy. PMID- 13469167 TI - Some dominantly inherited central fundus lesions. PMID- 13469166 TI - Hereditary infantile optic atrophy with dominant transmission. PMID- 13469168 TI - A study of retinoblastoma in Ohio families. PMID- 13469169 TI - Ocular albinism with changes typical of conductors in a Danish family. PMID- 13469170 TI - [New results of genetics of muscular dystrophy]. PMID- 13469171 TI - Dystrophia myotonica, paramyotonia and myotonia congenita. PMID- 13469172 TI - Autosomal recessive inheritance of Duchennetype muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13469173 TI - The inheritance of muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13469174 TI - Homozygous appearance of distal myopathy. PMID- 13469175 TI - Adynamia episodica hereditaria. PMID- 13469176 TI - Hereditary diplegia spastica. PMID- 13469177 TI - [Electroencephalographic examination of healthy twins]. PMID- 13469178 TI - Capillary angiomatosis of the central nervous system. PMID- 13469179 TI - Capillary angiomatosis of the central nervous system (Lindau's disease); genetic aspects. PMID- 13469180 TI - Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis. PMID- 13469181 TI - The offspring of parents both mentally ill. PMID- 13469182 TI - A second investigation into the children of cousins admitted to psychiatric hospitals. PMID- 13469183 TI - A study of psychotic patients of consanguineous parentage. PMID- 13469184 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469185 TI - On mental illness in Danish twins; preliminary report. PMID- 13469186 TI - The relatives of the mentally retarded. PMID- 13469187 TI - Some aspects of kin matings with mentally defective offspring. PMID- 13469188 TI - Mongolism in twin sibships. PMID- 13469189 TI - [Studies in the etiology of mongolism]. PMID- 13469190 TI - Microcephaly in the Netherlands. PMID- 13469191 TI - Comparative studies in behavioral genetics. PMID- 13469192 TI - [Homology of behaviour in man and mammals; inheritance of behavioural patterns]. PMID- 13469193 TI - The relation between psychology and genetics. PMID- 13469194 TI - Heredity and variations in human behavior patterns. PMID- 13469195 TI - Changing intellectual functions in senescent twins. PMID- 13469196 TI - Uniovular twins brought up apart; preliminary report of a psychiatric psychological study. PMID- 13469197 TI - A twin study in mild organic deterioration. PMID- 13469198 TI - Drinking habits in twins. PMID- 13469199 TI - The family constellation analysis and alcoholism. PMID- 13469200 TI - The family constellation and homosexualism. PMID- 13469201 TI - [Genetic aspects in juvenile delinquency; criminological examination of 500 juvenile delinquents]. PMID- 13469202 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469203 TI - Counseling in medical genetics. PMID- 13469204 TI - The place of human genetics in the teaching of public health and social medicine. PMID- 13469205 TI - The public and human genetics. PMID- 13469206 TI - [Menstrual disorders of vascular origin]. PMID- 13469207 TI - [Feminine mythomania]. PMID- 13469208 TI - [Study tour of the United States of North America]. PMID- 13469209 TI - Relationship between adrenal cortex and blood-forming tissues. PMID- 13469210 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469212 TI - [Combinations of aplastic with hemolytic syndromes]. PMID- 13469211 TI - [Anatomicoclinical study of a case of microdrepanocytic anemia]. PMID- 13469213 TI - Blood glutathione concentration after haemolytic anaemia due to Vicia faba or sulphonamides. PMID- 13469214 TI - [The mechanism of erythrocyte sedimentation. II. Sedimentation conditioned by blood groups]. PMID- 13469215 TI - The survival of radiocohromium-tagged erythrocytes in pigeons, ducks and rabbits. PMID- 13469216 TI - [Malignant arterial hypertension caused by hypoplasia of one kidney; nephrectomy & recovery]. PMID- 13469217 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469218 TI - The treatment of withdrawal symptoms of opium addicts with vitamin E in ten cases. PMID- 13469219 TI - A case of cystic arrhenoblastoma of the ovary. PMID- 13469220 TI - [Angioid streaks of the retina]. PMID- 13469221 TI - [Retinitis of Coats]. PMID- 13469223 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469222 TI - [An unusual case of bilateral neurovascular obliteration of the retina]. PMID- 13469224 TI - [Paralysis of the velum pendulum palati]. PMID- 13469225 TI - [Clinical observations on purulent recurrent meningitis]. PMID- 13469226 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469227 TI - [Cure of a case of primary pulmonary tuberculosis with large cavitations by streptomycin alone]. PMID- 13469228 TI - [Hemorrhagic purpura due to focal infection]. PMID- 13469229 TI - [Pulmonary mycoses & antibiotics]. PMID- 13469230 TI - [Behavior of blood glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (aminoferase) in typhus]. PMID- 13469231 TI - [Ophthalmoneuraxitic syndrome; clinical & etiopathogenic manifestations]. PMID- 13469233 TI - [Essential hypoproteinemia; clinical manifestations]. PMID- 13469232 TI - [Chronic hepatitis associated with lithiasis, febrile icterus caused by Salmonella paratyphi A, severe hepatic insufficiency, ascites & hydrothorax; data]. PMID- 13469234 TI - The surgical management of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13469236 TI - Some remarks on the relationship between diabetes and coronary disease. PMID- 13469235 TI - Clinical observations on the effect of cortisone on intractable heart failure and its possible relation to the antidiuretic hormone. PMID- 13469237 TI - Medical therapy of malignant hypertension. PMID- 13469238 TI - Observations on primary aldosteronism. PMID- 13469239 TI - Uropepsinogen excretion in patients with pernicious anaemia and in subjects with simple achlorhydria. PMID- 13469240 TI - Anticoagulation therapy for congestive heart failure. PMID- 13469241 TI - Correlation of some kidney function tests with hemoglobin in chronic nephropathies. PMID- 13469242 TI - Extrapleural and extraperitoneal biopsy of the liver. PMID- 13469243 TI - The effect of 2-diethylaminoethyl-isonicotinamide on cardiac arrhythmia in man. PMID- 13469244 TI - Hamartoma of the spleen with inhibition of the bone marrow. PMID- 13469245 TI - Reassurance and short period of bed rest in the treatment of concussion; follow up and comparison with results in other series treated by prolonged bed rest. PMID- 13469246 TI - [Mechanism of generalized phlebohypertonia in cardiac decompensation; the role of hypoxia in the etiology of the congestion syndrome]. PMID- 13469247 TI - [An artificial kidney for the production of selective electrolyte changes in small animals with a special reference to the rabbit]. PMID- 13469248 TI - The renal response of the dog to physiological saline infusion. PMID- 13469249 TI - The resistance of the capillaries to mechanical trauma in relation to age, blood pressure and the seasons of the year; a study on material from private practice. I. Capillary fragility and age. PMID- 13469250 TI - The resistance of the capillaries to mechanical trauma in relation to age, blood pressure and the seasons of the year; a study on material from private practice. II. Capillary fragility and arterial tension; the interrelations of age, blood pressure and capillary fragility. PMID- 13469251 TI - The resistance of the capillaries to mechanical trauma in relation to age, blood pressure and the seasons of the year; a study on material from private practice. III. Relation to the seasons of the year. PMID- 13469252 TI - Vibratory perception in normal subjects; a biothesiometric study. PMID- 13469253 TI - Vibratory perception in diabetics; a biothesiometric study. PMID- 13469254 TI - Rheumatic fever in the aged; report on a hospital series from Oslo. PMID- 13469255 TI - The Rose-Waaler test with special reference to cancer. PMID- 13469256 TI - Paper chromatographic studies of blood keto acids after a fat tolerance test in certain diseases, especially neurocirculatory asthenia. PMID- 13469257 TI - Elevated capillary resistance in anemias and certain diseases of the leukemia lymphoma group. PMID- 13469258 TI - Red cell factors and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. PMID- 13469259 TI - A simple modification of the method for determining the osmotic resistance of leucocytes. PMID- 13469260 TI - The urinary excretion of SiO2 after intraperitoneal injection in rats. PMID- 13469261 TI - On the clinical value of electrocardiography in renal failure. PMID- 13469262 TI - Myonecrosis and myoglobinuria in alcohol and barbiturate intoxication. PMID- 13469263 TI - Low physical working capacity in suspected heart cases due to inadequate adjustment of peripheral blood flow (vasoregulatory asthenia). PMID- 13469265 TI - Stiff hands in long-term diabetes. PMID- 13469264 TI - Physical training of patients with vasoregulatory asthenia. PMID- 13469266 TI - The prognosis in bundle branch heart block. PMID- 13469267 TI - A benign reticulopathy associated with lipophagocytic macrophages in the bone marrow occurring in late adult life. PMID- 13469269 TI - Bilateral polycystic disease of the kidneys; a follow-up of two hundred and eighty-four patients and their families. PMID- 13469268 TI - Renal lesions due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. PMID- 13469270 TI - Bronchospirometric studies relating to a radiographic method for determining differential vital capacity. PMID- 13469271 TI - The effect of long term treatment with dicoumarol in myocardial infarction; a controlled clinical study. PMID- 13469272 TI - [Medicolegal evaluation of the degree of disablement in a case of pneumoconiosis determining a permanent partial disability]. PMID- 13469273 TI - A new way to prevent encephalitis postvaccinalis. PMID- 13469274 TI - [Medical sociology; linea Z]. PMID- 13469275 TI - [Medicolegal aspects of a new therapy: alloplastic implants in support of dental prosthesis]. PMID- 13469276 TI - [The professional responsibility of the surgeon in relation to the development of geriatric surgery]. PMID- 13469277 TI - [Instruction in international medical law at the combined Department of Medicine & Pharmacy of the University of Bordeaux]. PMID- 13469278 TI - [The conditions of use of the new therapeutics]. PMID- 13469279 TI - [Arsenic poisoning]. PMID- 13469280 TI - [Atypical clinical manifestations in the course of chronic arsenical poisoning]. PMID- 13469281 TI - [Limitations of medicolegal expert testimony in criminal arsenic poisoning]. PMID- 13469283 TI - [Special technics in forensic toxicology]. PMID- 13469282 TI - The present status of legal medicine in Nigeria. PMID- 13469284 TI - [Medicosocial aspects in incidence of traffic accidents in Geneva]. PMID- 13469285 TI - Growth of stabilized L forms of Proteus vulgaris without the addition of serum and penicillin. PMID- 13469286 TI - [Precursors in biosynthesis of nucleocyanocobalamine. IV. Synthesis of nucleocyanocobalamine by Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13469287 TI - [Use of Lochhead's method in investigation of soil distribution of microorganisms active in phosphorus metabolism]. PMID- 13469288 TI - [Bacteriological state of water of the upper course of Vistula, of its tributaries, and in Goczallkowice high water area]. PMID- 13469289 TI - [Attempted determination of metabolic dynamics in water in the retention reservoir of Kozllowa Gora. II. Daily changes of oxygen exchange, or biochemical requirements of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acid carbonates, of hydrogen ion concentration, and of plankton and bacterial]. PMID- 13469290 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469291 TI - The role of proteins in, and the question of localization of, the Gram reaction. PMID- 13469293 TI - [Chemical & antigenic structure of Corynebacteria]. PMID- 13469292 TI - [1st Isolation of Brucella suis from swine in Poland]. PMID- 13469294 TI - [Fungi & bacteria as a factor in the decaying of wool fiber]. PMID- 13469295 TI - [Experiments on the production of new yeast strains by crossing]. PMID- 13469296 TI - [The problem of mental disorders in aged]. PMID- 13469297 TI - [The tonic reflex of the palm]. PMID- 13469298 TI - [Vertebral angiography by catheterization of the radial artery]. PMID- 13469299 TI - [Immediate memory tests in Korsakoff's syndrome]. PMID- 13469300 TI - [Short term psychotherapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13469301 TI - The spontaneous motility of uterine fibromyomata and their responses to pharmacological stimuli. PMID- 13469302 TI - Cases of uterine myoma treated at the Radiumhemmet in the years 1920-1949; a clinical survey. PMID- 13469303 TI - Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube. PMID- 13469304 TI - Irregular hyperplasias of the endometrium. PMID- 13469305 TI - Ten years of tubal sterilization by the Madlener method. PMID- 13469306 TI - Cell types identified in tissue cultures of epithelium of the rabbit fallopian tube. PMID- 13469307 TI - The movements in the mechanism of disengagement with special reference to the attitude of the foetal head. PMID- 13469308 TI - Breech deliveries; with special reference to foetal mortality. PMID- 13469309 TI - Oxygen saturation in the umbilical vessels of the human foetus in normal and prolonged pregnancy. PMID- 13469310 TI - The prognostic value of histaminase and pregnandiol determination in threatening abortion. PMID- 13469312 TI - [Post-traumatic instability of the knee]. PMID- 13469311 TI - [Direct approach in osteoarticular tuberculosis (coxalgia & Pott's disease)]. PMID- 13469313 TI - [Fracture of the upper end of the tibia]. PMID- 13469314 TI - [Spondylolisthesis. I. 2 Cases of double spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13469315 TI - [Spondylolisthesis. II. Treatment by the Gill technic]. PMID- 13469316 TI - Reactions of rabbit patellary cartilage following operative defects; a morphological and autoradiographic study. PMID- 13469318 TI - Bronchial asthma; an otologic-bacteriologic investigation of the nose, sinuses and bronchi in adult patients with predominantly intrinsic asthma. PMID- 13469317 TI - Fibroosteoma of the maxillary region. PMID- 13469319 TI - Stapes mobilization; reflections and report of a new instrument. PMID- 13469320 TI - Rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis as initial symptoms in periarteritis nodosa; Wegener's granulomatosis. PMID- 13469321 TI - Stapediolysis in otosclerosis; a physiological approach. PMID- 13469322 TI - Gustatory sweating and flushing after conservative parotidectomy. PMID- 13469323 TI - Operative method in fistulas to the maxillary sinus. PMID- 13469324 TI - Paroxysmal positional vertigo following head injury; studied by electronystagmography and skin resistance measurements. PMID- 13469325 TI - The Weber test; its significance in assessing the true value of bone conduction. PMID- 13469326 TI - Pneumatization of the bone and environmental factors; experimental studies on chick humerus. PMID- 13469327 TI - [Saussure's theory of word language applied to the pathology of speech]. PMID- 13469328 TI - [Recovery of myxedematous voice followed by magnetophonic recording]. PMID- 13469329 TI - [Commentary on various interesting cases seen in our phoniatrics & logopedics service of the Red Cross of Sevilla]. PMID- 13469330 TI - [Teaching of singing, scientifically directed, as an adjuvant in phoniatrics & logopedics for correction of defects in voice, hearing & speech]. PMID- 13469331 TI - [Method of laughter conditioning for the treatment of stammering]. PMID- 13469332 TI - [Microscopic anatomy of the recurrent nerve in dogs]. PMID- 13469333 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469334 TI - Aphasic factors in a case of stammering. PMID- 13469335 TI - The sociology of aphasic research; an investigation into the sociology of knowledge. PMID- 13469336 TI - The speech of children before and after removal of adenoids and tonsils. PMID- 13469337 TI - [Aphasia & asemiatic disorders]. PMID- 13469338 TI - [Treatment of unilateral paresis of the recurrent nerve]. PMID- 13469339 TI - Different aspects of stuttering, related to etiology and symptomatology. PMID- 13469340 TI - [Study of phonation in hypoacusis in children]. PMID- 13469342 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469341 TI - [Phonetic statistics on spoken French]. PMID- 13469343 TI - [Contribution to the symptomatology of aphasia]. PMID- 13469344 TI - [Present state of logopedics in Spain]. PMID- 13469345 TI - The role of cineradiography with image amplification for evaluation of post operative cleft palate cases. PMID- 13469346 TI - Vocal elements of disturbed communication. PMID- 13469347 TI - [24 Years of logopedics at the Ligue Nationale Belge d'Hygiene Mentale]. PMID- 13469348 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469349 TI - [Model of a mechanical-electric larynx]. PMID- 13469350 TI - [Prognosis in voice building]. PMID- 13469351 TI - [Voice in operations for laryngotracheal stenosis; new surgical technic for the same]. PMID- 13469352 TI - [Phoniatric technics in the otorhinolaryngological service of the Facultad de Medicina de Madrid]. PMID- 13469353 TI - [Cineradiographic research on post-laryngectomy speech]. PMID- 13469354 TI - [Extrapyramidal voice & speech symptoms]. PMID- 13469355 TI - [Observations phonological polio]. PMID- 13469356 TI - [Chest register & head register in the membrane cushion model of the vocal cords]. PMID- 13469357 TI - [Phonetic qualities & attitudes of a good speaker]. PMID- 13469358 TI - [Rehabilitation by lip-reading & auditory training of post-dihydrostreptomycin deafness; its special characteristics]. PMID- 13469359 TI - [Relation between stammering & inability to speak]. PMID- 13469360 TI - [Functional anatomy of the vocal cords]. PMID- 13469361 TI - [100 Operations for aplasia of the ear with imperforation of the canal; technic operative verification & results]. PMID- 13469362 TI - [Treatment of cervical neoplastic adenopathy in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13469363 TI - [Direct application of ultrasonics on the vestibular apparatus in the treatment of Meniere's disease]. PMID- 13469364 TI - [Post-anesthetic laryngeal granuloma]. PMID- 13469365 TI - [Comparative experimental investigations on the functional & morphological behavior of the cochleovestibular apparatus under the effects of streptomycin sulfate & glucuronate, with data on the antibacterial activity of the 2 salts in vitro & in vivo: preliminary note]. PMID- 13469366 TI - [A laryngeal voice]. PMID- 13469367 TI - [Case of aberrant lingual thyroid; findings]. PMID- 13469368 TI - [Radium therapy of eustachian cushion]. PMID- 13469369 TI - [Various findings on cancer of the larynx]. PMID- 13469370 TI - [Presentation of a case of laryngectomy operated on according to the Garcia Hormaeche technic]. PMID- 13469372 TI - EEG findings in concomitant strabismus and other ocular diseases. PMID- 13469371 TI - The prognosis in allergy to house dust in asthmatic children elucidated by provocation experiments. PMID- 13469373 TI - The physiological heart murmur in children. PMID- 13469374 TI - Favourable effect of liquid formula-feeding high in fat to coeliac children. PMID- 13469375 TI - Phaeochromocytoma in a six year old girl. PMID- 13469376 TI - The familial occurrence of Letterer-Siwe disease. PMID- 13469377 TI - The appearance of antistreptolysin and antistaphylolysin in human colostrum. PMID- 13469378 TI - Active rickets in a twin brother, the twin sister being healthy; a contribution to the question of a sex-linked aetiological factor in rickets. PMID- 13469379 TI - Teaching in social paediatrics. PMID- 13469380 TI - [Histochemical research on zinc in the islands of Langerhans in alloxan diabetes]. PMID- 13469381 TI - [Histochemical determination of calcium as calcium oxalate in ethylene glycol poisoning]. PMID- 13469382 TI - Localization of Cd115 in different organs; an autoradiographic study. PMID- 13469383 TI - Cancer and atherosclerosis. 2. Applicability of postmortem statistics in the study of the negative correlation. PMID- 13469384 TI - The morbid anatomy of erythroblastosis in prematurity. PMID- 13469385 TI - Calcification of the heart muscle in infants. PMID- 13469387 TI - Mesonephric tumour: case report. PMID- 13469386 TI - Distributions of succinic dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in the kidneys of rats made hypertensive by partial constriction of the abdominal aorta. PMID- 13469388 TI - Infantile amaurotic idiocy; microscopical and chemical investigation of one case. PMID- 13469389 TI - The antigenic relationship between Ornithosis virus and Bacterium anitratum. PMID- 13469390 TI - The value of colony counts in evaluating the abundance of Lactobacillus bifidus in infant faeces. PMID- 13469391 TI - Investigation of the effect of para-aminobenzoic acid on tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13469392 TI - A new Salmonella type: Salmonella greenside (50:z: e, n). PMID- 13469393 TI - Two new Salmonella types: Salmonella loenga 1,42:z10:z6 and Salmonella soerenga = 30:i:1, w. PMID- 13469394 TI - Cell size distribution and single cell growth in Tetrahymena pyriformis GL. PMID- 13469395 TI - The mast cell count of the rat liver in experimental obstructive jaundice. PMID- 13469396 TI - Alveolar-cell carcinoma; intra-alveolar propagation of primary and secondary tumours in the lungs. PMID- 13469397 TI - Malignant retroperitoneal paraganglioma; report of a case with fatal intestinal hemorrhage caused by metastases in the small intestine. PMID- 13469398 TI - Some histological findings in testicles with blocked excretory ducts. PMID- 13469399 TI - Interstitial cell tumours of the testis; two cases and survey. PMID- 13469400 TI - Succinic dehydrogenase activity in the kidneys of weanling rats injured by feeding on a choline-deficient diet; a histochemical study. PMID- 13469401 TI - A revised, simplified Kauffmann-White schema. PMID- 13469402 TI - Studies on the ornithosis-related antigen from Bacterium anitratum; Bacterium anitratum and its ability to produce the ornithosis-related antigen. PMID- 13469403 TI - The appearance of nucleoli and heterochromatin in mesothelial cells and cancer cells of ascites tumours of the mouse. PMID- 13469404 TI - Production of carcinoma in ST/Eh mice with cigarette tar. PMID- 13469405 TI - The influence of cortisone on the frequency of tumour metastases. PMID- 13469406 TI - Allergic cholecystitis with vasopathia allergica (periarteritis nodosa). PMID- 13469407 TI - Influence of age on epidermal carcinogenesis in mice. PMID- 13469408 TI - Agglutinability of pyogenic staphylococci at various conditions. PMID- 13469409 TI - A new Salmonella type: Salmonella zuerich=1,9,12:c:Z39. PMID- 13469410 TI - A new Salmonella type: Salmonella haelsingborg=6,7:m,p,t,u. PMID- 13469411 TI - Investigation into the existence of functionally deficient Vi antibody. I. An analysis of the protective effects of S. typhi O and Vi antibodies on intraperitoneal typhoid infection of mice. PMID- 13469412 TI - Investigation into the existence of functionally deficient Vi antibody. II. Passive mouse protection tests with sera prepared by immunization with different typhoid vaccines. PMID- 13469414 TI - Physico-chemical and immunological studies on the virus of foot-and-mouth disease and its host tissue microsomes. PMID- 13469413 TI - Ornithosis; a study of virus and antigen. PMID- 13469415 TI - Spontaneous hyperparathyroidism in the dog; a pathological-anatomical study. PMID- 13469416 TI - [Celiac disease; review & present status]. PMID- 13469417 TI - [Present status of surgery of the newborn infant]. PMID- 13469418 TI - [Footprints in clinical pediatrics]. PMID- 13469419 TI - [Oxigenoterapia neonatal]. PMID- 13469420 TI - [15 Cases of whooping cough treated with ACTH & antibiotics]. PMID- 13469421 TI - [Acute postrubeola thrombopenia]. PMID- 13469422 TI - [Pediatric surgery in Italy]. PMID- 13469423 TI - Diffusion of bacterial and testicular hyaluronidase in dermal connective tissue. PMID- 13469425 TI - A compact cage arrangement for study of individual diuresis in large numbers of rats. PMID- 13469424 TI - Cholinesterases and muscle relaxants. III. Blood cholinesterase activity in relation to tolerance for succinylcholine. PMID- 13469426 TI - Treatment of thallium poisoning in mice; toxicological analysis by radio activation. PMID- 13469427 TI - Local action of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazoleamide, on the intraocular pressure in cats. PMID- 13469428 TI - A new method for quantitative determination of small amounts of morphine in human urine. PMID- 13469429 TI - Excretion of morphine in the urine of non-addicts. PMID- 13469430 TI - Tebamin: a derivative of p-aminosalicylic acid; blood levels, absorption and excretion following oral administration. PMID- 13469431 TI - Rejuvenation of adenosine triphosphate in human erythrocytes by purine nucleosides. PMID- 13469432 TI - The anti-inflammatory effect of cortisone and salicylates. PMID- 13469433 TI - Determinations of parathion, para-oxon and p-nitrophenol in organic tissue material. PMID- 13469434 TI - [25 Years of the Hungarian Physiological Society]. PMID- 13469435 TI - [Potassium and phosphorus isotope exchange in active muscles]. PMID- 13469436 TI - [The present state of the problem of stimulation]. PMID- 13469437 TI - [Pharmacological analysis of the function and receptor structure of the pain sensitive nerve endings]. PMID- 13469438 TI - [Changes of cholinesterase activity of cross-striated muscles after motor denervation]. PMID- 13469439 TI - [Changes of acetylcholine sensitivity and cholinesterase activity of skeletal muscles during ontogenesis]. PMID- 13469440 TI - [Specificity of myosin-cholinesterase]. PMID- 13469441 TI - [New accelerated defense reflex analysis method for type peculiarities of higher nervous function]. PMID- 13469442 TI - [Frontal cerebral cortex functions connected with renal activity]. PMID- 13469443 TI - [Depression of the cerebrum in connection with active conditioned reflex activity]. PMID- 13469445 TI - [New method for studying of the superior motor neurons, and some phenomena observed by this method]. PMID- 13469444 TI - [Comparative studies on the activation systems of hippocampus and brain stem by stimulation and EEG analysis during natural sleep]. PMID- 13469446 TI - [Regulation of ion balance between cells and surrounding fluids in isolated frog heart]. PMID- 13469447 TI - [Potassium permeability of human erythrocytes]. PMID- 13469448 TI - [Preparation of actin without previous extraction of myosin]. PMID- 13469450 TI - [New studies on the inhibiting effect of hyaluronidase on thyroid function]. PMID- 13469449 TI - [Formation of muscle phosphorylase in homogenate]. PMID- 13469451 TI - [Effects of constant stimulation of hypothalamic structures by deep electrodes on histamine and anaphylactic shocks in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13469452 TI - [Hypothalamus structures sensitive to sex steroids]. PMID- 13469453 TI - [Effect of hypothalamus lesions on work performance and adrenals]. PMID- 13469454 TI - [Hypothermia and intravasal aggregation (sludge)]. PMID- 13469455 TI - [Interoceptive circulatory and respiratory chemoreflexes]. PMID- 13469456 TI - [Analysis of the biphasic effects of adrenalin on artificially perfused hind legs of dogs]. PMID- 13469457 TI - [Segmental origin of preganglionic sympathetic fibers passing through the stellate ganglion]. PMID- 13469458 TI - [Innervation of the coronaries]. PMID- 13469459 TI - [Effects of hyperglycemia on adrenal function]. PMID- 13469460 TI - [Comparative studies on glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose and sorbose absorption in isolated rat intestines]. PMID- 13469461 TI - [Effects of glucagon on normal, starving and pancreas-diabetic dogs]. PMID- 13469462 TI - [Experiments on sugar absorption in newborn animals]. PMID- 13469464 TI - [Reticuloendothelial storage and phagocytic activity of leukocytes]. PMID- 13469463 TI - [Effects of some ganglionic blocking agents and substances with nervous system effect on the biliary tract]. PMID- 13469465 TI - [Anaphylactoid reaction and bacterial phagocytosis by leukocytes]. PMID- 13469466 TI - [Effect of dietary intake of egg shells on blood formation]. PMID- 13469467 TI - [Effects of enzyme inhibiting agents on the potassium content of Ranvier's nodes]. PMID- 13469468 TI - [The role of the adrenals in the clearing reaction]. PMID- 13469469 TI - [Effect of pain stimuli on sodium and water excretion in dogs]. PMID- 13469470 TI - [Dimethyltryptamine as a new psychotic agent]. PMID- 13469471 TI - [Significance of myotatic reflexes in athletic motions]. PMID- 13469472 TI - [Basic problems of drug research]. PMID- 13469473 TI - [Pharmacology of the mesenteric blood vessels]. PMID- 13469474 TI - [Comparison of conduction and surface anesthetics on isolated cornea]. PMID- 13469475 TI - [Comparison of the effects of ether ad narcosim and peroxide contaminated ether in animal experiments]. PMID- 13469476 TI - [Adrenolytic amino ketones]. PMID- 13469477 TI - [Some peculiarities in the metabolism of liver cells in experimental carbon tetrachloride poisoning]. PMID- 13469478 TI - [Comparative studies on the effects of analgesics and chlorpromazine on chemical thermoregulation]. PMID- 13469479 TI - [Effect of phenothiazine derivatives on the motility of intestinal villi]. PMID- 13469480 TI - [Hyaluronidase-like spreading promoting effects of subcutaneously administered trypsin]. PMID- 13469481 TI - [Studies on antifungal antagonistic characteristics using Actinomycetes]. PMID- 13469482 TI - [Experimental basis of the therapeutic use of quinine-penicillin]. PMID- 13469483 TI - [Antifungal studies on 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters]. PMID- 13469484 TI - [Inhibitory effect of chelate complex forming compounds, carbonyl reagents and hypothetical sulfhydryl inhibitors on growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and studies on their biochemical action mechanisms]. PMID- 13469485 TI - On the dynamics of the lung's capillary circulation. II. The vasomotor control. PMID- 13469487 TI - Effect of gonadotrophins on the blood pressure of the dog. PMID- 13469486 TI - Effect of insulin on the adrenal gland of the toad. PMID- 13469488 TI - Release of adrenocorticotrophin by 5-hydroxytryptamine. PMID- 13469489 TI - The use of high resistance voltmeters in the determination of biological chlorides. PMID- 13469490 TI - Influence of ACTH on ribonucleic acid and protein nitrogen content of rat adrenal gland. PMID- 13469491 TI - [Thrombinogenesis and thrombin protease]. PMID- 13469492 TI - [Effect of adrenalin on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13469493 TI - [Studies on experimental post-transfusional shock; role of the reticulo endothelial system and of action of electro-negative colloidal dyes in experimental shock following transfusion of heterogenous blood]. PMID- 13469494 TI - [Photohemotachometric analysis during dye shock]. PMID- 13469495 TI - [Inspecificity of reactions of the circulatory organ to stimuli from so-called isolated extremity and their photo-hemotachometric analysis]. PMID- 13469496 TI - [Inhibitory effect of adrenaline on hypotensive effects of stimulation of the afferent segment of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13469497 TI - [Interoception of organs]. PMID- 13469498 TI - [Experimental observations on the effect of reserpine (serpasil) on blood sugar level]. PMID- 13469500 TI - [Application of cannula into the rumen in cattle]. PMID- 13469499 TI - [I. Anemia and regressive changes in organs in chicks; inbalance of folic acid and other water-soluble vitamins; correlation of functions of folic and ascorbic acids. II. Paresis and paralysis of the peripheral nerves in chicks; inbalance of riboflavin with other vitamins of the B complex in diet]. PMID- 13469501 TI - [Treatment of post-hemorrhagic states by intra-arterial blood transfusion following anesthesia of angioreceptors with novocaine]. PMID- 13469502 TI - [Mechanical and other effects on blood circulation in active skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13469503 TI - [Studies on experimental post-transfusional shock; hemodynamic disorders and role of the heart and of the vessels in experimental (heterogenous) post-transfusional shock]. PMID- 13469504 TI - [Reflexes from interoceptors of internal organs and peripheral vessels in hypothermia and hibernation]. PMID- 13469505 TI - [Relation of diet to elimination of urea from the blood in experimental uremia]. PMID- 13469506 TI - [Effect of high environmental temperature on the human organism: effect of exposure to humid heat at rest on oxygen and carbon dioxide contents in peripheral venous blood in man]. PMID- 13469507 TI - [Pentocaine poisoning]. PMID- 13469508 TI - [Detection and quantitative determination of certain organic phosphorus compounds by new biological methods]. PMID- 13469509 TI - [Recording of physiological reactions by determination of electrical capacity]. PMID- 13469510 TI - The turnover of cholic acid in man: bile acids and steroids. PMID- 13469511 TI - On the effect of iproniazid on the histamine sensitivity of the un-anaesthetized guinea-pig. PMID- 13469512 TI - Secretory potentials in the sublingual gland of the cat. PMID- 13469513 TI - The mechanism of establishment of secretory potentials in sublingual gland cells. PMID- 13469514 TI - Effect of tributyrin on circulation and respiration. PMID- 13469515 TI - Observations on the action of histamine and related substances on the bronchial resistance in the guinea-pig. PMID- 13469516 TI - [Oximetry as a measurement of circulation time in the human brain]. PMID- 13469517 TI - Anionic dependence of secretion and secretory potentials in the perfused sublingual gland. PMID- 13469518 TI - [The off-effect in the human electroretinogram]. PMID- 13469520 TI - Oxygen consumption of the normal and denervated submaxillary gland in vitro. PMID- 13469519 TI - [Measurement of the cerebral circulation time in man & its relation to the cerebral blood flow]. PMID- 13469521 TI - Cerebral sympathetic vasoconstriction and EEG. PMID- 13469522 TI - Heat regulation and metabolism in some tropical mammals and birds. PMID- 13469523 TI - Species differences of clotting factors in ox, dog, horse, and man; thrombin and fibrinogen. PMID- 13469524 TI - The respiratory gaseous exchange after a short burst of exercise. PMID- 13469525 TI - Recorder for blood-flow determination. PMID- 13469526 TI - Cortical reception of cold impulses from the tongue of the cat. PMID- 13469527 TI - Convergence of tactile, thermal, and gustatory impulses on single cortical cells. PMID- 13469528 TI - Primary afferent collaterals and spinal relays of the dorsal and ventral spino cerebellar tracts. PMID- 13469529 TI - On the specificity of pancreatic lipase. PMID- 13469530 TI - On the extent of hydrolysis of triglyceride ester bonds in the lumen of human small intestine during digestion. PMID- 13469531 TI - Lactic acid content in human venous blood during hypoxia at high altitude. PMID- 13469532 TI - The action of cortisone on the mammary glands of rats under various states of hormonal imbalance. PMID- 13469533 TI - The action of tetraethylammonium (TEA) on the rat diaphragm. PMID- 13469534 TI - The effect of low calcium and of tetraethylammonium (TEA) on the rat diaphragm. PMID- 13469535 TI - Cortical reception of touch and taste in the cat; a study of single cortical cells. PMID- 13469536 TI - Paraventricular nucleus and pituitary gland. PMID- 13469537 TI - Studies on the histogenesis of blood platelets and megakaryocytes; histochemical and gasometric investigations of acetylcholinesterase activity in the erythrocyte erythropoietic and platelet-megakaryocytic systems of various mammals. PMID- 13469538 TI - Integrative processes in single spinal interneurones with proprioceptive connections. PMID- 13469539 TI - The philosophical and psychiatric basis of psychosomatic medicine. PMID- 13469540 TI - [Use of psycho-shock therapy in psychoanalysis]. PMID- 13469541 TI - [Milieu research & active milieu formation]. PMID- 13469542 TI - [The so-called positive & negative transference in analytic psychotherapy]. PMID- 13469543 TI - [Anxiety in aging educators as a manifestation of compulsive neurosis]. PMID- 13469544 TI - [A little excursion into Greek mythology]. PMID- 13469545 TI - Emotions, life situations and thyreotoxicosis in Greece; a psychosomatic study. PMID- 13469546 TI - [The sociological, psychological & psychotherapeutic research on schizophrenia, 1951-1956]. PMID- 13469547 TI - [Technical conditions of application of psychoanalysis to schizophrenia]. PMID- 13469548 TI - [The basic place of psychotherapy in psychoses]. PMID- 13469549 TI - [Report on the course of psychotherapeutic treatment of a catatonic patient]. PMID- 13469550 TI - [Traits of the schizophrenic situation]. PMID- 13469551 TI - [The inner world of a paranoid psychotic; excerpts from the treatment]. PMID- 13469553 TI - [Psychotic object loss in the course of analytic psychotherapy]. PMID- 13469552 TI - [The schizophrenic alteration of the structure of human attitude, as explained through a case treated psychotherapeutically]. PMID- 13469554 TI - [The role of the institution in the countertransference of the psychotherapist]. PMID- 13469555 TI - [Analytic treatment of a case of schizophrenia & a case of schizoid psychopathy (comparison)]. PMID- 13469556 TI - [The symbolic realization, a catalyst of the structuration of the schizophrenic ego]. PMID- 13469557 TI - [Practical problems of individual psychotherapy in an institution, as shown by the example of a schizophrenia treatment]. PMID- 13469558 TI - [The sceno-test as a means of therapy of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13469559 TI - [A case of chronic schizophrenia]. PMID- 13469560 TI - [Ambulant simultaneous psychotherapy of schizophrenic patients & their relatives]. PMID- 13469561 TI - [On the delusion of love]. PMID- 13469562 TI - [Psychotherapy of schizophrenia, summary & conclusion]. PMID- 13469563 TI - Postoperative venographic control following ligation of the inferior vena cava. PMID- 13469564 TI - A simple method of catheterization of the spleen and liver. PMID- 13469565 TI - Impairment in incisor teeth formation following administration of high activity P32 in weanling rats. PMID- 13469566 TI - Autoradiography and radioactivity measurements with human neoplasms containing radiophosphorus. PMID- 13469567 TI - Absorption of colloidal Au198 from peritoneum and pleura and its inhibition by polyphloretin phosphate. PMID- 13469568 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469569 TI - [Effect of oral cystamine on survival of mice irradiated by radiocobalt 60]. PMID- 13469570 TI - Case reports: calcified disc protrusion in children. PMID- 13469571 TI - Dissecting disc herniation in a 4-year-old child. PMID- 13469572 TI - A case of thoracic intervertebral disc protrusion. PMID- 13469573 TI - Quantitative roentgenologic studies on changes in mineral content of bone in vivo. PMID- 13469574 TI - Treatment of malignant blood diseases by radioactive phosphorus. I. Clinical aspects. PMID- 13469576 TI - Further studies on Trypanosoma rangeli Tejera 1920. PMID- 13469575 TI - Treatment of malignant blood diseases by radioactive phosphorus. II. Hematological aspects. PMID- 13469577 TI - [The significance of odor & sweat in the attraction of Aedes aegypti to man]. PMID- 13469578 TI - [Study on the survival of Borrelia hispanica in dilute blood]. PMID- 13469579 TI - A critical survey of the representation of the genus Trichuris in ruminants in Indo-Pakistan. PMID- 13469580 TI - Some observations on the taxonomy of dictyocaulids. PMID- 13469581 TI - [Cycloserine & its importance in the treatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13469582 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469583 TI - [Results of 180 resections for pulmonary tuberculosis in a sanatorium]. PMID- 13469584 TI - Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis. PMID- 13469585 TI - The prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a five-year follow-up study of patients discharged from sanatorium in 1947-1950. PMID- 13469586 TI - [Comparison between BCG strains of different origins: observations concerning BCG strains of Brazilian origin (Moreau strain)]. PMID- 13469587 TI - [Examination of respiratory function in unilateral pulmonary tuberculosis; effect of pleural thickening following exudative pleurisy & intrapleural penumothorax]. PMID- 13469589 TI - The present status of clinical chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13469588 TI - Results of resections for pulmonary tuberculosis with special reference to patients, who had no cavity at the time of operation. PMID- 13469590 TI - Methods of testing in the experimental chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13469591 TI - Pharmacological criteria for the testing of anti-cancer drugs. PMID- 13469592 TI - Experimental results with sarcolysine. PMID- 13469593 TI - Hormonal influences on tumour growth. PMID- 13469594 TI - The action exercised by the thymus and several neurotropic substances in experimental cancer. PMID- 13469595 TI - Chemotherapeutic effects produced by the combined activities of tumour influencing factors. PMID- 13469596 TI - A memorandum of experiences in studies on chemotherapy of cancer with HN2 N oxide. PMID- 13469597 TI - Treatment of the functional disturbances of the liver in the case of carcinoma of the mamma. PMID- 13469598 TI - [Histological changes in experimental & human tumors after the use of cytostatic substances]. PMID- 13469599 TI - Experiments on the combined chemotherapeutic influence on inoperable, x-ray unsuitable patients suffering from bronchial carcinoma; clinical studies with combinations of TEM and antimetabolites. PMID- 13469600 TI - On the susceptibility of malignant animal tumours by fluorocholine. PMID- 13469601 TI - [N-desacetyl-thiocolchicine in antitumor chemotherapy]. PMID- 13469602 TI - The chemical control of pituitary function in relation to chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13469603 TI - Some clinical and laboratory studies of chemical radiosensitizers. PMID- 13469604 TI - Some results of the clinical use of sarcolysine (dl-p-dl/2-chlorethyl/aminophenil alanin-chlorhydrate). PMID- 13469605 TI - Constitutional problems in mouse leukemia. PMID- 13469606 TI - Effect of metal complexes upon experimental carcinoma. PMID- 13469607 TI - Evaluation of antineoplastic activity of pyrimidine analogues by autoradiographic method. PMID- 13469608 TI - Effect of nitrites on the Ehrlich-ascites-carcinoma of the mouse. PMID- 13469609 TI - Pathological and clinical effects of 1.6-bis(beta-chloraethylamino)-1.6-desoxy-D mannite-dichlorhydrate/BCM. PMID- 13469610 TI - A contribution to the question glucosamine on the growth retardation of tumours. PMID- 13469611 TI - Connection between inhibiting influences on malignant and non-malignant cell growth. PMID- 13469612 TI - Hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy as a tool to investigate the specificity of antitumoral drugs. PMID- 13469613 TI - Organization of cancer chemotherapy in the United States of America. PMID- 13469614 TI - The metabolic changes in thiamine deficiency as reflected on the individual free aminoacids in tissues. II. Observations on liver and kidney. PMID- 13469615 TI - The metabolic changes in thiamine deficiency as reflected on the individual free aminoacids in tissues. III. Observations on heart and skeletal muscle. PMID- 13469616 TI - [Behavior and localization of phosphatases in myelomatous cells & in normal plasma cells; cytochemical study]. PMID- 13469617 TI - [Aspects of tryptophan metabolism during pregnancy in various animal species]. PMID- 13469618 TI - [Pyridoxal-5-phosphate potassium cyanide reaction and activation of the apotransaminase]. PMID- 13469619 TI - [Neuroendocrine brain diseases & multiple neurofibroma or Recklinghausen's disease]. PMID- 13469620 TI - [Oriental button; new autochthonous cases in Huelva & its province]. PMID- 13469621 TI - [Results obtained in the first thousand blood analyses of mothers & children, with known or unknown syphilitic antecedents, with the assistance of the state services of puericulture in Sevilla]. PMID- 13469622 TI - [Data on dermatophytic flora & its epidemiology, especially in the Province of Madrid]. PMID- 13469623 TI - [Sensitivity to atmospheric agents; complications caused by cold & changes of climate]. PMID- 13469624 TI - [Enzymatic treatment of cutaneous ulcers]. PMID- 13469625 TI - [A case of Fox Fordyce]. PMID- 13469626 TI - Kurt Heinrich Meyer: 1883-1952. PMID- 13469627 TI - Periodate oxidation of carbohydrates. PMID- 13469628 TI - The osones. PMID- 13469629 TI - Reactions of monosaccharides with beta-ketonic esters and related substances. PMID- 13469630 TI - Kojic acid. PMID- 13469631 TI - The biosynthesis of the monosaccharides. PMID- 13469632 TI - Branched-chain sugars of natural occurrence. PMID- 13469633 TI - Nucleic acids. PMID- 13469634 TI - Aspects of the physical chemistry of starch. PMID- 13469635 TI - The size and shape of some polysaccharide molecules. PMID- 13469636 TI - Protein structure in relation to function and biosynthesis. PMID- 13469637 TI - Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. I. Growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones. PMID- 13469638 TI - Column chromatography of peptides and proteins. PMID- 13469639 TI - Countercurrent distribution in protein chemistry. PMID- 13469640 TI - Complex formation between metallic cations and proteins, peptides and amino acids. PMID- 13469641 TI - Measurement and interpretation of diffusion coefficients of proteins. PMID- 13469642 TI - [Recovery from diabetes mellitus in liver cirrhosis; study of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in liver diseases]. PMID- 13469643 TI - [Determination of sulfonamide in the blood of diabetics]. PMID- 13469644 TI - [Changes in cell combinations in the islands of Langerhans caused by studies of anaphylaxis; experimental studies of the pathogenesis of diabetes]. PMID- 13469645 TI - [Electromyographical and blood-circulation investigations in pericarditis calculosa before and after pericardectomy]. PMID- 13469646 TI - [Local and intravenous prednisolone (decortin H) therapy]. PMID- 13469647 TI - [A method for continuous recording of electrical conductivity]. PMID- 13469648 TI - [Disorders of diencephalic-hypophysial function]. PMID- 13469649 TI - [Inflammation-inhibiting effect of azulene]. PMID- 13469650 TI - [Studies of blood group-isoagglutinin formation in malignant blood diseases]. PMID- 13469651 TI - [Characteristics of leukemic blood cells. V. Glutamic acid dehydrogenase in leukemias and summary]. PMID- 13469652 TI - [The relative dispersion of regression lines]. PMID- 13469653 TI - [Paper electrophoretic representation of CSF protein fractions]. PMID- 13469654 TI - [Study of total protein determination]. PMID- 13469655 TI - [Photometric analysis of the thymol turbidity test]. PMID- 13469656 TI - [The endogenous protective factor against dental caries in experimental studies with rats]. PMID- 13469657 TI - [Pharmacology of meprobamate]. PMID- 13469658 TI - [Radiochemical and radiopharmacological bases of the A-blastomase injection preparation; explanation of its specific effect on tumor metabolism]. PMID- 13469660 TI - [Ideal choledochotomy & sphincteroplasty in lithiasis of the common bile duct]. PMID- 13469659 TI - [Disease of the coledochoduodenal junction]. PMID- 13469661 TI - [Subcutaneous ruptures of the Achilles tendon: 6 cases]. PMID- 13469662 TI - [Corticotherapy & acute cranial traumas]. PMID- 13469663 TI - [Catgut; method of osteosynthesis in open fractures]. PMID- 13469664 TI - [Value of vaginal cytology for the prognosis & choice of treatment in cancers of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13469665 TI - [New case of calcareous bladder]. PMID- 13469666 TI - [Evisceration of half of the small intestine loops following stab wound 12 hours old; strangulation of the small intestine at the site of the wound; severe state of shock; emergency intervention under transfusion, novocaine anesthesia & levophed perfusion; postoperative hibernation therapy; recovery]. PMID- 13469667 TI - [Indications for cystectomy & marsupialization in the treatment of hydatid cysts of the liver]. PMID- 13469668 TI - [Treatment for spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13469669 TI - [Treatment of black tumors of the skin]. PMID- 13469670 TI - [Internal transhepatic drainage in a case of neoplastic obstruction of the hilus]. PMID- 13469672 TI - [2nd Case of internal transhepatic drainage; palliative intervention in cancer of the hilus]. PMID- 13469671 TI - [Simplified intraoperative radiometry]. PMID- 13469674 TI - [Wound of the popliteal artery; false aneurysm & secondary neuromuscular deficit syndrome]. PMID- 13469673 TI - [Hypokalemic & hypochloremic alkalosis in surgery]. PMID- 13469675 TI - [Osmotic risk of hypertonic jejunal alimentation]. PMID- 13469676 TI - [Wound of the left primary carotid; arteriectomy followed by termino-terminal suture]. PMID- 13469677 TI - [Voluminous reticulosarcoma of the ileocecal angle in a 5-year-old child: wide ileocolic resection]. PMID- 13469678 TI - [Extensive dislocation of the hip caused by malignant tumor of the lower extremity]. PMID- 13469679 TI - [Plasmocytic mastitis in man]. PMID- 13469680 TI - [Tuberculosis of the cecum & small intestine; wide ileocecal resection]. PMID- 13469681 TI - [Clamping of the hepatic pedicule under hypothermia; possibility of bloodless hepatic surgery: experimental study in dogs]. PMID- 13469682 TI - [Our experience with autonomic block in severe cranial traumas]. PMID- 13469683 TI - [Surgical problem of tumors of the parotid]. PMID- 13469684 TI - [Proposal for a rational approach to the vertebral grooves]. PMID- 13469685 TI - [Case of duodenopancreatectomy for Vater's ampulloma]. PMID- 13469687 TI - [Value of preoperative & peroperative Oddi's sphincter tests]. PMID- 13469686 TI - [Curious history of biliary ileus; radiological & surgical documents on the calculous migration & its duodenal incarceration]. PMID- 13469688 TI - [Arteriovenous aneurysm of the right subclavian artery]. PMID- 13469689 TI - [Complications & difficulties of transpapillary common bile duct drainage]. PMID- 13469690 TI - [Case of resection of ampulla of Vater followed by sphincteroplasty]. PMID- 13469691 TI - [16 Cases of tendon transplantation for radial paralysis]. PMID- 13469692 TI - [Vater's ampulloma treated by ampullectomy 2 years previously]. PMID- 13469693 TI - [Operative treatment of subthalmic fractures of the calcaneum]. PMID- 13469694 TI - [I. Reparation of lost of diaphyseal substance of the femur. II. Reparation of lost of substance of the inferior epiphysis of the humerus]. PMID- 13469695 TI - [Damage of doudenal statis in stomach surgery]. PMID- 13469696 TI - [Restoration of rectal continence following failure of classical procedures]. PMID- 13469697 TI - [Lateral rachotomy in Pott's paraplegia]. PMID- 13469698 TI - [Peritoneal pseudomyxoma]. PMID- 13469699 TI - [Use of skin grafts in surgical practice]. PMID- 13469700 TI - [Separating of the peritoneal sac in the treatment of voluminous inguinal hernias & postoperative eventrations]. PMID- 13469701 TI - [Studies on human & animal hemoglobin in Algeria]. PMID- 13469702 TI - [Therapeutic data: treatment of intestinal amebiasis in children]. PMID- 13469703 TI - [Information from a recent BCG vaccination campaign]. PMID- 13469704 TI - [Effectiveness of preventive treatment with BCG; study carried out after a mass campaign in a school age group in an Algerian city, Bougie]. PMID- 13469705 TI - [Physiology of circulation in children]. PMID- 13469706 TI - [Cardiovascular affections & premature grayness]. PMID- 13469707 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13469708 TI - [Axial gastric volvulus & thrombosis of the splenic vein]. PMID- 13469709 TI - [Favorable development of a case of Henoch's purpura treated with a combination of antibiotics, sulfonamides & cortisone]. PMID- 13469710 TI - [Multiple eosinophilic granuloma of the skeleton]. PMID- 13469711 TI - [Optic neuromyelitis successfully treated with delta-1-hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13469712 TI - [Value of cerebral arteriography in hemiplegia; case report]. PMID- 13469713 TI - [Suicide attempt with rimifon]. PMID- 13469714 TI - [Substitute of a thrombotic internal carotid artery by the external carotid; complete case report]. PMID- 13469715 TI - [A case of white piedra of the hair in Algeria]. PMID- 13469716 TI - [A case of postpartum hypophyseal necrosis (Sheehan's syndrome)]. PMID- 13469717 TI - [An unusual form of tuberculous meningitis in an adult (isolated tuberculous spinal arachnitis)]. PMID- 13469718 TI - [Value of one dimensional descendant chromatography in the study of amino acids free of biological fluids]. PMID- 13469719 TI - [Android obesity & pilar virilism following a purulent pneumococcic meningitis]. PMID- 13469720 TI - [Carbon monoxide poisoning caused by butane-gas water heater]. PMID- 13469721 TI - [3 Cases of secondary cancerous osteomyelitis of prostatic origin]. PMID- 13469723 TI - [Morphology of the histamine reaction of the skin in comparisons to those of allergic intracutaneous reactions]. PMID- 13469722 TI - [Professor Hans Schmidt on his 75th birthday]. PMID- 13469724 TI - [Histopathological studies of serotonin and histamine wheal on rabbit skin]. PMID- 13469726 TI - [Multiple sensitizations in a phenol-formaldehyde-resin factory]. PMID- 13469725 TI - [The evaluation of abnormal peripheral vascular reactions in endogenous eczema and asthma]. PMID- 13469727 TI - [Viper protein as a cause of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13469729 TI - [Virus diseases and hyperergia]. PMID- 13469728 TI - [The vegetative nervous system; histamine and allergic reactions]. PMID- 13469730 TI - [Determination of an actual antigen with the help of the inhalative antigen pneumometric test]. PMID- 13469731 TI - [Influencing of the excitability of the respiratory center by medication in regard to reduced excitability of the respiratory center in patients with pulmonary emphysema]. PMID- 13469732 TI - A surgeon's view of atherosclerosis. PMID- 13469734 TI - Some circulatory effects of morphine-barbiturate anesthesia, artificial respiration, and abdominal compression based on ballistocardiographic observation on dogs, with a review of pertinent literature. PMID- 13469733 TI - Pyribenzamine (tripelennamine): effects on renal hemodynamics and the excretion of water and electrolytes. PMID- 13469735 TI - Influence of the limbs on the ballistocardiogram. PMID- 13469736 TI - Factors influencing the time of onset of the first heart sound in normal subjects. PMID- 13469737 TI - The reliability of high voltage of the QRS complex as a diagnostic sign of left ventricular hypertrophy in adults. PMID- 13469738 TI - Recurrence of tight mitral stenosis syndrome after commissurotomy; a report of six cases with reoperation. PMID- 13469739 TI - The electrocardiographic syndrome of short P-R interval and broad QRS complexes; a clinical study of 80 cases. PMID- 13469740 TI - False right ventricular hypertrophy pattern due to Wilson's central terminal error. PMID- 13469741 TI - Indications and contraindications for open cardiac surgery. PMID- 13469742 TI - Combined quinidine and procaine amide treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation. PMID- 13469744 TI - Base line for left heart catheterization. PMID- 13469743 TI - Nucleotide levels in human cardiac muscle. PMID- 13469745 TI - ON METHODS and complications in catheterization of heart and large vessels, with and without contrast injection. PMID- 13469746 TI - Peripheral A-V fistula of fifty-seven years' duration with refractory heart failure. PMID- 13469747 TI - Electrocardiographic changes resembling myocardial infarction in a young child. PMID- 13469748 TI - Ventricular septal defect with aortic incompetence simulating patent ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13469749 TI - Congenital absence of the hepatic portion of the inferior vena cava. PMID- 13469750 TI - On the evaluation of artificial feeding. PMID- 13469751 TI - Failure to gain weight. PMID- 13469752 TI - [Treatment of severe protein deficiency in children (kwashiorkor)]. PMID- 13469753 TI - Iron and copper in infant nutrition. PMID- 13469754 TI - Clinical and biochemical observations in galactosemia. PMID- 13469755 TI - The pathogenesis of idiopathic hypercalcemia in infancy. PMID- 13469756 TI - Studies on phenylketonuria. IX. Further observations on the effect of phenylalanine-restricted diet on patients with phenylketonuria. PMID- 13469757 TI - Dietary prescription of water, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus for infants and children. PMID- 13469758 TI - Abnormally high pyridoxine requirement; summary of evidence suggesting relation between this finding and clinical pyridoxine "deficiency". PMID- 13469759 TI - Man, the laboratory animal. PMID- 13469760 TI - Planning a restricted sodium diet and bland, low-fiber diet for the diabetic patient. PMID- 13469761 TI - Reevaluation. IX. Problems in the management of biliary tract disease. PMID- 13469762 TI - Cholecystography; a critical analysis of failures in diagnosis. PMID- 13469763 TI - Evaluation of hepatic dysfunction. PMID- 13469764 TI - Limy bile cast of gallbladder. PMID- 13469765 TI - What is idiopathic steatorrhea. PMID- 13469766 TI - SYMPOSIUM on problems of intestinal absorption; introduction. PMID- 13469767 TI - Survey of methods for study of intestinal absorption. PMID- 13469768 TI - Excretion from the gut and gastrointestinal exchange; studied by means of the inert indicator method. PMID- 13469769 TI - Effect of a hypertonic solution on intestinal absorption. PMID- 13469770 TI - Effect of carbohydrate ingestion on postprandial lipemia. PMID- 13469771 TI - Blood carotene and steatorrhea. PMID- 13469772 TI - Pathologic changes in jejunal biopsies from sprue patients; a preliminary report. PMID- 13469774 TI - Malabsorption syndromes in the postgastrectomy patient. PMID- 13469773 TI - Evidence of increased intestinal absorption of molecular sucrose in sprue. PMID- 13469775 TI - Recent developments in the understanding of chlorpromazine jaundice. PMID- 13469776 TI - Cultures of the human stool, sensitivity tests and results from the administration of indicated antibiotics. PMID- 13469777 TI - The surgical treatment of polyps of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13469778 TI - Noninflammatory proctalgias and allied anorectal dyscrasias. PMID- 13469779 TI - Anorectal diseases; diagnosis and office management. PMID- 13469780 TI - The treatment of constipation during pregnancy: studies on phenolphthalein. PMID- 13469781 TI - The concurrence of duodenal ulcer and regional enteritis. PMID- 13469783 TI - Phlebothrombotic disease of the rectum associated with Streptococcus fecalis and Bacillus coli septicemia; case report. PMID- 13469782 TI - Regional enteritis; response to treatment with crude liver extract. PMID- 13469784 TI - The effect of common dietary proteins on gastric secretion. PMID- 13469785 TI - Improved therapy for peptic ulcers. PMID- 13469786 TI - A preliminary evaluation of a new long-acting anticholinergic in peptic ulcer and other digestive diseases. PMID- 13469787 TI - The use of corticotropin-zinc hydroxide in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and other colonic disorders. PMID- 13469788 TI - Nonbacterial gastric emphysema; review of literature and report of case. PMID- 13469789 TI - Choledochoduodenal fistula associated with a large gallstone in the stomach. PMID- 13469790 TI - Significance of rectal bleeding. PMID- 13469791 TI - The problem of complete Y-linkage in man. PMID- 13469792 TI - On the estimation of the frequency of genetic carriers. PMID- 13469793 TI - The mathematical relations among plural births. PMID- 13469794 TI - Chances of disproof of false claims of parent-child relationship. PMID- 13469795 TI - Monilethrix: report of a family with special reference to some problems concerning inheritance. PMID- 13469796 TI - An investigation into the genetics and racial variation of BAIB excretion. PMID- 13469797 TI - Genetic implications of certain physiological processes affecting the metabolism of L-phenylalanine in man. PMID- 13469798 TI - Identical twins discordant for interventricular septal defect and absent radius and thumb. PMID- 13469799 TI - Fat ingestion, blood coagulation and atherosclerosis. PMID- 13469801 TI - Evaluation of Valsalva test in bedside diagnosis of dyspnea. PMID- 13469800 TI - Calcium-digitalis tolerance test; a clinical report of the first 24 trials. PMID- 13469802 TI - Analgesic effectiveness of orally administered ethoheptazine in man. PMID- 13469804 TI - Needle biopsy of the parietal pleura in tulerculosis. PMID- 13469803 TI - Studies on pain: the relation between cutaneous vasodilatation, pain threshold and spontaneous itching and pain. PMID- 13469805 TI - Histoplasmosis in Brooklyn. PMID- 13469806 TI - The adrenogenital syndrome "virilizing type" in an adult male: a case report. PMID- 13469807 TI - Syringobulbia: report of an unusual case. PMID- 13469808 TI - Arterial blood oxygenation in sickle cell anemia. PMID- 13469809 TI - A double blind study using manganese against placebo in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13469810 TI - Effects of L-arginine on hepatic encephalopathy. PMID- 13469811 TI - Deafness surgery: an evaluation. PMID- 13469812 TI - Some aspects of the relationship of cutaneous and gastrointestinal disorders; a review of recent literature. PMID- 13469813 TI - Laboratory diagnosis of rabies. PMID- 13469814 TI - [Application of selective histological stains to air force research]. PMID- 13469815 TI - Detecting blood coagulation defects in the clinical laboratory. PMID- 13469817 TI - Medical technology: profession vs. occupation. PMID- 13469816 TI - Determination of serum cholesterol. PMID- 13469818 TI - Detection and incidence of amebiasis in Northern Mississippi. PMID- 13469820 TI - A method for making pour plates with special reference to blood cultures. PMID- 13469819 TI - The rarer antibodies, their detection, identification and clinical significance. PMID- 13469821 TI - The relationship of serum cholesterol to blood lipid patterns. PMID- 13469822 TI - Cyclical edema. PMID- 13469823 TI - Acute nephritis unrelated to group A hemolytic streptococcus infection: report of ten cases. PMID- 13469824 TI - A syndrome of renal sodium loss and hyponatremia probably resulting from inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. PMID- 13469825 TI - Hypernatremia, azotemia and acidosis after cerebral injury. PMID- 13469827 TI - Treatment of renal failure with the disposable artificial kidney: results in fifty-two patients. PMID- 13469826 TI - An abnormality in renal function resulting from urinary tract obstruction. PMID- 13469828 TI - Characteristics of leukocytes in the urine sediment in pyelonephritis; correlation with renal biopsies. PMID- 13469829 TI - Studies of hyperuricemia produced by pyrazinamide. PMID- 13469830 TI - Hyperuricemia due to pyrazinamide. PMID- 13469831 TI - Renal function in gout; with a commentary on the renal regulation of urate excretion, and the role of the kidney in the pathogenesis of gout. PMID- 13469833 TI - The genetic aspects of atherosclerosis. PMID- 13469832 TI - Salt and water volume receptors: an exercise in physiologic apologetics. PMID- 13469834 TI - CHRONIC cough, dyspnea and cor pulmonale. PMID- 13469835 TI - Megaloblastic anemia associated with diverticula of the small bowel. PMID- 13469836 TI - Gangrene of the fingers in periarteritis nodosa. PMID- 13469837 TI - Services to the mentally retarded: a brief survey in contrasts between, Great Britain and the United States. PMID- 13469838 TI - An exceptional camp for exceptional children. PMID- 13469839 TI - Institutional food. PMID- 13469840 TI - Collection of admission data for punch card system. PMID- 13469842 TI - A special unit for delinquent defectives. PMID- 13469841 TI - The search for administrative talent; a suggested approach. PMID- 13469843 TI - Color-blindness in relation to normal and defective intelligence. PMID- 13469844 TI - Art education for the educable mentally retarded child. PMID- 13469845 TI - Future trends. PMID- 13469846 TI - Organization and development of a speech program for the mentally retarded children in New York City public schools. PMID- 13469847 TI - Sex education of mentally retarded girls. PMID- 13469848 TI - Leisure activities of educationally sub-normal and other ex-pupils in England. PMID- 13469849 TI - A preliminary report on the establishment of a sub-contract sheltered workshop in a residential school for the mentally retarded. PMID- 13469850 TI - Recommended techniques for in-service education of teachers of mentally retarded children in state institutions. PMID- 13469851 TI - A method for determination of probabilities of stay, release. and death, for patients admitted to a hospital for the mentally deficient: the experience of Pacific State Hospital during the period 1948-1952. PMID- 13469852 TI - Family history of a mongoloid girl who bore a mongoloid child. PMID- 13469853 TI - A woman with mongolism and her child. PMID- 13469854 TI - Mandibufofacial dysostosis with oligophrenia in siblings. PMID- 13469855 TI - The relationship of age, intelligence and sex to motor proficiency in mental defectives. PMID- 13469856 TI - Group counselling for social adjustment. PMID- 13469857 TI - Conditions associated with the mother's estimate of the ability of her retarded child. PMID- 13469858 TI - Reaction time in mental defectives with organic and familial etiology. PMID- 13469860 TI - The effect of thorazine on Wechsler scores. PMID- 13469859 TI - Accelerated intellectual growth and personality development as seen in phenylketonuric subjects during medical treatment. PMID- 13469861 TI - Concrete and abstract thinking in organic and non-organic mentally retarded children. PMID- 13469862 TI - Facilitating community contributions by psychologists. PMID- 13469863 TI - [What nurses want in a uniform]. PMID- 13469864 TI - Sedatives have their place, but... PMID- 13469865 TI - Another look at the ANA economic security program. PMID- 13469867 TI - STUDENTS today... nurses tomorrow. PMID- 13469866 TI - Pneumoperitoneum in the management of hiatus hernias. PMID- 13469868 TI - Help with licensure problems. PMID- 13469869 TI - Nurse, I have a headache. PMID- 13469870 TI - The different schools of psychoanalysis. PMID- 13469871 TI - Influenza; 1918. PMID- 13469872 TI - Influenza; 1957. PMID- 13469873 TI - Cancer of the tongue. PMID- 13469875 TI - The story of Edith Cavell. PMID- 13469874 TI - Nursing care of patients with mouth or throat cancer. PMID- 13469876 TI - Collecting urine specimens. PMID- 13469877 TI - The importance of understanding yourself. PMID- 13469878 TI - The phases of the menstrual cycle and their interpretation in terms of the pregnancy cycle. PMID- 13469879 TI - Total exchangeable sodium in the menstrual cycle. PMID- 13469880 TI - A critical assessment of the value of x-ray therapy in primary ovarian carcinoma. PMID- 13469881 TI - Malignant Brenner tumor; report of a case. PMID- 13469882 TI - Ovarian adrenal rest tumor (masculinovoblastoma) simulating adrenal virilism; report of a case with hormone studies. PMID- 13469883 TI - Metastatic breast carcinoma in the ovary. PMID- 13469884 TI - Benign cervical erosion in nonpregnant women of childbearing age; a colposcopic study. PMID- 13469885 TI - Regression, recurrence, and regression of epithelial atypism of the cervix as indicated by cytologic smear, colposcopic findings, and schiller iodine staining. PMID- 13469886 TI - Fibroid of the cervical stump; report of a case. PMID- 13469887 TI - Evaluation of methods for obtaining cervical smears for cytology and the introduction of an improved scraper for obtaining surface cells. PMID- 13469888 TI - A new cervical biopsy punch forceps. PMID- 13469889 TI - A new self-retaining and self-adjusting patency cannula. PMID- 13469890 TI - An improved vaginal hysterectomy clamp. PMID- 13469891 TI - Pressures in the human amniotic fluid and intervillous space. PMID- 13469892 TI - The dynamics of protein changes in the amniotic fluid of normal and abnormal rat embryos. PMID- 13469893 TI - The pathologic physiology of the clotting mechanism in eclampsia. PMID- 13469894 TI - Antihypertension therapy in toxemia of pregnancy; a 30 month progress report. PMID- 13469895 TI - Prognostic pretoxemia test in pregnancy; exaggerated pressor response to norepinephrine. PMID- 13469896 TI - Toxemia of pregnancy: a new treatment for controlling edema. PMID- 13469897 TI - Hydatidiform mole and toxemia of pregnancy; with unusual late development of lutein cyst. PMID- 13469898 TI - Lupus erythematosus simulating toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13469899 TI - Reduction of the perinatal mortality of cesarean section. PMID- 13469900 TI - The true incidence of silent rupture of cesarean section scars; a prospective analysis of 403 cases. PMID- 13469901 TI - Indications for hysterectomy in postpartum hemorrhage. PMID- 13469903 TI - [Fetal death in utero]. PMID- 13469902 TI - Ureterolithotomy during cesarean section; a case report. PMID- 13469904 TI - Contribution to the antenatal determination of sex. PMID- 13469905 TI - Amniotic bands as a cause of intrauterine fetal death; a case report. PMID- 13469906 TI - Oligohydramnios in relation to roentgen signs of fetal death; case report. PMID- 13469907 TI - Cardiorespiratory arrest in the newborn treated by cardiac massage; report of two cases. PMID- 13469908 TI - Report of cystic hygroma of the newborn infant causing dystocia. PMID- 13469909 TI - Management of postpartum constipation with dioctyl sodium succinate. PMID- 13469910 TI - Postpartum subperitoneal hematoma; a case report. PMID- 13469911 TI - Synthetic oxytocin; critical evaluation in labor and post partum. PMID- 13469912 TI - A preliminary report on dihydrocodeine-scopolamine in obstetrics. PMID- 13469913 TI - A guide for improved transvaginal pudendal block. PMID- 13469914 TI - A new instrument for ligation of the umbilical cord. PMID- 13469915 TI - Bilateral tubal pregnancy. PMID- 13469916 TI - A successful pregnancy after endometrial tuberculosis; a case report. PMID- 13469917 TI - Subcutaneous emphysema in early pregnancy. PMID- 13469918 TI - Intestinal obstruction associated with a hiatus in the broad ligament; a case report. PMID- 13469919 TI - Injuries to the bowel as the result of an enema. PMID- 13469920 TI - Ruptured enterocele. PMID- 13469921 TI - Changes in occupational therapy due to the tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13469923 TI - The new look in industrial therapy. PMID- 13469922 TI - The effect of the professional activity of the occupational therapist on the behavior of acute mental patients. PMID- 13469924 TI - The changing role of occupational and recreational therapy in present-day psychiatry. PMID- 13469926 TI - THE PINCER mouthstick. PMID- 13469925 TI - Adaptation of homemaking skills for the hemiplegic woman. PMID- 13469927 TI - A simple plastic mouthpiece. PMID- 13469928 TI - Occupational therapy in New Zealand. PMID- 13469929 TI - The mode of action of cyclodiathermy: experimental studies on diathermic scars of the sclera. PMID- 13469930 TI - The experimental use of hypnosis in suppression amblyopia: a preliminary report. PMID- 13469931 TI - Corneal heterografts in rabbits. PMID- 13469932 TI - The bicarbonate-ion concentration of rabbit vitreous: before and after death of the animal. PMID- 13469934 TI - Iridectomy for early essential atrophy of the iris: a case controlled for 42 months, with a pathologic examination of the iris. PMID- 13469933 TI - Irradiation damage to the chiasm. PMID- 13469935 TI - Clotting phenomena in trachoma. PMID- 13469936 TI - The spans: perception, apprehension, and recognition as related to reading and speed reading. PMID- 13469937 TI - Vision test performance of school children. PMID- 13469938 TI - Clinical trial of erythromycin ophthalmic ointment. PMID- 13469939 TI - Fundus photography by electronic flash. III. A new fundus-anterior segment camera. PMID- 13469940 TI - An operation for entropion. PMID- 13469942 TI - An accommodation card and rule. PMID- 13469941 TI - Ocular findings in some of the xanthomatous diseases. PMID- 13469943 TI - Occlusion therapy. PMID- 13469944 TI - Modified McLean suture. PMID- 13469945 TI - Further data on the central origin of a glaucomatous attack. PMID- 13469946 TI - Gastro-intestinal extract; in the treatment of chemical corneal injuries in guinea pigs. PMID- 13469947 TI - Remarks on acceptance of the Proctor Medal Award, June, 1957. PMID- 13469948 TI - Retinal vascularization in health and disease: Proctor Award Lecture of the Association for Research in Ophthalmology. PMID- 13469949 TI - Biographical data: Norman Ashton. PMID- 13469950 TI - Effects of tachistoscopic training on visual functions in myopic patients. PMID- 13469951 TI - The human optic papilla; a demonstration of new anatomic and pathologic findings. PMID- 13469952 TI - Continuing studies on the association of adenovirus type 8 with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. PMID- 13469953 TI - Precipitating antibody to toxoplasma; a follow-up study on findings in the blood and aqueous humor. PMID- 13469954 TI - The role of intraocular pressure in the development of the chick eye: III. Ciliary body. PMID- 13469955 TI - The effects of maternal hypoxia on inheritance of recessive blindness in mice. PMID- 13469956 TI - Distribution of radioactive sulfate in the developing eye. PMID- 13469957 TI - Oxygen studies in retrolental fibroplasia. VI. The effect of concentration and duration of exposure to oxygen on the immature mouse eye. PMID- 13469958 TI - Dual response of the Limulus lateral eye to electric stimulation. PMID- 13469959 TI - On the solution of the differential equations pertaining to aqueous humor dynamics. PMID- 13469960 TI - Electromyography of extraocular muscles in fusional movements. I. Electric phenomena at the breakpoint of fusion. PMID- 13469961 TI - Studies on the role of sympathetic nervous stimulation in extraocular muscle movements. PMID- 13469962 TI - The effect of ultrasonic radiation upon the rate of absorption of blood from the vitreous. PMID- 13469963 TI - Ocular effects of systemic siderosis. PMID- 13469964 TI - The transformation of corneal stromal cells to fibroblasts in corneal wound healing. PMID- 13469965 TI - [Further studies on the viability of frozen corneas as determined in tissue culture]. PMID- 13469966 TI - A study of the uptake of P32, Zn65, and I 131 serum albumen by experimental malignant melanoma. PMID- 13469967 TI - Anterior chamber perfusion studies. II. Controlled particle size in relationship to pore size. PMID- 13469968 TI - A study of the innervation of the chamber angle. II. The origin of trabecular axons revealed by degeneration experiments. PMID- 13469969 TI - The effects of succinylcholine on the extraocular striate muscles and on the intraocular pressure. PMID- 13469970 TI - History of the Association for Research in Ophthalmology. PMID- 13469971 TI - Anterior chamber lenses; for refractive correction of unilateral aphakia. PMID- 13469972 TI - Studies of immunity with interlamellar corneal homografts in rabbits. PMID- 13469973 TI - Toxic chorioretinopathy following the use of NP 207. PMID- 13469974 TI - Proliferations in the vitreous; a clinical study, with Kodachrome fundus photographs. PMID- 13469975 TI - A comparative study of mydriatic and cycloplegic agents; in human subjects without eye disease. PMID- 13469976 TI - Abortive form of Wilson's syndrome; with dark adaptation disturbances. PMID- 13469977 TI - Benign calcifying epithelioma of the eyelid. PMID- 13469978 TI - Fundus photography by electronic flash. IV. Single exposure stereophotography of the fundus. PMID- 13469979 TI - Diamox to prevent hyphema after cataract extraction; a negative report. PMID- 13469980 TI - Evisceration; utilizing a steel-mesh capped hollow plastic intrascleral implant. PMID- 13469981 TI - A study of 1,000 cataract extractions. PMID- 13469982 TI - Ophthalmologic hydrostatic pressure syndrome. PMID- 13469983 TI - The relationship of fields of vision to safety in driving; with a report of 680 drivers examined by various screening methods. PMID- 13469984 TI - Surgical correction of collapsed anterior chamber following cataract extraction. PMID- 13469985 TI - The iridencleisis bleb. PMID- 13469986 TI - Atypical tumor of iris; report of a case. PMID- 13469987 TI - Modifications of Katzin mask. PMID- 13469988 TI - San Diego glaucoma survey. PMID- 13469989 TI - BIOGRAPHICAL data, John E. Harris. PMID- 13469990 TI - The physiologic control of corneal hydration. PMID- 13469991 TI - On the enzymology of the refractory media of the eye. V. On the occurrence of proteolytic enzymes in normal and cataractous lenses. PMID- 13469992 TI - The transcorneal potential. PMID- 13469993 TI - Incorporation of inorganic sulfate-S35 into sulfated mucopolysaccharides of cornea in vitro. PMID- 13469994 TI - In vivo intralenticular studies. PMID- 13469995 TI - In vitro lens studies. II. Production of cataractous changes. PMID- 13469996 TI - Studies on the crystalline lens. VII. Utilization of several carbohydrates and their effects on mitosis of lens epithelium. PMID- 13469997 TI - The reactivity of the sulfhydryl groups in normal bovine lens. PMID- 13469998 TI - Studies on protein and protein synthesis. PMID- 13469999 TI - Insulin and the lens. PMID- 13470000 TI - The protein composition of the human lens. PMID- 13470001 TI - Lens proteins. I. Alpha crystallin of calf lens. PMID- 13470002 TI - Studies of Bruch's membrane; flow and permeability studies in a Bruch's membrane choroid preparation. PMID- 13470003 TI - The effects of a ganglionic blocking drug (pentapyrrolidinium) on aqueous humor flow of normal and glaucomatous eyes. PMID- 13470004 TI - The steady-state turnover of tritiated water in the anterior chamber of rabbits. PMID- 13470005 TI - Studies on the mode of action of pilocarpine on aqueous outflow. PMID- 13470006 TI - Elaboration of bicarbonate ion in intraocular fluids. IV. Dynamic effects of acetazolamide (diamox). PMID- 13470007 TI - The bicarbonate concentration of guinea pig aqueous humor; effect of scurvy and acetazolamide. PMID- 13470008 TI - The aqueous: serum sodium and potassium steady-state ratios in the rabbit and the influence of diamox and dibenamine thereon. PMID- 13470009 TI - The relationship of frequency of use of the eyes in close work to the distribution of refractive error in a selected sample. PMID- 13470010 TI - A microlens measuring aid. PMID- 13470011 TI - The optics of plano lenses. PMID- 13470012 TI - Comments on faulty color discrimination. PMID- 13470013 TI - Demand and supply of optometry teachers in the next decade. PMID- 13470014 TI - Tests for glass and plastic safety lenses. PMID- 13470016 TI - Further observations on ambulatory schizophrenias. PMID- 13470015 TI - Ambulatory (borderline) schizophrenia: psychodiagnostics and implications from psychological data. PMID- 13470017 TI - Childhood psychosis. I. Childhood schizophrenia: treatment of children and parents. PMID- 13470018 TI - Childhood psychosis. 2. Play patterns as nonverbal indices of ego functions: a preliminary report. PMID- 13470019 TI - Childhood psychosis. 3. Routines: a pilot study of three selected routines and their impact upon the child in residential treatment. PMID- 13470020 TI - Childhood psychosis. 4. Discussion. PMID- 13470021 TI - The fathers of autistic children. PMID- 13470022 TI - The culture of interpersonal relations in a therapeutic institution for emotionally disturbed children. PMID- 13470024 TI - Use of a standard observation for the psychological evaluation of nonspeaking children. PMID- 13470023 TI - Selection of psychiatric inpatients for treatment at a municipal general hospital. PMID- 13470026 TI - Sociological research in juvenile delinquency. PMID- 13470025 TI - The development, meaning and management of school phobia; workshop, 1956. PMID- 13470027 TI - What happens to psychiatric contributions in the juvenile court setting. PMID- 13470028 TI - Fantasies in children prior to herniorrhaphy. PMID- 13470029 TI - Preliminary report of a preschool therapy group in a children's hospital. PMID- 13470030 TI - A survey assessment of current parental attitudes and practices in child rearing. PMID- 13470032 TI - Group processes. PMID- 13470031 TI - Report of a constipated child with fecal withholding. PMID- 13470033 TI - An evaluation of the anticonvulsant activity of a new barbituric acid derivative: 5-(1-methylbutyl)-5-propargyl barbituric acid. PMID- 13470034 TI - The effect of pH on the stability of solutions of liver fraction I, N.F.X in the presence of ferrous lactate and ferrous gluconate. PMID- 13470035 TI - Testing for sterility of corn oil. II. The use of filters and filtration procedures. PMID- 13470036 TI - DRUG INFORMATION sources: Mexico, Colombia and Argentina. PMID- 13470037 TI - Glassware washing operations in biological and sterile pharmaceutical production. PMID- 13470038 TI - An evaluation of the antihistaminic activity of a new series of chalcone derivatives. PMID- 13470039 TI - An improved formula for phenobarbital elixir and pentobarbital elixir. PMID- 13470040 TI - The blood groups and haemoglobin of the Gorkhas of Nepal. PMID- 13470041 TI - Variation in facial and pubic hair growth in white women. PMID- 13470042 TI - Bilateral asymmetry in skeletal maturation of the hand and wrist: a roentgenographic analysis. PMID- 13470043 TI - Muscle growth and function in relation to skeletal morphology. PMID- 13470044 TI - Linguistic barriers to gene-flow; the blood-groups of the Yakima, Okanagon and Swinomish Indians. PMID- 13470045 TI - Change in the profile of the osseous chin during childhood. PMID- 13470046 TI - Stratigraphical age of the Swanscombe skull. PMID- 13470047 TI - Eruption of primary teeth in Korean rural children. PMID- 13470049 TI - The Harpenden Anthropometer; a counter-type anthropometric caliper. PMID- 13470048 TI - Ischial callosities as sleeping adaptations. PMID- 13470050 TI - The Kwangsi jaw. PMID- 13470051 TI - The future of physical medicine. IX. The need for medical statesmanship. PMID- 13470052 TI - Cross education in the prosthetic training of the below-elbow amputee. PMID- 13470053 TI - An evaluation of techniques used in the radiation of the eye with ultrasonic energy. PMID- 13470054 TI - The role of acetylcholine in brain metabolism and function. PMID- 13470055 TI - Electromyographic study of the differential action of the abdominal muscles during exercise. PMID- 13470056 TI - Cross exercise; a review of the literature and study utilizing electromyographic techniques. PMID- 13470057 TI - The problem of brace maintenance. PMID- 13470058 TI - The galvanic skin reflex; a review of old and recent works from a physiologic point of view. PMID- 13470059 TI - Significance of innervation in the function of the gastric antrum. PMID- 13470060 TI - Inhibitory effect of pancreatic secretin on gastric secretion. PMID- 13470061 TI - Influence of purified adrenal hormones and adrenocorticotropin on progesterone in decidual tissue formation. PMID- 13470062 TI - Stimulation of respiration and secretion of mouse pancreas in vitro. PMID- 13470063 TI - Relative potencies of thyroxine and triiodothyronine based on various criteria in thiouracil-treated chickens. PMID- 13470064 TI - Production of xanthurenic acid from tryptophan in pregnancy and in various states of nitrogen balance. PMID- 13470065 TI - Respiratory metabolism during pregnancy in the guinea pig. PMID- 13470066 TI - Influence of some environmental factors on plasma and urinary 17-hydroxy corticosteroid levels in the rhesus monkey. PMID- 13470067 TI - Muscle and liver glycogen levels in lean and obese strains of mice. PMID- 13470068 TI - Mechanism underlying hypercholesteremia induced by triton WR-1339. PMID- 13470069 TI - Metabolism of octanoate by fatty liver slices. PMID- 13470070 TI - Effects of choline deficiency and carnitine on palmitic acid oxidation by rat liver homogenates. PMID- 13470071 TI - Ineffectiveness of carnitine as a choline substitute in the prevention of fatty livers of rats maintained on a choline-deficient diet. PMID- 13470072 TI - Phosphate exchange in marrow-filled and pneumatized bones of birds. PMID- 13470073 TI - Influence of temperature on performance in guinea pigs. PMID- 13470074 TI - Plasma ultra-filtrable calcium in respiratory alkalosis and acidosis. PMID- 13470075 TI - Plasma ultra-filtrable calcium concentration in posthypercapnic ventricular fibrillation. PMID- 13470077 TI - Refractoriness in cardiac muscle. PMID- 13470076 TI - Respiratory and circulatory vagal reflexes in rabbits exposed to high explosive shock waves. PMID- 13470079 TI - A possible mechanism of action of quinidine. PMID- 13470078 TI - Cardiac depressant effect of CO2 and its reversal. PMID- 13470080 TI - Inhibition by anticholinesterases of the electrical and mechanical activity of isolated rabbit auricles in vitro. PMID- 13470081 TI - Experimental mitral stenosis and ascites formation. PMID- 13470082 TI - Microscopic observations on the action of histamine on small blood vessels. PMID- 13470083 TI - Cation shifts and blood pressure regulation in the dog. PMID- 13470084 TI - Cardiovascular changes of the burned dog following the infusion of intravenous solutions. PMID- 13470085 TI - Saline therapy in tourniquet shock. PMID- 13470086 TI - Effect of acute anoxia on the glutamic oxalacetic transaminase content of the myocardium of the rat. PMID- 13470087 TI - Oxidation of carbon14-labeled glucose, pyruvate and succinate by isolated contracting myocardium. PMID- 13470088 TI - Effects of repeated bleedings on serum glycoprotein concentrations in the guinea pig. PMID- 13470089 TI - Serum transaminase changes after local injury. PMID- 13470090 TI - Phosphate transfer in chicken erythrocytes. PMID- 13470091 TI - Accumulation of pyruvate in phenylhydrazine-treated avian red blood cells. PMID- 13470092 TI - Effect of acetylphenylhydrazine on myoglobin concentration. PMID- 13470093 TI - Effect of unilateral nephrectomy on determination of inulin space in dogs. PMID- 13470094 TI - Changes in cortical pH and blood flow accompanying spreading cortical depression and convulsion. PMID- 13470095 TI - Renal excretion of phlorizin and phlorizin glucoronide. PMID- 13470096 TI - Responses evoked at the cortex by tooth stimulation. PMID- 13470097 TI - Demonstration of abolition of action potentials and subthreshold responses in the cobalt electrode system. PMID- 13470098 TI - Experimental motion sickness in dogs: role of abdominal visceral afferents. PMID- 13470099 TI - Anorectal injuries. PMID- 13470100 TI - Management of pain with hemorrhoidectomy; factors which influence post operative pain. PMID- 13470101 TI - Abdominal migraine. PMID- 13470102 TI - Radical procedure for hemorrhoidectomy. PMID- 13470103 TI - Technique of right hemicolectomy for cancer. PMID- 13470104 TI - New rectal suction tube. PMID- 13470105 TI - Psychiatric nosology: from Hippocrates to Kraepelin. PMID- 13470106 TI - The threat of clarity. PMID- 13470107 TI - Logical analysis. PMID- 13470108 TI - The problem of psychiatric nosology; a contribution to a situational analysis of psychiatric operations. PMID- 13470109 TI - Psychiatry in post-war Germany. PMID- 13470110 TI - An English view of American psychiatry. PMID- 13470111 TI - Correction and retribution in the criminal law. PMID- 13470113 TI - Some psychiatric notes on the Andrea Doria disaster. PMID- 13470112 TI - An operational conception of criminal responsibility; reply to Dr. Friedman. PMID- 13470114 TI - Group psychotherapy: individual and cultural dynamics in a group process. PMID- 13470115 TI - Normal deviations from reality. PMID- 13470116 TI - Relationship between social attitudes toward aging and the delinquencies of youth. PMID- 13470117 TI - Follow-up study on thorazine treated patients. PMID- 13470118 TI - Results of four year active therapy for chronic mental patients and the value of an individual maintenance dose of ECT. PMID- 13470119 TI - Psychophysiological gastrointestinal reactions. PMID- 13470120 TI - A preliminary report on marsilid. PMID- 13470121 TI - Treatment of psychoses with a combination of pacatal and thorazine. PMID- 13470122 TI - The use of hexafluorodiethyl ether (indoklon) as an inhalant convulsant. PMID- 13470123 TI - A case of agranulocytosis following sparine administration. PMID- 13470124 TI - Paradoxical effect of chlorpromazine in a case of periodic catatonia. PMID- 13470126 TI - Health education in transition. PMID- 13470125 TI - Agranulocytosis during treatment with methylpromazine. PMID- 13470127 TI - Role of dietary fat in human nutrition. I. Role of unsaturated dietary fat in infant nutrition. PMID- 13470128 TI - Role of dietary fat in human nutrition. II. Role of unsaturated fat in adult nutrition. PMID- 13470129 TI - Four years of progress in health insurance. PMID- 13470130 TI - Manpower; the Achilles' heel in public health. PMID- 13470131 TI - Public health administration in the United States and England, Baltimore and Birmingham compared. PMID- 13470133 TI - Contract public health services for rural counties; a new approach to an old problem. PMID- 13470132 TI - ECHO viruses from Idaho and Montana. PMID- 13470134 TI - A study of periodic school medical examinations. III. The remediability of certain categories of defects. PMID- 13470136 TI - Mortality, morbidity and retirement. PMID- 13470135 TI - Determination and measurement of particles in city atmospheres. PMID- 13470137 TI - Toward a constructive appraisal of community health services. PMID- 13470138 TI - Birth: problems associated with the creation of effective community official health services. PMID- 13470139 TI - Care: maintenance of local health services at a capacity in keeping with current needs. PMID- 13470140 TI - Growth: developmental problems of official services in keeping in tune with the times. PMID- 13470141 TI - Financing. PMID- 13470142 TI - Community organization. PMID- 13470143 TI - Community attitudes. PMID- 13470145 TI - TRENDS and needs for official community health services, as seen by health officials in 28 states. PMID- 13470144 TI - Local health services; now and in the future. PMID- 13470146 TI - The contributions of biology to radiation therapy. PMID- 13470147 TI - Roentgen manifestations of malignant melanoma. PMID- 13470148 TI - Results of treatment of carcinoma of lower lip. PMID- 13470149 TI - Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity, paranasal sinuses, and upper respiratory tract. PMID- 13470150 TI - Metastasizing giant cell tumor; report of an unusual case with indolent bone and pulmonary metastases. PMID- 13470151 TI - A case report on the development of biliary tract cancer eleven years after the injection of thorotrast. PMID- 13470152 TI - Effects of radiation quality, target-axis distance, and field size on dose distribution in rotation therapy. PMID- 13470153 TI - Development and transplantation of locally radioresistant mouse lymphoma. PMID- 13470154 TI - The effect of ionizing radiations on the regeneration and behavior of mammalian lymphatics; in vivo studies in Sandison Clark chambers. PMID- 13470155 TI - The effect of irradiating the exteriorized small bowel on sugar absorption. PMID- 13470156 TI - Studies with a modified collimator for use with scintillation counter for total body scanning. PMID- 13470157 TI - External irradiation of the thyroid gland in dogs; effects of large doses of roentgen rays upon histologic structure and I131 metabolism. PMID- 13470158 TI - Pre-therapeutic studies with the Chicago synchrocyclotron. PMID- 13470159 TI - Hematologic recovery of adult and weanling rats following whole body roentgen irradiation. PMID- 13470160 TI - The relative biological effectiveness of supervoltage radiations. PMID- 13470161 TI - Byrl Raymond Kirklin, 1888-1957. PMID- 13470162 TI - When do patients die. PMID- 13470163 TI - Partial anomalous venous drainage. PMID- 13470164 TI - Arterial homografts; experience with end-to-side vascular anastomosis. PMID- 13470165 TI - The effect upon free hydrochloric acid production of Heidenhain pouches with variation in size and position of a gastrojejunostomy stoma. PMID- 13470166 TI - Pseudomembranous enterocolitis. PMID- 13470167 TI - Massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage of undetermined origin. PMID- 13470168 TI - Postgastrectomy hemorrhage. PMID- 13470169 TI - A statistical analysis of the fluid and electrolyte requirements of surgical patients. PMID- 13470170 TI - The case for motion and time study in surgery. PMID- 13470171 TI - Titanium for femoral head prosthesis. PMID- 13470172 TI - Prosthetic replacement of the mid-shaft of the radius of the dog. PMID- 13470173 TI - Fractures of the shaft of the tibia in adults treated with multiple wire fixation. PMID- 13470174 TI - Investigation of promethazine in a general surgical practice. PMID- 13470175 TI - The embryologic basis for the clinical manifestations of midgut volvulus. PMID- 13470176 TI - Management of injury to the head in patients with multiple injuries. PMID- 13470177 TI - Acute perforation of the gallbladder. PMID- 13470178 TI - Jejunogastric intussusception following subtotal gastrectomy: an illustrative case report. PMID- 13470179 TI - The use of trypsin (intramuscular) in the treatment of edema due to intestinal anastomosis. PMID- 13470180 TI - Emphysema of one lung associated with atresia of the contralateral pulmonary artery. PMID- 13470181 TI - Torsion of the spermatic cord in adult scrotal testes: a review of eighteen cases managed surgically. PMID- 13470182 TI - Immediate replacement of tissue losses from hand or wriest by means of bipedicled cross arm flaps. PMID- 13470183 TI - Relief of ascites with or without anasarca, a new procedure: preliminary report. PMID- 13470184 TI - Gas gangrene of the abdominal wall following appendectomy. PMID- 13470185 TI - Splenectomy in sarcoidosis. PMID- 13470186 TI - Adrenalectomy in advanced cancer of the breast. PMID- 13470187 TI - Primary Hodgkin's disease of the stomach. PMID- 13470188 TI - Congenital pulmonary cyst. PMID- 13470189 TI - Retroperitoneal rupture of the duodenum due to blunt trauma. PMID- 13470190 TI - Intussusception of the appendix due to carcinoma. PMID- 13470191 TI - One-stage reconstruction of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13470192 TI - Retrocecal hernia. PMID- 13470193 TI - A swelling of the round ligament resembling an acutely incarcerated inguinal hernia. PMID- 13470194 TI - [Rudolph Matas; September 12, 1860-September 23, 1957]. PMID- 13470195 TI - Protein malnutrition and infection. PMID- 13470196 TI - Steatorrhea in tropical sprue patients in Puerto Rico. PMID- 13470197 TI - Saudi Arabia; epidemiological notes on the Eastern Province. PMID- 13470198 TI - Effect of 25 milligrams of pyrimethamine on the infectivity of Plasmodium vivax, St. Elizabeth strain, to Anopheles quadromaculatus. PMID- 13470199 TI - The suppressive and prophylactic effects of puromycin against intestinal protozoa. PMID- 13470200 TI - Histological observations on the influence of a special diet used in experimental amebiasis in guinea pigs. PMID- 13470201 TI - The prevalence of toxoplasmosis in the domestic cat. PMID- 13470202 TI - Murray Valley encephalitis in New Guinea. I. Isolation of Murray Valley encephalitis virus from the brain of a fatal case of encephalitis occurring in a Papuan native. PMID- 13470203 TI - Survey of primates captured in Panama, R. P. during the years 1952-1956 for protective antibodies against yellow fever. PMID- 13470204 TI - The isolation of encephalomyocarditis virus from Aotus monkeys. PMID- 13470205 TI - The 1954-1955 epidemic of smallpox in Tabriz. PMID- 13470206 TI - An epizootic of equine encephalomyelitis that occurred in Massachusetts in 1831. PMID- 13470207 TI - A note on typhus in Egypt and the Sudan. PMID- 13470208 TI - Leptospirosis in Malaya. II. Antigenic analysis of 110 leptospiral strains and other serologic studies. PMID- 13470209 TI - An effective trichuricide suitable for oral administration. PMID- 13470210 TI - The anthelmintic effect of dithiazanine in experimental animals. PMID- 13470211 TI - Investigations on the action of piperazine on Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13470212 TI - Comparison of methods of examining stools for parasites. PMID- 13470213 TI - The development of Onchocerca volvulus in laboratory-reared Simulium damnosum Theobald. PMID- 13470214 TI - A preliminary report on a perfusion technique for recovering schistosomes at time of autopsy. PMID- 13470215 TI - Laboratory studies on the reactions of Simulium larvae to insecticides. I. A laboratory method for studying the effects of insecticide on Simulium larvae. PMID- 13470216 TI - Laboratory studies on the reactions of Simulium larvae to insecticides. II. The reactions of Simulium damnosum larvae to DDT. PMID- 13470217 TI - Laboratory studies on the reactions of Simulium larvae to insecticides. III. The reactions of Simulium damnosum larvae to dieldrin. PMID- 13470218 TI - A report of a series of recent outbreaks of unusual cephalopod and fish intoxications in Japan. PMID- 13470220 TI - Egg-laying inhibition in Oncomelania nosophora maintained on filter paper. PMID- 13470219 TI - Relationship of temperature to molluscicidal activity. PMID- 13470221 TI - Studies on reproduction and growth of Oncomelania quadrasi, O. nosophora, and O. formosana, snail hosts of Schistosoma japonicum. PMID- 13470222 TI - Studies on avian encephalomyelitis. I. Egg adaptation of the virus. PMID- 13470224 TI - Pathological changes of an Escherichia coli infection in chickens and turkeys. PMID- 13470223 TI - Studies on avian encephalomyelitis. II. Flock survey for embryo susceptibility to the virus. PMID- 13470225 TI - Pathogenesis of arthritis in chicken embryos caused by a pleuropneumonia-like organism. PMID- 13470226 TI - Infectious synovitis control by medication; effect of strain differences and pleuropneumonia-like organisms. PMID- 13470227 TI - Relationship between immunity and serum-neutralization titers in chickens inoculated with three infectious bronchitis vaccines. PMID- 13470228 TI - Cultivation and cytopathogenicity of Newcastle disease virus in HeLa and bovine kidney cell cultures. PMID- 13470229 TI - Pathological changes associated with Dictyocaulus viviparus (Bloch) infections in calves. PMID- 13470230 TI - Effectiveness of various measures in bloat therapy and prophylaxis, and the resulting influence on rumen fluid characteristics. PMID- 13470231 TI - Studies of the incidence and morphology of accessory glandular tissue in the teat canal of the bovine mammary gland. PMID- 13470232 TI - The characteristics of agglutinating antigens of Vibrio fetus variants. I. Effects of heat and formalin on serological activity. PMID- 13470233 TI - Immunization of cattle against experimental anthrax with alum-precipitated protective antigen or spore vaccine. PMID- 13470234 TI - Distribution of micrococci and other bacteria in milk samples from a single dairy herd after twelve years of mastitis control. PMID- 13470235 TI - Direct complement fixation for detection of foot-and-mouth disease antibody in serums from experimentally infected cattle. PMID- 13470236 TI - Critical tests with piperazine-carbon disulfide complex (parvex) against parasites of the horse. PMID- 13470238 TI - Persistence of viremia and immunity in African swine fever. PMID- 13470237 TI - Equine ringworm with special reference to Trichophyton equinum. PMID- 13470239 TI - A disease of swine and cattle caused by eating moldy corn. II. Experimental production with pure cultures of molds. PMID- 13470240 TI - Poisoning by sodium salt; a cause of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in swine. PMID- 13470242 TI - Symmetrical cortical siderosis of the kidneys in goats. PMID- 13470241 TI - Strain variation in the response of sheep nematodes to action of phenothiazine. III. Field observations. PMID- 13470243 TI - Studies on genital vibriosis in sheep. PMID- 13470244 TI - The hair follicle, epidermis, dermis, and skin glands of the dog. PMID- 13470245 TI - The effect of five proteolytic enzymes on some antigenic characteristics of rabies virus; with observations on the resistance of the virus to heat. PMID- 13470246 TI - Some effects of a bacterial protease on the complement fixing antigenicity of rabies virus. PMID- 13470247 TI - Neuropathology of experimental salmon poisoning of dogs. PMID- 13470248 TI - The correlation between packed cell volume and erythrocyte number in canine blood. PMID- 13470249 TI - Chemotherapy of canine filariasis. PMID- 13470250 TI - Detection of Anaplasma marginale by means of fluorescein-labeled antibody. PMID- 13470251 TI - Isolation and identification of strychnine and other alkaloids in veterinary toxicology. PMID- 13470252 TI - The in vitro cultivation of tissues of domestic and laboratory animals. PMID- 13470253 TI - Clostridium botulinum type C. I. Studies on laboratory variables affecting toxin production and toxoid evaluation. PMID- 13470254 TI - A new species of Brucella isolated from the desert wood rat, Neotoma lepida Thomas. PMID- 13470255 TI - Propagation of virus diarrhea virus of cattle in tissue culture. PMID- 13470256 TI - Infection of laboratory mice with Salmonella kentucky. PMID- 13470257 TI - Isolation and identification of the phenothiazine urinary conjugate in dairy cows. PMID- 13470259 TI - A new approach to classification of orthoptic cases. PMID- 13470260 TI - Broader horizons in orthoptics. PMID- 13470258 TI - Electrophysiologic insight in ocular motility. PMID- 13470261 TI - What an ophthalmologist expects from an orthoptist. PMID- 13470262 TI - Technician-special education or general education. PMID- 13470263 TI - Strabismus under four years. PMID- 13470264 TI - Diplopia. PMID- 13470265 TI - The practical significance of the subjective angle. PMID- 13470266 TI - Use of prisms in the treatment of phorias. PMID- 13470267 TI - Suppression. PMID- 13470268 TI - The television trainer in fusion training. PMID- 13470269 TI - Anomalous retinal correspondence diagnostic tests and therapy. PMID- 13470271 TI - Alternating esotropia. PMID- 13470270 TI - The colon-depth strabismus training technique. PMID- 13470272 TI - Reading disabilities. PMID- 13470273 TI - Adult orthoptics. PMID- 13470274 TI - Surgery for esophoria in the adult. PMID- 13470275 TI - Optical aids to orthoptics. PMID- 13470276 TI - Trends in refraction. PMID- 13470278 TI - The management of anisometropia. PMID- 13470277 TI - Refraction and squint. PMID- 13470279 TI - Neuroanatomy for the orthoptist. PMID- 13470280 TI - The clinical neurology of cranial nerves III, IV, and VI. PMID- 13470281 TI - Animal eyes. PMID- 13470282 TI - History of orthoptics at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. PMID- 13470283 TI - New orthoptic techniques. PMID- 13470285 TI - A discussion of anomalous retinal correspondence. PMID- 13470284 TI - Ocular torticollis. PMID- 13470287 TI - A multidimensional approach to peptic ulcer therapy. PMID- 13470286 TI - Psychogenic "dyspena" and the hyperventilation syndrome. PMID- 13470288 TI - The treatment of warts. PMID- 13470289 TI - Clinical use of zoxazolamine in an industrial dispensary. PMID- 13470290 TI - Clinical evaluation of promethazine for prevention of postoperative vomiting. PMID- 13470291 TI - Suture tape: a report. PMID- 13470292 TI - Clinical observations on the use of hydroxyzine in anxiety-tension states and senile agitation. PMID- 13470293 TI - Achalasia; response to treatment in long-term effect. PMID- 13470294 TI - Achromycin lotion; an adjunct in treating acne vulgaris. PMID- 13470295 TI - The hereditary hemoglobinopathies. PMID- 13470296 TI - Esophageal rupture associated with peptic ulcer. PMID- 13470297 TI - The long term regulation of dicumarol dosage by the venous clotting time. PMID- 13470298 TI - Local use of hydrocortisone and oxytetracycline in dermatology: the evaluation of injectable hydrocortisone in fluid filled cysts. PMID- 13470299 TI - Use of phenylbutazone in musculoskeletal disorders. PMID- 13470300 TI - Agranulocytosis-iatrogenic disease. PMID- 13470301 TI - Prednisone in treatment of cardiac decompensation; a new treatment of cardiac pleural effusion. PMID- 13470302 TI - Iron-deficiency anemia; diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13470303 TI - Tuberculosis morbidity of young men in relation to tuberculin sensitivity and body build. PMID- 13470304 TI - The late results of prolonged multiple-drug therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13470305 TI - The association of terminal bronchiolar carcinoma with chronic interstitial inflammation and fibrosis of the lungs. PMID- 13470306 TI - Effect of pyridoxal on uptake of C14-activity from labeled isoniazid by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PMID- 13470307 TI - Changing patterns in childhood tuberculosis. PMID- 13470308 TI - Tuberculosis of the superficial lymph nodes in children; a review with a report of experience of enzymatic debridement. PMID- 13470309 TI - Comparison of a simple helium closed with the oxygen open-circuit method for measuring residual air. PMID- 13470311 TI - Pericarditis in a tuberculosis sanatorium. PMID- 13470310 TI - Enumeration of viable tubercle bacilli from the organs of nonimmunized and immunized mice. PMID- 13470312 TI - Further observations of pyrazinamide alone and in combination with other drugs in experimental tuberculosis. PMID- 13470313 TI - Pulmonary actinomycosis diagnosed by lung biopsy. PMID- 13470314 TI - Natural healing and chemotherapy. PMID- 13470315 TI - The examination of sputum. I. Collection and selection. PMID- 13470316 TI - The examination of sputum. II. Search for elastic tissue. PMID- 13470318 TI - Studies of nontuberculous acid-fast bacilli recovered from human sources. I. Bacteriologic studies. PMID- 13470317 TI - The examination of sputum. III. Search for fungal spores. PMID- 13470319 TI - Experimental sensitization of guinea pigs with Candida albicans and adjuvants. PMID- 13470320 TI - The classification and susceptibilities to chemotherapeutic agents of chromogenic acid-fast bacilli. PMID- 13470321 TI - Relative efficacies of chick embryo and standard American Trudeau Society medium in isolation of tubercle bacilli from human sputum. PMID- 13470322 TI - Present status of the surgical treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13470323 TI - Jejunal diverticula: a reappraisal of its importance and report of three cases. PMID- 13470324 TI - Respiratory arrest following administration of intraperitoneal neomycin. PMID- 13470325 TI - Staphylococcal empyema in infancy. PMID- 13470326 TI - A second look operation for questionable nonviable bowel; case report. PMID- 13470327 TI - Concurrent liver biopsy and cholecystectomy. PMID- 13470328 TI - Choledochotomy and cholangiography. PMID- 13470329 TI - Acute gastroduodenal perforations; a study of three hundred and eighty-one patients. PMID- 13470330 TI - Tracheotomy: a clinical and experimental study. II. PMID- 13470332 TI - Surgical treatment of pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13470331 TI - Surgical attributes. PMID- 13470333 TI - Open surgery of the ascending aorta under hypothermia. PMID- 13470334 TI - Neurologic lesions resembling an acute condition within the abdomen. PMID- 13470335 TI - Rotary lawn mower injuries. PMID- 13470336 TI - Management of recurrent thyroid nodules. PMID- 13470338 TI - Spontaneous rupture of pseudocysts of the pancreas. PMID- 13470337 TI - Urology in the coal fields. PMID- 13470339 TI - Tracheotomy: a clinical and experimental study. III. PMID- 13470340 TI - [Artificial insemination and its justification]. PMID- 13470341 TI - [Thyroid function test with radioiodine in normal pregnancy]. PMID- 13470342 TI - [Hirsutism]. PMID- 13470343 TI - South America blastomycosis. PMID- 13470344 TI - [Ureterocystoneostomy; data in relation to ureterocystoneostomy with the presentation of an operative technic]. PMID- 13470345 TI - [Acute cardiac complications]. PMID- 13470346 TI - [The Rh factor]. PMID- 13470348 TI - [Identification & health cards; medical point of view]. PMID- 13470347 TI - [Alumination; a new factor of primary importance in the therapeutic scheme of severe burns]. PMID- 13470349 TI - [Data on mortality in surgery]. PMID- 13470350 TI - [Roehamptom & its center for the fitting of artificial limbs in England]. PMID- 13470351 TI - [2 Case reports of epiphysial coxa vara treated surgically]. PMID- 13470352 TI - [Cardiac arrest; acute circulatory failure; clinical aspects]. PMID- 13470353 TI - [Cardiac arrest; treatment]. PMID- 13470354 TI - [Ectopic choriocarcinoma; clinically manifested by a lesion of the eye]. PMID- 13470355 TI - [Buccal & dental manifestations of endocrine & nutrition disorders]. PMID- 13470357 TI - [Intraparenchymatous aneurysm of the kidney]. PMID- 13470356 TI - [Diagnosis of cervicobrachial pain. I]. PMID- 13470358 TI - [Integral treatment of lymphosarcoma]. PMID- 13470359 TI - [The soul of the patient]. PMID- 13470360 TI - [Empirical equations; biological examples]. PMID- 13470361 TI - [Changes in the blood picture in relation to blood tocopherol & age]. PMID- 13470362 TI - [Physiopathology of the clinical manifestations of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470363 TI - [Quantitative determination of fecal lipids; normal values]. PMID- 13470365 TI - [Movements of human sperm]. PMID- 13470366 TI - [Derived esophagoplasty in benign stenosis of the esophagus; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13470364 TI - [Chromatographic analysis of the amino acids of quinoa & the quantitative study of them in the 6 more important varieties consumed in Peru]. PMID- 13470367 TI - [Modified visuomotor L. Bender-Gestalt test]. PMID- 13470368 TI - [Exhumation & recognition of the mortal remains of Menendez Pelayo]. PMID- 13470369 TI - [Present status of the treatment of transmission deafness]. PMID- 13470370 TI - [Factor in renal glycosuria]. PMID- 13470371 TI - [Evaluation of the x-ray signs of gastric mucosa]. PMID- 13470372 TI - [Surface tension & diagnosis]. PMID- 13470373 TI - [New concepts in vertebral tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470374 TI - [Surgical treatment in Parkinson's disease & other dyskinesia by subcortical operations]. PMID- 13470375 TI - [Primary processional paranoia]. PMID- 13470376 TI - The mode of action of depolarizing relaxants. PMID- 13470377 TI - Promethazine in clinical anesthesia. PMID- 13470378 TI - The mediation of cell impulses and activity: a review and speculation of the mechanism and cause. PMID- 13470379 TI - Observations on fluctuations in blood volume as determined with radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13470380 TI - Preliminary investigation with fluothane. PMID- 13470381 TI - A technic for injection of the splanchnic nerves with alcohol. PMID- 13470382 TI - SIR HENRY HALLETT DALE. PMID- 13470383 TI - [Mycotic aneurysm of the left common iliac artery treated by resection and homologous arterial graft]. PMID- 13470384 TI - [Electrophoresis of blood proteins in vascular diseases]. PMID- 13470385 TI - [Study of coagulation in cancer]. PMID- 13470386 TI - [A new antihypertensive ganglioplegic: ecolid]. PMID- 13470387 TI - [Primary malignant tumors of bone marrow with hematopoietic evolution: medullary sarcomes. II. Plasmocytic sarcomas of skeleton]. PMID- 13470388 TI - [Reticuloendotheliosis of Whipple's disease]. PMID- 13470389 TI - [Plasmocytic myelomatosis with leukemic syndrome and metabolic pneumopathy]. PMID- 13470390 TI - Simple cysts of the kidney; report of nine cases. PMID- 13470392 TI - Ren arcuatus. PMID- 13470391 TI - Polycystic kidney; its clinical diagnosis. PMID- 13470393 TI - [Clinical use of kidney biopsy]. PMID- 13470394 TI - The importance of cytological studies in the diagnosis of pulmonary carcinoma. PMID- 13470395 TI - Observations on the immediate post-operative treatment of thoracic patients. PMID- 13470396 TI - Treatment of hemangioma cavernosum and results obtained on the basis of follow-up examinations. PMID- 13470397 TI - Significance of functional radiography of the lumbar spine in forward and backward flexion. PMID- 13470398 TI - A Dupuytren contracture family. PMID- 13470399 TI - Ovarian struma, ascites and hydrothorax in a patient with congenital absence of the vagina. PMID- 13470400 TI - Hematometra following upper vaginal atresia at the menopausal age. PMID- 13470401 TI - [Role of the nervous system in the regulation of functions of the hypophysis and adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13470402 TI - [Concerning determination of urinary 17-hydroxycorticoids by the Reddy-Jenkins Thorn method]. PMID- 13470403 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470404 TI - [Androgynoid intersexuality with numerous congenital malformations]. PMID- 13470405 TI - [Nervous thinness in brother & sister]. PMID- 13470406 TI - [Case of gonadotropic feminine impuberism of turnerian appearance]. PMID- 13470407 TI - [Chromatographic study of iodated compounds eliminated in the urine of patients with Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13470408 TI - [Clinically late virilism with excretion of pregnanetriol and insufficiency of cortisol production]. PMID- 13470409 TI - [Case of Addison's disease associated with hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13470410 TI - [Inhibitory effect of thallium on ovulation induced in the rabbit]. PMID- 13470411 TI - [Comparison of results furnished by the physical and chemical measurements of blood plasma iodine in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism; attempt at evaluation of the intrathyroid hormonal reserve]. PMID- 13470412 TI - [Inhibition of the escape of the potassium ion of guinea pig brain cells in vitro under the effects of posthypophysial extract]. PMID- 13470413 TI - [Influence of castration on induced mobilization of rat spermatozoids]. PMID- 13470414 TI - [Factors conditioning the habitat of mollusc vectors of bilharziasis, their epidemiological incidence. III. Flora and fauna of habitats, natural enemies, competitive diseases, fluctuations]. PMID- 13470415 TI - [Specific antigen therapy in chronic and recurrent staphylococcal infections]. PMID- 13470416 TI - [In vitro sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to cycloserine and titration method]. PMID- 13470417 TI - [Behavior of brain tissue cultures infected with rabies virus; in vitro evolution of Negri bodies in rabid brain tissues]. PMID- 13470419 TI - Participation of a non-temperate phage in lysogenization. PMID- 13470418 TI - [Role of cations in bacteriophage fixation on sensitive bacteria. I. Effect of cation concentration on bacteriophage fixation on various sensitive strains]. PMID- 13470420 TI - [Effect of high pressures on viruses. Variation with temperature of inactivation pressure of certain viruses]. PMID- 13470421 TI - [Culture of foot and mouth disease virus (type O) in swine kidney tissues. I. Study of infectivity]. PMID- 13470422 TI - [Salmonella typhosa R2 toxin. VI. Experimental toxic action. C. Effects on leukocyte formula]. PMID- 13470423 TI - [Immunochemical and electrophoretic studies of egg white globulins; demonstration and properties. II]. PMID- 13470424 TI - [Experimental production of grains surrounded by clubs around aggregates of acid fast Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470425 TI - [Sensitivity and resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to cycloserine; study of 115 strains isolated from human pathological materials]. PMID- 13470426 TI - [A new selective medium for the isolation of Brucellae from contaminated material]. PMID- 13470427 TI - [Human rabies in Northern Vietnam in 1955]. PMID- 13470428 TI - [Study of APC (adenovirus) from a case of fatal pneumopathy]. PMID- 13470430 TI - [Role of bile in PCB medium; other substances enhancing the production of chlamydospores by Candida albicans]. PMID- 13470429 TI - [Special position of Mengo encephalomyelitis with relation to poliomyelitis; in vitro cytopathological data]. PMID- 13470431 TI - [Factors conditioning the habitat of mollusc vectors of bilharziasis, their epidemiological incidence. IV. Physiological constants of reproduction especially in function of the species; conclusions]. PMID- 13470432 TI - [Role of cations in bacteriophage fixation on sensitive bacteria. II. Physicochemical study]. PMID- 13470433 TI - [Effects of freezing on bacteriophages]. PMID- 13470434 TI - [Analysis of descendance of zygotes formed by conjugation of Escherichia coli K12]. PMID- 13470435 TI - [Inhibition of growth in auxotrophic mutants of Escherichia coli requiring homoserine by alpha-amino-delta-hydroxyvaleric acid]. PMID- 13470436 TI - [Mycobacterium tuberculosis sensitivity to viomycin and in vitro titration method]. PMID- 13470437 TI - [Cytopathogenic action of vaccinia virus in tissue culture and hypothesis of a cytotoxic effect]. PMID- 13470438 TI - [Poliomyelitis antigen during intracellular development of virus]. PMID- 13470439 TI - [Virulence of nervous centers in young pigs inoculated with Teschen virus, Malagache strain]. PMID- 13470440 TI - [Candidiasis of digestive tract in rabbit]. PMID- 13470441 TI - [Influence of electrophoretic nature (gamma or beta globulin) of horse diphtheria antitoxin on form of quantitative precipitation curve]. PMID- 13470442 TI - [Pasteurella septica. I. Bacteriological study of strains isolated from swine and sheep]. PMID- 13470443 TI - [Electrometric determination of lipase activity in Brucella strains]. PMID- 13470444 TI - [Atypical Brucella strain isolated from goat vaccinated with living vaccine]. PMID- 13470445 TI - [Brucella strains isolated in Poland]. PMID- 13470446 TI - [Blood in patient with essential hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13470447 TI - [Bactericidal activity of royal jelly on Koch bacillus; trial fractionation on active substance]. PMID- 13470448 TI - [Direct demonstration of heterogenicity of tuberculosis bacillus strains to isoniazid]. PMID- 13470449 TI - [Cytochromes and cytochrome-oxidase activity of isoniazid-sensitive and isoniazid resistant Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13470450 TI - [A new technic for study of the bactericidal effect of combined antibiotics: transfer on cellophane]. PMID- 13470451 TI - [Anti-rabies vaccination at the Pasteur Institute in 1956]. PMID- 13470452 TI - [Anti-rabies vaccinations at the Pasteur Institute of Hanol in 1955]. PMID- 13470453 TI - [Structure and properties of the elementary particles of tobacco mosaic virus. I. Preliminary results obtained with high pressures]. PMID- 13470454 TI - [Processes of conjugation and recombination in Escherichia coli. II. Chromosomal location of phage lambda and genetic results of zygotic induction]. PMID- 13470455 TI - [Studies of the role of cations in the fixation of bacteriophages on sensitive bacteria. II. Physicochemical study]. PMID- 13470456 TI - [Demonstration of endogenous prolysines in bacteriophages]. PMID- 13470457 TI - [Comparison of the lethal and mutagenic action of an organic peroxide and radiations on E. coli]. PMID- 13470458 TI - [Antigenic structure of Malleomyces pseudomallei. III. Method of extraction and early results of attempted purification of antigen K from the surface of bacteria cells]. PMID- 13470459 TI - [Studies of the R2 toxin of typhoid bacillus. VI. Experimental toxic action. D. Effects on blood sugar]. PMID- 13470460 TI - [Classification of Pseudomonadaceae]. PMID- 13470461 TI - [Attempted enhancement of the toxic power of Vibrio cholarae. I. In vivo in young rabbits]. PMID- 13470463 TI - [Use in current practice of a new method of staining tubercle bacilli for fluorescence examination]. PMID- 13470462 TI - [Delayed appearance of colonies of tubercle bacilli on media seeded with treated pathological material]. PMID- 13470464 TI - [Research on APC group antibodies]. PMID- 13470465 TI - [Twelve anaerobic pectinolytic strains from fish intestines and from fresh and salt water sludges]. PMID- 13470466 TI - [Action of various antibiotics on Reiter's Treponema; test of possible activity of these antibiotics in syphilis]. PMID- 13470467 TI - [Processes of conjugation and recombination in Escherichia coli. III. Morphological aspects in electron microscopy]. PMID- 13470468 TI - [Mechanism of radioprotective activity of cysteamine on bacteria]. PMID- 13470469 TI - [Conjunctival inoculation of dysentery bacilli in guinea pig]. PMID- 13470470 TI - [Miliary abscesses in kidneys of white rats induced by an aerobic Corynebacterium related to Corynebacterium kutscheri]. PMID- 13470472 TI - [Reaction of hedgehod (Oetechinus algirus algirus) to inoculation of rabies virus particularly the Flury strain]. PMID- 13470471 TI - [Experimental studies on rabies in Ethiopia]. PMID- 13470473 TI - [Causes of death in captive chimpanzees at Pasteur Institute of Kindia (1950 1956)]. PMID- 13470474 TI - [Climatic balances and mineralization of humus]. PMID- 13470475 TI - [Research and determination of formaldehyde in biological materials: anatoxines, sera, vaccines]. PMID- 13470476 TI - [Attempts to enhance the toxicity of Vibrio cholerae. II. By R-S-dissociation in vitro]. PMID- 13470477 TI - [Use of tergitol 7 TTC medium for colorimetry of crude and pasturized milks]. PMID- 13470478 TI - [Culture medium allowing survival of Treponema pallidum used in Nelson test]. PMID- 13470479 TI - Coenzyme A in livers of rats treated with growth hormone (STH). PMID- 13470480 TI - Effect of dinitrophenols, some narcotics, and thiourea on the respiratory metabolism of white mice. PMID- 13470481 TI - Effect of some narcotics and thiourea on the dinitrophenol-stimulated respiratory metabolism of white mice. PMID- 13470482 TI - Effect of chlorpromazine and reserpine on wound healing in the white rat. PMID- 13470483 TI - Studies of serum lipids and lipoproteins in bleeding anaemia in rats. PMID- 13470484 TI - Distribution of cholesterol and phospholipids in rabbit serum lipoprotein fractions separated by paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13470485 TI - Distribution of cholesterol and phospholipids in rat serum lipoprotein fractions separated by paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13470486 TI - Observations on the determination of glucuronic acid. PMID- 13470487 TI - Ultraviolet irradiation of blood; effect on plasma potential and the oxidation reduction capacity, poising effect of plasma. PMID- 13470488 TI - [Effect of carbutamide on experimental atherosclerosis in the chicken]. PMID- 13470489 TI - Effects of radiation on one of two Yoshida sarcomas transplanted into the same animal. PMID- 13470490 TI - Transposition of the spleen into the thoracic cavity; experimental observations: preliminary report. PMID- 13470491 TI - Revascularisation of the heart muscle following the transposition of the spleen and omentum into the thoracic cavity; experimental study on dogs: preliminary report. PMID- 13470492 TI - Nucleolar variability in benign and malignant papillomas of the larynx in adults. PMID- 13470494 TI - The weights of the brain, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys of the albino rat and their percentages of body weight during growth, especially in the first three weeks of life. PMID- 13470493 TI - Mitotic rate and colchicine sensitivity of the epithelium of the esophagus, trachea and bronchi of the white mouse. PMID- 13470495 TI - The water content in normal conditions of the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and striated muscles of the albino rat, especially in the first days of life. PMID- 13470496 TI - The effect of exposure to low pressure, of restraining and of injections of adrenaline on the rate of reduction of methaemoglobin in rabbit erythrocytes. PMID- 13470497 TI - Effect of heparin on serum lipid and lipoprotein changes caused by bleeding anaemia in rat. PMID- 13470498 TI - Effect of heparin on serum lipids and lipoproteins in haemorrhagic anaemia; studies on rabbits. PMID- 13470499 TI - [Effects of oral antidiabetics (N-tolyl-sulfonyl-N'-butyl urea) on thyroid function and serum cholesterol in the rat]. PMID- 13470500 TI - Effect of oral antidiabetic agents on the activity of the thyroid; an experimental study on frog tadpoles. PMID- 13470501 TI - Observations on skeletal changes in experimental lathyrism in the rat. PMID- 13470502 TI - Effect of somatotropin (STH) on the maternal organism during pregnancy. PMID- 13470503 TI - Glucose and starch tolerance test in experimental pancreatitis produced with ethionine. PMID- 13470504 TI - The effects of training on heart rate; a longitudinal study. PMID- 13470505 TI - Effect of chlorpromazine and reserpine on liver parenchyme in the white rat. PMID- 13470507 TI - The effect of some polymers on influenza virus. PMID- 13470506 TI - Is the placenta of a syphilitic mother more readily traversed by the complement fixing antibody than by the flocculating antibody. PMID- 13470508 TI - Further studies on the growth-controlling action of human serum on HeLa cells. PMID- 13470510 TI - C reactive protein in serous meningitis and paralytic poliomyelitis. PMID- 13470509 TI - Adenoviruses associated with pharyngoconjunctival fever; isolation of adenovirus type 7 & serological studies suggesting its etiological role in an epidemic in Helsinki. PMID- 13470511 TI - Postnatal antitoxin response of the chicken; effect of fetal contact with diphtheria toxoid. PMID- 13470512 TI - [Fractional encephalography in schizophrenic syndromes]. PMID- 13470513 TI - [Electroencephalograms of chronic alcoholics; statistical study]. PMID- 13470514 TI - [Delimitation of paranoia and paraphrenia of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13470515 TI - [The diagnostic role of the content and style of drawings by children]. PMID- 13470516 TI - [Ideas of jealousy and endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13470517 TI - [Oneiroid state with illusions of complex structure]. PMID- 13470518 TI - [Moral perversions and chlorpromazine; its effect on disorders of character and conduct]. PMID- 13470519 TI - [Korsakoff's syndrome of tumoral etiology caused by compression of the third ventricle]. PMID- 13470520 TI - [Is determination of serum alcohol the only criterion of the result of therapy of alcoholism]. PMID- 13470521 TI - [Post-influenza acute psychosis in an old man]. PMID- 13470522 TI - [Pathological laziness, fatal coma, possible familial diencephalic fragility]. PMID- 13470523 TI - [Trial use of 7044 RP in a ward of mental deficient children]. PMID- 13470524 TI - [Psychological methods in obstetrical analgesia]. PMID- 13470525 TI - [Mental disorders in phakomatoses]. PMID- 13470526 TI - Nutrition and lactation in domestic animals and particularly in the cow. PMID- 13470528 TI - Nutrition and gestation. PMID- 13470527 TI - [Nutrition & lactation in the human female; quantitative & qualitative milk production with special reference to under-developed countries or those with inadequate food supply]. PMID- 13470529 TI - [Nutrition and sex hormones]. PMID- 13470530 TI - [Nutrition & the skin (including the appendages) in animals]. PMID- 13470531 TI - Nutrition and the skin in man. PMID- 13470532 TI - Nutrition and digestive flora in animals. PMID- 13470533 TI - Nutrition and intestinal flora in man. PMID- 13470534 TI - [Nutrition and senescence]. PMID- 13470535 TI - [After-cure of re-educated amblyopia; reading, typographic & arithmetical corrections, counting, stitching, drawings & photographic quizzes]. PMID- 13470536 TI - [Choroidal metastasis of breast cancer treated by ovariectomy & adrenalectomy]. PMID- 13470537 TI - [Findings on African ocular onchocerciasis]. PMID- 13470539 TI - Neuropsychiatric and neuropathological aspects of prematurity. PMID- 13470538 TI - [Long-term results of 119 keratoplasties]. PMID- 13470540 TI - Respiratory problems of the premature infant. III. Acid-base adjustments. a) Normal capillary plasma values of CO2 total content and pH, from birth to the seventieth day of life. PMID- 13470541 TI - Prematurity. PMID- 13470542 TI - The respiratory difficulties of caesaren babies. PMID- 13470543 TI - Atelectasis with hyaline membrane. PMID- 13470544 TI - Evolution of premature infant care. PMID- 13470545 TI - Survival rates and weight gains in premature infants weighing 1000 grams or less; twenty-four years' experience at the New York Hospital. PMID- 13470546 TI - The effect of atmospheric humidity on survival of newly born premature infants. PMID- 13470547 TI - The present status of prematurity in England and Wales. PMID- 13470548 TI - A few present and potential aspects of research in the field of fetal anoxia. PMID- 13470549 TI - [Prevention of interstitial pneumonia in premature infants]. PMID- 13470550 TI - [Neuropsychological prognosis of a group of premature infants (Ylppo test)]. PMID- 13470551 TI - Problems of pediatrics. PMID- 13470552 TI - [Problem of anemia after erythroblastosis in newborn]. PMID- 13470553 TI - Reasons for delaying the feeding of premature infants. PMID- 13470554 TI - [The otoantritis of prematurity]. PMID- 13470555 TI - [Hazards of vitamin K preparations for premature infants]. PMID- 13470557 TI - Our experience of the late prognosis of prematurity. PMID- 13470556 TI - [Respiratory insufficiency in the newborn caused by hyaline membrane disease]. PMID- 13470558 TI - [Amino acid synthesis of fibrins in umbilical & maternal blood]. PMID- 13470559 TI - Electroencephalogram in the course of tuberculous meningitis treated with cortisone; a comparative study. PMID- 13470560 TI - [Thrombopenic purpura and nephropathies]. PMID- 13470561 TI - The nature and control of bleeding in acute leukemia and other thrombocytopenic states; a review of a ten year program of research. PMID- 13470562 TI - Avian tuberculous infection in a child. PMID- 13470563 TI - [Etiology of institutional dyspepsia]. PMID- 13470564 TI - [Effect of hydrogen ion concentration of the urine & its relation to urination]. PMID- 13470565 TI - Significance of changes in the tonicity of body fluids in infantile diarrheal dehydration. PMID- 13470566 TI - [Gastro-esophageal reflux, hiatus hernia & brachyesophagus in infants]. PMID- 13470567 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcaemia in infancy; changes in the skeleton with treatment. PMID- 13470568 TI - [Nutritional problems related to the bioclinical study of avitaminosis C]. PMID- 13470569 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcemia in infancy. PMID- 13470571 TI - [Funiculitis Serosa Allergica]. PMID- 13470570 TI - Passive transfer of skin sensitizing antibodies to the skin of infants and young children. PMID- 13470572 TI - Enteropathic acrodermatitis (Danbolt-Closs) and diodoquin treatment. PMID- 13470573 TI - [Amino acid supplements & nitrogen retention in dystrophic infants]. PMID- 13470574 TI - The declining rate of breast-feeding; its causes and possible prevention. PMID- 13470575 TI - Breast milk and cow's milk in infant feeding; skeletal development during the first year of life. PMID- 13470576 TI - [Etiology of dermatitis seborrheica and erythrodermia desquamativum of the infant. I. The role of Candida albicans]. PMID- 13470577 TI - [Etiology of dermatitis seborrheica and of erythrodermia desquamativum in the infant. II. The secondary character of the general internal changes]. PMID- 13470578 TI - [Carbohydrate metabolism in infants with Leiner's disease, eczema and dermatitis]. PMID- 13470579 TI - [The fungistatic effect of the serum of infants with Leiner's disease, dermatitis and eczema]. PMID- 13470580 TI - [Structure of casein particles in milk used for infant feeding]. PMID- 13470581 TI - [Blood coagulation in children. VII. Investigations of the activity of the thromboplastogenic factor of the platelets of umbilical cord blood]. PMID- 13470582 TI - [Blood coagulation studies in children. VIII. Thromboplastin formation in various infectious diseases in childhood]. PMID- 13470583 TI - [Chloride content of the feces of infants with pylorospasm]. PMID- 13470584 TI - [Chloride content of vomited matter of infants with pylorospasm]. PMID- 13470585 TI - [Cholecystography in early infancy]. PMID- 13470586 TI - [Effect of various antiseptic drugs on bacterial respiration]. PMID- 13470587 TI - [Various cytochemical aspects of basophilic granulocyte in man & rabbit blood]. PMID- 13470588 TI - [Complexometric determination of bismuth; application in drug control]. PMID- 13470589 TI - [Preparation of alkylhydroxyethylurethanes as local anesthetics; study of isostere of oxygen in long chains]. PMID- 13470590 TI - [Study of Rauwolfia. II. Analysis of Rauwolfia vomitoria Afz. & various closely related African species]. PMID- 13470591 TI - [Effect of the drying methods on the biological activity of plants containing cardiotonic heterosides]. PMID- 13470592 TI - [Studies on the antimitotic activity in the urethane series. I. Ethylurethane & glycol urethanes]. PMID- 13470593 TI - [Studies on the antimitotic activity in the urethane series. II. Hydrazine & chlorinated derivatives]. PMID- 13470594 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470595 TI - [A fatal case of Balantidium dysentery]. PMID- 13470596 TI - [Bacillary dysentery in Ruanda-Urundi and Kivu]. PMID- 13470597 TI - [Cancers in children in Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13470598 TI - [Neurological and neuropathological aspects of human trypanosomiasis]. PMID- 13470599 TI - [Two described cases possibly belonging to the Stein Leventhal syndrome]. PMID- 13470600 TI - [A case of cancer of the maxillary sinus in a native of Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13470601 TI - [Local anesthesia in the change of times and methods]. PMID- 13470602 TI - [Methods of experimental research on cancer and its significance in practical medicine]. PMID- 13470603 TI - [A combined investigative method for determining the functional capacity of the child]. PMID- 13470604 TI - [Studies on the development of tuberculosis mortality in Saarland with special regard to the specific factors of age and sex]. PMID- 13470605 TI - [Problems and experiments on hand disinfection]. PMID- 13470606 TI - [A comparison of the pavilion system and the skyscraper in hospital construction carried out on the Hospital Beaujon of Paris and the Land Hospital of Homburg]. PMID- 13470607 TI - [Studies on the present resistance state of pathogenic microorganisms]. PMID- 13470608 TI - [The scientific activity of the Institute C. Forlanini in Rome in 1956]. PMID- 13470609 TI - [Cyto-histological sputum findings in certain lung diseases]. PMID- 13470610 TI - [Cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in embryonic chicken eggs]. PMID- 13470611 TI - [Comparison of the solid culture media of Petragnani, Tarshis & I.U.T.M. for the study of the development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470612 TI - [Nucleic acids in the cells of pleural & peritoneal effusions]. PMID- 13470613 TI - [Formation of artefacts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with electron microscopy]. PMID- 13470614 TI - [Electronic morphology of Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13470615 TI - [India, this unknown world; conclusion]. PMID- 13470616 TI - [Effects of cortisone on experimental tuberculosis; its similarity to bile salts]. PMID- 13470617 TI - [Behavior of the Schick reaction in pulmonary tuberculosis patients; its relation to the intradermal tuberculin reaction]. PMID- 13470618 TI - [Antimycotic drugs evaluated with the Galleria mellonella test]. PMID- 13470619 TI - [Clinical & radiological aspects of the association of pulmonary tumor & tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470620 TI - [Sensitivity to streptomycin & isoniazid & virulence of M. tuberculosis isolated from patients with pulmonary post-primary tuberculosis diagnosed for the first time and not yet treated with antibiotics & chemotherapy]. PMID- 13470621 TI - [Use of C14-labelled compounds in tuberculosis research]. PMID- 13470622 TI - [Solitary liver cysts]. PMID- 13470623 TI - [Thyroid reticulosarcoma; personal contribution and review of literature]. PMID- 13470624 TI - [Clinical aspects and surgical possibilities in hepatoma]. PMID- 13470625 TI - [Behavior of gastric secretion after insulin and histamine stimulus as an indication for surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13470626 TI - [Postoperative pseudomembranous enterocolitis]. PMID- 13470627 TI - [Experimental researches on plastic surgery of the diaphragm with periosteal transplants in therapy of total diaphragmatic eventration]. PMID- 13470628 TI - [Experimental cardiospasm with alterations of the intramural nerve plexus of the epicardio-cardial esophagus]. PMID- 13470630 TI - [Naval bioclimatology]. PMID- 13470629 TI - [Biological, epidemiological and preventive aspects of pandemic influenza]. PMID- 13470631 TI - [Rhomboid depression of the clavicle]. PMID- 13470632 TI - [Typological concordance in the Rorschach test]. PMID- 13470633 TI - [New trends in antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13470634 TI - [Substances with antibiotic action extracted from higher plants]. PMID- 13470635 TI - [The psychological syndrome of dysadaptation in young armed forces personnel caused by irrational physical training]. PMID- 13470636 TI - [An unpublished note by Giovanni Battista Morgagni on the origin of blood]. PMID- 13470637 TI - [The local effects of an antimitotic (substance F) on malignant tumors of the uterine cervix and vulva]. PMID- 13470638 TI - [Arteriovenous anastomoses and blocking mechanisms of specific structure in the human myometrium]. PMID- 13470639 TI - [Histochemical studies of the ribonucleic acid content of the bovine placenta during pregnancy]. PMID- 13470640 TI - [Response of the genital apparatus of castrated rabbits to treatment with vitamin E, prednisolone and estrogens]. PMID- 13470641 TI - [Cholesterol in blood and steroids in urine in amenorrhea and other functional gynecological disorders]. PMID- 13470642 TI - [Alkaline phosphomonesterase activity of the small intestine and liver in pregnant Mus musculus albinus]. PMID- 13470643 TI - [Siderometric values of maternal milk and iron therapy]. PMID- 13470644 TI - [Possible antagonism between estrogens and prednisolone in the genital system of castrated guinea pigs]. PMID- 13470645 TI - [Clinical studies of the passage of radioiodine (I 131) through the human mammary gland]. PMID- 13470646 TI - [Histochemical investigation of the behavior of phosphoamidases in the endometrium during different phases of the menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13470647 TI - [Glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity of the blood in female patients of genital neoplasms]. PMID- 13470648 TI - [Cytochemical and cytomorphological aspects of the leukocytes of peripheral blood in female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470649 TI - [Possibility of the use in obstetrics of endogenous creatinine clearance as a measurement of glomerular filtration]. PMID- 13470650 TI - [Gas phenomenon in symphysis pubis in pregnancy at term]. PMID- 13470651 TI - [On the so-called middle lobe syndrome]. PMID- 13470652 TI - [Clinical & radiological results of cholecystectomy: review of 187 cases]. PMID- 13470653 TI - [Effects of quantitative & qualitative variations of primary & secondary antigenic stimuli; mechanism of action of immunity adjuvants]. PMID- 13470654 TI - [Importance of lamps with ultraviolet rays in hospital wards]. PMID- 13470655 TI - [Cholinesterase activity in the blood of persons assigned to the spraying of an insecticide with diazinone content]. PMID- 13470656 TI - [Relations of antidiphtheria vaccination to poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13470657 TI - [The suicide death rate in Italy & other countries]. PMID- 13470658 TI - [Thoughts on congenital syphilis]. PMID- 13470659 TI - [For an integral control of endemic tuberculosis infection]. PMID- 13470660 TI - [New trends in the control of venereal diseases with special reference to Italy]. PMID- 13470661 TI - [Follow-up of Petragnani anatuberculin vaccination of 2500 children after 15 to 17 years]. PMID- 13470662 TI - [Effects of various commercial insecticides on Musca domestica]. PMID- 13470663 TI - [Goiter endemics in Umbria; its pathogenesis]. PMID- 13470664 TI - [Leishmaniasis in Liguria; epidemiology of 91 cases of visceral & cutaneous leishmaniasis; clinical characteristics of 41 cases of visceral leishmaniasis in children with recovery in a pediatric clinic]. PMID- 13470666 TI - [Disposal of sewage from isolated houses and small groups of houses]. PMID- 13470665 TI - [Chemical & pharmacological study of a piece of root following apparent acute poisoning by ingestion of toxic substances]. PMID- 13470668 TI - [Systems for secondary treatment of sewage]. PMID- 13470667 TI - [Dimensions and functioning of systems for primary treatment of sewage from isolated houses]. PMID- 13470669 TI - [Modern systems for sewage disposal in small communities]. PMID- 13470670 TI - [Systems for disposal of sewage from farm houses]. PMID- 13470671 TI - [Percolation test]. PMID- 13470672 TI - [Behavior of pathogenic agents in sewage purification processes]. PMID- 13470673 TI - [Systems and methods for inspection of the functioning of sewage disposal plants. I. Tests to be made for inspection of various systems and their importance; method of performance and maintenance]. PMID- 13470674 TI - [Systems and methods for inspection of the functioning of sewage disposal plants. II. Methods for determination of the physical, organoleptic, chemical and biochemical characteristics of household sewage]. PMID- 13470675 TI - [A useful and simple method of study of protozoan capsules and helminth eggs in sewage]. PMID- 13470676 TI - [Combined stabilization treatment of liquid and solid wastes from isolated houses and small rural communities]. PMID- 13470677 TI - [A special type of septic tank with built in filter]. PMID- 13470678 TI - [Microbiological studies of the effectiveness of purification with the aero accelerator and other experimental oxidative systems used for small communities]. PMID- 13470680 TI - Observations on the course of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma in ragweed sensitive subjects. PMID- 13470681 TI - Use of non-flushing doses of histamine in the treatment of foreign protein type reactions. PMID- 13470679 TI - [The importance of oxygenation (aeration) in biological disposal of sewage; oxygenation by spraying into the air in oxidation of sewage]. PMID- 13470682 TI - Allergy in the future. PMID- 13470683 TI - Nasal reactions to pollen and odor of roses; clinical features, mechanisms, and prevention by premedication. PMID- 13470684 TI - Airborne mold flora of the Atlanta area, 1953-1954. PMID- 13470685 TI - Treatment of pruritic dermatoses with chlorpheniramine maleate and prednisone in combination (metreton). PMID- 13470686 TI - Controlled studies of topical medications in nasal allergy. PMID- 13470687 TI - Evaluation of choline theophyllinate in the management of chronic asthma of childhood. PMID- 13470688 TI - Skin reactivity in hypersensitivity syndrome of a mouse. PMID- 13470689 TI - Clinical evaluation of a new antihistaminic drug. PMID- 13470690 TI - Bronchial asthma. VI. Critical review of literature. PMID- 13470691 TI - Some challenging aspects of hemoglobin metabolism. PMID- 13470692 TI - The clinical aspects of cerebral vascular insufficiency. PMID- 13470693 TI - Gastric secretion as influenced by Rauwolfia alkaloids. PMID- 13470694 TI - The effect of x-ray therapy on gastric acidity and on 17-hydroxycorticoid and uropepsin excretion. PMID- 13470695 TI - Drug-induced peptic ulcer. PMID- 13470696 TI - Postbulbar duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13470697 TI - The efficacy of medical criteria in differentiating benign from malignant gastric ulcers. PMID- 13470698 TI - Generalized tetanus: analysis of 202 cases. PMID- 13470699 TI - Experience with the anticoagulant, marcumar. PMID- 13470700 TI - Changing concepts in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13470701 TI - The ambulatory treatment of patients hospitalized with pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13470702 TI - The place of drug therapy in the management of un-hospitalized tuberculosis patients. PMID- 13470703 TI - Treatment of tuberculous meningitis with a combination of isonicotinic acid hydrazides, streptomycin and para-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13470704 TI - Treatment failures in tuberculosis. PMID- 13470705 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470706 TI - Carcinoma of the stomach in association with hiatus hernia. PMID- 13470707 TI - Cholesterol pericarditis. PMID- 13470709 TI - A review of the relationship between pregnancy and porphyria and presentation of a case. PMID- 13470708 TI - Toxic hepatitis and agranulocytosis due to cinchophen. PMID- 13470710 TI - The value of determinations of cholesterol and of lipoproteins of low density in the blood as predictors of overt atherosclerosis. PMID- 13470711 TI - Our growing understanding of thyroid function and its clinical application. PMID- 13470712 TI - The significance of bacterial hypersensitivity in human brucellosis: studies on infection due to strain 19 Brucella abortus. PMID- 13470713 TI - Regional enteritis: an evaluation of the present-day therapeutic management. PMID- 13470714 TI - Long-term follow-up of patients with healed bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13470715 TI - The treatment of acute porphyria with chelating agents: a report of 21 cases. PMID- 13470716 TI - The role of the internist in restorative services for the aged. PMID- 13470717 TI - Rheumatoid spondylitis: a clinical and socio-economic study. PMID- 13470718 TI - "Specific" diseases simulating "nonspecific" ulcerative colitis (lymphopathia venereum, acute vasculitis, scleroderma and secondary amyloidosis. PMID- 13470719 TI - Evidences for clinical magnesium deficiency. PMID- 13470720 TI - The influence of gonadal hormones on serum lipids and lipoproteins: studies in normal and hypogonadal subjects. PMID- 13470721 TI - Use of a "double-blind" study investigating the clinical merits of a new tranquilizing agent. PMID- 13470722 TI - Cryptococcus renal infection: report of a case. PMID- 13470723 TI - Auto-immune hemolytic anemia arrested by removal of an ovarian teratoma: review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13470724 TI - Polycythemia associated with a benign kidney lesion: report of a case of erythrocytosis with hydronephrosis, with remission of polycythemia following nephrectomy. PMID- 13470725 TI - Hemochromatosis and the heart. PMID- 13470726 TI - Thrombohemolytic thrombocytopenic purpura and lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13470727 TI - Q fever: report of a case simulating lymphoma. PMID- 13470728 TI - Chelation. PMID- 13470729 TI - EMPIRE Rheumatism Council: multi-centre controlled trial comparing cortisone acetate and acetyl salicylic acid in the long-term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis; results of three years' treatment. PMID- 13470730 TI - Contemporary research on the pathology of rheumatic disease review in the light of 100 years of cellular pathology. PMID- 13470731 TI - Metabolic and antirheumatic activities of 6-methylprednisolone (medrol). PMID- 13470732 TI - Histochemical investigation of connective tissue in cases of acute rheumatism. PMID- 13470733 TI - Relation of high molecular weight proteins to the serological reactions in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13470734 TI - Effects of prolonged adrenocortical stimulation on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13470735 TI - Heredity in ankylosing spondylitis. PMID- 13470736 TI - Hyperglobulinaemia in rheumatoid arthritis; its relationship with disease activity and its changes under adrenocortical treatment. PMID- 13470737 TI - 17-Ketosteroid excretion in men with gout. PMID- 13470738 TI - Capillary resistance in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13470739 TI - Experimental polyarthritis in rats injected with a tumour exudate. PMID- 13470740 TI - Ocular presentations of Still's disease and their treatment: iridocyclitis in Still's disease: its complications and treatment. PMID- 13470741 TI - Treatment of exophthalmos as viewed by the ophthalmologist. PMID- 13470742 TI - Treatment of aneurysms. PMID- 13470743 TI - Anterior surgical approaches to the spine. PMID- 13470744 TI - Femoral hernia. PMID- 13470745 TI - The influence of shock without clinical renal failure on renal function. PMID- 13470746 TI - Acute hypocalcemia in surgical patients. PMID- 13470747 TI - Improved management of clinical hypothermia based upon related biochemical studies. PMID- 13470749 TI - Clinical and experimental observations of the occurrence and fate of tumor cells in the blood stream. PMID- 13470748 TI - The effect of nutrition on nitrogen metabolism in the surgical patient. PMID- 13470750 TI - The prophylactic treatment of cancer at the time of operation. PMID- 13470751 TI - Selective inductive heating of lymph nodes. PMID- 13470752 TI - Regurgitation cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. PMID- 13470753 TI - Obstructive anomalies of the iliac vein associated with growth shortening in the ipsilateral extremity. PMID- 13470754 TI - Gastric ulcer following esophagogastric anastomosis for carcinoma of the esophagus or gastric cardia. PMID- 13470755 TI - Splenectomy in the treatment of hypoplasia of the bone marrow; with a report of twelve cases. PMID- 13470756 TI - Results of operations of the Whipple type in pancreaticoduodenal carcinoma. PMID- 13470757 TI - Alterations in the pancreatic resistance to bile in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13470758 TI - Experimental portal hypertension. PMID- 13470759 TI - An investigation of the relationship between portal venous pressure and inferior vena caval and portal venous oxygen saturations. PMID- 13470760 TI - The absorption of ascitic fluid by means of ileo-entectropy in patients with advanced cirrhosis. PMID- 13470761 TI - Follow up on 200 patients treated for Hirschsprung's disease during a ten-year period. PMID- 13470762 TI - The seasonal density of populations of Bulinus (Physopsis) globosus and B. forskalii in natural habitats in Ghana. PMID- 13470763 TI - Some immunological properties of dengue virus cultivated in tissue culture. PMID- 13470764 TI - Mass vaccination against yellow fever by scarification with 17D strain vaccine. PMID- 13470765 TI - The action on fish of several chlorinated hydrocarbons when used as larvicides. PMID- 13470766 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: the periodicity of the microfilariae of Wuchereria malayi. PMID- 13470768 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: notes on the breeding of Mansonia (Mansonioides) mosquitoes in the laboratory. PMID- 13470767 TI - Studies on filariasis in Malaya: observations on the development of Wuchereria malayi in Mansonia (Mansonioides) longipalpis. PMID- 13470770 TI - On a new gordiid worm, Pseudogordius tanganyikae gen. et sp. nov., parasitic in man. PMID- 13470769 TI - The polymorphism of Trypanosoma brucei and T. rhodesiense, its relation to relapses and remissions of infections in white rats, and the effect of cortisone. PMID- 13470771 TI - Redescription of some cestodes from marsupials. I. Taeniidae. PMID- 13470772 TI - Redescription of some cestodes from marsupials. II. Davaineidae, Hymenolepididae and Anoplocephalidae. PMID- 13470773 TI - Aspects of the structure, biology and study of Simulium damnosum. PMID- 13470774 TI - Antibody production in diabetic rabbits after infection with tubercle bacillus, as measured by proteins and lipids of the tubercle bacillus. PMID- 13470775 TI - Influence of cortisone on the serological response in tuberculous rabbit. PMID- 13470776 TI - Electrophoretic study of somatic proteins of human tubercle bacillus. PMID- 13470777 TI - Comparison between serological activities of protein fractions obtained from bacterial cells and culture filtrate of human tubercle bacillus. PMID- 13470778 TI - Agar diffusion precipitation with tubercular antigens of somatic origin. PMID- 13470780 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470779 TI - On antigenic activities of aqueous extract of mechanically disintegrated Spirochaeta pallida. PMID- 13470781 TI - [Current technics for the determination of corticoids in urine; technics & clinical application]. PMID- 13470782 TI - [Biological & clinical study of stress in man]. PMID- 13470783 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470784 TI - [THYROID and muscle]. PMID- 13470785 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470786 TI - [Hormonal block of lactation]. PMID- 13470787 TI - [Menstrual complications of mitral diseases]. PMID- 13470788 TI - [PATHOGENESIS of premenstrual tension]. PMID- 13470789 TI - [Ovarian dysgenesis]. PMID- 13470791 TI - [Current ideas on the physiology of the testes]. PMID- 13470792 TI - [Study of degenesis observed in testicular ectopy]. PMID- 13470790 TI - [Determination of urinary estrogens]. PMID- 13470793 TI - [Current treatment of masculine sterility of endocrine origin]. PMID- 13470794 TI - [Critical study of the value of 17-ketosteroid determination in testicular disorders]. PMID- 13470796 TI - [Cytological diagnosis of sex & its practical applications]. PMID- 13470795 TI - [Critical study of data from chromatography of urinary neutral 17-ketosteroids in the examination of androgenic function in man]. PMID- 13470797 TI - [Recent works on obesity]. PMID- 13470798 TI - [Differential effect of temperature on the induction & extinction of a conditioned inhibition]. PMID- 13470799 TI - [Stimulus generalization in a test of reaction time]. PMID- 13470800 TI - [Studies on word associations]. PMID- 13470802 TI - [Effect of the group on perceptual structuration. III. Qualitative results]. PMID- 13470801 TI - [Rhythmic movements induced by music]. PMID- 13470803 TI - [Comparison of saturation & desaturation thresholds of spectral colors]. PMID- 13470804 TI - [Experimental construct of objective psychology of self]. PMID- 13470805 TI - [Standardization of scientific terminology: general rules, light & color]. PMID- 13470806 TI - [Behavior & exploratory drive in mammals]. PMID- 13470807 TI - [Recent development of theoretical models in social psychology]. PMID- 13470808 TI - [Hereditary and environmental causation: two recent cases]. PMID- 13470809 TI - Finer morphology of microorganisms. PMID- 13470810 TI - Colicins. PMID- 13470811 TI - Variations in animal viruses. PMID- 13470812 TI - Review of the microbiological and immunological literature published in 1956 in the U.S.S.R. PMID- 13470813 TI - Prediction of plant disease epidemics. PMID- 13470814 TI - Some problems in plant virus studies. PMID- 13470815 TI - Soil microbiology. PMID- 13470816 TI - Serological identification of plant viruses and serological diagnosis of virus diseases of plants. PMID- 13470817 TI - Microbial diseases of insects. PMID- 13470818 TI - Oral microbiology. PMID- 13470819 TI - Nongenetic effects of radiation on microorganisms. PMID- 13470820 TI - Nutrition of bacteria and fungi. PMID- 13470821 TI - Metabolism of carbohydrates and related compounds. PMID- 13470822 TI - Nitrogen metabolism; with special reference to the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. PMID- 13470823 TI - Acetic acid bacteria. PMID- 13470824 TI - Chemotherapy of viral and rickettsial diseases. PMID- 13470825 TI - Antibodies against enzymes. PMID- 13470826 TI - Bacterial genetics. PMID- 13470827 TI - Genetics of the protozoa. PMID- 13470828 TI - The homograft reaction. PMID- 13470829 TI - Use of tissue cultures in virus research. PMID- 13470830 TI - The effect of probenecid on pyrazinamide blood levels and pyrazinamide-induced hyperuricemia. PMID- 13470831 TI - Treatment of cutaneous problems with a carbolated medication. PMID- 13470832 TI - Use of oleandomycin-tetracycline (signemycin) for acne. PMID- 13470833 TI - Treatment of hypertension using reserpine combined with a new analeptic agent, methyl-phenidylacetate hydrochloride; limitations of usefulness. PMID- 13470834 TI - Novobiocin in the treatment of acute gonorrhea. PMID- 13470835 TI - Laboratory and clinical observations on the renal response to promethazine (phenergan). PMID- 13470837 TI - The effects of various substances on the absorption of tetracycline in rats. PMID- 13470836 TI - Enhancement of blood concentrations following oral administration of tetracycline and chlortetracycline with citric acid. PMID- 13470838 TI - Absorption of tetracycline in human beings as affected by certain exciplents. PMID- 13470839 TI - Treatment of soft-tissue infections. PMID- 13470840 TI - [Physiology of wine yeasts. VII. Effect of common buffer systems of organic acids on aerobic and anaerobic fermentation of glucose by wine yeasts Fendant from young and old cultures]. PMID- 13470841 TI - Effect of streptomycin on organisms surviving the action of penicillin. PMID- 13470842 TI - Pathogenicity of Corynebacterium belfanti for the chick embryo. PMID- 13470843 TI - Virus pneumonia (snuffling disease) in laboratory rats and wild rats due to an agent probably related to grey lung virus of mice. PMID- 13470845 TI - A new Salmonella type (S. angola). PMID- 13470844 TI - Three new yeasts. PMID- 13470846 TI - [Liquid Mycobacterium culture media and liquid cultures]. PMID- 13470847 TI - The application of a protein fraction derived from Treponema pallidum (Reiter strain) as an antigen in the serodiagnosis of syphilis. PMID- 13470848 TI - The occurrence of Salmonella among animals in Aruba (Netherlands Antilles). PMID- 13470849 TI - The enumeration of proteolytic bacteria in foods. PMID- 13470850 TI - Factors affecting the initiation of respiration of Streptococcus lactis. PMID- 13470851 TI - Evaluation of the chick as a test animal in the assay of diphtheria toxoids. PMID- 13470852 TI - Combined irradiation-heat processing of canned foods. I. Cooked ground beef inoculated with Clostridium botulinum spores. PMID- 13470853 TI - Studies in the recovery of viable cells of freeze-dried Serratia marcescens. PMID- 13470854 TI - Microbiology of frozen orange concentrate. IV. Further studies of Enterococci in frozen orange concentrate. PMID- 13470855 TI - Experimental control of citrus fruit decay with 1-piperidino-2-phenyl-3-butanone hydrochloride. PMID- 13470856 TI - Isolation of members of the genus Salmonella by membrane filter procedures. PMID- 13470857 TI - Studies on the aerobic propagation of Serratia marcescens. PMID- 13470858 TI - Oxygen absorption rates in laboratory and pilot plant equipment. PMID- 13470859 TI - A study of the fungal flora of spoiled chlortetracycline treated chicken meat. PMID- 13470860 TI - Studies on continuous sampling of Serratia marcescens using a slit sampler. PMID- 13470861 TI - A continuous freeze drier for laboratory studies. PMID- 13470863 TI - The influence of drying conditions on survival of Serratia marcescens. PMID- 13470862 TI - Antibiotics in poultry meat preservation: development of resistance among spoilage organisms. PMID- 13470864 TI - Stimulation of streptomycin production by a series of synthetic organic compounds. PMID- 13470865 TI - [Skin and lip cancer; methods and results of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13470866 TI - [Development of malignancy in myogenic ossification tumors]. PMID- 13470867 TI - [On the subject: Malignancy development in myogenic ossification tumors]. PMID- 13470868 TI - [Individual radiotherapy with direct deep dose measurement]. PMID- 13470869 TI - [Experimental contribution to tumor metastases]. PMID- 13470870 TI - [Tumor transmission by enema]. PMID- 13470871 TI - [Stimulation of trypaflavin action in Ehrlich carcinoma]. PMID- 13470873 TI - [Factors responsible for different biological action of new energy-rich radiations and hard roentgen rays]. PMID- 13470872 TI - [The so-called postponing time in breast cancer]. PMID- 13470874 TI - [Research on the effects of radioprotective substances on the dispersion action]. PMID- 13470875 TI - [Enzyme therapy in gynecological radiation reactions]. PMID- 13470876 TI - [Karyologic characteristics of a cancer cell according to examinations of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470877 TI - [Chemotherapeutic experiments with organic fluorine compounds in animal cancer]. PMID- 13470878 TI - [An attempted explanation of the differences in the heart and skin of mice of various ages]. PMID- 13470879 TI - [Methods for extensive fractionation of urine steroids]. PMID- 13470880 TI - [Papillary adenocarcinoma and mucocellular carcinoma of corpus uteri]. PMID- 13470881 TI - [Principles of statistical interpretation of bioassay]. PMID- 13470882 TI - [Liver function tests during the first days of life]. PMID- 13470883 TI - [The question of the vitamin A blood level as affected by the menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13470884 TI - [Studies on the cervical orifice during the first stage of labor]. PMID- 13470885 TI - [Determination of androgen reactions by vaginal smear]. PMID- 13470886 TI - [Surgery of genital prolapse in aged; review of literature & personal experience]. PMID- 13470887 TI - [Preservation of the child's life in pregnancy and in labor]. PMID- 13470888 TI - [Preservation of child's life after birth]. PMID- 13470889 TI - [Perinatal infant mortality]. PMID- 13470891 TI - [Significance of the hyaline membrane in newborn mortality]. PMID- 13470892 TI - [Anoxia of the newborn]. PMID- 13470893 TI - [Causes of perinatal mortality in the light of genetics]. PMID- 13470894 TI - [Preservation of the child's life in hypoxia]. PMID- 13470890 TI - [Exogenic causes of intrauterine fetal death and its prevention]. PMID- 13470895 TI - [Perinital infant mortality at the Universitats-Frauenklinik Basel, 1906-1955]. PMID- 13470896 TI - [Perinatal mortility at the Universitats-Frauenklinik Graz 1946-1956]. PMID- 13470897 TI - [Significance of secondary birth at a clinic for perinatal mortality with special reference to preventable fatal cases]. PMID- 13470898 TI - [Perinatal mortality and cesarean section]. PMID- 13470899 TI - [Zoonosis and perinatal death; pathological-anatomical picture]. PMID- 13470900 TI - [Diaplacental infection by Listeria]. PMID- 13470901 TI - [Prognosis for the fetus in toxoplasmosis and listeriosis]. PMID- 13470902 TI - [Role of late toxicosis in the development of the fetus]. PMID- 13470903 TI - [Determination of estriol during pregnancy]. PMID- 13470904 TI - [The fate of children of mothers suffering from toxicosis]. PMID- 13470905 TI - [Artificial hibernation of the newborn without an incubator]. PMID- 13470906 TI - [Intrafunicular blood transfusion for resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn infants]. PMID- 13470907 TI - [Endotracheal oxygen administration in asphyxia neonatorum]. PMID- 13470908 TI - [Research on the fetal heart resistence to anoxia]. PMID- 13470909 TI - [Effect of morphine antagonists on the irritability of the respiratory center]. PMID- 13470910 TI - [New viewpoints on the cause of intrauterine fetal death]. PMID- 13470911 TI - [Mineral components of normal and pathological human placenta, including the trace elements]. PMID- 13470912 TI - [Significance of gonadotropin determination for the prognosis of the course of pregnancy]. PMID- 13470913 TI - [Preservation of the child's life during pregnancy and labor in maternal pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13470914 TI - [Preservation of the child's life during pregnancy and labor in maternal diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13470915 TI - [Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy: labor induction with compositrin]. PMID- 13470916 TI - [Our experience in imminent abortion and in diabetes of pregnant women]. PMID- 13470917 TI - [The fate of children of diabetic mothers]. PMID- 13470918 TI - [Further development of pregnancy after threatened abortion]. PMID- 13470919 TI - [Vitamin K prophylaxis in the newborn]. PMID- 13470920 TI - [Hemorrhagic diseases of the newborn]. PMID- 13470921 TI - [Posthemorrhagic Shock of the newborn and its significance of in neonatal mortality]. PMID- 13470922 TI - [Fetal capillary injuries as a cause of intrauterine fetal death]. PMID- 13470923 TI - [Body temperature of the newborn in normal and pathological pregnancy]. PMID- 13470924 TI - [Social-medical factors in mothers with stillborn children]. PMID- 13470925 TI - [Childlessness in marriage]. PMID- 13470926 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of fertility disorders in man]. PMID- 13470927 TI - [Significance of the cervix factor in sterility]. PMID- 13470928 TI - [Functional anatomy of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13470929 TI - [Ovulation time and conceptional optimum in the light of comparative research of basal temperature, vaginal smear, cervix, endometrium and the ovaries]. PMID- 13470930 TI - [Research on the cycle of the cervical mucosa]. PMID- 13470931 TI - [The problem of cervical sterility]. PMID- 13470932 TI - [The effect of estriol on cervix and vagina]. PMID- 13470933 TI - [Some biological aspects of the cervix in the fertilization process]. PMID- 13470934 TI - [Biological significance of the uterine cervix for the spermatozoa]. PMID- 13470935 TI - [Examination of the changes in size of the portio vaginalis in the diagnosis of sterility]. PMID- 13470936 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470937 TI - [The relation of thymus gland and gonads in rats]. PMID- 13470938 TI - [Results of gonadotropin treatment in anovulatory sterility]. PMID- 13470939 TI - [New methods in prenatal care]. PMID- 13470940 TI - [Possibilities of freeing the laboring woman from fear and pain]. PMID- 13470941 TI - [Psychology of the fear of labor]. PMID- 13470942 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13470943 TI - [Psychoprophylactic and psychotherapeutic diminishing of labor pain; Russian and English methods]. PMID- 13470944 TI - [Alleviation of labor by conduction anesthesia; inhalation and intravenous administration]. PMID- 13470945 TI - [Chemotherapeutic twilight sleep]. PMID- 13470946 TI - [One year of psychophysical obstetrics at the Universitats-Frauenklinik]. PMID- 13470947 TI - [Possibility of early diagnosis of genital carcinoma by means of prophylactic examinations and cancer clinics]. PMID- 13470948 TI - [Cancer morbidity of female population as for example in the town of Wernigerode]. PMID- 13470949 TI - [Difficulties of histological diagnosis in the initial stage of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470950 TI - [Histological criteria of cervical carcinoma in biopsies]. PMID- 13470951 TI - [Cytological differentiation of various degrees of spreading of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470952 TI - [Cancer clinics as a connecting link between practice and clinic in early diagnosis of cancer]. PMID- 13470953 TI - [Results of routine examinations of portio erosions]. PMID- 13470954 TI - [Cytology of the aspirate from the cavity in benign and malignant diseases]. PMID- 13470955 TI - [Surface mucification of the epithelium of portio and vagina]. PMID- 13470956 TI - [Experience with the hydrocortisone test in early diagnosis of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470958 TI - [Mitosis in uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13470957 TI - [Results of histological serial section examinations]. PMID- 13470959 TI - [Histological examination of epidermization and the carcinoma of cervical polyps]. PMID- 13470960 TI - [Research on trichomonas vaginalis]. PMID- 13470961 TI - [Symbiosis of Trichomonas vaginalis and Monilia albicans in the urogenital apparatus of a woman]. PMID- 13470962 TI - [Sources of mistakes in the classification and statistical evaluation of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470964 TI - [Effect of radical surgery and irradiation in genital carcinoma on the sexual life of a woman]. PMID- 13470963 TI - [Adrenal cortex steroid secretion during radical treatment of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470965 TI - [Frequency of blood groups in female genital & breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13470966 TI - [Mesenchymal reaction in cervical cancer; histological and histochemical examination of 100 cases of cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13470968 TI - [Etiology and prevention of portio carcinoma]. PMID- 13470967 TI - [Importance of the changes of hormonal basis in women with genital tumors]. PMID- 13470969 TI - [Anatomic observations on pelvic phlebography in tumors of female genitalia]. PMID- 13470970 TI - [Appendicular abscess in the eighth month of pregnancy with severely bleeding placenta previa centralis]. PMID- 13470971 TI - [Autochthonous origin and histogenesis of ovarian endometriosis]. PMID- 13470973 TI - [Attitude of the histologist to diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy by the abrasion material]. PMID- 13470972 TI - [Subcutaneous exteriorization of the ovaries under the skin with preservation of nutrition]. PMID- 13470975 TI - [Research on endometrial function after portio amputation]. PMID- 13470974 TI - [Relation between uterus myomatosus and endometrial stroma]. PMID- 13470976 TI - [Chorionepithelioma and chorionepitheliosis]. PMID- 13470977 TI - [Significance of film and picture for research, teaching and clinical work]. PMID- 13470978 TI - [65th Birthday of Professor Dr. Heinrich Kliewe]. PMID- 13470979 TI - [Reduction of triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) as a method for determination of antibacterial value]. PMID- 13470980 TI - [Body bacteria as a factor in resistance to infections]. PMID- 13470981 TI - [Generation time and virulence of A-Streptococci]. PMID- 13470982 TI - [Nisin, an antibacterial substance from Streptococcus lactis with a reference to the resistance problem]. PMID- 13470983 TI - [Comparative testing of disinfectants on various virus species]. PMID- 13470984 TI - [Examination of L-forms of bacteria]. PMID- 13470985 TI - [Hemolysis and hemoglobin decomposition by streptococci and other bacteria]. PMID- 13470986 TI - [The supply of iron of the fetus]. PMID- 13470987 TI - [The importance of the goldsol curve in children]. PMID- 13470988 TI - [Frequency of infection in premature infants]. PMID- 13470989 TI - [Influenza myocarditis in children]. PMID- 13470990 TI - [Knowledge and differential diagnosis of familial juvenile nephronophthisis]. PMID- 13470991 TI - [Clinical picture of essential pulmonary hemosiderosis]. PMID- 13470992 TI - [Prednisone therapy of chronic erythroblastophthisis]. PMID- 13470993 TI - [Problems of idiopathic pulmonary ectasia]. PMID- 13470994 TI - [Pulmonary arterial pressure, heart minute volume, and respiration in acute respiratory hypoxia in aged at altitudes of 4000 and 5000 meters]. PMID- 13470995 TI - [Blood pressure decrease in acute myocardial ischemia]. PMID- 13470996 TI - [Rate of blood flow in the smallest peripheral arteries]. PMID- 13470997 TI - [Bitorsion dislocation of epicondyle fractures]. PMID- 13470998 TI - [Endoprosthesis in animal experiments & their use in humans]. PMID- 13470999 TI - [Critical review on the problem of traumatic bone & joint tuberculosis]. PMID- 13471000 TI - [Avulsion fractures of the tip of the medial knuckle; a typical ski injury]. PMID- 13471001 TI - [Extension fractures of the lower end of the humerus in children & results of its treatment]. PMID- 13471002 TI - [Ossification variations & ossification disorders of tuber ischii]. PMID- 13471003 TI - [Development of the treatment of hip dislocation in the course of medical history]. PMID- 13471004 TI - [Traumatic hip dislocation in children]. PMID- 13471005 TI - [Principles for the treatment & classification of paraplegia]. PMID- 13471006 TI - [Functional examination of thoracic spine & its clinical significance]. PMID- 13471007 TI - [Thigh amputation & spinal changes]. PMID- 13471008 TI - [Alkaloids of Mesembryanthemum tortuosum]. PMID- 13471009 TI - [Optical experiments on coumarin. III. Ultraviolet absorption by monomethoxycoumarin & its derivatives]. PMID- 13471010 TI - [Paper chromatography of the ingredients of tormentil tincture]. PMID- 13471011 TI - [Synthesis of various derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzoic acid (thiosalicylic acid) from S-beta-D-glucopyranoside. VI. Phenolglycosides]. PMID- 13471012 TI - [Paper chromatographic separation of various natural & synthetic quinolizine alkaloids]. PMID- 13471013 TI - [Experiments on the suitability of antioxidants as stabilizing agents for pharmaceutical drugs. III. Woolfat & woolfat alcohol]. PMID- 13471014 TI - [Acetylene carboxylic acid. VI. Basic substituted unsaturated ester]. PMID- 13471015 TI - [Optical experiments on coumarin. IV. Ultraviolet absorption of various coumarins of plant origin]. PMID- 13471016 TI - [Decomposition of antipyrine with hexamethylenetetramine in glacial acetic acid]. PMID- 13471017 TI - [Has Serturner isolated pure morphine? Paper chromatographic purity tests for the alkaloid]. PMID- 13471018 TI - [Use of paper chromatography in drug tests]. PMID- 13471019 TI - [Studies on the relation of the effect of capsaicin-containing ointments on the characteristics of the ointment base]. PMID- 13471021 TI - [Culture of mouse sarcoma on explanted organs of chick in vitro]. PMID- 13471020 TI - [Role of hypothalamic structures in the inhibitory action of folliculin on secretion of follicle stimulating hormone]. PMID- 13471022 TI - [Histophysiology of the androgen gland in Nebalia geoffroyi]. PMID- 13471023 TI - [Antimitotic and teratogenic action of sodium para-aminosalicylate in Triturus helveticus Raz]. PMID- 13471024 TI - [Structure of sucking-disk in the infusorian Ptychostomum chattoni Rossolimo]. PMID- 13471025 TI - [Blood alcohol & laboratory technics of its determination]. PMID- 13471026 TI - [Study of ethyl alcohol metabolism by radioactive ethyl alcohol]. PMID- 13471028 TI - [Dental examinations in schools]. PMID- 13471027 TI - [The medical expert & the truth]. PMID- 13471029 TI - Intestinal sterols. IV. delta 7-Coprostenol. PMID- 13471030 TI - Properties of dextrans isolated from whole cultures at various stages of incubation. PMID- 13471031 TI - The vitamin B6 derivatives structurally analogous to thiamine and their biological activity. PMID- 13471032 TI - Amino acid activation in hog pancreas. PMID- 13471033 TI - The influence of manganese and phosphate on delayed light emission, fluorescence, photo-reduction and photosynthesis in algae. PMID- 13471034 TI - The competitive inhibition of hyaluronidase. PMID- 13471035 TI - Sedimentation behavior of horse carbon monoxide hemoglobin at low pH in the presence of mercaptoethanol and urea. PMID- 13471036 TI - C1402 Excretion after the intravenous administration of albumin-bound palmitate-1 C14 to intact rats. PMID- 13471037 TI - A histamine metabolizing enzyme system of mouse liver. PMID- 13471038 TI - The effects of 6-mercaptopurine on Lactobacillus casei. PMID- 13471039 TI - The nucleic acid content of chloroplasts isolated from spinach and tobacco leaves. PMID- 13471040 TI - Application of antigen-antibody reactions on supporting media to the purification of proteins. I. A model system using bovine serum albumin and bovine of-globulin. PMID- 13471041 TI - Application of antigen-antibody reactions on supporting media for the purification of proteins. II. The removal of a subtilisin-like enzyme from carboxypeptidase preparations by antisubtilism in cellulose. PMID- 13471042 TI - The enzymic oxidation of chlorogenic and caffeic acids in the presence of nornicotine. PMID- 13471043 TI - Enzyme levels in the growing and spontaneously regressing Flexner-Jobling carcinoma. II. ATPase and glycolysis. PMID- 13471044 TI - The availability of lysine from Torula yeast. PMID- 13471045 TI - The influence of protein on heterogeneity of DNA. PMID- 13471046 TI - The effect of phosphorus deficiency on the free amino acids of alfalfa. PMID- 13471047 TI - 3-Hydroxybenzidine, a metabolite of benzidine. PMID- 13471048 TI - The inhibition of serine metabolism in Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60. I. Microbiological activity of D- and L-penicillamine. PMID- 13471049 TI - The effect of temperature on ammonia assimilation in a Mycobacterium. PMID- 13471050 TI - Studies on the metabolism of amino acids and related compounds in vivo. VII. Ammonia toxicity in partially hepatectomized rats and the effect of L-arginine, HCI thereon. PMID- 13471051 TI - The metabolism of methylhistidine compounds in animals. PMID- 13471052 TI - Tryptic digestion of native and chemically modified alpha-lactalbumin. PMID- 13471053 TI - Utilization of tripeptides. PMID- 13471054 TI - A color test for 5-keto-aldonic acids on paper chromatograms. PMID- 13471055 TI - The transitional pH's and equivalent combining weights of lysozyme, cytochrome c, alpha-lactalbumin and mouse milk casein in their reactions with salmine. PMID- 13471057 TI - Some further investigations on chloroplast TPNH diaphorase. PMID- 13471056 TI - Studies on an interaction among serum protein, materials containing intrinsic factor and vitamin B12. PMID- 13471058 TI - Reduction of low-potential compounds by illuminated leaf homogenate and chloroplasts. PMID- 13471059 TI - Theory of isomerization equilibrium in electrophoresis. I. PMID- 13471060 TI - The reduction of methylene blue catalyzed by the turnip peroxidase. PMID- 13471061 TI - Acid hydrolysis of dibenzoyl-L-lysine anilide without racemization. PMID- 13471062 TI - The effect of certain sulfur compounds on the myosin B-ATP system. PMID- 13471064 TI - Lethal effect of visible light on a mutant strain of haploid yeast. I. General dependencies. PMID- 13471063 TI - The binding of bivalent metals by deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids. PMID- 13471065 TI - Lethal effect of visible light on a mutant strain of haploid yeast. II. Absorption and action spectra. PMID- 13471066 TI - Studies of lipide synthesis in cell-free yeast extracts. PMID- 13471067 TI - Immunochemical studies on some acetylated proteins; acetylated rabbit serum albumin, an antigen in rabbits. PMID- 13471068 TI - Studies on the cold-insoluble fraction of the water-extractable soybean proteins. I. Polymerization of the 11 S component through reactions of sulfhydryl groups to form disulfide bonds. PMID- 13471069 TI - Microbial degradation of the tobacco alkaloids, and some related compounds. PMID- 13471070 TI - Lipoic acid as a growth stimulant for Streptococcus faecalis in the presence of limiting quantities of isoleucine and valine. PMID- 13471071 TI - Metabolism of serum proteins. I. Albumin labeled with valine-1-C14 and methionine S35. PMID- 13471072 TI - Factors influencing susceptibility of fibrin and fibrinogen to proteolysis by fibrinolysin. PMID- 13471073 TI - The effect of total-body irradiation on catabolism of urea in the rat. PMID- 13471074 TI - Sedimentation behavior of bovine plasma albumin as a function of urea concentration and pH. PMID- 13471075 TI - Sedimentation and optical rotation behavior of bovine plasma albumin at low pH in the presence of various anions; effect of charge on molecular expansion. PMID- 13471076 TI - Intestinal sterols. V. Reduction of sterols by intestinal microorganisms. PMID- 13471077 TI - A physicochemical study of peanut protein in urea solutions. PMID- 13471078 TI - Colorimetric determination of meprobamate in biological fluids. PMID- 13471079 TI - Pelargonaldehyde as an endogenous germination stimulator of wheat rust spores. PMID- 13471080 TI - Polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of cholesterol esters in rat liver and plasma. PMID- 13471081 TI - Influence of sulfhydryl compounds on the equilibrium of the alcohol dehydrogenase reaction. PMID- 13471082 TI - Vitamin B12 and protein biosynthesis. III. The B12-complex nature of the incorporation enzyme present in cell supernatant. PMID- 13471083 TI - Reversible splitting of human myoglobin; physico-chemical properties and oxygen equilibrium of reconstituted proto- and deuteromyoglobin. PMID- 13471084 TI - [2 Case reports of tropical eosinophilia]. PMID- 13471085 TI - [Pathogenic properties of Moraxella lwoffi]. PMID- 13471086 TI - [Epidemic infectious poliomyelitis in French Guiana]. PMID- 13471087 TI - [Q fever in French Guiana]. PMID- 13471088 TI - [Ascorbic acid content in Guiana vegetables]. PMID- 13471089 TI - [Research on the sympathetic nervous system. I. Adrenolytic beta phenoxyisopropylamine induction of dissociation of the effects of noradrenalin & sympathetic stimulation of the cardiovascular system of the dog]. PMID- 13471090 TI - [Research on the sympathetic nervous system. II. Adrenolytic phenoxyisopropylamine induction of dissociation of the effects of noradrenalin & sympathetic stimulation of the nictitating membrane in the cat]. PMID- 13471091 TI - Effect of the optical isomers of some sympathomimetic amines on the guinea pig bronchioles. PMID- 13471093 TI - A method for measurement of analgesic activity on inflamed tissue. PMID- 13471092 TI - [Studies on the isolated rabbit heart with glucose-1-phosphate; effect on cardiac function & ouabaine toxicity]. PMID- 13471094 TI - [Effect of cortisone, prednisone, vitamin D3, desoxycorticosterone acetate, dihydrotachysterol II, & digitoxin on potassium, sodium & calcium concentration in exudate of granuloma pouch]. PMID- 13471095 TI - The assay of glucagon on isolated liver slices. PMID- 13471096 TI - Some psychological factors governing the effects of cerebral depressants upon learned behavior. PMID- 13471097 TI - Relation between duration of hypoprothrombinemia with dicumarol and the level of the drug in the liver. PMID- 13471098 TI - Accumulation of silver in the gills of Potamon perlatus (M. Edw.) in relation to osmoregulation. PMID- 13471099 TI - Participation of the adrenals in the effect of various hormones upon experimental osteolathyrism. PMID- 13471100 TI - [Histamine liberation from tissues provoked by adrenochrome & its derivatives]. PMID- 13471101 TI - [Studies on the hemato-encephalic barrier with anticholinesterase-like substances]. PMID- 13471102 TI - On the relation between the activating and the recruiting systems. PMID- 13471103 TI - Acetate and propionate as precursors of amino-acids in milk proteins of the perfused cow's udder. PMID- 13471104 TI - The effect of alloxan in animals with atrophied acinous tissue of pancreas following ligature of the main duct. PMID- 13471105 TI - [Anastomoses exist between the pulmonary & bronchial arteries in cats & rabbits]. PMID- 13471106 TI - [Effect of central excitants & depressants on anaphylactic shock in rabbits]. PMID- 13471107 TI - [Proteinemia in hog-fish (Scorpaena porcus); effect of corticosteroids]. PMID- 13471109 TI - [Mode of excretion of injected phosphates; radiophosphorus 32 determination]. PMID- 13471108 TI - Toxicity of artificially circulated heparinised blood on the kidney. PMID- 13471110 TI - [Pituitary somatotropin extract & phosphorus metabolism]. PMID- 13471111 TI - The action of the gonadotrophic hormone on the ovarian cholesterol content of the mature rat. PMID- 13471112 TI - Measurements of blood flow and heat production in the splanchnic area. PMID- 13471113 TI - [Site of hidden fibrinogen in isolated & washed bovine thrombocytes]. PMID- 13471114 TI - Acute sympathectomy and vascular responses to ischaemia in skeletal muscle. PMID- 13471115 TI - [Synaptic transmission of influx to the level of the superficial dentrites of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13471116 TI - [Data taken from a series of 114 cases of digestive hemorrhage; diagnostic value of splenoportography]. PMID- 13471117 TI - [Intestinal tuberculosis or Crohn's disease? Histological modifications of intestinal tuberculosis under the effects of antibiotics & chemotherapy]. PMID- 13471118 TI - [Intravenous angiocholecystography; intensification of radiographic pictures by previous glucose-insulin injection]. PMID- 13471120 TI - [Emergency radiological examination during severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13471119 TI - [Hepatic type of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13471121 TI - [Data on 3 cases of pancreatectomy for cancer of the pancreas]. PMID- 13471122 TI - [Cholecystocolic fistula]. PMID- 13471123 TI - [First findings on endoscopy of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13471124 TI - [Intragastric talc granuloma after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13471125 TI - [Pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer caused by reserpine]. PMID- 13471127 TI - [Gastric localization of aleukemic lymphosis; case report]. PMID- 13471126 TI - [Onset of an ulcerous attack caused by erythromycin]. PMID- 13471128 TI - [Cholecystocolic fistula with cholelithiasis causing chronic diarrhea]. PMID- 13471129 TI - [Medical treatment of peptic ulcer after gastrectomy; 4 case reports]. PMID- 13471130 TI - [Duodenal stenosis in an adult caused by rotation defect; recovery of a case based on a case treated by simple section of the defect]. PMID- 13471132 TI - [Triple ulcer of the stomach; total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13471131 TI - [Biliary ileus of the pelvic colon in an aged woman; surgery; recovery]. PMID- 13471133 TI - [Medical treatment of hydatid cyst of the liver]. PMID- 13471134 TI - [Use of systematic examination of the eye fundus in tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13471135 TI - [Ophthalmological aspects of chronic peripheral obliterating arterial diseases]. PMID- 13471136 TI - [Mucocele of the maxillary sinus with orbital development]. PMID- 13471137 TI - [Orbital evisceration: salutary operation]. PMID- 13471138 TI - [Clinical study on a new surface anesthetic for ophthalmology: cornecaine]. PMID- 13471139 TI - Diagnosis of the mold form of chronic rheumatic heart disease in children and young adults. PMID- 13471140 TI - Studies on normal serum alkaline phosphatase in Egyptian infants and children. PMID- 13471141 TI - Staphylococcus albus and systemic sensitization. PMID- 13471143 TI - Concept of motivation in physical medicine. PMID- 13471142 TI - Myotonia dystrophica; report of four cases with post-mortem findings in three. PMID- 13471144 TI - Contractures in chronic neurologic disease. PMID- 13471145 TI - Rapid measurement of the tension of carbon dioxide in blood. PMID- 13471146 TI - Child care testing in functional training. PMID- 13471147 TI - Clinical note: shoulder support for the hemiplegic upper extremity. PMID- 13471149 TI - Physiology of skeletal muscular circulation: a review. PMID- 13471148 TI - Pneumatic pulsatile mobilization: a possible method of motor rehabilitation in the pharynx area. PMID- 13471150 TI - Electromyography in disc disease. PMID- 13471151 TI - Communication problems in medicine. PMID- 13471152 TI - [Levels of total nitrogen in the rumen of small ruminants having a permanent fistula]. PMID- 13471153 TI - [Nature of parathyroid extracts acting on blood calcium of the dog & rabbit]. PMID- 13471154 TI - [Organic acids in the rumen of various animals]. PMID- 13471155 TI - [Disorders of lipid resorption & distribution following ingestion of diets rich in unsaturated free fatty acids & high in cholesterol; protective effect of choline in relation to the toxic effect of these diets]. PMID- 13471156 TI - [Agenesis of the pericardium]. PMID- 13471157 TI - [Pericardial cyst]. PMID- 13471158 TI - [Congenital lobar emphysema]. PMID- 13471160 TI - [Clinical statistics in relation to the etiopathogenesis of lung cancer]. PMID- 13471159 TI - [Tracheobronchial tuberculosis: bronscopic, clinical & x-ray data on 200 cases of surgical pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13471161 TI - [Vascularization of the visceral pleura]. PMID- 13471163 TI - [Ligature of the descending branch of the left coronary as a test for the efficiency of experimental myocardial revascularization]. PMID- 13471162 TI - [Arteriovenous & arterial intercoronary anastomoses in hearts of dogs; interpretation of their functional significance]. PMID- 13471165 TI - [Histomorphology of the pulmonary zones in relation to the sublobar exeresis of the lung]. PMID- 13471164 TI - [Experimental research on vascular surgery; insertion of a preserved vascular implant into the lumen of the ascending aorta]. PMID- 13471166 TI - [Aschoff's nodules as a possible expression of regressive phenomena of smooth muscle tissue; an interpretation derived from the study of auricular rheumatic endocarditis]. PMID- 13471167 TI - [The morphological and histogenetic problem of proliferative brain changes during acute articular rheumatism]. PMID- 13471168 TI - [Experimental diabetic syndrome caused by basic protein]. PMID- 13471169 TI - [Hemoglobinuria, stress, opsobilin]. PMID- 13471170 TI - [Kidney biopsy and function tests in pregnancy]. PMID- 13471171 TI - [Congenital atresia and stenosis of the aortic valve orifice; bibliographic review and case reports]. PMID- 13471172 TI - [Bivalvular aorta, with special reference to macroscopic and microscopic diagnosis]. PMID- 13471173 TI - [Unusual aneurysmal pathology of the abdominal aorta. I. Rupture into the inferior vena cava. II. Opening into the liver with hemoperitoneum ex hepate]. PMID- 13471174 TI - [Epiphysectomy and gonadotropic power of chicken hypophysis]. PMID- 13471175 TI - [Effects of administration of eosinophilic granules in parabiont rats]. PMID- 13471176 TI - [Excavatory-calcifying communication between the liver and pericardium]. PMID- 13471177 TI - [Fibrous dysplasia of the bones and its relations to skeletal lipogranulomatous lesions]. PMID- 13471178 TI - [Myelolipomatous inclusions of the adrenal gland]. PMID- 13471179 TI - [Unusual cases of pancreatic lipomatosis (in patients of myocarditis and serum hepatitis caused by Basedow's disease during diabetes mellitus)]. PMID- 13471181 TI - [Unilateral virginal diffuse glandular hypertrophy of the breast]. PMID- 13471180 TI - [The problem of Lubarsch lipoid islands in the gastric mucosa]. PMID- 13471182 TI - [Reticulosarcoma of the spinal epidural space and the problem of acute medullary necrosis in malignant tumor patients]. PMID- 13471183 TI - [Classification of adamantinoma]. PMID- 13471184 TI - [Mikulicz' syndrome in malignant granuloma]. PMID- 13471186 TI - [Case report of jejunal simple ulcer]. PMID- 13471185 TI - [Significance and histogenesis of giant-cell reactions in malignant epithelial tumors]. PMID- 13471187 TI - [Modifications of renal clearance of inorganic phosphorus, of blood calcium & urinary calcium induced by diencephalic sedation with pentobarbital]. PMID- 13471188 TI - [Observations on the behavior of urinary protein in normal subjects and nephropathic patients subjected to sodium chloride or glucose overload]. PMID- 13471189 TI - [Observations on the behavior of urinary protein in subjects subjected to urea overload]. PMID- 13471190 TI - [Behavior of cellular autofluorescence in the activated thyroid; experimental research in states of activation due to hypophysial thyrotropic hormone]. PMID- 13471191 TI - [Relations between hyaluronidase and prehypophysial stimulus; effects of hyaluronidase on ACTH & TSH activity]. PMID- 13471192 TI - [Relations between thioctic acid and renal function; effects of thioctic acid on diuresis and renal clearances in normal & nephropathic subjects]. PMID- 13471193 TI - [Effects of thioctic acid on various metabolites in the liver]. PMID- 13471194 TI - [New endocrine semeiological test: functional exploration of 11-hydroxylation of adrenal steroids]. PMID- 13471195 TI - [Functional exploration of 11-hydroxylation of steroids in the diagnosis of adrenal hypocrinia]. PMID- 13471197 TI - [Effects of dihydroxyethylglycine on the elimination of iron after blood transfusion]. PMID- 13471196 TI - [Vitamins and creatine turnover. III. Modifications the creatine & phosphocreatine rate in skeletal & cardiac muscle of guinea pigs after ascorbic acid treatment]. PMID- 13471198 TI - [Research on the state of bromine in blood plasma]. PMID- 13471199 TI - [Behavior of bromine at the level of the kidney. IV. Tubular resorption of bromine after load with antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13471200 TI - [Behavior of perchloride soluble mucoproteins in various endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13471201 TI - [Urinary pregnandiol after load with cortisol in healthy and eucrine subjects]. PMID- 13471202 TI - [Pregnandioluria caused by testosterone load]. PMID- 13471203 TI - [Rate of restoration of adrenocortical function after treatment with prednisone and prednisolone]. PMID- 13471204 TI - [Research on M & N agglutinogens in platelets by means of the thrombocyte erythrocyte mixed agglutination method]. PMID- 13471205 TI - [Various methods for research on incomplete antierythrocyte antibodies]. PMID- 13471207 TI - [Pure alymphadenic splenic lymphatic leukemia]. PMID- 13471206 TI - [Behavior of urinary gonadotropins in various endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13471208 TI - [Research on renal function of the prostate patient by means of clearances]. PMID- 13471209 TI - [Physiopathological and functional considerations on simple goiter; casuistic study on 205 cases]. PMID- 13471210 TI - [Pathology of bone in disorders of the peripheral circulation]. PMID- 13471211 TI - [Therapeutic action of gastric mucoprotein in various types of colonic diseases]. PMID- 13471212 TI - [Premenstrual hemorrhagic syndrome caused by proconvertin deficiency]. PMID- 13471213 TI - [A case of percocious female puberty]. PMID- 13471214 TI - [Royal jelly and its applications in therapy]. PMID- 13471215 TI - [Hemopathic syndrome during visceral leishmaniasis]. PMID- 13471216 TI - [Physiopathology of the spiral arteries of functional delayed collateral circulation of the extremities; experimental study]. PMID- 13471217 TI - [Action potentials in tetanic contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle of the Bufo vulgaris]. PMID- 13471219 TI - [Effect of hormones on the processes of proteosynthesis and proteolysis. I. Action of adrenalin]. PMID- 13471218 TI - [Behavior of acetylation processes in rats fed steatogenic diets containing fats of different chemical structure]. PMID- 13471220 TI - [Effect of hormones on the processes of proteosynthesis and proteolysis. II. Action of thyroxin]. PMID- 13471221 TI - [Respiratory physiology, during rest and muscular exercise in young females]. PMID- 13471222 TI - [Special methods for recording of electrocardiograms during physical exercise with subjects in orthostatic position]. PMID- 13471223 TI - [Endocardiofibrosis; anatomical contribution]. PMID- 13471224 TI - [Polyblastic hemopoietic reticuoendotheliosis]. PMID- 13471225 TI - [Malignant paraganglioma]. PMID- 13471226 TI - [Reticulosarcoma of the testes; case reports and anatomical and clinical data]. PMID- 13471227 TI - [Case of left intraventricular heart thrombosis]. PMID- 13471228 TI - [Involvement of visceral arteries in arterial disease induced by repeated adrenal grafts]. PMID- 13471230 TI - [Acute malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13471229 TI - [2 Cases of aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva]. PMID- 13471231 TI - [Morphological profile & histogenetic interpretation of the so-called rhabdomyoma of the heart]. PMID- 13471232 TI - [Observations on positive & negative chromatin cells in the human skin in old age]. PMID- 13471233 TI - [Value & limitations of the TAT associated with amphetamine shock in dermatology & sexology]. PMID- 13471234 TI - [Keratoacanthoma]. PMID- 13471235 TI - [Surgical therapy of foci in various dermatoses]. PMID- 13471236 TI - [Case of Baker-Rosenbach erysipeloid treated with terramycin]. PMID- 13471237 TI - [A case of chronic benign circumscribed plasma cell balanoposthitis of Zoon]. PMID- 13471238 TI - [Immunobiological researches on collagen diseases with special reference to lupus erythematosus. I. Presence of agglutinant heterophilic antibodies in blood]. PMID- 13471239 TI - [Jader Cappelli]. PMID- 13471240 TI - [External biliary fistulas as early complications of cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13471241 TI - [Polycystic mesenteric formations]. PMID- 13471242 TI - [Effect of adrenaline on gastrointestinal motility; radiological experiments]. PMID- 13471243 TI - [Diseases of the eighth nerve]. PMID- 13471244 TI - [Perirenal tumors; with six clinical case reports]. PMID- 13471245 TI - [Electrolyte content in portal & peripheral blood after ureterosigmoidostomy; experimental research. I]. PMID- 13471247 TI - [Renal & ureteral agenesis with reference to associated abnormalities of the urogenital tract]. PMID- 13471246 TI - [Lipoma of spermatic cord]. PMID- 13471248 TI - [Study and treatment of spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13471249 TI - [Subluxation of the head of radius in children]. PMID- 13471250 TI - [Intrinsic innervation of the bones]. PMID- 13471251 TI - [Case of dyschondroplasia]. PMID- 13471252 TI - [Traumatic dislocation of the hip with fracture of neck of femur]. PMID- 13471253 TI - [Lateral traumatic dislocation of the head of radius]. PMID- 13471254 TI - [Effect of lumbar sympathectomy on circulation changes in legs in poliomyelitics]. PMID- 13471255 TI - [Longterm results of surgically treated tuberculous coxitis]. PMID- 13471256 TI - [Factors in female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13471257 TI - [Colpocytological observations in premenstrual syndrome]. PMID- 13471258 TI - [Effect of pyridoxin on x-ray leukopenia in subjects with carcinoma of the uterus]. PMID- 13471259 TI - [Variations in colpocytological formula & index after administration of ACTH in women during the amenorrhea of natural & surgical menopause]. PMID- 13471260 TI - [Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex of the cat]. PMID- 13471261 TI - [Electrophoretic study of soluble proteins of the hepatic cell and of various enzymes contained in them]. PMID- 13471262 TI - [Function of phosphorus donors in protein metabolism. I. Behavior of inorganic phosphates & adenylpyrophosphate in blood after administration of choline chloride]. PMID- 13471263 TI - [Preliminary observations on the histochemical nature of the so-called protoplasmatic drop]. PMID- 13471265 TI - [Observations on the structure of cerebellar nuclei in cerebellums with chronic circumscribed, superficial or deep lesions]. PMID- 13471264 TI - [Hemolysis by ultrasonics of fetal red cells & those of patients with Cooley's disease]. PMID- 13471266 TI - [Phosphohexoisomerase activity of blood serum of newborn]. PMID- 13471267 TI - [Fractional elution of benzene extracts from androgens obtained from bovine urine and column chromatography]. PMID- 13471268 TI - [Column chromatography of urinary hydrolysates at various pH values, extracted with several organic solvents]. PMID- 13471269 TI - [Effects of tourniquet-induced shock on hepatic deposition of glycogen determined by glycine administration]. PMID- 13471270 TI - [Effect of age and sex on hemocoagulative and thromboelastographic characteristics in some animal species]. PMID- 13471271 TI - [Histomorphological changes in some endocrine and non-endocrine organs caused by prolonged administration of thyrotropic hormone]. PMID- 13471272 TI - [Biochemical studies of the normal human liver: early results of quantitative chromatographic determination of free amino acids and related compounds]. PMID- 13471273 TI - [Possibilities of inducing acute inflammatory processes with fecal material from animals with intestinal occlusion & treated with terramycin]. PMID- 13471274 TI - [Variations in transaminase activity of the blood in liver diseases in humans: clinical reports and pathogenetic mechanism]. PMID- 13471275 TI - [G. Quagliariello]. PMID- 13471276 TI - [Endocavitary aspiration in Principi di Piemonte Sanatorium; statistical data & case reports]. PMID- 13471277 TI - [Endocavitary aspiration in the treatment of cavitations enclosed in arrested processes]. PMID- 13471278 TI - [Indications for endocavitary aspiration in tuberculosis with multiple cavitations]. PMID- 13471279 TI - [Endocavitary aspiration in the treatment of cavitations of the lower lobe]. PMID- 13471280 TI - [Reopening of cavitations treated with endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471281 TI - [Therapeutic value of endocavitary aspiration; case reports]. PMID- 13471282 TI - [Anatomical & biological healing of cavitations treated with endocavitary aspiration; anatomical & histological contribution]. PMID- 13471283 TI - [Anatomical & histological aspects of healed tuberculous cavitations treated with Monaldi's endocavitary aspiration & with cavernostomy-like operations]. PMID- 13471284 TI - [Healing of tuberculous cavitations treated with endocavitary aspiration; x-ray aspects]. PMID- 13471285 TI - [Duration of recovery accomplished with endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471286 TI - [Use of endocavitary aspiration in cases which could not be treated with any other therapy]. PMID- 13471287 TI - [Endocavitary aspiration in giant cavitations]. PMID- 13471288 TI - [Duration of treatment with endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471289 TI - [Recovery time of cavitation tuberculosis treated early with endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471290 TI - [Functional recovery with endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471291 TI - [Functional studies on endocavitary aspiration; data of separate bronchospirometry]. PMID- 13471292 TI - [Behavior of static & dynamic elements of equilibrium of respiratory function in isolated cavitations of the lungs]. PMID- 13471293 TI - [For a better definition of the field of application of endocavitary aspiration; case reports]. PMID- 13471294 TI - [Fission of the trajectory during endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471295 TI - [Pleural complications during endocavitary aspiration]. PMID- 13471296 TI - [Two cases of endocavitary aspiration combined with surgical extrapleural pneumothorax]. PMID- 13471298 TI - [Organization of endocavitary aspiration services]. PMID- 13471297 TI - [For a better definition of the field of application of endocavitary aspiration with collapse therapy]. PMID- 13471299 TI - [Epilogue to the Symposium on Endocavitary Aspiration, from 11 to 12 May 1957]. PMID- 13471300 TI - [Relation of lung resection to the nature of the nosological entity]. PMID- 13471301 TI - [Therapeutic use of E 39 in primary carcinoma of the lung; first case reports]. PMID- 13471302 TI - [Histological changes in normal animals treated with Bayer E.39; preliminary report]. PMID- 13471304 TI - [Clinical studies on morbid cycles in post-primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13471303 TI - [Effects of cortisone on experimental tuberculosis of an isoniazidresistant type in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13471305 TI - [Epidemiological studies on photofluorographic & tuberculin examinations, associated with a BCG vaccination, in a Naples school in 1955 & 1956]. PMID- 13471306 TI - [Inverted pepilloma of the skin]. PMID- 13471307 TI - [Value of imprints for study of the cytology of tumors and lesions of the lymph nodes]. PMID- 13471308 TI - [Multiple plasmocytoma; plasma cell leukemia]. PMID- 13471309 TI - [Report of a case of fibrosarcoma of the forearm]. PMID- 13471310 TI - [A case of giant condyloma acuminatum]. PMID- 13471311 TI - [Notes on a case of corono-dental cyst of the chin]. PMID- 13471312 TI - [Emilio Martinez Perez Vento: 1897-1957]. PMID- 13471313 TI - [Clinical picture of generalized scleroderma; study on 28 patients]. PMID- 13471314 TI - [Experiments with a new ganglion-blocking agent, mecamylamine hydrochloride in the treatment of arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13471315 TI - [Rheumatic mitral valve disease associated with atrial septal defect (Lutembacher disease) study of 12 cases, 8 and 4 clinical autopsy]. PMID- 13471316 TI - [Beta-pyridyl-carbinol and antibiotics in heart failure of chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13471317 TI - [Primary Kaposi angiosarcoma of the heart; review of literature & description of the 6th case]. PMID- 13471318 TI - [Surgical treatment of atrial septal defect]. PMID- 13471319 TI - [Congenital malformations of the rectum]. PMID- 13471320 TI - [An experience in rural social medicine]. PMID- 13471321 TI - [Suppurated meningococcal meningitis with the cerebellar syndrome]. PMID- 13471322 TI - [Large scale study of mental development in premature infants]. PMID- 13471323 TI - [Diagnosis of congenital heart disease]. PMID- 13471324 TI - [Eosinophil count; critical analysis of methods]. PMID- 13471325 TI - [Visceral larva migrans syndrome as a cause of elevated & persistent eosinophilia]. PMID- 13471326 TI - [Morquio's contribution to the study of poliomyelitis in Uruguay]. PMID- 13471327 TI - [Changes of the electrophoretic proteinogram in the normal & newborn infant & in infantile toxicosis]. PMID- 13471328 TI - [More frequent deficiencies in the children of Montevideo]. PMID- 13471329 TI - [First results in the cure of pulmonary tuberculosis obtained with the combination of nicotinic aldehyde thiosemicarbazone & isoniazid]. PMID- 13471330 TI - [Electrophoretic picture of the blood in rabbits infected with Brucella; study of the migration of Brucella agglutinins with electrophoretic blood protein fractions]. PMID- 13471331 TI - [Carcinoma of the buccal mucosa & its therapy]. PMID- 13471332 TI - [Widal reaction carried out with antibiotic-treated antigen in vaccinated subjects]. PMID- 13471333 TI - [Long time follow-up of 170 surgical cases of iridencleisis]. PMID- 13471334 TI - [Probable viral nature of various vestibular syndromes]. PMID- 13471335 TI - [Variations in cerebral metabolism in subjects stricken with cerebral apoplexy]. PMID- 13471336 TI - [Rare case of posterior scleritis complicated by vertical homonymous diplopia]. PMID- 13471337 TI - [Adrenalin & noradrenalin in peripheral venous blood in normal subjects]. PMID- 13471338 TI - [Personal experience with anesthesia in ophthalmic surgery]. PMID- 13471339 TI - [2 Cases of postoperative peptic ulcer perforating into the free peritoneum]. PMID- 13471340 TI - [Primary torsion of the omentum; findings on 1 case]. PMID- 13471341 TI - [Comparative study of the effect of pituitary tropins on the prostate & seminal vesicles of normal & castrated rats]. PMID- 13471342 TI - [Modalities of production & repercussion of an anti-adrenal serum; morphological observations]. PMID- 13471343 TI - [Convergence insufficiency in adult emmetropic subjects]. PMID- 13471344 TI - [Chronic recurrent invagination in early infancy]. PMID- 13471345 TI - [Case of epilepsy caused by dystocia with visual hallucinations]. PMID- 13471346 TI - [Position of psychotechnic in the realization of a mental hygiene program]. PMID- 13471347 TI - [The tripod of health; heredity, environment and nutrition]. PMID- 13471348 TI - [Early histological and cytological clinical diagnosis of cancer of the mouth]. PMID- 13471349 TI - [Hereditary congenital ophthalmoplegia; surgical correction of a case]. PMID- 13471350 TI - [Epicritic clinical & experimental study on integral hematological picture of primary & ACTH-induced hyperadrenocorticism]. PMID- 13471351 TI - [Relations between eosinophilia & erythrocyte sedimentation in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13471352 TI - [Changes in blood flow, oxygen consumption & cerebral vascular resistance in dogs after venous administration of hydergine]. PMID- 13471353 TI - [Relations between birefractivity & trichopachigram in hair kept in various experimental conditions]. PMID- 13471354 TI - [Lipoproteins in diphtheria; preliminary report]. PMID- 13471355 TI - [Hypersecretion of adrenalin of adrenal medulla in insulin hypoglycemia]. PMID- 13471356 TI - [Clinical & histogenetic aspects of mixed tumor of the orbit]. PMID- 13471357 TI - [Physiopathological & semeiological significance of control of peripheral venous adrenalinemia in various diseases in humans]. PMID- 13471359 TI - [Weber's delateralization in tonal audiometry]. PMID- 13471358 TI - [Case of pseudocyst of cavum septi pellucidi]. PMID- 13471360 TI - [Inquiry on conditions of mental health in families of the Chioggia District]. PMID- 13471361 TI - [Adaptation of the eye to flickering light and to interrupted electric phosphenes]. PMID- 13471363 TI - [Statistical analysis of accidents]. PMID- 13471362 TI - [Zinc phosphide poisoning]. PMID- 13471364 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13471365 TI - [Urine analysis in porphyrinuria and porphyria]. PMID- 13471366 TI - Notes on the history of clinical thermometry. PMID- 13471367 TI - The treatment of scorpion sting. PMID- 13471368 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of the great simulator, infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13471369 TI - Life insurance as applied to the physician. PMID- 13471370 TI - How fixed fee schedules result in government controlled medicine. PMID- 13471371 TI - [Primary heteronomy of composition of the vertebrate body]. PMID- 13471372 TI - [Histogenesis of visceral skeletal bones in mammals]. PMID- 13471373 TI - [Development of vascular plexes in lateral ventricles of brain]. PMID- 13471374 TI - [Myelinization of the auditory & vestibular nerves of the cat]. PMID- 13471375 TI - [Changes in the structure and functional importance of the yolk skin of a hen's egg]. PMID- 13471376 TI - [Age changes in reactions of subcutaneous connective tissue in case of serous inflammation]. PMID- 13471377 TI - [Experimental study of joint cartilage regeneration]. PMID- 13471378 TI - [Various data on the morphology & ecological histophysiology of the neurosecretive element of the intermediate brain in bony fish]. PMID- 13471379 TI - [Age changes in the sensory nerve apparatus of the auricular endocardium in the cat]. PMID- 13471380 TI - [Embryonic development of the corpus geniculatum externum in reptiles & mammals]. PMID- 13471381 TI - [Anatomy of extraorganic connections between lymph vessels of the lower limbs in man]. PMID- 13471382 TI - [Theory of parallel series of tissue evolution]. PMID- 13471383 TI - [History of the Chair of Normal Anatomy, V. M. Molotov Kazakh State Medical Institute]. PMID- 13471384 TI - [Professor Emeritus, Dr. Henrique de Brito Belford Roxo]. PMID- 13471386 TI - [First aid in combat. I. Effects of blasts. II. Burns]. PMID- 13471385 TI - [Lavage of seminal vesicles & catheterization of vas deferens]. PMID- 13471387 TI - [Metabolism of estrogens]. PMID- 13471388 TI - [Present status of treatment of seminal vesiculitis; catheterization of the vas deferens]. PMID- 13471389 TI - [Ureteral lithiasis; general factors; management of stationary lithiasis]. PMID- 13471390 TI - [Percentage of mortality in 102 cases of prostatectomy]. PMID- 13471391 TI - [Primary cancer of the testes with liver metastasis; discussion in terms of route of spread]. PMID- 13471392 TI - [Introduction to medical hypnology. III. From Avicenna to Goltz]. PMID- 13471393 TI - [Absent teeth & ethnic factors; comparative statistical study]. PMID- 13471394 TI - [Adrenal glands; case of neuroblastoma]. PMID- 13471395 TI - [Anatomical names; reviewed by the International Commission of Anatomical Nomenclature]. PMID- 13471396 TI - [General effects of local anesthetics]. PMID- 13471397 TI - [Anti-allergic and antihistaminic effect of some azulene compounds]. PMID- 13471398 TI - [Effect of 3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenyl-4-n-butyl-pyrazolidine on changes in irritability of the sciatic nerve and on tactile skin receptors]. PMID- 13471399 TI - [Local analgesic action of some di-tertiary ethylenediamines. II]. PMID- 13471400 TI - [Pharmacology and biochemistry of 2,4-diaminoazobenzene monorhodanide]. PMID- 13471401 TI - [An exogenous enzyme complex and its therapeutic use]. PMID- 13471403 TI - [Urinary corticoid excretion in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13471402 TI - [Occlusion of the blood-aqueous humor barrier by drugs]. PMID- 13471404 TI - [Decomposition of isonicotinic acid hydrazide in aqueous solutions]. PMID- 13471406 TI - [Metabolism of radioactive labelled barbiturates and thiobarbiturates. I. Excretion of radioactivity]. PMID- 13471405 TI - [Studies on preparations containing magnesium acetylsalicylate and proposals for testing]. PMID- 13471407 TI - [Toxicological and chemical studies on beta-aminoethylisothiuronium compounds]. PMID- 13471408 TI - [Evaluation of the effect of antitussive drugs in whooping cough in children]. PMID- 13471409 TI - [Some remarks in connection with Deininger's method for the determination of antiphlogistic effect of azulene]. PMID- 13471410 TI - [65th Birthday of Professor Dr. E. Ruickoldt]. PMID- 13471411 TI - [60th Birthday of Professor Dr. -Ing. E. h. Karl Kupfmuller]. PMID- 13471412 TI - [Early diagnosis of cervical cancer]. PMID- 13471414 TI - [Beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections causing heart disease]. PMID- 13471413 TI - [Acropathy with mutilating ulcers of the legs]. PMID- 13471415 TI - [Behavior of sedimentation velocity in a group of normal persons administered mineral water Ferrarelle]. PMID- 13471416 TI - [Statistical and radiographic aspects of hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13471417 TI - [Multiple cartilaginous exostosis with progressive ossifying myositis]. PMID- 13471418 TI - The challenge of North Queensland fevers. PMID- 13471419 TI - An epidemic of primary atypical pneumonia in North Queensland. PMID- 13471420 TI - Studies of platelet function as a guide to the severity of thrombocytopenic purpura and the possible mechanism of purpura and haemorrhage. PMID- 13471422 TI - A comparison of the early metabolic effects of tri-iodothyronine and hydrocortisone in man. PMID- 13471421 TI - The histology of generalized pulmonary emphysema. II. Diffuse emphysema. PMID- 13471423 TI - Observations on the nature of hormone-induced eosinopenia. PMID- 13471424 TI - Glycogen storage disease with unusual renal lesions; report of a case with autopsy and enzyme studies. PMID- 13471425 TI - Haemoglobin as a source of iron in nutrition; some in-vitro experiments. PMID- 13471427 TI - Primary aldosteronism. PMID- 13471426 TI - Haemoglobin as a source of iron in nutrition: the absorption of iron from Fe59 labelled haemoglobin by rats. PMID- 13471430 TI - The natural habitat of Cladosporium carrionii, a cause of chromoblastomycosis in man. PMID- 13471428 TI - Onchocerciasis: a review of five cases treated in Britain with diethylcarbamazine. PMID- 13471429 TI - Tissue dose in dermatological x-ray therapy. PMID- 13471431 TI - Pseudo-xanthoma elasticum. PMID- 13471432 TI - After-care of skin cancer. PMID- 13471433 TI - Connective tissue naevus. PMID- 13471434 TI - Salmonella bacteriophages. 6. Some heat-resistant phages. PMID- 13471435 TI - Comparison of blood clotting in marsupials and man. PMID- 13471436 TI - Reversion to virulence in an influenza virus mutant. PMID- 13471437 TI - Cardiac metabolism: ionic changes; influence of calcium ions, 9afluorohydrocortisone and cardiac glycosides on the isolated toad heart. PMID- 13471438 TI - The spasmolytic actions of some synthetic compounds related to papaverine. PMID- 13471439 TI - The effects on blood sugar and ketone bodies of butyrate, acetate and beta-OH butyrate infused into sheep. PMID- 13471440 TI - The effect of copper on the response to vitamin B12 and methionine of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli: a modification of the basal medium. PMID- 13471441 TI - The determination of vitamin B12-activity in the organs and excreta of sheep. 5. The effect of cobalt deficiency on the vitamin B12 content of the blood plasma. PMID- 13471442 TI - Changes in serum lipids and in aortic atherosclerosis following toluidine blue and heparin administration to cholesterol fed rabbits. PMID- 13471443 TI - Some aspects of the pharmacology of 5-phenylthiazolidine-2: 4-dione (2:4 dihydroxy-5-phenylthiazole). PMID- 13471444 TI - The effects of adrenal insufficiency and overdosage with DOCA on bilaterally adrenalectomized sheep. PMID- 13471445 TI - The determination of vitamin B12-activity in the organs and excreta of sheep. 6. Vitamin B12-activity in portal blood. PMID- 13471446 TI - The detection of Murray Valley encephalitis antibodies in hens'eggs. PMID- 13471447 TI - Propagation in tissue culture of the virus of infectious laryngotracheitis of fowls. PMID- 13471448 TI - The blood pressure of sheep. PMID- 13471449 TI - Studies on intermediary iron metabolism. XI. The source of iron in the regenerated liver of the rat after hepatectomy. PMID- 13471450 TI - Observations, using new methods, of the effects of neck compression on water diuresis in rats. PMID- 13471451 TI - Tissue metabolism during posterior regeneration in the earthworm. PMID- 13471452 TI - Pain-producing substances from the stinging bush Laportea moroides. PMID- 13471454 TI - Some observations on presidential illnesses. PMID- 13471453 TI - Chlorothiazide: a new type of drug for the treatment of arterial hypertension. PMID- 13471455 TI - Viruses, genes, and cells. PMID- 13471456 TI - Contributions of studies on the beta-galactosidase of Escherichia coli to our understanding of enzyme synthesis. PMID- 13471457 TI - Bacterial permeases. PMID- 13471458 TI - The thiobacilli. PMID- 13471459 TI - [Metastatic carcinosis of the nerve roots, particularly of cauda equina]. PMID- 13471460 TI - [Etiology and formal pathogenesis of idiopathic medionecrosis of the aorta; as based on aortic changes after collapse]. PMID- 13471462 TI - [Liver cirrhosis in cystic pancreas fibrosis in infants]. PMID- 13471461 TI - [Relation of A-cells and B-cells in the islands of Langerhans in diabetics and non-diabetics]. PMID- 13471463 TI - [Necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants]. PMID- 13471464 TI - [Hydrodynamic causes of arteriosclerosis localization of sclerosis and thrombosis in coronary arteries]. PMID- 13471465 TI - [Pathogenesis of essential pulmonary hemosiderosis]. PMID- 13471466 TI - [Effect of prenatal oxygen deficiency on incidence of spontaneous mouse tumors]. PMID- 13471467 TI - [Involution of inflammation in acute poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13471468 TI - [Metabolic processes in the lung]. PMID- 13471469 TI - [Treatment of chronic endocarditis]. PMID- 13471470 TI - [Hemodynamicendocrine interrelation of the water & salt balance in cardiac decompensation]. PMID- 13471471 TI - [Aldosterone excretion in patients with extracellular fluid increase]. PMID- 13471473 TI - [The concept of childhood schizophrenia]. PMID- 13471472 TI - [Use & abuse of antibiotics in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13471474 TI - [The treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13471475 TI - [Pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13471476 TI - [Hyperthyroidism & its treatment]. PMID- 13471477 TI - [Treatment of uncomplicated gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13471478 TI - [Fibrinolysis in pregnancy & labor]. PMID- 13471479 TI - [Electrooculography in the functional examination of the retina]. PMID- 13471480 TI - [Studies on toxoplasmosis on the eye in animal experiment with special regard to tissue reaction and causative morphology]. PMID- 13471481 TI - The nature of endocrine exophthalmos. PMID- 13471483 TI - The biochemistry of the eye; 1946-1956. PMID- 13471482 TI - Nystagmus; review of the literature in 1946-1954. PMID- 13471484 TI - [The object loss; a contribution to the theory of neuroses & psychoses]. PMID- 13471485 TI - The experimental basis of BCG vaccination. PMID- 13471486 TI - Clinical considerations in vaccination against tuberculosis. PMID- 13471487 TI - Freeze-dried BCG vaccine. PMID- 13471488 TI - Modified methods of culturing and preparation of BCG vaccine. PMID- 13471489 TI - The vole bacillus vaccine. PMID- 13471490 TI - The intracutaneous and percutaneous application of BCG. PMID- 13471491 TI - The oral application of BCG. PMID- 13471493 TI - BCG vaccination in France and in North-Africa; organization; complications. PMID- 13471492 TI - The status of BCG vaccination in the United States and Canada. PMID- 13471494 TI - Assessment of the first results of the Medical Research Council's trial of tuberculosis vaccines in adolescents in Great Britain. PMID- 13471495 TI - Mass vaccination under postwar conditions in Japan. PMID- 13471496 TI - The problem of primary tuberculosis occurring during the first months following BCG vaccination. PMID- 13471497 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13471498 TI - The safety record of BCG vaccination and untoward reactions observed after vaccination. PMID- 13471499 TI - A summary of the views opposing BCG. PMID- 13471500 TI - Prophylactic chemotherapy. PMID- 13471501 TI - [16-3H]Progesterone metabolism in advanced pregnancy and in oophorectomized hysterectomized women. PMID- 13471502 TI - The metabolism of thyroid hormones. 2. Detection of thyroxine and tri iodothyronine in human plasma. PMID- 13471503 TI - The determination of ketone bodies. PMID- 13471504 TI - The mechanism of action of mercurial preparations on transport processes and the role of thiol groups in the cell membrane of renal tubular cells. PMID- 13471505 TI - [Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn]. PMID- 13471506 TI - Tissue components of the domestic fowl. 2. Blood urea. PMID- 13471507 TI - The effect of nitrogen mustards on the incorporation of amino acids into protein by Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13471508 TI - Some physicochemical properties of human fibrinogen. PMID- 13471509 TI - Preparation and characterization of the isomaltodextrins. PMID- 13471510 TI - The determination of 10-100 wmg. quantities of hexosamine. PMID- 13471511 TI - South African pilchard oil. 6. The isolation and structure of a docosahexaenoic acid from South African pilchard oil. PMID- 13471512 TI - The fluorimetric estimation of adrenaline and noradrenaline in plasma. PMID- 13471513 TI - Physiological studies on acid metabolism. 4. Phosphoenolpyruvic carboxylase activity in extracts of Crassulacean plants. PMID- 13471514 TI - Physiological studies on acid metabolism. 5. Effects of carbon dioxide concentration on phosphoenolpyruvic carboxylase activity. PMID- 13471515 TI - The amino acid composition of amphibian, reptile and avian gelatins. PMID- 13471516 TI - The metabolism in vitro of tissue slices from rats given triethyltin compounds. PMID- 13471517 TI - Trace elements in human tissue. 1. A semi-quantitative spectrographic survey. PMID- 13471518 TI - Trace elements in human tissue. 2. Estimation of the concentrations of stable strontium and barium in human bone. PMID- 13471519 TI - Some chemical components of mitochondria and microsomes from germinating castor beans. PMID- 13471521 TI - Side reactions in the deoxygenation of dilute oxyhaemoglobin solutions by sodium dithionite. PMID- 13471520 TI - Mitochondria in the endosperm of the germinating castor bean; a developmental study. PMID- 13471522 TI - Spectrokinetic studies of the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with haemoglobin in dithionite solutions. PMID- 13471523 TI - The fractionation of urinary iodine. 1. Method of analysis. PMID- 13471524 TI - The fractionation of urinary iodine. 2. Metabolites excreted during treatment of carcinoma of the thyroid. PMID- 13471525 TI - Preparation and properties of highly purified diaphorase. PMID- 13471526 TI - Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 102. Quadrilineatin (1:2-diformyl 5-hydroxy-3-methoxy-4-methylbenzene), a metabolic product of Aspergillus quadrilineatus Thom & Raper. PMID- 13471527 TI - Anti-fungal tests on quadrilineatin. PMID- 13471528 TI - The flame-spectrophotometric determination of calcium in biological fluids and an isotopic analysis of the errors in the Kramer-Tisdall procedure. PMID- 13471529 TI - Acidic peptides of the lens. 2. The use of ion-exchange resins as molecular sieves. PMID- 13471530 TI - A semi-microrespirometer. PMID- 13471531 TI - The biosynthesis of penicillin. 6. A study of the mechanism of the formation of the thiazolidine-beta-lactam rings, using tritium-labelled cystine. PMID- 13471532 TI - Some spontaneous reactions of 00-dimethyl S-ethylthioethyl phosphorothiolate and related compounds in water and on storage, and their effects on the toxicological properties of the compounds. PMID- 13471533 TI - The reactivation of cholinesterase after Inhibition in vivo by some dimethyl phosphate esters. PMID- 13471534 TI - Aspects of vitamin A deficiency in the rat. PMID- 13471535 TI - Vitamin A deficiency in the domestic fowl. PMID- 13471536 TI - Vitamin A deficiency in the rat, with and without added dietary cholesterol. PMID- 13471537 TI - Unsaponifiable constituents of kidney in various species. PMID- 13471538 TI - Cholesterol and liver vitamin A in male and female rats. PMID- 13471539 TI - Enzymic oxidation of catechin to a polymer structurally related to some phlobatannins. PMID- 13471540 TI - The characteristics of hexokinase from Locusta migratoria muscle. PMID- 13471541 TI - The hexose specificity of hexokinase in brain from various species. PMID- 13471542 TI - The identification of aldoheptose sugars. PMID- 13471543 TI - Heterogeneity of normal adult human haemoglobin. PMID- 13471544 TI - Determination of creatine in biological fluids. PMID- 13471545 TI - Hormones and liver cytoplasm. 4. Ribonucleotides, ribonucleic acid synthesis and protein synthesis after adrenalectomy. PMID- 13471546 TI - The biochemistry of aromatic amines. 4. O-glucosiduronic acid derivatives of 2 naphthylamine. PMID- 13471547 TI - The synthesis of fluorocitric acid and its inhibition in acetate. PMID- 13471548 TI - The formation of glycine and serine; the influence of the administration of glycine, DL-serine and other compounds on levels of tissue glycine and serine. PMID- 13471549 TI - Determination of manganese in tissue extracts by means of formaldoxime. PMID- 13471550 TI - Application of the carbazole reaction to the estimation of glucuronic acid and flucose in some acidic polysaccharides and in urine. PMID- 13471551 TI - Latent phenolase in extracts of broad-bean (Vicia faba L.) leaves. I. Activation by acid and alkali. PMID- 13471552 TI - Sterol metabolism. 3. The distribution and transport of sterols across the intestinal mucosa of the guinea pig. PMID- 13471554 TI - Comparative studies of bile salts. 10. Bile salts of the King penguin, Aptenodites patagonica. PMID- 13471553 TI - The mechanism of the irreversible inhibition of rat-liver monoamine oxidase by iproniazid (marsilid). PMID- 13471555 TI - The effect of sheep-rumen contents on unsaturated fatty acids. PMID- 13471556 TI - The ninhydrin reaction and its analytical applications. PMID- 13471557 TI - Blood lipids. 1. Plasma lipids of the lactating cow: chromatography on silicic acid. PMID- 13471558 TI - Blood lipids. 2. Plasma lipids of the lactating cow: fatty acid composition of the sterol esters and triglycerides. PMID- 13471559 TI - Quantum efficiency determinations on components of the bacterial luminescence system. PMID- 13471560 TI - Cellular destruction and protein breakdown induced by exposure to x-rays. II. Further studies using the concept of the dynamic glycine pool. PMID- 13471561 TI - The structure of turnip yellow mosaic virus; x-ray diffraction studies. PMID- 13471562 TI - Dual sedimentation of T2 bacteriophage of Escherichia coll. PMID- 13471563 TI - The electron microscopy of ferritin crystals. PMID- 13471564 TI - Light and heat in the bleaching of chloroplastin Euglena. PMID- 13471565 TI - Some cytochemical characteristics of a phosphorylating digitonin preparation of mitochondria. PMID- 13471566 TI - On the possibility of long distance energy transfer by resonance in biology. PMID- 13471567 TI - The use of metabolic pools of purine compounds for nucleic acid synthesis in yeast. PMID- 13471568 TI - [Action of ultraviolet rays on enzyme adaptation and effects of yeast extract on the restauration of enzymic synthesis]. PMID- 13471569 TI - Studies on the mechanism of fatty acid synthesis. IV. Biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids in a reconstructed system of soluble enzymes from chicken liver. PMID- 13471570 TI - Temperature coefficients of the sodium transport system of isolated frog skin. PMID- 13471571 TI - Terminal oxidases of Micrococcus denitrificans. PMID- 13471572 TI - Immunochemical studies of the kinetics of monomerization of serum albumin mercury dimer. PMID- 13471573 TI - The respiratory enzyme systems of Azotobacter vinelandii. PMID- 13471574 TI - The mechanism of the reaction between cystine in keratin and sulphite/bisulphite solutions at 50 degrees C. I. PMID- 13471575 TI - Photochemistry of cytosine nucleosides and nucleotides. PMID- 13471576 TI - [Dependence of nucleoside triphosphatase activity of L-myosin and actomyosin on ionic conditions]. PMID- 13471577 TI - Hydrolytic enzyme models. I. Effect of neighboring carboxyl on the reactivity of ester and anilide groups. PMID- 13471578 TI - Mitochondrial respiratory control and phosphorylative activities in a magnesium free medium. PMID- 13471579 TI - The absorption of amino acids by twin loops of rat intestine. PMID- 13471580 TI - Histamine and its derivatives in human urine. PMID- 13471581 TI - The amperometric titration of sulfhydryl groups with silver nitrate. PMID- 13471582 TI - Studies on a haemosensitin from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in zone electrophoresis. PMID- 13471583 TI - Reversed phase paper chromatography and detection of steroids of the cholesterol class. PMID- 13471584 TI - A new guanosine nucleotide from brewer's yeast. PMID- 13471585 TI - On the biosynthesis of L-fucose by Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13471586 TI - The inertness of the ammonium salt of N-acetyl-L-cysteic acid carboxamide in systems containing alpha-chymotrypsin. PMID- 13471587 TI - 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxy-D-mandelic acid, a urinary metabolite of norepinephrine. PMID- 13471588 TI - Purification of liver monophosphoinositide. PMID- 13471589 TI - The solubility of proteins in the presence of carbon dioxide. PMID- 13471590 TI - Swelling of mitochondria isolated from different tissues. PMID- 13471591 TI - A simple method for observing refractive index gradients in liquids. PMID- 13471592 TI - An x-ray study of crystalline cytochrome c. PMID- 13471593 TI - [Metabolism of embryonal cells in tissue culture]. PMID- 13471594 TI - The purification and properties of hydropyrimidine dehydrogenase. PMID- 13471595 TI - The formation of disulphides during hydrolysis of proteins containing oxidised thioether groups. PMID- 13471596 TI - Participation: of phenylacetyl-adenylate in the enzymic synthesis of phenylacetylglutamine. PMID- 13471597 TI - The enzymic synthesis of cellulose by Acetobacter xylinum. PMID- 13471598 TI - Killing of E. coli B by phage-free T2 lysates. PMID- 13471599 TI - The effect of arginylpeptides on the clotting of fibrinogen with thrombin. PMID- 13471600 TI - Vitamin K1 and oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13471601 TI - The role of 3:4-dihydroxytoluene, sulfhydryl groups, and cresolase during melanin formation in a slime mold. PMID- 13471602 TI - Regulation of the uptake of glucose by the isolated rat diaphragm. PMID- 13471603 TI - Evidence for an intermediate stage in the process of amino acid incorporation into hen oviduct proteins. PMID- 13471604 TI - The role of cytidine nucleotides in the formation of inositol-containing lipid. PMID- 13471605 TI - Pathways involved in cytochrome c reduction in Mycobacterium phlei. PMID- 13471606 TI - The role of vitamin K1 in coupled oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13471607 TI - Purification of a serum protein required by a mammalian cell in tissue culture. PMID- 13471608 TI - An enzymically catalyzed incorporation of amines into proteins. PMID- 13471609 TI - A natural guanine-containing analogue of vitamin B12. PMID- 13471610 TI - [Criticism and method for more accurate evaluation of Gomori's histo-reaction for alkaline phosphatases]. PMID- 13471611 TI - [Total infarct of the kidney]. PMID- 13471612 TI - [Histomorphological changes of some endocrine and non-endocrine organs caused by prolonged administration of pituitary extracts in normal guinea pigs. II. Effect of extracts of the posterior and middle lobes]. PMID- 13471613 TI - [Histomorphological changes of the endocrine glands caused by prolonged administration of cytochrome C in normal adult rats]. PMID- 13471614 TI - [Ionic exchange, cellular metabolism in the myocardium during evolution of an experimental heart disease; effect of somatotropic hormone on the metabolic phenomena of the myocyte]. PMID- 13471615 TI - [Microangiography for study of arteriovenous anastomoses]. PMID- 13471616 TI - [Experimental changes in the elements of the blood in mammals during development]. PMID- 13471617 TI - [Methods of extraction of the active principles of the placenta]. PMID- 13471618 TI - [Metabolic changes caused by prolonged administration of gonadotropin in adrenalectomized and gonadectomized rats]. PMID- 13471619 TI - [Alkaline phosphoesterases in vacuolar degeneration of the liver. I. Qualitative studies]. PMID- 13471620 TI - [Insulinase activity in the liver in acute fatty degeneration; its relation to the type and gravity of liver lesions]. PMID- 13471621 TI - [Behavior of regeneration and nuclear indexes of the liver of normal and cirrhotic rats after partial hepatectomy and bilateral adrenalectomy]. PMID- 13471622 TI - [Introduction of C. S. Dongorozi's article]. PMID- 13471623 TI - [Prospects of chemotherapy of virus diseases and the genesis of proteins]. PMID- 13471625 TI - [Current technics in histoenzymology]. PMID- 13471624 TI - [Intraocular brephoplastic grafts of sex glands in mice; effect of gonadotrophic and sex hormones]. PMID- 13471626 TI - [Iono-humoral interrelations in the origin and development of vagal inhibition of the heart. II. Effect of acetylcholine and potassium ions on a normal and atropinized frog's heart]. PMID- 13471627 TI - [Conditioned respiratory reflexes in cats]. PMID- 13471628 TI - [Interaction of nerve centers of the motor analysor]. PMID- 13471629 TI - [Excretory function of the stomach]. PMID- 13471630 TI - [Experimental myocardial infarct during some physiological and pathological states of the organism. II. Effect of hypertension of the greater circulatory circle on the development on experimental myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13471631 TI - [Effect of intravenous infusion of blood serum and plasma from patients with hypertension and nephritis on arterial pressure]. PMID- 13471632 TI - [Functional state of the thyroid gland in experimental atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13471633 TI - [Characteristics of experimental anemia induced by denervation of various regions of the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13471634 TI - [Effect of denervation of pancreas on the blood system]. PMID- 13471635 TI - [Changes in the higher nervous activity and bile formation in dogs in experimental cholecystitis]. PMID- 13471636 TI - [Effect of disorders of higher nervous function of hemoglobin metabolism]. PMID- 13471637 TI - [Analysis of interoceptive reflexes in experimental tuberculosis. III. Effect of tuberculin on reflexes from chemoreceptors of an isolated segment of the small intestine in healthy cats]. PMID- 13471638 TI - [Effect of pneumoperitoneum on aseptic leukocytosis induced by parenteral infusion of milk]. PMID- 13471639 TI - [Dynamics of blood ascorbic acid in state of shock]. PMID- 13471640 TI - [Effect of aminazine and diprozine on viscero-visceral reflexes]. PMID- 13471641 TI - [Effect of epileptogenic excitants, camphorated oil and pyramidon, on chemoreceptors of the small intestine]. PMID- 13471642 TI - [Acquired immunity to heterogenic serum in rats]. PMID- 13471643 TI - [Reflex production of antibodies caused by antigen injection into isolated spleen]. PMID- 13471644 TI - [Existence of single antigen peculiar to all types of human cancer]. PMID- 13471645 TI - [Effect of live culture of B. prodigiosus on transplanted tumors in experimental animals]. PMID- 13471646 TI - [Growth of Ehrlich's adenocarcinoma in simultaneous and separate transplantation of two tumors into different parts of the body]. PMID- 13471647 TI - [Regeneration of cranial bones in transplantation of ground mammalian bones]. PMID- 13471648 TI - [Effect of liver tissue homogenate on growth of liver in tadpoles]. PMID- 13471649 TI - [Content changes of nucleic acids in the structural components of ovaries in white rats kept on diets of various protein content]. PMID- 13471650 TI - [Determination of biogenic stimulators by means of a yeast nephelometric test]. PMID- 13471651 TI - [Synaptic connections between neurons of the peripheral autonomic nervous system]. PMID- 13471652 TI - [Some forms of interneuronal connections in autonomic ganglia]. PMID- 13471653 TI - [The lymphatic apparatus of the tunica propria of human testicles and its resorptive function]. PMID- 13471654 TI - [Objective method for the determination of the rate of healing of wounds by primary tension]. PMID- 13471655 TI - Mast cell leukemia? Malignant mastocytosis with leukemia-like manifestations. PMID- 13471656 TI - Specific and cross-reacting antibodies in ABO heterospecific twin pregnancy. PMID- 13471657 TI - Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria with positive treponema immobilization test, report of case. PMID- 13471658 TI - Mixed agglutination of leukocytes and erythrocytes in relation to studies on leukocyte antigens. PMID- 13471659 TI - Syndrome of hypogammaglobulinemia, splenomegaly and hypersplenism. PMID- 13471660 TI - A possible new thromboplastin deficiency occurring in five siblings. PMID- 13471661 TI - Leukocyte antibodies in human sera and in immune rabbit sera. PMID- 13471662 TI - The effect of inflammation on the utilization of erythrocyte and transferrin bound radioiron for red cell production. PMID- 13471663 TI - Physicochemical properties of circulating red blood cells of lethally x irradiated mice treated with rat bone marrow. PMID- 13471664 TI - Studies of plasma erythropoietic factor in anemic human patients. PMID- 13471665 TI - The Lutheran blood groups: a second example of anti-Lu b and three further examples of anti-Lu a. PMID- 13471666 TI - The postnatal synthesis of fetal hemoglobin. I. Some studies in newborn goats using radioactive Fe59 and glycine-2-C14. PMID- 13471667 TI - Unique sequence of pernicious anemia, polycythemia, and acute leukemia. PMID- 13471668 TI - The behavior, as regards shape and volume, of human red cell ghosts in fresh and in stored blood. PMID- 13471669 TI - [New type of hemorrhagic diathesis. II]. PMID- 13471670 TI - [New method for comparative quantitative determination of thrombocyte adhesiveness on surfaces other than blood with simultaneous observation on relative viscosity of blood]. PMID- 13471671 TI - [Effect of diaminodecan on mast cells and basophil leukocytes]. PMID- 13471672 TI - [Critical report on the reliability of erythrocyte counting]. PMID- 13471673 TI - [Blood group specific antierythrocyte autoantibodies]. PMID- 13471674 TI - [Experimental leukemia caused by indican (potassium indoxyl sulfate)]. PMID- 13471675 TI - Studies on blood proteins in healthy Puerto Rican adults and in various animals species; a plea for standardization of paper electrophoresis; the biuret-albumin equivalent conversion factor. PMID- 13471676 TI - [Toxoplasmosis in Puerto Rico]. PMID- 13471678 TI - [Acute schistosomiasis mansoni. I. Clinical picture]. PMID- 13471677 TI - Abnormal hemoglobins among Puerto Ricans. PMID- 13471679 TI - [Acute schistosomiasis mansoni. II. Treatment]. PMID- 13471680 TI - Chlorpromazine jaundice. PMID- 13471682 TI - [Chagas' disease. II. New epidemiological data in Southern Peru]. PMID- 13471681 TI - [Congenital Chagas' disease]. PMID- 13471683 TI - [Survey on Chagas' disease in the mining town of Inca de Oro]. PMID- 13471684 TI - [Clinical classification of intestinal amebiasis]. PMID- 13471685 TI - [Cutaneous visceral loxoscelism in Mendoza]. PMID- 13471686 TI - [Rural Study Center of the Mexican Children's Hospital]. PMID- 13471688 TI - [Neoplasms in children]. PMID- 13471687 TI - [Carob flour in the treatment of diarrhea in premature infants]. PMID- 13471689 TI - [Rickets in a four year old child]. PMID- 13471690 TI - [Case of congenital stenosis of the intestine with associated malformations]. PMID- 13471691 TI - [Clinicopathologic SESSIONS]. PMID- 13471692 TI - [Clinicopathologic SESSIONS]. PMID- 13471693 TI - [Care & management of the newborn in the neonatal period]. PMID- 13471694 TI - [Maternal & infant mortality data as the basis for planning public health programs]. PMID- 13471695 TI - [Studies on sylvatic plague in South America. II. Sylvatic plague in the frontier region of Peru & Ecuador. 2. Focus of sylvatic plague of the District of Lancones, Department of Piura, Peru]. PMID- 13471696 TI - [Development & production of avianized vaccine in Mexico for control of paralytic rabies of cattle]. PMID- 13471697 TI - [Organization of a biostatistical service in a national health program]. PMID- 13471698 TI - [Immunological survey of yellow fever in jungle primates in Central America (1952 1957)]. PMID- 13471699 TI - [Atomic energy, medicine and medical research]. PMID- 13471700 TI - [REUNION of Directors of the National Service of Malaria Eradication in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay: conclusions and recommendations]. PMID- 13471701 TI - [V Meeting of Directors of the National Service of Malaria Eradication, Central America, Mexico and Panama: conclusions and recommendations]. PMID- 13471702 TI - [Concept of permissible level of exposure to radiation]. PMID- 13471703 TI - [Evolution of virology]. PMID- 13471704 TI - [Salmonella infections in Curacao during the period 1948-1954]. PMID- 13471705 TI - [Adsorption of DDT by mud walls]. PMID- 13471706 TI - [Recent progress in the venereal disease program of the United States]. PMID- 13471707 TI - [Fumigation programs in the provinces of Cautin Malleco, Llanquihue and Chiloe, Chile, in 1955-56]. PMID- 13471708 TI - [Schools for nurses' aides in Colombia]. PMID- 13471709 TI - [Present status of surgery of the internal mammary chain in cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13471711 TI - [Tumoral calcinosis]. PMID- 13471710 TI - [Severe peritoneal hemorrhage in acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13471712 TI - [Myxoid tumors of bones; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13471713 TI - [Intravenous cholecystocholangiography; intensification of radiographic images by preliminary glucose-insulin injection]. PMID- 13471715 TI - [New physiopathological concepts in surgery of megacolon]. PMID- 13471714 TI - [Massive hemorrhage of the common bile duct]. PMID- 13471716 TI - [Study of the lymphatic systems of the mammary gland with radiogold 198]. PMID- 13471717 TI - [Hernia ventral lateral]. PMID- 13471718 TI - [The death of Rene Leriche, December 30, 1955]. PMID- 13471719 TI - [Various aspects of traumatic pathology of the cellular-subcutaneous adipose tissue]. PMID- 13471720 TI - [Pansigmoiditis of diverticular origin; atypical x-ray image caused by subserous passage of the suppuration]. PMID- 13471721 TI - [Schwannoma of the brachial plexus at the axillary site]. PMID- 13471723 TI - [Cancer of the lung; diagnosis & treatment]. PMID- 13471722 TI - [Instrumental perforation of the esophagus; surgery 7 hours after the accident]. PMID- 13471724 TI - [Lung Cancer]. PMID- 13471725 TI - [Radiotherapy of lung cancer]. PMID- 13471726 TI - [Pelvic phlebography in chronic phlebothrombosis]. PMID- 13471727 TI - [Etiopathogenesis, histopathology & treatment of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13471728 TI - [Biliary peritonitis without perforation; filtrating choledochitis; distensive injury as the immediate therapeutic objective in acute pathology of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13471729 TI - [Choledochoduodenostomy in cholangitis caused by biliary occlusion]. PMID- 13471730 TI - [Traumatic arteriovenous fistula of the femoral vessels]. PMID- 13471731 TI - [Primary lesions of acute pancreatitis; comparative effects of intraductal injection of bile & inert substances]. PMID- 13471732 TI - [Strangulated crural hernia; resection of the small intestine; 3 case reports]. PMID- 13471733 TI - [Statistics of injuries of the nerves of the limbs; surgical indications & examination technics]. PMID- 13471734 TI - [Surgery of cancer of the esophagus with a combined abdominal & right thoracic approach]. PMID- 13471735 TI - [4 Cases of incipient cancer of the stomach]. PMID- 13471736 TI - [Mediastinal ascending pathogenesis of subphrenic hydatid cysts]. PMID- 13471737 TI - [Gunshot wound of the triangle of Scarpa; complete resection of the femur bundle]. PMID- 13471738 TI - [Intra-abdominal operative choledochography; modified technic]. PMID- 13471739 TI - [Chondrosarcoma & paraphenolated bone grafts from the bone bank]. PMID- 13471740 TI - [Chronic duodenal obstruction caused by aortic-mesenteric compression]. PMID- 13471741 TI - [A new case of calculus of the common bile duct caused by a ligature with a non absorbable material]. PMID- 13471742 TI - [Diagnostic difficulties in cancer of the ascending cecum]. PMID- 13471743 TI - [Experimental homografts of skin]. PMID- 13471744 TI - [Transduodenal papillotomy; indications & results]. PMID- 13471745 TI - [Carcinoma of the cervical stump]. PMID- 13471746 TI - [Risser's localized corset; early ambulation]. PMID- 13471747 TI - [Intrathoracic neurinoma of the phrenic nerve]. PMID- 13471748 TI - [Hepatoduodenostomy & ascending cholangitis; remote results of exclusion of the pylorus]. PMID- 13471750 TI - [Esophageal hiatus of diaphragmatic hernias]. PMID- 13471749 TI - [Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma]. PMID- 13471751 TI - [Double procedure to investigate the exploratory catheter in the ampulla of Vater]. PMID- 13471752 TI - [Multicentric liposarcoma]. PMID- 13471753 TI - [Extended interscapular thoracicomammary disarticulation]. PMID- 13471754 TI - [Intrapelvic fracture & dislocation caused by eosinophilic granuloma]. PMID- 13471755 TI - [Gauze compress in the jejuno-ileal lumen as a secondary manifestation of obliteration; x-ray diagnosis]. PMID- 13471756 TI - [Grawitz tumor in a patient operated on for cancer of the left breast 14 years previous; new cancer]. PMID- 13471757 TI - [Lateral perineal or levator hernia]. PMID- 13471758 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13471759 TI - [Advanced ulcerated cancer of the breast treated by estrogens & radiotherapy]. PMID- 13471760 TI - [Saint triad]. PMID- 13471761 TI - [Determination of methylenesulfathiazole in pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13471762 TI - [Preparation of the nitric ester of choline perchlorate]. PMID- 13471763 TI - [Various physical & chemico-physical characteristics of pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13471764 TI - [Chemistry of the fermentation & synthesis of steroids]. PMID- 13471765 TI - [Coloring agents for food & in pharmacy]. PMID- 13471766 TI - [Methods for the research & identification of beta-hemolytic streptococci significant in human pathology]. PMID- 13471767 TI - [Effect of microwaves on electron microscopic morphology of Salmonella typhosa]. PMID- 13471768 TI - [Experimental findings on the formation of monospecific anti-brucellosis antibodies in the rabbit]. PMID- 13471769 TI - [Distribution of anti-streptococcal antibodies in various blood protein fractions separated by paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13471770 TI - [Research on anti-influenza, anti-mumps & anti-Coxsackie antibodies in normal adults]. PMID- 13471771 TI - [Effect of metabolic changes on susceptibility of mice to BCG]. PMID- 13471772 TI - [Value of research on Vi antibodies in typhoid carriers]. PMID- 13471773 TI - [Presence of cytopathogenic viruses in the feces of healthy children]. PMID- 13471774 TI - [Cytopathogenic viruses in gastroenteritis in children]. PMID- 13471775 TI - [Morphogenesis & significance of penicillin-induced L forms studied in a strain of Proteus vulgaris]. PMID- 13471777 TI - [Behavior of pathogenic agents during the processes of treatment of sewage]. PMID- 13471776 TI - [Hemoglobinemia and protein alterations in favism]. PMID- 13471778 TI - [Histochemical research on PAS-positive polar structure of Salmonella typhosa]. PMID- 13471779 TI - [Urethane-induced lysogeny]. PMID- 13471780 TI - [Medical therapy of ozena; report on 100 cases]. PMID- 13471781 TI - [Diffuse angioblastic angioma of the auricle]. PMID- 13471782 TI - [Evaluation of olfactory acuity in the blind & deaf-mutes; additional contribution to the synergism of intersensorial function]. PMID- 13471783 TI - [Various degenerative substances in laryngeal polyps]. PMID- 13471784 TI - [Congenital lymphangioma of the hard palate]. PMID- 13471785 TI - [Personal method of repair of palpebral ptosis]. PMID- 13471786 TI - [Clinical, therapeutic and etiopathogenetic aspects of two cases of Behcet's syndrome]. PMID- 13471787 TI - [Statistical observations on the results of various technics used in surgery of pterygium]. PMID- 13471788 TI - [Anisometropia and binocular vision]. PMID- 13471789 TI - [Anesthesiology & eye surgery]. PMID- 13471790 TI - [Association of certain cutaneous & ocular manifestations of acne rosacea with peculiar features]. PMID- 13471791 TI - [Treatment of essential blepharospasm with subtotal myectomy of the orbicularis]. PMID- 13471792 TI - [Clinical significance of basal metabolism in anesthesia]. PMID- 13471793 TI - [A case of essential hypertension of the arterial pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13471795 TI - [Clinical statistics on the indication for the cesarean section in the decade from 1947 to 1956]. PMID- 13471794 TI - [Basal metabolism in anesthesia; clinical experiences]. PMID- 13471796 TI - [Meprobamate as a pharmacological adjunct to the psychoprophylactic method of preparation to delivery]. PMID- 13471797 TI - [Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity in the blood of a pregnant woman at term of delivery, in the first days of the puerperium & of the umbilical cord]. PMID- 13471798 TI - [Use of a lyophilic culture of the Doederlein bacillus in the treatment of vaginitis]. PMID- 13471799 TI - [Two unusual cases of pseudoarthrosis of the forearm]. PMID- 13471800 TI - [Cooley's disease in Cremona province]. PMID- 13471801 TI - [Pathogenesis of thalassemia; report on 4 cases of Cooley's disease]. PMID- 13471802 TI - Rathke-pouch tumours. PMID- 13471803 TI - Symmetrical calcification of the basal ganglia with familial ataxia and pigmentary macular degeneration. PMID- 13471804 TI - Arthrogryposis multiplex due to congenital muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13471805 TI - A further study of visual-spatial agnosia. PMID- 13471806 TI - The phosphorus metabolism of gliomas: a study with radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13471807 TI - Is there a pyramidal tract. PMID- 13471808 TI - Brain mechanisms and logic. PMID- 13471809 TI - Sir Charles Sherrington, poet and philosopher. PMID- 13471810 TI - WILLIAM HARVEY: April 1, 1578-June 3, 1657. PMID- 13471811 TI - Dogma and experiment in Harvey's time. PMID- 13471812 TI - Pulmonary hypertension in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13471813 TI - Relation of the first and second heart sounds to events in the cardiac cycle. PMID- 13471814 TI - Heart sounds and intracardiac pressures in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13471815 TI - The size of the left atrium in conditions other than mitral valve disease. PMID- 13471816 TI - Lipoproteins in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13471817 TI - A whole blood oximeter. PMID- 13471818 TI - The mechanism of the pulsus bisferiens. PMID- 13471819 TI - The Valsalva manoeuvre in aortic valve disease. PMID- 13471820 TI - Pulmonary ossification with cardiac calcification in mitral valve disease. PMID- 13471821 TI - Myocardial fibrosis and calcareous emboli in valvular heart disease. PMID- 13471822 TI - Aneurysm of the mitral valve in subacute bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13471823 TI - Life expectation of patients with mitral stenosis with and without operation. PMID- 13471824 TI - Haemodynamic effects of squatting during repose. PMID- 13471825 TI - Haemodynamic effects of squatting during recovery from exertion. PMID- 13471826 TI - Longevity in patients ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13471827 TI - The Wenckebach phenomenon associated with sialorrhoea. PMID- 13471828 TI - Some current views on the aetiology of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13471829 TI - Hypothermia in the newborn: body temperatures following anaesthesia. PMID- 13471830 TI - Surface cooling; a new method. PMID- 13471831 TI - A temperature controlled cabinet operating table for safe hypothermia. PMID- 13471832 TI - Anaesthesia for adenotonsillectomy; a critical approach. PMID- 13471833 TI - Controlled respiration in neurosurgery. PMID- 13471834 TI - Convulsion during ether anaesthesia; a case report. PMID- 13471835 TI - The use of an inflatable cuirass in endoscopy. PMID- 13471837 TI - The noninflammability of fluothane. PMID- 13471836 TI - On chloroform and other anaesthetics: their action and administration. PMID- 13471838 TI - Abnormal responses to barbiturates. PMID- 13471839 TI - Bronchography under ether. PMID- 13471841 TI - The barbiturates: chemical constitution and nomenclature. PMID- 13471840 TI - Some chemical and physical factors in the development of fluothane. PMID- 13471842 TI - On chloroform and other anaesthetics; their action and administration. PMID- 13471843 TI - The eye in infectious fevers. PMID- 13471844 TI - The estimation of renal function. PMID- 13471845 TI - The assessment and management of the hypertensive state. PMID- 13471846 TI - Renal calculus. PMID- 13471847 TI - Aortography in relation to urography. PMID- 13471848 TI - The problem of renal tuberculosis. PMID- 13471849 TI - Medicine in Belgium. PMID- 13471850 TI - Orthopaedics. PMID- 13471851 TI - Demonstrations in pathology; the central nervous system. PMID- 13471852 TI - The role of the doctor in an industrial community. PMID- 13471853 TI - Amoebiasis and amoebic dysentery. PMID- 13471854 TI - The diagnosis and investigation of obliterative vascular disease of the lower limb. PMID- 13471855 TI - Hirschsprung's disease. PMID- 13471856 TI - Phonocardiography and auscultation in children. PMID- 13471857 TI - The use and abuse of antibiotics in dermatology. PMID- 13471858 TI - Secondary glaucoma. PMID- 13471859 TI - The epidemiological significance of sewage bacteriology. PMID- 13471860 TI - Endocrine and metabolic disorders. PMID- 13471861 TI - Demonstrations in pathology; the central nervous system. II. PMID- 13471862 TI - Industrial medicine and general practitioner. PMID- 13471863 TI - Herpes gestationis. PMID- 13471864 TI - Favus generalisatus. PMID- 13471865 TI - Experimental studies on the relative importance of concentration and duration of exposure to dust inhalation. PMID- 13471866 TI - The effect of the use of calcined alumina in china biscuit placing on the health of the workman. PMID- 13471867 TI - Air pollution in diesel bus garages. PMID- 13471868 TI - Observations on urinary cadmium and protein excretion in men exposed to cadmium oxide dust and fume. PMID- 13471869 TI - Chemical and histological post-mortem studies on a workman exposed for many years to cadmium oxide fume. PMID- 13471870 TI - An investigation into the acute respiratory reaction to the inhalation of tamarind seed preparations. PMID- 13471871 TI - A review of 102 cases of beat conditions of the knee. PMID- 13471872 TI - Ventilation of impermeable clothing: the effectiveness of the ambient atmosphere in ventilating coveralls worn in hot and humid conditions. PMID- 13471873 TI - Absence and the physical conditions of work. PMID- 13471874 TI - Azo dyes and Heinz bodies. PMID- 13471875 TI - Experience of PULHEEMS in the 1952 Army intake. PMID- 13471876 TI - The efficiency of various liquid impinger samplers in bacterial aerosols. PMID- 13471877 TI - Third nerve regeneration; a clinical evaluation. PMID- 13471878 TI - Some observations on the punctate keratides in Africa. PMID- 13471880 TI - Plastic repair of conjunctiva with peritoneum transplantation. PMID- 13471879 TI - Pre- and post-operative acetazoleamide (diamox) in glaucoma surgery. PMID- 13471881 TI - The fixator. PMID- 13471882 TI - Portable eye irrigation unit. PMID- 13471883 TI - The eye in general vascular disease: hypertension and arteriosclerosis. PMID- 13471884 TI - Symbols of ocular dynamics. PMID- 13471885 TI - Ultrasonics in the treatment of osteoarthritis, fibrositis and neuritis; an assessment of 1,323 cases. PMID- 13471886 TI - Restorative activities in rehabilitation. PMID- 13471887 TI - The role of soft tissue lesions in low back pain. PMID- 13471888 TI - A postgraduate course in physical medicine and rehabilitation. PMID- 13471889 TI - The athletic status of women; an analysis of a social phenomenon. PMID- 13471890 TI - A survey of spinal traction. PMID- 13471891 TI - New apparatus: a spinal traction treatment table. PMID- 13471892 TI - The geometry of vision. PMID- 13471893 TI - A critical analysis of bichromatic tests used in clinical refraction. PMID- 13471894 TI - Levels of dark adaptation when driving at night. PMID- 13471896 TI - Small errors of refraction. PMID- 13471895 TI - The effects of spherical ametropia and astigmatism on visual acuity. PMID- 13471897 TI - A geometry of vision. PMID- 13471898 TI - Research on streak retinoscopy. PMID- 13471899 TI - Visual perception as the resolution of stimulus equivalence. PMID- 13471900 TI - Some clinical observations on the use of projection perimetry in the early recognition of retinal detachment. PMID- 13471901 TI - Physiological diplopia and its significance in squint training. PMID- 13471903 TI - Some aspects of growth with norms from birth to 18 years. PMID- 13471902 TI - Blood groups and susceptibility to disease: a review. PMID- 13471904 TI - Nature of the determinants of rhesus isoimmunization. PMID- 13471905 TI - Examination of the association between housing conditions and pulmonary tuberculosis in Glasgow. PMID- 13471906 TI - Observations on routine medical examinations of university entrants in Northern Ireland. PMID- 13471907 TI - A note on the association between smoking and disease in men in the seventh decade. PMID- 13471908 TI - The role of radiotherapy and surgery in the treatment of cancer of the breast. PMID- 13471909 TI - Diagnostic pneumoperitoneum. PMID- 13471911 TI - The behaviour of contrast medium in the bronchial tree. PMID- 13471910 TI - Some physical aspects of relative biological efficiency. PMID- 13471912 TI - Dosage distribution in rotational cobalt 60 therapy; a simplified method of computation. PMID- 13471913 TI - The evaluation of the dose to the thorax in rotational cobalt 60 therapy. PMID- 13471914 TI - Gamma-ray protection on the theratron cobalt unit. PMID- 13471915 TI - Effect of total body irradiation on iron metabolism in human bone marrow. PMID- 13471916 TI - Submandibular infection by gas-forming organisms. PMID- 13471917 TI - Radiological estimation of foetal maturity. PMID- 13471918 TI - The mechanism of death following whole body radiation. PMID- 13471919 TI - Radiology and the hormonal aspects of breast cancer. PMID- 13471920 TI - Cerebrospinal irradiation for medulloblastoma. PMID- 13471921 TI - The effect of oxygen on the radiosensitivity of growing bone in the tail of the mouse. PMID- 13471922 TI - Radiation dose to staff in medical x-ray departments. PMID- 13471923 TI - Miniature chest x rays on admission to hospital; an evaluation of a system. PMID- 13471924 TI - Umbilical gas indicating foetal death. PMID- 13471925 TI - Simple techniques to show the distribution of colloidal gold 198 in body cavities. PMID- 13471926 TI - A chair for the measurement of thyroid activity with radioactive iodine. PMID- 13471927 TI - A pantograph for body contours. PMID- 13471929 TI - Pneumoconiosis in foundry workers. PMID- 13471928 TI - An opener for radioisotope bottles of the British pattern. PMID- 13471930 TI - The contribution of therapeutic procedures to an evaluation of dyspnoea in pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13471931 TI - Pleural neoplasms. PMID- 13471932 TI - Sarcoma of the lung: a report of three cases. PMID- 13471933 TI - Spontaneous closure of large pulmonary bullae: a report on three cases. PMID- 13471934 TI - An explosive outbreak of primary atypical pneumonia. PMID- 13471936 TI - Return to work in respiratory tuberculosis. PMID- 13471935 TI - Chronic pneumothorax in Marfan's syndrome. PMID- 13471937 TI - Intelligence as a factor affecting the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13471938 TI - The response of sputum-positive tuberculosis in the coloured Jamaican to hospital treatment. PMID- 13471939 TI - The diagnosis of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis in children. PMID- 13471940 TI - Corticosteroid and tuberculosis. PMID- 13471941 TI - The use of antrenyl in gastro-intestinal irritation due to PAS compounds. PMID- 13471942 TI - Carcinoma of the bronchus in a centenarian: report of a case. PMID- 13471944 TI - The grading and staging of bladder tumours: the Institute of Urology classification. PMID- 13471943 TI - Implantation of radioactive material into the pituitary for the control of prostatic cancer: an interim review. PMID- 13471945 TI - The endoscopic treatment of bladder tumours. PMID- 13471946 TI - [The choice of surgical therapy for epithelial neoplasms of the urinary bladder]. PMID- 13471947 TI - Carcinoma of the bladder: the place of total cystectomy. PMID- 13471948 TI - Principles of radiation therapy in bladder tumours. PMID- 13471950 TI - Surgery and irradiation in the treatment of bladder cancer. PMID- 13471949 TI - Treatment of bladder cancer by megavoltage therapy. PMID- 13471951 TI - Dysgenesis of the seminiferous tubules. PMID- 13471952 TI - Perurethral prostatectomy: the use of the post-mortem prostate in training and research. PMID- 13471953 TI - Early diagnosis and treatment of genito-urinary tuberculosis. PMID- 13471954 TI - Lesions of the ureteric stump after nephrectomy. PMID- 13471955 TI - The nephroplasty procedure in the treatment of hydronephrosis. PMID- 13471956 TI - Rare renal tumours: with special reference to those occurring in children. PMID- 13471957 TI - Urethroplasty: an assessment after seven years' experience. PMID- 13471958 TI - Twenty years' experience with ureterosigmoidostomy. PMID- 13471959 TI - Ileocystoplasty for the relief of bladder contracture. PMID- 13471960 TI - The use of the x-ray image amplifier in renal tuberculosis. PMID- 13471961 TI - Tabes dorsalis with special reference to primary optic atrophy. PMID- 13471962 TI - Some unusual cases of neurosyphilis. PMID- 13471963 TI - Treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis from the point of view of cost and efficiency. PMID- 13471964 TI - Gumma of the penis. PMID- 13471965 TI - Progressive blindness due to posterior uveitis following antisyphilitic treatment for interstitial keratitis. PMID- 13471966 TI - Sudomotor reaction in neurosyphilis. PMID- 13471967 TI - Present pattern of early syphilis in the Manchester region. PMID- 13471968 TI - Side-effects of penicillin treatment. PMID- 13471969 TI - Streptomycin-resistant gonorrhoea in the female. PMID- 13471971 TI - Use of concentrated solution of lecithin in Kahn antigen. PMID- 13471970 TI - Novobiocin, spiramycin, and aminitrozole in the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis. PMID- 13471972 TI - Kinetics of the Treponema immobilization reaction under improved conditions. PMID- 13471973 TI - [The present status of prophylactic immunization against influenza]. PMID- 13471974 TI - The nature of cancer anaemia and its bearing on the immunological theory of cancer. PMID- 13471975 TI - Malformation of ears as sign of malformation of genito-urinary tract. PMID- 13471976 TI - Pachydermo-periostosis (idiopathic osteoarthropathy). PMID- 13471977 TI - Paroxysmal auricular tachycardia with auriculoventricular block. PMID- 13471978 TI - Two cases of alkaptonuria. PMID- 13471979 TI - Iron-tolerance tests in differentiating between haemochromatosis and liver cirrhosis. PMID- 13471980 TI - Highly raised serum vitamin B12 levels in obstructive hepatic necrosis. PMID- 13471981 TI - Analgesic action of pethidine-levallorphan mixtures in man. PMID- 13471982 TI - Fate of bile pigment in cholera. PMID- 13471983 TI - LORD NUFFIELD. PMID- 13471985 TI - PHARMACOLOGY of salicylate. PMID- 13471986 TI - VITAMIN-D intoxication. PMID- 13471984 TI - PATENT ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13471987 TI - RESPIRATORY virus vaccines. PMID- 13471988 TI - Hormones and behaviour pattern. PMID- 13471990 TI - A study in cardiac prognosis. PMID- 13471989 TI - Endocrine activity in psychiatric patients with menstrual disorders. PMID- 13471992 TI - Endografin as a medium for hysterosalpingography. PMID- 13471991 TI - Blood transfusion in obstetric haemorrhage with reference to value of estimations of blood volume. PMID- 13471993 TI - A new method of treating old ulcers of the legs. PMID- 13471994 TI - The results of chemotherapy in the treatment of tuberculous pleural effusions. PMID- 13471995 TI - Oesophageal obstruction and coma due to nodular goitre. PMID- 13471996 TI - A new evacuant suppository; results in treatment of rectal dyschezia of chronic sick and geriatric patients. PMID- 13471997 TI - TESTOSTERONE therapy in dwarfism. PMID- 13471999 TI - PULMONARY complications of influenza. PMID- 13471998 TI - NUTRITION in Africa. PMID- 13472000 TI - DUCKS and D. N. A. PMID- 13472001 TI - SPORTS and world culture. PMID- 13472002 TI - AN OUTBREAK of encephalomyelitis in the Royal Free Hospital Group, London, in 1955. PMID- 13472003 TI - An outbreak of acute infective encephalomyelitis in a residential home for nurses in 1956. PMID- 13472004 TI - Urea, the forgotten diuretic. PMID- 13472005 TI - Essential hyperlipaemia and idiopathic hypercholesterolaemic xanthomatosis. PMID- 13472006 TI - Accidental coal-gas poisoning; loss of sense of smell as a possible contributory factor with old people. PMID- 13472007 TI - Further considerations on cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. PMID- 13472008 TI - Severe post-operative thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13472009 TI - Arc-welders' lung. PMID- 13472010 TI - Fracture of neck of femur; survival and contralateral fracture. PMID- 13472011 TI - EPIDEMIC myalgic encephalomyelitis. PMID- 13472012 TI - SUBLIMINAL advertisement. PMID- 13472013 TI - WOUND healing. PMID- 13472014 TI - PREVENTION and treatment of tetanus. PMID- 13472015 TI - ACHONDROPLASIA. PMID- 13472016 TI - BENIGN congenital hypotonia. PMID- 13472017 TI - Infantile fundus lesions in relation to mental capacity. PMID- 13472018 TI - EPIDEMIOLOGICAL method in medical and social research. PMID- 13472019 TI - SIR JOHN HERBERT PARSONS. PMID- 13472020 TI - Studies on aldosterone secretion in man. PMID- 13472021 TI - Function of aldosterone in the metabolism of sodium and water in pregnancy. PMID- 13472022 TI - Pancreatic islet adenomatosis with hypoglycaemic episodes. PMID- 13472023 TI - Human liver metabolism. PMID- 13472025 TI - Knock-knee in children. PMID- 13472024 TI - Megaloblastic anaemia and vitamin-B12 deficiency after anticonvulsant therapy; report of two cases. PMID- 13472026 TI - Encephalopathy during salicylate treatment of acute rheumatism. PMID- 13472027 TI - An evaluation of the microspectrographic diagnosis of aplastic anaemia. PMID- 13472028 TI - Clinical assessment of haemoglobin concentration. PMID- 13472029 TI - Marasmus resulting from gastro-intestinal allergy. PMID- 13472030 TI - EXPERIMENTAL mutations in plants. PMID- 13472032 TI - PROBLEMS of acne. PMID- 13472031 TI - B. C. G. VACCINATION in the U. S. A. PMID- 13472033 TI - ACCIDENT at Windscale. PMID- 13472034 TI - Some effects of adrenal cortical steroids on intermediary metabolism. PMID- 13472035 TI - The diagnosis of adrenal cortical dysfunction. PMID- 13472036 TI - Maternal age and foetal oxygenation. PMID- 13472037 TI - Respiratory and cardiac arrest during anaesthesia in children. PMID- 13472038 TI - The clinical applications of triiodothyronine. PMID- 13472039 TI - Measurement of gastro-intestinal bleeding using radioactive chromium. PMID- 13472040 TI - Leukaemia, amyloidosis, and renal vein thrombosis in irradiated ankylosing spondylitis. PMID- 13472041 TI - Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli serotypes: infection of newborn through mother. PMID- 13472042 TI - Mongolism in a twin. PMID- 13472043 TI - MAN IN space. PMID- 13472044 TI - TOXOPLASMIC uveitis and pyrimethamine. PMID- 13472045 TI - STENOSIS of the sphincter of Oddi. PMID- 13472046 TI - Use and abuse of blood. PMID- 13472047 TI - Chlorpromazine jaundice. PMID- 13472048 TI - Achalasia of the cricopharyngeus. PMID- 13472049 TI - CLIFFORD WHITE. PMID- 13472050 TI - G. W. BODEN. PMID- 13472051 TI - Nerve repair in civil practice; results of treatment of median and ulnar nerve lesions. PMID- 13472052 TI - Aspirin and diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13472053 TI - Metabolism of 59Fe-dextran complex in human subjects. PMID- 13472055 TI - Chlorpromazine jaundice in a general hospital. PMID- 13472054 TI - Haemophilia-like disease due to an auto-antibody. PMID- 13472056 TI - Chronic brucellosis in general practice. PMID- 13472057 TI - Pregnancy after pneumonectomy for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13472058 TI - Rheumatic heart disease complicating pregnancy; results of conservatism. PMID- 13472059 TI - Prognosis of intermittent claudication. PMID- 13472060 TI - Splenic neutropenia in Felty's syndrome. PMID- 13472061 TI - Infection of bone and joint by Salmonellae. PMID- 13472062 TI - APHTHOUS ulceration of mouth. PMID- 13472063 TI - CHRONIC brucellosis. PMID- 13472064 TI - KNEE-JOINT injuries in miners. PMID- 13472065 TI - A series of 1,817 patients seen in a casualty department. PMID- 13472066 TI - PREDNISOLONE in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a controlled trial; a preliminary report by the Research Committee of the Tuberculosis Society of Scotland. PMID- 13472068 TI - The binding of haemoglobin by plasma proteins (haptoglobins); its bearing on the renal threshold for haemoglobin and the aetiology of haemoglobinuria. PMID- 13472067 TI - Enhancement of Mantoux reaction coincident with treatment with cortisone and prednisolone. PMID- 13472069 TI - Some paediatric problems of Uganda. PMID- 13472070 TI - The natural history of polyarteritis. PMID- 13472071 TI - [Neuro-psychiatric sequelae of lightning stroke]. PMID- 13472072 TI - A case of podophyllum poisoning with involvement of the nervous system. PMID- 13472073 TI - Ankylosing spondylitis and chronic inflammatory lesions of the intestines. PMID- 13472074 TI - Microsporum canis; an intensive outbreak. PMID- 13472075 TI - Traumatic aneurysm treated by excision, and the effect of chlorpromazine. PMID- 13472076 TI - BINDING of haemoglobin. PMID- 13472077 TI - MAN ON the moon. PMID- 13472078 TI - ACCIDENT at Windscale. PMID- 13472079 TI - LIGHTNING shock. PMID- 13472080 TI - OBSCURE abdominal pain. PMID- 13472081 TI - Spontaneous recovery in long-term personality amnesia. PMID- 13472082 TI - RICHARD WARREN. PMID- 13472083 TI - E. L. PERRY. PMID- 13472084 TI - Gerty T. Cori. PMID- 13472085 TI - Thirty years' research on the control of cholera epidemics. PMID- 13472086 TI - Respiratory symptoms, bronchitis, and ventilatory capacity in random sample of an agricultural population. PMID- 13472087 TI - The advantages of glossopharyngeal breathing. PMID- 13472088 TI - Spirographic studies in glossopharyngeal breathing. PMID- 13472089 TI - SEROLOGICAL response of children to a third dose of poliomyelitis vaccine; a report to the Medical Research Council. PMID- 13472090 TI - Unheralded pulmonary embolism. PMID- 13472091 TI - Combined prophylactics; variations in response, in children, to diphtheria toxoid produced by addition of tetanus toxoid and H. pertussis vaccine. PMID- 13472092 TI - Combined immunization against diphtheria and whooping-cough in infants aged 2-5 months. PMID- 13472093 TI - Domiciliary midwifery. PMID- 13472094 TI - Excretion of mecamylamine after intravenous and oral administration. PMID- 13472095 TI - T. violaceum infection of the scalp. PMID- 13472096 TI - Foreign body in the hand. PMID- 13472098 TI - TOO MANY doctors. PMID- 13472097 TI - FATE OF adrenaline in the body. PMID- 13472099 TI - CANDIDA napkin rashes. PMID- 13472100 TI - Changing pattern of epistaxis during the past 45 years; a statistical investigation of 4,473 cases and a critical review of the last 1,000 cases. PMID- 13472101 TI - READING periscope for iron lung patients. PMID- 13472102 TI - Use and abuse of blood. PMID- 13472103 TI - EDINBURGH women's hospitals. PMID- 13472104 TI - [Acute pancreatic necrosis as a postoperative complication]. PMID- 13472105 TI - [Case reports on sarcoma of the prostate with special reference to young age]. PMID- 13472106 TI - [Wound healing & the problem of bandaging material, as seen from a different viewpoint. II. The drainage of the wound pool]. PMID- 13472108 TI - [Experimental studies on callus formation under hormonal influence with special reference to ground substance & phosphatase. II]. PMID- 13472107 TI - [Surgical treatment of peptic (gastric & duodenal) ulcer]. PMID- 13472109 TI - [Problems of bone regeneration]. PMID- 13472110 TI - [Role of end- & thromboangiitis of internal organs in surgery]. PMID- 13472111 TI - [Dependence of the surgical success in mitral stenosis on valvular findings; a tabular summary]. PMID- 13472112 TI - [Experiences with choledochoscopy]. PMID- 13472113 TI - [Bone metastasis in cervical cancer]. PMID- 13472114 TI - [Results obtained with a new contrast medium for the gallbladder]. PMID- 13472115 TI - [Behavior of human gonadotropins during electrophoresis]. PMID- 13472116 TI - [Contribution of electron microscopy to the study of anemias]. PMID- 13472118 TI - [Thyroid & the liver]. PMID- 13472117 TI - [Total abdominal hysterectomy according to the Aldridge technic]. PMID- 13472119 TI - [New neuroplegic derivative (1522 C. B.)]. PMID- 13472120 TI - [Diaphragmatic paralysis of obstetric origin]. PMID- 13472121 TI - [Open heart surgery under artificial heart-lung apparatus; critical study of 24 operations]. PMID- 13472122 TI - [Observations on the rapid progress of cardiovascular surgery]. PMID- 13472123 TI - [The pulmonary hyaline membrane as a case of neonatal mortality]. PMID- 13472124 TI - [Medical treatment of arteritis in aged]. PMID- 13472125 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472126 TI - [Norandrostenolone phenylpropionate & its therapeutic application in European residents of tropical climates: first results]. PMID- 13472127 TI - [Aspects of cystography following the Michon operation & their significance]. PMID- 13472128 TI - [Transcutaneous measurement of portal pressure in emergency hematemesis]. PMID- 13472129 TI - [Various results of the medicosocial study of the feminine population of a suburb of Brussels]. PMID- 13472130 TI - [Scapulohumeral periarthritis]. PMID- 13472131 TI - [Creation of a new vagina by the Bhonsale method combined with estrogenic therapy]. PMID- 13472132 TI - [Ocular symptoms in intracranial aneurysms and angiomas]. PMID- 13472133 TI - [Alcohol and traffic accidents]. PMID- 13472134 TI - [Drugs increasing cardiotonic effects of voacamine & voacaline]. PMID- 13472135 TI - [Danger of lead poisoning by adding condensed phosphates to hard water supply]. PMID- 13472136 TI - [New studies on swine & bovine leptospiroses in Belgium]. PMID- 13472137 TI - [Studies on the morphology of Trichomonas vaginalis Donne]. PMID- 13472139 TI - Exfoliative cytology in the detection of uterine cancer. PMID- 13472138 TI - [Determination of carbon monoxide in fresh & putrefied blood]. PMID- 13472140 TI - The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. PMID- 13472141 TI - The changing manner of surgical education. PMID- 13472142 TI - A technique for evaluating professional activities. PMID- 13472143 TI - [Cellular transformation induced by choriotropic virus; reticuloendothelial chondroid metaplasia]. PMID- 13472144 TI - [Value of plant cell as reagent in test of radiomimetic compounds used in anticancerous chemotherapy]. PMID- 13472145 TI - [Adrenalectomy in therapy of advanced breast cancer]. PMID- 13472146 TI - [Diffuse epitheliomas at alveolar edge]. PMID- 13472147 TI - [Three cases of secondary cancer of thyroid]. PMID- 13472148 TI - [Classification and prognosis of primary epithelial tumors of bladder]. PMID- 13472149 TI - [Nine cases of breast cancer in man; role of radiotherapy and oestrogenotherapy]. PMID- 13472150 TI - [A rare case of breast sarcoma in man]. PMID- 13472151 TI - [Association of submucosal pancreatic heterotopy and gastric tumors in a diabetic]. PMID- 13472153 TI - [Statistical study on fertility in female mice pertaining to stock predisposed or not predisposed to breast cancers]. PMID- 13472152 TI - [Compound tumors of endometrium]. PMID- 13472154 TI - [Nitrogen mustard, tachyphylactic drug]. PMID- 13472155 TI - [Research on cancer localizations associated with tobacco and alcohol factors in man]. PMID- 13472157 TI - [Normal length of pregnancy in the human species & prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472158 TI - [Morphological aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. I. Macroscopic morphology of the placenta]. PMID- 13472156 TI - [Incidence of cancer in patients with diabetes insipidus of non-cancerous origin]. PMID- 13472159 TI - [II. Histological & histochemical criteria in placental senescence]. PMID- 13472160 TI - [III. Introduction to the histometric study of the human placenta]. PMID- 13472161 TI - [IV. Chromatic diagnosis of sex of the human ovular complex]. PMID- 13472162 TI - [V. Culture of the human placenta & estrogen secretion]. PMID- 13472164 TI - [II. Quantitative study of the development of placental surface exchange during pregnancy]. PMID- 13472163 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. I. Study of the physical factors conditioning placental permeability]. PMID- 13472165 TI - [III. Placental permeability in prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472166 TI - [IV. Transplacental passage of oxygen; relation to the duration of pregnancy & the prolongation of pregnancy beyond the theoretical termination]. PMID- 13472167 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. V. Estrogens]. PMID- 13472168 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. VI. Progesterone]. PMID- 13472169 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. VII. Corticoids]. PMID- 13472170 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. VIII. Placental gonadotropins]. PMID- 13472171 TI - [IX. Adrenocorticotrophic activities of the human placenta]. PMID- 13472172 TI - [X. Placenta & immunology in relation to prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472173 TI - [Functional aspects of the placenta in prolonged pregnancy. XI. Virus, bacteria, protozoa & the placenta]. PMID- 13472174 TI - [XII. Transplacental passage of substances foreign to the organism]. PMID- 13472175 TI - [Statistic study of the frequency of mathematically prolonged pregnancy & an eventual correlation between the length of pregnancy & the rate of fetal mortality]. PMID- 13472177 TI - [I. Clinical study of the problem of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472176 TI - [Clinical manifestations & therapy of prolonged pregnancy: introduction]. PMID- 13472178 TI - [II. Radiological diagnosis of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472179 TI - [III. Vaginal cytology in prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472180 TI - [IV. Urinary levels of estriol & pregnandiol]. PMID- 13472181 TI - [V. Perinatal mortality in prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472183 TI - [Clinical manifestations & therapy of prolonged pregnancy: general conclusions]. PMID- 13472182 TI - [VI. Therapy of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13472184 TI - [Uterine synechia related to surgical or obstetrical evacuation of the uterus. I. History]. PMID- 13472185 TI - [Uterine synechia related to surgical or obstetrical evacuation of the uterus. II. Etiology]. PMID- 13472186 TI - [Uterine synechia related to surgical obstetrical evacuation of the uterus. III. Anatomy & pathology]. PMID- 13472187 TI - [Uterine synechia related to surgical or obstetrical evacuations of the uterus. IV. Clinical manifestations]. PMID- 13472188 TI - [V. Effect of intrauterine adhesions secondary to artificial evacuation of the uterus on reproductory function]. PMID- 13472189 TI - [Uterine synechia related to surgical or obstetrical evacuation of the uterus. VI. Pathogenesis & physiopathology]. PMID- 13472190 TI - [VII. Treatment of intrauterine adhesions secondary to artificial evacuations of the uterus]. PMID- 13472191 TI - [Uterine synechia after myomectomy]. PMID- 13472192 TI - [Intrauterine adhesions secondary to chemical or physical irritations or trophic changes]. PMID- 13472193 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472194 TI - [Genital prolapse after hysterectomy]. PMID- 13472196 TI - [Medical & social study of artificial insemination: legal study]. PMID- 13472195 TI - [Medical & social study of artificial insemination: comparative biology]. PMID- 13472197 TI - [Medical & social study of artificial insemination: psychological, moral, social & religious aspects]. PMID- 13472198 TI - [Medical & social study of artificial insemination: indications, technic, results]. PMID- 13472199 TI - [Endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis of interrupted uterine & extra-uterine pregnancies]. PMID- 13472200 TI - [New case of so-called pregnancy toxic pyelonephritis with uretero-renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13472201 TI - [Terminal nervous system of the female genital tract; anatomy & physiological problems]. PMID- 13472202 TI - [New case of Demons-Meigs syndrome]. PMID- 13472203 TI - [Surgical procedure adapted from bladder neck suspension; 10 new cases of prolapse after hysterectomy]. PMID- 13472204 TI - [False gas routes during tubular insufflation in light of celioscopy & laparotomy]. PMID- 13472205 TI - [New hysteroscope]. PMID- 13472206 TI - [Mixed tuberculosis of the breast; galactophoritis & diffuse lobulitis]. PMID- 13472207 TI - [Acute hydramnios & vaginal smears]. PMID- 13472208 TI - [Unusually rare form of phlebitis in pregnancy with extensive gangrene of superficial areas]. PMID- 13472209 TI - [Virilizing Leydig cell tumors of the ovary]. PMID- 13472210 TI - [Stein-Leventhal syndrome of probable congenital origin cured by cuneiform resection of ovaries & cortisone; functional hyperplasia of the ovarian stroma]. PMID- 13472211 TI - [Evaluation of results relative to the effect of various drugs on ovarian pituitary-hypothalamic endocrinology]. PMID- 13472212 TI - [Looser-Debray-Milkmann syndrome]. PMID- 13472213 TI - [Neonatal myasthenia in a child born to a myasthenic mother]. PMID- 13472214 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472215 TI - [Anti-luteotrophic effect of chlorpromazine in animals; future practical applications]. PMID- 13472216 TI - [Spontaneous synechia of the uterus of bacillary origin]. PMID- 13472217 TI - [Massive cystic luteinization of both ovaries with hemoperitoneum caused by administration of gonadotropin in a 14 year old girl]. PMID- 13472218 TI - [Present management of uterine perforation during curettage]. PMID- 13472219 TI - [Uterine rupture after segmental cesarean section]. PMID- 13472220 TI - [Rupture of pregnant uterus at 6 months, after previous cesarean section, with concurrent fear of an intestinal loop]. PMID- 13472221 TI - [Rupture of the uterus with spontaneous expulsion of a fetal skeleton through an umbilical fistula at term in a para XI female]. PMID- 13472223 TI - [Effect of female genital hormones on experimental Trichomonas vaginalis infection in albino rats]. PMID- 13472222 TI - [Amino acid diabetes & osteomalacia]. PMID- 13472224 TI - [Anterior stage perineorrhaphy]. PMID- 13472225 TI - [On a case of fetal malformation]. PMID- 13472226 TI - [Various pseudo-neoplastic radiological pictures of the uterus]. PMID- 13472227 TI - [Combined malformation of uterus & vagina & ovarian endometriosis]. PMID- 13472228 TI - [Place of induced labor before term in the treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by iso-immunization to rhesus antigens]. PMID- 13472229 TI - [Systematic case finding in cancer; first results relative to genital cancer in women]. PMID- 13472230 TI - [Atypical abdominal pregnancy at term]. PMID- 13472231 TI - [Ovarian grafts]. PMID- 13472232 TI - [Argentaffin epithelioma of the appendix in a pregnant woman]. PMID- 13472233 TI - [Ovarian cysts & pregnancy]. PMID- 13472234 TI - [Tuberculous endometritis in an aged woman]. PMID- 13472235 TI - [Cytology of breast discharges]. PMID- 13472236 TI - [Electrophoresis of mammary discharges]. PMID- 13472237 TI - [Findings on biological activity of ectodermal cells in post-abortal period]. PMID- 13472238 TI - Jacobean England, 1603-1625. PMID- 13472239 TI - The seventeenth century English medical background. PMID- 13472240 TI - Medicine in sixteenth century New Spain as illustrated by the writings of Bravo, Farfan, and Vargas Machuca. PMID- 13472241 TI - Medical practice in colonial America. PMID- 13472242 TI - Epidemics, real and imaginary, and other factors influencing seventeenth century Virginia's population. PMID- 13472243 TI - An exhibition of the history of cardiovascular sound including the evolution of the stethoscope. PMID- 13472244 TI - [Historical survey of the development of the Yugoslav Army Medical Service]. PMID- 13472245 TI - [Medical service of Yugoslavia during the War of National Liberation, 1941-1945]. PMID- 13472246 TI - Electron microscope studies of ferret respiratory cells infected with influenza. PMID- 13472247 TI - The etiology of pharyngeal diverticula. PMID- 13472248 TI - Some aspects of cohesiveness and conflict in psychiatric out-patient groups. PMID- 13472249 TI - An electromyographic study of a spinal cord reflex in the normal human arm. PMID- 13472250 TI - Mechanism of the hemolytic anemia induced by nitrofurantoin (furadantin); further observations on the incidence and significance of primaquine-sensitive red cells. PMID- 13472251 TI - An immunohistologic study on the occurrence of intravascular antigen-antibody precipitation and its role in anaphylaxis in the rabbit. PMID- 13472252 TI - Factors influencing the alteration of the pyrogenic action of endotoxin by serum. PMID- 13472253 TI - Protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid of diabetic patients. PMID- 13472254 TI - The electromyogram in compensatory muscular syndromes accompanying peripheral nerve lesions. PMID- 13472255 TI - The pathogenesis of nodular cortical atrophy; apparent mechanism of lesion commonly found in cerebral palsied individuals. PMID- 13472256 TI - Psychiatric symptoms and the limbic lobe. PMID- 13472257 TI - Prosopagnosia. PMID- 13472258 TI - The Marin Amat syndrome; report of a case. PMID- 13472259 TI - Motor aphasia with recovery; report of case with autopsy verification. PMID- 13472260 TI - [Ideas & facts of the year]. PMID- 13472261 TI - [Hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13472262 TI - [Hemolytic jaundice and its hepato-biliary manifestations]. PMID- 13472263 TI - Medical librarianship, a mid-century survey: a symposium; a salute to some milestones, detours, and dead-ends in the history of the Association. PMID- 13472264 TI - Present status and future possibilities of education for librarianship in the medical sciences. PMID- 13472265 TI - Medical library architecture in the past fifty years. PMID- 13472266 TI - Changing concepts in the role of the medical librarian in the 20th century. PMID- 13472267 TI - The loan policy of the National Library of Medicine. PMID- 13472268 TI - Estelle Brodman. PMID- 13472269 TI - Learning to perceive as we wish to perceive. PMID- 13472270 TI - Some problems in contemporary industrial psychology. PMID- 13472271 TI - Psychoanalysis and child development. PMID- 13472272 TI - [Static work; its evaluation & repercussions on arterial pressure & cardiac rhythm]. PMID- 13472273 TI - [Treatment of diabetes by sulfonylureas; 20 cases.]