Reading file: /3d7/freshCT/c_vm1016.fre >>>>> Image File Header - Control Data Specification <<<<< magic.................................: 0x494d4746 length................................: 3416 width.................................: 512 height................................: 512 depth.................................: 16 Compress Type.........................: 1 Image is line length map packed Default Window Width..................: 0 Default Level Value...................: 1024 Default Background shade..............: 32768 Overflow pixel value..................: 0 Underflow pixel value.................: 0 Number of blank lines at top of image.: 0 Number of blank lines at bot of image.: 0 Version of header structure...........: 3 Checksum..............................: 0 Byte disp to text table...............: 156 Length of text table...............: 80 Byte disp to unpack control table.....: 236 Length of unpack control table.....: 0 Byte disp to compression seed table...: 236 Length of compression seed table...: 0 Byte disp to histogram control table..: 236 Length of histogram control table..: 0 Byte disp to text plane data..........: 236 Length of text plane data..........: 0 Byte disp to graphics plane data......: 236 Length of graphics plane data......: 0 Byte disp to data base header data....: 236 Length of data base header data....: 3180 Value to add to actual pixel data values to get the correct annotation value. For CT, physical 0 means - 1024 Hounsfield number...............: -1024 Byte disp to user defined data........: 3416 Length of user defined data........: 0 Byte disp to suite header data........: 236 Length of suite header data........: 114 Byte disp to exam header data.........: 350 Length of exam header data.. ......: 1024 Byte disp to series header data.......: 1374 Length of series header data.......: 1020 Byte disp to image header data........: 2394 Length of image header data........: 1022 >>>>> Image File Header - Data Set Description <<<<< Text.............................: CT Recon HSUC/1174/2/9 @ loc 386.000 mm, Thu Aug 5 17:28:02 1993 . >>>>> Image File Header - Histogram Table <<<<< Version of histogram structrue.............: 0 Standard Deviation of pixel data value.....: 0 Rounded mean pixel data value..............: 0 Minimum pixel data value...................: 0 Maximum pixel data value...................: 0 First histogram entry used for 'hs_sd'.....: 0 Region entries used for 'hs_sd'............: 0 Number of bins in the histogram area.......: 0 >>>>> Image File Header - Suite Data <<<<< Suite ID....................: HSUC Make Unique Flag............: 0 Disk ID.....................: Product ID..................: Zeus Genesis Version of Record...: 03 Genesis Version of Record...: 02 Suite Record Checksum.......: 990471523 Spare Space should be empty.: >>>>> Image File Header - Exam Header <<<<< Suite ID for this exam..............: HSUC Make-Unique Flag - internal.........: 0 Disk ID for this exam - internal....: 0 Exam Number.........................: 1174 Hospital Name.......................: UNIVERSITY HOSP. DENVER, CO. Detector Type.......................: 2 Hilight Detector Number of cells in detector.........: 912 Cell number at theta................: 373.75 Cell Spacing........................: 1.0166 Distance from source to detector....: 1099.31 Distance from source to iso.........: 630 Tube type...........................: 14 MX 165 CT I Tube DAS type............................: 2 EDAS Number of Decon Kernals.............: 107 Number of elements in Decon kernals.: 21 Decon Kernal density................: 4 Decon Kernal stepsize...............: 2 Decon Kernal shift count............: 20 Magnet Strength in gauss............: 0 Patient ID for this exam............: 1109pm 8/5/9 Patient Name........................: huntsville Patient Age.........................: 0 Patient Age Notation................: 0 Years Patient Sex.........................: 1 Male:M Patient Weight......................: 0 Trauma Flag.........................: 0 OFF Patient History.....................: research Requistition Number.................: Exam Date/Time stamp................: Thu Aug 5 19:10:38 1993 Referring Physician.................: Diagnostician/Radiologist...........: Operator............................: mb Exam Description....................: ct research Exam Type...........................: CT Exam Format.........................: 14 Zeus:CT HiSpeed Adv Start Time (secs) of first axial....: Sun Dec 19 20:54:19 2004 Creator Suite and Host..............: HSUCOC0 Date/Time of Last Change............: Thu Aug 5 21:50:32 1993 Non-Zero indicate Protocol Exam.....: 0 Process that allocate this record...: DiskServer Genesis Version - Created...........: 03 Genesis Version - Now...............: 02 Exam Record Checksum................: -508337313 Exam Complete Flag..................: 0 Last Series Nuber Used..............: 5 Patient Status......................: 0 In Patient:IN Unique System ID....................: Unique Service ID...................: Mobile Location Number..............: >>>>> Series Header Specification <<<<< Suite ID for this series.............: HSUC Make-Unique Flag.....................: 0 Disk ID..............................: Exam Number..........................: 1174 Series Number........................: 2 Retrospective Allocation Series Data/Time