. PMID- 13472274 TI - [Diabetes after antiamarile vaccination with 17 D vaccine; a coincidence or a complication]. PMID- 13472275 TI - [Pigmented hyperkeratosis & basocellular epitheliomatosis after exposure to sunlight & ultraviolet rays; case report]. PMID- 13472276 TI - [A rare accident in parachuting; perforation of the small intestine during grounding]. PMID- 13472277 TI - [Chondroma of the thumb diagnosed by a spontaneous fracture; treated by enucleation; recovery]. PMID- 13472278 TI - [Limitations in the systematic radiodiagnosis of tuberculosis; semiannual pulmonary radioscopy in the national marines]. PMID- 13472279 TI - [Historical relation of campaigns of Dominique Larrey in Austerlitz & Spain from a collection of unpublished letters by Larrey to his wife]. PMID- 13472280 TI - [Neurological disorders of tuberculosis: 2 cases]. PMID- 13472281 TI - [351 Cases of typhoparatyphoid fevers verified in the army during 1956]. PMID- 13472282 TI - [Acute articular rheumatism with acute abdominal visceral attacks; recovery by intensive endovenous salicylate therapy]. PMID- 13472283 TI - [Minute urinary volume of erythrocytes & leukocytes, criteria for determination of albuminuria]. PMID- 13472284 TI - [Cecal perforation during cortisone & phenylbutazone therapy]. PMID- 13472285 TI - [Interstitial pregnancy with extra-uterine development; term delivery of a living child by the upper tract]. PMID- 13472286 TI - [Persistance of ductus arteriosus & catheterization]. PMID- 13472287 TI - [Ameboma of the right colic angle]. PMID- 13472288 TI - [Funeral eulogy for Surgeon General Henri Lahaussois (1874-1957)]. PMID- 13472289 TI - [Use of motion picture for medicosurgical instruction]. PMID- 13472290 TI - [Perthes-Jungling syndrome and sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13472291 TI - [Development of cervicomediastinal tuberculous lymph node disease during tuberculous meningitis]. PMID- 13472292 TI - [Schizogenic revival of malaria in repatriates from North Africa]. PMID- 13472293 TI - [The preoperative electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13472294 TI - [2 Cases of malignant arterial hypertension in youth of renal origin]. PMID- 13472295 TI - [Acute osteomyelitis of the iliac crest]. PMID- 13472296 TI - [Head injury and traumatic shock]. PMID- 13472297 TI - [2 Cases of severe cranial trauma]. PMID- 13472298 TI - Correlation between metabolism and feeding behavior and multiple etiology of obesity. PMID- 13472299 TI - Neural factors in obesity. PMID- 13472300 TI - Psychological aspects of obesity. PMID- 13472301 TI - Ten year results of I-131 therapy of hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13472302 TI - The Ninth International Congress on Rheumatic Diseases. PMID- 13472303 TI - Some aspects of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13472304 TI - The role of surgery in the management of coronary arterial insufficiency. PMID- 13472305 TI - Deocin: a new antibacterial antiperspirant. PMID- 13472306 TI - Catatonic patients treated with intraventricular cholinesterase. PMID- 13472307 TI - The contribution of the University of Maryland School of Medicine to the initial development of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. PMID- 13472308 TI - OBSTETRICAL case report. PMID- 13472309 TI - [Development of the brain in mammals and humans in the post-embryonal period]. PMID- 13472310 TI - [Compensatory relationships between the midbrain and the pituitary gland in hypermetabolic conditions and in supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia]. PMID- 13472311 TI - [Massive or multicentric cancerization of bronchial carcinoma multicentric cancerization of bronchial carcinoma with epidermoid structure]. PMID- 13472312 TI - [Summary of the data obtained by immuno-electrophoresis]. PMID- 13472313 TI - [Differences in isoniazid resistance of several strains of Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13472314 TI - [Problems in use of polyvalent antibiotics]. PMID- 13472315 TI - [Study of the problem of testing for antibiotic and sulfonamide resistance and sensitivity]. PMID- 13472316 TI - [Speech audiometry and dialect]. PMID- 13472318 TI - [Conduction of nerve impulses at the molecular level]. PMID- 13472317 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472319 TI - [Incorporation of an anti-inositol substance in the phospholipids of inositolless Neurospora crassa]. PMID- 13472320 TI - [The existence of an acidification phenomenon in the course of the oxidation of various polyphenol oxidase substrates]. PMID- 13472321 TI - [Isolation and some properties of contraction]. PMID- 13472322 TI - [Ferritin and apoferritin. III. Osmotic pressure of solutions]. PMID- 13472323 TI - [Absence of free C-terminal group in ovomucoid]. PMID- 13472325 TI - [Effects or oral or parenteral administration of vitamin B12 on distribution and storage during the intra-uterine life of guinea pig]. PMID- 13472324 TI - [Influence of copper on the reduction of phosphomolybdate by ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13472326 TI - [Destruction of adrenalin in the presence of copper]. PMID- 13472327 TI - [The presence and nature of a hemolytic substance in human serum]. PMID- 13472328 TI - [An alpha 1-mucoprotein in pregnant mare serum, and its role in the transport of the gonadotropic hormone]. PMID- 13472329 TI - [Euglobulins of a pathological serum]. PMID- 13472330 TI - [New data on the degradation of lactic acid by a strain of proteolytic bacteria]. PMID- 13472331 TI - [Kinetics of the specific phase of Coccus P (sp. Sarcina flava) lysis by lysozyme; ionic influences]. PMID- 13472332 TI - [Determination of the mean pK of the alpha-amino groups liberated in the enzymic hydrolysis of lactoglobulin at pH 7]. PMID- 13472333 TI - [Evolution of the organic acids of maize]. PMID- 13472334 TI - [Microchemical study on experimental silicotic granuloma induced by peritoneal method in the rat. I. Collagen, nucleic acids and sulfhydryl groups]. PMID- 13472336 TI - [Relationship between the chemical constitution and tuberculostatic activity of substituted isonicotinic thioamides]. PMID- 13472335 TI - [Microchemical study on experimental silicotic granuloma induced by peritoneal method in the rat. II. Comparative study on the actions of inert dust (carbon) and quartz and cristobalite]. PMID- 13472337 TI - [Microdetermination of tyrosine by the aid of the color reaction with alpha nitroso-beta-naphthol]. PMID- 13472338 TI - [Subcorneous pustulous dermatosis]. PMID- 13472339 TI - [The liver in the principle dermatoses, according to 77 puncture biopsies]. PMID- 13472340 TI - [Effects of hydrocortisone on an experimental superficial cutaneous injury]. PMID- 13472342 TI - [Histological study of muscular lesions in dermatomyositis]. PMID- 13472341 TI - [Benign plasmocytic erythroplasia]. PMID- 13472343 TI - [Subacute nodular hypodermitis of vascular origin; discussion of nodular vascularitis in relation to cases recently studied]. PMID- 13472344 TI - [Mycosis fungoides (following eczema of long duration) with hypogammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13472345 TI - [Nevoxanthoendothelioma; discussion with the ganglioneuroma of Montgomery & O'Leary]. PMID- 13472346 TI - [Lichen striatus]. PMID- 13472347 TI - [Gluteal conglobate acne; discussion of a case of secondary amylosis]. PMID- 13472348 TI - [False positive immobilization tests]. PMID- 13472349 TI - [Negative Nelson test and positive serology in a former syphilitic]. PMID- 13472350 TI - [Cutaneous histoplasmosis in a Frenchman returned from Douala]. PMID- 13472351 TI - [Lipidogram study in psoriasis]. PMID- 13472352 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472354 TI - [Clinical and histological aspects of noninsolated cutaneous regions in c xerderma pigmentosum]. PMID- 13472353 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472355 TI - [Value of aerosol silicones in dermatological therapeutics]. PMID- 13472356 TI - [Pigmentation of mucous membranes in Ota's nevus]. PMID- 13472357 TI - [Evolution of a case of profuse eruption of molluscum contagiosum after treatment by terramycin]. PMID- 13472358 TI - [Papulonecrotic allergids after BCG]. PMID- 13472359 TI - Post Traumatic ulcerative tuberculosis. PMID- 13472360 TI - [Late cutaneous porphyria in the adult with acute febrile porphyrinuric discharges]. PMID- 13472361 TI - [Action of decalcifying chelators in the treatment of sclerocicatricial conditions]. PMID- 13472362 TI - [Recurring complications of generalized massive urticaria. with edema of the glottis, after simple contact with mercurochrome]. PMID- 13472363 TI - [Extract of Trypanosoma used in the treatment of malignant diseases; possibility of contraindications]. PMID- 13472364 TI - [Case of sensitization to perfumes with cutaneous and general reactions]. PMID- 13472365 TI - [Treatment of a case of basocellular epithelioma by local applications of podophyllin]. PMID- 13472366 TI - [Somatotropic hormone in the treatment of ulcers of the leg and eschars]. PMID- 13472367 TI - [Various biochemical problems concerning cancerogenesis and metabolism of tumor cells]. PMID- 13472368 TI - [Hypophysectomy in the treatment of cancer]. PMID- 13472369 TI - [Surgical treatment of pyloric carcinoma]. PMID- 13472370 TI - Adrenalectomy in cancer of the breast. PMID- 13472371 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the uterus]. PMID- 13472373 TI - [Cancer of the tongue]. PMID- 13472372 TI - [Surgery in the prevention of cancer]. PMID- 13472374 TI - [Percutaneous suppression of the hypophysis by electrocoagulation or radiogold]. PMID- 13472375 TI - The carcinoma of the cardia. PMID- 13472376 TI - [Preliminary report on polarographic examination of ocular media]. PMID- 13472377 TI - [Case of pulsating exophthalmos reducing spontaneously]. PMID- 13472378 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472379 TI - [Two cases of massive pseudocrystalline uveitis during spondylarthritis]. PMID- 13472380 TI - [Damages to anterior segment during surgery on ocular muscles]. PMID- 13472381 TI - [Advanced age can not be a contraindication for cataract extraction: 32 operations on octogenarians]. PMID- 13472383 TI - [Hand-Schuller-Christian disease with orbital manifestations]. PMID- 13472382 TI - [Study of scleral perforations caused by choroid cancer]. PMID- 13472384 TI - [Gonioscopy in diabetes; practical consequences of vascularization of the angle of anterior chamber]. PMID- 13472385 TI - [Useful modification of surgical treatment of congenital aplasia of both external recti]. PMID- 13472386 TI - [Pemphigus of conjunctival & buccal mucoses]. PMID- 13472387 TI - [Angioid striae and elastic pseudoxanthoma]. PMID- 13472388 TI - [Case of anthrax of the eyelids]. PMID- 13472389 TI - [Lacrimation with normal lacrimal permeability]. PMID- 13472390 TI - [Excision of pterygium with conjunctival mucosa graft]. PMID- 13472391 TI - [Conjunctival sclerosis with xerosis and cutaneous lesions]. PMID- 13472392 TI - [Syndrome of median section of optic chiasm of traumatic origin]. PMID- 13472393 TI - [Pyrimethamine (daraprim) treatment of uveitis]. PMID- 13472394 TI - [Retinal detachment with simultaneous apico-mediastinal pleurisy; chronic uveitis with vitiligo]. PMID- 13472395 TI - [Fibroplasia with cartilagineous & pseudoglandular tissue in the vitreous body of microphthalmic eye]. PMID- 13472397 TI - [Chronic idiopathic jaundice (Dubin-Johnson disease), report of two cases]. PMID- 13472398 TI - A laboratory study of urinary changes following exercise. PMID- 13472396 TI - [Trypsin in the treatment of hemorrhagies of the vitreous body]. PMID- 13472399 TI - Sickle cell disease in pregnancy, with electrophoresis in twenty-two cases. PMID- 13472400 TI - Transplacental metastases of the Brown-Pearce rabbit tumor. PMID- 13472401 TI - Lactic acid dehydrogenase activity in various disease states. PMID- 13472402 TI - The voice of the cricket. PMID- 13472403 TI - TULANE-COLUMBIA medical education program. PMID- 13472404 TI - Medical education for national defense at Tulane School of Medicine under the M. E. N. D. program. PMID- 13472405 TI - Factors in the pathogenesis of ocular onchocerciasis. AB - This article briefly reviews the history and distribution of Onchocerca volvulus, and the disease for which it is responsible. The importance is stressed of ophthalmic examination, as opposed to clinical inspection, in determining the incidence of onchocerciasis in a region, such as the Sudan, where eye diseases are common. A description of the ocular manifestations of the infection is given, and their etiology is discussed. PMID- 13472406 TI - New observations on ocular onchocerciasis; related pathological methods and the pathogenesis of the various eye lesions. AB - The records of 2000 blind or partially blind persons in the onchocerciasis areas of West Africa provided the background information for this report.The author has grouped his material in three sections. The first of these deals with diagnostic methods, and contains the results of skin and conjunctival biopsies, as well as a description of onchocercomas and an estimate of the life-span of Onchocerca adults.Next, the pathogenesis of ocular lesions is discussed in the light of evidence obtained from a series of animal experiments designed to test two theories-namely, the existence of an allergic state and damage by toxins.In the last section, which is devoted to clinical observations, the author demonstrates the existence of a relationship between the posterior segmental lesion and vitamin A deficiency, and shows that punctate corneal opacities result more often from certain virus diseases and malaria than from onchocerciasis. A description follows of various degenerations due to a local nutritional disorder combined with vitamin A deficiency in onchocercal limbitis and anterior uveitis. PMID- 13472407 TI - Bionomics of the vectors of onchocerciasis in the Ethiopian geographical region. AB - Of the two proved Simulium vectors of onchocerciasis in Africa, the more widespread and the easier to identify is S. damnosum. The identity of S. neavei is less easily established, and a summary of the present position regarding the S. neavei complex is given. The bionomics of the immature stages and adult females of S. damnosum and S. neavei are discussed in detail, and consideration is also given to the relation of each species to disease. Distribution maps are included. PMID- 13472408 TI - Simuliid vectors of onchocerciasis in Guatemala. AB - Simulium ochraceum, S. metallicum and S. callidum are the three species of Simuliidae which are known to transmit onchocerciasis in Guatemala. Of these, S. ochraceum is often the most prevalent and displays the highest degree of anthropophily. Other potential vectors exist, but have never been found to harbour developing forms of Onchocerca.The average flight range of these insects was found to be about 7.5 miles, although they may be transported greater distances while feeding on horses.The Simuliidae are most prevalent in December, after which their density decreases, reaching its lowest level in June August.Large-scale dissection of Simuliidae specimens has revealed the presence of metacyclic forms either in a free state in the abdomen or, as in the majority of cases, lodged in the Malpighian tubes. There was no indication of metacyclic forms in the cephalic region of the insect. PMID- 13472409 TI - Observations on the chemotherapy of onchocerciasis in Bahr el Ghazal Province, Sudan. AB - Cases of onchocerciasis were treated with three drugs, Antrypol, Pentostam and Hetrazan. Antrypol proved undoubtedly effective, producing disappearance of the microfilariae and onchocercal nodules, and improvement in cases of defective vision with anterior ocular manifestations, but little or no improvement in cases with well-defined posterior manifestations. The severe toxic effects of the drug, however, are sometimes fatal, and therefore preclude its use. Pentostam, although non-toxic, did not prove effective in the doses tried; it may be of some use in very large doses. Hetrazan was given to three cases only, in all of which it produced very rapid disappearance of the microfilariae, but this was accompanied by some allergic reactions and there was no other indication of improvement. Moreover, one month after treatment, microfilariae reappeared in one case. It seems that the more actively filaricidal a drug is, the more toxic it will be, and this is likely to be a serious limitation in the chemotherapy of onchocerciasis until some method of avoiding the allergic reactions can be devised. PMID- 13472410 TI - DDT-treatment of rivers for eradication of Simuliidae. AB - This article describes how to estimate the discharge of water in rivers and streams by means of weirs, current meters and floats, and how to calculate and administer doses of DDT for the treatment of simuliid-infested waters. PMID- 13472411 TI - Epidemiology of filariasis in India. AB - The author reviews the history of filarial infections in India and discusses factors affecting the filariae, their vectors, and the human reservoir of infection. A detailed description is given of techniques for determining the degree of infection, disease and endemicity of filariasis in a community, and aspects which require further study are indicated. PMID- 13472412 TI - The distribution of Bancroftian filariasis in Africa. AB - Bancroftian filariasis is widespread in Africa in the region between the Sahara Desert to the north and the Zambesi river to the south, and is also found in Egypt. It occurs in hot damp areas near the coasts, along the great rivers, and around the great lakes.The chief insect vectors seem to be Anopheles gambiae and A. funestus. Culex fatigans has been found to be a poor vector in most parts of Africa.An annex gives certain additional information not available at the time of preparation of the main review. PMID- 13472413 TI - Filariasis in the Sudan. AB - The author summarizes the available information on Loa loa, Acanthocheilonema perstans and Wuchereria bancrofti infections in the Sudan, with special reference to the prevalence and distribution of the vectors. PMID- 13472414 TI - Outbreak of filariasis (Wuchereria malayi) among French and North African servicemen in North Vietnam. AB - In 1951 about 150 servicemen returning to Algeria from Tonking, North Vietnam, were found to show symptoms of filariasis. This article describes the investigation of the outbreak. Since on leaving the filarious area many of the patients recovered spontaneously and others were cured by treatment with arsenic or Hetrazan, the author concludes that severe, permanent and incurable lesions result only when constant reinfestation takes place. PMID- 13472415 TI - Bionomics and control of Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. in Ceylon. AB - The climatic and housing conditions which favour the breeding of Culex pipiens fatigans in Ceylon, and its life-cycle and resting-habits, are described. The results of the treatment of breeding-places (mainly catch-pits) and the interior of houses with various insecticides of specific action on larvae or adults, in different preparations and concentrations, are given, and suggestions are made for the control of the mosquito on this island. The fundamental measure for successful control is efficient sanitation, but until this can be achieved, application of larvicides seems to be the method of choice. PMID- 13472416 TI - An effective programme for the control of filariasis in Tahiti. AB - An effective filariasis research and control programme has been recently established in Tahiti. This article describes the methods used for preliminary investigation of the clinical manifestations of the disease, the prevalence of the parasite and the role of the vector mosquitos. Control was effected by eliminating mosquito breeding-places and administering diethylcarbamazine to the population. An estimate is made of the costs and comparative value of the various procedures which were tried. PMID- 13472418 TI - The problem of the Simulium neavei complex. PMID- 13472417 TI - The pathogenicity of Onchocerca volvulus in relation to lymphadenopathy and elephantiasis. PMID- 13472419 TI - Simuliidae and their relation to onchocerciasis in the Sudan. PMID- 13472420 TI - [Sandflies & onchocerciasis in Somaliland]. PMID- 13472421 TI - Notes and observations on onchocerciasis in Guatemala. PMID- 13472423 TI - Evaluation of new onchocercidal drugs used in Guatemala. PMID- 13472422 TI - Resistance of Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae to diethylcarbamazine. PMID- 13472424 TI - Notes on the taxonomy and bionomics of certain filariasis vectors. PMID- 13472425 TI - A note on the survival of the microfilariae of Mansonella ozzardi. PMID- 13472426 TI - Observations of filariasis in Sarawak and Brunei. PMID- 13472427 TI - Sanitary engineering and water economy in Europe: with special reference to underground resources. AB - The author deals with a wide variety of aspects of water economy and the development of water resources, relating them to the sanitary engineering problems they give rise to. Among those aspects are the balance between available resources and water needs for various purposes; accumulation and storage of surface and ground water, and methods of replenishing ground water supplies; pollution and purification; and organizational measures to deal with the urgent problems raised by the heavy demands on the world's water supply as a result of both increased population and the increased need for agricultural and industrial development.The author considers that at the national level over-all plans for developing the water economy of countries might well be drawn up by national water boards and that the economy of inter-State river basins should receive international study. In such work the United Nations and its specialized agencies might be of assistance. PMID- 13472428 TI - Travel of pollution, and purification en route, in sandy soils. AB - The travel of pollution in sandy soils, and the extent to which purification takes place en route, are discussed, with special reference to the possible contamination of ground water-a problem which is of particular importance in the Netherlands, where the water-supply for many of the large towns is drawn from the water underneath the dunes.SPECIFICALLY, TWO TYPES OF SOIL POLLUTION ARE CONSIDERED: (a) severe pollution of the surface layers with matter concentrated in a small volume of water (e.g., faecal matter from pit privies at camping sites); and (b) moderate pollution of the surface layers with matter contained in large quantities of water (e.g., organic matter and bacteria in river water used for the artificial recharge of ground water). It is shown that in both these types of pollution the self-purification is sufficient to prevent contamination of the ground water, provided that the soil is very fine and-in the case of the first type-dry and well aerated, and provided that the ground-water level is not too high or the rate of infiltration too great. PMID- 13472430 TI - The value of certain refinements of the infant-mortality rate. AB - Several methods have been advanced for refinement of the conventional infant mortality rate by relating the deaths to the corresponding annual birth cohorts. The author has tested the accuracy of such methods by assuming various "true" infant mortality rates and applying them to quarterly birth statistics as documented in 39 countries in 1939-49, a decade of considerable fluctuations in the number of births in many countries. Against the background of these actual data, refinement by year of birth is found to give unpredictable and relatively unsatisfactory results. While the error in the conventional rate is, on the average, reduced by about a half, in 25% of the cases the so-called "refinement" actually increases the error. The refinement methods discussed can therefore not be recommended for indiscriminate routine use. PMID- 13472429 TI - On the pathogenesis of epileptic and hysterical seizures. AB - In discussing the problem of differentiating between epileptic and hysterical seizures, the author maintains that electroencephalographic and psychosomatic research indicates that all "epileptiform" seizures are the outcome of a constant interplay of stress and predisposition in which both these factors are of a polygenetic origin. He points out that behind these reactions manifested in consciousness and motility, there lies a fundamental function of defence and that the nature of the seizures occurring is decided by the level of physiogenic or psychogenic regression which prevails in different cases, and which is to a great extent codetermined by a complementary "inviting" level of physical and psychical subevolution (lack of maturation). He holds that the pathogenesis of "epileptiform" seizures is of a truly psychosomatic nature and that this circumstance should be reflected in the therapeutic approach to these disorders. PMID- 13472431 TI - Cholera studies. 10. Epidemiology. AB - The first section of this study deals with areas where cholera is endemic and with the conditions normally favouring endemicity. Turning next to epidemics, the author discusses their origin and types, climatic influences on them, their periodicity and the possibility of forecasting them, the role played in them by different serological races of V. cholerae, and the causes of their decline. In a section on the factors governing the local spread of cholera, he considers contact and water-borne infection; the role of contaminated food and drink, of fomites, of flies, and of carriers; and the incidence according to sex, age, race, and occupation. The last part deals with factors governing the spread of cholera over longer distances, and includes discussion of the effect of movements of individuals and groups and of assemblies of the population on pilgrimages or at religious festivals. PMID- 13472432 TI - Effect of DDT selection pressure on the frequency of chromosomal structures in Anopheles atroparvus. PMID- 13472433 TI - Controlling flies on dairy cattle and in dairy barns. PMID- 13472434 TI - The toxicity of three organic phosphorus insecticides to houseflies and mosquitos. PMID- 13472435 TI - ASSESSMENT of susceptibility to insecticides in anopheline mosquitos. PMID- 13472436 TI - FIELD and laboratory studies with typhoid vaccines: a preliminary report: Yugoslav Typhoid Commission. AB - In 1953 the Yugoslav Typhoid Commission organized the first strictly controlled field trial of two types of anti-typhoid vaccine-alcoholized and phenolized-in an attempt to determine the relative and absolute effectiveness of each. They were tested against a phenolized control vaccine prepared from strains of Shigella flexneri, type II.This preliminary report gives the basic information on the conditions of the trial, in which 35 508 persons completed the course of two injections, and shows the results obtained.The phenolized vaccine proved the more effective of the two, giving protection in about 70% of the vaccinated, but the Commission points out that the results do not necessarily mean that the same degree of protection would be obtained with other batches of either vaccine. Laboratory work done with the field trial showed that the existing laboratory tests cannot at present be correlated with the protection afforded to man. PMID- 13472437 TI - Relapsing fever in Jordan. AB - The author reports on a survey carried out by him in 1954 on relapsing fever in Jordan. In that country the disease is largely tick-borne, the main vector being Ornithodoros tholozani. Some of the frequent cases in the town of Nablus and the village of Marda in West Jordan may, however, be caused by O. coniceps. The centres of infection are some of the numerous caves scattered throughout the hilly areas and certain houses in which chickens are kept.It is believed that the vector ticks could be successfully exterminated by the use of insecticides and by the adoption of certain procedures outlined by the author.Arsenobenzol compounds and penicillin have been shown not to be very effective for the treatment of relapsing fever, but good results have been obtained with Aureomycin and Terramycin. PMID- 13472438 TI - Factors that promote the growth of Brucella in the presence of blood. AB - The data presented show that the growth of brucella cells in a mixture of culture medium (peptone type) and blood is not due to growth-promoting constituents in the medium but to the presence of an agent or agents that inactivate the bacterial growth-inhibiting factor usually present in normal blood. The blood then becomes an excellent culture medium.Other methods of inactivating the growth inhibiting factor in normal cow blood to promote a rapid growth of Brucella involve the acidification of the culture medium in order to obtain a final pH of 6.0-6.2 after the addition of blood, and the presence of a cation exchange resin (H(+)) in blood alone.Rapid growth of all types and species of Brucella was obtained in cow, human, and horse blood alone by the addition of a cation exchange resin (H(+)). In the presence of salts in the blood, the resin behaved like an acid in lowering the pH to the desired level of 6.0-6.2.If conditions are created in a closed container (bottle), so that CO(2) is released from the NaHCO(3) normally present in blood, other measures, such as the artificial addition of CO(2), are rendered unnecessary in any procedure for the growth of CO(2)-dependent strains of Brucella abortus in the presence of blood. PMID- 13472440 TI - [Present state of chemotherapy & antibiotic therapy of trachoma]. PMID- 13472439 TI - Problems concerning the prophylaxis, pathogenesis and therapy of diphtheria. AB - The first part of this article on the prophylaxis, pathogenesis and therapy of diphtheria is devoted to an epidemiological survey of the results achieved with active immunization against the disease. From these results it can be concluded that active immunization has been largely responsible for the decrease in the morbidity and mortality rates which has taken place in the past half-century.In the second part, the authors deal at length with problems relating to the pathogenesis and therapy of the disease, discussing such subjects as the different types of diphtheria bacteria, the significance of non-virulent strains, the action of bacteriophages, the plurality of diphtheria toxin, the use of antibacterial sera, and the importance of the "avidity" of antitoxic sera.Finally, taking into consideration the data presented in the preceding parts, the authors put forward their views as to the cause of diphtheria, the measures which should be taken to control it, and the most satisfactory form of therapy. PMID- 13472441 TI - Etiology and differential diagnosis of non-trachomatous follicular conjunctivitis. AB - The author points out that while previously only follicular conjunctivitis of the inclusion or swimming-pool type, and of the Beal type, was classified as "acute follicular conjunctivitis", it is now necessary to enlarge this group to include at least four other clinical or etiological entities: epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, acute herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, Newcastle disease conjunctivitis, and pharyngoconjunctival fever. The author then defines and describes chronic follicular conjunctivitis, toxic follicular conjunctivitis (molluscum contagiosum) and folliculosis. PMID- 13472442 TI - [Role of the fly in the transmission of seasonal conjunctivitis in South Morocco]. PMID- 13472443 TI - Studies on vaccination against poliomyelitis with live virus vaccines. PMID- 13472445 TI - Racial and regional differences in the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of trachoma. PMID- 13472444 TI - The management of venereal diseases in ports: an international survey. PMID- 13472446 TI - Existence of antigenic affinity between the agents of trachoma and those of venereal lymphogranuloma-psittacosis. PMID- 13472447 TI - [Clinical aspects of the initial pure trachoma in Iran]. PMID- 13472448 TI - Epidemiological and clinical aspects of trachoma in the USA. PMID- 13472450 TI - [Constitutional morphologic & functional signs in persons with a predisposition to rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13472451 TI - [Roentgenogram of the senile thorax]. PMID- 13472452 TI - [Improving diagnosis & therapy of brain tumors; preliminary report on the use of radioisotopes in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13472453 TI - [New methods in therapy of nocturnal & total enuresis]. PMID- 13472454 TI - [The syndrome of the supraclavicular arch]. PMID- 13472449 TI - BIBLIOGRAPHY on leishmaniasis (1950-55). PMID- 13472456 TI - [Pathophysiology & diagnosis of obliterative vascular diseases]. PMID- 13472455 TI - [140 Cases of chronic obliterative arteriopathy of the lower limbs]. PMID- 13472457 TI - [Immediate & late results of lumbar ganglionectomy for obliterative arteriopathy of the lower extremities]. PMID- 13472458 TI - [Serial angiography of the extremities]. PMID- 13472459 TI - [Tegumental repair of the lower extremity]. PMID- 13472460 TI - The epidemiology of gastric cancer. PMID- 13472461 TI - Screening for gastric cancer. PMID- 13472462 TI - Trends in the management of gastric cancer. PMID- 13472463 TI - The surgeon and the problem of gastric cancer. PMID- 13472464 TI - Hypothyroidism in men in industry; a preliminary report on chemical evidence. AB - Of 2,807 specimens from blood donors and men in industry, 340 or 12 per cent had serum protein-bound iodine values of 4.0 micrograms or less per 100 cc. In a selected group of 610 "white collar" workers, 52 or 8.5 per cent had similar low values. Careful reexamination of a sample of the latter group indicated that at least 75 per cent of them had hypothyroidism needing treatment. Further analysis of the factors producing hypothyroidism and the validation of the incidence found is warranted. If the incidence observed in this study is confirmed, these findings indicate that 6 per cent to 9 per cent, or more than a million middle aged American men have hypothyroidism. PMID- 13472465 TI - Acute gallbladder disease; experience with 103 consecutive cases. AB - One hundred and three cases of acute cholecystitis in patients ranging in age from 19 to 88 years were reviewed. Operation was done in all cases. Seventy per cent of the patients were women. Primary cholecystectomy was done in 72.8 per cent of the series. Primary cholecystostomy was performed in the remainder, and one-fourth of these patients had a secondary cholecystectomy. No specific time, with relation to interval after onset of symptoms, was chosen for operation. Jaundice was present in 14.5 per cent of patients at the time of admittance to hospital. Serum amylase was above normal in five of 27 patients on whom this determination was carried out. All five were women. The gallbladder was perforated in 13 cases. Common duct exploration was done in 25 cases and in 12 of them stones were found. The morbidity rate for the series was 11.6 per cent; the mortality rate 9.7 per cent. PMID- 13472466 TI - Forensic skiagraphy. AB - Since roentgenograms are merely skiagraphs and not photographs, and since they are accordingly subject to erroneous interpretations or deductions, it would seem highly desirable that courts rely upon expert analysis of them, rather than demonstration of the negatives themselves. Such practice is customary in connection with clinical laboratory work, pathology, bacteriology and many other medical fields. Interpretations of skiagraphs should be clear, complete and consistent. PMID- 13472467 TI - Electromyographic examination in the office. AB - During a recent 12-month period, a total of 560 patients were referred for electromyographic examinations. They were sent by orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, internists, general practitioners, neuropsychiatrists and practitioners of physical medicine. Orthopedic surgeons referred more than any other specialists. Results of examination of patients referred because of suspicion of root compression were much more often negative than positive. Results were positive for the disease in all cases in which referral was because of suspicion of lower motor neuron disease, primary muscle disorders and upper motor neuron disease. Short electromyographic reports that concentrate on interpreting the electromyographic data were found to be preferred by the referring physicians. PMID- 13472468 TI - Influenza vaccine, Asian strain; reactions following its use in adults. AB - A study of reactions following influenza vaccine inoculation of 327 employees of Peralta Hospital, 55 men and 272 women, showed a very low value for significant or severe reactions. The reaction rate as observed with the present monovalent vaccine containing 200 CCA units of Asian strain, Type A influenza virus, was considerably lower than that reported with previous polyvalent vaccines containing up to 1,400 or 1,500 CCA units of total virus content. The absenteeism rate was 1.1 per cent for women, nil for men. The incidence of reactions was much greater in women than in men. Local reactions such as pain, swelling, or redness at the site of injection occurred in 29.1 per cent of men and 35.7 per cent of women. The incidence of systemic reactions-fever, aching, chilliness, headache, nausea and vomiting-was 3.6 per cent in men and 8.8 per cent in women. About 9 per cent of men and 30 per cent of women had both local and systemic reaction. Some 58 per cent of men and 25 per cent of women had no reaction. The greater majority of reactions appeared within five hours after inoculation with influenza vaccine. In adults the prevention of anaphylactic reactions due to the small amount of egg protein in influenza vaccine, can be accomplished by screening for history of hypersensitivity to egg, chicken or chicken feather. In questionable cases, intradermal testing can be done. The reaction rate observed in this study for the present influenza vaccine was so low that it ought not deter immunization. PMID- 13472469 TI - Postoperative bile peritonitis. AB - Bile peritonitis may occur after open operations on the biliary tract or following needle biopsy of the liver. Usually it is secondary to rupture of the common duct caused by overlooked common duct stone.Sterile intraperitoneal bile collections may be tolerated fairly well for long periods. Placing drains in the abdomen after biliary tract operations helps prevent dangerous accumulations of bile. Patients with extensive bile peritonitis should be operated upon as soon as possible. Ideally, the operation should include drainage of the abdomen and repair of any underlying pathological cause, but the condition of the patient may be so poor that only drainage can be carried out at the moment. PMID- 13472471 TI - Infectious polyneuritis; a disease to be distinguished from poliomyelitis. AB - Fourteen cases of infectious polyneuritis of a kind not previously reported in this country were observed in Los Angeles-three of them in hospital personnel. The clinical features at onset were headache, fever, dizziness of peculiar order, weakness and aching muscles. Motor weakness then developed, more severe in the proximal muscle groups and more often in the lower extremity. Sensory changes were also present. In two cases, debility was so severe as to necessitate prolonged inactivity. The condition was observed in 13 females (one a child) and one man. The age range was 10 to 65 years. Similarity of this illness to one reported in England in 1954 was noted. Treatment included administration of multiple vitamins, B(12) and thiamine chloride. Recovery occurred in from one week to over ten months. PMID- 13472470 TI - Staphylococcic infections in children. AB - Over 50 per cent of all staphylococcic infections are hospital-acquired. In 92 per cent of hospital-acquired infection, the organism is resistant to penicillin, and in 74 per cent to tetracycline.Chloramphenicol, bacitracin, novobiocin and erythromycin are the drugs of choice for therapy. There was good correlation between clinical response and antibiotic therapy selected on the basis of results of organism sensitivity tests done by the agar diffusion technique.Cross resistance among the tetracyclines averaged 94 per cent. Erythromycin and magnamycin showed similar pattern. Mortality in infants less than two months old was 7.8 per cent as compared with 1.1 per cent in older children. Death was related either to pneumonia or to septicemia in the ten fatalities recorded in this series. PMID- 13472473 TI - Carcinoma of the stomach in young adults. PMID- 13472472 TI - Partial duodenal obstruction secondary to annular pancreas. PMID- 13472474 TI - Severe recurrent pancreatitis; a recent development in treatment. PMID- 13472475 TI - Thromboendarterectomy in occlusive arterial disease; pathologic examination a year and a half after operation. PMID- 13472476 TI - Metastatic epidural abscess with complete recovery after operation. PMID- 13472477 TI - Still-man syndrome: progressive fluctuating muscular rigidity and spasm. PMID- 13472478 TI - Successful prochiorperazine therapy following chlorpromazineinduced jaundice. PMID- 13472479 TI - You can help medical education pay its own way. PMID- 13472480 TI - Group practice of anaesthesia. PMID- 13472481 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine on haemostasis. PMID- 13472482 TI - Promethazine and the circulatory response to tilting. PMID- 13472483 TI - Some effects of levallorphan on responses to meperidine. PMID- 13472484 TI - Methitural sodium for the induction of paediatric anaesthesia. PMID- 13472485 TI - Spectrophotometric determination of fluothane vapour. PMID- 13472486 TI - The estimation of fluothane in blood. PMID- 13472487 TI - Concentrations of fluothane vapour produced by vaporizing bottles of some standard anaesthetic machines. PMID- 13472488 TI - Pacatal in cardio-pulmonary surgery. PMID- 13472489 TI - Development of the newer thiobarbiturates used in anaesthesia. PMID- 13472490 TI - Reflex bradycardia in ophthalmic and oropharyngeal surgery. PMID- 13472491 TI - Anaesthetic experiences using extracorporeal circulation for open heart surgery. PMID- 13472493 TI - WINNIPEG Children's Hospital. PMID- 13472492 TI - The medico-legal responsibilities of the anaesthetist. PMID- 13472494 TI - Social service in the hospital. PMID- 13472495 TI - Community-auxiliary relations. PMID- 13472497 TI - Medical records in a small hospital. PMID- 13472498 TI - Sharing specialist personnel among smaller hospitals. PMID- 13472496 TI - A hospital home care plan. PMID- 13472499 TI - TWO BRIEFS submitted by the Canadian Hospital Association to the Department of National Health and Welfare. PMID- 13472500 TI - G. R. Baker Memorial Hospital. PMID- 13472501 TI - You and your publics. PMID- 13472502 TI - Provision of diagnostic services. I. A pathologist speaks. PMID- 13472503 TI - Provision of diagnostic services. II. Viewpoint of a radiologist. PMID- 13472504 TI - Provision of diagnostic services. III. Attitude of hospitals. PMID- 13472505 TI - A virus disease of western hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) (Lepidoptera; Geometridae). PMID- 13472507 TI - Production of aerial mycelium and uredospores by Melampsora lini (Pers.) Lev. on flax leaves in tissue culture. PMID- 13472506 TI - The influence of the inoculum on variability in comparative nutritional experiments with fungi. PMID- 13472508 TI - Some morphological and biochemical characteristics of a soil bacterium which decomposes 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. PMID- 13472509 TI - Effect of antibiotics on oxidation of progesterone by two streptomycetes. PMID- 13472510 TI - Coumarins and phenolic acids in the uredospores of wheat stem rust. PMID- 13472511 TI - The use of beta-propiolactone for the preparation of virus vaccines. I. Selection of reaction conditions. PMID- 13472512 TI - The use of beta-propiolactone for the preparation of virus vaccines. II. Antigenicity. PMID- 13472513 TI - Metabolism of rhizobia in relation to effectiveness. PMID- 13472515 TI - The morphology of a species of the bacterial genus Cytophaga Winog. in culture. PMID- 13472514 TI - Favus of mice. PMID- 13472516 TI - Some observations of the metabolism of Streptomyces scabies. PMID- 13472518 TI - The structure and mode of division of the nuclei in the yeast cells and mycelium of Blastomyces dermatitidis. PMID- 13472517 TI - Observations of the effect of amino acids on the growth initiation of Rhizobium meliloti, with special reference to the synthesis of alanine from pyruvate and ammonium ions. PMID- 13472519 TI - Chronic disease in the Canadian Hospital Program. PMID- 13472520 TI - Provision and payment of diagnostic services. A. The pathologist viewpoint. PMID- 13472522 TI - Provision & payment of diagnostic services. C. The hospital viewpoint. PMID- 13472521 TI - Provision & payment of diagnostic services. B. The radiologist viewpoint. PMID- 13472523 TI - Is mental disorder the next frontier for public health. PMID- 13472524 TI - Co-ordination between child health services and voluntary agencies. PMID- 13472525 TI - The treatment of sewage by lagooning. PMID- 13472526 TI - The changing role of the children's hospital. PMID- 13472527 TI - The pediatricians of Red Lion Square. PMID- 13472528 TI - Kernicterus in prematures. PMID- 13472529 TI - Present status of poliomyelitis vaccination. PMID- 13472530 TI - Comparison of the effects of promazine and chlorpromazine in mental syndromes. PMID- 13472532 TI - Some observations on glomerular vascular architecture. PMID- 13472531 TI - Virological investigations in adenovirus infections of the conjunctiva, Toronto, 1955-56. PMID- 13472533 TI - Cardiac infarction in Victoria, B. C. PMID- 13472535 TI - Penicillin anaphylaxis; a case report and some notes on its prevention. PMID- 13472534 TI - Islet cell tumour in diabetes mellitus: report of two cases. PMID- 13472536 TI - Attenuation of chickenpox with gamma globulin. PMID- 13472537 TI - Acute staphylococcal endocarditis treated successfully with tetracycline oleandomycin. PMID- 13472538 TI - Catechol amines in blood, urine, and tumour in a patient with phaeochromocytoma. PMID- 13472539 TI - INFLUENZA. PMID- 13472540 TI - HAEMOLYTIC disease of the newborn. PMID- 13472541 TI - The increasing problem of drug reactions. PMID- 13472542 TI - A tribute to Colin Russel. PMID- 13472543 TI - Colin Russel, the man. PMID- 13472544 TI - Colin Russel, a pioneer of Canadian neurology. PMID- 13472545 TI - Strabismus: a paediatric problem; analysis of 296 cases. PMID- 13472546 TI - Chronic aorto-iliac obstruction. PMID- 13472547 TI - Sliding hiatus hernia; a review of cases. PMID- 13472548 TI - Clinical experience with G-23350 (sintrom). PMID- 13472549 TI - Rehabilitation in tuberculosis; a seven- and eight-year follow-up. PMID- 13472550 TI - Analysis of admission chest radiographs at St. Anthony Hospital for the year 1955. PMID- 13472552 TI - Factors affecting aldosterone excretion. PMID- 13472553 TI - Effects of aldosterone and some clinical implications. PMID- 13472551 TI - An outbreak of nephritis at Treherne, Manitoba. PMID- 13472554 TI - Clinical states associated with abnormal aldosterone excretion. PMID- 13472555 TI - Constitutional hepatic dysfunction. PMID- 13472556 TI - Spontaneous rupture of uterus in second trimester of pregnancy. PMID- 13472557 TI - Malignant fibrous mesothelioma of peritoneum. PMID- 13472558 TI - Observations on maternity care overseas. PMID- 13472559 TI - An outbreak of Asian in fluenza in a girls' camp. PMID- 13472560 TI - BCG VACCINATION in Canada. PMID- 13472562 TI - Haemolytic disease. PMID- 13472561 TI - Haemolytic disease of the newborn due to Rh isoimmunization; a ten-year review with emphasis on exchange transfusion. PMID- 13472563 TI - Clinical use of prednisone and prednisolone in allergic states and collagen diseases. PMID- 13472564 TI - Conservatism in pelvic surgery. PMID- 13472565 TI - A survey of the incidence of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria isolated in a children's hospital. PMID- 13472566 TI - Clinical trials with the Koiff twin coil artificial kidney. PMID- 13472567 TI - Histoplasmosis in southwestern Ontario. PMID- 13472568 TI - Value of bronchography in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. PMID- 13472569 TI - Acne and its treatment. PMID- 13472570 TI - Medulloblastoma of the cerebellum simulating tuberculous meningitis. PMID- 13472571 TI - Spontaneous expulsion per vaginam of dermoid cyst of ovary during otherwise uncomplicated delivery. PMID- 13472572 TI - Gallstone ileus. PMID- 13472573 TI - The role in the community of a mental deficiency clinic. PMID- 13472574 TI - Familial multiple lipomatosis. PMID- 13472575 TI - Influence of a safflower oil emulsion on serum cholesterol level. PMID- 13472576 TI - Recent concepts in the control of atherosclerosis. PMID- 13472577 TI - Assuming responsibilities. PMID- 13472578 TI - Why test pool examinations. PMID- 13472579 TI - A precious kind of leadership. PMID- 13472580 TI - Fire and helpless people. PMID- 13472581 TI - Nurses' permanent rotation schedule. PMID- 13472582 TI - New drugs and drug therapy. PMID- 13472584 TI - One candle on the cake. PMID- 13472583 TI - The ward book. PMID- 13472585 TI - [Research in nursing at the Notre-Dame Hospital]. PMID- 13472586 TI - Senile psychosis. PMID- 13472587 TI - [Clinical training in the medical service]. PMID- 13472588 TI - Analysis of morbidity and mortality statistics: Treatment Services Department of Veterans Affairs 1 April-30 September, 1956 (six months' period). PMID- 13472589 TI - Effect of age on 24 hour iodine 131 uptake in healthy males. PMID- 13472590 TI - The value of surgery in treatment of the arteriosclerotic leg. PMID- 13472591 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472592 TI - Comparisons in cancer mortality in different countries. PMID- 13472593 TI - Chemotherapy of leukemias. PMID- 13472594 TI - Palliative treatment of cancer with ionizing radiation. PMID- 13472595 TI - Hormonal therapy of carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13472596 TI - Late follow-up results of hypophysectomy in carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13472597 TI - The philosophy of treatment in cancer of the breast. PMID- 13472598 TI - Gynecomastia: a review of 218 cases. PMID- 13472599 TI - Trends in cancer of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13472601 TI - Primary carcinoma of the liver in infants and children. PMID- 13472600 TI - Primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid. PMID- 13472602 TI - The selection of axillary lymph nodes in radical-mastectomy specimens. PMID- 13472604 TI - Growth hormone from monkey and human pituitary glands. PMID- 13472603 TI - The experimental production of thyroid tumors in the rat by the administration of sodium-5-iodo-2-thiouracil. PMID- 13472605 TI - The urinary estrogens and their quantitative determination. PMID- 13472606 TI - Antimitotic steroidal estrogens. PMID- 13472607 TI - The biosynthesis of estrogens. PMID- 13472608 TI - Some biochemical studies on the mechanism of action of estrogens. PMID- 13472609 TI - Antiestrogens. PMID- 13472610 TI - Steroids in experimental carcinogenesis. PMID- 13472611 TI - Hormonal aspects in the genesis of mammary cancer. PMID- 13472612 TI - Antitumorigenic and tumor-stimulating actions of steroid hormones. PMID- 13472613 TI - The specificity of steroid-enzyme interactions. PMID- 13472614 TI - Biosynthesis of adrenocortical steroids. PMID- 13472615 TI - Factors affecting the metabolism and distribution of cortisol as measured by levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in blood. PMID- 13472616 TI - Structure-activity relationships in the field of halogenated steroids. PMID- 13472617 TI - Steroid tumorigenesis. PMID- 13472618 TI - Observations on adrenal carcinoma with special reference to the effects of amphenone. PMID- 13472619 TI - The role of adrenalectomy in cancer of the breast. PMID- 13472620 TI - Hypophysectomy in the treatment of malignant tumors. PMID- 13472621 TI - Proton irradiation of the pituitary. PMID- 13472622 TI - The role of extirpative procedures in cancer of the breast. PMID- 13472623 TI - Testosterone and miscellaneous steroids in the treatment of advanced mammary cancer. PMID- 13472624 TI - Fluoxymesterone in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. PMID- 13472625 TI - Modern physiological concepts of thyroid cancer. PMID- 13472626 TI - Steroid response to therapy in prostatic cancer. PMID- 13472627 TI - Relationships between hormonal changes in pregnancy and the development of mixed carcinoma of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13472628 TI - Endocrine ovarian-cancer relationships. PMID- 13472629 TI - Experimental pituitary tumors and the role of pituitary hormones in tumorigenesis of the breast and thyroid. PMID- 13472630 TI - Phosphoglucomutase activity in human serum. PMID- 13472631 TI - Serum phosphohexose isomerase in cancer. IV. Comparison with serum phosphoglucomutase activity in metastatic cancer. PMID- 13472632 TI - Serum-properdin levels in patients with Hodgkin's disease and carcinoma. PMID- 13472633 TI - The effect of somatotropic hormone and oxytetracycline on weight and mortality of irradiated rats. PMID- 13472634 TI - Azaserine: pathological and pharmacological studies. PMID- 13472635 TI - Triethylenethiophosphoramide (thio-tepa) in the treatment of neoplastic disease. PMID- 13472636 TI - Observation on biopsy diagnosis of tumors. PMID- 13472637 TI - Clinical-cytological correlations of mammary carcinoma based upon sex-chromatin counts; a preliminary study. PMID- 13472638 TI - The artificial pharyngeal pouch: another alternative in reconstruction after laryngectomy. PMID- 13472639 TI - Metastatic cancer of the larynx as a cause of carotid-sinus syndrome. PMID- 13472641 TI - The olfactory neuroepithelial tumors; a review of the literature and report of six additional cases. PMID- 13472640 TI - Some cardiovascular observations during radical neck dissection. PMID- 13472642 TI - Sarcoma botryoides of the nasopharynx. PMID- 13472643 TI - Adverse effects of methyltestosterone in lymphomas. PMID- 13472645 TI - Prognosis in tumors of lymphoid tissue; an analysis of 602 cases. PMID- 13472644 TI - The preparation, toxicity, and clinical evaluation of 1-(2-chloroethylthio)-2(2 hydroxyethylthio)ethane (hemisesquisulfur mustard). PMID- 13472647 TI - The effect of some tagged antibodies on human melanoblastoma. PMID- 13472646 TI - Lipid and water levels in the mesentery of tumor-bearing animals. PMID- 13472648 TI - Catheptic activity of blood serum in cancer. PMID- 13472649 TI - Aortic-body tumor (chemodectoma) of the mediastinum; report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13472650 TI - Malignant, diffuse mesothelioma of the pleura. PMID- 13472651 TI - A clear-cell hidradenocarcinoma with metastases. PMID- 13472652 TI - Pre-existing roentgen-ray dermatitis in patients with skin cancer. PMID- 13472653 TI - Bronchogenic carcinoma; an evaluation from autopsy data, with special reference to incidence, sex ratio, histological type, and accuracy of clinical diagnosis. PMID- 13472654 TI - Breast cancer at menopausal ages: an explanation of observed incidence changes. PMID- 13472655 TI - Epidemiological evidence of the nature of Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13472656 TI - Surgery as an adjunct to hormone therapy of breast cancer. PMID- 13472657 TI - Human plasma lipoproteins. III. The effect of bilateral oophorectomy on the plasma lipoproteins in young women with advanced mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13472658 TI - Optical-rotatory-dispersion studies of serum albumin of cancer patients. PMID- 13472659 TI - Preparation of bloody ascitic and pleural fluids for evaluation of malignant cells; an aid in diagnosis. PMID- 13472660 TI - EXAMINATION of the head and neck. PMID- 13472662 TI - THE HARD palate. PMID- 13472661 TI - CANCER of the face and lip. PMID- 13472663 TI - THE LARYNX and the thyroid. PMID- 13472665 TI - SALIVARY gland tumors. PMID- 13472664 TI - THE BUCCAL mucosa and gingiva. PMID- 13472666 TI - CARCINOMA of the tonsil and soft palate. PMID- 13472667 TI - THE TONGUE and floor of mouth. PMID- 13472668 TI - Surgical therapy. PMID- 13472669 TI - TUMORS in children. PMID- 13472670 TI - Radiation therapy. PMID- 13472671 TI - Tumors characteristic for certain animal species; a review. PMID- 13472672 TI - Chemical characteristics and varying degrees of malignancy in tumors of the human ovary. I. Oxygen consumption and lactic acid production. PMID- 13472673 TI - Tracer studies on cobalt incorporation into growing tumors: uptake of radioactive Co60 by normal and malignant cells. PMID- 13472674 TI - The use of paired labeling in the determination of tumor-localizing antibodies. PMID- 13472675 TI - 6-Mercaptopurine in childhood leukemia; comparison of large dose interrupted with small dose continuous therapy. PMID- 13472676 TI - The significance of chymotrypsin-inhibitor levels in the serum of patients with carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13472678 TI - A study of mitosis in cervical epithelium during experimental inflammation and carcinogenesis. PMID- 13472677 TI - Enzymes and cytological studies in rat hepatoma transplants, primary liver tumors, and in liver following azo dye feeding or partial hepatectomy. PMID- 13472679 TI - 8-Hydroxylysine: an inhibitor of glutamine and protein synthesis by the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell. PMID- 13472680 TI - Active transport of O-diazoacetyl-L-serine and 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. PMID- 13472681 TI - Studies on the mechanism of acquired radioresistance in cancer. PMID- 13472682 TI - Laboratory evaluation of a new nitrogen mustard, 2-[di-(2-chloroethyl)amino methyl]benzimidazole, and of other 2-chloroethyl compounds. PMID- 13472683 TI - The effect of oxypsoralen upon ultraviolet carcinogenesis in albino mice. PMID- 13472685 TI - Human cells in continuous culture. I. Derivation of cell strains from esophagus, palate, liver, and lung. PMID- 13472684 TI - Influence of the duration of treatment with A-methopterin on the survival time of mice with advanced leukemia (L1210). PMID- 13472686 TI - [Ion streams, action potential and contraction of the myocardium]. PMID- 13472687 TI - [Myocardial function in electrolyte metabolism disorders]. PMID- 13472688 TI - [ECG and electrolytes]. PMID- 13472689 TI - [Disorders of electrolyte metabolism in cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13472690 TI - [Evaluation of the T-wave by ventricular gradients]. PMID- 13472691 TI - [The importance of fetal electrocardiography during pregnancy]. PMID- 13472692 TI - [Vectorcardiographical findings in right and left hypertrophy]. PMID- 13472693 TI - [Comparative studies of cardiac output with the methods of A. Fick and I. Starr]. PMID- 13472694 TI - [Arterial elasticity and its relations to hemodynamics]. PMID- 13472695 TI - [Blood pressure increase caused by psychological stress]. PMID- 13472696 TI - Observations on the incidence, aetiology and prevention of typhoid fever and the diarrhoeal diseases in British Guiana. PMID- 13472697 TI - Public health problems encountered during the first two and a half years at the health centre at Speightstown, Barbados. PMID- 13472698 TI - A brief survey of the surgery of the heart and thoracic blood vessels. PMID- 13472699 TI - Case of heart block with hypertension, treated by electroconvulsive therapy modified with brevidil E. PMID- 13472701 TI - [Female sex chromosomes in Klinefelter's syndrome]. PMID- 13472700 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472702 TI - [Thyroidectomy in children & adolescents]. PMID- 13472703 TI - [Effect of sodium salicylate on experimental carditis in mice]. PMID- 13472704 TI - [Multi-motor circulation]. PMID- 13472705 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472706 TI - [Distribution of electrolytes in myocardium in myocardial infarct and coronary changes in electrocardiograms]. PMID- 13472707 TI - [Effect of serpasil on antidiuretic hormone secretion]. PMID- 13472708 TI - [Problem of hyperkaliemic tetany]. PMID- 13472709 TI - [Postprandial plasma turbidity in relation to atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13472710 TI - [ACTH and pentose cycle in erythrocytes]. PMID- 13472711 TI - [Personal experiences with VUFB thyrotropin]. PMID- 13472712 TI - [Problem of asymmetrical hormone manifestations]. PMID- 13472713 TI - [Prolonged experience in management of perinatal encephalopathy by hypophyseal transplants]. PMID- 13472714 TI - [On the so-called spontaneous remission in leukemia; with special reference to the problem of effect of associated infection]. PMID- 13472715 TI - [Effect of bilirubin on the resistence of organism to experimental bacterial infection; preliminary report]. PMID- 13472716 TI - [Problem of toxicity of citrated blood]. PMID- 13472717 TI - [Problem of sodium citrate concentration in preserved blood]. PMID- 13472718 TI - [Platelet transfusion in thrombocytopenia & thrombocytopenic diseases]. PMID- 13472719 TI - [Problem of effect of tannin on antigens of the Rh system]. PMID- 13472720 TI - [Hemodynamic changes caused by hypotensive effect of Rauwolfia serpentina]. PMID- 13472721 TI - [Prolonged treatment of hypertension with methonium salts alone & combined with other hypotensive drugs]. PMID- 13472722 TI - [Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. I. Review]. PMID- 13472723 TI - [Exanthematous meningoencephalitis; preliminary report]. PMID- 13472724 TI - [Research on mechanism of effect of antibiotics on microorganism]. PMID- 13472725 TI - [Use of hypothermia in surgery]. PMID- 13472726 TI - [Kidney mechanism of excretion of water & electrolytes]. PMID- 13472727 TI - [Modern views on etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13472728 TI - Obstetric emergencies. PMID- 13472730 TI - The treatment of gas tro-enteritis in the African child. PMID- 13472729 TI - Painful subcutaneous tubercle. PMID- 13472731 TI - Gerontology. PMID- 13472732 TI - Bygones of a Bundu bone thrower. III. PMID- 13472733 TI - A perennial problem; a plea for rebate of income tax on expenses for study. PMID- 13472734 TI - Looking back. PMID- 13472735 TI - Relapsing fever in Africa. PMID- 13472736 TI - Diverticulosis of the gall-bladder; report of a case. PMID- 13472737 TI - A survey of leprosy amongst the Lovale tribe in the upper Zambesi basin, Northern Rhodesia. I. PMID- 13472738 TI - The modern treatment of poliomyelitis, based on a recent visit to Europe. PMID- 13472739 TI - Observations on the National Health Service in Great Britain. I. PMID- 13472740 TI - Consent to medical treatment. PMID- 13472741 TI - Symmetrical gangrene occurring in a female African affected with endomyocardial fibrosis. PMID- 13472742 TI - [Isolation of virus responsible for respiratory diseases in horses]. PMID- 13472743 TI - [Isolation of viruses of the group APC (adenoviruses)]. PMID- 13472744 TI - [Ornithosis and Salmonella infections in Larus ridibundus L. II. Isolation and identification of ornithosis virus in gull with simultaneous detection of Salmonella typhimurium]. PMID- 13472745 TI - [Detection of antibodies against tick-borne encephalitis in certain domestic bats]. PMID- 13472746 TI - [Antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid in meningoencephalitis]. PMID- 13472747 TI - [Erythrogenic toxin. I. Toxic filtrates from cultures precipitated in gel]. PMID- 13472748 TI - [Considerations on epidemiology of parapertussis]. PMID- 13472749 TI - [Stain method of detection of Rickettsia in histological sections]. PMID- 13472750 TI - [Method of guided dispensary care in the investigation of occupational anthropozoonoses]. PMID- 13472751 TI - [Epidemiological aspects of the life cycle of Ixodes ricinus L]. PMID- 13472753 TI - [Trichinellosis in Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus]. PMID- 13472752 TI - [Rapid method of determination of fermentation of certa in carbohydrates]. PMID- 13472754 TI - [New problems in female sterility]. PMID- 13472755 TI - [Functional examination of fallopian tubes by kymographic hydrotubation]. PMID- 13472756 TI - [Hormone levels in urine of normal menstruation women]. PMID- 13472758 TI - [Relationship of morphological and biochemical investigation of ejaculate]. PMID- 13472757 TI - [Gonadotropin excretion following dilation of uterine cervix in amenorrhea]. PMID- 13472760 TI - [Experiences with hydroviscous contrast medium in hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13472759 TI - [Effect of vitamin E on spermatogenesis]. PMID- 13472761 TI - [Sheehan's syndrome]. PMID- 13472762 TI - [Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea with diethylstilbestrol]. PMID- 13472763 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472764 TI - [Technic of conducting premature delivery with reference to preventing trauma of the central nervous system; Gauss packs]. PMID- 13472765 TI - [Pathology of fetal membranes in premature delivery]. PMID- 13472766 TI - [Indications for cesarean section]. PMID- 13472767 TI - [Iodine pregnancy test]. PMID- 13472768 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472769 TI - [Methods of health education for women]. PMID- 13472771 TI - [Academician A. Jirasek, neurosurgeon]. PMID- 13472770 TI - [Anesthesia in minor gynecological and obstetrical surgery]. PMID- 13472772 TI - [Complications of retrogasserian neurotomy according to Dandy]. PMID- 13472773 TI - [Relation of afferent fibers of facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves to spinal tract of trigeminal nerve]. PMID- 13472774 TI - [Experimental work on the replacement of dura mater by amnion]. PMID- 13472775 TI - [Local decompression in therapy of acute intracranial hypertension; studies on pathogenesis of cerebral edema]. PMID- 13472776 TI - [Periodic flexor activity accompanying Babinski paraplegia in flexion of lower extremities; problem of spinal so-called postural images in man]. PMID- 13472777 TI - [Indication and importance of early surgery for craniostenosis]. PMID- 13472778 TI - [Advantages and disadvantages of ventriculography]. PMID- 13472780 TI - [Professor Josef Derer, septuagenerian]. PMID- 13472779 TI - [Disturbances of spinal dynamics after poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13472781 TI - [Giant tuberous xanthoma of lids of both eyes and of face]. PMID- 13472782 TI - [Familial Kurz's syndrome]. PMID- 13472783 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472784 TI - [Bilateral atrophy of optic papilla of complex etiology]. PMID- 13472785 TI - [Antibiotic therapy of trachoma]. PMID- 13472786 TI - [Treatment of corneal hypopyon ulcer with local instillation of penicillin]. PMID- 13472787 TI - [Allergic edema of eyelids following diocaine administration]. PMID- 13472789 TI - [Origin of corneal opacity in lime burns]. PMID- 13472788 TI - [Pathogenesis and actinotherapy of scleritis]. PMID- 13472790 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472791 TI - [Problem of sympathetic ophthalmia]. PMID- 13472793 TI - [Observations on various ophthalmological signs of intracranial diseases]. PMID- 13472792 TI - [Eye diseases caused by Leptospira canicola]. PMID- 13472794 TI - [Surgical treatment of prechiasmatic arachnoiditis complicated by incarceration of the intracanalicular segments of the optic nerves]. PMID- 13472795 TI - [Subtotal hypophysectomy in malignant exophthalmos]. PMID- 13472796 TI - [Papilledema in syndrome of transitory intracranial hypertension]. PMID- 13472797 TI - [Pupillary diameter in light & dark in various age categories]. PMID- 13472798 TI - [Effect of vegetative pupillary tone & iridic tissue on pupillary diameter in aging]. PMID- 13472799 TI - [Scleromalacia following exenteration of the eye]. PMID- 13472800 TI - [Recurrent pterygium and its treatment]. PMID- 13472801 TI - [Pigmented tumors of the conjunctiva and their treatment]. PMID- 13472802 TI - [Surgical treatment of Stilling-Turck-Duane syndrome]. PMID- 13472803 TI - [Surgery of complicated cataracts due to uveitis in the Eye Clinic of the Palacky University, Olomouc, 1951-1955]. PMID- 13472804 TI - [Severe lesions of the cornea following local anesthesia]. PMID- 13472805 TI - [Endoscopic aspects and treatment of tracheal & bronchial changes caused by diphtheria]. PMID- 13472806 TI - [Preliminary report on endobronchial surgery for bronchial stenosis caused by tuberculous intrathoracic nodes]. PMID- 13472807 TI - [Bronchoscopy in bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13472809 TI - [Bronchoscopic detection & treatment of benign tracheal & bronchial tumors]. PMID- 13472808 TI - [Posttraumatic tracheal stenosis]. PMID- 13472810 TI - [Indications for bronchoscopy in controlled respiration; its diagnostic & therapeutic value]. PMID- 13472811 TI - [Bronchoscopic aspects of metastasis of Grawitz tumor]. PMID- 13472812 TI - [Case of extirpated chondroma of bronchi]. PMID- 13472813 TI - [Staphylococcal enterocolitis in postoperative period]. PMID- 13472814 TI - [Anesthesia head of Czechoslovak bronchoscope PREMA]. PMID- 13472815 TI - [Importance and growth of endobronchial photographic documentation & cinematography]. PMID- 13472816 TI - [Abnormalities in children in Brno District from 1950 to 1956]. PMID- 13472817 TI - [Streptokinase skin test in diagnosis of rheumatism in children]. PMID- 13472818 TI - [Metabolism of carbohydrates in dystrophic twins]. PMID- 13472819 TI - [One year follow-up of children delivered by pelvic or cesarean sections]. PMID- 13472820 TI - [Abdominal typhus in children]. PMID- 13472821 TI - [New therapeutic possibilities in esophageal strictures in children]. PMID- 13472822 TI - [Difference of dosage in ether anesthesia in young & old; pharmacological contribution to dosimetry in pediatrics]. PMID- 13472823 TI - [Teratomatous effects of adrenal cortex hormones]. PMID- 13472825 TI - [Chronic diseases of children up to 15 years of age; results of a district survey]. PMID- 13472824 TI - [Relation of toxoplasmosis in mother to mongolism in child]. PMID- 13472826 TI - [Left agenesis of the lung in an 11-year old girl]. PMID- 13472827 TI - [Tomography in excretion urography in child]. PMID- 13472829 TI - [Present status of pediatric education in Europe]. PMID- 13472828 TI - [Bogdan Neuretter & Antonin Dominik Haasz]. PMID- 13472830 TI - [Effect of isoniazid in 10/mg/kg dosage in tuberculosis of the lymph nodes]. PMID- 13472832 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13472831 TI - [Postoperative cholangiography]. PMID- 13472834 TI - [X-ray changes in scleroderma]. PMID- 13472833 TI - [Lymphosarcoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13472836 TI - [Tomographic examination of the paranasal sinuses]. PMID- 13472835 TI - [Problem of malignant tumors of the sinuses]. PMID- 13472837 TI - [X-ray diagnosis of myelofibrosis and osteomyelosclerosis]. PMID- 13472838 TI - [Combination of bronchography with tomograph]. PMID- 13472839 TI - [Case of gastric syphilis]. PMID- 13472841 TI - [Ruler for x-ray diagnosis]. PMID- 13472840 TI - [Lung films with lard filming technic]. PMID- 13472842 TI - [Simple test for determining emptiness of intestines before irrigoscopic examination]. PMID- 13472843 TI - [Calculation table for direct enlargement of x-ray films]. PMID- 13472844 TI - [Significance of bone changes in diseases of hemopoietic tissues in adults]. PMID- 13472845 TI - [Bone changes in hematological diseases of children]. PMID- 13472846 TI - [X-ray changes of bone in chronic leukemia in adults]. PMID- 13472847 TI - [Bone x-ray picture of bone changes in hemoblastomas]. PMID- 13472848 TI - [Bone changes in hemophilia]. PMID- 13472849 TI - [Explanation of seasonal worsening of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13472850 TI - [Use of a screen in nonmalignant x-ray therapy]. PMID- 13472851 TI - [Cystic foci in the long bones & their differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13472852 TI - [Tomographic examination in diagnosis of intracranial diseases]. PMID- 13472853 TI - [Personal experience with ventriculographic examination in the years 1948 to 1954]. PMID- 13472854 TI - [X-ray picture in perforation of gastrointestinal tract]. PMID- 13472855 TI - [New methods of determining the course of isodose curves in the region of Ra applicators and the relative composition of doses in the angle of incidence in radiotherapy]. PMID- 13472856 TI - [Gammagraph for medical use; preliminary report]. PMID- 13472857 TI - [Comparison of normal (2 x 2 mm) and ultrafine (O, 3 x O, 3 mm) focuses of roentgen films]. PMID- 13472858 TI - [Simulated fracture of the axis]. PMID- 13472859 TI - [In-patient section of roentgenological departments]. PMID- 13472860 TI - [Mobile table for salpingography]. PMID- 13472861 TI - [Development of principal causes of death in the last fifty years]. PMID- 13472863 TI - [Certain methodological problems in the study of morbidity]. PMID- 13472862 TI - [Certain important aspects of uniform medical statistics]. PMID- 13472864 TI - [Use of demographic statistics in public health in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13472866 TI - [Present state of control of tuberculosis in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13472865 TI - [Tasks of scientific work in organization of public health]. PMID- 13472867 TI - [Methods of improvement of health care for workers of large plants]. PMID- 13472868 TI - [Picture of a hospital in Czechoslovakia in the 19th century]. PMID- 13472869 TI - [Premature discharge of tuberculotic patients from hospitals]. PMID- 13472870 TI - [Plan for control o tuberculosis and its fulfillment in the Olomouc region]. PMID- 13472871 TI - [International symposium on medical education in Bucharest in April 1957]. PMID- 13472872 TI - [Preventive medicine in medical education in USSR]. PMID- 13472873 TI - [Main task of postgraduate education of interns; specialization of District Physicians for internists, 1st degree]. PMID- 13472874 TI - [Model plan for schooling & education of internists, 1st degree & model plan for schooling & education of ward physicians]. PMID- 13472875 TI - [Specialism and postgraduate education of public health physicians]. PMID- 13472876 TI - [Specialization for medical experts in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13472877 TI - [Public Health Service in District cities from the point of view of general hospital]. PMID- 13472878 TI - [Towards general hospital in a district]. PMID- 13472879 TI - [Past, present & future status of stomatological wards]. PMID- 13472880 TI - [Evaluation of work capacity in angina pectoris & in myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13472881 TI - [From quantity to quality in Public Health Service]. PMID- 13472882 TI - [Dispensary method of care for workers working in dangerous locations]. PMID- 13472883 TI - [Specialization and postgraduate education of physical therapists in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13472885 TI - [60th Birth anniversary of Dr. Jindrich Mourek]. PMID- 13472884 TI - [Various problems of postgraduate education and specialization of pediatricians]. PMID- 13472886 TI - [To lower absenteeism--the main task of our medicine]. PMID- 13472887 TI - [Collaboration of medical expert with committee members of small factories and plants]. PMID- 13472889 TI - [Effect of methodical management of resident physicians of the Commission on Industrial Hygiene on the quality of their expert testimony]. PMID- 13472888 TI - [Problems of medical characteristics of occupations]. PMID- 13472890 TI - [Expert testimony activity in a district]. PMID- 13472891 TI - [Basic principles of evaluation of work capacity in epileptics]. PMID- 13472892 TI - [Work incapacity in evaluation of skin diseases]. PMID- 13472893 TI - [For the decentralization of the planning of National Committees and for the increase of the jurisdiction of national Slovakian organs]. PMID- 13472894 TI - [Further development of our interest in dietotherapy]. PMID- 13472896 TI - [Combined ambulatory and medical care of women in a city]. PMID- 13472895 TI - [Towards a combined hospital in the District Public Health Institute at Usti nad Labem]. PMID- 13472897 TI - [Uncertainties in expert testimony]. PMID- 13472898 TI - [Successful organization of the fight against absenteeism for disease & injuries carried out by Prague physicians]. PMID- 13472899 TI - [Experience with determination of partial compensation to invalids]. PMID- 13472900 TI - [Proposals for a model medical of fice & work-shop in industrial neurology]. PMID- 13472901 TI - [Partial compensation]. PMID- 13472902 TI - Perspective on public health. PMID- 13472903 TI - Impressions of medical work in the United States and Great Britain. PMID- 13472904 TI - Serological testing of blood samples for syphilis in Ceylon. PMID- 13472905 TI - The development of vision. PMID- 13472906 TI - Blood groups and disease; a review. PMID- 13472907 TI - Measurement of pre-adolescents views of family control of behavior. PMID- 13472908 TI - Pre-adolescents' views of some of their relations with their parents. PMID- 13472909 TI - Children's attitudes toward peers and parents as revealed by sentence completions. PMID- 13472910 TI - Relationships between dependence on adults and social acceptance by peers. PMID- 13472911 TI - Sex differences in social acceptance and participation of preschool children. PMID- 13472912 TI - Performance of Near Eastern children on the Draw-A-Man Test. PMID- 13472913 TI - A cross-cultural study of the reinforcement of child behavior. PMID- 13472914 TI - Personality factors in middle childhood as revealed in parents' ratings. PMID- 13472915 TI - The status of adolescents in American society: a problem in social identity. PMID- 13472916 TI - Conscience and conflict: the moral force in personality. PMID- 13472917 TI - [Nomenclature for blood cells]. PMID- 13472918 TI - [Typhoid and paratyphoid fever associated with schistosomiasis japonica]. PMID- 13472919 TI - [Typhoid fever complicated by hemoglobinuria; review of literature and case report]. PMID- 13472920 TI - [Clinical analysis of Salmonella choleraesuis infection]. PMID- 13472921 TI - [A preliminary report on Salmonella choleraesuis infection in Ch'engtu]. PMID- 13472922 TI - [Bacterial endocarditis due to Salmonella group of bacilli; case report]. PMID- 13472923 TI - [Clinical analysis of 280 cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis]. PMID- 13472924 TI - [Ventricular fibrillation in hypopotassemia induced by low potassium syndrome; two case reports]. PMID- 13472925 TI - [Clinical observations in hypopotassemia]. PMID- 13472926 TI - [Arrhythmias and their management during mitral commissurotomy with special reference to persistent ventricular flutter]. PMID- 13472928 TI - [Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy; clinical analysis of 21 cases]. PMID- 13472927 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes during mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13472929 TI - [Clinical significance of liver needle biopsy]. PMID- 13472930 TI - [An adult case of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome]. PMID- 13472931 TI - [Narrow sphygmomanometer cuff and high blood pressure readings]. PMID- 13472932 TI - [Acute chloroguanide hydrochloride poisoning; six case reports]. PMID- 13472933 TI - [Two cases of chloroguanide poisoning]. PMID- 13472934 TI - [Allergic reactions to ACTH: three case reports]. PMID- 13472935 TI - [Severe hemolytic jaundice caused by acute naphthalene poisoning; case report]. PMID- 13472936 TI - [Acute intestinal obstruction due to ascarids with typhoid fever]. PMID- 13472937 TI - [Vitamin B12 in herpes zoster; two case reports]. PMID- 13472938 TI - [Survey of death in heart diseases treated with anticoagulants]. PMID- 13472939 TI - [Pulmonary changes in schistosomiasis]. PMID- 13472940 TI - [Osteoarticular changes in leprosy]. PMID- 13472941 TI - [Osteogenesis imperfecta; report of 15 cases]. PMID- 13472943 TI - [Primary malignant lymphoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13472942 TI - [Radiography of the normal pituitary fossa of the Chinese adult]. PMID- 13472944 TI - [Primary lymphosarcoma of the stomach; case report]. PMID- 13472945 TI - Primary lymphosarcoma of the stomach; case report. PMID- 13472946 TI - Primary lymphosarcoma of the stomach; case report. PMID- 13472947 TI - [Volvulus of the stomach; 4 case reports]. PMID- 13472948 TI - [Fundamentals of a G-M counter]. PMID- 13472949 TI - [Renewal & recovery of silver from the fixer]. PMID- 13472950 TI - [Biological eff. of ionizing radiations from the biochemical viewpoint]. PMID- 13472951 TI - [Total nose reconstruction; an infraclavicular tube method]. PMID- 13472953 TI - [Significance of eosinophil changes during surgery]. PMID- 13472952 TI - [Pharyngeal flap operation in repair of cleft palate]. PMID- 13472954 TI - [Further studies on intussusception in infancy and childhood; review of 630 cases]. PMID- 13472955 TI - [Acute perforation of peptic ulcer; analysis of 256 cases]. PMID- 13472956 TI - [A new abdominal incision; the conjoined paramedian incision]. PMID- 13472957 TI - [Postoperative complications of subtotal thyroidectomy with their prevention and management]. PMID- 13472959 TI - [Clinical use of intraosseous novocaine anesthesia]. PMID- 13472958 TI - [Intravenous procaine-meperidine anesthesia]. PMID- 13472960 TI - [Massage therapy of acute mastitis during lactation]. PMID- 13472961 TI - [Trichomonas urethritis and cystitis; report of 34 cases]. PMID- 13472962 TI - [Surgical significance of para-extrahepatic bile duct lymph nodes]. PMID- 13472963 TI - [Choledochoduodenal fistula; two case reports]. PMID- 13472964 TI - [Choledochoduodenal fistula; two case reports]. PMID- 13472965 TI - [Ligation of internal spermatic vein in therapy of spermatic cord varicocele; 66 cases reports]. PMID- 13472966 TI - [Brain abscess rupturing into ventricle]. PMID- 13472967 TI - [Use of a simple tube in diagnosis and therapy of massive gastric and esophageal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13472968 TI - [Comments on the method of anesthesia in experimental animals (dogs)]. PMID- 13472969 TI - [Clinical observations on the early removal of skin sutures from surgical incisions]. PMID- 13472970 TI - [Intestinal obstruction due to phytobezoars]. PMID- 13472971 TI - [Caustic potash paste in therapy of corns]. PMID- 13472972 TI - [Therapy of urethral calculus by walnut kernel; 5 case reports]. PMID- 13472973 TI - Acute colonic obstruction in schistosomiasis japonica; a clinical study of 40 cases; 14 associated with carcinoma. PMID- 13472975 TI - Rheumatic valvular disease of adults in North China. PMID- 13472974 TI - Arrhythmias and their management during mitral commissurotomy; with special reference to persistent ventricular flutter. PMID- 13472976 TI - Isolation of Japanese B encephalitis virus from the spinal fluid. PMID- 13472977 TI - Myxoma of the left atrium; report of a case. PMID- 13472978 TI - Occurrence of mites in bronchiectasis sputum. PMID- 13472980 TI - Frambesia; a study of 125 cases. PMID- 13472979 TI - Studies on blood coagulation disorders in experimental leptospirosis. PMID- 13472982 TI - Wilson's disease; report of ten cases. PMID- 13472981 TI - Gonioscopic study of rupture of filtration angle of anterior chamber; with detachment of Descemet's membrane and disinsertion of ciliary body. PMID- 13472983 TI - Measurements of the Chinese female pelvis. PMID- 13472984 TI - Some facts about rheumatic valvular disease as seen in Peking; an analysis of 813 inpatients. PMID- 13472985 TI - Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; report of fourteen cases. PMID- 13472986 TI - Ballistocardiographic changes in rheumatic mitral valvular disease. PMID- 13472987 TI - On endocrine imbalances in tumorigenesis. PMID- 13472988 TI - A simple and practical slide culture method for the study and identification of pathogenic fungi. PMID- 13472989 TI - Carcinoma of pancreas and ampulla of vater; a clinical analysis of forty-one cases. PMID- 13472990 TI - Rare old dislocations of the hip joint; obturator and ischial types. PMID- 13472991 TI - A statistical study of 560 cases of the deaf in Peking. PMID- 13472992 TI - Purulent meningitis due to Diplococcus mucosus; a case report with bacteriological and pathological studies. PMID- 13472993 TI - [Arteriographic aspects of thyroid pathology]. PMID- 13472994 TI - [Right diaphragmatic eventration; case reports]. PMID- 13472995 TI - [Unusual complication of aneurysm of the abdominal aorta: liver rupture]. PMID- 13472996 TI - [Abnormalities of the anorectal region. I. Embryopathogenesis; symptomatology; diagnosis. II. Surgical treatment]. PMID- 13472997 TI - [Gastric phytobezoars]. PMID- 13472998 TI - [Vascularization of the human adrenal gland]. PMID- 13472999 TI - [Hypertensive unilateral nephropathy]. PMID- 13473000 TI - [Water-electrolyte disorders in surgical patients]. PMID- 13473001 TI - [Contributions of Italian radiology to surgery in the year 1956]. PMID- 13473003 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473002 TI - [60th Birth anniversary of Wiktor Dega]. PMID- 13473004 TI - [Radiological and histological changes during musculo-osseous overstraining of the leg (hyperponosis osteo-muscularis cruris)]. PMID- 13473005 TI - [Stress fractures of the femoral neck]. PMID- 13473006 TI - [Personal modification of conservative management of spiral fractures of leg]. PMID- 13473008 TI - [Staple fixation of acromio-clavicular dislocation]. PMID- 13473007 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473009 TI - [Use of pneumatic borer in orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13473010 TI - [Prophylactic shoes for children in prevention of the development of flatfoot]. PMID- 13473011 TI - [Shoes for correction of short leg]. PMID- 13473012 TI - [Sandal-like apparatus for traction]. PMID- 13473013 TI - [Phylogenesis of the spine and idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473014 TI - [Scoliosis in the light of statistics]. PMID- 13473015 TI - [Incidence of scoliosis based on an analysis of serial radiography]. PMID- 13473016 TI - [Familial scoliosis]. PMID- 13473017 TI - [Scoliosis in children in urban & rural areas]. PMID- 13473018 TI - [Elimination of various muscles in the development of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473019 TI - [Scoliosis in the light of electrodiagnostic data]. PMID- 13473020 TI - [Histological changes of spinal muscles in dystonic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473021 TI - [Dystonic scoliosis in the light of biochemical data]. PMID- 13473022 TI - [Cardiovascular and respiratory systems in scoliosis in preoperative & postoperative periods]. PMID- 13473023 TI - [Radiological studies of the breathing motions of the chest in idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473025 TI - [Clinical manifestations of idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473024 TI - [Skeletal & extra-skeletal x-ray changes in scoliosis]. PMID- 13473026 TI - [Clinical documentation of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473027 TI - [Evaluation of radiographic records of idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473028 TI - [Types and prognosis in idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473029 TI - [Mistakes in the evaluation of radiological pictures of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473030 TI - [Principles for conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in the light of radiological studies]. PMID- 13473031 TI - [Conservative treatment of scoliosis in the light of electromyographic data]. PMID- 13473032 TI - [Results of conservative treatment of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473033 TI - [Importance of compensation in scoliosis]. PMID- 13473034 TI - [Indications & methods of treatment of idiopathic scoliosis with corrective plaster casts]. PMID- 13473035 TI - [Orthopedic braces in the treatment of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473036 TI - [Critical remarks on the conservative treatment of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473037 TI - [Selection of gymnastic exercises in relation to various types of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473039 TI - [Preoperative treatment of scoliosis]. PMID- 13473038 TI - [Problems and treatment of idiopathic scoliosis]. PMID- 13473040 TI - [Treatment of scoliosis in the Orthopedic Clinic of Lublin]. PMID- 13473041 TI - Pathogenesis of malignant hypertension. PMID- 13473042 TI - The natural history of rheumatic heart disease in the third, fourth, and fifth decades of life. I. Prognosis with special reference to survivorship. PMID- 13473043 TI - The natural history of rheumatic heart disease in the third, fourth, and fifth decades of life. II. Prognosis with special reference to morbidity. PMID- 13473044 TI - Effect of sitosterol on the concentration of serum lipids in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. PMID- 13473045 TI - Hemodynamic aspects of diffuse myocardial fibrosis. PMID- 13473046 TI - Tetralogy of Fallot; clinical and hemodynamic spectrum of combined pulmonary stenosis and ventricular septal defect. PMID- 13473047 TI - Quantitative analysis of the electrocardiographic pattern of hypopotassemia. PMID- 13473048 TI - Intracardiac phonocardiography in man. PMID- 13473050 TI - Safety in numbers. PMID- 13473049 TI - Effects of upright posture and exercise on pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with central cardiovascular shunts. PMID- 13473051 TI - Symposium on diagnostic methods in the study of left-to-right shunts. PMID- 13473052 TI - Interference dissociation. PMID- 13473053 TI - Evaluation of derivation of cardiac output from blood pressure measurements. PMID- 13473054 TI - A method using induced waves to study pressure propagation in human arteries. PMID- 13473055 TI - Effect of pH change upon systemic large and small vessel resistance. PMID- 13473057 TI - Right ventricular hypertrophy in guinea pigs exposed to simulated high altitude. PMID- 13473056 TI - Effect of pH change upon renal vascular resistance and urine flow. PMID- 13473058 TI - Effects of nicotinic acid on serum and tissue cholesterol in rabbits. PMID- 13473059 TI - Active constriction of small pulmonary arteries in rabbit. PMID- 13473060 TI - Changes of mean spatial QRS and T vectors and of conventional electrocardiographic items in hard anaerobic work. PMID- 13473061 TI - Effects of liver fractions on myocardial contractility. PMID- 13473062 TI - Effect of venous flow on frequency of venous vasomotion in the bat wing. PMID- 13473063 TI - Production of coronary heart disease in the rabbit by lanolin feeding. PMID- 13473064 TI - Spontaneous pressure elevations in small veins and effects of norepinephrine and cold. PMID- 13473065 TI - Autocorrelation of electrocardiographic activity during ventricular fibrillation. PMID- 13473066 TI - Sympathoadrenal system and response of heart to acute exchange anemia. PMID- 13473067 TI - Effects of low temperatures on transmembrane potentials of single fibers of the rabbit atrium. PMID- 13473068 TI - Alterations in central blood volume and cardiac output induced by positive pressure breathing and counteracted by metaraminol (aramine). PMID- 13473069 TI - Effect of alterations in vasomotor tone on pressure-flow relationships in the totally perfused dog. PMID- 13473070 TI - Pathogenesis of experimental hypertension produced by carotid sinus area constriction in dogs. PMID- 13473071 TI - [Present resources in the therapy of cancer]. PMID- 13473072 TI - [Methods & technics in radiotherapy of cancer]. PMID- 13473073 TI - [Chemotherapy of cancer]. PMID- 13473074 TI - [Bands, bridges & peritoneal plastic formations]. PMID- 13473075 TI - [Symposium on the peripheral vascular system; brief findings on the development of vascular surgery in Mexico]. PMID- 13473076 TI - [Acute arterial obstruction syndrome]. PMID- 13473077 TI - [Arteriovenous fistulas]. PMID- 13473079 TI - [Chronic lymphatic obstructions]. PMID- 13473078 TI - [Disorders of peripheral venous circulation; its more frequent clinical manifestations & its treatment]. PMID- 13473080 TI - [Treatment of trophic ulcers of the leg by free skin grafts]. PMID- 13473081 TI - Ileal valve pouch for urinary tract diversion; preliminary report of eight cases. PMID- 13473082 TI - Metabolic acidosis and its correction in patients undergoing open-heart operation; experimental basis and clinical results. PMID- 13473083 TI - Postoperative care of the open-cardiotomy patient. PMID- 13473084 TI - Internal fixative device for anterior fusion of lumbar spine; preliminary experimental report. PMID- 13473085 TI - The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis complicated by chronic hypercortisonism, and the theoretical causal role of certain amine oxidases. PMID- 13473086 TI - Malunited fracture of the distal ends of the radius and the ulna corrected by oblique resection of the distal end of the ulna. PMID- 13473087 TI - The zinc sulfate turbidity test and liver disease. PMID- 13473088 TI - The calcified pineal body and carcinoma. PMID- 13473089 TI - [Esterases, nucleases, glycolytic enzymes & transaminases of blood serum]. PMID- 13473090 TI - The effect of cortisone on the glucose-6-phosphatase activity in normal and regenerating rat liver. PMID- 13473091 TI - Investigations on the influence of tolbutamide on carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13473092 TI - The occurrence of mucoproteins in human sweat. PMID- 13473093 TI - A cellulose acetate supporting medium for zone electrophoresis. PMID- 13473094 TI - [High-voltage electrophoretic separation of serotinin from the remaining xanthydrol-positive substances]. PMID- 13473095 TI - The chromatographic behaviour of different abnormal human haemoglobins on the cation exchanger amberlite IRC 50. PMID- 13473096 TI - The use of formaldehyde to avoid artefacts in the chromatographic determination of keto acids. PMID- 13473097 TI - Spectrophotometric methods for determination of cholinesterase activity. PMID- 13473098 TI - A simple specific titration method for serum calcium. PMID- 13473100 TI - A 6 hour method for determining the extracellular fluid volume in human subjects. PMID- 13473099 TI - [Use of phytic acid for the determination of pepsin activity in gastric juice]. PMID- 13473101 TI - The effect of thyroid hormone on the glycolytic activity of blood. PMID- 13473102 TI - Progress in rapid (chromatographic) identification of urinary sugars. PMID- 13473103 TI - Staining of serum glycoproteins on electrophoretic strips; a useful modification in the application of the Hotchkiss-McManus method. PMID- 13473104 TI - [Surgical treatment of abdominal cutaneous ptosis called apron belly]. PMID- 13473105 TI - [Critical review of the basic concepts of rheumatology]. PMID- 13473106 TI - [Amygdalectomy in children]. PMID- 13473107 TI - [The postural factor, basic element in the recovery of poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13473108 TI - [Maternal dystocia caused by conglutination of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13473109 TI - [New perspectives in the pathogenesis & treatment of cholelithiasis; intestinal flora, hepatointestinal changes & nutritional deficiencies]. PMID- 13473110 TI - [Micro-trephining in gynecological diagnosis]. PMID- 13473111 TI - [Electropometric study in cats with experimental catatonia induced by bulbocapnine]. PMID- 13473112 TI - [Rheumatology. II. Predisposition, heredity, constitution, sex, age, transmission, allergy, climate]. PMID- 13473113 TI - [Medical work of Francisco Garcia Hernandez]. PMID- 13473114 TI - [Hidradenoma of the vulva]. PMID- 13473115 TI - [Use of meprobamate in obstetrics]. PMID- 13473116 TI - [Brenner tumors]. PMID- 13473117 TI - [Allergic nervous reaction of antitetanic serum in subjects with meningococcal meningitis]. PMID- 13473118 TI - [Use of pyrazinamide in acute tuberculous disseminations; 1 year's experience in the Centro Meningitic di Bologna]. PMID- 13473119 TI - [Hormone treatment of rheumatic disease in children with particular regard to pericarditis; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13473120 TI - [Determination of C-reactive protein in cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13473121 TI - [New advances in the study of natural immunity: properdin system]. PMID- 13473123 TI - [Physiopathological problems in a case of renal nanism in the light of modern methods of investigation]. PMID- 13473122 TI - [Osteodystrophic manifestations associated with myopathy]. PMID- 13473124 TI - [Data on the use of fractional encephalography in infantile brain diseases]. PMID- 13473125 TI - [A case of encephalopathy caused by streptomycin]. PMID- 13473126 TI - [Synergism of action of sulfamerazine and sulfaproxyline in an experimental staphylococcic infection in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13473127 TI - [A case of sepsis of probably meningococcic nature, with a severe circulatory collapse, cured; transitory renal affections & alkalosis]. PMID- 13473128 TI - [Clinical observations on burns in children with special reference to ACTH & prednisone]. PMID- 13473129 TI - [Clinical & therapeutic aspects of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura]. PMID- 13473130 TI - [Measles & tuberculin anergy]. PMID- 13473131 TI - [Urinary excretion of riboflavin after its parenteral administration in normal & premature infants]. PMID- 13473132 TI - [Medical problems concerning the social rehabilitation of poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13473133 TI - [Legislative & administrative problems connected with the assistance to poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13473134 TI - [Selection & preparation of personnel specialized for the assistance of poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13473135 TI - U protein and migration ratios in paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13473136 TI - Human serum bilirubin; an immediate method of determination and its application to the establishment of normal values. PMID- 13473137 TI - Test-tube extraction method for the micro-determination of urinary 17 ketosteroids. PMID- 13473138 TI - Practical evaluation of acid-base balance. PMID- 13473139 TI - Determination of sulfobromophthalein in serum. PMID- 13473140 TI - Determination of ketone bodies in blood and urine by means of vanillin in alkaline medium. PMID- 13473141 TI - Determination of uric acid; a note. PMID- 13473142 TI - PYURIA in children; a panel discussion. PMID- 13473143 TI - THE ADOLESCENT unit; panel discussion. PMID- 13473144 TI - Oral injuries in children; a census study. PMID- 13473145 TI - The effects of intramuscular trypsin in postoperative pediatric neurosurgical patients; a preliminary report. PMID- 13473146 TI - Subdiaphragmatic abscess in infants and children. PMID- 13473147 TI - Hemoglobin S-C disease. PMID- 13473148 TI - [Ranula of Wharton's duct]. PMID- 13473149 TI - Histoplasmosis in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. PMID- 13473150 TI - Athyreotic cretinism. PMID- 13473151 TI - Clinical pathological conference. PMID- 13473152 TI - The effect of changes in red cell and plasma volumes on the estimation of red cell survival. PMID- 13473153 TI - The effect of oral histamine on the absorption of radioactive vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13473154 TI - Studies on the urinary excretion of oxalate by normal subjects. PMID- 13473155 TI - The effects of diamox ammonia metabolism in liver disease. PMID- 13473156 TI - The adaptation of the relaxed lungs and chest wall to changes in volume. PMID- 13473157 TI - Relationship between refraction of the eye and nutrition. PMID- 13473158 TI - Some observations on the assessment of drugs in human tetanus. PMID- 13473159 TI - Studies on Lewis' auricular flutter of post-electrical stimulatory origin. PMID- 13473160 TI - Changes in iron metabolism following gastrectomy and other surgical operations. PMID- 13473161 TI - Serum lipids in pregnancy and the puerperium. PMID- 13473162 TI - The physical properties of the lungs in chronic cor pulmonale. PMID- 13473163 TI - The kinetic resistance of the relaxed respiratory system. PMID- 13473164 TI - The physical properties of the lungs in relation to the subdivisions of lung volume. PMID- 13473165 TI - Acquired porphyria from a liver tumour. PMID- 13473166 TI - Measurement of the ventilation-perfusion ratio inequality in the lung by the analysis of a single expirate. PMID- 13473167 TI - The measurement of the inequality of ventilation and of perfusion in the lung by the analysis of single expirates. PMID- 13473168 TI - Changes in the oxygen content of femoral venous blood and leg blood flow during leg exercise in relation to cardiac output response. PMID- 13473169 TI - The treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13473170 TI - The fundus in hypertension. PMID- 13473171 TI - Pharmacology of antihypertensive drugs. PMID- 13473172 TI - [Epizootic of aphthous fever; epidemiological, economic & preventive aspects]. PMID- 13473173 TI - [Propionic fermentation of L-threonine by a strain of Spherophorus freundii]. PMID- 13473174 TI - [Research on the toxicity of a new substance proposed as anticancer agent: 2, 5 di-ethyleneimino-3, 6-dipropoxyquinone]. PMID- 13473175 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic study of serum of mice irradiated by lethal doses of x rays and protected by cells of rat bone marrow]. PMID- 13473176 TI - [Incorporation and degradation of methionine by crystalline lens of bovides]. PMID- 13473177 TI - [Carcinogenic activity of methyl derivatives of perylene and 1, 12 benzoperylene]. PMID- 13473178 TI - [Maternal ovary and fetal masculinization]. PMID- 13473179 TI - [Inhibitory actions on the genesis of positive potentials of the neuronic soma]. PMID- 13473180 TI - [Effect of ultraviolet light on genetic recombination among alleles in yeast]. PMID- 13473181 TI - [Peaks and positive potentials of the neuronic soma as a function of temperature]. PMID- 13473182 TI - [Appearance of glycogen in culture in vitro of larval livers of Amphibia]. PMID- 13473183 TI - [Biliary excretion of a sulfoconjugate of 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T-3) after administration of this hormone to the rat]. PMID- 13473184 TI - [Mechanism of the augmentation of the activity of cancerogenic compounds by certain fluorinated and alkylated substituents]. PMID- 13473185 TI - [Embryonal extracts]. PMID- 13473186 TI - [Mechanism of induced early hyperglycemia in the guinea pig by administration of cobaltous chloride]. PMID- 13473187 TI - [Reanimation without injury by the calcium ion of the heart in situ of the snail (Helix pomatia) previously arrested by external application of the potassium ion]. PMID- 13473188 TI - [Comparative biological efficacy of calcium carbonate and tricalcium orthophosphate as a function of the calcium level of the alimentary regime]. PMID- 13473189 TI - [Monstrous frogs and radioactivity]. PMID- 13473190 TI - [Necessity of zinc, as oligoelement, for the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphate gluconic dehydrogenase of Aspergillus niger]. PMID- 13473191 TI - [Effects of glyoxal on bacteriophages and nucleic acids]. PMID- 13473192 TI - [Attempted demonstration of antibodies in toxoplasmosis; cytotoxic power of lysed Toxoplasma]. PMID- 13473193 TI - [Paper electrophoresis of total alkaloids from various periwinkle species]. PMID- 13473194 TI - [Ovarias reaction induced in garden canary by equine gonadotropin is related to the initial state of gonad]. PMID- 13473195 TI - [Three aspects of iron in cut organs examined by electron microscopy (ferritin & derivatives in intestinal cells, erythroblasts & reticular cells)]. PMID- 13473196 TI - [Partial oxidation of acyclic polyhydroxy alcohols by periodic acid]. PMID- 13473197 TI - [Ultrastructure, polarity and reproduction of Golgi apparatus]. PMID- 13473198 TI - [New method of detecting and determining ethylene chloride solvant in air]. PMID- 13473199 TI - [Action of gibberellins on auxin-oxidase activity of tissues cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13473200 TI - [Metabolism of glutamic acid in crown-gall tissues of viper's grass cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13473201 TI - [Resistance to anti-Rh immunization in multiparas]. PMID- 13473202 TI - [The effect of vitamin D on growth in rat fed calcium deficient diet resulting in stimulation of appetite]. PMID- 13473203 TI - [Natural aptitude at partial parthenogenetic development in the earthworm Eisenia foetida]. PMID- 13473204 TI - [Relations between circumferance of various body segments and certain uni- or tridimensional somatic characters]. PMID- 13473205 TI - [Evolution of acetylcholine-esterase activity at the level of the optic lobes in chick embryo]. PMID- 13473206 TI - [C-terminal extremity of chymotrypsinogen]. PMID- 13473207 TI - [Modifications of functional activity of allergic lung caused by allergen deposition on skin]. PMID- 13473209 TI - [Gastrulation of the egg of trout (Salmo irideus) in the absence of oxygen or in the presence of inhibitors of metabolism]. PMID- 13473208 TI - [Penetration of D-thyroxin & 3,5,3'-triiodo-D-thyronine in the hypophysis, & thyroid fixation of iodides under their influence]. PMID- 13473210 TI - [Analysis of the nutritional effects of prolactin in the intact & castrated rat]. PMID- 13473211 TI - [Genetic repercussions of the substitution of thymine by 5-iodouracil in the desoxyribonucleic acid of E. coli 15T-]. PMID- 13473212 TI - [Fractionation of fixed L forms of Proteus P-18]. PMID- 13473213 TI - [Production, in liquid medium, of proteolytic diastasis by Corynebacterium pyogenes]. PMID- 13473214 TI - [Demonstration by complement fixation the reaction between desoxyribonucleic acid and serum of patients with disseminated lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13473215 TI - [Inhibitory effects of chlorpromazine on the initiation of two types of pseudogestation in the rat]. PMID- 13473216 TI - [Adrenalin and noradrenalin content of adrenal blood in the dog subjected to the action of nicotine]. PMID- 13473217 TI - [Paradoxal hypertension induced by sparteine in the dog subjected to the action of various adrenalin reversers]. PMID- 13473219 TI - [Technic of recording cochlear potentials on awake animals]. PMID- 13473218 TI - [Dissociation of hypertensive and oxytocic effects following stimulation of the cerebral cortex by adrenalin]. PMID- 13473220 TI - [Electrical activity of the mammalian heart studied with the aid of microelectrodes; alternating rhythms]. PMID- 13473221 TI - [Concentration of iodides and bromides by the ovocytes of the laying hen]. PMID- 13473222 TI - [Effect of the duration of the postprandial fast on the establishment of appetites in the white rat]. PMID- 13473223 TI - [Effect of hypophysectomy on the respiratory metabolism of the eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)]. PMID- 13473224 TI - [Separation and purification by chromatography of the sulfates and glucuronides of urinary 17-ketosteroids]. PMID- 13473225 TI - [Effect of chlorpromazine, penthiobarbital and soneryl on glycolysis by the cells of a rat ascitic hepatoma]. PMID- 13473226 TI - [On apigenin, a spasmolytic substance of Matricaria chamomilla (L.)]. PMID- 13473227 TI - [On the anti-shock action of apiigenin]. PMID- 13473228 TI - [Identity of leukocytic antigens detectable from immune iso-leuko-agglutinins in monozygotic twins]. PMID- 13473230 TI - [Effect of prednisone on the development of adrenalin-induced edema]. PMID- 13473229 TI - [Effect of testosterone oenanthate on development of leukemia & lung tumors in male NLC mice]. PMID- 13473231 TI - [Favorable effects of combined pyrocatechol & ascorbic acid on the results of pregnancy in pantothenic acid-deficient rats]. PMID- 13473232 TI - [Effect of vitamin B12 & choline on the steatogenic property of a low-protein diet with variable fat & vitamin B content]. PMID- 13473233 TI - [Urinary elimination of alpha-keto corticoids in liver disease patients. II. Following chromatographic fractionation of urinary extracts]. PMID- 13473234 TI - [On the vascular effects of tropacocaine]. PMID- 13473235 TI - [Trial preservation of type O aphthous fever virus of a guinea pig-adapted strain on the leech (Hirudo medicinalis), an unusual host for this virus]. PMID- 13473236 TI - [Silica and arterial walls]. PMID- 13473237 TI - [Electron microscopy of some points of submicroscopic cytopathology of the renal tubes]. PMID- 13473238 TI - [Potentiation, by normal hepatic cells, of the development of Novikoff's hepatoma in Selye's granuloma pouch]. PMID- 13473240 TI - [Localization of a vasopressive activity in the anterior hypothalamus in rabbits]. PMID- 13473239 TI - [Demonstration of arteriovenous anastomoses of the stomach in gastric ulcer]. PMID- 13473241 TI - [Ferruginous granules in macrophage cells and erythrocytes in experimental saturnism; electron microscopic examination]. PMID- 13473242 TI - [Arterial pressure and cardiac frequency in mice]. PMID- 13473243 TI - [Extraction of lipids during frothing of hemoglobin]. PMID- 13473244 TI - [Siderosis during chronic poisoning by cobalt and nickel salts in rats]. PMID- 13473245 TI - [Induction of evacuation of sexual products in Gibbula (Gastropoda Prosobranchia)]. PMID- 13473246 TI - [Pseudopregnancy following a single injection of estradiol in rat]. PMID- 13473247 TI - [Adrenals and survival of turtle in Algerian waters]. PMID- 13473248 TI - [Microelectrodes in the study of electrical activity of the heart in mammals; complex rhythm]. PMID- 13473249 TI - [Effect of sex and of sex hormones on nutrional hepatic steatosis in rat]. PMID- 13473250 TI - [Effect of thyroxin on chlorine ion metabolism in Salmo gairdnerii, Rich]. PMID- 13473252 TI - [Recent experimental comparative studies on neuroleptic substances]. PMID- 13473251 TI - [Effect of light on the thyroid in rat]. PMID- 13473253 TI - [Effect of ovariectomy during pregnancy in sow]. PMID- 13473254 TI - [Effect of injection of cobalt salts on electrocardiogram in various animal species]. PMID- 13473255 TI - [Comparison of calcium fractions in the cerebrospinal fluid and in the blood serum in normal humans]. PMID- 13473256 TI - [Effect of chlorpromazine on the development of an ascitic hepatoma in the rat in vivo]. PMID- 13473257 TI - [Quantitative separation of the sulfates and glucuronides of urinary phenolsteroids by means of chromatography on aluminum oxide]. PMID- 13473258 TI - [Increase of serum potassium in pigs caused by electroshock]. PMID- 13473259 TI - [Induced pyridoxinuria test in normal and pathological subjects]. PMID- 13473260 TI - [Effect of progesterone on experimental Trichomonas vaginalis infection in albino rats]. PMID- 13473261 TI - [Noradrenalin content of portal blood during centrifugal excitation of the greater splanchnic nerve]. PMID- 13473262 TI - [Effect of splenectomy and clamping of the splenic pedicle on the leukocyte count]. PMID- 13473263 TI - [The specificity of hepatic arginase]. PMID- 13473264 TI - [Leukocytic disorders induced in rabbits in intramuscular injection of homologous cerebral substance; results of serial passages]. PMID- 13473265 TI - [Effect of cisternal injection of apomorphine on chloralose-treated dogs]. PMID- 13473266 TI - [Diffusion of certain dyes (China ink, methylene blue, Congo red) administered to dogs treated with chloralose]. PMID- 13473267 TI - [Oxidation of thyronine and of certain of its iodized derivatives by Harding Passey melanoma]. PMID- 13473268 TI - [Chemical (ascorbate-ferrous ion system) and enzymatic (polyphenoloxidase) oxidation of tyrosine dipeptides]. PMID- 13473269 TI - [Effect of some cardiac glycosides on oxygen consumption, work and efficiency of the heart]. PMID- 13473270 TI - [Effect of a localized burn on the egg of Triturus helveticus; reaction of the cortex; regulation of the healthy part]. PMID- 13473271 TI - [Results of the change of central and lateral parts of the primary organizer in a young gastrula in Triturus alpestris and Pleurodeles waltlii]. PMID- 13473272 TI - [Effect of cobalt chloride on arterial pressure in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13473273 TI - [Distribution of nucleic acids in the crystalline lens of the bovines]. PMID- 13473274 TI - [Oxygen consumption by chick intestines during embryonic development in vivo and in culture]. PMID- 13473275 TI - [Glycogen and lipid reserves in a marmot (Arctomys marmota, Marmota monax) in state of activity in summertime and during hibernation in winter]. PMID- 13473276 TI - [Reduction of antidiuretic power of blood after auricular distension in dog]. PMID- 13473277 TI - [Organic acids of wheat]. PMID- 13473278 TI - [Growth and toxigenesis in Clostridium botulinum A]. PMID- 13473279 TI - [Trials of in vitro culture of Euphorbia characial L. stems]. PMID- 13473280 TI - [Absorption of anti-Fya antibodies by dried blood]. PMID- 13473281 TI - [Effect of cysteamine and cystamine on irradiated thymocytes in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13473282 TI - [Inhibitory action of beef brain lipoid extract compared with plasma thromboplastin]. PMID- 13473283 TI - [Effect of desoxycorticosterone on antidiuretic action of pituitrine]. PMID- 13473284 TI - [Mechanism of action of sodium salicylate on experimental granuloma in rat]. PMID- 13473285 TI - [Effect of cortisone on gastric ulcers induced by irradiation]. PMID- 13473286 TI - [Effect of dyes on inhibitory action of sulfonamides]. PMID- 13473287 TI - [Anaerobic glycolysis in mouse tissues irradiated with high x-ray doses]. PMID- 13473288 TI - [Modification of blood pH observed after physical effort in man]. PMID- 13473289 TI - [Endocrine factors in menorrhagia & metrorrhagia]. PMID- 13473290 TI - [Failure of conservative surgery in tubal pregnancy]. PMID- 13473291 TI - [Remote results of interadnexal hysterectomy; Soresi-Brocq operation]. PMID- 13473292 TI - [Opaque media used in hysterosalpingography; data on their viscosity & wetting property]. PMID- 13473293 TI - [Ultrasonics & pathogenic agents in gynecology]. PMID- 13473294 TI - [Remote results of intra-uterine grafts of the ovarian cortex]. PMID- 13473295 TI - [Antiproliferative effects of estrogens & DOCA in the treatment of genital papillomatosis]. PMID- 13473296 TI - [Treatment with vaginally applied chemical mediators in gynecology]. PMID- 13473298 TI - [Experimental research on uterine baroreceptors]. PMID- 13473297 TI - [Histo-cytohormonal examination in genital tuberculosis; hormonal equilibrium in the pathogenesis & recovery from tuberculous lesions]. PMID- 13473299 TI - [Value of certain laboratory tests in the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis and the correlation of the results with the clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13473300 TI - [Neurological manifestations of cervical rheumatisms: chronic myelopathies of cervical discarthrosis]. PMID- 13473301 TI - [Congenital atresia of the esophagus in the newborn]. PMID- 13473303 TI - [Functional examination of the liver in current practice]. PMID- 13473302 TI - [Petit mal]. PMID- 13473304 TI - [Metaphysical theories of Albert Einstein]. PMID- 13473305 TI - [Phthisiology in relation to modern therapy]. PMID- 13473306 TI - [Asiatic influenza]. PMID- 13473307 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473308 TI - [Externship in Paris hospitals in 1957. V. Demographic research on former externs in Paris hospitals]. PMID- 13473309 TI - [Cyanotic congenital cardiopathies]. PMID- 13473310 TI - [Some particular neurological syndromes]. PMID- 13473311 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473312 TI - [Man & his group]. PMID- 13473313 TI - [Thrombo-elastography; its significance in the control of long term anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13473314 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473315 TI - [Fever in infants]. PMID- 13473316 TI - [Agranulocytosis. III. Etiology & physiopathogenesis of leukopenias & agranulocytosis]. PMID- 13473317 TI - [Water metabolism. II. Distribution]. PMID- 13473319 TI - [Modern problems concerning medical students]. PMID- 13473320 TI - [French medicine and the Common European Market]. PMID- 13473321 TI - [Vertebral osteotomy in severe spinal ankyloses]. PMID- 13473318 TI - [Comparison of biochemical & cytological studies in genital endocrinology]. PMID- 13473322 TI - [Treatment of agranulocytosis.]. PMID- 13473323 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473324 TI - [Medical information of the large public]. PMID- 13473325 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473326 TI - [Pulmonary congestions & viral pneumonias]. PMID- 13473327 TI - [Role of cytology in general surgery]. PMID- 13473328 TI - [About a tercentenary]. PMID- 13473329 TI - [Animal diseases developing in man]. PMID- 13473330 TI - [Report on rabies]. PMID- 13473331 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473332 TI - [Recent data on myxomatosis]. PMID- 13473333 TI - [Hepato-biliary distomatosis (fasciolosis)]. PMID- 13473334 TI - [Transmission of animal leptospirosis to man]. PMID- 13473335 TI - [Treatment of angina pectoris]. PMID- 13473336 TI - [Cerebral angiography by series radiophotography]. PMID- 13473337 TI - [Epilepsy. I. Physiopathogenesis of generalized epilepsy]. PMID- 13473338 TI - [Methods of prevention & protection against ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13473339 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473340 TI - The familial occurrence of multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13473341 TI - On the prevention of hyperthermia and other post-operative sequelae of intracranial surgery. PMID- 13473342 TI - [Posttraumatic deforming cephalic hematoma]. PMID- 13473343 TI - Pneumoencephalography with minimal removal of cerebrospinal fluid; a report of one hundred cases. PMID- 13473344 TI - [Neurological syndrome with malignant tumors of the rhinopharynx; contribution to its early diagnosis]. PMID- 13473345 TI - Cortical recruiting on thalamic stimulation after elimination of the pallidum. PMID- 13473346 TI - Common errors in the diagnosis of the acute abdomen. PMID- 13473347 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of gout. PMID- 13473348 TI - Middle lobe syndrome in a three year old child treated with lobectomy. PMID- 13473350 TI - The control of fatigue in the aged. PMID- 13473349 TI - The physician and fluoridation. PMID- 13473352 TI - Utilization of reserve medical personnel during total war. PMID- 13473351 TI - Current management of the severely burned patient. PMID- 13473353 TI - Psychosomatic reactions associated with pregnancy. PMID- 13473355 TI - Uremia: its reversible aspects. PMID- 13473354 TI - Pediatric allergy: its role in preventive pediatrics. PMID- 13473356 TI - Neonatal pulmonary tuberculosis; a diagnostic problem with report of a case. PMID- 13473357 TI - The private practitioner and the practice of occupational medicine. PMID- 13473358 TI - The American Society of Internal Medicine. PMID- 13473359 TI - The assault on medicine. PMID- 13473360 TI - Congenital maldevelopment of the eyes of a colt. PMID- 13473361 TI - A survey of some of the pharmacological properties of four sulfonamides in dairy cattle. PMID- 13473362 TI - Osteodystrophia fibrosa accompanied by visceral accumulation of lead. PMID- 13473363 TI - The preparation and use of a polyvalent Salmonella antiserum. PMID- 13473364 TI - Plasma cell myeloma in a dog. PMID- 13473365 TI - Ulceration and hyperkeratosis of the bovine rumen. PMID- 13473366 TI - The special status of the rumen flora; comparative aspects of digestive enzymes, their regulation and relation to indigestion. PMID- 13473368 TI - The demonstration of Leptospira canicola in hamster kidneys by means of fluorescent antibody. PMID- 13473367 TI - Some further evaluation of emetine therapy against sheep and goat lungworms. PMID- 13473369 TI - X-ray therapy in malignant neoplastic diseases of small animals. PMID- 13473370 TI - Hyperinsulinism in dogs due to pancreatic islet cell carcinoma. PMID- 13473371 TI - Tubular adenomata of the adrenal of the goat. PMID- 13473372 TI - A critical review on different types of accident morbidity studies. PMID- 13473373 TI - [Electrophysiological & clinical significance of displacement of the P-Q interval; review of literature & clinical research]. PMID- 13473374 TI - [Electrocardiographic findings & x-ray images of the heart in the detection of myocardial damage in various heart diseases associated with left ventricular strain]. PMID- 13473376 TI - Splenectomy in the treatment of erythroplastic anaemia (Cooley's anaemia). PMID- 13473375 TI - [Findings on blood enzymes in experimental ischemic necrosis of the myocardium; behavior of phosphoglycomutase, fumarase & transaminase activity of the blood]. PMID- 13473377 TI - [CHLOROQUINE and cortisone therapy of lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13473378 TI - Acceptable standards in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13473379 TI - Will our grand children have enough to eat. PMID- 13473380 TI - Thermal burns. PMID- 13473381 TI - The development of medicine in Denmark since the foundation of the University of Copenhagen in 1479. PMID- 13473382 TI - The role of the hospital in the public health programme. PMID- 13473383 TI - The classification of diseases in general practice on the basis of W. H. O.'s intermediate list of 150 causes. PMID- 13473384 TI - MORBIDITY statistics from general practice. PMID- 13473386 TI - Dermatomyositis and tumor. PMID- 13473385 TI - The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Denmark by sex and age 1921-1955. PMID- 13473387 TI - Actocortin; a water-soluble corticoid in the treatment of shock. PMID- 13473388 TI - [The copper content of galenicals. V. The affinity of injection fluids to copper]. PMID- 13473389 TI - [Spectral distribution of the light sensitivity of some chemicals & light protective containers. VI. Light-protective containers]. PMID- 13473390 TI - [Studies on purity tests; addition concerning limit test for sulfate]. PMID- 13473391 TI - Impartial medical testimony. PMID- 13473392 TI - The cosmetic closure of simple lacerations. PMID- 13473393 TI - Temporal arteritis treated with prednisolone. PMID- 13473394 TI - Isopropamide iodide: a long-acting anticholinergic. PMID- 13473395 TI - Medical social work. PMID- 13473396 TI - Growth of Candida albicans on keratin as sole source of nitrogen. PMID- 13473397 TI - Elasticity of human skin related to age. PMID- 13473398 TI - The differential diagnosis between epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria and porphyria cutanea tarda. PMID- 13473399 TI - [Circumscribed nevi causing curls in formerly straight hair]. PMID- 13473400 TI - [Tests of ultrasonics in dermatology]. PMID- 13473401 TI - C-reactive protein in blood serum and blister fluid in various dermatological conditions. PMID- 13473403 TI - [Mycoses]. PMID- 13473402 TI - [Further data on the mechanism of action of atebrine]. PMID- 13473404 TI - [Infectious diseases]. PMID- 13473405 TI - [The mechanism of wheal resorption. IV. Dependence of wheal & fluorescent resorption time on the osmotic pressure of the injection fluid]. PMID- 13473406 TI - [The mechanism of wheal resorption. V. Effects of age, erythema & edema on wheal & fluorescent resorption time in man]. PMID- 13473407 TI - [Results of extranit in the treatment of skin diseases]. PMID- 13473408 TI - [Josef Vonkennel on his 60th birthday on 9 August 1957]. PMID- 13473409 TI - [Xanthoma, cholesterin and disubstituted fatty acids]. PMID- 13473410 TI - [Drug exanthem in the region of Head's zones]. PMID- 13473412 TI - [Heinrich Lohe on his 80th birthday]. PMID- 13473411 TI - [Special forms and courses of exanthems caused by drugs]. PMID- 13473413 TI - [Future outlook for dermatology]. PMID- 13473414 TI - [Artificial skin changes]. PMID- 13473415 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473416 TI - [Eczema tyloticum, its place in the eczema group]. PMID- 13473417 TI - [Hairs causing granuloma and fistula]. PMID- 13473418 TI - [Local treatment of furuncles and abscess of the sweat glands]. PMID- 13473419 TI - [Experimental syphilis of the white mouse]. PMID- 13473420 TI - [Experimental gonococcal infection in the white mouse under the influence of cortisone]. PMID- 13473421 TI - [The pathogenesis of macrocheila]. PMID- 13473423 TI - [Psoriasis pustulosa of the Zumbusch type]. PMID- 13473422 TI - [Potassium permanganate therapy of chronic pyodermia vegetans]. PMID- 13473424 TI - [Syphilis and lupus in the light of rural health centers]. PMID- 13473425 TI - [Skin changes caused by damage of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve]. PMID- 13473426 TI - [The nevus-like nature of adenoma sebaceum; a case associated with fibromas of the nails and pavement-stone nevus; therapeutic result of high-speed abrasion, caustic and excision]. PMID- 13473427 TI - [Pathological aspects of lues miliaris ulcerosa mucosae (G. Arndt)]. PMID- 13473428 TI - [Furunculosis in physicians]. PMID- 13473429 TI - [Epidemiology of urogenital trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13473430 TI - [Staining of Trichomonas vaginalis and other components of vaginal contents]. PMID- 13473432 TI - [Occupational dermatoses and bacterial eczema]. PMID- 13473431 TI - [Casuistic contributions to experimental testing of sensitivity to antibiotics and sulfonamides with the SEBAS test]. PMID- 13473433 TI - [Leukemoid eosinophilia in the guise of bullous dermatosis]. PMID- 13473434 TI - [Skin rash, histamine and blood coagulation]. PMID- 13473435 TI - [Pathogenesis of congelation urticaria]. PMID- 13473436 TI - [Catamnestic study of syphilis therapy in the Skin Clinic of Zwickau]. PMID- 13473437 TI - [Blood group-serological studies in pregnancy as an aid in early recognition of morbus haemolyticus neonatorum]. PMID- 13473438 TI - [Clinical experiences with the new muscle relaxant GGG forte]. PMID- 13473439 TI - [Labor induction in threatened intrauterine asphyxia]. PMID- 13473440 TI - [The demonstration of trichomonads in medical practice]. PMID- 13473441 TI - [Current status of focal research]. PMID- 13473442 TI - [Midday sleep or a stay in fresh air]. PMID- 13473443 TI - [Basic concepts and method of respiratory function test. IV. Evaluation of ventilation disorders in clinical examples]. PMID- 13473444 TI - [The new nitrous oxide anesthesia apparatus Medi LN 418; evaluation and description]. PMID- 13473445 TI - [Demonstration of serum protein sugar by paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13473446 TI - [Errors in clinical diagnosis of sciatic syndromes]. PMID- 13473447 TI - [Fractures of the thoracic vertebrae as a result of slight trauma in fragilitas ossium hereditaria]. PMID- 13473448 TI - [Against complacency in diagnosis; observations on a long unrecognized case of hernia diaphragmatica]. PMID- 13473449 TI - [Chronic osteomyelitis and fistula carcinoma]. PMID- 13473450 TI - [Acute trauma in burns and tumor growth]. PMID- 13473451 TI - [Experiences with aortography]. PMID- 13473453 TI - [Types of regulators in respirators and anesthesia machines]. PMID- 13473452 TI - [Technic and indications for ganglion stellatum block]. PMID- 13473454 TI - [Hazards associated with hare lip and cleft palate]. PMID- 13473455 TI - [From my work in speech therapy with postoperative cleft palate patients]. PMID- 13473456 TI - [Infectious diseases during hospitalization and its prevention in Clinic for Infants]. PMID- 13473457 TI - [Transportation of prematurely born babies]. PMID- 13473458 TI - [Milk direct from the farm and pasteurized dairy milk in infant nutrition]. PMID- 13473459 TI - [Problem of twin deliveries]. PMID- 13473460 TI - [Use of wofasept as an antimycotic]. PMID- 13473461 TI - [Personal viewpoint on a prescription]. PMID- 13473462 TI - [Modern problems, results & prospects of dental care in young children on district level]. PMID- 13473463 TI - [Ointment bases]. PMID- 13473464 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473466 TI - [Artefacts from the viewpoint of penal & insurance laws]. PMID- 13473465 TI - [Effect of running tap water on bacterial reduction in experimental hand infection]. PMID- 13473467 TI - [Problem of efficiency of adolescents & young adults]. PMID- 13473468 TI - [Ten guiding rules in diagnosing an otitis media]. PMID- 13473469 TI - [The significance of a tumor spectrum in the evaluation of cytotoxic substances]. PMID- 13473470 TI - [Preliminary report on the results of tetramin treatment of malignant tumors; clinical & morphological aspects]. PMID- 13473471 TI - [Clinical diagnosis of coronary arteriosclerosis with special reference to the carotid sinus syndrome]. PMID- 13473472 TI - [Possibilities of prevention of staphylococcal infections in hospitals]. PMID- 13473473 TI - [Studies on resistance of staphylococci to penicillin, streptomycin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, neomycin, bacitracin, tyrothricin, nebacetin & tyrosolvin aerosol]. PMID- 13473474 TI - [Existotic dysplasia due to irradiation]. PMID- 13473475 TI - [Value, hazards & limitations of statistics in medicine]. PMID- 13473477 TI - [Thoughts of a clinician on hospital practices]. PMID- 13473476 TI - [Results of treatment of hyperthyroidism with potassium perchlorate]. PMID- 13473479 TI - [Problems & tasks of cancer research]. PMID- 13473478 TI - [Anemias due to disorders in iron utilization]. PMID- 13473480 TI - [Criteria for the use of N-[4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl]-N'-butyl urea (D860) in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13473481 TI - [Results of the ambulatory use & prolonged treatment of 758 cases of diabetes mellitus with D 860]. PMID- 13473483 TI - [Permanent success of D 860 therapy]. PMID- 13473482 TI - [Results of 2 years treatment with rastinon]. PMID- 13473484 TI - [Clinical control studies after prolonged treatment with D 860]. PMID- 13473485 TI - [Observations during the use of N-[4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl]-N'-butyl urea (D 860) in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13473486 TI - [Problem of secondary failure in the oral treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13473487 TI - [Effect of rastinon on protein metabolism]. PMID- 13473488 TI - [Hematology of diabetes mellitus & rastinon therapy]. PMID- 13473489 TI - [Side-effects of long-term D 860 therapy]. PMID- 13473490 TI - [Casuistical contributions to the effect of sulfonylurea in various special forms of diabetes mellitus: steroid diabetes, diabetes with hemochromatosis, renal diabetes & diabetes with a high insulin resistance]. PMID- 13473491 TI - [Significant clinical observations during D 860 therapy]. PMID- 13473492 TI - [Metabolic effects of N-[4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl]-N'-butyl urea in normal & diabetic subjects]. PMID- 13473493 TI - [Significance of a single dose as an indication for the suitability of oral diabetic therapy]. PMID- 13473494 TI - [Oral glucose tolerance tests in metabolically normal subjects & in diabetes]. PMID- 13473495 TI - [Effect of insulin & D 860 on intermediary metabolism in metabolically normal subjects & diabetes]. PMID- 13473496 TI - [Blood levels & elimination of N-[4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl]-N'-butyl urea (D 860)]. PMID- 13473497 TI - [Additional pharmacological experiments on rastinon]. PMID- 13473498 TI - [Effect of D 860 & diabetogenic hormone on the beta cell system in normal & hypophysectomized rats & rabbits]. PMID- 13473499 TI - [Comparative experiments on the morphology & hormonal content of calves' pancreas after the administration of sulfonyl urea (D 860)]. PMID- 13473500 TI - [Comparative experiments on the glycogen content in liver & diaphragm of rats after the administration of insulin & D 860]. PMID- 13473501 TI - [Effect of prolonged use of hypoglycemic urea derivatives in metabolically normal dogs & alloxan diabetic dogs]. PMID- 13473502 TI - [Blood sugar, plasma amino nitrogen & serum phosphorus & potassium in normal & diabetic dogs during the acute administration of hypoglycemic urea derivatives]. PMID- 13473503 TI - [In vitro experiments on the effect of N-[4-methyl-benzolsulfonyl]-N'-butyl urea on tissues & enzymes]. PMID- 13473504 TI - [Enzymatic experiments on the mechanism of action of hypoglycemic drugs]. PMID- 13473505 TI - [Effect of hypoglycemic urea derivatives on alcohol tolerance]. PMID- 13473506 TI - [Treatment of infants with nutrition disorders]. PMID- 13473507 TI - [The changing nature of diseases of childhood]. PMID- 13473508 TI - [Poliomyelitis & smallpox vaccination]. PMID- 13473509 TI - [Indication for operation in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in infants]. PMID- 13473510 TI - [Migraine and habitual headache in children]. PMID- 13473511 TI - [Two cases of Haverhill fever; erythema arthriticum epidemicum]. PMID- 13473512 TI - [Erythroleukemia (di Guglielmo) in a 13 1/2 year old youth]. PMID- 13473513 TI - [Urogenital tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13473515 TI - [Historical aspects about breast feeding]. PMID- 13473514 TI - [Centenary of Theodor Escherich's birth]. PMID- 13473516 TI - [Skin manifestations in liver diseases]. PMID- 13473518 TI - [The changes in diseases of children]. PMID- 13473517 TI - [The gradual diminution of reserves of performance of the heart in preoperative functional diagnosis and remarks on the therapeutic significance of physical training]. PMID- 13473519 TI - [Differences in oxygen utilization in working and resting portions of the body; studies of normal subjects and heart disease patients]. PMID- 13473520 TI - [The precipitation test in diagnosis of lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13473521 TI - [Tests of neurolytic drugs in neurosurgical operations in children]. PMID- 13473522 TI - [Medical problems in the new physical disability law]. PMID- 13473523 TI - [Actively acquired tolerance, a recently discovered principle of immunobiology]. PMID- 13473524 TI - [Suggestions arising from an analysis of medical training in France for reform of German education in clinical medicine]. PMID- 13473526 TI - [Agranulocytosis]. PMID- 13473525 TI - [Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis]. PMID- 13473527 TI - [Primary chronic interstitial nephritis: clinical, experimental and etiological studies]. PMID- 13473529 TI - [Tetanus neonatorum and its treatment]. PMID- 13473528 TI - [Progress of medical science as a hazard for the biological future of mankind]. PMID- 13473530 TI - [Changes of the intestinal flora under influence of tetracycline therapy]. PMID- 13473531 TI - [The BCG test, a necessary supplement to diagnostic tuberculin testing]. PMID- 13473532 TI - [The clinical importance of the antistreptolysin reaction]. PMID- 13473533 TI - [The current influenza situation (1957)]. PMID- 13473534 TI - [Hiatalhernia; its frequency & significance]. PMID- 13473535 TI - [Tubular functions; new light on the tubular transport mechanisms]. PMID- 13473536 TI - [Primary chronic interstitial nephritis; clinical, experimental & etiological studies]. PMID- 13473537 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473538 TI - [Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) & psychopathological phenomena; psychiatric findings connected with small intestinal carcinoids]. PMID- 13473540 TI - [The genetic basis of sickle cell anemia]. PMID- 13473539 TI - [Treatment of ichthyosis congenita gravis with cortisone]. PMID- 13473541 TI - [The pharmacology of the newer centrally effective drugs]. PMID- 13473542 TI - [The value and hazards of modern drugs with central action; meprobamate, weckamine, phenothiazine derivatives, reserpine]. PMID- 13473543 TI - [The pathogenesis of leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis; the importance of different exogenous influences with special regard to medical expert opinion]. PMID- 13473544 TI - [The importance of cytomegaly for pathology and clinical medicine]. PMID- 13473545 TI - [The treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy (Erb) with adenosine triphosphate]. PMID- 13473546 TI - [Enzymatic processes in nerve degeneration]. PMID- 13473547 TI - [Dr. Werner Villinger on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13473548 TI - [Behavior of peripheral venous pressure during and after physical exercise]. PMID- 13473549 TI - [The course of thoracic lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13473550 TI - [Clinical and hematological studies of tissue leukocytes; the problem of extramedullary granulopoiesis]. PMID- 13473551 TI - [Studies of lipids and lipoproteins in sera and ultracentrifugates from liver cirrhosis patients]. PMID- 13473552 TI - [Preliminary findings on the relation of the protective colloid action to the surface tension of urinary colloid with special reference to specific weights]. PMID- 13473554 TI - [Test of renal electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13473553 TI - [Significance of sodium chloride in the etiology of edema and hypertension]. PMID- 13473555 TI - [Crisis & reaction in contemporary medicine]. PMID- 13473556 TI - [New possibilities in the surgical correction of foot deformities; extra artucular arthrodesis of subastragalar area]. PMID- 13473557 TI - [Physiopathology of metrorrhagia]. PMID- 13473558 TI - [Nutritional regimen & the diabetic patient]. PMID- 13473559 TI - [Parenchymatous jaundice]. PMID- 13473560 TI - [Can a diet low in fats & cholesterol prevent or cure arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13473561 TI - [The pigmented nevi and malignant melanoma]. PMID- 13473562 TI - [Several preoperative warnings about possible death during the operation]. PMID- 13473563 TI - [Leukemia in children]. PMID- 13473564 TI - [Subtotal hysterectomy]. PMID- 13473565 TI - [Intestinal zooparasitic diseases in children]. PMID- 13473566 TI - [Phlebodissector for the extraction of the internal saphenous vein]. PMID- 13473567 TI - [Lymphedematous complications of the arm after mastectomy]. PMID- 13473568 TI - [The old & the new in the present treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13473569 TI - [Blood levels of penicillin after administration of phenoxymethyl penicillin (penicillin V)]. PMID- 13473570 TI - [Leiomyoma of the rectum]. PMID- 13473571 TI - [Treatment of diarrhea in infants]. PMID- 13473572 TI - [Volvulus of the cecum]. PMID- 13473574 TI - [Recurrent anal fistulas]. PMID- 13473573 TI - [Pathobiography of a patient with bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13473575 TI - [Present treatment of fractures; metallic fixation]. PMID- 13473576 TI - [Abnormalities of the esophagus]. PMID- 13473577 TI - [Data on intravenous cholecystocholangiography]. PMID- 13473578 TI - [Personal experience with the use of tetrahydrofurfuryl nicotinate in pelada]. PMID- 13473579 TI - [Physiology of the bile ducts & the sphincters]. PMID- 13473580 TI - [A new analeptic for the resuscitation of newborn infants]. PMID- 13473581 TI - [Mega-left atrium]. PMID- 13473582 TI - [Prevention of gout attacks by phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13473583 TI - [Functional disorders of Oddi's sphincter; significance of the position of the feet in the diagnosis]. PMID- 13473585 TI - [Ophthalmotone & menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13473584 TI - [Strangulated femoral hernia]. PMID- 13473586 TI - [Botulism]. PMID- 13473587 TI - [Smallpox vaccination; results of immuno-allergic state of the population of the Federal Capital, obtained with specimens]. PMID- 13473588 TI - [Diseases caused by food]. PMID- 13473589 TI - [Cryptitis and papillitis]. PMID- 13473590 TI - [Several biological fundamentals of health]. PMID- 13473592 TI - [True valvular stenosis of the pulmonary artery]. PMID- 13473591 TI - [The hepatitis viruses]. PMID- 13473594 TI - [Personnel needed to attend pulmotors]. PMID- 13473593 TI - [Pharmacoradiological examination of the large intestine]. PMID- 13473595 TI - [Simple goiter; case reports]. PMID- 13473596 TI - [Functional exploration of the respiratory tract. I]. PMID- 13473597 TI - [Acetazolamide in the treatment of edema & excessive weight gained during pregnancy]. PMID- 13473598 TI - [Acute edematous pancreatitis with the icteric diabetic syndrome]. PMID- 13473599 TI - [Treatment of nasal repercussions of allergy]. PMID- 13473600 TI - [One-stage cholecystostomy; Bobbs' operation]. PMID- 13473601 TI - [Chronic Chagas' heart disease in the province of Buenos Aires]. PMID- 13473602 TI - [Functional examination of the respiratory tract. II]. PMID- 13473603 TI - [Value of novobiocin-penicillin V & novobiocillin-tetracycline combinations in clinical pediatrics]. PMID- 13473604 TI - [The surgeon in relation to the advances in exfoliative cytology in cancer]. PMID- 13473605 TI - [Splenoportography in patients with hydatid cyst of the liver]. PMID- 13473606 TI - [Aortic insufficiency & subacute bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13473607 TI - [Cyclic vomiting with acetonemia]. PMID- 13473608 TI - [Relation between the intensity of cutaneous allergization & the result of intradermal costational specific treatment]. PMID- 13473609 TI - [Tietze's syndrome; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13473610 TI - [Looped deformities of the external ear; surgical technic]. PMID- 13473611 TI - [New comments on the applicability & results of cobalt therapy]. PMID- 13473612 TI - [Present status of pediatrics]. PMID- 13473613 TI - [Extirpation of the cervical lymph nodes]. PMID- 13473614 TI - [Contusion of the liver]. PMID- 13473615 TI - [Intravenous cholecystocholangiography]. PMID- 13473616 TI - [Acute abdomen; clinical & surgical study]. PMID- 13473617 TI - [A plan for the treatment of asthma in children]. PMID- 13473618 TI - [Anguish in general practice]. PMID- 13473619 TI - [Intravenous administration of an extract from the posterior pituitary gland in labor hemorrhages]. PMID- 13473620 TI - [Treatment of polymorphic erythema]. PMID- 13473621 TI - [Cerebral hemorrhage; neurosurgery]. PMID- 13473622 TI - [Medical error influencing the opportune diagnosis of genital & breast cancer]. PMID- 13473623 TI - [Psychological training for schizophrenics]. PMID- 13473624 TI - [Anecdotes of syphilis: Ehrlich & the discovery of salvarsan]. PMID- 13473625 TI - [Medical diencephalic block in sexual impotence caused by emotional disorders]. PMID- 13473626 TI - [Extirpation of the cervical lymph nodes; surgical technic]. PMID- 13473627 TI - [Plication of the greater curvature of the stomach; case report]. PMID- 13473628 TI - [Contribution to the theme: acute diarrhea in infants]. PMID- 13473629 TI - [Importance of the negative intravenous cholangiogram]. PMID- 13473630 TI - [Sjogren syndrome]. PMID- 13473631 TI - [Colposcopy in the direct biopsy for the early diagnosis of cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13473632 TI - [Acute cholecystitis; clinical manifestations & treatment]. PMID- 13473633 TI - [Physiology of respiration]. PMID- 13473634 TI - [Complex BT & burns in pediatrics]. PMID- 13473635 TI - [Tetanus in the surgical medium; treatment]. PMID- 13473636 TI - [Personal experience in the treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13473637 TI - [Parotid gland; incisions to remove benign lesions]. PMID- 13473638 TI - [Staphylococcal infections; epidemiology & therapeutic problems]. PMID- 13473639 TI - [Norms for the orientation of total assistance of the healthy child during the 1st year of life]. PMID- 13473640 TI - [Rapid determination of urea in blood or plasma]. PMID- 13473641 TI - An abnormality of nonesterified fatty acid metabolism in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13473642 TI - 24-Hour urinary pepsinogen excretion in juvenile diabetes. PMID- 13473643 TI - Oculomotor paralysis in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13473644 TI - The nature of diabetic (Kimmelstiel-Wilson) glomeru losclerosis. PMID- 13473645 TI - Electron microscopy of the normal islets of Langerhans; studies in the dog, rabbit, guinea pig and rat. PMID- 13473646 TI - Urinary excretion patterns of some B-vitamins in diabetes; a study in patients with and without degenerative complications. PMID- 13473648 TI - Pregnancy and diabetes; panel discussion. PMID- 13473647 TI - Hyperglycemic effect without anabolic effect of beef growth hormone in man. PMID- 13473649 TI - What the patient should be told about the oral hypoglycemic compounds. PMID- 13473650 TI - Ocular nerve palsy in diabetes. PMID- 13473651 TI - Vision in medicine today and 65 years ago: introduction. PMID- 13473652 TI - The patient leads the way. PMID- 13473653 TI - A technique of bronchography in children with evaluation of contrast media. PMID- 13473654 TI - Ballistocardiography: concepts of its applicability in the office practice of cardiology. PMID- 13473655 TI - Cyanacethydrazide therapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13473656 TI - Mediastinal emphysema and left pneumothorax. PMID- 13473657 TI - Delayed cardiac arrhythmias following non-cardiac thoracic surgery. PMID- 13473658 TI - Should we treat tuberculin converters. PMID- 13473659 TI - The role of the secondary or precipitating causes of asthmatic attacks in the management of the asthmatic patient. PMID- 13473660 TI - Comparative efficacy of the concurrent use of pyrazinamide and isoniazid with that of other forms of therapy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13473661 TI - A case of benign inoculation lymphoreticulosis presenting as axillary lymphadenopathy of obscure origin. PMID- 13473662 TI - Metastasizing (malignant) bronchial adenoma with heteroplastic bone formation. PMID- 13473663 TI - Diagnostic x-rays of the chest; a possible hazard. PMID- 13473664 TI - Histopathology of the effect of cortisone on the irradiated rat lung. PMID- 13473665 TI - The electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram of the normal infant. PMID- 13473666 TI - Clinical experience with terramycin as an adjunctive agent in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. PMID- 13473667 TI - Partial air replacement during thoracentesis: its value in diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13473668 TI - The effect of acetazolamide on arterial carbon dioxide tension in respiratory acidosis: a preliminary report. PMID- 13473669 TI - Is streptomycin an ineffective antituberculous therapy in the absence of acquired host resistance. PMID- 13473670 TI - Rheumatic heart disease in East Pakistan. PMID- 13473671 TI - The surgical treatment of cavitary and non-cavitary tuberculosis in the non infectious patient. PMID- 13473672 TI - The role of chlorpromazine in the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13473673 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473674 TI - Scalenus anticus syndrome; a late sequela of thoracoplasty. PMID- 13473675 TI - A re-examination of mental illness in old age. PMID- 13473676 TI - Group psychotherapy in a general hospital. PMID- 13473677 TI - Therapeuticteam approach to modified E.S.T. PMID- 13473678 TI - Evaluation of treatment procedures in psychiatry. PMID- 13473679 TI - Ineffectiveness of chlorpromazine and Rauwolfia serpentina preparations in the treatment of depression. PMID- 13473680 TI - Treatment of ambulatory and hospitalized psychiatric patients with trilafon. PMID- 13473681 TI - Historical considerations in the science of psychiatry. PMID- 13473682 TI - Peripheral neuropathy associated with multiple myelomatosis and amyloidosis; report of a case. PMID- 13473683 TI - Reactivity of brain tissue to intracranial and external electrotherapy. PMID- 13473684 TI - Prochlorperazine (compazine) in emotional disturbances. PMID- 13473685 TI - Dimethylane in the treatment of anxiety reactions. PMID- 13473686 TI - Electroshock therapy without muscle relaxants. PMID- 13473687 TI - Preliminary report on cytopathology of erythrocytes of schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13473688 TI - Filariasis on the island of Pam; South Waigeo District, West New-Guinea. PMID- 13473689 TI - Toxoplasmosis in the Netherlands; clinical interpretation of parasitological and serological examinations and epidemiological relationships between toxoplasmosis in man and in animals. PMID- 13473690 TI - Intestinal parasites in the Central Mountain District of Netherlands New-Guinea: an important focus of Balantidium coli. PMID- 13473691 TI - Man-biting sandflies (Phlebotomus) in the endemic leishmaniasis area of Surinam. PMID- 13473693 TI - Oestrogen metabolism and geographical pathology. PMID- 13473692 TI - A survey of 1,000 patients treated in the Firestone Hospital, Cavalla Plantation, Liberia, between February 1, 1955 and February 15, 1956. PMID- 13473694 TI - Mucoid carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract in a Kapauku. PMID- 13473695 TI - Malaria in Friesland. PMID- 13473696 TI - Feline scabies in man. PMID- 13473697 TI - Treatment of schistosomiasis caused by S. haematobium. PMID- 13473698 TI - Quantitative complement fixation and lepromin reaction in tuberculosis. PMID- 13473700 TI - Increase in the morbidity of meningococcal meningitis in the Netherlands. PMID- 13473699 TI - Import of malaria in the Netherlands. PMID- 13473701 TI - Acute necrosis of the scrotal skin. PMID- 13473702 TI - Two yaws endemics in South-West Borneo. PMID- 13473703 TI - A case of brucellosis suis in a Kapauku child. PMID- 13473704 TI - [Asphyxia neonatorum]. PMID- 13473705 TI - [Assessment of caloric requirements for different populations]. PMID- 13473706 TI - [Burns therapy; observations on the effect of polyphloroglucinol phosphate on burns in outpatients]. PMID- 13473707 TI - [The neurochronaxy theory]. PMID- 13473708 TI - [C-reactive protein in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13473709 TI - [Heparin therapy of peritendinitis crepitans]. PMID- 13473710 TI - [Prolonged phenindione therapy of ambulant cases]. PMID- 13473711 TI - [Moberg's sweat test in hand injuries]. PMID- 13473712 TI - [Pneumomediastinum & cutaneous emphysema in otherwise normal labor; case report]. PMID- 13473713 TI - [Gastric hemorrhage caused by acetylsalicylic acid]. PMID- 13473714 TI - [Diverticula of the stomach & their surgical management]. PMID- 13473715 TI - Speech by His Excellency the governor at the opening of the Scientific Conference, Dar es Salaam on Wednesday, 16th January, 1957. PMID- 13473716 TI - Presidential address. PMID- 13473717 TI - The control of tuberculosis in rural areas in Uganda. PMID- 13473718 TI - The control of tuberculosis in Kenya. PMID- 13473719 TI - The Heaf multiple puncture intracutaneous tuberculin test as used in the Student Health Service, Makerere College. PMID- 13473720 TI - Surgery for lung tuberculosis in Kenya. PMID- 13473721 TI - The case for the use of isoniazid alone in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in East Africa. PMID- 13473722 TI - The leprosy, tuberculosis relationship. PMID- 13473723 TI - Hypersensitivity in tuberculosis and leprosy; skin reactions; summary of preliminary report. PMID- 13473724 TI - The epidemiology of leprosy. PMID- 13473725 TI - Some experimental approaches to leprosy. PMID- 13473726 TI - Comparative significance of leprosy and tuberculosis in the overall health problems of tropical Africa. PMID- 13473727 TI - Leprosy control in rural areas. PMID- 13473728 TI - A small-scale leprosy control scheme in Rungwe District, Tanganyika. PMID- 13473729 TI - Surgery in leprosy; nerve decompression and reconstructive surgery. PMID- 13473730 TI - Chemotherapy of leprosy in South Africa. PMID- 13473731 TI - What is the minimal dose of DDS effective in leprosy. PMID- 13473732 TI - An interim report on SU 1906 (diphenylthiourea) in leprosy. PMID- 13473733 TI - The medical pioneers and explorers of East Africa. PMID- 13473734 TI - The history of malaria in Nandi. PMID- 13473735 TI - Congenital pyloric stenosis; a case report. PMID- 13473736 TI - [Familial environment of schizophrenics]. PMID- 13473737 TI - [Acute intermittent familial porphyria with nervous & mental disorders & epileptiform & opisthotonic crises]. PMID- 13473738 TI - [Epileptic psychosis characterized by homosexual panic during the phase of abstinence following chronic barbiturate addiction; example of concurrence of both psychogenic & somatic factors]. PMID- 13473739 TI - [Neuro-ophthalmic anomalies of hereditary & embryonic origin]. PMID- 13473740 TI - [Hibernation & tranquilizing agents in psychiatric therapy]. PMID- 13473741 TI - [Clinical forms & diagnosis of onset of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13473742 TI - [Clinical forms & diagnosis of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13473743 TI - [Prognosis of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13473744 TI - [Suicide in epileptics]. PMID- 13473745 TI - [Short treatise on interviewing followed by findings during interrogation of patients deprived of the use of speech (aphasia)]. PMID- 13473746 TI - [Etiology of monoglism; role of enzyme inhibitors]. PMID- 13473747 TI - [Paraphrenia]. PMID- 13473748 TI - [Morphological and psychological typology]. PMID- 13473749 TI - Studies on the thyroid uptake of I 131. 3. Effect of various hormones other than the pituitary. PMID- 13473750 TI - Endocrinological studies on breast cancer. PMID- 13473751 TI - Studies on intravenous glucose tolerance curve. 1. Experiments on adult and young dogs. PMID- 13473753 TI - Hyperactivity of hypothalamic neurosecretion and coincidental occurrence of thyroid enlargement following administration of methylthiouracil. PMID- 13473752 TI - Urinary excretion of steroids of allopregnane-tetrol and -pentol types. PMID- 13473754 TI - Independence of the goiter development to the concentration of circulating protein bound iodine. PMID- 13473755 TI - The metabolic products of I 131-labeled thyroxine in various rat tissue slices. PMID- 13473756 TI - Mode of occurrence of steroid hormones in the blood serum. II. PMID- 13473757 TI - [Bilateral seminoma of the testicle; anatomicopathological and histogenetic aspects]. PMID- 13473758 TI - [Cytological and cytochemical modifications of hemopoietic tissue in animals treated by butylsulfanilurea]. PMID- 13473759 TI - [Elimination of 17-ketosteroids during treatment of diabetics with the new hypoglycemic preparations: BZ-55 and D-860]. PMID- 13473760 TI - [Interference in the development of experimental arteriosclerosis due to adrenalin in rabbits pretreated with 1-methyl-4-(m-hydroxyphenyl)-4-propionyl piperidine]. PMID- 13473761 TI - [Modifications of neuroendocrine constellations and of various parenchyma due to varied doses of synthetic analgesics: experimental research with 1-methyl-4-(m hydroxyphenyl)-4-propionyl-piperidine]. PMID- 13473762 TI - [Modifications induced by systemic stress on the mast cells and the chromotropic substance of the aortic wall and on myocardial glycogen: experimental research]. PMID- 13473763 TI - [The electrocardiogram in experimental systemic stress; electric stress]. PMID- 13473764 TI - [Novel concepts of the biochemistry and physiopathology of melaninic pigmentation]. PMID- 13473765 TI - [Bone marrow, splenic & hematic response to systemic stress (electrical stress); experimental study]. PMID- 13473766 TI - The influence of senescence on thyroid function: functional changes evaluated with I131. PMID- 13473767 TI - A precise method for the bioassay of urinary gonadotropin with a suggestion for a stable, easily available reference standard. PMID- 13473769 TI - Bioassay of thyrotropic hormone by weight response of bovine thyroid slices. PMID- 13473768 TI - Blockade of the release of pituitary ovulating hormone in the rat by chlorpromazine and reserpine: possible mechanisms of action. PMID- 13473770 TI - A chemical and histochemical study of aliesterase in mouse adrenal cortex under hormonal influences and altered sodium intake. PMID- 13473771 TI - Plasma level of antidiuretic hormone and serum osmolarity in normal human adults. PMID- 13473772 TI - Effect of hypophysectomy on the insulin requirement and response to fasting of totally pancreatectomized rats. PMID- 13473773 TI - Heparin-induced block of the leukocyte response to cortisone. PMID- 13473774 TI - Surfacebinding of thyroxine by thyroidal proteins. PMID- 13473775 TI - Effects of renin and thyroxine in rats treated with corticosteroids and in rats with regenerating adrenals. PMID- 13473776 TI - Effect of insulin on growth in force-fed hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13473777 TI - The localization of thyroid hormones in the organs and tissues of the guinea pig: an autoradiographic and chromatographic study. PMID- 13473779 TI - Metabolites of radioactive L-thyroxine and L-triiodothyronine. PMID- 13473778 TI - Pathways of thyroidal phosphorus metabolism: the effect of pituitary thyrotropin upon the phospholipids of the sheep thyroid gland. PMID- 13473780 TI - Effects of relaxin on uterine weight of immature rats. PMID- 13473781 TI - The ability of 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone to block ethionine-induced fatty liver in rats. PMID- 13473782 TI - Body weight changes in hypophysectomized rats following implantation of somatotropin pellets. PMID- 13473783 TI - Multicellularity in bacteria. PMID- 13473784 TI - Bacterial flagella and motility. PMID- 13473785 TI - [Use of phages in bacteriological diagnosis with a special reference to typing of typhoid and paratyphoid B-bacteria as well as of the staphylococci]. PMID- 13473787 TI - [Bacteriolytic activities of microorganisms]. PMID- 13473786 TI - [The Kauffmann-White schema; diagnostic Salmonella antigen schema]. PMID- 13473788 TI - [Bacterial cytology in comparison with fine structure of higher differentiated cells]. PMID- 13473789 TI - [Serologic diagnosis of human virus diseases]. PMID- 13473790 TI - [Experimental study on fetal anoxia & the newborn]. PMID- 13473791 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic study on serum proteins in the newborn & older infants]. PMID- 13473792 TI - Vitamin C deficiency as a factor influencing seasonal fluctuations in the frequency of stillbirths. PMID- 13473793 TI - [Cytological principles of heredity relatively connected to sex in mammals]. PMID- 13473794 TI - Carbohydrates, collagen and elastin of the normal aortic wall and arteriosclerotic hyaline plaques. PMID- 13473795 TI - Haemoglobin F in talassemia minor; amino-acid composition. PMID- 13473796 TI - A female-sterile mutant (deep orange) of Drosophila melanogaster increasing isoxanthopterine content. PMID- 13473797 TI - Taxonomical implications of the properties of a riboflavin-producing mutant yeast. PMID- 13473798 TI - Glycolitic enzymes in the human amniotic fluid. PMID- 13473799 TI - Post nephrectomy increase in serum ribonuclease activity after total hepatectomy or nitrogen mustard derivatives administration. PMID- 13473800 TI - Antibodies against connective tissue in collagen diseases. PMID- 13473801 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473802 TI - [Effect of a lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli on metabolism]. PMID- 13473803 TI - [Inhibition of active cation transport by cardiac glycosides]. PMID- 13473804 TI - Studies of lipid extracts from red blood cells. PMID- 13473805 TI - Some relationships between the pancreatic beta-cells and the metabolism of the epiphyseal cartilage. I. Cartilage ATP concentration of young alloxan diabetic rats. PMID- 13473806 TI - Some relationships between the pancreatic beta-cells and the metabolism of the epiphyseal cartilage. II. Cartilage cocarboxylase activity of young alloxan diabetic rats. PMID- 13473807 TI - Influence of post irradiation administration of methionine on the excretion of creatine, creatine and N-methyl nicotinamide in urine of rats. PMID- 13473808 TI - Plasma disappearance and urinary excretion of reserpine (serpasil) in the unanesthetized dog. PMID- 13473809 TI - [Method of identification of a strain of Escherichia coli in the intestinal flora after oral implantation]. PMID- 13473810 TI - A densitometric adapter for direct plotting of electrophoretic curve from paper strips. PMID- 13473811 TI - Regulation of blood pressure and hypertension. PMID- 13473812 TI - [Stability sequence of stereoisomeric hydrindan and hydrindanone compounds]. PMID- 13473813 TI - The localized crossover and a new hypothesis of chromosomal interference. PMID- 13473814 TI - Morphological effects of the secretion of histamine and mucopolysaccharides by mast cells. PMID- 13473815 TI - Ultrafiltration measurement of paraprotein particles in four cases of macroglobulinemia. PMID- 13473816 TI - Swelling properties of the mitochondria of unfertilized and newly fertilized sea urchin eggs. PMID- 13473817 TI - [Synthesis of analgesically active benzimidazole derivatives with basic substitutions]. PMID- 13473819 TI - Kinetics of penicillinase activity. PMID- 13473818 TI - [Benzimidazole derivatives with strong analgesic effects]. PMID- 13473820 TI - Biochemical predetermination in Drosophila. PMID- 13473821 TI - [New volatile buffer for use in chromatography and electrophoresis]. PMID- 13473822 TI - Motility of leukocytes in slide cells. PMID- 13473823 TI - [Influence of phlorhizin on phagocytosis by leukocytes]. PMID- 13473824 TI - [Further studies on the effect of ACTH on phagocytosis of leukocytes]. PMID- 13473825 TI - The gonadotrophic activity of date palm pollen grains. PMID- 13473826 TI - The influence of oestrogen and progesterone on pituitary function. PMID- 13473827 TI - [Effect of the neurotoxin of Shigella shigae on susceptibility to cramps]. PMID- 13473829 TI - New method for determination of radioactivity in vegetal and animal tissues. PMID- 13473828 TI - Integrative pattern of reflex actions by impulses in large muscle spindle afferents on motoneurones to hip muscles. PMID- 13473831 TI - [Effects of ultraviolet rays on Acetabularia mediterranea]. PMID- 13473830 TI - A method for the incorporation of radioactive isotopes in the sea urchin egg. PMID- 13473832 TI - Studies on the mechanism of synchronous cell division in Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13473833 TI - The content and composition of nucleic acids in normal and synchronously dividing mass cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13473834 TI - The intracellular distribution of mass during ontogeny of pollen in Tradescantia L. PMID- 13473835 TI - Reactions of C14-labeled carcinogenic azo dyes with rat liver proteins. PMID- 13473836 TI - Isolation of a fertilization-promoting factor from egg water of Psammechinus miliaris. PMID- 13473837 TI - Behavior of enzymes in liver of starved rats. PMID- 13473838 TI - Synthetic processes in nucleated and nonnucleated parts of Mytilus eggs. PMID- 13473839 TI - The incorporation in vitro of labeled amino acids into the proteins of regenerating rat liver. PMID- 13473840 TI - A modified Spencer microtome for thin sectioning. PMID- 13473841 TI - Cellular lipoproteins. I. The insoluble lipoprotein of whole liver cells. PMID- 13473842 TI - Cellular lipoproteins. II. A ghost cell preparation. PMID- 13473843 TI - A photoelectric recording set for pulsation curves of heart muscle cultures in vitro. PMID- 13473844 TI - Studies on the conversion of folic acid to citrovorum factor by developing chick embryo. PMID- 13473845 TI - The proteolytic activity of the gastropod egg. PMID- 13473846 TI - Phospholipid content in Novikoff hepatoma, regenerating liver and in liver of fed and fasted normal rats. PMID- 13473847 TI - Developmental changes in the respiratory activity of rabbit ova. PMID- 13473848 TI - Effect of 20-methylcholanthrene on DNA synthesis in mouse prostates grown in vitro. PMID- 13473849 TI - Influence of intraperitoneally injected homogenates of the outer orbital gland and the liver on RNA and DNA in these organs in rats. PMID- 13473850 TI - Observations by polarized light on the supporting stroma of some organs in insects. PMID- 13473851 TI - Improved fixative for astral rays and nuclear membrane of Tubifex embryos. PMID- 13473852 TI - [Electron microscopic research on the occurrence of plasmodesma in cell walls]. PMID- 13473853 TI - DNA synthesis in two ciliates. PMID- 13473854 TI - The absence of alpha-epsilon-diaminopimelic acid from the primitive red alga Porphyridlum cruentum. PMID- 13473855 TI - Cation binding and exchange in killed red algal tissues. PMID- 13473856 TI - Lysis of Bacillus subtilis by cystamine. PMID- 13473857 TI - The effect of dextran on the dry mass distribution in osmotic hemolysis. PMID- 13473858 TI - Proteins of isolated mitochondria from rat liver. PMID- 13473859 TI - [Myelin structure observed by electron microscope in erythrocyte slides during lysis]. PMID- 13473860 TI - Cellulose deposition in elongating epidermal cells of Avena coleoptiles. PMID- 13473861 TI - Golgi structure of adenopituitary cells revealed by refractometry and microincineration. PMID- 13473862 TI - Regenerating peripheral nerve sheaths following wallerian degeneration. PMID- 13473863 TI - Identification of mucopolysaccharides by means of fluorescent basic dyes. PMID- 13473864 TI - Ultrastructure of the nuclear membrane of a gregarine parasitic in grasshoppers. PMID- 13473866 TI - Biophysical properties of the tectorial membrane (of Corti). PMID- 13473865 TI - Metabolic heterogeneity of mouse liver desoxyribonucleic acid. PMID- 13473867 TI - Electron microscopic investigations of the lungs. II. Specific cells and other cells with osmiophylic enclosures. PMID- 13473868 TI - Electron microscopic studies in scurvy. I. Red blood cells. PMID- 13473869 TI - Further studies on the structure and function of the ovary and testis after interruption of their main arterial supply. PMID- 13473870 TI - [Influence of thyroxin, triiodothyronine and estradiol monophosphate on the oxygen consumption of rat liver homogenate]. PMID- 13473871 TI - Medical problems subsequent to ureteroenterostomy. PMID- 13473872 TI - Effect of low oxygen duration and liver damage on plasma erythropoietin titer in hypoxic animals. PMID- 13473873 TI - Atherosis in the baboon (Papio ursinus); its pathogenesis and etiology. PMID- 13473874 TI - Demonstration of tumor anti-phospholipids in sera of animals bearing tumor, and in sera of certain cancer patients. PMID- 13473875 TI - Experimental closed (gastroentero- and enteroentero-) anastomosis. PMID- 13473876 TI - [Microradiography in determination of the functional circulation of the liver]. PMID- 13473877 TI - Effect of phenylbutazone upon the skeletal changes induced by aminoacetonitrile. PMID- 13473878 TI - Fractionation studies on the antigenic nature of Toxoplasma gondii. PMID- 13473879 TI - Starch hydrolysis by Entamoeba histolytica. PMID- 13473880 TI - The influence of dietary cod liver oil and vitamin E upon Babesia rodhaini in mice. PMID- 13473881 TI - Studies on protein complexes in the cestode, Raillietina cesticillus. PMID- 13473882 TI - The biochemistry of Ascaris. PMID- 13473883 TI - [Enzymatic mechanism of steroid biogenesis]. PMID- 13473884 TI - [Urinary neutral 17-ketosteroids; their significance in clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13473885 TI - [Clinical studies on urinary corticoids]. PMID- 13473886 TI - [The aldosterone]. PMID- 13473887 TI - [The structure and function of serum albumin]. PMID- 13473888 TI - [The role of vitamin B6 in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids in higher animals]. PMID- 13473889 TI - [Free and bound amino acids in human urine]. PMID- 13473890 TI - [Biochemistry of the guanidine group]. PMID- 13473891 TI - [Biochemistry of the crystalline lens]. PMID- 13473892 TI - Rehabilitation of the hard of hearing. PMID- 13473893 TI - The pathology of retinal detachment and retinal detachment surgery. PMID- 13473894 TI - Prevention of head colds in children of school age; a controlled study. PMID- 13473895 TI - EXTERNAL injuries of the larynx. PMID- 13473896 TI - TONOMETERS and tonometry. PMID- 13473898 TI - ESTHETIC surgery in the aged and aging. PMID- 13473897 TI - THE TREATMENT of eccentric fixation. PMID- 13473899 TI - Modern management of otosclerosis. PMID- 13473900 TI - Some aspects of geriatric ophthalmology. PMID- 13473901 TI - Pharyngeal lymphoid tissue in children; roentgen therapy of complications resulting from chronic infection. PMID- 13473902 TI - Infectious sore throat. PMID- 13473903 TI - Transistor hearing aids. PMID- 13473904 TI - Choroidal detachment caused by flat anterior chamber in the absence of vitreous detachment. PMID- 13473905 TI - Notes on the etiology of concomitant strabismus. PMID- 13473906 TI - Surgery of the aging. PMID- 13473907 TI - [Particular methods for the purpose of separating substances by means of paper chromatography]. PMID- 13473909 TI - [Use of ion exchange resins in the preparazione of pharmaceutical drugs for dermatological use]. PMID- 13473908 TI - [Data on the chromatographic determination method of reserpine]. PMID- 13473910 TI - [Antibiotics in the nutrition of animals]. PMID- 13473911 TI - [Modern pharmaceutic technique]. PMID- 13473913 TI - [Synergism in drug combinations with a central depressant action]. PMID- 13473912 TI - [Vitamin A. I. Lyophilization of vitamin A]. PMID- 13473914 TI - [Effect of cytochrome c & diphosphopyridine nucleotide on the isolated auricle of guinea pig]. PMID- 13473916 TI - [Critical remarks & research on the biological determination of aconitine]. PMID- 13473915 TI - [Research on the nature of acquired microbial resistance to antibiotics]. PMID- 13473917 TI - [Various derivatives of 1, 2-diphenyl-4-butylpyrazolidine-3, 5-dione. III. Quantitative determination]. PMID- 13473918 TI - [Several new chloramphenicol esters. I. Water insoluble acylglycolate]. PMID- 13473920 TI - [Vitamin C in cerebral tissue of the rabbit under narcosis produced by the sodium salt of 5-ethyl-5-(1-methyl-butyl)-thiobarbituric acid]. PMID- 13473919 TI - [Effect of various factors on phenylation of the aldehyde group of formaldehyde & acetaldehyde by means of phenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13473921 TI - [New amide derivatives of isonicotinic acid with presumable analeptic activity]. PMID- 13473922 TI - [21-Hydroxypregnane-3, 20-dione: steroid with anesthetic activity]. PMID- 13473923 TI - [Possibility of the application of paper chromatography to the identification alkaloidal drugs. I. Drugs in the Spanish Pharmacopeia, 9th edition]. PMID- 13473924 TI - [Problem of rhizogenesis in varieties of Vitis which are difficult to take root]. PMID- 13473925 TI - [Pyrethrin content of cultivated Pyrethrum. III. New data on the effect of ammonium nitrosulfate as fertilizer]. PMID- 13473926 TI - [Electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in narcosis induced by various pharmacological agents]. PMID- 13473928 TI - [Effect of dimedrol on conditioned reflex activity]. PMID- 13473927 TI - [Effect of morphine, theocodine, phenadone, and promedol on the rate of conduction of excitation in the nerve center]. PMID- 13473929 TI - [Effect of phthivazide on conditioned reflex activity in white mice]. PMID- 13473930 TI - [Pharmacology of a new alkaloid echinopsin]. PMID- 13473931 TI - [Problem of the effect of novocaine, dicaine, and sovcaine on vascular baroreceptors and on ganglionic choline-receptors]. PMID- 13473932 TI - [Central nicotinolytic activity of a new ganglion-blocking agent hexonate]. PMID- 13473933 TI - [Effect of hypo- and hyperglycemic conditions on the development of chloral hydrate induced sleep]. PMID- 13473934 TI - [Tissue respiration in sleep induced by chloral hydrate]. PMID- 13473936 TI - [Effect of aminazine on vitamin C content in organs of white mice]. PMID- 13473935 TI - [Effect of aminazin associated with nembutal on carbohydrate metabolism and on gas content in the blood]. PMID- 13473937 TI - [Effects of aminazine on cough reflex]. PMID- 13473938 TI - [Effect of digicillin on the heart in various functional conditions of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13473939 TI - [Pharmacology of Coronilla scorpioides, a new cardiac drug]. PMID- 13473940 TI - [Effect of diprazine on the uterus in experimental animals]. PMID- 13473941 TI - [Certain pharmacological properties of vitamin P-active tea tannin]. PMID- 13473942 TI - [Relation of modified chemical structure to changes in toxicity and antineoplastic activity of Colchicum alkaloids and their derivatives]. PMID- 13473943 TI - [Experimental studies on toxicity and therapeutic effectiveness of pentabismol]. PMID- 13473944 TI - [Experimental data on toxicity of insecticide metaphos]. PMID- 13473945 TI - [Effect of vitamins C, PP, and B2 on the course of acute poisoning with orthonitrochlorobenzene]. PMID- 13473947 TI - [Method of investigation of excretory function of the lungs]. PMID- 13473946 TI - [Inefficiency of subcutaneous and intracutaneous lobeline and cytitone; experiments on animals with depressed respiration]. PMID- 13473948 TI - [Ivan Mikhailovich Dogel'; 1830-1916; 40th anniversary of his death]. PMID- 13473949 TI - [Medical history in Lithuania]. PMID- 13473950 TI - [60th Anniversary of birth of Iurii Vasil'evich Drugov]. PMID- 13473951 TI - Education and fitness in the Netherlands. PMID- 13473952 TI - Internship in South Africa. PMID- 13473953 TI - Fitness concepts in other countries. III. An aspect of medical education in Britain. PMID- 13473954 TI - Supplementary medical education: a survey after five years. PMID- 13473956 TI - [Electrographic data on the problem of concomitant work of the cerebral hemispheres]. PMID- 13473955 TI - [Inhibition of motor reflexes in spinal dogs in chronic experimental conditions]. PMID- 13473957 TI - [A reflex mechanism responsible for changes of position of the thorax]. PMID- 13473958 TI - [Modification of interoceptive reflexes in hypercapnic states]. PMID- 13473959 TI - [Gastrointestinal function in dogs following ionizing irradiation]. PMID- 13473960 TI - [Fermentative composition and certain properties of juice of the large intestine]. PMID- 13473961 TI - [Relation of tonus-like to postural contractions]. PMID- 13473962 TI - [Characteristics of contractile proteins in skeletal muscle fibers of various types]. PMID- 13473963 TI - [Conditioned blinking reflex in goats]. PMID- 13473964 TI - [Simple apparatus for registration of salivation in unrestrained dogs]. PMID- 13473965 TI - [Registration of intracranial and arterial pressures with the aid of direct plethysmography]. PMID- 13473966 TI - [Electrophysiological studies performed during rotation of the subject]. PMID- 13473967 TI - [Computing electrographic scale]. PMID- 13473968 TI - [Method of removal of the posterior columns of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13473969 TI - [Vladimir Nikolaevich Chernigovskii; 50th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13473970 TI - [Fractions of body water in compensated heart disease]. PMID- 13473971 TI - [Blood gases in compensated heart diseases in basal conditions and after muscular exercise]. PMID- 13473972 TI - [The electrocardiogram in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13473974 TI - [The first heart sound]. PMID- 13473973 TI - [Coarctation of the aortic isthmus with persistence of Botallo's duct and calcific stenosis of the aortic valve]. PMID- 13473975 TI - [Detection of a substance furthering the multiplication of erythrocytes and reticulocytes in polycythemia vera in experiments on animals]. PMID- 13473976 TI - [Relation of blood coagulation to capillary permeability]. PMID- 13473977 TI - [Evaluation of lowered hemoglobin concentration levels in pregnancy]. PMID- 13473978 TI - [The present state of research on vitamin B12]. PMID- 13473979 TI - [Morphology and pathogenesis of aortic valvulitis in silicotics]. PMID- 13473981 TI - [Technological, environmental & hygienic conditions in the cotton industry]. PMID- 13473980 TI - [Blood proteins, lipoproteins & glycoproteins in subchronic experimental & human poisoning with carbon monoxide]. PMID- 13473982 TI - [Thioctic acid in experimental carbon tetrachloride poisoning]. PMID- 13473983 TI - [Rhodanase activity in tissues in experimental poisoning with carbon monoxide]. PMID- 13473984 TI - [Stratigraphic findings in the study of alterations of the pulmonary artery in silicosis]. PMID- 13473985 TI - [Physiopathological aspects of peripheral circulation in saturnism]. PMID- 13473986 TI - [Hydrosaline balance in blood & myocardium in acute experimental carbon monoxide poisoning & its relation to ECG changes]. PMID- 13473987 TI - [Industrial absenteeim due to illness in the Province of Siena. II. Absenteeism in the glass industry]. PMID- 13473988 TI - [Blood & muscular cholinesterase in experimental carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13473989 TI - [Psychological studies on small children with special hearing & speech disorders in various countries]. PMID- 13473990 TI - [Electrophysiologic data on the function of the phonetic apparatus in dogs; effects of stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve]. PMID- 13473991 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13473992 TI - [Electro-acoustic studies on the theory of speech expression]. PMID- 13473993 TI - The use of the electroencephalogram in diagnosing speech disorders in children. PMID- 13473994 TI - Some metabolic aspects of myotonia dystrophica. PMID- 13473995 TI - Infectious encephalomyelopathy with adenitis. PMID- 13473996 TI - Asemiotic disorders. PMID- 13473997 TI - Sensory neuropathy in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13473998 TI - The significance of the EEG for the diagnosis and localization of cerebral tumours. PMID- 13473999 TI - Acceleration in human limbs during voluntary movement. PMID- 13474000 TI - Ambivalent optokinetic stimulation. PMID- 13474001 TI - The classification of gliomata on the basis of the pathogenesis. PMID- 13474002 TI - A family with dystrophia myotonica; with comments on muscle pathology. PMID- 13474004 TI - [Report of the 38th congress of the Deutsche Rontgengesellschaft, September 30 to October 4, 1956, in Berlin]. PMID- 13474003 TI - Histopathology of E. E. G. foci in epileptics. PMID- 13474005 TI - [The importance of the radioisotope unit in general hospitals]. PMID- 13474006 TI - [The pathogenesis of cancer caused by radiations]. PMID- 13474007 TI - [Experimental studies on effects of sublethal & low x-ray doses]. PMID- 13474008 TI - [The question of postoperative radiotherapy in gynecological carcinoma]. PMID- 13474009 TI - [Angiocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac tumors]. PMID- 13474010 TI - [Intravenous cholecystography in young infants]. PMID- 13474011 TI - [Mineral metabolism & bones]. PMID- 13474012 TI - [Pathological calcium metabolism]. PMID- 13474013 TI - [Fundamental processes of calcium metabolism of bones]. PMID- 13474014 TI - [X-ray studies with hard rays up to 200 kv]. PMID- 13474016 TI - [Possibilities & limitations of diagnosis of intestinal situs anomalies]. PMID- 13474015 TI - [Microradiography between 500 & 5000 volts]. PMID- 13474017 TI - [Tomography of the petrous bone with polycyclic extinction in congenital malformations of the ear]. PMID- 13474018 TI - [Determination of cranial capacity from the roentgenogram]. PMID- 13474019 TI - [Roentgenologic studies of an artificially deformed cranium from the time of the great migrations]. PMID- 13474020 TI - [Anatomopathological findings at the place of puncture in cerebral arteriography & thoughts on puncture technic]. PMID- 13474021 TI - [Angiographic studies in benign tumors of the extremities. I]. PMID- 13474022 TI - [Angiographic studies of malignant tumors of the extremities. II]. PMID- 13474023 TI - [Modification of Seldinger's catheter method for isolated filling of aortic branches with contrast media]. PMID- 13474024 TI - [Simultaneous roentgenograms in diagnosis of accidental injuries]. PMID- 13474025 TI - [A new method for radiographic demonstration of the bladder & its pathologic contents]. PMID- 13474026 TI - [Growth inhibition of the lens in a roentgen-irradiated rabbit eye]. PMID- 13474027 TI - [Dosimetry of gamma rays with roentgen films in extended airequivalent media, especially in the vicinity of punctiform gamma sources]. PMID- 13474028 TI - [Experimental studies on control of radiation protection with the help of the film blackening method]. PMID- 13474029 TI - [A new instrument for contrast intensification in roentgenography]. PMID- 13474031 TI - [The problem of the sulcus paraglenoidalis]. PMID- 13474030 TI - [Dependence of small thimble chambers on wave length]. PMID- 13474032 TI - [Biological & biochemical effects of ionizing radiations. V. Change of cataphoretic migration speed of erythrocytes due to total body roentgen irradiation in rats]. PMID- 13474033 TI - [Roentgen symptomatology of a case of primary pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis diagnosed by laparoscopy]. PMID- 13474034 TI - [Depletion processes of Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13474035 TI - [Multiple aneurysms of the splenic artery]. PMID- 13474036 TI - [Roentgenography of renal necrosis]. PMID- 13474038 TI - [Pagetoid alteration of the bone]. PMID- 13474039 TI - [Double formation of the last coccygeal vertebrae]. PMID- 13474037 TI - [Stratification phenomenon at the bile duct region]. PMID- 13474040 TI - [A case of brachymesophalangia]. PMID- 13474041 TI - [Observation of a coarse malformation of the hand in the first generation & a bilateral radio-ulnar synostosis in the second one]. PMID- 13474042 TI - [Air cyst diseases of the lung; Burke's vanishing lung and progressive pulmonary dystrophy of Heilmeyer and Schmid]. PMID- 13474043 TI - [Selective bronchography of apical lung segments]. PMID- 13474044 TI - [Paragonism; contributions to x-ray diagnosis and classification of pulmonary paragonisms]. PMID- 13474045 TI - [Angiocardiographic picture of the large aneurysms of the ascending aorta with one-sided impairment of the pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13474046 TI - [Examination of the mucous membrane in pyloric stenosis by catheterization]. PMID- 13474047 TI - [Functional x-ray symptoms of the small intestine in epidemic parotitis]. PMID- 13474048 TI - [Lumbar myelography in diagnosis of disc hernia]. PMID- 13474049 TI - [Problems of contrast media in hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13474050 TI - [Measurement results in radiotherapy applied through a plaster bandage]. PMID- 13474051 TI - [Objective central focusing as a condition for tele-irradiation with dermopan]. PMID- 13474052 TI - [Weakening of the gamma radiation of radium in water]. PMID- 13474053 TI - [Measurement and estimation of scatter-doses in roentgendiagnosis, especially in the examination of lying patients]. PMID- 13474054 TI - [Behavior of various x-ray films in several commercial x-ray developers]. PMID- 13474055 TI - [Dependency of film blackening with commercial intensifier screens on the quality of rays]. PMID- 13474056 TI - [Changes of x-ray output on rotating x-ray anode tubes]. PMID- 13474057 TI - [Standardization of the technics in x-ray photography]. PMID- 13474059 TI - [Congenital absence of lung]. PMID- 13474058 TI - [Protractor and sighting mirror as localization aids in mobile irradiation of gynecological tumors]. PMID- 13474060 TI - [Differential diagnosis of diverticular projections of the greater curvature]. PMID- 13474061 TI - [Exostoses of the upper pyramidal wedge of the petrous bone]. PMID- 13474062 TI - [Roentgenological contributions to the knowledge on odontomas]. PMID- 13474063 TI - [Persisting epiphysis of the right hip joint]. PMID- 13474064 TI - [Traumatic dyskeratosis of the end-phalanges]. PMID- 13474065 TI - [Osteochondrosis dissecans of the talus head]. PMID- 13474066 TI - [The role of psychopathology in modern psychiatry]. PMID- 13474067 TI - [Primary & secondary symptoms in schizophrenia]. PMID- 13474068 TI - [Cenesthetic schizophrenia]. PMID- 13474069 TI - [Hypophyseal-hypothalamic symptoms after blunt cranial trauma]. PMID- 13474070 TI - [Psychic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide]. PMID- 13474071 TI - [Toxoplasmosis; general remarks & laboratory findings]. PMID- 13474072 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474073 TI - [Acquired toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13474074 TI - [Phenothiazine derivatives]. PMID- 13474076 TI - [Recent data on the pathogenesis & treatment of thyroid insufficiency]. PMID- 13474075 TI - [Osteoarticular manifestations of thoracic affections]. PMID- 13474078 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474077 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474080 TI - [Flexion spasms or myoclonic epilepsy in children]. PMID- 13474079 TI - [Porphyrins,Porphyria, Porphyrinuria]. PMID- 13474081 TI - [Current treatment of coxalgia]. PMID- 13474082 TI - [Acute benign lymphocytic meningitis with cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13474083 TI - [Appendiceal abscess]. PMID- 13474084 TI - [Appendiceal occlusions]. PMID- 13474085 TI - [Primary tumors of the pleura]. PMID- 13474086 TI - [Study of the primary carcinoma in the place of gastro-jejunal anastomosis]. PMID- 13474087 TI - [Carcinoid of the appendix]. PMID- 13474088 TI - [Development of full term newborn & premature infants in the Alpine, Prealpine, planar & costal zones of Friuli]. PMID- 13474089 TI - [Thoughts on the so-called enlarged angiocardiopneumography]. PMID- 13474090 TI - [A case of mammary tuberculosis, associated with a fibroadenoma]. PMID- 13474091 TI - [Tuberculosis of the hernial sac]. PMID- 13474092 TI - [Allergic reactions to intravenous injection of heparin]. PMID- 13474093 TI - [Gangrenous cholecystitis; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13474094 TI - [Value of determination of lipids in various diseases]. PMID- 13474095 TI - [Comparative electrophoretic study of blood & urine in nephrotic & myelomatous patients]. PMID- 13474096 TI - [Electrophoretic findings in malignant affections of the reticuloendothelial system]. PMID- 13474097 TI - [Preoperative sedative medication in dental patients]. PMID- 13474099 TI - [Conservative surgery of laryngeal cancer by laryngofissure or partial laryngectomy]. PMID- 13474098 TI - [Arterial bronchial circulation; anatomical & radiographic findings]. PMID- 13474100 TI - [Infantile mastoiditis]. PMID- 13474101 TI - [Late results of tapering the nasal cavity with acrylate]. PMID- 13474102 TI - [Clinical picture and therapy of reflux esophagitis]. PMID- 13474103 TI - [The speech after laryngectomy]. PMID- 13474104 TI - [Metastizing glioblastoma causing total bilateral deafness]. PMID- 13474105 TI - [Extradural abscess of the frontal lobe cured by Ridell's operation with primary wound closure]. PMID- 13474106 TI - [Abortive case of Crouzon's cranio-facial dysostosis]. PMID- 13474107 TI - [Unusual foreign bodies in the epipharynx]. PMID- 13474108 TI - The patient with fever of unknown origin. PMID- 13474109 TI - Some aspects of psychiatry in general practice. PMID- 13474110 TI - Urine sugar. PMID- 13474111 TI - Neurologic diagnoses most commonly missed. PMID- 13474112 TI - Chronic cystic mastitis. PMID- 13474113 TI - Hemostasis of umbilical cord. PMID- 13474114 TI - Hyperventilation tetany. PMID- 13474115 TI - Treatment of the agitated senile patient with promazine. PMID- 13474116 TI - The Standard Nomenclature in a general practitioner's office. PMID- 13474117 TI - Intralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration. PMID- 13474118 TI - Surgery of the biliary passages. PMID- 13474119 TI - Whiplash injuries. PMID- 13474120 TI - Physiologic approach to the treatment of anemia. PMID- 13474121 TI - Specialty consultation in the family doctor's office. PMID- 13474122 TI - A guide to partnership practice. PMID- 13474123 TI - Survey of general practice. PMID- 13474124 TI - SOCIAL security; physicians stand alone. PMID- 13474125 TI - Erosive esophagitis: recurrent, reflux, peptic esophagitis; 80 adult cases. PMID- 13474126 TI - Therapeutic advantages of intermittent traction in musculoskeletal disorders. PMID- 13474127 TI - A note on the location of intermittent claudication. PMID- 13474128 TI - Nitrogen dioxide pneumonia: a recently discovered malady in silo-fillers. PMID- 13474129 TI - Literacy; the forgotten factor in modern diagnosis and therapy. PMID- 13474130 TI - Anemia as seen in a rural general practice. PMID- 13474131 TI - [Treatment of leukorrhea]. PMID- 13474132 TI - A statistical analysis of general practice. PMID- 13474133 TI - The general practitioner in the industrial environment. PMID- 13474134 TI - VOLUNTARY health insurance; extent of coverage in the United States. PMID- 13474135 TI - [Therapeutic results in advanced retinoblastoma]. PMID- 13474136 TI - [Action of combined primaquine-pyrimethamine. I. Experimental study on pigeons (Columba livia) infected with Plasmodium relictum]. PMID- 13474137 TI - [Action of combined primaquine-pyrimethamine. II. Human infections by Plasmodium vivax & Plasmodium falciparum]. PMID- 13474138 TI - [Hippocrates: School of Medicine, University of Mexico]. PMID- 13474139 TI - [Physiologic aspects of the action of digitalis]. PMID- 13474140 TI - [History of the National Academy of Medicine]. PMID- 13474141 TI - Carcinogenic action of 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide. PMID- 13474143 TI - Inhibitory effect of p-hydroxypropiophenone upon experimental induction of hepatoma in rats fed with butter-yellow (DAB). PMID- 13474142 TI - Production of rat sarcoma by injections of propylene glycol solution of p quinone. PMID- 13474144 TI - Distribution of radioactive iron injected into tumor-bearing animals. PMID- 13474145 TI - Further studies on the reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride by the succinic dehydrogenase complex. PMID- 13474146 TI - Study on the nature of binding of dimethylaminoazobenzene with liver proteins in rats fed the carcinogen. I. Isolation and purification of the amino acid bound aminoazo dye. PMID- 13474147 TI - Studies on the nucleic acid metabolism of human mammary carcinoma, with special reference to the effect of sex hormone. PMID- 13474148 TI - The influence of estrogen on the ribonucleic acid metabolism of rat liver. PMID- 13474149 TI - On the anti-cancerous effect of p-phenylene-diphosphoric acid tetraethylenimid (O, O'-p-phenylene N, N', N", N'''-tetraethylene-tetramidodiphosphate). PMID- 13474150 TI - Geographical observation on cancer mortality by selected sites on the basis of standardised death rate. PMID- 13474151 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474152 TI - [Primary sarcoma of stomach]. PMID- 13474153 TI - [Emergency surgery during epidemic jaundice]. PMID- 13474154 TI - [21 Years of ulcer surgery at the Denk Clinic in Vienna, 1933-1954. III]. PMID- 13474155 TI - [Pyxigraphy; a procedure for examining the contents of the gastrointestinal system by means of a sampling capsule]. PMID- 13474156 TI - [Etiology and treatment of duodenal stasis. II. Etiologies of duodenal stasis; disorders of duodenal transit of congenital origin]. PMID- 13474157 TI - [Twenty-one years of ulcer surgery at the Denk clinic in Vienna; 1933-54. IV. The postoperative ulcer]. PMID- 13474158 TI - ACTH in the treatment of acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13474159 TI - Contribution to the knowledge of gastrojejunocolic fistula and related conditions. PMID- 13474160 TI - Polyposis coli, osteomas, cutaneous fibromas and epidermoids; a case report. PMID- 13474161 TI - The risk of gastric cancer after medical treatment for gastric ulcer. PMID- 13474162 TI - Prognosis in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13474163 TI - Costal intra-osseous venography in the diagnosis of portal hypertension. PMID- 13474164 TI - [Etiology and treatment of duodenal stasis. II. Etiology of duodenal stasis: duodenal stasis without organic obstacle]. PMID- 13474165 TI - [Twenty-one years of ulcer surgery at the Denk Clinic in Vienna, 1933-1954. V. Selection of method of operation and results]. PMID- 13474166 TI - Clinical observations on patients with chronic enteritis. PMID- 13474168 TI - [21 Years of ulcer surgery at the Denk Clinic in Vienna, 1933 to 1954. VI. The problem of carcinoma formation hazards in peptic ulcer patients & gastrectomized]. PMID- 13474167 TI - [Disorders of external pancreatic secretion in cases of fresh duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13474169 TI - [Etiology and therapy of duodenal stasis. IV. Duodenal stasis of biliary origin]. PMID- 13474170 TI - Guest lecture: the nonsurgical treatment of perforated peptic ulcer. PMID- 13474171 TI - The value of cytology in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. PMID- 13474172 TI - Inhibition of the formation of hydrochloric acid in the human stomach by diamox; the role of carbonic anhydrase in gastric secretion. PMID- 13474174 TI - The etiology of chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13474173 TI - Correlation of symptoms with gastroscopic findings, x-ray findings and gastroscopic biopsy in gastritis. PMID- 13474175 TI - The longterm treatment of ulcerative colitis with hydrocortisone, prednisone and prednisolone. PMID- 13474176 TI - The role of ACTH and adrenal steroids in perforation of the colon in ulcerative colitis; a clinical-pathologic study. PMID- 13474177 TI - The early lesions in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13474178 TI - Primary (idiopathic) enteric intussusception in the adult. PMID- 13474179 TI - The effects of amino acid deficiency and partial inanition on the gastric mucosa of the rat. PMID- 13474180 TI - Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and chronic ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13474181 TI - Ectopic pancreatic tissue in stomach wall with unusual symptomatology. PMID- 13474182 TI - Intestinal obstruction due to persimmon bezoar (diospyrobezoar). PMID- 13474183 TI - Hemangiopericytoma of the stomach. PMID- 13474184 TI - Dumping syndrome in the intact stomach. PMID- 13474185 TI - New tools for cholecystography and cholangiography. PMID- 13474186 TI - Proteolytic enzyme activity. I. Urinary proteolytic activity at pH 1.5 in adults. PMID- 13474187 TI - Proteolytic enzyme activity. II. Gastric and urinary proteolytic activities at pH 1.5 and 3.5. PMID- 13474188 TI - Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta; two cases with rupture into the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13474189 TI - Fecal fat excretion in patients with jaundice due to viral hepatitis. PMID- 13474191 TI - The fecal residue from a normal diet of known composition. PMID- 13474190 TI - Effect of an exogenous emulsifier on the absorption of cholesterol and mineral oil. PMID- 13474192 TI - The splenic approach to the portal circulation; intrasplenic and intrahepatic tissue pressure measurements in acute and convalescent hepatitis. PMID- 13474193 TI - Aspirin as a gastric irritant. PMID- 13474195 TI - Acquired megacolon in the insane. PMID- 13474194 TI - A comparison of the estimation of gastric retention by radiologic and direct quantitative methods. PMID- 13474196 TI - The minor role of hydrochloric acid in experimental production of peptic ulcer in dogs. PMID- 13474197 TI - Varices of cecum as an unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. PMID- 13474198 TI - The treatment of chronic pancreatitis. PMID- 13474199 TI - Cardiac arrest during gastroscopy. PMID- 13474200 TI - Solitary duodenal metastasis eight years after radiation of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13474201 TI - The method of West et al. for determining the excretion rate of urorennin. PMID- 13474203 TI - [Data on the functional & biometric examination of gymnasts & athletes]. PMID- 13474202 TI - [Sports medicine]. PMID- 13474204 TI - [Treatment of athlete's foot]. PMID- 13474205 TI - [Psychotechnic & athletics]. PMID- 13474206 TI - [Craniocerebral injuries of boxers]. PMID- 13474207 TI - [The role of the orthopedic surgeon in sports medicine]. PMID- 13474208 TI - [Tendon disorders of the foot in athletes]. PMID- 13474209 TI - [New ligamentous injuries of the tibiotarsal joint]. PMID- 13474210 TI - [Muscular injuries in the practice of athletics]. PMID- 13474211 TI - [Painful inguino-abdominocrural syndrome]. PMID- 13474212 TI - [Value of arthropneumography in the diagnosis of injuries of the meniscus of the knee]. PMID- 13474213 TI - [Physical capacity & the relation to cardiac & blood volumes]. PMID- 13474215 TI - [Care of patients after surgery of breast]. PMID- 13474214 TI - [Lower bilateral hemianopsia caused by uterine hemorrhage]. PMID- 13474216 TI - [Various operations on the stomach]. PMID- 13474217 TI - [False appendicular fronts]. PMID- 13474218 TI - [What treatment to propose for a woman with genital prolapse]. PMID- 13474219 TI - [General anesthesia in the non-hospitalized ambulatory patient]. PMID- 13474220 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474221 TI - [Open fractures of the leg]. PMID- 13474222 TI - [Medical treatment of spasmodic constipations; effectiveness of R. 212 associated with classic treatment]. PMID- 13474223 TI - [Clinical aspects & therapy of tuberculosis of cervix uteri: studies on 112 cases]. PMID- 13474224 TI - [Results & problems of drug therapy in female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13474225 TI - [Quantitative determination of pituitary gonadotropins during the menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13474226 TI - [Therapy of malignant melanoma of the female genitalia, with a contribution on direct & subcutaneous contact irradiation with radiocobalt]. PMID- 13474227 TI - [Radiotherapy of malignant tumors of the external genitalia]. PMID- 13474229 TI - [Displacement of an intrauterine (Grafenberg) pessary in the parametrium]. PMID- 13474228 TI - [Differential diagnosis between recurrent carcinoma & radiation damage; problems & therapeutic conclusions]. PMID- 13474230 TI - [Psychological methods of facilitation of labor]. PMID- 13474231 TI - [The fate of women with pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13474232 TI - [Perinatal mortality of the newborn in late pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13474233 TI - [Prevention and therapy of shock in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13474234 TI - [The colpolux, a simple apparatus for colposcopy in general practice]. PMID- 13474235 TI - [The effect of ethinyl-nortestosterone on basal temperature in pregnancy]. PMID- 13474236 TI - [Critical remarks on the indirect Coombs test]. PMID- 13474237 TI - [Significance of the periodic acid-Schiff reaction of the endometrium for diagnosis of early uterine abortion and of disorders of extrauterine pregnancy]. PMID- 13474238 TI - [Desquamation of the uterine mucous membranes in anovulatory bleeding]. PMID- 13474239 TI - [Experience in postoperative prevention and therapy of thromboembolism with special reference to the double test; Quick test and heparin tolerance test]. PMID- 13474240 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474241 TI - [The site of formation of chorionic gonadotropins & placental steroids]. PMID- 13474242 TI - [The progestational hormones in the organism]. PMID- 13474243 TI - [Labor pains & the possibilities of their alleviation]. PMID- 13474244 TI - [The fate of benign mammary tumors]. PMID- 13474245 TI - Long-acting progestational agents; 17-ethinyl-19-nortestosterone enanthate, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate and 17-alpha-hydroxy-progesterone acetate. PMID- 13474246 TI - [The effects of 17-alpha-ethinyl-19-nortestosterone enanthate, a new progestational depot agent, on the human endometrium & the atrophic vaginal epithelium]. PMID- 13474247 TI - [Indication for modern gynecological anesthesia procedures, as experienced at our clinic]. PMID- 13474248 TI - [Prognosis of late pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13474249 TI - [The mammogram as a pregnancy test]. PMID- 13474250 TI - [The muco-epidermoid carcinomas of the uterus]. PMID- 13474251 TI - [Certain aspects of traumatic neurosis]. PMID- 13474252 TI - [Parapyloric ulcer with concomitant gastric carcinoma]. PMID- 13474253 TI - [Thiazinamium in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. III. Results & possibilities of multergam therapy]. PMID- 13474254 TI - [Two cases of monosymptomatic ptyalism with recovery after hypnosis]. PMID- 13474255 TI - [Multiple sclerosis & pregnancy]. PMID- 13474256 TI - [Multiple sclerosis & pregnancy. II]. PMID- 13474257 TI - [Oversensitivity to external dermatological treatment, with special reference to sulfonamides]. PMID- 13474258 TI - [Ascaris lumbricoides L infection]. PMID- 13474259 TI - [Medical practice]. PMID- 13474260 TI - Stress, fantasy, and schizophrenia: a study of the adaptive processes. PMID- 13474261 TI - The attitude structure of the individual: a Q-study of the educational attitudes of professors and laymen. PMID- 13474262 TI - A study of personality differences between middle and lower class adolescents: the Szondi test in culture-personality research. PMID- 13474263 TI - The assessment of parental identification. PMID- 13474264 TI - The influence of social context on impulse and control tendencies in preadolescents. PMID- 13474265 TI - Tender-mindedness versus tough-mindedness in psychology: a reexamination. PMID- 13474266 TI - A method for the comparison of groups: a study in thematic apperception. PMID- 13474267 TI - Some stable response determinants of perception, thinking, and learning: a study based on the analysis of a single test. PMID- 13474268 TI - Potentials of age: an exploratory field study. PMID- 13474269 TI - Tactile communication. PMID- 13474270 TI - The use of a filmed puppet show as a group projective technique for children. PMID- 13474271 TI - The social competence of middle-aged people. PMID- 13474273 TI - Pre- and postoperative care of cataract patients. PMID- 13474272 TI - Hormones and carcinoma of the prostate gland. PMID- 13474274 TI - Technic and indications for iontophoresis in peripheral vascular disease. PMID- 13474275 TI - Prospects for further increase in average longevity. PMID- 13474276 TI - Rehabilitation of the aged amputee. PMID- 13474277 TI - Atherosclerosis; a preventable factor of early aging. PMID- 13474278 TI - Current treatment of the emotional problems of elderly people. PMID- 13474279 TI - Phenaglycodol for geriatric agitation. PMID- 13474280 TI - Some fundamentals of geriatric practice. PMID- 13474281 TI - The electrocardiogram in persons over 70. PMID- 13474282 TI - Congestive heart failure in the aged patient. PMID- 13474283 TI - A sound approach to middle age. PMID- 13474284 TI - [Thomas Erastus (1524-1583), irreconcilable opponent of Theophrastus Paracelsus]. PMID- 13474285 TI - [Physiology & pathology in Basel during the time of baroque]. PMID- 13474286 TI - [Ophthalmology in Basel during the time of baroque]. PMID- 13474287 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474288 TI - [Reminiscences on Hermann Sahli (1856-1933)]. PMID- 13474289 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474290 TI - [Problems of etiology and prevention of rheumatism]. PMID- 13474291 TI - [Effect of discharges from steam-operated electric station on health of children]. PMID- 13474292 TI - [Bottom deposition of autopolymers and their effects on sanitary conditions of water supply]. PMID- 13474293 TI - [Problem of simultaneous action on the organism of benzene and high temperature of air]. PMID- 13474294 TI - [Hygienic characteristics of industrial aerosols of tungsten and of certain of its derivatives used in powder metallurgy]. PMID- 13474295 TI - [Problem of manganoconiosis]. PMID- 13474296 TI - [Hardening of children through physical education in kindergartens]. PMID- 13474297 TI - [Andrei Bakherakht; 150th anniversary of his death]. PMID- 13474298 TI - [Laboratory of a sanitary-epidemiological station]. PMID- 13474299 TI - [Training of laboratory personnel of sanitary-epidemiological stations]. PMID- 13474301 TI - [Social problems of public health; problem of social hygiene]. PMID- 13474300 TI - [Patriotic movement for the protection of health of the population in the Chinese People's Republic]. PMID- 13474302 TI - [Hygienic problem of formation and utilization of Gorkii watershed]. PMID- 13474303 TI - [Problem of sanitary-hygienic evaluation of oxidation of swamp water]. PMID- 13474304 TI - [Effect of air pollution on coniferous plants]. PMID- 13474305 TI - [Sanitary measures in communal baths and their relation to epidemiology and prevention of epidermophytosis]. PMID- 13474306 TI - [Prevention of epidemophytosis in bath houses and swimming pools]. PMID- 13474307 TI - [Data on toxicological characteristics of methylchloacrylate]. PMID- 13474308 TI - [Improvement of working conditions in lacquer-varnishing of interiors of railroad cars of metal construction]. PMID- 13474309 TI - [Practical considerations in control of occupational skin diseases in industrial workers in Moscow]. PMID- 13474310 TI - [Characteristics of occupational trauma in loggers]. PMID- 13474311 TI - [Certain data on insecticide properties of methoxychloride]. PMID- 13474312 TI - [Sanitary education at a pioneer camp in prevention of ascariasis in children]. PMID- 13474313 TI - [Plea for active sanitary protection of watter supply]. PMID- 13474314 TI - [Effect of noise and exhaust gases generated by city transportation on hygienic condition on hospital site and buildings]. PMID- 13474315 TI - [Resistance of odors of biological origins in water]. PMID- 13474316 TI - [Sanitary conditions of discharge of sewage from gashale plants into water streams]. PMID- 13474317 TI - [Determination of radium aerosols in the presence of other alpha-active aerosols]. PMID- 13474318 TI - [Certain aspects of the effect of sulfur dioxide studied with the aid of labeled atoms]. PMID- 13474319 TI - [Effect of petroleum cracking products on the animal organism]. PMID- 13474320 TI - [Toxicological evaluation of color developer]. PMID- 13474321 TI - [Dynamics and certain characteristics of physical development of preschool children in Moscow and in Moscow region]. PMID- 13474322 TI - [Apparatus for moist disinfection with compressed air and its advantages]. PMID- 13474323 TI - [Problems of school hygiene in works of Jan Amos Komensky, 1592-1670; 300th anniversary of publication of works]. PMID- 13474324 TI - [Certain aspects of preventive sanitary supervision in coal industry]. PMID- 13474325 TI - [Evaluation of the project for the Sanitary Codex of USSR]. PMID- 13474326 TI - [Utilization of sewage for agricultural purposes in foreign countries]. PMID- 13474327 TI - [Critique of active sanitary regulations on discharge of sewage into water streams]. PMID- 13474328 TI - [Problem of purification of phenol polluted sewage]. PMID- 13474329 TI - [Method of sampling of air of industrial premises for gas and dust contents]. PMID- 13474330 TI - [Effect of ultraviolet rays on reactivity of the organism]. PMID- 13474331 TI - [Magnigora watershed as a receptor of industrial sewage]. PMID- 13474332 TI - [Sanitary and bacteriological characteristics of soil of city lots]. PMID- 13474333 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of microclimate in industrial laundries]. PMID- 13474334 TI - [Toxic characteristics of ligroins LS-213 and LV-2]. PMID- 13474335 TI - [Infestation of salted tomatoes and cucumbers with Drosophila larvae; case report]. PMID- 13474336 TI - [Temperature for incubation of cultures in sanitary analysis]. PMID- 13474337 TI - [Present state of purification of industrial discharges into the atmosphere from nitrogen oxides]. PMID- 13474338 TI - [Present state of ash pollution in electric stations]. PMID- 13474339 TI - [Hyaline membrane & atelectasis caused by reabsorption; obstetrical view point]. PMID- 13474340 TI - [Maternal-fetal immunization]. PMID- 13474341 TI - [Treatment of mild vomiting in pregnancy with desoxycorticosterone & calcium pantothenate]. PMID- 13474343 TI - [7th Cesarean section; case report]. PMID- 13474342 TI - [Basal temperature during pregnancy]. PMID- 13474344 TI - [Death in cesarean section]. PMID- 13474346 TI - [Obstetric shock]. PMID- 13474345 TI - [Elective forceps as a factor in modern delivery]. PMID- 13474347 TI - [A case of afibrinogenemia bleeding]. PMID- 13474348 TI - [Various ethical problems in gynecology & obstetrics]. PMID- 13474349 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474350 TI - [Inflammatory lesions of uterus in cases of rupture during labor]. PMID- 13474351 TI - [Trilene anesthesia during labor]. PMID- 13474352 TI - [Potassium metabolism in physiological and prolonged labor]. PMID- 13474353 TI - [Course of labor in primipara with non-engaged fetal head]. PMID- 13474354 TI - [Pigment reaction of Kimbarowski's sediment in normal pregnancy, and in pregnancy toxemia in parturients and infected abortions]. PMID- 13474355 TI - [Extraperitoneal tumor as labor obstruction]. PMID- 13474356 TI - [Third period of blood coagulation in late pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13474357 TI - [Lumbar anesthesia with nupercaine during obstetric and gynecological operations]. PMID- 13474358 TI - [Therapy of early mastitis during puerperal and nursing period]. PMID- 13474359 TI - [Trichloroethylene anesthesia in labor]. PMID- 13474360 TI - [Blood color and bilirubin level in umbilical cord blood in case of blood incompatibility]. PMID- 13474361 TI - [Obstetric hemorrhages in Poland on the basis of 206 deaths from 1954-1956]. PMID- 13474362 TI - [Placenta increta causing spontaneous rupture of uterus]. PMID- 13474363 TI - [Anemia in premature infants]. PMID- 13474364 TI - [Largactil in therapy of birth injuries]. PMID- 13474365 TI - [Pregnancy and labor complicated by lesions in circulatory system]. PMID- 13474366 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of fluoroelectrokymography method in evaluation of pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13474367 TI - [Studies on experimental potassium deficiency. I. Urinary content of electrolytes]. PMID- 13474368 TI - [Value & characteristics of cross tests in the study of various blood coagulation disorders]. PMID- 13474369 TI - [Relations between parathyroid hormone & electrolytes; chemical & electrocardiographic studies]. PMID- 13474370 TI - [Study of acetylating capacity of thioctic acid]. PMID- 13474371 TI - [Study of immunological agranulocytosis; 2 cases of anaphylactic agranulocytosis caused by antidiabetics]. PMID- 13474372 TI - [Rauwolfia & insulin-free pancreatic extracts in treatment of hypertension]. PMID- 13474373 TI - [Problem of recurrent abdominal typhus]. PMID- 13474374 TI - [Behavior of the liver and kidneys in enzymatic block with selenium salts; histological and histochemical study]. PMID- 13474375 TI - [Behavior of the electrophoretic picture of serum, of blood amino acids, of urinary amino acids and of urinary total nitrogen in acute anterior poliomyelitis and measles]. PMID- 13474376 TI - [Case of hemorrhagic angiopathy with thrombopenic thrombopathy and agranulocytosis due to drug intolerance in hyperthyroid patient]. PMID- 13474377 TI - [Plethysmographic data on the effects of intra-arterial insulin in non-diabetic chronic peripheral obliterating arteriopathies]. PMID- 13474378 TI - [Relations between cutaneous reactivity to streptokinase & circulating antibodies (antistreptokinase & antistreptolysin O) in rheumatic diseases & streptococcal infections]. PMID- 13474379 TI - [Diabetes insipidus. II. Personal contribution]. PMID- 13474380 TI - [Corrective action of normal serum on the coagulative defect of hemophilia A]. PMID- 13474381 TI - [The Popper reaction in exploration of plasmatic lability; comparison with the Takata reaction]. PMID- 13474383 TI - [Role of streptococci in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13474382 TI - [Prednisone treatment of ascitic liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13474384 TI - [Effects of the ligation of the inferior vena cava on the experimental intestinal infarct]. PMID- 13474385 TI - [Plastic repair of dura mater with orlon. I]. PMID- 13474386 TI - [The factor of blood clarification in peripheral arteriosclerotic arterial disorders]. PMID- 13474387 TI - [Typical resection of the left lobe of the liver for a large cavernoma]. PMID- 13474388 TI - [Thermometry of various organs in slow & rapid perfrigeration; experimental researches]. PMID- 13474390 TI - [Riedel's thyroiditis]. PMID- 13474389 TI - [Le Mesurier's technic in treatment of harelips]. PMID- 13474392 TI - [Surgery in aged]. PMID- 13474391 TI - [Gastric neurinoma; clinical & histological study of 3 cases]. PMID- 13474393 TI - [Case of myeloplastic tumor of the spine]. PMID- 13474394 TI - [Cancer of rectum; 132 cases]. PMID- 13474395 TI - [Attempt to adapt Le Mesurier's method to bilateral harelip]. PMID- 13474396 TI - [Emergency treatment of closed chest injuries]. PMID- 13474397 TI - [Submaxillary non-chromaffin paraganglioma]. PMID- 13474398 TI - [Technic of posterior arthrodesis in surgical treatment of spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13474399 TI - [Hydrolases of the human skin]. PMID- 13474401 TI - [Radiotherapy of the sympathetic nervous system in treatment of alopecia areata]. PMID- 13474400 TI - [Lipid necrobiosis and its relation to annular granuloma; clinical, biochemical and histochemical aspects]. PMID- 13474402 TI - [Data on survival of Treponema pallidum in human blood & their eventual utilization in Nelson-Mayer test]. PMID- 13474403 TI - [Clinical data on topical use of glycyrrhizic acid in dermatology]. PMID- 13474405 TI - [Histogenesis of Brooke's epithelioma & of Jacquet-Darier's hidradenoma & intercurrent relations between the two forms & the basaloma; a case of mixed characteristics]. PMID- 13474404 TI - [Dubious results of the Nelson-Mayer test; technical remarks on their interpretation]. PMID- 13474406 TI - [Protein fractionation of blister fluids]. PMID- 13474407 TI - [Report on cases of eczematid-like purpura]. PMID- 13474408 TI - [Observations on a case of xanthoma tuberosum]. PMID- 13474409 TI - [Clinical use of sulfonyl ureas in diabetics with tuberculosis]. PMID- 13474410 TI - [Case of primary sarcoma of lungs]. PMID- 13474411 TI - [Treatment of early cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis with combined streptomycin and PAS in intravenous perfusion, prednisone, neuroregulatory drugs and aerosols of bronchodilatatory and fibrinopyolytic drugs]. PMID- 13474412 TI - [Probable case of pulmonary aspergilloma]. PMID- 13474413 TI - [Peripheral pulmonary neoplasms and chronic inflammation with carnification, difficulties of radiological differential diagnosis; limitations & possibilities]. PMID- 13474414 TI - [Pathology of tuberculosis of the apex of lower pulmonary lobe. II. Clinical manifestations and personal experiences]. PMID- 13474416 TI - [Incidents and complications of transfusions]. PMID- 13474415 TI - [Fight against tuberculosis in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13474418 TI - [Dumping syndrome in patients with gastric resection]. PMID- 13474417 TI - [Comparative study on the disinfectant power of various quaternary ammonium salts]. PMID- 13474420 TI - [Clinicoradiological considerations on cured pulmonary tuberculosis in the army]. PMID- 13474419 TI - [Case of primary tuberculosis of the kneecap]. PMID- 13474421 TI - [Anticipation of orchitis due to epidemic parotitis]. PMID- 13474422 TI - [New hermetic chamber for experiments on volatile poisons]. PMID- 13474423 TI - [Complementary innovation to the Dell'Aira ureometer]. PMID- 13474424 TI - [Recognition, differentiation and determination of the tetracycline group]. PMID- 13474425 TI - [Review of case reports and decisions of legal medicine]. PMID- 13474426 TI - [Present pension system of civil, military & war pathology]. PMID- 13474427 TI - A new cytoplasmic pattern in striated muscle fibers and its possible relation to growth. PMID- 13474428 TI - An effect of Rauwolfia alkaloids on the thyroid. PMID- 13474429 TI - Oogenesis in adult Drosophila melanogaster. II. Stage distribution as a function of age. PMID- 13474430 TI - The direct and indirect effect of short-distance x-irradiation on the mitotic activity of the rat epidermis and hair follicles. PMID- 13474431 TI - The effects of growth hormone on phenylalanine-tyrosine deficient and pair-fed rats. PMID- 13474432 TI - The operating theatre at old St. Thomas's Hospital; survival of an early nineteenth century theatre. PMID- 13474433 TI - Osteomyelitis of the ribs. PMID- 13474434 TI - Tuberculous osteomyelitis of rib with pathological fracture and associated with recurring surgical emphysema. PMID- 13474435 TI - Malignant mediastinal teratoma: report of a case. PMID- 13474436 TI - Atrial septal defect; surgical anatomy and technique. PMID- 13474437 TI - Traumatic nasal meningocele. PMID- 13474438 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474439 TI - [A chemical test of pregnancy; boiling lodine test]. PMID- 13474440 TI - [Gynecologic errors in diagnosis of dystopic spleen]. PMID- 13474441 TI - [A highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix (malignant adenoma), with presentation of two cases]. PMID- 13474442 TI - [The effect of konakion or synkavite prophylaxis on prothrombin levels in newborn infants]. PMID- 13474443 TI - [Meig's syndrome]. PMID- 13474444 TI - [Experiences with the oxytoxic drug Syntocinom (OTS 68)]. PMID- 13474445 TI - Pregnancy in primary tuberculous mastitis treated with streptomycin. PMID- 13474446 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of functional urine incontinence]. PMID- 13474447 TI - [Experience with specific medical thromboembolism prevention in St. Gallen Women's Clinic]. PMID- 13474448 TI - [Does the obesity of the newborn have an etiological significance in breech presentation]. PMID- 13474449 TI - [A special case of double genitals in a young girl]. PMID- 13474450 TI - [Increased indications for the conservative treatment of prolapse with dondren]. PMID- 13474451 TI - [Our results with the surgical treatment of vulvar pruritus unaffected by conservative drugs]. PMID- 13474452 TI - [Experimental studies on the use of water soluble contrast media in hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13474453 TI - [Differential diagnosis of genital tumors & floating spleens]. PMID- 13474454 TI - [Diagnosis & treatment of functional urinary incontinence]. PMID- 13474455 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474456 TI - [Our experience with the biological test of pregnancy in male poikilotherms; Galli-Mainini test]. PMID- 13474457 TI - [Total or subtotal hysterectomy in the treatment of benign lesions of the uterus]. PMID- 13474458 TI - [Effects of the active cation substance on the movement of human and bovine spermatozoids]. PMID- 13474459 TI - [Remarks on a hospital psychosomatic consultation service in gynecology]. PMID- 13474460 TI - [Ovarian tumors; masculinizing tumors]. PMID- 13474461 TI - [New problem of hematological diagnosis: diagnosis of acute leukosis in remission]. PMID- 13474462 TI - [Macroglobulinemia; clinical and pathogenetic characteristics of the initial symptoms and serological data on conditions of resistance to infections in relation to the protein changes]. PMID- 13474463 TI - [Our seven years of experience with antihemophilic globulin]. PMID- 13474464 TI - [Unusual hematological syndrome: reversible splenoprivic sideropenic erythroblastosis]. PMID- 13474465 TI - [Osmotic resistance of leukocytes; methods of evaluation and research of the norm]. PMID- 13474466 TI - [Concerning a new cytostatic drug: E-39]. PMID- 13474467 TI - [Experimental and clinical research on antimitotics in hematology and general medicine]. PMID- 13474468 TI - [Rate of sedimentation of white cells; method and findings relative to the normal]. PMID- 13474469 TI - [Possibility of the diagnosis of Waldenstrom's disease without ultracentrifuge]. PMID- 13474470 TI - [Clot formation and its changes on the basis of new experimental and clinical data]. PMID- 13474471 TI - [Acute erythremic myelosis (Di Guglielmo's disease) with neoplastiform macroscopic aspects]. PMID- 13474472 TI - [Clinical observations on the use of p-bis-(beta-chloroethyl) aminophenylalanine in the treatment of reticulosarcomatosis and lymphosarcomatosis]. PMID- 13474473 TI - [Acute leukopenic myelosis]. PMID- 13474475 TI - [Criteria for the evaluation of the frequency of pleurobronchopulmonary localizations in leukemic disease]. PMID- 13474474 TI - [Cytoplasmatic proteins in human lymphoid tissues. II. Chronic leukemia, acute leukemia, lymphogranuloma, reticuloendothelioma, lymphosarcoma, sarcoidosis]. PMID- 13474477 TI - [Effects of sex hormones on iron metabolism; experimental study with radioiron]. PMID- 13474476 TI - [Relapsing panmyelophthisis]. PMID- 13474478 TI - [General theory of hemopoiesis]. PMID- 13474479 TI - [Hyaluronic acid and hyaluronidase in blood platelets]. PMID- 13474480 TI - [Study of the hemophilic syndrome by the thromboplastin generation test]. PMID- 13474481 TI - [Lysozyme and blood coagulation. I. Experimental study of the mechanism of coagulating action of lysozyme]. PMID- 13474482 TI - [Lysozyme and blood coagulation. II. Clinical and therapeutic study of the antihemorrhagic action of lysozyme]. PMID- 13474483 TI - [Glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis in human neutrophil granulocytes and lymphocytes surviving in vitro]. PMID- 13474484 TI - [Behavior of erythroblasts in acquired hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13474485 TI - [The gonads and iron metabolism]. PMID- 13474486 TI - [Adenosine triphosphoric acid and hemopoiesis]. PMID- 13474487 TI - [The nature of the endocytoplasmic globules of the morular cells of human bone marrow]. PMID- 13474488 TI - [Study of the effect of cortisone and prednisone on the blood coagulation process]. PMID- 13474489 TI - [Two atypical cases of plasmocytoma with hypergammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13474490 TI - [Histochemical studies on basophil granulations of eosinophil granuloblasts of human bone marrow]. PMID- 13474491 TI - [Tuberculous malignant hemopathies]. PMID- 13474492 TI - [Associations of lympho-monocytic leukemias with Hodgkin's disease and tuberculosis]. PMID- 13474493 TI - [Reticulomyeloscleroses simulating acute leukemia]. PMID- 13474495 TI - [Hemorrhagic thrombocythemias]. PMID- 13474494 TI - [Remarks on Algerian splenomegalies]. PMID- 13474496 TI - [The different varieties of thrombo-agglutinins]. PMID- 13474497 TI - [Antileukocyte iso-immunization after transfusions]. PMID- 13474498 TI - [Familial hemorrhagic diseases associating a prolonged bleeding time with a plasma prothromboplastin factor deficiency]. PMID- 13474499 TI - [The value of thromboelastography in blood diseases]. PMID- 13474500 TI - [The pathogenesis of the hemorrhagic and thrombotic syndromes in thrombocythemia]. PMID- 13474501 TI - [Somatotropic hormone and iron metabolism; the utilization and distribution of Fe59 in hypophysectomized rats treated with STH]. PMID- 13474502 TI - [Some characteristics of the thromboplastin of human milk determined by modern methods of investigation]. PMID- 13474503 TI - [Iron metabolism in its relations with physiologic erythropoiesis. V. Uptake of iron by the erythropoietic cells studied by means of Fe 59 and autoradiographic detection]. PMID- 13474504 TI - [Iron metabolism in its relations with physiologic erythropoiesis. VI. Iron reserve]. PMID- 13474505 TI - [Behavior of the index of surface in relation to the blood levels of prothrombin and of factor VII in some pathological conditions of childhood]. PMID- 13474506 TI - [Modifications of the factors of the prothrombin complex in silicotic subjects]. PMID- 13474507 TI - [Attempt at classification of hematologic syndromes]. PMID- 13474508 TI - [Inhibition of the metaphasic effect of patulin by means of thiolic substances; experimental research in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13474509 TI - [In memoriam Dr. David Aryeh Friedman]. PMID- 13474510 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in the treatment of skin tumours; selective radiotherapy]. PMID- 13474511 TI - [Intermittent positive pressure breathing: physiological and clinical observations]. PMID- 13474512 TI - [Current concepts of sex determination]. PMID- 13474514 TI - [Male intersex syndromes]. PMID- 13474513 TI - [The clinical value of nuclear sexing]. PMID- 13474515 TI - [Female pseudohermaphroditism]. PMID- 13474516 TI - [Hormone tests in intersex syndromes]. PMID- 13474517 TI - Demonstration of origin of embryonal tissues by nuclear sexing. PMID- 13474518 TI - [Chromosomal sex in Klinefelter's syndrome]. PMID- 13474519 TI - [Inheritance of intersexual syndromes]. PMID- 13474520 TI - [To Hermann Zondek on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13474521 TI - [The treatment of jaundice with ACTH and cortisone]. PMID- 13474522 TI - [Long term treatment of bronchial asthma by steroids and promotion of psychological security]. PMID- 13474523 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474524 TI - [The problem of male climacteric]. PMID- 13474525 TI - [The disease of Herod the Great, King of Judea]. PMID- 13474526 TI - Radioactive iodine treatment of euthyroid patients with angina pectoris or congestive heart failure. PMID- 13474527 TI - Fibrolipoma of the oral cavity: report of a case. PMID- 13474528 TI - Adenomas of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13474529 TI - Recent advances in surgery. PMID- 13474530 TI - Peritoneal lavage; a neglected clinical procedure. PMID- 13474531 TI - Metastatic carcinoma of the choroid. PMID- 13474532 TI - [Study of the fundamental principles in urology]. PMID- 13474533 TI - [Essential hematuria; introductory review]. PMID- 13474534 TI - [Prevention of thrombosis with panthesin-hydergine in urology]. PMID- 13474535 TI - [Postoperative impotence after surgery of the lesser pelvis]. PMID- 13474536 TI - [The problem of paraplegics in Switzerland]. PMID- 13474537 TI - [Antibiotics in surgery of the colon]. PMID- 13474538 TI - [The Noble operation, a method for therapy of peritoneal adhesions]. PMID- 13474539 TI - [Reposition and osteosynthesis in adduction fracture of the femoral neck]. PMID- 13474540 TI - [Otosurgery in fractures of the base of the skull]. PMID- 13474541 TI - [Oxygen insufflation in animal experiments with guinea pigs with gas bacillus infections]. PMID- 13474542 TI - [Semi-membranceous cysts: incidence and peculiarities in children]. PMID- 13474543 TI - [Present problems of thyroid physiopathology; introduction to the conference]. PMID- 13474544 TI - [Biologic effect of thyroid hormones and their derivatives]. PMID- 13474545 TI - [Thyroid & corpus luteum]. PMID- 13474546 TI - [Effect of cortisone on the peripheral action of thyroxin & triiodothyronine]. PMID- 13474547 TI - [Clinical aspects of the relation between the thyroid & adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13474548 TI - [Study of the speed of elimination of radioactive phosphorus from the erythrocytes in relation to thyroid activity in man]. PMID- 13474549 TI - [Effect of sodium fluoride on thyroid function in Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13474550 TI - [Research on the metabolism of iodine in goiters & hyperadrenalism syndromes]. PMID- 13474551 TI - [Behavior of the thyroid arteries in the capsule & parenchyma of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13474552 TI - [Diagnostic value of the rate of fixation of inorganic iodine plasma by the thyroid]. PMID- 13474553 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474554 TI - [Study of thyroid function with radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13474555 TI - [Rickets as a complication of ureterosigmoidostomy]. PMID- 13474556 TI - [Congenital immunological paresis in the absence of specific beta 2-globulin & normal quantities of gamma-globulin]. PMID- 13474557 TI - [Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by a congenital deficiency of a new coagulation factor (Prower-Stuart factor)]. PMID- 13474558 TI - [Congenital birth palsy]. PMID- 13474559 TI - [Prognosis of epituberculosis (obstructive infiltration) in children]. PMID- 13474560 TI - [Treatment of anuric nephropathies in children & infants]. PMID- 13474561 TI - [A typical case of kwashiorkor in the white race]. PMID- 13474562 TI - [Method for the electric stimulation and elimination of suprapharyngeal ganglia (brain) in unanesthetized crickets (Acheta domesticus L. & Gryllus campestris L.)]. PMID- 13474563 TI - [Experimental algesimetric method; quantitative study of the action of analgesics (butazolidine, aminopyrine, morphine, pethidine)]. PMID- 13474564 TI - [Depolarization by calcium deficiency and its relation to potassium concentration]. PMID- 13474566 TI - [Immediate action of oxygen on ventilation in normal man]. PMID- 13474565 TI - Differential changes of catheptic activity in regenerating tails of Xenopus larvae, related to protein breakdown and total nitrogen. PMID- 13474567 TI - [Acetylation and deacetylation of sulfanilamide in perfused rat liver]. PMID- 13474568 TI - [Setting up a conditioned escape reaction in the rat]. PMID- 13474569 TI - [Catalysis of auto-oxidation of linoleic acid in vitro]. PMID- 13474570 TI - [Effect of hypotensive hydrazine on the oxidation of biogenic amines catalyzed by metals]. PMID- 13474571 TI - [Comparative studies on the effect of desoxycorticosterone and hydrocortisone on carbohydrate, sodium and potassium metabolism in isolated muscle]. PMID- 13474573 TI - [Studies on the elastic resistance of the lungs. II]. PMID- 13474572 TI - [Glycogen, sodium and potassium metabolism of surviving muscle in successive or simultaneous eff. of corticosteroids]. PMID- 13474574 TI - [Studies on the elastic resistance of the lungs. III. Influence of carbon dioxide, intra-alveolar pressure and pneumothorax]. PMID- 13474576 TI - Localization of a nystagmogenic area in the brain stem. PMID- 13474575 TI - [Labor induction as a quantitative test]. PMID- 13474577 TI - [Multiple micromanipulator for work in weak and moderately strong enlargements]. PMID- 13474578 TI - [Distribution and excretion of radiosulfur-labeled cysteamine in roentgen irradiated rats]. PMID- 13474579 TI - [Cholinesterase activity and innervation of the heart in the turtle]. PMID- 13474580 TI - [Influence of meat diet on the activity of seven hepatic enzymes in rats; increase of transaminases as an example of enzymatic adaptation]. PMID- 13474581 TI - [Problem of protein synthesis]. PMID- 13474582 TI - [Studies on the effect of pH on membrane potential of myelinated nerve fibers]. PMID- 13474583 TI - [Oxidative phosphorylation and vitamin E deficiency]. PMID- 13474584 TI - [Changes in tissue mast cells in rats in shock]. PMID- 13474585 TI - [Turnover of properidine in rabbits]. PMID- 13474586 TI - [Differentiation of effects of sparteine and methylergobasin on uterine and vaginal musculature]. PMID- 13474587 TI - [Intracranial chemoreceptors with effects on respiration]. PMID- 13474588 TI - [Action of some anesthetics in spinal reflex in cats]. PMID- 13474589 TI - [Study of variations of ventilatory debit in a state of equilibrium in relation to respiratory frequency]. PMID- 13474590 TI - [Mechanism of action of hypoglycemic sulfonylureas]. PMID- 13474591 TI - [Purification of myosin-ATPase of smooth muscles]. PMID- 13474592 TI - [Medicinal weight reduction in aurothioglucose obsese mice]. PMID- 13474593 TI - [Effect of corticosteroids and cardiac glycosides on ion transport in erythrocytes]. PMID- 13474594 TI - [New method of differentiation of sedative activity]. PMID- 13474595 TI - [Increased binding of potassium ions by cardioactive glycosides]. PMID- 13474596 TI - [Effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 5-hydroxytryptamine on spinal reflex]. PMID- 13474597 TI - [Specific optical enzyme test for detection of parenchymal damage of the liver]. PMID- 13474598 TI - The reflection of a surgeon in the progress of his art. PMID- 13474600 TI - Contraindications to therapy in hypertension and anemia. PMID- 13474599 TI - Porphyria: an enzyme lesion; review of basic and clinical aspects. PMID- 13474601 TI - Quincke's disease. PMID- 13474602 TI - Questions and answers about tolbutamide, the oral hypoglycemic agent. PMID- 13474603 TI - Anaphylactoid reaction to oral penicillin G; case report. PMID- 13474604 TI - Use of radioactive colloidal gold (Au198) in treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13474605 TI - A reasonable attitude toward the medical use of diagnostic radiation. PMID- 13474606 TI - Neurological examination of the newborn and older infant. PMID- 13474607 TI - [Nature, prevention and treatment of cancer]. PMID- 13474609 TI - [Preliminary and subsequent naturopathy of backache]. PMID- 13474608 TI - [Internal manifestations of depressive psychoses]. PMID- 13474610 TI - [Chiropractic as rational medical therapy]. PMID- 13474611 TI - [X-ray diagnosis of the spine with total spine roentgenography]. PMID- 13474612 TI - [Sources of danger for chiropractically active physician; intervertebral disk displacement and spinal tumors]. PMID- 13474613 TI - [Selected cases of spine mistreatment]. PMID- 13474614 TI - [Endocrine stimulation with high potency]. PMID- 13474615 TI - [Supporting treatment of spinal changes]. PMID- 13474616 TI - [Age and the vascular system]. PMID- 13474617 TI - [The maladjusted child in medical practice]. PMID- 13474618 TI - [The insufficiency of the digestive system in old age]. PMID- 13474619 TI - [Proposals for the biological treatment of leukemia]. PMID- 13474620 TI - [Thoughts on the improvement of breast feeding by medication]. PMID- 13474621 TI - [The treatment of heart and circulatory disorders in daily practice]. PMID- 13474622 TI - [The difference between physiosclerosis as a process of aging and arteriosclerosis as a disease]. PMID- 13474623 TI - [The physician and conscience: concerning the danger of unexplained concept of guilt in major and minor psychotherapy]. PMID- 13474624 TI - [Aspects on the statics of the spine]. PMID- 13474625 TI - [The foundations of manipulative massage]. PMID- 13474626 TI - [How to dispose of the waste of a large city]. PMID- 13474627 TI - [Some hypotheses of radiation protection]. PMID- 13474628 TI - [The specialist center of the American military forces in Landstuhl]. PMID- 13474629 TI - [In memoriam; Pierre Delbet]. PMID- 13474630 TI - [Tuberculosis of the breast]. PMID- 13474631 TI - [Etiology of hepatic coma]. PMID- 13474632 TI - [Diagnostic value of bronchography in mediastinal tumors; case reports]. PMID- 13474633 TI - [Changes in the blood volume in puerperium & its relation to the autonomic nervous system]. PMID- 13474634 TI - [Cylindrical combinations; cylindrism & bicylindrism]. PMID- 13474635 TI - [Hormone therapy of advanced cancer of the breast]. PMID- 13474636 TI - [Optic autonomic reflex]. PMID- 13474637 TI - [Current status of radical surgery in cancer of breast]. PMID- 13474638 TI - [Autonomic optic reflex]. PMID- 13474640 TI - [5-Hydroxy-anthranilic acid, a growth factor for Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13474639 TI - [Paper chromatographic separation of the racemic amino acids histidine & tryptophan]. PMID- 13474641 TI - [Choline dehydrogenase. I. The choline dehydrogenase, its specificity and inhibition by some quaternary ammonium salts]. PMID- 13474642 TI - [Catalytic effects of hemin in cyclohexylamine solution]. PMID- 13474643 TI - [The structure of the green hemin]. PMID- 13474644 TI - [Substitution of hydrogen ions in pheophytin by magensium ions]. PMID- 13474645 TI - [Production of continuously variable conditions for various liquid mixtures for elution gradients in chromatography and for similar applications]. PMID- 13474646 TI - [Mechanism of coenzyme A action]. PMID- 13474647 TI - [Mode of insulin action. III. Direct insulin action on muscles in vivo]. PMID- 13474648 TI - [Fatty acids of choline-containing acetalphosphatides and lecithin of bovine heart muscle]. PMID- 13474649 TI - [Determination of spermin, spermidine, and other biogenic amines after separation by paper electrophoresis, and their quantity in animal organs]. PMID- 13474650 TI - [Influence of inosine on incorporation of labelled orthophosphate in phosphorus compounds of erythrocytes during storage]. PMID- 13474651 TI - [Cholesterol tomatide; a new molecular formation for the analysis and preparative extraction of steroids]. PMID- 13474652 TI - [Effects of reticulocyte inhibitor on soluble succinic dehydrogenase and reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide cytochrome c reductase]. PMID- 13474653 TI - [Micro-determination of acetone and acetoacetic acid in blood by means of a modification of F. Bahner's method for acetoacetic acid determination]. PMID- 13474654 TI - [Non-specific effect of insulin in cationic solutions on yeast respiration]. PMID- 13474655 TI - [Determination of adenosine polyphosphates in mouse brain]. PMID- 13474656 TI - [Isolation and chemical characterization of hirudin]. PMID- 13474657 TI - [Conditions of liver functions in iodine metabolism. III. De-iodase enrichment]. PMID- 13474658 TI - [Choline dehydrogenase. II. Influence of glutathione on choline dehydrogenase]. PMID- 13474659 TI - [Docosapolyene acids of glycerophosphatides from bovine liver]. PMID- 13474660 TI - [Synthesis of pipecolic acid by closure of the lysine ring]. PMID- 13474661 TI - [Cleavage of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid from serum by influenza virus B (Lee) and A toxin of Clostridium welchii]. PMID- 13474662 TI - [Improved complexometric determination of potassium in blood serum]. PMID- 13474663 TI - [Isolated cell nuclei from bovine cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13474664 TI - [Determination of amylase (diastase), alpha-glucosidase and phosphorylases in human sweat]. PMID- 13474665 TI - [Microdetermination of iodine in biological material]. PMID- 13474666 TI - [Presence of methylmalonic acid in urine]. PMID- 13474667 TI - [Polysaccharides of the Roman snail. III. Polysaccharide proteins of the albuminous gland. II]. PMID- 13474668 TI - [A glycogen limit dextrin and another polysaccharide, endopenicillan A, from the mycelium of Penicillium]. PMID- 13474669 TI - [Two-dimensional electrochromatography of serum proteins]. PMID- 13474670 TI - [Antimetabolite inactivation of the anaerobic proliferating activity in vitro of the juice obtained by boiling of animal and human malignant tumors]. PMID- 13474671 TI - [Taurin in bovine retina]. PMID- 13474672 TI - [Decrease in esterified fatty acids after insulin administration]. PMID- 13474673 TI - [Composition and individuality of glutenins from cereals. I]. PMID- 13474674 TI - [Biochemistry of oxalic acid. IV. Excretion of small subcutaneously administered doses in dogs]. PMID- 13474675 TI - [Biochemistry of oxalic acid. V. Degradation, uptake and excretion of small amounts fed to rats]. PMID- 13474676 TI - [Herbipoline, a biogenic amine from the giant siliceous sponge (Geodia gigas)]. PMID- 13474677 TI - [The presence of considerable amount of histamine in the lower animal kingdom]. PMID- 13474678 TI - [A sex specific aromatic substance from the water bug Belostoma indica Vitalis (Lethocerus indicus Lep.)]. PMID- 13474679 TI - [Royal jelly of the honeybee. I. Isolation, constitution analysis, and incidence of 10-hydroxy-delta 2-decenoi acid]. PMID- 13474680 TI - Small hospitals' clinic toward better press relations. PMID- 13474681 TI - Accounting in the general fund. PMID- 13474682 TI - Morale begins at the top. PMID- 13474683 TI - A hospital year-end bonus for your key people. PMID- 13474685 TI - The hospital of the future. II. PMID- 13474684 TI - Salaries and supplementary benefits in private hospitals, 1956-1957. I. PMID- 13474686 TI - Modern office copying boosts efficiency. PMID- 13474687 TI - GAS MASK for a hospital. PMID- 13474688 TI - Automation, centralization, production-line techniques. II. PMID- 13474689 TI - One solution to the shortage of registered nurses: nurse sampling. PMID- 13474691 TI - Some legal aspects of hospital purchasing. II. Warranties. PMID- 13474690 TI - Pharmacy service in smaller hospitals. PMID- 13474692 TI - The role of higher superiors in medical education and research. PMID- 13474693 TI - Where charity begins. PMID- 13474694 TI - Lay-assistant administrators: a need or a luxury in Catholic hospitals. PMID- 13474695 TI - Some minimum matters of justice. PMID- 13474696 TI - Page Ye the Lord. PMID- 13474698 TI - A volunteer program grows and grows and grows. PMID- 13474697 TI - Minority opinions bear close scrutiny. PMID- 13474699 TI - Comprehensive education in diploma programs. PMID- 13474700 TI - Nurse guides assist orientation. PMID- 13474701 TI - A checklist for specialist's contracts. PMID- 13474702 TI - An efficient patient drape. PMID- 13474703 TI - Radiologic dictionary; electrical, mechanical and physical terms, as applied to radiologic technology. PMID- 13474704 TI - Separate responsibilities in the laboratory. PMID- 13474706 TI - Plain talk to laundry personnel about pH and titration. PMID- 13474705 TI - RX: an integrated hospital team. PMID- 13474707 TI - Floor care and maintenance. PMID- 13474708 TI - Medical records in disaster planning. PMID- 13474709 TI - Good relations require clear, firm policies. PMID- 13474710 TI - Library worth is related to costs. PMID- 13474712 TI - Religion: a vital factor in mental health. PMID- 13474711 TI - The distinctive character of Catholic hospitals. PMID- 13474713 TI - A report of an active tissue committee. PMID- 13474714 TI - Health insurance in Canada. PMID- 13474715 TI - It happened. PMID- 13474716 TI - An evaluation of a medical training program. PMID- 13474717 TI - Social security and specialists' contracts. PMID- 13474719 TI - The difference in the ministry between hospital and parish. PMID- 13474718 TI - Supervisory training in nursing service. PMID- 13474720 TI - PACKAGED steam for Bronx hospital. PMID- 13474721 TI - What does the student pay? The report of a study of certain elements of cost in Catholic hospital schools of nursing. 1957. PMID- 13474722 TI - Radiologic dictionary; electrical, mechanical and physical terms, as applied to radiologic technology. VIII. PMID- 13474723 TI - Telecast of operation. PMID- 13474724 TI - The library is important to the whole hospital. PMID- 13474725 TI - A pay cafeteria improves morale. PMID- 13474726 TI - Manifest to the hospital good public relations. PMID- 13474728 TI - Floor care and maintenance. II. PMID- 13474727 TI - How the administrator can assist the supervisor. PMID- 13474729 TI - Advice to young doctors. PMID- 13474730 TI - Competitive bid buying. PMID- 13474731 TI - Application of practical techniques to common blood bank problems. PMID- 13474732 TI - JUBILEE tribute to a pioneer religious. PMID- 13474733 TI - Hospitals; their current and future problems. PMID- 13474734 TI - Radiation protection barrier: the concrete curtain. PMID- 13474735 TI - No special duty nurses available: subrecovery unit solved a familiar problem for this hospital. PMID- 13474736 TI - By remodeling operating rooms, this hospital gives more patients better, speedier care. PMID- 13474737 TI - Patient's-eye view of hospital operation. PMID- 13474738 TI - Revised Red Cross training program for volunteer nurse's aides: new look for a familiar service. PMID- 13474739 TI - Nursing stations in psychiatric units; study examines functions performed and facilities needed. PMID- 13474740 TI - Hazy supply policies can cloud the housekeeping picture. PMID- 13474741 TI - Three-step program for scientific product evaluation. PMID- 13474743 TI - When planning a hospital for multiple use; plan with a common denominator. PMID- 13474742 TI - How to serve better food to psychiatric patients. PMID- 13474744 TI - A perfect fit for the volunteer program. PMID- 13474745 TI - American Hospital Association committee studies: hospital modernization needs. PMID- 13474746 TI - Staffing a 20-bed unit in 5 days. PMID- 13474747 TI - Physical therapy; essentials of a hospital department. PMID- 13474749 TI - PROBLEMS and precautions in dealing with hepatitis among hospitalized patients. PMID- 13474748 TI - Polling patients and personnel. I. What patients say about their nursing care. PMID- 13474750 TI - Quick and precise exchange of information is the mainstay of this campaign for breaking the unsound barrier. PMID- 13474751 TI - By remodeling its obsolete elevator system, this Utah hospital gained new efficiency between floors. PMID- 13474752 TI - What administrators look for in their dietary departments. PMID- 13474753 TI - The status of physical types. PMID- 13474754 TI - Sex determination from the skeleton. PMID- 13474755 TI - The physiological effects of sleeping on hard or soft beds. PMID- 13474756 TI - [Hospital patients in former times]. PMID- 13474757 TI - [Incendiary schizophrenics]. PMID- 13474758 TI - [Reflections on psychotherapy]. PMID- 13474759 TI - Memories of Chicago internists. PMID- 13474760 TI - Evaluation of analgesic and sedative properties of aminopyrine-diallylbarbituric acid combination. PMID- 13474761 TI - Surgical treatment of pulmonary cysts and spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13474762 TI - Unusual collagen diseases. PMID- 13474763 TI - Inefficacy of flexin therapy for spasticity due to spinal cord injuries. PMID- 13474764 TI - The use of a tranquilizer in the management of behavior problems in a private pediatric practice. PMID- 13474765 TI - A new colorimetric tablet test in screening for proteinuria. PMID- 13474766 TI - New law in Illinois affecting the practice of medicine. PMID- 13474768 TI - Vitamin D intoxication. PMID- 13474767 TI - Two uncommon causes of abdominal pain. PMID- 13474769 TI - Hemoglobin E-thalassemia disease. PMID- 13474770 TI - Serum iron changes in nutritional macrocytic anemia during erythrocytic response with antimegaloblastic drugs; early drop in serum iron as an index of erythropoietic response. PMID- 13474771 TI - Chromoblastomycosis. PMID- 13474772 TI - A study of biological behaviour of variola virus. I. Biological behaviour on the chorio-allantois. PMID- 13474773 TI - A study of biological behaviour of variola virus. II. Experimental inoculation of laboratory animals. PMID- 13474775 TI - REPORT of the Influenza Research Committee, Bombay, on influenza cases during the influenza epidemic in May and June 1957. PMID- 13474774 TI - Serum choline esterase activity in normal individuals and in people with liver disorders; its value as a diagnostic test of liver function. PMID- 13474776 TI - A study of June 1957 influenza epidemic in an industrial organisation in the city of Bombay. PMID- 13474777 TI - Kyasanur forest disease. III. A preliminary report on the nature of the infection and clinical manifestations in human beings. PMID- 13474779 TI - Symptomatic relief. V. The crying child. PMID- 13474778 TI - Modern practice in immunization. IV. Cholera immunization. PMID- 13474780 TI - Diarrhea. PMID- 13474781 TI - Sex chromatin test; its scope and limitations in clinical practice and research. PMID- 13474782 TI - Idiopathic tropical steatorrhea; a report of sixty cases. PMID- 13474783 TI - Hepatic pathology in tropical splenomegaly. PMID- 13474784 TI - Summer diarrhea of children in Jaipur. PMID- 13474785 TI - Histological studies of skin lesions in lepromatous leprosy. PMID- 13474786 TI - Testicular changes in rats following vasectomy. PMID- 13474787 TI - Inherited chronic hemolytic anemia: interaction of hemoglobin S with thalassemia: case reports. PMID- 13474788 TI - Eosinophilic nodule of the breast in a case of tropical eosinophilia; case report. PMID- 13474789 TI - Observations on etiology and nature of anemia in Rajasthan; a report based on investigations and study of 100 cases. PMID- 13474790 TI - Carcinoma of the conjunctiva with special reference to bilateral epithelioma of the limbus. PMID- 13474791 TI - Cardiac arrest and its resuscitation. PMID- 13474792 TI - Anorexia. PMID- 13474793 TI - Modern practice in immunization. 5. Plague immunization. PMID- 13474794 TI - Some reflections on embarking on a pediatric career. PMID- 13474795 TI - Sclerema neonatorum: report of three cases treated with cortisone. PMID- 13474796 TI - Cerebral cyst associated with bronchopneumonia and pyaemic abscesses of kidney. PMID- 13474797 TI - Enteric fever in children. PMID- 13474798 TI - Immunogenetics and pediatrics. PMID- 13474799 TI - Employee's food services facilities; a medical department advisory and supervisory function. PMID- 13474800 TI - Acute decompression illness; a report of forty-four cases. PMID- 13474801 TI - Single frequency screening technique; a test of its validity. PMID- 13474802 TI - The cardiac in New York City's transit system. PMID- 13474803 TI - Periodic health examinations in the hotel industry. PMID- 13474804 TI - The legal aspects of employment of impaired workers. PMID- 13474805 TI - BUS WORKERS in their later lives; a study of employment of drivers and conductors from age 60 onwards. PMID- 13474806 TI - [Research on rectal administration of water-soluble theophylline derivatives in the treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13474807 TI - [Diagnosis of drug allergy]. PMID- 13474808 TI - [Mechanism of action of anaphylatoxin]. PMID- 13474809 TI - Antigenicity of pooled human malignant and normal tissues by cyto-immunological technique; presence of an insoluble, heat-labile tumor antigen. PMID- 13474810 TI - Cell injury in allergic inflammation. PMID- 13474811 TI - Direct bronchial testing and hyposensitization in asthmatics using aerosolized dust extract. PMID- 13474812 TI - [Contribution to the mechanism of thrombocytopenia in allergic processes]. PMID- 13474813 TI - 5-Hydroxytryptamine, tissue mast cells and skin oedema. PMID- 13474814 TI - [Immunological differentiation of protein mixtures using paper electrophoresis and precipitation on gel medium]. PMID- 13474815 TI - [The role of histamine in the anaphylactic vascular skin reaction induced by chemical histamine liberator]. PMID- 13474816 TI - [Determination of precipitable and non-precipitable antibodies by transmigration electrophoresis]. PMID- 13474818 TI - Clinical experiences with hexylcaine HCL (cyclaine) for topical, infiltration and subarachnoid anesthesia. PMID- 13474817 TI - Utilization of nitrous oxide-oxygen and trichloroethylene for general anesthesia in ambulatory patients. PMID- 13474819 TI - A new appraisal of the hazards of infection during injection of anesthetic. PMID- 13474820 TI - Esthetics in prosthetics through surgery. PMID- 13474821 TI - The use of spinal anesthesia in obstetrics at the Evanston Hospital. PMID- 13474822 TI - Pleural biopsy and anesthesia. PMID- 13474823 TI - Analgesia with hypnotherapy. PMID- 13474824 TI - The anaesthetist and the mass casualty problem. PMID- 13474825 TI - Tori; a study including a technique for their removal. PMID- 13474826 TI - A dentist's view. I. Why I favor immediate extractions. II. Dental extractions and pregnancy. PMID- 13474827 TI - The erotic instincts; a contribution to the study of instincts. PMID- 13474828 TI - The precognitive cultural ingredients of schizophrenia. PMID- 13474829 TI - The psycho-analytic treatment of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13474830 TI - Two types of preoedipal character disorders. PMID- 13474831 TI - Ernst Kris, 1900-1957. PMID- 13474832 TI - Dr. Sarton and the History of Science Society. PMID- 13474833 TI - George Sarton. PMID- 13474834 TI - George Sarton and Harvard University. PMID- 13474835 TI - George Sarton and the history of science. PMID- 13474836 TI - George Sarton and the history of medicine. PMID- 13474837 TI - [George Sarton & the history of oriental science]. PMID- 13474838 TI - George Sarton: historian of medieval science. PMID- 13474839 TI - Some letters of George Sarton: 1922-1955. PMID- 13474840 TI - Dr. Sarton's study of Arabic. PMID- 13474841 TI - Bibliography of the publications of George Sarton. PMID- 13474842 TI - Study on the relation between oxidative assimilation and phase of H. pertussis. PMID- 13474843 TI - Studies on the adenovirus as an etiological agent of pharyngoconjunctival fever. PMID- 13474845 TI - Quantitative studies on anaphylaxis in vitro. II. Studies on the species difference of diphtheria antitoxin in sensitizing activity. PMID- 13474844 TI - Isolation of adenovirus from an exanthematous infection resembling roseola infantum. PMID- 13474846 TI - Influence of heating at 120 degrees C on the bacterial cells. II. Field of reaction of Vi Agglutination and O agglutination in the tests conducted with the supernatant fluid antigen obtained by heating at 120 degrees C the bacterial cells of different species suspended in the supernatant fluid of typhoid bacilli V and W form. PMID- 13474847 TI - Studies on hookworm larvae. V. Further observations of infective larvae in migration towards vegetables. PMID- 13474848 TI - Studies on hookworm larvae. VI. On the behaviour of infective larvae living in the compost manure. PMID- 13474849 TI - Studies on hookworm larvae. VII. Migratory behaviour of infective larvae developed in the seed-bed. PMID- 13474850 TI - Studies on the protein of various Mycobacteria. III. On the chemical properties of the several peptides isolated from the bacterial cells of Mycobacterium avium. PMID- 13474851 TI - [Acute meningitis in children]. PMID- 13474852 TI - [Atherosclerosis and diabetes]. PMID- 13474853 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13474854 TI - [Antibiotics and chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13474855 TI - [Schizophrenia & collective psychoses; schizophrenia as an element of induction of collective psychoses]. PMID- 13474856 TI - [Therapy with colloidal radiogold (Au 198)]. PMID- 13474857 TI - [Carcinoma of the stomach; total gastrectomy followed by enterogastroplasty]. PMID- 13474858 TI - [Carcinoma of the stomach; total gastrectomy followed by enterogastroplasty]. PMID- 13474859 TI - [Antileprosy organizations & establishments in French Equatorial Africa]. PMID- 13474860 TI - [Vitamin-resistant rachitism]. PMID- 13474861 TI - [Medicine & physicians; reflections]. PMID- 13474862 TI - [Results of the campaign against onchocerciasis in the Portuguese Congo]. PMID- 13474863 TI - [Drepanocytosis in the Portuguese provinces beyond the sea]. PMID- 13474865 TI - [Tributes to French medicine]. PMID- 13474864 TI - [Mortality of the white & mestizo population of Angola]. PMID- 13474866 TI - [Autonomic nervous states with and without goiter; para-basedowian states]. PMID- 13474867 TI - [Chilling: accidental deep hypothermia in adults]. PMID- 13474868 TI - [Radiology in chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13474870 TI - [Acute and subacute terminal ileitis]. PMID- 13474869 TI - [Uremia caused by hydration disorders]. PMID- 13474871 TI - [Place of the artificial kidney in therapy of acute anuria]. PMID- 13474872 TI - [Radiology in cystic formations of the pancreas]. PMID- 13474873 TI - [Value of per-operative radiological examination in surgery of pancreatic disorders]. PMID- 13474874 TI - [Tuberculosis of the small intestine]. PMID- 13474875 TI - [Tumors of the small intestine]. PMID- 13474876 TI - [Therapy of diaphragmatic hernias]. PMID- 13474877 TI - [Regional ileitis or Chrohn's disease]. PMID- 13474878 TI - [Recent studies of digestive endoscopy]. PMID- 13474879 TI - Predicting the direction of selective recall: its relation to ego strength and n achievement. PMID- 13474880 TI - The relationship between advanced age and mental abilities. PMID- 13474881 TI - Judgments of consensus during group discussion. PMID- 13474882 TI - Cognitive processes and interpersonal predictions. PMID- 13474883 TI - Conforming behavior under two conditions of conflict in the cognitive field. PMID- 13474884 TI - The repression response to implied failure as a function of the hysteria psychasthenia index. PMID- 13474885 TI - Intra-individual consistency in conceptualization. PMID- 13474886 TI - Distinguishing characteristic of collaborators and resisters among American prisoners of war. PMID- 13474887 TI - The relationship of age and privilege status to reaction time indices of schizophrenic motivation. PMID- 13474889 TI - The effects of clear and unclear role expectations on group productivity and defensiveness. PMID- 13474888 TI - The effects of sex-role identification upon problem-solving skill. PMID- 13474891 TI - Affiliation motivation and productivity in small groups. PMID- 13474890 TI - The relationship between overt and fantasy aggression as a function of maternal response to aggression. PMID- 13474892 TI - Cognitive set and motivational factors in the perception of neutral and threat related stimuli. PMID- 13474893 TI - Maternal child-rearing practices and authoritarian ideology. PMID- 13474894 TI - Catharsis and the relief of hostility. PMID- 13474895 TI - Assimilation and contrast effects in reactions to communication and attitude change. PMID- 13474896 TI - Compatriot and foreigner: a study of impression formation in three countries. PMID- 13474897 TI - The treatment of two phobic patients on the basis of learning principles. PMID- 13474898 TI - Perception of disturbing and neutral words through the autokinetic word technique. PMID- 13474899 TI - Learning theory and opposite speech. PMID- 13474900 TI - The influence of ethnic attitudes on reasoning about ethnic groups. PMID- 13474901 TI - Consciousness as a regulatory field: a theory of psychotherapy. PMID- 13474902 TI - The effects of fear arousal and suppression of fear upon social perception. PMID- 13474903 TI - The masculinity-femininity dimension in normal and psychotic subjects. PMID- 13474904 TI - Galvanic skin response as a measure of patient's reaction to therapist's permissiveness. PMID- 13474905 TI - The influence of the mother's presence on children's doll play aggression. PMID- 13474906 TI - Verbal conditioning as a function of experimenter characteristics. PMID- 13474908 TI - A scale for measuring attitudes of social responsibility in children. PMID- 13474907 TI - Mediated generalization and the incubation effect as a function of manifest anxiety. PMID- 13474909 TI - A cross-cultural survey of some sex differences in socialization. PMID- 13474910 TI - Avoidance learning of perceptual defense and vigilance. PMID- 13474911 TI - The relative aversiveness of warning signal and shock in an avoidance situation. PMID- 13474912 TI - Selective recall in schizophrenia and its relation to ego strength. PMID- 13474913 TI - Effects of perceived dependency relationships upon conformity to group expectations. PMID- 13474914 TI - The effect of training upon accuracy and variability in interpersonal perception. PMID- 13474915 TI - Reference groups, membership groups, and attitude change. PMID- 13474916 TI - Socioeconomic status and conceptual thinking. PMID- 13474917 TI - Recall of interrupted tasks under stress: a phenomenon of memory or of learning. PMID- 13474918 TI - Group climate as a factor in the relevance and accuracy of social perception. PMID- 13474920 TI - Ethnocentrism and stimulus generalization: a replication and further study. PMID- 13474919 TI - Critique and notes on the phenomena of opposite speech. PMID- 13474921 TI - Social desirability and probability of endorsement of items in the interpersonal check list. PMID- 13474922 TI - Social setting and conformity to a legal requirement. PMID- 13474923 TI - Public and private conformity under different conditions of acceptance in the group. PMID- 13474924 TI - Resolution of approach-approach and avoidance-avoidance conflicts. PMID- 13474925 TI - Personality change as a result of an experimental change of environmental conditions. PMID- 13474926 TI - Review of the surgical treatment of perforated ulcer at the Albert Einstein Medical Center, northern division; a clinical study. PMID- 13474927 TI - Urinary tract obstruction in an infant due to congenital anomalies of the posterior urethra. PMID- 13474928 TI - Syphilitic deformity of the nose and its correction; a case report. PMID- 13474929 TI - The method of moving averages in the analysis of data; a shortcut technique by advancing centroids. PMID- 13474930 TI - Phenylbutazone in the treatment of deep-vein thrombophlebitis; a preliminary report. PMID- 13474931 TI - Phenylbutazone as a presumptive test for acute gout; preliminary observation. PMID- 13474932 TI - Improving palatability of barium sulfate for upper G. I. studies. PMID- 13474933 TI - Radioactive fat absorption studies; a preliminary report. PMID- 13474934 TI - The roentgenography of the gestation cycle. PMID- 13474935 TI - Preclinical diagnosis of breast cancer. PMID- 13474936 TI - Mechanisms of immunologic tissue injury. PMID- 13474938 TI - Silk antigen as a contaminant in biological agents. PMID- 13474937 TI - Severe allergic reaction caused by silk as a contaminant in typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine. PMID- 13474939 TI - A study of leukocytic antibodies in allergic patients. PMID- 13474940 TI - Observations on acquired skin-sensitizing activity by clinically nonallergic persons to extracts of ragweed pollen. PMID- 13474941 TI - Eosinophilic pneumonitis complicating and mimicking pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13474942 TI - Staphylococcus aureus antigens in hypersensitivity reactions and experimental arterial sensitization. PMID- 13474943 TI - Failure to induce allergic response in guinea pigs with scorpion venom. PMID- 13474944 TI - Management of multiple jacket restorations. PMID- 13474945 TI - Evanston dental caries study. XVII. Dental caries experience rates associated with boys and girls, white and Negro children. PMID- 13474946 TI - Orthopedic problems of the dentist. PMID- 13474947 TI - The relative importance of appliances in orthodontic therapy. PMID- 13474948 TI - Effect of topically applied stannous chlorofluoride on the dental caries experience in children. II. Results two years after initial treatment. PMID- 13474949 TI - A study of dental caries in 1,361 school children in selected areas of the city of Los Angeles. PMID- 13474950 TI - The retention of complete dentures. PMID- 13474951 TI - A soft roentgen-ray study of early carious lesions. PMID- 13474952 TI - Critical analysis of pain incidence during 1,508 operative procedures with rotating instruments. PMID- 13474953 TI - Conditioning parents in the practice of dentistry for children. PMID- 13474954 TI - A critical survey of the methods of instrument disinfection and sterilization. PMID- 13474955 TI - Specialties in dentistry with special reference to oral surgery. PMID- 13474956 TI - Impression technic with rubber base materials for fixed bridge work. PMID- 13474957 TI - Periodontal research: problems related to practice. PMID- 13474958 TI - Reduction of hamster periodontal disease by sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate in drinking water. PMID- 13474959 TI - Surgical treatment of periodontal disease. PMID- 13474960 TI - Diagnosis and prognosis in periodontal disease. PMID- 13474961 TI - Management of the patient with periodontal disease. PMID- 13474962 TI - Periodontal disease in children and adolescents: a clinical study. PMID- 13474963 TI - Conservative treatment of periodontal disease. PMID- 13474964 TI - The supporting dental structures. PMID- 13474965 TI - Maximum forces exerted on the dentition by the perioral and lingual musculature. PMID- 13474966 TI - Results of several types of treatment of periodontosis. PMID- 13474967 TI - Preventive periodontics. PMID- 13474969 TI - Surgical repositioning of vestibule and frenums in periodontal disease. PMID- 13474970 TI - Changing theories of periodontal conditions influencing principles of management. PMID- 13474968 TI - Periodontal considerations in restorative dentistry. PMID- 13474971 TI - Dental education today and tomorrow. PMID- 13474972 TI - NINETEEN fifty-seven; golden anniversary of one of the great controversial figures in dentistry, William H. Taggart. PMID- 13474973 TI - THE DENTAL Relief Fund, 1907-1957: fifty golden years of service. PMID- 13474974 TI - Removable bridges without saddles. PMID- 13474975 TI - BUDGET payment plans for the individual purchase of dental care: III. PMID- 13474976 TI - Fundamental concepts of liver disease. PMID- 13474977 TI - Iron absorbed from three preparations used to enrich bread. PMID- 13474978 TI - Amino acid requirements of adults. PMID- 13474979 TI - Growth and development of Peruvian children. PMID- 13474980 TI - Nutritive value of irradiated turkey. I. Growth-promoting quality and biologic value. PMID- 13474981 TI - Nutritive value of irradiated turkey. II. Vitamin losses after irradiation and cooking. PMID- 13474982 TI - Nutritive value of a vegetable protein mixture. PMID- 13474983 TI - Typhoon emergency feeding on Okinawa. PMID- 13474984 TI - A shared dietitian in Fiji. PMID- 13474985 TI - Culture, economics, and food habits. PMID- 13474986 TI - International dietetics; past and future. PMID- 13474987 TI - The American Dietetic Association-1956-57; president's report to members. PMID- 13474988 TI - Treatment of non-tropical sprue: a wheat-, rye-, and oat-free diet. PMID- 13474989 TI - Lysine in milk proteins in relation to infant needs. PMID- 13474990 TI - Studies with breaded crab and oyster meat: antibiotic residues in shellfish after cooking. PMID- 13474991 TI - Comparison of non- and high-absence groups; nutritive intake of women factory employees. PMID- 13474992 TI - Food yields and losses in pressure cooking. PMID- 13474993 TI - Yield from institutional packs of frozen produce. PMID- 13474994 TI - The dietary department and public relations. PMID- 13474995 TI - Selective menus in a psychiatric hospital. PMID- 13474996 TI - Biographical notes from the history of nutrition: Frederick Fitzgerald Tisdall November 3, 1893-April 23, 1949. PMID- 13474997 TI - Panel discussion of the palliation of advanced cancer in the older age groups. PMID- 13474998 TI - Accidents and the aging. PMID- 13474999 TI - The value of endocervical curettage in early diagnosis of cervical carcinoma. PMID- 13475000 TI - Host-tumor antagonism. VII. Multiple primary malignant neoplasms. Does the initial growth immunize against, or predispose toward a second lesion. PMID- 13475001 TI - Needs for research in gerontology and their implications for the physical medicine and rehabilitation service. PMID- 13475002 TI - Influence of the arylsulfonylureas on thyroid function in older diabetic men and women. PMID- 13475003 TI - PANEL discussion on cardiac and circulatory diseases. PMID- 13475004 TI - Connective tissue, hormones and aging. PMID- 13475005 TI - Management of fear of death in chronic disease. PMID- 13475006 TI - Senile macular degeneration: what is its significance. PMID- 13475007 TI - Etiology and epidemiology of viral hepatitis. PMID- 13475008 TI - Posthepatitic cirrhosis. PMID- 13475009 TI - Pathological anatomy of hepatitis. PMID- 13475010 TI - Management of somatic complications in psychiatric patients. PMID- 13475012 TI - Hemangiomas; treated and untreated. PMID- 13475013 TI - The allergic dermatoses. PMID- 13475011 TI - Explaining to the patient; a therapeutic tool and a professional obligation. PMID- 13475014 TI - Incidence of disseminated lupus erythematosus; follow-up studies indicating increased frequency. PMID- 13475015 TI - Case registry for rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13475016 TI - The unreliability of tactile tension. PMID- 13475017 TI - Death from intra-abdominal hemorrhage simulating reaction to contrast medium. PMID- 13475019 TI - DIHYDROTACHYSTEROL. PMID- 13475018 TI - BLOOD transfusions in the United States. PMID- 13475020 TI - DIPHENYLPYRALINE hydrochloride. PMID- 13475021 TI - HEXETIDINE. PMID- 13475022 TI - HYDROXYSTILBAMIDINE isethionate. PMID- 13475023 TI - PARENTERAL use of novobiocin sodium. PMID- 13475024 TI - Bootstraps for our forgotten millions; how bold advances in and out of medicine are enabling the disabled to rebuild their lives. PMID- 13475025 TI - Follicular lymphoblastoma of the spleen. PMID- 13475026 TI - PRIVILEGED communications: presence of third person as waiver. PMID- 13475027 TI - PRIVILEGED communications: right of examining physician to answer hypothetical question. PMID- 13475028 TI - MALPRACTICE: liability of college for negligence of senior student in college owned clinic. PMID- 13475030 TI - MEDICAL Practice Acts: naturopathy as the practice of medicine. PMID- 13475029 TI - LIBEL and slander: charges made to medical society grievance committee. PMID- 13475031 TI - Bronchitis and emphysema. PMID- 13475032 TI - Safe transportation of newborn infants for emergency surgery. PMID- 13475033 TI - An evaluation of standards for the hospital care of premature infants. PMID- 13475034 TI - Clinical experience with hemolytic disease of newborn infants. PMID- 13475035 TI - Convulsant action of phenothiazine derivatives. PMID- 13475036 TI - Raynaud's disease in primary pulmonary hypertension. PMID- 13475037 TI - Treatment of pemphigus with corticosteroids; study of fifty-two patients. PMID- 13475038 TI - Principles of management of allergic disorders with prednisone and prednisolone; with emphasis on clinical and laboratory control of complications. PMID- 13475039 TI - Subtotal gastrectomy and hemigastrectomy with vagotomy for duodenal ulcer; comparative study one year after operation. PMID- 13475040 TI - Hepatojugularometer; an apparatus for quantitative control of pressure and force applied over the hepatic area for the hepatojugular reflux test. PMID- 13475041 TI - Plastic tracheostomy button. PMID- 13475042 TI - A one-drop method for detection of albuminuria. PMID- 13475043 TI - DECUBITUS ulcers. PMID- 13475044 TI - Treating overweight patients. PMID- 13475045 TI - Artificially induced Asian influenza in vaccinated and unvaccinated volunteers. PMID- 13475046 TI - Problems of surgical residency training. PMID- 13475047 TI - Intramuscular administration of the anticoagulant warfarin (coumadin) sodium. PMID- 13475048 TI - Clinical observations on use of warfarin (coumadin) sodium, a new anticoagulant. PMID- 13475049 TI - Foreign interns and residents in the United States, 1956-1957. PMID- 13475050 TI - Rapid method of determining urinary infection. PMID- 13475051 TI - New grasping hot cautery electrode for destruction of rectal polyps. PMID- 13475052 TI - Medical education in the United States and Canada; fifty-seventh annual report on medical education in the United States and Canada by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. PMID- 13475053 TI - Arteriosclerosis and renal hypertension; indications for aortography in hypertensive patients and results of surgical treatment of obstructive lesions of renal artery. PMID- 13475054 TI - Eczematous complications in treatment of tuberculosis; eruptions resulting from combined aminosalicylic acid, dihydrostreptomycin, and isoniazid therapy. PMID- 13475055 TI - Postoperative hypotension. PMID- 13475056 TI - False diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13475057 TI - Blood studies as an aid in differential diagnosis of abdominal trauma. PMID- 13475058 TI - Milk allergy; diagnostic aspects and the role of milk substitutes. PMID- 13475059 TI - Changes in requirements for certification in radiology. PMID- 13475061 TI - Diagnostic procedures for pheochromocytoma; technique of assay of urine in rat and demonstration of piperoxan hydrochloride; antidiuresis during normotensive phase. PMID- 13475062 TI - Acute leukemia after radioactive iodine (I 131) therapy for hyperthyroidism. PMID- 13475060 TI - The role of physical medicine and rehabilitation in rheumatic heart disease. PMID- 13475063 TI - Methylprednisolone (medrol), a potent new anti-inflammatory steroid; therapeutic results in allergic diseases. PMID- 13475064 TI - A case of methyl salicylate intoxication treated by exchange transfusion. PMID- 13475065 TI - COUNCIL on drugs; report to the council. PMID- 13475066 TI - MENINGITIC breathing. PMID- 13475067 TI - Medicine's role in financing health care costs. PMID- 13475068 TI - Economic tolerance. PMID- 13475069 TI - Major medical expense insurance; its development and problems. PMID- 13475070 TI - The role of the medical director in major medical expense insurance. PMID- 13475071 TI - Noncancellable and guaranteed renewable insurance; underwriting considerations. PMID- 13475072 TI - Sudden deafness and its relation to atherosclerosis. PMID- 13475073 TI - Determination of vital capacity and maximal breathing capacity; simple, inexpensive method for use in normal subjects and in patients with lung disease. PMID- 13475074 TI - Postmature pregnancy; clinical obstetric aspects. PMID- 13475075 TI - Oxygen levels in the postmature fetus. PMID- 13475076 TI - Pediatric aspects of the placental dysfunction syndrome in postmaturity. PMID- 13475077 TI - Duodenal obstruction due to compression by superior mesenteric root. PMID- 13475078 TI - Health services for the school-age child; a new approach. PMID- 13475079 TI - Neuropharmacological agents in rehabilitation of patients with chronic mental illness; a three-year clinical evaluation. PMID- 13475080 TI - Observations and report of an influenza epidemic aboard a military sea transport. PMID- 13475081 TI - [Subcutaneous and intradermal vaccination with Asian influenza vaccine]. PMID- 13475082 TI - POLYARTHRITIS, fever, and lymphadenopathy in a young man; clinical data and discussion. PMID- 13475083 TI - Current status of therapy of infectious hepatitis. PMID- 13475084 TI - Diagnostic problems. PMID- 13475085 TI - REPORT on narcotic addiction. PMID- 13475086 TI - Long-continued adrenal hormone therapy in childhood nephrosis. PMID- 13475087 TI - Plasma thromboplastin component (PTC) deficiency. PMID- 13475088 TI - Presentation of a pneumotachograph with reference to respiratory distress in the newborn infant. PMID- 13475089 TI - Tumors in childhood and the role of a Pediatric Tumor Board. PMID- 13475090 TI - A resident training program. PMID- 13475091 TI - Helpful hints for the geriatric patient. PMID- 13475092 TI - The value of hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis and therapy of infertility. PMID- 13475093 TI - Mediterranean anemia trait in adults. PMID- 13475094 TI - Endocrine disturbances revealing skin manifestations. PMID- 13475095 TI - Familial autonomic dysfunction. PMID- 13475096 TI - Governance in osteopathic education; a faculty member poses some questions. PMID- 13475097 TI - Electrocardiographic abnormalities in conditions other than heart disease. PMID- 13475098 TI - Total breech extraction. PMID- 13475099 TI - pH of the skin and atopic dermatitis; a review of the literature. PMID- 13475100 TI - The role of the physiatrist in the treatment of burns. PMID- 13475101 TI - Pseudomonas aeruginosa septicemia. PMID- 13475103 TI - Perinatal mortality. PMID- 13475102 TI - The use of hypaque sodium in excretory urography. PMID- 13475104 TI - Respiratory acidosis; pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. PMID- 13475105 TI - Facilitation of full-term labor with relaxin. PMID- 13475106 TI - Spinal arachnoid cysts. PMID- 13475107 TI - The acute gastric dilatation as a complication of a turnbuckle body cast. PMID- 13475108 TI - Hemorrhagic infarction of the kidneys with renal vein thrombosis. PMID- 13475109 TI - Canine glaucoma. I. Methods of diagnosis. PMID- 13475110 TI - Parasitism in sheep on irrigated pastures. PMID- 13475111 TI - Pneumonia in California lambs. PMID- 13475112 TI - The control of laboratory-induced cervical (jowl) abscesses in swine by the continuous feeding of various levels of chlortetracycline. PMID- 13475113 TI - Nocardia infection of the bovine mammary gland; a preliminary report. PMID- 13475114 TI - Effect of Leptospira pomona bacterin upon agglutinin titers of five cattle previously vaccinated with strain 19 Brucella abortus. PMID- 13475115 TI - Ringworm in horses caused by the dermatophyte, Microsporum gypsum. PMID- 13475116 TI - Oxygen therapy with a nasopharyngeal tube in large animals. PMID- 13475117 TI - Pulmonary vascular sclerosis as a result of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs. PMID- 13475118 TI - The survival of Brucella abortus (U. S. D. A. strain 2308) in manure. PMID- 13475119 TI - Leptospirosis vaccination studies in cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. PMID- 13475120 TI - The effect of divided dosage on the anthelmintic efficiency of phenothiazine in lambs. PMID- 13475121 TI - Canine glaucoma. II. Primary classification. PMID- 13475122 TI - Canine glaucoma. III. Secondary classification. PMID- 13475123 TI - Novobiocin; oral and intramuscular use in dogs and cats. PMID- 13475125 TI - Vaginal temperature of dairy cows before and after calving. PMID- 13475124 TI - Clinical experience with mepazine. PMID- 13475126 TI - Toxoplasmosis in the cat; fourteen cases. PMID- 13475127 TI - Effect of preanesthetic medication with chlorpromazine, meperidine, and promazine on pentobarbital anesthesia in the cat. PMID- 13475128 TI - An improvised Thomas splint for a bull. PMID- 13475129 TI - Feedlot tests of the efficacy of Dow ET-57 (trolene) for control of cattle grubs. PMID- 13475131 TI - CATTLE grub eradication. PMID- 13475130 TI - Brisket disease syndrome. PMID- 13475132 TI - Some clinical and histological observations on scrapie in sheep. PMID- 13475134 TI - Canine glaucoma. IV. Medical and surgical treatment. PMID- 13475135 TI - An extrathoracic heart in a parakeet. PMID- 13475133 TI - Lymphatic leukemia in a hog following atomic exposure to gamma radiation; a case report. PMID- 13475137 TI - Possible evidence of a viral agent in shipping fever complex of cattle. PMID- 13475136 TI - A review of the chemotherapy of avian viral and bacterial infections. PMID- 13475138 TI - Experimental oral transmission of vibrionic abortion of sheep. PMID- 13475139 TI - Further experiences with furacin in treatment of ovine and caprine coccidiosis. PMID- 13475140 TI - Observations on the chemotherapy of canine heartworm infection with arsenicals. PMID- 13475141 TI - Proteins in wound healing. PMID- 13475142 TI - RICHARD Shope, benefactor of animals. PMID- 13475143 TI - A quantitative study of the fornixmamillo-thalamic system. PMID- 13475144 TI - The vestibular nuclei in cat. PMID- 13475145 TI - The innervation of the ligaments attached to the bodies of the vertebrae. PMID- 13475146 TI - Concerning the gangliform enlargement (pseudoganglion) on the nerve to the teres minor muscle. PMID- 13475147 TI - The epibranchial placode of the vagus nerve in the sheep. PMID- 13475148 TI - The development of the human vagina. PMID- 13475149 TI - The development of certain human dural venous sinuses. PMID- 13475150 TI - The effect of fixation on the ameloblast layer of the enamel organ in the rat. PMID- 13475151 TI - Observations on osteogenesis in the femur of the foetal rat. PMID- 13475152 TI - The forces operating at the human ankle joint during standing. PMID- 13475153 TI - Capacity of human intestine to absorb exogenous cholesterol. PMID- 13475154 TI - Basal gastric secretion in duodenal ulcer patients: its consideration in evaluation of gastric secretory inhibitants or stimulants. PMID- 13475155 TI - In vitro studies of human plasma lipolytic activity before and after oral fat intake. PMID- 13475156 TI - Hemodynamics of patent ductus arteriosus: analysis by equisensitive simultaneous pressure recording during surgery. PMID- 13475157 TI - Studies made by simulating systole at necropsy. IX. A test of the aortic compression chamber hypothesis and of two stroke volume methods based upon it. PMID- 13475158 TI - Studies made by simulating systole at necropsy. X. State of peripheral circulation in cadaver preparations. PMID- 13475159 TI - [Intra-arterial pressure in man after sudden complete occlusion as a measure of peripheral resistance]. PMID- 13475160 TI - Peripheral and visceral vascular effects of exercise in the erect position. PMID- 13475161 TI - Influence of varying external pressures on blood flow through the arteries of the arm. PMID- 13475162 TI - Blood flow in small blood vessels during deep hypothermia. PMID- 13475163 TI - Loss of acclimatization after six days of work in cool conditions on the surface of a mine. PMID- 13475164 TI - Decrease in human excretion of 17-ketogenic steroids and 17-ketosteroids with increasing ambient temperature. PMID- 13475165 TI - Comparative thermoregulatory responses of Negroes and white persons to acute cold stress. PMID- 13475166 TI - Thermal conductivity and diathermancy of human skin for sources of intense thermal radiation employed in flash burn studies. PMID- 13475167 TI - A method for the measurement of the thermal conductivity of human skin. PMID- 13475168 TI - Effect of a tranquilizing agent on galvanic skin response. PMID- 13475169 TI - Water vapor loss from the respiratory tract during outdoor exercise in the cold. PMID- 13475170 TI - Competition between sweat glands and kidneys for salt and water in man. PMID- 13475171 TI - Influence of reserpine and apresoline on renal response to renin and on antidiuretic potency of the blood of normal rats. PMID- 13475172 TI - Citrate metabolism in uremia. PMID- 13475173 TI - Indirect determination of respiratory dead space and mean alveolar air composition. PMID- 13475174 TI - Factors affecting the pulmonary dead space as determined by single breath analysis. PMID- 13475175 TI - A bubble method for estimation of PCO2 and PO2 in whole blood. PMID- 13475176 TI - Analysis of the errors of a bubble method for estimation of PCO2 and PO2 in whole blood. PMID- 13475177 TI - Photocolorimetric determination of rate of uptake of CO and O2 by reduced human red cell suspensions at 37 degrees C. PMID- 13475178 TI - Rate at which carbon monoxide replaces oxygen from combination with human hemoglobin in solution and in the red cell. PMID- 13475179 TI - Apparent pulmonary diffusing capacity for CO at varying alveolar O2 tensions. PMID- 13475180 TI - Relative importance of diffusion and chemical reaction rates in determining rate of exchange of gases in the human lung, with special reference to true diffusing capacity of pulmonary membrane and volume of blood in the lung capillaries. PMID- 13475181 TI - Simple methods of estimating oxygen consumption and efficiency of the muscles of breathing. PMID- 13475182 TI - Effects of curare on elastic properties of chest and lungs of the dog. PMID- 13475183 TI - Expired air resuscitation in paralyzed human subjects. PMID- 13475184 TI - Catheterization of pulmonary veins and left heart chambers in the dog. PMID- 13475185 TI - Pneumatic instruments for physiological and clinical research. PMID- 13475186 TI - A servomechanism for automatic regulation of pulmonary ventilation. PMID- 13475187 TI - The Shay mouse: production of gastric ulcers. PMID- 13475188 TI - Analogue computer for calculating the alveolar-capillary oxygen gradient. PMID- 13475189 TI - Mammary meditations; 1957. PMID- 13475190 TI - Glycocyamine betaine as an adjunct in the treatment of neuromuscular disease patients. PMID- 13475191 TI - [Obstetrics]. PMID- 13475192 TI - The biochemical and clinical features of alkalosis and hypopotassemia. PMID- 13475193 TI - A new surgical approach to the problem of myocardial revascularization in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13475194 TI - What is psychotherapy. PMID- 13475195 TI - Carbon dioxide narcosis: a case report. PMID- 13475196 TI - Radiology. PMID- 13475197 TI - Diagnosis of common congenital heart defects. PMID- 13475198 TI - Visibility of artificial satellites of the planet earth. PMID- 13475199 TI - The biologic response to overpressure. I. Effects on dogs of five to ten-second duration overpressure having various times of pressure rise. PMID- 13475200 TI - The pathologic investigation of aircraft accident fatalities. PMID- 13475201 TI - Vertigo as a cause of pilot error in jet aircraft. PMID- 13475202 TI - Space travel: a symposium. PMID- 13475203 TI - Some survival aspects of space travel. PMID- 13475204 TI - The possibilities of an inhabitable extraterrestrial environment reachable from the earth. PMID- 13475205 TI - Routine nutritional tests for the identification of dermatophytes. PMID- 13475206 TI - Dihydrouracil as a growth factor for mutant strains of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475208 TI - Serological study of Bordetella pertussis and related species. PMID- 13475207 TI - Study of germinating Bacillus cereus spores employing television microscopy of living cells and electron microscopy of ultrathin sections. PMID- 13475209 TI - Colony types of Xanthomonas phaseoli. PMID- 13475210 TI - Genetic transformation of colony type in Xanthomonas phaseoli. PMID- 13475211 TI - Genetic transformation of streptomycin resistance in Xanthomonas phaseoli. PMID- 13475212 TI - Effect of some antimetabolites on the production of streptolysin S'. PMID- 13475213 TI - Canbomycin requiring mutants of Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. PMID- 13475214 TI - Basic nutritional requirements of Micrococcus lysodeikticus. PMID- 13475215 TI - Energy sources utilized by Vibrio fetus. PMID- 13475216 TI - Inactivity of pteroylglutamic acid and leucovorin in overcoming sulfonamide growth inhibition of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475217 TI - Studies on the accumulation of 4-amino-5-imidazole carboxamide in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475218 TI - Metabolism of carbohydrates by Pseudomonas saccharophila. III. Oxidation of D arabinose. PMID- 13475219 TI - Glucose and galactose metabolism in Streptococcus pyogenes. PMID- 13475221 TI - Growth rates of Salmonella colonies. PMID- 13475220 TI - Differential stabilities of individual heredity determinants in transforming principle. PMID- 13475222 TI - Studies of streptococcal cell walls. I. Isolation, chemical composition, and preparation of M protein. PMID- 13475223 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism of Bacillus larvae. PMID- 13475224 TI - Quantitative estimation of chitin in fungi. PMID- 13475225 TI - Studies on the nutrition of Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13475226 TI - Ammonia production from various substrates by previously pressurized cells of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475227 TI - Metabolic and serologic differentiation of Actinomyces bovis and anaerobic diphtheroids. PMID- 13475228 TI - Studies on the growth of Histoplasma capsulatum. III Effect of thiamin and other vitamins on the growth of the yeast and mycelial phases of Histoplasma capsulatum. PMID- 13475229 TI - Technique for rapid growth of Vibrio fetus in broth. PMID- 13475230 TI - Effect of hydrostatic pressure on succinic, formic, and malic dehydrogenases in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475231 TI - Some effects of iron deficiency on the extracellular products released by toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. PMID- 13475232 TI - Differences in the synthesis of folic acid and 5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide in sulfathiazole sensitive and resistant strains of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475233 TI - Identification of beta-hydroxybutyric acid in bacterial cells by infrared spectrophotometry. PMID- 13475234 TI - Quantitative nature of the gram stain. PMID- 13475235 TI - [The reticular structure of the nucleus of Bacillus aneurinolyticus]. PMID- 13475236 TI - Effect of nutritional state and other conditions on ultraviolet resistance and photoreactivation in yeast. PMID- 13475237 TI - Effect of penicillin, growth phase, ultraviolet light, and ultrasonic vibrations on the ability of Proteus mirabilis to form L type colonies. PMID- 13475238 TI - Bas shield formation in virus hemagglutination. PMID- 13475239 TI - Effects of crushing on the structure and viability of Bacillus subtilis spores. PMID- 13475240 TI - Effect of nystatin on the utilization of substrates by yeast and other fungi. PMID- 13475241 TI - Mucoid mutants of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475242 TI - Properties of a protein antigenically related to tryptophan synthetase in Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13475243 TI - Coupled oxidative phosphorylation in crude extracts of Azotobacter. PMID- 13475244 TI - Fermentation of amino acids by Micrococcus aerogenes. PMID- 13475245 TI - Fermentation of alpha keto acids by Micrococcus aerogenes and Micrococcus lactilyticus. PMID- 13475246 TI - Comparative studies of the physiology of Sapromyces and related genera. PMID- 13475247 TI - A selective enrichment method for Gallionella ferruginea. PMID- 13475248 TI - The isolation and properties of amino acid requiring mutants of a thymineless bacterium. PMID- 13475249 TI - Practical laboratory test for the identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PMID- 13475250 TI - Oxidation of propionic acid by Nocardia corallina. PMID- 13475252 TI - Variation in the antibiotic producing bacterial flora of the human intestinal tract. PMID- 13475251 TI - Enzymes of Clostridium tertium: effects on blood group and virus receptor substances. PMID- 13475253 TI - Degradation of ergothioneine by Alcaligenes faecalis. PMID- 13475254 TI - Some effects of ultraviolet radiation of sporulating cultures of Bacillus cereus. PMID- 13475255 TI - Free histidine content of turnip varieties and their resistance to histidine requiring mutants of Erwinia aroideae. PMID- 13475256 TI - Presumptive heterokaryons in Aspergillus fonsecaeus. PMID- 13475257 TI - Improved pock counting method for the titration of Rous sarcoma virus in embryonated eggs. PMID- 13475258 TI - Aspartase activity of cell free extracts prepared from aged cell suspensions of Bacterium cadaveris. PMID- 13475259 TI - A medium for Shigella dysenteriae under anaerobic conditions. PMID- 13475260 TI - Association of production of diphosphopyridine nucleotidase with serological type of group A Streptococcus. PMID- 13475261 TI - Mitochondria-like structures in ultrathin sections of Mycobacterium avium. PMID- 13475262 TI - Effects of cortisone on experimental murine typhus. I. Susceptibility of the Syrian hamster to murine typhus and the effect of cortisone. PMID- 13475263 TI - Effects of cortisone on experimental murine typhus. II. Effect of cortisone on the comparative susceptibility of laboratory animals to infection with murine typhus. PMID- 13475264 TI - Effects of cortisone on experimental murine typhus. III. Effect of cortisone on the immune response in mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs. PMID- 13475265 TI - Toxin production by Clostridium perfringens. I. Synthesis of alpha- and theta hemolysins, lecithinase and proteinase in a synthetic medium. PMID- 13475266 TI - Quantitative aspects of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in baker's yeast. PMID- 13475267 TI - A rickettsial disease of larvae of species of Stethorus caused by Rickettsiella stethorae, n. sp. PMID- 13475268 TI - Glutamic acid dehydrogenase of Pasteurella tularensis. PMID- 13475269 TI - Hybridization between Escherichia coli and Shigella. PMID- 13475270 TI - Isolation and characterization of a large cell possibly polyploid strain of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475271 TI - Radiation resistance and genetic segregation in a large cell possibly polyploid strain of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475272 TI - An immunological study of mutants of Escherichia coli lacking the enzyme tryptophan synthetase. PMID- 13475273 TI - Studies on bacterial utilization of uronic acids. II. Growth response and oxidative activity of various species. PMID- 13475274 TI - Increased staphylococcal penicillinase activity accompanying penicillin treatment of experimentally infected mice. PMID- 13475275 TI - Studies on the extraction of brucella antigens. I. The system of extraction. PMID- 13475276 TI - Staining bacterial smears with fluorescent antibody. III. Antigenic analysis of Salmonella typhosa by means of fluorescent antibody and agglutination reactions. PMID- 13475277 TI - Studies on immunity to toxins of Clostridium botulinum. III. Preparation, purification, and detoxification of type E toxin. PMID- 13475278 TI - Inhibition of bacterial growth by pipradrol. PMID- 13475279 TI - Isolation of bacteriophage active against all types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PMID- 13475280 TI - Induction of motility and capsulation in Bacillus anthracis. PMID- 13475281 TI - Adaptation of the membrane filter technique to the recovery of coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus from human saliva. PMID- 13475282 TI - Protoplast formation by mass adsorption of inactive bacteriophage. PMID- 13475283 TI - [Diastematomyelia]. PMID- 13475284 TI - [Reticuloendotheliosis: Hand-Schuller-Christian disease]. PMID- 13475285 TI - [Tracheo-bronchial tree in frontal oblique tomography]. PMID- 13475286 TI - The application of radioactive sodium for the determination of the circulation rate in the lower extremities. PMID- 13475287 TI - [Case of ulcer of the greater curvature of the stomach perforating into the spleen]. PMID- 13475288 TI - [Determination of the irradiation dose received by the ovaries during a treatment or test with radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13475289 TI - [Fatal syndromes & late effects of total & subtotal irradiation in the rat]. PMID- 13475290 TI - Biochemical studies on inositol. IV. Conversion of inositol to glucuronic acid by rat kidney extracts. PMID- 13475291 TI - Mitochondrial changes associated with essential fatty acid deficiency in rats. PMID- 13475292 TI - A stabilized enzyme system for amino acid incorporation. PMID- 13475293 TI - The dark anaerobic metabolism of acetone and acetate by the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas gelatinosa. PMID- 13475294 TI - Studies of specificity of deoxyribonuclease II from thymus. PMID- 13475295 TI - Purine metabolism in bacteria. V. Feed-back inhibition. PMID- 13475296 TI - Xanthine oxidase. I. The oxidation of sulfite. PMID- 13475297 TI - The relative specificity of the insulinase activity of rat liver extracts. PMID- 13475298 TI - The stereospecificity of enzymatic hydrogen transfer from diphosphopyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13475299 TI - Concentration work and energy dissipation in active transport of glycine into carcinoma cells. PMID- 13475300 TI - Non-uniform incorporation of glycine-2-C14 into rabbit hemoglobin in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13475301 TI - The extraction and paper chromatography of hemins. PMID- 13475302 TI - The biosynthesis of histidine; D-erythro-imidazoleglycerol phosphate dehydrase. PMID- 13475303 TI - Creatine and creatine phosphate in normal and protein-depleted rats. PMID- 13475304 TI - Preparation and properties of the succinate-cleaving enzyme. PMID- 13475305 TI - Ascorbic acid catabolism in guinea pigs. PMID- 13475306 TI - A new naturally occurring isomer of beta-methyllanthionine. PMID- 13475307 TI - Synthesis of phosphatidyl peptides. I. O-(distearoyl-L-alpha-glycerylphosphoryl) L-seryl-glycylglycine. PMID- 13475308 TI - An inorganic pyrophosphatase of swine brain. PMID- 13475309 TI - Biosynthesis of the purines. XVI. The synthesis of adenosine 5'-phosphate and 5 amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide ribotide by a nucleotide pyrophosphorylase. PMID- 13475310 TI - Biosynthesis of the purines. XVII. Further studies of the inosinic acid transformylase system. PMID- 13475311 TI - Titratable sulfhydryl groups of normal and sickle cell hemoglobins at O degrees and 38 degrees. PMID- 13475312 TI - The endogenous origin of blood cholesterol. PMID- 13475313 TI - The stimulation of the phosphogluconate oxidation pathway by pyruvate in bovine corneal epithelium. PMID- 13475314 TI - The effect of poliomyelitis virus type I (Mahoney strain) on the phosphorus metabolism of the HeLa cell. PMID- 13475315 TI - Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. III. The fumaric reductase activity of succinic dehydrogenase. PMID- 13475316 TI - Metabolism of adipose tissue. II. Incorporation of propionate carbon into lipides by slices of adipose tissue. PMID- 13475317 TI - A method for the determination of peptides in the presence of free amino acids. PMID- 13475318 TI - A physiologically active guanidinated derivative of insulin. PMID- 13475319 TI - The addition of sulfhydryl compounds to diphosphopyridine nucleotide and its analogues. PMID- 13475320 TI - A study of the metabolism of theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine in man. PMID- 13475321 TI - Metabolism of 2, 6-diaminopurine; conversion to 5'-phosphoribosyl-2-methylamino beta-aminopurine by enzymes of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475322 TI - 11-Oxygenated ethynyl-, vinyl-, and ethyltestosterones. PMID- 13475323 TI - Fatty acid interconversions in lactobacilli. PMID- 13475324 TI - Isolation of uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine and uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid from mung bean seedlings. PMID- 13475325 TI - The conversion of urocanic acid to formamidinoglutaric acid. PMID- 13475326 TI - The formation of N10-formylfolic acid from formamidinoglutaric acid and folic acid. PMID- 13475327 TI - Formimino transfer from formamidinoglutaric acid to tetrahydrofolic acid. PMID- 13475328 TI - Properties of the phosphorylated active site of phosphoglucomutase. PMID- 13475329 TI - A test for the determination of taurine in urine. PMID- 13475330 TI - Purification and properties of pancreatic cholesterol esterase. PMID- 13475331 TI - Ribonuclease specificity; combined action of the major components of crystalline ribonuclease. PMID- 13475332 TI - Vitamin D and citrate oxidation by kidney mitochondria. PMID- 13475333 TI - Studies on the chemically reactive groups of deoxyribonucleic acids. PMID- 13475334 TI - A titrimetric method for the determination of molecular weight of small polynucleotides. PMID- 13475335 TI - Note on the preparation of prostatic phosphomonoesterase free from ribonuclease. PMID- 13475336 TI - Ketopantoate formation by a hydroxy-methylation enzyme from Escherichia coli. PMID- 13475338 TI - Viral invasion. II. The role of zinc in bacteriophage invasion. PMID- 13475337 TI - Viral invasion. I. Rupture of thiol ester bonds in the bacteriophage tail. PMID- 13475339 TI - Viral invasion. III. The release of viral nucleic acid from its protein covering. PMID- 13475340 TI - The biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid by group A streptococcus. V. The uridine nucleotides of group A streptococcus. PMID- 13475341 TI - Peptidases and alkaline phosphatases of swine kidney. PMID- 13475342 TI - The effect of vitamin D upon bone mineralization of Ca45 and Sr89 as chlorides and as phosphopeptides. PMID- 13475343 TI - The effect of magnesium deficiency on oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13475344 TI - Leucine aminopeptidase. VII. Action on long chain polypeptides and proteins. PMID- 13475345 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of bacterial and viral pyrimidines. II. Derivatives of dihydrocytosine. PMID- 13475346 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of bacterial and viral pyrimidines. IV. Utilization of pyrimidine bases and nucleosides by bacterial mutants. PMID- 13475347 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of bacterial and viral pyrimidines. V. Hydrogenation of 5-hydroxymethylpyrimidines. PMID- 13475348 TI - Ion exchange chromatography of purified posterior pituitary preparations. PMID- 13475349 TI - Enzymatic transfer and hydrolysis involving glutamine and asparagine. PMID- 13475350 TI - The chemical kinetics of the enolase reaction with special reference to the use of mixed solvents. PMID- 13475351 TI - The action of an enzyme of Clostridium perfringens on orosomucoid. PMID- 13475352 TI - A column chromatographic separation of classes of phospholipides. PMID- 13475353 TI - Enzymatic synthesis of glucosamine 6-phosphate in rat liver. PMID- 13475354 TI - Steroid-protein conjugates. I. Preparation and characterization of conjugates of bovine serum albumin with testosterone and with cortisone. PMID- 13475355 TI - The synthesis of chitin in cell-free extracts of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13475356 TI - Metabolic adaptations in higher animals. I. Dietary effects on liver glucose-6 phosphatase. PMID- 13475357 TI - Substrate-induced synthesis and other properties of benzpyrene hydroxylase in rat liver. PMID- 13475358 TI - The isolation and purification of lactoperoxidase by ion exchange chromatography. PMID- 13475359 TI - The intermediary metabolism of tryptophan by cat and rat tissue preparations. PMID- 13475360 TI - The purification and properties of microsomal cytochrome reductase. PMID- 13475362 TI - The ribonucleic acid composition and phosphorus distribution of chloroplasts from normal and diseased Turkish tobacco plants. PMID- 13475363 TI - Interaction of thyroid hormone and liver tyrosine oxidation. PMID- 13475361 TI - The requirement of monoiodotyrosine deiodinase for triphosphopyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13475364 TI - Sulfhydryl content and tryptic susceptibility of thermally denatured ovalbumin. PMID- 13475365 TI - The utilization of phenylalanine and tyrosine for protein synthesis by human cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13475366 TI - Preparation and concentration of the pituitary gonadotropins from human plasma. PMID- 13475367 TI - The kinetic properties of yeast and muscle phosphoglyceric acid mutase. PMID- 13475368 TI - The molecular properties of yeast and muscle phosphoglyceric acid mutase. PMID- 13475369 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism of the liver of the hypophysectomized rat. PMID- 13475370 TI - The enzymatic dephosphorylation of phosphatidic acids. PMID- 13475371 TI - The bacterial oxidation of nicotinic acid. PMID- 13475372 TI - Observations on the oxidation of halogenated nicotinic acids. PMID- 13475373 TI - Potassium binding and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and mitochondrial fragments. PMID- 13475374 TI - Species variation in the metabolism of 3-hydroxyanthranilate to pyridinecarboxylic acids. PMID- 13475375 TI - Studies on the enzymic reduction of amino acids. II. Purification and properties of D-proline reductase and a proline racemase from Clostridium sticklandii. PMID- 13475376 TI - Amino acid composition of alpha-chymotrypsinogen, including estimation of asparagine and glutamine. PMID- 13475377 TI - The role of water in enzymatic hydrolysis; general method and its application to myosin. PMID- 13475378 TI - Enzymatic reduction of folic acid and dihydrofolic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid. PMID- 13475379 TI - A deoxyribonuclease from calf spleen. I. Purification and properties. PMID- 13475380 TI - A deoxyribonuclease from calf spleen. II. Mode of action. PMID- 13475381 TI - The double array of filaments in cross-striated muscle. AB - The conditions under which one might expect to see the secondary filaments (if they exist) in longitudinal sections of striated muscle, are discussed. It is shown that these conditions were not satisfied in previously published works for the sections were too thick. When suitably thin sections are examined, the secondary filaments can be seen perfectly easily. It is also possible to see clearly other details of the structure, notably the cross-bridges between primary and secondary filaments, and the tapering of the primary filaments at their ends. The arrangement of the filaments and the changes associated with contraction and with stretch are identical to those already deduced from previous observations and described in terms of the interdigitating filament model in previous papers. There are therefore excellent grounds for believing that this model is correct. The alternative models which have been proposed appear to be incompatible both with the present observations and with much of the other available evidence. PMID- 13475382 TI - Action of mitochondrial DNAase I in destroying the capacity of isolated cell nuclei to form gels. AB - 1. DNA prepared from non-gelable rat liver nuclei isolated in the presence of disrupted mitochondria at pH 6.0, has been compared with DNA obtained from gelable nuclei isolated at pH 4.0. The DNA of the non-gelable nuclei is partially depolymerized relative to the DNA of the gelable nuclei. 2. It has been found that sufficiently small quantities of crystallized DNAase I can cleave a very large part of the DNA of gelable nuclei isolated at pH 4 from the residual protein of these nuclei without causing extensive depolymerization of the DNA. At the same time the gelable nuclei are rendered non-gelable. 3. Partially purified DNAase II can also render gelable nuclei isolated at pH 4 non-gelable, and in so doing presumably also cleaves the DNA from the residual protein of the nuclei. 4. Mitochondrial DNAase I appears to be the enzyme responsible to a large extent for the cleavage of DNA from the residual protein of gelable rat liver cell nuclei with concomitant destruction of the gel-forming capability of these nuclei, when the nuclei are subjected to the action of disrupted mitochondria at pH 6.0 during the isolation procedure. 5. Mitochondrial DNAase II does not appear to exert appreciable action on nuclei during the course of isolation of the nuclei at pH 6.0 in the presence of disrupted mitochondria. 6. It is probable that DNAase I is not the sole enzyme responsible for destroying the gelability of nuclei isolated at pH 6.0 in the presence of disrupted mitochondria. Protease may be involved. 7. Sodium dodecyl sulfate at pH 6.0-6.3 cleaves the DNA of isolated gelable nuclei from the residual protein of these nuclei over a period of 2 to 3 hours. At pH 7.0-7.5, however, there is negligible cleavage over a period of 96 hours. 8. If non-gelable nuclei are isolated at pH 6.0 in the presence of disrupted mitochondria, DNA subsequently can be removed from them by the use of detergent at pH values ranging from 6.0-7.5 without the necessity of incubation in the detergent solution, since the DNA had already been detached from the residual protein by the action of the mitochondrial enzyme system during isolation of the nuclei. PMID- 13475383 TI - Spermatogenesis in animals as revealed by electron microscopy. II. Submicroscopic structure of developing spermatid nuclei of grasshopper. AB - The submicroscopic structure of the maturing spermatid nucleus of the grasshopper, Gelastorrhinus bicoler de Haan, has been studied in thin tissue sections by electron microscopy. In the early spermatid the nucleus appears dense with no clearly resolvable fine structure. In the advanced spermatid with a conical-shaped nucleus, the karyoplasm begins to show a fibrillar structure. At subsequent stages, the elongated spermatid nucleus displays in cross-sections a hexagonal honeycomb pattern and in longitudinal sections an array of parallel lines, 70 A in diameter and spaced 100 to 220 A apart. As differentiation of the spermatid proceeds further, the space between the lines becomes narrower and narrower until it can no longer be resolved. PMID- 13475384 TI - The crystal structure of alpha-chitin (poly-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine). AB - A detailed model for the crystal structure of the fibrous polysaccharide chitin is proposed. The structure determination has been carried out by using an optical analogue instrument which proved to be an adequate and rapid tool for the derivation of Fourier transforms, signs of amplitudes and the production of optical Fourier syntheses. The new model of chitin accounts properly for known chemical and physical properties, including the infrared absorption as well as for x-ray data, but because of the limited resolution of the diffraction patterns it can only be regarded as a good approximation. The stereochemical configuration of the polysaccharide chains has certain implications for the structure of cellulose. PMID- 13475385 TI - Collagen biosynthesis; tissue culture experiments to ascertain the role of ascorbic acid in collagen formation. AB - Quantitative studies of collagen formation by chick embryonic lung tissue grown in media deficient in, or completely lacking, ascorbic acid have been carried out. Cell growth and collagen formation in such cultures can proceed almost normally in media lacking ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid in combination with whole embryo extract, dialyzed media, or synthetic mixture number 703 was found to have no appreciable effect on cell growth or total collagen formation. This is in marked contrast to the almost total failure of collagen formation in scorbutic animals and suggests that for slow collagen biosynthesis as distinct from more prolific collagen-producing systems, ascorbic acid plays an indirect role. PMID- 13475386 TI - Microkinetospheres and VP satellites of pinocytic cells observed in tissue cultures of Gey's strain HeLa with phase contrast cinematographic techniques. AB - By tissue culture methods and with the use of phase contrast, interference color contrast, and time-lapse cinematographic equipment, the activity of a cytoplasmic organoid, termed the microkinetosphere, has been followed and correlated with pinocytosis. A transformation of several microkinetospheres by coherence and coalescence into the solitary VP satellite was observed in cells undergoing pinocytosis in serum nutrients. A correlation of both of these structures to cytoplasmic organoids described by others, notably with the electron microscope, and a hypothesis on the nature of the microkinetosphere and its transformation was presented. PMID- 13475387 TI - An analysis of myogenesis by the use of fluorescent antimyosin. AB - Antibodies against myosin of adult chicken skeletal muscle were labelled with fluorescein and used as staining reagents to analyze the development of trunk myoblasts in the chick embryo. Myoblasts from the brachial myotomes were studied in three ways: (a) Specimens were fixed, sectioned, and stained with iron hematoxylin. (b) Living myoblasts, and myoblasts prepared by glycerol extraction, were teased and examined by phase contrast microscopy. (c) Embryo trunks were treated with fluorescent antimyosin or with a control solution of fluorescent normal globulin, and were examined by fluorescence and phase contrast microscopy. Both glycerol-extracted and fixed materials were used. Cross-striated myofibrils appeared first in stage 16 to 17 embryos in the series studied by antimyosin staining and fluorescence microscopy. Striated myofibrils appeared first in stage 18 to 19 embryos, in the series stained by iron-hematoxylin, and at stage 22 to 23, in the series studied by glycerol extraction and phase contrast microscopy. In each series, myofibrils without apparent cross-striations were detected shortly before cross-striations were observed. Specific staining by antimyosin occurred only in differentiating myoblasts. Within the myoblasts antimyosin staining was confined to the A bands of the slender myofibrils. The following observations suggest that the first delicate striated structure to appear in the early 3 day myoblast was remarkably mature: (1) The sarcomere pattern both in length and in internal detail, was similar to that of adult muscle. (2) The distribution of myosin, as revealed by antimyosin staining, was the same in the embryonic as in the mature myofibril. (3) Glycerol-extracted myoblasts contracted vigorously on exposure to ATP. The changes in sarcomere band pattern were indistinguishable from those occurring during contraction of adult muscle induced by ATP. (4) ATP contraction was blocked by prior antimyosin staining in embryonic myoblasts as in mature muscle. It is suggested that the early myofibril grows laterally as a thin sheet associated with the sarcolemma, and that growth in length occurs in the growth tips of the elongating myoblast. PMID- 13475388 TI - Electron microscope and low-angle x-ray diffraction studies of the nerve myelin sheath. AB - 1. A close correlation has been obtained between high resolution electron microscopy and low-angle x-ray diffraction studies of the myelin sheath of frog and rat peripheral and central nerves. Extensive studies were performed by application of both techniques to the same specimens, prepared for examination by OsO(4) or KMnO(4) fixation, and embedding either in methacrylate or in gelatin employing a new procedure. Controlled physical and chemical modifications of the myelin sheath prior to fixation were also investigated. 2. A correspondence was established between the layer spacings observed in electron micrographs and the fundamental radial repeating unit indicated by the low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns. The variations in relative intensities of the low-angle x-ray reflections could be related to the radial density distributions seen in the electron micrographs. 3. An analysis of the preparation procedures revealed that OsO(4) fixation introduces a greater shrinkage of the layer spacings and more pronounced changes in the density distribution within the layers than KMnO(4) fixation. The effects of methacrylate and gelatin embedding are described, and their relative merits considered in relation to the preservation of myelin structure by OsO(4) fixation. 4. The experimental modifications introduced by freezing and thawing of fresh whole nerve are described, particularly the enhancement of the intermediate lines and the dissociation of the layer components in the myelin sheath. A characteristic collapsing of the radial period of the sheath is observed after subjecting fresh nerve trunks to prolonged and intense ultracentrifugation. 5. Controlled extraction of fresh nerve with acetone at 0 degrees C., which preferentially removes cholesterol, produces characteristic, differentiated modifications of the myelin sheath structure. Electron microscopy reveals several types of modifications within a single preparation, including both expanded and collapsed layer systems, and internal rearrangements of the layer components. Alcohol extraction leads to a more extensive structural breakdown, but in certain areas collapsed layer systems can still be observed. The components of the lipide extracts could be identified by means of x-ray diffraction. These modifications emphasize the importance of cholesterol in the myelin structure, and disclose a resistance of the dense osmiophilic lines to lipide solvents. 6. The significance of these structures is discussed in relation to present concepts of the molecular organization of myelin. The available evidence is consistent with the suggestion that the primary site of osmium deposition is at the lipoprotein interfaces and that the light bands probably represent regions occupied by lipide chains. The electron microscope and x-ray diffraction data also indicate the possibility of a regular organization within the plane of the layers, probably involving units of 60 to 80 A. The myelin sheath is regarded as a favourable cell membrane model for detailed analysis by combined application of x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. PMID- 13475389 TI - Electron microscopy of HeLa cells after the ingestion of colloidal gold. AB - Tissue cultures of HeLa cells were grown in media containing colloidal gold, and after various intervals, the cells were fixed, embedded, and sectioned for electron microscopy. Uncoated grids with small holes were used in many of the experiments. Intracellular particles of gold were identified in areas surrounded by single membranes, in moderately dense granules, in globoid bodies, and in the cytoplasmic matrix. Gold particles were not found in typical mitochondria, Golgi complex, ergastoplasm (granular forms of endoplasmic reticulum), or nuclei. The phenomenon of pinocytosis was considered to be the most likely means by which the gold particles were ingested, and the locations of gold particles appeared to have significance concerning theories that membranous organelles of the cytoplasm may be derived from the cell membrane. PMID- 13475391 TI - Molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). PMID- 13475390 TI - Auto-radiographic determination of S35 in tissues after injection of methionine S35 and sodium sulfate-S35. AB - The loss of "bound" S(35) that occurs during various mounting procedures used in autoradiography was studied in healing surface wounds of rats treated with either methionine-S(35) or Na(2)S(35)O(4). Valid autoradiography of bound S(35) in this tissue is not possible until 48 hours after radiosulfate and 24 hours after radiomethionine injection, when the S(35) is almost entirely bound in large protein and polysaccharide molecules. Autoradiograms of S(35) given in both the organic and inorganic form reveal substantial over-all loss of the bound isotope from sections subjected to contact with solvents prior to autoradiography. A comparison of autoradiograms prepared by dry-mounting sections of frozen-dried tissue with autoradiograms of wet-mounted sections of the same tissue suggest that the loss is proportional to the extent of the contact with solvents. Evidence suggests that loss of the isotope occurs during contact of the ribbon or section itself with solutions after fixation and cutting and prior to radiation exposure. No appreciable loss of the bound isotope seems to occur during contact of the intact tissue specimen with a variety of fluid fixatives except for a marginal zone at the excision edges of the tissue. The potential hazard of displacement of the isotope during fixation, however, remains. Technics which prevent loss of the isotope and fogging of the nuclear emulsion permit the use of thinner sections and emulsion films and the fine resolution of image rendered possible by the physical properties of S(35). PMID- 13475393 TI - Topography of the organic components in mother-of pearl. AB - 1. The topography of the organic components (conchiolin) has been investigated on positive, postshadow-cast, formvar, and carbon replicas of mother-of-pearl from shells of a Cephalopod, of two Gastropods, and of six Pelecypods. All these shells are characterized by a true nacreous inner shell layer. 2. The material included normal shell surfaces, fragments of cleavage obtained by fracture, and surfaces polished tangentially and transversally to the inner surface of the shells. Replicas of these surfaces were prepared before and after etching of graded heaviness, induced by a chelating agent (sequestrene NA 2, titriplex III). Micrographs of the successive steps of the process of corrosion have been recorded. 3. Corrosion unmasked, on the nacreous surfaces, organic membranes or sheets, running as continuous formations in between adjacent mineral lamellae, and separating the individual crystals of aragonite which are aligned in rows and constitute each lamella. 4. The interlamellar sheets of material exhibit a reticulated structure, which is especially visible in preparations orientated tangentially to the lamellae and to the tabular surface of the aragonite crystals. The pattern of this lace-like structure, different in the various species studied, appeared in the same species as closely similar to that reported previously in leaflets of thoroughly decalcified mother-of-pearl, dissociated by ultrasonic waves. The present results support former conclusions with regard to the existence of taxonomic differences between Cephalopods, Gastropods, and Pelecypods in the morphological organization of the organic phase within mother of-pearl. PMID- 13475394 TI - "Osmiophilia, "fact or fiction. PMID- 13475392 TI - The Golgi apparatus in neurons and epithelial cells of the common limpet Patella vulgata. AB - 1. In view of widely diverse views held about the identity and structure of the Golgi apparatus in neurons of Mollusca, particularly gastropods, a study has been made on neurons of the common limpet, Patella vulgata, both by light and electron microscopy. A report is given also of observations made on epithelial cells of Patella by electron microscopy. 2. As revealed by Kolatchev's method, the Golgi apparatus in neurons consists basically of black filaments lying to one side of the nucleus. The filaments generally anastomose to form networks of various complexity. Rarely some cells contain only discrete filaments. Associated with some of the filaments is a weakly osmiophilic substance identified as archoplasm. Kolatchev's method also revealed spheroidal bodies (neutral red bodies, "lipochondria," etc.). 3. It has not been possible to demonstrate the Golgi apparatus using either iron-haematoxylin or Sudan black. 4. Examination of Kolatchev's preparations by electron microscopy has revealed that some of the Golgi filaments consist of chromophilic and chromophobic components. The chromophilic component consists of dense lamellae. 5. After fixation in buffered osmium tetroxide solution and examination by electron microscopy, it has been concluded that (a) the chromophilic component of the Golgi apparatus corresponds to a system of paired membranes (which usually enclose an inner dense substance), (b) the chromophobic component corresponds to a substance lying within small dilations of the paired membrane, and (c) the archoplasm corresponds to numerous small vesicles. 6. The paired membranes branch, anastomose, and can often be traced back to a common source. They are interpreted as lamelliform folds, and occasionally tubular processes, of essentially a single Golgi membrane. In cells containing a Golgi network it is suggested that the membrane extends through the whole of the apparatus in such a way that the substance it encloses may be regarded as being in a continuous phase. 7. Epithelial cells of Patella contain a juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus with an ultrastructure similar to that described for neurons. PMID- 13475395 TI - The chemical fractionation of rabbit and swine thymus. AB - A chemical fractionation procedure, previously found applicable to bovine thymus and bovine and ovine palatine tonsils, was used to fractionate rabbit and hog thymus. With respect to the chemical fractionation steps, yields of fractions, and optical and electrophoretic properties, extracts from hog and rabbit thymus were indistinguishable from similar extracts prepared from calf thymus. The study provides composition and yield data applicable to the thymus of a small mammal readily available in most laboratories. PMID- 13475396 TI - How thin should a section be. PMID- 13475397 TI - The spermatid cell membrane in Melanoplus differentialis. AB - 1. The cell membrane of the spermatid of the grasshopper Melanoplus differentialis is shown to be composed of a double-layered membrane 10 mmicro thick. Closely applied to this is an additional outer covering 25 to 35 mmicro thick which has a regular geometrical pattern. 2. Models of cell membrane structure are discussed briefly. It is suggested that the pattern results from preferential adsorption of material onto a particular component of the double layered membrane. PMID- 13475398 TI - [A photographic method for measuring ultraviolet radiation scattered from microscopic objects]. PMID- 13475399 TI - Effects of varying the vehicle for OsO4 in tissue fixation. PMID- 13475400 TI - Elective surgery on patients with respiratory paralysis. PMID- 13475401 TI - Congenital anomalies of the hand. PMID- 13475402 TI - Experiences with the use of the Milwaukee frame in the treatment of paralytic scoliosis. PMID- 13475403 TI - Treatment of grade IV fracture-dislocation of the hip. PMID- 13475404 TI - Replacement of the femoral head by Judet or Austin Moore prosthesis. PMID- 13475405 TI - A femoral intramedullary nail. PMID- 13475406 TI - Claw-hand caused by paralysis of the intrinsic muscles: a simple surgical procedure for its correction. PMID- 13475407 TI - Dorsal dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger. PMID- 13475408 TI - Combined adductor-gracilis tenotomy and selective obturator-nerve resection for the correction of adduction deformity of the hip in children with cerebral palsy. PMID- 13475409 TI - Familial osteochondritis dissecans with associated tibia vara. PMID- 13475411 TI - Bone implants; preliminary report of an experimental study. PMID- 13475410 TI - Integrated actions and functions of the chief flexors of the elbow: a detailed electromyographic analysis. PMID- 13475412 TI - Variations in normal bone-marrow pressures. PMID- 13475413 TI - Some mechanical tests on the lumbosacral spine with particular reference to the intervertebral discs; a preliminary report. PMID- 13475414 TI - Congenital muscular torticollis; etiology and pathology. PMID- 13475415 TI - Mono-articular brucellar arthritis. PMID- 13475416 TI - Massive familial tarsal synostosis. PMID- 13475417 TI - Osteogenic sarcoma of the tibia with pulmonary metastasis: report of a case with ten-year survival. PMID- 13475418 TI - Eight cases of hereditary bilateral medial tibial torsion in four generations. PMID- 13475419 TI - An angled guide-wire director for use in treatment of intertrochanteric fractures and fractures of the neck of the femur. PMID- 13475420 TI - Hip-nail index. PMID- 13475421 TI - Currents of the visual cortex in the cat. PMID- 13475422 TI - [Sub-isthmic stenosis of the thoracic aorta]. PMID- 13475423 TI - [Hydatid cysts of the liver rupturing into the lung & bronchi]. PMID- 13475424 TI - [Contusion of the internal carotid & hypoxia of the nerve centers in severe cranial injuries; summation of harmful effects]. PMID- 13475425 TI - [Degenerated villous tumor of the stomach]. PMID- 13475426 TI - [Prosthesis with plastic materials in vascular surgery; present state of the question]. PMID- 13475427 TI - [Indications, limitations & complications of blood transfusions in surgical practice]. PMID- 13475429 TI - The problem of injuries about the elbow. PMID- 13475428 TI - Community health service. PMID- 13475430 TI - Spontaneous delivery of the placenta 40 minutes prior to the baby. PMID- 13475432 TI - CHALLENGES, new and old, in the nursing of children. PMID- 13475431 TI - Trends in nursing education. PMID- 13475433 TI - Introduction to symposium on the management of hematologic disorders. PMID- 13475435 TI - Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in the adult. PMID- 13475434 TI - Treatment of megaloblastic anemias. PMID- 13475436 TI - Treatment of hemolytic disorders. PMID- 13475437 TI - The treatment of refractory anemia or bone marrow failure. PMID- 13475438 TI - The treatment of polycythemia vera. PMID- 13475439 TI - The treatment of infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13475440 TI - Leukopenia: its mechanism and therapy. PMID- 13475441 TI - Therapy of the purpuras. PMID- 13475442 TI - The therapy of disorders of coagulation. PMID- 13475443 TI - The relative frequency of the several types of chronic leukemia and their management. PMID- 13475444 TI - Therapy of acute leukemia in adults. PMID- 13475445 TI - Some aspects of the lymphoma problem. PMID- 13475446 TI - The management of multiple myeloma. PMID- 13475447 TI - The long-acting anticholinesterase drugs in the management of myasthenia gravis. PMID- 13475448 TI - Clinical manifestations of histiocytosis X in the adult. PMID- 13475449 TI - Contributions of psychiatry to the institutional care of aged and chronically ill persons. PMID- 13475451 TI - Pheochromocytoma: a review of the literature. PMID- 13475450 TI - Level of medical information among clinic patients. PMID- 13475452 TI - The human hemoglobins. PMID- 13475453 TI - Epidemiologic aspects of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13475454 TI - The effects of amphenone on thyroid function in man. PMID- 13475455 TI - Circulating iodoproteins in a nongoitrous adult with primary amenorrhea, bony deformities, and normal levels of serum precipitable iodine and thyroidal I131 uptake. PMID- 13475456 TI - Plasma corticosterone and hydrocortisone levels in man. PMID- 13475457 TI - Study of potentially active adrenocortical steroids in peripheral human plasma after various stresses. PMID- 13475458 TI - Urinary metabolites of cortisol in adrenal insufficiency and in pituitary eunuchoidism. PMID- 13475459 TI - Urinary ketosteroid excretion patterns in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13475460 TI - Metabolism of free and conjugated 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in normal subjects. PMID- 13475461 TI - Granulomatous thyroiditis (De Quervain's thyroiditis). PMID- 13475462 TI - The use of I133 in the treatment of Graves' disease. PMID- 13475463 TI - Thyroidal uptake and plasma clearance of I131 and I127 in cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13475464 TI - 17-alpha-HYDROXYPROGESTERONE acetate; an effective progestational substance on oral administration. PMID- 13475465 TI - Congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia associated with hyperplasia of aberrant (intra-testicular) adrenal tissue. PMID- 13475466 TI - Progestational activity of certain 19-nor steroids; comparative assays in oophorectomized women. PMID- 13475467 TI - Radiation pneumonitis and fibrosis: a complication of radioiodine treatment of pulmonary metastases from cancer of the thyroid. PMID- 13475468 TI - Clinical progress in the treatment of exophthalmos of Graves' disease, with particular reference to the effect of pituitary surgery. PMID- 13475469 TI - Auto-immunity in Hashimoto's disease and its implications. PMID- 13475470 TI - Factors affecting the binding capacity of human erythrocytes for I131-labeled 1 thyroxine and 1-triiodothyronine. PMID- 13475471 TI - A chromatographic study of thyroidal iodine metabolism in nontoxic nodular goiter. PMID- 13475472 TI - The metabolism of 3:3'-diiodothyronine in man. PMID- 13475474 TI - Adrenocortical function in myxedema. PMID- 13475473 TI - Effect of thyrotropin on the pattern of thyroid hormones in plasma. PMID- 13475475 TI - Pathologic changes in adult myxedema: survey of 10 necropsies. PMID- 13475476 TI - Studies in nonmyxedematous hypometabolism. II. Turnover of I131-labeld thyroxine after intravenous infusion. PMID- 13475477 TI - Clinical significance of serum butanol-extractable iodine. PMID- 13475478 TI - Can radiation cause thyroid cancer. PMID- 13475479 TI - The effect of insulin on blood levels of infused pentoses in man. PMID- 13475480 TI - Physiological disposition and metabolic fate of infused pentoses in man. PMID- 13475481 TI - Studies of ribose metabolism. I. The pathway of nucleic acid ribose synthesis in a human carcinoma cell in tissue culture. PMID- 13475482 TI - Production of hypertonic urine in the absence of pituitary antidiuretic hormone. PMID- 13475483 TI - The destruction of red cells by antibodies in man. I. Observations of the sequestration and lysis of red cells altered by immune mechanisms. PMID- 13475484 TI - Electrolyte and water excretion in arterial hypertension. I. Studies in non medically treated subjects with essential hypertension. PMID- 13475485 TI - Radioactivity over the spleen and liver following the transfusion of chromium51 labelled erythrocytes in hemolytic anemia. PMID- 13475486 TI - The thyroid hormoneplasma protein complex in man. I. Differences in different states of thyroid function. PMID- 13475487 TI - The effects of nucleosides on the resistance of normal human erythrocytes to osmotic lysis. PMID- 13475488 TI - Overproduction of uric acid as the cause of hyperuricemia in primary gout. PMID- 13475489 TI - Urinary excretion of acid mucopolysaccharides by patients with rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13475490 TI - Studies of intestinal digestion and absorption in the human. PMID- 13475492 TI - The potentiation of exogenous insulin by tolbutamide in depancreatized dogs. PMID- 13475491 TI - General hemodynamics and splanchnic circulation in patients with coarctation of the aorta. PMID- 13475493 TI - A dual mechanism of vitamin B12 plasma absorption. PMID- 13475494 TI - Plasma lipid interrelationships in experimental nephrosis. PMID- 13475495 TI - Measurements of pulmonary capillary blood flow and gas exchange throughout the respiratory cycle in man. PMID- 13475496 TI - Mechanisms of synthesis of purine nucleotides in heart muscle extracts. PMID- 13475497 TI - Biochemical changes in liver associated with kwashiorkor. PMID- 13475498 TI - Further characterization of an insulin antagonist in the serum of patients in diabetic acidosis. PMID- 13475499 TI - Studies with the serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan, in experimental animals and man. PMID- 13475500 TI - Quantitative studies on human urinary metabolites of tryptophan as affected by isoniazid and deoxypyridoxine. PMID- 13475501 TI - Studies in Cushing's syndrome. II. Adrenal weight-maintaining activity in the plasma of patients with Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13475503 TI - Neurosecretion in the human cerebellum. PMID- 13475502 TI - Observations on the minor basic hemoglobin component in the blood of normal individuals and patients with thalassemia. PMID- 13475504 TI - A comparative study of certain trigeminal components in two soricid shrews, Blarina brevicauda and Sorex cinereus. PMID- 13475505 TI - Studies on the brain of the guinea pig. I. The nuclear pattern of certain basal telencephalic centers. PMID- 13475506 TI - The olfactory centers and connections in the cerebral hemisphere of the mole (Scalopus aquaticus machrinus). PMID- 13475507 TI - Ocular muscle propriocoptive neuronos in the developing chick. PMID- 13475509 TI - The role of the meningeal tissues in the hematoencephalic barrier. PMID- 13475508 TI - Site of emetic action of x-radiation in the cat. PMID- 13475510 TI - Echolocation in rats. PMID- 13475511 TI - The effect of certain parameters on the acquisition of fear. PMID- 13475512 TI - Changes in response measures over repeated acquisitions and extinctions of a running habit. PMID- 13475513 TI - Stimulus-intensity dynamism and secondary reinforcement. PMID- 13475514 TI - Some training conditions affecting secondary reinforcement. PMID- 13475515 TI - The effects of percentage of partially delayed reinforcement on the acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response. PMID- 13475517 TI - Learning-set formation in the squirrel monkey. PMID- 13475516 TI - Delayed-response learning in the marmoset and the macaque. PMID- 13475518 TI - Spontaneous alternation and stimulus avoidance. PMID- 13475519 TI - Delayed alternation: evidence for symbolic processes in the rat. PMID- 13475520 TI - Habituation to handling as a factor in retention of maze performance in rats. PMID- 13475521 TI - The effects of an instructed motor response upon somatic responses to a brief tone. PMID- 13475522 TI - The effect of satiation on the sucking response in puppies. PMID- 13475523 TI - Changes in behavior and visual discrimination performances after selective ablations of the temporal cortex. PMID- 13475524 TI - The effect of whole-body x-radiation upon activity drum, straightaway, and maze performances of white rats. PMID- 13475526 TI - The comparative effects of ECS and anoxia on memory. PMID- 13475525 TI - Proactive and retroactive effects of electroconvulsive shock on approach avoidance conflict. PMID- 13475527 TI - Memory decrement produced by ECS as a function of distribution in original learning. PMID- 13475528 TI - Effects of electroshock convulsions on learning in rats as a function of age. PMID- 13475529 TI - The effect of DFP on learning and retention following physiological recovery. PMID- 13475530 TI - On anti-predator responses in certain birds; a reply. PMID- 13475531 TI - Careful reporting and experimental analysis; a comment. PMID- 13475532 TI - The scaling of terms used to describe personality. PMID- 13475533 TI - What is measured by the cannot say scale of the group MMPI. PMID- 13475534 TI - Heterosexual somatic preference and fantasy dependency. PMID- 13475535 TI - Identification, parentcathexis, and self-esteem. PMID- 13475536 TI - Perceptions of significant family and environmental relationships in aggressive and withdrawn children. PMID- 13475538 TI - Deriving a measure of test-taking defensiveness. PMID- 13475537 TI - The role-taking hypothesis in delinquency. PMID- 13475539 TI - Extraversion, neuroticism, and manifest anxiety. PMID- 13475540 TI - F-K in a motivated group. PMID- 13475541 TI - The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and social desirability. PMID- 13475542 TI - The correlates of manifest anxiety in perceptual reactivity, rigidity; and self concept. PMID- 13475543 TI - Barron's Ego-Strength Scale: a replication of an evaluation of its construct validity. PMID- 13475544 TI - Configurational analysis of MMPI profiles of psychiatric groups. PMID- 13475545 TI - Scoring intelligence on the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test. PMID- 13475546 TI - The social desirability stereotype in a hospital population. PMID- 13475547 TI - The Rorschach performance of epileptic children. PMID- 13475548 TI - The validity of some current tests for organicity. PMID- 13475549 TI - The relation of the Archimedes spiral aftereffect and the trail making test to brain damage in children. PMID- 13475550 TI - The tendency of the Dorken and Kral brain damage measure to score false positives. PMID- 13475551 TI - Base rate and the Archimedes spiral illusion. PMID- 13475552 TI - The production of developmental abnormalities of the oral structures in Amblystoma punctatum. PMID- 13475553 TI - The structure of rostral teeth and the rostrum of Pristis microdon. PMID- 13475554 TI - Investigations of the influence of vascularity and innervation on tooth resorption and eruption. PMID- 13475555 TI - The influence of systematically administered trypan blue on prenatal development of rats and mice. PMID- 13475556 TI - Studies of the composition of teeth. VI. The composition of Syrian hamster enamel and dentin extracted with KOH-ethylene glycol. PMID- 13475557 TI - Clinical and bacteriologic studies of caries-immune human beings. PMID- 13475558 TI - The relation of streptococci, lactobacilli, and the general oral and fecal flora to the progression of dental caries in the hamster. PMID- 13475559 TI - The effect of sex hormones on dental caries in desalivated rats. PMID- 13475560 TI - Enzymes of human saliva, II. Parotid saliva total esterases. PMID- 13475561 TI - Is collagenase found in saliva from periodontal diseased mouths. PMID- 13475562 TI - Effects on inhalation of airbrasive powder. PMID- 13475563 TI - Microhardness studies of intact surface enamel. PMID- 13475564 TI - An abrasion method for determining the wear resistance of teeth. I. Description of apparatus and variables. PMID- 13475565 TI - Spectrophotometry of saliva. PMID- 13475566 TI - Iron content of teeth in hemosiderosis. PMID- 13475567 TI - Discoloration of teeth by metallic ions. PMID- 13475568 TI - Effect of nitric acid and chelation demineralization on various stains of histochemical nature. PMID- 13475569 TI - Enamel carbonate in caries. PMID- 13475570 TI - The production of acids from glucose by oral microorganisms: acid of the Krebs cycle. PMID- 13475571 TI - Reaction of tooth surfaces with one ppm of fluoride as sodium fluoride. PMID- 13475572 TI - The effect of topically applied potassium fluorostannite on the dental caries experience in children. PMID- 13475573 TI - A new approach to the topical application of fluorides for the reduction of dental caries in children; a preliminary report. PMID- 13475574 TI - The effect of vanadium pentoxide, fluorides, and tin compounds on the dental caries experience in rats. PMID- 13475575 TI - The geographical distribution of dental caries of young school children in the Netherlands; period 1950-1953. PMID- 13475576 TI - The cancer problem in Egypt. PMID- 13475577 TI - The radiotherapy of cutaneous haemangioma; a report on 100 cases. PMID- 13475578 TI - Hypotensive thiophanium derivative as an aid in plastic surgery and removal of vascular tumors with a report of thirty cases. PMID- 13475579 TI - Role of intrathecal alcohol in treating cases of vesical cancer. PMID- 13475580 TI - The clinical evaluation of parenteral cholangiocystography. PMID- 13475581 TI - Laboratory studies on the effect of copper sulphate on Biomphalaria boissyi, the snail vector of mansoni schistosomiasis in Egypt. PMID- 13475582 TI - Effect of testosterone propionate on the basal metabolic rate of normal subjects. PMID- 13475583 TI - Adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas associated with S. Mansoni infestation; report of case. PMID- 13475584 TI - Bronchial adenoma; with a report of a case of unusual size. PMID- 13475585 TI - Haemodynamic studies of isolated congenital pulmonary stenosis: preliminary report. PMID- 13475586 TI - Haemagioma of the vertebral bodies with compression myelopathy. PMID- 13475587 TI - Hypertension in unilateral renal disease. PMID- 13475588 TI - Hepatic artery ligature for liver cirrhosis in Egypt. PMID- 13475589 TI - Carcinoma of duodenum. PMID- 13475590 TI - Prefrontal leucotomy, for the treatment of psychoses; case presentation. PMID- 13475591 TI - Industrial dermatitis and other skin conditions; a communication for the practitioner. PMID- 13475592 TI - A parasitological survey of the Kharga and Dakhia oases in 1952 and of the Dakhia oases in 1955. PMID- 13475593 TI - A new principle for the urine deviation in cystectomy. PMID- 13475594 TI - The action of furazolidone on pregnancy. PMID- 13475595 TI - The behavioural and vaginal response of the spayed ewe to oestrogen injected at various times relative to the injection of progesterone. PMID- 13475596 TI - The in vitro metabolism of mammary gland slices in the presence of posterior pituitary lobe extracts rich in melanophore-dispersing activity. PMID- 13475597 TI - Induction of superovulation and pregnancy in mature mice by gonadotrophins. PMID- 13475598 TI - The suppression of adrenocortical secretion with 17 alpha-ethyl-19 nortestosterone. PMID- 13475599 TI - The influence of reproduction on body weight in women. PMID- 13475600 TI - The influence of body weight on reproductive function in women. PMID- 13475601 TI - The influence of weight and height on weight changes associated with pregnancy in women. PMID- 13475602 TI - Adrenocortical hyperplasia: report of a case with studies of the excretion of steroid metabolites. PMID- 13475603 TI - Demonstration of a glucocorticoid-like substance in the spleen. PMID- 13475604 TI - Factors influencing ovarian sensitivity to gonadotrophins. PMID- 13475605 TI - Studies on primary atypical pneumonia. I. Localization, isolation, and cultivation of a virus in chick embryos. AB - By means of fluorescein-labelled antibody, the primary atypical pneumonia virus was found to multiply exclusively in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells lining the bronchioles and air sacs of developing chick embryos. When 13-day old embryos were inoculated intra-amniotically and incubated at 35 degrees C. for 5 days or longer, over 90 per cent of the inoculated embryos became infected. Between 1954 and 1956, seven strains of PAP virus were isolated from sputums or nasopharyngeal washings in patients during the acute stage of the PAP infection. One strain of virus was isolated from the frozen lung of a patient who died at Boston in 1943. All eight recently isolated strains and the Mac strain isolated by Eaton et al. in California in 1944 were antigenically closely related if not identical. PAP virus is not related antigenically to agents of psittacosis, Q fever, adenovirus (Types 1 to 6), influenza A or B, or PVM. PMID- 13475606 TI - Macroglobulinemia. I. The antigenic relationship of pathological macroglobulins to normal gamma-globulins. AB - Highly purified pathological macroglobulins, which had been characterized electrophoretically and in the ultracentrifuge, were studied by the Ouchterlony gel diffusion technique. These macroglobulins were shown to be antigenically related to normal gamma(1)-macroglobulin (19S) as well as the 7S gamma-globulins. The pathological macroglobulins differ among each other and they are antigenically deficient when compared with the normal macroglobulin. There is no correlation between the macroglobulin's antigenic structure and its physico chemical properties. PMID- 13475607 TI - Macroglobulinemia. II. Antisera specific for pathological macroglobulins. AB - Rabbits were immunized with three highly purified macroglobulins, from patients with macroglobulinemia. The antisera reacted with two macroglobulins with sedimentation constants of 19S and 26S of homologous antigen, and cross-reacted with the 7S and 19S globulins of normal gamma(1)-globulin and the heterologous pathological 19S macroglobulins. Exhaustive absorption of these antisera with normal gamma-globulins rendered them specific for the homologous macroglobulins. The antigenic properties of the pathological macroglobulins indicate that these proteins are abnormal. PMID- 13475608 TI - Action of x-rays on mammalian cells. II. Survival curves of cells from normal human tissues. AB - Survival curves of normal human cells from a variety of tissues exposed to varying doses of x-irradiation have been constructed, which permit definition of the intrinsic radiation sensitivity of the reproductive power of each cell type. The mean lethal dose of x-irradiation for all the cells employed, including those from normal and cancerous organs, those exhibiting diploid and polyploid chromosome number; those from embryonic and adult tissues, including recently isolated cells and cultures which had been maintained in vitro for many years, and cells exhibiting either epithelioid or fibroblastic morphology, was found to be contained between the limits of 50 to 150 r. Other similarities in the pattern of radiation effects, such as giant formation and abortive colonial growth, in these cells and that of the HeLa S3, previously studied, confirm the hypothesis that the pattern of reaction to x-irradiation previously elucidated, is representatative, at least in over-all outline, for a large variety of human cells. While the radiation survival curves of various human cells are similar in the gross, small but important characterizing differences have been found. All epithelioid cells so far studied are approximately 2-hit, and more radioresistant than the fibroblast-like cells whose survival data correspond to a mean lethal dose of around 60 r, and which so far can be fitted by either 1-hit or 2-hit curves. The earlier prediction that the major radiobiologic damage to mammalian cells is lodged in the genetic apparatus was confirmed by the demonstration of high frequency of mutants among the survivors of doses of 500 to 900 r. All the data on the x-radiosensitivity of these cells can be explained on the basis of a defect resulting from primary damage localized in one or more chromosomes. These considerations afford a convincing explanation of several aspects of the mammalian radiation syndrome. PMID- 13475609 TI - Leukopenia with granulocytopenia in experimental mucormycosis (Rhizopus oryzae infection). AB - Mucormycosis was produced in rabbits with sustained, severe leukopenia and granulocytopenia induced by repeated injections of nitrogen mustard. Initially, these animals developed extensive fungus lesions at the site of inoculation which later became granulomatous and tended to heal. Only the early phases of host resistance appeared impaired by the virtual elimination of the polymorphonuclear leukocyte as a factor in the host response. Despite the persistent leukopenia and granulocytopenia, the later phases of host resistance resembled those of the normal animal. Thus, the behavior of the infection in this experiment differs greatly from the unchecked progression of mucormycosis in the metabolically abnormal animal with acute alloxan diabetes. The differences in the course of the disease and in the morphologic appearance of the lesions indicate that metabolic alterations in the host affect all phases of host resistance and not only the polymorphonuclear leukocytic response. PMID- 13475610 TI - Turnover of S35-sulfate in epiphyses and diaphyses of suckling rats; nature of the S35-labelled compounds. AB - S(35)-sulfate was injected intraperitoneally- into 7-day-old rats and their long bones were removed after intervals of time. The epiphyses were separated from the diaphyses for analysis. From the diaphyses freed of bone marrow about 82 per cent of the S(35) which they contained was extracted with a 2.5 N solution of sodium hydroxide. More, about 91 per cent of the S(35), was thus extracted from the epiphyses. Dialysis of the extracts against water showed that the fraction of S(35) which was dialyzable decreased rapidly with time. After 1 hour about 80 per cent and 50 per cent of the S(35) in the extracts of diaphyses and epiphyses, respectively were found in the dialysates, after 24 hours about 20 per cent and 4 per cent, and after 120 hours 12 per cent and 1 per cent. Similar values for the S(35) in inorganic sulfate were found when the extracts were chromatographed on an anion exchange resin, dowex-2. The S(35), other than inorganic sulfate, was in the form of bound sulfate, which was released by acid hydrolysis. Uronic acid and hexosamines, primarily galactosamine, were associated with the S(35). Indeed, on paper electrophoretograms and paper chromatograms the major S(35)-labelled component which was seen resembled chondroitin sulfate in its mobility. On the paper chromatograms, also a second S(35)-labelled component with a mobility lower than that of chondroitin sulfate was found. It is unlikely that the latter is a breakdown product of chondroitin sulfate, produced in the course of extraction with the sodium hydroxide solution. In fact, both components were also found in sodium versenate homogenates which had been dialyzed extensively against water. On the basis of these results it is suggested that the greatest part of the S(35) labelled materials previously demonstrated by autoradiography to be progressively deposited in the metaphyses after 24 hours,-as the concentration of S(35)-sulfate concurrently decreased in the epiphyseal cartilage plates,-are akin to the chondroitin sulfate of the epiphyseal cartilage plates and are derived from the latter. PMID- 13475611 TI - Differentiation of group A streptococci with a common R antigen into three serological types, with special reference to the bactericidal test. AB - In further study of streptococci having the R antigen, the bactericidal test has been used instead of the mouse protection test in investigating the type-specific M antigens of these organisms. The results have been confirmed by M anti-M precipitin tests, and a correlation between the M and T antigens of the strains has been shown. On the basis of a specific M antigen, type 28 has been shown to comprise Griffith's strain Small and four other R-containing strains. A number of other strains previously thought to belong to type 28 on the basis of R antigen reactions have now been identified as belonging either to type 2 or to a new type, designated 48, which shows a one-way cross-relationship to type 13. The bactericidal test is suggested as a useful method for assessing M antigen in group A streptococci and for establishing type-specificity by means of a biological test which is more widely applicable than the standard mouse protection test. PMID- 13475612 TI - Cross-immunity between Brucella melitensis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis; intracellular behavior of Brucella melitensis in monocytes from vaccinated animals. AB - A non-specific element has been demonstrated in the resistance of monocytes derived from immunized rabbits. Vaccination by BCG or by an effective anti brucellosis reagent induces protection in either case against both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Brucella melitensis when studied by the monocyte culture method. The activity of the antiserum required to demonstrate the resistance of the monocyte is not affected when the agglutinating action of the anti-Brucella rabbit serum is removed by absorption. The ability of the monocytes from specifically immunized rabbits to retard the growth of virulent Brucella was demonstrated, not as an all-or-none phenomenon, but in the light of the unrestricted bacterial multiplication which occurs in monocytes from normal animals. PMID- 13475613 TI - Fluorescent antibody detection of the antigens of the Shope papilloma virus in papillomas of the wild and domestic rabbit. AB - The results obtained by a fluorescent antibody study of the Shope papilloma virus in papillomas of the wild and domestic rabbit are presented. In the wild rabbit papillomas the viral antigens occurred exclusively in the nucleus and were present in the differentiating cells of the keratohyaline layers and in the keratinized layers. The antigens were not present in the deeper proliferating epithelial cells of the papillomas. The Shope viral antigens were present in very minute amounts in papillomas of the domestic rabbit, as compared with papillomas of the wild rabbit, and were only detected in the superficial keratinized layers. It is postulated that virus is present in the nuclei of the proliferating cells of the papillomas of the wild and domestic rabbit but exists there in an early stage of development, consisting mainly of nucleic acid and deficient in protein, therefore non-antigenic and not demonstrable by fluorescent antibody. The nucleic acid moiety of the virus may be infective, and the protein component may provide immunologic specificity and serve to preserve transmissibility. The protein deficient virus can be referred to as masked virus. PMID- 13475614 TI - The renal lesions of electrolyte imbalance. I. The structural alterations in potassium-depleted rats. AB - Renal tubular lesions during the early phases of progressive potassium depletion in rats were found in nephrons isolated by microdissection in two locations, the collecting tubules and the proximal convolutions. All other portions of the nephron, in particular the "distal tubule," i.e. ascending limbs of Henle's loop and distal convolutions, showed no structural alterations except the passive effects of dilatation and cellular compression which developed as a result of primary disturbances lower in the tubular system. The alterations affected all the collecting tubules uniformly and took two forms; the more severe, a swelling and hyperplasia of the tubular epithelium and the lesser, an intracellular accumulation of granule droplets. The former was limited to the outer zone of the medulla, the latter to its inner zone. In the proximal convolution the structural alteration began in its middle third and extended downward towards the medulla; only occasional nephrons were affected. The essential nature of the more severe epithelial lesion was similar in both collecting tubule and proximal convolution, beginning as a swelling of cell bodies, increasing to protoplasmic disturbances with disintegration of the mitochondrial pattern, followed by rupture of cells and nuclear disappearance. These retrogressive alterations were followed by prolific regenerative hyperplasia. In the collecting tubules of the outer zone these epithelial alterations were present in both the clear and the intercalcated cells; in the latter the swelling of the cells was not prominent, but the hyperplastic proliferative increase in their number was the predominating feature of the lesion when the dissected tubules were viewed intact in the continuity of their topographical relations. The cellular alterations in the tubules are associated with an inability to concentrate the urine; reasons are given for considering this functional disturbance a correlate of the structural lesion in the collecting tubules. PMID- 13475615 TI - A cytochemical study of the L. E. bodies of systemic lupus erythematosus. I. Nucleic acids. AB - The composition, with respect to nucleic acids, of the L.E. bodies resulting from the action of the plasma of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus on substrate leukocyte nuclei in different kinds of preparations was compared microspectrophotometrically with that of control lymphocyte nuclei. Binding of the basic dye methyl green to DNA was uniformly found to be depressed in L.E. bodies as compared with control nuclei. Since Feulgen-revealed DNA, which served as a standard of reference, was relatively unchanged in amount, the Feulgen:methyl green ratios of L.E. bodies were higher than those of lymphocyte nuclei. Acetylation, which covers basic groups of proteins, was found to increase methyl green uptake by DNA of L.E. bodies to values approximating those of control nuclei, with consequent revision, after acetylation of the Feulgen: methyl green ratios of L.E. bodies to values similar to those of lymphocyte nuclei. Ribonuclease was found to reduce methyl green staining; extraction with dilute acid had little effect. These data have been interpreted to indicate (a) the presence in L.E. bodies of DNA-associated proteins whose basic groups compete with the cationic dye for binding sites of DNA and so inhibit methyl green staining, and (b) the DNA itself is not detectibly altered in state or degree of polymerization. Photometric comparison of the mean Feulgen-stainable DNA content per L.E. body with that of control nuclei showed that DNA is not lost in the L.E. transformation of nuclei. PMID- 13475616 TI - A cytochemical study of the L. E. bodies of systemic lupus erythematosus. II. Proteins. AB - Microspectrophotometric comparison of lymphocyte nuclei and free L.E. bodies which are derived from them show a more than twofold average increase in the latter of protein basic groups revealed by naphthol yellow S binding, and tyrosine residues demonstrated by the Millon reaction. The alkaline fast green method for histones and the Sakaguchi reaction for arginine residues suggest that there is a marked loss and ultimate disappearance of histones in the course of formation of the L.E. body from a nucleus. It is postulated that the L.E. transformation entails influx of protein normally foreign to the nucleus, displacement of histone from combination of DNA, and association of the DNA with the new protein which is then responsible for masking the anionic groups of DNA. PMID- 13475617 TI - Phase contrast and interferometric microscopy of the L. E. cell phenomenon. AB - Alterations in the cellular morphology of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes under the influence of serum from patients having disseminated lupus erythematosus were observed under the phase contrast microscope. These changes appear to involve the cell nucleus without significant visible incorporation of cytoplasm. In the formation of the L.E. body, there is a loss of internal nuclear structure and a subsequent nuclear swelling and extrusion of the nuclear contents from the cell to form the free L.E. body. The possible incorporation of cytoplasmic substance cannot alone account for the large mass of the L.E. body as contrasted with the parent nucleus or nuclear lobe. Measurements of dry mass by means of the interference microscope show a two and one-half-fold increment in dry mass in L.E. bodies compared to parent lymphocyte nuclei. This confirms previous cytochemical studies, and establishes that an influx of protein into the leukocyte nucleus is an integral part of the L.E. phenomenon. That the accumulation of extraneous protein within the L.E. body is simultaneous with or subsequent to a disruption of the normal structure of the leukocyte nucleus is apparent from these studies, but the pathogenesis of this alteration is as yet unknown. PMID- 13475618 TI - An electron microscopic study of incomplete virus formation; infection of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with chick embryo-adapted Newcastle disease virus (NDV). AB - The morphologic changes occurring in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells infected with chick embryo-adapted Newcastle disease virus were studied with phase microscope, conventional light microscope, and electron microscope. Intracytoplasmic inclusions appeared 2 to 4 hours following infection and progressively increased in size and numbers until cytolysis occurred. No significant alterations in mitochondria or other cell organelles were detected during the initial period of inclusion development. The inclusions were composed of a multilaminated shell, probably derived from the agranular reticulum of the EAT cell, surrounding an inner core packed with dense particles, measuring 3 to 14 mmicro in diameter. These particles were tentatively identified as the newly synthesized "incomplete virus" which had been previously demonstrated by fluorescent antibody techniques. The possible role of the inclusions is discussed. PMID- 13475619 TI - Cellular sites of formation of gamma globulin. AB - The cellular sites of formation of gammaglobulin in lymphatic tissues of man and in a representative human lymphoid infiltrate have been studied by fluorescent antibody technique. The findings indicate that gamma-globulin is formed in the germinal centers of lymphatic nodules and in the cytoplasm of mature and immature plasma cells of two types-those with and those without Russell bodies. The germinal center cells that synthesize gamma-globulin have been designated "intrinsic" cells to distinguish them from the medium and large lymphocytes, and the primitive reticular cells that occur elsewhere and do not produce gamma globulin. Unlike the plasma cells, which function as individual units, the intrinsic cells apparently form gamma-globulin only when they are arranged in discrete aggregations. The function, the blood supply, and the systematic cellular arrangement of germinal centers justifies the postulate that they are miniature organs of internal secretion of gamma-globulin. The release of gamma globulin from its sites of formation appears to be accomplished by holocrine and apocrine secretion. Presumably, these secretory mechanisms are adaptations required for the production of antibody since they have not been described in parenchymal cells that form the other serum proteins. The cells found to form gamma-globulin appear to be identical with those previously shown to form specific antibody in response to a variety of antigens in the experimental animal. This evidence indicates that normal gamma-globulin, if it exists, originates in the same cells that produce antibody. It is suggested, also, that each of the 3 morphologically distinct categories of cells that synthesize gamma globulin represents a response to a particular form of antigenic stimulation. Nuclear participation in the process of gamma-globulin synthesis was not detected by the technique employed. PMID- 13475620 TI - Growth characteristics of poliovirus in HeLa cells: nucleic acid metabolism. AB - The RNA and DNA contents of the nucleus and cytoplasm of the HeLa cell were determined. The rates of incorporation of P(32) into the various nucleic acid fractions were established for the ordinary HeLa cell maintained under a set of standard conditions. The changes in the rates of incorporation of P(32) and in the amounts of RNA and DNA which occurred subsequent to infection with poliovirus were followed throughout the infectious cycle. These changes were correlated with the intracellular appearance of the newly formed virus. A net synthesis of RNA occurred in the cytoplasmic component of the cell. The increase was detectable 2 hours before the first appearance of demonstrable virus and reached a maximum (2.5 times normal) at 6 hours. Viral increase was not maximal before the 7th hour after infection. PMID- 13475621 TI - An electron microscope study of the glomerulus in nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, and lupus erythematosus. AB - Renal biopsies from 16 patients with nephrosis, 7 patients with glomerulonephritis, and 3 patients with disseminated lupus erythematosus were studied with the electron microscope. The observations presented indicate that early in the course of each of these diseases alterations occur in the fine structure of the glomeruli which serve to distinguish one disease process from another. In nephrosis, some distortion of the organization of the epithelial foot processes was seen in all patients. These epithelial changes constituted the early, consistent lesion of the disease. There was frequently also a swelling of the endothelium. In glomerulonephritis, pronounced proliferative changes involving the endothelium and to a lesser extent the epithelium, together with the laying down of a basement membrane-like material, represented the predominate pathologic processes. There was also a swelling of both endothelial and epithelial cytoplasm. The epithelial foot processes generally appeared normal. In patients with a clinically "mixed" picture of nephrosis and nephritis, the glomerular changes were likewise "mixed," for various combinations of epithelial, endothelial, and basement membrane abnormalities were present. In disseminated lupus erythematosus, a more or less generalized thickening of the basement membrane proper associated with a variable degree of endothelial proliferation was seen. It is suggested that an accentuation of the process of basement membrane thickening results in the "wire loop" appearance sometimes seen by light microscopy. Although the earliest alterations in glomerular fine structure were characteristic for each of the disease processes, at later stages the changes were not always distinctive. The resulting scarred or "hyalinized" glomeruli, composed of relatively homogeneous, basement membrane-like material, and a few atrophic cells, appeared quite similar. Although the functional implications of the structural changes observed remain obscure at this time, it is believed that insight into mechanisms may stem from such observations. PMID- 13475622 TI - Poliovirus precipitins; a study by means of diffusion in agar. AB - Antigens present in poliovirus concentrates react with antibodies present in the serum of hyperimmunized monkeys to give type-specific precipitates. One or more bands of precipitate can be formed wherever such homotypic reactants, diffusing into an agar gel, meet in sufficient concentration and in equivalent proportions. No qualitative differences have been detected between the type-specific reactions given by different strains of the same virus type; and no precipitates have been seen which could be called "group-specific." Non-specific precipitates have occasionally been observed. Type-specific poliovirus precipitins are found in the serum of poliomyelitis patients. Their concentration has been measured by a standardized method. They tend to develop in parallel with neutralizing antibodies against the same virus type, increasing in amount during the first weeks of illness in those patients who show concurrent neutralizing antibody rises. The precipitation reaction has proved valuable in the antigenic analysis of polioviruses. Its general adoption as a diagnostic procedure is perhaps unlikely; but it may be well worth applying for special purposes. PMID- 13475623 TI - The infection of chimpanzees with ECHO viruses. AB - The oral and parenteral infections of chimpanzees receiving echo Types 6 and 4 viruses successively are described. The two infections, spaced 2(1/2) months apart, and given by the same route in each animal, failed to induce overt disease. The inapparent infections were demonstrated by virus excretion in the throat and the stools and the development of neutralizing antibodies. Complement fixing antibodies also appeared after Type 6 infection, but fell more rapidly than the neutralizing antibodies. After oral infection, echo-6 virus was found for equal periods in both the throat and feces, but echo-4 persisted in the throat for much longer periods than in the lower bowel. Almost no virus carriage occurred after parenteral inoculation. No true viremia was exhibited in any of the animals. One of the chimpanzees had neutralizing antibodies against Type 6 virus in its pre-inoculation serum. It responded extraordinarily to the Type 6 exposure, developing antibody levels of 1:50,000 to echo-6, of 1:1024 against the echo-6' variant, and of 1:64 against the echo 6'' variant. Although Type 4 antibodies developed after the exposure, they proved difficult to measure by ordinary methods. However, they could be satisfactorily assayed by the plaque reduction method. Three other chimpanzees fed echo-2, echo-3, and an untypable echo virus, respectively, yielded results confirming those established with Types 4 and 6. PMID- 13475624 TI - Physical properties of the red cell agglutinins in acquired hemolytic anemia. AB - The sera of 8 patients with acquired hemolytic anemia associated with elevated levels of cold agglutinins were studied by various procedures of zone electrophoresis. The agglutinating activity was found associated with proteins of variable mobility in the different cases. The majority represented "fast" gamma globulins. The 4 sera with the highest titers of cold agglutinins showed distinguishable abnormal electrophoretic components. The titers correlated with the height of the abnormal components. Ultracentrifugal analysis of the electrophoretic fractions indicated that the cold agglutinins were associated with proteins having a sedimentation coefficient of approximately 19 S. The abnormal component from the serum with the highest biological activity showed almost no contamination with lower molecular weight proteins. The amount of 19 S material found correlated with the titer of agglutinating activity. The high molecular weight character of the cold agglutinins was confirmed by procedures of density gradient zone centrifugation. The biological activity sedimented with proteins of the 19 S class in all the sera including those of relatively low titer with which no abnormal electrophoretic components were observed. Dissociation of the abnormal high molecular weight components was possible by means of certain sulfhydryl compounds. This resulted in disappearance of cold agglutinin activity. Some of the cases could be classified as macroglobulinemias because of the very large content of high molecular weight components. However, the same disease picture occurred without recognizable elevation of these components. The sera of 3 patients with severe acquired hemolytic anemia of the warm type associated with warm incomplete antibodies failed to show similar abnormal electrophoretic components and the antibody activity sedimented with proteins of the 7 S class. PMID- 13475625 TI - Effects of cellular constituents of mycobacteria on the resistance of mice to heterologous infections I. Protective effects. AB - Vaccination with living attenuated tubercle bacilli (BCG) was found to increase the resistance of mice to infection with virulent staphylococci. An even more striking protective effect could be elicited by intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection of small amounts (0.1 mg. or more) of killed BCG cells. The killed BCG cells retained most of their protective activity after prolonged heating at acid, neutral, or basic reactions-and after extraction with acetone, methanol, and NaOH (at pH 10.5). Some protective activity could be recovered in a fraction soluble in methanol at 55 degrees C. The protective effect against infection manifested itself in a prolongation of survival time following infection, and also in the fact that smaller numbers of staphylococci were recovered from the organs of infected mice. Both types of effects were still evident 10 weeks after vaccination. Injection by the intraperitoneal route of killed cells of BCG, or of methanol extracts of them, elicited in mice a high level of protection against intravenous injection of Myco. fortuitum. A protective effect quantitatively and qualitatively similar to that elicited by BCG, resulted from the intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection of killed cells of Myco. fortuitum. PMID- 13475626 TI - Effects of cellular constituents of mycobacteria on the resistance of mice to heterologous infections. II. Enhancement of infection. AB - Injection of certain cellular constituents of mycobacteria into mice simultaneously with, or shortly after, infection with Staph. aureus or with Myco. fortuitum, markedly shortened the life of the infected animals. This infection enhancing effect could be achieved by injecting the cellular constituents by either the intravenous, the intraperitoneal, or the subcutaneous route. Suspensions of killed mycobacteria were injected into mice which had been infected several months before with small doses of various bacterial pathogens and which still harbored small numbers of living organisms in their organs. Under these conditions, a marked increase in the numbers of living bacteria in the organs of the treated mice could be detected within a very few days after treatment with the mycobacterial products, and a certain percentage of the animals died rapidly. One of the first and most constant manifestations of the change in the infectious process from the chronic to the acute state was the appearance of a large microbial population in the liver. This happened even though Staph. aureus and Myco. fortuitum are rapidly cleared from the liver of normal mice. In addition to killed cells of BCG and of Myco. fortuitum, pertussis vaccine and the purified lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) of Gram-negative bacilli also proved capable of converting chronic bacterial infections into acute infectious processes. PMID- 13475627 TI - Dietary fat and hypercholesteremia in the Cebus monkey. II. Esterification and disappearance of cholesterol-4-C14. AB - A series of studies of cholesterol metabolism in the Cebus monkey were carried out in an attempt to understand the mechanisms responsible for the great differences in serum cholesterol levels when different dietary fats were used. Three groups of monkeys, one fed diets including 45 per cent of calories as corn oil, a second corn oil plus cholesterol (0.1 gm./100 calories), and a third lard plus cholesterol for 5 months (mean serum cholesterol values were 237, 268, and 601 mg. per cent, respectively) were injected with emulsions of cholesterol-4 C(14). The mean biological half-lives for the disappearance of serum radiocholesterol were 8.8, 8.4, and 6.6 days respectively. Esterification of radiocholesterol as measured by equilibration of specific activities of serum free cholesterol and total cholesterol was delayed in the monkeys fed lard plus cholesterol. When cholesterol-4-C-(14)-stearate was given intravenously to a series of monkeys, an erratic non-exponential biological decay curve resulted. Specific activity for free serum cholesterol was greater than that for total cholesterol within 1 hour after the injection. After 7 months on experimental diets including corn oil with added cholesterol and lard with added cholesterol the levels of lipides in most tissues were not different for the two dietary groups, nor were they appreciably elevated above previous control figures for monkeys not fed cholesterol. Total lipide levels in the adrenals of monkeys fed corn oil were twice those of monkeys fed lard. Monkeys were fasted before and after intragastric administration of cholesterol-4-C(14) in small formula meals including various fats and fatty acids. The disappearance of total cholesterol from the serum consisted of a rapid followed by a slow exponential function. The type of fat and fatty acid appeared to influence the rate of disappearance of radiocholesterol. There was a broad range of apparent activity of the different fats and fatty acids in promoting cholesterol absorption. PMID- 13475628 TI - Studies on the etiology and transmission of epidemic diarrhea of infant mice. AB - Transmission experiments have shown that epidemic diarrhea of infant mice of the CFW strain is infectious and communicable. Cage to cage spread can take place by the air-borne route. The agent appears to be a fairly heat-resistant virus that can be serially transferred and that is neutralized by specific hyperimmune antiserum from rabbits. Mice are susceptible to it by the oral route from at least the 3rd day after birth to the 10th or 11th day. Thereafter they appear to become resistant. The shortest incubation period observed has been 40 hours from the time of feeding infectious material; the longest period could not be ascertained under the conditions of test. Factors relative to the differentiation of this virus from other viruses are briefly discussed. PMID- 13475629 TI - Interrelationships between experimental hypercholesteremia, magnesium requirement, and experimental atherosclerosis. AB - The addition of cholesterol and cholic acid to a diet containing 24 mg. percent of magnesium, an amount normally required for young rats, resulted in magnesium deficiency in rats. This was characterized by hyperexcitability, hyperemia of the ears, calcium deposition in the kidney tubules, low serum magnesium levels, and decreased oxidative phosphorylation of heart mitochondria. All these lesions were prevented by raising the dietary magnesium level four to eight times. Feeding the atherogenic diet produced the deposition of lipide in the aorta and in the heart valves. The extent of this intimal sudanophilia was reduced by large amounts of dietary magnesium although serum cholesterol values did not fall and usually rose. This represents perhaps the first clear cut disassociation between serum cholesterol values and the extent of intimal sudanophilia. Raising the level of dietary protein from 10 to 20 per cent decreased the serum cholesterol levels and the extent of the kidney lesions. Thyroxine administration lowered the serum cholesterol values, abolished the kidney lesions and reduced the intimal sudanophilia. These effects occurred even though the serum magnesium levels remained low. PMID- 13475630 TI - Influence of dietary magnesium on cardiac and renal lesions of young rats fed an atherogenic diet. AB - Young male rats fed an atherogenic diet for 24 to 26 days developed magnesium deficiency. The renal lesions, calcium deposition in tubular lumens in the outer zona intermedia, are morphologically consistent with those seen in animals fed magnesium-free diets. It was necessary to feed 8 to 16 times the normal requirement of magnesium to prevent completely these lesions. The limitations in the pathogenesis of these renal lesions are discussed. The addition of 2 mg. per cent of thyroxine to the diet markedly lowered or abolished deposition of calcium in the kidney; it also lowered atherogenesis to a minimum but did not abolish it. Early lesions of atherosclerosis of the cardiac valves and of the aorta were observed. These were more prominent in animals on a 10 per cent than in those on a 20 per cent protein diet. The atherosclerosis was diminished but not abolished by exceedingly high dietary levels of magnesium in the 10 per cent protein group. Such a decrease was not noted in the 20 per cent protein group. There did not appear to be significant variation in the morphology of the fatty livers in and between the various groups and subgroups as judged by staining with Sudan IV. PMID- 13475633 TI - Some factors affecting performance on a word-formation problem. PMID- 13475632 TI - Extinction as a function of frustration drive and frustration-drive stimulus. PMID- 13475631 TI - Transfer of experience with a class-schema to identification-learning of patterns and shapes. PMID- 13475634 TI - Effect of addition of irrelevant verbal cues on perceptual-motor learning. PMID- 13475635 TI - [Operator performance as a function of the statistical encoding of stimuli]. PMID- 13475636 TI - Expectation and resistance to extinction of a lever-pulling response as functions of percentage of reinforcement and amount of reward. PMID- 13475637 TI - Continuous perspective transformations and the perception of rigid motion. PMID- 13475638 TI - Studies of distributed practice. XVI. Some evidence on the nature of the inhibition involved in massed learning of verbal materials. PMID- 13475639 TI - Two determinants of associative reaction time. PMID- 13475640 TI - The effect of an irrelevant drive on maze learning in the rat. PMID- 13475642 TI - Studies in incidental learning. VI. Intraserial interference. PMID- 13475641 TI - Effects of counting and ordering habits on the acquisition of a simple motor skill. PMID- 13475643 TI - An analysis of Maier's pendulum problem. PMID- 13475644 TI - Serial effects in recall of unorganized and sequentially organized verbal material. PMID- 13475645 TI - The interaction of frequency, emotional tone, and set in visual recognition. PMID- 13475646 TI - Simple reaction time as a function of time uncertainty. PMID- 13475647 TI - Effects of delay of information feedback and task complexity on the identification of concepts. PMID- 13475649 TI - Retention and meaningfulness of material. PMID- 13475648 TI - Some sources of error in half-heaviness judgments. PMID- 13475650 TI - Learning without awareness and extinction following awareness as a function of reinforcement. PMID- 13475651 TI - Gradients of error reinforcement in normal multiple-choice learning situations. PMID- 13475652 TI - Value, cost, and information as determiners of decision. PMID- 13475653 TI - The effects of temperature on chirp-rate of male cone-headed grasshoppers, Neoconocephalus ensiger. PMID- 13475654 TI - The origin of spontaneous and experimental haploids in the Mexican axolotl (Siredonor Ambystoma-mexicanum). PMID- 13475655 TI - Factors influencing the frequency of cortisone-induced cleft palate in mice. PMID- 13475656 TI - Biology of eumenine wasp. V. Digital communication in wasps. PMID- 13475657 TI - The developmental effect of a sex-limited gene in Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13475658 TI - The sex combs in males and intersexes of Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13475659 TI - Analysis of the organizer center in the early chick embryo. II. Studies of the mechanics of notochord elongation and somite formation. PMID- 13475661 TI - Complications of acquired diseases of the aorta. PMID- 13475660 TI - Photoperiodic stimulation of appetite and growth in the male lizard, Anolis carolinensis. PMID- 13475662 TI - Reconstructive arterial surgery. PMID- 13475663 TI - Blood vessel banks. PMID- 13475664 TI - Clinical report of an unusual contagious exanthem. PMID- 13475665 TI - Encephalitis in cat scratch disease; report of two cases. PMID- 13475666 TI - The aerobic breakdown of uric acid by certain pseudomonads. PMID- 13475667 TI - Celluloseless mutants of certain Acetobacter species. PMID- 13475668 TI - Fluorescent antibody studies with herpes simplex virus in unfixed preparations of trypsinized tissue cultures. PMID- 13475669 TI - Genetic analysis of the development of serum resistance in an influenza virus strain. PMID- 13475670 TI - The isolation and cultural characteristics of Streptococcus pluton and further observations on Bacterium eurydice. PMID- 13475671 TI - A reconsideration of the swarming of Proteus vulgaris. PMID- 13475672 TI - The minimal amino acid requirements of Haemophilus pertussis. PMID- 13475673 TI - The electron microscopy of L-forms induced by penicillin in Proteus vulgaris. PMID- 13475674 TI - Studies on the antigens of Paramecium aurelia with the aid of fluorescent antibodies. PMID- 13475675 TI - An electron microscope study of the spores of some species of the genus Bacillus using carbon replicas. PMID- 13475676 TI - The activity of fragmented and reassembled tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13475677 TI - The production of polyenic antibiotics by soil streptomycetes. PMID- 13475678 TI - A new genus of the actinomycetales: Waksmania gen. nov. PMID- 13475679 TI - A pure preparation of the staphylococcal typing bacteriophage-42-D. PMID- 13475680 TI - The membrane filter as an aid in the cultivation and identification of fungi. PMID- 13475681 TI - Studies of the significance of polyphenolic host metabolites in the nutrition of Venturia inaequalis and Venturia pirina. PMID- 13475682 TI - The summer air-spora at Rothamsted in 1952. PMID- 13475683 TI - Cellulolysis by rumen micro-organisms. PMID- 13475684 TI - Cellulolytic preparations from micro-organisms of the rumen and from Myrothecium verrucaria. PMID- 13475685 TI - Some thoughts on bacterial classification. PMID- 13475686 TI - The application of computers to taxonomy. PMID- 13475687 TI - The surface structure and serological typing of Bacillus megaterium. PMID- 13475688 TI - Xanthine oxidase activity in regenerating liver. AB - The xanthine oxidase activity of mouse regenerating liver has been shown to be elevated during the period of rapid liver growth and proliferation. This increase is evident when the enzyme activity is expressed per unit wet tissue weight, per unit nitrogen, or per cell. The adrenal cortex probably plays only a minor role in implementing this phenomenon. Further augmentation of the xanthine oxidase level of regenerating liver is not induced by the administration of large quantities of the substrate, xanthine, to the animal. PMID- 13475689 TI - Entrance of water into human red cells under an osmotic pressure gradient. AB - A new technique to determine the rate of water passage through the membrane of the human erythrocyte under an osmotic gradient has been developed. It utilizes a rapid mixing apparatus of the Hartridge-Roughton type which permits measurements at short intervals after the reaction has begun. This is coupled with a light scattering device of new design which permits the determination of very small changes in volume of the cells without disturbing them. With this technique it was possible to measure the change in volume of freshly drawn human erythrocytes after about 50, 100, 155, and 215 msec. of exposure to anisotonic media. The experimental curves were compared with theoretical curves derived from accepted equations for the process and a permeability coefficient of 0.23 +/- 0.03 (cm.(4)/osm., sec.) was obtained. PMID- 13475690 TI - The rate of exchange of tritiated water across the human red cell membrane. AB - The flow method of reaction rate measurement has been adapted to the determination of the rate of diffusion of water into the human red cell. In seven experiments the half-time for diffusion exchange has been found to be 4.2 +/- 1.1 msec., which is equivalent to a diffusion flow of 8.6 x 10(-9) ml. H(2)O/(sec., red cell). This figure has been compared with the rate of water entrance under an osmotic pressure gradient, and has been found to be smaller by a factor of 2.5. The difference between these two rates of water entrance has been interpreted as indicating the presence of water-filled channels in the membrane. An estimate of the equivalent radius of these channels (on the assumption of uniform right cylindrical pores) leads to a value of 3.5 A, which is viewed as an operational description of the resistance offered by the membrane to the passage of water. PMID- 13475691 TI - gamma-Butyrobetaine as a specific antagonist for carnitine in the development of the early chick embryo. AB - The effect of gamma-butyrobetaine alone and with the addition of carnitine on the development of the early excised chick embryo has been studied. gamma Butyrobetaine in appropriate amounts exerts an inhibitory effect which can be relieved or annulled by the inclusion of appropriate amounts of carnitine. This has been interpreted as a metabolite-antimetabolite relationship, in which the normal metabolite, carnitine, is antagonized by the structurally closely related gamma-butyrobetaine, and is regarded as evidence of an important role of carnitine in the metabolism of the developing chick embryo. PMID- 13475692 TI - Uphill transport induced by counterflow. AB - 1. In a membrane transport system containing a mobile carrier with affinities for two substrates a concentration gradient with respect to one of the substrates under certain conditions is able to induce an "uphill" transport (against the concentration gradient) of the other. 2. In a kinetic treatment quantitative conditions for such a "flow-induced uphill transport" and some of its characteristics are derived. 3. Experimentally the uphill transport of labelled glucose induced by a concentration gradient for mannose or unlabelled glucose is demonstrated in the human red cell. 4. It is shown that the flow-induced uphill transport is a feature characteristic for mobile carrier systems only and is not to be expected in systems in which the substrate is bound to a fixed membrane component ("adsorption membrane"), although such a system may yield identical transport kinetics. Also with respect to Ussing's flux ratio the two systems are different, the adsorption membrane meeting Ussing's criterion, the carrier membrane not. 5. It is concluded that the transport system in the human red cells must contain a mobile carrier, identical for glucose and mannose. PMID- 13475693 TI - Input-output relation in a flexor reflex. AB - Observations have been made upon a typical flexor reflex with the aim of disclosing the changes in amount, latency, and temporal configuration of reflex discharge that take place as afferent input is varied from zero to maximal for the band of cutaneous myelinated afferent fibers that extends upward from approximately 6 micro in diameter (group II fibers). Reflex threshold is reached at 6 to 12 per cent maximal afferent input. From threshold to maximal input the relation between input and amount of output is essentially linear, latency on the average decreases, the shorter central paths in general gain preference, but the known minimum pathway, one of three neurons, does not transmit unless aided by convergent activity. Flexor reflex discharge may occur in several bursts suggesting the existence of closed chain connections in the internuncial pools of the spinal cord. At any given input there is, in successively elicited reflexes, little correlation between latency and amount of discharge, at first sight a surprising result for each variable can be taken as a measure of excitability status of the motoneuron population. However, latency of discharge indicates excitability at the beginning of the reflex event whereas amount of discharge is an expression of excitability over the entire period of discharge. Given a constantly and rapidly fluctuating excitability absence of correlation between these variables would be an anticipated result. PMID- 13475694 TI - The protein coats or ghosts of coli phage T2. II. The biological functions. AB - Phage coats or ghosts, composed entirely of protein, appear to be responsible for protecting the phage nucleic acid from degradation by factors in the surrounding medium; attachment of the virus to its susceptible host; and delivering the nucleic acid to the interior of the cell. In addition, the ghosts have a number of biological actions which resemble similar actions of the parent phage. Thus, they both "kill" cells, inhibit pentosenucleic acid formation, interfere with subsequent infection by other virus particles, block adaptive enzyme formation, induce or trigger lysis of the host, and cause a leakage of phosphorus-containing fragments from the cell. Results to date fail to demonstrate a direct involvement of the ghosts in the passage of genetic information to the progeny. Several of the above changes induced in the host cell following attachment of ghosts could be derived from an alteration in but a single metabolic reaction. The stoichiometry of the ghost-bacterial cell interaction is different from that of the parent phage. Experiments to distinguish between a variable response of the host cell to reaction at different sites and a state of heterogeneity in the ghost preparations suggest the former but they are not decisive. PMID- 13475695 TI - The effect of temperature, potassium, and sodium on the conductance change accompanying the action potential in the squid giant axon. AB - Conductance changes associated with the response of the squid giant axon have been studied at two temperature ranges (26-27 degrees C.; 9-10 degrees C.) and with modified concentrations of sodium and potassium in the medium. The phase of "initial after-conductance," during which the membrane resistance increases above the resting value, is smaller at the lower temperature. At both temperature ranges it is diminished by doubling K(+) in the medium and enhanced by removal of K(+). Halving the Na(+) of the medium also enhances this phase when K(+) is absent, but not otherwise. The time course of the conductance changes alters in form with changes of the external medium. These changes indicate independent changes in the complex of ionic events associated with the response. The experiments therefore confirm the reality of the phase of increased membrane resistance. The magnitude of this change appears to be considerable and requires a transient decrease in the mobility and/or concentration of ions in the membrane. The possible cause of this decrease is discussed. PMID- 13475697 TI - The action of air ions on bacteria. I. Protective and lethal effects on suspensions of Staphylococci in droplets. AB - Techniques have been devised for studying quantitatively the effects of air ions on microorganisms suspended in small drops. In smog-contaminated atmospheres moderate concentrations of positive and negative air ions exerted a protective effect on staphylococci by delaying the drop in pH customarily observed and by diminishing the rate of evaporation. In clean air higher concentrations of positive and negative air ions accelerated the rate of death of staphylococci apparently by direct action on the cells and by increasing the rate of evaporation. Air ion action in these experiments did not involve cell agglutination or direct radiation from the radioactive isotopes employed. PMID- 13475696 TI - Lysis from without of S. aureus K1 by the combined action of phage and virolysin. AB - LYSIS FROM WITHOUT (LFW) OCCURS IN TWO STEPS: (1) sensitization of cells by phage, which renders the cells susceptible to (2) destruction of an essential cell structure by an extracellular lytic enzyme. Virolysin, from phage-infected cells, was used in these studies. Normal cell autolysin is also effective. Evidence is presented that: 1. Neither phage nor lysin alone causes LFW. 2. Sensitization requires phage adsorption. 3. It can be caused by non-infectious particles. This establishes a new biological activity of the particle. 4. Heat, U.V., detergents, penicillin, and other damaging agents also sensitize cells. 5. Sensitization involves a non-lethal, reversible reaction. 6. Sensitization by phage prevents virus synthesis. Following adsorption, a cell can undergo sensitization or infection but not simultaneously. When only a few particles are adsorbed, infection can occur; when sufficient particles are adsorbed, sensitization takes place. 7. Quantitative aspects of LFW are described. Lysis proceeds logarithmically. The lysis end-point depends upon the phage concentration but is independent of the enzyme concentration. PMID- 13475698 TI - Electroosmosis in Nitella. AB - The role of electroosmosis was studied directly in Nitella. The cells were mounted in a water-tight barrier between two chambers containing reversible electrodes for the application of potentials, and fitted with calibrated capillaries to measure water movement. No water movement was found when small existing bioelectric potentials were short-circuited through an external connection, nor when external potentials up to 1 or 2 volts were applied (producing currents up to 5 microa). Higher potentials (up to 10 volts) caused small movements of water, toward the negative pole. Larger and often irreversible water movements were produced by potentials up to 20 volts-sometimes persisting after current flow. A variety of evidence suggests that the effects are caused by injury at the cathodal end of the cell, allowing water to be attracted osmotically at the intact end and forced out at the injured end (transosmosis). This injury is reversible under small applied potentials, irreversible after large ones (100 to 200 times the natural bioelectric values). Such water flows persist in low salt concentrations (up to 0.09 M NaCl) but almost completely vanish in isotonic (0.26 M) mannitol. This confirms the osmotic, rather than the electroosmotic nature of the water movement. It is estimated that electroosmosis cannot account for more than 1 per cent of the water movement (or turgor) in Nitella cells. The dead cellulose walls display a small electroosmotic water flow at very high current densities (under 20 volts applied potential). PMID- 13475699 TI - Effects of metabolic inhibitors and drugs on ion transport and oxygen consumption in isolated frog skin. AB - Active ion (NaCl) transport across isolated frog skin is discussed in relation to sodium and potassium composition and to O(2) consumption of skin. A distinction is made between processes in skin related to "unidirectional active ion transport" and processes related to "maintenance electrolyte equilibrium;" i.e., ionic composition of skin. Several metabolic inhibitors were found that could be used in separating maintenance electrolyte equilibrium from unidirectional active ion transport. Fluoroacetate (up to 1 x 10(-2)M/liter) did not affect maintenance electrolyte equilibrium, but severely diminished the rate of active ion transport. This could also be accomplished with azide and diethyl malonate when 1 x 10(-3) molar concentrations were used. When applied in higher concentrations, these two inhibitors, and several others, diminished active ion transport, but this was associated with changes in maintenance electrolyte equilibrium (gain of Na(+) by and loss of K(+) from skin). Similar observations were made when skins were subjected to K(+)-deficient media. Mersalyl and theophylline, in low concentrations, stimulated active ion transport without leading to changes in maintenance electrolyte equilibrium. Inhibition of active ion transport was found accompanied by decrease, increase, and unaltered over-all O(2) consumption, depending on the kind of chemical agent used. A provisional scheme of the mechanism of unidirectional active ion transport is proposed. It is conceived as a process of metabolically supported ion exchange adsorption, involving a carrier, forming complexes with K(+) and Na(+), a trigger, K(+) ions, and two spatially separated metabolic pathways. PMID- 13475700 TI - Blue light and the regeneration of human rhodopsin in situ. AB - Hubbard has found that the photoisomerization of retinene was important for the regeneration of rhodopsin in vitro, and the object of the present investigation was to find whether this was also true for regeneration in the living human eye. In the Appendix is described a device which permits the rhodopsin density to be measured by analysing the light reflected from the fundus oculi in an ophthalmoscopic arrangement, the measurement taking about 5 seconds. Now if a blue and a yellow light viewed scotopically are adjusted in intensity so as to appear identical, they must bleach rhodopsin equally, but the blue will be more than 10 times as effective in isomerizing retinene. Therefore if retinene isomerization is important for rhodopsin regeneration, blue light should cause a more rapid regeneration after bleaching, and during bleaching the equilibrium level attained should be less profound. But, as the figures show, the course of bleaching and regeneration is identical for the matched yellow or blue bleaching lights, therefore isomerization of retinene is not important for rhodopsin regeneration in the living human eye. PMID- 13475702 TI - The comparative reliability of double and single rating scales. PMID- 13475701 TI - Anticipated frustration as a determinant of anxiety. PMID- 13475703 TI - Rater reliability and the heterogeneity of clinical case histories. PMID- 13475705 TI - The relationship between personality adjustment and scholarship achievement in male college students. PMID- 13475704 TI - Is "illusion" illusion. PMID- 13475706 TI - Sequences of restricted associative responses and their personality correlates. PMID- 13475707 TI - Colors and the color-blind. PMID- 13475708 TI - Healthy interaction: a composite clinical picture. PMID- 13475709 TI - Effect of an electric shock stimulus upon the conceptual behavior of anxious and non-anxious subjects. PMID- 13475710 TI - Discrimination learning and learning sets to visual exploration incentives. PMID- 13475711 TI - A flexible general test apparatus for the monkey. PMID- 13475712 TI - Brief psychotherapy and criteria of success. PMID- 13475713 TI - The application of some measures of language behavior and tension to the letters written by a woman at each decade of her life from 49 to 89 years of age. PMID- 13475714 TI - Instructions and personality type as related to GSR changes. PMID- 13475715 TI - Social attitude configurations in an adolescent group. PMID- 13475716 TI - The relation between expressed self-acceptance and expressed attitudes toward Negroes and whites among Negro children. PMID- 13475717 TI - Notes on the criterion problem in research, with special reference to the study of teacher characteristics. PMID- 13475718 TI - Sucking behavior: a review of the literature. PMID- 13475719 TI - An investigation of bar-pressing under conditions of fixed-ratio and continuous secondary reinforcement. PMID- 13475721 TI - Sociempathic ability in a group of institutionalized deliquent boys. PMID- 13475720 TI - Developmental trends in pre-adolescence and in early adolescence in self evaluation. PMID- 13475722 TI - Vigilance as a factor in reinforcement. PMID- 13475723 TI - The Rorschach records of a superior child. PMID- 13475724 TI - Relationships between some background factors and children's interpersonal attitude. PMID- 13475725 TI - The validity of the guess-who technique with large adolescent populations. PMID- 13475726 TI - [Activity under low motivational levels as a function of the method of manipulating the deprivation period]. PMID- 13475727 TI - Condition analysis: a research methodology. PMID- 13475728 TI - Adult education in the psychologist's business. PMID- 13475729 TI - Interests and leadership among adolescents. PMID- 13475730 TI - Lasting effects of alcohol on the reduction of anxiety in rats. PMID- 13475732 TI - Degree of disturbance in figure drawings as related to mode of approach to problem solving. PMID- 13475731 TI - Animistic responses as a function of sentence contexts and instructions. PMID- 13475733 TI - The effects of shock on anxiety-motivated behavior in the rat. PMID- 13475734 TI - The socioeconomic status, intelligence, and psychometric pattern of native-born white homeless men. PMID- 13475735 TI - The child's understanding of kinship terms: a study in the development of relational concepts. PMID- 13475736 TI - Linear position preference habits of monkeys. PMID- 13475737 TI - Milieu differences in social competence. PMID- 13475738 TI - Development of self recognition. PMID- 13475739 TI - Properties of stimuli associated with strong and weak hunger drive in the rat. PMID- 13475740 TI - Elements of conditioning in normal and pathological human behavior. PMID- 13475741 TI - Genesis of intracellular pigment in the spinal ganglia of senile rats; an electron microscope study. PMID- 13475742 TI - Growth, disease, and aging in the rat. PMID- 13475743 TI - Systolic blood pressure and heart rate in relation to lung disease and life duration in male rats. PMID- 13475744 TI - The senescent loss of body weight in male rats. PMID- 13475745 TI - Hexosamine and acid-hydrolyzable sulfate concentrations of coronary and cerebral arteries in individuals of various ages. PMID- 13475746 TI - The urinary excretion of dehydroepiandrosterone and total 17-ketosteroids in aged men and women. PMID- 13475748 TI - Neurogenic appendicopathy. PMID- 13475747 TI - A comparison of urinary steroid excretion patterns in young and elderly subjects before and after ACTH administration. PMID- 13475749 TI - A re-evaluation of the oral use of metrazol in senile patients. PMID- 13475750 TI - Non-verbal and verbal performance in normal old age, senile dementia, and elderly depression. PMID- 13475752 TI - Index to current periodical literature. PMID- 13475751 TI - The relationship of time perspective to age, institutionalization, and activity. PMID- 13475753 TI - The anatomy of Eubothrium crassum (Bloch) from the pyloric caeca and small intestine of Salmo trutta L. PMID- 13475754 TI - Studies on a trematode and a new nematode from a bat from Northern Rhodesia. PMID- 13475755 TI - On a new nematode, spirocamallanus mazabukae sp. nov., from freshwater fish in Southern Africa. PMID- 13475756 TI - A technique for staining and counting Syphacia obvelata in the faces and ingesta of mice. PMID- 13475757 TI - A technique for obtaining axenic cultures of rhabditid nematodes. PMID- 13475758 TI - Studies on the seriological response in sheep to naturally acquired gastro intestinal nematodes. II. Responses in a low ground flock. PMID- 13475759 TI - An antagonistic action of sheep serum on the miracidia of Fasciola hepatica. PMID- 13475760 TI - A note on the description of Dibothriocephalus medius Fahmy, 1954. PMID- 13475761 TI - On three known trematodes from African birds, with notes on the genera Typhlocoelum, Paryphostomum and Petasiger. PMID- 13475763 TI - [Distribution of myeloarchitectonic characteristics in the cortex of the parietal lobe in man]. PMID- 13475762 TI - On the genus Opisthorchis R. Blanchard, 1895, with a note on the occurrence of O. geminus (Looss, 1896) in new avian hosts. PMID- 13475764 TI - [Further observation on nuclei in nerve cells]. PMID- 13475765 TI - [Midbrain of the rabbit]. PMID- 13475766 TI - [Insulae terminales in the brain of adults]. PMID- 13475767 TI - Presence of carbohydrates with free 1,2-glycol groups in sites stained by the periodic acid-Schiff technique. PMID- 13475768 TI - Histochemical distribution of phosphorylase in rodent brain from newborn to adults. PMID- 13475769 TI - The effect of boric acid on the reaction of lead tetraacetate with polysaccharides in films and tissue sections. PMID- 13475770 TI - A chemically specific technique for the intracellular localization of inorganic phosphate. PMID- 13475771 TI - Note on the chemical composition of the cell wall of Haplosporangium parvum. PMID- 13475772 TI - Ultracentrifugal studies on the cytoplasmic components. PMID- 13475773 TI - Intracellular localisation of dehydrogenase systems using monotetrazolium salts and metal chelation of their formazans. PMID- 13475774 TI - Adaptation of the Morel-Sisley protein diazotization procedure to the histochemical demonstration of protein bound tyrosine. PMID- 13475775 TI - Staphylococcus aureus in the infant upper respiratory tract. I. Observations on hospital-born babies. PMID- 13475776 TI - Staphylococcus aureus in the infant upper respiratory tract. II. Observations on domiciliary-delivered babies. PMID- 13475777 TI - The behaviour of a mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium in experimental mouse typhoid. PMID- 13475778 TI - Resistance to reinfection in experimental mouse typhoid. PMID- 13475779 TI - Studies on poliomyelitis virus: concentration and purification of the virus. PMID- 13475780 TI - The growth in vitro of vaccinia virus in chick embryo chorio-allantoic membrane, minced embryo and cell suspensions. PMID- 13475781 TI - Experiments with the soluble antigen of rabies in suckling mouse brains. PMID- 13475782 TI - Adaptation of Mahoney, type I, poliomyelitis virus to suckling mice. PMID- 13475783 TI - Tetanus antitoxin titration by haemagglutination. PMID- 13475784 TI - The complement activity of canine serum. PMID- 13475785 TI - Observations pointing to the conjunctiva as the portal of entry in Salmonella infection of guinea-pigs. PMID- 13475787 TI - Problems of the biological control of the quality of drinking-water. PMID- 13475786 TI - The membrane piece technique for in vitro infectivity titrations of influenza virus. PMID- 13475788 TI - [Changes of carbon disulfide in the organism]. PMID- 13475789 TI - Quantitative estimation of aniline absorption through the skin in man. PMID- 13475790 TI - [Tuberculosis as occupational disease among health workers]. PMID- 13475791 TI - An epidemic of Q fever in a factory caused by working with contaminated imported cotton. PMID- 13475792 TI - On the problem of influenza epidemiology in Leningrad. PMID- 13475793 TI - [Effect of streptolysin O on the nerve-muscle preparation in situ]. PMID- 13475794 TI - The use of actinophages in the search for antiviral antibiotics. PMID- 13475795 TI - Experimental keratoconjunctivitis as a model for the study of dysentery. PMID- 13475796 TI - An etiological survey on bacillary dysentery in Peking, 1954-1955. PMID- 13475797 TI - The reaction of passive haemagglutination and its inhibition by chicken sarcoma. PMID- 13475799 TI - On reservoirs and epidemiological variants of infection. PMID- 13475798 TI - On the question of the experimental evaluation of typhoid vaccines. PMID- 13475800 TI - The incidence of ornithosis and salmonellosis in the black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus L.). PMID- 13475801 TI - [Experimental infection of Gallus gallus domesticus with C. burnetii]. PMID- 13475802 TI - Studies on ragweed pollen. II. Fractionation of the water soluble extract of ragweed pollen by zone electrophoresis and the characterization of the fractions. PMID- 13475803 TI - Studies on ragweed pollen. III. Estimation of the minimum number of allergens in the water soluble extract of ragweed pollen and a critical evaluation of the neutralization technique; the demonstration of two different reagins in sera of ragweed sensitive individuals. PMID- 13475804 TI - The elimination of heterologous serum proteins and associated antibody responses in guinea pigs and rats. PMID- 13475805 TI - Studies of antibodies against organ-antigens. I. Effects of anti-mouse spleen serum upon the reticuloendothelial system. PMID- 13475806 TI - Studies on diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus combined immunization in children. II. Immune responses after the primary vaccination. PMID- 13475807 TI - Studies on anaphylactic shock in the mouse. PMID- 13475808 TI - The establishment of strains of human cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13475809 TI - Studies on the viral spectra of tissue culture lines of human cells. PMID- 13475810 TI - Repository immunization in pollen allergy. PMID- 13475811 TI - Concerning the mechanism of complement action. III. Inhibitors of complement activity. PMID- 13475812 TI - The antigenicity of polyvinyl pyrrolidone. II. PMID- 13475813 TI - Factors effecting the efficiency of combined prophylactics: effect of poliomyelitis vaccine on diphtheria toxoid. PMID- 13475814 TI - Studies on the cytotoxic effect of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. I. Characteristics of the virus-cell interaction. PMID- 13475815 TI - Studies on the cytotoxic effect of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. II. The mechanism and significance of in vitro recovery from the effect of NDV. PMID- 13475816 TI - The cross reactions of antisera prepared against four human cell strains in continuous tissue culture. PMID- 13475817 TI - Starch block electrophoresis of ragweed pollen antigens. PMID- 13475818 TI - Studies of anti-horse crystalbumin sera. IV. The influence of absorption with a heterologous antigen on reactions with the homologous and with a second heterologous antigen. PMID- 13475819 TI - Effect of preradiation immunization on resistance to aerosol-induced infection in x-irradiated mice. PMID- 13475820 TI - Precipitin production in chickens. XVL The relationship of age to antibody production. PMID- 13475821 TI - Precipitin production in chickens. XVIL The effect of massive injections of bovine serum albumin at hatching on subsequent antibody production. PMID- 13475822 TI - Multiple antibody responses following immunization of human subjects with diphtheria toxoid. PMID- 13475823 TI - Mechanism of antibody formation. I. Fate of 1131-labeled diphtheria toxoid at the site of antibody formation. PMID- 13475824 TI - Mechanism of antibody formation. II. Rate of diphtheria antitoxin formation in the booster response. PMID- 13475825 TI - Studies on the role of adrenal cortex in experimental and human liver disease. PMID- 13475826 TI - Total and available iron content of some foodstuffs of Bihar. PMID- 13475827 TI - A statistical study of cardiac lesions. PMID- 13475828 TI - Fungistatic activity of aromatic diamidines. PMID- 13475829 TI - Birth control methods. PMID- 13475830 TI - Laboratory tests of commercial contraceptive foam tablets. PMID- 13475831 TI - Spontaneous intraperitoneal rupture in pyonephrosis. PMID- 13475832 TI - Psychogenic asthma. PMID- 13475833 TI - Huntington's chorea it India. PMID- 13475835 TI - WORLD Health Organization. I. How and why WHO came into being. PMID- 13475834 TI - HORMONES and liver disease. PMID- 13475836 TI - Psittacosis. PMID- 13475837 TI - Significance of tuberculin sensitivity in sick children; a preliminary communication. PMID- 13475838 TI - Clinical trial of a new anti-amoebic drug. PMID- 13475839 TI - Diethylaminocresol dihydrochloride in amoebiasis. PMID- 13475840 TI - Clinical trial of a new drug in amoebic dysentery. PMID- 13475842 TI - Cardiac arrest. PMID- 13475841 TI - A study with a new amoebicidal drug. PMID- 13475844 TI - Experiences of medical survey in Central Nepal. PMID- 13475845 TI - Occurrence of natural anti-H in a group of individuals. PMID- 13475843 TI - A study of the seasonal variation in the biological response of male frog Rana tigrina to injection of pregnancy urine and chorionic gonadotropins in Uttar Pradesh. PMID- 13475846 TI - Incidence of yawslike lesions in Uttar Pradesh. PMID- 13475847 TI - Heart diseases in pregnancy. PMID- 13475848 TI - Haemophilia syndrome with ulnar nerve palsy. PMID- 13475850 TI - Sheehan's syndrome. PMID- 13475851 TI - THE NEPHROTIC syndrome. PMID- 13475849 TI - Mesothelioma of pleura. PMID- 13475852 TI - Clinical application of the principles underlying the theory of the shoulder joint complex. PMID- 13475853 TI - Pulmonary function studies; a preliminary note. PMID- 13475854 TI - Treatment of enteric fever with chloramphenicol combined with tetracycline. PMID- 13475855 TI - Inhibitory effect of hydrocortisone and morphine on corticotrophin secretion in normal stressed rats. PMID- 13475856 TI - Treatment of ascariasis in children with piperazine adipate and thiocarbanilate. PMID- 13475857 TI - Nutritional levels and their seasonal variations in residents of Assam of different categories. PMID- 13475858 TI - Transvestism. PMID- 13475859 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the spleen in chronic myeloid leukaemia. PMID- 13475860 TI - Dystrophia myotonica. PMID- 13475861 TI - Chronic myelogenous leukaemia in a child. PMID- 13475862 TI - Health services in U.S.S.R. PMID- 13475863 TI - Health plans in Malaya. PMID- 13475864 TI - Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the aged. PMID- 13475865 TI - Allergic mechanisms in industrial dermatoses. PMID- 13475866 TI - School vision screening. PMID- 13475867 TI - Effects of athletic activity on composition of the urine. PMID- 13475868 TI - Relationship between immunity and circulating antibodies, complement and tuberculopolysaccharide in tuberculosis. PMID- 13475869 TI - Human infections with Vibrio fetus and a closely related vibrio. PMID- 13475870 TI - Experimental ovine leptospirosis, Leptospira pomona infection. PMID- 13475871 TI - Further characterization of an experimental staphylococcal infection in mice. PMID- 13475872 TI - Intracutaneous anthrax infection in wild rodents. PMID- 13475873 TI - Tularemia in the coyote, Canis latrans lestes Merriam. PMID- 13475874 TI - Histopathologic changes in suckling mice infected with the virus of Colorado tick fever. PMID- 13475876 TI - Duration of acquired immunity to Trypanosoma equiperdum in the rat. PMID- 13475875 TI - Response of lactobacilli to tryptophane and some related compounds. PMID- 13475877 TI - The role of lice in transmission of Salmonella. PMID- 13475878 TI - The relation of oxygen tension to virulence of tubercle bacilli and to acquired resistance in tuberculosis. PMID- 13475880 TI - Evaluation of the hemolytic test in the serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis. PMID- 13475879 TI - Standardization and stabilization of an extract from Leptospira biflexa and its use in the hemolytic test for leptospirosis. PMID- 13475881 TI - Omphalocele. PMID- 13475882 TI - Plasma volume and chronic shock. PMID- 13475883 TI - Surgery fifty years ago and now. PMID- 13475884 TI - Tube feeding with natural foods. PMID- 13475886 TI - Pathologic aspects of genitourinary disease in children. PMID- 13475885 TI - Problems of Infection of the urinary tract in children, with reference to ureterovesical reflux. PMID- 13475887 TI - [Foreign body in lower part of urinary tract]. PMID- 13475888 TI - Cervical strain with residual occipital neuritis. PMID- 13475889 TI - The Chinese type of female pelvis: its relation to difficulty of labor. PMID- 13475890 TI - Management of the discharging nipple. PMID- 13475892 TI - Abruptio placentae. PMID- 13475891 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13475893 TI - The management of crossed eyes. PMID- 13475894 TI - Injuries about the elbow in children, with emphasis on supracondylar and Monteggia fractures. PMID- 13475895 TI - Recent advances in otologic surgery. PMID- 13475896 TI - Intestinal polyposis. PMID- 13475897 TI - The surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13475898 TI - Surgical detection of occult adenomas of the thyroid gland. PMID- 13475899 TI - [Personnel technic for reconstruction of common bile duct: new gastric choledochus]. PMID- 13475900 TI - Modern concepts of geriatric surgery. PMID- 13475901 TI - Diagnostic problems in hepatobiliary disease. PMID- 13475902 TI - The operative cholangiogram; results of five hundred routine cholangiographic studies in operations on the gallbladder and the biliary tract. PMID- 13475903 TI - Critical analysis of cardiopericardiomyopexy with eight-year follow-up. PMID- 13475904 TI - Renal tuberculosis: pathogenesis: presentation of a new treatment. PMID- 13475905 TI - Pain in the head due to tortuous basilar artery; report of two cases. PMID- 13475906 TI - Mitral stenosis and mitral commissurotomy during pregnancy. PMID- 13475907 TI - Treatment of fractures of the femoral neck with intramedullary stem prostheses. PMID- 13475908 TI - Hemorrhoidal pathologic conditions: incidence of recurrence. PMID- 13475909 TI - Proctologic manifestations of systemic disease. PMID- 13475910 TI - Excessive bleeding in minor anal operations in thrombasthenia and xanthomatosis; report of a case. PMID- 13475911 TI - Thoracic surgical treatment of mentally ill patients. PMID- 13475912 TI - Incubation period of bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13475913 TI - Surgery in ancient Egypt. PMID- 13475914 TI - Psychiatry in surgery. PMID- 13475915 TI - Not Available. PMID- 13475916 TI - Oxygen therapy. PMID- 13475917 TI - Hodgkin's disease of the stomach: report of a case. PMID- 13475918 TI - Actinomycosis; oral, facial and maxillary manifestations. PMID- 13475919 TI - Intraoperative manometric study of the bile ducts. PMID- 13475920 TI - Mitral commissurotomy; an analysis of one hundred cases followed for periods ranging from four months to three years. PMID- 13475921 TI - Treatment of venous thrombosis by continuous local infusions of streptokinase: experimental investigations. PMID- 13475922 TI - Trophic disturbances and sympathectomy. PMID- 13475923 TI - Abscess of the brain. PMID- 13475924 TI - Congenital absence of the vagina. PMID- 13475925 TI - Reconstruction of the cervicothoracic portion of the esophagus by inverted dermis tantalum mesh tube graft. PMID- 13475926 TI - The role of the surgeon in rehabilitation. PMID- 13475927 TI - Multiple primary malignant tumors of the colon; report of 141 cases. PMID- 13475928 TI - Malignant tumors of the thyroid. PMID- 13475929 TI - Carcinoma of the cervical esophageal orifice; total cervical esophagectomy, including larynx; prethoracic ileocolopharyngoplasty in one state. PMID- 13475930 TI - Meniscus tears: diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13475931 TI - Management of posterior dislocation of the hip complicated by fracture dislocation of the acetabular rim and primary or secondary paralysis of the sciatic nerve. PMID- 13475932 TI - Internal fixation of a depressed sternal fracture by an intramedullary pin: report of a case. PMID- 13475933 TI - [2 New therapeutics in cancer of the prostate]. PMID- 13475934 TI - [Exulceration simplex of the stomach: 10 cases of acute hemorrhagic ulcerations]. PMID- 13475936 TI - LAST MESSAGE of Felix Mandl. PMID- 13475935 TI - [Surgery in pulmonary cancer; late results; survival for more than 5 years]. PMID- 13475937 TI - Not Available. PMID- 13475938 TI - Studies in local action of corticosteroids at cellular level in the skin of man. PMID- 13475939 TI - The evaluation of various antihistamines as local anesthetic agents. PMID- 13475940 TI - Experimental production of cutaneous calcinosis and sclerosis with dihydrotachysterol (AT-10). PMID- 13475941 TI - Inhibition of intracutaneous leishmanin reaction by hydrocortisone acetate; comparison with cortisone, ACTH and hyaluronidase. PMID- 13475942 TI - Trichophyton equinum; a re-evaluation of its taxonomic status. PMID- 13475944 TI - The isolation in crystalline form of some of the pigments of Trichophyton rubrum. PMID- 13475943 TI - The binding of carcinogenic hydrocarbons to epidermal proteins. PMID- 13475945 TI - Lipid studies on the human skin surface by means of the monomolecular layer method. I. Findings obtained in the same and in different skin areas in identical and in different healthy subjects. PMID- 13475946 TI - Studies on vascular skin responses in atopic dermatitis; the influence of psychological factors. PMID- 13475947 TI - Allergic sensitization to adhesive tape; experimental study with a hypoallergenic adhesive tape. PMID- 13475948 TI - Studies on itching. III. The effect of topical hydrocortisone on pruritus. PMID- 13475949 TI - Rationale for the treatment of lupus erythematosus with antimalarials. PMID- 13475950 TI - Results of patch testing with rubber antioxidants and accelerators. PMID- 13475951 TI - Rapid classification of Candida (Monilia) albicans. PMID- 13475952 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13475954 TI - Histology and cytochemistry of human skin. XII. Cholinesterases in the hair follicles of the scalp. PMID- 13475953 TI - An electron microscope study of thin sections of human skin. II. Superficial cell layers of footpad epidermis. PMID- 13475955 TI - Financing medical care; where are we now? What of the future. PMID- 13475956 TI - MICHIGAN State Medical Society heeds public opinion on prepayment for medical care. PMID- 13475957 TI - Management of common arrhythmias. PMID- 13475959 TI - Congenital glaucoma. PMID- 13475958 TI - Diverticulitis. PMID- 13475960 TI - Q fever in animals. PMID- 13475961 TI - Q fever in man. PMID- 13475962 TI - BLOOD banking needs and goals. PMID- 13475963 TI - Reducing income taxes for your beneficiaries. PMID- 13475964 TI - The toxaemias of pregnancy. PMID- 13475965 TI - Acute respiratory insufficiency treated by tracheostomy. PMID- 13475966 TI - A note on tracheostomy. PMID- 13475967 TI - Toxic reactions to meprobamate. PMID- 13475968 TI - A case of human infestation by the ox warble-fly (Hypodermalineatum). PMID- 13475969 TI - A note on the treatment of impetigo contagiosa. PMID- 13475971 TI - Folk medicine. PMID- 13475970 TI - Pyelonephritis with bilateral congenital defects. PMID- 13475972 TI - Zenker's degeneration of rectus abdominis complicated by spontaneous rupture. PMID- 13475973 TI - Radiation hazards. PMID- 13475974 TI - Headache and its causes. PMID- 13475975 TI - Plastic surgery in children. PMID- 13475976 TI - Poliomyelitis outbreak in Kerry, 1956. PMID- 13475977 TI - Owen O'Shiel (1582-1650), eagle of doctors. PMID- 13475978 TI - Therapeutic syndromes; are doctors outsmarting themselves therapeutically. PMID- 13475979 TI - Ataractics; a study of the current status of tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13475980 TI - Carcinoma of the prostate; a review of symptoms, diagnosis, and prognosis. PMID- 13475981 TI - Acute intermittent porphyria; report of a case treated with chlorpromazine. PMID- 13475982 TI - TUMOR conference; multiple eosinophilic granulomas of bone. PMID- 13475983 TI - The adenoviruses; their relationship to acute respiratory infections. PMID- 13475984 TI - As the twig is bent. PMID- 13475985 TI - The cardiac pacemaker; its use for more than seven months in one patient. PMID- 13475986 TI - Poisoning; a study of 293 patients seen at one hospital in a two-year period. PMID- 13475987 TI - Outpatient psychiatry; a study of initial contacts with adults at a state hospital clinic. PMID- 13475989 TI - Amebiasis; a study of incidence, diagnosis, and modes of therapy. PMID- 13475988 TI - MEDICAL care of the indigent. PMID- 13475990 TI - Anesthesia and operation for the patient with heart disease. PMID- 13475991 TI - Protein metabolism in diabetes mellitus and vascular disease. PMID- 13475992 TI - The metabolism of iron. PMID- 13475993 TI - Postoperative "restoration" of the hemipelvectomized patient. PMID- 13475994 TI - PLACENTA previa. PMID- 13475995 TI - Prematurity. PMID- 13475996 TI - Physiological mechanisms of ascites. PMID- 13475997 TI - Eyestrain. PMID- 13475998 TI - Management of villous tumors of the rectum. PMID- 13475999 TI - Large hemangioma of the liver. PMID- 13476000 TI - Hydatidiform mole with metastases. PMID- 13476001 TI - COARCTATION of aorta with poststenotic aneurysmal formation. PMID- 13476002 TI - An opportunity of organized medicine. PMID- 13476003 TI - A comparison of shock due to endotoxin with anaphylactic shock. PMID- 13476004 TI - Transmission of the experimental common cold in volunteers. II. The effect of certain host factors upon susceptibility. PMID- 13476005 TI - Studies on the routine laboratory diagnosis of coxsackie group B virus infections. I. The application of tissue culture procedures. PMID- 13476006 TI - Studies on erythropoiesis. VI. Erythropoietin in human plasma. PMID- 13476007 TI - Observations on the nature of the erythropoietic serum factor. II. Erythropoietic activity of serum and bone marrow after time limited exposure to anemic and hypoxic anoxia. PMID- 13476008 TI - Neonatal serologic diagnosis of hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by ABO incompatibility. PMID- 13476009 TI - A comparative study of the Ashby differential agglutination, carbon 14 and iron 59 methods for the determination of red cell lifespan. PMID- 13476010 TI - Studies of platelet survival by tagging in vivo with p32. PMID- 13476011 TI - The persistence in the blood of the radioactive label of albumins, gamma globulins, and globulins of intermediate mobility, VI. The uptake plots of S35 into serum protein fractions during the first 24 hours after oral administration of labeled methionine and cysteine. PMID- 13476012 TI - The effect of L-norepinephrine on urine composition and acid-base equilibrium in man. PMID- 13476013 TI - Use of methylene blue as an indicator for arterial dilution curves in the study of heart disease. PMID- 13476014 TI - The metabolic effects of progesterone in man: dose response relationships. PMID- 13476015 TI - Sequential analysis in therapeutic research. I. Application to binomial data and to measured data normally distributed (one-sided alternative). PMID- 13476017 TI - The effect of gradient-type hydrogen-ion concentration plates on antibiotic sensitivity tests. PMID- 13476016 TI - Sequential analysis in therapeutic research. II. Application to measured data normally distributed (two-sided alternative). PMID- 13476018 TI - Neutron activation analysis of sodium in blood serum. PMID- 13476019 TI - A well scintillation counter for improved volume efficiency. PMID- 13476020 TI - Study of paper electrophoresis: comparison with salt precipitation of serum protein fractions. PMID- 13476021 TI - Sites of absorption of vitamin B12. PMID- 13476022 TI - Folic acid absorption excretion, and leukocyte concentration in tropical sprue. PMID- 13476023 TI - Glycoproteins of normal human serum as separated by electrophoresis on starch. PMID- 13476024 TI - Acid mucopolysaccharide excretion in the urine of children. PMID- 13476025 TI - The effect of morphine sulfate upon the renal excretion of water and solute in man. PMID- 13476026 TI - Complement-fixing antibody response to M-protein of nephritogenic streptococci in glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13476028 TI - The collection of lymph from intact peripheral cutaneous lymphatics of man. PMID- 13476027 TI - Agents isolated from patients with Boston exanthem disease during 1954 in Pittsburgh. PMID- 13476029 TI - The determination of serum albumin and globulin by a new method. PMID- 13476030 TI - A fluorometric method for the estimation of tyrosine in plasma and tissues. PMID- 13476031 TI - Estimation of urinary catechol amines by means of a strip of rabbit aorta as an aid in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13476032 TI - A new technique for differentiation of hemoglobin. PMID- 13476033 TI - The laboratory determination of pepsin in gastric juice with radioactive iodinated albumin. PMID- 13476034 TI - The use of chicken antiserum for the rapid determination of plasma protein components. II. The assay of human serum orosomucoid. PMID- 13476035 TI - The chemical estimation of epinephrine and norepinephrine in human and canine plasma. II. A critique of the trihydroxylndole method. PMID- 13476037 TI - Biliary duct tract and gallbladder surgery; fifteen-year experience. PMID- 13476036 TI - The effect of prior contact between acid citrate dextrose and sodium radiochromate solutions of the efficiency with which Cr51 labels red cells. PMID- 13476038 TI - ROSCOE C. WEBB; a personal tribute. PMID- 13476039 TI - The dental pain mechanism. III. Clinical considerations. PMID- 13476040 TI - Analgesia and the pharmacology of pain. PMID- 13476041 TI - Then and now: the surgical arena three decades ago. PMID- 13476042 TI - Total pancreatectomy: 5 cases illustrating indications and problems of management. PMID- 13476043 TI - Early detection of cancer; a nine-year study. PMID- 13476044 TI - Experiences with the second-look procedure in the management of cancer of the colon and rectum with special reference to site of residual cancer. PMID- 13476046 TI - Early results of by-pass vascular shunts and grafts using nylon prostheses. PMID- 13476045 TI - Surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm. PMID- 13476047 TI - Experience with surgery for portal hypertension. PMID- 13476048 TI - A comparison of the toxicity of various agents used in coronary arteriography. PMID- 13476049 TI - Complications following urinary diversion through a segment of ileum. PMID- 13476050 TI - Neonatal gastrointestinal tract perforations. PMID- 13476051 TI - Management of spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13476052 TI - Surgical correction of pure mitral insufficiency by annuloplasty under direct vision. PMID- 13476053 TI - The effects of nasopharyngeal irradiation in tubotympanic deafness, 1948-1955. PMID- 13476054 TI - Familial haemorrhagic telangiectases; a survey of a series of cases treated by oestrogen therapy. PMID- 13476055 TI - The Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome. PMID- 13476056 TI - Artificial tympanic membranes: old and new. PMID- 13476057 TI - Treatment of choanal atresia. PMID- 13476058 TI - Von Reckinghausen's disease in the larynx and trachea of an infant. PMID- 13476059 TI - Otosclerosis of the round window treated by operation. PMID- 13476060 TI - Naso-pharyngeal stenosis. PMID- 13476061 TI - The Rosen operation; early experience. PMID- 13476062 TI - Hearing loss of the perceptive type; incidence and correlation between aetiology and audiometric pattern. PMID- 13476063 TI - The vocal cord polyp. PMID- 13476064 TI - Treatment of sinusitis in childhood: the effect of a detergent. PMID- 13476065 TI - Treatment of chronic sinusitis. PMID- 13476066 TI - Bilateral malignant disease of the middle ear. PMID- 13476067 TI - Acute osteomyelitis of the maxilla in an infant with metastatic foci. PMID- 13476068 TI - History of conceptions of etiology and therapy of diabetes mellitus, past and present. PMID- 13476069 TI - Diabetes complicated by surgery. PMID- 13476070 TI - Complications of submucous resection. PMID- 13476071 TI - Primary systemic amyloidosis: cutaneous manifestations; a case report. PMID- 13476072 TI - The diagnosis and conservative treatment of low back pain. PMID- 13476073 TI - Phenylbutazone (butazolidin) in the treatment of thrombophlebitis; a preliminary report. PMID- 13476074 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of parthenium dermatitis. PMID- 13476075 TI - Use of the ataractics in mental illness. PMID- 13476076 TI - Problems in diagnosis of early renal lesions. PMID- 13476077 TI - The treatment of chronic peptic ulcer with dl-methionine; results in fifty-four patients. PMID- 13476078 TI - Anesthesia and surgery for the diabetic. PMID- 13476079 TI - Arterial ischemia of the lower extremities. PMID- 13476080 TI - Meprobamate; an important adjunct to post-operative surgical care. PMID- 13476081 TI - Diabetes Detection Week. PMID- 13476082 TI - A county observes National Diabetes Week. PMID- 13476083 TI - Tuberculin survey in Aroostook County. PMID- 13476084 TI - Respiratory control in chronic pulmonary emphysema; a compromise adaptation. PMID- 13476085 TI - The control of household poisonings. PMID- 13476086 TI - Allergic drug reactions. PMID- 13476087 TI - Anemia due to chronic gastrointestinal blood loss. PMID- 13476088 TI - The place of the cobalt unit in cancer therapy. PMID- 13476089 TI - The special care unit. PMID- 13476090 TI - Thrombendarterectomy of the aorta, iliacs, femoral and popliteal arteries; indications and results. PMID- 13476091 TI - Cervical arthritis and spinal cord dysfunction. PMID- 13476092 TI - Immunizations in the first grade child in Maine. PMID- 13476093 TI - [Modern concepts of hypochromic anemia]. PMID- 13476094 TI - [Adenography of benign inflammatory glandular diseases]. PMID- 13476095 TI - [Development & present state of surgery in the treatment of Parkinson's disease]. PMID- 13476096 TI - [Lesions of the sensory centers & meninges during the course of poliomyelitis in the acute stage]. PMID- 13476097 TI - [Etiology of habitual abortion]. PMID- 13476098 TI - The electroencephalogram in anesthesia. PMID- 13476099 TI - Glaucoma in general practice. PMID- 13476100 TI - Hydatidiform mole: five case histories. PMID- 13476101 TI - The perineal approach to the prostate. PMID- 13476102 TI - Control of postoperative pain. PMID- 13476103 TI - Chest pain and dyspnea in general practice. PMID- 13476104 TI - Symptoms and treatment of insecticide poisoning. PMID- 13476105 TI - Cooley's Mediterranean anemia; report of case in a Chinese child. PMID- 13476106 TI - The use of cortisone during pregnancy. PMID- 13476107 TI - Motivation for child spacing. PMID- 13476108 TI - The doctor's role in child adoption. PMID- 13476110 TI - The Albert Einstein College of Medicine. PMID- 13476109 TI - The human heart and its ills. PMID- 13476111 TI - Recommendations for admission to medical school. PMID- 13476112 TI - College of Medicine, University of the Philippines semi-centennial 1957. PMID- 13476113 TI - Multi-disciplinary teaching of human ecology in the first year of medicine. PMID- 13476114 TI - Physician-patient relations in a teaching hospital. PMID- 13476115 TI - A modern liberal education in medicine. PMID- 13476116 TI - Improving liaison between medical and liberal arts colleges. PMID- 13476117 TI - University of Miami School of Medicine. PMID- 13476118 TI - Adventures in medical education. PMID- 13476119 TI - An experiment in teaching psychotherapy. PMID- 13476120 TI - Colicine production as a method for typing Bact. coli 055 B5. PMID- 13476121 TI - The albumin to globulin ratio of the cerebrospinal fluid. PMID- 13476122 TI - The isolation of Trichomonas vaginalis. PMID- 13476123 TI - A simple pipette for microbilirubin and other estimations. PMID- 13476124 TI - Perspex block holders for the 'Moore' plain stage. PMID- 13476125 TI - The preparation of plates for the gel diffusion precipitin test. PMID- 13476126 TI - Frozen brain sections. PMID- 13476127 TI - Action and reaction; a profile of the newer drugs. PMID- 13476128 TI - Adrenal denervation for hypertension; results in 25 patients followed up to six years. PMID- 13476129 TI - Prematurity; challenge to obstetricians. PMID- 13476130 TI - The care of the injured; a practitioner's check list. PMID- 13476131 TI - Methitural as a rectal hypnotic in children. PMID- 13476132 TI - Vitreous implant in retinal detachment; report of two cases. PMID- 13476133 TI - Partial hepatectomy for hemangioma of the liver. PMID- 13476134 TI - The kaleidoscopic nature of psyche and soma. PMID- 13476135 TI - Clinical manifestations of anxiety. PMID- 13476136 TI - Psychological medicine. PMID- 13476137 TI - A new approach to the clinical management of treatment of behavior problems; progress report. PMID- 13476138 TI - Evaluation of the use of reserpine in the psychoses. PMID- 13476140 TI - Psychiatric aspects of gynecologic care. PMID- 13476139 TI - Management of chronically disturbed patients with sparine. PMID- 13476142 TI - Value of a department of physical medicine and rehabilitation in a county hospital. PMID- 13476141 TI - Medical and psychiatric collaboration; importance and possibility. PMID- 13476143 TI - The importance of differentiating petit mal from other forms of minor seizures. PMID- 13476144 TI - Medicine and labor in these changing times. PMID- 13476145 TI - Ductular cell reaction in the liver in hepatic injury. PMID- 13476146 TI - A method of analyzing electrocardiac entities in space. II. Spherical vectorcardiography: the use of a sphere to determine angles, planes, rotation, velocity and tortuosity. PMID- 13476147 TI - A psychiatric unit in a general hospital. PMID- 13476149 TI - Survival following massive intestinal resection for embolus to the superior mesenteric artery. PMID- 13476148 TI - A simple, rapid technique for the demonstration of L. E. cells. PMID- 13476151 TI - Profile features of benign gastric niches on roentgen examination. PMID- 13476150 TI - Pathologic anatomy at the end of the eighteenth century. PMID- 13476152 TI - Preliminary clinical experience with E-39, a new drug for advanced cancer. PMID- 13476153 TI - Carotid body tumors. PMID- 13476154 TI - A case of recurrent malingered placenta previa. PMID- 13476155 TI - A definite surgical treatment for some lateral nail problems. PMID- 13476156 TI - The support of body weight by the feet. PMID- 13476157 TI - [Yale clubfoot splint]. PMID- 13476158 TI - The leucocyte differential as an aid to diagnosis in chiropody. PMID- 13476159 TI - Comminuted fracture of fifth metatarsal; open reduction with wire fixation. PMID- 13476160 TI - Placidyl in preoperative and postoperative sedation. PMID- 13476161 TI - Removal of a fish fin foreign body from the foot. PMID- 13476163 TI - The diagnosis and management of peripheral neuropathy employing a sine current. PMID- 13476162 TI - Reduction of a hammertoe by use of an intramedullary pin. PMID- 13476164 TI - The line of gravity and force reactions of the foot. PMID- 13476165 TI - A simplified technique for taking positive transparencies of radiographs. PMID- 13476167 TI - A technique for converting production shoes for dynamic molding. PMID- 13476166 TI - Nonsurgical correction of metatarsus varus; a case history. PMID- 13476168 TI - Converting a commercial sandal into a molded sandal. PMID- 13476169 TI - A surgical approach for removal of a xanthoma from the plantar surface of the foot. PMID- 13476170 TI - Excision of interdigital neuroma. PMID- 13476171 TI - Preservation of sphincters in operations for carcinoma of the rectum and rectosigmoid area. PMID- 13476172 TI - The diagnostic and therapeutic value of liver biopsy. PMID- 13476173 TI - The clinical management of functional pelvic pain. PMID- 13476174 TI - Some early organic precursors of racial behavioral differences. PMID- 13476175 TI - Carbon tetrachloride poisoning. PMID- 13476176 TI - Puerperal infection. PMID- 13476178 TI - A clinical study for the correction of constipation. PMID- 13476179 TI - What's new in gynecology. PMID- 13476177 TI - Cytology and cancer of the cervix. PMID- 13476180 TI - The degenerative complications of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13476181 TI - Chlorpromazine jaundice. PMID- 13476182 TI - Emergency psychotherapy and mental first aid. PMID- 13476184 TI - The motivating action of pleasure. PMID- 13476183 TI - An historical survey of psychosomatic medicine. PMID- 13476185 TI - A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrine and other organs of LSD-treated rats; some remarks on disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism in schizophrenia. PMID- 13476186 TI - The psychological functioning of aged individuals with normal and abnormal electroencephalograms. II. A study of hospitalized individuals. PMID- 13476187 TI - A flexible approach to group therapy. PMID- 13476188 TI - The coincidence of rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. PMID- 13476190 TI - Premorbid adjustment and subsequent discharge. PMID- 13476189 TI - Chlorpromazine and mysoline in the control of convulsive epilepsy in mentally deficient patients. PMID- 13476191 TI - Reserpine in acute psychotic states; report of a controlled study. PMID- 13476192 TI - The coincidence and constancy of mortality figures for aged psychotic patients admitted to state hospitals. PMID- 13476193 TI - The diseased brain and homicide. PMID- 13476194 TI - Fatality following electroshock therapy; report of a case. PMID- 13476195 TI - The structure of plasmalogens. III. The nature and significance of the aldehydogenic linkage. PMID- 13476196 TI - Histochemical studies on monoamine oxidase in the midbrain of the mouse. PMID- 13476197 TI - The chemical changes in regenerating neurons. PMID- 13476198 TI - 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin, enteramine) content of structures of the limbic system. PMID- 13476199 TI - Isolation of factor I. PMID- 13476200 TI - The effect of nerve section on the free amino acids of nervous tissue. PMID- 13476201 TI - Excitants and depressants of the central nervous system, on isolated electrically stimulated cerebral tissues. PMID- 13476202 TI - The electrophoretic separation of the soluble proteins of the brain. PMID- 13476203 TI - The persistence of taurine in the brains of pyridoxine-deficient rats. PMID- 13476204 TI - Histochemical study of changes occurring during the degeneration of myelin. PMID- 13476205 TI - Hyperergic encephalomyelitides following exanthematic diseases, infectious diseases and vaccination. PMID- 13476206 TI - Bilateral symmetrical degeneration of the thalamus; a clinicopathological study. PMID- 13476207 TI - Neurological lesions in cats following cerebrospinal fluid manipulation. PMID- 13476208 TI - Decortication as a result of widespread circulatory and anoxic damage. PMID- 13476209 TI - In vitro cultures of human meningioma tissue. PMID- 13476210 TI - The morphology of neuroglia in tissue culture with comparisons to histological preparations. PMID- 13476211 TI - Pattern of regeneration of muscle from progressive muscular dystrophy patients cultivated in vitro as compared to normal human skeletal muscle. PMID- 13476212 TI - Boeck's sarcoid in chronic meningo-encephalitis; organic psychosis with massive softening due to Boeck's disease. PMID- 13476213 TI - Postsynaptic electrogenesis in septate giant axons. I. Earthworm median giant axon. PMID- 13476214 TI - Evolution of some electrical signs of conditioning. I. Normal cat and rabbit. PMID- 13476215 TI - Effects of cingulectomy on social behavior in monkeys. PMID- 13476216 TI - Negative after-potential of frog's skeletal muscle. PMID- 13476217 TI - Effects of small frontal lesions on delayed alternation in monkeys. PMID- 13476218 TI - The varying expressions of embryonal atresia of the fourth ventricle in adults: Arnold-Chiari malformation, Dandy-Walker syndrome, arachnoid cyst of the cerebellum, and syringomyelia. PMID- 13476219 TI - Periarteritis nodosa as a source of subarachnoid hemorrhage and spinal cord compression; report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13476220 TI - Studies of trigeminal nerve potentials; overreaction to tactile facial stimulation in acute laboratory preparations. PMID- 13476221 TI - Observations in a case of hydrocephalus treated with diamox. PMID- 13476222 TI - Experimental occlusion of dural sinuses. PMID- 13476223 TI - Hypothermia anesthesia in the sitting position; report of two cases of acoustic neurinoma. PMID- 13476224 TI - Experimental cingulumotomy and modification of morphine withdrawal. PMID- 13476225 TI - Isotope transfer test for diagnosis of ventriculosubarachnoidal block. PMID- 13476226 TI - Infundibuloma; a case report with a brief review of the literature. PMID- 13476227 TI - Combined retino-cerebellar angiomatosis and deep cervical angiomas; case report. PMID- 13476228 TI - Glioblastoma multiforme of both the septum pellucidum and the corpus callosum; case report. PMID- 13476229 TI - A simple arrangement to facilitate tidal drainage. PMID- 13476230 TI - Improved lower-limb negative-pressure equipment for the reduction of cerebral blood pressure in neurosurgery. PMID- 13476231 TI - Leroy Sheldon Palmer. PMID- 13476232 TI - Iron absorption and metabolism. I. Interrelationship of ascorbic acid and vitamin E. PMID- 13476234 TI - The dietary composition and adequacy of the food consumed by young men on an ad libitum regimen. PMID- 13476233 TI - Iron absorption and metabolism. II. Substitution of N, N-diphenyl-p phenylenediamine (DPPD) for vitamin E. PMID- 13476235 TI - Dental caries in the albino rat in relation to the chemical composition of the teeth and of the diet. III. Composition of incisor teeth of animals fed diets with different Ca/P ratios. PMID- 13476236 TI - Diet composition and mineral balance in guinea pigs. PMID- 13476237 TI - The effect of vitamin D-deficient diets containing various Ca:P ratios on cats. PMID- 13476238 TI - Nutrition of salmonoid fishes. V. Classification of essential amino acids for Chinook salmon. PMID- 13476239 TI - Protein factors and experimental rat caries. PMID- 13476241 TI - Reversal of sulfaguanidine toxicity in the rat. PMID- 13476240 TI - Observations on the cholesterol, linoleic and linolenic acid content of eggs as influenced by dietary fats. PMID- 13476242 TI - The effect of radiation sterilization on the nutritive value of foods. II. Biological value of pea and lima bean proteins. PMID- 13476243 TI - Studies of protein retention and turnover using nitrogen-15 as a tag. PMID- 13476244 TI - The net utilization of nonspecific nitrogen sources for the synthesis of nonessential amino acids. I. Growth and nitrogen utilization. PMID- 13476245 TI - Growth of rabbits on purified diets. PMID- 13476246 TI - Vitamin content of foods exposed to ionizing radiations. PMID- 13476247 TI - Studies of the effects of dietary NaF on dairy cows. I. The physiological effects and the developmental symptoms of fluorosis. PMID- 13476248 TI - Metabolism of pteroylglutamic acid and liver levels of nucleic acids. PMID- 13476249 TI - Nutritive value and safety of hydrogenated vegetable fats as evaluated by long term feeding experiments with rats. PMID- 13476250 TI - The effect of fluoride administration of fluoride deposition in tissues and on serum cholesterol in the rat. PMID- 13476251 TI - The quantitative effects of cholesterol, cholic acid and type of fat on serum cholesterol and vascular sudanophilia in the rat. PMID- 13476252 TI - Further studies on choline deficiency and muscular dystrophy in rabbits. PMID- 13476253 TI - Dietary copper salts and azo dye carcinogenesis. PMID- 13476254 TI - The effects of vitamin deficiency on some physiological factors of importance in resistance to infection. IV. Riboflavin deficiency. PMID- 13476255 TI - Blood electrolytes in prolonged labour. PMID- 13476256 TI - Pregnanediol excretion in normal and abnormal pregnancy. PMID- 13476257 TI - Observations on placental histology in normal and abnormal pregnancy. PMID- 13476258 TI - Fascial slings for stress incontinence. PMID- 13476259 TI - Sickle-cell disease and pregnancy. PMID- 13476260 TI - A statistical evaluation of the nitroglycerine flicker-fusion threshold test and the weight-gain sign in the prediction of the clinical syndrome of pre-eclampsia. PMID- 13476261 TI - Mesodermal mixed tumour of the uterus; case report and review of the literature. PMID- 13476262 TI - On the transfer of barbiturates to the human foetus and their accumulation in some of its vital organs. PMID- 13476263 TI - Angular pregnancy; a case report with a brief review of the literature. PMID- 13476264 TI - Chiari's syndrome; report of a case following pregnancy. PMID- 13476265 TI - Vaginal deciduosis simulating carcinoma. PMID- 13476266 TI - Escherichia coli pseudomembranous enterocolitis; post-operative complication of hysterectomy. PMID- 13476267 TI - Mono-amniotic twin pregnancy with twisting of the cords; a case report. PMID- 13476268 TI - Vaginal delivery of full-time conjoined twins. PMID- 13476269 TI - Endometriosis, adenomyosis and pregnancy. PMID- 13476270 TI - Pregnancy and parturition in association with diabetes insipidus. PMID- 13476271 TI - Pregnancy associated with diabetic nephropathy. PMID- 13476272 TI - Prolonged pyrexia due to suppuration and abscess formation in uterine fibroids. PMID- 13476273 TI - The Bartholin family. PMID- 13476274 TI - Obstetrical-gynecological eponyms: James Young Simpson and his obstetric forceps. PMID- 13476275 TI - Triplet pregnancy with persistent transverse lie of the presenting foetus. PMID- 13476276 TI - STANDARD form recommended by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for the production of maternity hospital medical reports. PMID- 13476277 TI - Charles David Read. PMID- 13476279 TI - Cancer of the larynx. PMID- 13476278 TI - John Prescott Hedley, 1876-1957. PMID- 13476280 TI - Stop rheumatic fever. PMID- 13476281 TI - Salicylates, glucocorticoids and salicylate-glucocorticoid combinations in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13476282 TI - Essential hypertension in childhood. PMID- 13476283 TI - Space error in color matching. PMID- 13476284 TI - Kinematics of the eye. PMID- 13476285 TI - Fracture of the external angular process of the frontal bone: its relation to maxillofacial fractures. PMID- 13476286 TI - Clinical evaluation of antihistamines in oral surgery using the double unknown technic. PMID- 13476287 TI - The use of acrylic splints after surgery for oroantral fistulas and palator tori. PMID- 13476288 TI - Continuous intravenous sedation; its applicability in the dental office. PMID- 13476289 TI - Treatment and prevention of emergencies incidental to the use of anesthesia and the antibiotics. PMID- 13476290 TI - Aspiration before injection of dental local anesthetics. PMID- 13476291 TI - Acinic cell tumor of the major and minor salivary glands. PMID- 13476292 TI - [Surgical correction of chronic dislocation of the temporomandibular joint not responsive to conservative therapy]. PMID- 13476293 TI - Removal of teeth from irradiated tissue. PMID- 13476294 TI - A variation in cleft palate. PMID- 13476295 TI - Multiple osteomas of the mandible; report of case. PMID- 13476296 TI - Hypertrophy of the masseter muscles and mandible; report of case. PMID- 13476297 TI - Unusual luxation of mandibular condyle: report of case. PMID- 13476298 TI - Comparative histochemical studies on Cestodes. I. The distribution of glycogen in Hymenolepis diminuta and Raillietina cesticillus. PMID- 13476299 TI - Morphology and development of oncospheres of the cestode Oochoristica symmetrica Baylis, 1927. PMID- 13476300 TI - The effects on Schistosoma mansoni of castration and glucose supplementation in male albino mice. PMID- 13476301 TI - Host effects on the lipid fraction of Hymenolepis diminuta. PMID- 13476302 TI - Glycogen distribution in cysticercoids of three hymenolepidid Cestodes. PMID- 13476303 TI - Freezing procedures for greater flexibility in application of the digestive method for post-mortem recovery of cattle Nematodes. PMID- 13476304 TI - The male, nymph, and larva of lxodes brunneus Koch (Acarina: Ixodidae). PMID- 13476305 TI - The Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) as an experimental host for Trichinella spiralis. PMID- 13476306 TI - Studies on ovine coccidiosis. I. Some physiological changes taking place in experimental infections with Eimeria ninae-kohl-yakimovi (Yakimov and Rastegaeva, 1930) and Elmeria faurei (Moussu and Marotel, 1901). PMID- 13476307 TI - Syphacia muris vs. S. obvelata in laboratory rats and mice. PMID- 13476308 TI - The life history of Otobius lagophilus. PMID- 13476309 TI - Fleas associated with nests of the desert wood rat. PMID- 13476310 TI - Distribution of larvae of Trichinella spiralis in the organs of experimentally infected swine. PMID- 13476311 TI - Two North African Ixodes ticks. I. Kaiseri sp. nov. from Egyptian desert fox cubs; a redescription of the female and a description of the male of I. festai Rondelli, 1926 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae). PMID- 13476312 TI - Paramonostomum malerischi n. sp. (Trematoda: Digenea: notocotylidae) from the emperor goose (Philacte canagica L.) in Alaska. PMID- 13476313 TI - Experimental transmission of the dog heartworm, Dirofilariaimmitis, by Anopheles quadrimaculatus. PMID- 13476314 TI - The chromosomes of Stephanurus dentatus (Nematoda: strongyloidea). PMID- 13476315 TI - On the homonymy of Eimeria fulva Farr, 1953 and Eimeria fulva Seidel, 1954. PMID- 13476316 TI - Oropharyngeal tularemia. PMID- 13476317 TI - The time of passage of the first stool and urine by the premature infant. PMID- 13476318 TI - Ectopic and hypoplastic pituitary with adrenal hypoplasia; case report. PMID- 13476319 TI - The nephrotic syndrome associated with renal vein thrombosis; report of case in an infant. PMID- 13476320 TI - Septicemia of the newborn due to Listeria monocytogenes; a case report and review of the literature. PMID- 13476321 TI - Urinary calculus disease among Israeli immigrant and Arab children. PMID- 13476322 TI - Proctalgia fugax infantum: painful defecation in allergic infants. PMID- 13476323 TI - Congenital defect in the musculature of the stomach resulting in spontaneous gastric perforation in the neonatal period; a report of two cases. PMID- 13476324 TI - Fatal acute appendicitis in a fifteen-day-old infant. PMID- 13476325 TI - Appendicitis in the newborn infant. PMID- 13476326 TI - Unusual auricular flutter in newborn infant; report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13476327 TI - Favism; case report showing heredofamilial tendency. PMID- 13476328 TI - Idiopathic hypoproteinemia. PMID- 13476329 TI - Anomaly of the inferior vena cava; report of case diagnosed in neonatal period. PMID- 13476330 TI - Pulmonary interstitial emphysema with air-block syndrome. PMID- 13476331 TI - CLINICAL pathological conference; the Children's Medical Center, Boston, Mass. PMID- 13476332 TI - Hemophilia. PMID- 13476333 TI - Observations of antistreptolysin-O, C-reactive protein and electrophoretic protein patterns in maternal and neonatal sera. PMID- 13476334 TI - Local tissue and blood eosinophils in newborn infants. PMID- 13476335 TI - Objective evaluation of patients with rheumatic diseases. III. Comparison of serum glycoprotein, seromucoid, and C-reactive protein determinations as methods for the evaluation of patients with rheumatic fever. PMID- 13476336 TI - Acellular bacterial antigen complex (Hoffmann) in the treatment of children with recurrent respiratory infections and infectious asthma. PMID- 13476337 TI - Observations on the examination of children's feet. PMID- 13476338 TI - Seborrheic dermatitis of infants and Leiners's disease: a biotin deficiency. PMID- 13476339 TI - Giant cell hepatitis associated with hereditary spherocytosis. PMID- 13476340 TI - Familial fibrous swelling of the jaws; report of a case. PMID- 13476341 TI - Ruptured ovarian cyst in a newborn infant. PMID- 13476342 TI - Digital neurofibrosarcoma in infancy. PMID- 13476343 TI - Three cases of the juvenile form of amaurotic family idiocy (Vogt-Spielmeyer disease) with electroencephalographic findings. PMID- 13476344 TI - Congenital tracheoesophageal fistula in the neck with out atresia; report of a case. PMID- 13476345 TI - CLINICAL pathological conference: the Children's Medical Center, Boston, Mass. PMID- 13476346 TI - The pediatrician and his changing world. PMID- 13476347 TI - Samuel McClintock Hamill: 1864-1948. PMID- 13476348 TI - Recent developments in the study of measles virus. PMID- 13476349 TI - Relation of peripheral vasodilator activity to chemical structure of 1,2,3,4 tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives. PMID- 13476350 TI - Pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide in the treatment of sarin and tabun poisoning, with notes on its pharmacology. PMID- 13476351 TI - The effects of some acetylcholine derivatives on the cholinesterases of chick embryo intestine cultured in vitro. PMID- 13476352 TI - Enzymatic reduction of prontosil and other azo dyes. PMID- 13476353 TI - Effects of diphenylhydantoin on synaptic transmission in cat spinal cord and stellate ganglion. PMID- 13476354 TI - Frequency-force relationship in the rabbit auricle and its modification by some metabolic inhibitors. PMID- 13476355 TI - Release of serotonin from blood platelets by reserpine in vitro. PMID- 13476356 TI - Pharmacology of d-lysergic acid morpholide (LSM). PMID- 13476357 TI - Prevention of experimental polyarthritis with sodium aurothiomalate. PMID- 13476358 TI - Studies of analgesic drugs: dihydrocodeine. PMID- 13476359 TI - Comparative effects of epinephrine and levarterenol (l-norepinephrine) on left ventricular performance in conscious and anesthetized dogs. PMID- 13476360 TI - A study in the dog of the renal clearance of morphine and the effect of morphine on p-aminohippurate clearance. PMID- 13476361 TI - A comparison of some phenothiazine derivatives in inhibiting apomorphine-induced emesis. PMID- 13476363 TI - Use of differential barpressing rates of rats for screening analgesic drugs. I. Techniques and effects of morphine. PMID- 13476362 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine on fear-motivated behavior in rats. PMID- 13476364 TI - Chemoreflex activity of dextromethorphan (romilar), dextrorphan, codeine and morphine in the cat and the dog. PMID- 13476365 TI - Influence of pH and atropine on the response of superfused tissues to 5 hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine. PMID- 13476366 TI - Studies on veratrum alkaloids. XXVI. Comparison of the cardiac action of various tertiary amine ester alkaloids. PMID- 13476367 TI - The effects of relaxin-containing ovarian extracts on various types of smooth muscle. PMID- 13476368 TI - Pharmacology of some new unsymmetrical bisquaternary hypotensive agents; substituted pyridine and piperidine derivatives. PMID- 13476369 TI - The absorption and metabolism of anileridine: ethyl-1-(4-aminophenethyl)-4 phenylisonipecotate. PMID- 13476370 TI - The curariform action of streptomycin. PMID- 13476371 TI - The differential effect of quinidine and pyrilamine on the myocardial action potential at various rates of stimulation. PMID- 13476372 TI - Tolerance to some effects of barbiturates. PMID- 13476373 TI - Some factors affecting the biological disposition of small doses of morphine in rats. PMID- 13476374 TI - Histochemical demonstration of reversible anticholinesterase action at selective cellular sites in vivo. PMID- 13476375 TI - In vitro oxidation of morphine by rat tissue homogenates. PMID- 13476376 TI - Effects of sympathomimetic drugs on pulmonary circulation: with special reference to a new pulmonary vasodilator. PMID- 13476377 TI - Absorption of drugs from the stomach. I. The rat. PMID- 13476378 TI - Absorption of drugs from the stomach. II. The human. PMID- 13476379 TI - The release of medicinal substances from topical applications and their passage through the skin. PMID- 13476380 TI - The hypothermic and sedative action of reserpine in the mouse. PMID- 13476381 TI - Crystals in the leaf of Lobelia inflata Linn. PMID- 13476382 TI - Morphine antagonism. PMID- 13476383 TI - Water-soluble cellulose derivatives. I. Factors affecting the viscosity of aqueous dispersions. PMID- 13476384 TI - The examination of a bacteriological peptone. PMID- 13476385 TI - Analysis of promazine and chlorpromazine in pharmaceutical preparations. PMID- 13476386 TI - Steroids in pharmacy and medicine. PMID- 13476387 TI - Pharmacology of (+)-, (+)-and (-)-2:2-diphenyl-3-methyl-4-morpholino butyrylpyrrolidine. PMID- 13476388 TI - The assay and identification of pyrimethamine and its preparations. PMID- 13476390 TI - Microchemical identification of some antihistamine drugs. PMID- 13476389 TI - Ganglionic blocking action of dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP). PMID- 13476392 TI - The pharmacognosy of the Aspidosperma barks of British Guiana. V. The microscopy of the barks of Aspidosperma megalocarpon Muell. Arg. and Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco Schlecht. PMID- 13476391 TI - The stability of vitamin B12; protection by iron salts against destruction by aneurine and nicotinamide. PMID- 13476393 TI - Necropsy studies in 16 cases of bronchogenic cancer treated by 2 million volt roentgen ray. PMID- 13476394 TI - Late insertion of polyvinyl orbital sponge implant. PMID- 13476395 TI - Vomiting in the newborn. PMID- 13476396 TI - Highlights of data concerning hydatidiform mole and chorioepithelioma in the Orient. PMID- 13476397 TI - Observations on foreign bodies in the gastro-intestinal tract. PMID- 13476398 TI - Preliminary report on laboratory studies on Philippine hemorrhagic fever. PMID- 13476399 TI - The royal honey, an effective stress remedy. PMID- 13476400 TI - Current trends in neurosurgery abroad. PMID- 13476401 TI - [Time of the sexual maturation of various strains of mouse, with special reference to the NLC strain]. PMID- 13476402 TI - [Significance of the effect upon the mesenchyme of various groups of antiphlogistic, antihistaminic, corticoid & hypotensive drugs for the interpretation of their pharmacodynamic action]. PMID- 13476403 TI - [Changes in the values of blood volume & interstitial fluids during 100% oxygen inhalation]. PMID- 13476404 TI - [Thyroid function & hypothalamic neurosecretion in the trout (Salmo gairdnerii Rich)]. PMID- 13476405 TI - [Effect of thyroid hormone on the morphology of the endocrine pancreas in the white mouse]. PMID- 13476406 TI - [Pharmacodynamic behavior of 3 isolated organ preparations under the effect of choline derivatives; similarities & differences]. PMID- 13476407 TI - [Mechanism of action of 3-methyl-1-pentyne-3-o1 carbamate (dormison) on nerve centers]. PMID- 13476408 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13476409 TI - [Research on involuntary post-contraction]. PMID- 13476411 TI - Rehabilitation centers; an appraisal. PMID- 13476410 TI - [On the antagonistic action of adrenaline and chlorpromazine on vasomotor centers]. PMID- 13476412 TI - Graft training for the disabled of Hawaii. PMID- 13476413 TI - Selective perceptions of rehabilitation problems. PMID- 13476414 TI - Expanding horizons for the crippled in Brazil. PMID- 13476415 TI - Prevocational evaluation. PMID- 13476416 TI - Elective cardiac arrest with potassium during hypothermia. PMID- 13476418 TI - Observations on the micro-anatomy of the liver. PMID- 13476417 TI - The surgery of replacement. PMID- 13476420 TI - Simple pyloric hypertrophy in the adult. PMID- 13476421 TI - Aortic aneurysms. PMID- 13476419 TI - Metabolic response to surgery in totally adrenalectomised women. PMID- 13476422 TI - Arthography in congenital dislocation of the hip. PMID- 13476423 TI - Caval catheterisation in the treatment of severe oliguria and anuria. PMID- 13476424 TI - A clinical trial of the hanging arm reduction of dislocation of the shoulder. PMID- 13476425 TI - Surgery in haemophilia. PMID- 13476426 TI - Air pollution and the public health. III. Pollution by fluorides. PMID- 13476427 TI - Hygiene and public health in the municipal baths department. PMID- 13476428 TI - The development of the health visitor and suggested redeployment. PMID- 13476429 TI - The acrosome and post-nuclear cap of bull spermatozoa. PMID- 13476430 TI - The morphology of boar spermatozoa. PMID- 13476432 TI - A new technique for detecting epsom salt adulteration in East India tanned leathers. PMID- 13476431 TI - Phase-contrast and electron microscope studies on the dictyosome and acroblast (Golgi bodies) in the male germ cells of the cricket. PMID- 13476433 TI - An advance in colour photomicrography of the living eye. PMID- 13476434 TI - Dr. H. M. Carleton. PMID- 13476436 TI - Causes and results of parental perfectionism. PMID- 13476435 TI - Psychotherapy: general principles. PMID- 13476437 TI - The changing concepts of involutional melancholia. PMID- 13476438 TI - [Influenza]. PMID- 13476439 TI - A brief review of medical licensure in S. C. and the U. S. PMID- 13476440 TI - The management of breast lesions. PMID- 13476441 TI - Relations between medical schools and the medical profession. PMID- 13476442 TI - Aspects of controlled respiration during general anesthesia. PMID- 13476443 TI - Influence of nitrofurazone on postoperative healing of anorectal wounds. PMID- 13476444 TI - Electrocardiogram of the month: left ventricular hypertrophy. PMID- 13476445 TI - Primary uterine inertia; a case report. PMID- 13476446 TI - BY-LAWS of the American Speech and Hearing Association. PMID- 13476447 TI - CODE OF ethics of the American Speech and Hearing Association. PMID- 13476448 TI - CLINICAL certification requirements of the American Speech and Hearing Association. PMID- 13476449 TI - MINIMUM requirements for hearing programs offering guidance in selection of hearing aids. PMID- 13476450 TI - Retroperitoneal tumors in childhood. PMID- 13476451 TI - The management of heart disease in pregnancy. PMID- 13476452 TI - Habituation to tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13476453 TI - Laboratory aids in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13476454 TI - Doctor-druggist relationship. PMID- 13476455 TI - Intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13476456 TI - Buerger's disease: case reports and comments. PMID- 13476458 TI - The management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. PMID- 13476459 TI - Monocular internal ophthalmoplegia: three case reports. PMID- 13476457 TI - Advantages of combined tetracycline-oleandomycin therapy in common infections. PMID- 13476460 TI - Tetanus of otogenic origin. PMID- 13476461 TI - Acute rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm with resection, graft, and recovery. PMID- 13476462 TI - Epidermoid tumor of lacrimal gland. PMID- 13476463 TI - The effects produced by various types of pump-oxygenators during two-hour partial infusions in dogs. PMID- 13476464 TI - Physiologic studies upon prolonged cardiopulmonary by-pass with the pump oxygenator with particular reference to (1) acid-base balance, (2) siphon caval drainage. PMID- 13476465 TI - Coronary perfusion as an aid to the open repair of atrial septal defects under hypothermia. PMID- 13476466 TI - Alterations in renal hemodynamics during controlled extracorporeal circulation in the surgical treatment of aortic aneurysm. PMID- 13476467 TI - Physiologic and pharmacologic studies of collateral pulmonary flow. PMID- 13476468 TI - An experimental approach to cardiospasm: appraisal of the Finney pyloroplasty in the prevention of esophagitis following the Heller myotomy. PMID- 13476469 TI - Esophageal motility in achalasia (cardiospasm) after treatment. PMID- 13476470 TI - Postoperative sodium excretion following administration of hypertonic sodium chloride solution. PMID- 13476471 TI - Anatomic and pathologic studies of the thoracic duct. PMID- 13476472 TI - The study of ventricular fibrillation by threshold determinations. PMID- 13476473 TI - Direct surgical procedures on the coronary arteries: experimental studies. PMID- 13476474 TI - Ligation of the internal mammary arteries as a means of increasing blood supply to the myocardium. PMID- 13476475 TI - The gradual closure of interatrial defects. PMID- 13476476 TI - Physiologic considerations of intracardiac pressures following closure of atrial septal defects. PMID- 13476478 TI - The atoll of Ontong Java, its depopulation and malaria control. PMID- 13476477 TI - Transplantation of the homologous canine heart. PMID- 13476479 TI - The epidemiology of human trypanosomiasis in Ashanti, Ghana (Gold Coast). PMID- 13476480 TI - Ecological factors affecting the numbers of snails in permanent bodies of water. PMID- 13476481 TI - [Vascularization of the prostate; its surgical importance]. PMID- 13476482 TI - [Physical therapy of bladder cancer]. PMID- 13476483 TI - [New radiological attainments in the field of diagnosis of renal tumors]. PMID- 13476484 TI - [Is heminephrectomy the operation of choice for poorly tolerated duplications of the excretory duct? Preliminary notes on our conservative treatment: pyelopyelic anastomosis in children, judged after postoperative intervals of from 3 to 6 years]. PMID- 13476485 TI - [Multilocular renal cyst in a newborn]. PMID- 13476486 TI - [Correction of bad results of ureterosigmoidostomy by uretero-ileocystoplasty]. PMID- 13476487 TI - [Treatment of cancer of prostate & its metastases by chlorotrianisene (TACE)]. PMID- 13476488 TI - [Epididymal pseudo-tumors due to spermatic retention]. PMID- 13476489 TI - [Interstitial edema in testicular biopsies for sterility]. PMID- 13476490 TI - [Three cases of malignant tumors of the spermatic cord]. PMID- 13476491 TI - Pheochromocytoma: report of five cases, one a spontaneous cure. PMID- 13476492 TI - A recurrent nonfunctioning tumor of the adrenal capsule: case report. PMID- 13476493 TI - Uric acid calculi. PMID- 13476494 TI - The urinary amino acids in relation to calculus disease. PMID- 13476495 TI - Echinococcosis of the kidney. PMID- 13476496 TI - Benign ossified lesion of the kidney; report of a case resembling a hydatid cyst. PMID- 13476498 TI - Peripelvic lymphatic renal cysts. PMID- 13476497 TI - The effect of cortisone on experimental hydronephrosis following ureteral ligation. PMID- 13476499 TI - Chyluric syndrome (pyelolymphatic reflex?). PMID- 13476500 TI - Thoracic kidney: case reports. PMID- 13476501 TI - Pressure studies in the human ureter and renal pelvis. PMID- 13476502 TI - Early deligation of the ureter. PMID- 13476503 TI - Ureteral repair and the splint. PMID- 13476504 TI - Congenital bladder neck obstruction in children. PMID- 13476505 TI - Granuloma of the bladder associated with regional enteritis: case report. PMID- 13476506 TI - Bladder pouch for prolonged tubeless cystostomy. PMID- 13476507 TI - Cobalt-60 teletherapy for urinary bladder carcinoma: two and one half years' experience. PMID- 13476508 TI - Radical cystectomy for advanced carcinoma of the bladder. PMID- 13476509 TI - Primary carcinoma of the male urethra: report of a seven-year cure by radical surgical excision. PMID- 13476510 TI - Carcinoma of Cowper's gland. PMID- 13476511 TI - Congenital torsion of penis. PMID- 13476512 TI - Testicular interstitial cell tumor with feminization in the adult male. PMID- 13476513 TI - Malignant tumor of testis in infant. PMID- 13476514 TI - Effect of division of the testicular artery on viability of the testis in man. PMID- 13476515 TI - Clinical value of epididymo-vesiculography. PMID- 13476516 TI - Prevention of postoperative stricture from transurethral resection by preliminary internal urethrotomy: report of experience with 447 cases. PMID- 13476517 TI - The upper urinary tract in advanced prostatic carcinoma. PMID- 13476518 TI - The occurrence of intravenously injected radioactive zinc in the prostate and prostatic fluid of dogs. PMID- 13476519 TI - Preliminary evaluation of radioactive colloidal gold in treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13476520 TI - Anorectal malformations and associated urinary fistulas: report of one hundred cases. PMID- 13476521 TI - Comparative studies of urographic media. PMID- 13476522 TI - Further studies of reactions due to intravenous urography. PMID- 13476523 TI - Indications for nephrectomy, nephro-ureterectomy and partial nephrectomy in renal tuberculosis. PMID- 13476525 TI - Renal concentrating operation at low urine flows. PMID- 13476524 TI - The healing of renal wounds. I. Partial nephrectomy. PMID- 13476526 TI - Recognition and management of trauma to kidney. PMID- 13476527 TI - Effects of antibiotics and vaccination on experimental pyelonephritis. PMID- 13476528 TI - Squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney. PMID- 13476529 TI - A phase contrast study of the mechanisms of renal calcification. PMID- 13476530 TI - The treatment of patients with ureteral calculi. PMID- 13476531 TI - Ureteroperitoneal fistula with urinary ascites. PMID- 13476532 TI - Renal acidosis and uremia in the newborn due to unrecognized bladder neck obstruction. PMID- 13476533 TI - Selective sacral neurectomy in interstitial cystitis. PMID- 13476535 TI - An evaluation of vesicoureteral plasty for reflux. PMID- 13476534 TI - Ileocystostomy for neurogenic bladder. PMID- 13476536 TI - Fracture of the penis: traumatic rupture of corpora cavernosa. PMID- 13476537 TI - Scrotal pouch technique for orchiopexy. PMID- 13476538 TI - A study of irrigating medium extravasation during transurethral surgery. PMID- 13476539 TI - Postatectomy in a hemophiliac. PMID- 13476540 TI - Urological complications following use of radioactive gold for carcinoma of uterine cervix. PMID- 13476541 TI - The standardized Columbia University cystogram. PMID- 13476542 TI - Recent advances in cystoscopic photography: presentation of new equipment. PMID- 13476543 TI - Colored motion picture photography and black-and-white television of the human urinary bladder and other interior body organs. PMID- 13476544 TI - Vaginal diaphragm catheters. PMID- 13476545 TI - Ursodesoxycholic acid as in accelerator for riboflavin phosphorylation in children with nutritional dystrophy. PMID- 13476546 TI - Effect of ursodesoxycholic acid upon the intestinal absorption of riboflavin in guinea pigs. PMID- 13476547 TI - Vitamin B12 content in anaerobic digestion products of activated sludge. PMID- 13476548 TI - Vitamin B12 content in the anaerobic fermentation products of distillers' wastes. PMID- 13476549 TI - Quantitative determination of pyridoxal-phosphate by apotryptophanase of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13476550 TI - A simple method for the determination of N1-methylnicotinamide in urine. PMID- 13476551 TI - The mechanism of cocarboxylase decomposition by thiaminase. PMID- 13476552 TI - Protective effect of N-pyridoxylidene-L-cysteine against x-ray irradiation. PMID- 13476553 TI - On the structures of dihydrothiamines. I. PMID- 13476554 TI - On the structures of dihydrothiamines. II. PMID- 13476555 TI - Absorption of carotene in man. PMID- 13476556 TI - On vitamin B12-protein-complex in bovine blood. PMID- 13476557 TI - [Fundamental pathological findings and their modification by chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis. IV. The influence on the histological finding of tuberculous lymphnode of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13476558 TI - [Clinical study on copper metabolism in tuberculosis. II. The significance of copper contents in pleural and peritoneal effusion and resected tuberculous lesion]. PMID- 13476559 TI - [Cytochemical reaction of resistant tubercle bacilli for anti-tuberculosis agents]. PMID- 13476560 TI - [The effect of strong neominophagen C on the formation of experimental pulmonary tuberculous cavity]. PMID- 13476561 TI - [Study on the mononuclear cell response in vaccinated animals. II. Response of mononuclear cells in mice and rabbits to glycogen and heat-killed tubercle bacilli given intraperitoneally, and the fate of tubercle bacilli within the mononuclear cells]. PMID- 13476562 TI - [Immunological studies on the hemagglutination test by Middlebrook-Dubos in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13476563 TI - [Chemotherapy of tuberculous pleurisy]. PMID- 13476564 TI - [Studies on purified tuberculin. V. Potency test of animal]. PMID- 13476565 TI - [The effect of tuberculin-desensitization alone or combined with chemotherapeutic agents on experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13476566 TI - [Observations on a virus meningitis epidemic]. PMID- 13476567 TI - [Dysphagia lusoria with stridor]. PMID- 13476568 TI - [Radiation protection in pediatric roentgenography]. PMID- 13476569 TI - [Contribution to statistics, simple diagnosis and care of infants and small children with congenital heart defects]. PMID- 13476570 TI - [Karl Klinke on his 60th birthday]. PMID- 13476571 TI - [The use of gammaglobulin in older children vaccinated for the first time]. PMID- 13476572 TI - [Chlorpromazine treatment of intracranial hemorrhage in newborn and premature infants]. PMID- 13476573 TI - [Hirschsprung's disease without a narrow segment]. PMID- 13476574 TI - [A new method of treatment of congenital torticollis]. PMID- 13476575 TI - [Current methods for the determination of chromosomal sex]. PMID- 13476576 TI - [Sex determination in pseudohermaphroditism in childhood with special regard to sex determination in newborn pseudohermaphrodites]. PMID- 13476577 TI - [Antituberculotic effect of isoniazid derivatives in animal experiments]. PMID- 13476578 TI - [Vitamin C determination in animal experiments]. PMID- 13476579 TI - [Data on the relationship between the mechanisms of cortisone and the antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13476580 TI - [Possibilities of organ-specific isotope therapy in cancer of prostate]. PMID- 13476581 TI - [Modification of crystalline alpha-amylase preparation]. PMID- 13476582 TI - [Morphology of the diffusion barrier of peripheral nerves]. PMID- 13476583 TI - [Histotopographical data on the sublingual ganglion]. PMID- 13476584 TI - [Microscopic data on the problem of the lymphatic vessels of muscles]. PMID- 13476585 TI - [Microscopic localization of potassium in myelinated nerve fibers]. PMID- 13476586 TI - [Changes in inorganic phosphate and glycerodiphosphoric acid content of blood in hypothermia at the beginning of postnatal life]. PMID- 13476587 TI - [Effect of anoxia on the tissue glycogen fractions in newborn rabbits]. PMID- 13476588 TI - [Experimental data on the development of stomach tumors in rats]. PMID- 13476589 TI - [Molecular oxygen and glucose consumption and hexokinase activity in brain tissues in vitro in traumatic shock of rats]. PMID- 13476590 TI - [Inhibition of glucose uptake in serum in shock of experimental animals]. PMID- 13476591 TI - [Volume of blood flowing through the kidneys in dehydration and osmotic diuresis]. PMID- 13476592 TI - [Effect of infusion of hypertonic solutions on renal hemodynamics]. PMID- 13476593 TI - [Functional state and cerebral acid-soluble phosphorus fractions in traumatic shock of rats]. PMID- 13476594 TI - [Laboratory diagnosis of melanuria]. PMID- 13476595 TI - [Ordinate transcribing apparatus]. PMID- 13476596 TI - [Simple method for the determination of bacterial antibiotic sensitivity on plexiglass]. PMID- 13476597 TI - [Possibilities of impregnation of brain preparations by paraffin]. PMID- 13476598 TI - [Treatment of hypotensive regulatory disorders with special regard to disease in aged]. PMID- 13476599 TI - [The technic of experimental ovary implantation in the spleen of young rats]. PMID- 13476600 TI - [Clinical report on a suppurating urachus cyst]. PMID- 13476601 TI - [Our management in embolectomy in the region of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13476602 TI - [Butazolidin in the treatment of thrombophlebitis]. PMID- 13476603 TI - [Roentgenological contribution to the etiology of stenosis of the lower duodenum]. PMID- 13476604 TI - [Subdural hematoma and trauma]. PMID- 13476605 TI - [Control of spastic pains of the abdominal organs]. PMID- 13476606 TI - [The clinical picture of tuberous cerebral sclerosis, with histological ocular & internal findings]. PMID- 13476607 TI - [Effects of tonography on scleral rigidity]. PMID- 13476608 TI - [The practical value of tonometry, gonioscopy & tonography]. PMID- 13476609 TI - [Inadequacy of ordinary subjective methods of refraction in present-day practice; changing relative importance of near & long range acuity with altered living & work conditions]. PMID- 13476610 TI - [Monocular double images]. PMID- 13476611 TI - [Experience in therapy of amblyopia with eccentric fixation]. PMID- 13476612 TI - [The motor component of eccentric fixation & its surgical correction]. PMID- 13476613 TI - [The problem of the slight positive residual angle in strabismus]. PMID- 13476614 TI - [Concomitant strabismus & brain damage in infancy]. PMID- 13476615 TI - [Simple atrophy of the optic nerve in aleukemic leukemia]. PMID- 13476616 TI - [Pathology of degenerative changes in the corneal endothelium]. PMID- 13476617 TI - [Dacryocystorhinostomy with tamponade]. PMID- 13476618 TI - [Lacrimation disorder in facial paralysis]. PMID- 13476619 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13476621 TI - [Abnormal curvatures of the anterior lens]. PMID- 13476620 TI - [A case of serous central chorioretinitis due to brass poisoning]. PMID- 13476622 TI - [Anomaloscopy in examination of color vision]. PMID- 13476623 TI - [Solitary lupus of the eyelid]. PMID- 13476624 TI - [Vitamin B6 in healthy women & those suffering from genital carcinoma]. PMID- 13476625 TI - [Cytology of non-epithelial malignant tumors in the region of the female genitalia]. PMID- 13476626 TI - [Anamnesis in bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13476627 TI - [Partial correlation of cancer mortality with various animal fats in nutrition]. PMID- 13476628 TI - [Irradiation methods of gynecological cancer]. PMID- 13476630 TI - [Specifically caused latency & regression of tumors]. PMID- 13476629 TI - [Morphology of preclinical uterine carcinoma]. PMID- 13476631 TI - [Thrombosis and cancer]. PMID- 13476633 TI - [Cancer mortality in Austria]. PMID- 13476632 TI - [Polysaccharides & mucoproteins in erythrocytes in carcinosis & non-carcinosis; preliminary report]. PMID- 13476634 TI - Foveal coordination and the learning process. PMID- 13476636 TI - [Trends in the increase of yeasts in pathogenic flora]. PMID- 13476635 TI - Secondary radiation from P32 in eye tumor localization. PMID- 13476637 TI - [Tables for the determination of the quantity of glucose eliminated by diabetics during 24 hours, without knowledge of the volume of urine emitted during these same 24 hours]. PMID- 13476638 TI - [New apparatuses for electrophoresis]. PMID- 13476639 TI - [Determination of uric acid; new simplified technique]. PMID- 13476640 TI - Histochemical analysis of anterior pituitary cells of children, and the problem of correlation of cytoplasmic proteins with protein hormones. PMID- 13476641 TI - Experimental nephrolithiasis with mucic acid. PMID- 13476642 TI - A technic for radiography of lymph nodes and vessels. PMID- 13476643 TI - Excitability and contractility of postmortem human heart muscle. PMID- 13476644 TI - Effects of antisera and gamma globulin on bacterial growth. PMID- 13476645 TI - A study of the relationship of mast cells to carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13476646 TI - Comparative susceptibility to histoplasmosis of hamsters and mice and evaluation of their value for laboratory diagnosis. PMID- 13476647 TI - Studies on the impregnation of nervous tissue elements. III. Mechanism of impregnation of astroglia and the nature of the compound responsible for the impregnation. PMID- 13476648 TI - Apparatus for demarcating small areas in microprojection (area delineator). PMID- 13476649 TI - The management of anastomotic ulcer. PMID- 13476650 TI - Arrest of isolated heart with potassium citrate. PMID- 13476651 TI - The value of renal biopsy. PMID- 13476652 TI - Sex diagnosis by the nuclear structure of the cells of human urinary sediment. PMID- 13476653 TI - Effect of long-chain polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids on the serum lipids of man. PMID- 13476654 TI - Hydramnios as an early sign of oesophageal atresia. PMID- 13476655 TI - Cardiac involvement in anaphylactoid purpura. PMID- 13476656 TI - The value of pituitary gonadotrophin assays in patients with mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13476657 TI - The effect of hyaluronidase on the formation of blood-thromboplastin. PMID- 13476658 TI - A leg support for use during vaginal operations. PMID- 13476659 TI - An electronic nerve-stimulator. PMID- 13476660 TI - THE FUNCTION of the gene. PMID- 13476661 TI - STONES in the common duct. PMID- 13476662 TI - Physiology of the newborn animal. PMID- 13476663 TI - MUMPS encephalitis in an elderly man. PMID- 13476664 TI - Asiatic influenza in the Middle East; an outbreak in a small community. PMID- 13476665 TI - Mecamylamine; a ganglion-blocking drug for treating hypertension. PMID- 13476666 TI - A trial of two antituberculous drugs: di-pasic and nupasal-213. PMID- 13476667 TI - Sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to para-aminosalicylic acid, isoniazid, and the P.A.S. salt of isoniazid. PMID- 13476668 TI - Carcinoma of the oesophagus; the case for surgical excision. PMID- 13476669 TI - Deficiency of antihaemophilic globulin in heterozygous haemophilic females. PMID- 13476670 TI - The incidence of pathogenic Escherichia coli in routine faecal specimens. PMID- 13476671 TI - Plasma-insulin estimation by the rat-diaphragm method. PMID- 13476672 TI - Effect of corticotrophin on urinary excretion of pregnanediol and pregnanetriol. PMID- 13476673 TI - Acidity of urine and excretion of ammonium in renal disease. PMID- 13476674 TI - Gravity air-displacement pressure steam sterilisers; simple repair of some common defects. PMID- 13476675 TI - HUGH MACLEAN. PMID- 13476676 TI - DAVID TURNBULL RICHARDSON. PMID- 13476677 TI - Acute rheumatic fever in children; a comparison of six forms of treatment in 200 cases. PMID- 13476678 TI - Cortisone treatment of rheumatic fever; relationship of weight to the speed of fall of erythrocyte-sedimentation rate. PMID- 13476679 TI - Acute segmental ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13476680 TI - Acroparaesthesiae and the carpal-tunnel syndrome. PMID- 13476681 TI - Long-term control of severe bronchial asthma with oral cortisone; second report. PMID- 13476683 TI - Systolic murmurs in healthy children and in children with rheumatic fever. PMID- 13476682 TI - Adenovirus eye infections in Aberdeen. PMID- 13476685 TI - Emergency respirator. PMID- 13476686 TI - ESTIMATION of plasma-prothrombin. PMID- 13476684 TI - Tuberculous pleural effusions treated by antibacterial therapy. PMID- 13476687 TI - TREATMENT of parotid tumours. PMID- 13476688 TI - APOPLEXY of youth. PMID- 13476689 TI - A COMMON-COLD vaccine. PMID- 13476690 TI - VIRUS infections of the eye. PMID- 13476691 TI - THE CONNECTIVE-TISSUE system. PMID- 13476693 TI - Mammalian behaviour studies in medical research. PMID- 13476694 TI - [RUDOLPH MATAS]. PMID- 13476692 TI - Health visitor and family doctor; an exercise in liaison. PMID- 13476695 TI - OLIVER ST. JOHN GOGARTY. PMID- 13476696 TI - Management of acute renal failure following surgical operation and head injury. PMID- 13476697 TI - Histoplasmin testing in different geographic areas. PMID- 13476698 TI - The incidence of spinal defects in high- and low-fluoride areas. PMID- 13476699 TI - A comparative radiological study of calcified atheroma in males and females over 50 years of age. PMID- 13476700 TI - Sympotomatology and prognosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm. PMID- 13476701 TI - Idiopathic steatorrhoea associated with severe hypoproteinaemia. PMID- 13476702 TI - Operative treatment of acromio-clavicular arthritis. PMID- 13476703 TI - Clostridium welchii infection following cholecystectomy. PMID- 13476705 TI - MORTAL memory. PMID- 13476704 TI - Temporal-lobe epilepsy associated with severe behavioural disturbances. PMID- 13476706 TI - SECRETION of aldosterone. PMID- 13476707 TI - BACTERIOSTATIC or bactericidal. PMID- 13476708 TI - CYANOTIC attacks. PMID- 13476709 TI - POST-PHLEBITIC syndrome. PMID- 13476710 TI - HEALTH centres; new patterns. PMID- 13476711 TI - The characteristics of influenza-virus strains isolated in 1957. PMID- 13476713 TI - RUNNING costs of hospitals; a report to the House of Commons. PMID- 13476712 TI - Group teaching in mental health; the widening circle. PMID- 13476714 TI - New prospects in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13476715 TI - TREATMENT of tuberculous meningitis: a comparative trial. PMID- 13476716 TI - Hunting the needle. PMID- 13476717 TI - Radioactive colloidal gold in the treatment of pleural and peritoneal effusions of malignant origin: review of 235 cases. PMID- 13476718 TI - Recurrent abnormalities of the third stage of labour. PMID- 13476719 TI - Expectorants and sputum viscosity. PMID- 13476720 TI - Oxytocic and antidiuretic activity in blood from the conscious subject. PMID- 13476721 TI - The effect of d-tubocurarine chloride on the blood-pressure of anaesthetised patients. PMID- 13476722 TI - Haemoglobinuria and acute haemolytic anaemia associated with primary atypical pneumonia. PMID- 13476724 TI - THE TWO-STAGE mechanism in carcinogenesis. PMID- 13476723 TI - Renal clearance of free and conjugated 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. PMID- 13476725 TI - PERIURETERIC fibrosis. PMID- 13476726 TI - Fatality from three common surgical conditions in teaching and non-teaching hospitals. PMID- 13476727 TI - Influenza outbreak in Singapore. PMID- 13476728 TI - Towards a philosophy of social care. PMID- 13476729 TI - JOHN HERBERT PARSONS. PMID- 13476731 TI - Diagnosing and treating congenital fistula of the auricle; report of two cases. PMID- 13476730 TI - Rhinology in children; resume of and comments on the literature for 1956. PMID- 13476732 TI - The effect of head-movement on positional nystagmus; electro-nystagmography with an electric driven posture-table. PMID- 13476733 TI - [Cupulometry]. PMID- 13476734 TI - Trans-septal-sphenoid pituitary surgery. PMID- 13476735 TI - Chromophobe adenoma of the nasopharynx. PMID- 13476736 TI - The mechanism of the larynx. PMID- 13476737 TI - Some relations between auditory function and intracranial lesions with particular reference to lesions of the cerebellopontine angle. PMID- 13476738 TI - Occupational hearing loss. PMID- 13476739 TI - Decannulating the tracheotomized patient with poliomyelitis. PMID- 13476740 TI - Analysis of blood and vascular factors in the prophylaxis of tonsillo-adenoidal hemorrhage. PMID- 13476741 TI - [Electrophoresis of sugar in human milk & cow's milk]. PMID- 13476742 TI - [Determination of blood copper during bromine-iodide salt therapy in children]. PMID- 13476743 TI - [Hydrogen ion concentration & buffering properties of human milk, natural cow's milk & various powered milks]. PMID- 13476744 TI - [4 Cases of congenital atresia of the esophagus]. PMID- 13476745 TI - [Probable case of Pfaundler-Hurler diseases in a 10 month old child]. PMID- 13476746 TI - [ECHO virus in infants]. PMID- 13476747 TI - [Copper content & oxidase activity in maternal & umbilical blood]. PMID- 13476748 TI - [Psychic & intellectual abnormalities in unmarried mothers & illegitimate children]. PMID- 13476749 TI - [Vascular diseases in newborn]. PMID- 13476750 TI - Hypothesis and speculation in scientific research. PMID- 13476751 TI - Experimental hypothermia in animals. PMID- 13476752 TI - The effects of cold on man. PMID- 13476753 TI - Physiological effects of anoxia in the foetal and newborn lamb. PMID- 13476754 TI - The oxygen environment of the human foetus. PMID- 13476756 TI - The use of the interference microscope in biological research. PMID- 13476755 TI - Isotopes in the study of problems of pregnancy. PMID- 13476757 TI - The steering of metabolic processes. PMID- 13476758 TI - Vitamin A. PMID- 13476759 TI - Primary protein deficiencies with special reference to the specific plasma aproteinaemias. PMID- 13476760 TI - Metabolism of collagen. PMID- 13476761 TI - Protein ribbons and sheets. PMID- 13476762 TI - Observations on the structure of connective tissue fibres. PMID- 13476763 TI - The elucdation of toxicity. PMID- 13476764 TI - Industrial toxicology. PMID- 13476765 TI - The nutrition of micro-organisms. PMID- 13476766 TI - Living muscle. PMID- 13476767 TI - Proteins in muscular contraction. PMID- 13476768 TI - Observations on the excitable cortex in man. PMID- 13476770 TI - The treatment of hepatic coma. PMID- 13476769 TI - The investigation of gastric digestive function in man. PMID- 13476771 TI - The physiology of the lower oesophagus and cardia. PMID- 13476772 TI - Renal control of acid-base balance. PMID- 13476773 TI - Some anomalies in endocrine carcinogenesis. PMID- 13476774 TI - Recovery from the lethal effects of radiation. PMID- 13476775 TI - Physiology of nasal circulation. PMID- 13476776 TI - INDUCED leprotic reaction. PMID- 13476777 TI - Leprosy in Malta. PMID- 13476778 TI - Injectable sulphone. PMID- 13476779 TI - Experience with antigen marianum in the treatment of leprosy. PMID- 13476780 TI - Lack of effect of cortisone on the negative lepromin test. PMID- 13476781 TI - The preparation of compost in the Hay Ling Chau Leprosarium, Hong Kong. PMID- 13476782 TI - [Oral prednisone therapy of tuberculous serofibrinous pleurisy]. PMID- 13476783 TI - [Atelectasis and tuberculosis: a rarely encountered syndrome]. PMID- 13476784 TI - [Narcotherapy of hemoptysis]. PMID- 13476785 TI - [Therapy of residual caverns after pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13476786 TI - [Closure of tuberculous pulmonary caverns with antibiotics]. PMID- 13476787 TI - [Mass chest x-ray examination and tuberculin tests in the province of Treviso; statistical analysis of results and other notes]. PMID- 13476788 TI - [Pre- and post-natal welfare of the children of tuberculous mothers; long-term follow-up]. PMID- 13476789 TI - [Antituberculosis organization of the Public Health Office of Rome; current trends in tuberculosis prevention]. PMID- 13476790 TI - [Position of sanitarium physicians in the reorganization of tuberculosis prevention in Italy]. PMID- 13476791 TI - [Organization of the National Union and problems of the physicians of the provincial antituberculosis Societies]. PMID- 13476792 TI - [First result (in the second month) of adrenosplenic transplantation after ovarectomy & of right adrenalectomy for advanced breast cancer]. PMID- 13476793 TI - [Internal transhepatic drainage as a palliative measure in cancer of the hilus]. PMID- 13476794 TI - [Surgical treatment of cardiospasm by extramucosal esophago-cardiectomy]. PMID- 13476795 TI - [Advantages of the use of Danis coaptor in the treatment of certain pseudoarthroses]. PMID- 13476797 TI - [So-called essential severe pelvic pain in women & its treatment]. PMID- 13476796 TI - [Solitary pancreatic duct stone]. PMID- 13476798 TI - [Results of conservative treatment of closed fractures of the dorsal & lumbar spine complicated by paraplegia; report on 20 cases]. PMID- 13476799 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13476800 TI - [Malignant adenoma of the liver]. PMID- 13476801 TI - [New autoplastic valve for treatment of aortic insufficiency; technic & experimental results]. PMID- 13476802 TI - [Right transdiaphragmatic splanchnicectomy by abdominal approach in hypotonia of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13476803 TI - [Use of Hoffmann's fixator in multiple fractures]. PMID- 13476804 TI - [Treatment of pseudoarthroses of the femur neck]. PMID- 13476806 TI - [Reconstructive osteotomy of the hip after failure of nailing for transcervical fracture]. PMID- 13476805 TI - [Rectosigmoidectomy by abdominal approach for recurrent neoplasm of sigmoid after a first colectomy]. PMID- 13476807 TI - [Paralysis of the brachial plexus, treated by arthrodesis of the shoulder & the wrist]. PMID- 13476809 TI - [On G. Roux's paper on pelvic pains in women]. PMID- 13476808 TI - [Surgical aspects of the so-called paranephretic tumors]. PMID- 13476810 TI - [Congenital uretero-hydronephrosis in a 2 month old infant]. PMID- 13476811 TI - [Heterografts of the bone bank in Lyons]. PMID- 13476812 TI - [Severe hematemesis due to aberrant pancreas tissue in pylorus]. PMID- 13476813 TI - [Inguinal hernia affecting the stomach]. PMID- 13476814 TI - [Subphrenic abscess with thoracic development]. PMID- 13476815 TI - [Subphrenic abscess with thoracic development; cure by antibiotics after vomica]. PMID- 13476816 TI - [Technical details concerning the lymphography of the extremities]. PMID- 13476817 TI - [Foreign body in the left bronchial tree; removal by bronchotomy]. PMID- 13476818 TI - [Multiple cancers of the digestive tract succeeding each other]. PMID- 13476819 TI - [Multiple congenital malformations of the lower extremities with curvatures]. PMID- 13476820 TI - [Voluminous encysted hematoma of the right adrenal gland]. PMID- 13476821 TI - [Gastroduodenal anastomosis after resection of two thirds of the stomach for treatment of peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13476822 TI - [Impressions on University Maternity wards in New York and in the Eastern United States]. PMID- 13476823 TI - [Treatment of basal cell epithelioma with local podophyllin]. PMID- 13476825 TI - [Sensitization to perfumes with skin & general reactions]. PMID- 13476824 TI - [Arteritis of the sylvian artery during meningeal tuberculosis; arteriography]. PMID- 13476826 TI - [Acute lupus erythematosus with visceritis & alopecia; ACTH treatment]. PMID- 13476827 TI - [Somatotropin in the treatment of leg ulcers & eschars]. PMID- 13476828 TI - [Accelerated ballistocardiography]. PMID- 13476829 TI - [Polarographic examination of the blood in liver diseases]. PMID- 13476830 TI - [Ballistocardiography in differentiation of heart complaints of organic and nervous origin]. PMID- 13476831 TI - [Effects of acute diminution in the volume of actually circulating blood on kidney function in renal diseases]. PMID- 13476832 TI - [Effect of chlorpromazine (largactil) on kidney function in edematous cardiac patients]. PMID- 13476833 TI - [The adrenal glands and pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13476834 TI - [Asthmatic respiratory disorder]. PMID- 13476835 TI - [Kidney lesions induced by alterations in blood sugar]. PMID- 13476836 TI - [Mechanism of changes in muscular metabolism in shock; studies in exsiccosis and arterial hypoxia]. PMID- 13476837 TI - [Changes in renal circulation in exsiccosis]. PMID- 13476838 TI - [Circulation in the extremities in hypoxic states]. PMID- 13476839 TI - [Electrocardiographic responses to electric shocks in dogs]. PMID- 13476840 TI - [Significance of autonomic nervous system function tests in ulcer and hypertension]. PMID- 13476841 TI - [Sjoegren syndrome with myelopathy]. PMID- 13476842 TI - [Functional examinations in the study of the bone marrow]. PMID- 13476843 TI - [X-ray diagnosis of the placenta praevia]. PMID- 13476844 TI - [Data on Meigs' syndrome]. PMID- 13476845 TI - [Experiences gained in the therapy of uterus perforations]. PMID- 13476846 TI - [Role of forceps delivery in modern obstetrics; experiences with 1303 forceps deliveries]. PMID- 13476847 TI - [Significance of blood transfusion in the therapy of tuberculosis of female genitalia]. PMID- 13476848 TI - [Leukoplakia of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13476849 TI - [Anaerobic glycolysis in placentas from different phases of normal and pathological pregnancies]. PMID- 13476850 TI - [Studies on the uterus-contractive effects of strophanthin on isolated human uterus]. PMID- 13476851 TI - [Intravaginal administration of ether for pain induction in obstetrics]. PMID- 13476852 TI - [Complication of pregnancy in eighth month by traumatic diphasic rupture of the spleen]. PMID- 13476853 TI - [Unusual complication of cesarean section in infant]. PMID- 13476854 TI - Commissurotomy in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13476855 TI - Cytologic service, American Cancer Society. PMID- 13476856 TI - The medical and legal problems of traffic accident prevention; panel discussion. PMID- 13476857 TI - Around the world observations on pills, politics and peoples. PMID- 13476858 TI - COMMITTEE for the Study of Pelvic Cancer. PMID- 13476859 TI - Old age through the ages. PMID- 13476860 TI - The singularity of the older patient. PMID- 13476861 TI - The effects of chronic administration of tolbutamide (orinase) in aged diabetics. PMID- 13476862 TI - Osteoporosis: its prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment. PMID- 13476863 TI - Osteoporosis. PMID- 13476864 TI - Institutional care of the chronically ill and aged in Maryland. PMID- 13476865 TI - The Keswick (Home for Incurables). PMID- 13476866 TI - Around the world observations on pills, politics and peoples. PMID- 13476867 TI - Poison control centers. PMID- 13476869 TI - [Viral encephalitis]. PMID- 13476868 TI - [Neural leprosy and its complications; surgical viewpoint; 40 personal case reports]. PMID- 13476870 TI - [Hepatomegaly and malaria in African child]. PMID- 13476871 TI - [Treatment of infectious hepatitis with combination of aureomycin and metacortandracin; twenty eight case reports]. PMID- 13476872 TI - [Related symptomatology in localized tuberculous peritonitis]. PMID- 13476873 TI - [Sandor & Vargues reticuloendothelial index applied to healthy Malgache and its relation to liver tests]. PMID- 13476874 TI - [Report on the isolation of Whitmore bacillus]. PMID- 13476875 TI - [Relations between sicklemia and leprosy]. PMID- 13476877 TI - Modern surgery of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13476876 TI - [A case of gallbladder dysplasia with Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus]. PMID- 13476878 TI - Combined chemotherapy and surgery for inoperable mammary carcinoma; report of four cases. PMID- 13476879 TI - Sodium sulfacetamide: its properties and clinical uses, with special reference to the therapy of seborrhea capitis and seborrheic dermatitis. PMID- 13476880 TI - Management of the paranoid schizophrenic with promazine; report of an illustrative case. PMID- 13476881 TI - Twelve representative in-plant health service programs in the Washington, D. C. area. PMID- 13476882 TI - Subdural empyema. PMID- 13476883 TI - Metastatic carcinoma of the liver simulating the acute surgical abdomen: report of three cases. PMID- 13476884 TI - Clinical evaluation of skeletal muscle relaxant, tubadil, and topical anesthetic, americaine aerosol, in anorectal surgery. PMID- 13476885 TI - Chronic headache; an analysis of 1,254 cases observed for more than six months with suggestions regarding their diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13476886 TI - Thrombosis of an aortic homograft twenty-seven months after its insertion; report of a case. PMID- 13476887 TI - As a pharmaceutical manufacturer sees it. PMID- 13476888 TI - The Tait Mac-Kenzie bronzes in the Museum of the School of Anatomy, Cambridge. PMID- 13476889 TI - How joints work. PMID- 13476890 TI - A glossary of use to those dealing with publishers, printers and blockmakers. PMID- 13476891 TI - Partial reversal line photography. PMID- 13476892 TI - The addition of sound to 16-mm. films. PMID- 13476894 TI - A compact apparatus for stereoscopic photography. PMID- 13476893 TI - Colour correction of electronic flash with luminescent plastics. PMID- 13476895 TI - Psychiatry and the dispensary physician. PMID- 13476896 TI - Partial dentures; treatment planning and prescriptions. PMID- 13476897 TI - Endometrial bleeding, normal and abnormal. PMID- 13476898 TI - Treatment of Bell's palsy with cortisone. PMID- 13476899 TI - Relationship of the adrenal gland to peptic ulcer. PMID- 13476900 TI - Gastric activity and the vagus. PMID- 13476902 TI - The medical treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13476901 TI - Factors influencing prognosis in duodenal ulcer disease; criteria of intractability. PMID- 13476903 TI - Management of the gastric ulcer patient. PMID- 13476904 TI - PANEL on peptic ulcer. PMID- 13476905 TI - Tests of malassimilation useful in the differential diagnosis of the malabsorption syndromes. PMID- 13476906 TI - The roentgen findings in the malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13476907 TI - Use of radioactive labeled lipids in study of intestinal absorption; a clinical appraisal. PMID- 13476908 TI - The gluten-free diet in idiopathic steatorrhoea. PMID- 13476909 TI - Adrenal steroids in the treatment of the malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13476910 TI - PANEL on malabsorption syndromes; differential diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13476911 TI - Nutrition and liver disease. PMID- 13476912 TI - Serum iron and transaminase in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. PMID- 13476913 TI - The use of cortisone and ACTH in liver disease. PMID- 13476914 TI - PANEL on liver disease. PMID- 13476915 TI - Diagnostic procedures in acute and chronic pancreatitis. PMID- 13476916 TI - Surgical management of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13476917 TI - Aerophagia: its etiology, syndromes and management. PMID- 13476918 TI - Thomas Lawrence; 1711-83. PMID- 13476919 TI - Whither medical history. PMID- 13476920 TI - Medical views on prehistoric representations of human hands. PMID- 13476921 TI - Opium addiction and English literature. PMID- 13476922 TI - The eye in the Egyptian mummy. PMID- 13476923 TI - The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. II. Bibliography. PMID- 13476924 TI - The anatomy of Zeidlern. PMID- 13476925 TI - Caspar Bartholinus and the vulvovaginal glands. PMID- 13476926 TI - Two historical notes by Sherrington. PMID- 13476927 TI - The development of cotton wool as a wound dressing. PMID- 13476928 TI - John Shaw Billings, Florence Nightingale and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. PMID- 13476929 TI - Water and salt turnover in cane-cutters working on the coastal sub-tropics of Australia. PMID- 13476930 TI - Dr. Bellamy of Papua. II. PMID- 13476931 TI - Breast changes in the male and female with chlorpromazine or reserpine therapy. PMID- 13476932 TI - Psychiatric consequences of Rauwolfia therapy. PMID- 13476933 TI - A biochemical approach to calomel-induced mercurialism and to the aetiology of pink disease. PMID- 13476934 TI - The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. PMID- 13476935 TI - Observations on prophylaxis of measles with gamma globulin. PMID- 13476936 TI - The treatment of severe tetanus. PMID- 13476937 TI - A fatal case of parathion poisoning. PMID- 13476938 TI - Trachoma among natives of the Northern Territory of Australia. PMID- 13476939 TI - Radiological aspects of portal hypertension. PMID- 13476940 TI - [Dr. Bellamy of Papua. III]. PMID- 13476941 TI - Enuresis and pants-wetting in children: a survey of some simple therapies. PMID- 13476942 TI - The late follow-up of gynaecological repair operations. PMID- 13476943 TI - Periodic headache associated with cerebral aneurysm, with report of a case successfully treated by surgery. PMID- 13476944 TI - ROBERT LESLIE FORSYTH. PMID- 13476945 TI - Studies on patterns of fluid intake, water balance and fluoride retention. PMID- 13476946 TI - A clinical trial of two anti-diabetic drugs for oral use. PMID- 13476947 TI - Preservation of anal sphincters in the treatment of carcinoma of the rectum. PMID- 13476948 TI - Murray Valley encephalitis: a survey of human and animal sera in Queensland. PMID- 13476949 TI - The combination of trichloroethylene general anaesthesia with surface anaesthesia for the purpose of bronchography. PMID- 13476951 TI - Studies on patterns of fluid intake, water balance and fluoride retention. II. Sweat as a medium for the excretion of fluoride. PMID- 13476950 TI - Irradiation in the treatment of anovulation. PMID- 13476953 TI - Some scientific hoaxes. PMID- 13476952 TI - Tropical ulcer amongst the natives of New Guinea. PMID- 13476954 TI - Pepsinized grass pollen in the treatment of hay-fever: a further report. PMID- 13476955 TI - The use of megimide as a convulsive activator in electroencephalography for the diagnosis of epilepsy. PMID- 13476956 TI - The use of chlorpromazine to control spasm and rigidity in tetanus: report of a case. PMID- 13476957 TI - The Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus). I. Collection of venom and its toxicity in animals. PMID- 13476958 TI - Six year follow-up Mantoux survey of aborigines in Western Australia. PMID- 13476959 TI - A study of 200 cases of dyspepsia from the point of view of their behaviour in relation to diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13476960 TI - Appendicitis in Papua. PMID- 13476961 TI - A case of snake-bite treated by specific taipan antivenene. PMID- 13476962 TI - Neurofibroma of the stomach. PMID- 13476963 TI - Necrotic jejunitis due to infection by Salmonella cholerae-suis. PMID- 13476964 TI - Spontaneous perforation of the small bowel: a description of six unusual cases. PMID- 13476965 TI - Human brucellosis in Victoria. PMID- 13476967 TI - Epilepsy in childhood. PMID- 13476966 TI - Thyroidectomy: a survey of current hospital mortality and morbidity. PMID- 13476968 TI - Interictal events in the childhood epilepsies: their psychiatric significance. PMID- 13476970 TI - A note on the observations of Hewson and Falconar on the morphology of red blood cells, with an account of their theory of blood formation. PMID- 13476969 TI - Ecolid in the treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13476971 TI - Reverse transfusion. PMID- 13476972 TI - Acute idiopathic oedema in early childhood. PMID- 13476973 TI - A course in social paediatrics to medical undergraduates. PMID- 13476974 TI - Psychotherapy in general practice. PMID- 13476975 TI - Hyperparathyroidism simulating Paget's disease. PMID- 13476976 TI - Turner's syndrome, twenty years after treatment. PMID- 13476977 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13476978 TI - Vertebral haemangioma. PMID- 13476979 TI - Closure of a chest wall defect with tantalum mesh gauze. PMID- 13476980 TI - Hindquarter amputation for sarcoma of the femur. PMID- 13476982 TI - MORE ABOUT chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13476981 TI - Insulin resistance in schizophrenia. PMID- 13476983 TI - The diagnosis of salpingitis. PMID- 13476984 TI - The British Royal Commission on the law relating to mental illness and mental deficiency, 1954-1957. PMID- 13476985 TI - Domiciliary care in the Newcastle District. PMID- 13476986 TI - Reserve and reserve power. PMID- 13476987 TI - One-stage ileostomy and proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13476988 TI - Dr. Isaac Aaron. PMID- 13476989 TI - Anaesthetic and allied considerations in relation to children's orthopaedic operations. PMID- 13476990 TI - Considerations in the diagnosis of a breast tumour. PMID- 13476991 TI - The management of ringworm of the scalp. PMID- 13476992 TI - The influence of physiological research on the achievement of comfort and efficiency in an equatorial climate. PMID- 13476993 TI - The influence of climate on diets. PMID- 13476994 TI - The role of atmospheric water vapour, with reference to thermal balance in low latitudes. PMID- 13476995 TI - The modification of the tropical environment for comfort and efficiency; engineering aspects. PMID- 13476996 TI - Studies on the chemotherapy of malaria. VI. The role of suppressive drugs in malaria control in Malaya. PMID- 13476997 TI - Some medical observations on caustic soda poisoning, its treatment by passage of a Ryle's tube, and its prevention. PMID- 13476998 TI - A short social study of a group of labourers in Malaya. PMID- 13476999 TI - Further observations on the use of largactil in psychiatry. PMID- 13477000 TI - The use of reserpine in psychiatry. PMID- 13477001 TI - Treatment of inguinal hernia with special reference to the use of floss silk darn. PMID- 13477002 TI - Thrombosis of the renal veins. PMID- 13477003 TI - Two diseases in the same patient. PMID- 13477004 TI - Creative arts in the psychiatric treatment program. PMID- 13477006 TI - Management of mass atomic casualties. PMID- 13477005 TI - An Air Force tactical hospital in aeromedical evacuation. PMID- 13477007 TI - Effective office supervision at a military hospital. PMID- 13477008 TI - Cervical traction apparatus. PMID- 13477009 TI - Swivel x-ray cassette holder. PMID- 13477010 TI - Crash ambulance innovations. PMID- 13477011 TI - Gum-label dispenser. PMID- 13477012 TI - Mobile supply service for wards. PMID- 13477013 TI - Blood bank training program. PMID- 13477014 TI - Gauze screen used to detain air bubbles when pouring media. PMID- 13477016 TI - BILIARY tract diseases. PMID- 13477015 TI - Diseases of the prostate in office practice. PMID- 13477017 TI - Anabolic therapy in the aged. PMID- 13477018 TI - Emotional reactions to cardiac illness. PMID- 13477019 TI - Disease of the vulva. PMID- 13477020 TI - Why vaginal hysterectomy. PMID- 13477021 TI - Weight reducing effects of certain induced rhythmic motions. PMID- 13477022 TI - [Intestinal obstruction in the newborn]. PMID- 13477023 TI - Executive health. PMID- 13477024 TI - Referring a patient to a psychiatrist. PMID- 13477025 TI - Exfoliative cytology. PMID- 13477026 TI - Systemic reaction and injection of allergen. PMID- 13477027 TI - Tobacco amblyopia. PMID- 13477028 TI - The clinical nature of acute intermittent porphyria. PMID- 13477029 TI - Erythroblastosis fetalis in triplets. PMID- 13477030 TI - Comparative law and the medical witness in Western Europe and the United States. PMID- 13477031 TI - VOLKMANN'S ischemic contracture. PMID- 13477032 TI - Psychiatry for non-psychiatric physicians. PMID- 13477033 TI - FOREIGN doctors and licensure requirements. PMID- 13477034 TI - UNIVERSITY of Illinois Research and Educational Hospitals. PMID- 13477035 TI - Investing for the successful physician. PMID- 13477036 TI - DOCTORS have changed their smoking habits. PMID- 13477037 TI - THE TEN most common skin diseases. PMID- 13477038 TI - Some differential diagnostic considerations of hypertensive encephalopathy. PMID- 13477039 TI - Modern concepts of empyema thoracis. PMID- 13477040 TI - Hemolytic disease of the newborn. PMID- 13477041 TI - Periodic health checkups and cancer. PMID- 13477042 TI - Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13477043 TI - Misunderstandings about corneal transplantation. PMID- 13477044 TI - Office management of patients with musculoskeletal complaints. PMID- 13477045 TI - Chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13477046 TI - Postoperative abdominal distention and/or urinary retention; the prophylaxis and treatment with Win 8077 (Mytelase). PMID- 13477047 TI - INGROWN toenail. PMID- 13477049 TI - The resurrector of Vanderbilt. PMID- 13477048 TI - UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin Hospitals. PMID- 13477050 TI - Recovery from mental illness. PMID- 13477051 TI - Check-list for the hospital medical library. PMID- 13477052 TI - Investing for the successful physician. PMID- 13477053 TI - Geriatric day hospital for psychiatric patients. PMID- 13477054 TI - Selection of cases for mitral valvulotomy. PMID- 13477055 TI - STITCH. PMID- 13477056 TI - Alcoholism: a medical and social problem. PMID- 13477057 TI - Adult intelligence quotient. PMID- 13477058 TI - Foster care. PMID- 13477059 TI - Safer motoring. PMID- 13477060 TI - Instinct in man. PMID- 13477061 TI - Plastic surgery in the NHS. PMID- 13477062 TI - Ophthalmoscopy. PMID- 13477063 TI - Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13477064 TI - Rising standards in Nigeria; University College Hospital. PMID- 13477065 TI - Social responsibility and mental health. PMID- 13477066 TI - The sluice room angle. PMID- 13477067 TI - Child marriage in England. PMID- 13477068 TI - Care and after-care of hospital patients. PMID- 13477069 TI - Medical ethics. PMID- 13477070 TI - The use and abuse of antibiotics. PMID- 13477071 TI - A case in general practice. PMID- 13477072 TI - Paraesthesiae in the hands. PMID- 13477073 TI - Aluminium foil dressing. PMID- 13477074 TI - Everyday aids for the disabled. PMID- 13477076 TI - The family and infection. PMID- 13477075 TI - Social worker in general practice. PMID- 13477077 TI - Diagnosis and detection of smallpox. PMID- 13477078 TI - Undergraduate education. I. Some criticisms. PMID- 13477079 TI - Undergraduate education. II. Towards a solution. PMID- 13477080 TI - Clinical, physiological and pathological findings in mitral stenosis and regurgitation. PMID- 13477081 TI - Glomerular and tubular factors in the renal excretion of sodium chloride. PMID- 13477082 TI - Physicians' attitudes toward the mental health problem. PMID- 13477083 TI - Some psychological aspects of long-term hospitalization; the rehabilitative role of recreational and special activities. PMID- 13477084 TI - Who returns to the clinic for more therapy. PMID- 13477085 TI - Some current trends in fee charging in community clinics. PMID- 13477086 TI - The therapist and the group evaluate. PMID- 13477087 TI - The role of the father; some psychological and religious views. PMID- 13477089 TI - Statistical surveys in the field of mental disorders. PMID- 13477088 TI - An evaluation of group methods on mental hygiene. PMID- 13477090 TI - Promoting effective relationships between the school and the child guidance clinic. PMID- 13477091 TI - Dynamic social work and the tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13477092 TI - Visual aids for mental health. PMID- 13477093 TI - Cohort studies of mental disease in New York State: 1943 to 1949. PMID- 13477094 TI - Symposium on obesity: introduction, with a few historical remarks on obesity. PMID- 13477095 TI - Modern living habits and weight control. PMID- 13477096 TI - Metabolic aspects of obesity: facts, fallacies and fables. PMID- 13477097 TI - Relationship of body weight to mortality and morbidity. PMID- 13477098 TI - Overweight versus obesity and the evaluation of calorie needs. PMID- 13477099 TI - Some advances in the study of the physiologic basis of obesity. PMID- 13477100 TI - Metabolic study in human obesity with isocaloric diets high in fat, protein or carbohydrate. PMID- 13477101 TI - Psychiatric aspects of obesity. PMID- 13477102 TI - Studies with Na22: an assessment of sodium balance and distribution. PMID- 13477103 TI - The handling of experimental animals as a control factor in animal research; a review. PMID- 13477105 TI - [Multiplication of heterotrophic bacteria in distilled water; concerning chemo autotrophy of bacteria]. PMID- 13477104 TI - [Effect of oxidation-reduction conditions of the medium on the rate of reduction of nitrates by denitrifying bacteria]. PMID- 13477106 TI - [Accumulation of organic substances by Nitrosomonas europaea cultures grown on Winogradsky's medium]. PMID- 13477107 TI - [Several regularities of oriented variability of intestinal bacteria]. PMID- 13477108 TI - [Immobilization of potassium in soil]. PMID- 13477109 TI - [Various methods for studying dissolution of calcium phosphates by microorganisms]. PMID- 13477110 TI - [Ratio between aerobic & anaerobic microorganisms in soils of Kazakh SSR]. PMID- 13477111 TI - [New simple method of isolation of Azotobacter from soil]. PMID- 13477112 TI - [Investigation of quantitative counts of bacteria in underground waters of oil layers]. PMID- 13477113 TI - [Bacterial reduction of sulfates in muds of the Rybinsk reservoir]. PMID- 13477114 TI - [Generation time of bacteria and the production of bacterial biomass in waters of the Rybinsk reservoir]. PMID- 13477115 TI - [Correlation between aerobic and anaerobic processes in water layer and meadow soils]. PMID- 13477116 TI - [Influence of the seasonal factor on the quantitative distribution of microorganisms in the soils of the northern Caspian Sea]. PMID- 13477117 TI - [Discussion on chemosynthesis]. PMID- 13477118 TI - [Chemistry of fixation in the form of macroergic phosphate bonds of energy released upon respiration]. PMID- 13477119 TI - [State of soil microbiology in Bulgaria]. PMID- 13477120 TI - [Activity of microbiological research institutions in Japan]. PMID- 13477122 TI - The influence of war and post-war conditions on the teeth of Norwegian school children. III. Discussion of food supply and dental condition in Norway and other European countries. PMID- 13477121 TI - Maternal and newborn nutrition studies at Philadelphia Lying-In Hospital: newborn studies. V. Size and growth of babies during the first year of life. PMID- 13477123 TI - [Variations in antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococci isolated from furuncolosis in Piedmont]. PMID- 13477124 TI - [Immuno-biological studies of collagen diseases with special reference to erythematodes. III. Presence of anti-lipoid and anti-treponemic antibodies in the blood (false serological reactions)]. PMID- 13477125 TI - [Experimental and histological studies of the physiopathology of the vesico bullous element. I. The effect of substances with free sulfhydryl groups]. PMID- 13477126 TI - [Experimental studies of the mechanism of action of chloroquine: the effects of chloroquine on capillary permeability]. PMID- 13477127 TI - [Ulcero-necrotic manifestations of the skin caused by intolerance of topical applications of sulfonamides]. PMID- 13477128 TI - [Study of skin reactivity to intradermal injection of potassium bichromate in patients of eczema caused by cement]. PMID- 13477129 TI - [A case of lupoid sycosis]. PMID- 13477130 TI - [Personal recollection of Alfred Stuhmer]. PMID- 13477131 TI - [Immediate & long range prognosis for children born of mothers with heart disease]. PMID- 13477133 TI - [Observations on blood proteins in the fetus at term & their relation to those of the mother]. PMID- 13477132 TI - [Clinical research on anti-gonadotropins]. PMID- 13477134 TI - [Behavior of blood cholinesterase in pregnancy following treatment with vitamin E]. PMID- 13477135 TI - [Experimental research on the transplacental passage of a tri-iodate preparation for intravenous urography in rabbits treated with anti-kidney serum]. PMID- 13477136 TI - [Observations on the diuretic effect of formoguanamine (2-4 diaminotriazine)]. PMID- 13477137 TI - [Stratigraphic study of the pulmonary vessels in pathological conditions]. PMID- 13477139 TI - [Treatment of paracavitary atelectasis during the postoperative period of surgical extrapleural pneumothorax]. PMID- 13477138 TI - [Carbon disulfide poisoning and diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13477140 TI - [Mixed tumor of the submaxillary gland]. PMID- 13477141 TI - [The artificial kidney; description of a new apparatus for extracorporeal hemodialysis]. PMID- 13477142 TI - [Urea dialyzing properties of the Dogliotti-Battezzati-Taddei artificial kidney]. PMID- 13477143 TI - [Effect of the type of cellophane on the urea dialyzing capacity of the Dogliotti Battezzati-Taddei artificial kidney]. PMID- 13477144 TI - [Urea dialyzing capacity of the Dogliotti-Battezzati-Taddei artificial kidney with the system in series and in parallel]. PMID- 13477145 TI - [Behavior of the Dogliotti-Battezzati-Taddei artificial kidney in regard to fluid balance]. PMID- 13477147 TI - Experimental fatty cirrhosis. PMID- 13477146 TI - [Clinical use of the Dogliotti-Battezzati-Taddei artificial kidney]. PMID- 13477149 TI - Pectus excavatum. PMID- 13477148 TI - Studies on congenital goiter and hypothyroidism in an adult male patient. PMID- 13477150 TI - Elective induction of labor. PMID- 13477151 TI - Chylothorax complicating cardiac bypass and studies in thoracic ductography. PMID- 13477152 TI - The psychiatrist looks at the acutely disturbed patient. PMID- 13477153 TI - Differential points in the problem of headache. PMID- 13477154 TI - Treatment of some types of headache. PMID- 13477155 TI - Photosensitivity. PMID- 13477156 TI - Treatment of tuberculosis today. PMID- 13477158 TI - The advantages of private medical care. PMID- 13477157 TI - Counseling parents of gifted children. PMID- 13477159 TI - Rational therapy with tranquilizing drugs; a psychiatrist's views. PMID- 13477161 TI - Pitfalls in electrocardiographic interpretation. PMID- 13477160 TI - Use of induced cardiac arrest in open heart surgery; results in seventy patients. PMID- 13477162 TI - Prostatectomy in a patient with tetralogy of Fallot. PMID- 13477163 TI - Preoperative roentgen diagnosis of abdominal tumors in children. PMID- 13477164 TI - The patient's use of gestures in the diagnosis of coronary insufficiency disease. PMID- 13477165 TI - The establishment of a blood vessel bank; sterilization of vascular homografts using beta-propriolactone. PMID- 13477166 TI - Iatrogenic atherosclerosis. PMID- 13477167 TI - Trigeminal neuralgia; one hundred fifty years of nonsurgical treatment. PMID- 13477169 TI - THREE-YEAR study of neonatal deaths in Hennepin County. PMID- 13477168 TI - Primary malignancies of the lung; advances in diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13477170 TI - Surgical considerations in acute conditions in the lower abdomen. PMID- 13477171 TI - Counseling parents of mentally retarded children. PMID- 13477172 TI - Symptoms and signs of heart disease; clinical approach to the problem. PMID- 13477173 TI - Small bowel volvulus. PMID- 13477174 TI - Antispasmodic therapy; adjunctive prolonged-action in gastrointestinal disorders. PMID- 13477175 TI - Tick paralysis; report of a case. PMID- 13477176 TI - Some practical uses of electromyography. PMID- 13477177 TI - Isolation of Asian influenza virus from cases in St. Louis County, Missiori. PMID- 13477178 TI - Children with increasing myopia treated with bifocal lenses; case reports. PMID- 13477179 TI - Disturbances of the heartbeat. PMID- 13477180 TI - Case report; encephalitis as a complication of the influenza. PMID- 13477182 TI - The third party in medicine. PMID- 13477181 TI - Proposed vendor medical care program for the indigent. PMID- 13477183 TI - Pulsations of the chest wall as diagnostic signs. PMID- 13477184 TI - The personality of an administrator. PMID- 13477185 TI - WOMEN run this hospital for children. PMID- 13477186 TI - How to prepare a nursing procedure manual. PMID- 13477187 TI - ROCK-BOTTOM economy stirs up a debate. PMID- 13477188 TI - This hospital has everything except money. PMID- 13477189 TI - How we put human relations to work. PMID- 13477190 TI - Salary plan should include a rate spread. PMID- 13477191 TI - They talk to employees from two directions. PMID- 13477192 TI - Regional variations in hospital statistics. PMID- 13477193 TI - How to measure laboratory productivity. PMID- 13477194 TI - The kitchen was built for microwave cooking. PMID- 13477196 TI - A training program for housekeepers. 8. Make the best of your budget. PMID- 13477195 TI - An efficient laundry is equal parts good equipment and good management. PMID- 13477197 TI - Coded list prevents laundry losses. PMID- 13477198 TI - Are you ready to treat cardiac arrest. PMID- 13477199 TI - This new idea for the operating room wound reduce clutter-or would it. PMID- 13477200 TI - THESE attractive apartments attract nurses. PMID- 13477201 TI - Where nursing education standards are high, so are applications for schools of nursing. PMID- 13477202 TI - New wing ties the old ones together. PMID- 13477204 TI - Why can't people be like machines. PMID- 13477203 TI - How to set up cost controls for housekeeping. PMID- 13477205 TI - Prototype study: proprietary hospitals. PMID- 13477206 TI - Reactions following use of influenza vaccine (Asian strain) in adults. PMID- 13477207 TI - Patients and staff need facts about food. PMID- 13477208 TI - How to recognize a good maintenance man. PMID- 13477209 TI - A training program for housekeepers. 9. Technic for disposing of isolation linen. PMID- 13477210 TI - [The role of cerumen in the pathogenesis of otitis externa]. PMID- 13477211 TI - [Regenerative treatment of the perforated tympanic membrane]. PMID- 13477212 TI - [Advantages & performance of certain modifications of retroauricular diphasic tympanoplasty]. PMID- 13477213 TI - [Attempt to explain the so-called c5 sound depression]. PMID- 13477214 TI - [Report on hearing training in a deaf-blind person]. PMID- 13477215 TI - [Nystagmus due to modern type anesthesia]. PMID- 13477216 TI - [The ear as a starting point of focal infections]. PMID- 13477217 TI - [Effects of stellate block on CSF pressure]. PMID- 13477218 TI - [Experiences & observations on the endoscopic surgery of a hypopharyngeal diverticulum]. PMID- 13477219 TI - The role of the symptomless excreter in the spread of Sonne dysentery. PMID- 13477220 TI - Acute respiratory disease in young children. PMID- 13477221 TI - Experience with human amnion cell culture as a routine diagnostic method in a bacteriological laboratory. PMID- 13477222 TI - The value of the capillary test in screening quarter-samples for Brucella culture. PMID- 13477223 TI - A cup test for the rapid serological screening of guinea-pigs infected with Brucella abortus. PMID- 13477224 TI - The vitamin-sparing action of sorbitol. PMID- 13477225 TI - Evidence for the formation of a labile phospholipoprotein during the clotting of platelet-rich plasma. PMID- 13477226 TI - Effect of cerebral lesions upon oestrus in ferrets. PMID- 13477227 TI - Utilization of carbohydrate metabolites by rumen microorganisms. PMID- 13477228 TI - Accumulation of a stable phosphorus compound in glycolysing insect muscle. PMID- 13477229 TI - Location of alpha-2-globulin by demonstration of alkaline phosphatase during paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13477230 TI - Survival of human circulatory leucocytes in vitro: life-span and nucleic acid turnover. PMID- 13477231 TI - A difference in the physiology of the large intestine between European and indigenous cattle in the tropics. PMID- 13477232 TI - Missing step in man, monkey and guinea pig required for the biosynthesis of L ascorbic acid. PMID- 13477234 TI - Distribution of chiasmata in an asynaptic locust. PMID- 13477233 TI - The sex-linked difference in rabbit neutrophils. PMID- 13477235 TI - Endocrinological problems in agriculture. PMID- 13477236 TI - Alterations in feline behaviour following bilateral amygdalectomy. PMID- 13477237 TI - C12-Hydroxylation of digitoxin. PMID- 13477238 TI - Cytochrome composition of some strains of Streptomyces. PMID- 13477239 TI - Removal of internally deposited radiocerium by the use of chelating agents. PMID- 13477240 TI - Mast cells in the epithelium of the oesophagus. PMID- 13477241 TI - Latent infection of rabbits by adenovirus type 5. PMID- 13477242 TI - Probable evolutionary relationship of serotonin and indoleacetic acid, and some practical consequences therefrom. PMID- 13477243 TI - Experimental induction of the breeding season in a xerophilous bird. PMID- 13477244 TI - Genetically-controlled differences in catalase activity of dog erythrocytes. PMID- 13477245 TI - Absence of lethal radiation effects following massive oral administration of plutonium. PMID- 13477246 TI - Secretion of heparin by mast cells. PMID- 13477247 TI - Acriflavine as an effective agent for eliminating F-factor in Escherichia coli K 12. PMID- 13477248 TI - Variation in the time of release of the ovarian development hormone in Aedes aegypti. PMID- 13477249 TI - Haemagglutinins in Calpurnia aurea. PMID- 13477250 TI - An investigation of an action of penicillin. PMID- 13477251 TI - Identification and distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine in a sea anemone. PMID- 13477252 TI - Vitamin B12 and the metabolism of pyridine nucleotides. PMID- 13477253 TI - Clearing action of lysolecithin on brain homogenates. PMID- 13477254 TI - Physiological expedition to the Antarctic. PMID- 13477255 TI - A lattice distortion of alkali chloride crystals in the presence of nucleoprotein microfibrils. PMID- 13477256 TI - A carotene-protein complex isolated from green leaves. PMID- 13477258 TI - Conical paper chromatography. PMID- 13477257 TI - Occurrence of gamma-guanidinobutyric acid. PMID- 13477259 TI - A diurnal cycle in the mitotic activity of ascites tumour cells in mice. PMID- 13477260 TI - Teratogenic effects of beta-aminopropionitrile in the chick embryo. PMID- 13477261 TI - Sodium ions and tissue metabolism: some metabolic peculiarities of brain tissue. PMID- 13477262 TI - A non-destructive technique for locating amino-acids. PMID- 13477263 TI - A route for intravenous injection in the albino rat. PMID- 13477264 TI - Intracellular recording from spinal motoneurones following stimulation of medullary pyramids. PMID- 13477265 TI - Differentiation of somatic and autonomic nerve fibres in tissue sections. PMID- 13477266 TI - Attempt to transplant the oedema fluid of experimental inflammatory oedema in rats. PMID- 13477267 TI - A new Kell blood-group phenotype. PMID- 13477268 TI - Effects of oxygen upon light absorption by green algae. PMID- 13477269 TI - Water metabolism in the sheep. PMID- 13477270 TI - Changes in the intestinal mucosa of the sheep following death by humane killer. PMID- 13477271 TI - Contamination of stock lines of human carcinoma cells by pleuropneumonia-like organisms. PMID- 13477272 TI - Evidence of a second foetal haemoglobin in the newborn goat. PMID- 13477273 TI - Bacterial protoplasts from Bacillus species by the action of autolytic enzymes. PMID- 13477274 TI - Simultaneous synthesis of two inducible enzymes in Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13477275 TI - A photometric method for avian liver xanthine dehydrogenase. PMID- 13477276 TI - Xanthine oxidase activity during mammary carcinogenesis in mice. PMID- 13477277 TI - Fixation of the rabbit pituitary gland. PMID- 13477278 TI - [Hemorrhage in the third and fourth stages of labor]. PMID- 13477279 TI - Aneurysm of the splenic artery. PMID- 13477280 TI - Management of the burned patient. I. Initial care of the patient. PMID- 13477281 TI - Fluid therapy in pediatrics. PMID- 13477282 TI - Recent advances in neurological surgery. PMID- 13477283 TI - Arterial disease of the lower extremities: diagnosis and management. PMID- 13477284 TI - Peripheral arterial insufficiency: evaluation as the basis of therapy. PMID- 13477285 TI - Management of pediatric allergies. PMID- 13477286 TI - Infectious hepatitis; a report on the epidemic in Omaha and Douglas County during 1952, '53, and '54. PMID- 13477287 TI - The management of ovarian cysts. PMID- 13477288 TI - Various influences on the health of the aging. PMID- 13477289 TI - [Responsibility of psychological reporting. I. Medical responsibility]. PMID- 13477290 TI - [Responsibility of psychological reporting II. Social responsibility]. PMID- 13477291 TI - [Suturing & transplantation in treatment of fresh arterial injuries]. PMID- 13477292 TI - [The diuretic effect of heparin, especially in nephrotic syndrome; preliminary report]. PMID- 13477293 TI - [Rheumatic heart disease in Rotterdam school children]. PMID- 13477294 TI - [Prognosis in cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage with conservative therapy]. PMID- 13477295 TI - [Eczema caused by plastics, a problem in industrial hygiene]. PMID- 13477296 TI - [X-ray changes of the esophagus caused by Candida albicans]. PMID- 13477297 TI - [Forms of idiopathic cutaneous phlebitis]. PMID- 13477298 TI - [Initial vaccination & the electroencephalogram]. PMID- 13477299 TI - [The etiology of deaf-mutism; a study on students in the Koninklijk Instituut voor doofstommen te Groningen]. PMID- 13477300 TI - [Incidence of infection with poliomyelitis virus in family & school contacts]. PMID- 13477301 TI - [Recovery in a case of Pierre Marie's hypertrophic osteoarthropathy]. PMID- 13477302 TI - [Primary urethral carcinoma in the male]. PMID- 13477303 TI - [Chyluria]. PMID- 13477304 TI - [Medical impressions of Ethiopia]. PMID- 13477305 TI - [Non-tuberculous bronchitis in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477306 TI - [Abnormal growth & aging]. PMID- 13477307 TI - [Tetanus prevention]. PMID- 13477308 TI - [X-ray examination of the female breast]. PMID- 13477309 TI - [Ascariasis of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13477311 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477310 TI - [Certain aspects of the manager syndrome]. PMID- 13477312 TI - [Experience with the Szondi test in a tuberculosis sanatorium]. PMID- 13477313 TI - [Indications for partial nephrectomy in conservative therapy of renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477314 TI - [Post-recovery prognosis in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477315 TI - [Eventration of the diaphragm due to arthrosis deformans of the cervical spine]. PMID- 13477316 TI - [Chronic pulmonary eosinophilial]. PMID- 13477317 TI - [Heredity & constitution in vascular diseases, especially vasolability]. PMID- 13477318 TI - [Medication and conditioned reflex sleep therapy of chorea minor in children]. PMID- 13477319 TI - [Case of disseminated vasomotor disorders with simultaneous paralysis of the lower extremities and mental disorders]. PMID- 13477320 TI - [Case of complete cortical blindness in thromboangiitis obliterans]. PMID- 13477321 TI - [Successful surgical therapy of a case of 11 intracranial meningiomas]. PMID- 13477322 TI - [Tissue therapy with preserved blood of 67 psychiatric cases with special reference to involutional psychoses]. PMID- 13477323 TI - [Significance of occupation, age, and sex in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis according to observations on 452 cases]. PMID- 13477324 TI - [Relation to mental disorders to tuberculous meningitis in children]. PMID- 13477325 TI - [Statistical method of assessment of activities and effectiveness of therapy in psychiatric hospitals]. PMID- 13477326 TI - [Effectiveness of the treatment of schizophrenia according to statistical data]. PMID- 13477327 TI - [Case of multifocal cerebral glioma]. PMID- 13477328 TI - [Essay with largactil and serpasil in hyperkinetic choreatic syndromes (chorea chronica progressiva) with psychotic manifestations]. PMID- 13477329 TI - [Electrophoretic determination of serum proteins in chorea minor]. PMID- 13477330 TI - [Case of oleoma with neurological manifestations]. PMID- 13477331 TI - [Results of glutamic acid therapy of mental deficiency in a group of children]. PMID- 13477332 TI - Brain abscesses; a review of ninety-nine cases. PMID- 13477333 TI - Postchordotomy studies of pain threshold. PMID- 13477335 TI - [A short examination for aphasia]. PMID- 13477334 TI - Specificity of facilitatory and inhibitory effects of upper brainstem stimulation. PMID- 13477336 TI - Digital carotid artery compression with occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery. PMID- 13477337 TI - Definitions of cerebral palsy and their role in epidemiologic research. PMID- 13477338 TI - A clinical test for sound localization and its applications. PMID- 13477339 TI - Acute infantile hemiplegia secondary to spontaneous carotid thrombosis. PMID- 13477340 TI - Thyrotoxic myopathy with disturbance of potassium metabolism. PMID- 13477341 TI - Carotid artery insufficiency corrected by internal carotid thrombectomy. PMID- 13477342 TI - Significance of symptoms and signs in localization of involved root in cervical disk protrusion. PMID- 13477343 TI - Direct current recordings of eyeball movements in neurologic practice. PMID- 13477345 TI - Treatment of Bell's palsy. PMID- 13477344 TI - Hypothalamic seizures from stimulation of rhinencephalon and isocortex in cat. PMID- 13477346 TI - The electroencephalogram in microcephaly. PMID- 13477347 TI - Hematoencephalic exchange as a function of age. PMID- 13477348 TI - Peripheral nerve tumors as a cause of pain in the lower extremities. PMID- 13477349 TI - Metachromatic from of diffuse cerebral sclerosis. II. Diagnosis during life by isolation of metachromatic lipids from urine. PMID- 13477351 TI - CLINICAL pathologic conference. PMID- 13477350 TI - An electroencephalographic syndrome which correlates with severe disruption of the personality structure. PMID- 13477352 TI - Neurologic manifestations of chronic pulmonary insufficiency. PMID- 13477353 TI - Infectious hepatitis; report of an outbreak probably caused by drinking water. PMID- 13477355 TI - Severe nonfatal histoplasmosis; report of a typical case, with comments on therapy. PMID- 13477354 TI - Superior-mesenteric-artery embolectomy in the treatment of massive mesenteric infarction. PMID- 13477356 TI - The triad of medicine: education, practice and research. PMID- 13477357 TI - Clinical applications of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13477358 TI - Intradiaphragmatic cyst; ninth reported case. PMID- 13477359 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43391. PMID- 13477360 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43392. PMID- 13477361 TI - Treatment of symptomatic hemolytic anemia with prednisone. PMID- 13477362 TI - Production of tetanus antitoxin by patients with hepatic cirrhosis. PMID- 13477363 TI - Intralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration of the lung; report of two cases and review of the literature. PMID- 13477364 TI - Phonocardiographic studies in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13477365 TI - The concept of psychiatric disability. PMID- 13477366 TI - Erythroblastosis fetalis. PMID- 13477367 TI - A clinical report on benactyzine hydrochloride. PMID- 13477368 TI - Franz Weidenreich; 1873-1948. PMID- 13477369 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43401. PMID- 13477370 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43402. PMID- 13477371 TI - Pulseless disease and carotid-artery thrombosis; surgical considerations. PMID- 13477373 TI - Thyrotoxic crisis and diabetic ketoacidosis; report of a case. PMID- 13477372 TI - Acute pancreatic lesions in patients treated with ACTH and adrenal corticoids. PMID- 13477375 TI - Erythroblastosis fetalis. PMID- 13477374 TI - Equine encephalitis in Massachusetts. PMID- 13477376 TI - Double tracheoesophageal fistula without atresia; report of a case. PMID- 13477377 TI - CURRENT concepts in therapy. PMID- 13477378 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43411. PMID- 13477379 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43412. PMID- 13477380 TI - MITRAL stenosis, with congestive heart failure and endocarditis. PMID- 13477381 TI - Management of the circulatory, inflammatory and metabolic complications of mitral valvulotomy. PMID- 13477382 TI - Antibiotic combinations: antistreptococcal and anti-staphylococcal activity of normal subjects after ingestion of erythromycin or chloramphenicol or both. PMID- 13477383 TI - Care of female psychiatric patients, including the acutely disturbed, on an open medical and surgical ward. PMID- 13477384 TI - Accumulation of radioactive iodine; observations on its early phase in hyperthyroid, euthyroid and hypothyroid subjects. PMID- 13477385 TI - Radiation hazards. I. Radiation hazards in medical practice. PMID- 13477386 TI - Erythroblastosis fetalis. PMID- 13477387 TI - Evaluation of blood cultures after sigmoidoscopy. PMID- 13477388 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43421. PMID- 13477389 TI - Toxic hazards; anthrax. PMID- 13477390 TI - Epidemiology and prevention of nursery-derived staphylococcal disease. PMID- 13477391 TI - Effect of bilateral adrenalectomy in a patient with massive ascites and postnecrotic cirrhosis. PMID- 13477392 TI - New observations in generalized cytomegalic-inclusion disease of the newborn: report of a case with chorioretinitis. PMID- 13477393 TI - Bleeding tendency in uremia. PMID- 13477395 TI - The study and treatment of alcoholism: a historical perspective. PMID- 13477394 TI - Radiation hazards. II. Measurements of gonadal dose in radiographic examinations. PMID- 13477396 TI - The patient with cancer, the referring physician and the radiation therapist. PMID- 13477397 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43431. PMID- 13477398 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43432. PMID- 13477399 TI - Primary varicella pneumonia. PMID- 13477400 TI - An evaluation of the respiratory and sedative effects of meperidine hydrochloride combined with levallorphan tartrate in postoperative patients. PMID- 13477401 TI - Inhibitory effect of perthane (2,2-bis-[para-ethyl-phenyl]-1,1-dichloroethane) on adrenocortical function in human subjects. PMID- 13477402 TI - A study of intercurrent bacterial respiratory infections in bulbospinal poliomyelitis. PMID- 13477403 TI - Labor's interest in medical care. PMID- 13477404 TI - The status of oral surgery. PMID- 13477405 TI - Giant ovarian cyst; report of a case in a premature infant. PMID- 13477406 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43441. PMID- 13477408 TI - MERRILL MOORE; 1903-1957. PMID- 13477407 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43442. PMID- 13477409 TI - Effect of histamine on gastric peptic secretion in man. PMID- 13477410 TI - The mechanism of hypoproteinemia associated with giant hypertrophy of the gastric mucosa. PMID- 13477411 TI - Chronic traumatic aneurysm of the thoracic aorta: report of five cases, with a plea for conservative treatment. PMID- 13477412 TI - Some effects of aqueous extracts of acetone-dried beef-pineal substance in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13477414 TI - The status of oral surgery. PMID- 13477413 TI - Radiation hazards. III. Radiation protection in diagnostic procedures. PMID- 13477416 TI - Wilfred Trotter. PMID- 13477415 TI - Tolbutamide: a double-blind study of its effect in diabetes. PMID- 13477417 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43451. PMID- 13477418 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43452. PMID- 13477419 TI - Complications of antibacterial therapy. PMID- 13477420 TI - The effect of reserpine on the behavior problems of children. PMID- 13477421 TI - Peptic ulcer in childhood. PMID- 13477422 TI - Acute red degeneration of the uterine myoma complicating pregnancy. PMID- 13477423 TI - Indications for the mobilization of the stapes. PMID- 13477424 TI - A simple treatment of acute paronychia. PMID- 13477425 TI - Ureteral calculi complicating pregnancy. PMID- 13477426 TI - The unsolved problem of infant suffocation. PMID- 13477427 TI - Ammonia metabolism and hepatic coma. PMID- 13477428 TI - "Cut-down" gangrene of the lower extremities. PMID- 13477429 TI - Transitory neurologic complications of varicella. PMID- 13477430 TI - EYEGLASSES as a therapeutic agent. PMID- 13477431 TI - Mesenteric emboli in patient on dicumarol therapy. PMID- 13477433 TI - OVERDOSAGE with analgetics. PMID- 13477432 TI - Hepatitis in pregnancy. PMID- 13477434 TI - Treatment of alcoholism: meeting a challenge. PMID- 13477435 TI - Advances in anesthesia: real or apparent. PMID- 13477436 TI - The management of hemorrhagic stroke. PMID- 13477437 TI - Pharmacologic advances in psychiatry. PMID- 13477438 TI - Carcinoma of the thyroid gland; clinical and histologic features which influence the results of therapy. PMID- 13477439 TI - Metabolism in neoplastic diseases as revealed in studies of radioactive iodine uptake. PMID- 13477440 TI - A brief analysis of the nature of psychotherapy. PMID- 13477441 TI - The use of a rubber cuff on drainage tubing to avoid tube perforation. PMID- 13477442 TI - Regulations for the control of streptococcal infection from a pediatrician's viewpoint. PMID- 13477443 TI - The treatment of sympathotonia in labile diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13477444 TI - Evaluation of a new antihistamine. PMID- 13477445 TI - Insurability after a coronary occlusion. PMID- 13477446 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the pregnant uterus. PMID- 13477447 TI - Addison's disease with features simulating lymphoblastoma. PMID- 13477448 TI - Cloacal repair. PMID- 13477449 TI - Paradoxic reactions to treatment. PMID- 13477450 TI - THE MANAGEMENT of anesthesia during fluoroscopic procedures. PMID- 13477451 TI - The intern shortage isn't hopeless. PMID- 13477452 TI - A comparison of diagnostic approaches in dermatology and internal medicine. PMID- 13477453 TI - A correlative study of congenital malformations; preliminary report. PMID- 13477454 TI - The control of the varied manifestations of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension with femmes. PMID- 13477455 TI - Topical hydrocortisone therapy in acne rosacea and acne vulgaris. PMID- 13477456 TI - Low vision aids in ophthalmology. PMID- 13477457 TI - The psychopathology of learning difficulties. PMID- 13477458 TI - Iproniazid as adjunct in the treatment of debilitated patients with tuberculosis. PMID- 13477459 TI - Electromyography. PMID- 13477460 TI - Syphilis of bone in the adult. PMID- 13477461 TI - Recent advances in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13477463 TI - PNEUMOTHORAX following tracheotomy. PMID- 13477462 TI - The fundamentals of hand surgery. PMID- 13477464 TI - The alcoholic in industry. PMID- 13477465 TI - Chronologic report of one hundred twenty-five years service of the Sing Sing Prison Hospital. PMID- 13477466 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477467 TI - [Serum water concentrations under physiological & pathological conditions]. PMID- 13477468 TI - [Terramycin & tetracycline therapy]. PMID- 13477469 TI - [Antibacterial therapy in pseudocroup]. PMID- 13477471 TI - Psittacosis. PMID- 13477470 TI - Population changes in the south and medical practices. PMID- 13477473 TI - Some aspects of the evaluation and management of convulsive disorders in childhood. PMID- 13477472 TI - Oral therapy of diabetes mellitus: tolbutamide. PMID- 13477474 TI - Progressive myositis ossificans; review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13477475 TI - The usefulness of radio active gold 198 and phosphorus 32 in malignant disease. PMID- 13477476 TI - Private practice of medicine versus the socialization of medicine. PMID- 13477477 TI - Sulfonylurea compounds in the treatment of diabetics. PMID- 13477478 TI - The transverse upper abdominal incision with extension. PMID- 13477479 TI - Boeck's sarcoid; report of two cases diagnosed by different techniques. PMID- 13477480 TI - Current status of tranquilizing drugs in clinical practice. PMID- 13477481 TI - Pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13477482 TI - The trained nurse. PMID- 13477483 TI - Management of benign nevi and malignant melanoma (nevocarcinoma). PMID- 13477484 TI - Chest trauma. PMID- 13477485 TI - Professional tort liability in the State of Washington. PMID- 13477487 TI - Bronchogenic carcinoma; successful removal in an 80 year old male. PMID- 13477486 TI - Long-term effectiveness of specific antiemetic drugs in the management of uremia; report of a case. PMID- 13477488 TI - Effect of radiation on rat submaxillary glands as demonstrated by use of methionine labeled with radioactive sulfur. PMID- 13477489 TI - Ski injuries. PMID- 13477490 TI - Diverticulitis of the jejunum. PMID- 13477492 TI - Mental health for living. PMID- 13477491 TI - Maxillo-facial injuries. PMID- 13477493 TI - Fungus infections of the skin and hair. PMID- 13477494 TI - A night care program. PMID- 13477495 TI - Staffing a psychiatric research unit. PMID- 13477496 TI - Eye safety in schools. PMID- 13477497 TI - Workshops for public health nursing administrators. PMID- 13477498 TI - A salute to nursing in Vietnam. PMID- 13477499 TI - We share curriculum planning. PMID- 13477500 TI - Calling all alumnae. PMID- 13477501 TI - Science in the nursing curriculum: philosophy and principles. PMID- 13477502 TI - An apple for the pupil. PMID- 13477503 TI - Recovery room experience for students. PMID- 13477504 TI - Follow-up in the teacher-training project. PMID- 13477505 TI - Outpatient department experiences for students. PMID- 13477506 TI - Wanted: good nursing. PMID- 13477507 TI - Tampering with tradition. PMID- 13477508 TI - Epidemiology of Asian influenza. PMID- 13477509 TI - The flu epidemic of 1918. PMID- 13477510 TI - Patient and nurse: members of a group. PMID- 13477511 TI - Teen-agers will support a vaccination program. PMID- 13477513 TI - A shared experience in supervision. PMID- 13477512 TI - The nursing audit. PMID- 13477514 TI - Assigning credits for clinical nursing courses. PMID- 13477515 TI - THE NATIONAL League for Nursing and regional accrediting agencies. PMID- 13477516 TI - When comprehensive child care counts. PMID- 13477517 TI - Science in the nursing curriculum: content and methods. PMID- 13477518 TI - Citizens for the Los Angeles County Health Department. PMID- 13477519 TI - Residential treatment for disturbed children. PMID- 13477520 TI - Disturbed children are disturbing children. PMID- 13477521 TI - PRACTICAL nurse programs in 1956. PMID- 13477523 TI - A house-to-house search for diabetes. PMID- 13477522 TI - Where and how should head nurses be prepared. PMID- 13477524 TI - A hospital-to-home link for crippled children. PMID- 13477525 TI - [The school nurse represents medical and legal authority]. PMID- 13477526 TI - Educational trends in industrial nursing. PMID- 13477527 TI - Nursing service for employees in small plants. PMID- 13477528 TI - Developing written procedures. PMID- 13477529 TI - NURSING Advisory Service for Orthopedics and Poliomyelitis dissolves. PMID- 13477530 TI - Planning the care of patients with long-term illness. PMID- 13477532 TI - Nursing and research in the biological sciences. PMID- 13477531 TI - The behavioral sciences and research in nursing. PMID- 13477533 TI - An overview of nursing research. PMID- 13477534 TI - The human relations involved in administering nursing service in a large modern hospital. PMID- 13477535 TI - The integration of psychiatric and mental health concepts in a generic baccalaureate program. PMID- 13477536 TI - An experience in learning. PMID- 13477538 TI - A study in nursing practice; an approach to identifying problems in relation to surgical dressings. PMID- 13477537 TI - A method for studying the utilization of nursing service personnel in Veterans Administration hospitals. PMID- 13477539 TI - Changing patterns in nutrition education. PMID- 13477540 TI - CHEWING your food. PMID- 13477541 TI - ANEMIAS of the tropics. PMID- 13477542 TI - PHENYLKETONURIA. PMID- 13477543 TI - SODIUM and potassium in periodic paralysis. PMID- 13477544 TI - ILEOSTOMY chemistry. PMID- 13477545 TI - THE DUMPING syndrome: some current etiologic concepts and dietary management. PMID- 13477546 TI - LYSINE requirements of men and women. PMID- 13477547 TI - DIET AND Salmonella infection in chicks. PMID- 13477548 TI - SALT IN sheep rations. PMID- 13477549 TI - VITAMIN B12 content of cheese. PMID- 13477550 TI - GLYCEROL metabolism and fat absorption. PMID- 13477551 TI - INHIBITORS of cholesterol biosynthesis. PMID- 13477552 TI - METHYLATION and dehydroxylation of hydroxyaromatic compounds. PMID- 13477553 TI - THE METABOLIC role of vitamin B12. PMID- 13477554 TI - GLUTAMATE and arginine treatment of ammonium toxicity. PMID- 13477555 TI - THE INTESTINAL absorption of glucose. PMID- 13477556 TI - HYDROCORTISONE administration during pregnancy: its relation to the occurrence of cleft palate. PMID- 13477557 TI - Methods of diagnosis and treatment of sterility; a critical evaluation. PMID- 13477558 TI - [Incidence of colpitis caused by Trichomonas vaginales]. PMID- 13477559 TI - [Prolapse of the umbilical cord of the fetus in utero]. PMID- 13477560 TI - [Uterine lipoma; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13477561 TI - [Vulvar localization of an aberrant mammary gland]. PMID- 13477562 TI - [Organic & functional metrorrhagia; differential diagnosis; technics for symptomatic investigation; treatment]. PMID- 13477563 TI - [Data on the determination of the incidence & the morbid significance of pyospermia]. PMID- 13477564 TI - [Histochemical & morphological aspects of the endometrium in female sterility]. PMID- 13477566 TI - [Histochemical aspects of the human endometrium]. PMID- 13477565 TI - [Histochemical & morphological aspects of the endometrium in sterility]. PMID- 13477567 TI - [Development & progress in the study of sterility]. PMID- 13477568 TI - Irradiation castration; a follow-up study of results in benign pelvic disease. PMID- 13477569 TI - Primary surgical treatment of endometrial carcinoma. PMID- 13477570 TI - The cervical-mucus smear during pregnancy and the fate of conception. PMID- 13477571 TI - Cervical abortion; report of a case. PMID- 13477572 TI - Cervical pregnancy, report of a case. PMID- 13477573 TI - Postpartum oervical laceration; a simple method of diagnosis. PMID- 13477574 TI - A carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for control of fluid retention in pregnancy. PMID- 13477575 TI - Long-acting estrogens in amenorrhea and menopause. PMID- 13477576 TI - Spontaneous remission of amenorrhea due to traumatic endometrial atrophy. PMID- 13477577 TI - Routine third-stage exploration of the uterus. PMID- 13477578 TI - Functional uterine bleeding. PMID- 13477579 TI - Adenomyosis and abnormal uterine bleeding. PMID- 13477580 TI - Renal cell carcinoma in pregnancy. PMID- 13477581 TI - Routine abdominal exploration at surgery. PMID- 13477582 TI - Hydatidiform mole. I. Hydatidiform mole with fetus; theoretical considerations and a report of two cases. PMID- 13477583 TI - Beaded chain and catheter for cystograms. PMID- 13477584 TI - Umbilical-cord prolapse; analysis of ninety-seven cases. PMID- 13477585 TI - Endometriosis and hemorrhagic pleural effusion. PMID- 13477586 TI - Intrapartum uterine rupture with an acardius amorphus second twin; report of a case. PMID- 13477587 TI - Observations on the clinical use of cream-alone and gel-alone methods of contraception. PMID- 13477589 TI - Gonorrheal pneumonia and sepsis complicating the puerperium. PMID- 13477588 TI - Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate in constipation of pregnancy. PMID- 13477590 TI - Self-retaining cannula set for hysterosalpingography. PMID- 13477591 TI - Routine curettage before every gynecologic laparotomy. PMID- 13477592 TI - Vaginal fascia, a myth. PMID- 13477593 TI - The living human ovum. PMID- 13477594 TI - Refined relaxin and length of labor; a preliminary report. PMID- 13477595 TI - Early diagnosis and treatment in a cancer survey program: a preliminary report. PMID- 13477596 TI - Hydatidiform mole. II. Clinical characteristics; report of cases over a three year period in Methodist Hospital. PMID- 13477597 TI - False-positive frog tests due to promazin hydrochloride (sparine). PMID- 13477598 TI - Cervical cancer in aortic lymph nodes treated with radioactive gold report of a case. PMID- 13477599 TI - Pubic chip-fracture: report of two cases occurring during pregnancy and labor. PMID- 13477600 TI - The immediate puerperium: I. Breast changes, therapy, and clinical evaluation. PMID- 13477601 TI - Carcinoma of the ovary in Middle-town, U.S.A. PMID- 13477602 TI - 9 alpha-Bromo-11-ketoprogesterone; another new orally effective substance with progestational activity. PMID- 13477603 TI - Incoagulable-blood syndrome and missed abortion; report of a case. PMID- 13477604 TI - Homolateral interstitial pregnancy following salpingectomy: report of a case. PMID- 13477605 TI - Endometriosis involving cesarean section abdominal scar: report of a case. PMID- 13477606 TI - Candidal cystitis in pregnancy: report of two cases. PMID- 13477607 TI - Recurrent malingered placenta previa: report of a case. PMID- 13477608 TI - Preparation for parenthood in the childbirth program. PMID- 13477609 TI - Pregnancy and delivery after bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13477611 TI - Cirrhosis of the liver in pregnancy: a review of the literature and report of a case with electrophoretic studies. PMID- 13477610 TI - Acquired hemolytic anemia in pregnancy: report of a case. PMID- 13477612 TI - Scleroderma and pregnancy: report of a case. PMID- 13477613 TI - A visit with Dr. Willard R. Cooke. PMID- 13477614 TI - Cancer of the uterine cervix; a preventable disease. PMID- 13477615 TI - Cervical carcinoma complicating procidentia; report of a case. PMID- 13477616 TI - Pelvic dystocia; a correlation of pelvic type, method of delivery, and end results in a pelvic-abnormality clinic. PMID- 13477617 TI - Urinary stress incontinence in the female. III. Round-ligament technic for retropubic suspension of the urethra. PMID- 13477618 TI - Suprapubic vesicourethral suspension: its use as a primary procedure; a preliminary report of fifty-two cases. PMID- 13477620 TI - Management of the third stage of labor. PMID- 13477619 TI - The immediate puerperium. II. endometrium and urinary lactose. PMID- 13477621 TI - The elderly primipara. PMID- 13477622 TI - Submucous fibroids complicating pregnancy, labor, and delivery. PMID- 13477623 TI - Premature separation of the normally implanted placenta; an analysis of management and results. PMID- 13477624 TI - Conservative surgery for early cervical cancer in young women. PMID- 13477625 TI - Advanced abdominal pregnancy. PMID- 13477626 TI - Pyelonephritis in pregnancy simulating labor. PMID- 13477627 TI - Low-salt syndrome in obstetrics and gynecology; report of two cases. PMID- 13477628 TI - Rupture of splenic artery aneurysm in pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13477629 TI - Pregnancy in paraplegia; a case report with urologic complication. PMID- 13477630 TI - Intravenous pitocin in late abortion and immature delivery. PMID- 13477631 TI - Interstitial twin pregnancy with cornual rupture; report of a case. PMID- 13477632 TI - Analgesic-potentiating effect of chlorpromazine during labor: a study of 2093 patients. PMID- 13477633 TI - Vancomycin treatment in a case of acute Streptococcus viridans endocarditis. PMID- 13477634 TI - The prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13477635 TI - Chronic cardiac compression (constrictive pericarditis) and rheumatoid arthritis; a case report. PMID- 13477636 TI - False aneurysm of the facial artery; case report and review of literature. PMID- 13477637 TI - Prolonged pregnancy. PMID- 13477638 TI - Clinical evaluation of a combination of hydrocortisone and crotonyl-N-ethyl-o toluidine (eurax) for topical therapy. PMID- 13477639 TI - MATERNAL deaths involving infection. PMID- 13477640 TI - A CASE record from the University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. PMID- 13477641 TI - Franklin County Pelvic Cancer Delay Committee Report. PMID- 13477642 TI - Hospital transports, with special reference to the steamboat Allen Collier and the Cincinnati branch of the U.S. Sanitary Commission. II. PMID- 13477643 TI - Samuel Mitchel Smith, M.D., medical college psychiatric lamplighter. I. PMID- 13477644 TI - Pitressin toxicity in diabetes insipidus, and the therapeutic superiority of the nasal route for replacement therapy; report of a case. PMID- 13477645 TI - Community detection of diabetes. PMID- 13477646 TI - Information and misinformation gained from fasting blood sugar alone in diabetes therapy. PMID- 13477647 TI - Management of diabetes with tolbutamide (orinase). PMID- 13477648 TI - Diabetes insipidus associated with schizophrenia: remission following electroshock therapy; report of a case. PMID- 13477649 TI - MATERNAL deaths involving diabetes. PMID- 13477650 TI - Management of pregnant diabetics; a ten year survey of the results of diabetes complicated by pregnancy in two private general hospitals; 53 cases. PMID- 13477651 TI - Micrognathism corrected by vertical osteotomy of ascending ramus and iliac bone graft: a new technique. PMID- 13477652 TI - Thyroglossal tract abnormalities. PMID- 13477653 TI - Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. PMID- 13477654 TI - Osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw. PMID- 13477655 TI - A report on the use of crystalline trypsin in treatment of alveolar osteitis. PMID- 13477656 TI - Periodontal disease in the rice rat. IV. The effects of antibiotics on the incidence of periodontal lesions. PMID- 13477657 TI - Treatment of acute ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity. PMID- 13477658 TI - The effects of multiple injections of thiopental sodium on the sleeping time and the physiologic disposition of the drug in male rats. PMID- 13477659 TI - Pain thresholds and factors which modify them. PMID- 13477660 TI - Dens invaginatus (dilated composite odontome). I. Variations of the invagination process and associated anterior crown forms. PMID- 13477661 TI - Congenital epulis of the newborn; report of two cases and review of the literature. PMID- 13477662 TI - Obtaining access for effective root canal therapy. PMID- 13477663 TI - Management of allergic eczema. PMID- 13477664 TI - Public health problems related to home treatment of tuberculosis. PMID- 13477665 TI - The use of radium in benign gynecologic conditions. PMID- 13477666 TI - A comparative study of promazine and chlorpromazine for hospital management. PMID- 13477667 TI - The need for certain types of medical facilities in Pennsylvania as estimated by physicians. PMID- 13477668 TI - The treatment of primary uterine cervical cancer. PMID- 13477669 TI - Physical medicine and rehabilitation in long-term disabilities. PMID- 13477670 TI - Drug addiction. PMID- 13477672 TI - Complications of retroperitoneal contrast studies. PMID- 13477671 TI - The allergic dermatoses. PMID- 13477673 TI - Congenital absence of the pulmonary artery associated with cor triloculare biatriatum. PMID- 13477674 TI - The public assistance program and our aging population. PMID- 13477675 TI - Survey of urologic practice in a general hospital. PMID- 13477676 TI - Some practical considerations and applications of histochemistry to pathology. PMID- 13477677 TI - [Test for the mechanical resistance of tablets]. PMID- 13477678 TI - [Effect of the form of granulate, binding agents & glidants on disintegration time & mechanical resistance of tablets, demonstration on Granulatum simplex ad tablettas in the Danish Pharmacopeia IX]. PMID- 13477679 TI - [Chemotaxonomical examination. IV. Cucurbitaceae]. PMID- 13477680 TI - [Identification of barbiturates by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13477681 TI - Anthelmintics. PMID- 13477682 TI - Hormonal regulation of tumor growth. PMID- 13477683 TI - [Problem of the morphogenesis of the frontal sinuses]. PMID- 13477684 TI - [Case of sclerosing form of osteogenic sarcoma of the spine]. PMID- 13477686 TI - [New methods of exposing roentgen negatives]. PMID- 13477685 TI - [Pleuropericardial cysts]. PMID- 13477688 TI - [Time relation ships in ballistocardiography in athletes]. PMID- 13477687 TI - [Effects of cortisone on the survival time of white mice generally x-irradiated]. PMID- 13477690 TI - [Blood transfusion and kidney function]. PMID- 13477689 TI - [Deviation and discrepancies in mean vectors of depolarization and repolarization processes of the ventricles in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome; report of 15 cases]. PMID- 13477691 TI - [Serpasil in hypertension]. PMID- 13477692 TI - [Serum turbidity in coronary arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13477693 TI - [Gastric catarrh in chronic cholecystitis]. PMID- 13477694 TI - [Primary erythroblastosis]. PMID- 13477695 TI - [Ulcerative changes in the respiratory tract in true uremia]. PMID- 13477696 TI - [Two cases of infectious lesions of the heart in athletes]. PMID- 13477697 TI - [Polymorphic clinical picture of leukemia in children]. PMID- 13477698 TI - [Present views on the problem of tuberculous rheumatism]. PMID- 13477699 TI - [Effect of certain drugs on eosinophil level in the blood]. PMID- 13477700 TI - [Malignant granuloma according to bioptic studies]. PMID- 13477701 TI - Some attempts at chemotherapy of cancer. PMID- 13477702 TI - The complications of reserpine therapy. PMID- 13477703 TI - The role of chlorpromazine in the management of psychiatric patients. PMID- 13477704 TI - Effects of foetal hypoxia. PMID- 13477705 TI - Calcinosis: a review with reports of four cases. PMID- 13477706 TI - A case of neuroblastoma. PMID- 13477707 TI - An analysis of 500 herniae admitted to a general hospital. PMID- 13477708 TI - [Bilioduodenal dyskinesia; concepts, clinical aspects & therapy]. PMID- 13477709 TI - [Gynecological surgery in patients over 65]. PMID- 13477710 TI - [Surgical pheochromocytoma; neuropsychiatric physiognomy]. PMID- 13477711 TI - [Effect of dried erythrocytes on the cicatrization of wounds; application in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13477712 TI - [Comparison of D 860 (butyltolylsulfonylcarbamide) & BZ 55 (butylsulfonylcarbamide) in the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13477714 TI - [Testicular ectopia]. PMID- 13477713 TI - [Postoperative care after gastric surgery]. PMID- 13477715 TI - [Clinicopathologic REUNION Semiotics Institute Prof. Dr. Gregorio Araoz Alfaro]. PMID- 13477716 TI - [Radiotherapy in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13477717 TI - [Inaugural conference in the course of gynecology; first professorship]. PMID- 13477718 TI - [Tumors of the mandible]. PMID- 13477719 TI - [Splenoportography; importance in the study of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13477720 TI - [Useful resources in thyroidectomy]. PMID- 13477721 TI - [Cycrimine, a new drug in the treatment of Parkinson's disease & Parkinsonism]. PMID- 13477722 TI - [Desmoid tumor]. PMID- 13477723 TI - [Combined treatment of arterial hypertension; 1-hydrazinophthalazine + reserpine]. PMID- 13477725 TI - [Plasma cell leukemia]. PMID- 13477724 TI - [Benign lymphoreticulosis; cat-scratch disease]. PMID- 13477726 TI - [Physiopathological findings on 2 cases of Cooley's anemia (talasanemia major) treated with prednisone]. PMID- 13477727 TI - [Diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13477728 TI - [Clinical classification of gastroduodenal ulcers]. PMID- 13477729 TI - [Cancer of the eyelid]. PMID- 13477730 TI - [Findings on the use of hydrosoluble iodide substances in hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13477732 TI - [Second clinicopathological meeting of the Gregorio Araoz Alfaro Semiological Institute]. PMID- 13477731 TI - [May operation modified]. PMID- 13477733 TI - [Basic course in surgery; fourth conference]. PMID- 13477734 TI - [Catheterization of the left cardiac cavities and the aorta; demonstration of the technic and study of its complications]. PMID- 13477735 TI - [Chelating agents in hemochromatosis; therapeutic method or diagnostic test]. PMID- 13477736 TI - [Sinus carus and myasthenia gravis]. PMID- 13477737 TI - [Intervertebral disk degeneration and its treatment]. PMID- 13477739 TI - [Electronic automatic apparatus for counting erythrocytes and leukocytes and for determining their dimensions]. PMID- 13477738 TI - [The child of two mothers]. PMID- 13477740 TI - Ultrastructure & cellular chemistry of neural tissue; introduction. PMID- 13477741 TI - Some aspects of the ultrastructure of double membranes. PMID- 13477742 TI - The fine structure of the neurohypophysis. PMID- 13477743 TI - Abnormal metachromatic lipids in diffuse sclerosis and other conditions. PMID- 13477744 TI - Quantitative analysis of single nerve cell bodies. PMID- 13477745 TI - In vitro studies on the growth properties of brain cortex cells of adult individuals. PMID- 13477746 TI - The cell density of neural tissues: direct counting method and possible applications as a biologic referent. PMID- 13477747 TI - Barbiturates and certain aspects of phosphorus metabolism in the central nervous system. PMID- 13477748 TI - Effect of chlorpromazine on oxidative phosphorylation of liver and orain mitochondria. PMID- 13477749 TI - The localizanon or acetylcholinesterase in neurons. PMID- 13477750 TI - Histochemical studies of the esterases of human sympathetic ganglia. PMID- 13477751 TI - Quantitative histochemistry of proteolytic and oxidative enzymes in human cerebral cortex and brain tumors. PMID- 13477752 TI - Blood-brain barrier and protein turnover studied with the aid of isotopic lysine. PMID- 13477753 TI - The quantitative distribution of eight enzymes of glucose metabolism and two citric acid cycle enzymes in the cerebellar cortex and its subjacent white matter. PMID- 13477754 TI - Composition of the particulate matter of cerebral cortex during development. PMID- 13477755 TI - Television scanning microspectrophotometry. PMID- 13477756 TI - [Experiences with & observations on hypoglycemic sulfonamides. III. Behavior of cholesteremia in the course of carbutamide therapy]. PMID- 13477757 TI - [Blood coagulation & blood transfusion. I. Changes in clotting & prothrombin time of native blood induced by transfusion of normal citrated blood & autotransfusion of citrated blood]. PMID- 13477758 TI - [Effects of reserpine & chlorpromazine on gastric secretion in man]. PMID- 13477759 TI - [Comparison of maternal & fetal leukocyte resistance]. PMID- 13477760 TI - [French union against traffic in women]. PMID- 13477761 TI - [To youth: present & permanent danger of venereal diseases]. PMID- 13477762 TI - [Prevention of crime. III. Sexual education with a view to marriage]. PMID- 13477763 TI - [Novocain blocking in the treatment of pyogenic dermatoses]. PMID- 13477764 TI - [Vitamin levels in the blood and urine and their influence on the treatment of skin diseases]. PMID- 13477765 TI - [Methods of detecting & diagnosing hidden syphilis]. PMID- 13477766 TI - [Problem of nonspecific urethritis]. PMID- 13477767 TI - [Malaria in Poland from 1945-1955 with particular reference to its development in Warsaw]. PMID- 13477768 TI - [Apperance of Anopheles bifurcatus Meigen, 1818, (Anopheles claviger Meig. 1804) in the Warsaw area]. PMID- 13477769 TI - [Incidence of toxoplasmosis in the town and district of Radom on the basis of autopsy material. I]. PMID- 13477770 TI - [Immunological reactions in hydatid disease]. PMID- 13477771 TI - [Brucellosis diagnosed by an agglutination test on glass platelets]. PMID- 13477772 TI - [Antibody level in patients convalescing from typhus measured by complement fixation test]. PMID- 13477773 TI - [Effectiveness of DDT-impregnated textile in control of pediculosis]. PMID- 13477774 TI - [Clothes impregnated with dimethylphthalate in prevention of pediculosis]. PMID- 13477775 TI - [Tincture from foot of Derris as remedy against head lice]. PMID- 13477776 TI - [A new insecticide against head lice]. PMID- 13477777 TI - [Chemical disinfection of linen. II. Use of activated chloramine solutions]. PMID- 13477778 TI - [Remembrance of Roman Nitsch in connection with his views on the nature of fixed virus]. PMID- 13477779 TI - [Pathology of ballism]. PMID- 13477780 TI - [Alexia, classified among the disorders of symbolic function]. PMID- 13477781 TI - [The impact of the delusional concept in schizophrenia]. PMID- 13477783 TI - Autonomic nervous system responses related to the Funkenstein test. II. To mecholyl. PMID- 13477782 TI - Depth electrographic recording of a seizure during a structured interview; report of a case. PMID- 13477784 TI - The reliability of the mecholyl test. PMID- 13477785 TI - Electric shock therapy and the mecholyl test. PMID- 13477786 TI - Patterns of emotional recovery from hysterectomy; first in a series of reports. PMID- 13477787 TI - Observations on psychological aspects of anorexia nervosa; report of a case. PMID- 13477788 TI - Musicogenic epilepsy; report of three cases. PMID- 13477789 TI - Countertransference reactions to cancer. PMID- 13477792 TI - New trends in maternal and child welfare. PMID- 13477790 TI - A note on the influence of climatic factors on psychophysiological investigations. PMID- 13477791 TI - The psychosomatic approach to the etiology of clinical disorders. PMID- 13477793 TI - Perinatal mortality. PMID- 13477794 TI - Effects of radiation on the outcome of pregnancy. PMID- 13477795 TI - The ascertainment and management of defective hearing in the very young. PMID- 13477796 TI - Health education in the maternal and child welfare centre. PMID- 13477797 TI - Parent guidance and the mentally retarded child. PMID- 13477798 TI - Spotlight on 1856. PMID- 13477799 TI - Some changes in mortality and handicapping effects of infectious diseases in an industrial town. PMID- 13477800 TI - A time of change. PMID- 13477801 TI - Work at Harwell of medical interest. PMID- 13477803 TI - Ontogeny of physiological regulations in the rat. PMID- 13477802 TI - The teaching of the medical student in community health. PMID- 13477804 TI - Biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological aspects of serotonin. PMID- 13477806 TI - Studies on the influence of the central nervous system on anterior pituitary function. PMID- 13477805 TI - The effects of midbrain and spinal cord transection on endocrine and metabolic functions with postulation of a midbrain hypothalamico-pituitary activating system. PMID- 13477807 TI - Hormones and rhythms in man and animals. PMID- 13477808 TI - The interaction of thyroid hormones and protein in biological fluids. PMID- 13477809 TI - The binding of steroids and steroid conjugates to human plasma proteins. PMID- 13477811 TI - Synthetic progestins in the normal human menstrual cycle. PMID- 13477810 TI - Some experimental studies on the mechanism of ova-implantation in the rat. PMID- 13477812 TI - The metabolism of progesterone and its clinical use in pregnancy. PMID- 13477813 TI - Long-acting steroids in reproduction. PMID- 13477814 TI - Insulinase, insulinase-inhibitors, and diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13477815 TI - Glucagon, a second pancreatic hormone. PMID- 13477817 TI - Adrenal influences upon the stomach and the gastric responses to stress. PMID- 13477816 TI - Endocrine changes after anesthesia, surgery, and unanesthetized trauma in man. PMID- 13477818 TI - [Generative ovarian insufficiency; necessity & superiority of clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13477819 TI - [Fructose & fructolysis in human sperm]. PMID- 13477820 TI - [Data on the study of sensitive nerve endings of the external genitalia of the adult woman]. PMID- 13477822 TI - [Address in honor of Genevieve de Galard, "the Angel of Dien Bien Phu"]. PMID- 13477821 TI - [Acute appendicitis & pregnancy]. PMID- 13477823 TI - [Iproniazid for bone and joint tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477824 TI - [Renal function after prolonged ureteral obstruction; case report]. PMID- 13477825 TI - [Origin of antibodies]. PMID- 13477826 TI - [Experimental hypoxia & necrosis caused by anaerobiosis of the liver; effect of de-arterialization & changes associated with portacaval anastomosis; use of penicillin & controlled hypothermia]. PMID- 13477827 TI - [Plastic surgery in the rehabilitation of the handicapped]. PMID- 13477828 TI - [Relation of physiology to physical exercise]. PMID- 13477829 TI - [Hibernation sleep as a thermoregulation problem]. PMID- 13477830 TI - A comparative study on the coronary dilator activity of aminophylline and papaverine. PMID- 13477831 TI - [Anticonvulsive action of four new semiacetals]. PMID- 13477832 TI - [Effects of prolonged administration of lyophilized hypothalamic preparation on experimental hypertension in rats]. PMID- 13477833 TI - [Participation of the rhinencephalon in hormonal regulation]. PMID- 13477834 TI - [Antibiotics and agricultural production; a problem of comparative pathology]. PMID- 13477836 TI - [Skin diseases caused by antibiotics]. PMID- 13477835 TI - [Action of leech extract on hemorrhage time, coagulation & Quick's prothrombin time in sheep]. PMID- 13477837 TI - [Vascular & hematological complications of fungal antibiotics]. PMID- 13477838 TI - [Contribution of the laboratory to the study of sensitivity to antibiotics]. PMID- 13477840 TI - [Mechanism of antibiotic action on intestinal microflora of young cattle]. PMID- 13477839 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477841 TI - [Resistance of organisms to virus infection]. PMID- 13477842 TI - [Use of residual fluids from sulfite paste factories]. PMID- 13477843 TI - [General picture of biological tests used in rheumatology]. PMID- 13477844 TI - [Flocculation reactions with heavy metal salts]. PMID- 13477846 TI - [Streptococcal antibodies in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13477845 TI - [Serological reactions of inflammation in rheumatology; sedimentation rate; C positive protein and blood glycoproteins]. PMID- 13477847 TI - [Hemagglutinations during chronic inflammatory rheumatism; comparative study]. PMID- 13477848 TI - [Practical conclusions and general picture]. PMID- 13477849 TI - [Determination of antistreptolysins]. PMID- 13477850 TI - [Specificity of Waaler-Rose reaction in rheumatological practice]. PMID- 13477851 TI - [Protein signs of inflammation in gout and chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13477852 TI - [Electrophoretic correspondence of sedimentation rate]. PMID- 13477853 TI - [Study of Waaler-Rose reaction and some tests of inflammation in rheumatology]. PMID- 13477854 TI - [In vitro modification of erythrocyte sedimentation]. PMID- 13477855 TI - [Value of Waaler-Rose reaction rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13477856 TI - [Antistreptolysins in human tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477857 TI - Osteoarthritis and spondylosis of the spine. PMID- 13477858 TI - Infantile rheumatoid spondylitis. PMID- 13477859 TI - The influence of probenecid, phenylbutazone and salicylates upon urate excretion in man. PMID- 13477860 TI - Surgery of the esophagus. PMID- 13477861 TI - Clinical observations with phenaglycodol in hypertension with anxiety states. PMID- 13477862 TI - Professional liability and statutes of limitations in Rhode Island. PMID- 13477863 TI - Ingestion of multiple foreign bodies. PMID- 13477864 TI - [Experiences in diagnosis of surgically confirmed tumors of the kidneys]. PMID- 13477865 TI - [Personal experiences with repair of fistulas of lower urinary tract in women]. PMID- 13477866 TI - [Late metastases of sarcoma of hilus of kidneys to the lungs 16 years after nephrectomy]. PMID- 13477867 TI - [Bilateral tumor of renal capsule]. PMID- 13477868 TI - [Aneurysm of the renal artery]. PMID- 13477870 TI - [Late complications of hidden injuries to the kidneys]. PMID- 13477869 TI - [Congenital communication between rectum, bladder & urinary tract]. PMID- 13477871 TI - [Foreign bodies penetrating into urinary bladder from the surrounding areas]. PMID- 13477872 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of chronic urethritis in women]. PMID- 13477873 TI - [Foreign body in the posterior urethra in male; case report]. PMID- 13477874 TI - [Functional changes of the kidneys in prostate hypertrophy]. PMID- 13477875 TI - [New method of local administration of antibiotics in the treatment of non specific urethritis]. PMID- 13477877 TI - [Successfully treated rupture of an aneurysm of the common iliac artery]. PMID- 13477876 TI - [Surgery of constrictive pericarditis with regard to the extent of decortication and choice of operative approach]. PMID- 13477878 TI - [A case of successful embolectomy of bifurcation of the aorta]. PMID- 13477880 TI - [Experimental replacement of the right heart by extracorporeal circuit]. PMID- 13477879 TI - [Changes in the ground substance of connective tissue in resected auricular appendages in mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13477881 TI - [Mondor's disease]. PMID- 13477882 TI - [Thrombophlebitis of the axillary and subclavian veins]. PMID- 13477883 TI - [Critic of the so-called Moszkowicz operation of varicose veins]. PMID- 13477884 TI - [Hibernation therapy in thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus]. PMID- 13477885 TI - [Arteriovenous communications in varicose veins in the lower extremities]. PMID- 13477886 TI - [Clinical application of the hemostatic preparations fibrin and thrombin]. PMID- 13477887 TI - [Arteriographic picture of obliterative arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13477888 TI - [Case of aneurysm of the hepatic artery]. PMID- 13477889 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477890 TI - [Two cases of thrombocythemia with hemorrhagic diathesis in Vaquez's disease]. PMID- 13477891 TI - [Case of hemorrhagic thrombocythemia developing into Vaquez' disease]. PMID- 13477892 TI - [Clinical, cytological and biological study of a case of thrombocythemia with moderate polycythemia vera in a woman with Paget's disease]. PMID- 13477894 TI - [Hemorrhagic thrombocythemia post-splenectomy]. PMID- 13477893 TI - [Case of thrombocythemia with polycythemia vera in a young woman with pulmonary invasion by hyaline eosinophil substance]. PMID- 13477895 TI - [Post-splenectomy thrombocythemia transformed into acute erythromyelosis]. PMID- 13477897 TI - [Hemorrhagic syndrome with hyperthrombocythemia appearing after splenectomy]. PMID- 13477896 TI - [Clinical and biological study of a prolonged thrombocythemia after splenectomy]. PMID- 13477898 TI - [Thrombocythemia in subacute leukemic panmyelosis]. PMID- 13477899 TI - [Thrombocythemia in leukemic panmyelosis; megakaryocytic leukemia]. PMID- 13477900 TI - [A case of thrombocythemia; megakaryocytic leukemia]. PMID- 13477901 TI - [Two cases of myeloid splenomegaly with hemorrhagiparous thrombocythemia; effects of myleran, importance of thromboelastograms]. PMID- 13477902 TI - [Thrombocythemia in myeloid leukemia with acute transformation]. PMID- 13477903 TI - [Secondary thrombocythemia in pulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13477904 TI - [Clinical, cytological and biological study of a case of cryptogenic thrombocythemia]. PMID- 13477906 TI - [Case of essential thrombocythemia]. PMID- 13477905 TI - [So-called essential thrombocythemia; with polycythemia vera]. PMID- 13477907 TI - [Essential thrombocythemia; case report]. PMID- 13477908 TI - [Hemorrhagic thrombocythemia in syringomyelic syndrome]. PMID- 13477909 TI - [Clinical, cytological and biological study of a case of chronic thrombocythemia with anemia]. PMID- 13477910 TI - [Physiopathology of hemorrhage in thrombocythemia; study of hemostasis in 27 patients]. PMID- 13477911 TI - [Note on the hemorrhagic syndrome of thrombocytosis]. PMID- 13477912 TI - [Treatment of thrombocythemia by radiophosphorus]. PMID- 13477913 TI - [Rhinosporidiosis]. PMID- 13477914 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477916 TI - [Study of infantile tinea in Cameroun; preliminary note]. PMID- 13477915 TI - [Investigations into the bronchial fungiform flora in sanatorium patients]. PMID- 13477917 TI - [Note on large shape histoplasmosis in French Equatorial Africa]. PMID- 13477919 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477918 TI - [Difficulties & complications of modern antituberculous medications]. PMID- 13477920 TI - [Psychodrama in France]. PMID- 13477921 TI - [In memoriam Georg Simon]. PMID- 13477922 TI - [Blood transfusion in tuberculosis in infants & young children]. PMID- 13477923 TI - [Untoward effects of tuberculostatic agents, with special consideration of metabolism & endocrine function in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477924 TI - [Causes & therapy of shrinkage of pneumonolysis cavities]. PMID- 13477925 TI - [Experience with bronchoscopy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13477926 TI - [The question of dairin]. PMID- 13477927 TI - [An aspirated ear of barley as a cause of severe recurrent lung hemorrhage]. PMID- 13477928 TI - [Differentiation of the human & bovine type of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in medium containing rat blood. II]. PMID- 13477929 TI - [Congenital hernia of the right diaphragm]. PMID- 13477930 TI - [Hepatolienal reflux and lieno-hepatic flux]. PMID- 13477931 TI - [A case of reflex epilepsy]. PMID- 13477932 TI - [Case of primary pleural tumor diagnosed by thoracotomy]. PMID- 13477933 TI - [Case of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia]. PMID- 13477934 TI - [Case of aortic insufficiency with rare stethacoustic characteristics]. PMID- 13477935 TI - [Organic and biological basis of crime genesis]. PMID- 13477936 TI - [The task of pediatricians in prevention of diseases among school children]. PMID- 13477937 TI - [The work of the Neurological Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR on vascular diseases of the nervous system]. PMID- 13477938 TI - [The role of pathological dominant in the clinical aspects of central paralysis; mechanism of nyotinic increase, of pathological reflexes, of sincinesia, of the restoration of motor function]. PMID- 13477939 TI - [Possibilities of electroencephalography in clinical practice]. PMID- 13477940 TI - [Excision of cardial cancer; immediate and remote results]. PMID- 13477941 TI - [Darvinism and medicine; 75th anniversary of Ch. Darwin's death]. PMID- 13477942 TI - [Some problems in the organization of scientific research]. PMID- 13477943 TI - [100th Birthday anniversary of the Japanese microbiologist Shibasaburo Kitazato]. PMID- 13477944 TI - [Surgical treatment of coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13477945 TI - [Present problems of ophthalmology in Russia]. PMID- 13477946 TI - [Drug therapy and surgery in glaucoma; review of foreign literature]. PMID- 13477947 TI - [Subconjunctival tears of the sclera]. PMID- 13477948 TI - [Local application of cortisone in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13477949 TI - [X-ray therapy of iritis and iridocyclitis]. PMID- 13477950 TI - [Water-load compimetric test in early diagnosis of glaucoma]. PMID- 13477951 TI - [Treatment of ocular burns]. PMID- 13477952 TI - [A method for preventing relapsing obstruction of the lacrimal ducts after anastomosis]. PMID- 13477954 TI - [PROFESSOR P. I. CHISTIAKIV]. PMID- 13477953 TI - [Development of fusion with a mirror stereoscope by means of specially adjusted pictures]. PMID- 13477955 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of otogenic abscesses of the brain and of the cerebellum]. PMID- 13477956 TI - [Symptoms and treatment of otogenic abscesses of the brain]. PMID- 13477957 TI - [Suppurative otogenic ventriculitis]. PMID- 13477958 TI - [Diagnosis of acute otitis media in premature infants]. PMID- 13477959 TI - [Secretory functions of the salivary glands in inflammatory diseases of the middle ear]. PMID- 13477960 TI - [Treatment of some acute inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat with local injections of a mixture of novocaine and a 5% solution of alcohol]. PMID- 13477961 TI - [Masking effect of antibiotics on the course of acute otitis media, antritis and mastoiditis in children]. PMID- 13477962 TI - [Histological changes of ear polypi induced by x-ray treatment]. PMID- 13477963 TI - [Skin transplantation after Thiersch graft in treatment of chronic otitis media]. PMID- 13477964 TI - [Otogenic paresis of the facial nerve]. PMID- 13477965 TI - [Sense of taste in Meniere's disease and cochleo-vestibular disorders during vascular diseases and brain trauma]. PMID- 13477966 TI - [Hemodynamic changes during surgery on the temporal bone performed under local anesthesia]. PMID- 13477967 TI - [Significance of some peculiarities of the carotid canal and internal venous carotid plexus in otolaryngological clinics]. PMID- 13477968 TI - [Indirect injuries of the external ear in trauma of the mandible]. PMID- 13477970 TI - [Mechanism of the caloric test according to electroencephalographic data]. PMID- 13477969 TI - [Effect of cocaine on vestibular reflexes; experimental research]. PMID- 13477971 TI - [Tables of Russian words used in a hearing test by means of an audiometer]. PMID- 13477972 TI - [An objective hearing test by means of a cutaneo-galvanic reflex in children of preschool age]. PMID- 13477974 TI - [Causes for the development of deafness in mumps]. PMID- 13477973 TI - [Auro-cardiac reflex]. PMID- 13477975 TI - [Conservative treatment of ozena with chlorophyl-carotene paste]. PMID- 13477976 TI - [Technic of tracheotomy in the optimal site]. PMID- 13477977 TI - [Directed bronchography with sulfoiodol]. PMID- 13477978 TI - [Classification and nomenclature in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13477979 TI - [Communicating abscesses of the temporal and parietal lobes of the brain]. PMID- 13477980 TI - [Atypical course of the internal carotid artery in the cervical section]. PMID- 13477981 TI - [Fenestration of the thyroid cartilage in chondro-perichondritis in a 13-year-old child]. PMID- 13477982 TI - [Inflammatory processes around the foreign body in a piriform fossa simulating laryngeal tumors]. PMID- 13477983 TI - [Professor Kapitolina Alekseevna Drennova; 60th birthday anniversary]. PMID- 13477984 TI - [International role of military medicine]. PMID- 13477985 TI - [Methods of rehabilitation used by the Dutch Armed Forces Medical Corps]. PMID- 13477986 TI - [Red Cross without borders]. PMID- 13477987 TI - [Relations of the Federal Nutrition Commission and of its War Council to the Medical Corps of the Swiss Armed Forces]. PMID- 13477988 TI - [Surgical suture material and catgut testing]. PMID- 13477989 TI - [Where to care for military and civilian wounded personnel in case of a war]. PMID- 13477990 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13477991 TI - [Possibility of introducing body constitution problems in military medicine]. PMID- 13477992 TI - [Latent hemophilia and fitness to serve]. PMID- 13477993 TI - [Prevention and treatment of temporomandibular joint diseases]. PMID- 13477994 TI - [Ophthalmological problems in the Medical Corps during the war]. PMID- 13477995 TI - [Problem of chemical radiation protection]. PMID- 13477996 TI - [Blood transfusion needs in a division section]. PMID- 13477997 TI - [P. G. Unna's opinion on skin diseases and fitness to serve]. PMID- 13477998 TI - [Mental hygiene in the Swiss Armed Forces]. PMID- 13477999 TI - [Experiences and observations made while serving as head physician of the League of Red Cross Societies caring for Hungarian refugees in Austria]. PMID- 13478000 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478001 TI - [Treatment of meniscus injuries]. PMID- 13478002 TI - [Evaluation of foot abnormalities in determining the fitness for military service]. PMID- 13478003 TI - [Medical secret, military service book and health book]. PMID- 13478004 TI - [Communicable diseases important for military medicine]. PMID- 13478005 TI - [Duties of military physicians in the field of mental hygiene]. PMID- 13478006 TI - [Military officer and Society of Military Physicians]. PMID- 13478007 TI - [Newer apparatuses for anesthesia and resuscitation]. PMID- 13478008 TI - [Short courses in self aid and in aid to others]. PMID- 13478009 TI - [Importance of artificial kidney in military medicine]. PMID- 13478010 TI - [Anti-atomic shelter for Armed Forces Medical Corps]. PMID- 13478011 TI - [Abscesses of the long bones in military surgery]. PMID- 13478012 TI - [Vascular grafts and military surgery]. PMID- 13478013 TI - [Warehouse for military medical supplies]. PMID- 13478014 TI - [Factory of military blood transfusion service]. PMID- 13478015 TI - [Military Hospital Lenk]. PMID- 13478016 TI - Two types of liver disease in Jamaican children. II. PMID- 13478017 TI - The prevention of relapse after chloramphenicol treatment of typhoid fever. PMID- 13478018 TI - Keloid. PMID- 13478019 TI - Acute rheumatic fever in Jamaican children. PMID- 13478020 TI - Chronic lead poisoning; a case report. PMID- 13478021 TI - Relationship of certain serological strains of E. coli to infantile gastro enteritis in Jamaica. PMID- 13478022 TI - Ascariasis in children. PMID- 13478023 TI - Spigelian hernia; report of a case. PMID- 13478024 TI - Datura poisoning a case report. PMID- 13478025 TI - Leptospirosis in Jamaica. PMID- 13478026 TI - American medicine; means you. PMID- 13478027 TI - The evolution of vision. PMID- 13478028 TI - Puerperal psychosis. PMID- 13478029 TI - Unusual problems in the management of acute appendicitis; with case reports. PMID- 13478030 TI - Medicine and West Virginia University. PMID- 13478031 TI - Acute pneumocholecystitis. PMID- 13478032 TI - Recent trends in psychiatry. PMID- 13478033 TI - Experience with the ataractic and alerting drugs at Mendota State Hospital. PMID- 13478034 TI - Smallpox vaccinia with late interstitial keratitis; a case report. PMID- 13478035 TI - The hazards of excessive insulin dosage. PMID- 13478037 TI - [Biomorphosis or gerontology]. PMID- 13478036 TI - Referrals to child guidance clinics as it looks to your state board of health. PMID- 13478038 TI - [Biomorphosis of the human brain in the light of changing content of nucleic acid and ganglioside]. PMID- 13478039 TI - [Hemagglutination in relation to geriatric treatment methods]. PMID- 13478040 TI - [Critical observations on the use of pulse wave frequency as of an age index]. PMID- 13478041 TI - [Senile changes of the human brain]. PMID- 13478042 TI - [Age-dependant and sexually dualistic behavior of fibrinogen in pneumonia and in epidemic hepatitis]. PMID- 13478043 TI - [Capillary permeability in relation to age. III. Behavior of albumin and globulin fractions in blood in experimental obstruction (Landis method)]. PMID- 13478044 TI - [Differential diagnosis of cerebral apoplexy with a special reference to leukocytosis]. PMID- 13478045 TI - [Neurohistological contribution to the problems of aging]. PMID- 13478046 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of thromboembolic diseases of the lower extremities, lungs and heart]. PMID- 13478047 TI - [Clinical studies of liver cirrhosis. III. Blood protein changes in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13478048 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478049 TI - [Criticism of oral iron loading tests]. PMID- 13478050 TI - [Pathological anatomy of gastric ulcer and ulcer-carcinoma]. PMID- 13478051 TI - [Study of the effect of magnesium thiosulfate on the curve of the action current of the heart]. PMID- 13478052 TI - [The intravenous glucose tolerance test in liver diseases and diabetes]. PMID- 13478053 TI - [A new type of automatic recording apparatus for paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13478054 TI - [A case of death during oral oranil (N1-sulfanilyl-N2-n-butyl carbamide) therapy of diabetes]. PMID- 13478055 TI - [Surgery of mitral stenosis in youth]. PMID- 13478056 TI - [A new method of protein therapy of chronic liver diseases]. PMID- 13478057 TI - [Syphilitic mesaortitis with unusual aneurysm formation]. PMID- 13478058 TI - [Tar treatment in dermatology]. PMID- 13478059 TI - [Treatment of varicose veins & ulcus cruris varicosum]. PMID- 13478061 TI - [Lichen nitidus as an independent disease]. PMID- 13478060 TI - [Present state of the melanoma problem & radiotherapy of malignant melanoma]. PMID- 13478062 TI - [Side-phenomena of the human skin. I. Cutis marmorata, acrocyanosis, erythrocyanosis]. PMID- 13478063 TI - [Effect of colostrum on the staphylococcal alpha-antitoxin titer in the newborn]. PMID- 13478064 TI - The bioassay of poliomyelitis vaccines in mice. PMID- 13478065 TI - [Forensic use of P-determination; also a contribution to the frequency and distribution of P-factor with reference to its receptor strength in adults and children]. PMID- 13478066 TI - [Effect of neurolysins on the mechanism of immunobiological protection. I. Effect of neurolysins on phagocytosis in vitro]. PMID- 13478067 TI - [Unspecific positive cardiolipin-complement fixation reactions. I. Importance, frequency and incidence in bacterial infections]. PMID- 13478068 TI - [Diagnostic allergens in brucellosis, tularemia, glanders and erysipelas]. PMID- 13478069 TI - [Serological changes after irradiation of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13478070 TI - [Immunological research on intestinal bacteria with dextran preparations. I. Virulence enhancing effect]. PMID- 13478071 TI - [Demonstration of the effect of typhoid vaccines and sera through blood culture in a mouse test]. PMID- 13478072 TI - [Comparative research on the optimal detection of ABO agglutinogens in blood strains]. PMID- 13478073 TI - [Behavior of the antistreptolysin titer during intra- and extrauterine life up to the end of the first year]. PMID- 13478074 TI - [Serological and cytological research on the effect of roentgen rays on antibody formation]. PMID- 13478075 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478076 TI - Analysis of the mutagenic action of formaldehyde food. III. Conditions influencing the effectiveness of the treatment. PMID- 13478077 TI - Studies in quantitative inheritance. IX. The effects of inbreeding at different rates in Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13478078 TI - [Development of the amount of fluorescent substances in the heads of Ephestia kuhniella in relation to various ocular color genes]. PMID- 13478079 TI - [Development physiology and biometric research on Drosophila melanogaster strains sensitive and resistant to DDT]. PMID- 13478080 TI - A cytogenetic analysis of the lozenge pseudoalleles in Drosophila. PMID- 13478081 TI - [Hybridization attempts with the genus Streptocarpus lindl. V. Phenotypic and genotypic sex determination in the hybrid Str. (wendlandii x rexii)]. PMID- 13478082 TI - Studies on the mutagenic action of formaldehyde in Drosophila. I. The effect of pretreatment with cyanide on the mutagenicity of formaldehyde and of formaldehyde hydrogen peroxide mixtures in males. PMID- 13478083 TI - Studies on the mutagenic action of formaldehyde in Drosophila. II. The production of mutations in females and the induction of crossing-over. PMID- 13478084 TI - [Fluorescent substances in the organs of three genotypes of Ephestia kuhniella; analysis of the effect of genes on the metabolism of pterin and tryptophan]. PMID- 13478085 TI - [Right thoracic leads in diagnosis of isolated and combined hypertrophies]. PMID- 13478086 TI - [An unusual auricular conduction disturbance in socalled rheumoseptic endocarditis]. PMID- 13478087 TI - [Overlapping of primary ventricular end deflection changes of the electrocardiogram in unstable bundle branch block; attempt on differentiation through ventricular gradients]. PMID- 13478088 TI - [The ballistocardiogram of older people]. PMID- 13478089 TI - [Influence of passive position changes on blood pressure and heart-beat number in trained and untrained persons]. PMID- 13478090 TI - [Influence of the Rauwolfia alkaloid reserpine on blood circulation, respiration and total metabolism in men]. PMID- 13478091 TI - [Studies on the storage of blood in men]. PMID- 13478093 TI - [Fallot's tetralogy]. PMID- 13478092 TI - [Effect of strophanthin on peripheral oxygen utilization]. PMID- 13478094 TI - [Kymographic studies on the movements of calcified mitral valves]. PMID- 13478095 TI - [Practical reading table for relations in size and form between electrocardiograms in standard leads and in unipolar limb leads]. PMID- 13478096 TI - [Maturation problems in pregnancy]. PMID- 13478097 TI - [Maturation stages & crises in a woman's life]. PMID- 13478099 TI - [Autogenous training in conservative therapy of hemorrhoids]. PMID- 13478098 TI - [Handwriting analysis in the service of psychotherapy]. PMID- 13478100 TI - [Introduction to comparative studies on writing & speech motoricity]. PMID- 13478101 TI - [Writing & speech motoricity in the various constitutional types]. PMID- 13478102 TI - [The paradoxical intention, in horses]. PMID- 13478103 TI - [Symptomatology of the cervical vertebral syndrome]. PMID- 13478104 TI - [Determination & comparison of the antiphlogistic effects of antirheumatic drugs]. PMID- 13478105 TI - [C-reactive protein in prognosis of chronic rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13478106 TI - [Studies on the structure & function of connective tissue. IV. Structural x-ray studies on rat tail tendons under normal & pathological conditions]. PMID- 13478107 TI - [Biochemical studies on the effects of butazolidine]. PMID- 13478108 TI - [Recent findings regarding distribution, action & metabolic effects of butazolidine]. PMID- 13478109 TI - [Serochemical studies in chronic polyarthritis treated with butazolidine (phenylbutazone) & prednisone]. PMID- 13478110 TI - [Prednisolone & butazolidine in prolonged combined therapy of active rheumatoid arthritis & Still's disease in children]. PMID- 13478111 TI - [Innervation of the kidney pelvis and ureter in tonogenic functional disorders]. PMID- 13478112 TI - [Differential diagnosis of space-filling processes in the renovasogram]. PMID- 13478113 TI - [Hematuria in kidney hypoplasia]. PMID- 13478114 TI - [Calculus formation in Paget's disease]. PMID- 13478115 TI - [Urethral diverticulum the size of a fist in a paraplegic]. PMID- 13478116 TI - [An aid for surgery of calculi of the ureter]. PMID- 13478118 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of double kidneys]. PMID- 13478117 TI - [Kidney carcinoma with secondary calculus formation in the same kidney]. PMID- 13478119 TI - [Bladder calculus in a child with unusual secondary changes in the efferent urinary passages]. PMID- 13478120 TI - [Statistics of coronary sclerosis]. PMID- 13478121 TI - [A case of hyperplasia of parathyroid glands with an inflammation and subchronical giant cell thyroiditis]. PMID- 13478122 TI - [Symptoms and morphological findings of gastric hemangioma]. PMID- 13478123 TI - [An accessory thyroid gland in liver porta]. PMID- 13478124 TI - [Comparative pathology. II. The so-called gundu a special form of osteodystrophy]. PMID- 13478125 TI - [Cystinosis]. PMID- 13478126 TI - [Cell studies with dab staining of human corpus uteri mucosa]. PMID- 13478127 TI - [The development of the wrist bones in children with congenital cardiovascular defects]. PMID- 13478129 TI - [Recurrent fractures in children]. PMID- 13478130 TI - [So-called local therapy of burns in young & older children]. PMID- 13478128 TI - [Forms of fracture of the long bones]. PMID- 13478131 TI - [Rehabilitation as the most effective aid in traumatic & restorative surgery]. PMID- 13478132 TI - [Artificial electric circuit]. PMID- 13478133 TI - [Topographic relations of the M. plantaris tendon to the achilles tendon]. PMID- 13478134 TI - [Fear of childbirth]. PMID- 13478135 TI - [Anchoring of the uterus sub partu]. PMID- 13478136 TI - [A year of obstetrical practice without ecbolic drugs in the first and second stages of labor]. PMID- 13478137 TI - [Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis in late pregnancy and labor; anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13478138 TI - [For which patients is controlled antibiotic prophylaxis of thromboembolism to be recommended]. PMID- 13478139 TI - [The mechanism of appearance of internal inhibition]. PMID- 13478140 TI - [General results of the investigation of activities of the sound analyzer in man using various reactions]. PMID- 13478141 TI - [Electroencephalographic characteristics of formation of conditioned reflexes in man]. PMID- 13478142 TI - [Physiological substrate of signaling systems]. PMID- 13478143 TI - [Investigation of conditioned and unconditioned vascular reflexes as a method of analysis of cortico-visceral correlations in various diseases]. PMID- 13478144 TI - [Conditioned reflexes to trace complex stimuli in oligophrenia]. PMID- 13478145 TI - [Age factor and individual characteristics of the higher nervous activity in children during the first year of life]. PMID- 13478146 TI - [Biochemical characteristics of activities of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13478148 TI - [Conditioned reflex activities of dogs following barbiturate anesthesia]. PMID- 13478147 TI - [Secretory and motor components of food reflex as indices of certain cortical processes]. PMID- 13478149 TI - [Investigation of vegetative components of orientation and conditioned defense reflexes in puppies in ontogenesis]. PMID- 13478150 TI - [Conditioned reflexes to relation of stimuli in golden crucian carp, pigeons, and rabbits]. PMID- 13478151 TI - [Mechanism of conditioned reflexes to relation of stimuli]. PMID- 13478152 TI - [Electrophysiological studies of the dominant focus established in the cerebral cortex by constant current in rabbits]. PMID- 13478153 TI - [Reductor control of feeding racks]. PMID- 13478154 TI - [Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev; 100th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13478156 TI - Studies on the quantity of radiation reaching the gonadal areas during dermatologic x-ray therapy. II. Methods, quantitative measurements, and analyses of some important factors influencing the gonad-dose. PMID- 13478157 TI - Radiation protection in dermatology. PMID- 13478155 TI - [In memoriam S. S. Kaminskii]. PMID- 13478158 TI - Current philosophy regarding radiation hazard. PMID- 13478159 TI - Cutaneous lesions of rheumatic fever; a clinical study in young adults. PMID- 13478160 TI - New treatment for pitted scars; preliminary report. PMID- 13478161 TI - Dyskeratosis congenita; relationship to poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare and to aplastic anemia of Fanconi. PMID- 13478162 TI - Steatocystoma multiplex with embryonal hair formation; case presentation and consideration of pathogenesis. PMID- 13478163 TI - Histamine levels in human skin. PMID- 13478164 TI - Multiple hemangiopericytomas; their distinction from glomangiomas (glomus tumors). PMID- 13478166 TI - Skin cancer; some ethnic differences. PMID- 13478165 TI - Treatment of primary syphilis with synnematin B; report of a case. PMID- 13478167 TI - Atypical favus of the scalp; a report of two patients with the seborrheic form. PMID- 13478168 TI - Topical anesthesia of the unbroken skin. PMID- 13478169 TI - Epoxy resins; their uses and chemical and dermatological aspects. PMID- 13478170 TI - The effect of diphemanil methylsulfate (prantal) on hyperhidrosis. PMID- 13478171 TI - Neurodermatitis and emotional tension; a study of a specific emotional state in adult patients. PMID- 13478172 TI - Tribute to Dr. Charles C. Dennie. PMID- 13478173 TI - Cutaneous cryptococcosis; report of a case treated with potassium iodide and x ray therapy. PMID- 13478174 TI - Additional report on the occurrence of cataracts with atopic dermatitis. PMID- 13478176 TI - Injection of hydrocortisone into dermatologic lesions. PMID- 13478175 TI - A new red mercuric sulfide gel for the topical treatment of acne. PMID- 13478177 TI - Fungous infections of the skin treated with pyrrobutamine compounds. PMID- 13478178 TI - A convenient wall holder for x-ray cones. PMID- 13478179 TI - Methods for conservation of hearing. PMID- 13478180 TI - Status of research activities of the subcommittee on noise in industry. PMID- 13478181 TI - What constitutes disability and how it is measured. PMID- 13478182 TI - Teamwork approach to the noise problem. PMID- 13478183 TI - The consulting otologist's role in the industrial noise problem. PMID- 13478184 TI - The industrial hygienist's part in the solution of the industrial noise problem. PMID- 13478185 TI - Acute toxicity of yttrium, lanthanum, and other rare earths. PMID- 13478186 TI - Nickel poisoning. IV. Chronic exposure of rats to nickel carbonyl; a report after one year of observation. PMID- 13478187 TI - Nickel poisoning. V. The metabolism of nickel under normal conditions and after exposure to nickel carbonyl. PMID- 13478188 TI - Accumulation of dietary boron and strontium in young and adult albino rats. PMID- 13478189 TI - Portable radon detector for continuous air monitoring. PMID- 13478190 TI - The biological action of Degussa submicron amorphous silica dust (Dow Corning silica). V. Injection studies. PMID- 13478191 TI - Ozone toxicity studies. III. Chronic injury to lungs of animals following exposure at a low level. PMID- 13478192 TI - Boron hydride (borane) intoxication in man. PMID- 13478193 TI - The high-pork diet of the Negro of the southern United States. PMID- 13478194 TI - The search for an experimental counterpart of pernicious anemia. PMID- 13478195 TI - Megaloblastic anemia in alcoholic cirrhosis. PMID- 13478196 TI - Digitalis intoxication; a review and report of forty cases, with emphasis on etiology. PMID- 13478197 TI - Traumatic involvement of the thoracic aorta. PMID- 13478199 TI - Auricular fibrillation; report on a study of a familial tendency, 1920-1956. PMID- 13478198 TI - Diabetic neuropathy: pitfalls in diagnosis. PMID- 13478200 TI - The sensitivity of two hundred strains of hemolytic Staphylococcus to a series of antibiotics. PMID- 13478201 TI - Uropepsin excretion; studies in three hundred patients. PMID- 13478202 TI - Ardmore disease. PMID- 13478203 TI - The use of radioactive fat in the study of absorption in various disease states. PMID- 13478204 TI - The prevention of myocardial infarction. PMID- 13478205 TI - The pulmonary obstruction syndrome in Schistosoma mansoni pulmonary endarteritis; report of five cases. PMID- 13478206 TI - Hirsutism. PMID- 13478207 TI - Vitamin K deficiency associated with prolonged antibiotic administration. PMID- 13478208 TI - Atrial flutter with 1:1 A-V conduction. PMID- 13478209 TI - Thyrotoxicosis simulating hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13478210 TI - Review of neuropsychiatry. PMID- 13478212 TI - Recent memory impairment in unilateral temporal lesions. PMID- 13478211 TI - Rudolph Virchow and scientific medicine. PMID- 13478213 TI - Diffuse meningiomatosis, arachnoidal fibrosis, and syringomyelia. PMID- 13478214 TI - Studies on effect of the injection of alumina (aluminum oxide) cream into the basal ganglia. PMID- 13478215 TI - Cerebral blindness; an analysis of twelve cases, with especial reference to the electroencephalogram and patterns of recovery. PMID- 13478216 TI - Benign schizophrenia. PMID- 13478217 TI - Depressive affect and endocrine functions; blood levels of adrenal cortex and thyroid hormones in patients suffering from depressive reactions. PMID- 13478218 TI - Early infantile autism in identical twins; report of a case. PMID- 13478219 TI - The effects of taraxein on a patient in analysis. PMID- 13478220 TI - Studies in pharmacologic psychotherapy. III. Effective psychotherapy during drug induced states. PMID- 13478221 TI - Expressive form in schizophrenic language. PMID- 13478223 TI - Modifications of oropharyngeal bacteria with changes in the psychodynamic state; a preliminary study. PMID- 13478222 TI - Psychopharmacological studies of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) intoxication; effects of premedication with BOL-128 (2-bromo-d-lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline, atropine, amobarbital, and chlorpromazine. PMID- 13478224 TI - Circinate retinopathy. I. PMID- 13478225 TI - Circinate retinopathy. II. PMID- 13478226 TI - The scleral buckling procedures. I. Surgical techniques and management. PMID- 13478228 TI - Experimental studies of the choroidal vessels. VI. Observations on the effects of physical agents (scleral folding and diathermy). PMID- 13478227 TI - Experience of treating retinal venous occlusion with anticoagulant and antisclerosis therapy. PMID- 13478229 TI - The agar-diffusion technique in studies on immunity to adenoviruses. PMID- 13478231 TI - Glaucoma, 1956-1957. PMID- 13478230 TI - Eosinophilic granuloma of the orbit. PMID- 13478232 TI - Cramps of the professional voice. PMID- 13478233 TI - Nose and nasality. PMID- 13478234 TI - Repair of the facial nerve in traumatic facial palsies; results of decompression, nerve suture, and nerve grafting in one hundred twenty-seven cases. PMID- 13478236 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal carcinoma; a comparative study of the Netherlands and the United States. PMID- 13478235 TI - Prevention of adverse effects of streptomycin on the ear. PMID- 13478237 TI - Magnetic removal of foreign bodies from the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. PMID- 13478238 TI - Excision and pari-passu repair of pharyngeal diverticula. PMID- 13478239 TI - Use of corticosteroids in otolaryngology. PMID- 13478240 TI - Effective antibiotic therapy. PMID- 13478241 TI - Additional variables on the Bekesy-type audiometer. PMID- 13478242 TI - A simple method for calibration of earphones. PMID- 13478243 TI - Diagnostic problem of the enlarged parotid gland. PMID- 13478244 TI - Decannulating the tracheotomized patient with poliomyelitis. PMID- 13478245 TI - Ossification of the labyrinth in a case of glomus jugulare tumor. PMID- 13478246 TI - Principles of the use of steroids in otolaryngology. PMID- 13478247 TI - The origin and development of estrogen-induced uterine metaplasia. PMID- 13478248 TI - Histochemical observations on metaplastic epithelium of the rat uterus. PMID- 13478249 TI - Glomerulotubular nephrosis correlated with hepatic lesions. IV. An agonal-phase histoangiographic technique for serial-time hepatic and renal angiohistologic studies and its application in mercuric chloride poisoning. PMID- 13478250 TI - Pathologic changes in the liver of rats after feeding low levels of various insecticides. PMID- 13478252 TI - A survey of experimental arteriopathies in the rat. PMID- 13478251 TI - Lipid globules in the lymphoid follicles of the spleen. PMID- 13478253 TI - Hyperglycemia induced in dogs by Clostridium perfringens toxin. PMID- 13478254 TI - Production of aortic rupture in turkey poults fed beta-aminopropionitrile. PMID- 13478255 TI - Effects of x-rays and trypan blud on reticuloendothelial cells. PMID- 13478256 TI - Histochemical studies of some proliferating and keratotic skin lesions. II. Glycogen. PMID- 13478257 TI - Histochemical observations concerning some renal enzymes in nephrotoxic nephrosis in the rat. PMID- 13478258 TI - The effect of B vitamins on the incidence of necrotizing arteritis in the dog. PMID- 13478259 TI - The role of vascular spasm in the etiology of nephrotoxic nephritis in rats. PMID- 13478260 TI - Intussusception of the vermiform appendix with a mucocele; review of literature with report of a case. PMID- 13478261 TI - Carcinogenesis and acute intoxication with large doses of polycyclic hydrocarbons. PMID- 13478262 TI - On thymolipomas. PMID- 13478263 TI - Thoracoabdominal aneurysm involving celiac, superior mesenteric, and renal arteries; report of a case successfully treated by resection and nylon-graft replacement. PMID- 13478264 TI - Preoperative and postoperative care of congenital pyloric stenosis. PMID- 13478265 TI - Intestinal obstruction of congenital origin; a study of diagnosis and management in one hundred sixty-three cases. PMID- 13478266 TI - Observations on undescended testes. I. Significance of the empty scrotum and indications for orchiopexy. PMID- 13478267 TI - Observations on undescended testes. II. The technique of surgical management. PMID- 13478268 TI - Hirschsprung's disease; a lethal problem in early infancy. PMID- 13478269 TI - Meckel's diverticulum in children. PMID- 13478270 TI - Inguinal hernia in infants and children. PMID- 13478271 TI - Cardiopulmonary by-pass in surgical treatment of congenital or acquired cardiac disease; use in three hundred five patients. PMID- 13478272 TI - The postoperative radical-mastectomy syndrome; its treatment with stellate ganglion block. PMID- 13478273 TI - Newer methods in the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13478274 TI - Nonpenetrating injuries of the abdomen. PMID- 13478275 TI - Identification of cause of obscure massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage during operation. PMID- 13478276 TI - Closed reduction of common shoulder and elbow dislocations without anesthesia. PMID- 13478277 TI - Use of local anesthesia in treatment of fracture and dislocations. PMID- 13478278 TI - Intramedullary pull-out wire fixation in surgery of the hand. PMID- 13478279 TI - Treatment of fresh fractures of neck of femur with intramedullary stem prostheses. PMID- 13478280 TI - Treatment of fractures of the os calcis. PMID- 13478281 TI - General surgery. PMID- 13478282 TI - Technique for collection of sterile bile from experimental animals. PMID- 13478283 TI - Stenosis of the stomach following ingestion of lye. PMID- 13478284 TI - Studies on hypothermia in abdominal surgery. II. Occlusion of the vascular inflow to the liver. PMID- 13478285 TI - Necrotizing properties of metaraminol (aramine) and arterenol (norepinephrine); comparative study. PMID- 13478286 TI - Severe hypertension due to congenital stenosis of artery to solitary kidney; correction by splenorenal arterial anastomosis. PMID- 13478287 TI - An adjustable aortic graft. PMID- 13478288 TI - Ulceration of the rectum and terminal portion of the colon; significance in absence of malignant disease and chronic ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13478289 TI - Investigations on adsorption of benzalkonium chloride U.S.P. by skin, gloves, and sponges. PMID- 13478290 TI - Current trends in treatment of tibial-shaft fractures. PMID- 13478291 TI - Traumatic cyst of the spleen. PMID- 13478293 TI - The significance of blood cultures in the newborn period. PMID- 13478292 TI - Coagulation studies in the newborn period; alterations of thromboplastin generation and effects of vitamin K in full-term and premature infants. PMID- 13478294 TI - Method for determination of serum phenylalanine with use of the Kapeller-Adler reaction. PMID- 13478295 TI - Hereditary spherocytosis in the Negro. PMID- 13478296 TI - Congenital hemolytic anemia in the newborn; relationship to kernicterus. PMID- 13478297 TI - Studies on cyclic neutropenia; a clinical and experimental investigation. PMID- 13478298 TI - The treatment of iron-deficiency anemia in children with iron-dextran. PMID- 13478299 TI - Trichobezoar as an expression of emotional disturbance; report of two cases in children. PMID- 13478300 TI - Pediatric formulas for the anesthesiologist. PMID- 13478301 TI - Sudden unexpected death in infancy; observations at autopsy and a theory as to its mechanism. PMID- 13478302 TI - Thyroid dysfunction in goitrous children; radioiodine studies and plasma chromatograph analysis for thyroid hormone. PMID- 13478303 TI - Cushing's syndrome in infancy. PMID- 13478304 TI - Congenital adrenal hypoplasia; report of a case with the characteristic clinical features of dysadrenocorticism and autopsy findings of extreme hypoplasia of the adrenal glands. PMID- 13478306 TI - [Quelques observations sur la structure des synapses]. PMID- 13478305 TI - Gonadal dysgenesis; Bonnevie-Ullrich-Turner syndrome with elevated urinary gonadotropins in a nine-year-old child. PMID- 13478307 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478308 TI - [Human skulls from the pits of Gallic settlement in the old gas factory in Basel]. PMID- 13478309 TI - [Lamina cornea]. PMID- 13478310 TI - [Transplantation of tooth germ; evidence for the authenticity of heteroplasti tooth germ transplantation. IV]. PMID- 13478311 TI - [Contribution to the study of the dorsal aponeurosis of the foot (fascia dorsalis pedis, P.N.A.)]. PMID- 13478312 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478313 TI - [Ability of lungs to accumulate lipids]. PMID- 13478314 TI - [Anisotropy of thermal conductivity in animal tissues]. PMID- 13478315 TI - The closing mechanism of the tricuspidal valve in the human heart. PMID- 13478316 TI - Afferent connexions of the paramedian reticular nucleus of the medulla oblongata in the cat; an experimental study. PMID- 13478317 TI - [Case of hypertelorism]. PMID- 13478319 TI - [Presence of multinuclear cells in liver of mice fed a fatty diet]. PMID- 13478320 TI - [Histochemical study of secretions of neurons]. PMID- 13478318 TI - [Device for registering, by photoelectric method, the pulsations of an explant of cardiac muscle in vitro]. PMID- 13478322 TI - [Theoretical problems posed by hypothalamic neurosecretion]. PMID- 13478321 TI - [Contribution to the study of the preparation for mitosis; mitotic activity, synthesis of desoxyribonucleic acids and mitochondrial modifications in tissue cultures subjected to subnormal temperatures then rewarmed]. PMID- 13478323 TI - [Relation between the evolution of thymus grafts and the biological state of the host]. PMID- 13478324 TI - [Culmen; anatomo-surgical entity of the superior lobe of the left lung]. PMID- 13478326 TI - [Terminology of induction]. PMID- 13478325 TI - [The two parts of the enchondral bone]. PMID- 13478327 TI - [Cranio-encephalic topometry; relation between tridimensional coordinates of some thalamic & subthalamic nuclei in man]. PMID- 13478328 TI - [Determinism of the thecal gland of the ovary; morphogenic induction from granulosa follicularis]. PMID- 13478329 TI - [Behavior of arterial vessels in various parietal layers of the rectum in man]. PMID- 13478330 TI - [Biological toxicity determination of pathologic body fluids. II. Tissue culture trials with urine extracts of mental and nervous disease patients]. PMID- 13478331 TI - [Phenomena of induction & their perturbation in mammals]. PMID- 13478332 TI - [Histological changes of nerve tissue in the region of the hypothalamus after experimental intervention]. PMID- 13478333 TI - [Effect of deuterium oxide on embryonal development]. PMID- 13478334 TI - [Findings in epithelia cultures on the early effect of roentgen rays in young mice]. PMID- 13478335 TI - [Polypi- and papilloma-like processes in the tunica vaginalis testis in man]. PMID- 13478336 TI - [Diameter and number of muscle fibers in various cross section levels of sartorius muscle in man]. PMID- 13478337 TI - [Functional morphological studies on venous circulation]. PMID- 13478339 TI - [Some remarks on the innervation of the larynx]. PMID- 13478338 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478340 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478342 TI - [Rotational effect of abductor magnus muscle in normal femur]. PMID- 13478341 TI - [Leucofuchsin reaction in skeletal muscles in rats]. PMID- 13478343 TI - [Extra-pituitary pathways of hypothalamic neurosecretory nuclei in batrachians and reptiles]. PMID- 13478344 TI - [Early development of atlas and occipital vertebra in man]. PMID- 13478345 TI - [Bones of the diaphragm in camels]. PMID- 13478346 TI - [Adrenal glands and pregnancy]. PMID- 13478347 TI - [Possibilities of artifact production in the after treatment of freeze-dried cell material]. PMID- 13478348 TI - [Morphological aspects of paranasal sinus]. PMID- 13478349 TI - [Innervation of fatty tissue in the orbit in white mice]. PMID- 13478350 TI - [Telosomes and periteloneuritic cuff; their reciprocal relations in myoneural synapse]. PMID- 13478351 TI - [Succinic dehydrogenase in the olfactory system; histochemical studies in various mammal brains]. PMID- 13478352 TI - [Optic nerve (optic fasciculus) and choroid fissure in cyclopia]. PMID- 13478353 TI - [Muscular structure of choledocho-pancreato-duodenal juncture]. PMID- 13478354 TI - [Formation of endophyll and vitelline endoblast in reptiles, chelonians and lacertilians]. PMID- 13478355 TI - [Siderophil bodies of cardiac muscle fiber and their relation to lipofuscins]. PMID- 13478356 TI - [Electron microscopic studies of pulmonary capillaries]. PMID- 13478358 TI - [Pathogenetic importance of normal anatomic-histologic factors for diseases of the eyes]. PMID- 13478357 TI - [Retrospective glance at the anatomy of the nervous system]. PMID- 13478359 TI - The somite stage of human development studied with the histochemical reaction for the demonstration of alkaline glycerophosphatase. PMID- 13478360 TI - [Contribution to normal and pathologic histology of the terminals of the autonomic nervous system]. PMID- 13478361 TI - [Paries elastico-muscularis tracheae]. PMID- 13478362 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478363 TI - [Influence of cytostatics on growth and differentiation of lenses of eyes of larval Tritons]. PMID- 13478365 TI - [Difficulties and gaps of anatomical descriptions in microscopic areas]. PMID- 13478364 TI - [Contribution to the development of the human brain. I. Problem of so-called Retzius' papillae on the surface of fetal cerebral hemispheres]. PMID- 13478366 TI - [Localization of the motor end-plates in skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13478367 TI - [Macroscopic anatomy of equine brain]. PMID- 13478368 TI - [Antimytotic action of sodium ethylmercurythio-salicylate]. PMID- 13478369 TI - [Normal and normal deviations of fovea centralis retinae and papilla in ophthalmoscopic examination in five to six year old children]. PMID- 13478371 TI - [Elementary structure of interneuronal synapses]. PMID- 13478370 TI - [Placenta in hares]. PMID- 13478372 TI - [Differentiation of body myotomes in man and the origin of abdominal wall muscles]. PMID- 13478373 TI - [Rhinencephalon; physiological and anatomical survey]. PMID- 13478374 TI - A quantitative analysis of the human anterior commissure. PMID- 13478375 TI - [Interrenal and suprarenal bodies in selachians]. PMID- 13478376 TI - [Histophysiological significance of A cells of the islands of Langerhans of pancreas]. PMID- 13478377 TI - [Effect of age on the development of functional hypertrophy of organs; compensatory hypertrophy of the kidneys and adrenals]. PMID- 13478378 TI - [Ramon y Cajal and new nerve staining]. PMID- 13478379 TI - [Rotation phenomena of nerve cell nuclei]. PMID- 13478380 TI - [Characteristics of anal nerve]. PMID- 13478381 TI - [General properties of embryonic organs in culture in vitro]. PMID- 13478382 TI - [Sex differences in form of thorax in humans]. PMID- 13478383 TI - [Ossification process of the occipital bone and the role of tectum posterius in humans]. PMID- 13478384 TI - [Arcades and tunnels of muscles]. PMID- 13478385 TI - Developmental disturbance of the brain induced by German measles in an embryo of the 7th week. PMID- 13478386 TI - [Finer innveration of the antestomach of the ruminants]. PMID- 13478387 TI - Radioautographic studies of hair growth in the mouse. PMID- 13478388 TI - [Reticulin, collagen and intercellular substance in the connective tissues]. PMID- 13478389 TI - [Variety of the thoracic duct not described in man; thoracic duct passing through ansa of Vieussens]. PMID- 13478390 TI - [The spread of nerves in the uvula]. PMID- 13478391 TI - The development of the hypophysial vascular system in the bank-vole Clethrionomys glareolus; a comparative study. PMID- 13478392 TI - [Fluorescence microscopic examinations of fixed tissue]. PMID- 13478393 TI - [Some aspects of musculo-tendinous variations in the living; pectoral agenesis]. PMID- 13478394 TI - [Muscular structure of the hiatal part of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13478395 TI - Further experiments on the biphasic appearance in the blood of lymphocytes labelled with radioactive phosphorus. PMID- 13478396 TI - [Morphological analysis of individual medullated nerve fibers and their functional significance]. PMID- 13478397 TI - [Contributions to comparative anatomy, especially the pelvis of Catarrhina]. PMID- 13478398 TI - [Effect of effort on circulatory hemodynamics in congenital heart diseases with exclusive or predominant left-to-right shunt]. PMID- 13478399 TI - Mitral valvotomy. A progress report. PMID- 13478400 TI - [Right intraventricular conduction disorder due to lesions of the common trunk of the bundle of His; experimental study]. PMID- 13478401 TI - Correlations between blood volume and cardiac minute volume in the haemodynamics of cardiac sufficiency and insufficiency. PMID- 13478402 TI - [Essential pulmonary hypertension: clinical, hemodynamic and pathologic study of a case]. PMID- 13478403 TI - [Familial cardiomegaly with branch block]. PMID- 13478404 TI - [Case of successive perforations of the interventricular septum & right ventricle following myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13478405 TI - Malignant lymphoma of the thyroid and its relation to Hashimoto's and Brill Symmers' disease. PMID- 13478406 TI - Roof thoracoplasty. PMID- 13478407 TI - Microstructure of the liver in biliary tract disease and notes on the effect on the liver of anaesthesia, intubation, and operation trauma. PMID- 13478408 TI - Rupture of the penis. report of one operated case and review of literature. PMID- 13478409 TI - Construction of a substitute bladder, with preservation of urethral voiding, after subtotal and total cystectomy. PMID- 13478410 TI - Missile-throwing fracture of the shaft of the humerus. PMID- 13478411 TI - Variations of the anatomy in stenosing tenosynovitis at the radial styloid process. PMID- 13478412 TI - Chronic non-specific tenosynovitis. PMID- 13478413 TI - Arthrography of the talocrural joint: anatomic, roentgenographic, and clinical aspects. PMID- 13478415 TI - [Immunological reactions in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478414 TI - [Etiology of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478416 TI - [Diagnostic value of research on antistreptolysin in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478417 TI - [Modifications of blood proteins in rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478418 TI - [Prevention and treatment of Bouillaud's disease]. PMID- 13478419 TI - [Salicylates, ACTH & corticoids in the treatment of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478420 TI - [Comparison of clinical & physiological manifestations during bouts of rheumatic heart disease]. PMID- 13478421 TI - [Hormonal treatment of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13478422 TI - Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid (pemphigus conjunctivae). PMID- 13478423 TI - Pemphigoid mucosae, the so-called pemphigus ocularis and its relation to pemphigus. PMID- 13478424 TI - Dermatitis caused by mites (Cheyletiella parasitivorax) living on cats. PMID- 13478425 TI - Erythema exudativum (macular stage) with marked systemic involvement. PMID- 13478426 TI - Impetigo herpetiformis in conjunction with parathyroprival tetany. PMID- 13478427 TI - The value of globulin-bound iodine determination in the differential diagnosis of thyroid disease. PMID- 13478428 TI - Paperchromatographic determination of thyroid hormone (3,5,3'-triiodothyronine) in serum without radio-iodine. PMID- 13478429 TI - Some aspects of the storage and secretion of corticotrophin and gonadotrophins. PMID- 13478430 TI - Studies on antigonadotrophins with emphasis on their formation in cattle. PMID- 13478431 TI - Electrophoretic behaviour of bovine growth hormone in human serum. PMID- 13478432 TI - Studies on oestrogen metabolism in new-born boys. I. Excretion of oestrone, oestradiol-17 beta and oestriol during the first few days of life. PMID- 13478433 TI - Studies on oestrogen metabolism in new-born boys. II. A study of the metabolism of exogeneous oestradiol-17 beta. PMID- 13478434 TI - [Effect of steroid hormones on the metabolism in human prostate adenoma]. PMID- 13478435 TI - [Comparative research on the metabolism of cortisone and other antirheumatic steroids in rat liver slices]. PMID- 13478436 TI - The duration of action of several androgenic-anabolic steroids. PMID- 13478437 TI - [Pseudopregnancy as a form of therapy]. PMID- 13478438 TI - Consequences of thymectomy upon the leucopoiesis in guinea pigs. PMID- 13478439 TI - The effects of spontaneous and oestrogen-induced oestrus in the female rat determined by the copulatory response of the male. PMID- 13478440 TI - [Adrenal cortex and diseases of the liver parenchyma]. PMID- 13478441 TI - [Essential familial hyperchlorestemic xanthomatosis; contribution to clinical picture and differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13478442 TI - [Meningomyeloencephalitis in the Behcet syndrome]. PMID- 13478443 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of fixation amnesia in Korsakoff's syndrome of alcoholic origin]. PMID- 13478444 TI - [Trial of a combination of doriden-serpasil in different states of psychomotor excitation]. PMID- 13478445 TI - [Rene Marchal; 1891-1957]. PMID- 13478446 TI - [Histology & pathogenesis of arthrotic bone cysts]. PMID- 13478448 TI - Basal fractures of the first metacarpal bone; a method of treatment by extension. PMID- 13478447 TI - The unsuitability of nylon weight bearing prostheses articulating with bone or cartilage. PMID- 13478450 TI - Two cases of progressive muscular dystrophy coincident with polio. PMID- 13478449 TI - Muscle and tendon transposition in the lower limb in poliomyelitis. PMID- 13478451 TI - Aspects of epiphyseodesis. PMID- 13478452 TI - The sacroiliac joint in the light of anatomical, roentgenological and clinical studies. PMID- 13478453 TI - Tympanoplasty; surgical aspects and experiences. PMID- 13478454 TI - Preoperative estimation of sound-conducting apparatus (transmission testing) in chronic otitis. PMID- 13478455 TI - On plastic middle ear operations with particular attention to the cavum minor technique. PMID- 13478456 TI - [Mechanical aspects of sound-sonde measurements]. PMID- 13478457 TI - Ameloblastoma occurring and recurring during pregnancies. PMID- 13478458 TI - Benign lymphogranulomatosis (sarcoidosis) in the nasopharynx with destruction of the base of the skull; report of a case. PMID- 13478459 TI - Examination of the upper air passages by means of a lateral x-ray. PMID- 13478460 TI - Otogenous brain abscess in the temporal lobe with tentorial herniation. PMID- 13478461 TI - Otoantritis and meningitis in infancy. PMID- 13478462 TI - Spontaneous fracture of the mandible due to cyst. PMID- 13478463 TI - A new speech training hearing aid. PMID- 13478464 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478465 TI - [Results of the treatment of lipoid nephrosis with ACTH]. PMID- 13478466 TI - [Acute thrombopenic purpura in pediatrics in children; 4 case reports & discussion]. PMID- 13478467 TI - [An epidemic of viral meningitis & poliomyelitis in the contagious ward at the Saint-Pierre Hospital during the year of 1956]. PMID- 13478468 TI - [Treatment of bronchopneumonia in child with penicillin and sulfonamides]. PMID- 13478469 TI - [Hospitalism; recuperation possibilities; role of hospital organization in treatment of infants with hospitalism; problems of prevention]. PMID- 13478470 TI - [Etiology and pathogenesis of harelip and buccofacial fissures]. PMID- 13478471 TI - [Adrenogenital syndrome with salt depletion in female newborn]. PMID- 13478472 TI - Growth stimulation in the liver and tumour development following intraperitoneal injections of liver homogenates in the rat. PMID- 13478473 TI - Changes in cholinesterase activity of striated muscle after denervation. PMID- 13478474 TI - Changes in the acetylcholine-sensitivity and cholinesterase activity of skeletal muscles in the course of ontogenesis. PMID- 13478475 TI - On the properties of myosincholinesterase. PMID- 13478476 TI - On the specificity of myosincholinesterase. PMID- 13478478 TI - [Influence of adenosinetriphosphate on the degeneration of peripheral nerves]. PMID- 13478477 TI - [Influence of adrenalin on muscle phosphorylase activity and its significance in the mechanism of fatigue inhibition]. PMID- 13478479 TI - [The significance of cholinesterase in ganglionic stimulation processes]. PMID- 13478480 TI - [Antagonist mobilization in denervated structures induced by adrenalin stimulation. II]. PMID- 13478481 TI - [A new ordinate-writer]. PMID- 13478482 TI - [Analysis of the biphasic effects of adrenalin in artificial perfusion of hind legs of dogs]. PMID- 13478483 TI - [Primary vasodilatation in denervated structures induced by adrenalin]. PMID- 13478484 TI - [Segmental origin of preganglionic sympathetic fibers passing through the stellate ganglion]. PMID- 13478485 TI - [Innervation of coronary vessels]. PMID- 13478486 TI - [Analysis of the cardio-acceleratory actions of degenerated vagus stem]. PMID- 13478487 TI - [Automatic apparatus for biological titration]. PMID- 13478488 TI - Extraction and purification of elastase from dried pancreas. PMID- 13478489 TI - Further studies on the effect of the humoral inhibitory factor. PMID- 13478490 TI - Utilization of cortisone and hydrocortisone on the basis of experiments in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13478491 TI - Analysis of the individual variations of adaptation in the rat, on the basis of conditioned reflex and endocrine studies. PMID- 13478492 TI - [Antigenic properties of pollen proteins]. PMID- 13478493 TI - [Effects of cobalt ion on adrenalin reactions]. PMID- 13478494 TI - [Mechanism of adrenalin-cobalt antagonism]. PMID- 13478495 TI - [Effects of sugar loading and adrenalin on phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphate activity of the liver]. PMID- 13478496 TI - [Conditions of phosphorylase a formation and conversion in muscle homogenate]. PMID- 13478497 TI - The effect of atropine of the acidity of a denervated gastric pouch. PMID- 13478498 TI - The available glycogen in man and the connection between rate of oxygen intake and carbohydrate usage. PMID- 13478499 TI - A modification of the thiocholine method for the determination of cholinesterase. I. Biochemical evaluation of selective inhibitors. PMID- 13478500 TI - A modification of the thicholine method for the determination of cholinesterase. II. Histochemical application. PMID- 13478501 TI - The toxicity of low-molecular triglycerides. PMID- 13478502 TI - The mechanism of the vasodilator effect of adrenaline. II. Influence of anesthetics on the depressor, pressor and lactic acid stimulating effects of adrenaline. PMID- 13478503 TI - Food preferences in obesity caused by goldthioglucose. PMID- 13478504 TI - Roentgenologic features of fracture of the tibial tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter's disease). PMID- 13478505 TI - Hypernephroma in a pelvic kidney demonstrated by angiography; report of a case. PMID- 13478506 TI - Pantomography of spherical layers. PMID- 13478507 TI - Segmental roentgenography by menas of a standard tomographic device: preliminary report. PMID- 13478508 TI - Radiation therapy in vernal conjunctivitis. PMID- 13478509 TI - Radiation hazards during radon treatment of eye lesions. PMID- 13478511 TI - Sterol synthesis after whole body roentgen irradiation. PMID- 13478510 TI - Idealized body contours in rotation dosimetry. PMID- 13478512 TI - Leukocyte agglutinins in collagen disease. PMID- 13478513 TI - The inhibition of bacteria agglutination by hemoglobin. PMID- 13478514 TI - Studies in E.S.R. during the course of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13478515 TI - Rheumatiod arthritis with the onset in old age. PMID- 13478516 TI - Some observations on the clinical use of prednisone in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13478517 TI - The trigger finger as a rheumatic manifestation. PMID- 13478518 TI - The importance of the shape and size of the heart. PMID- 13478519 TI - Electrocardiographic observations on ten subjects at sea level and during one year of residence at high altitudes. PMID- 13478520 TI - The electrocardiogram of the 2-step exercise stress test. PMID- 13478521 TI - Some interrelations between ventilation and circulation. PMID- 13478522 TI - Six months' to six years' experience with coronary artery insufficiency treated by internal mammary artery implantation. PMID- 13478523 TI - The role of digitalis in mitral valvuloplasty. PMID- 13478524 TI - The T-a wave of the adult electrocardiogram: an expression of pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13478525 TI - The comparative potency of mercurial diuretics using human bio-assay techniques. PMID- 13478526 TI - The effect of sedation of the abnormal ballistocardiogram of fatigue. PMID- 13478527 TI - Visualization of the excised human heart by means of reflected ultrasound of echography; preliminary report. PMID- 13478528 TI - Diuretic effect of chlorpromazine in patients with congestive heart failure. PMID- 13478529 TI - Hiatus hernia and electrocardiographic changes. PMID- 13478530 TI - Respiratory changes of the spatial vectorcardiogram recorded with different lead systems. PMID- 13478531 TI - Mitral regurgitation due to ruptured chordae tendineae correction by mitral pursestring. PMID- 13478532 TI - The dual blood supply of the rat heart. PMID- 13478533 TI - The muscular architecture of the ventricles of hog and dog hearts. PMID- 13478534 TI - The innervation of deep structures of the foot. PMID- 13478535 TI - The innervation of deep structures of the hand. PMID- 13478536 TI - The induction of secondary embryos in the early chick blastoderm by grafts of Hensen's node. PMID- 13478537 TI - A study of the lateral loop chromosomes of amphibian oocytes by phase contrast microscopy. PMID- 13478538 TI - The nature and origin of fibrinoid. PMID- 13478539 TI - Endocervical and cervical neoplasms adjacent to carcinoma in situ. PMID- 13478540 TI - Transaminase activity and morphologic alterations in human livers. PMID- 13478541 TI - Construction and use of an inexpensive apparatus for filter paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13478542 TI - Nonchromaffin paraganglioma of the cervical portion of the vagus nerve; an unusual case. PMID- 13478543 TI - Fatal embolism by amniotic fluid in the lungs; report of a case. PMID- 13478544 TI - In memoriam, George Gomori; 1904-1957. PMID- 13478545 TI - The Treponema pallidum immune adherence test with a phenolized antigen. PMID- 13478546 TI - A rapid method for distinguishing atypical (yellow) acid-fast colonies from Nocardia species. PMID- 13478547 TI - Combined acid-fast and gram-staining procedure for bacterial films. PMID- 13478548 TI - Polyvinyl pyrrolidone as a mounting medium for stains for fat and for azo-dye procedures. PMID- 13478549 TI - Studies of hemostatic mechanisms in leukemia and thrombocytopenia. PMID- 13478550 TI - Electron microscopic observations on platelets from human blood. PMID- 13478551 TI - The use of radioisotopes in diagnostic hematologic procedures. III. Simultaneous Cr51 and Fe59 studies. PMID- 13478552 TI - The significance of blood group conflicts and aberrant salivary secretion in spontaneous abortion. PMID- 13478553 TI - High titered anti-M isoagglutinins in human blood; their detection and significance in blood banking and transfusion therapy. PMID- 13478554 TI - The precipitin test in elucidating the cause of death. PMID- 13478555 TI - Adsorption of chemical constituents of cerebrospinal fluid by molecular filter membrane. PMID- 13478556 TI - Radiographic studies on the structure of the lung; lead-impregnation technic. PMID- 13478557 TI - A system of laboratory requisitions and reports. PMID- 13478558 TI - Contribution to the pathogenesis of subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord; report of two cases. PMID- 13478559 TI - A malignant, melanotic neoplasm of the uterus, resembling the retinal anlage tumors; report of a case. PMID- 13478560 TI - In memoriam: Mary Elizabeth Martin; 1907-1957. PMID- 13478561 TI - Dehydrogenase activity of endometrium; application of tetrazolium staining methods to smears and sections from surgical specimens. PMID- 13478562 TI - Simultaneous determination of serum copper and iron by means of the addition of thorium ion. PMID- 13478563 TI - Preparation of ceric sulfate reagent for use in the determination of protein bound iodine. PMID- 13478564 TI - Apparatus for holding motorized tool used in procedures for inoculating fertilized eggs of hens. PMID- 13478565 TI - A holder for microhematocrit tubes, for use in macrocentrifuges. PMID- 13478566 TI - The use of millipore filters in clinical laboratories. PMID- 13478567 TI - Management of peptic ulcer with unrestricted diet and a new combination of therapeutic agents. PMID- 13478568 TI - A simple method for improving visualization of the hypermotile stomach and duodenal bulb. PMID- 13478569 TI - The timed integration of stool hydration and peristaltic stimulation in constipation correction. PMID- 13478571 TI - The dumping syndrome: a review. PMID- 13478570 TI - Clinical observations with cantil, a new anticholinergic for colon disorders. PMID- 13478573 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of chronic regional enteritis. PMID- 13478572 TI - Some newer observations in small bowel obstruction. PMID- 13478574 TI - Reverse peristalsis; a report of two cases with x-ray visualization of the stomach at time of barium enema. PMID- 13478575 TI - The intradermal test for epidemiologic studies of turkey ornithosis. PMID- 13478576 TI - Skin sensitivity to antigens made from various acid-fast bacteria. PMID- 13478577 TI - Possible protective effect of previous type 2 infection against paralytic poliomyelitis due to type 1 virus. PMID- 13478578 TI - Recovery from infants with respiratory illness of a virus related to chimpanzee coryza agent (CCA). I. Isolation, properties and characterization. PMID- 13478579 TI - Recovery from infants with respiratory illness of a virus related to chimpanzee coryza agent (CCA). II. Epidemiologic aspects of infection in infants and young children. PMID- 13478580 TI - Recovery of Rickettsia akari from the Korean vole Microtus fortis pelliceus. PMID- 13478581 TI - Occurrence of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in Korean rodents and chiggers. PMID- 13478582 TI - Studies on the control of schistosome-bearing snails. VII. Streptomycin-induced inhibition of growth and reproduction in the schistosome-bearing snail, Australorbis glabratus. PMID- 13478583 TI - Combined infections in mice with influenza virus and Diplococcus pneumoniae. PMID- 13478584 TI - On the rise and decline of poliovirus antibodies in different human populations. PMID- 13478585 TI - The natural history of West Nile fever. II. Virological findings and the development of homologous and heterologous antibodies in West Nile infection in man. PMID- 13478586 TI - The haemodynamics, measurement and nervous control of the limb circulation. PMID- 13478587 TI - General principles governing the behavior of the microcirculation. PMID- 13478588 TI - Oxygen tension of peripheral tissue. PMID- 13478589 TI - The pathogenesis, prevention and medical management of peripheral arterial thrombosis. PMID- 13478590 TI - Diagnosis and management of peripheral venous diseases. PMID- 13478591 TI - Medical management of peripheral ischemic diseases. PMID- 13478592 TI - Surgical management of peripheral ischemic disorders. PMID- 13478593 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; a report of three cases. PMID- 13478594 TI - The appearance of new cardiac murmurs in patients having rheumatic heart disease with no concomitant evidence of rheumatic activity. PMID- 13478595 TI - The accuracy of diagnosis of myocardial infarction; a clinicopathologic study. PMID- 13478596 TI - Hormonal influences on the serum lipids. PMID- 13478597 TI - Studies of potassium secretion in glomerulonephritis. PMID- 13478598 TI - Cor triatriatum. PMID- 13478599 TI - Comparison of serum phosphohexose isomerase activity and urinary calcium excretion in a patient with metastatic mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13478600 TI - Chronic systemic melioidosis; review of literature and report of a case, with a note on visual disturbance due to chloramphenicol. PMID- 13478601 TI - Hageman trait (Hageman factor deficiency). PMID- 13478602 TI - Resuscitation from cardiac arrest due to digitalis by external electric stimulation. PMID- 13478604 TI - Psychological problems in nuclear warfare. PMID- 13478603 TI - Post-transfusion thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13478605 TI - The premature infant's reaction to illness. PMID- 13478606 TI - Every nurse an epidemiologist. PMID- 13478607 TI - Nursing in an Israeli family health service. PMID- 13478608 TI - More about bedrails and the nurse. PMID- 13478609 TI - PACKAGED hospital. PMID- 13478610 TI - The minor concussion. PMID- 13478611 TI - ANA STATEMENTS of qualifications for members and professional employees of state boards of nursing. PMID- 13478612 TI - How much do you know about workmen's compensation. PMID- 13478613 TI - Nasogastric tube feedings. PMID- 13478614 TI - Classes in a nursing home. PMID- 13478615 TI - Motivation in the struggle for health. PMID- 13478616 TI - Community action in nursing education. PMID- 13478617 TI - Building a hospital disaster plan. PMID- 13478618 TI - Problems with surgical dressings. PMID- 13478619 TI - I DON'T want my wife to nurse. PMID- 13478620 TI - Evaluation of surgical procedures employed following the failure of irradiation therapy in cancer of the cervix. PMID- 13478621 TI - Chronic ectopic tubal pregnancy. PMID- 13478622 TI - Vaginal hysterectomy after previous pelvic surgery. PMID- 13478623 TI - Treatment and prognosis in cancer of the ovary, with a review of a new series of 143 cases treated in the years 1944-1951. PMID- 13478624 TI - The Stein-Leventhal syndrome; a review and case reports. PMID- 13478625 TI - A family affair: the Presidential Address. PMID- 13478626 TI - The spatules of Thierry. PMID- 13478627 TI - The management of abruptio placentae. PMID- 13478628 TI - The assignment of sex to an individual: some enigmas and some practical clinical criteria. PMID- 13478629 TI - Parental, fetal, and environmental factors in perinatal mortality. PMID- 13478630 TI - The management of transverse presentation. PMID- 13478631 TI - Ureteral injury in pelvic surgery: report of a case. PMID- 13478632 TI - Combined tubal and intrauterine pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13478633 TI - Malignant mesonephroma of the left broad ligament: a case report. PMID- 13478634 TI - Experience in a community hospital with multivisceral pelvic resection for advanced pelvic cancer. PMID- 13478635 TI - Some observations on modern trends in the diagnosis and management of gynecological cancer. PMID- 13478636 TI - Rectal and bladder injuries following radium therapy for carcinoma of the cervix at the Radium-hemmet. PMID- 13478637 TI - Double carcinoma of the cervix; case report. PMID- 13478638 TI - Urological aspects of gynecology. PMID- 13478639 TI - A clinical evaluation of urethrovesical lysis for the cure of urinary stress incontinence in the female. PMID- 13478640 TI - Massive hypertrophy of the breasts and axillary breasts in successive pregnancies. PMID- 13478641 TI - Puerperal breast abscess. PMID- 13478642 TI - Cerebral vascular accidents in pregnancy; report of six cases without eclampsia: two spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhages and four cerebral thromboses. PMID- 13478643 TI - Peptic ulcer in pregnancy; a report of 3 cases. PMID- 13478644 TI - Vomiting during pregnancy due to midgut volvulus with duodenal obstruction. PMID- 13478645 TI - The use of 6-mercaptopurine in treatment of acute leukemia in late pregnancy. PMID- 13478647 TI - Eye problems of aging patients. PMID- 13478646 TI - Gaucher's disease in pregnancy. PMID- 13478648 TI - Occupational therapy programs in European hospitals. PMID- 13478649 TI - Adjustment counseling. PMID- 13478650 TI - Biceps cineplasty exercise. PMID- 13478651 TI - Sources of volunteer services. PMID- 13478652 TI - Relationship of reading types to uncorrectable lowered visual acuity. PMID- 13478653 TI - Factors in classroom illumination. PMID- 13478654 TI - The denial of color-blindness. PMID- 13478655 TI - Accommodation and convergence responses in beginning and absolute presbyopes. PMID- 13478656 TI - The pathology of Armanni-Ebstein diabetic nephropathy. PMID- 13478657 TI - Experimental carcinoma of the uterine cervix in the mouse; a gross and histopathologic study. PMID- 13478658 TI - Morphologic and functional changes associated with transplantable ACTH producing pituitary tumors of mice. PMID- 13478659 TI - Experimental anemic infarction of the lung; the morphologic evolution of true infarcts of the lung produced with a halogenated hydrocarbon. PMID- 13478660 TI - Tuberculosis induced by droplet nuclei infection; its developmental pattern in guinea pigs and rats in relation to dietary protein. PMID- 13478661 TI - Bronchiolar emphysema; so-called muscular cirrhosis of the lungs. PMID- 13478662 TI - Mycobacterium ulcerans; pathogenesis of infection in mice, including determinations of dermal temperatures. PMID- 13478663 TI - Incidence in normal breasts of features associated with chronic cystic mastitis. PMID- 13478664 TI - Influence of subcutaneously administered bovine globulin on the response of rabbits to intravenous gram-negative endotoxin or liquoid. PMID- 13478665 TI - Cytopathologic changes in tissue cultures of human amnionic cells infected with poliomyelitis, Coxsackie, and ECHO viruses. PMID- 13478666 TI - Studies on calcification. I. The effect of inhibition of enzyme activity on developing bone and dentin. PMID- 13478667 TI - Cartilage changes in papain-treated rabbits. PMID- 13478668 TI - Testing for sterility of corn oil. III. The use of non-ionic surfactants. PMID- 13478669 TI - The formulation of an antihistamine elixir. PMID- 13478670 TI - Studies of the genus Thymus. I. Comparison of the diagnostic microscopical characteristics of Thymus vulgaris Linn. and Thymus serpyllum Linn. PMID- 13478671 TI - DRUG INFORMATION sources: India and Japan. PMID- 13478672 TI - Weight and composition of organs during the reproductive cycle in the rat. PMID- 13478673 TI - Effect of long-lasting epinephrine on serum lipid levels. PMID- 13478674 TI - Effect of insulin on transport of several hexoses and pentoses into cells of muscle and brain. PMID- 13478675 TI - Pancreatectomy diabetes in the rat as influenced by strain, age and sex. PMID- 13478676 TI - Effects of surgery and autologous tissue implantation on liver catalase activity of the mouse. PMID- 13478677 TI - Inhibition of histamine release in experimental diabetes. PMID- 13478678 TI - Effects of adrenocortical steroids on carbohydrate metabolism in hypophysectomized dogs; studies with C14-labeled glucose. PMID- 13478679 TI - Differences in thyroid activity of several strains of mice and F1 hybrids. PMID- 13478680 TI - Drug responses of human fetal esophagus. PMID- 13478681 TI - Relationship between concentrations of albumin and lipids in plasma of experimentally nephrotic rats. PMID- 13478682 TI - Osmotic diuresis in the unanesthetized hydropenic rat. PMID- 13478683 TI - Mechanisms regulating the renal transport of p-aminohippurate; relative velocities and energy dependence of uptake and secretion. PMID- 13478684 TI - Effect of diamox (acetazoleamide) on the carbon dioxide tension of the urine. PMID- 13478685 TI - Water exchange in dogs following partial section of the pituitary stalk. PMID- 13478686 TI - Question of an inhibitory hormone from the gastric antrum. PMID- 13478687 TI - Influence of dietary amino acids on pancreatic enzymes. PMID- 13478688 TI - Absorption of lipid and cholate from ileal loops in unanesthetized dogs. PMID- 13478689 TI - Oxidative and phosphorylative metabolism of rat liver tissue following in situ anoxia. PMID- 13478690 TI - Effect of ingestion of various lipids upon intestinal absorption of phospholipid. PMID- 13478691 TI - Fructose metabolism in dairy cows. PMID- 13478692 TI - Effects of hormones on carbohydrate metabolism in the alligator. PMID- 13478693 TI - Effect of fasting and re-alimentation with diets high in carbohydrate or protein on blood pressure and heart rate of sympathectomized dogs. PMID- 13478694 TI - Electrolyte metabolism in pyridoxine, riboflavin and pantothenic acid-deficient rats. PMID- 13478695 TI - Effect of hypoxia on serum iron and the unsaturated iron-binding capacity of serum in rats. PMID- 13478696 TI - Vascular-extravascular equilibration of radioactive iodinated albumin in mice. PMID- 13478697 TI - Inhibition of glucose utilization following thermal injury: uptake studies by diaphragm in plasma from burned rats. PMID- 13478698 TI - Increased survival in irradiated animals treated with bacterial endotoxins. PMID- 13478699 TI - Fractionated dose effects on survival and organ weights in x-irradiated mice. PMID- 13478700 TI - Influence of differential aortic perfusion pressures in experimental shock. PMID- 13478701 TI - Aldosterone secretion in experimental congestive heart failure. PMID- 13478702 TI - Heart rate of chickens as influenced by age and gonadal hormones. PMID- 13478703 TI - Effect of hypothalamic lesions on the responses to cold and immobilization in the monkey. PMID- 13478704 TI - Cardiovascular response to hypothermia: effect of cold acclimatization. PMID- 13478705 TI - Muscular heat production in pigeons during exposure to cold. PMID- 13478706 TI - Changes in cell and plasma volumes of various organs produced by a massive transfusion in dogs. PMID- 13478707 TI - Distribution of red cells and plasma in the dog. PMID- 13478708 TI - Esterase and clotting activity derived from purified prothrombin. PMID- 13478709 TI - Effect of alimentary lipemia on the turnover of plasma phosphatides in the dog. PMID- 13478710 TI - Changes in lipid composition of lymph during cholesterol absorption in the rat. PMID- 13478711 TI - Healing bone fractures and simultaneous administration of radioisotopes of sulfur, calcium and yttrium. PMID- 13478712 TI - Differential action of chlorpromazine on reflexes conditioned to central and peripheral stimulation. PMID- 13478713 TI - Effects of carbon dioxide in the rhinencephalon in the marsupial phalanger. PMID- 13478714 TI - Effect of intravenous thiopental on spontaneous and evoked eye movements in cats. PMID- 13478715 TI - Effects of cold on evoked cortical potentials in the rat. PMID- 13478716 TI - Functional analysis of the cardioaugmentor and cardioaccelerator pathways in the dog. PMID- 13478717 TI - Respiratory influence on the vasomotor center. PMID- 13478718 TI - Effects of asphyxia and repetitive stimulation on intramedullary afferent fibers. PMID- 13478719 TI - Changes in volume of cortical neuronal elements during asphyxiation. PMID- 13478720 TI - The subcommissural organ: a regulator of thirst. PMID- 13478721 TI - Adipsia and aphagia in rats after lateral subthalamic lesions. PMID- 13478722 TI - Effect of sham operations in the hypothalamus on food and water intake of the rat. PMID- 13478723 TI - Aphagia in chickens. PMID- 13478724 TI - Vagal gastric secretory nerves in the rat demonstrated with insulin. PMID- 13478725 TI - Absorption of radioiron perfused through the duodenum of the rat. PMID- 13478726 TI - Intestinal permeability to proteins in the newborn herbivore. PMID- 13478727 TI - Absorption force of the capillaries of the visceral pleura in determination of the intrapleural pressure. PMID- 13478728 TI - Alterations in systemic vascular volume of the dog in response to hexamethonium and norepinephrine. PMID- 13478729 TI - Blood flow in the isolated perfused bovine udder. PMID- 13478730 TI - Influence of perfusate characteristics on pulmonary vascular response to endotoxin. PMID- 13478731 TI - Factors affecting blood volumes in hypophysectomized female rats. PMID- 13478732 TI - Effect of estrogen on iodinated amino acids of the thyroid and serum. PMID- 13478733 TI - Effects of androgenic hormones on the rate of incorporation of labeled amino acids in male adult mice. PMID- 13478734 TI - Orientation of circulating human estrogens by albumin. PMID- 13478735 TI - Action of adrenocorticotropin on pregnancy and litter size in rats. PMID- 13478736 TI - Presence of an aldosterone stimulating substance in the urine of rats deprived of salt. PMID- 13478737 TI - Aldosterone excretion in urine from hypophysectomized dogs with throacic inferior vena cava constriction. PMID- 13478738 TI - Failure of chronic adrenal venous congestion to produce sodium retention and increased aldosterone excretion in the dog. PMID- 13478740 TI - Effect of bilateral nephrectomy on urea formation in rat liver slices. PMID- 13478739 TI - Adrenal hypophyseal and pancreatic hormones in the liver glycogen response to low atmospheric pressure. PMID- 13478741 TI - Hepatic glycogen, lipogenesis and glucose-6-phosphatase in x-irradiated and control rats. PMID- 13478742 TI - Role of essential amino acids in the early formation of avian liver xanthine dehydrogenase activity. PMID- 13478743 TI - Action of insulin on release of fatty acids from tissue stores. PMID- 13478744 TI - Tissue buffering in rat diaphragm. PMID- 13478745 TI - Hypoglycemia in dogs and recovery after intracisternal administration of glucose. PMID- 13478746 TI - Effects of exposure of obese rats to simulated high altitudes. PMID- 13478747 TI - Acid-base balance and removal of injected calcium from the circulation. PMID- 13478748 TI - Effects of acute changes in acid-base balance on renal calcium excretion in dogs. PMID- 13478749 TI - Acute effects of acetazolamide (diamox) on plasma and urinary electrolytes of dogs with special reference to calcium. PMID- 13478750 TI - Some effects of pentobarbital anesthesia on renal hemodynamics, water and electrolyte excretion in the dog. PMID- 13478751 TI - Effect of unilateral carbon dioxide breathing on pulmonary blood flow. PMID- 13478752 TI - Ciliary streaming in the lower respiratory tract. PMID- 13478753 TI - Tracheal constriction in the dog. PMID- 13478754 TI - Characteristics of the periodical literature of physiology used in the United States and Canada. PMID- 13478755 TI - Coccygodynia; operative and non-operative management as related to the proctologist. PMID- 13478757 TI - Peri-colace in the treatment of constipation. PMID- 13478756 TI - Minimizing pain in proctology. PMID- 13478758 TI - The pathogenic mechanisms in amebiasis. PMID- 13478759 TI - Proctitis caused by antibiotics. PMID- 13478760 TI - A wet compress compound following anorectal surgery. PMID- 13478761 TI - Study and treatment of an inoperable carcinoma. PMID- 13478762 TI - The effect of enemas on the terminal colonic segment. PMID- 13478763 TI - Psychiatric facilities in prisons and correctional institutions in the United States. PMID- 13478764 TI - Observations on the therapeutic aspects of administration in public mental hospitals. PMID- 13478765 TI - Contributions of social science to the administrative process in the mental hospital. PMID- 13478766 TI - Health insurance and psychiatric coverage. PMID- 13478767 TI - A point of view as to the nature of schizophrenia. PMID- 13478768 TI - Analysis of 1955-1956 population fall in New York State mental hospitals in first year of large-scale use of tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13478769 TI - Treatment of parkinsonism; preliminary report on use of promethazine in 12 cases. PMID- 13478770 TI - Meprobamate; a clinical study. PMID- 13478771 TI - Hysterical stigmatization. PMID- 13478772 TI - Differential effect of factors in an activity therapy program. PMID- 13478773 TI - The Social Maladjustment Unit: a community wide approach to the problem of delinquent behavior. PMID- 13478774 TI - A bio-psychological approach to somatic treatments in psychiatry. PMID- 13478775 TI - A method for studying the organization of time experience. PMID- 13478776 TI - A clinical appraisal of trilafon. PMID- 13478777 TI - A statistical comparison of two methods of ECT. PMID- 13478778 TI - An interesting reaction to a tranquilizer: tonic seizures with perphenazine (trilafon). PMID- 13478779 TI - Wagner-Jauregg and the priority of producing artificial fever for treatment of general paresis. PMID- 13478780 TI - The emergence of the clinical radiologist and his problems: president's address. PMID- 13478781 TI - The shortening of life by chronic whole-body irradiation. PMID- 13478782 TI - The genetic basis for the limitation of radiation exposure. PMID- 13478783 TI - Bone, skin and gonadal doses in routine diagnostic procedures. PMID- 13478784 TI - Practical suggestions for reducing radiation exposure in diagnostic examinations. PMID- 13478785 TI - Past and present radiation exposure to radiologists from the point of view of life expectancy. PMID- 13478786 TI - Common sense in radiation protection applied to clinical practice. PMID- 13478787 TI - A summary: today's problems in radiation hazards and what is being done to control them. PMID- 13478788 TI - Coarctation of the abdominal aorta at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery; report of a case diagnosed by translumbar aortography. PMID- 13478789 TI - A true and a false arteriosclerotic aneurysm of the subclavian artery. PMID- 13478790 TI - The effects of sustained deep inspiration on the normal lower esophagus and phrenic ampulla in erect adults. PMID- 13478791 TI - Milk of calcium bile in the common duct. PMID- 13478793 TI - Papillary calcification in necrotizing renal papillitis. PMID- 13478792 TI - Hirschsprung's disease; the roentgen diagnosis in infants. PMID- 13478794 TI - Diverticular ureteral changes; a report of four cases. PMID- 13478795 TI - A comparative study of three intravenous urographic media by the random selection tecnique. PMID- 13478796 TI - Automatic compensation in roentgenographic pelycephalometry. PMID- 13478797 TI - Note on a darkroom door interlock system. PMID- 13478798 TI - Ira Hiram Lockwood; 1885-1957. PMID- 13478799 TI - A new surgical procedure for the creation of a false temporomandibular joint in cases of ankylosis by means of non-electrolytic metal. PMID- 13478800 TI - Primary hepatoma with metastasis to the mandible. PMID- 13478801 TI - Plastic repair for total loss of mandible. PMID- 13478802 TI - Radical surgery for intraoral cancer with preservation of the mandible; the en bloc pull-through procedure. PMID- 13478803 TI - The surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area. PMID- 13478804 TI - The open method of skin grafting. PMID- 13478805 TI - Osteomyelitis of the jaws in infants. PMID- 13478806 TI - Fibrous and granulomatous lesions of the jaw bones. PMID- 13478807 TI - The role of the posterior pharyngeal flap in rehabilitation of the patient with cleft palate. PMID- 13478808 TI - Advantages of a tracheotomized anesthesia technic in the pharyngeal flap operation. PMID- 13478809 TI - Anesthetic management for maxillofacial procedures in the very young. PMID- 13478810 TI - Nasal splints: advantages, disadvantages and author's modifications. PMID- 13478811 TI - The management of tuberculous cervical adenitis. PMID- 13478813 TI - Reduced mandibular motion due to osteochondroma of the coronoid process of the mandible. PMID- 13478812 TI - Laryngocele. PMID- 13478814 TI - The treatment of acute perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers. PMID- 13478815 TI - Subtotal gastrectomy in the treatment of peptic ulcer: evaluation of 220 cases. PMID- 13478816 TI - Improper reduction of fractures of the proximal phalanges of fingers. PMID- 13478817 TI - Lipoma of sigmoid. PMID- 13478818 TI - Povidone-iodine as a topical antiseptic. PMID- 13478819 TI - Osteoplastic reconstruction in severe fractures of the tibial condyles: utilization of the anterior superior iliac spine. PMID- 13478820 TI - Abscess of the spleen. PMID- 13478821 TI - Dysgerminoma of the ovary. PMID- 13478822 TI - Pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13478823 TI - Retention of a pulmonary segment following interruption of the bronchus, artery and vein. PMID- 13478824 TI - Omphalocele. PMID- 13478826 TI - Fat embolism in childhood: review and case report. PMID- 13478825 TI - Hypernephroma in a child. PMID- 13478827 TI - Congenital absence of the septum pellucidum: a review of the literature with case report. PMID- 13478828 TI - Superficial phlebitis of the breast. PMID- 13478830 TI - REPORT of AD HOC advisory committee on BCG to the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service. PMID- 13478829 TI - BCG: past, present, and future. PMID- 13478831 TI - The effects of early isoniazid treatment in experimental guinea pig tuberculosis. PMID- 13478832 TI - Tubercle bacillus wax as an experimental vaccine against mouse tuberculosis. PMID- 13478833 TI - Bronchiectasis and acute pneumonia. PMID- 13478835 TI - The use of methyl-metacrilate in pathologic studies of the lung. PMID- 13478834 TI - Studies on Nocardia and other actinomycetales. I. Cultural studies. PMID- 13478836 TI - Tuberculous hilar and mediastinal adenitis: course, prognosis, and ambulatory chemotherapy. PMID- 13478837 TI - The current status and treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis: a review based on the experience with 120 cases. PMID- 13478838 TI - Tuberculous meningitis: a report on fifty-four consecutive cases of children treated with antimicrobial drugs and purified protein derivative: bacteriology, pathology, electroencephalographic and psychometric follow-up observations. PMID- 13478839 TI - The quantitative determination of isoniazid and para-aminosalicylic acid in body fluids. PMID- 13478840 TI - Two cases of methemoglobinemia and acute hemolytic anemia with death following the ingestion of a solution of para-aminosalicylic acid. PMID- 13478841 TI - A study of amino acid metabolism with urine from tuberculous patients. PMID- 13478842 TI - Atypical histologic aspects of pulmonary tuberculosis as related to attenuation or loss of pathogenicity of isoniazid-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis. PMID- 13478843 TI - Studies of conjugated PAS and ascorbic acid and other forms of para aminosalicylic acid. I. Patient tolerance. PMID- 13478844 TI - Studies of conjugated PAS and ascorbic acid and other forms of para aminosalicylic acid. II. Comparison of twenty-four-hour blood serum concentrations. PMID- 13478845 TI - The development of leukocytic sensitivity to tuberculin in guinea pigs experimentally infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. PMID- 13478847 TI - Failure of a method for enzymatic digestion and concentration of pathogenic fungi and Mycobacterium from sputum. PMID- 13478846 TI - Preliminary observations with the use of paper electrophoresis in studying serum protein changes as an index of progress in the tuberculous patient. PMID- 13478848 TI - Pathogenesis of mediastinal emphysema complicating therapeutic pneumoperitoneum. PMID- 13478849 TI - The efficiency of centrifugation as a means of concentrating tubercle bacilli from sputum. PMID- 13478850 TI - Problems in the surgical management of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13478851 TI - Lymphatic drainage of the pericardial space in dogs, as determined by studies with radioactive gold (AU198). PMID- 13478853 TI - Personnel pressure and the tuberculosis patient. PMID- 13478852 TI - Studies on sterilization of cystoscopes. PMID- 13478854 TI - RECOMMENDATIONS for use of vacant tuberculosis beds; statement by the Committee on Administrative Problems: background: vacancies-real or spurious. PMID- 13478855 TI - Andrew John Moreland. PMID- 13478856 TI - Ways and means of preventing and minimizing surgical infections. PMID- 13478857 TI - Parotid tumors and their surgical management. PMID- 13478858 TI - The treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13478859 TI - Some anatomic observations in the inguinal region. PMID- 13478860 TI - A new external cutter in varicose vein surgery. PMID- 13478861 TI - The role of surgery in the management of the late vaginal recurrence following irradiation and/or surgical treatment of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13478862 TI - Ileal atresia. PMID- 13478863 TI - Problems of portal hypertension. PMID- 13478864 TI - A less painful hemorrhoidectomy. PMID- 13478866 TI - The recognition and treatment of surgical lesions of the newborn. PMID- 13478865 TI - An improved method of adrenal denervation for the treatment of essential hypertension: results in twenty patients followed two to six years. PMID- 13478867 TI - Surgery of the soft tissues in hand injuries. PMID- 13478868 TI - Town versus gown. PMID- 13478869 TI - Recent progress in pediatric surgery. PMID- 13478870 TI - Subtotal gastric resection for peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum: a five to ten year follow-up. PMID- 13478871 TI - Gastric resection; a definitive treatment for perforated peptic ulcer. PMID- 13478873 TI - The surgical implantation of tumors. PMID- 13478872 TI - The present status of the treatment for malignancy of the stomach. PMID- 13478874 TI - Traumatic injuries of the lower urinary tract. PMID- 13478875 TI - Postoperative wound infections. PMID- 13478876 TI - Primary carcinoma of the gallbladder. PMID- 13478877 TI - The problem of the bleeding nipple associated with an otherwise normal breast. PMID- 13478878 TI - The induction of pleural symphysis with particular reference to therapy for irresectable malignancy. PMID- 13478879 TI - A critical analysis of the problem of extracorporeal oxygenation of the blood. PMID- 13478880 TI - Experiences in the surgical correction of transposition of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. PMID- 13478881 TI - Resection of the cord in inguinal hernia repair. PMID- 13478882 TI - The carotid bifurcation in Chamaeleo. PMID- 13478883 TI - On the development of the complex pattern of pacinian corpuscle distributed in the human retroperitoneum. PMID- 13478884 TI - Regeneration of mature skeletal muscle. PMID- 13478885 TI - Variations in thyroid histology in the male Gambel's sparrow. PMID- 13478886 TI - The effects of glossopharyngeal nerve transection on the circumvallate papilla of the rat. PMID- 13478887 TI - Further electromyographic studies on muscles of costal respiration in man. PMID- 13478888 TI - Length of gestation in the guinea pig with data on the frequency and time of abortion and stillbirth. PMID- 13478889 TI - Respiratory responses to carbon dioxide transients in normal volunteers. PMID- 13478890 TI - Apneic and hypotensive effects of local anesthetic drugs in dogs and mice under general anesthesia. PMID- 13478891 TI - Succinylcholine in cardiovascular surgery of infants and children. PMID- 13478892 TI - Effect of preanesthetic medication on ether content of arterial blood required for surgical anesthesia. PMID- 13478893 TI - Anesthesia for patients with pulmonary emphysema: use of positive-negative pressure respirator during pulmonary surgery. PMID- 13478894 TI - The bronchomotor effects of certain intravenous barbiturates on vagal stimulation in dogs. PMID- 13478896 TI - Continuous alveolar carbon dioxide analysis as a monitor of pulmonary blood flow. PMID- 13478895 TI - Effect of N-allylnormorphine and levallorphan on respiration during and after ether anesthesia. PMID- 13478897 TI - The effect of dihydrocodeine upon respiration and circulation in man. PMID- 13478898 TI - Trauma and water requirements. PMID- 13478899 TI - Mouth-to-mouth airway. PMID- 13478900 TI - Aneroid manometer for arterial blood pressure. PMID- 13478901 TI - Conductive operating shoes. PMID- 13478902 TI - Case report: separation of craniopagus. PMID- 13478903 TI - Case report: anesthesia for a prolonged operation. PMID- 13478904 TI - [Physiopathologic and experimental aspects of atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13478905 TI - [Significance of the determination of capillary resistance in clinical practice]. PMID- 13478906 TI - [Errors in the medical & surgical treatment of diseases of the venous system]. PMID- 13478907 TI - Clinical and special methods of investigation of congenital arteriovenous fistulae of the extremities. PMID- 13478908 TI - A clinical study of embolectomy. PMID- 13478909 TI - Subcutaneous ossification in chronic venous insufficiency; presentation of 23 cases: a preliminary report. PMID- 13478910 TI - The effect of a disturbed gait on peripheral occlusive arterial disease. PMID- 13478911 TI - Arteriography of peripheral vessels; present indications. PMID- 13478912 TI - The cause of the predominantly sinistral occurrence of thrombosis of the pelvic veins. PMID- 13478913 TI - Intra-osseous venography of the atlas. PMID- 13478914 TI - Pulseless disease; a clinical analysis of ten cases. PMID- 13478915 TI - Clinical experiences with anticoagulants; a comparison of coumadin (warfarin) sodium and dicumarol (bishydroxycoumarin). PMID- 13478916 TI - Long-term administration of reserpine in hypertension; report of 79 patients. PMID- 13478917 TI - Evolution of cardiovascular surgery. PMID- 13478918 TI - [Congenital dyskeratosis, type Zinsser-Cole-Engman, associated with a constitutional myelopathy (thrombopenic purpura & neutropenia)]. PMID- 13478919 TI - [Recurrent amicrobial thoracic pustulosis: Duhring's or Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease]. PMID- 13478920 TI - [Confluent & reticular papillomatosis & brilliant parakeratosis]. PMID- 13478922 TI - [Effect of oral administration of isoniazid resistant BCG on experimental tuberculosis infection in rabbits]. PMID- 13478921 TI - [Intercellular spaces of the epidermis]. PMID- 13478923 TI - [Significance and nature of porphyrins of synthesized by tuberculous and paratuberculous bacilli]. PMID- 13478925 TI - [Propagation of Teschen virus in monolayer cultures of swine epithelial kidney tissue]. PMID- 13478924 TI - [Distribution of cycloserine in the blood and in the viscera of chimpanzees, rhesus monkey, Cynocephalus babuin, Papio, rabbits, guinea pigs and chickens]. PMID- 13478926 TI - [Effectiveness of the recent immunological methods for the identification of human blood]. PMID- 13478927 TI - [Immunologic and physiologic activity of Phaseolus vulgaris extracts]. PMID- 13478929 TI - [Studies on collagen. XI. Quantitative study of in vitro combinations of collagen A-acid mucopolysaccharides]. PMID- 13478928 TI - [Research on the evolution of resistance of enterococci to usual antibiotics from 1950 to 1956; compared in vitro action of erythromycine, magnamycin, spiramycin novobiocin, oleoandomycin and vancomycin. I]. PMID- 13478930 TI - [Therapeutic activity of amphotericine B in experimental blastomycosis]. PMID- 13478931 TI - [Study of a fermentative type of anaerobic Corynebacterium by means of paper chromatography]. PMID- 13478932 TI - [Biochemical research on anaerobic treponema. III. Demonstration of volatile fermentation acids by Guillaume's chromatographic method]. PMID- 13478934 TI - [A new culture medium for microbiological assay of methionine]. PMID- 13478933 TI - [Taxonomy of Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Coccus P; contingent secretion of proteinase in certain species of the genus Sarcina]. PMID- 13478935 TI - Healing of heart wounds; an experiment with rabbits. PMID- 13478936 TI - [A method of reducing nasal fractures]. PMID- 13478937 TI - [Trial fenestration when stapes mobilization is not feasable]. PMID- 13478938 TI - [Non-inflammatory lesions of dystrophic bone condensation at the level of the middle ear]. PMID- 13478939 TI - [Effect of nasal drugs on movement of vibratile cilia]. PMID- 13478940 TI - [Surgery in malignant ear tumors; 19 case reports]. PMID- 13478941 TI - [Rare foreign bodies in larynx; leeches]. PMID- 13478942 TI - [Peripheral laryngeal paralysis; recent data]. PMID- 13478943 TI - [Modified Rethi operation]. PMID- 13478944 TI - [Fracture of malar bone]. PMID- 13478946 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13478945 TI - [Detachment of ear with tubulization of cartilage]. PMID- 13478947 TI - [A special case of deafness during zona of superior maxillary nerve]. PMID- 13478948 TI - [A case of hereditary-familial deafness]. PMID- 13478949 TI - [Buzzing sound in ears and allergy]. PMID- 13478950 TI - [Fenestration and hearing injury]. PMID- 13478951 TI - [Self observation of an accident induced by intolerance to ebonite plate of head mirror]. PMID- 13478952 TI - [Nitrogen mustard administered by intracarotid route in some cancers in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13478953 TI - [Epithelioma developing on an amygdaloid type cyst]. PMID- 13478954 TI - [Septicemia caused by Micrococcus pyogenes aureus of sinus origin]. PMID- 13478955 TI - [A case of fronto-orbital cholesteatoma]. PMID- 13478956 TI - [Severe complications after extraction of upper wisdom tooth]. PMID- 13478957 TI - [Close-fitting cap for acoustic sonde]. PMID- 13478958 TI - [Louis Baldenweck (1878-1956)]. PMID- 13478959 TI - [The physiological occurrence of antibodies against foodstuff antigens without demonstrable pathogenic action]. PMID- 13478960 TI - [Behavior of prothrombin, proconvertin, proaccelerin, fibrinogen and heparin tolerance test in newborn and infants in first year of life]. PMID- 13478961 TI - [Maximal renal tubular reabsorption rate of inorganic phosphate in normal children]. PMID- 13478962 TI - [A case of protracted, severe, acquired hemolytic anemia with thrombopenia and bone marrow hypoplasia in childhood]. PMID- 13478963 TI - [Comparative study of the inhibiting action of atropine and two synthetic parasympathicolytics on gastric secretion]. PMID- 13478964 TI - [Carcinoma of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13478965 TI - [External biliary fistulas after surgery of echinococcal cysts; case reports and trends in surgery]. PMID- 13478966 TI - [Sclerosing drug therapy of hernias]. PMID- 13478967 TI - [Intestinal perforation caused by hemagioma of the jejunum]. PMID- 13478969 TI - [Anatomico-surgical findings concerning the sapheno-femoral junction]. PMID- 13478968 TI - [Cancer of the stomach after gastroenterostomy]. PMID- 13478970 TI - [Investigation of the possible presence of stereoscopic vision in subjects of strabismus]. PMID- 13478971 TI - [Electrophoretic studies of the protein composition of intra-ocular fluids in nephthalene poisoning in rabbits]. PMID- 13478972 TI - [The blood protein picture in experimental naphthalene poisoning in rabbits]. PMID- 13478973 TI - [Behavior of urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids (K-17) in animals exposed to colored light radiations]. PMID- 13478974 TI - [Mydriatic effect of propantheline]. PMID- 13478975 TI - [Corneal sensitivity in old age; clinical investigations and general remarks]. PMID- 13478976 TI - [Experimental studies of retinal lesions caused by short-wave radiations. II]. PMID- 13478977 TI - [Changes in posterior epithelial layers of the iris culminating in total cellular dissociation; histological study]. PMID- 13478978 TI - [Pneumoencephalographical and clinical aspects of several cases of cysts of the pellucid septum]. PMID- 13478979 TI - [Pneumoangiographical findings in silicosis]. PMID- 13478980 TI - [The retrogastric paramedian region; current possibilities of radiology in study of its pathology]. PMID- 13478981 TI - [Radiological study of the breast made without contrast medium]. PMID- 13478982 TI - Further studies into the human serum factor which causes necrosis of guinea-pig skin. PMID- 13478983 TI - Clinical evaluation of sandostene plus calcium in bronchial asthma; spirometric studies. PMID- 13478984 TI - A new non-narcotic, antitussive drug. PMID- 13478985 TI - A new formula for relief of asthmatic attacks. PMID- 13478986 TI - Antigenic analysis by gel diffusion. III. Pollens of the Amaranth-Chenopod group. PMID- 13478987 TI - Bronchial asthma VI; critical review of literature. PMID- 13478988 TI - Utilization of fractionation procedures with infrared analysis. PMID- 13478989 TI - Automatic analysis of infrared spectra. PMID- 13478991 TI - The influence of molecular environment on infrared spectra. PMID- 13478990 TI - Infrared intensity measurements applied to the determination of molecular structure. PMID- 13478992 TI - Some simple hydrogen-bonding systems studied by infrared absorption. PMID- 13478993 TI - Aqueous solution infrared spectroscopy of biochemical polymers. PMID- 13478994 TI - The solid-state infrared absorption of the optically active and racemic straight chain alpha-amino acids. PMID- 13478995 TI - Infrared studies of tissue lipides. PMID- 13478996 TI - Infrared spectroscopy of serum lipides. PMID- 13478997 TI - The characterization of mycobacterial strains by the composition of their lipide extracts. PMID- 13478998 TI - The study of virus preparations by infrared spectroscopy. PMID- 13478999 TI - Infrared spectral studies of tissues. PMID- 13479001 TI - Infrared microspectroscopy in biological research. PMID- 13479000 TI - The application of infrared methods to pharmaceutical analysis. PMID- 13479002 TI - A bibliography of infrared spectra of biochemicals. PMID- 13479003 TI - Introductory remarks. PMID- 13479004 TI - The formation of organic compounds on the primitive earth. PMID- 13479005 TI - Some aspects of paleo-biochemistry. PMID- 13479006 TI - Electrolyte requirements of protists and archeometabolism. PMID- 13479007 TI - Speculations on the origins and evolution of photosynthesis. PMID- 13479008 TI - Phosphorus and the origin of life. PMID- 13479009 TI - The interaction of synthetic polynucleotides. PMID- 13479010 TI - The structure of crystalline proteins. PMID- 13479011 TI - Spontaneous generation of anabolic pathways, protein, and nucleic acid. PMID- 13479012 TI - The role of the gene in evolution. PMID- 13479014 TI - Some assumption underlying discussion on the origins of life. PMID- 13479013 TI - The origin of optical activity. PMID- 13479015 TI - Isolation, purification, and properties of proteolytic enzymes from animal sources. PMID- 13479016 TI - Some considerations of the multiple specificity of proteolytic enzymes. PMID- 13479017 TI - Plasmin, the humoral protease. PMID- 13479018 TI - Activation of plasminogen. PMID- 13479019 TI - Biochemical experimental, and clinical studies of proteolytic enzymes with particular reference to the fibrinolytic enzyme of human plasma. PMID- 13479020 TI - Proteases in the clotting mechanism. PMID- 13479021 TI - Anti-inflammatory effect of trypsin. PMID- 13479022 TI - The effect of streptococcal enzymes and other agents on experimental inflammation. PMID- 13479023 TI - Clinical and experimental studies on fibrinolytic enzymes. PMID- 13479024 TI - Pancreatic dornase aerosols in bronchopulmonary disease. PMID- 13479025 TI - Use of enzymes in veterinary medicine. PMID- 13479026 TI - The principles involved in the topical use of streptokinase-streptodornase. PMID- 13479027 TI - The evaluation of anti-inflammatory drugs in surgical lesions. PMID- 13479028 TI - The anti-inflammatory effect of parenterally administered proteases. PMID- 13479029 TI - The therapeutic effectiveness of trypsin in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. PMID- 13479030 TI - The anti-inflammatory effect of intramuscular streptokinase. PMID- 13479031 TI - Clinical experiences with chymotrypsin. PMID- 13479033 TI - The intravascular use of streptokinase. PMID- 13479032 TI - Clinical experience with trypsin. PMID- 13479034 TI - The use of plasmin in humans. PMID- 13479035 TI - Clinical uses of enzymes in neurosurgery. PMID- 13479036 TI - Intramuscular trypsin in chronic chest diseases. PMID- 13479038 TI - Surgeons and the navy. PMID- 13479037 TI - Determination Sr90 and Ba140 in bone, dairy products, vegetation, and soil. PMID- 13479039 TI - Radical surgery in cancer of the extrinsic larynx and laryngopharynx. PMID- 13479041 TI - [IN MEMORIAM: Rudolph Matas; 1860-1957]. PMID- 13479040 TI - The surgery of gall stones. PMID- 13479042 TI - Spontaneous return of function following surgical section or excision of the seventh cranial nerve in the surgery of parotid tumors. PMID- 13479043 TI - Results of treatment of carcinoma of the breast; five to 18 years. PMID- 13479044 TI - Lesions of the breast associated with discharge from the nipple. PMID- 13479045 TI - The problem of the second breast: a study of 118 patients with bilateral carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13479046 TI - The effect of hepatic lobectomy on some blood clotting factors and on fibrinolysis. PMID- 13479047 TI - Development of preventive surgery in the field of cancer. PMID- 13479048 TI - The repeated surgical attack on solitary metastatic neoplasms. PMID- 13479049 TI - Effect of hypothermia and of chlorpromazine on survival after tourniquet shock. PMID- 13479050 TI - Evaluation of several antibiotics used locally on granulating wounds caused by thermal injury. PMID- 13479051 TI - The repair of leaks in the line of anastomosis after the Billroth I gastric resection: an experimental study. PMID- 13479052 TI - [Congenital atresia of the transverse colon: a case report and a review of the literature]. PMID- 13479053 TI - Familial arteriovenous aneurysm of the lung: incidence in mother and son. PMID- 13479054 TI - Liposarcoma of jejunum. PMID- 13479055 TI - Simplified procedure for combined heard study. PMID- 13479056 TI - Notes on functional thyroid tumors with a case report indicating the efficacy of thyroid administration. PMID- 13479057 TI - Effect of surgical stress on saline diuresis in dogs. PMID- 13479058 TI - Modified cardiopneumopexy employing pulmonary segmental resection: a mortality infarct study. PMID- 13479060 TI - [Behavior of cholinesterase in endometrium of female during menstrual cycles; contribution on the effect of female sex hormone on blood vessels]. PMID- 13479059 TI - Idiopathic omental infarction. PMID- 13479061 TI - [Inorganic components of placenta. I. Water content, dry substances, ash content of mature and immature, normal and pathological human placenta]. PMID- 13479062 TI - [A histomorphological form variation of uterine mucosa in ovarian dysfunction]. PMID- 13479063 TI - [Cellular composition of human uterine mucosal stroma]. PMID- 13479064 TI - [Experimental investigation on fetal kidney function; comparison of kidney function in mother and fetus in pregnancy toxemia]. PMID- 13479065 TI - [Effect of sex hormone on water content in female]. PMID- 13479066 TI - [Theory and clinical usefulness of the ventricular gradien in ECG]. PMID- 13479067 TI - [Vectorcardiographic findings in strain of the right heart]. PMID- 13479069 TI - [Significance of the reactive condition of the autonomic nervous system in successful therapy of rheumatism]. PMID- 13479068 TI - [Electrocardiography and phonocardiography in auricular septal defect]. PMID- 13479070 TI - [The practical value of reaction types in balneology and physical therapy]. PMID- 13479071 TI - [Physical bases of autonomic reactometry]. PMID- 13479072 TI - [Remarks on the preceding article of Kracmar]. PMID- 13479073 TI - [Diurnal-rhythmic control of reactive capacity; study of the diurnal variation of acral re-warming]. PMID- 13479074 TI - [Vegetonographic studies of patients of angina pectoris]. PMID- 13479075 TI - [The effect of balneo-therapy on hypertension in relation to the pathogenic factors due to civilization]. PMID- 13479076 TI - [Dosage of carbon dioxide in baths]. PMID- 13479077 TI - [Comparative studies of the effective factors of carbon dioxide gas baths]. PMID- 13479078 TI - [The place of syncardial massage in physical therapy]. PMID- 13479079 TI - [Rhythmic intermittent stasis in therapy of peripheral circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13479081 TI - [The question of determination of adrenal cortex activity during hydrotherapeutic procedures]. PMID- 13479080 TI - [Ballistocardiographical control of balneological therapy of circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13479082 TI - [Physical therapy of manager's syndrome in health resorts]. PMID- 13479083 TI - [Lumbalgias as a social medical problem; their therapy and prevention]. PMID- 13479084 TI - [Mineral content of mist in salt-water inhalation]. PMID- 13479085 TI - [Climatotherapy in the North Sea Island, Norderney, in injuries to health caused by industrial poisons, especially lead]. PMID- 13479086 TI - [Difference of opinions on the use of climatotherapy]. PMID- 13479087 TI - [Bulgarian balneotherapy; a medico-historical survey]. PMID- 13479088 TI - [Ultrashort-wave method of testing endocrine gland function]. PMID- 13479089 TI - [Electrodiagnosis by i/t curves for phosphene]. PMID- 13479090 TI - [The rat placenta & its endocrine activity]. PMID- 13479091 TI - [General organization of the lung & structure of the alveoli of vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, mammals) considered in their relations with the respiratory mechanism, functional pulmonary circulation & metabolic activity of those animals]. PMID- 13479092 TI - [Total eventration & other abnormalities in a fetus at term]. PMID- 13479093 TI - [Arteriovenous anastomoses revealed by phlebography next to angiomas of the Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome type]. PMID- 13479094 TI - [Attempt at classification of cutaneous dysembryoplasia]. PMID- 13479095 TI - [Liquid nitrogen in dermatology]. PMID- 13479096 TI - [Four cases of Spitz' juvenile melanoma]. PMID- 13479097 TI - [Fibro-epithelial tumors of Pinkus.]. PMID- 13479098 TI - [Giant cell granuloma (Montgomery's & O'Leary's ganglioneuroma, reticulohistiocytoma)]. PMID- 13479099 TI - [Superficial & deep annular granulomas]. PMID- 13479100 TI - [Results of laboratory investigations of fungus diseases]. PMID- 13479101 TI - [A case of acute lupus erythematosus with a strong sensitization to light]. PMID- 13479102 TI - [The antagonistic biological effects of ultraviolet & infrared rays]. PMID- 13479103 TI - [Acute lupus erythematosus (?) & gastric epithelioma]. PMID- 13479104 TI - [A case of elastorrhexis generalisata of Touraine]. PMID- 13479105 TI - [A case of mycosis fungoides with unusual localization at the level of the fingers]. PMID- 13479106 TI - [Three cases of familial favus]. PMID- 13479108 TI - [Pachyderma with pachyperiostitis of the extremities]. PMID- 13479107 TI - [Lupus vulgaris of buttocks with unusual distribution in a case of renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13479109 TI - [Parapsoriasis en plaques after poikiloderma atrophicans]. PMID- 13479110 TI - [Erythema induratum with sequelae of necrotic tuberculids & garter eczema]. PMID- 13479111 TI - Studies on the non-enzymic conversion of dopa to melanin. I. Studies on autoxidation. PMID- 13479112 TI - The non-enzymic conversion of dopa to melanin. II. The aerobic catalysis of dopa oxidation by copper ions and copper-plasma protein complexes. PMID- 13479113 TI - Terminal steps of chlorophyll A biosynthesis in higher plants. PMID- 13479114 TI - The action of 2,4-dinitrophenol on myosin. PMID- 13479115 TI - Absence in hepatoma of a liver factor reacting with indolalkylamines. PMID- 13479116 TI - Effect of pyridoxine deficiency on the absorption of vitamin B12. PMID- 13479117 TI - Investigations on two different hemoglobins of the sheep. PMID- 13479118 TI - The effect of catalytic amounts of epinephrine and of adrenochrome on the oxidation of glycine. PMID- 13479119 TI - Cyanide inhibition of the catalase system. PMID- 13479120 TI - The preparation and properties of crystalline firefly luciferin. PMID- 13479121 TI - Transamination in Rhodospirillum rubrum. PMID- 13479122 TI - The biosynthesis of leucine in Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13479123 TI - The metabolism of storage carbohydrates in yeast, studied with glucose-1-C14 and dinitrophenol. PMID- 13479124 TI - Quantitative nutritional studies with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. I. Growth, reproduction and lactation in rats. PMID- 13479125 TI - Quantitative nutritional studies with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. II. Nitrogen balance and metabolism. PMID- 13479126 TI - Quantitative nutritional studies with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. III. Individual amino acids as sources of non-essential nitrogen. PMID- 13479127 TI - Quantitative nutritional studies with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. IV. Influence of various carbohydrates on growth, with special reference to D glucosamine. PMID- 13479128 TI - Quantitative nutritional studies with water-soluble, chemically defined diets. V. Role of the isomeric arginines in growth. PMID- 13479129 TI - A spectrophotometer accessory for measuring absorption spectra of light scattering samples; spectra of dark-grown albino leaves and of adsorbed chlorophylls. PMID- 13479130 TI - Studies with mustards. III. In vivo fixation of C14 from nitrogen mustard-C14H3 in nucleic acid fractions of animal tissues. PMID- 13479131 TI - Studies with mustards. Iv. Effects of nitrogen mustard treatment of deoxyribonuclease and deoxyribonucleic acid upon the enzymic degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid. PMID- 13479132 TI - Oxidation of polyhydric alcohols by the prostate gland and seminal vesicle. PMID- 13479133 TI - Spectroscopic properties of crystals and monolayers of chlorophyll and related compounds. PMID- 13479134 TI - Fractionation of cell-free preparations from Chlorella pyrenoidosa showing photochemical oxygen production. PMID- 13479135 TI - Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in extracts of Thiobacillus thiooxidans, a chemoautotrophic bacterium. PMID- 13479136 TI - A glucose tolerance factor and its differentiation from factor 3. PMID- 13479137 TI - [Critical study on the significance of the hyperchromophilic state of nerve cells]. PMID- 13479138 TI - [Cytological studies on the ovum of several Chiroptera]. PMID- 13479139 TI - [Morphological and cytochemical knowledge of limb buds in several Reptiles]. PMID- 13479140 TI - Veno-occlusive disease of the liver and Indian childhood cirrhosis. PMID- 13479141 TI - Deciduous tooth eruption. PMID- 13479142 TI - Blood oxygen studies in premature infants. PMID- 13479143 TI - Low oxygen tension in the management of newborn infants. PMID- 13479144 TI - Amino-aciduria and hypermetabolism in progeria. PMID- 13479146 TI - The urinary phenolsulphonphthalein (phenol red) excretion test in hydrocephalus. PMID- 13479145 TI - The applications of serum lipoprotein electrophoresis in paediatric practice. PMID- 13479147 TI - Reducing sugars in the urine and blood of premature babies. PMID- 13479148 TI - Congenital idiopathic hypogammaglobulinaemia. PMID- 13479149 TI - Chronic neutropenia. PMID- 13479150 TI - Wheat gluten and coeliac disease. PMID- 13479151 TI - Palpability of the liver and spleen in infants and children. PMID- 13479152 TI - B.C.G. tuberculin. PMID- 13479153 TI - The hypersensitivity reactions to para-aminosalicylic acid (P.A.S.). PMID- 13479154 TI - The diagnosis of pertussis with supralaryngeal and modified pernasal swabs. PMID- 13479155 TI - The significance of the C-reactive protein estimation in streptococcal and allied disease. PMID- 13479156 TI - Cerebral abscess as a complication of neonatal sepsis. PMID- 13479157 TI - Hydatid cyst of the kidney in a child. PMID- 13479158 TI - Radial nerve palsies in the newborn. PMID- 13479159 TI - [Giant angiomas in infants with thrombopenia]. PMID- 13479160 TI - [A type of chronic evolutive pneumopathy in young children]. PMID- 13479161 TI - [Epidemiology and therapeutic notes on Escherichia coli gastroenteritis]. PMID- 13479162 TI - [Notes on diagnosis of viral lung diseases in premature infants]. PMID- 13479164 TI - [Results of 3 years of BCG vaccination in infants of tuberculous parents temporarily separated from the family environment]. PMID- 13479163 TI - [Therapy of erythema nodosum]. PMID- 13479165 TI - [Acquired toxoplasmosis; ganglionic form the disease]. PMID- 13479166 TI - [Visual agnosia in a 14-year-old child with visual hallucinations of traumatic origin]. PMID- 13479167 TI - [Anatomico-clinical study of a case of subacute leuko-encephalitis in a child]. PMID- 13479168 TI - [Experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension, durable in dog]. PMID- 13479169 TI - [The place of induced cardiac arrest in open heart surgery with extracorporeal circulation]. PMID- 13479170 TI - [Experimental pulmonary edema caused by acute right ventricular insufficiency]. PMID- 13479171 TI - [Lymphoblastic infiltration of myocardium; dissociated rhythm disorders influencing the three stages of the heart]. PMID- 13479172 TI - [Substitute rhythms of coronary and nodal origin during a sinus deficiency; esophageal and endocavitary electrocardiographic analysis]. PMID- 13479173 TI - [Experimental action of khellin and its derivatives on coronary circulation]. PMID- 13479174 TI - [Syndrome of high concave superior divergence of ST segment with ample and asymetric T positive wave; clinical electrocardiographic research]. PMID- 13479175 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479176 TI - [Influence of age and sex on accidents in young subjects]. PMID- 13479177 TI - [Experimental study on pathological reactions following introduction into organism of amorphic inframicroscopic silica particles]. PMID- 13479178 TI - [Blood proteins and silicosis]. PMID- 13479180 TI - [Physiological equilibrium and variations of neuromuscular excitability in a homogenous human group]. PMID- 13479179 TI - [Research on cardiovascular apparatus in silicosis]. PMID- 13479181 TI - [Obituary: M.R. Barthe]. PMID- 13479182 TI - [Blood protein balance during chronic alcoholic intoxication in industrial medicine]. PMID- 13479183 TI - [Vernes copper acetate reaction during chronic alcoholism]. PMID- 13479184 TI - [Ducci colloidal red test in silicosis]. PMID- 13479185 TI - [Hypercoagulability of blood in silicosis]. PMID- 13479186 TI - [Case of mercurial tremor]. PMID- 13479187 TI - [Mercurial tremor; effects of calcium disodium tetracemate and BAL therapy]. PMID- 13479188 TI - [An unusual case of cheddite poisoning]. PMID- 13479189 TI - [Sandor flocculation test in silicosis]. PMID- 13479190 TI - [Preclinical detection of arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13479192 TI - [Involution of joints in aged worker]. PMID- 13479191 TI - [Involution of psychic and neurological function in industrial medicine]. PMID- 13479193 TI - [Experimental abdominal silicosis and the accompanying general syndrome; pulmonary, visceral, neuroendocrine, mastocytic, plasmocytic, gigantocellular reactions]. PMID- 13479194 TI - [Evolutive modification of experimental abdominal silicosis due to administration of estrogenic substances in guinea pig]. PMID- 13479195 TI - [Discovery of a case of Q fever in Marseille; should this disease be inscribed among the indemnitable occupational diseases]. PMID- 13479196 TI - [Industrial medicine and psychosomatic medicine; some notes on 56 case reports]. PMID- 13479197 TI - Total rehabilitation; the physiatrist's responsibility. PMID- 13479198 TI - The seventh John Stanley Coulter Memorial Lecture: physical measures in the postoperative care of the surgical patient. PMID- 13479199 TI - Disturbance of perception of verticality in patients with hemiplegia: second report. PMID- 13479200 TI - An improved prosthesis for hemipelvectomy. PMID- 13479201 TI - James Beaver Mennell, (1880-1957). PMID- 13479202 TI - [So-called cor triatriatum (double left auricle); anatomicopathological study of three cases and contribution to the solution of the pathogenetic problem]. PMID- 13479204 TI - [Preventive action of pineal extract on the onset of arteriopathy induced by adrenal grafts]. PMID- 13479203 TI - [Pathogenesis of experimental aortopathy induced by hypertensive and hypotensive agents in rabbits; relations to aortic medio-necrosis in humans]. PMID- 13479206 TI - [Changes in basal metabolism after repeated homologous adrenal grafts]. PMID- 13479205 TI - [Experimental production of cysts of the submaxillary gland; histological and histogenetic aspects]. PMID- 13479207 TI - [Echinococcal cysts of the breast]. PMID- 13479208 TI - [A case of generalized carcinosis of the lymphatic system of the lungs caused by pancreatic adenocarcinoma]. PMID- 13479209 TI - [Solitary bronchial papilloma]. PMID- 13479211 TI - [A case of cystic malformation of the lower pulmonary lobe with anomalous pulmonary blood vessel of aortic origin (so-called intralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration)]. PMID- 13479210 TI - [Surgical classification of gastric carcinoma with histopathological findings]. PMID- 13479212 TI - [Two surgical cases of metabolic adrenogenital syndrome, with infiltrating carcinoma in one case and adenomatous hyperplasia nodosa of the adrenal glands in the other]. PMID- 13479213 TI - [Effect of thioctic acid on liver lesions after temporary cholestasis; experimental study]. PMID- 13479214 TI - [Therapeutic action of gastric mucoprotein in syndromes caused by gastric resection]. PMID- 13479215 TI - [Gastric resection with antecolonic gastroenteroanastomosis]. PMID- 13479216 TI - [Primary adenocarcinoma of the vermiform appendix; case report and anatomicopathological aspects]. PMID- 13479217 TI - [Eosinophilic appendicitis; notes on a case of diffuse appendicular eosinophilia]. PMID- 13479219 TI - [Scleroma of the upper respiratory passages]. PMID- 13479218 TI - [Histochemical studies of the connective tissue of the gastric mucosa in chronic gastritis]. PMID- 13479220 TI - [Giant follicular lymphopathy of Waldeyer's ring; Brill-Symmers disease]. PMID- 13479221 TI - [Pseudo-neoplastic aspects of laryngeal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13479222 TI - [Arytenoidectomy by endoscopic route in therapy of laryngeal paralysis of adduction]. PMID- 13479223 TI - [Chondro-hypertrophic angiomas of the ear]. PMID- 13479224 TI - [Vestibular recruitment]. PMID- 13479225 TI - [Lytic cocktails in therapy of neuro-vascular syndromes of the labyrinth]. PMID- 13479227 TI - [Effect of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning on the vestibular apparatus]. PMID- 13479226 TI - [Pressor and depressor reflexes in normal and labyrinthectomized dogs]. PMID- 13479228 TI - [Congenital esophageal cysts]. PMID- 13479229 TI - [Bronchial secretions in anesthesia]. PMID- 13479230 TI - [Therapy of cough caused by laryngo-tracheal irritation]. PMID- 13479231 TI - [Prof. Benedetto Agazzi; 1885-1957]. PMID- 13479232 TI - [A trip to the French thermal sulfur-water health resorts in the Pyrenees]. PMID- 13479233 TI - [Muscular & hepatic biopsies in the diagnosis of visceral glycogenosis]. PMID- 13479234 TI - [Therapy of tuberculous adenopathy in infants; clinical experiences with pyrazinamide]. PMID- 13479235 TI - [Passage of the alpha & beta antibodies from the mother to the fetus during compatible pregnancy]. PMID- 13479236 TI - [Pediatric mortality due to congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13479237 TI - [Simple cysts of the kidney]. PMID- 13479238 TI - [Experimental studies of kidney resection: the effect of decapsulation on function of the residual renal parenchyma]. PMID- 13479239 TI - [Heterolateral renal migration caused by retroperitoneal cysts]. PMID- 13479240 TI - [Tumors of the kidney bed developing from the renal involucra]. PMID- 13479241 TI - [Critical evaluation of trans-perineal prostate biopsy based on experience with 100 cases]. PMID- 13479242 TI - [Comparative electrophoresis of blood proteins & synovial fluid in articolar effusions]. PMID- 13479243 TI - [Intermittent hydrarthrosis; etiology & pathogenesis, concept & nosological significance]. PMID- 13479244 TI - [Pseudarthrosis of the clavicle]. PMID- 13479245 TI - [Vascularization of the human meniscus]. PMID- 13479246 TI - [The spontaneous healing process of meniscal fractures]. PMID- 13479247 TI - [Indications for & limitations of metallic osteosynthesis of fractures of the extremities]. PMID- 13479248 TI - [Spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13479249 TI - [Etiology & pathogenesis of synovial cysts]. PMID- 13479250 TI - [A case of apophyseal fracture of the epistropheus with posterior luxation of the atlas]. PMID- 13479251 TI - [Osteogenic sarcoma in Paget's disease of bone]. PMID- 13479252 TI - [The blood colloid equilibrium in juvenile osteochondritis]. PMID- 13479253 TI - [Retro-spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13479254 TI - [Pollicization of the index finger; case report]. PMID- 13479255 TI - [Distortions of the foot]. PMID- 13479256 TI - [The use of dependent plaster casts in the treatment of humeral fractures]. PMID- 13479257 TI - [Histological and histochemical study of the effects of phenylbutazone on various organs and systems. I. Changes in the chromotropic substance of the skin and kidneys and in the heparinopoietic organ. II. Histofunctional aspects of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands. III. Changes induced in the digestive system and liver]. PMID- 13479258 TI - [The alleged antihyaluronidase and stressing activity of phenylbutazone in chronic rheumatic arthropathy; clinical study]. PMID- 13479260 TI - [Studies on antistreptolysin titers in pleural exudative fluids]. PMID- 13479259 TI - [Effect of lysozyme on the anticoagulant action of heparin]. PMID- 13479261 TI - [Urinary elimination of the antidiuretic principle during phenylbutazone therapy]. PMID- 13479262 TI - [Effects of phenylbutazone therapy on blood coagulation in vivo; clinico experimental study]. PMID- 13479263 TI - [Variations of apparent reality of the third dimension in visual perceptions]. PMID- 13479264 TI - [Psychological principles of the interview & its use psychology]. PMID- 13479265 TI - [Note on research effected on the theme of attitudes]. PMID- 13479266 TI - [The Rorschach test in the normal adult Italian]. PMID- 13479267 TI - [Quantitative & differential data on Rorschach results of 108 Florentine children from 6 to 10 years old]. PMID- 13479268 TI - [Recent findings on a case of anxiety neurosis with anorexia]. PMID- 13479269 TI - [Psychodynamic remarks on projection in a case of sensitive delusion of reference treated by psychotherapy]. PMID- 13479270 TI - [Family investigations & activity in mental hygiene]. PMID- 13479271 TI - [Treatment with dimethylaminopropyl phenothiazine]. PMID- 13479272 TI - [Effects of riboflavin on the growth of fibroblasts in vitro]. PMID- 13479273 TI - [Importance, characteristics & origin of pleural depression]. PMID- 13479274 TI - [Training for the test of maximum voluntary apnea in elderly subjects; biologicostatistical study]. PMID- 13479275 TI - [beta-Glycuronidase & acid phosphatase in atrophy caused by denervation of the anterior tibial muscle of the rat]. PMID- 13479276 TI - [Modifications induced by tocopherol phosphate on contractions of actomyosinic reticuli in vitro]. PMID- 13479277 TI - [Hydrosoluble vitamins & metabolism of creatine]. PMID- 13479278 TI - [Experimental biliary cirrhosis induced by chronic thioacetamide poisoning]. PMID- 13479279 TI - [Simplified technic for total gastrectomy in the rat]. PMID- 13479280 TI - [Observations on the so-called extra protein of striated muscle]. PMID- 13479281 TI - [Experimental research on the origin & development of the pronephros & the wolffian duct in Rana esculenta]. PMID- 13479282 TI - [Metabolic changes caused by prolonged administration of thyrotropic hormone]. PMID- 13479283 TI - [Effect of the active principle of Ferula communis on blood coagulation; thromboelastographic study]. PMID- 13479284 TI - [Studies of the quantitative determination of the thyrotropic hormone in human plasma. I. Evaluation of the microhistometric test of Tala for microquantitative determination of TSH]. PMID- 13479285 TI - [Report of a case of vulvar cyst with melanoma]. PMID- 13479286 TI - [The problem of retention of the testis; etiopathogenetic and clinical findings and conduct of hormonal therapy in 55 cases]. PMID- 13479287 TI - [Physiopathology of experimental mono-adrenalectomy; changes in some metabolic activities and organic reactivity]. PMID- 13479288 TI - [Study of the pathogenic power of the gastrointestinal bacterial flora of animals with intestinal occlusion treated with terramycin]. PMID- 13479289 TI - [Effect of testosterone on serum sodium, potassium and calcium levels]. PMID- 13479290 TI - [Behavior of early and late experimental renal hypertension during acute merucurial tubulonephrosis]. PMID- 13479291 TI - [Effect of testosterone propionate on the outcome of hydronephrosis caused by temporary ureteral block; experimental studies]. PMID- 13479292 TI - [Acute poisoning caused by ingestion of tinta rapida]. PMID- 13479293 TI - [Salmonella genetics; on occasion of 2nd isolation of Salmonella albany]. PMID- 13479294 TI - [Emergency gastrectomy in the treatment of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers; 18 cases of operation in continued series]. PMID- 13479295 TI - [Anomalies of the duodenum]. PMID- 13479296 TI - [Psychodrama, its technics & psychotherapeutic importance]. PMID- 13479298 TI - [Shock, its pathophysiology and treatment]. PMID- 13479297 TI - [Andre Lemierre; 1875-1956]. PMID- 13479299 TI - [Hibernation and cooling]. PMID- 13479301 TI - [Surgery of the round window in the otosclerosis syndrome]. PMID- 13479300 TI - [Laparoscopic splenoportography]. PMID- 13479302 TI - [Parental water-electrolyte therapy; the Snyder method: pediatric application]. PMID- 13479303 TI - [Congenital toxoplasmosis; isolation of Toxoplasma gondii in Cuba; clinical & experimental study]. PMID- 13479304 TI - [Use of intraspinal hydrocortisone in neurological diseases]. PMID- 13479305 TI - [Clinical experience with a new piperidine derivative]. PMID- 13479306 TI - [Recent observations on the use of meticorten in the treatment of various rheumatic diseases & mesenchymopathies]. PMID- 13479307 TI - [Functional examination of feces]. PMID- 13479308 TI - [Occlusive syndrome of the small intestine caused by cancer of the sigmoid]. PMID- 13479309 TI - [Cancer of Vater's ampulla; cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy]. PMID- 13479310 TI - [Splenoportography by transparietal intraparenchymatous splenic injection]. PMID- 13479311 TI - [Afferent loop syndrome after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13479312 TI - [Multiple stenosis of the small intestine of tuberculous nature; postoperative adhesions; liberation resection & Noble's operation]. PMID- 13479313 TI - [Three epochs of the recent history of biliary lithiasis & great contemporaneous conquests]. PMID- 13479314 TI - [Spontaneous rupture of the leukemic spleen; report of a case of fatal spontaneous rupture]. PMID- 13479315 TI - [Unconscious adverse seizures in temporal epilepsy]. PMID- 13479316 TI - [Criterion of choice of technic for surgery of endometrial carcinoma]. PMID- 13479317 TI - [Alcoholic gastritis; study clinical, endoscopic and experimental]. PMID- 13479319 TI - [Examination of fecal materials; functional interpretation]. PMID- 13479318 TI - [Extrarenal hyperazotemia caused by hypersecreting rectal villous tumor; report of two cases]. PMID- 13479320 TI - [The colecistocolangiografia intravenously]. PMID- 13479321 TI - [Acute occlusion of the small intestine caused by compression between vertebral column & mesentery]. PMID- 13479322 TI - [Hydatid cyst of the pericardium]. PMID- 13479323 TI - Haemangiomatosis and thrombocytopenia. PMID- 13479324 TI - Aortographic study of the collateral circulation in cases of occlusion of the aorta and of the pelvic arteries. PMID- 13479325 TI - An unusual fracture of the jaw with rare complications. PMID- 13479326 TI - Duplication of the ascending colon. PMID- 13479327 TI - Rupture of the quadriceps tendon. PMID- 13479328 TI - A technique of recalibration of dilated ureters. PMID- 13479329 TI - Surgical intervention in cases of haemorrhagic diathesis. PMID- 13479330 TI - Experimental investigations into the pharmacotherapy of necrosis of the skin. PMID- 13479331 TI - Tracheal tumours. PMID- 13479332 TI - Hydronephrosis of a minor calyx. PMID- 13479333 TI - Corrosion of the stomach caused by chemical substances, without oesophageal changes. PMID- 13479334 TI - [Role of the endocrine glands in adaptation and compensatory reactions of the organism]. PMID- 13479335 TI - [Effect of vitamin A deficiency on the course of suppurative inflammation and on regeneration of cutaneous wounds]. PMID- 13479336 TI - [Histological cutaneous changes in rabbits following exposure to continuous and pulsating ultrasonics]. PMID- 13479337 TI - [Morphological changes in nerve fibers and endings in the somatic muscles in athetosis]. PMID- 13479338 TI - [Possibility of obtaining of bone tissue in the eye in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13479339 TI - [Morphology of the pulmonary acinus in man]. PMID- 13479340 TI - [Origin of cadaveric spots]. PMID- 13479341 TI - [Gastric and duodenal stroma in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13479342 TI - [Atrophic cirrhosis of anomalous liver]. PMID- 13479343 TI - [Peritoneal pseudomyxomatosis]. PMID- 13479344 TI - [Diagnosis of post-transfusion shock in Rh incompatibility]. PMID- 13479345 TI - [Congenital endocardial fibroblastosis]. PMID- 13479346 TI - [Problem of so-called endocardial fibroelastosis]. PMID- 13479347 TI - [Role of V. M. Bekhterev in the development of neurology and neurophysiology]. PMID- 13479348 TI - [Pulmonary changes following stimulation of extrapulmonary distal nervous system]. PMID- 13479349 TI - [Morphological changes in the hypothalamic nuclei in experimental pneumococcal infection]. PMID- 13479350 TI - [Effect of removal of the sympathetic cervical ganglia and of administration of nicotine on hemodynamic and respiratory changes in cerebral embolism]. PMID- 13479351 TI - [Regeneration of the epithelium of the skin in intact and disrupted innervation]. PMID- 13479352 TI - [Changes in the nervous system in experimental intoxication with sodium arsenate]. PMID- 13479353 TI - [Remote results of bilateral vagotomy]. PMID- 13479354 TI - [Experimental hydrocephalus in young rats]. PMID- 13479355 TI - [Compensatory hypertrophy of the vascular ganglia of the brain in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13479356 TI - [Problem of Recklinghausen's disease (parathyroid osteodystrophy)]. PMID- 13479357 TI - [Endometriosis in the region of the deltoid muscle]. PMID- 13479359 TI - [Vulvar elephanthiasis]. PMID- 13479358 TI - [Exstrophy of the bladder]. PMID- 13479360 TI - [Air embolism of the heart following wound of the pregnant uterus during application of pneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13479361 TI - [Glandular polyp of the appendix]. PMID- 13479362 TI - [New method freezing of tissue for microtomy]. PMID- 13479363 TI - [Simple appliance for medical photography; photographic picture, stereo- and microphotography]. PMID- 13479364 TI - [Current thinking on the management of craniocerebral trauma]. PMID- 13479365 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479366 TI - Frozen sections. PMID- 13479367 TI - Early suppression of postoperative biliary drainage. PMID- 13479369 TI - Getting down to cases. PMID- 13479368 TI - [Clinical & laboratory picture of kala-azar]. PMID- 13479370 TI - Some experience with prosthetic problems of upper-extremity amputees. PMID- 13479371 TI - Some experience with prosthetic problems of above-knee amputees. PMID- 13479372 TI - The management of the nonfunctional hand; reconstruction vs. prosthesis. PMID- 13479373 TI - [Resorption of incorporated dust; fine-grained dust (calcite, spathic iron ore, talc and rutile)]. PMID- 13479374 TI - [Resorption of incorporated dust; uptake of infusorial earth]. PMID- 13479375 TI - [Effect of quartz dust on esterase; the problem of catalytic action of quartz dust on metabolism]. PMID- 13479376 TI - [Retrolental fibroplasia]. PMID- 13479377 TI - [Suicide attempt with chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13479378 TI - [Review of the development of tissue culture technic]. PMID- 13479379 TI - [Some unusual pathological affections of the stomach & duodenum (carcinoma of the duodenal bulb, lymphogranulomatosis of the stomach, eosinophilic granuloma of the stomach)]. PMID- 13479380 TI - [Unusual roentgenograms in connection with carcinoma of the colon]. PMID- 13479381 TI - [A patient with a hiatal hernia, a diverticulum & a leiomyoma of the esophagus]. PMID- 13479382 TI - [Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome]. PMID- 13479383 TI - [Current trends in the treatment of rectal carcinoma]. PMID- 13479385 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479384 TI - [Results of duodenal biopsy]. PMID- 13479387 TI - [Survey of cerebral palsy cases in Bornholm]. PMID- 13479386 TI - [Local effects of hydrocortisone on connective tissue; review of experimental & clinical studies]. PMID- 13479388 TI - [Cerebral palsy; forms, incidence & causes of spastic paralysis]. PMID- 13479389 TI - Inhibition of the alanine-alpha-oxoglutaric acid transaminase of pig-heart muscle by cyclic hydrazides. PMID- 13479390 TI - The blocking activity of sympathomimetic amines on adrenaline hyperglycaemia. PMID- 13479391 TI - The synthesis of lipids in the livers of rats treated with pituitary growth hormone. PMID- 13479392 TI - Analysis of tissue constituents; commercial ox-muscle extract. PMID- 13479393 TI - Studies on the aerobic degradation of glucose by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PMID- 13479394 TI - The accumulation of iodide by Fucus ceranoides. PMID- 13479395 TI - Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 103. Metabolites of Alternaria tenuis auct; culture filtrate products. PMID- 13479396 TI - The conversion of casein into microbial proteins in the rumen. PMID- 13479397 TI - Essential role of thiol groups in aldehyde dehydrogenases. PMID- 13479398 TI - Reaction of ninhydrin in acid solution with straight-chain amino acids containing two amino groups and its application to the estimation of alpha epsilon diaminopimelic acid. PMID- 13479400 TI - An electronic colloid osmometer and an assessment of its accuracy; the molecular weight of bovine plasma albumin. PMID- 13479399 TI - Liver and brain mitochondria. PMID- 13479401 TI - The molecular weights of the proteins of normal and nephrotic sera and nephrotic urine, and a comparison of selective ultrafiltrates of serum proteins with urine proteins. PMID- 13479402 TI - The transformation of gallates into ellagate. PMID- 13479403 TI - The biosynthesis of sucrose. PMID- 13479405 TI - Beta-Glucuronidase activity during the early development of Xenopus laevis embryos. PMID- 13479404 TI - Formation of 3-hydroxybutan-2-one and butane-2:3-diol by pig-heart preparations and its relationship to oxidation of pyruvate. PMID- 13479406 TI - The phosphoesterase of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). PMID- 13479407 TI - Calcium and magnesium metabolism in calves; plasma levels and retention in milk fed calves. PMID- 13479408 TI - A new type of esterase in hog-kidney extract. PMID- 13479409 TI - The oxidative activity of particulate fractions from mosquitoes. PMID- 13479411 TI - The assimilation of amino acids by bacteria. 24. Inhibitors of incorporation of glycine in disrupted staphylococcal cells. PMID- 13479410 TI - Effects of 5-halogenated uracils on the growth of Escherichia coli and their incorporation into deoxyribonucleic acids. PMID- 13479412 TI - The solubility and fractionation of beta 1-lactoglobulin. PMID- 13479413 TI - The isolation of inositol monophosphate from liver. PMID- 13479414 TI - Photosynthetic activity of isolated chloroplast fragments of Spirogyra. PMID- 13479415 TI - Photophosphorylation by subcellular particles from Chromatium. PMID- 13479416 TI - A proposed kinetic mechanism for enzymic regulation of the blood pressure, based on clinical experience. PMID- 13479417 TI - [Influence of growth rate on the hematin absorption spectrum of Bacillus subtilis]. PMID- 13479418 TI - The effect of x-rays on phosphorylations in vivo. PMID- 13479419 TI - Preparation, fractionation and properties of calf thymus histone. PMID- 13479420 TI - Ethanol precipitation analysis of thymus histone. PMID- 13479421 TI - Metabolic instability of the ribonucleic acid synthesized by Escherichia coli in the presence of chloromycetin. PMID- 13479422 TI - The presence of uridine pyrophosphogalactose and uridine pyrophosphogalactose-4 epimerase in non-galactose adapted yeasts. PMID- 13479423 TI - Structural differences in the nucleic acids of some tobacco mosaic virus strains. I. Monopyrimidine nucleotides in ribonuclease digests. PMID- 13479424 TI - Physical and chemical studies of myxomyosin, an ATP-sensitive protein in cytoplasm. PMID- 13479425 TI - Quantitative interrelationships of the chief components of some connective tissues during foetal and post-natal development in cattle. PMID- 13479426 TI - Aspects of the invariability of a bacterial ribonucleic acid. PMID- 13479427 TI - The mechanism of hyaluronidase action. PMID- 13479428 TI - [Binding of adenosine diphosphate, inorganic phosphate and earth alkalies by muscle proteins]. PMID- 13479429 TI - Graphical determination of the dissociation constants for two-substrate enzyme systems. PMID- 13479430 TI - Ribonuclease and desoxyribonuclease activities in normal and regenerating bone marrow homogenates. PMID- 13479431 TI - The application of chromatographic methods to study the incorporation of 32P labeled orthophosphate into the phosphatides of rat liver homogenates. PMID- 13479432 TI - Incorporation of 14C-formate and 2-14C-glycine into nucleic acid bases of the rat liver in vivo and in vitro. PMID- 13479433 TI - The labelling of human serum by 32P-diisopropylphosphorofluoridate (DF 32P). PMID- 13479434 TI - The effect of substrate size upon hyaluronidase action. PMID- 13479435 TI - Reversible inactivation of lysozyme due to N, O-peptidyl shift. PMID- 13479436 TI - Enzymic cleavage of folic acid by extracts from human blood cells. I. Preparation and co-factor requirements of the enzyme system. PMID- 13479437 TI - [Influence of pyridoxine injection on decarboxylation of glutamic and cysteine sulfinic acids in rat brain]. PMID- 13479438 TI - Some observations on the extra-protein of cross-striated muscle. PMID- 13479439 TI - Randomization of the carbon atoms in glucose and fructose during their metabolism in barley seedlings. PMID- 13479440 TI - Intracellular distribution of vitamin E and vitamin A in chicken liver. PMID- 13479441 TI - [Inhibition of enzymic adaptation and ribonucleic acid synthesis by ultraviolet irradiation in yeasts, and their restoration by chemical methods]. PMID- 13479442 TI - Metabolism of L-gulonolactone in rats via pentose formation. PMID- 13479443 TI - DPN-specific alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in insect flight muscle. PMID- 13479444 TI - The polarographic behavior of alpha-lipoic acid. PMID- 13479445 TI - Reactivation of phosphorylated acetocholinesterase by pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide. PMID- 13479446 TI - Models of alpha-keratin sturcture. PMID- 13479447 TI - Some aspects of the relation between nuclear and cytoplasmic ribonucleic acids. PMID- 13479449 TI - The possible role of the ribonucleic acid (RNA) of the pH 5 enzyme in amino acid activation. PMID- 13479448 TI - The degradation of hyaluronate, the chondroitin sulfates and heparin by bacterial enzymes (flavobacterium). PMID- 13479450 TI - Formation of non-phage-antigenic protein in E. coli infected with T2 phage. PMID- 13479451 TI - Induction of streptolysin formation by biosynthetic polyribonucleotides. PMID- 13479452 TI - On the biosynthesis of the porphyrin-like moiety of vitamin B12; the mode of utilization of delta-aminolevulinic acid. PMID- 13479453 TI - The enzymic synthesis of 5-hydroxymethyldeoxycytidylic acid. PMID- 13479454 TI - An isolated single electroplax preparation. I. New data on the effect of acetylcholine and related compounds. PMID- 13479455 TI - The initial phase of actomyosin-adenosinetriphosphatase. PMID- 13479456 TI - Studies on the electron transport system. X. Preparation and spectral properties of a particulate DPNH and succinate cytochrome c reductase from heart muscle. PMID- 13479457 TI - Purification and properties of dialkylfluorophosphatase. PMID- 13479458 TI - Studies on ribonuclease in tobacco leaves. I. Purification and properties. PMID- 13479459 TI - The molecular size, shape and weight of mucoprotein from cartilage. PMID- 13479460 TI - [Thermal and surface denaturation of pancreatic carboxypeptidase; influence of tween 80]. PMID- 13479461 TI - Interaction between deoxypentosenucleic acid and histone in strong saline. PMID- 13479462 TI - Genetic transformation. I. Cellular incorporation of DNA accompanying transformation in Pneumococcus. PMID- 13479463 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acid incorporation by transformed bacteria. PMID- 13479465 TI - Deoxyribonucleoside interaction as measured by rotary dispersion. PMID- 13479464 TI - Adaptation of the rat liver tyrosine-alpha-ketoglutarate transaminase. PMID- 13479466 TI - Ammonia liberation during rigor mortis and its relation to changes in the adenine and inosine nucleotides of rabbit muscle. PMID- 13479467 TI - Hydrazine and biological nitrogen fixation. PMID- 13479468 TI - Further studies on the mechanism of antibody-antigen interaction. PMID- 13479469 TI - Effect of lysolecithin on oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13479470 TI - The in vitro incorporation of 32P-labeled orthophosphate into the phosphatides of isolated rat liver mitochondria. PMID- 13479471 TI - [Deamination of selectively labelled ornithine and lysine by L-amino acid dehydrogenase of liver of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo L)]. PMID- 13479473 TI - Isolation of a rough somatic antigen from Shigella dysenteriae. PMID- 13479472 TI - An improved method for the isolation of some nucleoside diphosphate sugars from yeast. PMID- 13479474 TI - Studies of zone electrophoresis in vertical columns. II. Zone electrophoresis of serum proteins. PMID- 13479475 TI - Electrophoresis studies of tendon collagen solutions. PMID- 13479476 TI - Salting-out chromatography; empirical equations relating Rf values to atomic refraction constants. PMID- 13479477 TI - Structure of oriented gels of calcium polyuronates. PMID- 13479478 TI - Purification of deoxyribonuclease II from spleen. PMID- 13479479 TI - Dihydroxyacetone phosphate, the product of alpha-glycerophosphate oxidation by insect flight muscle mitochondria. PMID- 13479480 TI - The temperature dependence of the alkaline-phosphatase reaction in mixed solvents. PMID- 13479481 TI - A hydroxyproline-rich intracellular, collagen-like protein of Hydra nematocysts. PMID- 13479482 TI - Modified skatole method for microdetermination of fructose and inulin. PMID- 13479483 TI - X-ray observations on Tamarindus amyloid. PMID- 13479484 TI - Evidence for the enzymic deacylation of N10-formyl tetrahydro-folic acid. PMID- 13479485 TI - Utilisation of internal proline during protein synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus. PMID- 13479486 TI - Paper chromatography of mevalonate and acetate. PMID- 13479487 TI - [Cyto-chromic spectra of aerobically and anaerobically cultivated yeast]. PMID- 13479488 TI - Oxygen transfer to AMP in the enzymic synthesis of the hydroxamate of tryptophan. PMID- 13479489 TI - [Dissociation of insulin in pyridine-water and acetic acid-water solutions]. PMID- 13479490 TI - Induction of E. coli lysis through supersonics. PMID- 13479491 TI - Ultraviolet spectral changes during chymotrypsinogen activation. PMID- 13479492 TI - Effect of certain oxidizing agents on oxidative phosphorylation and related reactions. PMID- 13479493 TI - Incorporation of ATP into polynucleotide in extracts of Ehrlich ascites cells. PMID- 13479494 TI - The incorporation of 8-14C-adenine into calf thymus nuclei in vitro. PMID- 13479495 TI - Kinetics of the synthesis of phage deoxyribonucleic acid and proteins after induction by ultraviolet light of a lysogenic Bacillus megatherium. PMID- 13479496 TI - The isolation of a sixth Kober chromogen from the urine of pregnant women and its provisional identification as 18-hydroxyoestrone. PMID- 13479497 TI - The relation of the site of action of amytal to oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13479498 TI - [Amino acid decarboxylases in Shigella dysenteriae]. PMID- 13479499 TI - [Quantitative characteristics of the process of transfer of free amino acids to isolated proteins]. PMID- 13479500 TI - [Possibility of fractionation of anti-diphtheria serum with zinc salts and with phosphomolybdic acid]. PMID- 13479502 TI - [Effect of activity of hexokinase on the rate of glycolysis in the skeletal muscle and in transplanted rhabdomyoblastoma]. PMID- 13479501 TI - [Role of sulfhydryl compounds and of peroxides in the mechanism of biological action of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13479503 TI - [Chitin and melanoids as intermediate products of melanoid reactions]. PMID- 13479504 TI - [Comparative immuno-chemical investigation of complete antigens of Enterobacteriaceae and of their variations obtained during directed variability]. PMID- 13479505 TI - [Synthesis of proteins in isolated cytoplasmic granules]. PMID- 13479506 TI - [Lipoxidases in isolated plastids]. PMID- 13479507 TI - [Pathways of carbohydrate metabolism in Clostridium oedematiens]. PMID- 13479508 TI - [Senecio alkaloids and their conversion in plants]. PMID- 13479509 TI - [Studies on adrenalin and noradrenalin metabolism in tissue of the animal organism]. PMID- 13479510 TI - [Course of restoration of sulfur in proteins, glutathione, and sulfatides in the brain in rats during narcotic sleep and during irritation of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13479511 TI - [Localization of a protein spermiosin in sperm cells]. PMID- 13479512 TI - [Paper chromatographic method of separation and identification of higher fatty acids]. PMID- 13479513 TI - [Autolytic conversion of glycogen following defrosting of muscle tissue]. PMID- 13479514 TI - [Studies on certain properties of liver phosphoproteins]. PMID- 13479515 TI - [P32 in the study of physiological role of polyphosphates in the process of development of Aspergillus niger]. PMID- 13479516 TI - [Mechano-chemical properties of myosin threads obtained following addition of desoxyribonucleic acid]. PMID- 13479517 TI - [Maltase in the skin]. PMID- 13479519 TI - [Methods of determination of glucokinase reaction in the liver]. PMID- 13479518 TI - [Modification of antibody content and intensity of inclusion of glycine labeled with radiocarbon into antibodies following immunization of animals with two antigens]. PMID- 13479520 TI - [Rate of restoration of labile phosphorus compounds in the brain in cold-blooded animals in various body temperatures]. PMID- 13479521 TI - [New crystalline form of chymotrypsin]. PMID- 13479522 TI - [Mechanism of conversion of carbohydrates in coelomic fluid in Bombyx mori during metamorphosis]. PMID- 13479523 TI - [Effect of biotin deficiency in chicks on synthesis of serum albumin in liver slices and on mylase in pancreatic slices]. PMID- 13479524 TI - [Proteinization of noradrenalin in the heart in rabbits as a factor of chemical mediation]. PMID- 13479525 TI - [Characteristics of synthesis of proteins in coelomic fluid in Bombyx mori L]. PMID- 13479526 TI - [Studies of fermentative properties of Rickettsia prowazekii]. PMID- 13479527 TI - [Activation of pepsinogen]. PMID- 13479528 TI - [Effect of temperature on metabolism of labile phosphorus of adenosintriphosphoric acid in living brain in fish]. PMID- 13479529 TI - [Glycine metabolism in cerebral tissue in rats in normal conditions and in amytal sleep]. PMID- 13479530 TI - [Isobutylene method in determination of specific activity of inorganic phosphate]. PMID- 13479531 TI - [Effect of dextran on blood proteins]. PMID- 13479532 TI - [Biosynthesis of carnosine in vivo and in vitro]. PMID- 13479533 TI - [Studies of species specificity of nucleic acids in bacteria]. PMID- 13479534 TI - [Paper partition chromatography in quantitative determination of amino acids]. PMID- 13479535 TI - [Studies of the angiotectonic of the tunica vasculosa bulbi; findings in Lepus cuniculus]. PMID- 13479536 TI - [Silicones in use by biological laboratory; technics of water repellence]. PMID- 13479537 TI - [Current technics of histoenzymology]. PMID- 13479538 TI - [Acute mansonic schistosomiasis. III. Pathogenesis]. PMID- 13479539 TI - [Vaccination and prophylaxis of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13479540 TI - Pulmonary hyaline membrane disease of the newborn: report of two cases. PMID- 13479541 TI - Metastatic ovarian carcinoma (Krukenberg tumors); report of a case, with primary site in appendix. PMID- 13479542 TI - [Lamellar scleral resection in treatment of retinal detachment]. PMID- 13479543 TI - [What the general practitioner should know about glaucoma]. PMID- 13479544 TI - [Emergency ocular lesions requiring immediate attention]. PMID- 13479545 TI - [Submission of radiographs]. PMID- 13479546 TI - [Atresia of the transverse colon; volvulus of the right colon; stercoral fistula]. PMID- 13479547 TI - [Control of total extracts of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland]. PMID- 13479548 TI - [Determination of nicotinic acid diethylamide]. PMID- 13479550 TI - [Titrations in non-aqueous solvents applicable to medicinals]. PMID- 13479549 TI - [Esters & amides of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid]. PMID- 13479551 TI - [Superficial keratitis of the cornea in Favaloro's endothelitis]. PMID- 13479552 TI - [Permanent intubation of the lacrimal ducts]. PMID- 13479553 TI - [Myopic astigmatism, unilateral exophthalmos and retinal edema caused by mucocele of the ethmoid sinus]. PMID- 13479554 TI - [A case of retrobulbar optic neuritis with cervical herpes zoster]. PMID- 13479555 TI - [Marginal ectasia of the cornea of the pseudocystic type; surgery]. PMID- 13479556 TI - [Study of so-called exfoliatio capsulae of the crystalline lens: hydrogen ion concentration and protein content of the aqueous humor]. PMID- 13479557 TI - [Five hundred cataract operations with potentiated anesthesia and curare]. PMID- 13479558 TI - [Metabolic action of a brain extract]. PMID- 13479559 TI - [Action of phenylbutazone on blood proteins in rats]. PMID- 13479561 TI - [Electrophoretic study of myocardial proteins]. PMID- 13479560 TI - [Electrophoretic study of water-soluble proteins of the nervous tissue. V. Peripheral nerve proteins]. PMID- 13479562 TI - [Electrophoretic picture of human bile in normal subjects and in lithiasic & alithiasic cholecystitis]. PMID- 13479563 TI - [Incorporation of radioactive sulfate in sulfurated polysaccharides of rabbit skin during treatment with cocarcinogenic substance (Croton oil)]. PMID- 13479564 TI - [Modifications of the histological picture of transplanted Walker adenocarcinoma induced by potassium hyaluronate]. PMID- 13479565 TI - [Characteristics of a new spontaneous and transplantable rat tumor]. PMID- 13479566 TI - [Cutaneous oncogenesis in Cricetus auratus (hamster) by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2 benzanthracene]. PMID- 13479567 TI - [Chemical and histochemical aspects of the development of connective tissue in carbon tetrachloride-induced experimental cirrhosis in rats]. PMID- 13479568 TI - [Effect of splenectomy on hepatic oncogenesis induced by p dimethylaminoazobenzene in rats]. PMID- 13479570 TI - [Serum transaminase activity in ligation of the common bile duct in the rabbit]. PMID- 13479569 TI - [Effect of heparin on cutaneous lesions produced by staphylococci]. PMID- 13479571 TI - [Mechanism of hypotension induced by tubocurarine]. PMID- 13479572 TI - [Significance of the C-reactive protein test in a case of juvenile myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13479573 TI - [Rate of emptying of the stomach in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13479574 TI - [Comparative observations of some inhibitors of gastric motility]. PMID- 13479575 TI - [Inhibitors of gastric motility and state of hunger in the guinea pig]. PMID- 13479576 TI - [Cytopharmacologic observations on inhibitors of gastric secretion]. PMID- 13479577 TI - [Quantum considerations on peptic secretion]. PMID- 13479579 TI - [Histochemical research on the kidney. II. Segmental variations in the distribution of mucopolysaccharides, fats & alkaline phosphatase activity of the proximal tubules of mammalian kidneys]. PMID- 13479578 TI - [Quantitative action of quinidine and procaine amide on isolated right ventricle of the rat]. PMID- 13479581 TI - [Cytological & cytochemical changes in the anterior pituitary during artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13479580 TI - [Structural & histochemical peculiarities of the corpus luteum in ectopic pregnancy]. PMID- 13479582 TI - [Intestinal epithelial changes in the white rat in relation to birth]. PMID- 13479583 TI - [Granulopectic cells in rat lung fragments maintaine in so-called survival media]. PMID- 13479584 TI - [In vitro survival of thyroid fragments]. PMID- 13479585 TI - [Behavior of the weight of various organs of ovariectomized & rats & rats treated with folliculin or testosterone]. PMID- 13479586 TI - [Initial comparative chemical research on normal & resistant tubercle bacilli. I. Chromatographic analysis of acid hydrolysates]. PMID- 13479587 TI - [Clinical research on the composition of bacterial protoplasm (Brucella)]. PMID- 13479588 TI - [Research on glucose-6-phosphate metabolism. I. Formation of heptose independent of the oxidative shunt reaction]. PMID- 13479589 TI - [Studies on metabolism of glucose-6-phosphate in the liver. II. Identification of heptoses formed independently from reaction in exudative shunt]. PMID- 13479590 TI - [Studies on the metabolism of glucose-6-phosphate in the liver. III. Localization in a soluble fraction of homogenate of a multi-enzymatic system and non-oxidative heptose-forming]. PMID- 13479591 TI - [Decrease of adrenal ascorbic acid by massive doses of nicotinamide]. PMID- 13479592 TI - [Comparative and critical studies on photochemical determination of ascorbic acid with methylene blue and with dinitrophenylhydrazine]. PMID- 13479593 TI - [Activity of isomerase pentoso-phosphate and of isomerase pentulose-phosphate in chicken sarcoma]. PMID- 13479594 TI - [Apparent glucose-1-phosphatophosphatases in rat liver]. PMID- 13479595 TI - [Effect of roentgen rays on glycogen synthesis in lymphocytes in lymphatic leukemia]. PMID- 13479596 TI - [Studies on osmotic resistance in erythrocytes surviving exposure to roentgen rays]. PMID- 13479597 TI - [Possibility of modification of Simmel's method of determination of osmotic resistance in erythrocytes]. PMID- 13479598 TI - [Intestinal elimination of cobalt following administration of certain cobalt compounds]. PMID- 13479599 TI - [Respiratory response to diagnostic experimental hypoxia]. PMID- 13479600 TI - [Efficiency of calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate on elimination of lead by urine and feces in experimental lead poisoning in rabbits]. PMID- 13479601 TI - [Effect of splenectomy on evolution of peripheral blood picture in dog after surgical ablation of bone marrow]. PMID- 13479602 TI - [Morphology of wing in chick embryo. II. Distribution of mitosis in ectoderm]. PMID- 13479603 TI - [Function of donor phosphorus in methionine utilization by liver]. PMID- 13479604 TI - [Clot retraction time in diagnosis of tumors]. PMID- 13479605 TI - [Research on rising of contrast medium from anterior facial vein to ophthalmic vein in living man]. PMID- 13479606 TI - [Presence of existent spheroid bodies along nerve fibers of vocal muscle in domestic mammals; observations on vocal muscle in horses]. PMID- 13479607 TI - [Nervous expansion in gingival mucosa; observations in Bos taurus]. PMID- 13479608 TI - [Antagonistic action of methyl nikethamide on respiratory depression caused by barbiturates]. PMID- 13479609 TI - [Effects of the administration of an elective antiacetylcholinesterasic drug on arterial pressure in animal species with enzymatic provision differently sensitive to it]. PMID- 13479610 TI - [Stretch crisis caused by endocisternal injection of ACTH. VI. Effect on body temperature, blood sugar & arterial pressure of intermedin injected into the cisterna magna]. PMID- 13479611 TI - [Experimental cataract induced by antimitotic drugs]. PMID- 13479613 TI - [Research on motility of the isolated cat esophagus]. PMID- 13479612 TI - [Electroclinical changes induced by an anesthetic steroid (viadril) in normal & epileptic subjects]. PMID- 13479614 TI - [Electrophoretic behavior of serous & plasmatic proteins of the rabbit poisoned by Ferula communis]. PMID- 13479616 TI - [Behavior of nitrogen balance during various experimental toxic nephropathies]. PMID- 13479615 TI - [Protective & antihemorrhagic effects of vitamin K-1 in poisoning by Ferula communis]. PMID- 13479617 TI - [Behavior of the pressure & oximetry of renal venous blood, in the rabbit, after intravenous injection of adrenalin]. PMID- 13479618 TI - [Report of penetrating venous pulse observed during catheterization of the renal vein, in the rabbit, after bilateral ligation of the ureters]. PMID- 13479619 TI - [Histological findings in renal biopsy during anuric syndromes]. PMID- 13479620 TI - [Electrocardiographical changes during shock caused by transfusion of heterologous blood and hemoglobin]. PMID- 13479621 TI - [Studies of rigor mortis caused by dinitrophenols. VII. Behavior of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase in the liver and muscle of animals treated with 1-2-4 dinitrophenol and 1-2-6 dinitrophenol]. PMID- 13479622 TI - [Studies of rigor mortis caused by dinitrophenols. VIII. Behavior of N-amino nitrogen in the organs of animals treated with 1-2-4 dinitrophenol and 1-2-6 dinitrophenol]. PMID- 13479623 TI - [Further note on determination of the volume of small organs]. PMID- 13479624 TI - [Formol, urotropin and active immunity]. PMID- 13479625 TI - [Notes on conditions of the vascular bed of the liver of rats in the first phases of liver regeneration after sub-total hepatectomy]. PMID- 13479626 TI - [Changes in the alkaline monophosphoesterase activity of the spleen after total body x-irradiation in untreated and cysteamine-treated rats, during the first 24 hours after treatment]. PMID- 13479627 TI - [Presentation of plastic reconstructions of tubular and vesicular formations derived from the chicken mesonephron cultivated in vitro in combination with Wolff's duct and the gonad]. PMID- 13479628 TI - [Further data on the relations between sex and choline oxidase activity in rats]. PMID- 13479629 TI - [Blood proteins in scorbutic guinea pigs]. PMID- 13479630 TI - [Effect of vitamin B12 on the thyroid glands of normal pigeons]. PMID- 13479631 TI - [Effect of pharmacological vasodilation on the action potential of muscles in arterial disease]. PMID- 13479632 TI - [Effect of surgery of arterial diseases on action potentials of muscles]. PMID- 13479633 TI - [Hypoxanthine & xanthine in seminal vesicles]. PMID- 13479634 TI - [Pharmacodynamic research on the active principle of Cynara scolimus (1,4 dicaffeiylquinic acid): effect on choleresis]. PMID- 13479635 TI - [Pharmacodynamic research on the active principle of Cynara scolimus (1,4 dicaffeiylquinic acid): effect of diuresis]. PMID- 13479636 TI - [Pharmacodynamic research on the active principle of Cynara scolimus (1,4 dicaffeiylquinic acid): effect on blood cholesterol values & on triton-induced hypercholesterolemia]. PMID- 13479637 TI - [Cytotoxic activity of alkyl-sulfonates. I. Postulate: carcinostatic effect of 2 chloroethylmethylsulfonate (CB 1506) on Walker rat carcinoma & mouse sarcoma 180]. PMID- 13479638 TI - [Cytotoxic activity of alkyl-sulfonates. II. Carcinostatic effect of 2-chloro ethylmethylsulfonate on benzopyrene sarcoma & rat myeloma]. PMID- 13479639 TI - [Glycogenic property of histidine demonstrated by phlorhizin-induced glycosuria in rat]. PMID- 13479640 TI - [Studies on the pathology of ascorbic acid metabolism: blood & tissue levels in experimental liver diseases]. PMID- 13479641 TI - [Studies on the pathology of ascorbic acid metabolism: histochemistry of experimental liver diseases]. PMID- 13479642 TI - Food preservation and its contribution to nutrition. PMID- 13479644 TI - The premature baby. PMID- 13479643 TI - A century of milk. PMID- 13479645 TI - Asphyxia neonatorum. PMID- 13479646 TI - Neonatal infections. PMID- 13479647 TI - Birth injury. PMID- 13479648 TI - Blood diseases of the newborn. PMID- 13479649 TI - Surgery of newborn infants; social, administrative and medical aspects. PMID- 13479650 TI - Neonatal anaesthesia. PMID- 13479651 TI - Oesophageal atresia and tracheo-oesophageal fistula. PMID- 13479652 TI - Neonatal surgery of the umbilical region. PMID- 13479653 TI - Intestinal obstruction in the neonatal period. PMID- 13479654 TI - Ano-rectal abnormalities. PMID- 13479655 TI - The surgery of congenital malformations of the central nervous system. PMID- 13479656 TI - Congenital heart disease in the newborn. PMID- 13479657 TI - The diagnosis of persistent obstructive jaundice in early infancy. PMID- 13479658 TI - Factors influencing neonatal mortality. PMID- 13479659 TI - The obstetrician's contribution in the prevention and management of illness of the newborn. PMID- 13479660 TI - The management of club feet in newborn babies. PMID- 13479661 TI - Venereal diseases in the newborn; some recent developments. PMID- 13479662 TI - A search for the presence of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the interdigital spaces of the foot. PMID- 13479663 TI - The histology of Sutton's naevus. PMID- 13479664 TI - Hydrocortisone in necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. PMID- 13479665 TI - An analysis of 30,000 cases of skin diseases in Northern Ireland. PMID- 13479666 TI - Lichen nitidus; a case report. PMID- 13479667 TI - Lichen myxoedematosus. PMID- 13479668 TI - Changes in the histochemical appearances of cholinesterase in a mixed peripheral nerve following nerve section and compression injury. PMID- 13479669 TI - Bacteraemia in irradiated mice. PMID- 13479670 TI - Murine group G streptococci. PMID- 13479671 TI - The in vitro diffusion of antibiotics through fibrin membranes. PMID- 13479672 TI - Observations on the delay in gastric emptying after x-irradiation in the rat and the effect of adrenalectomy upon it. PMID- 13479673 TI - The heat production consequent on injury. PMID- 13479674 TI - The effect of aspirin, cortisone and other compounds on susceptibility to anaphylactic shock in mice. PMID- 13479675 TI - Some effects of phenolic anti-oxidants on sodium and potassium balance in the rabbit. PMID- 13479676 TI - The synthesis of protein in the rat connective tissue cell. PMID- 13479677 TI - The effect of some fatty acids and phospholipids on blood coagulation. PMID- 13479678 TI - Seven viruses isolated from the vervet monkey. PMID- 13479679 TI - The antibody response of monkeys, guinea-pigs and cotton rats to British poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13479680 TI - The mode of attachment of a typhoid bacteriophage to the cell wall of its host. PMID- 13479681 TI - Studies on the production, mode of action and properties of interferon. PMID- 13479682 TI - Studies on human anti-A sera with special reference to so-called immune anti-A. I. The Ap antigen and the specificity of the haemolysin in anti-A sera. PMID- 13479683 TI - Quantitative studies on the depletion of the erythropoietic cells in the bone marrow of the irradiated rat. PMID- 13479684 TI - Susceptibility of the red blood cell of the dog to haemolysis in alkaline media. PMID- 13479685 TI - Blood coagulation abnormalities produced by feeding cholesterol to rabbits. PMID- 13479686 TI - The antihaemophilic-globulin concentration in the plasma of female carriers of haemophilia. PMID- 13479687 TI - The action of Vipera xanthina palestinae venom on blood coagulation in vitro. PMID- 13479688 TI - An attempt to identify a single phospholipid active in blood coagulation. PMID- 13479689 TI - Intrinsic-factor activity of human gastric juice after fractionation by continuous electrophoresis on paper curtain. PMID- 13479690 TI - The absorption of vitamin B12 in control subjects, in Addisonian pernicious anaemia and in the malabsorption syndrome. PMID- 13479691 TI - Haemopoietic activity of analogues of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). PMID- 13479692 TI - The clinical course and corticosteroid excretion of patients with rheumatoid arthritis during long-term treatment with corcicotropin. PMID- 13479693 TI - Two years' experience of prednisone in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13479694 TI - Sea-snake bite; a survey of fishing villages in northwest Malaya. PMID- 13479695 TI - Prophylactic use of oxytetracycline for exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13479696 TI - Abnormality of phospholipids in red cells of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. PMID- 13479697 TI - Red-cell survival in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria; effect of phenindione and cortisone. PMID- 13479698 TI - Nature of oedema in paralysed limbs of hemiplegic patients. PMID- 13479699 TI - Tricuspid atresia. PMID- 13479700 TI - Cold conization with Spencer's trachelotome for cervical erosion; a review of 35 cases. PMID- 13479701 TI - Spurious labour in pseudocyesis. PMID- 13479702 TI - SHERRINGTON centenary. PMID- 13479703 TI - HORMONE therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13479704 TI - CATCHING cold. PMID- 13479705 TI - Epidemiology in Devon. PMID- 13479706 TI - Children's vision and television. PMID- 13479707 TI - W. C. Wells: a precursor of Darwin. PMID- 13479709 TI - DOCTORS in slander suit. PMID- 13479708 TI - HELEN BOYLE. PMID- 13479710 TI - Experimental approach to visual intracardiac surgery, using an extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13479712 TI - Treatment of polycythaemia vera with radioactive phosphorus. PMID- 13479713 TI - Weight in relation to pregnancy toxaemia. PMID- 13479711 TI - Multiple bronchostenoses due to sarcoidosis; report of two cases. PMID- 13479714 TI - Pre-eclampic toxaemia. PMID- 13479715 TI - Radiation damage caused by shoe-fitting fluoroscope. PMID- 13479716 TI - Oral treatment of diabetes with tolbutamide. PMID- 13479717 TI - An assessment of buthalitone sodium. PMID- 13479718 TI - Results of amnion implantation in peripheral vascular disease. PMID- 13479719 TI - Agranulocytosis and anaemia associated with disseminated tuberculosis. PMID- 13479720 TI - Plasma-cell mastitis. PMID- 13479721 TI - DIURETIC therapy. PMID- 13479722 TI - CORTICOSTEROIDS and tuberculosis. PMID- 13479724 TI - SHOCK and the law. PMID- 13479723 TI - The price of freedom. PMID- 13479725 TI - ABNORMALLY thin skull. PMID- 13479726 TI - [Clinical test of a new sulfonamide]. PMID- 13479727 TI - [Histological modifications of the uterine cervix during pregnancy: intra epithelial & invasive cancer]. PMID- 13479728 TI - [Value of puncture biopsy of the liver for the clinic in the Congo: analysis of 655 punctures in 480 patients]. PMID- 13479729 TI - [Histological modifications of the uterine cervix during pregnancy; intra epithelial & invasive cancer]. PMID- 13479731 TI - Gastroenterology. PMID- 13479730 TI - Angioid streaks of the retina. PMID- 13479732 TI - Dermatomyositis; a description from its insidious onset to termination. PMID- 13479733 TI - The contribution of Spain to medicine. PMID- 13479734 TI - Medical men of Georgetown. PMID- 13479735 TI - Immunological study of the antigenic composition of house and barn dust. PMID- 13479736 TI - The actual significance of the adenogram; a comparative study of sections and impressions. PMID- 13479737 TI - Cholic acid and plasma lipoproteins in atherosclerosis. PMID- 13479738 TI - The epidemiology of heart disease; how can we protect our youth of tomorrow from the heart diseases of today. PMID- 13479739 TI - Present status of the full time system. PMID- 13479740 TI - Problems in medical education. PMID- 13479741 TI - THERAPY of diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts. PMID- 13479742 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479743 TI - [Remarks on a strain of Pasteurella pestis, isolated from a horse in the Belgian Congo; its close connection to the EV strain (Girard and Robic)]. PMID- 13479744 TI - [Hepatic puncture biopsies in non-treated lepers & contacts of lepers]. PMID- 13479745 TI - [Vaccination against human or animal diseases due to Rickettsia burneti; experimental study of immunization by living or killed antigens; mechanism of vaccinal intolerance; intervention of allergic phenomena in the pathogenic power of Rickettsia]. PMID- 13479746 TI - [Research on antitreponemic immobilizins in spirochetosis due to Borrelia hispanica]. PMID- 13479747 TI - [Note on two sanguicolous parasites of mammals of the Cameroons]. PMID- 13479748 TI - [Presentation of a technic of complement fixation reaction with parasitic antigens of the Institut Pasteur]. PMID- 13479749 TI - [Histological lesions of the posterior segment in a case of ocular onchocerciasis]. PMID- 13479750 TI - [Aedes (Diptera-Culicidae) belonging to the sub-genus Mucidus in New Caledonia]. PMID- 13479751 TI - [Remarks on various exophile Anopheles in the Cameroons]. PMID- 13479752 TI - [Note on a variety of Anpheles nili Theo]. PMID- 13479753 TI - [Note on the trophic orientation of Anopheles labranchiae in Morocco]. PMID- 13479754 TI - [Note on anopheles demeilloni Evans and Anopheles marshalli var. pitchfordi Giles in the Belgian Congo]. PMID- 13479755 TI - [Two new Hematopota found in French West Africa (Diptera: Tabanidae)]. PMID- 13479756 TI - [Antihelminthic properties of various antibiotics and their combinations]. PMID- 13479757 TI - [Sign of three fingers in three-day fever (phlebotomus fever)]. PMID- 13479758 TI - [Intestinal parasitism in psychiatric environment in a district of the north of France. I. Oxyuriasis in 1000 adult mental patients; exclusive influence of ethological factors on the incidence & degree of infestation at various ages]. PMID- 13479759 TI - [Map of filaria of the Cameroons]. PMID- 13479760 TI - [Elimination of Hymenolepis fraterna of the mouse & rat by n-octyl stannic dichloride & dilaurate]. PMID- 13479761 TI - [Oxyuriosis in children in inhabitants of the Yaounde region (Cameroons); results of 3,000 examinations by the Graham technic]. PMID- 13479762 TI - [Exophilia & exophagia of Anopheles gambiae Giles 1902, in South Cameroons]. PMID- 13479763 TI - [Henry's seroreactions in Europeans repatriated from the palustral endemic zone; comparison with the so-called tests of plasmatic lability]. PMID- 13479764 TI - [Epidemiological factors presiding at the creation of a focus of human bilharziosis; observations made in Brazil & Corsica]. PMID- 13479765 TI - [New research on drepanocytosis in Madagascar]. PMID- 13479766 TI - [Etiological & hematological remarks concerning 152 cases of anemia in African environment at Dakar]. PMID- 13479767 TI - Index of endemicity. AB - The author discusses the difficulties involved in defining the term "endemicity", and suggests a new approach to the problem-namely, the establishment of indices of endemicity, based on such data as are usually collected by national health administrations (mortality and morbidity rates, spleen-rates, case incidence in seaports, etc.). Examples are given of the calculation of the endemicity index for a number of diseases from different types of data obtained from various countries. An important advantage of the endemicity index is that it provides an easy means of studying the geographical pattern of endemic foci of disease. PMID- 13479768 TI - Intermediate hosts of schistosoma; African Biomphalaria and Bulinus. I. AB - This study is an attempt to classify all described species of African Biomphalaria and Bulinus. It is based upon the author's examination of a great number of specimens collected from many parts of Africa. The variations attributable to age, environment and genetic factors which may be noted in the taxonomic characters are discussed, and some new species and subspecies are established. For each recognized species and subspecies the author states the distinguishing characters, indicates the geographical distribution, and gives a list of synonyms. PMID- 13479769 TI - Probable origins of trachoma in Australasia. AB - The history of trachoma in Australasia is reviewed; it is suggested that the disease was not originally endemic in the area, but that it was introduced by European and Chinese settlers, first into Australia and later into New Guinea. From surveys undertaken by the author, and also from those made by others during the past ten years, it is concluded that "pure trachoma" exists all over the area and is still spreading inland from the coast, and that it is converted into the serious type of the disease by secondary infection and mechanical irritation. PMID- 13479770 TI - Characteristics of sodium pentachlorophenate used against Australorbis glabratus in Puerto Rico. AB - This article describes laboratory evaluations, followed by field tests, of the effectiveness of sodium pentachlorophenate against Australorbis glabratus, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. Results within a range of different concentrations and at various periods of exposure were assessed in relation to both adults and ova. Since the effectiveness of molluscicide in natural snail breeding areas is affected by the quantity of ponded water and the discharge rate, streams were classified to facilitate comparison of the findings from field tests. Different methods of application (in briquettes and by spraying) were tried under various conditions, and the influence of factors such as light, size of particles at stream-bottoms, and pH was investigated. PMID- 13479771 TI - Progress in physiological studies of insecticide resistance. AB - This study deals first with the progress recently made in investigations on the mode of toxic insecticidal action of DDT, lindane and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, pyrethrins and related chemicals, and organo-phosphates, and secondly with resistance mechanisms to the same insecticides.The author feels that, although good progress is being made towards understanding the physiological mechanisms of resistance, the gaps in present knowledge, the types of insecticide to which resistance is developing, and the number of medically important species involved lead inevitably to the conclusion that the general outlook for insect control is deteriorating. He considers that what is now needed is not so much continuation of the present empirical approach to the problem of resistance as intensification of basic studies of the biology, ecology and physiology of the insect species concerned to provide a foundation for more rational alternative control measures. PMID- 13479773 TI - Intermediate hosts of schistosoma: African Biomphalaria and Bulinus. II. AB - This study is an attempt to classify all described species of African Bulinus. It is based upon the author's examination of a great number of specimens collected from many parts of Africa. The variations attributable to age, environment and genetic factors which may be noted in the taxonomic characters are discussed, and some new species and subspecies are established. For each recognized species and subspecies the author states the distinguishing characters, indicates the geographical distribution, and gives a list of synonyms. PMID- 13479774 TI - Cholera studies. II. Prevention and control. AB - In discussing prevention, the author deals first with the provision of permanently safe water, supplied from waterworks or wells, and with other improvements in environmental sanitation. Control of food and drinks, public health propaganda and education, and vaccination are also considered under this heading.The greater part of this study is devoted to suppressive measures, affecting the individual, the environment, and persons in the mass. Discussion of the isolation, detection and management of cholera patients, the management of contacts, and the management and treatment of carriers is followed by sections on, inter alia, disinfection, temporary improvements in water supplies, fly control, and personal prophylaxis. In dealing with mass prophylaxis, the author pays particular attention to vaccination. In the concluding sections he goes into the control of pilgrimages and local and international quarantine measures. PMID- 13479772 TI - SELECT bibliography on the toxicity of pesticides to man and animals; 1953-1955. PMID- 13479776 TI - The preservation and transplantation of tissues. PMID- 13479777 TI - MICROBIOLOGICAL methods of penicillin assay and potency determination. PMID- 13479778 TI - Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis with anti-biotic ointment. PMID- 13479775 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479780 TI - An investigation into dental and oral disorders of children of Rangoon. II. Associated pathological conditions with caries. PMID- 13479779 TI - The evolution of medicine. PMID- 13479781 TI - The ubiquitous Staphylococcus. PMID- 13479782 TI - Poliomyelitis in India and the East. PMID- 13479783 TI - Dr. James Bertram Collip. PMID- 13479784 TI - Sex hormone control of the zinc content of the prostate. PMID- 13479785 TI - Comparison of total cholesterol levels in bio-serum with lipid concentrations in human coronar arteries. PMID- 13479786 TI - The relation of diet, hormones, and tumors to the activity of liver xanthine oxidase in the rat. PMID- 13479787 TI - The biological assay of chorionic gonadotrophin and of the gonadotrophin of pregnant mare's serum using dietary anoestrous adult rats. PMID- 13479788 TI - Environmental influences affecting arterial pressure in males in the seventh decade. PMID- 13479789 TI - The effects of insulin and somatotrophin on the growth of hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13479790 TI - Studies on the transplantation of a rat tumor to mice. PMID- 13479791 TI - The rate of discharge of adrenocorticotrophic hormone as determined by timed hypophysectomy in the rat. PMID- 13479792 TI - The determination of galactose in small amounts of blood. PMID- 13479793 TI - Biosynthesis of lecithin in brain and degenerating nerve; participation of cytidine diphosphate choline. PMID- 13479794 TI - The treatment of diabetes mellitus with oral tolbutamide. PMID- 13479795 TI - The extraction and assay of the tyrosinase from frog skin; a study on the influence of the melanophore-stimulating hormone on the synthesis of the enzyme. PMID- 13479796 TI - A new concept of the metabolism of the pathological proteins in myelomatosis. PMID- 13479797 TI - Fluid, electrolyte, gastrointestinal, and hair changes in adrenalectomized sympathectomized dogs. PMID- 13479798 TI - Thyrotrophin assay by plasma I 131 measurements. PMID- 13479799 TI - Amino acids in the blood and urine of normal and arthritic subjects before and after a glycine load given with and without adrenocorticotropin. PMID- 13479800 TI - Antidiuresis as a measurement of laboratory induced motion sickness. PMID- 13479801 TI - On the anti-inflammatory action of aminoacetonitrile (AAN). PMID- 13479802 TI - The estimation of calcium and magnesium. PMID- 13479803 TI - Steroids and related products. X. 17 alpha-Bromoprogesterone, a new potent gestogen. PMID- 13479804 TI - Metabolic changes associated with transplantable ACTH-producing pituitary tumors of the mouse. PMID- 13479805 TI - A nonprotein constituent of parathyroid gland extracts. PMID- 13479806 TI - Sarin and paraoxon antagonism in different. PMID- 13479808 TI - Influence of a dietary supplement of erucic acid and other fatty acids on fertility in the rat; sterility caused by erucic acid. PMID- 13479807 TI - The standardization of stress in the production of hemorrhagic shock; the relation of the duration of strain and the resistance of the animal to the onset of irreversible shock. PMID- 13479809 TI - [The detection of estrogenic activity in tissues of steers which have been fed diethylstilbestrol]. PMID- 13479810 TI - The interrelation of the growth and metabolic responses to anterior pituitary growth hormone administration. PMID- 13479811 TI - A device to facilitate the tube-feeding of small animals. PMID- 13479812 TI - The identification of a ninhydrin-positive urinary component recently reported in hypophosphatasia. PMID- 13479813 TI - Biochemical studies on chlorpromazine. I. The effect of chlorpromazine on respiratory activity of isolated rat brain cortex. PMID- 13479815 TI - A cat and mouse test for studying changes in conflict behavior. PMID- 13479814 TI - Biochemical studies on chlorpromazine. 2. Effects of chlorpromazine on incorporation into proteins, and breakdown of glycine-1-C14 by isolated rat brain cortex. PMID- 13479816 TI - The relation between heart rate and vagal stimulation frequency in the rat at different body temperatures. PMID- 13479817 TI - The preparation of lecithin from L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine. PMID- 13479818 TI - The effect of sulphaemoglobin on red cell viability. PMID- 13479819 TI - Certain metabolic effects of corticotropin, hydrocortisone, prednisone, and aspirin, in normal dogs. PMID- 13479820 TI - On the incorporation of labelled adenine into the purines of the nucleic acids in the rat. PMID- 13479821 TI - Further studies on the relationship of glucagon to the alpha cell of the pancreas. PMID- 13479822 TI - Effects of ovarian hormones on the content and distribution of cation in intact and extracted rabbit and cat uterus. PMID- 13479823 TI - Effects of varying proportions of dietary rapeseed oil on the rat. PMID- 13479824 TI - A comparative study of the effects of maleic hydrazide and p dimethylaminoazobenzene on rat liver. PMID- 13479825 TI - Treatment of hemorrhagic shock in the dog with chlorpromazine and/or hypothermia. PMID- 13479826 TI - The chromatographic determination of glutamic, aspartic, and cysteic acids using and anion exchange resin. PMID- 13479827 TI - Studies on wheat plants using C14 compounds. V. Germination studies with labelled wheat seeds. PMID- 13479828 TI - Influence of vitamin D on calcium resorption and accretion. PMID- 13479829 TI - Abnormality of estrogen metabolism in human subjects with myocardial infarction. PMID- 13479830 TI - The kinetics of amino groups transfer by corn radicle transaminase. PMID- 13479831 TI - On distribution and inheritance of atypical forms of human serum cholinesterase, as indicated by dibucaine numbers. PMID- 13479832 TI - A study of blood urea methods. PMID- 13479833 TI - Semi-micro methods in paediatric biochemistry. PMID- 13479834 TI - A comparison of methods for the determination of bicarbonate in blood plasma. PMID- 13479835 TI - Poikilocytosis. PMID- 13479837 TI - A review of microtome knife sharpening methods. PMID- 13479836 TI - Hereditary spherocytosis. PMID- 13479838 TI - Vaccination and the decline in paralytic poliomyelitis. PMID- 13479839 TI - The quest for satisfactory nursing. PMID- 13479840 TI - The control of costs in a prepaid medical care plan. PMID- 13479841 TI - Evaluation of dental caries preventive measures applicable at the community level. PMID- 13479842 TI - Accident prevention; our business. PMID- 13479843 TI - Some problems in industrial morbidity statistics. PMID- 13479844 TI - The use of the Jamieson Test Kit in restaurant inspection. PMID- 13479846 TI - Control of ethyl biscoumacetate (tromexan) therapy by standardized clotting time of whole blood. PMID- 13479845 TI - Maintenance therapy of pernicious anaemia with oral administration of intrinsic factor and vitamin B12. PMID- 13479847 TI - Hysterosalpingography. PMID- 13479848 TI - Frozen sections. I. The effect on surgery. PMID- 13479849 TI - Amputations in frostbite. PMID- 13479850 TI - Perphenazine (trilafon) treatment of psychoses. PMID- 13479851 TI - Simultaneous adenocarcinoma of the endometrium with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri. PMID- 13479852 TI - A case of subclinical erythroblastosis due to anti-duffy (anti-Fya). PMID- 13479853 TI - Thrombocytopenic purpura due to an oral diuretic (mictine). PMID- 13479854 TI - Foreign body in the right main bronchus for 1 1/2 years. PMID- 13479855 TI - Studies in stillbirths and neonatal deaths in Winnipeg. II. Definitions in perinatal mortality. PMID- 13479856 TI - The relationship of nicotinic acid to thyroid function. PMID- 13479857 TI - Detection and management of emotional disorders. PMID- 13479858 TI - Bursting at the seams. PMID- 13479859 TI - Open doors. PMID- 13479860 TI - Hastening recovery. PMID- 13479861 TI - The tape recorder as a means of communication. PMID- 13479862 TI - Nutrition experiment. PMID- 13479863 TI - The role of the nurse in rehabilitation. PMID- 13479864 TI - [The two extremes of personality]. PMID- 13479865 TI - Inservice education for general staff nurses. PMID- 13479866 TI - Intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13479868 TI - Psychiatric and psychological observations in a geriatric clinic. PMID- 13479867 TI - Psychodynamics of the personality changes in the aged. PMID- 13479869 TI - Assessing the use of group methods in rehabilitating the psychiatric patient. PMID- 13479870 TI - Courage and vision; report of the Royal Commission on the law relating to mental illness and mental deficiency. PMID- 13479871 TI - Canadian hip disarticulation prosthesis. PMID- 13479872 TI - Prosthesis for hemipelvectomy. PMID- 13479873 TI - Psychiatric screening of ground-crew in the Royal Canadian Air Force. PMID- 13479874 TI - Advances in the medical treatment of uncomplicated peptic ulcer. PMID- 13479875 TI - Germicidal soaps or detergents for hospital use. PMID- 13479876 TI - The surgical treatment of portal hypertension. PMID- 13479877 TI - A neuropathy in children recovering from malnutrition: (kwashiorkor). PMID- 13479878 TI - A survey of leprosy amongst the Lovale tribe in the Upper Zambesi Basin, Northern Rhodesia. II. PMID- 13479879 TI - The value of clinical research. PMID- 13479880 TI - The daily life of a doctor in Kano, Nigeria. PMID- 13479881 TI - Observations on the National Health Service in Great Britain. II. PMID- 13479882 TI - A case of ornithosis psittacosis. PMID- 13479883 TI - [Problems of diagnostic microbiological identification of Enterobacteriaceae in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13479884 TI - [Evaluation of the effectiveness of gamma globulin in prevention of infectious hepatitis in Prague in 1953-56]. PMID- 13479885 TI - [Smorodintsev's method of selection and preparation of strains of influenza viruses for living vaccine]. PMID- 13479886 TI - [Utilization of horse anti-influenza immune serum for prevention of influenza]. PMID- 13479887 TI - [Unusual finding of disseminated L organism in Still-Chauffard polyarthritis deformans chronica in a child]. PMID- 13479888 TI - [Incomplete antibodies in typhoid fever. II. Vi agglutination]. PMID- 13479889 TI - [Spontaneous appearance of Leptospira sejroe in white mice]. PMID- 13479891 TI - [Micromethod of rapid determination of H2S]. PMID- 13479890 TI - [Causes of interstitial plasma cell pneumonias in children. II. Staining of cellular structures in acidophil microorganisms]. PMID- 13479892 TI - [Problem of sulfonamide-resistance in Shigella]. PMID- 13479893 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479894 TI - [Complement fixation in detection of antigen in acute stage of infection]. PMID- 13479895 TI - [Detection of Salmonella typhi abdominalis with the aid of Seitz filter using EK in epidemics]. PMID- 13479896 TI - [Clarification of the origin of so-called Sergentella spiroides]. PMID- 13479897 TI - [Insecticide barriers against mosquitoes]. PMID- 13479898 TI - [Experiences with the organization and conduction of deratization in Pilsen]. PMID- 13479900 TI - [Membrane and alteration theories of excitation]. PMID- 13479899 TI - [Morbidity and mortality in tetanus]. PMID- 13479901 TI - [Role of the motor analyzer in compensatory function of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13479902 TI - [Effect of lesions on spinal function]. PMID- 13479903 TI - [Quantitative modifications of muscle proteins following direct irritation of the muscle]. PMID- 13479904 TI - [Studies on fibroplasia. VI. Effect of malnutrition and of diets with various protein contents on organic scleroprotein content in rats in physiological fibroplasia]. PMID- 13479905 TI - [Paper electrophoresis of liver proteins in rats exposed to hunger]. PMID- 13479906 TI - [Development of thermoregulation. V. Effect of breeding young rats in cold and warm environment on the development of thermoregulation]. PMID- 13479907 TI - [Course of re-innervation of a denervated muscle]. PMID- 13479908 TI - [Glycogen metabolism in the skeletal muscle in rats following nociceptive irritation]. PMID- 13479909 TI - [Effect of heat on inhibitory and excitatory fibers]. PMID- 13479910 TI - [Effect of sodium-free medium on action potential of excitatory and inhibitory fibers]. PMID- 13479911 TI - [Thermoregulation and metabolic disorders as a sign of spreading EEG depression]. PMID- 13479912 TI - [Characteristics of higher nervous activity in dogs in audiogenic epileptic seizures]. PMID- 13479913 TI - [Relation of experimental neuroses to audiogenic epilepsy]. PMID- 13479914 TI - [Present concepts on leukocyte motility in vitro]. PMID- 13479915 TI - [Studies on synthesis of thromboplastin. I. Effect of SH groups]. PMID- 13479916 TI - [Pharmacological action of stereoisomers of methylergometrin]. PMID- 13479917 TI - [Effect of heparin on basal glycemia in rabbits]. PMID- 13479918 TI - [Effect of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system on sensitivity of the skin to dinitrochlorobenzene in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13479919 TI - [Separate clearance. IV. Modification of renal function during unilateral sounding of the ureter with obturation catheter]. PMID- 13479920 TI - [Effect of chlorpromazine on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13479921 TI - [Objective photometric method of evaluation of actographic picture]. PMID- 13479922 TI - [Surgical treatment of uterine & vaginal prolapse]. PMID- 13479923 TI - [Further experiences with Horalek's crossed colpocleisis in prolapse in old women]. PMID- 13479924 TI - [Surgical treatment of vaginal & uterine prolapse]. PMID- 13479925 TI - [Vaginal hysterectomy for prolapse]. PMID- 13479927 TI - [Vaginal hysterectomy as a surgical treatment for complicated uterine prolapse]. PMID- 13479926 TI - [A modified method of suspension of the vaginal pouch in vaginal hysterectomy in the treatment of prolapse]. PMID- 13479928 TI - [A modified method of amputation of the uterine cervix in uterine & vaginal prolapse]. PMID- 13479929 TI - [Method, indication & results of surgical treatment for vaginal & uterine prolapse & urinary incontinence]. PMID- 13479930 TI - [Dyspareunia after prolapse surgery]. PMID- 13479931 TI - [Comments on the choice of surgical methods for prolapse after radiotherapy of primary vaginal carcinoma]. PMID- 13479932 TI - [Clinical & experimental research on adnatal pneumonia]. PMID- 13479933 TI - [Changes in alkaline phosphatase after alternating diet in late gestation]. PMID- 13479934 TI - [Effects of early & late ligature of the umbilical cord on the 3d stage of labor & on the newborn]. PMID- 13479935 TI - [Placenta percreta as a cause of spontaneous rupture of the uterus]. PMID- 13479936 TI - [Tuberculous puerperal mastitis]. PMID- 13479937 TI - [Statistical contribution to the question of the familial incidence of myomata]. PMID- 13479938 TI - [Vaginal carcinoma arising from the Kirschner-Wagner plastic surgery]. PMID- 13479939 TI - [Management of labor during an acute thromboembolic accident]. PMID- 13479940 TI - [Changes in protein levels in inflammatory diseases of the nervous system]. PMID- 13479941 TI - [Value of paper electrophoresis in cerebrospinal diagnosis]. PMID- 13479942 TI - [Free amino acids in cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13479943 TI - [Late neurologic complications after lumber anesthesia]. PMID- 13479944 TI - [Xanthomatous multiple neuritis with idiopathic hyperlipemia & mild diabetes]. PMID- 13479945 TI - [Central form of Recklinghausen's diseases with multiple meningiomas]. PMID- 13479946 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479947 TI - [Familial incidence of progressive external ophthalmoplegia]. PMID- 13479948 TI - [Treatment of mental disorders with chlorpromazine & reserpine]. PMID- 13479949 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479950 TI - [Attempt at criticism of existential analysis]. PMID- 13479951 TI - [Experimental contribution towards the solution of the problem of electric shock therapy in pregnant women]. PMID- 13479953 TI - [Disorders of second signal system in organic diseases of the brain]. PMID- 13479952 TI - [Treatment of insulin coma with peripheral electrostimulation]. PMID- 13479954 TI - [Cybernetics & its importance in psychiatry]. PMID- 13479955 TI - [Frigidity & premenstrual syndrome; case reports & psychopathological analysis]. PMID- 13479956 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13479957 TI - [Headache & psychic changes in diseases of the central nervous system caused by microscopic fungi]. PMID- 13479958 TI - [Death of Prof. Eugenius Wilczkowski]. PMID- 13479959 TI - [Idiopathic osteopsathyrosis; clinicoradiological study of 5 osteopsathyrotic patients belonging to the same family of 22 components]. PMID- 13479960 TI - [Fracture of the coronoid apophysis of the ulna]. PMID- 13479961 TI - [Surgical trends and remote results in the treatment of nontraumatic dislocation of the knee]. PMID- 13479962 TI - [Corrective possibility of the spastic pronated forearm]. PMID- 13479963 TI - [Sarcomas of synovial origin]. PMID- 13479964 TI - [Determination of blood loss in several of the more common operations of orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13479965 TI - [Immediate osteosynthesis of open fractures]. PMID- 13479966 TI - [Monolateral aplasia of the pectoral muscles]. PMID- 13479967 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of the Achilles tendon; with pathological rupture]. PMID- 13479968 TI - [Bulbar polio, atypical forms]. PMID- 13479969 TI - [Personal experience with psycho-prophylactic method of labor]. PMID- 13479970 TI - [Chromatological study of various amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13479971 TI - [Audition of patients with tympanic polystan prostheses]. PMID- 13479972 TI - [Vagotonismos, espasmopatias and anticholinergics]. PMID- 13479973 TI - [The old Hospital de la Santa Cruz y de Convalencientes de Barcelona]. PMID- 13479974 TI - [Speaking to a bad student]. PMID- 13479975 TI - [Deductions & conclusions concerning the pathogenesis of various diseases responsive to the treatment with largactil]. PMID- 13479976 TI - [Pyrazinamide concentration in blood after its rectal administration]. PMID- 13479977 TI - [The efficacy of autovaccino-therapy in asthmatic syndromes in children]. PMID- 13479978 TI - [Diphtheria antitoxin reaction during the first two postvaccination years in subjects living in an environment with no carriers of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13479979 TI - [The anti-tetanus vaccination]. PMID- 13479980 TI - [Case reports on genuine isosexual female precocious puberty]. PMID- 13479981 TI - [Distant prognosis of febrile convulsion; clinical & EEG report on 100 cases]. PMID- 13479982 TI - [Blood level & urinary excretion of bromine after oral administration of sodium bromide]. PMID- 13479983 TI - [General anesthesia in adenotonsillectomy]. PMID- 13479984 TI - [Chlorpromazine & hormones causing eosinopenia; experimental researches]. PMID- 13479985 TI - Treatment of the office neurotic. PMID- 13479986 TI - Psycho-iconography of the office neurotic. PMID- 13479987 TI - [New research on the nutritional effects of aureomycin in the white rat: disparity between ponderal growth & proteinogenesis]. PMID- 13479988 TI - [Sex determination among the descendants of exconjugants in Paramecium caudatum type II]. PMID- 13479989 TI - [Nitrate reduction & glucose assimilation by Chlorella pyrenoidosa]. PMID- 13479990 TI - [Chemistry of mycolic acids; synthesis of two long-chain branched aliphatic ketones]. PMID- 13479992 TI - [Chlorpromazine (largactil) and cardiac resistance to anoxia]. PMID- 13479991 TI - [Electric excitation of the cochlear nerve in man by induction at a distance with the aid of micro-coil included in the fixture]. PMID- 13479993 TI - [Resistance of the air passages in man during the respiratory cycle]. PMID- 13479994 TI - [Action of tranquilizing drugs on reactions of the cerebral cortex on adrenaline]. PMID- 13479995 TI - [Inhibition by cortisone of anti-microbial immunity and of formation of gamma globulin in young rats]. PMID- 13479996 TI - [Fixation of colloidal radioactive gold by isolated perfused rabbit liver. I. Measurement of the efficacy of purification]. PMID- 13479997 TI - [Decrease of the rate of uptake of radioactive sodium by cells of guinea pig brain in vitro following administration of posterior pituitary extract]. PMID- 13479998 TI - [Mode of conjugation of dehydrepiandrosterone in urine in man]. PMID- 13479999 TI - [Conjugation of 11-hydroxy-17-ketosteroids with glycuronides and sulfates in urine in man]. PMID- 13480000 TI - [Glycuro- and sulfo-conjugation of etiocholanolone and of androsterone in human urine]. PMID- 13480002 TI - [Copper content in hemolymph of Maia squinado at various intermolting stages]. PMID- 13480001 TI - [Comparative study of catalase activity and free protoporphyrin level of erythrocytes in lead or phenylhydrazine poisoned rabbit]. PMID- 13480003 TI - [Effects of serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) on excitability of nervous centers]. PMID- 13480004 TI - [Seasonal variation of cholinesterase activity in striated muscle of tench]. PMID- 13480005 TI - [Evolutive cycle of Thomasiniana lavandulae Barnes (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae)]. PMID- 13480006 TI - [Perchlorate and embryonic determination in Echinoderms]. PMID- 13480007 TI - [Action of tri- and tetraiodothyropyruvic acids on oxygen consumption in euthyroid rat]. PMID- 13480008 TI - [Effects of prolonged administration of 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine and 3,3',5 triiodothyroacetic acid in chicks subjected to cholesterol rich diet]. PMID- 13480009 TI - [Research on X zone of adrenal cortex in shrews, Sorex araneus L. and Crocidura russula H]. PMID- 13480010 TI - [Sparteine differentiation of vascular effects of adrenalin and noradrenalin reversed or diminished by adrenolytic drugs (883F, 933F; tolazoline, phenotalamine, azapetine, dibenzyline)]. PMID- 13480011 TI - [Antithyroid action of a hypoglycemic sulfonamide in rats]. PMID- 13480012 TI - [Fixation of colloidal radioactive gold by isolated and perfused rabbit liver. II. Effect of the output on filtering efficiency]. PMID- 13480013 TI - [Localization of the oxytocic activity of the posterior hypothalamus in rabbits]. PMID- 13480014 TI - [Chemotherapeutic inhibition or stimulation of the vasopressive response which follows chemical stimulation of the cerebral cortex in rabbits]. PMID- 13480015 TI - [Effect of cortisone on oxidative phosphorylation in a rat liver homogenate]. PMID- 13480016 TI - [Autoradiography as a study method of the distribution and elimination of the antiepileptic N-benzyl-(C14)-beta-chloropropionamide in mice]. PMID- 13480017 TI - [Androstenediol, protein anabolism and tumoral growth]. PMID- 13480018 TI - [A test of pharmacodynamic modification of orthostatic albuminuria in rabbits]. PMID- 13480019 TI - [In vitro metabolism of desoxycorticosterone by the blood of a guinea pig subjected to a normal or scorbutic diet]. PMID- 13480020 TI - [Specificity of the sulfoconjugation of two urinary non-ke to 3 beta hydroxysteroids in man]. PMID- 13480021 TI - [Neurotoxic character of thallium and its affinity for histamine]. PMID- 13480022 TI - [Why cortisone is less eosinopenic in adrenalectomized rats than in normal rats]. PMID- 13480023 TI - [Oxygen content of the arterial hemolymph of Maia squinado in various stages of molting]. PMID- 13480024 TI - [Diffusion of Columbia-SK virus from the point of inoculation in infection of white mice; importance in chemotherapeutic trials]. PMID- 13480025 TI - [Action of three synthetic auxins on the in vitro development of germinations in ferns]. PMID- 13480026 TI - [Hepatoma released by 2-acetoaminofluorene; structural modifications induced by pharmacodynamic actions on the neurovegetative system]. PMID- 13480027 TI - [Study of the oxidized form of vitamin C in the animal organism by a new method]. PMID- 13480028 TI - [Lesions of the sympathetic nervous system in thallium poisoning]. PMID- 13480029 TI - [Study of the intermediate metabolism of tryptophan; tryptophan load test in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13480030 TI - [Vaginal pH and experimental infestation with Trichomonas vaginalis in albino rats]. PMID- 13480031 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480033 TI - [Development of the adrenalinogenic activity of the adrenal medulla in the dog]. PMID- 13480032 TI - [Duration of the experimental decidual reaction in an artificial estro progesterone phase in the rabbit]. PMID- 13480034 TI - [Relation between the corpus luteum & the blastocyst during delayed nidation in the European badger]. PMID- 13480035 TI - [Determinism in experimental delayed nidation induced by castration on the 4th day; effect of cortisone]. PMID- 13480036 TI - [Role of the pituitary in the radioiodine concentration of the chick embryo thyroid]. PMID- 13480037 TI - [Prolonged survival of isolated opened spread-out whole frog heart]. PMID- 13480038 TI - [Data on measurement of oxygen consumption & simultaneous recording of the electrocardiogram of the isolated non-perfused auricle of the rat heart]. PMID- 13480039 TI - [Research on the distribution of silicones introduced into the organisms; measurement by foaming activity]. PMID- 13480040 TI - [Initial results of intracavitary unipolar cartography of the opened isolated spread-out whole & functioning frog heart with the possibility of simultaneous distribution of minute quantities of various substances]. PMID- 13480041 TI - [Statistical study of the post-larval development of pleopods in Paguristes oculatus Fabr]. PMID- 13480042 TI - [Changes in action potential of striated muscle fibers induced by caffeine and quinine]. PMID- 13480043 TI - [Pulmonary reactions after total body x-irradiation]. PMID- 13480044 TI - [Further experimental studies of the evolutive cycle of the trematode, Pseudhyptiasmus dollfusi Timon-David (Digenea, Cyclocoelidae)]. PMID- 13480045 TI - [Further data on methods of experimental luteinization in mature rats]. PMID- 13480046 TI - [Galvanotropism of monster regenerates of Planaria; bifid monsters & heteromorphoses]. PMID- 13480047 TI - [Effect of temperature on the survival of the fish, Carassius carassius (L) after total irradiation]. PMID- 13480048 TI - [Quantitative study of nucleic acids of crystallin lesn of rabbits with dithizone induced diabetes]. PMID- 13480049 TI - [Are cysteine derivatives antiphlogistics]. PMID- 13480050 TI - [Effects of penthienate bromide on gastric secretion after insulin administration in dogs]. PMID- 13480051 TI - [Comparative acute toxicity of atropine, L-hyoscyamine and three synthetic anticholinergic drugs]. PMID- 13480052 TI - [Paralyzing effects of voacamine sulfate on the hypothalamic centers]. PMID- 13480053 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480054 TI - [New data on gastrulation in the chicken, compiled by vital observation after staining with toluidine blue]. PMID- 13480055 TI - [Effects of dihydrostreptomycin on the sonic disintegration of Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13480056 TI - [Oligoanuria of the burned dog & renal carbonic anhydrase]. PMID- 13480057 TI - [Duodenointestinal absorption of radioactive iodine-labeled 3,5,3, trilodothyronine in the dog]. PMID- 13480058 TI - [Effects of cysteamine & cystamine on regeneration of the irradiated spleen in vitro]. PMID- 13480059 TI - [Modifications of the lactic acid level in blood & tissues after irradiation by massive doses of x-rays]. PMID- 13480060 TI - [Cardiac murmurs & sounds; diagnostic information from selective frequency phonocardiography]. PMID- 13480062 TI - [Chronic & mass poisoning by carbon monoxide]. PMID- 13480061 TI - [Epilepsy. II. Central encephalic epilepsy]. PMID- 13480063 TI - [The practitioner before rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13480064 TI - [Historical foundations of psychology]. PMID- 13480065 TI - [Action potential of isolated nerve fibers]. PMID- 13480066 TI - [Oral therapy of diabetes mellitus; several useful facts for the practitioner to know]. PMID- 13480067 TI - [Liberal remarks on sexual education]. PMID- 13480068 TI - [Epilepsy. III. Focal epilepsy]. PMID- 13480069 TI - [Reflections on the subject of the current epidemiology of grippe]. PMID- 13480070 TI - [History of doctrines, diseases, technics & medicosurgical structures; current conception]. PMID- 13480071 TI - [The first show of medical photography]. PMID- 13480072 TI - [Children deprived of family life]. PMID- 13480073 TI - Fever of unknown origin. PMID- 13480074 TI - Total gastrectomy and construction of jejunal reservoir in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. PMID- 13480075 TI - Transverse colon as a substitute for the stomach following total gastrectomy for cancer. PMID- 13480076 TI - Investigations concerning the pathogenesis of the dumping syndrome; annotation. PMID- 13480077 TI - The Lewis blood group Lea in adults. PMID- 13480078 TI - Polyradiculo-myopathia in transient thyrotoxicosis. PMID- 13480079 TI - Deaths by accident among children in Denmark 1931-1955. PMID- 13480080 TI - A statistical analysis of accidents; annotation. PMID- 13480081 TI - [Sympathomimetic amines. I. Specific rotation & its dependence on the hydrogen ion concentration]. PMID- 13480082 TI - [Paper chromatography of constituents of Extractum filicis]. PMID- 13480083 TI - Carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13480084 TI - The diagnosis and treatment of carcinoma of the cervix in situ. PMID- 13480085 TI - Diagnosis of viral diseases and evaluation of pulmonary function. PMID- 13480086 TI - Respiratory alkalosis and associated phenomena. PMID- 13480087 TI - The administration of trypsin buccally in the treatment of inflammation and edema. PMID- 13480088 TI - Solar urticaria. PMID- 13480089 TI - [Alkaline phosphatase in the guinea pig nipple & the nipple test]. PMID- 13480091 TI - [Treatment of epidermophytosis]. PMID- 13480090 TI - [Thoughts on training in dermatology]. PMID- 13480092 TI - [Practical & personal observations on the antiblastic treatment with antimitotics in dermatology]. PMID- 13480093 TI - [The nosological place of ocular pemphigus]. PMID- 13480094 TI - [Band type degeneration & pre-descemetic dystrophy of the cornea in a case of congenital ichthyosis]. PMID- 13480095 TI - [Atopical dermatitis (infantile eczema & Besnier's prurigo)]. PMID- 13480096 TI - [Deep lupus erythematosus of the Kaposi-Irgang type & the deep lesions of lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13480097 TI - Epidemiological aspects of non-veneral endemic syphilis. PMID- 13480098 TI - The therapeutic effect of hydrocortisone ointment and coal tar on experimentally produced eczematous reactions. PMID- 13480099 TI - Chemical aspects on turpentine exzema. PMID- 13480100 TI - Experiences in penicillin treatment of endemic syphilis in Serbia. PMID- 13480101 TI - [A case of sudoriparous nevus with hyperhidrosis]. PMID- 13480102 TI - [Statistical control of a laboratory method; distribution & frequency of autodeviation of complement in the Bordet-Wassermann reaction]. PMID- 13480103 TI - [Episodes from the history of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13480104 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480105 TI - Inhibition of melanin formation by human epidermis. PMID- 13480106 TI - [Viral etiology of pemphigus & of Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis]. PMID- 13480107 TI - [Mucosal changes in Pringle's disease]. PMID- 13480108 TI - [Histology of skin reactions to light]. PMID- 13480109 TI - [Cutaneous reticuloendothellosis in Whipple's disease]. PMID- 13480110 TI - [Acanthosis test with tar & tar hydrocarbons]. PMID- 13480111 TI - [An unusual case of pseudoxanthoma elasticum]. PMID- 13480112 TI - [Skin tests seen from the viewpoint of research in the field of cutaneous allergy; the problem of experimental eczema]. PMID- 13480113 TI - [Contribution of a practical dermatologist to contagious impetigo]. PMID- 13480114 TI - [Roof shingle shaped dystrophy of the superficial layer of the nail as an example of rhythmic developmental processes in nail growth]. PMID- 13480115 TI - Review of some factors which influence the quantity of radiation reaching the gonadal areas during dermatologic x-ray therapy. PMID- 13480116 TI - [Prevention of stereoamblyopia and stereoamaurosis in strabismus]. PMID- 13480117 TI - [Statistical contribution to the etiology of endogenous eye inflammation]. PMID- 13480118 TI - [Lordosis position in x-ray diagnosis of thoracic organs; illustrations]. PMID- 13480119 TI - [Practical hints for intratracheal introduction of a bronchial catheter]. PMID- 13480120 TI - [Prognostic significance of eosinophilia in tumor patients]. PMID- 13480121 TI - [Unusual carcinoma locations]. PMID- 13480122 TI - [Interesting facts about summer- and public baths]. PMID- 13480123 TI - [Report on a diarrhea epidemic in the Possneck, Thuringen area from November 1955 to January 1956]. PMID- 13480124 TI - [Legal position of the focal theory]. PMID- 13480125 TI - [Cooperation of physician and psychologist; therapeutic experiences]. PMID- 13480126 TI - [Diagnosis of spinal cord tumors]. PMID- 13480127 TI - [Hemoglobin content of the blood]. PMID- 13480128 TI - [Kalypnon; a modern suicidal agent]. PMID- 13480129 TI - [A simple method of edge punching for index cards]. PMID- 13480130 TI - [Silicosis in South Africa]. PMID- 13480131 TI - [Health care in China]. PMID- 13480132 TI - [Poliomyelitis control in Rumania]. PMID- 13480133 TI - [Treatment of whooping cough in children with altitude flight and low pressure chamber]. PMID- 13480134 TI - [Acute suppurative cervical lymphadenitis in childhood]. PMID- 13480135 TI - [Drugs in the German Democratic Republic]. PMID- 13480136 TI - [Tuberculosis hazard in health personnel]. PMID- 13480137 TI - [Medical student and country doctor]. PMID- 13480138 TI - [Boarding school food]. PMID- 13480139 TI - [Publication of patient data as a problem of medical professional ethics]. PMID- 13480140 TI - [Phagocytosis of immature blood cells in bone marrow in agranulocytosis and similar dyscrasias]. PMID- 13480141 TI - [Growth and diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13480142 TI - [Resection in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13480143 TI - [Skull trauma and cerebral arteriography]. PMID- 13480144 TI - [Threatened abortion]. PMID- 13480145 TI - [Abortion]. PMID- 13480146 TI - [Carcinoma therapy besides radical operation and x-irradiation]. PMID- 13480147 TI - [Pathognomonic muscle manifestations in the diagnosis of the level of lumbar intervertebral disk herniation]. PMID- 13480148 TI - [Experimental and clinical experiences with a triple sulfonamide (andal)]. PMID- 13480149 TI - [A bloodless calorimetric method for continuous determination of enteroportal circulation]. PMID- 13480150 TI - [Clinical aspects of myocardial energy production and utilization]. PMID- 13480151 TI - [Chromosome count in man]. PMID- 13480152 TI - [Accidental poisoning in childhood]. PMID- 13480153 TI - [Social and political problems in mother and child welfare]. PMID- 13480154 TI - [Histological and bacteriological problems of chemotherapeutically treated pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13480155 TI - [Clinical picture of reticular diseases]. PMID- 13480156 TI - [Diagnosis of tumor of the adrenal medulla: pheochromocytoma]. PMID- 13480157 TI - [Problem of true hermaphroditism; clinical, morphological and constitutional biological investigations of two cases]. PMID- 13480158 TI - [Effect of estriol on the body of the uterus, uterine cervix and vagina of women; studies with large (30 mg) and minimal (50 gamma) doses]. PMID- 13480160 TI - [Demonstration of fungi pathogenic to the skin in footwear]. PMID- 13480161 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480159 TI - [Sheathing of retinal veins in multiple sclerosis]. PMID- 13480162 TI - [Hazards of medical therapy]. PMID- 13480163 TI - [The heart-lung machine; operations on the opened and arrested heart with special regard to anesthesia]. PMID- 13480164 TI - [The properdin-complement system in various diseases with regard to serum protein and heavy metal]. PMID- 13480165 TI - [Diabetic vascular disease]. PMID- 13480166 TI - [A new carbo-anhydrase-inhibiting diuretic]. PMID- 13480167 TI - [Treatment of edema by inhibition of renal carboanhydrase; clinical experiences with nirexon]. PMID- 13480168 TI - [Psychological effects of hospitalization on children]. PMID- 13480169 TI - [Status of the poliomyelitis epidemic of 1956-7; 3511 serological studies from Lower Saxony]. PMID- 13480170 TI - [Harmful results of disinfection of injection needles with alcohol based on observations made during BCG vaccination]. PMID- 13480171 TI - [Biological function of ribonucleic acid: recent results of virus research]. PMID- 13480172 TI - [The physician in France. IV. The 150-year old Internat; example of the function of selection and basis of the medical hierarchy]. PMID- 13480173 TI - [Daily life of the Arabian physicians]. PMID- 13480174 TI - [Arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13480175 TI - [Apoplexy & its treatment]. PMID- 13480176 TI - [Changed reactivity & adaptation]. PMID- 13480177 TI - [The Lactobacillus bifidus factor]. PMID- 13480178 TI - [Advances in mycological serodiagnosis]. PMID- 13480179 TI - [Reserpine poisoning in small children]. PMID- 13480180 TI - [Meteorotropic diseases in children]. PMID- 13480181 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480182 TI - [Long lasting diabetes mellitus; report on 150 diabetics with 25-50 years of duration of the disease]. PMID- 13480183 TI - [Influence of lungs on the protein composition of the blood. III. Changes in blood proteins during the passage of the blood through the lungs depending on the initial value of the venous blood mixture]. PMID- 13480184 TI - [Metabolic disturbances after cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13480185 TI - [Complications after laparoscopy and liver puncture]. PMID- 13480186 TI - [Advantages of double-contrast examination in fistula formation of the large intestine]. PMID- 13480187 TI - [Urinary copper excretion in nephrosis]. PMID- 13480188 TI - [Determination of sulfonamides in bile]. PMID- 13480189 TI - [Benign stomach tumors]. PMID- 13480190 TI - [Problems of obesity. III. Insensible perspiration in obesity]. PMID- 13480191 TI - [Somatic radiation injuries by energy-rich rays]. PMID- 13480192 TI - [Radiotherapy of cancer with special regard to transcutaneous x-irradiation]. PMID- 13480193 TI - [Surgical treatment of gastrointestinal cancer]. PMID- 13480194 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480195 TI - [Therapeutic progress in the sphere of blood coagulation and thrombosis]. PMID- 13480197 TI - [Treatment of hemangioma]. PMID- 13480196 TI - [Forceps delivery and early and late results for mother and child]. PMID- 13480198 TI - [A further contribution to prednisone therapy]. PMID- 13480199 TI - [Therapy of respiratory tract diseases]. PMID- 13480200 TI - [An experiment on the limitations of participation of the lives in pediatric diseases]. PMID- 13480201 TI - [Cortisone-life effects of isoniazid in dermatology]. PMID- 13480202 TI - [Postoperative complications of cervical ganglion extirpations]. PMID- 13480203 TI - [Subtotal gastrectomy]. PMID- 13480204 TI - Experiences with the therapy of sixty cases of deep mycotic infections. PMID- 13480206 TI - Prolonged blood levels with sustained action PAS. PMID- 13480205 TI - A disposable unitized plastic sheet oxygenator for open heart surgery. PMID- 13480207 TI - Glycogen storage disease of the myocardium. PMID- 13480208 TI - Extraperiosteal polystan plombage: three to five years' follow-up. PMID- 13480209 TI - Experimental alteration of pulmonary functions. PMID- 13480210 TI - The role of positive auricular biopsy in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13480211 TI - Chronic disseminated tuberculosis. PMID- 13480212 TI - A new method for antibiotic sensitivity testing of bronchial flora. PMID- 13480213 TI - Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis associated with the inhalation of snuff in Thailand. PMID- 13480214 TI - A case-study of perforations of tuberculous lymph nodes into bronchi and their sequelae. PMID- 13480215 TI - Allergic reactions to dipasic. PMID- 13480216 TI - [Internal use of cortisone in skin diseases]. PMID- 13480217 TI - [Use of cortisone, its derivatives & ACTH in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13480218 TI - [Hazards of cortisone therapy]. PMID- 13480219 TI - [Does the fetus live]. PMID- 13480220 TI - [Present-day indications for tracheotomy]. PMID- 13480221 TI - [BCG vaccination & the present situation in Finland in regards to tuberculosis]. PMID- 13480222 TI - [Waking the insulin-coma patient with glucagon]. PMID- 13480223 TI - [Serum transaminase activity in surgical patients]. PMID- 13480224 TI - [Behavior of blood glycine after intravenous load of sodium benzoate in normal persons and in persons with liver diseases. II]. PMID- 13480226 TI - Construction, irrigation and malaria. PMID- 13480225 TI - The epidemiology of tick-typhus in Nairobi. PMID- 13480227 TI - Medicine; an instrument of social policy. PMID- 13480228 TI - Spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus. PMID- 13480229 TI - A note on house fly resistance to residual insecticides. PMID- 13480230 TI - Arnold Chiari syndrome associated with placenta praevia. PMID- 13480231 TI - OBITUARY; Arthur John Jex-Blake; sometime editor of this journal. PMID- 13480232 TI - Cortical D. C. changes incident to midline thalamic stimulation. PMID- 13480233 TI - Differential electroencephalographic response to conditioned auditory stimuli in arousal from sleep. PMID- 13480234 TI - Electrographic activity of the mesencephalic reticular formation during conditioning in the cat. PMID- 13480235 TI - Cortical and subcortical electrograms in anesthesia and anoxia in man. PMID- 13480236 TI - Correlation of rhinencephalic electrograms with behavior; a study on humans under the influence of LSD and mescaline. PMID- 13480237 TI - The electroencephalogram and mental activity. PMID- 13480238 TI - EEG frequency-pattern variation and intelligence; a correlational study. PMID- 13480240 TI - Cyclic variations in EEG during sleep and their relation to eye movements, body motility, and dreaming. PMID- 13480239 TI - The effect of chlorpromazine and reserpine on sedation and convulsive thresholds in schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13480241 TI - Some observations on lambda waves and peripheral stimulation. PMID- 13480242 TI - Electroencephalography in a case of cerebral vascular malformation; report of a case. PMID- 13480243 TI - A case of pykno-epilepsy associated with unusual ictal EEG record. PMID- 13480244 TI - The use of noludar in pediatric electroencephalography. PMID- 13480245 TI - Scalp EEG's of patients receiving oral benactyzine. PMID- 13480246 TI - A note on placidyl as a soporific in EEG. PMID- 13480247 TI - Some preliminary electrophysiological studies on chronic neuronally isolated cerebral cortex. PMID- 13480248 TI - Variation with electrode size of thresholds for motor responses to cortical stimulation. PMID- 13480249 TI - The simultaneous photographic recording of several oscilloscope guns. PMID- 13480250 TI - Time lapse indicator for pen and oscilloscope recording. PMID- 13480251 TI - Suction cup electrodes. PMID- 13480252 TI - [Changes of blood proteins, lipoproteins & glycoproteins in rats hypophysectomized & treated with somatotropic hormone (STH)]. PMID- 13480253 TI - [Remarks on a case of chronic Riedel's thyroiditis]. PMID- 13480254 TI - [Anatomicopathological & pathogenetic remarks on the relationship existing between hypothalamus & mesenchyma]. PMID- 13480255 TI - [The neuroendocrine apparatus in avitaminosis A induced in the albino rat with the diet of Osborne & Mendel; comparison with the basic diet for rats according to Randoin & Causeret. I. The hypophysis in deficient animals subjected to substitutive treatment with total prehypophysis, somatotropic hormone & lipid extract of the diencephalic region]. PMID- 13480256 TI - [The neuroendocrine apparatus in avitaminosis A induced in the albino rat with the diet of Osborne & Mendel; comparison with the basic diet for rats according to Randoin & Causeret. II. The adrenals in axerophthol deficiency; their response to trial hypophyso-substitutive hormone treatment & treatment with lipid extract of the diencephalic region]. PMID- 13480257 TI - Serum alkaline phosphatase response to the administration of cortisone in rats. PMID- 13480258 TI - Effects of a bacterial polysaccharide (piromen) on the pituitary-adrenal axis: further aspects of hypophyseal-mediated control of response. PMID- 13480260 TI - The role of the liver in the inactivation of the melanocyte stimulating hormone in the body. PMID- 13480259 TI - The influence of the pituitary growth hormone on muscle glycogen in adrenalectomized and hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13480261 TI - Cortisone effect on ovulation in the frog. PMID- 13480262 TI - Responses of the domestic fowl to hyper and hypoglycemic agents. PMID- 13480263 TI - The bioassay of progesterone. PMID- 13480264 TI - In vitro action of thyroxine analogs on succinate and malate oxidation. PMID- 13480265 TI - Thyrotrophin potency of transplantable pituitary tumors of mice through four transfers. PMID- 13480266 TI - The uptake and metabolism of S35 thiourea and thiouracil by the thyroid and other tissues. PMID- 13480267 TI - Thyroxine excretion, a possible cause of goiter. PMID- 13480269 TI - Effect of growth hormone on growth in hypophysectomized-pancreatectomized rats. PMID- 13480268 TI - A comparison of the carcinogenic effect of internal and external irradiation on the thyroid gland of the male Long-Evans rat. PMID- 13480270 TI - Recovery of human pituitary gonadotropin from dilute urine. PMID- 13480271 TI - Growth hormone and vitamin D in relation to growth and calcification on a calcium deficient diet. PMID- 13480272 TI - Progestin in mouse embryos, placentae, and amniotic fluid. PMID- 13480273 TI - The effect of pituitary transplants on the estrous cycles of hypophysectomized hamsters. PMID- 13480274 TI - [Dietary influences on radioiodine uptake by the thyroid gland, followed by the 24 hours radioiodine test]. PMID- 13480275 TI - [Influence of cortisone on the production of the antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13480276 TI - [Comparative chemical and cytological studies]. PMID- 13480277 TI - [Influence of the epiphysis on the growth of transplantable tumor implants]. PMID- 13480278 TI - [Mongolism and latent toxoplasmosis of mother]. PMID- 13480279 TI - [Effects of pituitrin on interoceptors. I. Reflex circulatory changes]. PMID- 13480280 TI - [Effects of pituitrin on interoceptors. II. Reflex changes of diuresis]. PMID- 13480281 TI - [Somatometric measurements on men with somatosexual developmental disturbances]. PMID- 13480282 TI - [Studies on the development of the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary adrenocortical system in newborn rats with permanent deep-electrodes]. PMID- 13480283 TI - [The concept of regression]. PMID- 13480284 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480285 TI - [Psychotherapy of sexual impotence]. PMID- 13480287 TI - Deep mycoses due to actionomycetes. PMID- 13480286 TI - [From anxiety to mania; clinical & psychopathological study of mania in relation to depression]. PMID- 13480288 TI - The history of dermatology in Austria. PMID- 13480289 TI - Nucleic acid content and ultraviolet susceptibility of Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13480290 TI - Adaptation of yeast to copper. XIV. Qualitative change of ribonucleic acid in yeast cultured in copper medium. PMID- 13480291 TI - Electron microscopic observations on the cell-free nature of glomerular basement membrane after treatment of isolated renal glomeruli with trichloroacetic acid. PMID- 13480292 TI - The relation of protoplasmic gelation to oxidative processes. PMID- 13480293 TI - The growth of single cells. I. Schizosaccharomyces pombe. PMID- 13480294 TI - Experiments on the fundamental effects of freeze-substitution. PMID- 13480295 TI - Social behaviour of cells in tissue culture. III. Mutual influence of sarcoma cells and fibroblasts. PMID- 13480296 TI - An experimental analysis of the development of the spinal column. VI. Aspects of cartilage induction. PMID- 13480297 TI - A comparison of several deoxyribonucleases of type II. PMID- 13480298 TI - The localization of phosphorus and the site of calcium binding in the yolk protein of the frog's egg. PMID- 13480299 TI - Reactions of Stentor coeruleus to certain substances added to the medium. PMID- 13480300 TI - Content and distribution of ascorbic acid in sea urchin embryos of different developmental trends. PMID- 13480301 TI - Counting actively metabolizing tissue cultured cells. PMID- 13480302 TI - Sustained cell culture. PMID- 13480303 TI - Heterochromatic regions and nucleolus organizers in chromosomes of the mouse, Mus musculus. PMID- 13480304 TI - Analysis of the surface structures of the sea urchin egg by means of antibodies. I. Comparative study of the effects of various antisera. PMID- 13480305 TI - Gastrular blockage of frogs' eggs produced by oxygen at atmospheric pressure. PMID- 13480306 TI - The nucleus in the accumulation of iron by liver cell suspensions. PMID- 13480307 TI - [Ribonucleic acid localization in various morphological structures of rat liver microsomes]. PMID- 13480308 TI - The effect of sulfhydryl inhibitors and thiol compounds on pigment aggregation and dispersion in the melanophores of Anolis carolinensis. PMID- 13480310 TI - Cytological demonstration of sex in fresh unstained preparations under the phase contrast microscope. PMID- 13480309 TI - [Desoxyribonucleic acid content & nuclear volume in human liver cells]. PMID- 13480311 TI - The fine structure of native collagen in thin sections. PMID- 13480312 TI - [Osmium tetroxide staining of intracellular myelin patterns]. PMID- 13480314 TI - An efficient technique for preparing the renal glomerulus for electron microscopy. PMID- 13480313 TI - [Effect of vitamin A on transhydrogenase & reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide cytochrome c reductase]. PMID- 13480315 TI - Sex chromatin in early cat embryos. PMID- 13480316 TI - Note on non-chiasma-type association between the X and Y chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus. PMID- 13480317 TI - Quantitative histochemistry by means of radioactive indicators; alkaline phosphatase. PMID- 13480318 TI - The beta-glucuronidase content of Drosophila embryos. PMID- 13480319 TI - A newly observed cytoplasmic component, the pentalaminar body. PMID- 13480320 TI - Utilization of serum proteins by normal and poliovirus infected monkey kidney cells. PMID- 13480321 TI - A correlation between nuclear activity and the growth phase in cultures of protozoan cells. PMID- 13480322 TI - The refraction increment of glycogen. PMID- 13480323 TI - The determination of the weight of biological structures by electrons. PMID- 13480324 TI - [alpha-Pyrone derivatives with action on capillary fragility. I]. PMID- 13480325 TI - [Further study on alpha-pyrone derivatives. II]. PMID- 13480326 TI - [New derivatives of salicylic acid]. PMID- 13480327 TI - [Aromatic N-oxides: synthetic tuberculostatic drugs]. PMID- 13480328 TI - [Effect of cocarboxylase on the water-electrolyte exchange in normal & adrenalectomized rats]. PMID- 13480329 TI - [Various esters of nicotinilic alcohol. II]. PMID- 13480330 TI - [Pharmacology of Petasites officinalis & Petasites fragrans]. PMID- 13480332 TI - [Several new methods in phytochemistry]. PMID- 13480331 TI - [Derivatives of theophylline-7-malonic acid & theophylline-7-lactic acid]. PMID- 13480333 TI - Fitness concepts in other countries. IV. Medical licensure examinations in Canada. PMID- 13480334 TI - COURSES of study and examination programmes for medical studies in the University of Helsinki, Finland. PMID- 13480335 TI - CONSTITUTIONALITY of Texas Naturopathic act. PMID- 13480336 TI - OSTEOPATHY: injunction to restrain enforcement of revocation order. PMID- 13480337 TI - MALPRACTICE: degree of proof required. PMID- 13480338 TI - REVOCATION of license for violation of income tax laws. PMID- 13480340 TI - Cellular oxygen requirements. PMID- 13480339 TI - Determinants of tissue oxygen tension. PMID- 13480341 TI - Methods for measuring tissue oxygen tension; theory and evaluation: the oxygen electrode. PMID- 13480342 TI - Gasometric method for measurement of tissue oxygen tension. PMID- 13480344 TI - Oxygen tension of urine and its significance. PMID- 13480343 TI - Oxygen tension in mammalian brain. PMID- 13480345 TI - Oxygen tension of skin and muscle. PMID- 13480346 TI - Symbolic shorthand system for medicine and physiology. PMID- 13480347 TI - Flow of information on current developments in three scientific disciplines. PMID- 13480349 TI - Problems in communicating Russian science. PMID- 13480348 TI - Growth of biological literature and the future of Biological Abstracts. PMID- 13480350 TI - Coding of a small reprint collection on the central nervous system. PMID- 13480351 TI - A unique system for rapid access to large volumes of pharmacological data; application to published literature on chlorpromazine. PMID- 13480352 TI - Problems of classification and coding in the biological sciences. PMID- 13480353 TI - Heredity and environment in structure of hemoglobin. PMID- 13480355 TI - Conformational differences of mercapto groups of four hemoglobins. PMID- 13480354 TI - Interpretation of electrophoretic, solubility and denaturation data in the study of hemoglobin differences. PMID- 13480356 TI - Minor hemoglobin components of normal human blood. PMID- 13480357 TI - Column chromatography of human hemoglobins. PMID- 13480358 TI - Physical and chemical studies on horse globin components. PMID- 13480359 TI - Hemoglobinopathies. PMID- 13480360 TI - Properties of and structural investigations on growth hormones isolated from bovine, monkey and human pituitary glands. PMID- 13480361 TI - Structural basis of ribonuclease activity. PMID- 13480362 TI - Structure and activation of trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. PMID- 13480363 TI - Active site and structure of crystalline papain. PMID- 13480364 TI - Degradation and structure of tobacco mosaic virus. PMID- 13480365 TI - Sphingolipides. PMID- 13480366 TI - Glycolipide chromatography. PMID- 13480367 TI - Structure of lecithins, inositol phosphatides and acetal phosphatides. PMID- 13480368 TI - Quantitative partition of acetal phospholipides and of free lipide aldehydes. PMID- 13480369 TI - Nitrogenous constituents of animal tissue lipides. PMID- 13480370 TI - Quantitative chromatography of phosphatides. PMID- 13480371 TI - Cephalin separations. PMID- 13480372 TI - Biosynthesis of phospholipides. PMID- 13480373 TI - Biosynthesis of phosphatides in brain and nerve. PMID- 13480374 TI - Effects of bacterial endotoxins on susceptibility to infection with gram-positive and acid-fast bacteria. PMID- 13480375 TI - Host responses elicited by polysaccharides of bacterial and mammalian derivation. PMID- 13480377 TI - Effect of Haemophilus pertussis on immunological and physiological reactions. PMID- 13480376 TI - Effect of bacterial endotoxins on the reticuloendothelial system. PMID- 13480378 TI - I. C. RUBIN, headmaster. PMID- 13480379 TI - Laboratory and clinic in the study of infertility. PMID- 13480380 TI - Surgery for female infertility. PMID- 13480381 TI - Routine psychiatric interviews in a sterility investigation. PMID- 13480382 TI - The Klinefelter syndrome. PMID- 13480383 TI - The adenohypophysis and ovulation. PMID- 13480384 TI - Role of the husband in therapeutic donor insemination. PMID- 13480385 TI - Repeated rubin tests vs. tubal surgery for tubal block. PMID- 13480386 TI - Pressure fluctuations in uterotubal insufflation: is the origin uterine or tubal. PMID- 13480387 TI - Attempts to produce uteroabdominal fistulas in sterile patients; report of three failures. PMID- 13480388 TI - Evaluation of tubal function. PMID- 13480389 TI - The attachment cone of the guinea pig blastocyst as observed under time-lapse cinematography. PMID- 13480390 TI - Fertilo-pak; a new vaginal tampon for use in the treatment of lowered fertility. PMID- 13480391 TI - Puerperal sterilization on the private and ward services of a large metropolitan hospital. PMID- 13480392 TI - Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. PMID- 13480393 TI - [Paper chromatography in the analysis of C-21 corticosteroids]. PMID- 13480394 TI - [Effect of thyroid administration on the androgenic response of interstitial testicular tissue to gonadotropic stimulation; experimental clinical research in adolescent boys with adiposogenital dystrophy]. PMID- 13480395 TI - [Findings on the relation of acid-soluble phosphates in the blood & the human adrenal cortex]. PMID- 13480397 TI - [Conn syndrome: clinical findings & physiopathological data]. PMID- 13480396 TI - [Presence of follicular hormones in the adrenal cortex of castrated guinea pigs]. PMID- 13480398 TI - [Effect of alpha-estradiol on liver potassium & glycogen in the adrenalectomized rat]. PMID- 13480399 TI - [Prednisone & prednisolone degradation in man]. PMID- 13480400 TI - [Methylcellulose-induced hypersplenism & the endocrine glands]. PMID- 13480401 TI - [Thyroid hormone values in normal children aged 6 to 10]. PMID- 13480402 TI - [Effect of androstenediol on islands of Langerhans cytomorphology]. PMID- 13480403 TI - [Blood, liver & adrenal glutathione variations under the effect of thyroid antagonists]. PMID- 13480405 TI - [Psychological examination of deaf, hard-of-hearing & especially speech-defective small children in various countries. II]. PMID- 13480404 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480406 TI - [The range of the child's voice; results of a survey of 1300 voices of students of Karlruhe public schools]. PMID- 13480407 TI - [Palatal division & phonation]. PMID- 13480408 TI - Shadowing; a contribution to the treatment of stammering. PMID- 13480409 TI - An illustrative case of suprabulbar paresis from the surgical and speech therapeutic aspects. PMID- 13480410 TI - A five-to ten-year follow-up study of the Billroth I and Billroth II (polya) operations for duodenal, gastric and gastrojejunal ulcer and gastroenterostomy with vagotomy in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13480411 TI - Gastric secretion following resection of the antrum and proximal duodenum. PMID- 13480412 TI - An evaluation of radiology and gastroscopy in the differential diagnosis of gastric ulcer. PMID- 13480413 TI - The pattern of pepsin secretion in innervated and in Heidenhain gastric pouches in dogs. PMID- 13480414 TI - Effect of isopropamide iodide on basal gastric secretion in the human. PMID- 13480415 TI - The effect of reserpine on gastric secretion and its possible site of action. PMID- 13480416 TI - The milk-alkali syndrome; hypercalcemia, alkalosis and azotemia following calcium carbonate and milk therapy of peptic ulcer. PMID- 13480417 TI - Salicylates and gastric hemorrhage. I. Occult bleeding. PMID- 13480418 TI - Salicylates and gastric hemorrhage. II. Manifest bleeding. PMID- 13480420 TI - The effect of carbon tetrachloride on the structure and function of the liver of the rhesus monkey. PMID- 13480419 TI - Two methods for the estimation of the endogenous intestinal sterol pool in the rat. PMID- 13480421 TI - Incidence of bleeding in duodenal diverticula. PMID- 13480422 TI - The use of a fat emulsion as a source of calories in patients requiring intravenous alimentation. PMID- 13480423 TI - Study of some factors which influence the level of serum amylase in dogs and humans. PMID- 13480424 TI - Ulcerative colitis complicated by cologastric fistula. PMID- 13480425 TI - An unusual case of actinomycosis manifested as an abdominal wall abscess. PMID- 13480426 TI - The use of radio-chromium in a case of clinically unrecognized recurrent regional enteritis with occult hemorrhage. PMID- 13480427 TI - Recent studies on the etiology of infectious enteritis of children. PMID- 13480428 TI - [Does sclerocystic ovaritis exist]. PMID- 13480429 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480430 TI - [Sarcoma of the uterine mucosa: attempted anatomopathological classification]. PMID- 13480432 TI - [Postmenopausal metrorrhagia]. PMID- 13480431 TI - [Cysts of the remaining ovary]. PMID- 13480433 TI - [Hesitancy & contradictions raised by the treatment of stage O cancer of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13480434 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480435 TI - [Extra-uterine pregnancy]. PMID- 13480436 TI - [Use of dihexyverine in gynecology]. PMID- 13480437 TI - [7 Cases of leukoses with neurological manifestations]. PMID- 13480438 TI - [Solitary vertebral plasmocytoma & its neurological manifestations]. PMID- 13480439 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480440 TI - [Recent developments in the medical treatment of essential trigeminal neuralgia: importance of various anti-epileptic medication]. PMID- 13480441 TI - [Familial forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]. PMID- 13480442 TI - [Several particular aspects of EEG in tumoral epilepsy in adults]. PMID- 13480443 TI - [Annual progress: neurology]. PMID- 13480444 TI - [Diagnosis of non-traumatic comas]. PMID- 13480445 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480446 TI - [Horton disease; temporal arteritis]. PMID- 13480447 TI - [Duhring-Brocq disease]. PMID- 13480448 TI - [Mycosis fungoides]. PMID- 13480450 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480449 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480451 TI - [Carcinoids of the small intestine]. PMID- 13480452 TI - [Hirschprung disease]. PMID- 13480453 TI - [Stein-Leventhal syndrome; outline & position]. PMID- 13480454 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480455 TI - [Adenovirus infections of the respiratory tract]. PMID- 13480456 TI - [Exanthema subitum or roseola infantum]. PMID- 13480457 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480458 TI - [Pseudo-sclerosis of Westphal-Strumpell]. PMID- 13480459 TI - [Tumors of the jugular glomus]. PMID- 13480460 TI - [Stylalgia or the syndrome of the long styloid apophysis]. PMID- 13480462 TI - [Sturge-Weber-Krabbe syndrome]. PMID- 13480461 TI - [Retrolental fibroplasia]. PMID- 13480463 TI - [Gargoylism (or Hyrler-Hunter-Pfanndler diseases)]. PMID- 13480464 TI - [Herpetic disease of newborn]. PMID- 13480465 TI - [Loffler syndrome and pulmonary eosinophilia]. PMID- 13480466 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480467 TI - [Primary hyperchloremic acidosis (Lightwood-Butler-Albright syndrome)]. PMID- 13480468 TI - [Clinical indications for brassica oleracea; clinical studies of the anti-ulcer factor]. PMID- 13480469 TI - [Further results of new therapy of Parkinsonian syndromes; therapeutic action of 3-phenyl-3-b-diethylamino-ethyl-2-6-dioxy-piperidine hydrochloride administered alone and with reserpine and ritalin]. PMID- 13480470 TI - [Polycorticoid hormone therapy in convalescence; effectiveness of oral therapy]. PMID- 13480472 TI - [Modern methods of drug investigation. I. Microanalysis by stain method. II. Paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13480471 TI - [Rheumatism and tumors]. PMID- 13480473 TI - [Failures in therapy; disadvantages of antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13480474 TI - [Clinical aspects of 183 cases of epidemic influenza caused by virus A 1/57 Singapore; therapeutic contribution]. PMID- 13480475 TI - Complications of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13480476 TI - Restoration of upper limb function after radical mastectomy. PMID- 13480477 TI - Serum proteins in chronic diseases of different etiologies; electrophoresis of serum proteins, glycoproteins, and lipoproteins in chronically ill patients. PMID- 13480478 TI - Promazine for emotionally disturbed, chronically ill, institutionalized aged. PMID- 13480480 TI - The combined hospital-home program: a critique; a decade of experience with a new geriatric resource. PMID- 13480481 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis. PMID- 13480479 TI - A study of prednisone therapy for emphysema. PMID- 13480482 TI - Self-classification as old or not old. PMID- 13480483 TI - The health of older people in Florida. PMID- 13480484 TI - Paralysis agitans; aspects of functional training. PMID- 13480486 TI - Nutritional problems in the aged. PMID- 13480485 TI - The key role of the physician in geriatric research. PMID- 13480487 TI - The fractured hip in hemiplegic patients. PMID- 13480488 TI - Speech therapy for the geriatric patient. PMID- 13480489 TI - Gastrointestinal disorders in the elderly. PMID- 13480490 TI - Effect of pancreatic lipase and bile plus lipase on serum cholesterol and lipoproteins. PMID- 13480491 TI - Metrazol for central nervous system arteriosclerosis in aging patients. PMID- 13480492 TI - The influence of antibiotics on aged mental patients. PMID- 13480493 TI - Rupture of the right ventricle; report of 7 cases studied post mortem. PMID- 13480494 TI - The elderly handicapped worker in industry. PMID- 13480495 TI - Cerebrovascular insufficiency associated with unrecognized myocardial infarction. PMID- 13480496 TI - The inadequate myocardium of the geriatric patient. PMID- 13480497 TI - Restorative medicine and the geriatric patient. PMID- 13480499 TI - [Calcium metabolism of various organs in young and old animals]. PMID- 13480498 TI - A visit to the Drexel Home in Chicago. PMID- 13480500 TI - Effects of large ingestion of butter and other foods on haematic features in ageing. PMID- 13480501 TI - Submicroscopic morphology of connective tissue ground substance with particular regard to fibrillogenesis and aging. PMID- 13480502 TI - The relation between amyloid and ageing in comparative pathology. PMID- 13480503 TI - [Evaluation of the effectiveness of long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (erythema luminescent lamps) and its comparison with vitamin D2 in prevention of vitamin D deficiency]. PMID- 13480504 TI - [Data for hygienic evaluation of acrolein as a factor in air pollution]. PMID- 13480505 TI - [Hygienic effectiveness of purification of sewage in the Krasnodar petroleum plant]. PMID- 13480506 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of radiant heating systems]. PMID- 13480508 TI - [Utilization in copper smelting industry of the method of burning in so-called boiling layer and its hygienic evaluation]. PMID- 13480507 TI - [Application of radiant cooling in creation of favorable meteorological conditioned resting places for workers in hot plants]. PMID- 13480509 TI - [Preventive significance of examination of the upper respiratory tract in workers in chemical industry]. PMID- 13480510 TI - [Effect of manual training on functional conditions of the organism in students of the third and fourth grades]. PMID- 13480511 TI - [A. N. Sysin as social worker]. PMID- 13480512 TI - [Planning, construction, and utilization of medical institutions in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13480513 TI - [Discussion on the problem of hygienic control of the external environment]. PMID- 13480514 TI - [Problem of protection of water supply from pollution]. PMID- 13480515 TI - [Sanitary and hygienic evaluation of construction of low houses during one quarter]. PMID- 13480516 TI - [Method of determination of iodine in natural water]. PMID- 13480517 TI - [Haptene reaction in hygienic evaluation of soil]. PMID- 13480518 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of hydraulic purification of lithium]. PMID- 13480519 TI - [Hepatic changes in rats in chronic intoxication with silvane (2-methylfuran)]. PMID- 13480520 TI - [Clinical aspects of occupational neuritis in workers in diamond industry]. PMID- 13480521 TI - [Determination of dimethylaniline in the air in industrial environment]. PMID- 13480522 TI - [Number of Musca domestica L. as index of effectiveness of sanitary conditions and of sanitary preventive measures in large cities]. PMID- 13480523 TI - [Result of application of insecticide mixture of DDT in control of flies]. PMID- 13480525 TI - [Degree of E. coli septicemia in immunized animals]. PMID- 13480524 TI - [Effect of penicillin V in experimental staphylococcal septicemia]. PMID- 13480526 TI - [Brucellar endocarditis; case report]. PMID- 13480527 TI - [The Romanov-Schnerson test for the study of the toxinogenic activity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in vitro]. PMID- 13480529 TI - [Effect of anaphylactic shock on experimental septicemia]. PMID- 13480528 TI - [Use of monkey serum in the preparation of the Elek-Frobischer medium for the study of the toxinogenic activity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13480530 TI - [Coagulation factor in experimental micrococcal septicemia]. PMID- 13480531 TI - [Lyophilized esophageal homotransplants in reestablishment of continuity of the esophagus; experimental studies]. PMID- 13480532 TI - [Closed injuries of abdominal parenchymatous organs and two-stage rupture of the spleen; clinical notes on 29 surgical cases]. PMID- 13480533 TI - [Demonstration of fibrinogen and of the behavior of heparin by paper electrophoresis]. PMID- 13480534 TI - [Hemorrhages caused by lesions of the liver & bile ducts, with special reference to the hemobilic syndrome]. PMID- 13480535 TI - [Experimental investigations and critical notes on the effects of artificial hypothermia on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13480536 TI - [An unusual case of myeloplaxic tumor of the fifth toe]. PMID- 13480537 TI - [The effect of neurectomy of a portion of the common renal artery on regression of experimental mechanical jaundice]. PMID- 13480538 TI - [Notes on surgical technic in supra-condylar fractures of the humerus]. PMID- 13480539 TI - [Semeiological value of subclavian arteriography in recurrent goiter]. PMID- 13480540 TI - [Gastric obstruction after resection, 176 case reports on operations performed by the same technic & by the same surgeon]. PMID- 13480541 TI - [Case of intercostal neurinoma with intrathoracic development]. PMID- 13480542 TI - [Curarizing agents in geriatric surgery]. PMID- 13480543 TI - [Length of pulmonary hilus with respect to its surgical ligation; anatomical study]. PMID- 13480544 TI - [Substitution of tibia by transplanted fibula; clinical aspects]. PMID- 13480545 TI - [Intravenous anesthesia with a steroid]. PMID- 13480546 TI - [Glioma of cerebellopontile angle]. PMID- 13480547 TI - [Remote control of collateral circulation time in cervical carotid thrombosis]. PMID- 13480549 TI - [Spinal aracnoiditis: a clinical case and therapeutic considerations]. PMID- 13480548 TI - [Findings on the effects of enteramine (5-hydroxytryptamine) on the central nervous system; electrocorticographic study study. II]. PMID- 13480550 TI - [Hepatic coma]. PMID- 13480551 TI - [Parameters of single action potentials of the muscles in infectious polyneuritis; 15 case reports]. PMID- 13480552 TI - [EEG findings in migraine]. PMID- 13480553 TI - [Depersonalization in melancholia; psychopathological & clinical aspects]. PMID- 13480554 TI - [Clinical findings on epileptic-type language disorders]. PMID- 13480555 TI - [Anatomo-histopathological case contribution to the study of leucotomy, with special reference to the development & physiopathological significance related to thalamocortical lesions]. PMID- 13480556 TI - [Various aspects of the schizophrenic protocol]. PMID- 13480557 TI - [A paranoid syndrome of anthropological concept]. PMID- 13480558 TI - [Epilepsy in cerebral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13480559 TI - [Cerebral calcinosis: anatomic and clinical case]. PMID- 13480560 TI - [Case of pure convergent nystagmus with pendular movements]. PMID- 13480562 TI - [Research on d-ribose in muscular atrophy]. PMID- 13480561 TI - [Findings on 100 cases of psychomotor epilepsy in children]. PMID- 13480563 TI - [Electrophoretic research on the protein composition of intracranial neoplastic tissues]. PMID- 13480564 TI - [Findings on the Funkenstein test & its correlation with the psychogalvanic reflex]. PMID- 13480565 TI - [Myasthenia & optokinetic nystagmus]. PMID- 13480566 TI - [Contribution of electrophoretic research to the study of the mechanism of cerebrospinal fluid production]. PMID- 13480567 TI - [Recurrent paralyses of cranial nerves; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13480568 TI - [A case of superior cerebellar artery thrombosis]. PMID- 13480569 TI - [Study of the language of a mental patient]. PMID- 13480570 TI - Functional obstruction of the left ventricle; acquired aortic subvalvar stenosis. PMID- 13480571 TI - Pseudo-cholinesterase levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13480572 TI - The classification of contaminants in statistical analysis; a system for the presentation of sources of error in clinical research. PMID- 13480573 TI - An evaluation of some factors affecting oestrogen response in the treatment of advanced cancer of the breast. PMID- 13480574 TI - The diagnosis by cardiac catheterization of superior mediastinal anomalous pulmonary veins. PMID- 13480575 TI - Cardiac output and vascular pressures in 10 normal children and adolescents. PMID- 13480576 TI - The surgical treatment of hallux valgus. PMID- 13480577 TI - The operative treatment of hallux valgus; a review of a radical operation. PMID- 13480578 TI - Clinical trial of carbutamide (BZ 55) in diabetic outpatients. PMID- 13480579 TI - Mitral valvotomy and aortic embolism. PMID- 13480580 TI - [The uterine cervix: the cervical hymen and the transition zone between the two epithelia]. PMID- 13480581 TI - [Cytomegalic inclusion disease of the newborn; case report]. PMID- 13480583 TI - [Preliminary notes on the study of interstitial nephritis of pregnancy; importance of minute-count of urinary leukocytes; fetal prognosis and therapeutic deductions]. PMID- 13480582 TI - [Further studies of experimental apoplexia uteri in pregnant rats; preventive action of vitamin E]. PMID- 13480584 TI - [Our current practice in conduct of labor]. PMID- 13480585 TI - [Images of utero-salpingian lymphatic in hysterography; problem of mucosal permeability]. PMID- 13480586 TI - [Results obtained in potentiated gynecological anesthesia]. PMID- 13480587 TI - [A case of fetal ichthyosis]. PMID- 13480588 TI - [Brow presentation]. PMID- 13480590 TI - [Critique on a classification of plasmacell proliferations]. PMID- 13480589 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480591 TI - [Leg ulcer in Mediterranean blood disease]. PMID- 13480592 TI - [Relation between bone & marrow changes in blood diseases & metastatic carcinomatosis]. PMID- 13480593 TI - [Cytochemical anomalies in the erythroblastic cytoplasm in cases of anemia caused by chronic benzol poisoning]. PMID- 13480594 TI - [Megacaryocytic myelosis & osteomyelosclerosis; nosographic & pathogenic similarities & differences]. PMID- 13480595 TI - [Iron metabolism in relation to physiological erythropoiesis. VII. Conclusive findings]. PMID- 13480596 TI - [Thrombopenic thrombotio purpura]. PMID- 13480597 TI - [Rare & atypical granulation of lymphatic leukemic cells]. PMID- 13480598 TI - [Splenectomy & its remote results in patients with Werlhof's disease]. PMID- 13480599 TI - [Identification of splenomegaly or hypersplenism in Wv/+ mice]. PMID- 13480600 TI - [X-ray therapy of lymphosarcoma & reticulosarcoma; review of 35 cases treated between 1944 & 1956]. PMID- 13480601 TI - [Biological characterization of the coagulant properties of human milk]. PMID- 13480602 TI - [Research on the phenomenon of binuclearity of hemopoietic cells; microcinematographic demonstration of a new special modality in the formation of binucleate cells]. PMID- 13480604 TI - [Initial findings on the use of adenosinetriphosphoric acid in the treatment of various lymph diseases; preliminary note]. PMID- 13480603 TI - [Bone marrow regeneration in experimental 6-mercaptopurine poisoning]. PMID- 13480605 TI - [Quantitative study on starch electrophoresis of normal hemoglobin & hemoglobin in thalassemia]. PMID- 13480606 TI - [Clinico-pathological observations on amebic abscesses of the liver]. PMID- 13480607 TI - [The problem of precordial pain]. PMID- 13480608 TI - [Discussion of cardiac pain]. PMID- 13480609 TI - [Variations in infant mortality in Israel, 1954-6]. PMID- 13480610 TI - [Jaundice due to disturbances of intrahepatic bile flow]. PMID- 13480612 TI - [Absence of sperm in human semen]. PMID- 13480611 TI - [25 Years of hormonal treatment of cryptorchidism]. PMID- 13480613 TI - [Intestinal obstruction due to a slice of orange]. PMID- 13480614 TI - [Accidents among the aged and their prevention]. PMID- 13480615 TI - [Diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the lungs (Hamman-Rich syndrome)]. PMID- 13480616 TI - [The treatment of 60 cases of acute osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13480617 TI - [Salmonella infections of the biliary tract]. PMID- 13480618 TI - [Rufus of Samaria; a Jewish medical author of the I-II Cent. C. E]. PMID- 13480619 TI - Salmonellosis and shigellosis on Oahu, 1948-1955. PMID- 13480620 TI - Dermabrasion for acne scars and other skin defects. PMID- 13480621 TI - Erythroblastic hypoplasia associated with a thymoma; review, and report of a case. PMID- 13480622 TI - Coma following meprobamate. PMID- 13480623 TI - [Study of psittacosis]. PMID- 13480624 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480626 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480625 TI - [Metastasizing carcinoid of the small intestines]. PMID- 13480627 TI - [Periodic disease with hematuria and hemoglobinuria]. PMID- 13480628 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480629 TI - [Macroglobulinemia with vocal cord carcinoma]. PMID- 13480630 TI - [New view points in the field of biliary pigment metabolism]. PMID- 13480631 TI - [Modern aspects of the therapy of diabetes]. PMID- 13480632 TI - [Diabetes mellitus as one of endocrine diseases]. PMID- 13480633 TI - [Discussion on the 2nd main report (diabetes mellitus)]. PMID- 13480634 TI - [Diabetes mellitus and the adipose tissue]. PMID- 13480635 TI - [Influencing hypotensive states with prostigmin resulting from ganglion block with ecolid in man]. PMID- 13480636 TI - [Mecamylamin (mevasin) in the treatment of essential hypertension]. PMID- 13480637 TI - [Elasticity determination of the vessels and enzyme therapy in arteriosclerosis]. PMID- 13480638 TI - [Mitral stenosis and commissurotomy; 71 cases in personal observation]. PMID- 13480639 TI - [Diagnostic significance of the serum glutamic acid-oxalacetic acid transaminase]. PMID- 13480640 TI - [Importance of transaminase reactions for internal diagnosis]. PMID- 13480641 TI - [Possibility of using the analeptic micorene in the treatment of respiratory insufficiency]. PMID- 13480642 TI - [Relation of poliomyelitic respiratory paralysis to cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13480643 TI - [Determination of diffusion capacity of the lungs with metabograph of Fleisch]. PMID- 13480644 TI - [Effect of sitosterin on serum lipoids]. PMID- 13480645 TI - [Erythropoietic substances of the blood serum]. PMID- 13480646 TI - [Immunology of vascular inflammation from the group of Schonlein-Henoch purpura]. PMID- 13480647 TI - [Clinical significance of hypergammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13480648 TI - [Epidemiology of Q fever]. PMID- 13480649 TI - [Etiology of Wassermann-positive lung infiltrate]. PMID- 13480650 TI - [Clinical contribution to the problem of ornithosis (psittacosis)]. PMID- 13480651 TI - [Clinical aspects and spreading of orphan virus (ECHO virus); report of a case of paralytic myelitis due to ECHO virus type 4]. PMID- 13480652 TI - [Differential diagnosis of non-purulent meningitis with a special reference to orphan virus meningitis]. PMID- 13480653 TI - [Virological and clinical aspects of adenovirus infections]. PMID- 13480654 TI - [Influence of ACTH on secondary adrenal insufficiency]. PMID- 13480655 TI - [Effect of fever therapy on the adrenal response and fibrinolytic activity of blood in man]. PMID- 13480657 TI - [Hypercortisonism caused by adrenal metastases of a bronchial carcinoma]. PMID- 13480656 TI - [Excretion of aldosterone during 24 hours]. PMID- 13480658 TI - [Hypophysectomy in metastatic breast carcinoma; observation of 21 cases]. PMID- 13480659 TI - [Mechanism of adrenalin- and insulin-induced eosinopenia]. PMID- 13480660 TI - [Treatment of hepatic icterus by surgical intervention in common hepatic artery]. PMID- 13480661 TI - [New possibilites of direct enzyme studies in the human liver; measurement of phosphorylating oxidation in cirrhosis]. PMID- 13480662 TI - [Galactose double tolerance test in determination of insufficiency of liver function]. PMID- 13480663 TI - [Immuno-electrophoretic and electrophoretic study of blood proteins in certain liver diseases]. PMID- 13480664 TI - [Sonde-less testing of gastric acidity by azure exchange resins]. PMID- 13480665 TI - [Late vascular syndrome of chronic carbon disulfide poisoning]. PMID- 13480666 TI - [First experience with the artificial kidney of Alwall]. PMID- 13480667 TI - [Effect of parathyroid hormone on renal clearance of phosphorus in hypoparathyroidism]. PMID- 13480668 TI - [Behavior of alpha-ketoglutaric acid in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13480669 TI - [Simultaneous protein and lipoid electrophoresis; results in arteriosclerosis, manifest and latent diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13480670 TI - [Research with radioactive iodine in diagnosis and therapeutic control of circulation disorders in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13480671 TI - [Tubular kidney function in various forms of renal diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13480672 TI - [Spontaneous hypoglycemia in non-pancreatic malignant abdominal tumors]. PMID- 13480673 TI - [Glucagon loading test in healthy children]. PMID- 13480674 TI - [Peripheral glucose utilization after intravenous glucagon loading]. PMID- 13480675 TI - [The problem of glucagon in juvenile diabetics]. PMID- 13480676 TI - [The glucagon problem in glycogenosis]. PMID- 13480677 TI - [Effect of polysaccharides on the elements of the mesenchymal system]. PMID- 13480678 TI - [Synthesis of fats starting from acetate or glucose. III. Role of insulin in mice in vivo]. PMID- 13480679 TI - [Effects of carbonic acid on tracheal preparations]. PMID- 13480680 TI - [Comparative studies on elastic pulmonary resistance]. PMID- 13480681 TI - [Pharmacodynamic and functional relationship between corticosteroids and the sensitivity of certain organs toward pitressin]. PMID- 13480682 TI - [Effects of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) on a conditioned escape response in rats]. PMID- 13480683 TI - [Histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in tissue mast cells of albino rats]. PMID- 13480684 TI - [Effects of D-Lysergic acid diethylamide and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) on spinal reflexes in cats]. PMID- 13480685 TI - [Mechanism of biological methanol oxidation]. PMID- 13480686 TI - [Infant mortality in the Autonomous Region of Kosovo-Metohija]. PMID- 13480687 TI - [Kwashiorkor in Kosmet]. PMID- 13480689 TI - [Health status of school children in Belgrade]. PMID- 13480688 TI - [Results of fluorographic examination of adolescents born in 1937 in the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina & in the People's Republic of Serbia]. PMID- 13480690 TI - [Value and importance of tetanus revaccination]. PMID- 13480691 TI - [Alcoholism in school children in the Subotica District]. PMID- 13480692 TI - [Visiting nurse service in Tuzla industrial area]. PMID- 13480694 TI - [Health service in a factory in relation to preventive work]. PMID- 13480693 TI - [Preventive work in a dermato-venereal dispensary]. PMID- 13480695 TI - [Possibilities for preventive work of obstetricians]. PMID- 13480696 TI - [Importance of demonstration dispensary for women in a school for midwives]. PMID- 13480697 TI - [Importance of health education in protection of public health]. PMID- 13480698 TI - [Organization of health education in obstetrical wards]. PMID- 13480699 TI - [Alcoholism as the consequence of the influence of society and environment]. PMID- 13480700 TI - [Determination and evaluation of bacterial air pollution]. PMID- 13480701 TI - [Findings in psittacosis-ornithosis]. PMID- 13480702 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480703 TI - [Diagnostic difficulties and sources of risk for the chiropractic physician. II. Spinal circulatory disorders, vertebral abnormalities, vertebral tumors, spondylitis, etc]. PMID- 13480704 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480705 TI - [Mud therapy]. PMID- 13480706 TI - [Indications for fasting, stationary and ambulant]. PMID- 13480707 TI - [Natural treatment of autonomic dystonia]. PMID- 13480708 TI - [Alstonia constricta; a substitute for Rauwolfia]. PMID- 13480709 TI - [A simple, routine treatment of psoriasis with an ointment combination]. PMID- 13480710 TI - [Autonomic dystonia and its effect on the main functional systems of the organism]. PMID- 13480711 TI - [A simple colorimetric measurement in determination of proteolytic potential of blood; preliminary report]. PMID- 13480712 TI - [Successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by methods improving metabolism and revulsive methods]. PMID- 13480713 TI - [Therapy with a heart curing bath, a biological synthesis and clinical therapeutic]. PMID- 13480714 TI - [New therapeutic possibilities in obstetrics and gynecology with the oxazin derivative 2-phenyl-3-methyl-1,4-tetrahydrooxazine (preludin)]. PMID- 13480715 TI - [Results with sicasulfan in therapy of purulent skin diseases, especially furunculosis]. PMID- 13480716 TI - [The promise of warts]. PMID- 13480717 TI - [The soil as a source of infection in histoplasmosis; review of the cases studied in Venezuela]. PMID- 13480718 TI - [Hemodynamics of mitral stenosis. I. Mitral area]. PMID- 13480719 TI - [Morbidity & mortality of tuberculosis in a population which was under permanent medical control for 17 years]. PMID- 13480720 TI - [Spontaneous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13480721 TI - [Data on tuberculin allergy in university students]. PMID- 13480722 TI - [Statistics: comparative study of general mortality & mortality in tuberculosis: Uruguay: 1900-1955]. PMID- 13480723 TI - [Effect of adrenal cortex hormones on basal metabolism. I. Studies on ascites carcinoma cells]. PMID- 13480724 TI - [Activators of carbonic anhydrase]. PMID- 13480725 TI - [Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid in the presence of bases and aluminum salts]. PMID- 13480726 TI - [Synthesis of alpha,gamma-poly-L-glutamic acid and alpha,gamma-poly-D-glutamic acid]. PMID- 13480727 TI - [Two-dimensional electrochromatography and threefold staining of normal serum]. PMID- 13480728 TI - [Initial phase of galactogen hydrolysis]. PMID- 13480729 TI - [Hydrogen ion concentration and carbon dioxide content of the bile in cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13480730 TI - [Isolation of kallikrein. II. Behavior of kallikrein towards alcohol]. PMID- 13480731 TI - [Hemolysis by alpha-monoglyceride]. PMID- 13480732 TI - [Intestinal alkaline phosphatase]. PMID- 13480733 TI - [Paper electrophoretic fractionation of high-molecular portion (core) of ribonucleic acid collected in ribonuclease digestion]. PMID- 13480734 TI - [Protein-bound sugars of normal and pathological sera; behavior in dialysis and towards various precipitating agents]. PMID- 13480735 TI - Hormone therapy of mammary carcinoma in women. PMID- 13480736 TI - [Mental health problems in Turkey]. PMID- 13480737 TI - [Movement of seaman's blue cross and its activities]. PMID- 13480738 TI - The use of an oral hypoglycemic agent as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13480739 TI - The prevention of hyposensitization reactions. PMID- 13480740 TI - Cerebral angiography. PMID- 13480741 TI - Placebos: a panel on the theoretical and practical implications of their use in experimental and clinical medicine. PMID- 13480742 TI - Clinical lesions of the oculomotor nerve. PMID- 13480743 TI - Old Doc, first auto test driver. PMID- 13480744 TI - Juxtadiaphragmatic rupture of the esophagus. PMID- 13480745 TI - Coma after glutethimide (doriden) overdose. PMID- 13480746 TI - Specialization. PMID- 13480747 TI - The analgesic effect induced by repeated administration of histamine and histamine liberators. PMID- 13480748 TI - Experimental studies on the craving for alcohol. I. Alcoholic drive in mice following administration of saline. PMID- 13480749 TI - Possible roles of the central nervous system in the action of morphine on blood pressure. PMID- 13480750 TI - Studies on the potassium content of the heart muscle receiving k-strophanthin and the influence of potassium on the respiration of heart muscle. PMID- 13480751 TI - A group of compounds possessing anticonvulsant activity in the maximal electroshock seizure test. PMID- 13480752 TI - Pharmacological action of Eucommia ulmoides, Oliv. PMID- 13480753 TI - Effect of chlorpromazine on the cell metabolism. PMID- 13480754 TI - A note on cis-urocanid acid. PMID- 13480756 TI - Electromyographic studies of effects of chlorpromazine on nociceptively and proprioceptively induced reflex pattern of rabbits hindlimb. PMID- 13480755 TI - Record of intestinal movement in conscious cats under unrestrained conditions and influences of some general anesthetics. PMID- 13480757 TI - [Cycloserine & its present status in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13480758 TI - [Present status of the problem of gastroenteritis caused by Escherichia coli; occurrence in Portugal]. PMID- 13480759 TI - [Thromboelastography: fundamentals and clinical importance in medicine and surgery]. PMID- 13480760 TI - [Therapy of hepatic coma]. PMID- 13480761 TI - [A visit to the anti-leprosy organizations and establishments in Nigeria]. PMID- 13480762 TI - [Modern times]. PMID- 13480763 TI - [Meningeal tuberculosis; notes on diagnosis and therapy in children]. PMID- 13480764 TI - [Notes on dermatology and venereology in two towns of Angola (Lobito and Benguela: 1954-1957)]. PMID- 13480765 TI - [Opening of the Egas Moniz Study Center in the Santa Maria University Hospital]. PMID- 13480766 TI - [Joao Alberto Pereira de Azevedo Neves; discourse offered as homage in the session of June 18, 1957]. PMID- 13480767 TI - The incidence of carcinoma in functioning and non-functioning solitary thyroid nodules. PMID- 13480768 TI - Bronchial adenoma. PMID- 13480769 TI - A case of sarcoidosis of the colon. PMID- 13480770 TI - The non-surgical treatment of dacryostenosis; a preliminary report. PMID- 13480771 TI - Mammary abscess and mammillary fistula: pathology and roentgenology. PMID- 13480772 TI - Reminiscences of early work on mineral metabolism at the University of Minnesota. PMID- 13480773 TI - Research in the toothbrush; basis and initial findings. PMID- 13480774 TI - Weighing the over-300-pound patient. PMID- 13480776 TI - Bacteriological study of salivary contamination of the dental contra-angle and handpiece. PMID- 13480775 TI - Use of epinephrine with local anesthesia in hypertensive patients. I. Blood pressure and pulse rate observations in the waiting room. PMID- 13480777 TI - Relative abrasiveness of natural and synthetic toothbrush bristles on cementum and dentin. PMID- 13480778 TI - The effects of the addition of certain amino acids to enamel decalcifying buffers. PMID- 13480779 TI - Caries-producing factors: a decade of dental research; project no. 3 of the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. PMID- 13480780 TI - Considerations in the prescription of occlusal rehabilitation. PMID- 13480781 TI - Early correction of anterior cross-bite. PMID- 13480782 TI - Ultrasonic cavity preparation. PMID- 13480783 TI - Debridement in endodontics. PMID- 13480784 TI - Leukemia as a dental problem. PMID- 13480785 TI - Characteristics of ultrasonic vibrations. PMID- 13480786 TI - Practical applications of photography in office use. PMID- 13480787 TI - Naval dental needs and treatment. PMID- 13480788 TI - Efficient appointment scheduling. PMID- 13480790 TI - Dentistry's zone of silence. PMID- 13480789 TI - A courageous lady; Mrs. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. PMID- 13480791 TI - SUPPORT for dental assistants. PMID- 13480792 TI - PIUS XII Pope Pius XII adresses members of the Twelfth Dental Congress. PMID- 13480793 TI - Multiple supernumerary impacted mandibular bicuspids. PMID- 13480794 TI - Control of bleeding in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID- 13480795 TI - Solid lubricants for dental handpieces. PMID- 13480796 TI - BUDGET payment plans for the individual purchase of dental care. IV. PMID- 13480797 TI - AUTHORIZED civilian dental care for active duty Air Force personnel. PMID- 13480798 TI - DENTAL societies show increasing interest in public relations. PMID- 13480799 TI - Labor hours in the dietary department. PMID- 13480800 TI - Composition and nutritive importance of eggs. PMID- 13480801 TI - Serum cholesterol and basal metabolism; a weight-reducing experiment. PMID- 13480802 TI - A study of Japanese men and women in Hawaii; basal metabolism in the elderly. PMID- 13480803 TI - Milk drinking by college students. PMID- 13480804 TI - Determination with a bomb calorimeter; caloric value of food served in a woman's residance hall. PMID- 13480805 TI - Nutrition in tuberculosis. IV. Adaptation to hospitalization. PMID- 13480806 TI - Management's viewpoint on safety. PMID- 13480807 TI - Observations on the management of hypertension, including the use of antihypertensive drugs. PMID- 13480808 TI - Realism in the use of tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13480809 TI - Treatment of anxiety and agitation with proclorperazine in geriatric patients. PMID- 13480810 TI - Practical considerations in the management of the geriatric surgical patient. PMID- 13480811 TI - Major surgery in patients over 80. PMID- 13480812 TI - Host-tumor antagonism. VIII. The psychologic component involved in the host resistance to cancer. PMID- 13480813 TI - Panel discussion of the clinical management of myocardial infarction. PMID- 13480814 TI - Extended sympathectomy in the treatment of chronic arthritis. PMID- 13480815 TI - Host-tumor antagonism. IX. The reticulo-endothelial system and neoplasia. PMID- 13480816 TI - Clinical uses of yogurt. PMID- 13480817 TI - Management of the geriatric syndrome with nutritional-hormonal supplements. PMID- 13480818 TI - The post-bulbar duodenal spasm syndrome. II. Diagnosis and therapy in the older age group. PMID- 13480819 TI - Age and anesthesia. PMID- 13480820 TI - Graphic and laboratory diagnosis in coronary disease. PMID- 13480821 TI - Master two-step test in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13480822 TI - Laboratory aids in diagnosis of myocardial infarction; changes in muscle enzymes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein in myocardial infarction. PMID- 13480823 TI - Significance of certain early changes in the T wave in coronary disease. PMID- 13480824 TI - Vectorcardiographic diagnosis of coronary artery disease. PMID- 13480825 TI - Physiological responses during total body perfusion with a pump-oxygenator; studies in one hundred twenty patients undergoing open cardiac surgery. PMID- 13480826 TI - Metastatic cancer of the breast treated by adrenalectomy; evaluation and the five year results. PMID- 13480827 TI - The nephrotic syndrome; clinical observations on therapy with prednisone and other steroids. PMID- 13480828 TI - Research in state and local health departments. PMID- 13480829 TI - Prevention of heat casualties. PMID- 13480830 TI - A simple technique for bronchography. PMID- 13480831 TI - Use of a new corticosteroid (aristocort diacetate) in dermatology. PMID- 13480832 TI - Hydralazine syndrome; hypersensitivity or toxicity? its significance in understanding of collagen disease. PMID- 13480833 TI - Death due to eosinophilic myocarditis related to trichinosis; report of a case. PMID- 13480834 TI - COUNCIL on Mental Health; report on narcotic addiction. PMID- 13480835 TI - Hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract; report of three hundred cases and discussion of treatment. PMID- 13480836 TI - Early prostatic carcinoma; a study of causes of delay in performing surgery. PMID- 13480837 TI - Effect of possible smog irritants on human subjects. PMID- 13480838 TI - Orthopedic management of the severely injured patient. PMID- 13480839 TI - Care of the severely injured patient; urologic aspects. PMID- 13480840 TI - Role of the plastic surgeon in management of the severely injured patient. PMID- 13480841 TI - Care of the severely injured patient; neurosurgical injuries. PMID- 13480842 TI - Physiatric aspects of care of the severely injured patient. PMID- 13480843 TI - Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase in dermatomyositis. PMID- 13480844 TI - The use of angiocardiography as an aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease. PMID- 13480845 TI - Differential diagnosis of dizziness. PMID- 13480846 TI - Status of corticotropin and the steroid hormones in therapy of allergic disease. PMID- 13480847 TI - Treatment of cardiac arrest due to acute potassium intoxication; restoration of normal sinus rhythm after treatment with artificial kidney. PMID- 13480848 TI - The oculoglandular form of cat-scratch disease. PMID- 13480850 TI - Preparation for retirement is a must. PMID- 13480851 TI - COUNCIL on mental health; report on narcotic addiction. PMID- 13480849 TI - Treatment of postgastrectomy dumping syndrome by hypnotic suggestion; preliminary report. PMID- 13480852 TI - Evaluation and management of the brain-damaged patient. PMID- 13480853 TI - Diagnosis and clinical course of regional enteritis. PMID- 13480854 TI - Nonsurgical management of regional enteritis. PMID- 13480855 TI - Surgical viewpoint in regional ileitis. PMID- 13480856 TI - Pathological anatomy of regional enteritis. PMID- 13480857 TI - [VACCINATION against Asian influenza; basis for recommendations and a preliminary report on efficacy]. PMID- 13480858 TI - Changing status of virological diagnostic services. PMID- 13480859 TI - Dithiazanine, an effective broad-spectrum anthelmintic; results of therapy of trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, enterobiasis, ascariasis, and hookworm infection. PMID- 13480860 TI - Percutaneous tracheotomy. PMID- 13480861 TI - Research, serendipity, and orthopedic surgery. PMID- 13480862 TI - Perforation of trachea during tracheotomy performed with Sheldon tracheotome. PMID- 13480863 TI - A new rapid tracheotomy instrument. PMID- 13480864 TI - Phenylketonuria. PMID- 13480865 TI - Serendipity; big word in medical progress. PMID- 13480866 TI - Practical plan for long-term treatment of hypertension. PMID- 13480867 TI - Obstetric analgesia and anesthesia in general practice. PMID- 13480868 TI - Comparison of regional and general anesthesia in obstetrics; with special reference to transmission of cyclopropane across the placenta. PMID- 13480869 TI - Pediatric contributions to neurology. PMID- 13480870 TI - Present-day treatment of tuberculosis and pregnancy. PMID- 13480871 TI - Treatment of ventricular septal defects. PMID- 13480872 TI - The protective effect of monovalent Asian-strain vaccine against Asian influenza. PMID- 13480873 TI - Severe immediate reactions to biologicals caused by silk allergy. PMID- 13480874 TI - Use of citrated calcium carbimide (temposil) in treatment of chronic alcoholism. PMID- 13480875 TI - Location of tumor diagnoses in a standard nomenclature punched-card disease index. PMID- 13480876 TI - Neostigmine therapy for apnea occurring after administration of neomycin; report of a case. PMID- 13480877 TI - Spectrographic study of trace elements in cancerous and noncancerous human tissues. PMID- 13480878 TI - PAINFUL knee, drop foot, and hemoptysis. PMID- 13480879 TI - USE OF paternity tests in criminal proceedings for nonsupport. PMID- 13480881 TI - Psychiatric approach in educational therapy with emotionally disturbed children. PMID- 13480880 TI - Rheumatic fever: progress in the last twenty years. PMID- 13480882 TI - The Mobile Psychiatric Clinic of the Medical College of Virginia. PMID- 13480883 TI - Organization of poison information centers. PMID- 13480884 TI - Streamlining the preventive management of inhalant allergy, with special reference to pollens and housedust. PMID- 13480885 TI - PANEL on emotional health of the family. PMID- 13480886 TI - Recent advances in neurosurgery. PMID- 13480887 TI - Borderline acceptable closed reductions. PMID- 13480888 TI - Agammaglobulinemia. PMID- 13480889 TI - Blood platelets in the infant. PMID- 13480890 TI - Electrocardiographic abnormalities in conditions other than heart disease. PMID- 13480892 TI - Trimalleolar fractures. PMID- 13480891 TI - Addison's disease. PMID- 13480893 TI - Psychopharmacology and hypnotism. PMID- 13480894 TI - Uterine curettage a statistical evaluation covering a 10-year period in Flint Osteopathic Hospital. PMID- 13480895 TI - Pantothenyl alcohol in adynamic ileus. PMID- 13480896 TI - Case report; tetanus neonatorum. PMID- 13480897 TI - Simplified medical photography. PMID- 13480898 TI - Internal and external public relations. PMID- 13480899 TI - Control of leukosis in fowl. PMID- 13480900 TI - Recent studies on the natural transmission of visceral lymphomatosis in chickens. PMID- 13480901 TI - Vasculature of external nares and related areas in the dog. PMID- 13480902 TI - A preliminary report on the treatment of cystic ovaries in dairy cattle by the injection of gonadotropic hormones directly into the follicular cyst. PMID- 13480904 TI - Muscular dystrophy in calves and lambs. I. The relation of environmental condition to incidence. PMID- 13480903 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13480905 TI - The use of an adsorbed swine erysipelas bacterin; a controlled field test. PMID- 13480906 TI - Unusual tuberculous lesion in a wallaby. PMID- 13480907 TI - Modern day nutrition; a roadblock or an opportunity. PMID- 13480909 TI - Toxoplasmosis in a swamp wallaby. PMID- 13480908 TI - A new drug, cyanacethydrazide, for the oral and subcutaneous treatment of lungworm disease in animals. PMID- 13480910 TI - Precautions taken to prevent introduction of foreign diseases. PMID- 13480911 TI - Luminal fluids of bovine female genitalia. PMID- 13480912 TI - Patellectomy and a variation of Paatsama's operation on the anterior cruciate ligament of a dog. PMID- 13480913 TI - Ovine coccidiosis; incidence, possible endotoxin, and treatment. PMID- 13480914 TI - Lime poisoning in chickens. PMID- 13480915 TI - Control of cattle grubs by an orally administered organic phosphorous compound. PMID- 13480916 TI - Abortion in mares associated with leptospirosis. PMID- 13480917 TI - Observations on hog cholera vaccination in garbage-fed swine in Connecticut. PMID- 13480918 TI - Intravenous use of phthalofyne (whipcide) in the treatment of canine whip-worms. PMID- 13480919 TI - The formulation of milk substitutes for dairy calves. PMID- 13480920 TI - Infectious canine hepatitis. PMID- 13480921 TI - Further studies on the whey plate test for brucellosis. PMID- 13480922 TI - Experiences in California with the whey test for brucellosis. PMID- 13480923 TI - Anthelmintics for poultry. PMID- 13480924 TI - Hemilaminectomy in a dog with bone graft and metal internal fixation. PMID- 13480925 TI - Studies on experimental epizootic bovine abortion. PMID- 13480927 TI - Chlortetracycline as a preventative of vibrionic abortion of sheep. PMID- 13480926 TI - Paratyphoid dysentery and paratyphoid abortion in a flock of bred yearling ewes. PMID- 13480928 TI - Prednisone (meticorten) as supportive therapy in stress conditions in large animals. PMID- 13480929 TI - Distemper in raccoons and foxes suspected of having rabies. PMID- 13480930 TI - A fatal nematodiasis in the camel. PMID- 13480931 TI - DR. SEIGO HOSOYA: In memoriam. PMID- 13480932 TI - Melanomycin, a new antitumor substance from Streptomyces. I. PMID- 13480933 TI - Melanomycin, a new antitumor substance from streptomyces. II. Description of the strain. PMID- 13480934 TI - Effect of pluramycin A on Ehrlich carcinoma of mice; studies on antitumor substance produced by actinomycetes. XIII. PMID- 13480935 TI - Treatment of chronic sinusitis in children with various antibiotics by oral administration. PMID- 13480936 TI - The sensitivity of the staphylococci which were separated from the maxillary sinus of children to various antibiotics. PMID- 13480937 TI - Studies on homomycin. V. The degradation and the structure of homomycin. PMID- 13480939 TI - Manual dexterity in the cold. PMID- 13480938 TI - A preparation for electron microscopic study of actinomycetes. PMID- 13480940 TI - Supplemental feeding and thermal comfort during sleep in the cold. PMID- 13480941 TI - Local and systemic adaptation to topical cold exposure. PMID- 13480942 TI - Effect of food, climate and exercise on rectal temperature during the day. PMID- 13480943 TI - Pulmonary circulation and transcapillary exchange of electrolytes. PMID- 13480944 TI - Validation of a method for measuring the output of the right ventricle in man by inscription of dye-dilution curves from the pulmonary artery. PMID- 13480945 TI - An improved polarographic method for measuring oxygen tension in whole blood. PMID- 13480946 TI - Ventilation-perfusion variations within the lung. PMID- 13480947 TI - Oxygen cost of forced breathing in the submerged resting subjects. PMID- 13480948 TI - Compliance of the lung in anesthetized paralyzed subjects. PMID- 13480949 TI - Revised equations for calculation of blood flow and central blood volume from indicator-dilution curves. PMID- 13480950 TI - Dynamic response characteristics of systems for continuous recording of concentration changes in a flowing liquid (for example, indicator-dilution curves). PMID- 13480951 TI - Thoracic-aorta flow in man. PMID- 13480952 TI - Effect of glucagon on food intake and body weight in man. PMID- 13480953 TI - Osmotic pressure of human sweat. PMID- 13480954 TI - Visualization of individual lipoprotein macromolecules in the electron microscope. PMID- 13480955 TI - Effect of differences in salt and hydrogen ion concentration on the fertilizing ability of avian sperm. PMID- 13480956 TI - Phosphate treatment of alumina gel weakness in young chicks. PMID- 13480957 TI - Effect of sarin on dark adaptation in man: threshold changes. PMID- 13480958 TI - Effect of sarin on dark adaptation in man: mechanism of action. PMID- 13480959 TI - Thrombin inhibition of the lipoprotein lipase system. PMID- 13480960 TI - Interrelationship of prothrombin and autoprothrombin I in thrombocytopenia following aminopterin administration. PMID- 13480961 TI - Modification of the thermal radiation method for assessing antinociceptive activity in the rat. PMID- 13480962 TI - Convulsant threshold dosages of picrotoxin and strychnine sulfate in normal and epileptic monkeys. PMID- 13480963 TI - Relationship of adrenal cortical function to flicker fusion thresholds. PMID- 13480964 TI - Effect of posture on strength of the knee flexor and extensor muscles. PMID- 13480965 TI - Relation to the central nervous system of neural pathways mediating histamine flare and nicotine sweating. PMID- 13480966 TI - A source of error in respiratory gas sampling and analysis. PMID- 13480967 TI - A pulse simulator for the study of flash burns. PMID- 13480968 TI - A simple method for recording tremors in mice. PMID- 13480969 TI - Transducer for continuous registration of heart rate. PMID- 13480970 TI - A chamber for continuous exposure to low barometric pressure. PMID- 13480971 TI - Blood pressure stabilizing device and blood reservoir for inducing hemorrhagic hypotension. PMID- 13480972 TI - Temperature control for fluids bathing mammalian tissues during direct microscopic observation. PMID- 13480973 TI - A sensitive method for registration of human intratympanic muscle reflexes. PMID- 13480974 TI - Hemorrhagic diseases. PMID- 13480976 TI - General principles of management in injuries of the eye. PMID- 13480975 TI - Hypnotherapy in psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology. PMID- 13480977 TI - Otolaryngology. PMID- 13480978 TI - Obsteric principles involved in the induction of labor. PMID- 13480979 TI - What makes a flyer ill. PMID- 13480980 TI - A new look at aviation physiology. PMID- 13480981 TI - The hostile environment as a cause of aircraft accidents. PMID- 13480982 TI - Crash injury research; a means of greater safety in aircraft accidents. PMID- 13480983 TI - Physiologic factors in aircraft accidents in the U.S. Air Force. PMID- 13480984 TI - Acquired myopia in airline pilots. PMID- 13480985 TI - Liljencrantz and Boynton; a study in heroism. PMID- 13480986 TI - A technique for instrumenting sub-gravity flights. PMID- 13480987 TI - Correlates of manifest anxiety in beginning pilot trainees. PMID- 13480988 TI - Frederick George Novy, 1864-1957. PMID- 13480989 TI - Modified method of determining mutation rates in bacteria. PMID- 13480990 TI - Effect of starvation for glucose during reversion of a long term adapting yeast. PMID- 13480991 TI - Division synchronization in a respiratory deficient yeast. PMID- 13480992 TI - Metabolism of fructose-1,6-diphosphate and acetate in Acetobacter suboxydans. PMID- 13480993 TI - Reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide oxidase of Pasteurella tularensis. PMID- 13480994 TI - Effect of culture filtrates on sporogenesis in a species of Clostridium. PMID- 13480995 TI - Immunization of mice against Listeria monocytogenes. PMID- 13480996 TI - Evaluation of an improved chemically defined medium for the culture of Diplococcus pneumoniae. PMID- 13480997 TI - Numbers of enterococci in water, sewage, and feces determined by the membrane filter technique with an improved medium. PMID- 13480999 TI - Structure and development of viruses of the psittacosis-lymphogranuloma group observed in the electron microscope. PMID- 13480998 TI - Effect of divalent cations in the sporulation medium on the thermal death rate of Bacillus coagulans var. thermoacidurans. PMID- 13481000 TI - Studies on the milky disease organisms. I. Parasitic growth and sporulation of Bacillus popilliae. PMID- 13481001 TI - Studies on the milky disease organisms. II. Saprophytic growth of Bacillus popilliae. PMID- 13481002 TI - Studies on pigmentation of Serratia marcescens. IV. Analysis of syntrophic pigment. PMID- 13481003 TI - Reversible inactivation of the toxicity and hemolytic activity of typhus rickettsiae by starvation. PMID- 13481004 TI - A new species (Flavobacterium polyglutamicum) which hydrolyzes the gamma-L glutamyl bond in polypeptides. PMID- 13481005 TI - Glycolytic and respiratory enzymes of Trichophyton mentagrophytes. PMID- 13481006 TI - Macromolecular composition of three strains of Streptococcus pyogenes. PMID- 13481007 TI - Identification of Malleomyces by specific bacteriophages. PMID- 13481008 TI - Studies on a toxic cellular component of group A streptococci. PMID- 13481009 TI - Analysis of leukocytic extracts from guinea pigs hypersensitive to tuberculin and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene. PMID- 13481010 TI - Metabolism of progesterone by Cylindrocarpon radicicola and Streptomyces lavendulae. PMID- 13481011 TI - Gene control of fermentation in Saccharomyces without control of permeability. PMID- 13481012 TI - Studies on nitrate reduction by Escherichia coli. PMID- 13481013 TI - Formation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae of asci with more than four spores. PMID- 13481014 TI - Catalase activity in Pediococcus cerevisiae as related to hydrogen ion activity. PMID- 13481015 TI - Infrared absorption studies of purified normal and virus infected mousebrain suspensions. PMID- 13481016 TI - Illuminator for chorioallantoic membrane pock counting. PMID- 13481017 TI - Studies on depolarization of light at microscope lens surfaces. II. The simultaneous realization of high resolution and high sensitivity with the polarizing microscope. PMID- 13481018 TI - Electron microscopic observations of the olfactory mucosa and olfactory nerve. AB - The olfactory receptor cell is characterized by a distal process (the dendrite) which terminates in the olfactory passage as the olfactory rod. The olfactory rod is provided with numerous cilia which are similar in structure to those seen in other tissues. The central processes of the bipolar cell constitute the fila olfactoria. The cytoplasmic organelles of the sustentacular cell are concentrated at the apical and basal ends of the cell with a paucity of cytoplasmic elements in the region of the nucleus. The plasma membrane of the supporting cell forms a mesaxon for both the dendrite and axon of the bipolar cell. Terminal bars are present in the epithelial cells. The axons constituting the fila olfactoria form fascicles which are ensheathed by mesaxons of adjacent Schwann cells. Thus the olfactory neurons are ensheathed throughout their course by the membranes of sustentacular and Schwann cells. Observations of the olfactory mucosa with the electron microscope are discussed with respect to recent electrophysiological studies. PMID- 13481019 TI - The fine structural organisation of Rous tumour cells. AB - The fibroblast-like tumour cells of Rous sarcomata have been studied in thin sections with the electron microscope. A description is given of the fine structure of the cells which includes some features not hitherto recorded. The tightly packed piles of smooth cisternae usually found only in the centrosome region have been observed, in individual Rous cells, in two separate areas of cytoplasm at opposite poles of the nucleus. Continuity between the perinuclear space and the lumen of rough surfaced cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum has frequently been found; a similar continuity between the cisternae and the exterior of the cell has also been seen. In some cases, the cell membrane has been shown to have an unbroken connection with the outer nuclear membrane through continuity with the limiting membranes of elements of the endoplasmic reticulum. These findings are discussed. PMID- 13481020 TI - Electron microscopic observations of amoeba proteus in growth and inanition. AB - Electron microscopic observations have been made on growing and dividing specimens of Amoeba proteus and also on starving animals. Structures presumably corresponding to the mitochondria, alpha particles, vacuoles, and Golgi material are described. A new entity, designated as a foamy particle, is noted. Descriptions are given of the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes. During division the inner, thick nuclear membrane component is seen to vanish and the outer membrane persist. Measurements suggest a gradual reappearance of the inner component with growth. Starving animals show a loss of cytoplasmic granularity and an increase in the electron density of mitochondria, presumably due to lipide accumulation. PMID- 13481021 TI - Architecture and nerve supply of mammalian smooth muscle tissue. AB - Smooth muscle tissue from mouse urinary bladder, uterus, and gall bladder has been studied by means of the electron microscope. The smooth muscle cells are distinctly and completely separated from each other by a cytolemma comparable to the sarcolemma of striated muscle. The tissue is thus cellular and not syncytial. With this evidence, supported by electron microscopy of other tissues, we question the existence of true syncytia in animal tissues. Individual cell membranes necessary for the electrophysiologic events exist in smooth muscle, and its nerve and conduction in a tissue such as uterus or bladder can occur at the cellular level as well as at the tissue area level. The smooth muscle cell contains myofilaments, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi complex, centrosome, and pinocytotic vesicles. These structures are described in some detail, and their probable interrelations and functions are discussed. The autonomic nerves innervating smooth muscle cells are composed of axons and lemnoblasts. The axon is suspended by the mesaxon formed by the infolded plasma membrane of the lemnoblast. The respective plasma membranes separate axon and lemnoblast from each other and from surrounding muscle cells. The axons of autonomic nerves never penetrate the plasma membrane of the muscle cell, but pass or intrude into muscle cell pockets, forming a contact between axonal plasma membrane and smooth muscle plasma membrane. The lemnoblast shows well developed endoplasmic reticulum with Palade granules, mitochondria, and a long, elliptical nucleus. The axon contains neurofilaments, mitochondria, and synaptic vesicles; the quantity of the latter two being significantly greater in the periphery of lemnoblasts and near axon-muscle contact regions. We regard the contact regions as the synapses between the autonomic nerves and the smooth muscle cells. PMID- 13481023 TI - Some chemical and structural properties of paramyosin. AB - Paramyosin fibrils from the adductor muscles of Venus mercenaria are soluble above neutrality at relatively high ionic strength. From this viscous solution it is possible, by reduction in ionic strength, to reprecipitate acicular crystals of paramyosin. In the electron microscope these fibrils manifest a symmetrical band pattern similar to that previously described by Hodge but differing in some details. The axial periods observed under the conditions of the experiment varied between 1700 and 2000 A and a simple band pattern of one-fifth the main period was frequently observed. ATPase activity of the myosin type but of much lower intensity was demonstrated. Tryptic fission of the protein occurs but the characteristics differ from those of myosin. PMID- 13481022 TI - The ribonucleoprotein nature of large particles in the meiosporangia of Allomyces. AB - Particles averaging 3 to 4 micro in diameter, which are called chromospheres and fill the immature meiosporangia of the watermold Allomyces, were isolated and analyzed. The preparations were obtained by repeated centrifugations or by passage of the homogenate into a column of sand saturated with oleic acid, followed by selective elution of the chromospheres with alternate layers of oleic acid and an aqueous solution. The chromospheres contain approximately 12 per cent RNA, no DNA, and 60 per cent protein. It was concluded that they are pure or nearly pure ribonucleoprotein. Analysis of meiosporangia with chromospheres and after the chromospheres have disappeared showed no significant change in RNA or free amino acids. It was concluded that chromosphere disappearance is a fragmentation into small granules. The relation of chromospheres to postmeiotic chromospheres and nuclear caps is discussed. Speculation as to the function of these bodies is presented. PMID- 13481024 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of collagen. I. The growth of fowl osteoblasts and the formation of collagen in tissue culture. AB - 1. A tissue culture method was devised in which suspensions of osteoblasts, obtained directly from frontal bones of fowl embryos, were grown in a fluid, fibrin-free medium. 