Stamp....: Thu Aug 5 19:21:16 1993 Actual Series Data/TimeStamp.........: Thu Aug 5 19:21:16 1993 Series Description....................: Primary Receiver Suite and Host......: HSUCOC0 Archiver Suite and Host..............: HSUCOC0 Series Type..........................: 1 Series from which prescribed.........: 0 Most-like Plane (for L/S)............: 2 Scout or Axial (for CT)..............: 2 Axial Scan:AX Patient Position.....................: 1 Supine Patient Entry........................: 1 Head First Anatomical Landmark..................: SN Horizontal Landmark..................: 381.7 Scan Protocol Name...................: Non_Zero if > 0 image used contrast..: 0 RAS letter for first scan location...: S First scan location..................: 390 RAS letter for last scan location....: I Last scan location...................: -565 Last Pulse Sequence Used (L/S).......: 0 SE internal Image Sort Order............: 0 Landmark Counter.....................: 0 Number of Acquisitions...............: 0 Starting number for baselines........: 0 Ending number for baselines..........: 0 Starting number for enhanced scans...: 0 Ending number for enhanced scans.....: 0 Date/Time of Last Change.............: Thu Aug 5 21:18:47 1993 Process that allocated this record...: DiskServer internal # of updates to header......: 0 Genesis Version - Created............: 03 Genesis Version - Now................: 02 PixelData Size - as stored...........: 1.15279e+08 PixelData Size - Compressed..........: 1.15279e+08 PixelData size - UnCompressed........: 2.73745e+08 internal Series Record checksum......: 4037901860 internal Series Complete Flag........: 0 internal Number of Images Archived...: 0 internal Last Image Number Used......: 522 internal Number of Images Existing...: 522 >>>>> Cat Scan Image Header Specification <<<<< Sizeof of ctScan structure 1016 Suite id for this image..................: HSUC Make Unique Flag.........................: 0 Disk ID for ths image....................: Exam number for this image...............: 1174 Series number for this image.............: 2 Image Number.............................: 9 Allocation Image Date/Time stamp.........: Thu Aug 5 19:26:47 1993 Actual Image Date/Time stamp.............: Thu Aug 5 19:28:02 1993 Duration of scan (secs)..................: 2 Slice Thickness (mm).....................: 1 Image matrix size - X....................: 512 Image matrix size - Y....................: 512 Display Field of view - X (mm)...........: 250 Display Field of view - Y (if different).: 0 Image dimension - X......................: 250 Image dimension - Y......................: 250 Image pixel size - X.....................: 0.488281 Image pixel size - Y.....................: 0.488281 Pixel Data ID (internal).................: IV Contrast Agent........................: Oral Contrast Agent......................: Image Contrast Mode......................: 0 Series from which perscribed.............: 0 Image from which prescribed..............: 0 Screen Format (8/16 bit).................: 16 Plane Type...............................: 2 Axial Plane:Ax Spacing Between scans(mm)................: 1 Image compession type for a..............: 4 Scout type (AP or Lateral)...............: 0 RAS letter of Image Location.............: Image location...........................: 386 Center R coord of plane image............: -2 Center A coord of plane image............: 0 Center S coord of Plane image............: 386 Normal R coord...........................: 0 Normal A coord...........................: -0 Normal S coord...........................: 1 R Coord of Top Left Hand Corner..........: 123 A Coord of Top Left Hand Corner..........: 125 S Coord of Top Left Hand Corner..........: 386 R Coord of Top Right Hand Corner.........: -127 A Coord of Top Right Hand Corner.........: 125 S Coord of Top Right Hand Corner.........: 386 R Coord of Bottom Right Hand Corner......: -127 A Coord of Bottom Right Hand Corner......: -125 S Coord of Bottom Right Hand Corner......: 386 Foreign Image Revision...................: Table start location.....................: 390 Table End location.......................: 326 Table Speed (mm/sec).....................: 0 Table Heigth.............................: 159.9 Mid Scan Time............................: 363.741 MidScan flag-does meidstime apply for L/S: 1 KVolt Generator setting..................: 120 MAmp generator setting...................: 170 Ganty Tilt (degrees).....................: 0 Degrees of Azimuth.......................: 0 Gantrry Velocity.........................: 2 Gantry Filter Position...................: 2 Trigger on Position......................: 359.388 Degrees of Rotation......................: 360.366 X-Ray On Position........................: 359.388 X-Ray Off Position.......................: 719.754 Number of Triggers.......................: 1970 Total input views........................: 1970 Angle of first view......................: 180.167 DAS trigger frequency....................: 984 DAS trigger source.......................: 0 DAS fpa gain.............................: 0 Auto Scan Type................................: 2 DAS output soruce........................: 1 XM DAS ad input.............................: 1 DAS Filter Card DAS cal mode.............................: 3 NoDAS Cal DAS cal frequency........................: 0 DAS reg