2. Maximum growth of the tissue, as measured by dry weight, with the formation of collagen protein, based on the estimation of hydroxyproline, was obtained in periods of up to 6 days. 3. Appreciable amounts of protein-bound hydroxyproline were formed during the first 24 hour growth period, but electron microscopy of portions of the same cultures failed to demonstrate the presence of any typical collagen fibrils. 4. The subsequent formation of many characteristic collagen fibrils was not associated with a significant rise in the mean hydroxyproline content of the tissue. 5. The cytoplasmic granules of the osteoblasts stained intensely with the P.A.S. technique when the collagen fibrils were being formed. 6. It is suggested that collagen-forming cells synthesise and secrete a hydroxyproline-rich precursor of protein or large peptide nature, which subsequently becomes directly transformed into typical collagen fibrils. PMID- 13481025 TI - Studies on the biosynthesis of collagen. II. The conversion of 14C-L-proline to 14C-hydroxyproline by fowl osteoblasts in tissue culture. AB - 1. Fowl osteoblasts grown in bulk tissue cultures in the presence of (14)C-(L) proline incorporated this amino acid into peptide linkage. A significant amount of the incorporated radioactivity was found in the hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid fractions of the cultures. 2. The rate of formation of protein bound (14)C-hydroxyproline from (14)C-(L)-proline was maximal in cultures grown for 15 hours and fell exponentially with the increasing age of the cultures. 3. (14)C-(L)-glutamic acid was incorporated by the osteoblast cultures, but no significant amount was converted to hydroxyproline. PMID- 13481026 TI - The cell in starvation; physiological and chemical observations. AB - Observations made on Amoeba proteus during total inanition revealed the following changes: Dry weight declined progressively, but at a decreasing rate to about 45 per cent of the initial levels when determined in surviving members of a dying population. Protein fell to about 70 per cent of the initial level. A hexane alcohol extractable component fell during early starvation then rose to about its initial absolute level in the dying cells. While initially most of this component is probably lipide, it is not certain that other materials are not extracted during cell degeneration. Survival as a function of cell size was studied. No advantage in survival was apparent for any size class. Nucleate cell "halves" likewise showed no survival time differential, unlike a highly significant decrease in the survival of enucleate portions. The maintenance of the initial variance about the mean population weight (after hexane-alcohol extraction) during starvation, likewise supports the idea that survival depends largely on concentration parameters. PMID- 13481027 TI - Changes in droplet fractions from rat kidney cells after intraperitoneal injection of egg white. AB - 1. Kidney homogenates from rats injected with egg white and from control rats were fractionated simultaneously into six fractions and the content of acid phosphatase, ribonuclease, desoxyribonuclease, cathepsin, and beta-glucuronidase in corresponding fractions from treated and untreated animals was compared. These observations were correlated with the amount of dark brown bottom sediments in fractions NDrI, DrII, and DrIII, and with the number of droplets in fraction NDrI. 2. It was found that after injection of egg white the amount of small droplets decreased as indicated by the decrease of the dark brown bottom layer in the sediment of fraction DrIII and by the concomitant decrease of hydrolytic enzymes in the same fraction, and that the number of large droplets increased as indicated by the increase of brown sediment in fraction NDrI and the increase in the number of droplets counted in a bacterial counting chamber in the same fraction. It was concluded that the treatment with egg white induced the transformation of small droplets into large droplets. 3. The decrease of hydrolytic enzymes in the fractions containing the small droplets was accompanied by a marked increase of these enzymes in the supernatant fluid. The enzyme content of fraction NDrI was not increased after treatment, although it contained greatly increased numbers of large droplets. Counting of the droplets in this fraction showed decreased enzymatic activity of the average large droplet after treatment with egg white. It was suggested that during the transformation of small into large droplets, a portion of the hydrolytic enzymes was released into the surrounding cytoplasm, and that this was partly responsible for the increased enzyme content of the supernatant fluid after fractionation of the kidney homogenate. In contrast to the four other hydrolytic enzymes, beta-glucuronidase was not increased in the supernatant fluid. 4. Eighteen hours after intraperitoneal injection of egg white, the specific enzymatic activities of kidney homogenates showed a 25 to 35 per cent increase for cathepsin, ribonuclease, and desoxyribonuclease, no change for acid phosphatase and beta glucuronidase, and approximately a 7 per cent decrease for cytochrome oxidase. The increase of cathepsin, ribonuclease, and desoxyribonuclease in the total homogenate was interpreted as an indication of the formation of new enzymes, and it was suggested that this partly accounted for the increase of these enzymes in the supernatant fluid. 5. The activation of the enzymes by osmotic effects was investigated in vitro by incubation of droplet fractions in the presence of different concentrations of sucrose. PMID- 13481028 TI - Microspectrophotometry of cell nuclei stained with the Feulgen reaction. IV. Formation of tetraploid nuclei in rat liver cells during postnatal growth. AB - 1. DNA contents of the individual parenchymal nuclei of rat livers during postnatal growth were estimated by microspectrophotometric apparatus, and different ploidy classes of nuclei were classified by their DNA contents. With the same material the total number of parenchymal nuclei in the liver was counted microscopically. 2. If the DNA content of nuclei encountered most frequently in several tissues represents the diploid class, the ploidy classes of the rat liver cell nuclei correspond to di-, tri-, tetra-, and octoploid, with the di- and tetraploid ones predominating considerably. 3. In suckling rats (below 25 gm. of body weight) the liver parenchyma is composed almost exclusively of cells with diploid nuclei, whereas in young rats (above 80 gm.), of tetraploid nuclei. In the growth stage between 25 and 80 gm., there is a remarkable replacement of the diploid nuclei by the tetraploid ones. However, in the liver of adult rats weighing more than 150 gm., any increase or decrease in the frequency of diploid and tetraploid nuclei is hardly observable. In such rats, the nuclear population of the liver parenchyma seems to reach a cell-ecological equilibrium which is considered to be a stable one. 4. It is shown that such nuclear populations and the total number of nuclei in a liver are controlled by the growth state, and not by the age. 5. The decrease in the total number of diploid nuclei and the increase in tetraploid nuclei in the growing livers of rats weighing from 40 up to 130 gm. can both be explained by the hypothesis that the tetraploid nuclei originate from the interphase diploid nuclei without involving mitosis. This hypothesis implies that mitosis is confined to the reproduction of diploid cells alone. 6. It is suggested that, in general, the synthesis of DNA does not necessarily result in the formation of visible mitotic chromosomes. 7. Mitotic time and generation time of diploid nuclei and the percentage of the tetraploidization from diploid nuclei are calculated and discussed. PMID- 13481029 TI - The ultrastructure of the vitelline body in the oocyte of the spider Tegenaria parietina. AB - The vitelline body in the mature oocyte of the spider Tegenaria parietina is composed of 4 different zones. 1. The central zone contains granular areas, vesicles, and a few lamellae. 2. The lamellar zone consists of numerous concentric lamellae. These sheets, 45 A in thickness, are stacked in groups. The fine structure and the regular arrangement recall those of myelin sheets, retinal rods, and chloroplasts. Between the stacks of lamellae, finely granular masses and various vesicles are to be found. 3. The "zone of transition" consists of a finely granular substance accumulated in abundant masses. This substance is composed of very closely packed granules about 50 to 60 A in diameter. Very often, near the lamellae, the granules show alignment giving a gradual transition from grains to lamellae. 4. The vesicular zone contains ergastoplasm, dense particles, mitochondria, and Golgi material. It is suggested that the peculiar ultrastructure of these cytoplasmic components may be related to an intense metabolic activity. PMID- 13481030 TI - An electron microscope study of the cytology of the protozoan Euplotes patella. AB - 1. Structurally the "sensory bristles" in Euplotes patella are typical cilia, but no ciliary rootlets connect their bases. 2. The "neuromotor fibrils" are composed of filaments 21 mmicro in diameter. At the point of junction of the filaments with the peripheral ciliary fibrils a granular structure 65 to 90 mmicro in diameter is seen which has dense central and peripheral zones separated by a less dense layer. Information on the interconnection of organelles is expanded. 3. A system of subpellicular fibrils is described. The external fibrillar system described by others could not be found. 4. The motorium is shown to be a mass of intertwining rootlet filaments. 5. The micronucleus is shown to have a spongy, dense material in a less dense material, all of which is surrounded by a double layered membrane. 6. The double-layered macronuclear membrane contains annuli whose outside diameter is 70 mmicro; the macronuclear bodies are sometimes closely applied to the membrane. In the macronuclear reorganization bands, the solution plane is a fine network, while the reconstruction plane is devoid of structure at the level of resolution observed. 7. The mitochondria are composed of tubules, only occasionally oriented, usually embedded in a surrounding material of lower density. 8. Microbodies whose diameters are 250 to 350 mmicro are frequently observed in close association with mitochondrial surfaces. 9. The food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles, and ciliary vacuoles are bounded by single layered membranes. In the food vacuoles, the bacteria are surrounded by membranes individually or in small groups. 10. Cytoplasmic rods localized in the oral region, and cytoplasmic granules dispersed at random, are described. No typical ergastoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, or Golgi material was observed. PMID- 13481031 TI - The parasporal body of Bacillus laterosporus Laubach. AB - On sporulation the slender vegetative rods swell and form larger spindle-shaped cells in which the spores are formed. When the spores mature they lie in a lateral position cradled in canoe-shaped parasporal bodies which are highly basophilic and can be differentiated from the surrounding vegetative cell cytoplasm with dilute basic dyes. On completion of sporulation the vegetative cell protoplasm and the cell wall lyse, leaving the spore cradled in its parasporal body. This attachment continues indefinitely on the usual culture medium and even persists after the spores have germinated. In thin sections of sporing cells the bodies are differentiated from the cell protoplasm by differences in structure. Whereas the protoplasm has a granular appearance, in both longitudinal and cross-sections the parasporal body comprises electron-dense lamellae running parallel with the membranes of the spore coat and less electron dense material in the interstices of the lamellae. The inner surface of the body is contiguous with that of the spore coat as if it were part of the spore, rather than a separate body attached to the spore. The staining reactions of the parasporal body are not consistent with those of any substance described in bacteria. With Giemsa the bodies stain like chromatin, but the Feulgen reaction indicates that they do not contain the requisite nucleic acid. With an aqueous solution of toluidine blue they stain metachromatically, but with an acidified solution the results are variable. Neisser's stain for polyphosphate is negative. The basophilic substance is removed from the body with some organic solvents. This basophilic substance has not been specifically identified with any material seen in ultrathin sections, but it is suggested that it might be the less electron-dense material in the interstices of the lamellar structure. In contrast to the spore coat of B. laterosporus, those of its two relatives B. brevis and B. circulans take up basic stain like the parasporal body. Thin spore sections of these species have shown that the walls are thicker than those surrounding the spores of B. laterosporus, and it is suggested that the outer stainable layer of brevis and circulans spores is an accessory coat which in laterosporus may have been deformed to give a parasporal body. PMID- 13481032 TI - Electron microscope studies of crystal-collagen relationships in bone. IV. The occurrence of crystals within collagen fibrils. AB - Crystals are seen occasionally within the diameter of transversely sectioned collagen fibrils near the calcification front of newly formed bone. PMID- 13481033 TI - Reduction of heating artifacts in thin sections examined in the electron microscope. AB - Certain phenomena affecting contrast obtained from tissue sections with the electron microscope have been investigated and a technique is described for reducing destruction by the electron beam of fine details in sections. It has been concluded that loss of embedding material is slightly higher at exposed surfaces of sections than it is at surfaces covered by substrate film. Covering of both surfaces of sections with thin films of formvar, collodion, or carbon materially improves the general appearance, reduces distortion, and sometimes reduces loss of tissue mass from the section as result of exposure to the electron beam. This improvement is considered to result from the relatively high melting-point of the covering films which serve to eliminate or reduce surface tension or other forces operating in methacrylate softened by the electron beam. PMID- 13481035 TI - Segregation of an intravenously injected protein by droplets of the cells of rat kidneys. PMID- 13481034 TI - An integrated morphological and biochemical study of a purified preparation of the succinate and DPNH oxidase system. AB - Electron micrographs of a purified succinate and DPNH oxidase system prepared from heart muscle reveal that it has a vesicular appearance and is membranous in nature. In keeping with its vesicular appearance is the fact that light scattering by this preparation shows marked changes as the molarity of the suspending medium is altered. Treatment of this preparation with 0.5 per cent deoxycholate solutions removes a large part of the lipide material, which comprises almost half of the dry weight of the preparation. The residue, which still contains the "core" of the cytochrome electron transmitter system, as shown by spectroscopic and enzymatic experiments, is still structured and is membranous in morphological appearance. It is concluded that the enzyme preparation is largely composed of fragmented mitochondrial membranes, and some of the consequences of the localization of the succinate and DPNH oxidase systems in or on these membranes are discussed. PMID- 13481036 TI - The ultrastructure of yolk platelets of amphibian oocytes. PMID- 13481037 TI - New observations on the ultrastructure of the membranes of frog peripheral nerve fibers. PMID- 13481039 TI - Compression of the bone ends as an aid to union in fractures; a report on forty nine ununited and four recent fractures. PMID- 13481038 TI - Congenital absence of the fibula. PMID- 13481041 TI - Arthrographic studies of the shoulder joint. PMID- 13481040 TI - Congenital anomalies of the hand. II. PMID- 13481042 TI - Cineroentgenography of the normal cervical spine. PMID- 13481043 TI - Cervico-occipital fusion for congenital and post-traumatic anomalies of the atlas and axis. PMID- 13481044 TI - Oblique roentgenographic views of the cervical spine in flexion and extension; and aid in the diagnosis of cervical subluxations and obscure dislocations. PMID- 13481045 TI - A technique for femoral-shaft shortening; a preliminary report. PMID- 13481046 TI - Sarcoma in Paget's disease of bone. PMID- 13481047 TI - Sporotrichosis; a report of twenty-three cases in the upper extremity. PMID- 13481048 TI - Comminuted fractures and fracture-dislocations involving the articular surface of the humeral head. PMID- 13481050 TI - Tuberculosis of the femoral neck in childhood. PMID- 13481049 TI - Procedure for bone sterilization with beta-propiolactone. PMID- 13481051 TI - Use of a prosthesis for the distal portion of the radius following resection of a recurrent giant-cell tumor. PMID- 13481052 TI - True diastasis of the sacro-iliac joints with hypermobility. PMID- 13481053 TI - Ganglioneuromata in bone; report of a case. PMID- 13481054 TI - Intramedullary fixation of fractures of the femur in a case of osteopetrosis. PMID- 13481055 TI - Femoral-artery reconstruction in a patient with a compound fracture of the femur. PMID- 13481056 TI - Paleopathological evidence suggesting pre-Columbian tuberculosis of the spine. PMID- 13481057 TI - Application of punched card indexing systems to orthopaedic surgery. PMID- 13481058 TI - Sterling Bunnell: editorial. PMID- 13481059 TI - STERLING BUNNELL; 1882-1957. PMID- 13481060 TI - The effects of several chelating agents on excitation and conduction in frog sciatic nerve. PMID- 13481061 TI - Acetylcholine and epinephrine effects on the embryonic rat heart. PMID- 13481062 TI - The metabolism of adipose tissue utilizing neotetrazolium. PMID- 13481063 TI - The luminescent reaction in extracts of the marine dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra. PMID- 13481065 TI - The influence of pH of the suspending buffer on respiration of apical segments of the onion root. PMID- 13481064 TI - The accumulation of tissue components in the leg muscle of the developing chick. PMID- 13481066 TI - The exchange of potassium in frog nerve: role of aerobic metabolism and glycolysis. PMID- 13481067 TI - Contrasting inhibitory effects of probenecid on the renal tubular excretion of p aminohippurate and on the active reabsorption of urea in the dogfish, Squalus acanthias. PMID- 13481068 TI - Sensitivity of UV-irradiated Blepharisma undulans to high pressure lysis. PMID- 13481069 TI - Photodynamic effect of Blepharisma pigment on nerve. PMID- 13481070 TI - Photoreversal of ultraviolet injury to frog and crab nerves. PMID- 13481071 TI - Single fiber gustatory impulses in rat and hamster. PMID- 13481073 TI - Transtubular potential differences of rat kidney. PMID- 13481072 TI - The effect of iodide and thiocyanate ions on the mechanical and electrical properties of frog muscle. PMID- 13481074 TI - Metabolism of HeLa cells: methodology and media evaluation. PMID- 13481075 TI - Isolation of cortical material from sea urchin eggs by centrifugation. PMID- 13481076 TI - Cell division: a pressure-temperature analysis of the effects of sulfhydryl reagents on the cortical plasmagel structure and furrowing strength of dividing eggs (Arbacia and Chaetopterus). PMID- 13481077 TI - Observations on the affect of metallic mercury upon some microorganisms. PMID- 13481078 TI - The reaction to hot atmospheres of various species of Australian marsupial and placental animals. PMID- 13481079 TI - A comparative study of erythrocyte metabolism. PMID- 13481080 TI - Effects of pH on the heart of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana Linnaeus. PMID- 13481081 TI - [The role of intra-ductal hypertension in acute pancreatitis; experimental study]. PMID- 13481082 TI - [Technic of vertebral grafting by posterior lumbosacral intervertebral fixation and by splinted spongiosa implant]. PMID- 13481083 TI - [Preserved homologous arterial graft; experimental results]. PMID- 13481084 TI - [Early fixation of fractures of the odontoid apophysis of the axis]. PMID- 13481085 TI - Metabolism of free and conjugated 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in subjects with liver disease. PMID- 13481086 TI - Magnesium studies in relation to hyperparathyroidism. PMID- 13481087 TI - Mucoproteins in thyroid and parathyroid disease; clinical and experimental studies. PMID- 13481088 TI - Thirty-one men with female sex chromatin. PMID- 13481089 TI - Estrogen excretion levels in the normal postmenopausal woman. PMID- 13481090 TI - The chronology of events in the development of subacute thyroiditis, studied by radioactive iodine. PMID- 13481091 TI - The association of periodic paralysis and hyperthyroidism in Japan. PMID- 13481092 TI - Corticosteroid response to surgery; effect of testosterone. PMID- 13481093 TI - Exophthalmos and localized pretibial myxedema in a euthyroid patient; studies with triiodothyronine. PMID- 13481094 TI - Analysis of the phosphorus reabsorption index; theoretical and practical implications. PMID- 13481095 TI - A compact apparatus for ascending paper chromatography. PMID- 13481096 TI - Lack of plasma cortisol and urinary aldosterone in a pregnant woman with Addison's disease. PMID- 13481097 TI - Excretion of pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-triol in pregnancy. PMID- 13481098 TI - A clinical syndrome associated with a defect in steroid glucuronide formation. PMID- 13481099 TI - The isolation of myoglobin in progressive muscular dystrophy. PMID- 13481101 TI - Chemical theories of psychosis. PMID- 13481100 TI - Theory and the future of research in psychiatry. PMID- 13481102 TI - Counteraction of the effects of mepazine on the eye by means of parasympathomimetic drugs. PMID- 13481103 TI - A clinical evaluation of methyl-phenidylacetate hydrochloride (ritalin). PMID- 13481105 TI - Involutional melancholia as a disease of adaptation. PMID- 13481104 TI - An approach to the study of sources of individual differences in child behavior. PMID- 13481106 TI - A procedure for evaluating the status of schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13481107 TI - Sterilization of syringes by infra-red radiation. PMID- 13481108 TI - The sterilization of dressings. PMID- 13481109 TI - Semi-solid agar media for culture and drug sensitivity tests of tubercle bacilli from sputum. PMID- 13481110 TI - Catalase activity and isoniazid sensitivity of tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13481112 TI - A simple medium for the rapid detection of Salmonella-like paracolon organisms. PMID- 13481111 TI - Penicillinase production by Staphylococcus aureus strains from outbreaks of food poisoning. PMID- 13481113 TI - The use of ancillary laboratory tests in leptospirosis, with particular reference to the diagnosis of the mild case. PMID- 13481114 TI - A culture medium for Trichomonas vaginalis donne and species of Candida. PMID- 13481115 TI - Amino-aciduria in Cooley and sickle cell anaemias. PMID- 13481116 TI - Intra-erythrocytic haemoglobin crystals. PMID- 13481117 TI - The technique of bone marrow aspiration in children. PMID- 13481119 TI - The detection of a circulating anticoagulant active against blood thromboplastin formation. PMID- 13481118 TI - The degeneration of brain thromboplastin in the presence of normal serum. PMID- 13481120 TI - Thrombosis and factor VII activity. PMID- 13481121 TI - Laboratory control of anticoagulant therapy; the effect of storage on blood used for prothrombin estimations. PMID- 13481122 TI - The effect of room temperature on erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its correction. PMID- 13481123 TI - The influence of erythrocyte factors on their sedimentation rate. PMID- 13481124 TI - The proteins of normal urine. PMID- 13481125 TI - The estimation of the oral hypoglycaemic agent carbutamide in blood. PMID- 13481126 TI - The estimation of BZ55 and sulphonamides in blood sugar filtrates. PMID- 13481127 TI - Electrophoretic analysis of serum and urinary proteins in the diagnosis of myelomatosis. PMID- 13481128 TI - Microdetermination of serum calcium using the Eel flame photometer. PMID- 13481130 TI - A note on the determination of beta-glucuronidase activity in urine. PMID- 13481129 TI - The estimation of calcium in urine by flame photometry, with a note on the estimation of sodium and potassium. PMID- 13481131 TI - The identification of living malignant cells in exudates. PMID- 13481132 TI - Simple methods for measuring serum levels of the glutamic-oxalacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminases in routine laboratories. PMID- 13481133 TI - A protective cabinet for handling infective material in the laboratory. PMID- 13481134 TI - A low temperature (-68 degree C.) storage cabinet. PMID- 13481135 TI - The character and degree of psychopathology in relation to sustained intellectual performance. PMID- 13481136 TI - Spontaneous fluctuations in the severity of illness of hospitalized lobotomized patients. PMID- 13481138 TI - Further studies on the Bender-Gestalt test and the digit-span test as measures of recall. PMID- 13481137 TI - Differences in some personal characteristics of rigid and flexible individuals. PMID- 13481139 TI - Age, intelligence, aphasia and the spiral after-effect in an epileptic population. PMID- 13481140 TI - Wechsler-Bellevue changes over time. PMID- 13481141 TI - A comparison of the Bender-Gestalt reproductions of delinquents and non delinquents. PMID- 13481142 TI - PEAQ: a measure of psychopathic behavior. PMID- 13481143 TI - The Hill-Monroe inventory for predicting acceptability for psychotherapy in the institutionalized narcotic addict. PMID- 13481144 TI - A new sorting technique for diagnosing brain damage. PMID- 13481145 TI - An evaluation scale for shock therapy. PMID- 13481146 TI - A validation of measures that predict the efficacy of shock therapy. PMID- 13481147 TI - An evaluation of the Grassi test for organic involvement. PMID- 13481148 TI - An evaluation of the organic signs in the H-T-P drawings. PMID- 13481149 TI - Human figure drawings by younger and older adults. PMID- 13481150 TI - Manifest content and interpretive meaning of verbal intelligence test responses. PMID- 13481151 TI - Rorschach M responses and intelligence. PMID- 13481152 TI - Global evaluation of Rorschach performance versus scores: sex differences in Rorschach performance. PMID- 13481153 TI - Utilization of O'Reilly's objective Rorschach as a screening test for State Colony job applicants. PMID- 13481154 TI - Movement in the fantasy of brain-injured (cerebral palsy) children. PMID- 13481155 TI - Differentiating alcoholics from normals and abnormals with the MMPI. PMID- 13481156 TI - The effect on self description of combining anxiety and hostility items on a single scale. PMID- 13481157 TI - Face validity in the D scale of the MMPI. PMID- 13481158 TI - The Taylor manifest anxiety scale in differential diagnosis. PMID- 13481159 TI - Prediction of re-hospitalization using the MMPI. PMID- 13481160 TI - Note on a rapid scoring procedure for the card form MMPI. PMID- 13481161 TI - The clinical application of sequential analysis. PMID- 13481162 TI - An approximate table for determining sample size by means of the sign test. PMID- 13481163 TI - Construction of a table of the significance of the difference between verbal and performance IQ's on the WAIS and the Wechsler-Bellevue. PMID- 13481164 TI - The effect of a recorded voice on the drawing of a geometric design as a predictor of social behavior. PMID- 13481165 TI - A note on the reliability of the L-M Fergus Falls behavior rating scale. PMID- 13481166 TI - Contagious pustular dermatitis. III. Experimental infection. PMID- 13481167 TI - A haemophilus-like organism isolated from pig lung and the associated pneumonic lesions. PMID- 13481168 TI - Some observations on glucose, ketone bodies and volatile fatty acids in the blood of dairy cattle. PMID- 13481169 TI - A case of thrush (candidiasis) in a piglet. PMID- 13481170 TI - Blood changes in piglets associated with weaning. PMID- 13481171 TI - Comparative coagulation studies on horse and human blood. PMID- 13481172 TI - Further experiments on the effect of tick-borne fever infection on the susceptibility of lambs to staphylococci. PMID- 13481173 TI - Osteoporsis in lambs in a lead mining area. I. A study of the naturally occurring disease. PMID- 13481174 TI - A histological study of the sweat glands of normal and dry-coated horses. PMID- 13481175 TI - The chick's preference for some visual properties of water. PMID- 13481176 TI - Form preferences in newly hatched chicks. PMID- 13481177 TI - Saccharine reinforcement in a T maze. PMID- 13481178 TI - Differentiation learning by monkeys. PMID- 13481180 TI - The gradient of delay of secondary reward in avoidance learning. PMID- 13481179 TI - Solution of bent-wire problems by monkeys and chimpanzees. PMID- 13481181 TI - The gradient of delay of secondary reward in avoidance learning tested on avoidance trials only. PMID- 13481182 TI - The retention of an incompletely learned avoidance response. PMID- 13481183 TI - Some effects of response-independent positive reinforcement on maintained operant behavior. PMID- 13481184 TI - Discrimination of intermittent photic stimulation in the rat without its striate cortex. PMID- 13481185 TI - Olfactory discrimination deficits in monkeys with temporal lobe ablations. PMID- 13481186 TI - Sexual behavior in adult male hamsters castrated-adrenalectomized prior to puberty. PMID- 13481187 TI - Thermal behavior of the sub-nourished and pantothenic-acid-deprived rat. PMID- 13481188 TI - Random and food-directed activity in hyperphagic and normal rats. PMID- 13481189 TI - The effect of activity restriction upon adjustment to cyclic food deprivation. PMID- 13481190 TI - The effect of reinforcement upon activity during cyclic food deprivation. PMID- 13481191 TI - Relative acceptability of sodium chloride and sucrose solutions. PMID- 13481192 TI - The relative strengths of consummatory responses in hunger, thirst, and exploratory drive. PMID- 13481193 TI - Exploratory behavior in two mazes with dissimilar alternatives. PMID- 13481194 TI - Response by rats to differential stimulus complexity. PMID- 13481195 TI - An exploration of abdominal potentials. PMID- 13481196 TI - Continuous recording of arterial pressure: an analysis of the problem. PMID- 13481197 TI - Effects of infantile and adult shock-trauma upon learning in the adult white rat. PMID- 13481198 TI - The role of pre-injury education and intelligence level in intellectual loss after brain injury. PMID- 13481199 TI - The Wittenborn psychiatric syndromes: an oblique rotation. PMID- 13481200 TI - Rotational procedures and descriptive inferences. PMID- 13481201 TI - Orthogonal versus oblique rotations. PMID- 13481202 TI - The social desirability stereotype and some measures of psychopathology. PMID- 13481203 TI - A factor-analytically based rationale for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. PMID- 13481204 TI - Intellectual ability and mode of perception. PMID- 13481205 TI - An evaluation of eclectically oriented psychotherapy. PMID- 13481207 TI - Unsuccessful differential diagnosis from the Rorschach. PMID- 13481206 TI - Thematic Apperception, Rorschach content, and ratings of sexual attractiveness of women as measures of the sex drive. PMID- 13481208 TI - Test anxiety, general anxiety, and intellectual performance. PMID- 13481209 TI - Generalization as a function of manifest anxiety and adaptation to psychological experiments. PMID- 13481210 TI - Self concepts in adjusted and maladjusted hospital patients. PMID- 13481211 TI - Change and receptiveness to psychotherapy. PMID- 13481212 TI - A stereophonic sound system for play therapy observation. PMID- 13481213 TI - A short forced-choice anxiety scale. PMID- 13481214 TI - A note on the use of Doppelt's short form of the WAIS with psychiatric patients. PMID- 13481215 TI - The Kahn test of symbol arrangement as an aid to psychodiagnosis. PMID- 13481216 TI - The relation of salivary citrate to dental caries experience in children 12 to 14 years old. PMID- 13481217 TI - Studies on salivary lactobacilli and dental caries in children during a dentifrice test program. PMID- 13481218 TI - Salivary tryptophan and its relationship to DMF. PMID- 13481219 TI - Studies on salivary peroxidatic activity. PMID- 13481220 TI - On the determination of human saliva aldolase activity. PMID- 13481221 TI - Anxiety and dental caries. PMID- 13481222 TI - Serial histologic effects of rat submaxillary and sublingual salivary gland duct and blood vessel ligation. PMID- 13481223 TI - The relation of thyroid gland activity to the incidence of dental caries in the rat. II. A comparison of caries incidence under paired-feeding technics. PMID- 13481224 TI - The effect of pilocarpine on dental caries in the rat. PMID- 13481225 TI - A comparison between salivary gland extirpation and duct ligation on dental caries in rats. PMID- 13481226 TI - The effect of different fluorides on the solubility of intact dental enamel surfaces. PMID- 13481227 TI - The effect of selenium on the incidence of dental caries in rats. PMID- 13481228 TI - A method for the determination of enamel solubility in intact rat molars using highly concentrated fluoride solutions. PMID- 13481230 TI - Microstructure of the human tooth. PMID- 13481229 TI - Dietary casein-sucrose ratios and their effects on mineralized tissues. PMID- 13481231 TI - A social factor associated with severity of periodontal disease. PMID- 13481232 TI - Biochemical studies on acute inflammation. II. The effect of dilantin. PMID- 13481233 TI - A possible means of inadvertent transmission of infection to dental patients. PMID- 13481234 TI - Vitamin A deficiency in the hamster. PMID- 13481235 TI - A method of measuring porosity of porcelain teeth. PMID- 13481236 TI - Densification of dental porcelain. PMID- 13481237 TI - Profile characteristics of cut tooth surfaces developed by rotating instruments. PMID- 13481238 TI - The effect of surface area on the hygroscopic setting expansion and strength of casting investments. PMID- 13481239 TI - The relationship of hygroscopic to normal setting expansion of casting investments. PMID- 13481240 TI - Studies on the solubility of certain dental materials. PMID- 13481241 TI - Strength and phase formation of dental amalgam. PMID- 13481243 TI - The shape of the dental arches. PMID- 13481242 TI - Relationship between the sequence of calcification and the sequence of eruption of the mandibular molar and premolar teeth. PMID- 13481244 TI - Fate of non-virulent group A streptococci phagocytized by human and mouse neutrophils. AB - The fate of non-virulent group A streptococci phagocytized in vitro has been investigated by destroying the phagocyte with electric current and observing whether the liberated cocci multiply. Human and mouse peripheral blood neutrophils quickly injure ingested cocci, the time required to produce 50 per cent non-survival of chains being 8 and 6(3/4) minutes, respectively. PMID- 13481245 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. IX. Characteristics of endogenous serum pyrogen and mechanisms governing its release. AB - The "endogenous serum pyrogen" that appears in the circulating blood after a single intravenous injection of endotoxin does not produce leukopenia in normal animals, fails to provoke the local Shwartzman reaction, and elicits no "tolerance" when injected daily. Suppression of the febrile response to endotoxin by prednisone does not prevent the appearance of pyrogen in the blood. Animals given large amounts of endotoxin daily continue to respond with high fevers despite failure of endogenous serum pyrogen to appear in detectable amounts after the first two or three injections. Analysis of the response to daily injections shows clearly that the fever during the first 2 hours after administration of endotoxin is unrelated to levels of endogenous serum pyrogen; in contrast, the magnitude of the fever after the 2nd hour correlates well with endogenous pyrogen in some instances. The leukopenic response to endotoxin could not be correlated with the appearance of endogenous serum pyrogen. The differences between endotoxin and endogenous pyrogen and the similarities between leukocyte extracts (sterile exudates) and endogenous pyrogen are summarized and discussed. Dissociation of the febrile response to bacterial endotoxin and levels of endogenous serum pyrogen are discussed and it is concluded that a mechanism involving both direct and indirect action of endotoxins offers the best explanation for the pyrogenic action of these bacterial products. PMID- 13481246 TI - Studies on the mechanism of hypersensitivity phenomena. II. The participation of complement in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis of the albino rat. AB - Experiments are described indicating that the magnitude and sensitivity of the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) response in normal rats to a given level of immune reagents, may be enhanced by the addition of hemolytically active sera. A similar enhancement in normal rats has been obtained with C' component reagents possessing properties associated with the third component of C'. Parallelisms between in vitro fixation of C' and PCA induction by antigen and antibody are shown. The horse anti-pneumococcus system has low C'-fixing potencies and is also less efficient than the rabbit polysaccharide system in the induction of PCA. Findings of a similar nature were observed in the reaction of rabbit anti ribonuclease with ribonuclease, the acetylated and guanidinated derivatives of the enzyme. The injection of hemolytically active serum into C'-deficient rats was accompanied by a partial restoration of PCA. Restorative effects were also noted with heated and ammonia-treated serum. The return of hemolytic potency and responsiveness to PCA in C'-depleted rats, follow a similar time course. The data presented indicate that the PCA reaction can be studied as a function of at least three variables, antigen, antibody, and a serum constituent resembling C'. PMID- 13481247 TI - Predetermination by infection and by vaccination of antibody response to influenza virus vaccines. AB - The antibody orienting effects of prior infections with antigenic variants of influenza viruses were confirmed by studies with monovalent adjuvant vaccines and with polyvalent aqueous and adjuvant preparations. In either case, the predominant antibody response was of a "booster" type, directed against the major antigens of strains of original infection. It was shown that vaccination with appropriate strains, selected as antigenic prototypes, could orient or predetermine subsequent antibody response upon revaccination. Moreover, the effects of exposure by vaccination were found to be durable and to constitute a foundation upon which future antibody dividends could be accumulated. As a result, it seems feasible to induce by vaccination a more lasting broad composite antibody protection against influenza if appropriate preparations and schedules are used. PMID- 13481248 TI - The influence of cortisone on experimental viral infection. IIL Effects on certain dynamics of influenza virus increase. AB - The administration of cortisone to chicken embryos infected with influenza B virus results in (a) an initial inhibition of viral synthesis and (b) an eventual increase in the final yield of virus attained. Increased yields of virus are attained regardless of the number of viral particles in the infecting inoculum or the proportion of particles which are infective. Changes in the distribution ratios of allantoic fluid and intramembrane virus are effected by cortisone only as the secondary result of reduction in viral synthesis. The manifest effect of cortisone on influenza A virus increase is inhibitory unless inocula containing relatively high proportions of inactive viral particles are used. PMID- 13481250 TI - The influence of cortisone on experimental viral infection. V. Inhibition of influenza virus synthesis. AB - Cortisone is a highly potent inhibitor of influenza virus synthesis in the chick embryo, inducing manifest inhibition in doses of 0.1 to 1.0 microg/egg. Inhibition of viral synthesis is only temporarily manifest. As infection continues, the negation by cortisone of the self-limiting effects of viral autointerference obscures the coincident cortisone effect on synthesis. The inhibitory effect of cortisone may be induced late in the course of viral multiplication, after conclusion of the latent period. It is proposed that inhibition of viral synthesis with cortisone is a corollary of the steroid's inhibitory effects on growth and protein synthesis of the infected host. The role of adrenal corticoids in the regulation of infection with obligate intracellular parasites deserves continued investigation. PMID- 13481249 TI - The influence of cortisone on experimental viral infection. IV. Negation of interference as the mechanism by which cortisone induces increased virus yields. AB - The interference with viral synthesis which is induced by large quantities of non infective influenza B virus is inhibited or negated with small quantities of cortisone and other C-21 steroids. The specificity of this effect is attested by the inactivity of 11-alpha hydroxy epimers of highly active compounds. Maximal activity in negation of interference is associated with the presence of oxygen at the C-11 position of the steroid molecule. In view of the demonstration that negation of interference can occur, it is concluded that the phenomenon of multiplicity reactivation of non-infective virus is not primarily influenced by cortisone. Rather, it is suggested that the reactivation phenomenon is unmasked by cortisone through its inhibiting effect on the autointerference intrinsic in multiplicity infection. If it is accepted that influenza virus infections in ovo are self-limited in part by viral autointerference, present evidence is consistent with the view that negation of this autointerference is the mechanism by which cortisone induces definitively increased yields of virus. PMID- 13481251 TI - Surface phagocytosis; further evidence of its destructive action upon fully encapsulated pneumococci in the absence of type-specific antibody. AB - Experiments recently reported (18) have been interpreted to indicate that surface phagocytosis plays no significant part in natural antipneumococcal defense. A repetition of these experiments has revealed: (a) that the cellular content of the leucocytic suspensions used in the phagocytic tests was of a different order of magnitude from that of the exudates which usually exist in infected tissues, (b) that the suspensions were too dilute to allow surface phagocytosis of pneumococci to occur, and (c) that the ratio of bacteria to leucocytes. was such that, when a sufficiently concentrated exudate was employed, the pneumococci injured the leucocytes and thus prevented phagocytosis from taking place. When conditions of the tests were suitably controlled, and conventional quantitative methods were employed to measure the end results of the phagocytic reaction, the essential observations relating to surface phagocytosis were fully confirmed. The significance of this non-antibody mechanism of defense in pneumococcal infections was thus further substantiated. PMID- 13481252 TI - Effect of 3-methylcholanthrene on the endocrine system and metabolism of the rat and its influence to retard growth of mammary tumors hitherto refractory. AB - The repeated administration of 3-methylcholanthrene to adolescent rats resulted in (a) a profound, incomplete, and selective depression of certain hypophyseal functions; (b) decreased growth of transplanted mammary tumors; and (c) a retardation of body growth. Only the last mentioned effect was reversed by forced feeding. The retarded rate of body growth induced by 3-methylcholanthrene was prevented by the concurrent administration of dihydrotestosterone or progesterone, or by ovariectomy; rats so treated became overweight despite the injection of 3-methylcholanthrene. Phenolic estrogens intensified the retardation of body growth induced by 3-methylcholanthrene and emaciation resulted. The administration of 3-methylcholanthrene resulted in decreased gonadotrophin production by the pituitary and the ovaries were more drastically affected by the depression of pituitary activity than the adrenals were. The compound exerted differential effects on the pituitary glands of males and females respectively. Hormonal functions of both ovary and testis were decreased in rats treated with 3 methylcholanthrene but, whilst ovarian weight was much reduced, the size of the testis was not decreased and the germinal epithelium of the male was little affected by the treatment in most instances. There was a considerable reduction of the content of alkaline phosphatase in the breast of intact rats treated with 3-methylcholanthrene but atrophy of the mammary epithelium did not occur and hyperplasia of the mammary tree was often observed. The administration of 3 methylcholanthrene considerably slowed the growth of transplanted mammary tumors characterized by high dependence on hormones and the concurrent administration of gonadotrophin restored the growth rate of the tumors. The administration of 3 methylcholanthrene or androstan-17beta-ol-3-one was only moderately effective in controlling the growth of transplanted mammary tumors characterized by low hormonal dependence; the combined administration of these compounds was highly efficacious in retarding the growth of these refractory tumors. 3 Methylcholanthrene partially retarded the growth of mammary fibroadenomas in hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13481253 TI - Studies on the effect of triton (WR-1339) on guinea pig tissues. I. Lipide chemistry of lung, liver, spleen, adrenals, and blood. AB - Guinea pigs given three subcutaneous injections of triton WR-1339, 300 mg./kg., at 3 day intervals develop an intense lipemia as evidenced by marked increases in serum phospholipide, free cholesterol, ester cholesterol, neutral fat, and total fatty acids. The total fatty acid content of the lung, liver, and spleen, however, remains unchanged. No qualitative change in the fatty acids of the lung and liver from treated animals could be detected by the methods used. The injection of triton was found to diminish slightly the cholesterol content of the adrenal glands. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to an understanding of the mechanism involved in the therapeutic action of triton in experimental tuberculosis. PMID- 13481254 TI - Studies on the effect of triton (WR-1339) on guinea pig tissues. II. Fragility of blood cells. AB - Guinea pig red cells exposed to triton WR-1339 either in vitro or in vivo demonstrate an increased sensitivity to hemolysis by thermal shock. Although the sensitivity of guinea pig leucocytes to thermal shock remains unchanged after a single injection of triton, their resistance to disruption by acetone and by sonic vibration is increased significantly. Resistance to sonic vibration appears to be maximum within a few hours after injection and then it gradually wanes. Paraffin oil-induced peritoneal exudate cells (monocytes) and leucocytes from whole blood are rendered more resistant to disruption by sonic vibration when exposed to triton in vitro. These findings are discussed briefly in relation to the therapeutic effect of triton in experimental tuberculosis. PMID- 13481255 TI - Studies on the effect of triton (WR-1339) on guinea pig tissues. III. Tuberculin hypersensitivity and in vitro cytolysis of leucocytes by tuberculin. AB - The administration of triton WR-1339 (300 mg./kg. subcutaneously) to tuberculin sensitive guinea pigs 2 hours before the intradermal injection of PPD depresses slightly their skin sensitivity to tuberculin and essentially obliterates the lytic effect of tuberculin on their circulating leucocytes. When leucocytes from tuberculin-sensitive guinea pigs are exposed to triton in vitro at a concentration level attainable in vivo the cells are partially protected against lysis by PPD. PMID- 13481256 TI - Fatal keratomas due to deep homografts of the benign papillomas of tarred mouse skin; normal proclivities and neoplastic disabilities as determinants of tumor course. AB - Six out of eight epidermal papillomas, induced with tar in mice of homogeneous strain, have grown after transfer to the subcutaneous tissue of sucklings and weanlings. Five of them have been thus maintained for nearly or quite a year and a half, and in seven to nine successive groups of mice. The tumor studied longest has been kept going in five parallel lines since its primary implantation. The papillomas have all grown progressively in most instances, and proved fatal. None has altered except through the occurrence of derivative cancers, but these have arisen so often as only to be excluded on transfer by a rigorous selection of grafts. Histologically the papillomas have been of a single, completely unaggressive kind, yet transfer has disclosed great differences in their abilities. The tumors they form are of unique sorts. The cells of some are able bodied (Type A), capable of spreading along bare connective tissue and keratinizing like normal, reparative epidermis. They line graft pockets, differentiate into the free space these provide, and form cysts densely packed with keratin. The papilloma is thus turned outside in. The cysts become huge as keratin accumulates in them, and eventually they rupture with result either in subcutaneous dissecting cysts or keratinizing surface growths that are often prodigious in size and fantastic in shape, but sometimes are completely like the cutaneous papillomas ordinarily induced by carcinogens, and tend, when small, to regress or come away as these frequently do. One growth of Type A was placed in the peritoneal cavity or in the liver, spleen or lung, and at all these situations it formed introverted cysts resembling the subcutaneous. The cells of other papillomas are more or less crippled (Type C). In extreme instances they are unable to spread laterally, and produce relatively little keratin. They fail to line graft pockets, but their keratin inflames the exposed connective tissue, extravasation ensues, and a continually enlarging, fluid-filled cyst forms, with walls that are bare except where a stalked or cauliflower papilloma exists, projecting inwards. At last the cyst ruptures and a second dissecting cyst forms, also devoid of papilloma tissue; or else the overlying skin undergoes pressure necrosis, the cyst fluid escapes through a rent, and fatal infection ensues. All gradations exist between Type A and Type C. The cancers derivative from both exhibit a marked disability,-though invasive they are almost or quite unable to extend along bare connective tissue. The papillomas that are possessed of this faculty spread beyond them along the cyst wall, and kill the host through their unceasing activity. In collateral work a papilloma was transplanted that was found protruding from the external auditory canal of a mouse which had received an intramuscular injection of methylcholanthrene many months previously. The tumor is now in its 5th generation, after 15 months. The growths it forms are of Type A. All of the papillomas are functioning tumors, with their own cells as the functioning product. Their papilliferous shape, when on the skin, is due solely to inability of their cells to gain space in other ways. Intrinsically they are keratomas. The papillomas do well after transfer to deep situations because the growth of their cells is indirectly promoted, through favoring local conditions. No direct promotion takes place like that when the cells of prostatic and mammary tumors are stimulated to multiply by hormones. Doubtless many agents act in both ways, that is to say by dual promotion. PMID- 13481257 TI - Studies of hemolysis of red blood cells by mumps virus. III. Alterations in lipoproteins of the red blood cell wall. AB - Evidence from microscopic studies indicates that hemolysis caused by the mumps virus hemolysin is a chemical type of hemolysis. Chromatographic analyses of the reaction mixture of erythrocytes and mumps virus following hemolysis indicate that hemolysis is not due to the action of a lecithinase A and that lysolecithin does not play a part in this process. The alteration of a component of the erythrocyte similar to sphingomyelin suggests that some of the phosphatides other than lecithin may be either directly or indirectly affected in the process of hemolysis of red blood cells by the mumps virus. PMID- 13481258 TI - Demonstration in vitro of anaphylactoid response of the uterus and ileum of guinea pigs injected with testis or sperm. AB - FEMALE GUINEA PIGS WERE INJECTED WITH THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: homogenates of guinea pig testis in saline or in adjuvant; suspensions of washed guinea pig sperm in saline or in adjuvant; homogenates of rabbit testis in adjuvant; guinea pig sperm and rabbit sperm in adjuvant. Control animals were not injected or were injected with adjuvant alone. At various times between 15 and 39 days after injection, the animals were sacrificed. Their ilea and uterine horns were removed and tested in vitro for reaction to washed epididymal sperm of the guinea pig, rabbit, or bull. It was found that the animals which were injected with homologous testis or sperm in adjuvant possessed organs which responded strongly to the challenge with homologous sperm. The response was a contracture which began 10 to 30 seconds after the sperm were injected into the bath and lasted for 5 minutes to 4 hours, the longest period of observation. Responses which lasted for periods of 5 minutes to 30 minutes were obtained with the uteri of the animals injected with guinea pig testis in saline or with guinea pig sperm in saline. Animals which were injected with rabbit testis and adjuvant responded to rabbit sperm, and animals injected with guinea pig sperm and rabbit sperm in adjuvant reacted to both gametes. A large proportion of the control animals possessed organs which reacted weakly to the challenge with homologous sperm. Retesting the organ which had contracted following exposure to sperm indicated that desensitization had occurred. Testing with heterologous sperm indicated a species selectivity. The evidence is interpreted to mean that injections of sperm or testis induce a hypersensitivity which is similar in some respects but differs from true anaphylaxis. The findings are discussed from the point of view of the nature of the response and the implications regarding natural immunity to sperm. PMID- 13481259 TI - Occurrence of delayed hypersensitivity during the development of Arthus type hypersensitivity. AB - Guinea pigs were injected in the footpads with either purified diphtheria toxoid or recrystallized egg albumin in Freund adjuvant without mycobacteria. Each guinea pig was then skin-tested only once with the specific antigen and bled for antibody determination. After injection of the sensitizing antigen, a latent period occurred during which neither sensitivity nor circulating antibody could be detected. A period of delayed sensitivity followed wherein circulating antibody could not be discerned and which could be transferred by lymph node cells. Ultimately, the Arthus type sensitivity developed, accompanied by circulating antibody. The duration and severity of reactions to homologous antigens during the last 2 phases varied with the antigen and with the dose. An increase in the sensitizing dose decreased the duration of the delayed type of allergy, a decrease in the dose prolonged the delayed type. Inclusion of mycobacterium in the sensitizing inoculum tended to introduce delayed sensitivity earlier and delay the onset of Arthus type sensitivity. When specific precipitate in antibody excess was included with the toxoid in the sensitizing dose, the onset of the Arthus phase was hastened. When lymph nodes from a large number of sensitized donors were removed during the latter part of the latent period, recipients of the cells showed a delayed type sensitivity. PMID- 13481260 TI - Antigenicity of gelatin. III. The effect of physical and enzymatic treatments of gelatin on the subsequent precipitin reaction. AB - The effects of physical and enzymatic treatments of gelatin on the gelatin antigelatin reaction have been presented. The data obtained indicate that the gelatin-antigelatin reaction is indeed a specific one. It appears that a definite limiting molecular size and specific molecular pattern of this molecular unit are necessary for reaction with antibody. PMID- 13481261 TI - Characteristics on the adenoviruses. III. Reproductive cycle of types 1 to 4. AB - The strains of types 1 to 4 adenoviruses studied attained maximum combination with host cells, strain HeLa, in 5 to 6 hours. During this adsorption period approximately 75 per cent of the total virus became associated with the host cells. Following adsorption of virus to HeLa cells, these agents underwent cyclic multiplication periods similar to bacterial and other animal viruses. The latent or eclipse period of the multiplication cycle for types 1 and 2 viruses was 17 hours, whereas the types 3 and 4 agents had a latent period 14 to 15 hours in length. The rate of viral propagation during the incremental period was very similar for types 1, 2, and 4 viruses, but was slower for the type 3 agent. During the incremental period of viral propagation newly synthesized virus was not released into the fluid phase of the culture and even after 6 days of viral multiplication when marked cytopathic alterations of the infected HeLa cells had occurred, the spontaneous release was only 2 to 6 per cent of the total virus detectable. PMID- 13481262 TI - Melioidosis: pathogenesis and immunity in mice and hamsters. I. Studies with virulent strains of Malleomyces pseudomallei. AB - The pathogenesis of acute respiratory melioidosis mice and hamsters is described. Inhaled organisms giving rise to lesions seemed to be first engulfed by the mononuclear alveolar phagocytes, but in less than 1 day polymorphonuclear cells made their appearance. In spite of this defense reaction, the bacteria continued to multiply and their products caused focal necrosis. These foci enlarged and gave rise to septicemia, toxemia, and eventually death, which usually occurred in 3 to 10 days depending on the dose. Melioidosis, is, therefore, an acute septicotoxemic disease resembling plague and anthrax in this respect. In hamsters the disease process developed more rapidly than in mice and death occurred sooner. The course of the disease in hamsters was sometimes complicated by intraglomerular deposits resembling "fibrinoid," which were similar to those of the generalized Shwartzman phenomenon. This phenomenon may have been an indirect cause of both the perifocal hemorrhage and the extremely large number of bacteria in some of the hamster lesions. When low infecting doses of organisms were employed, mice, but not hamsters, developed a chronic type of disease, lasting 2 to 8 weeks. This was characterized by large abscesses in the spleen or lung, marked proliferation of mononuclear phagocytes and plasma cells, and increased immunity against reinfection (about 40-fold against respiratory challenge). When mice and hamsters inhaled high infecting doses of organisms, a peracute disease resulted with death in 1 to 3 days. Increased numbers of bacteria were observed in the lesions, and the histological changes in the spleen resembled those following the intravenous injection of Malleomyces pseudomallei toxin or the intramuscular injection of large doses of cortisone. These changes were characterized by a swelling of the phagocytes of the white pulp with nuclear debris. The peracute, the acute, and the chronic forms of melioidosis in mice are similar to analogous clinical forms found in man. PMID- 13481263 TI - Probabilistic discrimination learning. PMID- 13481264 TI - Statistical learning theory applied to an instrumental avoidance situation. PMID- 13481265 TI - The length-difficulty relationship in compound trial-and-error learning. PMID- 13481266 TI - Effect of pattern variation upon verbal maze learning. PMID- 13481267 TI - Incidental learning at five stages of intentional learning. PMID- 13481269 TI - Effect of variation in associative frequency of stimulus and response members on paired-associate learning. PMID- 13481268 TI - Effects of force and amplitude cues on learning and performance in a complex tracking task. PMID- 13481270 TI - Studies of distributed practice: XVII. Interlist interference and the retention of paired consonant syllables. PMID- 13481271 TI - Secondary extinction of lever-pressing behavior in the albino rat. PMID- 13481272 TI - Error reinforcement in a modified serial perceptual-motor task. PMID- 13481273 TI - Conditioning of muscle action potential responses resulting from passive hand movement. PMID- 13481274 TI - Problem solving in multiple-goal situations. PMID- 13481275 TI - A test of a statistical learning theory model for two-choice behavior with double stimulus events. PMID- 13481276 TI - Reward and punishment in a minimal social situation. PMID- 13481278 TI - The interaction of association value and stimulus configuration in size estimation. PMID- 13481277 TI - Effects of varied distance on short-range size judgments. PMID- 13481279 TI - Semantic generalization with experimentally induced associations. PMID- 13481280 TI - The immediate effects of emotionality upon behavior strength. PMID- 13481281 TI - Emotionality and the Yerkes-Dodson law. PMID- 13481282 TI - Transfer from verbal pretraining to motor performance as a function of response similarity and angle of movement. PMID- 13481283 TI - The discrimination of speech sounds within and across phoneme boundaries. PMID- 13481284 TI - Retention of verbal associates as a function of strength. PMID- 13481285 TI - Supplementary report: effect of verbal pretraining on the acquisition of a complex motor skill. PMID- 13481286 TI - Pigment-inducing potentialities of testes, ovaries and hermaphroditic (hr) gonads. PMID- 13481287 TI - Iodine metabolism in insects. I. In vivo metabolism of radio-iodide. PMID- 13481288 TI - Some aspects of the quantitative study of cytoplasmic particles: mixed populations of kappa in Paramecium aurelia, variety 4. PMID- 13481289 TI - Kidney tubule induction in mouse metanephrogenic mesenchyme without cytoplasmic contact. PMID- 13481290 TI - Biparental inheritance in an inter-ordinal cross of sea urchin and sand dollar. PMID- 13481291 TI - Changes in the peripheral blood of weanling and adult rats during acute x irradiation to death. PMID- 13481293 TI - The genetic background of chemically induced phenocopies in Drosophila. PMID- 13481292 TI - The sex chromatin of the bovine freemartin. PMID- 13481294 TI - Metabolic phases during amphibian embryogenesis. PMID- 13481295 TI - Melanoblast differentiation secured from different mouse genotypes after transplantation to adult mouse spleen or to chick embryo coelom. PMID- 13481296 TI - Free or easily extractable amino acids of the heart muscle of various species. PMID- 13481297 TI - On the factors determining the size of the lens rudiment in amphibian embryos. PMID- 13481298 TI - Regeneration of neural retina and lens from retina pigment cell grafts in adult newts. PMID- 13481299 TI - Analysis of the organizer center in the early chick embryo. III. Regulative properties of the chorda and somite centers. PMID- 13481300 TI - The developmental mechanics of pigment pattern formation in the black axolotl, Amblystoma mexicanum. I. The formation of yellow and black bars in young larvae. PMID- 13481301 TI - Equivalence of macronuclear nodes. PMID- 13481302 TI - Extracorporeal circulation for open heart surgery. I. Physiologic and metabolic studies. PMID- 13481303 TI - The clinical value of right and left heart catheterization in the selection of patients for valvular heart surgery. PMID- 13481304 TI - The diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy. PMID- 13481305 TI - Carcinoma of the esophagus; study of fifty-five cases at Duval Medical Center in past eight years. PMID- 13481306 TI - Syphilis in Polk County; report of 1955 blood testing survey. PMID- 13481307 TI - Virological findings on polio and polio-like diseases: 1956. PMID- 13481308 TI - The concept of virus. PMID- 13481309 TI - Studies on lysogeny in staphylococci. PMID- 13481310 TI - The maintenance of Eremothecium ashbyi. PMID- 13481311 TI - Nuclear fusion in Spirillum spp. PMID- 13481312 TI - Some factors affecting the growth of Bordetella pertussis. PMID- 13481313 TI - The growth of Bordetella pertussis: a review. PMID- 13481314 TI - Some characteristics of vesicular stomatitis virus growth-curves in tissue culture. PMID- 13481315 TI - Paths of phosphate transfer in normal chick embryo cells and in cells infected with vesicular stomatitis virus. PMID- 13481316 TI - An osmotic barrier for inorganic phosphate in chick embryo cells and its stability during the latent and release periods of infection by vesicular stomatitis virus. PMID- 13481317 TI - Yeasts isolated from the mammalian alimentary tract. PMID- 13481318 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481319 TI - Sodium chloride and the growth of Desulphovibrio desuplphuricans. PMID- 13481320 TI - Hippurate hydrolysis in Klebsiella-Cloaca classification. PMID- 13481321 TI - Gelatin liquefaction: a microtest. PMID- 13481322 TI - Quantitative analysis of the Gram reaction. PMID- 13481323 TI - The development and testing of a method of counting rumen ciliate protozoa. PMID- 13481324 TI - The occurrence of rare motile bacteria in some non-motile Salmonella strains. PMID- 13481325 TI - The cellular polysaccharide of a type II non-capsulated Pneumococcus. PMID- 13481326 TI - A comparative study of cellulose-producing cultures and celluloseless mutants of certain Acetobacter spp. PMID- 13481327 TI - Formation of the vegetative pool by induced defective and healthy lysogenic strains of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13481328 TI - The nature and distribution of carotenoids in some blue-green algae. PMID- 13481329 TI - The action of chemical disinfectants on bacteria in droplets compared with that in large volumes. PMID- 13481330 TI - Protein synthesis in a species of thermophilic bacillus. PMID- 13481331 TI - The significance of poly-phenolic metabolites of apple and pear in the host relations of Venturia inaequalis and Venturia pirina. PMID- 13481332 TI - An agar-diffusion method for titrating Bacillus anthracis immunizing antigen and its application to a study of antigen production. PMID- 13481333 TI - Dose-response curves of toxic and infective actions of adenovirus in HeLa cell cultures. PMID- 13481335 TI - The value of anticipated events as a determinant of probability learning and extinction. PMID- 13481334 TI - Cell-wall lytic enzymes at sporulation and spore germination in Bacillus species. PMID- 13481336 TI - Critical flicker frequency in light- and dark-adaptation. PMID- 13481337 TI - Place-learning, cognitive maps, and parsimony. PMID- 13481338 TI - Exceptional memory for dates and weather in a schizoid psychopath. PMID- 13481339 TI - Personality rigidity as measured by aniseikonic lenses and by perceptual tests of metabolic efficiency. PMID- 13481340 TI - Behavior as performance: a note on Muenzinger's frame of reference for the study of behavior. PMID- 13481341 TI - The organization of the retention of verbal material. PMID- 13481342 TI - Goal setting rigidity as a function of anxiety and task-ambiguity. PMID- 13481343 TI - Perceptual defense: an integration with other research findings. PMID- 13481344 TI - The completeness and accuracy of counseling interview reports. PMID- 13481345 TI - A note on estimating the statistical significance of mutuality. PMID- 13481346 TI - A Gestalt law of mental work. PMID- 13481347 TI - Anxiety as a factor influencing routine performance under auditory stimuli. PMID- 13481348 TI - Some suggestions for the conceptual and theoretical analysis of complex intervening variables in problem-solving behavior. PMID- 13481349 TI - Use of microchemical methods for quantitative localization in histochemistry. PMID- 13481350 TI - The contributions of differential centrifugation to the intracellular localization of enzymes. PMID- 13481351 TI - Problems of enzymatic localization by chemical reactions applied to tissue sections. PMID- 13481352 TI - Histochemical observations on the fetal ovary and testis of the horse. PMID- 13481353 TI - The histochemical demonstration of monoamine oxidase activity by tetrazolium salts. PMID- 13481354 TI - Tetrazolium reduction as a measure of monoamine oxidase activity in vitro. PMID- 13481355 TI - Reaction of tissues with Schiff's reagent after treatment with anhydrous chromyl chloride. PMID- 13481356 TI - Azo-coupling reactions of protein-bound amino groups in plant tissue by oxidative deamination method. PMID- 13481357 TI - The organic physics of 1847 and the biophysics of today. PMID- 13481358 TI - The anemograph of Ons-en-Bray: an early self-registering predecessor of the kymograph with translations of original description and a biography of the inventor. PMID- 13481359 TI - A Jenner letter. PMID- 13481360 TI - Ancient Roman folk medicine. PMID- 13481361 TI - Scurvy in the Gold Rush. PMID- 13481362 TI - The purification of formol diphtheria toxoid by multi-membrane electro decantation. PMID- 13481363 TI - Antibody synthesis by homotransplanted cells and tissues. I. Study of factors which influence the process in the rabbit. PMID- 13481364 TI - Antibody synthesis by homotransplanted cells and tissues. II. Study of factors which influence the process in the rat. PMID- 13481365 TI - Vascularization of the cornea during delayed hypersensitivity reactions. PMID- 13481366 TI - The effect of complements on soluble antigen-antibody complexes. PMID- 13481367 TI - The molecular ratios of soluble rabbit antigen-antibody complexes. PMID- 13481368 TI - Further studies on antigenic heterogeneity in bacteriophage. PMID- 13481369 TI - Sedimentation properties of human and sheep erythrocyte hemolysins. PMID- 13481370 TI - Relationship of the anaphylaxis sensitizing and adjuvant properties of Hemophilus pertussis vaccine. PMID- 13481371 TI - Challenge of hamsters with Japanese B, St. Louis and Murray Valley encephalitis viruses after immunization by West Nile infection plus specific vaccine. PMID- 13481372 TI - Challenge of monkeys with Japanese B virus after immunization by West Nile infection plus Japanese B vaccine. PMID- 13481373 TI - The local response of tissue mast cells to antigen in sensitized mice. PMID- 13481374 TI - Inactivation of poliomyelitis virus for the preparation of vaccines. I. Formalin and ultraviolet irradiation. PMID- 13481375 TI - Studies of the immunochemistry of leptospires. II. Heterogenetic relationship between leptospires and other microorganisms. PMID- 13481376 TI - Antibody response of mice treated with 2-mercaptoethylguanidine hydrobromide and lethal doses of x-radiation, and its significance to the relation of antigen to host. PMID- 13481377 TI - Some effects of nonreacting substances in the quantitative application of gel diffusion techniques. PMID- 13481378 TI - Relationship of virulence for mice to patient source of type 2 polioviruses. PMID- 13481379 TI - Effects of x-irradiation on susceptibility to infection following oral challenge in immunized and nonimmunized mice. PMID- 13481380 TI - Immunologic relationships of C-reactive protein from various human pathologic conditions. PMID- 13481381 TI - Effects of acute and chronic exposure to x-radiation on phagocytic activity. PMID- 13481382 TI - Behavior of complement in antigen-antibody-complement precipitates. PMID- 13481383 TI - The rate of localization of anti-rat kidney antibodies. PMID- 13481384 TI - Specificity and cross-localization of anti-kidney antibodies. PMID- 13481385 TI - Mumps complement fixing antibodies in guinea pigs. PMID- 13481386 TI - The influence of reciprocal immunity on eastern and western equine encephalomyelitis infection in horses and English sparrows. PMID- 13481387 TI - Immunization of man against epidemic typhus by infection with avirulent Rickettsia prowazeki strain E. IV. Persistence of immunity and a note as to differing complement-fixation antigen requirements in post-infection and post vaccination sera. PMID- 13481388 TI - Intralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration; review of literature and a case report. PMID- 13481389 TI - Management of status asthmaticus and chronic asthma with hormones. PMID- 13481390 TI - Byssinosis. PMID- 13481391 TI - A new oral non-barbiturate hypnotic. PMID- 13481392 TI - Neurilemmoma of the appendix. PMID- 13481393 TI - Kartagener's syndrome. PMID- 13481394 TI - Ileocystoplasty in a case of contracted urinary bladder following tuberculosis. PMID- 13481395 TI - CALCUTTA School of Tropical Medicine: a decade in retrospect. PMID- 13481396 TI - Infective hepatitis. PMID- 13481397 TI - Percutaneous splenoportal venography. PMID- 13481398 TI - A clinical method of contraceptive testing. PMID- 13481399 TI - Polycystic liver. PMID- 13481400 TI - Dysphagia lusoria. PMID- 13481401 TI - N-allyl-normorphine in opium poisoning. PMID- 13481403 TI - Cesarean section. PMID- 13481402 TI - Sarcoma botryoides of the vagina in infancy and childhood: a case report. PMID- 13481404 TI - Review: mechanisms in peripheral edema of congestive heart failure. PMID- 13481406 TI - The year in retrospect. PMID- 13481405 TI - The surgical management of benign lesions of the large bowel. PMID- 13481407 TI - Modern treatment of atherosclerosis. PMID- 13481408 TI - Observed vascular phenomenon in a bicornuate uterus: report of a case. PMID- 13481409 TI - Present day concept of cleft lip and cleft palate management. PMID- 13481410 TI - Skin grafting complicated by chickenpox: report of a case. PMID- 13481411 TI - Carcinoma of the esophagus. PMID- 13481412 TI - Trauma resulting from electricity. PMID- 13481413 TI - Primary multiple gastric carcinoma with unusual histologic character; report of a case. PMID- 13481414 TI - Emergency features of head injury. PMID- 13481415 TI - Revascularization of the kidney; an experimental study and clinical evaluation. PMID- 13481416 TI - Prevention and treatment of postoperative thromboembolic disease in genitourinary surgery. PMID- 13481417 TI - Carcinoma of the breast. PMID- 13481418 TI - Primiparous breech: its practical management during labor. PMID- 13481419 TI - Dacryocystorhinostomy with polyethylene tubing: a simplified technic. PMID- 13481421 TI - Management of fractures of the jaws in children. PMID- 13481420 TI - Postoperative wound infections in orthopedic surgery; evaluation of prophylactic antibiotics. PMID- 13481422 TI - Repair of superciliary alopecia. PMID- 13481424 TI - The mechanical transmutation of life. PMID- 13481423 TI - [Tuberculous tendosynovitis of the hand]. PMID- 13481425 TI - Felix Mandl: a tribute. PMID- 13481426 TI - Cadmium sulfide suspension in seborrhea capitis. PMID- 13481428 TI - Seborrheic keratoses. I. Pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasmia (Weidman). PMID- 13481427 TI - In vitro invasion of hair by dermatophytes; a preliminary report. PMID- 13481429 TI - Melanocyte counts on human forearm skin. PMID- 13481430 TI - Qualitative and quantitative data on melanocytes in human epidermis treated with thorium X. PMID- 13481431 TI - The growing hair roots of the human scalp and morphologic changes therein following amethopterin therapy. PMID- 13481432 TI - Detection of radiation effects on hair roots of the human scalp. PMID- 13481433 TI - Periodic acid-Schiff positive material accumulating within the lumen of eccrine sweat glands. PMID- 13481434 TI - Examination of the epidermis by the strip method. IV. The melanocytes during a period of forced regeneration. PMID- 13481436 TI - The physician, the press and the public. PMID- 13481435 TI - Primary irritant activity of barrier creams. PMID- 13481437 TI - Lawyer-physician relations in accident and compensation cases. PMID- 13481438 TI - The general practitioner and the patient with anxiety. PMID- 13481439 TI - Syndromes of the elongated styloid process. PMID- 13481440 TI - Emergency treatment of eye injuries. PMID- 13481441 TI - The treatment of phlebitis. PMID- 13481442 TI - Foreign bodies in the ear canal. PMID- 13481444 TI - Headache and its causes. PMID- 13481443 TI - Heart block: a clinical survey and review of 51 cases. PMID- 13481445 TI - O'Bryen Bellingham: a centenary tribute. PMID- 13481446 TI - The diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13481447 TI - Chronic relapsing pancreatitis with hypoglycaemia. PMID- 13481448 TI - Carcinoma of the thyroid; incidence in surgically removed nodular thyroid gland. PMID- 13481449 TI - Anomalies of the esophagus: congenital esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula. PMID- 13481450 TI - Cardiovascular laboratory: report of activities at the University of Kansas Medical Center, May 1955 to May 1957. PMID- 13481451 TI - Social welfare: a study of integration of services in Kansas. PMID- 13481452 TI - Divine healing; the history of faith cures and their status today. PMID- 13481453 TI - Obstetric hemorrhage. PMID- 13481454 TI - Clinical evaluation of the rhinotomy operation. PMID- 13481455 TI - A family outbreak of histoplasmosis. I. Clinical laboratory, and follow-up studies. PMID- 13481456 TI - A family outbreak of histoplasmosis. II. Epidemiologic studies. PMID- 13481457 TI - Generalized excessive oozing in patients undergoing major surgery and receiving multiple blood transfusions. PMID- 13481458 TI - Studies in iron transportation and metabolism. X. Long-term iron overload in dogs. PMID- 13481459 TI - Studies of erythrocyte osmotic fragility in iron deficiency anemias. PMID- 13481460 TI - Urinary excretion of acid mucopolysaccharides by patients with lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13481461 TI - The distribution of toxins in coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from infections and carriers. PMID- 13481462 TI - Determination of urinary excretion of radiocobalt-labeled vitamin B12 by cobalt sulfide precipitation. PMID- 13481464 TI - Elbow fractures in children. PMID- 13481463 TI - The determination of inulin in blood and urine using glucose oxidase for the removal of interfering glucose. PMID- 13481466 TI - The management of third-degree burns. PMID- 13481465 TI - Comparative results of surgery and radiotherapy in carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13481467 TI - The treatment of warts. PMID- 13481468 TI - New drugs in obstetrics and gynecology. PMID- 13481469 TI - Relationship of ECHO and Coxsackie viruses to paralytic and nonparalytic poliomyelitis. PMID- 13481470 TI - Rehabilitation comes of age. PMID- 13481471 TI - John Silas Lundy. PMID- 13481473 TI - Benign tumours of the larynx. PMID- 13481472 TI - Pernicious anemia; a problem in diagnosis. PMID- 13481474 TI - The histopathology of benign tumours of the larynx. PMID- 13481475 TI - Large cysts of the epiglottis: a classification and case records. PMID- 13481476 TI - Exophthalmos. PMID- 13481477 TI - Chondroma of the nasal septum. PMID- 13481478 TI - Melanomas in the prepubertal age-group. PMID- 13481479 TI - Hiatus herniation, gastric mucosa lining the lower oesophagus, and reflux oesophagitis above. PMID- 13481480 TI - Non-specific granuloma of larynx. PMID- 13481481 TI - Chondroma of the arytenoid. PMID- 13481482 TI - A case of bilateral external laryngocele. PMID- 13481483 TI - Primary carcinoma presenting in right nostril; maxillary resection with osteoplastic restoration of antrum. PMID- 13481484 TI - Tuberculosis of the pharynx. PMID- 13481485 TI - Cerebrospinal rhinorrhoea associated with osteopetrosis. PMID- 13481487 TI - Pregnancy following pulmonary resection. PMID- 13481486 TI - Clinical use of digitalis in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13481488 TI - Acute blood loss. PMID- 13481489 TI - Clinical use of the artificial kidney. PMID- 13481490 TI - The systemic use of ACTH and synthetic adrenal glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. PMID- 13481491 TI - Curing carcinoma of the prostate. PMID- 13481492 TI - [Dubin-Johnson syndrome (chronic idiopathic jaundice)]. PMID- 13481493 TI - [Unnecessary thyroidectomies]. PMID- 13481494 TI - [Endemic regional asthma caused by sensitization to Ustilago; experimental studies]. PMID- 13481495 TI - [Treatment of pyramidal contracture with a phenothiazine derivative (4909 RP)]. PMID- 13481496 TI - [2 Cases of nephrocalcinosis in children; first cryptogenetic, second caused by oxalosis]. PMID- 13481497 TI - [Treatment of arteritis with intravenous injections of hypertonic saline solutions]. PMID- 13481498 TI - [Two cases of acute malignant reticulosis]. PMID- 13481499 TI - [Regressive palmar aneurysms]. PMID- 13481500 TI - [Case of terebrant aneurysm of abdominal aorta]. PMID- 13481501 TI - [Etiology of rheumatism in aged]. PMID- 13481503 TI - [Shingles: treatment]. PMID- 13481502 TI - [Herpes zoster - shingles]. PMID- 13481504 TI - [Ophthalmic shingles]. PMID- 13481505 TI - [Physical therapy of chronic rheumatisms]. PMID- 13481506 TI - [Medical treatment of chronic degenerative rheumatism]. PMID- 13481507 TI - [Introduction to etiology, general pathology and general therapeutics of chronic rheumatism]. PMID- 13481508 TI - [Principle therapeutic indications in inflammatory forms of chronic rheumatism]. PMID- 13481509 TI - [Chronic rheumatisms in children]. PMID- 13481510 TI - [Heart and chronic rheumatism]. PMID- 13481511 TI - [Professor H. Bonnin, 1886-1957]. PMID- 13481512 TI - [Professor J. Beauvieux]. PMID- 13481513 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481514 TI - [Use of several new medications in anxiety]. PMID- 13481515 TI - [Biological syndrome of chronic inflammatory rheumatism. III. Determination of serum mucopolysaccharides & tests of inflammation]. PMID- 13481516 TI - [Rapid constrictive pericarditis; early surgical time]. PMID- 13481517 TI - [Treatment of chronic obliterating arteritis: importance of a combination of vasodilator products]. PMID- 13481518 TI - [Importance of globular anemia in premature infants. Does it influence their ponderal curve]. PMID- 13481519 TI - [Obesity, disease of metabolism]. PMID- 13481520 TI - [Neurological complications of induced abortion]. PMID- 13481521 TI - [Late complications of calcified mediastinal lymph node disease]. PMID- 13481522 TI - [Thrombopenic purpura probably due to the administration of diamox]. PMID- 13481523 TI - [Case of transitory quadriplegia with acute hyperglycemia; diagnostic discussion]. PMID- 13481525 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481524 TI - [Pulmonary manifestations of multiple myeloma]. PMID- 13481526 TI - [Bilateral adrenalectomy in the treatment of various cancers]. PMID- 13481527 TI - [Eosinophilic granuloma of the bone]. PMID- 13481528 TI - [Surgical risk in myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica patients (exclusive of the surgical treatment of the myasthenia itself)]. PMID- 13481529 TI - [Hepato-renal polycystic disease; a case report]. PMID- 13481530 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481531 TI - [2 Cases of unexpected death after curettage for late postpartal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13481532 TI - [Case report of osteogenic sarcoma of the rib]. PMID- 13481533 TI - [Various dietetic indications in the treatment of certain dermatoses in adults]. PMID- 13481534 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481535 TI - [Chloric acne; case reports arising from the preparation of 2,4,5 trichlorophenol]. PMID- 13481536 TI - [Various diseases of the buccal mucosa cureable by the Saint-Christau cure]. PMID- 13481537 TI - [Indications for the Sail-les-Bains cure]. PMID- 13481538 TI - [Study of neuromuscular excitability during the course of prolonged neuroleptic treatment (chlorpromazine & reserpine); technic, results, pathogenic considerations]. PMID- 13481539 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481540 TI - [Meprobamate in the treatment of nervous system diseases]. PMID- 13481541 TI - Radioactive iodine in treatment of pulmonary insufficiency. PMID- 13481542 TI - Cerebral arteriovenous malformations. PMID- 13481543 TI - The role of hypothermia in surgery. PMID- 13481544 TI - A look to the future. PMID- 13481545 TI - Mesenteric thrombosis case report. PMID- 13481546 TI - Electrolytes in heart failure. PMID- 13481547 TI - Hypnosis in anesthesia. PMID- 13481548 TI - Clinical diagnosis of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13481549 TI - Torsion of the omentum and appendices epiploicae causing acute abdominal pain. PMID- 13481550 TI - Delalutin for premenstrual tension. PMID- 13481551 TI - America's stake in medical education. PMID- 13481552 TI - Who is responsible for the medical schools. PMID- 13481553 TI - Impressions of the 1956 Institute on the evaluation of the student: the appraisal of applicants to medical school. PMID- 13481554 TI - A method of evaluating student-patient interviews. PMID- 13481555 TI - A graduate and undergraduate teaching program on the psychological aspects of medicine. PMID- 13481556 TI - Some trends in medical education in the United States. PMID- 13481557 TI - Medical aspects of atomic energy. PMID- 13481558 TI - Modern trends in hematology. PMID- 13481559 TI - A better world through public health. PMID- 13481560 TI - Q fever in Lebanon; report of two cases. PMID- 13481561 TI - Problems in hypercalcemia. PMID- 13481562 TI - Psychic damage in early childhood; and its consequences from the point of view of the child psychiatrist. PMID- 13481564 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481563 TI - Atresia of the duodenum. PMID- 13481565 TI - Cytology of pleural effusions as an aid in cancer detection. PMID- 13481566 TI - Repair of common duct injuries. PMID- 13481567 TI - Serum ammonium levels in liver disease. PMID- 13481568 TI - Clinical toxicity of methyprylon (noludar); case report and review of twenty three cases. PMID- 13481569 TI - Sex murder and sex aggression. PMID- 13481570 TI - Geriatric dermatology. PMID- 13481571 TI - Medical aspects of gastrointestinal polyps. PMID- 13481572 TI - Modern problems in tuberculosis control. PMID- 13481573 TI - The Cattell tube in urologic surgery. PMID- 13481574 TI - The last illness of Robert McKean; 1732-1767. PMID- 13481575 TI - Osteoporosis. PMID- 13481576 TI - The causes, prevention and management of hyponatremia. PMID- 13481577 TI - Cancer advances; cervical cytology as an aid in cancer detection. PMID- 13481578 TI - Some socialpsychiatric aspects of pregnancy and childbearing. PMID- 13481579 TI - Research trends in human psychopharmacology. PMID- 13481580 TI - Occupational medicine 1957. PMID- 13481581 TI - Education in psychiatry. PMID- 13481582 TI - Aim and method in treatment: twenty years of British and American psychiatry. PMID- 13481583 TI - The intellectual and social status of children of mental defectives. I. PMID- 13481584 TI - The intellectual and social status of children of mental defectives. II. PMID- 13481585 TI - Evaluation of a common method of convulsion therapy in Bantu schizophrenics. PMID- 13481586 TI - Patterns of cognitive test performance as functions of the lateral localization of cerebral abnormalities in the temporal lobe. PMID- 13481587 TI - The clinical significance of obsessions in schizophrenia. PMID- 13481588 TI - The relationships between some aspects of visual imagery and the alpha rhythm. PMID- 13481589 TI - An experimental study of learning and memory function in elderly psychiatric patients. PMID- 13481590 TI - Modern psychotherapy, 150 years ago. PMID- 13481591 TI - The hypocholesterolemic effect of nicotinic acid and its relationship to the autonomic nervous system. PMID- 13481592 TI - Prognosis in senile deterioration. PMID- 13481593 TI - Initial psychiatric illness in involutional women. III. Electroencephalographic findings. PMID- 13481594 TI - Ritalin and chlorpromazine in chronic schizophrenia: a controlled clinical trial. PMID- 13481595 TI - 6 beta-Hydroxy-3:5-cyclopregnan-20-one in mental states. PMID- 13481596 TI - The control of visual imagery in mental disorder. PMID- 13481597 TI - Some effects of nalorphine on the behaviour of healthy human volunteers. PMID- 13481598 TI - Tranquillizers in mental deficiency: hydroxyzine. PMID- 13481599 TI - Addendum to a hierarchy of stressors. PMID- 13481600 TI - Use of meprobamate in tension states. PMID- 13481602 TI - The doctor and the service club. PMID- 13481601 TI - The physician and city commissions. PMID- 13481603 TI - The doctor and the school board. PMID- 13481605 TI - Tracheotomy: indications and comments. PMID- 13481606 TI - STUDY discloses public and doctor opinion; Michigan State Medical Society House of Delegates recommends changes in Blue Shield: official report of the opinion study of prepaid medical care coverage in Michigan. PMID- 13481604 TI - Use of doxinate with danthron as withdrawal therapy in the treatment of chronic functional constipation. PMID- 13481607 TI - Auricular septal defects. PMID- 13481608 TI - The physiatric contribution to geriatrics. PMID- 13481609 TI - Paul Klemperer; an appreciation. PMID- 13481611 TI - A concept of the origin of the cardiac valvular vegetation. PMID- 13481610 TI - The role of the ground substance in atherogenesis. PMID- 13481612 TI - The ecologic role of the pathologist in evaluating potentially toxic substances. PMID- 13481613 TI - Tumors of the soft somatic tissues. PMID- 13481615 TI - The relation of vitamin A intake to cerebrospinal fluid pressure: a review. PMID- 13481614 TI - Isolated bone lesions associated with elliptical erythrocytes. PMID- 13481616 TI - The diagnosis of acute appendicitis; a reaffirmation of basic surgical principles. PMID- 13481618 TI - Application of thin sections to the problems of renal pathology. PMID- 13481617 TI - The significance of serum bilirubin and serum alkaline phosphatase in chlorpromazine therapy; a statistical study of 1215 patients. PMID- 13481619 TI - A study of congenital heart disease seen at necropsy in a large general hospital in Hawaii. PMID- 13481620 TI - Tumor-like proliferations of lymphoid tissue; occurrence in deltoid muscle and mediastinum. PMID- 13481622 TI - Motivation and goals in medicine in mid-twentieth century. PMID- 13481621 TI - Primary pulmonary hypertension and the pulmonary vasculature. PMID- 13481623 TI - Disturbance of hemostasis in rabbits treated with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP). PMID- 13481625 TI - Observations on connective tissue alterations in collagen diseases. PMID- 13481624 TI - Myelolipoma of the adrenal with clinical features and surgical excision. PMID- 13481626 TI - Metastasizing adenoma of the thyroid gland; a brief reconsideration, with report of two cases. PMID- 13481627 TI - Lipogranulomatosis; a new lipo-glycoprotein storage disease. PMID- 13481628 TI - Some uncommon forms of cerebral vascular disease. PMID- 13481629 TI - The spinal cord in iniencephaly. PMID- 13481630 TI - Pathogenesis of arterial sclerosis, in the light of modern views on vascular microanatomy and the role of polysaccharides in wound healing. PMID- 13481632 TI - Peptic ulcer in gall bladder diverticulum. PMID- 13481631 TI - Sarcoma arising in omental endometrial cyst. PMID- 13481633 TI - Pathological changes affecting the nuclear constituents: cytochemical studies. PMID- 13481635 TI - Hypoplasia of the lungs. PMID- 13481634 TI - Renal humoral (pressor) versus renoprival (antipressor) hypertension. PMID- 13481636 TI - An automatic recording ultraviolet and visible microspectrophotometer. PMID- 13481637 TI - The extravasation and precipitation of urine in the hilus of the kidneys. PMID- 13481639 TI - Notes on the early modern history of lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13481640 TI - Granulomatous inflammation of the kidneys. PMID- 13481638 TI - Origin of polyploid nuclei in rat livers during regeneration following carbon tetrachloride poisoning. PMID- 13481641 TI - Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. PMID- 13481642 TI - Ocular manifestations of colagen diseases. PMID- 13481643 TI - Quantitative cytochemistry (microspectrophotometry), a fruitful approach to the study of disease. PMID- 13481645 TI - Isolated myocarditis: a report of nine cases. PMID- 13481644 TI - The early phase of endemic bancroftian filariasis in the male; pathological study. PMID- 13481646 TI - On the background of the discovery of neurochemical transmission. PMID- 13481647 TI - The protein fractions of synovial fluid and umbilical cord mucin. PMID- 13481648 TI - Liver patterns in biliary hypercholesteremic xanthomatosis. PMID- 13481649 TI - The roentgen findings in lymphosarcoma of the small intestine. PMID- 13481650 TI - Symmetrical hemorrhagic necrosis of adrenal glands complicating coronary thrombosis; case report with discussion of possible role of corticotropin and heparin. PMID- 13481651 TI - Influences of adrenal hormones on aortic histopathology in relation to blood lipoproteins in rabbits. PMID- 13481652 TI - Unity in pathogenesis and gross pathology of the pyogenic and tuberculous bronchopneumonias. PMID- 13481653 TI - Materials for a portrait of Richard Bright as a young man. PMID- 13481654 TI - New horizons in fluorescence microscopy. PMID- 13481655 TI - A discussion on eosinophilic granuloma of bone, Letter-Siwe disease and Schuller Christian disease. PMID- 13481656 TI - Cortisone and the dissociation of hypersensitivity and acquired resistance; experiments with heat-killed tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13481657 TI - An analytical schema for the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer: a first approximation. PMID- 13481659 TI - The notched nucleus of the fat cell (Unna's lochkern). PMID- 13481658 TI - Potentiating action of serotonin on choline compounds. PMID- 13481660 TI - Fatty liver with hepatic failure in alcoholics. PMID- 13481661 TI - The operability of primary carcinoma of the lung in relation to histology and topography. PMID- 13481662 TI - An injection mass of maximal radiopacity for postmortem angiography. PMID- 13481663 TI - Histologic sequelae of hormone therapy and hypophysectomy in breast cancer. PMID- 13481664 TI - The reticulin riddle. PMID- 13481665 TI - Lymphoid nodules in the human cervix. PMID- 13481666 TI - Julius Schottlaender, pioneer pathologist in obstetrics and gynecology: with personal recollections and notes on early contributions to histopathology of incipient uterine cancer. PMID- 13481667 TI - Idiopathic non-specific fibrosing retroperitonitis causing bilateral ureteral compression. PMID- 13481668 TI - Replacement of the right renal artery by the splenic or inferior mesenteric arteries. PMID- 13481669 TI - Neuroendocrine system and obesity; studies in yellow mice. PMID- 13481670 TI - Hyperthyroidism and myasthenia gravis. PMID- 13481671 TI - Gaucher's disease, presenting as widespread resorption of bone. PMID- 13481672 TI - Chemical aspects of deficiency diseases. PMID- 13481673 TI - The adrenals before Addison. PMID- 13481674 TI - Observations on the pathogenesis and sequelae of interstitial inflammation and fibrosis of the lungs. PMID- 13481675 TI - Endocardial sclerosis in infancy associated with abnormal storage (gargoylism); report of a case in an infant, aged five months and review of the literature. PMID- 13481676 TI - Fat tissue growths. PMID- 13481677 TI - Eosinophilic meningo-encephalitis, with predominantly cerebellar changes caused by Trichinella infection. PMID- 13481678 TI - Storage of lipoproteins in liver cells in cases of cirrhosis. PMID- 13481679 TI - Enzymatic staining reactions in regenerating tubular cells of the rat kidney. PMID- 13481680 TI - Histochemical studies of fibrinoid substances and other abnormal tissue proteins. III. Proteolysis of fibrinoids. PMID- 13481681 TI - Factors in the causation of leukemia. PMID- 13481682 TI - The Jew as physician: historical perspective of his contributions to medicine. PMID- 13481683 TI - The use of glass fibre paper as an absorbent in the tissue laboratory; a preliminary report. PMID- 13481684 TI - An approach to an atherogenetic factor; transintimal perfusion. PMID- 13481685 TI - Self-healing hypernephromas. PMID- 13481686 TI - In explanation of certain glioma problems. PMID- 13481687 TI - Freiberg's infarction as initiating factor of secondary arthritis in the foot. PMID- 13481688 TI - Nutrition in chiropody: a preliminary report on local and systemic administration of vitamins in deficiency states affecting the lower extremities. PMID- 13481689 TI - The importance of ankle edema in the diagnosis of cardiac and renal problems. PMID- 13481690 TI - Hematology in relation to edema of ankles. PMID- 13481691 TI - Malignant melanoma; a case history. PMID- 13481692 TI - Injection therapy for ligamentous strain. PMID- 13481693 TI - The detection of schizophrenia in infancy; a preliminary report. PMID- 13481694 TI - Chlorpromazine therapy in private practice; its benefits and complications. PMID- 13481695 TI - Group psychotherapy with psychotic patients. PMID- 13481696 TI - Chlorpromazine therapy following transorbital lobotomy. PMID- 13481697 TI - Reserpine and methylphenidylacetate effects on socialization and activity. PMID- 13481698 TI - The psychosis of general paresis; a case study and discussion. PMID- 13481699 TI - Psychosomatic factors in black-out. PMID- 13481700 TI - A method for differential diagnosis of brain damage in adolescents. PMID- 13481701 TI - The law of initial value in neurology and psychiatry; facts and problems. PMID- 13481702 TI - Manic depressive psychosis: theory and practice. PMID- 13481703 TI - Two cases of intracranial neoplasm treated by chemotherapy. PMID- 13481704 TI - The results of chlorpromazine treatment with chronic psychoses in Dromokaition. PMID- 13481705 TI - Psychotherapeutic alteration of a physiologic stress response. PMID- 13481706 TI - Seizures with promazine; preliminary report. PMID- 13481707 TI - Criteria for tranquilization and the well-being status of subjectivity. PMID- 13481708 TI - Unexplained mental phenomena regarding suicide. PMID- 13481709 TI - Contributions of the Rorschach test to the understanding of acting-out behavior. PMID- 13481710 TI - An approach to the treatment of the metabolo-psychic component of certain euthyroid states; a preliminary report. PMID- 13481711 TI - Premature waking and postdormitial paralysis. PMID- 13481712 TI - Psychiatric disorders associated with childbirth. PMID- 13481713 TI - Aromatic metabolism in schizophrenia. I. Statistical evidence for aromaturia. PMID- 13481714 TI - Aromatic metabolism in schizophrenia. II. Bidimensional urinary chromatograms. PMID- 13481715 TI - The psychosomatic concept of obesity. PMID- 13481716 TI - An example of the psychopathology of religion; the Seventh-Day Adventist Denomination. PMID- 13481717 TI - Convulsions in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13481718 TI - Impairment of abstracting ability in multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13481719 TI - Schizophrenia and cortical involvement. PMID- 13481720 TI - The potentiating effect of diphenhydramine hydrochloride (benadryl). PMID- 13481722 TI - Recreational counseling in the psychiatric service of a general hospital. PMID- 13481721 TI - Some factors in chronic ward recovery. PMID- 13481723 TI - Some physiological responses in neurotics. PMID- 13481724 TI - The structure of emotion. II. The physical basis of anxiety. PMID- 13481725 TI - The structure of emotion. III. The physiology of the Oedipus complex. PMID- 13481726 TI - Brief chlorpromazine treatment of disturbed patients in a psychiatric reception hospital. PMID- 13481727 TI - A psychiatrist looks at epilepsy. PMID- 13481728 TI - Commitment of the mentally ill: treatment or social restraint. PMID- 13481729 TI - Hallucination: a problem in neurophysiology. PMID- 13481730 TI - The effect of group administration upon symptom formation under LSD. PMID- 13481731 TI - Psychopharmacological studies on suppression. PMID- 13481732 TI - The effect of divergent viewpoints in analytical psychotherapy training. PMID- 13481733 TI - Working with the stuttering problem. PMID- 13481734 TI - A comparison of monoureide and diureide sedatives; with respect to drug habituation, untoward effects and mortality rates. PMID- 13481735 TI - Xanthoma of the choroid plexus in a child. PMID- 13481736 TI - The use of reserpine in autistic children. PMID- 13481737 TI - Mental danger, stress and fear. II. Man and his morale. PMID- 13481738 TI - The Molac II; an alternating current electroshock therapy machine incorporating a new principle. PMID- 13481740 TI - Psychogenesis in ulcerative colitis; a case report. PMID- 13481739 TI - The Pfister colored pyramid test. PMID- 13481741 TI - The therapeutic value of setting limits with inhibited children. PMID- 13481742 TI - The pleasure process. PMID- 13481743 TI - Course in the individual patients as traced in the six schizophrenias. PMID- 13481744 TI - A modern concept of folie a deux. PMID- 13481745 TI - High frequency waves in the spastic mental defective; preliminary report. PMID- 13481746 TI - PSYCHODYNAMIC and therapeutic aspects of mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide: round table. PMID- 13481747 TI - Pharmacodynamics of LSD and mescaline. PMID- 13481748 TI - Biological changes in man following intravenous administration of mescaline. PMID- 13481749 TI - The effects of mescaline sulfate in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13481750 TI - The resolution and subsequent remobilization of resistance by LSD in psychotherapy. PMID- 13481751 TI - The role and reaction of the psychiatrist in LSD therapy. PMID- 13481752 TI - Comments on the psychological effects of mescaline and allied drugs. PMID- 13481753 TI - Remarks on LSD and mescaline. PMID- 13481754 TI - Verbatim recording and transference studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25). PMID- 13481755 TI - Skin histamine test in schizophrenia. PMID- 13481756 TI - Some social and biological aspects of anxiety. PMID- 13481757 TI - The autonomic nervous system and immunity. PMID- 13481758 TI - The concept of testamentary capacity; further observations on the role of psychiatric concepts in legal situations. PMID- 13481759 TI - Readmission rates for state mental hospital patients discharged on maintenance ataractics; findings with a matched control group and methodological considerations. PMID- 13481760 TI - Hypnosis and schizophrenia. PMID- 13481761 TI - Changes in avoidance conditioning following psychotherapeutic treatment. PMID- 13481762 TI - Experience with BGE, a naturally occurring indole compound. PMID- 13481763 TI - Intramuscular butabarbital sodium in the sedation of neuropsychiatric patients. PMID- 13481764 TI - Arteriovenous malformations of the brain and their effect upon the cerebral vessels. PMID- 13481765 TI - The late sequelae of pneumococcal meningitis. PMID- 13481766 TI - Electro-encephalography in a case of islet cell adenoma. PMID- 13481768 TI - Neurological manifestations in haemangioma of the vertebrae. PMID- 13481767 TI - Manifestations of suprarenal insufficiency occurring with pituitary tumours. PMID- 13481769 TI - Rapidly progressing dementia in disseminated sclerosis. PMID- 13481770 TI - Fatal damage to the brain by epileptic convulsions after a trivial injury to the head. PMID- 13481771 TI - Frequency analysis of physiological and neurotic tremors. PMID- 13481772 TI - Periodontal disease in the rice rat. III. Survey of dietary influences. PMID- 13481773 TI - The nutritive value of several foods grown at different locations. PMID- 13481774 TI - Relative roles of niacin and tryptophan in maintaining blood pyridine nucleotides, nitrogen balance and growth in adult rats. PMID- 13481775 TI - The effect of various fats upon experimental hypercholesteremia in the rat. PMID- 13481776 TI - Vitamin E deficiency in the monkey. II. Tissue concentrations of nucleic acids and creatine. PMID- 13481777 TI - Necrogenic potency of yeasts grown on various media. PMID- 13481778 TI - The addition of small amounts of defatted fish flour to whole yellow corn, whole wheat, whole and milled rye, grain sorghum and millet. I. Influence on growth and protein efficiency. II. Nutritive value of the minerals in fish flour. PMID- 13481779 TI - The effect of a low environment temperature on the weight and food consumption of thiamine-deficient rats. PMID- 13481781 TI - Assay of biologic value of milk proteins by liver xanthine oxidase determination. I. Powdered products. PMID- 13481780 TI - Effect of ascorbic acid and of orange juice on calcium and phosphorus metabolism of women. PMID- 13481782 TI - Excretion of certain nutrients by young college women consuming self-selected diets. PMID- 13481784 TI - The role of lysine in the growth and feather pigmentation of turkey poults. PMID- 13481783 TI - Effect of yeast and of yeast extracts on liver necrosis and hemolysis by dialuric acid of red blood cells of rats on a necrogenic diet. PMID- 13481785 TI - The improvement of the protein quality of white rice by lysine supplementation. PMID- 13481786 TI - Optical diffractometer for facilitation of x-ray diffraction studies of macromolecular structures. PMID- 13481787 TI - Chromatic flicker fusion frequency as a function of chromaticity difference. PMID- 13481788 TI - Fetal salvage in obstetrics. PMID- 13481789 TI - Fourth in a series: stop rheumatic fever; getting the patient to the doctor. PMID- 13481790 TI - Patent ductus arteriosus; diagnostic features and differential diagnosis. PMID- 13481791 TI - Exfoliative cytology of duodenal aspirations. PMID- 13481792 TI - Role of the radiologist; low back pain. PMID- 13481794 TI - Cancer of the larynx. II. PMID- 13481795 TI - Antigenic pneumonitis. PMID- 13481793 TI - Establishment of Oklahoma Eye Bank. PMID- 13481797 TI - A pilot study on rheumatic fever prevention. PMID- 13481798 TI - OKLAHOMA Poison Information Center. PMID- 13481796 TI - Report of a controlled clinical study of acylanid. PMID- 13481799 TI - The roentgenographic findings associated with neuroblastoma. PMID- 13481800 TI - Urinary excretion of fluoride by children aged two through five years using a stannous fluoride-containing dentifrice in a natural fluoride area and a nonfluoride area. PMID- 13481801 TI - Interstitial plasma cell pneumonia and Pneumocystis carioii. PMID- 13481803 TI - Formation of mucous membrane lesions secondary to prolonged use of one per cent aqueous gentian violet. PMID- 13481802 TI - Comparison of ocular reactions using penicillin and bacitracin ointments in ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis. PMID- 13481804 TI - Novobiocin in common pediatric infections. PMID- 13481805 TI - Apparent sensitization to novobiocin: case report. PMID- 13481806 TI - The roentgenographic diagnosis of geophagia (dirt-eating) in children: a report of sixty cases. PMID- 13481807 TI - Ear studies in the newborn infant: natural appearance and incidence of obscuring by vernix, cleansing of vernix, and description of drum and canal after cleansing. PMID- 13481808 TI - Growth and development. I. Relation of birth weight in Negro infants to sex, maternal age, parity, prenatal care, and socioeconomic status. PMID- 13481809 TI - Surgical treatment of pyloric stenosis in an infant with hemophilia A. PMID- 13481810 TI - Sporadic cretinism with goiter occurring in indentical twins. PMID- 13481811 TI - Infant and child mortality in a Korean rural area. PMID- 13481812 TI - The Children's Medical Center, Boston, Mass. PMID- 13481813 TI - Hyaline membrane disease. PMID- 13481814 TI - [Cardiotonic glucosides; principle glucosides of the seeds of Strophanthus preussii Engl. & Pax (type VI)]. PMID- 13481815 TI - [Barbiturates; research & determination in pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13481816 TI - [Determination of vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin) by polarography in pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13481817 TI - [Recent research on the active principles in ferns]. PMID- 13481819 TI - [Determination of mercury in organic compounds]. PMID- 13481818 TI - [Methods for the identification & determination of ethinylestradiol in pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13481820 TI - [In favor of the study of the history of pharmacy in Belgium]. PMID- 13481821 TI - Effects of reserpine and hydralazine on carotid and splanchnic nerve activity and blood pressure. PMID- 13481822 TI - Action and metabolism of chlorpromazine sulfoxide in man. PMID- 13481823 TI - Differentiation between receptors for serotonin and tryptamine by means of the exquisite specificity of antimetabolites. PMID- 13481824 TI - A quantitative study of the action of synthetic oxytocin on the pregnant human uterus. PMID- 13481825 TI - Studies on substituted dithiooxamides, diphosphopyridine necleotide-linked dehydrogenase inhibitors. I. General toxicity and site of action. PMID- 13481826 TI - Studies on substituted dithiooxamides, diphosphopyridine nucleotide-linked dehydrogenase inhibitors. II. Mechanism of action. PMID- 13481827 TI - Secretion of DDT metabolites in the bile of rats. PMID- 13481828 TI - The physiological disposition of oxyphenonium bromide (antrenyl) and related compounds. PMID- 13481829 TI - The effect of atropine and morphine on respiration. PMID- 13481830 TI - The topical action of morphine, levorphanol (levorphan) and the morphine antagonist levallorphan on the unanesthetized rabbit's brain. PMID- 13481831 TI - Marked potentiation in mammalian toxicity from simultaneous administration of two anticholinesterase compounds. PMID- 13481832 TI - The inhibitory action of nalorphine on the enzymatic N-demethylation of narcotic drugs. PMID- 13481833 TI - Some pharmacologic properties of a new series of cholinesterase inhibitors. PMID- 13481834 TI - Metabolic disposition of ethyl trichloramate. PMID- 13481835 TI - Interaction of serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide in the Siamese fighting fish. PMID- 13481836 TI - The depressant action of ethyl trichloramate on the central nervous system. PMID- 13481837 TI - Effects of chlorpromazine on the acquisition and extinction of an avoidance response in the rat. PMID- 13481838 TI - General pharmacological properties of 21-hydroxypregnanedione sodium succinate, an intravenous anesthetic agent. PMID- 13481839 TI - Carbonic anhydrase inhibition. VII. Carbonic anhydrase inhibition and anticonvulsant effect. PMID- 13481840 TI - Observations on the initial hypertensive response to reserpine. PMID- 13481841 TI - A comparison of the effectiveness of adrenergic blocking drugs in inhibiting the cardiac actions of sympathomimetic amines. PMID- 13481842 TI - The potentiation of histamine by imidazoleacrylcholine (murexine) and imidazolepropionylcholine (dihydromurexine). PMID- 13481844 TI - A pharmacologic and toxicologic study of a new series of antispasmodic compounds with special reference to structure and pharmacologic activity. PMID- 13481845 TI - Effects of mercurial diuretics on renal volume and intrarenal blood flow. PMID- 13481843 TI - Effects of excitation-blocking drugs and sodium deficiency on the veratrine electrical response. PMID- 13481846 TI - Effects of various lactones and related compounds on cation transfer in incubated cold-stored human erythrocytes. PMID- 13481847 TI - The influence of estrogens on the electrolytes of the rat uterus. PMID- 13481848 TI - Metabolism of cysteamine. PMID- 13481849 TI - Effects of reserpine on spinal cord synaptic transmission. PMID- 13481850 TI - Pharmacologic action of hypoglycin A and B. PMID- 13481851 TI - The motor nerve terminal as the primary focus for drug-in-duced facilitation of neuromuscular transmission. PMID- 13481852 TI - Urinary epinephrine and levarterenol excretion during acute sublethal alcohol intoxication in dogs. PMID- 13481853 TI - Effects of pressor amines and ouabain on the heart and blood pressure during hypothermia. PMID- 13481854 TI - Effects of dihydro-ouabain, dihydrodigoxin and dihydrodigitoxin on the heart-lung preparation of the dog. PMID- 13481855 TI - Isolation and crystallization of bound morphine from urine of human addicts. PMID- 13481856 TI - The relation of piperazine mono-quaternary salt structure to activity against Syphacia obvelata, a mouse pinworm. PMID- 13481857 TI - A preliminary procedure for the evaluation of central nervous system depressants. PMID- 13481858 TI - Anesthesia. LV. The pharmacologic response to hexafluorodiethyl ether. PMID- 13481859 TI - Pharmacology of a new hypotensive steroid; 17 alpha-propyl-4,5 beta-dihydro-19 nortestosterone. PMID- 13481860 TI - Peptic ulcer: a review of 358 cases admitted to the UST Charity Hospital 1946 1956 (inclusive). PMID- 13481861 TI - The concept of hemoglobinopathy. PMID- 13481862 TI - On hemoglobin E in the Philippines; hemolytic anemia, Stransky-Regala type. PMID- 13481863 TI - The Beard Anthrone Test: a bio-chemical test for cancer. PMID- 13481864 TI - Cardiac surgery at V. Luna Hospital; analysis of 12 consecutive cases. PMID- 13481865 TI - Viral studies on the influenza epidemic in and around the city of Manila, May, 1957. PMID- 13481866 TI - Tolbutamide in the oral treatment of diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13481867 TI - The Sales quadruplets; clinical report. PMID- 13481868 TI - Evaluation of the public health program and proposals to improve it. PMID- 13481869 TI - Primary retroperitoneal tumors. PMID- 13481870 TI - Studies on protein-bound iodine in Filipinos. PMID- 13481871 TI - Some research contributions of Filipino scientists to the basic medical sciences: a panoramic appraisal. PMID- 13481872 TI - Eleven cases of chorioepithelioma with 100 per cent mortality; could these deaths have been prevented. PMID- 13481873 TI - The U.P.-P.G.H. Medical Center; a historical review. PMID- 13481874 TI - The utilization of the hospital in providing medical care in the Philippines. PMID- 13481875 TI - Medicine week address. PMID- 13481876 TI - Relations of municipal health officers and private medical practitioners. PMID- 13481877 TI - On the obstetrical service of our health units. PMID- 13481878 TI - Diverse forms of activity in the somata of spontaneous and integrating ganglion cells. PMID- 13481879 TI - The action of gamma aminobutyric acid upon cortical electrical activity in the cat. PMID- 13481880 TI - The behaviour of tonic alpha and gamma motoneurones during stimulation of recurrent collaterals. PMID- 13481881 TI - Further observations on vasoconstrictor substances in blood of rabbit and man. PMID- 13481882 TI - The vasoconstriction caused by a pyrogen. PMID- 13481883 TI - The nature of the antagonism between calcium and magnesium ions at the neuromuscular junction. PMID- 13481884 TI - A comparison of the heat elimination from the normal and nerve-blocked finger during body heating. PMID- 13481885 TI - Functional changes produced in the adrenal cortex of the rat by administration or by release of corticotrophin. PMID- 13481887 TI - The elastic pressure-volume curves of the lungs and thorax of the living rabbit. PMID- 13481886 TI - Restoration of normal secretion in the hexoestrol-inhibited adrenal cortex of the rat. PMID- 13481888 TI - The presence of a 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) liberator in the gastro intestinal tract. PMID- 13481889 TI - The effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the movement of sodium and potassium through the isolated amphibian skin. PMID- 13481890 TI - The rate of action of calcium ions on the contraction of the heart. PMID- 13481891 TI - Changes in permeability of the skin capillaries of rats after histamine depletion with 48/80, dextran or egg white. PMID- 13481892 TI - Variation of odour threshold concentration with percentage of positive responses. PMID- 13481893 TI - An analysis of junctional potentials of intrafusal muscle fibres in frogs. PMID- 13481895 TI - The effect of a high water intake on the kidney's ability to concentrate the urine in man. PMID- 13481894 TI - 5-Hydroxytryptamine and the anaphylactoid reaction in the rat. PMID- 13481896 TI - The effect of a high water intake on salt consumption, taste thresholds and salivary secretion in man. PMID- 13481897 TI - Studies of plasma volume, red cell volume and total blood volume in young growing rats. PMID- 13481898 TI - A comparison of some physiological properties of an inhibitory factor from brain (factor I) and of gamma-aminobutyric acid and related compounds. PMID- 13481899 TI - Electrolyte concentrations in the erythrocytes of the goat and ox. PMID- 13481900 TI - The effect of insulin hypoglycaemia on blood flow in intact and sympathectomized extremities in man. PMID- 13481901 TI - Urine concentration in the rat during acute and prolonged dehydration. PMID- 13481902 TI - Some cardiovascular responses in foetal, new-born and adult rabbits. PMID- 13481903 TI - Histochemical demonstration of cholinesterases in the hypothalamus of the dog. PMID- 13481904 TI - The role of acetylcholine in virus-infected sympathetic ganglia. PMID- 13481905 TI - [Radiological study of intra-cranial calcifications]. PMID- 13481906 TI - [Radiological study of deglutition disorders in infant and young child]. PMID- 13481907 TI - [Solitary x-ray therapy of tonsil epitheliomas with extension to tongue]. PMID- 13481908 TI - [Physical limits of cycloradiotherapeutic technics after their dosimetric study]. PMID- 13481909 TI - [Endonasal radium therapy in Osler-Rendu disease; results in 21 cases]. PMID- 13481910 TI - [An unexpected ulcer]. PMID- 13481911 TI - [Fork-like aspect of clavicular internal extremity]. PMID- 13481912 TI - [Intra-parietal ventral hernia with atypical course]. PMID- 13481913 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481914 TI - [Brilliance intensifiers; their value in radiology]. PMID- 13481915 TI - [Radiological study of bronchial obstruction; experimental research on dogs]. PMID- 13481916 TI - [Osteoma of maxillary condyle; value of tomography]. PMID- 13481918 TI - [Visualization of Vater's ampulla following opaque meal and reflux in Wirsung's canal after oral cholangiography; mechanism of reflux]. PMID- 13481917 TI - [Presentation of films treated with a reinforced dye permitting reduction of exposure time by 30%]. PMID- 13481920 TI - [In vivo adenolymphography]. PMID- 13481919 TI - [Pseudo-diverticular cavities of kidney]. PMID- 13481921 TI - [Anatomo-radiological study of cavernous sinus]. PMID- 13481922 TI - [Microradiography of spleen]. PMID- 13481923 TI - [Spatial representation in radiology]. PMID- 13481924 TI - [Voluminous parathyroid adenoma; result of pneumomediastinum]. PMID- 13481925 TI - [Radiological aspect of coxalgia treated by antibiotics]. PMID- 13481926 TI - [Rotation cobalt teletherapy: dosimetric method]. PMID- 13481927 TI - [Calcified cysts of abdominal cavity]. PMID- 13481928 TI - [Brachymesophalangy of 5th with clinodactyly]. PMID- 13481929 TI - [A case of cystic osteitis with multiple localizations]. PMID- 13481930 TI - [Appearance of a chondrosarcoma in patient with multiple osteogenic exostoses]. PMID- 13481931 TI - [The forms of bronchopneumonia in Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13481932 TI - [Radiological study of Sturge-Weber-Krabbe disease]. PMID- 13481933 TI - [Some late radiological aspects after pulmonary resections]. PMID- 13481934 TI - [Radiography and tomography of cavum tumors]. PMID- 13481935 TI - [Superior mediastinal pleurisy]. PMID- 13481936 TI - [Double gallbladder]. PMID- 13481937 TI - [High voltage radiography]. PMID- 13481938 TI - [X-ray of carcinomatous mastitis]. PMID- 13481939 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13481940 TI - [Use of phleboraphy of internal mammary veins]. PMID- 13481941 TI - [Radiological aspects of psoriasic rheumatism]. PMID- 13481942 TI - [Rare localization of a spontaneous internal biliary fistula]. PMID- 13481944 TI - [Value of gynecography following radiotherapy of epitheliomas of uterine cervix]. PMID- 13481943 TI - [A rare cause of reflux in the biliary tract]. PMID- 13481946 TI - [Gastric lacunar image with eclipse due to a retrogastric cystic tumor]. PMID- 13481945 TI - [Case of vertebral localization of myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13481948 TI - [Improvement of a balloon compressor used in urography]. PMID- 13481947 TI - [Case of cranial fracture]. PMID- 13481949 TI - [Case of a giant stomach polyp]. PMID- 13481951 TI - [Research on mutations induced by irradiation of sperm in mammals]. PMID- 13481950 TI - [A prickly-pointed sound, use in intrauterine radium applications]. PMID- 13481952 TI - [A new apparatus in radiotherapy, the antares]. PMID- 13481953 TI - [A new agent for hysterosalpingography]. PMID- 13481954 TI - [Pyocervix and pyometry]. PMID- 13481955 TI - [Three cases of cancers of the third duodenal portion]. PMID- 13481956 TI - [Pneumopelvigraphy called gynecography]. PMID- 13481957 TI - [Tomographic and pneumomyelographic study of a cervical spinal block associated with a cranio-spinal joint malformation]. PMID- 13481958 TI - [Functional occlusions of infant]. PMID- 13481959 TI - [Two cases of calcified spleen]. PMID- 13481960 TI - [Lesions of right colon with a tumoral course; radio-anatomical comparison]. PMID- 13481961 TI - [Complementary radiotherapeutic treatment of cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13481962 TI - [Pleuropulmonary staphylococcal infections in infant]. PMID- 13481963 TI - [Images of occlusion in purpura]. PMID- 13481964 TI - [Radiological diagnosis of Hirschprung's disease in newborn and in small infant]. PMID- 13481965 TI - [Radiological study of the prostate]. PMID- 13481966 TI - [Cases of pulmonary metastases of uterine body cancers]. PMID- 13481967 TI - [Two cases of calycular repermeation in renal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13481968 TI - [Adam currents]. PMID- 13481969 TI - [Frontal oblique thoracic tomography and vascular exploration; preliminary note]. PMID- 13481970 TI - [Report of niches on the anterior surface of stomach]. PMID- 13481971 TI - [Radiology of biliary tract wounds and bilio-digestive anastomosis]. PMID- 13481972 TI - [Cecal volvulus]. PMID- 13481973 TI - [Urinary bilharziasis in an 8 year old girl]. PMID- 13481974 TI - [Imprints of the greater antral curvature]. PMID- 13481975 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer in child]. PMID- 13481976 TI - [Radiological examination of congenital digestive abnormalities in newborn]. PMID- 13481977 TI - [Radiological anatomy of intra-osseous arterial system of the first metatarsus and of the first phalange of the big toe; preliminary note]. PMID- 13481978 TI - [Arteriovenous shunts and cutaneous trophic disorders]. PMID- 13481979 TI - [Four cases of ischiopubic osteochondritis; van Neck-Odelberg's disease]. PMID- 13481980 TI - [Critical study of splenoportography]. PMID- 13481981 TI - [Cyclotherapy, method of irradiating superficial tumors]. PMID- 13481982 TI - [Birth of two industries in France; x-ray tubes and vacuum and low pressure pumps; 1912 to 1920]. PMID- 13481984 TI - An aetiological study of chronic urticaria and angioneurotic oedema. PMID- 13481983 TI - Group psychotherapy in bronchial asthma. PMID- 13481985 TI - Peptic ulcer and mental disorder. I. PMID- 13481986 TI - The menstrual cycle and its disorders in psychiatric patients. II. PMID- 13481987 TI - Observations on thyroid adrenocortical relationships. PMID- 13481988 TI - The history of the Royal Army Medical College. PMID- 13481989 TI - Chemotherapy of the reticuloses. PMID- 13481990 TI - A review of 49 cases of leukaemia occurring in the British Army during the period January 1947 to December 1954. PMID- 13481991 TI - Penicillin in the treatment of 84 cases of leptospirosis in Malaya. PMID- 13481992 TI - Partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer; a review of 181 cases among British military personnel. PMID- 13481993 TI - Cold agglutinins in the West African soldier. PMID- 13481994 TI - Traumatic haematoma of the larynx. PMID- 13481995 TI - The endocrine problems of asthma. PMID- 13481996 TI - International health: its evolution and prospects. PMID- 13481998 TI - Fish juice its practical value for the dehydrated castaway. PMID- 13481997 TI - Fat consumption and coronary disease; the evolutionary answer to this problem: a basic approach to the prevention and arrest of coronary disease. PMID- 13481999 TI - Idiopathic purpura. PMID- 13482000 TI - An improvised perspex spinal splint. PMID- 13482001 TI - Two cases of Patent ductus arteriosus in naval recruits. PMID- 13482002 TI - A case of acute intestinal obstruction in a youth aged 18 with a history of congenital pyloric stenosis as an infant. PMID- 13482003 TI - A case of pulmonary barotrauma with mediastinal emphysema. PMID- 13482004 TI - A case of mumps meningoencephalitis presenting as a toxic confusional state. PMID- 13482005 TI - [Diagnosis of cardiac enlargement in infants]. PMID- 13482006 TI - [Value of vaginal smears and biopsy of endometrium in cytohormonal gynecological diagnosis]. PMID- 13482007 TI - [Treatment of Raynaud's disease by resection of the second thoracic ganglion; 4 case reports]. PMID- 13482008 TI - [Case of carbon tetrachloride poisoning]. PMID- 13482009 TI - [300 Cases of use of butazolidine in otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13482010 TI - [Tubal massages combined with radium therapy in rhinogenous deafness and in otitis; 140 case reports]. PMID- 13482011 TI - New directions in public health: is public health in tune with the changing South Carolina. PMID- 13482012 TI - Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn: a report of seven cases in a two year period, recommendations for prevention particularly with reference to infants delivered by midwives of South Carolina. PMID- 13482013 TI - Present status of intracardiac surgery. PMID- 13482014 TI - Glaucoma in general practice. PMID- 13482015 TI - Electrocardiogram of the month; amyloid heart disease. PMID- 13482016 TI - Premature rupture of membranes and transverse lie. PMID- 13482017 TI - The electro-encephalogram in patients undergoing open intracardiac operations with the aid of extracorporeal circulation. PMID- 13482018 TI - Intrapericardial bronchogenic cysts; report of two cases and probable embryologic explanation. PMID- 13482019 TI - Neuromuscular imbalance of the esophagus associated with hiatal hernia as studied by means of cinefluorography and intraluminal pressure recordings. PMID- 13482020 TI - Esophageal hiatus hernia of the diaphragm; an analysis of surgical results. PMID- 13482021 TI - An operation for hiatus hernia with short esophagus. PMID- 13482022 TI - Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm; clinical manifestations and surgical treatment. PMID- 13482023 TI - Supernumerary intrathoracic rib; a case report. PMID- 13482024 TI - Long-standing thrombosis of the pulmonary arteries complicating valvulotomy for mitral stenosis. PMID- 13482025 TI - Enterogenous cyst of thorax with pancreatic tissue as a constituent. PMID- 13482027 TI - The epidemiology of human trypanosomiasis in Ashanti, Ghana (Gold Coast). PMID- 13482028 TI - The Walterinnesia toxin as a liberator of histamine from tissues. PMID- 13482026 TI - Aortic commissurotomy: a physiologic evaluation by combined heart catheterization. PMID- 13482030 TI - The effect of an equatorial climate on birth weight and subsequent weight of infants. PMID- 13482029 TI - Public health significance of child feeding practices observed in a Guatemalan village. PMID- 13482031 TI - Maternal and child health services in South-East Asia. VII. Critical discussion. PMID- 13482033 TI - Problems of the premature infant in the tropics. PMID- 13482032 TI - Traditional systems of child care; some implications in the West Pacific region. PMID- 13482034 TI - The bacteriology, microscopy and treatment of diarrhoea in children in Uganda. PMID- 13482035 TI - Notes on work in the field of maternal and child health and health worker training at Barpali. PMID- 13482036 TI - [Reticulated ultrastructure of a skeletal fiber in a ciliate]. PMID- 13482038 TI - Some observations on the ultrastructure of the mouse parathyroid gland. PMID- 13482037 TI - [Ultrastructure of cells of the endocrine pancreas in embryonic and newborn rats]. PMID- 13482039 TI - Some fine structure changes occurring in the epidermis of embryo mice during differentiation. PMID- 13482040 TI - Identification of molecular ferritin in homogenates and sections of rat liver. PMID- 13482041 TI - The ultrastructure of the skeletal muscle myofilaments at various states of shortening. PMID- 13482042 TI - [Benign nephroblastomas in children: cystadenomas]. PMID- 13482043 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482044 TI - [The problem of epitheliosarcoma and double collision cancer of the bladder]. PMID- 13482045 TI - [Hormonal balance of prostate hypertrophy; its changes caused by adenomectomy]. PMID- 13482046 TI - [Bilateral xanthic lithiasis in a 10-month-old boy]. PMID- 13482047 TI - [Spontaneous perirenal hematoma]. PMID- 13482048 TI - [A technic of standard cystography in radiographic diagnosis of bladder tumors; improved pool method of pseudotomography]. PMID- 13482049 TI - [Simplified model of an apparatus for tidal drainage of the bladder (flux and reflux drainage)]. PMID- 13482050 TI - [Obituary of Dr. Gustave Pasteau]. PMID- 13482051 TI - [Comparative statistical study of urinary tuberculosis in the Necker Urology Service today and ten years ago]. PMID- 13482052 TI - [Deceptive aspects of the ureter at the level of the crossing of the pathological iliac vessels]. PMID- 13482053 TI - [Thromboses of the renal veins. I. Clinical aspects of thromboses of the renal veins]. PMID- 13482054 TI - [Thromboses of the renal veins. II. Anatomicopathological study]. PMID- 13482055 TI - [Thromboses of the renal veins. III. Experimental study]. PMID- 13482056 TI - [Urinary urea, calciuria; uricosuria & phosphaturia in calculous urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13482058 TI - [Cured papilonecrosis & renal pseudocalculosis]. PMID- 13482057 TI - [Concerning the mode of onset of chronic glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13482059 TI - [Renal tuberculosis; control of its medical treatment by counting of leukocytes eliminated per minute]. PMID- 13482060 TI - [Hematuric nephropathy in Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13482061 TI - [Kahler's disease]. PMID- 13482062 TI - [Leiomyoma of the kidney]. PMID- 13482063 TI - [Uremigenic consequences of prolonged exposure to cold at high altitude; plasmatic hypotonia & its correction]. PMID- 13482064 TI - [Azotemic syndrome at onset of nephritis due to rhumatoid purpura; treatment by delta-cortisone]. PMID- 13482065 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482066 TI - [Value of free electrophoresis practiced in hypertensive patients]. PMID- 13482067 TI - [Normolipemic kidney Xanthomatosis]. PMID- 13482068 TI - [Nephritis with osteomalacia and nephrocalcinosis]. PMID- 13482069 TI - [Research on postoperative urinary potassium]. PMID- 13482070 TI - Use of segments of small and large intestine in urological surgery, with special reference to problem of ureterocolic anastomosis. PMID- 13482071 TI - Unilateral multicystic kidney in an infant. PMID- 13482072 TI - A method of quick relief of pain due to renal colic. PMID- 13482073 TI - Bone formation in experimental pyeloureteroneostomy. PMID- 13482074 TI - Obstruction of both ureters by retroperitoneal inflammation. PMID- 13482075 TI - Complete replacement of both ureters by an ileal loop. PMID- 13482076 TI - Functional analysis of the bladder after ileocystoplasty. I. PMID- 13482077 TI - Bladder carcinoma in a teen-aged girl. PMID- 13482078 TI - Hypospadias: the principle of the third degree. PMID- 13482079 TI - A 10-year-old boy with a positive sex chromatin test. PMID- 13482080 TI - Problems encountered in the treatment of prostatism. PMID- 13482081 TI - Cytochemical studies of prostatic epithelium. I. The desoxyribose nucleic (DNA) content in individual cells. PMID- 13482082 TI - The urogenital sinus: its demonstration and significance. PMID- 13482083 TI - The steroids. PMID- 13482084 TI - Urinary steroid excretion after total adrenalectomy. II. Levels of 17 ketosteroids and formaldehydogenic substances in patients on varying dosages of cortisone acetate and glycyrrhizin. PMID- 13482085 TI - The size of the bladder on intravenous urography and retrograde cystography; a potential source of diagnostic error in children. PMID- 13482086 TI - Sterile fluoroscopy: preliminary report of a new technique for localization of renal calculi. PMID- 13482087 TI - A self-retaining retractor for use in surgery of the retroperitoneum. PMID- 13482088 TI - [Fundamental pathological findings & their modification by chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis. V. Influence on the histological finding of tuberculous lymph node of guinea pig]. PMID- 13482089 TI - [Effect of cycloserine on experimental tuberculosis of mice]. PMID- 13482090 TI - [Studies on antituberculous immunity by the observation of the fate of living tubercle bacilli in mononuclear cells]. PMID- 13482091 TI - [Laryngeal swab method for the detection of tubercle bacilli. I. Comparison of cultures from gastric lavage, sputum & laryngeal swab specimens & the influence of swabbing time on the effectiveness of laryngeal swabs]. PMID- 13482092 TI - [Genetic studies on the relationship between mutations to R-type & to drug resistance in Mycobacterium avium]. PMID- 13482094 TI - [Thermostabile liquid medium for the inoculum of human tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13482093 TI - [Experimental studies on the mode of action of cycloserine. I. Effects on glutamic acid decarboxylation]. PMID- 13482095 TI - [Studies on lipids in the blood serum circulating through the lungs; lipid content in the blood serum circulating through the lungs of lobectomized tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13482096 TI - [PIRAZINAMIDE-ISONIAZID combined therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis; original treatment in cases with unified background factors. I]. PMID- 13482097 TI - [Fundamental pathological findings and their modification by chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis. VI. Influence on the histological findings of tuberculous liver and lung of guinea pigs]. PMID- 13482098 TI - [Research on the metabolic fate of pyrazinamide; pyrazinoic acid formation by liver homogenates in vitro]. PMID- 13482099 TI - [Research on the virulence of tubercle bacilli by homogenization of whole body of mice. III. Correlation between pathogenicity & ability to multiply in vivo of various strains of Mycobacteria]. PMID- 13482100 TI - [How the production of tuberculin depends on the strain of tubercle bacilli cultured & on components of the medium used. II]. PMID- 13482101 TI - [Research on the metabolic fate & mechanism of antituberculous activity of derivatives of isonicotinic acid hydrazide. I. Metabolic fate of derivatives of isoniazid]. PMID- 13482102 TI - [Influence of tuberculin desensitization on the relation between monocytes & bacilli in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482103 TI - [Research on tuberculosis in mice. VII. Effect & resistance of isonicotinic acid hydrazide methanesulfonate]. PMID- 13482104 TI - [Histochemistry in relation to bacilli of tuberculous lung cavity]. PMID- 13482105 TI - [Catalase activity of isoniazid-resistant tubercle bacilli. I. Basic experiments in regard to the catalase activity of acid-fast bacilli]. PMID- 13482106 TI - [Biochemical & genetic studies on nucleic acids extracted from streptomycin resistant avian tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13482107 TI - [I. P. Pavlov's teaching on the protective and curative role of the process of inhibition and its significance in surgery]. PMID- 13482108 TI - [Unconditioned vascular reflexes (according to plethysmographic data) in brain concussion]. PMID- 13482109 TI - [Biopotentials of the cerebral cortex in severe blood loss]. PMID- 13482110 TI - [Motor and secretory function of the gastric stump after resection of proximal portion of the stomach]. PMID- 13482111 TI - [A new modification in fusion of pharyngeal and intestinal stoma in forming an artificial esophagus by means of Filatov's stalk]. PMID- 13482112 TI - [Benign stomach tumors of nonepithelial origin]. PMID- 13482113 TI - [Surgical treatment of thyrotoxic goiter]. PMID- 13482114 TI - [Chronic thyroiditis]. PMID- 13482115 TI - [Clinical and roentgenologic diagnosis in hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy]. PMID- 13482116 TI - [Causes for formation of bronchial fistulae after radical surgery in chronic suppurative processes in the lungs]. PMID- 13482117 TI - [Problems of acute obstruction of mesenteric arteries]. PMID- 13482118 TI - [Tumors of the mesentery]. PMID- 13482119 TI - [Apoplexia visceralis as a peculiar form of acute intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13482120 TI - [Remote results of surgery of inguinal hernia in children by the method of T. P. Krasnobaev]. PMID- 13482121 TI - [Surgical method of rectal prolapse]. PMID- 13482123 TI - [Treatment of acute paraproctitis]. PMID- 13482122 TI - [Treatment of malformations of rectum and anus in children]. PMID- 13482124 TI - [Diseases of feet resulting from repeated cooling in water]. PMID- 13482125 TI - [Evaluation of venography methods of varicose veins of the lower extremities by sergosin; histological examination]. PMID- 13482126 TI - [Surgical treatment of ectopy of the bladder]. PMID- 13482127 TI - [Hydrocele of testes and spermatic cord in children]. PMID- 13482129 TI - [Position of mediastinal organs in scoliosis]. PMID- 13482128 TI - [Clinical observations of metallic osteosynthesis in diaphyseal fractures]. PMID- 13482130 TI - [Neurofibroma of the neck]. PMID- 13482131 TI - [Isolated transverse tear of the duodenum in closed trauma of the abdomen]. PMID- 13482132 TI - [Cases of bronchiectatic disease]. PMID- 13482133 TI - [Use of catgut to arrest hemorrhage in hemophilia]. PMID- 13482135 TI - [Impressions of surgery in China]. PMID- 13482134 TI - [Leonardo da Vinci as an anatomist]. PMID- 13482136 TI - [In memoriam of acadamician V. P. Filatov (1875-1956)]. PMID- 13482137 TI - [In memoriam of V. N. Shevkunenko]. PMID- 13482138 TI - [The expression of the senile & complicated cataract]. PMID- 13482139 TI - [Cataract operation in patients suffering from pigmentary degeneration]. PMID- 13482140 TI - [Early operations in outpatients with erosion of the eye]. PMID- 13482141 TI - [The fate of intraocular copper foreign bodies]. PMID- 13482142 TI - [Clinical experiences with iridencleisis]. PMID- 13482143 TI - [Daily fluctuations of eosinophil count & intraocular pressure]. PMID- 13482144 TI - [The problem of injuries to the organ of vision caused by protracted & high-dosed largactil therapy; appendix; largactil medication in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13482145 TI - [Quantitative serological studies in suspected toxoplasmosis of the eye]. PMID- 13482146 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482148 TI - [Monocular double vision & the principle of reafference; their significance for the theories of binocular space vision & the determination of the angle of strabismus]. PMID- 13482147 TI - [Air embolism & eye]. PMID- 13482149 TI - [A needle-holder for Custodis' retinal operation]. PMID- 13482150 TI - [Acute eye changes after attempted strangulation]. PMID- 13482151 TI - [Ventilation under covering sheet in patients undergoing eye operations]. PMID- 13482152 TI - [Chronic industrial methyl alcohol poisoning]. PMID- 13482153 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482154 TI - [Photography of the eye fundus with the aid of an electric ophthalmoscope & the Minox camera]. PMID- 13482155 TI - [Temporary myopia in acute gastritis]. PMID- 13482156 TI - [The term penicille on ancient ophthalmologists' seals]. PMID- 13482157 TI - [Nature & pathogenesis of the so-called atypical coloboma of the choroid, retina & optic nerve]. PMID- 13482158 TI - [The microphthalmos syndrome]. PMID- 13482159 TI - [Eye affections due to sensitization to light by a photodynamic substance]. PMID- 13482160 TI - [Dilation of the pupil in dark adaptation dependent on age]. PMID- 13482161 TI - [Clinical determination of pulse volumen & basic arterial flow of the eye]. PMID- 13482162 TI - [Mycosis fungoides with choroid involvement]. PMID- 13482163 TI - [The problem of draining away of tears in restrictions of upper eyelid movements]. PMID- 13482164 TI - [Oculomotor muscle paralysis in ophthalmic herpes zoster]. PMID- 13482165 TI - [Etiology of hyposecretion of lacrimal glands, conjunctivitis & keratoconjunctivitis sicca]. PMID- 13482166 TI - [Observations on sympathetic ophthalmia, Vogt-Koyanagi's syndrome & Harada's disease]. PMID- 13482167 TI - [High-dosed cobalamin in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13482168 TI - [Transposition of the lacrimal points]. PMID- 13482169 TI - [Growth disorders of the eyelashes]. PMID- 13482171 TI - [Von Blaskovics' operation of ptosis]. PMID- 13482170 TI - [Prolapse of the iris during cataract extraction]. PMID- 13482172 TI - [Is the optician allowed to determine visual acuity]. PMID- 13482173 TI - [Treatment of retinal venous thrombosis with thrombocid]. PMID- 13482174 TI - [Action of heparin in the treatment of foveal processes due to atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13482175 TI - [Loss of point of fixation after glaucoma surgery]. PMID- 13482176 TI - [The differential value as a measure for the rigidity of the eyeball]. PMID- 13482177 TI - [Eye pigmentations in alkaptonuria (ochronosis oculi)]. PMID- 13482178 TI - [Role of ointment bases in local antibiotic treatment of the eye, with special reference to chloramphenicol]. PMID- 13482179 TI - [Comparative studies on the effects of various eye ointments on the bacterial flora of the healthy conjunctival sac, with a contribution to preparations for intraocular surgery]. PMID- 13482180 TI - [Parenchymatous keratitis & endocrine disorders]. PMID- 13482182 TI - [Unusual course of a siderosis bulbi]. PMID- 13482181 TI - [Improvement of lindner's blepharostat with suspended forceps]. PMID- 13482183 TI - [Differential diagnosis of orbital diseases]. PMID- 13482185 TI - [Improvements for simplified visual photometry]. PMID- 13482184 TI - [2 Cases of Adie syndrome following cerebral trauma]. PMID- 13482186 TI - [Errors in diagnosis of malignant intraocular tumors]. PMID- 13482187 TI - [Contribution to the early diagnosis of tumors of the pineal body]. PMID- 13482188 TI - [Histological findings in microphthalmic eyes in a case of dyscranio-pygo phalangeal abnormalities and their origin]. PMID- 13482190 TI - [The prognostic significance of electroretinograms in retinal detachment]. PMID- 13482189 TI - [Ocular disorders in premature infants]. PMID- 13482191 TI - [Reoperation in failure of dacryocystorhinostomy (according to the Toti method)]. PMID- 13482193 TI - [Evaluation of bacteriological tests and resistance determination in eye diseases]. PMID- 13482192 TI - [Suture of the iris]. PMID- 13482194 TI - [Projection-perimetry with polarized light]. PMID- 13482195 TI - [Investigation of the perifoveal visual field with the Goldmann perimeter]. PMID- 13482196 TI - [The nocturnal dark bandage as glaucoma tolerance test]. PMID- 13482197 TI - [Accommodative changes of the ciliary band]. PMID- 13482198 TI - [Report of a case of scleromalacia in rheumatism and Monckeberg's sclerosis]. PMID- 13482199 TI - [Cavernous angioma of the orbit]. PMID- 13482200 TI - [A holding device for tonography with the Schiotz tonometer]. PMID- 13482201 TI - [Modification of the Friedenwald and Guyton operation for ptosis]. PMID- 13482202 TI - [Theodor A. Mathiesen]. PMID- 13482203 TI - [Considerations on roentgen rays & radiation hazards]. PMID- 13482204 TI - [Diagnosis of virus diseases]. PMID- 13482205 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482206 TI - Long survival in a case of carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13482207 TI - Observations on the treatment of Graves' disease with radioiodine. PMID- 13482208 TI - Iodine, goiter and myxedema. PMID- 13482209 TI - Clinical experiences with promazine (sparine). PMID- 13482210 TI - Experiences with tri-iodinated contrast medium in cerebral angiography. PMID- 13482211 TI - Harvey and his contemporaries; the Harveian Oration of 1957. PMID- 13482214 TI - L-noradrenaline in myocardial infarction. PMID- 13482213 TI - Emergency treatment of respiratory failure in poliomyelitis. PMID- 13482212 TI - Treatment of bronchitis in patients with respiratory-muscle paralysis after poliomyelitis. PMID- 13482215 TI - Ventriculo-subdural drainage in infantile hydrocephalus; selection of patients by subdural dye excretion test. PMID- 13482216 TI - Improved treatment for allergic rhinitis. PMID- 13482217 TI - Effect of phenylethylacetic acid and its amide (hyposterol) on the circulating lipids and lipoproteins in man. PMID- 13482218 TI - Meralgia paraesthetica in pregnancy. PMID- 13482219 TI - Enhanced effectiveness of ganglion-blocking agents in hypertensive patients during administration of a saluretic agent (chlorothiazide). PMID- 13482220 TI - A suspended bed giving longitudinal and lateral tilt for postural drainage. PMID- 13482221 TI - BACTERIA and influenza. PMID- 13482222 TI - A NEW LOOK for proctology. PMID- 13482223 TI - A clinical study of influenza in the Royal Air Force. PMID- 13482224 TI - Hospitals are crown property. PMID- 13482225 TI - SEXUAL offences. PMID- 13482226 TI - Order and disorder in the cerebral circulation. PMID- 13482227 TI - Unusual outbreak of staphylococcal postoperative wound infection. PMID- 13482228 TI - Oliguria with urine of fixed specific gravity. PMID- 13482229 TI - The electroencephalograph in liver disease. PMID- 13482230 TI - Outpatient P.A.S. therapy. PMID- 13482231 TI - Needle biopsy of the parietal pleura. PMID- 13482232 TI - Unilateral emphysema. PMID- 13482233 TI - Direct-vision pulmonary valvotomy during pregnancy. PMID- 13482234 TI - Coeliac disease with atrophy of the small-intestine mucosa. PMID- 13482235 TI - ANAEMIA after gastrectomy. PMID- 13482236 TI - EXPECTORANTS old and new. PMID- 13482237 TI - Family care systems in Norway and Holland. PMID- 13482238 TI - Infection of volunteers with Asian influenza virus. PMID- 13482239 TI - CLIFFORD WHITE. PMID- 13482240 TI - The changing pattern of surgery. PMID- 13482241 TI - Treatment of inoperable cancer of the bronchus by megavoltage x-ray therapy. PMID- 13482242 TI - Lipoprotein patterns in myocardial infarction; relationship between the components identified by paper electrophoresis and in the ultracentrifuge. PMID- 13482243 TI - An outbreak of encephalomyelitis in Sierra Leone. PMID- 13482244 TI - Association of pulmonary tuberculosis with ankylosing spondylitis. PMID- 13482245 TI - Leukaemia and pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13482246 TI - Comparison of cardiac and pyloric sphincters; a manometric study. PMID- 13482247 TI - Prognosis in subacute bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13482248 TI - Fatal agranulocytosis due to promazine hydrochloride. PMID- 13482249 TI - Effect of intravenous acetazolamide on cerebrospinal-fluid pressure. PMID- 13482250 TI - PENICILLIN hypersensitivity. PMID- 13482251 TI - INTERNATIONAL meetings. PMID- 13482252 TI - HINDQUARTER amputation. PMID- 13482253 TI - A FIFTH malaria parasite of man. PMID- 13482254 TI - THE FRENCH ducks. PMID- 13482255 TI - WARTS again. PMID- 13482256 TI - GASTRIC acidity. PMID- 13482257 TI - The new China; some medical impressions. PMID- 13482258 TI - Over the hills from Windscale. PMID- 13482259 TI - Prediction of serum-cholesterol responses of man to changes in fats in the diet. PMID- 13482260 TI - Response of megaloblastic anaemia of prednisolone. PMID- 13482261 TI - Ataralgesia: operations without anaesthesia. PMID- 13482262 TI - In-vitro activity of sigmamycin: a combination of tetracycline and oleandomycin. PMID- 13482263 TI - Precipitin tests in thyroid disease. PMID- 13482264 TI - Shortening and paralysis in poliomyelitis. PMID- 13482265 TI - Acute chlorpromazine poisoning. PMID- 13482266 TI - Cerebral oedema; follow-on treatment after cardiac resuscitation and respiratory crisis. PMID- 13482268 TI - ACCIDENTS on the road. PMID- 13482267 TI - TREATMENT of undescended testis. PMID- 13482269 TI - Training medical students in psychotherapy. PMID- 13482270 TI - Electro-encephalographic study of syncope; its differentiation from epilepsy. PMID- 13482271 TI - Use of bemegride in terminating barbiturate anaesthesia. PMID- 13482273 TI - Adduction injuries of the elbow-joint. PMID- 13482272 TI - Trichomonas vaginitis; clinical trial of a mixture of an antiseptic with local anaesthetics. PMID- 13482274 TI - Significance of waterbrash in dyspepsia. PMID- 13482275 TI - The sensitising power of diphtheria prophylactics in relation to poliomyelitis. PMID- 13482276 TI - Treatment of juvenile thyrotoxicosis with potassium perchlorate. PMID- 13482277 TI - Validity of the urea method for estimating total body-water in malnutrition. PMID- 13482278 TI - Acute mercury poisoning in infancy; report of a case. PMID- 13482279 TI - Pericardectomy for chronic constructive pericarditis. PMID- 13482280 TI - Arteriovenous difference in natural fibrinolysis. PMID- 13482282 TI - TOO MANY doctors. PMID- 13482281 TI - An instrument for shaping fibular bone pegs. PMID- 13482283 TI - HAEMOCHROMATOSIS and transfusional siderosis. PMID- 13482284 TI - PRECANCEROUS changes in the breast. PMID- 13482285 TI - The strategy and tactics of experimentation. PMID- 13482286 TI - The new China. PMID- 13482287 TI - UNIVERSITY College Hospital, Ibadan. PMID- 13482288 TI - Coronary-artery disease; influences affecting its incidence in males in the seventh decade. PMID- 13482289 TI - Acute lower-respiratory infections in childhood. PMID- 13482290 TI - The distribution of blood-group substances in human gastric and duodenal mucosa. PMID- 13482292 TI - Effect of amphenone therapy of urinary excretion of aldosterone and sodium in hepatic cirrhosis with ascites. PMID- 13482291 TI - Combined barium meal and cholecystography; report on 600 patients. PMID- 13482293 TI - Lead poisoning in nine members of a family. PMID- 13482294 TI - A FUNCTIONAL necessity. PMID- 13482295 TI - INTRACRANIAL aneurysms. PMID- 13482296 TI - POSTOPERATIVE venous thrombosis. PMID- 13482297 TI - The population served by a hospital group. PMID- 13482298 TI - Atherosclerosis: possible ill-effects of the use of highly unsaturated fats to lower serum-cholesterol levels. PMID- 13482299 TI - Coronary-artery disease; a possible pathogenesis. PMID- 13482300 TI - Atherosclerosis in a haemophiliac. PMID- 13482301 TI - Nomen proprium . PMID- 13482302 TI - Treatment of undescended testis. PMID- 13482303 TI - ALICE HELEN ANNE BOYLE. PMID- 13482304 TI - HENRY HORACE ANDREWS EMERSON. PMID- 13482305 TI - [Blood transfusion in premature subjects]. PMID- 13482306 TI - [Investigations regarding cholecystography in early infancy]. PMID- 13482307 TI - [Post-reduction osteochondritis in congenital dislocation of the hip]. PMID- 13482308 TI - [Case of postinfective hypoparathyroid tetany]. PMID- 13482309 TI - [Deans of the Faculty of Medicine]. PMID- 13482310 TI - [Teaching of medicine at Quebec]. PMID- 13482311 TI - [Some horizons of medicine]. PMID- 13482312 TI - [Physical & functional completion of the new pavilion]. PMID- 13482314 TI - [100 Years of anatomy]. PMID- 13482313 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482315 TI - [Biochemistry at Laval University]. PMID- 13482316 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482317 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482318 TI - [From the microbe to microbiology]. PMID- 13482319 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482320 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482321 TI - [Historical evolution of anesthesiology]. PMID- 13482322 TI - [Status of surgery in Quebec 65 years ago]. PMID- 13482324 TI - [History of pulmonary surgery in Quebec]. PMID- 13482323 TI - [Surgery of the heart]. PMID- 13482325 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482326 TI - [Hygiene, an attitude in the teaching of medicine]. PMID- 13482327 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482328 TI - [Clinical laboratories of university hospitals]. PMID- 13482329 TI - [Obstetrics and gynecology according to Laval]. PMID- 13482330 TI - [Ophthalmology yesterday & today at Laval]. PMID- 13482331 TI - [Advancements in otolaryngology]. PMID- 13482332 TI - [Clinical teaching in pediatrics]. PMID- 13482333 TI - [Teaching of phthisiology]. PMID- 13482334 TI - [Founding of a Department of Psychiatry]. PMID- 13482335 TI - [The tissue bank]. PMID- 13482336 TI - [Eye banks]. PMID- 13482337 TI - [School of Medical Technology]. PMID- 13482338 TI - [Medical school library]. PMID- 13482339 TI - [Student health service]. PMID- 13482340 TI - [Medical Society of University Hospitals]. PMID- 13482341 TI - [Venereal disease campaign]. PMID- 13482342 TI - [The Anti-Tuberculosis League of Quebec]. PMID- 13482343 TI - [Non contra alienos sed pro domo]. PMID- 13482344 TI - [A historical medical correspondence: Blake Davidson]. PMID- 13482345 TI - [A visit to a medical exposition]. PMID- 13482346 TI - [Former professors of the Laval Medical School, deceased (1852-1957)]. PMID- 13482347 TI - [The value of bronchography in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases]. PMID- 13482348 TI - [Largactil in internal epilepsy; results of three years of observation]. PMID- 13482349 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482350 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482351 TI - [100 Cases of breech presentation]. PMID- 13482352 TI - [Problems & psychological reactions of the parents of subnormal children]. PMID- 13482353 TI - [2 Cases of osteogenesis imperfecta]. PMID- 13482354 TI - [Neuromuscular transmission and curare]. PMID- 13482355 TI - [How can renal tuberculosis be cured]. PMID- 13482356 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482357 TI - [Pathogenesis & treatment of acute pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13482358 TI - [Sulfonamides in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13482360 TI - [Papillary necrosis of the kidneys]. PMID- 13482359 TI - [Lipemia in clinical pathology]. PMID- 13482361 TI - [Cystic hyperplasia of the breast]. PMID- 13482362 TI - [Local administration of hydrocortisone in rheumatic diseases]. PMID- 13482363 TI - [Toxoplasmosis; personal case report]. PMID- 13482364 TI - [Benign lymphoreticulosis or cat-scratch disease]. PMID- 13482365 TI - [Traumatic genesis of osteoma of the frontal sinus]. PMID- 13482366 TI - [Baths in Zagreb in Middle Ages]. PMID- 13482367 TI - [On the banks of the Moskva river]. PMID- 13482368 TI - [Antimycotic effects of nystatin on the fecal & bronchopulmonary flora in man]. PMID- 13482370 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis & variations of blood protein level; electrophoretic diagrams of tuberculotics with relation to various ages]. PMID- 13482369 TI - [Segmental opacities of regressive primary pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482371 TI - [Middlebrook-Dubos hemagglutination reaction & eucolloid tests in tuberculosis treated with thoracoplasty & extrapleural pneumothorax]. PMID- 13482372 TI - [Remote sequels of pulmonary decortication; clinical aspects]. PMID- 13482373 TI - [Spontaneous pneumothorax due to rupture with cicatricial bullous emphysema caused by miliary tuberculous lesions treated with chemotherapy & antibiotics]. PMID- 13482374 TI - [Pulmonary hydatidosis diagnosed by photofluography]. PMID- 13482375 TI - [Detection of spongiocytic adenoma of the adrenal cortex by transversal tomography]. PMID- 13482376 TI - [Congenital indifference to pain; casereport]. PMID- 13482377 TI - [Pseudopregnancy; report of a typical case]. PMID- 13482378 TI - [Pure psychogenic pains of pseudolabor in amenorrheas so-called pseudopregnancy; report of 13 cases of pseudopregnancy]. PMID- 13482379 TI - [Case of intracavitary aspergilloma during evolutive pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482380 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482381 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482382 TI - [Late results of the intraspinal administration of hydrocortisone in the lighning pains in tabes; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13482384 TI - Not Available. PMID- 13482383 TI - [Intraspinal injections of hydrocortisone in the treatment of sciatica; Luccherini's method]. PMID- 13482385 TI - [Place of somatotropic hormone in the treatment of leg ulcers & bedsores]. PMID- 13482386 TI - [External approaches of the elbow]. PMID- 13482388 TI - [Professor Piery Marius (1873-1957)]. PMID- 13482387 TI - [Diffuse fibromyomatosis of the esophagus: 2 new cases]. PMID- 13482389 TI - [Asthma & place among siblings]. PMID- 13482390 TI - [Excretion of phenylalanine in two patients with phenylpyruvic oligophrenia]. PMID- 13482391 TI - [Experiences with the use of isoniazid in tuberculous meningitis]. PMID- 13482392 TI - [Treatment of blindness associated with tuberculous meningitis]. PMID- 13482393 TI - [Epilepsy, a review for practicians]. PMID- 13482394 TI - [Disability insurance & social security]. PMID- 13482395 TI - [Surgery in general practice]. PMID- 13482396 TI - A survey of programs for the coverage of medical expenses in the United States. PMID- 13482397 TI - Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; a case report. PMID- 13482398 TI - Impressions of student life at a London hospital. PMID- 13482400 TI - The Montreal Children's Hospital. PMID- 13482399 TI - The effect of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the urinary excretion of radioiodine in mice. PMID- 13482402 TI - Brief notes on atomic warfare. PMID- 13482401 TI - Neoplastic changes related to ionizing radiation. PMID- 13482404 TI - [Myiasis in South Sumatra]. PMID- 13482403 TI - [Education in public health and preventive medicine]. PMID- 13482405 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482406 TI - The practice in tuberculostatics and its dynamic character. PMID- 13482407 TI - [Newest development of cesarean section]. PMID- 13482408 TI - [Effect of ammonium chloride on menstruation and sex impulses]. PMID- 13482409 TI - [Lymphatic vessels of the tube and their pathological significance]. PMID- 13482410 TI - [Current problems of the therapy of female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482411 TI - [Significance of time factor in hormonal inhibition of lactation]. PMID- 13482412 TI - [Cause of death and anatomical distribution of metastases in uterine cancer]. PMID- 13482413 TI - [Changes of blood glutathione level during pregnancy]. PMID- 13482414 TI - [Pregnancy and delivery after thymectomy in myasthenia gravis]. PMID- 13482415 TI - [Congenital aplasia of the skin]. PMID- 13482416 TI - [Late postovariectomy cancers of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13482417 TI - [Hormonal effects of Brenner tumor, causing menopausal bleeding, in vaginal smear examination]. PMID- 13482418 TI - [Labor induction by artificial rupture of fetal membranes]. PMID- 13482419 TI - [Theoretical problems of drug research]. PMID- 13482420 TI - [Effect of hypothalamic lesions on basal metabolism and body temperature]. PMID- 13482421 TI - [Metacollagen simulating elastin]. PMID- 13482422 TI - [Senile sclerosis of the spleen and accompanying bone marrow lesions regarded from the gerontological point of view]. PMID- 13482423 TI - [Speech disorders in lesions of corpus callosum and the median part of the frontal lobe]. PMID- 13482424 TI - [Drawings and paintings of mental patients]. PMID- 13482425 TI - [Effects of isolated cerebral anoxia on pulmonary circulation]. PMID- 13482426 TI - [Effects of isolated cerebral anoxia on the mass of the spleen]. PMID- 13482427 TI - [Effects of dibenamine on the tonus of the thoracic duct]. PMID- 13482428 TI - [Problems of sodium retention in generalized lymphedema]. PMID- 13482429 TI - [Do 2-stage interventions still pre-eminently serve as an indication for cholelithiasis surgery]. PMID- 13482430 TI - [Results on a series of gastroduodenal anastomoses after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13482431 TI - [A rare case of intestinal occlusion caused by perforation of the small intestine by a swallowed foreign body]. PMID- 13482432 TI - [Right hemipancreatectomy with pancreaticojejunostomy; indications; technical problems]. PMID- 13482434 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482433 TI - [Abdominal contusion & intestinal occlusion]. PMID- 13482435 TI - [Sinusitis in childhood]. PMID- 13482436 TI - [A case of lipoid nephrosis in a child treated by corticotherapy]. PMID- 13482437 TI - [Comparison of the activity of the anti-cancerous centers in Algeria & Casablanca]. PMID- 13482438 TI - [Present-day status of demography; positions of social mores in relation to these phenomena]. PMID- 13482440 TI - [Various psycho-pathological manifestations of the phenomena of overpopulation; overall views; facets peculiar to Morocco]. PMID- 13482439 TI - [Biological & social factors of multiplication in man]. PMID- 13482441 TI - [Christian views on planned parenthood]. PMID- 13482442 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482443 TI - [Fixed recurrent pigmented erythemas & Gougerot's autotoxinides]. PMID- 13482444 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482445 TI - [Dermatological aspects of disorders caused by yeasts]. PMID- 13482446 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482447 TI - [Cutaneous tuberculosis dispensary]. PMID- 13482448 TI - [Histiomonocytic reticulomatosis with single tumor & extensive parapsoriasis en plaque]. PMID- 13482449 TI - [Penicillin and syphilis]. PMID- 13482450 TI - [Diagnostic methods for cytological sex in endocrinology]. PMID- 13482451 TI - [Intra-ocular inclusion of a Strampelli lens]. PMID- 13482452 TI - [A case of Recklinghausen's fibrocystic osteitis caused by parathyroid adenoma]. PMID- 13482453 TI - [Surgical treatment of contractures & ischemic retractions of the muscles of the forearm]. PMID- 13482454 TI - [Atypical forms of onset of mumps]. PMID- 13482455 TI - [Cardiac arrest during the course of surgical intervention: resuscitation by heart massage; recovery]. PMID- 13482456 TI - [Hemorrhagic ascites secondary to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, recovery]. PMID- 13482457 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482458 TI - [The Venus-type]. PMID- 13482459 TI - [The role of the general practitioner in the contemporary psychosomatic movement]. PMID- 13482460 TI - [Surgical treatment of lung cancer; statistics of thoracic surgery in the Salvator Hospital]. PMID- 13482461 TI - [Paraplegia after intramuscular gluteal injections]. PMID- 13482463 TI - [Hymenopterism]. PMID- 13482462 TI - [First therapeutic trials with the ethylene-quinone E 39]. PMID- 13482464 TI - [New diuretics]. PMID- 13482465 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482466 TI - [Present geographic distribution of boutonneuse fever]. PMID- 13482467 TI - [Treatment of acute non-tuberculous pleural & pulmonary diseases with phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13482468 TI - [Cardiac aspects of bacterial endocarditis with protracted development]. PMID- 13482469 TI - [Liver cirrhoses & tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482470 TI - [Problems of social cardiology]. PMID- 13482471 TI - [Development of antibiotic therapy of cardiovascular diseases for the last 10 years]. PMID- 13482472 TI - [Short history of hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella)]. PMID- 13482473 TI - Standardization of human centrifuge techniques. PMID- 13482474 TI - [Needs for a good physical condition with special reference to flight personnel]. PMID- 13482475 TI - [Free escape & controlled escape; experiences & comments]. PMID- 13482476 TI - Aeromedical research in Sweden. PMID- 13482477 TI - [Important sign in the diagnosis of lead poisoning; erythrocytes with basophil granulations]. PMID- 13482478 TI - [Biological signs of lead poisoning]. PMID- 13482479 TI - [The role of the industrial physician with regard to the physically handicapped]. PMID- 13482480 TI - [Physically & mentally handicapped facing the problem of their rehabilitation & occupational reclassification]. PMID- 13482481 TI - [Adjustment to the disease & occupational rehabilitation; application to vascular diseases]. PMID- 13482482 TI - [Social Prognosis of Pott disease]. PMID- 13482484 TI - [Placing of workers in cases involving problems of adjustment]. PMID- 13482483 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482485 TI - [Moral responsibility of industrial medicine]. PMID- 13482486 TI - [An important sign in the diagnosis of lead poisoning; erythrocytes with basophil granulation]. PMID- 13482487 TI - [The white-spirits]. PMID- 13482488 TI - [Factors determining fatigue]. PMID- 13482489 TI - [Oxygen, oxygenation, oxygen therapy]. PMID- 13482490 TI - [Silicones, protective agents and insulating material of skin]. PMID- 13482491 TI - [Psychological modifications caused by high altitude flying]. PMID- 13482492 TI - [An unusual case: baro-traumatic mastoiditis]. PMID- 13482493 TI - [Ocular injuries and burns in aviators]. PMID- 13482494 TI - [Aerodontalgia [Toothache due to altitude]]. PMID- 13482495 TI - [Toothache in aviator; 87 case reports of aerodontalgia]. PMID- 13482496 TI - [Systematic lung radiography of flight personnel candidates]. PMID- 13482497 TI - [Incidents observed during perfusions in flight]. PMID- 13482498 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482499 TI - Diuretics and renal disease. PMID- 13482501 TI - Viral hepatitis. PMID- 13482500 TI - Clinical trial of a new tranquilizer, prochlorperazine. PMID- 13482502 TI - Innocent (functional) murmurs in childhood. PMID- 13482503 TI - A milestone in health education. PMID- 13482504 TI - The timed vectorcardiogram. PMID- 13482505 TI - The oral insulin substitutes. PMID- 13482506 TI - First aid in emotional problems. PMID- 13482508 TI - Cancer of the larynx. PMID- 13482507 TI - Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. PMID- 13482509 TI - Treatment of urinary infections with antibiotics. PMID- 13482510 TI - Extraintestinal amebiasis with case report. PMID- 13482512 TI - SYMPOSIUM on staphylococcic infections. PMID- 13482511 TI - Nursing goals for fiscal year 1958. PMID- 13482513 TI - Intra-abdominal trauma. I. Injuries of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13482514 TI - The use of adrenocorticotrophins (ACTH) and adrenal steroids in the treatment of infections. PMID- 13482515 TI - The 2nd Field Hospital moves. PMID- 13482516 TI - Evaluating the need for adenotonsillectomy. PMID- 13482517 TI - Autoclave sterilization of cartridge-type dental injection needles a suggested method. PMID- 13482518 TI - Intra-abdominal trauma. II. Traumatic injuries to the abdomen. PMID- 13482519 TI - The development of modern therapeutics. PMID- 13482520 TI - Sprue. PMID- 13482521 TI - Maternal obstetric injuries in general practice. PMID- 13482522 TI - Recent work on dengue fever. PMID- 13482524 TI - Surgical complications in the tropics. PMID- 13482523 TI - The incidence of renal colic. PMID- 13482525 TI - Tuberculosis: an assessment of the present position. PMID- 13482526 TI - The blood sedimentation rate of various races in north Queensland. PMID- 13482527 TI - Prothrombin depressants and sodium fluoracetate in rat control. PMID- 13482528 TI - The psychology of alcoholism. PMID- 13482529 TI - Physician, heal thyself. PMID- 13482530 TI - The diagnosis and conservative management of peripheral vascular disease. PMID- 13482531 TI - The direct determination of calcium in biological material. PMID- 13482532 TI - The mole technique for dilatation of oesophageal strictures. PMID- 13482533 TI - Common traumatic injuries. PMID- 13482534 TI - Identical skin-eruption in five men after massive exposure to jellyfish (aurelia). PMID- 13482535 TI - Child health in China. PMID- 13482536 TI - Health and nutrition of Warburton Range native of Central Augtralia. PMID- 13482537 TI - Some haematological observations on aborigines in the Warburton Ranges area. PMID- 13482538 TI - The serum proteins of aborigines in the Warburton Range area. PMID- 13482539 TI - Report on ophthalmic findings in Warburton Range natives of Central Australia. PMID- 13482540 TI - Illness in twins: I. A study of twins from a general hospital population. PMID- 13482541 TI - Illness in twins: II. Duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13482542 TI - Stone in the lower part of the ureter. PMID- 13482543 TI - Obliterative arterial disease in a young girl. PMID- 13482545 TI - Hydrocephalus in childhood. PMID- 13482544 TI - Some recent concepts of the physiology of the cerebro-spinal fluid. PMID- 13482546 TI - Hydrocephalus in infancy: clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13482548 TI - Problems of children in a long-stay hospital. PMID- 13482547 TI - A goitrogenic factor in milk. PMID- 13482549 TI - The changing face of osteomyelitis in children. PMID- 13482550 TI - Hyponatraemia and central nervous system disease. PMID- 13482551 TI - Jaundice in the newborn. PMID- 13482552 TI - Staphylococcal pneumonia in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13482553 TI - Cystic disease of the lungs in childhood. PMID- 13482554 TI - Reading disorders in childhood. PMID- 13482555 TI - The management of double ureters in children. PMID- 13482556 TI - Palmar pulsation: a physical sign of patent ductus arteriosus in infancy. PMID- 13482557 TI - The Pierre Robin syndrome. PMID- 13482559 TI - Congenital ducto-pulmonary atresia: a variant of pulmonary atresia of some clinical importance. PMID- 13482558 TI - Hepatitis in infancy. PMID- 13482560 TI - Acute haemolytic anaemia associated with acute glomerulonephritis in infancy. PMID- 13482561 TI - Ectopic ureter. PMID- 13482562 TI - A diencephalic syndrome of early infancy. PMID- 13482563 TI - Some aspects of the doctor-patient relationship. PMID- 13482564 TI - Paediatric surgery. PMID- 13482565 TI - The prevention of maternal death. PMID- 13482566 TI - The use of diamox in preeclamptic toxaemia. PMID- 13482567 TI - Acetazoleamide and glaucoma; a preliminary report. PMID- 13482568 TI - Tree of life. PMID- 13482569 TI - The integrity of medicine. PMID- 13482570 TI - D.W.G. FARIS. PMID- 13482572 TI - Diagnostic megavoltage radiography; applications and technic. PMID- 13482571 TI - Charles Thurstan Holland; 1863-1941. PMID- 13482573 TI - COLOR in medical photography. PMID- 13482574 TI - A concept of the bronchopulmonary segments. PMID- 13482575 TI - Hemangioma of the skull. PMID- 13482576 TI - Nonspecific granulomatous conjunctivitis. PMID- 13482577 TI - Hemorrhagic cyst, with calcification, of adrenal gland. PMID- 13482578 TI - Esophageal diverticula. PMID- 13482579 TI - Osteoma of nasal cavity. PMID- 13482580 TI - Notes on surgical photography. PMID- 13482581 TI - Common errors in the management of gastrointestinal disorders. PMID- 13482582 TI - Thyroiditis. PMID- 13482583 TI - Skeletal disability. PMID- 13482584 TI - Geriatric anesthesia. PMID- 13482585 TI - The spastic bowel and prostato-vesiculitis. PMID- 13482586 TI - Minimal pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13482587 TI - Importance of the gastric brush in the diagnosis of cancer. PMID- 13482588 TI - Depression. PMID- 13482589 TI - Moderate nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. PMID- 13482590 TI - Local treatment of psoriasis; including a review of medical literature. PMID- 13482591 TI - Fears. PMID- 13482593 TI - SUPERFICIAL traumatic wounds of the face and scalp. PMID- 13482592 TI - The physician, the textbook and the law. PMID- 13482594 TI - Let us discourage malpractice suits. PMID- 13482595 TI - MASSACHUSETTS General Hospital. PMID- 13482596 TI - Capital and teaching costs of hospitals. PMID- 13482597 TI - Birth of the blues. PMID- 13482598 TI - [Treatment of hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13482599 TI - [The effect of triiodothyronine on the capacity of the thyroid gland to accumulate radioactive iodine]. PMID- 13482600 TI - [Change in synaptic function during degenerative processes]. PMID- 13482602 TI - [Cancer metabolism & anticancer therapy. IV. Causal cytophysiology; synergy; relative constancy of the internal medium; non-homeostasis]. PMID- 13482601 TI - [Stapes mobilization; indications, technics & results]. PMID- 13482603 TI - [Symptomatology of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13482604 TI - [Statistical data of treatment of placenta praevia]. PMID- 13482606 TI - [Transfusion of blood platelets]. PMID- 13482605 TI - [Committee of Experts in Technical & Professional Training of Medical & Auxiliary Personnel]. PMID- 13482607 TI - [Organization & deontology of blood transfusion]. PMID- 13482608 TI - [Necessity of propaganda in blood transfusion]. PMID- 13482609 TI - [Exclusion of paternity & other medical & legal applications of blood groups]. PMID- 13482610 TI - [Indications for blood transfusion in leukocytic diseases]. PMID- 13482611 TI - [The problem of the dangerous universal donor]. PMID- 13482612 TI - [Recent advances in the preservation of blood]. PMID- 13482613 TI - [Beck I operation in the surgical treatment of myocardial ischemia; immediate results in the first 2 consecutive cases]. PMID- 13482614 TI - [Bronchoscopy in children, with special reference to tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482615 TI - [Anesthesia in bronchoscopy of children]. PMID- 13482616 TI - [Statistical study of 500 patients observed at the rheumatology service of the Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensoes dos Industriarios of the Federal District]. PMID- 13482617 TI - [Acute intestinal obstruction caused by ascaris in the infant; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13482618 TI - [Intraspinal hydrocortisone; results obtained from 19 cases of lumbosciatica]. PMID- 13482619 TI - [Acute appendicitis in a patient with true hemophilia; case report with successful operation]. PMID- 13482620 TI - [Reconstructive plastic surgery in hydronephrosis caused by obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction]. PMID- 13482621 TI - [Preliminary investigations on vascular prostheses, using heterodermal grafts]. PMID- 13482622 TI - [Acute cardiac tamponade; case report; successful surgery]. PMID- 13482623 TI - [A new & efficient method for the treatment of angiopathy & angiolopathy]. PMID- 13482624 TI - [Trials with vitamin B12 therapy of the painful phenomena in leprosy]. PMID- 13482625 TI - [Acute diarrhea]. PMID- 13482626 TI - [Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, general considerations and case presentation]. PMID- 13482627 TI - [Radiotherapy & hormone therapy in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma]. PMID- 13482629 TI - [Various reflections on contemporary medicine]. PMID- 13482628 TI - [Case of meningococcic leptomeningitis, brain abscess & congenital heart disease]. PMID- 13482630 TI - [Endocavitary electrocardiography in hemodynamic studies]. PMID- 13482631 TI - [Surgery of supra-condylar fractures of the humerus]. PMID- 13482632 TI - [Tuberculosis prevention in Portugal]. PMID- 13482633 TI - [Correlation between cardiac & cerebral rhythms in epilepsy]. PMID- 13482634 TI - [Serological diagnosis of cancer]. PMID- 13482635 TI - [Duodenal jejunal atresia]. PMID- 13482636 TI - [Auricular flutter]. PMID- 13482637 TI - [Preludin and obesity]. PMID- 13482638 TI - [Clinical considerations on transpyloric prolapse of the antral mucosa]. PMID- 13482639 TI - [Technical findings on the surgical treatment of mitral stenosis]. PMID- 13482640 TI - [Study of anoxias, its origin & possible correction]. PMID- 13482641 TI - [Babinski's sign & spinal automatism or defense reflexes]. PMID- 13482642 TI - [Inversion of hypertensive effects of ephedrine with sympatol]. PMID- 13482643 TI - [Enterocystoplasty; new urologic technic]. PMID- 13482644 TI - [Total volvulus of the small intestine]. PMID- 13482645 TI - [Urinary 17-ketosteroids in the medico-legal diagnosis of death agony]. PMID- 13482646 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482647 TI - [Relations between alpha brain waves & cardiac rhythm]. PMID- 13482648 TI - [Pruritus in the aged]. PMID- 13482649 TI - [Abdominal abscesses after an appendectomy]. PMID- 13482650 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482652 TI - [Current status and research in problems of permeability]. PMID- 13482651 TI - [Arterial hypotension]. PMID- 13482653 TI - [Diagnosis of pericardial cystic formations]. PMID- 13482654 TI - [Studies of acute diseases of the lungs]. PMID- 13482655 TI - [1-4-Dimethanesulfoxybutane therapy of chronic leukemic myeloses]. PMID- 13482657 TI - [Studies of renal function in industrial lead poisoning]. PMID- 13482656 TI - [Occipito-cervical pain syndrome]. PMID- 13482658 TI - [Total atrio-ventricular block with periods of ventricular fibrillation]. PMID- 13482659 TI - [Endomyocardofibrosis; clinical and morphopathological aspects]. PMID- 13482660 TI - [Clinical and radiological value of intravenous cholecysto-cholangiography with biligraffin]. PMID- 13482661 TI - [Dimercaptopropanol therapy of chicken pox]. PMID- 13482662 TI - [Postoperative therapy of the splenectomized; post-splenectomy latent pylephlebitis]. PMID- 13482663 TI - [Study of a case of hepatic fascioliasis (during liver cirrhosis)]. PMID- 13482664 TI - [Generalized septic phlebarteritis]. PMID- 13482665 TI - [A problem in the leukemias: etio-pathogenesis and classification]. PMID- 13482666 TI - [Fibrinogen, fibrin-formation and its clinical importance]. PMID- 13482668 TI - [Anemias, thrombopenias and leukopenias of an immunological nature]. PMID- 13482667 TI - [Various immunological aspects of diseases of autoaggression]. PMID- 13482670 TI - [Study of hemophilias]. PMID- 13482669 TI - [Essential thrombopenic purpura and immunological thrombopenic purpura]. PMID- 13482671 TI - [The value of blood tests alone and combined with other tests in diagnosis of industrial lead poisoning]. PMID- 13482672 TI - [Clinical and therapeutic aspects of several unusual cases of malignant blood diseases]. PMID- 13482673 TI - [Corticotrophin and cortisone in therapy of blood diseases]. PMID- 13482674 TI - [Leukemic reticulosis with unusual blood protein picture]. PMID- 13482676 TI - [Pernicious anemia after subtotal gastrectomy]. PMID- 13482675 TI - [Antibody disease? A case of complex disorder of the process of antibody formation]. PMID- 13482677 TI - [Chronic erythroblastosis in adults (Heilmeyer-Schoner type); case report]. PMID- 13482678 TI - [Clinical contributions to the problem of thrombocythemia]. PMID- 13482679 TI - [Cortisone therapy of a hemorrhagic form of periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13482680 TI - [Health hazards of arc welding with inert gas protection]. PMID- 13482681 TI - [Immunological analysis of silicotic nodules]. PMID- 13482682 TI - [Silicosis with expectoration of calcifications]. PMID- 13482683 TI - [Industrial physician in modern industry; introduction to the discussion on the regulations of industrial hygiene]. PMID- 13482684 TI - [Extension of obligatory industrial hygiene]. PMID- 13482685 TI - [Industrial physician & factory directors]. PMID- 13482686 TI - [Relation of industrial physicians to workers]. PMID- 13482687 TI - [Relations of industrial physician to health insurance institutes and Work Inspectorate]. PMID- 13482688 TI - [In memory of Antonio Mori]. PMID- 13482689 TI - [Biochemical study on the hyaline tissue of silicosis. V. Lipids]. PMID- 13482690 TI - [Hematological changes caused by fatigue; effects of chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13482691 TI - [Practical observations and results obtained in a chemical plant in the campaign against accidents]. PMID- 13482692 TI - [Association of silicosis and carcinoma of the lung]. PMID- 13482693 TI - [Respiratory obsession in silicotics]. PMID- 13482694 TI - [Experimental study on the possible interference of technical artifices in the interpretation of the mechanism of penetration of dust in the pulmonary interstitial tissue]. PMID- 13482695 TI - [Experimental study on the mechanism of penetration of dust in the pulmonary interstitial tissue. IV. Inhalation of powder of small dimension (lampblack)]. PMID- 13482696 TI - [Rediscovery of blood lipoproteins & their importance in atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13482697 TI - [Simple technic for the cytologic study of sputum using the May Grunwald-Giemsa stain]. PMID- 13482698 TI - [Metabolic bone diseases; osteoporosis secondary to hyperthyroidism; osteomalacia & osteitis fibrosa]. PMID- 13482699 TI - [Radiological ATLAS]. PMID- 13482700 TI - [Gastro-esopha geal reflux]. PMID- 13482701 TI - [Tietze's syndrome or chondrocostal pain]. PMID- 13482702 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482703 TI - [Normal nutrition in the pregnant women]. PMID- 13482705 TI - [Examination of the esophagus and stomach]. PMID- 13482704 TI - [Novobiocin in skin diseases]. PMID- 13482706 TI - [Radiology atlas]. PMID- 13482707 TI - [Prednisone, ACTH and bacteriostatic in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482709 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482710 TI - [Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome]. PMID- 13482708 TI - [Gynecography: pneumopelvihysterosalpingography; advantages of its use as an axillary method in gynecological diagnosis]. PMID- 13482711 TI - [Hamartoma of the right bronchial source]. PMID- 13482712 TI - [Radiological ATLAS]. PMID- 13482713 TI - [Gyneco-obstetrical activities in the Maracaibo Welfare Home, Venezuela, between 1896 & 1916]. PMID- 13482714 TI - [Contribution to the history of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico through its Section of Pathological Anatomy]. PMID- 13482715 TI - [Leukocyte transfusion]. PMID- 13482716 TI - [Hemiplegia]. PMID- 13482717 TI - [30 Cases of intra-arterial injection of somatotropic hormone which produces a 2 4 cm. increase in height in 3-4 months]. PMID- 13482718 TI - [Eugenics in Mexico during the 19th century]. PMID- 13482719 TI - [Love & affection]. PMID- 13482720 TI - [Antimalarial drugs used in other diseases]. PMID- 13482721 TI - [Prednisolone in the treatment of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482722 TI - [Diagnosis & therapy of tongue diseases]. PMID- 13482723 TI - [Distortion of a child's personality by lies & theft]. PMID- 13482724 TI - [Provision of supplementary nutrients for those who need it]. PMID- 13482725 TI - [Pinta]. PMID- 13482726 TI - [Azapetine in the treatment of predominantly cutaneous arterial insufficiency]. PMID- 13482727 TI - [Contribution to the history of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico through its Section of Pathological Anatomy]. PMID- 13482728 TI - [The heart output in people acclimated to the altitude of Mexico City (2,240 meters above sea level) is not appreciably higher in people inhabiting lower levels]. PMID- 13482729 TI - [Geographical distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Mexico; discovery of a new endem ic area]. PMID- 13482730 TI - [Children of criminals]. PMID- 13482731 TI - [Hemorrhagic disorders caused by transfusion]. PMID- 13482732 TI - [Study of blood groups M & N in the Federal District]. PMID- 13482733 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482734 TI - [Pancreatitis & diseases of the pancreas; development & present concept]. PMID- 13482735 TI - [Ramon y Cajal, teacher of generations: bibliographic commentary]. PMID- 13482736 TI - [What & why the people eat]. PMID- 13482737 TI - [Radioactive isotopes; attainment, management & applications]. PMID- 13482738 TI - [Study on the use of membrane filters in the bacteriological analysis of drinking water]. PMID- 13482739 TI - [A chapter on tropical ophthalmology]. PMID- 13482740 TI - [Notes on craniotabes]. PMID- 13482741 TI - [Indications and contraindications for ACTH & corticosteroid therapy of skin diseases]. PMID- 13482742 TI - [Value of various liver function tests in diagnosis of anatomic injuries of liver parenchyma in cholecystitis & in cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13482744 TI - [Sympathetic ophthalmia as a therapeutic problem]. PMID- 13482743 TI - [Dangers and accidents in antibiotic therapy; their prevention and control]. PMID- 13482745 TI - [Rational treatment of climacteric disorders]. PMID- 13482746 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482747 TI - [History of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482749 TI - [Kidney function tests with special reference to methods which could be used in general practice]. PMID- 13482748 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482750 TI - [Kidney changes in heart diseases]. PMID- 13482751 TI - [Plastic surgery of eye-lids and its results]. PMID- 13482752 TI - [Clinical manifestations of subacute leukoencephalitis]. PMID- 13482753 TI - [Mechanism, technics and specificity of lupus erythematosus phenomenon]. PMID- 13482754 TI - [Perforation of duodenum by a swallowed sewing-needle]. PMID- 13482755 TI - [Personal experience with local administration of novocaine with galvanic current]. PMID- 13482756 TI - [Damaging words in general internal practice]. PMID- 13482757 TI - [Various aspects of modern dietetics]. PMID- 13482758 TI - [Modern views on the diagnosis of dentogenous focal infections]. PMID- 13482759 TI - [Recurrence of classical typhus and its importance in the epidemiology of this disease]. PMID- 13482760 TI - [Artificial insemination of women]. PMID- 13482761 TI - [Importance of laboratory methods in diagnosis of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482762 TI - [Peculiarities of electrocardiograms in children in physiological and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13482763 TI - [New cytotoxic drug E-39]. PMID- 13482764 TI - [Program for specialization in roentgenography]. PMID- 13482765 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482766 TI - [Ectopic pregnancy with review of regional pathology]. PMID- 13482767 TI - [Value of newer drugs in therapy of ulcers]. PMID- 13482768 TI - [Constipation]. PMID- 13482769 TI - [Short review of the problem of social and medical protection of diabetic children]. PMID- 13482770 TI - [Psychology of tuberculotic patients; how to approach the patient and his environment when the patient is being treated at his home]. PMID- 13482771 TI - [Clinical and laboratory methods for determination of corticosteroids]. PMID- 13482772 TI - [Changes in cerebrospinal fluid in transverse myelitis]. PMID- 13482773 TI - [Basic principles and trends in the development of therapy of helminth infections in USSR during the last 40 years]. PMID- 13482774 TI - [Studies on the methods of radical chemotherapeutic prophylaxis and cure without recurrence of tertian malaria with brief and long incubation times. X. Radical chemotherapeutic prevention of tertian malaria with long incubation time; experimental studies]. PMID- 13482775 TI - [Effectiveness of quinocide in the treatment of tertian malaria]. PMID- 13482776 TI - [Studies on acquired resistance of Plasmodium gailinaceum to the preparation gamma dichroine]. PMID- 13482777 TI - [Antimony resistance in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis]. PMID- 13482778 TI - [Result of piperazine sulfate therapy of ascariasis]. PMID- 13482779 TI - [Anthelmintic effect of piperazine sulfate]. PMID- 13482780 TI - [Mechanism of action of piperazine of Ascaris]. PMID- 13482781 TI - [Certain data on diphyllobothriasis in water transport workers]. PMID- 13482782 TI - [Disorders of the gastrointestinal apparatus in diphyllobothriasis]. PMID- 13482783 TI - [Anamnestic data in diagnosis and control of diphyllobothriasis in the delta of the river Volga]. PMID- 13482784 TI - [Problem of hexachloroethane therapy of opistorchiasis]. PMID- 13482785 TI - [Liver function in opistorchiasis]. PMID- 13482786 TI - [Problem of pulmonary eosinophilic infiltrations]. PMID- 13482787 TI - [Clinical aspects of intestinal trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13482788 TI - [Destruction of eggs of Japanese Schistosoma with human urine]. PMID- 13482789 TI - [Role of Hirstionyssus fonseca in natural foci of tularemia]. PMID- 13482790 TI - [Thermo-electrodes for collection of ectoparasites from nests]. PMID- 13482791 TI - [Role of herds in zoo-prophylaxis of malaria in cattle drives in Barabinsk plains]. PMID- 13482792 TI - [Anophelogenic significance of wild rice in water sheds]. PMID- 13482793 TI - [Duration of retention and excretion of poliomyelitis virus by synantrophic flies and its relation to dissemination and prevention of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13482794 TI - [Eradication of insects in pioneer camps]. PMID- 13482795 TI - [Appearance of Haemobartonella canis following splenectomy and abdominal lymphadenectomy in a dog]. PMID- 13482796 TI - [Work in the field of parasitology in certain scientific research institutes and universities in south-eastern China]. PMID- 13482797 TI - [Malarial infection in certain nutritional regimes; review of foreign literature]. PMID- 13482798 TI - [Russian literature on the problems of medical parasitology and parasitic diseases published during the fourth quarter of 1956]. PMID- 13482799 TI - [Changes in the interoceptive unconditioned reflexes under the influence of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13482800 TI - [Manifestation of adaptation reactions after repeated and frequent effects of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13482801 TI - [Changes of the lymphoid tissue of the spleen in mice in early periods after gamma-irradiation]. PMID- 13482802 TI - [Hyaluronidase and histamine content in blood after exposure to ionizing radiation in industry]. PMID- 13482804 TI - [Combination of adrenalin and acetylcholine in prevention of radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482803 TI - [Remote results of single and repeated administration of radioactive isotopes (Ce144, Ru106, Sr89, 90) through the gastrointestinal system]. PMID- 13482805 TI - [Stimulation of hemopoiesis in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482806 TI - [Biological radiation protection in experimental radiotherapy of tumors]. PMID- 13482807 TI - [Effectiveness of cysteinamine preparations for prevention of radiation sickness in man]. PMID- 13482808 TI - [Course of pregnancy and labor in animals subjected to a one-time total body roentgen irradiation in sublethal dosage]. PMID- 13482809 TI - [Effectiveness of some substances for disactivation of hands contaminated by radium salts]. PMID- 13482810 TI - [Therapeutic application of alpha emitting radioactive isotopes (alpha therapy)]. PMID- 13482811 TI - [The role of the condition of the brain in absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13482812 TI - [Wrong concepts in protection of the eyes and the body from gamma-rays by individual protection measures at work]. PMID- 13482813 TI - [ANNA VASIL'EVNA KOZLOVA]. PMID- 13482814 TI - [Problem of physiological effect of gamma rays on the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13482815 TI - [Effect of radioactive cobalt on resistance of the organism to ionizing irradiation]. PMID- 13482816 TI - [Disorders of pigment metabolism in radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482817 TI - [Effect of ionizing radiations on proteins of structural elements of cellular cytoplasm of the liver]. PMID- 13482818 TI - [Effect of gamma rays on reproduction and on offsprings of white rats]. PMID- 13482819 TI - [Mechanism of repair of tissue lesions induced by roentgen rays]. PMID- 13482820 TI - [Condition of the adrenal cortex in radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482821 TI - [Effect of preliminary irradiation on formation of a antitoxic anti-diphtheria immunity]. PMID- 13482822 TI - [Characteristics of paratyphoid fever Breslau in monkeys in radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482823 TI - [Penetration of radioactive sodium and calcium through undamaged skin]. PMID- 13482824 TI - [Effect of physical effort on clinicomorphological characteristics of acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13482825 TI - [Changes in the hard dental tissue following repeated exposure of the organism to small doses of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13482826 TI - [Pathological anatomy radiation lesion induced by radioactive lanthanum]. PMID- 13482827 TI - [Biological effect and application of betatron in medicine; review of foreign literature]. PMID- 13482828 TI - [General survey on the development & present-day status of audiometry & hearing improvement]. PMID- 13482829 TI - [Adiposity & its treatment with respect to color psychology]. PMID- 13482830 TI - [Agonadism with congenital malformations in a male (Turner's syndrome)]. PMID- 13482831 TI - [Therapeutic experiments with the lanata glycoside C]. PMID- 13482832 TI - [Present-day blood picture. VIII. Pretended bronchial asthma; virus pneumonia]. PMID- 13482833 TI - [Hemorrhage caused by anticoagulants as a diagnostic sign]. PMID- 13482834 TI - [Effect of butazolidin on the peripheral vessels & its suitability in the treatment of thrombophlebitis & thrombosis]. PMID- 13482835 TI - [Magnesium-aluminum-silica hydrate alone & in combination with a special milk preparation in the treatment of acidosis]. PMID- 13482836 TI - [Prof. Dr. H. Naujoks on his 65th birthday]. PMID- 13482837 TI - [Isolated facial paresis in pregnancy]. PMID- 13482838 TI - [Inflammatory urological complications after gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13482839 TI - [Chemotherapy of advanced ovarian carcinoma with cytostatic substances]. PMID- 13482840 TI - [Myoma therapy with respect to complications in menopause]. PMID- 13482841 TI - [Significance of cancer prevention clinics in the early detection of gynecological carcinomas]. PMID- 13482842 TI - [Pregnancy & labor progress in the diabetic & the care of their newborn infants]. PMID- 13482843 TI - [Problem of invalidizing the cancer patient]. PMID- 13482844 TI - [Use of peridural anesthesia in gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13482845 TI - [The long pelvis; report of 209 cases]. PMID- 13482846 TI - [Effect of ovarian & gonadotropin hormones on the minute volume of women; choice & dosage in hormone therapy of extragenital pain]. PMID- 13482847 TI - [Diagnosis & prognosis of hydatiform mole & chorion epithelioma with the graded toad test]. PMID- 13482848 TI - [Cytological diagnosis of tumors from peritoneal & pleural effusions]. PMID- 13482850 TI - [Changes in the clinical aspects & treatment of pneumonia]. PMID- 13482849 TI - [Avoidance of plexus paralysis in gynecological surgery]. PMID- 13482851 TI - [Diagnosis & therapy of inflammatory adenxa diseases]. PMID- 13482852 TI - [Operative treatment of leg varices]. PMID- 13482853 TI - [Operative indications in childhood fractures]. PMID- 13482854 TI - [Traumatology]. PMID- 13482855 TI - [Thoughts on modern rehabilitation]. PMID- 13482856 TI - [New discoveries in the significance of experimental dental caries]. PMID- 13482857 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482859 TI - [Work in a psychosomatic department]. PMID- 13482858 TI - [Prednisolone therapy of bronchial asthma & related diseases]. PMID- 13482860 TI - [Hydrocortisone therapy in medical practice]. PMID- 13482862 TI - [Criteria of extravagance in medicine]. PMID- 13482861 TI - [Experiences with bepanthen in burns in children]. PMID- 13482863 TI - [Physical medicine & rehabilitation in the Veterans Administration of the United States]. PMID- 13482864 TI - [Nietzche's mental disorder & its influence on his philosophy]. PMID- 13482865 TI - [History of iridectomy in glaucoma since Albrecht v. Graefe, 1857]. PMID- 13482866 TI - [Primary investigation of the febrile patient & its theoretical basis]. PMID- 13482867 TI - [Diagnosis of malignant melanoma of the skin]. PMID- 13482868 TI - [Progress in the treatment of skin disease]. PMID- 13482869 TI - [Pains following stomach resection, their causes & treatment]. PMID- 13482870 TI - [Chronic epithelioid cell granulomatosis with special consideration of the Heerfordt & Mikulicz syndromes]. PMID- 13482872 TI - [Clinical experience with the sulfonylurea BZ 55]. PMID- 13482871 TI - [Relation between hypopyon-iritis & Behcet's disease]. PMID- 13482873 TI - [Experience in long-term oral therapy of diabetes mellitus with the sulfonylurea preparation nadisan]. PMID- 13482875 TI - [Prevention of postoperative recurrence of urinary calculus with special consideration of possible medication]. PMID- 13482874 TI - [Clinical manifestations of unspecific urinary infections in diabetes]. PMID- 13482876 TI - [Observation & analysis in the treatment of ectopy & vaginal leukorrhea with albothyl]. PMID- 13482877 TI - [Experiences with a new estrogen depot preparation]. PMID- 13482878 TI - [Differential diagnosis in obscure febrile diseases]. PMID- 13482879 TI - [Celiac-dystrophic syndrome]. PMID- 13482880 TI - [Pediatrician's problem in esophageal atresia]. PMID- 13482881 TI - [Duodenal stenosis & volvulus in newborn & older infants]. PMID- 13482882 TI - [Innoculation of infants & small children in United States of America]. PMID- 13482883 TI - [Hypophyseal dwarfism in children]. PMID- 13482884 TI - [Critical review & therapy of hypophyseal-diencephalon regulation disorders in developing children]. PMID- 13482885 TI - [Excretory urography with urografin in pediatrics]. PMID- 13482886 TI - [Problem of modern infant nutrition; historical views. I. The former plan for newborn infants & the free choice of meal time by the infants]. PMID- 13482888 TI - [Causes & treatment of apoplexy in young adults]. PMID- 13482887 TI - [Failures in antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13482889 TI - [Advances in the successful outcome of bile duct surgery]. PMID- 13482891 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482890 TI - [Labor lightening & acceleration by muscular relaxation with meprobamate]. PMID- 13482892 TI - [Advances in the possibilities of x-ray diagnosis of abdominal diseases]. PMID- 13482893 TI - [Indications for phenothiazine derivatives in surgery]. PMID- 13482894 TI - [Treatment of chronic myelocytic leukemia with myleran]. PMID- 13482895 TI - [Present-day blood picture. XVIII. Hemogram curve in chronic relapsing appendicitis]. PMID- 13482896 TI - [Treatment of cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13482897 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482898 TI - [Problem of modern infant nutrition-historical views. II. The former plan for newborn infants & the free choice of meal time by the infants]. PMID- 13482899 TI - [New ideas on the clinical manifestations & pathology of liver & gallbladder diseases]. PMID- 13482900 TI - [Treatment of polycythemia vera with consideration for the atypical cases]. PMID- 13482902 TI - [Catamnesis of 200 children in a psychosomatic ward]. PMID- 13482901 TI - [Clinical experience with Niehan's cell therapy]. PMID- 13482903 TI - [Critical ideas on the value of the prothrombin index in the control of anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13482904 TI - [Principles of sleep therapy]. PMID- 13482905 TI - [Clinical experience report on injectable prednisolone (deltacortril-suspension Pfizer)]. PMID- 13482906 TI - [Treatment of rheumatism with pyracortin]. PMID- 13482907 TI - [Treatment of grippe with irgapyrin]. PMID- 13482908 TI - [Clinical experience with siogen Geigy]. PMID- 13482909 TI - [Prevention & therapy of grippe with refagan]. PMID- 13482910 TI - [Limited pulmonary treatment of accompanying pain in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482911 TI - [Presentday differential diagnosis & therapy of epilepsy]. PMID- 13482912 TI - [Is there a rebound effect in women]. PMID- 13482913 TI - [Expert opinion on the functional disorders & diseases after stomach resection]. PMID- 13482914 TI - [First clinical experience in internal medicine with hexamide]. PMID- 13482915 TI - [Present-day blood picture. XIX. Differential diagnosis between inflammatory & mechanical or physical processes]. PMID- 13482916 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482917 TI - [Prevention of the complications of therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics]. PMID- 13482919 TI - [Use of triazine derivatives in dermatology]. PMID- 13482918 TI - [Experiences in the prevention & early therapy of grippe with a new combination preparation fiobrol]. PMID- 13482920 TI - [Is the medical expert's testimony an obligation]. PMID- 13482921 TI - [Choice of blood or plasma substitutes; critical considerations on indication with reference to biological value & hazards]. PMID- 13482922 TI - [Tracheal catheterization in newborn]. PMID- 13482923 TI - [Use of exploratory non-specific test questions as a primary method for determining psychoreactive factors in gynecological diseases]. PMID- 13482924 TI - [Thermometric studies on effects & indications of intraarterial oxygen insufflation in peripheral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13482925 TI - [Anniversary of Josef Vonkennel]. PMID- 13482926 TI - [Clinical experience with a new antihistamine ointment]. PMID- 13482927 TI - [Double blind test of the effect of panthenol ointment on erythema due to ultraviolet rays]. PMID- 13482928 TI - [Antibiotic therapy of skin diseases]. PMID- 13482929 TI - [So-called natural childbirth & emphasis on psychology in obstetrics]. PMID- 13482930 TI - [Natural childbirth]. PMID- 13482931 TI - [Disorders of blood coagulation after carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13482932 TI - [Etiology of gynecomastia & the question of lambliasis]. PMID- 13482933 TI - [Incidence of latent liver disease in gastric & duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13482934 TI - [Clinical experience with intravenous spasmo-inalgon]. PMID- 13482935 TI - [The Kousa diet; therapeutic experience & effects on cholesterol metabolism]. PMID- 13482936 TI - [New approaches in internal therapy of seborrheic skin diseases, particularly acne]. PMID- 13482937 TI - [Segmental therapy of peripheral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13482938 TI - [Aerosol-Spitzner in therapy of upper respiratory diseases]. PMID- 13482939 TI - [Experience with anemia in puberty]. PMID- 13482940 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482941 TI - [The duty to tell the truth]. PMID- 13482942 TI - [Radioactive contamination]. PMID- 13482943 TI - [The Japanese experiences with radiation injuries after the release of atom bombs]. PMID- 13482944 TI - [Preconditions & possibilities of therapy of radiation injuries]. PMID- 13482945 TI - [Radiation injuries & the possibilities of their treatment]. PMID- 13482946 TI - [Pathophysiology of radiation injuries]. PMID- 13482947 TI - [Late radiation injuries]. PMID- 13482948 TI - [The problem of genetic hazards of ionizing radiations]. PMID- 13482949 TI - [The problem of transferability of experimental results in radiation genetics to humans]. PMID- 13482950 TI - [Causes of autonomic regulation disorders]. PMID- 13482951 TI - [Justification of major surgery in old age, as seen from the viewpoint of clinical cardiology. III]. PMID- 13482952 TI - [Nutrition & allergy, with special reference to the thyroid as source of allergy increase]. PMID- 13482953 TI - [Blood changes in bronchial carcinoma & its significance for the prognosis]. PMID- 13482954 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482955 TI - [Placebo experiments in bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13482956 TI - [Hypertension & Rauwolfia substances]. PMID- 13482957 TI - [Methods of physical therapy, especially hydrotherapy, in modern clinics]. PMID- 13482958 TI - [Clinical contribution to the treatment of autonomic circulation disorders]. PMID- 13482959 TI - [Use of seafood in lowsodium diet]. PMID- 13482960 TI - [Therapy of vomiting]. PMID- 13482961 TI - [Therapy of acute parotitis]. PMID- 13482962 TI - [Prevention of mastitis]. PMID- 13482963 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482964 TI - [Some papers on the fermentative treatment of pleural empyema]. PMID- 13482965 TI - [Fermental diagnosis of cardiac infarct]. PMID- 13482966 TI - [Urgent neurosurgical interventions in infants & small children]. PMID- 13482967 TI - [Possibilities & organization of psychological preparation of delivery]. PMID- 13482968 TI - [Experiences with psychological preparation of delivery]. PMID- 13482969 TI - [Pathogenesis & localization of spinal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13482970 TI - [Interpretation of hypertension in patients having suffered from dystrophic disorders]. PMID- 13482971 TI - [Symptomatology of transfusion accidents due to Rh factors]. PMID- 13482972 TI - [Therapy of pulmonary edema]. PMID- 13482973 TI - [Dehydration therapy of cerebral decompensation phenomena in cerebral injuries]. PMID- 13482974 TI - [Treatment with avafortan, a new spasmolytic & analgesic]. PMID- 13482975 TI - [Clinical experiences with the hepatic therapeutic drug purinor]. PMID- 13482976 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482977 TI - [Centenary of the Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft]. PMID- 13482978 TI - [Centenary of the diagnosis: embolism of the central artery of the retina]. PMID- 13482979 TI - [The ophthalmologist and useful instructions for motorists]. PMID- 13482980 TI - [New methods in conservative treatment of glaucoma]. PMID- 13482981 TI - [Modern treatment of strabismus]. PMID- 13482982 TI - [The fight against schistosomiasis]. PMID- 13482983 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482984 TI - [Diagnosis of disorders of autonomic nervous regulation]. PMID- 13482985 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13482986 TI - [The masking of venereal disease diagnosis by administration of antibiotics]. PMID- 13482987 TI - [Gallbladder hydrops as the cause of space reduction in the region of the right kidney pelvis]. PMID- 13482988 TI - [Panthesin-hydergine therapy of thromboembolism]. PMID- 13482989 TI - [Indication and results of mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13482990 TI - [Physiological biocatalysts in therapy of blood vessel walls in venous and arterial circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13482991 TI - [The use of atarax in surgery and anesthesia]. PMID- 13482992 TI - [Cirpon in child psychiatry]. PMID- 13482993 TI - [Therapy of dysmenorrhea]. PMID- 13482994 TI - [Immunobiology and clinical aspects of fetal erythroblastosis]. PMID- 13482995 TI - [Rheumatism as a permeability problem; a review, with reference to personal findings]. PMID- 13482997 TI - [Treatment of allergic diseases]. PMID- 13482996 TI - [Air contamination problem]. PMID- 13482998 TI - [The uncomplicated floating kidney]. PMID- 13482999 TI - [Hyperthyroidism as a psychosomatic problem]. PMID- 13483000 TI - [An atypical course of nephrolithiasis with enteroparalysis]. PMID- 13483001 TI - [The importance of protein substitution in major surgery]. PMID- 13483002 TI - [The admissibility of butazolidin administration in pregnancy and puerperium]. PMID- 13483003 TI - [Practical experiences with chemical disinfection of air in rooms]. PMID- 13483005 TI - [Immune biology and clinical manifestations of fetal erythroblastosis. II]. PMID- 13483004 TI - [Chemical experiences in the treatment of essential hypertension with ipharon]. PMID- 13483006 TI - [The status of modern maxillary and face surgery]. PMID- 13483007 TI - [Traumatology]. PMID- 13483008 TI - [Trace elements of iron and copper after prolonged blood donor service and after blood transfusion to patients]. PMID- 13483009 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483010 TI - [The psychotherapeutic treatment of physical diseases]. PMID- 13483011 TI - [New methods of treatment in Japanese medicine]. PMID- 13483012 TI - [Coloscopy and the possibilities of its application in medical practice]. PMID- 13483013 TI - [Prognosis in spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage]. PMID- 13483014 TI - [Laboratory diagnosis of ornithosis (psittacosis)]. PMID- 13483015 TI - [Agranulocytosis following BZ 55]. PMID- 13483016 TI - [Is the chemotherapy of malignant tumors justified today]. PMID- 13483017 TI - [The treatment of painful conditions in the true pelvis of the female with ichthobellol compositum]. PMID- 13483018 TI - [Clinical experiences with an intramuscular injectable iron preparation in gynecology]. PMID- 13483019 TI - [The treatment of atrophic rhinopharyngitis]. PMID- 13483020 TI - [The treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum]. PMID- 13483021 TI - [The heart and the release syndrome]. PMID- 13483022 TI - [Food-stuffs]. PMID- 13483024 TI - [Problems of traffic safety from the psychiatric and neurological point of view]. PMID- 13483023 TI - [Gastroenteritis and its relation to digestive insufficiency]. PMID- 13483025 TI - [Pfaundler-Hurler disease with report of a case of dysostosis multiplex with special peculiarities]. PMID- 13483026 TI - [Cerebral air embolism following irrigation in empyema]. PMID- 13483027 TI - [Jacutin poisoning in childhood]. PMID- 13483028 TI - [Results of routine investigative methods in cervical carcinoma: analysis of a coordinated group classification]. PMID- 13483029 TI - [Prophylaxis and therapy of influenza on the basis of ascorbic acid-hesperidin synergism]. PMID- 13483030 TI - [Experiences with a combined neurosedative and hypnotic in a district hospital]. PMID- 13483031 TI - [Hereditary factors in disease of aging]. PMID- 13483032 TI - [Possibilities and limitations of hormone therapy in gynecological practice, with reference to indication, medication and dosage]. PMID- 13483033 TI - [Organic bases of the difficult child. I. Endocrinopathies]. PMID- 13483034 TI - [Difficulties in diagnosis of osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata Recklinghausen]. PMID- 13483035 TI - [Synovial bursa injuries and diseases]. PMID- 13483036 TI - [Intrapleural prednisolone treatment of exudative pleuritis]. PMID- 13483037 TI - [Roentgenological studies on the action of stomach tonus during adaptation to altitude]. PMID- 13483038 TI - [Treatment of chronic habitual constipation with methylcellulose (pasivon)]. PMID- 13483039 TI - [Medical treatment of edema with special regard to cardiac edema]. PMID- 13483040 TI - [Can cerebral sclerosis, sequelae and peripheral vascular disorders be treated medically]. PMID- 13483041 TI - [Observations on a book by Erwin H. Ackerknecht about Virchow]. PMID- 13483042 TI - [Penicillin failures in gonorrhea therapy from the viewpoint of the bacteriologist]. PMID- 13483043 TI - [A very expensive golden calf]. PMID- 13483044 TI - [Influenza and influenza mortality in 1957]. PMID- 13483045 TI - [Organic bases of the difficult child. II. Mechanical injury and anoxia of the brain, encephalitis]. PMID- 13483046 TI - [Heart infarct in diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13483047 TI - [Differential diagnosis of splenic tumors]. PMID- 13483048 TI - [Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of intracranial hemorrhages and hematoma. I. Introduction and epidural hematoma]. PMID- 13483049 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483050 TI - [Simultaneous active and passive tetanus immunization in fresh wounds]. PMID- 13483051 TI - [Experiences and observations on the combination preparation nicoteben compositum (TB 82/N)]. PMID- 13483052 TI - [Segmental therapy with skin emphysema]. PMID- 13483053 TI - [Experiences with a plant antipyretic in febrile conditions in childhood]. PMID- 13483054 TI - [Industrial medicine]. PMID- 13483055 TI - [Rehabilitation of cardiovascular lesions in recently returned prisoners of war]. PMID- 13483056 TI - [Differentiation of hemorrhagic diathesis in clinical practice]. PMID- 13483057 TI - [Statistical aspects of acquired cardiac valve defects]. PMID- 13483058 TI - [The nature of viruses; a report on literature]. PMID- 13483059 TI - [The C-reactive protein as indicator of antirheumatic treatment performance, with special reference to the use & dosage of hormonal therapy]. PMID- 13483060 TI - [Differential diagnosis of gout]. PMID- 13483061 TI - [Studies on the functional & morphological restitution of the vaginal mucosa]. PMID- 13483062 TI - [Sodium & potassium concentration in blood plasma & erythrocytes & the urinary excretion after administration of diukal]. PMID- 13483063 TI - [Aftertreatment of posttraumatic circulation disorders]. PMID- 13483064 TI - [Parenteral change of the general condition of body reactions by non-specific stimulation therapy]. PMID- 13483065 TI - [Relapses after pneumonectomy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483066 TI - [Cooperation of physician & dentist]. PMID- 13483067 TI - [The pharmacologist Hugo Schulz; 1853-1932]. PMID- 13483068 TI - [Effect of penicillin on production of toxin by Corynebacterium diphtheriae strain PW8]. PMID- 13483069 TI - [Purification and concentration of diphtheria anatoxin. II]. PMID- 13483070 TI - [Considerations on Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13483071 TI - [Solubility of surface antigen of alcalescens I strains; studies by passive hemagglutination and immunization of animals]. PMID- 13483072 TI - [Certain pharmacological properties of pyrogen of E. coli]. PMID- 13483073 TI - [New type of Salmonella isolated in the Gdansk region]. PMID- 13483074 TI - [Studies on nutritional requirements of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from pathologic material. II. Effect of glycerol on multiplication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on solid media]. PMID- 13483075 TI - [Polymorphous characteristics of lyophilized BCG vaccine]. PMID- 13483076 TI - [Further studies on varieties of Brucella observed in Poland]. PMID- 13483077 TI - [Antigenic properties of strains of R. burnetii isolated during the first epidemic of Q fever in Poland]. PMID- 13483078 TI - [Incomplete antibodies in patients and convalescents in Q fever]. PMID- 13483079 TI - [Studies on antimycotic antibiotics. II. A new antibiotic]. PMID- 13483080 TI - [Studies on human sera with anti-antibodies]. PMID- 13483081 TI - [Rare form of subgroup A (Ao)]. PMID- 13483082 TI - [Disorders of ciliary movement in sensibilization]. PMID- 13483083 TI - The biochemical basis of mental dysfunction. I. Mental disease (dysmentia). PMID- 13483084 TI - Effects of prolonged tolbutamide therapy on hepatic function and serum cholesterol of adult diabetic patients. PMID- 13483085 TI - Favorable effects of supplemental orinase in insulin-treated labile diabetes. PMID- 13483086 TI - Clinical experience with a physicochemical method for estimation of aldosterone in urine. PMID- 13483087 TI - Aldosterone excretion in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13483088 TI - Aldosterone excretion following hypophysectomy in man: relation to urinary Na/K ratio. PMID- 13483089 TI - Study of the essential amino acid requirements of men over fifty. PMID- 13483090 TI - The calcium metabolism of a patient with renal insufficiency before and after partial parathyroidectomy. PMID- 13483091 TI - SYMPOSIUM on intravenous fat emulsions. PMID- 13483092 TI - Composition, preparation and testing of an intravenous fat emulsion. PMID- 13483093 TI - Effect of parenterally administered fat emulsion on nitrogen retention: attempts at complete parenteral alimentation in dogs. PMID- 13483094 TI - Metabolic studies of intravenous fat emulsion in normal and malnourished patients. PMID- 13483095 TI - Incidence of reactions to an intravenous fat emulsion administered at two different rates. PMID- 13483096 TI - A clinical evaluation of an intravenous fat emulsion. PMID- 13483097 TI - Intravenous administration of an improved fat emulsion; observations of the effect of storage upon the incidence of reactions. PMID- 13483098 TI - Clinical experience with intravenous fat emulsions. PMID- 13483099 TI - Experience with administration of an intravenous fat emulsion to surgical patients. PMID- 13483100 TI - The proteinsparing effect of intravenous fat emulsion; a preliminary report. PMID- 13483101 TI - Effect of of intravenously administered fat on body weight and nitrogen balance in surgical patients. PMID- 13483102 TI - Observations on the use of intravenous fat emulsions in man. PMID- 13483103 TI - Clinical studies on intravenous fat. PMID- 13483104 TI - Experience with the use of intravenous fat emulsions in the treatment of chronic uremia. PMID- 13483105 TI - Tolerance of infants and children to fat administered intravenously. PMID- 13483106 TI - Use of intravenous fat in burned patients. PMID- 13483107 TI - Some effects of multiple intravenous infusions of a cottonseed oil emulsion in patients with Laennec's cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13483109 TI - Clinical and chemical evaluation of intravenous fat emulsion with particular reference to changes of serum electrolytes. PMID- 13483108 TI - Effects of repeated infusions of a fat emulsion in surgical patients. PMID- 13483110 TI - Further observations on fat emulsion for intravenous infusion: experience with total parenteral nutrition using lipomul-I.V. PMID- 13483111 TI - Clinical, chemical, hematologic and anatomic changes accompanying repeated intravenous administration of fat emulsion to man. PMID- 13483112 TI - Two severe reactions following the long-term intrusion of large amounts of intravenous fat emulsion. PMID- 13483113 TI - Clinical observations on the use of nonphosphatide (pluronic) fat emulsions. PMID- 13483114 TI - Army Medical Service requirements for a fat emulsion suitable for intravenous administration. PMID- 13483115 TI - [Notes on the evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-tetanus vaccines]. PMID- 13483117 TI - [Note on some modifications made in staining of nuclei of microorganisms]. PMID- 13483116 TI - [Effect of chemical agents on viruses and experiments with vaccinial virus cultured in hen eggs]. PMID- 13483119 TI - [Ecology of yeasts. I. Study of yeasts isolated from fleshy fungi]. PMID- 13483118 TI - [Formation of 6-methylsalicylic acid by Penicillium patulum Bainter]. PMID- 13483120 TI - [Relation of Nitrosomonas to radioactive saccharose and carbonate]. PMID- 13483121 TI - [Acetoin and diacetyl in metabolism of Streptococcus lactis]. PMID- 13483122 TI - [Amino acid acylase of Bacterium cadaveris and Micrococcus n. sp]. PMID- 13483123 TI - [Certain aspects of metabolism in culture not requiring glucose isolated from Bacterium breslau]. PMID- 13483124 TI - [Carbohydrate metabolism in Penicillium chrysogenum]. PMID- 13483125 TI - [Effect of osmotic pressure on formation of amylase by Aspergillus oryzae]. PMID- 13483127 TI - [Physiological investigations on fungus Gymnoascus setosus Eidam. II]. PMID- 13483126 TI - [Morphological and physiological characteristics of yeasts adapted to phenol or mercuric chloride]. PMID- 13483128 TI - [Isolation of actinophages from soil]. PMID- 13483129 TI - [Distribution of Actinomycetes in soil of northern Kazakhstan]. PMID- 13483130 TI - [Role of microorganisms in formation of sulfur deposits in hydrogen sulfide mineral water springs in Sergiev]. PMID- 13483131 TI - [Pigment-forming Schizosaccharomyces acidodevoratus and measures of their control]. PMID- 13483132 TI - [Microflora of corn extract]. PMID- 13483133 TI - [Effect of sources of carbon on morphological and parasitic properties of the causative agent of clover sprouts diseases Alternaria tenuis Ness]. PMID- 13483134 TI - [Effect of cations of certain metals on multiplication on tobacco mosaic virus]. PMID- 13483135 TI - [Substitute for immersion oil in fluorescence microscopy]. PMID- 13483136 TI - [Presence of chemosynthesis in microorganisms]. PMID- 13483137 TI - [Chemosynthesis by iron bacteria]. PMID- 13483138 TI - [Letters of Pasteur to Russian scientists; unpublished and forgotten material]. PMID- 13483139 TI - [Dr. Ing. P. Grodzinski]. PMID- 13483140 TI - Combined phase and fluorescence microscopy. PMID- 13483141 TI - [Effect of the size of the segment and of the thickness of the preparation on exactness in measuring of tilting angles with the universal stage]. PMID- 13483142 TI - [The problem of measuring nuclei; a summary and amplification of the microscopic measurement technic]. PMID- 13483143 TI - [Is there a chromocenter in plasma cells]. PMID- 13483144 TI - [Arctic aviation & arctic medicine]. PMID- 13483145 TI - Studies in wound ballistics: temporary cavity effects in soft tissues. PMID- 13483146 TI - [INFLUENZA]. PMID- 13483147 TI - Air Force nutrition in flight. PMID- 13483148 TI - Medical operations in radiologically contaminated areas. PMID- 13483149 TI - Clotting factor abnormalities in chronic liver disease. PMID- 13483150 TI - A rapid method for oxygenation of stored blood. PMID- 13483152 TI - The qualities of leadership. PMID- 13483154 TI - The nurse as a clinical specialist. PMID- 13483151 TI - Preservation of whole blood by freezing. PMID- 13483153 TI - Report on central ward food service test at Brooke Army Hospital. PMID- 13483155 TI - The nurse as an administrator. PMID- 13483156 TI - The changing role of the nurse as a teacher. PMID- 13483157 TI - The nurse and research. PMID- 13483158 TI - Changing concepts in military medicine concerning psychiatric casualties. PMID- 13483159 TI - A hearing evaluation of a squadron of jet aircraft personnel. PMID- 13483160 TI - Replacement arthroplasty in military patients. PMID- 13483161 TI - The use of pull-out pins in the treatment of fractures; with particular references to the Os calcis. PMID- 13483162 TI - Removal of CBR contaminants from water. PMID- 13483163 TI - Influence of type of ground operation on the wounded in action, U. S. Divisions in World War II. PMID- 13483164 TI - A break with tradition. PMID- 13483165 TI - Viral epidemic hemorrhagic fever (Far Eastern type), further notes on its appearance in Europe and Asia. PMID- 13483166 TI - Comparison of some routine laboratory procedures for diagnosing rabies. PMID- 13483167 TI - Silicones: a review of suggested applications in medicine and dentistry. PMID- 13483168 TI - Evaluation of cyclizine with pyridoxine in vomiting of pregnancy. PMID- 13483169 TI - Toward a newer freedom. PMID- 13483170 TI - A visit to a dermatological center in Soviet Russia. PMID- 13483171 TI - [Changes in the photoplethysmographic tracing in Raynaud's disease and syndrome as a test of the effects of certain ganglion-blocking agents]. PMID- 13483172 TI - [Muscle temperature in subjects of arteriopathy and its changes after lumbar ganglionectomy]. PMID- 13483173 TI - [Behavior of the electrocardiogram during mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13483174 TI - [The auricular heart sound]. PMID- 13483175 TI - [Action of intra-arterially administered ganglionblocking drugs]. PMID- 13483176 TI - [Combined intraarterial therapy of lesions caused by peripheral arteriopathy; effect of pretreatment with hydergine on the action of other drugs]. PMID- 13483177 TI - [Ballistocardiographic findings during treatment of heart disease with total heart extract]. PMID- 13483178 TI - [Oleander in therapy of heart disease in old age]. PMID- 13483179 TI - [Behavior of collagen tissue in auricles amputated in mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13483180 TI - [Ballistocardiograms in medical nephropathy]. PMID- 13483181 TI - [Myocardial infarct, its sequelae and complications studied in autopsies performed over a period of 30 years at the University of Pavia]. PMID- 13483182 TI - [Isolated obliteration of the anterior tibial artery and its consequences]. PMID- 13483183 TI - [Histological changes of the regional lymph nodes caused by experimental acute venous occlusion]. PMID- 13483184 TI - [Determination of blood volume by means of radioactive albumin]. PMID- 13483185 TI - [Pathological anatomy of Leriche's syndrome]. PMID- 13483186 TI - [Arteriography and aortography in obliteration of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13483187 TI - [Experimental investigations of local injuries caused by contrast media in aortography]. PMID- 13483188 TI - Our technique of automatic serial aortography. PMID- 13483189 TI - [Complications of aortography]. PMID- 13483190 TI - Prophylactic treatment of the obliteration of the aortic bifurcation. PMID- 13483191 TI - Obliterations of the aortic bifurcation (Leriche's syndrome); surgical treatment. PMID- 13483193 TI - [Surgical treatment of thromboses of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13483192 TI - [Indication for surgery in obliteration of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13483195 TI - [Study of obliteration of the aortic terminus based on 66 cases]. PMID- 13483194 TI - [Data and comments on Leriche syndrome]. PMID- 13483196 TI - [Fourteen cases of obliteration of the aortic bifurcation; therapeutic results]. PMID- 13483197 TI - [Acute thrombo-embolism of the aortic bifurcation; thrombo-embolectomy with aortographic control; recovery]. PMID- 13483198 TI - [Surgery of chronic thrombosis of the aortic bifurcation (Leriche syndrome)]. PMID- 13483199 TI - [Obliterations of the aortic bifurcation]. PMID- 13483200 TI - [Leriche syndrome: chronic aorto-iliac thrombosis]. PMID- 13483201 TI - [Use of formalinized polyvinyl alcohols as vascular grafts]. PMID- 13483202 TI - [Bronchial obstruction due to carcinoma]. PMID- 13483203 TI - [Arteriographic aspects of prostatic pathology]. PMID- 13483204 TI - [Absorption of radiostrontium (Sr 124) by the skeletal system after adrenalectomy & hypophysectomy]. PMID- 13483205 TI - [A surgical method useful for the experimental study of the subarachnoid space & CSF in dogs]. PMID- 13483206 TI - [Histological reactions of certain parenchymal tissues to supramid]. PMID- 13483207 TI - [Tumors of thymus; a case of malignant thymocytoma]. PMID- 13483208 TI - [Anomalies of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13483209 TI - [Gangrene of the lower extremities following lumbar sympathectomy]. PMID- 13483210 TI - [Respiratory complications in abdominal surgery; review & case reports]. PMID- 13483211 TI - [Metabolism of creatinine bodies in gastrectomized]. PMID- 13483212 TI - [Blood protein activity after surgery]. PMID- 13483213 TI - [Indications for surgery & surgical technic in supratentorial glioma]. PMID- 13483214 TI - [In vitro effects of androgens & estrogens on certain reactions of the citric acid cycle in bone tissue]. PMID- 13483215 TI - [Therapy of ventricular fibrillation occurring in cardiac surgery]. PMID- 13483217 TI - [Myelography in hernia of lumbar disk; methodological & symptomatological aspects]. PMID- 13483216 TI - [Hemostatic action of 5-oxytryptamine in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13483218 TI - [Vascularization of the quadriceps in relation to the routes of access to the femoral diaphyses; anatomical & radiographic researches]. PMID- 13483219 TI - [Experimental studies on changes of pulmonary tissue after bronchography]. PMID- 13483220 TI - [Acute experimental pulmonary edema & hypothermia]. PMID- 13483221 TI - [Intestinal obstruction due to tumors of the small intestine]. PMID- 13483222 TI - [Recurrent acute intestinal obstruction; Noble's operation]. PMID- 13483223 TI - [Submucosal cleft palate]. PMID- 13483224 TI - [Betaglucuronidase activity in urine of patients with various renal affections]. PMID- 13483225 TI - [Degos atrophic papulosis of benign course]. PMID- 13483226 TI - [Favus & favids]. PMID- 13483227 TI - [Complement deviation reaction with Treponema pallidum Nichols. I]. PMID- 13483228 TI - [Behavior and topical reactions of Reichstein's substance F in certain cutaneous zones]. PMID- 13483229 TI - [Clinical and histological aspects of Bowen's cancer]. PMID- 13483230 TI - [Remarks on the use of cortisone type drugs in neoplastic diseases]. PMID- 13483231 TI - [Mission & organization of professional work; origin, meaning, goals & results of trades & professions]. PMID- 13483232 TI - [Non-liability of pharmacists in the sale of drugs]. PMID- 13483233 TI - [Historical notes on pharmacists in Piedmont; examinations of apothecaries: a bone of contention between the venerable College of Pharmacists & the magistrate of the Protomedcato in Turin in 1739]. PMID- 13483234 TI - [Analytical study of G. A. Giobert on the Echaillon mineral waters in Moriana]. PMID- 13483235 TI - [Present limitations & possibilities in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13483236 TI - [Long-term results of radiotherapy of thymic hyperplasia; report on 300 cases]. PMID- 13483237 TI - [Rectangular waves in the sequelae of fractures of the extremities]. PMID- 13483238 TI - [Roentgen irradiation & sulfhydryl groups; protective action of cysteamine, sodium hyposulfite & vitamin B12 on the hemolymphopoietic organs, the liver, the pancreas & the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13483239 TI - [The leukocyte osmotic resistance test in radiotherapy of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13483240 TI - [Experimental researches on the action of microwaves (radar) on the cat heart]. PMID- 13483241 TI - [Possibilities of physical therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis, with special reference to ultrasonic therapy]. PMID- 13483242 TI - [The place of telecobalt therapy in the field of radiotherapy]. PMID- 13483243 TI - [The brain of Lenin]. PMID- 13483244 TI - [An artificial heart-lung for elevated flow; preventive note]. PMID- 13483245 TI - [Spontaneous internal biliary fistulas; case report]. PMID- 13483246 TI - [Urinary elimination of aldosterone in essential obesity in children]. PMID- 13483247 TI - [Isolated myocarditis as an idiopathic disease and as a syndrome]. PMID- 13483248 TI - [Dental causes of facial neuralgia]. PMID- 13483249 TI - [Prediabetic syndromes & pregnancy]. PMID- 13483250 TI - [Diagnostic studies of bronchial carcinoma; report on 50 peripheral cases]. PMID- 13483252 TI - [Activity of serum transaminase in liver diseases]. PMID- 13483251 TI - [Further remarks on Wright's hemagglutination test modified with milk & colored antigens]. PMID- 13483253 TI - [Experimental researches on extracorporeal circulation with the aid of the Lillehei-Dewall oxygenator-pump; preliminary report]. PMID- 13483254 TI - [Epilepsy as a social disease]. PMID- 13483255 TI - [Bundle branch block & rheumatic myocarditis; case report]. PMID- 13483256 TI - [Cholesterol pericarditis; clinical aspects]. PMID- 13483257 TI - [Histological studies on the effects of cortisone on the increase of M. tuberculosis of the human variation on the chorioallantois of goose embryos]. PMID- 13483258 TI - [Manifestations of acute myeloid leukemia after trauma]. PMID- 13483259 TI - [Present-day treatment of pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13483260 TI - [Preliminary results of sigmamycin in surgical infections]. PMID- 13483261 TI - [Preliminary results of a new combination of antibiotics in obstetrics & gynecology]. PMID- 13483262 TI - [Treatment of the non-specific inflammatory component in female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483263 TI - [Preliminary results of sigmamycin in the pediatric field]. PMID- 13483264 TI - [Therapeutic effects of the tetracycline-oleandomycin combination (sigmamycin)]. PMID- 13483265 TI - [Clinical evaluation of the effects of a new antibiotic preparation, sigmamycin, in dermatoses of infectious origin (pyogenesis)]. PMID- 13483266 TI - [Effects of sigmamycin (a tetracycline-oleandomycin preparation) in non gonococcal urethritis; preliminary note]. PMID- 13483267 TI - [Preliminary results of sigmamycin in pyogenic otorhinolaryngological affections]. PMID- 13483269 TI - [A new antibiotic combination in the treatment of urological infections]. PMID- 13483270 TI - [Antibiotic effects of PA-775 (a preparation of PA-105 with tetracycline)]. PMID- 13483268 TI - [A case of sepsis with multiple osteomyelitis treated with a new antibiotic]. PMID- 13483271 TI - [A case of meningitis due to Staphylococcus aureus complicating tuberculous meningitis, successfully treated with sigmamycin]. PMID- 13483272 TI - [Thoughts on the so-called combined medicinal therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, with special reference to a goldhormone combination]. PMID- 13483273 TI - [Perlingual heparin therapy]. PMID- 13483274 TI - [Effects of bone extracts in mandibular fractures]. PMID- 13483275 TI - [Two cases of acquired immune hemolytic anemia in the course of plasmocytomatosis]. PMID- 13483276 TI - [A case of carcinoma of the corpus uteri simulating the course of an acute sepsis]. PMID- 13483277 TI - [Endopleural fibrin bodies]. PMID- 13483279 TI - [Poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13483278 TI - [Blood calcium & phosphorus levels in clinically active primary pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483280 TI - [New antidiabetic substances; clinical & experimental researches]. PMID- 13483281 TI - [Oral treatment of diabetes mellitus with tolbutamide (D 860)]. PMID- 13483283 TI - [Therapeutic action of a new synthetic theophyllin preparation in chronic peripheral arteriopathy]. PMID- 13483282 TI - [Delayed action of zinc-adsorbed ACTH]. PMID- 13483284 TI - [Pyrazinamide & pyrazinamide with isoniazid in pulmonary tuberculosis; comparison with other chemotherapeuticantibiotic combinations]. PMID- 13483285 TI - [Diagnosis & urgent therapy of anuria]. PMID- 13483286 TI - [The pathophysiological mechanism & clinical aspects of a cough]. PMID- 13483287 TI - [The iron-copper ratio in blood in differential diagnosis of jaundice]. PMID- 13483288 TI - [Chronic intermittent thrombotic-thrombocytopenic purpura]. PMID- 13483290 TI - [Demographic statistics in the postwar period]. PMID- 13483289 TI - [Effects of cortisone & prednisone on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13483291 TI - [Brucellosis]. PMID- 13483292 TI - [Percutaneous lymphography with water-soluble iodized contrast media]. PMID- 13483293 TI - [Clinical & metabolic-hormonal findings in a case of Cushing syndrome, associated with virilism & changes of water-salt balance due to adrenal tumor]. PMID- 13483294 TI - [Reaction of blood electrolytes in experimental anuria]. PMID- 13483295 TI - [A case of Still-Chauffard disease in a boy with tuberculous hilar adenopathy treated with isoniazid & cortisone]. PMID- 13483296 TI - [Methodology of taking human semen]. PMID- 13483297 TI - [A new kidney function test: renography with radioisotopes]. PMID- 13483298 TI - [Purulent meningitis in children]. PMID- 13483299 TI - [4-Diphenylethyl acetic acid in labyrinthine disorders in old age]. PMID- 13483300 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis in gastrectomized; clinical case reports from a sanatorium]. PMID- 13483301 TI - [Cytochemical changes in rat liver cells after administration of prednisone, prednisolone & mechlorethamine]. PMID- 13483302 TI - [Relations between ovarian dysfunction & affections of other organs & apparatus, and the value of Papanicolau's cytological examination of the vagina in internal medicine]. PMID- 13483303 TI - [Jaundice due to chlorpromazine; clinical report]. PMID- 13483304 TI - [Diseases of Napoleon and his autopsy]. PMID- 13483305 TI - [Excitability of the respiratory center in normal and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13483306 TI - [Remarks on the behavior of various biological activities of lymphatic tissue during the state of shock]. PMID- 13483307 TI - [Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis; clinicoradiological study of an incomplete form in childhood with somatic hypodevelopment & particular osseous changes]. PMID- 13483308 TI - [Cyanacetic acid hydrazide associated with dihydrostreptomycin in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483309 TI - [Primary aleukemic histiocytic neoplasm of the bone marrow of algiorenal form with diffuse skeletal osteolysis; myelomatosis-like clinical picture]. PMID- 13483310 TI - [Experimental research on the influence of the kidneys in glucide replacement]. PMID- 13483311 TI - [Herpes zoster in leukemias and lymphomas]. PMID- 13483312 TI - [Prevention with retarded ACTH of adrenal inhibition caused by cortisone or prednisone therapy]. PMID- 13483313 TI - [Influence of incretions of the adrenal medulla in man on the oxygen exchange of blood]. PMID- 13483314 TI - [Remarks on various liver function tests (Takata-Ara, cephaline-cholesterol, thymol) in relation to surgical intervention]. PMID- 13483315 TI - [Functional disorders of the cardiovascular apparatus; value of their treatment with hydroxyzine (atarax), drug of antidystonic & neurosedative action]. PMID- 13483316 TI - [Use of certain ataraxic drugs and in particular hydroxyzine hydrochloride in neuropsychiatry]. PMID- 13483317 TI - [Effects of hydroxyzine hydrochloride on conditioning & on neurotic manifestations following repeated electrical stimulation in the rat]. PMID- 13483318 TI - [Various indications for hydroxyzine in general surgery]. PMID- 13483319 TI - [Preliminary trials in urology of hydroxyzine hydrochloride]. PMID- 13483320 TI - [Chemotherapy and surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483321 TI - [Prospects in the phthisiological field]. PMID- 13483322 TI - [Remarks on the indirect surgical treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema]. PMID- 13483323 TI - [Remarks on assistance & clinical photofluorographic findings on sanatorial personnel]. PMID- 13483324 TI - [Endoscopicocinematographic study of tracheal dynamics in thoracoplastic collapse]. PMID- 13483325 TI - [So-called bronchial short circuit in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483326 TI - [Endobronchial televiewing and video recording]. PMID- 13483327 TI - [Historical and philosophical notes on the evolution and prospects of anti tuberculosis therapy]. PMID- 13483328 TI - [Studies of bronchial perforations of a tuberculous nature in adults]. PMID- 13483329 TI - [Trends in therapy of tuberculous meningitis]. PMID- 13483330 TI - [Cortisone and derivatives in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis; case reports]. PMID- 13483331 TI - [Clinical note on the use of a methylandrostenediol ester in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483332 TI - [Study of thoracoplasty as an operation complementary to partial pulmonary exeresis with and without decortication]. PMID- 13483333 TI - [Indications and advantages of pneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13483334 TI - [A rare case of combined cancer and tuberculosis of the lungs]. PMID- 13483335 TI - [Polyneuritic changes during pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483336 TI - [Failures in tuberculosis therapy and supplementary antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13483337 TI - [Neurotic cachetic pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483338 TI - [Atomic research in England; Harwell Center]. PMID- 13483339 TI - [Parma University after the disorders of 1831; unpublished letter of Giacomo Tommasini]. PMID- 13483340 TI - [Biochemical aspects of heart pathology]. PMID- 13483341 TI - [Behavior of blood sedimentation rate & of intravascular erythrocyte agglutination (sludged blood) after intravenous administration of heparin]. PMID- 13483342 TI - [Studies on Palmieri's lesser cardiac respiration with plane and analytical roentgenkymography in curarized dogs and humans]. PMID- 13483343 TI - [Pentapyrrolidinium tartrate in arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13483344 TI - [C-reactive blood proteins in biology & clinical practice]. PMID- 13483345 TI - [Combined coronary & cerebral syndrome]. PMID- 13483346 TI - [Pathogenesis of cerebral apoplexy; introduction]. PMID- 13483347 TI - [Pathogenesis of cerebral apoplexy; progress in functional & hemodynamic research]. PMID- 13483348 TI - [The problem of revascularization in obliterations of the internal carotid & central cerebral arteries]. PMID- 13483349 TI - [Clinical aspects of vascular diseases of the brain with special reference to its association with coronary disease]. PMID- 13483350 TI - [Rheogram of the cranium in cardiac infarct & acute coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13483351 TI - [Rheographic study of cerebral hemodynamics in coronary diseases]. PMID- 13483352 TI - [Rheographic contribution to the study of circulatory supply in vascular disorders of the brain]. PMID- 13483353 TI - [Cranial rheography; functional tests in the diagnosis of vascular disorders of the brain]. PMID- 13483354 TI - [Differential diagnosis of vascular from neoplastic affections of the brain, as resulting from rheographic studies]. PMID- 13483355 TI - [Critical study of the physiological shoe]. PMID- 13483356 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483357 TI - [Traumatic lesions of the brachial plexus; relation between nerve lesions and functional rehabilitation; statistical & clinical study of 47 cases]. PMID- 13483358 TI - [Unusual case of intermuscular lipoma of the forearm; case report and bibliographical notes]. PMID- 13483360 TI - [Vomiting in children; clinico-radiological factors & therapeutic data]. PMID- 13483359 TI - [Benign serous lymphocytic meningitis & poliomyelitic disease]. PMID- 13483361 TI - [Clinical findings on diaphragmatic hernia in premature newborn infants; case report]. PMID- 13483362 TI - [Clinico-radiological study of a case of typus amstelodamensis; pathogenetic correlation with Franceschetti-Klein syndrome]. PMID- 13483363 TI - [A new method for study of the thoracic and abdominal aorta and its branches: angiocardio-aortography with gaseous contrast]. PMID- 13483364 TI - [Wissler-Fanconi syndrome]. PMID- 13483365 TI - [Anticholinergic drugs in therapy of infantile nocturnal enuresis; clinical study]. PMID- 13483366 TI - [A new antibiotic, colimycin, in therapy of whooping cough]. PMID- 13483367 TI - [Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia in childhood]. PMID- 13483368 TI - [Epidermic hepatitis in childhood: electrocardiographic study]. PMID- 13483369 TI - [Findings in several cases of chorea minor treated by the dia-cerebrospinal]. PMID- 13483371 TI - [Mediastinal dysembryomas: gastroenterogenous cysts; case report]. PMID- 13483370 TI - [Some bullous lung diseases in children; clinico-radiological study of 10 cases]. PMID- 13483372 TI - [Recurrences of tetanus; case report]. PMID- 13483373 TI - [Cardiac catheterization in diagnosis of uncomplicated septal defects]. PMID- 13483374 TI - [Studies of the metabolic effects of metacortandracin and metacortandralone in normal children]. PMID- 13483375 TI - [Data on the use of cathomycin in pediatric pathology]. PMID- 13483376 TI - [The effect of chronic nephropathy on growth]. PMID- 13483377 TI - [Modern aspects of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in childhood; relation to citric acid metabolism, acid-base equilibrium, renal function, etc]. PMID- 13483378 TI - [Behavior of C reactive protein in some pathological states in childhood]. PMID- 13483379 TI - [Studies of serum complement in premature infants]. PMID- 13483380 TI - [Localized cutaneous angiomas in premature infants]. PMID- 13483381 TI - Problems in the evaluation of mitral valvotomy. PMID- 13483383 TI - Evaluation and management of minor contusions of the eye. PMID- 13483382 TI - Cholesterol: a clinical appraisal in relation to coronary artery disease. PMID- 13483384 TI - Treatment of tuberculosis in the aged. PMID- 13483385 TI - Cutaneous manifestations of the carcinoid syndrome. PMID- 13483386 TI - Endocrinopathies in childhood. PMID- 13483388 TI - Treatment of acute renal insufficiency. PMID- 13483389 TI - A practical approach to the suppression of lactation. PMID- 13483387 TI - Hypercalcemia in hyperthyroidism; review and report of four cases. PMID- 13483390 TI - Counseling with the hearing-handicapped child and his parents. PMID- 13483391 TI - Pathologic fractures due to metastatic bone disease. PMID- 13483393 TI - The maturation of the cardiologist. PMID- 13483392 TI - Basic laboratory procedures. PMID- 13483394 TI - Surgical injuries of the ureter and bladder; immediate and definitive management. PMID- 13483396 TI - Gastrectomy. PMID- 13483395 TI - The traction signs of compression of the sciatic nerve roots. PMID- 13483397 TI - Fracture problems. PMID- 13483398 TI - Office diagnosis of endocrine disorders. PMID- 13483399 TI - Fixing fifteen forearm fractures. PMID- 13483400 TI - New concept of edema formation. PMID- 13483401 TI - Congenital anomalies of the uterus; brief literature review and case presentation. PMID- 13483402 TI - Fracture problems. 10. The forearm; problems in management. PMID- 13483403 TI - Radiation therapy or not. PMID- 13483404 TI - Clinical aspects of radiation protection. PMID- 13483405 TI - Clinical advantages of the 22-million-volt betatron. PMID- 13483406 TI - An outline of the use of radium in the general practice of medicine. PMID- 13483408 TI - Current status of grid therapy. PMID- 13483407 TI - Progress and potentialities in teletherapy. PMID- 13483409 TI - Il31 in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules, with suggestions as to treatment. PMID- 13483410 TI - Radioactive iodine, and adjuvant in the evaluation and management of thyroid cancer. PMID- 13483411 TI - Current status of radio-isotope therapy. PMID- 13483412 TI - Radium treatment of hemangiomas in infants. PMID- 13483413 TI - The treatment of carcinomatous effusions in serous cavities. PMID- 13483414 TI - The plantar wart; treatment with radiation therapy. PMID- 13483415 TI - Care and treatment of Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13483417 TI - Cancer of the breast. PMID- 13483416 TI - Management of carcinoma of the breast in the elderly female. PMID- 13483418 TI - Translumbar aortography. PMID- 13483419 TI - [Paper chromatographic determination of barbituric acid derivatives in toxicological analysis]. PMID- 13483420 TI - [Spectrophotometric micro-determination of alcohol in blood]. PMID- 13483421 TI - [Identification of insecticidal residues from plant materials (vegetables & fruits) & separation of various pesticides by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13483423 TI - [Indications for surgery of mesotympanic suppurations]. PMID- 13483422 TI - [Histological aspect of a tympanic membrane nipple]. PMID- 13483424 TI - [Study of the place of eosinophilic granuloma in the classification of reticuloses]. PMID- 13483425 TI - [Audiometric study for differentiation and localization of subjective noises in the ear]. PMID- 13483427 TI - [Melanosarcoma of the nose]. PMID- 13483426 TI - [The effect of total hypophysectomy and higher doses of growth hormone on the nose; experimental study of rats]. PMID- 13483428 TI - [A case of espundia (American leishmaniasis of the skin and mucous membranes)]. PMID- 13483429 TI - [Studies of the extralaryngeal division of the recurrent laryngeal nerve]. PMID- 13483430 TI - [Complications of papillomatosis of the larynx]. PMID- 13483431 TI - [Fatal enterocolitis after laryngectomy]. PMID- 13483432 TI - [Therapy of thoracic mediastinitis after esophageal injury]. PMID- 13483433 TI - [Unusual causes of a peritonsillar abscess in an 8-year-old boy]. PMID- 13483434 TI - [Technic of rotation osteotomy of the long bones]. PMID- 13483435 TI - [Bilateral transverse fracture of the petrous bone]. PMID- 13483436 TI - [Heart concussion]. PMID- 13483437 TI - [Percutaneous nail fixation of supracondylar fractures of humerus in children]. PMID- 13483438 TI - Survey for a central syringe service. PMID- 13483440 TI - [Biological integration: role of the clear cell system]. PMID- 13483439 TI - Results of isolation by tissue culture methods during 1956 of poliomyelitis and other enteric viruses. PMID- 13483441 TI - [Differential diagnosis of nucleus pulposus prolapse from spinal tumor]. PMID- 13483442 TI - [Psychic changes in functional disorders of the brain vessels]. PMID- 13483443 TI - [Meckel's diverticulm causing severe abdominal diseases]. PMID- 13483444 TI - [Lumbago and sciatica morbidity]. PMID- 13483445 TI - [Epidemiology of tularemia in the region of Mecklenburg]. PMID- 13483446 TI - [Peroral treatment of decompensated pernicious anemia with bifacton]. PMID- 13483447 TI - [Professor Alfred Stlihmer]. PMID- 13483448 TI - [Neurologie]. PMID- 13483449 TI - [The past and the present; 125 years of Hodgkin's disease]. PMID- 13483450 TI - [Misdiagnosis of lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13483451 TI - [Use of endogenous creatinine and inulin in kidney function tests]. PMID- 13483452 TI - [Experiences with merfen throat pastilles]. PMID- 13483453 TI - [Educational reform; a trial period of both theoretical and practical training during the semester]. PMID- 13483454 TI - [Accident and insurance medicine]. PMID- 13483455 TI - [50 Years of Chagas' disease]. PMID- 13483456 TI - [Evaluation & treatment of auricular fibrillation in medical practice]. PMID- 13483457 TI - [Decrease in urinary sugar in diabetes mellitus by vagotonic treatment with neoeserine]. PMID- 13483458 TI - [Postoperative use of the spasmolytic parinokhellin in thoracic surgery]. PMID- 13483459 TI - [Experiences of a German physician in the extreme north of Canada]. PMID- 13483460 TI - [Cardiovascular surgery]. PMID- 13483461 TI - [Differences in the fundamentals of our therapeutic endeavors]. PMID- 13483463 TI - [Experimental & clinical results of cytotoxic therapy of malignant tumors, with special reference to sarcoma]. PMID- 13483464 TI - [Use of prosthetic implants in modern orthopedic surgery]. PMID- 13483462 TI - [Potentiation of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of bacterial infections]. PMID- 13483465 TI - [Experimental studies on Wehrli's hematogenous oxidation therapy]. PMID- 13483466 TI - [Malformations of extremities after maternal carbon monoxide poisoning; case report in the field of monster research]. PMID- 13483467 TI - [Significance of vitamins in dermatology]. PMID- 13483468 TI - [Practical usefulness of results of sulfonamide sensitivity tests]. PMID- 13483470 TI - [Retrograde probe aortography in diagnosis of renal diseases]. PMID- 13483469 TI - [High-dosed intravenous beta, beta-methylethyl glutarimide in an acute opiate barbiturate poisoning]. PMID- 13483471 TI - [Roentgen diagnosis, radiotherapy & radiation protection]. PMID- 13483472 TI - [The nervous child, with special reference to mistakes in education]. PMID- 13483473 TI - [The problem of mobilization of stiff knee joints]. PMID- 13483474 TI - [Cancer of the stomach & the present state of its treatment]. PMID- 13483476 TI - [Atomic energy & inheritance]. PMID- 13483475 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483477 TI - [Frequently recurrent diseases of the upper air passages in children (colds), prodromal phenomena of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13483478 TI - [Pain due to peripheral arterial circulation disorders & its conservative control]. PMID- 13483479 TI - [Treatment of prostate; proved rules from the practice for the practice]. PMID- 13483480 TI - [Clinical aspects of thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine 131]. PMID- 13483481 TI - [Ricker's theory as a rule for the treatment of fractures; evaluation]. PMID- 13483482 TI - [Treatment of peripheral circulation disorders in the stage of necrosis with periston N]. PMID- 13483483 TI - [In memoriam Hermann Merkel]. PMID- 13483484 TI - [Radioactive isotopes in diagnosis & therapy of circulatory diseases]. PMID- 13483485 TI - [A contribution to the history of physiology and the Physiologische Institut in Munchen]. PMID- 13483486 TI - [New experimental studies on the presence of hypnotic-suggestion and its effect on organic functions]. PMID- 13483487 TI - [A contribution to the genesis and treatment of allergic circulatory disorders of the brain]. PMID- 13483488 TI - [Errors in diagnosis and treatment in neurological diseases complicated by chronic appendicitis]. PMID- 13483489 TI - [Treatment of plantar warts]. PMID- 13483490 TI - [Cancer of the larynx and occupational inhalation agents]. PMID- 13483491 TI - [Results of treatment of pernicious anemia with rubivitan compositum]. PMID- 13483492 TI - [The treatment of thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism with potassium perchlorate and reserpine (anthyrin)]. PMID- 13483493 TI - [Psychotechnical studies on automobile drivers under the influence of medication]. PMID- 13483494 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483496 TI - [Diagnosis & management of functional heart diseases]. PMID- 13483495 TI - [Therapy of suppurative infections of the central nervous system with severe autonomic control disorders]. PMID- 13483497 TI - [New experimental studies on the essential nature of hypnosis & suggestion and their effects on physical function]. PMID- 13483498 TI - [Nil nocere!: tuberculostatics & appendicitis; a contribution on interference with intestinal symbiosis]. PMID- 13483499 TI - [Use of synthetic resin solutions in pediatrics]. PMID- 13483500 TI - [Solomos's quantitative method for determination of sugar in the cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13483501 TI - [Comments on the education & activity of American & German physicians]. PMID- 13483502 TI - [Diseases of the respiratory tract, exclusive of pulmonarytuberculosis]. PMID- 13483503 TI - [Minor surgery]. PMID- 13483504 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483505 TI - [The importance of normal nasal breathing for the physical and mental development of man and for diseases of the respiratory tract]. PMID- 13483506 TI - [Functional studies on the question of liver damage by isoniazid in children]. PMID- 13483507 TI - [Rape or sudden death]. PMID- 13483508 TI - [Experiences with and outcome of patients presenting unusual findings on colposcopic examination]. PMID- 13483509 TI - [A case of diabetes insipidus, which appeared refractory to pitressin]. PMID- 13483510 TI - [Pharmacology and clinical picture of the parathyroid glands]. PMID- 13483511 TI - [The current status of the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate]. PMID- 13483512 TI - [History of caries prophylaxis by local fluoridation and its accomplishment in Halle as the first German city]. PMID- 13483513 TI - [The treatment of intestinal reaction in irradiated carcinoma of the cervix with arobon-Nestle]. PMID- 13483514 TI - [The use of television for transmission of operations and for demonstrations]. PMID- 13483515 TI - [Slight anterior myocardial infarct and the diagnostic limitations of ECG]. PMID- 13483516 TI - [Threatening myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13483517 TI - [The so-called cornflower phenomenon, an endoptic symptom following digitalis medication. II]. PMID- 13483518 TI - [Results of pathological studies in Iran]. PMID- 13483519 TI - [Nil nocere!: hypoglycemic coma caused by D 860]. PMID- 13483520 TI - [Foot contracture: forms, diagnosis, therapy, prevention]. PMID- 13483521 TI - [Contribution on shock prevention on the highway]. PMID- 13483522 TI - [Pathology and therapy of burns; toxin neutralization & healing by brandfort]. PMID- 13483523 TI - [Oral diuretics for cardiac edema]. PMID- 13483524 TI - [Lateral technic for lumbar puncture]. PMID- 13483525 TI - [Werner Villinger 70 years old]. PMID- 13483526 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483527 TI - Additional purine compounds in the venom of the tiger snake (Notechis scutatus). PMID- 13483528 TI - Relation of size of electroretinogram to rhodopsin concentration of normal human beings and one totally colour blind. PMID- 13483529 TI - The hyaluronidase of the leech: an endoglucuronidase. PMID- 13483530 TI - A highly specific growth-inhibitory factor produced by certain Acetobacter species. PMID- 13483531 TI - Ultrastructure of erythrocytes in severe scurvy. PMID- 13483532 TI - Quantity of radioactive lecithin and radioactive cephalin with lipositol required to produce sphering of mammalian red cells. PMID- 13483533 TI - Adrenaline and failure of neuromuscular transmission. PMID- 13483535 TI - THE BIOLOGY of cancer. PMID- 13483534 TI - Cultivation of embryonic chick bones on chemically defined media. PMID- 13483536 TI - Protoplasts of E. coli as sources and acceptors of deoxypentose nucleic acid: rehabilitation of a deficient mutant. PMID- 13483537 TI - Absence of wound healing in young chick embryos. PMID- 13483538 TI - Autoradiographic detection of sulphone in the affected tissues of leprosy patients. PMID- 13483539 TI - Effect of hypoglycin A on the alpha cells of the pancreas. PMID- 13483540 TI - Urinary oestrogen excretion by the bull. PMID- 13483541 TI - Influence of starvation and glucose load on the activity of liver phosphorylase in normal and adrenalectomized rats. PMID- 13483542 TI - Development of chemical thermoregulation in piglets. PMID- 13483543 TI - Glucuronic acid formation in epiphyseal cartilage homogenate. PMID- 13483544 TI - Lipotropic action of ethyl trichloracetate. PMID- 13483545 TI - Chemical nature of the fluorescent pigment produced in Microsporum-infected hair. PMID- 13483546 TI - A protein antigen associated with smooth colony forms of some species of Pasteurella. PMID- 13483547 TI - The gum of Fagara xanthoxyloides. PMID- 13483548 TI - Possible occurrence of strains in species of schistosomes. PMID- 13483549 TI - Anatomy of Polystoma integerrimum. PMID- 13483550 TI - Potato blight and leaf-roll virus. PMID- 13483551 TI - Sir John Parsons. PMID- 13483552 TI - Interaction between organic hydroxy acids and silicic and germanic acids in aqueous solutions. PMID- 13483553 TI - Structure of smooth muscles. PMID- 13483554 TI - Degradation of biologically synthesized lactose labelled with carbon-14. PMID- 13483555 TI - Kopsine and strychnine: a comparative study of their physiological properties. PMID- 13483556 TI - An antibiotic from maggots. PMID- 13483557 TI - Serum protein differences in cattle by starch gel electrophoresis. PMID- 13483558 TI - Purification of beta-glucuronidase from female rat preputial gland. PMID- 13483560 TI - Site of chloride regulation in marine fish larvae. PMID- 13483559 TI - Excretion of yttrium and lanthanum chelates of cyclohexane 1,2-trans diamine tetraacetic acid and diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid in man. PMID- 13483561 TI - Effect of flavin monosulphate on old yellow enzyme. PMID- 13483562 TI - Lack of growth-promoting activity of inactivated penicillin with turkey poults. PMID- 13483563 TI - Effect of different dietary fats on the faecal end-products of cholesterol metabolism. PMID- 13483564 TI - A new type of carcinostatic agent. PMID- 13483565 TI - A lipid material in bone and teeth in experimental chronic fluorosis. PMID- 13483566 TI - Colour vision of achromats' parents. PMID- 13483567 TI - Polyhedral shape of adenovirus particles as shown by electron microscopy. PMID- 13483568 TI - Lipid globules in cells. PMID- 13483569 TI - The Golgi controversy. PMID- 13483570 TI - Formation of Liesegang-like rings by metal ions and chelating or complexing agents. PMID- 13483571 TI - Autoradiography of polytene chromosomes of Rhynchosciara angelae at different stages of larval development. PMID- 13483572 TI - Kojibiose (2-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glucose): isolation and structure. PMID- 13483573 TI - Effects of kinetin on division of Yoshida sarcoma cells. PMID- 13483574 TI - An immuno-electrophoretic technique. PMID- 13483575 TI - Use of pilocarpine in pancreatic research. PMID- 13483576 TI - Muscarinic action of murexine and some related choline esters. PMID- 13483577 TI - Carbon dioxide as a reversible inhibitor of spermatozoan metabolism. PMID- 13483578 TI - Phenols as inhibitors of the heparin co-factor of plasma. PMID- 13483579 TI - A hitherto unknown blood clotting defect in haemophilia and Christmas disease. PMID- 13483580 TI - Nucleic acid metabolism in megaloblastic marrows in vitro. PMID- 13483581 TI - Effect of ultra-violet light on mouse skin over a wide range of intensities. PMID- 13483582 TI - Search for a potassium compartment in the human red cell membrane. PMID- 13483583 TI - Solution of mineral phosphates by soil bacteria. PMID- 13483584 TI - Pathway of the synthesis of fucose from glucose in Klebsiella aerogenes. PMID- 13483585 TI - Effects of red and far-red radiation on seed germination. PMID- 13483586 TI - A quantitative comparison of sulphydryl content and formazan in the tissues of the pea radicle. PMID- 13483587 TI - Transmission of trophic stimuli along developing nerve fibres. PMID- 13483588 TI - Development of isolated female larvae of the potato-root eelworm (Heterodera rostochiensis Woll). PMID- 13483589 TI - Toxicity of lithium salts to keratin-digesting insect larvae. PMID- 13483590 TI - Some aspects of micronutrient element metabolism in plants. PMID- 13483591 TI - Dr. Charles Todd. PMID- 13483592 TI - Specific inhibition studies relating to the Lewis blood-group system. PMID- 13483593 TI - Vitamin B12 distribution between plasma and cells. PMID- 13483594 TI - Changes in cellular nucleic acids during infection with poliomyelitis virus as studied by fluorescence microscopy. PMID- 13483595 TI - Pasteurella septica: the occurence of type-specific polysaccharides containing aldoheptose sugars. PMID- 13483596 TI - The polyhedral virus of Prodenia litura (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). PMID- 13483597 TI - In vitro demonstration of uterine anaphylaxis in guinea pigs sensitized with homologous testis or sperm. PMID- 13483598 TI - Lack of differential radiation effect on the incorporation of labelled precursors into deoxyribonucleic acid. PMID- 13483599 TI - Relation between ribonuclease activity and ribonucleic acid content. PMID- 13483600 TI - Surface alteration and the agglutinability of red cells. PMID- 13483601 TI - Intracellular distribution of catecholamines in the brain. PMID- 13483602 TI - Sodium salt of the directly reacting bile pigment. PMID- 13483603 TI - Selenomethionine in enzymatic transmethylations. PMID- 13483604 TI - Lactic acid formation and carbon dioxide fixation. PMID- 13483605 TI - Narcotic activity of optical enantiomorphs of methylpentynol. PMID- 13483606 TI - Effects of methylene blue added to a low fat diet in the mouse. PMID- 13483607 TI - Soil transmission of beet ringspot virus to peach (Prunus persica). PMID- 13483608 TI - Isolation of Leptotrichia buccalis and Fusobacterium species from oral material. PMID- 13483609 TI - A new species of coccidium (Eimeria rissae n. sp. Eimeriidae, Sporozoa) from the Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla tridactyla (L). PMID- 13483610 TI - The rabbit ductus arteriosus. PMID- 13483611 TI - Rearing of Simulium damnosum Theobald (Diptera, Simuliidae) in the laboratory. PMID- 13483612 TI - Relation of colchicine to chromosome breakage. PMID- 13483613 TI - Experimental evidence for an allergic basis for granuloma formation in man. PMID- 13483614 TI - Differentiation of alpha-amino-acids and amines by non-enzymatic transmination on paper chromatograms. PMID- 13483615 TI - Non-specific hydroxylation of aromatic amino-acids by an insect cuticle. PMID- 13483616 TI - Identification of edible oils and the detection of oil adulteration by differential infra-red spectroscopy. PMID- 13483617 TI - Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. : Pharmaceuticals Division; new research laboratories. PMID- 13483618 TI - Dr. Gerty T. Cori. PMID- 13483619 TI - Cardiotonic activity of the potato-root eelworm hatching factor. PMID- 13483620 TI - Amino-acid composition of the six histones of calf thymocytes. PMID- 13483621 TI - Effects of sarcomycin on the metabolism of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. PMID- 13483622 TI - Relationship between the concentration of anionic surface-active agents and the electrophoretic mobility and viability of Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13483623 TI - Effect of prolonged thyroid administration on aged male rats. PMID- 13483624 TI - Calorigenic action of glucagon. PMID- 13483625 TI - Transport of potassium-42 and rubidium-86 by kidney cortex slices: the effect of varied concentration gradients. PMID- 13483626 TI - Biosynthesis of gamma-guanidinobutyric acid from gamma-aminobutyric acid and arginine. PMID- 13483627 TI - A semi-continuous method for the large-scale production of tetanus toxin. PMID- 13483628 TI - Inhibitory effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan on acid gastric secretion. PMID- 13483629 TI - Occurrence of an amine oxidase in horse serum. PMID- 13483631 TI - Natural occurrence of a new aldoheptose sugar. PMID- 13483630 TI - Choline-oxidase activity of host-livers of tumour-bearing animals. PMID- 13483633 TI - Assessment of mineral content in water-mounted sections of dental enamel. PMID- 13483632 TI - Effect of prolonged administration of reserpine on the endocrine glands of the rat. PMID- 13483634 TI - Incidence of abnormal haemoglobins in Jamaica. PMID- 13483635 TI - Specific DDT-resistance in houseflies. PMID- 13483636 TI - Infectivity of influenza virus filaments. PMID- 13483637 TI - Structure of molluscan tropomyosin. PMID- 13483638 TI - Lethality for guinea pigs of ultrasonic extracts of Pasteurella pestis: its relationship to death of guinea pigs from plague. PMID- 13483639 TI - Enhancement of mousevirulence of group A streptococci. PMID- 13483640 TI - Duration of spermatogenesis in the mouse. PMID- 13483641 TI - Duration of spermatogenesis in the mouse. PMID- 13483642 TI - Primary sex ratio of fowl. PMID- 13483643 TI - Alimentary lipaemia and resistance to altitude anoxia. PMID- 13483644 TI - Laevan-forming halophilic bacteria. PMID- 13483645 TI - Some further visual phenomena associated with regular patterned stimulation. PMID- 13483646 TI - New laboratory buildings of the biological station. PMID- 13483647 TI - Dr. Robert Chambers. PMID- 13483648 TI - Prof. Jean Giaja. PMID- 13483649 TI - Measurement of small quantities of fluoride with the help of fluorine-18. PMID- 13483651 TI - Liquid-crystalline structures in polypeptides. PMID- 13483650 TI - Phosphodiesterase from rattle-snake venom. PMID- 13483652 TI - Effect of nitric oxide on the radiosensitivity of bacteria. PMID- 13483653 TI - Distribution of strontium-90 in pond weed and fish. PMID- 13483654 TI - Fractionation of phosphorus compounds in ossifying cartilage. PMID- 13483655 TI - Effect of analogues on the uptake of vitamin B12 by the intact rat. PMID- 13483656 TI - A plain-muscle stimulant in the menstruum. PMID- 13483657 TI - Deoxyribonucleic acid content of the nucleus of liver cells after partial hepatectomy. PMID- 13483658 TI - 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan as reserpine antagonists. PMID- 13483659 TI - Antihypertensive activity of hexahydro-1-azepinepropionamidoxime. PMID- 13483660 TI - Oligosaccharides of human milk. PMID- 13483661 TI - Use of goose cells in haemagglutination tests with arthropod-borne viruses. PMID- 13483662 TI - Coagulant action of proteolytic enzymes. PMID- 13483663 TI - Structure of a new pyridine nucleotide isolated from Penicillium chrysogenum. PMID- 13483664 TI - Fungistatic activity of some hydroxamic acids. PMID- 13483665 TI - Actinomycete disintegration of raw wool. PMID- 13483666 TI - Site of reduction of nitrofurazone by bacteria. PMID- 13483667 TI - Reversal of boric acid inhibition of growth in certain soil micro-organisms. PMID- 13483668 TI - Recombinations in Streptomyces rimosus. PMID- 13483669 TI - Leptospira antibody production by bovine foetuses. PMID- 13483670 TI - Fractionation of human erythrocytes on the basis of their age. PMID- 13483671 TI - Chromsoome number in the sugar-beet nematode Heterodera schachtil Schmidt. PMID- 13483672 TI - Chromosome number in the ferret (Putorius furo). PMID- 13483673 TI - Paravortex scrobiculariae (Graff) in Great Britain. PMID- 13483674 TI - Maintenance in vitro of Haplometra cylindracea. PMID- 13483675 TI - Colonial differentiation between Escherichia coli B and Escherichia coli B/r. PMID- 13483677 TI - Myelofibrosis. PMID- 13483676 TI - Rational and indications for neck dissections. PMID- 13483678 TI - Surgery in the elderly. PMID- 13483679 TI - Neurologic and psychiatric symptoms of acute chemical poisoning; chemical and commercial products used in home and on the farm. PMID- 13483680 TI - [Incidence of tuberculosis in the army from 1951 to 1955]. PMID- 13483681 TI - [Thoracic pressure symptoms in explosive decompression]. PMID- 13483682 TI - [Remarks on the value and significance of seroreactions in syphilis]. PMID- 13483683 TI - [Psychiatry in acute mental cases]. PMID- 13483684 TI - [The treatment of posttraumatic aneurysms]. PMID- 13483685 TI - [The use of the L-20-A Beaver airplane for the air transport of the wounded and sick]. PMID- 13483686 TI - [The menarchal age in the Netherlands]. PMID- 13483687 TI - [Food poisoning due to barium carbonate-contaminated flour in sausages]. PMID- 13483688 TI - [Incidence of simultaneous focal infection in upper respiratory tract in chronic bronchitis]. PMID- 13483689 TI - [Diamox as inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase in erythrocytes and its use as a diuretic]. PMID- 13483690 TI - [A case of thrombosis of the superior longitudinal sinus]. PMID- 13483691 TI - [Phimosis]. PMID- 13483692 TI - [Congenital atresia of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13483694 TI - [Bloodless operation with controlled hypotension]. PMID- 13483693 TI - [Hormones & testicular tumors]. PMID- 13483695 TI - [High atmospheric pressure as an aid in heart surgery]. PMID- 13483696 TI - [Medicinal treatment of skin necrosis]. PMID- 13483697 TI - [Experiences with spondylolisthesis]. PMID- 13483698 TI - [Cytological examination of biopsy material in patients with bone marrow metastases]. PMID- 13483699 TI - [In vitro studies on relation between potassium deficiency, muscular paralysis & insulin]. PMID- 13483700 TI - [Experiences of Klopper's, Michie's & Brown's method of pregnandiol determination in urine]. PMID- 13483701 TI - [Endometriosis of the descending colon]. PMID- 13483702 TI - [TUMOR testis]. PMID- 13483703 TI - [Disorders in the postpartum period, as observed in a Papuan woman living in primitive conditions]. PMID- 13483704 TI - The significance of sprouting of intra-muscular nerves; a biopsy study. PMID- 13483705 TI - Investigations on the intrinsic factor. PMID- 13483706 TI - Observations on the adrenal cortex in vitro. PMID- 13483707 TI - The inter-relationship of ovarian and adrenal function; a preliminary study. PMID- 13483708 TI - The possibility of staining hormones or their precursors in the adrenal cortex. PMID- 13483709 TI - The pathology of honeycomb lung. PMID- 13483710 TI - The relationship of pathological changes to the lung lobules. PMID- 13483711 TI - On the origin of the so-called Pap-cells in sputum. PMID- 13483712 TI - Characterisation of the lipoproteins of human plasma in health and disease. PMID- 13483713 TI - The distribution of cholesterolosis in the rabbit. PMID- 13483714 TI - Mortality from cancer of the breast in Great Britain and the Netherlands. PMID- 13483715 TI - Parathyroid carcinoma. PMID- 13483716 TI - Coccidioidomycosis in man and dog. PMID- 13483717 TI - The intra-cellular identification of the Rous virus. PMID- 13483718 TI - Myocarditis in newborns caused by Coxsackie virus. PMID- 13483719 TI - Investigations into the sarcomatoid transformation of transplanted tumours. PMID- 13483721 TI - The occlusion of coronary arteries. PMID- 13483720 TI - Experimental lesions of the bile-duct due to organic tin compounds. PMID- 13483722 TI - Pulmonary and systemic fat embolism. PMID- 13483723 TI - The incidence of sex chromatin in trophoblast. PMID- 13483724 TI - Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. PMID- 13483725 TI - [Vacation travel as a conditioning factor for the pathogenesis of mental disorders]. PMID- 13483726 TI - [Garter eczema]. PMID- 13483727 TI - [The acute meningitis serosa exanthematica epidemic in 1956]. PMID- 13483728 TI - [Histoplasmosis, especially its localized form]. PMID- 13483729 TI - [Salt-losing nephritis in a case of swamp fever (leptospirosis grippotyphosa)]. PMID- 13483730 TI - [Liver atrophy & regeneration]. PMID- 13483731 TI - [To begin with the beginning]. PMID- 13483732 TI - [Curare as an aid in diagnosis of myasthenia gravis]. PMID- 13483733 TI - [Hazards of mistakes & errors in internal therapy]. PMID- 13483734 TI - [A case of solitary, non-parasitic liver cyst]. PMID- 13483735 TI - [Pathogenesis, clinical aspects & therapy of the acute phase of Heine-Medin's disease, acute anterior poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13483736 TI - [Therapy of acute anterior poliomyelitis after the acute phase]. PMID- 13483737 TI - [Prevention of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13483738 TI - [Sphincter disorders]. PMID- 13483739 TI - [Myocard-infarct]. PMID- 13483740 TI - [Pregnancy complications causing neonatal anomalies]. PMID- 13483741 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483743 TI - [Chemotherapy of cancer]. PMID- 13483742 TI - [Hormonal therapy of neoplasms]. PMID- 13483744 TI - [Genetic sex of patients with Klinefelter-Reifenstein-Albright syndrome]. PMID- 13483745 TI - [Effects of surgical manipulation of intestinal tumors on recurrence]. PMID- 13483746 TI - [New methods of serodiagnosis of syphilis. III. Use of a protein antigen of Treponema pallidum (Reiter strain) in the complement fixation test]. PMID- 13483747 TI - [Ambulant therapy of gastric & duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13483748 TI - [Two cases of presumptive ornithosis]. PMID- 13483749 TI - [Anthropogenetic aspects of premarital medical examination]. PMID- 13483750 TI - [Recent genetic findings with reference to heredity of congenital anomalies]. PMID- 13483751 TI - [Oral therapy of diabetes]. PMID- 13483752 TI - [Effects of increased mutation frequency on incidence of hereditary anomalies]. PMID- 13483753 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483754 TI - [The course of a laboratory infection with Toxoplasma gondii]. PMID- 13483755 TI - [Studies on the question of bilirubin]. PMID- 13483756 TI - [The idea of mathematical simplicity in medieval optics]. PMID- 13483757 TI - [The Hotel-Dieu in Beaune, a medieval hospital]. PMID- 13483758 TI - [Central arthrodesis in hip dislocation]. PMID- 13483759 TI - [Group psychotherapy of neuroses]. PMID- 13483760 TI - [Farewell to Prof. Dr. M. A. van Bouwdijk Bastiaanse]. PMID- 13483761 TI - [Separation of mother & child]. PMID- 13483762 TI - [Effects of vasolastine in dementia arteriosclerotica]. PMID- 13483763 TI - [Control of lung cancer by restriction of smoking]. PMID- 13483764 TI - [Value of preoperative cholangiography in the treatment of cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13483765 TI - [Osteoporosis due to a steroid]. PMID- 13483766 TI - [Physician & midwife]. PMID- 13483767 TI - [Rehabilitation & accident]. PMID- 13483768 TI - [Amputations & prostheses]. PMID- 13483769 TI - [Rehabilitation as a specialty]. PMID- 13483770 TI - [Paresthesia]. PMID- 13483771 TI - [Rheumatic diseases in children]. PMID- 13483772 TI - [A case of male pseudohermaphroditism]. PMID- 13483773 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483774 TI - [Retention of placenta with infection]. PMID- 13483775 TI - [The roentgenogram of the appendiceal stump in the x-ray examination of the colon]. PMID- 13483776 TI - [Incidence of exogenous re-infections in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483777 TI - [A case of self-mutilation of sex organs]. PMID- 13483778 TI - [Hemangioma of intestinal tract]. PMID- 13483779 TI - [Women in competitive athletics]. PMID- 13483780 TI - [Management of vaccinations in the Netherlands army & air force]. PMID- 13483781 TI - [Esophageal speech]. PMID- 13483782 TI - [Possibilities of treatment of the otogenous & rhinogenous brain abscess]. PMID- 13483783 TI - [Endobronchial tuberculous lymph gland perforations]. PMID- 13483784 TI - [The place of a source of vibration at the head & the lateralization of the noise]. PMID- 13483785 TI - [Kahler's disease & related states; clinical, biochemical & anatomopathological aspects]. PMID- 13483786 TI - [In memorian Prof. Dr. W. M. van der Scheer]. PMID- 13483787 TI - [Primary retroperitoneal tumors]. PMID- 13483788 TI - [Whooping cough mortality & vaccination]. PMID- 13483789 TI - [Congenital defect of the bile ducts associated with hemolytic jaundice & congenital hip luxation]. PMID- 13483790 TI - [Hereditary congenital deafness in uniovular twins]. PMID- 13483791 TI - [Thoughts on rheumatism]. PMID- 13483792 TI - [Poliomyelitis vaccination]. PMID- 13483793 TI - [Diuretic disorders in a patient with anorexia nervosa]. PMID- 13483794 TI - [Decomposition of bilirubin]. PMID- 13483795 TI - [Notes on liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13483796 TI - [Hemochromatosis with hypochromic anemia]. PMID- 13483797 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with oral antidiabetics]. PMID- 13483798 TI - [Experimental eosinophilia induced by ascariasis in mice]. PMID- 13483799 TI - Functional and morphological changes produced experimentally in the rat adrenal. PMID- 13483800 TI - [The centenary of G. J. Heymans]. PMID- 13483801 TI - [Categories of temperamental evaluation; a factor-analytic study]. PMID- 13483802 TI - [A sophist at the Academy; a dialog on changes of the human character]. PMID- 13483803 TI - [The differences between American & European psychological thought, with special reference to the selection of flying personnel]. PMID- 13483804 TI - [Thematic aspects of self-evaluation]. PMID- 13483805 TI - [Romanticized science]. PMID- 13483806 TI - [Selection of tests in clinical psychology]. PMID- 13483807 TI - [How we make a choice of test methods]. PMID- 13483808 TI - [Problems concerning the psychological diagnosis of learning difficulties]. PMID- 13483809 TI - [How we make a choice of test methods; with special reference to the general counseling practice]. PMID- 13483810 TI - [Development of tests in practical psychology]. PMID- 13483811 TI - [The sick people & medicine]. PMID- 13483812 TI - [Psychological application of the information theory. I]. PMID- 13483813 TI - [Unromantic reply]. PMID- 13483814 TI - [Demonstration of two cases operated for urethral aplasia with total incontinence]. PMID- 13483815 TI - [Surgery for ureterovaginal fistula; case report]. PMID- 13483816 TI - [Radium & roentgen irradiation followed by posterior exenteration in a case of grade III cervical carcinoma]. PMID- 13483817 TI - [Hyaline membrane pneumonia]. PMID- 13483818 TI - [Morphological findings in hyaline membrane pneumonia]. PMID- 13483819 TI - [Ovarian myoma]. PMID- 13483820 TI - [Carcinoma and enzymes]. PMID- 13483821 TI - [Therapy of female genital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13483822 TI - [Ossification of a cephalhematoma]. PMID- 13483823 TI - [Blood coagulation disorders in pregnancy & labor]. PMID- 13483824 TI - [Neurinomas of the eighth pair with latent cochlear & vestibular symptoms]. PMID- 13483826 TI - [Meningioma of cerebellopontile angle]. PMID- 13483825 TI - [Voluminous neurinoma of the left trigeminal nerve, sand-glass shaped & occupying middle & posterior fossa; surgical cure]. PMID- 13483827 TI - [Decompression of Gasser's ganglion in treatment of facial neuralgia; report on 18 personal cases]. PMID- 13483828 TI - [Association of multiple neurinomas, meningiomas & encephalic gliomas in Recklinghausen's nervous disease; on chito-neurinomas]. PMID- 13483829 TI - [Arteriovenous aneurysm developed in septum pellucidum; results of excision]. PMID- 13483830 TI - Poliomyelitis. 16. A study of pulmonary edema. PMID- 13483832 TI - Observations upon responses to digital carotid artery compression in hemiplegic or hemiparetic patients. PMID- 13483831 TI - Reading epilepsy. PMID- 13483833 TI - Dispersion of fluid materials in intracerebral injections; general observations in conjunction with injection lobotomy and chemopallidectomy. PMID- 13483834 TI - Electroencephalographic evaluation of treatment in obstructive disease of the basilar and carotid arteries. PMID- 13483835 TI - A clinical study of 100 aphasic patients. 1. Observations on lateralization and localization of lesions. PMID- 13483836 TI - Spirodon (tetrantoin): a new anticonvulsant of the hydantoin group. PMID- 13483837 TI - Hydatid cyst of the brain and its treatment. PMID- 13483838 TI - Neurologic diagnosis of pancreatic islet cell adenoma with hyperinsulinism. PMID- 13483839 TI - Tuberculoid leprosy. PMID- 13483840 TI - Optic atrophy as isolated sign of unruptured carotid aneurysm. PMID- 13483841 TI - Intrinsic glomerate astrocytoma of the cerebral hemisphere in a four year old child. PMID- 13483842 TI - Subdural hematoma, subdural hygroma and subarachnoid hemorrhage among infants and children. PMID- 13483843 TI - Distribution of carbon-14 labeled isoniazid in brain. PMID- 13483844 TI - Spinal epidural hemangioma in pregnancy. PMID- 13483845 TI - Significance of oculocephalic and caloric responses in the unconscious patient. PMID- 13483846 TI - Caloric vestibular reactions in transtentorial herniation of the brainstem. PMID- 13483848 TI - Postirradiation cervical myelopathy; report of two cases. PMID- 13483847 TI - Rehabilitation of the aphasic patient; a survey of three years' experience in a rehabilitation setting. PMID- 13483849 TI - Glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity in spinal fluid. PMID- 13483851 TI - Some notes on the Gerstmann syndrome. PMID- 13483850 TI - Mental and emotional changes in epileptic patients on continuous anticonvulsant medication; a preliminary report. PMID- 13483852 TI - Insulinoma simulating epilepsy. PMID- 13483853 TI - Hemiballismus secondary to metastatic carcinoma of the gall bladder. PMID- 13483855 TI - Administration of the training grant program in neurology. PMID- 13483854 TI - Early history of the training grant program. PMID- 13483856 TI - Clinical aspects of training in neurology. PMID- 13483857 TI - Basic science aspects of training in neurology. PMID- 13483858 TI - Administrative aspects of training in neurology. PMID- 13483859 TI - [Capacity to make a will; psychiatric commentary of the Inheritance law with an expert testimony]. PMID- 13483860 TI - [Emotions in pathogenesis of epilepsy]. PMID- 13483861 TI - [Results of disulfiram treatment of alcoholics]. PMID- 13483862 TI - [Clinical stationary psychotherapy]. PMID- 13483863 TI - [Manic phases in epilepsy]. PMID- 13483864 TI - [Personal results in encephalography in children]. PMID- 13483865 TI - [Activation of EEG in epilepsy]. PMID- 13483866 TI - [Prof. dr. Robert Wartenberg, 1887-1956]. PMID- 13483867 TI - Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infancy, with failure to thrive; report of three cases, with a consideration of the possible etiology. PMID- 13483868 TI - Presence of children in the household as a factor in the incidence of paralytic poliomyelitis in adults. PMID- 13483869 TI - Gastric hypersecretion, peptic ulceration and islet-cell tumor of the pancreas (the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome); report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13483870 TI - Ethiquinium chloride, an asymmetric bisquaternary ammonium salt, in the therapy of hypertension. PMID- 13483871 TI - Degenerative disease of the central nervous system in New Guinea; the endemic occurrence of kuru in the native population. PMID- 13483872 TI - ACTH and adrenocorticosteroids as therapeutic adjuncts in infectious diseases. PMID- 13483873 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; remission after splenectomy. PMID- 13483874 TI - ANALGESIC drugs. VII. Narcotics. I. PMID- 13483875 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43461. PMID- 13483876 TI - CASE RECORDS of Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43462. PMID- 13483877 TI - A study of antibiotic prophylaxis in unconscious patients. PMID- 13483878 TI - Pulmonary cryptococcosis. PMID- 13483879 TI - Effect of chlorothiazide on the edema of cirrhosis, nephrosis, congestive heart failure and chronic renal insufficiency. PMID- 13483880 TI - Septic abortion. PMID- 13483881 TI - New drugs for hypertension, with special reference to chlorothiazide. PMID- 13483882 TI - ACTH and adrenocorticosteroids as therapeutic adjuncts in infectious diseases. PMID- 13483883 TI - Abdominal angina: report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13483884 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43471. PMID- 13483885 TI - [CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43472]. PMID- 13483886 TI - ANTIBIOTIC prophylaxis. PMID- 13483887 TI - The Boston Poison Information Center. PMID- 13483889 TI - Clinical implications of isoniazid blood levels in pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13483888 TI - Zinc metabolism in hepatic dysfunction. II. Correlation of metabolic patterns with biochemical findings. PMID- 13483890 TI - Bilateral ulnarnerve palsy. PMID- 13483892 TI - Metabolism and toxicity of ammonia. PMID- 13483891 TI - Clinical experiences with a new carbonic anhydrase inhibitor as an oral diuretic. PMID- 13483893 TI - Pulmonary and osseous eosinophilic granuloma; report of a case. PMID- 13483894 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43481. PMID- 13483895 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital; case 43482. PMID- 13483896 TI - The genetic mechanism of idiopathic hyperlipemia. PMID- 13483897 TI - Long-term tracheostomy in extensive bilateral bronchiectasis. PMID- 13483898 TI - Acute urinary suppression after ureteral catheterization; the pathogenesis of reflex anuria. PMID- 13483899 TI - Effects of sublingual administration of nitroglycerin on pulmonary-artery pressure in patients with failure of the left ventricle. PMID- 13483900 TI - Editorial responsibility for medical advertisements. PMID- 13483901 TI - Principles governing the genesis of congenital malformations induced in mice by hypoxia. PMID- 13483903 TI - Doctors afield; Thomas Young. PMID- 13483902 TI - Ineffectiveness of antihistamine therapy for gingival hyperplasia due to diphenylhydantoin sodium. PMID- 13483904 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43491. PMID- 13483905 TI - CASE RECORDS of the Massachusetts General Hospital: case 43492. PMID- 13483906 TI - An immunologist's vade mecum. PMID- 13483907 TI - Radiologic errors. PMID- 13483908 TI - Trends in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis; the first ten years of the antimicrobial era. PMID- 13483909 TI - Aminoisometradine (rolicton) as an oral diuretic in congestive heart failure. PMID- 13483910 TI - The role of the psychoanalyst in a residency training program. PMID- 13483911 TI - Syphilis control in upstate New York. PMID- 13483912 TI - A tracheostomy guard. PMID- 13483913 TI - Recent advances in coronary heart disease and its management. PMID- 13483914 TI - PERINATAL mortality conference. PMID- 13483915 TI - Renal hamartoma. PMID- 13483916 TI - Massive resection of the small intestine. PMID- 13483917 TI - Meningeal manifestations of subacute bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13483918 TI - Cavernous hemangioma of the soft palate. PMID- 13483920 TI - PULMONARY edema. PMID- 13483919 TI - Physical allergy. PMID- 13483921 TI - Public health aspects of social hygiene in New York City: treatment of gonorrhea past and present. PMID- 13483922 TI - The future of Blue Shield. PMID- 13483923 TI - Integrating the general practitioner in the community hospital. PMID- 13483924 TI - Treatment of emergencies in allergy. PMID- 13483925 TI - Gastroduodenal hemorrhagic diathesis; a report of ten cases treated by vagectomy. PMID- 13483926 TI - The clinical diagnosis of arterial insufficiency of the extremities (legs). PMID- 13483927 TI - [Observations in the treatment of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13483928 TI - A five-year follow-up on a method of increasing the glucose tolerance test with corticotropin. PMID- 13483929 TI - The development of a family health teaching program. PMID- 13483930 TI - The roentgenologic diagnosis of roundworm infection. PMID- 13483931 TI - Current research in diseases of connective tissue. PMID- 13483932 TI - Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. PMID- 13483933 TI - Osteoid-osteoma; a cause of hip pain. PMID- 13483934 TI - Management of patient with adrenocortical insufficiency due to prolonged cortisone during surgery. PMID- 13483935 TI - Optic nerve changes in the Guillain-Barre syndrome. PMID- 13483936 TI - Tuberculosis of the stomach. PMID- 13483937 TI - The leg ulcer in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13483938 TI - HEMOLYTIC transfusion reactions. PMID- 13483939 TI - Administrative and population considerations in outpatient clinics for the treatment of chronic alcoholism. PMID- 13483940 TI - RETROLENTAL fibroplasia in New York State in 1956, a follow-up report. PMID- 13483941 TI - The pathologist as a physician. PMID- 13483942 TI - The College of General Practitioners. PMID- 13483943 TI - Viral hepatitis. PMID- 13483944 TI - The practical value of liver function tests and liver biopsy. PMID- 13483945 TI - The physiological basis of some liver function tests. PMID- 13483946 TI - Jaundice in the newborn and its management; medical aspects. PMID- 13483947 TI - Viral hepatitis with manifestations suggesting bile duct obstruction. PMID- 13483948 TI - Hospital autoclaves. PMID- 13483949 TI - Agglutination tests in the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13483950 TI - Jaundice and aplastic anaemia following chloramphenicol therapy. PMID- 13483951 TI - Electro-cerebral therapies and their use for outpatients; a report from private psychiatric practice. PMID- 13483952 TI - Anticoagulant studies with dicoumarol and marcoumar; control achieved and applications. PMID- 13483953 TI - Coalworkers' pneumoconiosis in New Zealand. PMID- 13483954 TI - Progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene of the skin; report of a case. PMID- 13483955 TI - A purpuric drug reaction due to carbromal. PMID- 13483956 TI - An acute urticarial reaction to piperazine citrate. PMID- 13483957 TI - Thrombocytopenic purpura in infectious mononucleosis; report of a case. PMID- 13483958 TI - Exostosis of the genial tubercles of the mandible. PMID- 13483959 TI - Three points of view on excessive milk in the diet. PMID- 13483960 TI - [Study on the effects of a chlorophenoxyacetate on carbohydrate metabolism in rabbits]. PMID- 13483962 TI - [Noxious gases; review of commonly occurring industrial gases causing lung irritation]. PMID- 13483961 TI - [Hygienic-bacteriological aspects of Swedish open-air bathing places; method of estimating potential pollution of bath water]. PMID- 13483963 TI - [Silicosis in workers engaged in crushing of limestone containing flint]. PMID- 13483964 TI - [Health survey of nitrite workers in three Swedish explosives factories]. PMID- 13483965 TI - Haematology in Denmark. PMID- 13483966 TI - Haematology in Finland. PMID- 13483967 TI - Haematology in Norway. PMID- 13483968 TI - Haematology in Sweden. PMID- 13483969 TI - [Recent studies on physiological & pathological iron metabolism]. PMID- 13483970 TI - [Studies on Fe59 labelled iron-dextran complex after intramuscular injection]. PMID- 13483971 TI - [Blood iron levels in anemia & megaloblastic erythropoiesis in elderly patients]. PMID- 13483973 TI - [Blood sedimentation & hemoglobin concentration during prolonged gold therapy of rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13483972 TI - [Local oral corrosion due to iron tablets]. PMID- 13483974 TI - [Pernicious anemia without anemia and with glossitis as solitary symptom]. PMID- 13483975 TI - [Myeloid giant cells in bone marrow punctates, with special reference to diagnosis of pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13483976 TI - [Vitamin B12 and hog intrinsic factor in oral maintenance therapy of pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13483978 TI - [Macrocytic anemia with multiple diverticula of the small intestine]. PMID- 13483977 TI - [Aureoomycin in pernicious anemia]. PMID- 13483979 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483980 TI - [Polycythemia vera in the myelofibrotic stage with rapid enlargement of spleen & liver]. PMID- 13483981 TI - [Etiological factors in leukemia in man]. PMID- 13483982 TI - [Therapy of leukemia]. PMID- 13483983 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483984 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483985 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483986 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483987 TI - [Hemorrhagic necrosis of skin in dlcumarol therapy]. PMID- 13483988 TI - [Hemorrhagic necrosis of skin in dicumarol therapy]. PMID- 13483989 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483990 TI - [Prematurity, a scientific misnomer]. PMID- 13483991 TI - [Socalled physiological icterus in the premature infant, a hazardous condition]. PMID- 13483993 TI - [Hypothyroidism in children]. PMID- 13483992 TI - [Intestinal duplication in children]. PMID- 13483994 TI - [Care of the premature infant]. PMID- 13483995 TI - [Breast feeding of premature infants]. PMID- 13483996 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13483997 TI - [Diagnostic problems due to antibiotics]. PMID- 13483998 TI - [Two family infections with adenovirus]. PMID- 13483999 TI - [ACTH therapy of parotitis-encephalitis]. PMID- 13484000 TI - [Quantitative determination of complement in human sera]. PMID- 13484001 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484002 TI - [The international ophthalmological congresses & Fenno-Scandinavian participation during 100 years]. PMID- 13484003 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484004 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484005 TI - [Antihistaminics in therapy of seasickness]. PMID- 13484007 TI - [The medical faculty of Abo university; new buildings & recent progress]. PMID- 13484006 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484008 TI - [K.E. Schreiner]. PMID- 13484009 TI - [Consequences of changes in the epidemiology of tuberculosis; tuberculosis morbidity of the Danish population as a whole & of special groups]. PMID- 13484011 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484010 TI - [Antibacterial therapy of primary tuberculosis & its preventive effect on late manifestations]. PMID- 13484012 TI - [Failure of chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484013 TI - [Hazards of bronchoscopy in pulmonary tuberculosis; four years of polyclinical experience]. PMID- 13484014 TI - [The value of preoperative bronchography in pulmonary resection for tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484015 TI - [Therapy of postgastrectomy pyloric insufficiency in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484016 TI - [Disseminated eosinophil collagen disease]. PMID- 13484017 TI - [Care of lung patients, instruction & training of specialists]. PMID- 13484018 TI - [Laryngeal swab method in detection of the tubercle bacillus]. PMID- 13484019 TI - [Social problems related to recurrent tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484020 TI - [Follow-up in 236 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis after chemotherapy; therapeutic results & recurrence incidence]. PMID- 13484021 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484022 TI - [Duration of results in chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis, with special consideration of isoniazid]. PMID- 13484023 TI - [Follow-up in pulmonary tuberculosis after PAS therapy at Renstromske hospital 1944-51]. PMID- 13484024 TI - [Effects of chemotherapy on recurrence incidence in a case series of postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484025 TI - [Continuous clinical & bacteriological studies on results of prolonged isoniazid & PAS therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484026 TI - [Studies on the response of PAS-resistant tubercle bacilli to para-aminobenzoic acid]. PMID- 13484027 TI - [Clinical & bacteriological evaluation of dipasic Gewo]. PMID- 13484028 TI - [Clinical experience with cycloserine (oxamycin) therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484029 TI - [Bacteriological studies on cycloserine therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484030 TI - [Experience with therapeutic pneumothorax in which treatment has been interrupted]. PMID- 13484031 TI - [Problems of tuberculosis in aged]. PMID- 13484032 TI - [Consequences of epidemiological changes for tuberculosis prevention]. PMID- 13484033 TI - [Consequences of the altered epidemiological situation]. PMID- 13484034 TI - [Tuberculosis in a remote rural region in Norway 1930-55]. PMID- 13484035 TI - [Variations in incidence & age distribution of acute pleurisy in Stockholm 1940 55]. PMID- 13484036 TI - [Serial photofluorography optically adapted to children]. PMID- 13484038 TI - [The 1954 health survey of Stockholm. II. Clinical results]. PMID- 13484037 TI - [The 1954 health survey of Stockholm. I. Planning & scope]. PMID- 13484039 TI - [The 1954 health survey of Stockholm. III. ECG at rest & work and physical work capacity]. PMID- 13484040 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484041 TI - [Patient admissions & discharges at Sct. Hans Hospital; a review of the patient load with analysis of admissions during one year]. PMID- 13484042 TI - [An evaluation of patients' own diagnoses]. PMID- 13484043 TI - [The hospital in Korea]. PMID- 13484044 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484045 TI - [Familial diathesis in mongolism]. PMID- 13484046 TI - [Problems of rheumatoid arthritis & other collagen diseases]. PMID- 13484047 TI - [Effects of food & d-amphetamine on appetite & capillovenous glucose ratio in obese & normal subjects]. PMID- 13484048 TI - [Effects of insulin on appetite; capillovenous glucose ratio & unrestricted caloric intake in diabetes]. PMID- 13484050 TI - [Thyroid function in obesity]. PMID- 13484049 TI - [Quantitative protein determination in blood & spinal fluid by direct spectrophotometry in the extreme ultraviolet range]. PMID- 13484052 TI - [Boeck's sarcoid in two brothers]. PMID- 13484051 TI - [Quinacrine & chloroquine in asthma therapy]. PMID- 13484053 TI - [Familial case of Addison's disease]. PMID- 13484055 TI - [Asymptomatic spinal changes in the aged]. PMID- 13484054 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484057 TI - [Paroxysmal postural vertigo following head injury]. PMID- 13484056 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484059 TI - [Intracranial metastatic tumors]. PMID- 13484058 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484060 TI - [Procaine amide in dystrophia myotonica]. PMID- 13484061 TI - [Conservative or surgical treatment of sciatica]. PMID- 13484062 TI - [Arthrogyposis multiplex congenita; case report with sensory impairment & a pathological electroencephalogram]. PMID- 13484063 TI - [Blood abnormality in mentally diseased persons]. PMID- 13484064 TI - [Neurosis & psychopathy as causes of incapacity]. PMID- 13484065 TI - [Pyromania & kleptomania]. PMID- 13484066 TI - [Perception]. PMID- 13484067 TI - [Experimental data on the effects of chlorpromazine on the central nervous system]. PMID- 13484068 TI - [Effect of meprobamate in neurotic & senile patients]. PMID- 13484069 TI - [Effect of meprobamate in patients with neurotic symptoms; a clinical double blind study]. PMID- 13484070 TI - [Psychotic symptoms with hypothyroidism]. PMID- 13484071 TI - [Hypernephroma from an internal medicine & surgical standpoint]. PMID- 13484072 TI - Current comments on influenza. PMID- 13484073 TI - A study of diffuse cortical atrophy of the brain. PMID- 13484074 TI - The present status of ethyl ether, vinyl ether and ethyl chloride in anesthesia. PMID- 13484075 TI - The effect of potassium depletion on the kidneys. PMID- 13484076 TI - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; a case and a brief review of the literature. PMID- 13484077 TI - Clinical note: adult death from salicylate poisoning. PMID- 13484078 TI - Panel discussion on the diagnosis of diseases of the gallbladder and common duct; oral cholecystography. PMID- 13484079 TI - Evaluation of postoperative cholangiography. PMID- 13484080 TI - Operative cholangiography. PMID- 13484081 TI - Concomitant individual and group psychotherapy. PMID- 13484083 TI - Tuberculosis control: a divide and conquer strategy. PMID- 13484082 TI - Sarcoidosis: the effects of pregnancy and subsequent ACTH and corticoid therapy on the disease. PMID- 13484084 TI - Urologic considerations in the practice of gynecology. PMID- 13484085 TI - Cat scratch disease; report of case produced by inoculation with puppy bite. PMID- 13484086 TI - Cancer of mouth and tongue. PMID- 13484087 TI - Prevention of midpregnancy abortions. PMID- 13484088 TI - My child just won't eat. PMID- 13484089 TI - A glimpse of surgery at the beginning of the century. PMID- 13484090 TI - Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis (Iceland disease) in Alaska. PMID- 13484091 TI - Trauma clinic; topical anesthetics for eye injuries. PMID- 13484092 TI - The president's address. PMID- 13484093 TI - Footsteps on the frontier; some observations on the third party in medicine. PMID- 13484094 TI - [Review of the epidemiology of trichophytosis in various countries of the world]. PMID- 13484095 TI - [Ocular myiasis in humans]. PMID- 13484096 TI - [Hygienic investigations (bacteriological and chemical) of samples of butter and cheese from the market]. PMID- 13484097 TI - [Concentration of carbon monoxide in the surrounding atmosphere of some industries and in city air]. PMID- 13484098 TI - [Comparative tests of various liquid and solid media suggested for enrichment of pathogenic enterobacteria]. PMID- 13484099 TI - [Study of the percentage of cells of E. coli capable of producing dysmorphic colonies in presence of lithium chloride]. PMID- 13484100 TI - [Agglutination study of the antigenic structure of Micrococcus from ovine and caprine gangrenous mastitis fowl. I]. PMID- 13484102 TI - [Biometric measurements of school children in Calabria]. PMID- 13484101 TI - [Flycontrol experiments in rural communities]. PMID- 13484103 TI - [Experimental Studies of the toxicity of termiten basileum, an insecticide with parathion base]. PMID- 13484104 TI - [Trichophyton-inhibiting power of a bacillus resembling anthrax bacillus]. PMID- 13484105 TI - [Power of an anthrax-like bacillus to inhibit Mycotorula albicans]. PMID- 13484106 TI - [Stability of bacteriophage type of strains of Micrococcus pyogenes in artificial culture conditions]. PMID- 13484107 TI - [Diffusion and characteristics of staphylococci in a healthy group of people]. PMID- 13484108 TI - [Study of a new organic anticoagulant, disodium salt of EDTA, and its effect on serum glycolysis in vitro]. PMID- 13484109 TI - [A case of myiasis of the urinary tract caused by Fannia canicularis (L.)]. PMID- 13484110 TI - [Ocular myiasis in humans in Italy; critical review of described cases]. PMID- 13484111 TI - [Search for the possible presence of antibodies against Rickettsia akari]. PMID- 13484112 TI - [Catalase activity in various strains of Brucella]. PMID- 13484113 TI - [Epidemiological aspects & preventive problems of viral infections of man]. PMID- 13484114 TI - [Pollution caused by the Tiber in an area of sea in front of a tract of the beach of Ostia]. PMID- 13484115 TI - [Remarks on a new method for determining the humidity of walls]. PMID- 13484116 TI - [Outbreak of trichinosis; clinical, epidemiological & preventive aspects]. PMID- 13484117 TI - [Contingent antibiotic & antidotal action of thioctic acid & its sodium salt]. PMID- 13484118 TI - [Rare lysotype of Salmonella typhi in Sardinia]. PMID- 13484120 TI - [Determination of organic substances in natural waters]. PMID- 13484119 TI - [Flame photometry in the analysis of natural waters. V. Determination of strontium]. PMID- 13484121 TI - [Findings on ticks in the region of the middle Webbe Shibeli]. PMID- 13484122 TI - [Castaneda's surface fixation test for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis]. PMID- 13484123 TI - [Comparative test between several media proposed for the determination of coliform organisms in waters]. PMID- 13484124 TI - [Remarks on the periodicity of infections by phage in Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13484125 TI - [Effect of temperature and other experimental variables on infective transmission of surface property in Escherichia coli]. PMID- 13484126 TI - [Various Actinomyces isolated from bees & honeycombs infected by a type of black disease]. PMID- 13484127 TI - [Chemical composition of Salmonella antigens. IV. Chemical composition of the O antigen of Salmonella adelaide, inverness, rio grande, weslaco]. PMID- 13484128 TI - [Effects of boron on the morphology of various microorganisms]. PMID- 13484129 TI - [The pigments of Rhodotorula rubra and Torulopsis pulcherrima]. PMID- 13484130 TI - [Morphological and assimilative characteristics and speciology of Protothecae]. PMID- 13484131 TI - [Comparative analysis of the cord factor produced by three substrains of BCG: Pasteur 888, Danish 859 & Moreau]. PMID- 13484132 TI - [Adenosine & bacteriophagic synthesis]. PMID- 13484133 TI - [Catalase activity & production of neomycin in Streptomyces fradiae]. PMID- 13484134 TI - The nutritive value of herbage for poultry. PMID- 13484136 TI - VEGETABLE protein in protein deficiency. PMID- 13484135 TI - Armand Trousseau and the arrow of time. PMID- 13484137 TI - SERUM cholesterol in Indian army personnel. PMID- 13484138 TI - SKIN TURGOR in dehydration. PMID- 13484140 TI - PLASMA insulin. PMID- 13484139 TI - GROWTH of nails. PMID- 13484141 TI - TOXICITY of vitamin K analogues. PMID- 13484142 TI - THE PRODUCTIVE energy values of foods. PMID- 13484143 TI - ZINC DEFICIENCY and dietary calcium in swine. PMID- 13484144 TI - ANTIBIOTICS and intestinal weights of chicks. PMID- 13484145 TI - BIOLOGICAL value of proteins. PMID- 13484146 TI - PLACENTAL transfer of vitamin A. PMID- 13484147 TI - CHOLINE deficiency in the guinea pig. PMID- 13484148 TI - ROLE OF essential lipids in biological oxidations. PMID- 13484150 TI - THE ACTION of estrogens on calcium metabolism. PMID- 13484149 TI - ABSORPTION of fructose. PMID- 13484151 TI - EFFECTS of prolonged sodium deficiency on the rat adrenal cortex. PMID- 13484152 TI - NATURE of the toxic substances in overheated oils. PMID- 13484153 TI - MECHANISM of growth promoting effect of antibiotics. PMID- 13484154 TI - SULFATE metabolism of cartilage. PMID- 13484155 TI - [Use of the extractor in obstetrics]. PMID- 13484156 TI - [Ureterocistoneostomia]. PMID- 13484157 TI - [Treatment of severe pre-eclampsia with chlorpromazine; personal experience]. PMID- 13484158 TI - [Preoperative pneumoperitoneum in eventrations & massive hernia in obesity]. PMID- 13484159 TI - [Treatment of pre-eclamptic states & eclampsia]. PMID- 13484160 TI - [Personal management of urinary incontinence on effort]. PMID- 13484162 TI - [Trauma in the newborn]. PMID- 13484161 TI - [Perineal fibromyoma]. PMID- 13484163 TI - [Oligo-asthenospermia & pregnancy]. PMID- 13484164 TI - [Statistics on the results of 100 biopsies of the testes in somatically normal subjects with azoospermia]. PMID- 13484165 TI - [Treatment of anovulatory cycle by anesthetic infiltration of the superior cervical ganglion]. PMID- 13484166 TI - Posterior culdeplasty; surgical correction of enterocele during vaginal hysterectomy; a preliminary report. PMID- 13484167 TI - Delayed ligation of the umbilical cord; its influence on the blood volume of the newborn. PMID- 13484169 TI - Regression of trophoblast. I. Hydatidiform mole; a case of unusual features, possibly metastasis and regression; review of literature. PMID- 13484168 TI - Treatment of condyloma acuminatum. PMID- 13484170 TI - Placental edema and fetal hydrops; a case of congenital cystic and adenomatoid malformation of the lung. PMID- 13484171 TI - Face and persistent brow presentations. PMID- 13484172 TI - Hormonal changes at various vaginal levels; a cytologic study. PMID- 13484173 TI - Osteogenesis imperfecta in pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13484174 TI - Papanicolaou smear in private practice. PMID- 13484175 TI - Endometrial smears. PMID- 13484176 TI - Errors in clinical staging of cervical cancer; the effect on prognosis. PMID- 13484177 TI - Cytology of vernix caseosa cells. PMID- 13484178 TI - Abdominal surgery during pregnancy. PMID- 13484179 TI - Intravenous pitocin infusion. PMID- 13484180 TI - Carcinoma of the cervix complicating pregnancy; review of the literature and case report. PMID- 13484181 TI - Emotional depression during pregnancy. PMID- 13484183 TI - Duodenal ulcer in early pregnancy; report of two cases. PMID- 13484182 TI - Diabetes insipidus complicating pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13484184 TI - Needle guide for transvaginal pudendal block. PMID- 13484185 TI - Choriocarcinoma associated with normal pregnancy; report of a case. PMID- 13484186 TI - Inversion of the uterus following abortion; report of a case. PMID- 13484187 TI - Strassmann operation for double uterus. PMID- 13484188 TI - The Strassmann operation for double uterus: a fifty-year experience. PMID- 13484189 TI - [Care for the hard-of-hearing as a social task]. PMID- 13484190 TI - [Cases in which the public health service has the duty to grant a public health certificate]. PMID- 13484191 TI - [Staphylococcus aureus in camembert cheese as cause of food poisonings]. PMID- 13484192 TI - [On the necessity of special legislation to control the hazards of cellular therapy in the German state of Nordrhein-and-Westfalen]. PMID- 13484193 TI - [To Prof. Hans Klose on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13484194 TI - [Principles and possibilities of caries prevention with fluoride; a contribution to the present status of fluoride research]. PMID- 13484195 TI - [The course of poliomyelitis in recent years in North Rhine-Westphalia]. PMID- 13484196 TI - [Obligatory recheck at a definite period after BCG vaccination in ambulatory patients]. PMID- 13484197 TI - [When is the imparting of testimony by a health officer the duty of the health department]. PMID- 13484198 TI - Experimental transplantation of the adenohypophysisprimordium into the anura embryo. PMID- 13484199 TI - The inhibitory reaction of some drugs to the activity of the alkaline phosphatase, demonstrated by histochemical method. IV. On the changes of the stainability of the proteins by the histochemical method after application of inhibitory reagents of alkaline phosphatase in the liver and kidney sections. PMID- 13484200 TI - [Development of cutaneous appendage organs in the nasal vestibule and the outer skin of the nose with special reference to the apocrine, eccrine and sebaceous glands]. PMID- 13484201 TI - On the glycolipid in ganglion cells of cat retina and its postnatal development. PMID- 13484203 TI - [The ciliated hair follicles of some mammals]. PMID- 13484202 TI - The effect of bisulfite agent on the unsaturated lipoid in the retina a histochemical study. PMID- 13484204 TI - A postnatal histogenetic study of the anterior pituitary of the mouse. PMID- 13484205 TI - On the early development of human dental lamina. PMID- 13484206 TI - A cytochemical study on renal corpuscle of mouse following alloxan-injection. PMID- 13484207 TI - A cytochemical study on distal tubule of mouse kidney following alloxan injection. PMID- 13484208 TI - Postnatal histogenesis of the adrenal medulla of the hamster with special reference to the functional structure. PMID- 13484209 TI - Electron microscopy of peripheral nerve fibers. II. On the ultrastructure of the sheath components of the nerve fibers. PMID- 13484210 TI - Congenital ocular motor apraxia; report of an asymmetrical case. PMID- 13484211 TI - [Inferior horizontal hemianopsia in acute circulatory disorders of the optic nerves]. PMID- 13484213 TI - The influence of the state of adaptation on the resting potential of the human eye. II. PMID- 13484212 TI - [Transitory disorder of refraction with monocular diplopia after diamox]. PMID- 13484214 TI - A contribution to the biological evolution of the organ of sight and of the oculo motor system. PMID- 13484215 TI - New blepharostat for ocular surgery of anterior segment. PMID- 13484216 TI - [Applanation tonometry]. PMID- 13484217 TI - [Physiology of flicker perimetry]. PMID- 13484218 TI - [Bowen's disease of the cornea and conjunctiva; therapy by lamellar keratoplasty]. PMID- 13484219 TI - [Amnion implantation in therapy of macula hole]. PMID- 13484220 TI - [A new symptom of thyrotropic exophthalmos; reduction of ocular rigidity]. PMID- 13484221 TI - [An ophthalmological genealogical tree]. PMID- 13484222 TI - [History of ophthalmology in Spain]. PMID- 13484223 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484224 TI - The history of ophthalmology in Britain. PMID- 13484225 TI - [Notes on the history of ophthalmology in France]. PMID- 13484226 TI - [History of ophthalmology in Italy]. PMID- 13484227 TI - [The history of two chairs of ophthalmology in Vienna]. PMID- 13484228 TI - [Arthur Bruckner's scientific importance in German ophthalmology between 1870 1920]. PMID- 13484229 TI - [The history of ophthalmology in the Netherlands]. PMID- 13484230 TI - [Controlled hypotension in otolaryngological operations]. PMID- 13484231 TI - [Closing of the anterior ethmoidal artery in nasal hemorrhages]. PMID- 13484232 TI - [Prolonged anesthesia in tonsillectomy]. PMID- 13484233 TI - [Excitability of the labyrinth in chronic otitis media]. PMID- 13484234 TI - [Lamp hearing aids & their possibilities]. PMID- 13484235 TI - [Effect of bronchoscopy on the respiratory capacity of the lungs]. PMID- 13484236 TI - [Leukoplakia as a precancerous state of mucous membranes]. PMID- 13484238 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous otitis media by means of antibiotics & isonicotinic acid hydrazid]. PMID- 13484237 TI - [Average of Weltmann's reactions in chronic tonsillitis]. PMID- 13484239 TI - [Displacement of the hyoid bone]. PMID- 13484240 TI - [Case of non-purulent otogenous acute encephalitis]. PMID- 13484241 TI - [Infectious mononucleosis]. PMID- 13484242 TI - [Lesions of the upper respiratory tract in Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann's disease]. PMID- 13484243 TI - [Therapeutical management in spastic & paretic aphonia]. PMID- 13484244 TI - [Neuraxitis vertiginosa epidemica as a complication after extirpation of palatine tonsils]. PMID- 13484245 TI - [Rotatory test without a support of the body & the head]. PMID- 13484246 TI - [Sinus operation by the Lima method]. PMID- 13484247 TI - [Personal method of plastic surgery for deformed nasal wings in older children & adults after operation for unilateral cleft upper lip]. PMID- 13484248 TI - [Stellate ganglion block in laryngological diseases]. PMID- 13484249 TI - [Pathogenesis & clinical significance of the so-called allergic nasal mucous membrane]. PMID- 13484250 TI - [Effect of components of tobacco smoke on the ciliated epithelium]. PMID- 13484251 TI - [Post-streptomycin impairment of hearing; attempts at treatment with BAL]. PMID- 13484253 TI - [Early detection of maxillary cancers]. PMID- 13484252 TI - [Application of scopodal for basic anesthetic in otorinolaryngological surgery]. PMID- 13484254 TI - [Sarcoma of the larynx of mild clinical course]. PMID- 13484255 TI - [Rare case of fibrosarcoma of the hypopharynx]. PMID- 13484256 TI - [Congenital syphilis in the form of leontiasis ossea]. PMID- 13484257 TI - [A heated screen for endoscopy]. PMID- 13484258 TI - [Personal model of forehead lamp]. PMID- 13484259 TI - [Liquids sprayer for laryngological use]. PMID- 13484260 TI - [Deaf-mutism and the problems of its treatment]. PMID- 13484261 TI - [Anatomical, clinical & radiological studies of the hyothyroepiglottic cavity]. PMID- 13484262 TI - [Clinical contribution to the so-called Costen's syndrome]. PMID- 13484263 TI - [Studies on effect of testicular hyaluronidase & of bacterial mucinase on human parotid saliva]. PMID- 13484264 TI - Radioisotopes in medicine. PMID- 13484265 TI - A host-list of phthirapteran parasites (lice) found on Indo-Pakistan mammals (mammalia) and birds (aves). PMID- 13484266 TI - Biological effects of ionizing radiation. PMID- 13484267 TI - Malaria survey of border area of Baluchistan adjacent to Iran. PMID- 13484269 TI - [ALEKSANDR DMITRIEVICH TIMOFEEVSKII]. PMID- 13484268 TI - A note on the mensuration of an ischnoceran Mallophaga, Goniodes pavonis (Linnaeus), infesting the Indian common pea-fowl (Pavo c. cristatus Linnaeus). PMID- 13484270 TI - [Significance of the tissue culture method in oncology]. PMID- 13484271 TI - [Chemotherapy in malignant tumors]. PMID- 13484272 TI - [Reduction of carcinostatic action of dopan by its structural analogues]. PMID- 13484273 TI - [The role of anterior pituitary gland in the etiology of mammary cancer in mice]. PMID- 13484274 TI - [Development of distal tumors induced by intraosseous injection of carcinogenic substances]. PMID- 13484275 TI - [A new strain of transplanted rat sarcoma obtained by application of a cellophane capsule to the kidney]. PMID- 13484276 TI - [Effect of riboflavin infusion on the vitamin B2 level in urine in cases of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13484277 TI - [Effect of repeated injections of human leukemic blood on hemopoiesis in rabbits]. PMID- 13484278 TI - [Leukemoid reaction in mice]. PMID- 13484279 TI - [Regulation of intrapleural pressure and pleuropulmonary reflex in experimental pleurisy]. PMID- 13484280 TI - [Physiopathology of the newborn in its adaptation to extrauterine life]. PMID- 13484282 TI - [Oral and intravenous glucose tolerance test in children with a sprue-like syndrome]. PMID- 13484281 TI - [Blood coagulation in the newborn at term; study of umbilical cord blood]. PMID- 13484283 TI - [A rare cause of congenital leukokoria: persistence of primary vitreous]. PMID- 13484284 TI - [Studies of 8 cases of congenital atresia of the esophagus]. PMID- 13484285 TI - [Blood proteins in Italian kwashiorkor and in simple riboflavin deficiency]. PMID- 13484286 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of renal embryomas]. PMID- 13484287 TI - [Therapy and prevention of convulsive disorders in the light of new etio pathogenetic concepts]. PMID- 13484288 TI - [Study of a case of collodion skin in the newborn]. PMID- 13484290 TI - [Etiopathogenesis of hypacusia in children]. PMID- 13484289 TI - [Franceschetti syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis)]. PMID- 13484291 TI - [Amebiasis in infants during the 1st week of life]. PMID- 13484293 TI - [Nutrition of school children & its problems]. PMID- 13484292 TI - [Determination of blood proteins in undernourished children]. PMID- 13484294 TI - [Symposium on pediatric anesthesia]. PMID- 13484295 TI - [Causes of false acute abdomen in childhood]. PMID- 13484296 TI - [Maternal-fetal blood incompatibility in mental deficiency]. PMID- 13484297 TI - [Differential diagnosis of convulsions in children]. PMID- 13484298 TI - Management of the patient with cleft lip and cleft palate. PMID- 13484299 TI - Activity of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in the serum in the neonatal period. PMID- 13484300 TI - Measurement of activity of transaminases in the serum as an aid in differential diagnosis of jaundice in the neonatal period. PMID- 13484301 TI - Differences of somatic and respiratory response to hypoxia in newly born and older infants. PMID- 13484302 TI - Needle biopsy in children with nephrosis: a study of glomerular damage and effect of adrenal steroids. PMID- 13484303 TI - Corrected transposition of the great vessels of the heart: a review of 17 cases. PMID- 13484304 TI - Experimental studies on the pathogenesis of kernicterus. PMID- 13484305 TI - Extensive cranial decompression in the treatment of severe lead encephalopathy. PMID- 13484306 TI - Use of glucose, invert sugar and fructose for parenteral feeding of children. PMID- 13484307 TI - The relative merits of isoniazid and other therapeutic agents in the treatment of tuberculous meningitis in children: a five-year follow-up. PMID- 13484308 TI - Note on the repair of cleft lip at the twelfth hour after birth. PMID- 13484309 TI - Children with cerebral palsy: cost of care and results in 770 children. PMID- 13484310 TI - Pediatrics and society. PMID- 13484311 TI - Utilizing a school for handicapped children in medical education. PMID- 13484312 TI - The problem of indications for treatment of asymptomatic primary tuberculosis. PMID- 13484314 TI - Chromosomal sex and the prepuberal diagnosis of gonadal dysgenesis. PMID- 13484313 TI - Newer drugs which influence behavior. PMID- 13484315 TI - LAURENCE RICHARD DEBUYS; 1879-1957. PMID- 13484316 TI - Intracranial complications of leukemia in children. PMID- 13484317 TI - Familial paroxysmal dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (a periodic disease), often precipitated by emotional stress. PMID- 13484318 TI - Epidemic salmonellosis; a 30-month study of 80 cases of Salmonella Oranienburg infection. PMID- 13484319 TI - Tolerance of infants and children to fat administered intravenously with particular reference to the induced ketonemia. PMID- 13484320 TI - Studies of respiratory insufficiency in newborn infants. III. Respiratory rates and birth weights of premature infants as guides to their survival and need for oxygen therapy. PMID- 13484321 TI - Cutaneous candidiasis in early infancy and childhood. PMID- 13484322 TI - Surgical complications of staphylococcic pneumonia. PMID- 13484323 TI - Ventricular septal defect in infancy and childhood; clinical and physiologic study of 19 cases. PMID- 13484324 TI - Digitalis intoxication in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13484325 TI - Acute diphenylhydantoin intoxication: report of two cases. PMID- 13484326 TI - Alimentary tract obstruction in the newborn infant; a review and analysis of 132 cases. PMID- 13484327 TI - Seminar on aortic vascular rings and other anomalies of the aortic arch. PMID- 13484328 TI - Interpretation to school teachers and other professional persons on handicapping and chronic conditions. PMID- 13484329 TI - Undergraduate teaching of pediatric rehabilitation. PMID- 13484330 TI - Clinical conference: methemoglobinemia due to benzocaine. PMID- 13484331 TI - Radiation hazards in the field of pediatrics. PMID- 13484332 TI - A survey of radiation exposure in pediatric practice. PMID- 13484333 TI - Phagocytosis in premature infants. PMID- 13484334 TI - Immunologic studies in congenital agammaglobulinemia with emphasis on delayed hypersensitivity. PMID- 13484335 TI - Progressive hereditary diaphyseal dysplasia. PMID- 13484336 TI - Two additional examples of viremia in asymptomatic poliomyelitis infection. PMID- 13484337 TI - Evaluation of the skeletalage method of estimating children's development. III. Comparison of measurement and inspection in the assessment of roentgenograms. PMID- 13484338 TI - Sterilization and preservation of formulas for infants. PMID- 13484339 TI - Cat scratch disease as a cause of the oculoglandular syndrome of Parinaud. PMID- 13484340 TI - Unilateral true hermaphroditism; two cases with sex-chromatin positive cellular pattern. PMID- 13484341 TI - Accidental infection with vaccinia virus; a case report illustrating laboratory studies and problems of vaccination. PMID- 13484342 TI - Indications for excretory urography in children. PMID- 13484343 TI - Social change and child health: the fourth Kenneth D. Blackfan Memorial Lecture. PMID- 13484344 TI - Gesell tests on African children. PMID- 13484345 TI - Newly isolated viruses in respiratory disease. PMID- 13484346 TI - Pediatric group practice. PMID- 13484347 TI - Professional education and mental retardation. PMID- 13484348 TI - Hypoparathyroidism in children and adolescents. PMID- 13484349 TI - [3 Anatomical, bacteriological & clinical cases of acute staphylococcal enterocolitis after antibiotic treatment]. PMID- 13484350 TI - [Severe congenital heart disease in infants; 30 anatomical & clinical cases; diagnostic possibilities & surgical perspectives]. PMID- 13484351 TI - [Datura stramonium poisoning in a child; case report]. PMID- 13484352 TI - [Indication for protein hydrolysates in pediatrics]. PMID- 13484353 TI - [Combination of antibiotics & corticoids in severe forms of infectious diseases in children]. PMID- 13484354 TI - [Nutritional allergy in pediatrics. III. Pathological manifestations of nutritional allergy]. PMID- 13484355 TI - [Sympathoblastic sympathoma with radiological calcifications]. PMID- 13484356 TI - [Benign renal & pararenal tumors in infants & newborn infants]. PMID- 13484357 TI - [Suppurated meningitis with successive recurrences caused by reinfection by a suppurated epidermoid cyst of the sacral region in relation to a lumbosacral spina bifida occulta; surgical removal of the cyst; recovery]. PMID- 13484358 TI - [Pulmonary exeresis for tuberculosis in a mongoloid child]. PMID- 13484359 TI - [Problems of decannulation in infants]. PMID- 13484360 TI - [Ventriculomastoidotomy & hydrocephalus]. PMID- 13484361 TI - [Elephantiasis of the eyelid during Recklinighausen's disease; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13484362 TI - [Bullous pneumonia & pneumococcal meningitis in an infant with a positive tuberculin skin reaction]. PMID- 13484363 TI - [Effect of cortisone of electroencephalographic changes in meningeal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484364 TI - [Familial hemolytic anemia with the presence of an important lente hemoglobin fraction of type A2 in several members of the family]. PMID- 13484365 TI - [Methemoglobinemia caused by accidental ingestion of bismuth subnitrate by a 3 month-old infant]. PMID- 13484366 TI - [Persistence of the arterial canal]. PMID- 13484367 TI - [Laryngeal syphilis in children]. PMID- 13484368 TI - [Conditions for the installation & functioning of a sanitary children's home for diabetic children]. PMID- 13484369 TI - [Creation of establishments for children recovering from acute articular rheumatism]. PMID- 13484370 TI - [Participation of social security in hospital expenses of prematurity]. PMID- 13484371 TI - Modern-day rickets. PMID- 13484372 TI - The toxemias of pregnancy. PMID- 13484373 TI - Cardinal principles of antimicrobial therapy; Ehrlich revisited. PMID- 13484374 TI - Outline of an exercise program for patients with myocardial infarction. PMID- 13484375 TI - Is Pennsylvania wormy. PMID- 13484376 TI - Obstetric case reports; dystocia and delay. PMID- 13484377 TI - Some considerations regarding biochemical genetics in man. PMID- 13484378 TI - Medical teaching by a nonmedical specialist. PMID- 13484379 TI - Nonendocrine aspects of stress. PMID- 13484380 TI - A critical look at medical education in the United States with comments on the role of the specialty boards. PMID- 13484381 TI - Speculations on the action of insulin, with a note on other hypoglycemic agents. PMID- 13484382 TI - Normal young med. PMID- 13484383 TI - Freud's legacy to human freedom. PMID- 13484384 TI - Ten years of creative group therapy. PMID- 13484385 TI - [Presence of 2 new heterosides in the leaves of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. studies by paper chromatography]. PMID- 13484386 TI - [Purity tests for alkaloids with paper chromatography. 4. Strychnos alkaloids]. PMID- 13484387 TI - [Quantitative determination of novalgin. 2]. PMID- 13484388 TI - [The test for fluoride in calcium phosphate]. PMID- 13484389 TI - [Extinctiometric determination of methoxy group]. PMID- 13484390 TI - [Extinctiometric method for the determination of alkaloids containing a methyleneoxide group]. PMID- 13484391 TI - [Separation of organic non-volatile acids]. PMID- 13484392 TI - [Proposal for the chemical research of various circulatory drugs to the German pharmacopeia. I. Bromatometric determination of 1 (p-oxyphenyl)-2-(alkyl amino)ethanes & propanes]. PMID- 13484393 TI - [Problem of the effect of Hofmann's decomposition on steric hinderance]. PMID- 13484394 TI - [Amorphous taxine & crystalline taxine A; Taxus alkaloids. II]. PMID- 13484396 TI - [Further contribution to the preparation & complex chemistry of 2,5-di-(alpha pyridylpyrrols)]. PMID- 13484395 TI - [Analytical behavior of wofacain A]. PMID- 13484397 TI - [Effects of quaternary ammonium compounds & phenothiazine derivatives on metabolism in the ovum of Psammechinus microtuberculatus]. PMID- 13484398 TI - [Determination of cholesterol & isocholesterol content in wool fat]. PMID- 13484399 TI - [Bis (4-oxy-phenyl)-acetic acid]. PMID- 13484400 TI - [Cornelian cherry & its seed oil]. PMID- 13484401 TI - [Cholin in Convallaria majalis L. (Lily-of-the-Valley)]. PMID- 13484402 TI - [Microanalytic determination of tartaric acid]. PMID- 13484403 TI - [Quantitative comprehension of paper chromatograms of alkaloids by means of the photographic method]. PMID- 13484404 TI - [Trichloracetate derivatives of various alkaloids]. PMID- 13484405 TI - [Detection of p-oxyphenylalkylamines with 1,2-nitrosonaphthol]. PMID- 13484406 TI - [Beginning of the research on the structure of Delphinium alkaloids]. PMID- 13484407 TI - [Contents of larch fungus]. PMID- 13484408 TI - [Contents of our old Archives]. PMID- 13484409 TI - [Decomposition of salicylamide glycosides in alkaline & acid media. VIII. Phenol glycoside]. PMID- 13484410 TI - [Determination of ethanol content of tinctures & spirits by means of the critical temperature of the mixture]. PMID- 13484411 TI - [Proposal to the supplement of the German pharmacopeia 6]. PMID- 13484412 TI - [Experiments on the sulfone group. V. New derivatives of 4-phenylsulfone benzoylhydrazones]. PMID- 13484413 TI - [Giemsa solution in the new pharmacopeia]. PMID- 13484414 TI - [Acid-base titration in non-aqueous medium & its use on pharmaceutically used compounds]. PMID- 13484415 TI - [Effect of guaiacol glycerin ether in combination with pyrazolone in animal experiments]. PMID- 13484417 TI - [Photometric determination of various drugs with 4-aminoantipyrine]. PMID- 13484416 TI - [N-acyl derivative of 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-aminopyrazolon-5 (4 aminoantipyrine)]. PMID- 13484418 TI - [Determination of 1-methyl-4-amino-N'-phenyl-N'-(2-thenyl)-piperidine (sandostene Sandoz)]. PMID- 13484419 TI - [Double decomposition with 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzene; especially with aromatic amino compounds. 2. By-products in double decomposition with 2,4 dinitrofluorbenzene]. PMID- 13484420 TI - [Determination of the phenol content in Oleum thymi; contribution to the 7th edition of the German pharmacopeia]. PMID- 13484421 TI - [X-ray contrast media]. PMID- 13484422 TI - [Method of new arrangement of cultivated elecampane]. PMID- 13484423 TI - [Extraction & chemical use of Digitalis lanata leaves by means of paper chromatography]. PMID- 13484424 TI - [Hemp (Cannabis sativa); antibiotic drug. I. Hemp in the old & popular medicine]. PMID- 13484425 TI - [Oskar Keller, 80 years old]. PMID- 13484426 TI - [Volumetric determination in water-free solutions of weak acids & bases used pharmaceutically]. PMID- 13484427 TI - [Proposals to the supplement of German Pharmacopeia 6]. PMID- 13484428 TI - [Proposals to the supplement of German Pharmacopeia 6]. PMID- 13484429 TI - [Effect of prophylactic medication & diet on experimental cardiac hypertrophy]. PMID- 13484430 TI - [Antibiotic production by fungus with respect to the location of their natural existence; demonstration of antibiotic production by the horny tissue of live dermatophytes]. PMID- 13484431 TI - [Double decomposition with 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzene, especially aromatic amino compounds. 3. Determination of acid amides & nitriles with 2,4 dinitrofluorbenzene]. PMID- 13484433 TI - [p-Benzoquinone as micro-reagents for protein compounds]. PMID- 13484432 TI - [Double decomposition with 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzene, especially aromatic amino compounds. 4. Purity tests on 2,4-dinitrophenyl compounds]. PMID- 13484434 TI - [X-ray contrast media. II]. PMID- 13484435 TI - [The admission of artificial organic dyes into the German pharmacopeia for food coloring]. PMID- 13484436 TI - [Alkaloidal content of virus infected Datura plants]. PMID- 13484437 TI - [Effect of parasitic infections on the content of hypotensive & cardio-active principles of mistletoe (Viscum album L.)]. PMID- 13484440 TI - Role of the physical therapist in home accident prevention. PMID- 13484438 TI - Laying the cornerstone for living through growth, learning and doing. PMID- 13484439 TI - Do you need malpractice insurance. PMID- 13484441 TI - The student physical therapist in a general hospital. PMID- 13484442 TI - The treatment of cerebral palsy in Norway. PMID- 13484443 TI - Case report: postoperative treatment for internal derangement of the knee. PMID- 13484444 TI - The inner tube story. PMID- 13484445 TI - A medical caseworker looks at the physically handicapped adolescent. PMID- 13484446 TI - Physiological and pathological principles in restorative medicine in the aging. PMID- 13484448 TI - Good recovery following fracture and displacement of the odontoid. PMID- 13484447 TI - Solving the problem of self care with self-help devices. PMID- 13484449 TI - Hand treatment table. PMID- 13484451 TI - Financial planning for the later years. PMID- 13484450 TI - What do the mature years offer. PMID- 13484452 TI - The function of the physical therapist in program planning for the adolescent patient. PMID- 13484453 TI - Restoration of function following severe injuries to lower extremities. PMID- 13484454 TI - Hallway parallel bars for the home. PMID- 13484455 TI - Electric hoist as an aid to lifting. PMID- 13484456 TI - Combination ramp and platform. PMID- 13484457 TI - Common errors in obtaining and evaluating experimental data. PMID- 13484458 TI - The dielectric method of estimating protein hydration. PMID- 13484459 TI - Radio-caesium in dried milk. PMID- 13484460 TI - The theory of tracer experiments with 131I-labelled plasma proteins. PMID- 13484461 TI - Photoelectric and cinematographic measurements of the motility of bull sperm cells. PMID- 13484462 TI - A whole-body radioactivity counter for bed patients. PMID- 13484464 TI - Choice of radioisotopes for therapy. PMID- 13484463 TI - A simple R-C timer using a cold cathode trigger tube. PMID- 13484465 TI - Choice of radioisotopes for therapy. PMID- 13484466 TI - EXPOSURE of man to ionizing radiation arising from medical procedures; an enquiry into methods of evaluation: a report of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements. PMID- 13484467 TI - Measurement of the gonadal dose in the medical use of x-rays: a preliminary report on a survey being made in the United Kingdom. PMID- 13484468 TI - The dosimetry and lethal effects of maternally administered phosphorus-32 after 14 and 17 days of gestation in the rat. PMID- 13484469 TI - Some physical measurements with 30 MeV x-rays. PMID- 13484470 TI - Oscillatory flow in arteries: the constrained elastic tube as a model of arterial flow and pulse transmission. PMID- 13484471 TI - Exchange of gases between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary blood: pulmonary diffusing capacity. PMID- 13484472 TI - Mechanics and regulation of gastric emptying. PMID- 13484473 TI - Pepsinogen: its origins, secretion and excretion. PMID- 13484474 TI - Aberrations of protein metabolism in multiple myeloma; interrelationships of abnormal serum globulins and Bence-Jones proteins. PMID- 13484475 TI - Structure of brain tissue lipides. PMID- 13484477 TI - Cerebral palsy. PMID- 13484476 TI - Research in physiotherapy: the principles of clinical research work. PMID- 13484478 TI - The place of relaxation in physiotherapy. PMID- 13484479 TI - Muscular co-ordination and the fear of pain. PMID- 13484480 TI - Read, mark, learn. PMID- 13484481 TI - Control of motor function in the treatment of cerebral palsy. PMID- 13484482 TI - A visit to European plastic surgery centers. PMID- 13484483 TI - Salivary gland tumors and miscellaneous associated problems: diagnosis, pathology and treatment. PMID- 13484484 TI - Primary cancer of the salivary glands. PMID- 13484485 TI - Viability studies of human skin grafts as determined by tissue culture methods. PMID- 13484486 TI - Surgical treatment of lymphoedema of the lower extremities. PMID- 13484487 TI - Hydradenitis suppurativa. PMID- 13484488 TI - Dermatome grafting of the totally denuded testes. PMID- 13484489 TI - A useful incision in Dupuytren's contracture. PMID- 13484490 TI - Nail replacement in finger tip injuries. PMID- 13484491 TI - Artistic relationships in surface anatomy of the face: application to reconstructive surgery. PMID- 13484492 TI - Adequate airway, a necessary precaution; introduction of a routine for management and an evaluation in 100 cases of radical neck dissection. PMID- 13484493 TI - Methods for increasing the yield of donor skin. PMID- 13484494 TI - The behavior of skin grafts and donor sites in a case of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. PMID- 13484495 TI - The management of hemangiomata; a plea for conservatism in infancy. PMID- 13484496 TI - Carcinoma of the external ear; analysis of 100 consecutive cases. PMID- 13484497 TI - Irradiation fibrosarcoma. PMID- 13484498 TI - A prosthetic mandibular head: case report. PMID- 13484499 TI - Malar fracture; intra-orbital haemorrhage during open reduction. PMID- 13484500 TI - Surgery of decorative and traumatic tattoos. PMID- 13484501 TI - Total rhinoplasty for deformities following leprosy. PMID- 13484502 TI - A new method of skin marking. PMID- 13484503 TI - Henry Sage Dunning; 1880 1957. PMID- 13484504 TI - Re-examination of the transparent chamber technique as applied to the study of circulation in autografts and homografts of the skin. PMID- 13484505 TI - The repair of facial defects resulting from surgery for locally advanced buccal carcinoma; a report on the use of the compound neck pedicle. PMID- 13484506 TI - Problems of scalp reconstruction. PMID- 13484507 TI - Repair of penile hypospadias. PMID- 13484508 TI - Surgical repair of lupus vulgaris. PMID- 13484510 TI - Fracture of the mandibular condyle in the newborn. PMID- 13484509 TI - The surgical treatment of lupus vulgaris and lupus carcinoma. PMID- 13484511 TI - Progress in septal surgery. PMID- 13484512 TI - Premature synostosis of the frontal suture in the cleft palate skull. PMID- 13484513 TI - Surgical treatment of decubitus ulcers. PMID- 13484514 TI - Rhytidectomy: anatomical, physiological and surgical considerations. PMID- 13484515 TI - Plastic surgery in radiation burns. PMID- 13484516 TI - Congenital lymphedema: case report nine years after surgical correction. PMID- 13484517 TI - [Peripheral vascular diseases: clinical statistics based on over 400 cases]. PMID- 13484518 TI - [Esophageal varices; interposition of jejunal loop in esophagojejunal gastrostomy; clinical case report]. PMID- 13484519 TI - [Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis]. PMID- 13484520 TI - [Study of blood antistreptolysins in immunoallergic etiopathogenesis of obstructive arteriopathies of the legs]. PMID- 13484521 TI - [Myasthenia gravis; electrolyte metabolism and adrenocortical function before & after surgery (thymectomy)]. PMID- 13484523 TI - [Controlled hypotension in urologic surgery]. PMID- 13484522 TI - [Experimental study of the histopathological picture of the kidneys in controlled hypotension induced by thiophane derivative]. PMID- 13484525 TI - [Tumors of the colon & rectum; clinical studies & anatomosurgical aspects]. PMID- 13484524 TI - [Ciuffini-Pancoast-Tobias syndrome induced by echinococcus cyst]. PMID- 13484527 TI - [Anatomoclinical studies on the pheochromocytoma & its treatment, with case reports]. PMID- 13484526 TI - [Experimental study on the variations of the esophagogastric angle after Heller's operation with & without left phrenico-exeresis]. PMID- 13484528 TI - [The scalenus anticus syndrome; etiology & pathogenesis in the light of certain anamnestic precedents & atypical surgical findings]. PMID- 13484529 TI - [Physiopathological and therapeutic aspects of certain cases of hepatic coma in cirrhotic patients submitted to surgery]. PMID- 13484530 TI - [Secretory function of the stomach surgically elevated into the thorax (transthoracic esophagogastroplasty for esophageal stenosis caused by caustic substances)]. PMID- 13484531 TI - [Particular surgical technics in the management of sternoclavicular luxation]. PMID- 13484532 TI - [Relations existing between blood groups and various surgical diseases]. PMID- 13484533 TI - [Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis; anatomical and clinical contribution and indications for cortisone therapy]. PMID- 13484534 TI - [Hemolytic anemia caused by autoantibodies treated with prednisone and splenectomy]. PMID- 13484535 TI - [Surgical treatment of spleen echinococcosis]. PMID- 13484536 TI - [False positive reactions in blood tests for syphilis]. PMID- 13484537 TI - [Skin reactions to streptolysin O in children]. PMID- 13484538 TI - [Guaiacol-glycerin ether in orthopedic surgery & traumatology]. PMID- 13484539 TI - [The isolated luxation of the astragalus; case report]. PMID- 13484540 TI - [Electrocardiographic manifestations in heart disease caused by icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis]. PMID- 13484541 TI - [Anesthetic problems in various diseases and dysfunctions of the adrenal glands]. PMID- 13484542 TI - [Proposal for a new antigen for complement fixation in serodiagnosis of echinococcosis]. PMID- 13484543 TI - [Clinical experience with two blood turbidity tests for lipids]. PMID- 13484544 TI - [Bases, technic and diagnostic possibilities of the roentgenogram enlarging method]. PMID- 13484545 TI - [Remarks on the physiomechanics of the spine]. PMID- 13484546 TI - [Impressions from radiological laboratories in Stockholm]. PMID- 13484547 TI - [Report of visit to radiological laboratories in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13484549 TI - [Essay with intra-rectal infusion of blood or blood serum in therapy or prevention of hemorrhagic manifestations hemophilia]. PMID- 13484548 TI - [Effect of plasmin and of streptokinase on blood coagulation in cat in vivo]. PMID- 13484550 TI - [Treatment of typhoid fever with small doses of chloromycetin]. PMID- 13484551 TI - [Subacute course of erythremic myelosis]. PMID- 13484552 TI - [ECG changes in seizures of paroxysmal paralysis]. PMID- 13484553 TI - [Case of cancer of the descending colon with apparently unusual course]. PMID- 13484554 TI - [Case of acute leukemia with megaloblastic reaction]. PMID- 13484555 TI - [Treatment of supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardiac with a sympatol preparation (phenylephrine)]. PMID- 13484556 TI - [Certain aspects of physiology of the liver]. PMID- 13484557 TI - [Effect of unilateral section of the vagus nerve on experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484558 TI - [Pseudo-sepsis allergogenes]. PMID- 13484559 TI - [Results of repeated simultaneous studies on the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to streptomycin and isoniazid]. PMID- 13484560 TI - [Effect of pleural pneumothorax on ballistocardiogram]. PMID- 13484561 TI - [Diagnosis of premature amniotic rupture]. PMID- 13484562 TI - [Further studies on iodine metabolism in scurvy]. PMID- 13484563 TI - [Weber-Christian diseae (panniculitis nodularis nonsuppurativa febrilis recidivans)]. PMID- 13484564 TI - [Case of infanticide in a patient simulating threatened abortion]. PMID- 13484565 TI - [Psychosis in a case of syringomyelia]. PMID- 13484566 TI - [Pneumonectomy in tuberculosis in a diabetic patient]. PMID- 13484567 TI - [Transaminases and their significance in clinical practice]. PMID- 13484568 TI - [QT wave and its relation to the degree of training in athletes]. PMID- 13484569 TI - [Electrophoretic studies in myocardial infarctions]. PMID- 13484570 TI - [Diagnostic difficulties in tumors of the large intestine]. PMID- 13484572 TI - [Combined serpasil, apresoline and verlloid therapy of hypertensive form of glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13484571 TI - [Experimental studies on the effect of novocaine on cardiac reflexogenic centers in dogs in normal temperature; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13484573 TI - [Erythorleucaemia (Di Guglielmo)]. PMID- 13484574 TI - [Clinical aspects and pathology of reticulo-granulomatosis in childhood]. PMID- 13484575 TI - [Case of prolonged ventricular arrest in Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome]. PMID- 13484576 TI - [Sheehan's syndrome; a form of hypofunction of the anterior pituitary]. PMID- 13484577 TI - Treatment of postoperative strictures of the bile ducts. PMID- 13484578 TI - Current concepts of lipid metabolism. PMID- 13484579 TI - Evaluation of primary panhysterectomy for treatment of carcinoma of the endometrium. PMID- 13484580 TI - Sudden, unexpected death. PMID- 13484581 TI - The first year of practice. PMID- 13484582 TI - New liver function tests. PMID- 13484583 TI - Long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13484584 TI - Tumors of the neck and parotid areas; report of more than 1000 cases. PMID- 13484585 TI - Selection of cases in gynccologic surgery. PMID- 13484586 TI - Herniorrhaphy in the aged. PMID- 13484587 TI - Hypotensive drugs in the management of toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13484588 TI - Auscultation of faint heart murmurs. PMID- 13484589 TI - Diagnosis and treatment of problems unnecessarily fatal in the newborn. PMID- 13484591 TI - Hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis: the question of pathogenesis. PMID- 13484590 TI - Basic principles of gastric surgery. PMID- 13484592 TI - Thyroid disease. PMID- 13484593 TI - The significance of a lump in the neck. PMID- 13484594 TI - Overprotection and underprotection of the cardiac patient. PMID- 13484595 TI - Radiologic diagnosis in early treatment of cancer of the lung. PMID- 13484596 TI - THEORY and use of antibiotic combinations. I. Laboratory aspects. PMID- 13484598 TI - Influenza. PMID- 13484597 TI - Treatment of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy with chlorpromazine; a report of 100 cases. PMID- 13484599 TI - The nephrotic syndrome. PMID- 13484600 TI - And so to sleep. PMID- 13484601 TI - Interesting consequences of liver injuries. PMID- 13484602 TI - Laboratory notes. PMID- 13484603 TI - Problems associated with routine immunizations. PMID- 13484604 TI - Differential diagnosis of back pain. PMID- 13484606 TI - Emergency treatment of severe asthma. PMID- 13484605 TI - Colonic polyps: report of three cases. PMID- 13484607 TI - Management of hemolytic disease of the newborn. PMID- 13484608 TI - Use of temporary cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac and aortic surgery; report of 134 cases. PMID- 13484609 TI - Premedication for the obstetric patient. PMID- 13484611 TI - Special considerations in the surgical care of infants. PMID- 13484610 TI - Hypospadias: complete construction of penis, with establishment of proper sex status after 13 years of mistaken female identity. PMID- 13484612 TI - Diffuse otitis externa and its effective treatment. PMID- 13484613 TI - Management of idiopathic thrombopenic purpura with ACTH, cortisone and splenectomy. PMID- 13484614 TI - The process of aging has emotional problems. PMID- 13484615 TI - Cystic fibrosis. PMID- 13484616 TI - Psychologic aspects of physical disability. PMID- 13484617 TI - FINANCIAL planning for the medical practitioner. PMID- 13484618 TI - [New laws & new tasks]. PMID- 13484619 TI - [Phosphorus hydride poisoning in a foundry]. PMID- 13484620 TI - [Health status of workers in cordage industry]. PMID- 13484621 TI - [Effect of carbon disulfide on gastrointestinal system]. PMID- 13484622 TI - [Carbon disulfide & antabuse]. PMID- 13484623 TI - [Electroencephalographic effects of carbon disulfide on the central nervous system of rabbits]. PMID- 13484624 TI - [Distribution of carbon disulfide in whole blood, brain & adrenal glands in parenteral administration in white mice over a given period of time]. PMID- 13484625 TI - [Technic of determination of small quantities of hydrofluoric acid & fluoride vapors & aerosols in the air of industrial plants & working places; critical comparison of the most important methods]. PMID- 13484626 TI - [Toxic effects of herbicide dicotex on animals]. PMID- 13484627 TI - [In vitro protection of cholinesterase from organic phosphates]. PMID- 13484628 TI - [Effect of chronic exposure to trichlorethylene on higher nervous activity in mice]. PMID- 13484629 TI - [Measuring of electrical excitability of cortical motor centers and its use in industrial toxicology]. PMID- 13484630 TI - [Use of oxygen & carbon dioxide mixture (carbogen, pneumoxyd) in acute carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13484631 TI - [Obliterating angiopathies of miners and their relationship to accidents]. PMID- 13484632 TI - [Traumatic vascular neurosis caused by vibrations during work on rotating sharpening hammer]. PMID- 13484633 TI - [Determination of phosphorus thiochloride in air]. PMID- 13484634 TI - [Pathogenesis of traumatic vasoneurosis]. PMID- 13484635 TI - [Hygienic problems of peaceful uses of nuclear energy]. PMID- 13484636 TI - [Studies in tissue metabolism and its changes caused by quartz dusts]. PMID- 13484637 TI - [Phagocytosis of dust in tissue cultures]. PMID- 13484638 TI - [Pathogenesis of silicosis]. PMID- 13484640 TI - [Incidence of emphysema in workers of an asbestos factory]. PMID- 13484639 TI - [Working conditions and health status in permanganate industry]. PMID- 13484641 TI - [Physical exercise treatment of patients with lung silicosis]. PMID- 13484642 TI - [Myalgias and backache in tractor drivers]. PMID- 13484643 TI - [Incidence of occupational brucellosis in veterinarians and its prevention]. PMID- 13484644 TI - [Present status of the fight against brucellosis in the Hradec Kralove Region]. PMID- 13484646 TI - [Problems of occupational transfer of patients with predominant signs of cardiac sclerosis]. PMID- 13484645 TI - [Diagnostic importance of complexon (CaNa2, EDTA) in lead poisoning]. PMID- 13484647 TI - [Another case of pneumoconiosis caused by barium sulphate]. PMID- 13484648 TI - [Unusual case of trichlorethylene poisoning]. PMID- 13484649 TI - [Spraying of sugar beets with ecatox 20]. PMID- 13484650 TI - [Automatic instrument for continuous air sampling]. PMID- 13484651 TI - Advances in medicine. PMID- 13484652 TI - Advances in surgery. PMID- 13484653 TI - Advances in obstetrics and gynaecology. PMID- 13484655 TI - Advances in the treatment of skin diseases. PMID- 13484654 TI - Advances in paediatrics. PMID- 13484656 TI - Advances in the treatment of respiratory disorders. PMID- 13484657 TI - Advances in cardiology. PMID- 13484658 TI - Advances in endocrinology. PMID- 13484659 TI - Advances in neurology. PMID- 13484660 TI - Advances in urology. PMID- 13484661 TI - Advances in cardiac surgery. PMID- 13484662 TI - Advances in geriatrics. PMID- 13484663 TI - Advances in preventive inoculation. PMID- 13484664 TI - Advances in the treatment of tropical diseases. PMID- 13484666 TI - Advances in the chemotherapy of malignant disease. PMID- 13484667 TI - Advances in general practice. PMID- 13484665 TI - Advances in antibiotics. PMID- 13484668 TI - Chlorhexidine. PMID- 13484669 TI - Apparatus and reagents for haematology. PMID- 13484670 TI - Psittacosis. PMID- 13484671 TI - The management of furunculosis. PMID- 13484673 TI - Carcinoma of the colon and clinical sense. PMID- 13484672 TI - Carcinoma of the rectum. PMID- 13484674 TI - The treatment of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13484676 TI - Anal abscesses and fistulae. PMID- 13484675 TI - The spastic colon. PMID- 13484677 TI - Management of a colostomy. PMID- 13484678 TI - Journey's end. PMID- 13484679 TI - Visual disturbances of extra-ocular origin. PMID- 13484680 TI - Tar and the skin. PMID- 13484681 TI - The Royal Society of Medicine and General Practice. PMID- 13484682 TI - Phenoxybenzamine and vitamin K in chilblains. PMID- 13484683 TI - The Prime Minister's health; William Pitt the younger. PMID- 13484684 TI - Current therapeutics. CXIX. Steroid anaesthesia. PMID- 13484685 TI - Equipping the surgery. XI. The doctor's bag. PMID- 13484686 TI - Dysphasia. PMID- 13484687 TI - [Resultant therapeutic method variations in pollen allergy with special consideration of oral desensitizing of pollen allergic children with honey]. PMID- 13484688 TI - [Clinical experience with the new antidiabetic ambolin]. PMID- 13484689 TI - [Hypaque, new product of triiodide contrast media for urography & angiography]. PMID- 13484690 TI - [What are the operative conditions in a negative split meniscus injury]. PMID- 13484691 TI - [Several useful aids in the treatment of bone fractures]. PMID- 13484692 TI - [Development & prognosis in Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13484693 TI - [Q fever epidemic in a battalion staff; clinical aspects of Q fever encephalitis]. PMID- 13484694 TI - [Importance of bronchoscopic investigation in the differential diagnosis of bronchopulmonary disorders in adolescents]. PMID- 13484695 TI - [Dihydroquinidine therapy in cardiogenic shock to arrhythmia in medical practice]. PMID- 13484696 TI - [Cell division as a general biological & medical problem]. PMID- 13484697 TI - [Clinical observations on the local treatment of rheumatic diseases with prednisolone trimethylacetate]. PMID- 13484698 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484699 TI - [Cosmetics-induced dermatitis]. PMID- 13484700 TI - [Treponema immobilization test (Nelson) in medical practice]. PMID- 13484701 TI - [Occupational dermatoses following excessive stress on the skin]. PMID- 13484702 TI - [Kidney and ureteral calculi in infants]. PMID- 13484703 TI - [Experiences with the local antibiotic batramycin]. PMID- 13484704 TI - [Electrolyte disorders as a result of ureterosigmoidostomy (Coffey's operation)]. PMID- 13484705 TI - [Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms]. PMID- 13484706 TI - [Results of the local application of hydrocortisone in 74 cases of arthrosis and related diseases]. PMID- 13484707 TI - [Dosulfin in daily pediatric practice]. PMID- 13484709 TI - [Electrolyte disorders resulting from ureterosigmoidostomy (Coffey's operation). III]. PMID- 13484710 TI - [Observations on medical therapy in general and treatment of chronic degenerative arthropathy in particular]. PMID- 13484708 TI - [Anesthesia in geriatric surgery]. PMID- 13484711 TI - [How to achieve therapeutic prognosis in chronic evolutive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13484712 TI - [Results of treatment of normochromic anemia by antianemic factors associated with oligometals]. PMID- 13484713 TI - [Recent ideas on the nosology of gastroduodenal ulcers]. PMID- 13484714 TI - [Experiences with the new three-stage sedative tridomal in tablets and suppository]. PMID- 13484715 TI - [Therapy with sedovalin]. PMID- 13484716 TI - [Clinical diagnosis of cardiac enlargement]. PMID- 13484717 TI - [Findings in carotid thrombosis]. PMID- 13484718 TI - [Pulmonary hypertension in congenital heart disease]. PMID- 13484719 TI - [Hemothorax with special reference to acute idiopathic hemothorax]. PMID- 13484720 TI - [Rupture of an amebic abscess of the liver into the free peritoneum]. PMID- 13484721 TI - [Bovine fascia in the reconstruction of hernias & eventrations]. PMID- 13484722 TI - [Treatment of trophic lesions of the legs with tricainal]. PMID- 13484724 TI - [Bacitracin in aerosol form in simple bronchitis in children]. PMID- 13484723 TI - [Effect of estrogens on radioactive calcium deposits in teeth & bones in rats]. PMID- 13484725 TI - [Treatment of prolapse of the cervical stump by vaginal route]. PMID- 13484727 TI - [Leostesin in intravenous anesthesia]. PMID- 13484728 TI - [Scalene biopsy of the lymph nodes]. PMID- 13484726 TI - [Small-toothed forceps with elbow-shaped point]. PMID- 13484729 TI - [Third chair of clinical medicine; inaugural address]. PMID- 13484730 TI - [Shaving & antisepsis]. PMID- 13484731 TI - [Cervical adenopathy in pediatrics]. PMID- 13484732 TI - [Prolonged use of tolbutamide in the treatment of diabetes]. PMID- 13484733 TI - [Present concepts of inflammation]. PMID- 13484734 TI - [Treatment of cardiac insufficiency. I. Digitaloid therapy]. PMID- 13484735 TI - [New data on the nebulization of trinitrine]. PMID- 13484736 TI - [Mitral stenosis & arachnodactyly]. PMID- 13484737 TI - [Intercranial hypertension in meningeal tuberculosis in children; results obtained from the treatment with ACTH & corticosteroids]. PMID- 13484738 TI - [Treatment of superficial mycosis with trichomycin]. PMID- 13484739 TI - [Study of the different effects of dextrorotatory & levorotatory amphetamine in the treatment of obesity]. PMID- 13484740 TI - [Fibroleiomyoma of the mesenteries with acute torsion of the pedicle]. PMID- 13484741 TI - [Surgery of the hand: the median nerve of the thenar; topography]. PMID- 13484742 TI - [Cervical pregnancy]. PMID- 13484743 TI - [Methods of health campaigns]. PMID- 13484744 TI - [Course in basic surgery; 6th conference]. PMID- 13484745 TI - [Cerebral surgery in the treatment of refractory gastroduodenal ulcers & ulcerative hemorrhages]. PMID- 13484746 TI - [Massive esophagogastroduodenal hemorrhages; personal management]. PMID- 13484747 TI - [Rectal hemorrhage in children caused by functional intestinomesenteric infarct; mechanism of production, therapy, differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13484748 TI - [Cancer of the thyroid gland in hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13484749 TI - [Ascorbic acid in stomach secretion]. PMID- 13484750 TI - [Annular pancreas]. PMID- 13484751 TI - [Gynecomastia]. PMID- 13484752 TI - [Isoniazid in the treatment of ulcerative colitis; commentary on 4 cases]. PMID- 13484753 TI - [Rosolic acid test in peridural puncture]. PMID- 13484755 TI - [Course in basic surgery. VII]. PMID- 13484754 TI - [Surgery of the hand; new findings on distal lesions of the median nerve of the forearm]. PMID- 13484756 TI - [Scissorstylet for transduodenal papillotomy]. PMID- 13484757 TI - [Role of the pathologist in cancerology]. PMID- 13484758 TI - [Biliobiliary fistula]. PMID- 13484759 TI - [Ileoileal invagination & volvulus]. PMID- 13484761 TI - [Primary Hodgkin's lymphogranuloma of the small intestine; double jejunal localization]. PMID- 13484760 TI - [Treatment of cardiac insufficiency. II. Non-digitalis therapy]. PMID- 13484763 TI - [Cuppers' method; new horizon in the treatment of amblyopia]. PMID- 13484762 TI - [Segmental retractile mesenteritis caused by Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13484764 TI - [Toxic arsenical polyneuritis & Mees' lines of the fingers]. PMID- 13484765 TI - [Radiotherapy with controlled shielding; use of the back pointer]. PMID- 13484766 TI - [Developmental cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi]. PMID- 13484767 TI - [Painful shoulder. II. Technic for simultaneous block of the circumflex & suprascapular nerves]. PMID- 13484768 TI - [Retrolental fibroplasia]. PMID- 13484769 TI - [Course in basic surgery. VIII. Skin incisions]. PMID- 13484770 TI - [Emergency proctology]. PMID- 13484771 TI - [Findings on spinal anesthesia in obstetrics]. PMID- 13484772 TI - [Pathology of the tongue]. PMID- 13484773 TI - [Personal management in acute gangrenous & perforated appendicitis]. PMID- 13484774 TI - [Case of massive bilateral ampullar emphysema; bilateral surgery]. PMID- 13484775 TI - [Blood cholinesterase in pregnancy & puerperium]. PMID- 13484777 TI - [Findings on the diffuse decalcifying form of Kahler's disease; Weissenbach Lievre's diffuse decalcifying myelomatosis]. PMID- 13484776 TI - [Adrenal steroid hormone therapy in the treatment of pulmonary-bronchopleuro lymph node form of Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease]. PMID- 13484779 TI - [Defense of Whitehead operation]. PMID- 13484778 TI - [Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta with rupture into the inferior vena cava]. PMID- 13484780 TI - [Hypertension: its assessment, diagnosis and prognosis]. PMID- 13484781 TI - [Hydroxyzine hydrochloride in the treatment of urticaria factitia]. PMID- 13484782 TI - [Pyloric hypertrophy in adults]. PMID- 13484783 TI - [Common bile duct obstruction caused by slipping of a tube across the ampulla of Vater]. PMID- 13484784 TI - [New technic of surgical treatment of pulsion diverticula of the esophagus]. PMID- 13484785 TI - [Biliary function test in giardiasis]. PMID- 13484787 TI - [Cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Tarshis & Frisch]. PMID- 13484786 TI - [Primary ovarian sarcoma]. PMID- 13484788 TI - [Course of basic surgery. 9]. PMID- 13484789 TI - [Clinical evaluation of the concept of the 3rd space]. PMID- 13484790 TI - [Acute tubular necrosis; case report]. PMID- 13484791 TI - [Psychoprophylactic preparation & obstetrical analgesia]. PMID- 13484792 TI - [Several clinical applications of streptoenzymes]. PMID- 13484793 TI - [Inoperable cancer of the esophagus & its clinical & therapeutic problems]. PMID- 13484794 TI - [Anesthetic block of the autonomic nervous system in cardiac & vascular diseases]. PMID- 13484795 TI - [tumor images in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484796 TI - [The Henry approach in surgery for crural hernia; technic]. PMID- 13484797 TI - [Gastrocele groin]. PMID- 13484798 TI - [Laboratory diagnosis & prognosis of liver diseases]. PMID- 13484799 TI - [Effect of gastric chemistry on the function of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13484800 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with nadisan]. PMID- 13484801 TI - [Cervical cytology after electrocoagulation]. PMID- 13484802 TI - [Course in basic surgery; tenth conference]. PMID- 13484803 TI - [Patent ductus arteriosus & its surgical treatment]. PMID- 13484804 TI - [Plastic surgery of the fallopian tubes with polyethylene; findings on 18 cases]. PMID- 13484806 TI - [Social medicine in the cirriculum]. PMID- 13484805 TI - [Primary carcinoma of the liver; 6 case reports]. PMID- 13484807 TI - [Appetite disorders and rhinencephalon; with special reference to a case of regressive obesity due to hyperphagia secondary to temporal lobectomy for epilepsy]. PMID- 13484808 TI - [Electrocardiographic modifications after prolonged effort (long distance foot races) in adults]. PMID- 13484809 TI - [Blood coagulation]. PMID- 13484810 TI - [Technic for permanent urethral catheter]. PMID- 13484811 TI - [Abdominal surgery in altitude; appendectomy at 4700 meters]. PMID- 13484812 TI - [Treatment of obesity in children by hydrooxazine]. PMID- 13484813 TI - [Treatment and prognosis of tuberculous meningitis in children]. PMID- 13484814 TI - [Tolerance to erythrocytes preserved in a formaldehyde solution and in glycocoll]. PMID- 13484815 TI - [Thermal regulation. I. The fight against cold]. PMID- 13484816 TI - [Popular remedies in days of old]. PMID- 13484817 TI - [Auditory prosthesis by means of a distant electrical stimulation of the sensory nerve with the use of an indwelt coiling]. PMID- 13484818 TI - [Treatment of 100 mental patients with reserpine; clinical results and study by a method susceptible to eliminating secondary effects]. PMID- 13484819 TI - [Thermal regulation. II. Control of heat and role of nervous system]. PMID- 13484820 TI - [Nutrition and Dietary]. PMID- 13484821 TI - [Antituberculous organization at Edinburg]. PMID- 13484822 TI - [The choleriform syndrome in surgery of the digestive tract]. PMID- 13484823 TI - [Vitamin B4 therapy of toxic agranulocytosis]. PMID- 13484824 TI - [Asthma caused by moths from flour and grain]. PMID- 13484825 TI - [Therapy and supervision of hemolytic disease of the newborn; micro- and macro method of bilirubin determination]. PMID- 13484826 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484827 TI - [Confidences of an artist: Degas (1834-1917) and illness]. PMID- 13484828 TI - [Complementary hormonal treatment in carcinoma of the breast; 5 and 10-year results]. PMID- 13484829 TI - [Paper microelectrophoresis of proteins of blood & cerebrospinal fluid in three cases of subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis]. PMID- 13484830 TI - [Physiology of the urinary tube]. PMID- 13484831 TI - [Severe thrombopenic purpura successfully treated by transfusions of preserved platelets; clinical and hematological study]. PMID- 13484832 TI - [Biopsy of the scalenic lymph nodes in thoracic diseases]. PMID- 13484833 TI - Not Available. PMID- 13484834 TI - [Drug therapy of arterial spasms and obliterating arteritis]. PMID- 13484835 TI - [Cancers caused by burns]. PMID- 13484836 TI - [True autoantibodies and allergic auto-antibodies; their antierythrocyte, anti platelet and anti-leukocyte varieties; detection and pathogenic significance]. PMID- 13484837 TI - [The Coombs test and related tests do not always have immunological significance]. PMID- 13484838 TI - [Practical consequences of the idea of autoantibodies in diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of blood diseases]. PMID- 13484839 TI - [Lupus erythematosus: the Haserik factor is not a complete anti-cellular antibody but a sepcifically nuclear antibody]. PMID- 13484840 TI - [Pneumoperitoneum: diagnostic value. II. Exploration of the abdomen. Atlas de radiologie clinique]. PMID- 13484842 TI - [Circulatory rate of the normal aged person studied by the lobeline method]. PMID- 13484841 TI - [Anatomico-clinical comparison of Pick's disease and Alzheimer's disease; study of 38 cases]. PMID- 13484843 TI - [The reaction of the adrenal cortex to specific vaccinal shock and its meaning; experimental studies in typhoid fever patients]. PMID- 13484844 TI - [Hypnotic psychotherapy in psychogenic rheumatism]. PMID- 13484845 TI - [New method for therapy of inguinal hernias]. PMID- 13484846 TI - [Cutaneous cysticercosis with rheumatismal manifestations]. PMID- 13484847 TI - [Juvenile delinquency and cerebral reflex action]. PMID- 13484848 TI - [Anatomo-clinical opposition between Pick's disease and Alzheimer's disease; diagnostic value of complementary examinations]. PMID- 13484849 TI - [Histological documents on innervation of normal and pathological arterial tunicae in dog and man]. PMID- 13484850 TI - [Intradurography with methiodal in diagnosis of lumbosciatica]. PMID- 13484851 TI - [Role of cystic spasms and endocrinous non-obliterant dysplasias of cervico cystic region in the development of cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13484852 TI - [Demon-Meig's syndrome caused by ovarian seminoma]. PMID- 13484853 TI - [Heterotransplantation of human cancer and new prospectives in oncology]. PMID- 13484855 TI - [In vivo lymphatic exploration; methods used; biological incidences]. PMID- 13484854 TI - [Surgery in vertebral osteomyelitis complicated by paraplegia; value of approaching the vertebral body by posterior route]. PMID- 13484856 TI - [Is pseudarthrosis of carpal scaphoid a benign condition]. PMID- 13484857 TI - [Chronic lung abcess caused by paratyphoid C bacillus, Salmonella bovis morbificans; lobectomy in evolutive period; cure]. PMID- 13484858 TI - [Bone manifestations of leukemias; spontaneous femoral fracture; first symptom of an atypical myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13484859 TI - [A not too talkative amebiasis patient]. PMID- 13484860 TI - [Puncture biopsy of spleen]. PMID- 13484861 TI - [Concomitant BCG test; definition; significance; practical applications]. PMID- 13484862 TI - [Value of meprobamate in neuropsychiatric therapeutics]. PMID- 13484863 TI - [New respirator: the Bary apparatus; standard respirator for ventilatory insufficiency in the chronic phase]. PMID- 13484864 TI - [Double stream sound combining bronchial aspiration and oxygen insufflation]. PMID- 13484865 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484866 TI - [Catherine Mansfield (1888-1923); five years of suffering, according to her diary]. PMID- 13484867 TI - [Regulation of water-electrolyte balance]. PMID- 13484868 TI - [Results from the study of a new sympatholytic alkaloid, raubasine, in therapy of arteritis]. PMID- 13484869 TI - [Bronchial aspiration and right ventricular insufficiency in chronic emphysematous bronchopneumopathies]. PMID- 13484870 TI - [Aging in an alms-house for aged]. PMID- 13484871 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13484872 TI - [Reading and juvenile delinquency]. PMID- 13484873 TI - [Role of diencephalon and vagus centers during traumatic stress, burns, hypothermia and hyperthermia (morphine, chlorpromazine, ACTH and cholinergy)]. PMID- 13484874 TI - [New data on the epidemiology of hepatic distomiasis in the region of Lyon]. PMID- 13484875 TI - [Cholecystographic measurement of biliary dystonias]. PMID- 13484876 TI - [Treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fevers by phenylbutazone only]. PMID- 13484877 TI - [Study of biological tests in rheumatic disease; changes in the leukogram and erythrocyte sedimentation rate after intradermal injection of streptococcal antigen]. PMID- 13484878 TI - [Radiological aspect of the afferent loop syndrome]. PMID- 13484879 TI - [Study of vascular reactivity in ulcerous disease]. PMID- 13484881 TI - [Changes in respiratory function in silicosis and silicotuberculosis; investigations of 80 cases by means of complex function tests]. PMID- 13484880 TI - [Hematological disorders in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13484882 TI - [Staphylococci in hospitalized patients]. PMID- 13484883 TI - [Physiopathology of the morphological changes in the right diaphragmatic cupula in relation to false cystic images]. PMID- 13484884 TI - [Studies of the changes in the residual color index during certain liver diseases]. PMID- 13484885 TI - [Sequelae of epidemic hepatitis; clinical and statistical study]. PMID- 13484886 TI - [Water and electrolyte metabolism in cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13484887 TI - [Changes in clinical forms of infectious diseases caused by antibiotics and chemotherapeutics; various aspects. I]. PMID- 13484888 TI - [Atypical forms of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13484889 TI - [Sodium bromide and caffeine therapy of several pruriginous dermatoses]. PMID- 13484890 TI - [Cyto-histochemical study of renal lithiasis]. PMID- 13484891 TI - [Experience in surgery of 21 cases of caustic esophageal stenosis]. PMID- 13484892 TI - [Problems in prevention and surgery of neoplasms of the larynx]. PMID- 13484893 TI - [Influence of way by which insulin reaches portal circulation of liver on its barrier function. I. Functional state of liver after ligation of duodenopancreatic vein]. PMID- 13484894 TI - [Influence of testerone propionate on the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes of men from 59 to 72 years old]. PMID- 13484895 TI - [Complex reflectory regulation of the sugar content of the blood in connection with ingestion of food in disturbances of the incretory function of the pancreas]. PMID- 13484896 TI - [Communication on the mobilization of the antidiuretic hormone]. PMID- 13484897 TI - [Role of central nervous system in regulation of secretory activity of parathyroid glands]. PMID- 13484898 TI - [Influence of steroids (desoxycorticosterone acetate) on the fixation of noradrenalin with proteins in the heart]. PMID- 13484899 TI - [Effects of ACTH and cortisone on the permeability of blood vessels]. PMID- 13484901 TI - [Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of chromocytomas]. PMID- 13484900 TI - [Effect of folliculin on estrus cycle changes caused by x-rays; preliminary report]. PMID- 13484902 TI - [Remote results of treating thyrotoxicosis with methylthiouracil]. PMID- 13484903 TI - [Remote results of surgical treatment of patients with primary thyrotoxic diffuse goiter]. PMID- 13484904 TI - [Morphological characteristics of endemic goiter among inhabitants of the Transcarpathian region]. PMID- 13484905 TI - [Progress in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13484907 TI - [Clinical classification of goiters]. PMID- 13484906 TI - [Estrogens; their formation, metabolism, methods of determination and content in the body]. PMID- 13484908 TI - [Several questions concerning iodine prevention of endemic goiter; in relation to a communication by M. E. Skatkov entitled: Iodine prevention of endemic goiter]. PMID- 13484909 TI - [Simple methods for testing growth promoting preparations of the hypophysis]. PMID- 13484910 TI - [In memory of Professor M. Ia. Sereiskii]. PMID- 13484912 TI - [Achievements in the field of blood preservation; 40 years of Soviet public health]. PMID- 13484911 TI - [Blood transfusion in USSR during the last 40 years]. PMID- 13484913 TI - [Blood preservation with a new Russian stabilizer acid natrog]. PMID- 13484914 TI - [Available method of rapid separation of leukocytic and thrombocytic mass from glucosetreated and citrated blood for transfusion]. PMID- 13484915 TI - [Simple method of preparation of leukocyte suspension]. PMID- 13484916 TI - [Result of application of new drugs in the treatment of leukemia]. PMID- 13484918 TI - [Clinical significance of the third fraction of blood coagulation in certain blood diseases]. PMID- 13484917 TI - [Vascular reflexes in leukosis]. PMID- 13484919 TI - [Present state of the problem of etiology etiology of leukosis]. PMID- 13484920 TI - [Importance of work in the treatment of osseous tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484921 TI - [Result of occupational rehabilitation of patients with osseous tuberculosis by brief training in a hospital]. PMID- 13484922 TI - [Organization of control of osteo-articular tuberculosis in rural areas in the Rostov region]. PMID- 13484923 TI - [Hormones of the adrenal cortex and their application in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484924 TI - [Adrenocortical insufficiency and hormonotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484925 TI - [Use of ACTH in the treatment of acute exudative pleurisy and pneumopleurisy of tuberculous origin]. PMID- 13484926 TI - [Changes in the large bronchi in tuberculous lesions of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum and of the pulmonary apex in adults]. PMID- 13484927 TI - [Clinical aspects and therapy of tuberculosis of the large bronchi]. PMID- 13484928 TI - [Conditions in the bronchial tree in healing of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484929 TI - [Certain aspects of gastrointestinal pathology in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484930 TI - [Concentration of phthivazid in the blood, urine, and pathological foci during inhalation therapy]. PMID- 13484931 TI - [Quantitative changes of neurotrophils in streptomycin and PAS therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484932 TI - [Remote results of sanatorium therapy in Eupatoria of osseous tuberculosis in Moscow children]. PMID- 13484933 TI - [Surgical treatment of isolated tuberculous osteitis in children]. PMID- 13484934 TI - [Changes in classification of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484935 TI - [Nature of pleuropulmonary swelling of the pulmonary apex]. PMID- 13484936 TI - [Characteristics of pathological changes of pulmonary branches of the vagus nerve in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484937 TI - [Pulmonary changes following obturation of the bronchus associated with pneumothorax; experimental studies]. PMID- 13484938 TI - [Studies on larusan in experimental tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484939 TI - [Cardiac tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484940 TI - [Case of primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13484941 TI - [Cure of a case of acute miliary tuberculosis in pregnancy terminating in normal delivery]. PMID- 13484942 TI - [Results of bacteriological and biological examination in external lymph nodes in adults]. PMID- 13484943 TI - [N. F. Edekauer as a phthisologist]. PMID- 13484944 TI - [Tuberculosis during the Veda period in India]. PMID- 13484945 TI - [Certain aspects of control of tuberculosis in Bulgaria]. PMID- 13484946 TI - [In memoriam Nikolai Osipovich Vasilevich]. PMID- 13484947 TI - A Liasso-Rhaetic flora in South Wales. PMID- 13484948 TI - The dieca effect in the respiration of barley. PMID- 13484949 TI - Anaero bic heat production of bull spermatozoa. PMID- 13484950 TI - Effect of nutrition on the onset of male sex hormone activity and sperm formation in monozygous bull-calves. PMID- 13484951 TI - Radiocarbon dating and post-glacial vegetational history: Scaleby Moss. PMID- 13484952 TI - The mechanism of water absorption by roots. I. Preliminary studies on the effect of hydrostatic pressure gradients. PMID- 13484953 TI - The mechanism of water absorption by roots. II. The role of hydrostatic pressure gradients across the cortex. PMID- 13484954 TI - Carotenoids in Daphnia. PMID- 13484955 TI - Recessive lethal mutation induced in the mouse by chronic gamma-irradiation. PMID- 13484956 TI - Egg survival in immature rat ovaries grafted after freezing and thawing. PMID- 13484958 TI - Discussion on diagnostic features of some pancreatic diseases. PMID- 13484957 TI - Discussion on chronic relapsing pancreatitis. PMID- 13484959 TI - Hyperspienism. PMID- 13484960 TI - Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of haemophilia. PMID- 13484961 TI - The cold haemagglutinin syndrome. PMID- 13484962 TI - Homosexuality in clinical practice. PMID- 13484963 TI - Homosexuality, with special reference to classification. PMID- 13484964 TI - Discussion on disorders of the hind-brain circulation. PMID- 13484965 TI - Pathological changes following proximal vertebral arterial stenosis. PMID- 13484966 TI - Ocular rigidity and tonometry. PMID- 13484967 TI - Standardization of x-tonometers. PMID- 13484968 TI - An examination of dentine for A and B blood-group antigens by the mixed agglutination technique. PMID- 13484969 TI - Chondrosarcoma of the maxilla and septum. PMID- 13484970 TI - Primary squamous-cell carcinoma of mandible arising from epithelial lining of dental cyst. PMID- 13484971 TI - Acute monocytic leukaemia. PMID- 13484972 TI - Indications for and techniques of artificial insemination in man. PMID- 13484973 TI - The principles and practice of bone conduction audiometry: a review of the present position. PMID- 13484974 TI - Recent work on the biochemistry of the labyrinthine fluids. PMID- 13484975 TI - The place of the paediatrician in the maternity hospital. PMID- 13484976 TI - Haemolytic disease of the newborn. PMID- 13484977 TI - Eosinophilic leukaemia in eosinophilic family; larva migrans syndrome. PMID- 13484978 TI - Ion movement and cardiac fibrillation. PMID- 13484980 TI - A hundred years of dentistry. PMID- 13484979 TI - Discussion of the problems of spina bifida cystica. PMID- 13484981 TI - Discussion on adenovirus infections. PMID- 13484983 TI - Parapsoriasis. PMID- 13484982 TI - Discussion on Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13484984 TI - Parapsoriasis lichenoides en plaque, with necrotic nodules, showing features of poikiloderma. PMID- 13484985 TI - Liver surgery in relation to diseases of the colon and rectum; president's address. PMID- 13484986 TI - Discussion of the aetiology of pre-eclampsia. PMID- 13484987 TI - Discussion on prevention of eclampsia. PMID- 13484988 TI - The brain as a machine. PMID- 13484989 TI - Discussion on common congenital abnormalities and their management in general practice. PMID- 13484990 TI - Discussion on aortic stenosis. PMID- 13484991 TI - A laryngologist's view on allergy; president's address. PMID- 13484992 TI - Symposium: the use of metal in bone surgery. PMID- 13484993 TI - Discussion of the clinical and radiological aspects of sacro-iliac disease. PMID- 13484995 TI - Discussion on modern trends in the treatment of genito-urinary tuberculosis. PMID- 13484994 TI - Discussion of hypophysectomy for cancer. PMID- 13484996 TI - Spontaneous gastro-jejunostomy. PMID- 13484997 TI - Hepato-lenticular degeneration. PMID- 13484998 TI - Resuscitation of the burned child. PMID- 13484999 TI - Anaesthesia for burned children. PMID- 13485000 TI - Discussion of the changing values in electroencephalography. PMID- 13485001 TI - Discussion: recent advances in the use of tissue culture methods in virus research. PMID- 13485002 TI - Effect of cortisone on natural immunity to Schistosoma mansoni in mice. PMID- 13485003 TI - Paper electrophoresis of muscle fractions from vitamin E-deficient rabbits. PMID- 13485004 TI - Ethanol metabolism in vitamin deficiencies. I. Niacin. PMID- 13485005 TI - Preparation of coated radioautographs by dipping sections in fluid emulsion. PMID- 13485006 TI - Utilization of methylglyoxal in animal tissues. PMID- 13485007 TI - Prevention of aminonitrile lesions in rats with L-triiodothyronine. PMID- 13485008 TI - Actions of chlorpromazine and of reserpine on spinal reflex activity in the cat. PMID- 13485009 TI - Incorporation of glycine into protein fractions of nuclei of liver and hepatoma. PMID- 13485010 TI - Methods for comparing effects of various fats on fibrinolysis. PMID- 13485011 TI - Metabolic effects of phenethyldiguanide, a new hypoglycemic compound. PMID- 13485012 TI - Calcification. XVIII. Lack of correlation between calcification in vitro and glycolytic enzymes. PMID- 13485013 TI - Stimulation of vitamin B12 uptake in tissue slices by intrinsic factor concentrate. PMID- 13485014 TI - Plasma protein changes in parakeets with pituitary tumors. PMID- 13485015 TI - Presence of plasma erythropoietin in hypoxic rats with or without kidney (s) and/or spleen. PMID- 13485017 TI - Pseudorabies virus in tissue culture: differentiation of two distinct strains of virus by cytopathogenic pattern induced. PMID- 13485016 TI - Cholesterol in seromucoid fraction of normal and pathologic sera. PMID- 13485018 TI - Influence of estrogens on body growth and food intake. PMID- 13485019 TI - Free amino acid patterns of certain tissues from potassium-deficient dogs. PMID- 13485020 TI - Effects of animal sera and serum albumin on latex-fixation test for rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13485021 TI - Elution of pollen antigens from tannic acid treated erythrocytes. PMID- 13485022 TI - Effect of combined thyroxin-cortisone-growth hormone therapy on hematopoiesis in hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13485023 TI - Effect of Candida guilliermondi polysaccharide on transplantable mouse sarcoma 37. PMID- 13485024 TI - Antigenicity of zymosan. PMID- 13485025 TI - Effect of partial hepatectomy on liver and kidney coenzyme A content in the rat. PMID- 13485026 TI - Enzymic action of influenza virus on human erythrocyte stroma components. PMID- 13485028 TI - Disappearance of radioactive iron from plasma by day and night. PMID- 13485027 TI - Growth of human tumors in hibernating hamsters. PMID- 13485029 TI - Anticonvulsant activity of some substituted ethylene glycols. PMID- 13485031 TI - Group A hemolytic streptococci. I. A chemically defined medium for growth from small inocula. PMID- 13485030 TI - Specific release of heterogenetic mononucleosis receptor by influenza viruses, receptor destroying enzyme and plant proteases. PMID- 13485032 TI - Survival of labeled platelets in x-irradiated rabbits. PMID- 13485033 TI - A modified live Newcastle disease virus vaccine. PMID- 13485034 TI - Some physical and chemical properties of antibody against complement. PMID- 13485035 TI - C14 thyroxine transport in thoracic lymph in rats. PMID- 13485036 TI - Development of seizure patterns in newborn animals; significance of brain carbonic anhydrase. PMID- 13485037 TI - A radioisotope technic for determining allantoic fluid volume of embryonated eggs. PMID- 13485038 TI - Studies on propagation of the Col SK group of viruses in various tissue culture media. PMID- 13485040 TI - Production of hyaluronic acid in tissue culture by fibroblasts growing from intestinal, stomach, liver and kidney explants. PMID- 13485039 TI - Induced tolerance and homologous disease in x-irradiated mice protected with homologous bone marrow. PMID- 13485041 TI - Calcification. XIX. Calcification of transplanted rachitic bone. PMID- 13485042 TI - Antihemophilic factor (AHF): plasma levels after administration of AHF preparations to hemophilic dogs. PMID- 13485043 TI - Delayed nidation in the rat induced by progesterone. PMID- 13485044 TI - Effect of starvation on sulfide oxidizing system in rat liver. PMID- 13485045 TI - Action of vitamin A on the skin following intracutaneous injection. PMID- 13485046 TI - Resistance of human gingival collagen to human gingival bacteria. PMID- 13485047 TI - Experimental lathyrism in mice fed diets containing sweet peas or beta aminopropionitrile. PMID- 13485048 TI - Ploidy distribution of nuclei in rat liver following hypophysectomy. PMID- 13485049 TI - Conditioning of the mouse fetus against x-irradiation death. PMID- 13485050 TI - Determination of plasma levels of tolbutamide (1-butyl-3-p-tolylsulfonylurea, orinase). PMID- 13485051 TI - Increased susceptibility to herpes simplex in mice subjected to avoidance learning stress or restraint. PMID- 13485052 TI - Production of hypertonic urine in humans in the probable absence of antidiuretic hormone. PMID- 13485054 TI - Studies in semen coagulation. PMID- 13485053 TI - Serologic response of school children to delayed second inoculation of poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13485055 TI - Multiplication of Newcastle disease virus in chick embryo tissue culture. PMID- 13485056 TI - A method for continuous intravenous infusion of dogs confined to cages. PMID- 13485057 TI - Role of cations in conglutination and in formation of properdinzymosan complex from bovine serum. PMID- 13485058 TI - A method of securing bacteriologically sterile snails (Australorbis glabratus). PMID- 13485059 TI - Observations on in vitro behavior of altered mononuclear phagocytes following exposure to tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13485060 TI - Tissue culture studies on arbor viruses of the Japanese B-West Nile complex. PMID- 13485061 TI - Factors influencing incorporation of mevalonic acid into cholesterol by rat liver homogenates. PMID- 13485062 TI - Cataracts following mumps virus in early chick embryos. PMID- 13485064 TI - Isocitric and 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenases in human blood serum. PMID- 13485063 TI - Vitamin B12 in thyrotoxicosis and myxedema. PMID- 13485065 TI - Mast cell changes in animals exposed to cold. PMID- 13485066 TI - Effect of stage of gestation on succinoxidase activity of fetal and maternal swine hearts. PMID- 13485067 TI - Immunological relationship between measles and distemper viruses. PMID- 13485068 TI - Atherosclerotic response of aggressive and passive groups of chickens to a cholesterol enriched diet. PMID- 13485070 TI - Relation of number of transplants to total volume of regenerating adrenocortical tissue. PMID- 13485069 TI - Altitude stress: its effect on tissue citrate and salmonellosis in mice. PMID- 13485071 TI - Effect of insulin on clearance of emulsified fat from the blood in depancreatized dogs. PMID- 13485072 TI - Amperometric determination of sulfhydryl changes in mouse epidermis and dermis during treatment with certain polycyclic hydrocarbons. PMID- 13485074 TI - Determination and physiologic disposition of meprobamate. PMID- 13485073 TI - Antifibromatogenic and antihysterotrophic activities of synthetic androgens (19 nor-methyltestosterone, 19-nor-testosterone phenylpropionate, delta 1 testosterone and delta 1-androstenedione). PMID- 13485075 TI - Effect of pyrazinamide and pyrazinoic acid on urate clearance and other discrete renal functions. PMID- 13485076 TI - Antigenicity of chondroitin sulfate. PMID- 13485077 TI - Inhibition of anitbacterial activity of cycloserine by alpha-alanine. PMID- 13485078 TI - Isolation of properdin from human plasma. PMID- 13485079 TI - Some factors that influence utilization of antihemophilic activity during clotting. PMID- 13485080 TI - Serial propagation of the guinea pig salivary gland virus in tissue culture. PMID- 13485081 TI - Differential photoreactivation of Escherichia coli after exposure to 2650 and 2250 A ultraviolet. PMID- 13485082 TI - Effects of injection of opaque media for selective angiocardiography in the dog's heart. PMID- 13485083 TI - Growth of several arthropod-borne viruses in tissue culture. PMID- 13485084 TI - Increased prothrombin consumption following total body x-irradiation in man. PMID- 13485085 TI - Quantitative study of influence of estrogenic substances on serum lipids of rats fed atherogenic diet. PMID- 13485086 TI - Alteration of serum cholesterol by dietary fats. PMID- 13485087 TI - Procedure for transplantation of dog kidney without interruption of renal blood supply. PMID- 13485088 TI - Colorimetric method for estimating number of cells in monolayer cultures without physiological damage. PMID- 13485089 TI - Diabetes mellitus and serum vitamin B12 concentrations: 333 patients. PMID- 13485090 TI - Acetoacetate induced dehydroascorbic acid accumulation in blood and tissues and its prevention by glucose-cyclo-acetoacetate. PMID- 13485091 TI - Susceptibility of pig kidney tissue cultures to certain viruses. PMID- 13485092 TI - Some factors affecting differential excretion of D-phenylalanine in man. PMID- 13485093 TI - Pyridoxal phosphate (B6-al-PO4) levels of circulating leukocytes in maternal and cord blood. PMID- 13485094 TI - Respiratory effects of increased air flow resistance in dogs. PMID- 13485095 TI - Presence of a carcinogenic substance in hens' eggs. PMID- 13485096 TI - Propagation of conjunctival and HeLa cells in various carbohydrate media. PMID- 13485098 TI - Thresholds for pain and convulsions in the guinea pig following massive whole body irradiation. PMID- 13485097 TI - Effect of beta-aminopropionitrile on incorporation of glycine by croton oil pouches in rats. PMID- 13485099 TI - Neonatal immunity. I. Disparity in maternal-infant poliovirus antibody. PMID- 13485100 TI - Effect of aureomycin on hepatic utilization of labeled body fat in rats. PMID- 13485101 TI - Studies on variation in virulence of poliomyelitis virus. II. Role of host cells and their maintenance medium. PMID- 13485102 TI - Serum Co60 vitamin B12 binding capacity in some hematologic disorders. PMID- 13485103 TI - Antimetabolites of mevalonic acid utilization in Lactobacillus acidophilus 4963. PMID- 13485104 TI - Enzymatic proteolysis of rat sponge biopsy collagen tissue. PMID- 13485105 TI - Ovulation in persistent-estrous rats after electrical stimulation of the brain. PMID- 13485106 TI - Transfer of complement from on antigen-antibody complex to another. PMID- 13485107 TI - Hyperreactivity of Coxiella burnetii infected guinea pigs to subsequent injections of bacterial endotoxins. PMID- 13485108 TI - Action of sodium desoxycholate on arthropod-borne viruses. PMID- 13485109 TI - Maze performance, emotionality, audiogenic seizure susceptibility in rats and mice treated with 2-dimethylaminoethanol. PMID- 13485110 TI - Resistance of respiratory ciliated epithelium to action of polio and adeno viruses in vitro. PMID- 13485111 TI - Cuff for use with endpoint devices for estimation of arterial blood pressure of the rat. PMID- 13485112 TI - Factors influencing the plate method for determining abundance of bacteria in sea water. PMID- 13485113 TI - Attempts to produce antibodies to a preparation of polyglutamic acid. PMID- 13485114 TI - Effect of calcium binding substances on rate and duration of narcosis. PMID- 13485115 TI - Nutritional requirements of Micrococcus freudenreichii. PMID- 13485116 TI - Effects of high fat and carbohydrate diets on rat liver phosphatase. PMID- 13485117 TI - Androgen and myo-inositol content of male accessory organs of the rat. PMID- 13485119 TI - Transformation and culture phase dissociation of Staphylococcus (Micrococcus pyogenes). PMID- 13485118 TI - Isolation of cortisol from guinea pig bile. PMID- 13485120 TI - Increased sensitivity to estrogen in uterine hyperplasia in DBA x CE and reciprocal hybrid mice. PMID- 13485121 TI - Bleeding syndrome in thrombin-injected rats deficient in fibrinogen and antihemophilic factor. PMID- 13485122 TI - Pathogenesis of arteriolar necrosis of malignant hypertension. PMID- 13485123 TI - Effect of gramnegative endotoxin on nephrotoxic serum nephrosis in rats. PMID- 13485124 TI - Blood pressure of the normal rhesus monkey. PMID- 13485125 TI - Experimental hypertension in the rhesus monkey. PMID- 13485126 TI - Prophyrin synthesis by mouse harderian gland extracts: sex, age, and strain variation. PMID- 13485127 TI - Synthesis and demonstration of antiserotonin activity of 1-benzyl-2-methyl-5 hydroxytryptamine (BAS-phenol). PMID- 13485128 TI - Effect of a brain extract on turnover rate of serum cholesterol. PMID- 13485129 TI - Effect of gluco- and mineralocorticoid adrenal steroids on fluid and electrolytes of fasted adrenalectomized dogs. PMID- 13485130 TI - Modification of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in tissue culture and development of a vaccine. PMID- 13485131 TI - Development of phenylalanine hydroxylase in liver of the rat. PMID- 13485132 TI - Role of brown fat in pathogenesis of rabies in insectivorous bats (Tadarida b. mexicana. PMID- 13485133 TI - Inhibitory influence of a normally occurring pyrimidine precursor upon methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis. PMID- 13485134 TI - Potentiation of polymyxin B toxicity by ACTH. PMID- 13485135 TI - Effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetate on lipide peroxide formation and succinoxidase inactivation by ultraviolet light. PMID- 13485136 TI - Effect of dietary lipids on the lipids in rats' milk. PMID- 13485137 TI - A fluorescent test for treponemal antibodies. PMID- 13485138 TI - Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: evidence of defect of red cell stroma manifested by abnormalities of lipids. PMID- 13485139 TI - Hypothermic effect of chlorpromazine, histamine and serotonin, and acclimatization to cold. PMID- 13485140 TI - Free living amoebae as contaminants in monkey kidney tissue culture. PMID- 13485141 TI - Detection of incomplete enterobacterial antibodies in cord blood by means of antiglobulin hemagglutination test. PMID- 13485142 TI - Toxicological and pathological studies with 3,3-dimethyl-1-phenyltriazene: with special reference to hepatic damage. PMID- 13485143 TI - Influence of dietary potassium on potassium-42, rubidium-86 and cesium-134 retention in the rat. PMID- 13485144 TI - Concurrent concentrations of human salivary buffer components in serum and saliva. PMID- 13485145 TI - Role of enzymatic adaptation in production of experimental alkaptonuria. PMID- 13485146 TI - Role of potassium in regulation of coronary blood flow. PMID- 13485147 TI - Reactivity of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups in serum of man. PMID- 13485148 TI - Humoral conditioning for production of acute, massive myocardial necroses by neuromuscular exertion. PMID- 13485150 TI - Effect of glucagon on gastric secretion. PMID- 13485149 TI - A culture strain (LAC) of human epithelial-like cells from an adenocarcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13485151 TI - Development of tolerance to depressant effects of atropine on isolated rabbit ileum. PMID- 13485152 TI - A kwashiorkor-like syndrome observed in monkeys fed maize. PMID- 13485153 TI - Anticoagulant, lipemia clearing and other effects of anionic polysaccharides extracted from seaweed. PMID- 13485154 TI - Effect of some monosaccharides on serum inorganic phosphate in the normal dog. PMID- 13485155 TI - Distribution of CO and radiochromium in blood and tissues of rabbit and dog. II. Radiochromium. PMID- 13485156 TI - Occurrence of intranuclear inclusions in tissue cultures infected with virus of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. PMID- 13485157 TI - Serum protein changes following feeding of parathion to dogs. PMID- 13485158 TI - Concentration of highly potent erythropoietic activity from urine of anemic patients. PMID- 13485159 TI - Effect of corticoids upon skeletal and renal changes produced by stylomycin aminonucleoside. PMID- 13485160 TI - Inhibition of Walker tumor by autolyzed lymphosarcoma cells. PMID- 13485161 TI - Conversion of pleuropneumonialike organisms to bacteria. PMID- 13485162 TI - Chlortetracycline in the nutrition of guines pigs. PMID- 13485163 TI - Accumulation of calcium45 by salivary glands. PMID- 13485164 TI - Host resistance to hemorrhagic shock. X. Induction of resistance by shock plasma and by endotoxins. PMID- 13485165 TI - Chronic constrictive pericarditis; roentgenologic findings in 35 surgically proved cases. PMID- 13485166 TI - Pulmonic stenosis: posteroanterior roentogenographic appearance in 15 patients more than 34 years of age. PMID- 13485167 TI - Recurrence of a meningioma of the spinal cord after 23 years; report of case. PMID- 13485168 TI - Calcification of the articular cartilage with calcification of the capsule of the hip. PMID- 13485169 TI - Cardiorespiratory dysfunction and polycythemia in patients with extreme obesity. PMID- 13485170 TI - Systemic arterial embolization accompanying mitral commissurotomy. PMID- 13485171 TI - Unilateral venous obstruction in an upper extremity: report of an unusual case. PMID- 13485172 TI - Annual report on surgery of the stomach and duodenum for 1955. PMID- 13485173 TI - Annual report on surgery of the biliary system and pancreas for 1956. PMID- 13485174 TI - Further studies on the lymphatic vessels at the hilus of the liver of man: their relation to ascites. PMID- 13485176 TI - Arnold-Chiari malformation in adults; report of case. PMID- 13485175 TI - Recurrent intestinal obstruction due to gallstones. PMID- 13485177 TI - Unusual interstitial pneumonitis; report of two cases occurring in children. PMID- 13485178 TI - Treatment of ragweed hay fever with powdered hydrocortisone applied intranasally. PMID- 13485179 TI - Mortality and survival in surgically treated cancer of the breast: a statistical summary of some experience of the Mayo Clinic. PMID- 13485180 TI - Intestinal polyposis associated with mucocutaneous melanin pigmentation (Peutz Jeghers syndrome). PMID- 13485181 TI - Ultrastructure of bone: technic of microangiography as applied to the study of bone. PMID- 13485182 TI - Ultrastructure of bone: technic of microradiography and its possible application to the study of bone. PMID- 13485183 TI - Supracondyloid process of the humerus. PMID- 13485185 TI - [Medicine in 19th century]. PMID- 13485184 TI - Arachnoiditis ossificans; report of two cases. PMID- 13485186 TI - The mechanisms of discharge of the electric organs in relation to general and comparative electrophysiology. PMID- 13485187 TI - Thermodynamic study of the isohaemagglutinins. PMID- 13485188 TI - Use of labelled plasma proteins in the study of nutritional problems. PMID- 13485189 TI - The use of isotopes in the study of intermediary metabolism. PMID- 13485190 TI - The x-ray crystal analysis of bone. PMID- 13485191 TI - Muscle structure and theories of contraction. PMID- 13485192 TI - Chloroplast structure and energy conversion in photosynthesis. PMID- 13485193 TI - [Blood coagulation & blood transfusion. II. Modifications of recalcification time & blood platelet count of oxalated plasma following transfusion of normal citrated blood & auto-transfusion of citrated blood]. PMID- 13485194 TI - [Blood proteins in malignant blood diseases. VI. Blood protein level in malignant reticuloendotheliosis]. PMID- 13485195 TI - [Spontaneous esterification of incubated blood cholesterol & its inhibition by phenylethyi-acetic acid]. PMID- 13485196 TI - [Modifying effects of l-ascorbic acid on the peroxidase activity & Nadi reaction & sudanophilia in neutrophilic leukocytes]. PMID- 13485197 TI - [Experiences with & observations on hypoglycemic sulfonamides. IV. Determination of liver function & blood proteins]. PMID- 13485198 TI - [A case of progressive muscular dystrophy associated with occlusive arteriopathy]. PMID- 13485199 TI - [A case of acute lupus erythematosus with a special bone marrow reaction]. PMID- 13485200 TI - [Studies on hand symptoms. IV. The sign of the arch & other neurological signs of the superior joint]. PMID- 13485201 TI - [Blood glycoprotein changes after recent myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13485202 TI - [Fibrinogen and blood protein fractions in acute and chronic liver diseases]. PMID- 13485204 TI - [Raffaele Caporali]. PMID- 13485203 TI - [Unusual combination of diseases: Sjogren's syndrome, scleroderma & arthrosis]. PMID- 13485205 TI - [Effect of glucagon on renal function in man]. PMID- 13485207 TI - [Renal function tests by determination of clearance in 10 diabetics treated with sulfonylureas]. PMID- 13485206 TI - [Pathogenesis & working hypothesis regarding leukemic & erythremic diseases]. PMID- 13485208 TI - [Remission of a syndrome of hyperadrenocorticism after dietary & oxazinic treatment]. PMID- 13485209 TI - [Effects of 2,4-diamino-5-p-chlorphenyl-6-ethylpirimidine in myelocytic leukemia]. PMID- 13485210 TI - [Apropos of the symposium on new antidiabetic drugs, Siena, 16-17 May 1957; their mechanism of action]. PMID- 13485211 TI - [Envy & gratitude]. PMID- 13485213 TI - [The inner experience of the beautiful during the development of libido]. PMID- 13485212 TI - [Role of orality in senile diabetes & its associated depressive phases]. PMID- 13485214 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485215 TI - [Ego disturbances in agoraphobia & related phenomena in the light of Federn's ego psychology]. PMID- 13485216 TI - [Basic principles of group psychodynamics]. PMID- 13485217 TI - [A method of starting the psychotherapy of chronic schizophrenics]. PMID- 13485218 TI - Cypress knees: a new three-dimensional projective technic (KCK); original method using unstructured stimuli; preliminary report. PMID- 13485219 TI - Phenomenology and thinking disorder in some fire-setting children. PMID- 13485220 TI - Management of adolescent boys in a state hospital setting. PMID- 13485221 TI - Depression as after-effect of missed masochistic opportunities. PMID- 13485222 TI - Modified group therapy in training psychiatric aides. PMID- 13485223 TI - The function of anxiety. PMID- 13485224 TI - Changing the concept of a physically inadequate self through group work in a physical education setting. PMID- 13485225 TI - A psychotic episode precipitated by group therapy. PMID- 13485226 TI - Peripheral variables of group psychotherapy techniques as milieu therapy in mental hospitals. PMID- 13485227 TI - The question of family homeostasis. PMID- 13485228 TI - The group patient as a therapist. PMID- 13485229 TI - Counseling for parents of stuttering children. PMID- 13485230 TI - The doctor and patient roles in a therapeutic community. PMID- 13485231 TI - The two aspects of schizophrenia. PMID- 13485232 TI - An appraisal of existential analysis. II. PMID- 13485233 TI - Rauwolfia serpentina in the control of anxiety. PMID- 13485234 TI - A criterion for chronicity in schizophrenia. PMID- 13485235 TI - On ambivalence. PMID- 13485236 TI - Tuberculosis in schizophrenia as compared with other types of mental disease. PMID- 13485237 TI - The routine termination of therapeutic hypoglycemic comas by peripheral electrical stimulation: a case report. PMID- 13485238 TI - Physical symptoms as equivalents of the depressive phase of manic-depressive disease. PMID- 13485239 TI - Affective cases after prolonged hospitalization. PMID- 13485240 TI - A psychiatric study of the mothers of excessively crying infants. PMID- 13485241 TI - The patterns of schizophrenia in adolescence; a report on 50 cases of adolescent girls. PMID- 13485242 TI - Essay on the origin and evolution of neuropathology; some fundamental neuropathologic contributions to psychiatry. PMID- 13485243 TI - [Experimental studies on the physiology of pupillary dilatation]. PMID- 13485244 TI - [Distribution of excitation effects in the central nervous system with special reference to conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13485245 TI - [The development of cerebral angiography; introduction of intracranial radiography by Egas Moniz 30 years previously]. PMID- 13485246 TI - [Impressions from a visit to the state hospitals Lengerich & Gutersloh in Westphalia]. PMID- 13485247 TI - LETERS pertaining to Freud's History of an infantile neurosis. PMID- 13485248 TI - The oral triad applied to psychosomatic disorders. PMID- 13485249 TI - Migraine: dynamics and choice of symptom. PMID- 13485251 TI - The waiting syndrome. PMID- 13485250 TI - Some aspects of sexual activity in a fetishist. PMID- 13485252 TI - Transference and motility. PMID- 13485254 TI - Edward E. Hitschmann, 1871-1957. PMID- 13485253 TI - Science fiction: a new mythos. PMID- 13485255 TI - Representative and typical dreams with emphasis on the masculinity-feminity problem. PMID- 13485256 TI - Thoughts on the latency period. PMID- 13485258 TI - Revolution and drive. PMID- 13485257 TI - Hypocrisy, detachment and adaptation. PMID- 13485259 TI - The symptom, fear of death. PMID- 13485260 TI - The Demosthenes complex. PMID- 13485261 TI - Fear of heights. PMID- 13485262 TI - Further contributions to the problem of blushing. PMID- 13485263 TI - Fragrance and Freud; a chapter of applied psychoanalysis. PMID- 13485264 TI - Some clinical aspects of the body ego; with especial reference to phantom limb phenomena. PMID- 13485265 TI - Electrical stimulation of the brain and the psychophysiology of learning and motivation. PMID- 13485266 TI - Laboratory studies of behavior without awareness. PMID- 13485267 TI - On the application of genetic expectancies as age-specific base rates in the study of human behavior disorders. PMID- 13485268 TI - The -iles that plague elementary statistics. PMID- 13485269 TI - A note concerning Kendall's tau. PMID- 13485270 TI - Comment on a distribution-free factorial-design analysis. PMID- 13485271 TI - The statistical concepts of confidence and significance. PMID- 13485272 TI - Empirical evaluations of human figure drawings. PMID- 13485273 TI - On prediction in skilled movements. PMID- 13485274 TI - The psychopharmacology of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). PMID- 13485275 TI - Comments on Taylor's drive theory and manifest anxiety. PMID- 13485276 TI - Recipe for a cookbook. PMID- 13485277 TI - In memoriam: Eugene Beverly Ferris, Jr.; 1905-1957. PMID- 13485278 TI - Personality variations in bronchial asthma; a study of forty patients: notes on the relationship to psychosis and the problem of measuring maturity. PMID- 13485279 TI - Sources of tension in bronchial asthma; a study of forty patients: notes on mood, self-image, and the role of the voice. PMID- 13485280 TI - The action of autonomic drugs on normal persons and neuropsychiatric patients; the role of age. PMID- 13485281 TI - Acute food poisoning. PMID- 13485282 TI - The food hygiene regulations in practice. PMID- 13485283 TI - Some observations on food hygiene in a county district. PMID- 13485284 TI - Observations on the bacteriology of food poisoning. PMID- 13485285 TI - Trends in poultry hygiene. PMID- 13485286 TI - Administration of air pollution control in the United States. PMID- 13485287 TI - ASSISTANCE for dental diagnostic and treatment facilities. PMID- 13485288 TI - Estimate of tuberculosis prevalence in the United States, 1956. PMID- 13485289 TI - House-to-house serologic survey with multiphasic screening. PMID- 13485290 TI - Long-acting penicillin in gonorrhea control. PMID- 13485291 TI - Histoplasmosis. PMID- 13485292 TI - Household surveys for hospital planning: adjustment for decedents missed. PMID- 13485293 TI - HEALTH officers' meeting on Asian influenza. PMID- 13485294 TI - Prevalence of four enteropathogenic E. coli groups in preschool children. PMID- 13485295 TI - Public health disaster aid in the Rio Grande flood of 1954. PMID- 13485296 TI - Yellow fever measures in the United States. PMID- 13485297 TI - Mortality from snakebites, United States, 1950-54. PMID- 13485298 TI - Comparison of stool collection techniques in amebiasis investigations. PMID- 13485299 TI - CYTOANALYZER. PMID- 13485300 TI - A classification system for morbidity concepts. PMID- 13485301 TI - Small plant health services and the health officer. PMID- 13485302 TI - Workers' compensation and the physician. PMID- 13485303 TI - Employment and retirement of elderly workers. PMID- 13485304 TI - Industrial medicine. PMID- 13485305 TI - The private physician's responsibilities in occupational medicine. PMID- 13485306 TI - Employee health services. PMID- 13485307 TI - Occupational Health Information Exchange. PMID- 13485309 TI - METABOLIC chamber. PMID- 13485308 TI - Employee health benefit programs. PMID- 13485310 TI - Dieldrin poisoning in man. PMID- 13485311 TI - The role of the mental health service in the local health department. PMID- 13485312 TI - The dynamic approach to arthritis. PMID- 13485313 TI - POLIOMYELITIS vaccination campaign. PMID- 13485314 TI - Environmental safety for industrial uses of radionuclides. PMID- 13485315 TI - Radioactivity in animal thyroid glands. PMID- 13485316 TI - [Registration of labor in study of substances capable of changing uterine kinetics; evaluation of the effect of sparteine]. PMID- 13485317 TI - [Defense of the organism against radiation injury in radiological treatment of cancer of the uterus]. PMID- 13485318 TI - [Preparation for painless labor or teaching for labor]. PMID- 13485319 TI - [Blood protein picture in functional hemorrhagic uterine diseases in climacteric]. PMID- 13485321 TI - The chemical structure of the body. PMID- 13485320 TI - [Phase contrast microscopy or Papanicolaou method for early diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix]. PMID- 13485322 TI - The effect of mental stress on the eosinophil leucocyte count in man. PMID- 13485323 TI - [Does mucin inhibit the action of pepsin]. PMID- 13485324 TI - A comparison of the effects of certain phosphatides and of chylomicra on plasma coagulation in the presence of Russell's viper venom. PMID- 13485325 TI - The similar effect of chylomicra and ethanolamine phosphatide on the generation of thrombin during coagulation. PMID- 13485327 TI - Intracellular records from Betz cells in the cat. PMID- 13485326 TI - The effect of dextran on serum proteins and serum cholesterol. PMID- 13485328 TI - Cortical motor threshold and the thresholds and distribution of excited Betz cells in the cat. PMID- 13485329 TI - The intravenous glucose tolerance test. PMID- 13485330 TI - Arteriovenous anastomoses in the external ear. PMID- 13485331 TI - On the fixation of mucin and the preparation of autoradiographs. PMID- 13485332 TI - Autoradiographic observations on the mucous cells of the stomach and intestine. PMID- 13485333 TI - Histological changes in rats rendered hyperglycaemic by injection of dehydroascorbic acid. PMID- 13485334 TI - The effect of atropine sulphate on men exposed to warm environments. PMID- 13485335 TI - The effect of CO2 and O2 content of the blood on the freezing point of the plasma. PMID- 13485336 TI - Further studies on the lipolytic system induced in plasma by heparin injection. PMID- 13485338 TI - Observations on the incorporation of 35S in duodenal mucosubstances. PMID- 13485337 TI - Anterior pituitary necrosis; infarction of the pars distalis produced experimentally in the rat. PMID- 13485339 TI - A histological study of the organization of the rumen epithelium of sheep. PMID- 13485340 TI - Loss of collagen from the uterus of the rat after ovariectomy and from the non pregnant horn after parturition. PMID- 13485341 TI - The effect on sweating of pressure on the body surface. PMID- 13485342 TI - Some effects of oestradiol benzoate on iron metabolism in the immature pullet. PMID- 13485343 TI - Observations on the administration of dehydroascorbic acid in diabetogenic doses to albino rats. PMID- 13485344 TI - The effect of lowered body temperature on histamine-induced gastric secretion. PMID- 13485345 TI - Further observations on the effects of ethanolamine phosphatide on plasma coagulation. PMID- 13485346 TI - Inactivation of antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin during pregnancy. PMID- 13485347 TI - Changes in the solubility of cholesterol during the interaction of chyle and plasma. PMID- 13485348 TI - The hepatic and intestinal contributions to the thoracic duct lymph. PMID- 13485349 TI - The exchange of protein between the plasma and the liver and intestinal lymph. PMID- 13485350 TI - The origin of chylomicrons in the cervical and hepatic lymph. PMID- 13485351 TI - The effect of intravenous injections of triton WR-1339 on the lipids of the plasma and liver lymph of rabbits. PMID- 13485352 TI - Observations on the gastric mucosa of reptilia. PMID- 13485353 TI - The renal excretion of sodium and water by rats during infusion of hypo-, iso- and hypertonic saline. PMID- 13485354 TI - Pigment in the harderian glands of mice exposed to a hot environment. PMID- 13485355 TI - The absorption of water and salt from the small intestine of the rat. PMID- 13485356 TI - An experimental study of the cytology of pancreatic islets. PMID- 13485357 TI - The location and excitation of pulmonary deflation receptors by chemical substances. PMID- 13485358 TI - The study of sheep with permanent unilateral parotid fistulae. PMID- 13485359 TI - The occurrence of atheromatous lesions in the coronary arteries of rats. PMID- 13485360 TI - Protein in dying liver cells. PMID- 13485361 TI - Effect of anaesthetics on baroreceptor reflexes. PMID- 13485362 TI - Measurement of heart rate in exercise. PMID- 13485363 TI - Gastro-intestinal tension receptors with unmyelinated afferent fibres in the vagus of the cat. PMID- 13485365 TI - Disulfiram and anesthesia; a review of the literature. PMID- 13485364 TI - Effect of aminotriazole on alcohol metabolism and hepatic enzyme activities in several species. PMID- 13485366 TI - The use of milk and wine in Italy. PMID- 13485367 TI - A short form of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale, form II, for alcoholic outpatients. PMID- 13485368 TI - Private hospital alcoholic patients and the changing conception of the typical alcoholic. PMID- 13485369 TI - The religious background of fitty alcoholics. PMID- 13485371 TI - Effects of clinical treatment on behavior of alcoholic patients; an exploratory methodological investigation. PMID- 13485370 TI - Choice of alcoholic beverage among 531 alcoholics in California. PMID- 13485372 TI - H-technique scales of preoccupation with alcohol and of psychological involvement in alcoholics: time order of symptoms. PMID- 13485373 TI - Reserpine as an adjunct in the treatment of alcoholism. PMID- 13485374 TI - Casework treatment of an alcoholic woman with severe underlying pathology. PMID- 13485375 TI - The states in the liquor business; some observations on administration. PMID- 13485377 TI - Recognition and management of inguinal hernia in infants and children. PMID- 13485376 TI - Quantitative laws in metabolism and growth. PMID- 13485378 TI - Infant feeding in Ceylon. PMID- 13485379 TI - Effect of nitrogen and hydrogen gas under pressure on the radiosensitivity of the broad bean root. PMID- 13485380 TI - [A theory for heterogeneous ion chambers and neutron response of Victoreen dosimeters]. PMID- 13485381 TI - The effect of breathing oxygen on the radiosensitivity of the rabbit lens and the use of oxygen in x-ray therapy. PMID- 13485382 TI - The action of various drugs on the suprarenal response of the rat to total-body x irradiation. PMID- 13485383 TI - Nervous control of the reaction of anterior hypophysis to x-irradiation as studied in grafted and newborn rats. PMID- 13485384 TI - The effect of the host on ultraviolet inactivation and photoreactivation of a bacterial virus. PMID- 13485385 TI - Evidence for recovery from x-ray damage in Chlamydomonas. PMID- 13485386 TI - Late effects of whole-body x-irradiation in the mouse; some gross and histologic aspects of the development of morbidity prior to the terminal state, with special reference to the gonad, uterus, heart, liver, kidney, and submaxillary gland. PMID- 13485387 TI - Radiation sensitivity of enzymes in wet and in dry yeast cells. PMID- 13485388 TI - The distance that a radical formed by ionizing radiation can diffuse in a yeast cell. PMID- 13485389 TI - Alpha-particle bombardment of the Habrobracon egg. I. Sensitivity of the nucleus. PMID- 13485390 TI - The prevention of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in irradiated mice and rats. PMID- 13485391 TI - The experimental effect of x-radiation and cortisone on serum proteins. PMID- 13485392 TI - Radiation-induced changes in tissue nucleic acids; release of soluble deoxypolynucleotides in the spleen. PMID- 13485393 TI - The sensitivity of microorganisms to irradiation under controlled gas conditions. PMID- 13485395 TI - Gamma-radiation and longevity of the flour beetle. PMID- 13485394 TI - The effects of irradiation with phosphorus-32 on the viability and growth of rat embryos. PMID- 13485396 TI - Absolute measurement of Wair for sulfur-35 beta rays. PMID- 13485397 TI - Average energy lost by sulfur-35 beta rays per ion pair produced in air. PMID- 13485398 TI - Peripheral blood of the x-irradiated rhesus monkey. PMID- 13485400 TI - Studies in the radiolysis of ferrous sulfate solutions. II. Effect of acid concentration in solutions containing oxygen. PMID- 13485399 TI - Studies in the radiolysis of ferrous sulfate solutions. I. Effect of oxygen concentration in O. 8 N sulfuric acid. PMID- 13485401 TI - Radiography and the detection of chest disease. PMID- 13485402 TI - Ion-radiography and beta-radiography. PMID- 13485403 TI - The uses of filtration in diagnostic radiography; with special reference to the wedge filter. PMID- 13485404 TI - That white gown. PMID- 13485405 TI - THE NEW department at Leicester. PMID- 13485406 TI - Variations of screen and film speed in chest radiography. PMID- 13485407 TI - The technique of orthometric pelvimetry. PMID- 13485408 TI - [X-ray diagnosis of lumbar intervertebral disk displacement & its complications]. PMID- 13485409 TI - [Angiographic diagnosis of meningioma of the falx cerebri]. PMID- 13485410 TI - [Radiological diagnosis & radiotherapy of malignant tumors of the thymus]. PMID- 13485411 TI - [A particular aspect of the lung in plasmocytoma]. PMID- 13485412 TI - [Segmental dysplasia & aplasia of the occipital bone]. PMID- 13485413 TI - Preliminary studies on the natural history of lung cancer. PMID- 13485414 TI - Roentgen therapy of carcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13485415 TI - The results of radiotherapy in cancer of the lung. PMID- 13485416 TI - Present status of chemotherapy of bronchial cancer. PMID- 13485417 TI - The vertebral and azygos venous systems, and some variations in systemic venous return. PMID- 13485418 TI - Studies with radioiodine. VI. Evaluation of radioiodine treatment of carcinoma of the thyroid based on the experience at the University of California from 1938 to 1954. PMID- 13485419 TI - The posterior condylar fossa, foramen and canal, and the jugular foramen. PMID- 13485420 TI - Surface and entrance dose for a 2-MVP x-ray beam. PMID- 13485421 TI - Method of dosage calculation for linear radium sources. PMID- 13485422 TI - A case of hemangioma (angiomatosis) of the small intestine and mesentery; a radiographic clue to diagnosis. PMID- 13485423 TI - Lesser omental bursa abscess simulating gastric neoplasms; report of a c case. PMID- 13485424 TI - Rates of venous absorption of carbon dioxide and air used in double-contrast examination of the colon. PMID- 13485425 TI - Gallbladder visualization following the use of 70 per cent sodium acetrizoate (urokon sodium) for intravenous pyelography. PMID- 13485426 TI - Practical application of the 0.3-mm. focal spot; a special cassette holder. PMID- 13485427 TI - The care of patients with bronchial cancer. PMID- 13485428 TI - The role of barium contrast studies in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal tumors. PMID- 13485429 TI - Renal cancer: translumbar arteriography for its recognition. PMID- 13485430 TI - The diagnosis of adrenal neoplasms by contrast media. PMID- 13485431 TI - Use of contrast media in the recognition of hypertension of renal origin. PMID- 13485432 TI - Aortic thrombosis as a cause of hypertension: an arteriographic study. PMID- 13485433 TI - Nephrotomography in the investigation of renal masses. PMID- 13485434 TI - Experimental opacification of the pancreas; a preliminary report. PMID- 13485435 TI - Cerebral infarction simulation brain tumor. PMID- 13485436 TI - Determination of disintegration rate for gamma-emitting isotopes; gold 198. PMID- 13485437 TI - Abdominal and pelvic pneumography. PMID- 13485438 TI - The radio-toxic effects of S35 in growing cartilage; consideration of radioactive sulfur (S35) as a possible radiotherapeutic agent in chondrosarcomas. PMID- 13485439 TI - Malignant neoplasm of the gallbladder: roentgenological diagnosis. PMID- 13485440 TI - Agenesis of lumbosacral vertebrae; a report of two cases in living infants. PMID- 13485441 TI - Bilateral antecubital ossicles (fabellae cubiti) and other rare accessory bones of the elbow. PMID- 13485442 TI - Gastric deformity from extrinsic pressure by calcified splenic artery. PMID- 13485443 TI - Newer methods for symmetrical roentgenography of the intervertebral foramina of the cervical spine and optic foramina. PMID- 13485444 TI - Magnification technic in roentgenography of the chest. PMID- 13485445 TI - 250-Kilovolt chest roentgenography; a preliminary report. PMID- 13485446 TI - ORBITOGRAPHY. PMID- 13485447 TI - [Use of thin-support x-ray films in stratigraphy]. PMID- 13485448 TI - [Changes in liver function in x-ray treated cancer]. PMID- 13485449 TI - [Technical artifice in contact roentgenotherapy of various metastatic adenopathies of the neck]. PMID- 13485450 TI - [Thrombo-elastographic studies in neoplasms & leukemia after radiotherapy]. PMID- 13485451 TI - [Treatment of keloids with local infiltration of hyaluronidase combined with radiotherapy]. PMID- 13485452 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485453 TI - [Considerations on clinical picture of traumatic hemianopsia]. PMID- 13485454 TI - [Importance of the systematic examination in early diagnosis of genital cancer]. PMID- 13485455 TI - [Significance of left position of the hypoplastic uterus in sterility]. PMID- 13485456 TI - [Determination of ovulation by staining proteins in cervical mucus on filter paper]. PMID- 13485457 TI - [Congenital absence of the uterus associated with vaginal atresia and Klippel Feil syndrome]. PMID- 13485458 TI - [Diabetogenic activity of alloxan in acute hypoxia]. PMID- 13485459 TI - [Mass hysterical aphonia in girls in a boarding school]. PMID- 13485460 TI - [Appearance of trachoma associated with scrofulous reaction in the other eye tuberculosis of the organism]. PMID- 13485461 TI - [Field summer practice by students during 1955/1956]. PMID- 13485462 TI - [Trypsin in the treatment of thromboembolic diseases & acute & chronic inflammation]. PMID- 13485463 TI - [Chemotherapy; yesterday & today]. PMID- 13485464 TI - [Significance of algae in old & modern therapy]. PMID- 13485465 TI - [Primary infarct of the bone; review of the literature & case report]. PMID- 13485466 TI - [Italian priority in the origin of a flexible harmless flexible catheter for the entire cardiovascular system]. PMID- 13485467 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485468 TI - [From cortisone to prednisone in the treatment of pemphigus]. PMID- 13485469 TI - [Blood cholinesterase & skin diseases]. PMID- 13485470 TI - [Acute erythematodes; clinical case report]. PMID- 13485471 TI - [Epithelioma with discoid lupus erythematosus; early, bifocal manifestations after trauma]. PMID- 13485472 TI - [Etiopathogenesis of rosacea]. PMID- 13485473 TI - [A case of intestinal invagination due to Meckel's diverticulum]. PMID- 13485474 TI - [Effects of ulcers & of certain types of gastric surgery on intestinal motility]. PMID- 13485475 TI - [A rare case of malformation of the main bile duct]. PMID- 13485476 TI - [A case of melanoblstoma of the oral mucosa]. PMID- 13485477 TI - [The importance of statistical analysis in medical research]. PMID- 13485479 TI - [Analysis of hair dyes. II]. PMID- 13485478 TI - [Effect of the administration of massive doses of vitamin B12 on the weight curve, weight of organs and blood picture of growing rats; the course of the diet in adult rats and increase of body weight during subsequent re-feeding]. PMID- 13485480 TI - [Agar-plate method of determination of calcium pantothenate using a mutant of E. coli 99-1]. PMID- 13485481 TI - [Malformations and mutations of Musca domestica L. of great importance for the study of the terminal segments of male Diptera]. PMID- 13485482 TI - [Notes on the sclerites of the terminal segments of sexually abnormal specimens of Musca domestica L]. PMID- 13485483 TI - [Study of immunological phenomena by means of tissue cultures. I. Preliminary note]. PMID- 13485484 TI - [Study of immunological phenomena by means of tissue cultures. II. Cytopathogenic action of diphtheria toxin]. PMID- 13485485 TI - [Search for cytopathogenic viruses in a group of healthy children studied for 12 months; serological behavior of carriers of poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13485486 TI - [Distribution of poliomyelitis non-poliomyelitis viruses in a group of healthy children; serological behavior of carriers of poliomyelitis virus]. PMID- 13485487 TI - [Isolation of poliomyelitis virus from the feces of poliomyelitic children and of healthy children living near patients]. PMID- 13485488 TI - [Coenzyme A content in the cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.) and the housefly (Musca domestica L.)]. PMID- 13485490 TI - [Peri-micropyle structure of the ovum in Culex autogenicus of Agro Pontino]. PMID- 13485489 TI - [Effect of iodoacetic acid on coenzyme A content of muscle of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana L]. PMID- 13485491 TI - [Studies of the speciation of houseflies. IV. Experiments on sexual isolation among the sub-species of Musca domestica L]. PMID- 13485492 TI - [Genetic studies of the resistance of insects to the action of toxic substances]. PMID- 13485493 TI - [Chromatographical studies of the components of the electric organ of the Torpedo]. PMID- 13485494 TI - [Proteins in the electric organ of the Torpedo ocellata: paper electrophoresis of the proteins soluble at low ionic strength]. PMID- 13485495 TI - [Iontophoretic separation of chlorpromazine and its colorimetric determination]. PMID- 13485496 TI - [Preliminary tests of separation of barbiturates by means of iontophoresis]. PMID- 13485497 TI - [Determination of residues of hepatchlor (1,4,5,6,7,8,8-hepatachlor-3a,4,7,7a tetranydro-4,7-methano indene) in olive oil]. PMID- 13485498 TI - [Tests of blood exposed to x-irradiation. I. Coombs test]. PMID- 13485499 TI - Should patients with asthma fly. PMID- 13485500 TI - A plain mucolytic iodide aerosolizing solution for the treatment of bronchial asthma; a preliminary report. PMID- 13485501 TI - [Silber-Porter method for the determination of free 17,21-dihydroxy-20 ketosteroids in human blood]. PMID- 13485502 TI - [Hormonal treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy with estrogen and progesterone]. PMID- 13485503 TI - [Adrenal cortex function tests in thyroid diseases]. PMID- 13485504 TI - [Effect of prednisone & prednisolone on adrenocortical androgenic hyperfunction]. PMID- 13485505 TI - [Cushing syndrome & pituitary tumor; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13485506 TI - [Nonsexual metabolic effects of androgens]. PMID- 13485507 TI - [Medical & laboratory problems in moniliasis]. PMID- 13485508 TI - [The Candida species in human pathology]. PMID- 13485509 TI - [Simplified mycological technics for the identification of Candida albicans]. PMID- 13485510 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485511 TI - [Nicetin therapy of various cutaneous moniliasis]. PMID- 13485512 TI - [Treatment of superficial mycoses with trichomycin]. PMID- 13485513 TI - [Effect of antibiotics & chemotherapy on the incidence of Candida in the gastrointestinal system; effect of nystatin]. PMID- 13485514 TI - [Nystatin in intestinal sites of Candida albicans & allergic syndromes]. PMID- 13485515 TI - [Nystatin therapy of vaginal candidiasis; control of reinfection of intestinal origin]. PMID- 13485516 TI - [Trichomycin: a new antibiotic for the treatment of colpitis caused by Trichomonas & Candida albicans]. PMID- 13485517 TI - [Vaginal mycosis from the clinical viewpoint]. PMID- 13485518 TI - [Treatment of genital mycosis]. PMID- 13485519 TI - [Moniliasis and acrodermatitis enteropathica]. PMID- 13485520 TI - [Broad spectrum antibiotics & nystatin in urology; advantages of this association; specific action of nystatin in intestinal moniliasis; results of preliminary personal case reports]. PMID- 13485521 TI - [Problem of reflux esophagitis after cardial resection]. PMID- 13485522 TI - [Selective regional plastic restoration by means of esthetic unities]. PMID- 13485523 TI - [Cysts & fistulas of the thyroglossal duct]. PMID- 13485525 TI - [Aspiration pneumonia]. PMID- 13485526 TI - [Megaesophagus]. PMID- 13485524 TI - [Present concepts of carcinogenesis]. PMID- 13485527 TI - [Fibrosarcoma of the breast]. PMID- 13485528 TI - [Retropubic prostatectomy; Millin technique]. PMID- 13485529 TI - [Factor N of resistance to leprosy & relation of lepromin & tuberculin reactivity; doubtful value of BCG in immunization to leprosy]. PMID- 13485530 TI - [Lepromin reaction in Dutch people living in Brazil for 2-3 years & without known contact with lepers]. PMID- 13485531 TI - [Preliminary results of the use of D-4-amino-3-isoxazolidine in the treatment of 3 cases of leprosy]. PMID- 13485532 TI - [Electron micrography of the human conjunctiva; relations between the epithelial cells]. PMID- 13485533 TI - [CT Coefficient table]. PMID- 13485534 TI - [Palpebral localization of molluscum contagiosum]. PMID- 13485535 TI - [Primary malignant epibulbar melanoma]. PMID- 13485536 TI - [Retinoblastoma]. PMID- 13485537 TI - [Intraocular melanoblastomas]. PMID- 13485538 TI - [Predestination of Clemente Ferreira]. PMID- 13485539 TI - [Occupational lung diseases; industrial medical findings]. PMID- 13485540 TI - [Dietary assistance to tuberculotics associated with the Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensoes dos Industriarios]. PMID- 13485541 TI - [Use of BCG in therapy of asthma]. PMID- 13485542 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous empyema; experience of the Conjunto Sanatorial de Curicica]. PMID- 13485543 TI - [Readjustment of programs in the antituberculosis campaign in view of recent advances in phthisiology]. PMID- 13485544 TI - [Teaching of phthisiology]. PMID- 13485545 TI - [Status of public relations in the basic organization of hospitals]. PMID- 13485546 TI - [Historical sketch on Velez leukocyte index]. PMID- 13485547 TI - [beta hemolytic Streptococcus in pharyngeal secretion]. PMID- 13485549 TI - [Problems of maternal & fetal blood incompatibility]. PMID- 13485548 TI - [Electroproteinogram in dystrophy with edema; 43 cases]. PMID- 13485550 TI - [Therapy of toxicoses; effect of various therapeutic standards on the development of infant toxicoses with special reference to the use of Darrow's solution]. PMID- 13485551 TI - [Obstructive icterus caused by extrinsic compression of the bile ducts in young infants]. PMID- 13485552 TI - [Epidemiology of poliomyelitis in Chile]. PMID- 13485553 TI - [Puncture of the torcular Herophili to extract blood from newborn & premature infants]. PMID- 13485554 TI - [Cost indices for hospital care]. PMID- 13485555 TI - [Hepatic coma]. PMID- 13485556 TI - [Indications & doses of BZ 55 in the treatment of diabetes; contraindications; control of treatment; sulfidemia]. PMID- 13485557 TI - [Treatment of hypertension with a combination of nokhel, reserpine & phenobarbital]. PMID- 13485558 TI - [Clinical study of massive styloid apophysis of the temporal bone]. PMID- 13485560 TI - [2 Cases of transthoracic total gastrectomy for cancer of the cardia]. PMID- 13485559 TI - [Mesantoin (sedantoinal) therapy of epilepsy]. PMID- 13485561 TI - [Congenital polycystic kidney]. PMID- 13485562 TI - [Treatment of hepatic coma]. PMID- 13485563 TI - [Kidney as regulator of the internal environment]. PMID- 13485564 TI - [Tubular function in mercurial diuresis]. PMID- 13485565 TI - [Partial anomalous course of the pulmonary veins; report of 2 cases]. PMID- 13485566 TI - [Neurosurgical experience in epilepsy caused by cerebral cysticercosis]. PMID- 13485567 TI - [Personal experience with BZ 55 in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13485568 TI - [Agammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13485569 TI - [Acute diverticulitis of the cecum]. PMID- 13485570 TI - [Prevention & treatment of postoperative bronchial fistula]. PMID- 13485571 TI - [Normal vectorcardiography in infants]. PMID- 13485572 TI - [Use and abuse of antibiotics]. PMID- 13485573 TI - [Program for antituberculous vaccination with BCG]. PMID- 13485574 TI - [Water-electrolyte metabolism in pediatric surgery; physiopathological fundamentals]. PMID- 13485575 TI - [Chlorpromazine in prandial diarrhea in infants]. PMID- 13485576 TI - [Plastic reconstruction of extrophia of the bladder; technic]. PMID- 13485577 TI - [Left renal aplasia & abdominal tumor]. PMID- 13485578 TI - [Congenital generalized dyschondrosteosis, Ollier's type]. PMID- 13485579 TI - [A case of Pierre Robin syndrome]. PMID- 13485580 TI - [Treatment of water-electrolyte imbalance in pediatric surgery]. PMID- 13485581 TI - [Pediatric education]. PMID- 13485582 TI - [Unusual anatomical & biomechanical characteristics of the cervical region]. PMID- 13485583 TI - [Clinical examination of the cervical region]. PMID- 13485584 TI - [Radiological technics for the examination of the cervical spine]. PMID- 13485585 TI - [Radiological anatomy of the cervical spine]. PMID- 13485586 TI - [Cervical spondylosis]. PMID- 13485587 TI - [Cervical disk disorders]. PMID- 13485588 TI - [Mechanism of action of cervical osteochrondrosis (disk generation, unciform vertebral & interapophysary arthrosis) in the development of clinical pictures of cervical (cervical, cervicocranial & cervicobrachial) origin]. PMID- 13485589 TI - [Espondilitits cervical tuberculous]. PMID- 13485590 TI - [Nontuberculous cervical spondylitis]. PMID- 13485591 TI - [The cervical region in inflammatory rheumatisms: ankylosing spondylarthritis & chronic progressive polyarthritis]. PMID- 13485592 TI - [Muscular rheumatism of the cervical region]. PMID- 13485593 TI - [Malformations of the cervical spine]. PMID- 13485594 TI - [Protection of personnel in the course of routine mass x-ray examinations]. PMID- 13485595 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485596 TI - [Diagnostic value of the determination of hormones in endocrinology]. PMID- 13485597 TI - [The presence of Adolfo Lutz in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Odontology]. PMID- 13485598 TI - [Epidemic hepatitis; histopathological study; differential diagnosis from other types of hepatitis]. PMID- 13485599 TI - [Shigelloses; comparison of methods of collection of feces in bacteriological diagnosis of chronic enterocolic infections; agglutinins and copro-agglutinins in chronic enterocolitis]. PMID- 13485600 TI - [Tinea epizootic in guinea pigs produced by Trichophyton gypseum granulosum]. PMID- 13485601 TI - [Treatment of schistosomiasis mansoni by oral route; results obtained by the use of miracil D hydrochloride (20-day series) and by stannous oxide]. PMID- 13485603 TI - [Public health laboratories; their creation and development in Sao Paulo]. PMID- 13485602 TI - [Leptospirosis in dogs of Sao Paulo; serological research]. PMID- 13485604 TI - [Helicotylenchus nannus (description of male) and Rotylenchus iperoiguensis n. sp]. PMID- 13485605 TI - [Mononchus coronatus n. sp. (Nematoda, Mononchidae)]. PMID- 13485606 TI - [Rhinosporidiosis of the eye]. PMID- 13485607 TI - [Filtration method for determination of impurities of salt]. PMID- 13485608 TI - [Laboratory methods in the study of thyroid function]. PMID- 13485609 TI - [Clinical picture of hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13485610 TI - [Medical treatment of hyperthyroidism]. PMID- 13485611 TI - [Nodular goiter & cancer of the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13485612 TI - [Adrenalectomy, general considerations]. PMID- 13485613 TI - [Adrenalectomy in Cushing's syndrome]. PMID- 13485614 TI - [Adrenalectomy and cancer]. PMID- 13485615 TI - [Adrenalectomy in diabetics with vascular lesions]. PMID- 13485616 TI - [Adrenalectomy in a case of severe arterial hypertension caused by probable aldosteronism]. PMID- 13485618 TI - [Uric acid in diabetes; formation of alloxan by leukocytes]. PMID- 13485617 TI - [Coronary arteriosclerosis in patients with diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13485619 TI - [Renal sequela in diabetes]. PMID- 13485620 TI - [Acute necrosis of the renal papillae]. PMID- 13485621 TI - [Diabetic retinopathy in the Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome]. PMID- 13485622 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485623 TI - [Laboratory methods in the evaluation of adrenal function]. PMID- 13485624 TI - [Cortical hyperfunction]. PMID- 13485625 TI - [Determination of fetal urinary-17-steroids]. PMID- 13485626 TI - [Effect of changes in hormonal medium in cancer of uterine cervix]. PMID- 13485627 TI - [Lesions caused by migratory Ascaris lumbricoides]. PMID- 13485628 TI - [Concerning the so-called carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix]. PMID- 13485629 TI - [Histopathological changes of the sympathetic ganglia in chronic pemphigus foliaceus]. PMID- 13485630 TI - [Nasal astrocytomas]. PMID- 13485631 TI - [Analysis of 800 surgically removed thyroids]. PMID- 13485632 TI - [Obituary]. PMID- 13485633 TI - [Clinical & epidemiological study of the first proved outbreak of human psittacosis in Chile]. PMID- 13485634 TI - [Intestinal absorption of radioiodine-labelled oleic acid]. PMID- 13485635 TI - [Clinical use of 6-mercaptopurine]. PMID- 13485636 TI - [Medico-social incapacity induced by essential arterial hypertension]. PMID- 13485637 TI - [Evaluation of a new hypotensive drug: mecamylamine in malignant hypertension]. PMID- 13485638 TI - [Clinical study of myocardial infarct in diabetics]. PMID- 13485640 TI - [Findings on erythroderma (dermatitis exfoliativa) & report of the 1st case of lipomelanotic reticulosis]. PMID- 13485641 TI - [OPENING of the new building of the Medical Society of Santiago]. PMID- 13485639 TI - [Method for determination of partial tensions of oxygen & carbon dioxide in arterial blood]. PMID- 13485642 TI - [Hypophysectomy in breast cancer]. PMID- 13485644 TI - [Teaching of psychiatry & education of the psychiatrist]. PMID- 13485643 TI - [Specific problems of psychiatry in Israel]. PMID- 13485646 TI - [Convulsions in the adult]. PMID- 13485645 TI - [Recent progress in psychiatry]. PMID- 13485647 TI - [Acute cerebellar syndrome caused by a viper bite]. PMID- 13485648 TI - [Henri Ey in Buenos Aires]. PMID- 13485649 TI - [A 6-minute test; the more acute the schizophrenia, the more obscure the blood]. PMID- 13485650 TI - [Spiritualism is gaining territory in the United States]. PMID- 13485651 TI - [Cancer of the uterus: roundtable discussion]. PMID- 13485652 TI - [Significance of cultural patterns in psychotherapy]. PMID- 13485653 TI - [Triolandren: a mixture of testosterone esters with a rapid & sustained effect]. PMID- 13485654 TI - [Use of passive hemagglutination in the diagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13485655 TI - [Problems of the nearness of industries to urban centers]. PMID- 13485656 TI - [Results of a systematic investigation of industrial personnel]. PMID- 13485657 TI - [Report of a study-tour on the antitrachoma organizations in Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece & Egypt]. PMID- 13485658 TI - [Physical medicine and rehabilitation]. PMID- 13485659 TI - [Various infectious diseases & their prevention in a military milieu]. PMID- 13485660 TI - [Current status of the sero-diagnosis of syphilis]. PMID- 13485661 TI - [Psychological factors of family integration]. PMID- 13485662 TI - [Maintenance of health]. PMID- 13485663 TI - [Radioisotopes: the most important peacetime derivative of atomic energy by the Atomic Energy Committee]. PMID- 13485664 TI - [TRIBUTE to Dr. Alberto Flores]. PMID- 13485665 TI - [OPENING of the new military hospital]. PMID- 13485666 TI - [Homage to Cayetano Heredia: National University of Medicine]. PMID- 13485667 TI - [Poisonous snakes of the Peruvian forestlands]. PMID- 13485668 TI - [Acute psychiatric disorders during combat]. PMID- 13485669 TI - [Use of radioisotopes in clinical medicine]. PMID- 13485670 TI - [Applications of polarized light in the clinical laboratory; research on cholesterol crystals in bile & biliary calculi]. PMID- 13485671 TI - [Applications of polarized light in the clinical laboratory; identification of lipoid bodies in urinary sediment]. PMID- 13485672 TI - [Physiology & symptomatology of muscular tone]. PMID- 13485673 TI - [Evaluation; plans & orders of health]. PMID- 13485674 TI - [Conservation of human potential]. PMID- 13485675 TI - [Dietary requirements in Peru: rations of soldier in coastal stations]. PMID- 13485676 TI - [Use of Parker 51 ink for Ziehl-Neelsen staining]. PMID- 13485677 TI - [Collective audiometry]. PMID- 13485679 TI - [Psychology of emotions; critical study of what is meant by emotions in various schools of psychology]. PMID- 13485678 TI - [Health care in the air disasters]. PMID- 13485680 TI - [Fractures of the maxilla; findings on 2 clinical cases]. PMID- 13485682 TI - [Residual choledochal stones]. PMID- 13485681 TI - [Chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13485683 TI - [Influence of the adrenals in gastric secretion]. PMID- 13485684 TI - [Motility of the spermatozoid in the urogenital tract of the toad Bufo arenarum Hensel]. PMID- 13485685 TI - [Chronology of the elimination of spermatozoids through the urogenital tract of the toad Bufo arenarum Hensel]. PMID- 13485686 TI - [Method for the determination of pregnandiol in urine]. PMID- 13485687 TI - [Pietro Rondoni; 1882-1956]. PMID- 13485688 TI - [Anton J. Carlson; 1875-1956]. PMID- 13485689 TI - [Hypoglycemic sulfonamide toxicity in rats]. PMID- 13485690 TI - [Survival of hypophysoprivic toads treated with hormones]. PMID- 13485691 TI - [Islands of Langerhans in the normal turtle]. PMID- 13485693 TI - [Histology of the islands of Langerhans in the turtle diabetic from alloxan and from the effects of glucose]. PMID- 13485695 TI - [Effects of a hypoglycemic sulfonylurea on mitosis]. PMID- 13485694 TI - [Specific protection by pyridine-adenine dinucleotides of essential thiols in aldehyde dehydrogenases]. PMID- 13485692 TI - [Histology of the islands of Langerhans in the turtle diabetic from partial pancreatectomy]. PMID- 13485696 TI - [Influence of cations on the sensitivity of aldehyde dehydrogenases by thiol reagents]. PMID- 13485697 TI - [Effects of methylestrenolone on oviduct secretion of the toad]. PMID- 13485698 TI - [Extra-articular arthrodesis of the hip; advantages of the use of ischiofemoral arthrodesis]. PMID- 13485699 TI - [Orthopedic treatment of congenital hip luxation according professor H. L. Roche's method; inquiries & reflections on late results]. PMID- 13485700 TI - [Madura foot]. PMID- 13485701 TI - [Antibiotic treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis; bacteriological observations]. PMID- 13485702 TI - [Corti sone in osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13485703 TI - [Relapses & recurrences in osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13485704 TI - [Results of rehabilitation of osteoarticular tuberculotics]. PMID- 13485705 TI - [Present treatment of tuberculous osteoarthritis & the conservation of movement]. PMID- 13485706 TI - [Late results of treatment of Pott's disease in adults before the direct approach]. PMID- 13485707 TI - [Treatment of Pott's disease by posterior vertebral graft (study of 120 patients; late results)]. PMID- 13485708 TI - [Incidents, accidents & remote results in direct vertebral approach in Pott's disease (analysis) of 123 cases]. PMID- 13485709 TI - [Direct approach in Pott's lumbar disease]. PMID- 13485710 TI - [Direct approach in Pott's disease]. PMID- 13485711 TI - [Direct approach (in Pott's disease)]. PMID- 13485712 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous adenitis in children]. PMID- 13485713 TI - [Incidents, accidents & remote results of the radical surgical treatment of tuberculous cervical adenitis]. PMID- 13485714 TI - [Treatment of essential scoliosis]. PMID- 13485715 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485716 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485717 TI - [Medical service of the regiment of land forces]. PMID- 13485718 TI - [Radioactive fallout & medical service]. PMID- 13485719 TI - [Prevention of infectious diseases by methods of specific passive immunization; recent concepts]. PMID- 13485720 TI - [Epidemic viral hepatitis in 1955-1956 in the Constantine military district of troops in East Algeria; 3,239 cases]. PMID- 13485721 TI - [Sanitary evacuation by helicopters in North Africa]. PMID- 13485722 TI - [Military & professional instruction of the noncommissioned officers of the section of medical attendants]. PMID- 13485723 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485724 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485725 TI - [Electro-cortical phenomena induced in animals by the stimulation of somesthetic afferents]. PMID- 13485726 TI - [Sodium metabolism during hypothermia; experimental study with the rabbit using radiosodium]. PMID- 13485727 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485728 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485729 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485730 TI - [Amniotic fluid and the amniotic system]. PMID- 13485731 TI - [On hypoproteinemia syndrome with agammaglobulinemia]. PMID- 13485732 TI - [Hemorrhage in utero-adnexa tuberculosis]. PMID- 13485733 TI - [Social security in the preclinical detection of uterine cancer]. PMID- 13485734 TI - [New aspects of the use of corticosteroids and their derivatives]. PMID- 13485735 TI - [Results of ergometric tests performed in silicotics]. PMID- 13485736 TI - [Research on a test of effort capacity: The Escabeau test]. PMID- 13485738 TI - [Effect of age & training on respiratory exchange capacity in states of equilibrium during muscular exercise]. PMID- 13485737 TI - [Study of the reproductibility of the capacity of respiratory gas exchange during the state of equilibrium in muscular exercise]. PMID- 13485739 TI - [Pulmonary effort function tests in pneumoconiosis of miners]. PMID- 13485740 TI - [Current research concerning inhalation of oxygen in different concentrations]. PMID- 13485741 TI - [Ventilatory reactions following the inhalation of 60 percent oxygen]. PMID- 13485742 TI - [Experimental studies on the early histological reactions of the lung following oxygen inhalation]. PMID- 13485743 TI - [Effect of hyperoxia on ventilation at rest & at work in silicotics]. PMID- 13485745 TI - [Effect of oxygen inhalation on alveolar ventilation & the physiological dead space in normal & emphysematous subjects]. PMID- 13485744 TI - [Effect of repeated hyperoxia on ventilation during muscular exercise: first results]. PMID- 13485746 TI - [Osteoarticular manifestations of brucellosis]. PMID- 13485747 TI - [Exostosing disease; case report]. PMID- 13485748 TI - [3 Patients with terminal stage cancer treated with E 39]. PMID- 13485749 TI - [Cubital paralysis: compression of nerve to Guyon canal]. PMID- 13485750 TI - [Resection of the inferior extremity of the femur for fibrosarcoma: acrylic prothesis replacement]. PMID- 13485751 TI - [Convulsant poisoning in children; meta & asterol]. PMID- 13485752 TI - [Paralipomena of expert medical testimony]. PMID- 13485753 TI - [Indications & hazards of prolonged corticotherapy]. PMID- 13485754 TI - [Anal imperforation & rectovulvar fistula after mega-colon]. PMID- 13485755 TI - [New perspectives in antihemorrhoidal therapy]. PMID- 13485756 TI - [Osteo-arthropathy of the feet caused by syringomyelia with lumbar swelling]. PMID- 13485757 TI - [Swiss medicine in Moldavia, Rumania in the 19th century: Dr. Louis Collin]. PMID- 13485759 TI - [Macroglobulinemias; case of Waldenstrom's disease]. PMID- 13485758 TI - [Deficiency cirrhosis in adults]. PMID- 13485760 TI - [Clinical experience on a case of arterial infarction of the liver]. PMID- 13485761 TI - [Case of probable massive hepatic infarction]. PMID- 13485762 TI - [First severe complication of laparoscopy (cataclysmic internal hemorrhage) during the course of Cruveilhier-Baumgarten's severe type cirrhosis complicated by metrorrhagia & porto-caval encephalopathy]. PMID- 13485763 TI - [Mistaken interpretation in splenoportography; postural compression of the portal vein in a case of hydatic cyst of the liver]. PMID- 13485764 TI - [Pseudotumoral juxtacardial varices caused by spontaneous splenorenal shunt; splenoportographic diagnosis]. PMID- 13485765 TI - [History of Claude Bernard syndrome; paralytic syndrome of cervical sympathetic]. PMID- 13485766 TI - [Czechoslovakian tick-borne encephalitis; clinical picture; diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13485767 TI - [Some observations on the problem of classifying cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13485768 TI - [Electroclinical study of post-traumatic syncope]. PMID- 13485769 TI - [Respiratory paralysis during post-serotherapeutic neuritis]. PMID- 13485770 TI - [Vertebral angiography by retrograde catheterization]. PMID- 13485771 TI - [Vertebral pedicles in spinal canal tumors; diagnostic value of selected interpedicular width on face exposures]. PMID- 13485772 TI - [Electrological examination in arthrogryposis]. PMID- 13485773 TI - [Paralytic type epilepsy in infantile encephalopathy; diagnostic considerations]. PMID- 13485774 TI - [Syndromes of cavernous sinus bed]. PMID- 13485775 TI - [Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome; case report]. PMID- 13485777 TI - [Psychiatric complications following dental extractions]. PMID- 13485776 TI - [Acute retrobulbar optic neuritis of tuberculous origin]. PMID- 13485778 TI - [Hepatolenticular degeneration with green corneal ring]. PMID- 13485779 TI - [Penetrating wound of left eye with traumatic cataract & septicemia caused by Staphylococcus]. PMID- 13485780 TI - [Revealing idiopathic type facial neuralgia of an acoustic neurinoma]. PMID- 13485781 TI - [Is postoperative development of deafness always logical? A true auditory experience]. PMID- 13485782 TI - [Maxillary & encephalon: concerning an exceptionally late epitheliomatous metastasis]. PMID- 13485783 TI - [Permanent conjugate deviation of gaze downward and inward]. PMID- 13485784 TI - [Double syndrome of retraction of eyeball in a patient with multiple spinal malformations]. PMID- 13485785 TI - [Value of cortisone in preoperative & postoperative treatment of giant adenomas of the hypophysis]. PMID- 13485786 TI - [Carotid injection of papaverine in cerebrovascular spasms]. PMID- 13485787 TI - [Retrobulbar neuritis & polyps of frontal sinus; regression following intervention]. PMID- 13485789 TI - [Non-syphilitic venereal diseases: reappearance & resistance]. PMID- 13485788 TI - [Double syndrome of 1st 6 pairs of cranial nerves caused by metastasis, with destruction of the anterior stage of the base of cranium, without alterations of radiological images]. PMID- 13485790 TI - [What is the status of gonococcal adnexitis]. PMID- 13485791 TI - [Non-gonococcal Neisseria]. PMID- 13485793 TI - [What is the status of the abortive treatment of syphilis]. PMID- 13485792 TI - [Several problems posed by neurosyphilis]. PMID- 13485794 TI - [Treatment of recent syphilis]. PMID- 13485795 TI - [Interpretation of a serologic response]. PMID- 13485796 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485797 TI - [Unforeseen complication of salicylotherapy]. PMID- 13485798 TI - [Present treatment of the premenstrual syndrome]. PMID- 13485799 TI - [Some surgical problems in 1957]. PMID- 13485800 TI - [Management in the presence of acute surgical cholecystitis]. PMID- 13485801 TI - [How may we simplify postoperative care]. PMID- 13485803 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485802 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485806 TI - [Notes on current surgical practice; practical application of bottle drainage in surgical therapy]. PMID- 13485805 TI - [Conduct & prognosis of malignant tumors in children]. PMID- 13485804 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485807 TI - [Forced traction immobilization in severe tuberculous osteoarthritis of the wrist in adults]. PMID- 13485809 TI - [Orchiepididymal infections caused by common germs]. PMID- 13485808 TI - [Peritoneum-tunica vaginalis canal & its pathology]. PMID- 13485810 TI - [Specific infections]. PMID- 13485812 TI - [Torsion of the spermatic cord]. PMID- 13485813 TI - [Varicocele]. PMID- 13485811 TI - [Large tumors of the scrotum]. PMID- 13485814 TI - [Fractionated gaseous encephalography]. PMID- 13485815 TI - [New so-called ataraxic drugs]. PMID- 13485816 TI - [Traumatic coma followed by joint disease & para-osteoarthropathy]. PMID- 13485817 TI - [Para-osteoarthropathy in a quadriplegic after prolonged carbon monoxide coma]. PMID- 13485818 TI - [Osteoma in paraplegia]. PMID- 13485819 TI - [New case of ossifying para-arthropathy of neuro-traumatic origin]. PMID- 13485820 TI - [Case of para-osteoarthropathy of nervous origin with recovery from carbon monoxide coma]. PMID- 13485821 TI - [Post-traumatic peri-articular ossifications; 2 cases]. PMID- 13485822 TI - [Effect of delta-cortisone on eye disorders in acromegaly; lack of effect on associated osteoarticular manifestations]. PMID- 13485823 TI - [Brown-Sequard syndrome caused by cervical disk hernia]. PMID- 13485824 TI - [Simplified clinical test for induced hypercalciuria; technic & results, particularly in relation to Paget's disease]. PMID- 13485825 TI - [Infiltration of the lumbar spine by interspinal route]. PMID- 13485826 TI - [Case of Jaffe-Lichtenstein disease]. PMID- 13485828 TI - [Treatment of bone tumors]. PMID- 13485827 TI - [Synovial-urethro-conjunctival syndrome (Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter); adjuvant therapy with tapioca gel injections]. PMID- 13485829 TI - [Prognosis of residual x-rays after chemotherapy]. PMID- 13485830 TI - [Biological study of the adrenal gland in tuberculosis under long-term therapy with ACTH]. PMID- 13485831 TI - [Appearance of pulmonary tuberculosis in 150 cases of silicosis; clinical, therapeutic & medicolegal findings]. PMID- 13485832 TI - [Pathology of the tuberculous cave]. PMID- 13485833 TI - [Various aspects of the remote bronchial complications of primary infections]. PMID- 13485834 TI - [Reactions of tuberculotic patients to sudden variations of atmospheric radioactivity: pulmonary radiopathology in the respiratory tract from natural & artificial sources]. PMID- 13485835 TI - [Tolerance of dihydrostreptomycin-pantothenate during a clinical test]. PMID- 13485836 TI - [Streptomycin & deafness]. PMID- 13485837 TI - [Examination of the adrenal glands in pulmonary tuberculosis; a guide to hormone treatment]. PMID- 13485838 TI - [Favorable functions of adrenal hormone therapy in 3 cases of spontaneous tuberculous pneumothorax]. PMID- 13485839 TI - [Primary pulmonary chancre sensitizing the lung to tuberculosis; idea of visceral allergy; experimental study]. PMID- 13485840 TI - [Limitations of the antituberculous vaccination]. PMID- 13485841 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485842 TI - [Functional respiratory balance in recovered tuberculotic patients; previously treated by collapse therapy]. PMID- 13485843 TI - [51 Cases of pulmonary exeresis in miners]. PMID- 13485844 TI - [Double readings of negatives in pulmonary radiography]. PMID- 13485845 TI - [Malignant tuberculous primary infections in adolescents & young adults]. PMID- 13485846 TI - [Incision of Pott's dorsal abscess]. PMID- 13485847 TI - [Relapses occurring after treatment]. PMID- 13485848 TI - Investigations of obstetrical factors in subsequent neuropsychiatric disorders in children. PMID- 13485849 TI - Recent advances in the understanding and management of cerebral vascular disease. PMID- 13485850 TI - Red blood cell disorders. PMID- 13485851 TI - Present status of cardia surgery. PMID- 13485852 TI - NON-HOSPITALIZED tuberculosis patients in Rhode Island; report of plans for a statewide study. PMID- 13485853 TI - Recurrence of convulsive seizures complicating steroid therapy. PMID- 13485854 TI - Merits of a two-hour postprandial blood sugar screening test. PMID- 13485855 TI - The first appendectomy in Rhode Island. PMID- 13485856 TI - Operative technique for radical removal of ingrown toenail. PMID- 13485857 TI - [Prognosis in primary hyperparathyroidism]. PMID- 13485858 TI - [Crenotherapy of ankylosing spondylarthritis; 36 cases from the Reine-Hortense Rheumatic Hospital of Aix-les-Bains]. PMID- 13485859 TI - [Rhizomelic pseudo-polyarthritis]. PMID- 13485860 TI - [Painless osteophytosis]. PMID- 13485861 TI - [Very atypical deforming & ankylosing chronic polyarthritis in childhood]. PMID- 13485862 TI - [Demonstration: periodic hydrarthrosis]. PMID- 13485863 TI - [Anatomical & physiological fundamentals of tridimensional radiology; transfer & rotation of spherical bodies in space]. PMID- 13485864 TI - [Autonomic & surgical aspects of Di Macco's hyperthermic test]. PMID- 13485865 TI - [The curve of the left intra-atrial pressure in mitral stenosis during commissurotomy]. PMID- 13485866 TI - [Infantilism with hypergonadostimulinuria due to gonadic aplasia]. PMID- 13485867 TI - [Blood groups & diseases]. PMID- 13485868 TI - [The phenomenon of tanned skin in tuberculotics treated with pyrazinamide]. PMID- 13485869 TI - [The Montreal Neurological Institute]. PMID- 13485870 TI - [Indications & limitations of prednisone therapy in infectious diseases]. PMID- 13485871 TI - [Gonadotropic hormones & placental barrier]. PMID- 13485872 TI - [Saint's triad (hiatus hernia, cholelithiasis & diverticulosis of the colon)]. PMID- 13485873 TI - [Thyrotoxicosis; clinical study]. PMID- 13485874 TI - [A case of phytobezoar of the stomach & of an ulcer of the lesser curvature]. PMID- 13485876 TI - [Various aspects of adrenal cortex function in diabetes insipidus]. PMID- 13485875 TI - [A technical particularity facilitating surgical approach to the posterior root of the trigeminal nerve & permitting the greatest care of the superficial petrous nerves]. PMID- 13485877 TI - [Clinical aspects of acute cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13485878 TI - [Tissue factors in origin of muscular pain]. PMID- 13485879 TI - [Hemorrhagic phenomenon of the central nervous system produced by the Sanarelli Shwartzman technic]. PMID- 13485880 TI - [Blood changes after induced stasis. I. Study of various aspects of the blood coagulation process]. PMID- 13485881 TI - [Effect of drugs with coumarin action on fragility of micro-vessels; protective action of ascorbic acid, a methyl-esculetol derivative and mesinositol]. PMID- 13485882 TI - [Hemorrhagic manifestations induced by intradermal injection of antiplatelet serum]. PMID- 13485884 TI - [Hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis caused by transfusion]. PMID- 13485883 TI - [Unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and hemorrhagic manifestations]. PMID- 13485886 TI - [Icterohemoglobinuric favism as immunological anemia]. PMID- 13485887 TI - [The echosphere of the solar planetary system (helioecosphere)]. PMID- 13485885 TI - [Appearance of blood leukoagglutinins during butazolidine treatment of malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13485888 TI - [Subjective sensations during brief periods of weightlessness]. PMID- 13485889 TI - [Biological effects of primary cosmic radiations]. PMID- 13485890 TI - [Physiopathology during space flight; behavior of motor coordination in subjects exposed to acceleration values varying from 3 to 0 g]. PMID- 13485891 TI - [Paper electrophoretic fractionation of blood proteins in abortion]. PMID- 13485892 TI - [Kinetic activity and vitality of nematospermia in radioactive and inactivated mineral water]. PMID- 13485893 TI - [Experience in the use of prednisone-like drugs on some unusual morbid processes complicating pregnancy]. PMID- 13485894 TI - [Diagnostic aspects and possibilities of vaginal smears in normal and pathological pregnancy]. PMID- 13485895 TI - [Spermatic trichomoniasis]. PMID- 13485896 TI - [A case of pseudocysts of the uterus]. PMID- 13485897 TI - [Manifestations of cystalgia sine materia interpretable as phenomena of reactive disorders]. PMID- 13485898 TI - [Experience in the use of meprobamate in labor]. PMID- 13485899 TI - [Notes on secretory mastopathy]. PMID- 13485900 TI - [Effects of thioctic acid and partial hepatectomy in experimental hepatic fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride]. PMID- 13485901 TI - [Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisone in regeneration of the thyroid]. PMID- 13485902 TI - [Gastric diverticuli]. PMID- 13485903 TI - [Tumors of muscular nature]. PMID- 13485904 TI - President's address. PMID- 13485906 TI - Orientation to the geriatric problem. PMID- 13485905 TI - Fatal doriden intoxication. PMID- 13485907 TI - Cholangiography and the treatment of common bile duct stones. PMID- 13485908 TI - Sabin award for 1957 to John Zarit. PMID- 13485910 TI - Lymphoid tumors: diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13485911 TI - Carcinoma of the breast at the Weld County General Hospital. PMID- 13485909 TI - Experimental intestino-aortic grafts in dogs. PMID- 13485912 TI - The practice of urology in relation to the aged patient. PMID- 13485913 TI - Trauma and its relation to cancer. PMID- 13485914 TI - Persistent truncus arteriosus; an unusual type of congenital heart disease. PMID- 13485915 TI - [To academician Jirasek on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13485916 TI - [To academician Arnold Jirasek on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13485917 TI - [Academician Arnold Jirasek & the International Surgical Society]. PMID- 13485918 TI - [Bibliography of academician Arnold Jirasek from July 1, 1952 to January 31, 1957]. PMID- 13485919 TI - [Personal experience in the surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13485920 TI - [Plastic surgery in dermal carcinoma of face]. PMID- 13485922 TI - [Significance of early postoperative ambulation]. PMID- 13485921 TI - [Operative closure of congenital esophagobronchial fistula in a woman with congenital pulmonary cysts & multiglandular insufficiency: nanosomia & geroderma produced by anovarism]. PMID- 13485923 TI - [Primary spasm of the peripheral arteries]. PMID- 13485924 TI - [Diverticula of the gastrointestinal system]. PMID- 13485925 TI - [Early diagnosis of carcinoma of the gastrointestinal system]. PMID- 13485926 TI - [Postoperative staphylococcal entercolitis & antibiotic therapy]. PMID- 13485927 TI - [Carcinoma of the breast]. PMID- 13485928 TI - [A new intramedullary needle for diagnostic & therapeutic puncture of the bone marrow]. PMID- 13485929 TI - [Extensive resection of the small intestine]. PMID- 13485930 TI - On the physiopathology of pain; summary. PMID- 13485931 TI - The role of interoception and of the pulmonary pressure area in the maintenance of vascular tonus. PMID- 13485932 TI - Experimental investigations on hepato-biliary functional disorders; summary. PMID- 13485933 TI - A new test for the detection of iso-immunization in pregnant women. PMID- 13485934 TI - The influence of provoked hypothermia on anaphylactic shock. PMID- 13485935 TI - The eradication of malaria; the present stage of antipaludian action in the R. P. R. within the vast complex of this problem extended to a worldwide level. PMID- 13485936 TI - A rapid method for ascertaining the presence of coliform bacteria in sources of drinking water supply. PMID- 13485937 TI - Contributions to the treatment of septic endocarditis. PMID- 13485939 TI - Considerations on the etiopathogeny and treatment of discopathies. PMID- 13485938 TI - Contributions to the study of the pathogenesis of acute pulmonary oedema in patients with stenosis of the mitral valve. PMID- 13485940 TI - Considerations on certain manifestations of a tuberculous nature, occurring in the pulmonary lymph nodes during antibiotic treatment. PMID- 13485941 TI - Considerations on immediate and late technical and clinical results following surgical severance of adhesions (Jacobaeus) on 2000 cases. PMID- 13485942 TI - Considerations on periarteritis nodosa; neurological aspects. PMID- 13485943 TI - An epidemic of virotic encephalitis (transmitted by mosquitoes) at the end of summer-autumn 1955 in Tg, Mures. PMID- 13485944 TI - Micronodular encephalitis. PMID- 13485945 TI - Considerations on two cases of apraxia of the face, mouth, and tongue. PMID- 13485946 TI - Control of thyreopathic endemic dystrophy (endemic goitre) in the Rumanian Peoples Republic. PMID- 13485947 TI - Lupus erythematosus profundus. PMID- 13485949 TI - Investigations concerning haemato-tissular changes during spinal anaesthesia and operative disease. PMID- 13485948 TI - Experimental support for the use of novocain perfusions in surgery. PMID- 13485950 TI - [On the problem of surgical anemia]. PMID- 13485951 TI - [Methods of demonstrating antibodies against organ-tissue in auto-immunization diseases]. PMID- 13485952 TI - [Pathogenesis of auto-immunization diseases]. PMID- 13485953 TI - [An electrophoretic hemoglobin abnormality, hitherto undescribed, in various congenital hemolytic disorders]. PMID- 13485954 TI - [Blood coagulation in acute carbon monoxide poisoning]. PMID- 13485955 TI - [Porphyrin behavior in carbon monoxide poisoning & other diseases]. PMID- 13485956 TI - [alpha 1-Globulin type plasmocytoma]. PMID- 13485957 TI - [Excess of blood platelets in patients with massive cavernous angiomas]. PMID- 13485958 TI - [Case of acute hemolytic anemia in a young child with presence of immunological hemolysin & anticomplement property of the blood]. PMID- 13485959 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13485960 TI - [Various factors in clot retraction. II. Hypotheses on the nature of various factors in retraction]. PMID- 13485961 TI - [Diacyclothrombopathy with severe intestinal hemorrhages; spectacular but temporary effect of nitrogen mustards]. PMID- 13485962 TI - [Inhibitory action of various mitotic poisons on clot retraction]. PMID- 13485963 TI - [Testicular dysfuntion in cirrhotic patients]. PMID- 13485964 TI - [Post-traumatic recurrent meningoencephalitis caused by cerebral inclusion in the sinus]. PMID- 13485965 TI - [Multiple tuberculous cystic osteitis; Jungling disease]. PMID- 13485966 TI - [Glucose-formol in rheumatology & neurology]. PMID- 13485967 TI - [Osteitis tuberculous multiplex cystica (Jungling's disease)]. PMID- 13485968 TI - [Osteophytic spurs of the superior internal angle of the pubic symphysis]. PMID- 13485969 TI - [Osteitis tuberculous multiplex cystica (Jungling's disease)]. PMID- 13485970 TI - Aggregation of erythrocytes in small blood vessels; clinical and experimental studies. PMID- 13485971 TI - [Fiffieth anniversary meeting of the Schweizerische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft]. PMID- 13485972 TI - [Progress and current problems of ophthalmology]. PMID- 13485973 TI - [A cutaneous reaction in a case of aphthous uveitis with recurring hypopyon (Behqet's syndrome)]. PMID- 13485974 TI - [Differential diagnosis and therapy of craniopharyngioma]. PMID- 13485975 TI - [Neurosurgical verification of the role of the internal carotid artery in certain cases of chisma syndrome]. PMID- 13485976 TI - [Ocular care in cases of tetanus treated with curare]. PMID- 13485977 TI - [Contribution to the differential diagnosis of choroidal tumors]. PMID- 13485978 TI - [Prevention of gonorrheal ophthalmia in the newborn; desogen as a new prophylactic]. PMID- 13485979 TI - [The pathology of secondary orbital tumors in infants]. PMID- 13485980 TI - [Keratoconus, cataract and mongolism]. PMID- 13485981 TI - [Mass, quantity and generation time characteristics of erythropoiesis in physiological and pathological conditions]. PMID- 13485982 TI - [Osmotic resistance of blood platelets in various hematological conditions]. PMID- 13485983 TI - [Fibrin-stabilizing factor from thrombocytes]. PMID- 13485984 TI - [Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by Stuart-Prower factor deficiency]. PMID- 13485985 TI - [Studies on blood coagulation in various mammal species]. PMID- 13485986 TI - [Relation of cell release mechanism to sinus function in bone marrow]. PMID- 13485987 TI - [Necessary conditions for bone marrow regeneration after damages caused by radioactive gold colloids (Au 198)]. PMID- 13485988 TI - [Successive involvement of blood elements in a case of malignant lymphogranuloma of the spleen]. PMID- 13485990 TI - [Analysis of residual blood nitrogen with high tension electrophoresis]. PMID- 13485989 TI - [Massive dosage of prednisone in lymphogranuloma, lymphosarcoma and reticulum cell sarcoma]. PMID- 13485991 TI - [Acute erythremia; diagnosis and differential diagnosis of a case with clinical & postmortem observations]. PMID- 13485992 TI - [Erythroleukemia and erythremia (3 different cases)]. PMID- 13485993 TI - [Megaloblastic vitamin B6 deficiency anemia in hemochromatosis]. PMID- 13485994 TI - [Megaloblastic anemia in treatment of epilepsy]. PMID- 13485996 TI - [Experimental studies on erythrocyte damage caused by menadion derivatives; comparison with vitamin K1]. PMID- 13485995 TI - [New type of hypochromic anemia in two brothers based on disorders of iron metabolism; anemia sideroachrestica hereditaria]. PMID- 13485997 TI - [Case of plasma cell leukemia]. PMID- 13485998 TI - [Subacute osteolytic form of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia with plasma cell leukemia]. PMID- 13485999 TI - [Macroglobulinemia of Waldenstrom, 16 cases]. PMID- 13486001 TI - [Positive Coombs test in phenylhydrazineinduced experimental anemia]. PMID- 13486000 TI - [Acute kidney insufficiency after hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by anti Lea and treatment with artificial kidney]. PMID- 13486002 TI - [Simple, sensitive & reliable method of releasing L.E. phenomenon by mechanical damage to leukocytes of the substratum with special reference to findings in lupus erythematosus and in chronic polyarthritis]. PMID- 13486003 TI - [Clinical aspects of agranulocytosis of allergic origin]. PMID- 13486004 TI - [Results of recent examination of a family from Wallis, in which was found 25 years ago the first Swiss case of Pelger-Huetscher nuclear anomaly; present status of studies on this abnormality]. PMID- 13486005 TI - [Obstructive jaundice from the viewpoint of both the internist & the surgeon]. PMID- 13486006 TI - [Islet cell tumor of the pancreas not producing insulin & peptic ulcer (Zollinger Ellison syndrome)]. PMID- 13486007 TI - [The significance of recent findings on blood groups for a paternity test]. PMID- 13486008 TI - [Present problems in diagnosis & therapy of aortic disorders]. PMID- 13486009 TI - [Radiotherapy of keloids]. PMID- 13486010 TI - [Vertebrogenic pain syndromes & their possible chiropractice treatment]. PMID- 13486012 TI - [Serum phosphatases]. PMID- 13486011 TI - [Symptomatology of isolated idiopathic myocarditis with remarks on its diagnosis & therapy]. PMID- 13486013 TI - [Present problems in diagnosis & therapy of aortic valve diseases]. PMID- 13486014 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486015 TI - [Johannes Muller & the beginnings of cellular pathological concepts of tumor formation]. PMID- 13486016 TI - [Current status and future of plastic surgery]. PMID- 13486017 TI - [Aspects of the method of action of certain hypoglycemic sulfamides in a normal and diabetic subject determined by their effect on intravenous fructose loading]. PMID- 13486018 TI - [Vertebragenous pain syndrome and the possibility of its chiropractic treatment]. PMID- 13486019 TI - [Peptic ulcer and liver damage]. PMID- 13486020 TI - [Lorfan as a morphine antagonist in gynecology and obstetrics]. PMID- 13486021 TI - [Percussion and auscultation phenomena demonstrated on a glass of beer and a word on clinical instruction]. PMID- 13486022 TI - [Bacterial-allergic vasculitis as a cause of organic disease]. PMID- 13486023 TI - [Observations on syphilis morbidity]. PMID- 13486024 TI - [Spontaneous hypoglycemia in large tumor of the adrenal cortex; cure by surgical removal]. PMID- 13486025 TI - [Eczema and eczematoid dermoepidermitis]. PMID- 13486026 TI - [Types of medical education in the 19th century]. PMID- 13486027 TI - [Clinical evaluation of acute cholecystitis based on pathogenetic considerations]. PMID- 13486028 TI - [Fasting values of human saliva]. PMID- 13486029 TI - [Caudal analgesia in obstetrics]. PMID- 13486030 TI - [Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with thiazinamium (multergan)]. PMID- 13486031 TI - [The blood test in the trial for paternity determination; the so-called Duffya factor; evaluation of this factor]. PMID- 13486032 TI - Man against his environment: the next hundred years. PMID- 13486033 TI - Minute plaque mutant of type 2 poliovirus. PMID- 13486034 TI - Concentration of ceruloplasmin in plasma of schizophrenic patients. PMID- 13486035 TI - Development of a strain of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells resistant to N methylformamide. PMID- 13486036 TI - Discovery of cholesterol in some red algae. PMID- 13486037 TI - Prenatal protection of mice by yeast antibiotic (malucidin). PMID- 13486038 TI - Regeneration of adult mammalian spinal cord. PMID- 13486039 TI - Molecular growth requirements of single mammalian cells. PMID- 13486040 TI - E.S.G. Barron, medical biochemist. PMID- 13486041 TI - Coumestrol, a new estrogen isolated from forage crops. PMID- 13486042 TI - Wet-freeze of muscle. PMID- 13486043 TI - Detection of manganese-54 in radioactive fallout. PMID- 13486044 TI - X-ray induced chromosome aberrations in normal diploid human tissue cultures. PMID- 13486045 TI - Pressure-sensitive telemetering capsule for study of gastrointestinal motility. PMID- 13486046 TI - Lack of dependence of pyridine nucleotide reduction on high-energy phosphates in chloroplasts. PMID- 13486047 TI - Human liver enzymes of glucose-6-phosphate utilization. PMID- 13486048 TI - Endocrine control of amino acid transfer; distribution of an unmetabolizable amino acid. PMID- 13486049 TI - Oxygenated ferroheme proteins from soybean nodules. PMID- 13486051 TI - Significance of the malate synthetase reaction in bacteria. PMID- 13486050 TI - Role of glycolysis in fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in normal and diabetic rats. PMID- 13486052 TI - Oxidation of serotonin in the presence of ceruloplasmin. PMID- 13486053 TI - Action of new steroids in blocking effects of aldosterone and desoxycorticosterone on salt. PMID- 13486054 TI - Sodium diuresis induced by steroidal antagonists of aldosterone. PMID- 13486055 TI - Effect of citrovorum factor and peptones on mouse leukemia cells L-5178 in tissue culture. PMID- 13486056 TI - Self-regulation of protein synthesis in Acetabularia. PMID- 13486057 TI - Production of tolerance to psychosis-producing doses of lysergic acid diethylamide. PMID- 13486058 TI - The challenge to dentistry; a tribute to William J. Gies. PMID- 13486059 TI - On the physiologic significance of monoamine oxidase in brain. PMID- 13486060 TI - Toxicologic evaluation of gibberellic acid. PMID- 13486061 TI - Preparation of cell-free yeast homogenate that converts acetate to sterols. PMID- 13486062 TI - Differentiation of species by paper electrophoresis of serum proteins of Pseudemys turtles. PMID- 13486063 TI - Increase in resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle produced by insulin. PMID- 13486065 TI - Soviet psychology since 1950. PMID- 13486064 TI - Enzyme-inhibitor complex in a tryptophan-requiring mutant of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13486066 TI - Tumor-inhibiting effects derived from an active principle of garlic (Allium sativum). PMID- 13486067 TI - Chemoprophylaxis with diazouracil of poliomyelitis in mice. PMID- 13486068 TI - Biological synthesis of cellobiose. PMID- 13486069 TI - Mechanism of agglutination of Macaca rhesus erythrocytes by human hepatitis serum. PMID- 13486070 TI - Sulfa compounds in reversible inhibition of sperm metabolism by carbon dioxide. PMID- 13486071 TI - New fast hemoglobin associated with thalassemia. PMID- 13486072 TI - Angelo mosso. PMID- 13486073 TI - The pathogenesis of renal cardiopathy. PMID- 13486074 TI - Cadaveric green hemo-pigments. PMID- 13486075 TI - The biochemistry of preosseous cartilage and of ossification. PMID- 13486076 TI - The coenzymes in pathology and in therapy. PMID- 13486077 TI - Leptospirae and leptospirosis in Italy. PMID- 13486078 TI - The I.N.A.I.L. Traumatologic Center of Turin. PMID- 13486079 TI - Thiazole research: IV. Character of 4,4'-dichloromethyl-2,2'-dithiazolyl; synthesis of hexaalkyl 2,2'-dithiazolyl-4,4'-dimethyl diammonium salts. PMID- 13486080 TI - Pyrimidine research; the action of hydrogen peroxide on mercapto-pyrimidine; the formation of pyrimidine-sulfone and its instability in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. PMID- 13486081 TI - The transmission of Wuchereria malayi in nature by Anopheles hyrcanus var. sinensis. PMID- 13486082 TI - Antibiotic treatment in dysentery. PMID- 13486083 TI - Methylpentynol (oblivon) carbamate as a sedative and hypnotic: a clinical trial to calibrate the dosage. PMID- 13486084 TI - Gastric acid secretion in dogs during pregnancy and lactation. PMID- 13486085 TI - A report on buthalitone sodium. PMID- 13486086 TI - The effect of various drugs on the growth of Candida albicans during antibiotic therapy, including amphotericin, a new antifungal antibiotic. PMID- 13486087 TI - Potassium-losing nephritis and primary aldosteronism. PMID- 13486088 TI - Electrocardiographic changes in generalized urticaria. PMID- 13486089 TI - IRON THERAPY. PMID- 13486090 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486091 TI - [Indications & present conditions of surgery in goiter]. PMID- 13486092 TI - [Value & tolerance of dihydrostreptomycin pantothenate in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486094 TI - [Status of psychosurgery]. PMID- 13486093 TI - [Hemodynamic variations in total or partial stenosis of the respiratory tract]. PMID- 13486095 TI - [Emergency treatment of severe digestive hemorrhages in liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13486096 TI - [Sickle cell anemia]. PMID- 13486097 TI - [Rehydration in the treatment of neurotoxic syndromes in infants; controlled perfusion or standard perfusion]. PMID- 13486098 TI - [Hydrocephalus in the premature infant; its neurosurgical treatment]. PMID- 13486099 TI - [Pseudocystic mesenchymal tumor of the liver in a new born infant: hamartoma]. PMID- 13486100 TI - [Nervous changes in infants born of prolonged pregnancies]. PMID- 13486102 TI - [Treatment of thinness in children]. PMID- 13486101 TI - [Anomalies of the sweat glands in mucoviscidosis or fibrocystic disease of the pancreas. I]. PMID- 13486103 TI - [Existance of liver involvement in nervous complications of alcoholism]. PMID- 13486104 TI - [Deltacortisone & ascitic cirrhosis; biological & histological study; therapeutic accidents]. PMID- 13486105 TI - [Secondary hemochromatosis in alcoholics; theoretical problems & clinical diagnosis]. PMID- 13486106 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus by hypoglycemic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13486107 TI - [Concept of auto-antibodies in hematology; possible practical applications]. PMID- 13486108 TI - [Lipoid nephrosis & primary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486110 TI - [Indication of transfusion in acute hemorrhage (with patients free of hemostatic disorders)]. PMID- 13486111 TI - [How to treat a confusional state]. PMID- 13486109 TI - [Present data concerning the effects of hormones on the development & treatment of certain types of cancer]. PMID- 13486112 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486113 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486114 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486115 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486117 TI - [Study of the sweat test for a method used in the analysis of total sweat]. PMID- 13486116 TI - [Corticotherapy & mediastinal lymph node tuberculosis; common ganglio-pulmonary primary infections]. PMID- 13486118 TI - [Hiatal hernia & cardiovascular pathology]. PMID- 13486119 TI - [Repercussion of silicosis on the cardio vascular system]. PMID- 13486120 TI - [Exudative pericarditis with protracted development]. PMID- 13486122 TI - [Spontaneous hemopneumothorax & pneumothorax treated in emergency surgery]. PMID- 13486121 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486123 TI - [Progressive muscular dystrophy of the true hypertrophic muscular hypertrophic type without myotonia]. PMID- 13486124 TI - [What to expect of a muscular biopsy; 150 cases]. PMID- 13486125 TI - [Indications, prognosis & limitations of decortication in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486126 TI - [Polymorphic ventricular extrasystole]. PMID- 13486127 TI - [Statistical study of the dietetic factors in the pathogenesis of cholelithiasis in man]. PMID- 13486128 TI - [Post-traumatic cerebral arteriovenous fistula]. PMID- 13486129 TI - [Differential diagnosis of pain in coronary disease]. PMID- 13486130 TI - [Functional examination of the skeleton]. PMID- 13486131 TI - [Technics for biological examination of the skeleton]. PMID- 13486132 TI - [Results of functional examination of the skeleton in metabolic bone diseases]. PMID- 13486133 TI - [Use of oxytocics by intravenous perfusion as a procedure for the medical induction of labor]. PMID- 13486134 TI - [2 Years of experience with telecobalt therapy: first impressions]. PMID- 13486135 TI - [Narcotics; international problem]. PMID- 13486136 TI - [Treatment of the cardiac insufficiency of the asthma patient]. PMID- 13486137 TI - [Gains in the safety & effectiveness obtained from pantothenic streptomycin]. PMID- 13486138 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486139 TI - [Narcotics, an international problem]. PMID- 13486140 TI - [New synthetic antispasmodic: lispamol (3828 RP)]. PMID- 13486141 TI - [Pruritus without dermatological lesions]. PMID- 13486142 TI - [The narcotics, on international problem]. PMID- 13486143 TI - [Late rhumatic manifestations caused by dental accidents]. PMID- 13486144 TI - [Medical expenses in France, 1950 to 1955]. PMID- 13486145 TI - [Therapeutic indications of varicose veins in pregnancy]. PMID- 13486146 TI - [Surgery of intraocular foreign bodies]. PMID- 13486147 TI - [Prednisone and prednisolone and antibiotics in neurology]. PMID- 13486148 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcer; results obtained in treatment of 85 patients with a licorice extract]. PMID- 13486149 TI - [Uterine contraction according to Alvarez & Caldeyro]. PMID- 13486150 TI - [Allergy, immunity & the campaign against tuberculosis with controlled artificial infection. II]. PMID- 13486151 TI - [Unusual case of multiple thoracic echinococcosis of infrequent localization in the same patient]. PMID- 13486152 TI - [Bernardo Ramazzini; founder of industrial medicine]. PMID- 13486153 TI - [Pantothenic acid in emergency surgery of the abdomen]. PMID- 13486154 TI - [Simultaneous ovarian and uterus carcinomas]. PMID- 13486155 TI - [The molecular pathology]. PMID- 13486156 TI - [Effect of gravity on reserve air]. PMID- 13486157 TI - [Prenatal determination of sex; 17-ketosteroids in amniotic fluid]. PMID- 13486158 TI - [Stereotaxic surgery in extrapyramidal diseases]. PMID- 13486159 TI - [Mechanisms of the antileprosy activity of sulfones]. PMID- 13486160 TI - [Clinical experience with depot-insulin; 72 case reports]. PMID- 13486161 TI - [Goiter; annual report of the Division & Instituto del Bocio of Menzo Mendoza (1956)]. PMID- 13486162 TI - [Partial block of cellular respiration by radiotherapy could be the cause of cancer]. PMID- 13486163 TI - [Treatment of 2 cases of suppurated prosthesis in the maxilla; medical & odontological cooperation]. PMID- 13486164 TI - [Puncture of the fundus of the Douglas' pouch in gynecological diagnosis]. PMID- 13486165 TI - [Effect of hypertensin or angiotonin on arterial hypertension in man; its effect on the kidneys: hemodynamic, diuretic & sodium excretory changes. I]. PMID- 13486166 TI - [Gastric chemistry without a tube]. PMID- 13486167 TI - [Treatment of lipemia in infants]. PMID- 13486168 TI - [Diagnosis of urinary stress incontience in women. II]. PMID- 13486170 TI - [Megacolon: manifested by crepitation]. PMID- 13486169 TI - [Treatment of Sydenham's chorea with ACTH]. PMID- 13486171 TI - [Congenital gynatresia caused by septation of the middle third of the vagina]. PMID- 13486172 TI - [Effect of hypertensin or angiotonin on arterial hypertension in man; its effect on the kidney: hemodynamic, diuretic & sodium excretory changes. II]. PMID- 13486173 TI - [Rh factor; practical general data; special importance in obstetrics]. PMID- 13486174 TI - [Blood histaminase in allergic women in pregnancy]. PMID- 13486175 TI - [Control of tuberculoid reactions in leprosy with prednisone]. PMID- 13486176 TI - [Tranquilizers in otolaryngology]. PMID- 13486177 TI - [Endoocular hydatidosis]. PMID- 13486178 TI - [Bone metastases as the primary manifestation of hypernephroma; case report]. PMID- 13486179 TI - [Preliminary notes on the use of filter membranes in the bacteriological examination of water; results]. PMID- 13486181 TI - [Diverticulosis and diverticultis]. PMID- 13486180 TI - [Acute cecal volvulus]. PMID- 13486182 TI - [Clinical therapeutical & physiogenic aspects of angiopathies; several recent acquisitions]. PMID- 13486183 TI - [Gastroenterology; typification of gastrointestinal intubation; sounds]. PMID- 13486184 TI - [Logopedic study in a lobectomized schizophrenic]. PMID- 13486185 TI - [Allergic diseases & the female gonads; clinical factors & therapy]. PMID- 13486186 TI - [Heine-Medin disease; generalities, added significance in our country, clinical forms (classification), differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13486187 TI - [Spinal respiratory forms]. PMID- 13486188 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486189 TI - [Rehabilitation of polio]. PMID- 13486191 TI - [Non-barbiturate sedatives]. PMID- 13486190 TI - [Tranquilizers]. PMID- 13486192 TI - [Treatment of climacterics]. PMID- 13486193 TI - [Use of meprobamate in pediatric medicine]. PMID- 13486194 TI - [Pharmacological properties & clinical uses of meprobamate]. PMID- 13486195 TI - [Meprobamate in clinical psychiatric investigation]. PMID- 13486196 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum]. PMID- 13486197 TI - [Early diagnosis of genital cancer]. PMID- 13486198 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of menorrhagia]. PMID- 13486199 TI - [Radiotherapy in gynecology]. PMID- 13486200 TI - [Vulvar itching]. PMID- 13486201 TI - [Critique of therapeutic methods in genital prolapse]. PMID- 13486203 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486204 TI - [Genital flux]. PMID- 13486202 TI - [Incomplete clinical forms of total rupture of the uterus]. PMID- 13486205 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of amenorrhea]. PMID- 13486206 TI - [Short wave physical therapy in gynecology]. PMID- 13486207 TI - [Insulin antagonists]. PMID- 13486208 TI - [Treatment of diabetic acidosis; general data]. PMID- 13486209 TI - [Present perspectives in relation to the problem of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13486210 TI - [Surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum. II]. PMID- 13486211 TI - [Influenza]. PMID- 13486212 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486213 TI - Prostatic carcinoma; number one cancer in older men. PMID- 13486214 TI - Rehabilitation of the rheumatoid arthritic patient. II. PMID- 13486215 TI - Cervica, cancer studied by giant histologic sections. I. PMID- 13486216 TI - Stricture of the urethra. PMID- 13486217 TI - Dr. Albert E. Goldstein. PMID- 13486218 TI - A consideration of pitfalls in urographic interpretation for the general practitioner. PMID- 13486220 TI - A preliminary report of an experimental study of revascularization of the kidney utilizing an isolated loop of ileum. PMID- 13486219 TI - Radioactive gold in the management of prostatic cancer. PMID- 13486221 TI - One-stage suprapubic prostatectomy with primary closure of the bladder. PMID- 13486222 TI - Transcommissural prostatectomy. PMID- 13486223 TI - Diagnosis of congenital lesions of urinary tract in children; and a personal appreciation of Dr. A. E. Goldstein. PMID- 13486224 TI - Congenital unilateral multicystic kidney; a review of the literature and a report of three cases. PMID- 13486225 TI - Hematuria in children. PMID- 13486226 TI - A modification of the Goldstein procedure for polycystic kidney disease. PMID- 13486227 TI - Complications of conservative renal surgery. PMID- 13486228 TI - Furadantin; a clinical study. PMID- 13486229 TI - Studies in micturition by use of electromyography in the normal individual and spastic paraplegic. PMID- 13486230 TI - Some observations on bladder neck uropathy in the female. PMID- 13486231 TI - Erythroplasia of Queyrat. PMID- 13486232 TI - Treatment of varicocele by the Bernardi operation. PMID- 13486233 TI - [Effects of reserpine on the electric brain activity in cats]. PMID- 13486234 TI - [Our experiences with the use of reserpine in child neoropsychiatry]. PMID- 13486235 TI - [Anterior cerebral dysraphia; report on 15 cases]. PMID- 13486237 TI - A new Salmonella type: S. alexander 3, 10:z:I, 5. PMID- 13486236 TI - [The obstructive syndromes of the anterior cerebral artery]. PMID- 13486238 TI - A new Salmonella type: Salmonella boksburg: 40:gs:en. PMID- 13486239 TI - The periodic-acid-Schiff reaction as a diagnostic aid in thalassaemia. PMID- 13486240 TI - Trypan blue induced anomalies in the genito-urinary system of rats. PMID- 13486241 TI - Normal basal metabolic rate, protein-bound iodine and total cholesterol values in the Shangaan. PMID- 13486242 TI - A new Salmonella type: Salmonella rand (42:z:e, n, Z15, Z16). PMID- 13486243 TI - The effect of Lathyrus odoratus meal, cholesterol and various hormones on the structure of the aorta and coronary arteries. PMID- 13486244 TI - Immediate etiologic diagnosis in the convulsing patient. PMID- 13486246 TI - Pharmacy and the food and drug administration. PMID- 13486245 TI - PRESENT status of chemotherapy in tuberculosis: report of Committee on Chemotherapy and Antibiotics, American College of Chest Physicians. PMID- 13486247 TI - The conservative treatment of shaft fractures of the tibia and fibula. PMID- 13486248 TI - Fusion of the charcot knee. PMID- 13486249 TI - Surgery of the paranasal sinuses: recent advances. PMID- 13486250 TI - Sinusitis: diagnosis and office management. PMID- 13486252 TI - Perinatal infant mortality associated with a conservative policy regarding cesarean section: analysis of 7,871 deliveries at the North Carolina Baptist Hospital. PMID- 13486251 TI - Thromboembolic complications of pregnancy. PMID- 13486253 TI - Vesicorectostomy: report of six cases. PMID- 13486254 TI - Clinical experience with varidase and chlorophyll. PMID- 13486255 TI - Congenital hourglass gallbladder. PMID- 13486256 TI - Flexion deformity of the infant thumb. PMID- 13486257 TI - Newer concepts concerning the preventive influence of tonsillo-adenoidectomy on the common cold in children. PMID- 13486258 TI - Carcinoma of the gallbladder: attempt at experimental induction. PMID- 13486259 TI - Impairment of memory as a symptom of a focal neurological lesion. PMID- 13486260 TI - Rationale of cervical sympathetic block for acute, focal cerebral ischemia. PMID- 13486261 TI - Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (atarax); a new tranquilizer. PMID- 13486262 TI - Intestinal obstruction in infants and children. PMID- 13486263 TI - Factors in the prevention of cerebral palsy. PMID- 13486264 TI - The artificial kidney. PMID- 13486265 TI - Maternal complications in the delivery of infants with congenital malformations: a study of 212 cases. PMID- 13486266 TI - Hopeless malignancy. PMID- 13486267 TI - Home care of active tuberculosis. PMID- 13486268 TI - The perineal testis. PMID- 13486269 TI - Tumors of the testis: a study of 115 cases. PMID- 13486270 TI - The management of physiological nocturnal enuresis. PMID- 13486271 TI - The poliomyelitis patient with respiratory failure: diagnosis, management, and results of treatment. PMID- 13486272 TI - Experiences in the treatment of human beings with antirabic vaccine in South Carolina. PMID- 13486274 TI - Intravenous cholangiography. PMID- 13486273 TI - Treatment of Wilms' tumor: report of three consecutive ten year cures. PMID- 13486275 TI - Trends in public health programs. PMID- 13486276 TI - Serum 5-nucleotidase in cardiac decompensation. PMID- 13486277 TI - [ATP as a metabolite and cardiac drug]. PMID- 13486278 TI - [ATPase of the myocardium in experimental electrocution]. PMID- 13486279 TI - [Studies of the content of chromotropic substances in tumors in relation to the problem of metastatic dissemination]. PMID- 13486280 TI - [Effect of several reagents of the sulfhydryl group on histaminase; notes on the micro-volumetric method of determination of the enzyme]. PMID- 13486282 TI - [Anti-infective action of anabolizing steroids]. PMID- 13486281 TI - [Antibodies against Coxsackie A virus in the children of a foundling hospital]. PMID- 13486283 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486284 TI - [Surgical and combined treatment of breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13486285 TI - [Metastatic tumors of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13486286 TI - [Results of radiological treatment of neoplasms of the uterine neck and of parametrium]. PMID- 13486287 TI - [Trichomonas vaginalis & other microorganisms in the vaginal secretions of the female]. PMID- 13486288 TI - [Is histamine the strongest stimulant for hydrochloric acid secretion]. PMID- 13486289 TI - [Effect of mineral waters of Vrnjacka Banja on choleresis]. PMID- 13486290 TI - [Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; clinical & laboratory data on 87 patients]. PMID- 13486291 TI - [Delivery in old and young primipara]. PMID- 13486292 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486293 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486294 TI - [Acute rheumatic myocardial changes in subacute bacterial endocarditis]. PMID- 13486295 TI - [Sympathicogonioma or sympathoblastoma]. PMID- 13486296 TI - [First three physicians in liberated Serbia]. PMID- 13486298 TI - [Intraocular pressure in sympathetic ophthalmia]. PMID- 13486297 TI - [Post-partal psychosis; analysis of 30 cases]. PMID- 13486299 TI - [Treatment of mycosis fungoides with radiotherapy]. PMID- 13486300 TI - [Experimental research with filtrates]. PMID- 13486301 TI - [Successfully operated heart injury]. PMID- 13486303 TI - [Manchester operation]. PMID- 13486302 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486304 TI - [Lactariums in the city of Belgrade]. PMID- 13486305 TI - [Importance of negative U wave in diagnosis of prodromal stage of myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13486306 TI - [Suppurative hemorrhagic meningitis and its early diagnosis; 2 case reports]. PMID- 13486307 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486308 TI - [Severe cachexia caused by dermatomyositis]. PMID- 13486309 TI - [Disappearance of Schoenlein-Henoch purpura during infectious hepatitis]. PMID- 13486311 TI - [Thyreotoxicosis caused by castration for breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13486310 TI - [Acute invagination in a 4-months old infant treated by resection]. PMID- 13486312 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486314 TI - Sudan black and osmic acid as staining agents for testicular interstitial cells. PMID- 13486313 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486315 TI - A method for applying different stains to alternate serial sections on a single microscope slide. PMID- 13486316 TI - Histochemical use of lead tetraacetate. II. alpha-Hydroxycarboxylic acid localization. PMID- 13486317 TI - Cutting unfixed frozen sections for fluorescence antibody studies. PMID- 13486318 TI - Collodion membranes in pollen tube technique. PMID- 13486320 TI - An ocular grid-planimeter method for enumerating nerve fibers. PMID- 13486319 TI - A modification of the Fite formaldehyde (Fite I) method for staining acid-fast bacilli in paraffin sections. PMID- 13486321 TI - The use of a fast, coarse-grain stripping film for radioautography. PMID- 13486322 TI - A method for embedding small specimens. PMID- 13486323 TI - An alkaline hydrolysis-toluidine blue method applied to growing yeast cells. PMID- 13486324 TI - A silver impregnation-tetrachrome staining combination. PMID- 13486325 TI - Robert Reid Newell; an appreciation. PMID- 13486326 TI - Radiation hazard: its statutory control and its influence on the future of the human race. PMID- 13486327 TI - The Stanford medical linear accelerator. I. Design and development. PMID- 13486328 TI - The Stanford medical linear accelerator. III. Application to clinical problems of radiation therapy. PMID- 13486329 TI - The Stanford medical linear accelerator. IV. Patient dosimetry. PMID- 13486330 TI - Management of patients having bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13486331 TI - Pituitary cyst with panhypopituitarism: radio-opaque visualization and treatment by transfrontal and transsphenoidal decompression and interstitial radiation with radioactive cobalt. PMID- 13486332 TI - Primary carcinoma of the ureter complicated by ureteritis cystica: a case report. PMID- 13486333 TI - Demonstration of fracture-dislocations of the temporomandibular joint area by laminagraphy. PMID- 13486334 TI - Hodgkin's disease: a revised clinical classification and an approach to the treatment of its localized form. PMID- 13486335 TI - Cancer of the ovary: results of treatment in 135 cases. PMID- 13486336 TI - Metaphyseal fibrous defects. PMID- 13486337 TI - Iatrogenic esophageal perforation. PMID- 13486338 TI - Absorbed dose; proposed experiment for high energy x-ray beams. PMID- 13486339 TI - The role of the observer in physical science. PMID- 13486340 TI - Spondylolisthesis without spondylolysis; degenerative changes in the apophyseal joints associated with subluxation in the lumbar spine. PMID- 13486341 TI - Ossification of the calcaneal apophysis in healthy children: some normal radiographic features. PMID- 13486342 TI - Seminoma: report of three interesting cases. PMID- 13486343 TI - Radiologic aspects of operable heart disease. V. The appearance of coarctation of the aorta in infancy. PMID- 13486344 TI - On the radiation treatment of certain endocrine disorders. PMID- 13486345 TI - Testicular tumors: a review and report of 93 cases. PMID- 13486346 TI - Multiple traumatic lesions of the infant skeleton. PMID- 13486347 TI - Lipoma of the corpus callosum; report of four cases, two with cerebral arteriography. PMID- 13486348 TI - [Heinrich Franke on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13486349 TI - [Effect of a single x-irradiation on the change of form of the nuclear apparatus of the Walker carcinoma cell]. PMID- 13486350 TI - [Morphological studies on the extranuclear components of the Walker carcinoma cell after a single x-irradiation]. PMID- 13486351 TI - [Relation between the spectral distribution of the impulse rate, intensity and dose performance of a roentgen ray]. PMID- 13486352 TI - [Experiences in the treatment of malignant tumors of the epipharynx, tongue and tonsils based on admissions to the Heidelberg University Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic in the past 10 years]. PMID- 13486353 TI - [Treatment of carcinoma of the vulva at the University Women's Hospital in Wurzburg from 1947 to 1951]. PMID- 13486354 TI - [Incidence of metastasis to the lungs and skeleton in breast carcinoma and carcinoma of the female genitalia]. PMID- 13486355 TI - [Experiences with the combination of roentgen rays and mitomen in the treatment of advanced malignant neoplasms]. PMID- 13486356 TI - [Treatment of acute increase of cerebral pressure during radiotherapy of brain tumors; preliminary report]. PMID- 13486357 TI - [Invalidism of successfully treated cancer patients]. PMID- 13486358 TI - [Treatment of juvenile hemangioma and naevus flammeus with strontium-90 and yttrium-90]. PMID- 13486359 TI - [Maximum dose in moving field irradiation]. PMID- 13486361 TI - [Distribution measurement of radioactive isotopes. II]. PMID- 13486360 TI - [Results of measurement of the anterior cranial fossa of a skull phantom in pendulum irradiation]. PMID- 13486362 TI - [The problem of small-opening grid fields in deep radiation therapy]. PMID- 13486363 TI - [An instrument for the application of radiogold with regard to radiation protec on]. PMID- 13486364 TI - [Determination of skin temperature before and after x-irradiation]. PMID- 13486365 TI - [An instrument and method for determining erythema of the human skin]. PMID- 13486366 TI - [Further findings on the subject of the natural radium content of the human body and of food and drinking-water]. PMID- 13486367 TI - [The biological process of injuries caused by ionizing radiations; protection and recovery from such injuries]. PMID- 13486368 TI - [Hereditary taint of populations by use of ionizing radiations in medicine]. PMID- 13486369 TI - [Relations between virus and tumor formation]. PMID- 13486370 TI - [High doses of preoperative x-ray irradiation of mammary carcinoma]. PMID- 13486371 TI - [Preliminary radiotherapy of carcinoma of the breast]. PMID- 13486372 TI - [Experiences in surgery of preoperatively irradiated breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13486373 TI - [X-ray aspects of the development of irradiated breast carcinoma]. PMID- 13486374 TI - [X-ray therapy of seminoma]. PMID- 13486375 TI - [The early stage of lung cancer]. PMID- 13486376 TI - [Radiotherapy of bronchial carcinoma with special reference to preliminary irradiation]. PMID- 13486377 TI - [Demonstration of radiation injury by adrenalin test]. PMID- 13486378 TI - [The subject of phantom measurement and use of standard isodoses in moving-beam irradiation]. PMID- 13486379 TI - [Exact focus adjustment in moving-beam irradiation]. PMID- 13486380 TI - [Skin damage in grid therapy]. PMID- 13486382 TI - [The World Health Organization, or WHO]. PMID- 13486381 TI - [Report on oral thorium X preparation in trial therapy of cancer]. PMID- 13486383 TI - [The value of endoscopy in diagnosis & therapy of intrathoracic diseases]. PMID- 13486384 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486385 TI - [History of the South Pohjanmaan rural physician's association and the South Pohjanmaan medical society 1917-1957]. PMID- 13486386 TI - A clinical study of chronic noninfectious thyroiditis and autoimmunization. PMID- 13486387 TI - Alterations in thyroid function following surgical trauma. PMID- 13486388 TI - Ranulas with extension into the neck: so-called plunging ranulas. PMID- 13486389 TI - The coagulation defect after hepatectomy. PMID- 13486391 TI - Malignant neoplasms of the duodenum; report of five cases. PMID- 13486390 TI - The inhibition of clotting by Congo red. PMID- 13486392 TI - Cholecystolithotomy in functioning gall bladders. PMID- 13486393 TI - Relapsing pancreatitis in alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. PMID- 13486394 TI - Mucoid adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum. PMID- 13486395 TI - Massive hemorrhage from diverticular disease of the colon. PMID- 13486396 TI - Respiratory depression due to neomycin. PMID- 13486397 TI - Thiostrepton and thiostrepton-neomycin for preoperative preparation of the colon. PMID- 13486398 TI - Tumefactive xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. PMID- 13486399 TI - Technique for the correction of pectus excavatum. PMID- 13486400 TI - Experimental study of the fusion of the mitral annulus at the site of polar cross plication in dogs. PMID- 13486401 TI - A filmer for the stationary screen oxygenator. PMID- 13486402 TI - Interatrial venous transposition; a one-stage intracardiac operation for the conversion of complete transposition of the aorta and pulmonary artery to corrected transposition: theory and clinical experience. PMID- 13486404 TI - Studies on the effect of hydrocortisone on irreversible hemorrhagic shock in the dog. PMID- 13486403 TI - Studies in the healing of large right ventriculotomies. PMID- 13486405 TI - Evaluation of the need for porosity in synthetic arterial prostheses; a case report and evaluation of dacron aortic grafts in dogs. PMID- 13486406 TI - Transplantation of the large venous system with various blood vessel substitutes; an experimental study. PMID- 13486408 TI - A new instrument for preparing arterial homografts. PMID- 13486407 TI - Antifibrillary drugs for deep hypothermia in the dog. PMID- 13486409 TI - Use of proteolytic enzymes as debriding agents. PMID- 13486410 TI - Ruptured adenocarcinoma of the appendix; review of the literature and case presentation. PMID- 13486411 TI - Carcinoma of a parathyroid gland with hyperparathyroidism; report of a case. PMID- 13486412 TI - Dr. Conrad Ramstedt and pyloromyotomy. PMID- 13486413 TI - Massive blood replacement. V. Failure to observe citrate intoxication. PMID- 13486414 TI - Fibrinolysis following thoracic surgery. PMID- 13486415 TI - A trial of ileosigmoidostomy in the treatment of gastrojejunocolic fistula. PMID- 13486416 TI - The nutritional status of patients after partial gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy for duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13486417 TI - Experimental use of homologous fascia lata to repair diaphragmatic defects in dogs. PMID- 13486418 TI - Testicular tumors in infants and children. PMID- 13486419 TI - Percutaneous transfemoral selective renal arteriography in pathologic conditions of the kidney. PMID- 13486420 TI - Nonosteogenic fibroma of bone. PMID- 13486421 TI - Correlation of the pathologic and radiographic findings in tumors and pseudotumors of the gallbladder. PMID- 13486422 TI - Study of serum proteins with paper electrophoresis. II. Observations on serum protein fractions in patients undergoing hypothermia during intracranial surgery. PMID- 13486423 TI - Glucose potentiation of potassium asystole. PMID- 13486424 TI - The fate of blood in the peritoneal cavity. PMID- 13486425 TI - Saddle block anesthesia in breech delivery. PMID- 13486426 TI - Carcinoma and arterial disease. PMID- 13486427 TI - Perforation of the gallbladder. PMID- 13486428 TI - An incision for the removal of stones impacted in the lower ureter. PMID- 13486429 TI - Right thoracoabdominal approach to esophageal resection. PMID- 13486430 TI - A new technique for bladder reconstruction. PMID- 13486431 TI - Carcinoid tumors of the duodenum. PMID- 13486432 TI - Gonioscopy. PMID- 13486433 TI - [Clinical & pharmaceutical aspects of recently developed ointment bases, with reference to those listed in the third edition of Pharmaconomia svecica]. PMID- 13486435 TI - Pharmacy in Czechoslovakia. PMID- 13486434 TI - [Skelleftea pharmacy]. PMID- 13486437 TI - [Considerations on acquired toxoplasmosis with reference to 13 cases]. PMID- 13486436 TI - [Aspects of nitrogen metabolism in higher animals; reciprocal effects of nutrient components]. PMID- 13486438 TI - [Three more cases of acute psychotic reactions to procaine penicillin]. PMID- 13486439 TI - [Cholecystokinin in radiography of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13486440 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486441 TI - [Six years' activity at the industrial medical department of Eskilstuna Central General Hospital]. PMID- 13486442 TI - [A case of subdural hematoma 100 years ago]. PMID- 13486443 TI - [Considerations on nitrogen metabolism in higher animals; nitrogen needs of man]. PMID- 13486444 TI - [Experience with curettage & postabortion evacuation of the uterus in ambulant cases]. PMID- 13486445 TI - [Trial of local anesthesia in labor]. PMID- 13486446 TI - [Forms of tropical malaria]. PMID- 13486447 TI - [Problems of geriatric surgery]. PMID- 13486448 TI - [A new manometer for blood pressure]. PMID- 13486449 TI - [Hospital disinfection]. PMID- 13486450 TI - [The hospital social worker]. PMID- 13486451 TI - [With Scandinavian doctors to London & Oxford]. PMID- 13486452 TI - [The question of early diagnosis & therapy of congenital hip dislocation]. PMID- 13486453 TI - [Prevention of aspiration under anesthesia in ileus & emergency surgery]. PMID- 13486454 TI - [Induced abortion versus contraception]. PMID- 13486455 TI - [Arteriosclerotic heart disease as a cause of death]. PMID- 13486456 TI - [Medical aspects of the Mochican art of Peru]. PMID- 13486457 TI - [Diabetes mellitus and its management in adults]. PMID- 13486458 TI - [Official organization of Swedish social medicine in statu nascendi]. PMID- 13486459 TI - [Social medicine, a new subject in the medical curriculum]. PMID- 13486460 TI - [Essential conditions for corneal transplantation]. PMID- 13486462 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486461 TI - [Myocardial infarct due to acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage]. PMID- 13486463 TI - [Adrenocortical total extract in therapy of complications of alcoholic intoxication]. PMID- 13486464 TI - A reassessment of the problem of apical dominance. PMID- 13486465 TI - The physiological action and biological importance of germination inhibitors. PMID- 13486466 TI - Auxin and the mechanism of root growth. PMID- 13486467 TI - Chemical regulation of growth and organ formation in plant tissues cultured in vitro. PMID- 13486468 TI - A physiological study on the nature of autonomous growth in neoplastic plant cells. PMID- 13486469 TI - The effects of some microbial metabolic products on plant growth. PMID- 13486470 TI - The growth hormone of the pituitary gland and metabolic processes. PMID- 13486471 TI - The action of growth hormones in insects. PMID- 13486472 TI - Hormonal factors in the growth of the foetus. PMID- 13486473 TI - Localized formation of new tissue in an adult mammal. PMID- 13486474 TI - Antibiotics and animal growth. PMID- 13486475 TI - The study of growth factors in tissue culture. PMID- 13486476 TI - [Role of growth substances in explantation of embryonic organs cultivated in vitro]. PMID- 13486477 TI - The evolution of independence from specific growth stimulation and inhibition in mammalian tumour-cell populations. PMID- 13486478 TI - Endocrine regulation of zymogenic cells. PMID- 13486479 TI - [Data on the pathophysiology of the cornea. I]. PMID- 13486480 TI - [Hydergin in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13486481 TI - [Chinortho eyedrops in the therapy of certain cases of convergent strabismus and asthenopia]. PMID- 13486482 TI - [Oxytetracycline in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13486484 TI - [Ophthalmic accident prevention by changing the trajectory of flying splinters]. PMID- 13486483 TI - [The histamine conjunctive test in focal eye diseases]. PMID- 13486485 TI - [Experiments on the prevention of eye diseases due to metallic foreign bodies]. PMID- 13486486 TI - [New surgical solution for pterygium]. PMID- 13486487 TI - [Role of neurohormonal factors in the etiology of keratoconjunctivitis sicca]. PMID- 13486488 TI - [Bee sting in the cornea]. PMID- 13486489 TI - Comparison of several serologic tests for syphilis using Treponema pallidum antigen with serums from selected diagnostic-problem patients. PMID- 13486490 TI - A screening method for enteric organisms, using a ferric chloride test. PMID- 13486491 TI - Weld's method for the rapid identification of Candida albicans in clinical materials. PMID- 13486492 TI - Method for staining neurons, axons, and boutons terminaux in paraffin sections. PMID- 13486493 TI - A rapid cephalin-cholesterol flocculation test. PMID- 13486494 TI - Standardization of hemoglobin. PMID- 13486495 TI - An automatic pipetting device and its application in the clinical laboratory. PMID- 13486497 TI - An automatic method for colorimetric analysis. PMID- 13486496 TI - A simple spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium. PMID- 13486498 TI - Modification of the Coleman Junior for direct photometry of paper electrophoretograms. PMID- 13486499 TI - A syringe attachment for decalcification of small quantities of blood. PMID- 13486500 TI - The Treponema pallidum immune adherence test with a phenolized antigen. PMID- 13486501 TI - A rapid method for distinguishing atypical (yellow) acid-fast colonies from Nocardia species. PMID- 13486502 TI - Combined acid-fast and gram-staining procedure for bacterial films. PMID- 13486503 TI - Polyvinyl pyrrolidone as a mounting medium for stains for fat and for azo-dye procedures. PMID- 13486505 TI - Simultaneous determination of serum copper and iron by means of the addition of thorium ion. PMID- 13486504 TI - Dehydrogenase activity of endometrium; application of tetrazolium staining methods to smears and sections from surgical specimens. PMID- 13486506 TI - Preparation of ceric sulfate reagent for use in the determination of protein bound iodine. PMID- 13486508 TI - Laboratory suggestion; a holder for microhematocrit tubes, for use in macrocentrifuges. PMID- 13486507 TI - Apparatus for holding motorized tool used in procedures for inoculating fertilized eggs of hens. PMID- 13486509 TI - The use of millipore filters in clinical laboratories. PMID- 13486510 TI - [Public Health Center in the Region of Soissons]. PMID- 13486512 TI - [Plaster casts]. PMID- 13486511 TI - [Static electricity in operating rooms]. PMID- 13486513 TI - [Responsibility of hospital physician]. PMID- 13486515 TI - [The sanatorium of Bad-Berka]. PMID- 13486516 TI - [An attempt at the decongestion of hospitals & institutions: creation of a village retreat]. PMID- 13486514 TI - [Consumption of concentrated grape & apple juices]. PMID- 13486517 TI - [Organization & functions of the servece of direction studies in hospital & sanatorial environment; 1 experience: Eaubonne General Hospital]. PMID- 13486518 TI - [The main instruments of psychiatric after-care]. PMID- 13486519 TI - [Private rooms or wards]. PMID- 13486520 TI - [Hospital center at Pau; present-day surgical services]. PMID- 13486521 TI - [Medication sleep therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13486522 TI - [Problem of unconditioned reflex salivation in chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13486523 TI - [Gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer and closed cerebrocranial trauma]. PMID- 13486524 TI - [Problem of the effect of psychic phase of secretion on results of investigation of acidity of gastrointestinal content]. PMID- 13486525 TI - [Investigations on adrenergic and cholinergic activities of the blood and urine in peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13486526 TI - [Dynamics of phagocytic activity of the leukocytes in gastric and duodenal ulcer during complex therapy]. PMID- 13486527 TI - [Early diagnosis and therapy of gastric phlegmons]. PMID- 13486528 TI - [Hemorrhage in gastric polypi]. PMID- 13486529 TI - [Tumoral formations of tuberculous etiology in the abdominal cavity]. PMID- 13486530 TI - [Significance of enzymatic indices in evaluation of intestinal function in chronic colitis]. PMID- 13486531 TI - [Treatment of angina pectoris with a ganglion-blocking agent ganglerone]. PMID- 13486532 TI - [Retrosternal novocaine anesthesia in the treatment of coronary in sufficiency]. PMID- 13486533 TI - [Treatment of cardiac and renal diseases with Astragalus]. PMID- 13486534 TI - [Vascular reactions in hypertension and their dynamics in protective inhibition therapy]. PMID- 13486535 TI - Therapeutic use of blood; a panel discussion. PMID- 13486536 TI - Protein nutrition in pregnancy. PMID- 13486537 TI - External endometriosis; present clinical concepts. PMID- 13486538 TI - Postmenopausal medical gynecology. PMID- 13486539 TI - Glutamine in treatment of peptic ulcer; preliminary report. PMID- 13486540 TI - Intravenous cholangiography and cholecystography. PMID- 13486541 TI - Bronchial asthma in children and adults; treated by the prophylactic use of an iodide-containing bronchodilator drug. PMID- 13486542 TI - Tetanus; current concepts of prevention and management. PMID- 13486544 TI - Unemployment compensation and the physician's payroll. PMID- 13486543 TI - Indications and contraindications for various anesthetics. PMID- 13486545 TI - Coma and psychosis following possible insulin hypersensitivity; with remission of narcotic addiction after severe hypoglycemic shock. PMID- 13486546 TI - NATIONAL health agencies; their place in the medical field. PMID- 13486547 TI - On renal injuries in young rats on choline deficiencies. PMID- 13486548 TI - Urinary output of aminoacid nitrogen of children with nutritional dystrophy and the effect of riboflavine or nicotinamide upon it; studies on the nutrition of children in Hirosaki area (46th report). PMID- 13486549 TI - Riboflavine concentration of the biopsied livers from children with or without nutritional dystrophy; studies on the nutrition of children in Hirosaki area (47th report). PMID- 13486550 TI - Histopathological findings on a function of bronchiolus respiratorius. PMID- 13486551 TI - Experimental studies on the coronary insufficiency and the coronary occlusion. I. On the relation of the coronary blood flow and the ST-deviation in the electrocardiogram. PMID- 13486552 TI - Experimental studies on the coronary insufficiency and the coronary occlusion. II. The relation of the coronary blood flow to the arterial blood pressure, and the effect of the vagus nerves upon it. PMID- 13486553 TI - Stomach cancer and ABO blood groups. PMID- 13486554 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. CCII. Synthesis of D-galactose-4-beta-D galactoside and D-glucose-6-beta-galactoside. PMID- 13486555 TI - Cancer of cervix uteri and ABO blood groups. PMID- 13486556 TI - Biochemical studies on carbohydrates. CCIII. A glucidamin and a Molisch-positive muco-polysaccharide from human lung. PMID- 13486557 TI - Studies of high-molecular placental components in connection with pregnancy toxemia. V. On placental itinsulfuric acids. PMID- 13486558 TI - Dietary hepatic necrosis of albino rats induced by Japanese brewer's yeast. PMID- 13486559 TI - Cardiovascular responses during interruption of the thoracic inferior vena cava; an experimental study. PMID- 13486560 TI - Studies on discharge intervals of a single motor unit in the human extraocular muscles. I. During fixation of the gaze. PMID- 13486561 TI - Studies on discharge intervals of a single motor unit in the human extraocular muscles. II. During horizontal movement of the eye. PMID- 13486562 TI - On the relation of gastroptosis to blood-diastase, -sugar and -glycogen. PMID- 13486563 TI - Standard sugar loading test; special reference to the possibility of differentiation of two types of diabetes mellitus and of differentiation of non diabetics from diabetics by sugar loading test. PMID- 13486564 TI - Limiting level of hyperglycemia in diabetics. PMID- 13486565 TI - The influence of radioactive dust on experimental pneumoconiosis. PMID- 13486566 TI - Effect of hypothermia on the secretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids of the adrenal glands in non-anesthetized dogs. PMID- 13486568 TI - Excitation and initiation of impulse. I. Stimulation with constant current. PMID- 13486567 TI - Studies of high-molecular placental components in connection with pregnancy toxemia. VI. Pentose-nucleic acid. PMID- 13486569 TI - Excitation and initiation of impulse. II. Stimulation with slowly rising and alternating currents. PMID- 13486570 TI - Excitation and initiation of impulse. III. Accommodation. PMID- 13486571 TI - Retinal processes in total color blindness. PMID- 13486572 TI - Effect of hexamethonium on the augmented adrenaline secretion of the adrenal gland causable by insulin hypoglycemia. PMID- 13486573 TI - [Lung arteriovenous aneurysm]. PMID- 13486574 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486575 TI - [Arteriovenous fistula of the lung]. PMID- 13486576 TI - The newer antibiotics. PMID- 13486577 TI - Aphagia from poliomyelitis: treatment by denervation of the cricopharyngeus muscle. PMID- 13486578 TI - Chronic frontal sinusitis: end results of surgical treatment. PMID- 13486579 TI - Estimation of loss of visual efficiency. PMID- 13486580 TI - Legal aspects of the American Medical Association's report on estimation of loss of visual efficiency. PMID- 13486581 TI - Early treatment of orbital floor fractures. PMID- 13486582 TI - Idiopathic thrombophiebitis of orbital veins simulating primary tumor of orbit. PMID- 13486583 TI - Primary plastic repair of nasal defects with the nasal labial flap. PMID- 13486584 TI - Plastic surgery principles in head and neck tumor surgery. PMID- 13486585 TI - Surgical treatment of mandibular prognathism. PMID- 13486586 TI - Immediate treatment of lid lacerations. PMID- 13486587 TI - Treatment of the late results of lid lacerations. PMID- 13486588 TI - Treatment of depressed and adherent scars. PMID- 13486589 TI - Lacerations involving the bulbar conjunctiva and the eyeball. PMID- 13486590 TI - Charles R. Austrian. PMID- 13486591 TI - David Russell Lyman. PMID- 13486593 TI - John Owsley Manier. PMID- 13486592 TI - Thomas Turlay Mackie. PMID- 13486594 TI - Joseph Hersey Pratt. PMID- 13486595 TI - Auguste Rollier. PMID- 13486596 TI - Nelson Gorham Russell. PMID- 13486597 TI - Wilfred Parsons Warner. PMID- 13486598 TI - Joseph Lee Lilienthal Jr. PMID- 13486599 TI - Francis Berger Trudeau. PMID- 13486600 TI - President's address. PMID- 13486601 TI - The problem of the professional guinea pig. PMID- 13486602 TI - Spleleologic management of consumption in Mammoth Cave, an early effort in climatologic therapy. PMID- 13486603 TI - Isoniazid after five years. PMID- 13486604 TI - A note on the prognosis of pulmonary agenesis and hypoplasia according to the side affected. PMID- 13486605 TI - Visualization of intracardiac structures with gaseous carbon dioxide. PMID- 13486606 TI - The syndrome of pneumococcal endocarditis, meningitis and rupture of the aortic valve. PMID- 13486607 TI - The effect of an antibiotic on the susceptibility of the mouse's intestinal tract to Salmonella infection. PMID- 13486608 TI - The natural history of systemic lupus erythematosus: an approach to its study through chronic biologic false positive reactors: interim report. PMID- 13486610 TI - Observations on acute and multiple exposure to anticholinesterase agents. PMID- 13486611 TI - Medical education in the non-university hospital. PMID- 13486609 TI - The toxicology of some agricultural chemicals: a review of accidental poisoning of human beings by chlorinated insecticides. PMID- 13486612 TI - The vasculocardiac syndrome of metastatic carcinoid. PMID- 13486613 TI - Man, medicine and the atom. PMID- 13486614 TI - Observations on the anemia in myxedema. PMID- 13486615 TI - Viscosity of sickle cells: a 34-year study of an Italian family with sickle cell and thalassemia traits: splenectomy in two members. PMID- 13486616 TI - Tocopherol deficiency in infants and children with steatorrhea. PMID- 13486617 TI - Phonocardiographic studies in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13486618 TI - A range of circulatory and renal responses to rapidly induced in creases in serum colloid osmotic pressure in edematous states of varied etiology. PMID- 13486620 TI - Pain in gynecology. PMID- 13486619 TI - The use of steroids in renal disease. PMID- 13486621 TI - Psychosomatic pain. PMID- 13486622 TI - Painful conditions in pregnancy. PMID- 13486623 TI - Clinical experience with cervical mucus arborization (fern test). PMID- 13486624 TI - Geriatric gynecology. PMID- 13486625 TI - Urological complications of obstetrical and gynecological therapy. PMID- 13486626 TI - Some sources of ionizing radiation in gynecology. PMID- 13486627 TI - Management of breech presentation. PMID- 13486628 TI - Cesarean section. PMID- 13486629 TI - Toxemia of pregnancy. PMID- 13486630 TI - Endocrine functions of the human placenta. PMID- 13486631 TI - Thyroid function in pregnancy. PMID- 13486632 TI - Blood coagulation in pregnancy. PMID- 13486634 TI - Diseases of the female breast. PMID- 13486633 TI - Is there a type of chronic cystic mastitis which progresses to cancer of the breast. PMID- 13486635 TI - Typhus group of fevers. PMID- 13486636 TI - [Experimental studies on the carcinogenic effects of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)]. PMID- 13486637 TI - [Remarks on the work of tuberculosis dispensaries in tuberculosis detection]. PMID- 13486638 TI - [Accomplishments of the tuberculosis dispensary of the third district in the capitol city in 1954]. PMID- 13486639 TI - [Epidemiological data on bovine tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486641 TI - [Working capacity in silicosis and silicotuberculosis]. PMID- 13486640 TI - [Eosinophil reactions (Thorn test) in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486642 TI - [Some problems of institutional care]. PMID- 13486643 TI - [Exercise therapy in osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13486644 TI - [Exacerbation of pulmonary tuberculosis during cortisone therapy of systemic lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13486645 TI - [Intrathoracal surgery in tuberculotics over 40 years of age]. PMID- 13486646 TI - [Combined therapy in 6 late cases of bronchial cancer]. PMID- 13486647 TI - [Hepatomegalic form of Cooley's disease without splenomegaly]. PMID- 13486649 TI - [A case of giant ulceration of the small curvature of the stomach]. PMID- 13486648 TI - [Substitution with ileocystoplasty after subtotal cystectomy]. PMID- 13486650 TI - [Treatment of tuberculosis with D-cycloserine]. PMID- 13486651 TI - [Orthostatic hypotension & chronic encephalopathy; probable action of streptomycin]. PMID- 13486652 TI - [Deciduiform metropathies]. PMID- 13486653 TI - Man in a space vehicle. PMID- 13486654 TI - Aerotitis media and aerosinusitis in submarine trainees: a prophylactic study. PMID- 13486655 TI - Relation of disability to hypoxemia and congestive failure in pulmonary emphysema; analysis of 100 cases. PMID- 13486656 TI - Jellyfish stings and their medical management. PMID- 13486657 TI - Icarus and the physician; reflections on aircraft accidents and their prevention. PMID- 13486658 TI - A technic for military delinquency management. I. The problem and the program. PMID- 13486659 TI - Are we overlooking the effects of combat experience in some of our psychiatric cases. PMID- 13486660 TI - A modified child guidance program in an air force hospital. PMID- 13486661 TI - Observations on the dynamics of leadership; a methodologic approach. PMID- 13486662 TI - Ovarian abscess complicating pregnancy. PMID- 13486663 TI - Bilateral Bell's palsy complicating infectious mononucleosis. PMID- 13486664 TI - Ganglioneuroma. PMID- 13486665 TI - Relation of military assignment to choice of conversion symptoms. PMID- 13486666 TI - Myocardial infarction. PMID- 13486667 TI - Erythroblastosis fetalis-obstetrical aspects. PMID- 13486668 TI - Pediatric management of the erythroblastotic infant. PMID- 13486669 TI - Surgical emergencies in the newborn. PMID- 13486670 TI - Experiences with abdominal aortic resection; a preliminary report. PMID- 13486671 TI - Surgical risk in the allergic patient. PMID- 13486672 TI - Laboratory and clinical approach to bleeding problems. PMID- 13486673 TI - The tranquilizers. PMID- 13486674 TI - The management of resistant infections as aided by a new method for rapid sensitivity determinations. PMID- 13486675 TI - The current status of medical education. PMID- 13486676 TI - Grading of squamous cell carcinoma by cytologic smears: a preliminary report. PMID- 13486677 TI - A new blood-pressure cuff for self-determination of the blood pressure. PMID- 13486678 TI - [Therapeutic and diagnostic significance of novocaine blocks of the spermatic cord and of the ligamentum teres uteri in renal colic]. PMID- 13486679 TI - [Recurrence and postoperative therapy of nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13486681 TI - [Immediate and remote results of the treatment of urolithiasis at the Truskawiec spa]. PMID- 13486682 TI - [Treatment of cystitis with mineral water from Novo-Izhevsk springs; preliminary communication]. PMID- 13486683 TI - [Treatment of uremia by abdominal lavage]. PMID- 13486680 TI - [Problem of postoperative recurrence of nephrolithiasis]. PMID- 13486684 TI - [Effect of transplanted perirenal fat, omentum, and muscle on the operated kidney; experimental studies]. PMID- 13486685 TI - [Problem of benign renal tumors]. PMID- 13486686 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of primary tumors of the uteters]. PMID- 13486687 TI - [Sinthomycin in the treatment of non-gonorrheal and postgonorrheal urethritis]. PMID- 13486689 TI - [Trauma of the urogenic system; data of the Rovno City Hospital]. PMID- 13486688 TI - [Clinico-laboratory data on levomycetin therapy of male gonorrhea]. PMID- 13486690 TI - [Result of hypnosis in the treatment of functional enuresis in adults]. PMID- 13486691 TI - [Uretero-ureteral anastomosis in ectopy of double ureters]. PMID- 13486692 TI - [Unusual case of ectopy of ostium of the ureter]. PMID- 13486693 TI - [Calculus in divided ureter of a solitary double kidney]. PMID- 13486695 TI - [Case of enteroplasty in rugous tuberculosis of the bladder]. PMID- 13486694 TI - [Left hydronephrosis in aplasia of right kidney]. PMID- 13486696 TI - [Case of cavernous angioma of the kidney]. PMID- 13486697 TI - [Treatment of extensive papillomatosis of the urethra]. PMID- 13486698 TI - [Unusual localization of a case of urethral cancer]. PMID- 13486699 TI - [Case of spontaneous passage of large calculus of the urethra]. PMID- 13486700 TI - [Success and failure of antibacterial therapy in urology; review of the literature]. PMID- 13486701 TI - [Abstract of the report on activities of the Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR during 1954-1956]. PMID- 13486702 TI - [Actual problems in prevention of brucellosis]. PMID- 13486703 TI - [Morphological characteristics of immunogenesis in brucellosis and rickettsial diseases]. PMID- 13486704 TI - [Actual problems of toxicology of radioactive substances]. PMID- 13486705 TI - [History of the study of relation of chemical composition and structure of drugs and poisons to their effect on the organism]. PMID- 13486707 TI - [Problem of surgical treatment of sequelae of poliomyelitis]. PMID- 13486706 TI - [Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on organic substances in water]. PMID- 13486708 TI - [Rational utilization of antibiotics and bacteriolytic control during the treatment of infected wounds]. PMID- 13486709 TI - [Method of continuous or frequent intra-osseous administration of antibiotics in suppurative bone infections]. PMID- 13486710 TI - [Application of fir balsam with antibiotics in clinical and experimental conditions]. PMID- 13486711 TI - [Morphogenesis of heteroplastic ossification]. PMID- 13486712 TI - [Ossifying hematomas]. PMID- 13486713 TI - [Signs of aging of the osteo-articular apparatus of the foot]. PMID- 13486714 TI - [Periosteal vascularization in normal and certain pathological conditions]. PMID- 13486715 TI - [Intra-organic osteo-articular lymphatic system of the lower extremities in man]. PMID- 13486716 TI - [Certain problems in the organization of traumatologic aid]. PMID- 13486717 TI - [Present state of the organization of traumatological aid for children in Leningrad and measures for its improvement]. PMID- 13486718 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of parathyroid endocrinopathies]. PMID- 13486719 TI - [Metal-plastmass osteosynthesis in closed fractures of the clavicle]. PMID- 13486720 TI - [Application of lyphilized bone homografts in clinical practice]. PMID- 13486721 TI - [Supporting and contour plastic repair with the aid of needle administration of ground cartilage]. PMID- 13486722 TI - [Free cutaneous transplantation using perforated flap of bone cavities following sequestrotomy]. PMID- 13486723 TI - [Paraosteal ossifications in lesions of the spinal cord related to fractures of the spine]. PMID- 13486724 TI - [Results of 604 cases of radical uranoplasty]. PMID- 13486725 TI - [Latent fractures of the metacarpus]. PMID- 13486726 TI - [Nailing of fracture-dislocation of the sternum]. PMID- 13486727 TI - [Isolated fractures of the sternum]. PMID- 13486728 TI - [Metal osteosynthesis in bilateral fractures of the humerus]. PMID- 13486729 TI - [Changes in auto- and cryo-preserved homografts in fixation of the spine]. PMID- 13486730 TI - [Chemical burns of the stomach in children]. PMID- 13486731 TI - [Combined therapy of extensive burns using fibrin film]. PMID- 13486732 TI - [Ambulatory therapy of second degree burns]. PMID- 13486733 TI - [Case of severe combined wounds]. PMID- 13486734 TI - [Surgical technic in multiple wounds]. PMID- 13486735 TI - [Management of frozen men]. PMID- 13486736 TI - [Primary skin transplantation in a case of skin avulsion of the penis]. PMID- 13486737 TI - [Result of application of a solution for prolonged anesthesia at a traumatologic center]. PMID- 13486738 TI - [Errors and defects in surgical practice]. PMID- 13486739 TI - [Organizational and tactical errors in work of surgeons]. PMID- 13486740 TI - [Physical factors in complex therapy of electric burns]. PMID- 13486741 TI - [Method of nailing of the femoral neck by a tubular bone homograft preserved in cold]. PMID- 13486742 TI - [A rod for fixation of the femoral head]. PMID- 13486743 TI - [60th Anniversary of Evgenii Vasil'evich Smirnov]. PMID- 13486744 TI - [Achievements in the field of blood transfusion in USSR and role of Soviet surgeons in its development during the recent 40 years]. PMID- 13486745 TI - [Surgical treatment of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13486746 TI - [Hemorrhages from esophageal varices as a manifestation of portal hypertension and its therapy]. PMID- 13486747 TI - [Diagnostic significance of diastasuria in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13486748 TI - [Role of organic changes of the arterial system of the pancreas in the development of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13486749 TI - [Sources of pancreatic innervation]. PMID- 13486750 TI - [Dynamic intestinal obstruction in children]. PMID- 13486751 TI - [Course of intestinal invagination resulting from dysentery]. PMID- 13486752 TI - [Pre- and postoperative vascular reactions]. PMID- 13486753 TI - [Pathogenesis of circulatory disorders and use of antishock measures in trauma of the abdominal organs; experimental investigations]. PMID- 13486754 TI - [Evaluation of severity of injury in pelvic fractures]. PMID- 13486755 TI - [Chronic arteriomesenterial obstruction in anomalous developments of the intestine]. PMID- 13486756 TI - [Method of tamponade of perforated gastric and duodenal ulcer with the omentum]. PMID- 13486757 TI - [Total gastrectomy, resection of the lower portion of the esophagus, splenectomy, and hemipancreatectomy with consecutive anastomosis of the esophagus with duodenum by transplantation of a segment of the intestine on a pedicle]. PMID- 13486758 TI - [Subtotal resection of the pancreas in cancer]. PMID- 13486760 TI - [Diagnosis of acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13486759 TI - [Torsion of the greater omentum]. PMID- 13486761 TI - [Enterorrhaphy with mechanical suture]. PMID- 13486763 TI - [Views of the Academy of Sciences on the first, Manual of operative surgery of Kh. Kh. Salmon]. PMID- 13486762 TI - [Ligation band]. PMID- 13486764 TI - [Military otorhinolaryngology]. PMID- 13486765 TI - [Electrocorticographic data in intracerebral tumors]. PMID- 13486766 TI - [Radioactive phosphorus in the diagnosis of experimental tumors of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13486767 TI - [Examination of combined effect of penicillin and streptomycin on microbes isolated from cerebral wounds and from cerebrospinal fluid]. PMID- 13486768 TI - [Use of afferent stimulation for identification of the focus of pathological activity in diseases of the cerebral end of the motor analysor]. PMID- 13486769 TI - [Death after spinal puncture in cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13486770 TI - [Wedging in syndrome in spinal tumors]. PMID- 13486771 TI - [Methods of epidural anesthesia and application of epidural anesthesia in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13486772 TI - [Diagnosis of bone abnormalities of the cervico-occipital region]. PMID- 13486773 TI - [Pathogenesis of vestibular and auditory disorders in tumors of the posterior fossa]. PMID- 13486774 TI - [Side effects of penicillin]. PMID- 13486775 TI - [A new method for measuring cerebrospinal fluid pressure]. PMID- 13486776 TI - [Clips and an instrument for applying clips]. PMID- 13486777 TI - [Problems of diagnosis of cerebral tumors]. PMID- 13486778 TI - [Symptoms and certain aspects of surgical therapy of tumors of the olfactory fossa]. PMID- 13486779 TI - [Electroencephalographic data on epileptic seizures following cerebrocranial trauma]. PMID- 13486780 TI - [Capillary changes following mechanical effect on the trunk parts of the brain and electrical stimulation of the cerebeliar cortex in human subjects]. PMID- 13486781 TI - [Effect of focal lesions of various segments of the brain on the cardiovascular system]. PMID- 13486783 TI - [Controversial clinical and pathogenic aspects in lumbosacral radiculitis]. PMID- 13486782 TI - [Electrocardiographic changes following surgery of various parts of the brain]. PMID- 13486784 TI - [Scalenotomy as a method in the treatment of neuro-vegetative and vascular disorders caused by accessory cervical ribs]. PMID- 13486785 TI - [Two cases of diastematomyelia]. PMID- 13486786 TI - Postoperative laryngeal paralysis. PMID- 13486787 TI - Clinical factors affecting cardiac resuscitation. PMID- 13486788 TI - Regional ileitis in infancy. PMID- 13486789 TI - Treatment of recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix with cobalt 60. PMID- 13486790 TI - An experimental inquiry into the etiology of preeclamptic and eclamptic toxemias; a preliminary report. PMID- 13486791 TI - Cytomegalic inclusion body disease. PMID- 13486792 TI - A current analysis of the cost of anesthetic agents. PMID- 13486793 TI - Premarital examinations and conception control. PMID- 13486794 TI - Appendiceal abscess as a complication of carcinoma of the cecum. PMID- 13486795 TI - Management of erythroblastosis fetalis and ABO hemolytic disease. PMID- 13486796 TI - Public relations in medicine. PMID- 13486798 TI - THE PUBLIC health laboratory service; first report of the Expert Committee on Health Laboratory Methods. PMID- 13486797 TI - Graduate training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the United States; impressions. PMID- 13486799 TI - Poliomyelitis: problems in pathogenesis and immunization. PMID- 13486800 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of vascular disease; the effect of a fatty meal on the course of acute inflammatory lesions of the coronary arteries and aortas of dogs. PMID- 13486801 TI - Experimental unilobar pulmonary edema. PMID- 13486803 TI - A study of the eruption rate of the rat mandibular incisor. PMID- 13486802 TI - The effect of estrogen on cartilage and bone in castrate C3H mice. PMID- 13486805 TI - Studies on the mechanical fragility of red blood cells. I. A quantitative method for determining the mechanical fragility of erythrocytes. PMID- 13486804 TI - Chemotherapy of murine leprosy. II. The effects of isonicotinoyl-3. 4 dimethoxybenzal hydrazone. PMID- 13486806 TI - So-called kyushoku disease: result of inoculation into human volunteers and their clinical manifestations. PMID- 13486807 TI - [Immunity mechanism in rabies]. PMID- 13486808 TI - [Studies of familial leukemia with special reference to stem-cell leukemia]. PMID- 13486809 TI - [Morphology of the venom apparatus of Japanese fishes. XVII. History of development of the venom apparatus of poisonous fish]. PMID- 13486810 TI - [The clinical significance of copper metabolism. I. General importance, resorption, and excretion of copper and the copper content of tissues]. PMID- 13486811 TI - [Hypertension tests on pathogenetic bases]. PMID- 13486812 TI - [Stationary therapy of nocturnal enuresis]. PMID- 13486813 TI - [The importance of blood coagulation analysis in diagnosis of liver diseases]. PMID- 13486814 TI - [Study of changes in granulations of white corpuscles in relation to disease processes]. PMID- 13486815 TI - [Periarteritis nodosa in an infant]. PMID- 13486816 TI - [Clinical studies of liver cirrhosis. IV. Etiology of liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13486817 TI - [Does the total number of human organ carcinoma remain constant]. PMID- 13486818 TI - [Involution of Walker carcinoma and Jensen sarcoma in rats caused by cytostatic effect of an antimetabolite]. PMID- 13486819 TI - [The effect of sympatholytic agents on kidney function disorders caused by therapeutic electroshock]. PMID- 13486820 TI - [The staining index of the urine of tuberculous patients]. PMID- 13486821 TI - [Investigations of the blood-sugar-reducing effect of amylase from bran]. PMID- 13486822 TI - [Cutaneous absorption of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13486823 TI - [Tuberculosis cutis luposa (papulo-ulcerous) and tubero-serpiginous & gummatous syphilis; casuistic contribution on the clinical features of both syndromes]. PMID- 13486824 TI - [Unusual resistance to therapy and clinical course in a case of Bazin's erythema induratum]. PMID- 13486825 TI - [Secondary cutaneou symptoms in man. II. Telangiectases]. PMID- 13486826 TI - ["... or repeated recurrence"]. PMID- 13486827 TI - [Hans Schmidt; 75th birthday]. PMID- 13486829 TI - [Antimicrobial inhibiting and modifying function of secretions and its significance for immunity]. PMID- 13486828 TI - [Effect of roentgen irradiation on the production of complete and incomplete hemagglutinins in anti-man sensitized rabbits]. PMID- 13486830 TI - [Endotuberculin, an antigen complex obtained from live Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch)]. PMID- 13486831 TI - [Vascular changes in visceral erythematodes and their immunologic bases]. PMID- 13486832 TI - [Crystal formation in bacterial culture media]. PMID- 13486833 TI - [Further experiments with animals for research on antibody formation in silicosis]. PMID- 13486834 TI - [Investigations with fluorescein-labeled antibodies. I. General aspects and methods]. PMID- 13486836 TI - [Cytopathogenic changes within tissue cultures of first cultures and cell passages of human amnion cells after vaccination with different virus strains]. PMID- 13486835 TI - [Research with fluorescein labeled antibodies. II. Serological behaviour of L phase of Proteus]. PMID- 13486837 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486838 TI - [Negative dysostotic variations of the ulna and of radius; abortive types of madelung's deformity; ulnar subluxation; malacia of the lunate bone]. PMID- 13486839 TI - [Primary osteosarcoma]. PMID- 13486840 TI - [Juvenile osteoporosis of the spine]. PMID- 13486841 TI - [Spondylodesis from the point of view of early treatment and of cleansing of spinal foci]. PMID- 13486842 TI - [Radiological changes of cervical spine caused by passive and active traction]. PMID- 13486843 TI - [Damage to nerve roots & cauda equina in spondylolisthesis and its treatment]. PMID- 13486844 TI - [Reduction osteotomy]. PMID- 13486845 TI - [Experiences in the correction of growth disorders in young persons]. PMID- 13486846 TI - [Results of treatment after supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children with special reference to malunions]. PMID- 13486847 TI - [Unusual athletic injury]. PMID- 13486848 TI - [Para-articular ossification on the internal side of the knee]. PMID- 13486849 TI - [Unusual form of osteopetrosis]. PMID- 13486850 TI - [Madelung's deformity in twins]. PMID- 13486851 TI - [Description of a simple clamp making easier subtrochanteric osteotomy especially in detorsion osteotomy]. PMID- 13486852 TI - [Cyst in calcaneum]. PMID- 13486853 TI - [The multidimensional structure of schizophrenia in relation to therapy]. PMID- 13486854 TI - [Dynamic phenomenology of schizophrenia as a pathway to directed psychotherapy]. PMID- 13486855 TI - [The mythic-archaic world of the schizophrenic as a pathway to disease & cure]. PMID- 13486856 TI - [Brief memoranda on intravenous urography in children]. PMID- 13486857 TI - [Urolithiasis in children]. PMID- 13486858 TI - [Malignant testicular tumors in children]. PMID- 13486859 TI - [Aortographic diagnosis of unilateral renal aplasia]. PMID- 13486860 TI - [Chronic bilateral pyelonephritis with follicular lymphatic hyperplasia; prognostic aspect]. PMID- 13486861 TI - [Value of pyeloradioscopy in diagnosis & surgical indications of nephroptosis]. PMID- 13486862 TI - [Hydrocortisone salve in postoperative therapy of phimosis]. PMID- 13486863 TI - [Obscure "essential" hematuria due to self-mutilation in a psychopathic woman]. PMID- 13486864 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486865 TI - [Bilateral carcinoma of the kidneys]. PMID- 13486866 TI - [Report on a case of chyluria with review of literature]. PMID- 13486867 TI - [The increasing incidence of primary ureteral carcinoma; two additional cases]. PMID- 13486868 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486869 TI - [Theoretical considerations & practical experience with combined tetracycline, autonomic block & hydrocortisone therapy in diffuse, purulent, perforating peritonitis]. PMID- 13486870 TI - [Surgery in opium addicts]. PMID- 13486871 TI - [A contribution on preservation of arteries & on the question of preformed connective tissue transplants]. PMID- 13486872 TI - [An unusual injury in accidental implement]. PMID- 13486873 TI - [Osteitis of the pubic bone in women]. PMID- 13486874 TI - [A form of osteoarthritis typical in football players; data on latent chronic injuries caused by microtrauma in athletes]. PMID- 13486875 TI - [Measurement of the galvanic current in a three-bar nail during removal]. PMID- 13486876 TI - [Contribution on the diagnosis of fetal membrane rupture]. PMID- 13486877 TI - [Critical hemorrhage caused by placental fragments in the cervical canal following cesarean section in cervical placenta praevia accreta]. PMID- 13486878 TI - [Autotransfusion & calcium, calcium problems & eclampsia therapy]. PMID- 13486879 TI - [Experience with steroid anesthesia in obstetrics & gynecology]. PMID- 13486880 TI - [Historical and psychological observations on the theme: ovulation interference]. PMID- 13486881 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13486882 TI - [The effect of ethylnortestosterone and ethinylnortestosterone in various menstrual disorders]. PMID- 13486883 TI - [Studies on pituitary gonadotropin activity after gynecological operations]. PMID- 13486884 TI - [Subtotal prolapse in a 19-year old secundipara]. PMID- 13486885 TI - [Three years of experience with medicinal postoperative thrombosis prevention]. PMID- 13486886 TI - [The role of pregnancy and labor in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis of the female genitalia]. PMID- 13486887 TI - [Experimental studies on the effect of dolantin on muscles of the uterus of sheep and goats]. PMID- 13486888 TI - [Experiences with peridural anesthesia]. PMID- 13486889 TI - [Experiences with aureomycin and terramycin in leukorrhea]. PMID- 13486890 TI - [Experiences with magnesium in the prevention of thromboembolism]. PMID- 13486891 TI - [Lipoproteins in normal and complications of pregnancy]. PMID- 13486892 TI - [The treatment of chronic severe parametritis]. PMID- 13486894 TI - [Comparative effectiveness of subcutaneous and intramuscular injection of tetanus anatoxin in vaccination against tetanus]. PMID- 13486893 TI - [The behavior of the diphenylamine test in inflammation of the true pelvis and pregnancy]. PMID- 13486895 TI - [Study of tetanus toxins and anatoxins grown on casein media]. PMID- 13486896 TI - [Course of experimental leptospirosis in irradiated animals]. PMID- 13486897 TI - [Effect of tetrachloride and phosphorus poisoning on antibody and albumin concentration in blood serum of rabbits]. PMID- 13486898 TI - [Effect of novoembikhin on antibody production (hemolysins and hemagglutinins)]. PMID- 13486899 TI - [Changes in immunogenicity of purified adsorbed tetanus anatoxin in storage]. PMID- 13486900 TI - [Mass study of immunological effectiveness of vaccination against tularemia]. PMID- 13486901 TI - [Effect of antibiotics on immunological reactivity of the body]. PMID- 13486902 TI - [Transmission of the property of production of antibodies by the nucleo-protein fraction to non-immunized recipients]. PMID- 13486903 TI - [Effect of some nervous system disorders on reactivity changes of the skin in rabbits to Staphylococcus]. PMID- 13486904 TI - [Effect of pentoxyl on antibody (agglutinin) formation in experimental brucellosis]. PMID- 13486905 TI - [Method for determination of protective properties of immune serum]. PMID- 13486906 TI - [Experimental research on infectious immunity in dysentery]. PMID- 13486907 TI - [The cat as an experimental model for the study of dysentery]. PMID- 13486908 TI - [Study of dysenterial infection in laboratory animals]. PMID- 13486909 TI - [Immunological characteristics of Kruse-Sonne's dysentery]. PMID- 13486910 TI - [Immunogenesis in anticholera vaccination with ordinary and shortened intervals between injections; preliminary report]. PMID- 13486911 TI - [Immunizing properties of purified concentrated adsorbed AL(OH)3 anatoxin of Clostridium perfringens]. PMID- 13486912 TI - [Phagocytic activity of leukocytes in rabbits and guinea pigs in relation to B. perfringens]. PMID- 13486913 TI - [Microbiological characteristics of Newcastle's dysenterial bacteria isolated in Dnepropetrovsk]. PMID- 13486914 TI - [Therapeutic effect of tezan and isoniazid in brucellosis; experimental observations]. PMID- 13486915 TI - [Identification of atypical dysenterial bacteria]. PMID- 13486917 TI - [Characteristics of non-agglutinating dysenterial bacteria]. PMID- 13486916 TI - [Obtaining diphtherial toxin in stab cultures of Park-Williams 8. I. Production of toxin in conditions of stab cultures]. PMID- 13486918 TI - [Effect of various penicillin preparations on Treponema pallidum. I. Effect of penicillin on cultured Treponema pallidum]. PMID- 13486919 TI - [Effects of various penicillin preparations on Treponema pallidum. I. Morphological changes of Treponema pallidum and experiments of its adaptation to penicillin]. PMID- 13486920 TI - [Field mice as a source of leptospirosis of type II (Moniakov) in the vicinity of rivers]. PMID- 13486921 TI - [Principles and methods in the treatment of bacillary dysentery]. PMID- 13486923 TI - [Length of preservation of tularemia bacilli on grain and straw]. PMID- 13486922 TI - [Immunochemical examination of antigenic substances obtained by various methods from dysenterial bacteria grown on a synthetic medium]. PMID- 13486924 TI - [Effect of cortisone on the process of phagocytosis on typhoid fever infection in mice]. PMID- 13486925 TI - [Comparative study of immunogenic characteristics of anatoxins of B. oedematiens]. PMID- 13486926 TI - [History of research on antitoxic immunity]. PMID- 13486927 TI - A consideration of dermatologic nomenclature. PMID- 13486928 TI - The effect of dermabrasion on fingerprints; a preliminary report. PMID- 13486929 TI - The epidermal vs. the dermal fingerprint; an experimental and anatomical study. PMID- 13486930 TI - Microanatomical and histochemical observations on the dermal-epidermal junction. PMID- 13486931 TI - Dysproteinemic purpura of the hypergammaglobulinemic type; clinical features and differential diagnosis. PMID- 13486932 TI - A psychophysiological concept of atopic eczema. PMID- 13486933 TI - Idiopathic atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini. PMID- 13486934 TI - Reticulohistiocytoma (reticulo-histiocytic granuloma). PMID- 13486935 TI - Treatment of carcinoma of the alae nasi by fractional doses of x-rays. PMID- 13486936 TI - Acrosclerosis and systemic sclerosis. PMID- 13486937 TI - The cutaneous manifestations of the functioning carcinoid. PMID- 13486938 TI - Vascular reactions in chronically inflamed skin. I. Mechanical stimuli to the skin; inhibition of white dermographism. PMID- 13486939 TI - Black hair tongue; a comparative study of black hair tongue, geographic tongue, and drug eruption of the tongue. PMID- 13486940 TI - Unusual toxic manifestations to amodiaquin (camoquin). PMID- 13486941 TI - An ear-piercing earring; bloodless technique. PMID- 13486942 TI - Skin disease due to Mima polymorpha; report of two cases. PMID- 13486943 TI - Urticaria pigmentosa; solitary lesions occurring in a mother and her daughter. PMID- 13486944 TI - Lichen planus of the buccal mucosa; treatment with vitamin A buccal tablets; report of three cases. PMID- 13486945 TI - A mixed tumor occurring as a syringocystadenoma papilliferum with a nevus sebaceus; report of a case. PMID- 13486946 TI - A dermatologic and psychiatric study of perphenazine (trilafon) in dermatology. PMID- 13486947 TI - An unusual case of blastomycosis occurring during pregnancy. PMID- 13486948 TI - Anesthesia and antisepsis with benzalkonium chloride (zephiran) ice cubes. PMID- 13486949 TI - The medical principles of monitoring audiometry. PMID- 13486950 TI - A study of the physiological effects of carbon black. I. Ingestion. PMID- 13486951 TI - Oral administration of edathamil calcium disodium (calcium disodium versenate). PMID- 13486952 TI - Influence of physical activity on the toxicity of aerosols and vapors; inhalation toxicity of paraoxon and sarin in rats. PMID- 13486953 TI - Analytical studies on lead in human urine. PMID- 13486955 TI - The biological effects of microwave radiation on air force personnel. PMID- 13486956 TI - Preventive medicine in naval aviation training; the cooperative efforts of psychology and psychiatry. PMID- 13486954 TI - Chronic toxicity of 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (monuron). PMID- 13486957 TI - Characteristics of the organic particulate matter in the atmosphere of certain American cities. PMID- 13486958 TI - The role of the flight surgeon in aviation safety. PMID- 13486959 TI - How Ohio is solving the alfalfa dust problem. PMID- 13486960 TI - Prolonged exposure of guinea pigs to sulfuric acid aerosol. PMID- 13486961 TI - Your ear and nose. PMID- 13486962 TI - Ulcerative colitis; a challenge. PMID- 13486963 TI - An autoimmune reaction against human tissue antigens in certain acute and chronic diseases. I. Serological investigations. PMID- 13486964 TI - An autoimmune reaction against human tissue antigens in certain acute and chronic diseases. II. Clinical correlations. PMID- 13486965 TI - Adenovirus vaccine; development, field evaluation, and appraisal of the need for vaccination in military and civilian populations. PMID- 13486966 TI - Occurrence of adenovirus infections in civilian populations. PMID- 13486967 TI - The special problem of rheumatic heart disease in pregnant women. PMID- 13486968 TI - Further clinical and investigative uses of liver biopsy; an analysis of five hundred twenty-seven biopsies. PMID- 13486969 TI - Treatment of experimental histoplasmosis with amphotericin B. PMID- 13486970 TI - Drug-dependent Coombs (antiglobulin) test and anemia; observations on quinine and acetophenetidin (phenacetin). PMID- 13486971 TI - The electromyogram in myxedema. PMID- 13486972 TI - Double mitral valve. PMID- 13486973 TI - Scleroderma associated with osteopoikilosis. PMID- 13486974 TI - The laboratory diagnosis of pancreatic disease. PMID- 13486975 TI - Stokes-Adams disease; an account of important historical discoveries. PMID- 13486976 TI - Vitamin B6 in internal medicine. PMID- 13486977 TI - Treatment of pituitary adenomas: surgery versus radiation. PMID- 13486979 TI - Effects of induced hyperthermia on some neurological diseases. PMID- 13486978 TI - Etiology and pathogenesis of laminar cortical necrosis; its significance in evaluation of uniform cortical atrophies of early life. PMID- 13486980 TI - Meningeal hemangiopericytoma. PMID- 13486981 TI - Intraspinal sprouting of dorsal root axons; development of new collaterals and preterminals following partial denervation of the spinal cord in the cat. PMID- 13486982 TI - Psychological reactions of the aged in surgery; the reactions of renewal and depletion. PMID- 13486983 TI - Narrowed attention; a psychological phenomenon that accompanies a certain physiological change. PMID- 13486984 TI - Some psychopharmacological effects of atropine; preliminary investigation of broadened attention. PMID- 13486986 TI - The Old Timers Club; an autonomous patient group in a state mental hospital. PMID- 13486985 TI - On attempted suicide. PMID- 13486987 TI - Stereoscopic vision and the duration of the stimulus. PMID- 13486988 TI - Spiral visual fields; statistical analysis of eighteen cases found in a survey of eight hundred unselected eye patients at a state medical center. PMID- 13486989 TI - Diverging exercises while accommodating; a simple technique using an accommodation card, a prism rack, and plus and minus spheres. PMID- 13486990 TI - Chiasmal optic neuritis. PMID- 13486991 TI - Studies on the structure of the vitreous body. III. Cells in the cortical layer. PMID- 13486992 TI - A study of the relationship between adenovirus and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. PMID- 13486993 TI - Morphological study on alloxan-induced cataract. PMID- 13486994 TI - Treatment of experimental herpes simplex iridocyclitis with human serum gamma globulin. PMID- 13486995 TI - Thermal detachment of the anterior lamella of the anterior lens capsule; a clinical and histopathologic study. PMID- 13486996 TI - Comparative studies on anesthetic properties of primacaine HC1. PMID- 13486997 TI - The differential diagnosis of tapetoretinal degenerations. PMID- 13486998 TI - Lids, lacrimal apparatus, and conjunctiva. PMID- 13486999 TI - Voice and breathing; a report on some new concepts. PMID- 13487000 TI - Principles of cancer surgery applied to cancer of the larynx and hypopharynx. PMID- 13487001 TI - Conductive deafness in children. PMID- 13487003 TI - Serous otitis media; treatment with injectable trypsin. PMID- 13487002 TI - Techniques of anesthesia and laryngoscopy in peroral laryngeal operations. PMID- 13487004 TI - The antibody level in the tonsil parenchyma and its correlations. PMID- 13487005 TI - The surgical treatment of recurrent nasal polypi. PMID- 13487006 TI - Past and present treatment of labyrinthitis otogenes. PMID- 13487007 TI - Virus disease of the respiratory tract. PMID- 13487008 TI - Direct prelabyrinthine petrotomy and extended tympanomastoidectomy. PMID- 13487009 TI - Surgery of extensive malignant neoplasms of the upper digestive and respiratory systems. PMID- 13487010 TI - Repair of the facial nerve in traumatic facial palsies: intracranial nerve grafting according to the method of Norman M. Dott. PMID- 13487011 TI - A simple and reliable tuning-fork test for recruitment. PMID- 13487012 TI - The sampling problem in a hearing survey. PMID- 13487013 TI - Effect of acute and prolonged oxygen deprivation on the organ of Corti in guinea pigs and cats. PMID- 13487014 TI - Nasal and laryngeal involvement in abdominal Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13487015 TI - Hypermobility of the tongue. PMID- 13487016 TI - Benign fibroma of the tonsil; report of one case. PMID- 13487017 TI - Pathology of the sphenoidal sinus. PMID- 13487018 TI - An uncommon case of neurogenic nasal tumor. PMID- 13487019 TI - Glabella perforator. PMID- 13487020 TI - Surgical rehabilitation of voice following laryngofissure. PMID- 13487022 TI - Phase microscopy in the practice of pathology. PMID- 13487021 TI - Otitis media and complications; summaries of the bibliographic material available for 1956. PMID- 13487023 TI - Carcinoma in situ of the stomach. PMID- 13487024 TI - Primary squamous-cell carcinoma of the corpus uteri. PMID- 13487025 TI - Pathogenesis of serum sickness. PMID- 13487026 TI - Pathologic observations concerning the kidney in progressive systemic sclerosis. PMID- 13487027 TI - Atherosclerosis in rabbits after intravenous injection of colloidal solutions. PMID- 13487028 TI - The effect of alpha-estradiol benzoate on spontaneous and experimental atherosclerosis in the rat. PMID- 13487029 TI - Metastatic carcinomatous cirrhosis of the liver; report of a case in which death followed hemorrhage from esophageal varices and hepatic coma. PMID- 13487030 TI - Gasteropagus in a triplet pregnancy. PMID- 13487031 TI - Two forms of necrotizing arteritis in dogs related to diet and renal insufficiency. PMID- 13487032 TI - The method of paired comparisons in histopathological ranking; hyaline degeneration of liver cells. PMID- 13487033 TI - Diffuse perichondritis, chondritis, and iritis; report of an autopsied case. PMID- 13487034 TI - The influence of tissue extracts on the growth of Ehrlich tumor. PMID- 13487035 TI - Response of breast cancer to triethylene thiophosphoramide; pathological and clinical findings. PMID- 13487036 TI - Host factors in fatal human lung cancer. PMID- 13487037 TI - Experimental nylon aortic substitutes; results after two years' implantation in the dog. PMID- 13487038 TI - Congenital bilobed gallbladder. PMID- 13487039 TI - Surgical management of chronic ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13487040 TI - Complete homotransplantation of canine heart and lungs. PMID- 13487041 TI - Tendon transfer for old radial nerve paralysis. PMID- 13487042 TI - Complication of aortography. PMID- 13487043 TI - Surgery in conjoined twins. PMID- 13487044 TI - Effect on permanent alteration of hepatic blood flow upon biliary secretion. PMID- 13487045 TI - Chylothorax treated by ligation of the thoracic duct and studies in thoracic ductography. PMID- 13487046 TI - Hazards of arteriography. PMID- 13487047 TI - Use of lyophilized homografts of dura mater in repair of incisional hernias. PMID- 13487048 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487049 TI - Influence of infection on homografts and synthetic (teflon) grafts; a comparative study in experimental animals. PMID- 13487050 TI - Subtotal gastric resection for benign peptic ulcer; a follow-up study of three hundred fifty-three patients. PMID- 13487051 TI - Pulmonary leiomyosarcoma; review and report of a case. PMID- 13487052 TI - Carcinoma of the parathyroid. PMID- 13487053 TI - Prescalene lymph node biopsy. PMID- 13487054 TI - Traumatic pseudocyst formation of the parotid duct; a safer method of obliteration. PMID- 13487055 TI - Carcinoma of the breast associated with discharge from the nipple but no palpable mass. PMID- 13487056 TI - Collateral circulation to the heart by meant of cardiopneumonopexy and lingular vein ligation. PMID- 13487057 TI - Hydatid cyst of the liver producing massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13487058 TI - Venous angiocardiographic diagnosis of acute dissecting hematoma of aorta (dissecting aneurysm). PMID- 13487059 TI - Pain control following hemorrhoidectomy. PMID- 13487060 TI - Carcinoma arising in Sebaceous cysts. PMID- 13487061 TI - Traumatic laceration of the coronary arteries. PMID- 13487062 TI - Injuries of the trachea. PMID- 13487063 TI - Polonidal cyst; neither pilonidal nor cyst. PMID- 13487064 TI - Calcified pseudocyst of the spleen. PMID- 13487065 TI - Leiomyosarcoma of the spermatic cord; report of a case and review of the literature. PMID- 13487066 TI - Cystic lymphangioma of the mesentery; review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13487067 TI - Mammary carcinoma followed after twenty-eight years by primary malignant pleural mesothelioma. PMID- 13487068 TI - Retroperitoneal liposarcoma with hemorrhage. PMID- 13487069 TI - Hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler-Weber disease); report of case associated with severe repeated gastrointestinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13487070 TI - Technique for extra-articular injection. PMID- 13487071 TI - Rapid identification of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O127:B8 by the fluorescent antibody technique. PMID- 13487072 TI - Phallic urethra in female pseudohermaphroditism. PMID- 13487073 TI - Pneumocystis pneumonia; report of a case. PMID- 13487074 TI - Electroencephalography in subdural hematoma and effusion in infants. PMID- 13487075 TI - Epidemic of diarrhea of the newborn; nonassociation of cytopathogenic agents. PMID- 13487076 TI - Skin pH pattern in the newborn infant. PMID- 13487077 TI - Conversion hysteria in childhood. PMID- 13487078 TI - Congenital stenosis of the aortic and pulmonary valvular areas of the heart; indications for early surgical relief. PMID- 13487079 TI - Histiocytoma of the bronchus; report of case in a six-year old child. PMID- 13487080 TI - Chronic vitamin A intoxication; report of a case in an older child and review of the literature. PMID- 13487081 TI - Gargoylism; a review including two occurrences in the American Negro. PMID- 13487082 TI - The prevention of mental retardation; a survey of research. PMID- 13487083 TI - [Effect of surgical interventions on hormonal equilibrium]. PMID- 13487084 TI - [Determination of the level of narcosis by means of electroencephalography]. PMID- 13487086 TI - Changes in blood volume in induced hypothermia. PMID- 13487085 TI - [Disturbances of pressure equilibrium during induction of anesthesia with thiopentone]. PMID- 13487087 TI - The effect of some curarizing drugs in unanaesthetized man. I. PMID- 13487088 TI - Enophthalmus elicited by succinylcholine; some observations on the effect of succinylcholine and noradrenaline on the intraorbital muscles studied on man experimental animals. PMID- 13487089 TI - Sleep reinduced by cortisone and glucose in patients intoxicated with barbiturates and related drugs. PMID- 13487090 TI - The rate of muscle relaxants in man. PMID- 13487091 TI - [Morphological studies of the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis of the dog after partial lesion of the infundibulum]. PMID- 13487092 TI - The aerated bones of Gallus domesticus. PMID- 13487093 TI - Some histochemical observations on the resting human mammary gland. PMID- 13487094 TI - [Vascularization of the choroid]. PMID- 13487095 TI - [The hepatic artery system and its relation to the portal system in the dog liver]. PMID- 13487096 TI - On the anatomy of the nerves in the ventro-lateral wall of the abdomen in the new born. PMID- 13487097 TI - On the nature of the jaws and teeth of an opodymous kitten. PMID- 13487098 TI - [Effect of methylcholanthrene on tissues cultivated in vitro. I. Preliminary studies on the role of organic solvents and on certain physical and technical factors in the growth inhibition of cultures]. PMID- 13487099 TI - [Comparative morphological research on the capillary supply of the embryonic bird brain]. PMID- 13487100 TI - On the stomach of the camel with special reference to the structure of its mucous membrane. PMID- 13487101 TI - The tissue eosinophil count in guinea-pig organs and its changes during histamine shock and prolonged histamine treatment. PMID- 13487102 TI - A histochemical study of adrenal glycogen. PMID- 13487103 TI - [New morphological data on peripheral nerve endings and their interpretation]. PMID- 13487104 TI - [Degeneration of isolated sympathetic ganglia]. PMID- 13487105 TI - Myelination studied by quantitative determination of myelin lipids. PMID- 13487106 TI - [Studies on the cellular structure and neurosecretion of the brain of teleost fishes]. PMID- 13487107 TI - Determination of the mineral content of human finger bones by silver analysis of roentgenograms. PMID- 13487108 TI - [Replacement of a cataract crystalline lens with a lens of acrylic material]. PMID- 13487109 TI - [Effect of acute hypoxia on pulmonary circulation in chronic lung diseases]. PMID- 13487110 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487111 TI - [American concepts of the treatment of burns]. PMID- 13487112 TI - [Treatment of herpes zoster by low-frequency currents]. PMID- 13487113 TI - [3 Cases of cervical vertebral block of congenital origin]. PMID- 13487114 TI - [Cancer of the pancreas metastasized to the skin]. PMID- 13487115 TI - [Ammonia formation in the rumen of sheep fed with various diets]. PMID- 13487116 TI - [Colorimetric microdetermination of alkaloids in lupine seeds]. PMID- 13487117 TI - [Application of aliphatic amines to the elution of amino acids from cationic exchange resins with sulfonic and phenolic functional groups]. PMID- 13487118 TI - [17-Ketosteroids and 17-hydroxysteroids in human, rabbit and rat urine. I. Zimmermann's chromogens in urine samples before and after oxidation by chromic acid]. PMID- 13487119 TI - [Biosynthesis of cobalamin compounds. II. Mechanism of cobalamin formation in Corynebacterium diphtheriae]. PMID- 13487120 TI - [Repeated surgery on the bile ducts]. PMID- 13487121 TI - [Repeated surgery in cholelithiasis]. PMID- 13487122 TI - [Repeated surgery on the common bile duct for relapse after cholecystectomy]. PMID- 13487123 TI - [Statistics on repeated surgery of the bile ducts]. PMID- 13487124 TI - [Results of cholangiographic examinations during post-cholecystectomy disorders]. PMID- 13487125 TI - [Repeated surgery on the bile ducts]. PMID- 13487126 TI - [Extended inflammatory stenosis of the extrahepatic bile duct]. PMID- 13487127 TI - [Cardiac reanimation in acute circulatory adynamia]. PMID- 13487128 TI - [Cardiac resuscitation]. PMID- 13487129 TI - [Cardiac arrest, death and resuscitation of nervous system]. PMID- 13487131 TI - [Blood volume and cardiac reanimation]. PMID- 13487130 TI - [Hypothermia and cardiac fibrillation]. PMID- 13487132 TI - Reconstructive tracheobronchial surgery. PMID- 13487133 TI - Bronchoplastic procedures with special reference to their use in the treatment of tumours of the bronchus. PMID- 13487134 TI - [Remote functional results of plastic surgery on the hyparterial bronchus]. PMID- 13487135 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487136 TI - [Bronchial resection-anastomosis; iconography of a case]. PMID- 13487137 TI - [Prevention and treatment of empyema after pulmonary resection]. PMID- 13487138 TI - [Postoperative empyema in surgical exeresis in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13487139 TI - [Empyemas following pulmonary resection]. PMID- 13487140 TI - Memory functions after cerebral concussion. PMID- 13487142 TI - Perforating gastric and duodenal ulcers: a compilation of 2,224 cases from 16 Scandinavian hospitals. PMID- 13487141 TI - Wound healing after induced hypothermia. II. An experimental investigation of the importance of intravascular aggregation of blood cells. PMID- 13487143 TI - Torsion of the gallbladder; report of one case and review of the literature. PMID- 13487144 TI - The significance of heart disease in surgery of the prostate gland. PMID- 13487145 TI - Vasectomy as a prophylactic measure against epididymitis in surgical treatment of prostatic hypertrophy and other urological diseases. PMID- 13487146 TI - Repair of congenital finger syndactyly. PMID- 13487147 TI - Traumatic contracture of the lateral intermuscular septum of the thigh. PMID- 13487148 TI - Loose body in the anterior recess of the medial menisco-tibial joint-space. PMID- 13487149 TI - Conservative operation for malunited fractures of the ankle. PMID- 13487150 TI - Airborne bacterial contamination in a surgical department. PMID- 13487151 TI - Induced hypothermia with automatic control of body temperature. PMID- 13487152 TI - Intestinal digestion and absorption after Billroth II gastrectomy; a preliminary report. PMID- 13487153 TI - Malignant neurinoma of the duodenum; report of one case and review of the literature. PMID- 13487154 TI - Multiple jejunal diverticula with diverticulitis; with report of a case. PMID- 13487155 TI - Influence of nephrectomy upon hypertension. PMID- 13487156 TI - Pilonidal cysts; treatment by Holman's operation. PMID- 13487157 TI - Subastragalar dislocation (luxatio pedis sub talo); a follow-up report of eight cases. PMID- 13487158 TI - Halogenated progesterone derivatives as anti-luteinizers. PMID- 13487159 TI - Some aspects of the characterization of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. PMID- 13487160 TI - Corticotrophic activity of human placenta. PMID- 13487161 TI - Effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate on chondrogenesis and cartilage hypertrophy in the young chick. PMID- 13487162 TI - Urinary corticosteroids paper-chromatographic evaluation of a colorimetric method. PMID- 13487163 TI - On the hormonal regulation of vasomotor reactions during exercise with special reference to the action of adrenal cortical steroids. PMID- 13487164 TI - Production of experimental hypertension by aldosterone. PMID- 13487165 TI - On the determination of 17-ketogenic steroids in urine; excretion in normal subjects and after the administration of corticotrophin. PMID- 13487167 TI - Phaeochromocytoma; some symptoms and their pathophysiology. PMID- 13487166 TI - An examination of the Allen colour correction in steroid determinations. PMID- 13487168 TI - Effect of digitalis glycosides on the adrenal cortex and medulla of the rat. PMID- 13487169 TI - The foetal development of the hypothalamic-hypophysial neurosecretory system of the cow embryo. PMID- 13487170 TI - The relationship between the level of circulation basophil leucocytes and thyroid function. PMID- 13487171 TI - An ovarian interstitial-cell tumour with oestrogenic function. PMID- 13487172 TI - [Factors responsible for achlorhydria after subtotal gastrectomy]. PMID- 13487173 TI - [Gastroduodenal hemorrhage complicating acute anuria during treatment by artificial kidney]. PMID- 13487174 TI - Effect of experimental diversion of normal bile flow in dogs on the absorption of radioactive iodine (I 131) in blood and lymph. PMID- 13487175 TI - [Gougerot-Sjogren-Houwer syndrome or dry mucous membranes syndrome]. PMID- 13487176 TI - [Recurrent gastrojejunocolic fistula]. PMID- 13487177 TI - Clinical aspects of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenia. PMID- 13487178 TI - The genesis of sickle cell morphology. PMID- 13487179 TI - [Changes of the adherence capacity of the thrombus caused by leukocytes of myeloid type. Thrombelastographic research in chronic myeloid leukemia, acute uremia and reactive leukocytosis]. PMID- 13487181 TI - A new method to measure bleeding time: the immersion method. PMID- 13487180 TI - Control of the staining procedure after paper electrophoresis; comparison of the spreading on paper of protein fractions. PMID- 13487182 TI - A case of haemorrhagic diathesis due to a circulating anticoagulant. PMID- 13487183 TI - [German literature on hematology for the year 1956 (with the exception of blood coagulation). I]. PMID- 13487184 TI - A histochemical study of alkaline phosphatase in the leukocytes of blood and bone marrow in various diseases. PMID- 13487185 TI - Influence of transfusions on the erythropoietic-stimulating factor (ESF) of anemic patients. PMID- 13487186 TI - [Hemoglobin distribution curve in experimental anemia; at the same time a contribution to the problem of reticulocytes]. PMID- 13487187 TI - Physico-chemical and immunological studies on the auto-antibodies of acquired haemolytic anaemia. PMID- 13487188 TI - Concurrent hemophilia and qualitative platelet disturbance. PMID- 13487189 TI - [German-language literature on hematology in 1956 not including blood coagulation. II]. PMID- 13487190 TI - [Methods of histo-topochemical bilirubin and biliverdin determination]. PMID- 13487191 TI - [Histochemical studies on succinic dehydrogenase in the brain of various vertebrates]. PMID- 13487192 TI - [Autoradiographic studies on the extent of protein metabolism in various organs, tissues and cell types]. PMID- 13487193 TI - [Application and results of absorption measurements on tissue slices by infrared spectrography]. PMID- 13487194 TI - [Optical polarization of protein structures]. PMID- 13487195 TI - [Ultraviolet dichroism of nucleic acids and proteins in cell structures]. PMID- 13487196 TI - [Physical principles and possibilities of application of infrared spectroscopy]. PMID- 13487197 TI - [Micromethods of infrared spectroscopy]. PMID- 13487198 TI - [Time interval and process of protein synthesis in exocrine pancreas of rats]. PMID- 13487199 TI - [Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of proteins; principles and limitations of evaluation]. PMID- 13487200 TI - The protein content of isolated nuclei. PMID- 13487201 TI - [Infrared spectrum analysis of cellular components isolated by ultracentrifugation from the liver of normal rats in regard to their protein content]. PMID- 13487202 TI - [Comparative ultraspectra of the adrenals; an attempt on interpretation]. PMID- 13487203 TI - [Vital fluorescence and histochemistry with special regard to protein uptake by cell plasma and cell nucleus]. PMID- 13487204 TI - [Immuno-histological methods. I. Principles, results and critical evaluation of technic]. PMID- 13487205 TI - [Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of proteins; microspectrophotometric methodology]. PMID- 13487206 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487207 TI - [A modern interpretation of elastin staining]. PMID- 13487208 TI - [Methodology of dry weight determination by Baker's interference microscopy]. PMID- 13487209 TI - [Tuberculosis infection and corticosteroids]. PMID- 13487210 TI - [Soil pollution & endemo-epidemic state of typhoid in the Torre Annunziata district]. PMID- 13487211 TI - [Case of Q fever with pneumopathy in an infant]. PMID- 13487212 TI - [Primary carcinoma of the liver; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13487213 TI - [Sunstroke & heat stroke in various climates]. PMID- 13487214 TI - [Antibiotic resistance & biochemical characteristics of strains of Micrococcus pyogenes aureus from alimentary toxinfections, from other morbose forms & from healthy carriers]. PMID- 13487215 TI - [Remarks on several cases of leprosy observed in Ethiopia]. PMID- 13487216 TI - [South American blastomycosis (Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease)]. PMID- 13487217 TI - [Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase activity of serum in experimental emetine poisoning]. PMID- 13487218 TI - [Preliminary note on the influenzal epidemic in the province of Naples in August & September, 1957]. PMID- 13487219 TI - William Harvey, a historical appraisal. PMID- 13487220 TI - The forerunners of William Harvey. PMID- 13487222 TI - Regulation of the pulmonary circulation in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13487221 TI - William Harvey and the theory of reproduction. PMID- 13487223 TI - The influence of an unidentified blood component of extracerebral origin on the blood flow, the metabolic rate and the functional activity of the brain. PMID- 13487224 TI - An easy and rapid microdetermination of fetal hemoglobin. PMID- 13487225 TI - The cholera epidemic in Palestine in 1866; with remarks about the cause of the death of Thomas Hodgkin. PMID- 13487226 TI - On visual field defects in glaucoma not usually noticed. PMID- 13487227 TI - Why history of medicine and science. PMID- 13487228 TI - The effect of thyroid stimulating hormone in subacute thyroiditis. PMID- 13487229 TI - Subacute thyroiditis. PMID- 13487230 TI - Observations on hyperthyroidism and exophthalmus. PMID- 13487231 TI - Steroids in adrenogenital syndromes. PMID- 13487232 TI - Psycho-endocrine relations in functional hormonal disturbances. PMID- 13487233 TI - Hypotension after neo-synephrine infusion treated by pitressin. PMID- 13487234 TI - Regression of hypothalamic syndrome simulating cerebral tumor. PMID- 13487235 TI - Herman Zondek's contributions to our knowledge of thyroid function. PMID- 13487236 TI - [Radioactive iron in cytochemical study of the bone marrow. IV. Behavior of erythropoiesis in hypophysectomized rats]. PMID- 13487237 TI - [Hemolytic anemias in lymphogranulomatosis and malignant carcinomatosis]. PMID- 13487238 TI - [Dysproteinemic purpuras: hyperglobulinemic purpura with total hypoproteinemia]. PMID- 13487239 TI - [Anemic crises during constitutional hemolytic jaundice; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13487240 TI - [Anuria caused by aortography]. PMID- 13487241 TI - [Intra-arterial fluorescein test in some peripheral vascular diseases before and after intra-arterial administration of small doses of heparin]. PMID- 13487242 TI - [Blood coagulation and congenital heart diseases]. PMID- 13487243 TI - [Antibacterial activity of bromsulphalein]. PMID- 13487244 TI - [Determination of total polysaccharides in blood]. PMID- 13487245 TI - [Value and significance of maximum excretory capacity of the liver (liver maximum) in liver function tests]. PMID- 13487247 TI - [Hemorrhagic diathesis in liver disease patients]. PMID- 13487246 TI - [Value and limitations of investigation of leuko-agglutinins]. PMID- 13487248 TI - [Kidney biopsy in diagnosis of glomerulonephritis]. PMID- 13487249 TI - [Comparative study of the results of renal biopsy and those of clearance tests]. PMID- 13487250 TI - [Clinico-hormonal study of chromophobe adenomas of the pituitary gland and in juxta-pituitary neoplasms]. PMID- 13487251 TI - [Estrogen metabolism disorder in liver diseases with special reference to the cause of gynecomastia]. PMID- 13487252 TI - [Subacute undifferentiated cell leukemia with the histological aspect of reticulosis with an angioblastic tendency and with neoplastiform visceral and cutaneous localization]. PMID- 13487253 TI - Active and passive mouse protection tests used in the assay of typhoid vaccines. PMID- 13487254 TI - [Incidence of toxoplasmosis in domestic animals in Hungary]. PMID- 13487255 TI - [Evaluation of laboratory findings in chloramphenicol treated typhoid patients]. PMID- 13487256 TI - Preparation of typhoid vaccine from separated antigenic components. I. Preparation of purified O and Vi antigens. PMID- 13487257 TI - Fungicidal effect of methyl derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline on dermatophytes. PMID- 13487258 TI - Differential diagnosis of enterococci. PMID- 13487259 TI - Cultivation and electron microscopy of a bacteriocinogenic strain of Bacillus megaterium. PMID- 13487260 TI - Streptomycin resistance of Serratia marcescens. PMID- 13487261 TI - Serological types of Bacillus megaterium and their sensitivity to phages. PMID- 13487262 TI - Aetiologic study of poliomyelitis cases occurred in the second half of 1955 in Hungary. PMID- 13487263 TI - Effects of formaldehyde on influenza virus. I. Effects on the haemagglutinating activity of the virus. PMID- 13487264 TI - Simple methods for testing the nitrate reducing, catalase and the fat splitting activity of bacteria. PMID- 13487265 TI - A histological study of the foetal-maternal relationship in the paraplacenta of the cat. PMID- 13487266 TI - Histo-endocrinological analysis of gestation phenomena in the Hemiramphid Dermogenys pusillus Van Hasselt. IV. Corpus luteum cycle during pregnancy. PMID- 13487267 TI - Activity of the embryonic thyroid gland in the Hemiramphid Dermogenys pusillus Van Hasselt during the last part of the gestation period. PMID- 13487268 TI - A histochemical study on glycogen in the testes of domestic and laboratory animals, with special reference to variations during the spermatogenetic cycle. PMID- 13487269 TI - A method for castration of chick embryos. PMID- 13487270 TI - Aspects of the comparative anatomy of the mammalian brain stem. PMID- 13487271 TI - A study of neurosecretory and related phenomena in the hypothalamus and pituitary of man. PMID- 13487272 TI - The glands of the digestive system in the one-humped camel, Camelus dromedarius L. I. The salivary glands. PMID- 13487273 TI - Interference microscopic measurements on red blood cells from newborn infants. PMID- 13487274 TI - A nosometric study of multiple sclerosis; its application to prognosis and evaluation of treatment. PMID- 13487276 TI - [Pathology of glioma]. PMID- 13487275 TI - [Etio-epidemiological & clinical characteristics of the last new epidemic outbreak of poliomyelitis in Barcelona, 1956]. PMID- 13487277 TI - [Thomsen's congenital myotonia with electrocardiographic changes in Negroes]. PMID- 13487278 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487279 TI - [Massive food poisoning due to DDT; importance of intoxications of this type for the experimental study of epilepsy due to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides]. PMID- 13487280 TI - [Electroencephalographic study of a case of peracute post-rubeolic encephalitis]. PMID- 13487281 TI - [Acute necrotic encephalitis with temporal predominance]. PMID- 13487282 TI - [Anatomo-clinical study of a case of subacute sclerotic leukoencephalitis]. PMID- 13487283 TI - [Nocardiosis with pulmonary, intracranial and orbital localization]. PMID- 13487284 TI - [Bone lacuna of cranial vault with subadjacent porencephalic cyst of obstetrical origin in adult]. PMID- 13487285 TI - [From magical gestures and drawings to conjuratory neographism]. PMID- 13487286 TI - [Nosography of senile chorea]. PMID- 13487287 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487288 TI - Clinical and pathological survey of ovarian embryonal carcinomas, including so called mesonephromas (Schiller), or mesoblastomas (Teilum) treated at the Radiumhemmet. PMID- 13487289 TI - Surgical treatment of carcinoma corporis uteri. PMID- 13487290 TI - The prognosis of carcinoma of the endometrium in its different stages treated by surgery combined with post-operative radiotherapy. PMID- 13487291 TI - Sphincter incontinence of urine in the female; a new approach to its classification, diagnosis and treatment. PMID- 13487292 TI - The function of Montgomery's tubercles. PMID- 13487293 TI - Pregnancy after conservative surgery for ovarian endometriosis. PMID- 13487294 TI - Association of pregnancy and endometriosis. PMID- 13487296 TI - Endometrial reaction in ectopic pregnancy. PMID- 13487297 TI - Missed abortion; analysis of a 10-year series. PMID- 13487295 TI - Treatment with anticoagulants of pregnant women with previous severe toxaemia. PMID- 13487298 TI - Colloid bodies with defects in the field of vision. PMID- 13487299 TI - [Alternating potential in electroretinogram of man by flickering light]. PMID- 13487301 TI - On the fate of the corneal graft. PMID- 13487300 TI - [Eye changes in chronic porphyria]. PMID- 13487302 TI - On the metabolism of the corneal graft. PMID- 13487303 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487304 TI - On eugenic problems in the prevention of blindness. PMID- 13487305 TI - Changes in the vitreous body in scurvy; studies on guinea pigs in vivo. I. The biopolymers of the vitreous body. PMID- 13487306 TI - Light and form thresholds during dark-adaptation. PMID- 13487307 TI - The escape of aqueous humour after cyclodialysis. PMID- 13487308 TI - [Comparative embryonic development of olfactory and auditory nerves]. PMID- 13487309 TI - [Teratogenic factors in cleft palate]. PMID- 13487310 TI - [Lipids and olfactory pigment]. PMID- 13487311 TI - [Case of a rare tracheal tumor (reticuloendothelioma)]. PMID- 13487312 TI - [Case of laryngeal cancer associated with a laryngocele]. PMID- 13487313 TI - [Essential epistaxis in its relation with vascular headache]. PMID- 13487314 TI - [Stapes mobilization]. PMID- 13487315 TI - [Modified Rosen operation]. PMID- 13487316 TI - [Tympanoplasty by conduction path]. PMID- 13487317 TI - [A case of post-streptomycin deafness aggravated by cranial injury]. PMID- 13487318 TI - [A case of Brill-Symmers disease]. PMID- 13487320 TI - [Case of thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus treated under artificial hibernation]. PMID- 13487319 TI - [Progressive malignant osteomyelitis of flat bones of cranium]. PMID- 13487321 TI - The bulbar conjunctival vascular bed in diabetic chilren. PMID- 13487322 TI - A case of congenital Friedreich's disease, with autopsy. PMID- 13487323 TI - An epidemic among Swedish children caused by adenovirus type 3. PMID- 13487325 TI - On the variability of the clinical course of congenital toxoplasmosis with special reference to the occurrence of mild cases. PMID- 13487324 TI - The failure of newborn premature infants to absorb antibodies from heterologous colostrum. PMID- 13487326 TI - The serum vitamin B12 levels at various ages. PMID- 13487327 TI - Red blood cell survival in cyanotic congenital heart disease. PMID- 13487328 TI - A Wilms' tumour family. PMID- 13487329 TI - Surgical treatment of funnel chest. PMID- 13487330 TI - The correlation between the development of the hypophysial portal system and the onset of neurosecretory activity in the human fetus and infant. PMID- 13487331 TI - Sudden, unexpected death in infancy. PMID- 13487332 TI - A complicated psychosomatic case. PMID- 13487333 TI - Home-care for sick children. PMID- 13487334 TI - Abdominal migraine in children. PMID- 13487335 TI - Typhoid vaccine; Vi antigen and Vi antibody. PMID- 13487336 TI - Experience with an assay of adrenocorticotropic hormone based on the steroid output of rat adrenals in vitro. PMID- 13487337 TI - The mechanism of action of anti-cholinesterases. III. The action of anti cholinesterases on the phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation of the rat. PMID- 13487338 TI - A series of potent analgesics. PMID- 13487339 TI - Sex differences in the effect of steroid sex hormones on the thyroid gland. PMID- 13487340 TI - Histochemistry of DOPA factors. II. The nature of the localizing-mechanisms in the DOPA-reaction. PMID- 13487341 TI - Histochemistry of DOPA factors. III. Inactivation experiments on the DOPA factors in neutrophilic and eosinophilic leucocytes and erythrocytes. PMID- 13487342 TI - Technique of lavage of the lung in dogs. PMID- 13487343 TI - Compensation experiments in phenomenal localization of phantom tone sources. PMID- 13487345 TI - Anticonvulsant activity of a series of substituted acetamides and thioacetamides. PMID- 13487344 TI - A quantitative assay for antiarrhythmic activity based on suppression of experimental atrial arrhythmias. PMID- 13487346 TI - The influence of a hypothalamus extract and of pitressin on the release of ACTH from the pituitary gland. PMID- 13487347 TI - Early onset of oestrus and puberty following hypothalamic lesions. PMID- 13487348 TI - Hormone dependence and hormone production of isografted granulosa-cell tumours in mice. PMID- 13487349 TI - Sexual behaviour in the cat and the effect of rhinencephalic lesions. PMID- 13487351 TI - [Effect of air pressure on registering apparatus]. PMID- 13487350 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487352 TI - [Pharmacodynamic studies on experimental cardiac infarcts in rats]. PMID- 13487353 TI - The influence of ascorbic acid on the respiration of liver homogenate systems. PMID- 13487354 TI - [Arterial and respiratory chemo- and pressor receptors during muscle exercise]. PMID- 13487355 TI - Responses of the ballistocardiogram in dogs to changes in circulation by administration of substances with cardiovascular action. PMID- 13487356 TI - [Participation of glucides in combustion; fate of alimentary glucides]. PMID- 13487358 TI - [Effects of pure hypothermia on electroencephalogram]. PMID- 13487357 TI - The electrocardiogram of the normal cat. PMID- 13487359 TI - Hypothalamic-cortical relations, particularly in conditions of hypothalamic imbalance. PMID- 13487361 TI - On the number of nerve cells in a crustacean central nervous system. PMID- 13487360 TI - [Action of cortisone on the respiratory gas exchange in normal dogs]. PMID- 13487362 TI - [Comparison of thermal variations in cardiac frequency of some mammals, reptiles, and batrachians]. PMID- 13487363 TI - [Experimental contributions to spatial vectorcardiography]. PMID- 13487364 TI - Interactions between antipyretics and adrenal cortex. PMID- 13487365 TI - Time-mortality curves and Abbott's correction in experiments with insecticides. PMID- 13487366 TI - Terminology of acid-base equilibria. PMID- 13487367 TI - Comparative prenatal carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13487368 TI - [Ventilation output and ventilatory equivalent of oxygen measured in the basal state]. PMID- 13487369 TI - [Present state of our researches concerning the influence of the pineal body on the distribution of fat in rats]. PMID- 13487370 TI - [Utilization of rat duodenum in pharmacological analysis of autonomic drugs and their different points of attack]. PMID- 13487371 TI - New adrenocortical steroids and block of ACTH secretion. PMID- 13487372 TI - [Lung tissues and carbon dioxide exchange]. PMID- 13487373 TI - [Adrenalin-chloroform fibrillation; effect of preliminary adrenalin injections]. PMID- 13487374 TI - [New chronaximetric studies on conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13487375 TI - Cerebellar reactions to the visual system's activation. PMID- 13487376 TI - Dopamine in mammalian lung and spleen. PMID- 13487377 TI - [Favorable experimental data on facilitating action of adrenalin on faradic and strychnic epilepsies]. PMID- 13487378 TI - Studies of the origin and nature of reticular formation function. PMID- 13487379 TI - [Ultramicroscopic structure of the capillary wall]. PMID- 13487380 TI - [Physiology of the silkworm]. PMID- 13487381 TI - [Role of hypophysis and temperature in seasonal variations of glucide metabolism of batrachians]. PMID- 13487382 TI - [The adrenergic nervous system and hemostatic action of sympathomimetic amines, quinones, and phenols]. PMID- 13487383 TI - Hypothalamic lesions and ACTH secretion in rats. PMID- 13487384 TI - On the action of some tissue homogenates. PMID- 13487385 TI - [Contributions to the physiology of labrocytes from fish shells by demonstration of anaphylactic reactions and behavior in the presence of histamine liberator]. PMID- 13487386 TI - Determination of the physical condition of athletes. PMID- 13487387 TI - A note on the Chlidanotidae and allies, with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera). PMID- 13487388 TI - [Tendomuscular cholinesterase apparatus; structure, development, and effects of denervation and tenotomy]. PMID- 13487389 TI - On the balance of nutrients. PMID- 13487390 TI - [Influence of transit from fresh water to salt water on respiratory exchange and intestinal glucose absorption in tench (Tinca vulgarisL)]. PMID- 13487391 TI - [The function of acetylcholine in the heart; conditions of regulation of excitability threshold of the myofibrils of myocardial syncytium]. PMID- 13487392 TI - A study of hippocampal function in the waking and sleeping animal with chronically implanted electrodes. PMID- 13487393 TI - [Electric cortical responses to afferent somatesthetic stimulations during ischemic blockade of nerves]. PMID- 13487394 TI - [Osseous salts]. PMID- 13487395 TI - [Atmospheric pressure and biological adaptation]. PMID- 13487396 TI - [Mechanism of bioelectric synergisms in the cerebral hemisphere]. PMID- 13487397 TI - [A certain psychic recuperation in twice decerebrated pigeons]. PMID- 13487398 TI - [Regulation of the physiological activities of the resting adrenal medulla]. PMID- 13487399 TI - An apparatus for the induction of supramaximal electroshock seizures in groups of ten mice. PMID- 13487400 TI - [Mechanism of occipital potentials evoked by abrupt movements of the eyes]. PMID- 13487401 TI - [The inner image of the head in normal position and after its changes]. PMID- 13487402 TI - Muscle contracture elicited by ultra-violet irradiation. PMID- 13487403 TI - [Possibilities of substitution of the hypophysis in place of the adrenals]. PMID- 13487404 TI - Determination of cytochrome oxidase by means of the indophenol blue reaction. PMID- 13487405 TI - Relationship between intraocular pressure, blood pressure and electroretinogram. PMID- 13487406 TI - Effects of temperature on the membrane potential of mammalian nerve. PMID- 13487407 TI - [Curarizing poison of octopus saliva and its mechanism of action in the catching muscles of Lamellibranchia]. PMID- 13487408 TI - The problem of identifying cholinergic neurones in the retina. PMID- 13487409 TI - Origin and spread of alpha rhythms. PMID- 13487410 TI - [Dissociation of various stimulations of anterior pituitary origin]. PMID- 13487411 TI - Cerebral function and chemical composition. PMID- 13487412 TI - [QT interval in cats]. PMID- 13487413 TI - [Mechanism of action of senna anthraglucosides; sennosides A and B]. PMID- 13487414 TI - [Sensory physiology of bats]. PMID- 13487415 TI - [Influence of the afferent vagus on synchronization tendencies of inspiratory neurons]. PMID- 13487416 TI - A study of the late response to flash in the cortex of the cat. PMID- 13487417 TI - The optical component in the orientation of the Colorado beetle larva (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say). PMID- 13487418 TI - [Training for positive and negative work; electromyographic study]. PMID- 13487419 TI - New studies on aerosols. II. Guinea-pig's isolated lung reactions to pneumodilating aerosols. PMID- 13487420 TI - Action of pH, potassium and sodium on the electrical activity of cortex, rhinencephalon and thalamus in the anesthetized rabbit. PMID- 13487421 TI - Hypothermia and cerebral activity. PMID- 13487422 TI - On simple formulae for calculating the heat expenditure and the quantities of carbohydrate and fat oxidized in metabolism of men and animals, from gaseous exchange (Oxygen intake and carbonic acid output) and urine-N. PMID- 13487423 TI - Electro-encephalography and mechanisms of behaviour. PMID- 13487425 TI - A method for roentgen examination of the posterior urethra, prostatic ducts and utricle (utriculography). PMID- 13487424 TI - Mental disorders in thyroidectomized patients; a psychosomatic study of 53 cases. PMID- 13487426 TI - Tomoarthrography of meniscal lesions of the knee-joint; fifteen verified cases. PMID- 13487427 TI - Factors contributing to the formation of gas in the fetus in cases of intra uterine death. PMID- 13487428 TI - An estimate of the genetic dose from radiotherapy. PMID- 13487429 TI - Gonad doses received during the medical application of roentgen radiation. PMID- 13487430 TI - Roentgenography in high magnification; reliability and limitation of enlargement. PMID- 13487431 TI - Further approximate studies on beta ray absorption and transmission. PMID- 13487432 TI - [Experimental tumor formation in pre-irradiated tissues]. PMID- 13487433 TI - Electronystagmography in the rotatory test; a study in a series of normal individuals. PMID- 13487434 TI - The presence of free gas in the fetal circulatory system as a pathognomonic sign of intrauterine death. PMID- 13487435 TI - The change in total nitrogen and electrophoretic pattern in human colostrum during the first days of lactation. PMID- 13487436 TI - On ureteric pain. PMID- 13487437 TI - Studies on the flocculation reactions of serum proteins. PMID- 13487438 TI - [The surgical treatment of choice, sanguineous & endoscopic, of ureteral lithiasis]. PMID- 13487439 TI - [Prostatic radiography; technic, results & indications]. PMID- 13487440 TI - [Radiologic study of seminal vesicles in cancer of the bladder]. PMID- 13487441 TI - [Seminal colics simulating renal or appendicular colics]. PMID- 13487442 TI - [Spermatocystography]. PMID- 13487443 TI - [Enterovesical fistulae except those connected with sigmoiditis]. PMID- 13487444 TI - [Evaluation of the results of 100 cases of ureterocystoneostomy]. PMID- 13487445 TI - [Modification a l'operation de Boari]. PMID- 13487446 TI - [Multiple simultaneous urinary lithiasis]. PMID- 13487447 TI - Purification and some properties of the inhibitor of virus haemagglutination from chorio-allantoic membranes of the chick embryo. PMID- 13487448 TI - Research on substrates for bacterial viruses; properties of phages grown on bacteria containing or devoid of antigen Vi. PMID- 13487449 TI - Polarographic activity of tobacco mosaic virus protein and the use of the polarographic method for the identification of protein impurities in purified virus preparations; preliminary report. PMID- 13487450 TI - Cellular factors in the defence of the host in influenza. PMID- 13487451 TI - Studies of virus factors as causes of inapparent infection in Japanese B encephalitis: virus strains, viraemia, stability to heat and infective dosage. PMID- 13487452 TI - Experimental facts concerning the mechanism of alimentary infection with the virus of bi-phasic meningoencephalitis. PMID- 13487453 TI - The spread of ornithosis in Bulgaria; preliminary report. PMID- 13487454 TI - The application of atomic replicas for the study of tissue surfaces. PMID- 13487455 TI - A method for the determination of thiaminase activity in Mytilus galloprovincialis. PMID- 13487456 TI - Influence of internal secretions on riboflavin metabolism. PMID- 13487457 TI - [Blood riboflavin in liver diseases]. PMID- 13487458 TI - [Diphosphopyridine nucleotide, oxidized & reduced, in the liver of thiamine deficient rats]. PMID- 13487459 TI - [Experimental research on urinary excretion of riboflavin, B6-group vitamins & PP factor in prednisone-treated rats]. PMID- 13487460 TI - [The muscle tone]. PMID- 13487461 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487462 TI - [Body water; 140 determinations of antipyrine diffusion space in 92 subjects]. PMID- 13487463 TI - [Physiology of the exocrine pancreas]. PMID- 13487464 TI - [Chronic tetany or spasmophilia; signs, etiology, pathogenesis & treatment]. PMID- 13487465 TI - [Study of the physiopathology of histaminic gastric secretion]. PMID- 13487466 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487467 TI - [Hemoglobinosis C]. PMID- 13487468 TI - [Histophysiology of the connective tissues. II. Connective system]. PMID- 13487469 TI - [Paternity determination by logarithm of dissociation; forensic application of collective geneto-statistics; at the same time a demonstration of a simple discrimination analysis for biomathematical purposes]. PMID- 13487471 TI - [Thrombocythemia in myeloid leukemia]. PMID- 13487470 TI - [Research on protein metabolism during growth. III. Studies on the incorporation of S35-methionine into cartilage and other organs of rats]. PMID- 13487472 TI - [Results of asthma therapy with prednisolone in comparison with previous experience with prednisone]. PMID- 13487473 TI - [Clinical experience with prednisone with special reference to inflammatory heart diseases]. PMID- 13487474 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487475 TI - [Clinical research on cardiac and dynamic circulatory effect of a theophylline adenosine combination (parmanil)]. PMID- 13487476 TI - [Effect of anesthesia on experimental edema in rats]. PMID- 13487477 TI - [Obstetrical and gynecologic services in the USSR; 1917-1957]. PMID- 13487478 TI - [40 Years of development of Soviet obstetrics and gynecology; 1917-1957]. PMID- 13487479 TI - [Principal aspects of creative application of Pavlov's physiological teaching in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13487480 TI - [Thromboembolism in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13487481 TI - [Some pathological-anatomical data on thromboembolism in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13487482 TI - [Significance of prothrombin time in obstetric and gynecology]. PMID- 13487483 TI - [Use of aminasine in the treatment of pregnancy toxicosis]. PMID- 13487484 TI - [Redistribution of certain morphological elements of blood as a protective reaction of the system in acute bloodloss]. PMID- 13487485 TI - [Characteristics of uterine contractions in the third stage of labor]. PMID- 13487486 TI - [Trichomoniasis in obstetrics and gynecology]. PMID- 13487487 TI - [Examination of cyclical changes of vaginal secretion by means of luminescent microscopy]. PMID- 13487488 TI - [Subacute course of thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery in a woman in labor with a congenital heart defect]. PMID- 13487489 TI - [K. P. Ulezko-Stroganova; 1856-1956]. PMID- 13487490 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487491 TI - [Current pathogenic conception of gout]. PMID- 13487493 TI - [Q fever with atypical symptomatology: eruptive form with hepatomegaly, transitory ascites & diabetes]. PMID- 13487492 TI - [A new anxiety therapy, meprobamate]. PMID- 13487494 TI - [A case of benzene lymphocytosis]. PMID- 13487495 TI - [Reflections on an Algerian case of hepatic distomatosis]. PMID- 13487496 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487497 TI - [Albright's syndrome in a 16-year old Moslem child]. PMID- 13487498 TI - [Use of a retard medication in proctology & cancerology]. PMID- 13487499 TI - [Post-transfusional anuria treated with success by exsanginotransfusion & artificial kidney]. PMID- 13487500 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487501 TI - [Acute benign pericarditis and acute nephritis]. PMID- 13487502 TI - [Cyclic aggravations during human & animal poisoning by Androctonus australis; first experimental data showing the exact mechanism]. PMID- 13487503 TI - [The mechanism of coccogenic complex (auto?) antigen formation & of staphylogenic sensitization]. PMID- 13487504 TI - [Studies on histamine metabolism in toxic & allergic symptoms in children]. PMID- 13487505 TI - [Studies on plasma histamine in allergic & non-allergic diseases]. PMID- 13487506 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13487507 TI - [Mechanism of epicutaneous sensitization]. PMID- 13487508 TI - [Therapy of allergy to cow's milk in infants]. PMID- 13487509 TI - [Indication for tonsillectomy in allergic & infectious allergic disorders]. PMID- 13487510 TI - Radiation hygiene aboard nuclear submarines. PMID- 13487511 TI - Annular kinetic impactor. PMID- 13487512 TI - Pre-operational environmental survey for a power reactor. PMID- 13487513 TI - Diffusion and deposition in relation to reactor safety problems. PMID- 13487514 TI - Toluene diisocyanate; engineering and medical control of exposures in polyurethane foam manufacturing. PMID- 13487515 TI - The problem of isolating the noise-susceptible individual. PMID- 13487516 TI - New developments in dispersion staining microscopy as applied to industrial hygiene. PMID- 13487517 TI - Evaluation of potential health hazards in fumigation of shelled corn with a mixture of carbon disulfide and carbon tetrachloride. PMID- 13487518 TI - A radiological health program. PMID- 13487519 TI - Evaluation of the carbon monoxide hazard from indoor use of propane-fueled fork lift trucks. PMID- 13487520 TI - A method of presentation of data: health hazards and precautions for safe handling of materials. PMID- 13487521 TI - HYGIENIC guide series. PMID- 13487522 TI - The role of protein in diets for weight reduction. PMID- 13487524 TI - A formula for estimating the specific gravity of the human body with a consideration of its possible uses. PMID- 13487523 TI - Tocopherol excess in man; creatinuria associated with prolonged ingestion. PMID- 13487525 TI - The role of nutritional factors in the cause, prevention, and cure of alcoholism and associated infirmities. PMID- 13487526 TI - The low-sodium diet; some methods of making it more acceptable with special reference to the use of bitters. PMID- 13487527 TI - Effects of iron treatment of anemia in a tropical area. PMID- 13487528 TI - Serum cholesterol levels in school children from three socio-economic groups. PMID- 13487529 TI - Dietary survey on Rarotonga, Cook Islands. III. Feeding practices and growth of Rarotongan children from birth through six years. PMID- 13487530 TI - A syndrome of osteoporosis in Africans and its relationship to scurvy. PMID- 13487531 TI - The effect of intrinsic factor on the absorption of vitamin B12 in older people. PMID- 13487532 TI - Dr. A. J. Carlson and the concept of hunger. PMID- 13487533 TI - Hereditary factors in protein nutrition. PMID- 13487534 TI - Relation of vitamin A deficiency and estrogen to induction of keratinizing metaplasia in the uterus of the rat. PMID- 13487535 TI - Diet and atherosclerosis: the evidence from Israel. PMID- 13487536 TI - Adapting therapeutic diets to Jewish food customs. PMID- 13487537 TI - What is regional colitis. PMID- 13487538 TI - The clinical approach to steatorrhea. PMID- 13487539 TI - Pancreatic exocrine function; a simplified test using radioactive fat excretion. PMID- 13487540 TI - Steroid therapy in acute pancreatitis. PMID- 13487541 TI - Chronic relapsing pancreatitis; results of surgical treatment. PMID- 13487543 TI - Diagnosis of gastric malignancy by blind gastric biopsy. PMID- 13487542 TI - Gastric atrophy; its clinical significance and methods of detection. PMID- 13487544 TI - Temporary redness of the hair in ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13487545 TI - Hypoglycemia following partial gastrectomy. PMID- 13487546 TI - Hexocyclium methosulfate in active duodenal ulcer; evaluation of a new anticholinergic drug in conventional and long-acting forms, especially its effect on gastric pH as studied in 48-hour analysis. PMID- 13487548 TI - Epiphrenic diverticula of the esophagus. PMID- 13487547 TI - Perforation of peptic ulcer following paracentesis in patients with cirrhosis. PMID- 13487549 TI - Hiatus hernia in the adult; clinical manifestations. PMID- 13487550 TI - Benign stricture of the esophagus from excessive vomiting following spider bite. PMID- 13487551 TI - Human infection with Giardia lamblia; an analysis of 32 cases. PMID- 13487552 TI - Incidence of amebiasis in patients with positive guaiac test of the stool. PMID- 13487553 TI - The treatment of pseudocysts of the pancreas. PMID- 13487554 TI - The association of duodenal diverticula with pancreatic disease, with special reference to carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13487555 TI - The use of radioactive rose bengal as a test in the differential diagnosis of jaundice. PMID- 13487556 TI - An interesting case of hemorrhagic gastritis. PMID- 13487557 TI - The surgical treatment of the typhoid carrier. PMID- 13487558 TI - The milk-alkali (Burnett's) syndrome; two case reports. PMID- 13487560 TI - Constitutional varices; a new type of noncirrhotic esophageal varices. PMID- 13487559 TI - Hexocyclium methosulfate, a new anticholinergic: some clinical impressions. PMID- 13487561 TI - Clinico pathological conference from the Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, La. PMID- 13487562 TI - Metabolic studies in patients receiving lipid mobilizer hormone. PMID- 13487563 TI - Sulfamethoxypyridazine: concentrations in blood and urine during oral administration of various dosages. PMID- 13487564 TI - Iron enzymes in iron deficiency. I. Cytochrome c. PMID- 13487565 TI - Changes in serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase in patients with diseases of the heart, liver or musculoskeletal systems. PMID- 13487566 TI - Changes in serum pseudo-cholinesterase levels in patients with diseases of the heart, liver or musculoskeletal system. PMID- 13487568 TI - An evaluation of needle necropsies. PMID- 13487567 TI - The pulmonary physiologic dead space as an index of effective alveolar perfusion. PMID- 13487569 TI - Immunological aspects of tobacco and smoking. PMID- 13487571 TI - Angiocardiographic glimpses of cardiac physiology. PMID- 13487570 TI - Fibrous dysplasia of bone. PMID- 13487572 TI - Use of a quantitative electrokymograph in evaluation of myocardial contractility. PMID- 13487573 TI - Laboratory and clinical observations on three similar diuretic agents: aminophylline, aminometradine (mictine) and aminoisometradine (rolicton). PMID- 13487574 TI - Paper electrophoretic partition of serum protein and C-reactive protein in patients with bronchiectasis with a preliminary report on the effect of prolonged antibiotic treatment. PMID- 13487575 TI - Experimental cerebral infarction: the effect of dicumarol. PMID- 13487576 TI - Clotting factor assays on plasma from patients receiving intramuscular of subcutaneous heparin. PMID- 13487577 TI - The definitive diagnosis of effusive or constrictive pericarditis. PMID- 13487578 TI - Differences in plasma total base and cations in severe renal disease. PMID- 13487579 TI - Studies on elliptocytosis. I. Hereditary elliptocytosis in the pediatric age period; a review of recent literature. PMID- 13487580 TI - Exfoliated cytology in gynecological malignancy; a review of the literature. PMID- 13487581 TI - On the anticatabolic and anticalcinotic effects of 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone. PMID- 13487582 TI - Phenolic compounds in chemotherapy of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13487583 TI - Host factors affecting growth of beta-hemolytic streptococci in the human pharynx: a pilot study. PMID- 13487584 TI - Osteosclerosis in chronic renal disease. PMID- 13487585 TI - The transport of uric acid in serum. PMID- 13487586 TI - Experimental hormonal therapy of atherosclerosis: preliminary observations on the effects of two new compounds. PMID- 13487587 TI - Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (Hamman-Rich syndrome) in an allergic patient: report of case. PMID- 13487588 TI - The results of treatment of psychotic states with newer phenothiazine compounds effective in small doses. PMID- 13487589 TI - Hypothalamus and the endocrine control of sodium and water metabolism in man. PMID- 13487590 TI - Psychoanalysis and general medicine. PMID- 13487591 TI - Special hematological technics. PMID- 13487592 TI - A brief report on cat scratch disease: nonbacterial regional lymphadenitis. PMID- 13487593 TI - Mathematics for students of histological technique. PMID- 13487594 TI - Some legal pitfalls of a blood bank and its technologists. PMID- 13487595 TI - The determination of blood volume and red cell survival time with special emphasis on the use of sodium chromate. PMID- 13487596 TI - Methods used in teaching hematology. PMID- 13487597 TI - BCG vaccine. PMID- 13487598 TI - Emergency toxicology procedures for the clinical chemistry laboratory. PMID- 13487599 TI - Five parasites infecting man and methods for their identification. PMID- 13487600 TI - How to prepare a technical paper. PMID- 13487601 TI - Drug reactions characterized by cholestasis associated with intrahepatic biliary tract obstruction. PMID- 13487602 TI - Splenic venography and intrasplenic pressure measurement in the clinical investigation of the protal venous system. PMID- 13487603 TI - Effect of L-arginine on elevated blood ammonia levels in man. PMID- 13487604 TI - Allergy to chlorpromazine manifested by jaundice. PMID- 13487605 TI - Familial cholelithiasis, with special reference to its relation to familial pancreatitis. PMID- 13487606 TI - The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on intestinal motor function in man. PMID- 13487607 TI - Confirmation of achylia by radioactive B12 uptake and blood pepsin measurement. PMID- 13487608 TI - The effects of corn oil on serum lipids in normal active subjects. PMID- 13487609 TI - Studies on Cushing's syndrome. I. Observations on the response of plasma 17 hydroxycorticosteroid levels to corticotropin. PMID- 13487610 TI - The agammaglobulinemias; relations and implications. PMID- 13487611 TI - Seminar on atherosclerosis: nutritional factors and serum lipid levels. PMID- 13487612 TI - PRIMARY hyperparathyroidism, pancreatitis and peptic ulcer. PMID- 13487613 TI - Paraldehyde intoxication with metabolic acidosis; report of two cases, experimental data and a critical review of the literature. PMID- 13487614 TI - Renal tubular acidosis with organic aciduria during paraldehyde ingestion; six year study of an unusual case. PMID- 13487615 TI - Metabolic acidosis occurring during administration of paraldehyde. PMID- 13487616 TI - Ammonia intoxication during treatment of alkalosis in a patient with normal liver function. PMID- 13487617 TI - Portal hypertension and bleeding esophageal varices secondary to sarcoidosis of the liver. PMID- 13487618 TI - Herpes zoster with ileus simulating intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13487620 TI - The normal development of the mentally retarded child; planning a Federal program. PMID- 13487619 TI - Programming for the mentally retarded as proposed by the University and State Department of Health. PMID- 13487621 TI - Planning resident care; delegating administrative responsibilities to ward service or cottage personnel. PMID- 13487622 TI - Planning resident care; professional nursing personnel & their functions. PMID- 13487624 TI - The role of the aide in administration. PMID- 13487623 TI - Planning resident care; selecting the psychiatric aide. PMID- 13487625 TI - Religious training of the mentally retarded at Caswell Training School. PMID- 13487626 TI - Developing a curriculum for the blind retarded. PMID- 13487627 TI - A curriculum for the severely mentally retarded. PMID- 13487628 TI - A study of the metropolitan achievement test results of educable girls in residence at the Rome State School. PMID- 13487629 TI - Providing occupational readiness for young mentally deficient children of the non familial type. PMID- 13487630 TI - A study of the incidence of mongolism in relation to the fluoride content of water. PMID- 13487631 TI - Some psychiatric problems related to mental retardation. PMID- 13487632 TI - Vitamin A absorption and other blood composition studies in mongolism. PMID- 13487633 TI - An evaluation of the nutritive supplement dietall. PMID- 13487634 TI - The effects of tranquillizing medication (reserpine) on behavior and test performance of maladjusted, high-grade retarded children. PMID- 13487635 TI - Experimental psychology and psycho-asthenics. PMID- 13487636 TI - The incidence of hearing loss in mentally retarded children. PMID- 13487637 TI - Traveling clinics and the retarded child: the North Carolina story. PMID- 13487638 TI - Need for achievement as related to brain injury in mentally retarded children. PMID- 13487639 TI - The pointing modification of the revised Stanford-Binet intelligence scales, forms L and M, years II through VI: a report of research in progress. PMID- 13487641 TI - Unmet needs of the mentally retarded in the community. PMID- 13487640 TI - An investigation of the use of the D.A.P. in the diagnosis of homosexuality in mentally deficient males. PMID- 13487642 TI - Making friends with children. PMID- 13487643 TI - Nursing and the National Health Service. PMID- 13487645 TI - The new look in Red Cross home nursing. PMID- 13487644 TI - The search for a morphine substitute. PMID- 13487646 TI - Cancer of the breast. PMID- 13487647 TI - Nursing care of a patient after breast surgery. PMID- 13487648 TI - Arm exercises after mastectomy. PMID- 13487649 TI - This works for us. PMID- 13487651 TI - Home care for Mrs. Murphy. PMID- 13487650 TI - The Guillain-Barre syndrome. PMID- 13487652 TI - Group therapy in a new setting. PMID- 13487653 TI - The medical eye examination. PMID- 13487654 TI - On the witness stand. PMID- 13487655 TI - The functions of the professional association. PMID- 13487656 TI - In the balance; crying can affect the body's fluid balance. So can eating solid foods that are more than 90 percent water. PMID- 13487657 TI - Tumors of the brain. PMID- 13487659 TI - PC AND PS; a service for employers. PMID- 13487658 TI - Rehabilitation after craniotomy. PMID- 13487660 TI - Changes in hospital liability. PMID- 13487661 TI - The 1957 census of public health nurses. PMID- 13487662 TI - Uncooperative patients. PMID- 13487664 TI - A faculty looks at its orientation program. PMID- 13487663 TI - The modern concept of surgical shock. PMID- 13487665 TI - Rouges and rashes. PMID- 13487667 TI - Norwegian Children's Hospital in Korea. PMID- 13487666 TI - The price of recovery. PMID- 13487668 TI - To nurse is to teach. PMID- 13487669 TI - A clinic with a difference. PMID- 13487670 TI - The nurse's part in poison control. PMID- 13487671 TI - Pregnancy and diabetes. PMID- 13487672 TI - William J. Dieckmann; October 20, 1897-August 15, 1957. PMID- 13487673 TI - Effective uterine blood flow during labor. PMID- 13487674 TI - Circulating eosinophils in labor and puerperium. PMID- 13487676 TI - An evaluation of the action of relaxin on isolated human uterine muscle and cervical tissues in vitro. PMID- 13487675 TI - Effects of anesthetic and sedative agents commonly employed in obstetric practice on isolated human uterine muscle. PMID- 13487677 TI - Elective induction of labor; analysis of 500 cases. PMID- 13487678 TI - Castor oil as an adjunct to induction of labor: critical re-evaluation. PMID- 13487680 TI - The problem of spontaneous abortion. V. The genesis of spontaneous abortion. PMID- 13487679 TI - The intravenous use of demerol, scopolamine, and nalline in labor. PMID- 13487681 TI - Urinary excretion of pregnanediol after intravenous administration of progesterone in threatened abortion. PMID- 13487682 TI - Tarnier's sign, an aid in the diagnosis of inevitable abortion. PMID- 13487683 TI - Septic abortion complicated by serous meningitis. PMID- 13487684 TI - Patient reaction to puerperal surgical sterilization. I. General considerations. PMID- 13487685 TI - Some psychosomatic aspects of obstetrics and gynecology. PMID- 13487686 TI - Effects of three 19-nor steroids on human ovulation and menstruation. PMID- 13487687 TI - Progestational and androgenic substances tested on the highly proliferated vaginal epithelium of surgical castrates. I. Progestational substances. PMID- 13487688 TI - Sensitivity to unconjugated pregnandiol. PMID- 13487689 TI - Abdominovaginal electric potential differences with special reference to the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. PMID- 13487690 TI - Agenesis of the gonads; case report. PMID- 13487691 TI - A twenty-year follow-up of a prepubertal female castrate. PMID- 13487693 TI - Hysterosalpinogography with ethiodol. PMID- 13487692 TI - Fructolysis of human spermatozoa in semen. PMID- 13487694 TI - Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus. PMID- 13487695 TI - Lymphosarcoma of the uterus. PMID- 13487696 TI - The incidence of endometriosis interna in 120 cases of carcinoma of the endometrium. PMID- 13487697 TI - Vaginal metastases from adenocarcinoma of the corpus uteri. PMID- 13487698 TI - Endometrial adenocarcinoma eleven years after pelvic radiation for cervical epidermoid carcinoma. PMID- 13487699 TI - Primary sarcoma of the fallopian tube; review of the literature and report of one case. PMID- 13487700 TI - Carcinoma primary in Bartholin's gland; case report. PMID- 13487701 TI - Paget's disease of the vulva; report of a case and review. PMID- 13487702 TI - Methotrexate therapy of metastatic choriocarcinoma. PMID- 13487703 TI - Candida albicans infection of the amniotic sac. PMID- 13487705 TI - Pregnancy complicated by spontaneous suprarenal and ovarian venous hemorrhage; a case report. PMID- 13487704 TI - Bilateral theca lutein cysts of the ovary in a case of erythroblastosis; presentation of a case. PMID- 13487706 TI - Case report of a patient with a true unicornuate uterus with unilateral renal agenesis. PMID- 13487707 TI - Total colpectomy in the treatment of a case of irreducible uterine procidentia. PMID- 13487708 TI - Obturator nerve paralysis from radioactive gold; report of a case following injection for carcinoma of the cervix. PMID- 13487709 TI - Blow-out fracture of the orbit; mechanism and correction of internal orbital fracture. PMID- 13487710 TI - A simplified method for localization of intraocular and intraorbital foreign bodies. PMID- 13487711 TI - Surgical approach to intraocular foreign bodies. PMID- 13487712 TI - Ophthalmic surgery in India. PMID- 13487713 TI - Prevention by thyroxine of the ocular changes normally produced by beta beta' iminodipropionitrile. PMID- 13487714 TI - Perivascular glia of the blood vessels of the human retina. PMID- 13487715 TI - Scleral buckling operation with insertion of chromic catgut. PMID- 13487717 TI - Radical trasectomy in the treatment of the cicatricial complications of trachoma. PMID- 13487716 TI - Exotropic retraction syndrome with congenital homolateral ptosis. PMID- 13487718 TI - Pituitary cyst. PMID- 13487719 TI - Ocular manifestations of Wegener's granulomatosis. PMID- 13487720 TI - An anatomic study of the check mechanism of the vertical muscles of the eyes. PMID- 13487721 TI - Postvaccinial disciform keratitis; recurrent episodes treated with steroids. PMID- 13487722 TI - Carotid-cavernous fistula; report of two cases with their ocular manifestations. PMID- 13487723 TI - Treatment of eye prosthesis complications. PMID- 13487724 TI - Simplified office bacteriology for the ophthalmologist. PMID- 13487725 TI - New method for attaching eye shields. PMID- 13487727 TI - Granular dystrophy of the cornea; a histopathologic study of a case. PMID- 13487726 TI - Cysticercus in vitreous cavity. PMID- 13487728 TI - A clinical and electrophoretic study of patients with uveitis; with reference to the possible association of systemic collagen disease. PMID- 13487729 TI - Binocular corrections for low vision; rationale for rule of thumb for decentration. PMID- 13487730 TI - Metreton: a clinical study. PMID- 13487731 TI - Ocular signs of meningioma. PMID- 13487732 TI - A study of trachoma dubium. PMID- 13487734 TI - Disseminated pigmentary deposits in melanoblastoma of the choroid. PMID- 13487733 TI - Problems on the mode of onset of trachoma. PMID- 13487735 TI - The vitreous face following intracapsular extraction. PMID- 13487736 TI - The presence of hyaluronidase in the anterior chamber. PMID- 13487737 TI - Filter-paper electrophoresis of tears. III. Human tears and their high molecular weight components. PMID- 13487738 TI - Test for retinal function and glaucoma by measuring macular capillary blood pressure. PMID- 13487739 TI - A contribution to the diagnosis of arteriosclerosis and hypertension. PMID- 13487740 TI - Retinitis: pigmentosa or rubella. PMID- 13487741 TI - Granulomatous uveitis associated with disseminated coccidioidomycosis. PMID- 13487742 TI - Circline fluorescent tube keratograph. PMID- 13487743 TI - Large aberrant macular vessels. PMID- 13487744 TI - Glaucoma induced by systemic steroid therapy. PMID- 13487745 TI - Bourneville's syndrome (tuberous sclerosis); a case report. PMID- 13487747 TI - Modified trephine design. PMID- 13487748 TI - Obituary: John Herbert Parsons; 1868-1957. PMID- 13487746 TI - Bedside removal of corneal sutures. PMID- 13487749 TI - The effects of duration and background luminance upon the brightness discrimination of an amblyope. PMID- 13487750 TI - Notes on recording the results of visual training. PMID- 13487751 TI - A review of the use of the specific muscle calisthenics unit. PMID- 13487752 TI - Chalkboard color preferences among teachers. PMID- 13487753 TI - Further in vivo observations with radioactive trypsin. PMID- 13487754 TI - Some physical and biological factors involved in intravenous formulations. PMID- 13487755 TI - The selection of filters for the filtration of parenteral solutions. PMID- 13487756 TI - Sterilization of fluids by means of steam under pressure. PMID- 13487757 TI - Inorganic carcinogens. PMID- 13487758 TI - Ventilatory responses of rats to electrical stimulation in CO2 containing atmospheres. PMID- 13487759 TI - Electrophoretic study of serum proteins in frog red leg disease. PMID- 13487760 TI - Mechanisms causing bilateral pulmonary edema following unilobar miliary embolization as revealed by the action of certain pharmacological agents. PMID- 13487761 TI - Hemodynamic alterations following miliary pulmonary embolization in relation to the pathogenesis of the consequent diffuse edema. PMID- 13487762 TI - Effect of heart rate on oxygen consumption of isolated dog heart performing no external work. PMID- 13487763 TI - Effects of unilateral hypoxia and hypercapnia on pulmonary blood flow distribution in the dog. PMID- 13487764 TI - Physiological factors influencing pulmonary artery pressure during separate perfusion of the systemic and pulmonary circulations in the dog. PMID- 13487765 TI - Effects of increased reflex sympathetic activity on contractile force of the heart. PMID- 13487767 TI - Prevention of congestive heart failure in rabbits with severe aortic constriction. PMID- 13487766 TI - Relation between amplitude of first heart sound and duration of P-Q interval in dogs with atrioventricular block. PMID- 13487768 TI - Action of mephentermine on arrhythmias due to pulsus alternans, rapidly discharging single atrial foci and prolonged P-R intervals. PMID- 13487769 TI - Sodium exchange in the frog heart ventricle. PMID- 13487770 TI - Evaluation of the cell separation hypothesis of autoregulation of renal blood flow and filtration rate; blood flow, filtration rate and PAH extraction as functions of arterial pressure in normal and anemic dogs. PMID- 13487771 TI - Evaluation of the cell separation hypothesis of autoregulation of renal blood flow and filtration rate; glucose titrations in normal and anemic dogs. PMID- 13487772 TI - Effect of chloride and other ions on the activation of bovine plasminogen (profibrinolysin). PMID- 13487773 TI - Relation of the saluresis of urea and mannitol loading to the normal excretion of electrolyte. PMID- 13487774 TI - Water and sodium excretion in hormonally hypertensive rats. PMID- 13487775 TI - Renal action of parathyroid extract in the chicken. PMID- 13487777 TI - Adrenal glands in the development of renal hypertension in rats. PMID- 13487776 TI - Potentiation of renoprival hypertension by alanine, pyruvate and lactate. PMID- 13487778 TI - Absorption of various fluorine compounds from the gastrointestinal tract of the rat. PMID- 13487779 TI - Hypercholesteremic roles of plasma cholate and phospholipid in biliary obstruction. PMID- 13487780 TI - Water flux rates across dog gallbladder wall. PMID- 13487781 TI - Influence to testosterone, methyltestosterone and dl-ethionine on canine liver lipids, serum lipids and lipoproteins. PMID- 13487782 TI - Interaction between thyroxine and dibenzyline on metabolic rate. PMID- 13487783 TI - Dermal lactic acid content and development of the local Shwartzman reaction. PMID- 13487784 TI - Antagonism of depressed extracellular potassium levels against histamine toxicity in mice. PMID- 13487785 TI - Exogenous and endogenous histamine-induced potassium release as modified by the antihistaminics. PMID- 13487787 TI - Effects of glucagon on external secretion of the pancreas. PMID- 13487786 TI - Absorption of atropine from muscle. PMID- 13487788 TI - Body and organ weights of rats during acclimatization to an altitude of 12,470 feet. PMID- 13487790 TI - Effect of low electrolyte feeding on development of potassium deficiency. PMID- 13487789 TI - Effect of local x-irradiation on albumen formation by the hen's oviduct. PMID- 13487791 TI - Effect of ether and barbiturate anesthesia on the reaction of rats to dextran and of dogs to polyvinylpyrrolidone. PMID- 13487792 TI - Multiple approaches to treatment in schizophrenia and discussion of indications. PMID- 13487793 TI - The prison code. PMID- 13487794 TI - Review of psychiatric progress 1957; heredity and eugenics. PMID- 13487795 TI - Neuropathology, endocrinology and biochemistry; brain mechanisms and consciousness: a book review. PMID- 13487796 TI - Electroencephalography. PMID- 13487797 TI - Clinical psychology. PMID- 13487798 TI - Clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy. PMID- 13487799 TI - Physiological treatment. PMID- 13487800 TI - Psychosurgery. PMID- 13487801 TI - Child psychiatry, mental deficiency. PMID- 13487802 TI - Clinical neurology. PMID- 13487803 TI - Alcoholism and geriatrics. PMID- 13487804 TI - Epilepsy. PMID- 13487805 TI - Mental health in education. PMID- 13487806 TI - Industrial psychiatry. PMID- 13487807 TI - Psychiatric nursing. PMID- 13487808 TI - Rehabilitation and occupational therapy. PMID- 13487809 TI - Psychiatric social work. PMID- 13487810 TI - Family care and outpatient psychiatry. PMID- 13487811 TI - Forensic psychiatry. PMID- 13487812 TI - Administrative psychiatry. PMID- 13487814 TI - Psychiatric education. PMID- 13487813 TI - Military psychiatry. PMID- 13487815 TI - The phrenotropic action of ritalin as evaluated by an IBM rating scale. PMID- 13487816 TI - Deanol (deaner) a new cerebral stimulant for the treatment of neurasthenia and mild depression: a preliminary report. PMID- 13487817 TI - Ineffectiveness of mepazine (pacatal). PMID- 13487818 TI - Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, and the history of psychiatry. PMID- 13487819 TI - In memoriam: Lawson Gentry Lowrey, 1890-1957. PMID- 13487820 TI - The effect of retinal and phenomenal orientation on the perception of form. PMID- 13487821 TI - Response-sequences and the hypothesis of the neural quantum. PMID- 13487822 TI - The effect on visual perception of stimulating the brain with polarizing currents. PMID- 13487823 TI - Semantic generalization at the level of the conditioning experiment. PMID- 13487824 TI - Patterns of internal consistency in multipart skilled performances. PMID- 13487825 TI - Contrast, assimilation, and the effect of central tendency. PMID- 13487826 TI - Discrimination-reversal in the fish. PMID- 13487828 TI - Word-association and semantic differentiation. PMID- 13487827 TI - Visual beats caused by simultaneous electrical and photic stimulation. PMID- 13487829 TI - The pattern of errors in delayed recall of serial learning after interpolation. PMID- 13487830 TI - Estimations of loudness by a group of untrained observers. PMID- 13487831 TI - Verbal context and free association-time. PMID- 13487832 TI - The perception of depth in the absence of testure-gradient. PMID- 13487834 TI - The effect of associative value and differential motivating instructions on serial learning. PMID- 13487833 TI - Visual and kinesthetic components of reactive inhibition. PMID- 13487835 TI - Measurement of cutaneous electrical thresholds in animal research. PMID- 13487836 TI - Calibrated materials for verbal learning with middle and old-aged subjects. PMID- 13487837 TI - Pursuit-tracking with partial control of the input. PMID- 13487838 TI - Auditory familiarity as a determinant of visual threshold. PMID- 13487839 TI - The effect of sensory deprivation upon rote learning. PMID- 13487840 TI - Paradoxical warmth: a sufficient condition for its arousal. PMID- 13487842 TI - Subjective tones: Tartini and beat-tone pitches. PMID- 13487841 TI - On recent studies of the law of effect in incidental learning. PMID- 13487843 TI - A rate of making complex decisions. PMID- 13487844 TI - An auditory figure-ground effect. PMID- 13487845 TI - Henry Herbert Goddard: 1866-1957. PMID- 13487846 TI - Supervision of psychotherapy. PMID- 13487847 TI - Contribution to the phenomenology of the supervisory process. PMID- 13487848 TI - Communication in psychotherapy. PMID- 13487849 TI - Use of a brief psychological battery in psychiatric practice. PMID- 13487850 TI - Importance of cultural patterns in psychotherapy. PMID- 13487851 TI - Diagnosis in sociological perspective. PMID- 13487852 TI - Simultaneous treatment of mother and child. PMID- 13487853 TI - The group psychotherapeutic experience. PMID- 13487854 TI - A note on the therapeutic and teaching use of projective techniques with groups. PMID- 13487855 TI - The preparation of patients for group psychoanalysis. PMID- 13487856 TI - Psychogenic factors in ulcerative proctitis. PMID- 13487857 TI - Ferment in public health. PMID- 13487858 TI - Tetanus in the United States: a review of the problem. PMID- 13487859 TI - A regional approach to increasing dental training facilities. PMID- 13487860 TI - Contribution of the graduate school of public health; plans for the future. PMID- 13487861 TI - The social maladjustment study unit: an experiment in community mental health education. PMID- 13487862 TI - Role of dietary fat in human nutrition. III. Diet and the epidemiology of coronary heart disease. PMID- 13487863 TI - Role of dietary fat in human nutrition. IV. Experimental & clinical evidence relating to the effect of dietary fat upon health in man. PMID- 13487864 TI - Role of dietary fat in human nutrition. V. Summary. PMID- 13487866 TI - The dependents' medical care program. PMID- 13487867 TI - THE ENTEROVIRUSES; Committee on the Enteroviruses, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. PMID- 13487865 TI - Research in reproductive wastage. PMID- 13487868 TI - Reginald Atwater, guide and servant of public health: August 6, 1892-October 18, 1957. PMID- 13487870 TI - Some aspects of multi-disciplinary professions. PMID- 13487871 TI - Radiation: a major public health problem. PMID- 13487869 TI - 1957 Sedgwick Memorial Award to Dr. Reed. PMID- 13487872 TI - New program for mentally retarded children. PMID- 13487874 TI - Research in human reproductive wastage: implications for public health. PMID- 13487875 TI - Criteria to consider when supplementing fluoride-bearing water. PMID- 13487873 TI - Care of children with nephrosis and cystic fibrosis of the pancereas in a crippled children program. PMID- 13487876 TI - The growing shortage of dentists in the United States. PMID- 13487877 TI - Dental manpower and the public's health: the role of the state health agency. PMID- 13487879 TI - Prevalence of heart disease in relation to some population characteristics of Colorado school children. PMID- 13487878 TI - Removal of Coxsackie and bacterial viruses in water by flocculation. I. Removal of Coxsackie and bacterial viruses in water of known chemical content by flocculation with aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride under various testing conditions. PMID- 13487881 TI - SIR ROBERT W. PHILIP; 1857-1939; pioneer of tuberculosis control. PMID- 13487880 TI - PROBLEMS in the medical certification of causes of death. PMID- 13487882 TI - DR. MATTISON, new executive secretary. PMID- 13487883 TI - President's address. PMID- 13487884 TI - Irradiation of carcinoma of the bladder by a central intracavitary radium or cobalt 60 source (the Walter Reed technique). PMID- 13487885 TI - Late results of radiation therapy for cancer of the cervical stump. PMID- 13487886 TI - A radium applicator for use in the treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix. PMID- 13487887 TI - A graphic method of reconstructing radium needle implants for calculation purposes. PMID- 13487889 TI - Radiation hazards associated with use of the strontium 90 beta applicator. PMID- 13487888 TI - The use of interstitial radium dose rate tables for other radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13487890 TI - Some aspects of supervoltage radiation therapy. PMID- 13487891 TI - The dose-time relationship in radiation therapy: high dose, prolonged time, large volume radiation therapy; the limits of tolerance. PMID- 13487892 TI - Continuous visual monitoring of 2 mev. roentgen therapy. PMID- 13487893 TI - Effects of radiation on metastatic lymph nodes from various primary carcinomas. PMID- 13487894 TI - The toxicity in man of hexavalent uranium following intravenous administration. PMID- 13487895 TI - Epidermoid carcinoma of the lower lip; results of radiation therapy of the local lesion. PMID- 13487896 TI - A study of Hodgkin's disease treated by irradiation. PMID- 13487897 TI - The roentgenography of mammary abscess and mammillary fistula. PMID- 13487898 TI - A radioisotope method of visualization of blood pools. PMID- 13487899 TI - Training programs in clinical use of radioactive isotopes. PMID- 13487900 TI - Study of the hemostatic and coagulation defect in patients during roentgen therapy, with particular reference to leukemias and malignancies. PMID- 13487901 TI - The atmospheric pressure correction factor in roentgen-ray dose measurement. PMID- 13487902 TI - The standardization of Victoreen condenser r-meters. PMID- 13487903 TI - Effect of roentgen-ray quality on response in xeroradiography. PMID- 13487904 TI - A projection roentgen-ray microscope using electrostatic lenses. PMID- 13487905 TI - Douglas J. Roberts, 1892-1957. PMID- 13487906 TI - Robert M. Zollinger, M. D., Editor. PMID- 13487907 TI - Synthetic materials as vascular prostheses. I. A comparative study in small vessels of nylon, dacron, orlon, ivalon sponge and teflon. PMID- 13487908 TI - Synthetic materials as vascular prostheses. II. A comparative study of nylon, dacron, orlon, ivalon sponge and teflon in large blood vessels with tensile strength studies. PMID- 13487909 TI - Experiences with arterial grafting for major arterial occlusive disease. PMID- 13487910 TI - Pulmonary sequestration; a review of the english literature with a report of four cases. PMID- 13487911 TI - Critical evaluation of aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of tumours of the thyroid. PMID- 13487912 TI - Carcinoma of the thyroid; review of sixty-four cases. PMID- 13487913 TI - External postoperative fecal fistula. PMID- 13487914 TI - The utilization of child psychiatry on a children's surgical service. PMID- 13487915 TI - Comminuted fractures of the lower end of the radius. PMID- 13487916 TI - Extended relief of tic douloureaux by physical therapeutic measures. PMID- 13487917 TI - Use of stainless steel ring chain net for reinforcement in the repair of large and recurrent hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. PMID- 13487918 TI - Fatal bone marrow embolism following thoracotomy. PMID- 13487919 TI - Papain-chlorophyll-urea ointment in surgery. PMID- 13487920 TI - The control of hemorrhage from the liver; an experimental study. PMID- 13487921 TI - Locating and removing foreign bodies. PMID- 13487922 TI - Stimulation of bone growth. PMID- 13487923 TI - Fractures of the neck of the femur in children. PMID- 13487924 TI - Solitary cyst of the kidney associated with renal carcinoma. PMID- 13487925 TI - Pilonidal disease of the abdominal wall. PMID- 13487926 TI - The sigmoidoscopic diagnosis of regional enteritis. PMID- 13487927 TI - Postpancreatic pseudocyst in adolescence; internal drainage utilizing Roux principle. PMID- 13487928 TI - Splenectomy for the treatment of sickle cell anemia; case report and collective review. PMID- 13487929 TI - Heterotopic bone formation associated with hernia following gastrectomy. PMID- 13487930 TI - Jejunogastrostomy for feeding. PMID- 13487931 TI - Pseudocyst of the pancreas. PMID- 13487933 TI - To Sir Harold Gillies. PMID- 13487932 TI - Congenital portacaval anastomosis with cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13487934 TI - Reconstruction of the thumb. PMID- 13487935 TI - Multiple excision with occasional Z-plasty for correction of disabilities of exposed surfaces. PMID- 13487936 TI - Contributions of plastic surgery to other fields of surgical endeavor. PMID- 13487937 TI - Surgical treatment of congenital deformities of the ears. PMID- 13487938 TI - Deformities of the hand. PMID- 13487939 TI - Use of the double tubed pedicle graft in reconstruction of large facial defects. PMID- 13487940 TI - The surgical management of Dupuytren's contracture. PMID- 13487941 TI - The management of the patient with cleft lip and/or palate. PMID- 13487942 TI - Physicians and the world's hidden crisis. PMID- 13487943 TI - Lymphatic oedema; an evaluation of surgery in its treatment. PMID- 13487944 TI - A design for the repair of unilateral cleft lips. PMID- 13487945 TI - Surgical formation of the philtrum and the cutaneous upsweep; preliminary report. PMID- 13487946 TI - Combined plastic surgery of the nose and chin; resume of twenty-seven years' experience. PMID- 13487947 TI - Limitations of multiple excision. PMID- 13487948 TI - Full-thickness skin exchanges between parents and their children. PMID- 13487949 TI - Tattooing the cornea. PMID- 13487950 TI - In the steps of the maestro. PMID- 13487951 TI - Surgery of the temporomandibular joint. PMID- 13487952 TI - Experimental skin homografts; effect of homohemotherapy on their survival time. PMID- 13487953 TI - Congenital hallux varus. PMID- 13487955 TI - The tube pedicle; some unusual aspects. PMID- 13487954 TI - A method of repair for hypospadias. PMID- 13487956 TI - Contiguous skin replacement with particular reference to the rotation pedicle. PMID- 13487957 TI - Closure of large nasal defects with double rotated pedicle flaps. PMID- 13487958 TI - The use of a tube graft to repair a palatal defect. PMID- 13487959 TI - Experiences with the posterior pharyngeal flap in repair of the cleft palate. PMID- 13487960 TI - General aspects of microbial growth in the burn wound. PMID- 13487961 TI - The future of plastic surgery. PMID- 13487962 TI - A toe-to-thumb transplant with nerve graft. PMID- 13487963 TI - A radical rotation in single harelip. PMID- 13487964 TI - Reconstruction of dishface deformity by bone grafts. PMID- 13487965 TI - Management of alar cartilage defects. PMID- 13487966 TI - Plasmodium ovale in Liberia. PMID- 13487968 TI - Notes on the characters of P. malariae oocysts of possible value in mixed infections. PMID- 13487967 TI - The malarial infectivity of an African village population to mosquitoes (Anopheles gambiae); a random xenodiagnostic survey. PMID- 13487969 TI - Propoquin in treatment of malaria. PMID- 13487970 TI - Toxoplasma infections in animals associated with a case of human congenital toxoplasmosis. PMID- 13487971 TI - Notes on the mitosis of Entamoeba histolytica. PMID- 13487972 TI - Mayaro virus: a new human disease agent. I. Relationship to other arbor viruses. PMID- 13487973 TI - Mayaro virus: a new human disease agent. II. Isolation from blood of patients in Trinidad, B.W.I. PMID- 13487974 TI - Mayaro virus: a new human disease agent. III. Investigation of an epidemic of acute febrile illness on the river Guama in Para, Brazil, and isolation of Mayaro virus as causative agent. PMID- 13487976 TI - Turlock virus: a description of some of its properties. PMID- 13487977 TI - Attempted laboratory infection of bird mites with the virus of St. Louis encephalitis. PMID- 13487975 TI - Turlock virus: a presumably new arthropod-borne virus; isolation and identification. PMID- 13487978 TI - Leptospirosis of man in the Isthmus of Panama; preliminary serological and epidemiological studies. PMID- 13487979 TI - Studies on Clonorchis sinensis. I. Observation on the route of migration in the definitive host. PMID- 13487980 TI - Treatment of Strongyloides stercoralis infection with intravenous gentian violet. PMID- 13487981 TI - An ecological appraisal of host-ectoparasite relationships in a zone of epizootic plague in Central California. PMID- 13487982 TI - Geographic distribution of Australorbis glabratus, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in Puerto Rico. PMID- 13487983 TI - An immunological investigation of rattlesnake venoms by the agar diffusion method. PMID- 13487984 TI - Syncope: its differential diagnosis based on 38 case studies. PMID- 13487985 TI - Housewife eczema; cleansing of the skin with a new soapless agent. PMID- 13487986 TI - Atherosclerosis; current status of dietary and hormonal factors. PMID- 13487987 TI - Use of a topical water soluble steroid (ethamicort) in dermatoses. PMID- 13487988 TI - Use of deslanoside in acute myocardial infarction and cardiac emergencies: a probative agent for assessing digitalis saturation and for intramuscular digitalization. PMID- 13487989 TI - Pharmacotherapy for mental disorders clinical use of the new drugs; chlorpromazine, reserpine, meprobamate. PMID- 13487990 TI - Iron deficiency anemia; clinical experience with a well-tolerated ferroglycine complex hematinic. PMID- 13487991 TI - The premature climacterium. PMID- 13487992 TI - Use of a new tranquilizer, perphenazine in 60 patients with anxiety and tension. PMID- 13487993 TI - Polyarteritis: case report simulating terminal stage of chronic nephritis. PMID- 13487994 TI - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein and transaminase in acute myocardial infarction. PMID- 13487995 TI - Tests for thyroid gland function and disease. PMID- 13487996 TI - Pancreatitis acute and recurrent medical management. PMID- 13487998 TI - The hasty heart: the paroxysmal tachycardias of infants and children. PMID- 13487997 TI - A study of amebiasis in arthritic patients. PMID- 13487999 TI - Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a benign cystic teratoma of the ovary. PMID- 13488000 TI - Further observations on the gluten-free diet. PMID- 13488001 TI - Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis. PMID- 13488002 TI - Facial paralysis in poliomyelitis. PMID- 13488003 TI - The treatment of urinary tract infections with a sustained release form of sulfaethylthiadiazole. PMID- 13488004 TI - Aerial dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13488005 TI - Prophylactic effects of isoniazid on primary tuberculosis in children; a preliminary report. PMID- 13488006 TI - Electron microscopic studies of mycobacteriophages. PMID- 13488007 TI - Mucoid impaction of the bronchi; a study of thirty-six cases. PMID- 13488008 TI - The definitive functional results after partial pulmonary resection; bronchospirometric investigation. PMID- 13488009 TI - The rate of healing of pulmonary tuberculosis as affected by chemotherapy. PMID- 13488010 TI - A critical review of one hundred and sixty consecutive scalene node biopsies. PMID- 13488011 TI - Observations on the catalase activity of tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13488012 TI - Diabetes among young tuberculous patients; a review of the association of the two diseases. PMID- 13488013 TI - The in vitro action of antituberculous agents against multiplying and non multiplying microbial cells. PMID- 13488014 TI - The tuberculous patient at home; the sanatorium on trial. PMID- 13488015 TI - Use of a new gas, sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, in pneumoperitoneum: treatment for tuberculosis. PMID- 13488016 TI - Spectrophotometric determination of para-aminosalicylic acid in blood and urine. PMID- 13488017 TI - The development of tuberculous meningitis during pregnancy. PMID- 13488018 TI - Silicosis and bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13488019 TI - beta-Propylal-gamma-butylal-imine; new substance having inhibitory effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis H37Rv. PMID- 13488020 TI - Pyrazinamide and cycloserine in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13488021 TI - The delayed appearance of isoniazid antagonism by pyridoxine in vivo. PMID- 13488022 TI - Ineffectiveness of isoniazid in modifying the phenomenon of microbial persistence. PMID- 13488024 TI - Benign giant duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13488023 TI - Pitfalls of general surgery. PMID- 13488025 TI - The dumping syndrome and its surgical treatment. PMID- 13488026 TI - The significance of the anomalous origin of the left hepatic artery from the left gastric artery in operations upon the stomach and esophagus. PMID- 13488027 TI - An operative procedure for pilonidal cyst and sinus. PMID- 13488028 TI - The treatment of depressed fractures of the skull with special reference to the repair of the cranial defect. PMID- 13488029 TI - Pitfalls in the management of cancer of the head and neck (oral cavity). PMID- 13488030 TI - Excision of carotid body tumors. PMID- 13488031 TI - Newer diagnostic methods in thyroid disease. PMID- 13488032 TI - Glass button thoracic drainage for carcinomatous pleural effusion. PMID- 13488034 TI - Surgical repair of radiation injuries. PMID- 13488033 TI - Postoperative care: the role of the recovery room. PMID- 13488035 TI - Incisional hernia. PMID- 13488036 TI - Pooling of ancillary surgical facilities. PMID- 13488038 TI - [Fetal anoxia and methods of preventing it; analysis of 200 cases]. PMID- 13488039 TI - [Therapy of cancer]. PMID- 13488037 TI - [Relations between steroids C-21 and C-19 (11-oxysteroids and 17-ketosteroids); study of 100 cases]. PMID- 13488040 TI - [Heterologous artificial insemination]. PMID- 13488041 TI - [The problem of chronic cervicitis]. PMID- 13488042 TI - [Value of colposcopy in the management of cervititis]. PMID- 13488043 TI - [Cytological aspects of chronic cervicitis]. PMID- 13488044 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488045 TI - [Hormonal aspects of chronic cervicitis]. PMID- 13488046 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488047 TI - [Value of documentation in the study of cervicitis; trans-speculum colpophotography & photography]. PMID- 13488048 TI - [The problem of chronic cervicitis]. PMID- 13488049 TI - [Maternal death caused by amniotic fluid embolism]. PMID- 13488050 TI - [Chronic oncogenetic inversion of the uterus; case report]. PMID- 13488052 TI - [Prof. Dr. Augusto Brandao Filho, 1881-1957]. PMID- 13488051 TI - [The Manchester operation]. PMID- 13488053 TI - [Pathogenic action of a Portuguese strain of Leptospira pomona in humans]. PMID- 13488054 TI - [Pathogenic action of a Portuguese strain of Leptospira pomona in pigs]. PMID- 13488055 TI - [Notes on the study of the chromosome count of some species of fresh-water snails]. PMID- 13488056 TI - [Study of the effectiveness and mechanism of action of several molluscocides; preliminary note]. PMID- 13488057 TI - [Culicodes (Nematocera, Ceratopogonidae); their occurrence in Portugal: description of C. sintrensis, sp. n]. PMID- 13488058 TI - [Contribution to the knowledge of bilharziosis in Angola]. PMID- 13488059 TI - [Malaria in Mozambique, with special reference to the antimalarial campaign in a predominantly urban region (Lourenco Marques) and a predominantly rural region (Limpopo Valley)]. PMID- 13488060 TI - [Malaria prevention in Lourenco Marques]. PMID- 13488061 TI - [Current status of the problem of human bilhariasis in Portuguese East Africa]. PMID- 13488062 TI - [Nutritional status of the population of Cape Verde. III. Food survey of the Island of Saint Vincent]. PMID- 13488063 TI - [Nutritional status of the population of Cape Verde. IV. Survey of St. Nicholas in 1954. (1)]. PMID- 13488064 TI - [Anthropometry of the Maconde tribe; first results of survey]. PMID- 13488065 TI - [Study of mollusc vectors of bilharziasis in Zambesia (Mozambique)]. PMID- 13488066 TI - [Center of Studies of Tropical Medicine in the Institute de Alta Cultura: a further case of human fascioliasis hepatica; note on a complement fixation method of serological diagnosis]. PMID- 13488068 TI - [Tribute to Benedito Montenegro]. PMID- 13488067 TI - [Prof. Jerome Rodhain]. PMID- 13488069 TI - [Autobiography of a surgeon]. PMID- 13488070 TI - [Benedito Montenegro]. PMID- 13488071 TI - [The retirement of Professor Benedito Montenegro]. PMID- 13488072 TI - [The medical class of Professor Benedito Montenegro]. PMID- 13488073 TI - [The surgical school of Professor B. Montenegro]. PMID- 13488074 TI - [Tribute from the University of Sao Paulo]. PMID- 13488075 TI - [Aspects of the life of a surgeon]. PMID- 13488076 TI - [Polarographic determination of minute quantities of manganese in the presence of other metals]. PMID- 13488077 TI - [A century of teaching of chemistry at the Universidad de Madrid (1750-1850)]. PMID- 13488078 TI - [Critical, theoretical & experimental study of the methods of determination of vitamin B12 in natural products]. PMID- 13488079 TI - [Synthesis of papaverine. I. Synthesis from azalactones]. PMID- 13488080 TI - [Study of the General Archives of the Spanish Indies]. PMID- 13488081 TI - Anesthetic management in more than 500 aortic operations. PMID- 13488082 TI - Hypnoanalgesia: the use of hypnosis in conjunction with chemical anesthesia. PMID- 13488083 TI - Potassium deficiency and neostigmine resistant curarization. PMID- 13488084 TI - General anaesthesia in caesarean section. PMID- 13488085 TI - Estimation of concentration of carbon dioxide in anesthesia systems. PMID- 13488086 TI - Experiences with hydroxydione. PMID- 13488087 TI - The privilege of consent. PMID- 13488088 TI - Case history: case number 5. PMID- 13488089 TI - RALPH MILTON WATERS. PMID- 13488090 TI - [Present-day data on the pathology of arteriovenous communications of the extremities]. PMID- 13488091 TI - [Physiopathology of arteriovenous fistulas]. PMID- 13488092 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488093 TI - [Therapeutics of arteriovenous fistulas]. PMID- 13488094 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488095 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488097 TI - [Acrocyanosis]. PMID- 13488096 TI - [Rudolph Matas; 1860-1957]. PMID- 13488098 TI - [Chronic periarteritis nodosa of predominantly cutaneous site, complicated by obliteration of the large peripheral arteries]. PMID- 13488099 TI - [Remarks on the treatment of varicothrombosis in obstetrics]. PMID- 13488100 TI - [Pathological hemoglobins and their incidence in aviation medicine]. PMID- 13488101 TI - [Detection of globular dystrophies and abnormal hemoglobins]. PMID- 13488103 TI - [Practical biological tests in exploration of skeleton]. PMID- 13488102 TI - [Fractionations and chemical determinations of blood glycoprotein reducing substances complex. II. Interpretation and biological value of some ratios obtained from results of these determinations]. PMID- 13488104 TI - [Cholesterolemic E/T ratio, test of cellular insufficiency of liver]. PMID- 13488105 TI - [Value of evaluating blood transaminase activity in hepatobiliary pathology]. PMID- 13488106 TI - [Urinary calcium and magnesium in normal subject and subject with kidney calculus: correlation between the two eliminations]. PMID- 13488107 TI - [Electrophoretic study of uric acid form in blood & urine]. PMID- 13488108 TI - [Preliminary study of a turbidimetric estimation method of blood seromucoids]. PMID- 13488109 TI - [Determination of iron in urine]. PMID- 13488110 TI - [Determination of density of blood proteins and plasma]. PMID- 13488111 TI - [Adjustment of classic properties of Gauss curves; use in decomposition of electrophoretograms]. PMID- 13488112 TI - [Determination of ascorbic acid in foods and in biological media]. PMID- 13488113 TI - [Characterization of pyridoxine in urine]. PMID- 13488114 TI - [Adsorption of pyridoxine on metallic hydroxides: a cause of error in determination of pyridoxinuria]. PMID- 13488115 TI - [Technic of protection test and its general significance]. PMID- 13488116 TI - [Research on tuberculosis bacillus by Ziehl and fluorescence methods]. PMID- 13488117 TI - [Titration of complement by turbidimetric measurement of hemolysis]. PMID- 13488118 TI - [Report of three thousand standard Kahn blood reactions with Kline reaction]. PMID- 13488119 TI - [A curious case of lead poisoning]. PMID- 13488121 TI - [A new tube for withdrawing blood, vacutainer]. PMID- 13488120 TI - [Waldenstrom syndrome; etiological importance of hepatic insufficiency and of the genetic factor]. PMID- 13488122 TI - [Absorption of anti-Kell antibodies by dried blood]. PMID- 13488123 TI - [Fetal malformation & radioactivity]. PMID- 13488124 TI - [Toxicological pathology due to ricinine]. PMID- 13488125 TI - [Histopathological reactions of the central nervous system in x-irradiated guinea pigs]. PMID- 13488126 TI - [Metabolism & toxicology of silica]. PMID- 13488127 TI - [Precautionary measures to take for the withdrawal of samples of blood & stains of dried blood for medicolegal expert testimony]. PMID- 13488128 TI - [Sudden death by abdominal aortic embolism due to organized thrombus at the top of the left ventricle]. PMID- 13488129 TI - [Epileptic seizures caused by synthetic antihistamine]. PMID- 13488130 TI - [Diagnosis of coronary disease in a cadaver exhumed 4 1/2 months after death]. PMID- 13488131 TI - [The personality of the criminal; medicolegal aspects]. PMID- 13488132 TI - [A new perspective in criminology: the ammunition & gun file]. PMID- 13488133 TI - [Dementia precox, a disease of the schizophrenic process; clinical manifestations; psychophysiology & psychopharmacology]. PMID- 13488134 TI - [Neuroses]. PMID- 13488135 TI - [Unusual behavior (as a symptom) in neurotics & as a prodrome in schizophrenia]. PMID- 13488136 TI - [Probable effect of the waking state & sleep on epileptic crises]. PMID- 13488137 TI - [Suicide attempts with chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13488138 TI - [Depressive seizure symptomatic of pneumococcal meningitis; therapeutic findings & effect of intraspinal hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13488139 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488140 TI - [Complications observed during reserpine therapy]. PMID- 13488141 TI - [Semiological & theoretical findings derived from the use of neuroleptics]. PMID- 13488142 TI - [Clinical significance of dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids in neuropsychiatric therapy]. PMID- 13488143 TI - [Importance of oculomotor disorders in various types of postural imbalance; findings on a hypochondriacal depression from the oculomotor aspect]. PMID- 13488144 TI - [2 Case reports on delusional patients murdering their physicians]. PMID- 13488145 TI - [A new non-barbiturate intravenous hypnotic: 4-allyl-2-methoxy-phenoxy-acetic acid diethylamide (G-29505); initial clinical findings on its use in psychiatry]. PMID- 13488146 TI - [Present status of our knowledge on color vision in the animal kingdom]. PMID- 13488147 TI - [Ultrasound in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13488148 TI - [Anatomicopathological examination of a case of lamellar scleral resection]. PMID- 13488149 TI - [Crede's prevention of blennorrhea in newborn]. PMID- 13488150 TI - [Value of skin biopsy in diagnosis of leprosy and control of therapeutic results; evolution of treated leper]. PMID- 13488152 TI - [Ascariasis in the respiratory tract of man and animals; description of two new ascarids in a lemur and some rodents]. PMID- 13488151 TI - [Two cases of frontal mucocele with orbito-ocular complications among Negro sailors]. PMID- 13488153 TI - [Malignant tumors of Belgium Congo and Ruanda-Urundi natives; 2,536 case reports]. PMID- 13488154 TI - [Two cases of histoplasmosis in the Congo caused by Histoplasma duboisii Vanbreuseghem 1952]. PMID- 13488155 TI - [Surgical and anatomo-pathological picture of cecal appendicitis in the rural sector of the Cercle Foreami of Pay-Kongila]. PMID- 13488156 TI - [Salmonella in Belgian Congo. 5]. PMID- 13488157 TI - [Incidence of Salmonella in meats of Elizabethville butcheries]. PMID- 13488158 TI - [Note on the therapy of Larva migrans]. PMID- 13488159 TI - [Recent acquisitions in study of the pathogenesis of idiopathic megaesophagus]. PMID- 13488160 TI - [Bridge graft made of blood vessels for stenosis of the common bile duct; experimental study using dogs]. PMID- 13488161 TI - [Experimental study of histological changes of the pancreas after ligation of the common hepatic artery]. PMID- 13488162 TI - [Acetylation process in psoriasis]. PMID- 13488163 TI - [Urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids in skin disease patients treated with sodium hyposulfite]. PMID- 13488164 TI - [Experimental induction of the acantholytic phenomenon: acantholysis caused by ammonium hydrate]. PMID- 13488165 TI - [Recklinghausen's disease with unusual aspects]. PMID- 13488167 TI - [Lichen]. PMID- 13488166 TI - [Possibilities of anti-cryptogamic therapy of tineas and epidermomycoses with mycostatin ointment]. PMID- 13488168 TI - Allergy problems related to dentistry. PMID- 13488169 TI - Acute drug reaction due to the barbiturate fraction of reducing pills; case report. PMID- 13488170 TI - Anaphylactic reaction to D.P.T. vaccine caused by a silk antigen. PMID- 13488171 TI - Physiologic studies with the medihaler-isoproterenol in bronchospastic diseases: alcoholic preparation-nonalcoholic preparation. PMID- 13488172 TI - Comparison of the rate of absorption of subcutaneously and intramuscularly injected phenolsulphonphthalein. PMID- 13488173 TI - Allergy to estrogens: critical evaluation of tests with oil preparations. PMID- 13488174 TI - The role of an allergist's wife. PMID- 13488175 TI - Mouse allergy: case report. PMID- 13488177 TI - IN MEMORIAM: Bret Ratner. PMID- 13488178 TI - The stability of a sex-linked allelic system. PMID- 13488176 TI - Bronchial asthma. VI. Critical review of literature. PMID- 13488179 TI - Lindau's disease in five generations. PMID- 13488181 TI - P.T.C. thresholds, colour vision and blood factors of Brazilian Indians. II. Carajas. PMID- 13488180 TI - P.T.C. thresholds, colour vision and blood factors of Brazilian Indians. I. Kaingangs. PMID- 13488182 TI - Some familial correlations in height, weight and skeletal maturity. PMID- 13488183 TI - Brachydactyly and symbrachydactyly. PMID- 13488184 TI - The ABO, MNS and Rh blood groups of the Black Mountain of Carmarthenshire. PMID- 13488185 TI - [Significance of parental age on dwarfism]. PMID- 13488186 TI - Occurrence of Du type of reaction when CDe or cDE is partnered with Cde. PMID- 13488187 TI - Blood groups in Jews from Morocco and Tunisia. PMID- 13488188 TI - Anonychia with ectrodactyly: clinical and linkage data. PMID- 13488189 TI - Birth weight in infants of diabetic mothers. PMID- 13488190 TI - The diagnostic approach to hypertension due to unilateral kidney disease. PMID- 13488191 TI - Myxoma of the left auricle. PMID- 13488192 TI - The pathogenesis of Manson's schistosomiasis. PMID- 13488193 TI - Clinical management and rehabilitation of the poliomyelitis patient with respiratory insufficiency. PMID- 13488194 TI - The selection of patients for arterial grafting in peripheral arteriosclerosis obliterans. PMID- 13488195 TI - Atherosclerotic occlusion of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries; a study of 105 patients. PMID- 13488197 TI - The retina in hypertensive disease. PMID- 13488196 TI - The standard two-hour oral glucose tolerance test in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in subjects without fasting hyperglycemia. PMID- 13488198 TI - Concepts of pyelonephritis; experience with renal biopsies and long-term clinical observations. PMID- 13488199 TI - Comparison of clinical and laboratory findings in alleged and true hypothyroidism. PMID- 13488200 TI - The value of continuous (1 to 10 years) long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13488201 TI - Alcaptonuria; clinical staff conference at the National Institutes of Health. PMID- 13488202 TI - Cryoglobulinemia; a case report. PMID- 13488203 TI - Coccidioidal spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID- 13488204 TI - Hypofibrinogenemia without fibrinolysis associated with a lymphoma and controlled after treatment with cortisone and nitrogen mustard. PMID- 13488205 TI - An unusual case of Weber-Christian syndrome. PMID- 13488207 TI - Wegener's granulomatosis. PMID- 13488206 TI - Normal kidneys and retinae after 35 years of diabetes. PMID- 13488208 TI - Delayed development of pernicious anemia following gastrectomy; high familial incidence of cancer; an illustrative case. PMID- 13488209 TI - Penicillin anaphylaxis occurring in a patient on steroid therapy. PMID- 13488210 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488211 TI - The differential diagnosis of intestinal malabsorption with I131-fat and fatty acid. PMID- 13488212 TI - Jejunal biopsies in sprue. PMID- 13488213 TI - Malabsorption syndrome: intestinal absorption of vitamin B12. PMID- 13488214 TI - Further observations concerning the prognosis of myocardial infarction due to coronary thrombosis. PMID- 13488215 TI - Hypoventilation syndrome: physiologic studies in selected cases. PMID- 13488216 TI - A comparison of the plasma iron, iron-binding capacity, sternal marrow iron and other methods in the clinical evaluation of iron, stores. PMID- 13488217 TI - Lessons from serum cholesterol studies in Japan, Hawaii and Los Angeles. PMID- 13488218 TI - Estrogen replacement therapy in women with coronary atherosclerosis. PMID- 13488219 TI - Staphylococci: on the ubiquitous nature of human infections and their control by antimicrobial agents, singly or in combination. PMID- 13488220 TI - Psychologic factors in chronic alcoholism. PMID- 13488221 TI - The clinical patterns of small-bowel tumors: a study of 32 cases. PMID- 13488222 TI - Physical medicine and rehabilitation: effectiveness and progress in restoration of the chronically ill and aging. PMID- 13488223 TI - Diphtheritic myocarditis with permanent heart damage. PMID- 13488224 TI - Disseminated coccidioidomycosis demonstrated by needle biopsy of the liver. PMID- 13488225 TI - Primary hyperparathyroidism associated with peptic ulcer: a report of two cases. PMID- 13488226 TI - Main branch pulmonary artery thrombosis with pulmonary abscess formation: case report. PMID- 13488227 TI - Severe aortic insufficiency in Marfan's syndrome. PMID- 13488228 TI - Phenochromocytoma of the adrenal gland with granulosa cell tumor and neurofibromatosis: report of a case with fatal outcome following abdominal aortography. PMID- 13488229 TI - Long continuing jaundice following minimal chlorpromazine (thorazine) medication. PMID- 13488230 TI - Constitutional hepatic dysfunction. PMID- 13488231 TI - Erythropoietin. PMID- 13488232 TI - The effects of continuous irradiation by tritium on cells cultivated in vitro. PMID- 13488234 TI - Geriatric anesthesia: introduction. PMID- 13488233 TI - The use of certain sulfonamides in the treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13488235 TI - Nutritional and hematological factors in geriatric anesthesia. PMID- 13488237 TI - The use of mechanical respirators in patients with a high airway resistance. PMID- 13488236 TI - Evaluation of cardiovascular complications. PMID- 13488238 TI - Choice of anesthesia for geriatric patients. PMID- 13488239 TI - Factors of significance in the respiratory system. PMID- 13488240 TI - The direct effects of pressure breathing on the pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13488241 TI - The methodology of controlled respiration. PMID- 13488242 TI - The evolution of controlled respiration in anesthetic practice. PMID- 13488243 TI - Respiratory alkalosis. PMID- 13488244 TI - Special pediatric problems in fluid and electrolyte therapy in surgery. PMID- 13488245 TI - Contribution of radioactive isotopes to the study of electrolyte balance in surgery. PMID- 13488246 TI - Relationship of anesthetic agents to hypotension. PMID- 13488247 TI - Adrenocortical insufficiency during surgical anesthesia. PMID- 13488248 TI - Hypotension and the autonomic nervous system. PMID- 13488249 TI - Protective mechanisms in shock. PMID- 13488250 TI - The chemistry of iodination. PMID- 13488251 TI - The behavior of I 131-labeled plasma proteins in vivo. PMID- 13488252 TI - Comparative metabolic fate of chemically (I 131) and biosynthetically (C14-or S35 ) labeled proteins. PMID- 13488253 TI - The deiodination of proteins labeled with I 131. PMID- 13488254 TI - Radiochemical and radiobiological alterations of I 131-labeled proteins in solution. PMID- 13488255 TI - The relationship of the rates of serum protein metabolism, heterologous serum protein catabolism, and the time and magnitude of the antibody response. PMID- 13488256 TI - Current status of the tissue localization of I 131-labeled antitissue antibodies. PMID- 13488258 TI - Studies on insulin labeled with I 131. PMID- 13488257 TI - The primary equilibrium between antigen and antibody. PMID- 13488259 TI - Distribution and degradation of human serum albumin labeled with I 131 by different techniques. PMID- 13488260 TI - Distribution dynamics of circulating and extravascular I 131 plasma proteins. PMID- 13488261 TI - The contribution of I 131-labeled proteins to measurements of blood volume. PMID- 13488262 TI - The contribution of I 131-labeled proteins to measurements of blood volume: discussion. PMID- 13488263 TI - The role of I 131 labeled proteins in biology & medicine; concluding remarks. PMID- 13488264 TI - Twenty-five years of sulfonamide therapy. PMID- 13488265 TI - Current usage of sulfonamides in the treatment of infections in adult patients. PMID- 13488266 TI - Current uses of sulfonamides in pediatric practice. PMID- 13488267 TI - The clinical use of sulfisomidine in urinary tract infections. PMID- 13488268 TI - Current use of sulfonamides in urology. PMID- 13488269 TI - Clinical use of a lipid emulsion of sulfisoxazole. PMID- 13488270 TI - Clinical use of a sulfisoxazole emulsion. PMID- 13488271 TI - The concurrent use of sulfonamides and antibiotics in the treatment of infections: in vivo and in vitro studies of the effect of sulfonamide-antibiotic combinations on the emergence of drug resistance. PMID- 13488272 TI - Clinical toxicity of sulfonamides. PMID- 13488273 TI - Experimental activities of new sulfonamides. PMID- 13488274 TI - Experimental investigations of sulfamethoxypyridazine. PMID- 13488275 TI - Sulfamethoxypyridazine and sulfachloropyridazine. PMID- 13488276 TI - Use of sulfamethoxypyridazine in the prevention of streptococcal infections in rheumatic patients. PMID- 13488277 TI - Sulfamethoxypyridazine: pharmacological observations and clinical use in the treatment of urinary tract infections. PMID- 13488278 TI - Sulfamethoxypyridazine, a long-acting sulfonamide: some preliminary clinical and laboratory observations in infants and children. PMID- 13488279 TI - Clinical experience with sulfamethoxypyridazine. PMID- 13488280 TI - Clinical use of sulfachloropyridazine. PMID- 13488281 TI - Clonal derivation of viruses. PMID- 13488282 TI - Double infection with viruses. PMID- 13488283 TI - Transplantation immunity and subcellular particles. PMID- 13488284 TI - The absence of immunological identity in neoplastic cells. PMID- 13488285 TI - An evaluation of host cell changes accompanying viral multiplication as observed in the electron microscope. PMID- 13488286 TI - Transduction and transformation. PMID- 13488287 TI - The significance of bacterial transformations to studies of the neoplastic process. PMID- 13488288 TI - A tumor-inducing factor in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Purification and action. PMID- 13488289 TI - A tumor-inducing factor in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Its characteristics and biological nature. PMID- 13488290 TI - Cytoplasmic inheritance. PMID- 13488291 TI - Transplantation of subcellular particles by micrurgy. PMID- 13488292 TI - Latency of induced virus infection. PMID- 13488293 TI - Enhancement of susceptibility to virus infection in the course of a neoplastic process. PMID- 13488294 TI - Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as related to chemotherapy studies and to tumor induction in mice. PMID- 13488295 TI - Preliminary studies on the development of neoplasia in the skin of mice painted with methylcholanthrene and injected with cortisone and vaccine virus. PMID- 13488296 TI - Rous sarcoma virus; the purification problem. PMID- 13488297 TI - Electron micrography of Rous sarcoma virus preparations. PMID- 13488298 TI - The production of virus by Rous sarcoma cells. PMID- 13488299 TI - Etiology of avian leukosis. PMID- 13488300 TI - Routes of natural infection in avian lymphomatosis. PMID- 13488301 TI - Chemically induced tumors in fowl. PMID- 13488302 TI - Studies on the nature and biological properties of a transmissible agent causing leukemia following inoculation into newborn mice. PMID- 13488303 TI - Leukemia of adult mice caused by a transmissible agent. PMID- 13488304 TI - Strain specificities of leukemia agent. PMID- 13488305 TI - Chloroleukemia of mice. PMID- 13488306 TI - Subcellular structures of possible viral origin in some mammalian tumors. PMID- 13488307 TI - Present status of nonviral factors in the etiology of reticular neoplasms of the mouse. PMID- 13488308 TI - Recent studies on the mouse mammary tumor agent. PMID- 13488309 TI - Subcellular particles in the neoplastic process; general summary. PMID- 13488310 TI - Physical methods for the analysis of cells. PMID- 13488311 TI - Chemical methods for the analysis of cell function. PMID- 13488312 TI - The genetics of transplantation. PMID- 13488313 TI - Cytogenetic aspects of compatibility. PMID- 13488314 TI - The precipitin reaction. PMID- 13488315 TI - Agar-gel diffusion and immunoelectrophoretic analysis. PMID- 13488316 TI - Immunochemical analysis based on complement fixation. PMID- 13488317 TI - Virus-neutralization tests: implications and interpretations. PMID- 13488318 TI - Radiolabeled antibodies. PMID- 13488319 TI - Purification of tumor-localizing antibodies. PMID- 13488321 TI - Diffusion-chamber techniques for studies of cellular immunity. PMID- 13488320 TI - The application of fluorescent antibodies to the study of naturally occurring antibodies. PMID- 13488322 TI - Thyroid-specific autoantibodies. PMID- 13488323 TI - Acquired tolerance in newborn mice. PMID- 13488324 TI - The distribution and immunochemical properties of human tissue and tumor antigens. PMID- 13488325 TI - Interpretation of host response in quantitative studies on animal viruses. PMID- 13488326 TI - Virus neutralization. PMID- 13488327 TI - Immunological relationships between virus and cell in the Rous sarcoma. PMID- 13488328 TI - Modification of the immune response by radiation and cortisone. PMID- 13488329 TI - Cytotoxic effects of antitumor serum. PMID- 13488330 TI - Cytotoxins and cytotoxic antibodies. PMID- 13488332 TI - The nature of the antigenic stimulus in transplantation immunity. PMID- 13488333 TI - Acquired tolerance applied to experimental tumors. PMID- 13488331 TI - Cytotoxic effects of antisera against human epithelial cells grown in tissue culture. PMID- 13488334 TI - Heterotransplantation of tumors. PMID- 13488335 TI - Immunological responses elicited in the heterologous host by transplantable human tumors: use of the conditioned rat as a test medium. PMID- 13488336 TI - Immunology & cancer: summary. PMID- 13488337 TI - Individual differences in functional recovery and structural repair following overstimulation of the guinea pig ear. PMID- 13488338 TI - The analysis of vascular reactions in the nasal mucosa with the photoelectric plethysmograph. PMID- 13488339 TI - Perrotatory nystagmus in the ballet dancer, pigeon, and blind persons; its application as a test for differentiating organic from psychic blindness. PMID- 13488340 TI - Pemphigus of the larynx. PMID- 13488341 TI - Avoiding injury to the extralaryngeal nerves. PMID- 13488342 TI - Larynx, voice, animals and man. PMID- 13488343 TI - Vestibular sensation and the cerebral cortex. PMID- 13488344 TI - Collagen disorders of the respiratory tract. PMID- 13488345 TI - Observations on collagen disorders of the upper respiratory tract. PMID- 13488346 TI - Principles of hearing conservation in surgery for chronic ear disease. PMID- 13488347 TI - Continuing clinical study of local treatment of allergic rhinitis; use of a nasal spray containing prednisolone acetate and chlorprophenpyridamine gluconate. PMID- 13488348 TI - Optimal dosage therapy in allergy and immunity. PMID- 13488349 TI - The peribasal nomographic technique of stapes mobilization. PMID- 13488350 TI - Malignant tumors of paranasal sinuses; treatment and results. PMID- 13488351 TI - The mechanism of hearing loss in early cases of endolymphatic hydrops. PMID- 13488352 TI - Some unsolved problems in aviation otolaryngology. PMID- 13488353 TI - Homespun laryngology. PMID- 13488354 TI - Fundamental physiological factors to be considered in speech therapy. PMID- 13488355 TI - The mechanism of phonation. PMID- 13488358 TI - Medical and surgical misadventures. PMID- 13488357 TI - The role of rhinology in pituitary surgery. PMID- 13488356 TI - Malignant lymphomas of the pharynx. PMID- 13488359 TI - Steroid therapy. PMID- 13488361 TI - The effect of cooling on muscle excitability. PMID- 13488360 TI - Scorbutic rheumatism; with report of a case. PMID- 13488362 TI - Some recent advances in skin carcinogenesis. PMID- 13488363 TI - Some clinical features of the pituitary chromophobe adenomata and of the Rathke pouch cysts. PMID- 13488364 TI - Facial pain. PMID- 13488365 TI - The Reward of Cruelty. PMID- 13488366 TI - The dependency of thyroid cancer; a review. PMID- 13488367 TI - Further studies on the pathogenesis of the postagastrectomy syndrome. PMID- 13488368 TI - Results of treatment of carcinoma of the breast; comparison of five-year survival rates reported from different treatment centers. PMID- 13488369 TI - Results of treatment of carcinoma of the breast; comparison of five-year survival rates obtained by two different groups of surgeons in a community hospital. PMID- 13488370 TI - An evaluation of biopsy-frozen section of the ampullary region and pancreas: a report of 68 consecutive patients. PMID- 13488371 TI - Occult lymphatic metastases in malignant melanoma of the skin. PMID- 13488372 TI - Gastroduodenal fistula; a complication of gastric ulcer. PMID- 13488373 TI - A report of the occurrence of deaf-mutism and goiter in four of six siblings of a North American family. PMID- 13488375 TI - Inguinal herniorraphy; a method of comparing rival technics. PMID- 13488374 TI - Elevation of blood ammonium in hemorrhagic shock. PMID- 13488377 TI - The surgical treatment of duodenal ulcer in the young adult: a review of 151 patients. PMID- 13488376 TI - T anastomosis with adjacent vent: its use in irreducible intussusception. PMID- 13488379 TI - Surgical complications of ascariasis. PMID- 13488378 TI - A variant of the Courvoisier syndrome in carcinoma of the gall bladder. PMID- 13488380 TI - Duplication of the stomach; a case report. PMID- 13488381 TI - An unusual cystic lesion of the neck. PMID- 13488382 TI - Survival rates following resection for bronchogenic carcinoma. PMID- 13488384 TI - Etiology and prevention of sloughs produced by L-norepinephrine (levophed). PMID- 13488383 TI - Cavernous hemangioma of striated muscle: review of the literature and report of two cases. PMID- 13488385 TI - Simultaneous bilateral thoracotomy for bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax: a case report. PMID- 13488386 TI - Dr. Harry J. Deuel, Jr. PMID- 13488387 TI - Forty-five years of biochemistry. PMID- 13488388 TI - Biological oxidations. PMID- 13488389 TI - Nonoxidative, nonproteolytic enzymes. PMID- 13488390 TI - Proteolytic enzymes. PMID- 13488391 TI - Metabolism of lipides. PMID- 13488392 TI - Carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13488393 TI - Water-soluble vitamins. I. Vitamin B12, folic acid, choline, and para aminobenzoic acid. PMID- 13488394 TI - Water-soluble vitamins. II. Biotin, pyridoxin group, nicotinamide, ascorbic acid. PMID- 13488395 TI - Water-soluble vitamins. III. Pantothenic acid, thiamine, lipoic acid (thioctic acid), riboflavin, and inositol. PMID- 13488396 TI - The fat-soluble vitamins. PMID- 13488397 TI - Nutrition. PMID- 13488398 TI - X-ray studies of compounds of biological interest. PMID- 13488399 TI - The chemistry of proteins. PMID- 13488400 TI - Amino acid and protein metabolism. PMID- 13488401 TI - The nucleic acids. PMID- 13488402 TI - Biochemistry of the steroid hormones. PMID- 13488403 TI - Haem pigments and porphyrins. PMID- 13488404 TI - Clinical applications of biochemistry. PMID- 13488405 TI - Biochemistry in the U.S.S.R. PMID- 13488406 TI - Chemistry of the carbohydrates. PMID- 13488407 TI - The biochemistry of muscle. PMID- 13488408 TI - Laboratory and clinical observations on the diuretic response to a new triazine compound, UX-6. PMID- 13488409 TI - Relationship between body weights and antibiotic blood concentrations. PMID- 13488410 TI - Amodiaquin (camoquin) in the treatment of lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13488411 TI - Oleandomycin in urinary tract infections. PMID- 13488412 TI - The problem of bioassay and comparative potency of diuretics. I. Parenteral and oral mercurial diuretics. PMID- 13488413 TI - Clinical trial of novobiocin (cathomycin) in the treatment of primary and secondary syphilis. PMID- 13488414 TI - A clinical and laboratory evaluation of sulfaethylthidiazole (SETD) in sustained release dosage forms. PMID- 13488415 TI - Effects of citric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate on serum concentrations from orally administered oxytetracycline hydrochloride. PMID- 13488416 TI - Words and research. PMID- 13488417 TI - Treatment of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13488418 TI - Cervical actinomycosis in a three year old child. PMID- 13488419 TI - The efficacy of tetracycline; nystatin in the therapy of pustular dermatoses. PMID- 13488420 TI - The treatment of intestinal amebiasis with polybenzarsol. PMID- 13488422 TI - Cutaneous reactions to neomycin. PMID- 13488421 TI - First clinical investigations with staphylomycin (antibiotic number 899) in fifty cases. PMID- 13488423 TI - Clinical evaluation of combination of tetracycline phosphate complex and novobiocin. PMID- 13488424 TI - Severe reactions to antibiotics; a nationwide survey. PMID- 13488425 TI - Furazolidone (furoxone) in the treatment of the acute bacterial diarrheal syndrome. PMID- 13488426 TI - The clinical trial of tetracycline phosphate complex combined with nystatin in the treatment of soft-tissue infections. PMID- 13488427 TI - A clinical evaluation of tetracycline phosphate complex combined with novobiocin in the treatment of soft-tissue infections. PMID- 13488428 TI - [Experimental basis for chemotherapy with sulfonamides]. PMID- 13488429 TI - [Mechanism of action of antibiotics]. PMID- 13488430 TI - [Hypoglycemic & antidiabetic sulfonamides; history & present-day developments]. PMID- 13488431 TI - Erythromycin--a review. PMID- 13488432 TI - [Chloramphenicol treatment of typhoid fever]. PMID- 13488433 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488434 TI - Oxidation of components of soluble oils. PMID- 13488435 TI - Surfactant-iodine complexes as germicides. PMID- 13488436 TI - Utilization of inorganic sulfate by rumen microorganisms. I. Incorporation of inorganic sulfate into amino acids. PMID- 13488437 TI - Utilization of inorganic sulfate by rumen microorganisms. II. The ability of single strains of rumen bacteria to utilize inorganic sulfate. PMID- 13488438 TI - The effect of catalase on the lethality of cobalt 60 gamma radiation for certain anaerobic bacterial spores. PMID- 13488439 TI - Antibiotic treatment of crab and oyster meats. PMID- 13488440 TI - Sorbic acid as a selective agent in cucumber fermentations. II. Effect of sorbic acid on the yeast and lactic acid fermentations in brined cucumbers. PMID- 13488441 TI - The presumptive enumeration of lactose negative as well as lactose positive Enterobacteriaceae in foods. PMID- 13488442 TI - The effect potassium upon the growth of Micrococcus pyogenes. II. The influence of incubation temperature and glucose. PMID- 13488443 TI - Some factors influencing the production of certain biosynthetic penicillins. PMID- 13488444 TI - The influence of physical and chemical factors on the preparation of silica gel media. PMID- 13488445 TI - The coliform group. I. The boric acid lactose broth reaction of coliform IMViC types. PMID- 13488446 TI - Studies on the mode of action of chlortetracycline in the preservation of beef. PMID- 13488447 TI - Flexible film apparatus for the rearing and use of germfree animals. PMID- 13488449 TI - [Oxidized hematin formation in cancer patients]. PMID- 13488448 TI - [Animal experimental research on the subject of thyroid gland and cancer growth. I. Effect of various doses of sex hormones on the storage of radioiodine in the thyroid gland]. PMID- 13488450 TI - [Experiments on the mechanism of action of carcinogenic carbohydrates. VI. Initial and realization effect in young and old mice]. PMID- 13488451 TI - [Experimentation on the mechanism of action of carcinogenic carbohydrates. VII. Initial effect and realization effect in the newborn, in several-day-old and in adult mice]. PMID- 13488452 TI - [Statistics of multiple malignant primary tumors]. PMID- 13488453 TI - [The inorganic components of placenta. II. Sodium content of mature and immature, normal and pathological human placenta]. PMID- 13488454 TI - [Effects on the duration of pregnancy and sex in horses]. PMID- 13488455 TI - [Significance of scraping examination of portio uteri in diagnosis of early cancers]. PMID- 13488456 TI - [Passive extension of survived uterus]. PMID- 13488458 TI - [Effect of visible lights of narrowly limited spectral range on sexual function in white rat or mouse]. PMID- 13488457 TI - [Follicle hormone treatment of prolonged pregnancy]. PMID- 13488459 TI - [Mechanism of action of oxytocins]. PMID- 13488460 TI - [Medical therapy of enuresis]. PMID- 13488461 TI - [Carbon dioxide content of arterial blood of infants and its estimation from blood gas analysis data obtained from study of blood from the superior sagittal sinus]. PMID- 13488462 TI - [Schoenlein-Henoch's purpura in children and kidney complications arising during its course]. PMID- 13488463 TI - [Concentration test as kidney function test in early childhood; determination of the specific density of urine specimens according to the Krutzsch method]. PMID- 13488464 TI - [Study of liver damage in tuberculosis in children]. PMID- 13488465 TI - [Note on prevention of rickets in premature infants]. PMID- 13488466 TI - [Potassium content of erythrocytes in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis]. PMID- 13488467 TI - [Unusual complication of an umbilical infection with a study of the differential diagnosis of vascular disease in newborn infants]. PMID- 13488468 TI - [Organ damage caused by preventive vitamin D shock therapy]. PMID- 13488469 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488470 TI - [Research on changes of certain circulatory constants under the influence of some sympathomimetic substances]. PMID- 13488471 TI - [Pathophysiology and clinical aspects of orthostatic circulatory disorders]. PMID- 13488472 TI - [Heart shapes of the man and the woman in x-ray]. PMID- 13488473 TI - [Simple methods of circulatory research on 450 miners; statistical evaluation]. PMID- 13488474 TI - [Comparative heart tone registration in man with the chest wall and esophageal derivation]. PMID- 13488475 TI - [Hepatic and esophageal vessels in liver changes with portal hypertension]. PMID- 13488476 TI - [An electric pace maker for the treatment of cardiac arrest in maintained contraction capacity]. PMID- 13488477 TI - [Effect of hypertension on vectroelectrocardiogram with a special reference to the ventricular gradient]. PMID- 13488478 TI - [Hypertrophy of the venous ventricle in dextrocardia]. PMID- 13488480 TI - [Circulatory studies on the amputees]. PMID- 13488479 TI - [Deduction theory of the electrocardiogram]. PMID- 13488481 TI - [Principles and technics in the treatment of scoliosis in the U. S]. PMID- 13488482 TI - [Fracture of the vertebrae in children and adolescents]. PMID- 13488483 TI - [Picture of the so-called acro-osteolysis]. PMID- 13488484 TI - [The role of muscular function in post-traumatic osteoporosis]. PMID- 13488485 TI - [Treatment of aphasia in brain injuries as still a vital problem]. PMID- 13488486 TI - [Post-traumatic osteolysis of the lateral end of the clavicle]. PMID- 13488487 TI - [Treatment of habitual dislocation of the patella]. PMID- 13488488 TI - [Bilateral subtrochanteric syphilitic, the so-called spontaneous, fractures of the femur with breaking of the medullary nail]. PMID- 13488489 TI - [Inconstant skeletal elements occurring on the median edge of the foot]. PMID- 13488490 TI - [Comparative value of various gastrectomy technics; theoretical & casuistic discussion]. PMID- 13488492 TI - [Gastrectomies with re-establishment of the duodenal channel by primary or secondary visceral interposition]. PMID- 13488491 TI - [The Pean operation]. PMID- 13488493 TI - [Gastrectomy with jejunal replacement; study of remote results (over 5-year period) after partial & total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13488494 TI - [Digestive & metabolic disorders after total gastrectomy; results of various methods of reestablishment of digestive continuity]. PMID- 13488495 TI - [Physioradiology of gastrectomized patients with preservation or reestablishment of the duodenal channel]. PMID- 13488496 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488497 TI - [Acute & subacute intrahepatic cholestasis]. PMID- 13488498 TI - [Biological study & physiopathological consequences of intrahepatic cholestasis]. PMID- 13488499 TI - [Physiopathology of intrahepatic cholestasis during epidemic icterus known as catarrhal]. PMID- 13488500 TI - [Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis.]. PMID- 13488501 TI - [Gastro-biopsy in investigation of ethylic gastritis]. PMID- 13488502 TI - [Study of deblocking of icterogenic hepatitis by delta-1-hydrocortisone; comparison with surgical deblocking of mechanical jaundice]. PMID- 13488503 TI - [Supplementary note of radiology of the esophageal hiatus]. PMID- 13488504 TI - [A case of retroperitoneal mesenchymoma]. PMID- 13488505 TI - [Stenosing ulcer of the ileum]. PMID- 13488506 TI - [Icterus gravis in an epileptic patient treated with phenylacetylurea]. PMID- 13488507 TI - [Ascites in acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13488508 TI - [Acute pancreatitis: double retroperitoneal, glandular & neurocapillary syndrome; clinical and experimental study]. PMID- 13488509 TI - [One-stage ablation of cervical esophageal diverticula]. PMID- 13488510 TI - [Suppuration of the renal bed fistulized into the stomach a year after left nephrectomy for tuberculous pyonephrosis; pseudoneoplastic images of the stomach]. PMID- 13488511 TI - [Infectious complications of biliary lithiasis with known portal of entry of bacteria]. PMID- 13488512 TI - [Swenson-Bill operation in therapy of congenital megacolon]. PMID- 13488513 TI - [Stenosis of the duodeno-jejunal angle caused by cancer of the head of the pancreas]. PMID- 13488514 TI - [Three cases of neoplastic degenerescence of polyps of colon]. PMID- 13488515 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488516 TI - [A case of gastric carcinoid]. PMID- 13488517 TI - [A large ulcer of the lesser curvature perforated into the posterior cavity of epiploon with sub-hepatic abscess rendered opaque by barium]. PMID- 13488518 TI - [Spontaneous variations in the monopolar apical curve]. PMID- 13488519 TI - [Catheterization of the left cavities of the heart; comparative study of transbronchial and transthoracic approaches]. PMID- 13488520 TI - [Pulmonary arterial hypertension in interauricular, interventricular and aorto pulmonary communications]. PMID- 13488521 TI - [Study of the shunt mechanisms in interauricular, interventricular and aorto pulmonary communications]. PMID- 13488522 TI - [Hemodynamic study of 10 cases of aortic coarctation during and after surgery by direct recording of intra-arterial pressures (intra-aortic, intra-femoral and intra-humeral)]. PMID- 13488523 TI - [Changes in the ventriculogram in auricular fibrillation and after its reduction. I]. PMID- 13488524 TI - [Subacute endocarditis; rupture of the right ventricle]. PMID- 13488525 TI - [Tuberculin: its use in uveitis]. PMID- 13488526 TI - [Ophthalmological Institute of Phnom-Penh & its work]. PMID- 13488527 TI - [Typical case of Posner & Schlossmann syndrome (glaucomatocyclitic crises)]. PMID- 13488528 TI - A physiologic approach to the problems of constipation in pediatric practice. PMID- 13488529 TI - Lymphatic leukemia in an older mongoloid. PMID- 13488530 TI - Studies on the pathway of infection of poliomyelitis. PMID- 13488531 TI - The milk and water intake of small children: a survey of drinking habits. PMID- 13488532 TI - Evaluation of a fortified multivitamin formula as a supplement to feeding in newborns and early infancy. PMID- 13488533 TI - The treatment of fourteen mentally retarded boys with sparine. PMID- 13488534 TI - Implications of measured visuospatial impairment in a group of left hemiplegic patients. PMID- 13488535 TI - Comparative study of the effects of tenotomy and of denervation. PMID- 13488536 TI - Occurrence of so-called myotonic discharges in electromyography. PMID- 13488537 TI - Stair climbing as exercise. PMID- 13488538 TI - Advantages of intermediate prosthesis in the rehabilitation of the lower extremity amputee: preliminary report. PMID- 13488539 TI - [Pathological anatomy of human toxoplasmosis]. PMID- 13488540 TI - [Histobiology of the adrenal glands after gonadectomy in rats]. PMID- 13488541 TI - [Formation and histogenesis of so-called adenomas of the adrenal cortex after castration in rats]. PMID- 13488542 TI - [So-called renal nanism as paraproteinosic nephroids with reference to endocrine and muscular cytology and to the anatomicoclinical correlations with chronic kidney diseases characterized by somatic hypoevolutism]. PMID- 13488543 TI - [The question of interstitial cellular filtrates in nephrosclerosis]. PMID- 13488544 TI - [Histopathology of acute uranium poisoning; with special reference to paraproteinosis and toxic nephropathy]. PMID- 13488545 TI - [Electrocardiograms and plasma electrolytes (Na and K) in experimental acute uranium poisoning]. PMID- 13488546 TI - [Renal tuberculous arteritis as possible cause of arterial hypertension; experimental studies of the H. Goldblatt phenomenon in such arteritis]. PMID- 13488547 TI - [Characteristics of splenic circulation in various experimental conditions (hyperhemolysis, vascular ligation, histamine shock) demonstrated by casts made by injection of latex 571 and subsequent corrosion]. PMID- 13488548 TI - [Further contribution to the anatomico-radiological study of the pancreatic ducts; correlation of radiological and histopathological findings]. PMID- 13488549 TI - [Comparative study of the action of total extracts of adrenal medulla, oxidated or lacking adrenalin, on adrenal cortex function]. PMID- 13488550 TI - [Congenital macroglossia: cyto-biometrical data on a case of muscular macroglossia]. PMID- 13488551 TI - [Morphological, cytochemical and body-weight aspects of regeneration in the submaxillary salivary gland of the rat]. PMID- 13488552 TI - [The effect of thyrotropic hormone on the granulous tubules of the submaxillary salivary gland of the rat]. PMID- 13488553 TI - [Giant cell tumors of the bone and the question of their malignancy]. PMID- 13488554 TI - [Symmetrical bilateral branchiogenic fistula in communication with Wharton's duct]. PMID- 13488555 TI - [Giant-cell histioid reactions in an epibulbar epithelioma located on the limbus conjunctivae]. PMID- 13488556 TI - [Rare case of primary malignant melanoma of the nasal mucosa]. PMID- 13488557 TI - [Paper-electrophoresis of serum proteins in so-called collagen diseases]. PMID- 13488558 TI - [Thromboelastographic study of the effect of protamine sulfate on blood coagulation in vitro]. PMID- 13488559 TI - [Some conditions of a thrombophilic type found in rodents, especially in beavers]. PMID- 13488560 TI - [Experimental hemolytic anemia: effect of an antierythrocte serum on function of erythroblasts of the bone marrow]. PMID- 13488561 TI - [Effect of thyroglobulin and thyroxin on thyroid fixation of radioiodine]. PMID- 13488562 TI - [The effect of steroid hormones on fixation of radiophosphorus by bone tissue of growing rats. I. Effect of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13488563 TI - [The effect of steroid hormones on fixation of radiophosphorus by bone tissue of growing rats. II. Effect of testosterone propionate]. PMID- 13488564 TI - [The effect of steroid hormones on fixation of radiophosphorus by bone tissue of growing rats. III. Effect of estradiol dipropionate]. PMID- 13488565 TI - [The effect of small doses of bromine on thyroid morphology]. PMID- 13488566 TI - [Cortisone and antibody formation]. PMID- 13488567 TI - [Renal histological changes after administration of manganese chloride]. PMID- 13488568 TI - [Histological changes in the guinea pig testis after manganese chloride therapy]. PMID- 13488569 TI - [Behavior of neuter 17-ketosteroids in blood and urine in normal subjects treated with sodium bromide]. PMID- 13488570 TI - [Histological changes induced in guinea pig thyroid gland by administration of manganese chloride]. PMID- 13488571 TI - [Experimental study of the action of dihydroxyethyl glycine on iron elimination in hemosiderotic rabbits]. PMID- 13488572 TI - [Behavior of iron tolerance curves after oral and intravenous administration of iron in a case of progressive muscular atrophy]. PMID- 13488573 TI - [Comparative determination of free corticosteroids in the blood by means of paper chromatography and the Porter-Silber test]. PMID- 13488574 TI - [Chromatography on a column of florisil as a preliminary phase in separation of corticoids on paper at 21 degrees C]. PMID- 13488575 TI - [Study of fibrinogen precipitation by heparin at low temperatures]. PMID- 13488576 TI - [Histological changes induced in the adrenal cortex of guinea pigs by administration of manganese chloride]. PMID- 13488577 TI - [Hippuric acid test in normal conditions]. PMID- 13488578 TI - [Clinical aspects of radiophosphorus therapy of seven cases of plasmocytoma]. PMID- 13488579 TI - [Chlorpromazine in therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13488580 TI - [Survival of radio-thyroxin in simple goiter]. PMID- 13488581 TI - [The nosological position of Hodgkin's disease in the field of systemic histiocytic neoplasms; clinico-morphological correlations; causuistic contribution to the interrelations and differential diagnosis of malignant granuloma, malignant reticulosis, reticulosarcoma and lymphosarcoma]. PMID- 13488582 TI - [Nucleophagocytosis and pulmonary tuberculosis; study of 100 cases by a new technic of agitation for provocation of the L.E. phenomenon]. PMID- 13488583 TI - [Association of malignant lymphogranuloma and diabetes; case report]. PMID- 13488584 TI - [Anatomicoclinical and pathogenetic aspects of a case of tuberculosis of the breast]. PMID- 13488585 TI - [Thyroglobulin in therapy of simple goiter]. PMID- 13488586 TI - [Goiters caused by blocking of thyroid uptake of iodides; a case of goiter caused by potassium chlorate]. PMID- 13488587 TI - [New pathogenetic views concerning iron deficiency syndrome; proposed new diagnostic scheme]. PMID- 13488588 TI - [A case of hyperthyroidism aggravated by intravenous administration of iron]. PMID- 13488589 TI - [Current concepts concerning thyroid physiology]. PMID- 13488590 TI - [Concerning various human embryonal malformations. 1. Observations on an atrophic human embryo 3.3 mm. long]. PMID- 13488591 TI - [Behavior of rudiments to Triton transplanted on embryos of Rana esculenta; new experimental method & perliminary results obtained]. PMID- 13488592 TI - [Effects of sucrose on neurosecretory phenomena & on the hypophysis of total tadpoles (Bufo bufo bufo L.)]. PMID- 13488593 TI - [Anatomicoradiographic study of the pancreatic ducts]. PMID- 13488594 TI - [Introduction to the arteriographical study of cardiac circulation in normal conditions and in certain experimental and pathological conditions, with special reference to inter-coronary anastomoses]. PMID- 13488596 TI - [Preventive action of autonomic nerve block on renal circulatory changes caused by distension of the uterus; experimental studies]. PMID- 13488595 TI - [Phlebothrombosis caused by effort and thrombophlebitis of the vena axillaris]. PMID- 13488597 TI - [Notes on pathology and surgery of the carotid artery]. PMID- 13488598 TI - [Histomorphological and histophotometric aspects of the vestibular ganglion cells in some experimental vitamin deficiencies]. PMID- 13488599 TI - [Atypical vestibular phenomana secondary to fenestration operations]. PMID- 13488600 TI - [Lempert operation and Rosen operation in surgery of otosclerosis]. PMID- 13488601 TI - [Some technical notes on tympanoplastic operations]. PMID- 13488602 TI - [Juvenile fibroma of the rhinopharynx; notes on 11 cases]. PMID- 13488603 TI - [Congenital malformation of the medial turbinates; case of an unusual anomaly]. PMID- 13488604 TI - [Anatomicopathological and surgical aspects of a giant mixed tumor of the base of the tongue]. PMID- 13488605 TI - [Resection of the chorda tympani in Meniere's disease]. PMID- 13488606 TI - [Preliminary report on the use of prednisone in therapy of some neurolabyrinthine syndromes]. PMID- 13488607 TI - [Experimental evaluation of 1,4-dicaffeiylquinic acid, the active principle of artichoke]. PMID- 13488609 TI - [Structure of antitussive agents belonging to the sulfonate group]. PMID- 13488608 TI - [Antidotal interaction between magnesium & sodium oxalate; behavior of blood calcium & blood magnesium]. PMID- 13488610 TI - [Theophylline-sparteine-induced ventricular fibrillation in rat]. PMID- 13488611 TI - [Electrophoretic findings on the protein composition of white corpuscles. I. Research on bovine leukocytes]. PMID- 13488612 TI - [Use of prednisone in the treatment of multiple myeloma]. PMID- 13488613 TI - [The so-called Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease: considerations on the localized form (sarcoid-like epithelial granuloma)]. PMID- 13488615 TI - [Remarks on substances with spherocytic & antispherocytic action]. PMID- 13488614 TI - [Findings on the amino acid composition & electrophoretic characteristics of the urinary Bence Jones protein]. PMID- 13488617 TI - [Effects of total biliary loss on tissular respiratory activity]. PMID- 13488616 TI - [Electrolyte balance changes in cardiocirculatory compensation]. PMID- 13488618 TI - [Atelectasis during bronchiectasis]. PMID- 13488619 TI - [Cortisone in massive doses in the treatment of acute leukemia; personal contribution]. PMID- 13488620 TI - [The problem of the mechanism of action of hypoglycemic sulfonylureas]. PMID- 13488621 TI - [Hemodynamic changes in patients of fibrillation restored to sinusal rhythm studies polygraphic method]. PMID- 13488622 TI - [Pathological anatomy of pulmonary complications in leukemic subjects]. PMID- 13488623 TI - [Research on the fine structure of the cartilage of pathological neoformations; fibrose structures]. PMID- 13488624 TI - [Effect of administration by parenteral route of a lipid emulsion prepared with tensioactive substances]. PMID- 13488625 TI - [Bacterial flora & antibiosis in surgical diseases of the extrahepatic bile ducts]. PMID- 13488626 TI - [Experimental research on the effects of roentgen irradiation on blood proteins & glycoproteins. I. Total-body roentgen irradiation at low doses]. PMID- 13488628 TI - [Research on the quantitative determination of thyrotropic incretion in human plasma. II. Quantitative determination of TSH in human plasma by a chemicobiological method]. PMID- 13488629 TI - [Research on the quantitative determination of thyrotropic incretion in human plasma. III. Use of a radiobiological test in the microquantitative determination of TSH]. PMID- 13488627 TI - [Data on various spirometric indices in the evaluation of ventilatory function in cardiac patients]. PMID- 13488630 TI - [Research on the quantitative determination of thyrotropic incretion in human plasma. IV. Quantitative determination of TSH in human plasma by a chemicoradiobiological method]. PMID- 13488631 TI - [Behavior of extracellular fluid in the postoperative period studied by means of the determination of the sucrose space]. PMID- 13488632 TI - [Localization & distribution of phosphatases in the central nervous system]. PMID- 13488633 TI - [Experimental diphtheric poisoning in guinea pigs pretreated with ACTH]. PMID- 13488634 TI - [Experimental & clinical research on sulfanylbutyl carbamide. I. Absorption & elimination]. PMID- 13488635 TI - [Experimental & clinical research on sulfanylbutyl carbamide. II. Relations between blood glucose & blood sulfonamide]. PMID- 13488636 TI - [Cortisone therapy of pulmonary and pleural tuberculosis in human; bibliographical review]. PMID- 13488637 TI - [Behavior of the bronchial circulatory system in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis; anatomico-angiography and anatomico-histological studies]. PMID- 13488638 TI - [Left heart catheterization; history, metods and uses, with special reference to the system of dilution curves of staining substances]. PMID- 13488639 TI - [Ganglio-bronchial fistulas in adolescence and youth]. PMID- 13488640 TI - [Behavior of passively transferred tuberculin allergy after bacterial inoculation]. PMID- 13488641 TI - [Effects of hypophyso-adrenal hormones in experimental tuberculosis; review]. PMID- 13488642 TI - [The pulmonary pulse; method for its direct determination]. PMID- 13488643 TI - [So-called blocked abscess of the lung; clinical & anatomicohistological reconstruction]. PMID- 13488644 TI - [Dysplasia of the alveolar epithelium of the lung]. PMID- 13488645 TI - [Experimental research on reinfections with isoniazid-resistant bacilli]. PMID- 13488646 TI - [Protective power of isoniazed against bacterial inoculation in guinea pigs vaccinated with BCG]. PMID- 13488647 TI - [Behavior of the C-reactive protein in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13488648 TI - [Late empyema following primary exudative pleuritis; physiopathological aspects]. PMID- 13488649 TI - [Pulmonary hydatidosis]. PMID- 13488650 TI - [Paracoccidioides, a skin-pulmonary form]. PMID- 13488651 TI - [New case of scleromesoderma]. PMID- 13488652 TI - [Symptomatology of pulmonary hypertension]. PMID- 13488653 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488654 TI - [Centenary of the birth of Professor Clemente Ferreira]. PMID- 13488655 TI - [Treatment of urinary incontinence in women]. PMID- 13488656 TI - [Complete diphallia]. PMID- 13488657 TI - [Pyeloureteritis cystica; case report]. PMID- 13488658 TI - [Ureteral complications of the current treatment of uterine cancer & its treatment by uretero-ileocystoplasty]. PMID- 13488659 TI - [Ileocystoplasty: various practical data & functional aspect]. PMID- 13488660 TI - [Anesthetic cardiac syncope in urology]. PMID- 13488661 TI - [Comparative study of retropubic & the Hryntschak type transvesical prostatectomy]. PMID- 13488662 TI - [Urethral purulent secretion as the only manifestation of urogenital tuberculosis]. PMID- 13488663 TI - [Life and death of rheumatic heart diseases; possibility of a universal campaign of prevention]. PMID- 13488664 TI - [Exercise and hypoxia tests in coronary insufficiency. I. Electrocardiographical findings]. PMID- 13488665 TI - [Exercise and hypoxia tests in coronary insufficiency. II. Physiopathological and diagnostic value]. PMID- 13488666 TI - [Serendipity and angina pectoris; preliminary report on a therapeutic finding]. PMID- 13488667 TI - [Biventricular aorta with pulmonic stenosis and predominant interventricular arteriovenous short circuit]. PMID- 13488669 TI - [Pulseless disease; study of two cases in young men]. PMID- 13488668 TI - [Further studies of the activation of the interventricular septum in normal conditions and in branch block. III. Study of the middle third of the septum anterior and medial portions]. PMID- 13488670 TI - [The body as a penis]. PMID- 13488671 TI - [Radiographic diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease]. PMID- 13488672 TI - [DISCUSSIONS :diagnostic on staff]. PMID- 13488673 TI - [Selfish children]. PMID- 13488674 TI - [Metabolism of potassium & its disorders]. PMID- 13488675 TI - [Acute pancreatitis; 57 cases]. PMID- 13488676 TI - [Presbyopia in tropical countries]. PMID- 13488677 TI - [Use of prednisone in the treatment of several cases of chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13488678 TI - [Etiological study of Sydenham's chorea in Hospital Santo Tomas: review of cases attended in 10 years (1946-1955)]. PMID- 13488679 TI - [Tuberculin in therapy of rheumatism]. PMID- 13488680 TI - [Study of 20 cases of complete urinary retention in the bladder of unusual etiology & its treatment]. PMID- 13488681 TI - [Pulmonary tuberculosis & pregnancy]. PMID- 13488682 TI - [Habituation to ataraxics]. PMID- 13488683 TI - [Evaluation of 2 new emebicides in view of a rigid criteria of recovery]. PMID- 13488684 TI - [Sarcoidosis; a study of a case diagnosed by biopsy with a later necroptic examination & critical analysis of the mechanisms determining mortality in this process]. PMID- 13488685 TI - [Current status of immunizations for children]. PMID- 13488686 TI - [Findings on syphilitic rheumatism in children]. PMID- 13488687 TI - [Medico-social protection of the rural child]. PMID- 13488688 TI - [Orthopedic & traumatologic services for children at the Pereira-Rossell Hospital; a 17 year fight for our crippled children; 25 July 1939-31 July 1956]. PMID- 13488689 TI - [Various circumstances necessitating tracheotomy in poliomyelitis patients]. PMID- 13488691 TI - [Prematurity and serological incompatibility within the ABO and Rh group features]. PMID- 13488690 TI - [Anti-Rh (c) antibodies as a result of blood transfusion and heterogroup pregnancy]. PMID- 13488692 TI - [Rare antibodies for the commonly occurring unknown blood groups in the Polish population]. PMID- 13488693 TI - [Investigations on the properties of immune sera against M and N characteristics of human blood]. PMID- 13488694 TI - [Studies on M and N group antigens. I. Attempts of isolation of group antigenes M and N from red cells]. PMID- 13488696 TI - [Effect of chemical compounds on the agglutination reaction]. PMID- 13488695 TI - [Studies on M and N group antigens. II. Conversion of group characteristic M or N in MN in vitro]. PMID- 13488698 TI - [Effect of sera on phytagglutinins]. PMID- 13488697 TI - [Effect of thiol compounds on the agglutination reaction]. PMID- 13488699 TI - [The behavior of Coombs test and other serological reactions in different diseases]. PMID- 13488700 TI - [Resistance of red cells in the course of some liver diseases]. PMID- 13488701 TI - [Reversion of hemolysis and serological properties of red cells]. PMID- 13488703 TI - [Skin reaction to typhoid-paratyphoid endotoxin]. PMID- 13488702 TI - [Mechanism of the opsonocytophagic test in brucellosis]. PMID- 13488704 TI - [Origin of natural dysenteric agglutinins]. PMID- 13488705 TI - [Widal's test in cases of typhoid fever treated with chloromycetin]. PMID- 13488707 TI - [Goitrogenic properties of the boiler scale]. PMID- 13488706 TI - [Effect of prolonged feeding with chrysoidin on the formation of adenoma and cancer of liver in mice]. PMID- 13488708 TI - [Endemic goiter in Lower Silesia]. PMID- 13488709 TI - [Antibacterial properties of onion (Allium cepa L.)]. PMID- 13488710 TI - [Antibiotics from lichens of Parmelia Physodes species]. PMID- 13488711 TI - [Antibacterial properties of fungi from the species Lacteria rufa Scop]. PMID- 13488712 TI - [Antibacterial properties of aloes (Aloe)]. PMID- 13488713 TI - [An apparatus for seeding of Streptomyces]. PMID- 13488714 TI - [Determination of sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics by paper disc method]. PMID- 13488715 TI - [Relation of ganglion blocking action to the structure of bis-quaternary ammonium salts]. PMID- 13488718 TI - [Ganglionic action of xylilen derivatives]. PMID- 13488716 TI - [Ganglionic action of heterocyclic pendiomide derivatives]. PMID- 13488717 TI - [Ganglionic action of sulphur pendiomide derivatives]. PMID- 13488719 TI - [Comparative studies of ganglion blocking drugs]. PMID- 13488720 TI - [Studies on the action of analeptics and circulation promoting drugs in hypothermia]. PMID- 13488721 TI - [Combating of pediculosis by means of azotox-impregnated linen. II]. PMID- 13488722 TI - [Current concepts interpretative of some physiopathological aspects of congestive cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13488723 TI - [Nitrogen balance in gastrectomized subjects]. PMID- 13488724 TI - [Physiopathology and clinical aspects of the relations between the adrenal glands and the cardiovascular system]. PMID- 13488725 TI - [Cases of so-called cylindromas of the mouth]. PMID- 13488726 TI - [Exceptional fatal case of post-parotitic diffuse ulcerous duodenitis in a 10 year-old child]. PMID- 13488727 TI - [Linear hyperkeratosis of dyskeratosic origin]. PMID- 13488728 TI - [Diffuse eosinophilic granulomas; clinical case]. PMID- 13488729 TI - [Subarachnoid hemorrhages; anatomico-clinical study]. PMID- 13488730 TI - [Elimination of adrenalin and nor-adrenalin from the circulating blood; experimental studies in humans]. PMID- 13488731 TI - [Klinefelter syndrome; clinical contribution]. PMID- 13488732 TI - [The importance of bronchography in topographic detection of pulmonary ventilatory changes]. PMID- 13488733 TI - [Enzyme activity of the palatine tonsils; study of phosphatase and its importance]. PMID- 13488734 TI - [Atrial myocardial infarct]. PMID- 13488735 TI - [Two cases of intracranial meningioma; anatomico-clinical aspects]. PMID- 13488736 TI - The antiphosphatidase A activity in relation to the antitoxic properties of Vipera ammodytes ativenin. PMID- 13488737 TI - [Toxicological significance of erythrocytic inclusion bodies]. PMID- 13488738 TI - [History of industrial medicine]. PMID- 13488739 TI - [Methods for determination of free silica]. PMID- 13488740 TI - [Hazards of explosion in storage of hydrocyanic acid]. PMID- 13488741 TI - Cutaneous neoplasms. PMID- 13488742 TI - Surgical treatment of otosclerosis. PMID- 13488743 TI - [Gout and gouty arthritis]. PMID- 13488745 TI - Should Arizona establish a medical school. PMID- 13488744 TI - Speech correction for the busy physician. PMID- 13488746 TI - PRESENT status of chemotherapy in tuberculosis: report of Committee on Chemotherapy and Antibiotics, American College of Chest Physicians. PMID- 13488748 TI - The educational council for foreign medical graduates. PMID- 13488747 TI - The physician looks at the pharmaceutical manufacturer and vice versa. PMID- 13488749 TI - [V. M. Bekhterev's scientific heritage and modern problems of the anatomy of the brain]. PMID- 13488750 TI - [Structure of the precentral region of the cerebral cortex and its dependence on the ecological particularities in lower monkeys]. PMID- 13488751 TI - [Neuron structure and electrophysical activity of the skinmotor analysator in the cat]. PMID- 13488752 TI - [Development of the reticular matter of the spinal cord in man]. PMID- 13488753 TI - [Relation between sensory nerve endings and blood capillaries]. PMID- 13488754 TI - [Connective tissue formations in mediastinum]. PMID- 13488756 TI - [Variations of the thoracic duct in man]. PMID- 13488755 TI - [Anatomy of the interior veins of the shoulder muscles in man]. PMID- 13488757 TI - [Valves of the thoracic duct in man]. PMID- 13488758 TI - [Blood vessels of the liver bursae]. PMID- 13488759 TI - [Structure and histology of yolk balls of the Chinese oak bombyx]. PMID- 13488761 TI - [Reactive changes in damaged striped muscular fibers under normal conditions and with hyperfunction of the skeletal muscles]. PMID- 13488762 TI - [V. M. Bekthterv's neuromorphological research]. PMID- 13488760 TI - [Cytological analysis of the cornea conserved at low temperature]. PMID- 13488763 TI - [Leningrad and development of Russian morphology; 250th anniversary of Leningrad]. PMID- 13488764 TI - [Basic problems of structure of the nervous system; 40 years of Soviet neuromorphology]. PMID- 13488765 TI - [Certain aspects of development of cytology in USSR during the last 40 years]. PMID- 13488766 TI - [Comparative histological investigations on motor nerve endings in the tongue in certain mammals and in humans]. PMID- 13488767 TI - [Studies of glandular components of the skin in lower vertebrates with the aid of luminescence, ultraviolet, and anoptral microscopy and with the aid of histochemical methods]. PMID- 13488768 TI - [Growth and multiplication of cell in the human adrenal]. PMID- 13488769 TI - [Glands of the nasal mucosa in humans and in certain animals]. PMID- 13488770 TI - [Collateral lymph circulation in disorders of blood circulation and innervation]. PMID- 13488771 TI - [Formation of artificial arterial circulation of the kidney]. PMID- 13488772 TI - [Mobility of the foot and its arch structure in athletes]. PMID- 13488773 TI - [Growth factor in changes of the arch of the foot]. PMID- 13488774 TI - [Certain data on arteries of the medulla oblongata in man]. PMID- 13488775 TI - [Topography of the spinal cord, of its radicles, and of the intervertebral ganglia in cats]. PMID- 13488776 TI - [Age variations of cellular elements of the subcutaneous connective tissue in certain vertebrates]. PMID- 13488777 TI - [Utilization of Bucky's rays in the study of osseous structures]. PMID- 13488778 TI - [Scientific requirements for anatomical investigations of the circulatory system]. PMID- 13488779 TI - [History of the Allunion Society of Anatomists, Histologists, and Embryologists]. PMID- 13488781 TI - [40 Years of Soviet anthropology]. PMID- 13488780 TI - [40 Years of development of Soviet morphology]. PMID- 13488783 TI - [Internal lymphatic vessels of the esophagus]. PMID- 13488782 TI - [Anatomy of lymphatic vessels and lymphatic communications of the palatine tonsil with adjoining organs]. PMID- 13488784 TI - [Perivascular lymphatic vessels]. PMID- 13488785 TI - [Topographic and anatomical features of the sacral part of the border trunk in fetuses, newborn infants and children in the first year of life]. PMID- 13488786 TI - [Arteries of the diencephalon]. PMID- 13488787 TI - [Internal structure of the nerve trunks supplying the anterior abdominal wall]. PMID- 13488788 TI - [Innervation of the pharynx]. PMID- 13488789 TI - [Sensory innervation of human epicardium]. PMID- 13488790 TI - [Comparative histology of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder in vertebrates]. PMID- 13488791 TI - [Abnormality of the heart and of large vessels]. PMID- 13488792 TI - [Pharyngoesophageal roll and its innervation]. PMID- 13488793 TI - [A method of topographic successful micro-macropreparation in study of interfascial spaces of vessels and nerves on corpses of men and animals]. PMID- 13488794 TI - [Interneuronal connections in autonomic ganglia]. PMID- 13488795 TI - [Theodor Schwann]. PMID- 13488796 TI - [An anatomy class on a fresco from the IVth century]. PMID- 13488797 TI - [A change in teaching anatomy, histology and embryology]. PMID- 13488798 TI - [MOISEI MARKOVICH TROSTANETSKII: 1886-1957]. PMID- 13488799 TI - [Aleksei Nikolaevich Gennadiev; 1892-1956]. PMID- 13488800 TI - [Talcum pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13488801 TI - [Pathogenesis and experimental therapy of silicosis with special reference to neurohumoral regulation; effect of ACTH on silicosis]. PMID- 13488802 TI - [Experimental pneumoconiosis produced with diatomes and tripoli]. PMID- 13488803 TI - [Occupational diseases of the lungs following prolonged exposure to cadmium oxide]. PMID- 13488804 TI - [Patho-anatomical changes in the lungs following inhalation of hot air; experimental and morphological studies]. PMID- 13488805 TI - [Intra-arterial administration of sodium lactate as a method of increasing blood pressure in traumatic shock; experimental studies]. PMID- 13488806 TI - [Restoration of the blood in dogs shortly after acute blood loss]. PMID- 13488807 TI - [Capillary circulation of the skin in early stage of acute blood loss]. PMID- 13488808 TI - [Functional changes of the cardiovascular system following blood transfusion]. PMID- 13488809 TI - [Certain rules of the development of natural desensitization in serum allergy in guinea pigs]. PMID- 13488810 TI - [Regeneration of the sciatic nerve in white rats following administration of vitamins B1, B2, and B12]. PMID- 13488811 TI - [Angiospastic intestinal necrosis; experimental studies]. PMID- 13488812 TI - [Morphological characteristics of so-called joint mouse]. PMID- 13488813 TI - [Localized form of Osler-Rendu disease]. PMID- 13488814 TI - [Rapid method of staining of the nerve cells following formalin fixation of the brain; modification of Nissle's method]. PMID- 13488815 TI - [Trauma as a biological problem]. PMID- 13488816 TI - [Certain complications in roentgeno-radiotherapy]. PMID- 13488817 TI - [Pathological anatomy of late phases of radiation sickness in animal poisoned with products of uranium division]. PMID- 13488818 TI - [Modification of fat cells in acute and chronic types of radiation sickness]. PMID- 13488819 TI - [Morphological changes in the kidneys in acute radiation sickness produced by radioactive phosphorus]. PMID- 13488820 TI - [Desquamation of the seminal epithelium of the testis in acute radiation sickness]. PMID- 13488821 TI - [Morphological and physiological analysis of compensatory mechanisms of sensory and motor functions following injuries of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13488822 TI - [Changes in the basic substance of the derma in neuro-dystrophic lesions of the skin; experimental studies]. PMID- 13488823 TI - [Blood transfusion in modified reactivity of the organism caused by section of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13488824 TI - [Appearance and disappearance of trophic ulcers following section of the sciatic nerve]. PMID- 13488825 TI - [Modifications in the hemopoietic system related to radiotherapy]. PMID- 13488826 TI - [Simultaneous detection of nucleic acids and lipoids in cells with the aid of intravital application of luminescence microscopy]. PMID- 13488827 TI - [Pathological anatomy in the USSR in the last 40 years]. PMID- 13488828 TI - [Pathological physiology in the USSR and its basic progress in the last 40 years]. PMID- 13488829 TI - [Certain aspects of work of Soviet pathoanatomists in the field of pathology of war wounds]. PMID- 13488830 TI - [Present state of the problem of pathological anatomy and pathogenesis of hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome)]. PMID- 13488831 TI - [Morphological manifestations of regenerative processes in the lungs]. PMID- 13488832 TI - [History of the first Russian prosectorium; 250th anniversary of N. N. Burdenko Principal Military Hospital]. PMID- 13488834 TI - [Technique of mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13488833 TI - [Volume of circulating blood in cardiac insufficiency]. PMID- 13488835 TI - [Pararhythmia & dissociation with interference in presence of partial auriculoventricular block]. PMID- 13488836 TI - [Objectives of the present campaign against leprosy]. PMID- 13488837 TI - [Effect of vitamin E in leprous amyotrophia]. PMID- 13488838 TI - [Leprosy & blood transfusion]. PMID- 13488839 TI - [Extensive census of leprosy in the city of Braganca Paulista, preliminary results: comments regarding the prophylactic campaign]. PMID- 13488840 TI - [Promin in leprotic ulcers]. PMID- 13488841 TI - [Complement fixation test for cysticercosis using cerebrospinal fluid; use of a new antigen for quantitative method]. PMID- 13488842 TI - [Formation of argentophil nodules in the sympathetic nervous system]. PMID- 13488843 TI - [Hormonal therapy of Sydenham's chorea]. PMID- 13488844 TI - [Cerebral pan-angiography]. PMID- 13488845 TI - [Myoclonic epilepsy, clinical and electroencephalographic study]. PMID- 13488846 TI - [Comparative toxicological studies on triphenylphosphate and tricresylphosphate]. PMID- 13488847 TI - [Clotting activity of various incomplete thrombokinases]. PMID- 13488848 TI - [Preparation and pharmacological investigation of N-oxides of opium alkaloids]. PMID- 13488849 TI - [Analeptic effects of 1-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3-aminopentane-HCI]. PMID- 13488851 TI - [Analysis of the anaphylactoid reaction. III. Disturbances of respiratory activities, cumulation and tachyphylaxis]. PMID- 13488850 TI - [Significance of sulfhydryl, amino and carboxyl groups in nectrotropic liver protective action of short-chain hydrocarbons]. PMID- 13488852 TI - [Electroencephalographic findings on the mode of action of neuroleptic therapy]. PMID- 13488853 TI - [Pharmacology of diquaternary basic alkylethers]. PMID- 13488854 TI - [Effect of phenylethylamine derivatives of Ehrlich's carcinoma]. PMID- 13488856 TI - [Some effects of adenosine in combination with beta-hydroxypropyltheophylline]. PMID- 13488855 TI - [Effects of adenosine. II. Influence of adenosine on barbiturate action]. PMID- 13488857 TI - [Studies on heparins, heparinoids, and heparin bodies. II]. PMID- 13488858 TI - [The effect of erythromycin on the intestinal flora in healthy humans]. PMID- 13488859 TI - [Acidbinding capacity of aluminum hydroxide]. PMID- 13488860 TI - De motu cordis: cellular physics and chemistry. PMID- 13488861 TI - Histochemical differences between regenerating and neoplastic rat liver. PMID- 13488862 TI - The histology of localized emphysema. PMID- 13488863 TI - A case of amaurotic family idiocy with lipid storage disease of bone. PMID- 13488865 TI - Electrocardiographic changes in treated hypertension. PMID- 13488864 TI - The nature of leuchaemia. I. A histochemical study of the leuchaemic cell in man. PMID- 13488866 TI - Phonocardiography in the assessment of mitral valve disease. PMID- 13488867 TI - Left ventricular hypertrophy; the determination of L. V. weight. PMID- 13488868 TI - The ileocolic artery and the appendix. PMID- 13488869 TI - The place of surgery in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13488870 TI - Intestinal perforations. PMID- 13488871 TI - Microdissection of kidney from a case of severe burns. PMID- 13488872 TI - Treatment of megaureters by multiple micturition. PMID- 13488873 TI - Steroid anaesthesia. PMID- 13488874 TI - Positive contrast ventriculography. PMID- 13488875 TI - A study of carcinoma of the colon using an histochemical technique. PMID- 13488876 TI - Anaesthesia for bronchoscopy and bronchograms in children. PMID- 13488877 TI - Carcinomatous ureteric obstruction thirty years after ureterosigmoidostomy. PMID- 13488878 TI - Sic semper syphilis. PMID- 13488879 TI - Erythrocyte sickling phenomenon in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). PMID- 13488880 TI - The treatment of rheumatic fever with steroids and ACTH. PMID- 13488881 TI - Hospital teaching expenses. PMID- 13488882 TI - On the sources of nitrogen of vegetation etc. PMID- 13488884 TI - Synchronization of cell division. PMID- 13488883 TI - Protoplasmic differences between mesophiles and thermophiles. PMID- 13488885 TI - Antimicrobial factors of normal tissues and fluids. PMID- 13488886 TI - [Histochemical demonstration of the enzyme monoamine oxidase; development of a demonstration method and its application]. PMID- 13488887 TI - [Evaluation of metaplastic bronchial epithelial regenerates]. PMID- 13488888 TI - [Pathology of tracheobronchial mucous glands, with an additional contribution to dyschylia]. PMID- 13488889 TI - [Amniotic fluid embolism]. PMID- 13488890 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488891 TI - [A traumatic aneurysm of the heart apex]. PMID- 13488892 TI - [New light on the diagnosis & therapy of aortic valve stenosis]. PMID- 13488893 TI - [Pelger's nuclear anomaly; description of first Belgian family suffering from this affection]. PMID- 13488894 TI - [Localized forms of portal hypertension]. PMID- 13488895 TI - [Agranulocytosis]. PMID- 13488896 TI - [Costosternal Diaphragmatic Hernia]. PMID- 13488897 TI - [Retropneumoperitoneum: radiological description]. PMID- 13488898 TI - [Carcinoma of pancreas head]. PMID- 13488899 TI - [Lupus Erythematosus Disseminatus]. PMID- 13488900 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488901 TI - [Knud Pontoppidan]. PMID- 13488902 TI - [A pair of twin sister patients in Jyske Asyl 1860-72; a historical psychiatric study on concordant & discordant manifestations of manic condition in a case of probably uniovular twins]. PMID- 13488904 TI - The use of radioactive isotopes in immunological investigations. 12. The binding of a hapten by antibodies in vivo. PMID- 13488903 TI - Guanosine di- and tri-phosphates in the phosphate metabolism of cerebral tissues promoted by electrical pulses. PMID- 13488905 TI - The mechanism of carbohydrase action. 3. The action pattern of beta-amylase. PMID- 13488906 TI - The mechanism of carbohydrase action. 4. The mechanism of D-enzyme action. PMID- 13488907 TI - Toxicity of autoxidized squalene and linoleic acid, and of simpler peroxides, in relation to toxicity of radiation. PMID- 13488908 TI - The enzymic hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate by liver mitochondria. I. Activities at different pH values. PMID- 13488909 TI - The enzymic hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate by liver mitochondria. 2. Effect of inhibitors and added cofactors. PMID- 13488911 TI - Purine and pyrimidine transaminases in Escherichia coli. PMID- 13488910 TI - A comparison of the properties of mitochondria isolated from liver and heart. PMID- 13488912 TI - The hydrolysis of indoxyl esters by rat esterases. PMID- 13488913 TI - The metabolism of 2:3-, 2:6- and 3:5-dichloronitrobenzene and the formation of a mercapturic acid from 2:3:4:5-tetrachloronitro-benzene in the rabbit. PMID- 13488914 TI - Incorporation of radioactive amino acids into proteins of the microsome fraction of guinea-pig liver in a cell-free system. PMID- 13488915 TI - Polyphosphates excreted by wax-moth larvae (Galleria mellonella L. and Achroia grisella Fabr). PMID- 13488916 TI - A method for the determination of non-haem iron in bone marrow. PMID- 13488917 TI - The lipids of ram spermatozoa. PMID- 13488919 TI - The purification and properties of rabbit-muscle myokinase. PMID- 13488918 TI - Hydrolysis of the soluble pentosans of wheat flour and Rhodymenia pa'mata by ruminal micro-organisms. PMID- 13488920 TI - The partial purification of parathyroid hormone by means of ultrafiltration and displacement chromatography. PMID- 13488921 TI - The structure of serratamic acid. PMID- 13488922 TI - Synthesis of cellulose by Acetobacter Xylinum. 3. Substrates and inhibitors. PMID- 13488923 TI - Synthesis of cellulose by Acetobacter Xylinum. 4. Enzyme systems present in a crude extract of glucose-grown cells. PMID- 13488925 TI - Observations on the respiratory metabolism of rat-adrenal cortex. PMID- 13488924 TI - The excretion of allo tetrahydrocortisol in human urine. PMID- 13488926 TI - [Preliminary antatomical & histological research on acute lesions of the endocrine & exocrine pancreas in various experimental acute liver diseases]. PMID- 13488928 TI - [A factor limiting the myotropic & dynamogenic effects of tocopherol]. PMID- 13488927 TI - [Histomorphological changes of the lymphoid tissue & other main parenchyma, endocrine & non-endocrine, after prolonged gonadotropin administrated in the adrenalectomized & gonadectomized rat]. PMID- 13488929 TI - [Renal & splenic alkaline phosphoesterase in animals with hypoxia]. PMID- 13488930 TI - [Bronchial venous plexus of man]. PMID- 13488931 TI - [Urinary excretion of corticosteroids & pressor behavior in homologous grafts of the adrenal cortex, liver & myocardium]. PMID- 13488932 TI - [So-called spontaneous hematoma of the rectus abdominis muscle]. PMID- 13488933 TI - [Changes in the mucopolysaccharide content in the epithelium of the digestive system mucosa in fasting & refed animals]. PMID- 13488935 TI - [1,000th Case of intravenous narcosis with diogenal; sodium salt of methylthioethylpentylthiobarbituric acid]. PMID- 13488934 TI - [Glucagon & insulin activity of pancreatic extracts from guinea pigs experimentally poisoned with Amanita phalloides]. PMID- 13488936 TI - [Carcinoma at the junction of the hepatic & cystic ducts]. PMID- 13488937 TI - [Research on the gastrectomized rat. I. Histochemical data on the condition of the liver, pancreas & spleen]. PMID- 13488938 TI - [Research on the gastrectomized rat. II. Blood picture & desoxyribonucleic acid content of circulating lymphocytes]. PMID- 13488939 TI - [Research on the gastrectomized rat. III. Data on the digestive capacity for different diets & with various substitutive therapy]. PMID- 13488940 TI - [Determination of the constructive hierarchy of the spleen]. PMID- 13488941 TI - [Nutritional state & blood picture after gastric resection]. PMID- 13488942 TI - [Effect of vasodilatation by adenosinetriphosphoric acid on cutaneous grafts]. PMID- 13488943 TI - [Effect of the somatotropin hormone (STH) on the take of cutaneous autografts]. PMID- 13488944 TI - [Modern views of iron metabolism in man]. PMID- 13488945 TI - [Cytochemical & topographical distribution of the thiolic groups in animal organisms]. PMID- 13488946 TI - [Somatotropin in experimental fractures]. PMID- 13488947 TI - [Intrahepatic portal circulation in severe & acute liver disorders; effect of a block of Kupffer's cells with thorium]. PMID- 13488948 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13488949 TI - The nitrogenous disorder of the heart in starvation and malnutrition. PMID- 13488950 TI - [Data on the problem of continual growth of incisiors of the rodent & on the formation & development of permanent teeth]. PMID- 13488952 TI - [Absolute and relative duration of ventricular systolic phases]. PMID- 13488953 TI - [Iono-humoral interrelations during appearance and development of vagal inhibition of the heart. III. Changes of the vagal effect in conditions of atropinization of the heart]. PMID- 13488951 TI - [Representation of internal organs in cerebral & cerebellar cortex of cat & dog. I. Representation of pelvic nerve in cerebral cortex of cat]. PMID- 13488954 TI - [Interpretation of certain peculiarities in arterial oscillogram of children]. PMID- 13488955 TI - [Comparative characteristics of conditioned reflex activity under various unconditioned reinforcements]. PMID- 13488956 TI - [Subordinatory alteration of accommodation of peripheral motoneurons following proprioceptive impulses]. PMID- 13488957 TI - [Effect of temperature on excitability of turtle muscle]. PMID- 13488958 TI - [Influence of the esophagus on intestinal movements]. PMID- 13488959 TI - [Effect of caffeine on summation ability of submaxillary gland]. PMID- 13488960 TI - [Reflex mechanism of the specific dynamic action of food]. PMID- 13488961 TI - [Effect of repeated muscular work on respiration, pulse and blood pressure]. PMID- 13488962 TI - [Changes of the eye-heart reflex in monkeys during pharmacologically-induced sleep]. PMID- 13488963 TI - [Dynamics of renal excretory function experimentally demonstrated in animals with separately isolated ureters]. PMID- 13488964 TI - [Renal function changes caused by hemisection of the spinal cord in dogs. I. Effect of unilateral hemisection of the spinal cord at the level of the cervical segments on renal function]. PMID- 13488965 TI - [Action potentials of respiratory muscles in patients with respiratory deficiency]. PMID- 13488966 TI - [Alterations of hemodynamic indicators and electrocardiogram caused by experimentally disturbed coronary blood circulation]. PMID- 13488967 TI - [Interoceptive reflexes in dogs during hypoglycemia and subsequent restoration of the blood sugar level]. PMID- 13488968 TI - [Mechanism of dysentery intoxication. I. Intestinal interoceptive reflexes under experimental dysenteric intoxication]. PMID- 13488970 TI - [Place of biosynthesis of carnosine in the organism]. PMID- 13488969 TI - [Thiamine and nicotinic acid in various parts of the brain of children dead of various infectious diseases]. PMID- 13488971 TI - [Effect of corazole on periodic activity of a hungry stomach]. PMID- 13488972 TI - [Selective effect of some chemical stimuli on interoceptive reflexes. IV. Effect of streptomycin on reflexes from chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in decerebrated conditions]. PMID- 13488973 TI - [Effect of various methods of immunization against tetanus and gas gangrene on the promptness and intensity of immunity developed]. PMID- 13488974 TI - [Effect of functional loading on regeneration of the liver in rats]. PMID- 13488975 TI - [Functional and structural changes in ovaries of rats fed a well balanced diet after being sustained on a protein deficient diet]. PMID- 13488976 TI - [Age changes of lipofuscin content of human heart muscle]. PMID- 13488977 TI - [Absorptive properties of tunica vaginalis propria of testis]. PMID- 13488978 TI - [Representation of the internal organs in the cerebral cortex and in the cerebellum in dogs and cats. II. Primary bio-electric reactions of the cerebral cortex following excitation of the internal organs]. PMID- 13488979 TI - [Investigations on function of a single baroreceptor in the aorta]. PMID- 13488980 TI - [Significance of interoceptors in regulation of saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen. I. Role of the sinocarotid zones in regulation of saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen in hypoxia]. PMID- 13488981 TI - [Significance of the cerebral cortex and of the subcortical centers in regulation of blood cholesterol level. I. Modification of blood cholesterol during formation of conditioned reflex to inhibition of respiration in rabbits]. PMID- 13488982 TI - [Modification of irritability of the vasomotor center during surgical intervention on the cardiac auricle]. PMID- 13488984 TI - [Medication sleep in the treatment of experimental neuroses in dogs]. PMID- 13488983 TI - [Dynamics of hematological indices during acute blood loss in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13488985 TI - [Effect of certain phenothiazine derivatives on the development of experimental toxic edema of the lungs]. PMID- 13488986 TI - [Data on the mechanism of action of hexenal. I. Effect of hexenal on intestinal interoceptors]. PMID- 13488987 TI - [Selective effects of certain chemical stimuli on reflexes from chemoreceptors. V. Effect of subarachnoid administration of streptomycin on reflexes from chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and afferent somatic nerves]. PMID- 13488988 TI - [Changes of cerebrocortical bio-potentials following administration of ditiline]. PMID- 13488989 TI - [Normal and pathologic antigens in human cancer]. PMID- 13488990 TI - [Effect of dopan on various tumors in animals]. PMID- 13488991 TI - [Investigation of plant extracts for their cytotoxic and anti-cancer properties]. PMID- 13488992 TI - [Resistance of rabbits with Brown-Pearce tumor adsorbed following exposure to high intensity ultrasounds to repeated transplantation of tumor]. PMID- 13488993 TI - [Prolonged heterogenous transplantation of mouse tumor in rats. I. Studies on biological properties of mouse ascites adenocarcinoma during serial transplantation in rats]. PMID- 13488994 TI - [Studies on antigenic properties of the crystalline lens in wolffian degeneration]. PMID- 13488995 TI - [Comparative studies on antigenic properties of tissues of animals of various species in various stages of development. II. Comparative studies on properties cardiac tissues of chicken, grass snake, and frog]. PMID- 13488996 TI - [Studies on antigenic properties of tissues and organs of animals in ontogenesis. IV. Studies on species and organ specificity of the heart in chicken in embryogenesis]. PMID- 13488997 TI - [Problem of the effect of the central nervous system on the process of cell division]. PMID- 13488998 TI - [Possibility of transplantation of lymphoblastoma in various periods following death of experimental animals]. PMID- 13488999 TI - [Effect of ultrahigh frequency field on neural apparatus of the heart]. PMID- 13489000 TI - [Restoration of the common bile duct following its obliteration in dogs]. PMID- 13489001 TI - [Characteristics of hemopoiesis in the spleen and in the lymphatic nodes in rabbits]. PMID- 13489002 TI - [Effect of deep hypothermia on functional and morphological changes in the central nervous system following exclusion of the heart from the circulation]. PMID- 13489003 TI - [Method of investigation of Korotkov's sound phenomena in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13489004 TI - [Artificial breeding of tadpoles in laboratory conditions]. PMID- 13489005 TI - [Leon Abgarovich Orbeli; 75th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13489006 TI - [Electrophysiological characteristics of interceptive reflex arch. I. Characteristics of reflexes appearing during excitation of mechanoreceptors of the bladder]. PMID- 13489007 TI - [Neural regulation of rhythm of cardiac contractions in fish. I. Effect of stimulation and section of cardiac branches of the vagus nerve on cardiac rhythm]. PMID- 13489008 TI - [Analysis of humoral basis of periodical changes of phases of depression and excitation of the heart following prolonged stimulation of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13489009 TI - [Effect of the cerebral cortex on capillaries]. PMID- 13489010 TI - [Interoceptive regulation of blood coagulation. I. Reflex effects from chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13489011 TI - [Analysis of the wave of irritation as a parabiotic process]. PMID- 13489013 TI - [Erythropoiesis in associated burns with radiation sickness]. PMID- 13489012 TI - [Role of gastric receptors in its secretory function]. PMID- 13489014 TI - [Certain characteristics of the rate of cardiac contractions in coronary insufficiency]. PMID- 13489015 TI - [Reflexes of the carotid sinus following stimulation of splenic interoceptors with heterologous blood]. PMID- 13489016 TI - [Effect of vitamin B1 on secretory function of digestive glands. I. Secretion of the gastric glands in dogs in experimental vitamin B1 deficiency]. PMID- 13489017 TI - [Role of dynamic nerves of the heart in trophic regulation of the myocardium]. PMID- 13489018 TI - [Role of adrenalin in changes of blood sugar content induced by administration of phenamine]. PMID- 13489019 TI - [Effect of ephedrin on carotid chemoreceptors]. PMID- 13489020 TI - [Effect of parenteral administration of PAS on unconditioned interoceptive reflexes]. PMID- 13489021 TI - [Growth and development of bacteria and their relation to the phenomenon of bacteriophage. I. Problem of cytoplasmic granules of bacteria isolated during the process of phagolysis]. PMID- 13489022 TI - [Effect of short wave and ultraviolet rays on viability and antigenic properties of viruses of vernal tick borne and Japanese encephalitis]. PMID- 13489023 TI - [Problem of detection of tissue antigens. I. Relationship between sensitizing and shock doses of antigen in anaphylaxis]. PMID- 13489024 TI - [Comparison of processes of formation of antigens and of non-specific proteins in the organism]. PMID- 13489025 TI - [Effect of vaccination of the site of administration of vaccine on the development of immunologic reaction]. PMID- 13489026 TI - [Problem of tissue specificity of Shoppe virus]. PMID- 13489027 TI - [Effect of section of the sciatic nerve on carcinogenic effect of strontium 89]. PMID- 13489028 TI - [Regeneration of the lymph nodes following their removal or damage]. PMID- 13489029 TI - [Cinematographic method of registration of pupillary reflexes and its diagnostic significance]. PMID- 13489030 TI - [Isolated pouch on the anterior gastric wall]. PMID- 13489031 TI - [Method of intravital investigation of the nerves of the bladder in frog]. PMID- 13489032 TI - [Graphic registration of point peristalsis of the stomach in dog]. PMID- 13489033 TI - [Method of production of burns in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13489034 TI - [Method of obtaining blood serum without hemoglobin]. PMID- 13489035 TI - [Problem of measurement of arterial pressure in intact rabbits]. PMID- 13489036 TI - An unusual syndrome of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura and renal disease. PMID- 13489037 TI - The hemolytic effect of ionizing radiations and its relationship to the hemorrhagic phase of radiation injury. PMID- 13489038 TI - Desoxyribonucleic acid synthesis by bone marrow cells in vitro. PMID- 13489039 TI - Preservation of radiation recovery factor in frozen marrow. PMID- 13489040 TI - The mode of action and nature of a heat stable plasma erythropoietic factor. PMID- 13489041 TI - Erythrocyte glycolysis in patients with malignant neoplasms and other chronic diseases. PMID- 13489042 TI - Alkali resistant type of hemoglobin in women with molar pregnancy. PMID- 13489043 TI - Clot firmness. PMID- 13489044 TI - Preparing standard solutions of cyanmethemoglobin. PMID- 13489045 TI - [Semiology of red inflamed eye]. PMID- 13489046 TI - [Surgery in hypoacusia of conduction]. PMID- 13489047 TI - [Data on the more common rheumatic & articular disorders]. PMID- 13489048 TI - Not Available. PMID- 13489049 TI - [Aspects of Dr. Emilio M. Martinez's scientific personality]. PMID- 13489050 TI - [Giant cell tumor of the patella]. PMID- 13489051 TI - [Development & atypical symptomatology in cases of laryngeal cancer]. PMID- 13489052 TI - [Cancer & tobacco]. PMID- 13489053 TI - [Total laryngectomy after previous partial operations in 2 cases]. PMID- 13489054 TI - [Necessity for the use of dieldrin in Venezuela]. PMID- 13489055 TI - [Study on the 1st cases of dieldrin poisoning & the application of xenodiagnosis to humans]. PMID- 13489056 TI - [Clinico-toxicological study of workers spraying with a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide]. PMID- 13489057 TI - [Method of collecting & analyzing environmental samples of dieldrin]. PMID- 13489058 TI - The determination of traces of dieldrin in blood. PMID- 13489059 TI - [Psychometric studies & their clinical value of dieldrin spray operators]. PMID- 13489060 TI - [Dieldrin poisoning in humans]. PMID- 13489061 TI - [Principles & methods of evaluation of health programs]. PMID- 13489062 TI - [Public health nursing services within the cultural structure]. PMID- 13489063 TI - [Foramen of Bochdalek hernias]. PMID- 13489064 TI - [Obstructive form of acute appendicitis; relation of radiology in the diagnosis]. PMID- 13489065 TI - [Combined surgery in the treatment of oral cancer; indications, technics & results]. PMID- 13489066 TI - [New instruments & modus operandi in the treatment of fractures of the femur neck]. PMID- 13489067 TI - [Muscle rupture caused by strain of the right obliquus internus & the transversus abdominal muscles]. PMID- 13489068 TI - [Treatment of pyogenic osteomyelitis with PA 775]. PMID- 13489069 TI - [Sessile gastric leiomyoma invaginated into the 2d portion of the duodenum]. PMID- 13489070 TI - [Chronic colitis with polypoid hyperplasia of the mucosa of the transverse colon]. PMID- 13489071 TI - [Leiomyoma of the stomach]. PMID- 13489073 TI - [Bilirrhagia as a sequel to operations for hydatid cysts of the liver; prevention & treatment]. PMID- 13489072 TI - [Choriocarcinoma; commentary on the development of an advanced case]. PMID- 13489074 TI - [Pseudocysts of the pancreas; transgastric cystogastromia]. PMID- 13489075 TI - [Radioactive gold in the hypophysis & metastasis of carcinoma of the breast]. PMID- 13489076 TI - [Case report]. PMID- 13489077 TI - [Preparation of 1,4-dimethyldimethanesulfonyloxybutane (busulfan)]. PMID- 13489078 TI - [Volumetric determination & microchemical behavior of mono- & di-hydrazine phthalazines]. PMID- 13489079 TI - [Applications of paper chromatography & countercurrent distribution to steroids & antibiotics]. PMID- 13489080 TI - [Methods for the analysis of medicinal suppositories]. PMID- 13489081 TI - Isolation of endotoxins from Salmonellae paratyphi A and B: their protective activity against the specific experimental infection. PMID- 13489082 TI - [A serum factor from systemic lupus erythematosus reacting with desoxypentose nucleic acid]. PMID- 13489083 TI - [Isolation of poliomyelitis virus from sewage in an urban center]. PMID- 13489084 TI - [Experimental contribution to the study of several biological properties of streptolysin O]. PMID- 13489085 TI - [Studies of the synergism between influenza virus and bacteria. III. The toxicity of some bacterial toxins in rabbits inoculated with influenza virus]. PMID- 13489087 TI - [Some biological properties of isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis varietas bovis. I. Pathogenic power in rabbits]. PMID- 13489086 TI - [Changes induced by tolbutylurea (synthetic hypoglycemic drug) in growth and some biochemical properties of intestinal bacteria]. PMID- 13489088 TI - [Lipoprotein complexes of horse serum and their importance in immunological phenomena. I. Normal sera]. PMID- 13489089 TI - [Interactions between trypsin and antibiotics]. PMID- 13489090 TI - [Studies of the behavior of amino acids in Bacillus subtilis grown in media containing large quantities of sodium chloride. I. Total amino acids]. PMID- 13489091 TI - [Despeciated sera]. PMID- 13489092 TI - [Further study of tissue enzyme activity and the serum enzyme disorder in hepatitis caused by virus MHV-3]. PMID- 13489093 TI - [Chemical composition of Salmonella antigens. IV. Chemical composition of the O antigen of Salmonella adelaide, inverness, rio grande and weslaco]. PMID- 13489094 TI - [Cytopathogenic agents isolated from monkeys (Macaca rhesus and Macaca cynomolgus). I. Their behavior in cultures of monkey kidney cells and KB cells]. PMID- 13489096 TI - [In memory of Alberto Ascoli (1877-1957)]. PMID- 13489095 TI - Behaviour of DNase and RNase in the chorioallantoic membranes of chick embryos infected with vaccinia virus and herpes. PMID- 13489097 TI - [Ocular manifestations of Bourneville's sclerosis & their association with extraocular symptoms]. PMID- 13489098 TI - [The possibility of determining the crystalline opacity in rabbits by means of iodoacetic acid poisoning]. PMID- 13489099 TI - [Research on the objective determination of visual acuity]. PMID- 13489100 TI - [Changes in the pH of the aqueous humor in diseases of the anterior segment of the eye]. PMID- 13489101 TI - [Remarks on spontaneous hemorrhages in the anterior chamber of hydrophthalmic eyes, also in relation to surgical indications]. PMID- 13489102 TI - [Three cases of retrocorneal hyaline striae caused by obstetric injury]. PMID- 13489103 TI - [Lytic cocktails in ocular surgery]. PMID- 13489104 TI - [Remarks on the unusual course of a bilateral retinoblastoma subjected to roentgenotherapy]. PMID- 13489105 TI - [Impressions on the clinical use of electrotonography]. PMID- 13489106 TI - Infrared analysis for the estimation of carbon dioxide in the presence of nitrous oxide. PMID- 13489107 TI - Partial pressures of oxygen in the Magill attachment. PMID- 13489108 TI - Anaesthetic potency in epidural analgesia. PMID- 13489109 TI - [The potency of lignocaine spinal anaesthesia]. PMID- 13489110 TI - An unusual complication of epidural analgesia. PMID- 13489111 TI - A variable pattern respirator with phased sampling device. PMID- 13489112 TI - On chloroform and other anaesthetics; their action and administration. PMID- 13489114 TI - Physiological aspects of artificial ventilation. PMID- 13489113 TI - Terminology and symbols used in respiratory physiology. PMID- 13489115 TI - Neonatal respiration and hyaline membrane. PMID- 13489117 TI - The evolution of anaesthesia. PMID- 13489116 TI - Gas analysis by refractive index measurement. PMID- 13489118 TI - Hypoxia in man: induced unconsciousness, with reflex and muscle control, the logical approach to the three dimensional study of cellular, cardiorespiratory and cerebrospinal hypoxia. PMID- 13489119 TI - Carcinoma of the bronchus. PMID- 13489121 TI - Dysphagia pneumonitis. PMID- 13489122 TI - Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13489120 TI - Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. PMID- 13489123 TI - The taxonomy and development of certain ovarian tumours. PMID- 13489124 TI - The modern management of epilepsy. PMID- 13489126 TI - Nervous disease in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13489125 TI - Virus disease and psychiatric ill-health. PMID- 13489128 TI - Urology. PMID- 13489127 TI - Montine vaccinia. PMID- 13489129 TI - Rheumatic diseases. PMID- 13489130 TI - Demonstrations in pathology; the central nervous system. III. PMID- 13489131 TI - Epoxy resins and their dangers. PMID- 13489132 TI - Esterases in cutaneous granulomata. PMID- 13489133 TI - Hidradenoid vestibuloacanthoma. PMID- 13489134 TI - A case of lupoid sycosis of ulerythema sycosiforme beginning in infancy. PMID- 13489135 TI - Acrokeratosis verruciformis. PMID- 13489136 TI - The future of dynamic psychology. PMID- 13489137 TI - Symposium of the contribution of current theories to an understanding of child development. I. An etiological approach to research in child development. PMID- 13489138 TI - Symposium on the contribution of current theories to an understanding of child development. II. Contributions of associative learning theories to an understanding of child development. PMID- 13489139 TI - Symposium on the contribution of current theories to an understanding of child development. III. The contributions of psychoanalysis to the understanding of child development. PMID- 13489140 TI - Symposium on the contribution of current theories to an understanding of child development. IV. The system makers: Piaget and Freud. PMID- 13489141 TI - The validity of a psychological test of brain-damage. PMID- 13489142 TI - The absorption of vitamin B12 in normal and gastrectomized rats and the effect of some gastric extracts. PMID- 13489143 TI - Food intakes, energy expenditures and faecal excretions of men on a polar expedition. PMID- 13489144 TI - The relative value of three cereals as protein sources for growing chicken. PMID- 13489146 TI - The basal metabolism of the newborn calf. PMID- 13489145 TI - The gut flora of the chick. 3. Differences in caecal flora between infected, uninfected and penicillin-fed chicks. PMID- 13489147 TI - The effect of a supplementary multipurpose food on the growth and nutritional status of schoolchildren. PMID- 13489148 TI - The metabolism of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in undernourished children. 3. The effect of a supplementary multipurpose food on the metabolism of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. PMID- 13489149 TI - The heat increments of mixtures of steam-volatile fatty acids in fasting sheep. PMID- 13489150 TI - The vitamin and mineral content of fruits and vegetables grown in Israel. PMID- 13489151 TI - The utilization of acetic propionic and butyric acids by fattening sheep. PMID- 13489152 TI - The role of fat in the diet of rats. 12. Effect on rats of type and quantity of dietary fat with and without linoleate supplementation. PMID- 13489153 TI - Pantothenol and the burning feet syndrome. PMID- 13489154 TI - The effect of vitamin A upon the cerebrospinal-fluid pressures of young rabbits suffering from hydrocephalus due to maternal hypovitaminosis A. PMID- 13489155 TI - The content of amino-acids in white flour and bread. PMID- 13489156 TI - Sir John Herbert Parsons, 1868-1957. PMID- 13489157 TI - Stereoscopic vision. I. Effect of binocular temporal summation. PMID- 13489158 TI - Mobius's syndrome. PMID- 13489159 TI - Role of fat emboli in diabetic retinopathy. PMID- 13489160 TI - Combined action of diamox and potassium bicarbonate in the treatment of of chronic glaucoma. PMID- 13489161 TI - Three unusual corneal grafts. PMID- 13489162 TI - Optic nerve tumour treated by Kronlein's lateral orbitotomy. PMID- 13489164 TI - A method of estimating histamine in plasma. AB - The method is intended for the estimation of minute quantities of histamine in blood plasma. A neutralized trichloracetic acid extract of plasma is adsorbed at pH 8 on a column prepared by mixing a quantity of the cationic exchange resin Amberlite XE-64 with powdered cellulose as a supporting medium. Histamine is adsorbed but N-acetylhistamine is not: the amines can therefore be estimated independently. Elution of the histamine is by displacement with HCl. The eluate is converted into the solution for bioassay on the superfused guinea-pig ileum.In recovery experiments histamine was added in the range 25 to 100 ng. to solutions of known composition and to plasma (5 ml.) obtained from man and the cat. The mean recovery in this range for histamine added to plasma was 82.5%+/-2 S.E. (17 estimations).The histamine equivalent of human plasma obtained from the antecubital vein was found to be less than 1 ng./ml.It was possible by this method to follow the concentration of histamine in the arterial plasma of the cat when histamine was infused intravenously at a rate of 330 ng./kg./min. There was no perceptible change in the arterial blood pressure during the infusion, but the plasma histamine rose from <0.3 ng./ml. to 3.4 ng./ml. (mean of 2 estimations). PMID- 13489163 TI - Susceptibility of certain enzymes of the central nervous system to tetrodotoxin. AB - The neurotoxic poison from the roe of Fugu, a globe fish living in the waters of Japan, was investigated with reference to its effect on the main oxidation reduction systems, acetyl-cholinesterase and choline-acetylase in the brain of the guinea-pig.It was found that the poison inhibited the choline-acetylase activity, even in a concentration of 4.4x10(-7). Acetyl-cholinesterase and cytochrome-c-oxidase activities were also inhibited in concentration of 1.3x10( 5) and 0.8x10(-5) respectively. PMID- 13489165 TI - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and related compounds on the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. AB - The rhythmical activity of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, was stimulated by 5-hydroxytryptamine and by lysergic acid diethylamide at very low concentrations. The effect was peripheral and was not mediated through the central ganglion. Other amines also stimulated rhythmical activity, the most potent being the indolamines.Bromolysergic acid diethylamide, and other analogues such as yohimbine, harmine, and dopamine depressed rhythmical movement and antagonized the stimulant action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and lysergic acid diethylamide. Evidence which suggests the presence of tryptamine receptors in the trematode is discussed. PMID- 13489166 TI - The action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some of its antagonists on the umbilical vessels of the human placenta. AB - The vasoconstrictor action of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the human placental preparation is about 10 times stronger than that of adrenaline and is antagonized by anti-adrenaline compounds like phentolamine. Both 5-HT and adrenaline are antagonized by yohimbine and chlorpromazine. Specific and strong anti-5-HT action is demonstrated for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and tryptamine. Both LSD and tryptamine in larger doses have a vasoconstrictor action. Mescaline has no certain modifying effect on the action of 5-HT, but itself causes vasoconstriction in large doses. The antihistamine drug phenbenzamine in histamine blocking doses abolishes the action of 5-HT in half the preparations tested. The ganglionic blocking agent trimetaphan in large doses antagonizes the action of 5-HT added subsequently, and also, to a lesser degree, the effect of adrenaline. Hexamethonium and tetraethylammonium bromides are ineffective in this preparation. No certain modifying action of reserpine on subsequently added 5-HT could be demonstrated, and the same was true for heparin even in very high concentrations. PMID- 13489167 TI - The adrenaline and noradrenaline content of the adrenal gland of the cat following depletion by acetylcholine. AB - This paper describes the attempts that were made to obtain a replacement of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the adrenal gland of the atropinized cat, subsequent to the depletion of the gland by repeated intravenous doses of acetylcholine. In the anaesthetized animal, there was no replacement of adrenal amines within 15 hours of the depletion. The further loss of amine that occurred during this time was prevented by the de nervation of the gland. If the animal was allowed to recover from the anaesthetic there was some replacement of amines within 2 to 3 days, provided that the condition of the animal was satisfactory. By 6 to 7 days the total amine content had returned to its initial level, but there was now an alteration in the relative proportions of the two amines. Although the adrenaline was still well below the resting level, the noradrenaline was several times its initial value. By one month, the noradrenaline had decreased and the adrenaline had increased to their initial amounts and proportions. Thus this work gives evidence for the formation of adrenaline from noradrenaline. PMID- 13489169 TI - A comparison of the local effects of various intramuscular injections in the rat. AB - A method is described for the assessment of the local reaction produced by intramuscular injections. This method involves the histological examinations of the injection site after injection of material into the hamstring muscles of the rat. The results obtained with both aqueous and oily materials are described; the correlation of these results with clinical observations in man is discussed. PMID- 13489168 TI - The release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal gland of the cat by acetylcholine. AB - The adrenal glands of atropinized cats were depleted of their content of adrenaline and noradrenaline by repeated intravenous doses of acetylcholine. In each experiment there was a similar percentage loss of both amines. This was irrespective of the degree of depletion, which ranged from 7.1% to 86.5%. In some experiments, adrenal blood was collected and it was found that the percentage of noradrenaline in the adrenal venous effluent (mean 62.0%) was similar to that in the amine lost from the depleted gland (mean 63.7%). In some experiments, the adrenaline and noradrenaline lost from the gland could be recovered quantitatively in the adrenal blood. The results indicate that, under these experimental conditions, synthesis is not taking place concurrently with the liberation of amines or that it is taking place so slowly as not to be detected. PMID- 13489170 TI - The antituberculous activity of ethyl thiolesters with particular reference to diethyl dithiolisophthalate. AB - Diethyl dithiolisophthalate exerts an antituberculous effect in mice comparable to that of isoniazid and streptomycin. It is effective when given in single doses, and against isoniazidresistant strains. It is most active when given subcutaneously either by injection or by absorption through the skin. Drug resistance has been demonstrated in mice, and isoniazid is active against such strains. The effects of this and other ethyl thiolesters are antagonized by their methyl analogues. PMID- 13489171 TI - Protection against the lethal effects of organophosphates by pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide. AB - The mechanism responsible for the protection against lethal organophosphate poisoning by pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide (P-2-AM) was studied in the mouse. Two types of organophosphates were used: ethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), E 600, Ro 3 0340, and Ro 3-0422 which form with true cholinesterase a diethylphosphoryl enzyme (1) and DFP, D 600, and Ro 3-0351 which form with true cholinesterase a diisopropylphosphoryl enzyme (2).In vitro and under the experimental conditions used more than 50% reactivation of (1) was obtained within 1 hr. by concentrations of P-2-AM ranging from 0.5 to 1x10(-5) M; 30 times higher concentrations of the oxime were required to achieve the same effect with (2). In vivo reactivation of phosphorylated true cholinesterases in blood amounted to 10 to 24% within the first 30 min. if 25 mg./kg. P-2-AM was injected (i.p.) 5 min. before a sublethal dose of TEPP, E 600, Ro 3-0340, or Ro 3-0422 and reactivation reached a maximum within 1 to 2 hr. after the injection of the oxime. P-2-AM was more effective when given 30 min. after the organophosphate. The effect of 25 mg./kg. P-2-AM on the phosphorylated true cholinesterase in brain (experiments with TEPP and E 600) was negligible. A dose of 25 mg./kg. P-2-AM had no consistent effect on the phosphorylated true cholinesterases in blood and brain of mice injected with sublethal doses of DFP, D 600, or Ro 3-0351.The protection by 25 mg./kg. P-2-AM against lethal doses of TEPP, E 600, Ro 3-0422, and Ro 3 0340 was greater than that obtained with 50 mg./kg. atropine sulphate, but the degree of protection was determined by the organophosphate itself and not its dialkylphosphoryl group. Protection by 25 mg./kg. P-2-AM against lethal doses of DFP, D 600, and Ro 3-0351 was negligible. The antidotal effect of P-2-AM was potentiated by atropine. Mice which were injected with atropine and P-2-AM were protected to a greater extent against DFP than against Ro 3-0422, and protection against DFP was only slightly less than protection against TEPP. This is difficult to reconcile with a specific action of P-2-AM on phosphorylated cholinesterases. PMID- 13489172 TI - Phramacological properties of esters of 1-alkyl-2-hydroxyalkylpyrrolidine and their quaternary derivatives. AB - A series of esters of 1-alkyl-2-hydroxyalkylpyrrolidine and their quaternary derivatives have been shown to possess significant anti-acetylcholine activity. The benzilic acid esters were the most active, followed by xanthene-9-carboxylic acid, fluorene-9-carboxylic acid and diphenylacetic acid esters in that order. The quaternary derivatives were more active than their corresponding tertiary compounds both in vivo and in vitro. The most active compound of the series tested in vivo was (1-methylpyrrolid-2-yl)methyl benzilate methiodide and was as potent as atropine. There was a progressive decrease in anti-acetylcholine activity and a proportional increase in local anaesthetic activity as the number of carbon atoms was increased from 1 to 3 in the pyrrolidyl side-chain of the tertiary salts of the benzilic acid ester series. Likewise increasing the size of the group on the nitrogen atom led to a decrease in anti-acetylcholine activity and an increase in local anaesthetic activity. Quaternization of the tertiary salts resulted in a loss of local anaesthetic activity. Most of the compounds tested possessed some antihistamine properties, while papaverine-like activity was confined to the tertiary salts only. No significant neuromuscular blocking activity was evident. PMID- 13489174 TI - The effects of mecamylamine in the cat as modified by the administration of carbon dioxide. AB - A series of cats, anaesthetized with chloralose, was given intravenously a sufficient quantity of mecamylamine to produce hypotension and a 50% neuromuscular block. Inhalation of carbon dioxide then produced a further depression of blood pressure and an increase in the neuromuscular blocking effect. It was shown that, following the administration of carbon dioxide, the plasma mecamylamine levels increased coincident with the increased pharmacological effects. PMID- 13489173 TI - Action of anaphylactic shock and anaphylatoxin on mast cells and histamine in rats. AB - Anaphylactic shock in rats produces disruption of mast cells. These cells are also disrupted when rat mesentery is incubated with antigen in vitro. The plasma histamine reaches a maximum about 5 min. after injection of the antigen. Though antihistamines protect rats against anaphylactic shock, they do not prevent mast cell disruption. Previous depletion by compound 48/80 of the histamine bound to the mast cells prevents anaphylactic shock and the increase in plasma histamine. Anaphylatoxin produces no mast cell alterations or plasma histamine increase, and thus does not seem to act as a histamine-releasing agent in rats. Probably nearly all the histamine liberated in anaphylaxis in rats comes from the mast cells. PMID- 13489175 TI - The effects of nicotine, hexamethonium and ethanol on the secretion of the antidiuretic and oxytocic hormones of the rat. AB - The actions of nicotine, hexamethonium, and ethanol on the hypothalamo hypophysial system have been investigated in the rat. The antidiuretic action of nicotine was not inhibited by ethanol, nor by doses of hexamethonium which were sufficient to block both its pressor and convulsant actions. Hexamethonium itself had an antidiuretic action the mechanism of which has been investigated. Nicotine caused a release of oxytocin into the blood which was not blocked by ethanol nor significantly reduced by hexamethonium. The results suggest that any synapse which exists at the supraoptic nuclei is dissimilar in its pharmacological properties to synapses at autonomic ganglia. PMID- 13489176 TI - The toxicity of diaminodiphenoxyalkanes. AB - Representative members of a series of schistosomicidal diaminodiphenoxyalkanes were examined for their toxic effects in laboratory animals. Primary amino derivatives were, in general, more toxic than secondary methylamino-compounds; tertiary compounds were less toxic than either. Large doses given by mouth or by injection to mice or rabbits produced intravascular haemolysis; the haemoglobin and erythrocyte counts began to increase again about a week after the dose. Mice which had been given large doses of diaminodiphenoxyalkanes developed symmetrical bald patches 2 to 3 weeks after treatment. The exposed skin appeared normal and new fur grew to cover the hairless areas in about 6 weeks. Large doses of drug delayed water diuresis in mice.Many compounds of the series caused visual impairment when given to cats. In order to obtain a quantitative assessment of retinotoxic potency, a method was devised in which the ability of the retina of the frog to resynthesize rhodopsin was measured in treated and control animals. Compounds that produced blindness in cats also inhibited rhodopsin synthesis in frogs; the most toxic compounds were primary amines. Treatment with some tertiary amines caused retinal damage if the drugs were given for long periods. Diaminodiphenoxyalkanes may perhaps interfere in some way with the biological activity of vitamin A. However, toxic effects on the hair and retina were not prevented by supplements of synthetic or natural vitamin A. PMID- 13489177 TI - The effect of human plasma on the glucose uptake of the rat diaphragm before and after administration of carbutamide. AB - The glucose uptake of the rat diaphragm has been determined in the presence of the plasma of young volunteers before and after administration of carbutamide without and with added insulin. The increase in the glucose uptake of the rat diaphragm due to the added plasma above that in the medium alone has been termed plasma effect. The increase in the glucose uptake of the rat diaphragm with plasma and added insulin above that with only insulin in the medium has been termed plasma+insulin effect. There was a significant increase in the plasma effect and the plasma+insulin effect after carbutamide administration. The increase in the plasma+insulin effect was significantly greater than the increase in the plasma effect. From these observations it has been suggested that carbutamide potentiates the action of insulin peripherally. Observed facts about carbutamide do not contradict this mechanism of action. PMID- 13489178 TI - The effect of methylpentynol in man. AB - Administration of methylpentynol to human subjects depressed their autonomic reactions to a difficult motor task and impaired their performance. Hexobarbitone affected neither autonomic reactions nor performance, though it impaired hand steadiness. The results suggest that the modes of action of methylpentynol and of hexobarbitone are different. PMID- 13489179 TI - The antidiuretic action of 5-hydroxytryptamine in cats in relation to the production of certain chemoreflexes. AB - In cats lightly anaesthetized with cnloralose, small (5 to 50 mug./kg.) intravenous doses of 5-hydroxytryptamine temporarily reduced the flow of urine into the bladder in addition to causing reflex falls of blood pressure and heart rate and temporary arrest of breathing. Doses of phenyl diguanide and other aryl diguanides, the reflex effects of which on blood pressure and respiratory movement approximately matched those of 5-hydroxytryptamine, had comparatively little antidiuretic effect. Phenyl diguanide, unlike 5-hydroxytryptamine (tested previously under similar conditions), did not have an antidiuretic effect in hydrated mice in doses of 0.05, 1, and 2.5 mg./kg. subcutaneously. It is concluded that the reflex depressor action of 5-hydroxytryptamine plays little part in reducing urinary output. PMID- 13489180 TI - The ethyleneiminium ion as the active species in 2-haloalkylamine compounds. AB - Certain 2-haloethylamine compounds which exert antagonism to adrenaline and noradrenaline of the type shown by dibenamine have been examined. The compounds were N-ethyl-N-chlorobenzyl-2-chloroethylamine hydrochlorides in which the Cl is in the p-, o-, and m- positions of the benzene ring, and the three related ethyleneiminium picrylsulphonates. In addition the Cl- and Br- compounds of the N ethyl-N-9-fluorenyl-2-haloethylamine hydrohalide series were examined. For the haloethylamines, a curve was provided which showed the relation between probable production and decay of ethyleneiminium ion in neutralized solution with time. A correlation was established between the shape of this curve and the curve relating anti-adrenaline and anti-noradrenaline activity of samples of solutions of these compounds treated in an identical way. The relation to antagonism of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine was not so exact and varied with species.The ethyleneiminium ions of the three chlorobenzyl compounds exerted a typical long lasting non-competitive antagonism to the pressor actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline. They also antagonized the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine on blood pressure. The ED50 of the ion when administered as ethyleneiminium picrylsulphonate was always less than the ED50 of the same ion when administered in the form of 2-haloethylamine. There was, therefore, a variable loss of effective ion during transformation in vivo. The observations throw some light on the importance of the substituent groups on the nitrogen atom for effectiveness. It is concluded from these results and a discussion of other work that 2-haloethylamine compounds form an ethyleneiminium ion in neutral solution, which is the pharmacologically active species in effective compounds. It is a necessary but not a sufficient condition that a molecule should be an alkylating agent for this type of antagonism to be present, but the importance of the substituent groups on the N atom is equally great because not all ethyleneiminium ions are effective antagonists. PMID- 13489182 TI - The effects of anticholinesterases on the bronchioles and pulmonary blood vessels in isolated perfused lungs of the dog. AB - The effects of two potent inhibitors of cholinesterase, isopropylmethylphosphonofluoridate (sarin) and ethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), were investigated on the bronchioles and pulmonary blood vessels in isolated dog lung preparations perfused with heparinized blood and ventilated artificially. These anticholinesterases caused gradual bronchoconstriction as indicated by a diminution in tidal air volume, a reduction in compliance and an increase in expiratory resistance. These effects were antagonized by atropine. An increase in pulmonary vascular resistance occurred which was enhanced by the addition of small quantities of acetylcholine to the perfusing blood. The pulmonary vascular effects of acetylcholine, sarin and TEPP were prevented and abolished by atropine. Evidence is presented which suggests that the site of action of these anticholinesterases is, at least in part, peripheral to the autonomic ganglia. PMID- 13489181 TI - The antagonism of the vascular effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine by BOL 148 and sodium salicylate in the human subject. AB - 2-Bromo-(+)-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL 148) is a specific antagonist of the constrictor response of the forearm and hand blood vessels to intra-arterial infusions of 5-hydroxytryptamine. This has been shown to be a direct action in the tissue concerned, since the antagonism was as effective when the drug was given by local arterial injection as when given intravenously. Sodium salicylate is also a specific antagonist of 5-hydroxytryptamine, but its action is indirect, occurring only when the general serum level was raised above 10 or 20 mg.%; local limb concentrations of 30 to 40 mg.% had no antagonistic effect. The mechanism of the antagonistic effect of salicylate is not known. It is not related to the associated hyperventilation but is possibly due to the secondary release of, or synergism with, some other substance, probably a hormone. PMID- 13489183 TI - The oxidation of cystamine and homocystamine by mammalian enzymes. AB - The oxidative deamination of cystamine and homocystamine by mammalian oxidases has been studied. The histaminase of pig kidney oxidizes homocystamine much more slowly than cystamine. The amine oxidase of mammalian liver (guinea-pig, rabbit) oxidizes homocystamine more rapidly than cystamine. Both amines are oxidized by plasma (or serum) of ruminants (ox, sheep, goat) and of the horse. In the enzymatic oxidation of homocystamine both aminogroups are removed; there is no evidence that a ring compound analogous to cystaldimine is accumulating. PMID- 13489184 TI - Metabolic and other effects of reserpine upon smooth and skeletal muscle. AB - Reserpine increased the concentration of potassium ions in the fluid bathing the isolated frog sartorius muscle. The effect of reserpine upon respiration and upon glycolysis in rabbit intestinal muscle has been investigated using the Warburg "Direct" method. After a latent period, reserpine (50 mug./ml.) depressed respiration but did not affect glycolysis in gut muscle. These results, together with previous observations, may point to an effect of reserpine upon carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13489185 TI - Detection and measurement of antagonism to folic acid. AB - Methods of testing competitive antagonism in bacterial systems are considered and evaluated with particular reference to antifolic acids. Four antifolic acids pteridine O/129, methotrexate, CB2295 and CB2335-were examined for competitiveness and potency in three test systems-Leuc. citrovorum and folinic acid, Str. faecalis and folinic acid, and Str. faecalis and pteroylglutamic acid. For comparison, phenol and formaldehyde were studied in the Leuc. citrovorum and folinic acid system. Interpretation of results was based on families of log. concentration/growth curves obtained in each system in the presence and absence of each antagonist. These curves were usually simple sigmoids. From these families of curves, pA values were derived and reciprocal growth/reciprocal concentration curves were drawn. Pteridine O/129 was fully competitive in all systems, while methotrexate was fully competitive in the Str. faecalis and folinic acid system, but did not give simple sigmoids in the other two systems. CB2295 showed some competitive features in all and CB2335 in the two systems in which it was active. It is concluded that the methods adopted, based on those used in vertebrate pharmacology, provide a stringent test of competitiveness in bacterial systems. PMID- 13489186 TI - Intraventricular administration of reserpine and its metabolites to conscious cats. AB - Intraventricular injection of reserpine in conscious cats produced relaxation of the nictitating membrane, miosis with narrowing of the palpebral fissure to a slit, avoidance of light, diarrhoea, anorexia, and tranquillization. Equivalent doses of trimethoxybenzoic acid, reserpic acid or methylreserpate separately or in combination did not produce such effects, indicating that these reserpine metabolites were not involved in these reserpine actions. 5-Hydroxytryptamine alone or in combination with subthreshold doses of reserpine also did not duplicate the effects observed after effective doses of reserpine. The possible central sites of reserpine action are discussed. PMID- 13489187 TI - The concentration of adrenaline in the plasma of rabbits treated with reserpine. AB - Doses of 1 to 2.3 mg./kg. of reserpine given intravenously to rabbits raised the plasma adrenaline. The noradrenaline concentrations were too near the threshold of the method to decide whether any alterations followed the injection of reserpine. Control experiments, in which blood samples were taken from rabbits but no drug was given, showed only a very slight rise in adrenaline concentration after the first bleeding. PMID- 13489189 TI - On the physiological basis of adaptation of the disabled. PMID- 13489188 TI - The effect of diisopropyl fluorophosphonate on the sensitivity of rats to centrally acting drugs. AB - The effect of a previous injection of an anticholinesterase, dyflos, on the sensitivity of rats to two centrally acting drugs, pentobarbitone and leptazol, has been measured. The sensitivity was determined at 12 and 35 days after birth and in full-grown animals. Though the dose of dyflos was of the order of two thirds of the LD50, it did not affect the sensitivity of the young animals to sodium pentobarbitone and leptazol administered 20 hours later. The full-grown animals which had received dyflos in arachis oil were more sensitive to sodium pentobarbitone than litter mates which had received an injection of arachis oil only; this difference was significant at the 0.1% level. The dyflos treatment did not significantly affect the sensitivity to leptazol. PMID- 13489190 TI - Rehabilitation following coronary occlusion. PMID- 13489193 TI - The importance of noise hazards. PMID- 13489191 TI - Psychological treatment of physically handicapped young people. PMID- 13489194 TI - Individual differences in intentional and incidental learning. PMID- 13489192 TI - Rehabilitation in poliomyelitis; experience of 120 in-patients. PMID- 13489195 TI - Rubella deaf children: a Rorschach study employing Munroe inspection technique. PMID- 13489196 TI - Previous knowledge and memory. PMID- 13489197 TI - Measures of subjective probability: estimates of success in performance in relation to size of task. PMID- 13489200 TI - The influence of extraneous stimulation on the reaction time of schizophrenics. PMID- 13489199 TI - The solving of three-term series problems. PMID- 13489198 TI - The qualitative investigation of intelligence. PMID- 13489201 TI - The boundaries between the person and the world: a note on the paper by Gardner Murphy. PMID- 13489202 TI - The pelvi-ureteric junction. PMID- 13489203 TI - Radiation cancer: a review with special reference to radiation tumours in the pharynx, larynx, and thyroid. PMID- 13489204 TI - Ionizing radiation and the socially handicapped. PMID- 13489205 TI - Pyelo-ureteritis cystica. PMID- 13489206 TI - Measured dose distributions in arc and rotation therapy: a critical comparison of moving and fixed field techniques. PMID- 13489207 TI - Axillary artery thrombosis in muscualar dystrophy. PMID- 13489208 TI - The effect of field size on the dose to the patient in diagnostic radiology. PMID- 13489209 TI - Case report; oesophageal laceration following remote trauma. PMID- 13489211 TI - An apparatus for serial angiography. PMID- 13489210 TI - An improved apparatus for aortography with simultaneous bilateral arteriography of the lower extremities. PMID- 13489212 TI - The elementary particles of nature; Sylvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture, 1957. PMID- 13489213 TI - A cineradiographic study of bottle feeding. PMID- 13489214 TI - Vertebral arteriography using the Sheldon needle and modifications of it. PMID- 13489215 TI - Advanced abdominal pregnancy; its radiological diagnosis. PMID- 13489216 TI - A study of basic external radiation treatment techniques with the aid of automatic computing machines. PMID- 13489218 TI - Endobronchial Hodgkin's disease. PMID- 13489217 TI - A method of correction for extrathyroidal radioactivity. PMID- 13489219 TI - Rupture of the sigmoid colon in a newborn infant with imperforate anus. PMID- 13489220 TI - Choledochoduodenal fistula due to duodenal ulceration. PMID- 13489221 TI - Radon yield from luminescent paints. PMID- 13489223 TI - CINE-CYSTOSCOPY. PMID- 13489222 TI - An isotope dispenser. PMID- 13489224 TI - Hypertension as a urological problem. PMID- 13489225 TI - Hypertension in urological conditions. PMID- 13489226 TI - Primary aldosteronism: a brief account. PMID- 13489227 TI - Nephrectomy for hypertension. PMID- 13489228 TI - Total adrenalectomy for malignant hypertension. PMID- 13489229 TI - Hypotensive anaesthesia. PMID- 13489230 TI - Phaeochromocytoma. PMID- 13489231 TI - Hypertension in polycystic disease. PMID- 13489232 TI - Renal infarction and its relationship to hypertension. PMID- 13489233 TI - Radiation nephritis. PMID- 13489234 TI - Congenital bladder-neck obstruction and megaureter; clinical observations. PMID- 13489235 TI - Some observations on the pathology of congenital idiopathic bladder-neck obstruction (Marion's disease). PMID- 13489236 TI - Cystometry in megaureter-megacystic syndrome. PMID- 13489237 TI - Experimental investigation of the dynamics of the normal and dilated ureter. PMID- 13489238 TI - Cine-radiology of congenital bladder-neck obstruction and the megaureter. PMID- 13489239 TI - Megaureter. PMID- 13489241 TI - The use of the artificial kidney. PMID- 13489240 TI - The artificial kidney. PMID- 13489242 TI - Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis. PMID- 13489243 TI - Effect of temperature on survival of bacteria in blood for transfusion; with a note on contamination by cold-growing organisms. PMID- 13489244 TI - Splenectomy in acquired generalized myelosclerosis. PMID- 13489245 TI - The problem of recurring cystitis in women. PMID- 13489246 TI - [Lymphogranuloma venereum]. PMID- 13489247 TI - Cause of anomalous results in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate using Wintrobe's method. PMID- 13489248 TI - Constitutional virilism. PMID- 13489249 TI - Recovery after depressive attack of 30 years' duration. PMID- 13489250 TI - ANTIBIOTIC combinations. PMID- 13489251 TI - USE AND abuse of blood. PMID- 13489252 TI - LOCAL prophylaxis of influenza. PMID- 13489254 TI - HAEMATITE pneumoconiosis in Cumberland miners. PMID- 13489253 TI - ANDROGENS and erythropoiesis. PMID- 13489255 TI - Food and health. PMID- 13489256 TI - Promotion prospects of senior registrars in Scotland. PMID- 13489257 TI - Mark akenside. PMID- 13489258 TI - Five years of general practice; a study in simple epidemiology. PMID- 13489259 TI - [Gonadal dysgenesis: modern concepts]. PMID- 13489260 TI - Morbidity from T. A. B. T. inoculation in R. A. F. recruits. PMID- 13489261 TI - Megaloblastic anaemia of infancy treated with folic acid. PMID- 13489262 TI - Medullary aplasia in chronic myeloid leukaemia during busulphan therapy. PMID- 13489264 TI - Further observations on London fog. PMID- 13489263 TI - Rubella encephalitis. PMID- 13489265 TI - Serious haemorrhage after partial gastrectomy in unsuspected chronic myeloid leukaemia. PMID- 13489266 TI - ULCERATIVE colitis. PMID- 13489267 TI - KURU: A new syndrome. PMID- 13489269 TI - [INFLUENZA vaccines]. PMID- 13489268 TI - VIRUSES in treatment of cancer. PMID- 13489270 TI - POLYMYALGIA rheumatica. PMID- 13489271 TI - Sir Robert Philip and the conquest of tuberculosis. PMID- 13489272 TI - Effects of bemegride on barbiturate overdosage in humans. PMID- 13489273 TI - Modification of barbiturate sleep treatment by the use of bemegride. PMID- 13489274 TI - Portable oxygen equipment and walking-aid in pulmonary emphysema. PMID- 13489275 TI - TREATMENT of chilblains by phenoxybenzamine; a clinical trial in general practice by the South-East Scotland Faculty of the College of General Practitioners. PMID- 13489276 TI - Influenza epidemic in Singapore children; clinical impressions. PMID- 13489277 TI - Rapid colorimetric micro-method for estimating glucose in blood and C. S. F. using glucose oxidase. PMID- 13489278 TI - Unusual transmission of the haemophilic gene. PMID- 13489279 TI - Addison's disease occurring in sisters. PMID- 13489280 TI - Encephalitis due to the psittacosis-lymphogranuloma venereum group of viruses; a case of ornithosis encephalitis. PMID- 13489282 TI - EVOLUTION of the tuberculosis dispensary. PMID- 13489281 TI - LIPOPROTEINS in coronary artery disease. PMID- 13489283 TI - PROTECTION against ionizing radiations. PMID- 13489284 TI - PSYCHOPATHS. PMID- 13489285 TI - BOTULISM. PMID- 13489286 TI - SICKLE cells and Salmonellae. PMID- 13489287 TI - Care of the dying. PMID- 13489288 TI - Hormone therapy and rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13489289 TI - J. E. MOORE. PMID- 13489290 TI - L. E. NAPIER. PMID- 13489291 TI - P. J. GIBBONS. PMID- 13489292 TI - A. AYRE SMITH. PMID- 13489294 TI - Virus of acute encephalomyelitis of man and multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13489295 TI - Amisometradine, a new oral diuretic. PMID- 13489293 TI - The chemotherapy of malignant disease. PMID- 13489296 TI - Tetanus in Nigeria; review of 100 cases treated in Ibadan. PMID- 13489297 TI - Management of severe tetanus; use of chlorpromazine in two patients. PMID- 13489298 TI - A simple cytological test for cancer cure. PMID- 13489299 TI - Systemic scleroderma with portal hypertension. PMID- 13489300 TI - Gangrene of the legs in disseminated lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13489301 TI - Chronic nephritis due to ingestion of lead-contaminated flour. PMID- 13489303 TI - PROPHYLAXIS of rheumatic fever. PMID- 13489302 TI - Ergot poisoning causing death in pregnancy. PMID- 13489304 TI - TRANSMISSION of mental defect. PMID- 13489305 TI - ACUTE NEPHRITIS. PMID- 13489306 TI - BAGDAD treatment of burns. PMID- 13489308 TI - THOMAS DUNHILL. PMID- 13489309 TI - A. J. EWINS. PMID- 13489307 TI - Torsion testis and its treatment; report of a bilateral case. PMID- 13489311 TI - MAURICE MITMAN. PMID- 13489310 TI - J. J. KEEVIL. PMID- 13489312 TI - H. P. W. BARROW. PMID- 13489313 TI - T. R. GODDARD. PMID- 13489314 TI - Fatty liver of endocrine origin, with special reference to fatty liver of malnourished African infants. PMID- 13489315 TI - Bacterial endocarditis: survey of patients treated between 1945 and 1956. PMID- 13489316 TI - Further studies on the transmission of Staph. aureus. PMID- 13489317 TI - Acquisition of Staph. aureus by newborn babies in a hospital maternity department. PMID- 13489318 TI - Masking and gowning in nurseries for the newborn infant; effect on staphylococcal carriage and infection. PMID- 13489319 TI - FREEZE-DRIED B. C. G. vaccine; results of laboratory tests and of trials among schoolchildren in Middlesex; a preliminary report to the Medical Research Council by their committee on the standardization of freeze-dried B. C. G. vaccine. PMID- 13489320 TI - Antithyroid activity of N-phthalyl glutamic acid imide (K17). PMID- 13489321 TI - The enanthem of glandular fever. PMID- 13489322 TI - Serum protein changes following B. C. G. vaccination. PMID- 13489323 TI - Ruptured dissecting aneurysm of abdominal aorta simulating obstruction of large bowel. PMID- 13489324 TI - PRIMARY drug resistance in tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13489326 TI - DETERMINING sex. PMID- 13489325 TI - ATRIAL septal defect. PMID- 13489328 TI - An answer to some criticisms of cancer education; a survey among general practitioners. PMID- 13489327 TI - SYRINGE services. PMID- 13489329 TI - SIR ERNEST KENNAWAY. PMID- 13489330 TI - Family studies of respiratory infections. PMID- 13489331 TI - Assessment of age, sex, and height from immature human bones. PMID- 13489332 TI - Treatment of ascariasis with various salts of piperazine. PMID- 13489333 TI - Piperazine and male fern in expulsion of tapeworms. PMID- 13489334 TI - Piperazine in treatment of hookworm infection. PMID- 13489335 TI - Excretion of piperazine salts in urine. PMID- 13489336 TI - Action of nicotine on the heart. PMID- 13489337 TI - Intraperitoneal blood transfusions in children. PMID- 13489338 TI - Valvotomy in mitral stenosis complicated by pregnancy. PMID- 13489339 TI - Preparation of cell cultures from human amnion. PMID- 13489340 TI - Clinical trial of new dressing for varicose ulcers. PMID- 13489341 TI - Three successive attacks of subacute bacterial endocarditis due to different organisms. PMID- 13489342 TI - TREATMENT of idiopathic steatorrhoea. PMID- 13489344 TI - HEALTH among the atoms. PMID- 13489343 TI - HYPOGLYCAEMIA and the mind. PMID- 13489345 TI - WORLD Medical Association. PMID- 13489346 TI - HOSPITALS dear and cheap. PMID- 13489347 TI - ANTIGENIC response to polio vaccine. PMID- 13489348 TI - IRON METABOLISM after operation. PMID- 13489349 TI - Dislocation of patella and its relation to chondromalacia patellae. PMID- 13489350 TI - A NEW ANAESTHETIC table. PMID- 13489351 TI - WALTER ELLIOT. PMID- 13489352 TI - T. K. MONRO. PMID- 13489353 TI - World Medical Association: an address in Washington. PMID- 13489354 TI - WORLD Medical Association: British Supporting Group. PMID- 13489355 TI - The aetiology of primary hyperoxaluria. PMID- 13489356 TI - Abnormal responses to muscle relaxants in carcinomatous neuropathy. PMID- 13489357 TI - A study in the transmission of maternal antibodies. PMID- 13489358 TI - The problems of puberty. PMID- 13489359 TI - Puberty. PMID- 13489360 TI - The prognosis in industrial dermatitis. PMID- 13489361 TI - Dermatitis in the steel industry in Sheffield. PMID- 13489362 TI - Scope of surgery in management of deafness. PMID- 13489363 TI - Brandt-Andrews technique of delivery of the placenta. PMID- 13489364 TI - Diabetes mellitus caused by secondary carcinoma of the pancreas. PMID- 13489365 TI - THE HOSPITAL Staphylococcus. PMID- 13489366 TI - CRASHED atom bombs. PMID- 13489367 TI - SURGICAL treatment of atrial septal defects. PMID- 13489368 TI - PHYSIOLOGY of appetite. PMID- 13489369 TI - ACID-FAST bacilli in urine. PMID- 13489370 TI - PULMONARY lesions in newborn infants. PMID- 13489371 TI - Post-operative position. PMID- 13489372 TI - E. A. THOMSON. PMID- 13489373 TI - [Cavernous hemangioma (cavernoma) of liver]. PMID- 13489374 TI - [Heart injuries]. PMID- 13489375 TI - [Tetanus protection of wounded]. PMID- 13489376 TI - [Possibility of stimulating bone regeneration by an unspecific stimulus; animal experiments with wood splint fixation of pseudarthrosis]. PMID- 13489377 TI - [Late observations after administration of a radioactive contrast medium (thorotrast) thorium dioxydsol, on vascular appearance in humans]. PMID- 13489378 TI - [Surgical treatment of abdominal scar ruptures with regard to perlon net plastic]. PMID- 13489380 TI - [Significance of human meniscal failures as a civilization damage and relation to comparative observations in the animal kingdom]. PMID- 13489379 TI - [Pathologicalclinical findings and abnormally changed values in laboratory investigations of a non-specific consequential reaction]. PMID- 13489381 TI - [Intermittent exophthalmos; a case cured by surgery]. PMID- 13489382 TI - [Isolated splenic tuberculosis causing hemolytic crises]. PMID- 13489383 TI - [Surgical experimentation & therapeutics]. PMID- 13489384 TI - [In the time of Florence Nightingale & Henry Dunant]. PMID- 13489385 TI - [Value of the puncture biopsy of the liver in clinical practice in the Congo; analysis of 655 punctures in 480 patients]. PMID- 13489386 TI - [The use of chlorhexidine in oto-rhino-laryngology]. PMID- 13489387 TI - [Nuclear pyknosis of vaginal cells; critical study of criterias; necessity for a standardized & precise definition]. PMID- 13489388 TI - [Open intracardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation in 305 patients with acquired & congenital cardiac lesions]. PMID- 13489389 TI - [Use of antispasmodics during childbirth labor]. PMID- 13489390 TI - [Open heart surgery using extracorporeal circulation in 305 patients with acquired or congenital heart lesions]. PMID- 13489391 TI - [Radiological study of the superficial lymphatic circulation & the corresponding ganglion systems; experimental & clinical data; lymphographic diagnosis]. PMID- 13489392 TI - [Request for authorization of exploitation of La Vierge mineral water at Hyeres, Var]. PMID- 13489393 TI - [Autonomous heating apparatuses not connected to a flue]. PMID- 13489394 TI - [Recording of heart beats of embryos and young Limnea; cinematography, electrocardiography photocardiography, possible toxicological uses]. PMID- 13489395 TI - [Current grippe epidemic]. PMID- 13489396 TI - [Health education of French colonies]. PMID- 13489397 TI - [Caustic esophageal stenoses and their surgical treatment by antethoracic esophagoplasty]. PMID- 13489398 TI - [Chemical study of glycogenesis in fetal-maternal membranes and its variations as a function of the duration of pregnancy]. PMID- 13489399 TI - [Allergic mechanism on cardiac valves in Bouillaud's disease]. PMID- 13489400 TI - The fusing together of disciplines. PMID- 13489401 TI - OPERATION without consent adds needlessly to liability; consent should specify procedures. PMID- 13489402 TI - Education in trauma. PMID- 13489403 TI - The responsibility of leadership. PMID- 13489404 TI - [Abdominal wounds in front-line surgery]. PMID- 13489405 TI - Centenary of the birth of John Jacob Abel. PMID- 13489406 TI - Mechanisms of airway obstruction. PMID- 13489407 TI - The syringomyelic syndrome. PMID- 13489408 TI - Histogenetic interrelationships between supratentorial angioblastic meningiomas and hemangioblastomas of the cerebellum; report of case in which these tumors were co-existent. PMID- 13489409 TI - Clinical manifestations of plantar disorders; value of the electromyogram in correct evaluation of the lesion. PMID- 13489410 TI - Kernicterus and mental deficiency. PMID- 13489411 TI - Variants of myotonia atrophica; report of three cases. PMID- 13489412 TI - [Critical review of ideas and facts of the year]. PMID- 13489413 TI - [Cardiac insufficiency in infants]. PMID- 13489414 TI - [Meaning of ketone bodies in the urine of children]. PMID- 13489415 TI - [Diarrheas from Escherichia coli pathogens in infants]. PMID- 13489416 TI - The unitary concept of mental illness. PMID- 13489417 TI - The theory of ego autonomy: a generalization. PMID- 13489418 TI - Pregnancy fantasies accompanying intestinal parasitosis; a case report. PMID- 13489419 TI - Aspects of carbohydrate and phosphate metabolism in diabetes. PMID- 13489420 TI - Fat metabolism in diabetes. PMID- 13489421 TI - Radical perineal prostatectomy for early cancer. PMID- 13489422 TI - THYROID diseases in children and adults. PMID- 13489423 TI - The Marfan syndrome. PMID- 13489424 TI - [Oxidation of tyrosine, thyronine & their iodinated derivatives. II. Effect of polyphenol oxidase on halogenated tyrosines & iodothyronines]. PMID- 13489425 TI - [Nucleotides of adenine. III. Chromatographic analysis by elution of regularly increasing concentration]. PMID- 13489426 TI - [Atypical epithelioma of the rat. IV. The vitro study of the acid soluble phosphorylated fraction of the mitochondria of living cancerous tissue]. PMID- 13489427 TI - [Atypical epithelioma of the rat. V. Oxidative phosphorylation of the mitochondria of living cancerous tissue]. PMID- 13489428 TI - [New research on formol-treated proteins]. PMID- 13489430 TI - [Research on the biogenesis of vitamin A in fish. II. Neoformation of vitamin A1 (retinol) & A2 (dehydroretinol) in Gambusia holbrooki]. PMID- 13489429 TI - [Determination to total ascorbic acid by the use of a suspension of Erwinia solanisapra. I]. PMID- 13489431 TI - [Auxin activity of 4,5-benzo-3-indolacetic acid & 6,7-benzo-3-indolacetic acid]. PMID- 13489432 TI - [Various properties of the enzymatic system oxidizing 3-indolacetic acid]. PMID- 13489433 TI - [Effect of cortisone & desoxycorticosterone on the Pasteur effect & on oxidative phosphorylation]. PMID- 13489434 TI - [Several enzymatic activities in chick embryo tissue]. PMID- 13489435 TI - [Cholesterol in the anterior a interrenal gland of various teleost fish]. PMID- 13489436 TI - [Separation of lipids by chromatography on paper saturated with silicic acid]. PMID- 13489437 TI - [A note regarding the existence of an apatitic calcium phosphate of a 2.26 calcium/phosphate ratio]. PMID- 13489438 TI - [Ferritin & apoferritin: viscosity of the solution & hydration of apoferritin]. PMID- 13489439 TI - [Biological properties of various alpha-bromo-alpha, beta-diaryl-beta thienylethylenes]. PMID- 13489440 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489441 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489442 TI - [Sir Patrick Manson, father of tropical medicine, and founder of the School of Tropical Medicine (October 3, 1844-April 9, 1922)]. PMID- 13489443 TI - [Amblyomma, Hyalomma, Boophilus, Rhipicephalus of Africa are carriers of rickettsial & neorickettsial elements & occasionally of the two types of agents]. PMID- 13489444 TI - [Intestinal parasitism in psychiatric surroundings in the north of France. II. Parasitoses detected by coprologic examination of 536 patients including 524 adults; reflections on the transmission of immediately infestating dissemination type]. PMID- 13489445 TI - [Presence of sand flies of the neavei group in Middle Congo, French Equatorial Africa]. PMID- 13489446 TI - [Gastric myiasis due to Musca domestica Lin. in a piglet]. PMID- 13489447 TI - [Development of Dirofilaria immitis Leidy 1856 in Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Lin. Orlando (Florida) strain]. PMID- 13489448 TI - [Two new Trombicula of the Tchad region, Euschongastia pilosa n. sp. & Trombicula youhensis n. sp.; presence of Schongastia radfordi Jadin & Vercammen-Grandjean, 1954]. PMID- 13489449 TI - [Genital complications of urinary bilharziosis in man]. PMID- 13489450 TI - [Complications of African human tripanosomiasis]. PMID- 13489451 TI - [Epidemiological chart of paludism in the Cameroons]. PMID- 13489452 TI - [Treatment of intestinal amebiasis by diphetarsone-spiramycin. (6. 753 RP.)]. PMID- 13489453 TI - [Experimental study of new alkylamino derivatives of DDS]. PMID- 13489454 TI - [Dust in a flatting mill and its pathogenic capacity; pulmonary siderosis]. PMID- 13489455 TI - [Ocular manifestations of rhumatism]. PMID- 13489457 TI - Principles of the diagnosis of infection. PMID- 13489456 TI - Surgical treatment of occlusive arterial disease. PMID- 13489458 TI - Chronic recurrent pancreatitis. PMID- 13489459 TI - Pain mechanisms in pericardial disease. PMID- 13489460 TI - The interrelation of thiocyanate-treated hypertension, myxedema, and psychosis. PMID- 13489461 TI - Acute phosphorus poisoning: a case with severe granulocytopenia and hypoprothrombinemia. PMID- 13489462 TI - Clinicopathologic conference: atypical amyloidosis. PMID- 13489463 TI - BCG-vaccination programme in Pakistan. AB - The authors outline the development and organization of the BCG-vaccination campaign that was launched in August 1949 by the Government of Pakistan, with assistance from the International Tuberculosis Campaign. They present some statistical data on the work done up to the end of December 1954 and briefly discuss the pattern of tuberculin sensitivity found in various parts of the country. PMID- 13489464 TI - ASSESSMENT of BCG vaccination in India. II. WHO Tuberculosis Research Office. AB - A second assessment of the mass BCG-vaccination campaign in India is described in this report. Data were collected to corroborate the findings of the first assessment and to study certain aspects of the problems they posed.Sample retesting of children vaccinated in the mass campaign reveals a higher and less variable allergy than that reported from the preliminary assessment work. The results indicate that a uniform and reasonably high level of allergy has been induced in Indian schoolchildren vaccinated in the campaign period assessed and that deficiencies in the tuberculin test by which the allergy was measured rather than defects of vaccine or vaccination technique were responsible for the disappointing variability initially reported.Testing of unvaccinated village populations in Madras and Mysore confirms previous observations that low-grade, non-specific tuberculin sensitivity is widely prevalent in South India, making it virtually impossible to separate the infected from the uninfected with the tuberculin tests in use today. The development of new techniques for use in areas where the low-grade, non-specific sensitivity is widespread is discussed. PMID- 13489465 TI - Interpretation of tuberculin reactions in populations with a high proportion of BCG-vaccinated persons. AB - In recent years there has been an apparent increase in the frequency with which inconsistent results are obtained in the routine tuberculin-testing carried out at the Central Tuberculosis Dispensary in Copenhagen. The author describes an investigation which was undertaken to find out the cause of these conflicting results. In this study, about a thousand non-tuberculous people, many of whom had previously been vaccinated with BCG, were tested by one of two different techniques. In another similar group of people, 300 tuberculin reactions were each read independently by three nurses.The pattern of tuberculin sensitivity observed among the nonvaccinated differed from that observed among the vaccinated. Whereas the reactions of the former could, with fair accuracy, be classified as "positive" or "negative" according to their size, those of the latter showed a unimodal distribution by size, so that any such classification was necessarily arbitrary. Moreover, it was found that many of the vaccinated individuals tended to give positive and negative reactions alternately to successive tests, owing to random variations in the testing techniques.The author concludes that it is impracticable to divide BCG-vaccinated people into "positives" and "negatives", and draws a parallel with populations in tropical countries, where the presence of "non-specific" sensitivity renders tuberculin testing unreliable as a diagnostic tool. PMID- 13489466 TI - Effect of intradermal tuberculin tests on BCG-induced allergy. AB - Trials are going forward to determine whether intradermal tuberculin testing with 10 TU at yearly intervals after BCG vaccination may prevent waning of BCG-induced allergy in schoolchildren. Meanwhile, two experiments to the same purpose, carried out in guinea-pigs, are described. They show that waning allergy in guinea-pigs can be sustantially enhanced by intradermal injection of either purified tuberculin or Old Tuberculin, the effect lasting for at least 8 weeks, even with so small a dose as 5 TU. It is pointed out that this enhancing effect has been demonstrated only in BCG-vaccinated guinea-pigs and that it is not known whether the same phenomenon would occur in guinea-pigs infected with living human tubercle bacilli. PMID- 13489467 TI - Further studies on the adjuvant for dried BCG vaccine. AB - The authors describe some recent investigations undertaken in Japan with the object of finding an adjuvant for dried BCG vaccine which would make it possible for the vaccine to be stored at room temperature in tropical countries without suffering any serious loss of viability.The first series of experiments, carried out with sodium glutamate as adjuvant, was designed to determine the effect of the concentration of adjuvant, the concentration of bacilli, the pH of the bacterial suspension, and the method of freeze-drying on the preservability of the vaccine. The sucrose vaccine in current use in Japan served as a control. In the light of the results, the authors make certain suggestions as to the optimum conditions for freeze-drying, but they stress that their proposals are tentative and that further research on the subject is needed.In the second series of experiments the authors investigated the adjuvant properties of certain organic acids known to be involved in the metabolic reactions of the tubercle bacillus. Reasonably good results were obtained with alpha-ketoglutaric, malic, lactic, and citric acids, but none of these substances proved to be as satisfactory an adjuvant as sodium glutamate for storage at 37 degrees C. PMID- 13489468 TI - Effect of storage at 37 degrees C on allergenic potency of dried BCG vaccine. AB - Experiments were carried out to determine the effect of storage at 37 degrees C on the allergenic potency for humans of dried BCG vaccine. From four lots of liquid vaccine, eight kinds of dried vaccine were prepared, four with 1% sodium glutamate and four with 1% sucrose as adjuvant. The eight vaccines were stored at 5 degrees C and at 37 degrees C for periods ranging from 1 month to 9 months, and were then used for the inoculation of primary-school children in Tokyo. These children were tuberculin-tested 1, 3 or 4 and, in a few cases, 12 months after vaccination, and the reactions were read approximately 48 hours after the tuberculin injection had been given.The tuberculin reactions induced by inoculation of the glutamate vaccines stored at 37 degrees C were, in all cases, appreciably stronger than those induced by the sucrose vaccines after storage at the same temperature for the same period. A slight decrease in the potency of the glutamate vaccines was observed after storage for 3 months at 37 degrees C, but storage for 1 month at this temperature did not appear to have any adverse effect on the potency. PMID- 13489469 TI - A FIELD trial of freeze-dried glutamate BCG vaccine; preliminary report. AB - A field trial of dried BCG vaccine prepared with sodium glutamate as adjuvant was carried out by the WHO/UNICEF Tuberculosis Survey Team for West Africa in Ilorin, Nigeria, in April 1956. This trial-the first of a series of studies being undertaken jointly by the WHO Tuberculosis Research Office and the Japan Anti Tuberculosis Association-was designed to test the heat-stability of the new dried vaccine.The allergenic potency six months after vaccination of two different lots of glutamate vaccine stored under various temperature conditions was compared with that of a batch of fresh liquid vaccine stored at 2-4 degrees C. The results showed both lots of dried vaccine to be remarkably heat-stable: even after 30 days' exposure to tropical temperatures, no marked loss of allergenic potency was observed. PMID- 13489470 TI - Further studies on BCG vaccine prepared by tween 80 method with particular reference to effect of freeze-drying. AB - The immunizing potency of liquid BCG vaccine prepared by the Tween 80 method was compared with that of control vaccine prepared by the usual grinding method. The former vaccine revealed higher immunizing properties than the latter although its inoculation dose was only one-fifth as great.With sodium glutamate as adjuvant, freeze-drying was carried out on both vaccines. The viability of the resulting dried product was higher with the Tween 80 vaccine than with the control vaccine up to 12 months' preservation at 5 degrees C, and the allergenic potency of the dried Tween 80 vaccine stored at 5 degrees C was higher than that of the control vaccine. When the dried vaccine was preserved at 37 degrees C for a long period, the degree of decrease in viability was more marked in the Tween 80 vaccine than in the control vaccine. PMID- 13489471 TI - Enumeration of viable tubercle bacilli (BCG) by the roll-tube method; use of a serumagar medium. AB - A serum-agar medium for the enumeration of viable tubercle bacilli (BCG) by the roll-tube method is described. The only ingredients required are distilled water, serum, phosphates, agar, and, depending on the type of agar used, iron. The serum is used as diluent for the bacillary suspension under test, so that it and the inoculum are added together to the agar solution in the roll-tubes. The phosphates are essential for growth, aid the formation of a firm agar gel, and serve to buffer the medium at about pH 6.3. The phosphate buffer solution is used as solvent for the agar. Eight out of nine commercial agar preparations tested yielded media which would not support optimal growth unless extra iron (ferric chloride) was added; a concentration of 33 mug of additional iron per ml in the final medium proved satisfactory.Using the index of dispersion as criterion, the variability between replicate counts in a series of 200 observations was found to be of the expected order. PMID- 13489472 TI - Interpretation of tuberculosis infection age curves. AB - The percentage of tuberculin reactors, by age, is sometimes used in the epidemiology of tuberculosis as one measure of the tuberculosis problem in a population. Whereas such data are useful for determining the load of infection in communities, it is shown in this paper that only in very few instances do they lend themselves to a quantitative determination of the risk of infection. Such data are, therefore, of limited epidemiological value, and the author suggests other types of data which could give more useful information.The results of tuberculin-testing obtained in sixteen mass BCG campaigns, from 1948 to 1951, have been used to illustrate the problems under discussion. PMID- 13489473 TI - [Gastroduodenal ulcers during delta-cortisone therapy]. PMID- 13489474 TI - [Action of cortisone administered systemically & hydrocortisone administered locally on suppurated pericarditis]. PMID- 13489475 TI - [Edematous diseases of adults with pleurisy & pericarditis treated with delta cortisone]. PMID- 13489476 TI - [Lepromatous leprosy treated with synthetic D-cycloserine: results after 5 months of treatment]. PMID- 13489477 TI - [Secondary arterial hypertension with thrombosis of the inferior venae cava]. PMID- 13489478 TI - [Thrombosis of the inferior vena cava during lipoid nephrosis in the adult]. PMID- 13489480 TI - [Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia following total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13489479 TI - [Iliocava phlebothrombosis during periarteritis nodosa]. PMID- 13489481 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489482 TI - [Very severe digestive hemorrhage (melena) of indetermined origin treated by prefrontal electrocoagulation]. PMID- 13489483 TI - [Bilateral prefrontal infiltration in a case of Wallenberg's syphilitic syndrome with paralysis of deglutition, pulmonary inundation, coma, repeated massive hematemesis & cardiovascular collapse; recovery]. PMID- 13489484 TI - [Cutaneous leishmaniasis, cutaneous-ganglionic leishmaniasis, and transfusional kala-azar]. PMID- 13489485 TI - [Practical value of radioactive gallium fixation in various bone diseases]. PMID- 13489486 TI - [Presumed idiopathic hypogammaglobulinemia of adults: case report]. PMID- 13489487 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489489 TI - Occupational cancer of the skin. PMID- 13489488 TI - Skin cancer: its causes prevention, and treatment. PMID- 13489490 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489491 TI - CANCER of the skin. PMID- 13489492 TI - Diagnosis of hemorrhagic diseases; evaluation of procedures. I. AB - Careful and complete history and physical examination are essential in the diagnosis of diseases characterized by hemorrhage and are more reliable than laboratory tests for the prediction of the tendency to bleed at the time of surgical operation. Specific questions should be asked about bleeding from various anatomical sites, allergic manifestations, diet, and exposure to poisons and chemical substances. Because hemorrhagic diseases may be hereditary, it is necessary to obtain a family history. If there is a personal or family history of abnormal bleeding, the examiner should obtain exact details about the events immediately preceding the bleeding episodes, the character and duration of the hemorrhage and the response to therapy. The history is particularly important in the case of patients who are to have operation. Failure to obtain a history of past bleeding episodes may be catastrophic. In patients with bleeding tendencies who require operation, the history is valuable in predicting the severity of the bleeding. Physical examination including examination of retina, breast and pelvic organs will often detect evidence of lesions that are helpful in the diagnosis of the primary diseases of which the hemorrhage is a manifestation. The location, distribution, character and number of hemorrhagic lesions are of value in diagnosis and in prognosis. PMID- 13489493 TI - Management of varicose veins during pregnancy. AB - The incidence of recurrences after radical venous operations done during pregnancy or where pregnancy has occurred subsequently is much higher than it is in cases in which pregnancy is not a factor. These discouraging results are due to increased venous pressure, obstruction to the venous drainage of the lower extremities and hormonal factors. The management of varicose veins during pregnancy should be by conservative means consisting of proper elastic support, elevation of the extremities at night and during rest periods in the day, avoiding static dependency of the legs, and control of body weight. In event of venous stasis and severe symptoms of varicosis that cannot be controlled by conservative measures, limited surgical intervention is indicated. This should consist of high ligation and division of the involved venous trunk and the immediate tributaries. Radical extirpation of varicose veins should be reserved until further pregnancy is not contemplated. PMID- 13489494 TI - Pharyngoesophageal diverticula; surgical treatment. AB - A series of 75 cases of pharyngoesophageal diverticula observed at the University of California Hospital between 1920 and 1955 was reviewed. In 64 cases surgical repair by either a one-stage or two-stage operation was carried out. Comparison of the results by both methods appears to justify the opinion that pharyngoesophageal diverticula should be repaired in one stage in practically all instances. PMID- 13489495 TI - Myasthenial gravis; problems in diagnosis. AB - The possibility of myasthenia gravis must be considered in patients persistently complaining of weakness and fatigue. There may be many difficulties and pitfalls in differentiating myasthenia gravis from other disorders in which muscular weakness is a common complaint. Observation of a group of 36 patients with myasthenia gravis, and another group of 30 cases involving the differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, led to a conclusion that a physician should apply criteria carefully before arriving at a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis and instituting drug therapy, since nonmyasthenics may frequently respond with subjective improvement temporarily following administration of cholinergic drugs.Myasthenia gravis may be a more common disorder than was suspected in the past. PMID- 13489496 TI - Psychiatric services in general hospitals: a report of the Northern California Psychiatric Society's committee on the need for psychiatric services in general hospitals. AB - A study made by a special committee appointed for the purpose by the Northern California Psychiatric Society found that a real need exists for local psychiatric services in general hospitals of the Northern California area. Such services can be provided readily-and in some communities are already available. A broad segment of the population looks to the general hospital to provide diagnosis and care and so enable the patient's prompt recovery from psychiatric disorders. The study further emphasizes the importance of such factors as a competent psychiatric chief, adequate staff and personnel and good planning in organizing inpatient and outpatient facilities and integrating treatment so that all the functions of the hospital are available to psychiatric patients. Granted these special considerations, the services can be provided more easily than many physicians, including some psychiatrists and administrators, suppose. PMID- 13489497 TI - Long-term management of patients after adrenalectomy. AB - Experience with the long-term medical management of 17 patients previously subjected to surgical adrenalectomy was reviewed. Maintenance adrenal cortical replacement requirements consisted of oral cortisone, 37.5 to 50 mg. daily in all patients; desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), 2 mg. daily, sublingually in all patients; and supplemental sodium chloride, 1 to 4 grams daily, in seven patients. This provides steroids with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid activity and an adequate salt intake. The subjective well-being of the patient was the best indicator of adequate replacement therapy. Under stable conditions, established dosage schedules required surprisingly little adjustment over long periods of time. The primary need of patients without adrenal glands when they are subjected to such stresses as infections, trauma or surgical operation, is for more glucocorticoids. Ordinarily, more DOCA and extra sodium chloride is not required. Mild infections can be dealt with by temporarily increasing the daily oral cortisone requirement, the patient remaining ambulatory. Severe infections with pronounced systemic manifestations require hospitalization and parenteral administration of glucocorticoids. Knowing how long it takes for the various glucocorticoid preparations to take effect and how long they continue to act is important in the management of patients who have had adrenalectomy, particularly in dealing with extraordinary stresses or emergencies. PMID- 13489498 TI - Vascular lesions in sarcoidosis; probable relationship to steroid therapy. AB - In two patients with sarcoidosis treated with cortisone, localized vascular lesions, proven by biopsy, subsequently developed. Vascular lesions occurring in sarcoidosis, basically a granulomatous disease, are rarely described. However, a clinical picture of combined arteritis-sarcoidosis with overlapping features is not infrequently observed. Hence clinical differentiation may be difficult. Some observers suggest an interrelationship, perhaps a common etiological grouping in the hypersensitivity disease classification, because of the basic pathological lesions of granuloma and arteritis. The possible relationship of steroid therapy to the development of diffuse vascular lesions or arteritis appears to be gaining recognition, particularly in the case of susceptible patients with rheumatoid arthritis, although in the two cases here reported the disease for which steroids were administered was sarcoidosis and the arterial lesions observed subsequent to therapy were localized rather than diffuse. Since it seems unlikely that arteritis would be part of the clinical manifestations of sarcoidosis, it is implied that a higher incidence of such lesions (localized or diffuse) may be related to prolonged steroid therapy. PMID- 13489499 TI - Diseases of the heart in a working population; a study of morbidity and mortality in relation to cardiac status and nature of job. AB - A sample consisting of 2,252 persons among 20,199 Los Angeles civil service employees was observed for the occurrence of heart disease. The first examination measured the prevalence. Based upon the diagnosis of 165 cases of heart disease, the prevalence was 73 per 1,000 persons examined. Two reexaminations, at intervals of 12 to 18 months, of persons with normal heart on the first examination were carried out and 52 additional cases were diagnosed. There were also 13 deaths of heart disease in persons first diagnosed as having normal heart, making a total of 65 "new" cases (36.6 per 1,000) during the 30-month period of observation. An annual estimated heart disease incidence of 15 per 1,000 appears reasonable. Based on 89 deaths, the cardiovascular disease death rate was 11 per 1,000 among persons entering the study with normal heart, and 133 per 1,000 persons diagnosed as having heart disease at entry. The ratio of newly diagnosed cases to deaths of heart disease was 4 to 1.Among men diagnosed as having normal heart there was little difference in death rates whether their jobs were physically strenuous or sedentary. Among the men with heart disease, however, the highest death rates are observed among those employed at sedentary jobs and at light exertion. This may, of course, be an indication of the employee's selection of the job rather than the effect of inactivity. The relative usefulness of minifilm x-ray, electrocardiograms and questioning as to history were considered. PMID- 13489500 TI - Aspiration of gastric contents under anesthesia; a review and clinical study. AB - Aspiration of vomitus is one of the leading causes of anesthetic deaths. These deaths can be prevented only by proper evaluation of the patient preoperatively and assuming that any patient dealt with in emergency has a full stomach until proven otherwise. Preliminary observations on the incidence of "silent regurgitation and aspiration" in a series of patients anesthetized for elective operation indicated that by obtaining a smooth induction and preventing any respiratory obstruction during anesthesia, regurgitation and aspiration can be minimized. PMID- 13489501 TI - Phenmetrazine hydrochloride; a clinical evaluation of a new anoretic agent. AB - Phenmetrazine hydrochloride appeared to be a safe anoretic agent and was effective in weight control in 80 per cent of a series of 49 obese patients. Tolerance to the drug did not develop in periods up to 18 weeks of continued treatment. Phenmetrazine was most effective in patients under 45 years of age in this series. Side effects were minimal and easily controlled. No allergic or toxic effects were noted. PMID- 13489502 TI - Acute encephalitis and death following Asian influenza. PMID- 13489503 TI - Intraepidermal cancer of the anus; evolution to invasive growth. PMID- 13489504 TI - FOREIGN interns and residents. PMID- 13489506 TI - Indications for lumbosacral fusion. AB - In cases in which operation is indicated, the author advocates routine fusion of the lumbosacral joint in all cases of protrusion of the 5th lumbar disc, providing the spine above that level is considered essentially normal.He would do spinal fusion in all cases-provided operation were indicated-in which the primary complaint was that of low back pain and in which sciatic pain was absent or minimal. In such cases, the fusion area should extend as far as necessary to include the portion of the spine involved in pathologic change. Only in exceptional cases would spinal fusion be done in patients more than 50 years of age. With the exceptions noted, all patients requiring reoperation should have the benefits of lumbosacral fusion. PMID- 13489507 TI - Diagnosis of hemorrhagic diseases; evaluation of procedures. II. Preoperative tests. AB - Routine preoperative tests such as the determination of bleeding time and coagulation time are unnecessary and are not recommended. Rulings which require routine preoperative tests result in the adoption of inferior and unreliable time saving methods in the laboratory. If the clinical staff insists that laboratory procedures to predict hemorrhage be performed on every patient scheduled for operation, approved methods of performing the tests should be employed. Preoperative procedures should include a personal and a family history, a careful and complete physical examination and screening laboratory tests such as urinalysis, hematocrit, leukocyte count and smear examination, including estimation of the number of thrombocytes. Special hemorrhagic studies are indicated on selected patients. These selected patients include those who have a history of abnormal bleeding, those who consider themselves "easy bleeders" or who have apprehension concerning hemorrhage at the time of operation, and those who have physical signs of hemorrhage. Special hemorrhagic studies should also be performed on patients who have diseases that are known to be associated with vascular and coagulation abnormalities, infants who have not been subjected to tests of trauma and on patients from whom a reliable history cannot be obtained. Extra precaution should be taken if operation is to be performed in hospitals or clinics that do not have adequate blood banking facilities and if the operation to be performed is one in which difficulty in hemostasis is anticipated. THE PREOPERATIVE TESTS THAT ARE INDICATED ON SELECTED PATIENTS SHOULD INCLUDE AS A MINIMUM: The thrombocyte count, determination of the bleeding time by the Ivy method, determination of the coagulation time by the multiple tube method and the observation of the clot. Where facilities are available, the hemorrhagic study should also include the plasma and serum prothrombin activity tests. PMID- 13489505 TI - Chronic disabling respiratory disease; ends and means of study. AB - In the program of research into the natural history of coalworkers' pneumoconiosis now being carried out in Great Britain, emphasis is being put upon the importance of sharpening and validating means for early diagnosis, and upon the need for follow-up studies upon properly selected population samples. Existing information from morbidity and mortality figures from chronic bronchitis and emphysema in Great Britain suggests that atmosphere pollutants are important etiological factors. A parallel is drawn between the course of events in pneumoconiosis, in which dust retention in the lungs does not greatly disable until complicated by tuberculous infection, and a hypothesis that bronchitis is a hypersecretion of bronchial mucus caused by atmospheric irritants and does not disable but encourages secondary infection which may cause emphysema. This hypothesis requires testing by follow-up studies of population samples exposed to various environmental influences. It is suggested that in order to bring this common and disabling disease under control, clinicians must widen their interests beyond the confines of the hospital walls. PMID- 13489509 TI - Group psychotherapy for criminal offenders; a program for parolees under social psychological coercion. AB - Selected prisoners, most of them with severe character disorders, are permitted to serve the remaining portion of their sentence on parole in the community on condition that they be patients in psychotherapy at a psychiatric clinic created in 1953 for this purpose. Nearly all the patients begin without personal motivation for such treatment. Attendance has been attained because parole officers are assigned to the task of enforcing attendance. Coercion can bring these reluctant patients to expose themselves to treatment, but staff members then have the task to overcome hostility, combat extensive rationalizations, and transform an initially poor rapport into patient participation in working through major personality change. This clinic provides an interesting laboratory for the development of a psychiatric treatment program for adults who have not responded well to a great variety of forms of correctional care. PMID- 13489508 TI - Cobalt folliculitis. AB - Clinical observations in 60 cases of folliculitis or pronounced activation of acne in patients taking cobalt led to conclusion that the development or aggravation of the dermal lesions were owing to ingestion of the metal. The dermal manifestations abated when use of cobalt was discontinued. Active acne is considered a contraindication to the use of vitamin-iron-mineral supplements containing cobalt. Short courses of antibiotics in addition to regular acne regimen helped shorten the course of the eruption. PMID- 13489510 TI - Ectopic pregnancy; early diagnosis, clinical errors and conservative operation. AB - This report of eight years' experience with extrauterine pregnancy by a single gynecologist is an exposition of how the diagnosis was made or why it was missed. Of 26 diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy, five were false (20 per cent); and in three cases (10 per cent) the diagnosis was not made promptly-a total error of 30 per cent. Ectopic pregnancy will be discovered earlier if obstetric patients are always examined shortly after missing the first menstrual period.A palpable adnexal mass was present in 19 of 21 ectopic pregnancies (90 per cent). A mass was palpable in only one of five cases erroneously diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy (20 per cent).Decidual casts were passed by four patients, two of whom did not have ectopic pregnancy. If two gynecologists do not agree on the question of extrauterine pregnancy, a third opinion should be sought or culdoscopy employed. Enucleation of the conceptus and salvage of the oviduct is advocated. PMID- 13489511 TI - Nerve lesions in industry; atrophy of disuse as a confusing element in diagnosis; the value of electromyogrphy. AB - Traumatic peripheral nerve lesions characteristically result in denervation muscular atrophy. Atrophy of disuse may take place concomitantly, either proximal, adjacent to or distal to the denervation muscular atrophy. The degree of atrophy of disuse depends upon the severity of the nerve lesion. Clinically, it is difficult to determine where true denervation muscular atrophy ends and accompanying atrophy of disuse begins. In such circumstances a clinician may be misled into belief that the cause of so apparently extensive a lesion is elsewhere. The patient then is often submitted to other complex diagnostic procedures and treatments. This difficulty can usually be dissipated by the use of electromyography, for each specific type of muscular atrophy produces its own characteristic electromyographic changes. Disuse atrophy produces no changes in electrical activity, whereas denervation atrophy manifests itself by typical denervation activity. Moreover it is possible to determine what part of muscular atrophy in a given area is owing to damage to a nerve and what part is owing only to disuse without denervation. PMID- 13489512 TI - Nervous complications of exanthem subitum. AB - For many years it was generally believed that all convulsions associated with exanthem subitum were febrile in origin. More recently several investigators have suggested that the causative agent of this disease has a selective action on brain tissue aside from the effect of high temperature. In support of this concept are a variety of neurological manifestations sometimes observed during the course of exanthem subitum. These include prolonged and repeated convulsions, hemiparesis, headache, vomiting, bulging fontanelle, vertigo, cervical rigidity, extreme irritability and a reversal of the time of sleep. Abnormalities in the spinal fluid have been reported on a few occasions. By chance the authors observed a case of exanthem subitum that began with a prolonged and severe afebrile convulsion and transient left hemiparesis. Serial electroencephalograms showed a focal lesion with suppression and slowing in the right parietal area. Behavior disorders of brief duration were noted. This case is interpreted as additional evidence of the presence of an encephalitic process. The nature of the cerebral lesion remains unknown. The remote possibility of disturbed behavior in later life deserves consideration. PMID- 13489513 TI - The role of pediatricians in general hospitals. AB - Besides the responsibilities of his own personal patients, the pediatrician has a community responsibility toward the hospital which is his workshop. His area of interest may include proper standards in the field of newborn and premature care, and control of communicable disease and hospital-acquired infection not only in the nursery but in the entire hospital-particularly staphylococcal infections. Finally, the pediatrician should see to it that not only the pediatric ward but the hospital as a whole, and the personnel working in it, provide a suitable emotional climate for the sick child. PMID- 13489514 TI - Intra-abdominal injuries. AB - With the increase in mechanization, the incidence of intra-abdominal injury is increasing. Bleeding, contamination or impairment of function of an intra abdominal organ must be diagnosed early and dealt with immediately. Serial determination of hemoglobin and cell volume of the blood are useful diagnostic procedures. The older teachings of waiting for a patient to recover from shock before operating are to be decried. Immediate operative intervention to close a ruptured stomach, bowel or bladder, or to suture or remove may be necessary to save the life of the patient. PMID- 13489515 TI - Multicentric paragangliomas; vagal and carotid body tumors. PMID- 13489516 TI - Successful completion of pregnancy in a patient with a Hufnagle valve. PMID- 13489517 TI - Osteochondrodystrophy (Morquio-Brailsford type); occurrence in three siblings. PMID- 13489518 TI - Adrenal cyst. PMID- 13489520 TI - The adrenal cortex. PMID- 13489519 TI - Analysis of your professional liability insurance policy. AB - The most important lessons for the physician to learn in regard to his professional liability insurance coverage are the following:1. The physician should carefully read his professional liability policy and should secure the educated aid of his attorney and his insurance broker, if they are conversant with this field.2. He should particularly read the definition of coverage and carefully survey the exclusion clauses which may deny him coverage under certain circumstances.3. If the physician is in partnership or in a group, he should be certain that he has contingent partnership coverage.4. The physician should accept coverage only from an insurance carrier of sufficient size and stability that he can be sure his coverage will be guaranteed for "latent liability" claims as the years go along-certainly for his lifetime.5. The insurance carrier offering the professional liability policy should be prepared to offer coverages up to at least $100,000/$300,000.6. The physician should be assured that the insurance carrier has claims-handling personnel and legal counsel who are experienced and expert in the professional liability field and who are locally available for service.7. The physician is best protected by a local or state group program, next best by a national group program, and last, by individual coverage.8. The physician should look with suspicion on a cancellation clause in which his policy may be summarily cancelled on brief notice.9. The physician should not buy professional liability insurance on the basis of price alone; adequacy of coverage and service and a good insurance company for his protection should be the deciding factors. PMID- 13489521 TI - Anaesthesia in adrenocortical hyperfunction. PMID- 13489522 TI - Postoperative treatment with artificial respiration of two thoracic surgical patients. PMID- 13489523 TI - The phrenic reflex in epidural analgesia. PMID- 13489524 TI - Sedation of children for cardiac catheterization with an ataractic mixture. PMID- 13489525 TI - An appraisal of the present treatment of barbiturate poisoning. PMID- 13489526 TI - Epidural and nerve block anaesthesia with sympocaine. PMID- 13489527 TI - Anaesthesia for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children. PMID- 13489528 TI - Pneumoperitoneum: a complication of nasal oxygen therapy; a case report. PMID- 13489529 TI - Preoperative examination and preparation of problem patients. PMID- 13489530 TI - LEONARD SHELDON BARTLETT. PMID- 13489531 TI - William Easson Brown. PMID- 13489532 TI - Of eternal merit. PMID- 13489533 TI - The art of making-do. PMID- 13489534 TI - Cholesterol in the diet. PMID- 13489535 TI - Statistics: can they forecast future health needs. PMID- 13489536 TI - The Ontario Commission and its hospital insurance program. PMID- 13489538 TI - Hospital accreditation. PMID- 13489537 TI - From Gold Coast to Ghana. PMID- 13489539 TI - With the Red Cross in Vienna. PMID- 13489540 TI - Teamwork in action. PMID- 13489541 TI - The working-together spirit. PMID- 13489542 TI - Bacillus stearothermophilus in herring stickwater. PMID- 13489543 TI - The enumeration of thermophilic bacteria by the plate count method. PMID- 13489544 TI - The fermentation of L-erythrulose by Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13489545 TI - Amidomycin, a new antibiotic from a streptomyces species; production, isolation, assay, and biological properties. PMID- 13489546 TI - Some vitamin and amino acid interrelationships in Escherichia coli 113-3. I. The inhibitory effects of cystine and cysteinesulphinic acid. PMID- 13489547 TI - Studies on the antigenic structure of Histoplasma capsulatum. PMID- 13489549 TI - Survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula suspended in various solutions and dried in air. PMID- 13489548 TI - The use of agarase from Pseudomonas atlantica in the identification of agar in marine algae (Rhodophyceae). PMID- 13489550 TI - The asparagine deamidase of Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus stearothermophilus. PMID- 13489551 TI - Study of a plaque variation of Bacillus megaterium phage. PMID- 13489552 TI - Some metabolic effects of adenovirus infection in HeLa cells. PMID- 13489553 TI - Antigenic analysis of dissociants and serological types of Pasteurella multocida. PMID- 13489554 TI - The treatment of emotionally disturbed children. PMID- 13489555 TI - Multiple sclerosis. PMID- 13489556 TI - Role of the occupational therapist on the amputee treatment team. PMID- 13489557 TI - Reactive and conditioned inhibition in perceptual-motor performance. PMID- 13489558 TI - The Taylor scale, hunger, and verbal learning. PMID- 13489559 TI - Age in the development of closure ability in children. PMID- 13489560 TI - Age differences in empathic ability among children. PMID- 13489561 TI - Verbal organization in the lines test. PMID- 13489562 TI - Effect of morphine on the exploratory drive. PMID- 13489563 TI - Threshold of visual recognition and its relation to harmonic EEG response to flicker. PMID- 13489564 TI - Effect of glutamic acid on the learning ability of bright and dull rats: III. Effect of varying dosages. PMID- 13489565 TI - Looking at the tuberculosis problem: a symposium. PMID- 13489566 TI - Quality control of medical care under a prepaid plan. PMID- 13489567 TI - An outbreak of typhoid fever among new immigrants to Canada. PMID- 13489568 TI - The stability of mixtures of old tuberculin and epinephrine as prepared for the Heaf test. PMID- 13489569 TI - The role of the food and drug inspector in sanitation. PMID- 13489570 TI - Lung abscess. PMID- 13489571 TI - [Prescalenic biopsy: analysis of 30 cases] PMID- 13489572 TI - An evaluation of scalene node biopsy. PMID- 13489573 TI - Megacolon in infants and children. PMID- 13489574 TI - Physiological considerations in gastric surgery. PMID- 13489575 TI - The immediate local complications of gastrectomy. PMID- 13489576 TI - The postgastrectomy syndrome: the place of enteroenterostomy in treatment. PMID- 13489577 TI - On the prophylaxis of tetanus. PMID- 13489578 TI - Abdominal and pelvic paraffinomatosis: peritoneal and retroperitoneal. PMID- 13489579 TI - Mucocele of the vermiform appendix with pseudomyxoma peritonei: treatment of four cases with radioactive colloidal gold. PMID- 13489580 TI - The role of the greater omentum in suppurative epiploitis due to swallowed foreign bodies. PMID- 13489581 TI - Congenital diverticulum of the left ventricle of the heart. PMID- 13489582 TI - Heterotopic pancreatic tissue in wall of duodenum associated with bleeding duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13489583 TI - Spontaneous perforation of the normal colon. PMID- 13489584 TI - Congenital cyst of the rectum. PMID- 13489585 TI - Periureteral fibrosis. PMID- 13489586 TI - Edward Archibald; 1872-1945. PMID- 13489587 TI - Encephalitis: historical review and perspective. PMID- 13489588 TI - Nasal carriage of staphylococcus pyogenes by student nurses. PMID- 13489589 TI - Diethylstitboestrol in the treatment of inoperable carcinoma of the prostate: a preliminary report. PMID- 13489590 TI - Appendicectomy: a correlation of the preoperative and pathological diagnoses in 1127 operations. PMID- 13489591 TI - The practical value of phonocardiography. PMID- 13489592 TI - Salvage resections for pulmonary tuberculosis. PMID- 13489593 TI - [Chronic idiopathic jaundice with unidentified pigment in liver cells (Dubin Johnson syndrome)]. PMID- 13489594 TI - Severe sensitivity reaction (hepatitis, dermatitis and pyrexia) attributable to phenylindanedione. PMID- 13489595 TI - Intrathoracic leiomyosarcoma. PMID- 13489596 TI - Trichophyton rubrum infections of the lower legs. PMID- 13489597 TI - Clinical evaluation of sterosan in infantile eczema. PMID- 13489598 TI - Transfusions are dangerous. PMID- 13489599 TI - Recent trends in hysterectomy in gynaecological and obstetric practice. PMID- 13489600 TI - Indications for gynaecological surgery. PMID- 13489601 TI - The clinical course of acute renal failure; observations on 54 cases. PMID- 13489603 TI - Ludwig's angina. PMID- 13489602 TI - The significance of an apical systolic murmur in mitral stenosis. PMID- 13489604 TI - ASSESSMENT of drug toxicity in Canada. PMID- 13489605 TI - Serological reactions to polysaccharides in rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13489606 TI - The significance of states of apparent or assumed intellectual inadequacy in the diagnosis of mental defect. PMID- 13489607 TI - The problem of the secondary gain patient in medical practice. PMID- 13489608 TI - Primary suture of the common bile duct; comparison with cases treated by standard methods. PMID- 13489609 TI - Participation of the adrenals in the production of renal and cardiac lesions by cold. PMID- 13489610 TI - Perphenazine (trilafon) therapy: a pilot study. PMID- 13489611 TI - An investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding. PMID- 13489612 TI - Some basic features of open-heart surgery using the bubble oxygenator. PMID- 13489613 TI - Fundamentals in the care of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis. PMID- 13489614 TI - The influence of waiting periods on the costs of hospital care insurance. PMID- 13489615 TI - Needless loss of vision: its prevention. PMID- 13489617 TI - Hemiplegic migraine. PMID- 13489616 TI - The early detection of glaucoma; results of 2000 routine tonometries. PMID- 13489618 TI - Tularaemia in British Columbia. PMID- 13489619 TI - The leprosy problem in Canada with report of a case. PMID- 13489620 TI - Admissions of geriatric cases to a mental hospital. PMID- 13489621 TI - An immunological study of the Canadian Eskimo. PMID- 13489622 TI - The immune status of poliomyelitis patients. PMID- 13489623 TI - Generalized North American blastomycosis. PMID- 13489624 TI - Ringworm in Southwestern Ontario caused by Trichophyton verrucosum. PMID- 13489625 TI - Home care; the hospital in the home. PMID- 13489627 TI - Deafness in children. PMID- 13489626 TI - A new coumarin, 3-(1'-phenylpropyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin (marcumar). PMID- 13489628 TI - Obstetrics at Cook County Hospital. PMID- 13489629 TI - DR. W. J. P. MACMILLAN. PMID- 13489630 TI - Systemic mediators of surgical injury. PMID- 13489631 TI - Treatment of the chronic paranoid schizophrenic patient. PMID- 13489632 TI - The clinical and metabolic effects of glucagon. PMID- 13489634 TI - The BCG strain: newer knowledge of its biology and identification. PMID- 13489633 TI - The treatment of hepatolenticular degeneration with penicillamine; with report of two cases. PMID- 13489635 TI - The diagnostic importance of the myxoedema reflex (Woltman's sign). PMID- 13489636 TI - A natural warm autoantibody. PMID- 13489637 TI - Hydramnios. PMID- 13489638 TI - Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. PMID- 13489639 TI - Bilateral agenesis of the kidneys. PMID- 13489640 TI - Para-umbilical rupture of the linea alba, caused by ascites. PMID- 13489641 TI - Testicular tumours. PMID- 13489642 TI - Doctor-patient relationship or doctor-public relationship. PMID- 13489643 TI - Therapeutic trial of iproniazid (marsilid) in depressed and apathetic patients. PMID- 13489644 TI - INDICATOR-DILUTION curves in cardiovascular diagnosis. PMID- 13489645 TI - Integration of medical services, Canadian Armed Forces. PMID- 13489646 TI - Recent advances in dermatologic therapy. PMID- 13489647 TI - The use and abuse of the tranquillizers. PMID- 13489648 TI - How can the nurse understand herself. PMID- 13489649 TI - What each expects of nursing education. PMID- 13489650 TI - [Role of oxygen in physiology]. PMID- 13489651 TI - Retrolental fibroplasia. PMID- 13489653 TI - The surgical assessment and treatment of chronic peptic ulceration. PMID- 13489652 TI - Clinical experience with tolbutamide in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13489654 TI - Amyloidosis secondary to paraplegia. PMID- 13489655 TI - And their work continueth. PMID- 13489656 TI - Immune response in patients with cancer. PMID- 13489657 TI - Body-composition changes in patients with advanced cancer. PMID- 13489658 TI - Autoradiographic visualization of radiocalcium and radiosulfur in vitro uptake by bone tumors. PMID- 13489659 TI - Hormonal therapy in cancer of the breast. XI. The effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on clinical course and hormonal excretion. PMID- 13489660 TI - Hormonal therapy in cancer of the breast. XII. The effect of etiocholanolone therapy on clinical course and hormonal excretion. PMID- 13489661 TI - The endocrine dependency of certain thyroid cancers and the danger that hypothyroidism may stimulate their growth. PMID- 13489662 TI - Pharmacological and initial therapeutic observations on 6-diazo-5-oxo-1 norleucine (DON) in human neoplastic disease. PMID- 13489663 TI - Intraosseous lipoma of bone. PMID- 13489664 TI - Spontaneous tumors including gastrointestinal neoplasms and malignant melanomas, in the Syrian hamster. PMID- 13489665 TI - Osteoblastic hyperplasia of bone; a histochemical appraisal of fibrous dysplasia of bone. PMID- 13489666 TI - The frequency and risk of metastases in squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin. PMID- 13489667 TI - The effects of radiation on extraction-wound healing in the rat. PMID- 13489668 TI - Bilateral simultaneous occurrence of primary squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung. PMID- 13489669 TI - On mucoepidermoid tumors of different sites. PMID- 13489670 TI - A study of tobacco carcinogenesis. II. Dose-response studies. PMID- 13489671 TI - A study of tobacco carcinogenesis. III. Filtered cigarettes. PMID- 13489672 TI - A study of tobacco carcinogenesis. IV. Different tobacco types. PMID- 13489673 TI - Polyps of the rectum and colon in children. PMID- 13489674 TI - Miliary tuberculosis occurring in patients with malignant lymphoma; a potential hazard of therapy. PMID- 13489675 TI - Chemodectoma of the glomus intravagale (vagal-body tumor). PMID- 13489676 TI - Carcinoma of the prostate with metastases to breasts and testis; critical review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13489678 TI - Malignant Brenner tumors of ovary; with report of three cases. PMID- 13489677 TI - Microscopic properties of whole mounts and sections of human bronchial epithelium of smokers and nonsmokers. PMID- 13489679 TI - Plasmacytoma of lymph glands. PMID- 13489680 TI - Transplantable human cancers. PMID- 13489681 TI - Identification of neoplastic cells in cerebrospinal fluid by a wet-film method. PMID- 13489682 TI - A study of the etiological factors in cancer of the mouth. PMID- 13489683 TI - CONTROL of radiation hazards. PMID- 13489684 TI - PLEURAL biopsy. PMID- 13489685 TI - ABDOMINAL pain. PMID- 13489686 TI - SELECTION of treatment in breast cancer. PMID- 13489687 TI - DIAGNOSIS of lung cancer. PMID- 13489688 TI - PRIMARY carcinoma of the vagina. PMID- 13489690 TI - TRANSFUSION reaction. PMID- 13489689 TI - FALLACIES in individual prognosis. PMID- 13489691 TI - Contributions of tissue culture studies to an understanding of the biology of cancer: a review. PMID- 13489692 TI - Nucleic acid precursors and nucleotides in normal and leukemic blood. I. comparison of formic acid chromatograms. PMID- 13489693 TI - Growth hormone and tumor phospholipide effects on tumor and body growth. PMID- 13489694 TI - Early changes in rat liver and kidney cells induced by thioacetamide. PMID- 13489695 TI - Growth-promoting factor in exudates, mechanism of repair, and preneoplastic-like responses. PMID- 13489696 TI - Mortality of mice as affected by variation of the x-ray dose and number of nucleated rat bone marrow cells injected. PMID- 13489697 TI - Reduction of theta-aminolevulinic acid dehydrase activity in the livers of tumor bearing animals. PMID- 13489698 TI - Tobacco smoking, motor exhaust fumes, and general air pollution in relation to lung cancer incidence. PMID- 13489699 TI - The effect of feeding 2-acetylaminofluorene on ribonuclease activity in the serum and liver mitochondria of rats. PMID- 13489700 TI - Glucose-6-phosphate utilization in hepatoma, regenerating and newborn rat liver, and in the liver of fed and fasted normal rats. PMID- 13489701 TI - Arginase activity and nucleic acid content in mamary adenocarcinoma and normal homologous tissue of C3H mice. PMID- 13489702 TI - A transplantable rat liver tumor induced by 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene. PMID- 13489703 TI - Regression of human metastatic mammary cancer induced by 3-methyicholanthrene. PMID- 13489705 TI - Comprehensive screening for carcinogenesis. PMID- 13489704 TI - Effects of combinations of azaserine and of 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine with purine analogs and other antimetabolites on the growth of two mouse mammary carcinomas. PMID- 13489706 TI - Preparation and cultivation of primary human amnion cells. PMID- 13489707 TI - Transformation of cells from the normal human amnion into established strains. PMID- 13489708 TI - Proliferative changes in the trophoblast following ovariectomy and fetectomy in the rat. PMID- 13489709 TI - Experimental production of carcinoma with cigarette tar. IV. Successful experiments with rabbits. PMID- 13489710 TI - Partial regression of a solid tumor with multi-compound chemotherapy. PMID- 13489711 TI - The action of the phenylalanine mustards and of several homologs on mouse melanoma. PMID- 13489712 TI - Studies of D-amino acid oxidase. PMID- 13489713 TI - Metabolism of neoplastic tissue XII. Effects of glucose concentration on respiration and glycolysis of ascites tumor cells. PMID- 13489714 TI - Uptake of radioactive phosphorus in experimental tumors. II. effect of vascularity on radioactive uptake in neoplastic, inflammatory, and normal ocular tissue. PMID- 13489715 TI - A role for chemotherapy as an adjunct to surgery. PMID- 13489716 TI - Serial transplantation of Krebs-2 and Ehrlich ascites tumors to rats. PMID- 13489717 TI - The inability of sarcoma RD3 to utilize D-histidine for protein synthesis. PMID- 13489719 TI - Nitrogen mustard and triethylene melamine content in normal and tumor tissues after intra-arterial and intravenous injection in rats. PMID- 13489718 TI - Comparison of transhydrogenase and pyridine nucleotide-cytochrome c reductase activities in rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma. PMID- 13489720 TI - Experimental studies with actinomycin D. PMID- 13489721 TI - Immunohistochemical staining properties of human skin and some related tumors. PMID- 13489722 TI - [Peculiarities of renal water and electrolyte excretion in essential hypertension]. PMID- 13489723 TI - [Changes in the electrolytes and in electrocardiography in hyperventilation]. PMID- 13489724 TI - [Modifications of the U-wave in the electrocardiogram in a rabbit. I. Caused by changes in ventricular filing]. PMID- 13489725 TI - [Pathological pulmonary vein with a veno-venous shunt]. PMID- 13489726 TI - [Detection of an anastomosis between the pulmonary artery and bronchial vein during cardiac catheterization]. PMID- 13489727 TI - [Hemodynamics of atrial septal defect (persistent ostium secundum) before and after closure by circumclusio defectus septi interatriensis after sondergaard]. PMID- 13489728 TI - [Observations on treatment of bradycardia with sodium lactate]. PMID- 13489729 TI - [Clinical peculiarities of mitral disease with an acute onset as a sequel of atrial tumors]. PMID- 13489730 TI - [Clinical manifestations in aged and their prevention; need for care of middle aged]. PMID- 13489731 TI - [Clinical experiences with a new drug, chlorambucil (CB 1348), in malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13489732 TI - [Rheoplethysmography in determination of changes in cardiac dynamics after work & in working environment of dancers]. PMID- 13489733 TI - [Occupational damages caused by vibrations in spinners]. PMID- 13489734 TI - [Medical experiment on a man in 16th century in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13489735 TI - [Mutual personal relations between Purkine & Goethe]. PMID- 13489736 TI - [Microbiological etiopathogenesis of ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13489737 TI - [Relation of bacillary dysentery and ulcerative colitis in rectoscopy]. PMID- 13489738 TI - [New data on etiopathogenesis of ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13489739 TI - [Relation of ulcerative colitis to cancer of the colon]. PMID- 13489740 TI - [Present status of the treatment of ulcerative colitis]. PMID- 13489741 TI - [Causes and diagnosis of virilism & hirsutism]. PMID- 13489742 TI - [Radiological diagnosis of adrenal tumors]. PMID- 13489743 TI - [Successful plastic surgery for breast hypertrophy]. PMID- 13489744 TI - [Cushing syndrome with narcolepsy & fatal hemorrhage from peptic ulcer]. PMID- 13489745 TI - [Polarography of cervical cycle]. PMID- 13489746 TI - [Present status of pneumonectomy]. PMID- 13489748 TI - [New views on pathology of anemias]. PMID- 13489747 TI - [Adhesiveness of blood platelets in diagnosis of phlebothrombosis]. PMID- 13489749 TI - [Effect of the thyroid gland on glycide metabolism in the kidneys. I. Thyrotoxic glycosuria and mechanism of its appearance]. PMID- 13489750 TI - [Role of the adrenals in immune processes. I. Effect of ACTH on motility of human leukocytes]. PMID- 13489751 TI - [Problem of formation of plasma globulin; case of severe hypoand agammaglobulinemia in adulthood]. PMID- 13489752 TI - [Basic experimental principles for therapy of hepatic anoxia by intestinal oxygen]. PMID- 13489753 TI - [Aortic stenosis; problem of its diagnosis and etiology]. PMID- 13489754 TI - [Certain theoretical aspects of general epidemiology]. PMID- 13489755 TI - [Liberation of tissue factors by streptolysin O]. PMID- 13489756 TI - [Prevention of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13489757 TI - [Endocrine effects on osmotic resistance of the leukocytes]. PMID- 13489758 TI - [Clinical and laboratory findings in chronic inflammations and cirrhosis of the liver. II]. PMID- 13489759 TI - [Teeth coloration as a diagnostic aid]. PMID- 13489760 TI - [Absorption of peroral penicillin preparations]. PMID- 13489761 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489762 TI - [Pathogenesis of adrenal hyperplasia]. PMID- 13489763 TI - [Skeletal changes in pituitary adenoma]. PMID- 13489764 TI - [Sympathicoblastoma with simultaneous adrenogenital syndrome]. PMID- 13489765 TI - [Effect of calcium salt of ethyienediaminetetraacetic acid on lead binding in liver]. PMID- 13489766 TI - [Duodenal motility of the small intestine]. PMID- 13489767 TI - [Effect of cortisone & sodium salicylate on the course of anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs: determination of electrographic changes, myocardial values of potassium and lactic acid, Quick's test, lipoids & vitamin C in adrenal glands]. PMID- 13489768 TI - [Present epidemic of influenza]. PMID- 13489769 TI - [Metabolism of cholesterol, phospholipids & neutral fats in relation to atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13489770 TI - [Surgery of tracheobronchial tract]. PMID- 13489771 TI - [Aldosterone in obstetrics]. PMID- 13489772 TI - [Newer pneumodiagnostic methods in roentgenology. I. Retropneumoperitoneum]. PMID- 13489773 TI - [In memoriam prof. Dr. Frantisek Neuwirt, member of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia, 15 August, 1957]. PMID- 13489774 TI - [Possibility of specific blocking of the lympathic system; pathogenesis & experimental treatment of tetanus]. PMID- 13489775 TI - [Effect of antibiotics & ganglion-blocking agents on infected wounds]. PMID- 13489776 TI - [Clinical importance of Kimbarovski's colored precipitation reaction in complicated examination of patients in various diseases]. PMID- 13489777 TI - [1957 Influenza pandemic]. PMID- 13489778 TI - [Physiology of labor]. PMID- 13489779 TI - [Complement-fixation reaction in toxoplasmosis. I. Basic method with antigen from mouse ascites]. PMID- 13489780 TI - [Use of citrates in blood transfusion]. PMID- 13489781 TI - [Present epidemic of influenza in children]. PMID- 13489782 TI - [Disorders of water and salt metabolism in urological operations and their treatment]. PMID- 13489783 TI - [Determination of proper vital capacity of lungs in children and young people]. PMID- 13489784 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489785 TI - [Treatment with ethanol-barbiturate infusions in psychiatry]. PMID- 13489786 TI - Subdural haematoma in infancy. PMID- 13489787 TI - Chronic brucella pyelonephritis with calcification; short review of the literature and report of a case. PMID- 13489788 TI - The place of the humanities in medical education. PMID- 13489789 TI - The Borradaile Trust, Marandellas. PMID- 13489790 TI - [Cortisone test in the diagnosis of clinically healed & incipient trachoma]. PMID- 13489792 TI - [Evaluation of therapeutic effects of ACTH]. PMID- 13489791 TI - [Penicillin concentration in conjunctival sac after instillation]. PMID- 13489793 TI - [Up-to-date personal experiences with diamox in the treatment of glaucoma]. PMID- 13489794 TI - [Personal experiences with diamox]. PMID- 13489795 TI - [Personal experiences with diamox]. PMID- 13489796 TI - [Personal experiences with diamox]. PMID- 13489797 TI - [Internist's viewpoint on diamox treatment of glaucoma]. PMID- 13489798 TI - [Treatment of caustic injuries of the eye with subconjunctival injections of patient's own blood with penicillin]. PMID- 13489799 TI - [Personal experiences with short-acting anesthetic baytinal]. PMID- 13489801 TI - Ophthalmia sympathica. PMID- 13489800 TI - [Defining phacomatoses]. PMID- 13489803 TI - [Aids in determination of retinal correspondence]. PMID- 13489802 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489804 TI - [Cardio-esophageal syndrome in early infancy]. PMID- 13489805 TI - [Experiences in the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma in children]. PMID- 13489806 TI - [Significance of splenic puncture in the diagnosis of splenomegaly in children]. PMID- 13489807 TI - [Kwashiorkor in a 2 1/4 year old girl]. PMID- 13489808 TI - [Kwashiorkor in a 1 1/2 year old child]. PMID- 13489810 TI - [Variants of Willebrand's disease in a 2-year old boy]. PMID- 13489809 TI - [Anemia caused by goat's milk]. PMID- 13489812 TI - [Symptomatology of lambliasis in children]. PMID- 13489811 TI - [Occurrence of obesity in children treated for rheumatic carditis]. PMID- 13489813 TI - [Unified hospital in pediatrics]. PMID- 13489814 TI - [District pediatric hospitals]. PMID- 13489815 TI - [Stillbirths and mortality of newborn and older infants in 1956]. PMID- 13489816 TI - [Collaborators of Haasz; Al. Bednar. V. Kafka, and M. Pesina in Vienna]. PMID- 13489817 TI - [Experiences at the pediatric ward of the Czechoslovakian hospital in Chonjin in Korea]. PMID- 13489818 TI - [Toxic hemolytic anemia in newborn following naphthalene vapor poisoning]. PMID- 13489819 TI - [Possible familial congenital craniostenosis (dysostosis craniofacialis, Crouzon disease)]. PMID- 13489820 TI - [65th Birthday anniversary of Prof. Stanislav Krakora]. PMID- 13489821 TI - [How long & how often must the cerebrospinal fluid in syphills be controlled in order to prevent late complications of neurosyphilis]. PMID- 13489823 TI - [Nosology of the so-called schizophrenia]. PMID- 13489822 TI - [Electrophoretic spectra of blood & cerebrospinal fluid in various diseases of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13489824 TI - [Problem of marital disharmony from the viewpoint of psychiatric statistics]. PMID- 13489825 TI - [Protective treatment in alcoholism]. PMID- 13489826 TI - [Problems of understanding of crime & of public security]. PMID- 13489827 TI - [Attempted quantitative evaluation of phasic disorders]. PMID- 13489828 TI - [Dermolexy as technic of determination of higher nervous activity]. PMID- 13489829 TI - [Case of Jacob-Creutzfeld presenile dementia]. PMID- 13489830 TI - [Movement dynamics & stereotypes in various psychic diseases]. PMID- 13489831 TI - [Problem of human longevity]. PMID- 13489832 TI - [Problem of longevity in mortality causes in vital statistics]. PMID- 13489833 TI - [Studies on trauma in the Olomouc region]. PMID- 13489834 TI - [Dispensary services in diabetes]. PMID- 13489835 TI - [Complex investigation in regional public health centers; methodological work of regional specialists and of methodological and organizational department of a regional hospital]. PMID- 13489836 TI - [Health education; an important aspect of work of health workers in Bulgaria]. PMID- 13489837 TI - [Infectious wards in hospitals]. PMID- 13489838 TI - [Hospitalization in infectious diseases]. PMID- 13489839 TI - [Projects for infectious wards in Czechoslovakia in 1948]. PMID- 13489840 TI - [Surgery of Dupuytren's disease]. PMID- 13489841 TI - [Clinical and histopathological evolution of the myelosclerotic syndrome caused by osteomedullary cancerous metastasis]. PMID- 13489842 TI - [Indications and results of surgery of arthrosis deformans of the hip]. PMID- 13489843 TI - [Experimental study of so-called acromegalic arthropathy and of that caused by the somatotropic hormone (STH)]. PMID- 13489844 TI - [Transplantation of peronaei muscles on the calcaneum in poliomyelitic talipes]. PMID- 13489846 TI - Ballistocardiography; appraisal of current status. PMID- 13489845 TI - [Singular action of the muscle ends of the quadriceps femoris in humans; electromyographic study]. PMID- 13489847 TI - Clinical problems related to surgical repair of intracardiac defects with the aid of an extracorporeal pump-oxygenator. PMID- 13489848 TI - Water metabolism after cardiac operations involving a Gibbon-type pump oxygenator. I. Daily water metabolism, obligatory water losses, and requirements. PMID- 13489849 TI - Water metabolism after cardiac operations involving a Gibbon-type pump oxygenator. II. Benign forms of water loss. PMID- 13489850 TI - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: report of a case associated with wandering pacemaker, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and incomplete A-V dissociation with interference. PMID- 13489851 TI - Raynaud's disease among women and girls. PMID- 13489852 TI - Nonparoxysmal A-V nodal tachycardia. PMID- 13489853 TI - Left heart catheterization by the transbronchial route: technic and applications in physiologic and diagnostic investigations. PMID- 13489854 TI - Diverticulum of the pericardium with observations on mode of development. PMID- 13489855 TI - Significance of the pulmonary vascular bed in congenital heart disease. V. Lesions of the left side of the heart causing obstruction of the pulmonary venous return. PMID- 13489856 TI - Ebstein's anomaly; presentation of ten cases. PMID- 13489857 TI - Study of the hemodynamic effects of the aortocoronary sinus graft operation in patients with coronary artery disease. PMID- 13489858 TI - Arteriovenous fistula of the splenic vessels producing ascites. PMID- 13489859 TI - Mast cells in the circulatory system of man. PMID- 13489860 TI - Pulmonary vascular resistance in man at different intravascular distending pressures measured in a case of mitral stenosis complicated by anomalous pulmonary venous connection. PMID- 13489861 TI - Current concepts on the management of shock. PMID- 13489862 TI - [Development, current status & future of cardiovascular surgery]. PMID- 13489863 TI - [Myocardial revascularization]. PMID- 13489864 TI - [Surgical pathology of patent ductus arteriosus]. PMID- 13489865 TI - [Coarctation of the aorta, surgical treatment]. PMID- 13489866 TI - [Surgical treatment of inter-auricular communication]. PMID- 13489867 TI - [Treatment of fractures of the four last 4 metacarpals]. PMID- 13489868 TI - [Genito-urinary status in spinal injuries]. PMID- 13489869 TI - [Surgical treatment of laryngeal stenosis]. PMID- 13489870 TI - [Laryngeal obstruction caused by bilateral abductor paralysis; radical treatment]. PMID- 13489871 TI - Lissamine green as a protein stain in paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13489872 TI - Effect of buffer on fluid film electrophoresis. PMID- 13489873 TI - Prognosis, degeneration and growth related to serum alpha mucoproteins. PMID- 13489874 TI - The construction and use of a small and inexpensive apparatus for filter paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13489875 TI - Glutamic acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid in seizures. PMID- 13489876 TI - Determination of the electrophoretic mobility of haemoglobin using paper electrophoresis. PMID- 13489877 TI - [Conjugated steroids. I. High-voltage paper electrophoresis of conjugated 17 ketosteroids]. PMID- 13489878 TI - [Chromatographic separation of dinitrophenylhydrazone from 17-ketosteroids on aluminum oxide. I. Communication]. PMID- 13489879 TI - Determination of phenylpyruvic acid in the urine of patients with oligophrenia phenylpyruvica. PMID- 13489880 TI - [Study of the kinetics, elimination & transit of gantrisin (3,4-dimethyl-5 sulfanilamido-isoazole). I]. PMID- 13489881 TI - [Ultramicromethod of the measurement of total carbon dioxide of plasma & cutaneous blood in infants; precision of the method; choice of a method using a sample of cutaneous blood]. PMID- 13489882 TI - The binding of various long-chain fatty acids by serum albumin. PMID- 13489883 TI - The relationship of aldosterone excretion to the metabolic response to adrenalectomy. PMID- 13489884 TI - Minor improvements in biochemistry. PMID- 13489885 TI - Influence of variations in body-fluid volumes on sodium metabolism in man. PMID- 13489886 TI - Effects of delayed examination on the results of certain hepatic tests. PMID- 13489887 TI - A simple turbidimetric method of estimating blood urea. PMID- 13489888 TI - Microtest for mucopolysaccharides by means of toluidine blue: with special reference to hyaluronic acid. PMID- 13489890 TI - Absorbance of various protein-free filtrates of serum. PMID- 13489889 TI - Improved method for the colorimetric determination of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity. PMID- 13489891 TI - Studies with a new colorimetric test for proteinuria. PMID- 13489892 TI - A new colorimetric method for the determination of isoniazid in biologic fluids. PMID- 13489893 TI - A toxicologic service in a general hospital. PMID- 13489894 TI - A semimicro technic for the measurement of N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPP) oxidase in blood. PMID- 13489895 TI - The clinical chemist. PMID- 13489896 TI - Radiation hazards in clinical medicine. PMID- 13489897 TI - Umbilical hernia. PMID- 13489898 TI - Acute sinusitis in childhood. PMID- 13489899 TI - The effect of the lipids from human chylomicrons on the recalcification times of the plasma. PMID- 13489901 TI - Properties of human endogenous pyrogen. PMID- 13489900 TI - Observations on the pharmacology of mecamylamine. PMID- 13489902 TI - The resistance to blood flow in the upper and lower limb vessels in patients with coarctation of the aorta. PMID- 13489903 TI - Abnormal patterns of marrow activity. PMID- 13489905 TI - Evidence of a diurnal fibrinolytic rhythm; with a simple method of measuring natural fibrinolysis. PMID- 13489904 TI - The effect of pitressin on hand and forearm blood flow. PMID- 13489906 TI - Storage of red cells at subzero temperatures, further studes. PMID- 13489907 TI - The site of absorption of vitamin B12 in the rat. PMID- 13489908 TI - Gonadotrophin excretion and clinical features in secondary amenorrhoea. PMID- 13489909 TI - The effect of dimercaprol (BAL) on blood sugar and pyruvate levels in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13489910 TI - The composition of the blood in respiratory acidosis. PMID- 13489911 TI - The pulmonary compliance in normal subjects. PMID- 13489912 TI - The effect of heated fats on gastric motility and acidity in duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13489913 TI - [Glycogen changes during the embryonal life of Bombyx mori]. PMID- 13489915 TI - [Two new genes modifying pigmentation in the oniscoidean Porcellio dilatatus Brandt & their hybridation]. PMID- 13489914 TI - [Demonstration in the rat of antagonism existing between boron & riboflavin]. PMID- 13489916 TI - [Study by light diffusion of the effects of pH on the degree of polymerization of trypsin]. PMID- 13489917 TI - [Destruction by lysozyme, after delipidation of the external wall of pathogenic Salmonella]. PMID- 13489918 TI - [Albumins in various species of fish]. PMID- 13489920 TI - [Survival of the blastocysts of the rat in the absence of ovarian hormones]. PMID- 13489919 TI - [Effect of the administration of various glucide compounds on urinary elimination of citric acid]. PMID- 13489921 TI - [Iron deposits in the liver of normal & irradiated mouse fetuses]. PMID- 13489923 TI - [New study of osides of Catalpa bignonioides by chromatographic method]. PMID- 13489922 TI - [Research on a bacterium of clays of caverns and ferruginous sediments]. PMID- 13489924 TI - [Organic acids of several upper Basidiomycetes]. PMID- 13489925 TI - [Some physiological properties of a photosensitive extract from a fluorescent alkaloid of a grass, Lolium perenne L]. PMID- 13489926 TI - [Effect of dl-thyroxin on duration of evolution of the phase of major development of the follicle in domestic chicken]. PMID- 13489927 TI - [Effect of thyroxin and somatotropin on exocrine pancreas of young rat]. PMID- 13489928 TI - [Study of adrenal cortex function by simultaneous measurement of corticosterone in peripheral blood and adrenal ascorbic acid]. PMID- 13489929 TI - [Development of Meckel's cartilage in an Insectivore, the mole (Talpa europaea L.)]. PMID- 13489930 TI - [Nucleocytoplasmic growth in certain neurons during development]. PMID- 13489931 TI - [Analysis of genetic liaison groups of various donating strains of Escherichia coli K 12]. PMID- 13489932 TI - [Acid soluble nucleotides of rat and rabbit brain]. PMID- 13489933 TI - [Comparative toxicity of S-guaiazulene, chamazulene and their 3-monosulfone derivatives in white rat]. PMID- 13489934 TI - [Antigenic variations between normal and various neoplastic disease erythrocytes]. PMID- 13489935 TI - [Histamine and azoic carcinogenic substances]. PMID- 13489936 TI - [Animalization of the egg of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) by polyanetholsulfonate of sodium (liquid)]. PMID- 13489937 TI - [Study of the hepatic fraction responsbile for the stimulating action of the liver on the development of Novikoff's hepatoma]. PMID- 13489938 TI - [Protective effect of sodium hyposulfite against tri(beta-chloroethyl) amine (HN3) in rats]. PMID- 13489939 TI - [Androstenediol, the ovary and fetal growth]. PMID- 13489940 TI - [Relation between iodine (I127) content and the monoiodotyrosine/diiodotyrosine ratio in the thyroid gland; its effect on the nature and rate of hormone secretion; study in the hibernating dormouse (Eliomys quercinus L.) using radioiodine I131]. PMID- 13489941 TI - [Thyroid activity in the hibernating dormouse (Eliomys quercinus L.) in winter and spring]. PMID- 13489942 TI - [Effect of reserpine on the mammary glands of female and male rats]. PMID- 13489944 TI - [Effect of formaldehyde solution in sub-bacteriostatic concentrations on Staphylococcus aureus]. PMID- 13489943 TI - [Effect of sub-bacteriostatic concentrations of lauryl sodium sulfonate on Staphylococcus aureus]. PMID- 13489945 TI - [Interpretation of the relations between bacterial flora combined with and activated by antibiotic substances in chemotherapeutic tests on Trichomonas vaginalis in cultures]. PMID- 13489946 TI - [Effect of monoethylamide (LAE) and diethylamide (LSD) of lysergic acid on behavior of mouse with imino-beta, beta-dipropionitrile induced circular movement]. PMID- 13489947 TI - [Action of purified centrophneine on biochemical excitability of respiratory centers in chloralosed dog]. PMID- 13489948 TI - [Heterogenicity of Staphylococcal strains with regard to biological characteristics]. PMID- 13489949 TI - [Copper content of hepatopancreas of Maia squinado at various intermolting stages]. PMID- 13489950 TI - [Urine elimination of alpha-ketolic corticoids in normal subject and during chronic fatigue. III. Action of ACTH on elimination of cortisol and corticosterone catabolites]. PMID- 13489951 TI - [Cortisone intervention in oxidative enzymatic complexes of mitochondria. I. Intervention in metallic enzyme-effector equilibria]. PMID- 13489952 TI - [Effects of gardenal and chlorpromazine 4560 R. P. on histology of hepatomas induced by 2-acetamino fluorene]. PMID- 13489953 TI - [Pharmacodynamic properties of methopromazine, new neuroleptic related to chlorpromazine]. PMID- 13489954 TI - [Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on pituitary adrenal function in rat]. PMID- 13489955 TI - [Effects on the rabbit EEG of chronic or acute poisoning by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25)]. PMID- 13489956 TI - [Effect of serotonin on plantar edema induced by dextran in rat]. PMID- 13489957 TI - [Effects of desoxycorticosterone on experimental infestation of albino rats by Trichomonas vaginalis]. PMID- 13489958 TI - [Experimental study, in the chloralosed dog, of the antitussive effects of codeine, by means of the pleuro-tussigenic reflex and lobeline-induced cough]. PMID- 13489959 TI - [Analysis of the central & peripheral actions of nicotine on adrenomedullary activity]. PMID- 13489960 TI - [Blood arginase in cancer patients]. PMID- 13489962 TI - [Value of Baker's histochemical test as applied to polynuclear neutrophils]. PMID- 13489961 TI - [Protective action of an antifoam silicone introduced by intravenous route & by aerosols against a lethal dose of adrenalin]. PMID- 13489963 TI - [Acute toxicity of ninhydrin (indanetrione hydrate) for the white mouse]. PMID- 13489964 TI - [Chromatographic study of iodated compounds eliminated in the urines of patients with Basedow's disease]. PMID- 13489965 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13489966 TI - [Bacteriostatic action of cycloserine with other antituberculous antibiotics on Mycobacterium tuberculosis]. PMID- 13489967 TI - [Strains resistant to isoniazid. II. Effect of preservation in medium containing isoniazid on the growth of bacilli and their virulence]. PMID- 13489968 TI - [Effect of transition from sea water into sweet water and from sea water into oversalted water on respiratory changes of a goby (Gobius auratus and Gobius lota)]. PMID- 13489969 TI - [Control of ovarian hyperemia induced in a mouse by urinary extracts]. PMID- 13489970 TI - [Vagal tone and nodal automatism.]. PMID- 13489971 TI - [Secretion of the adrenal medulla during hypotension]. PMID- 13489972 TI - [Adrenal medulla in anoxia induced by cyanhydrin]. PMID- 13489973 TI - [Research on liver iron during experimental scurvy in a guinea pig]. PMID- 13489974 TI - [Research on iron in the bone marrow, the spleen, and the liver of a guinea pig during anemia induced by hemorrhage]. PMID- 13489975 TI - [Research on iron in the bone marrow, the spleen and the liver in guinea pigs during hemolytic anemia]. PMID- 13489976 TI - [Hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid correlations in Rhode Island hen]. PMID- 13489977 TI - [The neurohypophysis in cat during pregnancy and lactation]. PMID- 13489978 TI - [Culture of human tissues; kidney and amnion]. PMID- 13489979 TI - [Effect of phentolamine on heart sympathetic system]. PMID- 13489981 TI - [Effect of anti-protein immune sera on tannin-coated erythrocytes of various protein fractions]. PMID- 13489980 TI - [Stimulation of adrenal cortex by excess water in rat]. PMID- 13489982 TI - [Alkaline phosphatase of adrenal cortex of guinea pig: effect of castration and sex hormones]. PMID- 13489983 TI - [Effect of electrophoresis on eserine inhibition of blood cholinesterase]. PMID- 13489985 TI - [Gastric secretion of adrenalectomized rat]. PMID- 13489984 TI - [Motility of spermatozoa in urogenital tract of the toad]. PMID- 13489986 TI - [Chronology of spermatozoid elimination in the urogenital tract of the toad]. PMID- 13489987 TI - [Toxicity of hypoglycemic sulfonamides in the rat]. PMID- 13489988 TI - [Survival of hypophysioprivic toads treated by hormones]. PMID- 13489989 TI - [Islands of Langerhans of the normal or diabetic turtle]. PMID- 13489990 TI - [Effect of the direction of electric current on the galvanic jerks & contractions of skeletal muscle]. PMID- 13489991 TI - [Antagonism of heparin & protamine sulfate]. PMID- 13489992 TI - [Endometrium of the rabbit in normal condition & in the case of traumatic deciduoma; study of natural fluorescence]. PMID- 13489993 TI - [Bronchodilatory effects of visnagin]. PMID- 13489994 TI - [Bradykinin & slow contraction-inducing substance in normal human urine]. PMID- 13489995 TI - [Sub-corporeal extended colpohysterectomy in therapy of incipient cancer of cervix]. PMID- 13489996 TI - [Cervico-isthmectomy by abdominal pathway with implantation of uterine body to vagina in surgical treatment of large tumors of cervix]. PMID- 13489997 TI - [Internal drainage and shaping of dead spaces with the greater omentum after extended total hysterectomy]. PMID- 13489998 TI - [Heteroplastic transplantation of endometrium]. PMID- 13489999 TI - [A rare case of intestinal obstruction; obturation of sigmoid colon caused by fetal skeletal remains]. PMID- 13490000 TI - [Adnexectomy practiced during inflammatory phases]. PMID- 13490001 TI - [Vaginal colpohysterectomy following vulvar partition in a case of total genital prolapse]. PMID- 13490002 TI - [Treatment of subacute and chronic adnexitis with antibiotics during menstrual cycle]. PMID- 13490003 TI - [Treatment of functional menorrhagia and metrorrhagia with para oxypropiophenone]. PMID- 13490004 TI - [Pathogenesis of vaginal trichonomas]. PMID- 13490005 TI - [Use of chloroquine in therapy of vaginal trichomonas]. PMID- 13490007 TI - [Treatment of radiodermatitis]. PMID- 13490006 TI - [Protection of the radiologist & his patient in radiodiagnosis]. PMID- 13490008 TI - [Some early truths on the subject of fractures]. PMID- 13490009 TI - [Treatment of plantar warts]. PMID- 13490010 TI - [Pathology of the intravenous injection]. PMID- 13490011 TI - [Some therapeutic complications in rheumatological practice]. PMID- 13490012 TI - [Problems of mental hygiene posed by Moslem North African immigration to metropolitan France]. PMID- 13490013 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490014 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490015 TI - [Epilepsy: therapeutic possibilities]. PMID- 13490016 TI - [Deafness & the medical profession]. PMID- 13490017 TI - [Natural & psychoprophylactic childbirth]. PMID- 13490018 TI - [Prevention of repeated involuntary abortions; present-day therapeutic possibilities]. PMID- 13490019 TI - [Hydrocephalus in children]. PMID- 13490020 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490021 TI - [Significant dermatological treatments]. PMID- 13490022 TI - [Problems of radioactive fallout]. PMID- 13490023 TI - [The so-called third world]. PMID- 13490024 TI - A poison control program for Connecticut. PMID- 13490025 TI - The surgical management of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13490026 TI - Topical therapy and prophylaxis in dermatoses of infancy. PMID- 13490027 TI - Emotional disorders treated with meprobamate and promazine. PMID- 13490028 TI - The clinical approach to hepatic coma. PMID- 13490029 TI - The role of preventive medicine in highway safety. PMID- 13490030 TI - Financial planning for the physician. PMID- 13490031 TI - The prevalence of leptospiral agglutinins in sera of the domestic cat. PMID- 13490032 TI - A picture of Eperythrozoon suis. PMID- 13490033 TI - Pedicle graft in a dog; a case report. PMID- 13490034 TI - The migratory route of the metacercaria of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss, 1899 in the definitive host: Dicrocoelildae. PMID- 13490035 TI - The pathogenicity for swine of a pleuropneumonialike organism from goats. PMID- 13490036 TI - Epididymitis in rams; studies on laboratory diagnosis. PMID- 13490037 TI - An anatomical description of a hydrocephalic calf from prolonged gestation and the possible relationships of these conditions. PMID- 13490038 TI - Growth of rumen microorganisms in an in vitro continuous-flow system on a protein free diet. PMID- 13490039 TI - The evaluation of semen quality in the dog and the effects of frequency of ejaculation upon semen quality, libido, and depletion of sperm reserves. PMID- 13490040 TI - Brucellosis. PMID- 13490041 TI - [Gas chromatography]. PMID- 13490043 TI - Health services in the Wilmington Public Schools. PMID- 13490042 TI - Trauma in relation to cancer; discussion based on a report of two cases. PMID- 13490044 TI - [Histochemical description of the plasmal reaction on healthy & diseased skin]. PMID- 13490045 TI - [Histological studies on embryonic ova inoculated with blood & blister fluid from patients with pemphigus & dermatitis herpetiformis]. PMID- 13490046 TI - [Role of temporary imbalance of the intestinal flora in faculatitive metabolic dermatoses]. PMID- 13490047 TI - [Psoriatic arthritis]. PMID- 13490048 TI - [A new follow-up study of Boeck-Bruusgaard's cases of untreated syphilis]. PMID- 13490049 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490050 TI - The present status of vitamin D2 in the treatment of lupus vulgaris. PMID- 13490051 TI - Morphological alterations in parasitized hairs observed in the course of the topical treatment of tinea tonsurans of the scalp. PMID- 13490052 TI - [The phlogogenic substances of the skin]. PMID- 13490053 TI - [Atrophic nodular cutaneous amyloidosis]. PMID- 13490055 TI - [The traumiterative (toxic) eczema]. PMID- 13490054 TI - [The value of histopathological studies in dermatology]. PMID- 13490056 TI - [Effect of the excipient on the percutaneous resorption of potassium iodide & an organic iodine compound (iothion)]. PMID- 13490057 TI - [A case of elephantiasis of the lower extremities; elephantiasis nostras or elephantiasic myxedema]. PMID- 13490058 TI - [Occupational acne (so-called chloracne) due to chlorinated aromatic cyclic ethers]. PMID- 13490059 TI - [Diagnosis of the two blister symptom in bullous dermatoses]. PMID- 13490060 TI - [Clinical & anatomopathologic aspects of the Sturge-Weber-Krabbe disease]. PMID- 13490061 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490062 TI - [Studies on the pathogenesis of idiopathic hyperlipemia]. PMID- 13490063 TI - [The term atopic dermatitis]. PMID- 13490064 TI - Spread of nickel dermatitis. PMID- 13490065 TI - Is neurodermatitis a special form of allergy. PMID- 13490066 TI - [Rhythmic eruptions in psoriasis pustulosa]. PMID- 13490067 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490068 TI - [Soft ray radiotherapy of malignant melanoma of the bulbar conjunctiva]. PMID- 13490069 TI - [Changes of the oral mucosa in malignant intestinal carcinoids]. PMID- 13490070 TI - [A case of pyoderma gangraenosum with pulmonary changes]. PMID- 13490071 TI - [A case of Bowen's disease after tick bite]. PMID- 13490072 TI - On the mode of action of the alpha radiation from polonium 210 on human skin. PMID- 13490073 TI - [Alfred Stuhmer in memoriam]. PMID- 13490074 TI - [In memoriam Alfred Stuhmer]. PMID- 13490075 TI - [Treatment of alopecia areata with synthetic estrogens & prednisone]. PMID- 13490076 TI - [Cortisone treatment of fluorhydric acid burns of the skin]. PMID- 13490077 TI - [A combination of systematized nevi with changes in size of circumscribed body parts]. PMID- 13490078 TI - [Pathogenesis of local sensitization by penicillin ester (pulmo-500)]. PMID- 13490079 TI - [Mechanism of action of ACTH in allergic reactions]. PMID- 13490080 TI - [The behavior of the interfibrillar substance of Flemming in scleroderma]. PMID- 13490081 TI - [Expert testimony on eczematous diseases in seborrhoics]. PMID- 13490082 TI - [Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia and tuberous xanthomatosis]. PMID- 13490083 TI - [Fixed chronic recurrent erythema]. PMID- 13490084 TI - [Treatment of condyloma acuminatum with colchicine]. PMID- 13490085 TI - [Serology in rheumatismus]. PMID- 13490086 TI - [The problem of abortion]. PMID- 13490087 TI - [Biological situation of the population in the German Democratic Republic]. PMID- 13490088 TI - [The spread of alcoholism]. PMID- 13490089 TI - [The effect of energy rich ionizing radiation on the biological system and measures for an active and passive radiation protection. I]. PMID- 13490090 TI - [Studies on Ehrlich's tumor ascites carcinoma of mice. IV. Respiratory intensity of tumor ascites cells in Todt's biometer after addition of various substances]. PMID- 13490091 TI - [Gastric tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490092 TI - [Pros and cons of chiropractic]. PMID- 13490094 TI - [An apparatus for injection in arteriography]. PMID- 13490093 TI - [What can roentgenography accomplish for our patients with lumbar pain]. PMID- 13490095 TI - [The effect of energy rich ionizing radiation on the biological system and measures for an active and passive radiation protection. II]. PMID- 13490096 TI - [The problem of vegetative dystonia]. PMID- 13490097 TI - [Critical examination of a spot check of 1000 psychotherapy cases]. PMID- 13490098 TI - [Noise and work capacity]. PMID- 13490100 TI - [Morphological determination of sex based on the cell nucleus in mammals & in man]. PMID- 13490099 TI - [Clinical aspects of injurious effects of therapy]. PMID- 13490101 TI - [Causes and significance of light posture defects in children]. PMID- 13490102 TI - [Mechanism of action of intraarterial insufflations with oxygen and carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13490103 TI - [The purpose of preventive tuberculosis vaccination]. PMID- 13490104 TI - [Experience with a planned and aimed vaccination for prevention of tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490105 TI - [Decomposition of eosinophilic cells; cytologic research of the sputum in smokers]. PMID- 13490106 TI - [Metabolic disorders in isolated hyperbilirubinemia]. PMID- 13490107 TI - [On Heinrich Pette's 70th birthday]. PMID- 13490108 TI - [Behaviour of vaccinia virus in central nervous injury caused by vaccine. I. Virological studies at the inoculation site, in the regional lymph nodes and in the blood]. PMID- 13490109 TI - [Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system as a result of war injuries]. PMID- 13490110 TI - [Pharyngeal pain and dysphagia in coronary insufficiency; atypical angina pectoris]. PMID- 13490111 TI - [The combination of fibrinolytic and anticoagulant therapy]. PMID- 13490112 TI - [Cobra bite with fatal outcome]. PMID- 13490113 TI - [Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13490114 TI - [Familial dysautonomia]. PMID- 13490115 TI - [Treatment of hemorrhage and hemorrhagic diatheses]. PMID- 13490116 TI - [Comparative serum protein studies with the ultracentrifuge and paper electrophoresis in malignant tumors]. PMID- 13490117 TI - [Importance of the lipoid protein symplex for the differential bilirubin reaction of serum]. PMID- 13490118 TI - [Studies on the pathophysiological significance of emphysema. I. Various forms of emphysema]. PMID- 13490119 TI - [Studies on the pathophysiological significance of emphysema. I. Emphysema and ventilatory disorders: studies at rest and during work]. PMID- 13490120 TI - [Studies on the pathophysiological significance of emphysema. III. Disease course in various forms of emphysema and its relation to chronic cor pulmonale]. PMID- 13490121 TI - [Observations on lightning stroke injuries with reference to ECG and EEG]. PMID- 13490122 TI - [Relationships of bone marrow and blood proteins in multiple myeloma and their significance for the clinical practice]. PMID- 13490123 TI - [Importance of serum glutamate oxalacetate transaminase in heart infarct and parenchymal diseases of the liver]. PMID- 13490125 TI - [The problem of the volume regulatory reflex phenomenon]. PMID- 13490124 TI - [Value of paper electrophoresis in diagnosis of rheumatic fever]. PMID- 13490126 TI - [Psychological foundations of character in the human personality which have relation to accident origin]. PMID- 13490127 TI - [Current status of tetanus prophylaxis]. PMID- 13490128 TI - [Current status of the treatment of prostate carcinoma]. PMID- 13490129 TI - [Giant hydronephrosis caused by a ten-year old ureteral stone]. PMID- 13490130 TI - [Preliminary report on the treatment of plasmocytoma with an ethyleneimino quinone preparation (E 39 Bayer)]. PMID- 13490131 TI - [A two stage treatment of leukorrhea]. PMID- 13490132 TI - [Our experiences with bifidated feedings in infant nutrition]. PMID- 13490133 TI - [Impacted fractures in the surgical neck of the humerus and their treatment]. PMID- 13490134 TI - [The right of the physician travelling by motor. When does he have an emergency right]. PMID- 13490135 TI - [Genital prolpase; clinical manifestations & treatment]. PMID- 13490136 TI - [Portrait of Dr. Carlos Ruiz]. PMID- 13490137 TI - [Physiopathological bases of ACTH & adrenal cortex hormone therapy of collagen diseases]. PMID- 13490138 TI - [Excluded gallbladder & the state of the common bile duct by the intravenous way]. PMID- 13490139 TI - [A case of chagasic myocarditis]. PMID- 13490141 TI - [Acquired vaginal stenosis]. PMID- 13490140 TI - [Surgeons of America: Carlos Stajano]. PMID- 13490142 TI - [Complete auricular-ventricular block & hydatid cyst of the lung]. PMID- 13490143 TI - [Varicose processes & venous insufficiency particularly of the legs, in occupational medicine; medico-legal study; evaluation of occupational causation]. PMID- 13490144 TI - [Significance of contraction of the suprahiatal esophageal ring (Shatzky's ring)]. PMID- 13490145 TI - [Cirrhosis of the liver]. PMID- 13490146 TI - [Rare anatomical variety of the flexure of the internal saphenous vein]. PMID- 13490147 TI - [Corticoids & nystatin in allergic candidiasis]. PMID- 13490148 TI - [Personal experience in the study of 1,755 women with hypertrichosis]. PMID- 13490149 TI - [Review of diabetic neuropathies in the concepts of the last 50 years]. PMID- 13490150 TI - [Resume of personal experiences with irgapyrin]. PMID- 13490151 TI - [Syphilis anecdotes; Schaudinn & the discovery of Treponema pallidum. 15]. PMID- 13490152 TI - [Surgical etchings No. 29]. PMID- 13490153 TI - [Sacrococcygeal dermoid cyst: therapeutic management; Buie operation]. PMID- 13490154 TI - [Diagnosis of hypotonia of Oddi's sphincter by intravenous cholangiography]. PMID- 13490155 TI - [A guide map of jaundice in children]. PMID- 13490156 TI - [Norms for the orientation of intergral assistance of the healthy child during the first year of life. II]. PMID- 13490157 TI - [Dyschromia]. PMID- 13490158 TI - [Therapeutic effects of urine in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13490159 TI - [Cirrhosis of the liver]. PMID- 13490161 TI - [Round table discussion on constipation]. PMID- 13490160 TI - [Round table discussion on the treatment of liver cirrhosis]. PMID- 13490162 TI - [Megacolon in the child & adult]. PMID- 13490163 TI - [PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of colonic motility]. PMID- 13490164 TI - [Colonic polyposis]. PMID- 13490165 TI - [Acute obstruction of the colon]. PMID- 13490166 TI - [Reflux esophagitis]. PMID- 13490168 TI - [Differential diagnosis of jaundice]. PMID- 13490167 TI - [Intestinal volvulus as a complication of sprue]. PMID- 13490169 TI - [Appendectomy for acute posterior appendicitis]. PMID- 13490171 TI - [Definition of gastric and duodenal ulcer]. PMID- 13490170 TI - [The obverse of psychosomatic pathology; bases & presuppositions]. PMID- 13490172 TI - [Renal function; practical & routine function tests in the study of kidney diseases]. PMID- 13490173 TI - [Lupus erythematosus]. PMID- 13490174 TI - [Phenoxymethyl penicillin in pediatrics]. PMID- 13490175 TI - [Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis & its differential diagnosis]. PMID- 13490176 TI - [Oral cervical & facial surgery; statistical information for 1956; commentaries]. PMID- 13490177 TI - [Coma in neurosurgery]. PMID- 13490178 TI - [Norms for the orientation of the integral assistance for the health child during the first year of life. III]. PMID- 13490179 TI - [Clinical allergy & hepatic insufficiency]. PMID- 13490180 TI - [Data on drainage in thyroid surgery]. PMID- 13490181 TI - [Closure of loss of substance of the lower lip; technics of practical importance]. PMID- 13490182 TI - [Respiratory immobilization of the liver & spleen to facilitate biopsy-puncture of the liver & splenoportography; obtained by anesthetic infiltration of phrenic nerves of the neck]. PMID- 13490183 TI - [Measles & promethazine]. PMID- 13490184 TI - [Lecture on oxygen therapy. 2. Physiology of circulation]. PMID- 13490185 TI - [Diverticulosis of the digestive system; data on its etiopathogenesis & radiology]. PMID- 13490186 TI - [Chronic spontaneous pneumothorax & bronchopulmonary cancer]. PMID- 13490187 TI - [Sympathetic effect in vascular diseases of the extremities]. PMID- 13490188 TI - [Pancreatic heterotopia (aberrant pancreas); clinical data; 4 case reports with anatomical reference to 2 more]. PMID- 13490189 TI - [Syphilis antedotes. 16. Deceitful experience]. PMID- 13490190 TI - [Frequency of renal abnormalities in genital malformations]. PMID- 13490191 TI - [Allergic cause dysphagia]. PMID- 13490192 TI - [Directed orgasm]. PMID- 13490193 TI - [Diagnosis of residual lithiasis of the common bile duct by intravenous cholangiography]. PMID- 13490194 TI - [Sweat glands; physiopathology & clinical aspects]. PMID- 13490195 TI - [Hemorrhagic subserous cecal fibroma with twisted pedicle]. PMID- 13490196 TI - [Technics of distribution of undamaged pilous tissue in partial alopecia of the scalp]. PMID- 13490197 TI - [Personal experiences with Ro 2-3248 in peripheral vascular diseases]. PMID- 13490198 TI - [Amebiasis and giardiasis]. PMID- 13490199 TI - [Medical colleges in the Province of Santa Fe]. PMID- 13490200 TI - [Light meals & clinical analyses]. PMID- 13490201 TI - [Medium voltage radiotherapy in the treatment of carcinoma of the lip]. PMID- 13490202 TI - [Epidemiological evaluation of the problem of human brucellosis in the Province of Santa Fe]. PMID- 13490203 TI - [Urocytograms in the gynecological clinic]. PMID- 13490204 TI - [Myxedematous dropsy (internal myxedema)]. PMID- 13490205 TI - [Portal hypertension splenoportography]. PMID- 13490207 TI - [STAFF MEETINGS-the I. N. E. D]. PMID- 13490206 TI - [General anesthesia in tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy with or without endotracheal intubation]. PMID- 13490208 TI - [Department of Otolaryngology and Broncho-esofagologia Dr. Abelardo Yrigoyen Freyre]. PMID- 13490209 TI - [Society of Medicine, Hospital Italiano de Santa Fe]. PMID- 13490210 TI - [Cysts of the thymus]. PMID- 13490211 TI - [Pediatric Society of Santa Fe & Children's Hospital]. PMID- 13490212 TI - [Dr. Carlos M. Vera Candioti Institution for the Rehabilitation of Handicapped Children]. PMID- 13490213 TI - [Dupuytren's disease]. PMID- 13490214 TI - [ASSOCIATION Santafesina of Physicians]. PMID- 13490215 TI - [Tuberculosis CENTER]. PMID- 13490216 TI - [Santa Fe Welfare Society & Charity Hospital (1860-1950)]. PMID- 13490217 TI - [Tissue & lymph node extirpation in the neck]. PMID- 13490218 TI - [Zondek test for the diagnosis of pregnancy]. PMID- 13490219 TI - [Cancer of the rectum]. PMID- 13490220 TI - [Plan for a tuberculosis campaign with special reference to ages from 0 to 15 years]. PMID- 13490221 TI - [Multiple Myeloma: unilateral exophthalmos]. PMID- 13490223 TI - [Threadworm]. PMID- 13490222 TI - [Importance of protein nutrition in children; value of lysine as dietary supplement]. PMID- 13490224 TI - [Schizophrenia of society principal cause of the present-day world crisis; beneficial role that psychiatric medicine of the future will play]. PMID- 13490225 TI - [Artificial anus]. PMID- 13490226 TI - [Inaugural Conference]. PMID- 13490227 TI - [6 Cases of lipoid nephrosis treated with prednisolone]. PMID- 13490228 TI - [Chloroform anesthesia in childhood]. PMID- 13490230 TI - [Radiological syndrome in diseases of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13490229 TI - [Asphyxia by drowning]. PMID- 13490231 TI - [Gastric lymphosarcoma]. PMID- 13490232 TI - [Hydralazine in the treatment of intermittent claudication]. PMID- 13490233 TI - Studies on the disposition of blood glucose; a comparison of insulin and orinase. PMID- 13490234 TI - Role of the adrenal cortex in diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy. PMID- 13490235 TI - Pathogenesis of glycogen infiltration of the pancreas in diabetes. PMID- 13490236 TI - Acute development of diabetic cataracts and their reversal; a case report. PMID- 13490237 TI - Tentative explanation of the high incidence of diabetes. PMID- 13490238 TI - The reproductive characteristics of diabetic men. PMID- 13490239 TI - Paperchromatography, a simple method for the differentiation of sugars in the urine; a preliminary report. PMID- 13490240 TI - A comparison of the behavior of insulin and insulin labeled with I 131 in serum. PMID- 13490241 TI - Paper electrophoresis of serum proteins in diabetic patients. PMID- 13490242 TI - ORAL HYPOGLYCEMIC agents; panel discussion. PMID- 13490243 TI - A thirty-fifth anniversary of insulin therapy and a sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. PMID- 13490244 TI - Is the metabolism of peripheral tissues affected by the arylsulfonylureas. PMID- 13490245 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490247 TI - Hypnosis in everyday life. PMID- 13490246 TI - The emotional convictions of the analyst. PMID- 13490248 TI - Parkinsonism, schizophrenia and ataractic drugs. PMID- 13490249 TI - Phrenotropic action of methylphenidylacetate (ritalin). PMID- 13490250 TI - Subcortical functions of tridione and desoxyn in mental illness. PMID- 13490251 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13490252 TI - [Detection of edema in the early diagnosis of pregnancy toxemias]. PMID- 13490253 TI - [Treatment of tuberculous pleurisy with local injections of hydrocortisone]. PMID- 13490254 TI - [Possibilities of treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis before admission to special hospital]. PMID- 13490255 TI - [Xylocaine in the treatment of status epilepticus]. PMID- 13490256 TI - [Scleromyxedema]. PMID- 13490257 TI - [Dacryostomy; general data]. PMID- 13490258 TI - [Complications of gold therapy in rheumatoid arthritis]. PMID- 13490260 TI - The next generation. PMID- 13490259 TI - [Griess's test for nitrites; a simple method for the diagnosis of the commonest urinary infections]. PMID- 13490261 TI - The unhappiness of the Kikuyu; or the seeds of Mau Mau. PMID- 13490262 TI - Epidemiology of yaws in Zanzibar and Pemba. PMID- 13490263 TI - The origins of infectious disease in East Africa with special reference to the Kikuyu people. PMID- 13490264 TI - A Fatal case of histoplasmosis contracted in Kenya. PMID- 13490266 TI - [Ultrasonic waves in experimental surgery]. PMID- 13490265 TI - The uses of illustration in medical teaching. PMID- 13490267 TI - [Roentgenomanometric examination during biliary tract surgery as a diagnostic method]. PMID- 13490268 TI - [Methods of suturing auricular appendix during commissurotomy]. PMID- 13490269 TI - [Method of suturing the stump of the left auricular appendix during commissurotomy]. PMID- 13490270 TI - [Prevention of ischemic paralysis of the legs and of the abdominal and pelvic organs by shunting peripheral vessels]. PMID- 13490271 TI - [External secretion of the pancreas after total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13490272 TI - [Protein formation in transplanted & freeze-dried vascular grafts]. PMID- 13490274 TI - [Oxyhemometry in hypothermia]. PMID- 13490273 TI - [Radioactive tracer study of phosphorus metabolism in fractured bones]. PMID- 13490275 TI - [Primary suture of a wound in combined radiation injuries; review of experimental data]. PMID- 13490276 TI - [Pharmacology of ganglion-blocking and neuroplegic agents used in anesthesiology]. PMID- 13490277 TI - [Preliminary data on experimental electronarcosis induced with the apparatus of the Scientific and Research Institute for Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instruments]. PMID- 13490278 TI - [Surgical treatment of truncus arteriosus]. PMID- 13490279 TI - [New method for intracardiac sutures]. PMID- 13490280 TI - [Pathogenesis of adhesive pericarditis]. PMID- 13490281 TI - [Reactions of tracheal tissue to different types of suture materials: silk, chromic catgut and supramide]. PMID- 13490282 TI - [Effect of bronchial ligation on normal and tuberculous lung tissue. II]. PMID- 13490283 TI - [Surgical anatomy of esophagoplasty through anterior mediastinum]. PMID- 13490284 TI - [Use of some spasmolytics in esophagoscopy for foreign bodies of the esophagus]. PMID- 13490285 TI - [Peculiarities of conditioned reflex activity of an autografted transplanted preserved kidney]. PMID- 13490286 TI - [Neuro-reflex control of the motor function of ureters]. PMID- 13490287 TI - [Prevention of malignant tumors in experiments]. PMID- 13490288 TI - [Significance of physiological rest of the sphincter for healing of inflammation of the rectum and pararectal cellular tissue]. PMID- 13490289 TI - [Analgesia in intrasternal blood transfusions and infusions of medicinal solutions]. PMID- 13490290 TI - [Experimental surgery during the 40 years since the October Revolution]. PMID- 13490293 TI - [Certain achievements in North Korea in the past decade]. PMID- 13490291 TI - [The influence of Soviet surgery on the development of contemporary surgery in the Bulgarian People's Republic]. PMID- 13490294 TI - [Achievements in the development of surgery in the Mongolian People's Republic]. PMID- 13490292 TI - [Achievement in the Koltsia surgical clinic in the past decade]. PMID- 13490295 TI - [Principles and technic of cavo-pulmonary anastomosis]. PMID- 13490296 TI - [Anatomical characteristics of the atrium and their significance for intracardiac surgery]. PMID- 13490297 TI - [Investigation of chilled and frozen bone isografts by radioautography]. PMID- 13490298 TI - [Experimental studies on the vascularization of an implanted rubber sponge in alloplasty]. PMID- 13490299 TI - [The use of enteroplasty in urology]. PMID- 13490300 TI - [A simplified method of separated bronchospirometry. II]. PMID- 13490301 TI - [Hyaluronidase in surgery and urology; review of the literature]. PMID- 13490302 TI - Fate of long-acting testoster one-ester in rabbit: its distribution in blood, bile, urine and feces. PMID- 13490303 TI - Studies on intravenous glucose tolerance curve. 2. Experiments with rabbits. PMID- 13490304 TI - Studies on intravenous glucose tolerance curve. 3. Mathematical analysis of the results in normal rabbits. PMID- 13490305 TI - Case of remarkable hypothalamic neurosecretory supply to the adenohypophysis as observed in the eminentia mediana of the horse. PMID- 13490306 TI - Establishment of mice strains with special reference to mammary growth response. 1. Comparison of several measuring methods of mammary duct areas in immature mice treated with estrogen. PMID- 13490307 TI - Studies on posterior pituitary hormones. I. Extraction and chemical properties of oxytocic substance from urine. PMID- 13490308 TI - Studies on posterior pituitary hormones. II. On the physiological properties of urinary oxytocic substance. PMID- 13490309 TI - Comparative studies on the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone(STH) and salivary-gland principle (parotin) in the hypophysectomized and/or sialoadenectomized immature female rats. I. Effects on the body growth. PMID- 13490310 TI - Comparative studies on the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone (STH) and salivary-gland principle (parotin) in the hypophysectomized and/or sialoadenectomized immature female rats. II. Effects on the proximal epiphysis of the tibia. PMID- 13490311 TI - Oxidation of cortisol by BiO-3. PMID- 13490312 TI - [Effects of experimental systemic stress (electrical stress) on blood coagulation]. PMID- 13490313 TI - [Research on the pathogenesis of two cases of essential oliguria]. PMID- 13490314 TI - [Casuistic contribution on the so-called hypernephroid tumor of the liver]. PMID- 13490315 TI - [The neuroendocrine apparatus in avitaminosis A induced in the albino rat with the Osborne-Mendel diet; comparison with the Randoin-Causeret basic diet for rats. III. Repercussions of pituitary hormone-stimulating treatment & of the use of a diencephalic lipid fraction on the histological aspects of the testicle]. PMID- 13490316 TI - [The neuroendocrine apparatus in avitaminosis A induced in the albino rat with the Osborne-Mendel diet; comparison with the Randoin-Causeret basic diet for rats. IV. The thymus; histological study]. PMID- 13490317 TI - [Histological & histochemical changes in various organs of the rabbit subjected to heat stroke]. PMID- 13490318 TI - [Diet & constitution of various classes of citizens of a Calabrese commune]. PMID- 13490319 TI - Quantitative assay of the 3 beta-ol-dehydrogenase system in whole adrenal homogenate. PMID- 13490320 TI - Antagonistic action by FSH on ovarian stimulation produced by rat pituitary gonadotrophin. PMID- 13490321 TI - Endocrine factors determining the rate of accumulation of endometrial secretions in experimental hydrouteri of mice. PMID- 13490322 TI - Biologic activities of endometrial secretions (uterone) collected from experimental hydrouteri of mice. PMID- 13490323 TI - Differences in the mammary response to estrone and progesterone in castrate male mice of several strains and hybrids. PMID- 13490324 TI - Plasma ketosteroid studies in normal mice. PMID- 13490325 TI - The comparative antiluteinizing potency of progesterone derivatives with oxidation at C-11, C-21 and C-17. PMID- 13490326 TI - Thyroid and ovarian function in relation to molting in the hen. PMID- 13490327 TI - Attempts to alter the concentration of melanophore hormone in the pituitary gland of the rat. PMID- 13490328 TI - Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on the secretion of testosterone and 4 androstene-3,17-dione by the canine testis. PMID- 13490329 TI - The adrenal fetal zone: its occurrence in primates and a possible relationship to chorionic gonadotropin. PMID- 13490330 TI - Adrenal regeneration hypertension. PMID- 13490331 TI - Studies on hormonal factors influencing hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase. PMID- 13490332 TI - Ketogenic and adipokinetic activities of pituitary hormones. PMID- 13490333 TI - Further studies on the adrenal cortex and carbohydrate metabolism. PMID- 13490334 TI - Structure and function of intraocular hypophyseal grafts in the hypophysectomized male rat. PMID- 13490335 TI - Testosterone-induced N-retention in castrated rats on diets containing incomplete proteins. PMID- 13490336 TI - Histophysiology of the adrenal cortex in dogs with mild and severe cardiac damage. PMID- 13490337 TI - Increased growth promoting substance in the plasma of pregnant rats. PMID- 13490338 TI - Liver glycogen deposition after intravenous and intragastric administration of cortisol-4-C14 to rats. PMID- 13490339 TI - Bone formation in the adrenal gland of a Rhesus monkey. PMID- 13490340 TI - Quantitative analysis of steroids isolated from the urine of normal and ACTH treated guinea pigs. PMID- 13490341 TI - The effect of cortisone and corticotropin on the release and peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone. PMID- 13490342 TI - Effect of reserpine on the histochemistry and content of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the adrenal medulla of the rat and the mouse. PMID- 13490343 TI - The effect of ACTH on the ascorbic acid concentration of adrenal venous plasma of the rat. PMID- 13490344 TI - Reversal of adrenal-regeneration hypertension by amphenone. PMID- 13490345 TI - Non-steroid ovarian hormones: observations on the mechanism of the acquisition of relaxin resistance in guinea pigs. PMID- 13490346 TI - Inactivation of ACTH by isolated rat adrenals and inhibition of corticoid formation by adrenocortical hormones. PMID- 13490347 TI - Serum electrolytes in the hypophysectomized rhesus monkey. PMID- 13490348 TI - Metabolism of steroids: the removal of exogenous 17-hydroxycorticosterone from the peripheral circulation in dogs. PMID- 13490349 TI - Influence of cortisone on the ketogenic response to oxycel corticotropin. PMID- 13490350 TI - Urinary glucose and tumor growth in partially depancreatized forcefed rats. PMID- 13490351 TI - Ovarian stimulation in the immature fowl by desiccated avian pituitaries. PMID- 13490352 TI - Autotransplantation of the adrenal of the rat to the portal circulation: studies in male rats. PMID- 13490353 TI - Gonadal influences on plasma fibrin and fibrinolytic activity: a possible basis for the further analysis of some forms of coronary thrombosis. PMID- 13490354 TI - Thyroid iodide concentration in estradiol-treated hypophysectomized rats. PMID- 13490355 TI - Influence of the concentration of papain activated by hydrogen sulphide on the hydrolysis of casein at different temperatures and pH value 4.4. PMID- 13490356 TI - Enzyme-hormone antagonism. I. Chymotrypsin and amylases vs chorionic and anterior pituitary lutenizing hormones. PMID- 13490357 TI - Enzyme-hormone antagonisms. II. A simple method for determining the lutenizing hormones of the anterior pituitary and of chorionic gonadotrophin. PMID- 13490359 TI - Kidney glutaminases. III. Glutamine synthesis in the guinea pig kidney. PMID- 13490358 TI - Enzyme-hormone antagonism. III. The excretion of the lutenizing hormone of chorionic gonadotrophin in urines from normal, pregnant and malignant individuals. PMID- 13490360 TI - Advances of genetics in ophthalmology during the past decade. PMID- 13490361 TI - Vascular allergids. PMID- 13490362 TI - Herxheimer's atrophic chronic acrodermatitis. PMID- 13490364 TI - Analysis of the surface structures of the sea urchin egg by means of antibodies. II. The J- and A-antigens. PMID- 13490363 TI - Synchronous divisions in Tetrahymena pyriformis as studied in an inorganic medium; the effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol. PMID- 13490365 TI - Analysis of the surface structures of the sea urchin egg by means of antibodies. II. The C- and F-antigens. PMID- 13490366 TI - The fine structure of some cytoplasmic inclusions of oxyntic cells. PMID- 13490367 TI - Cine-micrographic studies on mitosis in endosperm. III. The origin of the mitotic spindle. PMID- 13490368 TI - Inhibition of cell division by ultraviolet irradiated unsaturated fatty acid. PMID- 13490369 TI - The effect of incubation temperature on the cell size of Tetrahymena pyriformis. PMID- 13490370 TI - Electron microscope observations on the structure of sebaceous glands. PMID- 13490371 TI - Electron microscope observations on the glassy layer of the hair follicle. PMID- 13490372 TI - [Various histological aspects of the jellyfish Limnocnida tanganyicae: electron microscopy findings on ultrafine structure]. PMID- 13490373 TI - The cytology of the irradiated ovary of Drosophila melanogaster. PMID- 13490374 TI - Cultivation and behavior in vitro of the normal mammary epithelium of the adult mouse. II. Observations on the secretory activity. PMID- 13490375 TI - Intracellular structures in Strigomonas oncopelti. I. Cytoplasmic structures containing ribonucleoprotein. PMID- 13490376 TI - Some transmission characteristics of the tubule-inducing influence on mouse metanephrogenic mesenchyme. PMID- 13490377 TI - The electron distribution in some high energy phosphates and the transfer of energy from catabolism to anabolism. PMID- 13490378 TI - [Fine structure of mitochondria of slime mold Badhamia utricularis]. PMID- 13490379 TI - A polarizing and electron microscope study of plasma cells. PMID- 13490380 TI - Technical improvements in specimen preparation for electron microscopy. PMID- 13490381 TI - The in vitro incorporation of C14-leucine into the proteins of tumor microsomes and a note on the properties of isolated tumor mitochondria. PMID- 13490382 TI - Effects of androgens on the cytology of x-irradiated seminal vesicles. PMID- 13490383 TI - Comparative mass determinations of isolated liver cell nuclei by schlieren and interference microscopy. PMID- 13490384 TI - Catabolism of glycine-C14 by washed bovine spermatozoa. PMID- 13490385 TI - Dye uptake and survival studies in x-irradiated yeast cells. PMID- 13490386 TI - The arrest of mitosis and stomatogenesis during temperature-induction of synchronous division in Tetrahymena pyriformis, mating type 1, variety 1. PMID- 13490387 TI - Non-protein sulfhydryl compounds in the division of eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. PMID- 13490388 TI - Evidence for the cytoplasmic formation of hemoglobin. PMID- 13490390 TI - DPNH-oxidase activity in fragments of rat liver mitochondria. PMID- 13490389 TI - Protective effect of 2-mercaptoethylguanidine on bone marrow cells x-irradiated in vitro. PMID- 13490391 TI - A project for the development of quantitative methods for the endocellular range. PMID- 13490392 TI - A coordinated set of instruments for optical quantitative high resolution cytochemistry. PMID- 13490394 TI - Computers for microphotometric data analysis. PMID- 13490393 TI - Quantitative behaviour of cytoplasmic RNA in rat Purkinje cells following prolonged physiological stimulation. PMID- 13490395 TI - [Dichroism and difluorescence of chloroplasts]. PMID- 13490396 TI - [Effect of ribonuclease on hepatic cells; quantitative ultraviolet microspectrographic research]. PMID- 13490397 TI - Recording microspectroscopy for the study of intracellular reactions. PMID- 13490398 TI - The ultra-violet absorptivities of DNA and other substances in cells. PMID- 13490399 TI - A method for investigating the stoichiometry of Feulgen stain. PMID- 13490400 TI - Interferometry and refractometry of cells in tissue culture. PMID- 13490401 TI - Attempts at measurement of lipid, nucleic acid and protein content of cell nuclei by microscope-interferometry. PMID- 13490402 TI - Some considerations concerning the merits of interference microscopes. PMID- 13490403 TI - An interference microscope for rapid measurements of biological objects. PMID- 13490404 TI - Scanning interference microphotometry. PMID- 13490405 TI - Quantitative historadiography: procedures and application. PMID- 13490406 TI - Evaluation of microradiograms for dry weight determination. PMID- 13490407 TI - Quantitation and automation in contact microradiography. PMID- 13490408 TI - A discussion of recent advance towards quantitative autoradiography. PMID- 13490409 TI - A new change-over optical system and a direct recording microscope for quantitative autoradiography. PMID- 13490410 TI - Quantitative aspects of autoradiography. PMID- 13490411 TI - Some extensions of the Linderstroom-Lang and Holter quantitative histochemical method for the localization of enzymes and other constituents in cells and tissues. PMID- 13490412 TI - Determinations of C14 compounds in nerve tissue constituents. PMID- 13490413 TI - Some critical comment in the chemical estimation of nucleic acids in tissues. PMID- 13490414 TI - Necessary conditions for the separation of compounds at quantitative cell analyses. PMID- 13490415 TI - Microbiological determination of DNA; the growth of Thermobacterium acidophilum on a chemically defined medium. PMID- 13490416 TI - An attempt of using biochemical methods for cytochemical problems; the desoxyribonucleoprotein of spermatogenetic cells of bull testis. PMID- 13490417 TI - [Desoxyribonucleic acid volume & content per nucleus]. PMID- 13490418 TI - Antiparasitic action of dietary cod liver oil upon Plasmodium berghei and its reversal by vitamin E. PMID- 13490419 TI - Occurrenc and distribution of trehalose and glycogen in the eggs and tissues of Ascaris lumbricoides. PMID- 13490420 TI - Amino acids in larval and adult tapeworms (Hymenolepis diminuta) and in the tissues of their rat and beetle hosts. PMID- 13490421 TI - Studies on the metabolism of Echinococcus granulosus. II. Some observations on the carbohydrate metabolism of hydatid cyst scolices. PMID- 13490422 TI - Comparative experiments with a Florida strain of Litomosoides carinii in Eastern and Texas cotton rats. PMID- 13490423 TI - The concept of vector efficiency in experimental studies of plague. PMID- 13490424 TI - The host specificity of monogenetic trematodes. PMID- 13490425 TI - On some neuro-oto-ophthalmological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus and polyarteritis nodosa. PMID- 13490427 TI - Significance of hypometabolism in otolaryngology: further studies. PMID- 13490426 TI - A new ophthalmic solution: preliminary report. PMID- 13490429 TI - Eustachian tube biopsy cannula. PMID- 13490428 TI - The ocular history of James Joyce. PMID- 13490430 TI - Principles of block dissection of the neck. PMID- 13490431 TI - Glaucoma briefs. PMID- 13490432 TI - The A and V syndromes. PMID- 13490433 TI - Plastic surgery: esthetic surgery in the aged & aging. PMID- 13490434 TI - Postoperative vision in retinal detachment surgery. PMID- 13490435 TI - Healing of nasal fractures; a roentgen evaluation. PMID- 13490436 TI - Nasopharyngeal irradiation; a review and critical analysis. PMID- 13490437 TI - Role of the dermatologist in the management of external otitis. PMID- 13490438 TI - [Methods used in the search for antiamebic drugs]. PMID- 13490439 TI - [Sterilization with ethylene oxide]. PMID- 13490440 TI - [Chemical determination of prednisone & prednisolone in pharmaceutical preparations]. PMID- 13490441 TI - [Self-injecting vial of the French Military Medical Service]. PMID- 13490442 TI - [Effect of adenosinetriphosphoric acid on water-electrolyte metabolism in normal & adrenalectomized rats]. PMID- 13490443 TI - [Effect of adenosinetriphosphoric acid on water-electrolyte metabolism in hypophysectomized rats]. PMID- 13490444 TI - [Lipotropic & liver protective effect of pantethine in experimental liver diseases induced by Handler diet & carbon tetrachloride]. PMID- 13490445 TI - [Substances active on the central nervous system. I. Ethylphenylmalonic acid derivatives]. PMID- 13490446 TI - [Substances active on the central nervous system. II. Derivatives of alpha-ethyl alpha-phenyl-beta-hydroxypropionic acid & alpha-phenylbutyric acid]. PMID- 13490447 TI - [Effect of lysozyme on activated fibrinolysis; thromboelastographic study]. PMID- 13490448 TI - [Some pyridine & piperidine derivatives of 4-chloro substituted diphenylmethane & their pharmacological properties]. PMID- 13490449 TI - [Various basic ethers of 4-chlorophenyl-4-pyridylcarbinol: new synthetic antihistaminics]. PMID- 13490450 TI - [Effect of adenosintriphosphoric acid on transmission of excitation in the superior cervical ganglion following block of synaptic transmission by ganglion lytic agents]. PMID- 13490451 TI - [Relation of structure to effect of certain aryl amino alcohols]. PMID- 13490452 TI - [Effect of hypo- and hyperglycemic conditions on pharmacological effect of sympathomimetic amines]. PMID- 13490453 TI - [Anticonvulsive properties in a series of N-substituted beta-chlorpropioamines]. PMID- 13490454 TI - [Pharmacology of certain new bisquaternary ammonium salts]. PMID- 13490455 TI - [Pharmacology of trichloroacetylcholine]. PMID- 13490456 TI - [Pharmacology of sulfonium spasmolytics; modification of pharmacological properties following introduction into the molecule of alpha-hydroxyl group]. PMID- 13490457 TI - [Pharmacology of a new spasmolytic drug aprophen]. PMID- 13490458 TI - [Synthesis and bacteriostatic activity of certain quaternary beta haloidophenoxyethyl ammonium salts]. PMID- 13490459 TI - [Effect of certain pharmacological substances on resistance of the central nervous system in frogs to anemia]. PMID- 13490460 TI - [Effect of certain diuretics on function of autotransplanted and re-innervated kidneys]. PMID- 13490461 TI - [Effect of the degree of saturation of the organism with ascorbic acid on sensitivity to Digitalis glycoside (kordigit) in experimental diphtheria]. PMID- 13490462 TI - [Pharmacology of gophruside]. PMID- 13490463 TI - [Effect of 2,4-dichlorophenol acetic acid on regenerative processes in experimental conditions]. PMID- 13490464 TI - [Toxicity of non-electrolyte poisons and of certain anti-hematode anthelmintics]. PMID- 13490465 TI - [Duration of excretion of carbon monoxide from the organism]. PMID- 13490466 TI - [Possibility of application in industry of synthetic gasoline galosha as a solvent]. PMID- 13490467 TI - [Forty years of Soviet pharmacology]. PMID- 13490468 TI - [Forty years of Soviet veterinary pharmacology]. PMID- 13490469 TI - [Forty years of Soviet toxicology]. PMID- 13490470 TI - [Pharmacology of atremon]. PMID- 13490471 TI - [Effect of phenyl-cyclepentane carbonic acid tropinic ester hydrochloride (tropentane) on choline-reactive and adrenalin-reactive systems of the organism]. PMID- 13490472 TI - [Role of the pituitary in the effect of furan-2-carbonic acid iodomethylate dimethylaminoethyl ester (preparation 597) on blood pressure]. PMID- 13490473 TI - [Effect of barbamil on the development of experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits]. PMID- 13490475 TI - [Inhibiting effects of certain adrenalin oxidation products on the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits]. PMID- 13490474 TI - [Effect of Eucommia on the vascular system in rabbits in normal condition and in cholesterol atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13490476 TI - [Comparative characteristics of cardiac glycosides in experimental atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13490477 TI - [Absorption, concentration, and elimination of frugoside]. PMID- 13490478 TI - [Synergism of camphor with adrenalin]. PMID- 13490480 TI - Nestors in medical licensure service. I. PMID- 13490479 TI - [Gangliolytic substances (gangliolytics); a review]. PMID- 13490481 TI - [Nestors in medical licensure service. II]. PMID- 13490482 TI - [Salivation in human subjects in various degrees of acclimatization to hot climate]. PMID- 13490483 TI - [Rate of extinction of orientation reactions to tactile and auditory stimuli in dogs of various ages]. PMID- 13490484 TI - [Effect of constant current on irritability of the vegetative centers of the brain]. PMID- 13490485 TI - [Modification of reflexes of the hind legs following obstruction of the abdominal aorta in postnatal ontogenesis]. PMID- 13490486 TI - [Restoration of cardiac function following its arrest induced by potassium iodide after stimulation of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13490487 TI - [Experimental studies on effect of the vagus nerve on the coronary vessels]. PMID- 13490488 TI - [Reflexes from certain arteries and veins on the lymphatic vessels]. PMID- 13490489 TI - [Effect of vasodilator and vasocontrictor drugs in vascular hypertonicity]. PMID- 13490490 TI - [Electrophysiological studies of the afferent impulses in intestinal nerves]. PMID- 13490491 TI - [Effect of temperature on muscular irritability in rats]. PMID- 13490492 TI - [Effect of sex hormones and of their synthetic analogues on certain gastric functions]. PMID- 13490493 TI - [Effect of electric field of high tension and low frequency on the level of macro ergic phosphorus compounds in the skeletal muscles in warm-blooded animals]. PMID- 13490494 TI - [Generator of paired electric impulses]. PMID- 13490495 TI - [Method of removal of the pituitary in white mice]. PMID- 13490496 TI - [Notes on the problem of evolution of excitation]. PMID- 13490497 TI - [Conflict between Dr. I. F. Tolochinov and academician I. P. Pavlov in 1912-1914; historical note]. PMID- 13490498 TI - [LEONID TIMOFEEVICH ZAGORUL'KO; 1909-1957]. PMID- 13490499 TI - [Lability of spinal reflex centers]. PMID- 13490500 TI - [Effect of early decortication on vestibular nystagmus and the activity of enzyme systems of the brain]. PMID- 13490501 TI - [Patterns of conditioned chain reflexes modified by the administration of acid or alkali]. PMID- 13490502 TI - [Pessimal inhibition of depressor effect by stimulation of pulmonary branches of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13490503 TI - [Interoceptive effects on leukocytosis in the peripheral blood]. PMID- 13490504 TI - [Mechanism of acetylcholine production in parasympathetic nerves of the heart]. PMID- 13490505 TI - [Relationship between vasomotor centers and centers of the abducens nerve]. PMID- 13490506 TI - [Effect of Sechenov's inhibition on cardiac activity]. PMID- 13490507 TI - [Cardiokinetic effect of the vagus nerve]. PMID- 13490509 TI - [Biochemistry of parabiotic state of a nerve]. PMID- 13490508 TI - [Effect of surrounding conditions on the survival of a transplanted frog heart]. PMID- 13490510 TI - [Effect of pascain on some functions of the central nervous system]. PMID- 13490511 TI - [The role of contralateral cerebral influence in the compensation of the motor functions of lower extremities in birds]. PMID- 13490512 TI - [Recording of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes by measurement of pulmonary ventilation]. PMID- 13490513 TI - [A method for measurement of gastric temperature]. PMID- 13490514 TI - [Iulii Mikhailovich Ufland; 60th birthday anniversary]. PMID- 13490515 TI - [Spatial projection of objects perceived in the external environment by means of labyrinthine receptors]. PMID- 13490516 TI - [Comparative investigation of cerebral and neural proteins]. PMID- 13490517 TI - [Unconditioned digestive reactions in frogs]. PMID- 13490518 TI - [Significance of nuclei of the strio-pallidal system]. PMID- 13490519 TI - [Mechanisms of hypothalamic effects on the spinal and bulbar nerve centers]. PMID- 13490520 TI - [Problem of the mechanism of action of ionizing radiation on the nervous system]. PMID- 13490521 TI - [Primary response and spontaneous electrical activity of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13490522 TI - [Characteristics of humoral regulation of functions in dogs following cerebral decortication]. PMID- 13490523 TI - [Functional relation of autonomic ganglia to activities of the spinal cord]. PMID- 13490524 TI - [Changes in the protoplasm of the myelinated nerves in stimulation]. PMID- 13490525 TI - [Slow negative potential after the focus of parabiosis in the nerve]. PMID- 13490526 TI - [Enzymo-chemical principles of the action of the vagus nerve on the heart (role of potassium)]. PMID- 13490527 TI - [Pharmacological action on the endocrine glands through the nervous system]. PMID- 13490528 TI - [Phenomenon of compensation of the organism and of the endocrine glands]. PMID- 13490529 TI - [Effect of static effort on the function of the organism]. PMID- 13490530 TI - [Development of certain vegetative functions and mechanisms of their regulation in onto- and phylogenesis]. PMID- 13490531 TI - [Characteristics of secretory function of the parotid glands in ruminants]. PMID- 13490532 TI - [William Harvey (1578-1657) a founder of physiology; 300th anniversary of his death]. PMID- 13490533 TI - [Effect of afferent impulses on the activity of inspiratory and expiratory centers of the medulla oblongata]. PMID- 13490534 TI - [Data on physiology of the cutaneous analysor]. PMID- 13490535 TI - [Correct estimation index of the irritability time factor]. PMID- 13490536 TI - [Conduction, inhibition, and stability]. PMID- 13490537 TI - [Parabiotic nature of monophasic deformation of cardiac electrogram]. PMID- 13490538 TI - [Volumetric rate of cerebrospinal circulation]. PMID- 13490539 TI - [Role of the spleen in water metabolism]. PMID- 13490540 TI - [Data on vasomotor reactions in extero- and interoceptive irritation]. PMID- 13490541 TI - [Effect of sham drinking on diuresis]. PMID- 13490542 TI - [Secretory function of the stomach in gastro-esophagectomized dogs following sham feeding after excision of the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13490543 TI - [Method of myotonography in humans]. PMID- 13490544 TI - [Application of tensiometry in the study of working movements in man]. PMID- 13490545 TI - [Apparatus for artificial oxygen respiration]. PMID- 13490546 TI - [Method of continuous registration of carbon dioxide in expired air]. PMID- 13490547 TI - [Daily rhythm of working capacity in man]. PMID- 13490548 TI - [Extinguishing inhibition in ontogenesis in certain mammals]. PMID- 13490549 TI - [Conditioned defense reflexes in pigeons]. PMID- 13490550 TI - [Effect of amytal and chloral hydrate anesthesia on de-parabiotic activities of the nerve centers]. PMID- 13490551 TI - [Effect of anesthesia on changes of temperature in the cerebral cortex]. PMID- 13490552 TI - [Central regulation of active tonus of the lungs]. PMID- 13490553 TI - [Selective effects of acid and sugar loads on interoceptive conditioned reflexes]. PMID- 13490554 TI - [Role of the pancreas in regulation of plasma protein content and of morphological composition of the blood]. PMID- 13490555 TI - [Enzyme content in secretions of the intestinal mucosa during digestive functions]. PMID- 13490556 TI - [Stretch reflexes of the masticatory muscles in adult animals]. PMID- 13490557 TI - [Food reflex in cows]. PMID- 13490558 TI - [Uninterrupted bloodless method of registration of blood pressure in chronic experimental conditions]. PMID- 13490559 TI - [Method of orthostatic test in chronic experiments in rabbits]. PMID- 13490560 TI - [Piezo-electric counter for registration of ballistocardiographic changes on an electrocardiograph]. PMID- 13490561 TI - [Preliminary findings on the endocrine changes in rabbits fed cabbage (Brassica oleracea) & rape (Brassica campestris oleifera)]. PMID- 13490562 TI - [Plasma conversion ratio of radioiodine; value & limitations in the diagnosis of thyroid disease]. PMID- 13490563 TI - [Urinary excretion of aldosterone-like substances in hypertensive vascular disease]. PMID- 13490564 TI - [Effect of various pituitary tropic hormones on urinary excretion of aldosterone like substances]. PMID- 13490565 TI - [Case of true galactorrhea in a male]. PMID- 13490566 TI - [Effect of pituitary, adrenocortical, gonadal & thyroid hormones on sulfhydryl groups in the liver]. PMID- 13490567 TI - [Behavior of blood protein-bound iodine & oxygen consumption during pharmacological hypnosis]. PMID- 13490568 TI - [Determination of pregnandiol in human urine. III. Rapid semi-quantitative identification using a new chromatographic method on aluminum oxide]. PMID- 13490570 TI - [Semiological significance of simultaneous determination of urinary dehydroisoandrosterone for the accurate physiopathological interpretation of urinary 17-ketosteroid values in hypogonadal subjects]. PMID- 13490571 TI - [Spermatogenic activity and hypophyseal gonadotrophin content of the cryptorchid rat]. PMID- 13490569 TI - [Thyrotropic hormone test for determination of thyroid function]. PMID- 13490572 TI - [Changes in blood & urinary adrenocortical steroid levels induced by ACTH & cortisone; their physiopathological significance in normal subjects & in adrenal cortex diseases]. PMID- 13490573 TI - [Study of hemoglobin in saturnism by means of the alkaline denaturation test]. PMID- 13490574 TI - [Behavior of the peripheral arterial system in occupational carbon disulfide poisoning]. PMID- 13490575 TI - [Behavior of amino acids in urine in occupational lead poisoning]. PMID- 13490576 TI - [The effect of procaine amide on electrically-induced ventricular fibrillation]. PMID- 13490577 TI - [Studies of the prevaccination blood picture in brick factory workers in the province of Siena; usefulness of tests for C-reactive protein and streptolysin-O precipitation]. PMID- 13490578 TI - [Ear diseases of caisson workers; importance of preventive examination]. PMID- 13490579 TI - [Absenteeism caused by heart diseases among industrial, agricultural and commercial workers in Italy]. PMID- 13490580 TI - [Ascending fibre systems in the antero-lateral funiculus of the human spinal cord]. PMID- 13490581 TI - The marks on the skin in some phacomatoses. PMID- 13490582 TI - Diagnostic and therapeutic value of creative activities in the mental hospital. PMID- 13490583 TI - A method of movement-analysis with psychiatric patients. PMID- 13490584 TI - Pneumo-encephalography in cerebral infarction. PMID- 13490585 TI - Two cases of absence of the septum pellucidum in the pneumoencephalogram. PMID- 13490586 TI - In memoriam Prof. Dr. W. M. van der Scheer. PMID- 13490587 TI - On leucodystrophy and leuco-encephalitis; the old conception; diffuse sclerosis; a study of the autopsy cases from an university clinic. PMID- 13490588 TI - Psychopathology and symptomatology of the manic-depressive interjacent territory. PMID- 13490589 TI - Afferent fibres to the intermediate and solitary tract nuclei, and their adjacency in man. PMID- 13490590 TI - [Experimental bases for an evaluation of radiation hazards to the human germ plasm]. PMID- 13490591 TI - [Studies on the excretion of the biliary contrast medium biligrafin in healthy & sick persons]. PMID- 13490592 TI - [Cholecystographic diagnosis of benign tumors of the gallbladder (papillomas)]. PMID- 13490593 TI - [Indications for tomography in cholangiography & its technic]. PMID- 13490594 TI - [Effects of biligrafin on osmotic resistance & hemolysis of erythrocytes]. PMID- 13490595 TI - [Effects of roentgen rays on biligrafin]. PMID- 13490596 TI - [Intralobar sequestration of the lung; report on a case]. PMID- 13490599 TI - [Roentgenological detection of formations of atlas arch defects]. PMID- 13490598 TI - [Diagnostic evaluation of differences of distances between atlas & dens epistrophei as shown in the roentgenogram]. PMID- 13490597 TI - [The problem of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis with special reference to roentgenological changes]. PMID- 13490600 TI - [The mechanism of pelvic luxation & its static effects on the vertebral column]. PMID- 13490601 TI - [Tomography of the fenestrated labyrinth]. PMID- 13490602 TI - [Serial studies in carotid angiography in hydrocephalus occlusus]. PMID- 13490603 TI - [X-ray findings in alkaptonuria]. PMID- 13490604 TI - [Usefulness of contrast increase in roentgen films]. PMID- 13490605 TI - [X-ray studies on trepanned skulls of the neolithic]. PMID- 13490606 TI - [Retothelial sarcoma of the descending duodenum]. PMID- 13490607 TI - [A case of Ellis-van Creveld's chrondro ectodermal dysplasia]. PMID- 13490608 TI - [Aseptic bone necrosis of unusual location]. PMID- 13490609 TI - [Radiation load in diagnostic and therapeutic measures with high-energy ionizing rays]. PMID- 13490610 TI - [Roentgenologic diagnosis and differential diagnosis in regional enteritis]. PMID- 13490611 TI - [Differential diagnosis of circumscript inflammatory and neoplastic swelling of gastric mucosa]. PMID- 13490612 TI - [Roentgenological symptoms of volvulus of the colon]. PMID- 13490613 TI - [Roentgenologic symptoms of lymph node rupture into the bronchus; at the same time a report on two cases of bronchial perforation in lymphogranulomatosis]. PMID- 13490614 TI - [Peculiarities of cardiac vessel shape on a sagittal roentgenogram in right-sided aortic arch]. PMID- 13490615 TI - [Roentgenological and anatomical studies on the state of pneumatization of normal petrous bone, in cholesteatoma and during the effect of noise]. PMID- 13490616 TI - [Anatomy of taenia interclinoidea and its relation to the internal carotid artery]. PMID- 13490618 TI - [X-ray diagnosis of placenta praevia in Anglo-Saxon countries]. PMID- 13490617 TI - [Two cases of generalized inter-vertebral disk disease in two women young women]. PMID- 13490619 TI - [Persistent apophyses of articular processes in the lumbar region]. PMID- 13490620 TI - [Interpretation of osseous formations distal from the epicondylus medialis humeri]. PMID- 13490621 TI - [Significance of electron transfer in bones for the radiation load of an osteocyte]. PMID- 13490622 TI - [Research on the behavior of heavy elements in animals with experimental tumors. III. Accumulation of organic and inorganic bismuth 206 compounds in Yoshida ascitessarcoma and benzpyrin tumors and the role of the reticuloendothelial system]. PMID- 13490623 TI - [Radiation protection in use of examinational apparatus]. PMID- 13490624 TI - [Present stand of postgradual training of roentgenologists in Czechoslovakia]. PMID- 13490625 TI - [Mechanism of the adrenal function determined by roentgen ray action]. PMID- 13490626 TI - [Cholecystocholangiography through an external fistula]. PMID- 13490627 TI - [An accessory bone shadow in the knee joint of an adolescent]. PMID- 13490628 TI - [Pathophysiology of psychoses, 1953-1955]. PMID- 13490629 TI - [Anatomy of central optic organs; recent concepts of the morphological background of spatial & color vision]. PMID- 13490630 TI - [Preliminary results with cytostatic E-39 in the treatment of malignant tumors]. PMID- 13490631 TI - [C-reactive protein in various diseases]. PMID- 13490632 TI - [Histopathological data on Bayer E-39 in malignant lymphogranuloma]. PMID- 13490633 TI - [Benign tumors of the stomach]. PMID- 13490635 TI - [So-called accessory broncho-alveolar communication]. PMID- 13490634 TI - [Dislocation of the kid kidneys & ureters in retroperitoneal cancer]. PMID- 13490636 TI - [Diagnosis of lymph node diseases on slides]. PMID- 13490637 TI - [Osteoplastic lung disease of Simmonds]. PMID- 13490638 TI - [Spirographic semeiology in the determination of cardiac & pulmonary function]. PMID- 13490639 TI - [Congenital diaphragmatic hernia as a cause of neonatal death]. PMID- 13490640 TI - [Inverted isthmic stenosis]. PMID- 13490641 TI - [Statistical data on 120 fractures of the mandible]. PMID- 13490644 TI - [Umberto Saraval]. PMID- 13490643 TI - [Pulmonary lymphangiectasis]. PMID- 13490642 TI - [Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes]. PMID- 13490645 TI - Anatomic variances of the cystic and hepatic artery as seen during operations on the gallbladder. PMID- 13490646 TI - Long-term anticoagulant therapy. PMID- 13490648 TI - Accessory lobes of the lung. PMID- 13490649 TI - Therapy of hypertensive states in pregnancy from the internist's standpoint. PMID- 13490650 TI - The clinical management of osteoarthritis. PMID- 13490647 TI - Air and blood oxygen. PMID- 13490651 TI - Admissions: a professional liability pitfall. PMID- 13490653 TI - Erythropoietin. PMID- 13490652 TI - Regional enteritis. PMID- 13490654 TI - The treatment of lymphedema of the arms and legs. PMID- 13490655 TI - Individual intravenous therapy for surgical patients. PMID- 13490658 TI - The transmission of sound by the femur. PMID- 13490656 TI - Diabetic acidosis as a complication of therapy with tolbutamide. PMID- 13490657 TI - The medicated nose. PMID- 13490659 TI - Extracardiac disorders in heart failure. PMID- 13490660 TI - The azygos vein. PMID- 13490661 TI - Labor's new socialized medicine scheme. PMID- 13490662 TI - [Address of the President of the National Academy of Medicine during the solemn session held to commemorate the centenary of Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez's birth]. PMID- 13490663 TI - [Address commemorating the centenary of Prof. Francisco Antonio Risquez's birth]. PMID- 13490664 TI - [Words spoken during the placing of a floral offering at the tomb of Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez]. PMID- 13490665 TI - [Scientific works of Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez in the National Academy of Medicine]. PMID- 13490666 TI - [Biographical sketch on Dr. Andres Sanchez, founder of the National Academy of Medicine, occupying Chair 23 from 1904 to 1947]. PMID- 13490667 TI - [Comparative study of the cytoplasmic changes of Trypanosoma cruzi in cultures incubated with the blood of Chagas' disease patients & of normal subjects]. PMID- 13490668 TI - [Professor Henrique de Rocha Lima, has died]. PMID- 13490669 TI - [Current progress in radiologic diagnosis of the digestive system]. PMID- 13490670 TI - [Primary acute pulmonary histoplasmosis]. PMID- 13490671 TI - [Pulmonary histoplasmosis epidemic]. PMID- 13490672 TI - [Concept of essential arterial hypertension; current acquisitions on its treatment]. PMID- 13490673 TI - [Clinical review of 210 case histories of infections laryngotracheobronchitis]. PMID- 13490674 TI - [An outstanding year in the teaching of medicine in Mexico; September 1956-57]. PMID- 13490675 TI - [Histo-physiological studies of intestinal epithelium during digestion]. PMID- 13490677 TI - [Etiology and therapy of duodenal stasis. V]. PMID- 13490676 TI - [Three cases of Whipple's disease]. PMID- 13490678 TI - [Etiology and therapy of duodenal stasis. VI]. PMID- 13490679 TI - [Is high-protein diet dangerous for liver disease patients]. PMID- 13490680 TI - Gastroenterology programs of the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases. PMID- 13490681 TI - Observations on the course of benign gastric ulcer and factors affecting its prognosis. PMID- 13490682 TI - Adrenocortical function in peptic ulcer disease. PMID- 13490683 TI - Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in adults. PMID- 13490684 TI - Appendicitis in the aged. PMID- 13490685 TI - Experimentally induced gastric ulceration and antisecretory property of sodium fluoride in the stomachs of young guinea pigs. PMID- 13490686 TI - The simulation of jaundice by action of quinacrine (atabrine). PMID- 13490687 TI - The effect of the antrum on histamine-produced ulcer in the experimental animal. PMID- 13490688 TI - Cholelithiasis in sickle cell disease. PMID- 13490689 TI - Effect of cigarette smoking on dissolved gastric mucins and viscosity of gastric juice. PMID- 13490690 TI - Frequency of recurrences in peptic ulcer. PMID- 13490691 TI - Obstructive jaundice; the problem of differential diagnosis in a patient with carcinoma of the major intrahepatic bile ducts. PMID- 13490692 TI - A case of mucormycosis of the duodenum, liver and cecum. PMID- 13490694 TI - The importance of maintaining a normal milieu interieur. PMID- 13490695 TI - Cyclic vomiting. PMID- 13490693 TI - Gastro-esophageal incompetence; its relationship to short-esophagus type of hiatal hernia in infancy. PMID- 13490696 TI - [About myeloma]. PMID- 13490698 TI - [Significance of the reticular system in the neurophysiology of consciousness]. PMID- 13490697 TI - [The large abdominal, thoracic & cervical lymphatic regions]. PMID- 13490699 TI - [Anatomical & surgical bases of urogenital prolapse]. PMID- 13490700 TI - [Etiopathogenesis d'uro-genital prolapse]. PMID- 13490701 TI - [Clinical uro-genital prolapse]. PMID- 13490702 TI - [Continuous anesthetic block of the sciatic nerve in vascular disorders of the leg & foot]. PMID- 13490703 TI - [Data on the treatment of laryngotracheal stenosis]. PMID- 13490704 TI - [Use of a graphic representation of morphology; practical applications]. PMID- 13490705 TI - [Notes on the endocrinology movement during the 1st half of 1957]. PMID- 13490706 TI - [Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria from exposure to cold; 2nd case in Brazil. I]. PMID- 13490707 TI - [Coagulation time]. PMID- 13490708 TI - [Radiotherapy of uterine cancer causing functional disorders of the excretory urinary tract]. PMID- 13490709 TI - [Interruption of pregnancy in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490710 TI - [Two rare causes of intraperitoneal hemorrhage in the second half of pregnancy]. PMID- 13490711 TI - [Treatment of late gestosis with hypotensive drugs]. PMID- 13490712 TI - [Diagnosis and therapy of functional disorders of tubal motility]. PMID- 13490713 TI - [Treatment of inversio uteri puerperalis]. PMID- 13490714 TI - [A case report on bladder endometriosis]. PMID- 13490715 TI - [Symposium on geriatrics; change of pathology]. PMID- 13490716 TI - [The need for geriatric aid]. PMID- 13490717 TI - [Symposium on geriatrics. II. Urological affections in aged women]. PMID- 13490718 TI - [Presbycusis]. PMID- 13490719 TI - [Ocular affections in the aging]. PMID- 13490720 TI - [Symposium on geriatrics. III. Psychological factors in aging]. PMID- 13490721 TI - [Aging, old age & death in theory & practice]. PMID- 13490722 TI - Academic performance and personality adjustments of highly intelligent college students. PMID- 13490724 TI - The structure and origin of the anal character. PMID- 13490723 TI - The use of the Vineland social maturity scale in the planning of an educational program for non-institutionalized low-grade mentally deficient children. PMID- 13490725 TI - Free expression of adolescents' interests. PMID- 13490726 TI - The role of mass media and the effect of aggressive film content upon children's aggressive responses and identification choices. PMID- 13490727 TI - Interest in persons as an aspect of sex difference in the early years. PMID- 13490728 TI - Surgical treatment of internal carotid artery occlusion. PMID- 13490729 TI - Nutritional and biochemical effects of 19-nortestosterone with lysine supplements in aging convalescents. PMID- 13490730 TI - Serum cholesterol reduction with lecithin. PMID- 13490731 TI - Serum proteins in the aged; means and stability of mucoprotein levels and electrophoretic partitions. PMID- 13490732 TI - Clinical and pathologic correlation in pyelonephritis; statistical study of 977 patients. PMID- 13490733 TI - Electroencephalographic alpha rate in adults as a function of age. PMID- 13490734 TI - Nontraumatic cervical osteoarthritis in an aged patient. PMID- 13490735 TI - Tumors of the hand. PMID- 13490736 TI - The sociologic meaning of aging. PMID- 13490737 TI - Significance of levels of wellness in aging. PMID- 13490738 TI - Gerontology: the university's opportunity and challenge. PMID- 13490739 TI - [Experimental data on maximum permissible concentration of thiophos in water supply]. PMID- 13490740 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of insecto-fungicides according to requirements of industrial hygiene]. PMID- 13490741 TI - [Industrial hygiene during application of systemic organic phosphate insecticides]. PMID- 13490742 TI - [Industrial hygiene in mechanized cultivation of potatoes]. PMID- 13490743 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of practical courses at a rural school]. PMID- 13490744 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of cereals following treatment of crops with 2,4-D]. PMID- 13490745 TI - [Sanitary evaluation of working and living conditions of agricultural workers in prerevolutionary Russia]. PMID- 13490746 TI - [Basic principles of sanitary services for workers of tractor stations]. PMID- 13490747 TI - [Certain problem of prevention of communicable diseases in zone of reclamation of wastelands and virgin soils]. PMID- 13490748 TI - [Investigation of morbidity of tractor operators]. PMID- 13490750 TI - [Impressions from the trip to Bulgaria, October-November, 1956]. PMID- 13490751 TI - [Sanitaryhygienic evaluation of permanent field camps in certain southern regions of RSFSR]. PMID- 13490752 TI - [Establishment of sanitary protective zones between pig farms in collective farms and living areas]. PMID- 13490749 TI - [Reorganization of sanitary-antiepidemic services in rural areas of the Chernovits region]. PMID- 13490754 TI - [Control of complying with sanitary rules in agricultural machine shops]. PMID- 13490755 TI - [Sanitary and hygienic conditions of workers employed in spraying citrus trees with octamethyl and mercaptophos]. PMID- 13490753 TI - [Hygenic conditions in tractor shops]. PMID- 13490756 TI - [Hygienic evaluation of products exposed to methyl bromide]. PMID- 13490757 TI - [Theoretical bases for hygienic standardization in simultaneous pollution of water reservoirs by several ahrmful substances]. PMID- 13490759 TI - [Effect of air pollution by discharges of an electric station and chemical plant on the health of the population]. PMID- 13490758 TI - [Basic hygienic parameters of a radiant heating system]. PMID- 13490760 TI - [Effect of small concentrations of lead on porphyrin metabolism in animals]. PMID- 13490761 TI - [Standards of artificial illumination; for future inspection]. PMID- 13490762 TI - [Effect of chronic lead poisoning on immunobiologic reactivity of an animal system]. PMID- 13490764 TI - [The effect of sanatory-health grounds on school children with weak health]. PMID- 13490763 TI - [Elasticity of vapor and evaporation of substances in moving air]. PMID- 13490765 TI - [Sanitary statistics in the scientific works and in organizational and practical activity of Z. P. Solov'ev]. PMID- 13490766 TI - [Raising of the qualifications of physicians in industry in the field of work hygiene and occupational diseases]. PMID- 13490767 TI - [Organization and methods of hygienic preparation of workers for food factories and public eating places]. PMID- 13490768 TI - [Disinfecting properties of ethylene oxide; review of foreign literature]. PMID- 13490769 TI - [Errors in the evaluation of hygienic standards in sanitary control of water reservoirs]. PMID- 13490770 TI - [Evaluation of air on industrial premises polluted by several harmful substances]. PMID- 13490771 TI - [Hygienic evaluation and practic I use of ultraviolet radiations of the sun and the sky in the North Pole]. PMID- 13490772 TI - [Measures for dust control in paper industry]. PMID- 13490773 TI - [Air pollution with carbon monoxide in cars]. PMID- 13490774 TI - [Bacterial air pollution in workshops of the spinning-weaving mill Krasnyi Tekstil'shchik]. PMID- 13490776 TI - [PROFESSOR N. K. SHIFRIN]. PMID- 13490775 TI - [Inspection actinomete for measurement of radiations in industry]. PMID- 13490777 TI - [Use of paper filters for the purification of ventilation air from viruses]. PMID- 13490779 TI - [Work regime at a hospital radiological department]. PMID- 13490778 TI - [Mineral metabolism disorder in the animal system as a complication of ultraviolet insufficiency]. PMID- 13490780 TI - [Physiological and hygienic aspects of vibration in vibrocompression of concrete]. PMID- 13490781 TI - [Evaluation of the effect of schistose typographical ink on the system]. PMID- 13490782 TI - [Toxicity of 2-methyl-furan (silvan)]. PMID- 13490783 TI - [Rationalization of the workplace of a planner, constructor and designer]. PMID- 13490784 TI - [Sanitation in Petersburg; 250th anniversary of the foundation of the city]. PMID- 13490785 TI - [175th Anniversary of the medical school of the V. Kapsukas University in Wilno]. PMID- 13490786 TI - [Organization of work in the control of noise]. PMID- 13490787 TI - [Some problems of sanitary welfare and sanitary standards in new housing developments in the German Democratic Republic]. PMID- 13490788 TI - [Irrigation of fields by sewage water and sanitary protection of water reservoirs]. PMID- 13490791 TI - [On the article of G. D. Oikhman, Reorganization of sanitary-antiepidemiological service in rural regions of Chernovitskii district]. PMID- 13490790 TI - [Utilization of sewage for field irrigation]. PMID- 13490789 TI - [Purification and utilization of sewage in Moscow]. PMID- 13490792 TI - [Pollution and self-purification in the central part of Northern Donets]. PMID- 13490793 TI - [Sanitary and hygienic effectiveness of the method of cleaning metal products by hydrosand blasting]. PMID- 13490794 TI - [Hygienic basis for planning a food block in a hospital]. PMID- 13490795 TI - [A new device for examination of airborne microorganisms]. PMID- 13490796 TI - [A case of water pollution of the watter supply by sewage]. PMID- 13490797 TI - [Blood protein changes in patients with skin diseases]. PMID- 13490798 TI - [Blood coagulation process in chronic erythematodes]. PMID- 13490799 TI - [Etiopathogenetic considerations on two cases of Hyde's nodular prurigo]. PMID- 13490800 TI - [Sweat retention syndromes]. PMID- 13490801 TI - [Tumors of the cutaneous annexa; epithelioma adenoides cysticum; sebaceous epithelioma; sudoriparous epithelioma]. PMID- 13490802 TI - [Radiotherapy of epitheliomas of the scalp]. PMID- 13490803 TI - [Possible application of a new chromatographic technic in dermatology]. PMID- 13490804 TI - [Behavior of tuberculin allergy in guinea pigs vaccinated with BCG & preventively treated with isoniazid]. PMID- 13490805 TI - [Value & clinical significance of various spirographic indices in evaluation of respiratory function in pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490806 TI - [Remote results of extrapleural pneumothorax]. PMID- 13490807 TI - [Research on changes induced by the administration of a bronchodilatory drug to healthy subjects & pneumopathic patients (silicotic, silicotuberculotic, tuberculotic & asthmatic emphysematous patients). I. Effect of treatment with dimethylethylenediamine on gasous metabolism at rest]. PMID- 13490808 TI - [Research on changes induced by the administration of a bronchodilatory drug to healthy subjects & pneumopathic patients (silicotic, silicotuberculotic, tuberculotic & asthmatic emphysematous patients). II. Effects of treatment with dimethylethylenediamine on spirometric measurements at rest & maximum aerobic work capability]. PMID- 13490809 TI - [Glucose tolerance tests during treatment with sulfonylurea: changes of blood levels of glucose, phosphorus, pyruvic acid & lactic acid]. PMID- 13490810 TI - [Clinical research on the treatment of diabetic tuberculotics with sulfonylurea]. PMID- 13490811 TI - [Cycloserine in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490812 TI - [Behavior of tuberculin allergy & Middlebrook-Dubos hemagglutination test in tuberculotics treated with cycloserine]. PMID- 13490814 TI - [Sanitation of the city of Leskovac]. PMID- 13490813 TI - [Local treatment of chronic empyema with a new cortisone derivative: prednisolone trimethylacetate]. PMID- 13490815 TI - [Sanitation in Leskovac & environment]. PMID- 13490816 TI - [Housing & social conditions in Leskovac and their effect on morbidity and mortality in the city]. PMID- 13490817 TI - [The planting of trees in Leskovac as a measure for the sanitation of the town]. PMID- 13490819 TI - [Sanitation of housing of the flooded villages Rude and Zeka Buljubasa in the city of Leskovac]. PMID- 13490818 TI - [More discussion on the problems of tree planting in Leskovac]. PMID- 13490820 TI - [Use of water in Leskovac]. PMID- 13490821 TI - [Familial epidemic caused by Salmonella typhi murium after insignificant food poisoning; the problem of determinants in silent infections]. PMID- 13490822 TI - [Fecal types of Clostridium perfringens causing food poisoning and their diagnosis]. PMID- 13490824 TI - [Investigation of waters in the navigable canal Bezdan-Becej]. PMID- 13490823 TI - [Determination of blood carbon monoxide in gas generator workers]. PMID- 13490825 TI - [Problem of diphtheria carriers in a closed institution]. PMID- 13490826 TI - [Malaria in the People's Republic of Serbia from 1952 until the end of 1956]. PMID- 13490827 TI - [Best method for determination of the hardness of water]. PMID- 13490829 TI - Oogenesis in adult Drosophilia melanogaster. III. Radiation-induced ovarian tumors. PMID- 13490828 TI - [Answer to the article, Review of the article on the needs of revision of rabies vaccination]. PMID- 13490830 TI - The ineffectiveness of meprobamate on growth and feed economy of white Leghorn cockerels. PMID- 13490831 TI - The proportion of leucine and lysine to tryptophane in growing tissues. PMID- 13490832 TI - Quantitative growth studies with chick myoblasts in glass substrate cultures. PMID- 13490833 TI - Growth of the marsupial Trichosurus vulpecula and a comparison with some higher mammals. PMID- 13490834 TI - The influence of light on the early growth of chinook salmon. PMID- 13490835 TI - [Histological changes in the intrapulmonary blood vessels & aorta during fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490836 TI - [Possibility of the use of experimental tuberculosis of the rabbit eye for research on the dynamism of the tuberculous focus]. PMID- 13490837 TI - [Changes in blood protein values in tuberculous encephalomeningitis]. PMID- 13490838 TI - [Tuberculosis of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes in adults]. PMID- 13490839 TI - [Bronchospirometry. III. Functional examination of the lung in segmentectomies complicated by pleural hemorrhage or effusion]. PMID- 13490840 TI - [Cavernorrhaphy as adjuvant of thoracoplasty in the treatment of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490841 TI - [Early results of vaccination against tuberculosis with vaccines prepared from four different BCG strains. I]. PMID- 13490842 TI - [Five years at the Phthisiological Hospital of the Academy of Medicine at Bialystok]. PMID- 13490843 TI - [Intrabronchial perforations of the lymph nodes & anatomicopathological lesions of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes in persons who died from fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490844 TI - [Results of treatment of tuberculous meningitis in adults without intrathecal therapy and the role of corticosteroids]. PMID- 13490845 TI - [Clinical and epidemiological results of ambulatory chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in Poland]. PMID- 13490846 TI - [Effects of BCG vaccination on the course of skeletal tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490847 TI - [Diagnostic difficulties in a case of tuberculosis of the spine & skull base]. PMID- 13490848 TI - [70th Birthday of phthisiologist-pediatrician Franciszek Groer]. PMID- 13490849 TI - [10th Anniversary of the Children's Ward of the J. Marchlewskiego Tuberculosis Institute at Otwock]. PMID- 13490850 TI - [Single reaction tuberculin allergometry: preliminary report]. PMID- 13490851 TI - [Observations on children from the Otwock Sanatorium previously vaccinated intracutaneously with BCG]. PMID- 13490852 TI - [Trafuril reaction]. PMID- 13490853 TI - [Lower and middle lobe syndrome]. PMID- 13490854 TI - [Treatment of tuberculosis of infants & small children]. PMID- 13490855 TI - [Instruction on the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in children with antimicrobial drugs]. PMID- 13490856 TI - [Pneumothorax in the era of antimicrobial therapy; general discussion]. PMID- 13490857 TI - [Resection of pulmonary tissue in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis; general discussion]. PMID- 13490858 TI - [Employment of patients in pulmonary tuberculosis; general discussion]. PMID- 13490859 TI - Food allergy. PMID- 13490860 TI - Protruding ears. PMID- 13490861 TI - Gastrointestinal Hodgkin's disease; a report of three cases. PMID- 13490862 TI - Filling cavities remaining after unusual hernias. PMID- 13490863 TI - A new needle for operating table cholangiography. PMID- 13490864 TI - A retractor forceps. PMID- 13490865 TI - Carcinoid tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. PMID- 13490866 TI - Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. PMID- 13490867 TI - Preanesthetic medication with pentobarbital sodium. PMID- 13490868 TI - Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13490869 TI - [Pregnancy, meningeal tuberculosis and miliary tuberculosis]. PMID- 13490871 TI - [Psychological development in pregnancy]. PMID- 13490870 TI - Recurrent ectopic pregnancy in the stump of a fallopian tube complicated by pyosalpinx; case report. PMID- 13490872 TI - [Procedure for quantitative determination of labor activity]. PMID- 13490873 TI - [Hemato-serological recognition of thrombosis hazard with special evaluation of the beta-naphthol test]. PMID- 13490874 TI - [Experimental demonstration of the action of oxytocin on the mammary gland]. PMID- 13490875 TI - [Principles, methods and results of pain prophylaxis in labor]. PMID- 13490876 TI - [Crede's method of prevention of blennorrhea neonatorum; its evolution; need of current methods; prevention with desogen]. PMID- 13490877 TI - Psychosomatic problems in medical practice. PMID- 13490878 TI - The interpretation of symptoms. PMID- 13490879 TI - Management of colitis and diarrhea. PMID- 13490880 TI - [Asian influenza, 1957]. PMID- 13490881 TI - Meprobamate therapy; three years of observation on its use in adaptation and stress-induced conditions. PMID- 13490883 TI - Venous pressure; changes in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal injuries. PMID- 13490882 TI - Atrophic rhinitis. PMID- 13490884 TI - Persistent occiput transverse position on the perineum; a method for rotation. PMID- 13490885 TI - The anterior chest wall syndrome. PMID- 13490887 TI - SHOCK IN myocardial infarction. PMID- 13490886 TI - LOW SODIUM diet. PMID- 13490888 TI - ACUTE myocarditis. PMID- 13490889 TI - The circulatory system of the giraffe. PMID- 13490890 TI - [Hebrew medical literature published in Israel in 1956 & 1957. II]. PMID- 13490891 TI - Sugar and cane sugar in Hebrew literature. PMID- 13490892 TI - The first anticipations of the idea of circulation in ancient Jewish sources. PMID- 13490893 TI - Harveian items in Hebrew medicine. PMID- 13490894 TI - The health of Israel. PMID- 13490895 TI - Ethnic differences in relation to morbidity in Israel. PMID- 13490897 TI - Three decades. PMID- 13490896 TI - Changing concepts regarding splenectomy. PMID- 13490898 TI - [Hemodynamic results after surgery of the aortic isthmus stenosis]. PMID- 13490899 TI - [Vectorcardiographic examination of infant: with particular reference to the first hours of life and its interpretation in relation to the change from fetal to extra-uterine circulation]. PMID- 13490900 TI - Biochemical studies on the blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid of children suffering from tuberculous meningitis. PMID- 13490901 TI - [Clinical observations and electroencephalographic changes in mega-encephaly]. PMID- 13490902 TI - [Granulosa cell tumor in a 15-month-old child]. PMID- 13490904 TI - Smallpox vaccination and pregnancy. PMID- 13490903 TI - [Anemia neonatorum transitoria, an adaptation disease]. PMID- 13490905 TI - [Panoramic view of breast pathology]. PMID- 13490907 TI - [Clinical study of the opticautonomic reflex]. PMID- 13490906 TI - [Clinical study of pneumotaxic centrogenic analepsis]. PMID- 13490909 TI - Small hospital's clinic: new profession. PMID- 13490908 TI - Hypothalamus and hypophysis. PMID- 13490910 TI - The annual hospital report. PMID- 13490911 TI - Opinion survey questionnaire. PMID- 13490912 TI - The hospital of the future. III. PMID- 13490913 TI - Salaries and supplementary benefits in private hospitals, 1956-1957. II. PMID- 13490914 TI - What makes a good annual report. PMID- 13490915 TI - Not by bread alone: the Blue Cross idea under the British National Health Service after 10 years. PMID- 13490916 TI - The pharmacist as central service supervisor. PMID- 13490917 TI - Welding reduces equipment costs. PMID- 13490918 TI - What the executive housekeeper expects from administration. PMID- 13490919 TI - Some legal aspects of hospital purchasing. III. PMID- 13490920 TI - The hospital administrator and nursing accrediation. PMID- 13490921 TI - Pharmacy service in smaller hospitals. II. PMID- 13490922 TI - How to recognize quality in stainless steel equipment. PMID- 13490923 TI - AA AND the hospital. PMID- 13490925 TI - A place for old folks to live; fire safety in the nursing home. I. Ingredients for disaster. PMID- 13490924 TI - Don't overlook mental hospitals in disaster planning. PMID- 13490926 TI - Hospital-funeral directors relations. PMID- 13490927 TI - City planning. PMID- 13490928 TI - Real fire training is real life insurance. PMID- 13490929 TI - Fires and explosions. PMID- 13490930 TI - The engineer's responsibility for the security features of the hospital. I. PMID- 13490931 TI - Control of surgical privileges. I. PMID- 13490932 TI - The framework of organization. PMID- 13490934 TI - Automation in hospital records. PMID- 13490935 TI - Package boiler is more efficient. PMID- 13490933 TI - The challenge of the sterile suture scissors. PMID- 13490936 TI - Housekeepers are educators. PMID- 13490937 TI - LARGER quantity purchases; a saving. PMID- 13490938 TI - Flexibility in purchasing. PMID- 13490939 TI - Why the shortage of x-ray technicians. PMID- 13490940 TI - Duplicating equipment. PMID- 13490941 TI - The American Public Health Association: 1872-1957. PMID- 13490942 TI - HM salutes. PMID- 13490943 TI - Hospital liability for trustees and medical staff. PMID- 13490946 TI - A place for old folks to live; ingredients for disaster. II. PMID- 13490945 TI - The engineer's responsibility for the safety features of the hospital. II. PMID- 13490944 TI - Some recent legal decisions indicating trends. PMID- 13490947 TI - Historical and legal aspects of blood transfusions. PMID- 13490948 TI - Hospital library service. I. PMID- 13490949 TI - Hospital lien law. PMID- 13490950 TI - Control of surgical privileges. II. PMID- 13490951 TI - What's for tomorrow. PMID- 13490952 TI - The administrator must be there; the administrator's need to represent himself at the site. PMID- 13490953 TI - The elements of institutional sanitation personnel facilities. PMID- 13490954 TI - USE RICE with your lenten meals. PMID- 13490955 TI - Do your employees work for you. PMID- 13490957 TI - X-RAY TECHNICIANS face unionization. PMID- 13490956 TI - The operations of a pharmacy and formulary committee. PMID- 13490958 TI - The selection of incinerators for hospital use. PMID- 13490959 TI - Is your public relations showing. PMID- 13490960 TI - There are opportunities. PMID- 13490961 TI - Smoothing the process of order giving. PMID- 13490962 TI - Hospital control the trend of prepackaging. PMID- 13490963 TI - Hypnosis as anesthesia. PMID- 13490964 TI - Hospital administration; which way. PMID- 13490965 TI - Juvenile visitors can be seen and heard; in place provided. PMID- 13490966 TI - Lay assistants' contributions to Catholic hospitals. PMID- 13490967 TI - Medical records. PMID- 13490968 TI - Hospital nursing service organization. PMID- 13490969 TI - Louisiana revisited; tornado strikes Boscoville and Prairie Laurent. PMID- 13490970 TI - The forward look in nursing. PMID- 13490971 TI - The status of radiologic technology in the modern hospital. PMID- 13490972 TI - A MONUMENT to health. PMID- 13490973 TI - How and why we started an employee advisory committee. PMID- 13490974 TI - The dietitian and professional responsibility. PMID- 13490975 TI - Good records vindicate housekeeping methods. PMID- 13490976 TI - FINANCIAL management course initiated at Regis College. PMID- 13490977 TI - Listeria meningitis: a case report. PMID- 13490978 TI - A poison control center: a tool to end unnecessary tragedies. PMID- 13490979 TI - Stranded sisters open convalescent hospital. PMID- 13490980 TI - The hospital sisters as a pr means: and an end. PMID- 13490981 TI - Communication in nursing service. PMID- 13490982 TI - Research, its meaning and characteristics. PMID- 13490983 TI - The patient's personal property. I. PMID- 13490984 TI - Industry know-how helps hospitals. PMID- 13490985 TI - The place of the lay assistant administrator in the catholic hospital. PMID- 13490986 TI - THE PATRICIAN goes to Seneca. PMID- 13490987 TI - Ultra sound: your silent servant. PMID- 13490988 TI - Maintenance of electrical equipment for fire prevention. PMID- 13490989 TI - Pharmacy personnel patterns. PMID- 13490990 TI - Nutrition education for the medical intern. PMID- 13490991 TI - Bedrails: up or down. PMID- 13490992 TI - THE AMERICAN Hospital of Paris. PMID- 13490994 TI - A new twist in technician training. PMID- 13490995 TI - Electric typewriters can save time and money. PMID- 13490996 TI - Teletype equipment can save time and lives. PMID- 13490993 TI - A 10-year look at uniform cost accounting. PMID- 13490997 TI - Polling patients and personnel. II. What factors affect patients' opinions of their nursing care. PMID- 13490998 TI - Environmental health safety. PMID- 13490999 TI - Environmental health and safety; wishing won't make it so; a good safety record calls for action; and maybe money. PMID- 13491000 TI - Environmental health and safety; solvents, caustics, insecticides, bleaches; all are potential occupational hazards that can be overcome. PMID- 13491001 TI - Environmental health and safety; radiation-helpful friend and deadly enemy. PMID- 13491002 TI - Environmental health and safety; how to control food-borne disease in the hospital. PMID- 13491003 TI - Purchasing; pneumatic and vertical conveyors. PMID- 13491004 TI - The art of decision making. PMID- 13491005 TI - Nonprofit hospitals and the corporate practice of medicine. PMID- 13491006 TI - A flying visit to Municipal Hospital, Uranium City, Saskatchewan. PMID- 13491008 TI - What personnel say about nursing care. PMID- 13491007 TI - Personnel programs: a down-to-earth evaluation. PMID- 13491009 TI - What we learned from a mass inoculation program. PMID- 13491010 TI - Comparative testing of interior wall paints. PMID- 13491011 TI - Pediatric units in practice. PMID- 13491012 TI - Hospital administration in Taiwan. PMID- 13491013 TI - What hospitals have done to improve patient care. PMID- 13491014 TI - Prepurchase testing of medical supplies. PMID- 13491015 TI - What hospitals should know about investigational drugs; guiding principles in medical research involving humans. PMID- 13491016 TI - What hospitals should know about investigational drugs; responsibilities of the hospital staff. PMID- 13491017 TI - The health of the nation. PMID- 13491018 TI - How work simplification can simplify purchasing. PMID- 13491019 TI - Efficient utility service; planning for it starts with selecting the construction site. PMID- 13491020 TI - Budget planning: how to prepare dietary budgets for smaller hospitals. PMID- 13491021 TI - Poison control centers. PMID- 13491022 TI - National clearinghouse for Poison Control Centers. PMID- 13491023 TI - Four views of a visual aid department. PMID- 13491024 TI - What the community expects of the hospital. PMID- 13491025 TI - Emotional support and aid in financial planning: greatest needs in caring for the terminally ill. PMID- 13491026 TI - Duties of the purchasing agent in planning for disaster. PMID- 13491027 TI - A practical approach to lower laundry costs. PMID- 13491028 TI - Budget planning: how to prepare dietary budgets for large hospitals. PMID- 13491029 TI - [Rheumatic fever, as seen under the perspective of autonomic regulations]. PMID- 13491030 TI - [Protection against scalds in alternative sprays]. PMID- 13491031 TI - Adenoviruses. PMID- 13491032 TI - Clinical observations with an oral nasal decongestant. PMID- 13491033 TI - The evolution of pathology in Chicago. PMID- 13491034 TI - Promethazione hydrochloride for the control of nausea and vomiting during spinal anesthesia. PMID- 13491035 TI - Virus-cell interrelationships. PMID- 13491036 TI - Ultran as a dermatological tranquilizer. PMID- 13491037 TI - Clinical study: treatment of burns to control pain and infection. PMID- 13491038 TI - Mongolism and metaphyseal aclasis. PMID- 13491039 TI - An unusual cause of death. PMID- 13491040 TI - Studies of immunity to Plasmodium berghei infection. I. The transmission of acquired immunity against P. berghei from female rats to their offspring. PMID- 13491041 TI - D. D. T. water dispersible powders: studies on suspensibilty in relation to accelerated tropical storage treatment. PMID- 13491042 TI - On two new piroplasms from the African mongoose, Helogale undulata rufula. PMID- 13491043 TI - Investigation of filariasis problem in Ballia town (Uttar Pradesh). PMID- 13491044 TI - Comparative efficacy of 50 per cent dieldrin-resin dispersible powder and 50 per cent dieldrin dispersible powder. PMID- 13491045 TI - Studies on particle size distribution in relation to suspensibility. I. 50 per cent DDT water dispersible powders. PMID- 13491046 TI - Description of a hitherto unknown structure in the mouth parts of mosquitoes. PMID- 13491047 TI - Aquatic vegetation of Bokaro reservoir in relation to anopheline mosquito larvae and its control by application of herbicides. PMID- 13491048 TI - Studies on Plasmodium berghei Vincke and Lips, 1948. XXIV. Selection of a chloroquine resistant strain. PMID- 13491049 TI - Studies on Plasmodium berghei Vincke and Lips, 1948. XXV. The role of casein diet on the acquired immunity of mice infected with P. berghei. PMID- 13491050 TI - Studies on the susceptibility of A. subpictus grassi, 1899 to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in a Delhi state village. PMID- 13491051 TI - Studies on Nuri strain of P. knowlesi. XIV. Pathological processes in the liver. PMID- 13491052 TI - Detection of malaria parasites by concentration method. PMID- 13491053 TI - Association of Chara zeylanica Willd. with anopheline breeding within Damodar Eden canal area of West Bengal. PMID- 13491054 TI - A note on the degree of susceptibility of A. culicifacies to D. D. T. in some parts of Bombay State. PMID- 13491055 TI - A pilot study on the suspension of D. D. T. spraying and the setting up of a surveillance organisation in Kanara district covering the work up to October 31, 1956. PMID- 13491056 TI - Filariasis in Assam State. PMID- 13491058 TI - Studies in the enzyme make-up of Pasteurella pestis. V. Dehydrogenase activity of virulent and avirulent strains. PMID- 13491057 TI - Studies on the rapid loss of biological efficacy of D. D. T. and dieldrin suspensions on mud surfaces against culicine mosquitoes. PMID- 13491059 TI - Serum glycoprotein response during immunization. II. Effect of adequate antigenic stimuli (S. typhi). PMID- 13491060 TI - Role of spleen in the maintenance of circulating leukocytes. IV. Effect of splenectomy on the myeloid elements of bone-marrow in albino rats. PMID- 13491061 TI - Fibrin (horse) hydrolysate for parenteral administration. PMID- 13491062 TI - Effect of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus on menstrual cycle in monkey. PMID- 13491063 TI - Hypothalamic control over oestrous cycle in the rat. PMID- 13491064 TI - Effect of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus on gastric secretory activity and ulceration. PMID- 13491065 TI - Effect of electrical stimulation of the limbic system of brain (visceral brain) on gastric secretory activity and ulceration. PMID- 13491066 TI - Relationship of male sex hormone to stress induced activation of adrenal cortex in rat. PMID- 13491067 TI - Effect of castration on certain hematological data in male rat. PMID- 13491069 TI - Studies on the nutritional status of students of the Eden Hindu Hostel attached to Presidency College, Calcutta. PMID- 13491068 TI - Studies on the role of methionine in the metabolism of tryptophane by rats treated with carbon tetrachloride. PMID- 13491070 TI - The electro-retinogram of bat and owl. PMID- 13491071 TI - Effect of lipid intake on the serum protein and lipo-protein pattern in experimental atherosclerosis. PMID- 13491072 TI - The effect of oxyphenonium, hexamethonium and probanthine on the gastric acid secretion of rats. PMID- 13491073 TI - Pharmacological action of Lochnera rosea linn (Rattanjot). PMID- 13491074 TI - Studies on thiaminase from fish. I. Properties on thiaminase. PMID- 13491076 TI - Studies on blood cholesterol levels of healthy men of different socio-economic groups in India. PMID- 13491075 TI - Studies on thiaminase from fish. II. Effect of certain compounds on thiaminase activity. PMID- 13491077 TI - Studies on the blood of poor Indian new-born babies and their mothers. PMID- 13491078 TI - Nutritive value of vegetable proteins. I. Protein efficiency ratios of cereals and pulses and the supplementary effect of the addition of a leafy vegetable. PMID- 13491079 TI - Amino-acid composition of Indian foodstuffs. III. Threonine and arginine content of some cereals. PMID- 13491080 TI - A method of estimation of bound nicotinic acid (BNA) in rice and wheat bran. PMID- 13491081 TI - Influence of cooking of the nutritional value of foods. II. Riboflavin, nicotinic acid and ascorbic-acid content of some cooked foods. PMID- 13491082 TI - Ages of epiphyseal union in long bones of infenior extremity in U. P. subjects. PMID- 13491083 TI - The mechanisms of nonponetrating injuries to the hollow abdominal viscera. PMID- 13491084 TI - Cancer of the palate in coastal Andhra due to smoking cigars with the burning end inside the mouth. PMID- 13491085 TI - Nardostachys Jatamansi DC: a phyto-chemical study of its active constituents. PMID- 13491086 TI - Nardostachys Jatamansi DC: its sedative and depressant action as estimated by Warburg technique. PMID- 13491087 TI - The influence of stretch stimuli on the chronotropic response of the frog's isolated whole heart and its individual chambers. PMID- 13491088 TI - The effects of vagosympathetic and crescentic stimulation on the chronotropic and inotropic responses of intact and isolated frog hearts. PMID- 13491089 TI - Familial cardiomegaly; case reports with review of literature. PMID- 13491090 TI - Senile versus Huntington's chorea; two case reports. PMID- 13491091 TI - Acute barbiturate poisoning; report of a case treated with picrotoxin. PMID- 13491092 TI - Actinoluminescence analysis in histology. PMID- 13491093 TI - Modern practice in immunization. VI. Tuberculosis immunization. PMID- 13491094 TI - Symptomatic relief. VI. Vomiting in children. PMID- 13491095 TI - The in vitro antibacterial activity of extracts from Enicostema littorale. PMID- 13491096 TI - Pharmacological study of infected bajri cereal. PMID- 13491097 TI - Effect of antibiotics on staphylophosphatase and staphylocoagulase. PMID- 13491098 TI - Effect of the blockade of reticulo-endothelial system on tumor growth and metastasis; with a short review of literature. PMID- 13491099 TI - Brevicollis: Klippel-Feil syndrome; case report. PMID- 13491101 TI - Coagulation of blood. PMID- 13491100 TI - Site of production of antibodies. PMID- 13491102 TI - Differential diagnosis of precordial pain. PMID- 13491103 TI - Modern practice in immunization. 7. Pertussis immunization. PMID- 13491105 TI - A few thoughts on pediatrics in India. PMID- 13491104 TI - The problem of therapy in acute leukaemia. PMID- 13491106 TI - The vascular architecture in foetus and infants. II. PMID- 13491107 TI - Pneumonias in infancy and childhood. PMID- 13491108 TI - Who practices industrial medicine? Results of a survey in Oklahoma. PMID- 13491110 TI - Medical aspects of automation. PMID- 13491109 TI - Fatal pulmonary disease caused by an atypical acid-fast bacillus; a bacteriologic and clinical study. PMID- 13491111 TI - Cutaneous reaction to fiberglas. PMID- 13491112 TI - Myocardial infarction in industrial workers; a study in their progress, performance, and prognosis after return to work. PMID- 13491113 TI - Lung hernia. PMID- 13491114 TI - Smoking habits and mortality among workers in cigarette factories. PMID- 13491115 TI - JOHM J. PRENDERGAST, M. D., 1902-1957. PMID- 13491116 TI - Medical Department layout and design. PMID- 13491117 TI - Pre-employment x-ray survey of the lumbosacral spine in bus drivers. PMID- 13491118 TI - Electrocardiographic survey of hotel employees in New York City. PMID- 13491119 TI - Occupational hearing loss. PMID- 13491120 TI - The carcinogenic action of p-aminobiphenyl in the dog; final report. PMID- 13491121 TI - Fatal silicosis with complicating infection by an atypical acid-fast photochromogenic bacillus. PMID- 13491122 TI - The common cold; what is being done about it. PMID- 13491123 TI - The value of early diabetes detection. PMID- 13491124 TI - Toxicity of ozone. IV. Silicone aerosols and alcohol vapor therapy in ozone poisoning. PMID- 13491125 TI - A classification system for lantern slides and other visual aids in occupational health. PMID- 13491126 TI - The place of reconstructive surgery in the prevention of foot ulceration in leprosy. PMID- 13491127 TI - Treatment of trophic ulcers of leprosy with roniacol. PMID- 13491128 TI - Effect of BCG vaccination, lepromin testing and natural causes in inducing reactivity to lepromin and to tuberculin. PMID- 13491129 TI - Significance of the relationship between the lepromin and tuberculin reactions in leprosy contacts; leprosy infection, leprosy disease, primary complex. PMID- 13491130 TI - Detection of calcium in the skin lesions of lepromatous cases of leprosy by histochemical technique. PMID- 13491131 TI - The geography of food and cooking. PMID- 13491132 TI - Optimal nutrition of infants and children. PMID- 13491133 TI - Food in the Armed forces. PMID- 13491134 TI - What I have learned in life. PMID- 13491135 TI - Medical management of ulcerative colitis. PMID- 13491136 TI - HENRY E. SIGERIST. PMID- 13491137 TI - The adventures of William Harvey, and of his discovery. PMID- 13491138 TI - Padna and London; a Harveian tale of two cities. PMID- 13491139 TI - THE LIFE of William Harvey. PMID- 13491140 TI - WILLIAM HARVEY: picture story. PMID- 13491141 TI - Traumatic injury in athletes. PMID- 13491142 TI - The study of the rebound pulse as a method of diagnosing papilledema. PMID- 13491143 TI - Opthalmology around the world: letter from Paris. PMID- 13491144 TI - Special problems of food and cooking today: psychiatry. PMID- 13491145 TI - Science and the art of cooking. PMID- 13491146 TI - Some nutritional and therapeutic aspects of wine and cognac. PMID- 13491147 TI - Chlorpromazine as an adjunct in managing tuberculous patients. PMID- 13491149 TI - Developmental anatomy of the foot. PMID- 13491148 TI - The role of electrophoresis in medicine. PMID- 13491150 TI - Arterial supply of the foot. PMID- 13491152 TI - Foot problems: metabolic factors. PMID- 13491151 TI - FIELDS A Venous, lymphatic, and autonomic supply of the foot. PMID- 13491153 TI - Significance of neuronal developmental and conditioned patterns in control of function of the foot. PMID- 13491154 TI - Foot pains. PMID- 13491155 TI - Obstetric and gynecologic considerations of the foot. PMID- 13491156 TI - Influence of a flexible outsole on the dynamics of the walking gait. PMID- 13491157 TI - Orthopedic disabilities. PMID- 13491158 TI - An appraisal of a new antiemetic drug: prochlorperazine. PMID- 13491159 TI - The Hippocratic Oath. PMID- 13491160 TI - How Hippocrates made his diagnoses. PMID- 13491161 TI - Pharmaceutical research. PMID- 13491162 TI - The phrenotropic agents. PMID- 13491163 TI - Dextro-amphetamine sulfate in mild depression and anxiety. PMID- 13491164 TI - Preliminary observations on the positive inotropic effects of mephentermine. PMID- 13491165 TI - Prednisolone: a preliminary appraisal of its use topically. PMID- 13491166 TI - Pseudopapilledema. PMID- 13491167 TI - Herpes zoster ophthalmicus. PMID- 13491168 TI - Psychosomatic medicine and the general practitioner. PMID- 13491169 TI - Recent advances in psychobiology and their impact on general practice. PMID- 13491171 TI - The psychiatric management of duodenal ulcer. PMID- 13491170 TI - An internist looks at psychosomatic disease. PMID- 13491172 TI - Physiologic mediation of psychic stimuli in diabetes mellitus. PMID- 13491173 TI - Psychiatric aspects of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. PMID- 13491174 TI - The management of anxiety in medical practice. PMID- 13491175 TI - The psychosomatic conditions encountered in orthopedic practice. PMID- 13491176 TI - An evaluation of prochlorperazine in the ambulatory treatment of psychiatric patients. PMID- 13491177 TI - SYMPOSIUM on legal medicine. PMID- 13491178 TI - Medicolegal problems in physical medicine. PMID- 13491179 TI - Suicide. PMID- 13491180 TI - Pitfalls of defendants' examinations for insurance carriers. PMID- 13491181 TI - Medicolegal problems of senility. PMID- 13491182 TI - Malpractice and rectal surgery. PMID- 13491183 TI - Intramuscular administration of prednisolone in dermatoses; comparison with oral and topical therapy. PMID- 13491184 TI - Azo gantrisin in the treatment of urinary tract infections. PMID- 13491185 TI - Therapeutic value and limitations of an ataractic drug (rescinnamine). PMID- 13491186 TI - The influence of stress conditions on the motility of human leukocytes. PMID- 13491188 TI - Of arches and bridges. PMID- 13491187 TI - Suicide; a review of the literature, 1945-1956. PMID- 13491189 TI - Ferdinand Von Arlt and Ernst Fuchs; two representatives of the Vienna School of Ophthalmology. PMID- 13491190 TI - Optometric control of medical practice through legislation. PMID- 13491191 TI - Obesity--a psychosomatic dilemma. PMID- 13491192 TI - Psychoanalytical aspects of the personality of the obese person. PMID- 13491193 TI - Potentialities of group therapy for obesity. PMID- 13491194 TI - A physiologist examines some psychiatric assumptions concerning obesity. PMID- 13491195 TI - The influence of ACTH on the motility of human leukocytes. PMID- 13491196 TI - Electroconvulsive therapy combined with chlorpromazine and reserpine. PMID- 13491197 TI - The phrenotropic action of methyl-phenidylacetate hydrochloride. PMID- 13491198 TI - The use of vitarespital in the treatment of elderly psychotic patients. PMID- 13491199 TI - Four medical vignettes from Turkey. PMID- 13491200 TI - Respiratory disease in this century. PMID- 13491201 TI - Malignant disease of the ethmoid and maxillary antrum. PMID- 13491202 TI - The role of anatomical variations in the coronary arteries with particular emphasis upon intercoronary anastomoses. PMID- 13491203 TI - A fascial key for exposing the glossopharyngeal nerve. PMID- 13491204 TI - Survival after rupture of an aneurysm of the splenic artery during pregnancy. PMID- 13491205 TI - MEMORIAL to the late Dr. Kirkpatrick. PMID- 13491206 TI - CLINICAL report of the Rotunda Hospital; 1st November 1955 to 31st October 1956. PMID- 13491207 TI - Coombe Lying-in Hospital, Dublin; clinical report for the year 1956. PMID- 13491208 TI - NATIONAL Maternity Hospital, Dublin; clinical report. PMID- 13491209 TI - Joseph Black and fixed air. II. PMID- 13491210 TI - Studies on two cases of blood transfusion reactions due to anti-E antibody. PMID- 13491211 TI - Descriptions of the nymph and adult of Trombicula nagayoi Sada et al., 1950, and the taxonomic and ecological notes with the related species; studies on Tsutsugamushi, part 97. PMID- 13491213 TI - Note on the taxonomical status of the mosquito, Uranotaenia bimaculata Leicester. (Diptera: Culicidae). PMID- 13491214 TI - The Treponema pallidum agglutination test for syphilis: with special reference to antigen preparation. PMID- 13491212 TI - Biochemical studies on Voges-Proskauer positive enteric bacteria. PMID- 13491215 TI - Formation of hydrogen suifide by the decomposition of thiosulfate by bacteria. III. PMID- 13491216 TI - Studies on the mechanism of ossification in tissue culture; some factors influencning the processes of ossification in the chick embryo femur. PMID- 13491218 TI - Cultivation of liver cells from chick embryos in the simplified replicate tissue culture. PMID- 13491217 TI - Studies on the growth-promoting substance for fibroblasts in the simplified replicate tissue culture. PMID- 13491219 TI - Experimental studies on hepatitis virus of mice in tissue culture. PMID- 13491220 TI - Spike duration in single myelinated nerve fibres. PMID- 13491221 TI - Anode break excitation in single myelinated nerve fibres. PMID- 13491222 TI - The effects of calcium ions upon the size of the action current of single myelinated nerve fibres of the toad. PMID- 13491223 TI - Accommodation of the human retina to exponentially increasing currents. PMID- 13491224 TI - Comparisons of ventilatory capacities among fishing divers, nurses, and telephone operators in Japanese females. PMID- 13491225 TI - Effects of strychnine on the intracellular potentials of spinal motoneurons of the toad. PMID- 13491226 TI - The effect of calcium ions on electrical properties of striated muscle fibres. PMID- 13491227 TI - Motor response of the stomach and small intestine caused by stimulation of the peripheral end of the splanchnic nerve, thoracic sympathetic trunk and spinal roots. PMID- 13491228 TI - The effect of activity of reticuloendothelial system on threshold of b-wave of ERG of dark adapted rabbit eye. PMID- 13491229 TI - A study on the origin of intraretinal action potential of the cyprinid fish by means of pencil-type microelectrode. PMID- 13491230 TI - Nervous activities of the stretch receptor in the toad's sartorius muscle. PMID- 13491231 TI - Behaviors of cervical muscles in labyrinthine and skin-pressure reflexes. PMID- 13491232 TI - Predominance of right-handed spirals in the interaepidermal sweat ducts in man and the primates. PMID- 13491233 TI - Studies on neuronal processes in the retina by antidromic' stimulation. PMID- 13491234 TI - Adrenal cortical activity in hydrated and dehydrated rats. PMID- 13491235 TI - Effects of vagotomy on the excitability of the respiratory center to blood CO2. PMID- 13491236 TI - Comparative studies on the catalatic reaction between red cell suspension and hemolysate. PMID- 13491237 TI - On red cells fixed by H202. PMID- 13491238 TI - Notes on the shape of red blood corpuscle. PMID- 13491240 TI - Further studies on the wave-length of impulse in relation to some physiological constants. PMID- 13491239 TI - Effects of Thoulet's reagent on the glycerinated muscle fiber. PMID- 13491241 TI - On the transforming action of the brain shown in the brain wave. PMID- 13491242 TI - The alkaline phosphatase activities in the isolated nuclei of ox retina. PMID- 13491243 TI - Properties of the procaine end-plate potential. PMID- 13491244 TI - Role of vasopressin in the release of ACTH. PMID- 13491245 TI - Phylogenetic studies on miniature electrical oscillation in insect muscles. PMID- 13491246 TI - Effects of Thoulet's reagent on actomyosin and its component proteins. PMID- 13491247 TI - Na and K contents of retina of toad and electroretinogram. PMID- 13491248 TI - Fibrillation of muscle fibers produced by ammonium ions and its relation to the spontaneous activity at the neuromuscular junction. PMID- 13491250 TI - [Reticular system; physiological & psychological functions]. PMID- 13491251 TI - [Indications and contraindications of phenylbutazone]. PMID- 13491249 TI - A pyrogenic substance in blood plasma of equine encephalomyelitis. PMID- 13491252 TI - [Diagnosis of obstructive jaundice]. PMID- 13491253 TI - [Leprotic reactions]. PMID- 13491254 TI - [Complications of mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13491255 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of hemoptysis]. PMID- 13491256 TI - [Pneumoconiosis]. PMID- 13491257 TI - [Review of somatic & psychotherapy of schizophrenia]. PMID- 13491258 TI - [More results of ergotherapeutic trials]. PMID- 13491259 TI - [Day hospitals in psychiatry]. PMID- 13491260 TI - [Therapy of tuberculosis & its role in prevention]. PMID- 13491261 TI - [Classification of leprosy]. PMID- 13491262 TI - [Cycloserine in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis; experience at the Hospitais Civis de Lisboa]. PMID- 13491264 TI - [On the treatment of asthma by corticosteroids]. PMID- 13491265 TI - Multiple ossifying periapical fibroma; diagnosis and surgery. PMID- 13491263 TI - [Action of cycloserine in cutaneous tuberculosis]. PMID- 13491266 TI - Range of movement of the mandible. PMID- 13491267 TI - Marginal fit of direct acrylic restorations. PMID- 13491268 TI - Incidence of clinical manifestations of periodontal disease in light of oral hygiene and calculus formation. PMID- 13491269 TI - The temporomandibular joint: function, dysfunction and dental treatment. PMID- 13491270 TI - A precision and biologic root canal filling technic. PMID- 13491271 TI - Buffer effect of saliva stimulated between and at meals. PMID- 13491272 TI - Practical value of comparative roentgenography of the temporomandibular joint. PMID- 13491273 TI - Bleaching of the discolored pulpless tooth. PMID- 13491274 TI - Dental prosthesis in the past. PMID- 13491275 TI - Dental education in Turkey. PMID- 13491276 TI - Dental house staffs at civilian hospitals, 1950-56. PMID- 13491277 TI - Transplantation of teeth: clinical and experimental studies. PMID- 13491278 TI - Efficient office routines. PMID- 13491279 TI - Our basic responsibilities. PMID- 13491280 TI - The art in casting a hollow pontic. PMID- 13491281 TI - EDUCATIONAL requirements and a program of certification for dental laboratory technicians. PMID- 13491282 TI - SUPPLEMENT to list of certified dental materials. PMID- 13491283 TI - CHANGES in the distribution of dentists during 1954-1956. PMID- 13491284 TI - The psychology of weight reduction. PMID- 13491285 TI - Changing attitudes toward overweight and reducing. PMID- 13491286 TI - The father's influence on young children's food preferences. PMID- 13491287 TI - Food acceptance by soldiers under an ad libitum regimen. PMID- 13491288 TI - Management training pays dividends. PMID- 13491289 TI - Employee training. PMID- 13491290 TI - Bacterial growth in poultry stuffings. PMID- 13491291 TI - ANNOTATED bibliography on disaster feeding. PMID- 13491292 TI - Emergency mass feeding in a Hungarian refugee camp. PMID- 13491293 TI - After hurricane Audrey; mobile feeding. PMID- 13491294 TI - Massive hemorr'age from peptic ulcer: a cause of myocardial infarction in the aged. PMID- 13491295 TI - Immunity to the afflictions of old age. PMID- 13491296 TI - Clinical studies in geriatrics. III. The tonic. PMID- 13491297 TI - The use of perphenazine (trilafon) to control anxiety and agitation in aged patients. PMID- 13491298 TI - Conservative management of the osteoarthritic knee. PMID- 13491299 TI - Occupational therapy for geriatric patients in a mental hospital: therapeutic possibilities and limitations. PMID- 13491300 TI - The health of the nation. PMID- 13491301 TI - Severe diabetic acidosis treated with the artificial kidney; report of a case complicated with acute renal failure. PMID- 13491302 TI - The future of hemodialysis in military medicine. PMID- 13491303 TI - Urinary findings diagnostic of pyelonephritis. PMID- 13491304 TI - Unilaterl renal disease and hypertension; report of three successfully treated cases. PMID- 13491305 TI - Cervical disk lesions. PMID- 13491306 TI - Surgical treatment of cardiospasm (achalasia of the esophagus); considerations of aspects of esophagomyotomy. PMID- 13491307 TI - Triethylenephosphoramide in the treatment of disseminated melanoma. PMID- 13491308 TI - Tabulation and review of autopsy findings in fifty-five paraplegics. PMID- 13491309 TI - Obstructive water-losing uropathy. PMID- 13491310 TI - Detection of glycosuria in pregnancy; comparative study of glucose oxidase and copper reduction techniques. PMID- 13491312 TI - DIETHYLCARBAMAZINE citrate, U.S.P. PMID- 13491311 TI - CHLORAMBUCIL. PMID- 13491313 TI - TETRACYCLINE phosphate complex. PMID- 13491314 TI - USE OF heparin sodium in hyperlipemia. PMID- 13491315 TI - Medical insurance. I. What doctors think about it. PMID- 13491316 TI - Mechanical correlation of data in differential diagnosis of hematological diseases. PMID- 13491317 TI - Degree of physical dependence induced by secobarbital or pentobarbital. PMID- 13491318 TI - Choice of a diuretic agent based on pharmacological principles. PMID- 13491319 TI - Treatment of essential hypertension with chlorothiazide (diuril); its use alone and combined with other antihypertensive agents. PMID- 13491320 TI - Evaluation of chlorothiazide (diuril) in the toxemias of pregnancy; analysis of one hundred forty-four patients. PMID- 13491321 TI - Effect of chlorothiazide on electrolyte transport in man; its use in the treatment of edema of congestive heart failure, nephrosis, and cirrhosis. PMID- 13491322 TI - The special problem of rheumatic heart disease in pregnant women. PMID- 13491323 TI - Three-way therapeutic effectiveness of tar-steroid cream. PMID- 13491324 TI - Immunization of infants with poliomyelitis vaccine; guest editorial. PMID- 13491325 TI - The clinical significance of hematuria. PMID- 13491326 TI - Diseases of the female urethra. PMID- 13491327 TI - The solitary circumscribed pulmonary nodule; study of seven hundred five cases encountered roentgenologically in a period of three and one-half years. PMID- 13491328 TI - Providing a steady state for cardiac catheterization under anesthesia. PMID- 13491329 TI - Fractures of the elbow in children; review of three hundred consecutive cases. PMID- 13491330 TI - Surgical treatment of carcinoma of the lung; evaluation of six hundred ninety nine cases from 1933 through 1956. PMID- 13491331 TI - Radiation dose to gonads from diagnostic x-ray exposure. PMID- 13491332 TI - Diagnostic significance of fulness in the ear. PMID- 13491333 TI - Recognition and management of problems associated with prediabetes during pregnancy. PMID- 13491334 TI - Retrograde leg-milking test for varicose veins; a simple method for localization of incompetent perforators. PMID- 13491335 TI - Cutaneous eruptions after use of Salk poliomyelitis vaccine. PMID- 13491336 TI - Nutrition and joint disease. PMID- 13491337 TI - USE OF pooled plasma as a medicolegal hazard. PMID- 13491338 TI - Footsteps on the Frontier some observations on the third party in medicine. PMID- 13491339 TI - Use of relaxin in the treatment of scleroderma. PMID- 13491340 TI - Production of controllable apnea in anesthesia; combined use of narcotic analgesics and their antagonists. PMID- 13491341 TI - Myocardial infarction in a one-year industrial study. PMID- 13491342 TI - Roentgen evidence of normal heart and congenital abnormality in early infancy. PMID- 13491343 TI - Lobar emphysema. PMID- 13491344 TI - Dextran and prolonged bleeding time; results of a sixty-gram, one-liter infusion given to one hundred sixty-three normal human subjects. PMID- 13491345 TI - Facilitating locomotion in neurological disease of lower extremities; description of a new appliance. PMID- 13491346 TI - Tracheotomy in the treatment of severe mediastinal emphysema. PMID- 13491347 TI - Cervical lymphadenopathy, fever, and coma. PMID- 13491348 TI - Current status of therapy in bacterial endocarditis. PMID- 13491349 TI - The problem of spatial disorientation. PMID- 13491350 TI - Method of radiologic diagnosis of congenital heart disease in children. PMID- 13491351 TI - Multiple screening in evaluation of entering college and university students. PMID- 13491352 TI - Amnesia-analgesia for management of children too young to cooerate; method for use during cardiac catheterization and other procedures. PMID- 13491353 TI - Abdominal crises with urologic implications. PMID- 13491354 TI - Pediatric surgery is growing up. PMID- 13491355 TI - Respiratory deaths associated with Asian influenza epidemic; report of twenty three cases. PMID- 13491356 TI - Comprehensive or single plan major medical insurance. PMID- 13491357 TI - Rupture of the marginal sinus of the placenta. PMID- 13491360 TI - Hemangioma of posterior mediastinum with cord compression in midthoracic region; multiple-stage operations with postoperative improvement. PMID- 13491359 TI - Choriocarcinoma in mother and infant. PMID- 13491358 TI - Clinical experience with streptokinase administered buccally; treatment of infection and edema. PMID- 13491361 TI - Cardiac arrest; successful treatment in a patient's room. PMID- 13491362 TI - THE REPORTING of disease. PMID- 13491363 TI - CANCER AND viruses. PMID- 13491364 TI - Chemotherapy of leukemia and lymphoma. PMID- 13491365 TI - Some aspects of cholesterol metabolism. PMID- 13491366 TI - Surgery and the geriatric patient. PMID- 13491367 TI - Ataxic form of poliomyelitis. PMID- 13491368 TI - An unusual cause of intussusception; report of a case. PMID- 13491369 TI - Portraits honor medical women. PMID- 13491370 TI - The surgical tolerance of the cardiac patient; a review of 143 cases. PMID- 13491371 TI - DIAGNOSIS and treatment of malignancies; a panel discussion. PMID- 13491372 TI - Obstetric analgesia with promazine. PMID- 13491373 TI - Certain characteristics of the normal single motor unit. PMID- 13491374 TI - Sterilization of ampuls for spinal anesthesia. PMID- 13491375 TI - Routine use of the lateral roentgenogram for peptic ulcer visualization. PMID- 13491376 TI - Cystoscopic management of ureteral calculi. PMID- 13491377 TI - The problem of tennis elbow; a review. PMID- 13491378 TI - Intestinal rupture of the newborn; report of three cases. PMID- 13491379 TI - Bioliotherapy. PMID- 13491380 TI - The hospital staff and iatrogenic morbidity and mortality. PMID- 13491381 TI - Ileal obstruction in infants and children; presentation of three cases. PMID- 13491382 TI - Fractures of the tibial plateau. PMID- 13491383 TI - Symposium: renal tumors. PMID- 13491384 TI - The analytic treatment of schizophrenia. PMID- 13491385 TI - Hematuric in infants and its significance. PMID- 13491386 TI - Osteopathic education. PMID- 13491387 TI - Admission procedures at the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. PMID- 13491388 TI - The rural clinics program of the Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery. PMID- 13491390 TI - The diphasic actions of ceanothyn and EDTA as blood coagulants. PMID- 13491389 TI - Piperidines with motor depressor and anti-inflammatory properties. PMID- 13491391 TI - Hemopoietic effects of ferriferrocobaltochloroaminoacetate (L. B. 101) a cobalt iron complex. PMID- 13491392 TI - In vitro study of gastric antacids. PMID- 13491394 TI - Sorption of water by rubber closures for injections. II. Effects of vapor pressure, bisulfite, and washing treatments. PMID- 13491393 TI - Hypotensive activity of a new ganglionic blocking agent and its comparative effectiveness on normotensive unanesthetized dogs. PMID- 13491395 TI - Sorption of water by rubber closures for injections. III. Effect of organic compounds. PMID- 13491396 TI - The preparation and pharmacological properties of some chloral derivatives. PMID- 13491397 TI - Diisocyanates in the characterization of alcohols. PMID- 13491398 TI - Amine derivatives of cyanuric chloride. III. Piperazines and ethylenediamines. PMID- 13491399 TI - Derivatives of alpha-amino aldehydes. III. Cyclization products of thiosemicarbazones. PMID- 13491400 TI - Plasma levels of mephenesin, mephenesin carbamate, guaiacol glyceryl ether, and methocarbamol (AHR-85) after oral and intravenous administration in the dog. PMID- 13491401 TI - Haze formation of rubber closures for injections. PMID- 13491402 TI - Carvone analysis by ultraviolet absorption. PMID- 13491403 TI - A chromatographic-densitometric procedure for analysis of the solanaceous alkaloids. PMID- 13491404 TI - Some thyroxine analogs. I. Substituted betaphenylserines and related substances. PMID- 13491405 TI - A synthesis of diketopiperazines using polyphosphoric acid. PMID- 13491406 TI - A pharmacognostical study of Datura discolor Bernh. PMID- 13491407 TI - The effect of ceanothyn on blood coagulation time. PMID- 13491408 TI - Sulfaethylthiadiazole. I. Interpretations of human blood level concentrations following oral doses. PMID- 13491409 TI - Sulfaethylthiadiazole. II. Distribution and disappearance from the tissues following intravenous injection. PMID- 13491410 TI - A study of the lyophilization of several pharmaceutical gums and suspending agents. PMID- 13491411 TI - Syntheses of isoquinoline derivatives using 1-(lithio methyl) isoquinoline. PMID- 13491412 TI - Cardiac glycosides of Euonymus atropurpurea Jacq. II. A study of the structure of euatroside and euatromonoside. PMID- 13491413 TI - The quantitative estimation of ergotamine and ergotoxine by paper chromatography. PMID- 13491414 TI - 5-Hydroxytryptamine antagonism by lysergic acid diethylamide after intracerebral injection in conscious mice. PMID- 13491415 TI - Isotonic solutions. V. The permeability of red corpuscles to various salts. PMID- 13491416 TI - Effect of glutathione and some of its components on the response of Escherichia coli to penicillin. PMID- 13491417 TI - Amithiozone (tibione) analogs. PMID- 13491418 TI - The sterilization of plastic intravenous injection equipment by ethylene oxide vapor. PMID- 13491419 TI - The preservation of aqueous preparations containing nonionic surfactants. I. Growth of microorganisms in solutions and dispersions of nonionic surfactants. PMID- 13491420 TI - The preservation of aqueous preparations containing nonionic surfactants. II. Preservative studies in solutions and products containing nonionic surfactants. PMID- 13491421 TI - A note on the crystallography of carbutamide (BZ-55). PMID- 13491422 TI - The effect of reserpine and meprobamate on gastric acid secretion. PMID- 13491423 TI - The solubility and complexing properties of oxytetracycline. I. Interaction in aqueous solution. PMID- 13491424 TI - Isolation of a saponin, hederin, and its sapogenin, hederagenin, from bur clover (Medicago hispida). PMID- 13491425 TI - Studies to determine the adaptability of the staircase phenomenon to the assay of cardiac glycosides. PMID- 13491426 TI - A pharmacological study of a new orally effective adrenergic blocking agent (A 2077). PMID- 13491427 TI - Studies on the high voltage electrophoresis of strychnos alkaloids. PMID- 13491428 TI - Effect of flavors upon the stability of penicillin in oral penicillin-triple sulfonamide powders. PMID- 13491429 TI - Adsorption studies on clays. I. The adsorption of two alkaloids by activated attapulgite, halloysite, and kaolin. PMID- 13491430 TI - Adsorption studies on clays. II. The adsorption of bacteria by activated attapulgite, halloysite, and kaolin. PMID- 13491431 TI - Adsorption studies on clays. III. The adsorption of diphtheria toxin by activated attapulgites, halloysite, and kaolin. PMID- 13491432 TI - An apparatus for testing the effect of drugs on the spontaneous activity of the rat. PMID- 13491433 TI - Iodophors as disinfectants. PMID- 13491434 TI - The quantitative measurement of 1-phenylephrine hydrochloride in dilute aqueous solution. PMID- 13491435 TI - A note on the root bark alkaloids from Alstonia constricta F. Muell. PMID- 13491436 TI - A note on the crystallography of alstonidine. PMID- 13491437 TI - Alstonia alkaloids. VII. The structure of alstonidine. PMID- 13491438 TI - A note on the assay of zinc stearate. PMID- 13491440 TI - Surfactants in tablets to improve disintegration. PMID- 13491439 TI - Effect of alterations in side chain upon anti-inflammatory and liver glycogen activities of hydrocortisone esters. PMID- 13491441 TI - An investigation of the incompatibilities of quaternary ammonium germicides in compressed troches. I. The adsorption of cetylpyridinium chloride and benzalkonium chloride by talc and kaolin. PMID- 13491442 TI - Stability of atropine in aqueous solution. PMID- 13491443 TI - Enzymatic decomposition of Digitalis glycosides. PMID- 13491444 TI - Antimicrobial properties of a series of beta-piperidinopropiophenones and related derivatives. PMID- 13491445 TI - Alkoxy derivatives of beta-piperidinopropiophenone and related compounds. PMID- 13491446 TI - A comparative human in vivo study of antacids. PMID- 13491448 TI - A new accurate and reliable method to record blood coagulation time using an A. C. bridge principle. PMID- 13491447 TI - Comparative in vivo methods for evaluating antacids in humans. PMID- 13491450 TI - A method for the measurement of lubricating property of medicinal products. PMID- 13491449 TI - An investigation of the possible potentiation of the analgetic properties of morphine by mephenesin. PMID- 13491451 TI - Viscosity changes of sodium alginate solutions after freezing and thawing. PMID- 13491453 TI - A note on the effect of boric acid and sodium metaborate on the oxygen uptake of brain tissue. PMID- 13491452 TI - Studies with a uterine antispasmodic, ambucetamide. PMID- 13491455 TI - A note on mathematics of oral sustained release products. PMID- 13491454 TI - A note on crystallographic and x-ray diffraction data for ethinamate. PMID- 13491456 TI - A comparative study of the metabolism in the human body of some isomers of tartaric acid. PMID- 13491457 TI - Preparation of metal salts of alkanesulfonic acids. PMID- 13491459 TI - Prediction of stability in pharmaceutical preparations. IV. The interdependence of solubility and rate in saturated solutions of acylsalicylates. PMID- 13491458 TI - The electron sterilization of certain pharmaceutical preparations. PMID- 13491461 TI - The comparative antispasmodic activity of N-methyl-3-piperidyl diphenylglycolate methobromide (JB-340) and atropine sulfate. PMID- 13491460 TI - The solubility and complexing properties of oxytetracycline and tetracycline. II. Interactions in Nonaqueous solution. PMID- 13491462 TI - An evaluation of certain hypotensive agents. I. Diquaternarized amino alcohol esters of piperidinecarboxylic acids and a pyridinecarboxylic acid. PMID- 13491463 TI - An evaluation of certain hypotensive agents. II. Acetylenic bis-onium derivatives. PMID- 13491464 TI - A simplified nitrite procedure for the determination of reserpine. PMID- 13491465 TI - Antibacterial and antifungal properties of beta-naphthol derivatives. IV. PMID- 13491466 TI - Solution rate of theophylline salts and effects from oral administration. PMID- 13491467 TI - Study of complex formation by polyethylene glycol and dimethylurea with some pharmaceuticals. PMID- 13491468 TI - Ultrasonic depolymerization of natural polymers. PMID- 13491469 TI - A colorimetric assay for chlorobutanol. PMID- 13491470 TI - Erroneous values for sodium and potassium content of rat tissues dry-ashed in Pyrex. PMID- 13491472 TI - A note on the use of sorbitol solution in pharmaceutical formulations. PMID- 13491471 TI - A note on paper chromatography of quaternary ammonium salts. PMID- 13491473 TI - Some applications of an integrating sphere reflectometer to pharmaceutical problems. PMID- 13491474 TI - Methods for the determination of tral, a new anticholinergic drug. PMID- 13491475 TI - The determination of theophylline, pentobarbital, and papaverine in tablets by spectrophotometric analysis. PMID- 13491476 TI - The synthesis of 1-S-35 diamox. PMID- 13491477 TI - The activity of beta-diethylaminoethyl diphenylpropyl-acetate hydrochloride on Ehrlich ascites and other tumors. PMID- 13491478 TI - The effect of various sugars and polyols on the stability of vitamin B12. PMID- 13491479 TI - Steroidal sapogenins. XLIII. Survey of plants for steroidal sapogenins and other constituents. PMID- 13491480 TI - A potent pyrogenic extract derived from a strain of Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13491481 TI - A rapid chromatographic assay of acetylsalicylic acid, acetophenetidin, and caffeine. PMID- 13491482 TI - Triazine mercurial diuretics. PMID- 13491483 TI - Investigation and development of protective ointments. I. Development of a method for measuring permeation of mechanical barriers. PMID- 13491484 TI - Investigation and development of protective ointments. II. Influence of partition coefficient and thickness. PMID- 13491485 TI - A note on the psychomotor effects of diphenhydramine hydrochloride and dimenhydrinate. PMID- 13491486 TI - A note on the in vitro inhibition of Endamoeba histolytica by diazobarbituric anhydride. PMID- 13491487 TI - A note on the volatile oil from the roots of Pteryxia terebinthina (Hook.) Coult. and Rose var. Terebinthina. PMID- 13491488 TI - A comparison of in vivo and in vitro tests for the absorption, penetration, and diffusion of some medicinals from silicone and petrolatum ointment bases. PMID- 13491489 TI - A cylinderplate method for the quantitative determination of diffusion of antibacterial drugs from ointments. PMID- 13491490 TI - Paper chromatographic evaluation Rauwolfia species. PMID- 13491491 TI - Spectrophotometric titrations with nitrous acid. I. The estimation of procaine hydrochloride, propoxycaine hydrochloride, and tetracaine hydrochloride. PMID- 13491492 TI - Spectrophotometric determination of cycloserine and isoniazid in pharmaceutical preparations. PMID- 13491493 TI - A dilatometric study of melting behaviors of some fats, waxes, and related substances of pharmaceutical importance. I. Polyethylene glycols, spermaceti, cetyl alcohol, petrolatum, white wax, and theobroma oil. PMID- 13491494 TI - Isonicotinoyl hydrazine derivatives and their activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the mouse. PMID- 13491495 TI - A colorimetric procedure for imidazolines. PMID- 13491496 TI - Reaction of Rauwolfia alkaloids, indoles, and related compounds to nitrite. PMID- 13491497 TI - The antineoplastic action of chemical fractions of the fruit of Citrulius colocynthis on sarcoma-37. PMID- 13491498 TI - Certain metallic soap-petrolatum ointment bases. PMID- 13491499 TI - Studies on the purity of dimercaprol (BAL). PMID- 13491500 TI - A rapid determination of the relative purity of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) in pharmaceutical products. PMID- 13491501 TI - The metabolic fate of a hexamethylenimine analgesic. PMID- 13491502 TI - The study of the effect of certain chemicals on perspiration flow. PMID- 13491503 TI - The synthesis and aerosol formulation of certain rare earth compounds as potential antiperspirants. PMID- 13491504 TI - A study of dispersion with ultrasound. I. PMID- 13491505 TI - A study of dispersion with ultrasound. II. PMID- 13491506 TI - The calibration and use of direct reading isotomeity meters. PMID- 13491507 TI - Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). II. Further studies of the effect of ascorbic acid degradation products on cyanocobalamin. PMID- 13491508 TI - The effect of certain additives on the gel point of methylcellulose. PMID- 13491509 TI - The determination of chlorobutanol in pharmaceuticals by amperometric titration. PMID- 13491510 TI - The chromatographic separation and determination of diphenylhydantoin and phenobarbital. PMID- 13491511 TI - Analysis of poison ivy fruit fat. PMID- 13491512 TI - A study of moisture vapor transmission through closures. PMID- 13491513 TI - The effect of orally administered sodium iodide and sodium iodate on blood sugar response to thiourea in rats. PMID- 13491514 TI - A study of the effect of lubricant and fines on a tablet granulation. PMID- 13491515 TI - Correlation of molecular refraction with structure in the terpene series. PMID- 13491516 TI - Studies on the effects of ephedrine in the presence of cocaine. PMID- 13491517 TI - Anticonvulsant activity of pyrazole and of pyrazole with aliphatic substitutions at the three position. PMID- 13491519 TI - The complement-fixation test in diagnosis of eperythrozoonosis in swine. PMID- 13491518 TI - Nitro-organophosphorus compounds. I. Phosphite and phosphate esters of 2-nitro-2 methylpropanol-1. PMID- 13491520 TI - The use of a therapeutic shampoo in small animal dermatoses. PMID- 13491521 TI - ET-57 (Trolene) for demodectic mange; a case report. PMID- 13491522 TI - Diagnosis of leptospirosis from urine specimens by direct culture following bladder tapping. PMID- 13491523 TI - The incidence of anaplasmosis in Wyoming. PMID- 13491524 TI - Chemotherapeutic control of experimental babesial and anaplasmal infections in cattle in Brazil. PMID- 13491525 TI - Comments on veterinary practices by a laymen's advisory committee. PMID- 13491526 TI - Technique of preparing frozen semen. PMID- 13491527 TI - Some effects of hygromycin on early natural infections of Ascaris lumbricoides in swine. PMID- 13491528 TI - Abnormal urogenital tract of a ram. PMID- 13491529 TI - The so-called downer cow syndrome. PMID- 13491530 TI - Iridocyclitis and cataracts associated with an encephalomyelitis in chickens. PMID- 13491531 TI - Extreme mortality in Hjarre's disease (Co-ligranuloma) in chickens. PMID- 13491532 TI - A comparison of beagles released for private ownership with those maintained under kennel conditions. PMID- 13491533 TI - The natural occurrence of Leptospira pomona in an opossum; a preliminary report. PMID- 13491534 TI - A comparison of the California and Whiteside mastitis tests. PMID- 13491535 TI - A survey of gastrointestinal nematodes in feeder calves in Southern illinois. PMID- 13491536 TI - A new type of artificial vagina and a new collection technique for boar semen. PMID- 13491537 TI - Trimar anesthesia for cats. PMID- 13491538 TI - Passive immunity to hog cholera in nursing pigs. PMID- 13491539 TI - Intramuscular treatment of staphylococcic mastitis with neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate. PMID- 13491540 TI - Congenital porphyria (pink tooth) in HolsteinFriesian calves in California. PMID- 13491541 TI - An electrical apparatus and its application in defibrillating the heart of the dog. PMID- 13491542 TI - An experiment to produce coronary occlusion in the dog. PMID- 13491543 TI - Thoracic disorders in the cat. PMID- 13491544 TI - Ulcerogenic cerebral lesions and pancreatic tumors. PMID- 13491545 TI - Chemotherapy of the leukemias and lymphomas. PMID- 13491547 TI - Gynecology. PMID- 13491546 TI - The problem of the oversize infant. PMID- 13491548 TI - The local use of corticosteroids in orthopaedics. PMID- 13491549 TI - [Skeletal lesions in leukemic patients detected by radiological examination]. PMID- 13491550 TI - [Principles and rationale of using an apparatus for rotation telecurietherapy with radio-cobalt 27 Co 60]. PMID- 13491551 TI - Further measurements with the Leiden telecobalt unit. PMID- 13491552 TI - [Radio-isotopes in biology]. PMID- 13491553 TI - A polynucleotide coenzyme of oxidative phosphorylation. PMID- 13491554 TI - A rapid method for measuring phosphorylation coupled to the oxidation of reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide. PMID- 13491555 TI - A polynucleotide coenzyme of oxidative phosphorylation. II. PMID- 13491556 TI - Metabolism of adenine in mice. PMID- 13491557 TI - Urinary metabolites of caffeic and chlorogenic acids. PMID- 13491558 TI - Separation of thyrotropic hormone from a pepsin inhibitor. PMID- 13491559 TI - On the esterolytic activities of papain and trypsin. PMID- 13491560 TI - The cleavage of beta-ketoadipic acie by Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13491561 TI - Steroid isolation studies in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. PMID- 13491562 TI - Some inhibitory properties of carbamyl phosphate. PMID- 13491563 TI - The conversion of lysine to hydroxylysine and its relation to the biosynthesis of collagen in several tissues of the rat. PMID- 13491564 TI - Some properties of beef spleen phosphoamidase. PMID- 13491565 TI - Enzymatic synthesis and characterization of a new trisaccharide, alpha-lactosyl beta-fructofuranoside. PMID- 13491566 TI - Phospholipides containing amino acids other than serine. I. Detection. PMID- 13491567 TI - The enzymic interconversion of uridine diphosphogalactose and uridine diphosphoglucose. PMID- 13491568 TI - Studies on pituitary lactogenic hormone. XVI. Molecular weight of the ovine hormone. PMID- 13491569 TI - Studies on pituitary lactogenic hormone. XVII. Oxidation of the ovine hormone with performic acid. PMID- 13491570 TI - Galactose metabolism in rat liver slices. PMID- 13491571 TI - The decarboxylation of amino acids, proteins, and peptides by N-bromosucclnimide. PMID- 13491572 TI - Urinary steroid excretion after total adrenalectomy. III. Isolation and identification of the metabolites of cortisone acetate. PMID- 13491573 TI - Hemoglobin catabolism. I. Glutathione peroxidase, an erythrocyte enzyme which protects hemoglobin from oxidative breakdown. PMID- 13491574 TI - The metabolism of p-methoxyphenylalanine and p-methoxyphenylpyruvate. PMID- 13491575 TI - Preparative isolation of amino acids by carrier displacement chromatography on ion exchange resins. PMID- 13491576 TI - The oxidation of 2-nitropropane by extracts of pea plants. PMID- 13491577 TI - The identification of 6-succinoaminopurine and of 8-hydroxy-7-methylguanine as normal human urinary constituents. PMID- 13491578 TI - Trypsin activation of a ferricyanide-linked pyruvic acid oxidation. PMID- 13491579 TI - Oxidation of reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide and associated phosphorylation. PMID- 13491580 TI - Physical and chemical properties of protamine from the sperm of salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). PMID- 13491581 TI - Ryegrass nucleases. PMID- 13491582 TI - Isocitritase; enzyme properties and reaction equilibrium. PMID- 13491583 TI - An enzymatic method for the determination of formic acid. PMID- 13491584 TI - Skin sterols. XIII. Incorporation of acetate into various sterols by skin slices. PMID- 13491585 TI - Study of carbamyl phosphate-ornithine transcarbamylase. PMID- 13491587 TI - The assay of glucagon and epinephrine with use of liver homogenates. PMID- 13491586 TI - Comparison of the decomposition properties of compound X and carbamyl phosphate. PMID- 13491588 TI - Studies on succinic dehydrogenase. IV. Activation of the beef heart enzyme. PMID- 13491589 TI - Inhibition of lactic acid dehydrogenase by fluoropyruvic acid. PMID- 13491590 TI - Studies on the autocatalytic activation of trypsinogen. PMID- 13491591 TI - The relation of dietary pyridoxine to the 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase activity of rat kidney. PMID- 13491592 TI - The succinate-glycine cycle. II. Metabolism of delta-aminolevulinic acid. PMID- 13491593 TI - The incorporation of glycine into globin and the synthesis of heme in vitro in duck erythrocytes. PMID- 13491594 TI - Evidence for the spatial configuration of hydroxyaspartic acid. PMID- 13491595 TI - The use of countercurrent distribution for the study of radiochemical purity. PMID- 13491596 TI - The conversion in vivo of xylitol to glycogen via the pentose phosphate pathway. PMID- 13491597 TI - Synthesis of phenylacetylglutamine by human tissue. PMID- 13491598 TI - Terminal amino acids of rhodopsin. PMID- 13491599 TI - The reaction of O-methylisourea with bovine pancreatic ribonuclease. PMID- 13491600 TI - Metabolism of 11 beta-hydroxy-delta 4-androstene-3,17-dione in man. PMID- 13491601 TI - 2-Methoxyestrone, a new metabolite of estradiol-17 beta in man. PMID- 13491603 TI - Amino acid incorporation by intact and disrupted ribonucleoprotein particles. PMID- 13491602 TI - The component fatty acids of Neurospora crassa lipides. PMID- 13491604 TI - Central fractures of the acetabulum. PMID- 13491605 TI - The Kuntscher method of intramedullary fixation. PMID- 13491606 TI - Electrical burns of the upper extremities. PMID- 13491607 TI - Osteotomy-bunionectomy for hallux valgus. PMID- 13491608 TI - Shortening of the metatarsal shaft in the treatment of plantar keratosis; an end result study. PMID- 13491609 TI - Clinicopathological study of ninety-four limbs amputated for occlusive vascular disease. PMID- 13491610 TI - Open grafting of raw surfaces of the hand. PMID- 13491611 TI - Sensory disturbances in the hands of children with cerebral palsy. PMID- 13491612 TI - Fusion of the spine for tuberculosis in children; a long-range follow-up study. PMID- 13491614 TI - Arthrodesis of the hip with staple fixation. PMID- 13491613 TI - Cervical intervertebraldisc calcification in children. PMID- 13491615 TI - Central (medullary) fibrosarcoma of bone. PMID- 13491616 TI - Biochemical studies of articular cartilage. I. Normal values. PMID- 13491617 TI - Biochemical studies of articular cartilage. II. Values following the denervation of an extremity. PMID- 13491618 TI - Electron microscopy of epiphyseal and articular cartilage matrix in the femur of the newborn infant. PMID- 13491619 TI - Kinetics of strontium metabolism in man. PMID- 13491620 TI - Radiation sterilization of homogenous-bone transplants utilizing radioactive cobalt; preliminary report. PMID- 13491621 TI - A brace for correction of torsion of the lower extremity. PMID- 13491622 TI - Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Engelmann's disease); report of a case with twenty-two-year follow-up. PMID- 13491623 TI - Sterling Bunnell; in appreciation. PMID- 13491624 TI - LORD NUFFIELD; great benefactor of orthopaedic surgery eightieth birthday. PMID- 13491625 TI - Arthroplasty of the hip. PMID- 13491626 TI - The direct approach to congenital dislocation of the hip. PMID- 13491627 TI - Slipped upper femoral epiphysis; characteristic of a hundred cases. PMID- 13491628 TI - The results of treatment of slipped femoral epiphysis. PMID- 13491629 TI - The use of tibilis posterior as a dorsiflexor. PMID- 13491630 TI - March gangrene; ischaemic myositis of the leg muscle from exercise. PMID- 13491631 TI - Metaphysial fractures in infancy. PMID- 13491632 TI - Arthritis of hip complicating osteitis pubis. PMID- 13491633 TI - Chondroblastoma (Codman's tumour) of the thoracic spine. PMID- 13491634 TI - The relief of traumatic arterial spasm in threatened Volkmann's ischaemic contracture. PMID- 13491635 TI - Dislocation of the shoulder complicated by complete rupture of the axillary artery; successful suture of the artery in an eighty-seven-year-old man. PMID- 13491636 TI - The role of abdominal pressure in relieving the pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs. PMID- 13491637 TI - Posterior dislocation of the shoulder. PMID- 13491638 TI - Excision of the coccyx for coccydynia; a study of the results in twenty-eight cases. PMID- 13491639 TI - Longitudinal osteotomy of the tibia (the "Reed" osteotomy). PMID- 13491640 TI - Fracture-dislocation of the lumbar spine; report of an unusual case. PMID- 13491641 TI - Radial nerve in osseous tunnel at humeral fracture site diagnosed radiographically. PMID- 13491642 TI - Foramen in the humerus caused by the median nerve. PMID- 13491644 TI - Oligodactyly. PMID- 13491643 TI - Variations in joint space of the hip as shown radiographically. PMID- 13491645 TI - An adaptor for extracting McLaughlin nails. PMID- 13491646 TI - A simple traction harness for cervical manipulation. PMID- 13491647 TI - The effect of bone bank preservation on the calcifying mechanism. PMID- 13491648 TI - Vascular changes after interference with the blood flow of the femoral head of the rabbit. PMID- 13491649 TI - Physiological effects of carbohydrates in the nutrition of a mosquito, Aedes aegypti and two flies, Sarcophaga bullata and Musca domestica. PMID- 13491650 TI - Intracellular potentials in pacemaker and integrative neurons of the lobster cardiac ganglion. PMID- 13491651 TI - The adsorption of lipids from the erythrocyte surface by silica and alumina. PMID- 13491652 TI - Membrane resting and action potentials from a protozoan, Noctiluca scintillans. PMID- 13491654 TI - The action of ultrasound on the mouse liver. PMID- 13491655 TI - Membrane potential changes and ion movements in the frog sartorius muscle. PMID- 13491653 TI - Adenosinetriphosphatase in the mitochondria of unfertilized and newly fertilized sea-urchin eggs. PMID- 13491656 TI - Excretion of nitrogen by the alligator embryo. PMID- 13491657 TI - Mitrochondrial and cytoplasmic protease activity in sea urchin eggs. PMID- 13491658 TI - The role of humidity in the differentiation of the celular slime molds. PMID- 13491659 TI - A comparative study on spectral sensitivity in tadpoles and adult frogs. PMID- 13491660 TI - The effect of carbon dioxide on human red cells in vitro. PMID- 13491661 TI - Our experience with tuberculosis of the spine at the Wanless Hospital, Miraj, India. PMID- 13491662 TI - Some thoughts on prevention of obstetrical emergencies. PMID- 13491663 TI - Further observations on the treatment of typhoid fever with a combination of chloramphenicol and one of the tetracyclines. PMID- 13491664 TI - Helpful hints for your pharmacist. PMID- 13491665 TI - The importance of a general recovery room. PMID- 13491666 TI - The serum transaminase test in various diseases; its diagnostic value in liver disease. PMID- 13491667 TI - Pulmonary sarcoidosis; a physiopathologic analysis. PMID- 13491668 TI - Postural blood pressure changes in the elderly. PMID- 13491669 TI - A home care rehabilitation program for ex-urban communities. PMID- 13491670 TI - The prevalence of diseases of the heart in an urban center as estimated from medical examination of a probability sample. PMID- 13491671 TI - Acquired immunity in tuberculosis. PMID- 13491672 TI - The Western Reserve approach to teaching medical students about long-term illness. PMID- 13491673 TI - Hyperosmolarity in adults: a critical review. PMID- 13491674 TI - Application of cohort analysis to the study of time trends in neoplastic disease. PMID- 13491675 TI - Differentiation of the antilipids occurring in nontreponemal diseases and syphilis. PMID- 13491676 TI - Renal hemodynamic studies in patients with extensive paralysis; the influence of weight loss, muscle atrophy, and immobilization. PMID- 13491677 TI - What shoud be tell the patient. PMID- 13491678 TI - Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. PMID- 13491679 TI - Eunuchoidism with low urinary follicle-stimulating hormone in the female: comparison with this syndrome in the male and with the premenarchal menopause. PMID- 13491680 TI - Urinary estrogen excretion in Cushing's syndrome. PMID- 13491681 TI - The metabolism of epinephrine-containing isotopic carbon in man. PMID- 13491682 TI - Metabolism of free and conjugated 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in subjects with uremia. PMID- 13491683 TI - Plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels in patients with abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy. PMID- 13491684 TI - Oxytocin in lactating and nonlactating women. PMID- 13491685 TI - The reversibility of osteoporosis in Cushing's disease; case report. PMID- 13491686 TI - Thyroid function in subacute thyroiditis. PMID- 13491687 TI - Some aspects of thyroidal iodine metabolism in a case of iodine-induced hypothyroidism. PMID- 13491688 TI - Persistent thyroid carcinoma. PMID- 13491689 TI - The plasma proteins in thyroid disorders. PMID- 13491690 TI - Metabolism of progesterone by adrenal tissue from patients with Cushing's syndrome and mammary carcinoma. PMID- 13491691 TI - Jaundice during administration of methylestrenolone. PMID- 13491692 TI - The effects of experimental hepatobiliary disease on certain aspects of tocopherol metabolism in the rat. PMID- 13491693 TI - Studies of the satiety response in mice. PMID- 13491694 TI - Blood adrenocorticotrophic hormone and plasma corticosteroids in men exposed to adverse environmental conditions. PMID- 13491695 TI - Toxicity and blood ammonia rise resulting from intravenous amino acid administration in man: the protective effect of l-arginine. PMID- 13491696 TI - Effects of posture and atropine on the cardiac output. PMID- 13491697 TI - The pressure-volume responses of human forearm veins during epinephrine and norepinephrine infusions. PMID- 13491698 TI - Unbound amino acid concentrations in human blood plasmas. PMID- 13491699 TI - The mechanical behavior of the lungs in healthy elderly persons. PMID- 13491700 TI - Capillary observations in patients with hemorrhagic fever and other infectious illnesses. PMID- 13491701 TI - Plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone in Addison's disease and its modification by the administration of adrenal steroids. PMID- 13491702 TI - The effect of pulmonary vascular pressures on the mechanical properties of the lungs of anesthetized dogs. PMID- 13491703 TI - The binding of cations by chondroitin sulfate. PMID- 13491704 TI - Serum iron levels in siderosis due to habitually excessive iron intake. PMID- 13491705 TI - Pregnane 3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-triol and pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha,-triol-11-one excretion by patients with adrenocortical dysfunction. PMID- 13491706 TI - A cause of the thrombocytopenia and leukopenia that occur in dogs during deep hypothermia. PMID- 13491707 TI - Comparison of various procedures for determining sucrose and inulin space in the dog. PMID- 13491708 TI - The absorption of glycine and its conversion to serine in patients with sprue. PMID- 13491709 TI - Studies of visceral pain: measurements of stimulus intensity and duration associated with the onset of pain in esophagus, ileum and colon. PMID- 13491710 TI - The effects of acutely increased systemic resistance on the left atrial pressure pulse: a method for the clinical detection of mitral insufficiency. PMID- 13491711 TI - A tandem foream plethysmograph for study of acute responses of the peripheral veins of man: the effect of environmental and local temperature change, and the effect of pooling blood in the extremities. PMID- 13491712 TI - Hexosamines of seromucoid. PMID- 13491713 TI - Hyaluronate in normal human synovial fluid. PMID- 13491714 TI - The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on water and electrolyte distribution. PMID- 13491716 TI - The ultrafiltrable calcium of human serum. II. Variations in disease states and under experimental conditions. PMID- 13491715 TI - Correction by defects in clotting accelerator activity by administration of methionine and vitamin K and of a new sulfhydryl-substituted methylnaphthoquinone, vitamin K-S(II). PMID- 13491717 TI - The effect of acetylcholine on the human pulmonary circulation under normal and hypoxic conditions. PMID- 13491718 TI - Ventilatory mechanics in pulmonary edema in man. PMID- 13491719 TI - The influence of dietary carbohydrate deprivation on the metabolism of intravenously administered fructose and glucose in man. PMID- 13491720 TI - Content and composition of the mucoprotein fraction of human serum (seromucoid) in disease with special reference to hematologic disorders. PMID- 13491721 TI - Histochemical studies of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase of the rabbit brain, with special reference to the results in the paraventricular structures. PMID- 13491722 TI - Corticospinal tract of the cat: an attempt to correlate the pattern of degeneration with deficits in reflex activity following neocortical lesions. PMID- 13491723 TI - Certain anatomical and functional interrelations between the tegmentum of the midbrain and the basal ganglia. PMID- 13491724 TI - The localization of neurosecretory structures and pathways in the male albino rabbit. PMID- 13491725 TI - The contribution of individual thoracic spinal nerves to the upper cervical sympathetic trunk. PMID- 13491726 TI - The role of the septal nuclei and components of the fornix in the behavior of the rat. PMID- 13491727 TI - Brainsten-induced eye movements in cats. PMID- 13491728 TI - Effect of the cessation of thiouracil administration on the cell population of the thyroid of rats. PMID- 13491729 TI - The development with age of hypothalamic restraint upon the appetite of the rat. PMID- 13491730 TI - Hormone interrelationships affecting the selective uptake of 65Zn by the dorso lateral prostate of the hypophysectomized rat. PMID- 13491731 TI - Metabolic effects of three testosterone derivatives including 17 alpha-ethyl-19 nortestosterone. PMID- 13491732 TI - An evaluation of a chemical method for the estimation of oestriol, oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta in human urine. PMID- 13491733 TI - An additional purification step for a method for estimating oestriol, oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta in human urine. PMID- 13491734 TI - Effect of age, sex, gonadectomy, sodium chloride intake, and treatment with cortisol acetate upon the lifespan of adrenalectomized mice of an albino strain. PMID- 13491735 TI - The effect of cortisol acetate on oestrone-induced mammary gland growth in immature ovariectomized albinomice. PMID- 13491736 TI - The effect of progesterone on the development of mouse eggs in vitro. PMID- 13491737 TI - Optinum conditions for the biological assay of gonadotrophins. PMID- 13491738 TI - Insemination of the guinea-pig by intraperitoneal injection. PMID- 13491739 TI - Follicle stimulating hormone in the urine of pregnant women. PMID- 13491741 TI - The identity of adrenocortical secretions in lower vertebrates. PMID- 13491740 TI - An examination of new methods for the extraction of human postmenopausal gonadotrophins from urine. PMID- 13491742 TI - The effect of growth hormone on the yield and composition of cows' milk. PMID- 13491743 TI - The effects of vasopressin on water uptake of the toad, Bufo marinus, while bathed in different hypotonic solutions. PMID- 13491744 TI - The maintenance of lactation in the rat after hypophysectomy. PMID- 13491745 TI - Some properties of methylethylstilboestrol. PMID- 13491746 TI - The influence of chorionic gonadotrophin on the steroid metabolism of sexually retarded men. PMID- 13491747 TI - The acute effect of adrenal hormones and carbohydrate metabolism upon plasma phosphate and potassium concentrations in man. PMID- 13491748 TI - A method for the determination of 5 beta-pregnane-3 alpha:17 alpha: 20 alpha triol in urine. PMID- 13491749 TI - The effect of oxytocin on mammary gland involution in the rat. PMID- 13491750 TI - The relationship between urinary oestrogens and oestrogens produced in the body. PMID- 13491751 TI - Note on the effects of thyroidectomy and thyroid hormone administration on the concentration of bile cholesterol and cholic acid. PMID- 13491752 TI - The clearance of vasopressin from the splanchnic vascular area and the kidneys. PMID- 13491753 TI - The effect of oestrone on the mammary gland of adrenalectomized guinea-pigs. PMID- 13491754 TI - Prevention of vitamin A overdosage by somatotrophic hormone. PMID- 13491755 TI - The antibacterial activity of hemoglobin. AB - Low concentrations of hemoglobin (0.1 microg./ml. or less) exert a lethal action on some Gram-negative bacteria under certain conditions in vitro. Hemoglobins from various mammals and the distinct genetic types of human hemoglobin all manifest similar bactericidal activity. The bactericidal effect is a function of the globin moiety of the molecule; native and acid or acid-alcohol denatured globins have the same degree of activity. Hemoglobins kill enterobacteriaceae only under precisely controlled conditions. The test medium must be low in ionic concentration and acid in reaction. Various strains of Escherichia and Salmonella are susceptible to the lethal effect of hemoglobin, while the few strains of Shigella, Klebsiella, and Proteus examined were resistant. Certain acid polysaccharides and basic amines or proteins block the bactericidal effect when incorporated in the test in low concentration. Present evidence also suggests that exposure of the microorganisms to certain cations such as magnesium renders them resistant to the lethal action of globin. Hemoglobin loses its bactericidal power when complexed with haptoglobin, and serum fractions rich in free haptoglobin protect otherwise susceptible bacteria from killing by hemoglobin. The reaction appears to be a bactericidal rather than a bacteriostatic one. At 38 degrees C. maximal killing requires approximately 30 minutes; at temperatures of 28 degrees C. or 0 degrees C. the bactericidal action does not take place. The minimal concentration of hemoglobin required to kill 50 per cent of the microorganisms in the test is unrelated to the size of the bacterial inoculum. Under conditions suitable for bactericidal action, hemoglobin is adsorbed onto heat-killed susceptible strains of coliform bacteria; material possessing bactericidal activity can be eluted with dilute mineral acid. PMID- 13491756 TI - Colicine K. II. The preparation and properties of a substance having colicine K activity. AB - By chemical fractionation a substance having colicine K activity has been obtained from the culture medium of E. coli K(235) L(+)O. Colicine K activity was found associated with the O antigen of this microorganism. When the O antigen was dissociated, colicine K activity remained with the protein component of the antigen. PMID- 13491757 TI - The in vitro action of hydrocortisone on leucocyte migration. AB - Hydrocortisone inhibits the ameboid migration of human leucocytes when added in vitro. The dose-response curve for the reaction between this steroid and leucocytes can be best expressed by a logarithmic plot of the steroid concentrations. Tetrahydrocortisone and desoxycorticosterone had no effect on in vitro leucotyte migration. PMID- 13491758 TI - Thyroid function in experimental streptococcal pneumonia in the rat. AB - In order to study the effects of a severe bacterial infection on thyroid function rats were subjected to group A streptococcal pneumonia, and thyroid activity determined by measurement of the rate of discharge of I(131) from the thyroid gland. Decreased thyroid activity of moderate to marked degree was observed in the majority of infected animals. Infected animals ate less than normal animals. Since fasting leads to decreased thyroid function, I(131) release rates were measured in control animals pair-fed with infected animals and in control and infected animals force-fed a normal intake. The reduction in thyroid activity seen in acute infection was found to be partly but not entirely due to the associated voluntary food restriction. Although the adrenal glands of rats dying of pneumonia were very large, the thyroid inhibition occurring during the course of experimental pneumonia was not secondary to increased adrenocortical function since infected, adrenalectomized animals, receiving injections of cortisone, showed thyroid inhibition comparable to that observed in intact infected animals. The possible influence of the level of thyroid activity on resistance was evaluated. In two experiments a total of 80 rats in 3 groups was pretreated with propylthiouracil and injected daily with 3 dosage levels of 7-thyroxine for 3 weeks prior to inoculation. Under these conditions mortality rates in infected animals fell with decreasing levels of thyroid function. However, induced hypothyroidism was found to afford no protective effect in comparison with untreated infected animals. PMID- 13491759 TI - A comparison of the growth of selected mycobacteria in HeLa, monkey kidney, and human amnion cells in tissue culture. AB - HeLa, monkey kidney, and human amnion cells in tissue cultures were compared as sites for the multiplication of strains of tubercle bacilli or original and reduced pathogenicity, and for several other species of mycobacteria capable of causing disease in humans. The arrangement of the pathogenic species inorder of their growth rates in HeLa cells was Mycobacterium fortuitum, Mycobacterium balnei, and the "yellow bacillus," followed closely by the tubercle bacillus. This order was also correct for these species in monkey kidney and human amnion cells, and is the same as that seen in bacteriological media. The arrangement of the strains of tubercle bacilli in order of their growth rates in all three types of cells was: H37Rv, then R1Rv, and lastly H37Ra, which multiplied about as slowly as BCG. An INH-resistant strain grew about as rapidly as H37Rv. Growth of the pathogenic species occurred at about the same rates in HeLa and monkey kidney cells, but was distinctly slower in human amnion cells, which are less active metabolically. Irradiation of the cells in doses up to 5000 r did not affect the subsequent growth of mycobacteria in them. Preliminary experiments with human leprosy bacilli indicate that they can be introduced into these cells in high numbers and that the bacilli then persist for the life of the cells. PMID- 13491760 TI - Studies on the formation of collagen. I. Properties and fractionation of neutral salt extracts of normal guinea pig connective tissue. AB - Some properties of cold neutral salt extracts of fresh guinea pig dermis have been described in terms of viscosity, electrophoresis and sedimentation patterns, partial composition, the collagen content, conditions for extraction of collagen, and the effect of certain enzymes. Viscosity of the extracts depended on the collagen in solution as demonstrated by removal of this protein by precipitation or enzymatic degradation. The intrinsic viscosity of the crude 0.45 M extract, as well as that of the isolated collagen was 14.5, identical with that for collagen dissolved by dilute acid, indicating the same high asymmetry ratio for both. Electrophoresis of the skin extracts revealed a slow moving, high, sharp, poorly diffusing boundary in addition to a pattern superficially resembling that of serum. The ultracentrifuge pattern revealed a slowly sedimenting, hypersharp boundary following a large rapidly diffusing peak. The slow moving boundaries in both patterns were abolished by collagenase or heat precipitation of the collagen fraction. Hyaluronidase had no effect on either pattern. Neutral sulfate, chloride, and phosphate extracted more collagen than did thiocyanate. Very little collagen was extracted at 37 degrees C. as compared with that removed at 3 degrees C. A two stage fractionation procedure employing dilute trichloroacetic acid and ethanol is described for the isolation and purification of soluble collagen from crude extracts. PMID- 13491761 TI - Studies on the formation of collagen. II. The influence of growth rate on neutral salt extracts of guinea pig dermis. AB - The total amount of neutral salt-extractible collagen in the skin of growing, suckling guinea pigs amounted to about 10 per cent of the total collagen of the dennis. This is roughly equivalent to a 1 to 2 day increment in dermal collagen incident to growth. Fourteen days of static weight maintained by limited caloric intake reduced the neutral salt-extractible collagen to very low levels. Following this period, 5 to 7 days of steady weight gain induced by ad lib. feeding was required to produce significant increases in this collagen fraction. Return to control levels occurred within 12 days of continuous growth. The amount of collagen extracted from the dermis of young guinea pigs with cold neutral salt solutions varied directly with growth rate (weight gain) and was greatly diminished after short periods of restricted caloric intake. Two days of fasting diminished the total extracted collagen by one-half. Three consecutive extractions with citrate buffer pH, 3.5, of the residues remaining after exhaustive saline extraction removed 40 per cent more collagen from the skins of actively growing animals than from those of animals fasted for 2 days. However, subsequent extraction of residues with dilute acetic acid equalized the total amount of collagen extracted at acid pH from the two groups. The viscosity of cold neutral extracts was unrelated to the concentrations of non-collagenous proteins and carbohydrates but varied directly with the collagen content. PMID- 13491762 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. III. The leucocytic origin of endogenous pyrogen in acute inflammatory exudates. AB - The evolution of an acute inflammatory exudate produced in rabbits by the intraperitoneal injection of saline has been described. Evidence has been presented that polymorphonuclear leucocytes release endogenous pyrogen into the cell-free fluid of the exudate. Leucocytes from such exudates have also been shown to release pyrogen into the surrounding medium during incubation in vitro at 37 degrees C. The results of parallel cytological studies have provided evidence which suggests that the leucocytes give up their pyrogen while functionally intact. These observations add further support to the hypothesis that polymorphonuclear leucocytes play a significant role in the pathogenesis of fever. PMID- 13491763 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. IV. The site of action of leucocytic and circulating endogenous pyrogen. AB - By means of a method designed to compare the febrile responses produced by intracarotid and intravenous injections, the endogenous pyrogen, which is contained in leucocytic exudates and is present in the serum of rabbits 2 hours after intravenous injections of typhoid vaccine, has been shown to act directly upon the thermoregulatory centers of the brain. In contrast, the exogenous bacterial pyrogen present in serum obtained 5 minutes after vaccine injections was found to act by a different and less direct mechanism. These observations add strong support to the original hypothesis that endogenous pyrogen, presumably derived from polymorphonuclear leucocytes, is an essential factor in the pathogenesis of endotoxin fever. PMID- 13491764 TI - Studies on the pathogenesis of fever. V. The relation of circulating endogenous pyrogen to the fever of acute bacterial infections. AB - An endogenous pyrogen, which is indistinguishable from leucocytic pyrogen, has been demonstrated in the blood streams of rabbits with fevers caused by experimental pneumococcal and streptococcal infections. Like the endogenous pyrogen previously detected in the serum of animals with fever produced by the intravenous injection of typhoid vaccine, the newly discovered circulating factor acts directly upon the thermoregulatory centers of the brain. Its origin from polymorphonuclear leucocytes at the site of infection appears to have been established. The possible relationship of this circulating endogenous pyrogen to the pathogenesis of other forms of fever is discussed. PMID- 13491765 TI - Tissue culture studies on bacterial allergy in experimental brucellosis. I. The effect of Brucella suis whole antigen on cultures of spleen from normal and brucella-infected guinea pigs. AB - Tissue culture methods have been used to investigate infectious allergy in experimental brucellosis. A study was made of the effect of whole cell Brucella antigen on cultures of spleen from normal and Brucella-infected guinea pigs. The degree of toxicity was based upon the inhibition of migration of wandering cells and upon the morphologic appearance of stained sections of tissue cultures at different periods of incubation. A suspension of heat-killed Br. suis was more toxic for splenic cells from guinea pigs infected with Br. suis than for normal splenic cells. Macrophages were more sensitive than leucocytes to the toxic action of the antigen. The degenerative changes observed in Brucella-sensitive cells exposed to the antigen were similar to the degeneration previously observed in cultures of tuberculin-sensitive cells in the presence of tuberculin. The specific toxicity of the whole Brucella antigen, however, was more marked than that of tuberculin. Preliminary experiments indicate that serum and plasma containing specific antibodies obtained from Brucella-infected guinea pigs reduce the toxic effect of the antigen in cultures of both normal and Brucella-sensitive cells. The protective action of the homologous antiserum was greater for Brucella sensitive cells than for normal cells. PMID- 13491766 TI - Ratio scales and category scales for a dozen perceptual continua. PMID- 13491767 TI - Intelligibility as a function of frequency of usage. PMID- 13491768 TI - Selective sampling in discrimination learning. PMID- 13491769 TI - The semantic differential and mediated generalization as measures of meaning. PMID- 13491770 TI - Cutaneous discrimination of radiant heat. PMID- 13491771 TI - The role of prefeeding in an apparent frustration effect. PMID- 13491772 TI - Resistance to extinction as a function of the discrimination habit established during fixed-ratio reinforcement. PMID- 13491773 TI - Judgments of visual velocity as a function of length of observation time. PMID- 13491774 TI - Effect of amount of interpolated learning and time interval before test on retention in rats. PMID- 13491775 TI - Classical conditioning of human pupillary dilation. PMID- 13491776 TI - The restitution of the medulla oblongata following unilateral excision in embryos of the frog. PMID- 13491777 TI - Growth regulation in Amblystoma eyes transplanted between larvae of different ages. PMID- 13491778 TI - Observation on grafted somites from early larval stages of Amblystoma. PMID- 13491779 TI - Interruption of pregnancy in the rabbit by the administration of estrogen. PMID- 13491780 TI - Experimental modification of gastrulation in the frog. PMID- 13491781 TI - Sexual photoperiodicity of the cyprinid fish, Notropis bifrenatus (Cope), in relation to the phases of its annual reproductive cycle. PMID- 13491782 TI - Regeneration and differentiation in buds of Amaroecium treated with nitrogen mustard. PMID- 13491783 TI - The distribution of lithium in amphibian gastrulae autoradiographically demonstrated. PMID- 13491785 TI - Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis: the Hamman-Rich Syndrome. PMID- 13491784 TI - Diuresis and antidiuresis. PMID- 13491786 TI - Preliminary report on treatment of mongoloids. PMID- 13491787 TI - Syphilis in Shakespeare's tragedies. PMID- 13491788 TI - Office study of the infertility problem. PMID- 13491789 TI - Labor with emphasis on stage I. PMID- 13491790 TI - OSWALD THEODORE AVERY, 1877-1955. PMID- 13491791 TI - The presence of the transmissible agent F in non-recombining strains of Escherichia coli. PMID- 13491792 TI - Some observations upon the mode of sporulation and relationships of monosporous actinomycetes. PMID- 13491793 TI - Nitrogen fixation by new species of Nocardia. PMID- 13491794 TI - The metabolism of inorganic polyphosphate in mycobacteria. PMID- 13491795 TI - The isolation and composition of the nucleic acids of Aerobacter aerogenes. PMID- 13491796 TI - The bulging factor, a fungistatic antibiotic produced by a streptomyces strain, with evidence of an active water-excreting mechanism in fungi. PMID- 13491797 TI - Decarboxylation of neutral amino acids in Proteus vulgaris. PMID- 13491798 TI - Optical activity of amino acids formed by reductive amination in Bacillus subtilis. PMID- 13491799 TI - The effect of spore germination and development on plate counts of fungi in soil. PMID- 13491800 TI - The mineral nutrition of Rhizopus stolonifer. PMID- 13491801 TI - Some general properties of a psychrophilic pseudomonad: the effects of temperature on some of these properties and the utilization of glucose by this organism and Pscudomonas aeruginosa. PMID- 13491802 TI - A method for isolating Streptomyces. PMID- 13491803 TI - The hexose constituents of some Shigella polysaccharide hydrolysates. PMID- 13491804 TI - Morphogenesis and polymorphism of Ankistrodesmus spp. PMID- 13491805 TI - The isolation of yeasts from soil. PMID- 13491806 TI - The effect of molybdenum deficiency on the catalase and peroxidase content of Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13491807 TI - Effects of molybdenum, copper and iron on some enzymes in Neurospora crassa. PMID- 13491808 TI - Nutritional requirements and biosynthetic capabilities of the parasitic flagellate Strigomonas oncopelti. PMID- 13491809 TI - The mode of action of phenanthridines: the effect of ethidium bromide on cell division and nucleic acid synthesis. PMID- 13491810 TI - The uptake of amino acids during the terminl bacteraemia in guinea pigs infected with Bacillus antbracis. PMID- 13491811 TI - The effect of metabolite analogues on growth of Bacillus anthracis in the guinea pig and on the formation of virulence-determining factors. PMID- 13491812 TI - Animal strains of group G streptococci and their serological typing. PMID- 13491813 TI - The inhibitory effect of low temperature on early stages of zygospore production in Rhizopus sexualis. PMID- 13491814 TI - Renal tubular transport of inorganic divalent ions by the aglomerular marine teleost, Lophius americanus. AB - A characterization was attempted of the mechanisms involved in the tubular transport of inorganic divalent ions by the aglomerular kidney of Lophius, attention being paid particularly to the possible existence of transport maxima (Tm) and to competition for transport among related substances undergoing tubular excretion. Excretory rates of divalent ions in non-treated fish during standard laboratory conditions paralleled spontaneous changes in urine flow. Tm rates of excretion were reached for magnesium, sulfate, and thiosulfate with corresponding plasma levels of 2 to 5, 5 to 17, and 4 to 12 microM/ml. respectively. Elevation of magnesium chloride levels in plasma markedly depressed calcium excretion; sodium thiosulfate similarly depressed sulfate excretion. Experimental observations suggest the existence of a transport system for divalent cations separate from another for divalent anions. Within each transport system the ion with the higher excretion rate depressed competitively transfer of the other ion. Neither system was influenced by probenecid (benemid) in doses which markedly depressed the simultaneous excretion rate of p-aminohippuric acid. PMID- 13491815 TI - Enzymic dephosphorylation of pepsin and pepsinogen. AB - It has been shown by the work presented in this paper that it is possible to dephosphorylate enzymically pepsin and pepsinogen with a variety of phosphatases. With the aid of a phosphodiesterase and the prostate phosphatase it has been established that the phosphorus in the two proteins is present as a diester and connects two sites of the peptide chain in a cyclic configuration. Removal of the phosphorus does not affect the proteolytic activity against hemoglobin or the synthetic substrate acetyl-L-phenylalanyl diiodotryosine, nor the pepsinogen pepsin transformation. However, an increase of the autodigestion of pepsin is observed. PMID- 13491816 TI - Photoreactivation in vitro of ultraviolet-inactivated Hemophilus influenzae transforming factor. AB - Hemophilus influenzae-transforming DNA, which has been inactivated by ultra violet radiation, is reactivated by visible light in the presence of a cell-free extract of Escherichia coli B. The time rate of reactivation is increased by increasing the E. coli extract concentration, the temperature, and the intensity of illumination. Only DNA containing an ultraviolet-damaged genetic marker exhibits increased transforming activity after treatment with the photoreactivating system. The reactivating capacity of the extract remains in the top supernatant after centrifugation at 110,000 x g for 1 hour and is not present in the pellet. This capacity is destroyed by heating to 90 degrees C. for 1 minute. The active system of the E. coli extract is separable into dialyzable, heat-stable and non-dialyzable, heat-labile fractions. The dialyzable fraction contains at least one component which limits the maximum degree of recovery attained. PMID- 13491817 TI - Transmission in squid giant synapses: the importance of oxygen supply and the effects of drugs. AB - Synaptic transmission was studied in giant synapses of the stellate ganglion of the squid. When bathed in air-saturated sea water, the synapses deteriorate in 10 to 20 min.; if the sea water is saturated with 100 per cent oxygen, they function steadily for up to 12 hours. Optimal results probably require a medium with lower magnesium and higher calcium than the sea water used. Of eighteen compounds known to affect other synapses (Table I), none had stimulatory effects when applied to the preparation, but ten produced synaptic depression in concentrations of 10(-3) gm. per ml. or higher. The only exception was procaine, which blocked at 6 x 10( 5) gm. per ml. Intracellular recording with microelectrodes near the synapse showed that the block was associated with a slower rise of the excitatory post synaptic potential, without a change in the depolarization required to initiate the spike. Procaine was exceptional in also increasing the depolarization at which the spike occurred. PMID- 13491818 TI - Simultaneous hydrolyses of esters and proteins at saturation levels. AB - A direct titration method for the determination of proteolytic activity is discussed. This involves the potentiometric measurement of the volume of 0.08 N NaOH required to maintain a constant pH (8.0) during the time of the hydrolysis. It is a sensitive method which presents several advantages; viz., it measures simultaneously protease and esterase activity, it follows the hydrolysis very closely and from the first stages; the titration is continuous and on the same sample. This method determines a constant fraction of the groups titratable by formol titration. The ratio formol: direct titration is represented by a factor "f" which is presumed to be distinct for each protein-enzyme system. Kinetic studies, using this method, revealed that the rates of hydrolysis of mixtures casein-gelatin on one hand, casein-BAEE or gelatin-BAEE on the other, are always larger than those of the corresponding isolated substrates. In many cases the resulting rates are equal or nearly equal to the sum of the individual rates, even though the mentioned rates have been determined within the saturation zones for every substrate. The former observations are inconsistent with the theory of the formation of an intermediary enzyme-substrate compound, unless it is assumed that the enzyme has a specific active group for each substrate. PMID- 13491819 TI - The rhodopsin system of the squid. AB - Squid rhodopsin (lambda(max) 493 mmicro)-like vertebrate rhodopsins-contains a retinene chromophore linked to a protein, opsin. Light transforms rhodopsin to lumi- and metarhodopsin. However, whereas vertebrate metarhodopsin at physiological temperatures decomposes into retinene and opsin, squid metarhodopsin is stable. Light also converts squid metarhodopsin to rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is therefore regenerated from metarhodopsin in the light. Irradiation of rhodopsin or metarhodopsin produces a steady state by promoting the reactions, See PDF for Equation Squid rhodopsin contains neo-b (11-cis) retinene; metarhodopsin all-trans retinene. The interconversion of rhodopsin and metarhodopsin involves only the stereoisomerization of their chromophores. Squid metarhodopsin is a pH indicator, red (lambda(max) 500 mmicro) near neutrality, yellow (lambda(max) 380 mmicro) in alkaline solution. The two forms-acid and alkaline metarhodopsin-are interconverted according to the equation, Alkaline metarhodopsin + H(+) right harpoon over left harpoonacid metarhodopsin, with pK 7.7. In both forms, retinene is attached to opsin at the same site as in rhodopsin. However, metarhodopsin decomposes more readily than rhodopsin into retinene and opsin. The opsins apparently fit the shape of the neo-b chromophore. When light isomerizes the chromophore to the all-trans configuration, squid opsin accepts the all-trans chromophore, while vertebrate opsins do not and hence release all-trans retinene. Light triggers vision by affecting directly the shape of the retinene chromophore. This changes its relationship with opsin, so initiating a train of chemical reactions. PMID- 13491820 TI - Effects of external ions on membrane potentials of a lobster giant axon. AB - The effects of varying external concentrations of normally occurring cations on membrane potentials in the lobster giant axon have been studied and compared with data presently available from the squid giant axon. A decrease in the external concentration of sodium ions causes a reversible reduction in the amplitude of the action potential and its rate of rise. No effect on the resting potential was detected. The changes are of the same order of magnitude, but greater than would be predicted for an ideal sodium electrode. Increase in external potassium causes a decrease in resting potential, and a decrease in potassium causes an increase in potential. The data so obtained are similar to those which have been reported for the squid giant axon, and cannot be exactly fitted to the Goldman constant field equation. Lowering external calcium below 25 mM causes a reduction in resting and action potentials, and the occasional occurrence of repetitive activity. The decrease in action potential is not solely attributable to a decrease in resting potential. Increase of external calcium from 25 to 50 mM causes no change in transmembrane potentials. Variations of external magnesium concentration between zero and 50 mM had no measurable effect on membrane potentials. These studies on membrane potentials do not indicate a clear choice between the use of sea water and Cole's perfusion solution as the better external medium for studies on lobster nerve. PMID- 13491821 TI - An analysis of extracellular potentials from single neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat. AB - The lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat was explored with micropipettes having submicroscopic tips. The only reliably recorded intracellular activity was from axons. Following orthodromic stimulation, the potentials recorded by the extracellular electrodes registered the net flow of current across the soma dendritic membrane of the principal cell bodies. The current has three phases of flow away from the soma-dendritic membrane followed by a flow of current toward this membrane. The first component is ascribed to synaptic activity. Subsequent components are ascribed to the activity of the initial segment of the axon and a limited area of high threshold membrane on the soma. The evidence is interpreted as suggesting that most of the soma-dendritic membrane is excited synaptically to produce a postsynaptic potential, but is not excited electrically and does not produce a propagating spike. PMID- 13491822 TI - Potassium and sodium movements in the Ehrlich mouse ascites tumor cell. AB - Studies have been conducted on the movements of sodium and potassium into and out of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Under steady state conditions, at 22 degrees C., in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose, the cell flux for both potassium and sodium averaged 0.8 microM10(7) cells/hr, or 3.0 pM/cm.(2)/sec. The cell can accumulate potassium and extrude sodium against electrochemical gradients for both ions. It is possible under the experimental conditions reported to separate the transport systems for these two ions. Thus, it has been shown that under conditions of low temperature with a diminished metabolism, net fluxes for the two ions are different. Also, following periods of 24 hours at 2 degrees C., an exogenous source of glucose enhances the accumulation of potassium sevenfold while sodium extrusion is uninfluenced by the presence of glucose. Similarly potassium exchange rates are temperature-dependent, with Q(10) values as high as 5, while exchange rates for sodium are temperature-insensitive, with Q(10) values of 1.2 to 1.6. Glycolysis has been eliminated as an energy source for the transport processes since these processes go on in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose. It is estimated that a maximum of 0.3 per cent of the energy derived from the total oxidative metabolism of glucose would be required to support independent transport of potassium and sodium. PMID- 13491823 TI - The active transport of Mg++ and Mn++ into the yeast cell. AB - Certain bivalent cations, particularly Mg(++) and Mn(++), can be absorbed by yeast cells, provided that glucose is available, and that phosphate is also absorbed. The cation absorption is stimulated by potassium in low concentrations, but inhibited by higher concentrations. From the time course studies, it is apparent that the absorption rather than the presence of phosphate and the potassium is the important factor. Competition studies with pairs of cations indicate that binding on the surface of the cell is not a prerequisite to absorption. The absorption mechanism if highly selective for Mg(++) and Mn(++), as compared to Ca(++), Sr(++), and UO(2) (++), whereas the binding affinity is greatest for UO(2) (++), with little discrimination between Mg(++), Ca(++), Mn(++), and Sr(++). In contrast to the surface-bound cations which are completely exchangeable, the absorbed cations are not exchangeable. It is concluded that Mg(++) and Mn(++) are actively transported into the cell by a mechanism involving a phosphate and a protein constituent. PMID- 13491824 TI - The properties and the enzymatic degradation of desoxyribonucleoprotein from liver cell nuclei. AB - The isolation and properties of a desoxyribonucleoprotein of the rat liver cell nucleus are described. This material consists of DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) bound to the residual chromosomal protein by what appear to be covalent linkages. Lipide is present, but can be removed by extraction in lipide solvents prior to isolation of the nucleoprotein, without much change in the physical properties of the latter. The nucleoprotein in question forms elastic, recoilable gels in molar saline at pH 7.0 or in water at pH 8.0 to 10.0 or even higher, which are similar to those that can be obtained from whole nuclei. The effects of x-rays, heat, and enzymes on the nucleoprotein are discussed, and the composition of the protein component is investigated. The latter contains an "occult" protein that can be liberated by heating in 0.1 N HCl. A study of the enzymatic degradation of the desoxyribonucleoprotein has been made, with the aim of attempting the isolation of small polynucleotide fragments attached to amino acids or short peptides that might be useful in characterizing the mode of attachment of the desoxyribonucleic acid to the protein in the desoxyribonucleoprotein. Evidence is presented indicating that such products can be isolated through the use of electrophoresis on paper. PMID- 13491826 TI - The life cycles of dipetalonematid Nematodes (Filarioidea, Dipetalonematidae): the problem of their evolution. PMID- 13491825 TI - A progressive reaction occurring with a radioactive hemolysin, sodium oleate-I 131. AB - Sodium oleate reacts progressively with human red cells at pH 7. By progressive is meant a reaction which is not adequately described as reversible or irreversible; such reactions cannot be stopped once they are under way, and are probably associated with a more or less stable "internal" lysin phase at the cell surfaces. The uptake of the lysin and the effect of dilution on the uptake can be studied by converting sodium oleate into the radioactive form, sodium oleate I(131). The uptake is a parabolic function of the lysin initially present in the system, and the effect of a tenfold dilution of systems in which red cells have remained in contact with the lysin for 2 minutes is to reduce the lysin taken up at the cell surfaces twofold. The lysin rapidly forms a relatively stable layer at the cell interfaces, and this layer is little affected by the dilution of the system as a whole. PMID- 13491827 TI - Susceptibilities of cultivated and weed plants to the sugarbeet nematode, Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, 1871, in Southwestern Ontario. PMID- 13491828 TI - Two kidney-flukes from Sudanese birds, with a description of a new species. PMID- 13491829 TI - Some observations on Cercaria splendens Szidat, 1932 from a new intermediate host, Planorbis vortex, in the Netherlands. PMID- 13491830 TI - Two new genera of Amphistomes from Sudanese freshwater fishes. PMID- 13491831 TI - A new strigeld trematode from an Australian marsupial. PMID- 13491832 TI - On Brachylaemus (Trematoda) from marsupials. PMID- 13491833 TI - The incidence of infection with poliovirus and other viruses in cases of aseptic meningitis (nonparalytic poliomyelitis) in Sheffield in 1954. PMID- 13491834 TI - Aseptic meningitis due to infection with ECHO virus (type 9). PMID- 13491835 TI - Aseptic meningitis caused by ECHO virus. PMID- 13491836 TI - Antibodies to influenza viruses in the sera of Nigerians. PMID- 13491837 TI - Poliovirus as an antigen. PMID- 13491838 TI - The titration of vaccinia virus by the pock counting technique. PMID- 13491839 TI - The titration of vaccinial neutralizing antibody on chorio-allantoic membranes. PMID- 13491840 TI - Protection of mice by living Vi and O vaccines against death caused by Salmonella paratyphi C. PMID- 13491841 TI - The effect of vaccines and other substances upon the course of neurotropic virus infection. PMID- 13491842 TI - The quantitative assay of bacterial aerosols by electrostatic precipitation. PMID- 13491843 TI - Studies in the variability of pock counts. PMID- 13491844 TI - Studies on mumps virus. III. Experimental studies in guinea pigs. PMID- 13491845 TI - Studies with measles virus. III. Attempts at isolation from post-mortem human tissue. PMID- 13491846 TI - The effect of chemical and physical treatments of sera on the hemolytic activities and fixation of complement nitrogen by antigen-antibody precipitates. PMID- 13491847 TI - Biologic and serologic characteristics of ECHO viruses from West Virginia. PMID- 13491848 TI - Studies on diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus combined immunization in children. III. Immune responses after the booster vaccination. PMID- 13491849 TI - Studies on the serologic diagnosis of murine typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, I. Experimental infections in guinea pigs and rabbits. PMID- 13491850 TI - Studies on the serologic diagnosis of murine typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. II. Human infections. PMID- 13491851 TI - Phagocytosis of influenza virus. I. In vitro observations. PMID- 13491852 TI - Phagocytosis of influenza virus. II. Its occurrence in normal and immune mice. PMID- 13491853 TI - The submerged culture of mammalian cells; the spinner culture. PMID- 13491854 TI - Human plasmapheresis and its effect on antibodies. PMID- 13491855 TI - Electrophoretic study of serum proteins in cirrhosis of the liver. PMID- 13491856 TI - Anuria in concealed accidental haemorrhage. PMID- 13491857 TI - Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube. PMID- 13491858 TI - Concealed accidental antepartum haemorrhage. PMID- 13491859 TI - Acquired haemolytic anaemia. PMID- 13491860 TI - Torsion of the ovarian cyst. PMID- 13491861 TI - [THE 1957 INFLUENZA epidemic]. PMID- 13491862 TI - Preventive and curative health services in rural areas. PMID- 13491863 TI - Lateral ventricle tumours. PMID- 13491864 TI - Inactivation of normal serum inhibitors. PMID- 13491865 TI - Marcus Gunn lid phenomenon. PMID- 13491866 TI - Phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V); an appraisal. PMID- 13491867 TI - Fluorine in water supplies of Uttar Pradesh. PMID- 13491868 TI - Eunuchoid female. PMID- 13491869 TI - Missed labour associated with placenta praevia. PMID- 13491870 TI - Peroneal muscular atrophy. PMID- 13491872 TI - Safe office gynecology. PMID- 13491871 TI - Para-cardiac thymoma simulating pericardial cyst. PMID- 13491873 TI - Orthopedic injuries in athletics: treatment and prevention. PMID- 13491874 TI - Utilization of physical measures in the treatment of athletic injuries. PMID- 13491875 TI - Neurological situations related to athletic injuries. PMID- 13491876 TI - Cardiovascular situations related to athletic injuries: their prevention and treatment. PMID- 13491877 TI - Enzymic activities of liver and serum in virus hepatitis of mice. PMID- 13491878 TI - The immunization of rabbits with soluble type-specific substances derived from Pneumococci grown in vivo. PMID- 13491879 TI - Dual infections of eastern and western equine encephalitis viruses in Culex tarsalis. PMID- 13491880 TI - Lymphoid tissue and serum gamma globulin in young germfree chickens. PMID- 13491881 TI - Amino acid incorporation into precipitin at different stages in the secondary response to bovine serum albumin. PMID- 13491882 TI - The epidemiology of acute respiratory illness. I. Observations on adenovirus infections prevailing in a group of families. PMID- 13491883 TI - Studies on the presence of mucopolysaccharidase in penetrating helminth larvae. PMID- 13491884 TI - Application of the paper disc technique to the collection of whole blood and serum samples in studies on eastern equine encephalomyelitis. PMID- 13491885 TI - The dermatologist a: an individual; an appraisal of cultural trends. PMID- 13491886 TI - Simple tests for the demonstration of the low free amino nitrogen content in psoriatic scales. PMID- 13491887 TI - The inhibition of perspiration by means of the topical application of malonic acid salts. PMID- 13491888 TI - Melanocyte distribution in forearm epidermis of freckled human subjects. PMID- 13491889 TI - Comparative studies of special media for identifying Candida albicans from other candidas and molds. PMID- 13491890 TI - Determinations of squalene in sebum from the forehead of patients with skin cancer. PMID- 13491891 TI - Scleroderma (acrosclerosis). I. Treatment of three cases of the non-calcific variety by Chelation (EDTA). PMID- 13491892 TI - Scleroderma (acrosclerosis). II. Tryptophan metabolism before and during treatment by Chelaton (EDTA). PMID- 13491893 TI - The penetration of an anticholinesterase agent (sarin) into skin. I. Rate of penetration into excised human skin. PMID- 13491894 TI - Urological aspects of lower-abdominal pain. PMID- 13491896 TI - Psychic pain. PMID- 13491895 TI - Common injuries of the lower urinary tract. PMID- 13491897 TI - A consideration of dysphagia. PMID- 13491898 TI - Diseases of Iowa farmers. PMID- 13491899 TI - The medical history of Kossuth County. PMID- 13491900 TI - The pattern of medical practice. PMID- 13491901 TI - Is allergic asthma a pancreatic disease. PMID- 13491902 TI - Pulmonary tuberculosis in the elderly; a study of recent trends. PMID- 13491903 TI - Sir Robert Phillip; 1857-1939. PMID- 13491904 TI - Compulsory detention and isolation of tuberculous patients; section 38, Health Act, 1947. PMID- 13491905 TI - The use of sparine in low-grade mental defectives. PMID- 13491907 TI - Anaphylactic reaction: a violent reaction to topical penicillin. PMID- 13491906 TI - Aortic saddle embolus. PMID- 13491908 TI - CHEMOTHERAPY in tuberculosis; report of Committee on Chemotherapy and Antibiotics American College of Chest Physicians. PMID- 13491909 TI - The frozen shoulder; study of its anatomy, symptomatology, etiology pathogensis, and treatment. PMID- 13491910 TI - Clinical experience with oral hypoglycemic sulfonylureas. PMID- 13491911 TI - An approach to health problems in Kentucky; the implication of classifying hospital patients by the type of care required. PMID- 13491912 TI - A review of sudden and unexplained death in children. PMID- 13491914 TI - Some aspects of lower urinary tract disease in the female. PMID- 13491913 TI - Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia-flutter; report of a case controlled with atropine. PMID- 13491915 TI - Modern etiology of neurosis. PMID- 13491917 TI - Angina pectoris treated by relaxation and automatic attentive respiration. PMID- 13491916 TI - Femoral shortening for equalization of leg length. PMID- 13491918 TI - The diagnostic value of various ocular symptoms. PMID- 13491919 TI - Care of the patient with a colostomy. PMID- 13491920 TI - Comparative clinical pharmacodynamic evaluation of newer hypotensive drugs. PMID- 13491921 TI - Management of tic douloureux. PMID- 13491922 TI - Endolaryngeal carcinoma: a survey of 206 cases. PMID- 13491923 TI - Reconstruction of the pharynx after laryngo-pharyngectomy. PMID- 13491924 TI - History of the treatment of maxillary sinusitis. PMID- 13491925 TI - Sweat gland tumours (ceruminomata) of external auditory meatus. PMID- 13491926 TI - Tumours of the ceruminous glands; so called ceruminoma. PMID- 13491927 TI - Facial paralysis following fracture of the skull. PMID- 13491928 TI - Hearing impairment from noise of pneumatic drills. PMID- 13491929 TI - Cortisone therapy in congenital syphilitic nerve deafness. PMID- 13491930 TI - A case of mumps labyrinthitis. PMID- 13491931 TI - [Asian influenza in Louisiana in summer of 1957]. PMID- 13491932 TI - Palliation in cancer therapy. PMID- 13491933 TI - The present status of the treatment of diseased blood vessels by replacement. PMID- 13491934 TI - Value of metrazol therapy in the aged. PMID- 13491935 TI - ABO incompatibility. PMID- 13491936 TI - Vulvar hematomas, gynecological and obstetrical; report of forty-six cases. PMID- 13491937 TI - [IN MEMORIAM: Rudolph Matas]. PMID- 13491938 TI - Responsibilities of medical examiners. PMID- 13491939 TI - Early coverage in third degree burns with reference to the use of placental membranes. PMID- 13491940 TI - Salicylate poisoning: treatment with replacement transfusion: a case report. PMID- 13491941 TI - Mullerian duct fusion failures; three selected cases. PMID- 13491942 TI - Treatment of barbiturate poisoning; report of case and review of literature. PMID- 13491943 TI - I am in favor of social security for physicians. PMID- 13491944 TI - [Open heart surgery under a heart lung apparatus; critical study of 24 operations]. PMID- 13491946 TI - [What can you expect of hypoglycemic sulfonamides in the treatment of diabetes mellitus]. PMID- 13491945 TI - [Acute anuric nephritis: reversal of cell permeability to electrolytes & corticosteroid overload; application to the control & therapy of anuria]. PMID- 13491947 TI - [Antidiabetic chemotherapy: chemistry & pharmacology of hypoglycemic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13491948 TI - [Insulin resistance reduced by antidiabetic sulfonamides during a persistent infected perforating illness]. PMID- 13491949 TI - [Hypoglycemic accidents caused by the use of antidiabetic sulfonamides]. PMID- 13491950 TI - [Hypoglycemic coma during treatment with the antidiabetic sulfonamide BZ 55]. PMID- 13491951 TI - [Neruosis and hypoglycemia after gastrectomy]. PMID- 13491952 TI - [Renal & abdominal forms of leukosarcomatosis; case report of leukosarcomatosis in the form of a tumor of the left kidney]. PMID- 13491954 TI - [Injurious effects of various drugs on the nasal mucosa]. PMID- 13491953 TI - [Tuberculous pseudo-lymphomatous macropolyadenopathies developing in a 45-year period; surgical excision & recovery]. PMID- 13491955 TI - [A new antihistamine: actidil]. PMID- 13491956 TI - [Acute fibrinolytic & thrombopenic purpura; probable role, but not proven, of sedormid; remarkable action of intravenous injections of fibrinogen]. PMID- 13491957 TI - [Atelectasis of right lung & multiple malformations caused by intrauterine malpositions]. PMID- 13491959 TI - [A case of lung abscess]. PMID- 13491958 TI - [Meconium plug syndrome]. PMID- 13491960 TI - [Acute lung diseases seen in daily practice]. PMID- 13491961 TI - [Panorama of bronchology in 1957]. PMID- 13491962 TI - [Therapeutic results of endolaryngeal cancer at the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of Lyon: 296 patients from 1st January 1944 to 1st May 1957]. PMID- 13491963 TI - [Treatment of cancer of the base of tongue]. PMID- 13491964 TI - [Esophagoscopy: reflections & critical study with reference to relevant principal indications]. PMID- 13491965 TI - [Treatment of imperforations of the external auditory canal]. PMID- 13491966 TI - [Psychology and medicine: the laboratory of medical psychology of the Clinic of Neuropsychiatry and Mental Hygiene of the University of Lyon]. PMID- 13491967 TI - [Prolonged syncopes with atypical symptoms simulating epilepsy; electro-clinical study]. PMID- 13491968 TI - [Application of a shortened psychometric scale derived from the Wechsler-Bellevue I to a group of neurotic subjects]. PMID- 13491969 TI - Aspiration biopsy. PMID- 13491970 TI - Community mental health development. PMID- 13491971 TI - Recommendations for the G. P. doing surgery. PMID- 13491972 TI - Elective cardiac arrest. PMID- 13491973 TI - Power lawnmower injuries in Georgia, 1955 and 1956. PMID- 13491974 TI - Selection of patients for mitral commissurotomy. PMID- 13491975 TI - The causes of coronary disease. PMID- 13491976 TI - The Southern Medical Association and general practice in the South. PMID- 13491977 TI - Coagulation defects in pregnancy. PMID- 13491978 TI - Bilateral Charcot neuropathic hip arthropathy. PMID- 13491980 TI - Public health's measuring stick. PMID- 13491979 TI - Medical professional liability. PMID- 13491982 TI - Staff perceptions of patients' use of a hospital outpatient department. PMID- 13491981 TI - The role of anatomy in medical education. PMID- 13491983 TI - The functions of a premedical advisory committee. PMID- 13491984 TI - [The home visit as a teaching exercise: a clinical concept]. PMID- 13491985 TI - Postgraduate training in preventive medicine in Yugoslavia. PMID- 13491986 TI - The study of applicants, 1956-1957. PMID- 13491987 TI - Psychiatric symptoms masking brain tumor. PMID- 13491988 TI - Cardiac disability and workmen's compensation. PMID- 13491989 TI - Rehabilitation by corrective surgical planing (dermabrasion). PMID- 13491990 TI - Perphenazine as tranquilizer in dermatoses. PMID- 13491991 TI - Two complications of uterus didelphys. PMID- 13491992 TI - Home care of the arthritic patient. PMID- 13491993 TI - Hypothyroidism: diagnostic implications. PMID- 13491994 TI - Cardiac arrhythmias during intubation. PMID- 13491995 TI - Tampon technic for masscytologic screening. PMID- 13491996 TI - Genetics of anencephaly. PMID- 13491997 TI - The relationship between incentive, personality type and improvement in performance of imbeciles. PMID- 13491998 TI - Some observations on the leucocytes in mongolism. PMID- 13491999 TI - A survey of mental deficiency problems in the United States of America. PMID- 13492000 TI - Penylketonuria detection of the heterozygous carrier. PMID- 13492001 TI - Osteomalacia, with emphasis on the more resistant forms. PMID- 13492002 TI - Economic aspects of fungus contaminants. PMID- 13492003 TI - A comparative study of the clinical effectiveness of dicumarol and hedulin. PMID- 13492004 TI - Myocardial infarction in an industrial city. PMID- 13492005 TI - Surgical treatment of pilonidal disease. PMID- 13492006 TI - A world of medicine; international newsletter No. 1. PMID- 13492007 TI - Prolapse of gastric mucosa. PMID- 13492008 TI - Kahn and Treponema pallidum complement fixation results in syphilis and false positive factors. PMID- 13492009 TI - Cholografin for intravenous cholangiography. PMID- 13492010 TI - Small bowel tumors; a clinical study of 109 cases. PMID- 13492011 TI - Influenza; a critical review. PMID- 13492012 TI - Nalorphine in the treatment of morphine-induced biliary colic. PMID- 13492013 TI - Aural cholesteatoma: particular reference to pathogenesis and treatment. PMID- 13492014 TI - A survey of current bacterial susceptibility to antimicrobial agents; comparison with previous surveys. PMID- 13492015 TI - A method of analyzing electrocardiac entities in space. III. The electric axis and ventricular gradient as determined from the twelve lead electrocardiogram. PMID- 13492016 TI - An unusual case of acute esophagitis. PMID- 13492017 TI - RADIOLOGICAL notes. PMID- 13492018 TI - The exciting times in which we live. PMID- 13492019 TI - Medicine and society. PMID- 13492020 TI - America's stake in medical education. PMID- 13492021 TI - Studies of sickle cell anemia. I. The transport of phosphorus across the red cell envelope as measured with radiophosphorus (P32). PMID- 13492022 TI - Studies of sickle cell anemia. II. Phosphatase activities in normal and sickle cell anemic blood. PMID- 13492023 TI - Studies of sickle cell anemia. III. Plasma proteins in normal and sickle cell anemia blood. PMID- 13492024 TI - Disseminated lesions of the lung in relation to pulmonary function. PMID- 13492025 TI - Gastric and intestinal obstructions in the newborn and infants; clinical review of 61 cases. PMID- 13492026 TI - Carcinoma of the thyroid; treatment with iodine. PMID- 13492027 TI - The special significance of boredom in medical students. PMID- 13492028 TI - Hemispherectomy for the relief of convulsions in children with cerebral palsy. PMID- 13492029 TI - The physician and investments. PMID- 13492030 TI - Daniel Smith Lamb, 1843-1929. PMID- 13492031 TI - The influence of seizure perception on seizure occurrence. PMID- 13492032 TI - Removal of cerebral angioma with cardiac monitor. PMID- 13492033 TI - Effect of auditory stress on rats implanted with human tumors. PMID- 13492034 TI - Body image and paralytic poliomyelitis; an experimental approach. PMID- 13492035 TI - Perceptual rhythmic dysfunction in unilateral disequilibrium. PMID- 13492036 TI - Promazine treatment of chronic psychoses in 100 hospitalized patients. PMID- 13492037 TI - The process of demyelination in the central nervous system. IV. Demyelination as a delayed residual of carbon monoxide asphyxia. PMID- 13492038 TI - Psychophysiologic resistance in insulin coma therapy. PMID- 13492039 TI - Spatial differentiation in chronic schizophrenia. PMID- 13492040 TI - Some possible meanings of the hallway interview. PMID- 13492041 TI - A rapid interdisciplinary method for neuropsychiatric evaluation of family groups. PMID- 13492042 TI - Simultaneous occurrence of Paget's disease of the skull and brain tumor. PMID- 13492043 TI - A concept of schizophrenia. PMID- 13492044 TI - Reverberating circuits. PMID- 13492045 TI - Posture and the rhinencephalon; a new interpretation. PMID- 13492046 TI - Normality, neurosis and psychosis; some observations on the concepts of mental health and mental illness. PMID- 13492047 TI - The effect of death on the psychiatric situation of the relatives; with report of an unusual case. PMID- 13492048 TI - An evaluation of commonly used criteria for the detection of seizures in succinylcholine and atropine modified ECT. PMID- 13492049 TI - Neurologic aspects of the body-mind problem. PMID- 13492050 TI - Emotion as frustrational behavior. PMID- 13492051 TI - Losses and depression; the relationship of precipitating events to outcome. PMID- 13492052 TI - The differential incidence of rheumatic fever in the histories of paranoid and non-paranoid schizophrenics. PMID- 13492053 TI - The metabolism of individual phospholipids in the rat brain during hypoglycaemia, anaesthesia and convulsions. PMID- 13492054 TI - Preparation of tissue slices for metabolic studies: a hand-microtome especially suitable for brain. PMID- 13492055 TI - The pyridine nucleotide and diphosphopyridine nucleotidase levels of the brain of young rats. PMID- 13492056 TI - The effect of some inorganic ions on brain slices metabolizing glucose or pyruvate. PMID- 13492057 TI - Metabolic reactivity of brain and liver mitochondria towards chlorpromazine. PMID- 13492058 TI - Cytochrome oxidase in human brain tumours. PMID- 13492059 TI - Glycogen synthesis in brain cortex slices and some factors affecting it. PMID- 13492060 TI - The simultaneous fluorimetric determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline in plasma. I. The fluorescence characteristics of adrenolutine and noradrenolutine and their simultaneous determination in mixtures. PMID- 13492061 TI - The simultaneous fluorimetric determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline in plasma. II. Peripheral venous plasma concentrations in normal subjects and in patients with pheochromocytoma. PMID- 13492062 TI - Cerebro-cerebellar relations in the awake cat. PMID- 13492063 TI - Binaural interaction in lateral lemniscus of cat. PMID- 13492064 TI - Effect of ionic environment on excitability and electrical properties of frog single nerve fiber. PMID- 13492065 TI - Electroretinogram of fresh-water turtle: form and spectral sensitivity. PMID- 13492066 TI - Single fiber responses to electrical stimulation in cat's optic tract. PMID- 13492067 TI - The on responses to colored flash in single optic tract fibers of cat: correlation with conduction velocity. PMID- 13492069 TI - In favor of simplicity: applied to medicine in general and neurosurgery in particular. PMID- 13492068 TI - Effects of stimulation of non-specific thalamic system on locomotor movements in cat. PMID- 13492070 TI - Hypothermia in the surgical treatment of ruptured in tracranial aneurysms. PMID- 13492071 TI - Retinal artery blood pressure measurements in diagnosis and surgery of spontaneous carotid occlusions. PMID- 13492072 TI - Evaluation of roentgen contrast agents used in cerebral arteriography. I. A simple screening method. PMID- 13492073 TI - Evaluation of roentgen contrast agents used in cerebral arteriography. II. Application of a new method. PMID- 13492074 TI - Lactic dehydrogenase of cerebrospinal fluid in the differential diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease and brain tumor. PMID- 13492075 TI - Mechanism and control of centrally induced cardiac irregularities during hypothermia. I. Clinical observations. PMID- 13492076 TI - The pathology of supratentorial angiomas. PMID- 13492077 TI - Localization of brain tumors at operation with radioactive phosphorus; an improved technique using a proportional counter. PMID- 13492078 TI - Arteriovenous aneurysms of the spinal cord; a report of two cases investigated by vertebral angiography. PMID- 13492079 TI - The prevention of experimental contrast medium injury to the nervous system. PMID- 13492080 TI - The reticular formation; the nature of the reticular activating system. PMID- 13492081 TI - Spinal lithiasis; a case report. PMID- 13492082 TI - Prevention of coprophagy in the rat. PMID- 13492083 TI - A chick-growth factor in egg yolk. PMID- 13492084 TI - The effects of biologically unavailable lysine (heated casein) on growth. I. Body weight and bone growth. PMID- 13492085 TI - Effect of fat in diet on unsaturated fatty acids in phospholipid, cholesterol ester and glyceride fractions in serum of dogs. PMID- 13492086 TI - Oxidized pyridine nucleotides in various fractions of the blood and niacin and tryptophan metabolites in the urine of women on a controlled adequate dietary. PMID- 13492087 TI - Effects of protein per calorie ratio and dietary level of fat on calorie and protein utilization. PMID- 13492088 TI - The effect of thyroid activity on the conversion of carotene and retinene to vitamin A and on serum proteins. PMID- 13492089 TI - Copper contents of citrated whole blood and plasma of cattle. PMID- 13492090 TI - Effect of partial pantothenic acid deficiency on reproductive performance of the rat. PMID- 13492091 TI - Effect of ascorbic acid in pantothenic acid deficiency. PMID- 13492092 TI - Nutrition studies in the cold. I. Influence of diet and low environmental temperature on growth and on the lipid content of livers in the rat. PMID- 13492093 TI - Pyridoxal-5-phosphoric acid in whole blood and isolated leukocytes of man and animals. PMID- 13492094 TI - The radiologic approach in problems of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. PMID- 13492096 TI - The role of tracheotomy in anterior poliomyelitis. PMID- 13492095 TI - Stop rheumatic fever. PMID- 13492097 TI - Chlorpromazine as masking agent intestinal obstruction. PMID- 13492098 TI - A preliminary report of urinary tests for porphibilinogen. PMID- 13492099 TI - Retinal distribution of entoptic stray light. PMID- 13492100 TI - Simplified treatment of ellipsometry. PMID- 13492101 TI - Surgical preparation of the mouth for a prosthesis. PMID- 13492102 TI - Laryngeal stethoscope to monitor the respiratory exchange. PMID- 13492103 TI - Effect of drilling into bone. PMID- 13492104 TI - The use of chlorpromazine in general anesthesia for office procedures. PMID- 13492105 TI - Familial osseous dysplasia of the jaws. PMID- 13492106 TI - Static bone cavities of the mandible: review of the literature and report of case. PMID- 13492107 TI - The use of anorganic bone implants in oral surgery. PMID- 13492108 TI - Oral operative procedures in the presence of total adrenalectomy. PMID- 13492110 TI - Unusual (coronoid) fractures of mandible: report of case. PMID- 13492109 TI - Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible: report of case. PMID- 13492111 TI - Pseudohemophilia: report of case. PMID- 13492112 TI - The antigenic role of the excretions and secretions of adult Trichinella spiralis in the production of immunity in mice. PMID- 13492113 TI - A contribution to the life history and larval morphology of Toxocara canis. PMID- 13492114 TI - The life-cycle of Diplostomum baeri eucaliae n. subsp. (Trematoda: Strigeida). PMID- 13492115 TI - The ultra structure of the vitelline cells of Haematoloechus. PMID- 13492117 TI - The larval development of Hymenolepis diminuta and H. citelli. PMID- 13492116 TI - Some Myxosporidia found in Pacific Northwest salmonids. PMID- 13492118 TI - Systematic position of Filaria helicina Molin, 1858, from the brain cavity of the snakebird, Anhinga anhinga. PMID- 13492119 TI - An apparatus for rapid collection of fleas from rodent nests. PMID- 13492120 TI - On juvenile and adult forms of Pseudoporrorchis indicus, a new species of Acanthocephala from India. PMID- 13492121 TI - Histopathological observations on the sequence of infection in knemidokoptic mange of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus). PMID- 13492122 TI - Revival of Crotiscus ewing, 1944, and descriptions of four new species of the genus from Peruvian rodents (Acarina: Trombiculidae). PMID- 13492123 TI - Studies on exotic Ixodes ticks (Ixodoidea, Ixodide) from United States Navy and Army activities. PMID- 13492124 TI - Blood pressure studies in infants and children with an electric microphone. PMID- 13492125 TI - An analgesic mixture for minor surgical procedures in young children. PMID- 13492126 TI - The incidence of allergic disease in the general practice of pediatrics. PMID- 13492127 TI - Lysine tolerance in infants. PMID- 13492128 TI - The antibody (hemagglutinin) response as a tool for etiologic diagnosis of diarrheal disease; family outbreak associated with paracolobactrum (Escherichia coli 075). PMID- 13492129 TI - The A-B-O blood groups in relation to prematurity and stillbirth. PMID- 13492130 TI - Observations on the plasma lipoproteins in a case of Tay-Sachs Disease. PMID- 13492131 TI - Addison's disease in children; report of two cases. PMID- 13492132 TI - Sucrosuria in association with mental deficiency and hiatal hernia. PMID- 13492133 TI - Megimide in the treatment of severe barbiturate poisoning. PMID- 13492134 TI - Malathion poisoning in a 34-month-old child following accidental ingestion. PMID- 13492135 TI - The relation of pectus excavatum to pectus carinatum; olassification of anterior chest wall deformities and the effect on treatment. PMID- 13492136 TI - An objective survey of dental malocclusions in children. PMID- 13492137 TI - Speech problems in children. PMID- 13492138 TI - CLINICAL pathological conference: the Children's Medical Center, Boston, Mass. PMID- 13492139 TI - Recent approaches to the biology of schizophrenia. PMID- 13492140 TI - Poliomyelitis-like illnesses. PMID- 13492141 TI - Pediatric practice can be rewarding. PMID- 13492142 TI - Size estimation of pictures as a function of thermatic content for schizophrenic and normal subjects. PMID- 13492143 TI - Utilization of word structure in prerecognition responses. PMID- 13492145 TI - Discrimination learning and rigidity in normal and feebleminded individuals. PMID- 13492144 TI - Interpersonal predictions of repressors and sensitizers. PMID- 13492146 TI - Success, failure, and recognition threshold. PMID- 13492147 TI - Retention in psychopathic, neurotic, and normal subjects. PMID- 13492148 TI - Originality in relation to personality and intellect. PMID- 13492149 TI - Leveling tendencies and the complexity-simplicity dimension. PMID- 13492150 TI - The effect of success and failure on space localization. PMID- 13492151 TI - Intentionality, responsibility, and interpersonal attraction. PMID- 13492152 TI - The spiral aftereffect and reversible figures as measures of brain damage and memory. PMID- 13492153 TI - Veratrine, protoveratrine, and andromedotoxin arrhythmias in the isolated dog heart. PMID- 13492154 TI - The effects of ouabain and veratridine on potassium movement in the isolated guinea pig heart. PMID- 13492155 TI - The action of cardiac glycosides on the excitability and conduction velocity of the mammalian atrium. PMID- 13492156 TI - Inhibition of the adrenergic depressor response. PMID- 13492157 TI - Studies on derivatives of 2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloroethane (DDD, TDE) with special reference to their effects on the adrenal cortex. PMID- 13492158 TI - A comparison of the pharmacological behavior of chlormerodrin, meralluride, mersalyl and mercuric chloride in the dog. PMID- 13492159 TI - Biochemorphology of renal tubular transport; halogenated amino acids and derivatives. PMID- 13492160 TI - Further studies of the excretion of atropine-alpha-C14. PMID- 13492161 TI - Effects of trimethadione on synaptic transmission in the spinal cord; antagonism of trimethadione and pentylenetetrazol. PMID- 13492162 TI - Emetic action of nicotine and lobeline. PMID- 13492163 TI - The mechanism of action of ryanodine on skeletal muscle. PMID- 13492165 TI - Individual pupillary reactions to certain centrally acting drugs in man. PMID- 13492166 TI - Wound healing and dressings. PMID- 13492164 TI - Hydroxypropyl theophylline; a pharmacological comparison with other theophylline preparations. PMID- 13492167 TI - Recent developments in surgical dressings. PMID- 13492168 TI - Losses of bacteriostats from injections in rubber-closed containers. PMID- 13492169 TI - The purity of chloroform B. P. PMID- 13492170 TI - Some properties of mixed sols of lecithin and lysolecithin. PMID- 13492171 TI - The application of infra-red spectrophotometry to the examination of essential oils. I. Cineole in lavender oil. PMID- 13492172 TI - The vitamin B12 potency of pharmaceutical (including dietetic) products estimated by the Ochromonas method. PMID- 13492173 TI - The preparation and antifungal activity of some salicylic acid derivatives. PMID- 13492174 TI - The resistances of vegetative bacteria to moist heat. PMID- 13492175 TI - Pharmacological properties of hydrallazine, dihydrallazine and some related compounds. PMID- 13492176 TI - The rheology of oil-in-water emulsions. II. The microscopical appearance of emulsions in laminar flow. PMID- 13492177 TI - The spectrophotometric determination of alpha beta-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones with Girard-T reagent. I. Essential oils. PMID- 13492178 TI - The spectrophotometric determination of alphabeta-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones with Girard-T reagent. II. Ketosteroids. PMID- 13492179 TI - The determination of morphine in opium and some of its galenical preparations. PMID- 13492180 TI - The preparation and progestational activity of some alkylated ethisterones. PMID- 13492181 TI - Some effects of increasing stillhead surface area on liquid entrainment during distillation. PMID- 13492182 TI - Alpha- and beta-prodine type compounds: configurational studies. PMID- 13492183 TI - The inactivation of pyrogens by gamma radiation. PMID- 13492184 TI - The pharmacology of some hydroxybenzylisoquinoline derivatives. PMID- 13492185 TI - The oxidation of solubilised and emulsified oils. I. Oxidation of benzaldehyde in potassium laurate and cetomacrogol dispersions. PMID- 13492186 TI - The use of oxidised cellulose for the determination of strychnine in pharmaceutical preparations. PMID- 13492188 TI - The nonaqueous titration of phenolic compounds. PMID- 13492187 TI - Observations on the intravenous toxicity and chelating activity of sodium stibogluconate. PMID- 13492189 TI - A comparative examination of some samples of digitoxin. PMID- 13492190 TI - Some NSN-tris quaternary neuromuscular blocking agents. PMID- 13492191 TI - The mechanism of histamine liberation. PMID- 13492192 TI - A new series of potent analgesics: dextro 2:2-diphenyl-3-methyl-4 morpholinobutyrylpyrrolidine and related basic amides. II. Comparative analgesic activity, acute toxicity and tolerance development in rats for R875, morphine, pethidine and methadone. PMID- 13492193 TI - Morphine and histamine release. PMID- 13492194 TI - Water-soluble cellulose derivatives: factors affecting the viscosity of aqueous dispersions. II. PMID- 13492195 TI - The diethylaminoethoxyethyl ester of diethylphenylacetic acid; a new antitussive agent. PMID- 13492196 TI - Analgesics. I. Some aryloxypropanolamines. PMID- 13492197 TI - Analgesic and other pharmacological properties of 1-delta 3-piperideino-3-o toloxy propan-2-ol hydrochloride (tolpronine). PMID- 13492198 TI - [Application of anelectrotonus inhibition to the study of the effect of various agents acting on the metabolism of nerve fibers]. PMID- 13492199 TI - [Alkaline silver nitrate-reducing substances present in rat liver following acute response induced by turpentine injections]. PMID- 13492200 TI - [Changes in the pelt of dogs deprived simultaneously of antidiuretic hormone & adrenal cortex hormones]. PMID- 13492201 TI - [Effects of destruction of the lumbosacral spinal cord on the estrus cycle of the rat]. PMID- 13492202 TI - [Effect of hydration of the body on the volume of insensible water loss in the anuric rat]. PMID- 13492203 TI - [Artificial respirator pump for rats & guinea pigs]. PMID- 13492204 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492205 TI - The influence of drugs on ciliary activity. PMID- 13492206 TI - Observations on the intrahepatic flow interactions of the hepatic artery and portal vein. PMID- 13492207 TI - Maintenance of resting membrane potentials in slices of mammalian cerebral cortex and other tissues in vitro. PMID- 13492208 TI - Studies on the thalamic relay for taste in the goat. PMID- 13492209 TI - The interpretation of spike potentials of motoneurones. PMID- 13492210 TI - The generation of impulses in motoneurones. PMID- 13492211 TI - The cardiovascular effects of anticholinesterases in the dog with special reference to haemodynamic changes in the pulmonary circulation. PMID- 13492212 TI - The effects of anticholinesterases upon pulmonary vascular resistance in the dog. PMID- 13492213 TI - The corticosterone content of rat adrenals under different experimental conditions. PMID- 13492214 TI - The effect of oestrogens on the secretory capacity of the rat adrenal cortex in vivo. PMID- 13492215 TI - Mitochondrial enzymes and chromaffin granules. PMID- 13492216 TI - The ganglia, afferent nerve-endings and musculature of the urethra in the cat. PMID- 13492218 TI - Nervous structures in the reticulo-rumen epithelium of the goat. PMID- 13492217 TI - An in vitro preparation of the rabbit colon perfused through the inferior mesenteric artery. PMID- 13492219 TI - Discharges in non-medullated afferent fibres in the cat's saphenous nerve in response to touch and to drugs. PMID- 13492221 TI - The immediate effect of altered tracheal resistance on respiratory effort. PMID- 13492220 TI - Reflex responses of the external urethral sphincter of the cat to filling of the bladder. PMID- 13492222 TI - [Compensatory eye movements in the pigeon]. PMID- 13492223 TI - beta-Galactosidase in mammalian tissues and its response to sex hormones. PMID- 13492224 TI - The site of phlorrhizin inhibition of intestinal glucose absorption. PMID- 13492225 TI - Collection of pancreatic juice from the conscious sheep. PMID- 13492226 TI - The effect of corticosteroids on the isolated mammalian heart and its response to adrenaline. PMID- 13492228 TI - Responses from mucosal mechanoreceptors in the small intestine of the cat. PMID- 13492227 TI - Some effects of changes of posture on water and electrolyte excretion by the human kidney. PMID- 13492229 TI - Reflex changes in vasoconstrictor tone in human skeletal muscle in response to stimulation of receptors in a low-pressure area of the intrathoracic vascular bed. PMID- 13492230 TI - The effects of carotid artery compression in man with special reference to changes in vascular resistance in the limbs. PMID- 13492232 TI - On the frequency of firing of mammalian nonmedullated nerve fibres. PMID- 13492231 TI - Nonmedullated fibres in the saphenous nerve which signal touch. PMID- 13492233 TI - Effects of calcium and potassium injected into the cerebral ventricles of the cat. PMID- 13492234 TI - The course of the efferent cardiac nerves of the sheep. PMID- 13492235 TI - Physiologically active choline esters in certain marine gastropods and other invertebrates. PMID- 13492236 TI - Vasomotor control of the cutaneous blood vessels in the human forearm. PMID- 13492237 TI - Alternating relaxation heat in muscle twitches. PMID- 13492238 TI - The exchange of bone sodium with isotopes in rats. PMID- 13492239 TI - The effects of anticholinesterases upon the spleen of the dog. PMID- 13492240 TI - The effect of general chilling on the vasodilator response to cold. PMID- 13492242 TI - Symposium: research with projective techniques. PMID- 13492241 TI - Psychological variables in human cancer. PMID- 13492243 TI - Research with projective techniques. PMID- 13492244 TI - Symposium: research in projective techniques. PMID- 13492245 TI - Research with projective techniques. PMID- 13492246 TI - Europe, once over lightly. PMID- 13492247 TI - Research with projective techniques, some trends. PMID- 13492248 TI - A note on persistent responses in longitudinal Rorschach protocols. PMID- 13492249 TI - The association of animals with familial figures. PMID- 13492250 TI - Characteristics of the thematic apperception test heroes of normal, psychoneurotic, and paranoid schizophrenic subjects. PMID- 13492251 TI - The effects of warm and cold interaction on the interpretation of a projective protocol. PMID- 13492252 TI - A note on the use of the schizophrenic in Rorschach content analysis. PMID- 13492254 TI - Diagnosing Szondi's pictures. PMID- 13492253 TI - Overt and covert recording. PMID- 13492255 TI - Productivity and the clinical use of TAT cards. PMID- 13492257 TI - A note on the generality of constriction. PMID- 13492256 TI - Responses of chronic schizophrenic patients to tachistoscopic presentation of Rorschach figures. PMID- 13492258 TI - Hostile acting out and Rorschach test content. PMID- 13492259 TI - [Radiologic and stratigraphic study of adrenal tumors; 11 cases, 3 of them bilateral forms]. PMID- 13492260 TI - [Vertebral slipping by rotation and its clinical importance]. PMID- 13492261 TI - [Radiologic aspects of prolapse of the gastric mucosa into the duodenal bulb]. PMID- 13492263 TI - [Photochemical dosimetry of ultraviolet rays of biologic value]. PMID- 13492262 TI - [The place of cobalt teletherapy in the treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix; analysis of technical possibilities]. PMID- 13492264 TI - [Terminal agenesis of internal carotid, aneurysm of anterior communicating; radiologic documents]. PMID- 13492265 TI - [Associated pyloric stenosis, gastric volvulus, hiatus hernia and ulcer of the lesser curvature]. PMID- 13492266 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492267 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492268 TI - [Atypical icteric and hemorrhagic forms of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of infants]. PMID- 13492269 TI - [Presentation of films: tracheobronchial sections by Frain's method]. PMID- 13492270 TI - [Percutaneous humeral arteriography]. PMID- 13492271 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492272 TI - [Two cases of urinary manifestations of Hodgkin's disease; nephrotic syndrome, ureteral localization]. PMID- 13492273 TI - [Therapeutic indications in warts of hands and feet]. PMID- 13492274 TI - [Tridimensional tomography of the tracheobronchial tree]. PMID- 13492275 TI - [Simple radiography of breast tumors; 196 cases, with histologic confirmation in 106]. PMID- 13492276 TI - [Transverse axial tomography of the cervical, facial and cranial regions; its value in radiotherapeutic techniques]. PMID- 13492277 TI - [Splenoportography; interesting cases collected during a year]. PMID- 13492278 TI - [Relative opacity to x-rays of various constituents of animal cells]. PMID- 13492279 TI - [Microscope and x-ray]. PMID- 13492280 TI - [Some aspects of calcifications of the renal parenchyma]. PMID- 13492281 TI - [Post-traumatic hernia of the foramen of Larrey]. PMID- 13492283 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492282 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492284 TI - [Value of tomography in dentofacial orthopedic practice]. PMID- 13492285 TI - [Two cases of occlusion by adhesions on the first jejunal loop in children; radio surgical comparison]. PMID- 13492286 TI - [A case of Pfaundler-Hurler dysostosis]. PMID- 13492287 TI - [Anatomic and physiologic study of the hepatic and splenic arteries in children by broadened intravenous angiography]. PMID- 13492288 TI - [Hepatic and splenic arteriography by broadened intravenous angiography: first results]. PMID- 13492289 TI - [16mm. camera adapted to the Philips brilliance amplifier]. PMID- 13492291 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492290 TI - [Radiologic examination and treatment of acute intestinal invagination; reflections on technique]. PMID- 13492293 TI - [Some images of digestive tumors]. PMID- 13492292 TI - [Usefulness of preceding intravenous cholecystography by a Boyden meal]. PMID- 13492294 TI - [Probable tracheo esophageal communication in 4-day-old infant]. PMID- 13492296 TI - Helping the deaf-blind to face the future. PMID- 13492295 TI - Occupational medicine an ally of rehabilitation. PMID- 13492297 TI - Older workers can be placed. PMID- 13492298 TI - Vocational rehabilitation of the rheumatoid arthritic. PMID- 13492299 TI - The surgery of the diabetic. PMID- 13492300 TI - Reflections on pelvic exenteration. PMID- 13492301 TI - The healing of vascular grafts: a histological, histochemical and autoradiographic study. PMID- 13492302 TI - A study of the aetiology of post-operative pulmonary complications. PMID- 13492303 TI - Perforated diverticulitis: a survey of 75 cases. PMID- 13492304 TI - Some hazards and corresponding safety measures in thoracic surgery for elderly people. PMID- 13492306 TI - The active approach to the treatment of injuries. PMID- 13492305 TI - International health; its evolution and prospects. PMID- 13492307 TI - Domestic animals and human disease. PMID- 13492308 TI - [Various new investigation procedures in biliary & pancreatic surgery]. PMID- 13492309 TI - [Dietetics & surgery]. PMID- 13492310 TI - [Various aspects of Kahler's disease]. PMID- 13492311 TI - [Problems of goiter in medical practice]. PMID- 13492312 TI - [Emergency therapeutic indications in coronaritis: angina & infarct]. PMID- 13492313 TI - [Managment of a cerebral apoplexy patient]. PMID- 13492314 TI - [Clinical syndrome of acute pancreatitis]. PMID- 13492315 TI - [Current treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis]. PMID- 13492316 TI - Relation between EEG pattern and ease of eliciting electrodermal responses. PMID- 13492317 TI - What is zero hearing loss. PMID- 13492318 TI - Children as guides to teaching. PMID- 13492320 TI - Four psychological scaling methods applied to articulation defectiveness. PMID- 13492319 TI - Suggestions for terms applied to electrophysiologic tests of hearing. PMID- 13492322 TI - Stuttering as conflict. I. Comparison of therapy techniques involving approach and avoidance. PMID- 13492321 TI - Behavioral rigidity in speech-handicapped children. PMID- 13492323 TI - The frequency and duration of treatment sessions in speech correction. PMID- 13492324 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. I. Introduction to the presentations. PMID- 13492325 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 2. Veteran's compensations for hearing loss. PMID- 13492327 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 4. A classification of hearing tests. PMID- 13492326 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 3. Diagnostic audiometry. PMID- 13492329 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 6. Automatic audiometry. PMID- 13492328 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 5. Review of the report by the working group on military audiometry. PMID- 13492330 TI - Problems in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 7. Practical limitations in military audiometry. PMID- 13492331 TI - PROBLEMS in military audiometry: a CHABA symposium. 8. Audiometry in the Armed Forces. PMID- 13492333 TI - The C. S. Bluemel collection on stuttering. PMID- 13492332 TI - Noise bands vs. pure tones as stimuli for audiometry. PMID- 13492334 TI - Use of palatography. PMID- 13492335 TI - Hysterectomy; a fifteen-year survey at St. Joseph's Hospital. PMID- 13492336 TI - [Everyday problems in plastic surgery]. PMID- 13492337 TI - The significance of a mass in the neck. PMID- 13492338 TI - Case report reticulum cell sarcoma in an infant: with review of recent literature. PMID- 13492339 TI - Publich health aspects of the tranquilizing drugs. PMID- 13492340 TI - Case report; adrenocortical atrophy secondary to meticorten therapy. PMID- 13492341 TI - Ecological factors affecting the numbers of snails in temporary bodies of water. PMID- 13492342 TI - A note on Asian influenza in Assam. PMID- 13492343 TI - The cardiac toxicity of emetine. PMID- 13492344 TI - The epidemiology of human trypanosomiasis in Ashanti, Ghana (Gold Coast). PMID- 13492345 TI - [Freeze-drying as a fixation technic for plant cells]. PMID- 13492346 TI - Graphic reconstruction of the third dimension from serial electron microphotographs. PMID- 13492347 TI - High resolution microradiography with ultrasoft x-rays. PMID- 13492348 TI - [Research on ultrastructures in an experimental renal tumor in the hamster]. PMID- 13492349 TI - Observations on a type of cilia in the rat oviduct. PMID- 13492350 TI - The ultrastructural organization of the mouse thyroid gland. PMID- 13492351 TI - Studies on the enzymatic degradation of cocarboxylase. PMID- 13492352 TI - On the transglycosidation relating to riboflavin by Escherichia coli. I. Formation of riboflavinyl glucoside. PMID- 13492353 TI - Contribution of vitamin B12 to the formation of Fe55-porphyrin from inorganic Fe55. PMID- 13492354 TI - Contribution of vitamin B12 to the formation of carboxylase in B12-deficient rats. PMID- 13492355 TI - Destruction of thiamine by certain fungi. PMID- 13492356 TI - Flavin-hypoxanthine dinucleotide. PMID- 13492357 TI - Effect of choline on the hypertension of rats induced by high salt diet. PMID- 13492358 TI - Decrease of thiamine in the body of mice by stimulation of sound. PMID- 13492359 TI - Histological investigations on the liver-disturbing action of 2-methyl-4-amino-5 hydroxy-methylpyrimidine. PMID- 13492360 TI - [Fundamental pathological findings and their modification by chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis. VII. The influence of the histological findings of tuberculous spleen and kidney and conclusion of histological findings on all organs]. PMID- 13492361 TI - [Studies on the metabolic fate and mechanism of antituberculous activity of derivatives of isonicotinic acid hydrazide. II. The antituberculous activity of derivatives of isonicotinic acid hydrazide]. PMID- 13492363 TI - [Experimental studies on the mode of action of cycloserine. II. The influences on glutamic-aspartic transamination]. PMID- 13492362 TI - [Histochemical studies in relation to bacilli of tuberculous lung cavity]. PMID- 13492364 TI - [Studies on the shunt pathway of TCA cycle in avian type of tubercle bacillus. I. Citrate degradation]. PMID- 13492365 TI - [The virulence and characteristics of drug resistant tubercle bacilli. I. The virulence of SM resistant, INH resistant KH 1 strain and its purified strains]. PMID- 13492366 TI - [Studies on the virulence of tubercle bacilli by the homogenization of whole body of mice. IV. The virulence of human tubercle bacilli H37Ra and a streptomycin dependent human strain 18-b]. PMID- 13492367 TI - [Studies on the culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. III. The culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the expectoration, gastric contents, feces and urine of children]. PMID- 13492368 TI - [A study on the composition of population of isoniazid-resistant strain]. PMID- 13492369 TI - [Biochemical and genetic studies on nucleic acids extracted from streptomycin resistant avian tubercle bacilli. II]. PMID- 13492370 TI - [Experimental studies on tuberculin allergy. I. The mechanism of tuberculin sensitization]. PMID- 13492371 TI - [Experimental studies on the mode of action of cycloserine. 3. Influences on indol formation]. PMID- 13492372 TI - [A study on the pH of tuberculous foci of the lung]. PMID- 13492374 TI - [Studies on the method of evaluation of the potency test of tuberculin in guinea pigs. III. Analysis of the most suitable period after sensitization for the differentiation of tuberculin potency]. PMID- 13492373 TI - [Studies on the passive transfer of delayed hypersensitivity to tuberculin by using intraperitoneal mononuclear cells]. PMID- 13492375 TI - [Studies on the preservation of purified tuberculin (PPDs). I. Decrease in the potency of the PPDs solution]. PMID- 13492376 TI - Studies on the viable counting of human tubercle bacilli using tween agar medium. II. A comparative study of deep plate count & surface plate count. PMID- 13492377 TI - [Studies on the influence of the strain-specificity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis & of the components of the medium on the production of tuberculin]. PMID- 13492378 TI - [The virulence and nature of drug resistant tubercle bacilli. II. The antigenicity of killed bacilli suspended in liquid paraffin and skin reaction of tuberculin and paraffin extract made from drug resistant tubercle bacilli]. PMID- 13492379 TI - [The enumeration of viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis by egg medium slant and whirled loop inoculation. I]. PMID- 13492380 TI - [Vasilii Romanovich Braitsev; 50th anniversary of his medical, scientific and paedogogical activity]. PMID- 13492382 TI - [Artificial esophagus from the colon]. PMID- 13492381 TI - [Method of treating hernia complicated by strangulation]. PMID- 13492384 TI - [Surgical intervention in relaxation of the diaphragm]. PMID- 13492385 TI - [The fate of pleural cavity after radical lung surgery]. PMID- 13492383 TI - [Surgical treatment of idiopathic dilation of the esophagus]. PMID- 13492386 TI - [Polyglucin, a new plasma substitute and its use in surgery]. PMID- 13492387 TI - [Potentiation of local anesthesia]. PMID- 13492388 TI - [Functional changes of the kidneys in cardiac decompensation before and after ligation of inferior vena cava]. PMID- 13492390 TI - [Causes of death in cholecystitis]. PMID- 13492389 TI - [Surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors and cysts]. PMID- 13492391 TI - [Cancer of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts]. PMID- 13492392 TI - [Cholangiography after biliary tract surgery and its clinical significance]. PMID- 13492393 TI - [Remote results of surgical treatment of gastric polyps]. PMID- 13492394 TI - [Clinical course of covered perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum and remote results in patients treated conservatively; clinical and roentgenological analysis]. PMID- 13492396 TI - [Diagnosis and treatment of exophthalmic goiter]. PMID- 13492395 TI - [Toxicity of the intestinal content in acute intestinal obstruction]. PMID- 13492397 TI - [Development of osteogenic sarcoma as a result of Paget's disease]. PMID- 13492398 TI - [Treatment of trophic ulcers by transplantation of preserved skin heterografts]. PMID- 13492399 TI - [Indications for intraosseous fixation of bone fractions in open fractures]. PMID- 13492400 TI - [Teratoma of sacro-coccygeal region in children]. PMID- 13492402 TI - [Surgical anatomy of the branches of popliteal artery]. PMID- 13492401 TI - [Dicoumarin treatment of thrombophlebitis of lower extremities]. PMID- 13492403 TI - [Cholelithiasis in congenital absence of the gallbladder]. PMID- 13492404 TI - [A rare abnormality of the biliary tract]. PMID- 13492405 TI - [The role of penicillin in a shock]. PMID- 13492406 TI - [Circulatory adaptation mechanisms in endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13492407 TI - [Diagnostic errors and irrational surgical intervention in dermato-venerology]. PMID- 13492409 TI - [Surgical department of the N. A. Semashko hospital of the Ministry of Communications]. PMID- 13492408 TI - [Academician N. N. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery]. PMID- 13492410 TI - [Remarks on surgery of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam]. PMID- 13492411 TI - [Principal results of the development of surgery in Ukraine for the past forty years]. PMID- 13492412 TI - [Surgical treatment of gastric cancer with consideration of specific characteristics of its development]. PMID- 13492413 TI - [Transverse tomography in the diagnosis of diseases of the lungs and mediastinum]. PMID- 13492415 TI - [Postoperative period after radical lung surgery with local anesthesia]. PMID- 13492416 TI - [Prescalene lymph node biopsy in lung cancer]. PMID- 13492414 TI - [Total body roentgenography of man as a method of functional characterization of the spine]. PMID- 13492417 TI - [Mediastinal hibernoma]. PMID- 13492418 TI - [Intersegmental connective tissue borders of the lungs]. PMID- 13492419 TI - [Surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors]. PMID- 13492420 TI - [Auricular flutter after mitral commissurotomy]. PMID- 13492421 TI - [The fate of a vascular suture in a growing body]. PMID- 13492422 TI - [The function of anastomosis of the superior vena cava with the pulmonary artery, by angiographic study]. PMID- 13492423 TI - [Significance of temporary prosthesis of abdominal aorta in the development of collateral circulation]. PMID- 13492424 TI - [Replacement of aorta and peripheral arteries by polyvinyl-alcohol prostheses in experiments]. PMID- 13492425 TI - [Surgical treatment of cardiospasm]. PMID- 13492426 TI - [Ligation of anterior iliac veins in chronic circulatory insufficiency]. PMID- 13492427 TI - [Isolated ligation of a bronchial branch in lung hemorrhage from tuberculous cavern]. PMID- 13492428 TI - [Effect of cardiotrast on tissue and cellular respiration]. PMID- 13492429 TI - [Formation of postoperative hernia in acute experimental radiation sickness]. PMID- 13492431 TI - [Most ancient memento in the history medicine in Russia]. PMID- 13492430 TI - [Liver angioma]. PMID- 13492432 TI - [An apparatus for mechanical suture of auricular appendix]. PMID- 13492433 TI - [Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Iasenskii; 80th birthday]. PMID- 13492434 TI - [In memoriam of S. S. Girgolav (1881-1957)]. PMID- 13492435 TI - [Achievement in surgery in the Kazakh SSR during 40 years of Soviet government]. PMID- 13492436 TI - [Development trends of surgical literature]. PMID- 13492437 TI - [Primary surgical treatment of burns; determination of the concept, indications, technic and results]. PMID- 13492438 TI - [Pathogenesis and nature of wound suppuration]. PMID- 13492439 TI - [Complex treatment of frostbite by intra-arterial infusions of 1% novocaine solution]. PMID- 13492440 TI - [Early surgical treatment of third degree burns]. PMID- 13492442 TI - [Specific features of wound healing in inhabitants of mountainous regions]. PMID- 13492441 TI - [Local intravenous penicillin therapy in paronychia and phlegmon of hands and feet]. PMID- 13492443 TI - [Clinicomorphological parallels in senile gangrene]. PMID- 13492444 TI - [Effect of penicillin therapy on the activity of catalase in blood in some surgical patients]. PMID- 13492445 TI - [Intraperitoneal infusion of antibiotics in acute suppurative peritonitis]. PMID- 13492446 TI - [Electroencephalographic changes in endarteritis obliterans]. PMID- 13492447 TI - [Classification of gastrointestinal fistulae]. PMID- 13492448 TI - [Epidemiology of tetanus]. PMID- 13492450 TI - [Effectiveness of streptomycin and PAS therapy in tuberculosis of the hip joint]. PMID- 13492449 TI - [Retroperitoneal phlegmons as a result of acute appendicitis]. PMID- 13492451 TI - [Parenteral protein nutrition for surgical patients]. PMID- 13492452 TI - [Treatment of wounds and burns by bacteriostatic blood dressings]. PMID- 13492453 TI - [Use of staphylococcal anatoxin in therapy of suppurative surgical diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue]. PMID- 13492455 TI - [Application of biological plastic substance in surgical removing of ankylosis of the mandibular joint]. PMID- 13492454 TI - [Spine fractures in tetanus]. PMID- 13492456 TI - [A practical device for the surgical instrument table]. PMID- 13492457 TI - [75th Birthday of professor N. V. Sokolov]. PMID- 13492458 TI - [In memoriam of Veniamin Romanovich Khesin]. PMID- 13492459 TI - [Polyglobulism in newborn twins and triplets]. PMID- 13492460 TI - [Leukemia and infection]. PMID- 13492461 TI - [Anxiety-ECG of children]. PMID- 13492462 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492463 TI - [Volvulus in a newborn infant]. PMID- 13492464 TI - [Notes on Still's symptom complex]. PMID- 13492465 TI - [Therapeutic use of phenothiazine derivatives in children]. PMID- 13492466 TI - [Professor Otto Bossert on his 70th birthday]. PMID- 13492467 TI - [Fetal microcephaly from low-pressure treatment of the mother in the climate room]. PMID- 13492468 TI - [Cherubism caused by a giant cell tumor of the superior and inferior maxilla in a three-year old child]. PMID- 13492470 TI - [Blood coagulation disorders in children]. PMID- 13492469 TI - [Nephrotic syndrome in chronic intracapillary glomerulonephritis, a contribution to the clinical picture, differential diagnosis and therapy]. PMID- 13492471 TI - [The problem of fetal damage in maternal diabetes]. PMID- 13492472 TI - [The antistreptolysin reaction, as the means of differetnial diagnosis in rheumatic arthritis]. PMID- 13492473 TI - [Urinary tract infection in childhood]. PMID- 13492474 TI - [A. F. Bilibin; 60th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13492475 TI - [Achievements of clinical hematology in USSR in the last 40 years; 40th anniversary of the October Revolution]. PMID- 13492477 TI - [Salmonella infections; clinical aspects and therapy]. PMID- 13492476 TI - [Modern methods of the treatment of acute poisonings]. PMID- 13492478 TI - [Phonocardiography in rheumatic mitral lesions]. PMID- 13492479 TI - [Comparative studies on certain solutions of heterogenous protein; solution L-103 and Belenkii's serum]. PMID- 13492480 TI - [Hazards and complications in intra-arterial blood transfusions]. PMID- 13492482 TI - [Infectious complications in acute leukemias]. PMID- 13492481 TI - [Reactivity of the organism following application of polyglucin in clinical practice]. PMID- 13492483 TI - [Graphic registration of forced vital capacity]. PMID- 13492484 TI - [Remote results of conservative therapy of chronic pulmonary suppurations as compared with pneumonia]. PMID- 13492485 TI - [Pressure in the lesser circulation in open pneumothorax]. PMID- 13492487 TI - [Treatment of bronchial asthma by formation of conditioned reflex bonds to small doses of adrenalin]. PMID- 13492486 TI - [Anatomo-clinical characteristics of fulminant lobar rheumatic pneumonia]. PMID- 13492488 TI - [Euphylline therapy of bronchial asthma]. PMID- 13492489 TI - [Clinical aspects of plasmocytomas of the lung]. PMID- 13492490 TI - [Functional changes of the kidneys in tuberculosis]. PMID- 13492492 TI - [Problem of so-called retention diseases of the kidneys]. PMID- 13492491 TI - [Generalized calcinosis in diffuse glomerulonephritis complicated by uremia]. PMID- 13492494 TI - [Quality of diagnosis made by feldshers]. PMID- 13492493 TI - [Clinical aspects and therapy of cutaneo-bullous form of porphyrin disease]. PMID- 13492495 TI - [Dynamic electrocardiographic observations during therapy of hypertension with prolonged hunger]. PMID- 13492496 TI - [Unusual case of hemorrhagic diathesis]. PMID- 13492497 TI - [Pathogenesis and therapy of funicular myelosis]. PMID- 13492498 TI - [Disorders of coronary circulation in acute leukosis]. PMID- 13492499 TI - [Case of progressive myositis ossificans]. PMID- 13492500 TI - [Case of gastric cyst associated with adenomatous polyp]. PMID- 13492501 TI - [Clinical aspects of sporadic cases of Q-fever]. PMID- 13492502 TI - [Cases of surgical complications of amebic dysentery]. PMID- 13492503 TI - [Tenth anniversary of death of V. N. Smotrov]. PMID- 13492504 TI - [History of education of therapy at the medical school of the Wilno University; 175th anniversary of the establishment of the school]. PMID- 13492505 TI - [SEMEN SEMENOVICH GIRGOLAV]. PMID- 13492506 TI - [Sergei Petrovich Botkin; 125th anniversary of his birth]. PMID- 13492507 TI - [Significance of S. P. Botkin's school and his students in the development of Russian medicine; 125th anniversary of S. P. Botkin's birth]. PMID- 13492508 TI - [S. P. Botkin, an outstanding teacher]. PMID- 13492509 TI - [Sergei Petrovich Botkin, founder of scientific therapeutics in Russia]. PMID- 13492510 TI - [Liver pathology in the works of S. P. Botkin]. PMID- 13492511 TI - [The role of S. P. Botkin and I. P. Pavlov in the development of cardiology]. PMID- 13492512 TI - [Sergei Petrovich Botkin as a specialist in infectious diseases]. PMID- 13492513 TI - [S. P. Botkin's view points in hematology and their development by Soviet clinical medicine]. PMID- 13492514 TI - [Botkin's contribution to the problem of geriatrics]. PMID- 13492516 TI - [Some problems of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis]. PMID- 13492515 TI - [Research and service activities of S. P. Botkin's hospital in Leningrad; 125th anniversary of S. P. Botkin's birth]. PMID- 13492517 TI - [Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492518 TI - [Early diagnosis of Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492519 TI - [Prothrombin time function test of the liver and its prognostic significance in Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492520 TI - [Intravenous drip infusions of glucose in Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492521 TI - [Gastric secretion in Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492522 TI - [Problems of prevention of remote sequelae of Botkin's disease]. PMID- 13492523 TI - [Out-patient care of convalescents after infectious hepatitis]. PMID- 13492524 TI - [Use of novocaine-amide (procaine-amide) in various disorders of the cardiac rhythm]. PMID- 13492525 TI - [Recollections of Botkin's family]. PMID- 13492527 TI - [From the files of S. P. Botkin]. PMID- 13492526 TI - [From the heritage of S. P. Botkin; letters to his brother Mikhail Petrovich]. PMID- 13492528 TI - [In memoriam of Fedosii Romanovich Borodulin]. PMID- 13492529 TI - [Forty years of Soviet neurology and neuropathology; on the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution]. PMID- 13492530 TI - [Awareness of illness and its significance in clinical practice]. PMID- 13492531 TI - [Use of aminazine in the treatment of psychic and nervous diseases and also in other fields of medicine; review of Soviet and foreign literature for the year of 1956]. PMID- 13492532 TI - [New ways of treating tuberculous meningitis; review of Soviet and foreign literature for the year of 1956]. PMID- 13492533 TI - [Pyridoxine and its clinical significance]. PMID- 13492534 TI - [Some physiological and pathological peculiarities of the pre-senile period]. PMID- 13492535 TI - [Treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfanilamide preparations]. PMID- 13492536 TI - [Effect of higher cerebral centers on electrical activity of the heart]. PMID- 13492537 TI - [Neuro-reflectory leukocytosis in pulmonary resection under local anesthesia]. PMID- 13492538 TI - [Reflex vascular reactions in circulation disorders according to oscillographic data]. PMID- 13492539 TI - [Syndrome of intracranial hypertension in rheumatism]. PMID- 13492540 TI - [Cortico-diencephalic syndrome in rheumatism]. PMID- 13492541 TI - [Diagnostic significance of intracutaneous test in multiple sclerosis and disseminated encephalomyelitis]. PMID- 13492542 TI - [Diagnosis of pterygopalatine neuralgia]. PMID- 13492543 TI - [Examination of the mechanism of nocturnal muscle cramps and their treatment with atropine]. PMID- 13492544 TI - [Tonus of skeletal muscles in hypertension]. PMID- 13492545 TI - [Use of ion exchange resins in myotonia; preliminary report]. PMID- 13492546 TI - [Clinical significance of sphygmoscopy in hypertension]. PMID- 13492547 TI - [Treatment of latent coronary insufficiency in hypertension with protective inhibition]. PMID- 13492548 TI - [Dynamics of ballistocardiogram and electrocardiogram in hypertension]. PMID- 13492549 TI - [Coronary circulation in hypertension]. PMID- 13492550 TI - [Changes of the ocular fundus and the blind spot in hypertension]. PMID- 13492551 TI - [Roentgenologic changes of the soft tissues and bones in brucellosis]. PMID- 13492552 TI - [Some data on rheumatic lesions of the brain]. PMID- 13492553 TI - [Clinical aspects of typhoid polyradicular encephalomyelitis]. PMID- 13492554 TI - [Diagnosis of periarteritis nodosa (Kussmaul-Maier disease)]. PMID- 13492555 TI - [Basic principles of Chinese' folk medicine]. PMID- 13492556 TI - [Fibrin content of blood plasma of old persons]. PMID- 13492557 TI - [Vitamin A and vitamin C therapy in carcinoma]. PMID- 13492558 TI - [Stomach rupture in abdominal injury with a blunt instrument]. PMID- 13492560 TI - [Rehabilitation of a case of severe burn of both hands]. PMID- 13492559 TI - [Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia by blunt force]. PMID- 13492561 TI - [Clinical and experimental studies on the problem of osteomyelitis]. PMID- 13492563 TI - [William Harvey, on the 300th anniversary of his death]. PMID- 13492562 TI - [Surgical treatment of fibrous bone dysplasia in the maxillofacial region]. PMID- 13492564 TI - [Experimental studies on diagnostic and therapeutic use of carbon dioxide]. PMID- 13492565 TI - [Radical operation in sacral dermoid with primary wound closure]. PMID- 13492566 TI - [Behavior of serum copper after total gastrectomy]. PMID- 13492567 TI - [Axis variations in electrocardiogram in sport]. PMID- 13492568 TI - [Local hydrocortisone therapy of an athletic injury]. PMID- 13492569 TI - [Healed mediastinal abscess in a small child]. PMID- 13492570 TI - [Treatment of skull injuries in New York Hospital]. PMID- 13492571 TI - [Treatment of obstipation with ducolax]. PMID- 13492572 TI - [Formation of retinal folds following tumor pressure on bulbus]. PMID- 13492574 TI - [Therapy of orbital angiomas by puncture or aspiration of blood contents]. PMID- 13492573 TI - [Lymphatic tumors of eyes]. PMID- 13492575 TI - [Anatomical and technical basis for simultaneous radiological demonstration of both bony optic foramina]. PMID- 13492576 TI - [Traumatic chorioretinopathy with wedge-shaped defective visual field]. PMID- 13492578 TI - [Atypical field of vision in glaucoma]. PMID- 13492577 TI - [Diagnostic value of retinal peripheral arterial pulse]. PMID- 13492579 TI - [Unstable relationship of child with squint to his environment and its significance as an immature asymmetry of visual perception]. PMID- 13492580 TI - [Treatment of keratoconjunctivitis epidemica with hydrocortimycin ointment]. PMID- 13492581 TI - [Peritectomy in various eye diseases in prevention of corneal complication]. PMID- 13492582 TI - [Anesthesia and premedication in ophthalmology]. PMID- 13492583 TI - [Therapeutic success of retinitis centralis serosa with priscol injections]. PMID- 13492584 TI - [A case of fat embolism of eyes]. PMID- 13492585 TI - [Episcleritis metastatica furunculiformis]. PMID- 13492587 TI - [Antique ophthalmological stamps, signacula medicorum oculariorum]. PMID- 13492586 TI - [Retrolental fibroplasia]. PMID- 13492588 TI - [Laboratory methods applicable to the diagnosis and evolution of rheumatoid processes]. PMID- 13492589 TI - [Methods for the concentration of chorionic gonadotropins in urine applicable to frog & toad tests in pregnancy; personal modification]. PMID- 13492590 TI - [Proposal for a method of determination of total blood cholesterol]. PMID- 13492591 TI - [Spontaneous sperm discharge in Rana esculenta & its relations to testicular histology]. PMID- 13492592 TI - [Biological effects of radioactivity of nuclear origin]. PMID- 13492593 TI - Treatment of severe haemorrhage. PMID- 13492594 TI - The oesophago-gastric sphincter in hiatus hernia. PMID- 13492595 TI - Control of artificial respiration in poliomyelitis patients with paralysis of swallowing. PMID- 13492596 TI - Isletcell tumour of the pancreas with peptic ulceration, diarrhoea, and hypokalaemia. PMID- 13492597 TI - Severe congenital methaemoglobinaemia in an infant. PMID- 13492598 TI - A NEW SYNDROME. PMID- 13492599 TI - TRANSFUSION of citrated blood. PMID- 13492600 TI - Staphylococcal infection in general practice. PMID- 13492601 TI - Death from Asiatic influenza in the Netherlands. PMID- 13492602 TI - Uncommon myocardial diseases; the non-coronary cardiomyopathies. PMID- 13492603 TI - Tuberculous cervical adenitis. PMID- 13492604 TI - Long-continued treatment with tetracycline and prednisolone in chronic bronchitis; a controlled trial. PMID- 13492605 TI - Absorption studies on radioactive iron-dextran in pregnancy. PMID- 13492606 TI - Encephalomyelitis in north west London; an endemic infection simulating poliomyelitis and hysteria. PMID- 13492607 TI - Familial hypergammaglobulinemia and systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID- 13492608 TI - Brucella suis infection of a child in Eire. PMID- 13492611 TI - ACUTE nephritis. PMID- 13492610 TI - NEW COMBINATIONS of antibiotics. PMID- 13492609 TI - An aid in the reduction of radiation hazard in the operating-theatre. PMID- 13492612 TI - The osmotic behaviour of the body cells in man; significance of changes of plasma electrolyte levels in body-fluid disorders. PMID- 13492613 TI - Infantile gastroenteritis; changing needs in treatment. PMID- 13492614 TI - Research and mental deficlency. PMID- 13492615 TI - Postmortem findings in 46 influenza deaths. PMID- 13492616 TI - Renal excretion of water and salt. PMID- 13492617 TI - Uncommon myocardial diseases: the non-coronary cardiomyopathies. PMID- 13492618 TI - Ligation of ankle communicating veins in the treatment of the venous-ulcer syndrome of the leg. PMID- 13492619 TI - Osteitis pubis after inguinal herniorrhaphy. PMID- 13492620 TI - Haemolytic disease of the newborn; the fate of 246 Rhesus-incompatible pregnancies. PMID- 13492621 TI - Protracted uricosuric therapy in tophaceous gout. PMID- 13492622 TI - The reinforcement of tendon-reflexes. PMID- 13492623 TI - The ankle-jerk in early hemiplegia. PMID- 13492624 TI - Neomycin in the treatment of hepatic coma. PMID- 13492625 TI - HOSPITAL treatment: a changing scene. PMID- 13492626 TI - GALLSTONES and the surgeon. PMID- 13492627 TI - Where does medicine fit in. PMID- 13492628 TI - Chest x-ray examinations and radiation hazards. PMID- 13492629 TI - Salmonella infections in rodents in Manchester, with special reference to Salmonella enteritidis var. danysz. PMID- 13492630 TI - Renal excretion of water and salt. PMID- 13492631 TI - Dietary fat and cholesterol metabolism; faecal elimination of bile acids and other lipids. PMID- 13492632 TI - An evaluation of sputum examination in chronic bronchitis. PMID- 13492633 TI - Observations on the gastrooesophageal junction during swallowing and drinking. PMID- 13492634 TI - Puerperal surgery and umbilical hernia. PMID- 13492635 TI - Iron metabolism during treatment of idiopathic haemochromatosis. PMID- 13492636 TI - Oral depot therapy with a new long-acting dexamphetamine salt. PMID- 13492637 TI - The prognosis of urinary infections in childhood. PMID- 13492638 TI - Paradoxical electrocardiogram in coronary exercise test. PMID- 13492639 TI - Psittacosis with relapse following aureomycin therapy. PMID- 13492640 TI - THE GLOMERULUS and the electron microscope. PMID- 13492641 TI - Carcinoma of the cervix at Chelsea Hospital for Women 1933-56; five-year results of treatment 1933-51. PMID- 13492642 TI - Blood-groups of a Greek community with a high sickling frequency. PMID- 13492643 TI - Fatality from two common surgical conditions in teaching and non-teaching hospitals. PMID- 13492644 TI - Control of hyperpyrexia in cholera. PMID- 13492645 TI - Training medical students in psychotherapy. PMID- 13492646 TI - Technique of intra-articular injection. PMID- 13492648 TI - SICKLE-CELL anaemia: a children's disease. PMID- 13492647 TI - LIONEL EVERARD NAPIER. PMID- 13492649 TI - Regulation of body temperature in health and disease. PMID- 13492651 TI - Pregnancy and coarctation of the aorta. PMID- 13492650 TI - Hypertension following x-irradiation of the kidneys. PMID- 13492652 TI - Manipulation in the management of chronic low backache due to lumbosacral strain. PMID- 13492653 TI - Surgery during long-term treatment with adrenocortical hormones. PMID- 13492654 TI - Laboratory diagnosis of congenital galactosaemia at birth. PMID- 13492655 TI - Torsion of the stomach as a cause of vomiting in infancy. PMID- 13492656 TI - A note on the relation of appetite to exercise. PMID- 13492657 TI - An antibody to Castle's intrinsic factor. PMID- 13492658 TI - A pleural-biopsy punch. PMID- 13492659 TI - The Bristol transfusion cradle. PMID- 13492660 TI - INCIDENTAL dangers of x-ray therapy. PMID- 13492661 TI - A District Mental Health Service: the Worthing experiment. PMID- 13492662 TI - HIGHER education in Australia. PMID- 13492663 TI - Disappointments in dermatology. PMID- 13492664 TI - THOMAS PEEL DUNHILL. PMID- 13492665 TI - JOHN JOYCE KEEVIL. PMID- 13492666 TI - Review of the available literature of the pharynx and pharyngeal surgery for 1956. PMID- 13492667 TI - Tracheostomy. PMID- 13492668 TI - Decreased bio-electric potentials in the ears of senile guinea pigs. PMID- 13492669 TI - Branchial cleft cysts, fistulae and appendages. PMID- 13492670 TI - Fibrosarcoma of the larynx. PMID- 13492671 TI - An evaluation of two clinical methods used in determining the presence of the recruitment of loudness phenomenon. PMID- 13492672 TI - IN MEMORIAM; Henry Boylan Orton; 1886-1957. PMID- 13492673 TI - Perilabyrinthitis. PMID- 13492674 TI - Unilateral deafness. PMID- 13492675 TI - Modality of the cochlear humoral circulation. PMID- 13492676 TI - Use of gamma globulin in the chronically ill child. PMID- 13492677 TI - Malignant tumors of the naso-pharynx. PMID- 13492678 TI - Importance of early diagnosis malignancy in the tonsil: case report. PMID- 13492679 TI - [Analgesia, anesthesia & resuscitation in general practice]. PMID- 13492680 TI - [Not Available]. PMID- 13492681 TI - [Symptoms of oxygen deficiency & hypercapnia]. PMID- 13492683 TI - [Oxygen therapy in private practice]. PMID- 13492682 TI - [Apparatus for oxygen therapy]. PMID- 13492684 TI - [Indications for oxygen therapy, with special consideration of problems in surgical anesthesia]. PMID- 13492686 TI - [Oxygen, carbogen, oxygen with nitrogen]. PMID- 13492685 TI - [Oxygen therapy in obstetrics]. PMID- 13492687 TI - [Control of respiration in prolonged therapeutic use of oxygen or oxygen mixtures]. PMID- 13492688 TI - [Symposium on collagen diseases]. PMID- 13492689 TI - [Current diabetes problems]. PMID- 13492690 TI - [Dr. Elemer Csaszar; 1891-1955]. PMID- 13492691 TI - [Pneumostratigraphy of the pancreas]. PMID- 13492692 TI - [Interspongiosa functional venoscopy and venography]. PMID- 13492693 TI - [X-ray demonstrability of the thoracic venous system]. PMID- 13492694 TI - [Trophopathia pedis myelodysplastica]. PMID- 13492695 TI - [X-ray picture of the ear in healthy infants]. PMID- 13492696 TI - [Experiences with presacral insufflation in the diagnosis of adrenal tumors]. PMID- 13492697 TI - [Mechanism of duodenal perforation]. PMID- 13492698 TI - [Myositis ossificans after hemiplegia]. PMID- 13492699 TI - [Anatomic interpretation of Haas-Pancoast's nucho-frontal roentgenogram]. PMID- 13492700 TI - [Cases of internal pneumocephalus]. PMID- 13492701 TI - [Congenital partial gigantism]. PMID- 13492702 TI - [Three and a half year activities of the plastic surgery ward, based on a report delivered on July 14, 1956]. PMID- 13492704 TI - [Therapy of cardiac injuries]. PMID- 13492703 TI - [Tumors of the mediastinum]. PMID- 13492705 TI - [Surgical aspects of chronic pancreatitis]. PMID- 13492707 TI - [Justification of high lumbar sympathectomy]. PMID- 13492706 TI - [Intracranial meningiomas; surgical experiences and results]. PMID- 13492708 TI - [Bronchial adenosis and lung cancer]. PMID- 13492709 TI - [Blood and urine diastase values in lung carcinomas]. PMID- 13492710 TI - [Operated case of lymphohemangioma located in the mediastinum]. PMID- 13492713 TI - [Therapy of supracondylar pseudoarthrosis of the femur and tibia by intramedullary nailing and compression]. PMID- 13492712 TI - [Abductive resection in surgery of the hip]. PMID- 13492714 TI - [Prosthesis for bilateral arm amputees]. PMID- 13492711 TI - [Intertrochanteric osteotomy in the therapy of arthrosis coxae]. PMID- 13492715 TI - [Animal experiments on the surgical use of antitumor agents]. PMID- 13492716 TI - [Parasitic dermoid monster diagnosed as pancreatic tumor].