xm...............................: 1 hold DAS auto zero............................: 0 Axial Type...............................: 4 Small Calibration phantom size.................: 2 Small Psize Calibration phantom type.................: 3 Water Calibration filter type..................: 2 Body Filter Recon Algorithm..........................: 4 stand:STND Perstaltic flag..........................: 1 YES:/P IterBone flag............................: 0 NO Stat Recon flag..........................: 0 Compute Type.............................: 1 Axial Segment Number...........................: 0 Total Number of Segments Requested.......: 0 Inter scan delay (secs)..................: 1 Scan Field of view (mm)..................: 250 Scan Number..............................: 9 Starting Channel of View.................: 65 View Compression Factor..................: 2 Total Output Views.......................: 984 Number of Overranges.....................: 0 NO Total Number of Ref Channels.............: 6 Data size for scan data..................: 76 z or q channel...........................: 1 Reference channel 1......................: 2 Reference channel 2......................: 3 Reference channel 3......................: 748 Reference channel 4......................: 749 Reference channel 5......................: 750 Recon post processing flag...............: 1 DAS xm pattern...........................: 0 Prescribed rotation type.................: 2 normal scan:rotating Save Raw Data Flag.......................: 0 IBH Image scale factors..................: 0.095 CT Water Number..........................: 2 CT Bone Number...........................: 0 BBH coefficient 1........................: 0.085 BBH coefficient 2........................: 1.102 BBH coefficient 3........................: 0.095 Num of BBH channels to blend.............: 350 Starting channel.........................: 65 Number of channels (1..512)..............: 618 Increment beween channels................: 1 Starting View............................: 1 Number of views..........................: 984 Increament between views.................: 1 Window Range (0..4095)...................: 0 Scaling value of the image data..........: 0 Scaling value of the image data..........: 0 Amount of processing to be performed.....: 87 Source of the qcal vectors...............: Source of the cal vectors................: Number of wrds per view..................: 618 RAS letter for side of image.............: L RAS letter fo anterior/posterior.........: A RAS letter for scout start loc...........: S RAS lette for scout end loc..............: S Anatomical reference for scout...........: PpScan window range for output Scaling...: 1 PpScan Qcal modification flag............: 1 PpScan Pcal modification flag............: 1 PpScan Theta Fix (angle correction)......: 1 PpScan Beam Hardening flag...............: 1 Tube Focal Spot Size.....................: 1 Small Spot Tube Focal Spot Position.................: 2999 Dependent on #views processed............: 2 normal scan views Field of view in detector cells..........: 618 Start time (secs) of this scan...........: Sun Dec 19 20:54:19 2004 Gantry Rotation Direction................: 1 Counter Clockwise:CCW Tube Rotor Speed.........................: 0 TGGC Trigger Mode........................: 0 TXXT Rx'd gantry tilt - not annotated.........: 0 R/L coordinate for target recon center...: -2 A/P coordinate for target recon center...: 0 Value fo Back Projection button..........: 1 Set if fatq estimates were used..........: 0 Z channel average over views.............: 13547.3 Average of Left ref chans over views.....: 16738.5 Max left chan value over views...........: 17756.9 Average of Right ref chans over views....: 16520.9 Max right chan value over views..........: 17458.5 Process that allocated this record.......: DiskServer Date/Time of Last Change.................: Thu Aug 5 19:28:21 1993 Genesis Version - Created................: 03 Genesis Version - Now....................: 02 Pixel Data size - as stored..............: 217959 Pixel Data size compressed...............: 217959 Pixel Data size Uncompressed.............: 524412 (internal use) AcqRecon record checksum..: 2537453876 (internal use) Image Archive Flag........: 1 (internal use) Image Complete Flag.......: 101 Biopsy Position..........................: 0 Biopsy T Locatio.........................: 0 Biopsy Ref Location......................: 0 Refeence Channel Used....................: 0 NO Back Projector Coefficient...............: 0 Primary Speed Correction Used............: 0 NO Overrange Correction Used................: 0 Dynamic Z Alpha Value....................: 0 Reference Image Field....................: Summary Image Field......................: Window Value.............................: 0 Level Value..............................: 0 Integer Slop field 1.....................: 0 Integer Slop field 2.....................: 0 Integer Slop field 3.....................: 0 Integer Slop field 4.....................: 0 Integer Slop field 5.....................: 0 Float Slop field 1.......................: 0 Float Slop field 2.......................: 0 Float Slop field 3.......................: 0 Float Slop field 4.......................: 0 Float Slop field 5.......................: 0 String Slop field 1......................: String Slop field 2......................: